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{{#Wiki_filter:1 1                        UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 2                  NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION 3                                    + ++    + +
6                      TELEPHONE CONVERSATION(S) 7                  RE MILLSTONE ALERT DECLARATION 8                              OF APRIL 17, 2005 9
10                              EVENT NO. 41607 11              RST Bridge Tape 2, Side B, 14:25-15:37 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21                    Information in this record was deleted inaccordance with the Freedom of InformatiOIt 22                    Act, expti~f6 5 1`0 1P        - '~ Y 23 24 25 NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS QI H1 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W.
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31 1
2 3
4 6
7f 5o                                                                              1'5 8
9 10 11                  OPERATOR:          Someone        has  entered        the 12    conference.
13                  MR. LANNING:        Bill,    this is Wayne Lanning.
14    Are you there?
15                  MR. HOFFNER:        Yes, Wayne.        This is Bill.
16    I'd like to provide an update to you.
17                  We  approximately,            10    minutes    ago,      15 18    minutes ago,    Unit 3 secured 2 & 4 reactor coolant 19  pumps and we've begun a plant cool down.                  We're right 20    now going to cool down at              approximately 60          to 70 21    degrees per hour.      So we anticipate, 'as I told you 22  before, about three hours to get to --                to get down to 23  hot shutdown.
24                  At 1600 we're going to evaluate the cool 25  down, making sure that we're going to meet all of our NEAL R. GROSS                1,5      D    o 5 COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS            t 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W.
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32 1 action requirements. And at that point we'll evaluate 2 the      termination criteria.              The question        is    if we 3 decide to terminate, do you desire a phone call prior 4 to that?
5                    MR. LANNING:      Yes, sir. I would appreciate 6 that phone call before you exit the Alert.
7                    MR. HOFFNER:        I understand.        You would 8 like a phone call prior to termination?
9                    MR. LANNING:        Yes.
10                    MR. HOFFNER:        Okay.        I also wanted to 11 provide an update on sampling of the steam generators.
12 We had        the initial      sample on three to            four steam 13 generators.        But one of the samples, the flow rate was 14 very low on.          So that's why we wanted to go back and 15 redo it.
16                    The delta steam generator is isolated by 17 a tech spec action statement.                    So we can't use the 18 normal sample line. So what we're in the process of 19 doing      is getting      steam generator blowdown back in 20 service and then get the sample off of that. However, 21 the Terry turbine which is running has a rad monitor 22 that right now three of the four steam generators are 23 supplying        steam    to    that.        And      it's  showing        no 24 indication that the three generators that it supplies 25 the alpha, bravo and delta.                So we do have the delta NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W.
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33 1 going        through a rad monitor and it's detecting no 2  indication of any activity.
3                    MR. LANNING:          Is    there    a  (Inaudible) 4  sample that's available or not?
5                    MR. HOFFNER:        There is from delta that has 6 a normal sample line.                  It has an alternate sample 7  line,      but  that    alternate        sample      line  is  isolated 8 because of the main steam line isolation. It's in the 9 turbine building,            so it's not seen the steam.                    So 10 right now we can also offer the blowdown through an 11 alignment        with a core        that we're          working our way 12 through        getting    that    in    service      and getting      that 13 ability to get a sample of that in chemistry.                      And one 14 of my operation supervisor are working to get that 15 done.
16                    MR. LANNING:        And    (Inaudible)or narrow 17 range monitor          --    rad monitor going            to the    turbine 18 building steam.
19                    MR. HOFFNER:            It would be like a main 20 steamline rad monitor.              You know, one of those type of 21 detectors, right off a steam line, or it would be very 22 similar to that.            So the (Inaudible) sensitive.                  You 23 know,      if you had a faulty steam generator what we'd 24 use for detection is a rad monitor of that type.
25                    Normally      the    three.      Would  be  the      air NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W.
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34 1  ejectors,      the blowdown and then the main steamline.
2  So this      is  concurrent with the main steamline rad 3 monitor.
4                    MR. LANNING:        Okay.      And this was done in 5  the N-16 monitor?
6                    MR. HOFFNER:        It's not an N-16.
7                    MR. LANNING:        Okay.        So it's different 8  than what's on the main steam lines?
9                    MR. HOFFNER:        No.      We have both a main 10  steam rad monitor --          hold on one second.
11                    Yes, we have an N16, you know, that's on 12 the      line. But we      also have      a main      steamline rad 13 monitor.        The N16 was a backfit maybe four years ago 14 on Unit 3.
15                    MR. LANNING:          Okay.      So to make sure I 16 understand.          You do      have    an    intake    steam    on    the 17 turbine building steam line?
18                    MR. HOFFNER:        Can you say that again?              We 19 do not have an N-16 on the terry turbine line.
20                    MR. LANNING:        Okay.
21                    MR. HOFFNER:        Hey, Wayne?
22                    MR. LANNING:        Yes.
23                    MR. HOFFNER:          To put it in explanation.
24 It would be like you have an area rad monitor that's 25 hosted right on the steam line or right on the terry NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W.
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35 1  turbine line.
2                    MR. LANNING:        Okay.
3                    MR. HOFFNER:        It's that kind of a monitor.
4  So anything --          any activity passing by,              it was be 5  sensitive to.
6                    MR. LANNING:        So I have a gross gamma 7  monitor?
8                    MR. HOFFNER: Gross gamma?              Yes,  I think 9  that's a good explanation of it.
10                    MR. LANNING:        All right.      Are you planning 11  to sample the main steam line?
12                    MR. HOFFNER:        Well, we're planning on --
13 you mean the steam generators?
14                    MR. LANNING:        Yes.
15                    MR. HOFFNER:        Yes.      We're planning on is 16 getting blowdown on service from each steam generator 17 and then get a sample off the blowdown line.
18                    MR. LANNING:        Okay.
19                    MR. HOFFNER:        Now bravo and charlie we 20 have the normal sample, so this will be for alpha and 21 delta.
22                    MR. LANNING:        Okay.        And I understand 23 you're no longer steaming on delta, is that correct?
24                    MR. HOFFNER:      We are no longer steaming on 25 delta.          We have stopped the delta reactor coolant NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W.
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36 1  pumps, so we're only running alpha and bravo reactor 2  coolant pumps, so most of the steam will in fact come 3  from alpha and bravo.          Because that's the one you've 4  got the more forced circulation on.
5                  MR. LANNING:          Okay.
6                  MR. HOFFNER:          Now,    that's not to say we 7  can't steam from all four. Just because of the flow 8  and they prevalent more of this flow.
9                  MR. LANNING:        All right.        Now it's it the 10 A loop that's questionable at reduced flow?
11                  MR. HOFFNER:        The alpha loop had slightly 12  less flow, but the samples came back negative on that.
13                  MR. LANNING:          Okay.        So  you      have 14  confidence in those samples?
15                  MR. HOFFNER:        Excuse me?
16                  MR. LANNING:        You have confidence in those 17  samples for the A loop?
18                  MR. HOFFNER:        Well, we have not only the 19  samples, we have --        that also flows through the terry 20 turbine.      There was no indication on that. We have no 21 unplanned      or  unexpected        levels        (Inaudible).        No 22 unexplained decrease in RCS inventory. So we have a 23 lot of backups to indicate no primary or secondary 24 leakage.
25                  MR. LANNING: Okay.            All right. I think I NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W.
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37 1 understand that.        Thank you.
2                MR. HOFFNER:        Okay.
3                MR. LANNING:          Do we have any update on 4  indicating the cause for the event?
5                MR. HOFFNER:        At this time we still have 6  an ERT that is forming up on that.                In fact, when I 7 get off, I'm going to give the individual coordinating 8  that a call.
9                MR. LANNING:        All right.
10                MR. HOFFNER:          But    as  of  now,  nothing 11 positive at all.
12                MR. LANNING:        What about media enquiries 13  from print or TV?
14                MR. HOFFNER:        I know Channel 3, which is 15 CBS, went up to Hartford.            And then they planned on 16 shifting the call down to our simulator center, but I 17 don't know if that's happened or what the status of 18 that is.
19                We  have    some    corporate      communications 20 people coming up to engage the media in that.                    But as 21 far as I know, we've only had the one CBS that's been 22 to the Hartford.
23                MR. LANNING:        All right. Do you know if 24 you issued another press release or not?
25                MR. HOFFNER:        I know we are in the process NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE.. N.W.
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38 1 of reviewing it.            So either it's going out or will 2 shortly go out the second press release.
3                  MR. LANNING:        All right.
4                  MR. CUMMINGS:          Bill,      Paul  Cummings 5  (phonetic) from Region I.
6                  MR. HOFFNER:        Hi, Paul.
7                  MR. CUMMINGS:          Hi.      Your rad monitoring 8 system steam gnerator blowdown, is it fully operable 9 and capable right now as you put blowdown back in 10 service?
11                  MR. HOFFNER:          There      are  necessarily 12 because of        the time with the sample valves,                    SSR8, 13 which our rad monitor is,                by procedure technically 14 inoperable        because      of    that      sample    requirement.
15 However,      that's    the    only    reason      it  had  been        in 16 operable because of the sample.                So the answer is yes, 17 it's inoperable, and we're going to have to do grab 18 samples as required when we put it in service.
19                  MR. LANNING:        Okay.      And I guess we try 20 those just in the event we can get any activity in 21 delta steam generator?
22                  MR. HOFFNER:        Well, we're only going to do 23 --    we're only going to do the alpha and delta because 24 we have still a sample flow off of bravo and charlie.
25 So we'll,      as we put them in service,                we'll get the NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W.
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39 1 grab samples off of that.
2                MR. LANNING:        Okay.      And just for our own 3 time, when do you think that we can expect delta steam 4 generator and alpha sample results?
5                MR. HOFFNER:        To be honest,        it's --    right 6 now I'm not sure where they're at.                  Again, in blowdown 7  (Inaudible).      I know chemistry is looking at not only 8 when we get blowdown, but how they'll be able to cool 9 it because the sample off there is not a normal path, 10  so for personal safety we got to make sure we have 11  adequate protection.            So,    it's not going to be, you 12  know, immediate right now.              They're going to be able 13  to just plug something and get the sample.                    They have 14  to develop a way to cool it, and that's why we've got 15  the      chemistry    supervisor        and    the    ops  supervisor 16  working together.
17                  MR. LANNING:        Bill, do you have any idea 18  (Inaudible) 19                  MR    HOFFNER:      Yes.
20                  MR    LANNING:      Okay.
21                  MR .1I 4OFFNER:      We've engaged -- we have --
22  can you hear mI 23                  MR . LANNING:        Yes,  go ahead.
24                  MR . HOFFNER:        You guys still hear me?
25                  MR . PARTICIPANT:          Yes.
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40 1                      MR. HOFFNER:        Wayne, you still there?
2                      MR. LANNING:        I'm here.      Do you hear me?
3                      MR. HOFFNER:        Hello?
4                      MR. PARTICIPANT:          Hello.
5                      MR. HOFFNER:        Hi,    I tried to put you on 6  the speaker, but you went away.
7                      MR. LANNING:        Okay.
8                      MR. HOFFNER:        We have --      we have our rad 9 monitoring teams out in the field taking samples.                          So, 10 you know,          (Inaudible) required. So they're out.                They 11 haven't          seen  anything      at  all      other  than    normal 12 background.            That's onsite and offsite.
13                      MR. LANNING:        You faded out. You faded out 14  there.          Would you say that again.
15                      MR. HOFFNER:        Onsite and offsite have seen 16 normal background indication. Nothing is elevated at 17  any onsite or offsite.
18                      MR. LANNING:        Okay.      Glad to hear that.
19                      MR. HOFFNER:        Okay.
20                      MR. LANNING:        Okay.      Bill, thank you very 21 much for the brief.
22                      MR. HOFFNER:        Okay.      Wayne, the next call 23  I'd expect          is  probably in the            neighborhood of 45 24 minutes once we do our evaluation. And then I'll let 25 you know what our plans would be.
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41 1                MR. LANNING:        Okay.
2                MR. HOFFNER:      That meet your requirements?
3                MR. LANNING:      That would be good. I would 4 appreciate that.
5                MR. HOFFNER:        No problem.
6                MR. LANNING:        All right.
7                MR. HOFFNER:        Okay.      Bye.
8                MR. LANNING:        Thanks, Bill.
9                MR. HOFFNER:        Bye.
10 11                                                                    IC    1i7
                                                                            '^jt 12                                                                        p.)    ..
13                (Whereupon, end of RST Bridge Tape 2, Side 14 B.)
15                                                                                ..
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Revision as of 21:00, 22 December 2019

Transcript of Telephone Conversations at NRC Hq During the Millstone Alert Declaration on April 17, 2005 - Event Number 41607. Rst Tape 2, Side B, 14:25-15:37
Person / Time
Site: Millstone Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 04/17/2005
NRC Region 1
41607, FOIA/PA-2005-0207
Download: ML052270104 (12)





10 EVENT NO. 41607 11 RST Bridge Tape 2, Side B, 14:25-15:37 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Information in this record was deleted inaccordance with the Freedom of InformatiOIt 22 Act, expti~f6 5 1`0 1P - '~ Y 23 24 25 NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS QI H1 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W.

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31 1

2 3

4 6

7f 5o 1'5 8

9 10 11 OPERATOR: Someone has entered the 12 conference.

13 MR. LANNING: Bill, this is Wayne Lanning.

14 Are you there?

15 MR. HOFFNER: Yes, Wayne. This is Bill.

16 I'd like to provide an update to you.

17 We approximately, 10 minutes ago, 15 18 minutes ago, Unit 3 secured 2 & 4 reactor coolant 19 pumps and we've begun a plant cool down. We're right 20 now going to cool down at approximately 60 to 70 21 degrees per hour. So we anticipate, 'as I told you 22 before, about three hours to get to -- to get down to 23 hot shutdown.

24 At 1600 we're going to evaluate the cool 25 down, making sure that we're going to meet all of our NEAL R. GROSS 1,5 D o 5 COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS t 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W.

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32 1 action requirements. And at that point we'll evaluate 2 the termination criteria. The question is if we 3 decide to terminate, do you desire a phone call prior 4 to that?

5 MR. LANNING: Yes, sir. I would appreciate 6 that phone call before you exit the Alert.

7 MR. HOFFNER: I understand. You would 8 like a phone call prior to termination?


10 MR. HOFFNER: Okay. I also wanted to 11 provide an update on sampling of the steam generators.

12 We had the initial sample on three to four steam 13 generators. But one of the samples, the flow rate was 14 very low on. So that's why we wanted to go back and 15 redo it.

16 The delta steam generator is isolated by 17 a tech spec action statement. So we can't use the 18 normal sample line. So what we're in the process of 19 doing is getting steam generator blowdown back in 20 service and then get the sample off of that. However, 21 the Terry turbine which is running has a rad monitor 22 that right now three of the four steam generators are 23 supplying steam to that. And it's showing no 24 indication that the three generators that it supplies 25 the alpha, bravo and delta. So we do have the delta NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W.

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33 1 going through a rad monitor and it's detecting no 2 indication of any activity.

3 MR. LANNING: Is there a (Inaudible) 4 sample that's available or not?

5 MR. HOFFNER: There is from delta that has 6 a normal sample line. It has an alternate sample 7 line, but that alternate sample line is isolated 8 because of the main steam line isolation. It's in the 9 turbine building, so it's not seen the steam. So 10 right now we can also offer the blowdown through an 11 alignment with a core that we're working our way 12 through getting that in service and getting that 13 ability to get a sample of that in chemistry. And one 14 of my operation supervisor are working to get that 15 done.

16 MR. LANNING: And (Inaudible)or narrow 17 range monitor -- rad monitor going to the turbine 18 building steam.

19 MR. HOFFNER: It would be like a main 20 steamline rad monitor. You know, one of those type of 21 detectors, right off a steam line, or it would be very 22 similar to that. So the (Inaudible) sensitive. You 23 know, if you had a faulty steam generator what we'd 24 use for detection is a rad monitor of that type.

25 Normally the three. Would be the air NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W.

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34 1 ejectors, the blowdown and then the main steamline.

2 So this is concurrent with the main steamline rad 3 monitor.

4 MR. LANNING: Okay. And this was done in 5 the N-16 monitor?

6 MR. HOFFNER: It's not an N-16.

7 MR. LANNING: Okay. So it's different 8 than what's on the main steam lines?

9 MR. HOFFNER: No. We have both a main 10 steam rad monitor -- hold on one second.

11 Yes, we have an N16, you know, that's on 12 the line. But we also have a main steamline rad 13 monitor. The N16 was a backfit maybe four years ago 14 on Unit 3.

15 MR. LANNING: Okay. So to make sure I 16 understand. You do have an intake steam on the 17 turbine building steam line?

18 MR. HOFFNER: Can you say that again? We 19 do not have an N-16 on the terry turbine line.

20 MR. LANNING: Okay.

21 MR. HOFFNER: Hey, Wayne?

22 MR. LANNING: Yes.

23 MR. HOFFNER: To put it in explanation.

24 It would be like you have an area rad monitor that's 25 hosted right on the steam line or right on the terry NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W.

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35 1 turbine line.

2 MR. LANNING: Okay.

3 MR. HOFFNER: It's that kind of a monitor.

4 So anything -- any activity passing by, it was be 5 sensitive to.

6 MR. LANNING: So I have a gross gamma 7 monitor?

8 MR. HOFFNER: Gross gamma? Yes, I think 9 that's a good explanation of it.

10 MR. LANNING: All right. Are you planning 11 to sample the main steam line?

12 MR. HOFFNER: Well, we're planning on --

13 you mean the steam generators?

14 MR. LANNING: Yes.

15 MR. HOFFNER: Yes. We're planning on is 16 getting blowdown on service from each steam generator 17 and then get a sample off the blowdown line.

18 MR. LANNING: Okay.

19 MR. HOFFNER: Now bravo and charlie we 20 have the normal sample, so this will be for alpha and 21 delta.

22 MR. LANNING: Okay. And I understand 23 you're no longer steaming on delta, is that correct?

24 MR. HOFFNER: We are no longer steaming on 25 delta. We have stopped the delta reactor coolant NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W.

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36 1 pumps, so we're only running alpha and bravo reactor 2 coolant pumps, so most of the steam will in fact come 3 from alpha and bravo. Because that's the one you've 4 got the more forced circulation on.

5 MR. LANNING: Okay.

6 MR. HOFFNER: Now, that's not to say we 7 can't steam from all four. Just because of the flow 8 and they prevalent more of this flow.

9 MR. LANNING: All right. Now it's it the 10 A loop that's questionable at reduced flow?

11 MR. HOFFNER: The alpha loop had slightly 12 less flow, but the samples came back negative on that.

13 MR. LANNING: Okay. So you have 14 confidence in those samples?

15 MR. HOFFNER: Excuse me?

16 MR. LANNING: You have confidence in those 17 samples for the A loop?

18 MR. HOFFNER: Well, we have not only the 19 samples, we have -- that also flows through the terry 20 turbine. There was no indication on that. We have no 21 unplanned or unexpected levels (Inaudible). No 22 unexplained decrease in RCS inventory. So we have a 23 lot of backups to indicate no primary or secondary 24 leakage.


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37 1 understand that. Thank you.

2 MR. HOFFNER: Okay.

3 MR. LANNING: Do we have any update on 4 indicating the cause for the event?

5 MR. HOFFNER: At this time we still have 6 an ERT that is forming up on that. In fact, when I 7 get off, I'm going to give the individual coordinating 8 that a call.

9 MR. LANNING: All right.

10 MR. HOFFNER: But as of now, nothing 11 positive at all.

12 MR. LANNING: What about media enquiries 13 from print or TV?

14 MR. HOFFNER: I know Channel 3, which is 15 CBS, went up to Hartford. And then they planned on 16 shifting the call down to our simulator center, but I 17 don't know if that's happened or what the status of 18 that is.

19 We have some corporate communications 20 people coming up to engage the media in that. But as 21 far as I know, we've only had the one CBS that's been 22 to the Hartford.

23 MR. LANNING: All right. Do you know if 24 you issued another press release or not?


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38 1 of reviewing it. So either it's going out or will 2 shortly go out the second press release.

3 MR. LANNING: All right.

4 MR. CUMMINGS: Bill, Paul Cummings 5 (phonetic) from Region I.

6 MR. HOFFNER: Hi, Paul.

7 MR. CUMMINGS: Hi. Your rad monitoring 8 system steam gnerator blowdown, is it fully operable 9 and capable right now as you put blowdown back in 10 service?

11 MR. HOFFNER: There are necessarily 12 because of the time with the sample valves, SSR8, 13 which our rad monitor is, by procedure technically 14 inoperable because of that sample requirement.

15 However, that's the only reason it had been in 16 operable because of the sample. So the answer is yes, 17 it's inoperable, and we're going to have to do grab 18 samples as required when we put it in service.

19 MR. LANNING: Okay. And I guess we try 20 those just in the event we can get any activity in 21 delta steam generator?

22 MR. HOFFNER: Well, we're only going to do 23 -- we're only going to do the alpha and delta because 24 we have still a sample flow off of bravo and charlie.

25 So we'll, as we put them in service, we'll get the NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W.

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39 1 grab samples off of that.

2 MR. LANNING: Okay. And just for our own 3 time, when do you think that we can expect delta steam 4 generator and alpha sample results?

5 MR. HOFFNER: To be honest, it's -- right 6 now I'm not sure where they're at. Again, in blowdown 7 (Inaudible). I know chemistry is looking at not only 8 when we get blowdown, but how they'll be able to cool 9 it because the sample off there is not a normal path, 10 so for personal safety we got to make sure we have 11 adequate protection. So, it's not going to be, you 12 know, immediate right now. They're going to be able 13 to just plug something and get the sample. They have 14 to develop a way to cool it, and that's why we've got 15 the chemistry supervisor and the ops supervisor 16 working together.

17 MR. LANNING: Bill, do you have any idea 18 (Inaudible) 19 MR HOFFNER: Yes.

20 MR LANNING: Okay.

21 MR .1I 4OFFNER: We've engaged -- we have --

22 can you hear mI 23 MR . LANNING: Yes, go ahead.

24 MR . HOFFNER: You guys still hear me?



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40 1 MR. HOFFNER: Wayne, you still there?

2 MR. LANNING: I'm here. Do you hear me?

3 MR. HOFFNER: Hello?


5 MR. HOFFNER: Hi, I tried to put you on 6 the speaker, but you went away.

7 MR. LANNING: Okay.

8 MR. HOFFNER: We have -- we have our rad 9 monitoring teams out in the field taking samples. So, 10 you know, (Inaudible) required. So they're out. They 11 haven't seen anything at all other than normal 12 background. That's onsite and offsite.

13 MR. LANNING: You faded out. You faded out 14 there. Would you say that again.

15 MR. HOFFNER: Onsite and offsite have seen 16 normal background indication. Nothing is elevated at 17 any onsite or offsite.

18 MR. LANNING: Okay. Glad to hear that.

19 MR. HOFFNER: Okay.

20 MR. LANNING: Okay. Bill, thank you very 21 much for the brief.

22 MR. HOFFNER: Okay. Wayne, the next call 23 I'd expect is probably in the neighborhood of 45 24 minutes once we do our evaluation. And then I'll let 25 you know what our plans would be.


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41 1 MR. LANNING: Okay.

2 MR. HOFFNER: That meet your requirements?

3 MR. LANNING: That would be good. I would 4 appreciate that.

5 MR. HOFFNER: No problem.

6 MR. LANNING: All right.

7 MR. HOFFNER: Okay. Bye.

8 MR. LANNING: Thanks, Bill.


10 11 IC 1i7

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13 (Whereupon, end of RST Bridge Tape 2, Side 14 B.)

15 ..


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