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Correction to SE Supporting Amend 201 to License DPR-16. Corrected Page Shows Line Bars in Margin Indicating Areas of Change
Person / Time
Site: Oyster Creek
Issue date: 11/09/1998
NRC (Affiliation Not Assigned)
Shared Package
ML20195C453 List:
NUDOCS 9811170115
Download: ML20195C448 (1)


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3. The RCS bulk temperature, as measured by TE-31D, shall not exceed a temperature of 99 degrees F prior to the initiation of the valve repair activity and no evolution involving removal of the valve disc shall occur if the RCS bulk temperature exceeds 99 degrees F.
4. RPV water level will not exceed 210 inch &s above Top of the Active Fuel (TAF).


5. Shutdown cooling system will be in operation.
6. Both core spray systems sha!! be operable.
7. Fire Protection system shall be operable as a back up to core spray system.
8. At least one loop of the reactor recirculation system will be operable.
9. The emergency diesel generators and their respective safety related electrical distribution system will be operable.
10. Off-site power shall be available
11. Secondary containment shall be operable.
12. Both standby gas systems will be operable.
13. The RPV will be vented.
14. RWCU pumps will be electrically deenergized. RWCU isolation valves will be closed.


15. Provisions will be in place to remove any equipment traversing the drywell airlock to ensure j

that the air lock can be closed in a timely fashion should the need arise.

16. The seal plate assembly for V-16-63 shall be staged and ready for fit up and installation.

The above listed conditions are prerequisites for establishing the freeze seal. As stated below, since the licensee has taken adequate precautions to reduce the likelihood of a freeze seal failure and to mitigate the consequences of a failed freeze seal, the use of the freeze sealis acceptable.

During the performance of the valve repair, reactor vessel water level will be monitored to ensure that it does not exceed 210 inches above TAF. As described above, two core spray l

pumps and the fire system will be available for make up in case of an inadvertent loss of reactor coolant inventory. GPU has determined that the core spray system is capable of supplying sufficient water to maintain the RPV water level at or above 56 inches TAF assuming a 6-inch opening in the reactor coolant system. The fuel heat up rate is significantly lower since the irradiated fuel bundles have been in shutdown for several days. GPU has determined that the core spray systems are capable of providing adequate core cooling.

l The proposed valve repair activity will occur with the drywell airlock and primary containment l

open. However, the secondary containment will be closed. In the event of a loss of the freeze 9811170115 981109 PDR ADOCK 05000219 ENCLOSURE p

