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Emergency Operating Procedures 1-12
Person / Time
Site: Palisades Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 10/31/1980
Shared Package
ML18045A838 List:
Download: ML18045A839 (6)


--* ' *_;

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EOP .l through 12 -EMERGSI-lCY O?ERATING

?ROCEDURES Ht:?vision Number Abstract PRC D8.te .1'1.1:roroval

1 .EOP 1 -Change Page 2' 3, and 6/4/80 page 2 of Attachment

1. 5/2/80 EOP 2 -Change page .l 6/4/80 and page 2 and Attach. 2. 5/2/80 Original Signatures EOP 5 -Change page 3, 5/2/80 are on file in EOP 6 -Change page 1 and 2. 6/4/8.o O;perations Clerk's EOP 7 -Change page 1 and 2. 6/4/80 Office. EOP 8.1 Change page 1 and 6/4/80 page 2 and 7. 5/2/80 EOP 8.2 Change page 3, 5/2/80 EOP 10 Change page 6 and 7. 5/2/RO .2 EOP 1 -Change page 1, 2, and 3 of Attachment
1. 8/12/80 / EOP 6 -Change Page 2 of ( Attachr.ient.
7. 7/2/80 F.OP 8.1 Change page 2 of procedure and pase 2 of Attachment
3. 7/2/80 EOP 6 Change page 1 and 2 of Att.achment

'( . 8/12/80 EOP 8.1 Change page 1 and 2 of Attachment

..., .) . 8/12/80 4 EOP 6 Change pag12 1 and 2 of Atte.chment

7. 9/3/80 EOP 8.1 Change page 1 and 2 of' 9/3/80 Attachment

? ..)* Add Attachment

6. 8/14/80 I 5 EOP l Change page 2 ttro11gl1
4. 10/16/80 I cJ ;) ..,,

F.OP 8.2*change , 10/1/80 * ..L. ,,. 8 011030 5341

( \ ' EOP 1 REACTOR TRIP Revision 0 This procedure applies to a reactor trip initiated from one or more normal inputs to the Reactor Protective System, with standby power available at the time of the trip. 1.0 Syinptoms (1) Any one or moce of the Reactor Protection Trip (RPS) alarms. >l, (2) Coritrol Rod lower electrical limit lights (green). (3) Control Rod positions indicate near zero. (4) Various other alarms may be present, depending on the situation causing the trip .. 2.0

  • (1) Turbine/Generator trip causes: (a) . Fast trarisfer of station power to startup power. (b) Cooling fans trip. (c) MSR inlet valves closed. **E-9A **CV-0594, **E-9B **CV-0595, **E-9C **CV-0596 and **E-9D

3.0 Immediate

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Insure the Full Length Control Rods are indicating fully inserted and that* reactor pmver is decreasing.

Verify turbine trip and generator breakers opened; manually trip the turbine, then gererator, if necessary.

Verify both Emergency Diesel Generators have started; Trip one Feed Pump if both are running. Trip the other Hain Feed Pump as T-avg nears 525°F. If safety injectirin has been initiated, then trip all Primary Cocilant Pumps after insuring that the Reactor has bee11 tripped > 5 seconds. Follow up with this anJ Natural Circulation Procedure, ONP 21.' p.:iov;o-o:)O 1 :J-89 1


  • REACTOR TRIP -EOP I, Hevision 5 (7) ! . i. I ! I ! l Insure and/or establish Auxiliary Feed\1ater flow to restore normal level in the Steam Generators.

NOTE: Steam Generator refill rate shall be: Two operable Steam

-I50 gpm for Steam Generator.

level 15% -IOO gpm (or less) for Steam Generator level >15% and < 25% -unrestr*i.cted for Steam Generator level >25% One operable Steam Generator

-300 gpm for Steam level < IS% -100 gpm ( or less) for Steam Generator level >15% and < 25% -unrestricted for Stea1:1 Generator level >:25% NOTE: A Fecdwater Line Water Hammer he noticeable from: -Intermittent banging of the Main Feedwater.Check Valves in Component Cooling Room Fluctuations in fl.ow on **FI-0736 and **FI-0737 Should a Linc Water Hammer occur, continue Feeclwater addition at the rates. If a Feedwater Line break should occur, proceed to EOP 6 or EOP 7 Main Steam Line Break/Main Feedv:ater Line Brc:ak Insid.e or Outside Containment.

4.0 Subsequent

(1) Transfer plant power sources from station power transformers to startup transformers.

Observe Sh'itchyard po1.;er conditions closely for instabilities due to the loss of plant output, which could result in a loss of the startup power source. STATION POWEH BREAKERS OPEN BUS IA **252--101 lB *,';-;',252--20I IC "152--105 lD ;';-;152--203 lE *k,152--302 STARTUP POhER BREAKEHS CLOSE BUS IA **252--102 1B ;'d;-252--202 lC ,;-,*q52--106

] I) ;'.;-;152-:-202 IE k:q52--303 pa 0 JfW-000 la-[; 9. 2 ___ ,./ )

' .. .;.:.-REACTOR TRIP -EOP 5 (2) Insure Steam Dump(s), ;':;"E-SOA

',-,',CV-0781 and -
,:,cv-0782, *';;"E-SOB
  • '
    cV-0779 and. ;'
    ;°>CV-0780 and/or Bypass Valve '"'"CV-OSll open and are controlling steam pressure to 900 psia. (3) To restore Pressurizer pressure and level insure:. (4) (a) Maximum charging and minimum letdown flow established. (b) Pressurizer heaters on *(proportional). (c) Pressurizer Spray Valves closed. If Steam Generator water indication level is lost, close the associated Steam Generator Blowdown control valves (-,'d*E-SOA;
        • '-c\1 7"-d -*-***c\'

07-1 ) c**--*-E son *--*-cv 0768 d 0770 ) , .. " -o / an " " / -/ " 0 -; i\ (\ -a* n H ,. v -* When level indication is restored, the blowdown valves may be reopened. (S) Insure PORV's and/or Relief Valves are closed by oberving ahd verifying the following:* (a) (b) PORV Position Indication is closed. PORV Isolation Valves indicate closed -

-.':;':H0-10431\. (c) Observe Relief Valve Line Discharge temperatures. (d) Queni:h Tank level, pressure and temperature indicates normal conditions. (e) Acoustic Monit6r Panel **EC-Sl is clear of alarms. (6) lnsure Turbine Stop and MSR Inlet CV's are closed, *'d:£-9A -,'d*CV-0594, .,.,.,*,E-9B

-,':-,':CV-OS95, -.':-,':£-9C and *;':£-9D *-.':CV-OS97.. . (7) Insure Steam Dump Valves, **E-SOA **CV-0781 and **CV-0782, **E-SOB **CV-0779 **CV-0780 close propottionally as T-avg is reduced. (8) On low S/G press of SOO psi insure: pa0380.,.Q0(i};:i-89 (a) MSIV' s close ;';-.':£-SOA, .,.,,"CV-OS 10, ;';*£-SOB and .,.,*CV-0501. (b) Feedwater regulating valves close, *-,"E-SOA, ;';;'*CV-0701, ;'**'*E-SOB, ;';-,';CV-0703 (observe valve position indication only). * (c) Feedwater regulation bypass valves close ;';;'*E-SOA, -,':-,'*CV-073S and ;';-,';£-SOB, -,';-,':CV-0734 (observe valve position iqdication only). -3 ...

m:ACTOR TRIP EOP 1, NOTE: Dryout of a Steam General.ot;(s) will be fro1n: -Decrease in Steam Generator(s) pressure below of the Prim.'.lry Abnormal increase in Primary Sys Lem ternpe.rntui_*c

_ anc'. pressure Increase in flow If dryout should occur, the affected Stearn GcnerJtor

.s tu be considered inoperable.

(9) Insure all Coc*ling Tower fans have tripped. (10) If safety injection has actuated, reset only after-all of the following conditions are met, insuring tbat hot and cold leg

ire at least 50°F subco1;iled per (also posted in the Control Rborn) using all instrumentation including all hot and cold leg ternpe
catures i several thermocouples, PCS Pressure. (a) The of the low-pressure cond:i_tinn is known and corrected. (b) The is shutdm11n and 1-ii] 1 remain sbntdor.n1. (c) I'n:ssur:i.zcr level is grec1ter than and is !'eturning to norm<ll. (d) T-avg is stable or and is less than Sif5°f. (0) Pressurizer pressure is grcjter than 1700 psia aud returning to normcl. H after a resP.t of the Safoty Injection System 50°F subcoolin['.

cannot be maintained, restart the High Pressure Safety_

  • Injection System. -(11) If st:rnctby power is avc;ilabJ.e 8nd st2ble sh1.1td!)hT1 Cliuditions arc: assured, siiutdmm one Diesel Gcnc:rator.

Shutd0*.*-'ll the Dies.el Gener.:::

tor a Her the Main-T11rbine is on tun1i11g ge2:c. (12) AfL:.r sc.f f.'.ty injection has been reset anc1 equipment_

returned to post. SlS actu.'.ltion, per Attachment ffl, and plant condi.Lions are stable, restart the PCP:s per SOP 1. (13) µao:si\Ci-*00(1 l J-89 As makeup is -needed to ;'**T-2 (Condensate Storc;ge Tank) Au:<i.liary I'c:cJ,._;atcr Pumps, .rcfor to SOP 12. Complete thi!; p1* by CXf'("U Emergency si-,1.1LdO\\Ti.

Checklist G CL 10. -4 for \ ) _...**

.... -* e REACTOR TRIP -EOP 1, Revision 5

  • NOTE: Dryout o!: a Steam GeneraLor(s) will be noticeable

£ro1a: -Decrease in Steam Generator(s) pressure

1 1 ,)f the PrimJry Abnormal increase in Primary System tempe.::atui.-c.

anc'. pressure Increase in .let:lown flow If dryout should occur, the affected Stearn Gt!nerator is to be considered inoperable.

(9) Insure all Coc*ling To-;.:u. fons have tripped. (10) If safety injection actuated, reset only after-all of the following conditions are met, iusuring that hot and cold *leg (11) (12) (13) *

!ire at least 50°1:' snbcooled pee A;..:.tachn*ent fft2 (also posted in the Control Room) using all availablE instrumentation including all hot and cold leg tempefature:-;, several incore PCS Pressure. (a) The of the low-pressure COI\d:i.tion is known and corrected. (b) The n>:<ictor is shutdnwn.

and 1-iil 1 shutdown.

  • (c) ?n::ssu1:izer level is greciter 'than 20'1o and is returning to normal. (d) T-avg is stable or and is less than Si1:i 0 f. ( c-) Pressu.rizer pressure, is greJter than 1700 psia *and returning to normal. H after a resP.t *of the Safoty, Injt:ctfon Sys tern 50°F canrl'Ot be maintained'*

restart the High Press are Safei.:.:r Injection System. If st:mdby power is available anJ st2ble shutdcv;n Cl1udil:ions arc assured, sliuLdown 0110 l:n;ergecicy Diesel GenCl'.'oltC*r.

Shutd0 1:.'ll the second Emergency Diesel Generator after Hain.Turbine is on turnirig gear: AfL:r sc.fety injection has been ancl retumed to post s1s* actu.'.ltion, *per Attachment

/fl, and plaut condi.Lions al*c *stable, the PCP 1 s per SOP 1 . . 4.s makeup is nee.dP.d to i;-1.1-2 (C9ndcnsate Stonge Tank) for Au:<iliary Fc:cdwater Pump.s, refer to sop* 12. (ltf) Complete thi!> prncec!ure by CXE SLr.1tdo\>r1 ChecklisL GCLlO .. * ... ,, ..