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IP-EP-430, Revision 7, Site Assembly, Accountability & Relocation of Personnel Offsite.
Person / Time
Site: Indian Point  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 02/17/2011
From: Vogle R
Entergy Nuclear Operations
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
FOIA/PA-2011-0181, FOIA/PA-2011-0262 IP-EP-430, Rev 7
Download: ML11140A148 (19)



'*En g.*y, ,EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE 0 IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page I of 19 Site Assembly, Accountability & Relocation of Personnel Offsite 0

Prepared by: Robert Vogle

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Approval: Brian Sullivan 7//j Uare Effective Date: February 17, 2011 This procedure excluded from further LI-1O0 reviews IP-EP-430 (Site Assembly, Accountability & Relocation of Personnel Offsite) R7. doc I

Intomalfon in this record wa i defeted lit acordance with the Freedom of Information Acl.

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2IC IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-430 Revision 7 Ie-gy, EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 2 of 19 Table of Contents 1.0 PURPO SE ............................................................................ ......... -* . ....................................... 3


......................................................................................................................................... 3 3 .0 DEFINITIONS ........................................................................................................................................... 3 4.0 RESPO NSIBILITIES .................................................................................................................................. 4 5 .0 DET AILS ................................................................................................................................ ............ 5......

6 .0 INT E RFAC E S ........................................................................................... ................................................ 5 7 .0 R E C O R D S ................................................................................................................................................ 5 8.0 REQ UIREM ENTS AND CO MMITM ENT ............................. .............................................................. 6 9.0 ATTACHM ENTS ....................................................................................................................................... 6 9.1 SHIFT MANAGER (ED) ACCOUNTABILITY/PERSONNEL RELOCATION CHECKLIST ................................ 7 9.2 LEAD ACCOUNTABILITY O FFICER (LAO ) CHECKLIST ....................................................................... 12 9.3 MANUAL ACCOUNTABILITY CHECKLIST ....................................................................... 16 9.4 ASSEMBLY AREA RADIOLOGICAL M ETER CHECKS ......................................................................... 17 9.5 IPEC ASSEMBLY AREAS &RELOCATION ROUTES ......................................................................... 19

_, IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-430 Revision 7 Eler'y, EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE 0 IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 3 of 19 Site Assembly, Accountability & Relocation of Personnel Offsite 1.0 PURPOSE 1.1 To provide the method and procedures used to initially account for individuals within the Protected Area whenever the Site Assembly Alarm is sounded and/or accountability is called for and for maintaining personnel accountability throughout the event.

1.2 To provide guidance for Search and Rescue.


2.1 Indian Point Energy Center Emergency Plan 2.2 IP-EP-240, Security 3.0 DEFINITIONS 3.1 Accountability - accounting for (knowing the location of) all personnel within the Protected Area OR knowing they are within the Protected Area but missing.

3.2 Assembly - relocation of all personnel, in the owner controlled area (OCA), to pre-designated locations (assembly areas). Essential personnel report to their assigned Emergency Response Facilities (ERF) and non-essential personnel report to either Generation Support Building (GSB) or Energy Education Center (EEC).

3.3 Assembly Areas - designated areas where all personnel will assemble when requested. These areas include the TSC/OSC Complex, the Central Control Room (CCR - Unit 2 or Unit 3) and the Emergency Operations Facility for essential personnel and the EEC and the GSB for non-essentials. (The Indian Point Training Center (IPTC) will be used for overflow of non-essentials during outages.)

3.4 Continuing Accountability - maintaining accountability within the Protected Area, after initial accountability is complete 3.5 - Essential Personnel - individuals assigned to the Emergency Response Organization (ERO) and/or NRC personnel. This includes:

3.5.1 All members of the on-shift watch 3.5.2 All CCR ERO staff members 3.5.3 All members of the Security Force 3.5.4 All EOF/TSC/OSC ERO staff members

IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-430 Revision 7 L.dLL*L*,y- EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE 0 IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE. USE Page 4 of 19 3.5.5 All Entergy Mechanics, Electricians, I&C Technicians, Chemistry Technicians, RP Technicians and Non-Shift Operators within the Protected Area.

3.6 Initial Accountability - the determination of who is accounted for within 30 minutes for events classified at the Site Area Emergency, General Emergency or when Accountability is requested.

3.7 Non-essential personnel - all other personnel not assigned responsibilities in the ERO. This includes all supplemental personnel, visitors and OCA badged personnel 3.8 Relocation of Personnel Offsite - releasing of all non-essential personnel from the site.

3.9 Search and Rescue - activities undertaken immediately after personnel are deemed "missing" in order to determine their location.

4.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 0 4.1 Each Unit's Control Room is responsible for sounding the Site Assembly Alarm, to initiate the accountability process, at the Site Area Emergency, General Emergency, or at the discretion of the Shift Manager or, if in place, the Emergency Plant Manager (EPM).

4.2 Lead Accountability Officer (LAO) (Security Shift Supervisor or designee) is responsible for conducting the personnel accountability process and reporting the results to the Shift Manager or, if in place, the EPM.

4.3 Assembly Area Coordinators and Accountability Coordinators are responsible for communicating with the LAO regarding the status of personnel in the Assembly Area, maintaining assembled personnel within the Assembly Area and providing information to personnel assembled regarding the event.

4.4 Security is responsible for accounting for Security personnel, and unlocking the Indian Point Training Center (IPTC) when needed, during off-hours.

4.5 Non-Essential personnel and Contractors, who are insidethe protected area, are responsible for reporting to the GSB or EEC, when an Alert has been declared or when Emergency Response Facilities (ERFs) have been activated.

4.6 Emergency Response Organization (ERO) is responsible for carding-in and/or reporting to the ERF Accountability Coordinator upon arrival at the ERF.


/LlfWf!* EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE 0 IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 5 of 19 5.0 DETAILS 5.1 At the ALERT Emergency, or higher, or when directed, REPORT to your Emergency Response facility, the Generation Support Building or the Energy Education Center.

5.2 Accountability will be initiated at the Site Area or General Emergency or it may be directed at any other time deemed necessary, at the direction of the Shift Manager (SM), Emergency Plant Manager (EPM) or Emergency Director (ED).

5.3 Accountability may be suspended or delayed by the SM, EPM, or ED if the movement of large numbers of personnel to an Assembly Area potentially places them in more danger than leaving them in place. Examples include:

5.3.1 Severe weather conditions onsite 5.3.2 Toxic gases in Protected Area egress areas 5.3.3 A Security event is in progress 5.3.4 A radiological release which would place non-essential personnel in danger in route to OR while at the EEC and/or GSB.

5.3.5 Armed intruders are present within the Protected Area, near the Security Command Post, the EEC or the GSB.

5.4 The SM (Emergency Director) shall follow the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.1, "Shift Manager (ED) Accountability Checklist".

5.5 Lead Accountability Officer (LAO) shall follow the instructions outlined in Attachment 9.2, "Lead Accountability Officer Checklist", Attachment 9.3, "Manual Accountability" (if required).

5.6 Facility Accountability Coordinators shall follow the instructions outlined in their facility position specific checklists.

6.0 INTERFACES 6.1 IP-EP-210, Control Room 6.2 IP-EP-240, Security 6.3 IP-EP-350, Emergency Contamination Control O 7.0 RECORDS Any logs or forms completed by members of the ERO during an actual declared emergency are permanent quality records

_- IPEC NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-430 Revision 7 Inki'rery EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURES REFERENCE USE Page 6 of 19 8.0 REQUIREMENTS AND COMMITMENT CROSS-REFERENCE 8.1 NUREG 0654 section J.5 9.0 ATTACHMENTS 9.1 Shift Manager (ED) Accountability/Personnel Relocation Checklist 9.2 Lead Accountability Officer Checklist 9.3 Manual Accountability Checklist 9.4 Assembly Area Radiological Meter Checks 9.5 IPEC Assembly Area .&Relocation Routes I


IPEC SITE NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-430 Revision 7 SEnl*efgy, EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page z of 19 Attachment 9.1 Shift Manager (ED) AccountabilitylPersonnel Relocation Checklist Sheet 1 of.5 1.0 Initial Assembly and Accountability Notes 1.1 IF there is a potential threat to personnel safety while conducting initial assembly and accountability due to severe weather, toxic gas, radiological release or security event THEN proceed to Step 3.0, "Suspension of Initial Assembly and Accountability" 1.2 Personnel Assembly A. Upon declaration of an Alert classification, the Site Assembly Alarms (Unit 2 and Unit 3) are sounded and an announcement is made over the PA directing assembly of non-essential personnel per (IP-EP-1 15 Form EP-4), CCR Initial Notification Checklist - Alert/SAE/GE. This is done for personnel assembly ONLY.

B. Upon declaration of a Site Area Emergency, General Emergency or if a decision is made to initiate accountability, the Site Assembly Alarms (Unit 2 and Unit 3) are sounded and an announcement is made over the PA directing assembly of non-essential personnel per (IP-EP-1 15 Form EP-4), CCR Initial Notification Checklist - Alert/SAE/GE.

This is done for personnel assembly AND accountability.

C. In either case, Control Room personnel (CCR Staff, NPO's, Watch RP and Chemistry Technicians) should assemble in the CCR and swipe their Security Badge at the Accountability card reader just inside the CCR door.

D. All off-watch qualified operators are to report to the OSC 1.3 Account for Control Room Personnel A. Once accountability has been called for, all Control Room staff must be accounted for.

B. Use (IP-EP-1 15 Form EP-47), Accountability Roster and develop a list of all watch individuals assigned to tasks in the field that have not swiped their security badge through the CCR card reader.

C. Deliver the Accountability Roster to the LAO

IPEC SITE NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP430 Revision Le EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 8 of Attachment 9.1 Shift Manager (ED) AccountabilitylPersonnel Relocation Checklist Sheet 2 of 5 1.4 Identify and Locate Missing Personnel Notes A. IF the OSC has not yet been activated AND the LAO reports that individuals are missing THEN direct the LAO to initiate search and rescue activities to locate missing persons within the Protected Area in accordance with Attachment 9.2, LAO Checklist.

B. IF the OSC is activated, direct the OSC Manager to initiate search and rescue activities.

2.0 Continuing Accountability Unless otherwise directed by the Emergency Director, continuing accountability shall be maintained once initial accountability is completed.

3.0 Suspension of Initial Assembly and Accountability 3.1 Consider suspending initial assembly and accountability if any of the following conditions are met:

A. Severe weather conditions are present onsite.

B. A large amount of toxic gas has been released within or near the Protected Area.

C. A radiological release which would place non-essential personnel in danger in route to OR while at the Energy Education Center (EEC) and/or the Generation Support Building (GSB). (Indian Point Training Center (IPTC) if used).

D. Armed intruders are present within the Protected Area, near the Command Guard House or in or near the EEC and/or GSB. (IPTC if used.)

E. Any other condition which in the opinion of the Shift Manager (Emergency Director)/Plant Operation Manager (POM) would be a threat to the movement of personnel to the EEC and/or.GSB. (IPTC if used.)

IPEC SITE NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-430 Revision 7 tnl-tergy. EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 9 of 19 Attachment 9.1 Shift Manager (ED) Accountability/Personnel Relocation Checklist Sheet 3 of 5 3.2 IF initial personnel assembly and accountability is suspended THEN: Notes A. Instruct NOT to sound the Assembly Alarm or make an announcement for non-essential personnel to report to the EEC/GSB.

B. IF there is a condition identified that places onsite personnel in danger THEN take immediate actions to warn and protect personnel:

1. Send Security, Operations and/or RP personnel to evacuate areas of most risk.
2. Call for outside rescue assistance. (Fire, Hazmat Teams etc.)
3. Choose an Assembly Area within the Protected Area and have non-essential personnel assemble at chosen location. PA announcement and teams dispatched to alert personnel to assemble should be used to notify personnel.
a. For potential airborne attacks, have personnel relocate to the lowest area possible.
4. Exit this procedure until conditions allow full accountability to be performed.

4.0 Suspension of Continuing Accountability 4.1 IF it is determined that plant conditions warrant suspension of continuing accountability THEN the Emergency Director shall confer with the Shift Manager or Plant Operations Manager (POM), if in place, to ensure plant conditions will not degrade to a point that accountability would be required again.

4.2 The Emergency Director shall notify the POM, LAO and EPM of the decision and the reasons supporting that decision.


-iE' EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE 0 IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 10 of 19 Attachment 9.1 Shift Manager (ED) Accountability/Personnel Relocation Checklist Sheet 4 of 5 Notes 4.3 Ensure a formal announcement is made to both Unit 2 and Unit 3 that accountability is no longer required. Log the time decision is made.

5.0 Relocation of Personnel Offsite (Site Evacuation) 5.1 The Emergency Director shall direct the EOF Manager to review the current and second shift staffing requirements for ERO positions stationed within the Protected Area.

A.- Contact the EPM to assess current and future staffing requirements.

B. Determine if additional personnel should be added to the ERO BEFORE personnel are dismissed from the site.

C. Once initial accountability is complete and EITHER:

Second shift staffing requirements have been identified OR There are habitability concerns with the EEC or GSB (IPTC if used)

THEN consider releasing all non-essential personnel from the site.

5.2 Contact the Westchester County EOC and inform them of the impending release of non-essential personnel from the site.

5.3 Release all non-essential personnel from the site by directing the LAO to contact the EEC and GSB Assembly Areas and coordinate the release of personnel from the site. (Have LAO contact IPTC if used.)

5.4 Direct the Security Shift Supervisor/LAO to initiate a security sweep of the Owner Controlled Area per IP-EP-240 Security, 5.5 IF there has been a radiological release of a magnitude that requires declaration of a SAE or GE, THEN after confirming with the POM:

A. Direct the Offsite Radiological Manager to have a random survey of personal vehicles onsite performed to determine if they are contaminated

IPEC SITE NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-430 Revision 7 LLT*Y~ EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 11 of 19 Attachment 9.1 Shift Manager (ED) AccountabilitylPersonnel Relocation Checklist Sheet 5 of 5 Notes B. IF vehicles are found to be contaminated THEN make arrangements for other vehicles to evacuate personnel from the site C. Direct Security to do a sweep of site areas inside the Owner Controlled Area and inform personnel to report to the Emergency Operation- Facility (EOF).

D. Relocate personnel from EEC and GSB (IPTC if used) to the EOF to be checked for contamination prior to release.

0 0

IPEC SITE NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-430 Revision 7 EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 12 of 119 Attachment 9.2 Lead Accountability Officer (LAO) Checklist Sheet 1 of 4 Notes 1.0 Personnel Assembly Upon notification of an Alert or higher emergency classification, or upon hearing the Site Assembly Alarm, perform the following actions:

A. Ensure the Accountability Card Readers are activated. If card readers are inoperable, THEN notify each emergency

'facility (OCR, TSC and OSC) and request manual accountability to be completed per Attachment 9.3, Manual Accountability and obtain copy of current visitor log.

B.. VERIFY the phones and fax machines are functional.

C. ENSURE personnel staffing the EOF are permitted to exit

  • the Protected Area without delay..

D. Contact the Assembly Area Coordinator in both the EEC and GSB (IPTC if used). Provide updates regarding personnel status, plantstatusand radiological-conditions.

2.0 Perform Accountability At a Site Area Emergency or higher classification, or when accountability is called for, perform the following actions:

A. When card reader activity level.has decreased (noted by either physical observation or card reader indication), but no later than 15 minbtes after sounding of the Site Assembly Alarm, for the SAE or higher, GENERATE an 'unaccounted for personnel list', from the POSA computer (select option

  1. 10 from main menu), sorted by either Unit 2 or Unit 3 personnel badge numbers, depending on where the

-emergency has initiated from.

IPEC SITE NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-430 Revision 7 E-nlLergy. EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 13 of 19 Attachment 9.2 Lead Accountability Officer (LAO) Checklist Sheet 2 of 4 Notes B. Using the list, account for Security force members first, then account for ALL personnel on the list and determine any

.missing persons by name.

C. If missing persons list seems to be large, determine if card readers are operational. If they are not conduct manual accountability per Attachment 9.3 and notify facility Accountability Coordinators.


Once the missing persons list has been generated, accountability is COMPLETE. This list must be generated within 30 minutes of the initiation of accountability.

  • D. Log the time accountability is complete E. Ifthere are any persons not accounted for in the protected area, then NOTIFY the EPM (via the OSC Manager or Accountability Clerk) during on hours or the Shift Managers (Control Room) during off-hours.

3.0 Perform Search and Rescue for Missing Personnel A. Attempt to contact missing individuals via the following methods in parallel:

1. Public Address System - If there are several individuals missing use more than one call back number
2. Call assembly areas (EEC, GSB and IPTC) to see if individual is present.
3. Call Emergency Response Facilities to see if individual is present
4. Review security records for individuals last known location
5. Contact Supervisors and/or Co-Workers.for individuals
  • last known location

IPEC SITE NON-QUALITY RELATED IP-EP-430 Revision 7 EIMCtey. EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 14 of 19 Attachment 9.2 Lead Accountability Officer (LAO) Checklist Sheet 3 of 4 Notes

6. Try calling office, pager and home phone numbers.

Telephone numbers for all ERO personnel are located in.

the Emergency Telephone Directory.

7. Run a new report of individuals within the Protected Area and verify unaccounted for individuals have not left the Protected Area.

B. IF the individual(s) is not located through the above methods, THEN determine the number of Search and Rescue teams needed to conduct a search of the Protected Area. Send security officers to the OSC0to be dispatched.

1. Contact the EPM and request that the OSC dispatch Search and Rescue teams.
2. Provide the names and last known location of the missing individuals.

C. INFORM the Emergency Plant Manager (EPM) (via the OSC Manager or Accountability Coordinator) during on-hours or the Shift Managers (Control Room) during off-hours when/if the missing person(s) has/have been found.



.IflLCrgy 0 EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 15 of 19 Attachment 9.2 Lead Accountability Officer (LAO) Checklist Sheet 4 of 4 Notes 4.0 Release of Non-Essential Personnel Offsite 4.1 When directed by the EOF Manager or Emergency Director support the release of non-essential personnel from the Site:

A. Advise Security and the Assembly Area Coordinators of the impending release of non-essential personnel.

B. Provide Security and the Assembly Area Coordinators route(s) to take when leaving the Site.


Personnel will be released based upon the decision and priorities of the EOF Manager or the Emergency Director. The Westchester 0 County Emergency Operations Center will be contacted and informed of the release of site personnel prior to commencing that activity, if at all possible.

4.2 Inform the EPM of the decision to release non-essential personnel to ensure that the TSC and OSC are staffed.

4.3 Coordinate the release of personnel with the EOF Manager or Emergency Director.

4.4 Monitor the progress for the personnel released from the Station through communications with Security personnel at the Station exits.

4.5 Inform the EOF Manager when it is apparent that all released individuals have left the Site.




/v 1Lle/gy, EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURE 0 IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 16 of i9 Attachment 9.3 Manual Accountability Checklist Sheet 1 of I Notes The following steps shall be followed only if the Accountability Card readers are inoperable and manual accountability has been called for.

1.0 Facility Accountability Clerks or designee:

1.1 Using (IP-EP-1 15 Form EP-47), Accountability Roster, generate a list of individuals that are in your facility. Include any individuals that may be out in the field as long as their location is known. (ie, repair and corrective action team members).

1.2 Provide the list generated in section 1.1 to the LAO. This can be completed by either faxing (if 2 pages or less) or hand deliver the lists (if 3 or more pages) to assist the LAO in removing the names from the Onsite Accountability Report.

2.0 LAO 2.1 Print a report of Onsite Personnel from the Security Access Manager System (SAMS).

2.2 Obtain the Accountability Roster from each facility, when they are completed.

2.3 Using the report from SAMS account for all individuals that are provide on the Accountability rosters from each facility. If assistance is needed please inform Facility Accountability Clerks.

2.4 Account for all IPEC Security force members.

2.5 Determine who is still on that list by name and accountability is completed.

2.6 Log the time accountability is complete..

2.7 Return to Attachment 9.2, LAO Checklist and continue from step 3.0 to locate missing individuals.




1. VERIFY operability of the frisker as follows:
a. PLUG into standard wall outlet or use internal battery.
b. MOVE switch clockwise to BATT.
c. CHECK that the needle moves into the BATT OK range. IF it does not, THEN CALL the LAO.
d. MOVE switch to the Xl position.
e. ENSURE the following:
1) TURN UP volume control all the way right (clockwise).
2) PLACE switch marked RESPONSE in the SLOW position.

VERIFY operability by holding the probe next to the source (on side of frisker) until the alarm sounds. The alarm should sound when the frisker reads approximately 250. IF this is not the case, THEN lower the frisker alarm setpoint (on back of frisker.)

4) NOTE background reading.
5) PLACE the probe on its side next to the frisker.
2. IF radiological conditions exist, THEN do the following:
a. INSTRUCT all personnel to frisk prior to entering Assembly Area.
1) FRISK hands first before picking up probe.
2) START at head and work down the body keeping the probe about a 1/2" away from body.
3) MOVE probe slowly (about 3"/second).
  • FRISK bottom of feet last.
b. CONTACT LAO concerning contaminated personnel who show count rates greater than 100 cpm above background.



1. CHECK operability of the meter as follows:
a. MOVE the switch clockwise to the position marked BATT.
b. CHECK that the needle moves into the BATT OK range on the bottom scale. IF it does not, THEN CALL the LAO.
2. SURVEY Assembly Area as follows:
a. MOVE the switch to the X1 position if battery is good.
b. WALK around the area while watching the meter.
c. READ the top scale (0-20 mR/hr).
d. IF any reading is GREATER THAN 10 mR/hr., THEN CALL the LAO 0




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- ""l('y EMERGENCY PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE REFERENCE USE Page 19 of 19 ATTACHMENT 9.5 IPEC Assembly Area &Relocation Routes Sheet I of 1 2