AO 73-19:when Closing Signal Was Applied to Breaker S1A,loss of Power Occurred at 4160-volt Ac Bus 1A Causing Trip of Various Pumps.Caused by Incorrect Setting of Current Transformer Ratio Matching Taps.Taps Set ProperlyML19291C264 |
Person / Time |
Site: |
Oyster Creek |
Issue date: |
09/08/1975 |
From: |
To: |
Shared Package |
ML19291C260 |
List: |
References |
NUDOCS 8001230245 |
Download: ML19291C264 (5) |
MONTHYEARML19343C2181975-12-23023 December 1975 AO 50-219/75-33:on 751212,during 6-month Load Test on Station a batteries,125 Volt Dc Distribution Ctr de-energized.Caused by Personnel Error in Following Procedure.Distribution Ctr re-energized ML20090C9991975-12-12012 December 1975 AO 75-33:on 751212,125-volt Dc Distribution Ctr of Station a Battery Inadvertently de-energized.Caused by Failure to Establish Proper Breaker Lineup Preparation for Conducting Battery Load Test.Procedure changed.W/751219 Memo ML19343C2191975-12-11011 December 1975 AO 50-219/75-32:on 751203,during Testing,Emergency Diesel Generator 1 Failed to Start When Simulated Loss of Power Condition Applied to Fast Start Logic Circuit.Caused by Failure of Relay to Operate Due to Varnish on Armature ML20126E8281975-12-0303 December 1975 AO 50-219/75-31:on 751124,during Operability Test of Torus to Drywell Vacuum Breakers,Alarm Sys 2 Failed to Annunciate in Control Room When V-26-4 Opened.Caused by Failure of Relay Due to Contacts Being Detective.Relay Replaced ML20090D0071975-11-25025 November 1975 AO 75-31:on 751124,drywell Vacuum Breaker Alarm Sys II Failed to Annunciate When Vacuum Breaker V-26-4 Opened. Caused by Component Failure.Corrective Action Under Investigation ML20090D0161975-11-0707 November 1975 AO 75-30:on 751106,low Reactor Pressure Core Spray Valve Permissive Pressure Switches Re 17 a & C Tripped at Pressure Less than Min Required Value.Caused by Switch Repeatability.Pressure Switches Recalibr ML20090D0601975-11-0606 November 1975 AO 75-29:on 751027,torus Drywell Vacuum Breakers Alarm Sys II Failed to Annunciate When Vacuum Breaker V-26-8 Opened. Caused by Sticking Microswitch ML20090D0761975-10-28028 October 1975 AO 75-29:on 751027,torus to Drywell Vacuum Breaker Alarm Sys II Failed to Annunciate When Vacuum Breaker V-26-8 Opened.Caused by Component Failure.Corrective Action Under Investigation ML20090D0941975-10-24024 October 1975 AO 75-28:on 751015,standby Gas Treatment Sys 1 Inoperable. Caused by Air Solenoid Valve Coil Failure.Defective Solenoid Coil Replaced ML20090D1141975-10-17017 October 1975 AO 75-27:on 751008,low Reactor Pressure Core Spray Valve Permissive Pressure Switches RE17B & D Tripped at Pressure Less than Min Required Value.Caused by Switch Repeatability. Pressure Switches Recalibr ML20090D1041975-10-16016 October 1975 AO 75-28:on 751015,standby Gas Treatment Sys 1 Inoperable. Caused by Air Solenoid Valve Coil Failure.Defective Solenoid Coil replaced.W/751016 ML20090D1341975-10-0808 October 1975 AO 75-27:on 751008,low Reactor Pressure Core Spray Valve Permissive Pressure Switches RE17B & D Tripped at Pressures Less than Min Required Value.Caused by Switch Repeatability. Pressure Switches Recalibr ML20090D1501975-09-23023 September 1975 AO 75-26:on 750923,emergency Svc Water Pump 52C Failed to Start Automatically During Routine Surveillance Test of Containment Spray Sys Ii.Caused by Failure of Contact Switch in Time Delay Relay 16 K4B.Relay Replaced ML20090D2071975-09-0808 September 1975 AO 75-24:on 750829,electromatic Relief Valve Pressure Switches 1A83C & 1A83D Tripped at Pressures in Excess of Max Allowable Value.Caused by Instrument Setpoint Repeatability. Switches Reset ML19291C2641975-09-0808 September 1975 AO 73-19:when Closing Signal Was Applied to Breaker S1A,loss of Power Occurred at 4160-volt Ac Bus 1A Causing Trip of Various Pumps.Caused by Incorrect Setting of Current Transformer Ratio Matching Taps.Taps Set Properly ML20090D1941975-09-0808 September 1975 AO 75-25:on 750829,stack Gas Sample Sys Failed to Monitor Stack Releases Continuously While Reactor Was in Unisolated Condition.Caused by Malfunctioning Pump Lubricator.Thermal Overload Protection Reset ML20090D2151975-09-0202 September 1975 AO 75-24:on 750829,electromatic Relief Valve Pressure Switches 1A83C & 1A83D Tripped at Pressures in Excess of Max Allowable Value.Caused by Instrument Setpoint Repeatability. Switches Reset ML20090D2011975-09-0202 September 1975 AO 75-25:on 750829,stack Gas Sample Sys Failed to Monitor Stack Releases Continuously While Reactor Was in Unisolated Condition.Caused by Malfunctioning Pump Lubricator.Thermal Overload Protection Reset ML20090D2241975-08-21021 August 1975 AO 75-23:on 750817-20,stack Effluent for Iodine & Particulates Not Monitored.Caused by Personnel Error.Filter Installed in Operating Stack Gas Sampling Train ML20090D2261975-08-11011 August 1975 Preliminary AO-50-219/75-22:on 750810,stack Gas Sample Line Low Flow Alarm Received.Caused by Stack Gas Sample Pump a Not Running.Thermal Overload Protection Reset ML20090D2471975-08-0404 August 1975 Preliminary AO-50-219/75-21:on 750801,during Routine Surveillance on B Isolation Condensor Sys,Steam Line Valve V-14-32 Failed to Close on Simulation of Steam Line High Flow.Caused by Low Torque Switch Setting.Torque Increased ML20090D2521975-07-17017 July 1975 AO 50-219/75-19:on 750708,during Monthly Surveillance Test on Reactor High Pressure Scram Sensors,Re 03A,B,C & D, A,B & D Tripped Above Normal Trip Points.Caused by Switch Repeatability.Sensors Recalibr ML20090D2561975-07-0909 July 1975 Preliminary AO 50-219/75-19:on 750708,during Monthly Surveillance Test on Reactor High Pressure Scram Sensors,Re 03A,B,C & D,A,B & D Tripped Above Normal Trip Points.Caused by Switch Repeatability.Sensors Recalibr ML20084E1151975-07-0101 July 1975 RO 50-219/75-18:on 750623,two 8-1/2 Inch Handhole Covers in Standby Gas Treatment Filter Train Not in Place.Cause Unknown.Handhole Covers Repositioned & Secured ML20090D2741975-06-27027 June 1975 AO 50-219/75-17:on 750619,during Surveillance Test,Core Spray Sys Parallel Isolation Valve V-20-15 Failed to Demonstrate Operability.Caused by Broken Tab on B Phase of Valve Motor Breaker Stab.Stab Replaced ML20090D2661975-06-24024 June 1975 Preliminary AO 50-219/75-18:on 750623,handhole Covers in Standby Gas Treatment Filter Train 1-1 Not in Place.Cause Under Investigation.Covers Repositioned & Secured ML20090D2781975-06-24024 June 1975 AO 50-219/75-16:on 750614,electromatic Relief Valve Pressure Switches 1A83P & E Tripped at Pressures Exceeding Tech Spec Limit.Caused by Instrument Setpoint Drift.Switches Reset ML20090D2731975-06-19019 June 1975 Preliminary AO 50-219/75-17:on 750619,during Surveillance Test,Core Spray Sys Parallel Isolation Valve V-20-15 Failed to Demonstrate Operability.Caused by Broken Tab on B Phase of Valve Motor Breaker Stab.Stab Replaced ML20090D2901975-06-16016 June 1975 Preliminary AO 50-219/75-16:on 750614,electromatic Relief Valve Pressure Switches 1A83B & E Tripped at Pressure Exceeding Tech Spec Limit.Caused by Instrument Setpoint Drift.Switches Reset ML20090D6561975-06-0606 June 1975 AO-50-219/75-14:on 750529,during Surveillance Test of Containment Spray Pump Operability,Essential Svc Water Pump 1-2 Failed to Develop Sufficient Discharge Pressure.Caused by Dirt in Check Valve V-3-68.Valve Cleaned & Repaired ML20090D2971975-06-0606 June 1975 AO 50-219/75-15:on 750530,calculations of TIP Traces Indicated Total Peaking Factor in One Core Location in Excess of Value of Pf Given in Tech Specs.Caused by Lack of Operating Experience W/New Core Loading ML20090D2981975-06-0202 June 1975 Preliminary AO 50-219/75-15:on 750530,calculations of TIP Traces Indicated Total Peaking Factor in One Core Location in Excess of Value of Pf Given in Tech Specs.Caused by Lack of Operating Experience W/New Core Loading ML20090D6581975-05-30030 May 1975 Preliminary AO-50-219/75-14:on 750529,during Surveillance Test of Containment Spray Pump Operability,Essential Svc Water Pump 1-2 Failed to Develop Sufficient Discharge Pressure.Caused by Dirt in Check Valve V-3-68.Valve Cleaned ML20090D6611975-05-14014 May 1975 AO-50-219/75-13:on 750507,during Surveillance Test,Time Delay Relay 6Kll Failed to de-energize within 15 After Pressure Sensor RE-15C Tripped.Caused by Component Failure.Relay 6Kll Replaced ML20090D6641975-05-0707 May 1975 Preliminary AO-50-219/75-13:on 750507,during Surveillance Test,Time Delay Relay 6Kll Failed to de-energize within 15 After Pressure Sensor RE-15C Tripped.Caused by Component Failure.Relay 6Kll Replaced ML20090D6531975-05-0606 May 1975 AO-50-219/75-12:on 750426,low Reactor Pressure Core Spray Valve Permissive Pressure Switches Re 17B & C Found to Trip at Pressure Less than Tech Spec Value.Caused by Switch Repeatablilty.Switches Recalibr ML20090D6701975-04-28028 April 1975 Preliminary AO-50-219/75-12:on 750426,low Reactor Pressure Core Spray Valve Permissive Pressure Switches Re 178 & C Found to Trip at Pressure Less than Tech Spec Value.Caused by Switch Repeatability.Switches Recalibr ML20090D6751975-04-18018 April 1975 AO-50-219/75-11:on 750410,leakage of Main Line Drain & Bypass Line Exceeded Tech Spec Rate.Caused by Failure of Packing on Valve V-1-110.Valve to Be Repacked ML20090D7001975-04-14014 April 1975 AO-50-219/75-10:on 750404,reactor Bldg to Torus Vacuum Breaker Valves V-26-16 & 18 Leak Rates Exceeded Tech Spec Limits.Caused by Component Failure.Valves Adjusted &/Or Repaired ML20090D6811975-04-11011 April 1975 Preliminary AO-50-219/75-11:on 750410,leakage of Main Line Drain & Bypass Line Exceeded Tech Spec Rate.Caused by Failure of Packing on Valve V-1-110.Valve to Be Repacked ML20090D7131975-04-0808 April 1975 AO-50-219/75-09:on 750329,breaker 1C Tripped Resulting in Fault on Bus 1C.Caused by Fault on Cable 86-25.Cables Replaced ML20090D7061975-04-0707 April 1975 Preliminary AO-50-219/75-10:on 750404,reactor Bldg to Torus Vacuum Breaker Valves V-26-16 & 18 Leak Rates Exceeded Tech Spec Limits.Caused by Component Failure. Valves Adjusted &/Or Repaired ML20090D7271975-04-0303 April 1975 AO-50-219/75-08:on 750325,power Operation Continued W/ Average Linear Heat Generation Rate of Fuel Assemblies in Excess of Max Linear Heat Generation Rate.Caused by Failure to Properly Monitor Reactor Core.Rate Reduced ML20090D7211975-03-31031 March 1975 Preliminary AO-50-219/75-09:on 750329,breaker 1C Tripped Due to Fault on Bus 1C.Caused by Fault on Cable 86-25.Cables Replaced ML20090D7651975-03-27027 March 1975 AO-50-219/75-07:on 750319,during Standby Gas Treatment Sys (SGTS) Test,Dehumidifying Heater EHC-1-5 in SGTS 1 Failed to Energize.Caused by Plugged Orifice in Air Supply to Controller.New Type of Differential Relay Installed ML20090D7361975-03-26026 March 1975 Preliminary AO-50-219/75-08:on 750325,power Operation Continued W/Average Linear Heat Generation Rate of Fuel Assemblies in Excess of Max Linear Heat Generation Rate. Caused by Improper Reactor Core Monitoring.Rate Reduced ML20090D7761975-03-20020 March 1975 Preliminary AO-50-219/75-07:on 750319,during Stanby Gas Treatment Sys (SGTS) Test,Dehumidifying Heater EHC-1-5 in SGTS 1 Failed to Energize.Caused by Plugged Orifice in Air Supply to Controller.New Type of Relay Installed ML20090D7801975-03-19019 March 1975 AO-50-219/75-06:on 750310,stack Gas Sample Sys Failed to Continuously Monitor Stack Releases While Reactor in Unisolated Condition.Caused by Circuit Design.Request to Modify Circuit for Stack Gas Sample Pumps Submitted ML20090D7901975-03-13013 March 1975 AO-50-219/75-05:on 750306,during Monthly Surveillance Test, Containment Spray Pump 51A Failed to Start When Subjected to Simulated Signals.Caused by Breaker Trip Bar Failing to Reset After Previous Breaker Trip.Trip Bar Bushings Cleaned ML20090D7811975-03-11011 March 1975 Preliminary AO-50-219/75-06:on 750310,stack Gas Sample Sys Failed to Monitor Stack Releases While Reactor in Unisolated Condition.Caused by faulty-circuit Design 1975-09-08
[Table view] Category:TEXT-SAFETY REPORT
MONTHYEAR05000219/LER-1998-011, :on 980914,three Small Bore Pipe Lines Did Not Meet Design Bases for Seismic & Thermal Allowables.Caused by Inadequate Structural Piping Analysis.Two 1/2 Sdcs Lines Were Modified During 17R RFO & 3rd Was Modified During 19991999-09-30030 September 1999
- on 980914,three Small Bore Pipe Lines Did Not Meet Design Bases for Seismic & Thermal Allowables.Caused by Inadequate Structural Piping Analysis.Two 1/2 Sdcs Lines Were Modified During 17R RFO & 3rd Was Modified During 1999
ML20217K4451999-09-30030 September 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for Sept 1999 for Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station.With ML20216H5141999-09-24024 September 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 209 to License DPR-16 ML20211P6731999-08-31031 August 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for Aug 1999 for Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station.With ML20211A7051999-07-31031 July 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for July 1999 for Oyster Creek Nuclear Station.With 05000219/LER-1999-001, :on 990208,prolonged Operation of TB with Condenser & Heater Bay Pressure Less than Design Was Noted. Caused by Lack of Clearly Documented Design Description. Placed Alternate Exhaust Fan in Service.With1999-07-29029 July 1999
- on 990208,prolonged Operation of TB with Condenser & Heater Bay Pressure Less than Design Was Noted. Caused by Lack of Clearly Documented Design Description. Placed Alternate Exhaust Fan in Service.With
ML20209G0631999-06-30030 June 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for June 1999 for Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station.With 05000219/LER-1999-004, :on 990510,determined That Configurations of Two Pipe Supports in Spent Fuel Pool Cooling Sys Do Not Meet Design Requirements for Deadweight Loads.Caused by Inadequate Analysis.Pipes Upgraded.With1999-06-22022 June 1999
- on 990510,determined That Configurations of Two Pipe Supports in Spent Fuel Pool Cooling Sys Do Not Meet Design Requirements for Deadweight Loads.Caused by Inadequate Analysis.Pipes Upgraded.With
ML20212H5491999-06-18018 June 1999 Non-proprietary Rev 4 to HI-981983, Licensing Rept for Storage Capacity Expansion of Oyster Creek Spent Fuel Pool ML20195C8141999-06-0202 June 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 208 to License DPR-16 ML20195E7961999-05-31031 May 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for May 1999 for Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station.With ML20206U9511999-05-18018 May 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 207 to License DPR-16 ML20206P0241999-05-13013 May 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 206 to License DPR-16 ML20206P0881999-05-12012 May 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 205 to License DPR-16 ML20206N7431999-04-30030 April 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for Apr 1999 for Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station.With 05000219/LER-1999-003, :on 990402,cable Trays Did Not Meet Separation Criteria.Caused by Inadequate Engineering Review.Fire Watch Was Stationed Immediately Upon Discovery.With1999-04-30030 April 1999
- on 990402,cable Trays Did Not Meet Separation Criteria.Caused by Inadequate Engineering Review.Fire Watch Was Stationed Immediately Upon Discovery.With
05000219/LER-1999-002-01, :on 990330,fire Protection Deluge Sys Isolation Valve Was Found Out of Position.No Root Cause Determined. Technical Assessment Was Performed.With1999-04-29029 April 1999
- on 990330,fire Protection Deluge Sys Isolation Valve Was Found Out of Position.No Root Cause Determined. Technical Assessment Was Performed.With
ML20205P5401999-03-31031 March 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for Mar 1999 for Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station.With ML20205A7451999-03-17017 March 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 204 to License DPR-16 05000219/LER-1999-001-02, :on 990208,noted Prolonged Operation of TB with Condenser & Heater Bay Pressure.Caused by Loss of Integrity of Ventilation Envelope (Physical Boundaries).Alternate Exhaust Fan Was Placed in Service.With1999-03-0808 March 1999
- on 990208,noted Prolonged Operation of TB with Condenser & Heater Bay Pressure.Caused by Loss of Integrity of Ventilation Envelope (Physical Boundaries).Alternate Exhaust Fan Was Placed in Service.With
ML20204C8201999-02-28028 February 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for Feb 1999 for Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station.With 05000219/LER-1998-016, :on 981028,single DG Start,Occurred.Caused by Loss of One Source of Offsite Power.Generator Relay Surveillance Revised to Eliminate Possibility of Inadvertent Procedural Breaker Trips.With1999-01-0505 January 1999
- on 981028,single DG Start,Occurred.Caused by Loss of One Source of Offsite Power.Generator Relay Surveillance Revised to Eliminate Possibility of Inadvertent Procedural Breaker Trips.With
ML20199E4671998-12-31031 December 1998 Monthly Operating Rept for Dec 1998 for Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station.With ML20195E8321998-12-31031 December 1998 10CFR50.59(b) Rept of Changes to Oyster Creek Sys & Procedures, for Period of June 1997 to Dec 1998.With 05000219/LER-1998-019, :on 981118,missed TS Required Surveillance Test.Caused by Inadequate Administrative Controls.Revised Related Surveillance Task Descriptions to Provide Improved Ref.With1998-12-18018 December 1998
- on 981118,missed TS Required Surveillance Test.Caused by Inadequate Administrative Controls.Revised Related Surveillance Task Descriptions to Provide Improved Ref.With
ML20198D2091998-11-30030 November 1998 Monthly Operating Rept for Nov 1998 for Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station.With ML20196E2741998-11-30030 November 1998 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 203 to License DPR-16 05000219/LER-1998-017, :on 981027,discovered That Station Battery Racks Did Not Comply with Seismic Design Basis.Caused by Inadequate Engineering Review.Restored Battery Rack Retainer Plates to Appropriate Configuration.With1998-11-25025 November 1998
- on 981027,discovered That Station Battery Racks Did Not Comply with Seismic Design Basis.Caused by Inadequate Engineering Review.Restored Battery Rack Retainer Plates to Appropriate Configuration.With
05000219/LER-1998-018, :on 981023,DG 2 Failed to Start from App R Local Shutdown Panel During Functional Test.Caused by Incorrectly Designed Wiring.Incorrect Wiring Was Modified & Demonstrated by Testing to Be Correct.With1998-11-23023 November 1998
- on 981023,DG 2 Failed to Start from App R Local Shutdown Panel During Functional Test.Caused by Incorrectly Designed Wiring.Incorrect Wiring Was Modified & Demonstrated by Testing to Be Correct.With
ML20195J8591998-11-12012 November 1998 Rev 11 to 1000-PLN-7200.01, Gpu Nuclear Operational QA Plan ML20195C4481998-11-0909 November 1998 Correction to SE Supporting Amend 201 to License DPR-16. Corrected Page Shows Line Bars in Margin Indicating Areas of Change ML20195C4271998-11-0606 November 1998 Safety Evaluation Supporting Proposed Ocnpp Mod to Install Core Support Plate Wedges to Structurally Replace Lateral Resistance Provided by Rim Hold Down Bolts for One Operating Cycle ML20155G9311998-11-0404 November 1998 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 201 to License DPR-16 ML20155J3021998-10-31031 October 1998 Monthly Operating Rept for Oct 1998 for Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station.With 05000219/LER-1998-014, :on 980928,noted Failure of Isolation Condenser Tube Bundles.Caused by Thermal Stresses/Tgscc Due to Leaky Valve.Replaced Failed Tubes Bundles & Repaired Condensate Return Valve.With1998-10-29029 October 1998
- on 980928,noted Failure of Isolation Condenser Tube Bundles.Caused by Thermal Stresses/Tgscc Due to Leaky Valve.Replaced Failed Tubes Bundles & Repaired Condensate Return Valve.With
05000219/LER-1998-015, :on 980929,SDC Isolation Occurred Due to Equipment Failure.Caused by Damaged Conduit That Appeared to Have Been Damaged by Personnel Error.Instrument Was Repaired & Bypass Was Removed.With1998-10-28028 October 1998
- on 980929,SDC Isolation Occurred Due to Equipment Failure.Caused by Damaged Conduit That Appeared to Have Been Damaged by Personnel Error.Instrument Was Repaired & Bypass Was Removed.With
05000219/LER-1998-013-01, :on 980926,LLRT Results Indicated That MSIV NS03B Exceeded TS Leak Rate Limit.Caused by Component Wear. Maint Was Performed on Subject Valve to Restore Seat Integrity & as-left LLRT Was Acceptable.With1998-10-26026 October 1998
- on 980926,LLRT Results Indicated That MSIV NS03B Exceeded TS Leak Rate Limit.Caused by Component Wear. Maint Was Performed on Subject Valve to Restore Seat Integrity & as-left LLRT Was Acceptable.With
ML20154R4981998-10-20020 October 1998 Core Spray Sys Insp Program - 17R 05000219/LER-1998-012-01, :on 980916,unplanned Actuation of Esfs Occurred.Caused by Written Communication.Procedure Revised to Include Signature Verifications to Install & Subsequently Remove Ohmmeter1998-10-16016 October 1998
- on 980916,unplanned Actuation of Esfs Occurred.Caused by Written Communication.Procedure Revised to Include Signature Verifications to Install & Subsequently Remove Ohmmeter
05000219/LER-1998-011-01, :on 980914,discovered That Three Small Bore Piping Lines Did Not Meet Design Basis Seismic &/Or Thermal Allowables.Caused by Design Deficiency.Subject Lines Will Be Modified During Present Refueling Outage.With1998-10-15015 October 1998
- on 980914,discovered That Three Small Bore Piping Lines Did Not Meet Design Basis Seismic &/Or Thermal Allowables.Caused by Design Deficiency.Subject Lines Will Be Modified During Present Refueling Outage.With
ML20154M6311998-10-15015 October 1998 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 200 to License DPR-16 ML20154L3051998-10-14014 October 1998 Safety Evaluation Accepting Licensee Request to Defer Insp of 79 Welds from One Fuel Cycle at 17R Outage ML20154L5571998-09-30030 September 1998 Monthly Operating Rept for Sept 1998 for Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station.With ML20154Q3371998-09-30030 September 1998 Rev 8 to Oyster Creek Cycle 17,COLR ML20237D5691998-08-31031 August 1998 Rev 0 to MPR-1957, Design Submittal for Oyster Creek Core Plate Wedge Modification ML20151V6311998-08-31031 August 1998 Monthly Operating Rept for Aug 1998 for Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station.With 05000219/LER-1998-010, :on 980724,DG Switchgear Was Found Beyond Design Bases.Caused by Inadequate Installation During Original Construction.Evaluated Temporary Mod to Determine If It Should Be Reclassified as Permanent Mod1998-08-24024 August 1998
- on 980724,DG Switchgear Was Found Beyond Design Bases.Caused by Inadequate Installation During Original Construction.Evaluated Temporary Mod to Determine If It Should Be Reclassified as Permanent Mod
ML20237D5711998-08-18018 August 1998 Rev 0 to SE-000222-002, Core Plate Wedge Installation ML20237B7331998-08-13013 August 1998 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 196 to License DPR-16 ML20237B0131998-07-31031 July 1998 Monthly Operating Rept for July 1998 for Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station 1999-09-30
[Table view] |
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A'ITACHMDTI' III Page 1 of 5
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- < i.a t- ; . .:- ' c re energi:el to c . , r; p:r:e- i t. the . e. . _ . - .m c8, ut iner tranFo: m r cc .11 o be cc t . : c d c '; n l '. 2 .c : < t cocer setrint on the C ...m di r e n.nt l a; ) .u i a:ir.? r:1 : ': F ':in', i.uring thc e,tr; (Irtt r . ;cn.<J ui " Sit . . i . r "1 ne:,ner diesel <tn-ci ster wasaMu to rcst r rt after h:. 7 cnce been initictei in ~
ti.e " Fast St a rt" tvJe ao.. is un 3.ecur.' schen po.:cr was lost to me 'lo0V .'J bus,
- c. c. c situs' ions are cour : cered t o b cSnor al occurrences as 6; f i ned in t he Technic:.1 F;.eci fi c;t c.r; , part",1 cph 1.15D U nilure of cne or .c r c cor;onents c: an en,qinc ered safet:.
f m ure P.. c: 1s es the feature to bc in:n . :.h of perforn:ing i t .3 intenc: . .t . ct i c r.; r n d . 15 G (c'. ra d im J:quacies in ti.e i: , l e:acat e.t i ce oJ 'roce; n 1 contrc:' such that the 1 C :.u r e t the 'J Xi Ste 1J e or de Je3 0pO;nt of an unUnfC Condition in conne ction ca th the epcrotion of the plant) .
Notification of this event, as required by the Technical Spec-ificat. ions , paragraph 6.6.2.a, unc node to AEC Region I, Dir-ectorate of Regulatory Operations, by telephone on Saturday, Septe:ber 8, 1973, at 10:15 a.m., and further elaborated upon personally 1:i th Mr. E. Greenran from AEC Region 1, Directorate of Her,ulat er; Operat ions , on Tuesda:, , Septenbc r 11, 1973, in the r.orning during his visit to tne site. Further, the preblem seith the ste _ up t- nr fern rs '. as tel ecapi ed t o A'iC Regi on I cn
- Wy, St 1. ' : : I r , 3 :' ~ , rt 1 : 7'1 p: ., and the diffi: ult; ex9:rienecc ':ith the Di e.*1 G:'nc rr.t c rs sea s tel ecopied cn
'i!. n ay , ' c pt r 13, 1975, at 5:00 p.m.
SIlUATIO::. A plant shutdo.:n had progressed to the point tihere, witn elec-trical output at approxir:at ely 90 M c, a transfer of station loadt f rau t h e Au::ili a rf 1 : ca:s fer:. c: to the Starcup Transformers can at t er.:pt e d . Qen a closing sipia! ens applicd to the S1 A brealer, a loss of po.:e: occurred on the 1A 4160V AC bus which, c:.cag other thinc.s, caused to circulating water pumps, three re:::t er rc ei rcul cri on p'r.e , and the operatin;; condensate an 1 feet ,.at er t o: to t::p. 1.esel Generator r1 wns initiated in th. " fast S '. a r ; " : . . c , rcc- :';1cing the IC 4160V AC bus , re:,terin;;
p :cr to thc : :i: i re w : J n ste: - should they ha'.c becn rc ;ui red. An ':ti c r a: 'w .
r ade t a ".t e rt the 1: r.nd C Cendens ate l'c >s, but before e!':<: : .' p could be started, the react or re: wd du: '. o I c .. r :< 1 'crel. -
In reconst ructing the subsc-
. n' n events, thc foli c., ' u.n i.e'. - ne
> rt in ent :
1792 205 D ~D li '[Y ' F /R AA 1 fU !AL i 8.001z30 3
ATTACIDE7f III Page 2 of 5 io
,r s: ~ . . ~ ; .. Cc*- ,p [ T r) ~ ~
- 3. : 01] o.:laa a . . ., the d ' 10 ' AC Lux u c r. en crr.i v .'
r acerl, n .- ihe w 1: ane 'o: . : r.
- 2. The "]cchcut" re l :" , 3 05 A , ; ..c. ? c: n cauc1];. , t h e G '.
L' rt .. : c r c a . eles . , Merc1 Ucn :..or F1 tras synchrcn-ined with "systen," cnd the JC br,;aher uus c1cstd.
- 5. Diese] Gem cater fI sccurcJ. At this tine, the
" Trouble" al arm was ..nnuncirt ed in the Contral Roen ,
and an electrician uns dispatched to d::teri.dr.e the cacze.
- 4. An atter'pt uns nadc to start thc A Condensate Punp, but the in-rush current apparently tripped 51 A breaker, Dicsel Generator el uas not~ initiated in the "Fnst Start" node due to the ciifine "3 ockout" relay which has pretio.tsly beer actunted (the c;.use for the "Troub]e" alarn).
- 5. An attempt was nade to start the B or C Condensate Punps, but the in-rush current apparently tripped the 51B breakcr. Diesel Generator 1-2 was initiated in the
" Fast Start" mode reenergizing the 1D 4160V AC bus.
For the period of tine taken for Diesel Generator *2 to come up to speed, buildup volt age and reenergize the bus (less than 15 seconds), the station was without AC power.
- 6. Both the SA and SD transferrar "Icetout" relays were reset na!.ually and bct ' S1.4 and SIB breakers were closed.
- 7. Diesel Generator il was initiated in the " Fast Start" node when the c]cetrician reset the engine " lockout" relay.
- 8. Diesel Generator it2 was synchroni:cd with "systen,"
the ]D bren!;cr closed, and the Diesel Generator was secured. Upon ;;ecuring the unit, the " Trouble" alare was annunciated (apparently due to the engine " lockout" rclay being. activat ed) . The electrician was advised of the situat i on.
- 9. '. gain an was cade to start the B or C Condensate l'ugs with t he sarce resu] ts as before. Ilowever, Diesel Generator i 2 failed te start.
pphj\ o 9o ag 1792 206 TJ J A Alt 4 a
A'I'IAC1BCT III Page 3 of 5 n, -
i j.. < ,,ci - -
,;; . , c -:m " rr' Jr. , f-i .' N . . . . . . r. i . ...J :n * :
"r i t . '
. . " r.t u
- 11. i. i t h t re C f.D p u '-
' :n-.i n g .
. -c1 l' d P:irc Ey-.;.:
hydr '.';c cc..t ro , st; ac: t.:3 s. : a um opmed 1 o i=sist in il. rc cc . . cy o f rer c . 2 t er J evel . i n a r. l. . . -
teu b vel n .e c h t .. , rc co. . x ..a Feed. eater Contre' Syst m le'.cl 1ccoct r, was f.' : - the core, l'10" c'>c 2 .
the t.c t . .. . i on ptd '.t #cr inititt _ t e Co: ,.: S;...:y Sys u und .bo:: the reactor.
- 12. 'ihe "SIV's ucre clos;c' by the c; _ . :or und the Isolt.t i.or Condensers were '.:c:n:.:lly in:t: . . .. o clir..inate the -
invcntc:y loss fror the venc; i. .c provide f ar c:cc;-
heat reua'.' l .
C ." ' " ! - The prob]cn exne;ienced vi t' th e S . : rt'a - r: :s for':.c r b rech en SIA and SIB ucs t rnced to i.n incorrc;t s c .;ing of the cur:ent transformer ratio r".tching taps for the C p.ase differentici relay on both units. In attempting to either crrry a sizeabic load and/
or start a large load, a differential fcuh current based upon the improper tap setting was sensed, trippin; O e bus supply breckers.
The problen expcrienced with the Diesel G: .erators was i d ent i fi .-d to be as a result of relay contact actraile, which is inherent in the design of the circuit (see Figure 1). iicien the unit is initiated in the " Fast Stcrt" Lode, pecer to the cr . n..- fault circuit is cut.
off. Uith the unit at spec c', the 0AD rc1:- ir encroi ed closin~o e contccts in the u.g; ne " loc.:c A" circuit.. E:dcr norr.a1 cond.tior ,
the bc trint oil mcssure sunch ucu . b; c::sua, enabling the :M relay to be enc . p d, cptnin;; a contact 1. ...e en,ine " "Jachaut" ci rcui t . Heue'c:, inat relay cculd not a energized duc to the opened Start Relay contcci- and com crf cntly the bearing oil pressure contacts rennined closed. liaen ...c unit was r' d, the Fast St art i'elay was deenergized, closing t' c Fast Str .selay contacts. P.cfore the MBR relav could be ? :rgized and 2ts resnec-tive contacts opened in the enginc " loc!: a" circuit, the "l o'clou r "
relay uns actuated which prevented a subr er xnt start. Tne engine 3 would renain locked out until the rela;;c: ?lc be manually reset le cally, as nas the case.
1;F' ~ib I .'.L f . ! O', .
'lhe cu: rent t rnii.- i o r.w r rnt i c Lat chi n g t: ; icre set up prep.rly
. ud ilm aa 1 : .u.s
< re re t e: " ' t o :,a:nal, Tnin actica was cry,_
pleted hv 8:39 .. 'l h C CC]:.ny he] :'y [ c,TT r! etat uc.S COntPc;( '
.n d 10:; cht .b wc can ' . _ . e on ca h c' the t rc.ns fo r p.m .
di: fc tr.u ini re: s. All c:. co cere ,. :. fcetccy. As reg:: M 1792 207
<g go o e Ty a la X n
ATTAODCC III Page 4 of 5 -
i .r. . -- .' c.Ter F, . i .
th- M ea.2 f n e ! .. ar pro? !; . . d e r' . , t h e j o: - e i n ' er cc:,:" * ; t ns
- d. "I~ *rel::v3 i .c2<tt c' . , ,'.c ria '
to rer', : . A "iCyt StLri" tt;st of I 3 !Lf el Ce; ' ..I' U .' . 5 0' s C .'. . cntly C o!. .'u r I C d
. .ile rmiton:u. the enginc fcult 2.? c ci rcui trv, turning up tia prci.)er rs *nevict-1:. dir cus.v ad. G: w: .! i.. et ers ha s been ec .-
t act ed with ret.crd:. t o a nodi ficatica 1:nich cc Ad be cade to tha circuit to circuivent the problent.
h deri:;ned redundancy for the stnt lo:i vi tal pv.<cr supplies (i . e . , off-sitc pacer '.d diesel ;a S ctms) w not prescnt and, in fact , h.d not bcen present since July 30, 1U73 when a test of the S.crtup Transformer p: tare differential relcy: had been conducted.
Under a bona-fide loss of power ccndition, bou a esel generntors would have p:;rfor;ned their intended function and, in fact, did since both units actuete; to enerrine their respective buses upon initin11y sensing undervoltarc. Ilo.eever, had a prnlett arisen, which required a subsequent " Fast S* art" irzaediately after the units had been secured from a " Fast St: rt ," such as occurred here, no AC power would have been availabic to power any necessary safe-guarch equipment until the engine " lockout" relays cauld be reset.
- 1. Prepare procedures, in cenjunction with the P. clay Departnant, for all Relay Departccnt work in the plant. All work must be coordinated with the Shift
. Prepare a desirn change to the diesel gencrator logic circuits to prevent lockout fo!!cminr, chu ('u n of the diesel. General 1lotors should be contacted for recon:acndations.
- 3. Pcriew and revise Procedure 511, as rcquired.
1792 208 Pmpared ,ey:
e I
< )_ Date: ,.j'I'./?.
7 . .,
h:;'C Ap; rov. ! - ' '"e"-"' Pa: e : '((/ 7 [7 3
ATTACIC C III Page 5 of 5 RESPONSE 'ID ENCNJRE QUESTIONS REPORTIGLE CTUPRENCE 50-219/73-19 Section B of Enclosure Questions is pertinent since this event involved both Startup Transformers.
B.1 Power to both ouses was lost for approxunately 15 seconds until the Diesel Generator could start and supply power to one bus. Refer to report for .
details. NCTIE: As described in the report the designed sta.-tup transfcImer capability was lost for a period of approx. 38 days.
B.2 Since the event caused a Reactor Scram Turbine Trip, this glestion does not appear perti:ient. Please review report for details.
B.3 Both autcratic and manual actions were taken as detailed in the report.
B.4 No voltage excursions are relevant to the occurrence.
B.5 No frequency excursions are relevant to the occurrence.
B.6 Date of event: 9/8/73 1792 209