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{{#Wiki_filter:CookNuclearPlantRestartPlan~>>/9tRevision0S.R.SampsonSiteVice-President 9904130177 990405PDRADQCK050003'L5 PPOR 0
{{#Wiki_filter:Cook Nuclear Plant Restart Plan~>>/9t Revision 0 S.R.Sampson Site Vice-President 9904130177 990405 PDR ADQCK 050003'L5 P POR 0
okNoclearPlantRestartPlan1.Introduction andOverview1.1Purpose1.2Background 1.3RolesandResponsibilities 1.4CookNuclearPlantRestartPiocessOverview2.RestartWorkScopeDetermination 2.1RestartWorkScopeDetermination Process2.2PlantSystemReviews2.3Redefined RestartWorkScope3...RestartWorkScopePerformance 3.1WorkScopePerformance RestartReadiness Assessmeat Functional AreiReadiness Programmatic Readiness Containment Raidiness 5.,RestartAuthorization 5.1RestartOversight Committee(ROC)
ok Noclear Plant Restart Plan 1.Introduction and Overview 1.1 Purpose 1.2 Background 1.3 Roles and Responsibilities 1.4 Cook Nuclear Plant Restart Piocess Overview 2.Restart Work Scope Determination 2.1 Restart Work Scope Determination Process 2.2 Plant System Reviews 2.3 Redefined Restart Work Scope 3...Restart Work Scope Performance 3.1 Work Scope Performance Restart Readiness Assessmeat 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 System Reidiness Functional Arei Readiness Programmatic Readiness Containment Raidiness 5., Restart Authorization 5.1 Restart Oversight Committee(ROC)
ReviewandApproval5.2SeniorMatutgerReviewTeam(SMRT)ReviewandApproval5.3Executive VicePresideat RestartAuthorization 6.StartupandPowerAscension 6.1Managemeat Oversight andOrganizational Support6.2OperatinS Pro6cieacy andExperieace ReviewAttachments:
Review and Approval 5.2 Senior Matutger Review Team (SMRT)Review and Approval 5.3 Executive Vice Presideat Restart Authorization 6.Startup and Power Ascension 6.1 Managemeat Oversight and Organizational Support 6.2 OperatinS Pro6cieacy and Experieace Review Attachments:
Asystemengineerreviewboard(SERB)charterBrestartoversight committee (ROC)charterCcriteriaforworkincludedinrestartscopeDplantsystemstobereviewedbyROCErestartprocessmap
A system engineer review board (SERB)charter B restart oversight committee (ROC)charter C criteria for work included in restart scope D plant systems to be reviewed by ROC E restart process map

==1.0 Introduction==
==1.0 Introduction==
andOverview1.1PurposelsthatwillTheCookNuclearPlantRestartPlandescribes theactivities andcontrolsthatwibeimplemented toensurethefacilityisreadytosafelystartupandoperateinaneventfreemanner.Toprovieuswi.T'dwiththeassurance thatthiscanbeaccomplished ereadtomeetthiswe.m.ustdetermine thatourpeople,plantandprogramsarereadytomeetischallenge.
and Overview 1.1 Purpose ls that will The Cook Nuclear Plant Restart Plan describes the activities and controls that wi be implemented to ensure the facility is ready to safely start up and operate in an event free manner.To provi e us wi.T'd with the assurance that this can be accomplished eread to meet this we.m.ust determine that our people, plant and programs are ready to meet is challenge.
The plan will assess these areas and identify any need ceded action to ensure we can safely startup and operate reliably in an event free manner.The plan will assess the following:
PeopleHaveweadequately preparedourpeoplesuchthattheyaretrainedonthechangesdedesandunderstand theissuesinvolvedinrestarting andoperating theplant?Arethefunctional areasstaffed,organized andfunctioning ataevetosuppos11rtafestartupandreliableoperation inaneventfreemanner?Programsamsandprocedures beenadjustedtoincludethelessonslearned?HaveourprogramsanprocAretheyadequatetoallowus'toreturntooperation andpreventfuturenonconforming conditions?
People Have we adequately prepared our people such that they are trained on the changes d ed es and understand the issues involved in restarting and operating the plant?Are the functional areas staffed, organized and functioning at a eve to suppo s 1 1 rt afe startup and reliable operation in an event free manner?Programs ams and procedures been adjusted to include the lessons learned?Have our programs an proc Are they adequate to allow us'to return to operation and prevent future nonconforming conditions?
Plant'reourmaterieconi'o'dition,configurations, restartreadiness ofsystemsandabihtytomeetdesignfunctionwhilecomplying withapplicabereguationsequaallowustoreturntoservice?Thisplanprovidesamaptoconducttheassessments neededtoassureourselves eadestabTheactionsandactivities neededtodothisandanyrovedrocedures.
Plant're our materie con i'o'dition, configurations, restart readiness of systems and abihty to meet design function while complying with applicab e regu ations equa allow us to return to service?This plan provides a map to conduct the assessments needed to assure ourselves ead estab The actions and activities needed to do this and any roved rocedures.
corrective actionswillbeperformed inaccordance withapprovpures.1.'2Bachgjroaad DurithJul-September, 1997,time&arne, theNRCconducted anarchitect en'nspection atCookNuclearPlantTheAEinspection focusedthecoreduringadesignbasisaccident.
corrective actions will be performed in accordance with approv p ures.1.'2 Bachgjroaad Duri th Jul-September, 1997, time&arne, the NRC conducted an architect en'nspection at Cook Nuclear Plant The AE inspection focused the core during a design basis accident.As a conservative measure, bo units were shut down on September 9 and cooled to cold shut down until this question could be properly answered.
Asaconservative measure,bounitswereshutdownonSeptember 9andcooledtocoldshutdownuntilthisquestioncouldbeproperlyanswered.
tember 12 the NRC concluded the AE inspection with a public exit On Septem er, e.t committed to addressing and meeting.Following this meeting, Cook Nuclear Plant commi the ins'on rior to restart o resolving seven{7)specific issues identified during e i pecti p the units.It was believed that these seven issues could be resolved within a few 1 to the NRC committing to these actions, the NRC issued a confirmatory action letter{CAL)identifying their approv wou e th'ts.The i4RC CAL also identified two additional required prior to restarung the units.e i actions to be taken as a condition for resorting the units.The unit 2 reactor was sc heduled for a refueling to begin in late September, 1997.was withia two weeks of normal burn up window at the time o e f the The unit 2 core was wi'a two wee items and restart cheduled shut down.Our objecnve was to resolve the CAL items, an res uasc u s unit 2 for the remaining two weeks of fuel burn up, then commence the refueling outage.Over the next several weeks, it became apparent that a restart would not be achievable in e near term, an th term, and a decision was made to begin the unit 2 refueling d its scheduled work on October 20, 1997.In parallel with the outage outage and its s wo work, our organization worked through the many iaspectio AE ias'on/CAL issues.It appeared that a January 1998 restart of both units would be feasible.Durin the time period of January-February 1998, the Cook Nuclear Plant senior management team had several meetings wi e, an e nearing reso ution.was luti.It was during this time period that several new issues arose, icant concerning or re atmg our co 1 tin to our containment systems that would require signifi resources and focus to recoacile.
tember12theNRCconcluded theAEinspection withapublicexitOnSeptemer,e.tcommitted toaddressing andmeeting.Following thismeeting,CookNuclearPlantcommitheins'onriortorestartoresolving seven{7)specificissuesidentified duringeipectiptheunits.Itwasbelievedthatthesesevenissuescouldberesolvedwithinafew1totheNRCcommitting totheseactions,theNRCissuedaconfirmatory actionletter{CAL)identifying theirapprovwoueth'ts.Thei4RCCALalsoidentified twoadditional requiredpriortorestarung theunits.eiactionstobetakenasacondition forresorting theunits.Theunit2reactorwasscheduledforarefueling tobegininlateSeptember, 1997.waswithiatwoweeksofnormalburnupwindowatthetimeoeftheTheunit2corewaswi'atwoweeitemsandrestartcheduledshutdown.OurobjecnvewastoresolvetheCALitems,anresuascusunit2fortheremaining twoweeksoffuelburnup,thencommencetherefueling outage.Overthenextseveralweeks,itbecameapparentthatarestartwouldnotbeachievable inenearterm,anthterm,andadecisionwasmadetobegintheunit2refueling ditsscheduled workonOctober20,1997.Inparallelwiththeoutageoutageanditsswowork,ourorganization workedthroughthemanyiaspectio AEias'on/CALissues.ItappearedthataJanuary1998restartofbothunitswouldbefeasible.
Given the sigaizicaat peri th'gaif t period that both units had been shut down up to this point, and the uncertainty for a near-tenn start up date, it was decided that e scope o'o es needed to be revaluated, and a more rigorous assessment of plant readiness was required prior to any restart.These steps ary're access in order to achieve the objectives described in Section 1.1.The key factors that led to this decision are: Design basis concerns aad equipmeat performance testiag'ad'ssues which have come to i~in recent mo 1 ght recent moaths raised the concern that additional hardware'xteaded and non-hardware activities may need to be completed during ttus extead shut down.Coafirmatioa is required that procedure inadequacies or equipment deficieacies that may challenge plant operators during normal, abnormal erg abaorm ot emergency conditions have been adequately identified and addressed.
DurinthetimeperiodofJanuary-February1998,theCookNuclearPlantseniormanagement teamhadseveralmeetingswie,anenearingresoution.wasluti.Itwasduringthistimeperiodthatseveralnewissuesarose,icantconcerning orreatmgourco1tintoourcontainment systemsthatwouldrequiresignifiresources andfocustorecoacile.
in gn o'n extended shutdown 1 ed Gom other nuc)ear utilities in the implementation of an integnexl assessment of readiness to restart following an  
Giventhesigaizicaat perith'gaiftperiodthatbothunitshadbeenshutdownuptothispoint,andtheuncertainty foranear-tenn startupdate,itwasdecidedthatescopeo'oesneededtoberevaluated, andamorerigorousassessment ofplantreadiness wasrequiredpriortoanyrestart.Thesestepsary'reaccessinordertoachievetheobjectives described inSection1.1.Thekeyfactorsthatledtothisdecisionare:Designbasisconcernsaadequipmeat performance testiag'ad'ssueswhichhavecometoi~inrecentmo1ghtrecentmoathsraisedtheconcernthatadditional hardware'xteadedandnon-hardware activities mayneedtobecompleted duringttusexteadshutdown.Coafirmatioa isrequiredthatprocedure inadequacies orequipment deficieacies thatmaychallenge plantoperators duringnormal,abnormalergabaormotemergency conditions havebeenadequately identified andaddressed.
ingno'nextendedshutdown1edGomothernuc)earutilities intheimplementation ofanintegnexl assessment ofreadiness torestartfollowing an  

periodarebeingadoptedandappliedtoCookNuclearPlantonapilotbasisduringthisoutage.1.3RolesandResponsibilities Rolesandresponsibilities fortheexecution ofthisplanareasfollows:1.3.1AllNuclearGeneration Employees Responsible forsupporting therestartactivities byfocusingonsafedtiuousimprovement.
period are being adopted and applied to Cook Nuclear Plant on a pilot basis during this outage.1.3 Roles and Responsibilities Roles and responsibilities for the execution of this plan are as follows: 1.3.1 All Nuclear Generation Employees Responsible for supporting the restart activities by focusing on safe d ti uous improvement.
Allemployees areobligated toutheraiseanyandallqualityconcernstomanagement's actionthroughecorrective actionprogram.1.3.2SystemEngineers Responsible forsuccess&I completion ofrestartworkonselectedsystems,safe,reliablepoweroperations, implementing necessary corrective actionsandproviding af5rmation ofreadiness.
All employees are obligated to u the raise any and all quality concerns to management's action through e corrective action program.1.3.2 System Engineers Responsible for success&I completion of restart work on selected systems, safe, reliable power operations, implementing necessary corrective actions and providing af5rmation of readiness.
1.3.3SystemEngineering ReviewBoard(SERB)Boardinternaltotheengmeering organization responsibleforassessing thereadiness ofplantsystemsanprovi'1stemsandproviding recommendations foradditional restartscopetotheROC.TheSERBcharterisprovidedinattachment A.'1.3.4RestartOversight Committee (ROC).Responsible fordetermining therestartscopeofworkusingconsistent standards andcriteriaapprovedbytheseniormanagement reviewteam(SMRT)andassessing thereadiness ofCookNuclearPlanttorestartandresumepoweroperations, usingtheprocessapprovedbytheSMRTinthisprocedure.
1.3.3 System Engineering Review Board (SERB)Board internal to the engmeering organization res ponsible for assessing the readiness of plant systems an provi'1 stems and providing recommendations for additional restart scope to the ROC.The SERB charter is provided in attachment A.'1.3.4 Restart Oversight Committee (ROC).Responsible for determining the restart scope of work using consistent standards and criteria approved by the senior management review team (SMRT)and assessing the readiness of Cook Nuclear Plant to restart and resume power operations, using the process approved by the SMRT in this procedure.
TheROCcharterisptovidedinattacluneat B.'.3.5SeniorManagement ReviewTeam(SMRT)Members:SiteVicePtesident (Chairman)
The ROC charter is ptovided in attacluneat B.'.3.5 Senior Management Review Team (SMRT)Members: Site Vice Ptesident (Chairman)
VicePresident NuclearEngineering DirectorPerformance Assurance
Vice President Nuclear Engineering Director Performance Assurance'hdependent Safety Review Committee Member'This member will actively participate as available, and will perform a continuous overs 1 got fo e.'ght 1.Routine communication with this member may be accomplished through review of meeting minutes, phone conferencing and follow up interviews with the SMRT members.The SMRT is responsible for generation and approvals of:{a)criteria for screening work items required for completion of restart;(b)monitoring and oversight of the process for affirmation and approval of plant and staff readiness for restart.1.3.6 Plant Manager, Engineering Managers and Departm and D artment Superintendents Responsibility for success&1 completion of the restart work, performing an reliable power operations, implementing necessary corrective actions and providing aKrmation of readiness to the ROC.1.3.7 Restart Manager Responsibility for the management and control of restart work activities including the scheduling of activities and coordination of resources.
'hdependent SafetyReviewCommittee Member'Thismemberwillactivelyparticipate asavailable, andwillperformacontinuous overs1gotfoe.'ght1.Routinecommunication withthismembermay beaccomplished throughreviewofmeetingminutes,phoneconferencing andfollowupinterviews withtheSMRTmembers.TheSMRTisresponsible forgeneration andapprovals of:{a)criteriaforscreening workitemsrequiredforcompletion ofrestart;(b)monitoring andoversight oftheprocessforaffirmation andapprovalofplantandstaffreadiness forrestart.1.3.6PlantManager,Engineering ManagersandDepartmandDartmentSuperintendents Responsibility forsuccess&1 completion oftherestartwork,performing anreliablepoweroperations, implementing necessary corrective actionsandproviding aKrmation ofreadiness totheROC.1.3.7RestartManagerResponsibility forthemanagement andcontrolofrestartworkactivities including thescheduling ofactivities andcoordination ofresources.
1.3.8 Site Vice President Overa0 res nsibility for the management and implementation of the restart Overa0 respons>>i or 1.1.Serves as chairman of p an lan to achieve the purpose described m section the(SMRT).
1.3.8SiteVicePresident Overa0resnsibility forthemanagement andimplementation oftherestartOvera0respons>>ior1.1.Servesaschairmanofpanlantoachievethepurposedescribed msectionthe(SMRT).
1.3.9 Executive Vice President Nuclear Geaeration Res ponsible for authorizing startup and power ascension, and providmg senior management oversight of the restart process.1A Cook Nuclear Plant Re>tart Process Overview'he restart plan consists of the following major activities:
1.3.9Executive VicePresident NuclearGeaeration Responsibleforauthorizing startupandpowerascension, andprovidmgseniormanagement oversight oftherestartprocess.1ACookNuclearPlantRe>tartProcessOverview'he restartplanconsistsofthefollowing majoractivities:
(1)scope determination (2}work performance (3)readiness assessment (4)startup authorization (5)startup and power asceM ion Following is a process map an summ d summary of the activities with more detailed information presented in later sections of this document.
(1)scopedetermination (2}workperformance (3)readiness assessment (4)startupauthorization (5)startupandpowerasceMionFollowing isaprocessmapansummdsummaryoftheactivities withmoredetailedinformation presented inlatersectionsofthisdocument.
0 Cook Plant Restart Plan Overview I I age enfant I~te approve Restart Work BOOPO XI aeelert aerreerp Psrtorm Restart Work Pertorm F mal RIN>>w Racommena Statup tacit ReonmmendReatan
0 CookPlantRestartPlanOverviewIIageenfantI~teapproveRestartWorkBOOPOXIaeelertaerreerpPsrtormRestartWorkPertormFmalRIN>>wRacommena StatuptacitReonmmendReatan
-hrrthoruC Restart 1 I l opireeerre lteatart An<I tower Oper atton 12 IJwayen Final Roview I I te narra aprelaerp>>
-hrrthoruC Restart1Ilopireeerre lteatartAn<ItowerOperatton12IJwayenFinalRoviewIItenarraaprelaerp>>
pcrkrm Gxaarnmerl
~Rrprtsre 0
~Rrprtsre 0
RestartReadiness A~ssesments1.1SyeEngr'~IPerformSystemReadiness ReviewsTheobjective oftherestartreadiness assessment istoensurethattheintegrated setofplantequipment, humanresources andworkprogramsarecapableofsupporting safeandreliablepoweroperations.
Restart Readiness A~sse sments 1.1 Sye Engr'~I Perform System Readiness Reviews The objective of the restart readiness assessment is to ensure that the integrated set of plant equipment, human resources and work programs are capable of supporting safe and reliable power operations.
Therestartreadiness assessment willbeinitiated inparallelwiththeexecution andcompletion ofrestartwork.Therestartreadiness assessment willfocusonthefollowing 1,2iMargonPerformFunctional AreaReadiness Reviewsplantsystemreadiness functional areareadiness
The restart readiness assessment will be initiated in parallel with the execution and completion of restart work.The restart readiness assessment will focus on the following 1,2 i M argon Perform Functional Area Readiness Reviews plant system readiness functional area readiness~ptogrammatic readiness e containment readiness 1.3 Managera Perform Programmatic Readiness Reviews 1A Oir Pient Engineenng Perform Containment Readiness Reviews 1.$SERB Recommend Restart Work Scope The restart work scope may be increased as a result of the plant system assessments or other ongoing work.The system engineers will recommend the restart work scope to the System Engineer Review Board{SERB).
~ptogrammatic readiness econtainment readiness 1.3ManageraPerformProgrammatic Readiness Reviews1AOirPientEngineenng PerformContainment Readiness Reviews1.$SERBRecommend RestartWorkScopeTherestartworkscopemaybeincreased asaresultoftheplantsystemassessments orotherongoingwork.Thesystemengineers willrecommend therestartworkscopetotheSystemEngineerReviewBoard{SERB).
16 ROC All restart scope additions will be approved by the Restart Oversight Comminee (ROC).Approve Restart Work!Scope 2.tRestart Mareger'erform Restart Work Following determination of the restart work scope by the ROC, the restart manager is responsible for coordinating the planning, scheduling and completion of the work.3.1 ROC, PNSRC.Perform Final Review Recommend Startup Results of the restart assessment will be presented to the Restart Oversight Committee (ROC)with an affirmation by the responsible system engineer or engineering manager, and the functional area superintendent of the readiness of the system or organization to support plant startup and safe, reliable power 0 perafions.
16ROCAllrestartscopeadditions willbeapprovedbytheRestartOversight Comminee(ROC).ApproveRestartWork!Scope2.tRestartMareger'erformRestartWorkFollowing determination oftherestartworkscopebytheROC,therestartmanagerisresponsible forcoordinating theplanning, scheduling andcompletion ofthework.3.1ROC,PNSRC.PerformFinalReviewRecommend StartupResultsoftherestartassessment willbepresented totheRestartOversight Committee (ROC)withanaffirmation bytheresponsible systemengineerorengineering manager,andthefunctional areasuperintendent ofthereadiness ofthesystemororganization tosupportplantstartupandsafe,reliablepower0perafions.
SMRT Recommend Restart Following presentation and acceptance of the assessment results by the ROC, the Site Vice President will convene the SMRT to perform an integrated review of the affirmations, verify compliance with regulatory commitments and any other special criteria that may impact the initiation of startup activities.
SMRTRecommend RestartFollowing presentation andacceptance oftheassessment resultsbytheROC,theSiteVicePresident willconvenetheSMRTtoperformanintegrated reviewoftheaffirmations, verifycompliance withregulatory commitments andanyotherspecialcriteriathatmayimpacttheinitiation ofstartupactivities.
4.2 Exec Vrce Prea Authorize Restart Based on the results of this review, the Executive Vice President Nuclear Engineering wi0 authorize startup and power ascension.
4.2ExecVrcePreaAuthorize RestartBasedontheresultsofthisreview,theExecutive VicePresident NuclearEngineering wi0authorize startupandpowerascension.
5.1 OPS Startup and Power Ascension Startup and power ascension following the completion of startup work will follow a deliberate and ctmtrulied approach that ensures operational and personnel safety.The normal startup process defined in Cook Nuclear Plant procedures will be supplemented with appropriate management oversight and support fiom engineering and maintenance organization such that issues or concerns are promptly addressed and the startup can be accomplished in a safe, contmlled manner.  
5.1OPSStartupandPowerAscension Startupandpowerascension following thecompletion ofstartupworkwillfollowadeliberate andctmtrulied approachthatensuresoperational andpersonnel safety.ThenormalstartupprocessdefinedinCookNuclearPlantprocedures willbesupplemented withappropriate management oversight andsupportfiomengineering andmaintenance organization suchthatissuesorconcernsarepromptlyaddressed andthestartupcanbeaccomplished inasafe,contmlled manner.  

==2.0 RestartcworkScopeDetermination==
2.0 Restart cwork Scope Determination 2.1 Restart Work Scope Determination Process Th estart work scope is being defined through a determination process driven by ere w the ROC consistent with their charter.Outstanding work items an se programmatic issues are reviewed against defined criteria to determine which items should be included in the restart scope.System engineers have the largest role in b there is also considerable involvement from other organizations work sco e including operations, design engineering, and maintenance.
2.1RestartWorkScopeDetermination ProcessThestartworkscopeisbeingdefinedthroughadetermination processdrivenbyerewtheROCconsistent withtheircharter.Outstanding workitemsanseprogrammatic issuesarereviewedagainstdefinedcriteriatodetermine whichitemsshouldbeincludedintherestartscope.Systemengineers havethelargestroleinbthereisalsoconsiderable involvement fromotherorganizations workscoeincluding operations, designengineering, andmaintenance.
The restart P determination process is outlined in attachment E.2.2 Plant System Review Plant systems are reviewed by the system engineer using the plant system review instructions with results and recommendations presented to the ROC.The plant system review process consists of four primary elements as described below 2.2.1 Selection of Plant Systems Plant systems have been selected for a detailed review and afFirmation based on the historical performance and risk significance of the system.readiness review instructions.
TherestartPdetermination processisoutlinedinattachment E.2.2PlantSystemReviewPlantsystemsarereviewedbythesystemengineerusingtheplantsystemreviewinstructions withresultsandrecommendations presented totheROC.Theplantsystemreviewprocessconsistsoffourprimaryelementsasdescribed below2.2.1Selection ofPlantSystemsPlantsystemshavebeenselectedforadetailedreviewandafFirmation basedonthehistorical performance andrisksignificance ofthesystem.readiness reviewinstructions.
Results of the assessment of selected systems will be esented Gr3t to the SERB and, upon approval, to the ROC with appropriate recommendations for additional actions eto be~ormed after restart The systems are listed in attachment D.Th remaining systems will be assessed and evaluated as part of the hne , responsibility of the engineering organization through the use of the Issues that afFect restart scope on these systems will be presented to the ROC on a case basis.2.2.2 Restart Work Scope Additions The restart work scope addition for plant systems is focu.ied on those items not already included in the restart work scope.Items already scheduled for letio prior to restart are not evaluated agiunst the criteria provided in attachment C unless there is a proposal to delete them.The go o system review and wt,rk scope addition process is to define the work necessary for completion prior to restart such that the system is capable of supporting safe and reliable power operation.
Resultsoftheassessment ofselectedsystemswillbeesentedGr3ttotheSERBand,uponapproval, totheROCwithappropriate recommendations foradditional actionsetobe~ormedafterrestartThesystemsarelistedinattachment D.Thremaining systemswillbeassessedandevaluated aspartofthehne,responsibility oftheengineering organization throughtheuseoftheIssuesthatafFectrestartscopeonthesesystemswillbepresented totheROConacasebasis.2.2.2RestartWorkScopeAdditions Therestartworkscopeadditionforplantsystemsisfocu.iedonthoseitemsnotalreadyincludedintherestartworkscope.Itemsalreadyscheduled forletiopriortorestartarenotevaluated agiunstthecriteriaprovidedinattachment Cunlessthereisaproposaltodeletethem.Thegoosystemreviewandwt,rkscopeadditionprocessistodefinetheworknecessary forcompletion priortorestartsuchthatthesystemiscapableofsupporting safeandreliablepoweroperation.
This review ew will include the following:  
'0 (a)the magnitude, significance and risk of items which will be resolved after restart should be defined and evaluated;(b)assurance that recurring problems on the system that could aff'ect safe and reliable operations are being fixed;{c)assurance that any design basis and licensing issues on the system are being addressed within a time frame that is appropriate for the issue;and (d)assurance that operators will not be unnecessarily challenged in'he operation of the system during normal, abnormal, or emergency conditions.
'0 (a)themagnitude, significance andriskofitemswhichwillberesolvedafterrestartshouldbedefinedandevaluated; (b)assurance thatrecurring problemsonthesystemthatcouldaff'ectsafeandreliableoperations arebeingfixed;{c)assurance thatanydesignbasisandlicensing issuesonthesystemarebeingaddressed withinatimeframethatisappropriate fortheissue;and(d)assurance thatoperators willnotbeunnecessarily challenged in'heoperation ofthesystemduringnormal,abnormal, oremergency conditions.
Based on the review of open work items against the criteria presented in attachment C, the system engineer is to provide recommen'dations for the restart scope changes for the selected systems in attachment D to the SERB-and upon approval to the ROC.Items recommended for addition to the restart scope for remaining plant systems will be handled on an item specific basis by the ROC following an initial review by line management It should be noted that it was not the intent of this program to resolve all design basis issues.We are committed to a long range program to accomplish this resolution." n 2.2.3 Monitoring Restart Work, Addressing Emergent Issues and Performing a More Detailed Assessment of System Readiness, System engineering is to monitor the progress of work on assigned system and address emergent issues as required.Any major restart scope impacts defined by emergent issues should be brought to the ROC following line management review.All other emergent issues are assessed daily by the engineermg managers.Also, the system engineer is to use this period to complete the assessment and evaluation of system readiness in preparation for the final system readiness review and affirmation of readiness for restart 2.2.4 Final System Readiness Review and Affirmation This aspect of the system readiness review process is summarized in section 4.1.Although it is not expected that any significant restart work scope issues will be identified during this final review, if any are identified, they are to be brought to the immediate attention of the ROC{following line management review).10 0
Basedonthereviewofopenworkitemsagainstthecriteriapresented inattachment C,thesystemengineeristoproviderecommen'dations fortherestartscopechangesfortheselectedsystemsinattachment DtotheSERB-anduponapprovaltotheROC.Itemsrecommended foradditiontotherestartscopeforremaining plantsystemswillbehandledonanitemspecificbasisbytheROCfollowing aninitialreviewbylinemanagement Itshouldbenotedthatitwasnottheintentofthisprogramtoresolvealldesignbasisissues.Wearecommitted toalongrangeprogramtoaccomplish thisresolution."
0 22 Redefined Restart Work Scope The restart work scope may be redefined based on the evaluation process described above.Decisions made by the ROC regarding the restart work scope are documented in meeting minutes and work item status is tracked.3.0 Restart Work Scope Performance 3.1 Work Scope Performance Following determination of the restart work scope by the ROC, the restart manager is responsible for coordinating the planning, scheduling and completion of the work, including the implementation of programmatic changes.The restart work scope performance process is outlined in attachment E.4.0 Restart Readiness Assessment The restart readiness assessment is an integrated line managemeat assessment that assists station management in etermining det'ng the readiness to initiate startup and achieve safe, reliable power operation e n through the next operating cycle.Thc restart readiness assessmeat tofa process isoutlined inattaciunentE.
n2.2.3Monitoring RestartWork,Addressing EmergentIssuesandPerforming aMoreDetailedAssessment ofSystemReadiness, Systemengineering istomonitortheprogressofworkonassignedsystemandaddressemergentissuesasrequired.
Thisformofassessmeatisoneelemeato a comprehensive plant assessment program that is the foundation of our continuous h'1 h.Implementation of this action is consistent with the experience and lessons learned of othe'nuclear utilities.
AnymajorrestartscopeimpactsdefinedbyemergentissuesshouldbebroughttotheROCfollowing linemanagement review.Allotheremergentissuesareassesseddailybytheengineermg managers.
The restart readiness assessmea'g implemented at Cook Nuclear Plant based on lessons learned and will be captured such that this process can be implemented on a routine basis in thc future.The restart readiness assessmeat for restart will verify the co p m letioa of a!1 defined restart operations.
Also,thesystemengineeristousethisperiodtocompletetheassessment andevaluation ofsystemreadiness inpreparation forthefinalsystemreadiness reviewandaffirmation ofreadiness forrestart2.2.4FinalSystemReadiness ReviewandAffirmation Thisaspectofthesystemreadiness reviewprocessissummarized insection4.1.Althoughitisnotexpectedthatanysignificant restartworkscopeissueswillbeidentified duringthisfinalreview,ifanyareidentified, theyaretobebroughttotheimmediate attention oftheROC{following linemanagement review).10 0
Results of thc asscssmeat and afRmation of readiness will be presented to the supervisor.
022Redefined RestartWorkScopeTherestartworkscopemayberedefined basedontheevaluation processdescribed above.Decisions madebytheROCregarding therestartworkscopearedocumented inmeetingminutesandworkitemstatusistracked.3.0RestartWorkScopePerformance 3.1WorkScopePerformance Following determination oftherestartworkscopebytheROC,therestartmanagerisresponsible forcoordinating theplanning, scheduling andcompletion ofthework,including theimplementation ofprogrammatic changes.Therestartworkscopeperformance processisoutlinedinattachment E.4.0RestartReadiness Assessment Therestartreadiness assessment isanintegrated linemanagemeat assessment thatassistsstationmanagement inetermining det'ngthereadiness toinitiatestartupandachievesafe,reliablepoweroperation enthroughthenextoperating cycle.Thcrestartreadiness assessmeat tofaprocessisoutlined inattaciunentE.
Following acceptance by thc ROC, thc site vice president will convene an SMRT meeting to review these a6irmations aad vaify compliaace
Thisformofassessmeatisoneelemeato acomprehensive plantassessment programthatisthefoundation ofourcontinuous h'1h.Implementation ofthisactionisconsistent withtheexperience andlessonslearnedofothe'nuclear utilities.
'.regulatory coaunrtmeats an any d other applicable criteria The site vice presideat will recommead start up of the units based on this review, and assuaiacc rcgardiag the readiness o statioa to iaitiate startup and safely, reliably operate though the next olxriting cycle.Following is a summary of the key elements of the program.4.1 System ReadinessSystem readiness a6irmations by thc system engineer are to confirm that plant eet functional desiga requiremeats, have beea suitably tested'and as@systems meet ready to support safe and reliable startup and operation through y the next c cle.This aQirmation is based on thc work completed as described in section 2.2, and is to
Therestartreadiness assessmea
'gimplemented atCookNuclearPlantbasedonlessonslearnedandwillbecapturedsuchthatthisprocesscanbeimplemented onaroutinebasisinthcfuture.Therestartreadiness assessmeat forrestartwillverifythecopmletioaofa!1definedrestartoperations.
Resultsofthcasscssmeat andafRmation ofreadiness willbepresented tothesupervisor.
Following acceptance bythcROC,thcsitevicepresident willconveneanSMRTmeetingtoreviewthesea6irmations aadvaifycompliaace
'.regulatory coaunrtmeats ananydotherapplicable criteriaThesitevicepresideat willrecommead startupoftheunitsbasedonthisreview,andassuaiacc rcgardiag thereadiness ostatioatoiaitiatestartupandsafely,reliablyoperatethoughthenextolxriting cycle.Following isasummaryofthekeyelementsoftheprogram.4.1SystemReadiness Systemreadiness a6irmations bythcsystemengineeraretoconfirmthatplanteetfunctional desigarequiremeats, havebeeasuitablytested'and as@systemsmeetreadytosupportsafeandreliablestartupandoperation throughythenextccle.ThisaQirmation isbasedonthcworkcompleted asdescribed insection2.2,andisto

includeacoordinated systemwalkdownofthesystemwithoperations andmaintenance personnel onsystemsdefinedbytheplantengineering manager.%herenecessary, compensatory actionsforrescheduedwr1workorotherareasofperformance riskaretobedefinedandaddressed.
include a coordinated system walkdown of the system with operations and maintenance personnel on systems defined by the plant engineering manager.%here necessary, compensatory actions for reschedu ed w r 1 work or other areas of performance risk are to be defined and addressed.
Sead'affirmations aretobepresented by'hesystemengineertotheSERBanduponitsapprovaltotheROCforthesystemsidentifiystemrinessAffirmation ofsystemreadiness isdocumented withthesignature ofthesystemengineeranmanage'r.
S ead'affirmations are to be presented by'he system engineer to the SERB and upon its approval to the ROC for the systems identifi ystem r iness Affirmation of system readiness is documented with the signature of the system engineer an manage' d'.Affirmation of individual system readiness for the remaining plant systems wi e'll b addressed as part of the system engineering line management responsi i ity an wi'b'1''ll be one element of the functional area readiness evaluation.
umd'.Affirmation ofindividual systemreadiness fortheremaining plantsystemswie'llbaddressed aspartofthesystemengineering linemanagement responsiiityanwi'b'1''llbeoneelementofthefunctional areareadiness evaluation.
4.2Functional AreaReadiness Functional area'ssysereadiness bselectedfunctional areasisanaffirmation thatthestartuandsafeanddartmentisinanappropriate stateofreadiness tosupportstartupanseanreliablepoweroperation ouethrghthnextcycle.Functional areareadiness wi0includeitemssuchas:(a)adequacyofsta8iaglevels,personnel expcnence andq~ications todemonstrate compliance withregulatory requirements andcommitments; (b)completion ofpersonnel trainingonnormalstartupevaluations, powerascension requirements, industryoperating experienc including extendedshutdownandunusualeventsatsimilarplants,emergency preparedness, changesinplantconfiguration, changesinplantoperating andemergency procedures, andchangesinkeyadministrative procedures andprocesses; (c)resolution ofsignificant performance deficiencies andreduction ofbacklogs(corrective action,corrective maintenance etc.)tomanageable levels;and(d)establishment ofgoalsandpriorities forthecontinued improvement ofthedepartment including useofcriticalassessment methods.Functional Areareadiness willbea6irmcdtotheROCbythefolhwingfunctional outagemanagement
===4.2 Functional===
Area Readiness Functional area'ss y se readiness b selected functional areas is an affirmation that the startu and safe and d artment is in an appropriate state of readiness to support startup an s e an reliable power operation ou e thr gh th next cycle.Functional area readiness wi0 include items such as: (a)adequacy of sta8iag levels, personnel expcnence and q~ications to demonstrate compliance with regulatory requirements and commitments;(b)completion of personnel training on normal startup evaluations, po wer ascension requirements, industry operating experienc including extended shutdown and unusual events at similar plants, emergency preparedness, changes in plant configuration, changes in plant operating and emergency procedures, and changes in key administrative procedures and processes;(c)resolution of significant performance deficiencies and reduction of backlogs (corrective action, corrective maintenance etc.)to manageable levels;and (d)establishment of goals and priorities for the continued improvement of the department including use of critical assessment methods.Functional Area readiness will be a6irmcd to the ROC by the folhwing functional outage management
~licensing plantcngtncenng
~licensing plant cngtncenng
-fuels~designcngHlccnng plantpmtecnonmanentroduction engineerin information managemen
-fuels~design cngHlccnng plant pmtecnon man ent roduction engineerin information managemen~p uc plant performance assurance~chemistry radiation pmtectioa cof the Affirmation of functional area readiness is documented with the signature o e functional area manager.12  
~pucplantperformance assurance
~chemistry radiation pmtectioa coftheAffirmation offunctional areareadiness isdocumented withthesignature oefunctional areamanager.12  

43Programmatic Readiness Proammaticreadiness reviewwillconfirmthatprogramsareinplacetosupportidentification andcorrection ofproblems.
43 Programmatic Readiness Pro ammatic readiness review will confirm that programs are in place to support identification and correction of problems.Program the unit shutdown have been evaluated and necessary corrective or preventive h b m leted.Programs in place at the time of unit start-up will its desi bases and in ensure that the plant will be operated in conformance with its esign accordance with the AEP quality assurance prOgra.A/E prograinmatic issues potential bypass of 50.59 safety evaluations 50.59 safety evaluation quality corrective action program improvements surveillance program assessment
Programtheunitshutdownhavebeenevaluated andnecessary corrective orpreventive hbmleted.Programsinplaceatthetimeofunitstart-upwillitsdesibasesandinensurethattheplantwillbeoperatedinconformance withitsesignaccordance withtheAEPqualityassurance prOgra.A/Eprograinmatic issuespotential bypassof50.59safetyevaluations 50.59safetyevaluation qualitycorrective actionprogramimprovements surveillance programassessment 4.4Containment Readiness thereviewwillfocusonthesystemmaterielcondition, adequatesurveillance testing,andthesystemconfiguration contro.5.0RestartAuthorization Therestartauthorization processisoutlinedinattachment E.5.1RestartOversight Committee (ROC)Review<<ndApprovalThROCwillreviewandaccepttheassessment affirmatioas
'onsin4.14.,4.3and4.4.Arestartrecommendation willbemadetotheSMRTasewibasedontheresultsofthefunctional areaassessments.
5D.SeniocMana~aReviewTeam(SMRQReviewandApprovalUreviewandacceptance oftheassessment affirmreviationsin4.1,4.2,4.3and4.4bytheROC,thesitevicepresident willconveneanSMRTmeetingmeetintoormanintegrated reviewandapproval.
5BEreeudveVicePresident RestartAuthorization Basedonthisreviewtheexecutive vicepresident nucleargeneration willprovidetheauthorization forrestartandpowerascension.

==6.0 StartttpandPowerAscension==
===4.4 Containment===
Startupandpowerascension, following thecompletion ofththerestartworkwillfollowadI'bateandcontrolled approachthatensuresoperational andpersonnel safety.Theeiereannormalstartupmanagement teamwillbeaugmented withashiAplanmagtmanerandshifththat'esorconcernsarepromptlyaddressed andthestatuscanbeaccomplished inasafe,controlled manner.Thestartupandpowerascension actionssummarized inthissectiondonotchangeo.alteranyrequirements ofthestartupprocedures definedabove.6.1Management Oversight andOrganizational SupportTheCookNuclearPlantmanagement structure willbesupplemented withashiftplantmanagerans'ngineeria dhifteeriagmanagertocompliment theshiftmaintenance managerduringestartupandurinthtartupandpowerascension phase.Theresponsibilities ofthesepositions areasfollows:6.1.1ShiftPlaatManagerThcshiftplantmanagerprovideson-shift{24-hour) presenceasadirectrepresentative ofthcplantmaaagerandisresponsible formaintaining aaoverallperspective ofthestartuppmcess.Ifnecessaty, theshiftplantmanagerisauthorized torequestoperations todelaythcstartup,reducepower,orshutdowntomakenecessary repatrs.6.1.2ShiftEngineering ManagerThcshifteagiaeering managerprovideson-shift(24-hour) presenceasadirectrepresentative oftheplantengineering manageraadisresponsible formaintaining anoverallperspective ofengineering supportofthcstartupprocess.Theshiftengineerin managerwillcoatrolon-shiftengineering resources asaccessary tosupportscheduled startuptestingactivities, resolveemergentoperability issues,supportmaintenance aadmaaagenecessary reactorcaginecriag testactivities.
Readiness the review will focus on the system materiel condition, adequate surveillance testing, and the system configuration contro.5.0 Restart Authorization The restart authorization process is outlined in attachment E.5.1 Restart Oversight Committee (ROC)Review<<nd A p proval Th ROC will review and accept the assessment affirmatioas
6.1.3ShiftMaintenance ManagerTheshiftmaiateaancc manalprprovideson-shift(24-hour) presenceasadirecttativcofthemaintenance managerandisresponsible formaintaining anoverallperspective ofmaintcnaace supportoftheprepfescac0cstartuThshiftaiateaaace managerwillcoatrolon-shiftmaintenance resources asnecessary tosupportscheduled startuptestingactivities, resolveemergentequipmeat issues,andsupportoperations.
'ons in 4.1 4.,4.3 and 4.4.A restart recommendation will be made to the SMRT as e wi based on the results of the functional area assessments.
5D.Senioc Mana~a Review Team (SMRQ Review and Approval U review and acceptance of the assessment affirm revi ations in 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4 by the ROC, the site vice president will convene an SMRT meeting meetin to orm an integrated review and approval.5B Ereeudve Vice President Restart Authorization Based on this review the executive vice president nuclear generation will provide the authorization for restart and power ascension.
13 6.0 Startttp and Power Ascension Startup and power ascension, following the completion of th the restart work will follow a d I'b ate and controlled approach that ensures operational and personnel safety.The ei er ean normal startup management team will be augmented with a shiA plan m ag t man er and shift h that'es or concerns are promptly addressed and the status can be accomplished in a safe, controlled manner.The startup and power ascension actions summarized in this section do not change o.alter any requirements of the startup procedures defined above.6.1 Management Oversight and Organizational Support The Cook Nuclear Plant management structure will be supplemented with a shift plant manager an s'ngineeria d hift eeriag manager to compliment the shift maintenance manager during e startup an durin th tartup and power ascension phase.The responsibilities of these positions are as follows: 6.1.1 Shift Plaat Manager Thc shift plant manager provides on-shift{24-hour)presence as a direct representative of thc plant maaager and is responsible for maintaining aa overall perspective of the startup pmcess.If necessaty, the shift plant manager is authorized to request operations to delay thc startup, reduce power, or shutdown to make necessary repatrs.6.1.2 Shift Engineering Manager Thc shift eagiaeering manager provides on-shift (24-hour)presence as a direct representative of the plant engineering manager aad is responsible for maintaining an overall perspective of engineering support of thc startup process.The shift engineerin manager will coatrol on-shift engineering resources as accessary to support scheduled startup testing activities, resolve emergent operability issues, support maintenance aad maaage necessary reactor caginecriag test activities.
6.1.3 Shift Maintenance Manager The shift maiateaancc manalpr provides on-shift (24-hour)presence as a direct tativc of the maintenance manager and is responsible for maintaining an overall perspective of maintcnaace support of the p repf esca c 0 c startu Th shift aiateaaace manager will coatrol on-shift maintenance resources as necessary to support scheduled startup testing activities, resolve emergent equipmeat issues, and support operations.

Thisorganization willbeimplemented asdirectedbytheplantmanageratcnncalevolutions duringstartupsuchaschangetomode4,initialcri'ty,andparalleltogrid.Theorganization willbedisbanded asdirectedbytheplantmanagerbutnotbeforemode4to30%power.6.2Operating Proficiency andEzperience ReviewTominimizethepotential forperformance errorsduringtheplantstartup,thefollowing actionswillbetaken:,operations personnel willutilizethesimulator topracticethestartupevolution andensureunderstanding andproficiency withapplicable startupprocedures andspecialrequirements; areviewofpastCookNuclearPlantstartupissuesrelevantindustryoperating experience willbeperformed duringthefunctional arear'eviewstoensureunderstanding ofpastexperience andlessonslearned;department communication meetingswillbeconducted witheachplantdepartment todiscussmanagement expectations regarding thestartupandpowerascension processes,
This organization will be implemented as directed by the plant manager at cnncal evolutions during startup such as change to mode 4, initial cri'ty, and parallel to grid.The organization will be disbanded as directed by the plant manager but not before mode 4 to 30%power.6.2 Operating Proficiency and Ezperience Review To minimize the potential for performance errors during the plant startup, the following actions will be taken:, operations personnel will utilize the simulator to practice the startup evolution and ensure understanding and proficiency with applicable startup procedures and special requirements; a review of past Cook Nuclear Plant startup issues relevant industry operating experience will be performed during the functional area r'eviews to ensure understanding of past experience and lessons learned;department communication meetings will be conducted with each plant department to discuss management expectations regarding the startup and power ascension processes, schedule, and responsibilities.
: schedule, andresponsibilities.
These meetings will be completed prior to initiating the startup evolution.
Thesemeetingswillbecompleted priortoinitiating thestartupevolution.

SYSTEMENGINEERING REVKWBOARDSERBCHARTERPURPOSE:Performasystem-based, multi-disciplinary technical reviewofpotential restartissuesassociated withrisksignificant plantequipment.
SYSTEM ENGINEERING REVKW BOARD SERB CHARTER PURPOSE: Perform a system-based, multi-disciplinary technical review of potential restart issues associated with risk significant plant equipment.
Thisboardwillensureconsistent application oftherestartcriteriacontained inAttachment CoftheCookNuclearPlantRestartPlanamongsystemengineers, andensurethatrestartdecisions reflectthesharedconcernsofOperations, Maintenance andEngineering.
This board will ensure consistent application of the restart criteria contained in Attachment C of the Cook Nuclear Plant Restart Plan among system engineers, and ensure that restart decisions reflect the shared concerns of Operations, Maintenance and Engineering.
Theresultofthisreviewwillbetodefinetheequipment relatedworkwhichisneededtoensureasafeandeventfreestartupandachieveareliablepoststartupoperating cycle.MEMBERS:DirectorPlantEngineering (Chair)Mechanical Component ManagerElectrical SystemManager.SafetyandAnalysisManagerIACManagerPerformance TestingManagerBoardSecretary Non-Member:
The result of this review will be to define the equipment related work which is needed to ensure a safe and event free startup and achieve a reliable post startup operating cycle.MEMBERS: Director Plant Engineering (Chair)Mechanical Component Manager Electrical System Manager.Safety and Analysis Manager IAC Manager Performance Testing Manager Board Secretary Non-Member:
Additional attendance bymembersofRestartOversight Committee isexpectedtoreinforce expectations andprovideoversight'for therestartIssuereviewprocess.Alternate chair:SiteEngineering hfanagers Alternate safetyandanalysismanager:Engineers intheSafetyandAnalysisSection,subjecttoacceptance oftheSERBchairoralternate chair.qUORUM:Chur(orat a~e),tOiteM~~~,Se~andAVyisMger(oralternate),
Additional attendance by members of Restart Oversight Committee is expected to reinforce expectations and provide oversight'for the restart Issue review process.Alternate chair: Site Engineering hfanagers Alternate safety and analysis manager: Engineers in the Safety and Analysis Section, subject to acceptance of the SERB chair or alternate chair.qUORUM: Chur(orat a~e), t O ite M~~~, Se~and A Vy is M ger(or alternate), and Secretiiry.
16 ACTIONS: Review all potential restart items identified by System Engineers based on criteria defined in the restart plan;the System Engineer will present the ed t s for discussion.
16 ACTIONS:Reviewallpotential restartitemsidentified bySystemEngineers basedoncriteriadefinedintherestartplan;theSystemEngineerwillpresenttheedtsfordiscussion.
A representative of Operations and Maintenance knowledgeable of the system's restart issues wi suppo e system engineer t engineer and ensure the perspective of the other produ'ction groups a'd ed.The 0 erations representative will normally be an SS or can be an SS US of the Operations crew responsible for the system, but can e an assigned to the Work Control Center.Designate systems that are required to be presented to the SERB by system engineer, Maintenance and Operations.
Arepresentative ofOperations andMaintenance knowledgeable ofthesystem'srestartissueswisuppoesystemengineertengineerandensuretheperspective oftheotherprodu'ction groupsa'ded.The0erationsrepresentative willnormallybeanSSorcanbeanSSUSoftheOperations crewresponsible forthesystem,butcaneanassignedtotheWorkControlCenter.Designate systemsthatarerequiredtobepresented totheSERBbysystemengineer, Maintenance andOperations.
The SERB will review aH items identified as potential restart issues by the system engineer system readiness review.The system engineer, Operations or Maintenance representatives will also identify other issues which are not identified as potential restart issues but may be questioned.
TheSERBwillreviewaHitemsidentified aspotential restartissuesbythesystemengineersystemreadiness review.Thesystemengineer, Operations orMaintenance representatives willalsoidentifyotherissueswhicharenotidentified aspotential restartissuesbutmaybequestioned.
A complete list of open issues on each system will be available during'ERB meetings.Thc SERB will review and question additional items as desired to determine if they should be restart issues.Ensure a record of all decisions and concerns raised by the SERB review is documented for future review.As a result of the review, recommend specific potential restart items for approval by the ROC.Review and approve the charter and any revisions needed to support the restart plan.Disband this board after startup when directed by thc Site Vice President.
Acompletelistofopenissuesoneachsystemwillbeavailable during'ERBmeetings.
D.R.Hafer Direaor of Hact Engneahg 1'7 ATTACHMENT B RE TARTOVERSI HTCOiViGTTEE ROC CHARTER PURPOSE:.Exercise management oversight and approval of physical and programmatic work scope necessary to ensure a safe and uneventful unit startup, and achieve a reliable operating cycle.MEMBERS: Position Plant Manager, Chair Operations Superintendent Vice Chair Production Engineering Director Plant Engineering Director Maintenance Superintendent Licensing Manager Chemistry Superintendent Radiation Protection Superintendent Training Superintendent Restart Manager Restart Plan Project Manager'ecretary'rimary Doug Cooper Bob Gillespie Ken Baker Don Hafer John Boesch Mark Ackerman Dave Morey Doug Noble Dennis Loope John Stubblefield Phil Gora Betty Clark.Alternate Bob Gillespie Guy Tollas Alberto Verteramo Mike F inissi Mark Stark Gordon Arent Bob Claes Paul Holland Dennis Willemin Dick Strasser Sandy McClintock
ThcSERBwillreviewandquestionadditional itemsasdesiredtodetermine iftheyshouldberestartissues.Ensurearecordofalldecisions andconcernsraisedbytheSERBreviewisdocumented forfuturereview.Asaresultofthereview,recommend specificpotential restartitemsforapprovalbytheROC.Reviewandapprovethecharterandanyrevisions neededtosupporttherestartplan.DisbandthisboardafterstartupwhendirectedbythcSiteVicePresident.
'hdicates non-voting member3 QUORUM Chairperson or vice chairperson, and three (3)additional voting members, two of which must be primary members.Attendance trom Performance Assurance and Business Performance is strongly encouraged to perfotm an active oversight role.ACTIONS: Set and communicate expectations for the organization to evaluate work items against the restart scope criteriL.Ensure screetnng criteria are consistently applied via the restart oversight committee review, meeting and approval process.18 Some items that meet one or more of the criteria may be deferred until aher restart if there is special consideration that provides the basis for this decision.Examples may include items that are only a concern during certain seasons, reduced risk of performing the work during a system outage, or implementation of adequate compensatory actions until a long-term solution is defined.A clear basis for deferral of these items is to be provided.Review and approve: A.B.Restart action items to be completed prior to startup.Station readiness to initiate until startup and power ascension as determined by the results of the assessment of readiness to start up.4.Maintain a record of presentations, discussions, deliberations and basis for decisions and recommendations.
Review charter as necessary to accommodate changing conditions.
Exercisemanagement oversight andapprovalofphysicalandprogrammatic workscopenecessary toensureasafeanduneventful unitstartup,andachieveareliableoperating cycle.MEMBERS:PositionPlantManager,ChairOperations Superintendent ViceChairProduction Engineering DirectorPlantEngineering DirectorMaintenance Superintendent Licensing ManagerChemistry Superintendent Radiation Protection Superintendent TrainingSuperintendent RestartManagerRestartPlanProjectManager'ecretary'rimary DougCooperBobGillespie KenBakerDonHaferJohnBoeschMarkAckermanDaveMoreyDougNobleDennisLoopeJohnStubblefield PhilGoraBettyClark.Alternate BobGillespie GuyTollasAlbertoVerteramo MikeFinissiMarkStarkGordonArentBobClaesPaulHollandDennisWilleminDickStrasserSandyMcClintock
Convene as necessary to accomplish this charter prior to and during startup.Disband after unit startup when directed by the site vice president.
'hdicates non-voting member3QUORUMChairperson orvicechairperson, andthree(3)additional votingmembers,twoofwhichmustbeprimarymembers.Attendance tromPerformance Assurance andBusinessPerformance isstronglyencouraged toperfotmanactiveoversight role.ACTIONS:Setandcommunicate expectations fortheorganization toevaluateworkitemsagainsttherestartscopecriteriL.Ensurescreetnng criteriaareconsistently appliedviatherestartoversight committee review,meetingandapprovalprocess.18 Someitemsthatmeetoneormoreofthecriteriamaybedeferreduntilaherrestartifthereisspecialconsideration thatprovidesthebasisforthisdecision.
Site>President J/v/97 Date 19
Examplesmayincludeitemsthatareonlyaconcernduringcertainseasons,reducedriskofperforming theworkduringasystemoutage,orimplementation ofadequatecompensatory actionsuntilalong-termsolutionisdefined.Aclearbasisfordeferraloftheseitemsistobeprovided.
Reviewandapprove:A.B.Restartactionitemstobecompleted priortostartup.Stationreadiness toinitiateuntilstartupandpowerascension asdetermined bytheresultsoftheassessment ofreadiness tostartup.4.Maintainarecordofpresentations, discussions, deliberations andbasisfordecisions andrecommendations.
Reviewcharterasnecessary toaccommodate changingconditions.
Conveneasnecessary toaccomplish thischarterpriortoandduringstartup.Disbandafterunitstartupwhendirectedbythesitevicepresident.
Site>President J/v/97Date19

ATTACI.IMENT CITKRIAFORWORKINLUDEDINRESTARTSOPETobeincludedintheplantrestartworkscope,itemsmustmeetthefollowing criteria:
ATTACI.IMENT C ITKRIA FOR WORK IN LUDED IN RESTARTS OPE To be included in the plant restart work scope, items must meet the following criteria: Level 1 Screenin: Resolves an immediate industrial or nuclear safety issue.These issues will be mandatory restart items.~Necessary to address the voluntary shutdown for the A/E inspection and related programmatic issues.~Necessary to address the confirmatory action letter.Required to return an INOPERABLE system, subsystem or component to OPERABLE status.o Required to resolve an immediate industrial or nuclear safety concern.l~d'N h ai'd'6 l fW WSRei.Th issues will be considered for addition to the restart item list based on the review and recommendations of plant engineering, operations, and maintenance if the action: Eliminates an existing component failure, deficiency, or condition that could result in operation in, or entry to, an LCO action statement.
Resolves existing deficiencies or conditions that: a.would result in failure or inability to perform a required surveillance test during the current outage or the following operating cycle in accordance with the plant technical specifications; b.would increase the risk to operation for safety associated with performing a surveillance; or c.would result in the failure to meet a license requirement or a restart commitment to an outside agency.Restores degraded critical components or conditions that could result in a plant transient, power reduction or shutdown.Resoh es conditions that have resulted in repetitive safety system or equipment failures.20 0
Resolvesanimmediate industrial ornuclearsafetyissue.Theseissueswillbemandatory restartitems.~Necessary toaddressthevoluntary shutdownfortheA/Einspection andrelatedprogrammatic issues.~Necessary toaddresstheconfirmatory actionletter.RequiredtoreturnanINOPERABLE system,subsystem orcomponent toOPERABLEstatus.oRequiredtoresolveanimmediate industrial ornuclearsafetyconcern.l~d'Nhai'd'6lfWWSRei.Thissueswillbeconsidered foradditiontotherestartitemlistbasedonthereviewandrecommendations ofplantengineering, operations, andmaintenance iftheaction:Eliminates anexistingcomponent failure,deficiency, orcondition thatcouldresultinoperation in,orentryto,anLCOactionstatement.
Restores licensing b'ef encies to conforming conditions (extended d scheduled corrective actions may be completed programmauc reviews an post-restart wi e'th the proper justification of no safety impact, a sa'y ato communication).
Resolvesexistingdeficiencies orconditions that:a.wouldresultinfailureorinability toperformarequiredsurveillance testduringthecurrentoutageorthefollowing operating cycleinaccordance withtheplanttechnical specifications; b.wouldincreasetherisktooperation forsafetyassociated withperforming asurveillance; orc.wouldresultinthefailuretomeetalicenserequirement orarestartcommitment toanoutsideagency.Restoresdegradedcriticalcomponents orconditions thatcouldresultinaplanttransient, powerreduction orshutdown.
OPERABILITY determination, and appropriate regulatory corrects equipmen C ts'pment with design basis deficiencies; i.e., deficiencies in saf-related or technical specification equipment not in conformance with-restart with and scheduled corrective actions may be completed post-restart wi Corrects deficiencies in configuration management programs, processes, en'ering analysis codes, or operating, maintenance, o'r test procedures (documentation deficiencies, which have no safety impact, may be completed post-restart).
Resohesconditions thathaveresultedinrepetitive safetysystemorequipment failures.
Eli'es conditions that create a potential for perso nnel radiation Glink of limits.exposure, o&ctlvl radioacti'ty release or e61uent discharge in excess l 0 Reduces cumulative deficiencies, baddogs'or conditions that, m the are evaluated to have significant negative impact on safety, operability or reliable plant operation.(Not applicable to individual work items).Approved: w (ZZ 0 z/~kg it Vice President 21 0
20 0
ATTACHMENT D$ELE ON F PLANT$YSTE,'g 120 Vac/CRID Inverters Air Recirculation/Hydrogen Skimmer Auxiliary Feedvrater 250 Vdc Station Batteries Component Cooling Water Containment Containment Spray Control Air ECCS Accumulators ECCS Charging Modes 1, 2, 3/CVCS Kgh-head Injection ECCS RHR ECCS SI Electrical Safety Busses (4000 V/600 V)Emergency Diesel Generators Essential Service Water Main Steam Non-essential Service Water Plant Air Compressors Reactor Coolant System/RCS Pressure Relief Reactor Protection Systetn/Solid-state Protection/ESFAS 22  
Restoreslicensing b'efenciestoconforming conditions (extended dscheduled corrective actionsmaybecompleted programmauc reviewsanpost-restart wie'ththeproperjustification ofnosafetyimpact,asa'yatocommunication).
OPERABILITY determination, andappropriate regulatory correctsequipmenCts'pmentwithdesignbasisdeficiencies; i.e.,deficiencies insaf-relatedortechnical specification equipment notinconformance with-restartwithandscheduled corrective actionsmaybecompleted post-restart wiCorrectsdeficiencies inconfiguration management
: programs, processes, en'eringanalysiscodes,oroperating, maintenance, o'rtestprocedures (documentation deficiencies, whichhavenosafetyimpact,maybecompleted post-restart).
Eli'esconditions thatcreateapotential forpersonnelradiation Glinkoflimits.exposure, o&ctlvlradioacti
'tyreleaseore61uentdischarge inexcessl0Reducescumulative deficiencies, baddogs'or conditions that,mtheareevaluated tohavesignificant negativeimpactonsafety,operability orreliableplantoperation.
(Notapplicable toindividual workitems).Approved:
w(ZZ0z/~kgitVicePresident 21 0
ATTACHMENT D$ELEONFPLANT$YSTE,'g120Vac/CRIDInverters AirRecirculation/Hydrogen SkimmerAuxiliary Feedvrater 250VdcStationBatteries Component CoolingWaterContainment Containment SprayControlAirECCSAccumulators ECCSChargingModes1,2,3/CVCSKgh-headInjection ECCSRHRECCSSIElectrical SafetyBusses(4000V/600V)Emergency DieselGenerators Essential ServiceWaterMainSteamNon-essential ServiceWaterPlantAirCompressors ReactorCoolantSystem/RCS PressureReliefReactorProtection Systetn/Solid-state Protection/ESFAS 22  

A~XCHMENTERestartProcessMap(1)RestartWorkScopeDetermination 1SRantSaaescnaSolectPlantSyatemaForRovfowApprovePlantSyatomaForRt)vtowPorfonnSyatamRevlowaS.~Add)ttonat WorkScope~Roqurad?PerformReadtneaa AaaoaamentLS)Rssasssssmasasmsnt J0tS2Yot)date)oaat)ngRWorkScopeYESse6ERSSERBRevtewAndApprovalApprovoRaatattWorkScopeAddtttoneApprovedRaataltScopeAdd)tfona S78VSEHORlsetfotmWorkScopefnsvsfas'erllxmsnss J21ApprovedReatartWorkScope(2)RestartWorkScopePerformance 2124MOst)sPlanRoatattWorkSchoduleReatartWorkConductReatattWorkPerformRead)ncaa AaaaaamentQl)RsssmsaaAawssmsna i110
A~XCHMENT E Restart Process Map(1)Restart Work Scope Determination 1 S Rant Saaescna Solect Plant Syatema For Rovfow Approve Plant Syatoma For Rt)vtow Porfonn Syatam Revlowa S.~Add)ttonat Work Scope~Roqurad?Perform Readtneaa Aaaoaa ment LS)Rssasssssmasasmsnt J 0 t S2 Yot)date)oaat)ng R Work Scope YES se 6ERS SERB Revtew And Approval Approvo Raatatt Work Scope Addtt tone Approved Raatalt Scope Add)tfona S 7 8VS EHOR lsetfotm Work Scope fnsvsfa s'erllxmsnss J2 1 Approved Reatart Work Scope (2)Restart Work Scope Performance 21 24 M Ost)s Plan Roatatt Work Schodule Reatart Work Conduct Reatatt Work Perform Read)ncaa Aaaa aament Ql)Rsssmsaa Aawssmsna i 1 10

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A7"'HMENTERestartProcessMapATTACHMENT ERestartProcessMap(4)RestartAuthorization (5)PowerOperation PerformFhelReedheeeRevlowPerformFhalR~Recommend atertupa.ssQrtTRecommend Reetart4.4Secvao&cadentAuthorize Restart~51Opetsoona StartvpandPowerAacenaron ATTACHMENT 2TOAEP:NRC:1260GL COOKNUCLEARPLANTRESTARTPLAN,REVISION1APRIL7,1998}}
A7"'HMENT E Restart Process Map ATTACHMENT E Restart Process Map (4)Restart Authorization (5)Power Operation Perform Fhel Reedheee Revlow Perform Fhal R~Recommend atertup a.s sQrtT Recommend Reetart 4.4 Sec vao&cadent Authorize Restart~51 Opetsoona Start v p and Power Aacenaron ATTACHMENT 2 TO AEP:NRC:1260GL COOK NUCLEAR PLANT RESTART PLAN, REVISION 1 APRIL 7, 1998}}

Revision as of 09:22, 6 July 2018

Rev 0 to Cook Nuclear Plant Restart Plan.
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Site: Cook  American Electric Power icon.png
Issue date: 03/07/1998
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ML17325B525 List:
PROC-980307, NUDOCS 9904130177
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Cook Nuclear Plant Restart Plan~>>/9t Revision 0 S.R.Sampson Site Vice-President 9904130177 990405 PDR ADQCK 050003'L5 P POR 0

ok Noclear Plant Restart Plan 1.Introduction and Overview 1.1 Purpose 1.2 Background 1.3 Roles and Responsibilities 1.4 Cook Nuclear Plant Restart Piocess Overview 2.Restart Work Scope Determination 2.1 Restart Work Scope Determination Process 2.2 Plant System Reviews 2.3 Redefined Restart Work Scope 3...Restart Work Scope Performance 3.1 Work Scope Performance Restart Readiness Assessmeat 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 System Reidiness Functional Arei Readiness Programmatic Readiness Containment Raidiness 5., Restart Authorization 5.1 Restart Oversight Committee(ROC)

Review and Approval 5.2 Senior Matutger Review Team (SMRT)Review and Approval 5.3 Executive Vice Presideat Restart Authorization 6.Startup and Power Ascension 6.1 Managemeat Oversight and Organizational Support 6.2 OperatinS Pro6cieacy and Experieace Review Attachments:

A system engineer review board (SERB)charter B restart oversight committee (ROC)charter C criteria for work included in restart scope D plant systems to be reviewed by ROC E restart process map

1.0 Introduction

and Overview 1.1 Purpose ls that will The Cook Nuclear Plant Restart Plan describes the activities and controls that wi be implemented to ensure the facility is ready to safely start up and operate in an event free manner.To provi e us wi.T'd with the assurance that this can be accomplished eread to meet this we.m.ust determine that our people, plant and programs are ready to meet is challenge.

The plan will assess these areas and identify any need ceded action to ensure we can safely startup and operate reliably in an event free manner.The plan will assess the following:

People Have we adequately prepared our people such that they are trained on the changes d ed es and understand the issues involved in restarting and operating the plant?Are the functional areas staffed, organized and functioning at a eve to suppo s 1 1 rt afe startup and reliable operation in an event free manner?Programs ams and procedures been adjusted to include the lessons learned?Have our programs an proc Are they adequate to allow us'to return to operation and prevent future nonconforming conditions?

Plant're our materie con i'o'dition, configurations, restart readiness of systems and abihty to meet design function while complying with applicab e regu ations equa allow us to return to service?This plan provides a map to conduct the assessments needed to assure ourselves ead estab The actions and activities needed to do this and any roved rocedures.

corrective actions will be performed in accordance with approv p ures.1.'2 Bachgjroaad Duri th Jul-September, 1997, time&arne, the NRC conducted an architect en'nspection at Cook Nuclear Plant The AE inspection focused the core during a design basis accident.As a conservative measure, bo units were shut down on September 9 and cooled to cold shut down until this question could be properly answered.

tember 12 the NRC concluded the AE inspection with a public exit On Septem er, e.t committed to addressing and meeting.Following this meeting, Cook Nuclear Plant commi the ins'on rior to restart o resolving seven{7)specific issues identified during e i pecti p the units.It was believed that these seven issues could be resolved within a few 1 to the NRC committing to these actions, the NRC issued a confirmatory action letter{CAL)identifying their approv wou e th'ts.The i4RC CAL also identified two additional required prior to restarung the units.e i actions to be taken as a condition for resorting the units.The unit 2 reactor was sc heduled for a refueling to begin in late September, 1997.was withia two weeks of normal burn up window at the time o e f the The unit 2 core was wi'a two wee items and restart cheduled shut down.Our objecnve was to resolve the CAL items, an res uasc u s unit 2 for the remaining two weeks of fuel burn up, then commence the refueling outage.Over the next several weeks, it became apparent that a restart would not be achievable in e near term, an th term, and a decision was made to begin the unit 2 refueling d its scheduled work on October 20, 1997.In parallel with the outage outage and its s wo work, our organization worked through the many iaspectio AE ias'on/CAL issues.It appeared that a January 1998 restart of both units would be feasible.Durin the time period of January-February 1998, the Cook Nuclear Plant senior management team had several meetings wi e, an e nearing reso ution.was luti.It was during this time period that several new issues arose, icant concerning or re atmg our co 1 tin to our containment systems that would require signifi resources and focus to recoacile.

Given the sigaizicaat peri th'gaif t period that both units had been shut down up to this point, and the uncertainty for a near-tenn start up date, it was decided that e scope o'o es needed to be revaluated, and a more rigorous assessment of plant readiness was required prior to any restart.These steps ary're access in order to achieve the objectives described in Section 1.1.The key factors that led to this decision are: Design basis concerns aad equipmeat performance testiag'ad'ssues which have come to i~in recent mo 1 ght recent moaths raised the concern that additional hardware'xteaded and non-hardware activities may need to be completed during ttus extead shut down.Coafirmatioa is required that procedure inadequacies or equipment deficieacies that may challenge plant operators during normal, abnormal erg abaorm ot emergency conditions have been adequately identified and addressed.

in gn o'n extended shutdown 1 ed Gom other nuc)ear utilities in the implementation of an integnexl assessment of readiness to restart following an

period are being adopted and applied to Cook Nuclear Plant on a pilot basis during this outage.1.3 Roles and Responsibilities Roles and responsibilities for the execution of this plan are as follows: 1.3.1 All Nuclear Generation Employees Responsible for supporting the restart activities by focusing on safe d ti uous improvement.

All employees are obligated to u the raise any and all quality concerns to management's action through e corrective action program.1.3.2 System Engineers Responsible for success&I completion of restart work on selected systems, safe, reliable power operations, implementing necessary corrective actions and providing af5rmation of readiness.

1.3.3 System Engineering Review Board (SERB)Board internal to the engmeering organization res ponsible for assessing the readiness of plant systems an provi'1 stems and providing recommendations for additional restart scope to the ROC.The SERB charter is provided in attachment A.'1.3.4 Restart Oversight Committee (ROC).Responsible for determining the restart scope of work using consistent standards and criteria approved by the senior management review team (SMRT)and assessing the readiness of Cook Nuclear Plant to restart and resume power operations, using the process approved by the SMRT in this procedure.

The ROC charter is ptovided in attacluneat B.'.3.5 Senior Management Review Team (SMRT)Members: Site Vice Ptesident (Chairman)

Vice President Nuclear Engineering Director Performance Assurance'hdependent Safety Review Committee Member'This member will actively participate as available, and will perform a continuous overs 1 got fo e.'ght 1.Routine communication with this member may be accomplished through review of meeting minutes, phone conferencing and follow up interviews with the SMRT members.The SMRT is responsible for generation and approvals of:{a)criteria for screening work items required for completion of restart;(b)monitoring and oversight of the process for affirmation and approval of plant and staff readiness for restart.1.3.6 Plant Manager, Engineering Managers and Departm and D artment Superintendents Responsibility for success&1 completion of the restart work, performing an reliable power operations, implementing necessary corrective actions and providing aKrmation of readiness to the ROC.1.3.7 Restart Manager Responsibility for the management and control of restart work activities including the scheduling of activities and coordination of resources.

1.3.8 Site Vice President Overa0 res nsibility for the management and implementation of the restart Overa0 respons>>i or 1.1.Serves as chairman of p an lan to achieve the purpose described m section the(SMRT).

1.3.9 Executive Vice President Nuclear Geaeration Res ponsible for authorizing startup and power ascension, and providmg senior management oversight of the restart process.1A Cook Nuclear Plant Re>tart Process Overview'he restart plan consists of the following major activities:

(1)scope determination (2}work performance (3)readiness assessment (4)startup authorization (5)startup and power asceM ion Following is a process map an summ d summary of the activities with more detailed information presented in later sections of this document.

0 Cook Plant Restart Plan Overview I I age enfant I~te approve Restart Work BOOPO XI aeelert aerreerp Psrtorm Restart Work Pertorm F mal RIN>>w Racommena Statup tacit ReonmmendReatan

-hrrthoruC Restart 1 I l opireeerre lteatart An>

pcrkrm Gxaarnmerl

~Rrprtsre 0

Restart Readiness A~sse sments 1.1 Sye Engr'~I Perform System Readiness Reviews The objective of the restart readiness assessment is to ensure that the integrated set of plant equipment, human resources and work programs are capable of supporting safe and reliable power operations.

The restart readiness assessment will be initiated in parallel with the execution and completion of restart work.The restart readiness assessment will focus on the following 1,2 i M argon Perform Functional Area Readiness Reviews plant system readiness functional area readiness~ptogrammatic readiness e containment readiness 1.3 Managera Perform Programmatic Readiness Reviews 1A Oir Pient Engineenng Perform Containment Readiness Reviews 1.$SERB Recommend Restart Work Scope The restart work scope may be increased as a result of the plant system assessments or other ongoing work.The system engineers will recommend the restart work scope to the System Engineer Review Board{SERB).

16 ROC All restart scope additions will be approved by the Restart Oversight Comminee (ROC).Approve Restart Work!Scope 2.tRestart Mareger'erform Restart Work Following determination of the restart work scope by the ROC, the restart manager is responsible for coordinating the planning, scheduling and completion of the work.3.1 ROC, PNSRC.Perform Final Review Recommend Startup Results of the restart assessment will be presented to the Restart Oversight Committee (ROC)with an affirmation by the responsible system engineer or engineering manager, and the functional area superintendent of the readiness of the system or organization to support plant startup and safe, reliable power 0 perafions.

SMRT Recommend Restart Following presentation and acceptance of the assessment results by the ROC, the Site Vice President will convene the SMRT to perform an integrated review of the affirmations, verify compliance with regulatory commitments and any other special criteria that may impact the initiation of startup activities.

4.2 Exec Vrce Prea Authorize Restart Based on the results of this review, the Executive Vice President Nuclear Engineering wi0 authorize startup and power ascension.

5.1 OPS Startup and Power Ascension Startup and power ascension following the completion of startup work will follow a deliberate and ctmtrulied approach that ensures operational and personnel safety.The normal startup process defined in Cook Nuclear Plant procedures will be supplemented with appropriate management oversight and support fiom engineering and maintenance organization such that issues or concerns are promptly addressed and the startup can be accomplished in a safe, contmlled manner.

2.0 Restart cwork Scope Determination 2.1 Restart Work Scope Determination Process Th estart work scope is being defined through a determination process driven by ere w the ROC consistent with their charter.Outstanding work items an se programmatic issues are reviewed against defined criteria to determine which items should be included in the restart scope.System engineers have the largest role in b there is also considerable involvement from other organizations work sco e including operations, design engineering, and maintenance.

The restart P determination process is outlined in attachment E.2.2 Plant System Review Plant systems are reviewed by the system engineer using the plant system review instructions with results and recommendations presented to the ROC.The plant system review process consists of four primary elements as described below 2.2.1 Selection of Plant Systems Plant systems have been selected for a detailed review and afFirmation based on the historical performance and risk significance of the system.readiness review instructions.

Results of the assessment of selected systems will be esented Gr3t to the SERB and, upon approval, to the ROC with appropriate recommendations for additional actions eto be~ormed after restart The systems are listed in attachment D.Th remaining systems will be assessed and evaluated as part of the hne , responsibility of the engineering organization through the use of the Issues that afFect restart scope on these systems will be presented to the ROC on a case basis.2.2.2 Restart Work Scope Additions The restart work scope addition for plant systems is focu.ied on those items not already included in the restart work scope.Items already scheduled for letio prior to restart are not evaluated agiunst the criteria provided in attachment C unless there is a proposal to delete them.The go o system review and wt,rk scope addition process is to define the work necessary for completion prior to restart such that the system is capable of supporting safe and reliable power operation.

This review ew will include the following:

'0 (a)the magnitude, significance and risk of items which will be resolved after restart should be defined and evaluated;(b)assurance that recurring problems on the system that could aff'ect safe and reliable operations are being fixed;{c)assurance that any design basis and licensing issues on the system are being addressed within a time frame that is appropriate for the issue;and (d)assurance that operators will not be unnecessarily challenged in'he operation of the system during normal, abnormal, or emergency conditions.

Based on the review of open work items against the criteria presented in attachment C, the system engineer is to provide recommen'dations for the restart scope changes for the selected systems in attachment D to the SERB-and upon approval to the ROC.Items recommended for addition to the restart scope for remaining plant systems will be handled on an item specific basis by the ROC following an initial review by line management It should be noted that it was not the intent of this program to resolve all design basis issues.We are committed to a long range program to accomplish this resolution." n 2.2.3 Monitoring Restart Work, Addressing Emergent Issues and Performing a More Detailed Assessment of System Readiness, System engineering is to monitor the progress of work on assigned system and address emergent issues as required.Any major restart scope impacts defined by emergent issues should be brought to the ROC following line management review.All other emergent issues are assessed daily by the engineermg managers.Also, the system engineer is to use this period to complete the assessment and evaluation of system readiness in preparation for the final system readiness review and affirmation of readiness for restart 2.2.4 Final System Readiness Review and Affirmation This aspect of the system readiness review process is summarized in section 4.1.Although it is not expected that any significant restart work scope issues will be identified during this final review, if any are identified, they are to be brought to the immediate attention of the ROC{following line management review).10 0

0 22 Redefined Restart Work Scope The restart work scope may be redefined based on the evaluation process described above.Decisions made by the ROC regarding the restart work scope are documented in meeting minutes and work item status is tracked.3.0 Restart Work Scope Performance 3.1 Work Scope Performance Following determination of the restart work scope by the ROC, the restart manager is responsible for coordinating the planning, scheduling and completion of the work, including the implementation of programmatic changes.The restart work scope performance process is outlined in attachment E.4.0 Restart Readiness Assessment The restart readiness assessment is an integrated line managemeat assessment that assists station management in etermining det'ng the readiness to initiate startup and achieve safe, reliable power operation e n through the next operating cycle.Thc restart readiness assessmeat tofa process isoutlined inattaciunentE.

Thisformofassessmeatisoneelemeato a comprehensive plant assessment program that is the foundation of our continuous h'1 h.Implementation of this action is consistent with the experience and lessons learned of othe'nuclear utilities.

The restart readiness assessmea'g implemented at Cook Nuclear Plant based on lessons learned and will be captured such that this process can be implemented on a routine basis in thc future.The restart readiness assessmeat for restart will verify the co p m letioa of a!1 defined restart operations.

Results of thc asscssmeat and afRmation of readiness will be presented to the supervisor.

Following acceptance by thc ROC, thc site vice president will convene an SMRT meeting to review these a6irmations aad vaify compliaace

'.regulatory coaunrtmeats an any d other applicable criteria The site vice presideat will recommead start up of the units based on this review, and assuaiacc rcgardiag the readiness o statioa to iaitiate startup and safely, reliably operate though the next olxriting cycle.Following is a summary of the key elements of the program.4.1 System ReadinessSystem readiness a6irmations by thc system engineer are to confirm that plant eet functional desiga requiremeats, have beea suitably tested'and as@systems meet ready to support safe and reliable startup and operation through y the next c cle.This aQirmation is based on thc work completed as described in section 2.2, and is to

include a coordinated system walkdown of the system with operations and maintenance personnel on systems defined by the plant engineering manager.%here necessary, compensatory actions for reschedu ed w r 1 work or other areas of performance risk are to be defined and addressed.

S ead'affirmations are to be presented by'he system engineer to the SERB and upon its approval to the ROC for the systems identifi ystem r iness Affirmation of system readiness is documented with the signature of the system engineer an manage' d'.Affirmation of individual system readiness for the remaining plant systems wi e'll b addressed as part of the system engineering line management responsi i ity an wi'b'1ll be one element of the functional area readiness evaluation.

4.2 Functional

Area Readiness Functional area'ss y se readiness b selected functional areas is an affirmation that the startu and safe and d artment is in an appropriate state of readiness to support startup an s e an reliable power operation ou e thr gh th next cycle.Functional area readiness wi0 include items such as: (a)adequacy of sta8iag levels, personnel expcnence and q~ications to demonstrate compliance with regulatory requirements and commitments;(b)completion of personnel training on normal startup evaluations, po wer ascension requirements, industry operating experienc including extended shutdown and unusual events at similar plants, emergency preparedness, changes in plant configuration, changes in plant operating and emergency procedures, and changes in key administrative procedures and processes;(c)resolution of significant performance deficiencies and reduction of backlogs (corrective action, corrective maintenance etc.)to manageable levels;and (d)establishment of goals and priorities for the continued improvement of the department including use of critical assessment methods.Functional Area readiness will be a6irmcd to the ROC by the folhwing functional outage management


~licensing plant cngtncenng

-fuels~design cngHlccnng plant pmtecnon man ent roduction engineerin information managemen~p uc plant performance assurance~chemistry radiation pmtectioa cof the Affirmation of functional area readiness is documented with the signature o e functional area manager.12

43 Programmatic Readiness Pro ammatic readiness review will confirm that programs are in place to support identification and correction of problems.Program the unit shutdown have been evaluated and necessary corrective or preventive h b m leted.Programs in place at the time of unit start-up will its desi bases and in ensure that the plant will be operated in conformance with its esign accordance with the AEP quality assurance prOgra.A/E prograinmatic issues potential bypass of 50.59 safety evaluations 50.59 safety evaluation quality corrective action program improvements surveillance program assessment

4.4 Containment

Readiness the review will focus on the system materiel condition, adequate surveillance testing, and the system configuration contro.5.0 Restart Authorization The restart authorization process is outlined in attachment E.5.1 Restart Oversight Committee (ROC)Review<<nd A p proval Th ROC will review and accept the assessment affirmatioas

'ons in 4.1 4.,4.3 and 4.4.A restart recommendation will be made to the SMRT as e wi based on the results of the functional area assessments.

5D.Senioc Mana~a Review Team (SMRQ Review and Approval U review and acceptance of the assessment affirm revi ations in 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4 by the ROC, the site vice president will convene an SMRT meeting meetin to orm an integrated review and approval.5B Ereeudve Vice President Restart Authorization Based on this review the executive vice president nuclear generation will provide the authorization for restart and power ascension.

13 6.0 Startttp and Power Ascension Startup and power ascension, following the completion of th the restart work will follow a d I'b ate and controlled approach that ensures operational and personnel safety.The ei er ean normal startup management team will be augmented with a shiA plan m ag t man er and shift h that'es or concerns are promptly addressed and the status can be accomplished in a safe, controlled manner.The startup and power ascension actions summarized in this section do not change o.alter any requirements of the startup procedures defined above.6.1 Management Oversight and Organizational Support The Cook Nuclear Plant management structure will be supplemented with a shift plant manager an s'ngineeria d hift eeriag manager to compliment the shift maintenance manager during e startup an durin th tartup and power ascension phase.The responsibilities of these positions are as follows: 6.1.1 Shift Plaat Manager Thc shift plant manager provides on-shift{24-hour)presence as a direct representative of thc plant maaager and is responsible for maintaining aa overall perspective of the startup pmcess.If necessaty, the shift plant manager is authorized to request operations to delay thc startup, reduce power, or shutdown to make necessary repatrs.6.1.2 Shift Engineering Manager Thc shift eagiaeering manager provides on-shift (24-hour)presence as a direct representative of the plant engineering manager aad is responsible for maintaining an overall perspective of engineering support of thc startup process.The shift engineerin manager will coatrol on-shift engineering resources as accessary to support scheduled startup testing activities, resolve emergent operability issues, support maintenance aad maaage necessary reactor caginecriag test activities.

6.1.3 Shift Maintenance Manager The shift maiateaancc manalpr provides on-shift (24-hour)presence as a direct tativc of the maintenance manager and is responsible for maintaining an overall perspective of maintcnaace support of the p repf esca c 0 c startu Th shift aiateaaace manager will coatrol on-shift maintenance resources as necessary to support scheduled startup testing activities, resolve emergent equipmeat issues, and support operations.


This organization will be implemented as directed by the plant manager at cnncal evolutions during startup such as change to mode 4, initial cri'ty, and parallel to grid.The organization will be disbanded as directed by the plant manager but not before mode 4 to 30%power.6.2 Operating Proficiency and Ezperience Review To minimize the potential for performance errors during the plant startup, the following actions will be taken:, operations personnel will utilize the simulator to practice the startup evolution and ensure understanding and proficiency with applicable startup procedures and special requirements; a review of past Cook Nuclear Plant startup issues relevant industry operating experience will be performed during the functional area r'eviews to ensure understanding of past experience and lessons learned;department communication meetings will be conducted with each plant department to discuss management expectations regarding the startup and power ascension processes, schedule, and responsibilities.

These meetings will be completed prior to initiating the startup evolution.


SYSTEM ENGINEERING REVKW BOARD SERB CHARTER PURPOSE: Perform a system-based, multi-disciplinary technical review of potential restart issues associated with risk significant plant equipment.

This board will ensure consistent application of the restart criteria contained in Attachment C of the Cook Nuclear Plant Restart Plan among system engineers, and ensure that restart decisions reflect the shared concerns of Operations, Maintenance and Engineering.

The result of this review will be to define the equipment related work which is needed to ensure a safe and event free startup and achieve a reliable post startup operating cycle.MEMBERS: Director Plant Engineering (Chair)Mechanical Component Manager Electrical System Manager.Safety and Analysis Manager IAC Manager Performance Testing Manager Board Secretary Non-Member:

Additional attendance by members of Restart Oversight Committee is expected to reinforce expectations and provide oversight'for the restart Issue review process.Alternate chair: Site Engineering hfanagers Alternate safety and analysis manager: Engineers in the Safety and Analysis Section, subject to acceptance of the SERB chair or alternate chair.qUORUM: Chur(orat a~e), t O ite M~~~, Se~and A Vy is M ger(or alternate), and Secretiiry.

16 ACTIONS: Review all potential restart items identified by System Engineers based on criteria defined in the restart plan;the System Engineer will present the ed t s for discussion.

A representative of Operations and Maintenance knowledgeable of the system's restart issues wi suppo e system engineer t engineer and ensure the perspective of the other produ'ction groups a'd ed.The 0 erations representative will normally be an SS or can be an SS US of the Operations crew responsible for the system, but can e an assigned to the Work Control Center.Designate systems that are required to be presented to the SERB by system engineer, Maintenance and Operations.

The SERB will review aH items identified as potential restart issues by the system engineer system readiness review.The system engineer, Operations or Maintenance representatives will also identify other issues which are not identified as potential restart issues but may be questioned.

A complete list of open issues on each system will be available during'ERB meetings.Thc SERB will review and question additional items as desired to determine if they should be restart issues.Ensure a record of all decisions and concerns raised by the SERB review is documented for future review.As a result of the review, recommend specific potential restart items for approval by the ROC.Review and approve the charter and any revisions needed to support the restart plan.Disband this board after startup when directed by thc Site Vice President.

D.R.Hafer Direaor of Hact Engneahg 1'7 ATTACHMENT B RE TARTOVERSI HTCOiViGTTEE ROC CHARTER PURPOSE:.Exercise management oversight and approval of physical and programmatic work scope necessary to ensure a safe and uneventful unit startup, and achieve a reliable operating cycle.MEMBERS: Position Plant Manager, Chair Operations Superintendent Vice Chair Production Engineering Director Plant Engineering Director Maintenance Superintendent Licensing Manager Chemistry Superintendent Radiation Protection Superintendent Training Superintendent Restart Manager Restart Plan Project Manager'ecretary'rimary Doug Cooper Bob Gillespie Ken Baker Don Hafer John Boesch Mark Ackerman Dave Morey Doug Noble Dennis Loope John Stubblefield Phil Gora Betty Clark.Alternate Bob Gillespie Guy Tollas Alberto Verteramo Mike F inissi Mark Stark Gordon Arent Bob Claes Paul Holland Dennis Willemin Dick Strasser Sandy McClintock

'hdicates non-voting member3 QUORUM Chairperson or vice chairperson, and three (3)additional voting members, two of which must be primary members.Attendance trom Performance Assurance and Business Performance is strongly encouraged to perfotm an active oversight role.ACTIONS: Set and communicate expectations for the organization to evaluate work items against the restart scope criteriL.Ensure screetnng criteria are consistently applied via the restart oversight committee review, meeting and approval process.18 Some items that meet one or more of the criteria may be deferred until aher restart if there is special consideration that provides the basis for this decision.Examples may include items that are only a concern during certain seasons, reduced risk of performing the work during a system outage, or implementation of adequate compensatory actions until a long-term solution is defined.A clear basis for deferral of these items is to be provided.Review and approve: A.B.Restart action items to be completed prior to startup.Station readiness to initiate until startup and power ascension as determined by the results of the assessment of readiness to start up.4.Maintain a record of presentations, discussions, deliberations and basis for decisions and recommendations.

Review charter as necessary to accommodate changing conditions.

Convene as necessary to accomplish this charter prior to and during startup.Disband after unit startup when directed by the site vice president.

Site>President J/v/97 Date 19

ATTACI.IMENT C ITKRIA FOR WORK IN LUDED IN RESTARTS OPE To be included in the plant restart work scope, items must meet the following criteria: Level 1 Screenin: Resolves an immediate industrial or nuclear safety issue.These issues will be mandatory restart items.~Necessary to address the voluntary shutdown for the A/E inspection and related programmatic issues.~Necessary to address the confirmatory action letter.Required to return an INOPERABLE system, subsystem or component to OPERABLE status.o Required to resolve an immediate industrial or nuclear safety concern.l~d'N h ai'd'6 l fW WSRei.Th issues will be considered for addition to the restart item list based on the review and recommendations of plant engineering, operations, and maintenance if the action: Eliminates an existing component failure, deficiency, or condition that could result in operation in, or entry to, an LCO action statement.

Resolves existing deficiencies or conditions that: a.would result in failure or inability to perform a required surveillance test during the current outage or the following operating cycle in accordance with the plant technical specifications; b.would increase the risk to operation for safety associated with performing a surveillance; or c.would result in the failure to meet a license requirement or a restart commitment to an outside agency.Restores degraded critical components or conditions that could result in a plant transient, power reduction or shutdown.Resoh es conditions that have resulted in repetitive safety system or equipment failures.20 0

Restores licensing b'ef encies to conforming conditions (extended d scheduled corrective actions may be completed programmauc reviews an post-restart wi e'th the proper justification of no safety impact, a sa'y ato communication).

OPERABILITY determination, and appropriate regulatory corrects equipmen C ts'pment with design basis deficiencies; i.e., deficiencies in saf-related or technical specification equipment not in conformance with-restart with and scheduled corrective actions may be completed post-restart wi Corrects deficiencies in configuration management programs, processes, en'ering analysis codes, or operating, maintenance, o'r test procedures (documentation deficiencies, which have no safety impact, may be completed post-restart).

Eli'es conditions that create a potential for perso nnel radiation Glink of limits.exposure, o&ctlvl radioacti'ty release or e61uent discharge in excess l 0 Reduces cumulative deficiencies, baddogs'or conditions that, m the are evaluated to have significant negative impact on safety, operability or reliable plant operation.(Not applicable to individual work items).Approved: w (ZZ 0 z/~kg it Vice President 21 0

ATTACHMENT D$ELE ON F PLANT$YSTE,'g 120 Vac/CRID Inverters Air Recirculation/Hydrogen Skimmer Auxiliary Feedvrater 250 Vdc Station Batteries Component Cooling Water Containment Containment Spray Control Air ECCS Accumulators ECCS Charging Modes 1, 2, 3/CVCS Kgh-head Injection ECCS RHR ECCS SI Electrical Safety Busses (4000 V/600 V)Emergency Diesel Generators Essential Service Water Main Steam Non-essential Service Water Plant Air Compressors Reactor Coolant System/RCS Pressure Relief Reactor Protection Systetn/Solid-state Protection/ESFAS 22

A~XCHMENT E Restart Process Map(1)Restart Work Scope Determination 1 S Rant Saaescna Solect Plant Syatema For Rovfow Approve Plant Syatoma For Rt)vtow Porfonn Syatam Revlowa S.~Add)ttonat Work Scope~Roqurad?Perform Readtneaa Aaaoaa ment LS)Rssasssssmasasmsnt J 0 t S2 Yot)date)oaat)ng R Work Scope YES se 6ERS SERB Revtew And Approval Approvo Raatatt Work Scope Addtt tone Approved Raatalt Scope Add)tfona S 7 8VS EHOR lsetfotm Work Scope fnsvsfa s'erllxmsnss J2 1 Approved Reatart Work Scope (2)Restart Work Scope Performance 21 24 M Ost)s Plan Roatatt Work Schodule Reatart Work Conduct Reatatt Work Perform Read)ncaa Aaaa aament Ql)Rsssmsaa Aawssmsna i 1 10

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A7"'HMENT E Restart Process Map ATTACHMENT E Restart Process Map (4)Restart Authorization (5)Power Operation Perform Fhel Reedheee Revlow Perform Fhal R~Recommend atertup a.s sQrtT Recommend Reetart 4.4 Sec vao&cadent Authorize Restart~51 Opetsoona Start v p and Power Aacenaron ATTACHMENT 2 TO AEP:NRC:1260GL COOK NUCLEAR PLANT RESTART PLAN, REVISION 1 APRIL 7, 1998