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Comment (2) from Anonymous on Entergy Operations, Inc.; River Bend Station, Unit 1
Person / Time
Site: River Bend Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 07/23/2018
- No Known Affiliation
Rules, Announcements, and Directives Branch
83FR26310 00002, NRC-2017-0141
Download: ML18206A451 (2)


PUBLIC SUBMISSION Docket: NRC-2017-0141 Entergy Operations, Inc.; River Bend Station, Unit 1 Comment On: NRC-2017-0141-0007 Entergy Operations, Inc.; River Bend Station, Unit 1 Document:

NRC-2017-0141-DRAFT-0004 Comment on FR Doc# 2018-12122 Submitter Information Name: Anonymous Anonymous General Comment River Bend Nuclear Reactor, GEIS ID: NRC-2017-0141 As of: 7/24/18 6:50 AM Received:

July 23, 2018 Status: Pending_Post Tracking No. lk2-94fy-ce61 Comments Due: July 23, 2018 Submission Type: Web SUNS! Review Complete Template=

ADM-013 E-RIDS=ADM-03 ADD= Daivd Drucker Yvonne Edmonds, Eric Oesterie COMMENT (2) PUBLICATION DATE: 6/6/2018 CITATION:

83 FR26310 NRC's Generic Environmental Impact Study is even more incomplete than Entergy's.

NRC must seriously

& completely evaluate 10 -50 mi radius ( & beyond) socio-economic, cultural, environmental

& health impacts for both routine nuclear ops & nuclear disaster ( short, medium, long, very long term-evacuation

& abandonment for 100 +yrs): 1. Impeding or halting ops in the nearby petro-chemical corridor:

fire, radioactive, & chem toxic fumes on pop & petro-chem workers; US fuel shortage.

2. US ( & local) transport routes -interstate highways, river shipping & port facilities temporary or permanent shutdown; repercussions on local, US & even world economy. 3. Tourism & historic-cultural sites, including the ones on the RB site: Cottonmouth American Indian Mound Complex and the Causeway American Indian Site. Entergy hid map &
  • NRC fails to mention these 1000 yr or older sites of incredible significance, likely including American Indian and other historic burial grounds. 4. Accumulation of ongoing (legal) nuclear discharges on the regional environment (some very long-lived)

& nuclear leaks & accident upon both environt & pop. 5. Purification costs of groundwater; Miss River-Gulf-Ocean water; land; air. NRC-Nuclear dilute to deceive scam fails over time, as long-lived radioactive materials accumulate in the environt.

6. Colleges-universities:

LSU, Southern, Baton Rouge CC within 50 mi; UL Lafayette just outside 50 mi zone. 7. Ethnic & Cultural Genocide:

50 mi radius cuts across native French speaking area; Tunica-Biloxi American Indian Reservation within 50 mi. 8. Environmental justice: comparison must be to US national avg of African American population

& NOT the Louisiana nor MS nor region avg. US avg. African American pop. is 13.3%; in the 50 mi. radius African American pop. is 36.4% 9. Evac costs must be eval. for more than the 75 days at $210 ($15905) given by Entergy; feasibility eval-cost of evac of 1.5 million people (Entergy est.) NRC low-balls pop. Entergy & NRC exclude loss of career/wages

& pain and misery 10. Health care cost burden 11. Life-shortening effects of radiation, incl. loss of middle aged family care-givers for children & elderly 12. US BEIR report puts increased cancer rate at 1 % per 100 mSv exposure.

A more recent US govt funded study suggests that it is 3%-15% or even higher. Use of outdated ICRP % is unacceptable.

13. Largest max-security prison in the United States with 6300 prisoners

& 1800 staff is 25 miles from RB: security & other consequences of either leaving them probably without staff supervison or evacuating them & to where? 14. Nuclear waste accident on site, either spent fuel pool fire, low-intermediate waste fire, or fire of the unmonitored 1/2 inch thick Holtec spent fuel canisters.

Entergy & Holtec have requested that info be withheld:

ML052280428 NRC fails to properly evaluate alternatives.

Renewable Alternatives must be properly evaluated, both separately and in combo. Rooftop solar could provide 25%-35% of Louisiana energy (NREL, ca 2013). Solar cells have since improved & continue to improve, in constrast to the declining Capacity Factor of RB nuclear offline for months at a time due to defects-need ofrepair.

Insulation-new films which keep heat out must be . considered in combo with renewables-other non-nuclear alternatives (natural gas and ag waste produced in

Community; individual or utility owned rooftop solar (& PVs on parking lots) options must be considered, not only utility scale on virgin land. Even for virgin land, a 20,000 acres est. for PV solar must be compared to the 5,026,400 acres within 50 mi of RB which may become a permanent no-go zone (over 1 million acres for Chernobyl).

Acres need for solar is rapidly declining, too, so 10,000 acres or less may be a better estimate.

Given the socio-economic

& environmental costs of major nuclear disasters, esp. the area as a permanent no-go exclusion zone, as well as accumulation of routine nuclear discharges into the environment and the lack of solution for nuclear waste, the renewable

& oil-gas alternatives are clearly best. Offshore wind could more than replace all nuclear power in the USA, according to NREL estimates:

86 MILLION GW offshore wind compared to 99 GWe for all 99 US reactors.

In the immediate future, pending expansion of renewables, River Bend should be shutdown and replaced by expansion of the Big Cajun site across the river with natural gas (currently produced in Louisiana) and biofuels (ag waste), unless all nuclear waste is removed from the River Bend site, or placed at an adequate distance from a natural gas facility in case of explosion.

Forget relicensing of River Bend nuclear. It must be shutdown now, before it's too late.