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CFR 50.59 Report (January - December 2004)
Person / Time
Site: Palo Verde  Arizona Public Service icon.png
Issue date: 12/05/2005
From: Bauer S
Arizona Public Service Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML053490085 (6)


f- 1, kAmS Scott A. Bauer Department Leader 10 CFR 50.59 Regulatory Affairs Tel: 623/393-5978 Mail Station 7636 ,

Palo Verde Nuclear Fax: 623/393-5442 P.O. Box 52034 Generating Station e-mail: Phoenix, AZ 85072-2034 102-05386-SAB/TNW/CJJ December 5, 2005 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555-0001

Dear Sirs:


Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station (PVNGS)

Units 1,2, & 3 Docket Nos. STN 50-528/5291530 10 CFR 50.59 Report (January - December 2004)

Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.59(d)(2), Arizona Public Service Company is submitting the enclosed report. This report contains a brief description of each change and a brief summary of the evaluation required by 10 CFR 50.59(d)(1) for each change. This report contains all evaluations written during 2004, regardless of the implementation status of the evaluated action.

There were no NRC Commitment changes during 2004.

No commitments are being made to the NRC by this letter. Should you have any questions, please contact Thomas N. Weber at (623) 393-5764.

Sincerely, SAB/TNW/CJJ/ca Enclosure cc: B.S. Mallett (all w/enclosure)

M. B. Fields G. G.Warnick A member of the STARS (Strategic Teaming and Resource Sharing) Alliance I 1~ q+

Callaway 0 Comanche Peak 0 Diablo Canyon UPalo Verde 0South Texas Project 0 Wolf Creek


ACRONYMNIABBREVIATION LIST AOR - Analysis of Record AS - Auxiliary Steam ASME - American Society of Mechanical Engineers Calc. - Calculation CENTS - Combustion Engineering Nuclear Transient Simulation CIAS - Containment Isolation Activation Signal COLSS - Core Operating Limit Supervisory System DMWO - Design Modification Work Order EAB - Exclusion Area Boundary EOP - Emergency Operating Procedure FWIVs - Feedwater Isolation Valves FWLB - Feedwater Line Break IOSGADVLOP - Inadvertent Opening of a Steam Generator Atmospheric Dump Valve with Loss of Offsite Power LDCR - Licensing Document Change Request LOCA - Loss of Coolant Accident LPZ - Low Population Zone MSFIS - Main Steam and Feedwater Isolation System MSIVs - Main Steam Isolation Valves MSLB -~ Main Steam Line Break NKLPL - Power Indication License Power Limit NQR - Non-Quality Related OD - Operability Determination PUR - Power Uprate RSG - Replacement Steam Generator RTP - Rated Thermal Power SC - Secondary Chemistry SER - NRC Safety Evaluation Report SG - Steam Generator SGTR - Steam Generator Tube Rupture SGTRLOP - Steam Generator Tube Rupture with Loss of Offsite Power TMWO - Temporary Modification Work Order TS - Technical Specifications UFSAR - Updated Final Safety Analysis Report

10 CFR 50.59 Annual Report (January - December 2004)

Log Number Doc Type Doc Number Description Summary E-04-0001 DMWO 2646151 This modification installed a restraining mechanism to enable the reactor This change does not require prior NRC approval coolant pump bay personnel access doors located on the 80-ft level of in accordance with 1ICFR50.59(c)(1).

containment to be restrained opened to eliminate potential for debris accumulation on the pump bay personnel access doors in response to NRC Bulletin 2003-01.

E-04-0002 LDCR 03-FO51 This revision to the UFSAR applies Unit 2 power uprate methodology This change does not require prior NRC approval (crediting refilling the faulted SG during a sheared shaft event) to Units I in accordance with IOCFR50.59(cX 1).

and 3 so the LPZ doses remain bounded by the EAB doses. This will result in the UFSAR description for sheared shaft not having to include different methodologies (operator action) for the different power levels.

E-04-0003 TMWO 2691309 This Temporary Modification installed power from normal lighting panel This change does not require prior NRC approval IE-QAN-DO8A, through a temporary 480/120VAC step down in accordance with 10CFR50.59(c)(1).

transformer to essential lighting panel lE-QBN-D81. The temporary power maintained power to fire protection panels and control room lighting while the PBA-S03 and NAN-SO1 (normal permanent power) buses were de-energized at the same time for maintenance.

E-04-0004 TMWO 2696713 This Temporary Modification removed the Refueling Machine hoist box This change does not require prior NRC approval spreader and associated limit switches, and jumpered the spreader "UP" in accordance with I OCFR50.59(c)(1).

interlock to enable operation ofthe bridge and trolley.

E-04-0005 Calc TA-13-COO-2004-003 This Calculation revision applied Unit 2 power uprate methodology to This change does not require prior NRC approval Units I & 3 so the methodology between the Units remains consistent. in accordance with 10CFR50.59(c)(1).

This revision also resulted in changes to the UFSAR description for IOSGADVLOP/MSLB/FWLB not having to include different methodologies for the different power levels.

E-04-0006 CENTS 03355 This revision to the CENTS code method of evaluation incorporated This change does not require prior NRC approval version updates from Westinghouse (CENTS code versions 03230, in accordance with IOCFR50.59(c)(1).

03230ml and 03355). These can be categorized as: code cleanup, correction to code errors, addition of new optional features, etc. This 50.59 addressed all the changes made since CENTS version 02020.

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Log Number Doc Type Doc Number Description Summary E-04408 DMWO 2717767 This modification relocated the Reactor Head vent line orifice to a new This change does not require prior NRC approval location downstream of the Reactor Vessel Head nozzle and reclassified in accordance with I0CFR50.59(c)(1).

all Reactor Head vent line components between the nozzle in the Reactor Vessel Head and the first flange on the removable spool in the vent line as ASME Section III, Class I components. These components are currently classified as ASME Section HI, Class 2.

E-04-0009 DMWO 2417258 This modification on all four Main Steam Isolation Valves (MSIVs) and This change does not require prior NRC approval all four Feedwater Isolation Valves (FWIVs) installed a second, in accordance with IOCFR50.59(c)(1).

redundant "Close" solenoid configured so that both the existing and the new solenoid must actuate to fast-close the valve. In both train MSFIS logic cabinets, new logic modules were installed along with other changes to drive the redundant solenoid, improving reliability and maintainability.

E-04-0010 LDCR 04-F022 This revision to the UFSAR modified section to accurately This change does not require prior NRC approval reflect the current methodology used to determine NKLPL which is the in accordance with 10CFR50.59(c)(1).

COLSS Licensee Power Limit Alarm setpoint. This 50.59 also addresses a minor calculation error in procedure 720P-9ZZ01.

E-04-0011 DMWO 2666379 This modification installed new piping to connect the Secondary This change does not require prior NRC approval Chemistry (SC) system to the Auxiliary Steam (AS) system. It is in accordance with IOCFR50.59(c)(1).

designed to transfer warm condensate drained from the steam generators of a unit in either operational mode 5 (when the primary system pressure is less than or equal to the secondary system pressure), mode 6, or defueled to either or both of the operating units for reuse, processing, or disposal, depending on conditions.

E-04-0012 EOPs 40EP-9EO03, - This revision to the EOP procedures incorporated guidance for opening This change does not require prior NRC approval 9EO04, -9EO06, - the Auxiliary Feedwater Pump 'A' steam supply trap isolation valves to in accordance with IOCFR50.59(c)(1).

9EO07, -9EO09 maintain AFA-POI functional and/or operable following a Main Steam Isolation Signal (MSIS).

E-04-0015 DMWO 2739742 This modification installed additional vent and fill/drain piping and This change does not require prior NRC approval isolation valves and the associated supports to the recirculation sump in accordance with IOCFR50.59(c)(1).

containment penetration piping. These components were added to facilitate the filling, draining, venting, and testing of the post-LOCA recirculation piping located between the inboard and outboard containment isolation valves and the recirculation check valve.

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Log Number Doc Type Doc Number Description Summary E-04-0016 OD 2722278 (278) This Operability Determination credited manual compensatory action by This change does not require prior NRC approval the Control Room Operator to override and open the following valves in accordance with 10CFR50.59(c)(1).

within 10 minutes of a CIAS actuation: 12JHPAUVOOOI and 12JHPBUVO002. This compensatory action is necessary to prevent a failure mode of these valves that can occur after 10 minutes of valve actuator exposure to temperatures above 176 F.

E-04-0017 DMWO 2521955 This modification replaced steam generator level transmitters as a result of This change does not require prior NRC approval dimensional differences in the replacement SGs. The span of the original in accordance with IOCFR50.59(c)(1).

level transmitters would not accommodate the new larger SGs.

E-04-0019 DMWO 2752630/2513813 This modification involved the "Use As Is" disposition of foreign This change does not require prior NRC approval materials (such as particulate residue and graphite gasket materials) that in accordance with 10CFRS0.59(c)(1).

have been identified in the interior portions of the Unit 3 Pressurizer lower shell region.

E-04-0021 LDCR 03-F056 This revision to the UFSAR incorporates the new Steam Generator Tube This change does not require prior NRC approval Rupture (SGTR) event safety analyses into UFSAR Section 15.6.3. The in accordance with IOCFR50.59(c)(1).

SGTR analysis were performed in support of PVNGS Unit 2 Power Uprate (PUR) license amendment request for operation at 3990 MWt Rated Thermal Power (RTP) with Replacement Steam Generators (RSG).

The analyses were reviewed and approved by the NRC in the SER for TS Amendment #149 for Unit 2. Later, analysis of SGTR with Loss of Off-site Power (SGTRLOP) was revised in Reference 2 to correct an error in the original Analyses of Record (AOR) and became the AOR for that event.

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