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ML19332D0588 February 1989Informs of Results of Investigation of Leaking Underground Storage Tank Sys at Plant,Originally Reported on 881111. Sketches Showing Configuration of Underground Storage Tank Sys,Soil Sampling Locations & Soil Contamination Encl
ML20005F4082 January 1990NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 891228,unauthorized Discharge Resulted in Brief Ph Excursion in Outfall 006. Excursion Caused by Leak of Dilute Sulfuric Acid from Waste Water Neutralization Sys Pipe.Leak Isolated Immediately
ML20044C37816 March 1993NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 930308,wastewater Treatment Operator Discovered Overflow of Equalization Tank. Caused by Malfunctioning Urinals/Toilets in Bldgs Not Occupied Overnight.Flow Indicating Equipment InstalledGrab sample
ML20065N49515 April 1994NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 940404,noted Discharge Excursion at Outfall 002.Caused by Lube Oil Purification Sys Seal Leak to Floor Drain.Inspected Floor Drain Sumps & Picking Up Visible Oil W/Absorbant Materials
ML20077D5116 December 1994NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 941201,pH Excursion Occurred at Outfall 004.Investigation Revealed That Ph Meter Used Not Operating Correctly.Tap Water Added to Sand Filter Influent & Sodium Bicarbonate Added to Treatment TanksGrab sample
ML20077D5986 December 1994NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 941201 Ph Excursion Occurred at Outfall 004.Investigation Revealed Ph Meter Used at Facility Not Operating Correctly.Tap Water Added to Sand Filter Influent & Sodium Bicarbonate to Treatment TanksGrab sample
ML20078L65021 November 1994NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 941116,sewage Leak Excursion Occurred When Vehicle Struck Capped 4-inch PVC vent/clean-out Pipe Connected to Sewage Line Serving Restroom Facility
ML20078L65621 November 1994NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 941116,sewage Leak Excursion Occurred Due to Vehicle Struck Capped 4-inch PVC vent/clean-out Pipe Connected to Sewage Line Serving Restroom Facility
ML20117H67422 May 1996NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 960515,unanticipated Bypass of Clarifier a Occurred.Caused by Isolation Valve Leaking by Seat.Temporary Diesel Pump Set Up to Divert Water from Valve Pit to Clarifier Splitter Box
ML20211F27123 September 1997NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 970919,transformer Oil Spill Release Incident Occurred.Latico Environmental Svcs Arrived at Location to Assist W/Oil Spill Containment & Initiated Spill Cleanup.W/Laboratory Analysis Results
RBG-22974, NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 860103,analysis Indicated Total Suspended Solids of 37 mg/1 at Outfall 001. Caused by High Algal Concentrations.Discharge at Outfall 001 Stopped Until Problem Resolved13 January 1986NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 860103,analysis Indicated Total Suspended Solids of 37 mg/1 at Outfall 001. Caused by High Algal Concentrations.Discharge at Outfall 001 Stopped Until Problem Resolved
RBG-23-657, NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 860505,plant Cooling Towers Overflowed.Caused by Sharp Increase in Cooling Water Due to Loss of Heat Load Precipitated by Shutdown.Water Discharged Through Yard Drains9 May 1986NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 860505,plant Cooling Towers Overflowed.Caused by Sharp Increase in Cooling Water Due to Loss of Heat Load Precipitated by Shutdown.Water Discharged Through Yard Drains
RBG-23-850, NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 860605,08 & 09,cooling Towers Oveflowed.Caused by Makeup Water Valve Sticking & When Cooling Tower Blowdown Secured Due to High Temps. Measures to Prevent Recurrence Under Evaluation10 June 1986NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 860605,08 & 09,cooling Towers Oveflowed.Caused by Makeup Water Valve Sticking & When Cooling Tower Blowdown Secured Due to High Temps. Measures to Prevent Recurrence Under Evaluation
RBG-23-851, NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 860605 Daily Average Temp at Outfall 001 Was 92 F Vs Permitted Limit of 91 F. Possible Causes Being Assessed.Surveillance of Blowdown Temp Increased to Prevent Recurrence10 June 1986NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 860605 Daily Average Temp at Outfall 001 Was 92 F Vs Permitted Limit of 91 F. Possible Causes Being Assessed.Surveillance of Blowdown Temp Increased to Prevent Recurrence
RBG-24571, NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 861007,failure of Sludge Return Pump Threatened to Flood Pump Well.Sludge Pumped from Well to Ground.Approx 3,000 Gallons Reached Storm Drain Leading to Outfall 00614 October 1986NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 861007,failure of Sludge Return Pump Threatened to Flood Pump Well.Sludge Pumped from Well to Ground.Approx 3,000 Gallons Reached Storm Drain Leading to Outfall 006
RBG-24627, NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 861024,analysis Sample Collected Indicated Total Suspended Solids of 150 Mg/L, Exceeding Permitted Limit.Caused by Intrusion of silt-laden Stormwater.Discharge Stopped Until Stormwater Diverted29 October 1986NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 861024,analysis Sample Collected Indicated Total Suspended Solids of 150 Mg/L, Exceeding Permitted Limit.Caused by Intrusion of silt-laden Stormwater.Discharge Stopped Until Stormwater Diverted
RBG-25181, NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 861229,overflow of Temporary Sludge Holding Area Discovered.Caused by Diversion of Stream Due to Malfunctioning Pumps in Sludge Return Sys. Use of Temporary Holding Area Discontinued5 January 1987NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 861229,overflow of Temporary Sludge Holding Area Discovered.Caused by Diversion of Stream Due to Malfunctioning Pumps in Sludge Return Sys. Use of Temporary Holding Area Discontinued
RBG-27029, NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 871111,sample from Outfall 2 Indicated 24 Mg/L Oil & Grease.Cause Under Investigation.Preventive Measures Will Be Implemented When More Info Available20 November 1987NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 871111,sample from Outfall 2 Indicated 24 Mg/L Oil & Grease.Cause Under Investigation.Preventive Measures Will Be Implemented When More Info Available
RBG-27149, NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 871210,estimated Flow of 500 Gpm of Cooling Water Discovered to Be Overflowing from Two Cooling Towers.No Specific Cause Identified.Third Cooling Tower Placed in Svc15 December 1987NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 871210,estimated Flow of 500 Gpm of Cooling Water Discovered to Be Overflowing from Two Cooling Towers.No Specific Cause Identified.Third Cooling Tower Placed in Svc
RBG-27569, NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 880310,analysis of Sample Collected Indicated Total Residual Chlorine of Less than 0.1 mg/1 Resulting in 5 H of Noncompliance.Caused by Higher Flow Associated W/Rainfall15 March 1988NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 880310,analysis of Sample Collected Indicated Total Residual Chlorine of Less than 0.1 mg/1 Resulting in 5 H of Noncompliance.Caused by Higher Flow Associated W/Rainfall
RBG-27822, NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 880504,analysis of Sample Indicated Exceeded Oil & Grease Concentration. Screening Analysis Will Continue Until Util Investigation Identifies Cause & Appropriate Corrective Measures9 May 1988NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 880504,analysis of Sample Indicated Exceeded Oil & Grease Concentration. Screening Analysis Will Continue Until Util Investigation Identifies Cause & Appropriate Corrective Measures
RBG-28874, NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 880917,sample from Outfall 001,cooling Tower Blowdown,Indicated Ph of 3.1 Su. Caused by Pumping of Sulfuric acid-contaminated Rainwater Into Circulating Water Flume.More Stringent Controls Added22 September 1988NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 880917,sample from Outfall 001,cooling Tower Blowdown,Indicated Ph of 3.1 Su. Caused by Pumping of Sulfuric acid-contaminated Rainwater Into Circulating Water Flume.More Stringent Controls Added
RBG-29028, NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 880907 & 22,high Values for Outfall 004 Noted.Both Excursions Caused by Lack of Familiarity W/New Type of Hypochlorite Tablets.Investigation Initiated to Determine If Changes in Design Warranted14 October 1988NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 880907 & 22,high Values for Outfall 004 Noted.Both Excursions Caused by Lack of Familiarity W/New Type of Hypochlorite Tablets.Investigation Initiated to Determine If Changes in Design Warranted
RBG-30321, NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 890309,sample Collected Contained 0.6 mg/1 Total Residual Chlorine at Outfall 004. Caused by Inability to Adjust Chlorine Dosage W/Fluctuating Flow & Variable Quality.Engineering Study Underway14 March 1989NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 890309,sample Collected Contained 0.6 mg/1 Total Residual Chlorine at Outfall 004. Caused by Inability to Adjust Chlorine Dosage W/Fluctuating Flow & Variable Quality.Engineering Study Underway
RBG-30384, NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 890316,sample Collected Exceeded Effluent Limitations for Total Residual Chlorine. Caused by Inability to Adjust Chlorine Dosage W/Effluent of Fluctuating flow.Long-term Solution in Progress21 March 1989NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 890316,sample Collected Exceeded Effluent Limitations for Total Residual Chlorine. Caused by Inability to Adjust Chlorine Dosage W/Effluent of Fluctuating flow.Long-term Solution in Progress
RBG-30513, NPDES Noncompliance:On 890406,effluent Limitations for Total Residual Chlorine in Outfall 004 Exceeded Permit Limits. Caused by Inability to Adjust Chlorine Dosage within Fluctuating Flow & Oxidant Demand11 April 1989NPDES Noncompliance:On 890406,effluent Limitations for Total Residual Chlorine in Outfall 004 Exceeded Permit Limits. Caused by Inability to Adjust Chlorine Dosage within Fluctuating Flow & Oxidant Demand
RBG-30536, NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 890410 & 11,effluent Limitations for Outfall 004 Exceeded Limits.Caused by Inability to Effectively Adjust Chlorine Dosage W/ Fluctuating Flows & Oxidant Demand14 April 1989NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 890410 & 11,effluent Limitations for Outfall 004 Exceeded Limits.Caused by Inability to Effectively Adjust Chlorine Dosage W/ Fluctuating Flows & Oxidant Demand
RBG-31040, NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 890529,estimated 250 Gallons of Oil Escaped Containment.Caused by Apparent Short Circuit Causing Explosion & Fire at Large Transformer. Cleanup Completed on 890321 W/Oily Matls Disposed of6 June 1989NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 890529,estimated 250 Gallons of Oil Escaped Containment.Caused by Apparent Short Circuit Causing Explosion & Fire at Large Transformer. Cleanup Completed on 890321 W/Oily Matls Disposed of
RBG-31154, NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 890621,sample Collected from Outfall 004 Contained 2.5 mg/1 Total Residual Chlorine. Caused by Drawing Sample in Brief Interval Before Flows Stabilized Relative to Hypochlorite Dose Rates26 June 1989NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 890621,sample Collected from Outfall 004 Contained 2.5 mg/1 Total Residual Chlorine. Caused by Drawing Sample in Brief Interval Before Flows Stabilized Relative to Hypochlorite Dose Rates
RBG-31205, NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 890628,bypass & Limitation Violations Found.Caused by Storms.Bypass of Filter Initiated,Establishing Flow of About 37 Gpm Through Three Available Package Plants3 July 1989NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 890628,bypass & Limitation Violations Found.Caused by Storms.Bypass of Filter Initiated,Establishing Flow of About 37 Gpm Through Three Available Package PlantsGrab sample
RBG-31206, NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 890628,bypass & Limitation Violations Found.Caused by Storms.Bypass of Filter Initiated,Establishing Flow of About 37 Gpm Through Three Available Package Plants3 July 1989NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 890628,bypass & Limitation Violations Found.Caused by Storms.Bypass of Filter Initiated,Establishing Flow of About 37 Gpm Through Three Available Package PlantsGrab sample
RBG-31212, NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 890630,duplicative Samples of Effluent from Outfall 005 Yielded Average Total Residual Chlorine of 5.9 mg/1,in Violation of Permitted Max of 2.0 mg/1.Caused by Improper Balance of Hypochlorite5 July 1989NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 890630,duplicative Samples of Effluent from Outfall 005 Yielded Average Total Residual Chlorine of 5.9 mg/1,in Violation of Permitted Max of 2.0 mg/1.Caused by Improper Balance of Hypochlorite
RBG-31280, NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 890719,estimated 22,250 Gallons Wastewater Released.Cause of Excursion Unknown.Util Continuing Investigation Into Exact Cause of Total Suspended Solids & Will Provide Further Info in Subsequent Ltr24 July 1989NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 890719,estimated 22,250 Gallons Wastewater Released.Cause of Excursion Unknown.Util Continuing Investigation Into Exact Cause of Total Suspended Solids & Will Provide Further Info in Subsequent Ltr
RBG-31319, NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 890727,total Residual Chlorine Concentration in Effluent Exceeded Limit.Caused by Improper Balance of Hypochlorite Tablet Dosage & Flows. Engineering Design of Entire Treatment Sys to Be Performed2 August 1989NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 890727,total Residual Chlorine Concentration in Effluent Exceeded Limit.Caused by Improper Balance of Hypochlorite Tablet Dosage & Flows. Engineering Design of Entire Treatment Sys to Be Performed
RBG-31359, Followup NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 890724, Total Suspended Solids at Outfall 002 in Violation.Util Determined Cause to Be Leak Which Introduced Gallons of Sulfuric Acid Into Sys Sump.Analysis Underway15 August 1989Followup NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 890724, Total Suspended Solids at Outfall 002 in Violation.Util Determined Cause to Be Leak Which Introduced Gallons of Sulfuric Acid Into Sys Sump.Analysis Underway
RBG-31452, NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 890628,severe Storm Caused Estimated 30,000 Gallons of partially-treated Sanitary Wastewater to Overflow from 0.25 Acre Facultative/ Anaerobic Polishing Pond Normally Producing Outfall 00531 August 1989NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 890628,severe Storm Caused Estimated 30,000 Gallons of partially-treated Sanitary Wastewater to Overflow from 0.25 Acre Facultative/ Anaerobic Polishing Pond Normally Producing Outfall 005Grab sample
RBG-33167, NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 900625,sodium Hypochlorite Spill Occurred at Plant.Caused by Crack in Thermoplastic Hypochlorite Storage Tank.Plastic Tank Removed from Svc & Sys Used for Continuous Chlorination Modified6 July 1990NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 900625,sodium Hypochlorite Spill Occurred at Plant.Caused by Crack in Thermoplastic Hypochlorite Storage Tank.Plastic Tank Removed from Svc & Sys Used for Continuous Chlorination Modified
RBG-39-308, NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 931030,discovered Permit Excursion for Outfall 004 of 1918 Fecal Coliform Colonies Per 100 Milliliters of Effluent in Quarterly Compliance Monitoring Sample4 November 1993NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 931030,discovered Permit Excursion for Outfall 004 of 1918 Fecal Coliform Colonies Per 100 Milliliters of Effluent in Quarterly Compliance Monitoring Sample
RBG-43-511, NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 961016,drinking Water Samples Resulted in Tier 1 Bacteriological Mcl Violation. Caused by Contamination from Internal Tap or Plumbing Problem.Drinking Water Tap 5 Should Be Deleted21 November 1996NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 961016,drinking Water Samples Resulted in Tier 1 Bacteriological Mcl Violation. Caused by Contamination from Internal Tap or Plumbing Problem.Drinking Water Tap 5 Should Be Deleted
RBG-43-933, NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 970506 & 07 Several Unanticipated Bypasses of Station Circulating Water Sys Occurred.Caused by Manual Shutdown of Station.Secured CWS to Compensate for Decrease Demand for Makeup Water12 May 1997NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 970506 & 07 Several Unanticipated Bypasses of Station Circulating Water Sys Occurred.Caused by Manual Shutdown of Station.Secured CWS to Compensate for Decrease Demand for Makeup Water
RBG-44-543, NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 980519,sample Was Inadvertently Missed During Discharge of 19,575 Gallons of Rejected Water from Demineralizer Unit.Caused by Infrequent Discharges.Will Reemphasize Notification Requirements12 June 1998NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 980519,sample Was Inadvertently Missed During Discharge of 19,575 Gallons of Rejected Water from Demineralizer Unit.Caused by Infrequent Discharges.Will Reemphasize Notification Requirements
RBG-44321, NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 971022,daily Average & Daily Max Pounds/Day Had Been Exceeded.Caused by Evolution Problems W/Sodium Hypochlorite & Ammonium Bisulfite Feed Systems.Addl Training Provided Re Maintaining Level Ranges18 November 1997NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 971022,daily Average & Daily Max Pounds/Day Had Been Exceeded.Caused by Evolution Problems W/Sodium Hypochlorite & Ammonium Bisulfite Feed Systems.Addl Training Provided Re Maintaining Level RangesGrab sample