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Westinghouse                Energy Systems                                      sa 355 Plitsburgh PennsyNania 15230-0355 Electric Corporation AW-94-622 May 17,1994 Document Control Desk U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 ATTENTION:          MR. R. W. BORCHARDT APPLICATION FOR WITHHOLDING PROPRIETARY INFORMATION FROM PUBLIC DISCLOSURE
==Dear Mr. Borchardt:==
The application for withholding is submitted by Westinghouse Electric Corporation (" Westinghouse")
pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (b)(1) of Section 2.790 of the Commission's regulations. It contains commercial strategic information proprietary to Westinghouse and customarily held in confidence.
The proprietary material for which withholding is being requested is identified in the proprietary version of the subject report. In conformance with 10CFR Section 2.790, Affidavit AW-94-622 accompanies this application for withholding setting forth the basis on which the identified proprietary information may be withheld from public disclosure.
Accordingly, it is respectfully requested that the subject information which is proprietary to Westinghouse be withheld from public disclosure in accordance with 10CFR Section 2.790 of the Commission's regulations.
Correspondence with respect to this application for withholding or the accompanying affidavit should reference AW-94-622 and should be addressed to the undersigned.
Very truly yours, N J Liparul          ge Nuclear Safety Regulatory And Licensing Activities
  /nja i
cc:    Kevin Bohrer      NRC 12HS 9406020210 940517 PDR    ADOCK 05200003 A                        PDR                                                                                i 16MA                                                                                                              i
i COPYRIGIIT NOTICE                                              ;
l l
The reports transmitted herewith each bear a Westinghouse copyright notice. The NRC is permitted to make the number of copies of the information contained in these reports which are necessary for its internal use in connection with generic and plant-specific reviews and approvals as well as the issuance, denial, amendment, transfer, renewal, modification, suspension, revocation, or violation of a license, permit, order, or regulation subject to the requirements of 10 CFR 2.790 regarding restrictions on public disclosure to the extent such information has been identified as proprietary by Westinghouse, copyright protection not withstanding. With respect to the non-proprietary versions of these reports, the NRC is permitted to make the number of copics beyond those necessary for its internal use which are necessary in order to have one copy available for public viewing in the appropriate docket files in the public document room in Washington, D.C. and in local public document rooms as may be required by NRC regulations if the number of copics submitted is insufficient for this purpose. Copics made by the NRC must include the copyright notice in all instances and the proprietary notice if the original was identified as proprietary.
PROPRll?rARY INFORMATION NOTICE Transmitted herewith are proprietary and/or non-proprietary versions of documents furnished to the NRC in connection with requests for generic and/or plant specific review and approval, in order to conform to the requiremerns of 10 CFR 2.790 of the Commission's regulations concerning the protection of proprietary information so submitted to the NRC, the information which is proprietary in the proprietary versions is contained within brackets, and where the proprietary infonnation has been deleted in the non proprietary versions, only the brackets remain (the information that was contained within the brackets in the proprietary versions having been deleted). The justification for claiming the information so designated as proprietary is indicated in both versions by means of lower case letters (a) through (f) contained within parentheses located as a superscript immediately following the brackets enclosing each item of information being identified as proprietary or in the margin opposite such information. These lower case letters refer to the types of information Westinghouse customarily holds in confidence identified in Section (4)(ii)(a) through (4)(ii)(f) of the affidavit accompanying this transmittal pursuant to 10 CFR2.790(b)(1).
9 AW-94-622 i
Before me, the undersigned authority, personally appeared Brian A. McIntyre, who, being by me duly sworn according to law, deposes and says that he is authorized to execute this Affidavit on behalf of Westinghouse Electric Corporation (" Westinghouse") and that the averments of fact set forth in this Affidavit are true and correct to the best of his knowledge, information, and belief:
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Brian A. McIntyre, Manager Advanced Plant Safety & Licensing Sworn to and subscribed before me this        /Y            day of          hk@ _                            .1994 vv w 1 14                              d4A v
Notary Public tuanalseal                                                                        I t.crialno M. Ponca, t    Puble Monroove Bo'c,            Count /
My Commesbn Expires        14.1995 aTour Periervarwi Aemm of fatw a
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AW-94-622 (1)  I am Manager, Advanced Plant Safety and Licensing, in the Advanced Technology Business Area, of the Westinghouse Electric Corporation and as such, I have been specifically delegated the function of reviewing the proprietary information sought to be withheld from public disclosure in connection with nuclear power plant licensing and rulemaking proceedings, and am authorized to apply for its withholding on behalf of the Westinghouse Energy Systems Business Unit.
(2)  I am making this Affidavit in conformance with the provisions of 10CFR Section 2.790 of the Commission's regulations and in conjunction with the Westinghouse application for withholding accompanying this Affidavit.
(3)  I have personal knowledge of the criteria and procedures utilized by the Westinghouse Energy Systems Business Unit in designating information as a trade secret, privileged or as confidential commercial or financial information.
(4)  Pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (b)(4) of Section 2.790 of the Commission's regulations, the following is furnished for consideration by the Commission in determining whether the information sought to be withheld from public disclosure should be withheld.
(i)    The information sought to be withheld from public disclosure is owned and has been held in confidence by Westinghouse.
(ii)    The information is of a type customarily held in confidence by Westinghouse and not customarily disclosed to the public. Westinghouse has a basis for determining the types of information customarily held in confidence by it and, in that connection, utilizes a system to determine when and whether to hold certain types of information in confidence. The application of that system and the substance of that system constitutes Westinghouse policy and provides the rational basis required.
Under that system, information is held in confidence if it falls in one or more of several types, the release of which might result in the loss of an existing or potential competitive advantage, as follows:
16A9A l
I AW-94-622    )
(a)    The information reveals the distinguishing aspects of a process (or component,  ;
1 structure, tool, method, etc.) where prevention of its use by any of              l Westinghouse's competitors without license from Westinghouse constitutes a competitive economic advantage over other companies.
(b)    It consists of supporting data, including test data, relative to a process (or component, structure, tool, method, etc.), the application of which data secures a competitive economic advantage, e.g., by optimization or improved marketability.
(c)    Its use by a competitor would reduce his expenditure of resources or improve his competitive position in the design, manufacture, shipment, installation, assurance of quality, or licensing a similar product.
(d)    It reveals cost or price information, production capacities, budget levels, or commercial strategies of Westinghouse, its customers or suppliers.
(c)    It reveals aspects of past, present, or future Westinghouse or customer funded development plans and programs of potential commercial value to Westinghouse.
(f)    It contains patentable ideas, for which patent protection may be desirable.
There are sound policy reasons behind the Westinghouse system which include the          i following:
(a)    The use of such information by Westinghouse gives Westinghouse a                j competitive advantage over its competitors. It is, therefore, withheld from disclosure to protect the Westinghouse competitive position.                    ;
I It is information which is marketable in many ways. The extent to which such      l (b)                                                                                      ;
1 information is available to competitors diminishes the Westinghouse ability to sell products and services involving the use of the information.
AW-94-622 (c)      Use by our competitor would put Westinghouse at a competitive disadvantage by reducing his expenditure of resources at our expense.
(d)      Each component of proprietary information pertinent to a particular competitive advantage is potentially as valuable as the total competitive advantage. If competitors acquire components of proprietary information, any one component may be the key to the entire puzzle, thereby depriving Westinghouse of a competitive advantage.
(e)      Unrestricted disclosure would jeopardize the position of prominence of Westinghouse in the world market, and thereby give a market advantage to the competition of those countries.
(f)      The Westinghouse capacity to invest corporate assets in research and development depends upon the success in obtaining and maintaining a competitive advantage.
(iii) The information is being transmitted to the Commission in confidence and, under the provisions of 10CFR Section 2.790, it is to be received in confidence by the Commission.
(iv) The information sought to be protected is not available in public sources or available information has not been previously employed in the same original manner or method to the best of our knowledge and belief.
1 (v)  Enclosed is letter NTD-NRC-94-4114, May 17,1994, being transmitted by Westinghouse Electric Corporation (_W) letter and Application for Withholding Proprietary Information from Public Disclosure, N. J. Liparulo (E, to Mr. R. W. Borchardt, Office of NRR. The proprietary infonnation as submitted for use by Westinghouse Electric Corporation is in response to questions concerning the AP600 plant and the associated design certification application and is expected to be applicable in other licensee submittals in response to certain NRC requirements for justification of licensing advanced nuclear power plant designs.
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AW-94-622      l l
This information is part of that which will enable Westinghouse to:
l (a)    Demonstrate the design and safety of the AP600 Passive Safety Systems.
(b)    Establish applicable verification testing methods.
(c)    Design Advanced Nuclear Power Plants that meet NRC requirements.
(d)    Establish technical and licensing approaches for the AP600 that will ultimately result in a certified design.
(e)    Assist customers in obtaining NRC approval for future plants.
Further this information has substantial commercial value as follows:
(a)    Westinghouse plans to sell the use of similar information to its customers for purposes of meeting NRC requirements for advanced plant licenses.
(b)    Westinghouse can sell support and defense of the technology to its customers in the licensing process.
Public disclosure of this proprietary information is likely to cause substantial harm to the competitive position of Westinghouse because it would enhance the ability of competitors to provide similar advanced nuclear power designs and licensing defense services for commercial power reactors without commensurate expenses. Also, public disclosure of the information would enable others to use the information to meet NRC requirements for licensing documentation without purchasing the right to use the information.
The development of the technology described in part by the information is the result of applying the results of many years of experience in an intensive Westinghouse effort and the expenditure of a considerable sum of money.
: 7. -
l              9 l
AW-94422 l
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In order for competitors of Westinghouse to duplicate this information, similar technical programs would have to be performed and a significant manpower effort, having the requisite talent and experience, would have to be expended for developing analytical methods and receiving NRC approval for those methods.
l Further the deptment sayeth not.
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Attachment to W:stingh2use Litt:r NTD NRC-94 4114                        NTMCHTMT- [            !
Additional Information in Support cf Wastinghouse RIsp nse to RAI 952,44 952,46                                      l l
Question 952,44 Provide the following information to assist the staff in developing TRAC AP600 plant models for large break                    f loss-of-coolant accident analysis:
: a. Provide the reactivity coefficients for this core design. This should include the sensitivity to reactor coolant temperature, fuel rod temperature, void fraction (two-phase density change), and boron concentration.
: b. Provide the control rod reactivity insertion as a function of time after scram.
: c. Provide check valve characteristics, specifically the check valves associated with the core makeup tank and accumulator injection and core makeup tank pressure balance line from pressurizer (pressure differentials required for opening and closing, rate of opening and closing, and full-open area).
: a. The reactivity feedback model used in the ,WCOBRA/ TRAC code is provided below:
The total reactivity TRIPL, is calculated as a function of time, t, as:
TRIPL=p;FRHO(WDENS, PPM,FRHOBU)+DOP(T p)+ RODS +RHOZ where:        p.,      = initial reactivity (input as 0.0)
FRHO      = rextivity (defined as inAk/kJ specified as a polynomial function of the water density, WDENS, boron concentration, PPM, and average bumup, FRHOBU k,, is k at Pw20 = 0.7 gm/cm' DOP,,,,    =  Doppler feedback as a function of Tw, the average fuel temperature (*F) and the input multiplier (FDOP), which is input as 1.00, (4,C.)
L                                                                                    _
RODS      =    the control rod contribution, RHOZ      =    bias calculated at t=0 such that TRIPL = p.,
The functiorit! form of FRHO is given in Table 1. The coefficients were generated to fit the multiplication factor prediction for 17x17 V5H fuel. Units used in the polynomial fit are density (gm/cm'), boron concentration (ppm), burnup (MWD /MTU). At t=0.0, the code calculates the value of FRHOBU such that:
OFRIIO(WDENS , PPM,.0,FRHOBU)                    = 0.0 d(WDEN5) 1 l
Attachm!nt to W:stinghouse Lett:r NTD NRC-94 4114 Additional int:rmation in Support of Wcstinghouse Risp:nse to RAI 952.44 952.46
: b. No credit is taken for control rod insenion in the Westinghouse AP600 LBLOCA model. Figures 15.0 5-1 through 15.0.5-3 of the AP600 SSAR provide the requested information for non-LOCA events, however, this information is not applicable to LBLOCA analyses,
: c. The requested information will be provided in the revised response to RAI 210.28, which will be provided by June 30,1994. Note that subsequent to the receipt of this RAI, a design change was implemented which eliminated the line from each CMT to the pressurizer. Accordingly, the check valves in these lines were.
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1 l                          Attachm nt to W: stir ghouse Lett;r NTD NRC 94-4114                        !
Additional Int rmation in Support cf Wcatinghouse R:sponse to RAI 952.44 952.46 l
  .                                                                                                  i Table 1 WCOBRA/ TRAC Moderator Reactivity Feedback Fit Coefficient Data
                                                                                            - @,c)    l USAGE:    Ak(p, PPM,BU) - f A,p'' ppd *BY - f A,phPYQ b
                                      .i                      -i 3
Accitionai iniortnanon sia support os vuestingnousa nssponsa to NA: woe.44 wiz.40 Question 952.45                                                                                                        ,
  .                                                                                                                        )
Provide the following steady-state and transient calculation assumptions from the,WCOBRA/ TRAC 80-percent cold-leg break loss-of-coolant-accident analysis to ensure that the initial and boundary conditions used by the staff are the same as those used by Westinghouse.
Provide a detailed noding diagram and model description, and nodal locations to which all the steady-state values provided in response to this request can be referenced. Identify the location for each plot relative to the noding diagram,                                                                                                                ,
Provide the following information:
: a. trip set points and delay times (time from receipt of trip signal to time of component or system activation)                                                                                                  ;
: b. core radial, azimuthal, and axial power distribution
: c. maximum linear power-generation rate (kW/ft) for all modelled fuel rods                                      ,
: d. primary coolant mass flow
: e. primary system hot and cold-leg temperatures
: f. feedwater mass flow and inlet temperature                                                                    .
: g. steam exit pressure and temperature
: h. core mass flows for all modelled fuel rods
: i. core inlet and outlet temperature
: j. core bypass flows (rod and thimble flow, reflector block flow, core cavity flow, downcomer upper head flow, hot leg leakage, upper-head guide mbe Dow, upper head drain hole flow)
: k. upper head temperatures l
: l. reflector block cooling flow outlet temperatures I
: m. boron concentration in primary coolant system and in safety injection systems
A sletailed noding diagram and model description of the COBRA vessel nodalization in the AP600
                                                                                                                          'l WCOBRATIRAC model is presented in Appendix 15C, Proprietary Volume 3 of the SSAR.
Figure 1 is a detailed nodalization for the one-dimensional components in the AP600 WCOBRA/ TRAC model.
The AP600 model consists of a number of PIPE, VALVE, TEE and STGEN components connected via junctions in a network with a reactor VESSEL component. Note that the break location for the cold leg breaks is in one of the cold legs connected to a core makeup tank; the pressure balance line is assumed to remain connected on I
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Att:chment to Westinghnuse Lctt:r NTD NRC-94 4114
    .          Addit l2nal inf:rrnation in Support of W ctinghouse RispInse is RAI 952.44 952.46 the vessel side of the break. [ Note: The CMT-Pressurtzer balance line has been deleted from the current AP600 design] Further model description of the one-dimensional TRAC components is available in Appendix 15C in Proprietary Volume 3 of the SSAR.
The following information is provided in response to the specific requests for steady-state WCOBRA/ TRAC values:
: a. The containment H1 pressure setpoint is attained at one second after the large break LOCA event initiates, generating an "S" signal which leads to all subsequent system actuations.
For simplicity, because this signal is so fast and maintaining a bot secondary side is conservative for large break LOCA events, steam generator feedwater and steam lines are isolated at time zero, and startup feedwater is not modeled. A 1.2 second delay is assumed in core makeup tank outlet valve opening, so the CMT flow paths are assumed to begin to open at 2.2 seconds of the transient. The PRHR heat exchanger is not actuated in the transient. [ Note: In the current AP600 design, the PRHR heat exchanger is actuated on an "S" signal) Control rod insertion into the core is not modeled, so the core shuts down due to other negative reactivity insertions, particularly core voiding. The automatic reactor coolant pump trip occurs 17.2 seconds after the break initiation.
l      b. Axial power profiles for the bot rod (Rod No.1), hot assembly average rod (Rod No.2) and core average power rods in open hole and guide tube locations (Rods No. 3 and 4) are provided in Appendtx 15C. Note that the rod power level in the guide tube channel 26 (Rod No.4) and open bole channel 25 (Rod No.3) are
,            set to l        'f") times the core average channel power, while the peripheral channel 24 rod (Rod No.5) l            power is [              l'") tunes the core average power rod.
: c. Based on 102% of licensed core power (1933 MWt*l.02) operation, the maximum linear power generation rate of each rod (in kW/ft) equals [              . ]" kW/ft for the bot rod, [        f"> kW/ft for the bot assembly rod,:          I"> kW/ft for the open bole and guide tube region fuel rods, and [                  f") kW/ft for the peripheral rod.
: d. Primary coolant mass flow equals 20484 lbm/second in all loops combined.
: e. The bot leg and cold leg temperatures at the above total mass flow and 102% power equal 600.87 and 529.9'F in components 2/9 and 5/6/12/13, respectively.
: f. The feedwater flow is 3964 lbrn/second at a temperature of 4397.
: g. The steam generator exit pressure and temperature are 778.7 psia and 515.17 respectively.
,      h. The core mass flow at the entrance of each channelis [                      f") lbm/second in the penpberal channel, l            [      7") Ibm /second in the open boles channel, [                f") Ibm /second in the guide tube channel, and
[      f") Ibm /second in the hot anembly channel,
: i. The inlet fluid temperature of each channel is [                    f"> T. Core outlet temperatures of the various channels are [              7"'  T for the peripheral    channel.  [ ' 7"''F for the open holes channel, [        f")*F for the guide tube channel, and [                f"' *F for the hot assembly channel.
: j. Core bypass Gows, expressed as a percentage of total loop flow are [                      f"' % upper head cooling flow,
[        d %  flow    through    the radial reflector,  and [    7"'  %  thimble  and reactor cavity bypass flow.
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Addition:1 Int rmation in Support cf W:stinghouse RI p nse 13 RAI 952.44 - 952.46
: k. Upper head temperatures vary among the fluid channels. Specifically, the end of steady-state temperatures for channels 70, 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76, and 77 are [
                  ]'"' F respectively. This provides a representation of the incomplete mixing situation expected in the AP600 vessel upper head region.
  !. The reflector region cooling flow outlet temperature is [    ]'"' 'F.
: m. The reactor coolant system initial boron concentration is 950 ppm. The safety injection system boron i
concentration is 2500 ppm.
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Additionil Information in Support cf Wistinghouse RIsponse to RAI 952,44 - 952.46            ,
                                                                                                          ''b 4
Figure 1 - AP600 Large Break LOCA model topology 7
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Additional Information in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAl 952.44 - 952.46
        , Question 952.46 Provide the WCORBRA/IRAC 80-percent large break loss-of-coolant-accident (LBLOCA) calculation results to support a comparison of the TRAC and WCOBRAffRAC results.
Provide plots of the following parameters as a function of time for the most current LBLOCA, Identify the location for each plotted transient parameter relative to the noding diagram requested in Q952.43.
Note: where two-phase conditions exist, provide both vapor and liquid parameters.
: a. pressurizer pressure and mass flows
: b. upper-plenum pressure
: c. break mass flows, integrated break mass flows, and exit void fractions for both vessel-side and pump-side break locations
: d. hot leg mass flows and temperatures at reactor vessel exit                                                ;
: e. cold leg mass flows and temperatures at reactor vessel inlet
: f. core inlet and outlet mass flows
: g. core makeup tank flows for each train
: h. accumulator mass flows for each train                                                                    -
: i. core makeup tank pressure balance line mass flows from both cold leg and pressurizer
: j. pump speeds, mass flows, and void fractions
: k. reactor power
: 1. core inlet boron concentration
: m. fuel clad temperatures at selected core elevations for all modelled fuel rods (average and hot rods)
: n. core voiding as function of core height for all modeled fuel rods (average and hot rods)
: o. liquid levels and voiding in low plenum, core region, upper plenum, and upper head
: p. steam generator feedwater flow and steam flow
: q. steam generator secondary-side riressure
: r. steam generator secondary-side liquid level and temperatures, and
: s. mass flows from upper head through (1) guide tubes, (2) upper head drain holes, and (3) downcomer spray cooling holes.
Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD-NRC 94-4114 Additional Information in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46 Response:                                                                                                                .
The SSAR Revision 0 large break LOCA case analyzed with WCOBRA/I'RAC (SSAR section 15.6.5) is a 100%
cold leg guillotine break. The requested plots for this case are provided as Figures 2-102. Note that time equals -
30 seconds is the end of the steady-state computation /the time of the break.
The AP6001-D topology, used to model the large break LOCA. is shown on Figure 1(see response to RAI 952.45). The locanon of each plotted parameter is noted below relative to the noding diagram
: a.      pressurizer pressure and mass flows Figure 2 Pressurizer pressure (psia) vs. Time Figure 3 Pressunzer mass flow (Ibm /sec) vs. Time The plot location is the bottom cell of pressunzer PIPE component 16.
: b.          upper plenum pressure Figure 4 Upper head pressure (psia) vs. Time Fig re 5 Upper head pressure (psia) vs. Time [ expanded Y scale]
The plot location is the top channel of the reactor VESSEL component.
: c.          break mass flows, integrated break mass flows, and exit void fractions for both vessel side and pump side break locations Figure 6 Vessel-side break mass flow rate (Ibm /sec) vs. Time Figure 7 Integrated vessel-side break mass discharge Obm) vs. Time Figure 8 Vessel-side break energy flow rate (BTU /sec) vs. Time                                            i Figure 9 Vessel-side break integral energy release (BTU) vs. Time Figure 10 Loop-side break mass flow rate Obm./sec) vs. Time Figure 11 Loop-side break energy flow rate (BTU /sec) vs. Time Figure 12 Integrated loop side break mass 'dtscharge Obm) vs. Time Figure 13 Loop-side break integral energy release (BTU) vs. Time The plot locations are the first cell of TEE component 61 primary pipe (vessel side break), and the last cell of PIPE component 60 Goop side break).
: d.          hot leg mass flows and temperatures at reactor vessel exit Figure 14 Hot leg A mass flow Obm/sec) vs. Time Figure 15 Hot leg B mass flow Obm/sec) vs. Time The plot locations are the first cells of hot leg TEE components 22 and 23.
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Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD-NRC-94-4114                                      )
Additional information in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAl 952.44 952.46
: e. cold leg mass flows and temperatures at reactor vessel inlet Figure 16 Cold leg A 1 mass flow Obm/sec) vs. Time Figure 17 Cold leg A 2 mass flow (Ibm /sec) vs. Time Figure 18 Intact cold leg mass flow in the broken loop Obm/sec) vs. Time                                i i
The plot locations are the first cells of PUMP component 5,6 and 13.
f,  core inlet and outlet mass flows Figure 19 Core liquid flow in node 2, all channels Obm/sec) vs. Time Figure 20 Core liquid flow in node 15. all chrmels Obm/sec) vs. Time Figure 21 Core entrained flow in node 2, all channels Obm/sec) vs. Time Figure 22 Core entramed flow in node 15, all channels Obm/sec) vs. Time Figure 23 Core vapour flow in node 2, all channels Obm/sec) vs. Time Figure 24 Core vapour Dow in node 15 all channels Obm/sec) vs. Time The plot locations are the bottom and top cell of the reactor VESSEL core chanrels.
: g. core makeup tank flows for each train Figure 25 CMT B-1 drain flow, component 19 Obm/sec) vs. Time Figure 26 CMT 1 top mass flow rate Obm/sec) vs. Time Figure 27 CMT B-2 drain flow, component 20 (Ibm /sec) vs. Time Figure 28 CA!T 2 top mass flow rate Obm/sec) vs. Time The plot location for drain flow is at the bottom of the core makeup PIPE components 19 and 20. Core    ,
makeup tank top flows, the balance line flows from the pressunzer and the cold leg to the two CMT trains are represented by the calculated flows at the three junctions of TEE components 44 armi 84.
: h. accumulator mass flows for each train Figure 33 Accumulator 1 mass flow Obm/sec) vs. Time Figure 34 Accumulator 2 mass flow Obm/sec) vs. Time The plot locations for mass' flows out the bottom of the accumulator are ACCUM cornponents 17 and 18.
: i. core makeup tank pressure balance line mass flows from both cold leg and pressurizer Figure 29 CL to CMT 1 balance line flow Obm/sec) vs. Time Figure 30 CL to CMT 2 balance line flow Obm/sec) vs. Time Figure 31 PRZ to CMT 1 balance line flow Obm/sec) vs. Time [ Note: ' Ibis line has been removed from the current AP600 design]
Figure 32 PRZ to CMT 2 balance line flow Obm/sec) vs. Time [ Note: ' Ibis line has been removed from the cunent AP600 design)
Core makeup tant top flows, the balance line flows from the pressunzer and the cold leg to the two CMT trams are represented by the calculated flows at the three junctions of TEE components 44 and 84 10
1 Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRC 94-4114 Additional Information in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46
: j. pump speeds, mass flows, and void fractions Figure 35 Pumps A 1 and A-2 Inlet Void Fractions (-) vs. Time Figure 36 Pumps B-1 and B-2 Inlet Void Fractions (-) vs. Tirne Figure 37 Pumps A 1 and A-2 mass flowrate, components 5 and 6 Obm/sec) vs. Time Figure 38 Pumps A-1 and A-2 mass flowrate, components 5 and 6 (Ibm /sec) vs. Time [ focused Y scale]
Figure 39 Pump B-1 mass Dowrate, component 12 Obm/sec) vs. Time                                        f Figure 40 Pump B-1 mass flowrate, component 12 Obm/sec) vs. Time (focused Y scale]
Figure 41 Pump B-2 mass flowrate, component 13 Obm/sec) vs. Time Figure 42 Pump B-2 mass flowrate, component 13 Obm/sec) vs. Time [ focused Y scale]
Figure 43 Pump A-1 bead (psi) vs. Time Figure 44 Pump A-1 bead (psi) vs. Time (focused Y scale]
Figure 45 Pump A-2 bead (psi) vs. Time Figure 46 Pump A-2 bead (psi) vs. Time (focused Y scale]
Figure 47 Pump B-1 bead (psi) vs. Time Figure 48 Pump B-2 bead (psi) vs. Time
: k. reactor power Figure 49 Reactor Power (MWth) vs. Time
: 1. core inlet boron concentration The core inlet boron concentration equals the 950 ppm initial value for the first 40 seconds of the transient, and 2500 ppm thereafter. As noted in RA1952.45 response, the steam generator is isolated at the time of the break such that both the feedwater and steam flows are zero instantaneously.
: m. fuel clad temperatures at selected core elevations for all modelled fuel rods (average and hot rods)
Figure 50 Rod I cladding temperature. 0.0 ft (deg. F) vs. Time Figure 51 Rod I cladding temperature,4.1 ft (deg. F) vs. Time Figure 52 Rod I dadding temperature,7.75 ft (deg. F) vs. Tune Figure 53 Rod I cladding temperature,12.00 ft (deg. F) vs. Tune Figure 54 Rod 2 cladding temperunre,0.0 ft (deg. F) vs. Tune Figure 55 Rod 2 cladding temperature,4.1 ft (deg. F) vs. Time Figure 56 Rod 2 cladding temperature,7.75 ft (deg. F) vs. Tune Figure 57 Rod 2 dadding temperature,12.00 ft (deg. F) vs. Time Figure 58 Rod 3 cladding temperature,0.0 ft (deg. F) vs. Time Figure 59 Rod 3 cladding temperature,4.1 ft (deg. F) vs. Time Figure 60 Rod 3 dadding temperature,7.75 ft (deg. F) vs. Tune Figure 61 Rod 3 cladding temperature,12.00 ft (deg. F) vs. Tune Figure 62 Rod 4 cladding temperature. 0.0 ft (deg. F) vs. Time Figure 63 Rod 4 chdding temperature,4.1 ft (deg. F) vs. Time                                            '
Figure 64 Rod 4 cladding temperature,7.75 ft (deg. F) vs. Time Figure 65 Rod 4 dadding temperature,12.00 ft (deg. F) vs. Tune Figure 66 Rod 5 dadding temperature,0.0 ft (deg. F) vs. Tune                                            i Figure 67 Rod 5 cladding temperature,4.1 ft (deg. F) vs. Tune                                            I Figure 68 Rod 5 cladding temperature,7.75 ft (deg. F) vs. Time Figure 69 Rod 5 dadding temperature,12.00 ft (deg. F) vs. Time Figure 70 Peak Cladding Temperature (deg. F) vs. Time, all elevations 11
Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD-NRC-94 4114 Additional Information in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 - 952.46 Figure 71 PCT location (ft) vs. Time [ relative to bottom of core)
Fuel cladding temperatures are supplied at four core locations (0.0,4.1,7.75 and 12 feet) for four rods.
Rod 1 is the hot rod of the core, Rod 2 is the hot assembly average rod, Rod 3 is the core average rod in an open hole location, Rod 4 is the core average rod in a guide tube location and Rod 5 is a peripberal assembly rod.
: n. cort voiding as function of core height for all modeled fuel rods (average and hot rods)
Figures 72 through 87 provide the void fractions in the core peripheral channel, open hole, guide tube and hot assembly channels at the top,7.75 ft,4.1 ft and bottom elevations as identified in the following table:
12.0 feet      7.75 feet      4.1 feet      0.0 feet Core peripheral channel            Fig. 72          Fig. 73      Fig. 74        Fig. 75 open hole channel                  Fig. 76          Fig. 77      Fig. 78        Fig. 79 guide tube channel                  Fig. 80          Fig. 81      Fig. 82        Fig. 83 hot assembly channel                Fig. 84          Fig. 85      Fig. 86        Fig. 87
: o. liquid levels and voiding in low plenum, core region, upper plenum, and upper head I.iquid levels are provided in Figures 88-95 for the downcomer below the DVI line entrance and elsewhere, the upper head, the inner and outer upper plenum regions and the core het assembly, open hole and guide tube regions.
Figure 88 Downcomer collapsed level, below DVI point (ft) vs. Time Figure 89 Downcomer collapsed level (ft) vs. Time                                                        l Figure 90 Upper head collapsed level (ft) vs. Time                                                        ,
Figure 91 Inner globe collapsed level (ft) vs. Tune                                                      l Figure 92 Outder globe collapsed level (ft) vs. Time Figure 93 Hot assembly channel collapsed level (ft) vs. Time Figure 94 Open hole chanew        Hapsed level (ft) vs. Time Figure 95 Guide tube channel collapsed level (ft) vs. Time
: p. steam generator feedwater flow and steam flow Steam genermor feedwater flow and steam line flow are set to zero at the time of the breait.
Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRC 94 4114 Additional information in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46
: q. steam generator secondary-side pressure Figure 101 Steam generator secondary side pressure (psia) vs. Time Steam generator secondary side parameters are provided for the top cell of the secondary side of STGEN components 3 and 10.
: r. steam generator secondary-side liquid level and temperatures Figure 102 Steam generator secondary side liquid temperatures (deg. F) vs. Time Steam generator secondary side parameters are provided for the top cell of the secondary side of STGEN components 3 and 10. Steam generator secondary side liquid levels are not available.
: s. mass flows from upper head through (1) guide tubes, (2) upper head drain holes, and (3) downcomer spray cooling holes.
Mass flows are provided in Figures 96-100 for upper head flow paths.
Figure 96 Upper head to downcomer entrained flow (Ibm /s) vs. Time Figure 97 Upper head to downcomer vapor flow (ibm /s) vs. Time Figure 98 Upper head to downcomer liquid flow (Ibm /s) vs. Time Figure 99 Guide tube liquid flow (Ibm /s) vs. Time Figure 100 Liquid flow through upper support plate (lbm/s) vs. Time 13
W Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRC 94-4114 Additional Information in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46 AP600 L9 LOCA ( C0=1 0 )
PRESSURIZER PRESSURE 2s00 2000 1$00 1000 b
                      ,00            \
20        40    40      to    100    120  140 TlWE (S)
Figure 2 Pressurtzer pressure (pois) vs. Time AP600 L8 LOCA ( Cd=1.0 )
Q 5          -
                          -s000 g-4000 0
5 -s000
f 10      40    00      80    100  120  140 TlWE ($)
Figure 3 Pressurtzer mass flow (Itwn/sec) vs. Time 14
Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRC 94-4114 Additional Information in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46 AP600 LB LOCA ( Cd=1 0 )
2000 5
ison m            :
E m tono
b soo 20      40  la        40    100          120    140 IlWE (S)
Figure 4 Upper head pressure (psis) vs. Time AP600 LB LOCA ( Cd=1 0 )
48 b 4.                                                      I f
E                                                l  I l
                    ?, ' '
m                                          g 3
b ,,                                    i (    i  k I
I) t ,          ih Q        ff'
                              .      4    ..        ..    ...          ...    ...
TlWE (s)
Figure 5 Upper head pressure (psis) vs. Time [ expanded Y scale]
15 4
9 Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRC 94-4114 AdditionalInformation in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46 A?600 LB LOCA ( Cd=1 0 )
VESSEL-SIDE BREAK MASS FLOW RATE 10030 Of                                  ' vvr
                    -40000 20    40  SO      80    100    Ito    140 flWE (s)
Figure 6 Vessel-side break mass flow rate (Ibm /sec) vs. Time AP600 Le LOCA                Cd=1 0 INTEGRa/10 WESSEL-SIDE 8RE(MASS N      015 CHAR}ED 250000  -
150000 100000      j
                    $6000 l
20    40  60      00    100    120    140 TlWE (S)
Figure 7 Integrated vessel-side break mass discharge (Ibm) vs. Time 16 i
l l
Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRC 94-4114 Additional Information in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46 AP600 L8 LOCA ( Cd=1 0 )
                    ~.                :
                    $      .1(tel O
                    =    .St.or
a 20  40  to        80  too      120    140 flWE (5)
Figure 8 Vessel-side break energy flow rate (BTU /sec) vs. Time AP600 LB LOCA ( Cd=1 0 )
                        .ist+0s    ,
                        ,14t+09                                __.
                        .12t+ot 3    .tt+09
                                          /        - -
                          .4t+o8 2t+04-
                                    ' A
                                '20    40 so        lo  too      120    iso ilWE (S)
Figure 9 Vessel side break integral energy release (BTU) vs. Time 17
4 Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRC 94-4114 Additional Information in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46 AP600 LB LOCA ( Cc=1 0 )
LOOP-SIDE BREAK MASS FLOW RATE 18000 14000 f2000 10000 8000
1000 4000 2000
0 20        40      10      to    100  120  140 TlWE    (S)
Figure 10 Loop side break mass flow rate (thmJsec) vs. Time AP600 LB LOCA ( Cd=1.0 )
                          ..t+0B A
* 2 15t.08
0    .it.0:
G                    \
5      sc.or 5
                                              \                    . ...
                                                  .. ,,,,.. ,,,1        ,.0 Figure 11 Loop-side break energy flow rate (BTUlsoc) vs. Time 18 i
Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD-NRC-94 4114 Additionalinformation in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46 AP600 L9 LOCA ( Cd=1 0 )
120000 f                  l        l      l    !
100000 '
t            /
                    .0000              /
40000 40000 20000 1
0 20          40    to      30    100  120    I40 ItWE (S)                      ]
Figure 12 Integrated loop side break mass discharge (Ibm) vs. Time      I l
Cd=1.0 ENERGY      )
                      .tt+09 4E+08
                  ;                                                              I
                  ~    St+00 S              .      I G              $
                      .!t.Os 20        40    so      s0    100  120    i40 tiut (s)                  i i
Figure 13 Loop side break Integral energy rolesse (BTU) vs. Time      j l
1 19                          )
Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRC 94 4114 Additional Information in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 - 952.46 AP600 L8 LOCA . ( Cd=1 O )
HOT LEG A MASS FLOW                        ;
                                          ....    ::    i    o .. sto.. 14 is000 F
                        ; 80000 1
s000 0                  -
                                            . f 0                  .
5      -5000
                              -iO900 10    40    60    80      100      120 140 flWE (5)
Figure 14 Hot leg A mass flow (Ibm /sec) vs. Time 9
AP600 LB LOCA ( Cd=1 0 )
HOT LEG B MASS FLOW 14000 14000 gt2000          ,
g      s000
                          .,s    4000 4000 2000.
                                      ,-        W 20    40    40    It      let      120 140 flWE (S)
Figure 15 Hot leg 8 mass flow (thm/sec) vs. Time 20
  .__                              _                                    _  ~-.
Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRC 94 4114 Additional Information in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46 AP600 LB LOCA ( Cd=1 0 )
COLD LEG A-1 FLOW (comp 5) roco p
                        .ooe I
2            '-
2 soon
                  , seco      ,
:      W
                  , 30o0 o            :
w            -
g 2:00      ,
5 icoe
                            '2a      ao    so    so    ios  iso  iso TiWE (5)
Figure 16 Cold leg A 1 mass flow (Ibm /sec) vs. Time AP600 L8 LOCA ( Cd=1 0 )
COLD LEG A-2 FLOW (comp 6) foco
o.oo 2            '
4 Y Sooo
                    $                                                            1
                    , soon                                                        l
* l
                    , O
g tono 5
icon            '
                              'o 2        .o  io    ao    ion  its  i..
TlWE (S)
Figure 17 Cold leg A-2 mass flow (bm/sec) vs. Time 21 l
Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRC 94 4114 Additional Information in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952,44 952.46 APC00 L9 LOCA ( Cc=1 0 )
INTACT CCLO LEG T;0# (cemo 62) inao      ,
5 03
_              u P
O 4ano            ,
                            =                :
0      sooo
w j    acao a
:        (  <
                                - i o o n ",
20      40  40      80      100      120      140 flWE (S)
Figure 18 Intact cold leg mass flow (Ibm /sec) vs. Time AP600 LB LOCA (2 (oil CORE LICUID FLOW IN N00E                Cd=1.0 cnonnels)    )
20000 10000 1'  7t J A/lAA              h  kA
[            I"Il            jd P''
                              -t0000 1
20      40    80      80      160      110      140 ilWE (S)                            ,
i Figure 19 Core liquid flow in node 2, all channele (Ibtn/sec) vs. Time 22 l
i I
Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRC 94-4114 dditionalinformation in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46 Ao600 LB LOCA (5 (all CORE LIQUID FLOW IN N001          1 Cd=1      0) 20000 15000 10000 5000 I-O
                              ,  vg 50cc            ,
20        40  60      80  100    12o    140 TlWE (S)
Figure 20 Core liquid flow in node 15, all channels (Ibm /sec) vs. Time AP600 L8 LOCA ( Cd=1 conc carno =co rtow in moot 2 <.ii 0)
400 too  ,
                    -40o    ',
                  '' '" t o          .o            so    ice    its    i4e flWE (S)
Figure 21 Core entrained flow in node 2, all channels (fan /sec) vs. Time 23
1 l
Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRC 94 4114 Additional Information in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46 AP600 LB LOCA ( Cd=1 cannaef:)
00Rt (4f4414C0 FLO* .im 9CDE 15 (oli 0
                        '?                  '
x sv
                    -200                                                                    ,
                    -400            l
                    -800 I
:        1
                  -1200 20        40      80            to        100    120      140 TlWE (S)
Figure 22 Core entrained flow in node 15, all channels (Ibm /sec) vs. Time AP600 LB LOCA CORE VAPOUR FLOW IN NODE                ((Cd=1        0) ell channels)
FGM          0        2        0 var aulaL sAtt FLOW
                                                  - - ^ ^
0 7y 7
                          -500        k
2 5 -1000 I
5 -is00      _
20        40    80            80      100    120      140 flWE (5)
Figure 23 Core vapour flow in node 2, all channels (Ibm /sec) vs. Time 24
Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRC 94-4114                              !
Additional Information in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46 AP600 CORE      vaP0UR  L9FLO*LOCA 14 N00((5  1 Cd=1      0)
(eli enanneis) 400 20s I
                                                                  .pg&Q.Y 0
                        -400 20          40        80      80        100    120  140 TlWE (S)
Figure 24 Core vapour flow in node 15, all channote (ibmisec) vs. Time AP600 L8 LOCA ( Cd=1 0 )
CMT B-1 DRAIN FLOW (comp.19) 150 ico 7
2 so 2
E          o 2
0 5      -se                                                                    ;
                            ''" 2 n          so        so      as      100    12o    14e        l TlWE (s)                                  i l
Figure 25 CMT B 1 drain flow, component 19 (tm/sec) vs. Time                        1 25 l
l l
l l
l l
Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRC 94-4114 Additional Information In Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46 I
A?600 L8 LOCA ( Cd=1 0 )
CVT1. TOP FLOW 100                                                                  i
                                  .                                                            I
1 50
s                                                                            l
A            d                    ]
4 e        0 "r' '"r        o' ' 'i n' ^
g-1          m' 'j      ;
ql 4    -50                  .-
                                  .          l 3            :
                  * -100
                        -150 20        40          60      10        100        120    140 ilWE (S)
Figure 26 CMT 1 top mass flow rate (Ibm /sec) vs Time AP600 LB LOCA ( Cd=1.0 )
CMT B-2 DRAIN FLOW (comp.20) 160 140 7 120 k          -
* iOO
                    $          -      l  ,
                        .0 E
U    40 0          .
j 20 0
20        40          60      to        100        110      140 TlWE (S)
Figure 27 CMT B-2 drain flow, component 20 (Ibm /sec) vs. Time 26
                                      .....o....-              ..e......,    . . . . . -
Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD.NRC 94-4114 Additional Information in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46 AP600CMT2              L9 LOCA  TOP FLOW
( Cd=1 0 )
40 t
20 ;
                    -          L
                            ,          .k            4-    U                      ak        )      s
7      , 'l lIb JL.<b
[ j i
                    -                                    l
                    < -20 5          I
                        -40 m          -
0          -
                        -s0 20              40      s0        80      100          120        i40 ilWE (S)
Figure 28 CMT 2 top mass flow rate (ibm /sec) vs. Time AP600 LB LOCA ( Cd=1 0 )
m    -20                        Nb Y
                    =              :
                          ***                h
: 2.                      1        1 g      -s0
                          -s0                          ,
                        -iGO O              :
                    ; -i20
                        -140 20              40      80        00      1HO        130        I'0 TlWE (S)
Figure 29 CL to CMT 1 balonce line flow (Ibm /sec) vs. Thne 27
Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD-NRC 94 4114 Additional information in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46 AP600 LB LOCA ( Cd=1 0 )
                            'o, I
c a                                        ..        _
0                \"
7        :      \
                      ? -so r
g -10
                      -        ~
5        .
                          -se 20      40        60        to          100      120 140 TlWE (S)
Figure 30 CL to CMT 2 balance line flow (Ibm /sec) vs. Time AP600 L8 LOCA ( Cd=1 0 )
0                      ,-              , , , ,_._
Y -s
                      ,-to O
E an *1s 5
g -no
                          -25          )
                          ~".          4          ..        so          ion      ue  i4 TIWE ($)
Figure 31 PRZ to CMT 1 belence line flow (lbmisec) vs. Time 28
                                  ,, wu n r . wy. ..s , , w.eea s Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTO NRC 94 4114 Additional Information in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46 AP600 L3 LOCA ( Cd=1 0 ) 2 peEssuaE GALANCE LINE rLO*
s 0                    -c          - . ~--
A                                                              l
                    }      5 l                                          1 2        t
g -is                                                        ;
g -20    ,
                        -is 20          40    to      10      100  120  140 flWE (S)
Figure 32 PRZ to CMT 2 balance line flow (Ibm /sec) vs. Time AP600 LB LOCA ( Cd=1 0 )
ACCUMULATOR 1 FLOW (comp.17) s00
s,00                    ,
5 f
                      < 400 a
h 200 2
20          40    40      80      tot  120  140 TlWE (5)
Figure 33 Accumuletor 1 mass flow (bm/sec) vs. Time 29
Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRC 94-4114 AdditionalInformation in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46 AP600 LB LOCA ( Cd=1 0 )
ACCUUULATOR 2 FL0w (como 18) soo i
C500[                                        N 5            -
N                        ,
                $too 2
8 3,            i,          e,      so      too        iso  180 TlWE (5)
FIgurs 34 Accumulator 2 mass flow (Ibm /sec) vs. Time AP600                ,L,B, ,L 0 C ,A C
pU              ,                ,
                                                      '          e voic PasCfica n"
                        , , , , "[,
                                  ,                    s    ,    a volo FAACfl0E t
5          -
                        .s k'
                  ".4 e
2 0        ' 1' , ,        gg      33    100        1:0    140  t ilo Tiut (S)
Figure 35 Pumps A 1 and A 2 Inlet Void Fractions (-) vs. Time 30
Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRC-94 4114 AdditionalInformation in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAl 952.44 952.46 AP600 L8 LOCA ( Cd=1 0 )
PuuPS 9-1 AND B-2 INLEY volo rRAC?l0NS ata=                  it      i  o v0:0 reaction
                          . . . - AL84                      13      1  0 V0 0 F4agfign 1 .
                                                  /:-- .
p                j, , , <
S                  -
l 0                        ,
E                      f,,'
m                    i 3    4
                      ?        -
l 2
0 d-20                40      60      es  100    130    140  ist flWE (5)
Figure 36 Pumps B-1 and B 2 Inlet Void Fractions (-) vs. Time nuvu                  8      2  e mass FLoenatt 1000 0000 2
                            $800 w
w    4000 ac as 3000 w
ui 2000
                        =            -
1000 0
20                40    80      80  100    120    140 100 T!WE (s)
Figure 37 Pumps A 1 & A 2 mass flowrote, components 5&6 (Ibm /sec) vs. Time 31 i
-e  ,                        ,                    .                                          - - . - - - . - . _ - - - - - - . - - - . - - - - . - - - - - - _ _ . - - . .
l A
Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRG-94-4114 Adt'itional Information in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46 auvu              a    1      e mass FLoseart 100                  ,
                              ~    00
e 80 s
                              $ 40 l
20                          "i          IA  -            L
                                                              'i(        \f i
                                        .                          M 2          40        40      50      100    12s    140      160 TlWE      (S)
Figure 38 Pumps A 1 & A 2 mass flowrote, components 5&6 (Ibm /sec) vs. Time [ focused Yzale]
l suvu            13      3      6 mass FLosaaft 14000 14000 N              5 g 12000 5
10000 i
w                                                                            I
                            < 8000 m                    j 1
o,    s000 N 4600 5
0.0          .0      00
                                                                  , 3, ,,,,, ,      0    ,.0    ,00 Figure 39 Pump B-1 mass,flowrote, component 12 (Ibm /sec) vs. Time 32 l
Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRC 94 4114 Additional Information in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46 Auve            12        2        0 mall FLCs4 ATE 800
                      ? "i N            i^
5 to
1 m                                                                    I 3                              ,
i        j
                      -                                l                          .
                                                                      },                          \
b' f3
                                                                    ,        \
yg gir g
O ll 20        40      80          80      100          120      140      160 flWE (S)
Figure 40 Pump B 1 mass flowrate, component 12 (Ibm /sec) vs. Time [ focused Y scale]
avvu"          is          2      e unos rtovaa'ts 0000    ,
                  ~            .
4000 I
3000 w
                  < 2000 m
3 1000 N        0 l
                      -1000              .
I 20        40      00          00      100        110      100        th0 flWE (S)
Figure 41 Pump B 2 mass flowrote, component 13 (Ibm /sec) vs. Time                                1 l
33                                          ;
Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRC 94-4114 Additionalinformation in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46 asvu              13    3      8 mall FL0esatt 100
                    ,      ,0                  \
                                                  'I  M(pWNN                      N s-a                                !
                    $    -50
                          -100 20        40        .0      .0    100      i20  140  10 ilWE (5)
Figure 42 Pump B-2 mass flowrote, component 13 (Ibm /sec) vs. Time (tocused Y scale]
OR                  S    3    0 Petstunt 100                                                              ,
                      ~_    .0
: t.        -
g    <0 5          -
5 or 20 0
A    '                          --
20        .0          ..      .0    in.      ia0  i.0  i.. !
TIME (5)
Figune 43 Pump 41 head (psi) vs. Time                    1 l
34                          ,
l l
Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD.NRC 94-4114 Additional Information in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAl 952.44 952.46 09          5      2        0 84ttsvet 13 1
5 I
0          .
w      0 1'                  &                        j)      f E
                          -s l                        -io                                  .        .
I                              20        40    40      .0        100                    >20    10    160 l                                                      TlWE (S)
Figure 44 Purnp A 1 head (pol) vs. Time [ focused Y scale)
OP            G    8        8 8 8 t $ lk"#I 100 to -
2          -
1          .
k 3 ..
5                                                                                      1 0 to 0
                    =      ,            A  <                                                    .__
                        -'' ,i          ..  ..      ..          ...                    ii. i.. ii. l l
flWE (5) l 1                                Figure 45 Pump A 2 head (pol) vs. Time                                    l M
l I
1 1
    .                      -                            .-          -      -        ..            .._. . . - ~
Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRC 94 4114 Additional Information in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46 CP                e      2      0 retl$Unt to.
                  ;          i r
g      5' U                      '
                  <      0 w
                      -5 3
20        40        00      00        100        ,20    ,.0      100 TlWE (5)
Figurs 46 Pump A 2 head (psi) vs. Time (focused Y scale)
AP600 L8 LOCA ( Cd=1 0 )
PUMP B-1                  HEAD 0,              i        :      O enessvar 100 0                                                      --
                        -100 m
I g -200 S                        1 m
                        *300 f
                        . 00
                            >00,0          .0        00        00      ,00      ,,0      ,.0    ,00 TiWE (5)
Figure 47 Pump B 1 head (psi) vs. Time 36
Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRC 94-4114 AdditionalInformation in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46 A0600 L3 LOCA ( Cc=1 0 )
PUMP B-2 HEAD 08                  11'    2    0 ##tstutt iCo so            :
L      f
_  .o
4 i  \
                      = ",                                                                            ;
3, v
                          '              y o                    -,                                    __
                        ~' to              4a        (o      se    too      iso    14o  iso ilWE (S)
Figure 48 Pump B-2 head (psi) vs. Time AP600 LB LOCA ( Cd=1.0 REACTOR POWER (14W) 2500 2000 1500 i
              .00                                                                                    l 0
L_                                                                          l 20            40              60        80        100        120      140  160 TDE (sec)
Figure 49 Reactor Power (MWth) vs. Time 37
Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRC 94-4114 Additional Information in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46 AP600                  LB          LOCA R00 1 CLADDING TEMPERATURE fcLas            1                1 tity          to it.
400 u
500 C
w 400 i
J00 3
20 40 00 00 the
                                                                      ..,    m.
1ll0      l'io th0 TlWE (S)
Figure 50 Rod 1 cladding temperature,0.0 ft (dog. F) vs. Time AP600 LB LOCA ROD 1 CLADDING TEMPERATURE TCL&S            1    at        1 ELiv        4.10 ff 1200 i0 0 j
s0s 5
7 5 us          I
                      $                            [
                          ...            \,/                  ,
L-      _              .
8"n            4.    ..        is      ine      in        ice    i is ilWE (S)
Figure 51 Rod 1 cledding temperature,4.1 ft (deg. F) vs. Time 38
p Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRC 94 4114 Additional Information in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46 AP600 LB LOCA ROD 1 CLA0 DING                  t TEMPERATURE 1 ELEV.      F.ft ff TCL40                                il 1400                                                                                                        ,
                      - 1200 I
0 g 1000                                                                                                          .
O                                                    ,, /1 3 soo
                      - 400 7
400 N(    -
b _.
26            40          se              et        110      130          1'll        till ilWE (S)
Figure 52 Rod 1 cladding temperature,7.75 ft (deg. F) vs. Time AP600 LB LOCA ROD 1 CLADDING TEMPERATURE TCLAS                        1      00        1 Etty        13 60 FT.
700 600
w k
300 480 388 W^,A?t
                                      ...          ..i              ...      ..          ..          ..          ...
20            40              el          St        till      1ll8          1'lt        til8 Tibt (S) l Figure 53 Rod 1 cladding temperature,12.00 ft (deg. F) vs. Time 39 l
l l
l Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD.NRC 94-4114 Additional Information in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46 AP600 L8 LOCA ROD 2 CLAODING TEMPERATURE              I ELiv-      08'f-TCLA0            1        1
800 A
                      $00 E          -                                                                        ,
* 400                                                                                  l
                              -              Y                                                          l t
I N          -
300 200
:                              w              -          ^
20          40      80          50    t00      130    140      int ilWE (S)
Figure 54 Rod 2 cledding temperature,0.0 ft (dog. F) vs. Time                            I l
AP600 LB LOCA ROD 2 CLADDING TEMPERATURE                1 atty    4.18 FY tcLas            a      se 1000
                          ,,,          /
ros 4                i
                    = en 5_ ...                          ,
O 5 ...                  \,/
at                                    t _.                .
                            >a,,            ..      ..        ..      ,,,  su,    ,,      , ,.
TlWE (S)
Figure 55 Rod 2 cledding temperature,4.1 ft (deg. F) vs. Tirne 40 l
1 1
Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRC-94-4114 Additional Information in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46                      ;
AP600 LB LOCA                                                      I ROD 2 CLA00 LNG TEMPERATURE feta 0            1        81        1 ELtv.      F.78 ff 1400 1200
                -                                                                                    l
                $ 1000 000
                ;                                                /          T b2    000
:                                  /
400                    v                                ',
b 200 26          40        80          40    ''60 1        1ll0    1o8    int ilWE (S)
Figure 56 Rod 2 cladding temperature,7.75 ft (dog. F) vs. Time AP600 LB LOCA RODTCLAS      2 CLADDING TEMPERATURE S        46        I (4tv. 11 et Pt.
100 M
soo                \
1 5 4:e no QWm                    : : :-
tot 28          40        80          it      tus      tll3      tog    gut ilWE (S)
Figure 57 Rod 2 cledding temperature,12.00 ft (deg. F) vs. Time 41
Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRC 94 4114 Additional Information in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 - 952.46 AP600                LB      LOCA ROD 3 CLADDING TEMPERATURE fCLAS          a      1    1 ELtv        .40 Ff 800 500 M        -
3 400 0
w 2          -
300 hm                ''
200 10        40    40      80    104      1LO      100    1  It ilWE (S)
Figure 58 Rod 3 cladding temperature,0.0 ft (deg. F) vs. Time AP600              L8      LOCA ROD 3 CLADDING TEMPERATURE fcLes        a    to    1 etty rt 900 400 7 700    ,
i g 00    p
                      - no
:        (
U 400                  '
E V              i 300 we              g Il        46    40      80    int      1;.0    tot    1  le ilWE (S)
Figure 59 Rod 3 cladding temperature,4.1 ft (deg. F) vs. Time 42
Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD.NRC 94-4114 AdditionalInformation In Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46 AP600 LB LOCA ROD 3 CLADDING TEMPERATURE fcLAD            3      53        1 (LEV              F F5 ff.
1000  ,
                                .00          b 400
                            ~          ~
100 5
w 5    gog h                                      >  <
k                                  j
: o. s00                                                g 400
A 300    ,
m        _
:        i ut " '
20      ' .I. ' 'o 0    t          80        tn a' '    '1, ; 0      toO            1n0 TlWE ($)
Figure 60 Rod 3 cledding temperature,7.75 ft (deg. F) vs. Time AP600                  LB            LOCA ROD 3 CLADDING TEMPERATURE TClat            3      40        1 (Ltv            t8.00 FT 450  ,
s00                                                                                      .
                              -        :        )
                              *  .00
:            (
                              = .30    .
                                                    \                                                                          )
                              $ 'M
                                                      \                                                                          l I
U        i                                                                                        !
l              \
{                  Q          w-          - --              n    _
                                  '" n          ..      ..        .0        in.          u.          i.            n.
TlWE (5)
                                                                                                                                'l l
Figure 61 Rod 3 cledding temperature,12.00 ft (dog. F) vs. Time 43 1
Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRC 94-4114 Additional Information in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46              ,
AP600 L8 LOCA                                                  -
ROD 4 C $4]D D I N G TEMPERATURE fcLAs              e    1    i tLtv        0a rf 400 300 C--
U        -
3 400 2
w N  w 2
U        '
300 200 20        40        40 00    11'8    1;.0
100  1llt TlWE (S)
Figure 62 Rod 4 cledding temperature,0.0 ft (deg. F) vs. Time AP6              0    LB        LOCA R00 4                  DDING TEWPERATURE TCL&S              4  20    1 ELtr      4.10 FT 100
800 5        :
soo i
2 ...
:        (                  W U        l 5        :                  >
                    >= 400 see
                              ; ,                            b  ests--            g 10        40        Se      et    11't    1;,4      tot 1 It ilWE (S)
Figure 63 Rod 4 cledding temperature,4.1 ft (dog. F) vs. Time 44 l
                  / .tachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRC 94 4114 Additional Information in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46 AP600 L8 LOCA RODtctal  4 % D. DING    4    30 TEMPERATURE t Etty        7.?s rf 1000 900 000 C
* 700 w
                    $ ggg                                      N)
E $00                \
5 .,,                  X        /                  J J00 V                        i  m 20        49        to      10      tilt      100      100  1 10 TlWE (S)
Figure 64 Rod 4 cladding temperature,7.75 ft (dog. F) vs. Time AP          00        LB          LOCA ROD 4              A DDING TEMPERATURE TCLAG            4    se        i Etty      la to Ft.
700 800 C-l 300 5
                        <ee ai e
no                      ,
Q&it:-                            ,
200                                                              '=
20        40        44      80      the        tug      tog    tiil TlWE (S)
Figure 65 Rod 4 cladding temperature,12.00 ft (dog. F) vs. Time 1
Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD-NRC 94 4114 Additional Information in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46 AP600 LB LOCA ROD 5 CLA00.ING TEMPERATURE tetAt            5        1      1 CL8v.        .40 ft 800 300 400 5
w 300 B
                                                        \          %%              -          '
100 100 20            40    80        50      140    1;l0        140      l'It ilWE (S)
Figure 66 Rod 5 cledding temperature,0.0 ft (deg. F) vs. Time AP600                    LB        LOCA R00 5 CLADDING TEMPERATURE TCLAS            9    14      1 (Ltv.        4 le Pf.
                                      -      I 800
c          :
                            $          ~
                            !.00 r
                                                            /        '
:                                j 300 NC                  g 100 20          40    00          00    1ll0    1, l 0      l< 0    lif e ilWE (S) t Figure 67 Rod 5 cledding temperature,4.1 ft (dog. F) vs. Time i
46 4
1 i
l l
l Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRC-94 4114 AdditionalInformation in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46 AP600                      L8          LOCA ROD 5 CLADDING TEMPERATURE frias            s        at      i tLtv          7,ts rf 700 600        \
500 5        -
0        -
5 400                                                  I I        '
n                          "u-    _
10        40        00          00      11'8      ILO          I ' ,0    1  ll ilWE (S)
Figure 68 Rod 5 cladding temperature,7.75 ft (dog. F) vs. Time AP600                      L8          LOCA ROD 5 CLADDING TEMPERATURE tetas              s        es      1 ELtv        ts to rt.
150 000 ss0
C b
                      = .00
e g 400
2                        \
set 300
Qf;.                  . _r .            .
20        40        et          80      Int        1ll0          Int      tilt ilWE ($)
Figure 69 Rod 5 cladding temperature,12.00 ft (deg. F) vs. Time 47
Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRC 94-4114 AdditionalInformation in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46 AP600 LB LOCA ( Cd=1 0 )
_ $200 w      1000 g soo 7
                                      .            /                      y 400 k
z u ,,        ,,    ,,      ,,    ,,,  ,,,    ,,,
ilWE (S)
Figure 70 Peak Cladding Temperature (dog. F) vs. Time AP600 LB LOCA ( Cd=1.0 )
PCT LOCAfl0N (relative to core bottom) it
5                N                      l
                                            ]  I
2 0
* 2
                              'ni        .o    so      en    two  iso    14e ilWE (S)
Figure 71 PCT Location (ft) vs. Time [ relative to bottom of core) 48 i
i I
Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRC 94-4114 Additional Information in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952,46 AP600 L3 LOCA ( Cd=1 0 )
LP CHANNEL at VOID FRACTION 24    tl      0 va#04 8tatf10e s
ty 6                                                      '
                                        /                                      ll 5        -
g Y
e4 2
2 20      40  80      to      '00      120    140      180 TlWE (1)
Figure 72 Vold Fraction, Core peripheral channel,12.0 ft elevation vs. Time AP600 LB LOCA ( Cd=1 0 )
LP CHANNEL V01D FRACTION AL          2e    lo      e varon reaction f
( ;
4 1
5 I
3  .4 2
2                                                  '
20      40  40      to      100      120    140      tot riut (s)
Figure 73 Vold Fraction, Core portpheral channel. 7.75 ft elevation vs. Time 49 l
Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRC 94 4114 Additional Information in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46 AP600 L8 LOCA ( Cd=1.0 )
LP CHANNEL VOID FRACIlON AL          24      0        0 v4P04 react:0m
                        '            v j
r      ;
                                                      - i 2                                      !
S  -i C                                      l 1
l 3  4 0
2 1  @
20      40    to      80      100      120      140 150 ilWE (S)
Figure 74 Vold Fraction, Core peripheral channel,4.1 ft elevation vs. Time AP600 LB LOCA ( Cd=1 0 )
LP CHANNEL VOID FRACTION at          34      2      0 VAPOR FRACflos 1
2 O
                      .4 2
                        ,                      .LLwxiu . .            .. -
20      40    60      80      100      120      140 180 flWE (S)
Figure 75 Void Fraction, Core portpheral channel,0.0 ft elevation vs. Tlrne 50
Attar.hment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRC 94 4114 Additional Information in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46 AP600 LB LOCA ( Cd=1 0 )
OH/.SC CHANNEL t              si. is  V0l0o ..FRACT10N
: 0. .. evio.                ,
1                      e J
                                    *f                                                      f)i      s'\
l l
                            ;                  I                                                                l E
5 3.4 2
20      40      40          80      100        120      140      180 ilWE (5)
Figure 76 Vold Fraction, Open hole channel,12.0 ft elevation vs. Time AP600 LB LOCA ( Cd=1.0 )
                                  --AL                    35      le V010      FRACTION 6 vaP0e feaCilos
                                    ' I. F\                                [l  f 5          -
z .e 2
5                                                                (
3      .4 O
l to      40      60          to      100      120    140        140 flWE (S)
Figure 77 Vold Fraction, Open hole channel,7.75 ft elevation vs. Time 51
                        -                                                                                                        l Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRC 94 4114                        l AdditionalInformation in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46 4
AP600 L3 LOCA ( Cd=1 0 )
OH/SC CHANNEL          is      e VOID      FRACT-10N o...o.,..eno.
6 iT
                                                                  ,                              f
                                                            ,b              s                    .I
E S  4 2
                                                            ,                                            LL          ._
20          40  60      60          100    120        140 180 flWE (S)
Figure 78 Vold Fraction, Open hole channel,4.1 ft elevation vs. Time AP600 LB LOCA ( Cd=1.0 )
OH/SC CHANNEL VOID                          FRACTION 6        2.        .        ......,..n.
1 Y
3 T
                                                                ,                        ACh_                      _
20          40  Se      80          100    120        140 180 ftWE (S)
Figure 79 Vold Fraction, Open hole channel,0.0 ft elevation vs. Time 52 i
l l
Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRC 94-4114 Additional information in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46 AP600 L5 LOCA ( Cd=1 0 )
                                                                            .t        i-  is            . ,..crio.
                                                                          ,      f l
                                                                !,            U C
                                                                *  .s
l i
1 20      40  to    80    too      120                              140    140 TlWE (S)                                                      l Figure 80 Vold Fraction, Guide tube channel,12.0 ft elevation vs. Time AP600 L8 LOCA ( Cd=1.0 )
GT CHANNEL VolD FRACTION at        as    to    o vapea reaction
                                                                      '      W
[( $
[ 8 h
                                                                  *  .4 l
1 l
1 20      40  80    80    100      120                              140  th0 IlWE (S) h Figure 81 Vold Fraction, Guide tube channel. 7.75 ft elevation vs. Time l                                                                                          .
I 1
1 Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRC 94 4114 AdditionalInformation in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46          j l
AP600 L9 LOCA ( Cd=1 0 )                                        i GT CmANNEL VOID FRACTION                                        l AL            28        0  0 VAPOR FRACf#04
                      ',    f i    -
i                                                      !
3 E      -
:  .s 5
o    4 2
n L i      -
20      40    to        80  100    120    140 140 TiWE (S)
Figure 82 Vold Fraction, Guide tube channel,4.1 ft elevation vs. Time AP600 LB LOCA ( Cd=1 0 )
GT CHANNEL V01D FRACTION at            to        2  0 waaon faaet:0m f1            v'
8 O                                                                      l
                *4 .
2 i
2 f                                        I l
i 20      40    60        10  100    120    140 140 flWE (S)
Figure 83 Vold Fraction, Guide tube channel. 0.0 ft elevation vs. Time l
l .
Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRC 94 4114 Additional Information in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46 AP600 LB LOCA ( Cd=1 0 )
HA CHANNEL VOID FRACTION g          27    It  a vapaa reacf104 f
5                  V
: i 2
a  ..
2 2
20      40 60      00  100        120    I40  140 ttWE (5)
Figure 84 Vold Fraction, Hot assembly channel,12.0 ft elevation vs. Time AP600 L8 LOCA ( Cd=1 0 )
HA CHANNEL VOID FRACTION AL          lf    10  0 VAP04 FRA0 flow i
                                    't                      v'f j ,
I 5                                                    j E ''                                                  n 5
                        .4 2          -
l 2                                                  '
1 0
20      40 60      00  100        t l' o 140  Ito i
fiWE (5)                          i Figure 85 Vold Fraction, Hot assembly channel,7.75 ft elevation vs. Time 55 l
l l
1 1
l l
e Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRC 94-4114 Additional Information In Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46 AP600 L8 LOCA ( Cd=1 0 )                                  i HA CHANNEL VOID FRACTION                                  l aL      21      e        a vaPes reacftem        l 1
j 8
l                              I t
z .s                                  .
U 34                                                                i L'                                                                \
                            .                                                      1 2
                                                                                  -l 0
                                                      ''      - #~                  <
20      40 80      80      100        120    140 180  1 ilWE (5)
Figure 86 Vold Fraction, Hot assembly channel,4.1 ft elevation vs. Time 1
AP600 LB LOCA ( Cd=1 0 )
HA CHANNEL VOID FRACTION AL      27      2        0 VAP04 reaCflem I                '
                      .s 1
1 3          -
                            .                                                      )
                            .              f 20      40 SO      80      100        120    140 tut TiWE (S) i Figure 87 Vold Fraction, Hot assembly channel,0.0 ft elevation vs. Time 56
Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRC 94-4114                I Additional Information In Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46 AP600 LB LOCA ( Cd=1 0 )                                  l 00WNCOMER COLLAPSED LEVEL                                  l (belc* DVI point)                            l 3'
1 t 3'      -
h 20                                                . AN
:                                                    p'          !
E  is 0                  Af 5        -
i                  '                  ;
1 Y no                          b Y
E                  \N {l y8 0
20          40  00        80        100    120 140 ilWE    (S)
Figure 88 Downcomer collapsed level, below DVI point (ft) vs. Time AP600 LB LOCA ( Cd=1.0 )
                              . r 25
                    - 20                                              A AM
P E  is k                        A 5                I                        V S 10                        -
8*                  u 0
to          40  00        00        inD    1EO 100 flWE (5)
Figure 89 Downcomer collapsed level (ft) vs. Tim 3 57
Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRC 94 4114 Additional Information in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46 AP600 LB LOCA ( Cd=1 0 )
UPPER HEAD COLLAP$ED LEVEL                            )
l O    i0 t
O    e        .
S                I a,                i
h    4 E
2 5*        .
0 20      40  ;3      to    100    120    140 flWE (S)
Figure 90 Upper hated collapsed level (ft) vs. Time AP600 LB LOCA ( Cd=1                  0 INNER GLOBE COLLAPSED              L E V E)L 8
4 0
4 a
8 0
20      40    le      40    140    130    140 flWE (S)
Figure 91 inner clobe collapsed level (ft) vs. Time 58
  -                                                                                          l Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD-NRC 94 4114                        j Additional information in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46
1 AP600 L8 LOCA ( Cd=1 0 )
I c'?                                                                      !
                        .E I.
r,      -
i 4
3 o                )
M        -
I2      ~
8,                !              ,
                            ;                                                  j' 0                              .        .
20        40    40      80      100        130      140        !
TlWE (5)
Figure 92 Outdor globe collapsed level (ft) vs. Time AP600 LB LOCA ( Cd=1.0 HA CHANNEL COLLAPSED                        L E V E )L 12 C 10 h'
s'                                                r
                          .                                  L  1
:                                      1p i
                    $2                                  ,
0 A
20      40  40        40    100        120    140 ilWE (S)
Figure 93 Hot assembly channel collapsed level (ft) vs. Time 59
1 Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRC-94-4114 Additional Information in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAl 952.44 952.46 l
AP600 L8 LOCA ( Cd=1 0 )
!                    C io l                    C                  1 E'.                                                                                SN
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Figure 94 Open hole channel collapsed level (ft) vs. Time AP600 LB LOCA ( Cd=1.0 )
GT CHANNEL COLLAPSED LEVEL is                                                                                        j l
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1 l                      2      e 15 l                      S                                                                                1 h,                                                                  k    .
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I i
Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRC 94-4114 Additional intorn?ation in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46 l
1 AP600 LB L                                        !
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                            $ ...  ~
Figure 96 Upper head to downcomer entrained flow (Ibm!s) vs. Time AP600 LB WP819    Mf AD-700tuttuft 0.L O C veP0ga A ( Cd=1.0 FLOW )
g .s.    ,
5                    '
                                  .a i
                                  * *' n        ......:.i.
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l Figure 97 Upper head to downcomer vapor flow (Ibm /s) vs. Time 61                        l l
Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRC 94-4114 Additional information in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46 t
vileIU8d.'ro'o!.0/coliec,u,,o,tj, i..
                                          . Y Figure 98 Upper heed to downcomer liquid flow (ibm /s) vs. Time AP600 LB LOCA ( Cd=1 0 Gul0E TU8E LIQUID FLOW                    (ch.71/))
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Figure 99 Guide tube liquid flow (Ibm /s) vs. Time              ;
62                                i l
    -                                        Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRC 94-4114 l                              AdditionalInformation in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46 AP600 L9 LOCA {Rf PLaft LiQulD FLce fung yeet# 5VPp                                  Cd=1      (ca 0      )
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l Figure 100 Liquid flow through upper support piste (Ibm /s) vs. Time AP600 LB LOCA ( Cd=1.0 )
SG SECONDARY SIDE PRESSURES em                      3        16        0 Patstung
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Figure 101 Steam generator secondary sido pressure (pela) vs. Time                                    l 63
.                                                                                                                                              I Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTO NRC 94-4114                                                                    ,
Additional Information in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAl 952.44 952.46                                                      '
AP600 LB LCCA ( C                              =1    0)                                                            '
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Figure 102 Steam generator secondary side liquid temperatures (deg. F) vs. Time l
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Latest revision as of 19:34, 11 August 2020

Requests That Proprietary Info in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44-952.46 Be Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790)
Person / Time
Site: 05200003
Issue date: 05/17/1994
From: Liparulo N
To: Borchardt R
Shared Package
ML19304C189 List:
AW-94-622, NUDOCS 9406020210
Download: ML20069D053 (73)



Westinghouse Energy Systems sa 355 Plitsburgh PennsyNania 15230-0355 Electric Corporation AW-94-622 May 17,1994 Document Control Desk U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 ATTENTION: MR. R. W. BORCHARDT APPLICATION FOR WITHHOLDING PROPRIETARY INFORMATION FROM PUBLIC DISCLOSURE



Dear Mr. Borchardt:

The application for withholding is submitted by Westinghouse Electric Corporation (" Westinghouse")

pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (b)(1) of Section 2.790 of the Commission's regulations. It contains commercial strategic information proprietary to Westinghouse and customarily held in confidence.

The proprietary material for which withholding is being requested is identified in the proprietary version of the subject report. In conformance with 10CFR Section 2.790, Affidavit AW-94-622 accompanies this application for withholding setting forth the basis on which the identified proprietary information may be withheld from public disclosure.

Accordingly, it is respectfully requested that the subject information which is proprietary to Westinghouse be withheld from public disclosure in accordance with 10CFR Section 2.790 of the Commission's regulations.

Correspondence with respect to this application for withholding or the accompanying affidavit should reference AW-94-622 and should be addressed to the undersigned.

Very truly yours, N J Liparul ge Nuclear Safety Regulatory And Licensing Activities

/nja i

cc: Kevin Bohrer NRC 12HS 9406020210 940517 PDR ADOCK 05200003 A PDR i 16MA i


l l

The reports transmitted herewith each bear a Westinghouse copyright notice. The NRC is permitted to make the number of copies of the information contained in these reports which are necessary for its internal use in connection with generic and plant-specific reviews and approvals as well as the issuance, denial, amendment, transfer, renewal, modification, suspension, revocation, or violation of a license, permit, order, or regulation subject to the requirements of 10 CFR 2.790 regarding restrictions on public disclosure to the extent such information has been identified as proprietary by Westinghouse, copyright protection not withstanding. With respect to the non-proprietary versions of these reports, the NRC is permitted to make the number of copics beyond those necessary for its internal use which are necessary in order to have one copy available for public viewing in the appropriate docket files in the public document room in Washington, D.C. and in local public document rooms as may be required by NRC regulations if the number of copics submitted is insufficient for this purpose. Copics made by the NRC must include the copyright notice in all instances and the proprietary notice if the original was identified as proprietary.


PROPRll?rARY INFORMATION NOTICE Transmitted herewith are proprietary and/or non-proprietary versions of documents furnished to the NRC in connection with requests for generic and/or plant specific review and approval, in order to conform to the requiremerns of 10 CFR 2.790 of the Commission's regulations concerning the protection of proprietary information so submitted to the NRC, the information which is proprietary in the proprietary versions is contained within brackets, and where the proprietary infonnation has been deleted in the non proprietary versions, only the brackets remain (the information that was contained within the brackets in the proprietary versions having been deleted). The justification for claiming the information so designated as proprietary is indicated in both versions by means of lower case letters (a) through (f) contained within parentheses located as a superscript immediately following the brackets enclosing each item of information being identified as proprietary or in the margin opposite such information. These lower case letters refer to the types of information Westinghouse customarily holds in confidence identified in Section (4)(ii)(a) through (4)(ii)(f) of the affidavit accompanying this transmittal pursuant to 10 CFR2.790(b)(1).


9 AW-94-622 i



Before me, the undersigned authority, personally appeared Brian A. McIntyre, who, being by me duly sworn according to law, deposes and says that he is authorized to execute this Affidavit on behalf of Westinghouse Electric Corporation (" Westinghouse") and that the averments of fact set forth in this Affidavit are true and correct to the best of his knowledge, information, and belief:

L. ////>h,, -,

Brian A. McIntyre, Manager Advanced Plant Safety & Licensing Sworn to and subscribed before me this /Y day of hk@ _ .1994 vv w 1 14 d4A v

Notary Public tuanalseal I t.crialno M. Ponca, t Puble Monroove Bo'c, Count /

My Commesbn Expires 14.1995 aTour Periervarwi Aemm of fatw a

na 1 l

l l

AW-94-622 (1) I am Manager, Advanced Plant Safety and Licensing, in the Advanced Technology Business Area, of the Westinghouse Electric Corporation and as such, I have been specifically delegated the function of reviewing the proprietary information sought to be withheld from public disclosure in connection with nuclear power plant licensing and rulemaking proceedings, and am authorized to apply for its withholding on behalf of the Westinghouse Energy Systems Business Unit.

(2) I am making this Affidavit in conformance with the provisions of 10CFR Section 2.790 of the Commission's regulations and in conjunction with the Westinghouse application for withholding accompanying this Affidavit.

(3) I have personal knowledge of the criteria and procedures utilized by the Westinghouse Energy Systems Business Unit in designating information as a trade secret, privileged or as confidential commercial or financial information.

(4) Pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (b)(4) of Section 2.790 of the Commission's regulations, the following is furnished for consideration by the Commission in determining whether the information sought to be withheld from public disclosure should be withheld.

(i) The information sought to be withheld from public disclosure is owned and has been held in confidence by Westinghouse.

(ii) The information is of a type customarily held in confidence by Westinghouse and not customarily disclosed to the public. Westinghouse has a basis for determining the types of information customarily held in confidence by it and, in that connection, utilizes a system to determine when and whether to hold certain types of information in confidence. The application of that system and the substance of that system constitutes Westinghouse policy and provides the rational basis required.

Under that system, information is held in confidence if it falls in one or more of several types, the release of which might result in the loss of an existing or potential competitive advantage, as follows:

16A9A l

I AW-94-622 )

(a) The information reveals the distinguishing aspects of a process (or component,  ;

1 structure, tool, method, etc.) where prevention of its use by any of l Westinghouse's competitors without license from Westinghouse constitutes a competitive economic advantage over other companies.

(b) It consists of supporting data, including test data, relative to a process (or component, structure, tool, method, etc.), the application of which data secures a competitive economic advantage, e.g., by optimization or improved marketability.

(c) Its use by a competitor would reduce his expenditure of resources or improve his competitive position in the design, manufacture, shipment, installation, assurance of quality, or licensing a similar product.

(d) It reveals cost or price information, production capacities, budget levels, or commercial strategies of Westinghouse, its customers or suppliers.

(c) It reveals aspects of past, present, or future Westinghouse or customer funded development plans and programs of potential commercial value to Westinghouse.

(f) It contains patentable ideas, for which patent protection may be desirable.

There are sound policy reasons behind the Westinghouse system which include the i following:

(a) The use of such information by Westinghouse gives Westinghouse a j competitive advantage over its competitors. It is, therefore, withheld from disclosure to protect the Westinghouse competitive position.  ;

I It is information which is marketable in many ways. The extent to which such l (b)  ;

1 information is available to competitors diminishes the Westinghouse ability to sell products and services involving the use of the information.


AW-94-622 (c) Use by our competitor would put Westinghouse at a competitive disadvantage by reducing his expenditure of resources at our expense.

(d) Each component of proprietary information pertinent to a particular competitive advantage is potentially as valuable as the total competitive advantage. If competitors acquire components of proprietary information, any one component may be the key to the entire puzzle, thereby depriving Westinghouse of a competitive advantage.

(e) Unrestricted disclosure would jeopardize the position of prominence of Westinghouse in the world market, and thereby give a market advantage to the competition of those countries.

(f) The Westinghouse capacity to invest corporate assets in research and development depends upon the success in obtaining and maintaining a competitive advantage.

(iii) The information is being transmitted to the Commission in confidence and, under the provisions of 10CFR Section 2.790, it is to be received in confidence by the Commission.

(iv) The information sought to be protected is not available in public sources or available information has not been previously employed in the same original manner or method to the best of our knowledge and belief.

1 (v) Enclosed is letter NTD-NRC-94-4114, May 17,1994, being transmitted by Westinghouse Electric Corporation (_W) letter and Application for Withholding Proprietary Information from Public Disclosure, N. J. Liparulo (E, to Mr. R. W. Borchardt, Office of NRR. The proprietary infonnation as submitted for use by Westinghouse Electric Corporation is in response to questions concerning the AP600 plant and the associated design certification application and is expected to be applicable in other licensee submittals in response to certain NRC requirements for justification of licensing advanced nuclear power plant designs.


l l

AW-94-622 l l

This information is part of that which will enable Westinghouse to:

l (a) Demonstrate the design and safety of the AP600 Passive Safety Systems.

(b) Establish applicable verification testing methods.

(c) Design Advanced Nuclear Power Plants that meet NRC requirements.

(d) Establish technical and licensing approaches for the AP600 that will ultimately result in a certified design.

(e) Assist customers in obtaining NRC approval for future plants.

Further this information has substantial commercial value as follows:

(a) Westinghouse plans to sell the use of similar information to its customers for purposes of meeting NRC requirements for advanced plant licenses.

(b) Westinghouse can sell support and defense of the technology to its customers in the licensing process.

Public disclosure of this proprietary information is likely to cause substantial harm to the competitive position of Westinghouse because it would enhance the ability of competitors to provide similar advanced nuclear power designs and licensing defense services for commercial power reactors without commensurate expenses. Also, public disclosure of the information would enable others to use the information to meet NRC requirements for licensing documentation without purchasing the right to use the information.

The development of the technology described in part by the information is the result of applying the results of many years of experience in an intensive Westinghouse effort and the expenditure of a considerable sum of money.


7. -

l 9 l

AW-94422 l

l i

In order for competitors of Westinghouse to duplicate this information, similar technical programs would have to be performed and a significant manpower effort, having the requisite talent and experience, would have to be expended for developing analytical methods and receiving NRC approval for those methods.

l Further the deptment sayeth not.



1 I

i i

1 16A9A

. - =_ -. . . - - -- . _ - - - . . - - .--

Attachment to W:stingh2use Litt:r NTD NRC-94 4114 NTMCHTMT- [  !

Additional Information in Support cf Wastinghouse RIsp nse to RAI 952,44 952,46 l l

Question 952,44 Provide the following information to assist the staff in developing TRAC AP600 plant models for large break f loss-of-coolant accident analysis:

a. Provide the reactivity coefficients for this core design. This should include the sensitivity to reactor coolant temperature, fuel rod temperature, void fraction (two-phase density change), and boron concentration.
b. Provide the control rod reactivity insertion as a function of time after scram.
c. Provide check valve characteristics, specifically the check valves associated with the core makeup tank and accumulator injection and core makeup tank pressure balance line from pressurizer (pressure differentials required for opening and closing, rate of opening and closing, and full-open area).


a. The reactivity feedback model used in the ,WCOBRA/ TRAC code is provided below:

The total reactivity TRIPL, is calculated as a function of time, t, as:

TRIPL=p;FRHO(WDENS, PPM,FRHOBU)+DOP(T p)+ RODS +RHOZ where: p., = initial reactivity (input as 0.0)

FRHO = rextivity (defined as inAk/kJ specified as a polynomial function of the water density, WDENS, boron concentration, PPM, and average bumup, FRHOBU k,, is k at Pw20 = 0.7 gm/cm' DOP,,,, = Doppler feedback as a function of Tw, the average fuel temperature (*F) and the input multiplier (FDOP), which is input as 1.00, (4,C.)

L _

RODS = the control rod contribution, RHOZ = bias calculated at t=0 such that TRIPL = p.,

The functiorit! form of FRHO is given in Table 1. The coefficients were generated to fit the multiplication factor prediction for 17x17 V5H fuel. Units used in the polynomial fit are density (gm/cm'), boron concentration (ppm), burnup (MWD /MTU). At t=0.0, the code calculates the value of FRHOBU such that:

OFRIIO(WDENS , PPM,.0,FRHOBU) = 0.0 d(WDEN5) 1 l

Attachm!nt to W:stinghouse Lett:r NTD NRC-94 4114 Additional int:rmation in Support of Wcstinghouse Risp:nse to RAI 952.44 952.46

b. No credit is taken for control rod insenion in the Westinghouse AP600 LBLOCA model. Figures 15.0 5-1 through 15.0.5-3 of the AP600 SSAR provide the requested information for non-LOCA events, however, this information is not applicable to LBLOCA analyses,
c. The requested information will be provided in the revised response to RAI 210.28, which will be provided by June 30,1994. Note that subsequent to the receipt of this RAI, a design change was implemented which eliminated the line from each CMT to the pressurizer. Accordingly, the check valves in these lines were.


l 2


1 l Attachm nt to W: stir ghouse Lett;r NTD NRC 94-4114  !

Additional Int rmation in Support cf Wcatinghouse R:sponse to RAI 952.44 952.46 l

. i Table 1 WCOBRA/ TRAC Moderator Reactivity Feedback Fit Coefficient Data

- @,c) l USAGE: Ak(p, PPM,BU) - f A,p ppd *BY - f A,phPYQ b

.i -i 3

Accitionai iniortnanon sia support os vuestingnousa nssponsa to NA: woe.44 wiz.40 Question 952.45 ,

. )

Provide the following steady-state and transient calculation assumptions from the,WCOBRA/ TRAC 80-percent cold-leg break loss-of-coolant-accident analysis to ensure that the initial and boundary conditions used by the staff are the same as those used by Westinghouse.

Provide a detailed noding diagram and model description, and nodal locations to which all the steady-state values provided in response to this request can be referenced. Identify the location for each plot relative to the noding diagram, ,

Provide the following information:

a. trip set points and delay times (time from receipt of trip signal to time of component or system activation)  ;
b. core radial, azimuthal, and axial power distribution
c. maximum linear power-generation rate (kW/ft) for all modelled fuel rods ,
d. primary coolant mass flow
e. primary system hot and cold-leg temperatures
f. feedwater mass flow and inlet temperature .
g. steam exit pressure and temperature
h. core mass flows for all modelled fuel rods
i. core inlet and outlet temperature
j. core bypass flows (rod and thimble flow, reflector block flow, core cavity flow, downcomer upper head flow, hot leg leakage, upper-head guide mbe Dow, upper head drain hole flow)
k. upper head temperatures l
l. reflector block cooling flow outlet temperatures I
m. boron concentration in primary coolant system and in safety injection systems


A sletailed noding diagram and model description of the COBRA vessel nodalization in the AP600

'l WCOBRATIRAC model is presented in Appendix 15C, Proprietary Volume 3 of the SSAR.

Figure 1 is a detailed nodalization for the one-dimensional components in the AP600 WCOBRA/ TRAC model.

The AP600 model consists of a number of PIPE, VALVE, TEE and STGEN components connected via junctions in a network with a reactor VESSEL component. Note that the break location for the cold leg breaks is in one of the cold legs connected to a core makeup tank; the pressure balance line is assumed to remain connected on I

4 1

1 l

l i

l l


Att:chment to Westinghnuse Lctt:r NTD NRC-94 4114

. Addit l2nal inf:rrnation in Support of W ctinghouse RispInse is RAI 952.44 952.46 the vessel side of the break. [ Note: The CMT-Pressurtzer balance line has been deleted from the current AP600 design] Further model description of the one-dimensional TRAC components is available in Appendix 15C in Proprietary Volume 3 of the SSAR.

The following information is provided in response to the specific requests for steady-state WCOBRA/ TRAC values:

a. The containment H1 pressure setpoint is attained at one second after the large break LOCA event initiates, generating an "S" signal which leads to all subsequent system actuations.

For simplicity, because this signal is so fast and maintaining a bot secondary side is conservative for large break LOCA events, steam generator feedwater and steam lines are isolated at time zero, and startup feedwater is not modeled. A 1.2 second delay is assumed in core makeup tank outlet valve opening, so the CMT flow paths are assumed to begin to open at 2.2 seconds of the transient. The PRHR heat exchanger is not actuated in the transient. [ Note: In the current AP600 design, the PRHR heat exchanger is actuated on an "S" signal) Control rod insertion into the core is not modeled, so the core shuts down due to other negative reactivity insertions, particularly core voiding. The automatic reactor coolant pump trip occurs 17.2 seconds after the break initiation.

l b. Axial power profiles for the bot rod (Rod No.1), hot assembly average rod (Rod No.2) and core average power rods in open hole and guide tube locations (Rods No. 3 and 4) are provided in Appendtx 15C. Note that the rod power level in the guide tube channel 26 (Rod No.4) and open bole channel 25 (Rod No.3) are

, set to l 'f") times the core average channel power, while the peripheral channel 24 rod (Rod No.5) l power is [ l'") tunes the core average power rod.


c. Based on 102% of licensed core power (1933 MWt*l.02) operation, the maximum linear power generation rate of each rod (in kW/ft) equals [ . ]" kW/ft for the bot rod, [ f"> kW/ft for the bot assembly rod,: I"> kW/ft for the open bole and guide tube region fuel rods, and [ f") kW/ft for the peripheral rod.
d. Primary coolant mass flow equals 20484 lbm/second in all loops combined.
e. The bot leg and cold leg temperatures at the above total mass flow and 102% power equal 600.87 and 529.9'F in components 2/9 and 5/6/12/13, respectively.
f. The feedwater flow is 3964 lbrn/second at a temperature of 4397.
g. The steam generator exit pressure and temperature are 778.7 psia and 515.17 respectively.

, h. The core mass flow at the entrance of each channelis [ f") lbm/second in the penpberal channel, l [ 7") Ibm /second in the open boles channel, [ f") Ibm /second in the guide tube channel, and

[ f") Ibm /second in the hot anembly channel,

i. The inlet fluid temperature of each channel is [ f"> T. Core outlet temperatures of the various channels are [ 7"' T for the peripheral channel. [ ' 7"F for the open holes channel, [ f")*F for the guide tube channel, and [ f"' *F for the hot assembly channel.
j. Core bypass Gows, expressed as a percentage of total loop flow are [ f"' % upper head cooling flow,

[ d % flow through the radial reflector, and [ 7"'  % thimble and reactor cavity bypass flow.

5 l


,....n,........ o ........v..uu . .. ...w-.m v-o ,-,.. ,

Addition:1 Int rmation in Support cf W:stinghouse RI p nse 13 RAI 952.44 - 952.46

k. Upper head temperatures vary among the fluid channels. Specifically, the end of steady-state temperatures for channels 70, 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76, and 77 are [

]'"' F respectively. This provides a representation of the incomplete mixing situation expected in the AP600 vessel upper head region.

!. The reflector region cooling flow outlet temperature is [ ]'"' 'F.

m. The reactor coolant system initial boron concentration is 950 ppm. The safety injection system boron i

concentration is 2500 ppm.

t I

t I

i l

e 6

auncann:ni av waaineysivu== s.miri n e w-nnve,- . .,

Additionil Information in Support cf Wistinghouse RIsponse to RAI 952,44 - 952.46 ,


b 4

Figure 1 - AP600 Large Break LOCA model topology 7

I i


asiammeris av n..m.p vu .. . n . u ... . .,, , . . ,

Additional Information in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAl 952.44 - 952.46

, Question 952.46 Provide the WCORBRA/IRAC 80-percent large break loss-of-coolant-accident (LBLOCA) calculation results to support a comparison of the TRAC and WCOBRAffRAC results.

Provide plots of the following parameters as a function of time for the most current LBLOCA, Identify the location for each plotted transient parameter relative to the noding diagram requested in Q952.43.

Note: where two-phase conditions exist, provide both vapor and liquid parameters.

a. pressurizer pressure and mass flows
b. upper-plenum pressure
c. break mass flows, integrated break mass flows, and exit void fractions for both vessel-side and pump-side break locations
d. hot leg mass flows and temperatures at reactor vessel exit  ;
e. cold leg mass flows and temperatures at reactor vessel inlet
f. core inlet and outlet mass flows
g. core makeup tank flows for each train
h. accumulator mass flows for each train -


i. core makeup tank pressure balance line mass flows from both cold leg and pressurizer
j. pump speeds, mass flows, and void fractions
k. reactor power
1. core inlet boron concentration
m. fuel clad temperatures at selected core elevations for all modelled fuel rods (average and hot rods)
n. core voiding as function of core height for all modeled fuel rods (average and hot rods)
o. liquid levels and voiding in low plenum, core region, upper plenum, and upper head
p. steam generator feedwater flow and steam flow
q. steam generator secondary-side riressure
r. steam generator secondary-side liquid level and temperatures, and
s. mass flows from upper head through (1) guide tubes, (2) upper head drain holes, and (3) downcomer spray cooling holes.




Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD-NRC 94-4114 Additional Information in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46 Response: .

The SSAR Revision 0 large break LOCA case analyzed with WCOBRA/I'RAC (SSAR section 15.6.5) is a 100%

cold leg guillotine break. The requested plots for this case are provided as Figures 2-102. Note that time equals -

30 seconds is the end of the steady-state computation /the time of the break.

The AP6001-D topology, used to model the large break LOCA. is shown on Figure 1(see response to RAI 952.45). The locanon of each plotted parameter is noted below relative to the noding diagram

a. pressurizer pressure and mass flows Figure 2 Pressurizer pressure (psia) vs. Time Figure 3 Pressunzer mass flow (Ibm /sec) vs. Time The plot location is the bottom cell of pressunzer PIPE component 16.
b. upper plenum pressure Figure 4 Upper head pressure (psia) vs. Time Fig re 5 Upper head pressure (psia) vs. Time [ expanded Y scale]

The plot location is the top channel of the reactor VESSEL component.

c. break mass flows, integrated break mass flows, and exit void fractions for both vessel side and pump side break locations Figure 6 Vessel-side break mass flow rate (Ibm /sec) vs. Time Figure 7 Integrated vessel-side break mass discharge Obm) vs. Time Figure 8 Vessel-side break energy flow rate (BTU /sec) vs. Time i Figure 9 Vessel-side break integral energy release (BTU) vs. Time Figure 10 Loop-side break mass flow rate Obm./sec) vs. Time Figure 11 Loop-side break energy flow rate (BTU /sec) vs. Time Figure 12 Integrated loop side break mass 'dtscharge Obm) vs. Time Figure 13 Loop-side break integral energy release (BTU) vs. Time The plot locations are the first cell of TEE component 61 primary pipe (vessel side break), and the last cell of PIPE component 60 Goop side break).
d. hot leg mass flows and temperatures at reactor vessel exit Figure 14 Hot leg A mass flow Obm/sec) vs. Time Figure 15 Hot leg B mass flow Obm/sec) vs. Time The plot locations are the first cells of hot leg TEE components 22 and 23.


  • I I

Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD-NRC-94-4114 )

Additional information in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAl 952.44 952.46

e. cold leg mass flows and temperatures at reactor vessel inlet Figure 16 Cold leg A 1 mass flow Obm/sec) vs. Time Figure 17 Cold leg A 2 mass flow (Ibm /sec) vs. Time Figure 18 Intact cold leg mass flow in the broken loop Obm/sec) vs. Time i i

The plot locations are the first cells of PUMP component 5,6 and 13.

f, core inlet and outlet mass flows Figure 19 Core liquid flow in node 2, all channels Obm/sec) vs. Time Figure 20 Core liquid flow in node 15. all chrmels Obm/sec) vs. Time Figure 21 Core entrained flow in node 2, all channels Obm/sec) vs. Time Figure 22 Core entramed flow in node 15, all channels Obm/sec) vs. Time Figure 23 Core vapour flow in node 2, all channels Obm/sec) vs. Time Figure 24 Core vapour Dow in node 15 all channels Obm/sec) vs. Time The plot locations are the bottom and top cell of the reactor VESSEL core chanrels.

g. core makeup tank flows for each train Figure 25 CMT B-1 drain flow, component 19 Obm/sec) vs. Time Figure 26 CMT 1 top mass flow rate Obm/sec) vs. Time Figure 27 CMT B-2 drain flow, component 20 (Ibm /sec) vs. Time Figure 28 CA!T 2 top mass flow rate Obm/sec) vs. Time The plot location for drain flow is at the bottom of the core makeup PIPE components 19 and 20. Core ,

makeup tank top flows, the balance line flows from the pressunzer and the cold leg to the two CMT trains are represented by the calculated flows at the three junctions of TEE components 44 armi 84.

h. accumulator mass flows for each train Figure 33 Accumulator 1 mass flow Obm/sec) vs. Time Figure 34 Accumulator 2 mass flow Obm/sec) vs. Time The plot locations for mass' flows out the bottom of the accumulator are ACCUM cornponents 17 and 18.
i. core makeup tank pressure balance line mass flows from both cold leg and pressurizer Figure 29 CL to CMT 1 balance line flow Obm/sec) vs. Time Figure 30 CL to CMT 2 balance line flow Obm/sec) vs. Time Figure 31 PRZ to CMT 1 balance line flow Obm/sec) vs. Time [ Note: ' Ibis line has been removed from the current AP600 design]

Figure 32 PRZ to CMT 2 balance line flow Obm/sec) vs. Time [ Note: ' Ibis line has been removed from the cunent AP600 design)

Core makeup tant top flows, the balance line flows from the pressunzer and the cold leg to the two CMT trams are represented by the calculated flows at the three junctions of TEE components 44 and 84 10

1 Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRC 94-4114 Additional Information in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46

j. pump speeds, mass flows, and void fractions Figure 35 Pumps A 1 and A-2 Inlet Void Fractions (-) vs. Time Figure 36 Pumps B-1 and B-2 Inlet Void Fractions (-) vs. Tirne Figure 37 Pumps A 1 and A-2 mass flowrate, components 5 and 6 Obm/sec) vs. Time Figure 38 Pumps A-1 and A-2 mass flowrate, components 5 and 6 (Ibm /sec) vs. Time [ focused Y scale]

Figure 39 Pump B-1 mass Dowrate, component 12 Obm/sec) vs. Time f Figure 40 Pump B-1 mass flowrate, component 12 Obm/sec) vs. Time (focused Y scale]

Figure 41 Pump B-2 mass flowrate, component 13 Obm/sec) vs. Time Figure 42 Pump B-2 mass flowrate, component 13 Obm/sec) vs. Time [ focused Y scale]

Figure 43 Pump A-1 bead (psi) vs. Time Figure 44 Pump A-1 bead (psi) vs. Time (focused Y scale]

Figure 45 Pump A-2 bead (psi) vs. Time Figure 46 Pump A-2 bead (psi) vs. Time (focused Y scale]

Figure 47 Pump B-1 bead (psi) vs. Time Figure 48 Pump B-2 bead (psi) vs. Time

k. reactor power Figure 49 Reactor Power (MWth) vs. Time
1. core inlet boron concentration The core inlet boron concentration equals the 950 ppm initial value for the first 40 seconds of the transient, and 2500 ppm thereafter. As noted in RA1952.45 response, the steam generator is isolated at the time of the break such that both the feedwater and steam flows are zero instantaneously.
m. fuel clad temperatures at selected core elevations for all modelled fuel rods (average and hot rods)

Figure 50 Rod I cladding temperature. 0.0 ft (deg. F) vs. Time Figure 51 Rod I cladding temperature,4.1 ft (deg. F) vs. Time Figure 52 Rod I dadding temperature,7.75 ft (deg. F) vs. Tune Figure 53 Rod I cladding temperature,12.00 ft (deg. F) vs. Tune Figure 54 Rod 2 cladding temperunre,0.0 ft (deg. F) vs. Tune Figure 55 Rod 2 cladding temperature,4.1 ft (deg. F) vs. Time Figure 56 Rod 2 cladding temperature,7.75 ft (deg. F) vs. Tune Figure 57 Rod 2 dadding temperature,12.00 ft (deg. F) vs. Time Figure 58 Rod 3 cladding temperature,0.0 ft (deg. F) vs. Time Figure 59 Rod 3 cladding temperature,4.1 ft (deg. F) vs. Time Figure 60 Rod 3 dadding temperature,7.75 ft (deg. F) vs. Tune Figure 61 Rod 3 cladding temperature,12.00 ft (deg. F) vs. Tune Figure 62 Rod 4 cladding temperature. 0.0 ft (deg. F) vs. Time Figure 63 Rod 4 chdding temperature,4.1 ft (deg. F) vs. Time '

Figure 64 Rod 4 cladding temperature,7.75 ft (deg. F) vs. Time Figure 65 Rod 4 dadding temperature,12.00 ft (deg. F) vs. Tune Figure 66 Rod 5 dadding temperature,0.0 ft (deg. F) vs. Tune i Figure 67 Rod 5 cladding temperature,4.1 ft (deg. F) vs. Tune I Figure 68 Rod 5 cladding temperature,7.75 ft (deg. F) vs. Time Figure 69 Rod 5 dadding temperature,12.00 ft (deg. F) vs. Time Figure 70 Peak Cladding Temperature (deg. F) vs. Time, all elevations 11

Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD-NRC-94 4114 Additional Information in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 - 952.46 Figure 71 PCT location (ft) vs. Time [ relative to bottom of core)

Fuel cladding temperatures are supplied at four core locations (0.0,4.1,7.75 and 12 feet) for four rods.

Rod 1 is the hot rod of the core, Rod 2 is the hot assembly average rod, Rod 3 is the core average rod in an open hole location, Rod 4 is the core average rod in a guide tube location and Rod 5 is a peripberal assembly rod.

n. cort voiding as function of core height for all modeled fuel rods (average and hot rods)

Figures 72 through 87 provide the void fractions in the core peripheral channel, open hole, guide tube and hot assembly channels at the top,7.75 ft,4.1 ft and bottom elevations as identified in the following table:

12.0 feet 7.75 feet 4.1 feet 0.0 feet Core peripheral channel Fig. 72 Fig. 73 Fig. 74 Fig. 75 open hole channel Fig. 76 Fig. 77 Fig. 78 Fig. 79 guide tube channel Fig. 80 Fig. 81 Fig. 82 Fig. 83 hot assembly channel Fig. 84 Fig. 85 Fig. 86 Fig. 87

o. liquid levels and voiding in low plenum, core region, upper plenum, and upper head I.iquid levels are provided in Figures 88-95 for the downcomer below the DVI line entrance and elsewhere, the upper head, the inner and outer upper plenum regions and the core het assembly, open hole and guide tube regions.

Figure 88 Downcomer collapsed level, below DVI point (ft) vs. Time Figure 89 Downcomer collapsed level (ft) vs. Time l Figure 90 Upper head collapsed level (ft) vs. Time ,

Figure 91 Inner globe collapsed level (ft) vs. Tune l Figure 92 Outder globe collapsed level (ft) vs. Time Figure 93 Hot assembly channel collapsed level (ft) vs. Time Figure 94 Open hole chanew Hapsed level (ft) vs. Time Figure 95 Guide tube channel collapsed level (ft) vs. Time

p. steam generator feedwater flow and steam flow Steam genermor feedwater flow and steam line flow are set to zero at the time of the breait.


Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRC 94 4114 Additional information in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46

q. steam generator secondary-side pressure Figure 101 Steam generator secondary side pressure (psia) vs. Time Steam generator secondary side parameters are provided for the top cell of the secondary side of STGEN components 3 and 10.
r. steam generator secondary-side liquid level and temperatures Figure 102 Steam generator secondary side liquid temperatures (deg. F) vs. Time Steam generator secondary side parameters are provided for the top cell of the secondary side of STGEN components 3 and 10. Steam generator secondary side liquid levels are not available.
s. mass flows from upper head through (1) guide tubes, (2) upper head drain holes, and (3) downcomer spray cooling holes.

Mass flows are provided in Figures96-100 for upper head flow paths.

Figure 96 Upper head to downcomer entrained flow (Ibm /s) vs. Time Figure 97 Upper head to downcomer vapor flow (ibm /s) vs. Time Figure 98 Upper head to downcomer liquid flow (Ibm /s) vs. Time Figure 99 Guide tube liquid flow (Ibm /s) vs. Time Figure 100 Liquid flow through upper support plate (lbm/s) vs. Time 13

W Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRC 94-4114 Additional Information in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46 AP600 L9 LOCA ( C0=1 0 )

PRESSURIZER PRESSURE 2s00 2000 1$00 1000 b

,00 \


20 40 40 to 100 120 140 TlWE (S)

Figure 2 Pressurtzer pressure (pois) vs. Time AP600 L8 LOCA ( Cd=1.0 )



Q 5 -

-s000 g-4000 0

5 -s000


f 10 40 00 80 100 120 140 TlWE ($)

Figure 3 Pressurtzer mass flow (Itwn/sec) vs. Time 14

Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRC 94-4114 Additional Information in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46 AP600 LB LOCA ( Cd=1 0 )


2000 5

ison m  :

E m tono


b soo 20 40 la 40 100 120 140 IlWE (S)

Figure 4 Upper head pressure (psis) vs. Time AP600 LB LOCA ( Cd=1 0 )


48 b 4. I f

E l I l

?, ' '

m g 3

b ,, i ( i k I

I) t , ih Q ff'

. 4 .. .. ... ... ...

TlWE (s)

Figure 5 Upper head pressure (psis) vs. Time [ expanded Y scale]

15 4

9 Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRC 94-4114 AdditionalInformation in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46 A?600 LB LOCA ( Cd=1 0 )





-40000 20 40 SO 80 100 Ito 140 flWE (s)

Figure 6 Vessel-side break mass flow rate (Ibm /sec) vs. Time AP600 Le LOCA Cd=1 0 INTEGRa/10 WESSEL-SIDE 8RE(MASS N 015 CHAR}ED 250000 -



150000 100000 j

$6000 l

20 40 60 00 100 120 140 TlWE (S)

Figure 7 Integrated vessel-side break mass discharge (Ibm) vs. Time 16 i

l l

Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRC 94-4114 Additional Information in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46 AP600 L8 LOCA ( Cd=1 0 )



~.  :


$ .1(tel O

= .St.or


a 20 40 to 80 too 120 140 flWE (5)

Figure 8 Vessel-side break energy flow rate (BTU /sec) vs. Time AP600 LB LOCA ( Cd=1 0 )


.ist+0s ,

,14t+09 __.

.12t+ot 3 .tt+09

/ - -



.4t+o8 2t+04-

' A

'20 40 so lo too 120 iso ilWE (S)

Figure 9 Vessel side break integral energy release (BTU) vs. Time 17

4 Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRC 94-4114 Additional Information in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46 AP600 LB LOCA ( Cc=1 0 )

LOOP-SIDE BREAK MASS FLOW RATE 18000 14000 f2000 10000 8000


1000 4000 2000


0 20 40 10 to 100 120 140 TlWE (S)

Figure 10 Loop side break mass flow rate (thmJsec) vs. Time AP600 LB LOCA ( Cd=1.0 )


..t+0B A

  • 2 15t.08



0 .it.0:



G \

5 sc.or 5


\ . ...

.. ,,,,.. ,,,1 ,.0 Figure 11 Loop-side break energy flow rate (BTUlsoc) vs. Time 18 i


Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD-NRC-94 4114 Additionalinformation in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46 AP600 L9 LOCA ( Cd=1 0 )


120000 f l l l  !

100000 '

t /

.0000 /

40000 40000 20000 1

0 20 40 to 30 100 120 I40 ItWE (S) ]

Figure 12 Integrated loop side break mass discharge (Ibm) vs. Time I l


Cd=1.0 ENERGY )


.tt+09 4E+08


~ St+00 S . I G $



.!t.Os 20 40 so s0 100 120 i40 tiut (s) i i

Figure 13 Loop side break Integral energy rolesse (BTU) vs. Time j l

1 19 )




Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRC 94 4114 Additional Information in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 - 952.46 AP600 L8 LOCA . ( Cd=1 O )


....  :: i o .. sto.. 14 is000 F

80000 1

s000 0 -

. f 0 .

5 -5000


-iO900 10 40 60 80 100 120 140 flWE (5)

Figure 14 Hot leg A mass flow (Ibm /sec) vs. Time 9

AP600 LB LOCA ( Cd=1 0 )

HOT LEG B MASS FLOW 14000 14000 gt2000 ,



g s000

.,s 4000 4000 2000.


,- W 20 40 40 It let 120 140 flWE (S)

Figure 15 Hot leg 8 mass flow (thm/sec) vs. Time 20

.__ _ _ ~-.

Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRC 94 4114 Additional Information in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46 AP600 LB LOCA ( Cd=1 0 )

COLD LEG A-1 FLOW (comp 5) roco p


.ooe I

2 '-

2 soon



, seco ,


, 30o0 o  :

w -

g 2:00 ,

5 icoe

'2a ao so so ios iso iso TiWE (5)

Figure 16 Cold leg A 1 mass flow (Ibm /sec) vs. Time AP600 L8 LOCA ( Cd=1 0 )

COLD LEG A-2 FLOW (comp 6) foco


o.oo 2 '

4 Y Sooo

$ 1


, soon l

  • l

, O



g tono 5

icon '


'o 2 .o io ao ion its i..

TlWE (S)

Figure 17 Cold leg A-2 mass flow (bm/sec) vs. Time 21 l


Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRC 94 4114 Additional Information in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952,44 952.46 APC00 L9 LOCA ( Cc=1 0 )

INTACT CCLO LEG T;0# (cemo 62) inao ,

5 03

_ u P

O 4ano ,

=  :

0 sooo


w j acao a


( <


- i o o n ",

20 40 40 80 100 120 140 flWE (S)

Figure 18 Intact cold leg mass flow (Ibm /sec) vs. Time AP600 LB LOCA (2 (oil CORE LICUID FLOW IN N00E Cd=1.0 cnonnels) )

20000 10000 1' 7t J A/lAA h kA

[ I"Il jd P

-t0000 1

20 40 80 80 160 110 140 ilWE (S) ,

i Figure 19 Core liquid flow in node 2, all channele (Ibtn/sec) vs. Time 22 l

i I



Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRC 94-4114 dditionalinformation in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46 Ao600 LB LOCA (5 (all CORE LIQUID FLOW IN N001 1 Cd=1 0) 20000 15000 10000 5000 I-O

, vg 50cc ,


20 40 60 80 100 12o 140 TlWE (S)

Figure 20 Core liquid flow in node 15, all channels (Ibm /sec) vs. Time AP600 L8 LOCA ( Cd=1 conc carno =co rtow in moot 2 <.ii 0)


400 too ,





-40o ',





'" t o .o so ice its i4e flWE (S)

Figure 21 Core entrained flow in node 2, all channels (fan /sec) vs. Time 23

1 l

Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRC 94 4114 Additional Information in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46 AP600 LB LOCA ( Cd=1 cannaef:)

00Rt (4f4414C0 FLO* .im 9CDE 15 (oli 0


'? '

x sv

-200 ,

-400 l


-800 I



-1200 20 40 80 to 100 120 140 TlWE (S)

Figure 22 Core entrained flow in node 15, all channels (Ibm /sec) vs. Time AP600 LB LOCA CORE VAPOUR FLOW IN NODE ((Cd=1 0) ell channels)

FGM 0 2 0 var aulaL sAtt FLOW


- - ^ ^

0 7y 7

-500 k


2 5 -1000 I

5 -is00 _

20 40 80 80 100 120 140 flWE (5)

Figure 23 Core vapour flow in node 2, all channels (Ibm /sec) vs. Time 24

Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRC 94-4114  !

Additional Information in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46 AP600 CORE vaP0UR L9FLO*LOCA 14 N00((5 1 Cd=1 0)

(eli enanneis) 400 20s I

.pg&Q.Y 0



-400 20 40 80 80 100 120 140 TlWE (S)

Figure 24 Core vapour flow in node 15, all channote (ibmisec) vs. Time AP600 L8 LOCA ( Cd=1 0 )

CMT B-1 DRAIN FLOW (comp.19) 150 ico 7

2 so 2

E o 2

0 5 -se  ;

" 2 n so so as 100 12o 14e l TlWE (s) i l

Figure 25 CMT B 1 drain flow, component 19 (tm/sec) vs. Time 1 25 l

l l

l l

l l

Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRC 94-4114 Additional Information In Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46 I

A?600 L8 LOCA ( Cd=1 0 )

CVT1. TOP FLOW 100 i

. I


1 50



s l


A d ]

4 e 0 "r' '"r o' ' 'i n' ^

g-1 m' 'j  ;

ql 4 -50 .-

. l 3  :

  • -100

-150 20 40 60 10 100 120 140 ilWE (S)

Figure 26 CMT 1 top mass flow rate (Ibm /sec) vs Time AP600 LB LOCA ( Cd=1.0 )

CMT B-2 DRAIN FLOW (comp.20) 160 140 7 120 k -

  • iOO

$ - l ,

.0 E

U 40 0 .

j 20 0

20 40 60 to 100 110 140 TlWE (S)

Figure 27 CMT B-2 drain flow, component 20 (Ibm /sec) vs. Time 26

.....o....- ..e......, . . . . . -

Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD.NRC 94-4114 Additional Information in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46 AP600CMT2 L9 LOCA TOP FLOW

( Cd=1 0 )

40 t

20 ;


- L

, .k 4- U ak ) s


7 , 'l lIb JL.<b

[ j i


- l


< -20 5 I


-40 m -

0 -


-s0 20 40 s0 80 100 120 i40 ilWE (S)

Figure 28 CMT 2 top mass flow rate (ibm /sec) vs. Time AP600 LB LOCA ( Cd=1 0 )


m -20 Nb Y

=  :

      • h
2. 1 1 g -s0


-s0 ,


-iGO O  :


-140 20 40 80 00 1HO 130 I'0 TlWE (S)

Figure 29 CL to CMT 1 balonce line flow (Ibm /sec) vs. Thne 27

Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD-NRC 94 4114 Additional information in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46 AP600 LB LOCA ( Cd=1 0 )


'o, I

c a .. _

0 \"

7  : \

? -so r

g -10

- ~


  • -3.


5 .


-se 20 40 60 to 100 120 140 TlWE (S)

Figure 30 CL to CMT 2 balance line flow (Ibm /sec) vs. Time AP600 L8 LOCA ( Cd=1 0 )


0 ,- , , , ,_._

Y -s



,-to O

E an *1s 5

g -no

-25 )

~". 4 .. so ion ue i4 TIWE ($)

Figure 31 PRZ to CMT 1 belence line flow (lbmisec) vs. Time 28

,, wu n r . wy. ..s , , w.eea s Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTO NRC 94 4114 Additional Information in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46 AP600 L3 LOCA ( Cd=1 0 ) 2 peEssuaE GALANCE LINE rLO*

s 0 -c - . ~--

A l

} 5 l 1 2 t




g -is  ;

g -20 ,


-is 20 40 to 10 100 120 140 flWE (S)

Figure 32 PRZ to CMT 2 balance line flow (Ibm /sec) vs. Time AP600 LB LOCA ( Cd=1 0 )

ACCUMULATOR 1 FLOW (comp.17) s00


s,00 ,

5 f

< 400 a

h 200 2

20 40 40 80 tot 120 140 TlWE (5)

Figure 33 Accumuletor 1 mass flow (bm/sec) vs. Time 29

Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRC 94-4114 AdditionalInformation in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46 AP600 LB LOCA ( Cd=1 0 )

ACCUUULATOR 2 FL0w (como 18) soo i


C500[ N 5 -

N ,


$too 2

8 3, i, e, so too iso 180 TlWE (5)

FIgurs 34 Accumulator 2 mass flow (Ibm /sec) vs. Time AP600 ,L,B, ,L 0 C ,A C


pU , ,

' e voic PasCfica n"


, , , , "[,

, s , a volo FAACfl0E t

5 -

.s k'


".4 e

2 0 ' 1' , , gg 33 100 1:0 140 t ilo Tiut (S)

Figure 35 Pumps A 1 and A 2 Inlet Void Fractions (-) vs. Time 30

Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRC-94 4114 AdditionalInformation in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAl 952.44 952.46 AP600 L8 LOCA ( Cd=1 0 )

PuuPS 9-1 AND B-2 INLEY volo rRAC?l0NS ata= it i o v0:0 reaction

. . . - AL84 13 1 0 V0 0 F4agfign 1 .


/:-- .

p j, , , <


S -

l 0 ,

E f,,'

m i 3 4

? -

l 2

0 d-20 40 60 es 100 130 140 ist flWE (5)

Figure 36 Pumps B-1 and B 2 Inlet Void Fractions (-) vs. Time nuvu 8 2 e mass FLoenatt 1000 0000 2

$800 w

w 4000 ac as 3000 w

ui 2000

= -

1000 0

20 40 80 80 100 120 140 100 T!WE (s)

Figure 37 Pumps A 1 & A 2 mass flowrote, components 5&6 (Ibm /sec) vs. Time 31 i

-e , , . - - . - - - . - . _ - - - - - - . - - - . - - - - . - - - - - - _ _ . - - . .

l A

Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRG-94-4114 Adt'itional Information in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46 auvu a 1 e mass FLoseart 100 ,

~ 00


e 80 s

$ 40 l

20 "i IA - L

'i( \f i

. M 2 40 40 50 100 12s 140 160 TlWE (S)

Figure 38 Pumps A 1 & A 2 mass flowrote, components 5&6 (Ibm /sec) vs. Time [ focused Yzale]

l suvu 13 3 6 mass FLosaaft 14000 14000 N 5 g 12000 5

10000 i

w I

< 8000 m j 1

o, s000 N 4600 5



0.0 .0 00

, 3, ,,,,, , 0 ,.0 ,00 Figure 39 Pump B-1 mass,flowrote, component 12 (Ibm /sec) vs. Time 32 l


Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRC 94 4114 Additional Information in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46 Auve 12 2 0 mall FLCs4 ATE 800

? "i N i^

5 to



1 m I 3 ,

i j

- l .


}, \

b' f3

, \

yg gir g

O ll 20 40 80 80 100 120 140 160 flWE (S)

Figure 40 Pump B 1 mass flowrate, component 12 (Ibm /sec) vs. Time [ focused Y scale]

avvu" is 2 e unos rtovaa'ts 0000 ,




~ .

4000 I

3000 w

< 2000 m

3 1000 N 0 l


-1000 .

I 20 40 00 00 100 110 100 th0 flWE (S)

Figure 41 Pump B 2 mass flowrote, component 13 (Ibm /sec) vs. Time 1 l

33  ;



Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRC 94-4114 Additionalinformation in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46 asvu 13 3 8 mall FL0esatt 100

, ,0 \


'I M(pWNN N s-a  !


$ -50

-100 20 40 .0 .0 100 i20 140 10 ilWE (5)

Figure 42 Pump B-2 mass flowrote, component 13 (Ibm /sec) vs. Time (tocused Y scale]

OR S 3 0 Petstunt 100 ,


~_ .0

t. -

g <0 5 -

5 or 20 0

A ' --

20 .0 .. .0 in. ia0 i.0 i.. !

TIME (5)

Figune 43 Pump 41 head (psi) vs. Time 1 l

34 ,

l l



Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD.NRC 94-4114 Additional Information in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAl 952.44 952.46 09 5 2 0 84ttsvet 13 1

5 I


0 .

w 0 1' & j) f E

-s l -io . .

I 20 40 40 .0 100 >20 10 160 l TlWE (S)

Figure 44 Purnp A 1 head (pol) vs. Time [ focused Y scale)

OP G 8 8 8 8 t $ lk"#I 100 to -

2 -

1 .

k 3 ..

5 1 0 to 0

= , A < .__

- ,i .. .. .. ... ii. i.. ii. l l

flWE (5) l 1 Figure 45 Pump A 2 head (pol) vs. Time l M

l I

1 1

. - .- - - .. .._. . . - ~

Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRC 94 4114 Additional Information in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46 CP e 2 0 retl$Unt to.


i r

g 5' U '

< 0 w

-5 3

20 40 00 00 100 ,20 ,.0 100 TlWE (5)

Figurs 46 Pump A 2 head (psi) vs. Time (focused Y scale)

AP600 L8 LOCA ( Cd=1 0 )

PUMP B-1 HEAD 0, i  : O enessvar 100 0 --

-100 m


I g -200 S 1 m

  • 300 f

. 00

>00,0 .0 00 00 ,00 ,,0 ,.0 ,00 TiWE (5)

Figure 47 Pump B 1 head (psi) vs. Time 36

Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRC 94-4114 AdditionalInformation in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46 A0600 L3 LOCA ( Cc=1 0 )

PUMP B-2 HEAD 08 11' 2 0 ##tstutt iCo so  :

L f

_ .o



4 i \

= ",  ;

3, v

' y o -, __

~' to 4a (o se too iso 14o iso ilWE (S)

Figure 48 Pump B-2 head (psi) vs. Time AP600 LB LOCA ( Cd=1.0 REACTOR POWER (14W) 2500 2000 1500 i


.00 l 0

L_ l 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 TDE (sec)

Figure 49 Reactor Power (MWth) vs. Time 37

Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRC 94-4114 Additional Information in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46 AP600 LB LOCA R00 1 CLADDING TEMPERATURE fcLas 1 1 tity to it.

400 u

500 C

w 400 i

J00 3

20 40 00 00 the

.., m.

1ll0 l'io th0 TlWE (S)

Figure 50 Rod 1 cladding temperature,0.0 ft (dog. F) vs. Time AP600 LB LOCA ROD 1 CLADDING TEMPERATURE TCL&S 1 at 1 ELiv 4.10 ff 1200 i0 0 j


s0s 5

7 5 us I

$ [

... \,/ ,

L- _ .

8"n 4. .. is ine in ice i is ilWE (S)

Figure 51 Rod 1 cledding temperature,4.1 ft (deg. F) vs. Time 38

p Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRC 94 4114 Additional Information in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46 AP600 LB LOCA ROD 1 CLA0 DING t TEMPERATURE 1 ELEV. F.ft ff TCL40 il 1400 ,


- 1200 I

0 g 1000 .


O ,, /1 3 soo

- 400 7


400 N( -

b _.

26 40 se et 110 130 1'll till ilWE (S)

Figure 52 Rod 1 cladding temperature,7.75 ft (deg. F) vs. Time AP600 LB LOCA ROD 1 CLADDING TEMPERATURE TCLAS 1 00 1 Etty 13 60 FT.

700 600


w k

300 480 388 W^,A?t

... ..i ... .. .. .. ...


20 40 el St till 1ll8 1'lt til8 Tibt (S) l Figure 53 Rod 1 cladding temperature,12.00 ft (deg. F) vs. Time 39 l

l l


l Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD.NRC 94-4114 Additional Information in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46 AP600 L8 LOCA ROD 2 CLAODING TEMPERATURE I ELiv- 08'f-TCLA0 1 1


800 A

$00 E - ,

  • 400 l

- Y l t

I N -

300 200

w - ^

20 40 80 50 t00 130 140 int ilWE (S)

Figure 54 Rod 2 cledding temperature,0.0 ft (dog. F) vs. Time I l

AP600 LB LOCA ROD 2 CLADDING TEMPERATURE 1 atty 4.18 FY tcLas a se 1000

,,, /



ros 4 i

= en 5_ ... ,

O 5 ... \,/

at t _. .

>a,, .. .. .. ,,, su, ,, , ,.

TlWE (S)

Figure 55 Rod 2 cledding temperature,4.1 ft (deg. F) vs. Tirne 40 l


1 1

Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRC-94-4114 Additional Information in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46  ;

AP600 LB LOCA I ROD 2 CLA00 LNG TEMPERATURE feta 0 1 81 1 ELtv. F.78 ff 1400 1200

- l

$ 1000 000

/ T b2 000




400 v ',

b 200 26 40 80 40 60 1 1ll0 1o8 int ilWE (S)

Figure 56 Rod 2 cladding temperature,7.75 ft (dog. F) vs. Time AP600 LB LOCA RODTCLAS 2 CLADDING TEMPERATURE S 46 I (4tv. 11 et Pt.

100 M



soo \



1 5 4:e no QWm  : : :-

tot 28 40 80 it tus tll3 tog gut ilWE (S)

Figure 57 Rod 2 cledding temperature,12.00 ft (deg. F) vs. Time 41

Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRC 94 4114 Additional Information in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 - 952.46 AP600 LB LOCA ROD 3 CLADDING TEMPERATURE fCLAS a 1 1 ELtv .40 Ff 800 500 M -

3 400 0

w 2 -

300 hm

200 10 40 40 80 104 1LO 100 1 It ilWE (S)

Figure 58 Rod 3 cladding temperature,0.0 ft (deg. F) vs. Time AP600 L8 LOCA ROD 3 CLADDING TEMPERATURE fcLes a to 1 etty rt 900 400 7 700 ,

i g 00 p

- no


U 400 '

E V i 300 we g Il 46 40 80 int 1;.0 tot 1 le ilWE (S)

Figure 59 Rod 3 cladding temperature,4.1 ft (deg. F) vs. Time 42

Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD.NRC 94-4114 AdditionalInformation In Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46 AP600 LB LOCA ROD 3 CLADDING TEMPERATURE fcLAD 3 53 1 (LEV F F5 ff.

1000 ,

.00 b 400

~ ~

100 5

w 5 gog h > <

k j

o. s00 g 400


A 300 ,

m _

i ut " '

20 ' .I. ' 'o 0 t 80 tn a' ' '1, ; 0 toO 1n0 TlWE ($)

Figure 60 Rod 3 cledding temperature,7.75 ft (deg. F) vs. Time AP600 LB LOCA ROD 3 CLADDING TEMPERATURE TClat 3 40 1 (Ltv t8.00 FT 450 ,

s00 .


-  : )

  • .00


= .30 .

\ )

$ 'M

\ l I

U i  !


l \

{ Q w- - -- n _

'" n .. .. .0 in. u. i. n.

TlWE (5)

'l l

Figure 61 Rod 3 cledding temperature,12.00 ft (dog. F) vs. Time 43 1


Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRC 94-4114 Additional Information in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46 ,

AP600 L8 LOCA -

ROD 4 C $4]D D I N G TEMPERATURE fcLAs e 1 i tLtv 0a rf 400 300 C--

U -

3 400 2

w N w 2

U '

300 200 20 40 40 00 11'8 1;.0


100 1llt TlWE (S)

Figure 62 Rod 4 cledding temperature,0.0 ft (deg. F) vs. Time AP6 0 LB LOCA R00 4 DDING TEWPERATURE TCL&S 4 20 1 ELtr 4.10 FT 100


800 5  :

soo i

2 ...

( W U l 5  : >


>= 400 see

, b ests-- g 10 40 Se et 11't 1;,4 tot 1 It ilWE (S)

Figure 63 Rod 4 cledding temperature,4.1 ft (dog. F) vs. Time 44 l



/ .tachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRC 94 4114 Additional Information in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46 AP600 L8 LOCA RODtctal 4 % D. DING 4 30 TEMPERATURE t Etty 7.?s rf 1000 900 000 C

  • 700 w

$ ggg N)


E $00 \

5 .,, X / J J00 V i m 20 49 to 10 tilt 100 100 1 10 TlWE (S)

Figure 64 Rod 4 cladding temperature,7.75 ft (dog. F) vs. Time AP 00 LB LOCA ROD 4 A DDING TEMPERATURE TCLAG 4 se i Etty la to Ft.

700 800 C-l 300 5

<ee ai e

no ,

Q&it:- ,

200 '=

20 40 44 80 the tug tog tiil TlWE (S)

Figure 65 Rod 4 cladding temperature,12.00 ft (dog. F) vs. Time 1


Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD-NRC 94 4114 Additional Information in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46 AP600 LB LOCA ROD 5 CLA00.ING TEMPERATURE tetAt 5 1 1 CL8v. .40 ft 800 300 400 5

w 300 B

\  %% - '

100 100 20 40 80 50 140 1;l0 140 l'It ilWE (S)

Figure 66 Rod 5 cledding temperature,0.0 ft (deg. F) vs. Time AP600 LB LOCA R00 5 CLADDING TEMPERATURE TCLAS 9 14 1 (Ltv. 4 le Pf.


- I 800


c  :


$ ~

!.00 r


/ '

j 300 NC g 100 20 40 00 00 1ll0 1, l 0 l< 0 lif e ilWE (S) t Figure 67 Rod 5 cledding temperature,4.1 ft (dog. F) vs. Time i

46 4

1 i

l l


l Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRC-94 4114 AdditionalInformation in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46 AP600 L8 LOCA ROD 5 CLADDING TEMPERATURE frias s at i tLtv 7,ts rf 700 600 \



500 5 -

0 -

5 400 I I '

n "u- _

10 40 00 00 11'8 ILO I ' ,0 1 ll ilWE (S)

Figure 68 Rod 5 cladding temperature,7.75 ft (dog. F) vs. Time AP600 L8 LOCA ROD 5 CLADDING TEMPERATURE tetas s es 1 ELtv ts to rt.

150 000 ss0


C b




= .00


e g 400


2 \

set 300


Qf;. . _r . .

20 40 et 80 Int 1ll0 Int tilt ilWE ($)

Figure 69 Rod 5 cladding temperature,12.00 ft (deg. F) vs. Time 47


Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRC 94-4114 AdditionalInformation in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46 AP600 LB LOCA ( Cd=1 0 )


_ $200 w 1000 g soo 7





. / y 400 k

z u ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,, ,,, ,,,

ilWE (S)

Figure 70 Peak Cladding Temperature (dog. F) vs. Time AP600 LB LOCA ( Cd=1.0 )

PCT LOCAfl0N (relative to core bottom) it



5 N l



] I


2 0


  • 2

'ni .o so en two iso 14e ilWE (S)

Figure 71 PCT Location (ft) vs. Time [ relative to bottom of core) 48 i

i I

Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRC 94-4114 Additional Information in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952,46 AP600 L3 LOCA ( Cd=1 0 )

LP CHANNEL at VOID FRACTION 24 tl 0 va#04 8tatf10e s

ty 6 '

/ ll 5 -

g Y

e4 2

2 20 40 80 to '00 120 140 180 TlWE (1)

Figure 72 Vold Fraction, Core peripheral channel,12.0 ft elevation vs. Time AP600 LB LOCA ( Cd=1 0 )

LP CHANNEL V01D FRACTION AL 2e lo e varon reaction f

( ;

4 1

5 I

3 .4 2

2 '

20 40 40 to 100 120 140 tot riut (s)

Figure 73 Vold Fraction, Core portpheral channel. 7.75 ft elevation vs. Time 49 l

Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRC 94 4114 Additional Information in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46 AP600 L8 LOCA ( Cd=1.0 )

LP CHANNEL VOID FRACIlON AL 24 0 0 v4P04 react:0m

' v j

r  ;


- i 2  !

S -i C l 1

l 3 4 0

2 1 @

20 40 to 80 100 120 140 150 ilWE (S)

Figure 74 Vold Fraction, Core peripheral channel,4.1 ft elevation vs. Time AP600 LB LOCA ( Cd=1 0 )



2 O

.4 2

, .LLwxiu . . .. -

20 40 60 80 100 120 140 180 flWE (S)

Figure 75 Void Fraction, Core portpheral channel,0.0 ft elevation vs. Tlrne 50

Attar.hment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRC 94 4114 Additional Information in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46 AP600 LB LOCA ( Cd=1 0 )

OH/.SC CHANNEL t si. is V0l0o ..FRACT10N

0. .. evio. ,

1 e J


  • f f)i s'\

l l

I l E

5 3.4 2

20 40 40 80 100 120 140 180 ilWE (5)

Figure 76 Vold Fraction, Open hole channel,12.0 ft elevation vs. Time AP600 LB LOCA ( Cd=1.0 )


--AL 35 le V010 FRACTION 6 vaP0e feaCilos

' I. F\ [l f 5 -

z .e 2

5 (

3 .4 O

l to 40 60 to 100 120 140 140 flWE (S)

Figure 77 Vold Fraction, Open hole channel,7.75 ft elevation vs. Time 51


- l Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRC 94 4114 l AdditionalInformation in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46 4

AP600 L3 LOCA ( Cd=1 0 )

OH/SC CHANNEL is e VOID FRACT-10N o...o.,..eno.

6 iT

, f

,b s .I


E S 4 2


, LL ._

20 40 60 60 100 120 140 180 flWE (S)

Figure 78 Vold Fraction, Open hole channel,4.1 ft elevation vs. Time AP600 LB LOCA ( Cd=1.0 )

OH/SC CHANNEL VOID FRACTION 6 2. . ......,..n.

1 Y

3 T



, ACh_ _

20 40 Se 80 100 120 140 180 ftWE (S)

Figure 79 Vold Fraction, Open hole channel,0.0 ft elevation vs. Time 52 i

l l

Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRC 94-4114 Additional information in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46 AP600 L5 LOCA ( Cd=1 0 )


.t i- is . ,..crio.


, f l

!, U C


  • .s


l i

1 20 40 to 80 too 120 140 140 TlWE (S) l Figure 80 Vold Fraction, Guide tube channel,12.0 ft elevation vs. Time AP600 L8 LOCA ( Cd=1.0 )

GT CHANNEL VolD FRACTION at as to o vapea reaction

' W

[( $


[ 8 h

  • .4 l

1 l

1 20 40 80 80 100 120 140 th0 IlWE (S) h Figure 81 Vold Fraction, Guide tube channel. 7.75 ft elevation vs. Time l .

I 1

1 Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRC 94 4114 AdditionalInformation in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46 j l

AP600 L9 LOCA ( Cd=1 0 ) i GT CmANNEL VOID FRACTION l AL 28 0 0 VAPOR FRACf#04

', f i -

i  !

3 E -

.s 5

o 4 2

n L i -

20 40 to 80 100 120 140 140 TiWE (S)

Figure 82 Vold Fraction, Guide tube channel,4.1 ft elevation vs. Time AP600 LB LOCA ( Cd=1 0 )

GT CHANNEL V01D FRACTION at to 2 0 waaon faaet:0m f1 v'


8 O l

  • 4 .

2 i

2 f I l

i 20 40 60 10 100 120 140 140 flWE (S)

Figure 83 Vold Fraction, Guide tube channel. 0.0 ft elevation vs. Time l


l .

Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRC 94 4114 Additional Information in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46 AP600 LB LOCA ( Cd=1 0 )

HA CHANNEL VOID FRACTION g 27 It a vapaa reacf104 f



5 V

i 2

a ..

2 2

20 40 60 00 100 120 I40 140 ttWE (5)

Figure 84 Vold Fraction, Hot assembly channel,12.0 ft elevation vs. Time AP600 L8 LOCA ( Cd=1 0 )


't v'f j ,

I 5 j E n 5

.4 2 -

l 2 '

1 0

20 40 60 00 100 t l' o 140 Ito i

fiWE (5) i Figure 85 Vold Fraction, Hot assembly channel,7.75 ft elevation vs. Time 55 l

l l

1 1

l l

e Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRC 94-4114 Additional Information In Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46 AP600 L8 LOCA ( Cd=1 0 ) i HA CHANNEL VOID FRACTION l aL 21 e a vaPes reacftem l 1



j 8

l I t

z .s .

U 34 i L' \

. 1 2

-l 0

- #~ <

20 40 80 80 100 120 140 180 1 ilWE (5)

Figure 86 Vold Fraction, Hot assembly channel,4.1 ft elevation vs. Time 1

AP600 LB LOCA ( Cd=1 0 )



.s 1

1 3 -




. )



. f 20 40 SO 80 100 120 140 tut TiWE (S) i Figure 87 Vold Fraction, Hot assembly channel,0.0 ft elevation vs. Time 56

Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRC 94-4114 I Additional Information In Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46 AP600 LB LOCA ( Cd=1 0 ) l 00WNCOMER COLLAPSED LEVEL l (belc* DVI point) l 3'


1 t 3' -

h 20 . AN

p'  !

E is 0 Af 5 -

i '  ;

1 Y no b Y

E \N {l y8 0

20 40 00 80 100 120 140 ilWE (S)

Figure 88 Downcomer collapsed level, below DVI point (ft) vs. Time AP600 LB LOCA ( Cd=1.0 )


. r 25

- 20 A AM


P E is k A 5 I V S 10 -


8* u 0

to 40 00 00 inD 1EO 100 flWE (5)

Figure 89 Downcomer collapsed level (ft) vs. Tim 3 57



Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRC 94 4114 Additional Information in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46 AP600 LB LOCA ( Cd=1 0 )




l O i0 t

O e .


S I a, i


h 4 E

2 5* .

0 20 40 ;3 to 100 120 140 flWE (S)

Figure 90 Upper hated collapsed level (ft) vs. Time AP600 LB LOCA ( Cd=1 0 INNER GLOBE COLLAPSED L E V E)L 8

4 0

4 a



8 0

20 40 le 40 140 130 140 flWE (S)

Figure 91 inner clobe collapsed level (ft) vs. Time 58


- l Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD-NRC 94 4114 j Additional information in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46


1 AP600 L8 LOCA ( Cd=1 0 )


I c'?  !

.E I.

r, -

i 4


3 o )

M -

I2 ~

8,  ! ,

j' 0 . .

20 40 40 80 100 130 140  !

TlWE (5)

Figure 92 Outdor globe collapsed level (ft) vs. Time AP600 LB LOCA ( Cd=1.0 HA CHANNEL COLLAPSED L E V E )L 12 C 10 h'


s' r

. L 1

1p i

$2 ,

0 A

20 40 40 40 100 120 140 ilWE (S)

Figure 93 Hot assembly channel collapsed level (ft) vs. Time 59

1 Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRC-94-4114 Additional Information in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAl 952.44 952.46 l

AP600 L8 LOCA ( Cd=1 0 )


! C io l C 1 E'. SN

? ,

! \ \)

m i


\l  ; i  !

r -

N I I 2 f f 2

\ ,

i 20

) 40 40 GO 100 1:0 140 TIWE (5)

Figure 94 Open hole channel collapsed level (ft) vs. Time AP600 LB LOCA ( Cd=1.0 )


C to t,

1 l 2 e 15 l S 1 h, k . l


2 W

                       $  2             [\                '

u .

                             'to         4e  so     so                                       iso            iso ide Figure 95 Guide tube channel collapsed level (ft) vs. Time 60

I i Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRC 94-4114 Additional intorn?ation in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46 l 1 AP600 LB L  ! vence .c.o-re. coo C Areve.. acosts ( Cc=1.0 ) co rice h l l l

                                .. f                    l     l           l 3

E .. '

.. l
                            $ ...   ~

0. Figure 96 Upper head to downcomer entrained flow (Ibm!s) vs. Time AP600 LB WP819 Mf AD-700tuttuft 0.L O C veP0ga A ( Cd=1.0 FLOW ) 2


g .s. , 5 '

                                  .a i
                                  * *' n        ......:.i.

l l l Figure 97 Upper head to downcomer vapor flow (Ibm /s) vs. Time 61 l l i

~ Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRC 94-4114 Additional information in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46 t vileIU8d.'ro'o!.0/coliec,u,,o,tj, i..

                                         . Y Figure 98 Upper heed to downcomer liquid flow (ibm /s) vs. Time AP600 LB LOCA ( Cd=1 0 Gul0E TU8E LIQUID FLOW                     (ch.71/))

soo e A N - g -ses w

                     < -ions E           -

O -isse 0 5 .


29 40 68 40 100 120 too flWE (5) Figure 99 Guide tube liquid flow (Ibm /s) vs. Time  ; 62 i l


    -                                         Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTD NRC 94-4114 l                               AdditionalInformation in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAI 952.44 952.46 AP600 L9 LOCA {Rf PLaft LiQulD FLce fung yeet# 5VPp                                   Cd=1      (ca 0      )

72/t} 200 0 b I


I -100 l N. -



                                                     -400 '                   j                                                               i 5
                                               =                            t y      800

{ s m -000

. - {
                                                    -1000 I

10 40 50 00 100 120 140 ilWE (5)


l Figure 100 Liquid flow through upper support piste (Ibm /s) vs. Time AP600 LB LOCA ( Cd=1.0 ) SG SECONDARY SIDE PRESSURES em 3 16 0 Patstung

                                                   ....en                           to          it        0 ##ES5 vet

j 1000 l ', l l t 7_ Os0 , E l m 000 E

                                               - 0:0                                                                                          l E                                '.                                                            l 000
                                                                                           %w_                            _ _ .
                                                                                                ~ . . q. . . . . . ......           ....
                                                     "'                                            ^

0 .0 00 00 iOO i:0 i.0 ilWE (S) Figure 101 Steam generator secondary sido pressure (pela) vs. Time l 63

. I Attachment to Westinghouse Letter NTO NRC 94-4114 , Additional Information in Support of Westinghouse Response to RAl 952.44 952.46 ' AP600 LB LCCA ( C =1 0) ' SG SE,CONDARv SIDE i:0U 0 ?EMPERA!URES 6 3 is a$ico n treetear vet

                      .... rte                  in        15    O stovi0 'gusteat6st 524 -

i h i i 524 -

                                   /                          l L     4
                                 'l i\                     l
                  - 522
                                '!     , \    ^

j ', \ t w 520


l ,


N t cm 518 "A __ I, -

                                                's U 518      f d                        (

514 20 40 6'O 80 100 120 140 TlWE (S) Figure 102 Steam generator secondary side liquid temperatures (deg. F) vs. Time l l l l l l l l 64 I _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ - -}}