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Summary of 780928 Meeting Re Rev of NSSS Matters for Subj Facil.In Conclusion,Nrc Staff Will Write to Az Public Svc Co If Addl Category 4 Items to Be Addressed.Concept Developed to Resolve Category 1,2,3 & 4 Matters Re CESSAR
Person / Time
Site: Palo Verde  Arizona Public Service icon.png
Issue date: 10/04/1978
From: Stright R
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 7810110021
Download: ML20147B464 (4)






' <,g OCT 0 41978 Docket Nos. STN 50-592 and STN 50-593 APPLICANT: Ari ona Public Service Company FACILITY:

Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, Units 4 and 5



OF MEETING HELD ON SEPTEMBER 28, 1978 REGARDING THE REVIEW 0F NSSS MATTERS FOR PALO VERDE, UNITS 4 AND 5 A meeting was held between NRR staff members, representatives of Arizona Public Service Company (APS) and representatives of Combustion Engineering, Inc. (CE) in Bethesda, Maryland on September 28,1978 to discuss the method of resolving NSSS matters on the Palo Verde 4 & 5 docket. A list of attendees is enclosed.

Summary of Meeting The staff explained the origin of the so-called Category 4 issues and explained why some of these issues were not specifically identified during the Palo Verde qualification review.

CE stated that they were not previously aware that Category 2, 3, and 4 items would have to be addressed on the CESSAR docket for the purposes of the Palo Verde 4 & 5 CP. They thought that these issues would only be required for a PDA extension. CE also expressed a concern that the standardization program was not working as well as it should. APS and CE said that, in' general, they thought the Category 2 & 3 items were not significant safety concerns.

Conclusions The staff will write a letter to APS if there are Category 4 items that must be addressed on the Palo Verde 4 & 5 docket which were not identified in the qualification review.

7 & 3 9511 WW 11


. 04M The concept to be used for resolving the Category 1, 2, 3 and 4 matters related to CESSAR is as follows:


The CESSAR FSAR, which is to be tendered during the month of October 1978, will contain an Appendix A addressing the extent to which the System 80 design conforms with the Category 1, 2, 3 and 4 matters.


The staff will review Appendix A to resolve the applicable Category 2, 3 and 4 matters in the context of a CP review for those applications referencing the CESSAR and which are either undergoing a CP review (e.g., Palo Verde Units 4 & 5), or which will be tendered prior to January 1,1979 (e.g., NYSE&G Units 1 and 2). The staff will undertake such a review provided (i) the applicant referencing the CESSAR PSAR also references the CESSAR FSAR Appendix A for the resolution of the applicable Category 2, 3 and 4 matters, and (ii) the information contained in the CESSAR FSAR Appendix A can be reviewed on a schedule compatible with the CP review.


Upon resolving the applicable Category 2, 3 and 4 matters mentioned above, the staff will. issue a report entitled " Staff Assessment of Category 1, 2, 3 and 4 Matters for CESSAR" to support the issuance of a CP. This report will either be directly incorporated into the SER or included as an appendix thereto.


All the information contained in Appendix A to the CESSAR FSAR will be reviewed in the context of an overall FSAR review, and on a different timetable than that required to support the issuance of a CP.

Full resolution of all the CESSAR Category 1, 2, 3 and 4 matters will be documented in the SER for the CESSAR FSAR.

Robert L. Stright, P ject Manager Light Water Reactors ranch No. 3 Division of Project Management


As Stated cc w/ enclosure:

See next page i

1 k

4 0CT 0 41978 Mr. E. E. Van Brunt, Jr.. Vice President-Construction Projects Arizona Public Service Company P. O. Box 21666 Phoenix, Arizona 85036 cc: Arthur C. Gehr, Esq.

Snell & Wilmer 3100 Valley Center Phoenix, Arizona 85073 Charles S. Pierson, Assistant Attorney General 200 State Capitol 1700 West Washington Phoenix, Arizona 85007 Donald G. Gilbert, Executive Director Arizona Atomic Energy Commission-2929 Indian School Road Phoenix, Arizona 85017 Maricopa County Board of Supervisors 111 South Third Avenue Phoenix, Arizona 8E003

ENCLOSURE List of Attendees 1

l NRC J. Angelo l

R. Stright I. Villalva J. Heltemes W. Gammill A. Dromerick R. DeYoung H. Denton R. Mattson D. Vassallo

0. Parr APS J. Allen A. Gehr E. Van Brunt CE, C. Brinkman A. Scherer J. Goldberg M. Barnoski F. Stern BECHTEL D. Keith l


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