RBG-47862, Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report for 2017

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Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report for 2017
Person / Time
Site: River Bend Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 05/01/2018
From: Schenk T A
Entergy Operations
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
RBF1-18-0096, RBG-47862
Download: ML18121A077 (57)




Table of Contents Summary 1. 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 2. 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 2.5. 2.6. 2.7. 2.8. 2.9. 3. 3.1. Introduction Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Pathways Monitored Land Use Census Interpretation and Trends of Results Air Particulate and Radioiodine Sample Results Thermoluminescent Dosimetry Sample Results Water Sample Results Shoreline Sediment Sample Results Milk Sample Results Food Product Sample Results Fish and Invertebrate Sample Results Land Use Census Results Interlaborator y Comparison Results Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Summary 2017 Program Results Summary List of Tables Table 1.1 Radiological Environmental Sampling Program Table 2-1 Land Use Census Results Table 3.1 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Summary 1 5 5 5 5 15 15 15 16 16 16 17 17 17 18 22 22 20 24 List of Figures Figure 1-1 Exposure Pathways Figure 1-2 Sample Collection Sites -Near Field Figure 1-3 Sample Collection Sites -Far Field Figure 2-1 TLD Indicator vs Control Data Figure 2-2 Gross Beta Indicator Results List of Attachments Attachment 1-7 Data Tables Attachment 1.1 Air Particulate and Charcoal Cartridges Attachment

2.1 Thermoluminescent

Dosimeters (TLD) Attachment

3.1 Surface

Water Attachment

4.1 Groundwater


5.1 Shoreline

Sediment Attachment 6.1 Food Products Attachment 7.1 Fish Attachment 8 Teledyne Brown Engineering's Interlaboratory Comparison Program Tables 12 13 14 21 21 31 32 36 37 41 42 43 45 46 Summary The Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report presents data obtained through analyses of environmental samples collected for the River Bend Station (RBS) Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP) for the period January 1 , 2017 through December 31,2017. This report fulfills a requirement specified in RBS Technical Requirements Manual (TRM) 5.6.2 as required by Technical Specification 5.6.2 of Appendix A to RBS License Number NPF-47. During 2017 , REMP results remained at background levels , as has been the case in previous years. All required lower limit of detection (LLD) capabilities were achieved in all sample analyses during 2017 , as required by the RBS Technical Requirement Manual (TRM). No measurable levels of radiation above baseline levels attributable to River Bend Station operation were detected in the vicinity of RBS. The 2017 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program thus substantiated the adequacy of source control and effluent monitoring at River Bend Station with no observed impact of plant operations on the environment.

Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program RBS established the REMP prior to the station's becoming operational (1985) to provide data on background radiation and radioactivity normally present in the area. RBS has continued to monitor the environment by sampling air , water , sediment , fish and food products, as well as measuring direct radiation.

RBS also samples milk if milk-producing animals used for human consumption are present within five miles (8 km) of the plant. The REMP includes sampling indicator and control locations within an approximate 20-mile radius of the plant. The REMP utilizes indicator locations near the site to show any increases or buildup of radioactivity that might occur due to station operation and control locations farther away from the site to indicate the presence of only naturally occurring radioactivity.

RBS personnel compare indicator results with control and preoperational results to assess any impact RBS operation might have had on the surrounding environment.

In 2017, environmental samples were collected for radiological analysis.

The results of indicator locations were compared with control locations and previous studies. It was concluded that no significant relationship exists between RBS operation and effect on the area around the plant. The review of 2017 data showed radioactivity levels in the environment were undetectable in many locations and near background levels in significant pathways.

Harmful Effects or Irreversible Damage The REMP monitoring did not detect any harmful effects or evidence of irreversible damage in 2017. Therefore , no analysis or planned course of action to alleviate problems was necessary.

Reporting Levels River Bend Station reviews indicate that no REMP sample equaled or exceeded reporting levels for radioactivity concentration in environmental samples , as outlined in RBS Technical Requirements Manual Table 3.12.1-2 , when averaged over any calendar quarter. Therefore , 2017 results did not require any Radiological Monitoring Program Special Reports. Radioactivity Not Attributable to RBS The RBS REMP has detected radioactivity attributable to other sources not associated with the operation ofRBS. These instances are summarized as follows:

  • In 2011 , 1-131 was detected in a control vegetation sample , and indicator and control air sample media , which was credibly attributed to the trans-Pacific transport of airborne releases from Dai-Ichi , Fukushima following the March 11 , 2011 Tohoku earthquake.
  • In 1986 , following the radioactive plume release due to reactor core degradation at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant , RBS REMP detected 1-131 in , water , vegetation , and air samples.
  • 1-131 was also detected during 1998 in the wastewater treatment plant effluent, which was attributed to the medical treatment of a RBS employee.
  • In 2 015 , low level Cs-\37 activity was detected in a soil sample collected during an emergency preparedness drill from a location greater than five miles from River Bend. This activity is attributed to the well documented global presence of low level Cs-l 3 7 activity due to residual weapons testing fallout. Comparison to Federal and State Programs RBS personnel compared REMP data to federal and state monitoring programs as results became available.

Historically , the programs used for comparison have included the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) TLD (Thermoluminescent Dosimeter)

Direct Radiation Monitoring Network and the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality -Office of Environmental Compliance (LDEQ-OEC).

The NRC TLD Network Program was discontinued in 1998. Historically these results have compared to those from the RBS REMP. RBS TLD results continue to remain similar to the historical average and continue to verify that plant operation is not affecting the ambient radiation levels in the environment.

The LDEQ-OEC and the RBS REMP entail similar radiological environmental monitoring program elements.

These programs include co-located air samplers, and similar locations for sample media such as water, fish and food products.

Both programs have obtained similar results over previous years.

The REMP did not include milk sampling within five miles (8 km) of RBS in 2017 due to unavailability of milk-producing animals used for human consumption.

The RBS Technical Requirements Manual requires collection of milk samples if available commercially within 8 km (5 miles) of the plant. RBS personnel collected vegetation samples to monitor the ingestion pathway , as specified in RBS Technical Requirements Manual Table 3.12.1-1, because of milk unavailability.

Listed below are sampling deviations that occurred during 2017. As described in footnote (a) to RBS Technical Requirements Manual Table 3.12.1-1, deviations are permitted from the required sampling schedule due to malfunction of equipment or other legitimate reasons. Station Sampling Period Problem Comment Description API 04118/17 to Power Outage Air sampler locations API and ANI lost power ANI 05/02117 for 4.8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> due to power outage. (CR-RBS-2017 -03696) AQS2 05/16117 to Power Outage Air sampler location AQS2 lost 7.6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> due 05/30117 to power outage. (CR-RBS-20 17 -04339) AQS2 05/30/17 to Power Outage Extended power outage due to substation 06113117 maintenance. (See CR-RBS-20 17-04339)

APi 06/13/17 to Power Outage Air sampler locations APi, ANi, and AGC ANI 06/27/17 lost power for less than one hour due to power outage. (CR-RBS-2017-5049)

AGC *Power restored -AQS2's volume short 2 days AQS2* 23 hours2.662037e-4 days <br />0.00639 hours <br />3.80291e-5 weeks <br />8.7515e-6 months <br /> and 21 minutes. (See CR-RBS-20 17-04339). 3

  • Missed Samples [n 2017 , one sampling period for a special air sample location was missed due to an extended power outage. This power outage was due to substation maintenance , which sec ured power to the area.
  • Unavailable Results There were no unavailable results in 2017. Program Modifications RBS made no modifications to the REMP during the year 2017. Attachments Attachments 1 through 7 contain results of air , TLD , water , sediment, fish , food products and special samples collected in 2017. River Bend's REMP TLDs were analyzed by Stanford Dosimetry. The Teledyne Brown Engineering Env ironmental Laboratory analyzed all remaining samples. Attachment 8 contains Teledyne Brown Engineering's participation in the Interlaboratory Comparison Program during the year 2017. 4
1. Introduction

1.1. Radiological

Environmental Monitoring Program River Bend Station established the REMP to ensure that plant operating controls properly function to minimize any associated radiation endangerment to human health or the environment.

The REMP is designed for the following:

  • Analyzing important pathways for anticipated types and quantities of radionuclides released into the environment.
  • Considering the possibility of a buildup of long-lived radionuclides in the environment and identifying physical and biological accumulations that may contribute to human exposures.
  • Considering the potential radiation exposure to plant and animal life in the environment surrounding RBS.
  • Correlating levels of radiation and radio"activity in the environment with radioactive releases from station operation.

1.2. Pathways

Monitored The airborne , direct radiation , waterborne and ingestion pathways , as seen in Figure 1-1, are monitored as required by the RBS Technical Requirements Manual 3.12.1. A description of the RBS REMP samp le locations utilized to monitor exposure pathways are described in Table 1.1 and shown in Figures 1-2 and 1-3. RBS may occasionally supplement this program with additional sampling in order to provide a comprehensive and well-balanced program. Section 2.0 of this report provides a discussion of 2017 sampling results with Section 3.0 providing a summary of results for the monitored exposure pathways.

1.3. Land Use Census RBS personnel conduct a land use census biannually as required by RBS Technical Requirements Manual 3.12.2. The last land use census was performed in 2016. The next scheduled land use census will be performed in 2018. Section 2.8 on the report contains a narrative on the results of the 2016 land use census. 5 Ex po s ure Pathwa y Airborne Direct Radiation Table Radiological Environmental Sampling Program Requirem e nt Radioi o dine and P a rticul a t es 2 samples from close to the 2 SITE BOUNDARY l ocations , in different sectors, of the highest calculated annual average ground level Radioiodine and P a rticulate s I sample from the vicinity of a comm u nity h aving the highest calculated annual average ground level Radioiodine and Particulate s I samp l e from a contro l location, as for exam pl e 15 -30 distance and in the l east prevalent wind direction.

TLD s One ring of stations, one in each S ample P oint D es cription , Di s tance and Dir e cti o n AN I (0.9 km W) -RBS site Hwy 965; 0.4 km south of Activity Center. API (0.9 km WNW) -Behind River Bend Station Act i vity Center. A Q S 2 (5.8 km NW) -SI. Francis Substation on US Hwy. (Bus.) 6 1 in St. Francisville. A G C (17.0 SE) -Ente r gy Service Cen t er compound in Zachary. (Co n tro l) meteorological sector in the general area of TA l (1.7 km N) -River Bend Training Center. the S I TE BOUNDARY.

T BI (0.5 NNE) -Ut ili ty p o l e n ear Rive r B e n d Station coo l ing tower yar d area. T CI (1.7 km NE) -Te l ephone pole at Jct. US Hwy. 6 1 and O l d Highway 6 1. 6 S ampling and C oll ec tion F r e qu e nc y Continuous sampler operation sample collection every two weeks , or more frequent l y if req u ired by d u st loading. Quarterly Ty pe and F requenc y Of A nal ys e s Radioiodine Canisters 1-131 ana l ysis every two weeks. Ai r Part i c ul ate radioac ti vity ana l ysis Gross beta following filter change. mR exposure quarterly.

Table Radiological Environmental Sampling Program Exposure Requirement Sample Point Description, Sampling and Type and Frequency Pathway Distance and Direction Collection Frequency Analyses Direct TLDs TDl (1.6 ENE) -Stub pole along WF7, Radiation One ring of stations, one in each 150m S ofJct. WF7 and US Hwy. 61. meteorological sector in the general area Quarterly exposure quarterly.

of the SITE BOUNDARY. TEl (1.3 km E) -Stub pole a long WF7 , I km S of WF7 and US Hwy. 61. TFI (1.3 km ESE) -Stub pole along WF7 , 1.6 S ofJc!. WF7 and US Hwy. 61. TGI (1.6 km SE) -Stub pole along WF7 , 2 km S of Jct. WF7 and US Hwy. 6l. THI (1.7 SSE) -Stub pole at power line crossing ofWF7 (near Grants Bayou). TJI (1.5 km S) -Stub pole near River Bend Station Gate #23 on Powell Station Road (LA Hwy.965). TKI (0.9 km SSW) -Utility pole on Powell Station Road (LA Hwy. 965), 20 m S of River Bend Station River Access Road. TLl (1.0 SW) -First utility pole on Powell Station Road (LA Hwy. 965) S of former Illinois Central GulfRR crossing.

7 Exposure Pathway Direct Radiation Table Radiological Environmental Sampling Program Requirement TLDs One ring of stations, one in each meteorological sector in the general area of the SITE BOUNDARY. TLDs The balance of the stations (8) to be placed in special interest areas such as population centers, nearby residences , schools , and in I or 2 areas to serve as control locations.

Sample Point Description, Distance and Direction TMI (0.9 km WSW) -Third utility pole on Powell Station Road (LA Hwy. 965) N of former Illinois Central GulfRR crossing.

TNI (0.9 km W) -Utility pole along Powell Station Road (LA Hwy. 965), near garden and ANI sampler location.

TPI (0.9 km WNW) -Behind River Bend Station Activity Center at AP I sampler location. TQl (0.6 km NW) -Across from MA-I on RBS North Access Road. TRI (0.8 km NNW) -River Bend Station North Access Road across from Main Plant entrance.

TAC (15.8 km N) -Utility pole at Jct. of US Hwy. 61 and LA Hwy. 421, 7.9 north of Bains. (Control)

TCS (12.3 km NE) -Utility pole at gate to East Louisiana State Hospital in J ackson. (Special)

TEC (16.0 km E) -Stub pole at jct. of Hwy. 955 and Greenbrier Road , 4.8 km North of Jct. ofHwys 955 and 964. (Control) Sampling and Type and Frequency Collection Frequency Of Analyses Quarterly mR exposure quarterly.

Exposure Pathway Direct Radiation Waterborne Table Radiological Environmental Sampling Program Requirement TLDs The balance of the stations (8) to be placed in special interest areas such as population centers , nearby residences , schools, and in I or 2 areas to serve as control loc ations. Surface Water I sample upstream and downstream.

samp l e Sample Point Description, Distance and Direction TGS (17.0 km SE) -Entergy Service Center compound in Zachary. (Spe cial) TNS (6.0 km W) -Utility pole with electrical meter at west bank ferry landin g (LA Hwy. 10). (Special)

TQSl (4.0 km NW) -Utility pole front of Pentecostal church (opposite West Feliciana Parish Hospital) near Jet. US Hwy. 61 and Commerce Street. (Special)

TQS2 (5.8 km St. Francis Substation on business US Hwy. 61 St. Francisville. (Special)

TRS (9.2 km NNW) -Stub pole at Jct. of US Hwy. 61 and WF2 near Bains (West Feliciana High School). (Special)

SWU (5.0 km W) -Mississippi River about 4 upstream from the plant liquid discharge outfall , near LA H wy. 10 ferry crossing.

SWD (7.75 km S) -Mississippi River about 4 downstream from plant liquid discharge outfall, near paper mill. Sampling and Collection Frequency Quarterly Grab samp le s quarterly Type and Frequency Of Analyses mR exposure quarterly. Gamma isotopic analysis and tritium analysis quarterly.

Table Radiological Environmental Sampling Program Exposure Requirement Sample Point Description , Sampling and Type and Frequency Pathway Distance and Direction Collection Frequency Of Analyses Waterborne Groundwater Samples from I or 2 sources only if likely WU (-470 m NNE) -Upland Terrace Aquifer Gamma isotopic and tritium analysis to be affected.

Semiannually well upgradient from plant. semiannually.

WD (-470 m SW) -Upland Terrace Aquifer well downgradient from plant. Sediment From Shoreline I san1ple from downstream area with SEDD (7.75 S) -Mississippi River about 4 Gamma isotopic analysis annually.

existing or potential recreational value. km downstream from plant liquid discharge Annually outfall , near paper mill. Ingestion Milk If commercially available, I sample from Currently, no available milking animals within 8 Gamma isotopic and 1-131 analysis milking animals within 8 km distant where Quarterly when animals are on doses are calculated to be greater than I kmofRBS. pasture. quarterly when animals are on mrem per year. pasture. I sample from milking animals at a control location 15 -30 distant when an indicator location exists. Fish and Invertebrates FD (7.75 S) -One sample of a commercially I sample of a commercially and/or and/or recre ationally important species from recreationally important species in vicinity downstream area influenced by plant discharge. Annually Gamma isotopic analysis on edible of plant discharge area. portions annually FU (4.0 WSW) -One samp l e of a I sample of similar species in area not commercially and/or recreationally important influenced by plant discharge.

species from upstream area not influenced by plant discharge.

10 Exposure Pathway Ingestion Table 1.1 Radiological Environmental Sampling Program Requirement Food Product s 1 sample of one type of broadleaf vegetation grown near the SITE BOUNDARY location of highest predicted annual average ground level if milk sampling is not performed.

1 sample of simiiar broadleaf vegetation grown 15 -30 distant , if milk sampling is not performed. Sample Point Description , Di s tance and Direction GNI (0.9 km W) -Sampling will be performed in accordance with Table 3.12.1-1 Section 4.a of the Technical Requirements Manual. GQC (32.0 NW) -One sample of similar vegetables from LA State Penitentiary at Angola. (Control) Sampling and Collection F requenc y Quarterly during the growing season. Type and Frequency Of Analyses Gamma isotopic and I-i31 analysis quarterly.

Figure 1-1 Exposure Pathways Ingestion P (W) a

..... "-..... ..... GSU Pro".rt, lin. / .,-

/ / Figure 1-2 Sample Collection Sites -Near Field \ \ ..... " ..... ..... ..... ..... .,-..-/ / / / R 13 J (S) \ \ \ \ 0 ..... \ C .,-F

"' \ \ ,590 Near*fleld Radiological Environmental Monitoring Locations Figure 1-3 Sample Collection Sites -Far Field (W) -'

-' "-K Far. lIeld Radiological Environmental Moni t oring locations _! "-\ o 5 / \ ,. ,. ,,; ! '\ 1 ... " ,. 0 E F \

2. Interpretation and Trends of Results Table 3.1 provides a comparison of the indicator and control location mean values for the 2017 data, and indicates that the environment around the plant is unaffected by plant operations.

2.1. Air Particulate and Radioiodine Sample Results Iodine-I31 attributable to RBS was not detected in the radioiodine cartridges during 2017 as has been the case in previous years. Indicator gross beta air particulate results for 2017 were similar to preoperational and operational levels as seen below. Results are reported as annual average (picocuries per cubic meter). (Attachment 1.1) Monitoring Period Result Preoperational 0.030 2017 0.018 2016 0.017 2015 0.017 2014 0.019 2013 0.019 2012 0.025 2011 0.026 2010 0.024 2009 0.023 2008 0.023 2.2. Thermoluminescent Dosimetry Sample Results Gamma radiation exposure in the reporting period compares to previous years. Figure 2-1 compares quarterly indicator results for 2017 with control location data from J 986 to 2017. All indicator results were within three-sigma of the control data. RBS normalizes measured exposure to 90 days and relies on comparison of the indicator locations to the control as a measure of plant impact. RBS's comparison of the indicator and special interest area TLD results to the controls , as seen in Table 3.1 , indicates that the ambient radiation levels are unaffected by plant operations.

Therefore , levels continue to remain at or near background. (Attachment 2.1)

2.3. Water

Sample Results Analytical results for 2017 surface water and groundwater samples were similar to those reported in previous years. Surface water samples were collected from two locations (indicator and control) and analyzed for gamma radionuclides and tritium. Gamma radionuclides were below detectable limits at the indicator and control locations.

Tritium was also below detectable limits at all locations.

Listed below is a comparison of 2017 results from the indicator location as compared to the preoperational and previous operational years. Results are reported as annual average pCill (picocuries per liter). (Attachment 3.1) Radionuclide Gammas Tritium 2017 <LLD <LLD 2003 -2017 <LLD <LLD Preoperational

<LLD <LLD Groundwater samples were collected from two locations (indicator and control) and analyzed for gamma radionuclides and tritium. Gamma radionuclides and tritium were below detectable limits at the indicator and control locations.

Listed below is a comparison of 2017 results from the indicator location as compared to the preoperational and previous operational years. Results are reported as annual average pCi/1. (Attachment 4.1) Radionuclide Gammas Tritium 2017 <LLD <LLD 2003 -2017 <LLD <LLD Preoperational

<LLD <LLD Based on these comparisons , the operation of RBS had no impact on this pathway during 2017 , and levels of radionuclides monitored for this pathway continue to remain similar to those obtained in operational and preoperational years. 2.4. Shoreline Sediment Sample Results A shoreline sediment sample was collected from the indicator location in 2017 and analyzed for gamma radionuclides.

RBS also samples a non-REMP upstream control sediment sample. A review of historical indicator and upstream sediment samples periodically shows Cs-137. Cs-137 was indicated in one of the control samples in 2017 and is in line with historical data. The results of the upstream positive value indicates that this radioactivity in the sediment is most probable from weapons testing or other fallout events and not attributable to RBS. Therefore , based on these measurements, RBS operations had no significant radiological impact upon the environment or public via this pathway. (Attachment 5.1) 2.5. Milk Sample Results The REMP did not include milk sampling within five miles (8 km) of RBS in 2017 due to unavailability of milk-producing animals used for human consumption.

The RBS Technical Requirements Manual requires collection of milk samples if available commercially within 8 km (5 miles) of the plant. RBS personnel collected vegetation samples to monitor the ingestion pathway , as specified in RBS Technical Requirements Manual Table 3.12.1-1 , because of milk unavailability.

2.6. Food Product Sample Results Food product samples were collected when available from two locations (indicator and control) in 2017 and analyzed for gamma radionuclides in accordance with Table TRM 3.12.1-1.

The 2017 levels attributable to RBS remained undetectable , which is consistent with previous operational years. Therefore , since levels continue to remain at background , it can be concluded that plant operations is not impacting this pathway. (Attachment 6.1) 2.7. Fish and Invertebrate Sample Results Fish samples were collected from two locations (indicator and control) and analyzed for gamma radionuclides.

In 2017 , gamma radionuclides were below detectable limits that were consistent with the preoperational and operational monitoring periods. Therefore , based on these measurements , RBS operations had no significant radiological impact upon the environment or public by this pathway. (Attachment 7.1) 2.8. Land Use Census Results The Land Use Census was conducted in accordance with procedure ESP-8-051 , as required by T echnical Requirements Manual (TRM) (TR 3.12.2). A garden census is not conducted pursuant to the note in the TRM (TLCO 3.12.2) that allows the sampling of broadleaf vegetation in the highest calculated average level sector near site boundary in lieu of the garden census. The milk animal census identified no milk animals within 8 (5 miles) of River Bend site. This information was verified by the County Agents from West Feliciana , East Feliciana , and Pointe Coupee parishes.

No resident census changes were noted , as indicated in Table 2.1. No locations were identified in 2017 that would yield a calculated dose or dose commitment greater than those contained in the TRM (TR 3.11). Table 2.1 contains data from the most recently completed Land Use Census. 17 2.9.

The purpose of the Interlaboratory Comparison Program (ICP) is to confirm the accuracy of results produced by Teledyne Brown Engineering.

Samples of various matrices (i.e. soil, water, vegetation, air filters, and milk) are spiked with known amounts of radioactivity by commercial vendors of this service and by departments within the government.

TBE participates in three programs.

Two are commercial, Analytics Inc. and Environmental Resource Associates (ERA) and one is a government sponsored program, the Department of Energy's (DOE) Mixed Analyte Performance Evaluation Program (MAPEP). The DOE's Idaho National Engineering Laboratory administers the MAPEP. All three programs are blind performance evaluation studies in which samples with known activities are sent to TBE for analysis.

Once analyzed, TBE submits the results to the respective agency for evaluation.

The results of these evaluations are published in TBE's quarterly and annual QA reports. The 2017 Interlaboratory Comparison Program includes all contractually required matrices and analyses TBE supplies to customers and specifically RBS's Technical Requirements Manual 3.12.3. Attachment 8 contains these results. In reviewing our environmental inter-laboratory crosscheck programs, we identified I) duplication of efforts on some matrices and isotopes and 2) that we are performing crosscheck samples on some matrices and isotopes that we do not perform for clients. Since the DOE MAPEP is designed to evaluate the ability of analytical facilities to correctly analyze for radiological constituents representative of those at DOE sites, the needed changes were made to the MAPEP program. Therefore , the following isotopes were removed from the MAPEP program: Soil -gamma -will be provided by Analytics twice per year in 2017. gamma -is currently provided by Analytics.

Water -gamma , H-3 , Sr-90 , uranium , gross alpha and gross beta currently provided by ERA. MAPEP evaluates non-reported (NR) analyses as failed if they were reported in the previous series. For the TBE laboratory , 168 out of 173 analyses performed met the specified acceptance criteria.

Five analyses did not meet the specified acceptance criteria for the following reasons and were addressed through the TBE Corrective Action Program. Note: The Department of Energy (DOE) Mixed Analyte Performance Evaluation Program (MAPEP) samples are created to mimic conditions found at DOE sites which do not resemble typical environmental samples obtained at commercial nuclear power facilities. The ERA April 2017 two nuclides in water were evaluated as (NCR 17-09) a. The Zn-65 result of 39.3 pCilL, exceeded the lower acceptance limit of 47.2. The known value was unusually low for this study. The sample 18 was run in duplicate on two different detectors.

The results of each were 39.3 18.2 pCi/L (46% error and lower efficiency) and 59.3 8.23 pCilL (13.9% error and higher efficiency).

The result from the 2 nd detector would have been well within the acceptable range (47.2-65.9) and 110.2% of the known value of53.8 pCi/L. b. The Sr-89 result of 40.7 pCi/L exceeded the lower acceptance limit of 53.8. All associated QC and recoveries were reviewed and no apparent cause could be determined for the failure. The prior three cross-check results were from 99 -115% of the known values and the one that followed this sample (November, 2017) was 114% of the known value. 2. The DOE MAPEP August 2017 air particulate U-238 result of 0.115 0.025 Bq/sample was higher than the known value of 0.087 0.002 with a ratio of 1.32 , therefore the upper ratio of 1.30 (acceptable with warning) was exceeded.

TBE's result with error easily overlaps with the acceptable range. MAPEP does not evaluate results with any associated error. Also , the spike level for this sample was very low (2.35 pCi) compared to TBE's normal LCS of6 pCi. TBE considers this result as passing. (NCR 17-15) 3. The Analytics September 2017 soil Cr-51 result was evaluated as (Ratio ofTBE to known result at 0.65). The reported value was 0.230 +/- 0.l44 and the known value was 0.355 +/- 0.00592 The sample was counted overnight for 14 hours1.62037e-4 days <br />0.00389 hours <br />2.314815e-5 weeks <br />5.327e-6 months <br /> , however the Cr-51 was spiked at a very low level and had a counting error of 65%. Cr-51 has a 27-day half-life , making low-level quantification even more difficult.

The error does not appear to have been taken into consideration for this result. If it had been evaluated with the error, the highest result would have been 105% of the reference value , which is acceptable. Also , the known value is significantly lower than TBE's typical MDC for this nuclide in a soil matrix and would typically not be reported to clients (unless specified).

The results of all of the previous cross-checks have been in the acceptable (80 -120%) range. TBE will evaluate further upon completion of the next ICP sample. (NCR 17-16) 4. The ERA November 2017 water Sr-90 sample was evaluated as TBE's result of27.l pCilL exceeded the lower acceptance range (30.8 -48.0 pCi/L). After reviewing the associated QC data for this sample , it was determined that although the spike recovery for Sr-90 was within our laboratory guidelines (70% -130%), both the spike result and our ERA result were biased low. The original cross-check sample was completely consumed and we were unable to reanalyze before submitting the result. We have modified our preparation process to avoid this situation for future cross-check samples. We also have enhanced LIMS programming to force a LCSD when a workgroup includes cross-check samples (as opposed to running a OUP). (NCR 17-19) 19

1 A (N) 5498 Hwy 61 1.9 --St.Francisville, LA 70775 2 (NNE) 4549 Old Hwy 61 1.4 -St.Francisville, LA 70775 3 C (NE) 4553 Old Hwy 61 1.5 -St.Francisville, LA 70775 4 (ENE) 12657 Powell Station Rd. 1.4 -St.Francisville , LA 70775 5 4635 Hwy 61 2.4 --St.Francisville, LA 70775 6 (ESE) 1 2019 Fairview Way 2.6 -Jackson, LA 7748 7 G (SE) 3319 Hwy 964 3.7 -Jackson, LA 70748 8 (SSE) 11813 Powell Station Rd. 1.7 --St.Francisville, LA 70775 9 (S) 11649 Powell Station Rd. 1.8 --St.Francisville , LA 70775 10 (SSW) 8909 Hwy 981 6.6 --New Roads , LA 70760 11 (SW) --1 12 M (WSW) 10933 Cajun 2 Rd. 5.1 --New Roads , LA 70760 13 N (W) --1 14 (WNW) 10426 Old Field Rd. 3.7 --St.Francisville, LA 70775 15 Q (NW) 9537 Hwy 965 1.3 --St.Francisville , LA 70775 16 (NNW) 9794 Hwy 965 1.6 --St.Francisville , LA 70775 #

1 No re sidence located within 8 km. 20

20.00 18.00 12.00 x >< t

  • x 6 x x x )( * *
  • 6 -* x 16.00 14.00 10.00 ..

8.00 6.00 0.0500 0.0400 ... 0.0300 * ,g *

  • Q. 0.0 200 * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  • 0.0100 0.0000 03101117 0410 111 7 07 1 0 11 17 08/0 11 17 1001117 .ANI .APl AAQS2

Table 3.1 summarizes the 2017 REMP results. RBS personnel did not use values reported as less than the lower limit of detection

<<LLD) when determining ranges and means for indicator and control locations.


23 Name of Facility River Bend Station Docket No. SO-4S8 Location of Faci li ty St. Franc i sville, Louisiana Reporting Period J anuarv I 2017 to Decem ber 31 2017 (County/State)

Type Lower Limit All Indicator Control Medium of Pathway Total No. of Locations Location with Highe st Annual Mean Location No. of Sampled of Analysis Detection( I) Mean(2) Name Mean(2) Mean(2) Reportable (Unit of Measurement)

Performed (LLD) Range(2) Range(2) Range(2) Occurrences Air Particulate GR-B 103 0.01 AQS2 (S.8 NW)

.018 (26/26) 0 (pCilml) (.0 11.033) (.012/.03)

(.0111.0 32) Air Iod in e 1-131 103 0.07 NA NA(O/O) ND(0/26) 0 (pCilml) (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND-ND) Indicators TLDs Gamma Dose 64 NA 13.7 (64/64) TGI (1.6 SE) 16.1 (4/4) NA 0 (mRlQuarter)

Quarterly (10.3/16.4) (IS.3116.4)

Special Interest TLDs Gamma Dose 24 NA 14.3 (24/24) TGS (17.0 SE) IS.9 (4/4) NA 0 (mRlQ uarter) Quarterly (IS.2/17) Control TLDs Gamma Dose 8 NA NA TAC (1S.8 N) IS.9 (4/4) IS.2 (8/8) 0 (mRlQuarter)

Quarterly (1S.2116.8)


Surface Water H-3 10 2000 ND(O/S) NA NA(O/O) ND (O/S) 0 (pCi/L) (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND-ND) Mn-S4 10 IS ND(O/S) NA NA(O/O) ND(O/S) 0 (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND-ND) Co-S8 IS ND(O/S) NA NA(O/O) ND(O/S) 0 (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND-ND) Fe-S9 10 30 ND(O/S) NA NA(O/O) ND(O/S) 0 (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND-ND) 24

3.1 Name of Facility River Bend Station Docket No. SO-4S8 Location of Facility St. Francisville, Louisiana Reporting Period January I 2017 to December 31 2017 (County/State)

Type Lower Limit All Indicator Control Medium of Pathwa y Total No. of Locations Location with Highest Annual Mean Location No. of Sampled of Analysis Detection( I ) Mean (2) Name Mean(2) Mean(2) Reportable (Unit of M eas urement) Performed Range(2) Range(2) Occurrences Surface Water (cont'd) Co-60 10 IS ND(O/S) NA NA(O/O) ND(O/S) 0 (pC ilL) (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND-ND) Zn-6S 10 30 ND(O/S) NA NA(O/O) ND(O/S) 0 (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND-ND) Nb-9S 10 IS ND(O/S) NA NA(O/O) ND(O/S) 0 (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND-ND) Zr-9S 10 30 ND(O/S) NA NA(O/O) ND(O/S) 0 (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND-ND) 1-131 10 IS ND(O/S) NA NA(O/O) ND(O/S) 0 (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND-ND) Cs-134 10 IS ND(O/S) NA NA(O/O) ND(0/5) 0 (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND-ND) Cs-137 10 18 ND(O/S) NA NA(O/O) ND(0/5) 0 (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND-ND) Ba-140 10 60 ND(O/S) NA NA(O/O) ND(0/5) 0 (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND-ND) La-140 10 IS ND(O/S) NA NA(O/O) ND(0/5) 0 (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND-ND) Ground Water H-3 4 2000 ND(0/2) NA NA(O/O) ND(OI2) 0 (pCi/L) (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND-ND) 25

Name of Facility River Bend Station Docket No. 50-458 Location of Facility St. Francisville, Louisiana Reporting Period January 1 2017 to December 31 2017 (County/State) Type Lower Limit All Indicator Control Medium of Pathway Total No. of Locations Location with Highest Annual Mean Location No. of Sampled of Analysis Detection( 1) Mean(2) Name Mean(2) Mean(2) Reportable (Unit of Measurement)

Performed (LLD) Range(2) Ran ge(2) Range(2) Occurrences Ground Water (cont'd) Mn-54 4 15 ND(O/2) NA NA(O/O) ND(O/2) 0 (pCi/L) (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND-ND) Co-58 4 15 ND(0/2) NA NA(O/O) ND(O/2) 0 (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND-ND) Fe-59 4 30 ND(O/2) NA NA(O/O) ND(0/2) 0 (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND-ND) Co-60 4 15 ND(O/2) NA NA(O/O) ND(0/2) 0 (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND-ND) Zn-65 4 30 ND(O/2) NA NA(O/O) ND(0/2) 0 (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND-ND) Nb-95 4 15 ND(O/2) NA NA(O/O) ND(0/2) 0 (ND-ND) (NA-N A) (ND-ND) Zr-95 4 30 ND(O/2) NA NA(O/O) ND(0/2) 0 (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND-ND) I-131 4 15 ND(O/2) NA NA(O/O) ND(0/2) 0 (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND-ND) Cs-134 4 15 ND(0/2) NA NA(O/O) ND(0/2) 0 (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND-ND) Cs-137 4 18 ND(O/2) NA NA(O/O) ND(0/2) 0 (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND-ND) 26

Name of Facility River Bend Station Docket No. 50-458 Location of Facility St. Francisville, Louisiana Reporting Period J anuarv I 2017 to December 31 2017 (County/State)

Type Lower Limit A1llndicator Control Medium of Pathway Total No. of Locations Location with Highest Annual Mean Location No. of Sampled of Analysis Detection( I) Mean(2) Name Mean(2) Mean(2) Reportable (Unit of Measurement)

Performed Range(2) Range(2) Range(2) Occurrences Ground Water (cont'd) Ba-140 4 60 ND(O/2) NA NA(O/O) ND(OI2) 0 (pCilL) (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND-ND) La-140 4 15 ND(O/2) NA NA(O/O) 0 (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND-ND) Shoreline Sediment Mn-54 2 NA ND(O/I) NA NA(O/O) ND(O/l) 0 (pCi/kg,dry) (ND) (ND) (ND) Co-58 2 NA ND(O/l) NA NA(O/O) ND(O/l) 0 (ND) (ND) (ND) Fe-59 2 NA ND(O/I) NA NA(O/O) ND(O/I) 0 (ND) (ND) (ND) Co-60 2 NA ND(O/l) NA NA(O/O) ND(O/I) 0 (ND) (ND) (ND) Zn-65 2 NA ND(O/l) NA NA(O/O) ND(O/I) 0 (ND) (ND) (ND) Nb-95 2 NA ND(O/I) NA NA(O/O) ND(O/I) 0 (ND) (ND) (ND) Zr-95 2 NA ND(O/I) NA NA(O/O) ND(O/I) 0 (ND) (ND) (ND) 1-131 2 NA ND(O/l) NA NA(O/O) ND(O/I) 0 (ND) (ND) (ND) 27

Name of Facility River Bend Station Docket No. 50-458 Location of Facility St. Franc isville , Louisiana Reporting Period January 1 2017 to December 31 2017 (County/State)

Type Lower Limit All Indicator Control Med i um of Pathway Total No. of Locations Location with Highest Annual Mean Location No. of Sampled of Analysis Detection( I) Mean(2) Name Mean(2) Mean(2) Reportable (Uni t of Measurement)

Perfonned (LLD) Range(2) Ran ge(2) Range(2) Occurrences Shoreline Sediment (cont'd) Cs*134 2 150 ND(OIl) NA NA(O/O) ND(OIl) (pCi/kg,dry) (ND) (ND) (ND) Cs-137 2 180 ND(OIl) SEDU 100.5 (Ill) 100.5 (I/1) 0 (ND) (ND) (ND) Ba-140 2 NA ND(O/I) NA NA(O/O) ND(O/I) 0 (ND) (ND) (ND) La-140 2 NA ND(OIl) NA NA(O/O) ND(OIl) 0 (ND) (ND) (ND) Food Products Mn-54 8 NA ND(0/4) NA NA(O/O) ND(0/4) 0 (pCilkg,wet) (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND-ND) Co-58 8 NA ND(0/4) NA NA(O/O) ND(0/4) 0 (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND-ND) Fe-59 8 NA ND(0/4) NA NA(O/O) ND(0/4) 0 (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND-ND) Co-60 8 NA ND(0/4) NA NA(O/O) ND(0/4) 0 (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND-ND) Zn-65 8 NA ND(0/4) NA NA(O/O) ND(0/4) 0 (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND-ND) Nb-95 8 NA ND(0/4) NA NA(O/O) ND(0/4) 0 (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND-ND) 28

3.1 Name of Facility River Bend Station Docket No. 50-458 Location of Facility St. Francisville.

Louisiana Reporting Period January 1 2017 to December 31 2017 (County/State)

Type & Ul\ver Limit All Indicator Control Medium of Pathway Total No. of Locations Location with Highest Annual Mean Location No. of Sampled of Anal ysis Detection( 1) Mean(2) Name Mean(2) Mean(2) Reportable (Unit of Measurement)

Performed (LLD) Range(2) Range (2) Range(2) Occurrences Food Products (cont'd) Zr-95 8 NA ND(0/4) NA NA(O/O) ND(0/4) 0 (pCilkg,wet) (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND-ND) 1-131 8 60 ND(0/4) NA NA(O/O) ND(0/4) 0 (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND-ND) Cs-134 8 60 ND(0/4) NA NA(O/O) ND(0/4) 0 (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND-ND) Cs-137 8 80 ND(0/4) NA NA(O/O) ND(0/4) 0 (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND-ND) Ba-140 8 NA ND(0/4) NA NA(O/O) ND(0/4) 0 (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND-ND) La-140 8 NA ND(0/4) NA NA(O/O) ND(0/4) 0 (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND-ND) Fish Mn-54 2 130 ND(OIl) NA NA(O/O) NA(O/l) 0 (pCilkg, wet) (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND) Co-58 2 130 ND(OIl) NA NACO/O) NACO/l) 0 (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND) Fe-59 2 260 ND(0/1) NA NACO/O) NA(O/l) 0 (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND) Co-60 2 130 ND(O/l) NA NACO/O) NACO/l) 0 (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND) 29

3.1 Name of Facility River Bend Station Docket No. 50-458 Location of Facility St. Francisville, Louisiana Reporting Period January 1 2017 to December 31 2017 (County/State)

Type Lower Limit All Ind icator Control Medium of Pathway Total No. of Locations Location with Highest Annual Mean Location No. of Sampled of Analysis Detection( I) Mean(2) Name Mean(2) Mean(2) Reportable (Unit of Measurement)

Performed Range(2) Range(2) Range(2) Occurrences Fish (cont'd) Zn-65 2 260 ND(O/I) NA NA(O/O) NA(O/I) 0 (pCilkg,wet) (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND) Nb-95 2 NA ND(O/I) NA NA(O/O) NA(OIl) 0 (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND) Zr-95 2 NA ND(O/I) NA NA(O/O) NA(O/I) 0 (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND) 1-131 2 NA ND(OIl) NA NA(O/O) NA(OIl) 0 (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND) Cs-134 2 130 ND(OIl) NA NA(O/O) NA(OIl) 0 (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND) Cs-137 2 150 ND(OIl) NA NA(O/O) NA(OIl) 0 (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND) Ba-140 2 NA ND(OIl) NA NA(O/O) NA(O/I) 0 (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND) La-140 2 NA ND(OIl) NA NA(O/O) NA(O/I) 0 (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND) (I) Nominal Lower Limit of Detection (LLD), as stated ODeM. (2) Mean and Range based upon detectable measurements only. Fraction of detectable measurements at specified location indicated in bracketsO. (3) NO = Non Detectable.

(4) NA = Not Applicable. 30






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Table of Contents Summary 1. 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 2. 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 2.5. 2.6. 2.7. 2.8. 2.9. 3. 3.1. Introduction Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Pathways Monitored Land Use Census Interpretation and Trends of Results Air Particulate and Radioiodine Sample Results Thermoluminescent Dosimetry Sample Results Water Sample Results Shoreline Sediment Sample Results Milk Sample Results Food Product Sample Results Fish and Invertebrate Sample Results Land Use Census Results Interlaborator y Comparison Results Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Summary 2017 Program Results Summary List of Tables Table 1.1 Radiological Environmental Sampling Program Table 2-1 Land Use Census Results Table 3.1 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Summary 1 5 5 5 5 15 15 15 16 16 16 17 17 17 18 22 22 20 24 List of Figures Figure 1-1 Exposure Pathways Figure 1-2 Sample Collection Sites -Near Field Figure 1-3 Sample Collection Sites -Far Field Figure 2-1 TLD Indicator vs Control Data Figure 2-2 Gross Beta Indicator Results List of Attachments Attachment 1-7 Data Tables Attachment 1.1 Air Particulate and Charcoal Cartridges Attachment

2.1 Thermoluminescent

Dosimeters (TLD) Attachment

3.1 Surface

Water Attachment

4.1 Groundwater


5.1 Shoreline

Sediment Attachment 6.1 Food Products Attachment 7.1 Fish Attachment 8 Teledyne Brown Engineering's Interlaboratory Comparison Program Tables 12 13 14 21 21 31 32 36 37 41 42 43 45 46 Summary The Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report presents data obtained through analyses of environmental samples collected for the River Bend Station (RBS) Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP) for the period January 1 , 2017 through December 31,2017. This report fulfills a requirement specified in RBS Technical Requirements Manual (TRM) 5.6.2 as required by Technical Specification 5.6.2 of Appendix A to RBS License Number NPF-47. During 2017 , REMP results remained at background levels , as has been the case in previous years. All required lower limit of detection (LLD) capabilities were achieved in all sample analyses during 2017 , as required by the RBS Technical Requirement Manual (TRM). No measurable levels of radiation above baseline levels attributable to River Bend Station operation were detected in the vicinity of RBS. The 2017 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program thus substantiated the adequacy of source control and effluent monitoring at River Bend Station with no observed impact of plant operations on the environment.

Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program RBS established the REMP prior to the station's becoming operational (1985) to provide data on background radiation and radioactivity normally present in the area. RBS has continued to monitor the environment by sampling air , water , sediment , fish and food products, as well as measuring direct radiation.

RBS also samples milk if milk-producing animals used for human consumption are present within five miles (8 km) of the plant. The REMP includes sampling indicator and control locations within an approximate 20-mile radius of the plant. The REMP utilizes indicator locations near the site to show any increases or buildup of radioactivity that might occur due to station operation and control locations farther away from the site to indicate the presence of only naturally occurring radioactivity.

RBS personnel compare indicator results with control and preoperational results to assess any impact RBS operation might have had on the surrounding environment.

In 2017, environmental samples were collected for radiological analysis.

The results of indicator locations were compared with control locations and previous studies. It was concluded that no significant relationship exists between RBS operation and effect on the area around the plant. The review of 2017 data showed radioactivity levels in the environment were undetectable in many locations and near background levels in significant pathways.

Harmful Effects or Irreversible Damage The REMP monitoring did not detect any harmful effects or evidence of irreversible damage in 2017. Therefore , no analysis or planned course of action to alleviate problems was necessary.

Reporting Levels River Bend Station reviews indicate that no REMP sample equaled or exceeded reporting levels for radioactivity concentration in environmental samples , as outlined in RBS Technical Requirements Manual Table 3.12.1-2 , when averaged over any calendar quarter. Therefore , 2017 results did not require any Radiological Monitoring Program Special Reports. Radioactivity Not Attributable to RBS The RBS REMP has detected radioactivity attributable to other sources not associated with the operation ofRBS. These instances are summarized as follows:

  • In 2011 , 1-131 was detected in a control vegetation sample , and indicator and control air sample media , which was credibly attributed to the trans-Pacific transport of airborne releases from Dai-Ichi , Fukushima following the March 11 , 2011 Tohoku earthquake.
  • In 1986 , following the radioactive plume release due to reactor core degradation at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant , RBS REMP detected 1-131 in , water , vegetation , and air samples.
  • 1-131 was also detected during 1998 in the wastewater treatment plant effluent, which was attributed to the medical treatment of a RBS employee.
  • In 2 015 , low level Cs-\37 activity was detected in a soil sample collected during an emergency preparedness drill from a location greater than five miles from River Bend. This activity is attributed to the well documented global presence of low level Cs-l 3 7 activity due to residual weapons testing fallout. Comparison to Federal and State Programs RBS personnel compared REMP data to federal and state monitoring programs as results became available.

Historically , the programs used for comparison have included the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) TLD (Thermoluminescent Dosimeter)

Direct Radiation Monitoring Network and the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality -Office of Environmental Compliance (LDEQ-OEC).

The NRC TLD Network Program was discontinued in 1998. Historically these results have compared to those from the RBS REMP. RBS TLD results continue to remain similar to the historical average and continue to verify that plant operation is not affecting the ambient radiation levels in the environment.

The LDEQ-OEC and the RBS REMP entail similar radiological environmental monitoring program elements.

These programs include co-located air samplers, and similar locations for sample media such as water, fish and food products.

Both programs have obtained similar results over previous years.

The REMP did not include milk sampling within five miles (8 km) of RBS in 2017 due to unavailability of milk-producing animals used for human consumption.

The RBS Technical Requirements Manual requires collection of milk samples if available commercially within 8 km (5 miles) of the plant. RBS personnel collected vegetation samples to monitor the ingestion pathway , as specified in RBS Technical Requirements Manual Table 3.12.1-1, because of milk unavailability.

Listed below are sampling deviations that occurred during 2017. As described in footnote (a) to RBS Technical Requirements Manual Table 3.12.1-1, deviations are permitted from the required sampling schedule due to malfunction of equipment or other legitimate reasons. Station Sampling Period Problem Comment Description API 04118/17 to Power Outage Air sampler locations API and ANI lost power ANI 05/02117 for 4.8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> due to power outage. (CR-RBS-2017 -03696) AQS2 05/16117 to Power Outage Air sampler location AQS2 lost 7.6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> due 05/30117 to power outage. (CR-RBS-20 17 -04339) AQS2 05/30/17 to Power Outage Extended power outage due to substation 06113117 maintenance. (See CR-RBS-20 17-04339)

APi 06/13/17 to Power Outage Air sampler locations APi, ANi, and AGC ANI 06/27/17 lost power for less than one hour due to power outage. (CR-RBS-2017-5049)

AGC *Power restored -AQS2's volume short 2 days AQS2* 23 hours2.662037e-4 days <br />0.00639 hours <br />3.80291e-5 weeks <br />8.7515e-6 months <br /> and 21 minutes. (See CR-RBS-20 17-04339). 3

  • Missed Samples [n 2017 , one sampling period for a special air sample location was missed due to an extended power outage. This power outage was due to substation maintenance , which sec ured power to the area.
  • Unavailable Results There were no unavailable results in 2017. Program Modifications RBS made no modifications to the REMP during the year 2017. Attachments Attachments 1 through 7 contain results of air , TLD , water , sediment, fish , food products and special samples collected in 2017. River Bend's REMP TLDs were analyzed by Stanford Dosimetry. The Teledyne Brown Engineering Env ironmental Laboratory analyzed all remaining samples. Attachment 8 contains Teledyne Brown Engineering's participation in the Interlaboratory Comparison Program during the year 2017. 4
1. Introduction

1.1. Radiological

Environmental Monitoring Program River Bend Station established the REMP to ensure that plant operating controls properly function to minimize any associated radiation endangerment to human health or the environment.

The REMP is designed for the following:

  • Analyzing important pathways for anticipated types and quantities of radionuclides released into the environment.
  • Considering the possibility of a buildup of long-lived radionuclides in the environment and identifying physical and biological accumulations that may contribute to human exposures.
  • Considering the potential radiation exposure to plant and animal life in the environment surrounding RBS.
  • Correlating levels of radiation and radio"activity in the environment with radioactive releases from station operation.

1.2. Pathways

Monitored The airborne , direct radiation , waterborne and ingestion pathways , as seen in Figure 1-1, are monitored as required by the RBS Technical Requirements Manual 3.12.1. A description of the RBS REMP samp le locations utilized to monitor exposure pathways are described in Table 1.1 and shown in Figures 1-2 and 1-3. RBS may occasionally supplement this program with additional sampling in order to provide a comprehensive and well-balanced program. Section 2.0 of this report provides a discussion of 2017 sampling results with Section 3.0 providing a summary of results for the monitored exposure pathways.

1.3. Land Use Census RBS personnel conduct a land use census biannually as required by RBS Technical Requirements Manual 3.12.2. The last land use census was performed in 2016. The next scheduled land use census will be performed in 2018. Section 2.8 on the report contains a narrative on the results of the 2016 land use census. 5 Ex po s ure Pathwa y Airborne Direct Radiation Table Radiological Environmental Sampling Program Requirem e nt Radioi o dine and P a rticul a t es 2 samples from close to the 2 SITE BOUNDARY l ocations , in different sectors, of the highest calculated annual average ground level Radioiodine and P a rticulate s I sample from the vicinity of a comm u nity h aving the highest calculated annual average ground level Radioiodine and Particulate s I samp l e from a contro l location, as for exam pl e 15 -30 distance and in the l east prevalent wind direction.

TLD s One ring of stations, one in each S ample P oint D es cription , Di s tance and Dir e cti o n AN I (0.9 km W) -RBS site Hwy 965; 0.4 km south of Activity Center. API (0.9 km WNW) -Behind River Bend Station Act i vity Center. A Q S 2 (5.8 km NW) -SI. Francis Substation on US Hwy. (Bus.) 6 1 in St. Francisville. A G C (17.0 SE) -Ente r gy Service Cen t er compound in Zachary. (Co n tro l) meteorological sector in the general area of TA l (1.7 km N) -River Bend Training Center. the S I TE BOUNDARY.

T BI (0.5 NNE) -Ut ili ty p o l e n ear Rive r B e n d Station coo l ing tower yar d area. T CI (1.7 km NE) -Te l ephone pole at Jct. US Hwy. 6 1 and O l d Highway 6 1. 6 S ampling and C oll ec tion F r e qu e nc y Continuous sampler operation sample collection every two weeks , or more frequent l y if req u ired by d u st loading. Quarterly Ty pe and F requenc y Of A nal ys e s Radioiodine Canisters 1-131 ana l ysis every two weeks. Ai r Part i c ul ate radioac ti vity ana l ysis Gross beta following filter change. mR exposure quarterly.

Table Radiological Environmental Sampling Program Exposure Requirement Sample Point Description, Sampling and Type and Frequency Pathway Distance and Direction Collection Frequency Analyses Direct TLDs TDl (1.6 ENE) -Stub pole along WF7, Radiation One ring of stations, one in each 150m S ofJct. WF7 and US Hwy. 61. meteorological sector in the general area Quarterly exposure quarterly.

of the SITE BOUNDARY. TEl (1.3 km E) -Stub pole a long WF7 , I km S of WF7 and US Hwy. 61. TFI (1.3 km ESE) -Stub pole along WF7 , 1.6 S ofJc!. WF7 and US Hwy. 61. TGI (1.6 km SE) -Stub pole along WF7 , 2 km S of Jct. WF7 and US Hwy. 6l. THI (1.7 SSE) -Stub pole at power line crossing ofWF7 (near Grants Bayou). TJI (1.5 km S) -Stub pole near River Bend Station Gate #23 on Powell Station Road (LA Hwy.965). TKI (0.9 km SSW) -Utility pole on Powell Station Road (LA Hwy. 965), 20 m S of River Bend Station River Access Road. TLl (1.0 SW) -First utility pole on Powell Station Road (LA Hwy. 965) S of former Illinois Central GulfRR crossing.

7 Exposure Pathway Direct Radiation Table Radiological Environmental Sampling Program Requirement TLDs One ring of stations, one in each meteorological sector in the general area of the SITE BOUNDARY. TLDs The balance of the stations (8) to be placed in special interest areas such as population centers, nearby residences , schools , and in I or 2 areas to serve as control locations.

Sample Point Description, Distance and Direction TMI (0.9 km WSW) -Third utility pole on Powell Station Road (LA Hwy. 965) N of former Illinois Central GulfRR crossing.

TNI (0.9 km W) -Utility pole along Powell Station Road (LA Hwy. 965), near garden and ANI sampler location.

TPI (0.9 km WNW) -Behind River Bend Station Activity Center at AP I sampler location. TQl (0.6 km NW) -Across from MA-I on RBS North Access Road. TRI (0.8 km NNW) -River Bend Station North Access Road across from Main Plant entrance.

TAC (15.8 km N) -Utility pole at Jct. of US Hwy. 61 and LA Hwy. 421, 7.9 north of Bains. (Control)

TCS (12.3 km NE) -Utility pole at gate to East Louisiana State Hospital in J ackson. (Special)

TEC (16.0 km E) -Stub pole at jct. of Hwy. 955 and Greenbrier Road , 4.8 km North of Jct. ofHwys 955 and 964. (Control) Sampling and Type and Frequency Collection Frequency Of Analyses Quarterly mR exposure quarterly.

Exposure Pathway Direct Radiation Waterborne Table Radiological Environmental Sampling Program Requirement TLDs The balance of the stations (8) to be placed in special interest areas such as population centers , nearby residences , schools, and in I or 2 areas to serve as control loc ations. Surface Water I sample upstream and downstream.

samp l e Sample Point Description, Distance and Direction TGS (17.0 km SE) -Entergy Service Center compound in Zachary. (Spe cial) TNS (6.0 km W) -Utility pole with electrical meter at west bank ferry landin g (LA Hwy. 10). (Special)

TQSl (4.0 km NW) -Utility pole front of Pentecostal church (opposite West Feliciana Parish Hospital) near Jet. US Hwy. 61 and Commerce Street. (Special)

TQS2 (5.8 km St. Francis Substation on business US Hwy. 61 St. Francisville. (Special)

TRS (9.2 km NNW) -Stub pole at Jct. of US Hwy. 61 and WF2 near Bains (West Feliciana High School). (Special)

SWU (5.0 km W) -Mississippi River about 4 upstream from the plant liquid discharge outfall , near LA H wy. 10 ferry crossing.

SWD (7.75 km S) -Mississippi River about 4 downstream from plant liquid discharge outfall, near paper mill. Sampling and Collection Frequency Quarterly Grab samp le s quarterly Type and Frequency Of Analyses mR exposure quarterly. Gamma isotopic analysis and tritium analysis quarterly.

Table Radiological Environmental Sampling Program Exposure Requirement Sample Point Description , Sampling and Type and Frequency Pathway Distance and Direction Collection Frequency Of Analyses Waterborne Groundwater Samples from I or 2 sources only if likely WU (-470 m NNE) -Upland Terrace Aquifer Gamma isotopic and tritium analysis to be affected.

Semiannually well upgradient from plant. semiannually.

WD (-470 m SW) -Upland Terrace Aquifer well downgradient from plant. Sediment From Shoreline I san1ple from downstream area with SEDD (7.75 S) -Mississippi River about 4 Gamma isotopic analysis annually.

existing or potential recreational value. km downstream from plant liquid discharge Annually outfall , near paper mill. Ingestion Milk If commercially available, I sample from Currently, no available milking animals within 8 Gamma isotopic and 1-131 analysis milking animals within 8 km distant where Quarterly when animals are on doses are calculated to be greater than I kmofRBS. pasture. quarterly when animals are on mrem per year. pasture. I sample from milking animals at a control location 15 -30 distant when an indicator location exists. Fish and Invertebrates FD (7.75 S) -One sample of a commercially I sample of a commercially and/or and/or recre ationally important species from recreationally important species in vicinity downstream area influenced by plant discharge. Annually Gamma isotopic analysis on edible of plant discharge area. portions annually FU (4.0 WSW) -One samp l e of a I sample of similar species in area not commercially and/or recreationally important influenced by plant discharge.

species from upstream area not influenced by plant discharge.

10 Exposure Pathway Ingestion Table 1.1 Radiological Environmental Sampling Program Requirement Food Product s 1 sample of one type of broadleaf vegetation grown near the SITE BOUNDARY location of highest predicted annual average ground level if milk sampling is not performed.

1 sample of simiiar broadleaf vegetation grown 15 -30 distant , if milk sampling is not performed. Sample Point Description , Di s tance and Direction GNI (0.9 km W) -Sampling will be performed in accordance with Table 3.12.1-1 Section 4.a of the Technical Requirements Manual. GQC (32.0 NW) -One sample of similar vegetables from LA State Penitentiary at Angola. (Control) Sampling and Collection F requenc y Quarterly during the growing season. Type and Frequency Of Analyses Gamma isotopic and I-i31 analysis quarterly.

Figure 1-1 Exposure Pathways Ingestion P (W) a

..... "-..... ..... GSU Pro".rt, lin. / .,-

/ / Figure 1-2 Sample Collection Sites -Near Field \ \ ..... " ..... ..... ..... ..... .,-..-/ / / / R 13 J (S) \ \ \ \ 0 ..... \ C .,-F

"' \ \ ,590 Near*fleld Radiological Environmental Monitoring Locations Figure 1-3 Sample Collection Sites -Far Field (W) -'

-' "-K Far. lIeld Radiological Environmental Moni t oring locations _! "-\ o 5 / \ ,. ,. ,,; ! '\ 1 ... " ,. 0 E F \

2. Interpretation and Trends of Results Table 3.1 provides a comparison of the indicator and control location mean values for the 2017 data, and indicates that the environment around the plant is unaffected by plant operations.

2.1. Air Particulate and Radioiodine Sample Results Iodine-I31 attributable to RBS was not detected in the radioiodine cartridges during 2017 as has been the case in previous years. Indicator gross beta air particulate results for 2017 were similar to preoperational and operational levels as seen below. Results are reported as annual average (picocuries per cubic meter). (Attachment 1.1) Monitoring Period Result Preoperational 0.030 2017 0.018 2016 0.017 2015 0.017 2014 0.019 2013 0.019 2012 0.025 2011 0.026 2010 0.024 2009 0.023 2008 0.023 2.2. Thermoluminescent Dosimetry Sample Results Gamma radiation exposure in the reporting period compares to previous years. Figure 2-1 compares quarterly indicator results for 2017 with control location data from J 986 to 2017. All indicator results were within three-sigma of the control data. RBS normalizes measured exposure to 90 days and relies on comparison of the indicator locations to the control as a measure of plant impact. RBS's comparison of the indicator and special interest area TLD results to the controls , as seen in Table 3.1 , indicates that the ambient radiation levels are unaffected by plant operations.

Therefore , levels continue to remain at or near background. (Attachment 2.1)

2.3. Water

Sample Results Analytical results for 2017 surface water and groundwater samples were similar to those reported in previous years. Surface water samples were collected from two locations (indicator and control) and analyzed for gamma radionuclides and tritium. Gamma radionuclides were below detectable limits at the indicator and control locations.

Tritium was also below detectable limits at all locations.

Listed below is a comparison of 2017 results from the indicator location as compared to the preoperational and previous operational years. Results are reported as annual average pCill (picocuries per liter). (Attachment 3.1) Radionuclide Gammas Tritium 2017 <LLD <LLD 2003 -2017 <LLD <LLD Preoperational

<LLD <LLD Groundwater samples were collected from two locations (indicator and control) and analyzed for gamma radionuclides and tritium. Gamma radionuclides and tritium were below detectable limits at the indicator and control locations.

Listed below is a comparison of 2017 results from the indicator location as compared to the preoperational and previous operational years. Results are reported as annual average pCi/1. (Attachment 4.1) Radionuclide Gammas Tritium 2017 <LLD <LLD 2003 -2017 <LLD <LLD Preoperational

<LLD <LLD Based on these comparisons , the operation of RBS had no impact on this pathway during 2017 , and levels of radionuclides monitored for this pathway continue to remain similar to those obtained in operational and preoperational years. 2.4. Shoreline Sediment Sample Results A shoreline sediment sample was collected from the indicator location in 2017 and analyzed for gamma radionuclides.

RBS also samples a non-REMP upstream control sediment sample. A review of historical indicator and upstream sediment samples periodically shows Cs-137. Cs-137 was indicated in one of the control samples in 2017 and is in line with historical data. The results of the upstream positive value indicates that this radioactivity in the sediment is most probable from weapons testing or other fallout events and not attributable to RBS. Therefore , based on these measurements, RBS operations had no significant radiological impact upon the environment or public via this pathway. (Attachment 5.1) 2.5. Milk Sample Results The REMP did not include milk sampling within five miles (8 km) of RBS in 2017 due to unavailability of milk-producing animals used for human consumption.

The RBS Technical Requirements Manual requires collection of milk samples if available commercially within 8 km (5 miles) of the plant. RBS personnel collected vegetation samples to monitor the ingestion pathway , as specified in RBS Technical Requirements Manual Table 3.12.1-1 , because of milk unavailability.

2.6. Food Product Sample Results Food product samples were collected when available from two locations (indicator and control) in 2017 and analyzed for gamma radionuclides in accordance with Table TRM 3.12.1-1.

The 2017 levels attributable to RBS remained undetectable , which is consistent with previous operational years. Therefore , since levels continue to remain at background , it can be concluded that plant operations is not impacting this pathway. (Attachment 6.1) 2.7. Fish and Invertebrate Sample Results Fish samples were collected from two locations (indicator and control) and analyzed for gamma radionuclides.

In 2017 , gamma radionuclides were below detectable limits that were consistent with the preoperational and operational monitoring periods. Therefore , based on these measurements , RBS operations had no significant radiological impact upon the environment or public by this pathway. (Attachment 7.1) 2.8. Land Use Census Results The Land Use Census was conducted in accordance with procedure ESP-8-051 , as required by T echnical Requirements Manual (TRM) (TR 3.12.2). A garden census is not conducted pursuant to the note in the TRM (TLCO 3.12.2) that allows the sampling of broadleaf vegetation in the highest calculated average level sector near site boundary in lieu of the garden census. The milk animal census identified no milk animals within 8 (5 miles) of River Bend site. This information was verified by the County Agents from West Feliciana , East Feliciana , and Pointe Coupee parishes.

No resident census changes were noted , as indicated in Table 2.1. No locations were identified in 2017 that would yield a calculated dose or dose commitment greater than those contained in the TRM (TR 3.11). Table 2.1 contains data from the most recently completed Land Use Census. 17 2.9.

The purpose of the Interlaboratory Comparison Program (ICP) is to confirm the accuracy of results produced by Teledyne Brown Engineering.

Samples of various matrices (i.e. soil, water, vegetation, air filters, and milk) are spiked with known amounts of radioactivity by commercial vendors of this service and by departments within the government.

TBE participates in three programs.

Two are commercial, Analytics Inc. and Environmental Resource Associates (ERA) and one is a government sponsored program, the Department of Energy's (DOE) Mixed Analyte Performance Evaluation Program (MAPEP). The DOE's Idaho National Engineering Laboratory administers the MAPEP. All three programs are blind performance evaluation studies in which samples with known activities are sent to TBE for analysis.

Once analyzed, TBE submits the results to the respective agency for evaluation.

The results of these evaluations are published in TBE's quarterly and annual QA reports. The 2017 Interlaboratory Comparison Program includes all contractually required matrices and analyses TBE supplies to customers and specifically RBS's Technical Requirements Manual 3.12.3. Attachment 8 contains these results. In reviewing our environmental inter-laboratory crosscheck programs, we identified I) duplication of efforts on some matrices and isotopes and 2) that we are performing crosscheck samples on some matrices and isotopes that we do not perform for clients. Since the DOE MAPEP is designed to evaluate the ability of analytical facilities to correctly analyze for radiological constituents representative of those at DOE sites, the needed changes were made to the MAPEP program. Therefore , the following isotopes were removed from the MAPEP program: Soil -gamma -will be provided by Analytics twice per year in 2017. gamma -is currently provided by Analytics.

Water -gamma , H-3 , Sr-90 , uranium , gross alpha and gross beta currently provided by ERA. MAPEP evaluates non-reported (NR) analyses as failed if they were reported in the previous series. For the TBE laboratory , 168 out of 173 analyses performed met the specified acceptance criteria.

Five analyses did not meet the specified acceptance criteria for the following reasons and were addressed through the TBE Corrective Action Program. Note: The Department of Energy (DOE) Mixed Analyte Performance Evaluation Program (MAPEP) samples are created to mimic conditions found at DOE sites which do not resemble typical environmental samples obtained at commercial nuclear power facilities. The ERA April 2017 two nuclides in water were evaluated as (NCR 17-09) a. The Zn-65 result of 39.3 pCilL, exceeded the lower acceptance limit of 47.2. The known value was unusually low for this study. The sample 18 was run in duplicate on two different detectors.

The results of each were 39.3 18.2 pCi/L (46% error and lower efficiency) and 59.3 8.23 pCilL (13.9% error and higher efficiency).

The result from the 2 nd detector would have been well within the acceptable range (47.2-65.9) and 110.2% of the known value of53.8 pCi/L. b. The Sr-89 result of 40.7 pCi/L exceeded the lower acceptance limit of 53.8. All associated QC and recoveries were reviewed and no apparent cause could be determined for the failure. The prior three cross-check results were from 99 -115% of the known values and the one that followed this sample (November, 2017) was 114% of the known value. 2. The DOE MAPEP August 2017 air particulate U-238 result of 0.115 0.025 Bq/sample was higher than the known value of 0.087 0.002 with a ratio of 1.32 , therefore the upper ratio of 1.30 (acceptable with warning) was exceeded.

TBE's result with error easily overlaps with the acceptable range. MAPEP does not evaluate results with any associated error. Also , the spike level for this sample was very low (2.35 pCi) compared to TBE's normal LCS of6 pCi. TBE considers this result as passing. (NCR 17-15) 3. The Analytics September 2017 soil Cr-51 result was evaluated as (Ratio ofTBE to known result at 0.65). The reported value was 0.230 +/- 0.l44 and the known value was 0.355 +/- 0.00592 The sample was counted overnight for 14 hours1.62037e-4 days <br />0.00389 hours <br />2.314815e-5 weeks <br />5.327e-6 months <br /> , however the Cr-51 was spiked at a very low level and had a counting error of 65%. Cr-51 has a 27-day half-life , making low-level quantification even more difficult.

The error does not appear to have been taken into consideration for this result. If it had been evaluated with the error, the highest result would have been 105% of the reference value , which is acceptable. Also , the known value is significantly lower than TBE's typical MDC for this nuclide in a soil matrix and would typically not be reported to clients (unless specified).

The results of all of the previous cross-checks have been in the acceptable (80 -120%) range. TBE will evaluate further upon completion of the next ICP sample. (NCR 17-16) 4. The ERA November 2017 water Sr-90 sample was evaluated as TBE's result of27.l pCilL exceeded the lower acceptance range (30.8 -48.0 pCi/L). After reviewing the associated QC data for this sample , it was determined that although the spike recovery for Sr-90 was within our laboratory guidelines (70% -130%), both the spike result and our ERA result were biased low. The original cross-check sample was completely consumed and we were unable to reanalyze before submitting the result. We have modified our preparation process to avoid this situation for future cross-check samples. We also have enhanced LIMS programming to force a LCSD when a workgroup includes cross-check samples (as opposed to running a OUP). (NCR 17-19) 19

1 A (N) 5498 Hwy 61 1.9 --St.Francisville, LA 70775 2 (NNE) 4549 Old Hwy 61 1.4 -St.Francisville, LA 70775 3 C (NE) 4553 Old Hwy 61 1.5 -St.Francisville, LA 70775 4 (ENE) 12657 Powell Station Rd. 1.4 -St.Francisville , LA 70775 5 4635 Hwy 61 2.4 --St.Francisville, LA 70775 6 (ESE) 1 2019 Fairview Way 2.6 -Jackson, LA 7748 7 G (SE) 3319 Hwy 964 3.7 -Jackson, LA 70748 8 (SSE) 11813 Powell Station Rd. 1.7 --St.Francisville, LA 70775 9 (S) 11649 Powell Station Rd. 1.8 --St.Francisville , LA 70775 10 (SSW) 8909 Hwy 981 6.6 --New Roads , LA 70760 11 (SW) --1 12 M (WSW) 10933 Cajun 2 Rd. 5.1 --New Roads , LA 70760 13 N (W) --1 14 (WNW) 10426 Old Field Rd. 3.7 --St.Francisville, LA 70775 15 Q (NW) 9537 Hwy 965 1.3 --St.Francisville , LA 70775 16 (NNW) 9794 Hwy 965 1.6 --St.Francisville , LA 70775 #

1 No re sidence located within 8 km. 20

20.00 18.00 12.00 x >< t

  • x 6 x x x )( * *
  • 6 -* x 16.00 14.00 10.00 ..

8.00 6.00 0.0500 0.0400 ... 0.0300 * ,g *

  • Q. 0.0 200 * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  • 0.0100 0.0000 03101117 0410 111 7 07 1 0 11 17 08/0 11 17 1001117 .ANI .APl AAQS2

Table 3.1 summarizes the 2017 REMP results. RBS personnel did not use values reported as less than the lower limit of detection

<<LLD) when determining ranges and means for indicator and control locations.


23 Name of Facility River Bend Station Docket No. SO-4S8 Location of Faci li ty St. Franc i sville, Louisiana Reporting Period J anuarv I 2017 to Decem ber 31 2017 (County/State)

Type Lower Limit All Indicator Control Medium of Pathway Total No. of Locations Location with Highe st Annual Mean Location No. of Sampled of Analysis Detection( I) Mean(2) Name Mean(2) Mean(2) Reportable (Unit of Measurement)

Performed (LLD) Range(2) Range(2) Range(2) Occurrences Air Particulate GR-B 103 0.01 AQS2 (S.8 NW)

.018 (26/26) 0 (pCilml) (.0 11.033) (.012/.03)

(.0111.0 32) Air Iod in e 1-131 103 0.07 NA NA(O/O) ND(0/26) 0 (pCilml) (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND-ND) Indicators TLDs Gamma Dose 64 NA 13.7 (64/64) TGI (1.6 SE) 16.1 (4/4) NA 0 (mRlQuarter)

Quarterly (10.3/16.4) (IS.3116.4)

Special Interest TLDs Gamma Dose 24 NA 14.3 (24/24) TGS (17.0 SE) IS.9 (4/4) NA 0 (mRlQ uarter) Quarterly (IS.2/17) Control TLDs Gamma Dose 8 NA NA TAC (1S.8 N) IS.9 (4/4) IS.2 (8/8) 0 (mRlQuarter)

Quarterly (1S.2116.8)


Surface Water H-3 10 2000 ND(O/S) NA NA(O/O) ND (O/S) 0 (pCi/L) (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND-ND) Mn-S4 10 IS ND(O/S) NA NA(O/O) ND(O/S) 0 (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND-ND) Co-S8 IS ND(O/S) NA NA(O/O) ND(O/S) 0 (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND-ND) Fe-S9 10 30 ND(O/S) NA NA(O/O) ND(O/S) 0 (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND-ND) 24

3.1 Name of Facility River Bend Station Docket No. SO-4S8 Location of Facility St. Francisville, Louisiana Reporting Period January I 2017 to December 31 2017 (County/State)

Type Lower Limit All Indicator Control Medium of Pathwa y Total No. of Locations Location with Highest Annual Mean Location No. of Sampled of Analysis Detection( I ) Mean (2) Name Mean(2) Mean(2) Reportable (Unit of M eas urement) Performed Range(2) Range(2) Occurrences Surface Water (cont'd) Co-60 10 IS ND(O/S) NA NA(O/O) ND(O/S) 0 (pC ilL) (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND-ND) Zn-6S 10 30 ND(O/S) NA NA(O/O) ND(O/S) 0 (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND-ND) Nb-9S 10 IS ND(O/S) NA NA(O/O) ND(O/S) 0 (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND-ND) Zr-9S 10 30 ND(O/S) NA NA(O/O) ND(O/S) 0 (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND-ND) 1-131 10 IS ND(O/S) NA NA(O/O) ND(O/S) 0 (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND-ND) Cs-134 10 IS ND(O/S) NA NA(O/O) ND(0/5) 0 (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND-ND) Cs-137 10 18 ND(O/S) NA NA(O/O) ND(0/5) 0 (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND-ND) Ba-140 10 60 ND(O/S) NA NA(O/O) ND(0/5) 0 (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND-ND) La-140 10 IS ND(O/S) NA NA(O/O) ND(0/5) 0 (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND-ND) Ground Water H-3 4 2000 ND(0/2) NA NA(O/O) ND(OI2) 0 (pCi/L) (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND-ND) 25

Name of Facility River Bend Station Docket No. 50-458 Location of Facility St. Francisville, Louisiana Reporting Period January 1 2017 to December 31 2017 (County/State) Type Lower Limit All Indicator Control Medium of Pathway Total No. of Locations Location with Highest Annual Mean Location No. of Sampled of Analysis Detection( 1) Mean(2) Name Mean(2) Mean(2) Reportable (Unit of Measurement)

Performed (LLD) Range(2) Ran ge(2) Range(2) Occurrences Ground Water (cont'd) Mn-54 4 15 ND(O/2) NA NA(O/O) ND(O/2) 0 (pCi/L) (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND-ND) Co-58 4 15 ND(0/2) NA NA(O/O) ND(O/2) 0 (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND-ND) Fe-59 4 30 ND(O/2) NA NA(O/O) ND(0/2) 0 (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND-ND) Co-60 4 15 ND(O/2) NA NA(O/O) ND(0/2) 0 (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND-ND) Zn-65 4 30 ND(O/2) NA NA(O/O) ND(0/2) 0 (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND-ND) Nb-95 4 15 ND(O/2) NA NA(O/O) ND(0/2) 0 (ND-ND) (NA-N A) (ND-ND) Zr-95 4 30 ND(O/2) NA NA(O/O) ND(0/2) 0 (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND-ND) I-131 4 15 ND(O/2) NA NA(O/O) ND(0/2) 0 (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND-ND) Cs-134 4 15 ND(0/2) NA NA(O/O) ND(0/2) 0 (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND-ND) Cs-137 4 18 ND(O/2) NA NA(O/O) ND(0/2) 0 (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND-ND) 26

Name of Facility River Bend Station Docket No. 50-458 Location of Facility St. Francisville, Louisiana Reporting Period J anuarv I 2017 to December 31 2017 (County/State)

Type Lower Limit A1llndicator Control Medium of Pathway Total No. of Locations Location with Highest Annual Mean Location No. of Sampled of Analysis Detection( I) Mean(2) Name Mean(2) Mean(2) Reportable (Unit of Measurement)

Performed Range(2) Range(2) Range(2) Occurrences Ground Water (cont'd) Ba-140 4 60 ND(O/2) NA NA(O/O) ND(OI2) 0 (pCilL) (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND-ND) La-140 4 15 ND(O/2) NA NA(O/O) 0 (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND-ND) Shoreline Sediment Mn-54 2 NA ND(O/I) NA NA(O/O) ND(O/l) 0 (pCi/kg,dry) (ND) (ND) (ND) Co-58 2 NA ND(O/l) NA NA(O/O) ND(O/l) 0 (ND) (ND) (ND) Fe-59 2 NA ND(O/I) NA NA(O/O) ND(O/I) 0 (ND) (ND) (ND) Co-60 2 NA ND(O/l) NA NA(O/O) ND(O/I) 0 (ND) (ND) (ND) Zn-65 2 NA ND(O/l) NA NA(O/O) ND(O/I) 0 (ND) (ND) (ND) Nb-95 2 NA ND(O/I) NA NA(O/O) ND(O/I) 0 (ND) (ND) (ND) Zr-95 2 NA ND(O/I) NA NA(O/O) ND(O/I) 0 (ND) (ND) (ND) 1-131 2 NA ND(O/l) NA NA(O/O) ND(O/I) 0 (ND) (ND) (ND) 27

Name of Facility River Bend Station Docket No. 50-458 Location of Facility St. Franc isville , Louisiana Reporting Period January 1 2017 to December 31 2017 (County/State)

Type Lower Limit All Indicator Control Med i um of Pathway Total No. of Locations Location with Highest Annual Mean Location No. of Sampled of Analysis Detection( I) Mean(2) Name Mean(2) Mean(2) Reportable (Uni t of Measurement)

Perfonned (LLD) Range(2) Ran ge(2) Range(2) Occurrences Shoreline Sediment (cont'd) Cs*134 2 150 ND(OIl) NA NA(O/O) ND(OIl) (pCi/kg,dry) (ND) (ND) (ND) Cs-137 2 180 ND(OIl) SEDU 100.5 (Ill) 100.5 (I/1) 0 (ND) (ND) (ND) Ba-140 2 NA ND(O/I) NA NA(O/O) ND(O/I) 0 (ND) (ND) (ND) La-140 2 NA ND(OIl) NA NA(O/O) ND(OIl) 0 (ND) (ND) (ND) Food Products Mn-54 8 NA ND(0/4) NA NA(O/O) ND(0/4) 0 (pCilkg,wet) (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND-ND) Co-58 8 NA ND(0/4) NA NA(O/O) ND(0/4) 0 (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND-ND) Fe-59 8 NA ND(0/4) NA NA(O/O) ND(0/4) 0 (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND-ND) Co-60 8 NA ND(0/4) NA NA(O/O) ND(0/4) 0 (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND-ND) Zn-65 8 NA ND(0/4) NA NA(O/O) ND(0/4) 0 (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND-ND) Nb-95 8 NA ND(0/4) NA NA(O/O) ND(0/4) 0 (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND-ND) 28

3.1 Name of Facility River Bend Station Docket No. 50-458 Location of Facility St. Francisville.

Louisiana Reporting Period January 1 2017 to December 31 2017 (County/State)

Type & Ul\ver Limit All Indicator Control Medium of Pathway Total No. of Locations Location with Highest Annual Mean Location No. of Sampled of Anal ysis Detection( 1) Mean(2) Name Mean(2) Mean(2) Reportable (Unit of Measurement)

Performed (LLD) Range(2) Range (2) Range(2) Occurrences Food Products (cont'd) Zr-95 8 NA ND(0/4) NA NA(O/O) ND(0/4) 0 (pCilkg,wet) (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND-ND) 1-131 8 60 ND(0/4) NA NA(O/O) ND(0/4) 0 (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND-ND) Cs-134 8 60 ND(0/4) NA NA(O/O) ND(0/4) 0 (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND-ND) Cs-137 8 80 ND(0/4) NA NA(O/O) ND(0/4) 0 (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND-ND) Ba-140 8 NA ND(0/4) NA NA(O/O) ND(0/4) 0 (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND-ND) La-140 8 NA ND(0/4) NA NA(O/O) ND(0/4) 0 (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND-ND) Fish Mn-54 2 130 ND(OIl) NA NA(O/O) NA(O/l) 0 (pCilkg, wet) (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND) Co-58 2 130 ND(OIl) NA NACO/O) NACO/l) 0 (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND) Fe-59 2 260 ND(0/1) NA NACO/O) NA(O/l) 0 (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND) Co-60 2 130 ND(O/l) NA NACO/O) NACO/l) 0 (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND) 29

3.1 Name of Facility River Bend Station Docket No. 50-458 Location of Facility St. Francisville, Louisiana Reporting Period January 1 2017 to December 31 2017 (County/State)

Type Lower Limit All Ind icator Control Medium of Pathway Total No. of Locations Location with Highest Annual Mean Location No. of Sampled of Analysis Detection( I) Mean(2) Name Mean(2) Mean(2) Reportable (Unit of Measurement)

Performed Range(2) Range(2) Range(2) Occurrences Fish (cont'd) Zn-65 2 260 ND(O/I) NA NA(O/O) NA(O/I) 0 (pCilkg,wet) (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND) Nb-95 2 NA ND(O/I) NA NA(O/O) NA(OIl) 0 (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND) Zr-95 2 NA ND(O/I) NA NA(O/O) NA(O/I) 0 (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND) 1-131 2 NA ND(OIl) NA NA(O/O) NA(OIl) 0 (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND) Cs-134 2 130 ND(OIl) NA NA(O/O) NA(OIl) 0 (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND) Cs-137 2 150 ND(OIl) NA NA(O/O) NA(OIl) 0 (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND) Ba-140 2 NA ND(OIl) NA NA(O/O) NA(O/I) 0 (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND) La-140 2 NA ND(OIl) NA NA(O/O) NA(O/I) 0 (ND-ND) (NA-NA) (ND) (I) Nominal Lower Limit of Detection (LLD), as stated ODeM. (2) Mean and Range based upon detectable measurements only. Fraction of detectable measurements at specified location indicated in bracketsO. (3) NO = Non Detectable.

(4) NA = Not Applicable. 30






3 7







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52 A