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Catawba, McGuire and Oconee - Transmittal of Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure SR/0/A/2000/003, Revision 9
Person / Time
Site: Oconee, Mcguire, Catawba, McGuire  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 07/14/2016
From: Nolan M C
Duke Energy Corp
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
RA-16-0026 SR/0/A/2000/003, Rev. 9
Download: ML16196A300 (123)


{{#Wiki_filter:ENERGY Serial: RA-16-0026 July 14, 2016 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555-0001 CATAWBA NUCLEAR STATION, UNITS 1AND2 M. Christopher Nolan 526 South Church Street Charlotte, NC 28202 Mailing Address: Mail Code EC2ZFI P.O. Box 1006 Charlotte, NC 28201-1006



TRANSMITTAL OF EMERGENCY PLAN IMPLEMENTING PROCEDURE: SR/O/A/2000/003 REVISION 9 In accordance with 10 CFR 50.4(b)(5)(iii), 10 CFR 50.54(q)(5) and 10 CFR 50, Appendix E, Section V, Duke Energy is submitting revised Fleet Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure SR/O/A/2000/003 (Activation of the Emergency Operations Facility) Revision 9 for Catawba Nuclear Station, Units 1 and 2, McGuire Nuclear Station, Units 1 and 2 and Oconee Nuclear Station, Units 1, 2 and 3. The effective date of SR/O/A/2000/003, Revision 9 was June 29, 2016. Duke Energy has evaluated this procedure revision in accordance with 10 CFR 50.54(q), and determined that the revision does not constitute a reduction in the effectiveness of the Emergency Plan for Catawba Nuclear Station, Units 1 and 2, McGuire Nuclear Station, Units 1 and 2 and Oconee Nuclear Station, Units 1, 2 and 3 and that the Emergency Plan, as changed, continue to meet the standards of 10 CFR 50.47(b) and the requirements of 10 CFR 50, Appendix E. www.duke-energy .com U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Page 2 of 4 Enclosure 1 provides a 10 CFR 50.54(q)(5) summary for procedure SR/O/A/2000/003 , Revision 9. Enclosure 2 contains a copy of procedure SR/O/A/2000/003, Revision 9. This document contains no regulatory comm i tments. Please refer any questions regarding this submittal to Mr. Art Zaremba at 980-373-2062. Sincerely, M. Christopher Nolan Director -Nuclear Regulatory Affairs Enclosures

1. 10 CFR 50.54(q)(5) Summary 2. Copy of Fleet Emergency Preparedness Procedure U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Page 3 of 4 xc (w/ Enclosures)
C. Haney, Regional Administrator U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

-Region II Marquis One Tower 245 Peachtree Center Ave., NE Suite 1200 Atlanta, GA 30303-1257 Michael D. Orenak, Project Manager (Catawba) U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission One White Flint North 11555 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852-2738 G. Edward Miller, Project Manager (McGuire) V. Sreenivas (temporary Project Manager) U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission One White Flint North, Mail Stop 8 G9A 11555 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852-2738 R. Hall, Senior Project Manager (ONS) U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission One White Flint North, Mail Stop 8 G9A 11555 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852-2738 G.A. Hutto, Ill NRC Senior Resident Inspector Catawba Nuclear Station John Zeiler NRC Senior Resident Inspector McGuire Nuclear Station E.L. Crowe NRC Senior Resident Inspector Oconee Nuclear Station 10 CFR 50.54(q)(5) Summary RA-16-0026 Enclosure 1 In accordance with 10 CFR 50.54(q)(5), Duke Energy is providing a summary of the Fleet Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure being submitted with this letter. SR/O/A/2000/003, Activation of the Emergency Operations Facility, Revision 9 The proposed changes reflected in SR/O/A/2000/003, Revision 9 are clarifications and do not result in a reduction in effectiveness of the Emergency Plan, as written and approved for Catawba, McGuire and Oconee. The changes will ensure that the EOF is returned to a state of readiness after a drill and/or actual event. The procedure revision continues to comply with the requirements of 10 CFR 50.47(b) and 10 CFR 50, Appendix E and the activity does not constitute a reduction in effectiveness or change in the current Emergency Action Level (EAL) scheme. Copy of Fleet Emergency Preparedness Procedure RA-16-0022 Enclosure 2 Duke Energy Procedure No. Standard Procedure for CNS, MNS & ONS SR/0/ A/2000/003 Revision No. Activation of the Emergency Operations Facility 009 Reference Use Electronic Reference No. SHR0005P Activation of the Emergency Operations Facility 1. PURPOSE SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 2 of9 1.1 This procedure describes the emergency responsibilities and duties of the Emergency Operations Facility Emergency Response Organization (ERO) members. 2. DEFINITIONS NOTE: The EOF must be operational using 75 minutes as a goal for the minimum staff to be in place following declaration of an Alert or higher classification. Turnover should occur with the TSC at a time that will not decrease the effectiveness of communications with the offsite agencies.

2.1 Operational

The Emergency Response Facility (e.g., Technical Support Center, Operations Support Center, Emergency Operations Facility) is staffed, ready to receive turnover and ready to perform assigned emergency response functions.

2.2 Activated

The Emergency Response Facility (e.g., Technical Support Center, Operations Support Center, Emergency Operations Facility) has accepted turnover and has direction and control of assigned emergency response functions. NOTE: The following definition is applicable to the Emergency Notification Form Line 6. 2.3 Emergency Release: An unplanned, quantifiable radiological release to the environment during an emergency event. { AD-EP-ALL-0002} NOTE: The following definitions are applicable to the Emergency Notification Form, Line 8. 2.4 Degrading: Plant conditions involve at least one of the following: Plant parameters (e.g., temperature, pressure, level, voltage, frequency) are trending unfavorably away from expected or desired values AND plant conditions could result in a higher classification or Protective Action Recommendation (PAR) before the next up notification. Site conditions (e.g., wind, ice/snow, ground tremors, hazardous/toxic/radioactive material leak, fire, security event) impacting plant operations or personnel safety are worsening AND plant conditions could result in a higher classification or Protective Action Recommendation (PAR) before the next follow-up notification.

2.5 Improving

Plant conditions involve at least one of the following: SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 3 of9 Plant parameters (e.g., temperature, pressure, level, voltage, frequency) are trending favorably toward expected or desired values AND plant conditions could result in a lower classification or emergency termination before the next follow-up notification. Site conditions (e.g., wind, ice/snow, ground tremors hazardous/toxic/radioactive material leak, fire, security events) have become less of a threat to plant operations or personnel safety AND plant conditions could result in a lower classification or emergency termination before the next follow-up notification.

2.6 Stable

Plant conditions are neither degrading nor improving.

  • This procedure and the position specific enclosures are not intended to be followed in a serial step-by-step sequence.
  • Instructions and guidance steps are to be implemented as applicable for the specific needs of the event.
  • Use hard copy (paper) forms or electronic equivalents to complete all forms.
  • References to "Status Boards" may refer to physical displays mounted in the facility or electronic displays either projected, displayed on large monitors or on personal computer monitors.

3.1 General

instructions for all ERO members. 3.1.1 Ensure appropriate checklist, logs and forms are completed. 3 .1.2 Provide critical information to appropriate personnel upon receipt rather than waiting for a time out or roundtable discussion. SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 4 of9 3.1.3 Use "Attention in the EOF" to announce critical information in the facility. NOTE {IER Ll-13-10}:

  • The Emergency Response Organization structure is scalable and flexible, based on the size, complexity, and the specifics of the hazard environment created by the emergency event. Additional functional elements (e.g., ERO positions) can be established to enhance the management and coordination of the event. o When the emergency event's complexity increases, then the ERO can expand, as additional functional responsibilities are needed. o When the complexity decreases, then the ERO can contract, when those additional functional responsibilities are no longer needed.
  • The makeup and structure of the EOF will be determined by the EOF Director.
  • EOF staffing may be required for extended periods of time (e.g., greater than 10 days for BDBEEs, ELAP, etc.). 3.1.4 IF additional personnel are needed to support the emergency or for 24-hour coverage, THEN refer to the following for telephone numbers:
  • ERO Member Contact Information notebook on the EOF Director's Area bookshelf (home, office and cell phone numbers).
  • Duke Energy Enterprise Phone Book (office and cell phone numbers).
  • Emergency Response Organization (ERO) database by contacting the EOF Emergency Planner. 3.1.5 IE equipment problems occur, THEN contact the following:
  • Computer -EOF Data Coordinator
  • Communications systems and other facility equipment

-EOF Services Manager SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 5 of9 NOTE: When using the OAC to trend plant data for decision purposes, please note that reducing the trend screen overall size can cause the plotted data to be suspect upon restoration to full size. It is recommended that trend plots be minimized using the standard windows button (the button in the top right that has the underbar). The software code is designed to refresh the trend screens upon restoration to full size from a minimized state. A second method is to have the OAC redraw the trend after restoring the trend screen to full size. 3.2 IF access to SDS data is desired, THEN login to system as follows: 3.2.1 From DAE main screen, select Search DAE tab. 3.2.2 Type SDS in Search box and press Enter. 3.2.3 Select Catawba OAC SDS, McGuire OAC SDS, or Oconee OAC SDS as applicable.

3.2.4 Select

Run Application.

3.2.5 Logon

with LAN ID and Password as follows: NAM\UserID Password 3.2.6 Select the desired OAC to access by checking the box and then clicking the Start button. You can start multiple sessions if desired. CNS

  • Cl RTPRI
  • ProDAC
  • Simulator
  • Spare Sim
  • EP Sim
  • ProDaC
  • Simulator
  • Sim Backup
  • 01 OAC
  • 020AC
  • 030AC
  • Simulator A
  • Simulator B
  • Simulator ICS
  • Sim Develop
  • ProDaC 3.2.7 Access emergency response displays as follows: Catawba/McGuire SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 6 of9 Enter GD (space)"Group Display Name" in the white box at the upper right portion of the screen. Catawba Specific Group Display Name ERDSl ERDS2 EROCONT EROCOREl EROCORE2 EROCORE3 EROINJCT ERO PLEAK EROS LEAK ERO PRIM ERODOSE ERORXG EROSAMG EROSECND MET McGuire Specific Group Display Name ER0-1 EROCONT EROCORE EROINJCT ERO PRIM ERO RDS EROSECND WEATHER Group Display Description ERDS Group 1 ERDS Group 2 Selected values associated with containment.

Incore temperature values Additional incore temperature values Additional incore temperature values Selected letdown/charging values Selected primary to containment leakage values Selected primary to secondary leakage values Selected primary system values Selected Dose Assessment Points Selected Value for Reactor Engineer Selected SAMG Values Selected secondary system values Met Tower Points Group Display Description Selected plant parameters Emergency Response Containment Emergency Response Incore Emergency Response Injection Emergency Response Primary Selected Dose Assessment Points Emergency Response Secondary. Weather Data Oconee SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 7 of9 Enter applicable Tum On code in the white box at the upper right portion of the screen. Oconee Specific Tum On Code Name ERO MENU EROPRI EROS EC EROCONT EROAUX ERO AREA EROPROC EROENV EROECCS ERDSMENU Tum On Code Description Menu Access for Oconee Data Screens Selected Primary System values Selected Secondary System values Selected Containment Condition values Selected Radiation Monitor values Selected Area Radiation Monitor values Selected Process Radiation Monitor values Selected values for Dose Assessment and Field Monitoring use Selected ECCS values Menu Access for Oconee ERDS Data 3.2 The Emergency Plant Status application has also been established for Oconee emergency response use. This application is available from DAE. 3.2.1 To launch the Emergency Plant Status application, from DAE select Search DAE and type in Emergency Plant Status. 3.2.2 Select the Emergency Plant Status -ONS 3.2.3 Select Run Application

3.2.4 Enter

your password and verify domain as NAM. 3.4 IF EOF facility in Energy Center is unavailable, THEN establish Alternate EOF at designated alternate location {IER Ll-13-10}:

  • Catawba Nuclear Station ev e nt -McGuir e Administration Building per E nclosure 6.25
  • McGuire Nuclear Station event -Catawba Administration Building per Enclosure 6.26
  • Oconee Nuclear Station event -Catawba Administration Building per EncJosure 6.26 SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 8 of9 3.5 Perform the applicable actions for the event using instructions and guidance in the following enclosures:

ERO Position Title Enclosure EOF Director/Assistant EOF Director 6.1 EOF Director/ Assistant EOF Director Checklist Radiological Assessment Manager 6.6 Radiological Assessment Manager Checklist EOF Dose Assessor 6.7 EOF Dose Assessor Checklist Field Monitoring Coordinator

6.8 Field

Monitoring Coordinator Checklist Radio Operator 6.9 Radio Operator Checklist EOF Offsite Agency Communicator 6.10 EOF Offsite Agency Communicator Checklist EOF Services 6.11 EOF Services Administration/Commissary Administration/Commissary Checklist Accident Assessment Manager 6.12 Accident Assessment Manager Checklist Accident Assessment Interface 6.13 Accident Assessment Interface Checklist Operations Interface Checklist 6.14 Operations Interface Checklist Reactor Physics 6.15 Reactor Physics Checklist EOF Emergency Planner 6.16 EOF Emergency Planner Checklist EOF Log Recorder 6.17 EOF Log Recorder Checklist EOF Data Coordinator 6.18 E OF Data Coordinator Checklist EOF Services Manager 6.19 EOF Services Manager Checklist


4.1 Catawba

Nuclear Station (CNS) Emergency Plan 4.2 McGuire Nuclear Station (MNS) Emergency Plan 4.3 Oconee Nuclear Station (ONS) E mergency Plan

5. RECORDS SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 9 of9 5.1 All logs, forms and records completed as the result of implementing this procedure during an actual declared event shall be retained as permanent plant records. Nuclear Generation Record Retention Rule Number 421734, "Procedures-Technical Completed." 5 .2 All checklists, logs and forms completed as the result of implementing this procedure shall be collected at the end of the event and provided to the site Emergency Preparedness Manager. 6. Enclosures 6.1 EOF Director/

Assistant EOF Director Checklist

6.2 Catawba

Offsite Protective Actions 6.3 McGuire Offsite Protective Actions 6.4 Oconee Offsite Protective Actions 6.5 Emergency Classification Downgrade/Termination 6.6 Radiological Assessment Manager Checklist 6.7 EOF Dose Assessor Checklist

6.8 Field

Monitoring Coordinator Checklist

6.9 Radio

Operator Checklist 6.10 EOF Offsite Agency Communicator Checklist 6.11 EOF Services Administration/Commissary Checklist 6.12 Accident Assessment Manager Checklist 6.13 Accident Assessment Interface Checklist 6.14 Operations Interface Checklist 6.15 Reactor Physics Checklist 6.16 EOF Emergency Planner Checklist 6.17 EOF Log Recorder Checklist 6.18 EOF Data Coordinator Checklist 6.19 EOF Services Manager Checklist 6.20 Establishing Communications Links Between McGuire SAMG Evaluators 6.21 Oconee Recovery Guidelines 6.22 Keowee Hydro Dam/Dikes -Imminent Failure/Potential Failure Descriptions 6.23 EOF Evacuation Checklist 6.24 EOF Briefing Guideline 6.25 Setup of Catawba Alternate EOF in McGuire Admin Bldg. 6.26 Setup of McGuire or Oconee Alternate EOF in Catawba Admin Bldg. 6.27 NRC Response Team Briefing 6.28 Commitments for SR/O/B/2000/003 INITIAL Enclosure 6.1 EOF Director/Assistant EOF Director Checklist SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 1of15 NOTE: Steps in this checklist may be performed in any order appropriate to the specific event conditions or they may be omitted if not applicable. __ IF reporting to EOF outside your normal work hours, THEN complete a Fitness for Duty Questionnaire. Don position badge. Log in to PC Log in to WebEOC. Sign in on Sign In board. NOTE: The EOF Log Recorder will maintain the official log for the EOF Director/Assistant EOF Director. The EOF Director/Assistant EOF Director may maintain an additional log if desired. Establish Position Log of activities sufficient to conduct turnover for on-coming shift. Establish communications with Emergency Coordinator or Assistant Emergency Coordinator in affected site's TSC:

  • Use affected site's EOF Director to Emergency Coordinator Ringdown phone (Catawba and McGuire only) OR
  • Catawba TSC, 9-803-701-5870 OR
  • McGuire TSC, 9-980-875-4950 OR
  • Oconee TSC, 9-1-864-873-3921 NOTE: EOF access is controlled through the use of a monitored card reader process. Verify Energy Center Building Security personnel are monitoring the EOF entrance card reader. NOTE: The following step is needed for EOF data display. The Accident Assessment Manager updates the Fission Product Barrier status board.

__ Establish Fission Product Barrier status board display as follows. D Log in to Assistant EOF Director computer. 0 Log in to WebEOC. D Click on Fission Product Barrier Status -SITE. D Drag to right monitor AND maximize. Enclosure 6.1 EOF Director/ Assistant EOF Director Checklist SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 2of15 INITIALS -----PRINTED NAME ___________ (EOF Director) INITIALS -----PRINTED NAME __________ (Asst. EOF Director) NOTE: 1. Enclosure 6.1 EOF Director/Assistant EOF Director Checklist SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 3of15 IF the emergency situation prevents activating the TSC within 75 minutes of declaration, THEN the Control Room will:

  • Tum over responsibility for classification and state and county notification to EOF.
  • Maintain responsibility for NRC Event Notification until released by NRC Communicator in TSC.
  • Maintain responsibility for continuous phone communications to the NRC until relieved by the NRC Communicator in the TSC. 2. IF TSC remains unavailable and EOF cannot take responsibility for classification and state and county notification, THEN the Control Room will maintain these responsibilities until one of the facilities is capable of turnover. IF emergency situation prevents activating TSC within 75 minutes of declaration, THEN --contact affected Site's Control Room: Person Notified/Date/Time D Catawba Control Room , 9-803-701-5164 _____________

/ __ _ D McGuire Control Room, 9-980-875-4138 ___________ / ___ _ D Oconee Unit 1and2 Control Room, 9-1-864-873-2159 / ___ _ D Oconee Unit 3 Control Room, 9-1-864-873-2160 I ----Verify EOF minimum staffing positions are prepared to assume their EOF duties prior to declaring the EOF operational: EOF Director Accident Assessment Manager Radiological Assessment Manager Off-Site Agency Communicator Off-Site Agency Communicator. OR IF Less than the above listed minimum EOF positions are filled, AND The 75-minute EOF operational time requirement is near, AND An extra person(s) is available whom the EOF Director believes is capable of filling a missing position(s) based on the training, experience and skills required by the ERO training program -ETQS 7111.0, Emergency Response Training AND An appropriate log entry is made. __ Request Offsite Agency Communicator monitor EOF Fax 704-382-1825. Enclosure 6.1 EOF Director/Assistant EOF Director Checklist SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 4of15 NOTE: For all drills, messages should be preceded with "This is a drill. This is a drill." Announce over EOF public address system: "Anyone who is reporting to this facility outside of your normal work hours must complete a Fitness for the Duty Form. If you have consumed alcohol within the past five (5) hours or believe your work quality may be compromised due to fatigue, sickness, or other potentially impairing conditions, notify either the EOF Director, Assistant EOF Director, or the appropriate lead in your functional area." Declare EOF operational. EOF operational time: _________ _ NOTE: For all drills, messages should be preceded with "This is a drill. This is a drill." Announce over EOF public address system: "Attention all EOF personnel. This and as of ___ hours, (EOF Director's Name) the EOF is operational. Each EOF functional area should perform a Take a Minute in its work area." Notify Emergency Coordinator or Assistant Emergency Coordinator that the EOF is: -Operational -Gathering plant status information -Ready to receive turnover at the Emergency Coordinator's convenience. Review definitions in Section 2 of this procedure. NOTE: The following step may be accomplished by conducting a Time Out or by verifying the level of readiness with the individuals in the positions. Verify the following positions, at a minimum, are ready to activate and prepared to perform the next offsite agency notification. Accident Assessment Manager Radiological Assessment Manager Lead Off-Site Agency Communicator NOTE: The Emergency Coordinator or Assistant Emergency Coordinator should fax the Emergency Coordinator Turnover Checklist to the E OF. The "E mergency Coordinator Turnover Checklist" is provided on p age 15 of this e nclosure. __ IF a classification change occurs during turnover , THEN suspend turnover until CR OR TSC declares and transmits notification to offsite agencies. Enclosure 6.1 EOF Director/Assistant EOF Director Checklist SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 5of15 Receive turnover from Emergency Coordinator or Assistant Emergency Coordinator utilizing the "Emergency Coordinator Turnover Checklist" or equivalent. Prepare or delegate to Assistant EOF Director preparations for briefing NRC by completing job --aid in Enclosure 6.27 NOTE: The EOF Director is responsible for determining Emergency Classifications, approving Protective Action Recommendations, and approving Offsite Agency Emergency Notification Forms after the EOF is activated. These responsibilities remain with the EOF Director and shall not be delegated. Inform Emergency Coordinator that EOF is ready to activate. NOTE: For all messages should be preceded with "This is a drill. This is a drill." Announce over the EOF public address system: "Attention all EOF personnel. The EOF was activated at hours. This is ______ . I am the EOF Director and have taken responsibility for emergency management from the Emergency Coordinator in the Technical Support Center. At this time, the EOF has command and control for emergency classification, offsite notifications, protective action recommendations, field monitoring, and offsite agency interface. The current emergency classification is . The following is a summary of the plant status Additional information will be provided to you as conditions change. The next offsite agency notification shall be transmitted by hours. The EOF staff shall prepare for a time-out and a roundtable discussion at hours." IF AT ANY TIME there is a need to deviate from normal work practices, THEN refer to OP-ALL-1000, Conduct of Operations, Attachment 7, Deviations from Normal Work Processes/Requirements Documentation, to document the deviation. {IER Ll-13-10} Review current emergency classification with EOF staff and verify it meets criteria in:

  • Catawba RP/O/A/5000/001 OR
  • McGuire RP/O/A/5700/000 OR
  • Oconee RP/O/A/1000/001.

__ IF a Hostile Action Based (HAB) event AND an Incident Command Post (ICP) has been established, THEN ensure EOF communications with Control Room and Operations ICP Liaison as follows:

  • Catawba Operations ICP Bridge Line 9-803-701-5708 (Spare ICP Bridge Line 9-803-701-5800).
  • McGuire Operations Bridge Line 9-980-875-4500.

NOTE: Enclosure 6.1 EOF Director/Assistant EOF Director Checklist SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 6of15

  • Oconee Operations ICP Bridge Line 9-1-864-885-4908 (Spare ICP Bridge Line 9-1-864-873-4905). 1. The first message from the EOF should include EOF activation time on Line 13. 2. IF data changes during review of the emergency notification form, it is a good practice to require the EOF staff to do a "clean sweep" through the form prior to approval.

Enclosure 6.1 EOF Director/ Assistant EOF Director Checklist SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 7of15 __ Notify Offsite Agency Communicator to make emergency notifications according to the following schedule: Initial Notifications

1. Initial notifications to the State(s) and counties must be made within 15 minutes of the event declaration time using the Emergency Notification form (ENF). 2. For an upgrade in classification prior to or while transmitting an initial message: -The notification for the lesser emergency classification must be made within 15 minutes of the lesser classification declaration time. -The agencies must be informed that an upgrade in classification will be coming. -The upgraded classification message must be transmitted within 15 minutes of the upgraded classification declaration time. 3. Initial messages in the General Emergency classification that involve an upgrade in PARs must be communicated to the offsite agencies as soon as possible and within 15 minutes. Follow-up Notifications
1. Follow-up notifications to the State(s) and Counties must be made according to the following schedule:

Catawba McGuire Oconee -For NOUE, ALERT, SAE, or GE, -For NOUE, every 4 hours until the -For NOUE, a follow-up is not every hour until the emergency is emergency is terminated. required. terminated. -For ALERT, SAE, or GE, -For ALERT, SAE, or GE, every 60 Catawba -If there is any significant change to the situation (make notification as soon as possible). Catawba -As agreed upon with an Emergency Management official from each individual agency. Documentation shall be maintained for any agreed upon schedule change. -The interval shall not be greater than 4 hours to any agency. every hour until the emergency is minutes until the emergency is terminated. terminated. OR McGuire -If there is any significant change to the situation (make notification as soon as possible). OR McGuire -As agreed upon with an Emergency Management official from each individual agency. Documentation shall be maintained for any agreed upon schedule change. -The interval for ALERT, SAE, or GE shall not be greater than 2 hours to any agency. Oconee -If there is any significant change to the situation (make notification as the change occurs). See NOTE* below for examples of changes. Oconee -Required every 60 minutes from the notification time on Line 2 for ALERT, SAE, or GE. -This frequency may be changed at the request of offsite agencies.

  • NOTE (Oconee):

Examples of significant plant changes include: evacuation/relocation of site personnel, fires onsite , MERT activation and/or injured personnel transported offsite, chemical spills , explosions, Condition "A" or "B" for Keowee Hydro Project Dams/Dikes, or any event that would cause or require offsite agency response.

2. If a follow-up is due and an upgrade to a higher classification is declared, there is no need to complete the up ENF. In this case , the offsite agencies must be notified that the pending follow-up is being superseded by an upgrad e to a higher classification and information will be provided.

Enclosure 6.1 EOF Director/Assistant EOF Director Checklist SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 8of15 IF AT ANY TIME Site Area Emergency is declared, THEN consult Accident Assessment Manager and Radiological Assessment Manager to determine potential zones for protective action recommendations. IF AT ANY TIME General Emergency is declared, THEN EOF Director shall IMMEDIATELY (within 15 minutes) make Protective Action Recommendations to offsite agencies on Emergency Notification Form (ENF) using: o Enclosure 6.2 -Catawba Offsite Protective Actions o Enclosure 6.3 -McGuire Offsite Protective Actions o Enclosure 6.4 -Oconee Offsite Protective Action IF changes to Protective Action Recommendations are approved by the EOF Director , THEN ensure changes are transmitted to offsite agencies within 15 minutes. CAUTION: If a zone has been accurately selected for evacuation, it shall remain selected. Evaluate specific plant conditions , offsite dose projections, field monitoring team dat a, and determine need to update Protective Action Recommendations. Review dose projections with Radiological Assessm e nt Manager to determine if Protective Action Recommendations are required beyond the 10-mile EPZ. __ IF Protective Action Recommendations are required beyond 10 miles, THEN notify the states and counties to consider sheltering/evacuat i on of general population beyond 10-mile EPZ. NOTE: Descriptions ofKeowee Hydro Dam/Dike Imminent Failure/Potential Failure are provided in Enclosure 6.22. IF Imminent Dam Failure (Keowee or Jocassee) exists , THEN make Protective Action Recommendations to Oconee County and Pickens County for imminent/actual dam failure on Emergency Notification Form Line SE (Other): Move residents living downstream of the Keowee Hydro Project dams to higher ground. Prohibit traffic flow across bridges identified on your inundation maps until the danger has passed. Enclosure 6.1 EOF Director/Assistant EOF Director Checklist SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 9of15 __ Communicate, or delegate to the Assistant EOF Director the responsibility to communicate, plant status to County Directors of Emergency Management, State Liaisons or State Directors of Emergency Management

  • EOF State Liaisons communicate information from EOF Director to County/State representatives using the Duke Emergency Management Network (DEMNET).

NOTE: 1. Detailed instructions for the use of the DEMNET Ethernet Phone are provided in AD-EP-ALL-0406, Duke Emergency Management Network (DEMNET).

2. All agencies for a specific site can be contacted on DEMNET using the appropriate DEMNET Plant Name "DL-ALL Call" OR "DL-EOC Only" pre-designated group call. 3. A specific agency for a particular site can be contacted using a DEMNET point-to-point call. 4. State and County telephone numbers can be obtained from the appropriate site's Emergency Telephone Directory.
  • Use DEMNET OR EOF Director/Assistant EOF Director telephone to contact appropriate states/ counties.

Catawba Site Specific York --Mecklenburg --Gaston --NC --SC --McGuire Site Specific --Mecklenburg Gaston --Lincoln --Iredell --Catawba --Cabarrus --NC --Oconee Site Specific --Ocon ee County --Pickens County SC -- Enclosure 6.1 EOF Director/Assistant EOF Director Checklist SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 10of15 IF Protective Action Recommendations have been provided to the States and Counties, THEN request protective action decision information from the SDEPs AND CDEPs: Zones Evacuated: Information Received from: Inform Emergency Coordinator OR Assistant Emergency Coordinator of SDEPs and CDEPs protective action decisions and other offsite conditions. NOTE: Wireless mikes are available for use during round tables/timeouts. {38} Perform the following steps as needed throughout the event:

  • Conduct a time-out and hold a roundtable discussion approximately every hour, coordinated with the TSC, with the EOF staff using Enclosure 6.24 to discuss: -Emergency Classification

-Protective Action Recommendations -Emergency Notification Form status -Offsite dose projections -Mitigation strategies -Termination criteria as defined in Enclosure 6.5.

  • Ensure roundtables/time-outs enable EOF members to know what is going on , what to anticipate, and understand focus and priorities.
  • Announce to the EOF the emergency classification, plant status, and priorities via the EOF public address system following EOF time-outs.
  • Emergency Coordinator or Assistant Emergency Coordinator updates may be broadcast on EOF public address system.
  • Advise Emergency Coordinator or Assistant Emergency Coordinator of: -All aspects of the emergency situation, including alternate strategies outside of procedures as plant conditions dictate -Emergency Classification changes -Protective Action Recommendations changes -Mitigation strategies

-Contingency plans. Enclosure 6.1 EOF Director/Assistant EOF Director Checklist SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 11 of 15 NOTE: 1. 1 OCFR50.54(x) states that a licensee may take reasonable action that departs from a license condition or technical specification in an emergency, when this action is immediately needed to protect the health and safety of the public and no action consistent with license conditions or technical specifications that can provide adequate or equivalent protection is immediately apparent. Ultimate responsibility for plant response in an emergency resides in the highest authority in the chain of command of the facility licensee available to make a decision about the response. The on duty OSM should be consulted and his concurrence obtained before invoking IOCFR50.54(x).

2. Examples of potential IOCFR50.54(x) action items include: -Deviation from an Emergency Procedure.

-Rerouting system piping to temporarily restore system flow. -Re-alignment of electrical power systems outside of procedural guidance. -Using mitigation strategies not established by the SAMG guidelines.

3. IF the TSC is activated, the TSC Emergency Coordinator makes the decision to invoke 1 OCFR50.54(x).
  • WHEN restoring power in a LOOP event, THEN have the risk significance of power restoration assessed for risk potential by Accident Assessment personnel.
  • Authorize emergency worker extensions ifthe radiation exposure doses are expected to exceed the blanket dose extension limits authorized by the Radiation Protection Manager using: -Catawba RP/O/A/5000/018

-McGuire RP/O/A/5700/020 -Oconee RP/O/B/10001011. NOTE: The Emergency Action Level descriptions on Line 4 of the Emergency Notification Form have been pre-screened.

  • IF the event involves a security threat, THEN consult the job aid, "Nuclear Security Approved Messages for Security Related Events/Issues," in the EOF Director's notebook for guidance in developing remarks for Line 13 of the Emergency Notification Form. NOTE: Personnel without badge access will need to be escorted into the EOF by the Assistant EOF Director , EOF Emergency Planner, EOF Services Manager, or their Mentor. [61]
  • Approve personnel with training deficiencies prior to their participation as EOF staff members. This approval shall be documented in the E OF Facility Log.
  • Document personnel escorted into the EOF in the EOF Facility log.
  • Tum over EOF Director duties to the Assistant EOF Director prior to leaving the EOF Director's Area.

Enclosure 6.1 EOF Director/Assistant EOF Director Checklist SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 12of15

  • IF necessary to relieve Duke Energy personnel, THEN request environmental surveillance support personnel from DOE Radiological Assessment Plan by contacting DOE -Savannah River Site.
  • Periodically review the staffing levels in the EOF to ensure adequate resources are in place to deal with response/recovery, and direct the EOF Services Manager to coordinate with the appropriate department, agency, or companies.
  • IF events affect more than one nuclear site, THEN refer to the multi-site event staffing chart in the Oconee Emergency Plan, Figure B-11
  • IF a beyond design basis external event (BDBEE) or extended loss of AC power (ELAP) event impacts multiple units at a single site, THEN evaluate the need for unit-specific responses (e.g., SAMG , EDMG, FSG, etc.) and unit-specific response teams. {IER L-1-10} NOTE: The job aid, "Questions Corporate Communications may ask (based on initiating event)," is available in the EOF Director's notebook for guidance.
  • Provide information to Corporate Communications for news releases.
  • IF EOF needs to be ev a cuated, THEN refer to E OF Evacuation Checklist in Enclosure 6.23. Verify EOF Emergency Planner completes "EOF 24-Hour Staffing Log" in Enclosure 6.16. IF needed, THEN c onduct turnover for on-coming shift. Assist TSC E mergency Coordinator or Assistant TSC Emergency Coordinator as a Decision Maker upon entry into Severe Accident Management Guide1ines (SAMG). (Catawba and McGuire) Refer to Enclosure 6.5 (Emergency Classification Downgrade/Termination Criteria) for guidance to downgrade or terminate an emergency event. NOTE: The offsite Recovery Organization will stay at the EOF and work with the counties and states if radiological conditions exist beyond the site boundary. The On-Site Recovery Organi z at i on will be established by the Emergency Coordin at or. IF needed , THEN establish Recov e ry Organization
D Catawba RP/O/A/5000/025 D McGuire RP/O/A/5700/024 o Oconee RP/O/B/1000/027 and guidance in Enclo s ure 6.21.

Enclosure 6.1 EOF Director/Assistant EOF Director Checklist Terminate the emergency event in accordance with applicable procedure: Notification of Unusual Event

  • Catawba-RP/O/N5000/002
  • McGuire -RP/O/N5700/001
  • Oconee -Page 13 of this enclosure Alert
  • Catawba -RP/O/N5000/003
  • McGuire -RP/O/N5700/002
  • Oconee -Page 13 of this enclosure Site Area Emergency
  • Catawba-RP/O/N5000/004
  • McGuire -RP/O/ N5700/003
  • Oconee -Page 13 of this enclosure General Emergency
  • Catawba -RP/O/A/5000/005
  • McGuire -RP/O/N5700/004.
  • Oconee -Page 13 of this enclosure SRJO/ A/2000/003 Page 13of15 NOTE: During declared emergencies, Duke Energy does not need to meet Fatigue Rule Work Hour Controls.

Once the declared emergency or the unannounced drill has been terminated, ALL HOURS worked during the declared emergency will be included in future work hour calculations, including the determination of minimum breaks between shifts. {69} __ Announce the following: "Covered Workers need to ensure that all hours worked during an augmentation drill or a declared emergency are entered into MyTime prior to leaving the site. Supervisors should consider the need for to initiate a waiver in MyTime per NSD-200 Section 200.8." Conduct a critique following termination of drill or actual event. __ Provide all completed paperwork to Emergency Preparedness following termination of a drill or actual event. Enclosure 6.1 EOF Director/Assistant EOF Director Checklist Close out an Oconee emergency event as listed below: SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 14of15 __ IF an event meets termination criteria for General Emergency in Enclosure 6.5, Emergency Classification Downgradeff ermination, THEN inform NRC Site Team Director (STD) and SDEM that termination criteria have been met.

  • Secure agreement from the two directors to terminate the event.
  • Document names and time decision made below. SDEM NRCSTD Telephone Number 9-1-803-737-8500 (In person in EOF)
  • Request lead Offsite Agency Communicator to complete Termination Message and transmit it in accordance with SR/O/ A/2000/004 (Notification to State and Counties from the Emergency Operations Facility) and terminate the emergency.

IF terminating from an Unusual Event, Alert, or Site Area Emergency, THEN

  • Request lead Offsite Agency Communicator to complete Termination Message and transmit it in accordance with SR/O/ A/2000/004 (Notification to State and Counties from the Emergency Operations Facility) and terminate the emergency.
  • Notify the following agencies:

SDEM Telephone Number 9-1-803-73 7-8500 OR, IF the SEOC has not been activated, the County Emergency Management Directors (CEMD) OconeeCDEM Pickens CDEM Telephone Number 9-1-864-638-4200 9-1-864-898-5943 IF terminating from an emergency involving dam failure (Keowee or Jocassee ),

  • Discuss termination with Hydro Central (Refer to Section 6 of the Oconee Emergency Telephone Directory, Keowee Hydro Project Dam/Dike Notification).


6.2 Catawba

Offsite Protective Actions Protective Action Guides SR/0/ N2000/003 Page 1of6 Protective Action Recommendations (PARs) for the public apply during a General Emergency, and include sheltering, evacuation and consideration of KI use. PARs are based on plant conditions independent of projected dose, and can also be based on projected dose. Protective Action Guides (PAGs) are levels of radiation dose at which prompt protective actions should be initiated and are based on EPA-400-R-92-001, Manual of Protective Action Guides and Protective Actions for Nuclear Incidents. The projected dose P ARs specified in this enclosure are based on the PAGs listed below. The PAG for KI is taken from Potassium Iodide as a Thyroid Blocking Agent in Radiation Emergencies, FDA Guidance, November 2001 and Guidance for Industry, KI in Radiation Emergencies, Questions and Answers, FDA, December 2002. {23} PROTECTIVE ACTION GUIDES (PAGs) (Projected Dose or Field Measurements) Total Effective Dose Committed Dose Equivalent (TEDE) Equivalent (CDE) Thyroid > 1 Rem >5Rem INITIALS PRINTED NAME En cl osure 6.2 Catawba Offsite Protective Actions Flowchart -INITIAL PAR SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 2of6 GE Has Been Declared (S, ee Note 1)

  • EVACUATE 2-mile Radiu.s
  • EVACUATE 2-5 miles Downwind
  • SHELTER 5-10 miles Downwind Recommend the consideration of Kl IJSi! by th e public. Go to 6.2-, Pa,ge 3 , of,6 fo:r EXPANDED PAR No p A R No p A R Note 1: For all PARs,affected Protective Action Zones (Zones) are defined in En clo sure 6.2, Page 4 of 6. Not e2: RPSA criteria:
  • First PAR after GE Declaration AND
  • LOSS of Containment Barrier per RP/O/A/5 000/001, En clo sure 4. L AND o C-0ntainment Radiation Monitor E..Mf53A *or E..MF53B reading exceeds C-0ntainment Barrier POTENIIALLOSSEAL tlweshold perRP/O/A/5 0 00/001 ,Enclosure OR o Radiological release such that doses are pr'Ojected to exoeed EPA PAGsat the s ire boundary within an hour (EAL 4.3.G.1) (![ RPSAconditions can NOT be oonfum ed , THEN answer NO). (SeeNotel)
  • SH El T ER2-m il e Radius
  • SH ElTER2-5m ilesDownwind p A R No R*ecommend t he I P oonsideration of Kl A by th e public. R (SeeNotel)
  • EVACUATE 2-mile Radius
  • EVACUATE 2-5 miles DowllWind!

p A R No Enclosure

6.2 Catawba

Offsite Protective Actions Flowchart-EXPANDED PAR SR/0/ N2000/003 Page 3of6 Note I: For all PARs,affected Pro t ectiY*e Action Zones (Zones) are defined in Enclosure

  • 6.2,. Page 4 of 6. IF a Zone has been accurately selected for *e\*a...'"Uation. it shall remain selected.

Not e 2: A short-term releue is *one that can be a<<;urafely profected to be< fur , ee hours and controlled by the lioen!lee. This consideration "'ould typically apply to controlled venting of containment Not e 3: Plant cond.itions ex i st which would require the classification of a Genetal Emergency per the EA.Ls. Thi s *does NOT include cons i deration of offsite dose-based EAI.s. No No Yes Y*es (S ee Not e 1)

  • SH ELTER 2-mile Radius (S ee Note ll.) From INITBL PAR Enc. 6.l , Page 2 of 6 Continuous .Assessment Evaluate PAR bas-ed on changes in any of the follo w ing:
  • Increase in dos-e assessment projected values.
  • Increne in field measurement values.
  • Shift in 15-minute average wind direction resu l ting in additional zooes being affected.
  • Termination of adive hostile action ae:ainst the site.
  • IF RPSA, when safer to do so consid;. evacuation of sheltered mnes bned upon radiological assessment and diseussions with Offsite Agencies. No Yes
  • SHH TER 2-5 miles Downwind p A R
  • EVACUATE 2-mil e Radius p A R EVACUATE Zones that exceed PAGs. tf pro j ected do5e or field me asurements 5 rem COE Thyroid then reoommen:d the 'consideration of Kl t.5e by the public. p A R
  • SHEl..TER additional Zones that exceed PAGs
  • EVACUATE 2-5 miles Downwind INITIAL Enclosure

6.2 Catawba

Offsite Protective Actions SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 4of6 CAUTION: A short term release is any release that can be projected to be 3 hours or less in duration. An example would be a "puff release". A controlled release is one that can be started and stopped at the licensee's discretion, such as the venting of Containment for pressure control. IF a release is short term AND controlled, sheltering in lieu of evacuation should be considered. {36} NOTE: 1. If necessary, obtain needed data from one of the following sources in order of sequence: A. Catawba SDS (Group Display "ERORD5") B. Duke Energy Meteorologist (2-0139, 3-7896, OR 2-4316) C. National Weather Service in Greer, S.C. (9-1-864-879-1085, 9-1-800-268-7785

2. OAC/SDS wind direction can be displayed as greater than 360 degrees. To arrive at wind direction for table below, subtract 360 from wind direction indications greater than 360 degrees. IF AT ANY TIME a General Emergency is declared , THEN make immediate PROTECTIVE ACTION RECOMMENDATIONS (PARs) within 15 minutes to be entered on Line 5 of the Emergency Notification Form (ENF). Determine the PARs based on the 15-minute average upper wind direction (OAC point C1P0250) as below: Protective Action Zones Wind Direction 2-Mile Radius 2-5 Miles Downwind 5-10 Miles Downwind (RPSA Only) 348.75 -11.25 AO Bl, Cl, DI B2, C2, D2 11.26 -33.75 AO Cl, DI C2,D2 33.76 -56.25 AO Cl, DI, El C2, D2 , E2 56.26 -78.75 AO Cl, DI, El, Fl C2, D2, E2, F2 78.76 -101.25 AO Cl, DI, El, Fl D2, E2, F2 101.26 -123.75 AO Dl, El, Fl D2, E2, F2, F3 123.76 -146.25 AO El, Fl E2,F2,F3 146.26 -168.75 AO Al , El , Fl A2 , E2, F2 , F3 168.76 -191.25 AO Al, El, Fl A2,F2, F3 191.26 -213.75 AO Al, Bl, El, Fl A2, A3, B2, F2, F3 213.76 -236.25 AO Al, Bl, FI A2, A3, B2 , F2, F3 236.26 -258.75 AO Al, Bl , Fl A2, A3, B2, F3 258.76 -281.25 AO Al , Bl, Cl A2 , A3, B2, C2 281.26 -303.75 AO Al, Bl, Cl A2, A3, B2 , C2 303.76 -326.25 AO Bl, Cl A3 , B2, C2 326.26 -348.74 AO Bl, Cl, DI B2, C2, D2 Enclosure

6.2 Catawba

Offsite Protective Actions SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 5of6 NOTE: IF changes to the initial Protective Action Recommendations are recommended , THEN these changes must be transmitted to the offsite agencies within 15 minutes. CAUTION: IF a zone has been accurately selected for evacuation, THEN it shall remain selected. IF dose projections indicate that CDE Thyroid dose will be 5 Rem, THEN recommend KI use by the General Public in accordance with State Plans and Policy. {23} Evaluate specific plant conditions, offsite dose projections, wind direction, field monitoring team data, and assess the need to update Protective Action Recommendations made to the states and counties in the previous notification throughout the event. Review dose projections with the Radiological Assessment Manager to determine if Protective Action Recommendations are required beyond the I 0-mile EPZ. IF Protective Action Recommendations are required beyond 10 miles, THEN notify states and counties to consider sheltering/evacuating general population located beyond the affected I 0-mile EPZ. Enclosure

6.2 Catawba

Offsite Protective Actions Catawba Protective Action Zones mile EPZ (2 and 5-mile Radius, inner circles) Gaston Co. --* Zone<< 0 6 Mies 2 4 SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 6 of6 N i Enclosure

6.3 McGuire

Offsite Protective Actions Protective Action Guides SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 1 of6 Note: Protective Action Recommendations (PARs) for the public apply during a General Emergency, and include sheltering, evacuation and consideration of KI use. PARs are based on plant conditions independent of projected dose, and can also be based on projected dose. Protective Action Guides (PAGs) are levels of radiation dose at which prompt protective actions should be initiated and are based on EPA-400-R-92-001, Manual of Protective Action Guides and Protective Actions for Nuclear Incidents. The projected dose PARs specified in this enclosure are based on the PAGs listed below. The P AG for KI is taken from Potassium Iodide as a Thyroid Blocking Agent in Radiation Emergencies, FDA Guidance, November 2001 and Guidance for Industry, KI in Radiation Emergencies, Questions and Answers, FDA, December 2002. {23} PROTECTIVE ACTION GUIDES (PAGs) (Projected Dose or Field Measurements) Total Effective Dose Committed Dose Equivalent (TEDE) Equivalent (CDE) Thyroid :::_ 1 Rem :::_5Rem INITIALS ----- Enclosure

6.3 McGuire

Offsite Protective Actions Flowchart -INITIAL PAR SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 2of6 1 GE Has Seen Declared (See Note I)

  • EVACUA TE 2-mile Radius
  • EVACUA TE 2-5 mile s Dov1nwind
  • SH E LTER 5-10 mile s Dawnwind Recommend thecoruiderat i on of Kl use bythe public .* Go to Im:. 6.3, Page3 of6 forIXPANDIDPAR No p A R No p A R Note I: For all PARs , affected Protedive ActionZones (Zone )are deined in Enclowm 6.3 , Page 4 of 6. Notel: Offaiteage:ncias plO'iicfed prior knowledge ofomiteimpedimenb to iev21:RliOll (s wchas iloodirig, bri dge.l rmd weafter, tr a fic con!rcl no tin ph-ce,.etc.) .AND speci:fically requested that the siteNOI issi;ean cvacualionPAR.

Note3: RPS.o\e:riteria

  • Fin t PAR. after GE Declaration
  • L OSSof Containment Barrier per RJP..I()/

Endosm-e 4 .1. AND o Containment R.adiatim I\'lomtor EMF5 1 Aor EMF5lB readifig exc*eeifa Contaimnent&rrier POfINTL.U. LOSSEALthreshcl.dperRP i'-O/Al 500 ()00 1 ,Enclm i;m4.l. OR o Radio lo gical sw that doses areprqj.ectm to exCS!ed EPA PAGs at the sit*e bmmuy wi thinan hmr {EAL 4.3.G.l) (![ conditions cm NOi' be coafumed, THIN anawer NO). No Yes (S ee Note I)

  • SHELTE R Z-mile Ra-diw
  • SHEL TE R 2-5 mile s Downwind p A R Yes Recommend the consid e ration of Kl use by th e public-. No p A R (S ee Not e I)
  • EVACUAT*E Z-mile'Radius
  • EVACUAliE Z-5 mil es Downwind p A R No Enclosure

6.3 McGuire

Offsite Protective Actions Flowchart-EXPANDED PAR SR/0/ A/2 000/003 P age 3of6 Note!: For a.lll?ARs,affettai!Protei:tiveActimZoms (Zcnes)aredeined inEnclooue 6.3,P.a.:;:e 4 of 6. IF a Zone has been for ev.i.cuatim,. shall :remainselected. Not el: Offsit eagencies hav:e provided prio:rlmo w led ge ofof!siteimpafo:reots to revacuatim {nch as floodin g, b rid :;: el mad clowra ,adverse w eather, traffic control not in plaee, etc. )AND that thesite NOi' iu&e an reva:watim PAR. FromINITL-U. PAR [m:. 6.3, Page Z , Df 6 Coutinuom .A-ssesnnent Note3: A sho:rt-taim :r*elease is can be accurately pmj.a:ted to b e< three hmm and controU91il by the licensee. 1hts cm!dderal:ion w ould typically apply to conl:roU.ed ventin g ofoontaimneol:. Note4: Plaut *caaditiomexist which would reqcir.e a General Em.ergeocyper the EAu. This does NOi' inclweconsideatian ofoffsitedose--Oasad E...\IA. Ev aluate P.AR on changes in any o!fthe No Yes (See I N'Dt e 1)

  • SHELTER 2-mile Radius p
  • SHELTER 2-S mill!'S Downwind A
  • SHELTER addition<al Zonestl'tat R e xc eedPAGs Yes (S ee 1 Not e 1)
  • EVACUATE Z-mile Radius
  • EVACUATE2-Smiles Downwind
  • in c06e assessmenl:pn:i j eetm v alues.
  • Increase in field v alue!.
  • Shiftin a1iditiona.1 zones b eing affected.
  • Offsite .agencies inform th: s ite that offiite impedimen6 no l ong*er e7W t.
  • Termin ation ofactive ha.tile action again st the site.
  • IF RHA, w hensa.ferto cilo!.oc omidere"o:ac:uationof
zmes baoed ..-pan :ra.dio1opca1 and disc1u:sions w ithOffaite Agencies. p A R No Yes EVACUATE Zo ne s that PAGs. If projectl!ddos e or field p measur.eme nts S remCDE A Thyroid then rerommerd tne R co.nsideration of Kl use by th e INITIAL Enclosure

6.3 McGuire

Offsite Protective Actions SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 4of6 CAUTION: A short term release is any release that can be projected to be 3 hours or less in duration. An example would be a "puff release". A controlled release is one that can be started and stopped at the licensee's discretion, such as the venting of Containment for pressure control. IF a release is short term AND controlled, THEN sheltering in lieu of evacuation should be considered. {36} NOTE:{5} If necessary. obtain needed data from one of the following sources in order of sequence: A. McGuire SDS (Group Display "ERORD5) B. Duke Energy Meteorologist (2-0139, 3-7896, OR 2-4316) C. National Weather Service in Greer. S.C. (9-1-864-879-1085, 9-1-800-268-7785 IF AT ANY TIME a General Emergency is declared, THEN make immediate PROTECTIVE ACTION RECOMMENDATIONS (P ARs) within 15 minutes to be entered on Line 5 of the Emergency Notification Form (ENF). Determine the PARs based on the 15-minute average upper wind direction (OAC point M1P0847) as below: Protective Action Zones Wind Direction 2-Mile Radius 2-5 Miles Downwind 5-10 Miles Downwind (RPSA Only) 0.1 -22.5 B,C,L,M D,O,R E,F,S 22.6-45.0 B,C,L,M D,O,R E,Q,S 45.1-67.5 B,C,L,M D,N,O,R E,P,Q,S 67.6-90.0 B,C,L,M D,N,O,R P,Q,S 90.1 -112.5 B,C,L,M N,O,R K,P,Q,S 112.6-135.0 B,C,L,M A,N,O,R I,K,P,Q,S 135.l -157.5 B,C,L,M A,N,O l,K,P,Q 157.6-180.0 B,C,L,M A,N H,I,J,K,P 180.1 -202.5 B,C,L,M A,N G,H,I,J,K,P 202.6-225.0 B,C,L,M A,D,N G,H,I,J,K,P 225.1-247.5 B,C,L,M A,D F,G,H,l,J 247.6 -270.0 B,C,L,M A,D F,G,H,l,J 270.1 -292.5 B,C,L,M A,D E,F,G,H,J 292.6-315.0 B,C,L,M A,D,R E,F,G 315.1-337.5 B,C,L,M D,R E,F,G,S 337.6 -360.0 B,C,L,M D,R,O E,F,S Enclosure

6.3 McGuire

Offsite Protective Actions SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 5of6 NOTE: IF changes to the initial Protective Action Recommendations are recommended , THEN these changes must be transmitted to the offsite agencies within 15 minutes. CAUTION: IE a zone has been accurately selected for evacuation, THEN it shall remain selected. IF dose projections indicate that CDE Thyroid dose will be 5 Rem, THEN recommend KI use by the General Public in accordance with State Plans and Policy. {23} Evaluate specific plant conditions, offsite dose projections, wind direction, field monitoring team data, and assess the need to update Protective Action Recommendations made to the states and counties in the previous notification throughout the event. Review dose projections with the Radiological Assessment Manager to determine if Protective Action Recommendations are required beyond the 10-mile EPZ. IF Protective Action Recommendations are required beyond 10 miles , THEN notify states and counties to consider sheltering/evacuating general population located beyond the affected 10-mile EPZ. Enclosure 6.3 SR/0/ A/2000/003 McGuire Offsite Protective Actions Page 6 of 6 McGuire Protective Action Zones mile EPZ (2 and 5-mile radius, inner circles) Note: INITIALS Enclosure

6.4 Oconee

Offsite Protective Actions Protective Action Guides SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 1 of7 Protective Action Recommendations (PARs) for the public apply during a General Emergency, and include sheltering, evacuation and consideration of KI use. PARs are based on plant conditions independent of projected dose, and can also be based on projected dose. Protective Action Guides (PAGs) are levels of radiation dose at which prompt protective actions should be initiated and are based on EPA-400-R-92-001, Manual of Protective Action Guides and Protective Actions for Nuclear Incidents. The projected dose PARs specified in this enclosure are based on the PAGs listed below. The P AG for KI is taken from Potassium Iodide as a Thyroid Blocking Agent in Radiation Emergencies, FDA Guidance, November 2001 and Guidance for Industry, KI in Radiation Emergencies, Questions and Answers, FDA, December 2002. {23} PROTECTIVE ACTION GUIDES (PAGs) (Projected Dose or Field Measurements) Total Effective Dose Committed Dose Equivalent (TEDE) Equivalent (CDE) Thyroid > 1 Rem >5Rem ----- .4 Oconee Offsite Protective Actions Flowchart -INITIAL PAR SRJO/ A/2000/003 Page 2of7 GE Has Been Declared Yes (See Note l)

  • EVACUATE 2-mile Rad i us
  • EVACUATE 2-5 m il es Downwind
  • SHELTER 5-10 m il es Downw i nd 'Are offsite dose projections or field measurements 2: 5 rem CDE Th y roid? Recommend the cons i derat i on of Kl use by the pub lic. Go to Enc. 6.4. Page3 of 7 No p A R No p A R l: For all PAR.s, affected Protective Action Zones(PAZs) are defined in Enclosure 6.4, Page 5 of 7.

2: Offsite agencies have provided prior knomedge of offsite impediments to evacuation (such as flooding, bridge/road closures, etc.)

  • specificall y requested that the site i ssue an evacuation PAR. RPSAcriteria
  • First PAR after GE Declaration A. ..... "])
  • LOSS of Containment Barrier per RP/O/A/l 000/001, Endosure4 .1. A ....... "D OContainment Radiation Monitor RLA..57 or RIASS reading exceeds Containment Barrier LOSS EAL threshold per RP/O/A/1000/001, Enclosure
4. L OR o Radiological release such that doses are pro j ected to exceed EPA PAGs at the site boundary within an hour(EAL4.3.G.l) @RPSA cond i tions can NOT be c.onfirmed, answer NO). Is there a Hostile Action Based event in progress? Yes (See I)
  • SHELIER 2-m il eRad i us
  • SHELTER 2-5 m il es Downw i nd p A R "Is there a known offsite impediment to evacuation?

(SeeNote2) Yes Recommend the cons i derat i on of Kl use by the pub li c. No p A R I)

  • EVACUATE2-mileRad i us
  • EVACUATE 2-5 mi l es Downw i nd Yes 'Are off site dose projections or field measurements
S rem CDE Th y roid? p A R No Enclosure

6.4 Oconee

Offsite Protective Actions Fl owchart-EXPANDED PAR l: For all P * .<\Rs, affected Protective Action Zones(PAZs) are defined in Enclosure 6 .4, Page 5 of7. IF a PAZ has been accuratel y selected for evacuation, it shall remain selected. Note 2: Offsite agencies have provided prior kno,,iedge of offsite impediments to ev acua ti on (such as flooding, bridge/road closures, adverse weather, traffic control no t in place, etc.) specificall y requested that the site issue an evacuation PAR. Note3: A short-term release is one that can be accuratel y projected to be< three hours and controlled by the licensee. This consideration would typically app ly to controlled venting ofcontaimnent Note4: Plant conditions ex ist which woul d require the classification ofa General Emergenc y per the EALs. This does NOT include consideration of offsite dose-ba sed Action Based event in progress? Yes No Is there a kn own offsite impediment to evacuation? Yes SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 3of7 From Il'li!TIAL PAR Enc. 6.4. Page 2 of 7 Continuous Assessment Evaluate PAR based on changes in any

  • Increase in dose as s essment projected values.
  • Increase in field measurement values.
  • Shift in 15-minute averagewind direction resulting in additional PAZs being affected.
  • Off site agencies in form the si te that offii te impediments no l onger ex i st.
  • Termination of active hostile action against the site.
  • IF RPSA, when safer to do so consider evacuation of sheltered zones based upon radiological assessment and di scussions with OffsiteAgencies.

Are offsite dose projections or field measurements greater than PAGs? No Yes (See Note 1)

  • SH ELTER 2*mile Radius
  • SH ELTER 2*5 miles Downwind
  • SHELTER addit i ona l PAZs that exceedPAGs p A R (See Note 1)
  • EVACUATE 2-m il e Radius
  • EVACUATE 2-5 miles Downwind p A R Yes EVACUATE PAZs that exceed PAGs. If projected dose or fie ld I p measurements!!:

5 rem COE A Thyroid then recommend the R cons i derat i on of Kl use by the public. INITIAL Enclosure

6.4 Oconee

Offsite Protective Actions SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 4 of7 CAUTION: A short term release is any release that can be projected to be 3 hours or less in duration. An example would be a "puff release". A controlled release is one that can be started and stopped at the licensee's discretion, such as the venting of Containment for pressure control. IF a release is short term AND controlled, THEN sheltering in lieu of evacuation should be considered. {36} NOTE: If necessary, obtain needed data from one of the following sources in order of sequence: A. Oconee SDS (Turn On Code "EROENV") B. Duke Energy Meteorologist (2-0139, 3-7896, OR 2-4316) C. National Weather Service in Greer, S.C. (9-1-864-879-1085 OR 9-1-800-268-7785) _ IF AT ANY TIME a General Emergency is declared, THEN make immediate PROTECTIVE ACTION RECOMMENDATIONS (PARs) within 15 minutes to be entered on Line 5 of the Emergency Notification Form (ENF). Determine the meteorological parameters to use based on the 15-minute average wind direction (SDS "EROENV" screen) as determined from the following chart below: Time of Day Met First Priority Second Priority Third Priority Fourth Priority Conditions Parameter 1000 -1600 Wind 60M reading lOM reading River Tower NWS Direction 1600-1000 and River Wind between Wind 210° and 360° or Direction 60Mreading lOMreading River Tower NWS 0° and 70° 1600-1000 and River Wind between Wind River Tower 60M reading NWS 70° and 210° Direction Enclosure

6.4 Oconee

Offsite Protective Actions SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 5 of7 __ Determine affected zones from chart below based on the 15-minute average wind direction as determined in previous step: Protective Action Zones Wind Direction 0-2 miles; 2-5 miles; 5-10 miles (RPSA Only) 14.1°-27° AO, Cl, DI, El, C2, D2, E2 27.1°-42° AO, Cl, DI, El, D2,E2 42.l 0-66° AO, DI, El, D2, E2 66.1°-85° AO, DI, El, D2, E2, F2 85.1°-104° AO, DI , El, Fl, D2, E2, F2 104.1°-129° AO, El, Fl, E2,F2 129.1°-156° AO, Al, El, Fl, A2, E2, F2 156.1°-175° AO , Al, El, Fl, A2, F2 175.1°-181° AO , Al, Fl, A2,F2 181.1°-219° AO, Al, Bl, Fl, A2, B2, F2 219.1°-255° AO, Al, Bl, A2, B2, 255.1°-271° AO, Al, Bl, Cl, A2, B2, C2 271.1°-297° AO, Bl, Cl , B2 , C2 297.1°-312° AO, Bl, Cl , B2 , C2, D2 312.1°-345° AO, Bl, Cl, DI, B2 , C2 , D2 345.1°-14° AO, Cl, DI, C2,D2 Enclosure

6.4 Oconee

Offsite Protective Actions SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 6 of7 NOTE: IF changes to the initial Protective Action Recommendations are recommended, THEN these changes must be transmitted to the offsite agencies within 15 minutes. CAUTION: IF a zone has been accurately selected for evacuation , THEN it shall remain selected. IF dose projections indicate that CDE Thyroid dose will be 2: 5 Rem, THEN recommend KI use by the General Public in accordance with State Plans and Policy. {23} Evaluate specific plant conditions, offsite dose projections, wind direction, field monitoring team data, and assess the need to update Protective Action Recommendations made to the states and counties in the previous notification throughout the event. Review dose projections with the Radiological Assessment Manager to determine if Protective Action Recommendations are required beyond the 10-mile EPZ. IF Protective Action Recommendations are required beyond 10 miles, THEN notify states and counties to consider sheltering/evacuating general population located beyond the affected 10-mile EPZ. Enclosure 6.4 SR/0/ A/2000/003 Oconee Offsite Protective Actions Page 7 of 7 Oconee Protective Action Zones Mile EPZ (2 and 5-mile radius, inner circles) Radius From Site Pickens County Oconee County (miles) Zones Zones 0-2 AO AO 2-5 A-1, B-1, C-1 D-1, E-1, F-1 5-10 A-2, B-2, C-2 D-2, E-2, F-2 INITIAL INITIALS Enclosure

6.5 Emergency

Classification Downgrade/Termination Criteria NO Is the need for a long term cleanup or recovery organization anticipated? NO current emergency classification still exist? NO Is the current emergency classification a General Emergency? NO a lower classification ex ist? NO YES Page2 YES Page2 YES Do not terminate and continue to monitor the classification

  • Catawba RP/O/A/5000/001
  • McGuire RP/O/A/5700/000
  • Oconee RP/O/A/1000/001.

YES Pagel YES >-----De-escalate to the lower classification. Terminate all emergency cla s sification. PRINTED NAME SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 1of3 ------------------------ Enclosure

6.5 Emergency

Classification Downgrade/Termination Criteria SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 2 of3 Yes Terminate the current classification and declare the plant in recovery Continue with the current clusiflcation until a recovery can be declared __ Security threat has been contained. Table 1 __ No new evacuation or sheltering protective actions are anticipated. __ Containment pressure is being maintained less than design pressure. __ Containment hydrogen levels are less than 9% and stable or decreasing. __ Decay heat rejection to the ultimate heat sink has been established and is stable. This is indicated by either of the following (circle one):

  • Decay heat removal is considered stable if supported by redundancy or diversity

-Examples of a satisfactory state include: -2 trains of systems for sump recirculation. -2 trains of Decay Heat Removal (DHR) -l train ofDHR and the ability to cool with the steam generators. -steam generator cooling with 2 trains of feed capability. OR

  • Decay heat removal is considered stable if no additional fission product barrier challenges would be expected for at least 2 hours following interruption of core cooling. (continued on next page) __ The risks from recriticality are acceptably low.


6.5 Emergency

Classification Downgrade/Termination Criteria __ Radiation Protection is monitoring access to radiologically hazardous areas. __ Offsite conditions do not limit plant access. SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 3 of3 __ The Public Information Coordinator, NRC officials, and State representatives have been consulted to determine the effects of termination on their activities. __ The recovery organization is ready to assume control of recovery operations:

  • Catawba -RP/O/B/5000/025
  • McGuire -RP/0/A/5700/024
  • Oconee -RP/O/A/1000/027 Enclosure

6.6 Radiological

Assessment Manager Checklist INITIAL SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 1of6 NOTE: Steps in this checklist may be performed in any order appropriate to the specific event conditions or they may be omitted if not applicable. ___ IF_ reporting to EOF outside your normal work hours, THEN complete a Fitness for Duty Questionnaire. Don position badge. __ Log in to RAM computer. Log into WebEOC. __ Sign in on Sign In board. Obtain copy of AD-EP-ALL-0202, Emergency Response Offsite Dose Assessment. IF Field Monitoring teams have been dispatched, THEN ensure FMC has established communication with Field Monitoring teams. Notify EOF Director that Radiological Assessment Manager (RAM) position is operational. Ensure all Radiation Protection personnel reporting to the EOF sign in on Sign In board. Ensure that EOF Dose Assessors are kept informed of pertinent plant information including, but not limited to: 1) Time of TSC activation

2) Time ofEOF activation
3) Time of reactor trip 4) Status of safety injection
5) Status of onsite radiological conditions
6) Time next emergency notification message is due. Establish Position Log of activities sufficient to conduct turnover for on-coming shift. Communicate to EOF Director:
1) Any release in progress, including dose rates (especially at the site boundary)
2) Field Team status/data
3) On-site radiological concerns 4) Need to request the site pull a reactor coolant sample for Dose Equivalent Iodine to support emergency classification NOTE: Enclosure

6.6 Radiological

Assessment Manager Checklist SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 2of6 Review Criteria in "Classification of Emergency" procedure for emergency classification changes and discuss with Accident Assessment personnel plant conditions including power failures, valve closures, etc. Catawba RP/O/N5000/001 OR McGuire RP/O/ A/5700/000 OR Oconee RP/O/Nl000/001.

  • Microsoft Lyne (Skype for Business) is an acceptable communications method.
  • Oconee TSC Dose Assessment Liaison, 9-1-864-873-4902.
  • Catawba/McGuire, Dose Assessment Bridge, 9-980-875-4980.

Establish communications with dose assessment personnel at TSC. Compare information, projections and strategies with TSC. NOTE: Descriptions ofKeowee Hydro Dam/Dike Imminent Failure/Potential Failure are provided in Enclosure 6.22. IF Imminent Dam Failure (Keowee or Jocassee) exists , THEN make the following Protective Action Recommendations to Oconee County and Pickens County for imminent/actual dam failure and include on the Emergency Notification Form Line 5E (Other): Move residents living downstream of the Keowee Hydro Project dams to higher ground. Prohibit traffic flow across bridges identified on your inundation maps until the danger has passed. Enclosure

6.6 Radiological

Assessment Manager Checklist SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 3of6 NOTE: Enclosure 6.2 (for CNS), Enclosure 6.3 (for MNS), and Enclosure 6.4 (for ONS) provide guidance for P ARs and KI protective action recommendations. IF General Emergency is declared, THEN provide PAR information on Line 5 of the Emergency Notification Form: CAUTION: IF a zone has been accurately selected for evacuation, THEN it shall remain selected.

  • Zones for Evacuation
  • Zones for Sheltering
  • Use of KI for General Public. {23}
  • Other P ARs. Determine, with input from the Accident Assessment Manager (AAM), Protective Actions using o Enclosure 6.2, Catawba Offsite Protective Actions o Enclosure 6.3, McGuire Offsite Protective Actions D Enclosure 6.4, Oconee Offsite Protective Actions NOTE: IF changes to the initial Protective Action Recommendations, including KI, are recommended to and approved by the EOF Director, THEN these changes shall be transmitted to the offsite agencies within 15 minutes and the reason for the Protective Action Recommendation change be reported on Line 13 of the ENF. Review dose projections and determine if Protective Action Recommendations are required beyond 10-mile EPZ. Provide EOF Director Protective Action Recommendations.


6.6 Radiological

Assessment Manager Checklist Evaluate Emergency Release Status: SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 4of6

  • None -no release of radioactivity generated by the event and no release expected.
  • Is Occurring

-radioactivity generated during an event that is currently being released through any defined accident pathway, as indicated by ANY of the following: McGuire/Catawba -EMF-38, 39, 40, 51 (MNS), 53 (CNS) containment monitor reading(s) indicate an increase AND containment pressure is greater than 0.3 psig EMF-38, 39, 40, 51 (MNS), 53 (CNS) containment monitor reading(s) indicate an increase AND a known leak path exists from containment EMF-36 unit vent monitor reading indicates an increase in activity EMF-33 CSAE exhaust monitor reading or other alternate means indicates steam generator tube leakage A known unmonitored release path exists AND radioactive material exists Alternate method of release determination Field Monitoring Team results. Oconee -RIA-47, 48, 49, 49A, 57 or 58 containment monitor reading(s) indicate an increase AND containment pressure is greater than 1 psig RIA-47, 48, 49, 49A, 57 or 58 containment monitor reading(s) indicate an increase AND a known leak path exists from containment RIA-45 or 46 unit vent monitor reading(s) indicate an increase in activity RIA-40 CSAE exhaust monitor reading or other alternate means indicates steam generator tube leakage A known unmonitored release path exists , AND radioactive material exists Alternate method of release determination Field Monitoring Team results.

  • Has Occurred -any radioactivity released to the environment during a declared emergency event, but has been stopped. Provide Emergency Release Status input for Line 6 ofENF.


6.6 Radiological

Assessment Manager Checklist SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 5of6 NOTE: The Site Boundary Normal Operating Limits in the Technical Specifications and SLCs are: NOTE:

  • EDE 5.70 E-2 mRem/hr (500 mRem/yr)
  • COE Thyroid l.71E-1 mRem/hr (1500 mRem/yr) Evaluate AND provide Emergency Release Significance for ENF Line 7:
  • IF no release in progress, THEN Not Applicable.
  • IF release significance is known, THEN Within Normal Operating Limits OR Above Normal Operating Limits.
  • IF release significance is unknown, THEN Under Evaluation.

Stability Class versus Delta-T charts are contained in the URI Job aid located at Provide on ENF Line 9:

  • Wind Direction
  • Wind Speed
  • Precipitation Type
  • Stability Class. NOTES: 1. Emergency Release data are not required for initial Emergency Notification Forms OR notifications of changes in Protective Action Recommendations.
2. It is inappropriate to provide information for liquid releases on ENF Lines 14, 15, and 16, as they cannot be quantified using URI and are not the basis for Protective Action Recommendations.

It is appropriate to provide information about liquid releases on Line 13, Remarks. Provide on ENF Line 14:

  • Release Characterization (Type, C (Ground) and Units, B (Ci/sec))
  • Magnitude (Ci/Sec Release rates from Dose Assessment Report)
  • Form AND start and/or stop time, as appropriate.

Provide Projection Parameters on ENF Line 15:

  • Projection period (forecast period in hours) from Dose Assessment Report.
  • Estimated Release Duration by adding forecast period and time elapsed since release began.
  • Date and time projection was performed.

NOTE: Enclosure

6.6 Radiological

Assessment Manager Checklist SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 6of6 Provide Projected Dose information on ENF Line 16, by entering "Forecast Data" from Dose Assessment Report. Assist Public Affairs and/or Public Spokesperson with dose comparisons based on computer model or field data. IF necessary to relieve Duke Energy personnel, THEN environmental surveillance support personnel from the DOE Radiological Assistance Plan may be requested by the Radiological Assessment Manager through the EOF Director. IF needed, THEN conduct turnover for on-coming shift. Provide all completed paperwork to Emergency Preparedness upon deactivation ofEOF. Enclosure 6.7 EOF Dose Assessor Checklist INITIAL SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 1of4 NOTE: Steps in this checklist may be performed in any order appropriate to the specific event conditions or they may be omitted if not applicable. __ IF reporting to EOF outside your normal work hours , THEN complete a Fitness for Duty Questionnaire. Don position badge. Log in to PC Log in to WebEOC. Sign in on Sign In board. Obtain copy of AD-EP-ALL-0202, Emergency Response Offsite Dose Assessment. Initiate Position Log of activities sufficient to conduct a turnover for on-coming shift. Acquire necessary dose assessment and plant status information. IF data acquisition programs are unavailable, THEN request SDS data from TSC or instrument readings from Control Room (EMF and Met data). NOTE: Be aware of the effects ofloss of power on critical EMFs (Catawba and McGuire) or RIAs (Oconee). INITIALS Verify operability and validity ofEMFs (Catawba and McGuire) or RIAs (Oconee) through the TSC. IF Catawba or McGuire event is in progress, THEN verify effluent discharge alignment with Shift Lab, Radiation Protection Manager (TSC), or Dose Assessors (TSC) as necessary. IF Oconee event is in progress, THEN verify effluent discharge alignment with TSC Dose Assessment Liaison (gas tank), RP Manager (gas tank or liquid releases), or Chemistry Manager in the OSC (liquid releases). PRINTED NAME ----- Enclosure

6. 7 EOF Dose Assessor Checklist NOTE: SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 2of4
  • Microsoft Lyne (Skype for Business) is an acceptable communications method.
  • Oconee, TSC Dose Assessment Liaison, 9-1-864-873-3705.
  • Catawba/McGuire, Dose Assessment Bridge, 9-980-875-4980.

Establish communications with dose assessment personnel at TSC. Compare information, projections and strategies with TSC. Obtain Dose Assessor turnover from TSC: 1. Release in progress: No: ___ _ Yes: ----Is occurring__ Has occurred Time Normal Operating Limits: Below ___ Above __ _ 2. Recommended Protective Actions: 0 No Recommended Protective Actions [[]Evacuate ___________________ _ [£] Shelter-In-Place _______________ _ [[I Other ________________ _ 3. Additional pertinent information necessary to continue monitoring of release and dose assessment calculations. Turnover complete date/time: ____________ _ Verify operability of Health Physics Network (HPN) phone by placing a call to the NRC using the number listed on HPN phone. NOTE: 1. Enclosure 6.7 EOF Dose Assessor Checklist SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 3of4 The NRC Regional Office will request activation of the HPN phone through Emergency Notification System (ENS) telephone if desired. 2. Information that may be requested over the HPN line could include, but is not limited to the following: Is there any change to the classification of the event? If so, what is the reason? Have toxic or radiological releases occurred or been projected (including changes in the release rate)? If so, what are the actual or currently projected onsite and offsite releases, and what is the basis for this assessment? What are the health effects or consequences to onsite and offsite people? How many onsite or offsite people are being or will be affected and to what extent? Is the event under control? When was control established, or what is the planned action to bring the event under control? What mitigative actions are currently underway or planned? What onsite protective measures have been taken or are planned? What offsite protective actions are being considered or have been recommended to state and local officials? What are the current meteorological conditions? What are the dose and dose rate readings onsite and offsite? IF requested during a drill or actual event, THEN activate HPN phone by calling NRC using number listed on HPN phone. Analyze source-term data, formulate source-term mitigation strategies, and provide information to Radiological Assessment Manager, EOF Staff, and TSC Dose Assessors as required. Perform dose projections as appropriate to plant conditions. Interact with Field Monitoring Coordinator to compare off-site dose projections to actual field readings. Enclosure 6.7 EOF Dose Assessor Checklist SR/0/ N2000/003 Page 4 of 4 NOTE: Emergency Release data are not required for initial Emergency Notification Forms OR notifications of changes in Protective Action Recommendations. Evaluate dose projections and provide protective action recommendations to Radiological Assessment Manager and EOF Director. __ IF SAM Gs are implemented AND offsite releases approach or exceed 1 OOmRem TEDE or 500mRem Thyroid CDE, THEN notify EOF SAMG Evaluator (in Accident Assessment Area). (Applicable to Catawba and McGuire). IF SAMGs are implemented AND offsite releases approach or exceed I Rem TEDE or 5 Rem Thyroid CDE, THEN notify EOF SAMG Evaluator (in Accident Assessment Area). (Applicable to Catawba and McGuire). IF needed, THEN conduct turnover for on-coming shift. Restore equipment to "Ready Status" and notify appropriate personnel of conditions that would cause a less than operational status. Provide all completed paperwork to Emergency Preparedness upon deactivation ofEOF. Enclosure

6.8 Field

Monitoring Coordinator Checklist INITIAL SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 1 of2 NOTE: Steps in this checklist may be performed in any order appropriate to the specific event conditions or they may be omitted if not applicable. __ IF reporting to EOF outside your normal work hours, THEN complete a Fitness for Duty Questionnaire. Don position badge. Log in to PC Log in to WebEOC. Sign in on Sign In board. NOTE: Field Teams may be directed by the EOF Field Monitoring Coordinator (FMC) prior to activation of the EOF. Obtain copy of AD-EP-ALL-0203, Protocol for the Field Monitoring Coordinator During Emergency Conditions. Establish Position Log of activities sufficient enough to conduct a turnover for on-coming shift. NOTE: I. For drill or exercise met data, choose appropriate site simulator SDS resource. 2. For real time met data, choose the SDS resource for a specific site and unit. Refer to Procedure Step 3.2 to access SDS. INITIALS ----- Enclosure

6.8 Field

Monitoring Coordinator Checklist SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 2 of2 WHEN EOF Radio Operator has established communications with field monitoring teams, THEN notify TSC Dose Assessors and provide direction to field monitoring teams. Catawba Specific Perform duties as described in the following:

  • HP/O/B/10091004, "Environmental Monitoring for Emergency Conditions Within the Ten Mile Radius of CNS"
  • HP/O/B/1009/019, "Emergency Radio System Operation, Maintenance, & Communication".

IF needed, THEN conduct turnover for on-coming shift. Restore equipment to "Ready Status" and notify appropriate personnel of conditions that would cause a less than operational status. Provide all completed procedures and copies of logs to Emergency Preparedness upon deactivation ofEOF. INITIAL Enclosure

6.9 Radio

Operator Checklist SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 1of1 NOTE: Steps in this checklist may be performed in any order appropriate to the specific event conditions or they may be omitted if not applicable. __ IF reporting to EOF outside your normal work hours, THEN complete a Fitness for Duty Questionnaire. Don position badge. Log in to PC Log in to WebEOC. Sign in on Sign In board. __ Establish Position Log of activities sufficient to conduct turnover for on-coming shift. INITIALS Obtain copy of AD-EP-ALL-0203, Protocol for the Field Monitoring Coordinator During Emergency Conditions, Enclosure 5.3 (Field Monitoring Survey data Sheet) and Enclosure 5.4 (Meteorological Update for Field Monitoring Teams). Establish contact with Field Teams. Communicate instructions from Field Monitoring Coordinator to Field Teams. Conduct turnover for on-coming shift, if needed. Provide all completed paperwork to Emergency Preparedness upon deactivation ofEOF. PRINTED NAME ------------------ Enclosure 6.10 sRJO/ A/2000/003 EOF Offsite Agency Communicator Checklist Page 1 of2 INITIAL NOTE: Steps in this checklist may be performed in any order appropriate to the specific event conditions or they may be omitted if not applicable. __ IF reporting to EOF outside your normal work hours, THEN complete a Fitness for Duty Questionnaire. Don position badge. Log in to PC Log in to WebEOC. Sign in on Sign In board. NOTE: The following step is for EOF Director's Area data display. Establish Emergency Notification Form display using Offsite Agency Communicator's Computer in EOF Director's Area: D Open EN Form. D Drag to EN Form right monitor AND maximize. __ Establish Position Log of activities sufficient to conduct turnover for on-coming shift. __ Notify INPO for an Alert, Site Area Emergency, General Emergency, or any event expected to require significant industry support , including the name of the affected site(s) and a name and phone number to call for additional information at one of the following numbers: {IER Ll-13-10}

  • 9-1-404-290-3977 (INPO Emergency Director)
  • 9-1-404-290-3980 (INPO Assistant Emergency Director)

IF requested, THEN:

  • Provide INPO Emergency Director with a brief description of the nature of the event.
  • Identify any equipment or support needed from INPO.
  • Respond when contacted for periodic updates. Perform duties as described in procedure SR/O/ A/2000/004 (Notification to States and Counties from the Emergency Operations Facility).

Ensure emergency notification times are satisfied. Conduct turnover for on-coming shift , if needed. Enclosure 6.10 SR/0/ A/2000/003 EOF Offsite Agency Communicator Checklist Page 2 of2 Provide all completed paperwork to Emergency Preparedness upon deactivation ofEOF. INITIALS PRINTED NAME ------------------ Enclosure 6.11 EOF Services Administration/Commissary Checklist SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 1 of2 NOTE: Steps in this checklist may be performed in any order appropriate to the specific event conditions or they may be omitted if not applicable. INITIAL __ IF reporting to EOF outside your normal work hours, THEN complete a Fitness for Duty Questionnaire. __ Don position badge. __ Log in to PC __ Log in to WebEOC. __ Sign in on Sign In board. __ Establish Position Log of activities sufficient to conduct turnover for on-coming shift. __ Ensure that the EOF Services Area is set up. __ Provide administrative office support and supplies, such as:

  • Office supplies and equipment
  • Secretarial/clerical services
  • Copy center/fax services NOTE: Personnel without badge access will need to be escorted into the EOF by the Assistant EOF Director, EOF Emergency Planner, EOF Services Manager, or their Mentor. [61] __ Provide for personal needs of ERO, such as:
  • Food and beverage
  • Air travel, hotel, and car rental arrangements
  • Tables and chairs
  • Tents
  • Portable toilets
  • Trash receptacles

__ IF requested , THEN provide in-house craft resources. __ IF needed, THEN contact additional personnel for support. __ Provide all completed paperwork to Emergency Preparedness upon deactivation ofEOF. Enclosure 6.11 EOF Services Administration/Commissary Checklist EOF FAC I LITY POST-EVENT CHECKLIST Secure the EOF Services Area. __ Restock office supplies. ---"I=-F needed, THEN:

  • Ensure return of relocated office equipment.
  • Notify hotels/motels of release of rooms.
  • Assist personnel needing transportation home. SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 2 of2
  • Notify vendors to pick up furniture and equipment not needed for recovery.

__ Notify vendors to discontinue food services to EOF. ACTION LIST FOR CHANGING FROM EMERGENCY TO RECOVERY MODE __ Replenish supplies. __ Determine additional space requirements. __ Prepare weekly work schedules. __ Determine hotel/motel accommodations and travel requirements and contact Travel Services for securing these requirements. __ Notify food vendors to arrange shift operations to support recovery efforts for meals and breaks (snacks) with times and locations for serving. __ Notify chairs and table suppliers for appropriate needs and quantities. __ Notify tent suppliers for appropriate needs and quantities. __ Notify portable toilet suppliers for appropriate needs and quantities. __ Notify trash receptacle suppliers for appropriate needs and quantities. __ Establish shift coverage of commissary personnel to support total recovery efforts. Enclosure 6.12 Accident Assessment Manager Checklist INITIAL SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 1of4 NOTE: Steps in this checklist may be performed in any order appropriate to the specific event conditions or they may be omitted if not applicable. __ IF reporting to EOF outside your normal work hours, THEN complete a Fitness for Duty Questionnaire. Don position badge. Log in to PC Log in to WebEOC. Sign in on Sign In board. Establish Position Log of activities sufficient to conduct turnover for on-coming shift. NOTE: The following step is needed for EOF Director's Area data display. Establish SDS data display. D Refer to Step 3 .2 in procedure body to access SDS for affected site and unit. D Drag SDS display to right monitor AND maximize. IF needed to support emergency, THEN request staffing by Reactor Physics. Obtain copy of applicable "Classification of Emergency" procedure.

  • Catawba: RP/O/A/5000/001
  • McGuire: RPIO/N5700/000
  • Oconee: RP/O/Nl000/001 IF Oconee is affected, THEN obtain copy of "Oconee Nuclear Site Emergency Action Level Description Guidelines" Manual. --Ensure PC is on and displaying plant status. Post changes in Fission Product Barrier status on Fission Product Barrier Status Board .. Provide I/C number and description for ENF Line 4 to Offsite Agency Communicators.

__ Assist the Radiological Assessment Manager (RAM) in determining Protective Actions using: D Enclosure 6.2, Catawba Offsite Protective Actions D Enclosure 6.3, McGuire Offsite Protective Actions D Enclosure 6.4, Oconee Offsite Protective Actions Enclosure 6.12 Accident Assessment Manager Checklist SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 2of4 NOTE: Definitions for ENF Line 8 are in Steps 2.4, 2.5, and 2.6 in the body of this procedure. __ Provide Event Prognosis for ENF Line 8 to Offsite Agency Communicators. { 1} __ Provide appropriate information for ENF Line 10 to Offsite Agency Communicator. INITIALS PRINTED NAME ----- Enclosure 6.12 Accident Assessment Manager Checklist SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 3of4 NOTE: The Affected Unit on Line 11 is tied to the l/C on Line 4. Examples may not be all inclusive of events that may affect all units. Provide Affected Unit(s) for ENF Line 11 to Offsite Agency Communicators:

  • Evaluate the following for classification for both units (CNS and MNS) or all three units (ONS).
  • Security event
  • Seismic event
  • Tornado on site
  • Hurricane force winds on site
  • Loss of both switch yards
  • Fire in SSF
  • Fire affecting shared safety related equipment
  • Imminent Failure for Keowee Hydro Project Dam/Dike (ONS).
  • IF event at Catawba or McGuire affects both units equally , THEN check All.
  • IF event at Oconee affects more than one unit equally, THEN check All.
  • IF event only affects one ( 1) unit OR one unit has a higher classification, THEN check appropriate unit. Provide Unit Status for ENF Line 12 to Offsite Agency Communicators.

IF an upgrade in classification occurs , THEN notify Offsite Agency Communicator. Coordinate the following functions:

  • Accident Assessment Interface
  • Operations Interface
  • Reactor Physics (as needed)

Enclosure 6.12 Accident Assessment Manager Checklist SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page4of4 Prepare for EOF Briefings using Enclosure 6.24 (EOF Briefing Guideline). Assist TSC Emergency Coordinator as requested upon entry into Severe Accident Management Guidelines (SAMGs). Conduct turnover for on-coming shift, if needed. Provide all completed paperwork to Emergency Preparedness upon deactivation ofEOF. Enclosure 6.13 Accident Assessment Interface Checklist INITIAL SR/0/ N2000/003 Page 1of5 NOTE: Steps in this checklist may be performed in any order appropriate to the specific event conditions or they may be omitted if not applicable. __ IF reporting to EOF outside your normal work hours, THEN complete a Fitness for Duty Questionnaire. Don position badge. Log in to PC Log in to WebEOC. Sign in on Sign In board. Notify Accident Assessment Manager that position is staffed. Establish Position Log of activities sufficient enough to conduct turnover for on-coming shift. Ensure PCs are on and displaying affected station and unit plant status. NOTE: Communications are established after the beep. INITIALS Establish bridge line for Operat i ons Loop for affected station: D Catawba: 9-803-701-3994 D McGuire: 9-980-875-4500 D Oconee: 9-1-864-873-4908 IF needed for McGuire, THEN establish communications link with Engineering Manager, 9-980-875-4954. IF Oconee event, THEN establish communications with Operations Interface, 9-1-864-873-3696. Obtain copy of Classification of Emergency procedure for affected station. D Catawba: RP/O/N5000/001 D McGuire: RP/O/N5700/000 D Oconee: RP/O/NI000/001 PRINTED NAME ------------------ Enclosure 6.13 Accident Assessment Interface Checklist SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 2of5 Obtain copy of Core Damage Assessment procedure for affected station. D Catawba: RP/O/NS000/015 D McGuire: RP/O/N5700/019 D Oconee: RP/O/B/1000/018. Gather plant status information using Accident Assessment Initial Information Request Form on page 4 or 5 of this enclosure. IF AT ANY TIME General Emergency is declared, THEN RECOMMEND IMMEDIATELY to Accident Assessment Manager AND RAM protective actions using: o Enclosure 6.2 -Catawba Offsite Protective Actions o Enclosure 6.3 -McGuire Offsite Protective Actions o Enclosure 6.4 -Oconee Offsite Protective Actions Perform the following steps as needed throughout event: __ IF condition warrants, THEN determine analysis of reactor core and containment conditions in regard to:

  • Core sub-cooling
  • Decay heat generation
  • Heat removal capabilities (core and containment)
  • Fission product release potential (core and containment).

IF condition warrants, THEN provide:

  • Estimates of core uncovery times
  • Interpretations of reactor water level data.

Monitor status of Emergency Operations Procedures (EOPs) and discuss with Accident Assessment Manager. Confer with Radiological Assessment group in EOF. Consult with Operations Interface on anticipated course of events. Update status board in Accident Assessment room. Confer with Accident Assessment Manager on the following:

  • Anticipated course of events
  • Diagnosis of the accident and mitigation strategies
  • Analysis of core and containment
  • Core damage and fission product release potential
  • Background information of system design
  • Emergency classifications.

Enclosure 6.13 Accident Assessment Interface Checklist SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 3of5 Support Engineering Manager in TSC in accident and mitigation strategies. Assist TSC as an evaluator upon entry into Severe Accident Management Guidelines (SAMG) (as requested). IF SAMGs are entered, THEN update SAMG status board. IF McGuire has entered SAMG, THEN REFER TO Enclosure 6.20 (Establishing Communications Links between McGuire SAMG Evaluators). Conduct turnover for on-coming shift, if needed. Provide all completed paperwork to Emergency Preparedness upon deactivation ofEOF. Enclosure 6.13 Accident Assessment Interface Checklist SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 4of5 Catawba or McGuire Initial Information Request Initial Information Request Results Emer2ency Classification Status EAL Declaration Chronology Protective Actions Status Reactor/Turbine Status Power Level Time of Trip & On What Signal Any Abnormal Response NC Pump Status Core Cooling Status (subcooled margin/ RVLIS/natural circulation) Orange or Red CSFs Alarms Received Safety In_jection When Actuated & on What Signal NV, NI, ND, Ice Condenser Status Feedwater CF and CA Status Main Steam Isolation Status SMSV, SM PORV, SB Status Electric Power 600V, 4160V, DIG Status Containment Isolation Status NS and VX Status Security/Fire/FloodinWHAZMAT/Other Hazards Plant Conditions Status Off-site Releases Status Enclosure 6.13 Accident Assessment Interface Checklist Oconee Initial Information Request Initial Information Request Emereency Classification Status EAL Declaration Chronology Protective Actions Status Reactor/Turbine Status Power Level Time of Trip & On What Signal Any Abnormal Response Reactor Coolant Pump Status Core Cooling Status (subcooled margin/ RVLIS/natural circulation) Safety In_iection When Actuated & on What Signal HPI, LPI Status Feedwater Feedwater and Emergency Feedwater Status Main Steam Isolation Status MSSV Status Electric Power 600V, 4160V, Keowee, Lee Status Containment Isolation Status RBS, RBC U Status Security/Fire /Floodinf!/HAZMA T/Otber Hazards Plant Conditions Status (Keowee Hydro Dam status) Off-site Releases Status SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 5of5 Results INITIAL Enclosure 6.14 Operations Interface Checklist SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 1of1 NOTE: This enclosure does not apply to Oconee. NOTE: Steps in this checklist may be performed in any order appropriate to the specific event conditions or they may be omitted if not applicable. __ IF reporting to EOF outside your normal work hours, THEN complete a Fitness for Duty Questionnaire. Don position badge. Log in to PC Log in to WebEOC. Sign in on Sign In board. Establish Position Log of activities sufficient to conduct turnover for on-coming shift. Perform following steps, as needed, throughout event: Provide communications interface between Accident Assessment Group and TSC Operations Group. Advise Accident Assessment Group on the following:

  • Emergency Operations Procedures (EOPs)
  • Diagnosis of accident and mitigation strategies
  • Emergency classification.

Advise TSC of anticipated course of events. Conduct turnover for on-coming shift, if needed. __ Provide all completed paperwork to Emergency Preparedness upon deactivation ofEOF. INITIALS ----- INITIAL Enclosure 6.15 Reactor Physics Checklist SRJO/ A/2000/003 Page 1of1 NOTE: Steps in this checklist may be perfonned in any order appropriate to the specific event conditions or they may be omitted if not applicable. __ IF reporting to EOF outside your nonnal work hours, THEN complete a Fitness for Duty Questionnaire. INITIALS Don position badge. Log in to PC Log in to WebEOC. Sign in on Sign In board. Establish Position Log of activities sufficient to conduct turnover for on-coming shift. Obtain any applicable nuclear design calculations from Nuclear Engineering office area. Establish communications with TSC Reactor Engineer. IF conditions warrant, THEN determine analysis of reactor core and fuel with respect to:

  • Reactor Physics parameters
  • Core subcriticality. Provide Accident Assessment Manager with infonnation concerning any abnormal core conditions.

Conduct turnover for on-coming shift, if needed. Provide all completed paperwork to Emergency Preparedness upon deactivation ofEOF. PRINTED NAME ----- INITIAL Enclosure 6.16 Emergency Planner Checklist SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 1of14 NOTE: Steps in this checklist may be performed in any order appropriate to the specific event conditions or they may be omitted if not applicable. IF reporting to EOF outside your normal work hours, THEN complete a Fitness for Duty Questionnaire. Don position badge. Log in to PC Log in to WebEOC. __ Set up WebEOC content for display. D Click on Sign In board. D Drag Sign In board to right monitor AND maximize. D Log in to Side Bar. D Double click on Content PC 1 Remote Control on Sources list. D Double click on Log In screen. D Depress CTRL and F4 simultaneously. D Click Okay. D Log in using LAN ID and Password. D Log in to WebEOC. D Click Offsite Notifications AND maximize. D Click red X in top right comer to exit. Sign in on Sign In board. Establish Position Log of activities sufficient to conduct turnover for on-coming shift. (MNS and CNS only) Obtain Emergency Planner wireless phone and headset from Emergency Planner Desk area and access EP bridge line, 9-803-701-4010. NOTE: Have on hand all emergency notification forms (ENFs) transmitted to state and local agencies up to this time. Be prepared to answer questions concerning information on the ENFs as well as any other information requested by ECOC Director when called back. Contact the Enterprise Crisis Operations Center (ECOC) Director by email at OR by phoning the Enterprise Security Console at 2-8851 or 9-1-800-943-7584, ask them to contact the ECOC Director about the EOF activation, and provide your call back number.{IER Ll-13-10} {77} Enclosure 6.16 Emergency Planner Checklist SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 2of14 NOTE: Personnel without badge access will need to be escorted into the EOF by the Assistant EOF Director, EOF Emergency Planner, EOF Services Manager, or their Mentor. [61] Support EOF Director with the following: Document Onsite Protective Measures in WebEOC. __ Provide escorted access to EOF for personnel without badge access. [61] Document names of personnel escorted in EOF Facility log. Complete EOF Director Checklist items as requested. Clarify Emergency Plan and Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure information. Interface with federal, state and local agencies. __ Assist Off-Site Agency Communicators in preparation of emergency notifications. INITIALS ----- Enclosure 6.16 Emergency Pl anner Checklist SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 3of14 IF a security event at MNS requires assembling MNS TSC/OSC ERO at EOF, THEN complete "MNS Security Event, TSC/OSC Assembled at EOF Checklist," page 12of14 of this enclosure. __ IF a Beyond Design Basis External Event (BDBEE) or Extended Loss of Offsite AC Power (ELAP) event at MNS requires assembling TSC/OSC ERO at the EOF, THEN complete "MNS BDBEE/ELAP, TSC/OSC Assembled at EOF Checklist," page 12of14 of this enclosure. {76} IF a security event at CNS requires assembling the duty CNS TSC ERO at the EOF, THEN complete "CNS Security Event, TSC ERO Assembled at EOF Checklist," page 13of14 of this enclosure. NOTE: 1. EOF Duty Roster is available on DAE using Nuclear Generation Duty Roster application. EOF information is under General Office location.

2. Consider hours previously worked prior to ERO activation in determining shift turnover schedules for 24-hour staffing.

--Complete 24-Hour Staffing Log for each EOF position, pages 5 through 10 of this enclosure. Ensure that 24-hour staffing plans are established and maintained for all EOF positions for the duration of the entire emergency. {IER Ll-13-10} __ IF EPZ roadblocks have been established, THEN prepare for emergency worker re-entry using page 14 of this enclosure. Verify Public Affairs personnel have considered 24-hour staffing by calling the JIC Admin. Manager at 2-0548. __ Record EOF Exercise/Drill/Event Duke Energy employee participation as follows: D IF scheduled drill, THEN activate eRoster program and scan OR enter Duke Energy employee ID number. D IF not a scheduled drill OR scanner-inoperable, THEN request participants sign Exercise/Drill/Event/Training Attendance Sheet. [ 61] --Enclosure 6.16 Emergency Planner Checklist SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 4of14 Request Duke Energy participants sign Drill and Event Participation Roster (AD-EP-ALL-0802, Conducting Drills and Exercises, Attachment 4, Drill and Event Participation Roster). [61] Conduct turnover for on-coming shift, if needed. __ Upon deactivation of the EOF, forward a copy of the Drill and Event Participation Roster ALL-0802, Conducting Drills and Exercises, Attachment 4, Drill and Event Participation Roster) to each DEC site's Emergency Preparedness Manager. Upon deactivation ofEOF, collect all completed paperwork and forward to appropriate Emergency Preparedness Manager. Upon deactivation ofEOF, complete "EOF Post Event Checklist," page 11 of this enclosure. Position EOF Director Assistant EOF Director EOF Log Recorder EOF Emergency Planner Radiological Assessment Manager Accident Assessment Manager Enclosure 6.16 Emergency Planner Checklist EOF DIRECTOR AREA 24-HOUR POSITION EOF STAFFING LOG Primary Name *Shift Name Schedule

  • List hours of coverage:

i.e., 0800-2000, or 8am -8pm. SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 5of14 Relief *Shift Schedule

  • Position EOF Dose Assessor EOF Dose Assessor EOF Dose Assessor EOFDose Assessor (HPN) Field Monitoring Coordinator Radio Operator Enclosure 6.16 Emergency Planner Checklist DOSE ASSESSMENT AREA SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 6of14 24-HOUR POSITION EOF STAFFING LOG Primary Relief Name *Shift Name *Shift Schedule Schedule List hours of coverage: i.e., 0800-2000, or 8am -8pm.
  • Position Accident Assessment Interface Reactor Physics (As Needed) Operations Interface (MNS and CNS only) Enclosure 6.16 Emergency Planner Checklist ACC I DENT ASSESSMENT AREA SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 7of14 24-HOUR POSITION EOF STAFFING LOG Primary Relief Name *Shift Name *Shift Schedule Schedule List hours of coverage:

i.e., 0800-2000 , or 8am -8pm. Position Lead EOF Off-Site Agency Communicator EOF Off-Site Agency Communicator EOF Off-Site Agency Communicator Enclosure 6.16 Emergency Planner Checklist OFFSITE AGENCY COMMUNICATOR 24-HOUR POSITION EOF STAFFING LOG SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 8of14 Primary Relief Name *Shift Name *Shift Schedule Schedule

  • List hours of coverage:

i.e., 0800-2000, or Sam -8pm.

  • Position EOF Services Manager EOF Services Admin/Commissary EOFData Coordinator Enclosure 6.16 Emergency Planner Checklist EOF SERVICES AREA SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 9of14 24-HOUR POSITION EOF STAFFING LOG Primary Relief Name *Shift Name *Shift Schedule Schedule List hours of coverage:

i.e., 0800-2000, or 8arn -8pm. Enclosure 6.16 SR/0/ A/2000/003 Emergency Planner Checklist Page 10of14 Name (Please Print) Representing Agency Enclosure 6.16 Emergency Planner Checklist EOF FACILITY POST EVENT CHECKLIST Obtain copy ofTSC/EOF Log Printout. Retrieve:

  • Completed Procedures
  • Notes
  • Log Sheets SR/0/A/2000/003 Page 11of14 ___ Log in to Side Bar. Double click on Content PC 1 Remote Control on Sources List. ---Double click on Content PC 1 Remote Control screen to take control of the screen. ------Log off of the computer using the Start menu in the bottom left hand corner of the screen. ___ Click red X in top right corner to exit. ---Turn off video wall board using Supervisor XPanel (System power-OFF).

NOTE: EOF Services completes Enclosures 13.4 and 13.5 from procedure ST/O/A/4600/086. Complete applicable enclosures ofST/O/A/4600/086 to replenish procedure inventories Clean tables off Put all trash in containers Erase status boards Verify all multifunction machines have paper supply replenished Verify cordless phones are left in cradles to be charged. Replenish Position Specific Notebooks (1 copy of procedure body and minimum 3 copies of applicable enclosures, checklists and log sheets): EOF Director (also include minimum 3 copies each of Enclosure 6.2, 6.3 and 6.4) Radiological Assessment Manager (also include minimum 3 copies each of Enclosures 6.2, 6.3, and 6.4). EOF Dose Assessor Field Monitoring Coordinator Radio Operator EOF Offsite Agency Communicator (also include 1 copy ofEP FAM 3.15 Attachment Accident Assessment Manager (also include minimum 3 copies each of Enclosures 6.2, 6.3, and 6.4). Accident Assessment Interface EOF Operations Interface Reactor Physics EOF Emergency Planner EOF Log Recorder (also include l copy ofEP FAM 3.15 Attachment EOF Data Coordinator EOF Services Manager Enclosure 6.16 Emergency Planner Checklist SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 12of14 MNS SECURITY EVENT, TSC/OSC ASSEMBLED AT EOF CHECKLIST __ Notify Energy Center Building Security, 2-1234, that TSC/OSC offsite responders are assembling at EOF. [61] Request that TSC/OSC responders assemble in EOF videoconferencing room. __ Coordinate selection of first response team that will activate TSC/OSC when Security Event is terminated. Move first response team into EOF work area to obtain plant status and recovery strategies. __ IF needed, THEN obtain copies ofRP/O/A/5700/012, Activation of the Technical Support Center, (TSC) and RP/O/A/5700/020, Activation of the Operations Support Center (OSC), from the McGuire procedure cabinet. __ Determine 24-hour staffing for each TSC/OSC position. IF EOF videoconferencing room is too crowded, THEN determine whether to send TSC/OSC relief members to Energy Center Cafeteria. WHEN Security Event is terminated and onsite TSC/OSC is to be activated, THEN ensure that first response team to TSC/OSC is briefed prior to dispatch to site. Send reliefTSC/OSC members home, if possible, with their assigned relief time. MNS BDBEE/ELAP EVENT, TSC/OSC ASSEMBLED AT EOF CHECKLIST {76} Notify Energy Center Building Security at 2-1234 that TSC/OSC offsite responders are assembling at EOF. __ Request that TSC/OSC responders assemble in EOF videoconferencing room. Assist TSC Emergency Planner in establishing priorities for transport of MNS ERO personnel to the site. Assist TSC Emergency Planner in determining 24-hour staffing for each TSC/OSC and alternate TSC/OSC position. IF needed, THEN obtain copies ofRP/O/A/5700/012, Activation of the Technical Support Center , (TSC) and RP/O/A/5700/020 , Activation of the Operations Support Center (OSC), from the McGuire procedure cabinet. IF EOF videoconferencing room is too crowded, THEN determine whether to send TSC/OSC relief members to Energy Center Cafeteria. Enclosure 6.16 Emergency Planner Checklist SRJO/ A/2000/003 Page 13of14 CNS SECURITY EVENT, TSC ERO ASSEMBLED AT EOF CHECKLIST Notify Energy Center Building Security, 2-1234, that CNS TSC duty responders are assembling at EOF. [61] Have CNS TSC responders assemble in EOF videoconferencing room. Obtain RP/O/A/5000/020 Enclosure 4.20 from CNS procedure cabinet and distribute to assembled TSC ERO. IF CNS TSC Emergency Planner does not respond within 75 minutes of declaration, THEN assist Assistant TSC Emergency Coordinator with assigned tasks. WHEN decision is made to access Catawba and staff the TSC and OSC, THEN ensure choice of facility (normal or alternate) TSC and OSC is known prior to TSC staff departure. Enclosure 6.16 Emergency Planner Checklist SR/0/ Af2000/003 Page 14of14 EMERGENCY WORKER/SPECIAL EQUIPMENT RE-ENTRY AFTER ROAD BLOCKS ARE ESTABLISHED IN THE EPZ NOTE: TSC Emergency Planner is to work with RP to determine if off going shift will need to leave their personnel vehicles onsite and leave in the relief bus. 1.0 IF roadblocks are in place in 10 mile EPZ AND affected site's Emergency Planner has asked the EOF to prepare for emergency worker re-entry for on site relief, THEN perform the following: 1.1 Request EOF Services Manager obtain bus(es) to be used for re-entry ofreliefworkers. 1.2 Coordinate with TSC Emergency Planner to verify re-entry path to be used, working with Field Monitoring Coordinator and Radiological Assessment Manager to ensure the path selected avoids the plume foot print. 1.3 Coordinate with State representative at EOF to contact re-entry county EOC to obtain Highway Patrol escorts for bus. 1.4 Ensure State representative requests county EOC to notify roadblock selected for re-entry with Estimated Time of Arrival for the bus( es) with Highway Patrol escort. 2.0 IF roadblocks are NOT established, THEN inform TSC Emergency Planner access will be normal. 3.0 IF roadblocks are in place when special equipment is to be brought to plant, THEN use process in step 1.0 for equipment to pass through roadblock. Enclosure 6.17 EOF Log Recorder Checklist SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 1of6 NOTE: Steps in this checklist may be performed in any order appropriate to the specific event conditions or they may be omitted if not applicable. INITIAL IF reporting to EOF outside your normal work hours, THEN complete a Fitness for Duty Questionnaire. Don position badge Log in to PC Start Up main video wall D Double-click Supervisor XPanel on desktop D Click Duke Energy Logo D Click System Power D Click Power On D Click Wall Presets D Click Center Preset 1 Log in to WebEOC Sign in on Sign In board Refer to EP FAM Section 3.15, Attachment, for WebEOC Logging instructions. Set up WebEOC content for display. 0 Click on SITE PAR EPZ. D Drag SITE PAR EPZ to right monitor AND maximize. D Log in to Side Bar. D Double click on Content PC 2 Remote Control on Sources list. D Double click on Log In screen. D Depress CTRL and F4 simultaneously. D Click Okay. D Log in using LAN ID and Password. D Log in to WebEOC. D Click Significant Events Log and maximize. D Click red X in top right comer to exit. NOTE: *This is a template for initial set up of the video knowledge wall. *Views may be changed at the EOF Director's discretion.

  • Remove EOF Sign-in after full staffing is me t.

Enclosure 6.17 EOF Log Recorder Checklist SR/0/A/2000/003 Page 2of6 Site 1 (Main Video Wall): SDS PARs ENF Significant Events Log Off site Fission Product Barrier Matrix Notification Status Sign In Board Make ticker for Classification D Log in to Sidebar D Click on Perspectives D Double-Click Center_Preset_l (Enlarge as necessary but do NOT maximize) D Click on Decorators D Drag appropriate Site and Classification to Significant Events Log screen on the Center Preset 1 window --Make ticker for Next Time Out D Log in to Sidebar D Click on Perspectives D Double-Click Center_Preset_l (Enlarge as necessary but do NOT maximize) D Click on Decorators D Drag Next Time Out to Significant Events Log screen on Center_Preset_l window (screen will show large gap between tickers; do NOT close gap) D Right-Click Next Time Out and select Properties D Click on Text tab in Properties D Highlight time (time only)and enter time for Next Time Out D Click Apply 0 ClickOK IF classification changes. THEN update tickers for Classification and Next Time Out 0 Right-Click Site and Classification ticker on Center_Preset_l screen and delete ticker 0 Drag new Site and Classification to Significant Events Log screen on the Center_Preset_l window Update ticker for Next Time Out as requested by EOF Director D Right-Click Next Time Out and select Properties D Click on Text tab in Properties 0 Highlight time (time only)and enter time for Next Time Out 0 Click Apply 0 ClickOK Enclosure 6.17 EOF Log Recorder Checklist SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 3of6 NOTE: These steps would be performed by additional Log Recorders for Site 2 or Site 3. IF needed, THEN set up display for Site 2 or Site 3 D Log in to PC D Click Supervisor XPanel on desktop D Click Duke Energy Logo D Click System Power D Click Power On D Click Wall Presets D Click Right Preset 1 (Site 2) OR Left Preset l (Site 3) sos ENF Significant Events Log Log in to WebEOC Sign in on Sign In board Refer to EP FAM Section 3.15, Attachment , for WebEOC Logging instructions. Set up WebEOC content for display. D Click Significant Events Log D Drag to right screen and maximize Make ticker for Classification D Log in to Sidebar D Click Perspectives D Double-Click Right_Preset_l (Site 2) OR Left_Preset_l (Site 3) (Enlarge as necessary but do NOT maximize) D Click on Decorators D Drag appropriate Site and Classification to EN Form screen on the Right_Preset_ 1 (Site 2) OR Left_Preset_l (Site 3) window Make ticker for Next Time Out D Log in to Sidebar D Click on Perspectives D Double-Click Right_ Preset_ I (Site 2) OR Left_ Preset_ I (Site 3) (Enlarge as necessary but do NOT maximize) D Click on Decorators D Drag Next Time Out to EN Form screen on Right_Preset_l (Site 2) OR Left_Preset_l (Site 3) window (screen will show large gap between tickers; do NOT close gap) Enclosure 6.17 EOF Log Recorder Checklist D Right-Click Next Time Out and select Properties D Click on Text tab in Properties D Highlight time (time only) and enter time for Next Time Out D Click Apply D ClickOK SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 4of6 IF classification changes, THEN update tickers for Classification and Next Time Out D Right-Click Site and Classification ticker on Right_Preset_l (Site 2) OR Left_Preset_l (Site 3) screen and delete ticker D Drag new Site and Classification to Significant Events Log screen on the Right_Preset_l (Site 2) OR Left_Preset_l (Site 3)window Update ticker for Next Time Out as requested by EOF Director D Right-Click Next Time Out and select Properties D Click on Text tab in Properties D Highlight time (time only) and enter time for Next Time Out D Click Apply D ClickOK INITIALS PRINTED NAME --------------- ---NOTE: 1. Incorrect log entries may be corrected by making the needed correction for the specific entry and flagging it as a "corrected item". 2. The EOF Log Recorder should enter EOF specific information and other information as directed by the EOF Director or Assistant EOF Director.

3. Log activities must be detailed enough to "tell the story" if necessary to reconstruct events for the NRC and to have an effective turnover to EOF staff. __ Establish official log of all significant EOF activities and EOF Director decisions using WebEOC computer program sufficient to conduct turnover for the on-coming shift. {IER 13-10 Rec. I I.a} Log entries should include, but are not limited to, the following examples:

-EOF Director and any change in EOF Director (staffing) -Time of EOF activation -Emergency classification, changes in classification , time of declaration -Protective Action Recommendations -Approval/transmittal of E merg enc y Notification Forms -Approval/distribution of News Releases -Plant Conditions (Unit I, 2, and 3): Enclosure 6.17 EOF Log Recorder Checklist -Core Cooling information (i.e., Time To Boiling, etc.) -Safety Systems Degraded -Power Supply Status -Fission Product Barrier Degradation -Radiation Releases. -Procedures in effect and any transition to another procedure -Actions taken that are not part of an approved procedure -Any abnormal or unexpected plant response -Major equipment manipulations -Major mitigation actions taken -Site assembly , relocation, or evacuation of all or any part of the plant -Personnel Injuries -Facility priorities -Recovery Action(s) in Progress -Summary of facilities briefings -Expected time of next Time-Out SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 5of6 -Any parameter that shows how drill/event is managed (ex. releases, time, communication) IF WebEOC computer program is not available, THEN establish manual log of all significant EOF activities and EOF Director decisions. IF requested by EOF Director, THEN prepare sequence of events list and revise it as necessary. Maintain EOF Director's Area displays and status boards as directed or needed. Record established priorities on EOF status board as requested by EOF Director. __ Conduct turnover for on-coming shift , if needed. Remove ticker for classification/next time-out and log off of Content PC 2 Remote Control. D Log in to Side Bar D Click on Perspectives D Double-Click Center Preset 1 --D Right click the classification and click delete D Right click the Next Time Out and click delete D Double click on Content PC 2 Remote Control on Sources list D Double click on Content PC 2 Remote Control screen to take control of the screen D Log off of the computer using the Start menu in the bottom left hand corner of the screen D Click red X in top right corner to exit Enclosure 6.17 EOF Log Recorder Checklist Shut Down main video wall D Double-click Supervisor XPanel on desktop D Click Duke Energy Logo D Click System Power D Click Power Off Print copy of Incident Event Log. SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 6of6 Provide all completed paperwork to Emergency Preparedness upon deactivation ofEOF. Enclosure 6.18 EOF Data Coordinator Checklist SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 1of1 NOTE: Steps in this checklist may be performed in any order appropriate to the specific event conditions or they may be omitted if not applicable. INITIAL __ IF reporting to EOF outside your normal work hours , THEN complete a Fitness for Duty Questionnaire. __ Don position badge. __ Log in to PC __ Log in to WebEOC. __ Sign in on Sign In board. __ Establish Position Log of activities sufficient to conduct turnover for on-coming shift. __ Verify EOF computer hardware , software , and data display equipment is operational per EP FAM 3.8 , EOF Data Coordinator's Reference Manual. __ Provide computer support as required:

  • Software and hardware applications support
  • Data acquisition support
  • Communication with TSC Da ta Coordinator

__ IF another site declares an emergency requiring activation of the EOF for support, THEN obtain three additional computers (laptop or PC) within one hour for use by Accident Assessment Manager , Radiological Assessment Manager , and Offsite Agency Communicators. __ Conduct turnover for on-comin g shift , if needed. __ Provide all completed paperwork to Emergency Preparedness upon deactivation ofEOF. IN I TIALS P RINTED NAME ----- Enclosure 6.19 EOF Services Manager Checklist SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 1 of3 NOTE: Steps in this checklist may be performed in any order appropriate to the specific event conditions or they may be omitted if not applicable. INITIAL __ IF reporting to EOF outside your normal work hours, THEN complete a Fitness for Duty Questionnaire. __ Don position badge. __ Log in to PC. __ Log in to WebEOC. __ Sign in on Sign In board. __ Establish Position Log of activities sufficient to conduct turnover for on-coming shift. __ Obtain contact information for Global Risk Management and Insurance duty person to provide to American Nuclear Insurers (ANI). __ Obtain copy of most recent Emergency Notification Form. __ Notify ANI at 9-1-877-680-2644 within 120 minutes of an Alert or higher event declaration and provide answers to the following:

  • What is your name (please spell your last name)?
  • What is the telephone number for immediate callback?
  • What is the name of your facility?
  • What is the name of your organization?
  • What is the date and time of the event?
  • What is the extent of damage?
  • Briefly describe the nature of the event that you are reporting.
  • Please provide contact person information (including the contact person's direct telephone number(s) and their position within the organization) for ANI follow-up.

__ Document ANI notification in Position Log, including time and summary of information provided. INITIALS PRINTED NAME ----- Enclosure 6.19 EOF Services Manager Checklist SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 2 of3 __ Activate the EOF Services Function by establishing duty function contacts for EOF service areas and post in EOF Service area:

  • Administration/Commissary

[SR/O/A/2000/003, Enclosure 6.11, EOF Services Administration/Commissary Checklist]

  • Communications (24-hour number is 2-1961) [AD-EP-ALL-0107, Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) Services, Section 4.1 and Step 5.1]
  • Transportation Services [AD-EP-ALL-0107, Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) ii Services, Section 4.2 and Step 5.2]
  • Global Risk Management and Insurance

[AD-EP-ALL-0107, Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) Services, Section 4.3]

  • Procurement

[AD-EP-ALL-0107, Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) Services, Section 4.4 and Step 5.3] __ Provide general administrative support and office supplies. __ Ensure office equipment is functioning properly. NOTE: Personnel without badge access will need to be escorted into the EOF by the Assistant EOF Director , EOF Emergency Planner, EOF Services Manager, or their Mentor. [61] IF needed, THEN provide escorted access to EOF for personnel without badge access, and document names of personnel escorted in log. __ Provide food and beverages to meet nutritional needs. __ Provide facilities to meet personal needs (dining facilities, toilets, trash receptacles and disposal) as required. NOTE: 1. The INPO phone number may be obtained from the Consolidated Emergency Phone Directory for the Emergency Operations Facility (EOF). 2. The INPO Emergency Resources Manual provides a list of contacts at each US commercial nuclear power site, and an emergency equipment list. The INPO Emergency Resources Manual can be found on the INPO Website or the bookcase in the EOF Director's Area. IF needed, THEN perform the following:

  • Request Communications to troubleshoot and repair telephone systems, mobile radios and cell phones.
  • Request Transportation Services or others arrange for necessary equipment for movement of materials and personnel.
  • Request Transportation Services or others to arrange necessary equipment and personnel for debri s removal in order to access th e DEC nucl ear sites. {IER Ll-1 1-14}
  • Obtain accommodations for personnel.

Enclosure 6.19 EOF Services Manager Checklist SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 3 of3

  • Request Global Risk Management and Insurance serve as liaison between Duke Energy and insurance companies in gathering data and establishing claims offices to disburse emergency assistance funds to evacuees.
  • Request Procurement coordinate all activities related to the purchase of materials, equipment and services from outside supplies including arranging for transportation and receiving as required.
  • Contact INPO for additional resources (human resources, emergency equipment, technical expertise).

{75} {IER Ll-13-10}

  • IF a Beyond Design Basis External Event (BDBEE)/Extended Loss of Offsite AC Power (ELAP) event at MNS, THEN request Transportation Services implement the MNS BDBEE/ELAP ERO Transportation Plan insert to the Fleet Storm EOF Manual. {76} IF 24-hour staffing is required, THEN perform the following:
  • Notify additional personnel and arrange schedule for continuous support.
  • Conduct turnover for on-coming shift. Ensure that all trash and left over food products are properly contained and arrange for disposal.

Notify Facility Services to clean the EOF following deactivation. Obtain Procedure ST/O/A/4600/086, Standard Procedure for Periodic Verification of Communication Equipment Operation and Equipment/Supply Inventory , Enclosures 13.4 and 13.5 and complete checklists. Provide all completed paperwork to E mergency Preparedness upon deactivation ofEOF. Notify duty functions contacts advising that the drill/event has been terminated. __ IF needed, THEN perform the following:

  • Request Communications secure radio base stations.
  • Request Communications return portable communications equipment to storage locations.
  • Request Procurement transfer information on outstanding requisitions to normal procurement contacts.
  • Request Transportation Services return re loc a ted equipm e nt to original location.
  • Request Transportation Services provide transportation home for ERO personnel.
  • Request Global Risk Managemen t and Insurance notify insurance companies of change in drill/event status.

INITIAL Enclosure 6.20 ESTABLIS H ING COMMUNICAT I ONS LINKS BETWEEN MCGUIRE SAMG EVALUATORS SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 1of1 NOTE: Operations Procedure Support in the TSC will serve as the lead SAMG evaluator and will be assisted by Reactor Engineer and Systems Engineer in the TSC, as well as Accident Assessment Interface in the EOF. OPS Procedure Support is expected to direct the other evaluators in what they should be looking at strategically, plus ensure that SAEG-1 is completed appropriately as directed by the guidelines. ESTABLISH communications links between the SAMG evaluators (TSC OPS Procedure Support, TSC Reactor Engineer, TSC System Engineering Manager, and EOF Accident Assessment Interface) by dialing RP spare bridge 9-980-875-4833 (6-party bridge line). EVALUATE using an alternate bridge line listed below if for some reason the RP spare bridge is unavailable or if other communications links are desired or needed. Dial the number listed as desired to determine ifthat bridge is currently being used. If the desired bridge line is not being used, then the appropriate parties may dial in to use it. EP Controller bridge (12 -party) 9-980-875-4575 McGuire site bridge (6 -party) 9-980-875-3030 McGuire site bridge (6 -party) 9-980-875-3200 INITIALS PRINTED NAME ----- Enclosure 6.21 Oconee Recovery SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 1 of2 1. Recovery Guidelines The Recovery Manager shall be responsible for the following: D 1.1 D 1.2 Initiate RP/O/B/1000/027, Reentry Recovery Procedure. Announce as follows: "Agreement has been reached between Duke Energy, the State of South Carolina and the NRC that the General Emergency classification is terminated. Recovery Operations are being initiated at the site. Actions are underway to determine when people who have been evacuated from their homes can return. As this information is made available, it will be released to the public." NOTE: The offsite recovery organization will stay at the EOF and work with the counties and state if radiological Conditions exist beyond the ONS site boundary. The onsite recovery organization will be established by the Emergency Coordinator. D 1.3 Establish Recovery Organization to handle offsite consequences. D 1.4 Make the following assignments: Recovery Manager Radiological Assessment Manager Field Monitoring Coordinator Emergency Preparedness Manager EOF Services Manager D 1.5 Ensure staffing for long-term operation. NOTE: Once recovery has been determined, the emergency notification message forms are no longer used. D 1.6 Confer with SEMD (State Emergency Management Director) regarding work in progress at EOF and determine communication channels and notifications expected. INITIALS PRINTED NAM E D 1.7 D 1.8 Enclosure 6.21 Oconee Recovery Consult with each manager regarding activities in progress. D 1.7.1 Radiological Assessment Responsibilities

  • Provide ingestion pathway dose assessments SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 2 of2
  • Provide ongoing communications with DHEC Nuclear Emergency Preparedness
  • Evaluate environmental concentrations within the radiological footprint
  • Provide technical assistance to Joint Information Center
  • Help plan for reactor building purge as needed D 1. 7.2 Emergency Preparedness Responsibilities
  • Communications to the State and County Management Directors D 1.7.3. EOF Services Manager Responsibilities
  • Ensure ANI (insurance) is set up for public inquiry
  • Provide services as required D 1.7.4. Joint Information Center Responsibilities
  • Providing news releases
  • Work with media/public to reduce rumors
  • Monitoring information being released by news media Maintain Emergency Operations Facility activated and staffed until consensus is reached by Duke E nergy and State of South Carolina there is no basis for continuous staffing. D 1.8.l Record time and date that Emergency Operations Facility/Joint Information Center were closed. A. EOF/JIC Closed Enclosure 6.22 Keowee Hydro Project Dams/Dikes Imminent Failure/Potential Failure Descriptions SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 1of1 NOTE:
  • Duke Energy Hydro Group personnel are responsible for evaluation/inspection of Keowee Hydro Project Dams/Dikes AND determining if an Imminent Failure or Potential Failure exists.
  • Duke Energy Hydro Group personnel will communicate the results of evaluations/inspections to the Keowee Hydro Operator.

The Keowee Hydro Operator will notify the SM. 1. Imminent Failure The Imminent Failure emergency level indicates that time has run out, and the dam has failed, is failing, or is about to fail. Imminent Failure typically involves a continuing and progressive loss of material from the dam. It is not usually possible to determine how long a complete breach of a dam will take. Therefore, once a decision is made that there is no time to prevent failure, the Imminent Failure warning must be issued. For purposes of evacuation, emergency management authorities should assume the worst-case condition that failure has already occurred. (Duke Energy Electric Plant EAP) 2. Potential Failure The Potential Failure emergency level indicates that conditions are developing at the dam that could lead to a dam failure. Some examples are (1) rising reservoir levels that are approaching the top of the non-overflow section of the dam, (2) transverse cracking of an embankment, and (3) a verified bomb threat. Potential Failure should convey that time is available for analyses, decisions, and actions before the dam could fail. A failure may occur, but predetermined response actions may moderate or alleviate failure. INITIALS ----- Enclosure 6.23 EOF Evacuation Checklist SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 1 of2 IF conditions DO NOT allow for a controlled relocation of the facility, THEN perform immediate actions to protect personnel. A. Notify personnel to re-assemble

  • Mint Street Parking Deck (Primary)
  • Firebird Statue in front ofBechtler Museum (Alternate)

B. Notify the TSC Emergency Coordinator of actions taken

  • Catawba 803-701-5870
  • McGuire 980-875-4950
  • Oconee 864-873-3921 IF conditions allow for a controlled relocation of the facility, THEN determine alternate EOF location:

D Catawba Event -McGuire Alternate TSC D McGuire Event -Catawba Alternate TSC D Oconee Event -Catawba Alternate TSC Request EOF Emergency Planner to obtain the following:

  • 24-Hour Position EOF Staffing Log
  • EOF Business Continuity Plan
  • Catawba, McGuire, and Oconee Emergency Telephone Directories
  • ERO Member Contact Information notebook Announce to EOF personnel to exit EOF and move to assembly area (Location designated by EOF Director) with all their procedures and paperwork.
  • Mint Street Parking Deck (Primary)
  • Firebird Statue in front ofBechtler Museum (Alternate)

Consider the need to escort NRC and offsite agency personnel from EOF to alternate EOF. Turn over command and control of event to TSC Emergency Coordinator.

  • Notify TSC Emergency Coordinator that EOF is evacuating due to (state reason) o Catawba 803-701-5870 o McGuire 980-875-4950 o Oconee 864-873-3921
  • Provide TSC Emergency Coordinator current emergency classification and EAL number , current Protective Action Recommendations, and status of Emergency Notifications:

Message number due at ___ _ Request the EOF Emergency Planner call the TSC Emergency Planner to request he call the un a ff e cted site's control r oo m and mak e them aware of t he EOF re loc a tion. Enclosure 6.23 EOF Evacuation Checklist NOTE: The following actions are taken after exiting the EOF. SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 2 of2 Request leads in each EOF functional area perform accountability ofEOF personnel using 24 hour EOF Position Staffing Log. Consult with Enterprise Security console personnel at 704-382-1234 to determine expected duration ofEOF evacuation. IF expected duration of evacuation is greater than 2 hours or unknown, THEN perform the following:

  • Direct EOF Personnel to report to the Alternate EOF Location o Catawba Alternate TSC Catawba Nuclear Station Administration Building (Building 7720) 4800 Concord Road York, SC 29745-9635 o McGuire Alternate TSC McGuire Nuclear Station Administration Building (Building 7438) 12700 Hagers Ferry Road Huntersville, NC 28078-9340
  • Inform the TSC Emergency Coordinator that EOF is relocating to Alternate EOF Location
  • Request TSC notify NRC ofEOF relocation Direct EOF Emergency Planner to conduct actions required by EOF Business Continuity Plan. Return to Enclosure 6.1 of this procedure after reporting to Alternate EOF.

Enclosure 6.24 EOF Briefing Guideline SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 1 of2 NOTE: Items listed here are suggested topics for routine update briefings (not all topics need be addressed at each briefing). Items actually selected should be based on existing or projected plant conditions and current priorities. Attributes of Excellent Briefings

  • 5-10 minutes duration
  • Speak to be heard (use PA if needed)
  • Brief for status, not to solve problems
  • Repeat back required actions
  • Crisp, focused and well controlled
  • ALL personnel are attentive
1. EOF Director (open and lead briefing)
  • Pre-announce

--5 minute warning brief is about to occur

  • Start Briefing by stating "Attention in the EOF," observe participants to confirm they are ready
  • Overview of emergency conditions
  • Station priorities
  • Offsite actions being taken
  • NRC activities related to emergency Notes: 2. Assistant EOF Director
  • Facility staffing issues and status of additional support requested
  • Facility operations expectations (noise levels, procedure use, log keeping, etc.)
  • Status of offsite agency communications
  • Status of relief shift Notes: 3. Accident Assessment Manager
  • Current Emergency Classification and EAL number/description
  • Key parameters/potential paths for Emergency Classification Upgrade
  • Reactor condition, core damage assessment.
  • Review of key plant conditions (power level, shutdown , trends)
  • Fission Product Barrier Status , trends, prognosis
  • Core Cooling System Status
  • Emergency/abnormal procedures entered or exited
  • Severe accident guideline status
  • Status ofNRC Communications Notes:
4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Enclosure 6.24 EOF Briefing Guideline Radiological Assessment Manager SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 2 of2
  • Status of radiological release compared to EAL thresholds, dose projections, offsite radiological conditions, P ARs.
  • Meteorological conditions
  • Field Monitoring Team reports
  • Radiation Protection problem areas being worked and/or needing resolution
  • Chemistry activities and results. (e.g. dose equivalent iodine, sample status) Notes: Emergency Planner
  • IF a security event is in progress, THEN plant access restrictions, status of site security, offsite Local Law Enforcement Agencies assistance requested and/or provided
  • IF a medical emergency response (MERT) is in progress , THEN number of victims, whether radiologically or chemically contaminated , offsite EMS response
  • IF a fire response is in progress, THEN status of fire, off site FD response
  • Status of site assembly and site evacuation Notes: Offsite Agency Communicator
  • Status of offsite agency communications and time next message due
  • Status ofINPO notification Notes: EOF Log Recorder
  • Items of interest from TSC Log
  • TSC Priorities Notes: Corporate Communications
  • Status of news releases and press conferences
  • Rumors being addressed
  • Internal/External notifications made (Duke Energy leadership team, ECOC, JIC, state government)

Notes: (If present) Offsite Agencies

  • Discuss status of offsite agency actions EOF Director (close briefing)
  • IF the NRC is present, THEN provide them with opportunity to contribute to brie f
  • Ask if an y others need to report "Important information"
  • Summarize priorities
  • Ask if there are any questions
  • State "E ND OF BRIEF" Enclosure 6.25 SR/0/ A/2000/003 Setup of Catawba Alternate EOF in McGuire Page 1 of 3 Admin Bldg. INITIAL IF SpectraLink phones with headsets can be obtained from McGuire TSC, THEN take them to alternate EOF location (Administration Building layout on Page 3of3 of this enclosure). Locate assigned Administration Building area shown on the layout drawing on Page 3 of 3 of this enclosure NOTE: 1. Alternate TSC phone sets are stored in the CRX Equipment Room, Room 112. 2. The EOF Emergency Planner and EOF Data Coordinator can assist with phone and computer connections.
3. IF a computer is needed, THEN a computer that is not being used for another ERO function (e.g., Regulatory Compliance section, Business Management group, Human Resources group) may be used. 4. IF access to the CBX equipment Room, Room 112 , is needed prior to the arrival of the EOF Emergency Planner, THEN a key to the door can be obtained from Security at the SAS. 5. Printer paths for McGuire Nuclear Station Administration Building Mail Room Printers are MNADM106 and MNADMDPl.

Set up assigned location as follows: INITIALS

  • Obtain phone equipment necessary to conduct ERO function at assigned location and connect to wall and ceiling outlets.
  • IF a computer is needed, THEN request help from EOF Data Coordinator.
  • IF necessary, THEN obtain copies of position procedure enclosure from procedure SR/O/B/2000/003, Activation of the EOF, located in Emergency Preparedness Procedures cabinet.
  • IF printing capability is needed , THEN setup printers using DAE Printer Selector Program. -----

Enclosure 6.25 SR/0/A/2000/003 Setup of Catawba Alternate EOF in McGuire Page 2 of3 Admin Bldg.

  • IF copies of plant procedures are required, THEN perform one of the following:
  • For Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures (RPs, SHs, and SRs), make copy from Control Copy located in Emergency Preparedness Procedures cabinet.
  • For all other procedures, print a copy from Fusion on DAE using McGuire Admin Building Mail Room printer MNADM106 or MNADMDPI.
  • Assume or continue ERO role according to procedure SR/O/B/2000/003, Activation of the EOF.

Enclosure 6.25 SR/0/A/2000/003 Setup of Catawba Alternate EOF in McGuire Page 3 of 3 Admin Bldg. (Executive Board Room 111, Admin. Building) Ringdown OPS Phone to EOF RX Physics Interface AAI AAM 4962 4951 4520 NC 875-1953 4954 875-1955 875-4789(PMCL) 875-4770(HPN) PC SC 4968 875-4778 (ENS) 875-4788 (RSCL) 4959 PC Ringdown PhonetoOSC RAM EOF Emergency Log Recorder Planner *2211 Other EOF Position Locations

  • Others (EP Room 114) -*4458, *4977, *875-1951.
  • Offsite Communicator (EP Room 115B --*4970, *SSN 315, *Radio, *875-1951.
  • Data Coordinator (CBX Equipment Room 112) --*4999.
  • Dose Assessor (SCR Room lOOD) --*4405.
  • Offsite Monitoring (McGuire TSC) *4969, *4976
  • Public Affairs (Rooms 118 and 141) --*4400, *4402, *4233.
  • NRC (NRC Office, Room 126) --*875-1681.
  • Other, use Jaguar Room as needed (Room 144, EOF Services Mgr.) --*4826. Office Equipment
  • FAX (Mail Room, Room 116)--*875-4506.
  • FAX (EP Room 114) --*875-4382.
  • Copier (Mail Room, Room 116).
  • Copier (SA Room 170).
  • CBX (CBX Office in Admin. Building Lobby).
  • Indicates existing phones. All others are to be plugged in when the Alternate TSC is activated.

INITIAL Enclosure 6.26 SR/0/A/2000/003 Setup of McGuire or Oconee Alternate EOF in Page I of 3 Catawba Admin Bldg. IF SpectraLink phones with headsets can be obtained from Catawba TSC, THEN take them to alternate EOF location (Administration Building layout on Page 2of3 of this enclosure). Locate assigned Administration Building area shown on the layout drawing on Page 2 of 3 of this enclosure NOTE: 1. The EOF Emergency Planner and EOF Data Coordinator can assist with computer connections.

2. IF a computer is needed, THEN a computer that is not being used for another ERO function (e.g., Regulatory Compliance section, Performance Improvement Team, Human Resources group) may be used. 3. Printer paths for Catawba Nuclear Station Administration Building Printers are CNSADM2 for Copier Room (Room 143) and CNADM127 for Room 127. Set up assigned location as follows:
  • IF a computer is needed , THEN request help from EOF Data Coordinator.
  • IF necessary, THEN obtain copies of position procedure enclosure from procedure SR/O/B/2000/003, Activation of the EOF, located in Emergency Preparedness procedures cabinet.
  • IF printing capability is needed, THEN setup printers using DAE Printer Selector Program.
  • IF copies of plant procedures are required , THEN perform one of the following:
  • For Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures (RPs, SHs, and SRs), make copy from Control Copy located in Emergency Preparedness Procedures cabinet.
  • For all other procedures, print a copy from Fusion on DAE using Catawba Admin Building Mail Room printer CNSADM2.
  • Assume or continue ERO role according to procedure SR/O/B/2000/003, Activation of the EOF. INITIALS PRINTED NAME -----

I STATE AND COUNTY 153B WORK AREA STATE AND COUNTY 153A WORK AREA 1378 ACCIDENT ASSESS LOBBY I 152 Ill I 137A DOSE ASSESS KITCHEN RM161 t::::=J BUSINESS i---. BUS 106 MGR ALTERNATE EOF IN THE CNS ADMIN BLDG MAIL ROOM RM BUS 164 NRC EMERGENCY BBA NOS NOS KIT STORAGE RM145 NOS RMJ48 EP MGR RM HR HR 130D EP HR RM 130C HR HU MGR RM 1308 RM144 RMl43 EOF OE SVC ADM EQUIP .... ' DATA EMERG COO RD PLANNER I -ml OFFSITE COMM . VP ASST SITEVP PLANT ENGR NOS BREAt COPY Pl RA RM MGR MGR u==i REG AFFAIRS NUC INT RMl27 l!OVlllAEOfll MM MGR SS MGR OE MGR NEWS RAM STATES MGR LOO RECORDER MGR, OFFSITE COMM. PUBL PUBLIC VP CONI". ROOM (RM. II*) SPOKES 'J). = "C 0 ...., t') = ...... -* '"I c:r 0 '"I >0 Q. t') a -* = => --Q. ...... (J'Q * '"I = ;-0 5* = t') S" l'l.l = °' N °' '"d C/'J cfJ N> 0 ..__ >-+i N \,;..) 0 0 0 0 \,;..) Enclosure 6.26 SR/0/A/2000/003 Setup of McGuire or Oconee Alternate EOF in Page 3 of3 Catawba Admin Bldg .

  • Acc. Assess. Public Info Coordinator VP CONFERENCE ROOM EOF Functional Areas: Mgr EOF Tech Liaison Rad ""° Mgr Lead Offsitc Agency Conununicator Assistant EOF Director EOF Director I VP Conference Room -Command & Control Center (EOF Director, Accident Assessment Manager, Rad Assessment Manager, Lead Offsite Agency Communicator, EOF Log Recorder, EOF Emergency Planner EOF Tech Liaison, Public Information Coordinator , State EM Representatives)

EP Manager's Office -Offsite Communicators EP Cubes -Data Coordinator Touchdown Room 142 -EOF Services PA Manager Office -News Manager, Public Spokesperson Room 153 A/B -State and County Work Area NRC Resident Inspector Offices -NRC Site Team Room 13 7 A -Dose Assessment Room 13 78 -Accident Assessment Catawba TSC (Not Shown) -Offsite Monitoring Enclosure 6.27 NRC Response Team Briefing SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 1 of2 A) Emergency Classification Time Declared: am/pm (Current Class) D Unusual Event D Alert D Site Area Emergency D General Emergency EAL Descriptor Text: ________ _ Provide a brief summary of the event and mitigating actions in progress: _________ _ B) Fission Product Barrier Status Fuel RCS Intact: D D Potential Loss: D D Lost: D D C) Plant Conditions D Mode 1 -Power Operations % D Mode 2 -Startup D Mode 3 -Hot Standby D Mode 4 -Hot Shutdown D Mode 5 -Cold Shutdown D Mode 6 -Refueling Time of shutdown: ____ am/pm D Stable D Improving D Unstable D Deteriorating CTMT D D D Briefly describe equipment, instrument or other problems: _____________ _ D) Radiological Release D None or D Imminent D Controlled D In Progress D Uncontrolled D Terminated Start Time:_am/pm Estimated Duration:

. E) Onsite Protective Actions D None or D Site Assembly I Accountability D Local Area Evacuation D Protected Area Evacuated D Site Evacuated D Offsite Assembly D Emergency Exposures Authorized D Potassium Iodide Issued F) Response Facilities Activated D None or D Technical Support Center D Operations Support Center D Emergency Operations Facility D Joint Information Center G) Offsite Assistance Requested D None or D Medical D Fire Department D Law Enforcement H) Offsite Notifications

__ am/pm __ am/pm __ am/pm D County D INPO D State D ANI D News Release I) Protective Action Recommendations D Noneor D Evacuate:

0 Shelter: ----------

J) Offsite Actions/Response D None issued, or: D Schools D Recreation Areas D Other: ---------- D Evacuate:

0 Shelter:

D Underway --OR --D Completed Enclosure 6.27 NRC Response Team Briefing K) Additional Notes SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 2 of2 NOTE: This briefing is intended to provide general information related to the event. More detailed information will be available from individual licensee counterparts. Additional Discussion Items: 1. Personnel safety (as applicable)

a. Personnel accountability requirements
b. Radiation protection requirements
c. Industrial safety requirements
d. Protective equipment requirements
e. Reporting emergency situation (e.g., fire/medical
2. Emergency evacuation
a. Location of exits b. Location of emergency assembly areas 3. Personal comfort a. Location of restrooms
b. Location of water, beverages, and food c. Location of quiet area 4. Facility specific information
a. Prohibited activities (e.g., use of cell phones, cameras, cordless phones, etc.) b. Facility telephones (how to call outside the facility, reserve phones, etc.) c. Telephone numbers (e.g., response facility phone directory/phone listing) d. Reference locations and access e. Making photo copies f. Sending/receiving facsimiles
g. Logistical assistance/support Enclosure 6.28 Commitments for SR/O/ A/2000/03 SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 1of4 {1} PIP O-M97-4210 NRC-1, NRC Commitments per H.B. Barron's 11/6/97 response to exercise weakness.

{2} Deleted {3} PIP 2-C96-0273, Unit 1LOOP2/6/1996 [10 CFR 50.54(x)/(y)] {4} Deleted {5} Deleted {6} Deleted {7} Deleted {8} Deleted {9} Deleted {10} Deleted {11} Deleted {12} Deleted {13} Deleted {14} Deleted {15} Deleted {16} Deleted {17} NIA {18} Deleted {19} Deleted {20} Deleted {21} Deleted {22} Deleted {23} PIP G-03-606, Final Rule, "Consideration of Potassium Iodide in Emergency Plans" (66 FR 5427) {24} Deleted {25} Deleted {26} Deleted {27} Deleted {28} Deleted {29} Deleted {30} Deleted {31} Deleted {32} Deleted {33} Deleted {34} Deleted Enclosure 6.28 Commitments for SR/O/A/2000/03 SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 2of4 {35} PIP-M-05-3631, Failure to update the Emergency Plan in accordance with evaluation ofNRC RIS 2004-13, "Consideration of Sheltering in Licensee's Range of Protective Action Recommendations" and 2004-13 Supplement

1. {36} PIP-C-05-4854, Failure to update the Emergency Plan in accordance with evaluation ofNRC RIS 2004-13, "Consideration of Sheltering in Licensee's Range of Protective Action Recommendations" and 2004-13 Supplement I. {37} Deleted {38} Deleted {39} Deleted {40} Deleted {41} Deleted {42} Deleted {43} Deleted {44} Deleted {45} Deleted {46} Deleted {47} Deleted {48} De leted {49} Deleted {50) Deleted {51} PIP M-09-4514 , C.A. 19

{52} {53} {54} {55} {56} {57} {58} {59} {60} Deleted Deleted Deleted Deleted Deleted Deleted Deleted Deleted Deleted Enclosure 6.28 Commitments for SR/O/ A/2000/03 SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page 3of4 [61] PIP G-11-1177, DocuTracks NG0-2012-000122, Catawba, McGuire, and Oconee Emergency Plan Minimum Staffing License Amendment Request, approved 7 /29/11 {62} Deleted {63} Deleted {64} Deleted {65} Deleted {66} Deleted {67} Deleted {68} Deleted {69} Deleted {70} Deleted {71} Deleted {72} Deleted {73} Deleted {74} Deleted {75} PIP G-13-1461, C.A. 19, IER Ll-13-10, "Nuclear Accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station" {76} PIP M-12-2339, C.A. 34, NRC Near Term Task Force (NTTF) Recommendation 9.3 EP Staffing -Fukushima Dai-Ichi Accident Enclosure 6.28 Commitments for SR/O/ A/2000/03 SR/0/ A/2000/003 Page4of4 {77} IER Ll-13-10, "Nuclear Accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station" {78} IER Ll-11-14 {79} De1eted {80} De1eted { 81 } Deleted { 82} Deleted}}