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Public Version of Rev 5 to Emergency Plan Administrative Procedure AD 1850.04, Post-Accident Radiological Sampling & Counting. Revised Index Encl
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 02/28/1983
From: Briden D
Shared Package
ML20069G298 List:
AD-1850.04-01, AD-1850.04-1, NUDOCS 8303250124
Download: ML20069G366 (24)


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, 1 7 HP 1602.01 11 HP 1604.01 4 .

HP 1604.02 0 AD 1827.01 3 l AD 1827. 02 9 L AD 1827.03 2 AD 1827.04 2 AD 1827.05 2


AD 1827.06 2 AD 1827.07 2 T-6605

,_ AD 1827.08 1 AD 1827.09 1 AD 1827.10 12 T-6491 AD 1827.11 4 AD 1827.12 9 AD 1827.13 ,

5 I 't AD 1827.15 4 i

- AD 1827.16 1 AD 1827.17 3 AD 1850.04 5

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AD 1850.05 AD 1850.06 0 6


ADMINISTRATIVE MEMORANDUMS REVISION No. 37 ECS Pager and Telephone Numbers 29 No. 38 First Aid Team 12 No. 39 Fire Brigade 13 No. 41 Emergency Duty Officer (EDO) 26

. No. 42 Radiation Monitoring Teams (RMT) 18 I


i e ision 168 ,

030325012483go46  :

March, 1983 /


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i AD 1850.04 Davis-Besse Nuclect Pcver Station dni: No. 1 Administrative Procedure AD 1850.04 Post Accident Radiological Sanpling and Counting

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Record of Approval and Changes 1

Prepared by Dave Briden 12/19/79

  • Date

' Submitted by ~~b7U- ) / P7 / 8 0 Section Head Date t

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Recot:nended by 4 ,< -

//.2L/So M RB Chair =an Date I

, QA Approved

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/ Manager of Quality Assurance Date Approved by W Station Superint '

eut Date Revision SR3 QA Sta. Supt.

No. Recoc=endation Date n roved Date Approved Date j ff/ 7lf/$a n== Y~rltefeaYON Ylphllbh*

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Davis-Besse EMERGENCY PLAN SUPPORTING PROCEDURES Manual Changes This letter transmits additions and revisions to the Davis-Besse EMERGENCY PIAN SUPPORTING PROCEDURES Manual. Control Copy 8 $ .

v Instructions for the material are as follows:


  • Revision Index, Revision 167 Revision Index, Revision 168 AD 1850.04.4 AD 1850.04.5 1

Date Revision Entered -

Addressee Si6 nature RETURN TO THE OFFICE MANAGER - STOP #5050

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PAGE REVISION PROCEDURES REVISION TEMPORARY MODIFICATIONS i 7 IIP 1602.01 11 IIP 1604.01 4 HP 1604.02 0 AD 1827.01 3 AD 1827.02 9 AD 1827.03 2

, AD 1827.04 2 l g AD 1827.05 2 Il AD 1827.06 2 AD 1827.07 2 T-6605 I AD 1827.08 1 l AD 1827.09 1 AD 1827.10 12 T-6491 l

AD 1827.11 4 AD 1827.12 9 i AD 1827.13 5 i

AD 1827.15 4

AD 1827.16 1 AD 1827.17 3 AD 1850.04 5 AD 1850.05 6 AD 1850.06 0 I ADMINISTRATIVE MEMORANDUMS REVISION No. 37 ECS Pager and Telephone Numbers 29 No. 38 First Aid Team 12 No. 39 Fire Brigade 13 I No. 41 No. 42 Emergency Duty Officer (EDO)

Radiation Monitoring Teams (RMT) 26 18 i

Revision 168 March, 1983

AD 1850.04 Davis-Besse Nucicar Power Statior.

Unit No. 1 Administrative Procedure AD 1850.04 Post Accident Radiological Sampling and Counting j k i .

Record of Approval and Changes Prepared by Dave Briden 12/19/79 Date Submitted by baU- )/i7/80 Section Head Date Recou: mended by .

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M RB Chairman QA Approved



/ Manager of Quality Assurance Date Approved by W Station Superint


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O 1 AD 1850.04.5 i) bl

1. PURPOSE The purpose of this procedure is to address short-term preparedness in responding to radiological sampling and counting for a potential accident which would make normal sampling and counting impractical.
2. SCOPE 2.1 Gamma Spectral counting capability l l

2.1.1 In the event of such an accident, the existing counting l I 2.1.2 room could not be used.

A temporary counting room would be set up in the Water Plant lab or other suitable location for gross counting, and gamma spectroscopy.

2.2 Reactor Coolant System (RCS) sampling 2.2.1 Depending on Radiation exposure, the normal sampling system can be used. l l

2.2.2 A shielded high pressure sampling sampler can be used l for pressurizer samples when the normal sampling  !

system cannot be used.

2.3 Containment atmosphere sampling 2.3.1 The normal sampling assemblies on Containment Monitors 5 RE 4597AA and BA are in area where the expected radia-tion levels would be too high to enter.

2.3.2 A high pressure sampling assembly will be used for sampling at the Containment Hydrogen Analyzers.

2.4 Station vent sampling 2.4.1 Silver zeolite filters should be used for iodine sampling.

2.4.2 If RE 2024C or RE 2025C indications are off scale, direct radiation dose rates from a Noble Gase Tube are I converted to uCi/cc.

3. REFERENCES 3.1 NUREG-0578, July, 1979, TMI-2 Lesson Learned Task Force Status Report and Short-Term Recommendations 3.2 NUREG-0585, October, 1979, TMI-2 Lesson Learned Task Force Final Report

. . I 2 AD 1850.04.5 3.3 NRC September 13, 1979 Letter (Fo'lowup.

l Actions Resulting from the NRC Staff Reviews Regarding the TMI-2 Accident) 5 3.4 TED September 23, 1979 Letter (TED Response to NRC September 13, 1979 Letter for DBNPS) 3.5 NRC October 30, 1979 Letter (Discussion of Lessons Learned Short-Term Requirements) 5' 3.6 TED November 21, 1979, Letter (TED Response to NRC October 30, 1979 Letter for DBNPS)

4. PRECAUTIONS 4.1 Individuals collecting samples shall not receive in excess of 3 and 18 3/4 rems to the whole body or extremities, respectively.

4.2 The requirements for exceeding 1.25 rem to the whole body during a quarter should be followed as defined in Section 6.10 of HP 1601.01 (Guides and Limits for Exposures to Radiation) 4.3 No entries shall be made into areas exceeding 100 mR/hr without a high range survey instrument, and an individual qualified to evaluate radiological conditions. Unless airborne activities are known, respiratory equipment is to be worn.

4.4 Since Chemistry and Health Physics personnel will collect the samples, new REP's are not required.

4.5 WARNING WHEN COLLECTING SAMPLES Potential radiation levels during accident conditions are:

4.5.1 Containment Atmosphere Sampling

1. 585' elevation in front of the high pressure sampler may be 0.1 - 5 R/hr.
2. Hallway on 585' elevation adjacent to sampling may be 5 - 50 R/hr.

4.5.2 Station Vent Sampling

1. Inside the Non-Radwaste Ventilation Room by sampling system may be 5 R/hr.
2. At RE 2024 and RE 2025, the radiation could be 100 - 1000 R/hr if EVS system is operating.

E .

3 AD 1850.04.5 4.5.3 RCS Sampling

1. Sample system could be 0.1 - 5 R/hr.
2. Hallway to sample system could be 15 - 100 mR/hr.
3. Pathway to the RCS sampling system is to take I the elevator or stairs in the southeast corner of the Auxiliary Building to the 545 ft. elevation.
5. PROCEDURE 5.1 Containment Atmosphere Sampling The normal sample points for Containment atmospt.ere at RE 4597AA I5 and BA cannot be used because the radiation levels in the Mechanical Penetration Room will be excessive. When a high pressure sample is collected, only radioactive noble gases and iodines are determined. Particulates are not applicable based on Lessons Learned Item 2.1.6.b.

5.1.1 The sampler is evacuated by connecting a vacuum pump V-2 with V-2. With gauge attached, V-1 closed, and V-2 open, evacuate the sample assembly. Close V-2 and remove from vacuum pump.

5.1.2 Connect 75cc high pressure sampler (hPS) to quick l

disconnect 'A' from CV 337 (CV 342) located above Hydrogen Analyzer Cabinet on 585' elevation, as in l Figure 1 shown below:

! 5 ll l5 From Containment CV337 l Gauge: 30"-0" Hg

>< -s and 0-100 asig CV342 x -a =

V-1 x (75cc HPS) es Q l Quick Quick Disconnects Disconnects Return to 'A' 'B' Containment


CV337 (CV342) are inside H2 Analyzer To Vacuum Cabinet but operable from outside cabinet Figure 1

! 1 5.1.3 Verify flow through the hydrogen analyzer. (This

'b system is isolated during an SFAS trip and Opera-tions would have to open isolated valves to reestablish flow.)

4 AD 1850.04.5 5.1.4 Open valve v-I on the s' ampler.

5.1.5 Slowly open valve CV 337 (CV 342). After the pressure indication has stabilized as indicated on the pressure gauge, close CV 337 (CV 342) and V-1. Disconnect HPS assembly from CV 337 (CV 342) at disconnect 'A'.

5 5.1.6 Remove gauge at quick disconnects 'B' and count 75 cc HPS assembly for gamma emitting radionuclides.

5.2 Station Vent Sampling The station vent is continuously monitored by RE 2024 and RE 2025, however, they do not meet the range required by January 1, 1981, from Items 2.1.8.b of NUREG 0578. During a post accident condition, noble gas readings can be obtained every 15 minutes by the use of a portable high range survey instrument next to the sampling line. Interference from noble gases for measuring radioiodine can be reduced by using silver zeolite filters.

5.2.1 If RE 2024C and RE 2025C readings are off scale, the emergency station vent sampling assembly located in the non-radwaste ventilation room on Elev. 623' is put into service.

Grab sampler _

Non-Radwaste Ventilation assembly on \ Room off the RE 2024 (RE 2025) \ Turbine Deck


Grab \

Sample 1 To CV 2024H (CV 2025H) l

@F Filter l

l _

Pump < >< \ l l l \ Particulate- l SS 228 }SS227 \ Silver  !

(SS232)y t\ d (SS 231) \ -l P/5Z l l Flow _l l

\ - Zeolite meter l

\ V Filter l

\ d Assembly l 1 -x  !


\ TJ A T T

\ \ i l \ \

\ \ [~ Noble Gas Tube 1 \ For \

\ \ \ Background \

\, \ \ Reading \

\ \ HP-270 PROBE or \ HP-270 PROBE or \

\ \ RD-17A PROBE _ l \ RD-17A PROBE _ \

l \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\j Figure 2

y 4 -

~I .

5 AD 1850.04.3 NOTE: The RD-17A Probe is positioned 12-inches from the Noble Gas Tube, and the HP-270 i Probe is in contact with the Noble Gas l Tube.


1. Set up the interim stati a vent monitoring I assembly as shown in Figure 2. (Either RE 2024 or RE 2025 may be used for connecting up to the normal grab sampling valves.)
2. Remove the particulate and charcoal filters in RE 202i (RE 2025) grab sampler, and reconnect. _
3. Close valve CV-2024H (CV-2025H)
4. Connect the tygon tubing labeled " Inlet" to valve SS-227 (SS-231).
5. Connect the tygon tubing labeled " OUTLET" to valve SS-228 (SS-232).
6. Open valves SS-227 (SS-231) and SS-228 (SS-232).
7. Noble gases are monitored by a HP-270 Probe for Xe-133 concentrations between 0.054 to 540 pCi/cc, and a RD-17A Probe fog Xe-133 concentra-tions between 520 to 5.2 x 10 pCi/cc. Readouts 3 are shown in Figure 3.

NOTE: RE 2024C and 2025C have ranges of I x 10-7 to 0.02 pCi/cc.

High Range Lou Range RM-16 Recorder RM-16 7 0.01-100 R/hr 0.02-200 mR/hr [~

Connected to Sampl~e Probes i

I High Ranges RM-16


Recorder Low Range RM-16


l Connect to Background Probes 3

a Figure 3 L

8. Determine the net close rate for the appropriate monitors used to monitor the Noble Gas Tube using l Attachment 1.
9. Calculate the Xe-133 concentrations using Attach-

/O ment 1.


I 6 AD 1850.04.2

10. If RE 2024C or 2025C reading are of scale, then readings from emergency high range or low range probes are to be given to the Shift Supervisor or Emergency Duty Officer every 15 minutes.

5.2.2 Iodine analyses can be collected at the interim Station Vent Samples.

1. Silver zeolite cartridges are used for iodine sampling with a particulate filter infront of the cartridge.
2. Calculate the volume of air that passed through the particulate-silver zeolite filter assembly by multiplying the sample flow rate times the collection period.
3. Iodine analyses and calculations can be performed by:

(1) Normal computerized gamma spectroscopy counting.

(2) Emergency on site counting described in Section 5.4.

(3) SAM-2 operation described in AD 1850.05.

5.3 Reactor Coolant Liquid Sampling During post accident conditions the letdown system would be isolated to prevent excecsive radiation levels in the Auxiliary Building resulting from high levels of radioactivity in the reactor coolant liquid. In the interim, until the permanent RCS sampling system is available, a pressurizer sample will be collected at the normal sample point, provided the radiation levels within the room can be controlled with shielding.

5.3.1 Interim RCS Sampling 2 The RC System Accident Sampling System shown in Attachment 2 is designed to obtain a reactor coolant sample from the pressurizer vapor or water space following an accident, which renders the normal sample room inaccessible, while maintaining the radiation exposure to personnel as low as practicable.

The system consists of tubing and valves to obtain the sample and return it to the Quench Tank, a sample a panel with a cooler for conditioning the sample, I solenoid valves for recirculation, sampling, and flushing and a shielded sample cylinder which collects

7 AD 1850.04.5 the sample. The sample panel and its associated control station are designed for storage until required.

The demineralized water, for cooling the sample, and the sample tubing are permanently installed at the same location.

1. Open demineralized water valve to the emergency I sample cooler located at approximately head level at the entrance to the room where the cooler is installed.
2. Using quick disconnects, attach the shielded sample container to the sample panel.
3. Open the manual inlet and isolation valves SV-10 and SV-11 on the shielded sample container.
4. Open manual sample inlet and outlet isolatica I valves SV-8 and SV-9. (These are located on the wall above the sample panel).

5 5. Ensure RC 111 and SV-24 on interim RCS sampling return to quench tank are open. Valves are shown on M-040-A at location F-5. These valves are physically located in Mechanical Penetration Room No. 2 approximately 10 feet along Containment wall from area at door.

I 6. From the Control Room, open control valves RC 239B (pressurizer water sample), RC 240A, and RC 240B. (This pressurizes the sample system up to 3olenoid valves SV-3 and SV-4.)

I 7. At the remote control panel, place switch SW-1 (sample low) to "0N". (This opens cooling water valve SV-2, the low sample valve SV-3, and sample cylinder inlet and outlet valves SV-5 and SV-6.)

8. Allow the system to circulate for 30 minutes.

NOTE: Recirculation can also be accomplished with the high sample switch SW-2 which is provided to sampling at low system pressure. SW-2 opens SV-2, SV-4, SV-5 and SV-6.

9. To collect the sample in the cylinder, place SW-1 (SW-2) in the "0FF" position to trap the liquid.



l 8 AD 1850.04.4

10. From the Control R'oom, close valves HV-240A and HV-240B to isolate the sample system from the pressurizer.
11. At the remote station, place SW-3 (flush) in the "0N" position. (This opens valves SV-1, demineralized water flush; SV-4, high sample; and SV-7, sample cylinder bypass.)
12. Flush until radiation levels are reduced to the lowest level.
13. Close inlet and outlet manual isolations valves SV-10 and SV-11 on the sample cylinder and disconnect the quick disconnects.
14. After disconnecting the sample cylinder, switch SW-3 (flush) should be placed to "0FF".

5.4 Onsite Counting Facility 4 In order to meet the 3-hour post-accident radiological sampling l and analysis requirement for RCS and containment atmosphere m samples, an operational, adequately equipped, onsite counting facility must be available.

The location chosen for the Onsite Counting Facility must be set up where the radiation level is low, such as the entrance lobby on the east side of the Office Building (585 ft. elevation)or in the Water Plant Lab.

5.4.1 Equipment A Canberra Model 8100 or 8180 multichannel pulse I

height analyzer (MCA), presently onsite, has been l assigned for use in the Onsite Counting Facility in the event of an accident. Should utilization of the Facility be required, a Ge(Li) detector assembly will be removed from the Counting Room (603 ft.

elevation) and relocated in a low radiation area where

! it will be connected with the Canberra MCA and other l necessary equipment to provide the required gamma spectral analysis capability.

Efficiency charts and/or data tables are available in the counting room manual to provide necessary counting information for each of the following samples:

1. Reactor coolant
2. Containment atmosphere (noble gases)


9 AD 1850.04.4

3. Stack exhaust (noble gases)
4. Stack particulates filter
5. Stack iodine cartridge.

5.4.2 Procedure Upon declaration of an emergency requiring activation of the Onsite Counting Facility, the following procedure will be followed:

4 1. If the Counting Room cannot be used transport Canberra Model 8100 or 8180 to a suitable loca-tion, i.e., the Station Lobby, Water Plant Lab, or Radiological Testing Lab at the DBAB.

2. In Counting Room, gradually reduce high voltage to the Ge(Li) detector until high voltage is off.

Turn off power to the NIM bin in which the high voltage supply and amplifier are located.

3. Disconnect cables at the Ge(Li) detector, amplifier, and MCA.

rq i) 4. Remove Ge(Li) detector from shield and immedi-ately place in a dewar of LN2 . Relocate in a low radiation area with NIM bin containing high voltage and amplifier. Bring a sample shelf assembly along.

Reconnect high voltage, pre-amp power, and signal I 5.

cables between the NIM bin components and the Ge(Li) detector per Attachment 3.

6. Turn on NIM bin power and gradually bring high

! voltage up to normal operating voltage (3000 volts). Allow about 15 minutes for the system to stabilize.

7. To achieve 0.5 kev / channel energy calibration, adjust the amplifier fine gain until the number I of channels between two reference peaks is two times the difference between the peaks in key.

Then adjust the baseline until a reference peak is in the channel equal to two times the energy l

in key. It is not necessary to have exactly 0.5 kev / channel.

8. Determine background spectrum before counting samples. Good operating practice would recommend G the stationing of an operating thin-window G-M

10 AD 1850.04.4 survey meter with' audible output at the Onsite Counting Facility. This would alert personnel to high atmospheric noble gas activity which could disrupt counting.

9. After counting appropriate samples, the data l reduction necessary to determine the activity for each principal gamma emitter will be performed 3' per RC 4502.00, Gamma Spectral Analysis. l
10. Specific information for counting the RCS sampling system (i.e., the 40-ce bomb inside 2-inches of lead shielding).

4 (1) Remove the collimator pin from the shielding.

i (2) Use Attachment 4 for radionuclide data.

(3) Use Attachment 5 for efficiencies. These efficiencies in Attachment 5 are for counting at 1 1/4 inches between the container (at the collimator) and the detector edge with the collimator centered on the center of the detector. To get efficiencies for one foot divide the 1 1/4 inch efficiencies by 116.

To get three foot efficiencies, divide the 1 1/4 inch efficiencies by 1208.

l (4) Use Attachment 6 for instructions to perform l calculations manually if the computer is not available.

(5) If the RCS sampling system is needed to collect another sample, the sample which has been counted will be flushed out of the bomb when the next sample is to be recirculated.



11 AD 1850.04.2 I Data Sheet for Calculating the Xe-133 Concentration in the Station Vent If the low range probe (HP-270) is used:

Date RM-16 Sample RM-16 Background Net dose Xe-133 in I time Reading in mR/hr , Reading in mR/hr rate in mR/hr uCi/cc equals net mR/hr times 2.7 I

I IS i

If the high range probe (RD-17A) is used:

l Date RM-16 Sample RM-16 Background Net dose Xe-133 in I time Reading in R/hr Reading in R/hr rate in R/hr uCi/cc equals net R/hr times 5.2 x 10 4

I I.o

'J Attachment 1


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13 AD 1850.04.2 Portabl'e GeLi Gamma Spectroscopy System


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M 14 AD 1850.04.2 NUCLICE GAMMA ABUND HALF-LIFE (MIN) f(j"g/ -

7.800000E-02 39893.7 0204070 ---

CR-51 834.827 HN-54 0 99970 450144.

0 9986^ 2 768861E+06 1173.21 CD-40 4115.52 ZM-65 G . 50750 -- - 351504.

0 49400 76.0000 402 550 XR-87 756.720 2R-95 0 54600 94320.0 0.93300 1000.00 743.400 ---

2R=97 765 790 NS-95

  • 0 99000 50544.0 0 82000 11577 6 364.500 2-131 136.00v 6 67. 7 0 0-" ~

"-- T*132 Gi98000 0 87000 1248.00 529.889 I-133 1072.55 Z-134 0 15300 52 6000 G.37100*--"~ id17.6v 60. 9970 -~~

4E -133 - - 233 180 XE133M 0 10200 3155 04 0.90600 550.200 249.741 XE-135 ;266620----

AE13"M Ga8120G 15a300G 0 85000 1.578377E+07 661.639 CS-137 1435.86 CS-138 0 75000 32 2000 G;23800 18417&o s3 7. 38 s 5 A"140 151 180 KR85M 0 75500 248.800 0 94900 49.7000 555.570 Y91M 2 77- 21 G nu-203 G681500 o7334s 0 64000 165600. 391 700 SN-113 513.960 SR-85 1 00000 93888.0 vr67000 d.729040E+06 4557907----

a43r33 1.377072Ef06 1274.52 NA-22 0.99950 0 35800 165600. 1122.20 TA-182 900.006 i36Sf60*---

-- 9N A *2 4 G.99993 0.29300 396.600 1260 41 I-135 685.700 W-187 0 32000 1434.00 sc10300 76723.7 4771590----

LE-7 109.620 1293 64 AR-41 0 99160 0.99984 120744. 889.259 SC-46 ei300000E 5;639688E+06 5133990 -

nR=85 1836.00 RS-88 0.22100 17.8000 0.26710 7.148140E+06 344.200 EU-152 5668870 607c700 5F=124 6.98000 5.000000E-03 762.600 1345 80 CU-64 881.600 BR-84 0 41600 31.8000 27200000E-03 84254i4' 1208.00----

1 -F1 934.500 Y-92 0.13720 211 800 0.88000 4680.00 228.200 TE-132 163s930 -

XE232n 2 000000E-02---17265 6 121.500 0.58000 0.53866 KR-90 3.84000 455.380 XE-137 0.32000 G.29000 14.170G 258.-310 XE-135 0.67333 218.590 XE-139 0 45000 1283.23 6.7000'00E-02 9.30000 CS-139 33.300G 265;800 LR-237 Gi19000 43.4500 PU-236 3 800000E-04 4.614768E+07 0.27800 3384.00 106.143 HP-239 646.600 ---

oW*56 6.99000 155.220 0 33400 585.000 1024.30 SR-91 1031 88 RB-89 0.64100 15.6000 0.88000 iT083707E+ 06 795.300-- -

G 5-134 18720.0 818.500 CS-136 1 00000 0.85200 388800. 122.060 CD-57 145.400 CE-141 0.48000 46728.0 220.900 KR-89 0.22500 3.16000 0.34000 38880.0 311.090 PA-233 1980.00 293.260 CE-143 0.41300 1.94000 109.700 511.000 F-18 409248. 133 530 CE-144 0.10800 411.200

---que195 e.9470G 3e82 24 0.73300 360576. 884.650 AG110M 1481.90 N1-65 0.25700 153.600 G;56500 - 64224.0 io??.M -

FE-59 361.800 140.300 TC99M 0.90000 0.95330 2415 60 1596.18 LA-140 102571. 610i757

---TNHS6 0.99440' - 196.300 KR-88 0.28000 171 600 0.14000 A001 40 739.580 MD-99 1642.40 0640000 37.1800

--Ct=35 0.99000 73.6000 658.100 NS-97 1383.94 SR-92 0.90000 162.600 18 36 .00 ---- -

--- R b t 9 8 0 22100 17 t,60C 2

Attachment 4




20 2.416E-07 2.090E-07 3.412E-07 3.904E-07 4.603E-07 5.270E-07 5.903C-07 6.741E-07 7.542E-07 0.303E-07 ,

30 9.264E-07 1.010E-06 1.113E-06 1.212E-06 1.313E-06 1.410E-06 1.524E-06 1.633E-06 1.745E-06 1. 0's0 E-06

-~ 4 0 - 1.973E 2. 009E-06 2.206E-06 2.325E-06 2.444E-06 2.564E-06 2.604E 2.005E-06 2;925E-06 -~3;016E 50 3.166E-06 3.206E-06 3.406E-06 3.525E-06 3.643E-06 3.741E-06 3.077E-06 3.992E-06 4 107E-04 4.220E-06 60 4.331E-04 4.442E-06 4.551E-04 4.650E-06 4.764E-06 4.060E-06 4.970E-04 5.071E-06 5.170E-06 5.267E-06

---70 -5.362E-06 ^ 5. 456E-06 5.547E 5.637E-06 5.725C-04 5.010E-06 " 5. 094E 5.976E-06 6. 056E-06 ""6.134E-06 --

00 6.210E-06 6.204E-06 6.357E-06 6.427E-06 6.495E-06 6.561E-04 6.626E-06 6.600E-06 6.749E-06 6.000E-06 90 6.065E-06 6.920E-06 6.973C-06 7.024E-06 7.074E-06 7.122E-06 7.160E-06 7.212C-06 7.255E-06 7.296E-06

- 100 - 7.335E-06 -'7.373E-06 7.40?E-06 7.443E 7.476E-06 7.507E-06 7.537E 7.566E-06 7.592E-06' 7.610E 110 7.642E-06 7.665E-06 7.606E-06 7.706E-06 7.724E-06 7.742E-06 7.7502-06 7.772E-06 7.706E-06 7.790E-06 120 7.010E-06 7.020E-06 7.020E-06 7.036E-06 7.043E-06 7.04?E-06 '7.053E-04 7.057E-06 7.060E-06 7.061E-06

--130 -- 7. 062E 7. 0 62E-06 7.061E-06 7.059E-06 7.056C-06 7. 052E-06 ' ' 7. 010E 7.012E 06 7.036E-06 7.029E 140 7.022E-06 7.013E-06 7.004E-06 7.795E-06 7.704E-06 7.773C-06 7.761E-04 7.749E-06 7.734E-04 7.723E-06 150 7.709E-06 7.694E-06 7.679E-06 7.663E-06 7.647E-06 7.630E-04 7.613C-06 7.595E-06 7.577E-06 7.559E-06

--160 --7.540E 7. 520E-04 7.500E-06" 7.400E-06 7.460E 7.439E-06 7.417E-06 7i396E-06 ~7.374E-06 7.351E-06,-

170 '7.329E-06 7.306E-06 7.203E-06 7.259E-06 7.236E-06 7.212E-06 7.107E-06 7.163C-06 7.130E-06 7.113E-04 100 7.000E-06 7.063E-06 7.037E-06 7.011E-06 6.905E-06 6.959E-06 6.933E-06 6.907E-06 6.000E-06 6.053E-06

-- 190 - - 6. 027 E-0 6 6.000E-06 6.773E-06 6.745E-06 -6.710E-04 6.691E-06 ' 6. 663E-06 -- 6. 6 36E-06 6. 600E-04 -6.500E 200 6.552E-06 6.525E-06 6.497E-06 6.469E-06 6.441E-04 6.412E-06 6.304E-06 6.356E-06 6.32HE-06 6.300E-06 210 6.271E-06 6.243E-06 6.215E-06 6.107E-06 6.150E-06 6.130E-06 6.102C-06 6.073E-04 6.045E-06 6.017E -

220 r5.900E 5.960E-06 5.932E-06 5.904E-06 5.075E 5.047E-06 5.019E 5;791E-04 5.763C-04 5.735E-04 "

230 5.707E-06 5.679E-06 5.651E-06 5.623E-06 5.595E-06 5.560E-06 5.540E-06 5.512E-06 5.405E-06 5.457E-06 240 5.430E-06 5.402E-06 5.375E-06 5.340E-06 5.321E-06 5.293E-06 5.266E-06 5.239E-04 5.213E-06 5.106E-06

- 250 5.159E-06' 5.007E-06 5.063E-06 5.039E-06 5.016E-06 4.993E-06 ~4.970E-06 4.947E-06 4.925E -06 ' 4.903E 260 4.000E-06 4.059E-06 4.037E-06 4.015E-06 4.794E-06 4.773E-06 4.752E-06 4.731E-06 4.711E-06 4.690E-06 270 4.670E-06 4.650E-06 4.630E-06 4.610E-06 4.591E-06 4.571E-06 4.552E-06 4.533E-06 4.514E-06 4.495E-06 o&

200 4.477E-06-~4.450E-06 4.440E-06 4. 422E-04 ~ 4.404E-06 " 4.306E-06 ~ ~ 4.360E-06 4.350E-06 ~4.333E-06' 4.316E-G6 b

  • 290 4.299E-06 4.202E-06 4.265E-06 4.240E-06 4.231E-06 4.215E-06 4.190E-06 4.102E-04 4.166E-06 4.150E-06 -

n$ 300 4.134E-06 4.110E-06 4.103E-06 4.007E-06 4.072E-06 4.056E-06 4.041E-06 4.026E-06 4.011E-06 3.994E-06 @

- [ a- 310 - 3.902E-06 320 3.040E-06 3.967E-06 3.027E-06 3.953E-06 3.013E-06 3.930E-06 3.924E-06 3.000E-06 3.706E-06 3.910E-06 3.096E 3.002E-06 3.773E-06 3.760E-06 3.747E-06 3.060E-06 3.734E-06 3.054E-06 o 3.721E-06 -

Q% 330 3.709E-06 3.696E-06 3.603E-06 3.671E-06 3.650E-06 3.446E-06 3.634C-06 3.622E-06 3.610E-06 3.590E-06 S D*

340 --3.506E 3. 574E-06 -3. 562E-06 3. 550E-06 ~ 3.539E-06 3. 527E 3. 516E 3. 504E-06 3. 4 93E-06 3. 4 02E-06 350 3.471E-06 3.460E-06 3.449E-06 3.430E-06 3.427E-06 3.416E-06 3.405E-06 3.394E-04 3.304E-06 3.373(-06 360 3.363E-06 3.352E-06 3.342E-06 3.332E-06 3.322E-06 3.312E-06 3.301E-06 3.291E-06 3 201E-06 3 272E-06

'370 - 3.262E-06 ~ 3.252E-06 3.242E-06 3.233E-04 3.223E-06 3.213E-06 3.204E-06'- 3.195E-04 3.105E-06"3.176E-06 300 -3.167E-06 3.157E-06 3.140E-06 3.139E-06 3.130E-06 3.121E-06 3.112E-06 3.103E-06 3.094E-06 3.006E-06 390 3.077E-06 3.060E-06 3.060E-06 3.051E-06 3.042E-06 3.034E-06 3.026E-06 3.017E-06 3.00VE-06 3.001E-06 400 2.992E-06 2.904E-06 2.976E-06 2.9/0E-06 2.960E-06 2.952C-06 2.944E-06" 2.9360-06 2.920E-06 2.920E 410 2.912E-06 2.905E-06 2.097E-06 2.00?E-06 2.002E-06 2.074E-06 2.066E-04 2.059E-06 2.051E-06 2.044E-06 f 420 2.037E-06 2.029E-06 2.022E-06 2.015E-06 2.007E-06 2.000E-06 2.793E-06 2.706E-06 2.779E-06 2.772E-06

- 430 -- 2.765E-06 2.750E-06 2.751E-06 2.744E-062.737E-06 2.730E-06 2.724E-06 ~2.717E-06 2.710E-04' 2.703E-06 440 2.69/E-06 2.690E-06 2.603E-06 2.677E-06 2.670E-06 2.644E-06 2.657E-06 2.651E-06 2.6*SE-06 2.610E 06

'450 2.632E-06 2.626E-06 2.619E-06 2.613E-06 2.607E-06 2.601E-06 2.595E-06 2.500E-04 2.502E-06 2.576E-06

- 4 6 0 -- 2. 570E-06 2.564E-06 2.550E-06 2.552E-06 2.547E-06 ' 2.541E-06 " 2.5350-06 -- 2.529E-OS - 2.523E-06 l 2.517E 470 2.512E-06 2.504E-06 2.500E-06 2.495E-06 2.409E-06 2.403E-06 2.470E-06 2.472C-06 2.467E-06 2.461E-56

x N


- VEY 400 2.456E-06 2.450E-06 2.445E-06 2.439E-06 2.434E-06' 2.429E-06 2.423E-06 2.410E-06 2.413E-06 2.407E-06 490 2.402E-06 2.397E-06 2.392E-06 2.307E-06 2.302E-06 2.376E-06 2.371E-06 2.366E-06 2.361E-06 2.356E-06

- 500 -- 2.351E-06 -- 2.346E-06 2.3 41E 2. 336E-06 --2.331E 2.326E-C6--2.322E-06 --2i317E-06 -2.312E 2. 307E-06 --

510 2.302E-06 2.290E-06 2.293E-06 2.200E-04 2.203E-06 2.279E-06 2.274E-06 2.269E-06 2.265E-06 2.260E-06 520 2.256E-06 2.251E-06 2.246E-06 2.242E-06 2.237E-06 2 233E-06 2.220E-06 2.224E-06 2.220E-06 2.215E-06

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-- 560 - 2.007E-06 2.003E-06 2.079E-06 2.075E-06 ' 2.071E 2.06HE-06 -2.064E 2.060E-06 2.056E-06 2.053C 570 2.049E-06 2.045E-06 2.041E-06 2.030E-06 2.034E-06 2.030E-06 2.027E-06 2.023E-04 2.019E-06 2.016E-06 500 2.012E-06 2.009E-06 2.005E-06 2.001E-06 1.990E-06 1.994E-06 1.991E-06 1.907E-06 1.904C-06 1.900E-04

-590 -- 1.977E-06 1.973E-06 1.970E-06 ' 1. 966E - 1.963E-06 ~1.960E-06 -1.956E-06" 1.Y53E-04 1.950E-06 -' 1.94 6E 600 1.943E-06 1.939E-06 1.934E-06 1.933E-06 1 930E-06 1.Y24E-06 1.923E-06 1. 920E -06 1.916E-06 1 913E-06

'610 1.910E-06 1.907E-06 1.904E-06 1.900E-06 1.09?E-06 1.094E-06 1.091E-06 1.000E-06 1.005E-06 1 002E-06

- 620 -1.070E-06 1.075E-06 1.072E-06 1.069E-06 ~1.064E-06 1.063E-06 '1.040E-06"-1.057E-06 1.054E-06 1.051E 630 1.040E-06 1.045E-06 1.042E-06 1.039E-06 1.036E-06 1.033E-06 1 030E-06 1.027E-06 1.024E-06 1.021E-06 640 1.010E-06 1 015E-06 1.013E-06 1.010E-06 1.007E-06 1.004E-06 1.001E-06 1.790E-06 1.796E-06 1.793E-06

- 650 -1.790E-06 1.707E-06 1.704E-06 1.702E 1.779E-06 ' 1.776C-06~1.773E-06--1.771E-04 1. 760E 1.765E 660 1.762E-06 1 760E-06 1.757E-06 1.754C-06 1.752E-06 1.749E-06 1.746E-06 1.744E-06 1.741E-04 1.730E-06 670 1.736E-06 1.733E-06 1.730E-06 1.720E-06 1.725E-06 1.723E-06 1.720E-04 1.710E-06 1.715E-06 1.712E-06

-600 -1.710E-06 1.707E-06 1.703E-06 1.702E-06 ~1.700E-06 ~1.697E-06"1.695E-06' 1;692C-06 li690E-06 1e607E-06'-

690 1.605E-06 1.602E-06 1.600E-06 1.67DE-06 1.675E-06 1.673E-06 1.670E-06 1.660E-06 1.665E-06 1.663E-06 700. 1.661E-06 1.658E-06 1.656E-06 1.654E-06 1.651E-06 1.649E-06 1.646E-06 1.644E-06 1.642E-06 1.639E-06

' - 710 -1.637E-06 1.635E-06 1.633E-06 1.630E-06 1.620E-06 1.626E-06 1.623E-06 1;621E -06 1.619E 1.617E-06

  • 720 1.614E-06 1.612E-06 1.610E-06 1 600E-06 1.605E-06 1.603E-06 1.601E-04 1.599E-06 1.597E-06 1.594E-06 730 1.592E-06 1.590E-06 1.500E-06 1.506E-06 1.504E-06 1.501E-06 1.579E-06 1.577E-06 1.575E-06 1.573E-06

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1150 1.029E-06 1.029E-06 1.020E-06 1.027E-06 1.026E-06 1.025E-06 1.025E-06 1.024E-06 1 023E-06 1.022E-06 1160 1.021E-06 1.020E-06 1.020E-06 1.019E-06 1.010E-06 1.017E-06 1.016E-06 1.014E-04 1.015E-06 1.014E-06

- 1170 - 1.013E-06 1.012E-06 -1.012E-06 -1.011E-06 '1.010E-06 1.009E-06--1.000E-06--1.000E 1.007E-06 -1.006E 1100 1.005E-06 1.005E-06 1.004E-06 1.003E-06 1.002E-06 1.001E-06 1.001E-06 9.999E-07 9.992E-07 9.901E-07 1190' 9.976C-07 9.960E-07 9.961E-07 9.953E-07 9.946E-07 9.930E-07 9.930E-07 9.923E-07 9.915E-07 9.900E-07

-1200--9.900E-07 9.093E-07 9.005E-07 " 9.077E 9.070E-07 9.063C 9.055E-07" 9.040E-07 9.040E-07" 9.033E 1210 9.025E-07 9.010E-07 9.010E-07 9.003E-07 9.796E-07 9.700E-07 9.701E-07 9.774E-07 9.766E-07 9.759E-07 1220 9.752E-07 9.745E-07 9.737E-07 9.730E-07 9.723E-07 9.716E-07 9 700E-07 9.701E-07 9.694E-07 9.607E-07 g

-1230 ' 9.600E-07 ' 9.672E-07 9.665E 9.650E-07 " 9.651E-07 9. 644E-07 ' 9.637E-07 9.630E-07 -9.62.!E-07 9.616E-07 N 1240 9.609E-07 9.602E-07 9.594E-07 9.507E-07 9.500E-07 9.573E-07 9.567E-07 9.560E-07 9.553E-07 9.546E-07 1250 9.539E-07 9.532E-07 9.525E-07 9.51HE-07 9.511E-07 9.504E-07 9.497E-07 9.491E-07 9.404E-07 9.477E-07 1260 9.470E-07 '9.463E-07 9.456E-07' 9.450E-07 9.443E-07' 9. 436E-07 9. 429E-07-"9. 423E-07 9.416E-07 9.409E-07' 1270 9.403E-07 9.396E-07 9.309E-07 9.302E-07 9.376E-07 9.369E-07 9.343E-07 9.356E-07 9.349E-07 9.343E-07 1280 9.336E-07 9.329E-07 9.323E-07 9.316E-07 9.310E-07 9.303E-07 9.297E-07 9.290E-07 9.204E-07 9.277E-07 T > 1290 9.271E,07 9.264E-07 9.250E-07 9.251E 9.245E 9.230E-07 9.232E-07~9.226E-07 '9.219E-07 9.213E @

$$ 1300 1310 9.206E-07 ?.200E-07 9.194E-07 9.143E-07 9.137E-07 9.131E-07 9.107E-07 9.101E-07 9.175E-07 9.160E-07 9.162E-07 9.156E-07 9.149E-07 Gg 9.124E-07 9.110E-07 9.112E-07 9.106E-07 9.099E-07 9.093E-07 9.007E-07 [

9.069E-07 " 9.062E 9.056E 9.050E 9.044E 9.030E-07  ?.032E 9e 026E-07 u w g --1320 - 9.001E-07 - 9.075E-07 1330 9.020E-07 9.013E-07 9.007E-07 9.001E-07 0.995E-07 8.909E-07 0.903E-07 0.977E-07 8.971E-07 0.965E-07 0 om mp 1340 8.959E-07 8.953E-07 8.947E-07 8.941E-07 8.935E-07 8.929E-07 0.923E-07 0.917E-07 8.912E-07 8.906E-07 o p" - 1350 - 8.900E-07 0.094E-07 0.000E-07 0.002E-07 0.076E-07 0.070E-07 0.065E-07 "0.059E-07 0.053E-07 0.047E-07 f' u 1360 8.841E-07 8.835E-07 8.830E-07 8.024E-07 0.010E-07 0.012E-07 0.007E-07 0.001E-07 0.795E-07 0.709E-07 M 1370 0.704E-07 8.770E-07 0.772E-07 8.767E-07 8.761E-07 0.755E-07 0.749E-07 0.744C-07 0.730E-07 0.733E-07

-1300 - 8.727E-07 8.721E-07 0.716E-07 0.710E-07 0.704E-07 0.699E-07 0.693E 0.600E-07 0.602E-07 " D.677E 1390 0.671E-07 8.665E-07 8.660E-07 0.654E-07 8.649E-07 0.643E-07 8.630E-07 0.632E-07 0.627E-07 0.621E-07 1400 8.616E-07 8.610E-07 0.605E-07 8.600E-07 0.594E-07 0.509E-07 0.503E-07 0.570E-07 8.572E-07 0.567E-07

-1410 - 8.562E-07 8.556E-07 0.SSIE-07 0.546E-07 0.540E-07 0.535E-07 0.529C 0.524E-07 8.519E-07 0.513E-07 ~

1420 0.500E-07 8.503E-07 0.490E-07 0.492E-07 0.407E-07 0.402E-07 0.476E-07 0.471E-07 0.466E-07 U.461E-07 1430 0.455E-07 8.450E-07 0.445E-07 0.440E-07 8.435E-07 0.429E-07 0.424E-07 0.419E-07 0.414E-07 0.409E-07

-1440 0.404E 0.390E-07 0.393E-07 0.300E-07 0.303E-07 0.370E-07 0.373E-07 0.360E-07 0.363E-07 0.357E 1450 '8.352E-07 8.347E-07 8.342E-07 0.337E-07 8.332E-07 0.327E-07 0.322E-07 8.317E-07 8.312E-07 8.307E-07 1460 0.302E-07 0.297E-07 0.292E-07 0.207E-07 0.232E-07 0.277E-07 0.272E-07 0.267E-07 0.262E-07 0.257E-07 14/0 fl . 2r.?! 0 / II.?i/r 0 7 H . ? 4 ?! 01 H . ?.1/r -0 / H . ? .1.'l ' - 01 0.??/F-07 0.?? W- O/ 0.?tHF 0/ O.?t:lE-07 0 . ? 0 01 07 1400 0.203E-07 0.190E-07 0.193E-07 0.100E-07 0.104E-07 0.1/VE-07 0.1/4E 0/ 0.169E-0/ 0.164E-07 0.1530 07

- ~


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- 1490- 87155C=07- 8 150Ew07- 0;145E=07 Dr190E=0) u. U4E=0 / u.131C 07- B r12&EM)7 UTT11C=07- T17116E=07-- 0 112E 1500 0.107E-07 0.102E-07 6 090E-07 0.093E-07 0.000E-07' O.003E-07 0.079E-07 0.074E-07 0.069E-07 0.045C-07 0.041E-07 0 037E-07 0.032E-07 0.027E-07 0.023E-07 0.010C-07 1510 0.060E-07 0.055E-07 0 051E-07 0.046E-07 0.013E-07""O.009E-07 ' O.004E-07 ~0 000C 7;995C-07 - 7 991E*07- 7;906E"07--7.901C 7.977C-07-- 7.972C " 1520 7.941E-07 7.936E-07 7 932E-07 7.927E-07 1530 7 960E-07 7.963E-07 7 959E-07 7 954C-07 '7.950E-07 7.945E-07 7.900E-07 7 096E-07 7 091E-07 7.007E-07 7.0H?E-07 1540 7 923E-07 7 910E-07 7 914E-07 7 909E-07 7.905E-07 7.041C-07 7.03HC-01 1550 7 070E-07 7 074E-07 7 7.02GC-0706?E-07 7 065E-07 7 021E-07 7 060E-07 7.017E-077 036E-07 " 7 052E-07 7.012C-07 7.000E-07 -"7.047C-0 7.004C-07 7 7.799E-07 7.795C-07 1540 7 034E-07 7 030C-07 7.765E-07 7.741C-07 7.756C-07 7 772E-07 1570 7 791E-07 7 706E-07 7 702E-07 7 770E-07 7.773C-07 7.749E-07 7. 72 7E-07 -- 7. 722E 7.710E-07 7 714 E-07 " 7. 710c-0 7 -

- 1500 7.'740E-07 7 743E-07 7 739C-07 7 735E-07 7 731E-07 7.605E-07 7.600E-07 7.676E-07 7.672E-07 7 640E-07 1590 7 705E-07 7 701E-07 7.697E-07 7 693E-07 7.609E-07 1600 7.464E-07 7 660E-07 7.655E-07 7 651E-07 7 647E-07 7.443E-07 7.639E-07 7.635E-07 7.631E-07 7.627C-07 594C-07 '7.590E 7.504E-0 7 -

-1610 - 7.623E 7 610E-07 ' 7.414C-07 ~7 610E-07 -7 6 606E 7.602E 7.590E-07 --7 1620 7 502E-07 7 570E-07 7 574C-07 7 570E-07 7.566E-07 7.542E-07 7.550C-07 7.514E-07 7.554E-07 7.550E-07 7.510E-0777.506E-07 544F-0 7 1630 7 542E-07 7.530E-07 7 534E-07 7 530E-07 7,.526E-07 7 522C-07 7.510C-07 7.470E 7 475E-07 7.471E-07' 7.467E-07

- 1640 7.502E 7 490E-07 ' '7 494E-07

-1670--7.306E-07 -7 302E-07 7.370E-07 -7.375E 7 371E-07 7 367C-07 7 363E-07--7.359E-07 "7.354C 7.352C-07 7.315C-07 "

1600 7.340E-07 7 344E-07 7 341E-07 7 337E-07 7.333E-07 7 329E-07 7.326E-07 7.322E-07 '7.310E-07 7.201E-07 7.270E-07 1690 7.311E-07 7 307E-07 7 304C-07 7 300E-07 7 296C-07 7 292E-07 7.20VC-07 7.20GC-07

-1700- 7.274E-07 --7 270E-07 --7 267E-07" 7 263E 7 25?E-07 7 256C 7.252E 7i249E-07 ~ 7.245E-07 ~ 7.241E-07' 7.209E-07 7.205C-07 1710 7.230E-07 7.234E-07 7 230E-07 7 227E-07 7 223E-07 7 220E-07 7.216E-07 7.212E-07 7.170E-07 1720 *7.202E-07 7 190E-07 7.195E-07 7.191C-07 7 107E-07 7 104E-07 7 100E-07 7.177E-07. 7.173E-07

-1730 -- 7 ; 166E-07 7.163E-07 "7 159E-07 7 4156E-07 ~ 7.152E-07. 7 149E-0 7. -7.145E*07 --7 4142E-07 " 7.130E-07 -- 7.135E-0 7 7.103E-07 7.100E-07 1740 7 13tE-07 7.120E-07 7.124E-07 7.121E-07 7 117E-07 7 114E-07 7.110E-07 7.107E-07 7.069C-07 .7,046E 1750 7.094E-07 7.093E-07 7.090E-07 7 006E-07 7.003E-07 7.0??E-07 7 076E-07 7.072C-07 00 1760-- 7 062E-07 --7.059E-07 " 7.055E 7.052E-07-~7.040E 7.045C 7; 042E-Oi /.030E-07( 7.035E-07 7.032C-07 1770 7 02"E-07 7.025E-07 7.021E-07 7 010E-07 7.015E-07 7.011E-07 7.000E-07 7.005E-07 7.001E-07 6.94SC-07 6.990E-07 1700 6.995E-07 6.991E-07 6.900E-07 6.903E-07 6.901E-07 6.970E-07 6.975E-07 6.971E-07 6.960C-07 6.932C-07 1790 -- 6. 962E-07 '6.95nE-07 -6.Y55E-07 6.952E 6.940E-07 6 945E-07 6 e942E 6.939E-07 r 6.935C-07 6.900r-07 yp 1000 6.929E-07 6 926E-07 6.922E-07 6.919E-V7 6.916E-07 6.913E-07 6.909E-07 6.906E-07 6.903E-07 6.07tE-07 6.0AHE-07 g o o 1010 6.096E-07 6.093E-07 6.090E-07 6.007E-07 6.004E-07 4.000E-07 6.077E-07 6.074C-07

6. 0 49E-07-6.045E-07-6;0 42C-07 -6.03?E 6.0.16E-07 v

$ E '1020"- 6.064E-07 -6.061E 6.050E 6.053E 6.052E-07 6.005E o 1030 6 033E-07 6.030E-07 6.026E-07 6.023E-07 6.020E-07 6.017E-07 4.014E-07 6.011E-07 6.000E-07 6.774C-078%

pEI1040 6.001E-07 6.790E-07 6.795E-07 6.792E-07 6.709E-07 6.706E-07 6.703E-07 6.700E-07 6.777C-07

$ $ 1050 - 6.770E 6.767E-07 6.764E-07 6.761E 6.750E-07 6.755E-07--6.752E-07-- 6.7490-07 6.746E-07 6.743E-07 6.7 8 3C -07 o


" 1060 6.740E-07 6.737E-07 6.734E-07 6.731E-07 6.720E-07 6.725E-07 6.722E-07 6.719E-07 6.716E-07 6.704C-07 4.701E-07 6.690E-07 6.695E-07 6 692E-07 6.609E-07 6.606E-07 6.603C-07 f u 1970 6.710E-07 6.707E-07 -

-1000 ~ 6.600E-07 -6.677E 6.674E 6.671E-07 '"6.660E-07

  • 4.645C-07 ~ 4.662E-07--6 4 659E-07"-6;656E-07-- 6.653C-07 w 1890 6.6SOE-07 6.647E-07 6.644E-07 6.641E-07 6.630E-07 6.435E-07 6.632E-07 6.629E-07 6.627E-07 6.624C-07 1900 6.621E-07 6.610E-07 6.615E-07 6.612E-07 6.609E-07 6.606E-07 6 603E-07 6.600E-07 6.597E-07 6.5V5E-07 l

- 1910 - 6 592E-07 6.5H9E-07 f 6.506E-07 6.503E-07 6.500E-07

  • 6.577E-07 6.574E 6.57?E-07 " 4.569E-07 6.566E-07 ,

i 6.537C-07 i *1920 6.563E-07 6 560E-07 6.557E-07 6.554E-07 6.552C-07 6.549E-07 6.546E-07 6.543E-07 6.540E-07 6.509C-07 1930 6.535E-07 6.530E-07 6.529C-07 6.526C-07 6.523E-07 6.520E-07 6.510E-07 6. 490E-07-'6.4.515E-07 6.512E-07 4 07E-07 -' 6. 40 4 C-07 ~~ 6. 4 0l E-07 194 0 ~ 6.50 6E-Q7 -"6.50 4 E-07 6. 501 E 6. 4 90C-07-6. 495E-07 ' 4. 4 93E-07 6.457E-07 6.454E-07 1960 6.479E-07 6.476E-07 6.473E-07 6.470E-07 6.460E-07 6.465E-07 6.462E-07 6.459E-07 6.427C-07

{ 1960 6.45tE-07 4.440E-07 6.446C-07 6.443E-07 6.440E-07 6.430E-07 6.435E-07 6.400E 6.432E-07 6 405C-07 6.429E-07 6.402E 6. 400E-o/

-1970 6.424E-07 6.421E-07 6.419E-07 6.416E-07 6 413E 6. 410E-07 6.3 76F -07 4. 3 7.K - 0 7 1900 6.397E-07 6.394E-07 6.392E-07 6.309E-07 6.306E-07 6.304E-07 6.301E-07 6 370E-07 l 1990 6.370E-07 6.360E-07 6.3600-07 6.36?C-07 6.360C-07 6.357E-07 6 351C-07 6.3520-076.32.5C-07

.331E 6.320E-07--6.326E-07 6 3491 07 6.3200-6.517r 0/ '

l 200 .344E-07 6.341E-07 6.339E-07 6.3J6E 6.333E-l M m m m m e

19 AD 1850.04.3 Manual Calculations for Gamma Spectroscopy Sample No. Description Sample Date and Time Counting Date and Time Decay Time min Volume ml Count Time see Detector Geometry I

Nuclide Energy key pCi/ml = A- *( 2


3.7 x 104 xExFxGxHxJ Where:

A = Counts in total peak area B = Number of channels integrated C = Counts in first channel of peak D = Counts in last channel of peak E = Efficiency for the detector and geometry used I F = Volume of sample in milliliters G = Gamma abundance of photopeak (decimal fraction)

H = Decay factor e-Att. WhereA equals 0.693147 divided by the half life and t i is the decay time in the same units as the half-life.

J = (1 - eat 2) where t2 is the count time in seconds ~and A is in inverse A seconds. If the count time is less than 10% of the half-life, simply enter the count time in seconds for "J".

, . _ _ .