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**1THP6030IMP.304LISTOFEFFECTIVE PAGESPAGENUMBERREVISIONNUMBERCSNUMBERPage1of8Page2of8Page3of8Page4of8Page5of8Page6of8Page7of8Page8of8Revision0Revision0Revision0Revision0Revision0Revision0Revision0Revision0ATTACHMENT 1Page1of1Revision0ATTACHMENT 2Page1of1Revision0ATTACHMENT 3Page1of1Revision0Page1of1Rev.0  
**1 THP 6030 IMP.304 LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES PAGE NUMBER REVISION NUMBER CS NUMBER Page 1 of 8 Page 2 of 8 Page 3 of 8 Page 4 of 8 Page 5 of 8 Page 6 of 8 Page 7 of 8 Page 8 of 8 Revision 0 Revision 0 Revision 0 Revision 0 Revision 0 Revision 0 Revision 0 Revision 0 ATTACHMENT 1 Page 1 of 1 Revision 0 ATTACHMENT 2 Page 1 of 1 Revision 0 ATTACHMENT 3 Page 1 of 1 Revision 0 Page 1 of 1 Rev.0  

**1THP6030IMP.304INDIANA6cMICHIGANELECTRICCOMPANYDONALDC.COOKNUCLEARPLANTPRESSURIZER PORVCABLEREPAIR1.0OBJECTIVE 1.1Thepurposeofthisprocedure istoprovideinstruction fortheinstallation ofanalternate powersupplyandcontrolfortheUnit1pressurizer PORVs(NRV-151, NRV-152andNRV-153)intheeventthatfiredamagetothePORVcablescausesalossofremotecontrolfromtheUnit1ControlRoom1.2Thisprocedure meetsaportionoftherequirements specified in10CFR50AppendixR.
**1 THP 6030 IMP.304 INDIANA 6c MICHIGAN ELECTRIC COMPANY DONALD C.COOK NUCLEAR PLANT PRESSURIZER PORV CABLE REPAIR 1.0 OBJECTIVE 1.1 The purpose of this procedure is to provide instruction for the installation of an alternate power supply and control for the Unit 1 pressurizer PORVs (NRV-151, NRV-152 and NRV-153)in the event that fire damage to the PORV cables causes a loss of remote control from the Unit 1 Control Room 1.2 This procedure meets a portion of the requirements specified in 10 CFR 50 Appendix R.


2.1AEPElementary Diagrams1-98204,2-98053.2.2AEPWiringDiagrams1-97504,1-97511,1-97522.2.310CFR50,AppendixR,SectionIII,L.5.2.4PMI-2140, Temporary Modifications.
2.1 AEP Elementary Diagrams 1-98204, 2-98053.2.2 AEP Wiring Diagrams 1-97504, 1-97511, 1-97522.2.3 10 CFR 50, Appendix R, Section III, L.5.2.4 PMI-2140, Temporary Modifications.
'2.5PMI-2270, FireProtection.
'2.5 PMI-2270, Fire Protection.
3.0EUIPMENTREUIRED3.1Pressurizer PORValternate controlboxesandcables.3.2Standard6"flatheadscrewdriver orequivalent.
3.0 E UIPMENT RE UIRED 3.1 Pressurizer PORV alternate control boxes and cables.3.2 Standard 6" flathead screwdriver or equivalent.
3.3Fuses(10AMP)andfusepullers.3..4D.C.Voltmeter, Simpson260orequivalent.
3.3 Fuses (10 AMP)and fuse pullers.3..4 D.C.Voltmeter, Simpson 260 or equivalent.
3.5Electrical jumpers.Page1of8Rev.0  
**1THP6030IMP.3044.14.24.3Performance ofthisprocedure maytakeplaceifremotecontrolforanyorallofthepressurizer PORVs(NRV-151, NRV-152,andNRV-153)islostfromtheUnit1ControlRoomduetofiredamagetothePORVcables.Ifremotecontroltoallthree(3)PORVsisnotplannedtobealteredatthistime,aN/Ashallbeplacedasdesignated intheportionsofthisprocedure whichwillnotbeperformed.
===3.5 Electrical===
EnsureaSecurityGuardisstationed atSecuritydoorstobeblockedopenandthatfirewatches arestationed asnecessary intheUnit1ReactorCableTunnelandintheUnit2Switchgear areaspriortoroutingcables.ShiftSupervisor (orAssistant ShiftSupervisor) permission tobeginworkonthefollowing valvecontrols:
jumpers.Page 1 of 8 Rev.0  
(crossoutthevalvesnottobealteredatthistime)NRV-151NRV>>152NRV-153SS/ASSDATE4.4ObtaintheUnit1,UnitSupervisor (ordesignee) permission tobeginwork.DATE5.0PRECAUTIONS cables,donotobstructwalkways.
**1 THP 6030 IMP.304 4.1 4.2 4.3 Performance of this procedure may take place if remote control for any or all of the pressurizer PORVs (NRV-151, NRV-152, and NRV-153)is lost from the Unit 1 Control Room due to fire damage to the PORV cables.If remote control to all three (3)PORVs is not planned to be altered at this time, a N/A shall be placed as designated in the portions of this procedure which will not be performed.
Ensure a Security Guard is stationed at Security doors to be blocked open and that firewatches are stationed as necessary in the Unit 1 Reactor Cable Tunnel and in the Unit 2 Switchgear areas prior to routing cables.Shift Supervisor (or Assistant Shift Supervisor) permission to begin work on the following valve controls: (cross out the valves not to be altered at this time)NRV-151 NRV>>152 NRV-153 SS/ASS DATE 4.4 Obtain the Unit 1, Unit Supervisor (or designee)permission to begin work.DATE 5.0 PRECAUTIONS 5.1 5.2 5.3 Y When routing temporary cables, do not obstruct walkways.Cables shall be routed off to the side or overhead when possible.Though the circuits being worked on are de-energized, other circuits in close proximity.
Thoughthecircuitsbeingworkedonarede-energized, othercircuitsincloseproximity.
may have voltages present;observe all electrical safety precautions while working on or near energized equipment.
mayhavevoltagespresent;observeallelectrical safetyprecautions whileworkingonornearenergized equipment.
Ensure that all connections are clean and tight.6.0 DOCUPBMl'ATION I 6.1 Entries shall be made in the Control Rooms to document the modifications to be installed, and tags placed on the lifted leads, temporary cables and control switches (Reference PMI-2140).
Ensurethatallconnections arecleanandtight.6.0DOCUPBMl'ATION I6.1EntriesshallbemadeintheControlRoomstodocumentthemodifications tobeinstalled, andtagsplacedontheliftedleads,temporary cablesandcontrolswitches(Reference PMI-2140).
Page 2 of 8 Rev.0  
**1 THP 6030 IMP.304 6.2 Upon completion, this procedure shall be submitted to a C&I Engineer or designated alternate for review.7.0 PORV ALTERNATE CONTROL INSTALLATION 7.1 Ensure that.power for the pressurizer PORV (NRV-151, NRV-152 and NRV-153)control circuit(s) to be disconnected from Unit 1 are de-energized by ensuring that the associated circuit breaker in the Unit 1 Control Room is open (OFF position)and a clearance (if time permits)is in place.If the individual valve circuit breakers are not accessible, the control circuits can be de-energized by opening the supply breakers for the entire CCV-AB and CCV-CD distribution panels (MCAB circuit 16 for CCV-AB panel, valves NRV-151 and NRV-152 and MCCD circuit 16 for CCV-CD panel, valve NRV-153).This should only be done after consideration has been given for all other valves that will lose control power.NA the signoff for the valve circuit(s) not to be altered.NRV-151 Distribution panel CCV-AB circuit 79 OFF.(or Distribution Panel MCAB circuit 16 OFF.)TECH NRV-152 Distribution panel CCV-AB circuit 80 OFF.(or Distribution Panel MCAB circuit 16 OFF.)TECH NRV-153 Distribution panel CCV-CD circuit 79 OFF.(or Distribution Panel MCCD circuit 16 OFF.)TECH DATE DATE DATE 7.2 At the storage box for the pressurizer PORV alternate control equipment (located on the 591 level of the turbine building by the ramp leading down to the diesel room entrances) remove the applicable control boxes and cables.Each control box is labeled with the valve number it will be used for.The attached cables have been precut for correct length, lugged and labeled to aid in installation.
**1THP6030IMP.3046.2Uponcompletion, thisprocedure shallbesubmitted toaC&IEngineerordesignated alternate forreview.7.0PORVALTERNATE CONTROLINSTALLATION 7.1Ensurethat.powerforthepressurizer PORV(NRV-151, NRV-152andNRV-153)controlcircuit(s) tobedisconnected fromUnit1arede-energized byensuringthattheassociated circuitbreakerintheUnit1ControlRoomisopen(OFFposition) andaclearance (iftimepermits)isinplace.Iftheindividual valvecircuitbreakersarenotaccessible, thecontrolcircuitscanbede-energized byopeningthesupplybreakersfortheentireCCV-ABandCCV-CDdistribution panels(MCABcircuit16forCCV-ABpanel,valvesNRV-151andNRV-152andMCCDcircuit16forCCV-CDpanel,valveNRV-153).
Page 3 of 8 Rev.0  
Thisshouldonlybedoneafterconsideration hasbeengivenforallothervalvesthatwilllosecontrolpower.NAthesignoffforthevalvecircuit(s) nottobealtered.NRV-151Distribution panelCCV-ABcircuit79OFF.(orDistribution PanelMCABcircuit16OFF.)TECHNRV-152Distribution panelCCV-ABcircuit80OFF.(orDistribution PanelMCABcircuit16OFF.)TECHNRV-153Distribution panelCCV-CDcircuit79OFF.(orDistribution PanelMCCDcircuit16OFF.)TECHDATEDATEDATE7.2Atthestorageboxforthepressurizer PORValternate controlequipment (locatedonthe591leveloftheturbinebuildingbytherampleadingdowntothedieselroomentrances) removetheapplicable controlboxesandcables.Eachcontrolboxislabeledwiththevalvenumberitwillbeusedfor.Theattachedcableshavebeenprecutforcorrectlength,luggedandlabeledtoaidininstallation.
**1 THP 6030 IMP.304 7.3 7.4 With the control box(es)remaining at the storage area, route the larger multiple wired cable(s)marked"valve control" down the ramp and up the stairs into the Reactor Cable Tunnel Area 3 through door 339 (ensure COq is properly isolated and firewatch stationed).
If NRV-153 control is not to be changed, NA step 7.4.1 and proceed to step 7.5.To install the NRV-153 alternate valve control cable, bring the cable up to the terminal block box across from penetration 1-2C4 in Quadrant 3M.With power off to the NRV-153 control (from step 7.1), locate and disconnect all the wires of cable 8757G-1 from the terminal blocks in the box and connect the alternate valve control cable wires and jumpers in its place in accordance with the labeled wires and attachment 01.(Reference can be made to wiring diagram 1-97522).TECH 7.4.1 Verify that cable 8757G-1 is disconnected and that the alternate valve control cable and jumper are installed.
**1THP6030IMP.3047.37.4Withthecontrolbox(es)remaining atthestoragearea,routethelargermultiplewiredcable(s)marked"valvecontrol"downtherampandupthestairsintotheReactorCableTunnelArea3throughdoor339(ensureCOqisproperlyisolatedandfirewatch stationed).
DATE 7.4.2 If neither the NRV-151 or NRV-152 alternate valve control cables are to be installed, N/A signoffs for steps 7.6.1 and 7.7.1 and proceed to step 7.8.Otherwise continue with step 7.6 To route either or both of the NRV-151 and NRV-152 alternate control cables, proceed into Reactor Cable Tunnel Quadrant 3N through door 323.Continue to pull the cable(s)through Quadrant 4 and into Quadrant 1 through door 333.If NRV-151 control is not to be changed, N/A the signoff in step 7.6.1 and proceed to step 7.7;otherwise, continue with step 7.6.To install the NRV-151 alternate valve control cable, bring the cable up to the terminal block box across from penetration 1-4C1 in Quadrant 1.With power off the NRV-151 control (from step 7.1), locate and disconnect all the wires of cable 9705R-1 from the terminal block in the box and connect the alternate valve control cable wires and jumper in its place in accordance with the labeled wire and attachment 42.(Reference can be made to wiring diagram 1-97504).TECH 7.6.1 Verify that cable 9705R-1 is disconnected and that the alternate valve control cable and jumper are installed.
IfNRV-153controlisnottobechanged,NAstep7.4.1andproceedtostep7.5.ToinstalltheNRV-153alternate valvecontrolcable,bringthecableuptotheterminalblockboxacrossfrompenetration 1-2C4inQuadrant3M.WithpowerofftotheNRV-153control(fromstep7.1),locateanddisconnect allthewiresofcable8757G-1fromtheterminalblocksintheboxandconnectthealternate valvecontrolcablewiresandjumpersinitsplaceinaccordance withthelabeledwiresandattachment 01.(Reference canbemadetowiringdiagram1-97522).
PATE Page 4 pf 8 Rev.0  
TECH7.4.1Verifythatcable8757G-1isdisconnected andthatthealternate valvecontrolcableandjumperareinstalled.
**1 THP 6030 IMP.304 7.6.2 If NRV-152 controls are not to be changed, N/A the signoff in step 7.7.1 and proceed to step 7.8;otherwise, continue with step Continue to pull the alternate control cable for NRV-152 up to the terminal block box across from penetration 1-1C4 in Quadrant 1.With power off the NRV-152 control (from step 7.1)locate and disconnect all the wires of cable 9706R-1 from the terminal block in the box and connect the alternate valve control cable and jumper in its place according to the labeled wires and Attachment C3.(Reference can be made to wiring diagram 1-97511).7.7.1 Verify that cable 9706R-1 is disconnected and that the alternate valve control cable and jumper are installed.
DATE7.4.2IfneithertheNRV-151orNRV-152alternate valvecontrolcablesaretobeinstalled, N/Asignoffsforsteps7.6.1and7.7.1andproceedtostep7.8.Otherwise continuewithstep7. controlcables,proceedintoReactorCableTunnelQuadrant3Nthroughdoor323.Continuetopullthecable(s)throughQuadrant4andintoQuadrant1throughdoor333.IfNRV-151controlisnottobechanged,N/Athesignoffinstep7.6.1andproceedtostep7.7;otherwise, continuewithstep7.6.ToinstalltheNRV-151alternate valvecontrolcable,bringthecableuptotheterminalblockboxacrossfrompenetration 1-4C1inQuadrant1.WithpowerofftheNRV-151control(fromstep7.1),locateanddisconnect allthewiresofcable9705R-1fromtheterminalblockintheboxandconnectthealternate valvecontrolcablewiresandjumperinitsplaceinaccordance withthelabeledwireandattachment 42.(Reference canbemadetowiringdiagram1-97504).
DATE 7.8 With the necessary alternate valve control cable(s)in place return to the storage area and verify that the alternate valve control switches are in the closed position.NA the signoff for the control switch(es) not to be used.NRV-151 Alternate Control Switch in closed position.TECH DATE NRV-152 Alternate Control Switch in closed position.TECH DATE NRV-153 Alternate Control Switch in closed position.DATE 7.9 To obtain 250 VDC power from the Unit 2 Switchgear area, route the cable(s)marked"valve power" from the alternate control switch box(es)to be used, south along the 591 aisleway and up the stairs leading to elevation 609.Continue to route the cable(s)south through rollup door 242 and along the side of the 609 aisleway to security gate door 446 of the Unit 2 Switchgear Rooms.Ensure Unit 2 CO2 is properly isolated and firewatch stationed.
TECH7.6.1Verifythatcable9705R-1isdisconnected andthatthealternate valvecontrolcableandjumperareinstalled.
With a Security Guard stationed, have doors 446 and 344 opened'nd continue to route the cable(s)to the 250 VDC distribution cabinet DAB, located across from the AB battery room and next to the inverter area.Page 5 of 8 Rev.0  
**1'i'030 IMP.304 7.10 Remove the front panel cover from cabinet DAB (a ladder may be needed).Ensure that spare breakers 17, 19, and 21 are OFF and fuses are removed.7.11 The following installations will be made with the NRV-151 power cable going to breaker 17, NRV-152 power cable to breaker 19 and NRV-153 power cable t'o breaker On the left side of cabinet DAB connect the valve power cable leads to the breaker fuse lugs with the positive{+)lead on the top'lug and the negative (-)lead on the bottom lug. Verify the valve power cables are connected to the proper breaker.N/A the signoff if the valve control is not being altered.NRV-151 power cable connected to panel DAB circuit 17 TECH DATE TECH DATE NRV-152 power cable connected to panel DAB circuit 19 DATE TECH DATE NRV-153 power cable connected to panel DAB circuit 21.TECH DATE 7.11.2 DATE Install the 10 AMP fuses (provided in the storage box)in panel DAB breaker circuits for each breaker that is being utilized (Two (2)fuses per breaker). Verify the valve power fuses are installed.
**1THP6030IMP.3047.6.2IfNRV-152controlsarenottobechanged,N/Athesignoffinstep7.7.1andproceedtostep7.8;otherwise, continuewithstep7.7.7.7Continuetopullthealternate controlcableforNRV-152uptotheterminalblockboxacrossfrompenetration 1-1C4inQuadrant1.WithpowerofftheNRV-152control(fromstep7.1)locateanddisconnect allthewiresofcable9706R-1fromtheterminalblockintheboxandconnectthealternate valvecontrolcableandjumperinitsplaceaccording tothelabeledwiresandAttachment C3.(Reference canbemadetowiringdiagram1-97511).
NA the signoff if the valve control is not being altered.NRV-151 10 AMP fuses{2)are installed in panel DAB circuit 17.TECH DATE DATE Page 6 of 8 Rev.0  
7.7.1Verifythatcable9706R-1isdisconnected andthatthealternate valvecontrolcableandjumperareinstalled.
**1 THP 6030 IMP.304 NRV-152 10 AMP fuses (2)are installed in panel DAB circuit 19 DATE TECH DATE NRV-153 10 AMP fuses (2)are installed in panel DAB circuit, 21.TECH DATE TECH 7.11.3 DATE Notify the Unit 2 Control Room to have an Operator close the applicable circuit breaker(s)(ON position).
DATE7.8Withthenecessary alternate valvecontrolcable(s)inplacereturntothestorageareaandverifythatthealternate valvecontrolswitchesareintheclosedposition.
CAUTION: 250VDC is present at lugs and breaker fuses. Verify the correct circuit breakers are in the ON position and take voltage readings across the cable lugs at the breaker fuses to ensure power is available.
NAthesignoffforthecontrolswitch(es) nottobeused.NRV-151Alternate ControlSwitchinclosedposition.
NRV-151 circuit breaker 17 ON and voltage available.
TECHDATENRV-152Alternate ControlSwitchinclosedposition.
TECH TECH NRV-152 ci"cuit breaker 19 ON and voltage available.
TECHDATENRV-153Alternate ControlSwitchinclosedposition.
TECH DATE DATE DATE TECH NRV-153 circuit breaker 21 ON and voltage available.
DATE7.9Toobtain250VDCpowerfromtheUnit2Switchgear area,routethecable(s)marked"valvepower"fromthealternate controlswitchbox(es)tobeused,southalongthe591aislewayandupthestairsleadingtoelevation 609.Continuetoroutethecable(s)souththroughrollupdoor242andalongthesideofthe609aislewaytosecuritygatedoor446oftheUnit2Switchgear Rooms.EnsureUnit2CO2isproperlyisolatedandfirewatch stationed.
TECH DATE DATE TECH DATE 7.12 Replace the front panel cover on cabinet DAB as best as possible, with the valve power cable(s)running out of the bottom of the cabinet.Page 7 of 8.Rev.0  
WithaSecurityGuardstationed, havedoors446and344opened'nd continuetoroutethecable(s)tothe250VDCdistribution cabinetDAB,locatedacrossfromtheABbatteryroomandnexttotheinverterarea.Page5of8Rev.0  
**1 THP 6030 IMP.304 7.13 The following step will open the pressurizer PORVs.If plant conditions are not suitable to open the PORVs, N/A and explain the plant condition in the signoff in step 7.13.1.N/A the signoff(s) for valve controls not altered.7.13.1 Check the alternate valve control operation by having an Operator place the alternate control switch(es) of each valve one at a time in the open position and verify the red open light comes on.The valve(s)may be left in the position desired.NRV-151 alternate control switch to open and red light comes on.TECH DATE NRV-152 alternate control switch to open and red light comes on.TECH DATE NRV-153 alternate control switch to open and red light comes on.TECH DATE 7.14 Notify the Unit 1 Control Room that the pressuizer PORV alternate control(s) for (cross out the valve control not altered)NRV-151 NRV-152 NRV-153 is installed and available for operation using the control switch located in Unit 1 on Turbine Building 591 elevation.
**1'i'030IMP.3047.10RemovethefrontpanelcoverfromcabinetDAB(aladdermaybeneeded).Ensurethatsparebreakers17,19,and21areOFFandfusesareremoved.7.11Thefollowing installations willbemadewiththeNRV-151powercablegoingtobreaker17,NRV-152powercabletobreaker19andNRV-153powercablet'obreaker21.7.11.1OntheleftsideofcabinetDABconnectthevalvepowercableleadstothebreakerfuselugswiththepositive{+)leadonthetop'lugandthenegative(-)leadonthebottomlug. totheproperbreaker.N/Athesignoffifthevalvecontrolisnotbeingaltered.NRV-151powercableconnected topanelDABcircuit17TECHDATETECHDATENRV-152powercableconnected topanelDABcircuit19DATETECHDATENRV-153powercableconnected topanelDABcircuit21.TECHDATE7.11.2DATEInstallthe10AMPfuses(provided inthestoragebox)inpanelDABbreakercircuitsforeachbreakerthatisbeingutilized(Two(2)fusesperbreaker).
US(or designee)DATE 7.15 Shift Supervisor (or Assistant Shift Supervisor) notified pressurizer PORV alternate control installation complete.SS/ASS DATE 8.0 Ensure all areas worked are clean and that proper log entries have been made.Page 8 of 8 Rev.0 ATZACHMEVr l**>~6030~,304 Box 8/Z7 O'IRK Qo Z-Z i'-S PXAP}0 7o F'NL.."PRE" ghlQTh L L ruePERTo PERE TRcl TION l-ZC+Qgc BIZ.7 TEpP~MAV CoNvZoc AaZ)ZNb C AT'/Opl,+~p.'~
L J~pilaf Alo.I feE I I F'guff AT I (z g)~golJDJC10t QOWTAOg.ScuITCH'O Ag~Ryan@T I z.80 Kcl;.c 5yuCCK P~l ee V MTACHMERZ 2**l'IHP 603p~,3p4 Box 8/ZV;F'fh/TRAT/d Co~Oil 04.7-I 7-Z 0')RK Mo 7-4-7w f 7-8/ZW/7&970$R-/7o F'HL.."ERR" 7-If/SI+\Tz sTALL'.J()+i c/2 7'/oMAV Cy~vg&z Ama ZhlOIC ATION g+~~~~P~ua,Na7 CouOaC<08 (v-v)~~goN7404.S~ITCH Page 1 o8 1 M'DKZ~3**a'1HP 6030~.304 Box BCQ ZH47'ac.g TQHPfg/-MR v-/-Z ezerurio CoeOucvng A/o./-9 J-/0 till R'E No-/5Z+/SZ-R/-/2 (-/4/SZ-4-CJ io A GY 97o6 7~pgg R-l I-iS 152-6/-lG PZAP ei/-/9/5 Z+7o P-uzzaavio)v I-tC+Box 8I40 (sz-R (I-IO)7'>aa,ne'oN7Zoz Aaa ZQQICATIClp4 pgp'f'5 p&(ET'ior'
NAthesignoffifthevalvecontrolisnotbeingaltered.NRV-15110AMPfuses{2)areinstalled inpanelDABcircuit17.TECHDATEDATEPage6of8Rev.0  
-/c,+Sex B)40 JSZ-&(I-iZ)/5Z-+(I-Ic)I I I I J pgNgze rI~gyuCecTO4 (I-IS)~{.oNTAog.ScuiTC,H 7y AgM@NATE Z/0-Y.4-C Qual 4CK pag aof-a}}
**1THP6030IMP.304NRV-15210AMPfuses(2)areinstalled inpanelDABcircuit19DATETECHDATENRV-15310AMPfuses(2)areinstalled inpanelDABcircuit,21.TECHDATETECH7.11.3DATENotifytheUnit2ControlRoomtohaveanOperatorclosetheapplicable circuitbreaker(s)
TECHDATEDATETECHDATE7.12ReplacethefrontpanelcoveroncabinetDABasbestaspossible, withthevalvepowercable(s)runningoutofthebottomofthecabinet.Page7of8.Rev.0  
**1THP6030IMP.3047.13Thefollowing stepwillopenthepressurizer PORVs.Ifplantconditions arenotsuitabletoopenthePORVs,N/Aandexplaintheplantcondition inthesignoffinstep7.13.1.N/Athesignoff(s) forvalvecontrolsnotaltered.7.13.1Checkthealternate valvecontroloperation byhavinganOperatorplacethealternate controlswitch(es) ofeachvalveoneatatimeintheopenpositionandverifytheredopenlightcomeson.Thevalve(s)maybeleftinthepositiondesired.NRV-151alternate controlswitchtoopenandredlightcomeson.TECHDATENRV-152alternate controlswitchtoopenandredlightcomeson.TECHDATENRV-153alternate controlswitchtoopenandredlightcomeson.TECHDATE7.14NotifytheUnit1ControlRoomthatthepressuizer PORValternate control(s) for(crossoutthevalvecontrolnotaltered)NRV-151NRV-152NRV-153isinstalled andavailable foroperation usingthecontrolswitchlocatedinUnit1onTurbineBuilding591elevation.
DATE7.15ShiftSupervisor (orAssistant ShiftSupervisor) notifiedpressurizer PORValternate controlinstallation complete.
SS/ASSDATE8.0Ensureallareasworkedarecleanandthatproperlogentrieshavebeenmade.Page8of8Rev.0 ATZACHMEVr l**>~6030~,304Box8/Z7O'IRKQoZ-Zi'-SPXAP}07oF'NL.."PRE"ghlQThLLruePERToPERETRclTIONl-ZC+QgcBIZ.7TEpP~MAVCoNvZocAaZ)ZNbCAT'/Opl,+~p.'~
LJ~pilafAlo.IfeEIIF'guffATI(zg)~golJDJC10t QOWTAOg.ScuITCH'O Ag~Ryan@TIz.80Kcl;.c5yuCCKP~leeV MTACHMERZ 2**l'IHP603p~,3p4Box8/ZV;F'fh/TRAT/d Co~Oil04.7-I7-Z0')RKMo7-4-7wf7-8/ZW/7&970$R-/7oF'HL.."ERR"7-If/SI+\TzsTALL'.J()+ic/27'/oMAVCy~vg&zAmaZhlOICATIONg+~~~~P~ua,Na7CouOaC<08 (v-v)~~goN7404.S~ITCHPage1o81 M'DKZ~3**a'1HP6030~.304BoxBCQZH47'ac.gTQHPfg/-MRv-/-ZezerurioCoeOucvng A/o./-9J-/0tillR'ENo-/5Z+/SZ-R/-/2(-/4/SZ-4-CJioAGY97o67~pggR-lI-iS152-6/-lGPZAPei/-/9/5Z+7oP-uzzaavio)v I-tC+Box8I40(sz-R(I-IO)7'>aa,ne'oN7Zoz AaaZQQICATIClp4 pgp'f'5p&(ET'ior'
-/c,+SexB)40JSZ-&(I-iZ)/5Z-+(I-Ic)IIIIJpgNgzerI~gyuCecTO4 (I-IS)~{.oNTAog.ScuiTC,H7yAgM@NATEZ/0-Y.4-CQual4CKpagaof-a}}

Revision as of 09:41, 6 July 2018

Rev 0 to Procedure 1 Thp 6030 IMP.304, Pressurizer PORV Cable Repair.
Person / Time
Site: Cook  American Electric Power icon.png
Issue date: 05/29/1986
Shared Package
ML17324A931 List:
1-THP-6030-IMP., NUDOCS 8606130116
Download: ML17324A934 (15)



    • 1 THP 6030 IMP.304 LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES PAGE NUMBER REVISION NUMBER CS NUMBER Page 1 of 8 Page 2 of 8 Page 3 of 8 Page 4 of 8 Page 5 of 8 Page 6 of 8 Page 7 of 8 Page 8 of 8 Revision 0 Revision 0 Revision 0 Revision 0 Revision 0 Revision 0 Revision 0 Revision 0 ATTACHMENT 1 Page 1 of 1 Revision 0 ATTACHMENT 2 Page 1 of 1 Revision 0 ATTACHMENT 3 Page 1 of 1 Revision 0 Page 1 of 1 Rev.0
    • 1 THP 6030 IMP.304 INDIANA 6c MICHIGAN ELECTRIC COMPANY DONALD C.COOK NUCLEAR PLANT PRESSURIZER PORV CABLE REPAIR 1.0 OBJECTIVE 1.1 The purpose of this procedure is to provide instruction for the installation of an alternate power supply and control for the Unit 1 pressurizer PORVs (NRV-151, NRV-152 and NRV-153)in the event that fire damage to the PORV cables causes a loss of remote control from the Unit 1 Control Room 1.2 This procedure meets a portion of the requirements specified in 10 CFR 50 Appendix R.


2.1 AEP Elementary Diagrams 1-98204, 2-98053.2.2 AEP Wiring Diagrams 1-97504, 1-97511, 1-97522.2.3 10 CFR 50, Appendix R, Section III, L.5.2.4 PMI-2140, Temporary Modifications.

'2.5 PMI-2270, Fire Protection.

3.0 E UIPMENT RE UIRED 3.1 Pressurizer PORV alternate control boxes and cables.3.2 Standard 6" flathead screwdriver or equivalent.

3.3 Fuses (10 AMP)and fuse pullers.3..4 D.C.Voltmeter, Simpson 260 or equivalent.

3.5 Electrical

jumpers.Page 1 of 8 Rev.0

    • 1 THP 6030 IMP.304 4.1 4.2 4.3 Performance of this procedure may take place if remote control for any or all of the pressurizer PORVs (NRV-151, NRV-152, and NRV-153)is lost from the Unit 1 Control Room due to fire damage to the PORV cables.If remote control to all three (3)PORVs is not planned to be altered at this time, a N/A shall be placed as designated in the portions of this procedure which will not be performed.

Ensure a Security Guard is stationed at Security doors to be blocked open and that firewatches are stationed as necessary in the Unit 1 Reactor Cable Tunnel and in the Unit 2 Switchgear areas prior to routing cables.Shift Supervisor (or Assistant Shift Supervisor) permission to begin work on the following valve controls: (cross out the valves not to be altered at this time)NRV-151 NRV>>152 NRV-153 SS/ASS DATE 4.4 Obtain the Unit 1, Unit Supervisor (or designee)permission to begin work.DATE 5.0 PRECAUTIONS 5.1 5.2 5.3 Y When routing temporary cables, do not obstruct walkways.Cables shall be routed off to the side or overhead when possible.Though the circuits being worked on are de-energized, other circuits in close proximity.

may have voltages present;observe all electrical safety precautions while working on or near energized equipment.

Ensure that all connections are clean and tight.6.0 DOCUPBMl'ATION I 6.1 Entries shall be made in the Control Rooms to document the modifications to be installed, and tags placed on the lifted leads, temporary cables and control switches (Reference PMI-2140).

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    • 1 THP 6030 IMP.304 6.2 Upon completion, this procedure shall be submitted to a C&I Engineer or designated alternate for review.7.0 PORV ALTERNATE CONTROL INSTALLATION 7.1 Ensure that.power for the pressurizer PORV (NRV-151, NRV-152 and NRV-153)control circuit(s) to be disconnected from Unit 1 are de-energized by ensuring that the associated circuit breaker in the Unit 1 Control Room is open (OFF position)and a clearance (if time permits)is in place.If the individual valve circuit breakers are not accessible, the control circuits can be de-energized by opening the supply breakers for the entire CCV-AB and CCV-CD distribution panels (MCAB circuit 16 for CCV-AB panel, valves NRV-151 and NRV-152 and MCCD circuit 16 for CCV-CD panel, valve NRV-153).This should only be done after consideration has been given for all other valves that will lose control power.NA the signoff for the valve circuit(s) not to be altered.NRV-151 Distribution panel CCV-AB circuit 79 OFF.(or Distribution Panel MCAB circuit 16 OFF.)TECH NRV-152 Distribution panel CCV-AB circuit 80 OFF.(or Distribution Panel MCAB circuit 16 OFF.)TECH NRV-153 Distribution panel CCV-CD circuit 79 OFF.(or Distribution Panel MCCD circuit 16 OFF.)TECH DATE DATE DATE 7.2 At the storage box for the pressurizer PORV alternate control equipment (located on the 591 level of the turbine building by the ramp leading down to the diesel room entrances) remove the applicable control boxes and cables.Each control box is labeled with the valve number it will be used for.The attached cables have been precut for correct length, lugged and labeled to aid in installation.

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    • 1 THP 6030 IMP.304 7.3 7.4 With the control box(es)remaining at the storage area, route the larger multiple wired cable(s)marked"valve control" down the ramp and up the stairs into the Reactor Cable Tunnel Area 3 through door 339 (ensure COq is properly isolated and firewatch stationed).

If NRV-153 control is not to be changed, NA step 7.4.1 and proceed to step 7.5.To install the NRV-153 alternate valve control cable, bring the cable up to the terminal block box across from penetration 1-2C4 in Quadrant 3M.With power off to the NRV-153 control (from step 7.1), locate and disconnect all the wires of cable 8757G-1 from the terminal blocks in the box and connect the alternate valve control cable wires and jumpers in its place in accordance with the labeled wires and attachment 01.(Reference can be made to wiring diagram 1-97522).TECH 7.4.1 Verify that cable 8757G-1 is disconnected and that the alternate valve control cable and jumper are installed.

DATE 7.4.2 If neither the NRV-151 or NRV-152 alternate valve control cables are to be installed, N/A signoffs for steps 7.6.1 and 7.7.1 and proceed to step 7.8.Otherwise continue with step 7.6 To route either or both of the NRV-151 and NRV-152 alternate control cables, proceed into Reactor Cable Tunnel Quadrant 3N through door 323.Continue to pull the cable(s)through Quadrant 4 and into Quadrant 1 through door 333.If NRV-151 control is not to be changed, N/A the signoff in step 7.6.1 and proceed to step 7.7;otherwise, continue with step 7.6.To install the NRV-151 alternate valve control cable, bring the cable up to the terminal block box across from penetration 1-4C1 in Quadrant 1.With power off the NRV-151 control (from step 7.1), locate and disconnect all the wires of cable 9705R-1 from the terminal block in the box and connect the alternate valve control cable wires and jumper in its place in accordance with the labeled wire and attachment 42.(Reference can be made to wiring diagram 1-97504).TECH 7.6.1 Verify that cable 9705R-1 is disconnected and that the alternate valve control cable and jumper are installed.

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    • 1 THP 6030 IMP.304 7.6.2 If NRV-152 controls are not to be changed, N/A the signoff in step 7.7.1 and proceed to step 7.8;otherwise, continue with step Continue to pull the alternate control cable for NRV-152 up to the terminal block box across from penetration 1-1C4 in Quadrant 1.With power off the NRV-152 control (from step 7.1)locate and disconnect all the wires of cable 9706R-1 from the terminal block in the box and connect the alternate valve control cable and jumper in its place according to the labeled wires and Attachment C3.(Reference can be made to wiring diagram 1-97511).7.7.1 Verify that cable 9706R-1 is disconnected and that the alternate valve control cable and jumper are installed.

DATE 7.8 With the necessary alternate valve control cable(s)in place return to the storage area and verify that the alternate valve control switches are in the closed position.NA the signoff for the control switch(es) not to be used.NRV-151 Alternate Control Switch in closed position.TECH DATE NRV-152 Alternate Control Switch in closed position.TECH DATE NRV-153 Alternate Control Switch in closed position.DATE 7.9 To obtain 250 VDC power from the Unit 2 Switchgear area, route the cable(s)marked"valve power" from the alternate control switch box(es)to be used, south along the 591 aisleway and up the stairs leading to elevation 609.Continue to route the cable(s)south through rollup door 242 and along the side of the 609 aisleway to security gate door 446 of the Unit 2 Switchgear Rooms.Ensure Unit 2 CO2 is properly isolated and firewatch stationed.

With a Security Guard stationed, have doors 446 and 344 opened'nd continue to route the cable(s)to the 250 VDC distribution cabinet DAB, located across from the AB battery room and next to the inverter area.Page 5 of 8 Rev.0

    • 1'i'030 IMP.304 7.10 Remove the front panel cover from cabinet DAB (a ladder may be needed).Ensure that spare breakers 17, 19, and 21 are OFF and fuses are removed.7.11 The following installations will be made with the NRV-151 power cable going to breaker 17, NRV-152 power cable to breaker 19 and NRV-153 power cable t'o breaker On the left side of cabinet DAB connect the valve power cable leads to the breaker fuse lugs with the positive{+)lead on the top'lug and the negative (-)lead on the bottom lug. Verify the valve power cables are connected to the proper breaker.N/A the signoff if the valve control is not being altered.NRV-151 power cable connected to panel DAB circuit 17 TECH DATE TECH DATE NRV-152 power cable connected to panel DAB circuit 19 DATE TECH DATE NRV-153 power cable connected to panel DAB circuit 21.TECH DATE 7.11.2 DATE Install the 10 AMP fuses (provided in the storage box)in panel DAB breaker circuits for each breaker that is being utilized (Two (2)fuses per breaker). Verify the valve power fuses are installed.

NA the signoff if the valve control is not being altered.NRV-151 10 AMP fuses{2)are installed in panel DAB circuit 17.TECH DATE DATE Page 6 of 8 Rev.0

    • 1 THP 6030 IMP.304 NRV-152 10 AMP fuses (2)are installed in panel DAB circuit 19 DATE TECH DATE NRV-153 10 AMP fuses (2)are installed in panel DAB circuit, 21.TECH DATE TECH 7.11.3 DATE Notify the Unit 2 Control Room to have an Operator close the applicable circuit breaker(s)(ON position).

CAUTION: 250VDC is present at lugs and breaker fuses. Verify the correct circuit breakers are in the ON position and take voltage readings across the cable lugs at the breaker fuses to ensure power is available.

NRV-151 circuit breaker 17 ON and voltage available.

TECH TECH NRV-152 ci"cuit breaker 19 ON and voltage available.

TECH DATE DATE DATE TECH NRV-153 circuit breaker 21 ON and voltage available.

TECH DATE DATE TECH DATE 7.12 Replace the front panel cover on cabinet DAB as best as possible, with the valve power cable(s)running out of the bottom of the cabinet.Page 7 of 8.Rev.0

    • 1 THP 6030 IMP.304 7.13 The following step will open the pressurizer PORVs.If plant conditions are not suitable to open the PORVs, N/A and explain the plant condition in the signoff in step 7.13.1.N/A the signoff(s) for valve controls not altered.7.13.1 Check the alternate valve control operation by having an Operator place the alternate control switch(es) of each valve one at a time in the open position and verify the red open light comes on.The valve(s)may be left in the position desired.NRV-151 alternate control switch to open and red light comes on.TECH DATE NRV-152 alternate control switch to open and red light comes on.TECH DATE NRV-153 alternate control switch to open and red light comes on.TECH DATE 7.14 Notify the Unit 1 Control Room that the pressuizer PORV alternate control(s) for (cross out the valve control not altered)NRV-151 NRV-152 NRV-153 is installed and available for operation using the control switch located in Unit 1 on Turbine Building 591 elevation.

US(or designee)DATE 7.15 Shift Supervisor (or Assistant Shift Supervisor) notified pressurizer PORV alternate control installation complete.SS/ASS DATE 8.0 Ensure all areas worked are clean and that proper log entries have been made.Page 8 of 8 Rev.0 ATZACHMEVr l**>~6030~,304 Box 8/Z7 O'IRK Qo Z-Z i'-S PXAP}0 7o F'NL.."PRE" ghlQTh L L ruePERTo PERE TRcl TION l-ZC+Qgc BIZ.7 TEpP~MAV CoNvZoc AaZ)ZNb C AT'/Opl,+~p.'~

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