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'.Metropolitan Edison Co.
August 17, 1977 11 Pages INSERVICE INSPECTION OF TMI-1 CLASS 1 COMPONENT PRESSURE BOUND ARY I, Scope and Objectives This attachment describes the inservice inspection program for Class 1 (reactor coolant system) pressure boundary components of TMI-1. The objective of the inservice inspection program is to provide assurance of the continuing integrity of the reactor coolant system while at the same time minimizing radiation exposure to personnel and plant downtime in the performance of the inspections.
II.Identification of Class 1 Boundary The Class 1 boundary was established in accordance with 10CFR50, paragraph 50. Z(v) and footnote 2 to paragraph 50. 55a(g)(1). The Class I boundary is shown in the attached drawings, Drawing Nos. C-300-00h & 5-GN1, C300-015 to 017-G:il, and C-300-019 & 020-G'II.
Metropolitan Edison Co.
III.Apolicable Code Edition and Addenda In accordance with 10CFR50, paragraph 50. 55a(b), the applicable Code Edition and Addenda are the 1974 Edition with Addenda through Summer 1975.IV.Period of Apolicability In accordance with 10CFR50, paragraph 50. 55a(g)(4)(ii), this program is applicabic from January 1978 to May 1981.
August 17, 1977 11 Pages INSERVICE INSPECTION OF TMI-1 CLASS 1 COMPONENT PRESSURE BOUND ARY I,   Scope and Objectives This attachment describes the inservice inspection program for Class 1 (reactor coolant system) pressure boundary components of TMI-1. The objective of the inservice inspection program is to provide assurance of the continuing integrity of the reactor coolant system while at the same time minimizing radiation exposure to personnel and plant downtime in the performance of the inspections.
Howeve r, the program is 1491 245 606 7910300 ': A  
II. Identification of Class 1 Boundary The Class 1 boundary was established in accordance with 10CFR50, paragraph 50. Z(v) and footnote 2 to paragraph 50. 55a(g)(1). The Class I boundary is shown in the attached drawings, Drawing Nos. C-300-00h & 5-GN1, C300-015 to 017-G:il, and C-300-019 & 020-G'II.
~.., written in terms of the Code required ten-year inspection interval, which started September 1974.
III. Apolicable Code Edition and Addenda In accordance with 10CFR50, paragraph 50. 55a(b), the applicable Code Edition and Addenda are the 1974 Edition with Addenda through Summer 1975.
V.Bases for Inspection The inspection program detailed in Table A-1 below follows the Code, except that inspections are focused on those areas which engineering analysis indicates are subject to relatively more critical conditions of stress, fatigue, radiation, and/or thermal cycles. Inspections are also required of those areas which had recordable indications during the pre-service baseline examination. It is considered that inspection of areas subjected to relatively more critical conditions or which have pre-existing indications will provide good assurance of identification of any potential problems before significant flaws develop in the Class I component pres-sure boundaries.
IV. Period of Apolicability In accordance with 10CFR50, paragraph 50. 55a(g)(4)(ii), this program is applicabic from January 1978 to May 1981.     Howeve r, the program is 1491 245 606 7910300 ': A
VI.Inspection Procram Inservice inspections will be carried out in accordance with Section XI, 1974 Edition with Addenda through Summer 1975, except that the specific inspections to be performed will be in accordance with Table A-1 rather than Tables DVB-2500 and DVB-2600 in the Code.
. .
written in terms of the Code required ten-year inspection interval, which started September 1974.
V. Bases for Inspection The inspection program detailed in Table A-1 below follows the Code, except that inspections are focused on those areas which engineering analysis indicates are subject to relatively more critical conditions of stress, fatigue, radiation, and/or thermal cycles. Inspections are also required of those areas which had recordable indications during the pre-service baseline examination. It is considered that inspection of areas subjected to relatively more critical conditions or which have pre-existing indications will provide good assurance of identification of any potential problems before significant flaws develop in the Class I component pres-sure boundaries.
VI. Inspection Procram Inservice inspections will be carried out in accordance with Section XI, 1974 Edition with Addenda through Summer 1975, except that the specific inspections to be performed will be in accordance with Table A-1 rather than Tables DVB-2500 and DVB-2600 in the Code.
Any repairs found to be necessary as a result of inservice inspections will be performed in accordance with Section XI,1974 Edition with Addenda through Summer 1975.
Any repairs found to be necessary as a result of inservice inspections will be performed in accordance with Section XI,1974 Edition with Addenda through Summer 1975.
1491   246 A-2
" T".T A BLE lW B-2500 1 ca o.r vessel
.1.1.1 B-A Longitudinal and circ.smferen.
Volume t ric At or near the end of the 10-year inspection inter-These inspections will include a region in the center tial welds and major weld val.10% of each tungitudinal and 5% of each cir-circumfe rential weld w hach had a t3 r reflec tor, repaare in the core beltline cun .erential weld will be inspected. % hen the region. These . elds ins tude neutrun th.ence exceeds 1019 avt (E of 1. 0 Mew or n the two circumferential welde greatert. the length of each weld whkh is inspected and four longitudinal welds in will t,e inc reased to 50%. At least 50% of areas the beltline region, with major repaare shalt be inspected by the end of the second 10-year inspection interval.
Pl. 2 B-B!.ungitudinal and circumferen.
See Remarks See Remarks
I' X A MIN A TIO N i       Ho. m                                                               INSPECTION CATEGORY PER           AltEA5 TO BE EXAMINED                                     INSPECTION SCHEDULE AND EXTENT                                           R EMA RKS T A B I E I W B . 2t+ w T A BLE lW B-2500                                       " T"                                                                                                                          .
't he welds In this category a re the circumfe rential w eld taal welds in the shell and just above the support skirt junctlpo with the vessel, a:.e heads (other than those cow-lower head to vessel weld which le only ascese ble fr.
e e red in items is t.1 and Isl. 3.
1 ca o.r vessel 1.1.1                         B-A           Longitudinal and circ.smferen. Volume t ric       At or near the end of the 10-year inspection inter-   These inspections will include a region in the center tial welds and major weld                           val.10% of each tungitudinal and 5% of each cir-     circumfe rential weld w hach had a t3 r reflec tor, repaare in the core beltline                       cun .erential weld will be inspected. % hen the region. These . elds ins tude                       neutrun th.ence exceeds 1019 avt (En of 1. 0 Mew or the two circumferential welde                       greatert. the length of each weld whkh is inspected and four longitudinal welds in                       will t,e inc reased to 50%. At least 50% of areas the beltline region,                               with major repaare shalt be inspected by the end of the second 10-year inspection interval.
the bottom of the vessel, e ' thw circiamferential noaale b=It weld. The stres ses and .'.tigue usage s an the se welds are luwe r than in the othe r r ,ctur vessel st ell welds to be in spected pe r i ems Hl . , and pl. 4 t Therefore no inspections are planne1.
Pl. 2                       B-B           !.ungitudinal and circumferen. See Remarks       See Remarks                                         't he welds In this category a re the circumfe rential w eld taal welds in the shell and                                                                             just above the support skirt junctlpo with the vessel, a:.e heads (other than those cow-                                                                             lower head to vessel weld which le only ascese ble fr.       e e red in items is t.1 and Isl. 3.                                                                       the bottom of the vessel, e ' thw circiamferential noaale b=It weld. The stres ses and .'.tigue usage s an the se welds are luwe r than in the othe r r ,ctur vessel st ell welds to be in spected pe r i ems t    Hl . , and pl. 4 Therefore no inspections are planne1.
Lt. 3 B-C Vessel to flange and head to Volumetric 1/3 s'.out every 3 1/3 years.
Lt. 3                         B-C           Vessel to flange and head to     Volumetric         1/3 s'.out every 3 1/3 years.
flange circumferential welds, til. 4 fi- D I2rimary possle to vessel welds Volumet ric 100% of one outlet nozate will be inspected each The outlet nozzles are selected for inspection since they and noaale inside radiosed sec-five years, and 100% of the higher stressed core see higher stresses and fatigue usage the the t a .4 -
flange circumferential welds, til. 4                       fi- D         I2rimary possle to vessel welds   Volumet ric       100% of one outlet nozate will be inspected each     The outlet nozzles are selected for inspection since they and noaale inside radiosed sec-                     five years, and 100% of the higher stressed core     see higher stresses and fatigue usage the the t a .4 -
ti on s, flood nozzle will be inspected near the end of the ale s.The highe r st re ssed core flood n',arle is se lec'ed 10-year inspection inte rval.
ti on s,                                           flood nozzle will be inspected near the end of the   ale s. The highe r st re ssed core flood n',arle is se lec'ed 10-year inspection inte rval.                       because it has a somewhat dafferent configuration than d e uullet naasles.
because it has a somewhat dafferent configuration than d e uullet naasles.
's l . 5                     B-E           Pressure retaining partial       Visual             The area around 25% of the control rod drive penetration welds in the ves-                         penetration nosale welds w611 be inspected for sel, leakage during the pressure test conducted near the end of the 10-year inspection interval.
's l . 5 B-E Pressure retaining partial Visual The area around 25% of the control rod drive penetration welds in the ves-penetration nosale welds w611 be inspected for sel, leakage during the pressure test conducted near the end of the 10-year inspection interval.
~i 1. 6 D - l'Primary nozzle to safe-end Volumetric 100% of the dissimilar metal weld at the nuasle The pipe stresses at this nosale are about three times 4 welds (dissimilar enetal welds), leading to core flooding tank I A will be inspected.
i 1. 6                       D - l'       Primary nozzle to safe-end       Volumetric       100% of the dissimilar metal weld at the nuasle       The pipe stresses at this nosale are about three times 4                               welds (dissimilar enetal welds),                   leading to core flooding tank I A will be inspected. those at the nrisale leading to tank ID. The core flwitr.g N                                                                                     This inspection wall be done near tho end ,f the 8 0 year inerstion inte rval.
those at the nrisale leading to tank ID. The core flwitr.g N This inspection wall be done near tho end ,f the nozzles are the only nozeles on the reactor vessel with 8 0 year inerstion inte rval.
nozzles are the only nozeles on the reactor vessel with e                                                                                                                                        dassimilar metal welds, hurf ace inspec tion v ill n st t,e pe r forened bec ause of the high radiation levels at this w e hl.
dassimilar metal welds, hurf ace inspec tion v ill n st t,e e pe r forened bec ause of the high radiation levels at this w e hl.N al.7 D is - G- 1 Closure et is. in-place.
N al.7       D                 is - G- 1     Closure et   is. in-place.       See item DI.8     See item Bl. 8.
See item DI.8 See item Bl. 8.
N al.s                         13 - G- 1     Closure stude and nute 2 inches   Volu me t ric     Cumulative 100% with 31-1/ 3% being examined         Th. stude and nuts are normally ren.ovcd during refcelow and over in diameter,             and surface       about every 3-1/3 years.                             and are thus accessible for surface inspection.
N al.s 13 - G- 1 Closure stude and nute 2 inches Volu me t ric Cumulative 100% with 31-1/ 3% being examined Th. stude and nuts are normally ren.ovcd during refcelow and over in diameter, and surface about every 3-1/3 years.
and are thus accessible for surface inspection.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      -       .
HOD-T ABLE IWB-2530. 1. 'e 11- G . I 1.lgaments between threaded Volurne t ric Cumulative 100% with 3 3-1/35 being examined
                                                                                    "                                                                                       R rgA ggs CATEGORY PER     AREAS TO BE EXAMINED                                 INSPECTION SCIIEDULE AND EXTENT TAB 1 E Iw li-N. T ABLE IWB-2530                                           HOD                                                                                                                            -
-stud holes.
about every 3-1/3 years.
  . 1. 'e                 11- G . I 1.lgaments between threaded     Volurne t ric       Cumulative 100% with 3 3-1/35 being examined stud holes.                                         about every 3-1/3 years.
.1.10 It - G- 1 Closure washers, bushings.
  .1.10                   It - G- 1 Closure washers, bushings.     Visual             Cumulative 100% with 33-1/3% being examined about every 3-l / 3 years.
Visual Cumulative 100% with 33-1/3% being examined about every 3-l / 3 years.
  't.II                   13 -G- 2 Pre ssure retaining t.ulting   Visual             Cumulative 100% with 3 3-1/ 3% being examined         Will be done in place unless joints are disassembled for below 2 int hes in di.irnete r,                     about every 3-1/ 3 years.                             other reasons.
't.II 13 -G- 2 Pre ssure retaining t.ulting Visual Cumulative 100% with 3 3-1/ 3% being examined Will be done in place unless joints are disassembled for below 2 int hes in di.irnete r, about every 3-1/ 3 years.
it.12                   B-Il     Integrally welded vessel sup-   See Remarks         See Remarks                                           Inspection is not require $ since the skirt to ve s sel e ports                                                                                                     is an integrally forged piece.
other reasons.
1.1i                 B-I-l     Closure head cladding           See Remarks         See Remarks                                           Experience has shown cladJing inspections to not be war.
it.12 B-Il Integrally welded vessel sup-See Remarks See Remarks Inspection is not require $ since the skirt to ve s sel e ports is an integrally forged piece.
1.1i B-I-l Closure head cladding See Remarks See Remarks Experience has shown cladJing inspections to not be war.
ranted, and they have been deleted.
ranted, and they have been deleted.
1.14 B.I-I Vessel cladding.
1.14                 B.I-I     Vessel cladding.               See Remarks         See Remarks                                           E:xperience has shown cladding inspections to not be war-rented. and they have been deleted.
See Remarks See Remarks E:xperience has shown cladding inspections to not be war-rented. and they have been deleted.
l.85                 11- N - 1 Ve s sel inte rior.             Visual             Normally accessible areas will be visually in.
l.85 11- N - 1 Ve s sel inte rior.
Visual Normally accessible areas will be visually in.
spected at the first refueling and every third refueling thereafter.
spected at the first refueling and every third refueling thereafter.
:3.19 B.N-2 See Remarks See Remarks See Remarks This inspection applies only to ItWRs.
:3.19                   B.N-2     See Remarks                     See Remarks         See Remarks                                             This inspection applies only to ItWRs. B-N-3 Itemovable core support struc-Visual This inspection will t>e perfornwd once each p tu re s.10-y ear inspection B.O Control rod drive housings Volumetrlc There are three control rod drtve housings with a welds with UT reflectors. These three housings will be inspected during the lo year interval with M one being inspected each 3 1/ 3 years.                   B-N-3     Itemovable core support struc- Visual             This inspection will t>e perfornwd once each                                                                               p tu re s.                                           10-y ear inspection interval.
D e 1.19 B.P Exempted components.                   B.O       Control rod drive housings     Volumetrlc         There are three control rod drtve housings with a                                                                                       welds with UT reflectors. These three housings will be inspected during the lo year interval with M                                                                                       one being inspected each 3 1/ 3 years.
Visual The se components will be inspected for leakage during the pressure test conducted near the end of the 10-year inspection interval,&*re s e.s r s s e r
D e   1.19                 B.P       Exempted components.           Visual             The se components will be inspected for leakage during the pressure test conducted near the end of the 10-year inspection interval,
@2.8 D-B e 1.ongitudinal and circunderen-Volumetric One fact of the circumferential and one foot of the The intersections of the longitudinal and circumferent:41 tial welds.
&   *re s e.s r s s e r
longitudinal weld at each corner of the heater welds at the four corners of the heater t,undle course see bundle course will be inspec ted. One corne r will higher stresses and fatigue usages than the ther lone:ta '
@   2.8                   D-B e     1.ongitudinal and circunderen- Volumetric         One fact of the circumferential and one foot of the     The intersections of the longitudinal and circumferent:41 tial welds.                                         longitudinal weld at each corner of the heater         welds at the four corners of the heater t,undle course see bundle course will be inspec ted. One corne r will     higher stresses and fatigue usages than the ther lone:ta '
be inspected within 3-l/3 years, a second within inal and circun.ferential shell v eld s in the p e s s urss er.
be inspected within 3-l/3 years, a second within       inal and circun.ferential shell v eld s in the p e s s urss er.
f,-2/ 3 years. and all four by the emi of ten yea r s.
f,-2/ 3 years. and all four by the emi of ten yea r s.
.T A BLE IW B 2500 PJ f h-D Norale-to-ve s sel welds and Volume t ric
'the surge moaale weld will be inspected in the The surge and spray nosales are subjected tu hig*.er nossle-to-vessel radiused first five years and the spray nusale in the second stres ses than the relief and safety valve s. ar J sec tion.five years of the IO-year inspection interval, in are therefore selected for inspection, addition, ti e three relief and safety nosales each
            .                                                                                               INSPECTION SCHEDULE AND EXTENT                                          REMARKS
, have UT reflectors, and the areas with reflectors will I,e inspec ted during the 10-year mopecttun intervat with one nusale being inspected 3-l / 3 years.
* T A BLE IW B 2500 PJ f                             h-D           Norale-to-ve s sel welds and     Volume t ric       'the surge moaale weld will be inspected in the     The surge and spray nosales are subjected tu hig*.er nossle-to-vessel radiused                           first five years and the spray nusale in the second stres ses than the relief and safety valve s. ar J sec tion.                                           five years of the IO-year inspection interval, in   are therefore selected for inspection, addition, ti e three relief and safety nosales each have UT reflectors, and the areas with reflectors                                                         ,
fi l.1 13- E Ileater penetrations.
will I,e inspec ted during the 10-year mopecttun intervat with one nusale being inspected 3-l / 3 years.
Visual These connections will be inspected during the pressure test condusted near the end of the t o-year inspectaon mterval.
fi l.1                       13- E           Ileater penetrations.           Visual           These connections will be inspected during the pressure test condusted near the end of the t o-year inspectaon mterval.
H 2. 4 B-F Nossle-to-eafe-end welds See Remarks See Remarks These dissimilar metal welds a re covered in item B 4 (diaelmitar metal).
H 2. 4                         B-F             Nossle-to-eafe-end welds         See Remarks     See Remarks (diaelmitar metal).                                                                                      These dissimilar metal welds a re covered in item B 4 It 2. 5. 6 2. 6 and           B-G-1           Pressure retaining bolting ti ?
It 2. 5. 6 2. 6 and B-G-1 Pressure retaining bolting Visual, volu-The bolting for the rnanway and the three heater In-place visual and volumetric inspections will t- ).e
Visual, volu-   The bolting for the rnanway and the three heater       In-place visual and volumetric inspections will t- ).e 2 inche s and greate r in diam- nietr6c and     bundles will Se inspected during the 10-year in-
-ti ?2 inche s and greate r in diam-nietr6c and bundles will Se inspected during the 10-year in-formed unle ss the bottine is removed f .r v6.e r te ava.6 e te r.surface spection interval with one or two of these sets of in which case surface inspectwn mill also be perfor med.
bolting being checked about every 3-l/3 years, h 2. o B-Il Integrelly welded vessel sup-Volume t ric The eight supports will be inspected each 10-year po rt e.inspection inte rval, with about 1/ 3 of them being inspected eash 3-l/3 yeare.
e te r.                                                                                                  formed unle ss the bottine is removed f .r v6.e r te ava.6 surface         spection interval with one or two of these sets of     in which case surface inspectwn mill also be perfor med.
b l. *b 2 Vessel cladding.
bolting being checked about every 3-l/3 years, h 2. o                       B-Il             Integrelly welded vessel sup-   Volume t ric     The eight supports will be inspected each 10-year po rt e.
See Remarke See Remarks Experience has shown cladding inspections to not t,e warranted, and they have been deleted.
inspection inte rval, with about 1/ 3 of them being inspected eash 3-l/3 yeare.
112.10 B l'Exempted components.
b l.
Visual These components will be inspected for leakage d.aring the pressure test conducted near the end of the IO-year inspection interval.
* b 2         Vessel cladding.               See Remarke     See Remarks                                             Experience has shown cladding inspections to not t,e warranted, and they have been deleted.
I'11 D-G-2 Pressure retalning butting Visual This botting will be visually inspected at least
112.10                       B   l' Exempted components.             Visual           These components will be inspected for leakage d.aring the pressure test conducted near the end of the IO-year inspection interval.
.less than 2 inches in diameter.
I'. 11                     D-G-2           Pressure retalning butting       Visual           This botting will be visually inspected at least less than 2 inches in diameter.                   once during the 10-year interval. The inspections will be done in place unless breaking the connec-tion is required for other reasons. 1/3 of these inspections
once during the 10-year interval. The inspections will be done in place unless breaking the connec-tion is required for other reasons. 1/3 of these inspections
* vill be done about every 3 1/ 3 years.
* vill be done about every 3 1/ 3 years.
e h-r v .i m G. n e r .e -
e h -r v .i m G. n e r .e -
rs't G,)n.1 1* h wn U.ET[., C. I y B l.1 h-P!.ongitudical or circumferen.
rs't G,)         n.1 1* h wn U.ET[., C. I y B l.1                         h-P           !.ongitudical or circumferen. Volume t ric   S.G. -- The only welds in this category are the tial welds in primary side                                                                                The upper head-to-tubesheet melds are subjected to rela-M                                               shell tubesheet-to-head welds. Five percent of the           tively more seve re stress conditions than the low e r I e ad-Q                                                                                                 uppe r head-to-tubenheet welds on one steam gen-       to-tube nheet welds, though both schls see ve ry low erator will be inspected near the eod of the inspec-   stresses and 0.0 fatigue usage, tion interval, in addition all of the nur tube-sheet to hea<l welde have annie UT refit f(rs, an<t these reflectors will all bc inspected durt tthe IO-year inspection interval
Volume t ric S.G. -- The only welds in this category are the The upper head-to-tubesheet melds are subjected to rela-M tial welds in primary side tubesheet-to-head welds. Five percent of the tively more seve re stress conditions than the low e r I e ad-shell Q uppe r head-to-tubenheet welds on one steam gen-to-tube nheet welds, though both schls see ve ry low erator will be inspected near the eod of the inspec-stresses and 0.0 fatigue usage, tion interval, in addition all of the nur tube-sheet to hea<l welde have annie UT refit f(rs, an<t these reflectors will all bc inspected durt tthe IO-year inspection interval T AD).E A-1 Cf ASS I INSERVICE INSPECTIONS E X A MINA TION I*C ATEGORY I*ER AltEAS TO BE EXAMINED INSPECTION SCHEDULE AND EXTENT REMARKS-I ION TA BI.E IT B.26w M ETHOD T ABLE IW B-2500 b l.1 (6 ontanus et.
L. C. -- A portion of the longitudinal seam welds The inlet manifold is subjected to muc h is. ore revere on each primary mankfuld is accessible at the tempe rature transients than the outlet enanif old.
* I        ION C ATEGORY I*ER     AltEAS TO BE EXAMINED                                 INSPECTION SCHEDULE AND EXTENT                                               REMARKS                     -
TA BI.E IT B.26w T     ABLE IW B-2500                                   M ETHOD b l.1 (6 ontanus et.                                                                 L. C. -- A portion of the longitudinal seam welds         The inlet manifold is subjected to muc h is. ore revere on each primary mankfuld is accessible at the             tempe rature transients than the outlet enanif old.
manifold-to-pipe joint. The accessible portlen will be inspec ted near the end of the inspu tion inte rval on the inlet manif uld of the cooler which is used the most.
manifold-to-pipe joint. The accessible portlen will be inspec ted near the end of the inspu tion inte rval on the inlet manif uld of the cooler which is used the most.
b l. *15 - D Primary noaale-to-head welds Visual S. G. -- No s olumetric inspections are planned.
b l.
The reactor coolant paping sur ge nosale and reac tor and nosale inside radiused Visual inspe6 tion of the inside radiused sectaun vessel outlet noaste welds are subj. acted to sictricae g s e c tion.
* 15 - D       Primary noaale-to-head welds   Visual         S. G. -- No s olumetric inspections are planned.           The reactor coolant paping sur ge nosale and reac tor and nosale inside radiused                     Visual inspe6 tion of the inside radiused sectaun         vessel outlet noaste welds are subj. acted to sictricae       g s e c tion.                                     will be performed once during the 10-year inspec-         more severe stress and fa:igue usa se c .D ons than           F tion interval if the primary heads are opened for         S. G. noule weld s. Since the surge ard re.ctor vesses other reasons.                                             outlet nosale welde will t,c inspested. In spestion of the S.G. nossle weld s is not war ranted.
will be performed once during the 10-year inspec-more severe stress and fa:igue usa e c.D ons than F s tion interval if the primary heads are opened for S. G. noule weld s.
Since the surge ard re.ctor vesses other reasons.
outlet nosale welde will t,c inspested. In spestion of the S.G. nossle weld s is not war ranted.
L. C. -- There are no L. C. welds in this category.
L. C. -- There are no L. C. welds in this category.
h 3. I B-F Primary nozzle-to-safe-end See Remarks See Rernarke S. C. and I. C. -- The re a re no w elds in this c ategor g , welds (dissimilar rnetal).
h 3. I                   B-F         Primary nozzle-to-safe-end     See Remarks     See Rernarke                                               S. C. and I. C. -- The re a re no w elds in this c ategor g ,
b l. 4 113.$ and B-G-1 Pressure retaining botting Visual. volu-S. G. -- The botting for tha four manways will be In-place visual and volumetric anspec tioc s wilt be pe r-b l. t 2 inches and over in diameter, metric and inspected during the 10-year interval, with one or formed unless the botting is removed for other reasics.
welds (dissimilar rnetal).
surface two manways being inspected each 3-1/3 years, an which case surface inspection will also be perh.r vet.
b l. 4 113.$ and         B-G-1       Pressure retaining botting     Visual. volu-   S. G. -- The botting for tha four manways will be           In-place visual and volumetric anspec tioc s wilt be pe r-b l. t                               2 inches and over in diameter, metric and     inspected during the 10-year interval, with one or         formed unless the botting is removed for other reasics.
L. C. -- The re is no bolting in this category, 11 3 . 7 B-ll Integrally welded vessel sup-Volume t ric S.G. -- Ten percent of the length of this weld on. 't hese inspections will include the regions an one of thes*
surface         two manways being inspected each 3-1/3 years,               an which case surface inspection will also be perh.r vet.
port .each steam generator will be inspected during the welds which had UT reflect srs.
L. C. -- The re is no bolting in this category, 11 3 . 7                 B-ll         Integrally welded vessel sup-   Volume t ric   S.G. -- Ten percent of the length of this weld on       . 't hese inspections will include the regions an one of thes*
port .                                         each steam generator will be inspected during the         welds which had UT reflect srs.
10-year inspection interval with 3-l/ 3** of each weld being inspected about every 3-l/3 years.
10-year inspection interval with 3-l/ 3** of each weld being inspected about every 3-l/3 years.
L.C. -- There are no supports in this category.
L.C. -- There are no supports in this category.                                                                         '
'D 3. M B- t- 2 Vessel cladding.
D 3. M                   B- t- 2     Vessel cladding.               See Remarks     S. G. -- See '.emar k s                                     Emperience has shown cladding inspectione to not be warranted, and they have treen deleted.
See Remarks S. G. -- See '.emar k s Emperience has shown cladding inspectione to not be warranted, and they have treen deleted.
L. C. -- The re is no cladding in the L. C.
L. C. -- The re is no cladding in the L. C.
A U S. *B-P Esempted components.
A U S.
Visual These components will be inspected for leakage 4 during the pressure test conducted near the end
* B-P         Esempted components.           Visual         These components will be inspected for leakage 4                                                                                       during the pressure test conducted near the end
~of the 10-year inspection interval.
N-bLIO B-G-2 Pressure retaining botting less Visual S.G. -- This botting will t,e visually inspected at than 2 inches in dia meter.
of the 10-year inspection interval.
least once during the 10-year inspection interval.
C The inspections will t e done in place unless breaking the connec tion is required for other re sons.1/ 3 of these c heck s will be done about every 3 1/ 3 years I.. C. -- 1 he re is no bolt ine in this c .tc eur y.
-                         B-G-2       Pressure retaining botting less Visual         S.G. -- This botting will t,e visually inspected at than 2 inches in dia meter.                     least once during the 10-year inspection interval.
C                                                                                       The inspections will t e done in place unless breaking the connec tion is required for other re sons. 1/ 3 of these     c heck s will be done about every 3 1/ 3 years I.. C. -- 1 he re is no bolt ine in this c .tc eur y.
_TA fsl.E IW B.2 500
-a r. .-4. 5 ll- F Safe-end welds (diestmilar Volume t ric 25" pipe -- The four bimetallic welds at the R C The bimetallic welds at the RC pump o.itlets see sicntf:
metall, and surface purup outlets will be inspected in the 10-year in-cantly higher stresses and f atigue usage than at at e PC spection interval; one by 3-I / 3 year s, two by pump inless.
            ""           CATEGOkY PE A                                      INSPI'CTION           INSPECTION SCHEDUI.E AND EXTENT                                             REM A RKS T A B L E IW B. 26v. TA fsl.E IW B.2 500 AREAS TO BE EXAMINED                                                                                                                                            _
a r. .-
: 4. 5                 ll- F           Safe-end welds (diestmilar     Volume t ric   25" pipe -- The four bimetallic welds at the R C     The bimetallic welds at the RC pump o.itlets see sicntf:
metall,                       and surface     purup outlets will be inspected in the 10-year in-   cantly higher stresses and f atigue usage than at at e PC spection interval; one by 3-I / 3 year s, two by     pump inless.
6-2/ 3 years. and four by ten years.
6-2/ 3 years. and four by ten years.
14" pipe -- See item Bl.6.
14" pipe -- See item Bl.6.
12" and 10" pipe -- The bimetallic welds at the
12" and 10" pipe -- The bimetallic welds at the       't he re es e three w elds in this group     Or.e de c ay hea surge line connee: tion '.s the reactor coolant pipe outlet and ur.e surge line dissinalar met.1 w eM to t'.e             f and to the pre ssuriser wilt be inspec ted. One of   reactor coolant (hcl pipir u. and one sur.;c 1.r.e dts-these will be inspected each five years.             similar metal weld tu the pre ssortaer. Of these v . id s, the welds at the surge line connection to the pr. s e . rise r and the HC pipe see significar.tly i nghe r st r. s ac s c. 4 f atigue usage and thus are selected for lang ctar n.
't he re es e three w elds in this group Or.e de c ay hea surge line connee: tion
4" and unde r pipe -- The bimetallic weld at the       lhe wclds in this eroup include four high pressure high pressu.e injection nosate used for normal       anjection, one letdown, and three d rain larm dis sar .:lar make-up wiu be inspected once each 3 1/ 3 years,     me tal welds to the ItC pipin t.s and shree reiset and s .r.e and the bimetallic weld at the nusale connected to   spr.y dissimilar si. eta; m eld s to the pre ssuriz e r. Le valve PilJ-V8t A will be inspected once during the   the se welds, the high pre ssure injec tion v.r,r ale es., ! fer 10-yea r inspection inte rval,                       normal m.l.c.up see s relatively highe r Arn a; t rc.3:.
'.s the reactor coolant pipe outlet and ur.e surge line dissinalar met.1 w eM to t'.e f and to the pre ssuriser wilt be inspec ted. One of reactor coolant (hcl pipir u. and one sur.;c 1.r.e dts-these will be inspected each five years.
                                                                                                                                                    -id is selec ted for inspec tion. The die st:mla r m ;
similar metal weld tu the pre ssortaer. Of these v . id s, the welds at the surge line connection to the pr. s e . rise r and the HC pipe see significar.tly i nghe r st r. s ac s c. 4 f atigue usage and thus are selected for lang ctar n.
in the nozzle connected to MU-Va6 A is subjec ted to the highe st piping stresse s ar.d is also seImed f-r ae spe s tt.-    -
4" and unde r pipe -- The bimetallic weld at the lhe wclds in this eroup include four high pressure high pressu.e injection nosate used for normal anjection, one letdown, and three d rain larm dis sar .:lar make-up wiu be inspected once each 3 1/ 3 years, me tal welds to the ItC pipin t. and shree reiset and s .r.e s and the bimetallic weld at the nusale connected to spr.y dissimilar si. eta; m eld s to the pre ssuriz e r.
      ' 4. 2 S I. 5         Il- G- 1       Pressure retaining botting     See Remarks     See Remarks                                           't here are no bolted joints in Class I pipng with tulta .e
Le valve PilJ-V8t A will be inspected once during the the se welds, the high pre ssure injec tion v.r,r ale es., ! fer 10-yea r inspection inte rval, normal m.l.c.up see s relatively highe r Arn a; t rc.3:.-id is selec ted for inspec tion.
      . .- d i 1. 4                           2 inches and over in dianeter.                                                                       2 inche s or ove r in Jianwter, h e. 5                 Is -J - l       Circumferential i.nd longitud- Volumetric     The most severely stressed welds (exclusive of nal pipe welds,                               dissimilar metal welds which are covered in item 114.1) in each size range in each system will be inspected. The following welds will be inspected during the 10-year inspection interval:
The die st:mla r m ;
in the nozzle connected to MU-Va6 A is subjec ted to the highe st piping stresse s ar.d is also seImed f-r ae spe s tt.-
-' 4. 2 S I. 5 Il- G- 1 Pressure retaining botting See Remarks See Remarks
't here are no bolted joints in Class I pipng with tulta .e. .- d i 1. 4 2 inches and over in dianeter.
2 inche s or ove r in Jianwter, h e. 5 Is -J - l Circumferential i.nd longitud-Volumetric The most severely stressed welds (exclusive of nal pipe welds, dissimilar metal welds which are covered in item 114.1) in each size range in each system will be inspected. The following welds will be inspected during the 10-year inspection interval:
R cactor Coolant System
R cactor Coolant System
--*a.In the M" i. D. reactor coolant pipe, the welds between the It900 elbow at the tot of g the steam generator and the ve rtic al run up f rom the reactor vessel will t>e inspected togethe r with one foot of each inte r secting e longitudinal weld. In addition, the reac tor vessel outlet nusale-to-pipe welds mill be
--*                                                                                         a. In the M" i. D. reactor coolant pipe, the g                                                                                                welds between the It900 elbow at the tot of the steam generator and the ve rtic al run up f rom the reactor vessel will t>e inspected e                                                                                                togethe r with one foot of each inte r secting longitudinal weld. In addition, the reac tor vessel outlet nusale-to-pipe welds mill be
'inspected, since access to these welds is Q provided when the nozzles are inspected per Ite m lit . 4.-m T ABI l' A-l Cl. ASS I INSER VICE INSI'ECTIONS PAGE 6 GF 9
'                                                                                                 inspected, since access to these welds is Q                                                                                                 provided when the nozzles are inspected per
  -m                                                                                              Ite m lit . 4.
-e 4. 51 ist inued e b.In the 28'' l. D reactor coolant pipe, the welds at the upstre m ends of the elbows at the diuharges of each reactor coolant pump will be inspected togethe r with one foot of each inte r secting longitudinal weld.
c.In the si.r ge line. the weld at the f ar end of the elbow welded to the 14C pipe will be in a pec t ed.
d.In the safety valve lance (6" diamete r). the weld at the end of the second 900 elbow from the pressuriser safety nosale to valve HC-RYl A will be inspected e.In the el my linen ( 2- 3 /2" dienwter). the faret weld in the 2-1/2" pipe af ter th e reducer will be inspected.
* E XA M1N ATION IHM O m                                                 "         "
CATEGORY PER   AltEAS TO BE EXAMINED                       IILSPECTION SCHEDULE ANI, EXTENT                 RELARAS TABIE lwn.26." TA BLE lwls.2500                             M ETHOD                                                                                *
e 4. 51 ist inued e                                                     b. In the 28'' l. D reactor coolant pipe, the welds at the upstre m ends of the elbows at the diuharges of each reactor coolant pump will be inspected togethe r with one foot of each inte r secting longitudinal weld.
: c. In the si.r ge line. the weld at the f ar end of the elbow welded to the 14C pipe will be in a pec t ed.
: d. In the safety valve lance (6" diamete r). the weld at the end of the second 900 elbow from the pressuriser safety nosale to valve HC-RYl A will be inspected
: e. In the el my linen ( 2- 3 /2" dienwter). the faret weld in the 2-1/2" pipe af ter th e reducer will be inspected.
Core Flomting sy stem The nosate weld in the line from tank A will be in spe c ted.
Core Flomting sy stem The nosate weld in the line from tank A will be in spe c ted.
Decay IIcat Sy stem a.Inlet line s (10" diameter) -- The first weld inside the reactor building in the line with D11-V4 B will be inspected.
Decay IIcat Sy stem
b.Outlet line (12" diamete r) -- The downstream weld on the elbow just before the secondary shield s alt will be inspected.
: a. Inlet line s (10" diameter) -- The first weld inside the reactor building in the line with D11-V4 B will be inspected.
Make-tip and f>urification Sy ste m a.lingh pressure injection (2-1/2" diameter) --(I) 1.ine with valve MtJ-V16 A -- The weld on the reac tor bu.. ding wall side of the first elbow inside the reactor building will be s in s pe c ted.
: b. Outlet line (12" diamete r) -- The downstream weld on the elbow just before the secondary shield s alt will be inspected.
Q (2) Line with valve MtJ-VI6 B -- The weld on
Make-tip and f>urification Sy ste m
-<eactor buildang wall side of the itrat elbow inside the reac tor building will be in spec ted.
: a. lingh pressure injection (2-1/2" diameter) --
N@(3) 1,ine with valve MU-Vl6C -- The weld on the downstream side of valve MtJ-V86B will be inspected (4) Line with valve Mll.V16D -- The weld on the downstream side of valve MU-V80 A will tse inspected.
(I) 1.ine with valve MtJ-V16 A -- The weld on the reac tor bu.. ding wall side of the first s                                                                                    elbow inside the reactor building will be in s pe c ted.
Q                                                                               (2) Line with valve MtJ-VI6 B -- The weld on
-                                                                                     <eactor buildang wall side of the itrat elbow inside the reac tor building will be in spec ted.
@                                                                               (3) 1,ine with valve MU-Vl6C -- The weld on the downstream side of valve MtJ-V86B will be inspected (4) Line with valve Mll.V16D -- The weld on the downstream side of valve MU-V80 A will tse inspected.
CI ASS 1 INSERVICE INSPECTIONS                                                                                               .
3       I"           EXAMINATION                                                                                                                                                                          -
CATEGORY PER                                      "           "
TABLE LWD 2$00 M ETWD.. 4. s 4 n t : n ue.h b.I.etdown line (2 1/2" diameterl -- T he up-
T A B L E l* D -2t . '                  A R EAS TO B E EX A bilhED                               If4PECT10N SCllEDULE AND EXTENT                                             REMARM TABLE LWD 2$00                                       M ETWD                                                                                                                         .
-stream pipe-to-tee m eld upstream of velves k1U-VI A and Mti-VI ti mill be inspected.
    . 4. s 4 n t : n ue.h
c.Four welds with UT reflectore will also be in s pec t ed.
: b. I.etdown line (2 1/2" diameterl -- T he up-                                                              -
t he pipe weld anspections will be distributed approximately unitormly over the IO-year in-spection interval, l'. 4. e.It - J liranch pipe connectione Volumetric The surge line to B C pipe connection wall be in-The only branch connecteune over 6 inches numnaal , (nomale-to-pipe welds) over spected eac,h 10-year inte rval.
stream pipe-to-tee m eld upstream of velves k1U-VI A and Mti-VI ti mill be inspected.
eine are the decay heat-to-RC pipe cor net 4 n. and tLe 6 inches in nominal diameter.
: c. Four welds with UT reflectore will also be in s pec t ed.
pressurise r surre line-to-RC piping ev neuson. The surge line noa ale meld has a signatacantly hi.f.e r wea;;w factor, and is there fore selected fur I . spec tion.
t he pipe weld anspections will be distributed approximately unitormly over the IO-year in-spection interval, l'. 4. e.                 It - J     liranch pipe connectione         Volumetric         The surge line to B C pipe connection wall be in-   The only branch connecteune over 6 inches numnaal ,
15 4 . 7 B-J Bronch pipe connec tione Sur f ac e The high pressure injection nosato used for The nos ale s in this categcry are she foar llP injec uo (nosale-to-pipe weldal normal make-up will be inspected once eacia nos ale s. one spray lane nosale. three drain s:va n!e s.
(nomale-to-pipe welds) over                         spected eac,h 10-year inte rval.                     eine are the decay heat-to-RC pipe cor net 4 n. and tLe 6 inches in nominal diameter.                                                                             pressurise r surre line-to-RC piping ev neuson. The surge line noa ale meld has a signatacantly hi.f.e r wea;;w factor, and is there fore selected fur I . spec tion.
6 inches or lese in nominal 3-1/ 3 years.
15 4 . 7                 B-J         Bronch pipe connec tione         Sur f ac e         The high pressure injection nosato used for         The nos ale s in this categcry are she foar llP injec uo (nosale-to-pipe weldal                             normal make-up will be inspected once eacia           nos ale s. one spray lane nosale. three drain s:va n!e s.
end one letdown nossle. Of these t! e lip njec tio . mar-diamete r.
6 inches or lese in nominal                         3-1/ 3 years.                                       end one letdown nossle. Of these t! e lip njec tio . mar-diamete r.                                                                                               als used for normal make-up is subjssied to the n. .et seve rc c ondatione. Also, esper sern e has shown th.t nuaales ul ere culd w ate r as injec ted a .to a I ot e, s a ,
als used for normal make-up is subjssied to the n. .et seve rc c ondatione. Also, esper sern e has shown th.t nuaales ul ere culd w ate r as injec ted a .to a I ot e, s a , are subje ct to c r ack ang.
are subje ct to c r ack ang.
64.5 B.J Socket welds.
64.5                     B.J         Socket welds.                   Su r f ac e       25% of the socket welde 2 inches and under and       A detailed stress analysis of most of thaa pipins; m as as large r than I inc h will be inspected each inspec- pe r for ene d and, there fore, standard c o.fe inspeuswa re-tien interval, except the socket welde in the       q, aire ment e m all t,e I!oweve r, a at re s s analy sis w a s auxiliary spray line t,etween the spray line and     perforria.1 for part of the auxiltary spray lme. a:.d de It C-V4     The weld on the pressurtser side of the s.lec ted weld is the him;he st stressed m eld in s'..t Lae.
Su r f ac e 25% of the socket welde 2 inches and under and A detailed stress analysis of most of thaa pipins; m as as large r than I inc h will be inspected each inspec-pe r for ene d and, there fore, standard c o.fe inspeuswa re-tien interval, except the socket welde in the q, aire ment e m all t,e
valve RC-V4 in the auxiliary spray line will be     The A-l/ 2" reac tor cool.nt parnp seal we'er yapme to anopected once during the inspec tion interval.     exempted f rom the inspection sance the RC p uo;* er '
I!oweve r, a at re s s analy sis w a s auxiliary spray line t,etween the spray line and perforria.1 for part of the auxiltary spray lme. a:.d de It C-V4 The weld on the pressurtser side of the s.lec ted weld is the him;he st stressed m eld in s'..t Lae.
valve RC-V4 in the auxiliary spray line will be The A-l/ 2" reac tor cool.nt parnp seal we'er yapme to anopected once during the inspec tion interval.
exempted f rom the inspection sance the RC p uo;* er '
muuld hrnat leakage throu h this paping to less thar.
muuld hrnat leakage throu h this paping to less thar.
of I" pa pin g.
of I" pa pin g.
11 4 . 9 It. K - 1 Supports integrally welded to Volumetric One support will be inspected each to-year There are two integrally melded suf porte. one on a the pree are boundary.
11 4 . 9                 It. K - 1   Supports integrally welded to     Volumetric         One support will be inspected each to-year           There are two integrally melded suf porte. one on a the pree are boundary.                               6nspection interval.                                 decay beat line and one un a core floating line, w
6nspection interval.
M   !$ 4. 8 0               h-K-2         Pnping support componente.       Visual             All of the support cornpunents will be inspected 9                                                                                               during the t o-year inspection interval. Thein-e                                                                                              spections will be distributed approminiately unt-formly over the inspection interval.
decay beat line and one un a core floating line, w M!$ 4. 8 0 h-K-2 Pnping support componente.
Visual All of the support cornpunents will be inspected 9 during the t o-year inspection interval. Thein-spections will be distributed approminiately unt-e formly over the inspection interval.
(.f1                   B-P         Exempted componente.             Visual             These components wi:1 be inspected for leakage during the pressure test conducted near the end of the 10- year inspec tion 6ntea val.
N (.f1 B-P Exempted componente.
tt 4.11                 IS - G- 2   l'ressure retaining botting       See Remarke       See itemarks                                         These joints are covered in the pressuriser and valse le ss than 2 inche s in diameter.                                                                         sections of this specific ation.
Visual These components wi:1 be inspected for leakage during the pressure test conducted near the end of the 10- year inspec tion 6ntea val.
tt 4.11 IS - G- 2 l'ressure retaining botting See Remarke See itemarks These joints are covered in the pressuriser and valse le ss than 2 inche s in diameter.
sections of this specific ation.
E X A MIN A TION I             NO. P p CATEGORY PEA       AR EAS TO BE EXAMINED                                 INSPECTION SCHEDULE AND EXTENT                                         REMAILK5
TAMt E A-1 Cl,, ASS I INSEst VICE INSPECTIONS PAGE $ Cr 9 w E X A MIN A TION I NO. P p CATEGORY PEA AR EAS TO BE EXAMINED INSPECTION SCHEDULE AND EXTENT REMAILK5*T ABL E in b 64 G WOD , TABLE in B-2$00 g-c....t.',*). I . h v. 2 IS - G- 1 Pressure retaining t>olting Visual. ve>lu-The botting for the four RC punipe wall be in-In-place vieval and valuanetric inspectio .s mill be pe r-
* T ABL E in b 64 G TABLE in B-2$00
.' .I t.1 2 inche s and ove r an diameter, n etric and spected during the 10-year inspection laterval, formed unless the botting is removed for othe r resser s.
.surface with one or two pumps t>eing inspected eac h 3-l / 3 in whicta case surface inspec tion wall also Le pe r ti.r n l.years.I- 5. 4 ti- K - 1 Integrelly welded supporte.
WOD g     ,
Visual and One pump will be inspected each 10-year interval.
                    -c....t. ' welde on the puenp cae angs canr ot n sanit sf al'y be g surface R. T. or U. T. inspected because of their & ry en ci eince the casings are cast euetenatic et..r tet e eteel.
    *   .
            ). I . h v. 2         IS - G- 1     Pressure retaining t>olting     Visual. ve>lu-   The botting for the four RC punipe wall be in-       In-place vieval and valuanetric inspectio .s mill be pe r-
          '. .I t .1                           2 inche s and ove r an diameter, n etric and     spected during the 10-year inspection laterval,     formed unless the botting is removed for othe r resser s.
surface         with one or two pumps t>eing inspected eac h 3-l / 3 in whicta case surface inspec tion wall also Le pe r ti.r n   l.
I- 5. 4                       ti- K - 1     Integrelly welded supporte.     Visual and       One pump will be inspected each 10-year interval. welde on the puenp cae angs canr ot n sanit sf al'y be g surface                                                               R. T. or U. T. inspected because of their & ry en ci eince the casings are cast euetenatic et..r tet e eteel.
Timeref ore LP will I,e used.
Timeref ore LP will I,e used.
1- ). $i$-K-2 Support componente.
1- ). $                      i$-K-2        Support componente.              Vis ual          All the support components will t,e visually in-spec ted during the 10-year inspec tion interval.
Vis ual All the support components will t,e visually in-spec ted during the 10-year inspec tion interval.
S i. e.                      B-L-l        Pump casing seam welde.          See Remarke      See Remarks                                          There are no casing seam welde en Clase I pumps.
S i. e.B-L-l Pump casing seam welde.
    ' i. 7                        b-L-Z        internal inspect'on of pu np    Visual          This inspection will be done to the extent prac.
See Remarke See Remarks There are no casing seam welde en Clase I pumps.
casinge.                                          ticable for one pump casing nea. the end of the 10-year inspection interval af a pump is removed for other reasons,
' i. 7 b-L-Z internal inspect'on of pu np Visual This inspection will be done to the extent prac.
: t. 5. s                      B- I*        Exempted componente.            Visual          These components will be anspected for leakage dur6ng the pressure test conducted near tl.e end of the t o-year inspection interval.
casinge.ticable for one pump casing nea. the end of the 10-year inspection interval af a pump is removed for other reasons, t. 5. s B- I*Exempted componente.
I      4. u                  D-G-2        Pressure retaining bolting      Vleual          This botting 3111 be visually inspected at least less than 2 inches in diameter.                  onc e during tl.e t o-year interval. The inspections will be done in place unless breaking the connec-tion is required for other reasons. 1/ 3 of these inspections wall t>e dane about every 3-l/3 years.
Visual These components will be anspected for leakage dur6ng the pressure test conducted near tl.e end of the t o-year inspection interval.
.a y  .yd2
I 4. u D
: f. . . s 2M'1If D
w    ! . . l . be 2                It- G- 1      Pressure retaining t,olting      See Remarke      See Remarke                                          None of the valves within the Class 1 boundary use bolt-
            .d I,    5                          2 inches and over in diameter.                                                                        ing 2 inches or larger in daarneter.
*f  '          4                D-K-1        Integrally welded supporte.      See Remarks      See Remarks                                          Integrally melded supporte are not used for valves wi ki:
g                                                                                                                                                      the Class I boundary.
TAft! E A-1 Cl. ASS I INSFit VICf' TNSPECTIONS                                                                PAGE g 01 9
E X AMIN A TION 3                    '
C A T f:GC R Y PER                                    I          IU"            IMSPECrioN SCHEDUI.E AND EXT ENT                                    p lu A k h.S
    . A B . L t h &i 2 t,  -
AREA 5 TO BE EXAMINED                    i D                                                                                                                -
TABLE 1%B 2Suu
1se,. 5                        B-K-2          Support components.                Visual          t'l of the support compunents will be v6eually inspected during the t o-year inspection inte rval.
These snepec tions will t,e distributed approzi-ruately unif ormly ove r the 6nspection inte rval, lio.e                          B- M- l        Val e body seam melde.              See Hemark s    See hemarke                                          None of the valves within the IS boundary have foody seam welds.
    "c      .                      D - Et- 2      Ir te inspection of valves    Visual            Visual inspectioco will be pe rformed on one valve                                                          l over 4 inche s in nominal sise.                      of each design once during the 10-year inspeciaon This applies to:                                      interval if the valves are disassembled for other reasons.
Valve Tag No                      Stae and Tyg      Mandac t. ore c Catalog No.
D!!-VI                            Gate-12 inche s    Walworth 5262 Dii-V2                            Gate-12 inches    Walvorth 5262 Dit- V4 A and h                    Gate-10 inchne    % alwortti 52(.2 Dit-V22A and B                    Check-I O inc hes Chapman 257 3 C F-V4 A and H                    Check-14 inches Itocku ell 1570 C F-VS A and B                    Ches k-!4 inches It os kwell 15 70
    !e.*                          B-P            Exempted componente.                Visual            These componenes w;11 be inepected for leakage during the pressure test conducted near the end of the 10-year inspection inte rval.
l' S
* B-G-2          Pre s sure retaining botting        Visual          The bulting will be visually inspected at least le s s than 2 inches in diamete r.                    once during the 10-year inspection interval.
Inspections will lae done in place unless t,reabing
                                                                                      .                the connection is required for other reasone.
1/ 3 of the bolts will be inspected about every 3-l / 3 year s.
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Revision as of 14:13, 19 October 2019

Inservice Insp of TMI-1 Class 1 Component Pressure Boundary. Piping Diagrams Re Insp Encl
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Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 08/17/1977
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ML19210A561 List:
PROC-770817, NUDOCS 7910300606
Download: ML19210A568 (32)


{{#Wiki_filter:Attachment A '


Metropolitan Edison Co. August 17, 1977 11 Pages INSERVICE INSPECTION OF TMI-1 CLASS 1 COMPONENT PRESSURE BOUND ARY I, Scope and Objectives This attachment describes the inservice inspection program for Class 1 (reactor coolant system) pressure boundary components of TMI-1. The objective of the inservice inspection program is to provide assurance of the continuing integrity of the reactor coolant system while at the same time minimizing radiation exposure to personnel and plant downtime in the performance of the inspections. II. Identification of Class 1 Boundary The Class 1 boundary was established in accordance with 10CFR50, paragraph 50. Z(v) and footnote 2 to paragraph 50. 55a(g)(1). The Class I boundary is shown in the attached drawings, Drawing Nos. C-300-00h & 5-GN1, C300-015 to 017-G:il, and C-300-019 & 020-G'II. III. Apolicable Code Edition and Addenda In accordance with 10CFR50, paragraph 50. 55a(b), the applicable Code Edition and Addenda are the 1974 Edition with Addenda through Summer 1975. IV. Period of Apolicability In accordance with 10CFR50, paragraph 50. 55a(g)(4)(ii), this program is applicabic from January 1978 to May 1981. Howeve r, the program is 1491 245 606 7910300 ': A


. .


written in terms of the Code required ten-year inspection interval, which started September 1974. V. Bases for Inspection The inspection program detailed in Table A-1 below follows the Code, except that inspections are focused on those areas which engineering analysis indicates are subject to relatively more critical conditions of stress, fatigue, radiation, and/or thermal cycles. Inspections are also required of those areas which had recordable indications during the pre-service baseline examination. It is considered that inspection of areas subjected to relatively more critical conditions or which have pre-existing indications will provide good assurance of identification of any potential problems before significant flaws develop in the Class I component pres-sure boundaries. VI. Inspection Procram Inservice inspections will be carried out in accordance with Section XI, 1974 Edition with Addenda through Summer 1975, except that the specific inspections to be performed will be in accordance with Table A-1 rather than Tables DVB-2500 and DVB-2600 in the Code. Any repairs found to be necessary as a result of inservice inspections will be performed in accordance with Section XI,1974 Edition with Addenda through Summer 1975. 1491 246 A-2





1 ca o.r vessel 1.1.1 B-A Longitudinal and circ.smferen. Volume t ric At or near the end of the 10-year inspection inter- These inspections will include a region in the center tial welds and major weld val.10% of each tungitudinal and 5% of each cir- circumfe rential weld w hach had a t3 r reflec tor, repaare in the core beltline cun .erential weld will be inspected. % hen the region. These . elds ins tude neutrun th.ence exceeds 1019 avt (En of 1. 0 Mew or the two circumferential welde greatert. the length of each weld whkh is inspected and four longitudinal welds in will t,e inc reased to 50%. At least 50% of areas the beltline region, with major repaare shalt be inspected by the end of the second 10-year inspection interval. Pl. 2 B-B  !.ungitudinal and circumferen. See Remarks See Remarks 't he welds In this category a re the circumfe rential w eld taal welds in the shell and just above the support skirt junctlpo with the vessel, a:.e heads (other than those cow- lower head to vessel weld which le only ascese ble fr. e e red in items is t.1 and Isl. 3. the bottom of the vessel, e ' thw circiamferential noaale b=It weld. The stres ses and .'.tigue usage s an the se welds are luwe r than in the othe r r ,ctur vessel st ell welds to be in spected pe r i ems t Hl . , and pl. 4 Therefore no inspections are planne1. Lt. 3 B-C Vessel to flange and head to Volumetric 1/3 s'.out every 3 1/3 years. flange circumferential welds, til. 4 fi- D I2rimary possle to vessel welds Volumet ric 100% of one outlet nozate will be inspected each The outlet nozzles are selected for inspection since they and noaale inside radiosed sec- five years, and 100% of the higher stressed core see higher stresses and fatigue usage the the t a .4 - ti on s, flood nozzle will be inspected near the end of the ale s. The highe r st re ssed core flood n',arle is se lec'ed 10-year inspection inte rval. because it has a somewhat dafferent configuration than d e uullet naasles. 's l . 5 B-E Pressure retaining partial Visual The area around 25% of the control rod drive penetration welds in the ves- penetration nosale welds w611 be inspected for sel, leakage during the pressure test conducted near the end of the 10-year inspection interval.


i 1. 6 D - l' Primary nozzle to safe-end Volumetric 100% of the dissimilar metal weld at the nuasle The pipe stresses at this nosale are about three times 4 welds (dissimilar enetal welds), leading to core flooding tank I A will be inspected. those at the nrisale leading to tank ID. The core flwitr.g N This inspection wall be done near tho end ,f the 8 0 year inerstion inte rval. nozzles are the only nozeles on the reactor vessel with e dassimilar metal welds, hurf ace inspec tion v ill n st t,e pe r forened bec ause of the high radiation levels at this w e hl. N al.7 D is - G- 1 Closure et is. in-place. See item DI.8 See item Bl. 8. N al.s 13 - G- 1 Closure stude and nute 2 inches Volu me t ric Cumulative 100% with 31-1/ 3% being examined Th. stude and nuts are normally ren.ovcd during refcelow and over in diameter, and surface about every 3-1/3 years. and are thus accessible for surface inspection.


                                                                                                                                                                                                      -        .
                                                                                   "                                                                                        R rgA ggs CATEGORY PER     AREAS TO BE EXAMINED                                  INSPECTION SCIIEDULE AND EXTENT TAB 1 E Iw li-N. T ABLE IWB-2530                                           HOD                                                                                                                             -
 . 1. 'e                  11- G . I 1.lgaments between threaded     Volurne t ric       Cumulative 100% with 3 3-1/35 being examined stud holes.                                         about every 3-1/3 years.
 .1.10                    It - G- 1 Closure washers, bushings.      Visual              Cumulative 100% with 33-1/3% being examined about every 3-l / 3 years.
  't.II                   13 -G- 2  Pre ssure retaining t.ulting    Visual              Cumulative 100% with 3 3-1/ 3% being examined          Will be done in place unless joints are disassembled for below 2 int hes in di.irnete r,                     about every 3-1/ 3 years.                              other reasons.

it.12 B-Il Integrally welded vessel sup- See Remarks See Remarks Inspection is not require $ since the skirt to ve s sel e ports is an integrally forged piece. 1.1i B-I-l Closure head cladding See Remarks See Remarks Experience has shown cladJing inspections to not be war. ranted, and they have been deleted. 1.14 B.I-I Vessel cladding. See Remarks See Remarks E:xperience has shown cladding inspections to not be war-rented. and they have been deleted. l.85 11- N - 1 Ve s sel inte rior. Visual Normally accessible areas will be visually in. spected at the first refueling and every third refueling thereafter.

3.19 B.N-2 See Remarks See Remarks See Remarks This inspection applies only to ItWRs. B-N-3 Itemovable core support struc- Visual This inspection will t>e perfornwd once each p tu re s. 10-y ear inspection interval.                   B.O       Control rod drive housings      Volumetrlc          There are three control rod drtve housings with a                                                                                        welds with UT reflectors. These three housings will be inspected during the lo year interval with M                                                                                        one being inspected each 3 1/ 3 years.

D e 1.19 B.P Exempted components. Visual The se components will be inspected for leakage during the pressure test conducted near the end of the 10-year inspection interval, & *re s e.s r s s e r @ 2.8 D-B e 1.ongitudinal and circunderen- Volumetric One fact of the circumferential and one foot of the The intersections of the longitudinal and circumferent:41 tial welds. longitudinal weld at each corner of the heater welds at the four corners of the heater t,undle course see bundle course will be inspec ted. One corne r will higher stresses and fatigue usages than the ther lone:ta ' be inspected within 3-l/3 years, a second within inal and circun.ferential shell v eld s in the p e s s urss er. f,-2/ 3 years. and all four by the emi of ten yea r s.


            .                                                                                               INSPECTION SCHEDULE AND EXTENT                                          REMARKS
  • T A BLE IW B 2500 PJ f h-D Norale-to-ve s sel welds and Volume t ric 'the surge moaale weld will be inspected in the The surge and spray nosales are subjected tu hig*.er nossle-to-vessel radiused first five years and the spray nusale in the second stres ses than the relief and safety valve s. ar J sec tion. five years of the IO-year inspection interval, in are therefore selected for inspection, addition, ti e three relief and safety nosales each have UT reflectors, and the areas with reflectors ,

will I,e inspec ted during the 10-year mopecttun intervat with one nusale being inspected 3-l / 3 years. fi l.1 13- E Ileater penetrations. Visual These connections will be inspected during the pressure test condusted near the end of the t o-year inspectaon mterval. H 2. 4 B-F Nossle-to-eafe-end welds See Remarks See Remarks (diaelmitar metal). These dissimilar metal welds a re covered in item B 4 It 2. 5. 6 2. 6 and B-G-1 Pressure retaining bolting ti ? Visual, volu- The bolting for the rnanway and the three heater In-place visual and volumetric inspections will t- ).e 2 inche s and greate r in diam- nietr6c and bundles will Se inspected during the 10-year in-


e te r. formed unle ss the bottine is removed f .r v6.e r te ava.6 surface spection interval with one or two of these sets of in which case surface inspectwn mill also be perfor med. bolting being checked about every 3-l/3 years, h 2. o B-Il Integrelly welded vessel sup- Volume t ric The eight supports will be inspected each 10-year po rt e. inspection inte rval, with about 1/ 3 of them being inspected eash 3-l/3 yeare. b l.

  • b 2 Vessel cladding. See Remarke See Remarks Experience has shown cladding inspections to not t,e warranted, and they have been deleted.

112.10 B l' Exempted components. Visual These components will be inspected for leakage d.aring the pressure test conducted near the end of the IO-year inspection interval. I'. 11 D-G-2 Pressure retalning butting Visual This botting will be visually inspected at least less than 2 inches in diameter. once during the 10-year interval. The inspections will be done in place unless breaking the connec-tion is required for other reasons. 1/3 of these inspections

  • vill be done about every 3 1/ 3 years.

e h -r v .i m G. n e r .e - rs't G,) n.1 1* h wn U.ET[., C. I y B l.1 h-P  !.ongitudical or circumferen. Volume t ric S.G. -- The only welds in this category are the tial welds in primary side The upper head-to-tubesheet melds are subjected to rela-M shell tubesheet-to-head welds. Five percent of the tively more seve re stress conditions than the low e r I e ad-Q uppe r head-to-tubenheet welds on one steam gen- to-tube nheet welds, though both schls see ve ry low erator will be inspected near the eod of the inspec- stresses and 0.0 fatigue usage, tion interval, in addition all of the nur tube-sheet to hea<l welde have annie UT refit f(rs, an<t these reflectors will all bc inspected durt tthe IO-year inspection interval



TA BI.E IT B.26w T ABLE IW B-2500 M ETHOD b l.1 (6 ontanus et. L. C. -- A portion of the longitudinal seam welds The inlet manifold is subjected to muc h is. ore revere on each primary mankfuld is accessible at the tempe rature transients than the outlet enanif old. manifold-to-pipe joint. The accessible portlen will be inspec ted near the end of the inspu tion inte rval on the inlet manif uld of the cooler which is used the most. b l.

  • 15 - D Primary noaale-to-head welds Visual S. G. -- No s olumetric inspections are planned. The reactor coolant paping sur ge nosale and reac tor and nosale inside radiused Visual inspe6 tion of the inside radiused sectaun vessel outlet noaste welds are subj. acted to sictricae g s e c tion. will be performed once during the 10-year inspec- more severe stress and fa:igue usa se c .D ons than F tion interval if the primary heads are opened for S. G. noule weld s. Since the surge ard re.ctor vesses other reasons. outlet nosale welde will t,c inspested. In spestion of the S.G. nossle weld s is not war ranted.

L. C. -- There are no L. C. welds in this category. h 3. I B-F Primary nozzle-to-safe-end See Remarks See Rernarke S. C. and I. C. -- The re a re no w elds in this c ategor g , welds (dissimilar rnetal). b l. 4 113.$ and B-G-1 Pressure retaining botting Visual. volu- S. G. -- The botting for tha four manways will be In-place visual and volumetric anspec tioc s wilt be pe r-b l. t 2 inches and over in diameter, metric and inspected during the 10-year interval, with one or formed unless the botting is removed for other reasics. surface two manways being inspected each 3-1/3 years, an which case surface inspection will also be perh.r vet. L. C. -- The re is no bolting in this category, 11 3 . 7 B-ll Integrally welded vessel sup- Volume t ric S.G. -- Ten percent of the length of this weld on . 't hese inspections will include the regions an one of thes* port . each steam generator will be inspected during the welds which had UT reflect srs. 10-year inspection interval with 3-l/ 3** of each weld being inspected about every 3-l/3 years. L.C. -- There are no supports in this category. ' D 3. M B- t- 2 Vessel cladding. See Remarks S. G. -- See '.emar k s Emperience has shown cladding inspectione to not be warranted, and they have treen deleted. L. C. -- The re is no cladding in the L. C. A U S.

  • B-P Esempted components. Visual These components will be inspected for leakage 4 during the pressure test conducted near the end

~ of the 10-year inspection interval. N bLIO - B-G-2 Pressure retaining botting less Visual S.G. -- This botting will t,e visually inspected at than 2 inches in dia meter. least once during the 10-year inspection interval. C The inspections will t e done in place unless breaking the connec tion is required for other re sons. 1/ 3 of these c heck s will be done about every 3 1/ 3 years I.. C. -- 1 he re is no bolt ine in this c .tc eur y.




            ""           CATEGOkY PE A                                      INSPI'CTION           INSPECTION SCHEDUI.E AND EXTENT                                              REM A RKS T A B L E IW B. 26v. TA fsl.E IW B.2 500 AREAS TO BE EXAMINED                                                                                                                                             _

a r. .-

4. 5 ll- F Safe-end welds (diestmilar Volume t ric 25" pipe -- The four bimetallic welds at the R C The bimetallic welds at the RC pump o.itlets see sicntf:

metall, and surface purup outlets will be inspected in the 10-year in- cantly higher stresses and f atigue usage than at at e PC spection interval; one by 3-I / 3 year s, two by pump inless. 6-2/ 3 years. and four by ten years. 14" pipe -- See item Bl.6. 12" and 10" pipe -- The bimetallic welds at the 't he re es e three w elds in this group Or.e de c ay hea surge line connee: tion '.s the reactor coolant pipe outlet and ur.e surge line dissinalar met.1 w eM to t'.e f and to the pre ssuriser wilt be inspec ted. One of reactor coolant (hcl pipir u. and one sur.;c 1.r.e dts-these will be inspected each five years. similar metal weld tu the pre ssortaer. Of these v . id s, the welds at the surge line connection to the pr. s e . rise r and the HC pipe see significar.tly i nghe r st r. s ac s c. 4 f atigue usage and thus are selected for lang ctar n. 4" and unde r pipe -- The bimetallic weld at the lhe wclds in this eroup include four high pressure high pressu.e injection nosate used for normal anjection, one letdown, and three d rain larm dis sar .:lar make-up wiu be inspected once each 3 1/ 3 years, me tal welds to the ItC pipin t.s and shree reiset and s .r.e and the bimetallic weld at the nusale connected to spr.y dissimilar si. eta; m eld s to the pre ssuriz e r. Le valve PilJ-V8t A will be inspected once during the the se welds, the high pre ssure injec tion v.r,r ale es., ! fer 10-yea r inspection inte rval, normal m.l.c.up see s relatively highe r Arn a; t rc.3:.

                                                                                                                                                    -id is selec ted for inspec tion. The die st:mla r m ;

in the nozzle connected to MU-Va6 A is subjec ted to the highe st piping stresse s ar.d is also seImed f-r ae spe s tt.- -

      ' 4. 2 S I. 5          Il- G- 1        Pressure retaining botting     See Remarks     See Remarks                                            't here are no bolted joints in Class I pipng with tulta .e
     . .- d i 1. 4                           2 inches and over in dianeter.                                                                        2 inche s or ove r in Jianwter, h e. 5                  Is -J - l       Circumferential i.nd longitud-  Volumetric     The most severely stressed welds (exclusive of nal pipe welds,                                dissimilar metal welds which are covered in item 114.1) in each size range in each system will be inspected. The following welds will be inspected during the 10-year inspection interval:

R cactor Coolant System --* a. In the M" i. D. reactor coolant pipe, the g welds between the It900 elbow at the tot of the steam generator and the ve rtic al run up f rom the reactor vessel will t>e inspected e togethe r with one foot of each inte r secting longitudinal weld. In addition, the reac tor vessel outlet nusale-to-pipe welds mill be ' inspected, since access to these welds is Q provided when the nozzles are inspected per

 -m                                                                                              Ite m lit . 4.


  • E XA M1N ATION IHM O m " "



e 4. 51 ist inued e b. In the 28 l. D reactor coolant pipe, the welds at the upstre m ends of the elbows at the diuharges of each reactor coolant pump will be inspected togethe r with one foot of each inte r secting longitudinal weld.

c. In the si.r ge line. the weld at the f ar end of the elbow welded to the 14C pipe will be in a pec t ed.
d. In the safety valve lance (6" diamete r). the weld at the end of the second 900 elbow from the pressuriser safety nosale to valve HC-RYl A will be inspected
e. In the el my linen ( 2- 3 /2" dienwter). the faret weld in the 2-1/2" pipe af ter th e reducer will be inspected.

Core Flomting sy stem The nosate weld in the line from tank A will be in spe c ted. Decay IIcat Sy stem

a. Inlet line s (10" diameter) -- The first weld inside the reactor building in the line with D11-V4 B will be inspected.
b. Outlet line (12" diamete r) -- The downstream weld on the elbow just before the secondary shield s alt will be inspected.

Make-tip and f>urification Sy ste m

a. lingh pressure injection (2-1/2" diameter) --

(I) 1.ine with valve MtJ-V16 A -- The weld on the reac tor bu.. ding wall side of the first s elbow inside the reactor building will be in s pe c ted. Q (2) Line with valve MtJ-VI6 B -- The weld on - <eactor buildang wall side of the itrat elbow inside the reac tor building will be in spec ted. N @ (3) 1,ine with valve MU-Vl6C -- The weld on the downstream side of valve MtJ-V86B will be inspected (4) Line with valve Mll.V16D -- The weld on the downstream side of valve MU-V80 A will tse inspected.


    . 4. s 4 n t : n ue.h
b. I.etdown line (2 1/2" diameterl -- T he up- -

stream pipe-to-tee m eld upstream of velves k1U-VI A and Mti-VI ti mill be inspected.

c. Four welds with UT reflectore will also be in s pec t ed.

t he pipe weld anspections will be distributed approximately unitormly over the IO-year in-spection interval, l'. 4. e. It - J liranch pipe connectione Volumetric The surge line to B C pipe connection wall be in- The only branch connecteune over 6 inches numnaal , (nomale-to-pipe welds) over spected eac,h 10-year inte rval. eine are the decay heat-to-RC pipe cor net 4 n. and tLe 6 inches in nominal diameter. pressurise r surre line-to-RC piping ev neuson. The surge line noa ale meld has a signatacantly hi.f.e r wea;;w factor, and is there fore selected fur I . spec tion. 15 4 . 7 B-J Bronch pipe connec tione Sur f ac e The high pressure injection nosato used for The nos ale s in this categcry are she foar llP injec uo (nosale-to-pipe weldal normal make-up will be inspected once eacia nos ale s. one spray lane nosale. three drain s:va n!e s. 6 inches or lese in nominal 3-1/ 3 years. end one letdown nossle. Of these t! e lip njec tio . mar-diamete r. als used for normal make-up is subjssied to the n. .et seve rc c ondatione. Also, esper sern e has shown th.t nuaales ul ere culd w ate r as injec ted a .to a I ot e, s a , are subje ct to c r ack ang. 64.5 B.J Socket welds. Su r f ac e 25% of the socket welde 2 inches and under and A detailed stress analysis of most of thaa pipins; m as as large r than I inc h will be inspected each inspec- pe r for ene d and, there fore, standard c o.fe inspeuswa re-tien interval, except the socket welde in the q, aire ment e m all t,e I!oweve r, a at re s s analy sis w a s auxiliary spray line t,etween the spray line and perforria.1 for part of the auxiltary spray lme. a:.d de It C-V4 The weld on the pressurtser side of the s.lec ted weld is the him;he st stressed m eld in s'..t Lae. valve RC-V4 in the auxiliary spray line will be The A-l/ 2" reac tor cool.nt parnp seal we'er yapme to anopected once during the inspec tion interval. exempted f rom the inspection sance the RC p uo;* er ' muuld hrnat leakage throu h this paping to less thar. of I" pa pin g. 11 4 . 9 It. K - 1 Supports integrally welded to Volumetric One support will be inspected each to-year There are two integrally melded suf porte. one on a the pree are boundary. 6nspection interval. decay beat line and one un a core floating line, w M  !$ 4. 8 0 h-K-2 Pnping support componente. Visual All of the support cornpunents will be inspected 9 during the t o-year inspection interval. Thein-e spections will be distributed approminiately unt-formly over the inspection interval. N (.f1 B-P Exempted componente. Visual These components wi:1 be inspected for leakage during the pressure test conducted near the end of the 10- year inspec tion 6ntea val. tt 4.11 IS - G- 2 l'ressure retaining botting See Remarke See itemarks These joints are covered in the pressuriser and valse le ss than 2 inche s in diameter. sections of this specific ation.


  • T ABL E in b 64 G TABLE in B-2$00

WOD g ,

                   -c....t. '
   *   .
           ). I . h v. 2          IS - G- 1     Pressure retaining t>olting      Visual. ve>lu-   The botting for the four RC punipe wall be in-       In-place vieval and valuanetric inspectio .s mill be pe r-
          '. .I t  .1                           2 inche s and ove r an diameter, n etric and      spected during the 10-year inspection laterval,      formed unless the botting is removed for othe r resser s.

surface with one or two pumps t>eing inspected eac h 3-l / 3 in whicta case surface inspec tion wall also Le pe r ti.r n l. years. I- 5. 4 ti- K - 1 Integrelly welded supporte. Visual and One pump will be inspected each 10-year interval. welde on the puenp cae angs canr ot n sanit sf al'y be g surface R. T. or U. T. inspected because of their & ry en ci eince the casings are cast euetenatic et..r tet e eteel. Timeref ore LP will I,e used. 1- ). $ i$-K-2 Support componente. Vis ual All the support components will t,e visually in-spec ted during the 10-year inspec tion interval. S i. e. B-L-l Pump casing seam welde. See Remarke See Remarks There are no casing seam welde en Clase I pumps.

    ' i. 7                        b-L-Z         internal inspect'on of pu np     Visual           This inspection will be done to the extent prac.

casinge. ticable for one pump casing nea. the end of the 10-year inspection interval af a pump is removed for other reasons,

t. 5. s B- I* Exempted componente. Visual These components will be anspected for leakage dur6ng the pressure test conducted near tl.e end of the t o-year inspection interval.

I 4. u D-G-2 Pressure retaining bolting Vleual This botting 3111 be visually inspected at least less than 2 inches in diameter. onc e during tl.e t o-year interval. The inspections will be done in place unless breaking the connec-tion is required for other reasons. 1/ 3 of these inspections wall t>e dane about every 3-l/3 years. .a y .yd2

f. . . s 2M'1If D

w  ! . . l . be 2 It- G- 1 Pressure retaining t,olting See Remarke See Remarke None of the valves within the Class 1 boundary use bolt-

           .d I,     5                          2 inches and over in diameter.                                                                         ing 2 inches or larger in daarneter.


*f  '           4                 D-K-1         Integrally welded supporte.      See Remarks      See Remarks                                          Integrally melded supporte are not used for valves wi ki:

g the Class I boundary.




   . A B . L t h &i 2 t,   -



1se,. 5 B-K-2 Support components. Visual t'l of the support compunents will be v6eually inspected during the t o-year inspection inte rval. These snepec tions will t,e distributed approzi-ruately unif ormly ove r the 6nspection inte rval, lio.e B- M- l Val e body seam melde. See Hemark s See hemarke None of the valves within the IS boundary have foody seam welds.

   "c      .                       D - Et- 2      Ir te inspection of valves    Visual            Visual inspectioco will be pe rformed on one valve                                                           l over 4 inche s in nominal sise.                      of each design once during the 10-year inspeciaon This applies to:                                      interval if the valves are disassembled for other reasons.

Valve Tag No Stae and Tyg Mandac t. ore c Catalog No. D!!-VI Gate-12 inche s Walworth 5262 Dii-V2 Gate-12 inches Walvorth 5262 Dit- V4 A and h Gate-10 inchne  % alwortti 52(.2 Dit-V22A and B Check-I O inc hes Chapman 257 3 C F-V4 A and H Check-14 inches Itocku ell 1570 C F-VS A and B Ches k-!4 inches It os kwell 15 70

    !e.*                           B-P            Exempted componente.                Visual            These componenes w;11 be inepected for leakage during the pressure test conducted near the end of the 10-year inspection inte rval.

l' S

  • B-G-2 Pre s sure retaining botting Visual The bulting will be visually inspected at least le s s than 2 inches in diamete r. once during the 10-year inspection interval.

Inspections will lae done in place unless t,reabing

                                                                                      .                 the connection is required for other reasone.

1/ 3 of the bolts will be inspected about every 3-l / 3 year s. _ @ - U1 (Je


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