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Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station - Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 2010
Person / Time
Site: Palo Verde  Arizona Public Service icon.png
Issue date: 05/13/2011
From: Drinovsky L J, Weber T N
Arizona Public Service Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML11146A032 (75)


Technical Specification 5.6.2 m A subsidiary of Pinnacle West Capital Corporation Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Thomas N. Weber Department Leader Regulatory Affairs Tel. 623-393-5764 Fax 623-393-5442 Mail Station 7636 PO Box 52034 Phoenix, Arizona 85072-2034 102-06362-TNW/RAS May 13, 2011 ATTN: Document Control Desk U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001

Dear Sir:


Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station (PVNGS)Units 1, 2, and 3 Docket Nos. STN 50-528/529/530 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 2010 In accordance with PVNGS Technical Specification (TS) 5.6.2, enclosed please find the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report for 2010.No commitments are being made to the NRC in this letter. Should you need further information regarding this submittal, please contact Russell A. Stroud, Licensing Section Leader, at (623) 393-5111.Sincerely, TNW/RAS/gat Enclosure cc: E. E. Collins Jr.L. K. Gibson J. R. Hall M. A. Brown A. V. Godwin T. Morales A member of the Callaway


RCTSAI 1643, Legacy Item No. 036843.01)

Dr'inovsky 5 , Digitally signed by Drinovskly Louis LI iflovs y, (369 DN: cn=Drinovsky, Louis J(Z33699)iJ (Z3e3699) eason: lam the author ofthis document ,41. 11,,. Louis J(, 3 .,Date: 2011.04.0510:44:47-07'00' M I n~la Vu yE.Gray, Thorm asS6Digitany signed byGray, Thomas DN cn=Gray, Thomas S(Z99610)S Z 6 Reason:l have reviewed this document 5(Z9961 0) ,, -Date: 201 1.04.05 11:51:45 -07'00'Reviewed by: Approved by: '7 Digitally signed by John Gaffney" DN: cn=John Gaffney, o=RP' I'1 ou=8800, John G a, ffn ey' mal', c=US , am approving this document- Date: 2011.04.06 08:40:I10

-07'00'Director, Radiation Protection TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. IN TRO D U CTIO N ..........................................................................................................................

2 2. DESCRIPTION OF THE MONITORING PROGRAM ............................................................

3 2.1. RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL M ONITORING PROGRAM .........................................................


3 2.3. REM P D EVIATIONS/A BNORMAL EVENTS SUM MARY ...................................................................



4 3. SAM PLE CO LLECTIO N PRO G RA M ....................................................................................

12 3. 1. W ATER .......................................................................................................................................



12 3.3. M ILK ..........................................................................................................................................

12 3.4. A IR .............................................................................................................................................

12 3.5. SLUDGE AND SEDIM ENT .............................................................................................................

13 4. AN A LY TICA L PRO CED U RES .............................................................................................





13 4.3. M ILK ..........................................................................................................................................



14 4.5. SLUDGE/SEDIM ENT ....................................................................................................................

14 4.6. W ATER .......................................................................................................................................

14 4.7. SOIL ...........................................................................................................................................

15 5. N U CLEA R IN STRU M EN TA TION ............................................................................................

15 5.1. G AM MA SPECTROM ETER ........................................................................................................



15 5.3. G AS FLOW PROPORTIONAL COUNTER ....................................................................................

15 6. ISOTOPIC DETECTION LIMITS AND REPORTING CRITERIA ......................................

16 6.1. LOW ER LIM ITS OF D ETECTION ...................................................................................................

16 6.2. D ATA REPORTING CRITERIA ...................................................................................................

16 6.3. LLD AND REPORTING CRITERIA OVERVIEW .........................


17 7. INTERLABORATORY COMPARISON PROGRAM ..........................................................

22 7.1. Q UALITY CONTROL PROGRAM ...............................................................................................

22 7.2. INTERCOM PARISON RESULTS ...................................................................................................










26 8.4. M ILK ..........................................................................................................................................

26 8.5. D RINKING W ATER ......................................................................................................................

26 8.6. G ROUND W ATER ........................................................................................................................

26 8.7. SURFACE W ATER .......................................................................................................................

26 PVNGS ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT -2010 ii TABLE OF CONTENTS 8.8. SLUDGE AND SEDIM ENT .........................................................................................................

27 8.9. D ATA TRENDS ............................................................................................................................


53 10. LA N D U SE C EN SU S ..................................................................................................................



59 10.2. C ENSUS R ESULTS ....................................................................................................................

59 11. SU M M A RY A N D C O N C LU SIO N S .......................................................................................

64 12. RE FEREN CE S .............................................................................................................................



6 TABLE 2.2 SAMPLE COLLECTION SCHEDULE ..............................................................................

7 TABLE 2.3 SUMMARIES OF REMP DEVIATIONS/ABNORMAL EVENTS ..................................


19 TABLE 6.2 ODCM REQUIRED REPORTING LEVELS ..................................................................

20 TABLE 6.3 TYPICAL MDA VALUES ..............................................................................................

21 TABLE 7.1 INTERLABORATORY COMPARISON RESULTS ......................................................

23 TABLE 8.1 PARTICULATE GROSS BETA IN AIR 1ST 2D QUARTER ..........................................

28 TABLE 8.2 PARTICULATE GROSS BETA IN AIR 3 RD -4 TH QUARTER ....................................



30 TABLE 8.4 RADIOIODINE IN AIR 1 ST -2 ND QUARTER .................................................................

31 TABLE 8.5 RADIOIODINE IN AIR 3" -4TH QUARTER .................................................................

32 T A B L E 8.6 V E G E T A T IO N ......................................................................................................................

33 T A B L E 8.7 M IL K .....................................................................................................................................

34 TA B LE 8.8 D R IN K IN G W A TER ............................................................................................................

35 TA B LE 8.9 G R O U N D W A TER ...............................................................................................................

37 TA B LE 8.10 SU R FA CE W A TER ............................................................................................................



42 TABLE 8.12 HARD-TO-DETECT RADIONUCLIDE RESULTS ...................................................



54 TABLE 9.2 ENVIRONMENTAL TLD RESULTS ............................................................................

56 TA BLE 10.1 LAN D U SE CEN SU S .....................................................................................................

60 TABLE 11.1 ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOLOGICAL MONITORING PROGRAM ANNUAL S U M M A R Y ...............................................................................................................................................

6 5 PVNGS ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT -2010 iv LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE 2.1 REMP SAMPLE SITES -MAP (0-10 miles) ............................................................

10 FIGURE 2.2 REMP SAMPLE SITES -MAP (10-35 miles) ............................................................

11 FIGURE 8.1 GROSS BETA IN AIR, 1 St-2nd Quarter ......................................................................

46 FIGURE 8.2 GROSS BETA IN AIR, 3P-4" Quarter .......................................................................




C O M PA RE D TO PR E -O P .....................................................................................................................

49 FIGURE 8.5 GROSS BETA IN DRINKING WATER ....................................................................

50 FIGURE 8.6 EVAPORATION POND TRITIUM ACTIVITY .......................................................

51 FIGURE 8.7 SEDIMENTATION BASIN #2 Cs-137 .......................................................................

52 FIGURE 9.1 NETWORK ENVIRONMENTAL TLD EXPOSURE RATES ..................................





63 PVNGS ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT -2010 v ABSTRACT The Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP) is an ongoing program conducted by Arizona Public Service Company (APS) for the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station (PVNGS).Various types of environmental samples are collected near PVNGS and analyzed for plant related radionuclide concentrations.

During 2010, the following categories of samples were collected by APS:* Broad leaf vegetation

  • Ground water" Drinking water* Surface water* Airborne particulate and radioiodine" Goat and cow milk* Sludge and sediment Thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs) were used to measure environmental gamma radiation.

The Environmental TLD program is also conducted by APS.The Arizona Radiation Regulatory Agency (ARRA) performs radiochemistry analyses on various duplicate samples provided to them by APS. Samples analyzed by ARRA include onsite samples from the Reservoirs, Evaporation Ponds, and two (2) deep wells. Offsite samples analyzed by ARRA include two (2) local resident wells. ARRA also performs air sampling at seven (7) offsite locations identical to APS and maintains approximately fifty (50) environmental TLD monitoring locations, eighteen (18) of which are duplicates of APS locations.

A comparison of pre-operational and operational data indicates no changes to environmental radiation levels.Low level tritium was discovered in subsurface water onsite (not considered potable) in February 2006 at Units 2 and 3. A significant investigation was initiated to determine the source of the water, the extent of the condition, and corrective actions to protect ground water. See Section 2.4 for further discussion.(NOTE: Reference to APS throughout this report refers to PVNGS personnel)

PVNGS ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT -2010 1 OPERATIONAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM 1. Introduction This report presents the results of the operational radiological environmental monitoring program conducted by Arizona Public Service Company (APS). The Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP) was established for the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station (PVNGS) by APS in 1979. The REMP is performed in accordance with the federal requirements to provide a complete environmental monitoring program for nuclear reactors, and with concern for maintaining the quality of the local environment.

The program complies with the requirements of 10 CFR 50, Appendix I, PVNGS Technical Specifications, and with the guidance provided by the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC) in their Radiological Assessment Branch Technical Position on Environmental Monitoring, Revision 1, November 1979 (incorporated into NUREG 1301).This report contains the measurements and findings for 2010. All references are specifically identified in Section 12.The objectives of the REMP are as follows: 1) to determine baseline radiation levels in the environs prior to plant operation and to compare the findings with measurements obtained during reactor operations;

2) to monitor potential radiological exposure pathways to the public; and 3) to determine radiological impacts on the environment caused by the operation of PVNGS.Results from the REMP help to evaluate sources of elevated levels of radioactivity in the environment (e.g., atmospheric nuclear detonations or abnormal plant releases).

Results of the PVNGS pre-operational environmental monitoring program are presented in Reference 1.The initial criticality of Unit 1 occurred May 25, 1985. Initial criticality for Units 2 and 3 were April 18, 1986, and October 25, 1987, respectively.

PVNGS operational findings (historical) are presented in Reference 2.PVNGS ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT- 2010 2

2. Description of the Monitoring Program APS and vendor organizations performed the pre-operational radiological environmental monitoring program, which began in 1979. APS and vendors continued the program into the operational phase.2.1. Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program The assessment program consists of routine measurements of environmental gamma radiation and of radionuclide concentrations in media such as air, ground water, drinking water, surface water, vegetation, milk, sludge, and sediment.Samples were collected by APS at the monitoring sites shown in Figures 2.1 and 2.2. The specific sample types, sampling locations, and sampling frequencies, as set forth in the PVNGS Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM), Reference 4, are presented in Tables 2.1, 2.2 and 9.1. Additional onsite sampling (outside the scope of the ODCM) is performed to supplement the REMP. All results are included in this report. Sample analyses were performed at the onsite Central Chemistry Laboratory and Operating Unit laboratories, or at Eberline Analytical Services laboratory.

Eberline provided radioanalytical services while the onsite laboratory was shut down for remodeling and upgrades between May and November.Environmental gamma radiation measurements were performed by APS using TLDs at fifty (50) locations near PVNGS. The PVNGS Dosimetry Department is accredited by the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) to perform ionizing radiation dosimeter analyses.In addition to monitoring environmental media, a land use census is performed annually to identify the nearest milk animals, residents, and gardens. This information is used to evaluate the potential dose to members of the public for those exposure pathways that are indicated.

2.2. Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Changes for 2010 Beginning with this annual report, resident names/addresses will no longer be used as identifiers due to this reports availability in the public domain.The following changes implement ODCM Revision 25 and were made as a result of the annual Land Use Census (reference Corrective Action Program CRDR #3476160);

Replaced Site #47 garden location Replaced Site #51 milk sample location PVNGS ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT -2010 3 Between May and November the onsite Central Chemistry Laboratory was out of service during remodeling.

During this period, REMP samples were sent to the Eberline Analytical Services facility in Richmond, CA. This vendor is on the Approved Suppliers List for PVNGS.Refer to Table 2.1 for a description of all current sample locations (except TLDs).2.3. REMP Deviations/Abnormal Events Summary During calendar year 2010, there were seven (7) deviations/abnormal events with regard to the monitoring program. Refer to Table 2.3 for more detail and any corrective actions taken.1. Cow and goat milk samples from Site #51 became permanently unavailable on 5-13-10 2. A goat milk sample obtained in May was not analyzed for gamma emitting radionuclides

3. Evaporation Pond #1, the 45 acre Reservoir, and the 85 acre Reservoir exceeded the ODCM Table 6-2 reporting level for 1-131 4. Air sample Site #6A was invalid due to loss of power to equipment 5. Air sample Site #21 was invalid due to loss of power to equipment 6. Air sample Site #21 was invalid due to loss of power to equipment 7. Air sample Site #14A was invalid due to loss of power to equipment 2.4. Significant Investigation Regarding Ground Water Protection (Follow-up from past reports)NOTE: Although not part of the REMP, this information is being provided due to the identification of low level tritium in the onsite environs (within the Radiological Controlled Area) and heightened sensitivity to communicate the potential to affect ground water.On February 15, 2006 Palo Verde personnel observed water leakage into the Unit 2 Essential Pipe Density Tunnel through the 'B' Spray Pond (SP) supply line penetration seal (documented on Corrective Action Program Significant CRDR No. 2869959).

Low level tritium was identified in this water. It has been determined that the water was not the result of leakage from a plant system, but more likely due to previous operating conditions combined with precipitation.

The investigation revealed that Unit 3 had a similar situation.

PVNGS initiated OE22651 and follow-up OE24237 to describe the incident of low level tritium at Unit 3 since the concentration exceeded a reporting threshold.

Several monitoring wells have been installed to monitor the subsurface water and shallow aquifer at Units 1, 2, and 3. These wells are sampled monthly and quarterly for chemical and radiological parameters.

The State of Arizona Aquifer Protection Permit (Area-Wide)

No. P-100388 (APP) provides agreed upon monitoring parameters and reporting thresholds.

Sample results for the shallow aquifer wells are reported in the PVNGS Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report (ARERR).PVNGS ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT -2010 4 PVNGS has implemented a ground water protection program initiated by the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI). This initiative, NEI 07-07 (Industry Ground Water Protection Initiative

-Final Guidance Document, August 2007), provides added assurance that ground water will not be adversely affected by PVNGS operations.

The State of Arizona APP provides specific regulatory criteria for ground water protection.

PVNGS is working with the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) to prevent this tritiated water from affecting the local aquifer.Three samples were obtained, one each from Units 2 and 3 tritium monitoring wells, and one from the shallow aquifer outside of the Unit 1 radiological controlled area (RCA).These samples were analyzed for hard-to-detect radionuclides (e.g. C-14, Fe-55, Ni-63, Sr-90). Refer to Table 8.12 for sample results and interpretation.

PVNGS ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT -2010 5 Table 2.1 SAMPLE COLLECTION LOCATIONS SAMPLE SITE # SAMPLE TYPE LOCATION LOCATION DESCRIPTION 1(aj 4 6A*7A 14A 15 17A 21 29 35 40 46 47 48 49 51 52 53*54 55 57 58 59 60 61 62*63 64 air air air air air air air air air air drinking water vegetation drinking water drinking water milk milk milk milk (supplemental) drinking water (supplemental) ground water ground water surface water surface water surface water vegetation surface water surface water E16 SSE13 ESE3 NNE2 NE2 E3 S3 Wl NNW8 N2 NNW8 N3 (b)SW1 N2 NNE3 (b)ENE3 NE30 NNE4 APS Office Old US 80 Arlington School 371 Ave. and Buckeye-Salome Rd.NE Site Boundary 35 1s Ave.S Site Boundary W Site Boundary Tonopah Transmission Rd local resident local resident local resident local resident local resident-goats local resident-goats local resident-goats local resident-goats local resident Well 27ddc Well 34abb Evaporation Pond #1 85 acre Reservoir 45 acre Reservoir Commercial farm Evaporation Pond #2 Evaporation Pond #3 SW3 ONSITE ONSITE ONSITE ONSITE ONSITE ENE26 ONSITE ONSITE NOTES:* Designates a control site (a) Distances and direction are from the center-line of Unit 2 containment and rounded to the nearest mile (b) Denotes a change in location or a new sample location Air sample sites designated with the letter 'A' are sites that have the same site number as a TLD location, but are not in the same location (e.g. site #6 TLD location is different from site #6A air sample location; site #4 TLD location is the same as site #4 air sample location)PVNGS ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT -2010 6 Table 2.2 SAMPLE COLLECTION SCHEDULE SAMPLE AIR AIRBORNE GROUND DRINKING SURFACE SITE # PARTICULATE MILK RADIOIODINE VEGETATION WA TER WA TER WA TER 4 W W 6A W W 7A W W 14A W W 15 W W 17A W W 21 W W 29 W W 35 W W 40 W W 46 W 47 M/AA 48 W 49 W 51 M/AA 52 M/AA 53 M/AA 54 M/AA 55 W 57 Q 58 Q 59 Q 60 Q 61 Q 62 M/AA 63 Q 64 Q W = WEEKLY M/AA = MONTHLY AS AVAILABLE Q = QUARTERLY PVNGS ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT -2010 7 TABLE 2.3 SUMMARIES OF REMP DEVIATIONS/ABNORMAL EVENTS Deviation/Abnormal Event 1. Cow and goat milk samples from Site #51 became permanently unavailable on 5-13-10.2. A goat milk sample obtained in May was not analyzed for gamma emitting radionuclides.

3. Evaporation Pond #1, the 45 acre Reservoir, and the 85 acre Reservoir exceeded the ODCM Table 6-2 reporting level for 1-131.4. Air sample Site #6A was invalid due to loss of power to equipment.

Actions taken 1. Corrective Action Program CRDR #3476160 was initiated to document the sample unavailability and determine a replacement location to meet ODCM requirements.

The Land Use Census was performed during this time period and identified a replacement sample. No further actions are necessary.

2. Corrective Action Program CRDR #3488039 was initiated to document the deviation and provide needed corrective actions. This particular sample was processed by a vendor. The vendor was requested to perform a gamma isotopic analysis and a low level 1-131 analysis.The 1-131 analysis was performed first (a radiochemical separation method was used) and there was not enough sample left to perform the gamma analysis.

The action taken by the vendor was to counsel the analyst as to the proper order of processing to prevent a recurrence.

Samples analyzed since this occurrence did not have a repeat issue with order processing.

No further actions are deemed necessary.

3. Corrective Action Program CRDR #3435662 was initiated to document the l-131 concentration exceedance and any required corrective actions. The 1-131 identified at these locations has been determined to not be the result of plant effluents.

The source is radiopharmaceutical I-131 that originates in the Phoenix sewage effluent that supplies makeup to the Reservoirs and Circulating Water system. This water is wasted to the Evaporation Ponds via Circulating Water blowdown.

Because the 1-131 is not the result of plant effluents, no Special Report is required.

This information is provided in this report as required by the ODCM. No further action is necessary.

4. Corrective Action Program CRDR #3431187 and Corrective Maintenance Work Order # 3431905 were initiated to document and correct the loss of power to the sampling equipment between 1/19/10 and 1/26/10. The cause of the outage was storm related. Once power was restored, the equipment ran normally for the rest of the year. No further actions are needed.PVNGS ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT -2010 8 TABLE 2.3 SUMMARIES OF REMP DEVIATIONS/ABNORMAL EVENTS Deviation/Abnormal Event Actions taken (continued)(continued)
5. Air sample Site #21 was invalid due to loss of power to equipment 6. Air sample Site #21 was invalid due to loss of power to equipment 7. Air sample Site #14A was invalid due to loss of power to equipment 5. Corrective Action Program CRDR #3431187 and Corrective Maintenance Work Order # 3431905 were initiated to document and correct the loss of power to the sampling equipment between 1/ 19/10 and 2/16/10.The cause of the power loss was a tripped breaker due to an Arizona Radiation Regulatory Agency air sample equipment malfunction (common power supply).PVNGS Electricians corrected the problem and power was restored.

Once power was restored, the equipment ran normally.

No further actions are needed.6. Power was lost to equipment for several days due to construction in the area causing a local outage. Power was restored the same week. The sample volume was suspect as it was less than one-half the normal weekly volume. The sample was invalidated due to suspect volume. Subsequent samples were normal and no additional actions are necessary.

7. Corrective Action Program CRDR #3574902 and Corrective Maintenance Work Order # 3431905 were initiated to document and correct the loss of power to the sampling equipment between 12/28/10 and 1/13/11.The cause of the outage was storm related. The air sample equipment was returned to normal operation once the damage to the power lines was corrected.

No further actions are necessary.



.NE/ MICROWAVE MUM YEAL=\~ ~ ~ SOTYRRD )>E HILLS A34TJ T35TJ 38T 40AT LOWER B 14A 14T BRAIS SI 1lT 26 351 1-S 3 2 29AT 0: 17 28T Is -3TC WRITERSCH, KEE RD 917A MOP V1LL W .10 9 8 7 6 5 4 DOWIH RU bEE 258.75. 525 K'.I _.; = _ -r 4 IESL I WSW..Air Va PC I 236.25"'2AR OREAR-DES ERT IN RD Y AVEy 22 ý iAT l ....IED .*ý AV1210YA.E%'1. 33% AVE)y~~

>..NE z z z 0 t-0 I-" m z 0 z K z-_I-0"0 m z G)m M-.t v 0-0 0o ESE SE-10 miles/35 miles/ 20 miles KEY TO MAP Sample Site CD School ;Airstrip I A Air V Vegetation W Water T TLD REMP SAMPLE SITES 10-35 MILES SSE

3. Sample Collection Program APS personnel using PVNGS procedures collected all samples.3.1. Water Weekly samples were collected from four (4) residence wells for monthly and quarterly composites.

Samples were collected in one-gallon containers and 500 ml glass bottles. The samples were analyzed for gross beta, gamma emitting radionuclides and tritium.Quarterly grab samples were collected from the (45 and 85 acre) Reservoirs, Evaporation Pond #1, Evaporation Pond #3A/3B, and onsite wells 34abb and 27ddc. Evaporation Pond#2 was empty for liner replacement.

Samples were collected in one-gallon containers and 500 ml glass bottles. Samples were analyzed for gamma emitting radionuclides and tritium.Treated sewage effluent from the City of Phoenix was sampled as a weekly composite at the onsite Water Reclamation Facility (WRF), and analyzed for gamma emitting radionuclides.

A monthly composite was analyzed for tritium.3.2. Vegetation Vegetation samples were collected monthly, as available, and were analyzed for gamma emitting radionuclides.

3.3. Milk Goat and cow milk samples were collected monthly, as available, and were analyzed for gamma emitting radionuclides, including low level 1-131.3.4. Air Air particulate filters and charcoal cartridges were collected at ten (10) sites on a weekly basis. Particulate filters were analyzed for gross beta. Charcoal cartridges were analyzed for 1-131. Particulate filters were composited quarterly, by location, and analyzed for gamma emitting radionuclides.

PVNGS ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT -2010 12 3.5. Sludge and Sediment Sludge samples were obtained weekly from the WRF waste centrifuge (whenever the plant was operational) and analyzed for gamma emitting radionuclides.

Cooling tower sludge was analyzed for gamma emitting radionuclides prior to disposal in the WRF sludge landfill.4. Analytical Procedures The procedures described in this report are those used by APS to routinely analyze samples.4.1. Air Particulate 4.1.1. Gross Beta A glass fiber filter sample is placed in a stainless steel planchet and counted for gross beta activity utilizing a low background gas flow proportional counter.4.1.2. Gamma Spectroscopy The glass fiber filters are counted on a multichannel analyzer equipped with an HPGe detector.

The resulting spectrum is analyzed by a computer for specific radionuclides.

4.2. Airborne Radioiodine The charcoal cartridge is counted on a multichannel analyzer equipped with an HPGe detector.

The resulting spectrum is analyzed by a computer for 1-131.4.3. Milk 4.3.1. Gamma Spectroscopy The sample is placed in a plastic marinelli beaker and counted on a multichannel analyzer equipped with an HPGe detector.

The resulting spectrum is analyzed by a computer for specific radionuclides.

4.3.2. Radiochemical 1-131 Separation Iodine in milk sample is reduced with sodium bisulfite and iodine is absorbed by the anion exchange resin. The iodine is eluted with NaOC1. Iodine is extracted from the sample with carbon tetrachloride.

The iodine is back extracted from the organic with water containing sodium bisulfate and then precipitated as CuI. The precipitate is mounted in a planchet and counted for gross beta.PVNGS ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT -2010 13

4.4. Vegetation

4.4.1. Gamma Spectroscopy The sample is pureed in a food processor, placed in a one liter plastic marinelli beaker, weighed, and counted on a multichannel analyzer equipped with an HPGe detector.

The resulting spectrum is analyzed by a computer for specific radionuclides.

4.5. Sludge/Sediment 4.5.1. Gamma Spectroscopy The wet sample is placed in a one-liter plastic marinelli beaker, weighed, and counted on a multichannel analyzer equipped with an HPGe detector.

The resulting spectrum is analyzed by a computer for specific radionuclides.

4.6. Water 4.6.1. Gamma Spectroscopy The sample is placed in a one-liter plastic marinelli beaker and counted on a multichannel analyzer equipped with an HPGe detector.

The resulting spectrum is analyzed by a computer for specific radionuclides.

4.6.2. Tritium The sample is evaluated to determine the appropriate method of preparation prior to counting.

If the sample contains suspended solids or is turbid, it may be filtered, distilled, and/or de-ionized, as appropriate.

Eight (8) milliliters of sample are mixed with fifteen (15) milliliters of liquid scintillation cocktail.

The mixture is dark adapted and counted for tritium activity using a liquid scintillation counting system.PVNGS ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT -2010 14 4.6.3. Gross Beta A 200-250 milliliter sample is placed in a beaker. Five (5) milliliters of concentrated nitric (HNO 3) acid is added and the sample is evaporated down to about twenty (20) milliliters.

The remaining sample is transferred to a stainless steel planchet.

The sample is heated to dryness and counted for gross beta in a gas flow proportional counter.4.7. Soil 4.7.1. Gamma Spectroscopy The samples are sieved, placed in a one-liter plastic marinelli beaker, and weighed. The samples are then counted on a multichannel analyzer equipped with an HPGe detector.

The resulting spectrum is analyzed by a computer for specific radionuclides.

5. Nuclear Instrumentation 5.1. Gamma Spectrometer The Canberra Gamma Spectrometer consists of a Canberra System equipped with HPGe detectors having resolutions of 1.73 keV and 1.88 keV (as determined by full width half max with an energy of 0.5 keV per channel) and respective efficiencies of 21.5% and 38.4% (as determined by the manufacturer with Co-60). The Canberra System is used for all gamma counting.

The system uses Canberra developed software to search, identify, and quantify the peaks of interest.5.2. Liquid Scintillation Spectrometer A Beckman LS-6500 Liquid Scintillation Counter is used for tritium determinations.

The system background averages approximately 15-17 cpm with a counting efficiency of approximately 40% using a quenched standard.5.3. Gas Flow Proportional Counter The Tennelec S5E is a low background gas flow proportional counter for gross beta analysis.

The system contains an automatic sample changer capable of counting 50 samples in succession.

Average beta background count rate is about 1-2 cpm with a beta efficiency of approximately 30% for Cs-137.PVNGS ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT -2010 15

6. Isotopic Detection Limits and Reporting Criteria 6.1. Lower Limits of Detection The lower limits of detection (LLD) and the method for calculation are specified in the PVNGS ODCM, Reference
4. The ODCM required a priori LLDs are presented in Table 6.1. For reference, a priori LLDs are indicated at the top of data tables for samples having required LLD values.6.2. Data Reporting Criteria All results that are greater than the Minimum Detectable Activity (MDA) (a posteriori LLD) are reported as positive activity with its associated 2a counting error. All results that are less than the MDA are reported as less than values at the associated MDA. For example, if the MDA is 12 pCi/liter, the value is reported as <12.Typical MDA values are presented in Table 6.3.Occasionally, the PVNGS ODCM a priori LLDs may not be achieved as a result of: 0 Background fluctuations
  • Unavoidably small sample sizes* The presence of interfering radionuclides
  • Self absorption corrections
  • Decay corrections for short half-life radionuclides
  • Other uncontrollable circumstances In these instances, the contributing factors will be noted in the table where the data are presented.

A summary of deviations/abnormal events is presented in Table 2.3 and includes a description of any sample results that did not meet a priori LLD requirements.

PVNGS ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT -2010 16 6.3. LLD and Reporting Criteria Overview Making a reasonable estimate of the limits of detection for a counting procedure or a radiochemical method is usually complicated by the presence of significant background.

It must be considered that the background or blank is not a fixed value but that a series of replicates would be normally distributed.

The desired net activity is the difference between the gross and background activity distributions.

The interpretation of this difference becomes a problem if the two distributions intersect as indicated in the diagram.BACKGROUND GROSS If a sufficient number of replicate analyses are run, it is expected that the results would fall in a normal Gaussian distribution.

Standard statistics allow an estimate of the probability of any particular deviation from the mean value. It is common practice to report the mean +/-one or two standard deviations as the result. In routine analysis, such replication is not carried out, and it is not possible to report a Gaussian standard deviation.

With counting procedures, however, it is possible to estimate a Poisson standard deviation directly from the count. Data are commonly reported as the measured value +/- one or two Poisson standard deviations.

The reported values are then considered to give some indication of the range in which the true value might be expected to occur.A LLD is the smallest amount of sample activity that will yield a net count for which there is confidence at a predetermined level that activity is present. LLDs are calculated values for individual radionuclides based on a number of different factors including sample size, counting efficiency and background count rate of the instrument, the background and sample counting time, the decay time, and the chemical recovery of the analytical procedures.

A minimum detectable activity value (MDA) is the smallest amount of activity that can be detected in an actual sample and uses the values obtained from the instrument and outcome of the analytical process. Therefore, the MDA values may differ from the calculated LLD values if the sample size and chemical recovery, decay values, or the instrument efficiency, background, or count time differed from those used in the LLD calculation.

PVNGS ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT -2010 17 The factors governing the calculation of the LLD and MDA values are discussed below: 1. Sample Size 2. Counting Efficiency The fundamental quantity in the measurement of a radioactive substance is the number of disintegrations per unit time. As with most physical measurements in analytical chemistry, an absolute measurement of the disintegration rate is seldom possible, rather it is necessary to compare the sample with one or more standards.

The standards determine the counter efficiency that may then be used to convert sample counts per minute (cpm) to disintegrations per minute (dpm).3. Background Count Rate Any counter will show a certain counting rate without a sample in position.

This background counting rate comes from several sources: 1) natural environmental radiation from the surrounding materials, 2) cosmic radiation, and 3) the natural radioactivity in the counter material itself. The background counting rate will depend on the amounts of these types of radiation and the sensitivity of the counter to the radiation.

4. Background and Sample Counting Time The amount of time devoted to the counting of the background depends on the level of activity being measured.

In general, with low level samples, this time should be about equal to that devoted to counting a sample.5. Time Interval between Sample Collection and Counting Decay measurements are useful in identifying certain short-lived nuclides.

The disintegration constant is one of the basic characteristics of a specific radionuclide and is readily determined, if the half-life is sufficiently short. To ensure the required LLDs are achieved, appropriate decay correction values are used to account for radioactive decay during transit time and sample processing.



GAS (pCi/m 3) (pCi/liter)

/(pCikg, wet)Gross Beta 4 I 0.01 II H-3 2000* II II Mn-54 7I 15 -I 7]I Fe-59 J[ 30 II II Co-58,60 II 15 _I II Zn-65 30 II II Zr-95 1 30 77777]Nb-95 1[ 15 II7]1 1-131 1** II0.07 II 1 11 60 Cs-134 11 15 11 0.05 I 15 60 Cs-137 IF 18 006 I 18 80 Ba-140 60 I 60 La-140 15 _ _ _ _ _ 15 NOTES:* If no drinking water pathway exists, a value of 3000 pCi/liter may be used.** If no drinking water pathway exists, a value of 15 pCi/liter may be used.This list does not mean that only these nuclides are to be detected and reported.

Other peaks that are measurable and identifiable, together with the above nuclides, shall also be identified and reported.PVNGS ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT -2010 19 Table 6.2 ODCM REQUIRED REPORTING LEVELS AIRBORNE ANALYSIS/

WATER PARTICULATE MILK VEGETATION NUCLIDE (pCi/liter) or GAS (pCi/m 3) (pCi/liter) (pCi/kg, wet)1H-3 20,000* II_ _III f Mn-54 1,000 II II II Fe-59 400 ___II 11 I Co-58 1 1,000 11 II II Co-60 300 II II Zn-65 300 II II _Zr/Nb-95 400 II II II I 1-131 2** 0.9 I 3 f 100 Cs-134 30 10 60 1,000 I Cs-137 IF 50 20 I1 70 2,000 I I Ba/La-140 200 _ _:I 300 7 NOTES:* For drinking water samples. This is a 40CFR141 value. If no drinking water pathway exists, a value of 30,000 pCi/liter may be used.** If no drinking water pathway exists, a reporting level of 20 pCi/liter may be used.The values in this table are quarterly average values, as stated in the ODCM.PVNGS ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT -2010 20 Table 6.3 TYPICAL MDA VALUES AIRBORNE ANALYSIS/


J (pCilliter)

GAS (pCi/m 3) (pCilkg, wet)Gross Beta 2.6 II II 0.002 II H-3 270 II II Mn-54 12 II !1 Fe-59 20 II II II Co-58 11 1 _ _ _ l __Co-60 12 I __Zn-65 24 _i I Zr-95 1 20 IF -_ 11 1 __Nb-95 11 ____ IF_1-131 9a 11 0.22 II 0.05b II 38 Cs-134 10 3 0.04b Ib 57 Cs-137 11 3 0.05 b I 48 Ba-140 36 6 II II La-140 14 3 II II NOTES: a -low level 1- 131 is not required since there is no drinking water pathway b -Based on 433 m 3 , the normal weekly sample volume PVNGS ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT -2010 21

7. Interlaboratory Comparison Program 7.1. Quality Control Program APS maintains an extensive QA/QC Program to provide assurance that samples are collected, handled, tracked, and analyzed to specified requirements.

This program includes appropriate elements of USNRC Regulatory Guide 4.15, Quality Assurance for Radiological Monitoring Programs (Normal Operations)

-Effluent Streams and the Environment, Rev. 1. Included in the program are procedures for sample collection, preparation and tracking, sample analysis, equipment calibration and checks, and ongoing participation in an interlaboratory comparison program. Duplicate/replicate samples are analyzed to verify analytical precision and sample methodology.

Comprehensive data reviews are performed including trending of data where appropriate.

During 2010, APS analyzed the following sample types under the interlaboratory comparison program;* Beta/Gamma/

in Air Filter* 1-131 in Air* Beta in Water* Gamma in Water* Tritium in Water* Gamma in Milk 7.2. Intercomparison Results APS participates in a crosscheck program using vendor supplied blind radionuclide samples. Results for the interlaboratory comparison program are presented in Table 7.1.PVNGS ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT -2010 22 TABLE 7.1 INTERLABORATORY COMPARISON RESULTS Sample Analysis Known PVNGS 1 Sigma Type Type Nuclide Value Value Error Resolution*

Ratio Accept/Reject Mixed Gamma Milk E7068-1 11 1-131 Ce-141 Cr-51 Cs-1 34 Cs-1 37 Co-58 Mn-54 Fe-59 Zn-65 Co-60 49.2 47.0 65.0 32.0 28.4 25.7 37.3 24.7 45.7 33.0 51.9 50.5 66.8 30.7 30.4 27.3 39.7 27.8 47.0 34.0 2.9 2.7 7.0 1.9 2.0 1.9 2.4 2.7 3.3 2.0 17.9 18.7 9.5 16.2 15.2 14.4 16.5 10.3 14.2 17.0 1.05 1.07 1.03 0.96 1.07 1.06 1.06 1.13 1.03 1.03 Accept Accept Accept Accept Accept Accept Accept Accept Accept Accept Mixed Air Gamma E6972-111 Ce-141 Cr-51 Cs-134 Cs-137 Co-58 Mn-54 Fe-59 Zn-65 Co-60 139 375 173 123 144 122 122 236 175 144 352 167 138 160 139 146 268 182 5 8 7 7 7 8 10 8 6 29 44 24 20 23 17 15 34 30 1.04 0.94 0.97 1.13 1.11 1.14 1.20 1.14 1.04 Accept Accept Accept Accept Accept Accept Accept Accept Accept Mixed Gamma Water E6969-111 Ce-141 Cr-51 Cs-134 Cs-137 Co-58 Mn-54 Fe-59 Zn-65 Co-60 1-131 204 554 255 181 213 179 179 348 258 96.1 191 531 233 171 216 200 189 332 246 86 7 13 7 8 7 8 10 8 7 15 27 41 33 21 31 25 19 42 35 6 0.93 0.96 0.91 0.95 1.01 1.11 1.05 0.95 0.95 0.89 Accept Accept Accept Accept Accept Accept Accept Accept Accept Accept Water Gross Beta 69.1 92 7 13 1.33 Accept E6970-1 11 Air Cartridge 1-131 93.6 96 5 19 1.03 Accept E6971-111* calculated from PVNGS value/1 sigma error value NRC Acceptance Criteria'Resolution Ratio 4-7 0.5-2.0 8-15 0.6-1.66 16-50 0.75-1.33 51-200 0.80-1.25>200 0.85-1.18 1 From NRC Inspection Manual, procedure

  1. 84750, "Radioactive Waste Systems; Water Chemistry; Confirmatory Measurements PVNGS ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT -2010 23 TABLE 7.1 INTERLABORATORY COMPARISON RESULTS Sample Type Analysis Type Nuclide PVNGS Value Assigned Value' Acceptance Limit 2 Results Tritium H-3 10,893 12,600 8,200-18,600 Accept WATER Gross Beta 109 101 59.1-148 Accept FILTER Gross Beta 94 70.4 43.4-103 Accept ERA MRAD-012 PT Study Results The ERA assigned values are established per the guidelines contained in the National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Conference (NELAC) program criteria as applicable.

2 "Acceptance Limits" have been calculated per ERA's Standard Operating Procedure for the Generation of Performance Acceptance Limits.Eberline Analytical Services (units are Bq/Liter or Bq/sample)

Acceptance Accept/ Acceptance Accept/Analyte Result Ref. Value Range Reject? Analyte Result Ref. Value Range Reject?MAPEP-10-GrW23:

Gross alpha/beta water MAPEP-10-GrW22:

Gross alpha/beta water gross beta 4.275 4.39 2.20-6.59 Accept gross beta 3.53 3.09 1.55-4.64 Accept MAPEP-1O-RdF23:

Radiological air filter MAPEP-10-RdF22:

Radiological air filter Cs-134 3.25 2.98 2.09-3.87 Accept Cs-134 2.7 2.13 1.49-2.77 Accept Co-57 4.45 4.08 2.86-5.30 Accept Cs-137 1.81 1.53 1.07-1.99 Accept Co-60 3.19 2.92 2.04-3.80 Accept Co-60 2.74 2.473 1.731-3.215 Accept Mn-54 3.82 3.18 2.23-4.13 Accept Mn-54 3.18 .3.02 2.11-3.93 Accept MAPEP-1O-GrF23:

Gross alpha/beta air filter MAPEP-10-GrF22:

Gross alpha/beta air filter gross beta 0.522 0.5 0.25-0.75 Accept gross beta 1.278 1.29 0.65-1.94 Accept MAPEP-10-RdV23:

Radiological Vegetation MAPEP-10-RdV22:

Radiological vegetation Cs-134 5.32 4.79 3.35-6.23 Accept Cs-134 5 4.39 3.07-5.71 Accept Cs-137 6.15 5.88 4.12-7.64 Accept Cs-137 3.32 3.06 2.14-3.98 Accept Co-57 8.82 8.27 5.79-10.75 Accept Co-60 3.48 3.27 2.29-4.25 Accept Mn-54 6.85 6.287 4.401-8.173 Accept Zn-65 8.05 7.1 4.97-9.23 Accept Zn-65 6.44 5.39 3.77-7.01 Accept MAPEP-1O-MaW22:

Radiological water standard Cs-137 63.4 60.6 42.4-78.8 Accept Co-57 29.4 28.3 19.8-36.8 Accept H-3 92 90.8 63.6-118.0 Accept Mn-54 28.6 26.9 18.8-35.0 Accept Zn-65 44.4 40.7 28.5-52.9 Accept I PVNGS ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT -2010 24

8. Data Interpretations and Conclusions Associated with the analytical process are potential random and systematic errors. Systematic errors can be caused by instrument malfunctions, incomplete precipitation, back scattering, and self-absorption.

Random errors are beyond the control of the analyst.Efforts are made to minimize both systematic and random errors in the data reported.

Systematic errors are minimized by performing reviews throughout the analysis.

For example, instruments are checked routinely with radioactive sources, and recovery and self-absorption factors based on individual sample analyses are incorporated into the calculation equations where necessary.

Random errors are reduced by comparing all data to historical data for the same site and performing comparisons between analytical results when available.

In addition, when data do not appear to match historical results, analyses may be rerun on a separate aliquot of the sample to verify the presence of the activity.

The acceptance of data is dependent upon the results of quality control samples and is part of the data review process for all analytical results.The "plus or minus value" reported with each analytical result represents the counting error associated with the result and gives the 95% confidence (2cy) interval around the data.Most samples contain radioactivity associated with natural background/cosmic radioactivity (e.g.K-40, Th-234, and Be-7). Gross beta results for drinking water and air are due to natural background.

Gamma emitting radionuclides, which can be attributed to natural background sources, are not indicated in this report.Results and interpretation of the data for all of the samples analyzed during 2010 are presented in the following sections.

Assessment of pre-operational and operational data revealed no changes to environmental radiation levels. The only measurable impact on the environment in 2010 was the low level tritium discovered in subsurface water onsite in the RCA in 2006. See Section 2.4 for specific information.

8.1. Air Particulates Weekly gross beta results, in quarterly format, are presented in Tables 8.1 and 8.2. Gross beta activity at indicator locations ranged from 0.009 to 0.082 pCi/m 3.This range is typical and due to normal seasonal variations.

The associated counting error ranged from 0.001 to 0.004 pCi/m 3.Mean quarterly activity is normally calculated using weekly activity over a thirteen (13) week period. Also presented in the tables are the weekly mean values of all the sites as well as the percent relative standard deviation (RSD %) for the data. The gross beta activity is attributable to natural (background) radioactive materials.

The findings are consistent with pre-operational baseline and previous operational results.The results are summarized in Table 11.1.Table 8.3 displays the results of gamma spectroscopy on the quarterly composites.

No Cs-134 or Cs-137 was observed.PVNGS ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT -2010 25 8.2. Airborne Radioiodine Tables 8.4 and 8.5 present the quarterly radioiodine results. No airborne radioiodine was observed in any of the samples.8.3. Vegetation Table 8.6 presents gamma isotopic data for the vegetation samples. No gamma emitting radionuclides were observed in any of the samples.8.4. Milk Table 8.7 presents gamma isotopic data for the goat milk samples. No gamma emitting radionuclides were observed in any of the samples.8.5. Drinking Water Samples were analyzed for gross beta, tritium, and gamma emitting radionuclides.

Results of these analyses are presented in Table 8.8. No tritium or gamma emitting radionuclides were detected in any samples. Gross beta activity ranged from less than detectable to a high of 4.3 pCi/liter.

The gross beta activity is attributable to natural (background) radioactive materials.

8.6. Ground Water Ground water samples were analyzed from two onsite wells (regional aquifer) for tritium and gamma emitting radionuclides.

Results obtained from the analysis of the samples are presented in Table 8.9.No tritium or gamma emitting radionuclides were observed in any of the samples.8.7. Surface Water Surface water samples from the Reservoirs and Evaporation Ponds were analyzed for tritium and gamma emitting radionuclides.

The two Reservoirs contain processed sewage water from the City of Phoenix and are approximately 45 and 85 acres in size. The three Evaporation Ponds receive mostly circulating water from main turbine condenser cooling and are about 200-250 acres each. Evaporation Pond #3 was constructed in 2008 to allow for re-lining of the older ponds. Evaporation Pond #2 was pumped into Evaporation Pond#3 (sections 3A and 3B) and is in process of refurbishment.

Sample results are presented in Table 8.10. 1-131 was observed in the Evaporation Ponds in three (3) samples (12 to 35 pCi/liter) and two (2) of the Reservoir samples (20 to 54 pCi/liter).

1-131 in these surface water locations is a result of radiopharmaceutical 1-131 in the Phoenix sewage effluent and are not attributable to plant effluents.

PVNGS ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT -2010 26 Tritium was routinely observed in the Evaporation Ponds. The highest concentration in Evaporation Pond #1 was 1321 pCi/liter and the highest concentration in Evaporation Pond #3 (cell 3A) was 1008 pCi/liter.

Evaporation Pond #2 was empty the entire year due to liner replacement.

Tritium was not detected in the Reservoirs.

The tritium identified in the Evaporation Ponds has been attributed to permitted plant gaseous effluent releases and secondary plant liquid discharges (e.g. condensate overboard discharge, secondary side steam generator drains, secondary plant sumps, demineralizer regeneration waste).WRF Influent (Phoenix sewage effluent containing radiopharmaceutical 1-131) samples collected by the WRF were analyzed for gamma emitting radionuclides and tritium. The results, presented in Table 8.10, demonstrate that 1-131 was observed routinely.

The highest 1-131 concentration was 85 pCi/liter.

None of the samples analyzed indicated the presence of tritium.Table 8.10 also presents gamma spectroscopy and tritium measurements of samples collected from Sedimentation Basin #2. This basin collects rain water from site runoff and was dry for most of the year. Low concentrations of tritium were identified in three (3)samples ranging from 339 to 631 pCi/liter.

The tritium was attributed to rain washout of plant gaseous effluent releases.

No gamma emitting radionuclides were observed in the samples.8.8. Sludge and Sediment 8.8.1. WRF Centrifuge waste sludge Sludge samples were obtained from the WRF centrifuge and analyzed by gamma spectroscopy.

1-131 activity in the sludge is consistent with historical values and, as previously discussed, is due to radiopharmaceuticals in the WRF Influent.

1-131 was present in all forty-six (46) samples ranging from 367 to 2743 pCi/kg.In-111 was also identified in the sludge in 24 of the 46 samples. The highest concentration was 188 pCi/kg. It was previously established that In-111 is also used in the Phoenix area as a radiopharmaceutical.

Results for WRF centrifuge waste sludge can be found in Table Cooling Tower sludge Sludge/sediment originating from the Unit 1 and Unit 2 Cooling Towers and/or Circulating Water canals was disposed of in the WRF sludge landfill during 2010.Sample results can be found in Table Data Trends Figures 8.1-8.7 present data in graphical format. Historical data are displayed for comparison where practical.

PVNGS ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT -2010 27 TABLE 8.1 PARTICULATE GROSS BETA IN AIR Is -2nd QUARTER ODCM required samples denoted by *units are pCi/m 3 1st Quarter START STOP Week# DATE DATE (control)Site Site 4 6A*Site Site Site 7A 14A* 15*Site Site Site Site Site RSD 17A 21 29* 35 40* Mean (%)1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 28-Dec-09 5-Jan-10 0.050 0.049 0.048 0.044 0.048 5-Jan-10 12-Jan-10 0.079 0.077 0.071 0.055 0.068 12-Jan-10 19-Jan-10 0.070 0.078 0.070 0.070 0.071 19-Jan-10 26-Jan-10 0.012 invalida 0.011 0.009 0.011 26-Jan-10 2-Feb-10 0.037 0.044 0.042 0.039 0.044 2-Feb-10 9-Feb-10 0.050 0.050 0.050 0.048 0.052 9-Feb-10 16-Feb-10 0.029 0.032 0.031 0.028 0.033 16-Feb-10 23-Feb-10 0.035 0.034 0.034 0.031 0.034 23-Feb-10 2-Mar-10 0.039 0.034 0.037 0.033 0.035 2-Mar-10 9-Mar-10 0.026 0.024 0.023 0.023 0.023 9-Mar-10 16-Mar-10 0.023 0.022 0.022 0.020 0.023 16-Mar-10 23-Mar-10 0.041 0.039 0.038 0.039 0.041 23-Mar-10 30-Mar-10 0.028 0.034 0.031 0.029 0.030 0.049 0.082 0.073 0.011 0.044 0.049 0.030 0.035 0.039 0.025 0.026 0.040 0.030 0.047* 0.064 0.068 invalid a invalid a invalid a invalid a 0.030 0.035 0.023 0.021 0.043 0.027 0.051 0.075 0.071 0.011 0.043 0.053 0.030 0.033 0.035 0.023 0.024 0.041 0.025 0.047 0.045 0.048 4.5 0.072 0.071 0.071 11.0 0.076 0.068 0.072 4.6 0.013 0.011 0.011 10.1 0.044 0.040 0.042 6.3 0.048 0.052 0.050 3.6 0.031 0.030 0.030 5.0 0.036 0.034 0.034 5.5 0.036 0.036 0.036 5.5 0.022 0.027 0.024 6.7 0.022 0.024 0.023

  • 7.5 0.041 0.039 0.040 3.7 0.027 0.027 0.029 8.9 Mean 0.040 0.043 0.039 0.036 0.039 2nd Quarter (control)Site Site Site Site Site 4 6A* 7A 14A* 15*0.041 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.039 0.040 4.5 Site Site Site Site Site RSD 17A 21 29* 35 40* Mean (%)START STOP Week # DATE DATE 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 30-Mar-10 6-Apr-10 0.026 6-Apr-10 13-Apr-10 0.023 13-Apr-10 20-Apr-10 0.036 20-Apr-10 27-Apr-10 0.018 27-Apr-10 4-May-10 0.020 4-May-10 11-May-10 b 0.023 11-May-10 18-May-10 0.025 18-May-10 25-May-10 0.019 25-May-10 1-Jun-10 0.025 1-Jun-10 8-Jun-10 0.023 8-Jun-10 15-Jun-10 0.024 15-Jun-10 22-Jun-10 0.028 22-Jun-10 29-Jun-10 0.027 0.023 0.027 0.022 0.024 0.021 0.023 0.020 0.022 0.035 0.037 0.035 0.039 0.022 0.020 0.019 0.020 0.021 0.018 0.018 0.018 0.024 0.024 0.023 0.024 0.023 0.025 0.021 0.025 0.021 0.021 0.019 0.021 0.023 0.023 0.023 0.024 0.025 0.024 0.023 0.024 0.029 0.025 0.024 0.026 0.028 0.027 0.028 0.027 0.028 0.028 0.026 0.027 0.025 0.023 0.037 0.020 0.021 0.025 0.025 0.022 0.025 0.024 0.023 0.030 0.028 0.024 0.019 0.033 0.020 0.018 0.024 0.022 0.020 0.022 0.018 0.022 0.024 0.024 0.027 0.023 0.037 0.021 0.019 0.024 0.022 0.019 0.025 0.023 0.023 0.029 0.030 0.024 0.027 0.025 7.2 0.023 0.023 0.022 6.8 0.036 0.036 0.036 4.4 0.022 0.021 0.020 6.2 0.020 0.017 0.019 7.4 0.024 0.023 0.024 2.7 0.023 0.021 0.023 7.3 0.021 0.021 0.020 5.3 0.022 0.021 0.023 6.1 0.022 0.024 0.023 8.5 0.024 0.023 0.024 8.2 0.029 0.031 0.028 6.8 0.030 0.026 0.027 6.7 Mean 0.024 0.025 0.025 0.023 0.025 0.025 0.022 0.025 0.025 0.024 0.024 3.7 a Power outage at this location due to storm. Unable to accurately determine sample volume. Corrective Action Program CRDR # 3431187 and CM WO #3431905 initiated.

b Vendor lab begins analyzing samples due to onsite lab shutdown for remodeling.

PVNGS ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT -2010 28 TABLE 8.2 PARTICULATE GROSS BETA IN AIR 3 -4" QUARTER ODCM required samples denoted by *units are pCi/m 3 3rd Quarter START STOP Week # DATE DATE (control)Site Site 4 6A*Site Site Site 7A 14A* 15*Site Site Site Site Site RSD 17A 21 29* 35 40* Mean (%)27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 29-Jun-10 6-Jul-10 0.024 6-Jul-10 13-Jul-10 0.031 13-Jul-10 20-Jul-10 0.033 20-Jul-10 27-Jul-10 0.030 27-Jul-10 3-Aug-10 0.023 3-Aug-10 10-Aug-10 0.031 10-Aug-10 17-Aug-10 0.029 17-Aug-10 24-Aug-10 0.025 24-Aug-10 31-Aug-10 0.028 31-Aug-10 7-Sep-10 0.027 7-Sep-10 14-Sep-10 0.026 14-Sep-10 21-Sep-10 0.032 21-SeD-10 27-Sep-10 0.030 0.023 0.030 0.035 0.030 0.026 0.029 0.029 0.024 0.029 0.027 0.028 0.036 0.030 0.028 0.030 0.034 0.035 0.025 0.028 0.029 0.024 0.028 0.028 0.031 0.032 0.033 0.022 0.023 0.027 0.028 0.033 0.034 0.027 0.030 0.025 0.026 0.032 0.027 0.027 0.027 0.023 0.024 0.027 0.028 0.027 0.029 0.027 0.026 0.029 0.033 0.026 0.029 0.027 0.031 0.034 0.031 0.017 0.030 0.030 0.025 0.028 0.030 0.031 0.034 0.032 0.021 0.025 0.031 0.029 0.022 0.025 0.028 0.021 0.025 0.026 0.023 0.027 0.028 0.025 0.027 0.030 0.030 0.024 0.025 0.028 0.024 0.028 0.028 0.029 0.033 0.027 0.029 0.020 0.031 0.030 0.036 0.034 0.032 0.030 0.025 0.024 0.027 0.028 0.031 0.029 0.025 0.025 0.029 0.026 0.028 0.029 0.029 0.028 0.030 0.033 0.033 0.031 0.024 12.4 0.029 7.3 0.033 5.3 0.030 6.8 0.024 11.3 0.028 8.3 0.029 4.4 0.024 5.2 0.028 4.6 0.028 4.3 0.028 8.8 0.032 8.2 0.030 8.1 Mean START STOP Week# DATE DATE 0.028 0.029 0.030 0.027 0.028 4th Quarter (control)Site Site Site Site Site 4 6A* 7A 14A* 15*0.029 0.025 0.028 0.030 0.028 0.028 4.6 Site Site Site Site Site RSD 17A 21 29* 35 40* Mean (%)40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 27-Sep-10 5-Oct-10 0.047 5-Oct-10 12-Oct-10 0.045 12-Oct-10 19-Oct-10 0.049 19-Oct-10 26-Oct-10 0.028 26-Oct-10 2-Nov-10 0.033 2-Nov-10 8-Nov-10 0.051 8-Nov-10 16-Nov-10 0.029 16-Nov-10 22-Nov-10 0.038 22-Nov-10 30-Nov-10 0.025 30-Nov-10 8-Dec-10 0.061 8-Dec-10 14-Dec-10 0.047 14-Dec-10 20-Dec-10 0.035 20-Dec-10 28-Dec-10 0.027 0.042 0.044 0.048 0.030 0.033 0.050 0.030 0.038 0.024 0.074 0.050 0.036 0.025 0.044 0.040 0.043 0.032 0.051 0.045 0.026 0.025 0.031 0.030 0.047 0.044 0.029 0.026 0.037 0.033 0.023 0.025 0.064 0.056 0.044 0.038 0.036 0.037 0.022 invalid b 0.042 0.040 0.049 0.027 0.033 0.051 0.026 0.036 0.026 0.056 0.048 0.036 0.023 0.044 0.042 0.046 0.031 0.030 0.052 0.030 0.036 0.023 0.059 0.043 0.034 0.022 0.039 0.040 0.043 0.026 0.029 0.048 0.027 0.036 0.021 0.057 invalid a 0.029 0.024 0.042 0.037 0.050 0.029 0.032 0.050 0.028 0.038 0.023 0.061 0.049 0.039 0.024 0.045 0.041 0.040 0.041 0.049 0.048 0.030 0.026 0.032 0.028 0.048 0.053 0.027 0.026 0.037 0.036 0.024 0.024 0.064 0.059 0.043 0.044 0.037 0.036 0.022 0.023 0.043 5.7 0.040 9.3 0.048 5.1 0.028 7.5 0.031 5.8 0.049 5.4 0.028 5.8 0.037 4.1 0.024 5.9 0.061 8.8 0.045 8.3 0.036 7.4 0.024 7.1 a Sample invalidated due to power outage sometime during the sample period causing suspect sample volume.b Power was lost to equipment.

Corrective Action Program CRDR #3574902 and CMWO #3431905 initiated.

Mean 0.040 0.040 0.038 0.036 0.038 0.038 0.035 0.039 0.038 0.037 0.038 4.2 0.032 4.1 Annual Average 0.033 0.034 0.033 0.030 0.033 0.033 0.030 0.033 0.033 0.032 PVNGS ANNTUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT -2010 29 TABLE 8.3 GAMMA IN AIR FILTER COMPOSITES ODCM required samples denoted by *units are pCi/m 3 QUARTER ENDPOINT Site 4 (control)Site 6A*Site Site 7A 14A*Site Site Site Site Site Site 15* 17A 21 29* 35 40*NUCLIDE 30-Mar-10 29-Jun-10 27-Sep-10 28-Dec-10 Cs-134 <0.0038 Cs-137 <0.0042 Cs-134 <0.0004 Cs-137 <0.0006 Cs-134 <0.0006 Cs-137 <0.0005 Cs-134 <0.0036 Cs-137 <0.0042<0.0025<0.0030<0.0003<0.0002<0.0004<0.0003<0.0034<0.0046<0.0033<0.0047<0.0007<0.0005<0.0006<0.0005<0.0047<0.0041<0.0023<0.0041<0.0005<0.0004<0.0005<0.0006<0.0037<0.0047<0.0037<0.0053<0.0009<0.0007<0.0004<0.0003<0.0031<0.0050<0.0037<0.0035<0.0005<0.0004<0.0006<0.0006<0.0042<0.0036<0.0047<0.0061<0.0004<0.0003<0.0005<0.0004<0.0046<0.0043<0.0033<0.0050<0.0003<0.0002<0.0006<0.0005<0.0029<0.0035<0.0042<0.0036<0.0006<0.0005<0.0005<0.0005<0.0024<0.0037<0.0038<0.0044<0.0008<0.0007<0.0004<0.0003<0.0030<0.0042 PVNGS ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT -2010 30 TABLE 8.4 RADIOIODINE IN AIR 1st -2 nd QUARTER ODCM required samples denoted by *units are pCi/m 3 1st Quarter (control) required LLD <0.070 START STOP Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Week # DATE DATE 4 6A* 7A 14A* 15* 17A 21 29* 35 40*1 28-Dec-09 5-Jan-10 <0.042 <0.033 <0.035 <0.035 <0.028 <0.035 <0.031 <0.034 <0.041 <0.034 2 5-Jan-10 12-Jan-10

<0.044 <0.070 <0.049 <0.049 <0.068 <0.035 <0.068 <0.053 <0.066 <0.053 3 12-Jan-10 19-Jan-10

<0.036 <0.068 <0.054 <0.032 <0.070 <0.046 <0.060 <0.040 <0.049 <0.044 4 19-Jan-10 26-Jan-10

<0.042 invalid a <0.053 <0.067 <0.036 <0.061 invalid a <0.060 <0.056 <0.048 5 26-Jan-10 2-Feb-10 <0.039 <0.064 <0.045 <0.035 <0.053 <0.031 invalida <0.036 <0.046 <0.053 6 2-Feb-10 9-Feb-10 <0.045 <0.013 <0.052 <0.036 <0.036 <0.037 invalid a <0.058 <0.030 <0.032 7 9-Feb-10 16-Feb-10

<0.042 <0.046 <0.058 <0.038 <0.050 <0.044 invalid a <0.050 <0.032 <0.067 8 16-Feb-10 23-Feb-10

<0.041 <0.031 <0.063 <0.031 <0.033 <0.032 <0.042 <0.039 <0.034 <0.036 9 23-Feb-10 2-Mar-10 <0.035 <0.057 <0.053 <0.035 <0.065 <0.041 <0.013 <0.056 <0.054 <0.043 10 2-Mar-10 9-Mar-10 <0.035 <0.064 <0.052 <0.056 <0.045 <0.037 <0.054 <0.046 <0.045 <0.035 11 9-Mar-10 16-Mar-10

<0.059 <0.052 <0.058 <0.069 <0.052 <0.064 <0.067 <0.063 <0.054 <0.058 12 16-Mar-10 23-Mar-10

<0.055 <0.035 <0.069 <0.050 <0.069 <0.069 <0.036 <0.059 <0.069 <0.067 13 23-Mar-10 30-Mar-10

<0.067 <0.050 <0.065 <0.044 <0.056 <0.036 <0.055 <0.025 <0.065 <0.036 2nd Quarter (control) required LLD <0.070 START STOP Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Week # DATE DATE 4 6A* 7A 14A* 15* 17A 21 29* 35 40*14 30-Mar-10 6-Apr-10 <0.041 <0.040 <0.032 <0.020 <0.067 <0.032 <0.046 <0.026 <0.049 <0.035 15 6-Apr-10 13-Apr-10

<0.034 <0.063 <0.042 <0.055 <0.049 <0.043 <0.034 <0.068 <0.037 <0.034 16 13-Apr-10 20-Apr-10

<0.026 <0.054 <0.068 <0.037 <0.054 <0.041 <0.037 <0.042 <0.056 <0.036 17 20-Apr-10 27-Apr-10

<0.046 <0.041 <0.039 <0.031 <0.067 <0.046 <0.058 <0.038 <0.062 <0.051 18 27-Apr-10 4-May-10 <0.036 <0.057 <0.068 <0.039 <0.061 <0.040 <0.057 <0.036 <0.058 <0.042 19 4-May-10 11-May-10 b <0.004 <0.004 <0.004 <0.002 <0.007 <0.006 <0.006 <0.007 <0.006 <0.004 20 11-May-10 18-May-10

<0.005 <0.005 <0.008 <0.006 <0.006 <0.006 <0.006 <0.007 <0.006 <0.004 21 18-May-10 25-May-10

<0.005 <0.004 <0.005 <0.005 <0.004 <0.005 <0.009 <0.005 <0.004 <0.004 22 25-May-10 1-Jun-10 <0.004 <0.004 <0.003 <0.004 <0.007 <0.005 <0.007 <0.007 <0.004 <0.006 23 1-Jun-10 8-Jun-10 <0.005 <0.006 <0.004 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.003 <0.004 <0.008 <0.004 24 8-Jun-10 15-Jun-10

<0.005 <0.004 <0.002 <0.003 <0.007 <0.009 <0.007 <0.007 <0.007 <0.004 25 15-Jun-10 22-Jun-10

<0.002 <0.008 <0.003 <0.004 <0.005 <0.004 <0.003 <0.002 <0.004 <0.008 26 22-Jun-10 29-Jun-10

<0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.003 <0.004 <0.009 <0.006 <0.008 <0.008 <0.007 a Power outage at this location due to storm. Unable to accurately determine sample volume. Corrective Action Program CRDR # 3431187 and CMWO #3431187 initiated.

b Vendor lab begins analyzing samples due to onsite lab shutdown for remodeling PVNGS ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT -2010 31 TABLE 8.5 RADIOIODINE IN AIR 3 rd -4 th QUARTER ODCM required samples denoted by *units are pCi/m 3 3rd Quarter (control) 0.070 START STOP Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Week# DATE DATE 4 6A* 7A 14A* 15* 17A 21 29* 35 40*27 29-Jun-10 6-Jul-10 <0.006 <0.006 <0.006 <0.004 <0.005 <0.011 <0.004 <0.005 <0.005 <0.003 28 6-Jul-10 13-Jul-10

<0.004 <0.004 <0.004 <0.002 <0.004 <0.008 <0.006 <0.006 <0.008 <0.007 29 13-Jul-10 20-Jul-10

<0.004 <0.003 <0.003 <0.007 <0.005 <0.008 <0.006 <0.004 <0.007 <0.011 30 20-Jul-10 27-Jul-10

<0.005 <0.003 <0.003 <0.007 <0.004 <0.008 <0.007 <0.006 <0.005 <0.005 31 27-Jul-10 3-Aug-10 <0.004 <0.003 <0.002 <0.003 <0.006 <0.006 <0.005 <0.005 <0.004 <0.004 32 3-Aug-10 10-Aug-10

<0.005 <0.004 <0.003 <0.004 <0.008 <0.007 <0.007 <0.006 <0.004 <0.006 33 10-Aug-10 17-Aug-10

<0.004 <0.004 <0.002 <0.007 <0.007 <0.008 <0.006 <0.004 <0.011 <0.011 34 17-Aug-10 24-Aug-10

<0.008 <0.003 <0.004 <0.004 <0.006 <0.004 <0.005 <0.004 <0.005 <0.004 35 24-Aug-10 31-Aug-10

<0.004 <0.004 <0.004 <0.003 <0.008 <0.007 <0.007 <0.006 <0.005 <0.012 36 31-Aug-10 7-Sep-10 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.003 <0.010 <0.006 <0.007 <0.008 <0.007 <0.005 37 7-Sep-10 14-Sep-10

<0.008 <0.008 <0.007 <0.004 <0.011 <0.003 <0.003 <0.003 <0.003 <0.002 38 14-Sep-10 21-Sep-10

<0.006 <0.006 <0.005 <0.003 <0.009 <0.012 <0.007 <0.008 <0.007 <0.004 39 21-Sep-10 27-Sep-10

<0.008 <0.007 <0.006 <0.003 <0.012 <0.010 <0.007 <0.006 <0.005 <0.004 4th Quarter (control) 0.070 START STOP Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Week # DATE DATE 4 6A* 7A 14A* 15* 17A 21 29* 35 40*40 27-Sep-10 5-Oct-10 <0.007 <0.004 <0.005 <0.006 <0.005 <0.006 <0.005 <0.004 <0.010 <0.008 41 5-Oct-10 12-Oct-10

<0.005 <0.006 <0.005 <0.003 <0.009 <0.006 <0.007 <0.007 <0.005 <0.012 42 12-Oct-10 19-Oct-10

<0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.003 <0.005 <0.007 <0.007 <0.006 <0.004 <0.005 43 19-Oct-10 26-Oct-10

<0.008 <0.007 <0.008 <0.005 <0.009 <0.005 <0.010 <0.009 <0.009 <0.005 44 26-Oct-10 2-Nov-10 <0.038 <0.069 <0.064 <0.069 <0.037 <0.046 <0.058 <0.015 <0.053 <0.062 45 2-Nov-10 8-Nov-10 <0.063 <0.063 <0.069 <0.069 <0.066 <0.059 <0.066 <0.057 <0.064 <0.064 46 8-Nov-10 16-Nov-10

<0.034 <0.053 <0.046 <0.041 <0.051 <0.048 <0.039 <0.062 <0.043 <0.062 47 16-Nov-10 22-Nov-10

<0.068 <0.058 <0.067 <0.062 <0.068 <0.053 <0.069 <0.043 <0.068 <0.062 48 22-Nov-10 30-Nov-10

<0.033 <0.040 <0.039 <0.032 <0.040 <0.048 <0.060 <0.057 <0.052 <0.031 49 30-Nov-10 8-Dec-10 <0.048 <0.054 <0.052 <0.046 <0.045 <0.055 <0.013 <0.057 <0.057 <0.055 50 8-Dec-10 14-Dec-10

<0.064 <0.065 <0.050 <0.064 <0.055 <0.015 invalid a <0.068 <0.067 <0.069 51 14-Dec-10 20-Dec-10

<0.039 <0.063 <0.070 <0.069 <0.065 <0.057 <0.070 <0.064 <0.064 <0.060 52 20-Dec-10 28-Dec-10

<0.060 <0.060 <0.059 invalid b <0.039 <0.055 <0.051 <0.050 <0.047 <0.055 a Sample invalidated due to power outage sometime duringthe sample period causing suspect sample volume.b Power was lost to equipment.

Corrective Action Program CRDR #3574902 and CMWO #3431905 initiated.

PVNGS ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT -2010 32 TABLE 8.6 VEGETATION ODCM required samples denoted by *units are pCi/kg, wet<60<60<80 DATE LOCATION TYPE COLLECTED 1-131 Cs-134 Cs-137 LOCAL RESIDENCE NONE AVAILABLE (Site #47)*savoy cabbage 12-Feb-10

<51 <48 <69 red cabbage 12-Feb-10

<48 <44 <47 green cabbage 12-Feb-10

<50 <43 <48 green cabbage 11-Mar-10

<42 <60 <36 COMMERCIAL red cabbage 11-Mar-10

<44 <41 <32 FARM savoy cabbage 11-Mar- 10 <51 <56 <64 (Site #62)* green cabbage 9-Apr-10 <30 <53 <56 red cabbage 9-Apr- 10 <48 <59 <59 savoy cabbage 9-Apr- 10 <44 <60 <13 red cabbage 18-Nov- 10 <44 <55 <43 green cabbage 18-Nov- 10 <32 <58 <52 red cabbage 27-Dec-10

<28 <40 <75 green cabbage 27-Dec-10

<38 <34 <52 PVNGS ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT -2010 33 TABLE 8.7 MILK ODCM required samples denoted by *units are pCi/liter SAMPLE DATE <1 <15 <18 <60 <15 LOCATION COLLECTED 1-131 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ba-140 La-140 LOCAL RESIDENT 10-Feb-10

<1 <1 <1 <3 <1 COWS 16-Mar-10

<1 <1 <1 <3 <1 GOATS no samples available (Site #51)*LOCAL RESIDENT GOATS no samples available (Site #52)*26-Mar-10

<1 <1 <1 <3 <1 23-Apr-10

<1 <1 <1 <3 <1 20-May-10

<0.15 a a a a LOCAL RESIDENT 23-Jun-10

<0.19 <7 <5 <13 <7 GOATS 21-Jul-10

<0.36 <12 <13 <32 <14 (Site #53)* 19-Aug-10

<0.32 <6 <5 <16 <7 23-Sep-10

<0.33 <12 <10 <25 <12 20-Oct-10

<0.26 <8 <6 <17 <8 18-Nov-10

<0.29 <6 <4 <14 <7 17-Dec-10

<0.28 <10 <10 <25 <13 15-Jan-10

<1 <1 <1 <3 <1 LOCAL RESIDENT 12-Feb-10

<1 <1 <1 <3 <1 GOATS 23-Sep-10

<0.30 <6 <4 <14 <8 (Site #54) 20-Oct-10

<0.34 <10 <9 <28 <14 18-Nov-10

<0.28 <8 <6 <16 <9 17-Dec-10

<0.21 <6 <5 <13 <6 Notes: a Vendor lab begins analyzing samples in May due to onsite lab shutdown for remodeling.

Ganmma emitting radionuclide analysis not performed in error. Corrective Action Program CRDR #3488039 initiated.

PVNGS ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT -2010 34 TABLE 8.8 DRINKING WATER ODCM required samples denoted by *units are pCi/liter<2000<15 <30 <15 <30 <15 <30 <15 <15 <18 <60 <15 QTRLY <4.0 Co-58 Fe-59 Co-60 Zn-65 Nb-95 Zr-95 1-131 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ba-140 La-140 Tritium Gross Beta SAMPLE I MONTH <15 LOCATION ENDPOINT Mn-54 LOCAL RESIDENCE (Site #48) *26-Jan-10

<12 23-Feb-10

<10 30-Mar-10

<10 27-Apr- 10 <11 25-May-10" <4 29-Jun-10

<7 27-Jul-10

<4 31-Aug-10

<5 27-Sep-10

<9 26-Oct-10

<5 30-Nov-10

<2 28-Dec-10

<11<11 <22 <14 <30 <13 <20 <12 <12<12 <25 <12 <30 <12 <19 <11 <11<11 <23 <12 <27 <12 <20 <11 <10<13 <28 <14 <28 <12 <19 <10 <10<4 <11 <5 <9 <5 <8 <5 <6<7 <23 <8 <17 <9 <12 <9 <10<4 <12 <4 <11 <5 <7 <5 <6<5 <13 <5 <10 <5 <8 <8 <6<9 <25 <8 <19 <9 <15 <15 <9<5 <15 <5 <10 <10 <9 <8 <6<3 <7 <3 <5 <3 <5 <7 <3<10 <25 <13 <23 <11 <17 <8 <11<13<12<9<11<5<8<4<5<9<5<3<8<41 <13 <3.6<40 <12 <3.1<38 <15 <269 <3.4<38 <15 <3.9<12 <6 2.4 + 2.4<23 <11 <265 2.0 +/- 3.1<12 <6 3.3 +/- 2.4<16 <7 3.0 +/-2.1<34 <15 <256 2.4 +/- 1.9<16 <9 2.6+/-2.1<11 <4 2.1 +/- 1.4<36 <15 <271 <3.9 LOCAL RESIDENCE (Site #55)26-Jan-10

<15 23-Feb-10

<13 30-Mar-10

<14 27-Apr-10

<12 25-May-10 a <5 29-Jun-10

<4 27-Jul-10

<8 31-Aug-10

<4 27-Sep-10

<7 26-Oct-10

<4 30-Nov-10

<4 28-Dec-10

<10<12 <24 <14 <28 <15 <24 <15 <12<12 <27 <12 <24 <12 <21 <14 <11<12 <27 <15 <26 <14 <24 <13 <13<13 <30 <14 <25 <13 <22 <13 <12<5 <13 <6 <11 <5 <9 <5 <7<4 <9 <3 <8 <4 <7 <6 <5<8 <21 <9 <21 <8 <15 <9 <11<4 <10 <4 <8 <4 <7 <8 <5<8 <21 <8 <16 <8 <14 <14 <9<5 <13 <6 <9 <6 <9 <12 <6<4 <12 <5 <9 <5 <8 <11 <5<12 <21 <14 <28 <11 <20 <10 <10<14<12<14<13<5<4<10<5<8<5<5<10<54 <14 3.4 + 1.6<49 <15 4.2 + 1.5<52 <15 <270 3.8 +/- 1.6<46 <14 <2.7<12 <8 3.9 + 1.4<12 <5 <265 3.6+ 1.3<22 <10 2.1+ 1.3<16 <7 4.3 +1.1<27 <14 <257 3.9 1.2<20 <10 3.7+ 1.8<19 <9 3.9 + 1.0<35 <15 <270 3.8+ 1.8 a Vendor lab begins analyzing samples due to onsite lab shutdown for remodeling PVNGS ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT -2010 35 TABLE 8.8 DRINKING WATER ODCM required samples denoted by *units are pCi/liter<2000 MONTH <15 <15 <30 <15 <30 <15 <30 <15 <15 <18 <60 <15 QTRLY <4.0 ENDPOINT Mn-54 Co-58 Fe-59 Co-60 Zn-65 Nb-95 Zr-95 1-131 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ba-140 La-140 Tritium Gross Beta SAMPLE LOCATION LOCAL RESIDENCE (Site #46) *26-Jan-10

<13 23-Feb-10

<10 30-Mar-10

<14 27-Apr-10

<11 25-May- 10a <5 29-Jun-10

<4 27-Jul-10

<5 31-Aug-10

<4 27-Sep-10

<4 26-Oct-10

<4 30-Nov-10

<2 28-Dec-10

<14<11 <30 <12 <28 <13 <23 <15 <12 <13 <47 <11 <2.4<9 <20 <10 <22 <11 <15 <9 <9 <11 <34 <15 3.2 + 1.4<12 <26 <13 <20 <11 <20 <11 <10 <13 <41 <11 <272 <2.2<11 <19 <10 <29 <12 <20 <11 <11 <13 <40 <15 <2.6<5 <14 <7 <11 <5 <9 <5 <7 <5 <14 <7 4.2 + 1.7<4 <10 <5 <8 <4 <6 <4 <5 <4 <11 <6 <267 3.4 + 1.3'<5 <14 <6 <11 <5 <9 <6 <7 <5 <15 <7 2.4 + 1.3<4 <12 <4 <9 <4. <7 <6 <5 <4 <15 <8 2.5 +/- 0.8<4 <13 <4 <9 <4 <9 <6 <6 <4 <15 <7 <258 1.3 + 1.1<4 <11 <4 <8 <5 <7 <8 <6 <4 <18 <8 2.1 +/- 1.5<2 <6 <2 <5 <2 <4 <5 <3 <2 <9 <4 1.6 +/- 1.2<11 <23 <13 <22 <11 <19 <10 <10 <13 <40 <12 <270 <2.5 LOCAL RESIDENCE (Site #49) *26-Jan- 10 <12 23-Feb-10

<13 30-Mar-10

<11 27-Apr-10

<11 25-May-10 a <4 29-Jun-10

<7 27-Jul-10

<8 31-Aug-10

<7 27-Sep- 10 <3 26-Oct-10

<5 30-Nov-10

<3 28-Dec-10

<11<9 <24 <12 <25 <9 <17 <10 <9 <11 <39 <13 <2.3<12 <27 <14 <28 <12 <20 <12 <11 <13 <44 <15 <1.9<14 <23 <14 <29 <13 <22 <14 <12 <13 <46 <15 <275 <2.2<12 <24 <13 <26 <11 <20 <11 <12 <12 <40 <15 <2.6<4 <11 <5 <8 <4 <7 <5 <6 <4 <11 <6 0.9 +/- 1.1<7 <20 <8 <16 <8 <13 <9 <10 <8 <23 <10 <264 0.9 + 1.8<9 <25 <9 <19 <8 <15 <10 <10 <10 <25 <11 0.7 +/- 1.5<8 <19 <9 <16 <8 <13 <14 <9 <8 <26 <14 1.0 + 0.8<3 <8 <4 <7 <4 <6 <6 <5 <4 <12 <9 <254 0.7 + 0.8<5 <12 <5 <9 <5 <8 <10 <7 <5 <19 <9 1.8 +/- 1.5<3 <8 <3 <6 <3 <5 <6 <4 <3 <11 <5 1.3 + 0.7<10 <21 <10 <28 <11 <19 <11 <11 <13 <42 <15 <272 <2.5 a Vendor lab begins analyzing samples due to onsite lab shutdown for remodeling b The initial gross beta result was reported as 51.47 +/- 3.1 pCi/liter.

Laboratory was requested to re-analyze sample for verification and the result was within historical normal values.PVNGS ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT -2010 36 TABLE 8.9 GROUND WATER ODCM required samples denoted by *units are pCi/liter SAMPLE DATE <15 <15 <30 <15 <30 <15 <30 <15 <15 <18 <60 <15 <2000 LOCATION COLLECTED Mn-54 Co-58 Fe-59 Co-60 Zn-65 Nb-95 Zr-95 1-131 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ba-140 La-140 Tritium WELL 27ddc (Site #57)*26-Jan-10

<12 <11 <21 <12 <22 <11 <17 <11 <10 <12 <43 <13 <283 27-Apr-10

<11 <12 <24 <10 <25 <12 <19 <12 <11 <11 <41 <15 <292 12-Jul-10

<5 <5 <15 <5 <10 <5 <10 <11 <6 <4 <37 <13 <260 8-Nov-10 <9 <10 <19 <12 <27 <11 <18 <10 <9 <10 <35 <15 <272 WELL 34abb (Site #58)*26-Jan-10

<11 <10 <22 <13 <23 <13 <17 <12 <10 <11 <40 <15 <283 27-Apr-10

<11 <10 <24 <12 <22 <13 <21 <10 <10 <11 <34 <15 <289 12-Jul-10

<8 <8 <21 <10 <16 <9 <14 <11 <9 <8 <25 <13 <259 8-Nov-10 <14 <14 <29 <13 <30 <13 <25 <13 <12 <11 <47 <15 <270 PVNGS ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT -2010 37 TABLE 8.10 SURFACE WATER ODCM required samples denoted by *units are pCi/liter SAMPLE DATE <15 <15 <30 <15 <30 <15 <30 <15 <15 <18 <60 <15 <3000 LOCATION COLLECTED Mn-54 Co-58 Fe-59 Co-60 Zn-65 Nb-95 Zr-95 1-131 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ba-140La-140 Tritium 45 ACRE 26-Jan-10

<13 <11 <25 <12 <27 <12 <22 5 4+ 1 6 b <11 <11 <42 <15 <286 RESERVOIR 27-Apr-10

<12 <15 <25 <9 <25 <12 <24 <13 <9 <14 <40 <14 <290 (Site #61)

  • 12-Jul-10

<8 <8 <24 <9 <18 <8 <15 <14 <6 <9 <30 <13 <269 2-Nov-10 <14 <13 <22 <14 <27 <14 <22 <12 <12 <13 <48 <14 <272 85 ACRE empty for re-lining RESERVOIR 27-Apr-10

<13 <12 <25 <11 <29 <12 <21 <13 <11 <14 <42 <15 <292 (Site #60)

  • 12-Jul-10

<4 <4 <12 <5 <10 <5 <8 <13 <6 <5 <16 <8 <257 2-Nov-10 <12 <14 <24 <11 <26 <14 <23 20+9c <10 <13 <38 <15 <272 EVAPPONDI 26-Jan-10

<12 <11 <21 <12 <26 <12 <19 35 15a <10 <13 <41 <15 1154+ 187 (Site #59)* 27-Apr-10

<11 <11 <26 <12 <28 <12 <21 12+ 10 <11 <13 <47 <13 1321 190 12-Jul-10

<5 <5 <14 <7 <12 <5 <10 <8 <7 <5 <16 <8 1189:+ 175 9-Nov-10 <9 <10 <24 <12 <28 <11 <18 13+/-7 <9 <12 <35 <15 877+/- 177 EVAP POND 2 empty for re-lining (Site #63) *EVAP POND 3 26-Jan-10

<12 <12 <29 <11 <30 <11 <19 <10 <10 <14 <39 <15 546+/- 175 (Site #64)* 27-Apr-10

<12 <11 <25 <13 <30 <11 <18 <9 <10 <12 <34 <12 642+/- 178 CELL3A 12-Jul-10

<9 <8 <25 <10 <20 <8 <15 <15 <10 <9 <27 <14 1008+ 172 9-Nov-10 <10 <10 <24 <14 <30 <11 <15 <9 <9 <11 <32 <11 510+/- 171 CELL3B 26-Jan-10

<11 <11 <25 <12 <30 <11 <19 <13 <10 <11 <42 <12 636+ 176 27-Apr-10

<13 <14 <23 <14 <28 <13 <23 <12 <13 <16 <47 <14 648 178 12-Jul-10

<6 <7 <21 <7 <16 <6 <11 <8 <8 <7 <19 <10 727 168 9-Nov-10 <13 <12 <28 <12 <30 <10 <17 <9 <10 <12 <32 <12 656+ 172 a Sample re-analyzed with an 1-131 result of 38 +/- 12 pCi/liter.

Refer to Corrective Action ProgramCRDR#3435662.

b Sample re-analyzed with an 1-131 result of 34 +/- 10 pCi/liter.

Refer to Corrective Action ProgramCRDR

  1. 3435662.

c Re-sampled on 11/30/10 to validate, results were 16 +/- 7 pCi/liter.

Refer to Corrective Action Program CRDR #3435662.PVNGS ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT -2010 38 TABLE 8.10 SURFACE WATER ODCM required samples denoted by *units are pCi/liter DATE COLLECTED Mn-54 Co-58 Fe-59 Co-60 Zn-65 Nb-95 Zr-95 1-131 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ba-140La-140 SAMPLE LOCATION Tritium **WRF INFLUENT 5-Jan-10 12-Jan- 10 19-Jan-10 26-Jan-10 2-Feb-10 9-Feb-10 16-Feb-10 23-Feb-10 2-Mar-10 9-Mar-10 16-Mar-10 23-Mar-10 30-Mar-10 6-Apr-10 13-Apr-10 20-Apr-10 4-May-10 11-May-10 18-May-10 25-May-10 1-Jun-10 8-Jun- 10 15-Jun-10 22-Jun-10 29-Jun-10 6-Jul-10 13-Jul-10 19-Jul-10 27-Jul-10<13 <13 <24 <10 <30 <13 <23 35 + 16 <12<14 <13 <26 <15 <30 <13 <21 52 + 15 <11<12 <10 <28 <14 <25 <13 <24 60+L20 <11<12 <11 <21 <11 <30 <11 <16 48 + 12 <9<10 <11 <23 <13 <28 <14 <20 80 + 21 <11<12 <11 <23 <12 <24 <12 <22 71 + 21 <10<13 <11 <23 <14 <30 <12 <20 35 +/- 13 <11<12 <10 <26 <13 <30 <11 <19 55:+/- 12 <9<11 <12 <26 <12 <24 <11 <20 42 + 12 <8<14 <11 <25 <15 <30 <15 <23 85 + 24 <13<8 <9 <22 <15 <18 <11 <20 82:+/- 14 <10<8 <9 <16 <11 <24 <10 <17 43:+/- 11 <10<11 <13 <23 <15 <30 <13 <21 44+ 12 <11<11 <8 <20 <12 <22 <9 <19 52 + 14 <9<12 <15 <27 <15 <29 <15 <21 37 + 15 <11<13 <12 <27 <15 <25 <13 <24 34 + 14 <11<9 <10 <21 <11 <26 <10 <17 28 + 12 <9<11 <10 <21 <12 <21 <10 <19 23 + 10 <10<11 <11 <23 <14 <25 <14 <21 43 + 16 <12<12 <8 <18 <12 <26 <10 <18 24+1 8 <10<13 <13 <23 <14 <27 <15 <23 29+ 13 <11<13 <12 <23 <15 <30 <12 <22 28 + 14 <12<14 <12 <30 <17 <30 <13 <22 11 + 11 <16<13 <12 <31 <14 <29 <13 <20 38 +/- 14 <12<12 <14 <31 <13 <35 <14 <19 13 + 8 <12<12 <13 <21 <13 <25 <13 <22 <14 <14<14 <13 <24 <17 <31 <11 <21 <15 <13<17 <14 <38 <16 <41 <15 <34 43+ 19 <18<12 <13 <29 <19 <37 <15 <21 29 +/- 10 <16<14<13<13<13<13<14<12<12<12<13<10<12<11<11<14<13<9<11<12<10<11<14<15<12<13<13<15<18<12<41 <15<48 <11<47 <15<43 <13<40 <15<42 <15<48 <14<30 <14<30 <14<46 <13<32 <13<37 <11<34 <11<33 <15<42 <13<49 <15<37 <12<33 <15<45 <15<34 <12<37 <15<43 <14<38 <19<47 <14<47 <13<48 <18<44 <18<51 <26<37 <18<291<282<277<299<268<272<258** monthly composite PVNGS ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT -2010 39 TABLE 8.10 SURFACE WATER ODCM required samples denoted by *units are pCi/liter DATE COLLECTED Mn-54 Co-58 Fe-59 Co-60 Zn-65 Nb-95 Zr-95 1-131 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ba-140La-140 SAMPLE LOCATION Tritium **.9 3-Aug-10 9-Aug-10 17-Aug-10 23-Aug-10 31-Aug-10 7-Sep-10 14-Sep-10 21-Sep-10 27-Sep-10 5-Oct-10 12-Oct-10 2-Nov-10 8-Nov- 10 16-Nov-10 22-Nov-10 30-Nov-10 7-Dec-10 14-Dec-10 20-Dec-10 27-Dec-10<13 <12 <27 <18 <28 <12 <23 <15 <14 <15<10 <15 <39 <19 <35 <12 <29 19 + 14 <21 <20<8 <9 <16 <11 <19 <8 <16 38 +/- 11 <9 <10<11 <9 <23 <15 <24 <10 <15 14 9 <11 <11<9 <9 <17 <12 <19 <9 <16 46 11 <16 <10<6 <6 <13 <8 <13 <6 <10 26 8 <8 <8<7 <7 <15 <7 <17 <7 <13 22 +/-8 <8 <7<8 <8 <18 <10 <20 <9 <16 19 +/-9 <11 <10<11 <10 <18 <13 <23 <12 <19 9 +/-9 <14 <11<7 <8 <18 <11 <19 <8 <18 30 +8 <10 <10 WRF shutdown<13 <11 <26 <13 <23 <13 <19 18 10 <11 <13<9 <11 <24 <11 <21 <10 <15 47+/- 12 <10 <11<14 <10 <25 <14 <22 <13 <20 19+/- 12 <11 <12<9 <11 <26 <13 <24 <11 <22 34+/- 10 <10 <13<10 <10 <19 <10 <25 <11 <17 <13 <10 <13<8 <8 <19 <10 <21 <10 <17 33 +/- 10 <7 <10<13 <10 <29 <13 <30 <10 <26 34+/- 14 <13 <17<13 <12 <30 <14 <25 <14 <20 45 +/- 15 <11 <14<9 <9 <22 <11 <18 <9 <18 42 +/- 11 <9 <9<45 <22<62 <30<30 <11<33 <13<29 <8<24 <7<24 <9<29 <11<37 <13<27 <11<41 <13<33 <12<37 <14<36 <10<33 <15<31 <13<50 <14<39 <14<36 <15<261<266<274 WRF INFLUENT<273<279** monthly composite PVNGS ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT -2010 40 TABLE 8.10 SURFACE WATER ODCM required samples denoted by *units are pCi/liter DATE COLLECTED Mn-54 Co-58 Fe-59 Co-60 Zn-65 Nb-95 Zr-95 1-131 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ba-140La-140 SAMPLE LOCATION Tritium SEDIMENT.BASIN #2 26-Jan-10

<14 <11 <23 <14 <28 <11 <20 <13 <12 <11 <30 <9 9-Feb-10 <11 <12 <25 <15 <24 <12 <16 <9 <10 <11 <33 <12 16-Feb-10

<11 <9 <21 <14 <22 <11 <18 <9 <11 <11 <38 <12 23-Feb-10

<13 <12 <25 <14 <30 <12 <19 <12 <10 <13 <40 <12 2-Mar-10 <13 <11 <28 <15 <30 <12 <22 <10 <12 <14 <46 <11 9-Mar-10 <10 <11 <19 <12 <21 <12 <16 <9 <8 <10 <30 <10 16-Mar-10

<11 <12 <25 <15 <26 <11 <19 <11 <12 <11 <37 <14 23-Mar-10

<12 <11 <23 <9 <30 <11 <19 <10 <9 <13 <35 <11 30-Mar-10

<14 <12 <28 <15 <25 <14 <22 <14 <12 <13 <48 <15 24-Aug-10

<8 <9 <17 <10 <22 <9 <16 <8 <9 <10 <29 <10 31-Aug-10

<11 <9 <24 <12 <27 <11 <16 <9 <14 <12 <31 <12<302<287<291<282<290<277 339 +/- 171 631 +/- 174 520 +/- 172<285<279 A review of plant operational data indicate that approximately 50 curies of tritium was released from the Unit 1 Boric Acid Concentrator to the plant vent the week of 3/1/10 to 3/7/10. On 3/7/10 the rainfall total was 0.73 inches. Also, the Unit 1 circulating water system had a tritium concentration of 1.18E-05 uCi/ml, which has been attributed to re-entrainment of plant vent released tritium in the cooling towers. The tritium in the sedimentation basin can be attributed to the rain washout effect.PVNGS ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT -2010 41 TABLE 8.11 SLUDGE/SEDIMENT ODCM required samples denoted by *units are pCi/kg, wet SAMPLE LOCATION DATE COLLECTED<150 1-131 Cs-134<180 Cs-137 In-111 4 WRF CENTRIFUGE WASTE SLUDGE 5-Jan-10 12-Jan-10 19-Jan-10 26-Jan- 10 2-Feb-10 9-Feb- 10 16-Feb-10 23-Feb-10 2-Mar- 10 9-Mar- 10 16-Mar-10 23-Mar-10 30-Mar-10 6-Apr- 10 13-Apr-10 20-Apr-10 11-May-10 18-May-10 1-Jun-10 8-Jun-10 15-Jun-10 22-Jun-10 29-Jun-10 6-Jul-10 13-Jul- 10 19-Jul-10 27-Jul-10 3-Aug-10 9-Aug-10 17-Aug-10 23-Aug-10 31-Aug-10 1080 +/- 269 1174 +/- 238 1175 +/- 238 1465 +/- 271 2051 +/- 367 2743 +/- 446 2133 +/- 307 1398 +/- 247 1031 +/- 252 757 +/- 181 837 +/- 212 927 +/- 210 717 +/- 171 658 +/- 188 641 +/- 194 758 +/- 193 367 +/- 73 1153 +/- 153 1749 +/- 361 1589 +/- 192 1786 +/- 212 1668 +/- 203 1491 +/- 205 1033 +/- 132 767 +/- 103 1111 +/- 150 1652 +/- 205 1716 +/- 269 1098 +/- 191 1624 +/- 247 1110 +/- 188 1555 +/- 238<128<107<113<124<113<146<147<111<141<132<142<140<146<139<147<145<39<23<28<17<25<27<19<25<27<13<32<24<14<22<40<22<176<110<171<167<160<178<171<179<166<165<119<139<147<116<41<168<30<33<21<33<22<25<18<23<32<13<33<79<33<64<57<76 70 +/- 35 105 +/- 50 52 +/- 27 61 +/- 37 177 +/- 38 171 +/- 41 68 +/- 32 404+/-19 35 +/- 15 188 +/- 93 78 +/- 53 88 +/- 44 69 +/- 45 PVNGS ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT -2010 42 TABLE 8.11 SLUDGE/SEDIMENT ODCM required samples denoted by *units are pCi/kg, wet SAMPLE LOCATION DATE COLLECTED 1-131 Cs-134 Cs-137 In-Ill I.WRF CENTRIFUGE WASTE SLUDGE 7-Sep-10 14-Sep-10 21-Sep-10 27-Sep-10 5-Oct-10 2-Nov- 10 8-Nov-10 16-Nov-10 22-Nov-10 30-Nov-10 7-Dec-10 14-Dec-10 20-Dec-10 27-Dec-10 2405 +/- 340 1813 +/- 271 1496 +/- 231 1933 +/- 299 1839 +/- 284 526 +/- 86 1620 +/- 195 1807 +/- 224 1343 +/- 170 1123 +/- 142 938+/- 117 1118+/- 144 961 +/- 129 1195+/- 158<70<23<99<73<70<24<23<27<31<19<15<20<11<24<58<44<64<83<22<29<32<23<31<30<19<29<27<30 82 +/- 66 78 +/- 47 76 +/- 48 89 +/- 61 51 +/- 25 119 +/- 40 129 +/- 44 48 +/- 39 45 +/- 48 114+/- 46 51 +/- 23 PVNGS ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT -2010 43 TABLE 8.11 SLUDGE/SEDIMENT ODCM required samples denoted by *Units are pCi/kg, wet COOLING TOWER SLUDGE UNIT APPROXIMATE ISOTOPE ACTIVITY RANGE SAMPLE TYPE FRACTION OF SAMPLES CYCLE VOLUME (yd 3) (uCi/ml) ABOVE MDA U2R15 319 NA <MDA Tower/canal sludge NA U1R15 422 NA <MDA Tower/canal sludge NA All sample results were <MDA (minimum detectable activity), therefore no isotopes are listed.PVNGS ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT -2010 44 TABLE 8.12 HARD-TO-DETECT RADIONUCLIDE RESULTS Well Sample C-14 Fe-55 Ni-63 Sr-90 Sample Location number Date (pCi/liter) pCi/liter) (pCi/liter) (pCi/liter)

Comments Unit 1(outside RCA) APP-12 10/14/2010

<41.14 <15.44 <3.58 0.73 Sr-90MDAforthis sample was 0.48 with 53% 2-sigma error Unit 2 (inside RCA) HOB 10/8/2010

<41.26 <12.99 <3.10 <0.29 Unit 3 (inside RCA) H1l 10/26/2010

<39.87 <7.90 <3.07 <0.34 Notes: 1. A review of the pre-operational radiological environmental monitoring program (1979-1985) indicated several instances of local drinking water containing Sr-90 up to a concentration of 4.2 +/- 2.0 pCi/liter and dairy milk samples containing Sr-90 up to a concentration of 3.2 +/- 2.1 pCi/liter.

2. The 1976 and 1984 pre-operational soil studies included Sr-90 analysis.

All eleven onsite soil samples indicated Sr-90 at concentrations between 10 and 240 pCi/kg.3. Dairy feed samples indicated Sr-90 in concentrations from <50 pCi/kg to 460 pCi/kg.4. The half-life of Sr-90 is 28 years.Based on the pre-operational data and that well APP-12 does not contain other plant related radionuclides, the Sr-90 can be attributed to previous weapons testing fallout.PVNGS ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT -2010 45 FIGURE 8.1 GROSS BETA IN AIR, Ist-2nd Quarter 0.090 0.080 0.070 Site 4 0.060 Site 6A*Site 7A 0.050 Site 14A*S0--40Site 15*~0.040 0.03 Site 17A 0.03----Site21 0.020 "- -Site 29*Site 35 0.010er loss Site 40*0.000 Mean 0 CD C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0D 0) 0 00 0----------------------------------------------------------------------

0 I I I I I I I I4 PVNGS ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT -2010 46 FIGURE 8.2 GROSS BETA IN AIR, 3 rd 4 th Quarter 0.080 0.070 0.060 Site 6A*0.050 Site 7A Site 14A*0.040 -Site 15*0.030 _ -Site 17A Site 21 0.020 ---St29 0.010 -- Site 35 Site 40*0.000 Mean o 0 0 0 0> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0--- -' --"l -"l m -lC PVNGS ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT -2010 47 FIGURE 8.3 HISTORICAL GROSS BETA IN AIR (WEEKLY SYSTEM AVERAGES)Gross Beta in Air 2001-2010 (weekly average)1.000 0.100 0.010--C' "r "~ mO M t t W n " o r- 00 W 0W O\ý C 0 0 0: 0 0 0 0ý 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0? 0 0R PVNGS ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT -2010 48 FIGURE 8.4 HISTORICAL GROSS BETA IN AIR (ANNUAL SITE TO SITE COMPARISONS)

COMPARED TO PRE-OP 0.050 0.040 -0.030 o.o~0.020 0.010 0.000 44-Site 4-Site 6A-Site 14A-Site 15-Site 17A-Site 21-Site 29-Site 35....Site 40?'V Site 7A is not included since the location changed since the pre-operational period A known high bias has occurred in gross beta data since the onsite laboratory began analysis in 1994. This was a stepwise increase that has carried forward since 1994.PVNGS ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT -2010 49 FIGURE 8.5 GROSS BETA IN DRINKING WATER-Site #46---Site #55 A Site #48-x Site #49 5 CL 0.j_x 0*I.Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec NOTES: MDA values plotted as activity (e.g. <2.3 is plotted as 2.3)The action level is 30 pCi/liter PVNGS ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT -2010 50 FIGURE 8.6 EVAPORATION POND TRITIUM ACTIVITY 4000 3000 2000 1000 0~O 0 N N 00 00 0 \ a, o~ 0 --Cl ) O N 00 ', 0 -ri ~ '/ ~0 N 09:S Evaporation Pond #3 was constructed with two sections designated as 3A and 3B. Evaporation Pond #2 was pumped into sections 3A and 3B and is in process of liner replacement.

PVNGS ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT -2010 51 FIGURE 8.7 SEDIMENTATION BASIN #2 Cs-137 250 238 209 200 150 0 10070 66 670 63 60 60 50 40 47 40 46 17<MDA <MDA 1976 1984 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 2001 2002 2003 2005 2008 onsite onsite soil avg. soil avg.(Sedimentation Basin #2 accepts site storm runoff, no other gamma emitters present)PVNGS ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT -2010 52

9. Thermoluminescent Dosimeter (TLD) Results and Data The environmental TLD used at PVNGS is the Panasonic Model 812 Dosimeter.

The Model 812 is a multi-element dosimeter combining two elements of lithium borate and two elements of calcium sulfate under various filters.TLDs were placed in forty-nine locations from one to thirty-five miles from the PVNGS. TLD locations are shown in Figures 2.1 and 2.2 and are described in Table 9.1. TLD results for 2010 are presented in Table 9.2. Historical environmental gamma radiation results for 1985 through 2010 are presented in graphical form on Figure 9.1 (excluding transit control TLD #45).Figure 9.2 depicts the environmental TLD results from 2010 as compared to the pre-operational TLD results (excluding sites #41, #43, and #46-50 as they were deleted (and later assigned to a new location) or had no pre-op TLD at the location for comparison).

The site to site comparisons indicate a direct correlation with respect to pre-operational results. It is evident that the offsite dose, as measured by TLDs, has not changed since Palo Verde became operational.

PVNGS ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT -2010 53 TABLE 9.1 TLD SITE LOCATIONS (distances and directions are relative to Unit 2 in miles)TLD SITE 1 2 3 4 5 6*7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44*LOCATION E30 ENE24 E21 E16 ESE11 SSE31 SE7 SSE4 S5 SE5 ESE5 E5 NI NNE2 NE2 ENE2 E2 ESE2 SE2 SSE2 S3 SSW3 W5 SW4 WSW5 SSW4 SW1 WSW1 W1 WNW1 NW1 NNW1 NW4 NNW5 NNW8 N5 NNE5 NE5 ENE5 N2 ESE3 N8 NE5 ENE35 LOCATION DESCRIPTION Goodyear Scott-Libby School Liberty School Buckeye Palo Verde School APS Gila Bend substation Old US 80 and Arlington School Rd Southern Pacific Pipeline Rd.Southern Pacific Pipeline Rd.3 5 5 th Ave. and Elliot Rd.339th Ave. and Dobbins Rd.339th Ave. and Buckeye-Salome Rd.N site boundary NNE site boundary NE site boundary, WRF access road ENE site boundary E site boundary ESE site boundary SE site boundary SSE site boundary S site boundary SSW site boundary N of Elliot Rd N of Elliot Rd N of Elliot Rd S of Elliot Rd SW site boundary WSW site boundary W site boundary WNW site boundary NW site boundary NNW site boundary S of Buckeye Rd 395th Ave. and Van Buren St.Tonopah Wintersburg Rd. and Van Buren St.363rd Ave. and Van Buren St.355th Ave. and Buckeye Rd.3 4 3 rd Ave. N of Broadway Rd.Wintersburg Arlington School Ruth Fisher School Winters Well School El Mirage PVNGS ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT -2010 54 TABLE 9.1 TLD SITE LOCATIONS (distances and directions are relative to Unit 2 in miles)TLD SITE 45**46 47 48 49 50 LOCATION Onsite ENE30 E35 E24 ENE 1I WNW5 LOCATION DESCRIPTION Central Laboratory (lead pig)Litchfield Park School Littleton School Jackrabbit Trail Palo Verde Rd.S of Buckeye-Salome Rd.* Site #6 and site #44 are the control locations.

    • Site #45 is the transit control TLD (stored in lead pig).PVNGS ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT -2010 55 TABLE 9.2 ENVIRONMENTAL TLD RESULTS Units are mremrstd qtr TLD Site # 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter Average 1 23.2 25.1 24.8 25.0 24.5 2 22.0 22.3 23.9 21.8 22.5 3 21.2 24.5 24.3 23.3 23.3 4 21.4 23.4 22.8 .22.5 22.5 5 22.3 22.7 22.8 21.8 22.4 6 (control) 24.6 27.0 28.6 25.9 26.5 7 23.5 26.2 26.7 24.5 25.2 8 21.7 23.1 24.9 24.5 23.6 9 25.7 27.5 28.9 28.2 27.6 10 22.2 23.4 24.6 23.8 23.5 11 22.3 25.9 26.2 23.6 24.5 12 21.6 23.2 23.6 22.6 22.8 13 23.8 24.6 26.1 24.3 24.7 14 22.8 25.1 26.2 26.0 25.0 15 21.8 24.3 24.8 24.1 23.8 16 20.4 22.5 23.6 22.1 22.2 17 22.9 25.1 25.3 24.8 24.5 18 23.2 24.0 24.4 23.9 23.9 19 23.9 25.5 27.1 25.2 25.4 20 22.5 24.8 26.9 24.2 24.6 21 24.8 26.3 26.3 25.5 25.7 22 26.1 26.7 28.4 26.7 27.0 23 22.4 23.6 23.9 23.2 23.3 24 20.4 21.5 22.7 23.3 22.0 25 22.1 23.5 23.7 23.9 23.3 26 26.1 28.1 28.2 27.3 27.4 27 25.7 27.6 27.9 26.8 27.0 28 24.4 26.1 26.6 25.8 25.7 29 22.9 25.0 25.7 25.2 24.7 30 24.3 26.4 26.4 25.0 25.5 31 22.8 23.7 23.9 22.9 23.3 32 23.9 26.4 25.7 24.7 25.2 33 24.3 26.8 26.8 24.7 25.7 34 25.9 28.1 27.9 26.6 27.1 35 28.3 32.8 30.2 30.0 30.3 36 24.4 25.9 25.6 24.5 25.1 37 22.3 24.3 23.3 22.4 23.1 38 25.4 28.5 27.3 26.3 26.9 39 23.0 24.5 23.8 23.3 23.7 40 24.0 25.6 25.6 24.4 24.9 41 25.7 27.2 27.0 26.9 26.7 42 28.2 30.7 29.8 29.4 29.5 43 27.4 27.9 28.7 26.5 27.6 44 (control) 19.1 21.2 19.9 18.9 19.8 45 (transit control) 5.4 6.3 6.0 4.8 5.6 46 25.2 27.4 27.4 25.4 26.4 47 22.9 25.9 24.0 24.1 24.2 48 22.6 23.7 25.5 23.7 23.9 49 21.6 22.7 23.8 21.4 22.4 50 17.8 19.1 19.9 19.1 19.0 PVNGS ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT -2010 56 FIGURE 9.1 NETWORK ENVIRONMENTAL TLD EXPOSURE RATES PVNGS ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT -2010 57 FIGURE 9.2 ENVIRONMENTAL TLD COMPARISON

-PRE-OPERATIONAL VS 2010 35 T Control TLD 30 S25 S20 15 10 5 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 42 45 TLD Number The following TLDs are not included on this graph;TLD #41 monitoring location was deleted in June, 2000 due to school closing (this TLD was placed at new school in 2004)TLD #43 monitoring location was deleted in 1994 due to school closing (this TLD was placed at a new school in 2007)TLDs #46-50 are not included since they were not included in the pre-op monitoring program PVNGS ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT -2010 58

10. Land Use Census 10.1. Introduction In accordance with the PVNGS ODCM, Section 6.2, the annual Land Use Census was performed in April 2010.Observations were made in each of the 16 meteorological sectors to determine the nearest milking animals, residences, and gardens of greater than 500 square feet. This census was completed by driving the roads and speaking with residents.

The results of the Land Use Census are presented in Table 10.1 and discussed below.The directions and distances listed are in sectors and miles from the Unit 2 containment.

10.2. Census Results Nearest Resident There were four (4) changes in nearest resident status from the previous year. Dose calculations indicated the highest dose to be 0.120 mrem.Milk Animal There were five (5) changes in milk animal status from the previous year. Dose calculations indicated the highest dose to be 0.367 mrem.Ve2etable Gardens There were two (2) changes in nearest garden status. Dose calculations indicated the highest dose to be 0.143 mrem.See Table 10.1 for a summary of the specific results and Table 2.1 for current sample locations.

Figures 10.1 through 10.3 provide graphs depicting historical calculated doses for nearest residents, nearest milk receptor, and nearest garden receptor locations in each sector.Differences in calculated doses are the result of many variables, including;

  • Changes in receptor locations from year to year (proximity to the power plant)* Changes in local meteorology (wind direction, wind speed, precipitation, temperature)
  • Concurrent meteorology at the time of effluent releases" Exposure pathways PVNGS ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT -2010 59 TABLE 10.1 LAND USE CENSUS (Distances and directions are relative to Unit 2 in miles)NEAREST NEAREST NEAREST MILK CHANGE RESIDENT GARDEN ANIMAL CALCULATED DOSE FROM SECTOR (__ COW/GOAT) (mrem) 2009 N1.55 2.87 3.66 Resident 3.91 E-02 Garden Garden 8.98E-02 Milk Milk 8.07E-02 NNE 1.52 3.30 3.05 Resident 7.13E-02 Garden Garden 1.43E-01 Milk I Milk 1.78E-01 F NE II 2.16 _INONE IF NONE IF Resident 1.02E-01 Milk ENE 2 4.72 2.52 Resident 7.83E-02 Resident Garden 1.05E-01 Milk 3.67E-01 E2.81 J1 NONE 11 NONE II Resident 6.60E-02 __I E1.95 NONE [ NONE lResident 1.20E-01 Resident SE 3.36 ]1 NONE II NONE II Resident 7.15E-02 [-Milk SSE [ NONE ]INONE NONE 11NA IF s NONE ][ NONE J[ NONE I NA DResident ssw I NONE [ NONE ][ NONE INA SW II 1.39 ][ NONE [ NONE j Resident 1.19E-01 wsw II 0.75 [ NONE I[ NONE Resident 8.16E-02 W II 0.70 NONE O[ENONEResident 6.09E-02 WNW NONE NONE ONE IINA Resident NW 0.93 NONE [ NONE IF Resident 2.79E-02 1.04.4NOE Resident 2.97E-02 NNW 1.30 4.34 NONE JReGarden 4.83E-02 COMMENTS: Dose calculations were performed using the GASPAR code and 2009 meteorological data and source term. Dose reported for each location is the total for all three PVNGS Units and is the highest individual dose identified (organ, bone, total body, or skin).PVNGS ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT -2010 60 FIGURE 10.1 HISTORICAL COMPARISON OF NEAREST RESIDENT DOSE 4.00E-01 3.50E-01 3.00E-01 12010 2.50E-01 02009 3U 02008 13 3 2.00E-01 i2007 Ct, 02007-1.50E-01026 1.OOE-01 E2004 0 2003 5.00E-02 2002 O.OOE+00 &2001 N NNE NE ENE E ESE SE SSE S SSW SW WSW W WNW NW NNW Historical annual average most prevalent wind direction is from the SW, next highest is from the N.This is one reason for the higher doses assigned to residents in the S sector.Historical annual average least prevalent wind direction is from the SE, next highest is from the ESE.This is one reason for the lower doses assigned to residents in the WNW, NW, and NNW sectors.PVNGS ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT -2010 61 FIGURE 10.2 HISTORICAL COMPARISON OF NEAREST MILK ANIMAL DOSE I ..ý.. -......... .1.40E+00 1.20E+00 12010 12009 1.00E+00 12008 3 8.00E-01 12007 t *12006 3I<6.OOE-01 0- 2005 no milk animals identified in these sectors N 2004 4.OOE-01 .....2.OOE-01 n ncn iii _________I ____ ___________________________________________________

'N T NNE NE ENE E 151 T SE SSE 5 55W SW WSW ~ WNW NW NNW '12003...2002 12001 N NNE NE ENE E ESE SE SSE 5 SSW SW WSW W WNW NW NNW Milk animals include goats and/or cows. Several new milk animals were identified in 2009 that were closer to the power plant than in the past, resulting in generally higher calculated doses in that calendar year.In 2002 and 2004 the combination of meteorology, milk animal proximity to the plant, and gaseous effluent releases resulted in higher calculated doses in the NNE and NE sectors.No milk samples have indicated any plant related radionuclides.

Additionally, milk animals in the desert environment are normally fed stored feed and are not on pasture. The calculated doses are conservative since they include pastured feed as part of the calculation.

PVNGS ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT -2010 62 FIGURE 10.3 HISTORICAL COMPARISON OF NEAREST GARDEN DOSE 2 0 2 0 0 6.OOE-01 S.OQE-01 4.OOE-01 3.OOE-01 2.00 E-01 I1'OOE-01 0.OOE+00 Il20o10 02009 02008 12007-- 2 0 nlii I!Ill no gardens located in these sectors I 12005 82004 12003 2002 32001 N NNE NE ENE E ESE SE SSE S SSW SW WSW W Gardens were sporadically identified from year to year. Gardening is not prevalent in the desert environment.

In 2001 and 2002 the combination of meteorology, garden proximity to the plant, and gaseous effluent releases resulted in higher calculated doses in the NE and ESE sectors.PVNGS ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT -2010 63

11. Summary and Conclusions The conclusions are based on a review of the radio assay results and environmental gamma radiation measurements for the 2010 calendar year. Where possible, the data were compared to pre-operational sample data.All sample results for 2010 are presented in Tables 8.1-8.12 and do not include observations of naturally occurring radionuclides, with the exception of gross beta in air and gross beta in drinking water. Table 11.1 summarizes the ODCM required samples and is in the format required by the NRC BTP on Environmental Monitoring.

1-131 concentrations identified on occasion in the Evaporation Ponds, WRF Influent, WRF Centrifuge sludge, and Reservoirs is the result of offsite sources and appears in the effluent sewage from Phoenix. The levels of 1-131 detected in these locations are consistent with levels identified in previous years.Tritium concentrations identified in surface water onsite have been attributed -to PVNGS permitted gaseous effluent releases and secondary plant releases.

These concentrations are consistent with historical values.Environmental radiation levels are consistent with measurements reported in previous Pre-operational and Operational Radiological Environmental annual reports, References 1 and 2.The only measurable impact on the environment in 2010 was the low level tritium discovered in subsurface water onsite in the Radiological Controlled Area in 2006. See Section 2.4for specific information.



Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Docket Nos. STN 50-528/529/530 Maricopa County, Arizona Calendar Year 2010 Medium or Lower Limit of All Indicator Location with Highest Annual Mean Control Pathway Type and Total Detection Locations Locations Number of Sampled Number of (LLD) Name Mean (f)a Nonroutine (Unit of Analyses (from Table Mean (f)a Distance and Range Mean (f)a Reported Measurement)

Performed 6.1) Range Direction Range Measurements Direct Radiation TLD -200 NA 24.7 (188/188)

Site #35 30.3 (4/4) 23.2 (8/8) 0 (mrem/std.

qtr.) 17.8 -32.8 8 miles 3300 28.3 -32.8 18.9 -26.7 Air Particulates Gross Beta -513 0.010 0.032 (462/462)

Site #17A 0.033 (52/52) 0.034 (51/51) 0 (pCi/m 3) 0.009 -0.082 3 miles 90' 0.011 -0.082 0.021 -0.078 Gamma Spec.Composite

-40 Cs-134 0.05 <LLD NA <LLD <LLD 0 Cs-137 0.06 <LLD NA <LLD <LLD 0 Air Radioiodine Gamma Spec. -513 (pCi/m 3) 1-131 0.07 <LLD NA <LLD <LLD 0 Broadleaf Gamma Spec. -13 Vegetation 1-131 60 <LLD NA <LLD <LLD 0 (pCi/Kg-wet)

Cs-134 60 <LLD NA <LLD <LLD 0 Cs-137 80 <LLD NA <LLD <LLD 0 Ground Water H-3 -8 2000 <LLD NA <LLD NA 0 (pCi/liter)



Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Docket Nos. STN 50-528/529/530 Maricopa County, Arizona Calendar Year 2010 Medium or Lower Limit of All Indicator Location with Highest Annual Mean Control Pathway Type and Total Detection Locations Locations Number of Sampled Number of (LLD) Name Mean (Wa Nonroutine (Unit of Analyses (from Table Mean (f)a Distance and Range Mean (f)a Reported Measurement)

Performed 6.1) Range Direction Range Measurements Ground Water 1-131 15 <LLD NA <LLD NA 0 (pCi/liter)

Cs-134 15 <LLD NA <LLD NA 0-continued-Cs-137 18 <LLD NA <LLD NA 0 Ba-140 60 <LLD NA <LLD NA 0 La-140 15 <LLD NA <LLD NA 0 Gross Beta -48 4.0 2.6(33/48)

Site #55 3.7(11/12)

NA 0 0.7-4.3 3 miles 215' 2.1 -4.3 H-3 -16 2000 <LLD NA <LLD NA 0 Gamma Spec. -48 Drinking Water Mn-54 15 <LLD NA <LLD NA 0 (pCi/liter)

Fe-59 30 <LLD NA <LLD NA 0 Co-58 15 <LLD NA <LLD NA 0 Co-60 15 <LLD NA <LLD NA 0 Zn-65 30 <LLD NA <LLD NA 0 Zr-95 30 <LLD NA <LLD NA 0 Nb-95 15 <LLD NA <LLD NA 0 1-131 15 <LLD NA <LLD NA 0 Cs-134 15 <LLD NA <LLD NA 0 Cs-137 18 <LLD NA <LLD NA 0 Ba-140 60 <LLD NA <LLD NA 0 La- 140 15 <LLD NA <LLD NA 0 Gamma Spec. -18 Milk 1-131 1.0 <LLD NA <LLD <LLD 0 (pCi/liter)



Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Docket Nos. STN 50-528/529/530 Maricopa County, Arizona Calendar Year 2010 Medium or Lower Limit of All Indicator Location with Highest Annual Mean Control Pathway Type and Total Detection Locations Locations Number of Sampled Number of (LLD) Name Mean (f)a Nonroutine (Unit of Analyses (from Table Mean (f)a Distance and Range Mean (f)a Reported Measurement)

Performed 6.1) Range Direction Range Measurements Gamma Spec. -19 Mn-54 15 <LLD NA <LLD NA 0 Fe-59 30 <LLD NA <LLD NA 0 Co-58 15 <LLD NA <LLD NA 0 Co-60 15 <LLD NA <LLD NA 0 Zn-65 30 <LLD NA <LLD NA 0 Zr-95 30 <LLD NA <LLD NA 0 Nb-95 15 <LLD NA <LLD NA 0 Surface Water 1-131 15 27 (5/19) Site #61 54 (1/4) NA 0 (pCi/liter) 12 -54 Onsite 670 54 -54 Cs-134 15 <LLD NA <LLD NA 0 Cs-137 18 <LLD NA <LLD NA 0 Ba-140 60 <LLD NA <LLD NA 0 La- 140 15 <LLD NA <LLD NA 0 H-3 -19 3000 826(12/19)

Site #59 1135 (4/4) NA 0 546- 1321 Onsite 1800 877-1321 (a) Mean and range based upon detectable measurements only. Fraction of detectable measurements at specified locations is indicated in parentheses. (f)NOTE: Miscellaneous samples that are not listed on Tables 2.1 and 9.1 (not ODCM required) are not included on this table.PVNGS ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT -2010 67

12. References
1. Pre-Operational Radiological Monitoring Program, Summary Report 1979-1985 2. 1985-2009 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Reports, Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station 3. Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Technical Specifications and Technical Reference Manual 4. Offsite Dose Calculation Manual, PVNGS Units 1, 2, and 3 5. Regulatory Guide 4.1, Programs for Monitoring Radioactivity in the Environs of Nuclear Power Plants 6. Regulatory Guide 4.8, Environmental Technical Specifications for Nuclear Power Plants 7. NRC Radiological Assessment Branch Technical Position on Environmental Monitoring, Revision 1, November 1979 (Incorporated into NUREG-1301)
8. NEI 07-07, Nuclear Energy Institute, Industry Ground Water Protection Initiative