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Epri/Marshall Electric Motor Operated Valve (Block Valve), Interim Test Data Rept.
Person / Time
Site: Palisades, Midland, 05000000
Issue date: 05/31/1982
Shared Package
ML18047A350 List:
RTR-NUREG-0737, RTR-NUREG-737, TASK-2.D.1, TASK-TM NUDOCS 8206100265
Download: ML18047A352 (167)



  • EPRl-Marshal I Electric Motor Operated Valve (Block V.alve) Interim Test Data Report May 31 , 1982 Prepared by INTERMOUNTAIN TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 1400 Benton, P.O. Box 16-04 Idaho Falls, ldaho.83401 Pr I n c I p a I
  • A*u th 1 0 r: s S. D. Kucharski R. K. House G. A. Cordes Prepared for Participating PWR Utt I tttes and ELECTRIC POWER RESEARCH INSTITUTE 3412 Ht 11 view Avenue Palo Alto, Cal lfornla 94303 EPRI Ptoject Manager Dr. J. D. E. Jeffries PWR Safety and Rel lef Valve Test Program Nuclear Power Division

.. ,., .. * '*, '. *.-,* '. LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared by the organization(s) named below as an account of work sponsored by the. Electric Power Research Institute, Inc.. (EPRI) and participating PWR Otili ties. Neither EPR!, members of EPRI, participating PWR Utilities, the *organization (s). _named below,: nor any person -acting* on behalf of* any of them; (a) makes* any warranty, express or implied, *with. respect to* the use .. of any information, apparatus, method, *or process *disclosed in_ this report or that such use may not infringe privately owned rights; or (b).,assumes any liabilities

  • with .respect to the use. of., or* for damages resulting
fr-:...n the use of, any information,.

apparatus, ** method, or process disclosed.

in this report. Prepared by Intermountain Idaho Falls; Idaho * ..


  • ABSTRACT A series of stean flow tests of electric motor operated valves (block valves), was performed at the Marshal I Stean Station In Terrel I, NC, as a secondary effort of the PWR Safety and Relief Valve Test Program' conducted by EPRI on behalf of PNR utilities.

During this project a total of seven block valves were tested according to, the procedures developed by EPR I ,f and the resu I ts are presented In th Is

  • .. : *," T EPRI. PERSPECTIVE erolect Description At the request of part I cl patl ng PWR Utl 11 ti es EPR I developed an overall progran for the ful I scale testing of a representative set of primary system* safety and rel let valves. The program was to assist the Pl'IR Utll ltles In meetlng*NUREG 0737, .Item 11.D.1.A requirements.;

Although not a formal part of theprog!'"'am, some block valve operabll lty data were also obtained during the rel lef valve

  • test Ing performed at Marshal I Stean Statl on In Terrel I, North Carol Ina. A total of seven block valve designs were tested under full pressure steam flow conditions.

Th ts report documents the block valve test Ing perf.ormed.

A separate report "EPRl-Marshal I Power Operated Rel let Valve Interim Test Data Report" CEPRI NP-2144-LD) documents the rel lef valve. testing perfonned at the Marshal I facll lty. . . . The objective of th ts project to,obtal.n.

operabl I lty data on severa't*


inota-operated valve CEMOV> designs utl.1.lzed as block.valves In Pl'IR units under . ful I pressure st13an* flow coridltlon.s.

fro lect Besu Performance testing of seven OOV block valve designs was successfully accompl I shed. *Data were recorded to permit evaluation of valve opening and* closing under fUll pressure steam *flow conditions.

In addli"lon, tests were performed with various operata-torque settings to assess their effect on valve

  • J. D. E. Jefferies, Project Manager Nuclear Power Division

--.----o:, .--' ,*.'*** ', i ' ' ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Duke Power Company had approximately one year of experience testing PORVs at l'larshall prior to EPRI involvement.

In addition to a well:-desfgned test loop, Duke Power Co.mpany provided a wel_l-balanced, exper:fenced tean_of engineers and technicians.

Their dedication to this-effort contributed greatty t.o--fts success .. The test team consisted.of A. Wes-t, T. L. Edwards, R. A. Johansen, M. B. Laney,-M.

H. John, and--K. F. Hursey. The hosp Ital tty and cooperation of J. H. Erskine, Statton Manager, R.

  • R. Campbel I, Superintendent of Operations, W. L. Sigmon, Jr., Superintendent of Maintenance, and the. entire Marshal I *stean Statton staff throughout the duration of .the project were . excel I ent and contrl buted sf gn ff rcantl y to _ach lev Ing the project objectfv_es.
  • , r

1.1 Background

1.2 Project


1.3 Project

Approach MARSHALL VALVE TEST FACIL ITf 2.1 General Facf I lty Description

2.1.1 Steam

Supply Piping 2.1.2 Valve Test Sections *

  • 2.1.3 *Steam Discharge Pf pf ng 3
  • 2o2 Instrumentation

2.2.1 Description

of MeasurementSystems 2 .. 2.2 Descrfptfon of Data Acqul.s*ftlon Systems 2.3 Operation of Test Section 2.3.1 Summary of Evaluation Test Procedures

2.3.2 Summary

of Instrumentation Procedures VPJ....VE TEST RESULTS 3.0 Introduction

3.1 Velan

Engineering Companies Motor Operated Bolted Bonnet Gate Valve Drawing 88425/B 3.2 Westinghouse Corporation Motor Operated Gate Valve (88 Serles) 3.3 Westinghouse.

Corporation Motor Operated Gate Valve (99 Serles) 1-1 1-1 1-2 1-3 2-1 2-1 2-3 2-3 2-8 2-11 2-11 2-18 2-25 2-25 2-30. 3-1 3-1 3-4 3-14 3-33 Contents

  • .sect Igo* *.*-


Do'ub le Disc Gate Valve .. ..

  • 3 .5
  • Borg.:..warner:

E_nergy. Equ I

-Motor Operated Gate Valve *

  • 3. 6 Rockwe I I I riternat f ona I * . Equlwedge.

Gate, Valve ** .* ! Velan.Englneerlng-Companfes

-_. . .. .. -: *. Motor Operated Bot tad Bonnet Gate Valve* .* Draw Ing ' -. . APPENDIX.A .APPENDIX B APPENDIX C Chronological

  • Sequence of Valve. Test.Ing at Marshal I Valve Test _Facfl tty* Fact I, lty *Diagrams Flow Rate Calculations

'I** ... '*. '. ';. . 3 ... 47 . "' .

_* 3,..75 . 3-94. A-1 C-1 *

. (

2.1-1 2.1-2 2.1-3 2.1-4 2.1-5 2.2-1 2.2-2 ** 2-3 2.2-4 ILLUSTRATIONS Slmpl ff led Schematlc Dlagram of the Marshal I Valve Test Facl I lty. .Steam Supply Pl pr ng. Horlzontal Valve Test Sectlon. Vertlcal Valve Test Section. Steam Dlscharge Plplng. Valve Parameter lnstrumentatlon wlth Horlzontal Valve Test Sectlon. Valve Parameter lnstrumentatlon with Vertlcal Valve Test Sectlon

  • Structural Response and Acoustic Sensor Instrumentation with Horlzontal Valve Test Sectlon. Structural Response and Acoustlc Sensor lnstrumentatlon*

with Vertlcal Valve Test Sectlon. I 2.2-5 Photograph of the Data Acqulsltlon Roan Exterlor.

I I 2.2-6 *Photograph of the Data Acqulsltton Roan lnterlor.

2.2-7 2.3-1 2.3-2. 3.0-1 3 .1-1 3.1-2 Typlcal FM Tape Recorder Channel Asslgnment Log. Test Facll lty Schematic Diagram for Operations 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11, Leakage Tests. Test Facll lty Schematic Diagram for Operation 2, Stroke and Ful I Flow Test, 4, 6, 8 and 10, Stroke Tests. Typlcal Valve Cycle and Pressure Curve. Photograph of the Velan Engineering Companles, Motor Operated Bolted Bonnet Gate Valve, lnstal led ln the Marshal I Valve Tesi" Facl I rty. Dlagram of the Velan Englneerlng Companies, Motor Operated Bolted Bonnet Gate Valve, Model 810-30458-13MS, Drawlng 88425/B. Photograph of the Westl.nghouse Corporatlon, Motor Operated Gate Valve (88 Serles), lnstal led ln the Marshal I Valve Test Facll lty. 2-2 2-4 2-6 2-7 2-9 2-13 2-14 2-15 2-21 2-22 2-23 2-27 2-28 3-2 3-5 3-7 3-15 " *.;*.

111 ustrc:itlons CCo_nt' d. > -. ' ' *.figure_

3 .-2-2 : DI agran of the West I n*ghouse Cor.poratl on,--Motor Operated Gate -. -Valve'(88 Serles>;


  • Drawing 8374034. . ' ' . . .' .. . . *. . . .* ' . ,. ' -*.. . . . . 3

.-Photograph of. the West I nghouse Cocporatf on,._ MOtor .. Operated * -Gate Valve C 99 Ser I es), . fostal I ed_. In __ -the .Marshal T Valve -: Test Facl I lfy _* -_3.3-2---Dlagrcin of the Westinghouse Corporation, Motor Operated ** <. -* --*Gate Valve (99 Serles), MOdel-MOD03001GM99FNH02000; Draw Ing 9743D30. -* * --. . -. . . . -. 3.4':"'1:

  • Photograph of the Anchor/Dari Ing. Valve Company, Doub.le Disc Gate *valve:. lnstal led f'n the-Marshal I .-Valve Test* Facl 1 lty. 3._4-2.
  • Dlagran* of the>Anchor/Darl Ing Valve Double_ Disc* . Gate Valve, Model. 5J-1512;, Draw lng w .:8020757 *. 3.5-l *Photograph of the Borg"'.'Warner Energy'-Equl pmen+*, -Motor Operated>

Installed In the Marshall Valve Test Faclllty. . . . ' .

Dlagranof the Bor:g-Warner Energy Equipment; Motor: Operated Gate Valve, Model_* 79294, Draw Ing .74380*1.

  • 3.6-1.. Photograph-_of the Rockwell lnternatlonal,.

Equlwedge*Gate:Valve, 1*nstal le<;t In the Marshal I Val-ve-Testfactllty

  • . -*

DI agran o*t-the-I I nternatlonal

. Equ I wedge Gate Valve, 3.7-L Model_-1309460, Draw Ing D80-23264-0l.
  • Photograph-_of

_the Velan -r.t>tor Bolted Bonnet Gate Valve, -l'nstal I ed Jn the Marshal I Valve Test Facl I lty-. * *--Operated *-3.7-2 .. DJagran of the Velan Englneerlng:-Companles, Motor Operated Bolted Bonnet.Gate Val-ve, Model 810:-30548-13MS, -Draw*r ng

  • B-1 'Dlinensloned Dl_agran of the Marshal 1-Val -Test Facl I Jty_ w Ith Hor Jzontal Valve Test Sect I on. --' B-2 Dlmensfoned DJagran of the Marshal I *Valve Test Facl.l lty with Vertical Valve Test Section. B-3. Piping Supports .for. Horizontal Valv_e-Test Section. Piping Suppori"s for Vertical Valve'Test Sect.ion. . B-5 Pf ping Specl{Jcatfons for Marshai I Valve Test Facll lty * -" Pf pl ng Spec If Jcatf ons for Horlzoni"al

.. Test Section. P(plng Specifications for-Vertical

  • Test Section. ' . - 3-17 3-36 3*48 3-50 3-67* 3-69 3-79
  • 3-81 I -. 13-95 I 97 -B-3 B-4 B-5
  • B-6 B-9

....... '*, .. r:..;* ., TABLES Tobie .. .1.1-1 Electrlc Motor Operated Rel lef Valves* Tested at Marshal I 1-4 _,,,.: . 2.2-1 . Measurement Summary 2-17 Instrument Llst 2-19 2.3-1 Eva I uatl on Test Cycles.* 2-25 .3.1-1 Test.Valve Descrlp-tlon, Test Serles M-VE1 3-6 Summary of Valve Cycles, Test Serles M-VEi 3-9. 3.1-3 Evaluatlon Test Data, Test Serles M-VE1 3-10 3.1-4 Supplementary Test Data, Test Serles M-VE1 3-13 .2-1 Test Valve Descrlptlon, Test Serles M-WS1 3-16 Summary of. Valve Cycles, Test Serles M-WSl.

3.2-3 Evaluation Test Data, Test Serles M-WS1 3-20 .3.2-4 Sup.p I ementary Test Data, Test Ser I es* M-WS1 3-27 . I 3.3-1 Test Valve Description, Test Ser)es M-WS2 3-35 3.3-2 Summary of Valve Cycles, Test SerlesM-WS2 3-38 3.3-3 Evaluat,Jon Test Data, Test Serles 3-39 3.3.;.4. Supplementary Test Data, Test Serles M-WS2 3-44 3.4-1 Test Valve Description, Test Serles M-AD* 3-49 3.4-2 Summary of Valve Cycles, Test Serles M-AD 3-52 3.4-3 Evaluatlon Test Data, Test Serles M-AD 3-53 3.4-4 Supplementary Tes1" Data, Test Serles M-AD 3-59 . 3.5-1 Test Valve Descrlptlon, Test Serles *M-BW 3-68 .5-2 Summary of Valve Cycles, Test Serles M-BW 3-71 3.5-3 Evaluation Test Data, Test Serles M-BW 3-72 Supplementary Test Data, Test Serles M-BW 3-76 Tables (Cont'd.)

Jab'I@ . 3.6-1 Test Valve Description, Test Serles M-RW 3.6-2. Summary of Valve Cycles, Test Serles M-RW 3.6-3 Eval uatJon Test Data, Test Serles M-RW 3.6-4 Supplementary Test Data, Test Serles M-RW .3.7-1 Test. Valve Description., Test Serles 3.7-2. Summary of Valve Cycles, Test Serles-M-VE2

  • 3.7-3 Evaluation Test Data, Test Serles M-VE2
  • 3.7-4 Supplementary.

Test Data, Test Serles M-VE2 -A-1 .Chronological Sequence of Valve Testing at Marshal I Valve Test Facl I lty. 3-80. 3-8:3 3-84 3-89 3-96 3-99 3.;..100 3-104 A-3 * *

  • * .


NUREG-0578, TMl-2 Lessons Learned Task Force Status Report and Short-l'enn Recanmendatf ons", documented several short-term recommendations as a result of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission CNRC) Investigation of the Three Mlle lsland-2 CTMl-2)

One recommendation contained In the report cal led for ful testing to demonstrate operab 11 lty of rel *I ef and safety valves utl I !zed In the reactor coo I ant system of bolling water reactors and pressurized water reactors when subjected to the full range of expected operating and accident conditions.

The util fty owners of pressurized water reactors CPWRs) elected to implement a relief and safety valve testfng program managed by the Electric Power Research Institute CEPRI). The PWR owners group provided EPRI with funding to conduct the program and *established a Safety/Rel lef Valve Subcommittee and Technlcal Advisory Group to monltC:r EPRI activities.

As the f lrst stage of the overal I program, EPRI Initiated test Ing of rel lef* valves under real lstlc steam condltlpns.

The test! ng was conducted at the Marshal I valve I test.facfil lty located Jn the Marshal I Steam Station on Lake Norman Jn Terrel I, North I . Carol Ina. Duke Power cooperated extensively with EPRI Jn making the Marshall faclllty and test operations staff available for EPRI testing, and the Initial rel lef valve testing began Jn late June, 1980. The primary objective of this project was to perform fut I-scale steam tests of rel lef valves representative of those tnstal led In PWRs operated by the sponsoring utll ity ___ ,-owners. Addftlonal objectives were to obtafn rel Jef capacity f nformatf on on each rel fef valve and to obtain prel Jmlnary Information on electrlc motor operated CEMOV> block valve performance.

At the Marshal I valve test facll fty, saturated steam at pressures up to 2500 psfg was *uppl fed to the valve test sectfon through the steam supply.piping leading from the . lgh pressure steam drum of Unit 12 at the Marshal I Steam Station. The valve test section Included a relfef valve and an OOV ln-llne. The steam was passed through .. the valve test section and was discharged through the steam discharge piping to the atmosphere.

-;.; ; ' .. . ,,:* *:, Functf ona 1.1 y, ::the Marshal I valve .test fact 1 lty _ pr.ov I lty for ng varve, .*. */openfng operatforis with static steatt 2500 psfg *. Valve cioslng

>:* ' , : 1 :;::::e: :u::l Ooo I b/.hr; Ai I . va I ve operatl

-_A of valve U'1der stean condf.tlons was def lned**and as >the_ -' *: .. . . . ' . . *-.. _, .. -. ' > eval uatr_on test procedure.

Th Is procedure for-b-1 valves Included a .f I ow test of. -. .* . ' . . . :**'about thirty-seconds duration series of vaive stroke tests* wher'e. the valve ; -' . -. ' . .

cycled f Ive times l n. about f Ive

-The f I ow -and stroke tests. were* preceded \',.-and.

fol .I by valve 1.eakage tesi"s.

  • The. uai"i on* tesi". procedure was_ conducted on -each tesi"valve:and nor:inally Involved of.*21: test cycles. The* block valve* and test _fact I tty were insi"rumented
  • to obi"aln valve. performance data. . . * -... The b I ock valve performance data, Inc I stean Pressure*

upstrean stean pressure and. temperature .downstrean' of the valve,. fl.ow rate through *the' val ye,' valve Stan/disc

-*_ posftl_on, valve actuat_or al r pressure or current and valve leakage flow. : _-Ten rel lef valves and seven block.valves were tes.t'ed at the Marshal I facfl-lty as part . ' -of .the* EPR I pr()JeCt.

The results* of the block* valve

  • .-.and ,the re 1:1 ef va Lve test res u I ts . are documented . I n a separate report. -*

. * . 'i . ' . .. 1


.... t{JRBr-0578, "TMl-2 Lessons Learned. Task Force 0*Sfatus Report and Short-Term Recanmendatl ons*i, documented several short-term recommendations as a resul.t of the Nuclear Regu I atory Commission CNRCr lnvestlgat:ton of the Three Mlle lsland-:2 CTMl-2) accident.

One recommendation contained In the report cal led for ful I-scale testing to demonstrate operabll tty of* rel lef and safety val_ves uttl°tzed tn the reactor. coolant system of bot I tng water reactors.and water reactors when subjected to the full range of expected operating and accident conditions.

The utility owners of pressurized water reactors CPWRs) elected to lmplementarellef nd safety valve testl ng program managed by the Elactr I c Power Research Inst t tute CEPRI). The PWR owners group provided EPRl.wtth funding to conduct the program and establ I shed a Safety/Rel lef Valve Subcommittee and Technical Advisory Group to EPRI activities.

I The tnlttal effort\at EPRI lnvolved development of a program plan to establ lsh the I scope and magnitude of safety and rel fef valve testing required.

As soon as pref fmfnary program requirements had been developed;.

f.t *became evident that the requirements for a test.facility with the capability to test full-scale relief andsafety valves were beyond the resources of mo$1" exf stl ng test facf I ftl es *. The only exfstf ng facl I tty which met sane of toe requf rerilents

  • for. the overal I test program was lnstal led at the Marshal I Stean Station on Lake Norman Jn Terrel I, North Carol, *and was being used by Duke Power,. the pf ant owner, for rel let valve testing. The Marshal I valve test facll fty had the capabll fty for testing valves with saturated stean at static .pressures up to 2,500 psf g and 300,000 lb/hr. flow.* This functional capabf 1 lty was adequate for rel lef valve testlng under steam conditions but not for afety valve testlng since the large PWR safety valves are rated at flOi¥s near 600,000 I b/hr. In addltlon, the overal I program requl rements that. were being developed 1-1

,',,' . -. *,. . *. :, ... indicated that. both relief. arid safery .*valves 'inust' be tested'. Linde'r .sub".:"c'ool ad water'; ... *.* *... ***. "f}ow. and transl ent:* cond Jtl ons CJ ncl udt tr; ons) *wh Jch *.:cou Id ** be at th.e I facU Jty. . . . . EPR I deter:m If.led 'that test Ing of power operated rel 1.ef* ves CPORVs) uoder::. reai l stl c sj-eam condltloriswas *lmpof'."tant:element of :the overaLI*

lmpl emented an date 'Jn *the Marshal I facl I

.*In .addition/

the :capacity of ' ' ' '. ' . ' . . ' ' .*' ... *,' ' ' ... .. ** the.Marshal'*

plant.would.permit a .slgnJflcant*number.

.. ot:operatlonal .. **

  • accumalated f-Of'." each*PORV:.tested.


'exterisJvely with *EPRI Jn ' -. . ' . *making the Marshall faclllty,and test operations staff av.aLl.abfe.for*EPRI testing,*.*

and the* J'n I ti a r PORV test l ng .began . t n I ate

'1980. *The**desl gn of* the M.arshal J test* fact I tty al so t ncl uded prov t sl ons for t nstal I atlon of *an electric inotor.opera-j-ed .valve CEmV> upstream of test PORV to:' a bt'ock .** valve._ .St nee I pre I Im I nary of block valves was* subsequently

.. 1 ncl*uded . under EPRl's:overal I progran-plan, block-valves were tested lntermlttently**durlng the* course*of PORVtestlng as permitted by valve avallabillty.

  • .*
  • EPRI valve the.Marshall*_facf'I tty. began. Jn late l98o,* and continue.

_through the end of. January; 1981 *.

  • TenPORVs and:seven.block valves.were tested. Appendix A .shoWS *the *chronol oglcal 'sequence Of' val've testl ng.*for the *duration of the project. . I . *This report *g.lves the res'.ults of: the Et-DV tests. -A separate report* :*111 address the-EPRl/Marshal I .PORV Each was subjected to a set of specif led evaluatlon tests which provided data that are comparable for aH EmVs tested. lndlvldual valves were also subjected to various supplementary*

tests which, because of their varied nature, provlded*data -th-at are not directly comparable.

This report focuses on the evaluation tests* but also provides a record of*. results frail thesupphmentary A compl.ete assessment of the behavior of *each EmV -during I tests can only be gained by reference.

to the results fran both the evaluatlon*and supplanentary tests. 1.2 PROJECT OBJECTIVES The primary objective of this project was to perform ful I-scale stean -tests of PORVs representative-of those Jnstal led Jn PWRs operated by th.a sponsoring utl I lty Additional objectives were to obtain.rel lef capacity Information on.each PORV and t *obtain. prel lmlriary.

lnformatlon on Emv *block valve. performance.

  • 1
  • 3 PROJECT APPROACH .* Tile s curr'entl y In pl ant serv Ice or Inc 1.uded In the des I gn of . p 1. ants Under des! gn or construction were ldentlf.led.

One valve typlcal of each ty'pe was obtained for the . Marshal I test progran. In addition,*

several block valves bel Jeved to be' representative

  • _of block .valves utll Jzed Jn PWRs were acquired for testing *. A llst of the OOVs tested arid the suppl ler ls given Jn 1.1-1; A sequence of valve cycles under stean conditions was defined.and designated as the ** eval uatr on test procedure.

The evaluatr on test procedure*

for. EMov*s r nc I uded. f I ow capacity tests of about one .. hal f-mlnute duration and a series of valve stroke tests where the.valve**was cycled five times* Jn. aboµt five minutes.**

The* flow test during the EMOV eval uatl on test was Intended to assure that the PORV f I ow was not I imlted by the EMOV. The flow and stroke tests were fol lowed by valve leakage tests.* The evaluatlon test procedure was conducted on each test valve and normally Involved a .total of 21 valve cycles. The valve and tes-t fact 1 lty were Instrumented to obtal n valve performance.

data and structural response da-ta as wel I as I ndtv t dual character I st I c s I gnature data us t ng acoustlcal sensors. The valve performance data Included stean pressure upstream and temperature and pressure downstrean of the valve, floW rate through the valve, valve stem position, valve meter-operator current leakage flow. The structural response data acoustical sensor data were.obtained as addltlonal test Jnformatron*-aod are I not reported tn this document.

I , -'l

.... .


.. *

  • EMOV Manytacfurer Velan Engineering Companies
  • *<Draw Ing 88425/B> Westinghouse Corporation C 88 **_ser I es> Westinghouse Corporation
  • C99 Serles)* _ ** Anchor/Dari Ing Valve Company * ... Borg-Warner Energy. Equ I pment , . ' Rockwe I *I *I nternat I or'la I . Velan Engineering Companies
  • .<Draw Ing: GBH-0300-:-1 1-4 Syppller*

',' Vel an Engl neerlng-Compa*nfes West.I ilghouse Corporatl on West I ngholise Corporatl on

  • Duke* Power Company Duke Power Company Duke** Power -Company . Vel an Engl neer Ing Companies

'** , *' ******* * ** * ' ' ' ' ' ' ' *

.*_:; .... :-,;-, ' . ' .r . . . Section 2 ,: . *. ... " . MARSHALL V /'J.. VE TEST F AC I LI TY 2.1 GENERAL FACILITY DESCRIPTION

> The*:Marshal I valve test facf llty Is I ocated:: at the* Marshal I Steam. Sta.ti on on Lake . Norman In Terrel I, North Carol fna. A sf mp I ff fed schematfc diagram of th.a valve test facf I fty Is shown In Figure 2.1-1. The major components of *the-valve test facf I fty

  • are the stean. supply plpf ng1 the valve test* section and the steam discharge plpfng. Saturated stean at pressures.up to 2500 pslg was suppl led to the valve test sectfon through the stean supply piping leading from.the high pressure steam drum of Unit #2 at the Marshal I Stean Station. . The valve test sectf on f ncl uded a PORV and an EMOV In-I Ina *. The steam was passed through :the valve test sectfon and was. discharged through the stean dlscharge pipf ng to the aimosphere.

Funct.fonaf ly,, the Marshal I valve test facJ I lty provfded capabl I lty for testing valve . ' ojJenlng operations with static stean pressLres up to 2500 ps r g.

  • Valve. cl osf ng operatt ans could be tested.w.fth*stean flows up to 300,000 lb/hr. Al I EMOV a_nd. PORV operations
  • were i nttl ated by remote manua I actuatl on.
  • The 575-vol t el ectrlcal power supp I y at the Marshall facility was used during the early Ef.'OV*tests.

For later testing a step-down transformer was I nstal I ed to prov I de 460 vol ts* t n addition to the 575 volts * . During the EMOV testing .described In this repori", a PORV was used"for coni"rol of test **conditions.

The. PORvs* were mounted In either a horlzoni"al

  • or a* vertical piping configuration In two separate test sections designed to sfmulate valve mounting confi guratr ons ut 11 I zed In PWR p I ants. The EMOVs were mounted in an upstrean horizontal portion of the test section.*

The fol lowing paragraphs*

describe the steam supply piping, the vafve test section conf lguratfons, *and 'the steam dfscharge plpfng. *Additional detailed informatfon on the pfplng dlmensfons, pressure ratfngs, and pfpfng suppoi:-Ts rs given on the facll lty drawfngs In Appendix B. 2-1


  • ___ -.5UPPL. Y MAR.SHALL UNIT 5TEAM DRUM Figure 2.1-1 *. s* I if' Facll ity. imp iec Sc .. ,e.n-:e:tlc Diagram of the 1;o::st-al I Valve Test 2-2 1 l. ' ** ***
  • i i i . I
  • J"! * " l *
  • 2.1. f *Steam Supply. Piping* e stean supply pfpfng Included a primary stean 1 lne *and a secondary steam pressurization I foe. The prfmary stean supply I fne connected the high pressure steam drum the Inlet of the test section and was fabricated from lengths of 4-ln., 6-ln.,,. and 3-fn * . pipe. The secondarystean pressurfzatJ.on line from.the high pressure drum to the* test sectfon was pipe. The stean supply pf ping fs shown .In Ffgure 2.1-2. The pr Jmary stean supply 11 ne was branched from an exf stf ng safety va Ive nozz I e on the hfgh,pressure stean drum of Unit tJ.2 with a horizontal
  • The hor-fzontal pfpfng from valve nozzle contained two *4-ln. valves. whfch permitted the valve-test facf I fty to be. f sol ated from *the stean supply. lmmedf ately downsjrean fran *the fsolatfon valves, a 4-ln. by 6-ln. reducer was lnstal led fol lowed by a 6-ln. *90° elbow whfch dfscharged vertically.

A 3/4-ln. drain. was provfd.ed In the et*bow for condensate removal. A 16 ft long, vertfcal 6-fn. stainless steel. pipe extended .from .the elbow at'the stean .*. drum on the sf xth I eve I of the Marshal I Pl ant up to the seventh I eve I. Th fs vertf cal pfpe run contained an orf f fce flow meter f nstal led accordf ng to ASME specif lcatf ons. The 6-ln. size for the vertfcal piping was selected to reduce the. f tow vel oclty and mlnfmfze pressure drop through the orf f Jce flow meter. At the top of ttie vertf*cal 6-fn. pf ping, a 3-fn *. by 6..;.Jn. reducer was fnstal led and two 90° elbows effected a-180° bend In the 3-ln. piping. A thfrd 90° elbow attac:hed to the downward discharge I eg of the 180° bend red I reCted the pf p Ing to a hor lzontal lfne. The prfmary stean supply lfne was te*rmrnated*at the test section fnlet with a 3-fn. flange. The secondary stean pressurization piping was *a 3/4-ln. I lne w.hlch was attached to an existing penetration Jn the Unit #2 stean drum and roui"ed to a spool piece Jn the -__ _..,.... valve test section. Two Isolation valves and one control valve were Installed In the* 3/4-ln *. 1 lne. The secondary stean pressurization I fne was used for start-up pressurization of the valve test facf I lty and for pressurization during leakage testf ng. 2.1.2 Va!ye Test valve test sections were used Jn the Marshal I valve test facll lty to*separately

.. accommodate the horizontal and vertical mounting of the PORV. The horizontal section Is described first and Is fol lowed by a description of the vertical test section.

. *, . ' ' '-*. *---* ...... ,': . .-*.: *'. '. . '.* *. *,_ ,. . ,* *, .. , .. *' ' . . . .5ECONDARY .oiEAM .

  • , ,., ' PRIMARY * . .STE.AM. SUPPLY . PIPIN6 3 . ' . 7'+ IN. l.50L.A110N.

l * . VALVE.5 .. . T MAR.SHALL.




VAL..VE.S Figure 2.1-2. Steam Supply Piping. 2-4 f -,. .. . , I *i . . I ! I I I : . . ! **

. *). . *,._ ' .. .. Horizontal Test Section *. The horizontal test section rs shown In Figure 2.1-3 .* -It . -. *. ** .... *. contal ned three. major components:

C 1) an EMOV spool, (2)-an I nstru'ment spool,. and (3) *the PORV *spool_ which lnc1*uaed the ,valve bel*ng tested. * , . . * * . ,* . . ,, . . --. . ' _,:,,,,-, Al I *three of the major *components . were f I angea* to perm It rap Id The PORVs and the EtlOVs used were suppl Jed to the test s_Jte:wlth welded end fittings.

The valves .were. adapted for the test section by welding appropriate of piping and flanges on the lnJet and out I et of .the valve spool hadan overall* lengthof 293/4 In. for all valves. Sectlonsof3-ln.

pipe were welded, to-the Inlet and outlet:of the valve body.* Each pipe section was tennlnated with* a 3-.ln. flange. The PORV spool had an over al I I ength of 33 Sia . In. for al I valves tested In the horfzontal.

configuration except the Garrett (Aff<esearch) valve *. For this valve the PORV spool was 25 1/8 In long. The PORV Inlet was adapted by weld attachment of a section of.. 3-ln. plpetennlnated with flanges. Attached to the PORV outlet' was a transition piping section, schedule 160 to schedule 40 *.

  • A 4-in. by 3-ln. reducer was *-welded to the transition piece and the spool was terminated on the outlet side with a 4-ln. flange. The .Instrument spool, mounted be*tween the PORV and the EMOV, was ,22 3/4 In. In o,,eral I length for al I valves except the Garrett CAI Research) valve.*. For the Garrett valve. . ' the Instrument spool was 31 114 in. In overal I I ength. Both spools 1conta1 ned two instrument penetrations plus a penetration for atTachment of the 3/4-ln. secondary stean pressurlzatlon I lne. Vertical Test Section. The -vertical test section ls shown in Figure It contal ned four major components, (1) the EM:>V spool, C2) the PORV in I et Instrument*

spool, (3) the PORV spool assembly and (4) *the PORV outlet spool * ..---As* In: the horizontal . . -test al I four major components were f fanged to permit rapid changeout.

The EM>V spool used In the vertlcal test section was the same EtlOV spool used In the horizontal test section. The PORV In I et Instrument spool was attached to the out I et of the EtlOV spool and red I rected the test section p Ip Ing vertl ca I ly. Th Is -spool was fabr 1.cated from 3-ln. pipe with 3-ln. flanges on both ends. Two Instrument penetrations and a for the secondary pressurlzatl on I I ne were prov I ded In the spool *. 2-5 N , I : Cl I * \ ' ' PORV. .SPooL.,.

VALVE TEST .5 O"-J cMov , PORV INLET ; EMOV IN ST. .spoo L spooL Figure 2.1-3. llorlzontal Valve Test Section. ** * . I N I ........

  • I I ' . I \ POR\/ OUTLET 5f00l... * ._.-VALVE TEST---..

5ECT IOt--J I' PORV . lNLe.T 5f00l-. PoR\J -SPOOL /

  • I I I I L-EMOV SfOOL Figure 2.1-4. Vertical Valve Test Section. -------------------

' 1 _, -;:,The PORV spool_';assembly co!1.sfsted of the te_st PORV ,-a-nd a f 11

  • pl-ece. -Since -----_the te-sted .In the_vertlcal configuration were supplied with flanges as an integral *
  • part of* the va*l-ve* body, three f I I I er spool p I eces were -manuf ac.tu-red to -. the.three PORVs*that tested .Tn the'vertlca1*-posltl_on_._

'The'ffl ler

pieces. _ ::co:ntal ned a 2 1/2""' In. by. 3-1 reducer, to adapi" to*-the PORV hil et.: The -I Of the --__ ,_-three-ffl ler spool *p_fece-s:used Jn the PORV*spool assembl les:were: . . . . . ' . -. -Dresser Crosby-:_ Target Rock _ --SPOOL-PI EC5 --L EWJH *-24 s;a rn. -18 3/4 In. --10 1/8 ' The_PORV outlet spool was comprised of three Q0° elbows and two straight piping sections to route-_the test -section piping from--the vertlcal PORV _outlet fo the horizontal Inlet *of the steam discharge This spool was :fabricated fran 4-ln.;:pl_plng-wlth 4""'.fn. -__ f ! anges -at. both -ends. Tw-o I n.strument .peneti-afl ons were .prov l:ded adjacent .to -the PORV: -_ outlet._ 2._1_ .3. Steam Discharge Pio Ing -* . The stean dfscharge*pfplng_consfsted of*amaI-n---stean lliie which discharged toaimosphere*

-and a-smaf I er drain f 1 ne wh lch prov r:ded for and measurement .Of valve I eakage flow. All main Si"ean line piping was schedule40, and the drain -11ne. was3/4 in. . -I ---Tbe Si"ean d I scharge p 1p1 ng Is shown In Fi gur-e 2. 1-s. I Th_e Inlet tothesteam discharge plplngwasa 4-In. frangewlth'a4-In.

by 8-In. -reducer attached.-_

Th_e 8-In. pl pl ng downstrean of the reducer. Included an elbow which red I rected the discharge I I ne vertl cal ly. The 8-In.-vertt cal discharge p Ip Ing was reduced *to 6-In. -pl pf ng w Ith an 8-In *. by 6-I n.

A: 6-f n. -tee _downstream of --; _ the reducer prov I ded-for* two f I ow paths In the. steam d I scharge I I iie. . The maf n vertical _ f I ow path_ through the tee was reduced f ran 6 In. -to 4 In. to accept--a ln. gate valve used for discharge Isolation during Jeakage tests. Two reducers downstream_

of the Isolation valve expanded the main vertfcal flow. path discharge*

piping from 4 In;; to 12tn *. -The12-tn.

piping continued vertlcallythroughthe roof of the plant and a s fl encer was attached to the term I natl on to_* reduce the nol se of steam d I sch arge to _ the_ atmosphere.

  • The branch connection of the 6-tn. tee fn*the steam discharge-I fne provided for .. a ----bypass around the 4-fn *. fsolatfon valve. The bypass Hne was 4,;.fn. piping and contained . 2-8

, . t .,* '. / .t.. " .... "I .'£ **** *--BYPASS DRAIN LINe .SILENCER.**

VALVE. .SECTION Figure 2.1-5. Steam.OJscharge Plpfng *. 2-9 I i

,.,. -J . *. *a rupture.disc assembly.

The rupture disc was rated at 800 psi and'*was.ln.sta*l*led to .* .. *provide averpressi:ire*

t'or the :discharge

I lne plplng.:when the ls0i'atlon valve .. ' *. ;*was cl.0!;Eld dUrl ng Pl)RV I ferls *

.. yur, e**.*r*_*ed

wd, __

... *eremdoevveedl*.**o*

fp"eord*, . _sbcma_ cek*p+reste*.

s. ssu:r_toe*
  • .. . . .. *. *.
  • prc:11f de
  • discharge f IOtti area and, """' u * .. on the test valve. ' ... The s+ean dlsehar9e pf ping* al 5o Ind uded :a*

sf ze '(1 ne wh lch* sery.ed* as a condensate

-* .. , "dral n an.d for dfversf on of* the I eakage "flow to a*

statlqn. The valve ' ..

station was ori the sixth near-the Unlt#2 s+ean . . . . . *. : drum and .Included a water-cooled condenser

(;!nd a conde.nsate reservol r. . Stean leaking *.'<* through the testvalve was*oondensed*, and the flow ofthe'.condensatewas*measured .by tlmlng.thevolumetr.Jc fill rate.of a graduated cyllnder.

I ) 2-10 * *

  • '*' ... ... ' . . ' . .... *-, ... 2.2 . INSTRUMENTATION 4J.2.1 ) ...... . *'
  • Descrlpt.Jon of Measurement Systems**

The t nstrumentatl on of* the test sect I on *for the EMOV tests was I to the Tnstrumentatt on .for* the PORV tests. A dTscusston of al I test Instrumentation ts

  • presented here for user r ence.
  • The test Tnstrumentattoncan be categorized tntothree-.groups.

The first group of ' .. Instrumentation measured valve 'performance paraneters

  • . the second group monitored . structural res!Dnse of the*test facility, and the third group provided evaluation data for acoust*tc

.. sensors. The test data presented In Section *3 were recorded from. the valve paraneter Instrumentation

  • . The Instrumentation which measured valve performance paraneters consisted of sensors for pressure, differential pressure, temperature, valve stem position, Initiation of valve actuation, and operata-mota-current. .*.. .Taps for pressure sensors were I ocated at the or If Ice f I ow meter In the steam_ supp I y '. piping, upstrean of the PORV tn* the PORV Inlet Instrument spool, downstream of the PORV In the *stean discharge piping, and either on the air supply 1 lne Cal r-operated valves) or on the pt lot discharge*

I lne :Csolenotd-operated valves) to the.PORV operata-.

An add! ti ona I pressure tap was . I ocated on the second a Ir, supp I y ii ne to. the Contra I , I . Components International CCCI) operata-when the CCI was lnstal led In test sect I on. VI sua I readout of the PORV upstrean and downstrean pressures were prov I dad by two pressure gauges which were located near the test section. A third pressure gauge was added *during the Crosby, Dresser, and Target Rock PORV tests to monitor pf I ot discharge*


  • One differential pressure was measured at*the orifice flow meter. *-----There were f Ive thermocouples mounted on the valve test sectfon and the stean discharge pfpfng. Two thermocouples measured the temperature of the steam flow through the Instrument spool upstream of the PORV and through the PORV out I et p Ip f ng. Three thermocoup I es measured the surface tanperature of the I ri I et, out I et, and body of the PORV. Indications of valve,stan.

position were recorded for both the PORV.and EMOV types. For PORV valves with exposed stans, linear variable dlsplacement transducers 2-11 CLVDTs) were used .to Indicate stem position *. Acoustic sensors mounted on the body of. the valve were used to Indicate total. opening and closing valve actuation times for . . ' ' . * . . .. *,. ' Crosby and Dresser PORVs. The stem position of the Target Rock PORV was Indicated two factory-suppl led position switches which Indicated open and closed positions

  • . EJVOV operata-mota-current recordings wer.e obtained to monitor EMOV ve action, and PORV event sw Itch record I ngs were obta I ned to. mon I tor PORV operator performance.
  • Flgures-2

.. 2-1 and 2.2-2 show the location of the valve paraneter Instrumentation for . . the horizontal and vertical plplng.conf lguratlons of the test section, respectively.

Structural response of the test sect! on was measured by stral n gauges, accel eraneters, LVDTs and strain *pins lnstal led along the test section piping and on the valve bodies. Strain gauges provided a measurement of strain at the 4-Jn. by 6-ln. reducer, the 6-ln. 90° elbow and the 3-in. 180° bend In the. stean supply piping, and at the 8-ln *. elbow In the stean discharge piping during all tests. One additional strain gauge . i was mounted on the valve stem of each Westlrghouse EJVOV block valve. ! Linear variable displacement transducers CLVDTs_) and a*. triaxlal acceleraneter measured motion* of* the test section piping. The accelerometer was mounted on the PORV outle flange.-LVDTs were located at the 3-ln. 180° bend In the stean supply piping, at the PORV Inlet Instrument spool, .and at the 8.-ln. ell;>ow In the_ stean discharge piping .. Two stral..n pins were lnstal led In the snubbers which were* connected to the 8-ln. elbow In the stean discharge piping. Auxll lary data were gathered during the valve tests by three acoustic senscrs lcx:ated . 0 between the orlf Ice flow meter and the 3-ln. 180 bend In the stean supply piping, on the body of the PORV, and on the 4-ln *. Isolation valve I lne-In the steam discharge piping. These acoustic sensor measurements were recorded to provide performance Information on the sensors under field conditions as wel I as to provide a data base on valve actuation characteristics.

Figures and 2.2-4 show the location of both the structural response and acoustic sensor Instrumentation for the horizontal and vertical piping conf lguratlons of the test section, respectively. . .

  • The locatlon of all test section measurement Instrumentation Is summarized In Tab.le 2.2-1. 2-12 N I ...... w ** CT -FT -PG -p05 -PT -TT -KEY I . DJFFERENTI AL. fRE55URc PRE55URE GAU,GE . STEM POSITIOf'.1 PRESSURE TRANSDUCeR TEMPERATURE I Figure 2.2-1. Valve Parameter 11strumentatlon with Horizontal Valve Test Section. , .. ' I I N I ...... KEY. CT-FT -DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURe PG -PRESSURE . GAUGE: POS-5TEM POSITION PT -PRe5'5URE TRANSRUCER SWI-.SWITCH TT -TEMPERATURE: ,
  • figure 2.2-2. Valve Parameter lnstrum.lon Vertical Valve

.* . '


5G. .STRAIN GAU<::7e.*-*

t *: .sp 5.TRAIN PIN Figure 2.2-3. Structural Response and Acoustfc:*Sensor*

Instrumentation with Horizontal Valve Test


      • .*. *:, ...... ,. .. . , . ' .. , .. '"' ! ' . ,**. ___ '.




  • 5TRAI f\J
  • GAU.Ge. STRAIN PIN* .. * .. *,.' *' Figure 2.2-4. Structural Response and.AcousTfc Sensor lnstrumentatfon with Ver'tfcal*Valve Test. Section * . -2:-16 _ ... ' ... ,*:** . . . . *
  • Steam Supply Piping 411 x 6 11 Reducer 6 11 Elbow Flow Meter Orff Ice Between Orlf Ice and 3 11 Loop Seal 3 11 Loop Seal EMOV Valve Stem Operotoc PORV Upstream Instrument Spool Piece Valve Stem Valve Body
  • Operator Valve Spool Piece Downstream Piping Steam Discharge Piping
  • 8 11 Elbow . 4 11 Isolation Valve Line
  • Table 2. -1 MEASUREMENT


Plp,ng.Straln Piping Strain Pressure . Differential Pressure (Acoustic)

Piping Strain Plplog vertical Stem Position Stem Strain curr:@ot Pressure Steam Temperature Piping Displacement, Vertical Piping Displacement, Horizontal Stem Position Event Switch Surf ace Temperature Leakage (Acoustl c) . Air Supply Pressure ,Air Supply Pressure Piiot Discharge Pressure Surf ace Temperature Acceleration Pressure Steam TeroQerqtuce Piping Strain Piping Displacement Leakage (Acoustic)

SGl SG2 PT5 FTl ACOUl SG3 LYD!l POS2 SG5 era, cw, ere PT1, PGl TTl LVDT2 LVDT3 POSl SWI t m ACOU2 PT4 PT3 PG3 m, TT4, TT5 . ACELt, ACEL2, ACEL3 PT2,PG2 ni .* SG4, SP1, SP2 LVDT4, LVDT5 ACOU3 . . ..* -**** Westinghouse Valves Only All valves except Crosby, Dresser; and Target Rock CCI Valve Only . Crosby, Dresser, and Target Rock Valves*only

  • Cal rbratron of the sensors whrch were provrded by Duke Power was routrnely conducted as scheduled rn Table 2.2-2. The sensors which were provrded by W. est.lnghouse.

and Wyle. :. were calrbrated before arrival at the Marshall test facllrty.

2.2.2 Description

of Pata AcQulsltlon Systems Data from the Instr umentatf on descr I bed in Sect I on 2. 2. 1 were recorded on str Ip charts . and magnet! c tape dur Ing the test Ing program. Cables from the transducers were routed from the. test sectr on on I eve I seven to the data acqursltlon roan on level one. Figures 2.2-5 and 2.2-6 are photographs showing exterior and Interior views of the data acquisition room. With the exception of.the thermocouple data, the transducer signals from-the valve .parameter Instrumentation were recorded simultaneously on strip charts and magnetic tape. The relatlvely slower response thermocouple data were recorded on sirlp charts only. The transducer signals from the structural response rnstrumentatfon the acoustic sensors were recorded on magnetic tape only. I There w_ere four str Ip chart recdrders and two magnet I c tape recorders used s r mu I taneous I y during the Marshal I valve testing program. Table 2.2-2 I tsts the Instrumentation

  • recorded on strip charts and Indicates signal assignment by recorder as wel I as the descriptions of the transducers and the strip chart recorders.

The Gould 2600 strip chart recorders were recal lbrated prior to each test. The other strip chart recorders were cal lbrated as Indicated In Table 2.2-2. The channel assignments for the two 14-channel tape recorders varied from test to test, and Figure 2.2-7 Is a typical channel assignment log of the transducer signals recorded by one FM tape recorder.

  • The magnetl c tape recorders were reca I I brated whenever a new reel of tape was I nstal I ed. In addition, cal lbratlon signals were recorded on the tapes as:* needed during the testing program. The accuracy range for.each .Instrument Is also Included lnTable2.2-2.

The accuracies given for the pressure transnltters CPT1-PT5)

Include the canblned effects of I lnearlty, hysteresis, repeatabll lty, stabll tty, and temperature.

In addition to these effects, the* differential pressure transnltter CFTl) accuracies Include the effect of static pressure on the transmlti"er oui"pui".

Al. I percentage accuracres I tsted,. with the except! on of the f I ow or If tee, are In percent of fu 11 sea I e ca I I brated range. The flow orlf Ice accuracy ls ln percent of reading.

  • lt§JRW[ PNlMIEB strip Owrt Rearder lb.' Plln I -A-ess. >mtr. CPll I Aws. l,\>slren of RR# Plln 2 -A-ea. >tidr. IPl21 A'-. Cbmstrean of RRt' ' I Pen l -A-ess. ltntr. IPDI .

j . Plln .. -A'-. )lnfr. CPl'41 Air A'-. To "81 RRI Plln 5 -Rlsltlm TnRiCllar CRlS1 I RRt' fbsltlat Plln 5 -fl:xiltlm 1hrlsdar IRlSll RRI !Ultlm ,) .. :> strip Owrt Rear* lb. 2 f'olnt OTII Sh>im Terp. tp;treen of R:Ri Point 2 -'lhlm:x:af>I*

CT121 *Stean. Tarp. lbmstram of RRt' I Fblnt 2 -0121 Sl1lllll Tmp. D:lwnslnm of RRt' Fblnt 2 -CT12> Stean Tarp. Cbmstrean of RRt' Point l -CTTll 9rfa Tarp. KRJ .lbtt Point 4 -ITT41 9rfcm Tarp. Inlet Pipe Fblnt' -cm1 Slrlrr:a Tt11p. Ml et Pl pe cm1 9rfaat Terp, Mist Pipe Table INSTRUMENT LIST D\TfS u:m lfflFICll ffR 06f3Q/iD-Ol/29/81

<blld OV>>'ID--01/29/81 lbslarant DCV30fll>-01/29/8l ltlsllraltt OV>>'ll>-0!/13/1111 . ltlsllraltt OV>>'ID-01/29/81 lbslarant OV>>'ll>-0!/131111 Barns av 1!V11>-11Vlill111 Barns UV2'/11>-1 VOi/iil 17Ji1111>-1v1v111 Ol/IV81--01/Zl/81 01/31/81-<ni29/81 DCV3Qfll>-01/29/81 Wastn:nlcs W30/11>-0l/29/81 ,Ilia FbtEr WJQlll>-0!/13/lll Ilia FbtEr W"Olll>-0!!'13/111

-Wrsl<<H'l/01/fJJ Cl!/1!1111>-0!/21/lll 17/&'ll>-01/29/81 W/31/fSHYJ/iE/fJJ .Ilia lbt&-W>>'a>-01/29/81 DA-01/29/81 CU<& R:wer-06f3Q/11>-1V01/lll Ilia IWer-01/17/81--01/2'/81 I Z'&'lll>-01/05/81 CU<& IWer-01/31/81--01/29/81 MW ID..

11'1GRlEZZ 1151GPlEzz 11'1GP7E22

m1640<<l5 MllE Typei J Type J TVJO J Typa J 1'ypa J 'fypa J Type J Type J
,_. .. , .........
' . *. -. -. .,*, *, ,_ . aasg m to. MG: Knl!la rJ!I !IE 001/CIOIQJ HI \U: +/- **

.. 001/CllXll'Z 1600-a500 pslg .1 1<Vl<Vlll,CWl:5/81 611/CIWll G-llXXl pslg .:t ** . 1<V09/lll,CW17/81 001/Cla:&>

G-100 11519 -i2' l<VOIJ/111 611/CICXJ'O G-llXXl ps lg .:t2' 1<V09/lll,CW1IV81 611/CllXBJ G-100$ ,11-'S 1<V24/lll 611/CIODS G-100$ .:t lj l<VZ-4/111 CW1<V81 SYl/Cl1176 o-aX> °F .:t 2 °"

  • wwoo.CWOIJ/81 OOl/CI0015 ito-100 °" .:t 3 °" CWCW81 WllCI0016 100-1ooof

' :.+/-.l °F 04/Co\'61.

611/CIQ117 100-100 °" .:t l °" .* 04/04/81 001/Cl!X)ll . 100-100 °" +/-l °" 04/04/81 ,' 001/Cl<XXB 100-700 °" +/-l°F 04/04/81 .* ¢1/CllXX9 100-700 °". .1 l °" CW04/81 001/CIOOll 100-100. °" .:t l °F* WW8i 001/CIOOll 100-700 °t= +/-3 °" WW81 N I N 0 * '-,,*. IN!illUfN[

Strip Owri Reardar tb. '. 51rlp Owri learQr tb. ] Strl p Owri Reardar It); ' Pen I -DIP )hlr. <m> . Pai. I .".'DIP ltntr. <m> fla1 0-1 flea FIOI 0-lf iea 2 -Fhiu. >Intl". ""'> . ' . Strip Owri lm:rdr lb. .. f\!ns 1,2.] -(cTA,CIB;crcl Pans 1,2,, -Qmnt Orlf lea Dlft. ft'asS. Orlflea DI t t* fte5:s. Oriti<>> Shlt!c: A"ess. . '

  • Dla::k Vnlw MJhr *' ' ' . ' .. Dla::k Vnllll!I M1hr o.rnrrt Pen 4 -IUiltlai 1hsisdJaar (mw!l .. Dla::k Vnllll!I IUiltlai Pan 4 -1'.\l5ltlai

'Thrl5d.Jcu" (m;Zl Dla::k Valw R:lsltlai . Pen .. -IUltlai lhrisilar' (m;Z) Dla::k Vnlw f\)sltlai Ga:iga ,A:;,, Go..91 <ffiz> Pressu-e Ga:iga (fm) 'J? Voltage

  • Pre;;5. !.pitnlan ot KRY Fross. lbmstnlan of KRY Piiat Dlsdllrga fTess&re *I .Table 2.2-2 *<Cont'd.)

LIST tKlfS IRD' 1, UV21/1Jl-UV29/81

  • 11Vzsillruv2'1m UV24111;)-UVZ41m
  • 06/>>'IJl-l<VOVID uv2't*i1101/Bi Ol/11/81-01/21/Bt . ' 01i29/8t;-Ot/291B1 0112"81-ou.a.-81 m1V,.:81.-011.ai8i

<X'f,5<Voo-ot/29/81 061>>'11>-<lli29/81 . -*-. av3<voo-17/011a>'


  • ww*wc&tio 11/IWIJl-17/0l/ID

-., -*' -, .. HWfNillffR*

Hm IA Leads ' lt:rftn4>

ZIO 1..-is & tb'1hn.p :a> Trax.-Wastr:cfi1 cs T4E lbiarWJt ' I 1511f'5E72 lb9sirutt 1151Cl'9E22 GCllid Schllltlflc Cbl. *

  • 4073 Sclentlf le Cbl. * . "i1TJ CIC *. *, 119 . ' . . (8/1"8>-0J/OVID Darn5. . . . ' ' .-'. <. .. DJS!i IDW. Wto; KriwCc. ; : I

.... ai rrl(C +/-IJ IDllCI0016

.... +/-lJ 00,llCIOI ai . VIC +/- ,, 00 llCIClll4 I 10-4.7' 0-:mw.D. -:J 1o ..:.C.7J 001/CIOOID. . 0:.300',,.D.

_ _,

-:.8 1o' -4.2S S'd:ml516:


t3.2S "' OOllCllXBS


pslg. +/- ,_ ...... . OOllC!ot04 CH . . : _., ' 00 llCI0057 o-5 arps OOl/CIOl85 arp5 . .. , J-,

. qf at ooiuva1 ** llV24181 .* .: * . Ol/m/81 *, _, 01/'ZJ/81 UV09/8'.l

<W17/8t '11/21/81 llilot/81



  • llVWID,Wt]/al . ' eidcre u.D ' i.'1/17/ID 04/'Zl/81 . ' :cw11V81 .* 11Vi411D * -* .. -* .* . IWHV81 -.*',\ Ol/i1/8Hl1/29/81. . CIC 119 .
  • 001/CIOOOO
  • . 0-100,c . <WUV81. . . . . 06/>>'ID-01/29/81



"""'91 lob'sh KDJ ....... loglc* 100-] SS 001/CICXXi I * .. 100-3 SS . 00 I/Cl cri5z

'* tff5100 00!1C10CB1 . 0-30Xl Pslg .+/- IJ ;., 111uviii.0.Vo9181

'. 0-30Xl pslg '.+/- ,. . 1'1/lcVlll,;<W09/81 0-:30Xl p!!lg .+/- lj .0112916'

.+/- Q;<Xr.lj

  • llV09/lll,04/1'/8i ' .-** .. : .,-..

1' -* < I -.

  • Figure 2.2-5. ; . r : ,,_ >. t
  • *. L .... ;. . ' I ' I .f ;I ... , ,, I ! I* Photograph of the Data Acquisition
Room Exterior.

2-21 *

" . . '., *-*., .. '* ... * .*.-Figure 2.2-6. Photograph of the Data'Acqulsltlon.Room Interior.

2-22 ', *' ' . *

    • . . . . . . .

Clli!lllTl nn:,\:llCS Mll'S . .

  • 51 GHAL Ti\Pl! OUT Sl::SOll llANGE" EXCtT G1\UI nl1'Ell *Gi\lN i:IL'l'f:ll IV\NGE* DE5Cllll'T10H . .. . ' . , . . . .. l SGl 5 vdc 1000 W11 20 lK P.V. l outlet S.G. 6th level 2 SG2 5 vdc 1000 wn 20 lK G e 1 bow S . G . 6th l°evel
  • 3 SGJ 5 vdc 1000 wn 20 . 1 K . ' ' 311 elbow s.G . 1000 seal I 4 SG4 s vdc 1000 wa 20 ' lK 8" elbow S. G, 5 I
  • I -I
  • I I Window side snubber 6 SPl 0-840lbs 0-1.0mv 10 vdc 1000 Wll 10 lK 0-1.0 vdc '. S .P. 1 SP2 0-040lbs 0-1.*0mv 10 vdc 1000 WO .10 ,. LK o..;1,0 vdc Oo11er side sriubber s. p. 0 LVOTl 0+/-0,Sin O:tlOvdc +/-15vdc " -' 1 lK OJ: 1. o vdc flow orifice line-. (vertical) . **.'* , 9 LVOT2 0+/-0, Sf n 0+/-10 vdc +/-lSvdc -1 lK Ot 1. 0 1/dc spool between *'

flc 10 LVDTJ Ot0.51n O.tlOvdc 1:t15vdc '. 1 l K

  • 0+/-1.0 vdc spool piece between * -"


11 LVOT4

  • OtO. Sin O:tlOvdc 115vdc ,. 1 l K
  • O:tl .*a vdc
  • au'* e'l bow -' ' ( hori ZO'n ta l fl owl 12 LVOTS 0+/-0,Stn OtlOvdc 115.vdc -l lK 0+/-1.0 vdc au elbow (ve'rt1cal)'

I , 13 ACOUJ 60 db 1

  • l K fVl outlet acoustic --leak detect ' :d H TC l 5 WO -Time.Code Figure 2.?,-7. Typical FM Tape Recorder Channel Assignment Log.

N I N . -' . -, .. *' ', SIGN.\i.


  • SJGN,\L.

Slr.Ull IG\NGC. ll1\/1 C:E Ci1\HI fll.rrn I I ***** * ... . * . -.. *l 600-2600 1-Svdc .. 1

  • PTl r*s1G
  • 2 PT2 0-10.00 l-Svdc .. PSIG J . . .. 4 PT4 0-100 1-5vdc . " -. PSIG ---5 PT5 1600-2600 l-Svdc PSIG "" . -*-6 -fTl' 0-600 11 w.d 1-svdc * --7 CTA o-Sa1nps 0-Svdc I B CTD 0:-Samps 0-Svdc 9 POSl 0:-l <5vdc ... ,-. 10 POS2

<Svdc " 11. AC Ell OtolOOGS Oto+/-lV --12 ACEL2 OtolOOGS Oto+/-lV . ' 13 ACEL3 OtolOOGS Oto+/-lV -14 TC " --. . . ll\'tli\ .. 'llCS. Mll'S .; . .. .

OUT . -*---* .' 2 lK . ' 2-1 Ov.dc ., ;, -,* . ; 2 lK O. 2'." l. Ovdc .. 2 lK

.. *2 *.1 K o.

.. 2 lK 0*2-1.0vdc 1 . 1 K 0-0.Svdc 1 lK 0-0.Svdc 2 lK << 1. Ov d-c :-2 lK <1,0vdc 5 Hll -..

  • Oto+/-O.-Svdc

.. . .. 5 WB Oto+/-0;5vdc 5 WB Oto+/-0.5vdc

.. '" .:'< -_ : -'. .. ,.,. PORV upstream_ . . eres sure " . . " ;: . *-* -. : . . . . : -. . *:_:" ._._;.. .'*,' . '. ' . .... **-. ': * < PORVdbwns-tream . -ores sure -_* .. -" .. PORV 11 0PEN 11 air Pressure Flow orifice eressure Flow. orlfice' di ff. pressure -Mov current .. ohase A

  • Mov current .. Dhase*o *,-; PORV Pas it 1on . -MDV pas H1 on PORV outlet flange (ho ri zo n . 1
  • fl ow) * . '* PORV outlet.flange . (vertical l * : PORV*outlet

.. lhori ion -11 flow . 5 .

  • Time*

WO -Figure 2.2-7. (Cont'd) ...

' ' . l--2.3 OPERATION OF TEST SECT ION 2.3.1

  • Summary bf Eyaluatlon Test Procedures Evaluation testing of each EMOV Involved eleven separate operations.

The eleven *operations are I lsted below and described In the fol lowing paragraphs.

Table 2.3-1 EVALUATION TEST CYa..ES Minimum number Operatlon of ya!ye cycles Dess;rlptlon 1* Pre-Evaluation Test Operations 0 Leakage Test 2 Stroke and Fu I I Flow Test 3 0 Leakage Test 4 5 Stroke Test 5 0 Leakage Test 6 5 Stroke Test 7 0 Leakage Test 8 5 Stroke Test 9 0 Leakage Test 10 5 Stroke Test 11 0 Leakage Test

  • Valve was cycled at least once with no flow to check stem position Indication.

Prior to conducting an operation, the boiler drum fluid conditions were stabilized at + 2450 C-30) pslg saturated stean conditions.

Calibration and Checkout Before the system was pressur I zed, the Er<<>V was cycled at I east, once to check the position Indicator.


  • --***, *'. ,; '. l J '1' I ' Operation

-*fre=ooeratlonal.Vafye Le9kageTest

Opeq:itlon 2 .-:-Stroke and Fu! I Flow Test The stroke and fut I flow. test was c:Onducted to* detennlne the.Jul I flow capacity of*
  • the* EMOV /PORV. I n-J I ne eomb I natl on. and *to *ver lfy
  • the capab 11 I ty of. the EMOV to: c I ose
  • with ful I flow.* With the POR\' :11 j:iusttion .csnci the test EMOV In. the. open position, the system* .. was pressurized as *showl,l In* Figure 2.3:-2.;_
  • rtie PORV was .. *then ** opened to permltful I flO'IJ through .th.e test. loop. After. 30
  • the EMOV was closed to flow *. The.EMOV stem position was recor'ded.and verified after cl.osl ng. Ooeratlon 3 -":"§ Test I I . The l.eakage
  • test was conducted
  • I mmed I atel-y fol I ow Ing the stroke and . f ul I f I ow test with the Er.DY* In the closed p0sltlon and ful I* system-on the upstream side of the EK>V.*as shown In Figure 2.3_.1 *.. After a*flve-mlnute period, the.valve leakage.flaw was measured at Intervals until the.leakage flow stabll lzed. Operation 4 -Stroke Test Fol. lowing the valve I eakage test (Operation 3), the test OOV was .f n the closed position
  • and the PORV I Ii open post ti on w Ith fut I-sy.stem -pressur:e on *the upstream*

s I de *of the Er.DY.. To eonduct the -stroke tests,* the. Er.tlV was* opened .and left open at the full flow condt+lon_s for about 15 seconds as sh6wn Jn Figure 2.;3-2.* The* EMOV was then closed and left closed for* about *30 seconds to complete*

the cycle *. The OOV was. cycled fran closed to open to closed In the' same manner four more times to complete the sirokt::s.

test. Operatfon*s

-Leakage Test

  • Fol lawing the stroke test done as Operation*

4, a valve leakage*"test was conducted In the same manner as previous leakage tes'ts In Opera'tlons 1 and 3. * . 2-26 Al'MOSFHERE RUPTt.JRe 12." Disc COOLING WAIER PPLY TVt 8" L!J TVS CONDENSA-r*E**

AtR *5UPPLY 'TV4 PV4 -= Pr l rr .-.ry f I cw pain TO ROOF PVZ. . P\lt BOILER DRUM Figure 2.3-1. Test Fae! I lty Schematic D!agra;i for Operations 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11, Leckase Tests. . 2-27 . -


  • RUPTLJR.e 12.,, -_Disc .TV2B TVt
  • 4 8" PLANT AIR ..SUPPLY EMOV TV.3 TO ROOF t I COOLING WATER SUPPLY w TVS COl'JDEf\J SAT'E TV4 PY4 Pr llTB)' f I ON paiti --'0ttier piping PVZ. PVt BOILER DRUM* Figure 2.3-2. Test Facl I tty Schematic fer Operation 2, Stroke and Ful I Flow Test, and Operations 4, 6, 8 and 10, Stroke Tests. 2-28 . --= *,

,* I

  • Operation Operation 10 dltfonal stroke tests. each test being a of 5 valve cycles. were conducted Jn Operations
6. 8, and 10 In the same manner as. Operation 4 to accumulate 20 valve
  • cycles w Ith the valve operatf ng at f ul I* df fferentl al pressure and flow. Qperat!on
z. Operation 9, Operation 11 Subsequent to each stroke tesi" a valve leakage test was conducted f n the* same manner .. as prev f ous I eakage tests. .,_.,o i l'
  • ' l" 2.3.2 Summary of Instrumentation Procedures . Prior to each day's testing of PoRVs or EMQVs, the data acgulsltlon equipment and .the. sensors lnstal led around the test section. were checked and appropriate cal lbratJon and startup activities performed to assure that the test data were obtained and recorded accurately.

Administrative controls for these Instrumentation p.rocedures were pr.av I ded In the Duke Power procedure number TS-019 * "EPR I RJRV Test I nstrumentatl on at Marshall Stean Station".

These procedures are summarized below. Before the test section was pressurized each day, al I Instrumentation piping and wiring were checked for functional readiness

  • . Records for al I transducers were checked to -. verify that the cal lbratlons were current. If the piping for test section pressure sensa-s Pfl, Pf2, Pf3 or PT4 had been disconnected for any. reason since previous tests, the Duke Power procedure, "Start-up Procedure for Pressure Loops" {Attachment to TS-019), was fol lowed. Also, If the piping for the orifice differential pressure sensor FT1 or the orifice pressure sensor PT5 had been. d T sconnected,
  • the Duke Power procedure,* "Start-up Pr.ocedure for Ft ow Loop" (Attachment to TS-019), was fol lowed. i The strip chart recorders were energized:.

and their cal Tbratlons checked_accordlng t procedures provided by the manufacturer and Duke Power. The FM tape recorders were also cal lbrated and cal lbratlon signals were* recorded as Al I Instrumentation activities such as cal lbratTons, problems, and equipment changes were documented.

Fol lowing the day's testing, the test section was depressurlzed, the strip chart recorders were de-energized, and the recorded data were documented.

2-30 .

' I

  • Section 3 VPJ..VE TEST RESULTS


The fol lowing seven subsectlons detaT I the test results for each electric mota-operated valve CEMOV> tested as part of the EPRI progran conducted at* Marshal I. All subsections are organized In the same manner. Each subsec.tlon begins with a description of the valve, followed_

by a chronology of the test sequence for the valve. The test results, given next, are divided Into two parts. The f Trst part presents the evaluation test results for the valve. Because the evaluation tests were conducted uniformly for al I valves In accordance with the operating procedures summarized Jn Section 2.3.1, the results are formatted Identically In al I subsections.

The second part presents the supp I ementary test resu I ts wh f ch document a I I other eye I es of the EMOV, either before or after the evaluation test, while ft was Installed In the flershall valve test facll tty. The eval uatf on and supplementary test data for each EMOV were read f ram the str Ip chart data records and tabulated on summary data sheets. In these tables the data are presented 1 n three groups for both the open 1 ng and c I os Ing portt ons of the valve cycle . as Indicated by "-0" and "-C", respectlve*ly.

The three groups of data are: lnltlal condftlons data, valve response data and final conditions data. The Inltlal condlttons data are those test section data recorded before valve action was lnltlated.

The valve response data quantlfy the time Interval during whlch valve actlon occurred.

The f lnal conditions data are those test section data recorded after valve action was concluded.

The entrre valve cycle Is characterized In Figure 3.0-1 as a plot of valve stan posltlon versus time. A typlcal plot of pressure versus tlme ls given Jn the same f Tgure. Both dtagrans are I abeled to Indicate the tfmes l*n. the valve cycle fa-whlch test data were Included Jn the summary data tables and Jn the dlscussfon of test results. The lnftlal condltlons and ffnal condltlons data presented for the valve opening actfon .I *.;. are those data recorded at the points on the time axls labeled t 1 and t 3 , respectively.

The openlng actlon valve response data were recorded Tn the tlme lnterval between t 1


z ILi . Q._ 0 .J . ...J ::> lL . lL 0 ......_

  • l/) V} . \U . IL ifi . Ol I-Cf) Q... :> <L r-. I I ' I I _+/-1 e2 ---t-t-b'-4 I ' I I I '

I I I I I I I I ' ' . ' t.2: l3 :t4 _:'ls t.6 .TJME (.SEC)

  • _Q .:;TOTAL OPENING ACTlJATION it Me . -b..=* c::t='Et-.Ut.l G . c*-*TOTAL..


-' , ... . KEY* Figure 3.0-1. Typical Valve Cycle and Pressure Curve.** I .1-? . I.

. *, /. .. * **. -. and t 3 *.. The time t_nterval between t 1 and +3 represents the total open! ng actu'att on .time,. and the Interval between t 2 and t 3 represents the stroke time. Similarly,. time points labeled t 4 and t 6 and the time Interval between t 4 and +6 Indicate .

the Initial condition,.

final condition and response data for the valve

  • closl ng actf.on were recor.ded.


\he time lnterva*I between t 4 and t 6 represents the total closing actuation time .and the time Interval between t 5 and t 6 represents the closing stroke time. ** .* On al I summary data an entry of "0.0"**lndlcates a data value either equal to. ** ; zero ;or below the rahge of the .transducer;.

an entry of "-" *-1 ndJ cates a data va I ue .

  • which was not rec:orde.d even. though It was *a.n exf st:lng. paraneter during the cycle; and -a non-existent entryJndlcates a data value whlch***was.not-ITleasured; not calculated-or .otherwise not appl lcable to the cycle. _ There were _no thermocoup I es measur Ing EMOV body tanperature.

However, f n genera I ,. EMOV body tanperature was In equl I lbrfum with the stean tanperature downstrean of the EMOV at the start of test Ing.. Because of the* absence of a pressure sensa--lnmedl ately upstrean of the OOV,. 'the orifice pressure readlngs,

  • used as Indications of V upsi"rean.


  • . The f I ow rate. g lven t n the evaluation test data ts a .representat.I ve _ va I ue for f I ow , , -. ' .rate through the test section during the evaluatlon
  • test and Is useful for QValuatlng
  • the lty of the EMOV to close:-agalnst ilow. However, flow. through the test sect I on was* I Tm lted by the downstrean PORV,. the value g I van shou Id not be cons I de red an t n*d t cat I on . of the capacity of the EMOV.
  • The f I ow rate ca I cu I atl ons are discussed_

In more detal I In Appendix C.


  • r.DDEL DRAW ING *8842S/B-.

. . ', ...

Descriptroa . :*: .*.*, The Vet an el ectrf c motor operated valve was a 3-f n.

I b cl ass-valve wti f ch had a Lfmftorque Model* _Ss-00-15 opera+or*w Ith .a motor* rated at 15 ft-I b torque. --It was . . -'. -.. *. desfgn:ed f?r use as an f solatJon :valve :and for fnstal latlon In-the horizontal or . _* ver:tfcal pf ping-confJguratfon.

The testing discussed below was conducted with valve-model B10-3054B-13MS, serf al . number -765. *The operator was a model SB-00-15, .-serial number 243402. The .... . valve w Ith* the meta-operator-was tested _as a b l"c::>ck valve COOV) fn a horizontal pl pl ng . . . confJ guraf I at the-Marshall Figure 3.1-l ls a picture of the val.ve_.lnstal led* Jn the test section Table 3.1-1 presents*

general va.lve Information.

A dlagran -.* of the test valve Is shown In _Ff gure 3 .1-2. * -* .For use In the test progran, the body was* adapted by wel 3-ln. schedule 160 . I . _pipe to outlet sides of

Also,-316 sta'fnless steel,. 1500-lb ' ' ctass, *3-ln*. cal sad f-1 anges were welded* to the .. lnl et. and out I et pl

  • -3 *. 1.2 Test Chronology

', ' The test valve was def lvered to the Marshall facf 1*1ty .on December fa, 1980. Between December 18, 1980 and January 12, 1981 the valve was *disassembled, and th*e valve body was *adapted_

for EPR I test Ing by the addf tJon of f I anges at the-f i1 I et and out I et of the On-January 13, 1981*the Velan valve was reassembled Jn the pr_esence of the Velan representative and . J nsi"al I ed. f nto the test*. seci"f on, and* preteSt calf bratJon and checkoui" _ aci"Jvltles were carried-out.

The valve was.cycled a total of 16 times. during the checkout aci"lv Ji"J es.* Al I 16 pretesi" cycles were performed w.fth the test fact I lty at

  • ambient temperai"ure and pressure.

Fol I owing cal lbratfon and checkout, the eval uai"lon test was wltnessed -by -the. Vel an representative and performed.

accord Ing to.'"the prescr I bed procedures.

The* va Ive was . cycled 21 times durf ng. the eval uatf on test. -'* '3-4_ ---

w I Ul Figure 3.t-1.* Photograph of the Velan Engineering Companies, Motor Operated Bolted Bonnet Gate Valve, lnstal led In the Marshal I Valve Test Facll lty.

Table3.1-1 TEST VAf..VE TEST SERIES M-VEl General Yalye Information M:inufacturer Description




Ser-Jal **********.*********************

Or-a\11 f ng No ***.** Cl ************************

  • General Yalye <&erator Information M:lnuf acturer ..***...*.*.....*...**..*...

Ctescr I pt t on * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **********

Velan *Engineering Canpanles Mrra-Operated Sol ted Bonnet Gate Valve Bl 0-30548-13MS 765 88425/B Umlta-que zed Valve Operata-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

... * * . . .. * * . . . . . . . . . . .

  • $-00-15 Serfal No *******************************

243402 Torque Switch Setting *******************

1'.7 Voltage.*********************************

460 1 *....................................

1700 3-6 *

    • PO.SITI01'J IND! CATOR ** (CLO.SEO f0.51TION)



SEAT RING WEDGE GATE: Figure 3.1-2. Dlagran of the Vel an Engineering Canpanles,.

P-btcr Operated Bolted Bonnet Gate Valve, Model Bl 0-3054B-13MS, Draw J ng 88425/B. 3-7 ' ' .

. *. the,evaluatlon testthe.*valve was cycied three:more

  • . Ea'ch time the;. ! .*. ., . * .. torque sw Itch. sett! ng was I . The purpose. of th Is post-test Ing was_ to *evaluate . . val operab 11 tty. with_*

opera:tor torque. * '. '** .al I test Ing. the valve was: removed +*rain* the _test section, 'd.lsasSi!mble-d, and.* .. -,vtsua.l ly*

tn* tlle*presence -of the representative.

Table 3.1-2 surrmartzes . the .. total the.*test valve .during the time I.twas lnstal led.In the Marshai"I -test* sect I 1<-. .. 3.1..3 Resy!tS of the Eya!yatfon

-. . The .eval uatton test for the Vet an EJ'.()V was on January 13, *1981 Jn accordance . wfth the procedures described Jn Section

  • . The Copes-Vu!can PORV with 316 SS* plug and 17..:4pH cage was mounted downstream of the Velan EflOV for. the eval uatfon test.

v'atve was cycled a totai of 21 tJmes with a.torqueswltch.seti"lng of 1.7 * *.during the evaluation test. The results a*re summarized Jn Table-3.1-3, Evaluation -Test Data. OPERATION 1.The first operation, a*-seat leakc:ige cohdiJctedwfthan . press.ure of 2465 *ps I g.

  • A I eak rate of gpm was measured.


2. Operatr on 2, *a stroke and 30-:-second*

fu I I

  • f I ow. test,. cons r sted of one cycle of the valve wfth*ftieflow rate*:determfnatfon belng made--.just.prfor

_to vaf"ve closure. For this operation the EJ'.()V was.opened; ful I*_flow was.establ tshed through. the valve test section by opening the and :then -the OOV was_ closed against fut I The or I flee pressure was psfg during fut I flow, giving an estimated flow . rate of 237, 000 I b/hr. The fu I I y developed

  • pressures<

upsi"reari and downstream of the *PORV were 2140 and 620 psfg,: respectfvely

... The EMQV closed'completely.

against ful I *flow with the valve. stem position *Jndicator showing 0.0%* of .ful I open.

3. The third operai"lon, a leakagetest,was<<:onducted with an orifice pressure of 2490 ps I g *.. A I eak of 0 0 gpm was measured.

-OPEW I ON 4. There were f Ive eye I es of* the . EJ'.()V dur Ing Operatl on 4, a stroke tesi" to evaluai"e-openlng the El-OV. agalnsi" static pressure and closing It against ful I flow. The orl flee pressure upstream of the EM:>V varied .from 2445 to 2490 pslg prior to valve opening and from 2345_to 2380.pslg prior to*valve*closlng against ful I flow. Prior to EfJOV the PORV upstream pressure was between"2l40 and 2170 pstg and the'* *PORV downstream pressure was between 620 and 625 The*toi"al opening actuation.

3-8 I. I'.: ..

Operation 1 2 3 4 5 6. 7 8 g 10 11 Table 3.1-2*



  • Valve Cycles . Nt.mbers 1-16 17 18-22 . 'Z!J-Zl '28-32 I :-!

Tata I Cycl*es 16 5 5 5. 5 3 40 3-9 . DE;lscr f pt I on .. Pre-Evaluatfon TestOperatfons Leakage Test Stroke . and Fu I I Fl°" Test Leakage Test Stroke Test Leakage Test

  • Stroke Test . Leakage. Test Stroke.Test . Leakage Test Stroke,Test Leakage Test
  • Post-Evaluatfon Test Operatfons Tota I Nllllber of Cycl es on Test Valve .
  • w I ..... 0
  • Table 3.1-3 EVALUATION TEST DATA, TEST SERI.ES f+.VE1 Tcrqia 0-lflOI RRV Solidi A-8ssare Settllll m fhlssan Pl1 . o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o t<<Joa BIO-l0,4fHJMS o.o RRV. Oilallatal 90i *. Fix1t Cbmstrmn.

floi Rlfte: fbsltlcil Rate tbtes< . FWcant ct FUI I q,en. ..... :.,, -rn -u ;;o ...........

3: . (/) r r rn ts. < -I rn (/) -I c) > .*

time was* constant at-.10.6 seconds for al I five cycles* and the total closlng actuation tlme remained constant at 10.7 seconds. The opening 'stroke was 9.8 seconds for each cycle and the closing stroke time was 9.9 seconds for* each cycle. OPERATION The fifth operation, another valve leakage test, was Conducted with an orlf Ice pressure of 2475 pslg. A leak rate of 0.0 gpm was measured.


6. There were f Ive cycles of the EMOV dur Ing Operation
6. repeat! ng Operatlon
  • 4.
  • The orlflce pressure upstrean of the EMOV varied from 2455 to 2500 pslg prior to
  • valve.o?enlng and from 2355. to 2390 pslg prior to valve closing.against ful I fl.ow. Prior to EMOV closure, the PORV .upstrean pressure was between 215.0 and 2180 pslg and the PORV downstrean pr.*essure was between 620. and 635 ps I g. The total open Ing actuation

.* tlme was constant at 10.6 seconds for al I cycles, and the total closlng actuation time was constant at 10.7.

The opening stroke tlme was 9.8 seconds for each cycle, and the closing stroke t.lme was 9.9 seconds for each cycle. *.OPERATION

7. The seventh operation, another valve leakage test, was conducted with an orlflce pressure of 2490 pslg. A leak rate of 0.0 gpm was measured.


8. There were flve cycles of the EMOV during Operation 8, a repeat of Operations 4 and 6. The orifice pressure upstrean of the Et<<>V varied from 2440*to 2495 ps I g prior to valve open Ing and from 2340 to 2405 ps I g pr I or to va Ive c I os Ing *against full flow. Prior to EMOV closure, the PORV upstrean pressure .. was beiween.2140 and 2200 pslg and the PORV downstrean pressure ranaf ned relatively constant between 620 and 640 pslg. The total opening actuation time was constant at 10.6 seconds for al I cycles, and 1:he total closing actuation time was constant at 10.7 seconds. The opening stroke time was 9.8 seconds for each cycle. and the closl ng stroke time was 9.9 seconds for each cycle. OPERATION 9; The ninth operation, a valve leakage test, was conducted with an.a-lflce pressure of 2500 pslg. A leak*rate of 0.0 gpm was measured.


10. Operation 10 was the final series of valve cycles to evaluate opening the Et<<>V against si"atlc pressure and closing ft against full flC7if. The a-office pressure upstrean of the OOV varied from 2440 to 2500 pslg prlor to valve openlng and from 2345 to 2410 psfg prior to valve closlng agalnst ful I .flow* Prlor to Et<<>V closure, the PORV upstrean pressure was between 2140 and* 2200 ps I g and the PORV downstream pressure ranalned relatlvely constant between 620 and 640 pslg. The total opentng actuation tlme varled .from 10.6 to 10.7 seconds for the five cycles, and the to-tal ., 1 1

' . '.* c I os Ing ac;tuatl'C:>n tt me .remal ned constant at* 1O.7 For. each:. cycle, the open! ng stroke time' was 9.;8 seconds, and the closf*ng str.oke time. was 9.9 seconds. * *_ OPERATION:


a post-operation leakage test, was .conducted wlfh'c;1n.orrtlce pressure of 2510 A leak ra-te of*O.O gpm wasmeasured.

The Velan valve ful*ly opened an*d c.losed-on demand for the 21 _cycles of the' ev*alliatlon*

3 .*1.4 Syp12 I ementary Test Resy I ts Al I 16 pretest cycles were performed**

w Ith the* test facl I tty at. amb rent and* pressure * . The EMOV was cycled three ti mes after the eval uatl on test .to evaluate valve operabl I tfy w Ith reduced operator .*. The. operator torque SW sett Ing was reduced from. . ' ' 1.7 used for the evaluation test to 1.5' and 1.25 *respectlvely In the first two suppiementary cycles with no detectable degradation of valve operabl I lty. On th.a

  • th I rd cycle, t_he torque sw Itch sett! ng was at Its I owest value* of 1 ;o wh lch produces a *torque .of 82 The valve*eycled closed.' A leakage:rate of 0.022" gpm was . . .observed during a**flral leakage test with .an<orlflce .pressure*

of 2470*:pstg.

The* results of these.*supplementary tests .are. summarized tn TaQ_le 3.1-4. Th_e valve (model 810-30548_;13MS:, drawtng 88425/8) fully opened and closed on 1 demand for al I of. the supplementary test cycles. Fol lowing the supplementary tests* I the* Vel an valve was disassembled and I nsp_ected.

Very sl lght ga I 11 ng of the gu I des

  • was-observed but al I parts, Including the seating surfaces, were In good condition.

.. 3-12 '*

Table 3.1-4 SUPPLEMENTARY TEST DATA, TEST SERIES M-VE1 ' oov MANUFACTURER1 Yelan KIOEL I0.1 B10-30,4B-13MS VALVE 1YPE1 Mater Operated Baltud Bonnet Gate Velv*

  • SERIAL ND.1 76, Dsf1I 0,.:1 Taqut 0-ltlae RRV fKN fKN ltRV RRV . Clllallahld EKN foot ta. !Wltdl A-esstn lbiltlcn Tohll l\>sfreim lbltlstrm Acw Rirte* lbsltlcn Rafa tbte5 5ettlrg rn lt85SIA Anent al ldurtlai ftessln' R-assu-e**

f\n:ent ot Pll Tine Pl"I Pl2 pslg pslg lb/Ir 5BC 5BC pslg pslg pslg lbllr gm o.o o.o o.o o.o 100.0 o.o o.o 0.0. o.o 100.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 o.o. 100.0 :.,.) o.o o.o o.o o.o I _. :.,.) o.o 0.0 o.o 0.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 o.o o.o o.o o.o 100.0 o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o m o.o o.o 0.11 o.o 1.00.0 "'tJ ;o o.o o.o o.o-o.o o.o o.o o;o o.o 0.0 ICIJ.J .........

3: o.o o.o o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o o.o > ;o -en o.o 0.0 o.o o.o o.o 0.0 o.o o.o 100.0 :::c f! o.o 0.0 o.o* 0.0 r m o.o_ 0.0 o.o o.o 100.0 < -t 0.0 10.8 9.8 ZlOO 2100 630 100.0 m en. 0.0 -t CJ o.o > -t zmi D DZZ > f I. . :

I l . *" ' .. > . \ . ; .... *3.2:. WESTINGHOUSE cORPORATION

.... * . *. * *

  • Motor *_Operated Gate *v a Ive . * .. . ' . . *: ,* *_._MODEL M0003000GM88FNBODO, Draw Ing . '. i*** *.; :. . . . . . . ... 3.2.J.
  • Val ye Descrlptlon The Westinghouse

'electric motor operated" gate{ valve a 3-r ,, 1500-1 b:cl ass vat ve . 'whl,ch had a Llmitorque.

model :'ss-60-15 rated*at**-15 ve a f _I ext bl e wedge, rl sterri gate valve. fnterrupt. ,CT Jsol ate flow. The .. testlng discussed below* was conducted engineering protatype.of valve rTiodel .* . MOD03000GM88FNBODO:

Three valve L tmltorque operator model and -.

  • Rotork operator models 14-NA1 and. 16-NAxl ,*_were used dur Ing* . __

ng* . The va Ive .was 'tested as ,a block* valve CEMOV> -In the hort;zontal

  • . ,Figure picture* of the valve<1-ristalJed tnthe test sectto11 at the Mar.shall facility*.

Table .. -3.2-_1 preSents the valve spectflcations as publ lshed by the manufacturer.*

A dlagran of the .test valve ts shown tn Figure 3.2.;.;.2.

For use I ri the* test 'progran, the valve body was' adapted by wetdl ng a *3-1 n. _

I** .16o' pipe: to the Inlet and outlE!t sldes* of valve** Also,,316*stalnless steel, _ *1soo-1b:*class*

3-ln. raised face flanges were welded to the trilet and outlet

.** 3 .2 .2 **Test* Cbrono l.ggy ... The. test *val v:e was del lvered by West I nghouse to the Marshal I fad I tty .. fn May, 1900 tn. order to support Duke Power Company Testl ng.. The Westt nghouse EMOV arr tved at the test* facHfty with a manual operator.

because. the Westf:nghouse-recommended t lmftorque pperator coulci*not-be.suppl fed wfth*575 vol_t-capabl.1-Jty:to match*.Ouke Power's e><tstlng

  • el ectrl'eal power
  • Between .def Ivery of the valve .and June 20, 1980. the valve wasdtsassembled,and the valve body was adapted for:+esttng by*ttie addition.of.flanges*

at the* f nl et and out I et of the valve. "On June*26, 1980 the valve was reassembled* f n the* presence of the Westinghouse

  • and'* ft was i nstal I ed
  • f nto the-fest sectf on the next day. . A Rotork -. 14-NAl operator suppl fed by Duke Power* was f nstal 1.ed on the_ valve.. Betw.een June 27. . . 1980 and August 1.1, 1980 calfbration arid.-checkout.

activities were carried out. DurJri. this time, difficulty was. encountered with the valve completely:, as de_talled . i.n Seci"lon 3.2.4 *.. Closing torque *against ful I flow was.measured using a ta-que wrench* on the manual operata-fn order to detennfne operator requirements

  • . The orf gl nal 3-14
  • * . .

,* ft gure 3.2-1. Photograph of the Westinghouse Corporation.

M:Jtor Operated Gate Valve C88 Serles>. lnstal led In the Marshal I Valve Test Facll lty.

Table TEST V Af.. VE DESCRIPTION, TEST SER I ES M-WSl General Yalye lntonnatlon IVanufacturer

Westinghouse c.orporatlon Description ********************* ****** M:>ta-Operated Gate Valve M:>de I * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


-C 88 Ser I es) Serfal No ********** ************* ******

  • Drawing No ..............................

8374034 General Yalye Q;?erator lntonnatlon IVanufacturer

Limlta-que Description

M:>ta-lzed Valve Operata-I *************************.

  • * * * * * * * * * * $-00-15 Serial No *******************************
  • Voltage *********************************

575 3600 *Not supp I I ed by the manufacturer 3-16 -;._

. I \ f ** ( **

  • LIMITORQUE .OfE-RATOR St:AT R.tNG WEDGE GATE. (CLOSE:D Figure 3.2-2. Dlagran of the Westinghouse Corporation, Motor Operated Gate Valve (88 Sertes),.Model MOD03000GM88FNBODO, Drawing 8374034. -.,_,., .'; .

. " ' --. ' .* Rotorl( 1.4-NAl op.era.tor was f Jrsi" a.Rotork 16-NAXl ,operator.

an.d ffnal ly-* *,*,with :the.:W.est_ln.

_and -sup.plied Llrnltorqu.e:SB-00-15 operat<r:.

  • * * .. -_*. for* a 575 .volt power supply. Wft.h th_e Llmltorque operator:

1.nstal led, the.valve . * .

against *fui_I .. fl°"'* and .the cal.

and checkout actrv itles.


  • . * .. -,; .. Ori August f3,' J980 the .EPRI eval uatlon tests were performed:


°block *valve *.. When the.test section was there *was .. a conslderable:amount of ** leakage around the packing,;* .Once th.a

  • was tlghfened,.

the leakfng stepped *..

  • On . . the ,first attempt to cycle the valve. *the.*valve
  • . . se.ttfng l_ncreased to sl lghtly. above which*.

the operator-produced a torque *of* 182 .ft.;;.lb 11 and. the:

ly orLthe seeond

  • try; throughout ttie renal nder of the eval uatl on .test. . . ,' . . ' . ' After the evaluatfon valve removed from the.test dfsassembled 11
  • and .. vlsually*'1nspected In the presence of*.the_Westfnghouse_


  • . Table. 3.2.:.2summarlzes cycles for the test valve:durlng the.tfme*Jt was:fnstalled

_In .the Marshal I test sectf on.* 3.2.3.<Resu Its of the Eya!yatfon fest -' _-. . The uatt on* test* for,*:the West.I nghouse.

was* performed_

on August* 13,

  • 1980 *w I th .* the Control* Components I nternatfona I PORV mountecf downstream of *the Efv()V In the test *section.

Since the procedures described In. Section had not been ffnallzed.

the actual operatf ng* procedure for the eval uatlon test of th Is vaJv_e .varied sl lghtly fran . . the procedures prescribed f n Section 2.3* 11 but the total *number of eval uatlon *test** ' ' *_valve .eye I es was 21 as spec If led In Section 2.3 .1. The torque. sw Itch settl ng on the .operator was 3.75. for .at I cycles after the first durf ng the .. eval uatlon test. The resu I ts are* summarized f n Tab I e 3.2-3 11. Eva I uatl on Tes+ Data * . OPERATION

t. .The f I rst operatf on, a seat *t eakage. test. was conducted with. an a-If fee *pressure of 2410 pslg. A leak rate of 0.0 gpm*was.measured.
2. Operation 2, a stroke C!nd 30-second.

ful I flow test,. cons.I sted of one cycle of the valve with the flow rate determination being made Just prior to valve closure. For this operation the Efv()V was opened, ful I flow was establ I shed through the valve test section by open'ing the PORV, and then the EK>V was closed against ful I..

  • flow. The* orlf Jee. pressure was 2310 pslg during ful I flow. giving an* estimated flow rate of 228,000 lb/hr .* The fully developed pressures downstream*

of the'* PORV. were 2180 and 540 pslg 11 respectively.

Instead.of closlng completely against full.

the EM:>V remained 4% open at the end of the cycle.

.. t * * . I Table 3.2-2


OF VAf..VE CYQES, TEST SERIES M-WS1 Operatron Valve. Cycles Total Descrf ptron Nunbers Cycles 1-91 . 91 Pre-Evaluatron Test"Operatrons Leakage Test 2 92 Stroke and Fu I I Fl°"' Test 3 -* Leakage Test 4 93=96 4 Stroke Test 5 Leakage Test 6 97-102 6 Stroke Test 7 ,_ Leakage Test 8 103-108 6 Stroke Test 9 Leakage Test 10 109--111 3 Stroke Test 11 112 Leakage Test 113-114 2 Post-Evaluation Test Operations 114 Total NlJTlber of Cycles on Test Valve

  • i *Operatf:on 3 was anftted fa-th fs valve. I w .I N. 0 Dat9 Table 3.2-3 . EVALUATION TEST DATA, TEST SERIES M-WSl EMOV . MANUFACT1JRER1 We5tlnghouse Corporation VALVE TYPE1 Motor Operated _Gate Valve O,CI Taqie 0-ltlm RJIV lb. Sllltdl '"'55ln Ssttlr.i Pl5 .fhi55tre Pf1 pslg pslg RJIV O>la.1latud IDmstrean Flcv Rzrt9
  • fhi55tre Pl2 pslg . lb/tr 90/ . MOOEL ID.1 M0003000GH8Bft4l0DO SERIAL N0.1 BOI .. * . BO/ Q-lflce . Rm . . RJIV * * . 0.IOJlatud Tallll Strd<e lhissire . ln.nstrean Flow Rate . Pan:Utt .of ktuatlai -Tim Pr5 f'resslnl A"U5sin T111111 Pf1 m* lillC lillC pslg 11:'19 pslg .. -lb/lw:-. .*. EK7>' IU;ltlai.

Ari:a1t 2.3. ', .**. .. _---rn *. \) :;o ......... . ::s: > :;o (/) :c r rn < -t -t CJ >. ...... .*

  • w I N , .... f Qi19 Tcrqie I ()-1 flea RRI !. ltdt in-re ""5trean "" ft'esslrw Pf1 pslg I 1M7' q>ef1ld ta I nltl llhl <¥nrtf a1 2. Table 3.2-3 (Cont!.,d.)


9"' ""' ::iQ-ltlm

""' R1N 0.lml.,..

Cbmstrean Flew Rate Rl&ltlai Total A"-.-. n:..nstrean

  • flc:W Pate fTu5san Arallit ot 1ctumt1a1 r1.. m A-e.s&re Ftesstre PJ2 Full (¥r'I Tine ** Pf1 Pl2 pslg lbllr llllC llllC pslg pslg lbllr o.o o.o 11.2 M 2160 :ax> l!O H l I Oil Q.Q o.o o.o 0.0 -o.o 2 Slai qmtrg of valw mused bf fnclt 11y electrlail equlprllllt fnllire. l fl4Jhre di 5IC 1'111Died fa" c:yc:les ICll 1hra.9i 111. * ** .. ..-OOi I '°* Rl&ltlai . Rimi lblas Arallit ot I !Jiii 100 100 *1 .:1.: . ' '...:.:..*
  • ' rn ;g ..........

3: )> ;::o <n :i: f! r* rn < -i rn (/) -i )>

f) ' ' . -.. -* * **OPERATION*

3 .:*. Th*e th frd* operatf on;. a, I eakage *test, <was. om f tted * . * ... * .. **-.,. ' ' . . ' . ' . OPERATION 4 *.. There were /our eye! es of the. EMJV on a stroke teSt "fl evaluate openf ng the EMJV *against statlc pressure .. and* cl osf ng It agaf nst full f I . , . ' ' -. . -'* ; . . . . -----.Jhe orlf Ice pressure upstrean of*the EMJV var.led_ frorrr 2380 to 2420 pslg .prJ(f to valve.

Ing and* frcxn. 2290* to *231'0 psi g prJor -to val cf ng *against f ul 1-f i'ow > Pr I o:r < . ' ' . . -. -.. -. . -* :.." ' . *. . .. , to EMJV c I the PORV

  • upstr:ean was .be"tte'ee_n 2140" and 21 SO i g -. an. d th.e
  • downstr.ean .pressure was* 590 psf g.*. For *tile four-total* oPening actuation.

' . ' -. --. ' ' .. ' . *time varJed between .6.9 and 7.2 'seconds*

and .the total _Cl ng on*

.*var f

_between 7.0:-and seconds *.

var:.fed between 6.0and.6 *. 5* seconds, and the varfed-between-7.1'and1.a Seconds fer

  • OPERATf ON 5. The f I fth _. operatl on,-a* va Ive* I eakage' test, was conducted w Ith an a-if tee ' ' ' pressure of 2385 psi g.-A -1 eak rate of a.a *:gpm was measured.

' ' ' ' . -*OPERATION

6. There were: six cycles of .the EMJV during Operatf'on 6, ar:iother.

stroke *test to evaluate opening the EMJV '3gainst pressure and.closing.Jt against fuil .flow. The. orl-f fce pressure.

upstrean of t.he EMOV var fed from 2365 to 24aO pslg prior. *to valve .opening and from 2280 to 2305 pslg prior to against full Prior to* EK>V closure, *the PORV 1Jpstrean pressure was.*between 2120 and 2150 pslg; an ' ., ' . -' ' -. . ' **the PORV downstrean w*as *between.

580 and 590 ps I g;.-.* For . the*. six .eye I es t.he * * ' . ' * .. total openlng actuation time varied between 1*.1 and 7.3 seconds and .the total closing actuation trme varfed between 7.5 and*7.7seconds;, -The 6penJng tlme ..

.. *.between 6.3 and 6.5 seconds for: each an.d the closing .stroke tfme varied between' 1.a and.7.2 seconds. *.OPERATION

7. The seventh operation, another* valve leakage te5t,-was conducted w*lth * *an orlf ice pressure of 2400 psig. A leak rate-. of gpm was measured *. ' . ' . ' . . . -. . . . . . OPERATION a*. There were six cycles of the EMJV during Operation 8, a Stroke test to. eval open Ing the EMJV against statl c* pressure and cl osl ng it aga Inst f.u I I f I ow.
  • The rupture disc ,was* ranoved f ran the. test sectl on before Operatl on 8 was begun. *The
  • or if lee pressure upstrean of the EMJV var led from 2345 to 2415 ps I g prior to va !*ve opening and fran 2300 to 2320 pslg prior to valve:closlng against .ful I* flow. to Ef<<>V closure,.

the PORV, upstrean pressure between 2140 and 2160 psi g, and the PORV downstrean*pressure was 200 pslg *. For*the six cycles the total opening actuation . tlme var led* between 7 and -13. 1-seconds, -and -the-total* cl osl ng actuation time range between seconds. The:openlng stroke time varied between 6.3* and 12.9 seconds for the cycles,* and the closing si-roke time varied between 6.8 .and 7.1,seconds.


' .... " ,. . . . . ' . . OPERATION

9. The n I rith operatl on, *a *va Ive I eakage *test, was conducted w Ith* an cr 1.f Ice . pressure**.

of 2410 ps-lg. **A leak rate of 0.0 gpm .was measured*

' ' '

  • OPERATION 10.* There were three eye I es of the EMOV dur Ing Operatl on 10, a stroke test to evaluate opening the EflOV agalris1".

si"attc pressure and closing It full flcwe The orifice pressure upsi"rean of the EMOV varied from 2375 .to 2410 pslg prier to valve opening* and from 2280 to 2305 pslg prior to valve closing against ful I flow. Prior to EMOV closure, the PORV* upstrean ptessuria was between 2130 .and 2150 pslg-.whlle the PORV downstrean pressure remalned.consi"ant at 200 pslg. For the three cycles the total opening actuation time varied.from 7.0 to 7.1 seconds while the total closing acttiatl on ti me was con st si"entl y 7 .6 seconds. The* open Ing stroke ti me was* between 6.3 and 6.4 seconds for. each cyc1*0,. and the. cl osl ng. stroke time. was between* 7. l and 7 .2 seconds. OPERATION

11. The eleventh operation normally consisted of one leakage test. Hot/ever, for this.test valve, the eleventh operation consisted of a leakage test, fol lowed by a s1"roke test, fol lowed by another leakage test. The rupture disc was.relns1"alled Jn the test sect I on before Operatl on 1l was begun. Dur Ing the f I rst I eakage test In the operation, a leak rate of 0.0 gpm.was measured with an orlflce pressure of 2400 psfg. Dur Ing 'the stroke. test the or f .f Tee* pressure upstrean of the EMOV was* 2400 ps r g pr for to valve openf ng and 2300 psfg prior to valve closing against ful I flow .. The nanfnal* PORV upstrean pressure was 2140 psfg, and the PORV
  • downstrean pressure.was 600 psi g. The total opening actuatlon time was 7.3 seconds, the total closing actutatlon time was 7.4 seconds, the openf ng stroke time was 6.4 seconds, and the closf ng stroke *tfme was 7;.0 seconds. The second leakage test of Operation 11 was cenducted with an crlffce pressure of 2400 pslg. A leak rate of 0.0 gpm was measured.

The Westinghouse EMJV, mode.I MJD0300GM88FNBODO, fully opened.and closed during the evaluation test for* all cycles after the first-* The torque was Tncreased,after the first cycle to account for*JncreasedpackJngtTghtness

  • . The valve was-dJ.sassembled
  • and Inspected after the evaluation test and*al I *internal parts were Jn good condTtTon.

3.2.4 Sypp!ementary Test Results The supp I ementary test data Inc I ude data. gathered both *before and* after the eval uatl ori *test performed on August . 3, 1980.

  • Cal I brat! on and checkout act Iv ltl es* were carried out dur Ing the period of June 27, to August 11, 1980'. The.valve was Initially Tnstal led Jn the test section on June. 3-23.
26. 1980 with a Rotork 14-NAl operator .suppl led by Duke Power ... The operator was set .. at a t6rque switch settrng of 4 to. produce 110 _ft-lb torque on the valve stem which was reC:ommended by Westinghouse In order to close the valve. On July 1, 1980 the test Et-OV was cycled against ful I flow at 2200 pslg for the first time. The Et-OV did not close fully. The valve position Indicator' measured a valve. position of 30% of ful I open. At ttie 30$ open valve position, the f I ow was approx! mate I y 138,500 lbs/hr. The torque swltc.h setting was 4-1/2toproduce130 ft-lb ..
  • torque. On demand, the valve was closed agar nst f u I I f I ow at 241 0. ps I g and went to
  • 28% of ful I-open-valve positl on, I.e., It only closed 72% of rated stroke. The ta-que switch setting was Increased to Its maximum setting of 5 to obtain 170 ft-lb torque. The EMOV was closed again against ful I flow at 2400 pslg and stopped at 22% of full-Open valve position.

The leakage flow was below the range of the *orifice measurement, so

  • an attempt was. made to do* a seat I eakage test, . but th Is test was aborted when ttie FDRV
  • downstrean pressure reached 260 ps I g. The PORV was then closed to stop the I eakage. *The EMOV was closed with no flow, and the ?ORV.was opened to do a. final seat leakage test. The EM:>V had closed to 0% of ful I-open and showed a 0.0 gpm leak rate. On July 8, 1980 ttie Rota-k 14-NAl operatcr was removed fran the valve and the Westinghouse manual operator with a handwheel adapter was. lnstal led. A cal lbrated torque wrench was obtal ned to establ !sh the requl red torque needed to close the va Ive. The test rig was pressurized, the EM:>V was cycled twice, and a seat leakage test was performed w Ith a resu I ting I eak rate of 0.0 gpm. The EMOV was then* opened and the. PORV was opened to establish ful I *flow. The -Efv'OV was closed manually against ful I flow with the torque wrench. The readings were as fol lows: 35 ft-lb -60% valve position 95 ft-lb -30% position 100 ft-lb -25% valve position 120 ft-lb -18% valve position 125 ft-lb -17% valve position 140 ft-lb -12% valve position 145 ft-lb -10% valve position 160 ft-lb -7% valve posit I on 155 ft-lb -5% valve position . ) 165 ft-lb -. 4% valve position
  • 160 ft-lb -3% valve position 160 ft-lb -2% valve position 160 ft-lb -0% valve position r: .. c'*. At th Is po r nt a seat, I eakage test was conducted.

A I eak rate of a.aa8 gpm was measured *. . The. test r I g .was then . I soi ated and test 1 ng was. d I scontf nued. The* next day the estf.nghouse valve* representative added: grease ,to the the' I as+' four threads* of. the aid r.n closing the valve.* The test rig was again the EMOV. was manuallyclosed with the aid of a torque wrench. There was no observed reduction rn the required torque. The torque required to fully close the valve was 11a I b. The West I hghouse representatr ve prov I ded two we I dab I e stral.n. gauges *to be,: mounted on the valve stem. This. work was flnfshed on the.*valve by July 21,, and testing was . . ' . .* . . . . continued.


16-NAX1 operator-was.

Iilstal led on was callbr.ated

  • for ful I-closing.

torque of 1sa* ft-lb *.

  • The test rig was pressurized and the EMOV was closed against ful I flow. The valve went to the 20% of .ful 1-open_valve position.

The EMOV was closed the rest of the way by hand and a seat leakage test was performed.

Leakage readings were a.a gpm. The torque sw Itch oil the Rotork operator was el ectr teal ly bypassed w Ith a Jumper to al low a ful:I torque.of 240_ft-lb to be appl fed to:*the The EMOV was then cycled *against ful I flow. The valve, opened and closed* against ful I* flow*, but blew the fuse n the electric supply to the operator on the closing portion of the cycle. On July 22, 1980 an attempt: was made to.cycle EMOV against ful I flow. wlthout::the Jumper rnstalledand It closed to* the 20%?f full-open*:valve posftlon.

The circ 1 uit to bypass the torque switch was relnstal and the EMOV was partially closed to[73% ' ' of ful I open and then fuf*ly closed twice against ful I flow. A seat leakage test !was performed with a resuittng leak rate of o.o gpm. On Jul.y 29, the Rotork 16-NAXl operator*

was rerno'lect*from

.. ,ffle valve .and *taken to*Mc:Gulre Nuclear Station to*be bench tested. The results were as fol lows:* TorQue Swftch Setting Closed TdrQye Open TorQue . 3

  • 4 4.5 5 75 ft-lb' 115 ft-lb 150 ft-lb 175 ft-lb 60 ft-lb ,105 ft-I b 130 ft-I b 175 ft-lb " .... -..
  • f ** / ... On 11, the Ffotork wlth-:a:. of .*175 ft-:1 b,--was* rel n_stal I ed *on_ ,,*. the-Er.'OV. : Th.e'\'/estlnghouse' block valve cycl:ed-10 ti.mes* against ful I flow, . ' . . . .and *.each ttte Ive

  • f u:I ly

_-A seat, I was

'+tie 10 . *. . .. .. ** .. , . '. *.*, ' ' . . ', . . . ,* cycles with a resulting/leak ra1'e of 0.0 gpm.:, The valve-was then*eycled 10 looi-e

.. ,_. . . . -. . ' . '

  • after I ch a* seat I eakage test* was per:-fortned.

an(j *no I eakage was: observed ***. . . . . ,. . ' . . ' ' . On August 12, the 16-NAxl:operator was *removed ftorri the valve replaced wltti . **::a

.. operator w Ith a* mofqr, rated at. 15. :_ft-I b torque -and 575 volt

  • capab t I f ty. to be* co.mpatlb I e. w J th* Duke* Power el ectr r ca 1
  • systerri_s.

'. Th is: was the . : Westl nghouse-recommended .operator for th ts vai ve *. The valve-was:

cycled ... * -ag'al.nst ful i

_and:. for .. each the

.. swltch was *Increased by_

untU ly c1'05ed aga-inst t'ul I flqw_. The flnai >.torque switch settJ_ng was 3.75, which was a

of 175 .ft-lb. The. EMOV*. 'was eye I ed two .more *tr mes after* .the eval'uatl on -test at I ater In . . . addition, the valve was used as an .lsolatlon valve* during PORV testing. The val_ve eye I ed c rosed each ti me w J:th a fr na I I eakage_ rate of 0. O gpm * ... The*;val_ve*:was*dlsassemb.led_, and Inspected after completion of al 1. testing.":

The wedge guides .showed* seine sl lght *gall l_ng but aU otha-Internal:-

comp.onents were Jn good* cond t.tl_on. The results.of these supplementary tests,are summarized Jn Table 3.2..;4. . ). . i --1 . . . . '

  • 3-26 I \) :.J * ;. Table 3.2-4 SUPPLEMENTARY TEST DATA, TEST SERIES M-WS1 EMOV MANUfACT\JRER1 Weatlnghouao Corporation VALVE TYPE1 Motor Operated Gate Vol ve Oicl to. Ta-cp1 *1 0-. lflc:a Swlfda Setting m po;lg RRi f\"essn Prl po;lg RRV A"uislro Pl2 pslg . MODEL ID. a MODO::IOOOGMBBfNBODO SERIAL NO.a* . . . Oil°' I irted IKN IKN 0-lt lea RRV RRV Oil°' I llted 1KN flew Rirht Airiltlm Tatel *
  • Pa"cent of lcluatlm f'luisl.re_ lbnsfreau' flew Reta !Ultlm m Jnssan ftllSSlrO FVt:ent ot ful I (4>ml Tina lb/Ir ' sei: Prl Pl2 Fu 11 C4>mi pslg .pslg lb/Ir Led<nga Foat Reta H:llus gm ' \ m -u ' :;o .........


3: )> ::tJ (/) ::i:: '*> . r r m 'i§ *< -t m (/) -t O*

I !\,) :x> lllll9 ' to. UZI j 16-MX1 "1171 lm!'A( 7/'ll 2+0 IUltR\ **->>-0 RJltR( 7/'ll Table 3.2-4 (Cont'd.)

SUPPLEMENTARY TEST DATA, TEST SERIES Tcnr--10-lflce RRY Sf Itch lhl5Sn Lpsti-ean Sutt-Ing *m .. ' Pl1 pslg pslg 2 I a a QQ .a_111 n n nn* ... , 0.0 ' o.o ... , 0.0 o.o ..., o.o 0.0 o.o DQ o.o o.o . I RRV . Qsloi I ..tad EM7i

  • EM7i EM7i D-lflce RRY RRY Fl°" Rate fbsltlao.

Tatar 5trdte f're5sln fhlsstn

  • Alnlllnt of h:tilatlao:

Tina* Pl5

  • fTessu-e fT1i5sl6w P12 Full qieri Tlnil * . . .
  • P11 P12 * .. pslg lb/Ir * ' sec* soc pslg pslg pslg * -,o.o o.o ' 0;0 ... ----jo.o -o.o o.o aa QQ la!
  • 1 : -flfl fl, nn n n* n_n o.o. 0.0 o.o o.o --. o.o o.o o.o --*-o.o o.o
  • o.o* o.o' ..; ---o.o o.o -DQ U!l o.o o.o o.o 100' ** Qsloi I crted ' EM7i Fllif Rlite fbsltlcin lb/Ir o.o' o.o .f\rc&it of 100 100 ***. l..ed<Cigis Feat Rlllw ' ' tbtus IP i' ' rn ":'U :;:o -..........

'.]: )> :;:o .en :::c )> r-r-rn ..... '-< ., rn en ., CJ )> ., .)> . ' .*

,,.) I "\) .0 f lllll9 O,CI lb. Table 3.2-4 (Cont'd.)

SUPPLEMENTARY TEST DATA, TEST SERIES M-WSl T'"1J9. .I 0-lflm ftRY . Soll tdl fraisln lpitJ"Uall Setth9 m A-as.sino Pl1 pslg pslg RRV

  • Calculated n:..nstrean F lcw R"9 Pl2 pslg lb/Ir Bot lbsltlm Percent of EMJ¥ Bot 0-lflca ftRY row . Tata I S1Td<e A-aslsln 4>sfnimi lc:tuatlm Tine m l'hlsstn*

Tina Pl1 Pl2 -= 58C P519 pslg pslg* Olloll lltad Bot Flew Rnt9 f\:&ltlm lb/Ir Percent of l..ed<ega Foot Raht tbl'UIS * !IJll 7 7,8. -*-*7 7 7,9. 7,10 11 *. -.. , rn -a ;o: -....... 3: (/) : :c i *r rn ts < -I rn (/) -I CJ ii > -I >

Table 3.2-4 (Cont'd.)

SUPPLEMENTARY TEST DATA, TEST SERIES M-WSl cat. O,CI Taqis 0-lflca RRf RRf Oslaihrted EJQI EJ.O>' FmV FO!V Oslailafud EJQI Foot to. S..1-tch A-ussu-a Flew P.ate Alsltlai Totnl Cb.nstrecm Flew Rate A:altlai Ami lbtes Setting ,,..., ft8S:iU'8 A-esslre f\n:mt of /ciu!rtlai lhlssu"8 l'resslre Arant of i Pll Pl2 Full C4>s1 Tina Pl1 Pl2 ful_I C4>s1 I pslg pslg pslg lb/lr sec pslg pslg lb/lr !Jiii o.o 57-0 RJ1tR( 5.0 24:55 o.o o.o 0.0 w 5&-0 RJ1tR( 2410 o.o o.o -o.o I w 6111 '3-Q RJ1tR( 5.0 239.1 0.0 o.o o.o 0 o.o o.o o.o 0.0 rn "'U 0.0 ::0 '-&'II RJRR( 5.0 2430 o.o :s::: > o.o ::0 (/) :::r: f! &'II til-0 RJRR( 5.0 2425 0.0 0.0 o.o r 8/11 6&-0 RJRR( 5.0 2405 o.o o.o o.o rn &'II 6&-C 16-+W<I 5.0 2jl0 2U:D S'l) &'II RJRR( 5.0 2j9,5 o.o o.o o.o < -f rn (/) -f 0 )> -f >

Table CCont 9 d.) SUPPLEMENTARY TEST DATA, TEST SER.IES M-WSt O,CI TD"IJ'O 0-lflce RRY RJlV Clllallated fK7i EM'.lY EM'.lY 0-lfloa ARI Rm -f'QilaJlated tb. ,Swlfdi A'1l5Sln flOIRnle Fllsltlcn Tahll s Presslre l\>sfTea1I , flOI Rlli9 m '"55ln A-assn f\rant of Actulltlcn Tim "" ftoss&ra A-esstre -' ' 'Pl1 Pl2 Tina Pr1 Pl2 pslg pslg pslg lb/Ir sec sec pst9 pslg pslg lb/l:r EM'.lY Led<"9" foot A:isltlcn Rirtv lbtas PtrCent"'

!1111 *.* ! .. * .. _*. . rri .;g ' 3: )> ::0 ' (/) -:c f!_ r. rn i5 *.< -I -m (/) *-:t CJ .)> -I )>

'* , \ \ :Table 3.2-4 <Cont'd.)

SUPPLEMENTARY TESTD'ATA, TEST SER,IES M-WSl Taq.ia Q'lflm RRV RRV Clllallated EKN EMlY EMlY S.lfdi t.p;trelan Cbonstrean Fla. Rate f\:tiltlai Total Slrd<a rn IT8s.5ir9 f\rc&it of lctuatlai, Tine Pl1 Pl2 Ful I qier. Tine pslg pslg pslg lb,lls: sac sac* *-\ RRv -closed, 1ha EKN .:S closed fnm ltl pail;lai of f!lll fUI I 2 Instill lad 1ha hinl ""8al qi.rata-. . . , l Closed thl! EKN wlffl thl! hmd . .tiool q>Eraia-9lnst andltlcns*

A Ck"!"1 ttie f!C'/ efttr 1t..j S\S"fi.. .

  • 5 Instill lad a A:rla1< lftWCI q>Erahr, 51JPPI lad by . 6 Cle&ad 111a Rm, 1tlS1 cle&ad .'lhB EMN to parfam a seat 1e5t. 7 The 1trq.Ja wm bypassed to close thl!. valw inlar 11D<lnun ft:rqie. 8 Cla;ad 1lla Rm. , . * * ' , * . , 9 Sane 115 8. 10 Sme as 8. . 11 thl! EKN ii>dir 5'hltlc a:ndltlais.

12 Installed a Llml'fa"q.u S'.HX>-1' q>Erahr, 51JPPll ad by Westlrgcusa.

ll A-assirlzad

'Iha sysfun athr 11la'EMJV

""'5 q8iad. 14 ll5led ttio EMlY as 111 lsol,atlai valw RRV 15 Taq.oa swltdi w'm llla'8a5ed to sl lgitly lllxMI l. 75 to dJta In 182 tt-1 b

  • O'lflca RRV RRV Cllla1lalad EKN Presslre O::Ml5traim . Fla. Rlflu 1ts1t1c1i rn ftesslre.

fhissire ' Ptrc::efrt Of Pi1 Pl2

'*pslg pslg _lb/Ir . . ,* .* ... The RRi was 1tl8I qianad ta-1ha EMlV seat, 1eit. . . ' -* .. '-15 . *.* ... rn ' "'CJ . ' ;o ' 3:' )> ' ;o en. :c f:* r .. . rn .<, -i -i .CJ > -i '*)> . I ..




MOD03001GM99FN{-102000, DRAW I NG. 9743D30 * * . ., 3.3.1 Yelye. QesccfatlQO

  • ' .. ' The Westinghouse electric motor operated valve was a 3-ln., 1500-lb class valve which had a Llmltorque*model SM3-000-10 operator with a motor rated at 10 ft-lb torque. The valve was a flexlble*wedge rising stem gate valve designed to Interrupt or Isolate flow. ,. The test Ing* discussed
  • below was***conducted.

w I th *valve model serial number 740004. The Llmltorque operator was a model SM3-0oo .... 10. The valve with the motor operator was tested as a block valve CEMOV> In the conf lguratlon.

3.3...;1 Is a picture of. the valve Tnstal led In the test section at the Marshal I _ faci I lty. Tab I e 3.3-1 presents general valve I nformatl on. A d I agram of the test valve Ts shown In Figure

'/' I I For use In the test progran, the valve body was adapted by welding a 3-fn. schedule 60 pf pe to lnle_t and outlet __ sides of the valve. Also, 31_6'stalnless steel, 500-lb class, 3-ln. raised face flanges were welded to the Inlet and outlet pipes. 3.3.2 !§st Chrooolog):'

The test valve was del lvered to the Marshal I facll Jty on December 11, 1980. Between December 11, 1980 and January, 11, 1981 the valve was disassembled and the valve body . was adapted for testing by the addition of the Inlet and outlet of valve, The valve was reassembled and lnstal led Into the test The Westinghouse representative was not present during these *actlvJtles or *the prel lmlnary testing of the valve. On January 12, '1981, 19 cal lbratlon and checkout cycles were carried out at aimospherlc conditions.

During two additional full_ flow and pressure cycles the valve didn't fully close against ful I flow, as detal led In Section 3.3.4, and the valve was shipped . to West I nghouse on January 13 for r9tiork at the request of the Westt nghouse representatl ve. Westfnghouse'replaced the,Sf.B-000-lOoperator with a SB-00-15 operator, redesigned e yoke, and the motor operator was rewJred to close on position Instead of torque. e*vafve was returned to the Marshal I facfl lty on January 26. 3-33

  • 1 ' ..

+sai eAreA I 1e4sJew e4+ u1 par 1e+su1 'cserJeS 66) eAreA a+es pa.J.eJado

'uor+e.JOCl.JOJ esno46u1+saM e4+ 4deJ6o+04d


Tab I e .3 .3...;1 *TEST VPJ....VE DESCRIPTION, TEST SERIES M-WS2 Manufacturer

_ :*-*

pt I-on*-**.********* ....... *. * *********

Model West! nghouse 'COr.poratT*on*

Motor Operated*

Gate Valve*: tJOD03.001 GM99FNH02000 Serial No ***.*** *************************

74004 , r ng No .............................

  • * * *
  • 97 43030 Geoeca I Ya Ive Qgecator lotpcmsit.I on Manufacturer
                                            • *. *
  • L Tm Ttorque COrporatl on DescrJ pt 1 on **********************
  • * * * * *
  • Moi"or I zed Va Ive Operator**

Mode 1 ***** ** ................... , **.*********.

o -ser I aJ -No. * ******* e ***********

  • *****
  • .Torque Sw Ttch Settl ng * ** *** ., *****.*******
  • .
  • RPM * &1 **-* ************
    • -* , ****** ** .. **********


  • Not supp I I ed by the manufacturer
  • . 3-35. ; ..

..... ' : .*, *. *.*, .* : *, * ... '* *: .. ***. ' * .... * .. -... . * ... .,': . ,.. . *-:_ .... . . _* .... *, .. '.' . . . *. : . ' *, .. '_.' '. ,* i----..;----4 . . . . . . . . ' ' ' . . LIM I TORQUE:-... **.**OFERJA.TOR: .SEAT *RING . . WEDC:SE: *GATE *( CLO.Si=D PO.SITION)

Fl gure 3 .3-2. **Dl agran of the Westf nghouse Corporatf on, Motor Operated Gata Valve (99 Serles), Model Drawing 9743030. 3-36 .... , ' ' * . -* .. .,, .. "

' . : . -*. . ' . . -. *::

  • On January 28, the tes"t valve .. was lns"tal led ln"to the test section and 22 pretest *cal lbratlon and checkout.cycles were carried out In the presence*

of the Westinghouse epresentatlve.

  • Fol lowing the cal lbratlon and checkout, the eval ua"tlon tes"t was performed -accord Ing . to "the prescribed procedures.

The valve was cycled 21 "times during the eval uatlon tes"t. *After the eval uatr on test, the valve-was.cycled' 7 more times and the valve was then removed f ran the test. sectl dl'sassembl ed,. and v I sual ly l nspected In-the pr.esence of*the Westinghouse represerta:f-lve.

Table 3.3"'."2 .summarlzes-the:total .cycles for. the +est valve wh I I e rt was* I nstal I ed In the Marshal I test sectl on. 3.3.3 Resylts of the u&1tlon. Jest . The evaluation test for the Westinghouse Et-()V was performed on January 28, 1981 Jn accordance with the procedures described Jn Section 2.3.1. The Copes-Vulcan R)RV with 316 SS p I ug and* 17-4PH cage was mounted downstrean of the Westl nghouse. EMOV for, the val uatTon test. The valve was *cycled a total of 21 times during the eval uai"fon*tes"t with the motor operator wired to llmli" closure based on valve posJtfon*ra"therthan operat.or-*torque.

The resul"ts are *slDl!marfzed Jn Table 3.3-3, Evaluation-Test Data. QEEBAI(ON

  • 1. The f I rsi" operai"Ton, a seat I eakage tesi", was conducted w I th an orlf Ice pressure of 2430 psfg. A leak rate of 0.0 gpm was measured.



2,. a 30-second ful I flow tesi", co*nsf sted of one. cycle of the valve with the flow rate.determination being made Just* prior to valve closure. For this-operation the EMOV ful I flow was establ fshed through the valve test. section by opening.the PORV, and then*the EMOV was closed against full flow. The orlf Ice pressure was 2315 pslg during ful I flow, _giving an es"tlmai"ed flow rate of 234,000 I b/hr. The fully developed pressures upstrean and downs"tream of the PORV were 2130 and 620 pslg, respec"tlvely.

The EMOV closed completely against f ul I flow with the valve stem position Indicator showlng.0.0%

of ful I open. The third operation, a leakage test, was conducted with an* orifice pressure of 2445 ps I g. A I eak rate of 0. 0 gpm was measured.

  • "* 3-37

. . . :. '

  • Operation 1 2 3 : 4 5' 6 7 8 9 .. , .... 10 . 11 *-'*' ' ' : -. , ** . *, .-. ' . l ..* , :Table.3.3-2 .

'of" VAf..VE CYU.:ES, JEST SERIES Valve Cyci es: * * * .. Numbers 1-44 ,* 45 46-50' 51-55 -* 56-60 61.;..65 .. Total * . Cycles Descr I pt I on. . ; 44 Pr&-Ev*a1 uat.t on 'Test* Operatlons

  • -


  • Stroke and Fu 11 Fl ow. Test Leakage Test 5 *.
  • Str9ke Test . . . -* Leakage Test 5
  • Stroke Test*. Leakage Test 5 Stroke *Tes"t Leakage.Test 5 Stroke.Test
  • L.eakage Tes"t * .... . .. . I_ . "* -* _..:.. ' 66"".'72 *. 7-. Post-,Eval uati on Test Operatt ons
  • 72*. . I Toi"al.\ Number of Cycles *. on Tes-t Valve. 3-38_,_ ---* .. * .*' *.:.

"fable 3.3-3 -. EVALUATION TEST DATA, TEST SERIE$ M-WS2 EKlV MAHUFACJ1JRfR1 Westinghouse Corporation l<<lDEL ID.1 MOD03001GM99FHH02000 VALVE 1YPE1 Motor Oporeted.Gote Valve SERIAL N0.1 740004 Dste ,0,.:1 Taque 0-lflce RRt RRt OilQllafud EM7t EM7t EM7t RRt f{Ri/" . OllQllatud . EM7t lsd<agl foot lb. S.11tll A"85Slr9 L\lsh"lllm lbmstrma .fl"' Rzrta fblltlon Total l\>51rei:m lbm5trean flQf Rzrta Rlisltlon Rzrta tbles Ssttlrg m A"85Slr9 ltessu"8 Pln:ant cl kturtlon f\"u5su"8 A"esslre Pln:ant ol Pl1 Pl2 11nit Pl1 Pl2 pslg pslg pslg IW!r 5"c pslg pslg IWlr £1111 1, 1: ! o.o o.o J *o.o J o.o ) o.o i o.o o.o o.o o.o 3.S 2.8 ZS05 2110 *610 0.0 0.0 3.5 2.8 25:i!l 2130 qi* ... '-:;o 'l.() -....;, 3: )> o.o :;o (/) :c 0.0 f: .. o.o o.o 3.S 2.8 ZlOO 2100 600 100 r m 0.0 o.o 3.5 2.8 229'j 2100 600 <* nt *(/) ., 0 :> -i )> .. I w I ..i::. 0 Table 3.3-3 <Cont'd.)

E.VALUATION.TEST DATA,*TEST SERIES M-WS2 Taque Orifice RR/ S.11di fl°8551J"e tptram Settl "" '"'5sar9 . l'l'I p51g RR/ OllOll ated Cbtrlstrean flQf Rnta A'855lnt Pl2 pslg lb/Ir EKN fbiltlcn l'enlant" ful I q>eri o.o o.o 0.0 o.o o.o o.o o.o EKN Orlflm RR/ Tahll A-es5lre L.pstrean kturtlcn Tim "" fl"OSStre TlllD Pl1 58C 5"C pslg . pslg 3.5 2.8 2500 2110 f{Jli lbwnstrual fl"OSStre Pl2 pslg 610 ** .. *; .... OllOllated EMlY . led<Dgll . Foat flc:w*Rnta lbsltlm'

  • Rnta . ltrtas l'enlant" lb/Ir gm . 100 I m I -u *;o '*., * .. *' 3: > ;o (/) :c .. r .. m < . -i m (/) '*'* -i 0 )> -i )> .. . I

.. ... " . OPERAJ!ON There were f Ive cycles of the EMOV dur Ing Operatl on 4; a stroke test to :***

  • evaluate open Ing the EMOV aga Inst stat I c pressure and c I os Ing It aga nst f u '* I f I ow. . e orlf Ice pressure upstrean of the *EMOV varied tran*2405 to 2445 pslg. prlor**to*valve
  • * -opening and fran 2310 to 2335 pslg prior to valve closing against ful I flow. Prior to Eliov closure, the PORV upstrean pressure.was be-tWeen 2120.and 2150 pslg and the ** PORV downstrean pressure was between 610 and 620 pslg.* .For the five cycles the total open.Ing actuation time varied between and 3.6 seconds, and the total closing actuation time varied between 5.5 and 5.7 seconds. Similarly, the opening stroke time was between 2.8.and 2.9 seconds, while the closing stroke time was 3.3 se.conds for . . each. eye I e. -* QE,RAJION. *. The, fifth operation, another valve. leakage-test:, was* conducted wfthan orlf Ice pressure of 2430 pslg. A leak rate of 0.021 gpm was determined.


6. There f Ive cycles of the EMOV during Operation 6, repeating.Operation 4* The orifice pressure upstream of the EIVOV varied fran 2390 to 2430 pslg prior to valve opening and fran 2295 to 2340 pslg prior to valve closing against ful I flow. Pr I or to-EMOV cl.osure, the PORV upstrean pr.assure was between 2110 and 2150 .. ps I g and he PORV down.strean pressure was between 610 and 620 ps I 9* For. the f Ive eye I es the otal opening actuation time was always 3.5 seconds*, while the total closing actuation time was between 5.5 and 5. 7 seconds. The openf ng .stroke time was 2.8 seconds for each cycle and the closing stroke time was 3.3 QPERAJ!Qtl.

Z* The seventh operation, another valve leakage test, was conducted with an orlf Ice pressure of 2430 pslg. A leak rate of 0.045*gpm was determined.


a *. There were five cycles of the EMOV during Operation 8, a repeat of Operatlons*4 and.6. Theorlflce*pressure*upstreanof.the:OOV varied from 2380 to 2430 pslg prior to*valve opening and fran 2290 to pslg:prlor to valve closing against ful I flow. Pr for to EMOV closure, the PORV upstream pressur:e was between 2100 and 2130 ps f g and the PORV downstrean pressure was between 600 and. 620 ps f g. For the ff ve eye I es the open Ing actuatl on ti me was a I ways 3 .5 seconds and the tot a I c I os t ng actuation

  • time was always 5.7 seconds. Similarly, the opening stroke time. was 2.8 . seconds for each cycle and the closing stroke time was 3.3 seconds. The ninth operation, a valve leakage test, was conducted with an orifice ressure of 2435 pslg. A leak rate of 0.061 gpm was determined. . *./'** . . _, .. A 1 _ . '*',: -

the PORV l:lpstrean pressure was ben/een '2120' and 21'40 "ps I g and the<PoRV . pressure was between 6l0 and 620 pslg. for' the five cycles the'openlng'j:lctuatlon

  • time***.** . ....

3.5 seconds, and the total actuatlontlmewasalways 5.7

>'st in I Lari Yl the, open Ing stroke time .was 2.8 seconds. for each .eye I and the c I os Ing

  • stroke *time was 3._3 seconds *. * *,. ::OPERATION .fl. The .el eventn. operation, a post...;operatl.on*

.. 1 eakage test,*. was' conducted wlth .. anorlflce*,pressi.Jre*e>f2440 pslg.*. A leak:rate of 0.060 gpm.was determined.

'EMOV; model fully* opened and closed on demand. * * * .* .*. for*. the Z1 cycles of the eval uatl on test _w Ith a SE3-00-1 s' Llmlforque operator .and the operater:

w I red' to Tim It *closure based* on post ti on.* .

  • 3 .3 .4. . SLjQQ I ementac¥ Test *Res LI .* The supp I ementary test data* JDC I ude -data gathered both . before and .af:ter* the evaluatl on . . *test performed on _January 28, 1981
  • Cal lbratloo and checkout actlv.ltles were carried out be.tween January
  • and January 28,
  • 1981,. The va_I ve was. Int ti al_ I y I nstal I ed *In test sect I on. on J ,nuary. 12, 1981 w Ith a Lim I torque Sf.'B-000.;.10 operator suppl led by; West I nghouse. **an January12, 198.1 preliminary testing of the Westinghouse block valve

The system was .. pressurized, a seat' I eakage*

was performed, and* a *I eak rate Of 0.0 gpm.was measured.

After-the seat leakage test,*ttie PORV was closed.and pressure*

was reestabl I shed: betWeen the PORV*.and the EMOV. The EMOV* was cycled once and then opened . again. The PORV was opened and,. once* ful I flow-was-establlshed, the EMOV was closed. The PORV upstrean.

pressure was 2160* ps I g, the downstrean pressure was 630 ps I g, and the torque sw Itch settl ng on the L Im I torque was approximate!

y 2. 7. The valve did not close cempletely and *the valve position Indicator measured a* valve* position of*.43% of ful I open.-The PORV was closed to stop* flow. The torque switch was -Increased to Its maximum I lmlt of 2.9 and a second attempt was made to close the valve against ful I flow. The orifice pressure was 2370.pslg, the PORV upstrean*pressure was* 2170. pslg and_ the PORV*downstrean pressure was 630 pslg. *. Again the valve did.not close canpletely*

and the position Indicator measured a valve position of 38% ful I open *. The PORV 42 . . . . . : ; j !

'. I * ,* was*then closed to stop flow. The EtJOV was closed against n(>>flow and the PORV was opened.

  • A fl na I *seat I eakage *read l ng was taken *and showed O. O

.13 the test valve was-ranoJed fran the test Section and sh lpped to nghouse * . for rework, at the request of the Westinghouse representative.*

The veil ve returned to the Marshal I facll lty on January 26 after Westinghouse had replaced the Sr.E-000-10 operator with a which had a motor_rated .for 15 ft-lb torque and a redesl gned yoke. '4es"tt nghouse al so rew I red *the L Im I torque. operata-to be set to I lml"t closure on valve position rather than on t6rque * . *The EMOV* was cycled :7 more ti mes *after* the eval uatl on test. For these the operator was rewJred: to close"on tor.qua switch* settl The*maxlmum torque switch settlng of 2.0 with the 15 ft-lb.ratedmo"tor was used. For cycle 66the valve was opened against 2440 pslg orifice.pressure.

Va.Ive closure was Initiated with the ful I flow of about '240,000 lb/hr at a .PORV upstream*

pressure of 2140 pslg. The valve stopped at a valve posl ti on of 30% of ful I open. The PORV was then closed, and the EMOV was closed the rest of the way against no flow *. A final seat leakage: test was performed.

A leakage reading of 0.039 gpm was measured.

On January .29, cycles 67, 68, 69, and 70-0 were conducted w Ith no f lcw. Valve closure was Initiated with ful I flow of about 240;000 lb/hr a"t a PORV upstream pressure of 2400 pslg. The valve stopped at a valve position of 22%-of ful I open. Th.a-valve was* reopened, and ft then closed to 21% of ful I open against ful I flow at a PORV upstrean pressure of. 2430 ps 1. g.

  • The OOV was aga In opened and the PORV was closed. The resu I ts of these supplementary tests are summarized In Table 3.3-4. The Westinghouse EMOV, model MOD03001GM99FNH02000, fully opened and closed.on demand . for the supplementary tests w Ith a SB-00-15 L Im I torque operator w.hlch was .set to close on 1 lmlt.; The valve was disassembled and Inspected after al I testing. There was sl lght gal I Ing of the wedge guides but al I other components were f n good condition
  • 3-43 i I
  • I
  • ... * 'Table 3.3-4 . . --. . . . SUPPLEMENTARY TEST DATA; TEST SERIES M-WS2 EKIV,
  • MANUFACTURERi llostlnghouse Corporation VM.VE 1YPE1 MotCI" O,peratecl Gate Valve
  • Tcrqut 0-lflm RRY '-"5fram Sett!f9 m A-esslre pn pslg pslg 1/12 1-0 LIMlltJQ,£ 2.7 o;o QilaJhrled Flew Hate IWlr o.o o.o* l<<iDEL ID. I MODOJ:OOIGM99FNH02ooo SERIAL *NO. 1 740004 EKN '.EKN* 0-lf IOll RRY, fbsltlcn
  • fTessare LPsti'am' P<raint of Tine rn A-"5slre Pl1 sue , 'llllC pslg pslg o.o *---RRY. Qila1lated . EKN ll:lwnstnlan
  • Fl ow Rlrlv* ., Fbsl tlcn A-essU-9 . Anient. of ::?.11 . *. IWtr , *. full ':" o.o o.o -' o.o '.* -'o.o '* ,100, o.o ..: _, ---o.o' -0.0* o.o o.o --o.o o.o o.o ;.. 0.0 o.o "' '"' o.o o.o :.. -,-* -. *.:*. _*.' . }-i, 'i * .. *,. * .. 1 * ., '. '<< * .. " .:* .. *:, .--.. rn* "1J -:;o ......:..

',".' 3: (/) -::c ., > r r-** m < '-1 m (/) -i' .. *_.

. .

  • Table 3.3-4 (Cont'd.)

SUPPLEMENTARY TEST DATA, TEST SERIES IBt. O,.Cl l'tiio . Ta"qlll 0-lflm R:RI Qilculated 00.. IKH IKH 0-lf Im R:RI RRi Oil cul llhid EKN l\Dt IG. S.11dl A-assn bnstnlisn Fla. Pnte lb51t101 ' Tahil A-esslre L\>Sfreml

[bwn5tr-Fla..Rsta lbsltl01 Rllla ltJlas Sattlrg m ft"esS&n A"e5sln fU'aWtt of ktuatfQl Tine rn* .. A"essu-e .Araint 'cf Pr1 Pl2 full q.i Tine Prl Pl2 . full q.i pslg pslg pslg IMr sec sec pslg pslo psl!J IMr gm 2470 2460 o.o O;O o.o o.o 2 o.o 0.0 o.o 100 :.. o.o o.o o.o o.o 100 o.o o.o o.o o.o 100 100 o.o o.o o.o o.o 0.0 o.o 0.0 100

__ .u.:o.n__12&_

____ _._m_ ---------_Q.!l_ ___ o.Q. ___ Q..j) _____ QJl_J;p __ t------0.0 . o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o . o.o 100 * **** . ....... -. -1 ,.

w :1 * .i:o. °' I 2 3 Table 3.3*4 <Cont'd.>

SUPPLEMENTARY TEST TEST SERIES M-WS2 . I ,. . . *, Q-lf IOll RRI RRI ,' A-essu-o L\>5frean CbWnstniim 1111111 Pl5 lh>SSU"ll Fhss..-11.

Dml O/Clo Type Tcrqua 0-lflCllll*

RRI RRI, Oslwlated EKN Silfdl A-es$u"o t.pstr111111 Fla. Aste fbsltlcii Setting Pl5 A'055ln ft'llSSITll f\rCent' cf . PO .P12 . 5BC pslg pslg pslg PO Pl2 pslg pslg pslg IW.* 5BC o.o o.o o.o "' -o.o o.o o.o -,--*-* _, --21 2.8 2.3 2450 2500 65 I . ' ' Vel.,. 11as qien;d uldEr f;fatl c modi ti ens. The Llml1trqll) cprata-11as 5111" 1o cla;e ai 1 lmlt. Clmed ttie RRI Sid 11llll clmed ttio EMN 1o cb o 5B11t led<¥ 1ast .* . :.

' :.* _-. *. ,* . . . :: . *:.;' ,, . , .. Qilallirted EKN Led<aga' l1:ot Fla. Ri.fa* R>sftlcin . Rist8 . .' ' totes Pa-cent cf lb/l:r gift' ; . 0.0 100 o.o '*' ,, ' '* 3 rri '1l ;:o *-.........

s:::: > ;:o en ':C, r rn ,,,,, 100 *< en -+ 0 > -; > . I . _ .. ..,

3.4 ANOiOR/DARLING VALVE ())MPANY DOUBLE DISC GATE VALVE -t-rlDEL 5J-1512, DRAWING W 8020757 3.4.1 _Valve Description The Anchor /Dar I Ing e I ectr I c motor a Rotork 16-NAl motor operator.

for lnstal latton Jn a horizontal operated valve was a 3-tn., 1500-lb class valve with It was designed for use as an Isolation valve and piping conf tguratlon.

--_The testing discussed below _was conducted with valve model 5J-1512, serial number E9l27-93-1 The Rotork operator was a model 16-.NAl. _ Modtf lcattons-to both the valve* and the valve operator were Implemented during supplementary_

testl ng prior to the eval uatton tests, as discussed In Section 3.4.4. The valve w Ith the motor operator was tested as a block valve CEt-rlVl Jn a h_orlzontal piping configuration.

Figure 3.4-1 ts a picture of the _valve *1nstal led In the test section at the Marshal I facl I ltya Table 3.4-1 presents general valve Information.

A diagram of the test valve Is shCMn In Fl gure 3 .4-2. For-use In the test*progran, the valve body-was-adapted by welding a 3-ln. schedule 60 pipe to the Inlei" and outlet sides of the valve.

316 stainless steel, 1500-lb class, 3-In. raised face flanges were welded To the lnlei" and outlet pipes. 3.4.2Iest Chronology The test valve was del tvered to the Marshal I fact I lfy on June 19, 1980. Between June 19 and July 29, 1980 the valve was disassembled and the valve body was adapted for -testing by the addition of flanges at the Inlet and outlet of the valve. On August 12, 1980 the valve.was reassembled Jn_ the presence of the Anchor/Darling representative.

On August 14, 1980 the tesi" valve was .tnstal led In the test section._

Pretest ca I t brat I on and checkout act t v IT f es were started on AugusT 15 and I asted unttl _ September

25. During This Time, the Torque requtremenTs for operation of the valve were evaluated-and different valve operators were used as detailed In Section 3.4.4. During the f trst 25 cycles of the valve for checkouT and torque eval.uatlon, tncludtng 4 cycles at stean flow conditions, the valve was disassembled and Inspected twice. Since sane degradaTlon of Internal components was observed, as discussed In SecTlon .4.4, the valve was rei"urned to the Anchor/Dari Ing fact I ltles at Wll I lamsport, PA for refurbishment after the second Inspection.
    • .::.; 47 r* -*_-r

' I I ! Fl gure 3.4-1. Photograph of the Anchor/Dari Ing Valve Company, Doub I e .Disc Gate Valve, lnstal led Jn.the Marshal I Valve Test Facll lty. 3-48 " *, *

' * .*

  • Table 3 *. 4-1 TEST VN..VE DESCRIPTION, TEST SERIES M-AD General Valve lntonnatlon ac:turer-*****.******

o ***.***********

Cl Descrtptton

  • .................**.*.............

Serial No ***************a***************

Drawing No ...............*....*.........

Valve Operator lntonnatlon Manuf ac:turer [)escr I ptl on *** o *************************

  • .........*..*..*..............*...

Anchor /Dar I I ng Va I ve Ccmpany Cbuble Disc Gate Valve SJ-1512 E9127-93-1 w 8020757 Rotork Controls, Inc.; Electric Actuator 16-NAl Serlal No

  • Voltage ******eo************eee********e*

575 57 at 60 HZ

  • Not supp I I eel by the manufacturer.


\* ... .: .. I. ' : ,. . *, . ' -*'. *. ' . :. : ' -. . ,*. -'.' ,' *-; . : . . *'=* . . . ,*; . .. -*, .,'* ROTOR1<* .. * . OPERAIOR YOKE DISC** SEAT RING ,_(CLOSED fOSITlON)

() '* ... -Figure 3.4-2. Dlagran of the Anchor/Dari Ing Valve Company,DoublEiDtsc Gate Model 5J-1512, Drawing W 8020757. * .. ' -.... \. J.

H . :The test valve, which was refurbished and modified ,by the manufacturer, was.relnstal led ln the test section on September 9, 1980. The orlglnal Roterk* 16-NAl operator was eplaced, *first with a modrt'fed Rotork:16-NA1 operat0r*, and then with a,Rotcrk 30-NA1 ' operator.

With. th.e modl fled Rotork*. 16-NAl operator and *w Ith the 30-NA1 operata-1 the .valve closed completely agalnst ful I flow. On September 25, 1980 the EPRI eval uatlon .tests were performed on.the Anchor/Dari Ing b.lock valve* The valve was. cycled 21 times durlng the eval l!atlon test. , Fo1 *1 ow Ing the eval uatl on* test,*. the Rotork 30-NAl. mot6r operafOI"'

was, rep I aced w I th. a* Rotork*. 167'NA1 operator*, an*d* .test Ing to eval uate;.the

  • operab 11 I ty of the valve* at reduced* operator torque. Drscussl on of the post*eval uatlori test cycles can *... be found In Section 3.4.4., Table 3.4-2 summarizes the_ total cycles for the test valve during .the time It was lnstal led i:n the Marshal I *test section. 3.4.3 Resylts of the Evalyatlon Test The eval uatl on test for the Anchor/Dari Ing EMOV was performed on September 1980 -n accordance w I th the procedures descr I bed In Sect I on 2 .3. 1
  • The FI she. r P. ORV was
  • ounted downstrean of the Anchor/Dari Ing EMOV for the eval uatlon .test. The valve was cycled a total of 21 times during the evaluation test with a torque settfng of
  • The .. results are summarized In Table Evaluation Test Data. OPERATION
1. The first pressure of 2420 pslg. . i . . operation, r seat leakage *test, was conducted with an orlf ice A leak rate of.O.O gpm was measured.


2. Operation 2, a stroke and 30-second ful 1. flow test, consisted of one cycle of the valve w Ith the f I ow rate deterni-lnati on* being made Just pr I or* to .va Ive closure.*

For this operatfon the EMOV was ful I flow was established*

through . the valve __ test sectfon by opening the PORV, and*then the EMOV was closed against ful I *flow *. The or if lee .pressure was 2325 pslg during ful I flow, giving an estimated flow rate of 181,000 lb/hr. The fully developed pressures upstream and downstream of the PORV were 2215 and 490 psig, respectively.

The EMOV closed completely against ful I flow with the valve stan position indicator showing 0.0% of ful I open. The third operatfon, a leakage test, was conducted with an crlflce pressure f'2420 pslg. A leak rate.of 0.019 gpm was determined.

-* r:,

J,' ", ( --. .*: ,*' ... '. ' --',, .. "' .. ;-.* ,**, .* ' ,;;;..-_,.*

' -. . . . ' ' . . : . :; .-' .,: .-._ *. -*: ... * .. -*'* ... . *.*.:: -. :*' * *. ' * ., . ;*-:*. . . . -. , .. __ ,-. .. ;, _. ;* -, .* . : . **,1 ,. , . * *.*


.*Of CYCLES/.TESf M-AD ** .. . . . . -Operatt on * **. Valve es Total

.. -* cYcl es* ** .**.

  • De_scr t ptlon-: ** ** ,, " . ______ __,;.-.,...

____ ,,,__ ________________________

_ l 2 4 5. 6 *7 8 '9 .10' 11 . -: . ... _. .*. .. '1:-74 ' 75* .. ... **. -.* 81-85 86"'.-90: . *.,91-95' . 95.;..142

.. * . ,, ,*0 74 _,: CPr.e-Eval uatlpn Operatl . ' '-. ':

Tes+.* *. * -* .1 *, . Stroke and 'Fu II . Fl ow Test , . . ' . Leakage Test**. :*.* **** 1-' ** *' * -'*, ... *Stroke Test . '5 "'

  • l"esf *5 , Stroke Test* . *.
  • Leakage*
  • * , : . : . Stroke Test ' * * :' * -. . Leakage Te_st
  • i " **
  • 5 *. * * ** str.oke Test.-' . ' **Leakage*:

Test. : ,*

  • Post-Eva I uatl on Test OperatT eris/: . 142 . .. Tota*1
  • Number. 'of.** cycles . . . on Test Valve * * *** * . . . . . '_ .. * " *:.* .. 3-52 oJ I n 'oJ I i* \
  • Table
  • EVALUATION TEST DATA, TEST SERIES M-AD EMOV HANUfACTURERa Anchor/Dorl Ing Volvo Canpany VALVE TYPE1 Doub lo Disc Glito. Valvo MODEL ID.1 5J-1512 SERIAL N0.1.E9127-93-I

.. 1 -** u.1.-a..-.....

1'1.,,.1 ** Dat11 O,Cle Type

  • Taqai . O"lf loo RJN RRV Qol alloted B<<N EKH EKH O"lf loe RRV RRV . Qol w loted . EKH lJlCbga foot to.. S.11dl . f\" Lpstrean tbmstreall Fle>1 Rate . lbiltlai Total Strd<E Pt-essini lpstreml Cb<<l5trean FIO.. Rate lbiltlai .Rimi lbhis P15 A-usstro ft'essln-----

Peram Of lctmtlai Tl1111 P15

  • Pt-essini l\roent of Pl1
  • Pl2 full qieri TlllB PTI Pl2 full qieri pslg pslg P51ll lb/Ir
  • m: sec pslg pslg
  • pslg lb/Ir gm o.o 0.0 16.9 6.6 12365 2240 4Sll 100 100 79 61 ml 00 00 0.0 o. O.D o.o 9f1S 79-0 RJJm{ 4.5 o.o 9/3 ID-0 RJl(R( o.o ' 81-0 RJJm{ 4.5 o.o o.o 9f1S 8'!--0 RJJm{ o.o 9/'Z> llHl RJJm{ 4.5 24lli o.o o.o o.o -*-------. **I o.o 9/25 ir>-<> I KJlm< 4.5 I 2eo o.o o.o o.o 0.0 6.7 6.6 Z15 zro sen 100 912' 11H> I KJlm< 4.5 I 2.c15 o.o o.o o.o -o.o 6.6 6.5 ziro 2240 ------4Sll 100 o.o o.o 2ZlO 100 9/25 89-0 I KJlm< 4.5 I 2ai o.o o.o o.o 2ZiO sen 100 o.o zro soo 100 -------*. m -0 ::0 -........ 3: > ::0 --(/) :c r m < --1 m (/) --1 0 > --1 >

\ *.TcrqJe Q--lflm Swl1dl A--us:u:e m pslg Table 3.4-3 (Cont'd.)


  • rI .. RRY RRY Qilailated EKN :. EKN EKN Q--lf lca RRi lbonstrmn Flew Rate lb&ltlai Tatel l'resslre t.pstreim A-essln A-esslre Ptriiirrt of h:tulltlai Tine. m--Pl1 m -

Tine--' Pl1 pslg pslg lb/Ir 5ec Sec pslg pslg o.o o.o o.o. o.o . o.o * .RW fTesstn Pl2 pslg . . . Oil aihited EKN _ l..edaige Foot Flew Rlite Fbsltlai *

  • tbtu; -*Pwcoot.of lb/Ir i:pen* 0 !rtj . ** ... **:; 'i ,. ,-*'. .* ... * , ... * '-*: rn . -u ' :;o . ........ *,-3: )> . :::0 (/) . :c r-rn -< -.;if (/) .. _-I .*o )> -I >

'. . . ' *' * . '*OPERAJ I ON 4. :There were *f Ive eye I es of EMOV dur Ing Operatl on 4, a stroke test to * .....

  • evaluate opening the Efv'OV against static pressure a.nd closing It against ful I flow. . . e orifice pressure upstrean of* the .EMOV varied from 2395-to 2435 pstg *prior to valve *
  • opening and -from 2330 to 2370 pslg prior to valve*clostng against ful 1 *flow. Prior EMOV closure, the PORV. upstrean pressure _was between 2220 and 2260 ps and the **** <.PORV 'downstrean pressure was between 490 and 500 pslg.
  • The total opening actuatlon . . -tlmevar.ted_between 6.6and 6.9 seconds and the total closl_ng actuation time varled ,,, ... between 7.9 and a.o For* each cycle the opening stroke .time varled between 6.5 and 6.6 seconds, and the cl osr ng stroke ti me was. *seconds * . . OPERA"f*I ON -51 The f I fth operatr on; . another*'vaJ ve-J eakage test, condL1cted

... w r th an ort flee* pressure of 2430 psi g. A *I eak rate of o*.041 gpm was detenn tned*;; *OPERATION 6; There were f lve *cycles of .the EMOV .dur Operatlon 6, repeat! ng Operation*

4. The orifice pressure upstrean of the EMOV varied from 2405 to 2430 pslg prior to valve opening and from 2340 to 2370 pslg prior to valve closing ful I flow. EMOV closure, the PORV upstrean pressure was between 2230 and 2260 pslg and
  • the* PORV dowlistrean pressure was *between*

490 and 500 ps r g. The total openl ng actuation fme varied between 6.6-and 6.7 seconds for the f Ive cycles and the total closing time arted. between 7.6 and 8.0 seconds. Slmllarly, the opening stroke time var led from 6.5 and 6.6 seconds* and the closing stroke time varied between .6.1 and 6*.2 seconds for the. cycles.

7. The seventh operation, another valve leakage test, was conducted with an orlflce pressure of 2430 pslg. A leak rate *of 0.058 gpm was determined.


8. There were flve cycles of the EMOV during Operation 8, a repeat of Operatt ons 4 and* 6 *. The or If tee pressure upstrean of the EMOV_ varied *from: 2395 to 2430 pslg prior. to valve opening and from 2330 to 2365 pslg prior to valve. closlng *against ful I flow. Prior to EMOV closure, the PORV upstrean pressure was between 2220 and 2260 psi g and the PORV downstrean pressure was between 490 **and. -SO.O ps I g. The opening actuation time varied between 6.6 and 6.7 seconds for the* five cycles, and . the' total closing actuation tlme varied between 8.0 and. 8.1 seconds. Slmllarly, the opening s-troke tlme varied between 6.5 and 6.6 seconds for the cycles, and the closing . stroke time varied between 6.1 and 6.2 seconds for the cycles.

nlnth operatlon, a valve leakage was* conducted with an a-lflce pressure of 2430 psfg *. A leak rate of.0.066 gpm was de-term.tned.

  • ***


10. *Op'eratl.oh 10 was the .final series of* valve .cycles *to * " ; '* ; . the .EMoV agalnst. s!'atl.c pr,es,'sure and e:Yosi n_g* .. , t' agal nst _ful I f .The erlf tee
.*.. * * . *.* -.*:

of. the.

2390 to ?,430

  • to yalve t*n9 ... from.*. ,. 2330 to 2365 ps_lg prior to valve:closl,-iig*agalnst-.-full'flow.

Prior* to*EMOV. closure, -' * < --* ,the.: PORV; upstr.ecin.

pressure was betWeen' 2220 and . .2260 ps I g . and *the* PORV-was betWeer{

and 500* p*s i The a*cruatJori time.

for* each wh fre the* toi"at_ cl ng*

7..9 * .*

    • secorids.;

For:_each cycle;.._the-6per:il:ng'stroke

  • t.fme**was

6.5 seconds

and the** closi'ng stroke ,time was 6 *. 1 . . . . . . . **-* . '*h-. **.:-'** .,,*-. . OPERATION*

1 l. The :ei eventh a*

I eakage con:ducte*d

.. * *_w*lth orlflcepressul"'.e of 2425 :pslg._ A 1.eak r.ate*of I ., . . . . Tiie. .EMOV ful ly: opened. a11d closed fc:>r 'the 21 cycles *Of .the. eva I uatl on ... I **test.'-.

,**, -3,4,4: Sypplementary*rest Results * . 'The supplementary

.. test.

Included data gathered*-

both. before and after. the -eval uatlon. * *

  • on: September 25,
  • 19SO*. * . . *-*-. . .* Cal lbratlon and checkout activities were carried _out: during the pert_od.of August 15, 1980 to September*25, The in the tes-t section on " August 14;
  • 1980
  • w I th a Rotor k 16.:.NA 1 operator.

Dur t n I ne

  • eye I es w I th out f I 9w the .. valve closed completely,.

but .on subsequent cycl\eswlth ful j_ -flow through the* . . . . . . . . : :

  • test: sect I on,* the valve did n.ot close ccinp I etely. ** The *seat I eakage test shO!lled a leak rate of 0.131. gpm. The valve was disassembled and v. I sua I Inspect I on of .the valve Internals showed minor seat damage.* No repairs were done on the *v.alve and* It was. *.*.

for .subsequent testl-ng to determine opening. and,cl.oslrig tcrque requlranents_.

On August 18 and 19; 1980-ffieAnchor/Darllng valve was.cycled a total of 13tlmes to flnd *the _torque. required to close the valve against ful I flow. For these cycles, the .Rotork operatcr was removed and the. valve*was opera-ted with a hand-wheel*

which could be used w Ith a torque wrench. *Tue maxi mi.Im torque requl red to. f u I ly seat the va Ive . was 300 ft-lb.* The valve was removed from the test section on August 19 and-visually


There was notlceabte seat damage and gal ling on the The test valve was returned to the manufacturer's plant at the request of Anchor/Dari Ing representatl ve. 3-56 . ._ _ .....

' .. (I ' ( " . * ;*' ' . WhJ I e *the test* valve *was at the Anchor/Dari Ing pl ant,. the. seat was mocUf led. to I

  • e area *. This was accompl lshed by el lmlnatlng

'.he 1/.8-ln *. raised face on. e seat. The valve stem and oonnet were also replaced at this time. .* * .. . . . . . . . . . . *

  • On September 9 the reworked Anchor/Dari Ing valve was rel nstal I ed I h the test* sect I on . .

a.modified Rotork' 16-NA1 operator.

During checkout cycles on September 9 and 10, the torque switch setting the operator was varied from.2.0 *up to a maximum of 4.5. The valve did not ful l.y close during these cycles *. * ** A,Rotork representative was'.present*

during cycles of the valve on* September The valve closed-.completely with' a torque ... swltch set:tlng*of 4 during .cycles <<Dnducted*wlth no flow through the test section, but did not close completely against ful I flow. . . The valve did close completely against fut I f.low with a switch setting of 4 1/2. The modi fled Rotork 16-NAl operator was ranoved from the valve so that the operator cou Id be bench tested and the* torque sw Itch settl ngs. ca I I brated.

  • On. September
25. a Rotork 30-NAl operator with* a cal !brated torq4e switch setting. was lnstal led on the valve. With this ope.rater, the valve closed completely 56 times at torque switch settl ng. of 4.5. These.0*

Inc-I uded* three cycl es?'.agal nst full fl°"' n additl.on to the cycles tor the. eval uatlon*test

  • . Th*e::.val ve-was v I sua I ly Inspected on September>26<

and**tound'"to but with sane mlnor scratches on the seat. be-::; I n **good***

ccfn d I f.I on, i i i On October* 1 the Rotork 30-NAl operator was replaced with *another Ratcrk 16-NAl ope rater to further evaluate operating the valve ata lower torque. The valve did not close *fully against full flow at a torque switch setting of 5. The valve was disassembled and Inspected.

The . stem th reads showed sane.* wear, wh I ch Anchor /Dar I Ing* be I I ev ed to be caused by *m{sal ignment**between the operator.*

and the valve.* After the stem .was *al lgned properly, the valve.closed completely 6 times against ful I flow with a ta-que switch setting of 5, three times at a torque switch setting of 4, but failed *for one tr*tal each to close completely against fut I* flow at torque switch settings of and 3.0. The leakage rate, fol lowing the flna1*c1osure against ful I flow at a torque switch setting of 4, was 0.069 gpm *. Final Inspection of the valve Internals showed no additional damage. -e Anchor /Dar I Ing. EMJV was cycl ed a total

  • Of *142 tl mes dur 1 ng test Ing. M:xn f *lcatl ons to the valve. and valve operator wer:e required to achleve .. ful I valve: closure against ... .l

, '** , r, ' .. ; -. . . . . * *

  • The results of, suppl .are .summarized.

In *Tabl_e

'.**. *-, *.' .; . .*. *,. /*;** .. ',**. ' *,_. *I:*** --**. '.* J' I .

  • 3-58
. Table 3.4-4. , > . ,
. SUPPLEMENTARY TEST DATA, TEST SERIES M-AD El<<>V MANUFACTURER1 Anchor/Derllng Yelve Company VALVE TYPE1 Double Dl&c Gete Yelve -,--Dale O,CI Tatµ1 Q-lflca RRi RRi Calculated to. S..lfdl PresSln b:Mlsrr-il flQf Rate Setting Pl5 f\-essre A-esstnl.

Pl1 PT2 pslg pslg pslg lb/lr 5-0 RJltR(. 4.0 o.o 6-0 RJltR( 4.0 o.o o.o &-0 MODEL ID.1 5J-1512 SERIAL N0 .* 1 E9127-93-1 IH7i IH7i IH7i 0-lflca lbsltlm Tatel Pressu-e .Percent of kluatlai Tine Pr5 Tlaa !lllC llllC pslg o.o RRi l\>stTean ftasSlre PTI. pslg 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 RRi Qilculcrlad IH7i lhinstrmn flQf Rate lbs It I cit A-es5ire Peroent of PT2 Full tp&l pslg !II/Ir o.o . o.o 100 100 o.o o.o . 100 o.o 100 0.0 o.o ' 100 laNge foot Rllla tol8s IP 2. 3* 4 .. : ' .. **m* '"O ;o ..........

3: U> :I: r. m < -i m U> -i C* > "-i >

i* I w I Ol 0 lllrtil O,CI lb. 2H> . 9/9 z.-0 RJllR( 9/9 >>-0 RJllR( 9/10 .35-0 RJllR( 9 10 35-C 16-ff\1 Tcnp>> O"lflOll Sollidl. A-B;; Setting Pl5 pslg 2.0 . . -,*: **.;' . : ., (Cont'd.)

  • . <, *.*, .. SUPPLEMENTf\RY TEST DATA, TEST SERIES.M-AD RRV. RRV Cal Cll I ated aol aol .Fem*. "'""'Rat.

A:i51t1Cll Lpstroan t\-e5slre PerCent of l'reSslre Pl1. Pl2 Full q..;* Pl1 pslg pslg lb/tr Sec_' 5"C P519 .:. -..: ..; -0.0 o.o -* -** .:. --*--o.o -0.0 o.o ** -,,. . . '. **"' ': .:: ' . '*,* RRV . CelClllated Floi Riite . aol. F\JsltlCll . A-8sslre . Pl2 .:* .. iii/hi-: pslg :. ..... *I '\. I . Percent"'

  • full .. 100 100 100 o.o. 100* o.o .. ' 100 0.0 0.0 .. '5' 6. 7 .1 i

'.: '_.* ::, ' *'..' *. : -.rn -u ::0 ......._ 3: )> .;o (I) :c *.**;e r rn < rn (/) *a >. > .* .

Table 3.4-4 (Cont'd.)

  • . SUPPLEMENTARY TEST DATA, TEST SERIES M-AD llal9 O,Cle Type Taq.111 . 0-lflO!I RJW RJW . Cttl ai I ated IKN em IKN 0:-lflce RJW RR# Cttlallated . IKN l.eduige flXlt lb. Sfl"ldl A"esslre flCll Rate. R:i&ltlai Tahll
  • f'russu"e Lt>str-n eo.nstrmn flDI Rote R:l&ltlai Rm! tbles Suttll\} Pl5 A:-n f\-essln ,., FVarrt of lctulrtli:n Tina Pl5 fhisstn f'ressln f1rmtt.of Pl1 Pl2 Tina . f'l1 . Pl2 pslg pslg. pslg lb/Ir &er; li8C pslg pslg pslg lb/Ir gm .. 2.0 o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o 6.1 5.6 o.o . o.o o.o o.o 100
  • 2.0 o.o o.o 12.5 o.o o.o o.o o.o 100 J 'I
  • o.o 5.8 5.3 2540 S!Xl 100 8 o.o . 100 -:mo. 21(JQ . 5ID 100 9/10 RJlm< 3.5 2500 2400 38 -2510 5ID 100 38 o.o 100 g 100 . . ca :;;o o.o 38 2400 2400 O;O o.o 100 : ..........

3: RJlm< 4.0 0.0 o.o o.o o.o o.o 0.0 o.o o.o o.o . 100 10 > :;;o ;. (/) 0;0 100 :c o.o 0.0 o.o r .;. o.o o.o 100 m < . .:.; rn (/) .:.; o* > .:.; > " .* J I :! It:> '°' IN . -:. . .. *' .... ** '. Table CCont 1 d .* ) *SUPPLEMENTARY TEST PATA, TEST SERil;S M-AD RRV Fhi5ans "" pslg RRV lbonstnlan fTessni* Pl2 pslg Qilaihrhd 9l1J 9QI 9QI Q-lflca Floi Rate Ri& ltlai Total fTu5stTe f'trcent Ot ktUstlai Tl1111 Pi5 . FUii Tlm11 IMr . * &ec: &ec: pslg . '**.* :_*, .. RRV . RRV Oiilallaled 9c.' LpStn;an IDms1naa Fl°" Rllt8 * .lbsltlai Fhisslre . f'i-essin. . Percent of PJ1 . rn:.. *Fu_ll pslg ., pslg lb/Ir *. 100 *. o.o ., ; . *.* ,_,, . 11 .. . . ' . ' ' :* . .. : . .,. '*.: . ' *, -*"' . * .. * .. *, * ... * ***** . . ca ::0 .. ........ 3: > ::0 .. (/). . . :I: . f!. r *rn*.' < n:t (/) -; .0 > . -; .,> *. .. .:*

,.J I "' ,.J !"-Dlll9 O,CI lb. !51!

e 3.4-4

.* ) SUPPLEMENTARY TEST DATA, TEST SERIES M-AD T<rcpl8 I 0-lf Im RJ\Y RRV Cola1lahid 90I &DI IM7i Q-lflca RRV RJ\Y ** * , Cola1latad Sitlidl A-asslR lbln5treml

  • f lcw R11te lbiltlai Tatel Strd<l 1Tess1Jre lbonstrmn
  • flew Rate* Settlrg Pl5 A"essn A"essn . Perant of ktuatlai Tim. Pl5 f'resslre ir-n Pl1 Pl2 TlllB Pll Pl2 pslg pslg pslg lb/Ir llOC soc . pslg pslg pslg .lb/Ir' o.o o.o . o.o o.o 11.11 1111 1111 0.0 o.o. o.o 110 11.0 11.0 110 o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o I 6.7 6.6 12370 2240 490 llXI o.o o.o ::: g;g o.o o.o o.o o.o 110 DD DD DD o.o o.o. . o.o oo.r Fmt lb; ltlai Rn18 lbles Perant*ot . I IP" 100 1111 100 II.II 100 100 I 13 I n 11? I 100 D.D
  • 100. o.o o.o . 100 o.o o.o 100 o.o o.o o.o 0.0 100 --Ill.II* o.o o.o . o.o 100 o.o o.o o.o 100 --111_11 ILll 100 o.o .. * ..:.:.:** . I
  • 1 . rn -a . ;o -........ . 3: )> ;o (I),* .. * . :c f?. r .. rn . 15. <: (/) -I 0 )> *-1 )>

w I °' Oat. :111,Type

'i** "' . '( ... *,. ! ** i, ._ : _.Table

  • ccont'd.

> .*J* SUPPLEMENTARYTEST DATA; TEST, SERIES *-AD . . ' . ' . " . . !.--10-111"'

RRI RRI* .. ..,w,...,"'" "'"

.*""' .** ""' .:*o.owlolal

"'" . S-l'ldi Fl"essu"e .Flew Rate' fbsltlllll

  • Total -Pt....s.rit

'lpstrecin Cbinstraan Flc:W Raie' -fbslt101

  • Sstthli! m
  • A-esw11 . A-es.sin . --f\Jn::leirt of Actulltlllll Tlmil m _ -fhlSs.n l'Tessinl

_ --)'lrant of -* P11 P12 _ . ' FuU TI1111 *. . _ -' . PJ1. _ Pl2 _ pslg pslg . pslg

  • l_b/lr * &ee-sec
  • pslg pslg pslg -. lb/Ir.' , . * -\ o.o. -24<<> o.o 'o.o o.o -o.o -, .. ---, -... ---*-* -UoU --' o.o -, ---------*0.0-1111 ---o.o -o.o --o.o -*-UoU -o.o --: _: o.o -0.0
  • 2440' *o.o
  • UoU o.o o.o o.o --o.o 0.0 UoU ...... too_ ---*-0.0* 100 -o.o 100 ---o.o . 100. -o.o * , 'l **,!!, l..ed<.llgll Fa'lt. Ami . ttJtaS gm._ . ' r 14* ... \** .. -\,-* .. :*' I !' . " rn -0 :;:o ..........

3: ::x> -;:o* (/) :i: f!' r rn i5 <: -I rn (/) -I 0 > -I :> * ... ,; ,,. \

" l"I n " Table 3.4-4 SUPPLEMENTARY TEST DATA, TEST M-AD TcnpJB 0-lflDI RRV RRV Col ail ated 9.lltdt A'1l5.SIA flew Rnt9 Setting Pl5 ft"BS51n* Pl1 Pl2 -pslg pslg 1 Test wive was Instill led wl1h a shsldanl 16-W.1 q>era!tr.

2 Ofcled wive llidlr 5hltlc Caidttlms.

_ _ * -3 1he wl_.1he rest of 1te Wflf 111 hlnl beflro doing D led<ag& EKlY EKlY ftlsltlai Tohll Percent of h:l\Jlltlai Tine 5ElC 4 lbta1l qia-irtcr

_ird_ tnstol led hlnl """'81 ai 1ast w1w* 1o cperatlng 1ulJ'I'. 5 Ofcled fKN d.rlng RRV 1astlng. . _ ---' 6 Test wlw roflrned 1o lllftlfachrer fer redasl111 inf aallflartlai.

7 lnshllled nollfled 16-tt\1. --8 Yohe tolled 1o with lllJdltled q>enlhr. ll Ofcled wlw lllder shltlc o:nlltlcns.

10 R:Jhril .... nollfled 1te qMlnlkr. 11 Ofcled wlw i:l<<*OI lllder shrtlc o:nlltlcns.

EKlY 0-ltlae StTd<e f'resslre Tine rn 5ElC p519 12 lnstillled D lbftrk qxrafl:r.

13 Ofcles !l6 flra9l SIB cxnslsted of IQ<<'lng 1te 1l:rqJD 118ttl191 1o -*um q,..-otlng 1te wlw et a ICMr 1ulJ'I'. 14 1nstD11ec1

  • lbla'tl 16-tt\1 awl 1.i 111 w.. Pcro1r. ---_ RRV fTesslre Pl1 -pslg RRV Col ail ated EKlY led<agl Feat IDnsttmn Flew Rntu ftlsltlcn Ami lb"'5 f'res5&n --Ptrcmt of Pl2 pslg lb/Ir gJn -,ii -m -,, :;o ....... 3:: .ffill > :;o (Jl :c r n1 i5 < .:...i _m (Jl -t 0 >--t >


Valve Descriptlon

  • , ** The Borg-Warner electric motor operated gate valve was a 3-ln., 1500-lb class valve which had a Rotork 16-NAXl It was designed for use as an tsolation valve and for-lnstal ration In a horizontal piping conf The test Ing d,l scussed be*r ow was conducted w Ith valve model 79294, serial nunber 12325. The Rotork operator was a model 16-NAX1. Th Is valve .w Ith the motor q:>erator was t.ested as a block valve CEMOV>. In a horlzontaL piping configuration.

Figure 3.5-1 Is a p I cture of* the valve I nstal I ed In the test sect I on at the Marshal I fac 11 I ty. Tab I e. 3.5-1 presents general valve Information.

A diagram of the test valve Is shown In Fl gure 3 *. 5-2. For use Jn the test progran, the valve body was adapted by weldlng a 3-In. schedule 160 pipe to the inlet and outlet sides of the valve. Also, 316 stainless steel, 1500-1 b cl ass, 3-in. ral sad face f I anges were welded to. the Inlet and out 'p I 3.5.2 Test Chronology The test valve was del lvered .to* the Marshal I facl I tty on October 4, 1980. Between October 4,. 1980 and November 3, 1980 the valve was disassembled, and the valve body was adapted for-testing by the addition of flanges at the lnl*et and-outlet of the valve. On November 4, 1980 the.valve was reassembled In the presence of -the Borg-Warner representative.

  • .The test valve was i nstal I ed Into the test section and pretest callbratLon and checkout activities were carried out. The valve was cycled a tot':_.1 _ ____.., of 18 times during the checkout activities with the test anblent tanperature and pressure.

Fol lowing callbratlon and checkout, the. evaluation test was performed according to the prescribed procedures.

The valve was cycled 21 times during the evaluation test. After the evaluation test the and v I sua I ly .1 nspected In the valve was ranoved from the test section, disassembled,.

presence .of the Borg"'."Warner representative.

Table 3.5:..2*-*


'. ,, . I:

+se1 0A1eA I 1e4sJew 04+ u1 p011e+su1

  • eA1eA e+es pa+eJado ,.JO+oW '+uawd1nb3 A5J0u3 04+ 10 0Jn6td *
  • I' u I C' Table 3.5-1 TEST VAf..VE DESCRIPTION, TEST SERIES.M-BW Generaf Valye !nfonnatlon Manufacturer
  • ..*..*............*...*..*...

C>escr f ptf o"' * * * ** * *** ***.************

  • *. -****** Plodel Serfal No *******************************

Draw Ing* No, *** '.Ii ******************.

  • ******* General Valve Operator lnfonnatlo.n Ba-g-Warner Energy*Equlp111ent Pieter. Operated Gate Val ve 79294 12325 74380-1 Manufacturer

Rotork* Controls, 'Inc. Description

  • Electric Actuator
  • * *.: * * * * * *******a***


  • e * * * * * * * * *!* *
  • 16-N.AX1 Serial No ************ ******************
  • Torque Sw*itch: Sett! ng *****************.**
  • . Vol iage ****.*****.*** .
  • 575 ***********************

1* * * * * * * * * * * *

  • 57 at_ 60l-fZ *Not suppl led by*the .manufacturer.

3-68 * -,;._

' ' (CLO.SEO

  • ROTORK OPE.RATOR .SEAT WEDGE GATE. Figure 3.5-2. Dfagran of the Berg-Warner Energy Equipment, Motor Operated Gate Valve, Model 79294, Drawing 74380-1.
.: .... _, .. __ 1, *, .. :* ,I * , . *: . .. ' *,.'., : .. sUmmartzes

+he led'i.n.*


  • Marshal I
  • I on **.. > * .-* *.**_' ;** :: .**_.*' * ... . .. **, .. " : '. *' > > '. 3.5.3 *, Rasul.ts of tbe .. Ey'a! Yatfon. Test* ;*, ' .. ** . ", *:* __ .. , ... ._.,. . . . ' . . *" .... *.**' ... .. . . . . . . ; *."'.** ",* . '.'. ' .. . The ori*: .. test for Bor:g-Warner


  • .4 ,-.' : r n
  • the.

The PORV . . " * . * , .* , * .. . r * **. . , , . , : *.;mounted.

downstrean*of' EMOV* for the $valuatlon' The vaJve was. *.**:. dtcled .i total of 2r tlm.:ls-dur_i ng *+he uatfon'-

w rtt1--a.

s\rdtch Ing 'of* . _ . . -. , . . . . . . . . . ' . c; * . * . ' . ' ,,** . ' :**oeERATtON 1.* The first-operation; a::seat-leakClge test,* was conducted-with:

an orifice -pressure .of 2460 pslg. :A leak rate 'of measured. . , ' .** .* :;**: >>; *., ' ' OPERATION 2 *.

'2, *a' strole and .fuf t f IO\Ctes+,:

consisted of one . . -. " . . . . cycle of. the val ve*wrth the f I ow r;ate* detenn bel ng

  • just ... 'J)rl or :to. valve . . . . *. . '* . *, . . .* ' . . :-closure.*

For* th Is operatf on -the *.Ef-OV. was opened,* ful I flow was*



the PORv;*andthen:*the EMoV C)gar.nst fu'11 .... f l_ow *.. Jhe orl f Ice pr05sure was .2340: ps lg:durln,g tuf :1.: f.I ow;*.g lv{ng.:;,an, est I mated* f

  • rate *ot 194,000 1-b/hr.* **.-The ful:ly*:

oped .upstr;eam -and of-.. the : PPRV*d.'520 p:Slg;:

The 0 EMOV" c.I osed compl'etel_y*

  • aga l:nst 'f u I I wfth -the valve stBn' 0.0% of ful ropel1.' OPERATION
3. The th lrd* operation; a leakage test, was conduct9d with. an :orifice pressure . . *. *Of.2450 pslg9>A leak r_ate*Of
  • ... QPERATION 4 *. There"were five *cycles<of the* EMOV dur.lng Qperatton 4, a stroke*test to* evaluate *opening the. EM>V_* aga*lnst static pressure.

ai:id *closing, If.

ful If low *. The orl'frce *pressure*

upstrean of. the EtlOV: varied:_ from. 2400:'to 2440 g prior ,to:valve

  • open(ng and from 2320 +O* i31o>*psl g-prior to valve* cl-os*r ng *aga Inst fuU _ .f I ow *.*. Pr I or . -. . to Ef-OV **closure,.*

PORV pressure :was. 'between*

2220 and .2250 ps T g. and-the * * ' . ' ' . . . PORV was between-520 and 530 p*srg *. The total opening actuation time var.fed between and. 6.4 seconds,* .an.d .the total closJpg actuation time cvarled be-tWeen 6.1 and 6."2 seconds .. for each-cycle. Al so for* each .cycl'e, the* open Ing stroke :time var.led between' 5.5 arid* 5.8 :seconds, .and the cl osr ng. stroke .. *tf me *var led between:

  • 5;;1.: and'.5.8 *seconds.
    • , OPERATION 5;. The. 'tr fth operatl on, ano-:rner Ive I eakage test, was* conducted:

w I th an .M. orlf Jce *pressure

'of 2445 A ieak rate of *O.O gpm was*measured.

3-70 . . . . -------. . -----.. ------****_

.. _* ._ .. _._---_-*_-***_-*_.,.

___ ._ .. ------------

I ,'

  • Table 3.5-2


OF YPJ..YE CYQES, TEST SERIES M-BW Operation Valve Cycles Nt.mbers 1-18 2 19 3 4 20-24 5 6 25-29 7 8 30-34 9 10* 35-39 11 40-43 Total Cycles 18 5 5 5 5* 4 43 Description Pre-Eva I uatr on Test Operatr ens Leakage Test Stroke and Fu I I FIOtl Test Leakage Test Stroke Test Leakage Test Stroke Test Leakage.Test Stroke Test Leakage Test Stroke Test I I Leakage Test I Post-Evaluatron Test Operatrons Total NtJTiber of Cycles on Test Valve

-. .I *;r-*.

w ! I 1-..J 'N I I .*\ -*: .*,* .-.,. -, .. ,

  • . . **:., .. . ; . \,. . ... \ ,\ EVALUATION.

TEST ()ATA', TEST SERIES M-BW. * . . **, 1, -. . : . . EMOY MANUFACTURER1 Borg-Warner VAi.YE _TYPE* Motor Operated Gate Valve MOO EL ID. 1 711294 SER.I Al NO. 1 1232' . *: ...

  • -***-* -.u.h,.."--

.. " ... ' . *-: ** .. ,; .. : .. *

., Distil 0,CI* Type T<nflll 0-lflce RRV RJIY** QilQllaled

&DY . &DY" 9DY 0-lflce

  • RRV. FUIY . QilOJhrlal 9DY l.ed<qia" fOat .. : tb. S.ltch A-essire lP>h'-tbonstrmn Flow Rnta
  • R:riltim Totiii Strd<e f're5Sin LPsh-n Cbinstrmn flow Rafa . R:&ltlm: Rllte lbtes. *. ;* Suttlrg m ft'a5SA Pl1 pslg pslg '. Pl2 . pslg lb/Ir .. . o.o ... 194 *o.o o.o o.o o.o .. :o.o o.o 0.0' "Arant at .

l o.o* * !!ll lchiatlm Tla8 sBc Tina m lllC* pslg. .. . ... .-1 24li0 5.8 _2400 Pl1 pslg-*.* 2450 pp A-essare Pl2 pslg o.o pp lb,ltr .. op Prant of q>ut 100 00 ,. . ' 11111 00 I .*. *. 2 -o,o.

_ _Jl..11,_;...;.JWL__;_"""'-_...;:..;;.--'_:.., _* ' .. o.o '*:.* 0.0 ,. o.o o.o .o.o o.o *: ',** ' *,

-**; *:' :.-* *,* .. **' rn \). ::0 :* ..........

3: ** .. en .. :c .*.: -r rn < -I rn . en -I CJ :;s:._ *-* .

w 'I " w I Table 3.5-3 {Cont'd.)

EVALUATION TEST DATA. TEST SERIES M-BW Tcrqe 0-lflc>> RR'/ RJW Qil DJlllhld 9QI Q.11dl ftWiSlrO l"5f.--FIOll Rate IUiltllll

..., A-essre f\wl5ls"9 Plram of Prl Pl2 full q.i pslg p&lg pslg lbftr o.o o.o o.o o.o 1 Valve ""5 qimad *1 lllJtly by IMrld to bu'-11h9 RRY llld EKN* 2 Sme a:; I. . 3 ooY im qimad v11h ARY cl<&ld. .. IUIY -qimad to lnltlat. flaw. 90i ooY Tatnl ktulltlCll T111111 sec RJW RRV CDIDlllll'ed IDinstrean Flat Rate A"ess&re A-e5sre Pn Pl2 pslg pslg lbftr 9()Y' fbsltllll fWant ot Full q.i 0.0 \ .. *I' I* rn -u ::o . ........ 3: )> . :;o (/) ' :c: ' . f!' r . rn -:< . -I rn (/) -I 0 )> -I )> *l *' --

' : ) f) ' ' . .QPERATION 5; There were f cycles of the. EMOV dLir.lng Operation 6,* repeatfng Operation

.. .4. Ihe*or.fflce .pressure

  • upstrean of the EMoV varied-from 2420 to.244S* psfg p_rlor to. valve opening and from23,45 to 2380 psfg prior tova'tve ctos'lng against full flow *. Pr I c:>r'* to the EMOV cl osui-e, the. PORV' upstrean pressure was 221 O and. 2250. ps I g and the PORV downstrean pressure between s.20 and* 530. psLg.*

openfng . . . . . . ' -

on t I me was constant for each eye I e at 6.4 seconds,*

and the tota.1 osl ng . . . -' ' . ' -.actu.atlo_n time was cor:istant at 6*1 For each stroke time was 5.a* seconds and-the closing stroke *time was *s.Tseconds

  • . ** OPERATION
7. The seventh: operation, another: vaLve leakage test, was conducted with an orlf fce pressure of 2440 psfg. A leak rate of 0.0 gpm was .measured.


8. There were five cycles of the EMOV during Operatfon 8, a repeat of Operations 4 and 6 *. The or ff fee u*pstreain of the EMOV varf ed from 243.0 to 2450 ps r g _prf or to valve' open Ing and 2355 to 23ao psJg pr for .. to valve :c I OS Ing ' . aga Inst f u I I f I-ow. Pr r or to EMOV. c I osure, the. PORV upstream >pressure was between . 2220 ' . . . . an.d 2250 pslg, and the PORV downstream pressure remained relatively constant between 520 and. 530 pslg. The'o_penlng actuation was*.constant.for each cycl.e at 6.4 seconds; and .th*e*+otal

.. closing. actuation*

time-was constant at 6.1 seconds.-*

For each *.cycle, the opening stroke time was 5.8 seconds and -the c.losJng stroke time was 5.7 seconds. OPERATION

9. The ninth* operation, a valve leakage test, was conducted with an orifice pressure of 2445 pslg *. A l.eak rate of 0.0 gpm _was measured.


10. Operation 10 was the final series of valve cycles to evaluate opening the EMOV agal nst statl c pressure and cl osl ng It agal nst ful I flew. The c:rf f tee pressure upstream of the EmVvarted from 2425 to 2470 psfg prior to valve opening and from 2350 to 2400 pslg. prior to valve. clostng.agaf.rist ful I flow. *Prior to EMOV. closure, the PORV upstream*

pressure was between 2220 *and 2260 ps I g, and the PORV downstream.

pre$sure ranat ned rel at.tvel y constant between 520 and .540 psi g. The opening actuation ttme remained constant at 6.4 seconds for all flve cycles, while the total closing actuation time* varied between 6.1 and 6.2 seconds.*

For each cycle the opening stroke time was 5.8 seconds, and the closing stroke time was 5.7 QPERATION The eleventh a post-operation leakage test, was conducted with an orifice pressure of.2475 pstg *. A leak rate of 0.0 gpm was measured *. . .... The Borg-Warner Ef.'OV fu I I y opened and c I osed for . a I I 21 eye I es of 1he eval uatl on test. 2-7il..

  • ' 3.5.4 Supplementary Test Results *The supplementary test data Include
  • test performed on November 4, 1980. data gathered both before and after the evaluation
  • Cal lbratlon and checkoui" aci"lvli"les were carried out during the time *period from Oc-tober 4 and November 1980. These aci"lvltles were comprised of 18 cycles. The EMOV was cycled four more ti mes after the eval uatl on test wh 11 e It was act! ng as an I sol atl on valve for PORV test Ing. Al I four cycles were pert ormed w I th the test sect I on at anb I ent temperatur*e and pressure.

The resu I ts of these suppl anentary tests are summarized In Table 3.5-4. The valve fully opened and closed during al I of the supplemeni"ary test cycles. The valve was disassembled and visually Inspected after completio"n of the test. Al I seat surfaces and Internal parts were in good condition

  • ,., --

w I ........ °' [lllte . ':' Table . . . SUPPLEMENTARY TEST DATA,_ TEST SERIES M-BW EMlV MANUf ACTURER1 Borg*Wnrner VALVE TYPE1 Motor Operiited*Geto_

Velve !¥=le Type Q:lflce RRY RRY Qilallated to. Swl1di fhassln i.pstrlllD flGV Role Settlrg "" . Fresstn Pl1 Pl2 pslg pslg pslg' MOOEL *ID.1 79294 SERIAL N0.1 12325_' &Ot' &Ci Q-lflce

  • FtaltlCll Tahll * *
  • Ptesstn Pwant cit lciuatlm Tine 1'15 Tiae sec aec pslg .:.. .. -RRY RRt' l.ps1nian IDmstr1llm 1-hlssu-e. Pr1 Pl2 Jislg pslg o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o . o.o . -. *,* Qila.ilated*

&OJ faJt flat Rote A:altlm Rate lbtes flrClent Of lb/Ir g:m 100 o.o 100 O.D 100 o.o 100 .. *** .' : .'* -.. . -.*,,"" *.1' . rn . -"U ::0 ........ ::s::: (/) ::i: f:. r . rn -es . I <* rri (/) c > .. ... ,d

., I 1-1. pslg i* Table 3.5-4 TEST SERIES M-BW RRV RRV Ollailetud IKN IKN 9Ci Q-lflce RRV RRV FlcwRate fbsltlai Tohll Straw Fresistre

'-"5froan lbonsn-fT85Sln FV'ant ot lchllltlai Tlae Pl5 A-essln Pressare Pl1 Pl2 TlmD. Pl1 Pl2 pslg pslg IWlr liOC llillC pslg pslg pslg o.o o.o o.o _ .. ::.-* Oilailetud IKN l..ed<agll foal', Fli:w Rate ib.ltlai Ralu tbles Ptrcstt of IWlr. gm .... 0.0 100

,.....-------------..,....------------------.. -. -3. 6. , *ROCKWELL

' I NrERNAT IONAL. ** _* ** . EQU.IWEDGE-GATE .V PJ..,VE . . . -.. * * ). MOl?El DRAWINGDS0.;;23264;..0J

  • . . . -. ' -*' .*. * : ..... ' ' ,\';_ ** ... . *.The.

el ectrf c motor<*oPerated valve a

  • 2500-1 b. cl ass val v*e whlCh *had -*-* : a .. Lfmf,forque SM3-000-1.0"operat<T with-{'Rioter rated af-10.ft-lb.;

It was desfgned ,. -. . -. . . ;.. , ;* ..

  • ror use as an* f sol atf on valve and_ f.or f nsta1*1 atf on f n .the her f zontaL pf p r*ng conrfguratf
.,.* . The testf_ng df scussed *below was conducted w Ith valve mode 1* 1309460,.*

ser Jal.' number 00745387-22172-o

  • . The Lfmftorque
  • ls.a model serlal.*nlJllber.295267.* .

the motor"operaterwas tested In a horizontal pf ping configuration.

  • Flgure:3.6-1 fs a picture of the_'valve Ihstal led _In the.test section. at* the -Marshal.

I fact I tty.* -Table presents.

general . va f nformatl on *. A diagram of 'the test valve ts shO\t(n. t n Figure 3*.6-2. For use Jn the test progran, the valve body. was adapted by w.eldlng a 3-fn. schedule _16.0 pipe* to the Inlet and outlet' sfdes of*th-e val-ve.

31'6. stalril*ess-,steel, 1 SOC}-f b cl ass, 3-l n. ral sed face f I anges were bu"tt we 1-ded *to the f*n l:et and* out I et pipes. ., .. *, 3.6.2_ .Test Chronology

' ' ' I The test valve was del fvered *to the Marshal 1

  • facl I tty on September 29; 1980. :.Between September 29 and October 6, the v_alve was disassembled and body was -. . . . adapted for:-testing by.the addition of flanges at the fhlet and outlet of ._the valve. During the Inf.tlal disassembly of the valve It was noted that the seat had been dented. On .October 7, 1980 the. valve seat was I apped and the va Ive: was. reassembled l n the presence.

of the Rockwell representative.

The test-valve was I nstal I ed Into the test section. Pretest cal lbratlon and checkout actlv.ltles were carried out. The* valve ' ' was cycled a total of 40 times during the checkout activities, of whfCh 15 cycles were *at stean .conditions.

  • During these tests* the .valve cycled successfully, but a leak developed around the pressure seal *. The leak was temporarl ly stopped by ti ghte_nf ng *the bonnet bolts, but was later repaired as detafled Jn Section 3.6.4. Fol low*lng cal lbratton and checkout,*

the valve was disassembled.

and T nspected *. -The , . I . . . 'eval uatl on test. was then' performed accord Ing' to the' prescr f bed procedures.

The was cycled 21 times during the evaluation test. *3-78

't . *

  • FTgure 3.6-1. Photograph of the Rockwel I International, Equtwedge Gate*. Valve, t nstal I ed In the Marshal I Valve Test Fact I tty. 3-79 Table 3.6-1 TEST VP-LYE DESCRIPTION, TEST SERIES M-RW General Yalye Information.
  • .*.Cescr f ptl on *****************************

Ser-I al ************.************

  • ******* Drawing No General Valve Q:>erator lntormatlon ac-turer *********

o ****** * *.**********

Descr I pt I on ***** ********************.

  • **


Ser-Jal Torque Swftch Settfng *******************

Voltage *** *,* ***********************

., **** ....*.**.........*.*......*..*....*.*

3-80 Rockwei I International Equfwedge Gate Valve 1309460 00745387-22172--0 080-23264--01 Llmftorque Valve Operator Sfve-000-10 295267 1.9 575 3600 " * * **A..

  • ---. /' ( ** -f) * (CLOSED f051TION) .LIMITORQ.Ue.

WEDGE.. GATE: . SEAT . R\NG. Figure 3.6-2. Diagran of the Rockwel I International, Equlwedge Gate Valve, Model 1309460, Drawlng 080-23264-01.


I' " -*.< **.fo*1'ioWfng the.evaluatfontest the valve w:as*.1eft fn the test sectfonfor POR'{ testing ':*< and' the yafve was eye I ed an*: ft r' I* 31* .f,t w f th the test se.cft on :at ambf ent : ;_ temperature*

and Tab I e 3 summar. f zes *the total*

es* for .the test. * * * :

the *ttme. ft tn Marshal I tes.t* loop.* . .. . . . *,.* 3 *. 6.3 Resylfs of. the Eyalyatf'on Test .' .. _ ... : , ... .* ..... . . ,. *, . : The**eval uat.forf*test.foi-ihe RO:kwel I* EMJV was performed on* October 1980 . In: accordance.

w fth *the descrlbed

  • f n Sectf on 2.3 .1. *Iha can PORV' w.f th 17-4PH cage.: and 17-4PH .. p I ug: was mounted do..;nstrean of* the *Rockwef'I EMQV. for .*the: eva I ua"ti on , * . . . . ' . ' .. ' -. . ' . ' ' : test .*. '.The a total:.of . .21 'times wfth a: torque setting of .. t.9 *during.the evaruatlon test* The.results are summarized Ev'al:uatr'on
  • Test Data. *. OPERATION
1. *The f.f rst, op.eratfon, *a seat I eakage .*test; conducted. w f th an* orff.(ce * . pressure of '2440 ps.f g. A I eak rate of gpin was

_ . OPERAT!ON-2; Operation 2,. a stroke and*

ful 1-f-low. 'test, -consisted of. one cycle of valve .wfth :the f I ow .;-ate determ f natl on:be mac;le. Just pr I va Ive

  • For this operation the EtlOV was opened,. ful*I flow was_ establ I shed through .*.th.a valve test section *by the*PoRy,.and then theEMQV was *closed agalnst*fuU . . ' : . . . . . . . . . . *flow. *The. orlf.lce pressure was 2300 psfg during ful I .flow, giving an estimated flow .. rate of 222,000* lb/hr. The fully developed pressure_s upstream and downstream of the PORV were 2020 and 580 pslg, respectlvely.

The EtlOV closed compl'etely against ful I fl ow wlth the valve stem position I ndl cater show Ing o.oj o+ full* open * ._OPERATION

3. The thlrd' operatlon, a leakage test, was conduCted with an a-I flee pressure of 2440 pslg.
  • A leak rate of* 0.0 gpm was measured.

OPERAJiON A. There were f Ive cycles* of the EtlOV during Operation 4, a stroke test to openlng the EtlOV agalnst static pressure an.d closlng* lt*agalnst ful I flow. The or'lflce pressure upstrean of the EVOY varied fran-2430 pslg prior to valve openrrig and fran 2315 *to 2345 pslg prior to valve closing agalnst ful I flow. *.Prior *to EMOV closure the PORV upstrean pressur:e was between 2040 and 2060 pslg and the PORV

  • downstrean pressure .was _between 580 and 600 psi g. The total open Ing actuat.r_on Time varied *between 8.9 and 9.0 seconds for the five cycles and The totaLclosfng'actuatlori time varied between 9.0 and 9.4 seconds *. F:or each cycle the q>enlng stroke time varied . . , ! between 8.6 and 8.7 seconds1 and the closlng stroke* Time varied between 8.-6 and.&. T* seconds. !*'. : . ,_.

Table 3.6-2


OF VPLVE CYQES,. TEST SERIES M-RW Operatlon Valve Cycles* Total Desa-lptlon N1.JT1bers

  • Ofcles* * --:-:

40 Pre-Evaluatlon Test.Operatlons Leakage Test

  • 2 41 1 Stroke and Fu I I FICM Test 3 Leakage Test 4 5 Stroke Test 5 Leakage Test 6 47-51 5 Stroke Test. 7 Leakage Test 8 52-56 .5 Stroke Test 9 Leakage Test* 10 .. 57-61 5 Stroke Test 11 Leakage Test 62-98' 37 Post-Evaluatlon Test Oparatlons

-98 Total N1.JT1ber of Cycles on Test Valve I. Table 3.6;;;.3 ' ... * .. -.. ' .-*,_ .'. * .... .. ,* EVALUATION TEST DATA, TEST SERIES M-RW EKIV ...

  • MANUFACTURER1 Rockwell lnt*rnatlonol VALVE TYPE1 Gato Vii.Ive Dsl9 Orel .** Tcrqt11 lb. S.lidi Settl111 O-lf Ice lhlsslr9 rn pslg RRI fteistA Pll pslg o.o i1l!:2D RRI ;:. ll':wnstrean ftess&n. . Pl2 pslg o.o :lll2 Qiladated Acw Ra1u lb/Ir 0.0 222 !DJ. 0.0 o.o .. 0.0 0.0 . o.o o.o 0.0 0.0 .. *; 0.0 0.0 :. o .. o o.o 10.1 1::.109460. . . . .. * . SER.IAL. N0.*1 00745387-2211.2"'.'0*

fKN 0-lf Ice* RR# " R:Ri .. lb51t1.:n

  • l\>Sfreim lbwn5treiin.

Arcent d Tine Pl5 . . 'ftesslro ft"essin, . . Prz . Prl Fui I 1fEw1 sac sec. pSlg pslg.*. . 'p51g o.o . 100 .

  • o.o zco* a.a o.o QQ Qiladated ADI Ra1& .. oo -

.*,._-. ___ i .* .. * .. *. , fKN Led<ag9 l'oat fbsltlm Ra1& lbles f\r-aint'd . full qieri ... gm 00 I. 100 .. :I o.a .. . .. ' *-':,. .. -._, ... -' ;--i.' . rn . '1] .. ;o .. .........

3: . 3:;* .. (/) . . :c . i ,,. r'* r-. . . m *ts o.o*. *


.. ,;_:' :.:.,*::

... *. *, < o.o o.o '. 8.9 on " . . . *.,._ . , __ , *..* *---. . -:I *-:I ,,. *'; *.: .... .1J ._,

. Tcrqum Sllkh Settl I. Table 3.6-3 (Cont'd.)

"" A-eSliln Pr1 pslg pslg . RRI Cbmstrecnl ftes.stn Pl'2 pslg Oilall alud EM1I EMlV EMlV ()-lflca flew Rat. lbsltlai Talnl StnM A"esslre IWlr 0.0 o.o 0.0 O;O 0.0 An:lllnt ot lc:h.atlai Tina m *Full q.i n .. -= pslg o.o 8.9 8.6 mo RRI RR/ Cbmslrean fnsslre ft_,-. Pll Pl2 pslg pslg :am. 600. **\ Oil aihrted EMlV Flew Rafe lbsltlai IWlr . I. l\nlant Full q.i 100 0.0 . l ** ..-. '* < --t. m (/) --t 0 > . --t > *.

,' t;J J. -' I * ' ,. , , -OPERATION 5 I The f I on1 anoi"her Ive -I test,,. was -

wJth -_an . ' ' . . .,, . ' *, .' .* ; : .. '. ::*." ... * ... ortt'tce-pressur_e of Z4SO-psfg, A:.leak rate ()f was_

_ :*_ ,.*. : . , -. . : -. OPERATION

6. Th-ere wete the--EMOV dur.tng Opera-tion 6, repeating

-4 The: or l f Ice ::pressure -upstrean of. the -EMQV var I ed: f rari _ 24 lQ to -2450 -* ps ts*_ I or to . val,ve opening a-nd_-f.i'*orn 233o"to 2355 p'slg prfor to closfng ful I-. . -. . . . . . . . ' '* : ' ' . . . . ' . . . ' ' ' . . -. Prlor to Ef.19V :ciosure:*the PORV lnlei" pressure was between 2040 and 2070-pslg and the -POJW-_ downSi"ren pressure .,.;as -betWeen 590 and: 600 ps The total -open I n'g actuatl on ": . ,, ' ;' ' ' . ' . -* _ ttme varied-between_ 8.9 and 9.0 seconds for*--the f lve*:cyc_I the total* cl osl ng . >aci"uatlon time .varied -be1:ween f3.9 and-,9.0 seconds.'-

Fqr .each, eye.le the opening str:oke_:*

-'time was 8.6 seconds, and-the _cf osl n'g stroke: time varied between 8 and 8.6 _seconds.

OPERATION 7 I The' seventh operatr on, *anoi"her va Ive -I eakage test, was conducted w Ith an orfftce pressure-of 2440 pslg *. -A leak 0.0 gpm was-measured

  • . : -OPERATION
8. There were -_f,lve cycles of-the EMOV. during Oper-atlon 8_, a repeat*of
  • operai"lons:4 and 6. The orifice pressure upstream of the EMOV varied from 2410 to_
  • 2450 pslg prior-to valve

_and from 2320 tp 2350 pslg prl-or-to valve closlng *_agatnsi"_,full-flow*-

EMoV .cl.o!Sjure; the'PORV 'In.let. pressure was between-2040-and 2070 psJg and.the -PORV do\llnstrean pressure ranalned relat.lvely*colistant between ' . . ' . ' . -590*-and,--600 pslg. -_The'. opentng:aci"uatton-_ttme_was constant for each cycle ai" 8.9 _ -*seconds,;

and the*total clostilg-actuatlon-tlme was conSi"ant seconds. For each_ cycle,*.the*openlrig stroke -time was8.6 seconds, and fhe-closlng.stroke time was_also 8.6 seconds. J -OPERATION-

9. *The n I nth operatl on, : a* va Ive I eakage tesi" was conducted w I tf:i an a-If Ice pressure .of 2445';pslg;.

A leak rate of o.o gpm was

QPERAJION 10; Operation' 10 was* the.-f lnal series of valve ,cycles to, eval ua,te open Ing' the-EMOV.

against statlc and closing lt'agalnst full flow. The a-lflce pressure upstream of the EP()V varled.fran

  • 2415 to 2460 pslg prtor to valve opening and fr-om 2325 to 2370-pslg prior to clostng*agalnst full-flow.*

Prfor to* EMOV the PORV lntei" pressure was between 2040_ and 2080_ pstg and the RlRV dcwnstrean remained relai"tvely constani" between: 590.and 600 pslg. -The opentng actuai"lon ranalned *constant for each .cycle at 8.9 seconds whtle the total closing actuatJon time varied fran_.9;.0 to 9.6 seconds. For each cycle,;--the opentng si"roke time was 8.6 seconds, -a'!d :the cl ost ng stroke time was al so 8.6 seconds.-I ' I , .,,_ I 3-86

'* . . .. .. .-... ".OPERA"f!ON 11.The eleventh operatfon, a post--operatlon leakage test,:.w.asconducted**

  • Ith an orl f Ice presstre oL2460 psi g'. A I eak rate of 0.0 gpm was measure<!
  • . The valve fully opened and closed durfng the *21 cycles of fhe evaluatf on test. :

Sypplemeotacy Test

  • The supplementary test .data fncluded data.gathered*both beforeand*after theeval*uatfon test performed on o.ctober '2J., 1980 *. Calf bratl.on and checkout actfvltf es were out from October T,. 1980 to. October 24,
  • The test. valve .was r nsta1*1 ed r nto the
  • test rt g on .October 7, 1980 with a. L Im itorque* SM3-000-1.0.


The torque. switch . sett Ing. was 2.125 wh I ch .the Rockwel I representatlve.,statec:f produced.

105:' ft-I b of

  • torque. The test rig was pressurized and, after. the valve fully closed agafnst flow** on the ffrstcycle,.*a 1.eak around the pressure seal was noted *. The bonnet bolts were tightened to stop the leak. The vaive*was then cycled several times, and for each cycle the ta-que switch setting was IOt'iered to determine the effect on valve operabi I lty. For the two EMOV cycles conducted at torque switch settt ngs of 1 .5 *and 1.6, the valve closed to 3% and 2% of ful I open respectively.*

The final .. settf ng was 1.9, which the Roekwel I representative stated produced 95 ft-lb of torque. For this torque switch settfng, the valve fully closed. Testing was.stopped to a leak that had developed.

around the pressure seal gasket between the bonnet alid *.the body. The valve was disassembled and inspected

  • . All fnternal components appeared to be fn good cond ltf on. On October 23, the Rockwel I valve was .reassembled and tested aga In. The test valve cycled closed successfully against flow; however, another leak around the pressure seal gasket developed.

The leakage was temporarily stopped by. tightening the bonnet bolts. The Rockwel I valve was disassembled under the supervfslon of the Rockwel I Representative after PORV *test Ing had been comp I eted for the day. It was agreed that the bonnet retainer ring should be redesigned to el fmlnate .the I eakage. . . Two half-fnch holes were drll led and tapped Into the retainer rfngto provide for a . total of six bolts. f n the retafner ring .Instead of the original four bol.ts. Al I bOlts were tightened to a torque of 65 ft-lb. The valve was returned to service. A packing . leak In the EtlllV developed when the system was pressurized on October 24 *. The Rockwel I representative was consulted andthe packing was tightened to el lmfnate the leakage. After the eval uatfon test, the Rockwel 1. valve was left Jn the test section to be used as an lsolatfon valve durfng PORV testfng. The results of these supplementary tests *are summarized In Table . ..,. *. i I

. *, ,:-. . ' --... , .. '.*, .. *. '_ .. * .. '.! :; . . ,ful

di c;>sed.'.for

'81 I: cycl ementary testlrig .* .**. ,excepf'f9r-:two:*cycl operator<

rig*** had* .. been **reduced.'befow


t6r; atf Fl na1**.**

I .. .of after* .*

{n; . . :

... -' ,: . ': ... ***., ",* *.*' . '., -_ -:.** .-.. **.' .... :*,:* ,*';. ****.** ... ' . . **; .. , L '** *' :*,* **. '*" '.<.' 3-RR *. *-:; ....... .: "* . .:* .:.> .... ;.*. .. ', I i I '* .. *. ... * ..

....> I 00 ID * $; ** Table 3.6-4 SUPPLEMENTARY TEST bATA, TEST SERIES M-RW Et<<>V MAHUFACTURER1 Rockwell lnternlltlonel VALVE 1YPE1 Equlwedgo Gate Valve. Tcrqw S.d1dl Sottlng Q-lflm fQfl fte5sare Lpstnlall m A"essr-e Pll pslg pslg 2.12' 12.Q) o.o 2 12' 252D 2100 o.o 54! l<<l0£L ID. 1 1'09460 SERIAL N0.1 0074,387-22172-0 0.1 Oii atad EMH EH1i fKN 0-lf Ice FIClll. Rate fbsltlal Tatel fte5slre fWcerit al lctustlal Tine m ful I qieri Tina ltVlr pslg o.o o.o I a-9 1= JOO* 8.6 o.o 9.0 8.6 2335 0.0 a.a 8.9 8.5 2510 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 o;o 8.9 8.6 23(20. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.6 2515 frai5lre Pll . pslg . 2430. og 2100 :am :am o.o aa 5?il> 540 O.lallatad EMH Flew RBtu fbsltlal ltVlr a.a Anent al full qieri 100 0.0 100 100 I :'.a .o * *-,-.i'. 2 rn "U ::;o ........ :s:: 3. )> ::;o 4. . (J), .:c 5 . f!' r < -I rn (/) . -I 0 )> -I )> I .
w ; I l.O 0 Table 3.6-4 (Cont'd.)

,: ..

  • SUPPLl:MENTARY .TEST DATAI TEST SERIES M-RW . . . Valve F rml Cbndltlms Ta-q111 0-lflm RH/ RR#
  • 0.IOJlatud Sillitti l\'"e5sin l,\lstr--lbinstrean flDf Rate Settl rn A-ess1n
  • 00/. 00/ 0-lflce RRI RRI fbsltlai' Total f\"essln Cbwnsirean fV'cullt ot ktuitlm Tlae rn A-essln Pn Pl2. -pilg pslg pslg -ful I qieri Time -Pn'.c Pl2 SBC-581:: pslg pslg' pslg . IW!r 8.9 8.5 -_.,
  • _O,u *** ' . i ' . fbsltlm -Ariiant' ot full .<¥in * ........ ,: ;'.: .-,; .. 'Rate .,;* :, .* ***.** . ;", lbtes . .
  • I ., ,. _, ! . " ,' .. *'*.* ,. .rn . _.;g ........ 3: (/) . .,; :c r -rn . . **e < -f rn . (/) --f o* ::z,.* -f > .. --

.., I 0 ... ;. Tcnpa 9'11tb Settlrg 1.9 Table 3.6-4 (Cont'd.)

,'*;*; SUPPLEMENTARY TEST DATA, TEST SERIES M-RW Q-lflca RH f{JN Otlwlaled EKJV. EKlV EKlV 0-ltlca RH lbrnstrean Flew Rote fbsltlCll Tahil A-asslre Lpstram rn ft"essln A-essre Arcent of /cturtlCll Tino "" Pl1 Pl2 .

Tine Pl1 ,, pslg pslg pslg lbllr &l1C lillC pslg pslg o.o o.o 0.0 0.0 o.o o.o .. o.o o.o. 0.0 o.o o.o 0.0 c.o o.o : :*. *-*-. . . . , . -:-f{JN -Otlwlah!d EKlV . Led<¥ !Wt lbmstrean Flew Rote fbsltlCll Rimi IQlas A-esstn.:

,, .. fWOlnt" Pl2 full <%*! pslg lbllr. gm o.o o.o 100 8 o.o 0.0. g rn "l] 9 :;:o ..........

g_ :s::: g .U>-. :I: o.o 0.0 100 o.o r

< -I rn U> -I 0 :> --I :>

w I l.O N .. Taqta S..lfdl 5et1:1rg ccont*d.r . . SUPPLEMENTARY' TEST TEST SERIE,S.M-,.RW'.


  • RRY -RRY A-11551r11 m *ftessin A-iissi.-e Prl Pl2 pi;lg pslg 'ps_lg 0.ladahid f'l<>f Pata
  • 1_b/lr &ui . Fbsltlcn F\roBnt Of Full Cpen ,. ' . ,",. EMJY* *B-OI 0-Ulce .RRY.' Tohil A-essire ldurtlcn Tina .,.,_. A-esSlrO Tina* . Pl1 . 5llC. sOc pslg. pslg_ . -.. *-. .. ,,', , . ' ' ,,_ : -* " * ' I :-. , .: -. : *. '*, ', *. KRI. *
  • Oiladahid EM1I . Flair
  • fbsltlcin.

A-ess.i-e ' . . ' '

... F\rCent of 'gm . Pl2 pslg . ltVlr '. .. * * * * . I ' ' ,

.. ' ',". . ' . .*.= *-. ,. *,._. ***'. ITl . '<° ., . -I ITl (/) -I .b *> -I .** : ,..*-*. b ..... , .. . I

..., I D

  • Table 3.6-4 <Cont'd.>

SUPPLEMENTARY TEST DATA, TEST SERIES M-RW Tcrq11t 0-1 fir>> SI ltd! '"'5stno Ssttlfl:I f'l5 pslg I fKN ,_ qlllf"ll>d Lllder static: anlltlaas.

2 first tl11111 1toe EKN ""5 c:IOaed ogolnst ful I tlOll anlltlaas.

S fKN qlllf"ll>d Lllder static: anJ I tlaas. "4 Sare es :S. * * ' Sare llS :s. 6 lticxrd..-

3 nal firctlcned drlfl:I ctc:las iurbnid Zi 1hrougl 211. 1 Q>er-..d t1>o EKN Jllril el *v tr,. hlrd. 8 O(c:I ed EKN u1<ir lri>I oot anfltlaas.

Qi lad atad 9<7i. EMlY EMlY 0-1 flee Fl°" R11te lbsltiai Tahll A-ess1re Arcent d /chatlaa Tine f'l5 full q&I Tine IMr SBC pslg ------9. O(c:led EKN Lllder anbllint a811t1aas to dia:.k arnnt fa-"krqw. -*:. Oii cul atad EKN FIOll Ratu Fbsltlai IMr Percent d full qai * ..**,,, gm I .. .*... ,.. .* : ;;. m "lJ . ::0 ........ :s::: 3J* (/) :c f! r m < -I m (/) -I 0 )>o -I )>o .. ,

. :-*.* *.'.., 1, i 3. 7 'VELAN ENG I NEERING COMPANIES.


._. * * ... ' ,, -.. * .
  • 3. 7 .1 Va I ye Descr I pi" I on ' . -*' :* .**-. :. *. **The Ve.Ian. el motor operated .. val ve was. 3-f 1500-1 b. cl ass "valve en had. a :* ,.* .. ' . :Lim I torque Model* StJB-000-1 O operator w Ith *a motor rated_ at 1 o* ft-I b :torque .*
  • It was desfgned>te>r:*i:m Isolation valve and for lnstal latlon In a horizontal er vertlcai . p Ip Ing guratlon *. * . , .. : . . The testl ng discussed below was conducted w Ith valve model Bl 0"'."30548-13MS, draw Ing ' '

serial number 1451. The Umltorque operator was a model SM3-000-10.

  • The valve with *the motor was. tested as a block valve*

Jn a horfzontal

  • pfpfng*conffguratlon.

Is a of the instal le.d 1n*the test ... sectf*on 'at the. Marshai 1

  • facf I fty *. Tab I e 3. 7-1 *presents general va Ive. I nformatf on. A df agran of the test valve Is shown* Jn Figure 3.7-2. *** .For: use J_n.the test progran,:.the valve body was adapted by weldfng a 3-fn. schedule *. . *150 pJpe to the* Inlet and outlet sl*des:of the Also, 316 stainless steel, . . 1500-1 b .cl ass, 3-Jn.-ra.f sed face f I were we.I dad* to the. Inlet and out I et pl pes * . :.,, 3.7.2 Test Chronolggy
  • j The test valve was Jvered "to the I.

Jty* on: December 18, 1980. Between . . . . *December 18 1 1980. and January 12, 1981 the valve was disassembled, and the valve-body was adapted for testing by the addition of flanges at the Inlet and outlet of the valve. On January 14, 1981 the valve was reassembled.

Jn the presence-of the Vel an

.. -* . . . . . . . The test valve was lnstal led Into the tes't section and pretest cal fbratlon and chec:kou't

  • activities were carried ou't *. The valve was cycled a 'to-tat of .. lf tfmes durfng 'the* checkout actlvftf es wfth the *tes't sec'tlon at ambient and pressure.

After' cal I bratlon and checkout.*

the eval uatlon tes't was .performed accord Ing to the . prescrl bed proct)dures.

  • The valve was cycled 21 times dur Ing the evaf uatlon tes't * . Follow Ing the eval uatf on tes't the valve was cycled once more at.* a I ower torque switch . . setting.*

The valve was then *removed fran-the tes't section, disassembled.

and vfsually lnsoected In the presence of the Velan representative*.

__ . _3_-94 _____

. <' ' -. .. *** *

  • Figure 3.7-t. Photograph of the Velan Engineering Companies, Motor Operated Bolted Bonnet Gate Valve, lnstal led In the Marshal I Valve Test Facl 1 lty. -------------------

___ 3-:_95 ,, ....

..... : ' ' Tabl.e 3.7-1 .TEST VALVE DESCRIPTION, SERIES,M-VE2, General Valve !nfonnatlon Manufacturer . _Description

            • -***********

_ ******** * *.* *. V_el an ;Eng l*neer l ng .. Canpan I es : **************

  • .; * **********
  • M::>tor. Operated Belted Bonnet-._

Gate Val . . --.

    • *******.*********

_ .................

    • ** -81 . 1451
  • No **.******* *********** ***** *** .... e: *** *** .-****************

e * * * , Drawing No: General Yalye Operator lnfonnatlon* . _Manufacturer.

Llmltorque c.oi-poratlon Descr l ptl on * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * . M::>toc l zed .. Va I ve Operator . t *****************************

    • **. * * * . .srvs--00(}-*1 0 *Serial Ne), ** ;. **** *._ *** " ****** ******.***
  • **.**
  • Torque Sw Itch Settr ng .******* **** '**. *... 1.5 * . . .. Vot.tage ** *.** *.**** ** ***** -: *** ****** *.*.. 460.-**********
          • ...........................
  • Not suppl led by the manufacturer.

r *,. ** 'oi>*.

'. ' .fl. , *

  • GATE:-* (CLOSED f0.5\TIONJ Figure 3.7-2. Dlagran of the Velan EnglneerlngCanpanles,.fJotcr Operated Bolted Bonne"t Ga"te Valve, Model 810-3054B,..13MS, !raw Ing GBH-030b-13MS-t()
  • .,_07* * '" ** i * ** . ......

The valve was r:etnstal led In the test section and elev.en whl le .It serving as an Isolation va.lve during ta.sting.

Of 11 .c. ycles, 8 cycles *. were whlle the test section was at ambient temperature and pressure and 3 cycles

  • I nvo I ved open Ing the va Ive w h JI e the test sect I on w*as a-t* amb I ent temperature and * . -_ ...... pressure and closing the valve while the section was pressurized but .. flow was stopped because the PORV was closed. The valve was dlsa_ssanbled and visually Inspected . when It was removed fran the test section the I ast time.* Table 3.1.:.2 summarizes the total cycles for the test valve during the time It was Jnstal led In the Marshal I test section. 3.7.3 Results of +/-he Evaluatlon Test The evaluation test for the EMOV, model B10-3054B-13MS, drawing G8H-0300-13MS-f..o, was performed on January 1981 Jn accordance with the procedures described In Section 2.3.1. The Copes-Vulcan

.. PQRV with 316 SS plug and 17-4PH cage was mounted downstream of the Vet an Ef.'OV for the eval uatJ on test. The Valve was cycled a tota I of. 21 times during the eval uatlon test with a torque switch setting of 1.5 *. The results are summarized Jn Table 3.7-3, Evaluatlon Test Data.

1. The first operation, a seat leakage test, was conducted with an orifice pressure of 2450 pslg. A leak rate of 0.0 gpm was measured.


2. Operation 2, a stroke and 30-second full flow test. consisted of one cycte\of valve with the flow rate determination being made just prior to valve closure. For th ls operation the Elv()V was opened, fut I flow was establ I shed through the valve test section by opening the PORV, and then the EMOV was closed against full flow. The orifice pressure was 2330 pslg.durlng fut I flow, giving an estimated flow rate of 236,000 lb/hr. The fut ly developed pressures.upstream and downstream of the
  • PORV were 2135 and 620 *psi g, respective I y *. The EK>V closed comp I etel y aga Inst f u I I flow with _the valve stem position lndlcator showing 0.0% of fut I open. OPERATION
3. The third operation, a leakage tesi", was ronducted with an orifice pressure of 2410 pslg. A leak rate of 0.0 gpm was measured.


4. There were f Ive cycles of the EMOV during Operation 4, a stroke test to
  • eval 1 uate1openlng the EMOV against static pressure and closlng It against fut I f tow.
  • I ' . The orlffce pressure upstream of the EMOV varied fran 2410 to 2'460 pslg prior toval:ve ..... opening and fran 2315 to 2360 pslg prior to valve closing against fut I flow. Prior 3-98

' *. Table 3.7-2.


OF V/1J...VE CYQ..ES, TEST SERIES M-VE2 Operatron Valve Cycles Total Descrrptron i:*-Nunbers C,Vcles 1-11 11 Test Operatrons Leakage Test 2 12 Stroke and Fu I I Fl0ttt Test 3

  • Leakage Test 4 13-17 5 Stroke Test 5 Leakage Test 6 18-22 5 Stroke Test 7 Leakage Test 8 23-Zl 5 Stroke Test 9 Leakage Test 10 28-32 5 Stroke Test 11 Leakage Test 33-44 12 Post-Eva I uatf on Operatr ons 44 Total Nunber of Cycles on Test Valve
  • 3-99 w I ..... 'o 0 Dmo ,, * ',:::. *, .** ,',',' .. i. * -* 1*,. '.': *.,, ;' .. ! .. -* ., ..... Tab I e 3:. 1 .. 3 EVALUATION.TEST DATA, TEST SERIES *-VE2 El<<lV . MANUFACTURER* .Velen Engineering Ccxnpenl*s VN..VE TYPE,1 Mot°':

Bolted Bonnet Gete . . I O,Cle 'fype .

  • Taqte 0-lfla. RR# RRI Oilwlatad lo;.

A-essln Lpilnn . n:wnsir-flow .Rllhl Settl19 rn .,._.. Pl1 Pl2 . 11519 pslg pslg .. 11>/tr 0.0 o.o 631 2'Cj cm o:o-o.o ' o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o' . o.o o.o. o.o o.o o.o o.o l<<lDEL ID. j. BIO-l054B-1'MS SERIAL N0.1 145f 'u-**-"--EH7'. .. EKN* EKN lbsltlai Tatel StnN Arawit ol klurtlai Thur tine* . ., sec sec .. . o.o I 14.o 100 ° o.o 13.4. 12.B. o.o 13.4 12.B 0-lflCB rn pslg Z565. ID5 "'-' -RR#. . . RR# . OllC:llatad . EH7' lbwnstr8mi.

flow.Reta A:iSltlai

  • fhlsslnl
  • fhlss1r* . f\raJrrt .ot Pl1 ' Pl2 Full pslg' pslg 11>/tr ' .. 2440 o.o 0,0 00 2160 6'0 00 . ,-., ' 100 *o o*. . l!X>. *gm D.O *:-'
  • I *.:-* *.*; ... * .. -**,* .. * . (/) ' -I CJ . :l>> ....... {-.I, -

w I ...... 0 "'""' Tcrqie 0-lflm RRi S.11tll A-esstr9 ""5fnlCm Suttlng rn * . PT1 pslg pslg 3.7-3 (Cont'd.) .EVALUATION TEST DATA, TEST SERIES M-VE2 O.lcul lltud EM1i Fla-Rntu lbsltlai f\rcent of lidl C¥vi llr/lr o.o o.o o.o o.o* o.o o.o EM1i 9171 ()-If lao RRi Tohll Slrd<a A-ess1r8 l.pstrO!m 1cturt1ai r1.. "" A-esstn Tine . . PJ1 lillC lillC pslg pslg ll.4 12.8 2'60 2160 Oil cul llhld ,,.., .Ride fir/Ir 6JO .. '. EM1i lAd<agll foot Aloltlai Rate lbtas Araint of

!1111 100 g.o . i *!. '* :_.:' . ,\ rn -0 ;o ..........

3: > :;:o (/). :c r rn t5 . < . -; l'T1 (/) . -; CJ >

.. I * ...... I ... ' .. 1:, I .. -... , ... ,, -t,. to EMOV

  • c*19sure;.

the PORv** upstream was between 2130 2170 ps I g

  • th.a . .* . *!1 *' . PORV downstream betwE!e/620
'and 630, ps I

.. eot**taol

.. *taolpecnl_lon:3gl n ... -gElCat .. * .. ct:u;uaattiioo.

nri *. . :. ! *'time was cbnStant at 13.4.seconds.for*,ai I five; . .

constant seconds .. *. For' each the openJnS stroke' time was' : : 12.8 seconds,'

and ,'the I OS l,ng. stroke.' .ti me was 13 .2 seconds *. I . I . . . :*:**.* . OPsRATfON

  • another valve leakage test. was.conducted w.lth an* I. .* .. *. i_.* ... '** f. I . *oriflce::pressure of 2460*pslg
  • . A 1.e(!k *rate of was
6 I There were: five. eye I e.s' of .the *EMOV Ing Opera-t:I on6, repeat Ing Operatl on . .. * -4. : .. The: :or'_It.tce pressure

., the': E?JOV. yarted f rem 24.1 s to 2460 ps I g pr, 1 or. to:.* valve opening and -from 2320 to. 2365* ps.Jg_ prior to valve closing* against ful I *flow.* *Prior to EMOV the-,upstrean pressure.

varied-between 2130 and 2180 pstg *. and. the-PORV downstream pressure var led between 62Cf and 630 p$ _I g. : The i ng actuation time was c:onstant.

at 13.-4 seconds *for* a.I I five cycles,. a.nd the total actuation ti me was constant at *13 .9 For. each cycle,: the open Ing stroke .time*. was 12.8 seconds and, the closing stroke time was 13.2 seconds. . ' . . . OPERATION

7. The. seventh operation, another valve was* conducted with an
  • or if 'ce *pressure of 2480 ps I g *. A I rate:. of* 0.0 gpm: was measured.
  • . , OPERAII QN.:a. There were f Tve cycles of* the EMOV during. Operation 8, a. repeat of *Operations 4 and o *. The orlflce pressure:

upstreap of the EMOV.v:arled

from*2425 to . 2465 'psi g prior to valve operil ng and fran 2330. tol 2370 **ps I g pr I or.: to valve c I OST ng against* fu(I flow. Prlor to EMoV:--cl.osure, the PORV upstrean pressure was betwee112140:
  • and.2180' psig and.the .PORV downstrean pressure remai.ned relatively, constant between.*
  • .

.640* psi g. *The opening actuation time was constant for al I five cycies at 13.4 seconds,*

and the total. closlng .actuation tinie was constant at 13.9 For *each cycle the opening stroke* time was 12.8 and the.closing stroke *time was seconds. OPERATION-9 *. The nr nth

a. valve I eakage test. was conducted w rt.h an a-If Tee ' ' pressure of 2470 psig. A leak rate of gpm 'was OPERATION 10; Operation 10 was the f lnal series of valve cycles. to evaluate . . . . . *the EMQV.

Static pressure and-closr ng It against ful 1 *.fla.t *. The a-If Ice pressure upstream of *the EMoV varied fran 2415 to.2455 psig prior to-valve opent ng and from *. 2325 to,2370 pslg prior to valve closing against ful I Pria-to the EMJV closure, ..... . the PORV upstrean pressure was between 2140 and 2180 ps I g and the PORV downstream


  • .* _*.. I. ._Pressure remal ned rel atJvel y .constant between 620 and '630 ps 1 g. The* open Ing actuation
  • tfine was constant for all flve cycles at 13.4 seconds, and the total closlng actuation Jme remained constant at seconds.;

For each cycle, the openlng stroke tlme*was *-12.8 seconds and the cl osJ ng tlrrie was 13 .2 seconds. OPERATION

11. The eleventh operation, a post-operation leakage test, was conducted
with an .orifice pressure cif* 2450 pslg. *A leak rate of o*.o gpm was measured.
  • The Velan EMOV fut ly opened and closed on demand for*af I 21 cycles of-the evaluation test *. Following the evaluation test.the valve was 1-nspected rn the*.presence .of the
  • Velan representative.-.

Al I Internal components-were Jn good condltlon and. only sf Jght wear marks were visible on the wedge*guJdes.

  • _3.7.4 Sypplementary Test Results *. The supp I ementary test data 1 nc I uded data gathered both before and after the eval uatl on . . 'test performed on January 14, 1981 *. 11 bratlo'1 and ctieckout act Iv ttr es. were performed on January 24 before, the eval uatron est* The. valve was cycled a _total of 11 times dur r\ng these actJv ltl es w 1th the test .section at ambient temperature and pressure * . . . The EMOV was cycled one more time on January 14 after the eval uatJon test to detennrne valve operabJI tty at a reduced torque switch-setting.

The torque swJtch setting was set to Its lowest value of 1.0 which produces a torque of 82 ft-lbs. The valve closed successfully as measured on the stem position Indicator; however, a leakage rate of 0.049 gpm was observed.

The Vel an EMOV, model 810-3054B-13MS, dri:MJng GBH-0300-13MS-K>, was cycled eleven more times between January 20 and January 23 while It. was-being used as an Isolation valve during PORV testing. During *these cycles the valve was not cycled against ful I flow. The results of the supplementary tests are summarized In Table 3.7-4. The Velan valve . fully opened and closed on demand_ for al I of the supplementary test.cycles.

The valve was d I sassemb I ed and v J sua I I y Inspected.

after comp I etl on of the supp I ementary tests. No additional.

wear was observed and al I Jn'ternal par'ts, Including the seating surfaces,

  • were In good cond I 'ti on. . .....


-oov ' "

Velon Engineering Canponles

  • VIUE:TYPE1 Motor Operated Belted Bonnet Got* Volvo lllrla 0,-CI Taqus ()-lflce RRI RRI
  • Oil ad Iliad tb. S..11dl A"essln l,pstl'1lim Fl°' Rahl Setting "" Fnssin A"esWe* Pl1 Pl2 *, **.' pslg pslg pslg lb/tr o.o l<<lDEL ID.1 BI0-30548-llMS SERIAL N0.1 1451, fKN, EKN KR/,.* it.ltlcn , Total *Lpstrean Fu-0.nt of ldustlcn A-e5stra T111111. ,' Ph llllC pslg ' -.. -o.o . o.o' *' o.o --o.o, o.o -I -2170 ll.2 a.a o.o o.o --" --o.o o.o -. -. o.o ,1\' RR1 ** OilaJlated 90{ Leol<ngl fOJt ll:lwnStrean,.

FIOf* fbslticn , Rate *tbhss A-esScOt . Plrc:ilnt of Pl2 pslg Iii/Ir jpri ; . o.o . 0.0 100 *. *.,t 1111 l'I n o.o o.o 1,00 m .. .,, . ';;o . 5'° ., 100 11.11 1111 a.a o.o o.o 100 " . o.o 0.0 100 0 " o.,o 100 --... 1. . l,.

I I. Dita Ojclo tb. Type Tcrqm 911tdi Suttlrg

  • Table 3.7-4 (Cont'd.)
  • SUPPLEMENTARY TEST DATA, TEST SERIES M-VE2 Q-lflm RRi RRi I Oil a.1 I atud SOI. em OOY Q-lflca FmV f\'"e5sn Cbrnstrean fl Of Rirte fbsltlai Tahll strd<a A-esslro "" Anent d lciuatlai Tine Pl5 Ftes5ln Pll Pr2 Tine Pl1 pslg pslg pslg lb/Ir SIC aec pslg pslg o.o o.o
  • RRt Oila.11 atud EM7i l..ed<Dgl Foot Cbmstnlan flllf llale Fbsltlai Rate lbtu5 fhl5Slro Percent d Pl2 pslg lb/Ir !PD o.o o.o

./ . .,.. .. * ** Appendix A CHRONOLOGICAL SEQUENCE OF VALVE TESTING AT MARSHALL VALVE TEST FACILITY A-1 6/27/80-8/13/80 . 8/14/80-8/21/80 8/22/80-8/26/80 8/27 /80-8/27 /BP 9/9/80:-9/l 0/80 9i11/80-9/11/80 9/12/80-9/12/80 9/24/80-10/2/80 10/7/80-10/24/80

        • " . *' .. * .. , ,. -*'*, . . *... ;*.-'.,-.<*

.. ** .. .. ** .* .. * ,, . . Tab I e A";""1 * . . CHRONOLOGICAL SEQUENCE OF VALVE TESTING .AT MARSHALL VALVE TEST FACILITY Valve CCI * , . ' . Fisher Controls Copes-Vulcan 316 W/Stel llte Plug .and 17-4PH Cage Copes-Vulcan 17-4PH Plug and Cage Copes-Vu I can . 17-4PH Plug and Cage

  • Evaluatlon .Test *8/13/80 9/10/80 Copes-Vulcan 9/11/80 316 W/ Ste I I I te PI ug
  • and 17-4PH Cage . ' . Copes-Vulcan 17-4PH Plug: and Cage Fisher Controls I. can 17-4PH Plug and Cage 9/24/80. .* '. Valve Westinghouse 88 Westinghouse 88 Westinghouse

@Q .. I Anchor /Dar I ii ng .

  • Anchor/Dari Ing Anchor /Dar 1.1 ng *
  • Anchor/Dari Ing ; Rockwel I I* Eval.uatlon

.* *Test 8/13/80 .. . 9/25/80 10/27/BO ,, . '

10/29/80.;.11/3/80 . . , -. ' . -11I4/eo-11

/4/ao . . ,:_,' . . .12/2/80-12/3/80 . 12/ 8/ 80-12/ 12/ 80 12/13/80-12/18/80 . -1/12/81-1/12/81

-' . . ' 1/ 13/81-1I13/81

  • 1t14/81-112onu 1/20/81 '.'"1/20/81
  • . . . . 1/23/01-1/23/81 . * *Valve
  • Eval
  • Test**. 10/3oi80.

., .. ,

Masoneilan Rock* .. -... . *. -. -. ' -

.. *. .. 12/12/80 . *. Crosb)' * .. Dresser*. . . *.

  • 316W/Stel lite Plug and Cage **. ' " ' 1'* ',, Gapes-Vu I can. * * .: 316 W/Stel I lte Plug*. a*n(f 17-4PH Cage' * *

.. 316W/Stel lite t=>I ug and 4PH Cage ... MJESCO Garrett ' . I '. ".*_ *1/23/8.1

-*.*.' :, ;* *Valve . *

  • I . ":*.*.> ._-. -->*: .*_' -. -.*. -* ': -' *_.. . . ' .. . ,'. '*. .,.] *._.*:* . . . . * .EM.Ol'. . . ..* : . . . .. *, . *.*.-. -' > -: *.*.:**. .--.:.:,*

'. .'_,-'.. __ ,"*** . . '_,"I:**, *

  • B6rg.;.Warner

.. * ... , -"**. .. < 1lf4/80:'

-. -. * .**. Borg-Warner

.* ,.

. *. * .. , . __ ,_,,. * -Borg.:.Warner
      • . ,. .-:-**, .. -* .. *. *:.*'*

.; .: '* '**'--. ' *. ;. '>> *. '* . *, . -. :; : -:_.** . .. :* _,*. West I nghouse 99' .. ... , *, .** -. ,' :** . -* ; , ' -. _,,. ' . . . . , ... ' '*, '*' ***, * .. ::, * ' c ** . " ' ... . . . , *.I* .. ':. :, . .. *

  • Veicin ...... .; * .

Ing , .. . . : . 11:1,3/81

  • ' .* . *'* *.:. ..,_' '., --.* . _*'., .** . .. . -*** *val an** ** * ** '*' .* ' .... ' : ' : ' ; *:.* Dr aw 1 ng GBH.:.o3oo.;.;13Ms.:.M() . ** . . -.. * . ..:'.. *, *.: .... :,_. *--: ** -: __ ** -* : * -:

0 Velan **. *... . .. *. ** Draw I

  • , _ .. , ........ ' . '. -. . . . --. : .. ; .

.... ;, ',. * ... -.. . .. ,'*. ;, : . ' . . ... . ,' -i .* J.. ' *"

);. I Ul 1/28/81-1/28/81 1/28/81-1/29/81 Table A-1 OiRONOLOGICAL SEQUENCE OF V&VE TESTING AT MARSHALL VALVE TEST FACILITY Valve Evaluation Test Copes-Vulcan Westinghouse 99 316 W/Stel llte Plug and 17-4PH Cage l\t.JESCO 1/29/81 Westinghouse Evaluation Test 1/28/81

  • Appendix B FACILITY DIAGRAMS B-1-:

. .-.. '

I ' -, . . _ _.._ __ .....__ . ,*.a* I 1'-11'" I 1 . I . f) f I I I I 1'* ,. I i I i I .. I i I I I I I I I Figure Dlme.nslone.d Diagram of the Marshal I Valve Test.Fae!

I lty with Horizontal Valve Test Section.*


. --*1--' ' ' .

  • r* =-=='-... ? . -*" **. ' ' . ' * .. ** .. , . . *. ' . I ' ----12 -:; ri" .


_.,'-----'--_..__ . . I

  • 2 1* I ' . ' I ... . I . . I ,-:-<' .. I 1* I " I ..,, ____ ,__,_ . -t 3'-o* I 1---+---I-'

___ J I Figure B-2. Dimensioned Dfagran of Marshal I Valve. Tes't .Facf I f'ty wl'th Ver'tl cal . Valve .Tes1" Sec'tt o_n. '* .... ...., ---.

.,* . *' ,,c_ -'.,/t--',t l RIGID .SUffOR.T SPRING HANGER , l..ATERAl...

  • Figura B-3. Pfplng Supports for Horlzontal Valve Test Section. n r:-. ,,:;,,.

"*** .*. ' -. *H-* : .. ' *_ .* . 1,. l RIGID. SUPPORT. . *. m SPRING

.*. 5NU66ER. ---1

  • * .. ' .. . .* .. .* ' ... *:*,. . *, .-l ... .. *-. _.*, : f I '* Fl gure B-4. Pl p Ing Supports for Vert I ca I Valve Test* Sect I on. B-6 . *,**' -** t " "lllii.....-
    • 4* PIPE -5Cli 40. 4* 90* ELL. SC!f 40. . e)X. (;' C.ONC .RED .SCH 40 e* P1Pc SCH 5" 90* ELL. L.R SCH 40 -8 1.X 4' CONC RE.O . .SCH*. 40* 12S Lfi
  • WN ,TF Fl.ANGe SCH 40 40 !>CH.* 40 4' CONC. R.e:o. _*SCH 40 TV f VALVE 5Cti ll:iO
  • CGATE . *. *..
  • VALVE) *b' X4'.: CONC RE0/TRANSl110N, . SCH--loO X 40,,. ,;* 1500 1..6. WN 4' i.00 L.5 WN RF* *
  • FL.ANGe 5Clt 40* . .3 1 PIPE. .5Ctt 1'90 FL}ING.S SCH lbO .3. 90* eu. .5CH U,O lo' X. CCNC REC SCH l"O lo" P1Pe 5CH 1'-0 ?V* I 4* I 50L.
  • VA.L.Ve. CGiAT-E> b' 90* ELL. SC:H U:aO "' x Cot.le SC:K l&O Pv Z 4' ISOl.. VAL.Ve C<;.AT E.) ""'--4' P1Pe SCH '"° '---

4 4 SCH Ibo . .... Figure B-5. PtpTng.SpectfTcattons for Marshal I Valve Test Fact I tty.

OJ I ()) TYF FORV 5fOOL 41/\J boO L8 Wt\! R SCH 40 FL-ANGE .5 IN PIPE SCH tbO 3 IN ISOO LB WN RF 5CH lkO FLANGE Figure B-6. ti INLET INST .Sf'OOL . . .* TYP EMOV .. SfOOL (qATE VALVE) I .3 IN PIPE SCH lbO 3 IN 1500 L8 Wf'J RF FL:.ANGE SCH lbO . a 11\J PIPE SCH lkO. . i . Piping C.peclf lcis for Test Section. 1 **.. l -----., '

OJ I l.O ' I I ., 4 IN 90° ELBOW 5CH -40 _-,.yp PORV SPOOL A 5SV --' ' 41N .SCH 4o PIPE . 4 IN 600 LB Wt-J RF P'LANGle .SCH 4C .....


  • 1"'-t--_.3X IN REDUCER SCH lbO f L..A"1GE SC" 1'-0 PIPE 3 lN PIPE SCH lbO . ..5CH_ --* I !-** i I I I I I .3 1N 90*

-* SCH 1'10 4 IN 90° ErLBOW SCH 40 --4 IN boo LB WN RF rLAt\lGc -SCH 40 Figure B-7. Piping .peclf For Vertical Test Section.


  • . .... _ C-1
  • . /. Appendix C .*FLOW RATE CALCULATIONS . Flow rates through the test section were calculated using proprietary canputer prograns *. developed by Duke Power Company. These programs were des I gned to ca I cu I ate water and steam flows using nozzles, orlf Jces, or pltot-type devlces. The ca.lculatlonaL.methods and fonnul*as Implemented In the programs.were those recommended .by ASME E!y!d Meters, Sixth Edition, 1971. Input parameters to the program were the orlflce diameter, the plpe lnslde.dtaneter, the measured orlflce pressure In psla,
  • the In °F of $a tu rated steam as ca I cu I ated from. the measured or If Jee 0 . . pressure, the amblent temperature In F, and the measured differential pressure across the orifice In lnchesof water under air. The 1967 ASME steam tables were used to *calculate the *fluid properties.

As described Jn.the report "EPRl/Marshal I Power Operated Rel lef Valve Interim Test Data Report", the Duke Power computer programs were used to calculate*three flat rates for each of the two one-minute.flow tests during the evaluation test cycles of the PORVs. These flow rates were calculated using the orlf Ice pressure CPT5) and

  • differential pressure CFT1> as recorded on strip charts at the beginning, middle and end of each PORV flow test. The three calculated flow rates and the three measured orifice pressures were lnput to a least squares curve flt routine which output the two coeff iclents for a straight I Ina flt to the three points. The estimated accuracy In the flow rate calculations Is within+/- 7.5% based on the maximum specif led errors In the data measurement and acquisition system. For each EMOV there was one flow rate detenninatlon made for the 30-second and ful I flow test during the evaluation test cycles for the valve. This flow rate was .. calculated from the flow rate versus orlflce pressure corral atlon for .the ln-1 lne FORV using the orlf Ice pressure .{PT5) as recorded on the strip charts at the end of the 30 *seconds of ful I flow during the EMOV test cycle * * . .....

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  • I * * *:* .. , . *.* :. -,,.' . l .* . . . . . . B * . . "EPRI.









MARCH 31,. 1982. _ * **-_.,,...