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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20029A29330 January 1987Trip Rept of 870120 Briefing Re Emergency Diesel Generator 3B Failure on 861223Finite Element Analysis
Intergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking
Overspeed trip
ML20056E20315 June 1993Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 93-20 on 930602Shutdown Margin
Emergency Lighting
Eddy-Current Testing
ML20057A52228 July 1993Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 93-27 on 930721Grab sample
ML20058B74319 October 1990Summary of 901010 Meeting W/Util & Consultants in Rockville, MD Re Licensee Plan to Pursue Reload Technology.List of Attendees Also Encl
ML20058N7743 December 1993Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 93-45 on 931201
ML20080G86219 September 1983Summary of 830916 Exit Status Meeting W/Nrc Const Appraisal Team Re 830907-16 InspNondestructive Examination
Liquid penetrant
ML20127J2966 April 1990Trip Rept of Commissioner Curtiss 900201 Site Visit.Facility Has Undergone Radical Change in Mgt Personnel & Experiencing Problems W/High Attrition of Licensed OperatorsTemporary Modification
ML20128A90613 May 1985Summary of 850507 Operating Reactors Events Meeting.List of Attendees,Events Discussed & Assignments EnclEddy Current Testing
ML20128M3426 May 1985Summary of ACRS Subcommittee on Palo Verde Nuclear Station 850426 Meeting in Wintersburg,Az Re Overview of Plant Status
ML20128P84918 February 1993Summary of Operating Reactors Events Briefing 93-05 on 930210
ML20133E4631 October 1985Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 85-17 on 850923.List of Attendees & Viewgraphs EnclScram Discharge Volume
Overspeed trip
ML20133F9947 October 1985Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 85-16 on 850916 Re Briefing of Director,Div Directors & Representatives on Events Occurring Since 850909 Meeting.List of Attendees & Viewgraphs Encl
ML20136C51411 November 1985Summary of Operating Reactors Event Meeting 85-21 on 851028.List of Attendees,Events Discussed & Completion Dates Assigned Encl
ML20137F23524 March 1997Summary of 970207 Meeting W/Listed Attendees in Rockville,Md to Discuss Nuclear Energy Inst Concerns Re Graded Quality Assurance Activities W/Volunteer PlantsProbabilistic Risk Assessment
ML20138P00821 October 1985Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 85-19 on 851007 W/Ofc Directors,Div Directors & Representatives on Events Which Occurred Since Last Meeting on 851007Half scram
ML20140H59811 November 1996Summary of 435th Meeting of ACRS on 961009-12 Re Capability of NRC SCDAP/RELAP5 Code to Predict Temps & Flows in SGs Under severe-accident ConditionsProbabilistic Risk Assessment
Emergency Lighting
ML20141D3996 November 1985Summary of ACRS Subcommittees on C-E Plants & Palo Verde 851105 Meeting in Washington,Dc to Review Operating Experience at Palo Verde Unit 1 in Consideration of Unit 2 License & Discuss Depressurization of C-E Plants
ML20141F04630 December 1985Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 85-28 on 851223.List of Attendees & Viewgraphs Encl
ML20147B4644 October 1978Summary of 780928 Meeting Re Rev of NSSS Matters for Subj Facil.In Conclusion,Nrc Staff Will Write to Az Public Svc Co If Addl Category 4 Items to Be Addressed.Concept Developed to Resolve Category 1,2,3 & 4 Matters Re CESSAR
ML20148B5764 October 1996Summary of 434th Meeting of ACRS on 960912-13 Re Capability of SCAP/RELAP5 Code to Predict SG Temps During Severe AccidentsProbabilistic Risk Assessment
ML20148D60324 October 1978Summary of 781019 Meeting in Phoenix,Az Re Safety Review, Containment & Power Sys & Structural Engineering of Proposed Facility.Agenda EnclEarthquake
ML20148E83024 October 1978Summary of 781017 Meeting Re Safety Review of Facility, Covering Geological & Meteorological Matters.List of Attendees & Meeting Agenda EnclEarthquake
ML20148T50820 November 1978Summary of 781114 Meeting W/Az Pub Svc Co,Combustion Engr & Bechtell Pwr Corp to Discuss Safety Review.W/Agenda List of Attendees;Q & a Re Reactor Sys Instru & Control Sys,Oper & Radiat & Fire ProtecEarthquake
Fire Protection Program
ML20151K69018 July 1988Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 88-28 on 880712.Viewgraphs & List of Attendees EnclStroke time
ML20154C99324 February 1986Summary of Operating Reactors Event Meeting 86-04 on 860210.List of Attendees,Briefing & Reactor Scram Summaries EnclFire Watch
ML20154M84717 May 1988Summary of 880414 Meeting W/Util & BNL in Rockville,Md Re Monitoring Program for Reactor Coolant Pump Shafts.List of Attendees & Related Documents EnclSafe Shutdown
Unanalyzed Condition
ML20154N87512 March 1986Summary of Operating Reactor Events 860310 Meeting 86-07 W/Ornl Re Events Occurring Since 860303 Meeting.Followup Review Assignments,Status of Previous Assignments,List of Attendees & Viewgraphs Encl
ML20196B64717 June 1988Summary of 880531 Meeting W/Licensee in Rockville,Md Re Auxiliary Feedwater Pump Degradation Events.Viewgraphs Encl
ML20197F7728 May 1986Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 86-15 on 860505.List of Attendees,Events Discussed & Status of Previous Assignments EnclFeedwater Heater
ML20198A45430 October 1985Summary of Allegation Review Board 851029 Meeting Re Allegation RV-85-A-065.Initial Ltr Will Be Sent to Alleger Requesting Specific Safety Concerns.Allegation Will Be Considered Closed If No Response Received within 30 Days
ML20198A47230 October 1985Summary of Allegation Review Board 851029 Meeting Re Allegation RV-85-A-058.A Hon Will Send Ltr to J Staggs Requesting Specific Info Re Electricians & R Zimmerman Will Contact Licensee to Determine If Allegation Being Addressed
ML20204D72019 March 1987Summary of 870226 Meeting W/Util in Bethesda,Md Re Resolution of NRC 860910 Comments on Plant Emergency Operating Procedures.List of Attendees & Draft Util Response to NRC Comments Encl
ML20205G95513 August 1986Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 86-28 on 860811 Re Briefing of Ofc Director,Div Directors & Representatives on Events Discussed at 860804 Meeting.List of Attendees & Viewgraphs Encl
ML20205H87922 January 1986Summary of Operating Reactor Events Meeting 86-02 on 860116 in Bethesda,Md Re Events Since 860106 Meeting.List of Attendees,List of Significant Elements of Events,Assignments & Status of Previous Assignments EnclWater hammer
ML20205J04221 November 1985Summary of ACRS 307th Meeting on 851107-09 in Washington, DC Re Review of Application of Beaver Valley Power Station 2,EPA Stds for High Level Radwaste Repository & Investigation of Significant Incidents at Power PlantsIntergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking
ML20205J38523 January 1986Summary of ACRS 309th Meeting on 860109-11 in Washington,Dc Re Final Design Approval for Gessar II Design & Proposed Rev 3 to Reg Guide 1.63, Electric Penetration Assemblies in Containment Structures for Nuclear Power PlantsControl of Heavy Loads
Water hammer
ML20207B85018 December 1986Summary of 861209 Meeting W/Util & Eg&G Idaho in Bethesda,Md Re SPDS Testing Program Results,Tech Spec Change Requests & Unit 3 Licensing Submittals.List of Attendees & Viewgraphs Encl
ML20207G38612 August 1988Summary of 880803 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md Re Facility Auxiliary Transformer Fire & Reactor Trip Event Initiated by Combination of Cracked Insulating Matl & Dirt Accumulation.Briefing Slides Encl
ML20207P62712 January 1987Summary of Operating Reactor Events Meeting 86-46 on 861229.List of Attendees,Events Discussed & Summary of Presented Events That Will Be Input to NRC Performance Indicator Program Encl
ML20210S50816 November 1977Summary of 771108 Meeting W/Util & Legal Consultant to Review Status of Cps.Info Re 771103 Site Visit & Insp of Unit 3 Excavation Site Faults Provided.Lists of Key Milestone Dates & Meeting Attendees EnclEarthquake
ML20210T36416 January 1987Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 87-02 on 870112 Re Events Which Occurred Since 870105.List of Attendees,Events Discussed & Summary of Events Encl
ML20210T40328 January 1987Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 87-02 on 870112 of Events Which Occurred Since 870105.List of Attendees,Events Discussed & Summary of Events Encl
ML20211L2988 December 1986Summary of 860828 Meeting W/Util,Bechtel,Drexel Univ & Franklin Research Ctr in Bethesda,Md Re Licensee Evaluation of Adequacy of Certain Masonry Walls at Plant.List of Attendees & Viewgraphs EnclSafe Shutdown
ML20211Q61623 July 1986Summary of Operating Reactor Events Meeting 86-25 on 860721 Re Events Since 860714 Meeting.List of Attendees,Discussion of Events & Status of Assignments Encl.Response Requested for Incomplete Assignments
ML20212J0332 March 1987Summary of 870224 Meeting W/Util in Bethesda,Md Re Rept Concerning Licensee Evaluations Performed on Steam Generators at Facilities.List of Meeting Attendees EnclBoric Acid
Stress corrosion cracking
Eddy Current Testing
Flow Induced Vibration
ML20213F06410 November 1986Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 86-36 on 861020.List of Attendees,Events Discussed,Significant Events Data Sheet,Summary of Scrams W/Complications & Status of Previous & New Assignments EnclReactor Vessel Water Level
Ultimate heat sink
ML20214H58119 November 1986Summary of 861028 Mgt Meeting W/Util in Phoeniz,Az Re NRC Concerns Generated During Assessment of Operating Performance for Units 1 & 2 & to Identify Needed Improvements Prior to Licensing of Unit 3.Viewgraphs Encl
ML20214T3803 June 1987Summary of 870508 Meeting W/Util in Bethesda,Md Re Proposed Tech Spec Changes Re Revised Shutdown Margin Requirements & Variable Overpower Trip Setpoints.List of Attendees EnclShutdown Margin
ML20215D1436 October 1986Summary of 860820 Meeting W/Util in Bethesda,Md to Discuss Util 860619 Submittal Re Adequacy of Masonry Walls. List of Attendees,Agenda & Viewgraphs Encl
ML20215E3006 October 1986Summary of 860924 Meeting W/Util & C-E in Bethesda,Md Re Scope & Schedule for Reload Licensing Activities.Viewgraphs Encl