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Transcript of Telephone Conversations at NRC Hq During the Millstone Alert Declaration on April 17, 2005 - Event Number 41607. ET Tape 1, Side a, 10:51-11:46
Person / Time
Site: Millstone Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 04/17/2005
NRC Region 1
41607, FOIA/PA-2005-0207
Download: ML052270062 (22)


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10 EVENT NO. 41607 11 ET Tape 1, Side A, 10:51-11:46 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Information inthis record was deleted inaccordance with the Freedom of Infounamon 23 Act exemptions 5 FOJA-24 25 NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W.

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9) 1 P-R-O-C-E-E-D-I-N-G-S 2 MR. PARTICIPANT: Generally, they involved 3 the notification that you have completed.

4 MR. LANNING: Mr. Ryan, it's Wayne Lanning 5 at the IRC. Are you prepared to give us a status 6 brief?

7 MR. RYAN: This is Managed Communications 8 and yes, I can give you a status brief at this time.

9 MR. LANNING: All right. Would you go 10 ahead and do that please?

11 MR. RYAN: I'm not sure how specific you 12 want me to be.

13 MR. LANNING: I'd like you to be very 14 detailed starting at the very top with the initiation 15 of the events.

16 MR. RYAN: I understand you want me to 17 start at the initiation of the event.

18 MR. LANNING: That's correct.

19 MR. RYAN: At approximately 0829, we 20 received a reactor trip and a safety injection signal 21 was generated on the Alpha channel. We had at least 22 one safety lift initially that reseated and then we 23 had two steam generator safety lifts the second time.

24 The operating crew entered B-zero which is reactor 25 trip safety injection response and then transmitted to NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W.

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3 1 ES 1.1 which is SI termination.

2 After SI was terminated, we started 3 looking at the parameters. We did have primary safety 4 lift at about 2350 pounds or thereabouts. At the 5 present time, the plant is stable. We have the Bravo 6 charging system pump running. We had a leak on the 7 charging valve 3CSV661 and it is isolated at this 8 time.

9 MR. LANNING: Wayne. Do you want an 10 update? That leak was on a charging system?

11 MR. RYAN: That's correct. It was a leak 12 from a valve.

13 MR. LANNING: Mr. Ryan, are you there?

14 MR. RYAN: I'm right here.

15 MR. LANNING: Okay. Go ahead.

16 MR. RYAN: At the present time, that's the 17 status of the plant except for the fact that the terry 18 (phonetic) turbine did get a start signal and the 19 terry turbine pump tripped. MSI closed. We had two 20 motor driven feed pumps so we did not attempt to reset 21 it initially, but the terry turbine pump has been 22 reset.

23 MR. HOLIAN: Mr. Ryan, this is Brian 24 Holian. You're breaking up just a little bit. The 25 terry turbine has been reset. Is your aux feed speed NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W.

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4 1 supplying feed now?

2 MR. RYAN: One second.

3 (Feedback noise.)

4 MR. RYAN: Understand we are feeding on 5 three aux feed speed water pumps including the terry 6 turbine.

7 MR. HOLIAN: Understand. Feeding on three 8 aux feed speed pumps.

9 MR. RYAN: That's correct.

10 MR. HOLIAN: Steam generators are steaming 11 where now? The MSIVs, these are shut.

12 MR. RYAN: The steam generator, I'll have 13 to get you that information.

14 MR. PARTICIPANT (SAM): Brian, I think 15 when we turn it over to Wayne, we need to be sure 16 Wayne has a complete list of not only the initiating 17 event. I thought I heard something about a primary 18 relief in there.

19 MR. HOLIAN: Yes, that's the first I've 20 heard of that. At 2350, they had a primary lift.

21 MR. PARTICIPANT: That's the new piece, 22 Sam, from this.

23 MR. RYAN: That's correct. I got that it 24 was not communicated but you were immediately on that 25 turnover. That primary relief has reseated.


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5 1 MR. PARTICIPANT: How long was it open?

2 MR. RYAN: I will have to get that 3 information from the control room as how long that was 4 open.

5 MR. WIGGINS: Let's also find out the --

6 I presume that primary safety goes to a pressure 7 relief tank.

8 MR. RYAN: That's correct. It goes to the 9 PRT.

10 MR. PARTICIPANT: And is the PRT still 11 intact or is the disk just ruptured?

12 MR. RYAN: I will get you the correct 13 information. I do not know that. I believe that it 14 is intact.

15 MR. PARTICIPANT: Also we will follow up 16 on it.

17 MR. PARTICIPANT: Then we need to ask the 18 question about any abnormal -- has the lead for that.

19 If John White is in there, then we need to be tracking 20 that statement.

21 MR. WIGGINS: Can you give us some more 22 information on the role of the sequence? Did the 23 steam generator relief or were safeties open before 24 you saw the primary relief or was the primary relief 25 first followed by the steam generator?


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I 1 MR. RYAN: I don't have that information 2 right now. So you're asking whether the primary 3 relief lifted first?

4 MR. WIGGINS: Yes, was it the steam 5 generator relief lifted, MSIVs closed and then the 6 primary lifted or was it a different sequence?

7 MR. RYAN: I understand you want the 8 sequence of relief with it being the primary relief, 9 the secondary relief as well as the MSIV closure.

10 MR. WIGGINS: Yes, please.

11 MR. RYAN: I'll have to get that on the 12 PPC.

13 MR. WIGGINS: Okay. Thank you.

14 MR. SCHNEIDER: Hey, Jim?

15 MR. WIGGINS: Yes.

16 MR. SCHNEIDER: This is Max Schneider at 17 Unit 3 Control.

18 MR. WIGGINS: Wayne, are you ready to take 19 the lead for this yet because we have three or four 20 people all behaving like -- You know we're all asking 21 questions.

22 MR. LANNING: Yes. Max Schneider, I just 23 want to know your location.

24 MR. SCHNEIDER: I'm in the Unit 3 control 25 room. I can give you a little perspective on the-NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE.. N.W.

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7 1 pressurizer relief if you like.

2 MR. LANNING: Yes, please do.

3 MR. SCHNEIDER: They initiated SIAS and so 4 one train of SIAS initiated automatically and then 5 they initiated it manually. When they do that, 6 they're charging to the plant and they basically took 7 the pressure solid with leaks.

8 MR. WIGGINS: Right, they created the high 9 pressure.

10 MR. SCHNEIDER: Right.

11 MR. WIGGINS: By not following SIAS.

12 MR. SCHNEIDER: Right. That happened 13 after the steam generator safety is lifted.

14 MR. WIGGINS: Okay. Well, Ellis is right 15 then. He said that that was likely what would happen 16 but I didn't have that information when I talked to 17 him. But he was right.


19 MR. WIGGINS: Okay. So Max, you believe 20 that this is the primary, was it, a relief that 21 lifted?

22 MR. SCHNEIDER: Right.

23 MR. WIGGINS: That lifted as the result of 24 the pressurizer going solid on the safety injector.


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8 1 generator safeties are the ones that lifted and then 2 subsequently relifted and there was no atmospheric 3 dump valves because that's isolated on the MSI signal.

4 That's why, I think you were asking earlier, Brian, 5 about atmospheric dump valves.

6 MR. HOLIAN: Yes.

7 MR. SCHNEIDER: They would not have lifted 8 once the MSI came in. It prevents them from doing 9 that.

10 MR. HOLIAN: MSIVS are shut but aren't the 11 atmospheric dumps still upstream of that?

12 MR. SCHNEIDER: Upstream of the main steam 13 safeties, I mean, main steam isolation. Sorry.

14 MR. HOLIAN: Yes, right now, they are 15 steaming how, Max?

16 MR. SCHNEIDER: They're using the ADVs.

17 MR. HOLIAN: That's what I meant. They're 18 using the ADVs now. Okay.

19 MR. SCHNEIDER: Right.

20 MR. HOLIAN: With the MSIVs shut 21 MR. SCHNEIDER: Actually, I think so 22 because I wanted to get on the phone before I did a 23 walkdown. But I'm really exactly sure about that.

24 That would be expected. Once you get an MSI, you're 25 going to shut your MSIVs. So I don't think they NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE.. N.W.

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9 1 reopened them, but I can find out.

2 MR. LANNING: Mr. Ryan, are you still 3 monitoring the phone? Mr. Ryan?

4 MR. RYAN: Yes, I'm still monitoring the 5 phone.

6 MR. LANNING: Can you give me time for 7 when the MSIVs closed?

8 MR. RYAN: I can get you that time. I do 9 not have a time right off the top of my head.

10 MR. LANNING: I also need a time for the 11 termination of SI.

12 MR. PARTICIPANT (SAM): Okay, Wayne.

13 MR. LANNING: Yes, Sam. Go ahead.

14 MR. PARTICIPANT (SAM): Okay, thank you, 15 Wayne. Those are all good questions. I think Jim's 16 point a minute ago about aligning ourselves with who 17 has the lead for the licensee has one focus for the 18 NRC. Are you prepared to take the lead?

19 MR. LANNING: I'm prepared to take the 20 lead provided we're through with this briefing. I 21 want to conclude this briefing in its entirety prior 22 to separating the bridges.

23 MR. PARTICIPANT (SAM): Okay. So for the 24 purpose of this briefing then, why don't you take the 25 lead because you have the questions that you would NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W.

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10 1 need in order to be comfortable with the status of 2 events and then we'll work questions through you and 3 then when we're done with the briefing, then we'll 4 talk about the turnover. How's that for a plan?

5 MR. LANNING: That's a good plan.

6 MR. PARTICIPANT (SAM): Jim, you're 7 aligned with that, you and Brian.


9 MR. KNOKE: Excuse me, gentlemen. This is 10 a Headquarters Operation Officer. I have Mr. Price 11 from Millstone who wishes to speak to Jim Wiggins.

12 Did you want to do that on a separate conference?

13 MR. LANNING: Do it on this bridge until 14 we get the bridges separated please.

15 MR. PARTICIPANT: Do you want me to add 16 Mr. Price to this bridge then?

17 MR. LANNING: Go ahead.

18 MR. KNOKE: All right.

19 MR. WIGGINS: Wayne, you might as well as 20 take the lead on this call, too. Tell him we're all 21 here listening. Is that okay, Wayne?

22 MR. LANNING: That's fine. Yes.

23 MR. WIGGINS: What we want to get from 24 Alan is where does he think he is and what things do 25 they want to achieve before they stand out in the --


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11 1 MR. PRICE: Good morning.

2 MR. LANNING: Good morning, Alan. It's 3 Wayne Lanning.

4 MR. PRICE: Hey, Wayne. How are you doing 5 today?

6 MR. LANNING: I'm well, sir. You're on a 7 bridge with numerous NRC staff.

8 MR. PRICE: Yes sir.

9 MR. LANNING: And your Mr. Ryan is also on 10 the bridge.

11 MR. PRICE: Very good.

12 MR. LANNING: We're looking to you to sort 13 of give us 3your status and what your plans are.

14 MR. PRICE: Okay.

15 MR. LANNING: Particularly with regard to 16 terminating the alert.

17 MR. PRICE: Understand.

18 MR. LANNING: Go ahead.

19 MR. PRICE: Okay. I will assume-that you 20 all know some of the major topical areas, but I'll hit 21 some of the major milestones for you.

22 MR. LANNING: Sure.

23 MR. PRICE: At about 08:29 a.m. this 24 morning, Unit No. 3 Millstone had a reactor trip and 25 safety injection steam line low pressure. As of right NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W.

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12 1 now because a trip, it is undetermined.

2 And I understand that there was a previous 3 question with regard to tampering, we have not ruled 4 it out but we have no reason to believe that tampering 5 was involved. That will be part of our investigation.

6 But once again, we have no reason at this time to 7 believe that tampering was involved with the 8 initiation of the reactor trip and safety injection.

9 Our main safety systems did operate. We 10 currently have, we did go solid in our pressurizer.

11 We have recovered pressurizer level and pressure is 12 steady and have an individual standing in front of the 13 status board. But we have 64 percent in the 14 pressurizer and we are at roughly 2,200 pounds in the 15 primary coolant system. So we have pressure control 16 and we have pressurizer level restored to scale.

17 We have transitioned to our emergency 18 procedure ES 1.1 safety injection termination and we 19 have terminated the safety injection and we're back on 20 normal charging and let-down. We declared our alert 21 Charlie-1 based on our tables which give you direct 22 alert classification based on a main steam safety 23 valve stuck open. The reason that we classified that 24 is we had a safety valve on the Bravo steam generator 25 which had opened below its set point.


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13 1 Right now, we don't know if that was the 2 initiator of the safety injection or came immediately 3 after the safety injection signal. But based on the 4 fact that that steam generator safety valve opened 5 below its set point, the shift manager made the 6 classification of an alert work Charlie-1 and that's 7 the classification that we remain in.

8 We have not yet reached conclusion, but 9 what we are considering here in the EOF is what the 10 termination criteria would be. With the Millstone 11 Unit No. 3 design, we are currently on the atmospheric 12 dump valves because we have a main steam isolation 13 signal that we have manually injected.

14 So our ability to dump steam to the 15 condenser is limited at this time. We don't have that 16 capability at this time and we're evaluating our 17 options to restore the ability to dump steam to the 18 condenser. So right now, we're on an atmospheric dump 19 valve that's cycling periodically to remove decay 20 heat.

21 We're looking at termination criteria for 22 the alert and we believe that we are there right now.

23 But we're also looking at other indications for a 24 notification of unusual event criteria. I don't 25 believe that we see any at this time, but we're still NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W.

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14 1 going through the thought process for what we need to 2 do in order to terminate from the event and as soon as 3 we have reached this conclusion, I'll be happy to call 4 you back on this bridge.

5 We do have people at the state armory.

6 Last I checked about 15 minutes ago, no members from 7 the state had arrived yet. Only the Dominion staff 8 was there and we have a number of members of our 9 corporate EOF staff who have already responded to the 10 corporate EOF and we have been in conversations with 11 them. Do you have any follow-up questions right now?

12 MR. HOLIAN: Mr. Price, Brian Holian from 13 Region I also. Did you say Bravo steam generator 14 lifted a little bit low? We had understood at about 15 1100 pounds, but that's a 100 pounds above normal.

16 Was there any indication of why steam generator 17 pressure was that high even?

18 MR. PRICE: I do not have that detail at 19 this time, sir.

20 MR. HOLIAN: Okay.

21 MR. LANNING: Alan, this is Wayne. We 22 still need a few directive -- for us.

23 MR. PRICE: Yes sir.

24 MR. LANNING: Could you give me an 25 estimate as to when that might occur?


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15 1 MR. PRICE: I will get that, Wayne, and 2 get that -- In fact, let me see if I can get that 3 information while we're on the phone. Can you hold 4 one second please?


6 MR. PRICE: Thank you.

7 MR. WIGGINS: Wayne?

8 MR. LANNING: Yes, Jim.

9 MR. WIGGINS: Yes, this is Jim. While we 10 have Alan, he seems to have a fairly complete story.

11 We should ask him. Maybe we're looking at this thing 12 all wrong. We should say maybe this thing started at 13 the primary side.

14 MR. PRICE: I'm trying to get that 15 information.

16 MR. WIGGINS: Ask him if there's any 17 chemistry data or anything like that that he ruled any 18 reactor-oriented thing out. It's up to you, Wayne.

19 Ask him when you think it's appropriate.

20 MR. PARTICIPANT: Also we haven't asked 21 about fuel leakers, have we?


23 MR. PARTICIPANT: We should have their 24 estimate of RAD release.


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16 1 you back?

2 MR. PRICE: Yes sir. I am.

3 MR. LANNING: I understand you were not 4 able to get a time for activating ERDS.

5 MR. PRICE: I'm getting that information 6 sent to me now.

7 MR. LANNING: Okay. I'm also interested 8 in what your estimation is of any releases and any 9 chemistry samples that you have ongoing on the primary 10 site.

11 MR. PRICE: We have no indications of any 12 RAD levels above normal. We have done some sampling 13 from steam generators and we have no indications of 14 any primary to secondary leak. So our RAD levels at 15 this time are normal. We did put some water from our 16 charging system from a relief valve on a RECIRC line 17 into the AUX building. The last report that I had was 18 that water was clean.

19 MR. HOLIAN: Alan, this is Brian Holian.

20 Have you been operating with any fuel leakers at all?

21 MR. PRICE: No sir.

22 MR. HOLIAN: Okay.

23 MR. RYAN: This is John Ryan. We are 24 presently on normal charging and let down --

25 MR. PRICE: Thank you, John.


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17 1 MR. PARTICIPANT (SAM): Jim, this is Sam.

2 You had a question on the PRT. Did you get you get an 3 answer to that?

4 MR. WIGGINS: No, I hadn't heard any 5 answer.

6 MR. PRICE: Alan. The maximum primary 7 pressure that I believe we have seen has been on the 8 order of 2330 pounds. That is below the set point of 9 our pilot operated relief valve and it's also below 10 the set point of the safety valves. Having said that, 11 we have gotten some information from the control room 12 that indicated that they think they had a leakage from 13 a safety valve and we do have, last I looked, about 74 14 or 75 percent of level in our pressurizer relief tank.

15 So we believe that we have some leakage coming from 16 either a PORV or a safety valve.

17 MR. WIGGINS: Alan, this is Jim. Just to 18 follow up, do you think the PORV is intact still?

19 MR. PRICE: I believe --

20 MR. WIGGINS: They do have a rupture disk, 21 don't they?

22 MR. PRICE: Right. It has a rupture disk 23 and I do not believe that the rupture disk has been 24 challenged as of yet. That is correct.

25 MR. WIGGINS: Okay.



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18 1 MR. RYAN: This is John at Unit 3 2 Communications. We have 82 percent in the PRT 3 pressurizer relief tank and the tank shows that it is 4 intact at this time.

5 MR. PRICE: Thank you, John.

6 MR. RYAN: You're welcome.

7 MR. LANNING: John, would you say that 8 again? I could not hear you. The PRT is intact.

9 MR. RYAN: That is correct. The PRT level 10 is increasing slowly, rising slowly and it is at 82 11 percent and the pressure is 64, almost 65 pounds.

12 MR. LANNING: Do you have any indication 13 of other leakage by a sump or otherwise?

14 MR. RYAN: I'll have to get back to you on 15 that.

16 MR. WIGGINS: I'm sorry. I could not hear 17 that question. Could you please ask it again?

18 MR. LANNING: The question is do you have 19 any indication of leakage by way of sump or otherwise 20 inside the containment?

21 MR. RYAN: There is none to my knowledge.

22 MR. LANNING: Could you verify that for 23 me?

24 MR. RYAN: Yes, I will.

25 MR. PARTICIPANT (SAM): Jim, this is Sam.


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19 1 For my purposes, I would like you to clarify the 2 statement we heard about primary lift versus a primary 3 leak. It sounds like they did not have a lift, but 4 there is leakage by one of the valves.

5 MR. WIGGINS: Is that Sam?


7 MR. WIGGINS: From the data that I have, 8 Sam, we should not, we did not meet the set point for 9 a safety valve. But it would appear, once again I 10 don't have all that data in front of me, that we do 11 have indications from, I believe, a tailpipe, an RTD, 12 that we had indications of a safety valve lift.

13 MR. PARTICIPANT (SAM): Okay. So any 14 leakage that you have now would be a result of the 15 event. You didn't have that leakage before isolation.

16 If you did,. I presume you would have closed the 17 operation down.

18 MR. WIGGINS: That is correct.


20 MR. WIGGINS: Now also --

21 MR. PARTICIPANT: I'm sorry, Sam. Just to 22 clarify that, and Mr. Price, that was you getting an 23 RTD on one of the safety valves that doesn't have a 24 block.


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20 1 have a block. The PORV has a block. Okay. I have 2 it. Thank you.

3 MR. PRICE: That is correct. I was just 4 handed a note that our ERDS system is running. We 5 have the capability. So you all should have that 6 capability at this time.

7 MR. PARTICIPANT: Wayne Lanning, did you 8 hear the ERDS has dropped?

9 MR. LANNING: Right now, I have a copy of 10 the activated ERDS. Thank you.

11 MR. HOLIAN: Mr. Holian from Region. Are 12 you the emergency director now?

13 MR. PRICE: No, I am not. Bill Huffner 14 (phonetic) is.

15 MR. PARTICIPANT: Bill Huffner.

16 MR. PRICE: That is correct and I was just 17 handed a note. We have no indication of input to the 18 containment sump in Unit No. 3. No indications.

19 MR. LANNING: Okay. Does the staff have 20 any other questions?

21 MR. WIGGINS: Yes, Wayne. I'd like to 22 understand from Alan what's the path forward as he 23 sees it. What's his immediate plan? There is a 24 rising level in the PRT. Something that goes in there 25 is leaking. If they do go solid in the pressurizer, NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W.

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21 1 I have a sense that the safety valve might not like 2 water very much.

3 MR. PRICE: Right.

4 MR. WIGGINS: They prefer steam and what's 5 the way out, Alan? Where are you going to take the 6 plant?

7 MR. PRICE: Well, clearly our first 8 challenge was to take care of the solid pressurizer 9 conditions. We have done that and to make sure that 10 we have a stable relationship between the primary and 11 the secondary. I believe we have that. So we've 12 worked our way through the pressurizer, through the 13 safety injection termination criteria. The 14 communications between the primary and secondary, we 15 have that stable and now what I have to do is pretty 16 quickly get off this phone and converse with the 17 control room and the TSC to understand exactly the 18 answer to that question. I would imagine we're going 19 to be moving into further cool-down on the primary.

20 MR. LANNING: Alan, it's Wayne again. We 21 are not able to detect that you've actuated ERDSed 22 phonetic).

23 MR. PRICE: Okay. Let me check into that 24 and we'll try our best to understand why that 25 communication is not taking place. Should we call NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE.. N.W.

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22 1 back on this bridge number and to whom should we ask?

2 MR. LANNING: Yes to both of those and ask 3 for Lanning.

4 MR. PRICE: Okay. I understand. We'll 5 ask for Wayne Lanning and we'll try to get ERDS 6 initiation with you all.

7 MR. LANNING: All right. Does the staff 8 have any other questions before we move forward?

9 MR. PARTICIPANT: None from me, Wayne.

10 MR. PRICE: Wayne, we'll call you back 11 just as quickly as we can.

12 MR. LANNING: Okay, Alan. Thanks for 13 that.

14 MR. PRICE: Yes sir.

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