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i 15,3,4             BTT.AK AND PO4fER CONVERSION SYSTEM 8telicability Applies to the operating status of steam and power conversion systeen.
i 15,3,4 BTT.AK AND PO4fER CONVERSION SYSTEM 8telicability Applies to the operating status of steam and power conversion systeen.
                    '4h3ective 110 define consitions of the steam and power conversion system steam-relieving
'4h3ective 110 define consitions of the steam and power conversion system steam-relieving
                    'imepacity. A1stiliary Feedwater system and Service Water Systeen operation fin necessary to ensure the capability to remove decay beat frem the core.
'imepacity. A1stiliary Feedwater system and Service Water Systeen operation fin necessary to ensure the capability to remove decay beat frem the core.
i, mpecificati~.
i, mpecificati~.
  )                 +
: h.     98nen the reactor coolant is heat.A above 350'r the reactor shall if,       not be taken critical unless the following conditions are mets i-
: 1. A minimum steam-relieving capability of eight (8) main stammt n,
safety valves available, except for low power physics testing,
98nen the reactor coolant is heat.A above 350'r the reactor shall if, not be taken critical unless the following conditions are mets i-n, 1.
                    }U         2;   30th motor-driven auxiliary feed pumps and the associated
A minimum steam-relieving capability of eight (8) main stammt safety valves available, except for low power physics testing,
    ,,                              turbine-driven feedwater pump operable.
}U 2;
                    ,[f.      .
30th motor-driven auxiliary feed pumps and the associated
  >                  c
turbine-driven feedwater pump operable.
                      .i i e
i c
.i i e
:e.                                                                .
,e 8207140229 820502
                                                                                      * **~
DR ADOCK 05000266 PDR
8207140229 820502 DR ADOCK 05000266 PDR

      .o 4
.o 4,.
: 3. A miniansa of 10,000 gallons of water per operating unit in the condensats storage tanks and an unlimited water sigply froni the Lake via either leg of the plant service water Systan.
: 4. system piping and valves required to function during accident onaditione directly associated with the above coseonents operable.
A miniansa of 10,000 gallons of water per operating unit in the condensats storage tanks and an unlimited water sigply froni the Lake via either leg of the plant service water Systan.
B. The iodine-131 activity on the secondary side of the steam generator aball mot escoed 1.2 pci/oc.
C. During power operation the requirements of 15.3.4.A.2 may be modified to allow the following components to be inoperable for a specified tima. If the systman is not restored to meet the requirements of 15.3.4.A.2 within the time period specified, the affected reactor (s) mh=11 he pleoed in hot shutdown within 12 hours. If the requirements of 15.3.4.A.2 are not satisfied within an additional 48 hours, the appropriate reactor (s) shall be cooled down to less than 350"F.
system piping and valves required to function during accident onaditione directly associated with the above coseonents operable.
The iodine-131 activity on the secondary side of the steam generator aball mot escoed 1.2 pci/oc.
During power operation the requirements of 15.3.4.A.2 may be modified to allow the following components to be inoperable for a specified tima.
If the systman is not restored to meet the requirements of 15.3.4.A.2 within the time period specified, the affected reactor (s) mh=11 he pleoed in hot shutdown within 12 hours.
If the requirements of 15.3.4.A.2 are not satisfied within an additional 48 hours, the appropriate reactor (s) shall be cooled down to less than 350"F.
One of the required operable Austiliary Feedwater Pumps may be out-of-servios ao specified.
One of the required operable Austiliary Feedwater Pumps may be out-of-servios ao specified.
: 1. A turbine-driven Auxiliary Feed Pump may be out-of-service for g to 72 hours.
: 2. A motor-driven Auxiliary Feedwater Pump may be out-of-service for g to 7 days.
A turbine-driven Auxiliary Feed Pump may be out-of-service for g to 72 hours.
A motor-driven Auxiliary Feedwater Pump may be out-of-service for g to 7 days.
e 15.3.4-2 1
e 15.3.4-2 1

Latest revision as of 16:31, 17 December 2024

Corrected Proposed Tech Spec Change Request 76 Incorporating Addl Limiting Conditions for Operation Re Auxiliary Feedwater Pumps
Person / Time
Site: Point Beach  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 05/02/1982
Shared Package
ML20054M689 List:
NUDOCS 8207140229
Download: ML20054M692 (2)


__________________-_______________ ____

i 15,3,4 BTT.AK AND PO4fER CONVERSION SYSTEM 8telicability Applies to the operating status of steam and power conversion systeen.

'4h3ective 110 define consitions of the steam and power conversion system steam-relieving

'imepacity. A1stiliary Feedwater system and Service Water Systeen operation fin necessary to ensure the capability to remove decay beat frem the core.

i, mpecificati~.




98nen the reactor coolant is heat.A above 350'r the reactor shall if, not be taken critical unless the following conditions are mets i-n, 1.

A minimum steam-relieving capability of eight (8) main stammt safety valves available, except for low power physics testing,

}U 2;

30th motor-driven auxiliary feed pumps and the associated


turbine-driven feedwater pump operable.

i c

.i i e




,e 8207140229 820502

    • ~

DR ADOCK 05000266 PDR

.o 4,.


A miniansa of 10,000 gallons of water per operating unit in the condensats storage tanks and an unlimited water sigply froni the Lake via either leg of the plant service water Systan.


system piping and valves required to function during accident onaditione directly associated with the above coseonents operable.


The iodine-131 activity on the secondary side of the steam generator aball mot escoed 1.2 pci/oc.


During power operation the requirements of 15.3.4.A.2 may be modified to allow the following components to be inoperable for a specified tima.

If the systman is not restored to meet the requirements of 15.3.4.A.2 within the time period specified, the affected reactor (s) mh=11 he pleoed in hot shutdown within 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.

If the requirements of 15.3.4.A.2 are not satisfied within an additional 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br />, the appropriate reactor (s) shall be cooled down to less than 350"F.

One of the required operable Austiliary Feedwater Pumps may be out-of-servios ao specified.


A turbine-driven Auxiliary Feed Pump may be out-of-service for g to 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />.


A motor-driven Auxiliary Feedwater Pump may be out-of-service for g to 7 days.

e 15.3.4-2 1
