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{{#Wiki_filter:A-3 Administrative Topics Outline Form ES-301-1 Facility:
SSES Date of Examination Level: SRO-I Operating Test Number: Administrative Topic Type Describe activity to be performed (see Note) Code* Heat up rate calculation Conduct of Operations General KIA 2.1.25 R03.9 *A-l.l Review failed ST and determine required action Conduct of General KIA -2.2.12 RO 3.7 SRO 4.1 *A-1.2 N,R Blocking and tagging a Equipment General KIA -2.2.41 RO 3.5 SRO *A-2 Review and approve a radioactive liquid release permit Radiation General KIA -2.3.6 SRO Make EAL classification Emergency General KIA -2.4.44 SRO 4.4 *A-4 All items (5 total) are required for SROs. RO applicants require only 4 items unless they retaking only the administrative topics, when all 5 are
* Type Codes & (C)ontrol room, (S)imulator, or (D)irect from bank ($; 3 for ROs; $; 4 for SROs & RO (N)ew or (M)odified from bank (;::: {P)revious 2 exams ($; 1; randomly
*Not" Admin JPM, A-1.1, A-1.2, l.-::'mmon J PM, for both R 0 and SRO candidat es, Enm, administration of JPMs occurs for all candidates during the same exam day for each of JPMs. /i..o i J,l.O Tf!.IU SiMI Lt4L / Jk StU} --rJ24 fol#J !flO Administrative Topics Form ES-301-1 Facility:
SSES Date of Examination Level: RO Operating Test Number: Administrative Topic Type Describe activity to be performed (see Note) Code* Heat Up rate Calculation Conduct of Operations N,R General KIA -2.1.25 RO 3.9 SR04.2 *A-Ll Review failed ST and determine required action Conduct of General KlA-2.2.12 RO 3.7 SRO 4.1 *A-1.2 N,R Blocking and tagging a Equipment General KIA -2.2.41 RO 3.5 SRO *A-2 Radiation Control State and local notifications Emergency General KIA -2.4.39 RO 3.9 *A-4 All items (5 total) are required for SROs. RO applicants require only 4 items unless they retaking only the administrative topics, when all 5 are
* Type Codes & Criteria: (C)ontrol room, (S)imulator.
{D)irect from bank for ROs; 4 for SROs & RO (N)ew or (M)odified from bank (P)revious 2 exams 1; randomly *Note: Admin JPMs A-1.t, A-t.2, A-2 and -a e common JPMs for both RO and SRO candidates.
Ensure administration of these common JPMs occurs for all candidates during the same exam day for each of these JP.:\1s.
Susquehanna Steam Electric Job Performance Review pressure/temperature plots and determine compliance with TS 3.4.10 RO JPM Designation: Revision Number: Date:
Developed Author Review By: Hedigan Examiner Approved By: Caruso Chief Examiner 
------JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE VALIDATION NOTE: All steps of this checklist should be performed upon initial validation.
Prior to JPM usage, revalidate JPM using steps 8 through 11 below. Task description and number, JPM description and number are identified. Knowledge and Abilities (KIA) references are included. Performance location specified. (in-plant, control room, or simulator) Initial setup conditions are identified. Initiating and terminating cues are properly identified. Task standards identified and verified by Examiner review. Critical steps meet the criteria for critical steps and are identified with an asterisk (*). Verify the procedure referenced by this JPM matches the most current revision of that procedure:
Procedure Rev. Date Pilot test the JPM: a. verify cues both verbal and visual are free of conflict, and b. ensure performance time is accurate.
: 10. If the JPM cannot be performed as written with proper responses, then revise the JPM. 11. When JPM is revalidated, Examiner sign and date JPM cover page.
Rev 0 Rev 1: Edited data tables and made cue more specific JPM Setup Instructions:
: 1. Provide SO-1 00-011, "Reactor Temperature And Pressure Monitoring", marked up through step 5.1.5 TASK STANDARD:
Review the data for a plant heatup, determine that 100°F Ll T was exceeded between 1930-2030.
: 1. Unit 1 is in MODE 2 2. A reactor startup/heatup is in progress 3. SO-100-011, "Reactor Temperature And Pressure Monitoring", is being conducted RO INITIATING CUE: Perform a review of the data recorded in SO-1 00-011 for 1800 through 2345 to confirm procedural compliance and document discrepancies found, if any. Information for Evaluator's Use: UNSA T requires written comments on respective step.
* Denotes CRITICAL steps. Number any comments in the "Comment Number" column. Then annotate that comment in the "Comments" section. The comment section should be used to document the reason that a step is marked as unsatisfactory and to document unsatisfactory performance relating to management expectations.
Some operations that are performed from outside of the control room may require multiple steps. These items may be listed as individual steps in this JPM. It is acceptable for the candidate to direct the local operator to perform groups of procedure steps instead of calling for each individual item to be performed.
The timeclock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue. 
-----Operator's Name: _______________________
_ Job Title: 0 NLO RO [J SRO STA SRO Cert JPM Title: R,eview pressure/temperature plots and determine compliance with TS 3.4.10 JPM Number: A-1.1 Revision Number: 0 KIA Number and Importance:
2.1.25 RO 3.9 SRO 4.2 Suggested Testing Environment:
Classroom Actual Testing Environment:
Classroom Testing Method: Perform in Classroom Alternate Path: No Time Critical:
No Estimated Time to Complete:
25 min. Actual Time Used: ---'minutes
: 1. NUREG 1123, Rev. 2 Supp. 1 2. SO-1 00-011, Rev. 17 3. SSES Unit 1 TS 3.4.10 EVALUATION
: 1. Were all the Critical Elements performed satisfactorily?
0 Yes 0 No 2. Was the task standard met? The operator's performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM, and has been determined to be: 0 Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Comments:
Note: Any grade of UNSAT requires a Evaluator's Name: ______________Evaluator's Signature:
This JPM has the operator review surveillance data for temperature/pressure plots recorded during a reactor startup/heatup to determine procedural compliance with all heatup rates.
NOTE: Critical Element(s) indicated by
* in Performance Checklist.
JPM Start Time _____ ELEMENT _._..........
_._....... STANDARD SAT UNSAT Comment Number EVALUATOR NOTE: This JPM can be performed in the simulator, classroom or other similar environment.
Ensure 50-100-011, Unit 1 Tech Specs, and a calculator are available for candidate use. I Ensure the answer key, which precedes the Cue Sheet page in the JPM package, are NOT given to the student. EVALUATOR CUE: Provide the candidate with the task conditions, initiating cue, and the two pre-filled out SO-1 00-011 Attachment D pages 20 of 21 for the 1800 to 2045 and 2100 to 2345 times (last two pages of this JPM package) Inform the candidate that they should assume all data entries are handwritten.
I Obtain and review SO-100-011 Obtain and review surveillance procedure.
ELEMENT STANDARD SAT UNSAT Comment Number (Step 5.1.5) Verify temperature change Verify heatup rate calculations calculations each 15 minute and 1 hour period I during which the heatup was conducted. *(Step 5.1.5) Confirm calculated Confirm compliance with:<100&deg;F heatup rates comply with Tech Spec heatup in any 1 hour period and procedure requirements Determine Steam Dome heatup rate between 1930 and 2030 exceeds 100&deg;F/hr, actual .6.T=103&deg;F Determine Steam Dome heatup rate between 1945 and 2045 exceeds 100&deg;F/hr, actual I .6.T=104&deg;F I ---.....-.... -.....-.... 
--ELEMENT Additional calculational and 15 minute heatup rate excursions Evaluator Note: TS Required Actions should only be entered if Rx Steam Dome Temperature L\T's are> 100&deg;F in anyone However, ALL L\T's should maintained
<25&deg; in any 15 period during heatup *SR 3.4.10 violation EVALUATOR CUE: Roleplay as unit supervisor and acknowledge applicant report. If applicant does not identify any TS violation, ask them if there are any TS concerns.
-_ .....__ .......STANDARD SAT UNSAT Comment Number Additionally, candidate should identify:
: 1. I 1815-1830:
Steam dome temperature calculational error (actual L\T=17) 2. 1945-2045 Recirc Loop A HUR >100&deg;F (actual L\T=100.6);
TS entry only required on steam dome L\T 3. 2045-Recirc loop A L\T=27 4. 2030-Recirc loop B L\T=27 5. 2000-Bottom head drain L\T=28 6. 1945-2000:
Bottom head drain calculational error (actual L\T=28) Applicant notifies evaluator that SR 3.4.10 and TS 3.4.10 are applicable for HUR >1 OO&deg;F/hr I ELEMENT STANDARD SAT UNSAT Comment Number EVALUATOR CUE: No further actions are required for I 14 EVALUATOR:
Do you have ALL your JPM materials?
Task Cue I JPM Stop Time _____
Do not give the next page to the They are given the cue sheet and the last two pages of the JPM package, which are marked "Student's Copy" Page 1 of 2 and 2 of 2).
ANSWER Attachment D 50-100-011 Revision 17 Page 20 of 21 TABLE 1 TABLE 2 PRESSURE VESSEL METAL I REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM TEMPERATURE AND PRESSURE LOG TEMPERATURE LOG All RPV Metal Temperature Data shall be recorded until All Rx Coolant Temp and Press Data shall be recorded until Heatup, Cooldown or Inservice Leak and Hydrostatic testing is Heatup, Cooldown or Inservice Leak and Hydrostatic complete.
TS Required Actions should only be entered if Rx Steam Dome Temperature tlT's are> 100&deg;F in anyone hour.Testing (ISLHT) is complete, until both temps> 200&deg;F However, ALL tl T's should be maintained
<25 0 in any 15 minute period during heatup or cooldown, and::; 5&deg; in any 15 minute heating up or start when either temp < 200&deg;F cooling period during system hydrotest.
down. Maintain the lowest recorded temperature to the right of: Curve A for ISLHT Curve B for Operation Mode 4 and coolant S 100&deg;F Curve C for Critical Operation CIRCLEDAIA PI-C32-1 R605 TR-B31-1 R650 NA NA R-B21-1 ROO6 NA NA Temp Temp pOURCE WHERE ( TO Recorder Recorder NRT53 Point #5 Point#11 NRT54 =1 Sf RECIRC RECIRC BTMHD IME/DATE CONFIRM I REACTOR OOPA LOOPB DRAIN DOME AS VSLWALLBY VSL BOTTOM COMPLIANCE I 'rIME/DATE PRESSURE RECIRCLOOP PELTA RECIRCLOOP DELTA !30TTOM HEAD DELTA RXSTM DOME DELTA COMPLIANCE NECESSARY FLANGE HEAD WISR AS NECESSARY PSIG ATEMP OF TEMP OF TEMP OF OF DRAIN TEMP OF ITEMpoF EMpoF EMpoF W/SR 1700 207 208 ffff{ ! 1800 TO/DAlY 83 293.9 N/A 294.4 N/A 291 N/A 301 N/A dSd TO/DNY 1815 TO/DAlY 111 313.9 20.0 317.7 23.3 315 24 321 20 dse 1830 TO/DAlY 134 329.5 15.6 334.8 17.1 331 16 338 16 CtC 1845 TO/DAlY 162 345.5 16.0 348.9 14.1 344 13 356 18 CtC -1900 TO/DAlY 184 362.6 17.1 364.4 15.5 361 17 371 15 cse 1915 TO/DAlY 237 379.5 16.9 384.6 20.2 382 21 387 16 cac 1930 TO/DAlY 287 401.3 21.8 402.1 17.5 400 18 404 17 csc 1945 TO/DAlY 321 421.5 20.2 425.2 23.1 421 21 428 24 cae 2000 TO/DAlY 466 448.8 27.3 449.4 24.2 449 28 456 28 cse 2015 TO/DAlY 603 471.9 23.1 472.6 23.2 471 22 481 25 CSC 2030 TO/DAlY 738 495.1 23.2 497.6 25.0 498 27 507 26 CSC 2045 TO/DNY 885 522.1 27.0 522.9 25.3 521 23 532 25 csc Shiftly Review and Confirmation above recorded data is acc';urate, compliant, and complete.
Actual Steam Dome t.T from 1930-2030 was 103&deg;F, and 1945-2045 was 104&deg;F; this exceeds the TS limit of $; 100&deg;F/hr.
SHIFT SUPERVISION DATE Other t.Ts highlighted should be noted, and although 100 0 6 Twas exceeded between 1945 and 2045 on recire loop A, only steam dome 6T is applicable for TS entry TASK CONDITIONS
: 1. Unit 1 is in MODE 2. 2. A reactor startup/heatup is in progress.
3.80-100-011, "Reactor Temperature and Pressure Monitoring", is being conducted.
INITIATING CUE Perform a review of the data recorded in SO-1 00-011 for 1800 through 2345 to confirm procedural compliance and document discrepancies found, if any.
: 1. Unit 1 is in MODE 2. 2. A reactor startup/heatup is in progress.
: 3. SO-1 00-011, "Reactor Temperature and Pressure Monitoring", is being conducted.
INITIATING CUE Perform a review of the data recorded in SO-1 00-011 for 1800 through 2345 to confirm procedural compliance and document discrepancies found, if any.
Attachment 0 80-100-011 FOR TRAINING ONLY (STUDENT'S COPY Page 1 of Revision17 Page 20 of 21 TABLE 1 TABLE 2 IREACTOR PRESSURE VESSEL METAL REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM TEMPERATURE AND PRESSURE LOG I TEMPERATURE LOG IAII RPV Metal Temperature Data shall be recorded until IAII Rx Coolant Temp and Press Data shall be recorded until Heatup, Cooldown or Inservice Leak and Hydrostatic testing is Heatup. Cooldown or Inservice Leak and Hydrostatic complete.
TS Required Actions should only be entered if Rx Steam Dome Temperature AT's are> 100&deg;F in anyone hour. h"esting (ISLHT) is complete, until both temps> 200&deg;F However, ALL AT's should be maintained
<25 0 in any 15 minute period during heatup or cooldown, and:::; 50 in any 15 minute heating up or start when either temp < 200&deg;F cooling period during system hydrotest.
Maintain the lowest recorded temperature to the right of: Curve A for ISLHT Curve B for Operation Mode 4 and coolant s; 1 DO&deg;F !curve C for Critical Operation CIRCLE DATA PI-C32-1 R605 TR-B31-1 R650 NA [TR-B2H ROO6 NA NA=lR650 NA Temp Temp SOURCE WHERE Recorder Recorder APPLICABLE e FPO [ 5 NRT53 Point #5 Point #11 ! .RECIRC RECIRC BTMHD RXSTM IrIMEIDATE CONFIRM REACTOR = LOOPA LOOPB DRAIN DOME CONFIRM lAs VSLWALLBY VSLBOnOM COMPLIANCE I ME/DATE PRESSURE RECIRCLOOP DELTA RECIRCLOOP DELTA BonOMHEAD DELTA RXSTM DOME DELTA COMPLIANCE NECESSARY FLANGE HEAD W/SR3A10.1 AS NECESSARY PSIG TEMP of ITEMpoF B TEMP OF EMpoF DRAIN TEMP OF EMpoF [rEMpoF !rEMpoF W/SR I 1700 207 208 d'd'{ 1800 TO/DAlY 83 293.9 N/A 294.4 N/A 291 N/A 301 N/A ctc TO/DAlY 1815 TO/DAlY 111 313.9 20.0 317.7 23.3 315 24 321 20 Ctc 1830 TO/DNY 134 329.5 15.6 334.8 17.1 331 16 338 16 C8C 1845 TO/DNY 162 345.5 16.0 348.9 14.1 344 13 356 18 CtC 1900 TO/DNY 184 362.6 17.1 364.4 15.5 361 17 371 15 CtC ! 1915 TO/DAlY 237 379.5 16.9 384.6 20.2 382 21 387 16 C8C I 1930 TO/DAlY 287 401.3 21.8 402.1 17.5 400 18 404 17 CEC 1945 TO/DNY 321 421.5 20.2 425.2 23.1 421 21 428 24 C8C 2000 TO/DNY 466 448.8 27.3 449.4 24.2 449 24 456 28 Ctc I 2015 TO/DNY 603 471.9 23.1 472.6 23.2 471 22 481 25 ctc . 2030 TO/DNY 738 495.1 23.2 497.6 25.0 498 27 507 26 ctc 2045 TO/DAlY 885 522.1 27.0 522.9 25.3 521 23 532 25 C8C I Shiftly Review and Confirmation above recorded data is accurate, compliant, and complete.
SHIFT SUPERVISION DATE TIME Attachment 0 80-100-011 FOR TRAINING ONLY (STUDENT'S COPY Page 2 of Revision17 Page 20 of 21 TABLE 1 TABLE REACTOR PRESSURE VESSEL METAL I ,---REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM TEMPERATURE AND PRESSURE TEMPERATURE All RPV Metal Temperature Data shall be recorded until All Rx Coolant Temp and Press Data shall be recorded until Heatup, Cool down or Inservice Leak and Hydrostatic testing is Heatup, Cool down or Inservice Leak and Hydrostatic complete.
TS Required Actions should only be entered if Rx Steam Dome Temperature l,1's are> 10QoF in anyone hour. Testing (ISLHT) is complete, until both temps> 200&deg;F However, ALL l, 1's should be maintained
<25 0 in any 15 minute period during heatup or cooldown, and :s; 5&deg; in any 15 minute heating up or start when either temp < 200&deg;F cooling period during system hydrotest.
down, Maintain the lowest recorded temperature to the right of: Curve A for ISLHT Curve B for Operation Mode 4 and coolant:;
100&deg;F Curve C for Critical Operation I r-.;IRCLE DATA PI-C32-1 R605 !fR.B31-1 R650 NA NA R-B2HROO6 NA NA Temp Temp WHERE I TO Recorder Recorder I iApPLlCABLE FP03 I RT5 NRT53 Point #5 Point#11 N :.J NRT54 RECIRC RECIRC BTMHD RXSTM TIME/DATE CONFIRM REACTOR LOOP A LOOPS DRAIN DOME CONFIRM AS VSLWALLBY VSLBOnOM COMPLIANCE PRESSURE RECIRCLOOP DELTA RECIRCLOOP DELTA BonOMHEAD DELTA RXSTM DOME DELTA COMPLIANCE NECESSARY FLANGE HEAD W/SR la,s NECESSARY PSIG TEMP [rEMP'F B TEMP OF iTEMP OF DRAIN TEMP OF iTEMP 'F EMpoF EMP'F W/SR 2100 TO/DAlY 890 522.4 0.3 524.5 1.6 523 2 532 0 (jlJ(j 2115 TO/DAlY 894 523.6 1.2 526.8 2.3 524 1 533 1 (jlJ(j -2130 TO/DAlY 908 524.7 1.1 529.9 3.1 524 0 534 1 (jlJ(j 2145 TO/DAlY 917 525.9 1.2 533.6 3.7 525 1 536 2 (jlJ(j 2200 TO/DAlY 918 526.0 0.1 533.7 0.1 526 1 536 0 PEf" 2215 TO/DAlY 925 527.1 1.1 537.1 3.4 528 2 537 1 PEr I 2230 TO/DAlY 928 527.4 0.3 537.2 0.1 528 0 537 0 tJEf" , I 2245 TO/DAlY 930 530.4 3.0 537.4 0.2 530 2 538 1 PEr 2300 TO/DAlY 934 532.7 2.3 537.6 0.2 531 1 538 0 PEr , 2315 TO/DAlY 945 533.4 0.7 537.9 0.3 533 2 538 0 tJEf" 2330 TO/DAlY 955 533.7 0.3 538.1 0.2 533 0 540 2 PEr 2345 TO/DAlY 957 533.8 0.1 538.2 0.1 533 0 541 1 tJEf" -Shiftly Review and Confirmation above recorded data is accurate, compliant, and complete.
SHIFT SUPERVISION TIME Susquehanna Steam Electric Job Performance Review pressure/temperature plots and determine compliance with TS 3.4.10 SRO JPM Designation: Revision Number: Date:
De!veloped Author Review By: Hedigan Examiner Approved By: Caruso Chief Examiner JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE VALIDATION NOTE: All steps of this checklist should be performed upon initial validation.
Prior to JPM usage, revalidate JPM using steps 8 through 11 below. Task description and number, JPM description and number are identified. Knowledge and Abilities (KIA) references are included. Performance location specified. (in-plant, control room, or simulator) Initial setup conditions are identified. Initiating and terminating cues are properly identified. Task standards identified and verified by Examiner review. Critical steps meet the criteria for critical steps and are identified with an asterisk (*). Verify the procedure referenced by this JPM matches the most current revision of that procedure:
Procedure Rev. ___ Date ______ Pilot test the JPM: a. verify cues both verbal and visual are free of conflict, and b. ensure performance time is accurate. If the JPM cannot be performed as written with proper responses, then revise the JPM. 1'1. When JPM is revalidated, Examiner sign and date JPM cover page.
Rev 0 Rev 1: edited data tables and made cue more specific JPM Setup Instructions:
: 1. Provide 80-100-011, "Reactor Temperature And Pressure Monitoring" marked up through step 5.1.5 TASK STANDARD:
Review the data for a plant heatup, determine that 100&deg;F AT was exceeded between 1930-2030 and determine T8 3.4.10 actions A.1 and A.2 are applicable.
: 1. Unit 1 is in MODE 2 2. A reactor startup/heatup is in progress 3. 80-100-011, "Reactor Temperature And Pressure Monitoring", is being conducted
: 4. The shiftly review of the 80-100-011 data is required SRO INITIATING CUE: Perform a review of the data recorded in 80-100-011 for 1800 through 2345 to confirm procedural compliance and document discrepancies found, if any. Additionally, determine what actions are required, if any. Information for Evaluator's Use: UN8AT requires written comments on respective step.
* Denotes CRITICAL steps. Number any comments in the "Comment Number" column. Then annotate that comment in the "Comments" section. The comment section should be used to document the reason that a step is marked as unsatisfactory and to document unsatisfactory performance relating to management expectations.
80me operations that are performed from outside of the control room may require multiple steps. These items may be listed as individual steps in this JPM. It is acceptable for the candidate to direct the local operator to perform groups of procedure steps instead of calling for each individual item to be performed.
The timeclock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue.
Operator's Name: _______________________
_ Job Title: NLO RO SRO STA SRO Cert JPM Title: Review pressure/temperature plots and determine compliance with TS 3.4.10 JPM Number: A-1.1 Revision Number: 0 KIA Number and Importance:
2.1.25 RO 3.9 SRO 4.2 Suggested Testing Environment:
Classroom Actual Testing Environment:
Classroom Testing Method: Perform in Classroom Alternate Path: No Time Critical:
No Estimated Time to Complete:
25 min. Actual Time Used: ___minutes
: 1. NUREG 1123, Rev. 2 Supp. 1 2. SO-100-011, Rev. 17 3. SSES Unit 1 TS 3.4.10 EVALUATION
: 1. Were all the Critical Elements performed satisfactorily?
Yes No 2. Was the task standard met? The operator's performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this and has been determined to be: 0 Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Comments:
Note: Any grade of UNSAT requires a Evaluator's Name: ______________
Evaluator's Signature:
Date: _____
== Description:==
This JPM has the operator review surveillance data for temperature/pressure plots recorded during a reactor startup/heatup to determine procedural compliance with all heatup rates and determine required T8 actions.
NOTE: Critical Element( s) indicated by
* in Performance Checklist.
JPM Start Time _____ -.-..........
--... I ELEMENT STANDARD SAT . UNSAT! Comment NumberI EVALUATOR NOTE: This JPM can be performed in simulator, classroom or other Ensure 80-100-011, Unit 1 Specs, and a calculator are available candidate I Ensure the answer key, which precedes the Cue Sheet page in the I JPM package, are NOT given to the , student. EVALUATOR CUE: Provide the candidate with the conditions, initiating cue, and the pre-filled out 80-100-011 Attachment pages 20 of 21 for the 1800 to 2045 2100 to 2345 times (last two pages I this JPM package) Inform the candidate that they assume all data entries Obtain and review Obtain and review L-.......... _ .... __ 
-------...... -..._._....... _._... .... ...ELEMENT (Step 5.1.5) Verify temperature change calculations
*(Step 5.1.5) Confirm calculated heatup rates comply with Tech Spec and procedure requirements STANDARD SAT UNSAT Comment Number Verify heatup rate calculations each 15 minute and 1 hour period during which the heatup conducted.
Confirm compliance with:<1 OO&deg;F heatup in any 1 hour period Determine Steam Dome rate between 1930 and exceeds 100&deg;F/hr, .1.T=103&deg;F I Determine Steam Dome rate between 1945 and exceeds 100&deg;F/hr, actual .1.T=104&deg;F ELEMENT Additional calculational and 15 heatup rate Evaluator Note: TS Required Actions should only be entered if Rx Steam Dome Temperature A 1's are> 100&deg;F in anyone hour. However, ALL 81'5 should be maintained
<25 0 in any 15 minute period during heatup -STANDARD SAT UNSAT Comment Number Additionally, candidate should identify:
: 1. 1815-1830:
Steam dome temperature calculational I error (actuaI8T=17)
: 2. 1945-2045 Recirc Loop A HUR >100&deg;F (actual 8T=100.6)
; TS entry only required on steam dome AT 3. 2045-Recirc loop A AT=27 4. 2030-Recirc loop B A T=27 5. 2000-Bottom head drain 8T=28 6. 1945-2000:
Bottom head drain calculational error (actual AT=28) 
--...... ....--ELEMENT STANDARD SAT UNSAT Comment Number * (Step 5.1.6) Refer to and evaluate Refer to Tech Spec 3.4.10 and compliance with Tech Spec 3.4.10 determine:
I I EVALUATOR CUE: LCO 3.4.10 NOT met: I ! I When asked provide copy of TS 3.4.10 -Exceeded SR 3.4.1 0.1.b: ! ::;100&deg;F/Hr Condition A is applicable:
Action A.1, Restore CDR within !-I I limits within 30 I I -Action A.2, Determine RCS is acceptable for continued operation within 72 hours. *Verify current heatup rate Applicant states that action for A.1 is with tech spec complete, current heatup rate is less than 100&deg;F/Hr.
i Applicant states that analysis is ! required by engineering within 72 hours to comply with action A.2 Initiate LCOITRO tracking record in Candidate states need to enter LCO SOMs LCO module into SOMs tracking software.
EVALUATOR CUE: No further actions are required for this JPM ELEMENT STANDARD SAT UNSAT' Comment Number EVALUATOR:
Do you have ALL your JPM exam I I materials?
Task Cue I ! I , J I --I I IJPM Stop Time _____
Do not give the next page to the They are given the cue sheet and the last two pages of the JPM package, which are marked "Student's Copy" Page 1 of 2 and 2 of 2).
ANSWER Attachment D SO-100-011 Revision 17 Page 20 of 21 TABLE 1 TABLE 2 REACTOR PRESSURE VESSEL METAL REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM TEMPERATURE AND PRESSURE LOG TEMPERATURE LOG iAll RPV Metal Temperature Data shall be recorded until fAil Rx Coolant Temp and Press Data shall be recorded until Heatup, Cooldown or Inservice Leak and Hydrostatic testing is Heatup, Cooldown or Inservice Leak and Hydrostatic complete.
TS Required Actions should only be entered if Rx Steam Dome Temperature AT's are> 100&deg;F in anyone hour.(ISLHT) is complete, until both temps> 200&deg;F However, ALL AT's should be maintained
<25 0 in any 15 minute period during heatup or cooldown, and $ 5&deg; in any 15 minute heating up or start when either temp < 200&deg;F cooling period during system hydrotest.
Maintain the lowest recorded temperature to the right of: Curve A for ISLHT Curve B for Operation Mode 4 and coolant 100&deg;F !curve C for Critical Operation CIRCLE DATA PI-C32-1 R605 I R-B31-1R650 NA NA R-B21-1 ROO6 NA NA Temp Temp SOURCE WHERE Recorder Recorder APPLICABLE NRT53 Point #5 Point#11 = RECIRC RECIRC BTMHD RXSTM tnMEIDATE CONFIRM REACTOR lOOP A LOOPB DRAIN DOME CONFIRM VSL WALL BY VSL BOTTOM COMPLIANCE IMEIDATE PRESSURE RECIRC LOOP DELTA RECIRCLOOP PELTA BonOMHEAD DELTA RXSTM DOME DELTA !cOMPLIANCE NECESSARY FLANGE HEAD WISR3.4.10.1 AS NECESSARY PSIG v\ TEMP OF h"EMpoF a TEMP OF trEMpOF DRAIN TEMP OF EMpOF TEMP OF h"EMpoF iwlSR 1700 207 208 55( 1800 TO/DAlY 83 293.9 N/A 294.4 N/A 291 N/A 301 N/A cac jrOfDAIY 1815 TO/DAlY 111 313.9 20.0 317.7 23.3 315 24 321 20 cat 1830 TO/DAlY 134 329.5 15.6 334.8 17.1 331 16 338 16 tac 1845 TO/DAlY 162 345.5 16.0 348.9 14.1 344 13 356 18 cac 1900 TO/DAlY 184 362.6 17.1 364.4 15.5 361 17 371 15 cat 1915 TO/DAlY 237 379.5 16.9 384.6 20.2 382 21 387 16 etc 1930 TO/DAlY 287 401.3 21.8 402.1 17.5 400 18 404 17 cae 1945 TO/DAlY 321 421.5 20.2 425.2 23.1 421 21 428 24 tat 2000 TO/DAlY 466 448.8 27.3 449.4 24.2 449 28 456 28 tac 2015 TO/DAlY 603 471.9 23.1 472.6 23.2 471 22 481 25 tat 2030 TO/DAlY 738 495.1 23.2 497.6 25.0 498 27 507 26 ctJe 2045 TO/DAlY 885 522.1 27.0 522.9 25.3 521 23 532 25 cat Shiftly Review and Confirmation above recorded data is ao;urate, compliant, and complete.
Actual Steam Dome,3.T from 1930-2030 was 103&deg;F, and 1945-2045 was 104&deg;F; this exceeds the TS limit of:s; 100&deg;F/hr.
SHIFT SUPERVISION DATE Other ,3.Ts highlighted should be noted, and although 100&deg;,3.Twas exceeded between 1945 and 2045 on recirc loop A, only steam dome AT is applicable TASK CONDITIONS
: 1. Unit 1 is in MODE 2. 2. A reactor startup/heatup is in progress.
: 3. SO-1 00-011, "Reactor Temperature and Pressure Monitoring", is being conducted.
: 4. The shiftly review of the SO-1 00-011 data is required INITIATING CUE Perform a review of the data recorded in 80-100-011 for 1800 through 2345 to confirm procedural compliance and document discrepancies found, if any. Additionally, determine what actions are required, if any TASK CONDITIONS
: 1. Unit 1 is in MODE 2. 2. A reactor startup/heatup is in progress.
: 3. SO-'100-011, "Reactor Temperature and Pressure Monitoring", is being conducted.
: 4. The shiftly review of the SO-1 00-011 data is required INITIATING CUE Perform a review of the data recorded in SO-1 00-011 for 1800 through 2345 to confirm procedural compliance and document discrepancies found. if any. Additionally, determine what actions are required, if any.
Attachment 0 SO-100-011 FOR TRAINING ONLY (STUDENT'S COPY Page 1 of 2) Revision17 Page 20 of 21 TABLE 1 TABLE REACTOR PRESSURE VESSEL METAL REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM TEMPERATURE AND PRESSURE TEMPERATURE iAll RPV Metal Temperature Data shall be recorded until All Rx Coolant Temp and Press Data shall be recorded until Heatup, Cooldown or Inservice Leak and Hydrostatic testing is Heatup, Cooldown or Inservice Leak and Hydrostatic r.omplete.
TS Required Actions should only be entered if Rx Steam Dome Temperature 1'8 are> 100&deg;F in anyone hour. iTesting (ISLHT) is complete, until both temps> 200&deg;F However, ALL 1'8 should be maintained
<25 0 in any 15 minute period during heatup or cooldown.
and :s; 5&deg; in any 15 minute heating up or start when either temp < 200&deg;F cooling period during system hydrotest.
Maintain the lowest recorded temperature to the right of: iCurve A for ISLHT Curve B for Operation Mode 4 and coolant :s;100&deg;F iCurve C for Critical Operation CIRCLE DATA PI-C32*1R605 rrR*B31-1 R650 NA NA rrR-S21-1 ROD6 NA NA Temp Temp SOURCE WHERE I TO Recorder Recorder APPLICABLE FPO NRT53 Point #5 Point #11 NRT54 I'm RECIRC RECIRC BTMHD RXSTM i IrIME/DATE CONFIRM REACTOR LOOP A LOOPB DRAIN DOME CONFIRM lAS VSLWALLBY VSLBOTTOM COMPLIANCE IME/DATE PRESSURE RECIRCLOOP DELTA RECIRC LOOP DELTA BOTTOM HEAD DELTA RXSTM DOME DELTA COMPLIANCE NECESSARY FLANGE HEAD W/SR3.4.10.1 AS NECESSARY PSIG 'A TEMP OF EMpcF B TEMP of TEMpcF DRAIN TEMP OF EMpoF IrEMpcF IrEMP'F iw/SR 1700 207 208 .J'.J'f 1800 TO/DAlY 83 293.9 N/A 294.4 N/A 291 N/A 301 N/A cec irO/DAIY 1815 TO/DAlY 111 313.9 20.0 317.7 23.3 315 24 321 20 cec 1830 TO/DNY 134 329.5 15.6 334.8 17.1 331 16 338 16 cec 1845 TO/DAlY 162 345.5 16.0 348.9 14.1 344 13 356 18 cec 1900 TO/DAlY 184 362.6 17.1 364.4 15.5 361 17 371 15 cec 1915 TO/DAlY 237 379.5 16.9 384.6 20.2 382 21 387 16 tee 1930 TO/DAlY 287 401.3 21.8 402.1 17.5 400 18 404 17 cec 1945 TO/DAlY 321 421.5 20.2 425.2 23.1 421 21 428 24 cec 2000 TO/DAlY 466 448.8 27.3 449.4 24.2 449 24 456 28 cec 2015 TO/DAlY 603 471.9 23.1 472.6 23.2 471 22 481 25 tet 2030 TO/DAlY 738 495.1 23.2 497.6 25.0 498 27 507 26 Cet 2045 TO/DAlY 885 522.1 27.0 522.9 25.3 521 23 532 25 tec Shiftly Review and Confirmation above recorded data is accurate, compliant, and complete.
SHIFT SUPERVISION DATE TIME Attachment 0 80-100-011 FOR TRAINING ONLY (STUDENT'S COPY Page 2 of 2) Revision17 Page 20 of 21 TABLE 1 TABLE REACTOR PRESSURE VESSEL METAL REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM TEMPERATURE AND PRESSURE TEMPERATURE I RPV Metal Temperature Data shall be recorded until Rx Coolant Temp and Press Data shall be recorded until Heatup, Cooldown or Inservice Leak and HydrostatiC testing is Heatup, Cooldown or Inservice Leak and Hydrostatic TS Required Actions should only be entered if Rx Steam Dome Temperature Ll T's are> 100&deg;F in anyone hour. Testing (ISLHT) is complete, until both temps> 200&deg;F However, ALL LlT'S should be maintained
<25&deg; in any 15 minute period during heatup or cooldown, and:;; 5&deg; in any 15 minute heating up or start wilen either temp < 200&deg;F cooling period during system hydrotest.
\:lawn. Maintain the lowest recorded temperature to the right of: Curve A for ISLHT Curve B for Operation Mode 4 and coolant $; 10QoF C for Critical Operation CIRCLE DATA PI-C32-1 R605 TR-B31-1 R650 NA iNA [TR-B21-1 ROO6 NA NA Temp Temp pOURCE WHERE Recorder Recorder FPO I RT5 NRT53 Point #5 Point #11 N NRT54 RECIRC RECIRC BTMHD RXSTM IME/DATE CONFIRM REACTOR = LOOP A LOOPB DRAIN DOME CONFIRM f..S VSLWALLBY VSLBOTTOM COMPLIANCE IMEIDATE PRESSURE RECIRC LOOP DELTA RECIRC LOOP DELTA BOTTOM HEAD DELTA RXSTM DOME DELTA COMPLIANCE NECESSARY FLANGE HEAD W/SR NECESSARY PSIG A TEMP OF EMPQF B TEMP OF irEMP OF DRAIN TEMP OF IEMpoF irEMpoF rrEMpoF W/SR 2100 TO/DAlY 890 522.4 0.3 524.5 1.6 523 2 532 0 (}8(} 2115 TO/DAlY 894 523.6 1.2 526.8 2.3 524 1 533 1 (}8(} 2130 TO/DAlY 908 524.7 1.1 529.9 3.1 524 0 534 1 (}8(} 2145 TO/DAlY 917 525.9 1.2 533.6 3.7 525 1 536 2 C8C 2200 TO/DAlY 918 526.0 0.1 533.7 0.1 526 1 536 0 OEr 2215 TO/DAlY 925 527.1 1.1 537.1 3.4 528 2 537 1 OEr 2230 TO/DAlY 928 527.4 0.3 537.2 0.1 528 0 537 0 OEr 2245 TO/DAlY 930 530.4 3.0 537,4 0.2 530 2 538 1 OEF 2300 TO/DAlY 934 532.7 2.3 537.6 0.2 531 1 538 0 OEr 2315 TO/DAlY 945 533.4 0.7 537.9 0.3 533 2 538 0 OEr -2330 TO/DAlY 955 533.7 0.3 538.1 0.2 533 0 540 2 OEr 2345 TO/DAlY 957 533.8 0.1 538.2 0.1 533 0 541 1 OEF _ ....._ .... _ ...-Shiftly Review and Confirmation above recorded data is accurate, compliant, and complete.
SHIFT SUPERVISION DATE TIME Susquehanna Steam Electric Job Performance Measure Review failed surveillance test and determine action JPM Designation:
A-1.2 Revision Number: 3 Date: 12/17/11 Developed Patel 06/10/11 Author Date Review By: Hedigan 01/05/12 Examiner Date Approved Caruso 01/05/12 Chief Examiner Date JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE VALIDATION NOTE: All steps of this checklist should be performed upon initial validation.
Prior to JPM usage, revalidate JPM using steps 8 through 11 below. Task description and number, JPM description and number are identified. Knowledge and Abilities (KIA) references are included. Performance location specified. (in-plant, control room, or simulator) Initial setup conditions are identified. Initiating and terminating cues are properly identified. Task standards identified and verified by Examiner review. Critical steps meet the criteria for critical steps and are identified with an asterisk (*). Verify the procedure referenced by this JPM matches the most current revision of that procedure:
Procedure Rev. ___ Date ______ Pilot test the JPM: a. verify cues both verbal and visual are free of conflict, and b. ensure performance time is accurate. If the JPM cannot be performed as written with proper responses, then revise the JPM. 11. When JPM is revalidated, Examiner sign and date JPM cover page.
: 1. Rev 3 JPM Setup Instructions: Provide marked-up surveillance SO-151-A02 with data up through step 5.2 checked off as completed with Attachment B filled out with independent verification signed off. Provide marked-up surveillance Authorization Cover Sheet with Date and Time information as current time minus 1 hour. TASK STANDARD:
Review the data for a completed surveillance, and declare the Core Spray loop A inoperable.
Enter appropriate TS. TASK CONDITIONS:
Unit 1 is at 100% power. SO-151-A02, Quarterly Core Spray Flow Verification Division 1, was performed and is ready for review. RO INITIATING CUE: Review the surveillance testing data for SO-151-A02.
Complete Attachment A and document status below. SRO INITIATING CUE: Unit 1 was in a normal electrical line up, then B EDG was taken OOS unplanned due to part 21 issue related to agastat relay. Expected recovery time of B EDG is 8 hours. Complete SO-151-A02, Quarterly Core Spray Flow Verification Division 1, Attachment A, to a point where all required actions have been identified.
Document all required actions below on the cue sheet. Information for Evaluator's Use: UNSAT requires written comments on respective step.
* Denotes CRITICAL steps. Number any comments in the "Comment Number" column. Then annotate that comment in the "Comments" section. The comment section should be used to document the reason that a step is marked as unsatisfactory and to document unsatisfactory performance relating to management expectations.
Some operations that are performed from outside of the control room may require multiple steps. These items may be listed as individual steps in this JPM. It is acceptable for the candidate to direct the local operator to perform groups of procedure steps instead of calling for each individual item to be performed.
The timeclock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue. 
---Operator's Name: ________________________
_ Job Title: NLO RO SRO ST AD SRO Cert JPM Title: Emergency Plan communications JPM Number: A-2 Revision Number: 0 KIA Number and Importance:
2.2.12 RO 3.7 SRO 4.1 Suggested Testing Environment:
Classroom Actual Testing Environment:
Classroom Testing Method: Perform in Classroom Alternate Path: No Time Critical:
No Estimated Time to Complete:
15 min. Actual Time Used: minutes
: 1. NUREG 1123 2. SO-1S1-A02, Rev. 18. EVALUATION
: 1. Were all the Critical Elements performed satisfactorily?
Yes No 2. Was the task standard met? The operator's performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM, and has been determined to be: Satisfactory 0 Unsatisfactory Comments:___________________________
_ Note: Any grade of UNSAT requires a Evaluator's Name: ______________
Evaluator's Signature:
Date: _____
== Description:==
This JPM has the operator review surveillance data for Core Spray pump A and determine its operability.
The RO and SRO applicants will determine the pump to be inoperable.
The RO will inform the SRO on the operability status. The SRO applicant will also determine that the Core Spray Pump to be inoperable and determine that TS 3.5.1 Action A.1 to Restore low pressure ECCS injection/spray subsystem to OPERABLE status within 7days applies. Also TS 3.8.1 Action B.2 to declare Core Spray Pump B INOPERABLE within 4 hours of entering TS 3.5.1 Action A.1. SRO will further determine that TS 3.5.1 Action 1.1 applies when 5 hours has been elapsed since declaring Core Spray Pump A INOPERABLE.
I NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA JPM A-1.2 NOTE: Critical Element( s) indicated by
* in Performance Checklist.
JPM Start Time ELEMENT Evaluator Note Provide marked-up surveillance 151-A02 with data up through step 5.2 checked off as completed with Attachment B filled out with independent verification signed off. Provide marked-up surveillance Authorization Cover Sheet with Date and Time information as "TO/DAlY" and "Now -1 hr." Ensure that pump A discharge pressure is recorded as 262.5 psig (step 5.1.16b) and calculated delta-p value recorded in Attachment A acceptance criteria 7 is recorded as 264.5 psid. Give the candidate a few minutes to read the Task Conditions/Cue Sheet. Reviews As-Found Column data on Attachment
'A' *2. Identifies that there is a error for calculating CS pump delta-P. (Attachment A
criteria STANDARD SAT I UNSAT Comment Number I Reviews data on SO-151-A02, Quarterly Core Spray Flow Verification Division 1. Attachment A. Compares the calculated CS pump A delta-P of 264.5 psid with the actual discharge pressure and suction pressure valves (262.5 psig -8psig) and determines that there is a math error. The actual calculated value would be 254.5 psid, and determines this to be UNACCEPTABLE due to being outside the criteria of 256.5 and 313.5 psid. 
---NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TION JPM A-1.2 STANDARD SAT UNSAT Comment I Number *3. Notifies Shift Supervision that SO lAW Attachment A. Under 151-A02 has failed its acceptance Required Action: criteria.
Notifies Shift Supervision that Evaluator SO-151-A02 A CS pump failed its acceptance criteria.
This completes the JPM for the RO candidate.
AND Initials the Confirm space. I Evaluator Note If JPM is being used for a SRO candidate, continue the JPM.
*4. Declares CS pump A lAW Attachment A. Under Required Action: Determines that the measured values of pump delta-P fall outside of their acceptance criteria, and the pump shall be Declared INOPERABLE. Initials the Confirm -
NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON JPM A-1 2 ELEMENT I STANDARD SAT UNSAT Comment Number *5. Determines required TS action for Determines TS 3.5.1 Condition CS inoperability.
A.1 applies. One low pressure ECCS injection/spray subsystem inoperable for reasons other than Condition B (One LPCI pump in one or both LPCI subsystems inoperable)
Evaluator Cue Restore low pressure ECCS injection/spray subsystem to If necessary, ask SRO candidate to OPERABLE status within 7 report the required TS actions to you days. (as the Shift Manager).
AND TS 3.8.1 Condition B.2 applies When one required DG is inoperable.
Declare the required feature(s), supported by the inoperable DG, inoperable when the redundant required feature(s) are inoperable within 4 hours from discovery of Condition B concurrent with inoperability of redundant required feature(s)
--NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON ELEMENT Identifies a LCOfTRO will be entered in e30M3. Evaluator Cue Inform the applicant that it will not be necessary make an e30M3 LCOITRO entry at this time. Evaluator Note This completes the .JPM *7. Identifies TS 3.0.3 entrl!. Evaluator Cue Inform the applicant that 5 hours has been elapsed since TS 3.5.1 Action A 1 entry and there is no change in equipment operability status. 'E' EDG is unavailable for substitution.
Identify T3 required actions. JPM Stop Time JPMA-1.2 STANDARD SAT UNSAT Comment I Number Identifies a LCOfTRO entry in e30M3 is required.
---Determines Condition I Action is applicable and LCO entry 3.0.3 is required.
For Two Core Spray subsystems inoperable TS 3.0.3 Identifies that actions need to be initiated within 1 hour to place Unit 1 in Mode 4 within 37 hours.
Unit 1 is at 100% SO-151-A02, Quarterly Core Spray Flow Verification Division 1, was performed and is ready for INITIATING CUE: Review the surveillance testing data for SO-151-A02.
Complete Attachment A and document status below. REQUIRED ACTIONS:
Unit 1 is at 100% SO-151-A02, Quarterly Core Spray Flow Verification Division 1, was performed and is ready for INITIATING CUE: Review the surveillance testing data for SO-151-A02.
Complete Attachment A and document status below. REQUIRED ACTIONS: 
Unit 1 is at 100% SO-151-A02, Quarterly Core Spray Flow Verification Division 1, was performed and is ready for Unit 1 is in a normal electrical line up with B EDG taken OOS unplanned due to part 21 issue related agastat relay. Expected recovery time of B EDG is 8 hours. INITIATING CUE: Complete SO-151-A02, Quarterly Core Spray Flow Verification Division 1, Attachment A, to a point where all required actions have been identified.
Document all required actions below on the cue sheet. REQUIRED ACTIONS:
Unit 1 is at 100% SO-1S1-A02, Quarterly Core Spray Flow Verification Division 1, was performed and is ready for Unit 1 was in a normal electrical line up, then B EDG was taken out of service unplanned due to part issue related to agastat relay. Expected recovery time of B EDG is 8 INITIATING CUE: Complete SO-1S1-A02, Quarterly Core Spray Flow Verification Division 1, Attachment A, to a point where all required actions have been identified.
Document all required actions below on the cue sheet. REQUIRED ACTIONS:
Susquehanna Steam Electric Job Performance Determine Blocking Required per NDAP-QA-0322 "Energy RO JPM Designation: Revision Number: Date:
Developed 06/20/11 Author Date Review By: Hedigan 01/05/12 Examiner Date Approved By: Caruso 01/05/12 Chief Examiner Date JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE VALIDATION CHECKLIST I NOTE: All steps of this checklist should be performed upon initial validation.
Prior to JPM usage, revalidate JPM using steps 8 through 11 below. Task description and number, JPM description and number are identified. Knowledge and Abilities (KIA) references are included. Performance location specified. (in-plant, control room, or simulator) Initial setup conditions are identified. Initiating and terminating cues are properly identified. Task standards identified and verified by Examiner review. Critical steps meet the criteria for critical steps and are identified witl1 an asterisk (*). Verify the procedure referenced by this JPM matches the most current revision of that procedure:
Procedure Rev. Date Pilot test the JPM: a. verify cues both verbal and visual are free of conflict, and b. ensure performance time is accurate.
: 10. If the JPM cannot be performed as written with proper responses, then revise the JPM. 11. When JPM is revalidated, Examiner sign and date JPM cover page.
Rev 0 Rev 1: Split JPM to separate RO and SRO actions. RO to provide proposed blocking, SRO to review and correct proposed blocking Rev 2: Edited per licensee comments to provide specific prints JPM Setup Instructions:
: 1. Provide NDAP-QA-0322
: 2. Provide prints E-145 sh. 8, E-4 sh. 3, and M-2109 sh. 1 and 2 3. Provide blank Proposed Blocking Sheet TASK STANDARD:
Provide a list of proposed blocking for 2A Service Water Pump lAW NDAP-QA-0322 lAW the attached Proposed Blocking List Key. TASK CONDITIONS:
Unit 2 is at 100% power. 2A Service Water Pump has been scheduled for impeller replacement, but due to an oversight, no clearance package was developed Database problems within eSoms have prevented development of a clearance order by electronic means RO INITIATING CUE: Using the appropriate drawings, provide a list of proposed blocking that meets the requirements of NDAP-QA-0322.
The Clearance Order Office will generate the associated Clearance Order when eSoms is returned to service. Minimum required information for each point must include: Component Number, Component Description, Required Position, and Tag Type Information for Evaluator's Use: UNSA T requires written comments on respective step.
* Denotes CRITICAL steps. Number any comments in the "Comment Number" column. Then annotate that comment in the "Comments" section. The comment section should be used to document the reason that a step is marked as unsatisfactory and to document unsatisfactory performance relating to management expectations.
Some operations that are performed from outside of the control room may require multiple steps. These items may be listed as individual steps in this JPM. It is acceptable for the candidate to direct the local operator to perform groups of procedure steps instead of calling for each individual item to be performed.
The timeclock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue. 
---Operator's Name: _______________________
_ Job Title: NLO RO SRO STA 0 SRO Cert JPM Title: Determine Blocking Required per NDAP-QA-0322 "Energy Control Process" JPM Number: A-2 Revision Number: 2 KIA Number and Importance:
2.2.41 RO 3.5 SRO 3.9 Suggested Testing Environment:
Classroom Actual Testing Environment:
Classroom Testing Method: Perform in Classroom Alternate Path: No Time Critical:
No Estimated Time to Complete:
20 min. Actual Time Used: minutes
: 1. NUREG 1123 Rev. 2, Supp. 1 2. NDAP-QA-0322 Rev. 35 3. E-145 sh. 8 4. E-4 sh. 3 5. M-2109 sh. 1,2 EVALUATION
: 1 . Were all the Critical Elements performed satisfactorily?
Yes 0 No 2. Was the task standard met? The operator's performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM, and has been determined to be: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Comments:___________________________
_ Note: Any grade of UNSAT requires a comment.
Evaluator's Name: ______________(Print} Evaluator's Signature:
Date: _____
== Description:==
This JPM has the operator determine blocking for the 2A Service Water Pump for a pump PM. The normal means of clearance development, eSoms, is unavailable.
The applicant will provide proposed blocking lAW NDAP-QA-0322.
NOTE: Critical Element(s}
indicated by *in Performance Checklist.
JPM Start Time ____ ELEMENT STANDARD SAT UNSAT Comment Number EVALUATOR NOTE Ensure the following material available to support of this
* Prints: E-145 sh. 8, E-4 sh. and M-2109 sh. 1 and NDAP-QA-0322
* Attached Proposed Reviews Attachment N EVALUATOR NOTE General To begin this JPM, provide the Blocking Rules candidate with the Task Conditions, Pumps (3) and Initiating Cue Sheet and Proposed o for Electrical Blocking under 13.8kV breakers (2.1) Reviews the scope of work planned Determines that for 2A needs blocked and should isolate all pump flowpaths NDAP-QA-0322 is an information allow for work on use only procedure.
should reference Locates and standards (6.1) and attachments N & referenced drawings o for general equipment blocking review blocking, Uses rules to develop proposed blocking 2109 Sheet 1/2, Sheet 8, and E-4 Sheet 3 develop proposed I ELEMENT STANDARD SAT I UNSAT Comment Number EVALUATOR NOTE Candidate may at anytime reference NDAP-QA-0322 to ensure compliance and follow appropriate check sheets. *Oevelops list of proposed blocking Proposed blocking points based upon print review and generated NOAP-QA-0322 attached proposed blocking list key, all critical steps met. ..-.-. ..EVALUATOR CUE;. Role play the Unit Supervisor acknowledge the receipt of proposed blocking blocking and inform candidate that will be forwarded to the !
Give completed list of proposed Unit Supervisor is given blocking points to the Unit list of proposed Supervisor to be forwarded to WCC. EVALUATOR CUE Once candidate turns in list proposed blocking points, the JPM DUE TO THE NATURE OF JPM OTHER BLOCKING MAY BE CONSUL T WITH SMEs AS NECESSARY DETERMINE ACCEPTABILITY ALTERNATE BLOCKING ELEMENT STANDARD I SAT UNSAT Comment Number DO YOU HAVE ALL OF YOUR JPM EXAM MATERIALS?
JPM Stop Time ____
Do NO give th page to the They are given the cue sheet and proposed blocking sheet PROPOSED BL o NOT GIVE NOTE: Critical Element(s) indicated by
* in Performance Checklist Component
: 1. *2A10106 Service Water Pump A 2P502A 13.8kV breaker 2. *209001 Service Water Pump A Suction ISO Vl V 3. *209004 Service Water Puml2 A Discharge ISO Vl V 4. *209014 Service Wtr Pump A Seal Water Press CTl VlV Bypass VlV *209016 Service Wtr Pump A Seal Water Press CTl VLV Outlet ISO VlV 6. *209166 Service Wtr Pump A Vent VlV 7. *209801 Service Water Pump A 08 Casing Vent VlV 8. *209802 Service Water Pump A 18 Casing Vent VlV*209048 Service Water Pump A Drain VLV 1Q._*_2Q9j19_Service_Water I:?@il} VI..-Y_____________
y c Position *OPEN, *RACKED OUT, (applicant may also request breaker REMOVED) *CLOSED *CLOSED *CLOSED *CLOSED *CLOSED *OPEN *OPEN *OPEN *OPEN Tag *Red I *Red *Red *Red ! I *Red tag I 1 *Red tag No tag/Pink tag I No tag/Pink tag No tag/Pink tag I No tag/Pink tag TASK CONDITIONS Unit 2 is at 100% power. 2A Service Water Pump has been scheduled for impeller replacement, but due to an oversight, no clearance package was developed Database problems within eSoms have prevented development of a clearance order by electronic means INITIATING CUE Using the appropriate drawings, provide a list of proposed blocking that meets the requirements of NDAP-QA-0322.
The Clearance Order Office will generate the associated Clearance Order when eSoms is returned to service. Minimum required information for each point must include: Component Number, Component Description, Required Position, and Tag Type TASK CONDITIONS Unit 2 is at 100% power. 2A Service Water Pump has been scheduled for impeller replacement, but due to an oversight, no clearance package was developed Database problems within eSoms have prevented development of a clearance order by electronic means INITIATING CUE Using the appropriate drawings, provide a list of proposed blocking that meets the requirements of NDAP-QA-0322.
The Clearance Order Office will generate the associated Clearance Order when eSoms is returned to service. Minimum required information for each point must include: Component Number, Component Description, Required Position, and Tag Type i J Library Clearance Order Susquehanna
##-### -2P502A SERVICE WATER PUMP o-Unit 2 SYS 2P502A SERVICE WATER PUMP A (PI' MOTOR MR N NOUN LOC TEXT: RM:CW-020 A:52 E:676 R678.5 Clearance Order
== Description:==
SERVICE WATER PUMP 2P502A OOS FOR IMPELLER REPLACEMENT STANDARD CLEARANCE ORDER Notes: 1) OPERATIONS VENT AND DRAIN 2) Clearance order effectiveness determined by Live-Dead-Uve checks; no sustained pressure/flow exiting drains Opened within clearance order boundary Impacts I Effects: LOSS OF CONTROL AND INDICATION FOR 2A SERVICE WATER PP 2P502A PMT: OPS-PLACE IN SERVICE lAW 01'-211-001 AND VERIFY PROPER OPERATION REF. E-145 SH. 8, E-4 SH. 3 SH. 1 Post Maintenance Testing Req.: 1'51'-29; PLACE SW PUMP 2PS02A liS lAW 01'-211-001 Wilkes, Barry Depressurized Continuously Vented Purge Complete --T ---. Tagged Component Description Location .
Tag Type .. Place Verif Rest. Rest seq. Verif Tagged Restoration Position Position I Tag Placement Notes . Tag Removal Notes NOTE 1 SEE BLOCKING A:O E:O Info NV 3 NV SEE TAG SEE TAG ENSURE COMMENTS FOR PLACEMENT REMOVAL SERVICE WATER DETAILS NOUN NOTES NOTES PUMP 2PS02A LOCTEXT: NOT IN SERVICE (and NOT in Standby) PER OP-211-001 SEC 2.7 PRIOR TO HANGING TAGS 2A10106 (RM) SERVICE WATER RM:Il-220 A:13 Red Tag 2 CV 2 IN PUMP A 2PS02A E:699 R700' R668.S' 209001 COL:5 N 31.2 Tag Placement Tag Removal I Tagged Description Location Notes Notes . I ______ SERVICE WATER RM:CW-OOl PUMP A A:52 E:661 DISCHARGE R667' COL:2 ISO VLV NOUN S 30.2 LOC TEXT: -1SERVICE WTR RM:CW-020 Red Tag PUMP A SEAL A:52 E:676 WATER PRESS R681' COL:3 CTL VLV BYPASS N 31.2 VLV NOUN LOC TEXT: -Ri'1:CW'{)W PUMP A SEAL A:52 E:676 Red Tag 2 2 WATER PRESS R682' COl:5 N CTL VLV OUTLET 31.6 -,-.-:::.--t-CV 2. -CV I CLOSED --+--O=PEN PUMP A VENT A:52 E:676 VLV NOUN LOC R686.S' COL:9 N TEXT: 31.2 209801----TIERVICE WATER l-RM:CW-OW-I No Tag 2 PUMP A OB A:52 E:676 CASING VENT R677.5' COL:8 N VLV NOUN LOC 31.2 TEXT: I SERVICEWATER RM:CW-020 OPEN P '67 V RM:CW-02.0 PUMP A DRAIN A:52 E:676 VLV NOUN LOC R678' COL:5 N_-'-_______L ______._.__-'-__..____'-____ TE)(I=-___ ____________1_______'_____'_______'__.
Susquehanna Steam Electric Job Performance Review and Verify Blocking Required per NDAP-QA-0322 "Energy SRO JPM Designation: Revision Number: Date:
Developed Author Review By: Hedigan Examiner Approved By: Caruso Chief Examiner JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE VALIDATION All steps of this checklist should be performed upon initial validation.
Prior to JPM usage, revalidate JPM using steps 8 through 11 below. Task description and number, JPM description and number are identified. Knowledge and Abilities (KIA) references are included. Performance location specified. (in-plant, control room, or simulator) Initial setup conditions are identified. Initiating and terminating cues are properly identified. Task standards identified and verified by Examiner review. Critical steps meet the criteria for critical steps and are identified with an asterisk (*). Verify the procedure referenced by this JPM matches the most current revision of that procedure:
Procedure Rev. Date _______ Pilot test the JPM: a. verify cues both verbal and visual are free of conflict, and b. ensure performance time is accurate.
: 10. If the JPM cannot be performed as written with proper responses, then revise the JPM. 11. When JPM is revalidated, Examiner sign and date JPM cover page.
Rev 0 Rev 1: Split JPM to separate RO and SRO actions. RO to provide proposed blocking, SRO to review and correct proposed blocking Rev 2: Revised per licensee comments following pre-validation JPM Setup Instructions:
: 1. Provide NDAP-QA-0322
: 2. Provide prints E-145 sh. 8, E-4 sh. 3, and M-2109 sh. 1 and 2 3. Provide proposed 2A Service Water Pump Clearance TASK STANDARD:
Review the list of proposed blocking for 2A Service Water Pump; discrepancies identified and noted attached TASK Unit 2 is at 100% 2A Service Water Pump has been scheduled for impeller replacement, but due to an oversight, no package was Database problems within eSoms have prevented development of a clearance order by electronic SRO INITIATING CUE: Using the appropriate drawings referenced on the proposed clearance, review the requested blocking to ensure it meets the requirements of NDAP-QA-0322 for accuracy and adequacy.
The Clearance Order Office will generate the associated Clearance Order when eSoms is returned to service. Information for Evaluator's UNSAT requires written comments on respective
* Denotes CRITICAL steps. Number any comments in the "Comment Number" column. Then annotate that comment in the "Comments" section. The comment section should be used to document the reason that a step is marked as unsatisfactory and to document unsatisfactory performance relating to management expectations.
Some operations that are performed from outside of the control room may require multiple steps. These items may be listed as individual steps in this JPM. It is acceptable for the candidate to direct the local operator to perform groups of procedure steps instead of calling for each individual item to be performed.
The timeclock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue. 
---Operator's Name: ______________________________
_ Job Title: NLO RO SRO STA SRO Cert JPM Title: Review and Verify Blocking Required per NDAP-QA-0322 "Energy Control Process" JPM Number: A-2 Revision Number: 2 KIA Number and Importance:
2.2.41 RO 3.5 SRO 3.9 Suggested Testing Environment:
Classroom Actual Testing Environment:
Classroom Testing Method: Perform in Classroom Alternate Path: No Time Critical:
No Estimated Time to Complete:
20 min. Actual Time Used: minutes
: 1. NUREG 1123 Rev. 2, Supp. 1 2. NDAP-QA-0322 Rev. 35 3. E-145 sh. 8 4. E-4 sh. 3 5. M-2109 sh. 1 and 2 EVALUATION
: 1. Were all the Critical Elements performed satisfactorily?
Yes 0 No 2. Was the task standard The operator's performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM, and has determined to be: 0 Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Comments:
Note: Any grade of UNSAT requires a comment.
Evaluator's Name: ______________(Print) Evaluator's Signature:
Date: _____
== Description:==
This .JPM has the operator review proposed blocking for the 2A Service Water Pump for a pump PM. The normal means of clearance development, eSoms, is unavailable.
The applicant will review proposed blocking and identify/document any discrepancies.
NOTE: Critical Element(s) indicated by *in Performance Checklist.
* Ensure the following material is available to support performance of this JPM:
* Prints: E-145 sh. 8, E-4 sh. 3, and M-2109 sh. 1 and 2
* NDAP-QA-0322
* Attached library clearance EVALUATOR NOTE To begin this JPM, provide the candidate with the Task Conditions and Initiating Cue Sheet. Determines that motor needs blocked and should isolate all pump flowpaths to allow for work on pump. Reviews the scope of work planned for2ASWP.
NDAP-QA-0322 is an information use only procedure.
Candidate should reference clearance standards (6.1) and attachments N & o for general equipment blocking rules for verifying correct blocking EVALUATOR NOTE Candidate may at anytime reference NDAP-QA-0322 to ensure compliance and follow appropriate check sheets. 
-------ELEMENT STANDARD SAT UNSAT Comment I Number *Using E-145, recognizes that the Candidate identifies requested 13.8kV breaker listed 2A 10106 as correct 13.8kV (2A10103) is incorrect breaker for 2A Service Water Pump. *Using M-21 09, Sheet 2, candidate Candidate identifies 209166 should recognize that the requested as the correct 2A Service Service Water Pump vent valve is Water Pump vent valve incorrect and is actually for 28 &sect;ervice Water Pump (209167) EVALUATOR CUE Role play the Unit Supervisor and acknowledge the receipt of the corrected blocking and inform candidate that it will be forwarded to theWCC. ----Give completed list of corrected Unit Supervisor is given the blocking sheet to the Unit Supervisor corrected blocking sheet. to be forwarded to WCC. EVALUATOR CUE Once candidate turns in list of corrected blocking sheet. the __'PM is complete.
CONSULT WITH ADDITIONAL SMEs AS NECESSARY TO DETERMINE ACCEPT ABILITY OF ALTERNATE BLOCKING POINTS. i ELEMENT STANDARD SAT I UNSAT Comment I Number DO YOU HAVE ALL YOUR JPM JPM Stop Time T ive th n t a es (Ke ) t the They are given the cue sheet and the library clearance order TASK CONDITIONS Unit 2 is at 100% power. 2A Service Water Pump has been scheduled for pump PM, but due to an oversight, no clearance package was developed Database problems within eSoms have prevented development of a clearance order by electronic means A paper copy of a library clearance has been sent to the Control Room for you to review the blocking request INITIATING CUE Using the appropriate drawings referenced on the proposed clearance, review the requested blocking to ensure it meets the requirements of NDAP-QA-0322 for accuracy and adequacy.
The Clearance Order Office will generate the associated Clearance Order when eSoms is returned to service.
TASK CONDITIONS Unit 2 is at 100% power. 2A Service Water Pump has been scheduled for pump PM, but due to an oversight, no clearance package was developed Database problems within eSoms have prevented development of a clearance order by electronic means A paper copy of a library clearance has been sent to the Control Room for you to review the blocking request INITIATING CUE Using the appropriate drawings referenced on the proposed clearance, review the requested blocking to ensure it meets the requirements of NDAP-QA-0322 for accuracy and adequacy.
The Clearance Order Office will generate the associated Clearance Order when eSoms is returned to service.
Library Clearance Order Susquehanna
##-### -2PS02A SERVICE WATER PUMP O-Unit 2 SYS 2PS02A SERVICE WATER PUMP A (PP MOTOR MR N NOUN LOC TEXT: RM:CW-020 A:52 E:676 R678.5 Clearance Order
== Description:==
SERVICE WATER PUMP 2P502A OOS FOR IMPELLER REPLACEMENT STANDARD CLEARANCE ORDER Notes: 1) OPERATIONS VENT AND DRAIN 2) Clearance order effectiveness determined by Live-Dead-Uve checks; no sustained pressure/flow exiting drains Opened Impacts I Effects: LOSS OF CONTROL AND INDICATION FOR 2A SERVICE WATER PP 2P502A PMT: OPS-PLACE IN SERVICE lAW OP-211-001 AND VERIFY PROPER OPERATION REF. E-145 SH. 8, E-4 SH. 3 & M-2109 SH. 1 Post Maintenance Testing Req.: PSP-29; PLACE SW PUMP 2P502A 1/5 lAW OP-211-001 Wilkes, Barry Tagged Restoration Tag Pla.eemlent Tag Removal Position Position Notes Notes 2 cv cv Rest. Rest Tagged Tag Removal Tagged Seq. Verif Position Position Notes 2 cv CLOSED OPEN CLOSED Susquehanna Steam Electric Job Performance Measure Review and Approve Radioactive Liquid Release Permit JPM Designation:
A-3 Revision Number: 1 Date: _12/06/11 Developed Patel 06114111 Author Date Review By: Hedigan 01/05/12 Examiner Date Approved Caruso 01/05/12 Chief Examiner Date JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE VALIDATION NOTE: All steps of this checklist should be performed upon initial validation.
Prior to JPM usage, revalidate JPM using steps 8 through 11 below. Task description and number, JPM description and number are identified. Knowledge and Abilities (KIA) references are included. Performance location specified. (in-plant, control room, or simulator) Initial setup conditions are identified. Initiating and terminating cues are properly identified. Task standards identified and verified by Examiner review. Critical steps meet the criteria for critical steps and are identified with an asterisk (*). Verify the procedure referenced by this JPM matches the most current revision of that procedure:
Procedure Rev. Date Pilot test the JPM: a. verify cues both verbal and visual are free of conflict, and b. ensure performance time is accurate. If the JPM cannot be performed as written with proper responses, then revise the JPM. 11. When JPM is revalidated, Examiner sign and date JPM cover page.
: 1. Rev 1 JPM Setup Instructions: Provide marked-up surveillance authorization package. TASK STANDARD:
Identify less than required LRW sample tank recirculation time, incorrect settings for Actual High Rad setpoint and Actual Alert Rad setpoint, and determine that U1 & U2 Cooling Tower Slowdown Flow instrumentation is inoperable, requiring blowdown flow instruments to be bypassed.
TASK CONDITIONS: Preparations are in progress to release LRW Sample Tanks OT303C&D. OP-069-050, Release of Liquid Radioactive Waste Attachments
'0', 'F' and 'H' have been prepared.
INITIATING CUE: FUS is unavailable, Shift Manager directed you to review and approve OP-069-050 attachment D, F and H. Document any required actions below. Information for Evaluator's Use: UNSAT requires written comments on respective step.
* Denotes CRITICAL steps. Number any comments in the "Comment Number" column. Then annotate that comment in the "Comments" section. The comment section should be used to document the reason that a step is marked as unsatisfactory and to document unsatisfactory performance relating to management expectations.
Some operations that are performed from outside of the control room may require multiple steps. These items may be listed as individual steps in this JPM. It is acceptable for the candidate to direct the local operator to perform groups of procedure steps instead of calling for each individual item to be performed.
The timeclock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue. 
---____ _ Operator's Name: Job Title: NLO RO SRO STA[J SRO Cert ..JPM Title: Review and Approve Radioactive Liquid Release Permit JPM Number: A*3 Revision Number: 0 KIA Number and Importance:
2.3.6 SRO 3.7 Suggested Testing Environment:
Classroom Actual Testing Environment:
Classroom Testing Method: Perform in Classroom Alternate Path: No Time Critical:
No Estimated Time to Complete:
15 min. Actual Time Used: minutes
: 1. NUREG 1123, 2. OP-069-050, Rev. 41 EVALUATION
: 1. Were all the Critical Elements performed satisfactorily?
Yes No 2. Was the task standard met? The operator's performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM, and has been determined to be: 0 Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Comments:
Note: Any grade of UNSAT requires a Evaluator's Name: ______________Evaluator's Signature:
This JPM has the operator independently verify LRW sample tank radioactive liquid release permit. Applicants should identify various issues with the permit. Applicants should identify less than required LRW sample tank recirculation time, incorrect settings for Actual High Rad setpoint and Actual Alert Rad setpoint, and determine that U1 & U2 Cooling Tower Slowdown Flow instrumentation is inoperable, requiring blowdown flow instruments to be bypassed.
NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TION JPMA-3 NOTE: Critical Element(s) indicated by
* in Performance Checklist.
JPM Start Time Action EVALUATOR NOTE: Provide the candidate with a filled out copy of OP-069-050, Release of Liquid Radioactive Waste Attachment 0, F & H of "LRW Sample Tank OT303C&D Radioactive Liquid Release Permit". Provide the* Applicant with a blank OP-069-050, Release of Liquid Radioactive Waste procedure. Refers to a blank copy of 050, Release of Liquid Radioactive Waste and completed attachment D, F, and H. Selects the correct section to perform review. EVALUATOR NOTE: If the applicant indicates that he/she would send this release back due to not enough recirculation time prior to sample, then indicate to applicant to finish review of the entire procedure.
SAT UNSAT Comment Number Refers to a copy of OP-069-050, and completed attachment D, F, and H. Selects section step 2.3.3 through 2.3.9 of OP-069-050, Release of Liquid Radioactive Waste Attachment D "LRW Sample Tank OT-303C&D Radioactive Liquid Release Permit". Also, reviews form 069-050-7, attachment F of 069-050.
NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON JPMA-3 Standard SAT UNSAT Comment Number *3 Verifies Calculation of Required Performs the following Recirculation Time calculations:
98 x 0.75 =73.5 minutes. Compares this number with 71.5 minutes, and determines that Calculated required recirculation time is incorrect, and the earliest possible sample time would be 10:03 (not 10:01). *3 Verifies High Rad Performs the following calculation:
1.2SE4 + 2.77E3 =1.S27E4 and compares this to the number in block 2.3.6.n (4.02E4).
The applicant identifies that background count rate was inappropriately carried forward into high rad setpoint calculation as 2.77E4. Therefore, the correct rad setpoint value should be 1.S27E4. *4 Verifies Alert Rad Performs the following calculation:
1.00E4 + 2.77E3 =1.277E4 and compares this to the number in block (3.77E4).
The applicant identifies that background count rate was inappropriately carried forward into Alert rad setpoint calculation as 2.77E4. Therefore, the correct rad setpoint value should be 1.277E4.
NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON JPMA-3 Standard SAT UNSAT Comment I Number -Compares Calculated required High Determines that the actual Rad and Alert Rad setpoint with setpoint set out in the field are required setpoint and actual setpoint incorrectly set and requires in step 2.3.7. corrections. Determines that Unit 1 AND Unit 2 Reviews Attachment F, to Cooling Tower Flowrate Instruments determine the satisfactory test are INOPERABLE, and requires results of blowdown flow permission from shift supervisor to instrumentation for Unit 1 and bypass coolinbJ tower low flow Unit 2. interlock to be bypassed.
Determines that for Unit 1 based on actual Cooling Tower Basin Blowdown valve position indication (45%) and blowdown flow rate (4000gpm)
Unit 1 blowdown flow instrumentation falls within the Unacceptable Region of the Graph on Page 158 of Attachment F. Determines that based on the Graph results, Unit 1 Blowdown flow instrumentation should be declared INOPERABLE and require to be bypassed.
Determines that for Unit 2 based on actual Cooling Tower Basin Blowdown valve position indication (40%) and blowdown flow rate (2500gpm)
Unit 1 blowdown flow instrumentation falls within the Unacceptable Region of the Graph on Page 161 of Attachment F. Determines that based on the Graph results, Unit 1 Blowdown flow instrumentation should be declared INOPERABLE and require to be bypassed.
NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON Action EVALUATOR CUE: If the applicant indicates that he/she would send this release back due to not enough recirculation time prior to sample, incorrect RAD setpoint, AND flowrate instruments are INOPERABLE then indicate to applicant that: Recirculation time has been satisfactory been met per the corrected calculation High Rad and Alert Rad Setpoints are properly set in accordance with the corrected calculation Both U 1 and U2 Flowrate instruments are INOPERABLE As a Shift Supervisor, complete review and approval of OP-069-050 attachment 0, F and H and determine whether a discharge can continue and if it can under what conditions. Determines that HS-06443A is required to be in "Bypass" when total site, U-1 and U-2 Cooling tower blowdown instruments are INOPERABLE.
AND Determines that TR Condition 0 Actions apply, and Cooling Tower level, Blowdown valve position and flowrate needs to be logged every 4 HOURS lAW step 2.3.14.a(3).
JPMA-3 SAT UNSAT Comment Number Evaluator Note: In summary, once calculations errors are corrected for recirc flow, rad setpoints are appropriately set, and 06443A is in the "Bypass" position, applicant should determine that it is SAFE to discharge as long as TR 3.11 .1.4 Condition 0 Action to estimate blowdown flow rate every 4 hours, and log Cooling Tower level, Blowdown valve position and flowrate every 4 hours lAW step 2.3.14.a(3).
Marks up Attachment H to proper Switch Alignment of 06443A. Indicating the 06443A, Cooling water blowdown low flow needs to be place in Bypass Position.
Draws Arrow towards "BYPASS" position.
Determines that TR Condition 0 Actions apply, and Cooling Tower level, Blowdown valve position and flowrate needs to be logged every 4 HOURS lAW step 2.3.14.a(3).
I I NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TION I JPMA-3 Action Standard SAT UNSAT Comment Number EVALUATOR CUE: That completes this JPM. il JPM Stop Time _____
L..--..-______________NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA J JPMA-3 HANDOUT PAGE TASK CONDITIONS: Preparations are in progress to release LRW Sample Tanks OT303C&D. OP-069-050, Release of Liquid Radioactive Waste Attachments
'D', 'F'and 'H' have INITIATING CUE: FUS is unavailable, Shift Manager directed you to review and approve OP-069-050 attachment D, F and H. Document any required actions below.
NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON JPMA-3 HANDOUT PAGE TASK CONDITIONS: Preparations are in progress to release LRW Sample Tanks OT303C&D. OP-069-050, Release of Liquid Radioactive Waste Attachments
'0', 'F' and 'H' have INITIATING CUE: FUS is unavailable, Shift Manager directed you to review and approve OP-069-050 attachment 0, F and H. Document any required actions below.
Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Job Performance Emergency Plan RO JPM Designation: Revision Number: Date: -,/...:,.1..:.,..1
_ Note: This JPM is paired with Sim JPM E. Developed Patel 06/10/11 Author Date Review By: Hedigan 01/05/12 Examiner Date Approved By: Caruso 01/05/12 Chief Examiner Date JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE VALIDATION CHECKLIST All steps of this checklist should be performed upon initial validation.
Prior to JPM usage, revalidate JPM using steps 8 through 11 below.
: 1. Rev 3 JPM Setup Instructions: Provide Event Notification Report.
* Fill in thl3 declaration time as two minutes prior to the current time Sign the ENR form under approved section on bottom and fill in the current time as the time approved. (when applicant starts the Admin JPM) TASK STANDARD:
The applicant should obtain appropriate BNTD sticker and verbally communicate the ENR form to the offsite agencies by utilizing backup telephone numbers. TASK See Emergency Notification INITIATING A General Emergency has been declared for Unit 1 as the initial emergency classification due to an airborne radiological release in progress. Complete the emergency plan communication to the offsite agencies. This is a time critical JPM Information for Evaluator's Use: UNSAT requires written comments on respective step.
* Denotes CRITICAL steps. Number any comments in the "Comment Number" column. Then annotate that comment in the "Comments" section. The comment section should be used to document the reason that a step is marked as unsatisfactory and to document unsatisfactory performance relating to management expectations.
Some operations that are performed from outside of the control room may require multiple steps. These items may be listed as individual steps in this JPM. It is acceptable for the candidate to direct the local operator to perform groups of procedure steps instead of calling for each individual item to be performed.
The timeclock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue. Operator's Name: 
---Job Title: NLO [J RO DSRO ST A-: S RO Cert JPM Title: Emergency Plan communications
..'PM Number: A-4 Revision Number: 0 KIA Number and Importance:
2.4.39 RO 3.9 Suggested Testing Environment:
Simulator Actual Testing Environment:
Simulator Testing Method: Perform in Simulator Alternate Path: Yes Time Critical:
Yes Estimated Time to Complete:
15 min. Actual Time Used: minutes
: 1. NUREG
: 2. EP-PS-126-A, Emergency Plan Communicator, Rev. 27 EVALUATION
: 1. Were all the Critical Elements performed satisfactorily?
0 Yes No 2. Was the task standard met? The operator's performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM, and has been determined to be: D Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Comments:__________________________
_ Note: Any grade of UNSAT requires a comment. Evaluator's Name: ______________(Print) Evaluator's Signature:
Date: _____
== Description:==
This JPM has the operator communicate the ENR form to the offsite agencies utilizing backup telephone numbers.
* in Performance Checklist.
JPM Start Time (Record Start of JPM Time when applicant acknowledges the initiating cue) Official start time for Time Critical JPM ELEMENT Evaluator Notes Finish the remainder of the attached ENR form when applicant is ready to begin JPM: Fill in the declaration time (in Section 3) as two minutes prior to the current time Sign the ENR form under approved section at the bottom of the form and fill in the current time as the time approv13d. Remind Simulator Booth Operator to NOT answer any of the Notification calls Obtains procedure and reviews procedure, prerequisites, and precautions Obtain and review Event Notification Report (ENR) form with the Shift Manager/ED.
STANDARD I Obtains EP-PS-126 and ENR form. Applicant reviews ENR report. Evaluator Note:
may request to review with Shift Evaluator Cue: Notify Applicant Shift Manger/ED are busy and you may proceed with notification with this ENR report. I SAT UNSAT I Comment I. , '
* Number NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON JPMA-4 STANDARD I SAT UNSAT I Comment I I . Number *3. If the Shift Manger has not already Obtains label for General done so, obtain a label containing Emergency containing the the Brief Non-technical Descriptions brief Non-technical of the EALs and affix the description Descriptions of the EALs and to the ENR form in the space on the affix the description to the form. ENR form in the space on the form. I *40btains "CG4" Brief Non-technical Obtains label for General Description Sticker from the EAL Emergency containing the folder in the center console desk brief Non-technical drawer and applies it in the field Descriptions of the EALs and block located above #5 .. affix the description to the ENR form in the space on the form. Evaluator Note: . Pre-printed labels containing the Brief Non-technical Descriptions of the EALs are located in a marked folder in the center console desk drawer. Log time for "Notification Time" Logs the time for "Notification when first individual answers the Time" when the first agency phone in the next step: answers the phone. Time Critical Stop Time: Within 15 minutes of declaration, Evaluator Note: The using the purple colored phone Simulator Booth Operator will button, dial "191" to transmit the not answer the" 191" call. ENR form to the following: (Dialing 191 will simultaneously connect the listed agencies in a conference call.) If the "191" function does not work, Evaluator Note: The attempt to use conference line Simulator Booth Operator will "196", then contact the Emergency not answer the "196. Agencies directly.
The JIC should be contacted last. I NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON JPMA-4 ELEMENT STANDARD SAT UNSAT Comment Number *8. Contact the Emergency Agencies Evaluator Note: When the directly.
The JIC should be applicant dials the first contacted last. agencies number, role playas John Smith from that agency * (PEMA) The applicant will need to utilize backup telephone i numbers. *BACKUP TELEPHONE The applicant uses following backup numbers If calling from a 4xxx extension, dial the dials JIC last: backup numbers as follows: PEMA: 4960, 4961 or4960, 4961 or 8-1-717-651-2001 8-1-71 LCEMA: 4906, 4907, 4906,4907, or 8-1-800-821-3715 8-1-800-821-3715
* CCDPS: 4955,4956, or 4955, 4956, or 8-1-570-389-5720 PIM:
PIM: 4901,4902 JIC: 49034903 *If calling from a 3)(xx extension, dial the backup numbers as follows: 8-353-4960, 8-353-4961, or 8-1-717 -651-2001 8-353-4906, 8-353-4907, or 8-1-,900-821-371 5 8-353-4955, 8-353-4956, or 8-1-570-389-5720 8-353-4901, 8-353-4902 I8-353-4903
NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA nON ELEMENT Verbally communicate the ENR form to the offsite agencies.
STANDARD I When the first agency answers the phone, communicates ENR form verbally to the offsite agencies.
* Identifies His/her Name.
* Call back number
* Declaration Time
* Event Classification (GE)
* Unit-1 "The water level inside the Unit 1 reactor has dropped and does not completely cover the uranium fuel. The unit has been shut down prior to the event and remains shut down.
Protective actions will be recommended for the public". 'The water level inside the Unit 1 reactor has dropped and does not completely cover the uranium fuel. The unit has been shut down prior to the event and remains shut down.
Protective actions will be recommended for the public". There is an airborne radiological release in progress due to the event. JPMA-4 SAT UNSAT Comment Number I NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TION JPM A-4 ELEMENT I STANDARD SAT UNSAT Comment Number Evaluator Cue: If required(requested by applicant), repeat back applicant message to complete 3 way communication.
Understand that U1 Declared a GE at (T-2min). "The water level inside the Unit 1 reactor has dropped and does not completely cover the uranium fuel. The unit has been shut down prior to the event and remains shut down. Protective actions will be recommended for the public". There is an airborne radiological release in progress due to the event. Your call back # is 4915 Evaluator Note: Once the aQQlicant has successfully:
communicated the event to the first offsite agency: (PEMA}, uQon dialing the correct extension number for the next agency: (LCEMA}, y:ou may: END the JPM. JPM Stop Time NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON JPMA-4 HANDOUT PAGE; TASK See Emergency Notification INITIATING A General Emergency has been declared for Unit 1 as the initial emergency classification due to an airborne radiological release in progress. Complete the emergency plan communication to the offsite agencies. This is a time critical JPM NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON JPMA-4 HANDOUT PAGE TASK See Emergency Notification INITIATING A General Emergency has been declared for Unit 1 as the initial emergency classification due to an airborne radiological release in progress. Complete the emergency plan communication to the offsite agencies. This is a time critical JPM 
----------------EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION REPORT Control # CR-1 Call Status: THIS IS A DRILL o THIS IS AN ACTUAL EVENT This is: _______________
atPPLSusquehanna,LLC (Communicator's Name) My telephone 570-542 3 Notification time number is: 570-759 4 (Time (Callback telephone number) EMERGENCY CLASSIFICATION:
UNIT: lSI Declaration Time: DATE: TODAY D Two (Time classification! (Date classification!
DONE & Two termination declared) termination declared)
D ESCALATION IN CLASSIFICATION STATUS D NOCHANGE The Classification Designation is: BRIEF NON*TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION OF lSI EMERGENCY EVENT (Initial declaration and escalations) D OTHER SIGNIFICANT EVENT (No change in emergency classification or classification 5. THERE IS: No }lSI AN AIRBORNE RADIOLOGICAL RELEASE IN PROGRESS DUE TO THE EVENT D ALiQUID A Rad Release is in Progress if: in the judgment of ED!RM radioactive material is being released to the or into an area of the plant that will result in a release to the environment that is a result of the event. conditions that result in a rad release; Fuel Clad Barrier AND Containment Barrier LOSS, RCS Barrier Containment Barrier LOSS, RG1, RS1, RA1, RU1, MU7, SBGT initiation on RB Vent hi-rad, an increase in detected gaseous radiation effluents that is a result of the event, or any radioactive liquid released beyond Protected Area that is a result of the WIND DIRECTION IS ____-=2=7...:..7_&deg;.
WIND SPEED IS: -=-____ mph. (Data from 10 meter meteorological tower, available on PICSY.) REPEAT: IX! THIS IS A DRILL o THIS IS AN ACTUAL EVENT (When communicating form, request a repeat back by one of the agencies.)
shiftTime: Date: TOVAY (ED, RM, or EOFSS) (Time form approved) (Date form approved)
EP-AD-OOO-310, Revision 12, Page 1 of 1 (Electronic Form)
Susquehanna Steam Electric Job Performance Classify a Site Area Emergency, Upgrade to General Emergency and Protective Action SRO ..IPM Designation: Revision Number: Date:
Developed Author R,eview By: Hedigan Examiner Approved By: Caruso Chief Examiner JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE VALIDATION NOTE: All steps of this checklist should be performed upon initial validation.
Prior to JPM usage, revalidate JPM using steps 8 through 11 below. Task description and number, JPM description and number are identified. Knowledge and Abilities (KIA) references are included. Performance location specified. (in-plant, control room, or simulator) Initial setup conditions are identified. Initiating and terminating cues are properly identified. Task standards identified and verified by Examiner review. Critical steps meet the criteria for critical steps and are identified with an asterisk (*). Verify the procedure referenced by this JPM matches the most current revision of that procedure:
Procedure Rev. Date Pilot test the ...IPM: a. verify cues both verbal and visual are free of conflict, and b. ensure performance time is accurate.
: 10. If the JPM cannot be performed as written with proper responses, then revise the JPM. 11. When ..IPM is revalidated, Examiner sign and date JPM cover page.
Rev 0 Rev 1: Edited per licensee comments to correct answer key and task conditions JPM Setup Instructions: Ensure sufficient quantity of EP-PS-100 Tabs 5 and 9 fomlS on hand Provide EP-TP-001 Provide EP-PS-100 TASK STANDARD:
: 1. Declaration of a Site Area Emergency based on classification FS1 within 15 minutes of initiating cue 2. Declaration of a General Emergency based on classification FG1 within 15 minutes of second initiating cue 3. Make Protective Action Recommendation (PAR) [evacuate 0 to 2 miles, shelter 2 to 10 miles, and advise citizens take KI per state plans] within 15 minutes of declaring a General Emergency TASK CONDITIONS:
Unit 1 was initially at 100% power At T + 0 sec an earthquake with a magnitude of 0.07g occurred near the plant and was confirmed with seismic instrumentation and control room operators Due to the earthquake activity, a loss of offsite power has occurred At T + 30 sec, a LOCA occurred as a result of the seismic activity RPV level is -1';75" and rising slowly due to A Loop RHR injection All control rods are fully inserted Drywell pressure is 25 psig and rising INITIATING CUE: Initiating Cue #1: Classify the Event, and implement the Emergency Plan as the Control Room Emergency Director in accordance with EP-PS-100.
THIS IS A TIME CRITICAL JPM Initiating Cue #2: At time T= 30 minutes, EDG 'A' tripped, resulting in RPV level momentarily reaching -215" and recovering to -182" and rising slowly by starting B RHR pump Due to inability to spray, drywell pressure is currently 54 psig and rising slowly Assuming the other initial conditions are still valid, determine if this new condition will affect the current EAL classification, AND if so perform any other additional actions that may be required.
THIS IS A TIME CRITICAL JPM Information for Evaluator's Use: UNSAT requires written comments on respective step. *Denotes CRITICAL steps.
Number any comments in the "Comment Number" column. Then annotate that comment in the "Comments" section. The comment section should be used to document the reason that a step is marked as unsatisfactory and to document unsatisfactory performance relating to management expectations.
Some operations that are performed from outside of the control room may require multiple steps. These items may be listed as individual steps in this JPM. It is acceptable for the candidate to direct the local operator to perform groups of procedure steps instead of calling for each individual item to be performed.
The timeclock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue. Operator's Name: ________________________
_ Job Title: NLO ORO OSRO STA SRO Cert ..IPM Title: Classify and Communicate a Site Area Emergency, Upgrade to General Emergency and Make Protective Action Recommendations JPM Number: A-4 Revision Number: 1 KIA Number and Importance:
2.4.44 SRO 4.4 Suggested Testing Environment:
Classroom Actual Testing Environment:
Classroom Testing Method: Perform in Classroom Alternate Path: No Time Critical:
Yes Estimated Time to Complete:
30 min. Actual Time Used: ___minutes
: 1. NUREG 1123 Rev. 2, Supp. 1 2. EP-PS-100, Rev. 26 3. EP-PS-100, Tab A, Rev. 18 4. EP-PS-100, Tab D, Rev. 23 5. EP-PS-100, Tab E, Rev. 28 6. EP-AD-000-126, Rev. 17 7. EP-AD-000-077 Rev 3. 8. EP-PS-100, Tab 9, Rev. 9. EP-TP-001, Rev. 3 EVALUATION
: 1. Were all the Critical Elements performed satisfactorily?
Yes No 2. Was the task standard met? The operator's performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM, and has been determined to be: Satisfactory LJ Unsatisfactory Comments:___________________________
_ Note: Any grade of UNSAT requires a comment. Evaluator's Name: _____________
{Print) Evaluator's Signature:
Date: _____ Descrjption:
This JPM has the operator review plant conditions and make an emergency declaration of Site Area Emergency and perform actions to communicate the declaration.
A second cue will be provided in which the operator will then declare a General Emergency and make Protective Action Recommendations.
NOTE: Critical Element(s) indicated by
* in Performance Checklist.
JPM Start Time _____ ELEMENT EVALUATOR To begin this JPM provide candidate with CUE SHEET#1 When the candidate is ready to begin the JPM, inform the candidate that this is a TIME CRITICAL JPM. Record START TIME * {EP-PS-100 Tab A, steps and 2) Classify the as conditions EVALUATOR If asked, conditions have EVALUATOR When candidate declares initial EAL Record Time to determine EAL must be within
* minutes, 30 seconds of START TIME (Tab A step 4) Refer to EP-PS-100, "Emergency Director, Control Room; Emergency-Plan Position Specific Instruction" STANDARD I SAT I UNSAT I Comment !* I
* Number (Step 1 a) Evaluate updated information. (Step 2a) Review Classification Level EP-TP-001 table Declare a SITE EMERGENCY in with Classification FS 1 level < Candidate will also refer Table M for the loss of power, but the FS1 i is the overriding classification for the site. Obtain a copy of EP-PS-*100 . and refer to tab 0, Manage the I SITE AREA EMERGENCY. I ELEMENT STANDARD SAT UNSAT I Comment I Number (EP-PS-100 Tab D) Document and (Step 1) Announce to Control communicate the emergency Room personnel classification. Assuming duties of Emergency Director Emergency Classification
!3) Time and Date of Classification (Step 2) Appoint E-Plan Communicator.
Appoint E-Plan Communicator.
Instruct E-Plan Communicator to immediately perform EVALUATOR CUE: EP-PS-126.
Acknowledge the appointment of the E-Plan Communicator, when given the ENR form indicate that the E-Plan Communicator will transmit the form. ! (Step 3) Appoint NRC Communicator.
Appoint NRC Communicator.
Instruct NRC Communicator to perform EP-PS-135, NRC EVALUATOR CUE: Communicator.
Acknowledge the appointment of i I NRC
! * (Step 4) Generate and approve Fill out ENR Form from Tab 9, Form for refers to Tab H to determine a release is NOT in progress and authorizes Form for EVALUATOR CUE: transmittal.
Provide ENR form if requested.
IfJPM is not performed in the simulator, when Evaluator Note: requested, inform the student that: Acknowledge receipt ofWind Direction is 157 degrees ENR form
* Wind Speed is 9 mph If performed in the Simulator, student should use current PICSY data. ! I I ELEMENT STANDARD SAT UNSAT I Comment I Number EVALUATOR CUE: Inform the student that no further EP-PS-100 actions are required with respect to the previous classification. Provide candidate with CUE SHEET #2. Record START TI M E * (Tab D, step 16) Refer to EP-TP-001 Refer to EP-TP-001 Table F, and evaluate the impact of new and determine that RPV level conditions.
Reclassify emergency and exceeded Fuel Clad barrier appropriate tab for classification level: LOSS criteria of <205", and with Tab E. drywell pressure >53 psig and rising, has also met Primary Containment POTENTIAL EVALUATOR NOTE: LOSS. An escalation to When candidate identifies the GENERALEMERGENCYFG1 upgrade EAL classification is now required; Record TIME EP-PS-100 tab E must now be implemented.
Time to determine correct EAL must be within 15 minutes of START TIME i i noted in 3, above. *(Step 4) Generate and approve Fill out ENR Form from Tab 9, Form for also refers to Tab H to determine a release is NOT in progress and authorizes Form EVALUATOR CUE: for transmittal.
Provide ENR form if requested.
If ..'PM is not performed in the simulator, when Evaluator Note: requested, inform the student that: Acknowledge receipt ofWind Direction is 157 degrees ENR form
* Wind Speed is 9 mph If performed in the Simulator, student should use current PICSY data.
ELEMENT STANDARD I SAT! UNSAT Comment Number Refer to EP-PS-1 00 tab Estep*(Step 5) When a General Emergency 5 and determine that a PAR is declared, make Protective Action must also be performed in Recommendation (PAR) within 15 accordance with EP-PS-100 minutes. Tab 5 I EVALUATOR CUE: After the candidate determines a PAR is required, direct the candidate to determine the correct PAR for current plant conditions I
ELEMENT *Perform EP-PS-100 Tab 5, Emergency Dose Assessment Protective Action (PAR) EVALUATOR When asked, inform student that a offsite dose projection is NOT EVALUATOR NOTE: When candidate completes PAR and indicates need to transmit it to the Senior State Official:
Record TIME Time to determine PAR must within 15 minutes of Emergency declaration time noted Step EVALUATOR When student indicates need transmit PAR to Senior State inform student "This completes STANDARD SAT UNSAT Comment Number Refer to EP-PS-100 Tab 5 PA-2: Has a GE declared? PA-3: Release controlled containment vent < hr? PA-6: Valid projection? Per
* Evacuate Shelter 2-10 miles Citizens take per state (Tab E, step 5c) Notify Senior State Official, using PAR State Notification Form, at *2148.
JPM Stop Time ____
Do n t give the next pages (Keys) to Also, there are two sets of cue sheets. The 1 st is given to the applicant at the beginning of the JPM. The JPM will direct when to provide the 2 nd cue sheet. There are also two blank ENR forms in the package as well ANSWER KEY (for 1 NR form) EMERGENCY REPORT Control # CR-1 Call Status: I:2J THIS IS A DRILL THIS IS AN ACTUAL EVENT This is: at PPL Susquehanna, LLC (Communicator's Name) My telephone 570-542 3 Notification time (Time number 570-759 4 initiated)(Callback telephone number) EMERGENCY CLASSIFICATION:
UNIT: I:2J ONE Declaration Time of DATE:
D (Time classification/ (Date classification/
termination declared) termination declared)ONE&Two THIS REPRESENTS I:2J INITIAL DECLARATION}
OR D OTHER SIGNIFICANT EVENT (No change in emergency classification or classification time) Applicant applies "FS1" Brief Non-technical Description Sticker here. THERE IS: AIRBORNE LADIOLOGICAL RELEASE IN PROGRESS DUE TO THE EVENT ALIQUID J A Rad Release is in Progress if: in the judgment of ED/RM radioactive material is being released to the environment or into an area of the plant that will result in a release to the environment that is a result of the event. Example conditions that result in a rad release; Fuel Clad Barrier AND Containment Barrier LOSS, RCS Barrier AND Containment Barrier LOSS, RG1, RS1, RA1, RU1, MU7, SBGT initiation on RB Vent hi-rad, an increase in the detected gaseous radiation effluents that is a result of the event, or any radioactive liquid released beyond the Protected Area that is a result of the event. WIND DIREClrlON IS FROM: 157 0* WIND SPEED 9 mph. (Data from 10 meter meteorological tower, available on PICSY.) 7. REPEAT: THIS IS A DRILL D THIS IS AN ACTUAL EVENT (When communicating form, request a repeat back by one of the agencies.)
Applicant signature Time: Current time Date TODAY (ED, RM, or (Time form approved) (Date form approved)
ANSWER ANSWER KEY (for 2 nd ENR form) EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION REPORT Control # CR-2 Call Status: fZl THIS IS A DRILL D THIS IS AN ACTUAL EVENT This is: at PPL Susquehanna, LLC (Communicator's Name) My telephone 570-542 3 Notification time (Time number is: 570-759 4 initiated)(Callback telephone number) EMERGENCY CLASSIFICATION:
UNIT: fZl ONE Declaration Time: Classification time DATE: TODAY D Two (Time classificationl (Date classificationl termination declared) termination declared)ONE&Two THIS REPRESENTS D INITIAL DECLARATION
OR D OTHER SIGNIFICANT EVENT (No change in emergency classification or classification time) Applicant applies "FG1" Brief Non-technical Description Sticker here. THERE IS: No 1 D AN AIRBORNE RADIOLOGICAL RELEASE IN PROGRESS DUE TO THE EVENT D ALIQUID A Rad Release is in Progress if: in the judgment of EDfRM radioactive material is being released to the environment or into an area of the plant that will result in a release to the environment that is a result of the event. Example conditions that result in a rad release; Fuel Clad Barrier AND Containment Barrier LOSS, RCS Barrier AND Containment Barrier LOSS, RG1, RS1, RA 1, RU1, MU7, SBGT initiation on RB Vent hi-rad, an increase in the detected gaseous radiation effluents that is a result of the event, or any radioactive liquid released beyond the Protected Area that is a result of the event. WIND DIRECTION IS FROM: 157 0
* WIND SPEED 9 mph. (Data from 10 meter meteorological tower, available on PICSY.) 7. REPEAT: fZl THIS IS A DRILL 0 THIS IS AN ACTUAL EVENT (When communicating form, request a repeat back by one of the agencies.)
Applicant signature Time: Current time Date TODAY (ED, RM, or (Time form approved) (Date form approved)
ANSWER KEY CUE SHEET #1: TASK CONDITIONS Unit 1 was initially at 100% power At T + 0 sec, an earthquake with a magnitude of 0.07g occurred near the plant and was confirmed with seismic instrumentation and control room operators Due to the earthquake activity, a loss of offsite power has occurred At T + 30 sec, a LOCA occurred as a result of the seismic activity RPV level is -175" and rising slowly due to A Loop RHR injection All control rods are fully inserted Drywell pressure is 25 psig and rising INITIATING CUE Classify the Event, and implement the Emergency Plan as the Control Room Emergency Director in accordance with EP-PS-100.
THIS IS A TIME CRITICAL JPM CUE SHEET TASK Unit 1 was initially at 100% power At T + 0 sec, an earthquake with a magnitude of 0.07g occurred near the plant and was confirmed with seismic instrumentation and control room operators Due to the earthquake activity, a loss of offsite power has occurred At T + 30 sec, a LOCA occurred as a result of the seismic activity RPV level is -175" and rising slowly due to A Loop RHR injection All control rods are fully inserted Drywell pressure is 25 psig and rising INITIATING CUE Classify the Event, and implement the Emergency Plan as the Control Room Emergency Director in accordance with EP-PS-100.
THIS IS A TIME CRITICAL JPM CUE SHEET #2: (Do not provide until directed to by JPM.) TASK CONDITIONS At time T= 30 minutes, EDG 'A' tripped, resulting in RPV level momentarily reaching -215" and recovering to -182" and slowly rising by starting B RHR pump Due to inability to spray, drywell pressure is currently 54 psig and rising slowly INITIATING CUE Assuming the other initial conditions are still valid, determine if this new condition will affect the current EAL classification, AND if so perform any other additional actions that may be required.
THIS IS A TIME CRITICAL JPM CUE SHEET #2: (Do not provide until directed to by JPM.) TASK CONDITIONS At time T= 30 minutes, EDG 'N tripped, resulting in RPV level momentarily reaching -215" and recovering to -182" and slowly rising by starting B RHR pump Due to inability to spray, drywell pressure is currently 54 psig and rising slowly INITIATING CUE Assuming the other initial conditions are still valid, determine if this new condition will affect the current EAL classification, AND if so perform any other additional actions that may be required.
THIS IS A TIME CRITICAL JPM EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION REPORT Control # Call Status: D THIS IS A DRILL D THIS IS AN ACTUAL EVENT This is: at PPL Susquehanna, LLC (Communicator's Name) My telephone 570-542 3 Notification time is: (Time notification number 570-759 4 initiated)(Callback telephone number) EMERGENCY CLASSIFICATION:
UNIT: D ONE Declaration Time: DATE: D Two (Time classificationi (Date classification!
termination declared) termination declared)ONE&Two THIS REPRESENTS D INITIAL DECLARATION
OR THERE IS: D AN AIRBORNE RADIOLOGICAL RELEASE IN PROGRESS DUE TO THE EVENT D ALIQUID A Rad Release is in Progress if: in the judgment of ED!RM radioactive material is being released to the environment or into an area of the plant that will result in a release to the environment that is a result of the event. Example conditions that result in a rad release; Fuel Clad Barrier AND Containment Barrier LOSS, RCS Barrier AND Containment Barrier LOSS, RG1, RS1, RA1, RU1, MU7, SBGT initiation on RB Vent hi-rad, an increase in the detected gaseous radiation effluents that is a result of the event, or any radioactive liquid released beyond the Protected Area that is a result of the event. WIND DIRECTION IS FROM: o. WIND SPEED mph. (Data from 10 meter meteorological tower, available on PICSY.) 7. REPEAT: D THIS IS A DRILL D THIS IS AN ACTUAL EVENT (When communicating form, request a repeat back by one of the agencies.)
Time: Date (ED, RM, or (Time form approved) (Date form approved)
EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION REPORT Control # Call Status: D THIS IS A DRILL D THIS IS AN ACTUAL EVENT This is: at PPL Susquehanna, LLC (Communicator's Name) My telephone 570-542 3 Notification time is: (Time notification number is: 570-759 4 (Callback telephone number) initiated) EMERGENCY CLASSIFICATION:
UNIT: D ONE Declaration Time: DATE: (Time classificationl (Date classificationlTwo termination termination declared)ONE&Two THIS REPRESENTS D INITIAL DECLARATION}
OR D OTHER SIGNIFICANT EVENT (No change in emergency classification or classification time) I THERE IS: D NO*}* I D AN AIRBORNE ADIOLOGICAL RELEASE IN PROGRESS DUE TO THE EVENT D ALIQUID A Rad Release is in Progress if: in the judgment of ED/RM radioactive material is being released to the environment or into an area of the plant that will result in a release to the environment that is a result of the event. Example conditions that result in a rad release; Fuel Clad Barrier AND Containment Barrier LOSS, RCS Barrier AND Containment Barrier LOSS, RG1, RS1, RA1, RU1, MU7, SBGT initiation on RB Vent hi-rad, an increase in the detected gaseous radiation effluents that is a result of the event, or any radioactive liquid released beyond the Protected Area that is a result of the event. WIND DIRECTION IS FROM: o. WIND SPEED mph. (Data from 10 meter meteorological tower, available on PICSY.) 7. REPEAT: D THIS IS A DRILL D THIS IS AN ACTUAL EVENT (When communicating form, request a repeat back by one of the agencies.)
Time: Date (ED, RM, or (Time form approved) (Date form approved)
II ES-301 Control Roomlln-Plant Systems Outline Form ES-301-2 I Facility:
SSES Date of Examination:
* Exam Level: RO
* SRO-I 0 SRO-U D Operating Test No.: 1 ; Control Room Systems@ (8 for RO); (7 for SRO-I); (2 or 3 for SRO-U, including 1 ESF) System I JPM Title Type Code* Safety Function a. CRD Mechanism/201003 Control Rod Withdrawals A,N,S 1 b. Perform HPCI Quarterly Surveillance/206000 A,N,S 2 c. Quarterly Turbine Valve Cycling/241 000 A,N,S 3 d. Core Spray System Shutdown/209001 N,S 4 e. PCIS/SDC restoration/223002 A, N,S 5 f. Manually Synchronize Diesel Generator B/264000 A,N,S 6 g. SBGT System Startup/288000 N,S 9 h. APRM Gain Adjustment/215005 N,S 7 In-Plant Systems@ (3 for RO); (3 for SRO-I); (3 or 2 for SRO-U) i. Venting Scram Air Header during A TWS D,E,R 1 i j. Maintaining RCIC Suction Source during SBO A, N,R 2 k. Secure Non-Class 1 E 250 VDC loads lAW EO-100-030 iN,E 6 @ All RO and SRO-I control room (and in-plant) systems must be different and serve different safety functions; all 5 SRO-U systems must serve different safety functions; in-plant systems and functions may overlap those tested in the control room.
* Type Codes (A)lternate path (C}ontrol room (D}irect from bank (E)mergency or abnormal in-plant (EN)gineered safety feature (L)ow-Power 1 Shutdown (N)ew or (M)odified from bank including 1(A) (P)revious 2 exams (R)CA (S)imulator Criteria for RO / SRO-I 1 SRO-U 4-6/4-6/2-3
;::1/;::1/;::1 -I -/ ;::1 (control room system)
?2/?2/?1 ::; 31 ::; 31 s 2 (randomly selected)
;:: 11 11 1 Control Room/l n-Plant Systems Outline Form ES-301-2 Facility:
SSES Date of Examination: Exam Level: RO D SRO-I
* SRO-U D Operating Test No.: I Control Room Systems@ (8 for RO); (7 for SRO-I); (2 or 3 for SRO-U, including 1 ESF) System / JPM Title Type Code* Safety Function a. CRD Mechanism/201003 Control Rod A,N,S 1 b. Perform HPCI Quarterly A,N,S 2 c. Quarterly Turbine Valve Cycling/241 A,N,S 3 d. COfe Spray System N,S 4 e. PCIS/SDC A,L,N,S 5 f. Manually Synchronize Diesel Generator A,N,S 6 g. SBGT System N,S 9 ! In-Plant Systems@ (3 for RO); (3 for SRO-I); (3 or 2 for SRO-U) i. Venting Scram Air Header during D,E,R 1 j. Maintaining RCIC Suction Source during A,E,N,R 2 k. Secure Non-Class 1E 250 VDC loads lAW ED-100-D30 6 and SRO-I control room (and in-plant) systems must be different and serve different safety functions; all 5 SRO-U systems must serve different safety functions; in-plant systems and functions may overlap those tested in the control room.
* Type Criteria for RO / SRO-il SRO-U (A)ltemate path 4-61 4-6/2-3 (C)ontrol room (D)irect from bank :::;9/::;8/:S;4 (E)mergency or abnormal in-plant ;::1/:;::1/2:1 (EN)gineered safety feature -! -/ 2:1 (control room system) (L)ow-Power
/ Shutdown ;::1/;::1/2:1 (N)ew or (M)odified from bank including 1(A) "2:.2/2:2/2:1 (P)revious 2 exams :::; 31 s 3/:s; 2 (randomly selected) (R)CA "2:.1/:::::1/2:1 (S)imulator Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Job Performance Uncoupled Control Rod During Rod Withdrawals At JPM Designation: Revision Number: 4 Date: 10/26/11 . Note: This JPM is paired with JPM D with a staggered start Developed By: Chris Lall)l 4/15/11 Author Date Review By: Hedigan 01/05/12 Examiner Date Approved By: Caruso 01/05/12 Chief Examiner Date I JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE VALIDATION I NOTE: All steps of this checklist should be performed upon initial validation.
Prior to JPM usage, revalidate JPM using steps 8 through 11 below. Task description and number, JPM description and number are identified. Knowledge and Abilities (KIA) references are included. Performance location specified. (in-plant, control room, or simulator) Initial setup conditions are identified. Initiating and terminating cues are properly identified. Task standards identified and verified by Examiner review. Critical steps meet the criteria for critical steps and are identified with an asterisk (*). Verify the procedure referenced by this JPM matches the most current revision of that procedure:
Procedure Rev. ___ Date ______ Pilot test the JPM: a. verify cues both verbal and visual are free of conflict, and b. ensure performance time is accurate. If the JPM cannot be performed as written with proper responses, then revise the JPM. 11. When JPM is revalidated, Examiner sign and date JPM cover page.
Rev 0 Rev 1: Editorial changes via comments from branch, and changed ...IPM such that alternate path begins on second withdrawn rod vice first 5/9/11 Rev 2: Added procedure step numbers Rev 3: Revised following licensee review Rev 4: Revised following licensee request to perform at higher power level to support JPM pairing JPM Setup Instructions: Reset Simulator to Ie 391, approximately 76% power Run scenario file JPMA.scn to Insert uncoupled rod malfunction (IMF mfRD1550074631) for control rod 46-31 Provide OP-156-001 Reactor Manual Control System Provide copy of SO-156-007 Control Rod Coupling Check Provide copy of JPMA Reactivity Manipulation Request and Control Rod Movement Sheet TASK STANDARD:
Successfully insert Control Rod 46 -31 per ON-155-001, Control Rod Problems Rev 34 TASK CONDITIONS: The plant is operating at reduced power after the crew inserted control rods per steps 185 -177 of the book due to an Offgas problem. The Offgas system problem has been corrected and condenser vacuum is restored to normal. Reactor Engineering has provided the SRO with the approved Reactivity Manipulation Package to return the nine rods to their target positions. CRD Hydraulic System is in operation in accordance with OP-155-001 RMCS is operational in accordance with Section 2.1 of OP-156-001 All rod movements shall be performed in accordance with NDAP-QA-0338 The reactivity briefing has been completed.
INITIATING CUE: The SRO has directed you to complete the requested reactivity manipulations by withdrawing control rods per the Reactivity Manipulation Request and Control Rod Movement Sheet. Information for Evaluator's Use: UNSAT requires written comments on respective step.
* Denotes CRITICAL steps. Number any comments in the "Comment Number" column. Then annotate that comment in the "Comments" section. The comment section should be used to document the reason that a step is marked as unsatisfactory and to document unsatisfactory performance relating to management expectations.
Some operations that are performed from outside of the control room may require multiple steps. These items may be listed as individual steps in this JPM. It is acceptable for the candidate to direct the local 
---operator to perform groups of procedure steps instead of calling for each individual item to be performed.
The timeclock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue. Operator's Nc:lme: _______________________
_ Job Title: D NLO RO 0 SRO STA SRO Cert JPM Title: Uncoupled control rod withdrawals at power JPM Number: A Revision Number: 4 KIA Number and Importance:
201003 A2.02 RO 3.7 SRO 3.8 Suggested Testing Environment:
Simulator Actual Testing Environment:
Testing Method: Perform in Simulator Alternate Path: Yes Time Critical:
No Estimated Time to Complete:
25 min. Actual Time Used: minutes
: 1. NUREG 1123, 201003 A2.02 RO 3.7 8RO 3.8 2. GO-100-002 Rev 71 3. ON-155-001 Rev 35 4. AR-104-001 Rev 31 5. OP-156-001 Rev 16 6. 80-156-007 Rev 10 EVALUATION
: 1.Were all the Critical Elements performed satisfactorily?
Yes No 2. Was the task standard met? The operator's performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM, and has been determined to be: Satisfactory 0 Unsatisfactory Comments:__________________________
Note: Any grade of UNSAT requires a Evaluators Name: _____________Evaluator's Signature:
Date: ___
TI1is JPM has the operator withdraw control rods for power ascension, and upon finding an uncoupled control rod (second withdrawn rod), has the operator attempt to re-couple and eventually fully insert and disarm the control rod. Evaluator Note: The steps of OP-156-001 are listed for reference and tracking of applicant's actions. Per OP-156-001 note: "This procedure section is Information Use; however. the steps must be performed in the order written. Operator training ensures the steps are performed in the proper sequence without procedure in hand".
NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON JPMA NOTE: Critical Element(s) indicated by
* in Performance Checklist.
JPM Start Time _____ ELEMENT 1. Obtains procedure and reviews 2. (OP-156-001 Step 2.4.3) Establish a target position that is one notch less than the desired position. (Exception:
The withdraw of control rods to the FULL OUT position and those control rods with settle times greater than 30 seconds.)
*3. (Step 2.4.4) Select control rod to be withdrawn continuously by Depressing corresponding CONTROL ROD SELECTION pushbuUons.
: 4. (Step 2.4.5) Observe: a. CONTROL ROD SELECTION pushbuttons ILLUMINATED
: b. FULL CORE DISPLAY ILLUMINATED GREEN at selected location.
: c. Present position of selected rod Indicated on FOUR ROD DISPLAY on CRT and Standby Information Panel 1 C652. *5. (Step 2.4.6) Depress and Hold CONT W/DRAW ROD pushbutton AND STANDARD SAT UNSAT Comment Number Applicant may obtain 001, references section 2.4 and reads 2.4.1 Prerequisites and 2.4.2 Precautions Applicant establishes target position of 48 Applicant depresses rod select pushbutton for rod (14-31) Applicant Observes:
: b. FULL CORE DISPLAY ILLUMINATED GREEN at selected location.
: c. Present position of selected rod Indicated on FOUR ROD DISPLAY on CRT and Standby Information Pane11C652.
Applicant Depresses and Holds CONT W/DRAW ROD pushbutton AND NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON JPMA E.LEMENT STANDARD SAT UNSAT Comment Number *6. (Step 2.4.7) Depress and Hold Depresses and Holds W/DRAW ROD pushbutton WIDRAW ROD pushbutton Evaluator Note: During rod withdrawal, the applicant will likely receive 001 (C04) RBM ROD BLOCK and 104-001 (H03) ROD OUT BLOCK. This is caused by the expected change in local core power around the withdrawing control rod. Expected operator actions are to verify correct rod selected, verify position on power/flow map, and confirm with RE that adequate margin exists to thermal limits. Roleplay as reactor engineer as necessary to inform applicant that adequate thermal limit margin for the control rod exists. Applicant will de-select and re-select the control rod to clear the rod block alarm and continue with control rod withdrawal.
NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON JPMA E:LEMENT ! STANDARD SAT I UNSAT Comment i Number 7. (Step 2.4.8) Observe: Note: Additional expected a. ROD INSERT light MOMENTARILY ILLUMINATES applicant actions per precaution 2.4.2.b of b. ROD WIDRAWG light OP-156-001, "Nuclear instrumentation must ILLUMINATES be monitored during c. CO NT W/DRAWG light any rod movement" ILLUMINATES Applicant Observes:
: d. Withdrawal drive flow of approx. 2-3 gpm during control rod a. ROD INSERT light MOMENTARILY withdrawal on CRT FOUR ROD ILLUMINATES DISPLAY e. Changing rod position indicated
: b. ROD W/DRAWG light ILLUMINATES on FOUR ROD DISPLAY on CRT and Standby Information Panel 1 C652 for selected rod. c. CO NT W/DRAWG light ILLUMINATES
: d. Withdrawal drive flow of approx. 2-3 gpm during control rod withdrawal on CRT FOUR ROD DISPLAY e. Changing rod position indicated on FOUR ROD DISPLAY on CRT and Standby Information Panel 1 C652 for selected rod. 8. (SO-156-007 Step 5.3.1) Maintain Applicant maintains withdraw the WITHDRAW command or single signal to perform coupling notch withdrawal.
Confirm the rod does check, notes control rod at not uncouple.
Uncoupling is position 48, full out red demonstrated by: indicator is lit, and no ROD a. Loss of position 48 OVERTRA VEL alarm. AND b. Loss of full out red indicator OR c. ROD OVERTRA VEL alarm NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON JPMA ELEMENT STANDARD ! SAT UNSAT Comment Number 9. (Step 5.3.2) Depress Display Rods Applicant depresses test Full-in/Full-out test button and button and confirms red FULL Confirm the FULL OUT red OUT indicator is illuminated indicator ILLUMINATED.
OR AND/OR Confirms control rod remains (Step 5.3.3) Confirm the control rod at position 48 on the 4 rod remains at position 48 on the 4 display rod display. 10. (Step 5.3.4) Record date and Applicant documents control initials in appropriate space for rod 14-31, date and initials for the control rod in COUPLING coupling check on Attachment CHECK on Attachment C, Page C i 11. (OP-156-001 Step 2.4.3) Establish Applicant establishes target a target position that is one position of 48 notch less than the desired position. (Exception:
The withdraw of control rods to the FULL OUT position and those control rods with settle times greater than 30 seconds.)
i *12. (Step 2.4.4) Select control rod to Applicant depresses rod select be withdrawn continuously by pushbutton for rod (46-31) Depressing corresponding CONTROL ROD SELECTION push buttons. i 13. (Step 2.4.5)
Applicant Observes:
: c. Present position of selected rod GREEN at selected Indicated on FOUR ROD location.DISPLAY on CRT and Standby Information Panel 1 C652. Present position selected rod on FOUR DISPLAY on CRT Standby Panel 1 NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON JPMA ELEMENT STANDARD SAT UNSAT Comment Number *14. (Step 2.4.6) Depress and Hold Applicant Depresses and CaNT WIDRAW ROD pushbutton AND Holds CaNT W/DRAW ROD pushbutton AND *15. (Step 2.4.7) Depress and Hold Depresses and Holds W/DRAW ROD pushbutton W/DRAW ROD pushbutton Evaluator Note: During rod withdrawal, the applicant will likely receive 001 (C04) RBM ROD BLOCK and 104-001 (H03)
OUT BLOCK. This is caused by the expected change in local core power around the withdrawing control rod. Expected operator actions are to verify correct rod selected, verify position on power!flow map, and confirm with RE that adequate margin exists to thermal limits. Roleplay as reactor engineer as necessary to inform applicant that adequate thermal limit margin for the control rod exists. Applicant will de-select and re-select the control rod to clear the rod block alarm and continue with control rod withdrawal.
NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON ELEMENT AL TERNA TE Pit TH BEGINS HERE 16. (Step 2.4.8) Observe: ROD INSERT light MOMENTARILY ILLUMINATES ROD W/DRAWG light ILLUMINATES CO NT W/DRAWG light ILLUMINATES Withdrawal drive flow of approx. 2-3 gpm during control rod withdrawal on CRT FOUR ROD DISPLAY Changing rod position indicated on FOUR ROD DISPLAY on CRT and Standby Information Panel 1 C652 for selected rod. Evaluator Alarm AR-104-001 (H06) is an expected alarm for this JPM *17. (SO-156-007 Step 5.3.1) Maintain the WITHDRAW command or single notch withdrawal.
Confirm the rod does not uncouple.
Uncoupling is demonstrated by: Loss of position 48 AND
* b. Loss of full out red indicator OR ROD OVERTRA VEL alarm STANDARD SAT AL TERNA TE PATH BEGINS Note: Additional expected applicant actions per precaution 2.4.2.b of OP-156-001, "Nuclear instrumentation must be monitored during any rod movement" Applicant Observes: ROD INSERT light MOMENTARILY ILLUMINATES ROD W/DRAWG light ILLUMINATES CONT WIDRAWG light ILLUMINATES Withdrawal drive of approx. 2-3 during control withdrawal on FOUR ROD Changing rod indicated on ROD DISPLAY on and Information 1C652 for selected Applicant maintains withdraw signal to perform coupling check, notes control rod position becomes blank, loss of the full out red indicator.
and receipt of the ROD OVERTRA VEL alarm. JPMA UNSAT Comment Number NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON JPMA ELEMENT STANDARD SAT UNSAT Comment Number 18. Annunciator response to ROD OVERTRAVEL
[AR-104-001 (H06)] Applicant:
: a. Acknowledges alarm b. Reports alarm to Unit Supervisor
: c. References alarm response for AR-1 001 (H06) d. Notifies Shift Supervision
: e. Performs ON-155-001 Evaluator Note: Candidate may recognize entry condition and directly enter ON-155-001
'Control Rod Problems', vice entry from AR. *19. Enter ON-'155-001
'Control Rod Problems' Applicant obtains ON-155-001.
recognizes symptoms for rod overtravel and proceeds to step 4.5 Evaluator cue: Perform the required actions NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA T/ON STANDARD I SAT *20. (Step 4.5."1) IF Rod Overtravel Applicant Perform the alarm ANNUNCIATES with rod beyond following only once: 48, Perform the following only once: Insert rod (46-31) to 46 Insert rod to 46. by INSERT Withdraw rod to 48. one time. With Rod at position 48, Notch Withdraw rod (46-31) Rod OUT OR Continuously to 48 by depressing withdraw Rod. WITHDRAW AND pushbutton one time. Confirm control rod is coupled With Rod at position by observing:
48, applicant Notches (1) POSITION 48 on Standby Rod OUT by Information Panel or other depressing available rod position WITHDRAW indication pushbutton one time OR Continuously AND withdraw Rod by (2) FULL OUT RED indicator on depressing and full core display holding AND WID RAW pushbutton Rod Overtravel annunciator depressing and is CLEAR. holding W/DRAW ROD pushbutton. Applicant will again receive the "Rod Overtravel" annunciator and recognize that the control rod is still uncoupled.
Applicant recognizes that rod is still uncoupled and proceeds to step 4.5.2 JPMA UNSAT Comment Number NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON ELEIVIENT I i STANDARD SAT JPMA UNSAT Comment Number *21. (Step 4.52) IF rod fails to couple Evaluator Note: through one performance of Step 4.5.1: roleplay as Unit may be required if
: a. Promptly Insert rod to position requests/recommends
: 00. inserting rod and contacting Contact Reactor Engineering.
Reactor Engineering. applicant to continue with c. IF < LPSP power: procedure, and notify applicant (1) Comply with TS 3.1.3 and that Reactor Engineering has been contacted, and Spec entries are (2) Hydraulically Disarm HCU prepared.lAW OP-155-001 Rod Drive Hydraulic System (3) DO NOT continue to a. Promptly Inserts rod rods until Reactor 46-31 to position 00 by Engineering has supplied depressing and new control rod withdraw holding the INSERT sequence.
Evaluator Note: Reactor power is above the Low Power Setpoint (LPSP). Step 4.5.2.c i is N/A i i CUE: JPM is complete.
JPM Stop Time _____
NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON JPMA HANDOUT PAGE TASK CONDITIONS: The plant is operating at reduced power after the crew inserted control rods per steps 185 -177 of the CRC book due to an Offgas problem. The Offgas system problem has been corrected and condenser vacuum is restored to normal. Reactor Engineering has provided the SRO with the approved Reactivity Manipulation Package to return the nine rods to their target positions. CRD Hydraulic System in operation in accordance with OP-155-001 RMCS operational in accordance with Section 2.1 of OP-156-001 All rod movements shall be performed in accordance with NDAP-QA-0338 The reactivity briefing has been completed.
INITIATING CUE: The SRO has directed you to complete the requested reactivity manipulations by withdrawing control rods per the Reactivity Manipulation Request and Control Rod Movement Sheet.
NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON JPMA HANDOUT PAGE TASK CONDITIONS: The plant is operating at reduced power after the crew inserted control rods per steps 185 -177 of the CRC book due to an Offgas problem. The Offgas system problem has been corrected and condenser vacuum is restored to normal. Reactor Engineering has provided the SRO with the approved Reactivity Manipulation Package to return the nine rods to their target positions. CRD Hydraulic System in operation in accordance with OP-155-001 RMCS operational in accordance with Section 2.1 of OP-156-001 All rod movements shall be performed in accordance with NDAP-QA-0338 The reactivity briefing has been completed.
INI,.IATING CUE: The SRO has directed you to complete the requested reactivity manipulations by withdrawing control rods per the Reactivity Manipulation Request and Control Rod Movement Sheet.
REACTIVITY MANIPULATION REQUEST (5) Unit #: 1 Cycle #: 17 STEP # of (*PAGE 1 of 11 Initial Conditions Confirmed B APPROVAL to Start: Reactivity Manager (SRO) I Date I Time % f"Description of Manipulation:
Withdraw control rods 14-31, 46-31, 30-47, 30-15, 22-39,38-39,38-23,22-23, and 30-31 per the control rod movement sheet. ro-Precautions and Limitations:
Continuously withdraw rods in steps 1 through 4 (position 00 -48) Single Notch Withdraw rods in steps 5 though 9. *Critical Param eters to be Observed During the Manipulation Critical As applicable, describe method of monitoring, frequency, and High Low Parameter Rod Position contingency actions Monitor 4 Rod Dis I ayand PICSY. During rod maneuver.
X Core Flow Monitor PICSY and SIP. During rod maneuver X Rx Power Monitor APRMs. Du ring rod maneuver X I Gen Power Monitor Ca ability c is raised X I
* Use multiple pages as Reactivity Manipulation Completed:
POST Mani ulation Conditions Reactivity Manager (SRO) I Date I Time FORM OP-AD-338-1, Rev. 3, Page 1 of 1 (Electronic Form)
CONTROL ROD MOVEMENT PAGE 1 of 1 If applicable, then identify the corresponding RMR Step # MANIPULATOR VERIFIER STEP ROD 10 FROM TO INITIALS INITIALS 1 :14-3:1 00 48 2 46-3:1 3 30-4Z 4 30-:15 Reselect and confirm previous moves: 22-39 00 6 7 8 Reselect and confirm previous moves: 9 30-31 00 08 Reselect and confirm previous moves: Reselect and confirm previous moves: Reselect and confirm previous moves: Reselect and confirm previous moves: FORM OP-AO-338-2, Rev. 2, Page 1 of 1 (Electronic Form) 
SURVEILLANCE PART I. GENERAL INFORMATION PROCEDURE NUMBER: SO-156-007 RTSV Number: N/A------1 Activity Number: ..;..N=/A...:..-
__--I PROCEDURE TITLE: Qtrly HPCI Flow Due Date: N/A
Violation Date-'-:
PART II. REASON FOR PERFORMANCE o Routine [2j Event or Condition Initiated o Post o LCO Action Statements (Described in Remarks)o TRO Action Statements (Describe o Other ( .
emarks) PART III. EXTENT OF TESTING [8J Complete D Partial D Delete PART IV. AUTHORIZATION TO COMMENCE Shift Supervision Signature:
M. Jlilcopem Time: -i VlY" Surveillance was: Supervisor/Foreman Signature:
Date: D Out of Service D Out of Mode PART V. REMARKS 1. Performed for rod withdraws 30-15) to return to full power operation.
PART VI. AS-FOUND OPERABIUTY (Systems/Components were found:)  o OPERABLE and passed 0 INOPERABLE or Acceptance Criteria -1'Ar failed (Notify Shift Supervision)
0 YES ON/A"-t:;,, PART VIII.
ACTUA Notified Ie Individual:
D A Complete Retest was Performed Supervisor Signature:
Commencement Date: PART X. FINAL CLOSURE ___Work Group closure in computer schedule ___WCC Admin. Group final closure in computer complete. "N/A" when extent of testing is not schedule complete. "N/A" when extent of "COMPLETE." (Forward to WCC Admin. Group) testing is not "COMPLETE: (Forward to DCS) FORM NDAP-QA-0722-1, Rev. 7, Page 1 of 1 (Electronic Form) (print on green paper) 
------JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE VALIDATION NOTE: All steps of this checklist should be performed upon initial validation.
Prior to JPM usage, revalidate JPM using steps 8 through 11 below. Task description and number, JPM description and number are identified. Knowledge and Abilities (KIA) references are included. Performance location specified. (in-plant, control room, or simulator) Initial setup conditions are identified. Initiating and terminating cues are properly identified. Task standards identified and verified by Examiner review. Critical steps meet the criteria for critical steps and are identified with an asterisk (*). Verify the procedure referenced by this JPM matches the most current revision of that procedure:
Procedure Rev. Date Pilot test the JPM: a. verify cues both verbal and visual are free of conflict, and b. ensure performance time is accurate. If the JPM cannot be performed as written with proper responses, then revise the JPM. 11. When JPM is revalidated, Examiner sign and date JPM cover page.
Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Job Performance Measure Perform HPCI Quarterly Surveillance JPM Designation:
B Revision Number: 3 Date: _12/17/2011 Note: This JPM is paired with JPM G with a staggered start. Developed By: Patel 05125111 Author Date Review By: uJL)1N 'z/'2c/t1 Examiner Date Approved By: IJ?J//u Chief Examiner Date REVISION RECORD (Summary):
: 1. Rev 3 JPM Setup Instructions: Build the following JPMB scenario and event trigger support files used below: Build the support IC # 392 for the initial conditions, to include. -Align HPCI Support System per SO-152-002 Section 5.1. ('B' RHR Pp is SPC, 'A' and 'B' ESW Pumps and 'A' SGTS
-Place HPCI System in test status per SO-152-002 Section Reset the simulator to required IC # 392 Load the following JPM scenario files: JPMB.scn aet JPMB IMF IRF
{Key[1]} IRF
{Key[2]} MRF rfDC188135 (Key[3)} lOR doHS 15659_1 {Key[3]} lOR doHS15659_2 {Key[3]} IMF emfMV07 _HV156F059 d:1 {Key[3]} lOR aoTRE411 R605G r:10:00 {Key[3]} lOR aoTRE411 R605D r:15:00 {Key[3]} lOR aoTRE411 R605F r:15:00 {Key[3]} lOR aoTRE411 R605E r: 15:00 And Trigger I Sen . .IPMB ;METER:HPCI TURB OIL COOLER aoTRE411R605G.CurrValue
Successfully start HPCI for TS surveillance testing and secure HPCI upon high oil cooler discharge temperature.
Materials Needed: Stop Watch. TASK CONDITIONS: The plant is at 10% power, and continuing plant startup at step 5.62 of GO-1 00-002. The plant is in a normal electric line-up. Local indication of HV-155-F008, HPCI TEST LINE TO CST ISO, is unavailable 'I B RHR Pp is in Suppression Pool Cooling, A & B ESW Pumps and A SGTS are in service to support the surveillance. 
---INITIATING CUE: You are directed by Shift Supervision to perform HPCI TS surveillance test lAW SO-152-002 All of the Prerequisites/Limitations of SO-152-002 have been satisfied.
HPCI support systems have been aligned per section 5.1, and HPCI system is placed in test status per section 5.2 of SO-152-002.
You may proceed with HPCI auto quick start section 5.3 to conduct TS surveillance test. Surveillance was last completed on October 13, 2011. Information for Evaluator's UNSAT requires written comments on respective
* Denotes CRITICAL steps. Number any c()mments in the "Comment Number" column. Then annotate that comment in the "Comments" section. The comment section should be used to document the reason that a step is marked as unsatisfactory and to document unsatisfactory performance relating to management expectations.
Some operations that are performed from outside of the control room may require multiple steps. These items may be listed as individual steps in this JPM. It is acceptable for the candidate to direct the local operator to perform groups of procedure steps instead of calling for each individual item to be performed.
The timeclock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating Operator's Job Title: 0 NLO 0 RO SRO STAD SRO JPM Title: Perform HPCI Quarterly Surveillance JPM Number: B Revision Number: 0 KIA Number and Importance:
206000 A4.03 3.1/3.0 (RO/SRO) Suggested Testing Environment:
Simulator Actual Testing Environment:
Simulator Testing Method: Perform in Simulator Alternate Path: Yes Time Critical:
No Estimated Time to Complete:
15 min. Actual Time Used: minutes 
: 1. NUREG 1 '123, 206000, A4.03, RO/SRO 3.1/3.0 2. SO-152-002 Rev. 49 3. AR-114-001, Rev. 23 EVALUATION
: 1. Were all the Critical Elements performed satisfactorily?
Yes No 2. Was the task standard met? The operator's performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM, and has been determined to be: [] Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Comments:__________________________
_ Note: Any grade of UNSAT requires a comment. Evaluator's Name: ______________(Print) Evaluator's Signature:
Date: _____ 
This JPM has the operator start HPCI per quarterly performance testing lAW 152-002 and upon successful start of the HPCI pump, oil cooler discharge high temp condition will be inserted by the simulator booth operator.
The operator needs to recognize the abnormal condition and secure HPCI.
NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TION JPMB NOTE: Critical Element(s) indicated by
* in Performance Checklist.
JPM Start Time _____ ELEMENT NRC Examiner Note: Use Headset to communicate with booth operator for this JPM. (to ensure timely insertion of malfunctions) Obtains procedure and procedure, prerequisites, Recognizes that HPCI Auto Start needs to be performed satisfy TS quarterly
: 3. Step 5.:3.1 IF Cold Auto Quick Start is being performed.
Ensure HPCI turbine shutdown>
16 previous hours. Enter present date and time. 4. Step Check HPCI TEST LINE TO CST ISO HV-15&#xa3;5-F011 CLOSED. STANDARD SAT UNSAT Comment Number Obtains SO-152-002 Applicant identifies that HPCI Auto Quick Start needs to be performed to satisfy TS quarterly surveillance requirements per section 5.3 by reading the prerequisite note, purpose/scope section of the SO-152-002, or initiating cue. Notes present date and time. Date Time Evaluator Note: Per initiating cue, applicant should recognize that the last HPCI turbine start was greater than 16 hours ago. (October 13,
* 2011) Applicant checks HPCI TEST LINE TO CST ISO F011 is CLOSED. (Verifies Amber Light Lit and Red Light Extinguished)
NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON *5. Step 5.3.3 At HPCI Relay Panel Div 2, 1 C620, Instruct qualified work group personnel to Lift both leads at terminal 3 of Relay E41A-K2 AND CLAMP together.
Applicant orders _I&C_ group to Lift both leads at terminal 3 of Relay E41 A-K2 AND CLAMP together.
Evaluator Note: Applicant may request this field action. Booth Operator Cue: Notify Applicant that the qualified work group has completed lifting leads per SO-152-002 step 5.3.3 and verification process has been com pleted satisfactory.
Evaluator Note: These leads cannot be lifted in the Simulator model. This malfunction has the same effect: IMF cmfMV06_HV155F011 NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON *6. Step 5.3.4 Position HPCI TEST LINE TO CST ISO HV-15ei-F008 as follows: While moving HPCI TEST LINE TO CST ISO F008 in the open direction, Position valve to 32% OPEN based on local observation OR Note: Intent of next step is for operator to release the valve handswitch when stopwatch reaches 13.6 seconds. It is not necessary to stroke valve exactly 13.6 seconds. The 13.6 second time allows for reaction time of the operator. As an alternate method when local indication is not available, Stroke HPCI TEST LINE TO CST ISO HV-155-F008 in the open direction for 13.6 seconds. Step 5.3.5 Open Breaker 1 D274081, HPCI Test LINE TO CST ISO VLV 155F008 BKR (25-683').
JPMB Applicant positions HPCI TEST LINE TO CST ISO 155-F008 in the open direction for 13.6 seconds. Evaluator Note: Applicant should recognize that local indication is not available per initial conditions.
If applicant request field action, make note of it, and request applicant to review initial conditions.
Evaluator Cue: (If required)
Notify Applicant to review initial conditions.
Applicant requests field action to OPEN Breaker 1 D274081 , HPCI Test LINE TO CST ISO VLV HV-155F008.
Booth Operator Cue: When contacted to open 1 D274-081, depress Soft Key #1 {Key[1]} IRF rfDC188135 f:OPEN Booth Operator Cue: Notify Applicant that Bkr 1 D274081 has been opened.
NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON 8. Step 5.3.6 Evacuate personnel from HPCI pump room AND Close water tight doors. Once HPCI is operating pump room may be accessed again. '*9. Step 5.3.7 Rotate collar on HPCI MAN INIT HS-E41-1 S33 pushbutton to ARMED position.
: 10. Step 5.3.8 Confirm HPCI MAN INITIATION SWITCH ARMED annunciator ALARMS. 11. Step 5.3.9 Instruct STA to Start Transient Monitoring System TRA. *12. Step 5.3.10 & 5.3.11 Simultaneously Start stopwatch AND Depress AND Hold HPCI MAN INIT HS-E41-1S33 pushbutton until TURBINE STEAM SUPPL Y 155-F001 Starts to OPEN. *13. Step 5.3.12 WHEN HPCI pump discharge pressure indicates 100 psig increasing on PI-E41-1 R601, Promptly Open HPCI TEST LINE TO CST ISO HV-155-F011.
JPMB Applicant utilizes plant page system to evacuate personnel from the HPCI pump room area. I Evaluator Cue: If applicant is going to make the PA announcement, tell them it has already been made (for exam
* security reasons) ! Applicant Rotates collar on HPCI MAN INT HS-E41-1S33 pushbutton to ARMED position.
I Applicant Confirms HPCI MAN INITIATION SWITCH ARMED annunciator alarm. ! AR-114-001 (A05) Applicant requests STA to start Transient Monitoring System TRA. Booth Oeerator Cue: Notify I Applicant that Transient i Monitoring system has been started. Applicant Simultaneously Starts stopwatch and Depresses AND Holds HPCI MAN INIT HS-E41-1S33 pushbutton until TURBINE STEAM SUPPLY F001 Starts to OPEN. Evaluator Cue: Notify applicant that you will be performing the timing function and will let you know the final time value for recording purpose. Applicant observes discharge pressure reading 100 pSig and increasing on PI-E41-1 R601, and promptly opens HPCI TEST LINE TO CST ISO 155-F011.
NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON 14. Step 5.3.13 WHEN flow reaches 5000 gpm as indicated on FI-E41-1 R600-1: Stop stopwatch Record time on Attachment A. Confirm HPCI successfully actuated by observing flow as indicated on 1 R600-1, 5000 gpm AND Record on Attachment A. IF PICSY is available, Record time of HPCI startup. HPCI START TIME JPMB WHEN flow reaches gpm as indicated on E41-1R600-1 Stops stopwatch Records time Attachment Confirms actuated observing flow indicated on E41-1R600-1, 5000 gpm Record Attachment IF available, time of HPCI START TIME Evaluator Cue: If Flow indicator does not exactly read 5000 gpm (due to applicant not stroking HPCI test line to CST OPEN for more than 13.6 sec), inform the applicant that for this exam's purpose flow is reading> 5000 gpm.
STARTS at Panel 1 C681 16. Step 5.3.16 IF loud banging noise occurred during system initiation, Notify system engineer to evaluate effect on system components.
: 17. Step 5.3.18 Confirm FULL OPEN indication of HPCI TURB STOP FV-15612 AND Record on Attachment A JPMB Confirms following events occur: HPCI INIT SIG indicating HPCI BARO VACUUM PP HPCI L-O CLG HV-156-F059 HPCI STEAM HV-155-F001 HPCI STM LINE TO CDSR IB HV-155-F028 HPCI STM LINE TO CDSR OB HV-155-F029 HPCI BARO COND PP DSCH HV-156-F026 HPCI BARO COND PP DSCH HV-156-F025 Closes HPCI Rm Unit 1V209A(B)
STARTS Evaluator Cue: No loud banging noise was heard. Confirms FULL OPEN indication of HPCI TURB STOP FV-15612 AND Record on Attachment A I NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON 18. Step 5.3.19 Reset HPCI initiation as follows: Return HPCI MAN INIT HS-E41-1 S33 pushbutton collar to DISARM position Confirm HPCI MAN INITIATION SWITCH ARMED annunciator CLEARS Depress HPCI INIT SIG RESET HS-E41-1 S 17 pushbutton Confirm HPCIINIT SIG RESET HS-E41-1S17 initiating light CLEARS Close BREAKER 10274081, HPCI Test LINE TO CST ISO VLV HV-155F008 BKR (25-683')
: 19. Simulator Booth Instruction:
Click Soft Key #3 to insert malfunctions to cause high temperature indication and associated alarm. Inform NRC Examiner malfunction inserted JPMB Resets HPCI initiation Return HPCI INIT pushbutton collar DISARM Confirm HPCI INITIATION ARMED Depress SIG Confirm HPCI SIG HS-E41-1S17 light Close 10274081, HPCI LINE TO CST ISO HV-155F008 Booth Cue: When contacted to 1 0274-081, depress Soft {Key[2]} MRF
* Booth Cue: Notify Applicant that Bkr 10274081
* has been CLOSED. NRC Examiner Note: Simulator Booth Operator inserted malfunction Key #3 (After HPCI RESET) to cause temperature indications associated NRC Examiner Note: It takes 3.5 minutes from malfunction for the alarm 114-001 (003) to come NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON 20. Step Adjusts HPCI flow to at least 5000 gpm Establish following conditions: (FI-E41-1 R600-1) at a Adjust HPCI flow to at least 5000 Discharge Pressure of at gpm (FI-E41-1 R600-1) at a least 1140 Discharge Pressure of at least (PI-E41-1 R601) by psig (PI-E41-1 R601) by performing performing BOTH of the BOTH of thl9 following steps as following steps as necessary (Technical Specification necessary (Technical Criteria):
Specification Criteria): Allow HPCI TURBINE FLOW a. Allow HPCI CONTROL FC-E41-1 R600 FLOW CONTROL control in AUTOMATIC AND FC-E41-1 R600 to control in AUTOMATICThrottle HPCI TEST LINE CST AND Throttle HPCI TEST LINE TO CST HV-155-F008
: 21. Step Records following Data on Attachment A: Record following Data Attachment A: a. HPCI FI-E41-1 HPCI FLOW FI-E41-1R600-1 HPCI PP DSCH PRESS HPCI PP DSCH PRESS PI-E41-1 R601 PI-E41-1 R601 RX STM TO HPCI TURB RX STM TO HPCI TURB PRESS PI-E41-1R602 PRESS PI-E41-1 R602 ! 22. Step Establish PumplTurbine speed at 4070-4130 rpm as Establish PumplTurbine speed at indicated on local tachometer 4070-4130 rpm as indicated on local ST-15684 AND flow at tachometer ST -15684 AND flow at 5000-5100 gpm as indicated 5000-5100 gpm as indicated on on FI-E41-1 R600-1, as FI-E41-1 R600-1, as follows: follows:
HPCI TURBINE Place HPCI TURBINE FLOW CONTROL FLOW CONTROL FC-E41-1R600 in MANUAL FC-E41-1 R600 in Adjust turbine speed using HPCI TURBINE Adjust turbine speed CONTROL FC-E41-1 R600 using HPCI TURBINE Adjust HPCI flow by FLOW CONTROL throttling HPCI TEST LINE FC-E41-1 R600 TO CST HV-155-F008 Adjust HPCI flow by throttling HPCI TEST LINE TO CST HV-155-F008 i
NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON 23. Step 5.4.5 With system in operation at rated stable condition for at least 2 minutes, Record following parameters:
: e. RX STM TO HPCI TURB PRESS PI-E41-1 R602 f. HPCI PP SUCT PRESS PI-E41-1 R606 g. HPCI Pump delta P ( discharge-suction pressure) on Attachment A. h. HPCI TURB DSCH PRESS PI-E41-1 R603 i. HPCI turbine speed from local tachometer ST-15684 OR HPCI TURB SPEED SI-E41-1 R604 (alternate) on Attachment A JPMB With system in operation at rated stable condition for at least 2 minutes, Records following parameters: HPCI FI-E41-1 R600-1 Attachment HPCI PP PRESS PI-E41-1 HPCI TURB SI-E41-1 REACTOR PRESSURE at ACCIDENT RX STM TO TURB PI-E41-1 HPCI PRESS PI-E41-1 HPCI Pump delta (
pressure) Attachment HPCI TURB PRESS PI-E41-1 HPCI turbine from local OR HPCI TURB (alternate) Attachment NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON *24. Applicant recognizes increase trend in HPCI oil cooler discharge temperature.
OR Recognizes HPCI Turbine Oil Cooler OSCH HI TEMP alarm 114-001 (003). JPMB NRC Examiner Note: It takes 3.5 minutes from the malfunction for the alarm 114-001 (003) to come in. Applicant increase trend in HPCI cooler OR Recognizes HPCI Oil Cooler OSCH TEMP alarm NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON JPMB 25. HPCI Turbine Oil Cooler DSCH Applicant performs Operator TEMP alarm (003) actions: Operator Ensures HPCI L-O CLG HV-156-F059 OPEN verifying Red light ENSURE HPCI L-O CLG WTR and Amber Ught extinguished.
HV-156-F059 Dispatches operator to DISPATCH Operator to HPCI pump room to Pump Room to perform CHECK for cooling water CHECK for cooling low oil pressure or leaks, low oil pressure bearing CHECK cooling water CHECK cooling to lube oil alignment to lube oil cooler. MONITOR HPCI System for Booth increasing bearing oil Role playas field and acknowledge to
................................................................for cooling water TRIP HPCI Turbine if bearing
temperatures exceed unless required for adequate cooling as determined by Shift MONITOR HPCI Supervision.
for increasing bearing temperatures.
TRIP HPCI Turbine if bearing temperatures exceed 180&deg;F, unless required for adequate core cooling as determined by i Shift Supervision.
*26. Refers to alarm response AR-114-Applicant Refers to alarm 001 (003), and notes turbine response AR-114-00 1, (003) i bearing temperatures exceeding . and notes turbine 180&deg;F or approaching TRIP criteria ! temperatures exceeding 180&deg;F per AR procedure.
I or approaching TRIP criteria per AR procedure.
I I*27. Trips HPCI Turbine based on Applicant Trips HPCI Turbine I bearing temperatures exceeding based on 180&deg;F or approaching 180&deg;F temperatures exceeding rapidly. or approaching 180&deg;F I NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TION JPMB I *28. Depress and release HPel Depresses and TURBINE TRIP HS-E41-1S19 . HPel TURBINE TRIP HS pushbutton.
! 1S19
*29. Ensure HPel TURBINE STEAM Applicant Ensures HPel SUPPLY HV-155-F001 TURBINE STEAM HV-155-F001.closes light illuminated red JPM is complete.
JPM Stop Time ____
NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON JPMB HANDOUT PAGE TASK CONDITIONS: The plant is at 10% power, and continuing plant startup at step 5.62 of GO-100-002. The plant is in a normal electric line-up. Local indication of HV-155-F008, HPCI TEST LINE TO CST ISO, is unavailable. 1 B RHR Pp is in Suppression Pool Cooling, A & B ESW Pumps and A SGTS are in service to support the surveillance.
INITIATING CUE: You are directed by Shift Supervision to perform HPCI TS surveillance test lAW SO-152-002.
All of the Prerequisites/Limitations of SO-152-002 have been satisfied.
HPCI support systems have been aligned per section 5.1, and HPCI system is placed in test status per section 5.2 of SO-152-002.
You may proceed with HPCI auto quick start section 5.3 to conduct TS surveillance test. Surveillance was last completed on October 13, 2011.
NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON JPMB HANDOUT PAGf; TASK CONDITIONS: The plant is at 10% power, and continuing plant startup at step 5.62 of GO-1 00-002. The plant is in a normal electric line-up. Local indication of HV-155-F008, HPCI TEST LINE TO CST ISO, is unavailable. 1 B RHR Pp is in Suppression Pool Cooling, A & B ESW Pumps and A SGTS are in service to support the surveillance.
INITIATING CUE: You are directed by Shift Supervision to perform HPCI TS surveillance test lAW SO-152-002.
All of the Prerequisites/Limitations of SO-152-002 have been satisfied.
HPCI support systems have been aligned per section 5.1, and HPCI system is placed in test status per section 5.2 of SO-152-002.
You may proceed with HPCI auto quick start section 5.3 to conduct TS surveillance test. Surveillance was last completed on October 13, 2011.
Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Job Performance Measure Quarterly Turbine Valve Cycling JPM Designation:
C Revision Number: 2 11 Developed Chris Lall}! 4/18/11 Author Date Review By: Hedigan 01/05/12 Examiner Date Approved Caruso 01/05/12 Chief Examiner Date 
------JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE VALIDATION NOTE: All steps of this checklist should be performed upon initial validation.
Prior to JPM usage, revalidate JPM using steps 8 through 11 below. Task description and number, JPM description and number are identified. Knowledge and Abilities (KIA) references are included. Performance location specified. (in-plant, control room, or simulator) Initial setup conditions are identified. Initiating and terminating cues are properly identified. Task standards identified and verified by Examiner review. Critical steps meet the criteria for critical steps and are identified with an asterisk (*). Verify the procedure referenced by this JPM matches the most current revision of that procedure:
Procedure Rev. Date Pilot test the JPM: a. verify cues both verbal and visual are free of conflict, and b. ensure performance time is accurate. If the JPM cannot be performed as written with proper responses, then revise the JPM. 11. When JPM is revalidated, Examiner sign and date JPM cover page.
: 1. Rev 0 2. Rev 1: altered JPM such that alternate path begins on second turbine control valve tested 3. Rev 2: Revised following licensee review JPM Setup Instructions: Build the following JPM support files: Scenario file ..
aet JPMC {Key[1]} IRF rfTU193004 Trigger file Trigger JPMC ;SWITCH:CV-1 TEST diM2J115S504.CurrValue
= #0R.diM2J115S504.TEST Trigger SCN JPMC ET.sen IMF mfTU193008F r:1 f:10.9 Reset the Simulator to IC-393. IC-17 can be used, if desired. Load JPM scenario and trigger files, noted above Ensure MAXIMUM COMBINED FLOW LIMIT vernier set at 12.5 turns (125%) Ensure LOAD LIMIT SET vernier to 8.9 turns. Key #1-:37 provided Provide marked up copy of SO-193-001, through 5.3.10 as completed TASK STANDARD:
Main turbine tripped by applicant upon sustained vibration
>10 mils after releasing CV test pushbutton TASK CONDITIONS: The plant is at 70% power, quarterly turbine testing in progress lAW SO-193-001.
INITIATING CUE: Shift turnover is complete, you have been directed to continue with quarterly turbine valve cycling lAW SO-193-001, continuing at step 5.4.1 Information for Evaluator's Use: UNSAT requires written comments on respective step.
* Denotes CRITICAL steps. Number any comments in the "Comment Number" column. Then annotate that comment in the "Comments" section. The comment section should be used to document the reason that a step is marked as unsatisfactory and to document unsatisfactory performance relating to management expectations.
Some operations that are performed from outside of the control room may require multiple steps. These items may be listed as individual steps in this JPM. It is acceptable for the candidate to direct the local operator to perform groups of procedure steps instead of calling for each individual item to be performed.
The timeclock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue. 
---Operator's Name: _______________________
_ Job Title: 0 I\ILO RO DSRO o STAD SRO Cert JPM Title: Quarterly Turbine Valve Cycling JPM Number: C Revision Number: 2 KIA Number and Importance:
241000 A2.22 RO 2.8 SRO 2.9 Suggested Testing Environment:
Simulator Actual Testing Environment:
Testing Method: Perform in Simulator Alternate Path: Yes Time Critical:
No Estimated Time to Complete:
15 min. Actual Time Used: minutes
: 1. NUREG 1123, 241000 A2.22 RO 2.8 8RO 2.9 2. 80-193-001 Rev 30 3. AR-105-001 (D05) Rev 33 4. AR-105-001 (E05) Rev 33 EVALUATION
: 1. Were all the Critical Elements performed satisfactorily?
Yes No 2. Was the task standard met? The operator's p'erformance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM, and has been determined to be: Satisfactory 0 Unsatisfactory Comments:
Note: Any grade of UNSAT requires a Evaluator's Name: ______________Evaluator's Signature: 
Trlis JPNI has the operator conduct Quarterly Turbine Valve Cycling lAW 001, beginning at the control valve cycling step 5.4.3. Upon cycling the second control valve (CV-1), the turbine vibration will ramp up rapidly and remain >10 mils even after releasing the. Test Pushbutton.
Per direction in SO-193-001, the operator is then directed to trip the main turbine. Evaluator Expected alarms for this evolution are: AR-105-001 (E05) TURB GEI\J BEARING HI VIBRATION AR-105-001 (F05) MI\I TURB/RFPT VIB TRIP DISABLE AR-103-001 (A01) RPS CHANNEL A1/A2 AUTO SCRAM AR-103-001 (E01) TURB CV FAST CLOSURE TRIP AR-104-001 (A01) RPS CHANNEL B1/B2 AUTO SCRAM AR-104-001 (106) MAIN TURBIt\IE BYPASS VALVES OPEN AR-106-001 (017) HYD FLUID FILTER PAt\IEL 1C122 TROUBLE NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON JPMC NOTE: Critical Element(s) indicated by
* in Performance Checklist.
JPM Start Time _____ ELEMENT 1. Obtains procedure and reviews 2. (Step 5.4.1) To ensure adequate PCIOMR margins are maintained Ensure Reactor power established in accordance with Shift Supervision direction based on Reactor Engineering Instructions in Core Reactivity Control Book 3. (Step 5.4.2) Record reactor 4. (Step 5.4.3) Perform following: Ensure MAXIMUM COMBINED FLOW LIMIT vernier set at 12.5 turns (125%). Record value of LOAD SET. Record value of LOAD LIMIT SET vernier. STANDARD SAT lINSAT Comment Number Obtains SO-193-001 and reviews Applicant references Core Reactivity Control Book or prompts Unit Supervisor Evaluator Cue: The unit supervisor has determined that reactor power is SATin accordance with the core reactivity control book Applicant Records reactor power level. Applicant Performs following:
: a. Ensure MAXIMUM COMBINED FLOW LIMIT vernier set at 12.5 turns (125%). b. Record value of LOAD SET at 1000 MW. c. Record value of LOAD LIMIT SET vernier at 8.9 turns.
NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON ELEMENT *5. (Step 5.4.4) Perform following: Ensure LOAD LIMIT SET vernier to <B.9 TURNS. NA if already performed in section 5.1.7. Increase LOAD SET to maximum value (1400 MW) to allow Control Valves to cycle open and limit BYPASS VALVE opening. STANDARD Applicant Performs following: Verifies LOAD LIMIT SET vernier to 8.9 TURNS. (Performed by previous operator, N/A in this case) Increase LOAD SET to maximum value (1400 MW) to allow Control Valves to cycle open and limit BYPASS VALVE opening. Evaluator Note: LOAD LIMIT SET should be verified to 8.9 turns by applicant, as this was already performed earlier in the procedure, but applicant will adjust LOAD SET to maximum value, which is a critical step. JPMC SAT UNSAT Comment Number NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON STANDARD . NOTE: The following step disables Note: Expected annunciator the Main Turbine vibration AR10S FOS. trips Evaluator note: This switch is a remote switch. *6. (Step S.4.S) Plerform the following::
Roleplay as the I Note: The following step is a key operator designated to lock switch and requires key #1-37 operate the switch. Communication with At Panel 1 C61 OOA, Place 11982 to BYPASS. booth operator is necessary to perform Confirm Annunciator AR105, this step.
FOS MN TURB/RFPT VIB DISABLE Booth note: When requested by applicant, to bypass turbine vibration trips, depress Soft Key #1 {Key[1]} IRF rfTU193004 f:BYPASS Applicant Performs the following: Contacts plant operator at Panel1C6100A to Place HS-11982 to BYPASS. Confirm Annunciator AR10S, FOS MN TURB/RFPT VIB TRIP DISABLE ALARMS 7. (Step S.4.6) During the time vibration Applicant reads trips are disabled: IF any bearing on the Turbine exceeds 10 Immediately Release the IF any bearing on the Turbine exceeds and 10 mils, Perform a trip of Main JPMC SAT I UNSAT Comment Number NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON JPMC ELEMENT STANDARD SAT UNSAT I Comment Number *8. (Step 5.4.7) Tlest CONTROL VL V-4 Applicant Tests CONTROL as follows: VLV-4 as follows: *a. Depress AND Hold CV-4 TEST a. Depress AND Hold pushbutton.
CV-4 TEST b. Confirm CONTROL VL V-4 pushbutton.
SLOWLY CLOSES for approximately
: b. Confirm CONTROL first 90% of travel AND THEN FAST VL V-4 SLOWL Y CLOSES remaining 10% as indicated CLOSES for on CONTROL VLV-4 POSITION approximately first 90% indicator.
of travel AND THEN c. Confirm annunciator AR104 E01 FAST CLOSES TURB CV FAST CLOSURE TRIP remaining 10% as ALARMS. (Record on Attachment A) indicated on CONTROL VLV-4
* d. Release CV-4 TEST pushbutton.
POSITION indicator.
: e. Confirm CV-4 returns to PRETEST c. Confirm annunciator POSITION as indicated at CONTROL AR104 E01 TURB CV VLV-4 POSITION indicator.
FAST CLOSURE TRIP f. IF half scram condition occurred, ALARMS. (Record on Reset half scram condition; else NA Attachment A) g. Confirm annunciator AR1 04, E01 d. Release CV-4 TEST TURB CV FAST CLOSURE TRIP pushbutton.
CLEARS. e. Confirm CV-4 returns h. At 1 C601, Confirm four (4) MSIV to PRETEST STATUS LOGIC A through D lights POSITION as indicated ILLUMINATED.
at CONTROL VL V-4 POSITION indicator.
: f. Resets half scram by placing HS-C72A-1 S05 to GRP 1/4, then GRP 2/3 g. Confirm annunciator AR104, E01 TURB CV FAST CLOSURE TRIP CLEARS. h. At 1 C601, Confirm four (4) MSIV STATUS LOGIC A through D lights ILLUMINATED.
* a. Depress AND Hold CV-1 TEST pushbutton.
: b. Confirm CONTROL VLV-1 SLOWL Y CLOSES for approximately first 90% of travel AND THEN FAST CLOSES remaining 10% as indicated on CONTROL VLV-1 POSITION indicator.
c, Confirm annunciator AR103 E01 TURB CV FAST CLOSURE TRIP ALARMS. (Record on Attachment A.)
* d. Release CV-,t TEST pushbutton.
Expected alarms: AR 1 05 E05 TURB GEN BRG HI VIBRA TlON and AR105 D05 TURB GE BRG HI VIBRATION TRIP Applicant Tests CONTROL VLV-1 as follows: a. Depress AN D Hold CV-1 TEST pushbutton.
: b. Confirm CONTROL VLV-1 SLOWLY CLOSES for approximately first 90% of travel AND THEN FAST CLOSES remaining 10% as indicated on CONTROL VL V-1 POSITION indicator.
: c. Confirm annunciator AR103 E01 TURB CV FAST CLOSURE TRIP ALARMS. (Record on Attachment A.) d. Release CV-1 TEST pushbutton.
Evaluator note: Expected action is for operator to release CV-1 TEST pushbutton when vibration alarms are received.
NRC SSES INITIAL JPMC I ELEMENT STANDARD I SAT i UNSAT Comment Number *10. Main turbine vibration alarms AR105 E05 TURB GEN BRG HI Applicant:
VIBRATION and AR105 005 a. Notes Main Turbine TURB GEN BRG HI VIBRATION vibration exceeds 10 TRIP mils, Immediately Per step 5.4.6: Releases the Test Pushbutton During the time vibration trips are disabled:
: b. Notes Main Turbine exceeds and sustains
* a. IF any bearing on the Main Turbine 10 mils after release of exceeds 10 mils, Immediately Release CV-1 TEST the Test Pushbutton pushbutton, Performs
* b. IF any bearing on the Main Turbine exceeds and sustains 10 mils, Perform a trip of the Main Turbine by depressing a trip of the Main Turbine Turbine Trip pushbutton Evaluator note: Roleplay as Unit Supervisor as necessary;.applicant may recommend tripping turbine. Applicant may also take mode switch to shutdown prior to tripping turbine, but mode switch operation is not required for critical task completion.
I CUE: JPM is complete.
JPM Stop Time _____
: 1. The plant is at 70% power, quarterly turbine testing in progress lAW SO-193-001.
: 2. The Electric Plant is in a normal at-power line-up. INITIATING CUE: Shift turnover is complete, you have been directed to continue with quarterly turbine valve cycling lAW 193-001, continuing at step 5.4.1 NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TION JPMC HANDOUT PAGE TASK CONDITIONS:
: 1. The plant is at 70% power, quarterly turbine testing in progress lAW SO-193-001.
: 2. The Electric Plant is in a normal at-power line-up. INITIATING CUE:: Shift turnover is complete, you have been directed to continue with quarterly turbine valve cycling lAW 193-001, continuing at step 5.4.1 
Activity Number: Z0203-1 PROCEDURE TITLE: Qtrly Turbine Valve Due Date: TO/DAlY -5 days 1 Cycling Violation Date: TO/DAlY
;!i PART II. REASON FOR PERFORMANCE rgJ Routine D Event or Condition Initiated o Post MaintiMod
..*.. (Described in Remarks) (Describe in Remarks}*
D LCO Action Statements TRO Action Statements D Other (L,)e ed in,Remarks),v"!l,t:f j PART III. EXTENT OF TESTING L8J Complete D Partial o Delete PART IV. AUTHORIZATION TO COMMENCE Shift Supervision Signature: )L..C!-'-'c-=-op..J.....;;;..ett-...:..t
______ VIr Surveillance was: Supervisor/Foreman Signature:
Date: D Out of Service D Out of Mode PART V. REMARKS NOl/\,e PART VI. AS-FOUND OPERABILITY (Systems/Components were found:) D OPERABLE and Accep passed D INOPERABLE or Acceptance Criteria failed (Notify Shift Supervision)
DYES D N/A TIME: l'j, ision Notified ResponsIble Individual:
D A Complete Retest was Performed Supervisor Signature:
Commencement Date: PART X. FINAL CLOSURE Work Group closure in computer schedule ____ WCC Admin. Group final closure in computer complete.
uN/A" when extent of testing is not schedule complete. "N/A" when extent of "COMPLETE." (Forward to WCC Admin. Group) testing is not "COMPLETE." (Forward to DCS) FORM NDAP-QA-0722-1, Rev. 7, Page 1 of 1 (Electronic Form) (print on green paper)
Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Job Performance Core Spray System JPM Designation: Revision Number: Date:
Note: This JPM is paired with JPM A with a staggered Start and complete JPM A with first applicant before this Developed Chris Author Review By: Hedigan Examiner Approved By: Caruso Chief Examiner 
------JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE VALIDATION NOTE: All steps of this checklist should be performed upon initial validation.
Prior to JPM usage, revalidate JPM using steps 8 through 11 below. Task description and number, JPM description and number are identified. Knowledge and Abilities (KIA) references are included. Performance location specified. (in-plant, control room, or simulator) Initial setup conditions are identified. Initiating and terminating cues are properly identified. Task standards identified and verified by Examiner review. Critical steps meet the criteria for critical steps and are identified with an asterisk (*). Verify the procedure referenced by this JPM matches the most current revision of that procedure:
Procedure Rev. Date Pilot test the JPM: a. verify cues both verbal and visual are free of conflict, and b. ensure performance time is accurate.
: 10. If the JPM cannot be performed as written with proper responses, then revise the JPM. 11. When JPM is revalidated, Examiner sign and date JPM cover page.
Rev 0 Rev 1: Revised following licensee review Rev 2: Revised following pre-validation to have applicant shutdown Core Spray system following spurious initiation JPM Setup Instructions: Reset Simulator to IC 394 (or Ie 391 when run with JPM A), or reset simulator to any full power IC and initiate Core Spray loop 8 TASK STANDARD:
Core Spray system shutdown lAW OP-151-001 TASK CONDITIONS: The plant is operating at 100% power Core Spray Loop 8 has spuriously initiated The cause of the spurious initiation has been found and corrected Misoperation in AUTOMATIC MODE has been confirmed by at least two (2) independent indications Adequate core cooling is assured by at least two (2) independent indications INITIATING CUE: The Unit Supervisor has directed you to shutdown '8' Core Spray Loop in accordance with OP-151-001 Information for Evaluator's Use: UNSAT requires written comments on respective step.
* Denotes CRITICAL steps. Number any comments in the "Comment Number" column. Then annotate that comment in the "Comments" section. The comment section should be used to document the reason that a step is marked as unsatisfactory and to document unsatisfactory performance relating to management expectations.
Some operations that are performed from outside of the control room may require multiple steps. These items may be listed as individual steps in this JPM. It is acceptable for the candidate to direct the local operator to perform groups of procedure steps instead of calling for each individual item to be performed.
The timeclock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue.
Operator's Name: _______________________
_ Job Title: 0 NLO [] RO SRO STAD SRO Cert JPM Title: Core Spray System Shutdown JPM Number: D Revision Number: 2 KIA Number and Importance:
209001 A4.01 RO 3.8 SRO 3.6 Suggested Testing Environment:
Simulator Actual Testing Environment:
Testing Method: Perform in Simulator Alternate Path: No Time Critical:
No Estimated Time to Complete:
15 min. Actual Time Used: ___minutes
: 1. NUREG 1123,209001 A4.01 RO 3.8 SRO 3.6 2. OP-151-001 Rev 33 EVALUATION
: 1. Were all the Critical Elements performed satisfactorily?
0 Yes 0 No 2. Was the task standard met? The operator's pHrformance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM, and has been determined to be: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Comments:
Note: Any grade of UNSAT requires a Evaluator'S Name: _____________Evaluator's Signature: 
This JPM has the operator complete the Core Spray system shutdown following spurious initiation in accordance with OP-151-001 by closing the injection valve and securing the running pumps.
NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON JPMD NOTE: Critical Element(s) indicated by
* in Performance Checklist.
JPM Start Time _____ ELEMENT STANDARD ! SAT UNSAT Comment Number 1. Obtains procedure and reviews Obtains copy of OP-1S1-001 and reviews Applicant verifies precautions
: 2. (Step 2.4.2) ECCS actuation may be are met via conditions given in inhibited or overridden under the cue sheet. Determines that cognizance of a Shift Manager or Unit Core Spray system can be Supervisor per ANY of following:
shutdown Directed by Operating Procedure Misoperation in MODE Confirmed by at least (2) independent indications OR Adequate core cooling assured by at least two independent (Step 2.4.3)!E switch collar was Applicant verifies Division placed in ARMED, Place Division CORE SPRAY LOOP 8 (2) CORE SPRAY LOOP 8 MAN INIT HS-E211S16(8) INIT HS-E211 S16(8) switch collar in collar in NOT ARMED NOT ARMED position, as the system was initiated.
: b. Verifies CORE Green initiation light LOOP 8 INIT EXTINGUISHES RESET Green initiation light EXTINGUISHES I
NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON ELEMENT 5. Enter TRO *6. (Step 2.4.6) Place CORE SPRAY LOOP 8 MOV OL BYPS E211S12B to TEST position 7. (Step 2.4.7) Close CORE SPRAY LOOP B IB INJ SHUTOFF 152-F005B
: 8. (Step 2.4.8) When flow <635gpm, Observe CORE SPRAY LOOP B MIN FLOW HV-152F031 B OPENS JPMD STANDARD SAT UNSAT Comment Number Evaluator Note: Roleplay as Unit Supervisor and acknowledge applicant request to enter TRO Applicant notifies Unit Supervisor of need to enter
* TRO Applicant acquires key from below benchboard, inserts key and turns CORE SPRAY LOOP B MOV OL 8YPS E211S12B to TEST position Evaluator Note: CORE SPRAY LOOP BOUT OF SERVICE 001 B02) and CORE SPRAY LOOP B MOV'S IN TEST (BIS) are expected alarms Evaluator Note: Inboard injection valve will be closed due to spurious initiation and low pressure valve permissive signal not active due to reactor atNOP ! Applicant verifies CORE SPRAY LOOP B IB INJ SHUTOFF HV-152-F0058
* CLOSED (Red light out, Amber light lit) Applicant verifies CORE SPRAY LOOP B MIN FLOW HV-152F031B OPEN I Evaluator Note: Min flow valve will already be open due to spurious initiation and reactor at NOP I NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON ELEMENT (Step 2.4.9) As conditions permit, Place LO RX PRESS PERM Switch HS-15249B to NORM OR Check in NORM position *10. (Step 2.4.10) Stop CORE SPRAY PUMP 1P206B *11. (Step 2.4.11) Stop CORE SPRAY PUMP 1P206D 12. (Step 2.4.12) Observe following indications as applicable:
: b. CORE SPRAY LOOP B ACTUATED alarm CLEARED c. Core Spray Room Unit Coolers 1V211 Band D STOP indicated on Heating and Ventilation Panel 1C681 *13. (Step 2.4.15) AFTER 2 minutes, Place CORE SPRAY LOOP B MOV OL BYPS HS-E211 S 12B to NORM position 14. (Step 2.4.16) Clear TRO JPMD STANDARD SAT UNSAT Comment Number Applicant verifies LO PRESS PERM Switch 15249B in NORM Applicant turns CORE PUMP 1 P206B control to STOP and returns to Verifies pump stopped checking lights (Red Amber lit), and checking I amps go to zero. Applicant turns CORE SPRAY PUMP 1 P206D control switch to STOP and returns to AUTO. Verifies pump stopped by checking lights (Red out, Amber lit), and checking pump I amps go to Verifies CORE LOOP BIB SHUTOFF 152F005B CLOSED AND light Verifies CORE LOOP B alarm Verifies Core Room Unit 1 V211 Band D stopped at 1 C681 (back Evaluator Note: Steps and 2.4.14 are N/A I After waiting at least 2 from HV-152F005B indication, applicant CORE SPRAY LOOP B OL BYPS HS-E211S12B NORM Evaluator Note: Roleplay Unit Supervisor acknowledge applicant to clear TRO NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON JPMD ELEMENT STANDARD SAT UNSAT Comment Number Applicant:
: 15. (Step 2.4.17) Observe
JPM Stop Time ____
NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON JPMD HANDOUT PAGE, TASK CONDITIONS: The plant is operating at 100% power Core Spray Loop 8 has spuriously initiated The cause of the spurious initiation has been found and corrected Misoperation in AUTOMATIC MODE has been confirmed by at least two (2) independent indications Adequate Gore cooling is assured by at least two (2) independent indications INITIATING CUE: The Unit Supervisor has directed you to shutdown '8' Core Spray Loop in accordance with OP-151-001 NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINATION JPMD HANDOUT PAGE TASK CONDITIONS: The plant is operating at 100% power Core Spray Loop 8 has spuriously initiated The cause of the spurious initiation has been found and corrected Misoperation in AUTOMATIC MODE has been confirmed by at least two (2) independent indications Adequate core cooling is assured by at least two (2) independent indications INITIATING CUE: The Unit Supervisor has directed you to shutdown '8' Core Spray Loop in accordance with OP-151-001 Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Job Performance Measure PCIS/SDC restoration JPM Designation:
E Revision Number: 3 Date: _11/02/2011 Note: This JPM is paired with Admin JPM A4(RO). Developed By: Patel 05/25/11 Author Date Review By: Hedigan 01/05/12 Examiner Date Approved By: CS!ruso 01/05/12 Chief Examiner Date JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE VALIDATION CHECKLIST All steps of this checklist should be performed upon initial validation.
Prior to JPM usage, revalidate JPM using steps 8 through 11 below. Task description and number, JPM description and number are identified. Knowledge and Abilities (KIA) references are included. Performance location specified. (in-plant, control room, or simulator) Initial setup conditions are identified. Initiating and terminating cues are properly identified. Task standards identified and verified by Examiner review. Critical steps meet the criteria for critical steps and are identified with an asterisk (*). Verify the procedure referenced by this JPM matches the most current revision of that Procedure Rev. ___ Date _____Pilot test the JPM: a. verify cues both verbal and visual are free of conflict, and b. ensure performance time is accurate. If the JPM cannot be performed as written with proper responses, then revise the JPM. 11. When JPM is revalidated, Examiner sign and date JPM cover page.
: 1. Rev 0 JPM Setup Instructions: Set Simulator to IC 395. Run scenario file JPME.scn: scnBATCH1\RHB-RHRBOOS (removes 'B' RHR Loop from service {Key[1]} IMF cmfMV05_HV151 F015A (closes F015A) {Key[1]} IMF cmfMV09_HV151 F015A f:O d:45 (simulates tripping F015A breaker) Mark up GO-100-010 Att A to match "JPM E Support Doc 1" and hang above U-1 US Computer Desk TASK STANDARD:
Successfully establish alternate decay heat removal system in service upon loss of normal SOC. TASK CONDITIONS: Unit 1 is in MODE 4 with reactor coolant temperature of 150&deg;F. (2 nd day into the outage) Time to 200 0 F. is -45 mins. Div 2 RHR is out of service for maintenance.
Estimated completion time is 16 hours. Decay heat removal availability is provided by the outage plant status log. The Electric Plant is in a normal line-up. TRQ entry has been entered appropriately for SDC temperature control preparation.
INITIATING CUE: You are directed by Shift Supervision to lower reactor coolant temperature to 140&deg;F lAW QP-149-002, Attachment F step 6. Information for Evaluator's Use: UNSAT requires written comments on respective step.
* Denotes CRITICAL steps. Number any comments in the "Comment Number" column. Then annotate that comment in the "Comments" section. The comment section should be used to document the reason that a step is marked as unsatisfactory and to document unsatisfactory performance relating to management expectations.
Some operations that are performed from outside of the control room may require multiple steps. These items may be listed as individual steps in this ...IPM. It is acceptable for the candidate to direct the local operator to perform groups of procedure steps instead of calling for each individual item to be performed.
The timeclock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue.
Operator's Name: _______________________
_ Job Title: NLO RO SRO D ST AD SRO Cert JPM Title: Perform PCIS/SOC restoration JPM Number: E Revision Number: 0 KIA Number and Importance:
223002 K1.08 3.4/3.5 (RO/SRO) Suggested Testing Environment:
Simulator Actual Testing Environment:
Simulator Testing Method: Perform in Simulator Alternate Path: Yes Time Critical:
No Estimated Time to Complete:
15 min. Actual Time Used: ---'minutes
: 1. NUREG 1123, 223002, K1.08, RO/SRO 3.4/3.5 2. ON-149-001 Rev. 23 3. OP-149-002 Rev. 45 4. GO-100-010, Rev. 19 5. AR-109-001 Rev. 26 EVALUATION
: 1. Were all the Critical Elements performed satisfactorily?
YesD No 2. Was the task standard met? The operator's performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this ..IPM, and has been determined to be: D Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Comments:__________________________
_ Note: Any grade of UNSAT requires a Evaluator's Name: ______________
Evaluator's Signature:
Date: _____
== Description:==
This JPM has the operator establish preferred alternate decay heat removal system in service upon isolation of the normal SOC due to a spurious auto closure of F015A RHR injection valve.
NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON JPME NOTE: Critical Element(s) indicated by
* in Performance Checklist.
JPM Start Time _____ ELEMENT Evaluator Note: Ensure that the applicant DOES NOT have the marked up copy of the Attachment B. Examiner will provide the marked up Attachment B during Element 17. Obtains procedure and procedure, prerequisites, Step 6.1 Ensure TRO ENTERED. Step 6.1 Place HS-E11-1S62A RHR LOOP A MOV OL BYPS Keyswitch to TEST STANDARD SAT UNSAT Comment Number Evaluator Note: Ensure that the applicant DOES NOT have the marked up copy of the Attachment B. Examiner will provide the marked up Attachment B during Element 17. Obtains OP-149-002, attachment F. Applicant recognizes that TRO entry has been entered appropriately per initial conditions.
Evaluator Note: TRO entry . has been identified in initial condition as appropriately entered,.
Applicant places 1 S62A RHR LOOP A MOV OL BYPS Keyswitch to TEST.
NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON JPME ELEMENT I I SAT UNSAT Comment I Number Perform any combination of the Applicant performs any combination of the to lower reactor Open HV-151-F047A.
temperature: Throttle Open 6.3.1 Verify HV-151-F003A RHR A SHELL SIDE (Should be open). Maintain :2 20% 6.3.2 Throttle Open HV-151-F003A RHR HX A SHELL SIDE WITH HV-151-F003A OUTLET (Should be OPEN, Throttle Closed open).on HV-151-F048A HX A SHELL a. Maintain :2 OPEN Throttle Open on 6.3.3 WITH HV-151-F017A RHR OPEN, FLOW CTL Closed maintaining RHR flow HV-151-F048A 10,000 gpm. HX A SHELL Raise RHRSW flow. 6.3.4 Throttle Open on At Panel OC697, HV-151-F017A RHR Place HS-11210A1 INJ FLOW CTL while RHRSW System Unit maintaining RHR flow 1 Div 1(11) to TEST. < 10,000 gpm. Throttle Open 6.3.5 Raise RHRSW flow. HV-11210A RHRSW HXA INLET At Panel OC697, maintaining Place HS-11210A1 6000-9000 gpm on RHRSW System FI-1 R602A. (5) Unit 1 Div I to TEST. AFTER 2 Place
: b. Throttle Open RHRSW System Unit 1 Div I to RHRSWHXA INLET maintaining 6000-9000 gpm on FI-1 R602A. (5) AFTER 2 minutes, Place HS-11210A1 RHRSW System Unit 1Div I to OPERATE. I I NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON ELEMENT I STANDARD SAT Evaluator Note: While the applicant is performing any of the above steps to reduce reactor temperature, direct the booth operator to insert 151-FO 15A auto closure malfunction.
Simulator Booth OQerator Instructions:
When directed, to close HV-151-F015A, depress Soft Key #1 5. Applicant may request field action to identify the cause of the isolation.
Evaluator Cue: Role playas NPO sent to check breaker 18219011, report that for Bkr 1 B219011 thermal tripped and valve motor is extremely hot. Actuator is damaged. Evaluator Cue: Role playas the Work Week Manager and report that maintenance believes it will take at least three hours to investigate and determine the extent of damage. 6. Applicant should recognize the 151-F006A1C AND HV-151-F007A OPEN DRAIN RX VESSEL (C09) alarm. Evaluator Note: After 30 second time delay following F015A isolation, annunciator "HV-151-F006A1C AND 151-F007A OPEN DRAIN RX VESSEL" (COg) will ALARM. This occurs due to min flow valve and pump suction being open at the same time, creating a Rx drain path to suppression pool. JPME UNSAT I Comment . Number NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON ELEMENT The applicant will respond to 151-F006A1C AND HV-151-F007A OPEN DRAIN RX VESSEL" (C09) ALARM, and reference AR-109-001 operator actions: Increase RHR System flow above minimum flow of 3000 gpm. *2.2 IF RHR Pump AlC MIN FLOW HV-151-F007A cannot be closed, Stop RHR Pump(s) and Close SHUTDOWN CLG SUCT OB ISO HV-151-F008 and/or SHUTDOWN CLG SUCT IB ISO HV-151-F009 to stop pumping Reactor Coolant into Suppression Pool. Applicant will enter ON-149-001, Loss of RHR SHUTDOWN COOLING MODE. JPME STANDARD SAT UNSAT I Comment Number Applicant will NOT be able to increase RHR System flow above minimum flow of 3000 gpm due to the malfunction of the RHR INJ FLOW CTL valve. Applicant recognizes that 151-F007A will not remain closed if closed, and Trips RHR Pump 1 P202A and closes SHUTDOWN CLG SUCT OB ISO HV-151-F008 and SHUTDOWN CLG SUeT IB ISO HV-151-F009 to stop pumping Reactor Coolant into Suppression Pool. Enter ON-149-001 based on Isolation signals to SOC F0015A isolation.
Evaluator Note: If the applicant does not recognize to enter ON-149-001, then ask what procedure will the SRO . direct you to enter in this I condition, then direct Entry for ON-149-001.
* I NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON ELEMENT Step 3.2 Determine cause of loss of RHR Shutdown Cooling, IF loss occurred in Mode 3 or Mode 4, Perform Section 3.3 of this procedure
: 10. Step 3.3.2 IF RHR Shutdown Cooling lost in Mode 3 or Mode 4: IF in Mode 4, Comply with TS 3.4.9 11. Step 3.3.3 IF in Mode 4, Review Attachment G to determine estimated
''Time to 200 0 F." 12. Step 3.3.4 IF SOC lost due to Loss of RHRSW, Restart RHRSW lAW OP-116/216-001, else N/A 13. Step 3.3.6 IF all RHR Shutdown Cooling lost: Promptly Establish reactor coolant circulation using ONE of following alternate methods: Maintain water level 45 inches. Ensure Reactor Recirculation System in service.
Applicant determines that the closing of HV-151-F015A and '8' RHR out of service prevents recovery of SOC, therefore section 3.3 of 149-001 is applicable.
The applicant informs Unit Supervisor of need to comply with TS 3.4.9.
* Evaluator Cue: Role playas
* the Unit Supervisor and state that you will address the TS actions. Applicant will determine from "Time to 200 F' curve that ! based on 2 days after
* shutdown time to 200 0 F is 145 min. Applicant will determine this step to be NI A. Applicant utilizes Shutdown Range RPV level instrument and determines that water level is 45 inches to ensure alternate reactor coolant circulation is established, JPME SAT I UNSAT Comment I. * . Number NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON JPME ELEMENT STANDARD SAT UNSAT Comment Number 14. Step 3.3.6b Evaluator Cue: When Determine heatup rate from Applicant acknowledges the SO-1 00-011, Reactor Vessel need to determine the heatup Temperature and Pressure rate, state that the STA will Recording using: perform 01-T A-009. 1. Notify the ST A to Perform 01-TA-009 using Historical Computer Data. OR 2. SRV Tailpipe Temperature from recorder TRS-B21-1 R614 at Panel 1 C614, IF Reactor Vessel is flooded to Main Steam lines AND AT LEAST one SRVis opened. OR 3. Bottom Head Drain Temperature, if RWCU in service, CRD out of service and there is not forced core flow (A) NLT010r(B)TR-B21-1R006at PaneI1COO?
OR 4. Bottom Head Drain Temperature, if RWCU in service, and there is forced core flow (A) NL T01, (B) TR-B21-1 R006 at Panel 1 COO? OR 5. Reactor vessel skin temperature from TE-B21-1 N030E on recorder TR-B21-1 R006 at Panel 1 COO?, IF ALL RHR Shutdown Cooling is lost AND NO Reactor Recirculation Pumps are in service. i NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON ELEMENT *15. Step 3.3.6c WITHIN 1 hour, Verify functionality of TWO alternate methods capable of decay heat removal from Attachment A by Performing a system status file check AND Logging these systems in the eSOMS log. 16. Step 3.3.6d Classify plant status in accordance with EP-PS-*100, Emergency Director, Control Room. 17. Step 3.3.7 Determine status of systems/equipment on Attachment B. 18. Step 3.3.8 Place any available alternate Decay Heat Removal System in service using Attachment 0, E, or F. 19. Step 1 Close/Ensure CLOSED all MSIV's and Drains *20. Step 2 Using preferred SRV's PSV-141-F013C, E, F, L, M, or R, IF POSSIBLE, Open 2 Safety Relief Valves.
Applicant will determine, using Attachment A, that in Mode 4 with neither loop of RHR available to inject the only two alternate methods available and capable of decay heat removal are Div 1 and 2 Core Spray injection from suppression pool and return path through 2 SRV's (PSV-141-F013C,E,F,L,M or R preferred).
Evaluator Cue: Unit . Supervisor will log these system in the eSOMS log. Evaluator Cue: Shift manager will classify plant status in accordance with EP-PS-100.
Evaluator Cue: Hand out the marked up copy of the Attachment B to the applicant.
Applicant will select Attachment D based on preferred method identified to be available from initial condition and other marked up attachment B system status. Close/Ensure CLOSED MSIV's and Applicant opens 2 of the preferred SRVs. (C,E,F,L, Mar R) JPME SAT I UNSAT Comment Number i I NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON ELEMENT Step Comply with TRO
*22. Step 4 Place HS-E21-1S12A(B)
Core Spray Loop A Motor OL Bypass Switch to TEST. *23. Step 5 Start Core Spray Pumps 1 P206A and C. *24. Step 6 Open OR Check Open CORE SPRAY LOOP A OB INJ SHUTOFF HV-152-FOO4A.
*25. Step 7 Place LO RX PRESS PERM switch HS-15249A to BYPASS. *26. Step 8 Throttle Open CORE SPRAY LOOP AlB INJ SHUTOFF F005A, VERY Slowly Raise reactor water level to -131" to flood main steam lines and establish flow through open SRV's to suppression pool. *27. Step 9 WHEN flow to reactor vessel? 635 gpm, Ensure CORE SPRAY LOOP A MIN FLOW HV-152-F031A CLOSES. *28. Step 10 Check Spray Room Unit Coolers 1V211A and C AUTO START on Heating and Ventilation Panel 1 C681. *29. Step 11 AFTER 2 minutes, Place 1S12A Core Spray Loop A Motor OL Bypass Switch to NORM. CUE: JPM is complete.
JPM Stop Time _____ STANDARD SAT Evaluator Cue: Shift Manager will address the TRO actions. Place HS-E21-1S12A(B)
Core Spray Loop A Motor OL Bypass Switch to TEST. Start Core Spray Pumps 1 P206A and C. Verify Open CORE SPRAY LOOP A OB INJ SHUTOFF HV-152-F004A.
Places LO RX PRESS PERM switch HS-15249A to BYPASS. Throttle Open CORE SPRAY LOOP AlB INJ SHUTOFF 152-F005A, VERY Slowly Raise reactor water level to 131" to flood main steam lines and establish flow through open SRV's to suppression pool WHEN flow to reactor vessel? 635 gpm, Ensures CORE SPRAY LOOP A MIN FLOW HV-152-F031A CLOSES. Check Core Spray Room Unit Coolers 1V211A and C AUTO START on Heating and Ventilation Panel 1 C681 AFTER 2 minutes, Places E21-1S12A Core Spray Loop A Motor OL Bypass Switch to NORM. JPME UNSAT Comment Number NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON HANDOUT PAGE TASK CONDITIONS:
: 1. Unit 1 is in MODE 4 with reactor coolant temperature of 150&deg;F. (2 nd day into the outage) 2. Time to 200 0 F. is -45 mins. 3. Dlv 2 RHR is out of service for maintenance.
Estimated completion time is 16 hours. 4. Decay heat removal availability is provided by the outage plant status log. 5. The Electric Plant is in a normal line-up. 6. TRO entry has been entered appropriately for SDC temperature control preparation.
INITIATING CUE: You are directed by Shift Supervision to lower reactor coolant temperature to 140&deg;F lAW OP-149-002, Attachment F step 6.
: 1. Unit 1 is in MODE 4 with reactor coolant temperature of 150&deg;F. (2 nd day into the outage) 2. Time to 200 0 F. is -45 mins. 3. Dlv 2 RHR is out of service for maintenance.
Estimated completion time is 16 hours. 4. Decay heat removal availability is provided by the outage plant status log. 5. The Electric Plant is in a normal line-up. 6. TRO entry has been entered appropriately for SOC temperature control preparation.
INITIATING CUE: You are directed by Shift Supervision to lower reactor coolant temperature to 140&deg;F lAW OP-149-002, Attachment F step 6.
: 8. REACTIVITY CONTROL: 9. SECONDARY COHT AlNMENT: 10, pcaJLw. 1St"\I1A, Jdk",a /!/aIle,.US Attachment A GO-100-010 Revision 19 Page 10 of 15 DMStON 1 LOOP A oo501E <t8i.
YE' 0 lNOrF{j A A A <dfu, LOOP A LOOP A ",X"x.' 'X AVAILABLE LOOPA F,Xi' 'X"" IN-SERVICE lOOP A 1P202G fA' RHR tVO!J1;l sw:p PooL tVivlA SRV5. CS PooL tViyu SRVS. IN-SERVICE
FORM GO-1 00-01 0-1 , Rev. 12, Page 1 of 1 Attachment B ON-149-001 Revision 24 Page 22 of 31 SYSTEM/EQUIPMENT AVAILABILITY DETERMINATION STATUS (Circle One) 0 Primary Containment (Mode 3 or 4 only) unavail 0 Secondary Containment unavail*> 3. Flowpath from reactor to Condenser avail w/vacuum maintained by SJAE RPS Channel unavail 0 G;Y 0 RPS Channel B 1/B2 unavail 6. Methods to M/U to RX 0 a. CRD unavail 0 b. Condensate avail
: c. Condensate Transfer 0 (1 G;0 Keepfill unavail 0 (2) SDC Flush unavail0 (3) *Skimmer Surge unavail GV d. RHR avail
: e. Core unavailG;Y 7. Methods of Letdown from RX a. RWCU 0 (1 ) G;Y Main Condenser unavail 0 (2) Radwaste unavailb. RHR unavail GV c. SRV's to Supp Pool unavail Page 1 of 2 Attachment B ON-149-001 Revision 24 Page 23 of 31 0 8. *Fuel Pool Gates not installed
<L;ta;V 0 9. *Cask Storage Pit Gates installed
* nsta i3> 10. *Method of Cooling 0 a. U-1 FPC and Cleanup avail 0 b. RWCU Recirculation avail 0 c. U-1 RHR in FPC Assist avail
: d. U-2 FPC and Cleanup avail 0
: e. U-2 RHR in FPC Assist avail 0 Applicable in Mode 5 and level >22 feet above flange. Page 2 of 2 Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Job Performance Measure Manually Synchronize Diesel Generator B JPM Designation:
F Revision Number: 2 Date: 12/17/2011 Note: This JPM is paired with JPM H. Developed Patel 05/25/11 Author Date Review By: Hedigan 01/05/12 Examiner Date Approved Caruso 01/05/12 Chief Examiner Date JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE VALIDATION NOTE: All steps of this checklist should be performed upon initial validation.
Prior to JPM usage, revalidate JPM using steps 8 through 11 below. Task description and number, JPM description and number are identified. Knowledge and Abilities (KIA) references are included. Performance location specified. (in-plant, control room, or simulator) Initial setup conditions are identified. Initiating and terminating cues are properly identified. Task standards identified and verified by Examiner review. Critical steps meet the criteria for critical steps and are identified with an asterisk (*). Verify the procedure referenced by this JPM matches the most current revision of that procedure:
Procedure Rev. Date Pilot test the JPM: a. verify cues both verbal and visual are free of conflict, and b. ensure performance time is accurate.
: 10. If the JPM cannot be performed as written with proper responses, then revise the JPM. 11. When JPM is revalidated, Examiner sign and date JPM cover page.
: 1. Rev 2 JPM Setup Instructions: Reset Simulator to IC-396, which has ESW Pps A and B running and EDG B started from the Control Room and its output breaker open. Run scenario file JPMF.which is: IMF cmfRL02_86S1 B IMF cmfRL02_86S2B {Key[1]} IMF mfDG024010B f:O.O (Jacket Water TCV fails to full bypass position) {Key[2]} DMF cmfRL02_86S1 B {Key[2]} DMF cmfRL02_86S2B {Key[2]} set di5ESB_Q.iivPanel=1 {Key[2]} set di5ESB_Q.iivPanel=0 d:1 Provide marked up copy of SO-024-001 B as if completed through Step 5.1.17 TASK STANDARD:
Successfully secure EDG B upon loss of jacket water cooling during synchronization of diesel generator to grid. TASK CONDITIONS: Unit 1 is at 100% power. The Electric Plant is in a normal line-up. EDG B was started for SO-024-001 B and has been running unloaded for 5 minutes now. INITIATING CUE: You are directed by Shift Supervision to continue the surveillance testing beginning with Step 5.1.18 to synchronize the 1 BESS Bus and proceed to full load lAW SO-024-001 B. Information for Evaluator's Use: UNSAT requires written comments on respective step.
* Denotes CRITICAL steps. Number any comments in the "Comment Number" column. Then annotate that comment in the "Comments" section. The comment section should be used to document the reason that a step is marked as unsatisfactory and to document unsatisfactory performance relating to management expectations.
Some operations that are performed from outside of the control room may require multiple steps. These items may be listed as individual steps in this JPM. It is acceptable for the candidate to direct the local operator to perform groups of procedure steps instead of calling for each individual item to be performed.
The timeC\ock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue. 
---Operator's Name: Job Title: NLO RO SRO ST AD SRO Cert JPM Title: Perform Manually Synchronize Diesel Generator B JPM Number: F Revision Number: 0 KIA Number and Importance:
264000 A1.03 2.8/2.9 (RO/SRO) Suggested Testing Environment:
Simulator Actual Testing Environment:
Simulator Testing Method: Perform in Simulator Alternate Path: Yes Time Critical:
No Estimated Time to Complete:
15 min. Actual Time Used: minutes
: 1. NUREG 1123 2. 80-024-001 B Rev 8 3. AR-015-001 Rev. 36 EVALUATION
: 1. Were all the Critical Elements performed satisfactorily?
[J Yes No 2. Was the task standard met? The operator's performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM, and has been determined to be: D Satisfactory D Unsatisfactory Comments:
Note: Any grade of UNSAT requires a Evaluator's Name: ______________Evaluator's Signature:
Date: ____
This JPM has the operator synchronize EDG B to grid per monthly performance test lAW 80-024-001 B and upon successful synchronization; a loss of jacket water cooling condition will be inserted by the simulator booth operator.
The operator needs to recognize the abnormal condition and secure the EDG.
NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON JPMF NOTE: Critical Element(s) indicated by
* in Performance Checklist.
JPM Start Time _____ ELEMENT Obtains procedure and procedure, prerequisites, Simulator Booth Instruction:
Once applicant is ready to begin the JPM, insert malfunction to fail TCV 03412A open to full bypass jacket water HX continuously by depressing Soft Key #1. 2. Step 5.1.18a Ensure all synchroscope switches OFF. *3. Step 5.1.18b. Place DG B to Bus 1 B Sync Sel 00040A switch to ON. 4. Step 5.1.18c. Check for excessive sparking of generator brushes STANDARD SAT UNSAT Comment Number Obtains SO-024-001 B, and proceeds to section 5.1.18. Evaluator Note: Inform the applicant that the NPO is stationed at DG 'B' and can be reached via the page. Applicant verifies all synchroscope switches are in off. Evaluator Note: There is only one Synch Key for the OC653 panel and it is normally kept in the Tie Breaker Key Switch. Applicant may check to see that it is there .. Applicant places DG B to Bus 1 B Sync Sel HS-00040A switch to ON. Evaluator Note: The Applicant will obtain the Synch Key from TIE BREAKER SYNC SEL HS-00018 Applicant directs NPO to check for excessive sparking of EDG B generator brushes. Booth Cue: When directed as NPO to check generator brushes, report they appear normal.
NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON ELEMENT 5. Step 3.1.18d. Adjust DG B Voltage Adjust 00053B so red scale 4 KV Diff AG Volts XI-00036 indicates slightly right of 0 and not exceed 35 volts AG. The Green Band on XI-00036 is the acceptable area. 6. Step 3.1.18e. Adjust DG B Speed Governor 00054B so Synchroscope XI-0003? rotating in FAST (clockwise) direction at -1 (one) revolution per 60 seconds. *? Step 3.1.18 f. (1) Close DG B to Bus 1 B Bkr 1 A20204 when synchroscope at or slightly before "12 o'clock" position.
STANDARD Applicant Adjusts DG B Voltage Adjust HS-00053B so red scale 4 KV Diff AG Volts XI-00036 indicates slightly right of 0 and does not exceed 35 volts AG. Applicant Adjusts DG B Speed Governor HS-00054B so Synchroscope XI-0003? is rotating in FAST (clockwise) direction at -1 (one) revolution per 60 seconds. Evaluator Note:
Path Begins Applicant closes DG B to Bus 1 B Bkr 1 A20204 when synchroscope at or slightly
* before "12 o'clock" position.
I JPMF SAT UNSAT Comment Number NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON JPMF ELEMENT STANDARD SAT UNSAT Comment Number *8. Step 5.1.18 f. Applicant promptly raises and slowly increases load to Promptly go to RAISE and Slowly 1000 KW over 30-45 second increase load to 1000 KW over 30-I 45 second period using DG B Speed
* period using DG B speed governor HS-00054B switch. Governor HS-00054B Evaluator Note: DG B OC521 B HI TROUBLE (B13) alarm will come in at any time. When alarm comes in go to element 14. Step 3.1.18f. (3) Applicant promptly adjusts DG B Voltage Adjust 00053B to maintain 0 to 900 Promptly Adjust DG B Voltage KVARs but as close to 0 Adjust HS-00053B to maintain 0 positive side as possible 900 KV ARs but as close to 0 DG B KVARs GVARM positive side as possible on DG Panel OC519B andlor KVARs GVARM on Panel Format Diesel Generator and/or PICSY Format Evaluator Note: DG B Panel Generator B. OC521 B HI PRIORITY TROUBLE (B13) alarm will come in at any time. When alarm comes in go to element 14. 10. Step 5.1.18 Applicant notes time 1000 KW is reached and starts timing 5 minutes. Commence timing 5 minute run 1000 11. Step 5.1.18 Applicant places 1 B Bkr 1 A20204 Synch Key to Off Place appropriate DG TO SYNC SEL keyswitch to 12. Step 5.1.18 i Applicant places Synch Key in I TIE BREAKER SYNC SEL I HS-00018 Remove key and Return to the BREAKER SYNC SEL HS-00018 OFF NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON 13. Step 3.1.18 j AT Diesel Engine Control Panel OC521 B, Observe Running Loaded light ILLUMINATED.
*14. AR-015-001, Operator Actions: 2.1 Ensure Automatic Actions. 2.2 Dispatch Operator to perform LA-0521-002 Diesel Generator B OC521B. 2.6 Perform ON-024-001 Diesel Generator Trip. STANDARD Applicant directs NPO to check running loaded light ILLUMINATED on Panel OC521B. Booth Oeerator Cue: . Roleplay as NPO and report that Running Loaded light is lit. Dispatches operator to perform LA-0521-002 and/or check for local panel alarms. Evaluator Note: The applicant will request field operator to perform LA-0521-002 and/or report local alarms annunciating.
Booth Oeerator Cue: It appears that TCV 03412A has failed OPEN, and is fully bypassing Jacket Water cooler. Jacket Water Hi Temperature alarms is annunciating on panel OC521B. JPMF SAT i UNSAT Comment Number I l I I i NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TION JPMF ELEMENT STANDARD I SAT! UNSAT Comment Number *15. DG B Panel OC521B HI PRIORITY Applicant directs field TROUBLE (B13) alarm response.
to emergency trip the B to ensure automatic Booth O(;!erator Note: Once Applicant request NPO to trip EDG, click Soft Key #2. Evaluator Note: Ensure that once applicant contacts NPO to secure EDG, Booth Operator Secures EDG by inserting Soft Key #2. High priority trouble alarm should have tripped the EDG, but the malfunction prevents automatic EDG trip. Applicant recognizes DG B Panel OC521 B HI PRIORITY TROUBLE (B13) alarm and takes action lAW AR-015-001 to trip diesel generator per ON-024-001.
: 16. Perform ON-024-001 Diesel Evaluator Note: The applicant Generator will start to perform 001 Diesel Generator 17. CUE: JPM is complete.
JPM Stop Time _____
: 1. Unit 1 is at 100% power. 2. The Electric Plant is in a normal line-up. 3. EDG B was started for SO-024-001 B and has been running unloaded for 5 minutes now. INITIATING CUE: You are directed by Shift Supervision to continue the surveillance testing beginning with Step 5.1.18 to synchronize the 1 BESS Bus and proceed to full load lAW SO-024-001 B.
: 1. Unit 1 is at 100% power. 2. The Electric Plant is in a normal line-up. 3. EDG B was started for SO-024-001 B and has been running unloaded for 5 minutes now. INITIATING CUE: You are directed by Shift Supervision to continue the surveillance testing beginning with Step 5.1.18 to synchronize the 1 BESS Bus and proceed to full load lAW SO-024-001 B. 
SURVEILLANCE PART I. GENERAL INFORMATION PROCEDURE NUMBER: SO-152-002 RTSV Number: 123456 UNIT Activity Number: Z0203-1 PROCEDURE TITLE: Monthly Diesel Generator Due Date:
___--I 1 'B'Test Violation Date: + 7 da s PART II. REASON FOR PERFORMANCE Routine o Event or Condition Initiated o LCO Action Statements (Described in Remarks)o TRO Action Statements PART III. EXTENT OF TESTING [gJ Complete 0 Partial o Delete PART IV. AUTHORIZATION TO COMMENCE Shift Supervision Signature:
_____ Time: -i Surveillance was: Supervisor/Foreman Signature:
Date: o Out of Service o Out of Mode PART V. REMARKS 1. Synchronize to 1 A202 (1 BESS Bu PART VI. AS-FOUND (Systems/Components were found:) o OPERABLE and Accep passed 0 INOPERABLE or Acceptance Criteria failed (Notify Shift Supervision)
0 YES o N/A ACTU TIME: Ie Individual:
0 A Complete Retest was Performed Supervisor Signature:
Commencement Date: PART X. FINAL CLOSURE ___Work Group closure in computer schedule ___WCC Admin. Group final closure in computer complete. "N/A" when extent of testing is not schedule complete.
uN/A" when extent of "COMPLETE." (Forward to WCC Admin. Group) testing is not "COMPLETE." (Forward to DCS) FORM NDAP-QA-0722-1, Rev. 7, Page 1 of 1 (Electronic Form) (print on green paper)
Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Job Performance Measure Standby Gas Treatment System Startup JPM Designation:
G Revision Number: Date:
Note: This JPM is paired with JPM B with a staggered Developed Chris 4/20/11 Author Date Review By: Hedigan 01/05/12 Examiner Date Approved Caruso 01/05/12 Chief Examiner Date JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE VALIDATION NOTE: All steps of this checklist should be performed upon initial validation.
Prior to JPM usage, revalidate JPM using steps 8 through 11 below. Task description and number, JPM description and number are identified. Knowledge and Abilities (KIA) references are included. Performance location specified. (in-plant, control room, or simulator) Initial setup conditions are identified. Initiating and terminating cues are properly identified. Task standards identified and verified by Examiner review. Critical steps meet the criteria for critical steps and are identified with an asterisk (*). Verify the procedure referenced by this JPM matches the most current revision of that procedure:
Procedure Rev. ___ Date ______ Pilot test the JPM: a. verify cues both verbal and visual are free of conflict, and b. ensure performance time is accurate.
: 10. If the JPM cannot be performed as written with proper responses, then revise the JPM. 11. When JPM is revalidated, Examiner sign and date JPM cover page.
Rev 0 Rev 1: minor edits for addition of IC and plant power JPM Setup Instructions:
: 1. Set Simulator to Ie 392 2. Provide copy of OP-070-001.
'A' Standby Gas Treatment System manually started up lAW OP-070-001 in preparation for Quarterly HPCI Flow Verification TASK CONDITIONS:
: 1. The plant is at 99% power, preparing for Quarterly HPCI Flow Verification
: 2. The Electric Plant is in a normal at-power line-up. 3. All precautions and prerequisites in OP-070-001 are met INITIATING ClIE: Manually start the 'A' Standby Gas Treatment System in accordance with OP-070-001 in preparation for the Quarterly HPCI flow verification Information for Evaluator's Use: UNSAT requires written comments on respective step.
* Denotes CRITICAL steps. Number any comments in the "Comment Number" column. Then annotate that comment in the "Comments" section. The comment section should be used to document the reason that a step is marked as unsatisfactory and to document unsatisfactory performance relating to management expectations.
Some operations that are performed from outside of the control room may require multiple steps. These items may be listed as individual steps in this JPM. It is acceptable for the candidate to direct the local operator to perform groups of procedure steps instead of calling for each individual item to be performed.
The timeclock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue.
Operator's Name: ________________________
_ Job Title: 0 NLO RO OSRO STA SRO Cert JPM Title: Standby Gas Treatment System Startup JPM Number: G Revision Number: 1 KIA Number and Importance:
261000 A4.03 RO 3.0 SRO 3.0 Suggested Testing Environment:
Simulator Actual Testing Environment:
Testing Method: Perform in Simulator Alternate Path: No Time Critical:
No Estimated Time to Complete:
15 min. Actual Time Used: ___.minutes
: 1. NUREG 11.23,261000 A4.03 RO 3.0 SRO 3.0 2. OP-070-001 Rev 21 EVALUATION
: 1. Were all the Critical Elements performed satisfactorily?
Yes No 2. Was the task standard The operator's performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM, and has determined to be: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Comments:
Note: Any grade of UNSAT requires a Evaluator's Name: _______________Evaluator's Signature:
This JPM has the operator manually start up the 'A' Standby Gas Treatment System lAW OP-070-001 in preparation for the Quarterly HPCI Flow Verification NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON JPMG NOTE: Critical Element(s) indicated by
* in Performance Checklist.
* Number 1. Obtains procedure and reviews Obtains OP-070-001 procedure, prerequisites, and reviews precautions prerequisites, and
*2. (Step 2.2.3) At Panel OC681 , Depresses SGTS Clg OA Depress SGTS Clg OA Dmp HD07555A OPEN HD07555A OPEN Evaluator Note: HD07555A remains open for approximately 120 seconds after its pushbutton is released.
JPM steps 2-4 must be completed in expeditious manner to allow SGTS system start. If damper closes due to delay by applicant, roleplay as Unit Supervisor may be necessary to allow applicant to I repeat JPM steps 2-4. ,...--" 3. (Step 2.2.4) Observe SGTS Clg OA Observes SGTS Clg OA Dmp HD07555A OPENS to HD07555A OPENS allow suction flow path for start light out, red light of SGTS Fan A. *4. (Step 2.2.5) At panel OC681 , Start Places selector switch Standby Gas Treatment System SGTS Fan OV109A to A by placing selector switch for observes yellow light out, SGTS Fan OV109A to START light 5. (Step 2.2.6) When fan starts, Observes flow Observe flow increases
>3000 >3000 cfm on SGTS Air cfm on SGTS Air Flow I
NRC SSES INITIAL EXAM/NA TlON ELEMENT 6. (Step 2.2.7) Check following positioned as indicated: SGTS Makeup OA MODULATED/OPEN approximately 120 seconds after SGTS Fan OV109A started. SGTS Fan Inlet Dmp HD07552A FULL OPEN. c. SGTS A Inlet Dmp HD07553A FULL OPEN. 7. (Step 2.2.8) Vent desired system to SGTS Inlet Header as follows: For processing HPCI Barometric Condenser Vacuum Pump discharge, no further action required.
CUE: JPM is complete.
JPM Stop Time _____
Checks following positioned as indicated:
: a. SGTS Makeup OA Dmp FD07551A2 MODULATED/OPEN approximately 120 seconds after SGTS Fan OV109A started (yellow and red lights lit or only red light lit). b. SGTS Fan Inlet Dmp HD07552A FULL OPEN (yellow light out, red light /it). c. SGTS A Inlet Dmp HD07553A FULL OPEN (yel/ow light out, red light /it). Applicant recognizes that initiating cue directed manual start of Standby Gas Treatment System in preparation for Quarterly HPCI Flow Verification, and no i further action is required.
: 1. The plant is at 99% power 2. The Electric Plant is in a normal at-power line-up. 3. All precautions and prerequisites in OP-070-001 are met INITIATING CUE: Manually start the 'A' Standby Gas Treatment System in accordance with OP-070-001 in preparation for a Quarterly HPCI flow verification NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON JPMG HANDOUT PAGl; TASK CONDITIONS:
: 1. The plant is at 99% power 2. The Electric Plant is in a normal at-power line-up. 3. All precautions and prerequisites in OP-070-001 are met INITIATING CUE: Manually start the 'A' Standby Gas Treatment System in accordance with OP-070-001 in preparation for a Quarterly HPCI flow verification Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Job Performance APRM Gain JPM Designation: Revision Number: Date:
Note: This JPM is paired with JPM Developed Patel 05/25/11 Author Date Review By: Hedigan 01/05/12 Examiner Date Approved Caruso 01/05/12 Chief Examiner Date 
------JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE VALIDATION NOTE: All steps of this checklist should be performed upon initial validation.
Prior to JPM usage, revalidate JPM using steps 8 through 11 below. 1" Task description and number, JPM description and number are identified.
2" Knowledge and Abilities (KIA) references are included.
3" Performance location specified. (in-plant, control room, or simulator) 4" Initial setup conditions are identified. Initiating and terminating cues are properly identified. Task standards identified and verified by Examiner review. Critical steps meet the criteria for critical steps and are identified with an asterisk (*). Verify the procedure referenced by this JPM matches the most current revision of that procedure:
Procedure Rev. Date Pilot test the JPM: a. verify cues both verbal and visual are free of conflict, and b. ensure performance time is accurate. If the JPM cannot be performed as written with proper responses, then revise the JPM. When JPM is revalidated, Examiner sign and date JPM cover page.
: 1. Rev 3 JPM Setup Instructions:
: 1. Set Simulator to IC-396 if run with JPM F, or IC-397 if run alone.
* Actual power at 1 00%
* APRM 3 adjusted to indicate ",,97% 2. Bypass APRM 3. TASK STANDARD:
Successfully perform manual APRM GAF adjustments for APRM 3. TASK CONDITIONS:
: 1. The plant is at 100% CTP and power level is stable. 2. The Electric Plant is in a normal line-up. 3. Process Computer and PowerPlex operable and available to provide CTP data. INITIATING CUE: Perform manual APRM GAF adjustment of APRM 3. The calculated CTP value is 100%. APRM Channel 3 has already been bypassed by the PCO. Information for Evaluator's Use: UNSAT requires written comments on respective step.
* Denotes CRITICAL steps. Number any comments in the "Comment Number" column. Then annotate that comment in the "Comments" section. The comment section should be used to document the reason that a step is marked as unsatisfactory and to document unsatisfactory performance relating to management expectations.
Some operations that are performed from outside of the control room may require multiple steps. These items may be listed as individual steps in this JPM. It is acceptable for the candidate to direct the local operator to perform groups of procedure steps instead of calling for each individual item to be performed.
The timeclock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue. 
---Operator's Name: Job Title: D NLO [:lRO DSRO D STAD SRO Cert JPM Title: Perform APRM Gain Adjustment
..IPM Number: IH Revision Number: 0 KIA Number and Importance:
215005 A1.07 3.0/3.4 (RO/SRO) Suggested Testing Environment:
Simulator Actual Testing Environment:
Simulator Testing Method: Perform in Simulator Alternate Path: No Time Critical:
No Estimated Time to Complete:
15 min. Actual Time Used: minutes
: 1.
: 2. OP-178-002 Rev 2. EVALUATION
: 1. Were all the Critical Elements performed satisfactorily?
DYes D No 2. Was the task standard met? The operator's performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM, and has been determined to be: D Satisfactory D Unsatisfactory Comments:
Note: Any grade of UNSAT requires a Evaluator's Name: ______________Evaluator's Date: _____ 
This JPM has the operator perform manual APRM GAF adjustment of APRM 3 channel.
NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA JPMH NOTE: Critical Element(s) indicated by
* in Performance Checklist.
JPM Start Time ELEMENT I STANDARD SAT UNSAT Comment Number Obtains procedure and reviews Obtains determines section 2.2 and reviews Precautions, and I IF desired to perform manual APRM Applicant refers to GAF adjustment.
Perform the following: .. 3. Establish communication with Applicant uses plant Control Operator communication system establish contact with Evaluator Note: If the Applicant attempts to contact PCOM using the PA, tell the applicant not to use the page and that you will roll playas the PCO and SRO. (This is so another Applicant performing a JPM in the Simulator is not previe to the JPM being performed)
I NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON ELEMENT IF desired, RI3quest PCO bypass APRM to be adjusted.
AND Confirm at four 2/4 Voters, Bypassed LEDs for bypassed APRM ILLUMINATED.
*5. On appropriate APRM module, press ETC soft key as required until ENTER SET MODE is displayed above a soft key pushbutton across bottom of display. Press ENTER SET MODE soft key. *7. Enter password "1234" AND Press ENT. . *8. Confirm OPER-SET mode indicated on APRM or ODA. *9. Select APRM GAIN using (H) CURSOR keys to scroll. Press SET PARAMETERS Ensure APRM indicates PARAMETERS:
APRM STANDARD Applicant recognizes from initial conditions that APRM 3 is already bypassed.
Applicant confirms ALL four 2/4 Voters, Bypassed LEDs for APRM 3 are ILLUMINATED.
Evaluator Cue: APRM indicates bypassed on FOUR Evaluator Note: Only one voter is present at the APRM cabinet, so if the candidate inquires about the other voter, ABOVE evaluator cue maybe necessary.
Applicant recognizes from initial conditions that APRM 3 is bypassed On APRM 3 module, presses ETC soft key as required until ENTER SET MODE is displayed above a soft key
* pushbutton across bottom of display. Presses ENTER SET MODE soft key. Enteres password "1234" AND Presses ENT. Confirms OPER-SET mode
* indicated on APRM or ODA. Selects APRM GAIN using (j t) CURSOR keys to scroll. Presses SET PARAMETERS soft key.
* Ensures APRM indicates SET PARAMETERS:
APRM GAIN display. JPMH SAT UNSAT Comment Number i I i I NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON *12. Adjust the APRM GAIN DESIRED UNTIL PRO ..IECTED FLUX (%) is +/- 2% of calculated CTP. *13. Press ACCEPT soft key. 14. Confirm the APRM GAIN PRESENT changes to equal the APRM GAIN DESIRED. 15. Confirm ACTUAL FLUX (%) is +/- 2% of calculated CTP. 16. Press EXIT soft key. 17. Press EXIT SET MODE soft key. 18. Press YES soft key. 19. Confirm APRM upper display section indicates OPERATE on top right corner of display. I STANDARD SAT Adjust the APRM DESIRED PRO..IECTED FLUX (%) is 2% of calculated CTP 100% Evaluator Note: The left and right cursor are used to select DESIRED GAIN digit to modified.
The up and cursor keys will change value of the selected The PROJECTED FLUX and PROJECTED AGAF recalculated each time DESIRED GAIN value Presses ACCEPT soft key. Confirms the APRM PRESENT changes to the APRM GAIN Confirms ACTUAL FLUX (%) . is +/- 2% of calculated CTP. Presses EXIT soft key. Presses EXIT SET MODE soft key. Presses YES soft key. Confirms APRM display section I OPERATE on top right corner of display. UNSAT Comment Number i NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON JPMH ELEMENT STANDARD SAT UNSAT Comment Number 20. Ensure reading on NMSB display and APRM ODA reading within 2% of desired APRM reading. Ensures reading on I\IMSB display and APRM ODA reading within 2% of desired APRM reading. Evaluator Note: Applicant may contact control room to verify NMBS (PICY) displays APRM 3 within 2% of desired APRM reading. Below Evaluator Cue may be necessary.
Evaluator Cue: APRM 3 is reading within 2% of desired APRM readings.
: 21. IF required, Notify PCO APRM adjustment is complete APRM 3 may be removed from BYPASS position Applicant Notifies PCOM to remove APRM 3 from BYPASS condition AND Confirm at Al.L four 2/4 Voters BYPASSED LEDs NOT ILLUMINATED.
Evaluator Note: When Applicant requests bypassing APRM 3, end the JPM. 22. CUE: JPM is complete.
i ..!PM Stop Time ____
: 1. The plant is at 97% CTP and power level is stable. 2. The Electric Plant is in a normal line-up. 3. Process Computer and PowerPlex operable and available to provide CTP data. INITIATING CUE: Perform manual APRM GAF adjustment of APRM The calculated CTP value is APRM Channel 3 has already been bypassed by the NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON JPMH HANDOUT PAGE TASK CONDITIONS:
: 4. The plant is at 97% CTP and power level is stable. 5. The Electric Plant is in a normal line-up. 6. Process Computer and PowerPlex operable and available to provide CTP data. INITIATING CUE: Perform manual APRM GAF adjustment of APRM The calculated CTP value is APRM Channel 3 has already been bypassed by the Susquehanna Steam Electric Job Performance Measure Venting Unit 2 Scram Air Header during A TWS JPM Designation:
I (In-Plant)
Revision Number: 3 Date: _10/24/2011 Developed Patel 5/25/11 Author Date Review By: Hedigan 01/05/12 Examiner Date Approved By: Caruso 01/05/12 Chief Examiner Date JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE VALIDATION NOTE: All steps of this checklist should be performed upon initial validation.
Prior to JPM usage, revalidate JPM using steps 8 through 11 below. Task description and number, JPM description and number are identified. Knowledge and Abilities (KIA) references are included. Performance location specified. (in-plant, control room, or simulator) Initial setup conditions are identified. Initiating and terminating cues are properly identified. Task standards identified and verified by Examiner review. Critical steps meet the criteria for critical steps and are identified with an asterisk (*). Verify the procedure referenced by this .JPM matches the most current revision of that procedure:
Procedure Rev. Date ______ Pilot test the JPM: a. verify cues both verbal and visual are free of conflict, and b. ensure performance time is accurate. If the JPM cannot be performed as written with proper responses, then revise the JPM. 11. When JPM is revalidated, Examiner sign and date JPM cover page.
: 1. Rev 0 JPM Setup Instructions:
: 1. Provide GOpy of Local posted instructions upon applicant's request. TASK STANDARD:
Air supply valves to the Unit 2 scram air header simulated closed, with vent valve uncapped and TASK CONDITIONS:
: 1. Unit 2 has just received a reactor scram signal; however RPS has failed to actuate. 2. All control rods are withdrawn and power is -100 percent. 3. Both channels of RPS are energized.
: 4. Manual initizltion of ARI has failed to depressurize the Scram Air Header. INITIATING CUE: Vent the Unit 2 Scram Air Header to insert control rods. Notify Control Room just prior to venting scram air header. Information fClr Evaluator's UNSAT requires written comments on respective
* Denotes CRITICAL steps. Number any comments in the "Comment Number" column. Then annotate that comment in the "Comments" section. The comment section should be used to document the reason that a step is marked as unsatisfactory and to document unsatisfactory performance relating to management expectations.
Some operations that are performed from outside of the control room may require multiple steps. These items may be listed as individual steps in this JPM. It is acceptable for the candidate to direct the local operator to perform groups of procedure steps instead of calling for each individual item to be performed.
The time clock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue. 
--------Operator's Name: _______________________
_ Job Title: NLO RO SRO STAD SRO Cert JPM Title: Venting Unit 2 Scram Air Header during ATWS JPM Number: I Revision Number: 0 KIA Number and Importance:
295037 EA1.05 3.9/4.0 (RO/SRO) Suggested Testing Environment:
In Plant Simulation Actual Testing Environment:
In Plant Simulation Testing Method: Simulate in Plant Alternate Path: No Time Critical:
No Estimated Time to Complete:
15min. Actual Time Used: minutes
: 1. NUREG 1123,295037, EA1.05, RO/SRO 3.9/4.0 2. EO-200-113.
: 1. Were all the Critical Elements performed satisfactorily?
Yes No 2. Was the task standard met? The operator's performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM, and has been determined to be: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Comments:__________________________
_ Note: Any grade of UNSAT requires a Evaluator's Name: _____________Evaluator's Signature:
Applicant will vent Unit 2 Scram Air Header to insert control rods lAW local posted instructions.
NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TION NOTE: Critical Element(s) indicated by
* in Performance Checklist.
JPM Start Time _____ ELEMENT STANDARD SAT UNSAT Comment Number 1. Review local posted instructions.
EVALUATOR NOTE Applicant will use the local posted instructions to vent the Unit 2 Scram Air Header. EVALUATOR CUE Provide the applicant local posted instructions upon
* request. Applicant should identify that local posted instructions should be used. *2. Bypass the scram header block valves. Open ARI Solenoid Valve Bypass Valve 247021. -Undoes the locking mechanism
-Turns handle to the left 90&deg; *3. Isolate the Scram Air Header. Close SCRAM AIR SUPPLY Valves 247002A and 247002B. -Turns SCRAM AIR SUPPL Y Valves 2470002A and 247002B CLOCKWISE to CLOSE. EVALUATOR NOTE Since only one valve is normally open, the other valve should be checked closed. Whenapplicant request or takes action to report back to CR prior to venting then role playas RO to give permission to vent the scram air header.
NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON JPMI ELEMENT I STANDARD SAT I UNSAT ! Comment i Number *4. Vent off the Scram Air Header. Uncap and open SCRAM AIR HDR VENT Valve 247007. -Turns cap Counter Clockwise (Looking Up from floor to ceiling view) *5. Verify air is being vented. Check for air at discharge vent. EVALUATOR CUE I Inform applicant that the sound
* of air venting can be heard. 6. Notify Control Room that Air Header Contact Control Room by is vented. Radio or Page that air is venting from the 247007 i Valve. EVALUATOR CUE Inform applicant Control Room has been notified and all control rods have inserted.
: 1. Unit 2 has just received a reactor scram signal; however RPS has failed to actuate. 2. All control rods are withdrawn and power is -100 percent. 3. Both channels of RPS are energized.
: 4. Manual initiation of ARI has failed to depressurize the Scram Air Header. INITIATING CUE: Vent the Unit 2 Scram Air Header to insert control rods. Notify Control Room just prior to venting scram air header.
: 1. Unit 2 has just received a reactor scram signal; however RPS has failed to actuate. 2. All control rods are withdrawn and power is -100 percent. 3. Both channels of RPS are energized.
: 4. Manual initiation of ARI has failed to depressurize the Scram Air Header. INITIATING CUE: Vent the Unit 2 Scram Air Header to insert control rods. Notify Control Room just prior to venting scram air header.
Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Job Performance Measure Maintaining RCIC Suction Supply With Loss of AC and JPM Designation: Revision Number: Date:
Developed Chris Lall:y 4/29/11 Author Date Review By: Hedigan Examiner Approved By: Caruso Chief Examiner JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE VALIDATION NOTE: All steps of this checklist should be performed upon initial validation.
Prior to JPM usage, revalidate JPM using steps 8 through 11 below. Task description and number, JPM description and number are identified. Knowledge and Abilities (KIA) references are included. Performance location specified. (in-plant, control room, or simulator) Initial setup conditions are identified. Initiating and terminating cues are properly identified. Task standards identified and verified by Examiner review. Critical steps meet the criteria for critical steps and are identified with an asterisk (*). Verify the procedure referenced by this JPM matches the most current revision of that procedure:
Procedure Rev. Date ______ Pilot test the JPM: a. verify cues both verbal and visual are free of conflict, and b. ensure performance time is accurate. If the JPM cannot be performed as written with proper responses, then revise the JPM. 11. When JPM is revalidated, Examiner sign and date JPM cover page.
: 1. Rev 0 2. Rev 1: changed initial conditions to reflect loss of AC and DC power, and altered initiating cue to remove ambiguity
: 3. Rev 2: Revised following licensee review JPM Setup Instructions: Provide copy of ES-150-003, marked up to step 4.5.1 Provide copy of EO-1 00-030, marked up to step 2.15 TASK STANDARD:
RCIC suction aligned to Suppression Pool per ES-150-003, step 4.5.1.b TASK CONDITIONS: The plant is currently in a loss of all AC &DC power following an earthquake and small break LOCA RCIC was just placed in service per ES-150-003 for level control and CST inventory is low; RWST level is 60%. INITIATING CUE: Maintain RCIC suction supply by cross-tying the refuel water storage tank to Unit 1 and 2 CST's in accordance with ES-150-003 step 4.5.1.a Information for Evaluator's Use: UNSAT requires written comments on respective step.
* Denotes CRITICAL steps. Number any comments in the "Comment Number" column. Then annotate that comment in the "Comments" section. The comment section should be used to document the reason that a step is marked as unsatisfactory and to document unsatisfactory performance relating to management expectations.
Some operations that are performed from outside of the control room may require multiple steps. These items may be listed as individual steps in this JPM. It is acceptable for the candidate to direct the local operator to perform groups of procedure steps instead of calling for each individual item to be performed.
The timeclock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue. 
---Operator's Name: _______________________
_ Job Title: D NLO [J RO DSRO DSTA D SRO Cert JPM Title: Maintaining RCIC Suction Supply During 580 JPM Number: J Revision Number: 2 KIA Number and Importance:
217000 A2.16 RO 3.5 SRO 3.4 Suggested Testing Environment:
Plant Actual Testing Environment:
Testing Method: Simulated performance in plant Alternate Path: Yes Time Critical:
No Estimated Time to Complete:
25 min. Actual Time Used: minutes
: 1. NUREG 1123, 217000A2.16 RO 3.5 SRO 3.4 2. ES-150-003 Rev 7 3. EO-100-030 Rev 27 EVALUATION
: 1. Were all the Critical Elements performed satisfactorily?
DYes [] No 2. Was the task standard met? The operator's performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM, and has been determined to be: D Satisfactory D Unsatisfactory Comments:
Note: Any grade of UNSAT requires a comment. Evaluator's Name: ______________(Print) Evaluator's Signature:
This JPM has the operator perform actions of section 4.5.1.a of ES-150-003 to maintain RCIC suction during an SSO condition with a small break LOCA initiated by an earthquake.
The initial operator actions to cross-tie the RWST to CST will not be possible due to stuck valves., This will force the operator to manually align RCIC suction to the suppression pool using step 4.5.1.b of ES-150-003.
NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON JPMJ NOTE: Critical Element(s) indicated by
* in Performance Checklist.
JPM Start Time _____ ELEMENT 1. Obtains ES-150-003, step 4.5.1 and reviews 2. (ES-150-003 Step 4.5.1) IF inventory is low OR CST's RWST may be crosstied to Unit 1 and Unit 2 CST as directed in EO-100-030 Unit 1 RESPONSE TO A STATION BLACKOUT (Step 2.15 G) *3. (EO-100-030 Attachment G Step 1) CLOSE valve 105001 Cdsr Hotwell Level 4" Makeup Inlet Iso ALTERNATE PATH BEGINS HERE *4. (EO-1 00-030 Attachment G Step 2) CLOSE valve 105003 Cdsr Hotwell Level 12" Makeup Inlet Iso STANDARD SAT UNSAT Comment Number Applicant discusses where they would retrieve procedures References partially completed EO-100-030 at step 2.15. Goes to Attachment G, notes location and begins heading to first valve located at 10-656'. Applicant will find Valve 105001 Cdsr Hotwell Level 4" Makeup Inlet Iso is OPEN and will attempt to CLOSE the valve. Evaluator Cue: Valve is closed. ALTERNATE PA TH STARTS Applicant will find Valve 105003 Cdsr Hotwell Level 12" Makeup Inlet Iso is OPEN and will attempt to CLOSE the valve. Evaluator Cue: Valve is bound in its current position and will not reposition.
NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON JPMJ ELEMENT STANDARD SAT UNSAT Comment Number *Unable to complote valve alignment Evaluator Note: Upon noting that they cannot complete the valve alignment per Attachment G, applicant should report back to Unit Supervisor.
Roleplay as Unit Supervisor and acknowledge report. Applicant may recommend restoring valve lineup. Roleplay as unit supervisor and direct applicant to restore valve that was repositioned (valve restoration is NOT critical). (If recommended by applicant):
Evaluator Cue: Valve is open OPEN valve 105001 Cdsr Hotwell Level 4" Makeup Inlet Iso *5 . Applicant should recommend instead manually aligning RCIC suction to the suppression pool per 003, step 4.5.1.b. If applicant asks for direction, ask for their recommendation for next action (should reply with step 4.5.1.b).
NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON JPMJ , STANDARD SAT UNSAT I Comment I Number *6. (ES-150-003 Step 4.5.1.b) RCIC Evaluator Note: If prompted suction may be aligned to the by applicant Att C is being Suppression Pool as follows (if allowed performed by a separate by plant conditions, Attachment C may operator.
be performed prior to the realignment):
(1) Open 10254041 RCIC PUMP (1) Simulates Opening SUCTION CST SUPPL Y VL V 10254041 RCIC HV-149F010 BKR (27-670')
PUMP SUCTION CST (2) Open 10254042 RCIC SUPPL Y VLV SUCTION SUPP POOL 149F010 BKR SUPPL Y VL V HV-149F031 BKR Evaluator Cue: The breaker (3) Open RCIC PUMP is SUPP POOL SUPPL Y VLV (2) Simulates Opening 149F031 (28-645')
10254042 RCIC (4) Close RCIC PUMP PUMP CST SUPPL Y VLV HV-149F01 0 SUPP POOL (28-645')
VLV HV-149F031 (27-670')Supply cooling for lube cooler and barometric Evaluator Cue: The condenser from Fire Protection is System, in accordance (3) Simulates engaging Attachment C MOV clutch and Opening RCIC PUMP SUCTION SUPP POOL SUPPL Y VL V HV-149F031 (28-645')
Evaluator Cue: The valve is open Simulates engaging MOV clutch and Closes RCIC PUMP SUCTION CST SUPPLY VLV 149F010 (28-645')
Evaluator Cue: The valve is closed I CUE: JPM is I I NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON JPMJ JPM Stop Time _____ HANDOUT PAGt; TASK CONDITIONS: The plant is currently in a loss of all AC & DC power following an earthquake and small break LOCA RCIC was just placed in service per ES-150-003 for level control and CST inventory is low, RWST level is 60%. INITIATING CUE: Maintain RCIC suction supply by cross-tying the refuel water storage tank to Unit 1 and 2 CST's in accordance with ES-150-003 step 4.5.1.a NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINATION JPMJ HANDOUT PAGE TASK CONDITIONS: The plant is currently in a loss of all AC & DC power following an earthquake and small break LOCA RCIC was just placed in service per ES-150-003 for level control and CST inventory is low, RWST level is 60%. INITIATING CUE: Maintain RCIC suction supply by cross-tying the refuel water storage tank to Unit 1 and 2 CST's in accordance with ES-150-003 step 4.5.1.a Susquehanna Steam Electric Job Performance Measure Secure Non-Class 1E 250 VDC loads lAW EO-100-030 JPM Designation:
K (In-Plant)
Revision Number: 3 Date: _10/24/2011 Developed Patel 5/25/11Author Date Review 8y: Hedigan 01/05/12 Examiner Date Approved Caruso 01/05/12 Chief Examiner Date JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE VALIDATION NOTE: All steps of this checklist should be performed upon initial validation.
Prior to JPM usage., revalidate JPM using steps 8 through 11 below. Task description and number, JPM description and number are identified. Knowledge and Abilities (KIA) references are included. Performance location specified. (in-plant, control room, or simulator) Initial setup conditions are identified. Initiating and terminating cues are properly identified. Task standards identified and verified by Examiner review. Critical steps meet the criteria for critical steps and are identified with an asterisk (*). Verify the procedure referenced by this JPM matches the most current revision of that procedure:
Procedure Rev. Date ______ Pilot test the JPM: a. verify cues both verbal and visual are free of conflict, and b. ensure performance time is accurate. If the JPM cannot be performed as written with proper responses, then revise the JPM. 1"'. When JPM is revalidated, Examiner Sign and date JPM cover page.
: 1. Rev 0 ..IPM Setup Instructions:
: 1. Provide marked up copy of EO-100-030 TASK STANDARD:
Secure Non-Class 1 E 250 V DC loads during SSO condition.
: 1. The plant is currently in a station blackout condition following an earthquake and small break LOCA. RO INITIATING CUE: This is a time critical ..IPM. It has been 30 minutes since the station blackout condition; you are directed by shift supervisor to secure Non-Class 1 E 250 V DC loads lAW EO-100-030 step 2.12. SRO INITIATING CUE: This is a time critical ..IPM. It has been 30 minutes since the station blackout condition; you are directed by shift supervisor to secure Non-Class 1 E 250 V DC loads lAW EO-100-030 Information for Evaluator's UNSAT requires written comments on respective
* Denotes CRITICAL steps. Number any comments in the "Comment Number" column. Then annotate that comment in the "Comments" section. The comment section should be used to document the reason that a step is marked as unsatisfactory and to document unsatisfactory performance relating to management expectations.
Some operations that are performed from outside of the control. room may require multiple steps. These items may be listed as individual steps in this .JPM. It is acceptable for the candidate to direct the local operator to perform groups of procedure steps instead of calling for each individual item to be performed.
The timeclock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue.
NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON JPMK NOTE: Critical Element(s) indicated by
* in Performance Checklist.
JPM Start Time (Record Start of JPM Time when applicant acknowledges the initiating cue) Official start time for Time Critical JPM ELEMENT STANDARD ! SAT UNSAT Comment Number Review EO-100-030, Step 2.12. Applicant reviews Step and recognizes Secure Non-Class 1 E 250 volt Attachment F is loads, by marking 30 minutes from start of SBO and performing Attachment F. i 2. Applicant will review cautions Applicant recognizes time Attachment F. critical procedural Caution (2): If lube oil pumps Evauator cue: Lube oil shed in less than 30 have been running since equipment damage is more likely start of the station occur. Shedding loads in more 45 minutes may result in capacity less than 4 *3. Open Bkr 10662-23, 72-66223 Turb Applicant opens Bkr Bldg CC 10165 at Location 12-771' 23, 72-66223 Turb Bldg 10165 at Location -Pushes Trip/reset button for Bkr 10662 Evauator cue: Loud noise is heard and Bkr indication changes to Green "Open" *4. Open Bkr 10652-23, 72-66223 Turb Applicant opens Bkr Bldg CC 1D155 at Location 12-771' 23, 72-66223 Turb Bldg 1D155 at Location -Pushes Trip/reset button for Bkr 10652 Evauator cue: Loud noise is heard and Bkr indication changes to Green "Open" i I NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON ELEMENT *5. Open Bkr 10652-24, 72-65224 Computer UPS 10656 at Location 12-771' EVALUATOR CUE This completes the JPM. JPM Stop Time _____ STANDARD Applicant opens Bkr 24, 72-65224 Computer UPS 106565 at Location 12-771' -Pushes Trip/reset button for Bkr 10652 Evauator cue: Loud noise is heard and Bkr indication changes to Green "Open" NOTE: Verify applicant completed JPM within 15 minutes. SAT UNSAT Comment I . Number i NRC SSES INITIAL JPMK HANDOUT PAGE TASK CONDITIONS:
: 1. The plant is currently in a station blackout condition following an earthquake and small break LOCA. RO INITIATING CUE: This is a time critical JPM. It has been 30 minutes since the station blackout condition; you are directed by shift supervisor to secure Non-Class 1E 250 V DC loads lAW EO-100-030 step 2.12.
: 1. The plant is currently in a station blackout condition following an earthquake and small break LOCA. SRO INITIATING CUE: This is a time critical JPM. It has been 30 minutes since the station blackout condition; you are directed by shift supervisor to secure Non-Class 1 E 250 V DC loads lAW EO-1 00-030.
Appendix Scenario Outline Form ES-O-1 Facility:
Susquehanna Scenario No.: Op-Test No.:
Initial Conditions:
Unit 1 68% power, EOl, 'B' Condensate Pump out of service for motor replacement Unit 2 60% for waterbox cleaning and rod pattern exchange Turnover:
Shift orders are to swap from 1 A SW pump to 1 C SW pump to allow vibration readings to be taken on 1 C SW pump and maintain power with Recirc to compensate for Xenon. Event Malf. No. No. N/A mfNM178007B f:125 mfHP152004 RD 1550043027 RD1550063027 mfFW144003D mfFW144005D cmfAV01_XV147F01 1 mfRD155017 Sl153002 PM02_1 P208A Additional rods stuck out, see malf page cmfPM03 1 P113A cmfPM07-1 P113B cmfBR04-1A10101 cmfNB01_LlSB211 N 031A2B, cmfRl01 e111K79B cmfPM03 'I P132A NRC Scenario #1 Event Type* N I-ATC, TS-SRO C-BOP, TS-SRO TS-SRO C-ATC C-BOP R-ATC C-ATC, TS-SRO M-All C-ATC C-BOP C-ATC, Swap running SW pumps from 1A to 1 C APRM 2 Fails High Inadvertent start of HPCI Rod drifts in to position 10 'D' Condensate Pump trip with failed runback loose SDV Inboard Drain Air Fitting Hydraulic ATWS I stuck rods, 'A' SlC pump relief valve lift, Failure of 'B' SLC pump on thermal overloads EHC pump failure causes turbine trip and loss of bypass valves, failure of 11A Aux Bus to fast transfer RCIC Auto Initiation Failure Running CRD Pump Trips Page 1 of 40 Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test 11 mfHP152015 IMF mfRC150011 lOR diHSC121S12 d:1.20 f:OFF lOR diHSC1.21S10 d:1.20 f:OFF C-BOP HPCI Turbine Trips requiring performance of ED RCIC trips on injection Prevent further rod insertion
* IN)onnal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor Page 2 of 40 NRC Scenario #1 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions Scenario Summary Event 1: The crew begins with the plant at 68% power. As part of turnover, the crew is directed to swap running Service Water pumps from 1 A to 1 C to allow maintenance to take vibration readings on 1 C Service Water pump. Event 2: Once the Service Water pump swap is complete, APRM 2 fails Upscale. The crew will take action per alarm response to bypass the APRM and the SRO will reference Tech Specs. Priority is to declare APRM 2 inoperable and bypass APRM 2. Event 3: Once the Tech Spec call is complete for the failed APRM, HPCI will start inadvertently.
The crew will take action per ON-156-001 and OP-152-001 to override HPCI injection.
The SRO will declare HPCI inoperable and ensure RCIC operability.
Priority is to override HPCI, declare HPCI inoperable, and ensure RCIC operability.
Event 4: Once the crew overrides HPCI injection, the scram outlet valve for control rod 30-27 leaks by, causing control rod 30-27 to slowly drift in. However, due to high channel friction, the control rod stops at position 10 and must be fully inserted.
The crew will respond by using 155-001, control rod problems.
Since the rod drifted in and did not go to position 00, 001 and Tech Specs direct insertion of the rod to 00 and disarming of the HCU. This will be accomplished by sequentially raising drive header D/P until the control rod inserts. CRS will address Tech Specs for the inoperable control rod. Priority is to declare rod inoperable, fully insert, and disarm it. Event 5: Once the control rod Tech Spec call is complete, the '0' Condensate Pump will trip on overcurrent.
Both recirc pumps will fail to run back, and the crew must perform this manually.
Additional actions require monitoring for position on power/flow map and for indications of power oscillations.
Priority is to initiate manual recirc runback and monitor power/flow map and APRM for indications of power/flow instabilities.
Event 6: During the manual recirc runback, an air fitting for SV-147-F009 disconnects, causing the inboard SDV drain valve to fail closed. CRS will address Tech Specs for the failed closed valve. With the SDV drain valve closed, the SDV will slowly fill due to normal HCU valve by and the leaking outlet scram valve for control rod 30-27. The disconnected air fitting cannot be quickly remedied, and the scram discharge volume level quickly fills to the rod block and eventually the scram setpoints.
The crew will respond proactively to the SDV filling by scramming the reactor. Due to a partially plugged SDV, when the mode switch is taken to SHUTDOWN, control rods only partially insert, resulting in a hydraulic ATWS. Priority is to take decisive action to scram the reactor before the automatic scram from high scram discharge volume level. Events 7*11: The crew will enter EO-100-113 for power/level control. During power reduction actions, the recirc pumps will be tripped. When the B recirc pump is tripped, the 1 B CRD pump trips, requiring operators to later start the 1 A CRD pump to enable control rod insertion.
The CRS will then direct injection of SBLC. The 'A' SBLC discharge relief valve will lift, preventing injection.
The crew will recognize this and swap to the 'B' SBLC pump which will run for approximately 30 seconds, and then trip on thermal overloads.
The crew will then direct SBLC injection using RCIC in accordance with ES-150-002.
When ATC has stabilized reactor water level with feedwater, the 1A EHC pump will trip and the 1 B EHC pump will fail to start, resulting in a turbine trip with loss of bypass capability.
This will result in use of SRV's for pressure control and entry into EO-100-103, PC control due to rising suppression pool temperature, and Page 3 of 40 NRC Scenario #1 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions direction to place suppression pool cooling in service. Additionally, 11A Aux Bus auto transfer will fail during the turbine trip, resulting in the loss of the two remaining condensate pumps and transition of level control to HPCI/RCIC.
EO-1 00-113 will direct insertion of control rods by multiple means. A malfunction of the CRD flow control valve will prevent raising cooling water DIP; preventing drifting in of control rods using the cooling header. Manual control rod insertion per EO-1 00-113 will be performed to insert control rods. Once approximately four control rods have been inserted, HPCI will trip, requiring the crew to use RCIC for level control. RCIC was overridden per procedure for level reduction, but will also fail to auto initiate.
RCIC will start via manual operator actions and trip once the turbine comes up to speed and begins injecting.
Further rod insertion will also no longer be possible due to malfunction of the rod insertion push buttons. RPV will lower to -161" (TAF) forcing the crew to enter EO-1 00-112 Rapid Depressurization due to inability to restore and maintain level >-161". Actions will be directed in the field to bypass ARI and RPS. Once the rapid depressurization is performed and level control is being established using low pressure ECCS, the ATC will be able to reset the Scram to begin venting and draining the SDV, and then re-SCRAM the reactor to insert all control rods. The scenario may be terminated when the A TWS has been terminated with low pressure ECCS injection being used for level control. Target Quantitative Attributes (Per Scenario; See Section D.S.d) Actual Attributes
: 1. Total malfunctions (5-8) 7 2. Malfunctions after EOP entry (1-2) 2 Grmal events (2-4) 3 4. Major transients (1-2) 1 5. EOPs entered/requiring substantive actions (1-2) EO-100-1021E0-100-103 2 6. EOP contingencies requiring substantive actions (0-2) EO-1 00-113/EO-1 00-112 2 7. Critical tasks (2-3) 3 Page 4 of 40 NRC Scenario #1 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions Critical Tasks 1.
* Inserts control rods lAW EO-100-113 Sht. 2. Safety Significance Control rod insertion initiates power reduction immediately Consequences for Failure to Perform Task Failure to insert control rods allows power to remain elevated with resultant power oscillations and potential core damage. Indications/Cues for Event Requiring Critical Task Exceeding a RPS scram setting with NO reactor scram signal, or RPS/ARI fail to fully insert all control rods. Performance Criteria Insert Control Rods by one or more of the following Maximize CRD to drift control Drive control rods after bypassing Reset and Scram again by performing ES-158-002 Bypass RPS logic Performance Feedback Successful insertion of control rods will be indicated Rod position full in indication for manual insertion of control rods, venting scram air header de-energizing RPS Rod position full in after resetting scram, draining scram discharge volume and Page 5 of 40 NRC Scenario #1 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions
: 2.
* Inhibits ADS and Lowers RPV level to <*60" but >-161". Safety Significance Inhibiting ADS prevents uncontrolled injection of large amounts of relatively cold, unborated low pressure ECCS water when the reactor is not shutdown with control rods. Core damage due to unstable operation can be prevented or at least mitigated by promptly reducing feedwater flow so that level is lowered below the feedwater spargers.
Consequences for Failure to Perform Task A General Electric Company study (1\IEDO-32047) indicates that the major threat to fuel integrity from A TWS is caused by large amplitude power/flow instabilities.
The power oscillations can become large enough to cause melting of fuel in high power bundles. Failure to inhibit ADS can result in large amounts of positive reactivity addition due to boron dilution and cold water injection.
SSES EOP Basis for: IF INITIAL ATWS PWR > OR CANNOT BE INJECT INHIBIT When scram and ARI have failed, reactor power must be considered to determine if immediate boron injection is required.
If initial A TWS power was greater than 5%, then a relatively large number of control rods have failed to insert. The seriousness of this condition requires immediate injection of boron to positively terminate the A TWS event. ADS initiation may result in the injection of large amounts of relatively cold, unborated water from low pressure injection systems. With the reactor either critical or shutdown on boron, the positive reactivity addition due to boron dilution and temperature reduction through the injection of cold water may result in a reactor power excursion large enough to cause substantial core damage. Preventing ADS is therefore appropriate whenever boron injection is required. MAINTAIN LVL BETWEEN -60" AND USING TABLE 15 BYPASSING INTERLOCKS AS NECESSARY lAW This step identifies the widest, acceptable water level control band. Although level fluctuations within this band are safe, it is very desirable to maintain level within the more restrictive target area of -110" to -60". The target area and expanded band are shown in Figure 8, Water Level Operation Guidance.
The intent of this step is to remain within the target band at all times unless prohibited by system perturbations, and remain within the expanded band at al/ times. Page 6 of 40 NRC Scenario #1 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions Operation outside the target area has the following disadvantages:
The basis for an upper level of -60" is given in LQIL-6. A lower level of -110" is specified for the following reasons: Provides a margin for core coverage. Avoids operation near TAF where core power is more responsive to RPV pressure fluctuations. Makes level control easier by maintaining level above the narrow region of the downcomer.
Below -110" the downcomer free area reduces from 300 If to 88 If resulting in increased magnitude of indicated level oscillations. Maintains sufficient core flow to carry liquid boron from lower plenum upward into the core. As level is decreased below -110", boron mixing efficiency is reduced because the natural circulation flow rate through the jet pumps is reduced and not as efficient at carrying the injected boron from the lower plenum upward into the core. At very low downcomer water levels near or below top of active fuel, there is little water available in the region above the jet pump throat for mixing with boron injected via RC/C. In this situation, there is concern that boron may accumulate in the stagnant region of the downcomer which is below the jet pump throat. Water level can be determined from wide range level instrumentation. Avoids MSIV isolation setpoint of -129". RPV level below TAF is not, by itself, a determination of whether or not level can be maintained
> -161". The determination that level cannot be maintained>
-161" must be made based upon:
* availability of high pressure injection systems, and,
* present level trend This decision must not be made prematurely since depressurization of a critical core results in destabilizing affects and has a potential to cause core damage. Controlling reactor pressure, power and level with condensate and SRVs at 500 psig is difficult because all 3 parameters affect each other. Therefore, rapid depressurization is recommended when high pressure injection cannot be obtained.
Page 7 of 40 NRC Scenario #1 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions The initial influence of reactor depressurization is stabilizing since the additional flashing of liquid phase required for depressurization introduces excess voids in the reactor core which can essentially terminate the fission process if the rate of depressurization is high enough. Once the depressurization is complete, however, the result is the immediate initiation of power excursions.
Core damage is expected to occur from high clad stresses induced by: temperature excursions above the rewet temperature, PCI, cyclic fatigue, burnout or having the fuel enthalpy exceed the cladding failure threshold.
Indications/Cues for Event Requiring Critical ATWS with initial reactor power level greater than 5% APRM Performance Inhibit ADS by placing 1C60'I keylock switches to Lower reactor water level by manually controlling injection rate from Feedwater, HPCI Performance Successful ADS inhibiting is indicated by Green Indicating Light at switch Lowering water level to -60 to -110 inches will result in power level lowering as indicated on Average Power Range Page 8 of 40 NRC Scenario #1 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions
: 3.
* Stops and prevents injection except from SLC and CRD IPerform Rapid Depressurization when RPV level cannot be restored and maintained>
-161 II Safety Significance Loss of injection systems impacts the ability to provide continued adequate core cooling through core submergence based on inventory loss. Uncontrolled injection of relatively cold, unborated water into the RPV with the core not shutdown will cause a power spike. Uncontrolled criticality and possible significant fuel damage may result from the injection.
Consequences for Failure to Perform Task Failure to take the EOP actions will result in uncovering the core and breach of the fuel clad due to SSES EOP Basis for: LQ/L-14 LVL CANNOT BE RESTORED AND MAINTAINED>
-161" 1 GO TO LQ/L-18 2 GO TO RAPID DEPRESS This step is applicable to all subsequent steps within this flowpath.
It remains applicable to those steps until flowchart is exited. The intent of this step is to specify the limit when rapid depressurization of the RPV is appropriate despite the possibility of creating power/flow instabilities at low pressure.
Depressurizing a critical core results in destabilizing effects and has a potential to cause core damage. The initial influence of reactor depressurization is stabilizing since the additional flashing of liquid phase required for depressurization introduces excess voids in the reactor core which can essentially terminate the fission process if the rate of depressurization is high enough. Once the depressurization is complete, however, the result is the immediate initiation of power excursions.
Core damage is expected to occur from high clad stresses induced by: temperature excursions above the rewet temperature, PCI, cyclic fatigue, burnout or having the fuel enthalpy exceed the cladding failure threshold.
Core destabilizing effects are mitigated by boron injection.
Therefore, the decision to perform rapid depressurization must not be made too early since an earlier RD results in less boron being present in the RPV when the RD is taken. While the goal is to perform the RD as close to -161" as possible, the wording of the step gives flexibility to perform the action after reaching -161". The determination that level cannot be restored and maintained>
-161" must be based upon:
* availability of high pressure injection systems, and Page 9 of 40 NRC Scenario #1 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions
* present level trend For example, level may have dropped below -161", but the level trend shows that it will be able to be recovered above the limit. In this case, rapid depressurization should be deferred.
Controlling reactor pressure, power and level with condensate and SRVs at 500 psig is difficult because all 3 parameters affect each other. Therefore, rapid depressurization is recommended when high pressure injection cannot be obtained. (
* HPCI Injection into the RPV is stopped and prevented, while rapid RPV depressurization proceeds, in order to prevent uncontrolled injection of cold water as RPV pressure decreases below the shutoff head of operating system pumps. Injection from boron injection systems and CRD is not terminated because operation of these systems may be needed to establish and maintain reactor shutdown.
Further, the injection flowrates from these systems are small compared to those of the other Table 15 systems. Injection from RCtC is not stopped because the injection f10wrate from this system is small. Injection from HPCI is permitted to avoid potential isolation and minimize the transient that may occur when RPV injection is restored.
It also helps reduce RPV pressure by spraying cold water into the steam space. Indications/Cues for Event Requiring Critical Task Loss of or insufficient high pressure injection sources with Reactor water level trending downward, eventually indicating less than the top of active fuel height on the Fuel Zone Level Indicator.
Performance Criteria If any system is injecting, other than the exceptions listed, this step requires that these systems stop injection.
All injection systems other than the exceptions listed must be prevented from injection.
For feedwater, this would mean tripping feedwater pumps or closing their discharge valves. For condensate, this would mean preventing injection below RPV pressure of 600 psig using valves or if needed, tripping condensate pumps. Page 10 of 40 NRC Scenario #1 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions For RHR and Core Spray this would require preventing injection in accordance with overriding section of their respective operating procedures.
Perform a Rapid Depressurization per EO-1 00-112 when water level cannot be restored or maintained>
-161" as read on the Fuel Zone Instrument.
Initiate ADS I Manually open all 6 ADS valves Performance Feedback RPV injection from systems not listed as exceptions is either stopped or Initiating a rapid depressurization causes Reactor pressure to lower to the shutoff head of low pressure injection systems allowing water level to rise on the Fuel Zone and Wide level Verify ADS valves are open using light red light indication, acoustic monitoring and Reactor pressure and rising reactor water The success path for ATWS termination is control rod insertion and resetting/scramming Page 11 of 40 NRC Scenario #1 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions The scenario may be terminated once the ATWS has been terminated with level control low pressure ECCS and upon direction of the Chief Examiner ITEM I MALFUNCTION I REMOTE FUNCTION I CONDITION Ensure NRC1 IC, scenario files, and trigger files are loaded on the server -387.ic and relap_snap_387 copied in applicable IC folder -NRC1.scn file is copied in applicable SCN folder -NRC1 thru NRC1 and NRC1 ET1.scn thru NRC1 ETG.scn files copied in applicable ET folder Reset simulator to Scenario IC-387 Take out of FREEZE and run scenario file NRC1, then ensure the following:
Reactor Power is 68% with stable reactor water level 'B' Condensate Pump indication out, all other equipment is OPERABLE 'B' CRD Pump in service Apply Information Tags on the following
-'B' Condensate Ensure materials for applicants: Markup of GO-1 00-012 (complete through step Turnover 68% power. 910 MWe GO-100-012 complete through step 5.3.16 Inserted control rods per CRC steps 185 -177, then reduced flow. 'B' Condensate Pump is out of service for repairs 'D' Circ Water Pump was shutdown as part of GO-1 00-012 actions Swap SW Pumps so maintenance can take vibration readings on 1 C SW Pump. Page 12 of 40 NRC Scenario #1 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions v" ITEM I MALFUNCTION I REMOTE FUNCTION I CONDITION
* Ensure the following malfunctions are loaded: -IMF mfRD155017
-IMF mfRD1550063027 f:10 -IMF cmfNB01_LlSB211 N031A2B IMF cmfRL01_e111 K79B -IMF mfRD1550063423 f:48 -IMF mfRD1550063427 f:48 -IMF mfRD1550063431 f:48 IMF mfR01550063435 f:48 IMF mfR01550063439 f:48 -IMF mfR01550063827 f:48 -IMF mfR01550063835 f:48 -IMF mfR01550064223 f:48 IMF mfR01550064239 f:48 -IMF cmfPM07 1 P113B SDV Plugging/Hydraulic ATWS Control Rod 30-27 stuck rod at position 10 RCIC Level 2 Contact Fails to Activate RCIC Auto Initiation Failure Rod 34-23 stuck at position 48 Rod 34-27 stuck at position 48 Rod 34-31 stuck at position 48 Rod 34-35 stuck at position 48 Rod 34-39 stuck at position 48 Rod 38-27 stuck at position 48 Rod 38-35 stuck at position 48 Rod 42-23 stuck at position 48 Rod 34-39 stuck at position 48 1 B EHC Pump Breaker Fails as is
* Ensure the following remote functions are loaded: -IRF crfPM13_1P102Bf:OUT
'B' condensate pump breaker racked out
* Ensure the following overrides are loaded: -IMF mfFW144005D
-IMF cmfBR04_1A10101
-IMF mfRC150001
-IMF cmfPM05 1P208A No runback on "0" Cond Pp Trip AUX XFMR 11 to bus 11A Bkr Auto Logic Fails RPV Low Water Level Relay fail de-energized
'A' SLC Pp Shaft Shear Page 13 of 40 NRC Scenario #1 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions ITEM I MALFUNCTION I REMOTE FUNCTION I CONDITION
* Ensure the following triggers are built: NRC1 ET1, deletes 30-27 stuck rod and reduces its scram outlet valve leakage when Drive Water DP is raised to 375 psig: NRC1 (aoPDIC12-1 R602.CurrValue
>= 375) -NRC1 ET1.scn (DMF mfRD1550063027 and MMF mfRD1550133027 f:0.5) NRC1 ET 2, fails CRD Flow Control Valve when Mode Switch is taken Shutdown to prevent drifting rods later with -NRC1 (diHSC72A 1 S01. CurrValue
= #ORdiHSC72A 1 S01.SHUTDN)
-NRC1 ET2.scn IMF cmfAV04_FV146F002A d:60 f:1 NRC1 ET 3, trips '8' SLC Pp 30 sec after initiation switch taken to -NRC1 (diHSS14804.
= #ORdiHSS14804.START -NRC1 ET3.scn (IMF cmfPM02_1 P2088 NRC1 ET 4, trips '8' CRD Pp when '8' Recirc Pp 'STOP' button is depressed
-NRC1 (diHS14001B.CurrValue
= #ORdiHS140018.STOP)
-NRC1 ET 4.scn (IMF cmfPM03_1 P132B) NRC1 ET 5, deletes the loss of air to SDV liB Drain Vlv when RPV level reaches -60": -NRC1 (aoLl8211R604.CurrValue
<= -NRC1 ET5.scn (DMF NRC1 ET 6, trips RCIC when flow exceeds 300 -NRC1 (aoFIE511 R6001.CurrValue
> -NRC1 ET6.scn (IMF Page 14 of 40 NRC Scenario #1 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions
,/ ITEM I MALFUNCTION I REMOTE FUNCTION I CONDITION Ensure the following Soft Keys are built: {Key(1]} scn NRC1A Swap SW Trip Enable Switches {Key[2]} IMF mfNM178007B f:125 APRM 2 Fails High {Key[3]} IMF mfHP152004 Inadvertent Start of HPCI {Key(4J} IMF mfRD1550133027 f:8 Rod 30-27 Scram Outlet Vlv Leakage {Key[5]} IRF rfRD1550073027 f:DISARM Hydraulically disarm Rod 30-27 {Key[6]} IMF mfFW144003D D Cond Pump Trip {Key[7]} IMF cmfAV02_XV147F011 Loose SDV lIB Drain Air Fitting {Key[7]} MMF mfRD1550133027 f: 1 00 Rod 30-27 Scram Outlet Vlv Leak rises {Key[7]) IMFmfRD15501 03027 d:300 f:50 Rod 30-27 Scram Inlet Vlv Leakage {Key[8]} IMF cmfPM03_1P113A A EHC Pump Motor Short Circuit {Key[8]} IMF mfTC193025 d:120 Fails BPVs closed {Key[9]} IRF rfRD155017 f:O 146F034 Charging Water Iso Closed {Key[ 1 OJ} I RF rfRD 1550 17 f: 100 146F034 Charging Water Iso Open {Key[11]}
scn batch1\ RPBDISABLARI Opens ARI Bkrs lAW ES-158-002
IMF mfHP152015 HPCI Turbine Trip {Key[12]}
lOR diHSC121S12 d:120 f:OFF Override Cant Insert Push Button Off {Key[12]}
lOR diHSC121S10 d:120 f:OFF Override Insert Push Button Off {Key[13]}
scn batch1\ RPB.ES158002 Bypasses RPS lAW ES-158-002
DMF mfRD155017 Delete Brown's Ferry ATWS {Key[14)}
DMF mfRD1550063423 Deletes stuck rod 34-23 {Key[14]}
DMF mfRD1550063427 Deletes stuck rod 34-27 {Key[14]}
DMF mfRD1550063431 Deletes stuck rod 34-31 {Key[14]}
DMF mfRD1550063435 Deletes stuck rod 34-35 {Key[14]}
DMF mfRD1550063439 Deletes stuck rod 34-39 {Key[14]}
DMF mfRD1550063827 Deletes stuck rod 38-27 {Key[14)}
DMF mfRD1550063835 Deletes stuck rod 38-35 {Key[14]}
DMF mfRD1550064223 Deletes stuck rod 42-23 {Key[14]}
DMF mfRD1550064239 Deletes stuck rod 42-39
* Ensure NRC1A loads: IRF rfSW111 044
+10 IRF rfSW111046 +20 IRF rfSW111 051
* Reset any annunciators that should not be present Page 15 of 40 NRC Scenario #1 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions INSTRUCTIONS FOR SIMULATOR OPERATOR EVENT 1: Swapping SW pumps MALFUNCTION I REMOTE FUNCTION I REPORT
* Per section 2.7 of OP-111-001, respond as operators during swap of Service Water pumps Using P&ID SW1, when asked to: Close 109006 for 1 C SW Pp, click on the valve and use the remote function to close it. When valve indicates closed, report 109006 is closed Open 109006 1 C SW Pp, click on the valve and use the remote function to open it. When valve indicates open, report 109006 is open Close 109004 1 A SW Pp, click on the valve and use the remote function to close it. When valve indicates closed, report 109004 is closed Open 109004 1 A SW Pp, click on the valve and use the remote function to open it. When valve indicates open, report 109004 is open
* Depress Soft Key #1 to activate scn NRC1A when directed to reposition the service water pump breaker trip enable switches per OP-111-001 2.7.12 and 2.7.13. When file is done running, report: HSS-10901A1 on 1A10106 for 'A' SW Pp is in Trip Enable HSS-10901C1 on 1A10113 for 'c' SW Pp is in Off HSS*10901C2 on 1A10213 for 'C' SW Pp is in Trip Enable
* Respond to request for assistance as appropriate EVENT 2: APRM 2 Fails Upscale MALFUNCTION I REMOTE FUNCTION I REPORT
* When SW pump swap complete and chief examiner ready to proceed, click Soft Key 2 to insert IMF mfNM178007B f:125 for APRM 2 high failure
* As NPO sent to the relay room, report that all four voters have an APRM 2 vote and APRM 2 indicates it is upscale Respond to request for assistance as appropriate
* When APRM 2 bypassed, TS call complete, and chief examiner ready to proceed, click Soft Key 3 to insert IMF mfHP152004 for inadvertent HPCI start Respond to request for assistance as appropriate Page 16 of 40 NRC Scenario #1 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test I Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions EVENT 4: Rod 30-27 Drifts In to Position 10 ./ MALFUNCTION I REMOTE FUNCTION I REPORT
* When HPCI overridden, TS call complete, and chief examiner ready to proceed, click Soft Key 4 to insert IMF mfR01550133027 f:8 to drift control rod 30-27 in
* As NPO dispatched to HCU 30-27, report that the Outlet scram valve line is hot
* Acknowledge request to disarm HCU 30-27, wait 5 minutes then Click Soft Key 5 to insert IRF rfR01550073027 f:OISARM, and report disarming Rod 30-27 is complete
* As FIN Team sent to investigate, acknowledge the request, wait five minutes and report that the Scram Outlet Valve for 30-27 is leaking and you will discuss possible repairs with your supervision
* Respond to request for assistance as appropriate EVENT 5: '0' Condensate Pump Trip with Failed Runback ./ MALFUNCTION I REMOTE FUNCTION I REPORT
* Once control rod 30-27 is disarmed, the Tech Spec call is complete, and when chief examiner ready to proceed, activate Soft Key 6 to insert IMF mfFW1440030 to trip '0' Condensate Pump
* Respond to request for I&C/Work Week Manager support
* If NPO dispatched, acknowledge direction to investigate; wait 2 minutes and report back that Condensate Pump '0' tripped on ground instantaneous overcurrent, no other abnormalities
* When contacted as the TB NPO to check FW Heater Panel alarms, use PNOVs and report actual alarms.
* Respond to request for assistance as appropriate EVENT6" O'Isconnected n b oard " A" ." SOVI o ram Ir F" Ittmg ./ MALFUNCTION I REMOTE FUNCTION I REPORT
* Once manual run back is completed and the chief examiner is ready to proceed, click Soft Key 7 to insert IMF cmfAV02YV147F011, MMF mfR01550103027 f:100, and IMF mfRD1550103027 d:300 f:50 to fail SDV drain valve closed and modify control rod 30-27 scram valve leakage.
* When dispatched as NPO, wait 2 minutes and report a loose air fitting at the F011 valve and attempting to reconnect, but fitting appears cross-threaded
* Respond to req uest for assistance as appropriate Page 17 of 40 NRC Scenario #1 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions EVENTS 7,8,9,10, 11: Hydraulic ATWS, Loss of SLC, CRD Pump Trip, HPCI Trip, Failure o f ro d s t 0 d" rive, R apl"d D " f epressunza Ion v' MALFUNCTION I REMOTE FUNCTION I REPORT
* Once level reduction has begun, as NPO report that you were able to connect the air fitting for the SOV liB Drain Valve, and that the valve should now function correctly
* When reactor water level stable in band -60"-)-110" and chief examiner ready to proceed, click Soft Key 8 to insert IMF cmfPM03_1 P113A to trip 'A' EHC pump, causing main turbine trip and preventing bypass valve usage
* As NPO sent to investigate 11A Bus status, acknowleqge direction and do not report on status
* As NPO, acknowledge direction to perform ES-150-002, get the initialed copy from the SRO but do not perform
* As NPO, acknowledge direction to perform ES-158-002 then get the initialed copy from the SRO * (If requested)
As NPO, acknowledge direction to CLOSE CRO Charging Water Isolation Valve 146F034. Wait 1 minute and click Soft Key 9 * (If requested)
As NPO, acknowledge direction to OPEN CRD Charging Water Isolation Valve 146F034. Wait 1 minute and click Soft Key 10
* Once the crew is controlling RPV level with HPCI, call the Unit Supervisor on the page and report you are ready to open ARI breakers 1 0614006 and 10624016 per ES-158-002.
Wait 1 minute and activate Soft Key 11 to run scn batch1\RPB.0ISABLARI.
When the file is done running, report that ARI is disabled lAW ES-158-002
* When PCO has inserted four rods and chief examiner ready to proceed, click Soft Key 12 to insert IMF mfHP152015 to trip HPCI and lOR diHSC121S12 d:120 f:OFF and lOR diHSC121 S10 d:120 f:OFF to prevent further rod movement
* Once Rapid Depressurization is in progress, call the Unit Supervisor on the page and report you are ready to bypass RPS trips lAW ES-158-002.
When directed to continue, click Soft Key 13 to run scn batch1\RPB.ES158002.
When the ES-158-002 scenario completes running report that the RPS trips are bypassed lAW ES-158-002
* When the scram is reset and the A TC is ready to re-scram the reactor, click Soft Key 14 to delete Browns Ferry ATWS and additional stuck rods
* Respond to request for assistance as appropriate
* Once A TWS has been terminated with level control using low pressure ECCS and upon direction of the Chief Examiner, place the simulator in freeze Page 18 of 40 NRC Scenario #1 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions Appendix Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 lOP-Test No.: Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: Page_ of -i Event
== Description:==
Swap running SW pumps from 1A to 1 C Po Applicant's Actions or Behavior Directs BOP to swap running SW pumps from 1 A to 1 C Obtains copy of OP-iii-001 and proceeds to section 2.7, Service Water Pump Swap BOP (Step 2.7.3) Contacts NPO to check standby Service Water Pump 1 P502C seal water pressure >30 psig on local PI-1 0901 C, will . receive report back that pressure is satisfactory (Step 2.7.4) Ensures Serv WTR PP 1 P502C in automatic standby by verifying
'C' SW Pump switches in automatic (Step 2.7.5) Ensures HSS-i0901C SERV WTR PP C PREFERRED BUS switch in 1 Ai 0111 A position at Panel 1 C668 (Step 2.7.10) IF swapping SERV WTR PP 1 P502C in service and stopping SERV WTR PP 1 P502A, perform the following:
: a. Start standby SERV WTR PP 1 P502C as follows: (1) Dispatches NPO to Close 109006 SW Pp C Dsch Iso. Will receive report back that 109006 is closed. (2) Depress RUN pushbutton.
(3) Directs NPO to slowly Open 109006 until 110-125 psig on local PI-10903C.
Will receive report back that 109006 is partially open, pressure is 110-125 psig. (4) Directs NPO to check Service Water Pump 1P502C for cavitation indicating further venting required.
Will receive report back that no cavitation in progress.
i (5) Directs NPO to fully Open 109006. Will receive report back that 109006 is fully open. I Page 19 of 40 NRC Scenario #1 Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions BOP (Step 2.7.10) WHEN system pressure stabilizes, Stop SERV WTR PP 1 P502A as follows: (1) Directs NPO to close 109004 SW Pp A Dsch Iso. Will receive report back that valve is closed. Depresses 1 P502A 'A' SW Pump AUTO pushbutton, THEN (3) Depresses 1 P502A 'A' SW Pump STOP pushbutton. Directs NPO to open 109004 SW Pp A Dsch Iso, will receive report back that 109004 is open. (Step 2.7.12) Perform following for service water pump being removed from service: IF SERV WTR PP 1 P502A being removed from service, at 1A10106, Perform the following:
(1) Directs NPO to place HSS-10901A1 Inst trip enable to TRIP ENABLE position.
Will receive report back that HSS-10901A1 is in TRIP ENABLE (2) Ensure 861 A 10106 RESET. Will receive report back that 861A10106 is RESET. (Step 2.7.13) Perform following for service water pump being placed in service: lE SERV WTR PP 1 P502C being placed in service AND HSS-10901C SERVWTR PP C PREFERRED BUS in 1A10111A position:
(1) Directs NPO to place HSS-1 0901C1 Inst Trip Enable at 1A10113 to OFF position.
Will receive report back that HSS-10901C1 is in OFF (2) Directs NPO to place HSS-10901C2 Inst Trip Enable at 1A10213 to TRIP ENABLE position.
Will receive report back that HSS-1 0901 C2 is in TRIP ENABLE (Step 2.7.14) Verifies Service Water System pressure>
80 psig and stable on PICSY Display SRWTR (Step 2.7.15) IF desired, Place service water pump stopped in automatic standby as follows: Depress SERV WTR Pp 1 P502A AUTO pushbutton Page 20 of 40 NRC Scenario #1 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions Appendix 0 Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: __ Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 2 Page of -Event
== Description:==
APRM 2 Fails Priority:
Declare APRM 2 inoperable and bypass APRM Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior n Consults Tech Specs and TRO 3.1.3 and 3.3.9, notes no SRO required actions as only 3 channels are required for operation, PTSA entry only Declares APRM 2 Inoperable and recognizes the failed APRM SRO should be Briefs crew on plant status and directs bypassing APRM SRO Evaluator Note: Once APRM 2 has been bypassed, proceed to next event, Key 3, inadvertent start of HPCI Contacts WWM to have FIN invest!gate failure of Unit 1 APRM 2 SRO Reports AR-103-001 (A06) APRM UPSCALEIINOP TRIP alarm, ATC 103-001 (B06) APRM UPSCALE alarm, and AR-104-001 (H03) ROD OUT BLOCK. Refers to the alarm response and verifies the indications on 1 C651 ATC and ODAs Based on control room indications, reports a Fault on APRM 2 with ATC an INOP trip and rod block Places bypass joystick to the right to #2 position at Panel 1 C651 ATC and reports that APRM 2 is bypassed Directs an NPO (or may go himself/herself) to the Lower Relay BOP Room, Panel 1 C608 to perform OP-17B-002, Section 2.7 for Self-Test Faults J Refers to OP-178-002, PRNMS procedure and attachment BOP Page 21 of 40 NRC Scenario #1 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test I Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: __ Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 3 Page_of Event
== Description:==
Inadvertent Start of HPCI Priority:
Override HPCI injection, declare HPCl inoperable, and ensure RCIC operability Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior Verifies no valid initiation signal exists SRO Directs HPCI overridden Directs ATC to enter ON-156-001 May direct A TC to reduce reactor power to pre-transient level by reducing recirc flow Declares HPCI Inoperable Enter TS LCO 3.5.1 Condition D Required Action D.1: Verify RCIC Operable immediately and Required Action D.2: restore HPCI to Operable within 14 days, Contacts Work Week Manger concerning the HPCI injection, requests FIN support, and notification of the Duty Manager Evaluator Note: Once HPCI has been overridden, TS call complete, and RCIC verified operable, proceed to next event. Key 4, Rod 27 scram outlet valve leakage Reports AR-101-001 (B17) RX WATER HI-LO LEVEL and AR-1 ATC 001 (D06) CONDENSATE FILTRATION 1C1103 SYSTEM TROUBLE (These alarms are expected for the conditions if HPCI is allowed to inject. This causes a high water level until reactor feedwater can compensate, and also disturbs the flow balance in the condensate system. Both alarms will clear shortly after coming in) Refers to ON-156-001 and determines no other reactivity control ATC systems were responsible for the power increase Reduces reactor power to pre-transient levels by pushing ATC I pushbuttons on Recirc flow Page 22 of 40 NRC Scenario #1 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions BOP BOP BOP Observes AR-114-001 (E02), HPCI Pump Dsch Lo Flow alarm and AR-101-001 (B05) RX BLDG AREA PANEL 1C605 HI RADIATION Reports HPCI start. Verifies adequate core cooling by two independent means and ensures Drywell pressure is < 1.72 psig Obtains SRO concurrence to Override HPCI Overrides HPCI (OP-152-001 Attachment C Hard Card): a. Places HPCI AUXILIARY PUMP 1 P213 switch to START. b. Depresses HPCIINT SIG RESET HS-E41-1S17 RESET pushbutton.
: c. IF HPCI initiation resets, Shut Down HPCI in accordance with "Shutdown" section of OP-152-00 1. d. IF HPCI initiation does not reset, stop injection/shut down using following sections (1) preferred, OR (2): (1 ) Reduce HPCI turbine speed to stop injection: (a) Place HPCI TURBINE FLOW CONTROL FC-E41-1R600 in MANUAL. (b) Reduce demand to stop HPCI flow. (c) Ensure MIN FLOW TO SUPP POOL HV-155-F012 OPENS (d) Ensure HPCI Auxiliary Oil Pump 1 P213 does not cycle on and off. (e) Monitor frequently HPCI speed for oscillations. (f) IF turbine speed oscillations occur Increase HPCI turbine speed. Evaluator Note: HPCI may be overridden from memory by performance of steps (1)(a) and (1)(b), at which point operator should reference hard card to ensure aI/ actions completed Inspects RCIC for any indications of inoperability, ensures it is lined up for automatic operation, reports RCIC operable Page 23 of 40 NRC Scenario #1 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions Appendix 0 Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 4 Page of Event
== Description:==
Rod 30-27 Drifts In to Position Priority:
Priority is to declare rod 30-27 inoperable, fully insert, and disarm n Applicant's Actions or Behavior Directs implementation of 01\1-155-001 SRO Directs insertion and disarming of control rod 30-27 SRO Declares control rod 30-27 inoperable.
Complies with TS 3.1.3, condition C Action C.1 Fully insert inoperable control rod within 3 hours AND Action C.2 Disarm the associated CRD within 4 hours Contacts Reactor Engineering Contacts Work Week Manager/FIN Evaluator Note: Once control rod 30-27 has been declared inoperable, inserted and disarmed, proceed to next event. Key 6, '0' Condensate Pump trip with failed runback Reports AR-104-001 (H05) Rod Drift alarm, depresses the DISPLAY ATC RODS DFTING Pushbutton, determines 30-27 is drifting in by observing its position on the 4-Rod display_ Page 24 of 40 NRC Scenario #1 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions Implements ON-155-001, section 4.4 for Rod Drift or Rod Scram: ATC 4.4.1 Check Full Core Display for identification of any drifting control rod by Depressing DISPLAY RODS DFTING Pushbutton, notes control rod 30-27 has drifted in to position 10. 4.4.2 Check for any open scram valves by Depressing DISPLAY SCRAM VALVES OPEN pushbutton, notes no scram valves open for rod 30-27. 4.4.3 Select rod 30-27 to determine position, reports position 10. 4.4.4 Reset the Rod Drift Alarm as follows: a. Depress the Rod Drift Reset pushbutton.
: b. Verify Rod Drift Alarm clears. 4.4.6 Ensure proper cooling water diff/pressure being maintained by observing PDI-C12-1 R603 Cooling Water Diff Pressure indicator and FI-C12-1 R605 Cooling Water Flow. 4.4.9 Perform the following for any drifted or partially scrammed
: a. Promptly Inserts rod to position 00. Selects control rod 27 and depresses insert pushbutton Evaluator Note: Control rod will not move when this is performed.
A TC Informs the SRO that 30-27 will not move and proceeds to section 4.3 for the stuck rod ATC ON-155-001 Section 4.3 (Step 4.3.1) IF rod position indication does not change when valid withdraw OR insert signal applied, Perform the following: Confirm control rod position using any 3 of the available rod position indication as follows: CRT and SIP 4 ROD DISPLAY (2) FULL-IN/FULL-OUT DISPLAY push button (3) OD-7 (4) Alarm logging printer, System Event Display Message (5) RWM Main Display when below Low Power Alarm Point Page 25 of 40 NRC Scenario #1 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions ATC IF rod failed to move, Attempt to move control rod (1) Complete rod data on Attachment A (2) In -50 psid increments, Increase drive water pressure by operating Drive Wtr Press Thtlg PV-146-F003 AND (3) Perform following at each increment until :;350 psid ATC reached (a) Attempt to operate drive one notch insert, while observing drive water flows (4gpm for insert) (b) IF rod position does not change on 4-rod display, Confirm control rod position using available rod position indications (d) Repeat as necessary, until 350 psid reached. Evaluator Note: Nominal drive DIP is initially 250 psid, so attempts will be made at 250, 300, and 350 psid to insert the control rod BOP (BOP notes max allowable DIP for this rod is 435 psid) IF rod failed to move, Increase drive water pressure >350 psid as follows: (1) In -25 psid increments, Increase drive water pressure (2) Perform following at each increment Maximum Drive Pressure Allowed is reached (a) Attempt to operate drive one notch insert, while observing drive water flows (4 gpm insert). (b) If rod position does not change on 4-rod display, Confirm control rod position using available rod position indications.
Evaluator Note: Control rod will insert once 375 psid drive header DIP is achieved (f) If rod moves one notch in intended direction, go to Step 4.3.1.f (Step 4.3.1.f) Record drive water pressure required to move control rod on Attachment A. (Step 4.3.1.g) Record drive water flow that is indicated while attempting to move stuck control rod on Attachment A. (Step 4.3.1.h) Return drive water pressure to -250 psid, for each subsequent rod notch. Document on Attachment A. . A TC repeats actions to move control rod to 00 . (ON-i55-00i Step 4.4.9.b) Directs NPO to Hydraulically Disarm HCU in accordance with OP-i55-00i Control Rod Drive Hydraulic I System section 2.6. Page 26 of 40 NRC Scenario #1 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-O-2 Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 5 Page_of_ Event
== Description:==
Trip of Condensate Pump '0' with failed recire pump run back Priority:
Initiate manual recirc runback and monitor power/flow map and APRM for indications of power/flow instabilities Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SRO Directs A TC to initiate #2 Limiter runback SRO Directs ATCIBOP entry into ON-164-002 and performance of section 4.4 Evaluator Note: Once action has been taken to complete manual recirc runback, proceed to next event. Key 7, Scram Discharge Volume drain valve F011 fails closed Reports trip of 'D' Condensate Pump and responds to annunciators ATC AR-101-001 (A09) CONDENSATE PUMP D TRIP, and reports that runback did not occur. Reports reactor power, RPV level and trend Page 27 of 40 NRC Scenario #1 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions ATC Performs OP-164-002 Attachment E for manual flow reduction (actions may be performed from memory) Evaluator Note: Applicants may choose to manually reduce flow to 48% demand by using the DEC pushbuttons for each recirc pump or initiate a limiter #2 runback instead. (Step 2.14.4.a)
Ensures SRO concurs or has provided direction to perform runback by manual reduction or initiating a Manual Rx Recirc Pump Speed reduction to Limiter #2. (Step 2. 14.4.b)Touch anyone of the following buttons on the vertical selection list. (1 )RRP DUAL SCRN (Manual Mode Screen) (2)RRP_A (3)RRP_B (Step 2.14.4.c) lE on RRP DUAL SCRN, Touch either the 'A' or 'B' Screen Select MANUAL button. (Step 2.14.4.d)
Touch MANUAL FLOW REDUCTION INITIATION button. (Step 2.14.4.e)
Touch LIMITER # 2 48% button on the overlay screen. (Step 2.14.4.f)
Ensure the information is correct for a Limiter #2, and Touch INITIATE RRP FLOW REDUCTION button on the confirmation overlay screen. (Step 2.14.4.g)
Ensure both Rx Recire pumps run back to the 48% Gen 1A(1B) Speed on SI-14032A(B). (Step 2.14.4.h)
Perform the applicable section( s) of ON-164-002, Loss of Rx Recirculation Flow. Performs ON-164-002 section 4.4 Plot position on Power/Flow Map. Ensure a Non-Peripheral Control Rod selected.
ATC/BOP Monitor LPRM's for Limit Cycle Dispatches NPO to investigate trip of '0' Condensate Pump, receive report back that it tripped on ground overcurrent, no BOP abnormalities noted Page 28 of 40 NRC Scenario #1 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions Appendix Required Operator Actions Form ES-O-2 Op-Test No.: __ Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: Page_of_ Event
== Description:==
Disconnected SDV Inboard Drain Air Priority:
Take decisive action to scram the reactor before the automatic scram from scram discharge volume Applicant's Actions or Behavior Requests assistance from Work Week Manager/FIN SRO Determines SDV drain valve has no air supply and SDV is filling up (as indicated by AR-103-001 (G02) SCRAM DISCHARGE VOLUME NOT DRAINED and AR-104-001 (H03) ROD OUT BLOCK) due to scrammed control rod 30-27 Will direct entry into ON-100-101 SCRAM, SCRAM IMMINENT or placing mode switch directly to SHUTDOWN, skipping actions to notify GCC and verifying recirc flow has been reduced to Limiter #2 Evaluator Note: Once the mode switch is placed in SHUTDOWN, scenario will progress to next event, no cue is necessary Evaluator Note: The ON-100-101 steps will be skipped and performed within EOP's if the mode switch is directed to be placed in SHUTDOWN vice performing ON-toO-tOt SCRAM, SCRAM IMMINENT (ON-100-101 Step 4.3.3)!E more than 1 control rod remains> 00, Enter EO-1 00-113 at step LQ/Q-2. Enters EO-1 00-1 02, RPV Control when RPV water level reaches +13" due to shrink caused by the partial scram (EO-100-002 Step RC-2) Notes more than one control rod remains >00, exits EO-1 00-1 02 and enters EO-1 00-113, Level/Power Control at LQ-1 Page 29 of 40 NRC Scenario #1 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions Evaluator Note: SDV vent/drain valve indications are below the RWM. Normally both lights are red (aI/ valves open). Once malfunction is inserted, bottom fight will indicate amber, indicating a valve closure. A TC may also respond to computer alarm for SDV vent/drain valves closed. Approximate time from valve closure to NOT DRAINED alarm is 3 minutes. Responds to computer alarm for SDV Vent/Drain valves and AR-1 001 (G02) SCRAM DISCHARGE VOLUME NOT DRAINED (Step 2.2) Check Vent and Drain Valves indicate operi. ATC reports that XV-147F011 is closed (Step 2.3) IF Scram Discharge Volume does not drain, Ensure Vent and Drain Valves physically open. Dispatches NPO to investigate locally, will receive report back that the air fitting is disconnected from the valve and that the NPO is working on getting it re-connected. (ON-100-101 Step 3.1.1) Verifies recirc flow has been reduced to Rx Recirc Limiter #2 (already performed due to condensate pump trip) (Step 4.1) Place Mode Switch HS-C72A-1S01 to SHUTDOWN (Step 4.2) Observe all Control Rods indicate fully inserted (using two indications, 00-7 completed as soon as possible).
ATC reports that multiple control rods did not insert (The following are automatic operator actions) (Step 4.3) IF more than 1 control rod> 00: (Step 4.3.1) Arm AND Depress manual scram pushbuttons.
: c. RPS MAN SCRAM CHAN A2 HS-C72A-1 S03C d. RPS MAN SCRAM CHAN 82 HS-C72A-1S03D Contact GCC to inform them that Unit 1 is coming offline (The following are automatic operator actions) (Step 4.3.2) Initiate ARI by arming and depressing:
: a. ARI DIV 1 MAN TRIP HS-147103A1 TRIP b. ARI DIV 2 MAN TRIP HS-147103B1 TRIP Page 30 of 40 NRC Scenario #1 Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 Page_ of Event
== Description:==
Hydraulic A TWS, Main Turbine Trip with loss of bypass capability, SBLC injection failure, RCIC auto start failure, HPCI trip requiring Rapid Depressurization
*Contains action items to complete critical task 1, Inserts control rods lAW EO-100-113 Sht. 2 eContains action items to complete critical task 2, Inhibits ADS and Lowers RPV level to <-60" but >-161" -Contains action items to complete critical task 3, Stops and prevents injection except from SLC and CRD IPerform Rapid Depressurization when RPV level cannot be restored and maintained>
-161" Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SRO Enters EO-1 00-1 02 RPV CONTROL due to existing SCRAM condition and power >5%, reaches step RC-2, exits EO-100-102 RPV CONTROL, and enters EO-100-113 LEVEL/POWER CONTROL eSRO (EO-100-113 LQ/Q-3) Directs BOP to inject SBLC and inhibit ADS. (LO/Q-4) Directs FUS to inject SBLC using RCIC via ES-150-002 Contacts WWM to have FIN investigate problems with U-1 SBLC pumps (LOIO-6) Directs ATC to ensure SRMIIRM inserted (LO/O-7) Directs ATC to run both Recirc pumps back to minimum (LO/O-8) Directs ATC to trip both Recirc pumps, one at a time SRO (LO/O-9) Directs BOP to maximize CRD/start
'A' CRD pump eSRO (LQlL-6) Directs ATC/BOP to throttle and prevent injection, reduce level to -60" 7--110" Evaluator Note: Once reactor water level is stable in band -60"-7-110':
proceed to next event. Key 8, trips 'l\' EHC pump and '8' fails to start, resulting in a turbine trip and loss of bypass valves. Also, aux bus 11A fails to auto transfer, resulting in a loss of the remaining condensate pumps, and tripping of aI/ reactor feed pumps. Note: there is a time delay from EHC pump trip to turbine trip, due to system pressure bleed-down SRO (LO/L-8) Directs BOP to bypass MSIV/CIG interlocks eSRO (LQlL-13)
Upon trip of condensate and feedwater, directs BOP to maintain Rxwater level <-60" but >-161" using HPCI and RCIC SRO (LO/P-6) Directs BOP to stabilize Rx Pressure 800-1050#
by using bypass va Ives/SRV Evaluator Note: SRO may proactively direct Core Spray system to be overridden as RPV pressure drops per guidance in LQ/P-2 SRO Directs BOP to place Suppression Pool Cooling in service Page 31 of 40 NRC Scenario #1 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions (LQlQ-4) Directs ATC to insert control rods by driving control rods AND Upon receiving communication from NPO that SDV drain valve function has been restored, directs ATC to call out for ES-158-002 to also insert rods by resetting and scramming again Evaluator Note: Once 4 control rods have been inserted, initiate the next event. Key 12, HPGI turbine trip and malfunction of rod insertion pushbuttons Directs FUS/NPO to disable ARI and bypass RPS logic trips as necessary lAW ES-158-002 (LQlL-14)
If level cannot be restored and maintained
>-161" 1. Go to LQlL-18 2. Go to Rapid Depress (LQlL-18)
Directs BOP to stop and prevent injection from FW/Cond/LPCIICore Spray Announces entry into EO-100-112 Rapid Depressurization (RD-8) Directs BOP to open all ADS valves Once rapid depressurization has begun, directs BOP to restore level <-60" -7 >-161" using LPCI while coordinating with ATC to monitor Nl's due to injection of cold, unborated water Directs ATC to monitor NI's while restoring Rx water level due to injection of cold, unborated water Evaluator Note: Scenario may be terminated once the A TWS has terminated and low pressure EGGS is being used for level Once ATWS has been terminated, exits EO-100-113 LEVEL/POWER CONTROL and re-enters EO-1 00-1 02 RPV CONTROL Directs ATC/BOP to coordinate and restore reactor water level to +20"7+45" using low pressure ECCS Reports failure to SCRAM, completes ON-100-101 actions listed in event 7 Page 32 of 40 NRC Scenario #1 Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration ATC (OP-145-001 Hard Card Step 2) WHEN directed by Shift Lower Rx Recirc Pump Speeds to Minimum on any Rx Recirc (Manual) Touches the MANUAL FLOW REDUCTION INITIATION Touches the RRP SPEED TO MINIMUM button on the Manual Reduction Initiation
* Touches the INITIATE RRP FLOW REDUCTION button on the confirmation overlay screen and Observe both Rx Recire Pump Gen Speeds lowering.
* Reports completion to SRO (OP-145-001 Hard Card Step 3) WHEN directed by Shift Supervision.
Ensure Rx Recirc Pump Speeds are approximately 20% and TRIP the 'A' and 'B' Rx Recirc Pumps one at a time, and reports completion to SRO. (OP-145-001 Attachment C Hard Card) 5) Ensure the HPCI and RCIC Systems have been overridden prior to lowerir RPV Water Level to < -30". IF RFP A(B)(C) is operating in FCM: (2.19.9) Place the FW LO LOAD DEMAND SIGNAL TO LV-10641.
controller LlC-C32-1 R602 in MANUAL with a controller output of 0%. (2.19.9a) Place the FW LEVEL CTLIDEMAND SIGNAL controller LlC-C32-1 R600 in MANUAL. (2.19.9b) Perform the following for the RFP A(B)(C) which will continue feeding: (2.19.9c) Touch the A(8)(C) RFPT MAN VLV CTL button. (2.19.9c(1
>> Place the feeding RFP A(8)(C) SPD CTLIDEMAND SIGNAL controller SIC-C32-1 R601 A(B)(C) in MANUAL. (2.19.9c(2>> Lower FW LEVEL CTLIDEMAND SIGNAL controller LlC-C32-1R600 output by -12%. (2.19.9d) Place the remaining in-service RFP B(C)(A) in the IDLE MODE ( Adjust the INC/DEC buttons on the feeding RFP A(B)(C) SPD CTLIDEMAND SIGNAL controller SIC-C32-1 R601A(B)(C) to establish and maintain the assigned level band. (2.19.9f)
Page 33 of 40 NRC Scenario #1 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test i Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions Using EO-113-001 "To Drive Control Rods" hard card (CR*6) Bypasses RWM by: Insert key into RWM Normal/Bypass keylock AND Turn fully clockwise to BYPASS position (CR*7) Establish approximately (if obtainable): 63 GPM cooling water flow AND 350 PSID drive water pressure (applicant attempts to adjust drive pressure MOV and flow control valve to achieve parameters, but will have minimal success) Evaluator Note: Due to insertion of flow control valve failure earlier Cto I2revent drifting control rods in with cooling water Qressurel, these l2arameters will not be adiustable but will still enable insertion of control rods bv selecting and deeressing the insert l2ushbutton Selects rods in rotating quadrants AND depresses continuous insert pushbutton until Full*ln or rod will not move for: (1) Intermediate position rods (2) Full out rods Evaluator Note: Due to addition of several rods stuck out to raise initial A TWS power, some control rods will not insert when attempted.
A TC will then move on to insert other rods and report this to the SRO. Once notified by FUS/NPO that ES*15S*002 has been performed: (OP-15S*001)
Resets SCRAM by: (Step 2.6.7) Reset RPS Trip System by Momentarily POSitioning RPS SCRAM RESET Control Switch HS-C72A-1 S05 as follows: (Step 2.6.7.a) To GRP 1/4 pOSition. (Step 2.6.7.b) To GRP 2/3 position (Step 2.6.11) Ensure Open Charging Wtr Hdr Iso 146F034 (Also CR-20) (Step CR-20) When SDV partially drains {RPS CHAN A1/A2 OR (B1/B2) SCRAM DSCH VOL HI WTR LEVEL TRIP alarm AR-103*001 (F02) I 104*001 (F02) is clear}, insert manual scram by arming and depressing i one manual scram pushbutton per RPS subsystem (A1 or A2 AND B1 or B2) Communicates with BOP while monitoring NI's for level restoration, and continues to reset and SCRAM as necessary until all control rods are fully inserted.
I Reports all control rods fully inserted to SRO Page 34 of 40 NRC Scenario #1 Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions Initiates ARI per ON-100-101 required actions listed in event 7 (OP-153-001 Attachment A) 1. Place HS-14804 SBLC MANUAL INITIATION keylock control switch to A START. 2. Observe SBLC PUMPS 1 P208A STARTS 3. Once initiated, Observe the following
: a. HV-144-F004 RWCU INLET OB ISO CLOSES b. SBLC SQUIB READY A-B white indicating lights EXTINGUISHED
: c. SBLC SQUIB VALVES LOSS OF CKT CONTINUITY annunciator ALARMS d. Pump 1 P208A(B) Red indicating light ILLUMINATED
: e. SBLC PUMP discharge header pressure -200 psig greater than reactor pressure (discharge pressure will indicate ZERO due to shaft shear) f. SBLC FLOW Indicates
_. 2:: 40 GPM (flow will indicate ZERO due to shaft shear on A SBLe pump) g. SBLC Storage Tank level decreasing (will not be occurring due to no SBLC injection)
: h. Reactor power level decreasing (will not be occurring due to no SBLC injection) Reports to SRO that A SBLC injection failed, proceeding to inject with B SBLC 1. Place HS-14804 SBLC IVIANUAL INITIATION keylock control switch to B START. 2. Observe SBLC PUMPS 'IP208B STARTS 3. Once initiated, Observe the following
: d. Pump 1 P208(B) Red indicating light ILLUMINATED
: e. SBLC PUMP discharge header pressure -200 psig greater than reactor pressure f. SBLC FLOW Indicates
--2:: 40 GPM g. SBLC Storage Tank level decreasing
: h. Reactor power level decreasing Reports to SRO that B SBLC pump tripped after -30 seconds Directs NPO to check Unit 1 SBLC Pumps and 1 B217-06 for 1 B SLC Pump (OP-183-001 Step 2.6.4) Places following keylock switches to INHIBIT: ADS A Logic Control ADS B Logic Control Page 35 of 40 NRC Scenario #1 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions BOP (OP-184-001 Attachment A Hard Card) Bypasses MSIVICIG interlocks:
: 1. Bypass MSIV Low Water Level 1 Isolation at 1 C645 by Placing the following to BYPASS: a. HS-B21-S38A Rx Wtr Lvi 1 MSIV Bypass Logic A. b. HS-B21-S38C Rx Wtr Lvii MSIV Bypass Logic C. 2. Bypass CIG Low Water Level 1 and High Drywell Pressure Isolation by Placing the following to BYPASS: a. At 1C645, HS-12694 Low Lvi 1/Hi Drywell Press CIG Bypass (HV-12603)
: b. At 1C645, HS-12695 Low Lvi 1/Hi Drywell Press CIG Bypass (SV-12651)
: c. At 1C644, HS-i2696 Low Lvi 1/Hi Drywell Press CIG Bypass (SV-12605)
BOP BOP Reports trip of 'B' CRD pump (ON-i55-007) (May be performed from memory) (Step 3.4) IF CRD Pump 1P132A(B) trip occurred AND cause not due to loss of pump suction: (Step 3.4.1) Close CRD Flow Control Valve FV-146-F002A(B) as follows: (Step 3.4.1.a) Place CRD Flow Controller FC-C12-1R600 in MANUAL. (Step 3.4.1.b) Set CRD Flow Controller FC-C12-1 R600 to 0% DEMAND SIGNAL. (Step 3.4.1.c) Verify CRD Flow Control Valve FV-146-F002A(B}
CLOSED. (Step 3.4.2) Start standby CRD Pump 1 P132B(A) by placing control switch to RUN position.
BOP Operates SRV control switches as necessary to stabilize Rx Pressure 1050# Page 36 of 40 NRC Scenario #1 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions Places SUQQression Pool Cooling in service: (OP-149-004 Attachment A) Places system in service: (Step 1) Places ESW in service by depressing ESW Pump OP504A(B)(C)(D)
RUN pushbutton (Step 2) Opens HV-151-F028A(B)
RHR INJ FLOW CTL (Step 4) Starts 1 P202A(S)(C)(D)
RHR PUMP Establishes cooling (Step 1a) Throttles open HV-151-F024A(B)
TEST LINE CTL to total loop f10wrate 9,500 to 10,000 gpm as indicated on FI-E11-1 RHR AlC (B/D) (Step 1b) Places RHRSW in service to heat (1) Verifies Unit 2 HV-21210A(B)
RHRSW Hx A(B) INLET CLOSED (2) Opens HV-11210A(S)
Unit 1 RHRSW Hx A(B) INLET to 10% Open (3) Opens HV-11215A{B)
Unit 1 RHRSW Hx A(S) OUTLET (4) If required, places HS-11202A3(83)
RHRSW PUMP A{B) LOCA-TRIP switch to RESET (5) Starts 1 P506A(B) RHRSW Pump A(S) (6) Throttles HV-11210A(S)
Unit 1 RHRSW Hx A(S) INLET to establish 8000 to 9000 gpm on FI-E11-1R602A(B)
RHRSW HX A(S) INLET FLOW (7) Places HV-151-F048A{B)
HX A(8) SHELL SIDE BYPS Control Switch to OFF/LOCA RESET position (8) Verifies White Indicating light Illuminated above F048A(B) Control Switch (9) Closes HV-151-F048A(S)
HXA(8) SHELL SIDE SYPS (Step 1c) Monitors Suppression Pool Temperature When main turbine trips with failure of aux bus to transfer, report loss of Aux Bus 11A and trip of condensate/feed pumps to SRO Restores and maintains Rx water level <-60" but >-161" using HPCI and RCIC: HPCI --Takes action to restore Rx water level by raising and lowering HPCI flow controller to maintain level in directed band Evaluator Note: RCIC will not be required until after HPCI trips. RCIC has been overridden during initial actions to stop and prevent injection.
RCIC has failed to start automatically and requires manual operator action to startup Recognizes HPCI turbine trip and cause unknown. Reports trip and RPV water level/trend to SRO Page 37 of 40 NRC Scenario #1 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions BOP Evaluator Note: RCtC requires manual component by component startup, which will be performed after HPCI trips. RCIC will be manually started up and will trip shortly after RCIC injection is established, requiring the crew to enter EO-100-112 Rapid Depressurization due to loss of all high pressure feed and inability to restore and maintain >-161". 1. Open RCIC L-O COOLER WTR SUPPLY HV-150-F046.
: 4. Throttle Open TURBINE TRIP AND THROTTLING HV-15012 until turbine speed> 2200 rpm. 5. WHEN RCIC Pump discharge pressure>
190 psig with flow < 75 gpm, Ensure RCIC MIN FLOW TO SUPP POOL FV-149-F019 OPENS. 6. Using TURBINE TRIP AND THROTTLE HV-15012, Raise RCIC pump discharge pressure within 50 psig of reactor pressure.
: 7. Open RCtC INJECTION HV-149-F013.
: 8. Using TURBINE TRIP AND THROTTLING HV-15012, Establish desired flow. 10. Ensure MIN FLOW TO SUPP POOL FV-149-F019 CLOSES BOP Reports trip of RCIC and current RPV level and trend Evaluator Note: Level indication transition from Wide Range to Fuel Zone is at -145" on Wide Range indication, at which point will result in corrected Fuel Zone level being declared <-161" (T AF) Page 38 of 40 NRC Scenario #1 -Susquehanna Stearn Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions Stops and prevents RHR injection by performing one of the following from OP-149-001 Attachment A: IF RHR initiated and RPV pressure >420 psig, Prevent injection per following: Place pump control switches to STOP and then Release. Observe white pump override lights ILLUMINATED, and NO RHR Pumps running. IF RHR not initiated, Prevent injection per following: Arm AND Depress initiation buttons HS-E11-1S20A and HS-E11-1 S20B. Place RHR pump control switches to STOP, then Release Observe white pump override lights ILLUMINATED, and NO RHR Pumps running. Stops and prevents Core Spray injection by performing the following from OP-151-001 Attachment C: IF Core Spray NOT initiated, or initiated but NOT injecting, (> 420 psig Rx Press) Prevent injection: IF Core Spray NOT initiated, Arm AND Depress initiation button HS-E21-1 S16A(8). Shutdown pumps: Place pump control switches to STOP AND Release. Observe white pump override lights ILLUMINATED. Observe no Core Spray pump running. When directed to open all ADS valves, places handswitches F013G, J, K, L, M, and N to open, verifies valve function by acoustic monitors and lowering RPV pressure Restores RPV level to between -60" and -161" using OP-149-001 Att A Section 4: Closes RHR Inj Flow Ctl HV-1S1-F017A(8) Start RHR Pump 'I P202A(B)(C)(O)
: 3. Slowly throttles open RHR Inj Flow Ctl HV-151-F017A(B)
Communicates with ATC, who is monitoring NI's Evaluator Note: RHR injection flow control valves HV-151-F017A(8) cannot be closed until the 45 second initiation time delay has elapsed. Must wait until RPV pressure <420 psig and time delay have elapsed. When directed by SRO, continues to raise reactor water level to using low pressure ECCS while coordinating with ATC to ensure no criticality occurs Page 39 of 40 NRC Scenario #1 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions Evaluator Note: Scenario may be terminated once the A TWS has been terminated and low pressure EGGS is being used for level control POST SCENARIO:
Have the applicant in the CRS position identify the highest EAL classification for the combination of events experienced during the scenario.
Evaluator Note: If RPV level during the scenario was ever <-205': highest classification will be General Emergency under MG3; if RPV level did not ever go below -205': highest classification will be Site Area Emergency under MS3 and FS1. Applicable classifications:
MG3/MS3 based upon Table M, and FS1 based upon Table F of TP-001. FS1: Loss OR Potential Loss of ANY Two Barriers Loss of RCS barrier based upon criteria 2.b: RPV Level <-161" AND Loss or Potential Loss of Fuel Clad Barrier based upon criteria 1.b: Potential Loss: RPV Level <-161" Loss: RPV Level <-205" MS3: (s) exist that indicate that Reactor Protection System setpoint was exceeded AND RPS, ARI, and Manual Scram/ARI fail to initiate and complete a scram that reduces reactor power to <5%. MG3: Indication(s) exist that indicate that Reactor Protection System setpoint was exceeded AND RPS, ARI, and Manual Scram/ARI fail to initiate and complete a scram that reduces reactor power to <5%. AND A. Reactor water level cannot be maintained
>-205" Page 40 of 40 NRC Scenario #1 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test 
YES/NO NRC CODE PRIOR TO 0800 Foxtrot NRC CODE AFTER 0800 Oscar November Indigo Mike REMARKS: 1) Inserted control rods then reduced flow 3) Condensate Pump 1 B is out of service for repairs -motor replacement
'0' Cire Water was sid as of GO-100-012 actions 6) Voltage Regulator is in Manual---_. 7) Shift activities are to:
* Swap SW Pumps so maintenance can take vibration readings on 1 C SW Pump.
* Maintain ",,68% with Recirc 10) (Unit 2 is at 60% for water box cleaning and rod pattern excha_n.=:,9-'e)'---
1900-0700 1. Evolutions in progress and items to be completed during next shift, as noted in remarks,'''1J have been discussed with oncoming Unit Supervisor.
fvlI 2. Problems encountered during past shift and abnormal plant conditions, as noted in remarks, have been discussed with oncoming Unit Supervisor.
t'1) 3. Information in SOMs Log is complete and discussed with oncoming Unit Supervisor.
IV.:) 4. As applicable turnover plastic Security Badge cover and CRS Monitor function to oncoming Unit Supervisor.
1900 -0700 0700 -1900 Offgoing Unit Supervisor ONCOMING UNIT SUPERVISOR CHECKLIST:
0700-1900 1. LCOITRO Log reviewed.
(14) 2. SOMS Log reviewed for entries made in past 24 hours. 0700 -1900 1900 -0700 Oncoming Qualified Unit Supervisor POST RELIEF 0700-1900 1. Walk down Control Room panels with Unit Responsible PCO. 2. CRC Book reviewed and Reactivity Brief perfonmed with PCO. 3. Completed System Status Operable audit for open PMT this shift. 0700 -1900 1900 -0700 Oncoming Unit Supervisor FORM OP-AD-003-7, Rev. 18, DUPLEX, Page 2 of 2 Appendix D Scenario Form ES-D-1 Facility:
Susquehanna Scenario No.: _ Op-Test No.:
Initial Unit at 11 % power with Drywell N2 Purge In Turnover:
Unit 1 is at 950 psig and -11 % power A2SU Step 256, continuing plant startup containment purge in progress.
'A' RFP is in Discharge Pressure Mode and 'B' RFP is in The main turbine has been on turning gear for 5.5 hours. The crew is expected to resume actions lAW GO-1 00-002 step 5.64.1 to ensure 3 element control is ready, place the first RFP in control mode in accordance with OP-145-001, and continue with subsequent actions in Event Malf. No. Event No. Type*
! 1 N-ATC Place first RFP in flow control mode. 2 Raise power until reactor power is close to but less than N/A SRO 16%. mfRM179011 A I-BOP f:100, SGTS A Rad Monitor instrument fails high with failure of the cmfAV03_HV1571 TS-one of the inboard purge and make-up valve to isolate. SRO 3 C-BOP Failure of MCC 1 B217, which causes loss of 'A' loop of DW spray and :h Scram which requires a transfer of the RPS rfDB105101Jopen TS-Bus power supply and reset of the:h Scram.SRO C-BOP RBCCW pump swap due to excessive seal leakage on N/A running pump. SRO +8.1 fx1 PT=45 'A' Recirc pump speed oscillation/Lock up the 'A' Recirc pump.+9.11 set fx1 mfMS183011 B BOP SRV 'B' inadvertently opens (TS)/ initiate Suppression Pool mfMS183010B d:1 cooling (ON-183-001, Stuck Open Safety Relief Valve) f:45 SRO mfMS183013B d:2:00 i:40 f:1 00 M-ALL SRV 'B' SUPP Chamber Tailpipe Break. r:720 9 cmfPM06_1 P202B( BOP/AT Running RHR pump trips on pre-overload (shaft seizure).
I O} r:4:00J100 10 Initiate SC and OW ITarget Quantitative Attributes (Per Scenario; See Section D.S.d) Actual Attributes
: 1. Total malfunctions (5-8) 2. Malfunctions after EOP entry (1-2) 3. Abnormal events (2-4) 4. Major transients (1-2) 5. EOPs entered/requiring sUbstantive actions (1-2) 6. EOP contingencies requiring sUbstantive actions (0-2) 7. Critical tasks (2-3)
Scenario Summary Event 1: The scenario begins with Unit 1 at -950 psig and -11 % power during reactor startup with containment (OW) purge in progress.
Following turnover the crew is expected to resume startup actions lAW GO-1 00-002 by ensuring 3 element control is ready and placing the first RFP in flow control mode. Event 2: After the first RFP is placed in flow control mode, the crew will continue with subsequent actions in GO-100-002 to raise power until reactor is close to but less than -16%. Event 3: After the power increase, a radiation monitor in the SGTS common exhaust vent duct will fail high causing isolation signals to inboard purge and makeup valves. One of the inboard purge and makeup valves will fail to isolate, crew should recognize and take actions to close the valve and reference TS. Event 4: After manual isolation of the inboard valve, the essential MCC 1 B217 will trip on a fault causing RPS MG set to trip creating Yz scram. The crew will swap RPS to alternate power supply, reset the half-scram, and restore cooling to the Reactor Recirc Pumps. TS will be referenced.
Event 5: Following the reset of Yz scram, the crew will be required to swap RBCCW pump due to a report from the field indicating excessive seal leakage from the running RBCCW pump. Event 6: After swapping the RBCCW pump, a failure in the controller for the 'A' Recirc M-G set will cause the Recirc pump speed to oscillate.
The crew should recognize the changes in core and jet pump flows and lock the 'A' Recirc pump scoop tube to prevent further speed changes. Event 7-8: Following the Recirc pump speed oscillation, the 'B' SRV will inadvertently open, requiring the crew to take actions to close the valve in accordance with ON-183-001 and place suppression pool cooling in service. The crew will not be successful in closing the SRV (per ON requiring manual scram), and a rupture of its tail pipe in the suppression pool chamber will occur. The crew will initiate a manual scram and execute PC control EO-1 00-1 03 due to OW pressure increase.
Event 9: The running oiv 2 RHR pump will trip on pre-overload due to shaft seizure the crew should recognize that the loop has drained down and only one RHR pump is available for orywell sprays due to the loss of MCC 1 B217 taking out 'A' loop of OW spray. The crew will perform a slow fill of the loop, start the other RHR pump, initiate Suppression chamber spray and when suppression chamber pressure exceeds 13 psig, the crew will initiate drywell sprays. The scenario will be terminated after OW spray has been initiated.
INSTRUCTIONS FOR SIMULATOR OPERATOR ITEM I MALFUNCTION I REMOTE FUNCTION' CONDITION Ensure NRC2 IC and scenario files are loaded on the server: 388.ic and relap_snap_388 copied in applicable IC folder NRC2.scn and NRC2A files copied in applicable SCN folder Reset simulator to Scenario IC-388 Take out of FREEZE and run scenario file NRC2, then ensure thermal power is approximately 11 % Ensure materials for applicants:
-Markup of simulator copy of GO-1 00-002 to step 5.64.1. -A2SU Sequence at Step 256 {NEED TO PROVIDE TWO MARKED UP Prepare a turnover 11 % power EOl startup ilp, 950 psig A2SU seq uence step 256 'A' RFP is in DPM and 'B' is in Standby Main Turbine has been on the Turning Gear for 5 hours Drywell N2 purge is in progress.
Outside NPQ stationed at the N2 truck Shift activities a re for: PCOM to place 'A' RFP in Flow Control Mode iaw OP-145-001 Crew to continue to raise power to 15% in preparation for generator synchronization (Unit 2 is at 100%) Ensure the following malfunction is -IMF cmfAV03 Ensure the following Soft Keys are assigned for SCN2: {Key[1]} IMF mfRM179011A f:100 SGTS A Rad Monitor instrument fails high {Key[2]} IRF rfPC159014 f:O Close N2 Purge {Key[3]} IRF rfdB105101_f:OPEN Failure of MCC 1B217 {Key[4n IRF rfRW114001 f:O Closes A RBCCW Pump Discharge Valve {Key[5]} IRF rfRW114001 f:100 Opens A RBCCW Pump Discharge Valve {Key[6]} IRF rfDB106275 f:OPEN Opens 1A RBCCW Pp Breaker {Key[7]} scn NRC2A Recirc pump Speed Oscillation
{Key[8]} IMF mfMS183011 B SRV 'B' stuck open {Key[8]} IMF mfMS183010B d:1 f:100 SRV 'B' stuck open {Key[9]} IMF cmfRV06_PSV141F13B Simulates pulling Fuses B21C-F021
& B21C-F022
{Key[10n DMF cmfRV06_PSV141 F13B Simulates inserting Fuses B21 C-F021 & B21C-F022
IMF mfMS183013B i:40 f:100 r:720 SRV 'B' Suppression Chamber I ./ ITEM I MALFUNCTION I REMOTE FUNCTION I CONDITION Tailpipe Break {Key[12]}
IMF cmfPM06_1 P202B r:4:00 f: 1 00 RHR pump B trips on pre-overload (shaft seizure) {KHy[13]}
IMF cmfPM06_1 P202D r:4:00 f:100 RHR pump D trips on pre-overload (shaft seizure)
* Ensure NRC2A loads: +8.1 setfx1
+9.11 set fx1 RRPA
* Reset any annunciators that should not be present EVENT 1: Place first RFP in flow control mode ./ MALFUNCTION I REMOTE FUNCTION I REPORT
* Respond to request for assistance as appropriate.
EVENT 2: Raise power until reactor power is close to but less than -16% ./ MALFUNCTION I REMOTE FUNCTION I REPORT
* Remind NRC Lead Examiner of need to wait until close to 16% prior to moving on to ensure RPV level drops below 13" for level setpoint setdown so FW does not overfeed the RPV.
* Respond to request for assistance as appropriate EVENT 3: SGTS A Rad Monitor instrument fails high . ./ MALFUNCTION I REMOTE FUNCTION I REPORT
* Click Soft Key 1 (SGTS A Rad Monitor instrument High failure) after reactivity manipulation has been satisfied and chief examiner is ready to proceed
* When contacted as the NPO to close the nitrogen purge valve, click Soft Key 2 (Close N2 Purge) and report that the valve is closed.
* When contacted as the WWM for support to deactivate DW Vent OB Isol 15714, acknowledge the request and inform the caller you wi" contact FIN. Take no further action.
* Respond to request for assistance as appropriate.
* Click Soft Key 3 (Failure of MCC 1 B217) after manual closure of purge and make-up valve, T8 call, shutdown of 8GT8, restoration of SGTS to standby alignment, and when chief examiner is ready to proceed.
* As RB NPO directed to investigate loss of 1 B217, wait two minutes and report that there is a burnt smell at 1 B217, but no fire. When directed to check 1 B210-013, feed to 1 B217, report that the breaker is tripped.
* When contacted as WWM to dispatch FIN, acknowledge request. Wait five minutes and report back as EM that 1 B217 has internal damage and estimated repair time is unknown.
* As NPO directed to check 1 L650, wait one minute and report that 1 D653A is de-energized, 10652 voltage is normal, and 10653B is in service. I
* Kespond to request for assistance as appropriate.
EVENT 5 : RBCCW pump swap due to excessive seal leakage . ./ MALFUNCTION I REMOTE FUNCTION I REPORT
* After Yz scram reset, cooling is restored to RRPs, and chief examiner is ready to proceed, notify the control room as the RB NPO that there is excessive seal leakage on running RBCCW pump.
* Respond to request for assistance as appropriate (Use P&ID RW1 when requested to provide local pressures.
Provide actual values)
* Click Soft Key 4 (Closes A RBCCW Pump Dis Valve) when directed to close 1 A RBCCW Pp Disch valve 113062
* Click Soft Key 5 (Opens A RBCCW Pump Dis Valve) if directed to open 1A RBCCW Pp Disch valve 113062
* Click Soft Key 6 (Opens 1A RBCCW Pump Bkr) when directed to open breaker 1B216-103 for 1A RBCCW Pump
* When directed to close 1 A RBCCW Pump suction valve 113057 report the valve is closed and the leak is slowing down.
* If directed to reclose 1 A RBCCW Pp Disch valve 113062 click Soft Key 5, again EVENT 6 'A' R eClrc pump spee d OSCI"II a Ion " f ./ MALFUNCTION I REMOTE FUNCTION I REPORT I
* Click Soft Key 7 (Recirc pump Speed Oscillations) upon RBCCW pump swap completion and chief examiner is ready to proceed.
* Respond to request for assistance as appropriate EVENT 7
* Click Soft Key 8 (SRV stuck open) after 'A' Recirc pump scoop tube lockup and chief examiner is ready to proceed.
* When contacted as the NPO to pull fuses B21 C-F021 and B21 C-F022 in 1 C628 URR, wait two minutes and click Soft Key 9 (Simulates pulling fuses). Call the RO and inform him both fuses are removed.
* If directed to reinstall the fuses, wait one minute and click Soft Key 10 (Simulates inserting fuses), then inform the RO both fuses are installed.
* Respond to request for assistance as appropriate.
* Click Soft Key 11 (SRV 'B' Suppression Chamber Tailpipe Break) after Suppression Pool Cooling is placed in service and chief examiner is ready to proceed.
* Respond to request for assistance as appropriate.
* Monitor PNOV 1 C601 B insert for RHR F024B and F027B, when candidate opens the respective valve to initiate Suppression Pool Cooling or Suppression Chamber sprays, and the lead examiner is ready to proceed trip the running RHR Pump, by: clicking Soft Key 12 (RHR pump B trip on pre-overload), if 1B RHR Pump is in service. clicking Soft Key 13 (RHR pump D trip on pre-overload), if 10 RHR Pump is in service.
* Respond to request for assistance as appropriate.
Post Scenario.
SIMULATOR OPERATOR ACTION Once the scenario is run on the last crew, ensure that input to OD3 is restored to LEFM, from Venturis CRITICAL TASKS 1. Spray the Drywell when Suppression Chamber pressure exceeds 13 psig. Safety Significance Maintenance of primary containment integrity.
Actions are taken to spray the Drywell during a LOCA when the Suppression Chamber pressure exceeds 13 psig. From the Susquehanna Emergency Operating Procedures basis document, EO-000-103, "The value of 13 psig is the lowest suppression chamber pressure which can occur when 95% of the non-condensables (Nitrogen) in the drywell have been transferred to the suppression chamber." At 13 psig suppression chamber pressure, 5% of the non-condensables remain in the drywell. This 5% value is the limit established to preclude "chugging" the cyclic condensation of steam at the downcomer openings of the drywell vents. Values in excess of 13 psig are indicative of more non-condensables in the drywell, meaning chugging is more probable.
Chugging (steam bubble collapse at the downcomer exit resulting in a water in-rush to fill the voided areas) induces stresses at the junction of the downcomers and the drywell floor. Repeated such stresses may result in failure of these joints, creating a direct bypass from drywell to suppression chamber. Bypassing the suppression pool will directly pressurize the primary containment during a LOCA may result in failure. By requiring drywell sprays at 13 psig in the suppression chamber (5% non-condensables in the drywell), a drywell non-condensable value of >1 % will be maintained and chugging should not occur. From Appendix D of NUREG-1 021, Draft Revision 9, the critical task listed above has essential safety action that correctly completed, will prevent "degradation of any barrier to fission product release" and the crew will take action to "effectively direct or manipulate engineered safety feature (ESF) controls that would prevent any condition describe in the previous paragraph." Consequences of Failure to Perform the Task Potential failure of primary containment.
SSES EOP Basis for: SSES EOP Basis for: WHEN SUPP CHMBR PRESS> 13 PSIG CONTINUE [Directions to initiate drywell sprays] Drywell spray operation may affect the availability of electrical equipment located in the drywell. Therefore, suppression chamber sprays are given the maximum time allowable to reduce primary containment pressure before operation of drywell sprays is required.
The allowable time is determined by the suppression chamber pressure which is equated to the amount of non-condensables remaining in the drywell. The value of 13 psig is the lowest suppression chamber pressure which can occur when 95% of the non-condensables (N2) in the drywell have been transferred to the suppression chamber. That is, at least 5% non-condensables remain in the drywell when suppression chamber pressure reaches 13 psig. This non-condensable concentration limit is established to preclude chugging -the cyclic condensation of steam at the downcomer openings of the drywell vents. A suppression chamber pressure greater than 13 psig could be indicative of a lower concentration of non-condensables in the drywell, thereby meaning that chugging is more probable.
Chugging occurs when a steam bubble collapses at the exit of the downcomers, the rush of water drawn into the downcomers to fill the void induces stresses at the junction of the downcomers and the drywell floor. Repeated occurrence of such stresses could cause fatigue failure of these joints, thereby creating a direct path between the drywell and suppression chamber. Steam discharged through the downcomers could then bypass the suppression pool and directly the primary containment.
Scale model tests have demonstrated that chugging will not occur so long as the drywell contains at least 1 % non-condensables.
To preclude conditions under which chugging may occur, drywell sprays are conservatively required when at least 5% non-condensables remain in the drywell, i.e., suppression chamber pressure reaches 13 psig. Both wide range and narrow range suppression chamber pressure indication is available in the control room. Wide range suppression chamber pressure indication is available locally on Containment H2/02 Analyzer Panel if analyzer is selected to suppression chamber. Indications/Cues for the Event Requiring Critical Task Multiple control board and control room indications of suppression chamber and drywell pressures.
Performance Criteria Start an operable RHR Perform a valve alignment to provide a flowpath for Performance Feedback RHR pump, valve and system flow indications are available.
Multiple indications of Orywell pressure dropping. 
: 2. Limits Drywell Spray flow to between 1000 and 2800 gpm for the first 30 seconds. Safety Significance Maintenance of primary containment integrity.
Actions are taken to limit the system flowrates when first initiating drywell sprays (1000 to 2800 gpm for the first 30 seconds).
The reason for this restriction is to limit the magnitude of the drywell pressure reduction such that it will not go less than atmospheric (prevents air from being drawn in to' containment) and ensures a margin to the negative design pressure of the containment. . The BWR Owners Group Emergency Operating Procedures Basis document discusses drywell spray limitations utilizing a Drywell Spray Initiation Limit Curve to protect against containment damage from exceeding the design drywell to suppression chamber differential pressure.
From the Susquehanna Emergency Operating Procedures basis document, EO-000-103, "A drywell spray initiation limit has been developed by PPL" which provides the same protection guarantees without necessitating the use of an additional curve on the EOP flowcharts. "By limiting drywell spray flow to between 1000 and 2800 gpm for the first 30 seconds of drywell spray operation, drywell sprays can be initiated without concern" in all regions of the BWR Owners Group curve. "After 30 seconds of operation, the drywell atmosphere contains su'fficient vapor to allow full drywell sprays flow." In other words, spraying the drywell within these limits will not result in a drywell pressure rapid reduction such that the differential pressure limit would be challenged.
From Appendix D of NUREG-1 021, Draft Revision 9, the critical task listed above has essential safety action that correctly completed, will prevent "degradation of any barrier to fission product release" and the crew will take action to "effectively direct or manipulate engineered safety feature (ESF) controls that would prevent any condition describe in the previous paragraph." Conseguences of Failure to Perform the Task Potential failure of primary containment.
SES EOP Basis for: PC/P-7 SHUT DOWN DW COOLERS SHUT DOWN RECIRC PUMPS INITIATE DW SPRAYS UNLESS PUMPS CONTINUOUSLY NEEDED FOR ADEQUATE CORE COOLING LIMITING FLOW TO BETWEEN 1000 AND 2800 GPM FOR FIRST 30 SEC A DWSIL (Drywell Spray Initiation Limit) has been developed by PPL which provides protection against containment damage from exceeding the design differential pressure, yet does not restrict operation of the drywell sprays. By limiting drywell spray flow to between 1000 and 2800 gpm for the first 30 seconds of drywel/ spray operation, drywell sprays can be initiated without concern in all regions of this curve. After 30 seconds, the drywell atmosphere contains sufficient vapor to allow full drywell sprays flow. For this reason, the curve is not included.
Indications/Cues for the Event Requiring Critical Task The Unit Supervisor will direct drywell sprays be initiated, limiting flow to between 1000 and 2800 gpm for the first 30 seconds. The peo will initiate drywell sprays monitoring the flowrate on available digital and analog indications on 1 C601, limiting flow to between 1000 and 2800 gpm for at least the first 30 seconds of operation before increasing flow. Performance Criteria Manually throttle HV151-F016A and B and monitor drywell spray Use clock to determine 30 seconds has elapsed. Performance Feedback Monitor Orywell spray flow indications during first 30 seconds of drywell spray operation.
Op-Test No.: _ Event
== Description:==
Time Position SRO ATC ATC ATC ATC ATC ATC Scenario No.: Event No.: 1 Place first RFP in flow control mode. Applicant's Actions or Behavior Direct BOP to place the first RFP in flow control mode per OP-145-001 Obtains OP-145-001 and determines Section 2.10 is applicable.
Step 2.10.3 Ensure the A RFP VLV CONTROL is selected to AUTO, by observing the A RFPT AUTO VL V CTL button is backlit yellow and Auto text appears next to the 603A and 651A valve icons. Step 2.10.4 Ensure the LlC-C32-1R602 FW LO LOAD DEMAND SIGNAL to LV-10641 is in AUTO. Step 2.10.5 Ensure the Level Setpoint on the FW LEVEL CTL/DEMAND SIGNAL controller, LlC-C32-1 R600 is set for 35 inches Step 2.10.6 Place Rx FEED PUMP A RECIRC FLOW controller FIC-10604A in MANUAL and Adjust output to 10%. Step 2.10.7 Ensure FWLC-3E Control is Enabled, by Observing/Performing the following as applicable:
: a. FWLC-3E ENABLED text appears in the FWlC status information box on any Feedwater HMI screen b. IF required, Enable FWLC-3E Control in accordance with OP-145-006.
Step 2.10.8 Touch the A RFPT FLOW CTl MODE button on the RFP _A HMI screen.
Op-Test No.:_ Scenario No.: Event No.: Event
== Description:==
Place first RFP in flow control mode. Time Applicant's Actions or Behavior Step Touch the ENTER FLOW CONTROL MODE button on the confirmation overlay screen. Step 2.10.10 Observe the following sequence of events: Satisfies permissive for 3 Element Control as indicated by 3E-CONTROL being displayed in the FWLC Status information box on any Feedwater HMI screen. AFTER a 20 second time delay, the RFP A DISCH ISO HV-10603A automatically OPENS. On the Master Level Controller LlC-C32-1R600, Observe that the yellow TRACKING light goes OFF and that the Reactor Feed Pump speed automatically adjusts and stabilizes to maintain Reactor Water Level at the controller Level Setpoint. FW LO LOAD VALVE LV-10641 Closes after the RFP A DISCH ISO VLV HV-1 0603A(8)(C) is FULLY OPEN. RFP A STARTUP ISO HV-10651A(8)(C) automatically Closes 10 seconds after the RFP Discharge Isolation valve HV-10603A is FULL Y OPEN. Adjust output of FIC**1 0604A to maintain flow through Rx FEED PUMP A RECIRC VLV FV-10604A at or above the required min flow. WHEN RFP Discharge Flow is -1.50 Mlbm/hr, the Rx FEED PUMP A RECIRC VLV FV-1 0604A FULLY CLOSES, if in AUTO. Step 2.10.11 IF not aligned in a RFP Warming Alignment, Align the FW LO LOAD DEMAND SIGNAL TO LV-10641 controller in Auto Standby as follows: ATC Touch the INCIDEC LEVEL SETPT buttons as necessary to lower the Level Setpoint to 18". Ensure the FW LO LOAD DEMAND SIGNAL TO LV-10641 controller to LlC-C32-1 R602 is in AUTO AND CLOSED.
Op-Test No.:_ Scenario No.: _2_ Event No.: _1_ Event
== Description:==
Place first RFP in flow control mode.
Applicant's Actions or Behavior Step 2.10.12 Perform the following on the RFP _A HMI screen to ENABLE the RFP Suction Pressure Feature: Ensure SIC-C32-1R601A RFP A SPD CTLIDEMAND SIGNAL is in AUTO. Place FIC-10604A RX FEED PUMP A RECIRC FLOW is in AUTO. Touch the A RFPT SUCT PRESS FEATURE button. ATC Touch the ENABLE RFP SUCT PRSS button on the overlay screen. Ensure the A RFPT SUCT PRESS FEATURE button is backlit yellow, Ensure the text LSP ENABLED appears next to the A RFP symbol PROCEED TO THE NEXT EVENT.
Op-Test No.: _ Event
== Description:==
Ti .......,. Position SRO ATC BOP Scenario 1\10.: Event No.: Raise power until reactor power is close to but less than -16% Applicant's Actions or Behavior Directs ATC to raise power lAW GO-i00-002 step 5.65. NRC Lead Examiner Note: Need to wait until close to 16% prior to moving on to ensure RPV level drops below 13" for level setpoint setdown so FW does not overfeed the RPV. Raise power until reactor thermal power is CLOSE TO BUT LESS than 16% (approximately 3 Bypass Valves full open). Beginning at Step 256 of the A2SU Sequence, single notch withdraws the following rods, as need, to positions noted until power is just below 16%: 26-27 from 00 to 04 18-43,42-43,18-19,42-19,10-35,50-35,50-27 from 04 to 08. Provides peercheck for Rod withdraws.
Op-Test No.:_ Scenario No.: Event No.: Event
== Description:==
SGTS A Rad Monitor instrument fails high with failure of one of the inboard purge and make-up valves to isolate. Time Applicant's Actions or Behavior Acknowledges and reports SGTS Exhaust Vent Hi-Hi Radiation alarm, AR-015-001(H01) and SGTS Exhaust Vent Hi Radiation alarm, AR-015-00i (H02), on panel OC653 to SRO. Implements AR-015-001 (HOi) Section 2 Operator Actions: Ensures automatic action in section 3.1 occurred Determines HV-15713 failed to close, reports it to the SRO, depresses its Close pushbutton, and ensures damper closes. Reviews alarm response procedure and determines BOP 3. Applicant may determine that HV-15714 and 15721 failed to close from alarm response, however, only HV-15713 failed to Close. Checks SGTS Rad recorder RR-D12-0R609 on 1 C600 panel and determines problem is only with the "A" Rad Monitor.
* CH A indicates
-100 mr/hr
* CH B indicates
-0.0603 mr/hr Op-Test No.: _ Scenario No.: Event No.: _3_ Event
== Description:==
SGTS A Rad Monitor instrument fails high with failure of one of the inboard purge and make-up valves to isolate. I HIIe Position BOP SRO Applicant's Actions or Behavior Secures containment venting/purging operations in accordance with OP-173-00 1, Containment Atmosphere Control, beginning at step 2.2.B n. At Panel OC681 , Depress SGTS CLG OA DMP HD07555A(B)
OPEN pushbutton Observe SGTS CLG OA DMP HD07555A(B)
OPENS for 120 seconds to allow suction flow path when purge lineup isolated. Close following: CONTN N2 PURGE OB ISO HV-15721 DRWL PURGE IB ISO HV-15722 DRWL VENT IB ISO HV-15713. DRWL VENT OB ISO HV-15714 DRWL VENT BYPS OB ISO HV-15711. DRWLlWETWELL BURP DMP HD-17508A. DRWLlWETWELL BURP DMP HD-1750BB. Depress N2 PURGE FLOW CTL FIC-05719 CLOSE pushbutton until indication at 0% OPEN.Shuts down 'A' SGTS Fan in accordance with OP-070-001, section 2.3: Opens SGTS Clg Outside Air Damper HD-07555A by depressing pushbutton Closes purge dampers HD-17500BA
& B Places 'A' SGTS Fan to Stop then back to Auto Lead. Upon securing 'A' SGTS Fan, Alarm F-16 "HVAC DIV 1 System" may come in on panel AR016 (OC 653).lnforms SRO that purge alignment is restored and 'Au SGTS Fan is returned to standby alignment. References TS Determines Condition A, Required Actions A.1 (isolate by deactivating closed valve within 4 hrs) applies. Contacts WWM to inform him of the Rad Monitor failure and requests de-activation of HV-15714 in the closed position.
Op-Test No.:_ Scenario No.: _2_ Event Event
== Description:==
Failure of MCC 1 B217 resulting in loss of 'A' loop of OW spray and scram . ..., e Position BOP! ATC SRO ATC 80P Applicant's Actions or Behavior NRC Lead Examiner Note: After manual closure of purge and up valve, TS Call, shutdown of SGTS, and restoration of SGTS to standby alignment, proceed to the next event. Respond to the following alarms: ESS 480V LC 1B210 Trouble (A04) on panel OC653 AR016
* RPS Channel A 1/ A2 Auto Scram (A01 ) on panel 1 C651 AR 103 Informs SRO power, pressure, and level are stable and loss of RPS A normal power supply. Refers to ON-104-201 Loss of 4KV ESS Bus 1A (1A201)
E for MCC 18217 load list and Recognizes loss of 'A' train of Containment spray.
* Recognizes loss of RPS channel A. Enters and directs BOP to perform ON-158-001 Refers to TS3.8.7, determines Condition A. Required Action A.1 applies (restore 1 8217 to operable within 8 hrs) Contacts WWM to request FIN to investigate loss of 18217. Enters TR 3.4.1 due to loss of sampling Resets RPS Trip System by Momentarily Positioning RPS SCRM RESET control Switch HS-C72A-1S05 as follows: To GRP 1/4 position To GRP 2/3 position Observes following alarm CLEAR: RPS Channel A1/A2 AUTO SCRAM RPS Channel 81/B2 AUTO SCRAM SCRAM PILOT VALVE AIR HEADER LO PRESS. Dispatches Operator to MCC 18217 and LC 18210 to determine the cause.
Op-Test No.:_ Scenario No.: Event No.: _4_ Event
== Description:==
Failure of MCC 1 B217 resulting in loss of 'A' loop of OW spray and
* Aligns RPS M-G Setto Alternate Power lAW ON-158-001 step 1.2
* At Reactor Control Rod Test Instrument Panel 1 C61 0: 1.2.1 Ensure ALTERNATE A FEED White indicating light ILLUMINATED.
1.2.2 Ensure RPS M-G SET TRANSFER SWITCH HS-C72B-S1 in NORM position. Place RPS M-G SET TRANSFER SWITCH HS-C72B-S1 in ALTA position.
BOP 0 Informs ATC of requirement to reset RPS Trip System by.
* Step 2, Reset NSSSS isolation logic as follows: Depress MN STM LINE DIV 1 ISO RESET HS-B21-1 S32. Depress MN STM LINE DIV 2 ISO RESET HS-B21-1S33.
* Step 3, Recover from RBCW isolation as follows: Ensure RRP A CLG WTR OB ISO VALVES HV-18791A1&A2 CLOSED. Ensure RRP B CLG WTR 18 ISO VALVES HV-18792A1&A2 CLOSED. Depress HV-18791A1&A2IS0LATION RESET. BOP Depress HV-18792A1&A2IS0LATION RESET. Ensure RRP A CLG WTR OB ISO VALVES HV-18791A1&A2 OPEN. Ensure RRP B CLG WTR 18 ISO VALVES HV-18792A1&A2 OPEN PROCEED TO THE NEXT EVENT.
I Op-Test No.:_ Scenario No.: Event No.: _5_ Event
== Description:==
RBCCW pump swap due to excessive seal leakage on running pump. Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior NRC Lead Examiner Note: Once RPS power supply transferred to alternate, Scram reset, and RBCW isolation is recovered, proceed to the next event. SRO Directs the BOP to swap RBCCW pump lAW OP-114-001, Reactor Building Close Loop Cooling Water System (RBCCW). ! Step 2.2 of OP-114-001 At Panel 1 C668, Start standby RBCCW PUMP 1 P21 OB by Depressing START push button. Observe RBCCW Pump B discharge pressure between 90-110 psig on local pressure gage PI-11306B. Slowly Close running RBCCW Pump A Dsch 113062. Stop running RBCCW PUMP 1 P21 OA by Depressing STOP push button. BOP Check RBCCW Pump B discharge pressure between 80-95 psig on local gauge PI-11306B. Check RBCCW HX discharge pressure on PI-11308, Panel 1 C668 stabilizes between 72-82 psig. Open RBCCW Pump A Dsch 113062. .
* Open breaker 1 B216-1 03 for 1 A RBCCW pump
* Close 1A RBCCW Pump Suction 113057
* Close 1 A RBCCW Pump discharge 113062 PROCEED TO THE NEXT EVENT.
Op-Test No.:_ Scenario No.: _2_ Event No.: Event
== Description:==
'A' Recire pump speed oscillationl Lock up the 'A' recirc Time Position ATC SRO BOP Applicant's Actions or Behavior Recognizes and reports changing Reactor power. Recognizes and reports the 'A' Recirc pump oscillations. Oscillations of 3% power. Recognizes and reports the oscillation as an entry into 156-001, Unanticipated Reactivity Change. May reduce power (to power level prior to start of oscillations)
AND lock the affected scoop tube OR trip the affected pump. Immediate Operator Actions IF a rapid speed change is experienced on a Reactor Recirc Pump, take immediate action to Reduce Power AND Lock the affected scoop tube OR trip the affected pump. o Examiner Note: If applicant decides to trip the pump then SRO should enter ON-164-002 for loss of recirc flow. Also, Due to the power being low in the IC and the RRPs are near the #1 limiter, power may not change much, therefore, crew may not need to reduce power. ON-156-001, Unanticipated Reactivity Change, Step 4.2, Check current rod position, 00-7 against rod patterns provided in the CRC Book to determine drifted or scrammed rods. Step 4.3, IF time permits, Initiate TRA. Step 4.4, IF applicable, Perform ON-178-002 Core Flux Oscillations. Ensure ATC reduced power AND locked the affected scoop tube OR tripped the affected pump. Enters ON-156-001, Unanticipated Reactivity Change NRC Lead Examiner Note: Because pump speeds are low, flow mismatch between the loops will not be large enough for TS 3.4.1 Condition B to apply, however, if the crew trips the pump, then the SRO will have to address single loop TS 3.4.1 Condition C which requires establishing single loop setpoints within 12 hours. Perform ON-156-001, Unanticipated Reactivity Change Op-Test No.:_ Scenario No.: _2_ Event No.: Event
== Description:==
'A' Recirc pump speed oscillation!
Lock up the 'A' recirc Time I Position 1 Applicant's Actions or Behavior PROCEED TO THE NEXT EVENT.
Op-Test No.: _ Scenario No.: _2_ Event No.: _7_ Event
== Description:==
SRV 'B' inadvertently opens and stays open Time Applicant's Actions or Behavior Respond to the following alarms: Main Steam SRV Leaking (E1) on panel AR110 Main Steam Div 1 SRV Open (E2) on panel AR11 0 BOP Recognizes and reports SRV 'B' open Takes action lAW AR-110-001, Main Steam Div 1 SRVopen (E02) Check for any Division 1 Safety Relief Valve open (1 C601 acoustic monitor red light on). Check relief valve discharge line temperatures on SRV/ADS Temperature TR-B21-1R614 at Panel 1C614. IF safety relief valve open, Perform ON-183-001 Stuck Open Safety-Relief Valve. Inform SRO that due to steam discharged to Suppression Pool, TS applies. ON-183-00 1 , Step 3.3, IF SRV open due to other than RPV high pressure, Place affected SRV control switch to OFF. BOP Step 3.5, IF the SRV Control Switch was placed in OFF and indications are that the SRV did not CLOSE, Perform the following: Obtain concurrence from Shift Supervision, THEN Place the 'B' SRV control switch to OPEN. Return SRV control switch to OFF. Check for SRV closure lAW Section 3.4 of this procedure. As directed by Shift Supervision, Repeat steps 3.5.1 through 3.5.3 until evident SRV will not close, ANDIOR Continue with next step Op-Test No.:_ Scenario No.: _2_ Event No.: Event
== Description:==
SRV 'B' inadvertently opens and stays open Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior Step 3.6, IF SRV did NOT close when control switch was placed in OFF, attempt to Close SRV by removal of fuses per Attachment A for affected SRV as follows: Determines from Attachment A that Fuses B21 C-F021 and B21C-F022 are for "B" SRV and contacts the TB NPO to pull the fuses in 1C628 (12/754'. Check for SRV CLOSURE lAW Section 3.4 of this procedure. IF SRV fails to CLOSE, Restore fuses pulled in Step 3.6.1 and Independently Verify Step 3.7, IF NOT required for adequate core cooling, Place at least one loop of RHR in Suppression Pool Cooling Mode in accordance with OP-149-005. OR May enter EO-100-003 for high Suppression Pool temperature
> 90&deg;F and maximize suppression pool cooling by placing both trains of suppression pool cooling in service. Places ESW in service, buy starting one pump in each division. Places RHRSW in service to RHR heat exchanger B. Opens Suppression Chamber test shutoff valve F028B. Starts RHR pump 1 P202B (D). Throttles open test line control valve HV-F024B to achieve s; 10,000 gpm on FI-E 11-1 R603B. Observes minimum flow valve HV-151-F007B closes 3000 gpm. Closes heat exchanger bypass HV-151-F048B. Checks RHR pump room coolers 1V210B (D) started. Utilizes ON-100-101 Att B 1C601 PCO Actions Following A Scram to assess plant status.
I Op-Test No.:_ Scenario No.: _2_ Event No.: Event
== Description:==
SRV 'B' inadvertently opens and stays open Time Position SRO SRO ATC Applicant's Actions or Behavior Enters ON-183-001 Stuck Open Safety-Relief Valve. Directs BOP to perform ON-183-001 actions for "B" SRV. Concurs with placing the 'B' SRV control switch to OPEN and returning SRV control switch to OFF. Refers to NDAP-QA-0720 for required ENS notification Directs Reactor Scram iaw ON-183-001:
Immediately Scram Reactor for ANY of the following: It is evident SRV WILL NOT close. SRV is open AND BEFORE suppression pool temperature reaches 11 oaF. (TS Reactor Pressure approaching OR exceeds 1087 psig. Examiner Note: If power was raised closer to 16% then they may drop below 13", if so, then the crew should enter RPV Control. If RPV level does not drop below 13", RFPs will trip on high RPV level following scram. Enters RPV Control, EO-100,..102 on report of RPV level < 13". ON-100-101, SCRAM, SCRAM IMMINENT Immediate Operator Actions: Steps: Place Mode Switch HS-C72A-1S01 to SHUTDOWN Observe all Control Rods indicate fully inserted (using two indications, 00-7 completed as soon as possible) Insert IRMs and SRMs. Performs ON-100-101 Attachment A 1C651 PCO Actions Following a Scram Examiner Note: If RPV level does not drop below 13", causing FW to align for Startup Level Control, that the RFPs trip on high RPV level following scram due to "A" Remaining in FCM. PROCEED TO THE NEXT EVENT.
i Op-Test No.: _ Scenario No.: _2_ Event No.: Event
== Description:==
SRV 'B' Suppression Chamber Tailpipe Time Position BOP/AT C SRO Applicant's Actions or Behavior Examiner Note: After Suppression Pool Cooling is placed in service, notify booth operator to proceed Event 8 (SRV 'B' Suppression Chamber Tailpipe Break) Recognizes and reports drywell pressure going up fast. Responds to ECCS LOOP A & B HI DRWL PRESS (A03) alarm Responds to HI DRYWELL PRESS SIGNAL B SEALED-IN (B04) alarm. Recognizes that Suppression Chamber pressure is leading Drywell pressure and informs crew that it appears there is a broken tailpipe in the Suppression Chamber. Enters EO-000-102, RPV CONTROL, and enters EO-000-103, PRIMARY CONTAINMENT CONTROL, when drywell pressure exceeds 1.72 psig: Directs PCOs to perform panel walkdown for: Isolations Initiations DIG starts Directs RPV level band +13 to +54 inches with RCIC and HPCI Directs prevention of injection from LPCI and CS pumps. Directs Suppression Chamber Spray Loop 'B' to be placed service. Directs 'A' Loop of Suppression Pool Cooling to be in placed service.
Op-Test No.:_ Scenario No.: _2_ Event No.: Event
== Description:==
SRV 'B' Suppression Chamber Tailpipe Time Applicant's Actions or Behavior OP-149-004, Step 2.8.2 or Att. 'A' Hard Card
* IF directed to spray Suppression Chamber: Throttle Open HV-151-F027B SUPP POOL SPRAY CTl, as necessary, to maintain 500 GPM as indicated on 15120B CONT SPRAY DIV 2 AND Maintain total-loop flowrate 10,000 gpm. b) Monitor Suppression Chamber pressure c) IF required, Place RHRSW in service to RHR HX per section 2.9 or AU. 'A' Hard Card. Caution Before Supp. Chamber pressure drops to 0 psig stop Supp. Chamber Spray BOP Place 'A' loop of RHR in Suppression Pool Cooling: Opens Suppression Chamber test shutoff valve F028A. Starts RHR pump 1P202A (C). Throttles open test line control valve HV-F024A to achieve 10,000 gpm on FI-E11-'IR603B. Observes minimum flow valve HV-151-F007A closes 3000 gpm. Closes heat exchanger bypass HV-151-F048A. Checks RHR pump room coolers 1V210A (C) started. PROCEED TO THE NEXT Op-Test No.:_ Scenario No.: _2_ Event No.: _9_ Event
== Description:==
Running RHR pump B (D) trips on pre-overload causing loss of suooression pool cooling. Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior Examiner Note: As soon as the applicant opens F024B and F027B to initiate Suppression pool cooling or suppression chamber sprays, notify booth operator to proceed Event 9 (Running RHR pump B (0) trips on pre-overload causing loss of suppression pool cooling) *SRO
* Directs alignment of RHR for Drywell Sprays when Supp Chamber exceeds 13 psig (CT-1). Directs Drywell spray flow limited to between 1000 and 2800 gpm for first 30 secondsJCT-2). Directs RO to use the other RHR pump and align RHR 0 for OW spray. SRO Recognizes and reports that running RHR pump B (D) tripped. Acknowledges the following alarm: BOP RHR Pump B (D) pre-overload (A07108).
Op-Test No.:_ Scenario No.: _2_ Event No.: _9_ Event
== Description:==
Running RHR pump B (D) trips on pre-overload causing loss of , suppression pool cooling.
*BOP A* Behavior OP-149-004, Step S.b Att A Hard Card. IF potential RHR loop voiding has occurred, Start RHR as follows: (1) Close HV-151-F047B HX B SHEll SIDE INLET. (2) Place HV-151-F048B Control Switch to OFF/lOCA RESET. (3) WHEN White Indicating Light above Control Switch ILLUMINATED, Close HV-151-F048B HX B SHELL SIDE BYPS. (4) Open HV-151-F024B.TEST LINE CTl * (6) Start 1 P202D (B) RHR PUMP . (7) Observe HV-151-F007B RHR PP BID MIN FLOW REMAINS OPEN IF loop flow remains BELOW 3000 GPM. (8) Throttle Open HV-151-F048B HX B SHELL SIDE BYPS to establish a system flow rate between 3,000 and 3,500 gpm as indicated on FI-E11-1 R603B RHR BID FLOW. (9) Slowly Throttle Open HV-151-F048B HX B SHEll SIDE BYPS in 500 gpm increments followed by a 20 second pause to establish a system flow of 6,000 gpm as indicated on FI-E11-'IR603B.RHR BID FLOW (10) Throttle Open HV-151-F048B HX B SHELL SIDE BYPS to establish a system flow rate between 11,000 and 12,000 gpm as indicated on RHR BID FLOW (11 ) Throttle Closed HV-151-F024A(B)
TEST LINE eTl until ::; 10,000 gpm observed at FI-E11-1 R603A(B).RHR FI-E11-1 R603A(B) A/C(BID) FLOW. (12) Fully Open HV-151-F048A(B)
RHR HX A(B) SHELL SIDE BYPS . (13) Open HV-151-F047A(B)
RHR HX A(S) SHELL SIDE INLET. (14) IF required, Close HV-lSl-F024A(B)
TEST LINE CTL Op-Test No.:_ Scenario No.: _2_ Event No.: _9_ Event
== Description:==
Running RHR pump B (D) trips on pre-overload causing loss of suppression pool cooling . .... Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior Fully Open HV-151-F048B HX B SHELL SIDE BYPS OPEN HV-151-F047B HX B SHELL SIDE INLET Close HV-151-F024A(B)
TEST LINE Aligns RHR pump 0 for OW sprays when suppression chamber pressure exceeds 13 psig (CT-1). OP-149-004, Step 2.8.3 or Att. A Hard Card
* Ensure both RRP's, all DW coolers and fans are shutdown Throttle HV-151-F016B DRYWELL SPRAY OB ISO, as necessary, to establish a flowrate BETWEEN 1000 AND 2800 GPM for the first 30 seconds as indicated on FI-15120B CONTN SPRAY DIV 2 AND Maintain total loop flowrate :::; 10,000 gpm. AFTER 30 seconds, Throttle Open HV-151-F016B to establish a total loop flowrate 9,500 to 10,000 GPM as indicated on E11-1R603B RHR D FLOW. Monitor Drywell pressure. IF required, Place RHRSW in service to RHR HX per section 2.9 limits OW spray flow to between 1000 and 2800 gpm for*BOP first 30 seconds (CT-2). POST-SCENARIO:
Alert (FA 1) Table F on pg 45 of EP-TP-001.
EAL 2.d. DW pressure>
1.72 psig and Indication of a RCS leak inside containment (SRV stuck open wI tailpipe break inside containment) 
YES/NO NRC CODE PRIOR TO 0800 Tango Golf Indigo NRC CODE AFTER 0800 Oscar November Indigo Mike REMARKS: Plant startup in progress per GO-1 00-002, complete through Step 5.64. EOL A2SU step 256 'A' RFP is in DPM and '8' is in
_ Main Turbine has been on the Gear for 5 hours Drywell N2 purge is in progress.
Outside NPO stationed af the N2 truck Shift activities are for:
* PCOM to place 'A' RFP in Flow Control Mode iaw
* Crew to continue to raise power to 15% in preparation for generator synchronization.
COMMON: FORM OP-AD-003-7, Rev. 18, DUPLEX, Page 1 of 2 OFFGOING UNIT SUPERVISOR CHECKLIST: 0700 /V\) tv',) M) !":!J 1900 I 1. 2. 3. 4. Evolutions in progress and items to be completed during next shift, as noted in remarks, have been discussed with oncoming Unit Supervisor.
Problems encountered during past shift and abnormal plant conditions, as noted in remarks, have been discussed with oncoming Unit Supervisor.
Information in SOMS Log is complete and discussed with oncoming Unit Supervisor.
As applicable turnover plastic Security Badge cover and CRS Monitor function to oncoming Unit Supervisor.
1900 -0700 0700 -1900 Offgoing Unit Supervisor ONCOMING UNIT SUPERVISOR CHECKLIST: 1900 0700 (14) 1. 2. LCOITRO Log reviewed.
SOMS Log reviewed for entries made in past 24 hours. 0700-.1900 1900 -0700 Oncoming Qualified Unit Supervisor POST RELIEF 1900 0700 I I 1. Walk down Control Room panels with Unit Responsible PCO. 2. CRG Book reviewed and Reactivity Brief performed with PCO. 3. Completed System Status Operable audit for open PMT this shift. 0700 -1900 1900 -0700 Oncoming Unit Supervisor FORM OP-AD-003-7, Rev. 18, DUPLEX, Page 2 of 2 Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions Appendix Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Facility:
Susquehanna Scenario No.: Op-Test No.:
_ Initial Conditions:
Unit 1 100% power, EOl, Div II Core Spray Pumps out of service Turnover:
Maintain power I generator capability curve limits in accordance with the Event Malf. No. Event No. Type*
1 I-ATC leading Edge Flow Meter Computer Failure II 2 C-BOP 3A Feedwater Heater Extraction TS-Isolation, Power 3 cmf CN02 TIC11028 C-BOP RBCCW Temperature Controller Fails in Auto annAR103B01 I-ATC, Drywell Pressure Instrument Failure f:AlARM ON TS-SRO % 5 C-BOP loss of 1Y218 1 6 mfHP152009 f:.7 M-AII HPCI Equipment Room Steam leak, HPCI Isolation Failure mfRP158007B i7 C-BOP Failure of 'B' RPS, ARI Completion of Scram 8 IMF cmfBR04_1 A 10204 C-All 11 B Aux Bus fails to auto transfer loss of EHC IMF cmfPM04 1 P113A IMF Bypass valves fail to auto operate crnfTR02 PT10101A f:O crnfTR02_PT10101B 9 Malfunction Page Failure of all but one SRV, Depress * (N)ormal (R)ea . , (I)nstrument, (C)omponent (M)aior Page 1 of37 NRC Scenario #3 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions Scenario Summary Event 1: After the crew takes the shift, a failure of the LEFM computer will require entry into ON-100-006.
The crew will take action to suspend all activities affecting core reactivity, reduce core flow using recirc by O.S Mlbm/hr, and swap feedwater flow input to the core thermal power calculation from LEFM to venturis.
Priority for this event is to restore heat balance by changing feedwater flow instruments from LEFM to venturi. Event 2: Once the feedwater input to the heat balance calculation has been changed from LEFM to Venturi, the 3A Feedwater Heater Extraction Steam Isolation Valve will spuriously close. The crew will take action per ON-147-001 Loss of Feedwater Heating Extraction Steam to lower reactor power :::;71 % power and isolate extraction steam and drain input to 4A and SA heaters; SRO will address thermal limit Tech Specs. Priority for this event is reduce reactor power :::;71 % to prevent feedwater heater mechanical damage and isolation of extraction steam and the feedwater string if extraction steam cannot be restored within 2 hours (consistent with the 2 hours required to restore MCPR per Tech Specs). Event 3: Once the Tech Spec call is complete, the RBCCW temperature cbntroller will fail in automatic, causing a rise in temperatures on all RBCCW cooled components and an isolation of RWCU. The crew will take action in accordance with ON-114-001 to begin monitoring Recirc Pump motor bearing and seal cavity temperatures.
The crew will diagnose a failure of the temperature controller in AUTO and take manual control to restore system temperatures.
Priority for this event is diagnosis of the problem, monitoring of affected components (most importantly Recirc Pump seal temperatures) and restoration of temperature control by taking manual control of the temperature controller or directing control of the TCV bypass valve. Event 4: When RBCCW cooled component temperatures begin to recover, a drywell pressure transmitter will fail high without an accompanying
% scram. The crew will respond per alarm response, dispatch NPO and I&C to the field, diagnose a failed transmitter and failure to % scram, and the SRO will consult Tech Specs. The crew will insert a % scram on 'A' RPS and contact I&C to insert a trip on the failed instrument.
Priority for this event is diagnosis of the failed components, determining that the A RPS subsystem will not generate a scram, declare it inoperable cmd insert a % scram. Event 5: Once % scram insertion is complete, the main breaker for 1 Y218 will trip, resulting in a loss of instrument bus 1 Y218 and 1 Y219, requiring the crew to enter ON-117 -001. The crew will take action in accordance with ON-117 -001 to restore power to 1 Y218, place Refueling Water Pumps in service to supply Condensate Transfer System in accordance with OP-037-003, direct an NPO to take local manual control of the in-service CRD flow control valve, and to a loss of Zone 1 and U1 Zone 3 ventilation.
They will also note that they have lost several wide range level indicators, ARM's, full core display, and other ancillary indications.
Partial restoration of the instrument panels will be successful, but the crew will be unable to restore 1Y219. Priority for this event is restoration of power to 1Y218 to restore vital plant instrumentation, restoration of condensate transfer to ensure ECCS keepfill, and controlling drywell cooling to ensure proper cooling to Recirc Pumps and drywell. Event 6/7: When the crew has stabilized the plant and restored power to 1 Y218, a steam leak starts in the HPCI pump/equipment room. The crew will respond per alarm response to high room temperatures and will diagnose the steam leak. The crew will enter EO-1 00-1 04 Secondary Containment Control, focusing on the Secondary Containment Temperature leg. Efforts to isolate the leak will be ineffective by automatic and manual means due to a loss of Page 2 of37 NRC Scenario #3 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions control power for the inboard isolation valve and mechanically bound outboard isolation valve. When the decision is made that a primary system is discharging into a table 8 RB area, the SRO will direct a reactor scram prior to room temperatures exceeding Max Safe; however 'B' RPS will not generate a SCRAM signal, requiring the use of ARI to complete the SCRAM. Priority for this event is to scram the reactor once it is determined that a primary system is discharging into the reactor building and before temperatures have exceeded max safe. Event 8: The SRO will enter EO-100-102 for RPV level and pressure control, both from 100-104 and also +13" RPV water level entry conditions.
When the turbine trips, the 11 B Aux Bus will fail to transfer resulting in loss of two Condensate Pumps, two Circ Water Pumps, two Service Water pumps, and the loss of power to the 1 B & C RFP Discharge Valves. The crew will need to restore power to the 11 B Aux Bus, crosstie load centers, or trip Condensate pumps to prevent uncontrolled Condensate injection during the cooldown.
In addition, the 'A' EHC Pump fails to auto start and the bypass valves fail to auto open. The crew will start the 'A' EHC pump and use the bypass valve jack to open bypass valves as necessary to force a cooldown.
Priority for this event is to restore EHC, prevent uncontrolled condensate injection, and begin cooldown to reduce reactor pressure.
Event 9: Once the cooldown is in progress, RCIC room temperatures will rise and the crew will receive a report that the door to RCIC was unable to be re-closed after entering HPCI room for attempted leak isolation.
It will be reported that there is steam leaking into the RCIC Room. When reactor building temperatures exceed max safe values in two areas (HPCI & RCIC), the SRO will enter EO-100-112 Rapid Depressurization.
The SRO will direct opening of all ADS valves; upon discovering that no ADS and only 1 other SRV will open, the SRO will direct alternate depressurization using bypass valves. Priority for this event is to direct rapid depressurization once two areas exceed max safe. Upon discovery of only one SRV operating, direct alternate depressurization using bypass valves. The scenario can be terminated once emergency depressurization using bypass valves or alternate systems has commenced.
Target Quantitative Attributes (Per Scenario; See Section D.S.d) Actual Attributes
: 1. Total malfunctions (5-8) 7 2. Malfunctions after EOP entry (1-2) 2 3. Abnonnal events (2-4) 4 4. Major transients (1-2) 1 5. EOPs entered/requiring substantive actions (1-2) EO-1 00-1 04/EO-100-1 02 2 6. EOP contingencies requiring substantive actions (0-2) EO-100-112 1 7. Critical tasks (2-3) 2 Page 3 of36 NRC Scenario #3 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions Critical 1.Manually scram the reactor before any Secondary Containment Area temperature I radiation reaches Max Safe Temperature.
Safety Significance High-energy leakage into the Secondary Containment Area impacts the integrity of Secondary Containment.
Failure of the Secondary Containment directly relates to the 10CFR50.67 design criteria of dose to the General Public. Action is taken to isolate systems that are discharging into secondary containment to terminate possible sources of radioactivity release. If these efforts are unsuccessful, whatever reason, or conditions are approaching max safe thresholds, the reactor (source term) is placed in a low energy state, or shutdown.
Consequences for Failure to Perform Task Failure to take actions to mitigate the energy released to the secondary containment directly affects the radiation dose to the General Public. SSES EOP Basis for: SC/T-8 BEFORE ANY RB AREA TEMP REACHES MAX SAFE GO TO RPV CONTROL Areas monitored by steam leak detection (RWCU equipment, main steam line tunnel, HPCI and RCIC pipe routing, HPCI equipment, and RCIC equipment) are assigned a Max Safe temperature equal to the steam leak detection isolation setpoint. "The setpoints are designed to detect a leakage rate below the leak rate corresponding to critical crack size for the smallest high energy line in the room which is part of the respective system." (FSAR
Instrumentation and components required for isolation are qualified up to the isolation temperature setpoints. (
SC/R-5 BEFORE ANY RB AREA RAD REACHES MAX SAFE GO TO RPV CONTROL The Max Safe operating radiation level is the most limiting area radiation level which will ensure personnel exposure is kept below the emergency exposure limit (25 Rem) while performing EOP actions in the secondary containment for a period no longer than 2.5 hours (i.e., 25 Rem12.5 hr = 10 Remlhr). A reactor scram through entry to EO-000-102, RPV Control, promptly reduces to decay heat levels the energy that the RPV may be discharging to the secondary containment.
The instruction to take this action at any time between the Max Normal and the Max Safe operating value may help avoid reaching the more severe action of rapidly depressurizing the RPV. (
Page 4 of36 NRC Scenario #3 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions Indications/Cues for Event Requiring Critical Task Simplex Fire Detection alarms indicating High temperatures in RB Areas Increasing area radiation and alarms for RB Areas Increasing Steam Leak Detection System temperatures and alarms Performance Criteria Manually Scram the Reactor prior to Exceeding Max Safe Temperature/Radiation as indicated by associated control room alarms and PICSY radiation indications.
Performance Feedback Initiating a reactor scram reduces the heat load that will be absorbed and released by the Secondary Containment as well as the radioactive source term. Rods inserted Power lowering Page 5 of36 NRC Scenario #3 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions
* Rapidly depressurize the reactor when two Secondary Containment Areas exceed Max Safe Rad I Temperature I Water levels. Safety Significance High-energy leak in the Secondary Containment Area impacts the integrity of Secondary Containment.
Failure of the Secondary Containment directly relates to the 10CFR50.67 design criteria of dose to the General Public. Action is taken to isolate systems that are discharging into secondary containment to terminate possible sources of radioactivity release. Minimizing radioactive release to secondary containment also helps accomplish the objective of precluding a radioactive release outside secondary containment under conditions where secondary containment integrity cannot be maintained.
Previous containment control actions have not, for whatever reason, mitigated the event and now potentially large areas of the secondary containment have been challenged.
Consequences for Failure to Perform Task Failure to take actions to mitigate the energy released to the secondary containment directly affects the radiation dose to the General Public. SSES EOP Basis for: SC/T*9 WHEN RB AREA TEMP EXCEEDS MAX SAFE IN 2 OR MORE AREAS RAPID DEPRESS IS REQ'D SC/R-6 WHEN RB AREA RAD EXCEEDS MAX SAFE IN 2 OR MORE AREAS RAPID DEPRESS IS REQ'D SC/L-7 WHEN RB AREA WATER LEVEL EXCEEDS MAX SAFE IN 2 OR MORE AREAS RAPID DEPRESS IS REQ'D Should secondary containment area temperatures/radiation/water levels continue to increase to their Max Safe values in more than one area with a primary system discharging into secondary containment, the RPV must be rapidly depressurized.
Depressurizing the RPV promptly places the primary system in its lowest possible energy state, rejects heat to the suppression pool in preference to outside the containment, and reduces the driving head and flow of primary systems that are un-isolated and discharging into the secondary containment.
The criteria of "2 or more areas" identifies the increase in temperature (radiation or water level) trend as a wide spread problem which may pose a direct and immediate Page 6 of36 NRC Scenario #3 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions threat to secondary containment integrity, equipment located in the secondary containment, or continued safe operation of the plant. Indications/Cues for Event Requiring Critical Task Increasing Steam Leak Detection System temperatures and alarms indicating levels at Safe Increasing area radiation and alarms for RB Areas indicating levels at Max Safe PICSY formats indicating radiation values greater than Max Safer Reactor Building room levels above high level annunciation or as confirmed by local Performance Criteria Perform a Rapid Depressurization per EO-1 00-112 when two or more RB areas exceed max safe temperatures per EO-100-104 Table 8 Perform a Rapid Depressurization per EO-1 00-112 when two or more RB areas exceed max safe radiation per EO-100-104 Table 9 (10 Rlhrfor all areas) Perform a Rapid Depressurization per EO-100-112 when two or more RB areas exceed max safe water leve! per EO-1 00-1 04 Table 10 Initiate ADS I Manually open all 6 ADS valves Upon discovery of only one open SRV, perform alternate depressurization using alternate systems (bypass valves most effective)
Performance Feedback Initiating a rapid depressurization causes Reactor pressure to lower which lowers the driving force of any primary system breach. Verify ADS valves are open using light red light indication, acoustic monitoring and lowering Reactor pressure and rising reactor water level. Page 7 of36 NRC Scenario #3 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions The scenario may be terminated once emergency depressurization using bypass valves or alternate systems has commenced ITEM I MALFUNCTION I REMOTE FUNCTION I Ensure NRC-3 scenario files and triggers are loaded on the server Reset simulator to Scenario IC 389 and perform the following:
-Run scenario NRC3 -Place the simulator in run -Ensure Core Spray Loop 'B' Out Of Service HS-B21-1S1
'I B is in INOP -Ensure 'B' EHC pump running -Stage RPS prints M1-C72-22 in the simulator booth for applicant use Apply Status Tags on the following components:
-'B' CS loop components Take out of FREEZE and ensure the following:
Reactor Power is 100% with stable reactor water level Ensure materials for applicants:
Turnover sheet Div 2 Core Spray oos for SOW 1 B EHC Pump in service and 1 A in stby Shift activities: Maintain power / generator capability curve limits in accordance with the eRC Book Ensure the following malfunctions are loaded: -IMF cmfHV06_HV155F002 HPCI Steam Isol. valve Auto Logic Fails -IMF cmfMV09 HV155F003 HPCI steam isol. valve binding during motion -IMF cmfMV08 HV149F008 f:100 RCIC Steam OB Isolation leak by -IMF cmfMV08 HV149F007 f:100 RCIC Steam IB Isolation leak by -IMF mfRP158007B B RPS failure -IMF mfAD183001 ADS Auto initiation failure -IMF cmfPM04 'IP113A 'A' EHC Pump Failure to Auto Start -lOR diHSB211S30AA f:NORM ADS Div 1 Manual initiation failure -lOR diHSB211S30BA f:NORM ADS Div 2 Manual initiation failure -IMF cmfNB01_PSB21
'I N022A(B,C,D,E,F,G,H,J,K,L,M,N,P,R,S)
Fail to open -IMF cmfRV02_PSV141F13A(B,C,D,E,F,G,H,J,K,L,M,N,P,R,S)
Fail to open -lOR diHS14113G3(J3,K3,L3,M3,N3) f:AUTO -IORdiHS14113A1(B1,C1)f:AUTO
-lOR diHS14113D(E,H,P,R,S) f:AUTO (F SRV is allowed to -IMF cmfBR04 1A10204 Tie Bus to 11 B Bkr Auto Logic Page 8 of36 NRC Scenario #3 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions ITEM I MALFUNCTION I REMOTE FUNCTION I CONDITION Ensure the following remote functions are loaded: -None Ensure the following overrides are loaded: -None Ensure the following triggers are built: NRC3 ET1, trips HV155F002 breaker when keylock switch is taken to NRC3 (diHS15502.CurrValue
NRC3 ET1.scn (IMF NRC3 ET2, fails EHC regulators when Mode Switch is placed in shutdown BPVs will not auto -NRC3 (diHSC72A 1 S01.CurrValue
!= #OR.diHSC72A 1 S01.RUN) -NRC3 ET2.scn (I MF cmITR02_PT1 01 01 A f:O) (IMF cmITR02_PT1 01 01 B f:O) Ensure the following Soft Keys are built: {Key[1]} IMF mfFW145012 LEFM Computer Failure {K.ey[2]}
1M F mfMS 14600 1 A 3A FW Htr Extraction Stm Isolation
{Key[3]} IMF cmfCN02_ TIC11 028 f:O RBCCW temp controller fails in AUTO {Key[4]} IMF mfannAR103B01 f:ALARM_ON Pri Cont High Press Trip Annunc. ON {Key[5]} IMF mfDB157001 1 Y218 feeder breaker trip {Key[6]} scn NRC3A Refuel Wtr Xfer supplying Cond Xfer {Key[7]} scn Strips 1 Y218 breakers {Key[8J} scn NRC3C Recloses 1Y218 bkrs (not 1Y219) {Key[9]} IRF rfRM179004 f:RESET Resets Radiation Monitors {Key[9]} IRF rfRM179004 f:NORMAL d:2 Resets Radiation Monitors {Key[10]}
IMF mfHP152009 f:.7 HPCI Equipment Room Steam Leak {Key[11]}
scn Closes Circ Water Pp valves {Key[12]}
scn Resets SW Pp Lockout Relays {Key[13]}
scn Restores Instrument
& Service Air {Key[14]}
IMF mfRC150004 f:50 RCIC Equipment Room Steam Leak {Key[14]}
MMF mfHP152009 f:10 Modifies HPCI Equip Room Leak Reset any annunciators that should not be present Page 9 of36 NRC Scenario #3 Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions INSTRUCTIONS FOR SIMULATOR OPERATOR EVENT 1: LEFM Failure ./ MALFUNCTION I REMOTE FUNCTION I REPORT
* When Chief Examiner ready to proceed, click Soft Key 1 to insert IMF mfFW145012 LEFM computerfailure
* When contacted as STA, state that you are currently unavailable, but will be there as soon as you can
* When dispatched as NPO to check LEFM 1 C11 07, wait two minutes and report that the panel is de-energized.
When asked about status of 1 C11 07 breaker positions, report both are closed
* When sent to check 1 Y128-38, wait one minute and report that breaker 1 Y128-38 is tripped
* As NPO, if directed to reset and re-close 1 Y128-38, report that breaker will not stay closed
* When contacted as the Work Week Manager state that you will contact FIN to investigate
* As I&C, wait five minutes, then report that there appears to be an internal problem with LEFM and that you are unsure when it will be restored to service
* Respond to request for assistance as appropriate EVENT 2: 3A Feedwater Heater Extraction Steam Isolation
& Power Reduction
* Once heat balance input is changed to venturi and Chief Examiner ready to proceed, click Soft Key 2 to insert IMF mfMS146001A 3A Feedwater heater extraction steam isolation
* As NPO dispatched to 1 C1 01: Wait 1 minute and report that I&C was at the panel and they accidently arced across several contacts with their multimeter.
It appears that the terminals are connected to HV-10240A.
Report that I&C needs to check prints and verify that to be the case. It looks like the contacts are damaged and it could be several hours before we can finish assessment and repairs
* As NPO directed to investigate FW Heater panel alarms, report that there are multiple level and dump valve alarms, valves are responding correctly, and you will continue to monitor
* When directed to close 1251461 instrument air to HV-1 0244A at 1 C-151 B-A and open petcock 1A-PCV-10244A, wait one minute and report actions completed
* Respond to request for assistance as appropriate Page 10 of36 NRC Scenario #3 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions EVENT 3: RBCCW Temperature Controller Fails in Auto ./ MALFUNCTION I REMOTE FUNCTION I REPORT
* Once crew begins isolation of the 'A' FW Heater string extraction steam or 'A' FW Heater string at Chief Examiner discretion, and Chief Examiner ready to proceed, click Soft Key 3 to insert IMF cmfCN02_TIC11028 f:0 RBCCW temperature controller failure
* If dispatched as NPO, wait three minutes, and if : -The crew has not taken manual control and opened the TBCCW TCV report that TCV-11 028 is closed. If directed to open 110062 (TCV Bypass), on P&ID SW2, use the Instructor Selected valve position for 11028 and adjust valve position as necessary to restore / maintain temperature at "'" 90&deg; F -If the valve is open, inform them the valve is open
* When contacted as the Work Week Manager state that you will contact FIN to investigate
* If contacted as chemistry, acknowledge report of conductivity trend, report that it is likely due to the disturbance of feedwater/condensate flow. Will monitor and take confirmatory samples
* Four minutes after the WWM was contacted, call the control room as I&C and report that you are calibrating a replacement controller and should be ready to install it within an hour
* Respond to request for assistance as appropriate EVENT 4: Drywell Pressure Instrument Failure without % SCRAM ! ./ MALFUNCTION I REMOTE FUNCTION I REPORT
* Once RBCCW temperatures have begun to stabilize and Chief Examiner ready to proceed, click Soft Key 4 to insert IMF mfannAR103B01 f:ALARM_ON Pri Cont High Press Trip annunciator ON
* When dispatched as I\JPO to investigate PSH-C72-1 N002A and PSH-C72-1 N002C, report no abnormalities locally
* When contacted as the Work Week Manager state that you will contact FIN to investigate
* As I&C, report that PSH-C72-1 N002A appears to have failed and RPS Relay K4A on 1 C609 is de-energized but two of the contacts are welded closed
* If crew indicates they have 12 hours to place 'A' RPS in the trip condition, contact the Unit Supervisor as I & C and report that you do not have a replacement relay in stock and have Procurement trying to locate one. Projected delivery could be as much as one to two days.
* If crew requests assistance with determining if the K4A relay inputs to the A 1 RPS logic, inform the caller that you will come to the Control Room with prints. Wait one minute, ask the US for permiSSion to enter the inner ring, then point to the K4A relay on M1-C72-22 Sheet 6 (coordinates E-5) and tell the US it is the failed relay. Page 11 of36 NRC Scenario #3 Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test i Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions I ,/ MALFUNCTION I REMOTE FUNCTION I REPORT
* If requested as I&C to place the RPS subsystem in trip, report that you cannot I support until sometime possibly during the next shift, but unsure
* Respond to request for assistance as appropriate EVENT 5: Loss of 1Y218 ,/ MALFUNCTION I REMOTE FUNCTION I REPORT
* Once Tech Spec call is complete, RPS Yz scram inserted (at Chief Examiner discretion), and Chief Examiner ready to proceed, click Soft Key 5 to insert IMF mfDB157001 1Y218 main breaker trip
* When dispatched as NPO to investigate loss of instrumentation bus, report the main breaker in 1Y218 is tripped and the front of 1Y219 is deformed.
* As the NPO, when directed to take local control of CRD flow control valve to restore CRO system flow, acknowledge the direction and take no further action (when 1 Y218 loads are restored CRO flow will return to normal)
* As NPO, acknowledge the request to place Refueling Water Pumps in service to supply Condensate Transfer System lAW OP-037-003, section 2.22, wait five minutes, click Soft Key 6 to run scn NRC3A to align refuel water transfer system, then call the Control Room and tell them to start the RWT pump
* As NPO directed to report status of RBCCW to RBCW swap valves on 1 CB216A and/or 1 C279, wait two minutes and report the valve indication is out but you checked locally and RBCCW is supplying OW coolers
* If crew chooses to restore 1 Y218 without first stripping loads, manually restore 1 Y218 by closing the main feed breaker. Otherwise:
* When contacted as NPO to strip 1 Y218 loads, click Soft Key 7 to run sen NRC38 to open all1Y218 breakers
* When contacted as NPO to reclose the Main breaker for 1 Y218 and reclose all 1Y218 breakers except for 1Y219, click Soft Key 8 to run sen NRC3C to reclose all1Y218 breakers except for 1Y219, monitor SCN NRC3C, and when the last breaker is closed, call the RO and report all breakers are closed except 38,40, and 42.
* As NPO directed to reset Rad Monitors, wait two minutes, click Soft Key 9 to activate IRF rfRM179004 f:RESET and IRF rfRM179004f:NORMAL d:2, and call the RO to inform them they are reset
* Respond to request for assistance as appropriate Page 12 of36 NRC Scenario #3 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions EVENT 6 HPCI E :qUlpmen tR oom St earn L ea k ./ MALFUNCTION
* When power restored to 1 Y218 and Chief Examiner ready to proceed, click Soft Key 10 to initiate IMF mfHP152009f:.7 HPCI equipment room steam leak
* If dispatched as NPO to investigate possibility of steam leak, report the HPCI Room ARM is going up, there is a loud flow noise inside HPCI room and that the door is warm to the touch
* When directed as U-2 to evacuate U-1 RB, have 2 nd booth operator perform evacuation lAW Hard Card, to include sounding area evacuation alarm
* When dispatched to investigate MOV failures, report 'I B237 -082 for F002 is tripped; if requested to re-close breaker report that it cannot be re-closed.
Report no abnormalities at 1 D264-081 for F003
* When dispatched as NPO to close HPCI OB Steam Isol HV-155-F003, wait five minutes and report that you are unable to engage the clutch
* When contacted as Security to monitor HPCI blowout panels, acknowledge request and inform caller that you checked with the camera and currently there is NO steam
* Respond to req uest for assistance as appropriate EVENT 7/8: Failure of 'B' RPS, ARI Completion of SCRAM, Failure of Aux Busses to Auto Transfer ./ MALFUNCnON/REMOTEFUNCnON/REPORT
* As the NPO dispatched to investigate 11 B Aux Bus for tripped lockouts and targets, wait two minutes and report that there are no tripped lockouts or relays and everything appears normal with the Aux and Tie busses
* If directed to crosstie 1 B140 to feed 1 B150 use P&ID DB-5 and open breaker 1 B 150-12, then close tie breaker 42.
* If directed to crosstie 1 B1 00 to feed 18110, use P&ID DB-1 and open breaker 1 B11 0-12, then close tie breaker 42.
* As the NPO, if directed to close the 'B' and 'D' Circ Water Pump valves; wait two minutes, depress Soft Key 11 to run sen NRC3D, and monitor the CW Pp Suction and Discharge valves. Once they are closed, contact the requesting person and report that valves are closed
* As the NPO directed to reset the '8' and '0' Service Water Pump breaker lockouts on the 11 B Bus, wait two minutes and depress Soft Key 12 to run sen NRC3E. Once all three Green lockout lights are out, contact the requesting person and report that the lockouts are reset
* As the NPO directed to close the Service Water Pp discharge valve, role play that the requested valve is closed, and do the same when requested to reopen it
* As the NPO directed to restore Instrument Air and Service Air, wait one minute and depress Soft Key 13 to run sen NRC3F. When the scenario (NRC3F) is Page 13 of36 NRC Scenario #3 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions MALFUNCTION I REMOTE FUNCTION I REPORT done running, report that both instrument air and service air are restored
* If directed as the NPO to investigate RB Main Steam Tunnel fire detection, wait two minutes and report that there is no unusual noise and you opened the door and the air was hot
* Respond to request for assistance as appropriate , api " f U'sing B aves EVENT9 F"I al ure 0 f a II SRV R 'd 0 epressunza Ion sypass VI MALFUNCTION I REMOTE FUNCTION I REPORT
* Adjust leak rates as required by scenario/Chief Examiner to ensure leak rate will result in multiple areas above max safe temperature (Note: changing HPCI leak to 1 % will cause temperature to exceed max safe quickly)
* Once the crew has taken action to close the 'B' and 'C' RFP Discharge Valve or prevent uncontrolled condensate injection, begins a forced cooldown, and when Chief Examiner ready to proceed, click Soft Key 14 to insert IMF mfRC150004f:50 and MMF mfHP152009 f:10 to insert the RCIC steam leak and modify the HPCI steam leak, then: Monitor the PNOVfor AR-108-001 (E05). RCIC High Temp/Delta Temp When it annunciates, contact the control room via the page as Maintenance, Report that you were sent into the HPCI room in steam suits to attempt to isolate the HPCI steam leak and that you were unable to do so. Explain that when you exited the room, you could not close the door into the RCIC room all the way
* If directed open ADS valves from the Upper I Lower Relay rooms, wait two minutes and report that all keylocks are in the Open position. Respond to request for assistance as appropriate
* Once emergency depressurization using bypass valves or alternate systems has commenced and upon direction of the Chief Examiner, place the simulator in freeze i
* Once the scenario is finished and the crew has left the simulator, place the simulator in run and change the input to OD3 back to LEFM, prior to resetting.
Page 14 of36 NRC Scenario #3 --Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions Appendix Required Operator Actions Form ES-D*2 Op-Test No.: __ Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: Page of Event
== Description:==
Leading Edge Flow Meter Computer Failure Priority:
Reduce core flow by O. SMlbmlhr and restore heat balance by swapping FW flow . input from LEFM to venturi e Position Apglicant's Actions or Behavior SRO Directs entry in ON-100-006, LOSS OF REACTOR HEAT BALANCE CALCULATION (Step 3.2) Directs crew to suspend any activities related to reactivity increase in the core (Step 3.2.1) Directs ATC to utilize APRMs for indication of Reactor Power (Step 3.2.2) Once Core thermal power heat balance is unavailable for >15 minutes, directs ATC to reduce core flow by approximately 0.5 Mlbm/hr (Step 3.2.3) Requests STA to select FW Venturi Flow Elements lAW OP-131-002.
Upon discovering STA is unavailable, directs ATC/BOP to perform this action or may perform this action himself/herself SRO Upon receiving communication from NPO that LEFM panel is energized and both panel breakers remain closed, will direct NPO to investigate 1 Y128-38. Breaker will be found tripped. Directs NPO to re-close breaker 1 Y128-38; breaker will not remain closed Requests I&C and Work Week Manager support to troubleshoot/repair LEFM Evaluator Note: Once heat balance input selected to venturis, proceed to next event, Key 2, 3A FW Htr extraction steam isolation Recognize and respond to Computer Alarm and indications:
PICSY core thermal power indication indicating white Alarm CRT message "1 C11 07 Trouble" PICSY LEFM FW Flow computer points indicating white PICSY LEFM FW Temperature computer points indicating white i Reports indications to SRO Page 15 of36 NRC Scenario #3 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions AMonitors APRMs for power indication Dispatches NPO to investigate loss of LEFM, check breakers per step 3.2.7 (Report from field will indicate that the panel is energized and both 1 C11 07 breakers are still closed. Will dispatch NPO to investigate 1Y128-38, breaker will be found tripped and cannot be reclosed)
Evaluator Note: The following actions will likely be performed from memory (OP-164-002 Step 2.1.6 at Rx Recirc HMI screens) Touch the MANUAL MODE SELECT button (Step 2.1.7) Touch the MANUAL MODE SELECT button on the confirmation overlay screen (Step 2.1.7.a) Ensure the MANUAL Screen Select button and MANUAL MODE SELECT buttons change color from blue to yellow (Step 2.1.7.b) Ensure the MANUAL MODE SELECT buttonJext now reads MANUAL MODE SELECTED (Step 2.1.8) Slowly Adjust REACTOR RECIRC PUMP A(B} SPEED SY-B31-1R621A{B)
Controller Demand with the applicable DEC pushbuttons until core flow has been reduced 0.5 Mlbm/hr A Evaluator Note: SRO may perform these actions in lieu of A TC, as manipulations can also be performed at SRO desk. Performs OP-131-002 Section 2.5 to swap feedwater inputs into 00-3 (Step 2.5.5) Press the ESC key on the PICSY keyboard (Step 2.5.6) Type LEFMP in the Turn-On Code (TOC) field and Press ENTER (Step 2.5.7) Ensure the desired feedwater source (venturi or LEFM) is providing data to the 003 program (Step 2.5.8) !E the 003 input is not correct, swap to the other input as follows: (Step 2.5.8.a) Type FWFETOGL in the TOC field and Press ENTER (Step 2.5.8.b) Type Y in response to the prompt "CHANGE FW FLOW INPUTS TO CTP (YIN)?" and Press ENTER (Step 2.5.8.c) Ensure the message on the LEFMP screen changes and indicates the correct feedwater input It may take up to 4 minutes for indicated CTP to stabilize.
Page 16 of36 NRC Scenario #3 Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test I Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions Appendix Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No,: __ Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: Page_of_ Event
== Description:==
3A Feedwater Heater Extraction Steam Isolation, power reduction Priority:
Reduce and maintain reactor power $71 % and isolate extraction steam to remainder of string. Iso/ate 'A' feedwater string when determined that restoration of extraction steam to 'A' feedwater header will take longer than 2 hours ! Time Applicant's Actions or Behavior Announces entry into ON-156-001 Unanticipated Reactivity Change SRO When reactor power reported to be exceeding 3952 MWth, announces entry into ON-100-004, Reactor Power greater than the Authorized Limit (ON-156-001 Step 4.5) IF change resulted in power increase:
SRO (Step 4.5.1) IE > 3952 MWth as indicated on computer point NBA 100 (1 minute average).
Perform ON-100-004, "Reactor Power greater than Authorized Limit," OTHERWISE (Step 4.5.2) Reduce reactor power to level at which it was prior to reactivity change (Step 4.7) AS REQUIRED, Take Action to correct any apparent change in any following variable which could affect reactivity: (Step 4.7.12) Feedwater temperature Per ON-1 00-004 step 3.2, directs ATC to reduce core thermal power <3952 MWth using recirc per CRC book (Step 3.3) Requests STA determine the maximum thermal power excursion by using PICSY (STA is unavailable)
! Notifies Reactor Engineering Announces entry into ON-147-001 Loss of Feedwater Heating Extraction Steam (ON-147-001 Step 3.2) Direct ATC to Immediately Reduce Reactor Power lAW RE Instructions in CRe Book to $71 % RTP by Performing step 3.2 (Step 3.3) Directs ATC to perform ON-164-002 Loss of Reactor Recirculation Flow I (Step 3.4.1) Directs ATC to monitor position and comply with Stability Region Requirements on Power/Flow map Page 17 of36 NRC Scenario #3 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test i Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions (Step 3.4.2) Directs BOP to monitor Main Steam Line Radiation Monitor D12-1R603 and Offgas Pretreatment Log Radiation Monitor RR-D12-1R601 Contacts Reactor Engineering, I&C, Work Week Manager Evaluator Note: Due to the transient on feedwater/condensate flow, crew may notice a conductivity swing. Crew may contact chemistry for vermcation, but the magnitude of the swing does not require entering any off-normal procedures, only monitoring of the transient Announces that they are entering LCO 3.2.2 for MCPR, and if feedwater heating is lost and cannot be restored within 2 hours, they are required to isolate the affected feedwater string. Maximum power level with 2 feedwater strings is 71% i Evaluator Note: At Chief Examiner discretion, once extraction steam . isolation to the heaters has begun, may move on to next event , or observe crew isolate the string (approximately 10 minutes).
Next event is Key 3, RBCCW temperature controller failure Once it is determined that extraction steam will not be restored to 'A' Feedwater string within 2 hours, directs BOP to continue with 001/0P-144-001 to isolate the 'A' Feedwater string SRO Enters GO-100-012, Power Maneuvers Evaluator Note: At Chief Examiner discretion, once extraction steam is isolated to the heaters, may move on to next event or observe crew isolate the string (approximately 10 minutes).
Next event is Key 3, RBCCW temperature controller failure Note and report rising reactor power, mayor may not immediately know the ATC/BOP cause I Respond to AR-120-001 (004) FW Htr String A Dump Vlv Open and 001 (H04) FW Loop A Panel1C101 Trouble alarms, and monitor panels to determine cause Notes core thermal power >3952 MWth, reports to SRO ATC (OP-164-002 Step 2.1.8) Slowly Adjust REACTOR RECIRC PUMP A(B) ATC SPEED SY-B31-1 R621A(B) Controller Demand with the applicable DEC push buttons until core thermal power has been reduced below and remains below 3952 MWth Page 18 of36 NRC Scenario #3 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test i i Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions ATC Reduces reactor power :::;71 %: (Step 3.2.1) JE required, Insert Control Rods as necessary to obtain a Rod Line which is less than the value stated in the CRC Book (Step 3.2.2) Initiate the required flow/power reduction by performing either of the following: (Step 3.2.2.a) Initiate a Manual Rx Recirc Limiter #2 Runback in . accordance with OP-164-001 OR (Step 3.2.2.b) Adjust the double chevron DEC buttons on the REACTOR RECIRC PUMP A(B) SPEED controllers SY-B31-1R621A & B as required to establish the final Core Flow value stated in the CRC Book ATC (ON-164-002 Step 4.4.1) Plots position on Power/Flow Map (Step 4.4.2) Selects a Non-Peripheral Control Rod (Step 4.4.3) Monitors LPRM for power oscillations ATC While extraction steam valves are being closed to the A Feedwater string, monitors reactor power and reduces recirc flow or inserts control rods as necessary to maintain reactor power <71 % Evaluator Note: This transient takes approximately 30 minutes for a/l feedwater temperatures to reach equilibrium; periodic Recirc flow adjustments and control rod insertions will be required to maintain reactor power <71% Discovers cause of reactivity excursion to be isolation of extraction steam to BOP 3A Feedwater heater, finds Extraction Steam to 3A Heater Isolation Valve HV-10240A closed Dispatches NPO to local alarm/control panel 1 C101 to investigate (ON-147-001 Step 3.6) IF extraction steam lost to Feedwater Heater(s)
BOP 3A(B)(C) or 4A(B)(C), Ensure ISOLATION of extraction steam and drain inputs to any higher pressure heater(s) in same string as affected heater as follows: (Requires coordination with ATC, as removing 4th and 5 th stage extraction steam will cause a rise in reactor power, and require subsequent reduction by ATC) Page 19 of36 NRC Scenario #3 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test i Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions BOP (Step 3.6.1) Closes HTR 5A HP EXTR ISO HV-10242A
(-90 seconds) (Step 3.6.2) Closes HTR 4A LP EXTR ISO HV-10241A
(-90 seconds) (Step 3.6.3) Closes MSEP B DRN TO HTR 4A HV-10216A
(-60 seconds) (Step 3.6.4) Closes MSEP A DRN TO HTR 4A HV-10213A
(-60 seconds) (Step 3.6.5) Verifies HTR 3A HP EXTR ISO HV-10240A closed * (Step 3.6.6) Directs NPO to perform step 3.6.6 Reports completion to SRO Evaluator Note: At Chief Examiner discretion, once extraction steam isolation to the 'A' feedwater heaters has begun, may move on to next event or observe crew isolate the 'A' feedwater string BOP (Step 3.7) IF any feedwater heating lost and cannot be restored within 2 hours, Isolate affected feedwater string in accordance with OP-144-001 Condensate and Feedwater System. Maximum power level with 2 feedwater strings is 71 % BOP (OP-144-001 Step 2.7.3) Notifies SRO that if extraction steam is isolated to any feedwater heater with reactor power ;;:23% RTP AND the associated feed water string is not isolated, Enter TS 3.2.2 for MCPR limit (Step 2.7.4) Open Feedwater HTR STRING A(B)(C) INLET BYPS HV-10659A(B)(C) by depressing OPEN pushbutton.
(-15 seconds) (Step 2.7.5) N/A (Step 2.7.6) Close Feedwater HTR STRING A INLET HV-10639A by depressing CLOSE pushbutton
(-1 minute 45 seconds) (Step 2.7.7) Monitors feedwater heater shell pressure on PICSY until they are approximately atmospheric pressure (Step 2.7.8) Close Feedwater HTR STRING A DSCH ISO HV-10620A by depressing CLOSE pushbutton
(-1 minute 45 seconds) (Step 2.7.9) There are no indications of a feedwater heater leak, candidate will maintain Feedwater HTR STRING A INLET BYPS HV-10659A OPEN Evaluator Note: Once the feedwater string is reported as isolated to the
* SRO, proceed to the next event, Key 3, RBCCW temp. controller failure Page 20 of36 NRC Scenario #3 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions Appendix 0 Required Operator Actions Form ES-O-2 Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 3 Page of Event
== Description:==
RBCCW Temperature Controller Fails in Auto Priority:
Monitoring affected components (namely pumps), diagnosis of failed controller and restoration of cooling I Time Position I Applicant's Actions or Behavior SRO May announce entry in ON-114-001 based upon AR direction, direct BOP to perform ON-114-001, or may direct BOP to take manual control of the temperature controller SRO (Step 3.6.4) Directs BOP to take manual control of RBCCW temperature controller TIC-11 028 If TCV-11028 diagnosed as malfunctioning, SRO may instead direct throttling open RBCCW HX SW Dsch Temp CV BPV 110062 to maintain RBCCW Heat Exchanger outlet temperature 95 to 105&deg; F instead of taking manual control of the TCV Evaluator Note: Once RBCCW system and component temperatures have been lowered and stabilized, proceed to next event, Key 4, Primary containment pressure instrument failure Responds to AR-123-001 (E05) RBCCW Header HI Temp (comes in BOP approximately one minute following malfunction insertion)
Verifies alarm by checking temperature on RBCCW HX DSCH BOP TEMP TI-11305 (Step 3.2) Monitors and records Recirc Pump A&B motor bearing and BOP/ATC seal cavity temperatures on TRSH-B31-1 R601 at Panel 1 C614, reports trends to SRO Investigates probable causes as identified in AR-123-001 (E05) : BOP Loss of service water flow to RBCCW heat exchangers High service water temperature Temperature control valve malfunction Temperature controller malfunction RBCCW heat exchanger malfunction RWCU Non-Regenerative Heat Exchanger Tube Leak Reactor coolant leak into RBCCW at Recirc Pump Cover Cooler Restart of RWCU under hot reactor conditions
{expected thermal transient lasting several minutes until RBCCW stabilizes i During investigation, notices RBCCW temperature controller BOP 11028 has failed in automatic and its output is zero Reports malfunctioning RBCCW temperature controlierlTCV to BOP SRO Page 210[36 NRC Scenario #3 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test I Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions Dispatches NPO to inspect RBCCW temperature controller valve. BOP May also direct NPO to throttle open the TCV bypass valve to maintain RBCCW temperatures instead of taking manual control of TCV controller I BOP Places RBCCW temperature controller TIC-11028 in manual and depresses the Open button, as necessary, to restore system temperature BOPIATC Continues to monitor Recirc Pump A&B motor bearing and seal cavity temperatures while restoring normal system temperature May also receive AR-102-001 (G03) RECIRC PUMP MOTOR HI TEMP alarm depending on operator response time to failed TCV, which also requires monitoring same components I Page 22 of36 NRC Scenario #3 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions Appendix Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 I Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: Page _ of _
* Event
== Description:==
Drywell Pressure Instrument Failure Without 1f2 Scram ! Priority:
Determination that 'A' RPS should have provided a Y2 scram and did not; declaring I channel inoperable and placing Y2 scram in on 'A' RPS Ime . Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SRO Evaluator Note: Report from the field will tell crew that the drywell pressure switch has failed, and the RPS 1 K4A relay contacts are welded closed Determines that an instrument failure has occurred, but the attendant 1f2 scram did not occur. Determines that there is also a fault in the RPS subsystem in addition to the failed instrument due to the lack of Y2 scram SRO Requests I&C, Work Week Manager support SRO Declares entry into TS, condition A, which directs: A.1: Place channel in trip within 12 hours OR A.2: Place Associated trip system in trip Due to failure of the RPS logic, SRO will direct action A.2 to place the associated trip system in trip Evaluator Note: May also review TS and, but the high drywell pressure signal comes from other instruments and requires a similar 12 hour action statement SRO Upon finding I&C unavailable, directs ATC to insert an Ai RPS Y2 scram Evaluator Note: Once TS call complete and Y2 scram inserted, : proceed to next event, Key 5, Loss of 1Y218 Responds to AR-103-001 (801) Primary Containment HI Press Trip ATC Dispatches NPO to investigate locally ATC May perform alarm check to check function of AR-1 03-001 (A01) RPS CHANNEL A1/A2 AUTO SCRAM A Arms and depresses RPS MAN SCRAM CHAN A 1 HS-C72A-1 S03A Checks drywell pressure to confirm alarm indication (drywell pressure BOP is normal) Reports to SRO that drywell pressure is normal; suspect failed BOP instrument Page 23 of36 NRC Scenario #3 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: __ Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 5 Page_of_ Event
== Description:==
Loss of 1 Y2i8 (results in loss of condensate transfer pumps, reactor building chill water, full core display, several RPV level indications, loss of zone 1 and zone 3 ventilation)
Restore power to 1 Y218, place Refueling Water Pumps in service to Condensate Transfer, maximize cooling to Recirc pumps and drywell coolers as Position Applicant's Actions or BehaviorAnnounces entry into ON-117-001 Loss of Instrument Bus, and SRO proceeds to section 3.4 for Instrument bus 1 Y218/1 Y219 trouble Directs ATC/BOP to perform their applicable actions of ON-117 -001 Requests Work Week Manager and electrical maintenance/FIN support Evaluator note: If it appears that the crew is going to scram the plant based upon the electrical transient, proceed to the next event, Key 10, HPCI Equipment Room steam leak SRO Briefs crew on lost instrumentation and further required actions May enter LCO Condition A. if Average DW Temperature exceeds 135 0 F. and determines Required Action A.i, restore within 8 hrs. applies Evaluator note: Once power has been restored to 1Y218, scenario i may proceed to next event Key 10, HPCI Equipment Room steam , leak. At Chief Examiner discretion, further ON actions may be observed.
ReportsAR-106-001 (F11) InstrumentAC 1Y2i8/1Y219 Power ATC Failure and loss of APRM hard wire indication (Step 3.4.1) Determine if 1 Y218/1 Y219 are energized by checking against list in Attachment (Step 3.4.3) If 1Y218/1Y219 not energized:
ATC (Step 3.4.3.b) Refer to Attachment E for functions/instrumentation lost and recommended actions I (Step 3.4.3.c) Dispatches NPO to 120V InstrumentAC UPS 10240 and Page 24 of36 NRC Scenario #3 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions ATC Proceeds to process computer and calls up 00-7 to monitor control rod positions due to loss of full core display Dispatches NPO to take local manual/auto control of CRD flow control valves to restore system flow Directs NPO to perform step 3.4.3.f of ON-117 -001 to restore power to 1 Y218/1 Y219 Evaluator Note: 1Y218/oads will be stripped and sequentially restored, resulting in a restoration of 1 Y218, but leaving 1 Y219 secured. i (Attachment E function 5/6) Request Chemistry initiate alternate BOP reactor coolant sampling and local turbine bldg, SBGT and reactor building sampling Directs NPO to perform 2.22.3a through 2.22.3.r of OP-037-003 to supply the condensate transfer header using the refuel water pumps (restores keepfill to EGGS pumps) Continues to monitor ECCS keepfill pressures on 1 C601 Once report received from NPO that 2.22.3.a through 2.22.3.r, BOP performs Step 2.23.s and depresses START pushbutton for Refueling Water Pump OP157 A(B) Directs NPO to continue with steps 2.22.3.t and u. (ON-134-001 Step 3.2) Monitors recirc pump A(B) motor winding BOP temperatures Evaluator Note: These indications are unavailable until power is restored to 1 Y218 (Step 3.3.2) Proceeds to section 3.5 due to loss of both chillers BOP Page 25 of36 NRC Scenario #3 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions Evaluator Note: RBGGW temperature will initially lower due to the BOP loss of its largest head load, reactor water cleanup (Step 3.5.4.c) Perform the actions of Section 3.8, "IF Drywell Cooling Shifts from Reactor Building Chilled Water to RBCCW". (Step 3.8) IF Drywell Cooling Shifts from Reactor Building Chilled Water to RBCCW: Directs RB NPO to perform Step 3.8.1 at 1 CB216A, Ensure RWCU Non-regen Heat Exchanger RBCCW Inlet Valve HV-11315 AUTO ISOLATES if drywell cooling water switched to RBCCW Directs RB NPO to perform Step 3.8.2 at 1 C279, Check valves positioned as follows: (Step 3.8.2.a) RBCCW Supply Vlv FV-18771 D OPENS (Step 3.8.2.b) RBCCW Return Vlv FV-18771C OPENS (Step 3.8.2.c) Chilled Water Supply Vlv to Drywell Coolers FV-18771B CLOSES (Step 3.8.2.d) Chilled Water Return Vlv from Drywell Coolers FV-18771A CLOSES (Step 3.8.3) Fully Open RBCCW COOLER TEMP TIC-11028 to maximize RBCCW cooling, by depressing the Open pushbutton until demand is at 100% (controller is already in manual due to earlier failure) BOP At 1 C693, Monitor Drywell temperature on DRYWELL ATMOS TEMP TR-15790A(B)
IF average Drywell temperature exceeds 135 deg F, Comply with TS Evaluator Note: Will occur in approximately 5 minutes. Back panel drywell temperature indications will read approximately 50F until1Y218 restored.
Temperature indication still available on EGGS panels I Monitor Drywell pressure on Containment Atmosphere I Parameters/Post Accident Monitor Recorder UR15701A(B) at Panel 1C601 Page 26 of36 NRC Scenario #3 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: __ Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 6 Page_of_ Event
== Description:==
HPCI Equipment Room Steam Leak, HPCI Isolation Failure Priority:
Enter EO-100-104, take action to attempt leak isolation Time i Position SRO Applicant's Actions or Behavior Assigns BOP to check I monitor Secondary Containment Temperatures Monitors RB rad levels SRO Directs U-2 to evacuate the U-1 Reactor Building When HPCI areas exceed Max Normal Temp (120 F) or Max Normal Ll T (45 F) Enters EO-1 00-104, Secondary Containment Control (SCIT-2) Directs BOP to start all ESW and Unit Coolers Contacts Security to monitor HPCI blowout panels in CST berm area and report if there is any steam (SCIT-4) Directs BOP to isolate HPCI Steam Supply SRO Contacts Work Week Manager for assistance in closing HPCI F002 and F003 Evaluator Note: No cue needed to proceed to next event. Next event begins with SRO determining that a primary system is discharging into the reactor building BOP Reports Fire Protection SIMPLEX alarm Fire Det X109_Z8 Reports HPCI Equipment Room is cause of alarm and refers to SP-001 for Fire Sup X228_Z7 ALM Reports HPCI Leak Detect Hi Temp alarms AR114-001 (E05) (AR-114-0E05 Step 2.1) DETERMINE cause of alarm by observing URS-G33-1 N604 on Panel 1 C614 Dispatches NPO to investigate HPCI Fire Suppression alarm. Receives report back that HPCI room ARM is rising, there is a loud flow noise inside HPCI room and that the door is warm to the touch Page 27 of36 NRC Scenario #3 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions When directed to report secondary containment temperatures: Checks URS-G33-1N604 and URS-G33-1N605 on 1C614. Observes elevated HPCI Equipment Area (Pt #4) and HPCI Pipe Routing (pt #6) temperatures and notes using 104 Table 8 Hard Card.
* Reports elevated RB temperatures to SRO Requests U-2 to evacuate U-1 RB due to steam leak and rising rad levels (Step SCIT-2) Starts all ESW Pumps and all ECCS/RCIC/HPCI room coolers Evaluator Note: May perform steps from memory (OP-054-001 Step 2.2.4) Places one pump in each ESW Loop in service by depressing ESW Pump OP504A(C)
AND (OP504B(0))
RUN push button and verifies pump operation (Step 2.2.5) Ensure OPEN: NfA steps(s) not required HV-01222A(B)
ESW Pond Spr Bpv HV-01224A 1 (B1) ESW Pond Spr In A 1 (B1 )
ESW Pond Spr In A2(B2) (Step 2.2.6) On Panel OC681 , Ensure ESW Pp Supply Fan OV521A(C)(OV521 B(O>> STARTS Repeats above steps until all 4 ESW pumps are in service BOP (Step SC/2) At panel1C681 (OP-134-002 Step 2.7.5.a) Places RCtC RM UNIT CLR 1V208A and B control switches to START (Step 2.8.5.a) Places HPCI RM UNIT CLR 1V209A and B control switches to START (Step 2.9.6.a) Places CORE SPRAY RM UNIT COOLER 1 V211 A( B)( C), and (D) control switches to START (Step 2.1 0.6.a) Places RHR RM UNIT CLR 1V21 OA(B)(C), and 0 control switches to START Page 28 of36 NRC Scenario #3 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test i Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions BOP (Step SCfT-4) Attempts to isolate HPCI: Places key switches for HV-155-F002 and HV-155-F003 to close Reports HPCI F002 failed to close, then reports loss of indication for F003 Recognize and reports HPCI failed to isolate Dispatches NPO to 1 B237 -082 (F002) and 10264-081 (F003) to investigate Page 29 of36 NRC Scenario #3 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 lOP-Test No.: __ Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 7/8 Page of Event
== Description:==
Failure of 'B' RPS, ARI Completion of Scram. Failure of 11 B Aux Bus to Auto Transfer, 'A' EHC fails to auto start and bypass valves fail to auto open Priorities:
Once it is determined that a primary system is discharging into the Reactor Building, SCRAM the reactor and enter EO-100-102, RPV control. Restore EHC and reduce reactor pressure to reduce driving head on the leak. Restore power to 'B' and 'C'RFP discharge valves to prevent uncontrolled condensate injection
*Contains action items to complete critical task 1, l\IIanually scram the reactor before any Secondary Containment Area temperature I radiation reaches Max Safe Temperature II I ;lIIe Position SRO Applicant's Actions or Behavior Determines Primary System is discharging into Table 8 Area on failure to isolate *SRO Performs crew update to inform the crew of the need to Scram the reactor Announces entry into ON-100-101, Scram, Scram Imminent (SC/T-7) Direct Manual Scram before any RB Area Temp reaches Max Safe Evaluator Note: SRO may direct placing mode switch directly in SHUTDOWN without performing ON-100-101 actions *SRO (Step 4.3.2) May direct BOP to initiate ARI (This is immediate operator action if SCRAM fails) SRO Enters EO-100-102 from SCIT and on SCRAM due to RPV level <13" (Step RC/L-1) Direct BOP to ensure isolations, ECCS initiations, and diesel starts (Step RC/L-4) Directs ATC to maintain RPVwater level between +20" and +45" using Feedwater (Step RC/P-6/7)
Directs BOP to initiate a cooldown at <1 OO&deg;F/hr using bypass valves/SRV to allow use of condensate for level control (SRO priority at this point is to reduce reactor pressure to reduce leak flow rate) Evaluator Note: Bypass valves will initially fail to control pressure automatically from the time the mode switch is placed in SHUTDOWN until the turbine trips, at which point the 11 B aux bus will be lost, causing a loss of EHC due to the running pump tripping and the standby pump failing to start. EHC pressure must be restored by starting the standby 'A'pump, to permit the use of bypass valves for depressurization Page 30 of36 NRC Scenario #3 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions Directs BOP restoration of EHC and restoration of Aux Bus 1 'I B by performing ON-103-003 or cross-tying load centers to restore power to RFP discharge valves Conducts crew brief to explain the requirement to Rapidly Depressurize the RPV if two RB Area Temperatures reach Max Safe Directs BOP to continue monitoring Secondary Containment Area Temperatures Evaluator Note: Restoration priority should be given to EHC and restoration of power to RFP '8' and 'C' discharge valves to prevent uncontrolled condensate injection Once the crew has taken action to close the '8' and 'C'RFP Discharge Valve or prevent uncontrolled condensate injection, and begins a forced cooldown, proceed to the next event, Key 14, RCIC room steam leak Re-enters EO-100-104, Secondary Containment Control due to HPCI room flood alarm (Step RC/P-3) When approaching second area above max safe, will direct BOP to open all BPV irrespective of cooldown rate Page 31 of36 NRC Scenario #3 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions Evaluator note: Recirc may already be at 48% if limiter #2 initiated to reduce power for extraction steam isolation.
SRO may direct placement of mode switch directly in SHUTDOWN without performing ON-100-101 actions) (ON-100-101 Step 3.1.1.c.2)
Initiate the required flow/power reduction by Adjusting the double chevron DEC buttons on the REACTOR RECIRC PUMP A(B) SPEED controllers SY-B31-1R621A
& B as required to establish the final Core Flow value stated in the CRC Book (Step 4.1) Place Mode Switch HS-C72A-1S01 to SHUTDOWN (Step 4.2) Observe all Control Rods indicate fully inserted (using two indications, 00-7 completed as soon as possible).
Reports to SRO that control rods failed to move and inserts a manual SCRAM (Immediate operator action) (Step 4.3) !E more than 1 control rod> 00: (Step 4.3.1) Arm AND Depress manual scram pushbuttons (Step 4.3.1.a) RPS MAN SCRAM CHAN A1 HS-C72A-1S03A (Step 4.3.1.b) RPS MAN SCRAM CHAN B1 HS-C72A-1S03B (Step 4.3.1.c) RPS MAN SCRAM CHAN A2 HS-C72A-1S03C (Step 4.3.1.d) RPS MAN SCRAM CHAN B2 HS-C72A-1S03D Utilizes OD-7 and RWM display to determine all rods full in References ON-100-101 Hard Card (Attachment A) to complete SCRAM actions: (Step 3) Insert SRMs and IRMs (Step 4) Stop Condensate Pumps 1P102A(B)(C)(D}
as necessary to leave 2 pumps in operation (N/A due to impending loss of Aux Buses) (Step 5) Check SDV Vent and Drain valves closed (Step 6) Check RPV level between 13" and 54" (Step 7) Check RPV pressure <1087 psig (Step 8) Trip Turbine when <150MWe (Step 9) Check Turbine speed is decreasing (Step 10) Check status of MSIV (Step 11 ) Report anything abnormal to Unit Supervisor (Step 12) Ensure FW is aligned for Start Up Level Control Reports to SRO that 'B' and 'e' RFP discharge valves have no power Once power restored to 'B' and 'C' RFP discharge valves, ensures they are closed and reports this to SRO Page 32 of36 NRC Scenario #3 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions Monitors and adjusts feedwater level controller as necessary maintain reactor water level in Closes RFP discharge valves when power restored or condensate pumps to prevent uncontrolled condensate (Step 4.3.2) Initiate ARI by arming and depressing: (Step 4.3.2.a) ARI DIV 1 MAN TRIP HS-147103A1 TRIP (Step 4.3.2.b) ARI DIV 2 MAN TRIP HS-147103B1 TRIP (Immediate operator action upon SCRAM failure) Report ARI functioning correctly and scram air header is depressurizing Utilizes ON-100-101 1C60'1 Hard Card (Attachment B) to ECCS status and electric plant. Reports status to Reports loss of 11 B Aux Bus upon turbine trip, reports failure of EHC pump to auto Start 1 P113A(B) EHC HYD FLUID PUMP by Depressing AUTO pushbutton AND then the RUN pushbutton Operates EHC/Bypass valves or SRV to begin cooldown/depressurization
<1BOP Evaluator note: Operator will (1) dispatch NPO to crosstie load centers to restore power to RFP discharge valves-1 B140 supplying 1 B150 and 1 B1 00 supplying 1B110 OR (2) perform steps below to restore power to aux bus 11 B (Attachment B Step 1.1/1.2) Dispatches NPO to check bus protective relays do not have any targets and bus lockout relays reset (Step 1.3) Proceeds to Attachment I to restore Aux Bus 11 B Page 33 of36 NRC Scenario #3 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions (Attachment I) Dispatches NPO to perform steps 1.1, 1.2 to check relays (Step 1.5) Energizing 11 B from Tie Bus OA 106 1.5.1 Ensure TIE BUS OA 106 ENERGIZED by Observing WHITE LIGHT ILLUMINATED on mimic bus on Panel OC653 OR by Checking TIE BUS OA106 voltage on voltmeter XI-00005 is nominally 14KV Ensure all synchroscope switches OFF on OC653 Insert key AND Place TIE BUS TO BUS 11 B SYNC SEL HS-00021 B keyswitch to ON Close TIE BUS TO BUS 11 S BKR 1A 10204 by Placing switch to CLOSE Observe TIE BUS TO BUS 11B BKR 1A10204 CLOSES Return TIE BUS TO BUS 11B SYNC SEL HS-00021 B to OFF AND Remove key Observe UNIT AUX BUS 11 B WHITE LIGHT ILLUMINATED on Panel OC653 Check AUX BUS 11 B voltage on voltmeter XI-00009B is nominally 14KV Reports HPCI Room Flooded AR-114-001 (H03) due to Fire Suppression Continues to monitor and report secondary containment temperatures (HPC/IRC/C Max Normal temperature is 120F and Max Safe is 167F) When directed by SRO, depresses BPV jack open pushbutton until all SPV are open Page 34 of36 NRC Scenario #3 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 9 Page of Event
== Description:==
Failure of all but one SRV, Depress Using BPV Priority:
Once Max Safe temperature has been exceeded in two area, direct Rapid Depressurization
*Contains action items to complete critical task 2, Rapidly depressurize the reactor when two Secondary Containment Areas exceed Max Safe Rad J Temperature I Water levels Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior *SRO (SC/T-8) When RB Area Temp Exceeds Max Safe in 2 or more areas, Rapid Depress is required Announces entry into EO-100-112, Rapid Depressurization
*SRO (Step RD-8) Directs BOP to open all ADS valves *SRO (Step RD-10) Directs BOP to open SRVs until 6 are open *SRO (Step RD-13) Directs BOP to depressurize RPV using bypass valves Evaluator Note: Once emergency depressurization has commenced using bypass valves or alternate systems, and with Chief Examiner concurrence, scenario may be terminated Reports to SRO from maintenance that during efforts to isolate HPCI ATC steam leak, door to RCIC room could not be re-closed Responds to SIMPLEX fire alarm and reports RCIC Pump Room is BOP cause of alarm and refers to AR-SP-002 for Fire Sup X108_Z3 ALM Reports RCIC Leak Detect Hi Temp alarms AR1 08-001 (E05) (AR-108-E05 Step 2.1)
DETERMINE cause of alarm by observing URS-G33-1N605 on Panel1C614 Monitors room temperatures on URS-G33-1 N605 Dispatches NPO to investigate X227 _Z7 RCIC Fire Suppression alarm Reports to SRO that Max Safe Temp has been exceeded in second BOP area (HPCIIRCIC Max Normal temperature is 120F and Max Safe is 167F) Page 35 of36 NRC Scenario #3 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions Turns control switches for all 6 ADS SRVs to OPEN.*BOP Recognizes that valves do not open. Reports that no ADS SRVs are open Returns ADS SRV switches to AUTO, attempts placing all other*BOP SRV control switches in OPEN, notes that only 1 SRV opens. Directs NPO to open the six ADS valves from the Upper or LowerRelay Depresses and holds INCREASE pushbutton for bypass valve opening jack until bypass valves are fully open (may have been completed earlier as part of RC/P-3 guidance to open all bypass valves irrespective of cooldown rate if rapid depress is anticipated)
Evaluator Note: Once emergency depressurization has commenced using bypass valves or alternate systems, and with Chief Examiner concurrence, scenario may be terminated.
Have the applicant in the CRS position identify the highest EAL classification for the combination of events experienced during the scenario.
Applicable classification:
FS1 based upon Table F of EP-TP-001.
FS1: Loss OR Potential Loss of ANY Two Barriers Potential Loss of RCS barrier based upon criteria 2.c.2a: Unisolable primary system leakage outside Primary Containment as indicated by: A. Any Reactor Building area exceeds Max Normal Reactor Building Temperature Limit per Table F-1 AND Loss of Primary Containment Barrier based upon criteria 3.c.1 or 3.c.3 3.c.1: Failure of all automatic isolation valves in anyone line penetrating Primary Containment to close AND a downstream pathway to the environment exists 3.c.3: Unisolable primary system leakage outside Primary Containment as indicated by: A. Any Reactor Building areas exceed Max Safe Reactor Building Temperature Limit per Table F-3. Page 36 of36 NRC Scenario #3 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test 
YES/NO NRC CODE PRIOR TO 0800 Indigo Foxtrot NRC CODE AFTER 0800 Oscar November Indigo Mike REMARKS: Div 2 Core oos for SOW 2) 1 B EHC Pump i/s and 1 A in stby'-_______________________
_ 3) Shift activities:
Maintain power I generator capability curve limits in accordance with the CRG Book 2 is preparing to enter
_____________________ COMMON: FORM OP-AD-003-7, Rev. 18, DUPLEX, Page 1 of 2 OFFGOING UNIT SUPERVISOR CHECKLIST:
1900-0700 1900 ,'v\j 1. Evolutions in progress and items to be completed during next shift, as noted in remarks, have been discussed with oncoming Unit Supervisor.
fv\J 2. Problems encountered during past shift and abnormal plant conditions, as noted in remarks, have been discussed with oncoming Unit Supervisor.
fv1j 3. Information in SOMS Log is complete and discussed with oncoming Unit Supervisor.
tv\) 4. As applicable turnover plastic Security Badge cover and CRS Monitor function to oncoming Unit Supervisor.
1900 -0700 0700 -1900 Offgoing Unit Supervisor ONCOMING UNIT SUPERVISOR CHECKLIST:
0700-1900 1. LCOfTRO Log reviewed.
(14) 2. SOMS Log reviewed for entries made in past 24 hours. 0700 -1900 1900 -0700 Oncoming Qualified Unit Supervisor POST RELIEF 1. Walk down Control Room panels with Unit Responsible PCO. 2. CRC Book reviewed and Reactivity Brief performed with PCO. 3. Completed System Status Operable audit for open PMT this shift. 0700 -1900 1900 -0700 Oncoming Unit Supervisor FORM OP-AD-003-7, Rev. 18, DUPLEX, Page 2 of 2}}

Revision as of 09:33, 30 July 2018

Susquehanna - Final Operating Exam (Sections a, B, and C) (Folder 3)
Person / Time
Site: Susquehanna  Talen Energy icon.png
Issue date: 12/20/2011
From: Caruso J G
Operations Branch I
To: Goff C B
Jackson D E
Shared Package
ML110190451 List:
TAC U01842
Download: ML12054A208 (376)


A-3 Administrative Topics Outline Form ES-301-1 Facility:

SSES Date of Examination Level: SRO-I Operating Test Number: Administrative Topic Type Describe activity to be performed (see Note) Code* Heat up rate calculation Conduct of Operations General KIA 2.1.25 R03.9 *A-l.l Review failed ST and determine required action Conduct of General KIA -2.2.12 RO 3.7 SRO 4.1 *A-1.2 N,R Blocking and tagging a Equipment General KIA -2.2.41 RO 3.5 SRO *A-2 Review and approve a radioactive liquid release permit Radiation General KIA -2.3.6 SRO Make EAL classification Emergency General KIA -2.4.44 SRO 4.4 *A-4 All items (5 total) are required for SROs. RO applicants require only 4 items unless they retaking only the administrative topics, when all 5 are

  • Type Codes & (C)ontrol room, (S)imulator, or (D)irect from bank ($; 3 for ROs; $; 4 for SROs & RO (N)ew or (M)odified from bank (;::: {P)revious 2 exams ($; 1; randomly
  • Not" Admin JPM, A-1.1, A-1.2, l.-::'mmon J PM, for both R 0 and SRO candidat es, Enm, administration of JPMs occurs for all candidates during the same exam day for each of JPMs. /i..o i J,l.O Tf!.IU SiMI Lt4L / Jk StU} --rJ24 fol#J !flO Administrative Topics Form ES-301-1 Facility:

SSES Date of Examination Level: RO Operating Test Number: Administrative Topic Type Describe activity to be performed (see Note) Code* Heat Up rate Calculation Conduct of Operations N,R General KIA -2.1.25 RO 3.9 SR04.2 *A-Ll Review failed ST and determine required action Conduct of General KlA-2.2.12 RO 3.7 SRO 4.1 *A-1.2 N,R Blocking and tagging a Equipment General KIA -2.2.41 RO 3.5 SRO *A-2 Radiation Control State and local notifications Emergency General KIA -2.4.39 RO 3.9 *A-4 All items (5 total) are required for SROs. RO applicants require only 4 items unless they retaking only the administrative topics, when all 5 are

  • Type Codes & Criteria: (C)ontrol room, (S)imulator.


{D)irect from bank for ROs; 4 for SROs & RO (N)ew or (M)odified from bank (P)revious 2 exams 1; randomly *Note: Admin JPMs A-1.t, A-t.2, A-2 and -a e common JPMs for both RO and SRO candidates.

Ensure administration of these common JPMs occurs for all candidates during the same exam day for each of these JP.:\1s.

Susquehanna Steam Electric Job Performance Review pressure/temperature plots and determine compliance with TS 3.4.10 RO JPM Designation: Revision Number: Date:

Developed Author Review By: Hedigan Examiner Approved By: Caruso Chief Examiner

JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE VALIDATION NOTE: All steps of this checklist should be performed upon initial validation.

Prior to JPM usage, revalidate JPM using steps 8 through 11 below. Task description and number, JPM description and number are identified. Knowledge and Abilities (KIA) references are included. Performance location specified. (in-plant, control room, or simulator) Initial setup conditions are identified. Initiating and terminating cues are properly identified. Task standards identified and verified by Examiner review. Critical steps meet the criteria for critical steps and are identified with an asterisk (*). Verify the procedure referenced by this JPM matches the most current revision of that procedure:

Procedure Rev. Date Pilot test the JPM: a. verify cues both verbal and visual are free of conflict, and b. ensure performance time is accurate.

10. If the JPM cannot be performed as written with proper responses, then revise the JPM. 11. When JPM is revalidated, Examiner sign and date JPM cover page.


Rev 0 Rev 1: Edited data tables and made cue more specific JPM Setup Instructions:

1. Provide SO-1 00-011, "Reactor Temperature And Pressure Monitoring", marked up through step 5.1.5 TASK STANDARD:

Review the data for a plant heatup, determine that 100°F Ll T was exceeded between 1930-2030.


1. Unit 1 is in MODE 2 2. A reactor startup/heatup is in progress 3. SO-100-011, "Reactor Temperature And Pressure Monitoring", is being conducted RO INITIATING CUE: Perform a review of the data recorded in SO-1 00-011 for 1800 through 2345 to confirm procedural compliance and document discrepancies found, if any. Information for Evaluator's Use: UNSA T requires written comments on respective step.
  • Denotes CRITICAL steps. Number any comments in the "Comment Number" column. Then annotate that comment in the "Comments" section. The comment section should be used to document the reason that a step is marked as unsatisfactory and to document unsatisfactory performance relating to management expectations.

Some operations that are performed from outside of the control room may require multiple steps. These items may be listed as individual steps in this JPM. It is acceptable for the candidate to direct the local operator to perform groups of procedure steps instead of calling for each individual item to be performed.

The timeclock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue.

Operator's Name: _______________________

_ Job Title: 0 NLO RO [J SRO STA SRO Cert JPM Title: R,eview pressure/temperature plots and determine compliance with TS 3.4.10 JPM Number: A-1.1 Revision Number: 0 KIA Number and Importance:

2.1.25 RO 3.9 SRO 4.2 Suggested Testing Environment:

Classroom Actual Testing Environment:

Classroom Testing Method: Perform in Classroom Alternate Path: No Time Critical:

No Estimated Time to Complete:

25 min. Actual Time Used: ---'minutes


1. NUREG 1123, Rev. 2 Supp. 1 2. SO-1 00-011, Rev. 17 3. SSES Unit 1 TS 3.4.10 EVALUATION


1. Were all the Critical Elements performed satisfactorily?

0 Yes 0 No 2. Was the task standard met? The operator's performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM, and has been determined to be: 0 Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Comments:

Note: Any grade of UNSAT requires a Evaluator's Name: ______________Evaluator's Signature:




This JPM has the operator review surveillance data for temperature/pressure plots recorded during a reactor startup/heatup to determine procedural compliance with all heatup rates.

NOTE: Critical Element(s) indicated by

  • in Performance Checklist.


JPM Start Time _____ ELEMENT _._..........


_._....... STANDARD SAT UNSAT Comment Number EVALUATOR NOTE: This JPM can be performed in the simulator, classroom or other similar environment.

Ensure 50-100-011, Unit 1 Tech Specs, and a calculator are available for candidate use. I Ensure the answer key, which precedes the Cue Sheet page in the JPM package, are NOT given to the student. EVALUATOR CUE: Provide the candidate with the task conditions, initiating cue, and the two pre-filled out SO-1 00-011 Attachment D pages 20 of 21 for the 1800 to 2045 and 2100 to 2345 times (last two pages of this JPM package) Inform the candidate that they should assume all data entries are handwritten.

I Obtain and review SO-100-011 Obtain and review surveillance procedure.

ELEMENT STANDARD SAT UNSAT Comment Number (Step 5.1.5) Verify temperature change Verify heatup rate calculations calculations each 15 minute and 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> period I during which the heatup was conducted. *(Step 5.1.5) Confirm calculated Confirm compliance with:<100°F heatup rates comply with Tech Spec heatup in any 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> period and procedure requirements Determine Steam Dome heatup rate between 1930 and 2030 exceeds 100°F/hr, actual .6.T=103°F Determine Steam Dome heatup rate between 1945 and 2045 exceeds 100°F/hr, actual I .6.T=104°F I ---.....-.... -.....-....


--ELEMENT Additional calculational and 15 minute heatup rate excursions Evaluator Note: TS Required Actions should only be entered if Rx Steam Dome Temperature L\T's are> 100°F in anyone However, ALL L\T's should maintained

<25° in any 15 period during heatup *SR 3.4.10 violation EVALUATOR CUE: Roleplay as unit supervisor and acknowledge applicant report. If applicant does not identify any TS violation, ask them if there are any TS concerns.

-_ .....__ .......STANDARD SAT UNSAT Comment Number Additionally, candidate should identify:

1. I 1815-1830:

Steam dome temperature calculational error (actual L\T=17) 2. 1945-2045 Recirc Loop A HUR >100°F (actual L\T=100.6);

TS entry only required on steam dome L\T 3. 2045-Recirc loop A L\T=27 4. 2030-Recirc loop B L\T=27 5. 2000-Bottom head drain L\T=28 6. 1945-2000:

Bottom head drain calculational error (actual L\T=28) Applicant notifies evaluator that SR 3.4.10 and TS 3.4.10 are applicable for HUR >1 OO°F/hr I ELEMENT STANDARD SAT UNSAT Comment Number EVALUATOR CUE: No further actions are required for I 14 EVALUATOR:

Do you have ALL your JPM materials?

Task Cue I JPM Stop Time _____

Do not give the next page to the They are given the cue sheet and the last two pages of the JPM package, which are marked "Student's Copy" Page 1 of 2 and 2 of 2).

ANSWER Attachment D 50-100-011 Revision 17 Page 20 of 21 TABLE 1 TABLE 2 PRESSURE VESSEL METAL I REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM TEMPERATURE AND PRESSURE LOG TEMPERATURE LOG All RPV Metal Temperature Data shall be recorded until All Rx Coolant Temp and Press Data shall be recorded until Heatup, Cooldown or Inservice Leak and Hydrostatic testing is Heatup, Cooldown or Inservice Leak and Hydrostatic complete.

TS Required Actions should only be entered if Rx Steam Dome Temperature tlT's are> 100°F in anyone hour.Testing (ISLHT) is complete, until both temps> 200°F However, ALL tl T's should be maintained

<25 0 in any 15 minute period during heatup or cooldown, and::; 5° in any 15 minute heating up or start when either temp < 200°F cooling period during system hydrotest.

down. Maintain the lowest recorded temperature to the right of: Curve A for ISLHT Curve B for Operation Mode 4 and coolant S 100°F Curve C for Critical Operation CIRCLEDAIA PI-C32-1 R605 TR-B31-1 R650 NA NA R-B21-1 ROO6 NA NA Temp Temp pOURCE WHERE ( TO Recorder Recorder NRT53 Point #5 Point#11 NRT54 =1 Sf RECIRC RECIRC BTMHD IME/DATE CONFIRM I REACTOR OOPA LOOPB DRAIN DOME AS VSLWALLBY VSL BOTTOM COMPLIANCE I 'rIME/DATE PRESSURE RECIRCLOOP PELTA RECIRCLOOP DELTA !30TTOM HEAD DELTA RXSTM DOME DELTA COMPLIANCE NECESSARY FLANGE HEAD WISR AS NECESSARY PSIG ATEMP OF TEMP OF TEMP OF OF DRAIN TEMP OF ITEMpoF EMpoF EMpoF W/SR 1700 207 208 ffff{ ! 1800 TO/DAlY 83 293.9 N/A 294.4 N/A 291 N/A 301 N/A dSd TO/DNY 1815 TO/DAlY 111 313.9 20.0 317.7 23.3 315 24 321 20 dse 1830 TO/DAlY 134 329.5 15.6 334.8 17.1 331 16 338 16 CtC 1845 TO/DAlY 162 345.5 16.0 348.9 14.1 344 13 356 18 CtC -1900 TO/DAlY 184 362.6 17.1 364.4 15.5 361 17 371 15 cse 1915 TO/DAlY 237 379.5 16.9 384.6 20.2 382 21 387 16 cac 1930 TO/DAlY 287 401.3 21.8 402.1 17.5 400 18 404 17 csc 1945 TO/DAlY 321 421.5 20.2 425.2 23.1 421 21 428 24 cae 2000 TO/DAlY 466 448.8 27.3 449.4 24.2 449 28 456 28 cse 2015 TO/DAlY 603 471.9 23.1 472.6 23.2 471 22 481 25 CSC 2030 TO/DAlY 738 495.1 23.2 497.6 25.0 498 27 507 26 CSC 2045 TO/DNY 885 522.1 27.0 522.9 25.3 521 23 532 25 csc Shiftly Review and Confirmation above recorded data is acc';urate, compliant, and complete.

Actual Steam Dome t.T from 1930-2030 was 103°F, and 1945-2045 was 104°F; this exceeds the TS limit of $; 100°F/hr.

SHIFT SUPERVISION DATE Other t.Ts highlighted should be noted, and although 100 0 6 Twas exceeded between 1945 and 2045 on recire loop A, only steam dome 6T is applicable for TS entry TASK CONDITIONS

1. Unit 1 is in MODE 2. 2. A reactor startup/heatup is in progress.

3.80-100-011, "Reactor Temperature and Pressure Monitoring", is being conducted.

INITIATING CUE Perform a review of the data recorded in SO-1 00-011 for 1800 through 2345 to confirm procedural compliance and document discrepancies found, if any.


1. Unit 1 is in MODE 2. 2. A reactor startup/heatup is in progress.
3. SO-1 00-011, "Reactor Temperature and Pressure Monitoring", is being conducted.

INITIATING CUE Perform a review of the data recorded in SO-1 00-011 for 1800 through 2345 to confirm procedural compliance and document discrepancies found, if any.

Attachment 0 80-100-011 FOR TRAINING ONLY (STUDENT'S COPY Page 1 of Revision17 Page 20 of 21 TABLE 1 TABLE 2 IREACTOR PRESSURE VESSEL METAL REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM TEMPERATURE AND PRESSURE LOG I TEMPERATURE LOG IAII RPV Metal Temperature Data shall be recorded until IAII Rx Coolant Temp and Press Data shall be recorded until Heatup, Cooldown or Inservice Leak and Hydrostatic testing is Heatup. Cooldown or Inservice Leak and Hydrostatic complete.

TS Required Actions should only be entered if Rx Steam Dome Temperature AT's are> 100°F in anyone hour. h"esting (ISLHT) is complete, until both temps> 200°F However, ALL AT's should be maintained

<25 0 in any 15 minute period during heatup or cooldown, and:::; 50 in any 15 minute heating up or start when either temp < 200°F cooling period during system hydrotest.

Maintain the lowest recorded temperature to the right of: Curve A for ISLHT Curve B for Operation Mode 4 and coolant s; 1 DO°F !curve C for Critical Operation CIRCLE DATA PI-C32-1 R605 TR-B31-1 R650 NA [TR-B2H ROO6 NA NA=lR650 NA Temp Temp SOURCE WHERE Recorder Recorder APPLICABLE e FPO [ 5 NRT53 Point #5 Point #11 ! .RECIRC RECIRC BTMHD RXSTM IrIMEIDATE CONFIRM REACTOR = LOOPA LOOPB DRAIN DOME CONFIRM lAs VSLWALLBY VSLBOnOM COMPLIANCE I ME/DATE PRESSURE RECIRCLOOP DELTA RECIRCLOOP DELTA BonOMHEAD DELTA RXSTM DOME DELTA COMPLIANCE NECESSARY FLANGE HEAD W/SR3A10.1 AS NECESSARY PSIG TEMP of ITEMpoF B TEMP OF EMpoF DRAIN TEMP OF EMpoF [rEMpoF !rEMpoF W/SR I 1700 207 208 d'd'{ 1800 TO/DAlY 83 293.9 N/A 294.4 N/A 291 N/A 301 N/A ctc TO/DAlY 1815 TO/DAlY 111 313.9 20.0 317.7 23.3 315 24 321 20 Ctc 1830 TO/DNY 134 329.5 15.6 334.8 17.1 331 16 338 16 C8C 1845 TO/DNY 162 345.5 16.0 348.9 14.1 344 13 356 18 CtC 1900 TO/DNY 184 362.6 17.1 364.4 15.5 361 17 371 15 CtC ! 1915 TO/DAlY 237 379.5 16.9 384.6 20.2 382 21 387 16 C8C I 1930 TO/DAlY 287 401.3 21.8 402.1 17.5 400 18 404 17 CEC 1945 TO/DNY 321 421.5 20.2 425.2 23.1 421 21 428 24 C8C 2000 TO/DNY 466 448.8 27.3 449.4 24.2 449 24 456 28 Ctc I 2015 TO/DNY 603 471.9 23.1 472.6 23.2 471 22 481 25 ctc . 2030 TO/DNY 738 495.1 23.2 497.6 25.0 498 27 507 26 ctc 2045 TO/DAlY 885 522.1 27.0 522.9 25.3 521 23 532 25 C8C I Shiftly Review and Confirmation above recorded data is accurate, compliant, and complete.

SHIFT SUPERVISION DATE TIME Attachment 0 80-100-011 FOR TRAINING ONLY (STUDENT'S COPY Page 2 of Revision17 Page 20 of 21 TABLE 1 TABLE REACTOR PRESSURE VESSEL METAL I ,---REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM TEMPERATURE AND PRESSURE TEMPERATURE All RPV Metal Temperature Data shall be recorded until All Rx Coolant Temp and Press Data shall be recorded until Heatup, Cool down or Inservice Leak and Hydrostatic testing is Heatup, Cool down or Inservice Leak and Hydrostatic complete.

TS Required Actions should only be entered if Rx Steam Dome Temperature l,1's are> 10QoF in anyone hour. Testing (ISLHT) is complete, until both temps> 200°F However, ALL l, 1's should be maintained

<25 0 in any 15 minute period during heatup or cooldown, and :s; 5° in any 15 minute heating up or start when either temp < 200°F cooling period during system hydrotest.

down, Maintain the lowest recorded temperature to the right of: Curve A for ISLHT Curve B for Operation Mode 4 and coolant:;

100°F Curve C for Critical Operation I r-.;IRCLE DATA PI-C32-1 R605 !fR.B31-1 R650 NA NA R-B2HROO6 NA NA Temp Temp WHERE I TO Recorder Recorder I iApPLlCABLE FP03 I RT5 NRT53 Point #5 Point#11 N :.J NRT54 RECIRC RECIRC BTMHD RXSTM TIME/DATE CONFIRM REACTOR LOOP A LOOPS DRAIN DOME CONFIRM AS VSLWALLBY VSLBOnOM COMPLIANCE PRESSURE RECIRCLOOP DELTA RECIRCLOOP DELTA BonOMHEAD DELTA RXSTM DOME DELTA COMPLIANCE NECESSARY FLANGE HEAD W/SR la,s NECESSARY PSIG TEMP [rEMP'F B TEMP OF iTEMP OF DRAIN TEMP OF iTEMP 'F EMpoF EMP'F W/SR 2100 TO/DAlY 890 522.4 0.3 524.5 1.6 523 2 532 0 (jlJ(j 2115 TO/DAlY 894 523.6 1.2 526.8 2.3 524 1 533 1 (jlJ(j -2130 TO/DAlY 908 524.7 1.1 529.9 3.1 524 0 534 1 (jlJ(j 2145 TO/DAlY 917 525.9 1.2 533.6 3.7 525 1 536 2 (jlJ(j 2200 TO/DAlY 918 526.0 0.1 533.7 0.1 526 1 536 0 PEf" 2215 TO/DAlY 925 527.1 1.1 537.1 3.4 528 2 537 1 PEr I 2230 TO/DAlY 928 527.4 0.3 537.2 0.1 528 0 537 0 tJEf" , I 2245 TO/DAlY 930 530.4 3.0 537.4 0.2 530 2 538 1 PEr 2300 TO/DAlY 934 532.7 2.3 537.6 0.2 531 1 538 0 PEr , 2315 TO/DAlY 945 533.4 0.7 537.9 0.3 533 2 538 0 tJEf" 2330 TO/DAlY 955 533.7 0.3 538.1 0.2 533 0 540 2 PEr 2345 TO/DAlY 957 533.8 0.1 538.2 0.1 533 0 541 1 tJEf" -Shiftly Review and Confirmation above recorded data is accurate, compliant, and complete.

SHIFT SUPERVISION TIME Susquehanna Steam Electric Job Performance Review pressure/temperature plots and determine compliance with TS 3.4.10 SRO JPM Designation: Revision Number: Date:

De!veloped Author Review By: Hedigan Examiner Approved By: Caruso Chief Examiner JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE VALIDATION NOTE: All steps of this checklist should be performed upon initial validation.

Prior to JPM usage, revalidate JPM using steps 8 through 11 below. Task description and number, JPM description and number are identified. Knowledge and Abilities (KIA) references are included. Performance location specified. (in-plant, control room, or simulator) Initial setup conditions are identified. Initiating and terminating cues are properly identified. Task standards identified and verified by Examiner review. Critical steps meet the criteria for critical steps and are identified with an asterisk (*). Verify the procedure referenced by this JPM matches the most current revision of that procedure:

Procedure Rev. ___ Date ______ Pilot test the JPM: a. verify cues both verbal and visual are free of conflict, and b. ensure performance time is accurate. If the JPM cannot be performed as written with proper responses, then revise the JPM. 1'1. When JPM is revalidated, Examiner sign and date JPM cover page.


Rev 0 Rev 1: edited data tables and made cue more specific JPM Setup Instructions:

1. Provide 80-100-011, "Reactor Temperature And Pressure Monitoring" marked up through step 5.1.5 TASK STANDARD:

Review the data for a plant heatup, determine that 100°F AT was exceeded between 1930-2030 and determine T8 3.4.10 actions A.1 and A.2 are applicable.


1. Unit 1 is in MODE 2 2. A reactor startup/heatup is in progress 3. 80-100-011, "Reactor Temperature And Pressure Monitoring", is being conducted
4. The shiftly review of the 80-100-011 data is required SRO INITIATING CUE: Perform a review of the data recorded in 80-100-011 for 1800 through 2345 to confirm procedural compliance and document discrepancies found, if any. Additionally, determine what actions are required, if any. Information for Evaluator's Use: UN8AT requires written comments on respective step.
  • Denotes CRITICAL steps. Number any comments in the "Comment Number" column. Then annotate that comment in the "Comments" section. The comment section should be used to document the reason that a step is marked as unsatisfactory and to document unsatisfactory performance relating to management expectations.

80me operations that are performed from outside of the control room may require multiple steps. These items may be listed as individual steps in this JPM. It is acceptable for the candidate to direct the local operator to perform groups of procedure steps instead of calling for each individual item to be performed.

The timeclock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue.

Operator's Name: _______________________

_ Job Title: NLO RO SRO STA SRO Cert JPM Title: Review pressure/temperature plots and determine compliance with TS 3.4.10 JPM Number: A-1.1 Revision Number: 0 KIA Number and Importance:

2.1.25 RO 3.9 SRO 4.2 Suggested Testing Environment:

Classroom Actual Testing Environment:

Classroom Testing Method: Perform in Classroom Alternate Path: No Time Critical:

No Estimated Time to Complete:

25 min. Actual Time Used: ___minutes


1. NUREG 1123, Rev. 2 Supp. 1 2. SO-100-011, Rev. 17 3. SSES Unit 1 TS 3.4.10 EVALUATION


1. Were all the Critical Elements performed satisfactorily?

Yes No 2. Was the task standard met? The operator's performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this and has been determined to be: 0 Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Comments:

Note: Any grade of UNSAT requires a Evaluator's Name: ______________

Evaluator's Signature:

Date: _____


This JPM has the operator review surveillance data for temperature/pressure plots recorded during a reactor startup/heatup to determine procedural compliance with all heatup rates and determine required T8 actions.

NOTE: Critical Element( s) indicated by

  • in Performance Checklist.


JPM Start Time _____ -.-..........

--... I ELEMENT STANDARD SAT . UNSAT! Comment NumberI EVALUATOR NOTE: This JPM can be performed in simulator, classroom or other Ensure 80-100-011, Unit 1 Specs, and a calculator are available candidate I Ensure the answer key, which precedes the Cue Sheet page in the I JPM package, are NOT given to the , student. EVALUATOR CUE: Provide the candidate with the conditions, initiating cue, and the pre-filled out 80-100-011 Attachment pages 20 of 21 for the 1800 to 2045 2100 to 2345 times (last two pages I this JPM package) Inform the candidate that they assume all data entries Obtain and review Obtain and review L-.......... _ .... __

...... -..._._....... _._... .... ...ELEMENT (Step 5.1.5) Verify temperature change calculations

  • (Step 5.1.5) Confirm calculated heatup rates comply with Tech Spec and procedure requirements STANDARD SAT UNSAT Comment Number Verify heatup rate calculations each 15 minute and 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> period during which the heatup conducted.

Confirm compliance with:<1 OO°F heatup in any 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> period Determine Steam Dome rate between 1930 and exceeds 100°F/hr, .1.T=103°F I Determine Steam Dome rate between 1945 and exceeds 100°F/hr, actual .1.T=104°F ELEMENT Additional calculational and 15 heatup rate Evaluator Note: TS Required Actions should only be entered if Rx Steam Dome Temperature A 1's are> 100°F in anyone hour. However, ALL 81'5 should be maintained

<25 0 in any 15 minute period during heatup -STANDARD SAT UNSAT Comment Number Additionally, candidate should identify:

1. 1815-1830:

Steam dome temperature calculational I error (actuaI8T=17)

2. 1945-2045 Recirc Loop A HUR >100°F (actual 8T=100.6)
TS entry only required on steam dome AT 3. 2045-Recirc loop A AT=27 4. 2030-Recirc loop B A T=27 5. 2000-Bottom head drain 8T=28 6. 1945-2000

Bottom head drain calculational error (actual AT=28)


--...... ....--ELEMENT STANDARD SAT UNSAT Comment Number * (Step 5.1.6) Refer to and evaluate Refer to Tech Spec 3.4.10 and compliance with Tech Spec 3.4.10 determine:

I I EVALUATOR CUE: LCO 3.4.10 NOT met: I ! I When asked provide copy of TS 3.4.10 -Exceeded SR 3.4.1 0.1.b: ! ::;100°F/Hr Condition A is applicable:

Action A.1, Restore CDR within !-I I limits within 30 I I -Action A.2, Determine RCS is acceptable for continued operation within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />. *Verify current heatup rate Applicant states that action for A.1 is with tech spec complete, current heatup rate is less than 100°F/Hr.

i Applicant states that analysis is ! required by engineering within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> to comply with action A.2 Initiate LCOITRO tracking record in Candidate states need to enter LCO SOMs LCO module into SOMs tracking software.

EVALUATOR CUE: No further actions are required for this JPM ELEMENT STANDARD SAT UNSAT' Comment Number EVALUATOR:

Do you have ALL your JPM exam I I materials?

Task Cue I ! I , J I --I I IJPM Stop Time _____

Do not give the next page to the They are given the cue sheet and the last two pages of the JPM package, which are marked "Student's Copy" Page 1 of 2 and 2 of 2).

ANSWER Attachment D SO-100-011 Revision 17 Page 20 of 21 TABLE 1 TABLE 2 REACTOR PRESSURE VESSEL METAL REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM TEMPERATURE AND PRESSURE LOG TEMPERATURE LOG iAll RPV Metal Temperature Data shall be recorded until fAil Rx Coolant Temp and Press Data shall be recorded until Heatup, Cooldown or Inservice Leak and Hydrostatic testing is Heatup, Cooldown or Inservice Leak and Hydrostatic complete.

TS Required Actions should only be entered if Rx Steam Dome Temperature AT's are> 100°F in anyone hour.(ISLHT) is complete, until both temps> 200°F However, ALL AT's should be maintained

<25 0 in any 15 minute period during heatup or cooldown, and $ 5° in any 15 minute heating up or start when either temp < 200°F cooling period during system hydrotest.

Maintain the lowest recorded temperature to the right of: Curve A for ISLHT Curve B for Operation Mode 4 and coolant 100°F !curve C for Critical Operation CIRCLE DATA PI-C32-1 R605 I R-B31-1R650 NA NA R-B21-1 ROO6 NA NA Temp Temp SOURCE WHERE Recorder Recorder APPLICABLE NRT53 Point #5 Point#11 = RECIRC RECIRC BTMHD RXSTM tnMEIDATE CONFIRM REACTOR lOOP A LOOPB DRAIN DOME CONFIRM VSL WALL BY VSL BOTTOM COMPLIANCE IMEIDATE PRESSURE RECIRC LOOP DELTA RECIRCLOOP PELTA BonOMHEAD DELTA RXSTM DOME DELTA !cOMPLIANCE NECESSARY FLANGE HEAD WISR3.4.10.1 AS NECESSARY PSIG v\ TEMP OF h"EMpoF a TEMP OF trEMpOF DRAIN TEMP OF EMpOF TEMP OF h"EMpoF iwlSR 1700 207 208 55( 1800 TO/DAlY 83 293.9 N/A 294.4 N/A 291 N/A 301 N/A cac jrOfDAIY 1815 TO/DAlY 111 313.9 20.0 317.7 23.3 315 24 321 20 cat 1830 TO/DAlY 134 329.5 15.6 334.8 17.1 331 16 338 16 tac 1845 TO/DAlY 162 345.5 16.0 348.9 14.1 344 13 356 18 cac 1900 TO/DAlY 184 362.6 17.1 364.4 15.5 361 17 371 15 cat 1915 TO/DAlY 237 379.5 16.9 384.6 20.2 382 21 387 16 etc 1930 TO/DAlY 287 401.3 21.8 402.1 17.5 400 18 404 17 cae 1945 TO/DAlY 321 421.5 20.2 425.2 23.1 421 21 428 24 tat 2000 TO/DAlY 466 448.8 27.3 449.4 24.2 449 28 456 28 tac 2015 TO/DAlY 603 471.9 23.1 472.6 23.2 471 22 481 25 tat 2030 TO/DAlY 738 495.1 23.2 497.6 25.0 498 27 507 26 ctJe 2045 TO/DAlY 885 522.1 27.0 522.9 25.3 521 23 532 25 cat Shiftly Review and Confirmation above recorded data is ao;urate, compliant, and complete.

Actual Steam Dome,3.T from 1930-2030 was 103°F, and 1945-2045 was 104°F; this exceeds the TS limit of:s; 100°F/hr.

SHIFT SUPERVISION DATE Other ,3.Ts highlighted should be noted, and although 100°,3.Twas exceeded between 1945 and 2045 on recirc loop A, only steam dome AT is applicable TASK CONDITIONS

1. Unit 1 is in MODE 2. 2. A reactor startup/heatup is in progress.
3. SO-1 00-011, "Reactor Temperature and Pressure Monitoring", is being conducted.
4. The shiftly review of the SO-1 00-011 data is required INITIATING CUE Perform a review of the data recorded in 80-100-011 for 1800 through 2345 to confirm procedural compliance and document discrepancies found, if any. Additionally, determine what actions are required, if any TASK CONDITIONS
1. Unit 1 is in MODE 2. 2. A reactor startup/heatup is in progress.
3. SO-'100-011, "Reactor Temperature and Pressure Monitoring", is being conducted.
4. The shiftly review of the SO-1 00-011 data is required INITIATING CUE Perform a review of the data recorded in SO-1 00-011 for 1800 through 2345 to confirm procedural compliance and document discrepancies found. if any. Additionally, determine what actions are required, if any.

Attachment 0 SO-100-011 FOR TRAINING ONLY (STUDENT'S COPY Page 1 of 2) Revision17 Page 20 of 21 TABLE 1 TABLE REACTOR PRESSURE VESSEL METAL REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM TEMPERATURE AND PRESSURE TEMPERATURE iAll RPV Metal Temperature Data shall be recorded until All Rx Coolant Temp and Press Data shall be recorded until Heatup, Cooldown or Inservice Leak and Hydrostatic testing is Heatup, Cooldown or Inservice Leak and Hydrostatic r.omplete.

TS Required Actions should only be entered if Rx Steam Dome Temperature 1'8 are> 100°F in anyone hour. iTesting (ISLHT) is complete, until both temps> 200°F However, ALL 1'8 should be maintained

<25 0 in any 15 minute period during heatup or cooldown.

and :s; 5° in any 15 minute heating up or start when either temp < 200°F cooling period during system hydrotest.

Maintain the lowest recorded temperature to the right of: iCurve A for ISLHT Curve B for Operation Mode 4 and coolant :s;100°F iCurve C for Critical Operation CIRCLE DATA PI-C32*1R605 rrR*B31-1 R650 NA NA rrR-S21-1 ROD6 NA NA Temp Temp SOURCE WHERE I TO Recorder Recorder APPLICABLE FPO NRT53 Point #5 Point #11 NRT54 I'm RECIRC RECIRC BTMHD RXSTM i IrIME/DATE CONFIRM REACTOR LOOP A LOOPB DRAIN DOME CONFIRM lAS VSLWALLBY VSLBOTTOM COMPLIANCE IME/DATE PRESSURE RECIRCLOOP DELTA RECIRC LOOP DELTA BOTTOM HEAD DELTA RXSTM DOME DELTA COMPLIANCE NECESSARY FLANGE HEAD W/SR3.4.10.1 AS NECESSARY PSIG 'A TEMP OF EMpcF B TEMP of TEMpcF DRAIN TEMP OF EMpoF IrEMpcF IrEMP'F iw/SR 1700 207 208 .J'.J'f 1800 TO/DAlY 83 293.9 N/A 294.4 N/A 291 N/A 301 N/A cec irO/DAIY 1815 TO/DAlY 111 313.9 20.0 317.7 23.3 315 24 321 20 cec 1830 TO/DNY 134 329.5 15.6 334.8 17.1 331 16 338 16 cec 1845 TO/DAlY 162 345.5 16.0 348.9 14.1 344 13 356 18 cec 1900 TO/DAlY 184 362.6 17.1 364.4 15.5 361 17 371 15 cec 1915 TO/DAlY 237 379.5 16.9 384.6 20.2 382 21 387 16 tee 1930 TO/DAlY 287 401.3 21.8 402.1 17.5 400 18 404 17 cec 1945 TO/DAlY 321 421.5 20.2 425.2 23.1 421 21 428 24 cec 2000 TO/DAlY 466 448.8 27.3 449.4 24.2 449 24 456 28 cec 2015 TO/DAlY 603 471.9 23.1 472.6 23.2 471 22 481 25 tet 2030 TO/DAlY 738 495.1 23.2 497.6 25.0 498 27 507 26 Cet 2045 TO/DAlY 885 522.1 27.0 522.9 25.3 521 23 532 25 tec Shiftly Review and Confirmation above recorded data is accurate, compliant, and complete.

SHIFT SUPERVISION DATE TIME Attachment 0 80-100-011 FOR TRAINING ONLY (STUDENT'S COPY Page 2 of 2) Revision17 Page 20 of 21 TABLE 1 TABLE REACTOR PRESSURE VESSEL METAL REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM TEMPERATURE AND PRESSURE TEMPERATURE I RPV Metal Temperature Data shall be recorded until Rx Coolant Temp and Press Data shall be recorded until Heatup, Cooldown or Inservice Leak and HydrostatiC testing is Heatup, Cooldown or Inservice Leak and Hydrostatic TS Required Actions should only be entered if Rx Steam Dome Temperature Ll T's are> 100°F in anyone hour. Testing (ISLHT) is complete, until both temps> 200°F However, ALL LlT'S should be maintained

<25° in any 15 minute period during heatup or cooldown, and:;; 5° in any 15 minute heating up or start wilen either temp < 200°F cooling period during system hydrotest.

\:lawn. Maintain the lowest recorded temperature to the right of: Curve A for ISLHT Curve B for Operation Mode 4 and coolant $; 10QoF C for Critical Operation CIRCLE DATA PI-C32-1 R605 TR-B31-1 R650 NA iNA [TR-B21-1 ROO6 NA NA Temp Temp pOURCE WHERE Recorder Recorder FPO I RT5 NRT53 Point #5 Point #11 N NRT54 RECIRC RECIRC BTMHD RXSTM IME/DATE CONFIRM REACTOR = LOOP A LOOPB DRAIN DOME CONFIRM f..S VSLWALLBY VSLBOTTOM COMPLIANCE IMEIDATE PRESSURE RECIRC LOOP DELTA RECIRC LOOP DELTA BOTTOM HEAD DELTA RXSTM DOME DELTA COMPLIANCE NECESSARY FLANGE HEAD W/SR NECESSARY PSIG A TEMP OF EMPQF B TEMP OF irEMP OF DRAIN TEMP OF IEMpoF irEMpoF rrEMpoF W/SR 2100 TO/DAlY 890 522.4 0.3 524.5 1.6 523 2 532 0 (}8(} 2115 TO/DAlY 894 523.6 1.2 526.8 2.3 524 1 533 1 (}8(} 2130 TO/DAlY 908 524.7 1.1 529.9 3.1 524 0 534 1 (}8(} 2145 TO/DAlY 917 525.9 1.2 533.6 3.7 525 1 536 2 C8C 2200 TO/DAlY 918 526.0 0.1 533.7 0.1 526 1 536 0 OEr 2215 TO/DAlY 925 527.1 1.1 537.1 3.4 528 2 537 1 OEr 2230 TO/DAlY 928 527.4 0.3 537.2 0.1 528 0 537 0 OEr 2245 TO/DAlY 930 530.4 3.0 537,4 0.2 530 2 538 1 OEF 2300 TO/DAlY 934 532.7 2.3 537.6 0.2 531 1 538 0 OEr 2315 TO/DAlY 945 533.4 0.7 537.9 0.3 533 2 538 0 OEr -2330 TO/DAlY 955 533.7 0.3 538.1 0.2 533 0 540 2 OEr 2345 TO/DAlY 957 533.8 0.1 538.2 0.1 533 0 541 1 OEF _ ....._ .... _ ...-Shiftly Review and Confirmation above recorded data is accurate, compliant, and complete.

SHIFT SUPERVISION DATE TIME Susquehanna Steam Electric Job Performance Measure Review failed surveillance test and determine action JPM Designation:

A-1.2 Revision Number: 3 Date: 12/17/11 Developed Patel 06/10/11 Author Date Review By: Hedigan 01/05/12 Examiner Date Approved Caruso 01/05/12 Chief Examiner Date JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE VALIDATION NOTE: All steps of this checklist should be performed upon initial validation.

Prior to JPM usage, revalidate JPM using steps 8 through 11 below. Task description and number, JPM description and number are identified. Knowledge and Abilities (KIA) references are included. Performance location specified. (in-plant, control room, or simulator) Initial setup conditions are identified. Initiating and terminating cues are properly identified. Task standards identified and verified by Examiner review. Critical steps meet the criteria for critical steps and are identified with an asterisk (*). Verify the procedure referenced by this JPM matches the most current revision of that procedure:

Procedure Rev. ___ Date ______ Pilot test the JPM: a. verify cues both verbal and visual are free of conflict, and b. ensure performance time is accurate. If the JPM cannot be performed as written with proper responses, then revise the JPM. 11. When JPM is revalidated, Examiner sign and date JPM cover page.


1. Rev 3 JPM Setup Instructions: Provide marked-up surveillance SO-151-A02 with data up through step 5.2 checked off as completed with Attachment B filled out with independent verification signed off. Provide marked-up surveillance Authorization Cover Sheet with Date and Time information as current time minus 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />. TASK STANDARD:

Review the data for a completed surveillance, and declare the Core Spray loop A inoperable.

Enter appropriate TS. TASK CONDITIONS:

Unit 1 is at 100% power. SO-151-A02, Quarterly Core Spray Flow Verification Division 1, was performed and is ready for review. RO INITIATING CUE: Review the surveillance testing data for SO-151-A02.

Complete Attachment A and document status below. SRO INITIATING CUE: Unit 1 was in a normal electrical line up, then B EDG was taken OOS unplanned due to part 21 issue related to agastat relay. Expected recovery time of B EDG is 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />. Complete SO-151-A02, Quarterly Core Spray Flow Verification Division 1, Attachment A, to a point where all required actions have been identified.

Document all required actions below on the cue sheet. Information for Evaluator's Use: UNSAT requires written comments on respective step.

  • Denotes CRITICAL steps. Number any comments in the "Comment Number" column. Then annotate that comment in the "Comments" section. The comment section should be used to document the reason that a step is marked as unsatisfactory and to document unsatisfactory performance relating to management expectations.

Some operations that are performed from outside of the control room may require multiple steps. These items may be listed as individual steps in this JPM. It is acceptable for the candidate to direct the local operator to perform groups of procedure steps instead of calling for each individual item to be performed.

The timeclock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue.

---Operator's Name: ________________________

_ Job Title: NLO RO SRO ST AD SRO Cert JPM Title: Emergency Plan communications JPM Number: A-2 Revision Number: 0 KIA Number and Importance:

2.2.12 RO 3.7 SRO 4.1 Suggested Testing Environment:

Classroom Actual Testing Environment:

Classroom Testing Method: Perform in Classroom Alternate Path: No Time Critical:

No Estimated Time to Complete:

15 min. Actual Time Used: minutes


1. NUREG 1123 2. SO-1S1-A02, Rev. 18. EVALUATION


1. Were all the Critical Elements performed satisfactorily?

Yes No 2. Was the task standard met? The operator's performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM, and has been determined to be: Satisfactory 0 Unsatisfactory Comments:___________________________

_ Note: Any grade of UNSAT requires a Evaluator's Name: ______________

Evaluator's Signature:

Date: _____


This JPM has the operator review surveillance data for Core Spray pump A and determine its operability.

The RO and SRO applicants will determine the pump to be inoperable.

The RO will inform the SRO on the operability status. The SRO applicant will also determine that the Core Spray Pump to be inoperable and determine that TS 3.5.1 Action A.1 to Restore low pressure ECCS injection/spray subsystem to OPERABLE status within 7days applies. Also TS 3.8.1 Action B.2 to declare Core Spray Pump B INOPERABLE within 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> of entering TS 3.5.1 Action A.1. SRO will further determine that TS 3.5.1 Action 1.1 applies when 5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> has been elapsed since declaring Core Spray Pump A INOPERABLE.

I NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA JPM A-1.2 NOTE: Critical Element( s) indicated by

  • in Performance Checklist.


JPM Start Time ELEMENT Evaluator Note Provide marked-up surveillance 151-A02 with data up through step 5.2 checked off as completed with Attachment B filled out with independent verification signed off. Provide marked-up surveillance Authorization Cover Sheet with Date and Time information as "TO/DAlY" and "Now -1 hr." Ensure that pump A discharge pressure is recorded as 262.5 psig (step 5.1.16b) and calculated delta-p value recorded in Attachment A acceptance criteria 7 is recorded as 264.5 psid. Give the candidate a few minutes to read the Task Conditions/Cue Sheet. Reviews As-Found Column data on Attachment

'A' *2. Identifies that there is a error for calculating CS pump delta-P. (Attachment A

criteria STANDARD SAT I UNSAT Comment Number I Reviews data on SO-151-A02, Quarterly Core Spray Flow Verification Division 1. Attachment A. Compares the calculated CS pump A delta-P of 264.5 psid with the actual discharge pressure and suction pressure valves (262.5 psig -8psig) and determines that there is a math error. The actual calculated value would be 254.5 psid, and determines this to be UNACCEPTABLE due to being outside the criteria of 256.5 and 313.5 psid.

---NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TION JPM A-1.2 STANDARD SAT UNSAT Comment I Number *3. Notifies Shift Supervision that SO lAW Attachment A. Under 151-A02 has failed its acceptance Required Action: criteria.

Notifies Shift Supervision that Evaluator SO-151-A02 A CS pump failed its acceptance criteria.

This completes the JPM for the RO candidate.

AND Initials the Confirm space. I Evaluator Note If JPM is being used for a SRO candidate, continue the JPM.

  • 4. Declares CS pump A lAW Attachment A. Under Required Action: Determines that the measured values of pump delta-P fall outside of their acceptance criteria, and the pump shall be Declared INOPERABLE. Initials the Confirm -

NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON JPM A-1 2 ELEMENT I STANDARD SAT UNSAT Comment Number *5. Determines required TS action for Determines TS 3.5.1 Condition CS inoperability.

A.1 applies. One low pressure ECCS injection/spray subsystem inoperable for reasons other than Condition B (One LPCI pump in one or both LPCI subsystems inoperable)

Evaluator Cue Restore low pressure ECCS injection/spray subsystem to If necessary, ask SRO candidate to OPERABLE status within 7 report the required TS actions to you days. (as the Shift Manager).

AND TS 3.8.1 Condition B.2 applies When one required DG is inoperable.

Declare the required feature(s), supported by the inoperable DG, inoperable when the redundant required feature(s) are inoperable within 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> from discovery of Condition B concurrent with inoperability of redundant required feature(s)


--NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON ELEMENT Identifies a LCOfTRO will be entered in e30M3. Evaluator Cue Inform the applicant that it will not be necessary make an e30M3 LCOITRO entry at this time. Evaluator Note This completes the .JPM *7. Identifies TS 3.0.3 entrl!. Evaluator Cue Inform the applicant that 5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> has been elapsed since TS 3.5.1 Action A 1 entry and there is no change in equipment operability status. 'E' EDG is unavailable for substitution.

Identify T3 required actions. JPM Stop Time JPMA-1.2 STANDARD SAT UNSAT Comment I Number Identifies a LCOfTRO entry in e30M3 is required.

---Determines Condition I Action is applicable and LCO entry 3.0.3 is required.

For Two Core Spray subsystems inoperable TS 3.0.3 Identifies that actions need to be initiated within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> to place Unit 1 in Mode 4 within 37 hours4.282407e-4 days <br />0.0103 hours <br />6.117725e-5 weeks <br />1.40785e-5 months <br />.


Unit 1 is at 100% SO-151-A02, Quarterly Core Spray Flow Verification Division 1, was performed and is ready for INITIATING CUE: Review the surveillance testing data for SO-151-A02.

Complete Attachment A and document status below. REQUIRED ACTIONS:


Unit 1 is at 100% SO-151-A02, Quarterly Core Spray Flow Verification Division 1, was performed and is ready for INITIATING CUE: Review the surveillance testing data for SO-151-A02.

Complete Attachment A and document status below. REQUIRED ACTIONS:



Unit 1 is at 100% SO-151-A02, Quarterly Core Spray Flow Verification Division 1, was performed and is ready for Unit 1 is in a normal electrical line up with B EDG taken OOS unplanned due to part 21 issue related agastat relay. Expected recovery time of B EDG is 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />. INITIATING CUE: Complete SO-151-A02, Quarterly Core Spray Flow Verification Division 1, Attachment A, to a point where all required actions have been identified.

Document all required actions below on the cue sheet. REQUIRED ACTIONS:


Unit 1 is at 100% SO-1S1-A02, Quarterly Core Spray Flow Verification Division 1, was performed and is ready for Unit 1 was in a normal electrical line up, then B EDG was taken out of service unplanned due to part issue related to agastat relay. Expected recovery time of B EDG is 8 INITIATING CUE: Complete SO-1S1-A02, Quarterly Core Spray Flow Verification Division 1, Attachment A, to a point where all required actions have been identified.

Document all required actions below on the cue sheet. REQUIRED ACTIONS:

Susquehanna Steam Electric Job Performance Determine Blocking Required per NDAP-QA-0322 "Energy RO JPM Designation: Revision Number: Date:

Developed 06/20/11 Author Date Review By: Hedigan 01/05/12 Examiner Date Approved By: Caruso 01/05/12 Chief Examiner Date JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE VALIDATION CHECKLIST I NOTE: All steps of this checklist should be performed upon initial validation.

Prior to JPM usage, revalidate JPM using steps 8 through 11 below. Task description and number, JPM description and number are identified. Knowledge and Abilities (KIA) references are included. Performance location specified. (in-plant, control room, or simulator) Initial setup conditions are identified. Initiating and terminating cues are properly identified. Task standards identified and verified by Examiner review. Critical steps meet the criteria for critical steps and are identified witl1 an asterisk (*). Verify the procedure referenced by this JPM matches the most current revision of that procedure:

Procedure Rev. Date Pilot test the JPM: a. verify cues both verbal and visual are free of conflict, and b. ensure performance time is accurate.

10. If the JPM cannot be performed as written with proper responses, then revise the JPM. 11. When JPM is revalidated, Examiner sign and date JPM cover page.


Rev 0 Rev 1: Split JPM to separate RO and SRO actions. RO to provide proposed blocking, SRO to review and correct proposed blocking Rev 2: Edited per licensee comments to provide specific prints JPM Setup Instructions:

1. Provide NDAP-QA-0322
2. Provide prints E-145 sh. 8, E-4 sh. 3, and M-2109 sh. 1 and 2 3. Provide blank Proposed Blocking Sheet TASK STANDARD:

Provide a list of proposed blocking for 2A Service Water Pump lAW NDAP-QA-0322 lAW the attached Proposed Blocking List Key. TASK CONDITIONS:

Unit 2 is at 100% power. 2A Service Water Pump has been scheduled for impeller replacement, but due to an oversight, no clearance package was developed Database problems within eSoms have prevented development of a clearance order by electronic means RO INITIATING CUE: Using the appropriate drawings, provide a list of proposed blocking that meets the requirements of NDAP-QA-0322.

The Clearance Order Office will generate the associated Clearance Order when eSoms is returned to service. Minimum required information for each point must include: Component Number, Component Description, Required Position, and Tag Type Information for Evaluator's Use: UNSA T requires written comments on respective step.

  • Denotes CRITICAL steps. Number any comments in the "Comment Number" column. Then annotate that comment in the "Comments" section. The comment section should be used to document the reason that a step is marked as unsatisfactory and to document unsatisfactory performance relating to management expectations.

Some operations that are performed from outside of the control room may require multiple steps. These items may be listed as individual steps in this JPM. It is acceptable for the candidate to direct the local operator to perform groups of procedure steps instead of calling for each individual item to be performed.

The timeclock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue.

---Operator's Name: _______________________

_ Job Title: NLO RO SRO STA 0 SRO Cert JPM Title: Determine Blocking Required per NDAP-QA-0322 "Energy Control Process" JPM Number: A-2 Revision Number: 2 KIA Number and Importance:

2.2.41 RO 3.5 SRO 3.9 Suggested Testing Environment:

Classroom Actual Testing Environment:

Classroom Testing Method: Perform in Classroom Alternate Path: No Time Critical:

No Estimated Time to Complete:

20 min. Actual Time Used: minutes


1. NUREG 1123 Rev. 2, Supp. 1 2. NDAP-QA-0322 Rev. 35 3. E-145 sh. 8 4. E-4 sh. 3 5. M-2109 sh. 1,2 EVALUATION


1 . Were all the Critical Elements performed satisfactorily?

Yes 0 No 2. Was the task standard met? The operator's performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM, and has been determined to be: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Comments:___________________________

_ Note: Any grade of UNSAT requires a comment.

Evaluator's Name: ______________(Print} Evaluator's Signature:

Date: _____


This JPM has the operator determine blocking for the 2A Service Water Pump for a pump PM. The normal means of clearance development, eSoms, is unavailable.

The applicant will provide proposed blocking lAW NDAP-QA-0322.

NOTE: Critical Element(s}

indicated by *in Performance Checklist.


JPM Start Time ____ ELEMENT STANDARD SAT UNSAT Comment Number EVALUATOR NOTE Ensure the following material available to support of this

  • Prints: E-145 sh. 8, E-4 sh. and M-2109 sh. 1 and NDAP-QA-0322
  • Attached Proposed Reviews Attachment N EVALUATOR NOTE General To begin this JPM, provide the Blocking Rules candidate with the Task Conditions, Pumps (3) and Initiating Cue Sheet and Proposed o for Electrical Blocking under 13.8kV breakers (2.1) Reviews the scope of work planned Determines that for 2A needs blocked and should isolate all pump flowpaths NDAP-QA-0322 is an information allow for work on use only procedure.

should reference Locates and standards (6.1) and attachments N & referenced drawings o for general equipment blocking review blocking, Uses rules to develop proposed blocking 2109 Sheet 1/2, Sheet 8, and E-4 Sheet 3 develop proposed I ELEMENT STANDARD SAT I UNSAT Comment Number EVALUATOR NOTE Candidate may at anytime reference NDAP-QA-0322 to ensure compliance and follow appropriate check sheets. *Oevelops list of proposed blocking Proposed blocking points based upon print review and generated NOAP-QA-0322 attached proposed blocking list key, all critical steps met. ..-.-. ..EVALUATOR CUE;. Role play the Unit Supervisor acknowledge the receipt of proposed blocking blocking and inform candidate that will be forwarded to the !

Give completed list of proposed Unit Supervisor is given blocking points to the Unit list of proposed Supervisor to be forwarded to WCC. EVALUATOR CUE Once candidate turns in list proposed blocking points, the JPM DUE TO THE NATURE OF JPM OTHER BLOCKING MAY BE CONSUL T WITH SMEs AS NECESSARY DETERMINE ACCEPTABILITY ALTERNATE BLOCKING ELEMENT STANDARD I SAT UNSAT Comment Number DO YOU HAVE ALL OF YOUR JPM EXAM MATERIALS?

JPM Stop Time ____

Do NO give th page to the They are given the cue sheet and proposed blocking sheet PROPOSED BL o NOT GIVE NOTE: Critical Element(s) indicated by

  • in Performance Checklist Component
1. *2A10106 Service Water Pump A 2P502A 13.8kV breaker 2. *209001 Service Water Pump A Suction ISO Vl V 3. *209004 Service Water Puml2 A Discharge ISO Vl V 4. *209014 Service Wtr Pump A Seal Water Press CTl VlV Bypass VlV *209016 Service Wtr Pump A Seal Water Press CTl VLV Outlet ISO VlV 6. *209166 Service Wtr Pump A Vent VlV 7. *209801 Service Water Pump A 08 Casing Vent VlV 8. *209802 Service Water Pump A 18 Casing Vent VlV*209048 Service Water Pump A Drain VLV 1Q._*_2Q9j19_Service_Water I:?@il} VI..-Y_____________

y c Position *OPEN, *RACKED OUT, (applicant may also request breaker REMOVED) *CLOSED *CLOSED *CLOSED *CLOSED *CLOSED *OPEN *OPEN *OPEN *OPEN Tag *Red I *Red *Red *Red ! I *Red tag I 1 *Red tag No tag/Pink tag I No tag/Pink tag No tag/Pink tag I No tag/Pink tag TASK CONDITIONS Unit 2 is at 100% power. 2A Service Water Pump has been scheduled for impeller replacement, but due to an oversight, no clearance package was developed Database problems within eSoms have prevented development of a clearance order by electronic means INITIATING CUE Using the appropriate drawings, provide a list of proposed blocking that meets the requirements of NDAP-QA-0322.

The Clearance Order Office will generate the associated Clearance Order when eSoms is returned to service. Minimum required information for each point must include: Component Number, Component Description, Required Position, and Tag Type TASK CONDITIONS Unit 2 is at 100% power. 2A Service Water Pump has been scheduled for impeller replacement, but due to an oversight, no clearance package was developed Database problems within eSoms have prevented development of a clearance order by electronic means INITIATING CUE Using the appropriate drawings, provide a list of proposed blocking that meets the requirements of NDAP-QA-0322.

The Clearance Order Office will generate the associated Clearance Order when eSoms is returned to service. Minimum required information for each point must include: Component Number, Component Description, Required Position, and Tag Type i J Library Clearance Order Susquehanna

    1. -### -2P502A SERVICE WATER PUMP o-Unit 2 SYS 2P502A SERVICE WATER PUMP A (PI' MOTOR MR N NOUN LOC TEXT: RM:CW-020 A:52 E:676 R678.5 Clearance Order


SERVICE WATER PUMP 2P502A OOS FOR IMPELLER REPLACEMENT STANDARD CLEARANCE ORDER Notes: 1) OPERATIONS VENT AND DRAIN 2) Clearance order effectiveness determined by Live-Dead-Uve checks; no sustained pressure/flow exiting drains Opened within clearance order boundary Impacts I Effects: LOSS OF CONTROL AND INDICATION FOR 2A SERVICE WATER PP 2P502A PMT: OPS-PLACE IN SERVICE lAW 01'-211-001 AND VERIFY PROPER OPERATION REF. E-145 SH. 8, E-4 SH. 3 SH. 1 Post Maintenance Testing Req.: 1'51'-29; PLACE SW PUMP 2PS02A liS lAW 01'-211-001 Wilkes, Barry Depressurized Continuously Vented Purge Complete --T ---. Tagged Component Description Location .

Tag Type .. Place Verif Rest. Rest seq. Verif Tagged Restoration Position Position I Tag Placement Notes . Tag Removal Notes NOTE 1 SEE BLOCKING A:O E:O Info NV 3 NV SEE TAG SEE TAG ENSURE COMMENTS FOR PLACEMENT REMOVAL SERVICE WATER DETAILS NOUN NOTES NOTES PUMP 2PS02A LOCTEXT: NOT IN SERVICE (and NOT in Standby) PER OP-211-001 SEC 2.7 PRIOR TO HANGING TAGS 2A10106 (RM) SERVICE WATER RM:Il-220 A:13 Red Tag 2 CV 2 IN PUMP A 2PS02A E:699 R700' R668.S' 209001 COL:5 N 31.2 Tag Placement Tag Removal I Tagged Description Location Notes Notes . I ______ SERVICE WATER RM:CW-OOl PUMP A A:52 E:661 DISCHARGE R667' COL:2 ISO VLV NOUN S 30.2 LOC TEXT: -1SERVICE WTR RM:CW-020 Red Tag PUMP A SEAL A:52 E:676 WATER PRESS R681' COL:3 CTL VLV BYPASS N 31.2 VLV NOUN LOC TEXT: -Ri'1:CW'{)W PUMP A SEAL A:52 E:676 Red Tag 2 2 WATER PRESS R682' COl:5 N CTL VLV OUTLET 31.6 -,-.-:::.--t-CV 2. -CV I CLOSED --+--O=PEN PUMP A VENT A:52 E:676 VLV NOUN LOC R686.S' COL:9 N TEXT: 31.2 209801----TIERVICE WATER l-RM:CW-OW-I No Tag 2 PUMP A OB A:52 E:676 CASING VENT R677.5' COL:8 N VLV NOUN LOC 31.2 TEXT: I SERVICEWATER RM:CW-020 OPEN P '67 V RM:CW-02.0 PUMP A DRAIN A:52 E:676 VLV NOUN LOC R678' COL:5 N_-'-_______L ______._.__-'-__..____'-____ TE)(I=-___ ____________1_______'_____'_______'__.

Susquehanna Steam Electric Job Performance Review and Verify Blocking Required per NDAP-QA-0322 "Energy SRO JPM Designation: Revision Number: Date:

Developed Author Review By: Hedigan Examiner Approved By: Caruso Chief Examiner JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE VALIDATION All steps of this checklist should be performed upon initial validation.

Prior to JPM usage, revalidate JPM using steps 8 through 11 below. Task description and number, JPM description and number are identified. Knowledge and Abilities (KIA) references are included. Performance location specified. (in-plant, control room, or simulator) Initial setup conditions are identified. Initiating and terminating cues are properly identified. Task standards identified and verified by Examiner review. Critical steps meet the criteria for critical steps and are identified with an asterisk (*). Verify the procedure referenced by this JPM matches the most current revision of that procedure:

Procedure Rev. Date _______ Pilot test the JPM: a. verify cues both verbal and visual are free of conflict, and b. ensure performance time is accurate.

10. If the JPM cannot be performed as written with proper responses, then revise the JPM. 11. When JPM is revalidated, Examiner sign and date JPM cover page.


Rev 0 Rev 1: Split JPM to separate RO and SRO actions. RO to provide proposed blocking, SRO to review and correct proposed blocking Rev 2: Revised per licensee comments following pre-validation JPM Setup Instructions:

1. Provide NDAP-QA-0322
2. Provide prints E-145 sh. 8, E-4 sh. 3, and M-2109 sh. 1 and 2 3. Provide proposed 2A Service Water Pump Clearance TASK STANDARD:

Review the list of proposed blocking for 2A Service Water Pump; discrepancies identified and noted attached TASK Unit 2 is at 100% 2A Service Water Pump has been scheduled for impeller replacement, but due to an oversight, no package was Database problems within eSoms have prevented development of a clearance order by electronic SRO INITIATING CUE: Using the appropriate drawings referenced on the proposed clearance, review the requested blocking to ensure it meets the requirements of NDAP-QA-0322 for accuracy and adequacy.

The Clearance Order Office will generate the associated Clearance Order when eSoms is returned to service. Information for Evaluator's UNSAT requires written comments on respective

  • Denotes CRITICAL steps. Number any comments in the "Comment Number" column. Then annotate that comment in the "Comments" section. The comment section should be used to document the reason that a step is marked as unsatisfactory and to document unsatisfactory performance relating to management expectations.

Some operations that are performed from outside of the control room may require multiple steps. These items may be listed as individual steps in this JPM. It is acceptable for the candidate to direct the local operator to perform groups of procedure steps instead of calling for each individual item to be performed.

The timeclock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue.

---Operator's Name: ______________________________

_ Job Title: NLO RO SRO STA SRO Cert JPM Title: Review and Verify Blocking Required per NDAP-QA-0322 "Energy Control Process" JPM Number: A-2 Revision Number: 2 KIA Number and Importance:

2.2.41 RO 3.5 SRO 3.9 Suggested Testing Environment:

Classroom Actual Testing Environment:

Classroom Testing Method: Perform in Classroom Alternate Path: No Time Critical:

No Estimated Time to Complete:

20 min. Actual Time Used: minutes


1. NUREG 1123 Rev. 2, Supp. 1 2. NDAP-QA-0322 Rev. 35 3. E-145 sh. 8 4. E-4 sh. 3 5. M-2109 sh. 1 and 2 EVALUATION


1. Were all the Critical Elements performed satisfactorily?

Yes 0 No 2. Was the task standard The operator's performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM, and has determined to be: 0 Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Comments:

Note: Any grade of UNSAT requires a comment.

Evaluator's Name: ______________(Print) Evaluator's Signature:

Date: _____


This .JPM has the operator review proposed blocking for the 2A Service Water Pump for a pump PM. The normal means of clearance development, eSoms, is unavailable.

The applicant will review proposed blocking and identify/document any discrepancies.

NOTE: Critical Element(s) indicated by *in Performance Checklist.



  • Ensure the following material is available to support performance of this JPM:
  • Prints: E-145 sh. 8, E-4 sh. 3, and M-2109 sh. 1 and 2
  • NDAP-QA-0322
  • Attached library clearance EVALUATOR NOTE To begin this JPM, provide the candidate with the Task Conditions and Initiating Cue Sheet. Determines that motor needs blocked and should isolate all pump flowpaths to allow for work on pump. Reviews the scope of work planned for2ASWP.

NDAP-QA-0322 is an information use only procedure.

Candidate should reference clearance standards (6.1) and attachments N & o for general equipment blocking rules for verifying correct blocking EVALUATOR NOTE Candidate may at anytime reference NDAP-QA-0322 to ensure compliance and follow appropriate check sheets.

ELEMENT STANDARD SAT UNSAT Comment I Number *Using E-145, recognizes that the Candidate identifies requested 13.8kV breaker listed 2A 10106 as correct 13.8kV (2A10103) is incorrect breaker for 2A Service Water Pump. *Using M-21 09, Sheet 2, candidate Candidate identifies 209166 should recognize that the requested as the correct 2A Service Service Water Pump vent valve is Water Pump vent valve incorrect and is actually for 28 §ervice Water Pump (209167) EVALUATOR CUE Role play the Unit Supervisor and acknowledge the receipt of the corrected blocking and inform candidate that it will be forwarded to theWCC. ----Give completed list of corrected Unit Supervisor is given the blocking sheet to the Unit Supervisor corrected blocking sheet. to be forwarded to WCC. EVALUATOR CUE Once candidate turns in list of corrected blocking sheet. the __'PM is complete.


CONSULT WITH ADDITIONAL SMEs AS NECESSARY TO DETERMINE ACCEPT ABILITY OF ALTERNATE BLOCKING POINTS. i ELEMENT STANDARD SAT I UNSAT Comment I Number DO YOU HAVE ALL YOUR JPM JPM Stop Time T ive th n t a es (Ke ) t the They are given the cue sheet and the library clearance order TASK CONDITIONS Unit 2 is at 100% power. 2A Service Water Pump has been scheduled for pump PM, but due to an oversight, no clearance package was developed Database problems within eSoms have prevented development of a clearance order by electronic means A paper copy of a library clearance has been sent to the Control Room for you to review the blocking request INITIATING CUE Using the appropriate drawings referenced on the proposed clearance, review the requested blocking to ensure it meets the requirements of NDAP-QA-0322 for accuracy and adequacy.

The Clearance Order Office will generate the associated Clearance Order when eSoms is returned to service.

TASK CONDITIONS Unit 2 is at 100% power. 2A Service Water Pump has been scheduled for pump PM, but due to an oversight, no clearance package was developed Database problems within eSoms have prevented development of a clearance order by electronic means A paper copy of a library clearance has been sent to the Control Room for you to review the blocking request INITIATING CUE Using the appropriate drawings referenced on the proposed clearance, review the requested blocking to ensure it meets the requirements of NDAP-QA-0322 for accuracy and adequacy.

The Clearance Order Office will generate the associated Clearance Order when eSoms is returned to service.

Library Clearance Order Susquehanna

    1. -### -2PS02A SERVICE WATER PUMP O-Unit 2 SYS 2PS02A SERVICE WATER PUMP A (PP MOTOR MR N NOUN LOC TEXT: RM:CW-020 A:52 E:676 R678.5 Clearance Order


SERVICE WATER PUMP 2P502A OOS FOR IMPELLER REPLACEMENT STANDARD CLEARANCE ORDER Notes: 1) OPERATIONS VENT AND DRAIN 2) Clearance order effectiveness determined by Live-Dead-Uve checks; no sustained pressure/flow exiting drains Opened Impacts I Effects: LOSS OF CONTROL AND INDICATION FOR 2A SERVICE WATER PP 2P502A PMT: OPS-PLACE IN SERVICE lAW OP-211-001 AND VERIFY PROPER OPERATION REF. E-145 SH. 8, E-4 SH. 3 & M-2109 SH. 1 Post Maintenance Testing Req.: PSP-29; PLACE SW PUMP 2P502A 1/5 lAW OP-211-001 Wilkes, Barry Tagged Restoration Tag Pla.eemlent Tag Removal Position Position Notes Notes 2 cv cv Rest. Rest Tagged Tag Removal Tagged Seq. Verif Position Position Notes 2 cv CLOSED OPEN CLOSED Susquehanna Steam Electric Job Performance Measure Review and Approve Radioactive Liquid Release Permit JPM Designation:

A-3 Revision Number: 1 Date: _12/06/11 Developed Patel 06114111 Author Date Review By: Hedigan 01/05/12 Examiner Date Approved Caruso 01/05/12 Chief Examiner Date JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE VALIDATION NOTE: All steps of this checklist should be performed upon initial validation.

Prior to JPM usage, revalidate JPM using steps 8 through 11 below. Task description and number, JPM description and number are identified. Knowledge and Abilities (KIA) references are included. Performance location specified. (in-plant, control room, or simulator) Initial setup conditions are identified. Initiating and terminating cues are properly identified. Task standards identified and verified by Examiner review. Critical steps meet the criteria for critical steps and are identified with an asterisk (*). Verify the procedure referenced by this JPM matches the most current revision of that procedure:

Procedure Rev. Date Pilot test the JPM: a. verify cues both verbal and visual are free of conflict, and b. ensure performance time is accurate. If the JPM cannot be performed as written with proper responses, then revise the JPM. 11. When JPM is revalidated, Examiner sign and date JPM cover page.


1. Rev 1 JPM Setup Instructions: Provide marked-up surveillance authorization package. TASK STANDARD:

Identify less than required LRW sample tank recirculation time, incorrect settings for Actual High Rad setpoint and Actual Alert Rad setpoint, and determine that U1 & U2 Cooling Tower Slowdown Flow instrumentation is inoperable, requiring blowdown flow instruments to be bypassed.

TASK CONDITIONS: Preparations are in progress to release LRW Sample Tanks OT303C&D. OP-069-050, Release of Liquid Radioactive Waste Attachments

'0', 'F' and 'H' have been prepared.

INITIATING CUE: FUS is unavailable, Shift Manager directed you to review and approve OP-069-050 attachment D, F and H. Document any required actions below. Information for Evaluator's Use: UNSAT requires written comments on respective step.

  • Denotes CRITICAL steps. Number any comments in the "Comment Number" column. Then annotate that comment in the "Comments" section. The comment section should be used to document the reason that a step is marked as unsatisfactory and to document unsatisfactory performance relating to management expectations.

Some operations that are performed from outside of the control room may require multiple steps. These items may be listed as individual steps in this JPM. It is acceptable for the candidate to direct the local operator to perform groups of procedure steps instead of calling for each individual item to be performed.

The timeclock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue.

---____ _ Operator's Name: Job Title: NLO RO SRO STA[J SRO Cert ..JPM Title: Review and Approve Radioactive Liquid Release Permit JPM Number: A*3 Revision Number: 0 KIA Number and Importance:

2.3.6 SRO 3.7 Suggested Testing Environment:

Classroom Actual Testing Environment:

Classroom Testing Method: Perform in Classroom Alternate Path: No Time Critical:

No Estimated Time to Complete:

15 min. Actual Time Used: minutes


1. NUREG 1123, 2. OP-069-050, Rev. 41 EVALUATION


1. Were all the Critical Elements performed satisfactorily?

Yes No 2. Was the task standard met? The operator's performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM, and has been determined to be: 0 Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Comments:

Note: Any grade of UNSAT requires a Evaluator's Name: ______________Evaluator's Signature:




This JPM has the operator independently verify LRW sample tank radioactive liquid release permit. Applicants should identify various issues with the permit. Applicants should identify less than required LRW sample tank recirculation time, incorrect settings for Actual High Rad setpoint and Actual Alert Rad setpoint, and determine that U1 & U2 Cooling Tower Slowdown Flow instrumentation is inoperable, requiring blowdown flow instruments to be bypassed.

NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TION JPMA-3 NOTE: Critical Element(s) indicated by

  • in Performance Checklist.


JPM Start Time Action EVALUATOR NOTE: Provide the candidate with a filled out copy of OP-069-050, Release of Liquid Radioactive Waste Attachment 0, F & H of "LRW Sample Tank OT303C&D Radioactive Liquid Release Permit". Provide the* Applicant with a blank OP-069-050, Release of Liquid Radioactive Waste procedure. Refers to a blank copy of 050, Release of Liquid Radioactive Waste and completed attachment D, F, and H. Selects the correct section to perform review. EVALUATOR NOTE: If the applicant indicates that he/she would send this release back due to not enough recirculation time prior to sample, then indicate to applicant to finish review of the entire procedure.

SAT UNSAT Comment Number Refers to a copy of OP-069-050, and completed attachment D, F, and H. Selects section step 2.3.3 through 2.3.9 of OP-069-050, Release of Liquid Radioactive Waste Attachment D "LRW Sample Tank OT-303C&D Radioactive Liquid Release Permit". Also, reviews form 069-050-7, attachment F of 069-050.

NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON JPMA-3 Standard SAT UNSAT Comment Number *3 Verifies Calculation of Required Performs the following Recirculation Time calculations:

98 x 0.75 =73.5 minutes. Compares this number with 71.5 minutes, and determines that Calculated required recirculation time is incorrect, and the earliest possible sample time would be 10:03 (not 10:01). *3 Verifies High Rad Performs the following calculation:

1.2SE4 + 2.77E3 =1.S27E4 and compares this to the number in block 2.3.6.n (4.02E4).

The applicant identifies that background count rate was inappropriately carried forward into high rad setpoint calculation as 2.77E4. Therefore, the correct rad setpoint value should be 1.S27E4. *4 Verifies Alert Rad Performs the following calculation:

1.00E4 + 2.77E3 =1.277E4 and compares this to the number in block (3.77E4).

The applicant identifies that background count rate was inappropriately carried forward into Alert rad setpoint calculation as 2.77E4. Therefore, the correct rad setpoint value should be 1.277E4.

NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON JPMA-3 Standard SAT UNSAT Comment I Number -Compares Calculated required High Determines that the actual Rad and Alert Rad setpoint with setpoint set out in the field are required setpoint and actual setpoint incorrectly set and requires in step 2.3.7. corrections. Determines that Unit 1 AND Unit 2 Reviews Attachment F, to Cooling Tower Flowrate Instruments determine the satisfactory test are INOPERABLE, and requires results of blowdown flow permission from shift supervisor to instrumentation for Unit 1 and bypass coolinbJ tower low flow Unit 2. interlock to be bypassed.

Determines that for Unit 1 based on actual Cooling Tower Basin Blowdown valve position indication (45%) and blowdown flow rate (4000gpm)

Unit 1 blowdown flow instrumentation falls within the Unacceptable Region of the Graph on Page 158 of Attachment F. Determines that based on the Graph results, Unit 1 Blowdown flow instrumentation should be declared INOPERABLE and require to be bypassed.

Determines that for Unit 2 based on actual Cooling Tower Basin Blowdown valve position indication (40%) and blowdown flow rate (2500gpm)

Unit 1 blowdown flow instrumentation falls within the Unacceptable Region of the Graph on Page 161 of Attachment F. Determines that based on the Graph results, Unit 1 Blowdown flow instrumentation should be declared INOPERABLE and require to be bypassed.

NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON Action EVALUATOR CUE: If the applicant indicates that he/she would send this release back due to not enough recirculation time prior to sample, incorrect RAD setpoint, AND flowrate instruments are INOPERABLE then indicate to applicant that: Recirculation time has been satisfactory been met per the corrected calculation High Rad and Alert Rad Setpoints are properly set in accordance with the corrected calculation Both U 1 and U2 Flowrate instruments are INOPERABLE As a Shift Supervisor, complete review and approval of OP-069-050 attachment 0, F and H and determine whether a discharge can continue and if it can under what conditions. Determines that HS-06443A is required to be in "Bypass" when total site, U-1 and U-2 Cooling tower blowdown instruments are INOPERABLE.

AND Determines that TR Condition 0 Actions apply, and Cooling Tower level, Blowdown valve position and flowrate needs to be logged every 4 HOURS lAW step 2.3.14.a(3).

JPMA-3 SAT UNSAT Comment Number Evaluator Note: In summary, once calculations errors are corrected for recirc flow, rad setpoints are appropriately set, and 06443A is in the "Bypass" position, applicant should determine that it is SAFE to discharge as long as TR 3.11 .1.4 Condition 0 Action to estimate blowdown flow rate every 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />, and log Cooling Tower level, Blowdown valve position and flowrate every 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> lAW step 2.3.14.a(3).

Marks up Attachment H to proper Switch Alignment of 06443A. Indicating the 06443A, Cooling water blowdown low flow needs to be place in Bypass Position.

Draws Arrow towards "BYPASS" position.

Determines that TR Condition 0 Actions apply, and Cooling Tower level, Blowdown valve position and flowrate needs to be logged every 4 HOURS lAW step 2.3.14.a(3).

I I NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TION I JPMA-3 Action Standard SAT UNSAT Comment Number EVALUATOR CUE: That completes this JPM. il JPM Stop Time _____

L..--..-______________NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA J JPMA-3 HANDOUT PAGE TASK CONDITIONS: Preparations are in progress to release LRW Sample Tanks OT303C&D. OP-069-050, Release of Liquid Radioactive Waste Attachments

'D', 'F'and 'H' have INITIATING CUE: FUS is unavailable, Shift Manager directed you to review and approve OP-069-050 attachment D, F and H. Document any required actions below.

NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON JPMA-3 HANDOUT PAGE TASK CONDITIONS: Preparations are in progress to release LRW Sample Tanks OT303C&D. OP-069-050, Release of Liquid Radioactive Waste Attachments

'0', 'F' and 'H' have INITIATING CUE: FUS is unavailable, Shift Manager directed you to review and approve OP-069-050 attachment 0, F and H. Document any required actions below.

Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Job Performance Emergency Plan RO JPM Designation: Revision Number: Date: -,/...:,.1..:.,..1

_ Note: This JPM is paired with Sim JPM E. Developed Patel 06/10/11 Author Date Review By: Hedigan 01/05/12 Examiner Date Approved By: Caruso 01/05/12 Chief Examiner Date JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE VALIDATION CHECKLIST All steps of this checklist should be performed upon initial validation.

Prior to JPM usage, revalidate JPM using steps 8 through 11 below.


1. Rev 3 JPM Setup Instructions: Provide Event Notification Report.
  • Fill in thl3 declaration time as two minutes prior to the current time Sign the ENR form under approved section on bottom and fill in the current time as the time approved. (when applicant starts the Admin JPM) TASK STANDARD:

The applicant should obtain appropriate BNTD sticker and verbally communicate the ENR form to the offsite agencies by utilizing backup telephone numbers. TASK See Emergency Notification INITIATING A General Emergency has been declared for Unit 1 as the initial emergency classification due to an airborne radiological release in progress. Complete the emergency plan communication to the offsite agencies. This is a time critical JPM Information for Evaluator's Use: UNSAT requires written comments on respective step.

  • Denotes CRITICAL steps. Number any comments in the "Comment Number" column. Then annotate that comment in the "Comments" section. The comment section should be used to document the reason that a step is marked as unsatisfactory and to document unsatisfactory performance relating to management expectations.

Some operations that are performed from outside of the control room may require multiple steps. These items may be listed as individual steps in this JPM. It is acceptable for the candidate to direct the local operator to perform groups of procedure steps instead of calling for each individual item to be performed.

The timeclock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue. Operator's Name:

---Job Title: NLO [J RO DSRO ST A-: S RO Cert JPM Title: Emergency Plan communications

..'PM Number: A-4 Revision Number: 0 KIA Number and Importance:

2.4.39 RO 3.9 Suggested Testing Environment:

Simulator Actual Testing Environment:

Simulator Testing Method: Perform in Simulator Alternate Path: Yes Time Critical:

Yes Estimated Time to Complete:

15 min. Actual Time Used: minutes


2. EP-PS-126-A, Emergency Plan Communicator, Rev. 27 EVALUATION


1. Were all the Critical Elements performed satisfactorily?

0 Yes No 2. Was the task standard met? The operator's performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM, and has been determined to be: D Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Comments:__________________________

_ Note: Any grade of UNSAT requires a comment. Evaluator's Name: ______________(Print) Evaluator's Signature:

Date: _____


This JPM has the operator communicate the ENR form to the offsite agencies utilizing backup telephone numbers.


  • in Performance Checklist.


JPM Start Time (Record Start of JPM Time when applicant acknowledges the initiating cue) Official start time for Time Critical JPM ELEMENT Evaluator Notes Finish the remainder of the attached ENR form when applicant is ready to begin JPM: Fill in the declaration time (in Section 3) as two minutes prior to the current time Sign the ENR form under approved section at the bottom of the form and fill in the current time as the time approv13d. Remind Simulator Booth Operator to NOT answer any of the Notification calls Obtains procedure and reviews procedure, prerequisites, and precautions Obtain and review Event Notification Report (ENR) form with the Shift Manager/ED.

STANDARD I Obtains EP-PS-126 and ENR form. Applicant reviews ENR report. Evaluator Note:

may request to review with Shift Evaluator Cue: Notify Applicant Shift Manger/ED are busy and you may proceed with notification with this ENR report. I SAT UNSAT I Comment I. , '

  • Number NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON JPMA-4 STANDARD I SAT UNSAT I Comment I I . Number *3. If the Shift Manger has not already Obtains label for General done so, obtain a label containing Emergency containing the the Brief Non-technical Descriptions brief Non-technical of the EALs and affix the description Descriptions of the EALs and to the ENR form in the space on the affix the description to the form. ENR form in the space on the form. I *40btains "CG4" Brief Non-technical Obtains label for General Description Sticker from the EAL Emergency containing the folder in the center console desk brief Non-technical drawer and applies it in the field Descriptions of the EALs and block located above #5 .. affix the description to the ENR form in the space on the form. Evaluator Note: . Pre-printed labels containing the Brief Non-technical Descriptions of the EALs are located in a marked folder in the center console desk drawer. Log time for "Notification Time" Logs the time for "Notification when first individual answers the Time" when the first agency phone in the next step: answers the phone. Time Critical Stop Time: Within 15 minutes of declaration, Evaluator Note: The using the purple colored phone Simulator Booth Operator will button, dial "191" to transmit the not answer the" 191" call. ENR form to the following: (Dialing 191 will simultaneously connect the listed agencies in a conference call.) If the "191" function does not work, Evaluator Note: The attempt to use conference line Simulator Booth Operator will "196", then contact the Emergency not answer the "196. Agencies directly.

The JIC should be contacted last. I NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON JPMA-4 ELEMENT STANDARD SAT UNSAT Comment Number *8. Contact the Emergency Agencies Evaluator Note: When the directly.

The JIC should be applicant dials the first contacted last. agencies number, role playas John Smith from that agency * (PEMA) The applicant will need to utilize backup telephone i numbers. *BACKUP TELEPHONE The applicant uses following backup numbers If calling from a 4xxx extension, dial the dials JIC last: backup numbers as follows: PEMA: 4960, 4961 or4960, 4961 or 8-1-717-651-2001 8-1-71 LCEMA: 4906, 4907, 4906,4907, or 8-1-800-821-3715 8-1-800-821-3715

  • CCDPS: 4955,4956, or 4955, 4956, or 8-1-570-389-5720 PIM:

PIM: 4901,4902 JIC: 49034903 *If calling from a 3)(xx extension, dial the backup numbers as follows: 8-353-4960, 8-353-4961, or 8-1-717 -651-2001 8-353-4906, 8-353-4907, or 8-1-,900-821-371 5 8-353-4955, 8-353-4956, or 8-1-570-389-5720 8-353-4901, 8-353-4902 I8-353-4903


NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA nON ELEMENT Verbally communicate the ENR form to the offsite agencies.

STANDARD I When the first agency answers the phone, communicates ENR form verbally to the offsite agencies.

  • Identifies His/her Name.
  • Call back number
  • Declaration Time
  • Event Classification (GE)
  • Unit-1 "The water level inside the Unit 1 reactor has dropped and does not completely cover the uranium fuel. The unit has been shut down prior to the event and remains shut down.

Protective actions will be recommended for the public". 'The water level inside the Unit 1 reactor has dropped and does not completely cover the uranium fuel. The unit has been shut down prior to the event and remains shut down.

Protective actions will be recommended for the public". There is an airborne radiological release in progress due to the event. JPMA-4 SAT UNSAT Comment Number I NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TION JPM A-4 ELEMENT I STANDARD SAT UNSAT Comment Number Evaluator Cue: If required(requested by applicant), repeat back applicant message to complete 3 way communication.

Understand that U1 Declared a GE at (T-2min). "The water level inside the Unit 1 reactor has dropped and does not completely cover the uranium fuel. The unit has been shut down prior to the event and remains shut down. Protective actions will be recommended for the public". There is an airborne radiological release in progress due to the event. Your call back # is 4915 Evaluator Note: Once the aQQlicant has successfully:

communicated the event to the first offsite agency: (PEMA}, uQon dialing the correct extension number for the next agency: (LCEMA}, y:ou may: END the JPM. JPM Stop Time NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON JPMA-4 HANDOUT PAGE; TASK See Emergency Notification INITIATING A General Emergency has been declared for Unit 1 as the initial emergency classification due to an airborne radiological release in progress. Complete the emergency plan communication to the offsite agencies. This is a time critical JPM NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON JPMA-4 HANDOUT PAGE TASK See Emergency Notification INITIATING A General Emergency has been declared for Unit 1 as the initial emergency classification due to an airborne radiological release in progress. Complete the emergency plan communication to the offsite agencies. This is a time critical JPM


atPPLSusquehanna,LLC (Communicator's Name) My telephone 570-542 3 Notification time number is: 570-759 4 (Time (Callback telephone number) EMERGENCY CLASSIFICATION:


UNIT: lSI Declaration Time: DATE: TODAY D Two (Time classification! (Date classification!

DONE & Two termination declared) termination declared)


D ESCALATION IN CLASSIFICATION STATUS D NOCHANGE The Classification Designation is: BRIEF NON*TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION OF lSI EMERGENCY EVENT (Initial declaration and escalations) D OTHER SIGNIFICANT EVENT (No change in emergency classification or classification 5. THERE IS: No }lSI AN AIRBORNE RADIOLOGICAL RELEASE IN PROGRESS DUE TO THE EVENT D ALiQUID A Rad Release is in Progress if: in the judgment of ED!RM radioactive material is being released to the or into an area of the plant that will result in a release to the environment that is a result of the event. conditions that result in a rad release; Fuel Clad Barrier AND Containment Barrier LOSS, RCS Barrier Containment Barrier LOSS, RG1, RS1, RA1, RU1, MU7, SBGT initiation on RB Vent hi-rad, an increase in detected gaseous radiation effluents that is a result of the event, or any radioactive liquid released beyond Protected Area that is a result of the WIND DIRECTION IS ____-=2=7...:..7_°.

WIND SPEED IS: -=-____ mph. (Data from 10 meter meteorological tower, available on PICSY.) REPEAT: IX! THIS IS A DRILL o THIS IS AN ACTUAL EVENT (When communicating form, request a repeat back by one of the agencies.)

shiftTime: Date: TOVAY (ED, RM, or EOFSS) (Time form approved) (Date form approved)

EP-AD-OOO-310, Revision 12, Page 1 of 1 (Electronic Form)

Susquehanna Steam Electric Job Performance Classify a Site Area Emergency, Upgrade to General Emergency and Protective Action SRO ..IPM Designation: Revision Number: Date:

Developed Author R,eview By: Hedigan Examiner Approved By: Caruso Chief Examiner JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE VALIDATION NOTE: All steps of this checklist should be performed upon initial validation.

Prior to JPM usage, revalidate JPM using steps 8 through 11 below. Task description and number, JPM description and number are identified. Knowledge and Abilities (KIA) references are included. Performance location specified. (in-plant, control room, or simulator) Initial setup conditions are identified. Initiating and terminating cues are properly identified. Task standards identified and verified by Examiner review. Critical steps meet the criteria for critical steps and are identified with an asterisk (*). Verify the procedure referenced by this JPM matches the most current revision of that procedure:

Procedure Rev. Date Pilot test the ...IPM: a. verify cues both verbal and visual are free of conflict, and b. ensure performance time is accurate.

10. If the JPM cannot be performed as written with proper responses, then revise the JPM. 11. When ..IPM is revalidated, Examiner sign and date JPM cover page.


Rev 0 Rev 1: Edited per licensee comments to correct answer key and task conditions JPM Setup Instructions: Ensure sufficient quantity of EP-PS-100 Tabs 5 and 9 fomlS on hand Provide EP-TP-001 Provide EP-PS-100 TASK STANDARD:

1. Declaration of a Site Area Emergency based on classification FS1 within 15 minutes of initiating cue 2. Declaration of a General Emergency based on classification FG1 within 15 minutes of second initiating cue 3. Make Protective Action Recommendation (PAR) [evacuate 0 to 2 miles, shelter 2 to 10 miles, and advise citizens take KI per state plans] within 15 minutes of declaring a General Emergency TASK CONDITIONS:

Unit 1 was initially at 100% power At T + 0 sec an earthquake with a magnitude of 0.07g occurred near the plant and was confirmed with seismic instrumentation and control room operators Due to the earthquake activity, a loss of offsite power has occurred At T + 30 sec, a LOCA occurred as a result of the seismic activity RPV level is -1';75" and rising slowly due to A Loop RHR injection All control rods are fully inserted Drywell pressure is 25 psig and rising INITIATING CUE: Initiating Cue #1: Classify the Event, and implement the Emergency Plan as the Control Room Emergency Director in accordance with EP-PS-100.

THIS IS A TIME CRITICAL JPM Initiating Cue #2: At time T= 30 minutes, EDG 'A' tripped, resulting in RPV level momentarily reaching -215" and recovering to -182" and rising slowly by starting B RHR pump Due to inability to spray, drywell pressure is currently 54 psig and rising slowly Assuming the other initial conditions are still valid, determine if this new condition will affect the current EAL classification, AND if so perform any other additional actions that may be required.

THIS IS A TIME CRITICAL JPM Information for Evaluator's Use: UNSAT requires written comments on respective step. *Denotes CRITICAL steps.

Number any comments in the "Comment Number" column. Then annotate that comment in the "Comments" section. The comment section should be used to document the reason that a step is marked as unsatisfactory and to document unsatisfactory performance relating to management expectations.

Some operations that are performed from outside of the control room may require multiple steps. These items may be listed as individual steps in this JPM. It is acceptable for the candidate to direct the local operator to perform groups of procedure steps instead of calling for each individual item to be performed.

The timeclock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue. Operator's Name: ________________________

_ Job Title: NLO ORO OSRO STA SRO Cert ..IPM Title: Classify and Communicate a Site Area Emergency, Upgrade to General Emergency and Make Protective Action Recommendations JPM Number: A-4 Revision Number: 1 KIA Number and Importance:

2.4.44 SRO 4.4 Suggested Testing Environment:

Classroom Actual Testing Environment:

Classroom Testing Method: Perform in Classroom Alternate Path: No Time Critical:

Yes Estimated Time to Complete:

30 min. Actual Time Used: ___minutes


1. NUREG 1123 Rev. 2, Supp. 1 2. EP-PS-100, Rev. 26 3. EP-PS-100, Tab A, Rev. 18 4. EP-PS-100, Tab D, Rev. 23 5. EP-PS-100, Tab E, Rev. 28 6. EP-AD-000-126, Rev. 17 7. EP-AD-000-077 Rev 3. 8. EP-PS-100, Tab 9, Rev. 9. EP-TP-001, Rev. 3 EVALUATION


1. Were all the Critical Elements performed satisfactorily?

Yes No 2. Was the task standard met? The operator's performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM, and has been determined to be: Satisfactory LJ Unsatisfactory Comments:___________________________

_ Note: Any grade of UNSAT requires a comment. Evaluator's Name: _____________

{Print) Evaluator's Signature:

Date: _____ Descrjption:

This JPM has the operator review plant conditions and make an emergency declaration of Site Area Emergency and perform actions to communicate the declaration.

A second cue will be provided in which the operator will then declare a General Emergency and make Protective Action Recommendations.

NOTE: Critical Element(s) indicated by

  • in Performance Checklist.


JPM Start Time _____ ELEMENT EVALUATOR To begin this JPM provide candidate with CUE SHEET#1 When the candidate is ready to begin the JPM, inform the candidate that this is a TIME CRITICAL JPM. Record START TIME * {EP-PS-100 Tab A, steps and 2) Classify the as conditions EVALUATOR If asked, conditions have EVALUATOR When candidate declares initial EAL Record Time to determine EAL must be within

  • minutes, 30 seconds of START TIME (Tab A step 4) Refer to EP-PS-100, "Emergency Director, Control Room; Emergency-Plan Position Specific Instruction" STANDARD I SAT I UNSAT I Comment !* I
  • Number (Step 1 a) Evaluate updated information. (Step 2a) Review Classification Level EP-TP-001 table Declare a SITE EMERGENCY in with Classification FS 1 level < Candidate will also refer Table M for the loss of power, but the FS1 i is the overriding classification for the site. Obtain a copy of EP-PS-*100 . and refer to tab 0, Manage the I SITE AREA EMERGENCY. I ELEMENT STANDARD SAT UNSAT I Comment I Number (EP-PS-100 Tab D) Document and (Step 1) Announce to Control communicate the emergency Room personnel classification. Assuming duties of Emergency Director Emergency Classification

!3) Time and Date of Classification (Step 2) Appoint E-Plan Communicator.

Appoint E-Plan Communicator.

Instruct E-Plan Communicator to immediately perform EVALUATOR CUE: EP-PS-126.

Acknowledge the appointment of the E-Plan Communicator, when given the ENR form indicate that the E-Plan Communicator will transmit the form. ! (Step 3) Appoint NRC Communicator.

Appoint NRC Communicator.

Instruct NRC Communicator to perform EP-PS-135, NRC EVALUATOR CUE: Communicator.

Acknowledge the appointment of i I NRC

! * (Step 4) Generate and approve Fill out ENR Form from Tab 9, Form for refers to Tab H to determine a release is NOT in progress and authorizes Form for EVALUATOR CUE: transmittal.

Provide ENR form if requested.

IfJPM is not performed in the simulator, when Evaluator Note: requested, inform the student that: Acknowledge receipt ofWind Direction is 157 degrees ENR form

  • Wind Speed is 9 mph If performed in the Simulator, student should use current PICSY data. ! I I ELEMENT STANDARD SAT UNSAT I Comment I Number EVALUATOR CUE: Inform the student that no further EP-PS-100 actions are required with respect to the previous classification. Provide candidate with CUE SHEET #2. Record START TI M E * (Tab D, step 16) Refer to EP-TP-001 Refer to EP-TP-001 Table F, and evaluate the impact of new and determine that RPV level conditions.

Reclassify emergency and exceeded Fuel Clad barrier appropriate tab for classification level: LOSS criteria of <205", and with Tab E. drywell pressure >53 psig and rising, has also met Primary Containment POTENTIAL EVALUATOR NOTE: LOSS. An escalation to When candidate identifies the GENERALEMERGENCYFG1 upgrade EAL classification is now required; Record TIME EP-PS-100 tab E must now be implemented.

Time to determine correct EAL must be within 15 minutes of START TIME i i noted in 3, above. *(Step 4) Generate and approve Fill out ENR Form from Tab 9, Form for also refers to Tab H to determine a release is NOT in progress and authorizes Form EVALUATOR CUE: for transmittal.

Provide ENR form if requested.

If ..'PM is not performed in the simulator, when Evaluator Note: requested, inform the student that: Acknowledge receipt ofWind Direction is 157 degrees ENR form

  • Wind Speed is 9 mph If performed in the Simulator, student should use current PICSY data.

ELEMENT STANDARD I SAT! UNSAT Comment Number Refer to EP-PS-1 00 tab Estep*(Step 5) When a General Emergency 5 and determine that a PAR is declared, make Protective Action must also be performed in Recommendation (PAR) within 15 accordance with EP-PS-100 minutes. Tab 5 I EVALUATOR CUE: After the candidate determines a PAR is required, direct the candidate to determine the correct PAR for current plant conditions I

ELEMENT *Perform EP-PS-100 Tab 5, Emergency Dose Assessment Protective Action (PAR) EVALUATOR When asked, inform student that a offsite dose projection is NOT EVALUATOR NOTE: When candidate completes PAR and indicates need to transmit it to the Senior State Official:

Record TIME Time to determine PAR must within 15 minutes of Emergency declaration time noted Step EVALUATOR When student indicates need transmit PAR to Senior State inform student "This completes STANDARD SAT UNSAT Comment Number Refer to EP-PS-100 Tab 5 PA-2: Has a GE declared? PA-3: Release controlled containment vent < hr? PA-6: Valid projection? Per

  • Evacuate Shelter 2-10 miles Citizens take per state (Tab E, step 5c) Notify Senior State Official, using PAR State Notification Form, at *2148.


JPM Stop Time ____

Do n t give the next pages (Keys) to Also, there are two sets of cue sheets. The 1 st is given to the applicant at the beginning of the JPM. The JPM will direct when to provide the 2 nd cue sheet. There are also two blank ENR forms in the package as well ANSWER KEY (for 1 NR form) EMERGENCY REPORT Control # CR-1 Call Status: I:2J THIS IS A DRILL THIS IS AN ACTUAL EVENT This is: at PPL Susquehanna, LLC (Communicator's Name) My telephone 570-542 3 Notification time (Time number 570-759 4 initiated)(Callback telephone number) EMERGENCY CLASSIFICATION:


UNIT: I:2J ONE Declaration Time of DATE:

D (Time classification/ (Date classification/

termination declared) termination declared)ONE&Two THIS REPRESENTS I:2J INITIAL DECLARATION}


OR D OTHER SIGNIFICANT EVENT (No change in emergency classification or classification time) Applicant applies "FS1" Brief Non-technical Description Sticker here. THERE IS: AIRBORNE LADIOLOGICAL RELEASE IN PROGRESS DUE TO THE EVENT ALIQUID J A Rad Release is in Progress if: in the judgment of ED/RM radioactive material is being released to the environment or into an area of the plant that will result in a release to the environment that is a result of the event. Example conditions that result in a rad release; Fuel Clad Barrier AND Containment Barrier LOSS, RCS Barrier AND Containment Barrier LOSS, RG1, RS1, RA1, RU1, MU7, SBGT initiation on RB Vent hi-rad, an increase in the detected gaseous radiation effluents that is a result of the event, or any radioactive liquid released beyond the Protected Area that is a result of the event. WIND DIREClrlON IS FROM: 157 0* WIND SPEED 9 mph. (Data from 10 meter meteorological tower, available on PICSY.) 7. REPEAT: THIS IS A DRILL D THIS IS AN ACTUAL EVENT (When communicating form, request a repeat back by one of the agencies.)


Applicant signature Time: Current time Date TODAY (ED, RM, or (Time form approved) (Date form approved)

ANSWER ANSWER KEY (for 2 nd ENR form) EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION REPORT Control # CR-2 Call Status: fZl THIS IS A DRILL D THIS IS AN ACTUAL EVENT This is: at PPL Susquehanna, LLC (Communicator's Name) My telephone 570-542 3 Notification time (Time number is: 570-759 4 initiated)(Callback telephone number) EMERGENCY CLASSIFICATION:


UNIT: fZl ONE Declaration Time: Classification time DATE: TODAY D Two (Time classificationl (Date classificationl termination declared) termination declared)ONE&Two THIS REPRESENTS D INITIAL DECLARATION


OR D OTHER SIGNIFICANT EVENT (No change in emergency classification or classification time) Applicant applies "FG1" Brief Non-technical Description Sticker here. THERE IS: No 1 D AN AIRBORNE RADIOLOGICAL RELEASE IN PROGRESS DUE TO THE EVENT D ALIQUID A Rad Release is in Progress if: in the judgment of EDfRM radioactive material is being released to the environment or into an area of the plant that will result in a release to the environment that is a result of the event. Example conditions that result in a rad release; Fuel Clad Barrier AND Containment Barrier LOSS, RCS Barrier AND Containment Barrier LOSS, RG1, RS1, RA 1, RU1, MU7, SBGT initiation on RB Vent hi-rad, an increase in the detected gaseous radiation effluents that is a result of the event, or any radioactive liquid released beyond the Protected Area that is a result of the event. WIND DIRECTION IS FROM: 157 0

  • WIND SPEED 9 mph. (Data from 10 meter meteorological tower, available on PICSY.) 7. REPEAT: fZl THIS IS A DRILL 0 THIS IS AN ACTUAL EVENT (When communicating form, request a repeat back by one of the agencies.)


Applicant signature Time: Current time Date TODAY (ED, RM, or (Time form approved) (Date form approved)

ANSWER KEY CUE SHEET #1: TASK CONDITIONS Unit 1 was initially at 100% power At T + 0 sec, an earthquake with a magnitude of 0.07g occurred near the plant and was confirmed with seismic instrumentation and control room operators Due to the earthquake activity, a loss of offsite power has occurred At T + 30 sec, a LOCA occurred as a result of the seismic activity RPV level is -175" and rising slowly due to A Loop RHR injection All control rods are fully inserted Drywell pressure is 25 psig and rising INITIATING CUE Classify the Event, and implement the Emergency Plan as the Control Room Emergency Director in accordance with EP-PS-100.

THIS IS A TIME CRITICAL JPM CUE SHEET TASK Unit 1 was initially at 100% power At T + 0 sec, an earthquake with a magnitude of 0.07g occurred near the plant and was confirmed with seismic instrumentation and control room operators Due to the earthquake activity, a loss of offsite power has occurred At T + 30 sec, a LOCA occurred as a result of the seismic activity RPV level is -175" and rising slowly due to A Loop RHR injection All control rods are fully inserted Drywell pressure is 25 psig and rising INITIATING CUE Classify the Event, and implement the Emergency Plan as the Control Room Emergency Director in accordance with EP-PS-100.

THIS IS A TIME CRITICAL JPM CUE SHEET #2: (Do not provide until directed to by JPM.) TASK CONDITIONS At time T= 30 minutes, EDG 'A' tripped, resulting in RPV level momentarily reaching -215" and recovering to -182" and slowly rising by starting B RHR pump Due to inability to spray, drywell pressure is currently 54 psig and rising slowly INITIATING CUE Assuming the other initial conditions are still valid, determine if this new condition will affect the current EAL classification, AND if so perform any other additional actions that may be required.

THIS IS A TIME CRITICAL JPM CUE SHEET #2: (Do not provide until directed to by JPM.) TASK CONDITIONS At time T= 30 minutes, EDG 'N tripped, resulting in RPV level momentarily reaching -215" and recovering to -182" and slowly rising by starting B RHR pump Due to inability to spray, drywell pressure is currently 54 psig and rising slowly INITIATING CUE Assuming the other initial conditions are still valid, determine if this new condition will affect the current EAL classification, AND if so perform any other additional actions that may be required.

THIS IS A TIME CRITICAL JPM EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION REPORT Control # Call Status: D THIS IS A DRILL D THIS IS AN ACTUAL EVENT This is: at PPL Susquehanna, LLC (Communicator's Name) My telephone 570-542 3 Notification time is: (Time notification number 570-759 4 initiated)(Callback telephone number) EMERGENCY CLASSIFICATION:


UNIT: D ONE Declaration Time: DATE: D Two (Time classificationi (Date classification!

termination declared) termination declared)ONE&Two THIS REPRESENTS D INITIAL DECLARATION


OR THERE IS: D AN AIRBORNE RADIOLOGICAL RELEASE IN PROGRESS DUE TO THE EVENT D ALIQUID A Rad Release is in Progress if: in the judgment of ED!RM radioactive material is being released to the environment or into an area of the plant that will result in a release to the environment that is a result of the event. Example conditions that result in a rad release; Fuel Clad Barrier AND Containment Barrier LOSS, RCS Barrier AND Containment Barrier LOSS, RG1, RS1, RA1, RU1, MU7, SBGT initiation on RB Vent hi-rad, an increase in the detected gaseous radiation effluents that is a result of the event, or any radioactive liquid released beyond the Protected Area that is a result of the event. WIND DIRECTION IS FROM: o. WIND SPEED mph. (Data from 10 meter meteorological tower, available on PICSY.) 7. REPEAT: D THIS IS A DRILL D THIS IS AN ACTUAL EVENT (When communicating form, request a repeat back by one of the agencies.)


Time: Date (ED, RM, or (Time form approved) (Date form approved)

EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION REPORT Control # Call Status: D THIS IS A DRILL D THIS IS AN ACTUAL EVENT This is: at PPL Susquehanna, LLC (Communicator's Name) My telephone 570-542 3 Notification time is: (Time notification number is: 570-759 4 (Callback telephone number) initiated) EMERGENCY CLASSIFICATION:


UNIT: D ONE Declaration Time: DATE: (Time classificationl (Date classificationlTwo termination termination declared)ONE&Two THIS REPRESENTS D INITIAL DECLARATION}


OR D OTHER SIGNIFICANT EVENT (No change in emergency classification or classification time) I THERE IS: D NO*}* I D AN AIRBORNE ADIOLOGICAL RELEASE IN PROGRESS DUE TO THE EVENT D ALIQUID A Rad Release is in Progress if: in the judgment of ED/RM radioactive material is being released to the environment or into an area of the plant that will result in a release to the environment that is a result of the event. Example conditions that result in a rad release; Fuel Clad Barrier AND Containment Barrier LOSS, RCS Barrier AND Containment Barrier LOSS, RG1, RS1, RA1, RU1, MU7, SBGT initiation on RB Vent hi-rad, an increase in the detected gaseous radiation effluents that is a result of the event, or any radioactive liquid released beyond the Protected Area that is a result of the event. WIND DIRECTION IS FROM: o. WIND SPEED mph. (Data from 10 meter meteorological tower, available on PICSY.) 7. REPEAT: D THIS IS A DRILL D THIS IS AN ACTUAL EVENT (When communicating form, request a repeat back by one of the agencies.)


Time: Date (ED, RM, or (Time form approved) (Date form approved)

II ES-301 Control Roomlln-Plant Systems Outline Form ES-301-2 I Facility:

SSES Date of Examination:


  • Exam Level: RO
  • SRO-I 0 SRO-U D Operating Test No.: 1 ; Control Room Systems@ (8 for RO); (7 for SRO-I); (2 or 3 for SRO-U, including 1 ESF) System I JPM Title Type Code* Safety Function a. CRD Mechanism/201003 Control Rod Withdrawals A,N,S 1 b. Perform HPCI Quarterly Surveillance/206000 A,N,S 2 c. Quarterly Turbine Valve Cycling/241 000 A,N,S 3 d. Core Spray System Shutdown/209001 N,S 4 e. PCIS/SDC restoration/223002 A, N,S 5 f. Manually Synchronize Diesel Generator B/264000 A,N,S 6 g. SBGT System Startup/288000 N,S 9 h. APRM Gain Adjustment/215005 N,S 7 In-Plant Systems@ (3 for RO); (3 for SRO-I); (3 or 2 for SRO-U) i. Venting Scram Air Header during A TWS D,E,R 1 i j. Maintaining RCIC Suction Source during SBO A, N,R 2 k. Secure Non-Class 1 E 250 VDC loads lAW EO-100-030 iN,E 6 @ All RO and SRO-I control room (and in-plant) systems must be different and serve different safety functions; all 5 SRO-U systems must serve different safety functions; in-plant systems and functions may overlap those tested in the control room.
  • Type Codes (A)lternate path (C}ontrol room (D}irect from bank (E)mergency or abnormal in-plant (EN)gineered safety feature (L)ow-Power 1 Shutdown (N)ew or (M)odified from bank including 1(A) (P)revious 2 exams (R)CA (S)imulator Criteria for RO / SRO-I 1 SRO-U 4-6/4-6/2-3
:1/;::1 -I -/ ;::1 (control room system)

?2/?2/?1 ::; 31 ::; 31 s 2 (randomly selected)

11 11 1 Control Room/l n-Plant Systems Outline Form ES-301-2 Facility

SSES Date of Examination: Exam Level: RO D SRO-I

  • SRO-U D Operating Test No.: I Control Room Systems@ (8 for RO); (7 for SRO-I); (2 or 3 for SRO-U, including 1 ESF) System / JPM Title Type Code* Safety Function a. CRD Mechanism/201003 Control Rod A,N,S 1 b. Perform HPCI Quarterly A,N,S 2 c. Quarterly Turbine Valve Cycling/241 A,N,S 3 d. COfe Spray System N,S 4 e. PCIS/SDC A,L,N,S 5 f. Manually Synchronize Diesel Generator A,N,S 6 g. SBGT System N,S 9 ! In-Plant Systems@ (3 for RO); (3 for SRO-I); (3 or 2 for SRO-U) i. Venting Scram Air Header during D,E,R 1 j. Maintaining RCIC Suction Source during A,E,N,R 2 k. Secure Non-Class 1E 250 VDC loads lAW ED-100-D30 6 and SRO-I control room (and in-plant) systems must be different and serve different safety functions; all 5 SRO-U systems must serve different safety functions; in-plant systems and functions may overlap those tested in the control room.
  • Type Criteria for RO / SRO-il SRO-U (A)ltemate path 4-61 4-6/2-3 (C)ontrol room (D)irect from bank :::;9/::;8/:S;4 (E)mergency or abnormal in-plant ;::1/:;::1/2:1 (EN)gineered safety feature -! -/ 2:1 (control room system) (L)ow-Power

/ Shutdown ;::1/;::1/2:1 (N)ew or (M)odified from bank including 1(A) "2:.2/2:2/2:1 (P)revious 2 exams :::; 31 s 3/:s; 2 (randomly selected) (R)CA "2:.1/:::::1/2:1 (S)imulator Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Job Performance Uncoupled Control Rod During Rod Withdrawals At JPM Designation: Revision Number: 4 Date: 10/26/11 . Note: This JPM is paired with JPM D with a staggered start Developed By: Chris Lall)l 4/15/11 Author Date Review By: Hedigan 01/05/12 Examiner Date Approved By: Caruso 01/05/12 Chief Examiner Date I JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE VALIDATION I NOTE: All steps of this checklist should be performed upon initial validation.

Prior to JPM usage, revalidate JPM using steps 8 through 11 below. Task description and number, JPM description and number are identified. Knowledge and Abilities (KIA) references are included. Performance location specified. (in-plant, control room, or simulator) Initial setup conditions are identified. Initiating and terminating cues are properly identified. Task standards identified and verified by Examiner review. Critical steps meet the criteria for critical steps and are identified with an asterisk (*). Verify the procedure referenced by this JPM matches the most current revision of that procedure:

Procedure Rev. ___ Date ______ Pilot test the JPM: a. verify cues both verbal and visual are free of conflict, and b. ensure performance time is accurate. If the JPM cannot be performed as written with proper responses, then revise the JPM. 11. When JPM is revalidated, Examiner sign and date JPM cover page.


Rev 0 Rev 1: Editorial changes via comments from branch, and changed ...IPM such that alternate path begins on second withdrawn rod vice first 5/9/11 Rev 2: Added procedure step numbers Rev 3: Revised following licensee review Rev 4: Revised following licensee request to perform at higher power level to support JPM pairing JPM Setup Instructions: Reset Simulator to Ie 391, approximately 76% power Run scenario file JPMA.scn to Insert uncoupled rod malfunction (IMF mfRD1550074631) for control rod 46-31 Provide OP-156-001 Reactor Manual Control System Provide copy of SO-156-007 Control Rod Coupling Check Provide copy of JPMA Reactivity Manipulation Request and Control Rod Movement Sheet TASK STANDARD:

Successfully insert Control Rod 46 -31 per ON-155-001, Control Rod Problems Rev 34 TASK CONDITIONS: The plant is operating at reduced power after the crew inserted control rods per steps 185 -177 of the book due to an Offgas problem. The Offgas system problem has been corrected and condenser vacuum is restored to normal. Reactor Engineering has provided the SRO with the approved Reactivity Manipulation Package to return the nine rods to their target positions. CRD Hydraulic System is in operation in accordance with OP-155-001 RMCS is operational in accordance with Section 2.1 of OP-156-001 All rod movements shall be performed in accordance with NDAP-QA-0338 The reactivity briefing has been completed.

INITIATING CUE: The SRO has directed you to complete the requested reactivity manipulations by withdrawing control rods per the Reactivity Manipulation Request and Control Rod Movement Sheet. Information for Evaluator's Use: UNSAT requires written comments on respective step.

  • Denotes CRITICAL steps. Number any comments in the "Comment Number" column. Then annotate that comment in the "Comments" section. The comment section should be used to document the reason that a step is marked as unsatisfactory and to document unsatisfactory performance relating to management expectations.

Some operations that are performed from outside of the control room may require multiple steps. These items may be listed as individual steps in this JPM. It is acceptable for the candidate to direct the local

---operator to perform groups of procedure steps instead of calling for each individual item to be performed.

The timeclock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue. Operator's Nc:lme: _______________________

_ Job Title: D NLO RO 0 SRO STA SRO Cert JPM Title: Uncoupled control rod withdrawals at power JPM Number: A Revision Number: 4 KIA Number and Importance:

201003 A2.02 RO 3.7 SRO 3.8 Suggested Testing Environment:

Simulator Actual Testing Environment:

Testing Method: Perform in Simulator Alternate Path: Yes Time Critical:

No Estimated Time to Complete:

25 min. Actual Time Used: minutes


1. NUREG 1123, 201003 A2.02 RO 3.7 8RO 3.8 2. GO-100-002 Rev 71 3. ON-155-001 Rev 35 4. AR-104-001 Rev 31 5. OP-156-001 Rev 16 6. 80-156-007 Rev 10 EVALUATION


1.Were all the Critical Elements performed satisfactorily?

Yes No 2. Was the task standard met? The operator's performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM, and has been determined to be: Satisfactory 0 Unsatisfactory Comments:__________________________


Note: Any grade of UNSAT requires a Evaluators Name: _____________Evaluator's Signature:

Date: ___



TI1is JPM has the operator withdraw control rods for power ascension, and upon finding an uncoupled control rod (second withdrawn rod), has the operator attempt to re-couple and eventually fully insert and disarm the control rod. Evaluator Note: The steps of OP-156-001 are listed for reference and tracking of applicant's actions. Per OP-156-001 note: "This procedure section is Information Use; however. the steps must be performed in the order written. Operator training ensures the steps are performed in the proper sequence without procedure in hand".

NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON JPMA NOTE: Critical Element(s) indicated by

  • in Performance Checklist.


JPM Start Time _____ ELEMENT 1. Obtains procedure and reviews 2. (OP-156-001 Step 2.4.3) Establish a target position that is one notch less than the desired position. (Exception:

The withdraw of control rods to the FULL OUT position and those control rods with settle times greater than 30 seconds.)

  • 3. (Step 2.4.4) Select control rod to be withdrawn continuously by Depressing corresponding CONTROL ROD SELECTION pushbuUons.
4. (Step 2.4.5) Observe: a. CONTROL ROD SELECTION pushbuttons ILLUMINATED
c. Present position of selected rod Indicated on FOUR ROD DISPLAY on CRT and Standby Information Panel 1 C652. *5. (Step 2.4.6) Depress and Hold CONT W/DRAW ROD pushbutton AND STANDARD SAT UNSAT Comment Number Applicant may obtain 001, references section 2.4 and reads 2.4.1 Prerequisites and 2.4.2 Precautions Applicant establishes target position of 48 Applicant depresses rod select pushbutton for rod (14-31) Applicant Observes:
c. Present position of selected rod Indicated on FOUR ROD DISPLAY on CRT and Standby Information Pane11C652.

Applicant Depresses and Holds CONT W/DRAW ROD pushbutton AND NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON JPMA E.LEMENT STANDARD SAT UNSAT Comment Number *6. (Step 2.4.7) Depress and Hold Depresses and Holds W/DRAW ROD pushbutton WIDRAW ROD pushbutton Evaluator Note: During rod withdrawal, the applicant will likely receive 001 (C04) RBM ROD BLOCK and 104-001 (H03) ROD OUT BLOCK. This is caused by the expected change in local core power around the withdrawing control rod. Expected operator actions are to verify correct rod selected, verify position on power/flow map, and confirm with RE that adequate margin exists to thermal limits. Roleplay as reactor engineer as necessary to inform applicant that adequate thermal limit margin for the control rod exists. Applicant will de-select and re-select the control rod to clear the rod block alarm and continue with control rod withdrawal.

NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON JPMA E:LEMENT ! STANDARD SAT I UNSAT Comment i Number 7. (Step 2.4.8) Observe: Note: Additional expected a. ROD INSERT light MOMENTARILY ILLUMINATES applicant actions per precaution 2.4.2.b of b. ROD WIDRAWG light OP-156-001, "Nuclear instrumentation must ILLUMINATES be monitored during c. CO NT W/DRAWG light any rod movement" ILLUMINATES Applicant Observes:

d. Withdrawal drive flow of approx. 2-3 gpm during control rod a. ROD INSERT light MOMENTARILY withdrawal on CRT FOUR ROD ILLUMINATES DISPLAY e. Changing rod position indicated
b. ROD W/DRAWG light ILLUMINATES on FOUR ROD DISPLAY on CRT and Standby Information Panel 1 C652 for selected rod. c. CO NT W/DRAWG light ILLUMINATES
d. Withdrawal drive flow of approx. 2-3 gpm during control rod withdrawal on CRT FOUR ROD DISPLAY e. Changing rod position indicated on FOUR ROD DISPLAY on CRT and Standby Information Panel 1 C652 for selected rod. 8. (SO-156-007 Step 5.3.1) Maintain Applicant maintains withdraw the WITHDRAW command or single signal to perform coupling notch withdrawal.

Confirm the rod does check, notes control rod at not uncouple.

Uncoupling is position 48, full out red demonstrated by: indicator is lit, and no ROD a. Loss of position 48 OVERTRA VEL alarm. AND b. Loss of full out red indicator OR c. ROD OVERTRA VEL alarm NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON JPMA ELEMENT STANDARD ! SAT UNSAT Comment Number 9. (Step 5.3.2) Depress Display Rods Applicant depresses test Full-in/Full-out test button and button and confirms red FULL Confirm the FULL OUT red OUT indicator is illuminated indicator ILLUMINATED.

OR AND/OR Confirms control rod remains (Step 5.3.3) Confirm the control rod at position 48 on the 4 rod remains at position 48 on the 4 display rod display. 10. (Step 5.3.4) Record date and Applicant documents control initials in appropriate space for rod 14-31, date and initials for the control rod in COUPLING coupling check on Attachment CHECK on Attachment C, Page C i 11. (OP-156-001 Step 2.4.3) Establish Applicant establishes target a target position that is one position of 48 notch less than the desired position. (Exception:

The withdraw of control rods to the FULL OUT position and those control rods with settle times greater than 30 seconds.)

i *12. (Step 2.4.4) Select control rod to Applicant depresses rod select be withdrawn continuously by pushbutton for rod (46-31) Depressing corresponding CONTROL ROD SELECTION push buttons. i 13. (Step 2.4.5)

Applicant Observes:

c. Present position of selected rod GREEN at selected Indicated on FOUR ROD location.DISPLAY on CRT and Standby Information Panel 1 C652. Present position selected rod on FOUR DISPLAY on CRT Standby Panel 1 NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON JPMA ELEMENT STANDARD SAT UNSAT Comment Number *14. (Step 2.4.6) Depress and Hold Applicant Depresses and CaNT WIDRAW ROD pushbutton AND Holds CaNT W/DRAW ROD pushbutton AND *15. (Step 2.4.7) Depress and Hold Depresses and Holds W/DRAW ROD pushbutton W/DRAW ROD pushbutton Evaluator Note: During rod withdrawal, the applicant will likely receive 001 (C04) RBM ROD BLOCK and 104-001 (H03)

OUT BLOCK. This is caused by the expected change in local core power around the withdrawing control rod. Expected operator actions are to verify correct rod selected, verify position on power!flow map, and confirm with RE that adequate margin exists to thermal limits. Roleplay as reactor engineer as necessary to inform applicant that adequate thermal limit margin for the control rod exists. Applicant will de-select and re-select the control rod to clear the rod block alarm and continue with control rod withdrawal.

NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON ELEMENT AL TERNA TE Pit TH BEGINS HERE 16. (Step 2.4.8) Observe: ROD INSERT light MOMENTARILY ILLUMINATES ROD W/DRAWG light ILLUMINATES CO NT W/DRAWG light ILLUMINATES Withdrawal drive flow of approx. 2-3 gpm during control rod withdrawal on CRT FOUR ROD DISPLAY Changing rod position indicated on FOUR ROD DISPLAY on CRT and Standby Information Panel 1 C652 for selected rod. Evaluator Alarm AR-104-001 (H06) is an expected alarm for this JPM *17. (SO-156-007 Step 5.3.1) Maintain the WITHDRAW command or single notch withdrawal.

Confirm the rod does not uncouple.

Uncoupling is demonstrated by: Loss of position 48 AND

  • b. Loss of full out red indicator OR ROD OVERTRA VEL alarm STANDARD SAT AL TERNA TE PATH BEGINS Note: Additional expected applicant actions per precaution 2.4.2.b of OP-156-001, "Nuclear instrumentation must be monitored during any rod movement" Applicant Observes: ROD INSERT light MOMENTARILY ILLUMINATES ROD W/DRAWG light ILLUMINATES CONT WIDRAWG light ILLUMINATES Withdrawal drive of approx. 2-3 during control withdrawal on FOUR ROD Changing rod indicated on ROD DISPLAY on and Information 1C652 for selected Applicant maintains withdraw signal to perform coupling check, notes control rod position becomes blank, loss of the full out red indicator.

and receipt of the ROD OVERTRA VEL alarm. JPMA UNSAT Comment Number NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON JPMA ELEMENT STANDARD SAT UNSAT Comment Number 18. Annunciator response to ROD OVERTRAVEL

[AR-104-001 (H06)] Applicant:

a. Acknowledges alarm b. Reports alarm to Unit Supervisor
c. References alarm response for AR-1 001 (H06) d. Notifies Shift Supervision
e. Performs ON-155-001 Evaluator Note: Candidate may recognize entry condition and directly enter ON-155-001

'Control Rod Problems', vice entry from AR. *19. Enter ON-'155-001

'Control Rod Problems' Applicant obtains ON-155-001.

recognizes symptoms for rod overtravel and proceeds to step 4.5 Evaluator cue: Perform the required actions NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA T/ON STANDARD I SAT *20. (Step 4.5."1) IF Rod Overtravel Applicant Perform the alarm ANNUNCIATES with rod beyond following only once: 48, Perform the following only once: Insert rod (46-31) to 46 Insert rod to 46. by INSERT Withdraw rod to 48. one time. With Rod at position 48, Notch Withdraw rod (46-31) Rod OUT OR Continuously to 48 by depressing withdraw Rod. WITHDRAW AND pushbutton one time. Confirm control rod is coupled With Rod at position by observing:

48, applicant Notches (1) POSITION 48 on Standby Rod OUT by Information Panel or other depressing available rod position WITHDRAW indication pushbutton one time OR Continuously AND withdraw Rod by (2) FULL OUT RED indicator on depressing and full core display holding AND WID RAW pushbutton Rod Overtravel annunciator depressing and is CLEAR. holding W/DRAW ROD pushbutton. Applicant will again receive the "Rod Overtravel" annunciator and recognize that the control rod is still uncoupled.

Applicant recognizes that rod is still uncoupled and proceeds to step 4.5.2 JPMA UNSAT Comment Number NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON ELEIVIENT I i STANDARD SAT JPMA UNSAT Comment Number *21. (Step 4.52) IF rod fails to couple Evaluator Note: through one performance of Step 4.5.1: roleplay as Unit may be required if

a. Promptly Insert rod to position requests/recommends
00. inserting rod and contacting Contact Reactor Engineering.

Reactor Engineering. applicant to continue with c. IF < LPSP power: procedure, and notify applicant (1) Comply with TS 3.1.3 and that Reactor Engineering has been contacted, and Spec entries are (2) Hydraulically Disarm HCU prepared.lAW OP-155-001 Rod Drive Hydraulic System (3) DO NOT continue to a. Promptly Inserts rod rods until Reactor 46-31 to position 00 by Engineering has supplied depressing and new control rod withdraw holding the INSERT sequence.


Evaluator Note: Reactor power is above the Low Power Setpoint (LPSP). Step 4.5.2.c i is N/A i i CUE: JPM is complete.

JPM Stop Time _____

NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON JPMA HANDOUT PAGE TASK CONDITIONS: The plant is operating at reduced power after the crew inserted control rods per steps 185 -177 of the CRC book due to an Offgas problem. The Offgas system problem has been corrected and condenser vacuum is restored to normal. Reactor Engineering has provided the SRO with the approved Reactivity Manipulation Package to return the nine rods to their target positions. CRD Hydraulic System in operation in accordance with OP-155-001 RMCS operational in accordance with Section 2.1 of OP-156-001 All rod movements shall be performed in accordance with NDAP-QA-0338 The reactivity briefing has been completed.

INITIATING CUE: The SRO has directed you to complete the requested reactivity manipulations by withdrawing control rods per the Reactivity Manipulation Request and Control Rod Movement Sheet.

NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON JPMA HANDOUT PAGE TASK CONDITIONS: The plant is operating at reduced power after the crew inserted control rods per steps 185 -177 of the CRC book due to an Offgas problem. The Offgas system problem has been corrected and condenser vacuum is restored to normal. Reactor Engineering has provided the SRO with the approved Reactivity Manipulation Package to return the nine rods to their target positions. CRD Hydraulic System in operation in accordance with OP-155-001 RMCS operational in accordance with Section 2.1 of OP-156-001 All rod movements shall be performed in accordance with NDAP-QA-0338 The reactivity briefing has been completed.

INI,.IATING CUE: The SRO has directed you to complete the requested reactivity manipulations by withdrawing control rods per the Reactivity Manipulation Request and Control Rod Movement Sheet.

REACTIVITY MANIPULATION REQUEST (5) Unit #: 1 Cycle #: 17 STEP # of (*PAGE 1 of 11 Initial Conditions Confirmed B APPROVAL to Start: Reactivity Manager (SRO) I Date I Time % f"Description of Manipulation:

Withdraw control rods 14-31, 46-31, 30-47, 30-15, 22-39,38-39,38-23,22-23, and 30-31 per the control rod movement sheet. ro-Precautions and Limitations:

Continuously withdraw rods in steps 1 through 4 (position 00 -48) Single Notch Withdraw rods in steps 5 though 9. *Critical Param eters to be Observed During the Manipulation Critical As applicable, describe method of monitoring, frequency, and High Low Parameter Rod Position contingency actions Monitor 4 Rod Dis I ayand PICSY. During rod maneuver.

X Core Flow Monitor PICSY and SIP. During rod maneuver X Rx Power Monitor APRMs. Du ring rod maneuver X I Gen Power Monitor Ca ability c is raised X I

  • Use multiple pages as Reactivity Manipulation Completed:

POST Mani ulation Conditions Reactivity Manager (SRO) I Date I Time FORM OP-AD-338-1, Rev. 3, Page 1 of 1 (Electronic Form)

CONTROL ROD MOVEMENT PAGE 1 of 1 If applicable, then identify the corresponding RMR Step # MANIPULATOR VERIFIER STEP ROD 10 FROM TO INITIALS INITIALS 1 :14-3:1 00 48 2 46-3:1 3 30-4Z 4 30-:15 Reselect and confirm previous moves: 22-39 00 6 7 8 Reselect and confirm previous moves: 9 30-31 00 08 Reselect and confirm previous moves: Reselect and confirm previous moves: Reselect and confirm previous moves: Reselect and confirm previous moves: FORM OP-AO-338-2, Rev. 2, Page 1 of 1 (Electronic Form)

SURVEILLANCE PART I. GENERAL INFORMATION PROCEDURE NUMBER: SO-156-007 RTSV Number: N/A------1 Activity Number: ..;..N=/A...:..-

__--I PROCEDURE TITLE: Qtrly HPCI Flow Due Date: N/A


Violation Date-'-:

PART II. REASON FOR PERFORMANCE o Routine [2j Event or Condition Initiated o Post o LCO Action Statements (Described in Remarks)o TRO Action Statements (Describe o Other ( .

emarks) PART III. EXTENT OF TESTING [8J Complete D Partial D Delete PART IV. AUTHORIZATION TO COMMENCE Shift Supervision Signature:

M. Jlilcopem Time: -i VlY" Surveillance was: Supervisor/Foreman Signature:

Date: D Out of Service D Out of Mode PART V. REMARKS 1. Performed for rod withdraws 30-15) to return to full power operation.

PART VI. AS-FOUND OPERABIUTY (Systems/Components were found:) o OPERABLE and passed 0 INOPERABLE or Acceptance Criteria -1'Ar failed (Notify Shift Supervision)



0 YES ON/A"-t:;,, PART VIII.

ACTUA Notified Ie Individual:

D A Complete Retest was Performed Supervisor Signature:

Commencement Date: PART X. FINAL CLOSURE ___Work Group closure in computer schedule ___WCC Admin. Group final closure in computer complete. "N/A" when extent of testing is not schedule complete. "N/A" when extent of "COMPLETE." (Forward to WCC Admin. Group) testing is not "COMPLETE: (Forward to DCS) FORM NDAP-QA-0722-1, Rev. 7, Page 1 of 1 (Electronic Form) (print on green paper)

JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE VALIDATION NOTE: All steps of this checklist should be performed upon initial validation.

Prior to JPM usage, revalidate JPM using steps 8 through 11 below. Task description and number, JPM description and number are identified. Knowledge and Abilities (KIA) references are included. Performance location specified. (in-plant, control room, or simulator) Initial setup conditions are identified. Initiating and terminating cues are properly identified. Task standards identified and verified by Examiner review. Critical steps meet the criteria for critical steps and are identified with an asterisk (*). Verify the procedure referenced by this JPM matches the most current revision of that procedure:

Procedure Rev. Date Pilot test the JPM: a. verify cues both verbal and visual are free of conflict, and b. ensure performance time is accurate. If the JPM cannot be performed as written with proper responses, then revise the JPM. 11. When JPM is revalidated, Examiner sign and date JPM cover page.

Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Job Performance Measure Perform HPCI Quarterly Surveillance JPM Designation:

B Revision Number: 3 Date: _12/17/2011 Note: This JPM is paired with JPM G with a staggered start. Developed By: Patel 05125111 Author Date Review By: uJL)1N 'z/'2c/t1 Examiner Date Approved By: IJ?J//u Chief Examiner Date REVISION RECORD (Summary):

1. Rev 3 JPM Setup Instructions: Build the following JPMB scenario and event trigger support files used below: Build the support IC # 392 for the initial conditions, to include. -Align HPCI Support System per SO-152-002 Section 5.1. ('B' RHR Pp is SPC, 'A' and 'B' ESW Pumps and 'A' SGTS

-Place HPCI System in test status per SO-152-002 Section Reset the simulator to required IC # 392 Load the following JPM scenario files: JPMB.scn aet JPMB IMF IRF

{Key[1]} IRF

{Key[2]} MRF rfDC188135 (Key[3)} lOR doHS 15659_1 {Key[3]} lOR doHS15659_2 {Key[3]} IMF emfMV07 _HV156F059 d:1 {Key[3]} lOR aoTRE411 R605G r:10:00 {Key[3]} lOR aoTRE411 R605D r:15:00 {Key[3]} lOR aoTRE411 R605F r:15:00 {Key[3]} lOR aoTRE411 R605E r: 15:00 And Trigger I Sen . .IPMB ;METER:HPCI TURB OIL COOLER aoTRE411R605G.CurrValue


Successfully start HPCI for TS surveillance testing and secure HPCI upon high oil cooler discharge temperature.

Materials Needed: Stop Watch. TASK CONDITIONS: The plant is at 10% power, and continuing plant startup at step 5.62 of GO-1 00-002. The plant is in a normal electric line-up. Local indication of HV-155-F008, HPCI TEST LINE TO CST ISO, is unavailable 'I B RHR Pp is in Suppression Pool Cooling, A & B ESW Pumps and A SGTS are in service to support the surveillance.

---INITIATING CUE: You are directed by Shift Supervision to perform HPCI TS surveillance test lAW SO-152-002 All of the Prerequisites/Limitations of SO-152-002 have been satisfied.

HPCI support systems have been aligned per section 5.1, and HPCI system is placed in test status per section 5.2 of SO-152-002.

You may proceed with HPCI auto quick start section 5.3 to conduct TS surveillance test. Surveillance was last completed on October 13, 2011. Information for Evaluator's UNSAT requires written comments on respective

  • Denotes CRITICAL steps. Number any c()mments in the "Comment Number" column. Then annotate that comment in the "Comments" section. The comment section should be used to document the reason that a step is marked as unsatisfactory and to document unsatisfactory performance relating to management expectations.

Some operations that are performed from outside of the control room may require multiple steps. These items may be listed as individual steps in this JPM. It is acceptable for the candidate to direct the local operator to perform groups of procedure steps instead of calling for each individual item to be performed.

The timeclock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating Operator's Job Title: 0 NLO 0 RO SRO STAD SRO JPM Title: Perform HPCI Quarterly Surveillance JPM Number: B Revision Number: 0 KIA Number and Importance:

206000 A4.03 3.1/3.0 (RO/SRO) Suggested Testing Environment:

Simulator Actual Testing Environment:

Simulator Testing Method: Perform in Simulator Alternate Path: Yes Time Critical:

No Estimated Time to Complete:

15 min. Actual Time Used: minutes


1. NUREG 1 '123, 206000, A4.03, RO/SRO 3.1/3.0 2. SO-152-002 Rev. 49 3. AR-114-001, Rev. 23 EVALUATION


1. Were all the Critical Elements performed satisfactorily?

Yes No 2. Was the task standard met? The operator's performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM, and has been determined to be: [] Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Comments:__________________________

_ Note: Any grade of UNSAT requires a comment. Evaluator's Name: ______________(Print) Evaluator's Signature:

Date: _____



This JPM has the operator start HPCI per quarterly performance testing lAW 152-002 and upon successful start of the HPCI pump, oil cooler discharge high temp condition will be inserted by the simulator booth operator.

The operator needs to recognize the abnormal condition and secure HPCI.

NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TION JPMB NOTE: Critical Element(s) indicated by

  • in Performance Checklist.


JPM Start Time _____ ELEMENT NRC Examiner Note: Use Headset to communicate with booth operator for this JPM. (to ensure timely insertion of malfunctions) Obtains procedure and procedure, prerequisites, Recognizes that HPCI Auto Start needs to be performed satisfy TS quarterly

3. Step 5.:3.1 IF Cold Auto Quick Start is being performed.

Ensure HPCI turbine shutdown>

16 previous hours. Enter present date and time. 4. Step Check HPCI TEST LINE TO CST ISO HV-15£5-F011 CLOSED. STANDARD SAT UNSAT Comment Number Obtains SO-152-002 Applicant identifies that HPCI Auto Quick Start needs to be performed to satisfy TS quarterly surveillance requirements per section 5.3 by reading the prerequisite note, purpose/scope section of the SO-152-002, or initiating cue. Notes present date and time. Date Time Evaluator Note: Per initiating cue, applicant should recognize that the last HPCI turbine start was greater than 16 hours1.851852e-4 days <br />0.00444 hours <br />2.645503e-5 weeks <br />6.088e-6 months <br /> ago. (October 13,

  • 2011) Applicant checks HPCI TEST LINE TO CST ISO F011 is CLOSED. (Verifies Amber Light Lit and Red Light Extinguished)

NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON *5. Step 5.3.3 At HPCI Relay Panel Div 2, 1 C620, Instruct qualified work group personnel to Lift both leads at terminal 3 of Relay E41A-K2 AND CLAMP together.

Applicant orders _I&C_ group to Lift both leads at terminal 3 of Relay E41 A-K2 AND CLAMP together.

Evaluator Note: Applicant may request this field action. Booth Operator Cue: Notify Applicant that the qualified work group has completed lifting leads per SO-152-002 step 5.3.3 and verification process has been com pleted satisfactory.

Evaluator Note: These leads cannot be lifted in the Simulator model. This malfunction has the same effect: IMF cmfMV06_HV155F011 NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON *6. Step 5.3.4 Position HPCI TEST LINE TO CST ISO HV-15ei-F008 as follows: While moving HPCI TEST LINE TO CST ISO F008 in the open direction, Position valve to 32% OPEN based on local observation OR Note: Intent of next step is for operator to release the valve handswitch when stopwatch reaches 13.6 seconds. It is not necessary to stroke valve exactly 13.6 seconds. The 13.6 second time allows for reaction time of the operator. As an alternate method when local indication is not available, Stroke HPCI TEST LINE TO CST ISO HV-155-F008 in the open direction for 13.6 seconds. Step 5.3.5 Open Breaker 1 D274081, HPCI Test LINE TO CST ISO VLV 155F008 BKR (25-683').

JPMB Applicant positions HPCI TEST LINE TO CST ISO 155-F008 in the open direction for 13.6 seconds. Evaluator Note: Applicant should recognize that local indication is not available per initial conditions.

If applicant request field action, make note of it, and request applicant to review initial conditions.

Evaluator Cue: (If required)

Notify Applicant to review initial conditions.

Applicant requests field action to OPEN Breaker 1 D274081 , HPCI Test LINE TO CST ISO VLV HV-155F008.

Booth Operator Cue: When contacted to open 1 D274-081, depress Soft Key #1 {Key[1]} IRF rfDC188135 f:OPEN Booth Operator Cue: Notify Applicant that Bkr 1 D274081 has been opened.

NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON 8. Step 5.3.6 Evacuate personnel from HPCI pump room AND Close water tight doors. Once HPCI is operating pump room may be accessed again. '*9. Step 5.3.7 Rotate collar on HPCI MAN INIT HS-E41-1 S33 pushbutton to ARMED position.

10. Step 5.3.8 Confirm HPCI MAN INITIATION SWITCH ARMED annunciator ALARMS. 11. Step 5.3.9 Instruct STA to Start Transient Monitoring System TRA. *12. Step 5.3.10 & 5.3.11 Simultaneously Start stopwatch AND Depress AND Hold HPCI MAN INIT HS-E41-1S33 pushbutton until TURBINE STEAM SUPPL Y 155-F001 Starts to OPEN. *13. Step 5.3.12 WHEN HPCI pump discharge pressure indicates 100 psig increasing on PI-E41-1 R601, Promptly Open HPCI TEST LINE TO CST ISO HV-155-F011.

JPMB Applicant utilizes plant page system to evacuate personnel from the HPCI pump room area. I Evaluator Cue: If applicant is going to make the PA announcement, tell them it has already been made (for exam

  • security reasons) ! Applicant Rotates collar on HPCI MAN INT HS-E41-1S33 pushbutton to ARMED position.

I Applicant Confirms HPCI MAN INITIATION SWITCH ARMED annunciator alarm. ! AR-114-001 (A05) Applicant requests STA to start Transient Monitoring System TRA. Booth Oeerator Cue: Notify I Applicant that Transient i Monitoring system has been started. Applicant Simultaneously Starts stopwatch and Depresses AND Holds HPCI MAN INIT HS-E41-1S33 pushbutton until TURBINE STEAM SUPPLY F001 Starts to OPEN. Evaluator Cue: Notify applicant that you will be performing the timing function and will let you know the final time value for recording purpose. Applicant observes discharge pressure reading 100 pSig and increasing on PI-E41-1 R601, and promptly opens HPCI TEST LINE TO CST ISO 155-F011.

NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON 14. Step 5.3.13 WHEN flow reaches 5000 gpm as indicated on FI-E41-1 R600-1: Stop stopwatch Record time on Attachment A. Confirm HPCI successfully actuated by observing flow as indicated on 1 R600-1, 5000 gpm AND Record on Attachment A. IF PICSY is available, Record time of HPCI startup. HPCI START TIME JPMB WHEN flow reaches gpm as indicated on E41-1R600-1 Stops stopwatch Records time Attachment Confirms actuated observing flow indicated on E41-1R600-1, 5000 gpm Record Attachment IF available, time of HPCI START TIME Evaluator Cue: If Flow indicator does not exactly read 5000 gpm (due to applicant not stroking HPCI test line to CST OPEN for more than 13.6 sec), inform the applicant that for this exam's purpose flow is reading> 5000 gpm.


STARTS at Panel 1 C681 16. Step 5.3.16 IF loud banging noise occurred during system initiation, Notify system engineer to evaluate effect on system components.

17. Step 5.3.18 Confirm FULL OPEN indication of HPCI TURB STOP FV-15612 AND Record on Attachment A JPMB Confirms following events occur: HPCI INIT SIG indicating HPCI BARO VACUUM PP HPCI L-O CLG HV-156-F059 HPCI STEAM HV-155-F001 HPCI STM LINE TO CDSR IB HV-155-F028 HPCI STM LINE TO CDSR OB HV-155-F029 HPCI BARO COND PP DSCH HV-156-F026 HPCI BARO COND PP DSCH HV-156-F025 Closes HPCI Rm Unit 1V209A(B)

STARTS Evaluator Cue: No loud banging noise was heard. Confirms FULL OPEN indication of HPCI TURB STOP FV-15612 AND Record on Attachment A I NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON 18. Step 5.3.19 Reset HPCI initiation as follows: Return HPCI MAN INIT HS-E41-1 S33 pushbutton collar to DISARM position Confirm HPCI MAN INITIATION SWITCH ARMED annunciator CLEARS Depress HPCI INIT SIG RESET HS-E41-1 S 17 pushbutton Confirm HPCIINIT SIG RESET HS-E41-1S17 initiating light CLEARS Close BREAKER 10274081, HPCI Test LINE TO CST ISO VLV HV-155F008 BKR (25-683')

19. Simulator Booth Instruction:

Click Soft Key #3 to insert malfunctions to cause high temperature indication and associated alarm. Inform NRC Examiner malfunction inserted JPMB Resets HPCI initiation Return HPCI INIT pushbutton collar DISARM Confirm HPCI INITIATION ARMED Depress SIG Confirm HPCI SIG HS-E41-1S17 light Close 10274081, HPCI LINE TO CST ISO HV-155F008 Booth Cue: When contacted to 1 0274-081, depress Soft {Key[2]} MRF

  • Booth Cue: Notify Applicant that Bkr 10274081
  • has been CLOSED. NRC Examiner Note: Simulator Booth Operator inserted malfunction Key #3 (After HPCI RESET) to cause temperature indications associated NRC Examiner Note: It takes 3.5 minutes from malfunction for the alarm 114-001 (003) to come NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON 20. Step Adjusts HPCI flow to at least 5000 gpm Establish following conditions: (FI-E41-1 R600-1) at a Adjust HPCI flow to at least 5000 Discharge Pressure of at gpm (FI-E41-1 R600-1) at a least 1140 Discharge Pressure of at least (PI-E41-1 R601) by psig (PI-E41-1 R601) by performing performing BOTH of the BOTH of thl9 following steps as following steps as necessary (Technical Specification necessary (Technical Criteria):

Specification Criteria): Allow HPCI TURBINE FLOW a. Allow HPCI CONTROL FC-E41-1 R600 FLOW CONTROL control in AUTOMATIC AND FC-E41-1 R600 to control in AUTOMATICThrottle HPCI TEST LINE CST AND Throttle HPCI TEST LINE TO CST HV-155-F008

21. Step Records following Data on Attachment A: Record following Data Attachment A: a. HPCI FI-E41-1 HPCI FLOW FI-E41-1R600-1 HPCI PP DSCH PRESS HPCI PP DSCH PRESS PI-E41-1 R601 PI-E41-1 R601 RX STM TO HPCI TURB RX STM TO HPCI TURB PRESS PI-E41-1R602 PRESS PI-E41-1 R602 ! 22. Step Establish PumplTurbine speed at 4070-4130 rpm as Establish PumplTurbine speed at indicated on local tachometer 4070-4130 rpm as indicated on local ST-15684 AND flow at tachometer ST -15684 AND flow at 5000-5100 gpm as indicated 5000-5100 gpm as indicated on on FI-E41-1 R600-1, as FI-E41-1 R600-1, as follows: follows:

HPCI TURBINE Place HPCI TURBINE FLOW CONTROL FLOW CONTROL FC-E41-1R600 in MANUAL FC-E41-1 R600 in Adjust turbine speed using HPCI TURBINE Adjust turbine speed CONTROL FC-E41-1 R600 using HPCI TURBINE Adjust HPCI flow by FLOW CONTROL throttling HPCI TEST LINE FC-E41-1 R600 TO CST HV-155-F008 Adjust HPCI flow by throttling HPCI TEST LINE TO CST HV-155-F008 i

NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON 23. Step 5.4.5 With system in operation at rated stable condition for at least 2 minutes, Record following parameters:

e. RX STM TO HPCI TURB PRESS PI-E41-1 R602 f. HPCI PP SUCT PRESS PI-E41-1 R606 g. HPCI Pump delta P ( discharge-suction pressure) on Attachment A. h. HPCI TURB DSCH PRESS PI-E41-1 R603 i. HPCI turbine speed from local tachometer ST-15684 OR HPCI TURB SPEED SI-E41-1 R604 (alternate) on Attachment A JPMB With system in operation at rated stable condition for at least 2 minutes, Records following parameters: HPCI FI-E41-1 R600-1 Attachment HPCI PP PRESS PI-E41-1 HPCI TURB SI-E41-1 REACTOR PRESSURE at ACCIDENT RX STM TO TURB PI-E41-1 HPCI PRESS PI-E41-1 HPCI Pump delta (

pressure) Attachment HPCI TURB PRESS PI-E41-1 HPCI turbine from local OR HPCI TURB (alternate) Attachment NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON *24. Applicant recognizes increase trend in HPCI oil cooler discharge temperature.

OR Recognizes HPCI Turbine Oil Cooler OSCH HI TEMP alarm 114-001 (003). JPMB NRC Examiner Note: It takes 3.5 minutes from the malfunction for the alarm 114-001 (003) to come in. Applicant increase trend in HPCI cooler OR Recognizes HPCI Oil Cooler OSCH TEMP alarm NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON JPMB 25. HPCI Turbine Oil Cooler DSCH Applicant performs Operator TEMP alarm (003) actions: Operator Ensures HPCI L-O CLG HV-156-F059 OPEN verifying Red light ENSURE HPCI L-O CLG WTR and Amber Ught extinguished.

HV-156-F059 Dispatches operator to DISPATCH Operator to HPCI pump room to Pump Room to perform CHECK for cooling water CHECK for cooling low oil pressure or leaks, low oil pressure bearing CHECK cooling water CHECK cooling to lube oil alignment to lube oil cooler. MONITOR HPCI System for Booth increasing bearing oil Role playas field and acknowledge to

................................................................for cooling water TRIP HPCI Turbine if bearing



temperatures exceed unless required for adequate cooling as determined by Shift MONITOR HPCI Supervision.

for increasing bearing temperatures.

TRIP HPCI Turbine if bearing temperatures exceed 180°F, unless required for adequate core cooling as determined by i Shift Supervision.

  • 26. Refers to alarm response AR-114-Applicant Refers to alarm 001 (003), and notes turbine response AR-114-00 1, (003) i bearing temperatures exceeding . and notes turbine 180°F or approaching TRIP criteria ! temperatures exceeding 180°F per AR procedure.

I or approaching TRIP criteria per AR procedure.

I I*27. Trips HPCI Turbine based on Applicant Trips HPCI Turbine I bearing temperatures exceeding based on 180°F or approaching 180°F temperatures exceeding rapidly. or approaching 180°F I NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TION JPMB I *28. Depress and release HPel Depresses and TURBINE TRIP HS-E41-1S19 . HPel TURBINE TRIP HS pushbutton.

! 1S19

  • 29. Ensure HPel TURBINE STEAM Applicant Ensures HPel SUPPLY HV-155-F001 TURBINE STEAM HV-155-F001.closes light illuminated red JPM is complete.

JPM Stop Time ____

NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON JPMB HANDOUT PAGE TASK CONDITIONS: The plant is at 10% power, and continuing plant startup at step 5.62 of GO-100-002. The plant is in a normal electric line-up. Local indication of HV-155-F008, HPCI TEST LINE TO CST ISO, is unavailable. 1 B RHR Pp is in Suppression Pool Cooling, A & B ESW Pumps and A SGTS are in service to support the surveillance.

INITIATING CUE: You are directed by Shift Supervision to perform HPCI TS surveillance test lAW SO-152-002.

All of the Prerequisites/Limitations of SO-152-002 have been satisfied.

HPCI support systems have been aligned per section 5.1, and HPCI system is placed in test status per section 5.2 of SO-152-002.

You may proceed with HPCI auto quick start section 5.3 to conduct TS surveillance test. Surveillance was last completed on October 13, 2011.

NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON JPMB HANDOUT PAGf; TASK CONDITIONS: The plant is at 10% power, and continuing plant startup at step 5.62 of GO-1 00-002. The plant is in a normal electric line-up. Local indication of HV-155-F008, HPCI TEST LINE TO CST ISO, is unavailable. 1 B RHR Pp is in Suppression Pool Cooling, A & B ESW Pumps and A SGTS are in service to support the surveillance.

INITIATING CUE: You are directed by Shift Supervision to perform HPCI TS surveillance test lAW SO-152-002.

All of the Prerequisites/Limitations of SO-152-002 have been satisfied.

HPCI support systems have been aligned per section 5.1, and HPCI system is placed in test status per section 5.2 of SO-152-002.

You may proceed with HPCI auto quick start section 5.3 to conduct TS surveillance test. Surveillance was last completed on October 13, 2011.

Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Job Performance Measure Quarterly Turbine Valve Cycling JPM Designation:

C Revision Number: 2 11 Developed Chris Lall}! 4/18/11 Author Date Review By: Hedigan 01/05/12 Examiner Date Approved Caruso 01/05/12 Chief Examiner Date

JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE VALIDATION NOTE: All steps of this checklist should be performed upon initial validation.

Prior to JPM usage, revalidate JPM using steps 8 through 11 below. Task description and number, JPM description and number are identified. Knowledge and Abilities (KIA) references are included. Performance location specified. (in-plant, control room, or simulator) Initial setup conditions are identified. Initiating and terminating cues are properly identified. Task standards identified and verified by Examiner review. Critical steps meet the criteria for critical steps and are identified with an asterisk (*). Verify the procedure referenced by this JPM matches the most current revision of that procedure:

Procedure Rev. Date Pilot test the JPM: a. verify cues both verbal and visual are free of conflict, and b. ensure performance time is accurate. If the JPM cannot be performed as written with proper responses, then revise the JPM. 11. When JPM is revalidated, Examiner sign and date JPM cover page.


1. Rev 0 2. Rev 1: altered JPM such that alternate path begins on second turbine control valve tested 3. Rev 2: Revised following licensee review JPM Setup Instructions: Build the following JPM support files: Scenario file ..

aet JPMC {Key[1]} IRF rfTU193004 Trigger file Trigger JPMC ;SWITCH:CV-1 TEST diM2J115S504.CurrValue

= #0R.diM2J115S504.TEST Trigger SCN JPMC ET.sen IMF mfTU193008F r:1 f:10.9 Reset the Simulator to IC-393. IC-17 can be used, if desired. Load JPM scenario and trigger files, noted above Ensure MAXIMUM COMBINED FLOW LIMIT vernier set at 12.5 turns (125%) Ensure LOAD LIMIT SET vernier to 8.9 turns. Key #1-:37 provided Provide marked up copy of SO-193-001, through 5.3.10 as completed TASK STANDARD:

Main turbine tripped by applicant upon sustained vibration

>10 mils after releasing CV test pushbutton TASK CONDITIONS: The plant is at 70% power, quarterly turbine testing in progress lAW SO-193-001.

INITIATING CUE: Shift turnover is complete, you have been directed to continue with quarterly turbine valve cycling lAW SO-193-001, continuing at step 5.4.1 Information for Evaluator's Use: UNSAT requires written comments on respective step.

  • Denotes CRITICAL steps. Number any comments in the "Comment Number" column. Then annotate that comment in the "Comments" section. The comment section should be used to document the reason that a step is marked as unsatisfactory and to document unsatisfactory performance relating to management expectations.

Some operations that are performed from outside of the control room may require multiple steps. These items may be listed as individual steps in this JPM. It is acceptable for the candidate to direct the local operator to perform groups of procedure steps instead of calling for each individual item to be performed.

The timeclock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue.

---Operator's Name: _______________________

_ Job Title: 0 I\ILO RO DSRO o STAD SRO Cert JPM Title: Quarterly Turbine Valve Cycling JPM Number: C Revision Number: 2 KIA Number and Importance:

241000 A2.22 RO 2.8 SRO 2.9 Suggested Testing Environment:

Simulator Actual Testing Environment:

Testing Method: Perform in Simulator Alternate Path: Yes Time Critical:

No Estimated Time to Complete:

15 min. Actual Time Used: minutes


1. NUREG 1123, 241000 A2.22 RO 2.8 8RO 2.9 2. 80-193-001 Rev 30 3. AR-105-001 (D05) Rev 33 4. AR-105-001 (E05) Rev 33 EVALUATION


1. Were all the Critical Elements performed satisfactorily?

Yes No 2. Was the task standard met? The operator's p'erformance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM, and has been determined to be: Satisfactory 0 Unsatisfactory Comments:

Note: Any grade of UNSAT requires a Evaluator's Name: ______________Evaluator's Signature:



Trlis JPNI has the operator conduct Quarterly Turbine Valve Cycling lAW 001, beginning at the control valve cycling step 5.4.3. Upon cycling the second control valve (CV-1), the turbine vibration will ramp up rapidly and remain >10 mils even after releasing the. Test Pushbutton.

Per direction in SO-193-001, the operator is then directed to trip the main turbine. Evaluator Expected alarms for this evolution are: AR-105-001 (E05) TURB GEI\J BEARING HI VIBRATION AR-105-001 (F05) MI\I TURB/RFPT VIB TRIP DISABLE AR-103-001 (A01) RPS CHANNEL A1/A2 AUTO SCRAM AR-103-001 (E01) TURB CV FAST CLOSURE TRIP AR-104-001 (A01) RPS CHANNEL B1/B2 AUTO SCRAM AR-104-001 (106) MAIN TURBIt\IE BYPASS VALVES OPEN AR-106-001 (017) HYD FLUID FILTER PAt\IEL 1C122 TROUBLE NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON JPMC NOTE: Critical Element(s) indicated by

  • in Performance Checklist.


JPM Start Time _____ ELEMENT 1. Obtains procedure and reviews 2. (Step 5.4.1) To ensure adequate PCIOMR margins are maintained Ensure Reactor power established in accordance with Shift Supervision direction based on Reactor Engineering Instructions in Core Reactivity Control Book 3. (Step 5.4.2) Record reactor 4. (Step 5.4.3) Perform following: Ensure MAXIMUM COMBINED FLOW LIMIT vernier set at 12.5 turns (125%). Record value of LOAD SET. Record value of LOAD LIMIT SET vernier. STANDARD SAT lINSAT Comment Number Obtains SO-193-001 and reviews Applicant references Core Reactivity Control Book or prompts Unit Supervisor Evaluator Cue: The unit supervisor has determined that reactor power is SATin accordance with the core reactivity control book Applicant Records reactor power level. Applicant Performs following:

a. Ensure MAXIMUM COMBINED FLOW LIMIT vernier set at 12.5 turns (125%). b. Record value of LOAD SET at 1000 MW. c. Record value of LOAD LIMIT SET vernier at 8.9 turns.

NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON ELEMENT *5. (Step 5.4.4) Perform following: Ensure LOAD LIMIT SET vernier to <B.9 TURNS. NA if already performed in section 5.1.7. Increase LOAD SET to maximum value (1400 MW) to allow Control Valves to cycle open and limit BYPASS VALVE opening. STANDARD Applicant Performs following: Verifies LOAD LIMIT SET vernier to 8.9 TURNS. (Performed by previous operator, N/A in this case) Increase LOAD SET to maximum value (1400 MW) to allow Control Valves to cycle open and limit BYPASS VALVE opening. Evaluator Note: LOAD LIMIT SET should be verified to 8.9 turns by applicant, as this was already performed earlier in the procedure, but applicant will adjust LOAD SET to maximum value, which is a critical step. JPMC SAT UNSAT Comment Number NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON STANDARD . NOTE: The following step disables Note: Expected annunciator the Main Turbine vibration AR10S FOS. trips Evaluator note: This switch is a remote switch. *6. (Step S.4.S) Plerform the following::

Roleplay as the I Note: The following step is a key operator designated to lock switch and requires key #1-37 operate the switch. Communication with At Panel 1 C61 OOA, Place 11982 to BYPASS. booth operator is necessary to perform Confirm Annunciator AR105, this step.

FOS MN TURB/RFPT VIB DISABLE Booth note: When requested by applicant, to bypass turbine vibration trips, depress Soft Key #1 {Key[1]} IRF rfTU193004 f:BYPASS Applicant Performs the following: Contacts plant operator at Panel1C6100A to Place HS-11982 to BYPASS. Confirm Annunciator AR10S, FOS MN TURB/RFPT VIB TRIP DISABLE ALARMS 7. (Step S.4.6) During the time vibration Applicant reads trips are disabled: IF any bearing on the Turbine exceeds 10 Immediately Release the IF any bearing on the Turbine exceeds and 10 mils, Perform a trip of Main JPMC SAT I UNSAT Comment Number NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON JPMC ELEMENT STANDARD SAT UNSAT I Comment Number *8. (Step 5.4.7) Tlest CONTROL VL V-4 Applicant Tests CONTROL as follows: VLV-4 as follows: *a. Depress AND Hold CV-4 TEST a. Depress AND Hold pushbutton.

CV-4 TEST b. Confirm CONTROL VL V-4 pushbutton.

SLOWLY CLOSES for approximately

b. Confirm CONTROL first 90% of travel AND THEN FAST VL V-4 SLOWL Y CLOSES remaining 10% as indicated CLOSES for on CONTROL VLV-4 POSITION approximately first 90% indicator.

of travel AND THEN c. Confirm annunciator AR104 E01 FAST CLOSES TURB CV FAST CLOSURE TRIP remaining 10% as ALARMS. (Record on Attachment A) indicated on CONTROL VLV-4

  • d. Release CV-4 TEST pushbutton.

POSITION indicator.

e. Confirm CV-4 returns to PRETEST c. Confirm annunciator POSITION as indicated at CONTROL AR104 E01 TURB CV VLV-4 POSITION indicator.

FAST CLOSURE TRIP f. IF half scram condition occurred, ALARMS. (Record on Reset half scram condition; else NA Attachment A) g. Confirm annunciator AR1 04, E01 d. Release CV-4 TEST TURB CV FAST CLOSURE TRIP pushbutton.

CLEARS. e. Confirm CV-4 returns h. At 1 C601, Confirm four (4) MSIV to PRETEST STATUS LOGIC A through D lights POSITION as indicated ILLUMINATED.

at CONTROL VL V-4 POSITION indicator.

f. Resets half scram by placing HS-C72A-1 S05 to GRP 1/4, then GRP 2/3 g. Confirm annunciator AR104, E01 TURB CV FAST CLOSURE TRIP CLEARS. h. At 1 C601, Confirm four (4) MSIV STATUS LOGIC A through D lights ILLUMINATED.


  • a. Depress AND Hold CV-1 TEST pushbutton.
b. Confirm CONTROL VLV-1 SLOWL Y CLOSES for approximately first 90% of travel AND THEN FAST CLOSES remaining 10% as indicated on CONTROL VLV-1 POSITION indicator.

c, Confirm annunciator AR103 E01 TURB CV FAST CLOSURE TRIP ALARMS. (Record on Attachment A.)

  • d. Release CV-,t TEST pushbutton.

Expected alarms: AR 1 05 E05 TURB GEN BRG HI VIBRA TlON and AR105 D05 TURB GE BRG HI VIBRATION TRIP Applicant Tests CONTROL VLV-1 as follows: a. Depress AN D Hold CV-1 TEST pushbutton.

b. Confirm CONTROL VLV-1 SLOWLY CLOSES for approximately first 90% of travel AND THEN FAST CLOSES remaining 10% as indicated on CONTROL VL V-1 POSITION indicator.
c. Confirm annunciator AR103 E01 TURB CV FAST CLOSURE TRIP ALARMS. (Record on Attachment A.) d. Release CV-1 TEST pushbutton.

Evaluator note: Expected action is for operator to release CV-1 TEST pushbutton when vibration alarms are received.

NRC SSES INITIAL JPMC I ELEMENT STANDARD I SAT i UNSAT Comment Number *10. Main turbine vibration alarms AR105 E05 TURB GEN BRG HI Applicant:

VIBRATION and AR105 005 a. Notes Main Turbine TURB GEN BRG HI VIBRATION vibration exceeds 10 TRIP mils, Immediately Per step 5.4.6: Releases the Test Pushbutton During the time vibration trips are disabled:

b. Notes Main Turbine exceeds and sustains
  • a. IF any bearing on the Main Turbine 10 mils after release of exceeds 10 mils, Immediately Release CV-1 TEST the Test Pushbutton pushbutton, Performs
  • b. IF any bearing on the Main Turbine exceeds and sustains 10 mils, Perform a trip of the Main Turbine by depressing a trip of the Main Turbine Turbine Trip pushbutton Evaluator note: Roleplay as Unit Supervisor as necessary;.applicant may recommend tripping turbine. Applicant may also take mode switch to shutdown prior to tripping turbine, but mode switch operation is not required for critical task completion.

I CUE: JPM is complete.

JPM Stop Time _____


1. The plant is at 70% power, quarterly turbine testing in progress lAW SO-193-001.
2. The Electric Plant is in a normal at-power line-up. INITIATING CUE: Shift turnover is complete, you have been directed to continue with quarterly turbine valve cycling lAW 193-001, continuing at step 5.4.1 NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TION JPMC HANDOUT PAGE TASK CONDITIONS:
1. The plant is at 70% power, quarterly turbine testing in progress lAW SO-193-001.
2. The Electric Plant is in a normal at-power line-up. INITIATING CUE:: Shift turnover is complete, you have been directed to continue with quarterly turbine valve cycling lAW 193-001, continuing at step 5.4.1


Activity Number: Z0203-1 PROCEDURE TITLE: Qtrly Turbine Valve Due Date: TO/DAlY -5 days 1 Cycling Violation Date: TO/DAlY

!i PART II. REASON FOR PERFORMANCE rgJ Routine D Event or Condition Initiated o Post MaintiMod

..*.. (Described in Remarks) (Describe in Remarks}*

D LCO Action Statements TRO Action Statements D Other (L,)e ed in,Remarks),v"!l,t:f j PART III. EXTENT OF TESTING L8J Complete D Partial o Delete PART IV. AUTHORIZATION TO COMMENCE Shift Supervision Signature: )L..C!-'-'c-=-op..J.....;;;..ett-...:..t

______ VIr Surveillance was: Supervisor/Foreman Signature:

Date: D Out of Service D Out of Mode PART V. REMARKS NOl/\,e PART VI. AS-FOUND OPERABILITY (Systems/Components were found:) D OPERABLE and Accep passed D INOPERABLE or Acceptance Criteria failed (Notify Shift Supervision)


DYES D N/A TIME: l'j, ision Notified ResponsIble Individual:

D A Complete Retest was Performed Supervisor Signature:

Commencement Date: PART X. FINAL CLOSURE Work Group closure in computer schedule ____ WCC Admin. Group final closure in computer complete.

uN/A" when extent of testing is not schedule complete. "N/A" when extent of "COMPLETE." (Forward to WCC Admin. Group) testing is not "COMPLETE." (Forward to DCS) FORM NDAP-QA-0722-1, Rev. 7, Page 1 of 1 (Electronic Form) (print on green paper)

Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Job Performance Core Spray System JPM Designation: Revision Number: Date:

Note: This JPM is paired with JPM A with a staggered Start and complete JPM A with first applicant before this Developed Chris Author Review By: Hedigan Examiner Approved By: Caruso Chief Examiner

JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE VALIDATION NOTE: All steps of this checklist should be performed upon initial validation.

Prior to JPM usage, revalidate JPM using steps 8 through 11 below. Task description and number, JPM description and number are identified. Knowledge and Abilities (KIA) references are included. Performance location specified. (in-plant, control room, or simulator) Initial setup conditions are identified. Initiating and terminating cues are properly identified. Task standards identified and verified by Examiner review. Critical steps meet the criteria for critical steps and are identified with an asterisk (*). Verify the procedure referenced by this JPM matches the most current revision of that procedure:

Procedure Rev. Date Pilot test the JPM: a. verify cues both verbal and visual are free of conflict, and b. ensure performance time is accurate.

10. If the JPM cannot be performed as written with proper responses, then revise the JPM. 11. When JPM is revalidated, Examiner sign and date JPM cover page.


Rev 0 Rev 1: Revised following licensee review Rev 2: Revised following pre-validation to have applicant shutdown Core Spray system following spurious initiation JPM Setup Instructions: Reset Simulator to IC 394 (or Ie 391 when run with JPM A), or reset simulator to any full power IC and initiate Core Spray loop 8 TASK STANDARD:

Core Spray system shutdown lAW OP-151-001 TASK CONDITIONS: The plant is operating at 100% power Core Spray Loop 8 has spuriously initiated The cause of the spurious initiation has been found and corrected Misoperation in AUTOMATIC MODE has been confirmed by at least two (2) independent indications Adequate core cooling is assured by at least two (2) independent indications INITIATING CUE: The Unit Supervisor has directed you to shutdown '8' Core Spray Loop in accordance with OP-151-001 Information for Evaluator's Use: UNSAT requires written comments on respective step.

  • Denotes CRITICAL steps. Number any comments in the "Comment Number" column. Then annotate that comment in the "Comments" section. The comment section should be used to document the reason that a step is marked as unsatisfactory and to document unsatisfactory performance relating to management expectations.

Some operations that are performed from outside of the control room may require multiple steps. These items may be listed as individual steps in this JPM. It is acceptable for the candidate to direct the local operator to perform groups of procedure steps instead of calling for each individual item to be performed.

The timeclock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue.

Operator's Name: _______________________

_ Job Title: 0 NLO [] RO SRO STAD SRO Cert JPM Title: Core Spray System Shutdown JPM Number: D Revision Number: 2 KIA Number and Importance:

209001 A4.01 RO 3.8 SRO 3.6 Suggested Testing Environment:

Simulator Actual Testing Environment:

Testing Method: Perform in Simulator Alternate Path: No Time Critical:

No Estimated Time to Complete:

15 min. Actual Time Used: ___minutes


1. NUREG 1123,209001 A4.01 RO 3.8 SRO 3.6 2. OP-151-001 Rev 33 EVALUATION


1. Were all the Critical Elements performed satisfactorily?

0 Yes 0 No 2. Was the task standard met? The operator's pHrformance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM, and has been determined to be: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Comments:

Note: Any grade of UNSAT requires a Evaluator'S Name: _____________Evaluator's Signature:



This JPM has the operator complete the Core Spray system shutdown following spurious initiation in accordance with OP-151-001 by closing the injection valve and securing the running pumps.

NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON JPMD NOTE: Critical Element(s) indicated by

  • in Performance Checklist.


JPM Start Time _____ ELEMENT STANDARD ! SAT UNSAT Comment Number 1. Obtains procedure and reviews Obtains copy of OP-1S1-001 and reviews Applicant verifies precautions

2. (Step 2.4.2) ECCS actuation may be are met via conditions given in inhibited or overridden under the cue sheet. Determines that cognizance of a Shift Manager or Unit Core Spray system can be Supervisor per ANY of following:

shutdown Directed by Operating Procedure Misoperation in MODE Confirmed by at least (2) independent indications OR Adequate core cooling assured by at least two independent (Step 2.4.3)!E switch collar was Applicant verifies Division placed in ARMED, Place Division CORE SPRAY LOOP 8 (2) CORE SPRAY LOOP 8 MAN INIT HS-E211S16(8) INIT HS-E211 S16(8) switch collar in collar in NOT ARMED NOT ARMED position, as the system was initiated.


b. Verifies CORE Green initiation light LOOP 8 INIT EXTINGUISHES RESET Green initiation light EXTINGUISHES I

NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON ELEMENT 5. Enter TRO *6. (Step 2.4.6) Place CORE SPRAY LOOP 8 MOV OL BYPS E211S12B to TEST position 7. (Step 2.4.7) Close CORE SPRAY LOOP B IB INJ SHUTOFF 152-F005B

8. (Step 2.4.8) When flow <635gpm, Observe CORE SPRAY LOOP B MIN FLOW HV-152F031 B OPENS JPMD STANDARD SAT UNSAT Comment Number Evaluator Note: Roleplay as Unit Supervisor and acknowledge applicant request to enter TRO Applicant notifies Unit Supervisor of need to enter
  • TRO Applicant acquires key from below benchboard, inserts key and turns CORE SPRAY LOOP B MOV OL 8YPS E211S12B to TEST position Evaluator Note: CORE SPRAY LOOP BOUT OF SERVICE 001 B02) and CORE SPRAY LOOP B MOV'S IN TEST (BIS) are expected alarms Evaluator Note: Inboard injection valve will be closed due to spurious initiation and low pressure valve permissive signal not active due to reactor atNOP ! Applicant verifies CORE SPRAY LOOP B IB INJ SHUTOFF HV-152-F0058
  • CLOSED (Red light out, Amber light lit) Applicant verifies CORE SPRAY LOOP B MIN FLOW HV-152F031B OPEN I Evaluator Note: Min flow valve will already be open due to spurious initiation and reactor at NOP I NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON ELEMENT (Step 2.4.9) As conditions permit, Place LO RX PRESS PERM Switch HS-15249B to NORM OR Check in NORM position *10. (Step 2.4.10) Stop CORE SPRAY PUMP 1P206B *11. (Step 2.4.11) Stop CORE SPRAY PUMP 1P206D 12. (Step 2.4.12) Observe following indications as applicable:
b. CORE SPRAY LOOP B ACTUATED alarm CLEARED c. Core Spray Room Unit Coolers 1V211 Band D STOP indicated on Heating and Ventilation Panel 1C681 *13. (Step 2.4.15) AFTER 2 minutes, Place CORE SPRAY LOOP B MOV OL BYPS HS-E211 S 12B to NORM position 14. (Step 2.4.16) Clear TRO JPMD STANDARD SAT UNSAT Comment Number Applicant verifies LO PRESS PERM Switch 15249B in NORM Applicant turns CORE PUMP 1 P206B control to STOP and returns to Verifies pump stopped checking lights (Red Amber lit), and checking I amps go to zero. Applicant turns CORE SPRAY PUMP 1 P206D control switch to STOP and returns to AUTO. Verifies pump stopped by checking lights (Red out, Amber lit), and checking pump I amps go to Verifies CORE LOOP BIB SHUTOFF 152F005B CLOSED AND light Verifies CORE LOOP B alarm Verifies Core Room Unit 1 V211 Band D stopped at 1 C681 (back Evaluator Note: Steps and 2.4.14 are N/A I After waiting at least 2 from HV-152F005B indication, applicant CORE SPRAY LOOP B OL BYPS HS-E211S12B NORM Evaluator Note: Roleplay Unit Supervisor acknowledge applicant to clear TRO NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON JPMD ELEMENT STANDARD SAT UNSAT Comment Number Applicant:
15. (Step 2.4.17) Observe

JPM Stop Time ____

NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON JPMD HANDOUT PAGE, TASK CONDITIONS: The plant is operating at 100% power Core Spray Loop 8 has spuriously initiated The cause of the spurious initiation has been found and corrected Misoperation in AUTOMATIC MODE has been confirmed by at least two (2) independent indications Adequate Gore cooling is assured by at least two (2) independent indications INITIATING CUE: The Unit Supervisor has directed you to shutdown '8' Core Spray Loop in accordance with OP-151-001 NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINATION JPMD HANDOUT PAGE TASK CONDITIONS: The plant is operating at 100% power Core Spray Loop 8 has spuriously initiated The cause of the spurious initiation has been found and corrected Misoperation in AUTOMATIC MODE has been confirmed by at least two (2) independent indications Adequate core cooling is assured by at least two (2) independent indications INITIATING CUE: The Unit Supervisor has directed you to shutdown '8' Core Spray Loop in accordance with OP-151-001 Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Job Performance Measure PCIS/SDC restoration JPM Designation:

E Revision Number: 3 Date: _11/02/2011 Note: This JPM is paired with Admin JPM A4(RO). Developed By: Patel 05/25/11 Author Date Review By: Hedigan 01/05/12 Examiner Date Approved By: CS!ruso 01/05/12 Chief Examiner Date JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE VALIDATION CHECKLIST All steps of this checklist should be performed upon initial validation.

Prior to JPM usage, revalidate JPM using steps 8 through 11 below. Task description and number, JPM description and number are identified. Knowledge and Abilities (KIA) references are included. Performance location specified. (in-plant, control room, or simulator) Initial setup conditions are identified. Initiating and terminating cues are properly identified. Task standards identified and verified by Examiner review. Critical steps meet the criteria for critical steps and are identified with an asterisk (*). Verify the procedure referenced by this JPM matches the most current revision of that Procedure Rev. ___ Date _____Pilot test the JPM: a. verify cues both verbal and visual are free of conflict, and b. ensure performance time is accurate. If the JPM cannot be performed as written with proper responses, then revise the JPM. 11. When JPM is revalidated, Examiner sign and date JPM cover page.


1. Rev 0 JPM Setup Instructions: Set Simulator to IC 395. Run scenario file JPME.scn: scnBATCH1\RHB-RHRBOOS (removes 'B' RHR Loop from service {Key[1]} IMF cmfMV05_HV151 F015A (closes F015A) {Key[1]} IMF cmfMV09_HV151 F015A f:O d:45 (simulates tripping F015A breaker) Mark up GO-100-010 Att A to match "JPM E Support Doc 1" and hang above U-1 US Computer Desk TASK STANDARD:

Successfully establish alternate decay heat removal system in service upon loss of normal SOC. TASK CONDITIONS: Unit 1 is in MODE 4 with reactor coolant temperature of 150°F. (2 nd day into the outage) Time to 200 0 F. is -45 mins. Div 2 RHR is out of service for maintenance.

Estimated completion time is 16 hours1.851852e-4 days <br />0.00444 hours <br />2.645503e-5 weeks <br />6.088e-6 months <br />. Decay heat removal availability is provided by the outage plant status log. The Electric Plant is in a normal line-up. TRQ entry has been entered appropriately for SDC temperature control preparation.

INITIATING CUE: You are directed by Shift Supervision to lower reactor coolant temperature to 140°F lAW QP-149-002, Attachment F step 6. Information for Evaluator's Use: UNSAT requires written comments on respective step.

  • Denotes CRITICAL steps. Number any comments in the "Comment Number" column. Then annotate that comment in the "Comments" section. The comment section should be used to document the reason that a step is marked as unsatisfactory and to document unsatisfactory performance relating to management expectations.

Some operations that are performed from outside of the control room may require multiple steps. These items may be listed as individual steps in this ...IPM. It is acceptable for the candidate to direct the local operator to perform groups of procedure steps instead of calling for each individual item to be performed.

The timeclock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue.

Operator's Name: _______________________

_ Job Title: NLO RO SRO D ST AD SRO Cert JPM Title: Perform PCIS/SOC restoration JPM Number: E Revision Number: 0 KIA Number and Importance:

223002 K1.08 3.4/3.5 (RO/SRO) Suggested Testing Environment:

Simulator Actual Testing Environment:

Simulator Testing Method: Perform in Simulator Alternate Path: Yes Time Critical:

No Estimated Time to Complete:

15 min. Actual Time Used: ---'minutes


1. NUREG 1123, 223002, K1.08, RO/SRO 3.4/3.5 2. ON-149-001 Rev. 23 3. OP-149-002 Rev. 45 4. GO-100-010, Rev. 19 5. AR-109-001 Rev. 26 EVALUATION


1. Were all the Critical Elements performed satisfactorily?

YesD No 2. Was the task standard met? The operator's performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this ..IPM, and has been determined to be: D Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Comments:__________________________

_ Note: Any grade of UNSAT requires a Evaluator's Name: ______________

Evaluator's Signature:

Date: _____


This JPM has the operator establish preferred alternate decay heat removal system in service upon isolation of the normal SOC due to a spurious auto closure of F015A RHR injection valve.

NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON JPME NOTE: Critical Element(s) indicated by

  • in Performance Checklist.


JPM Start Time _____ ELEMENT Evaluator Note: Ensure that the applicant DOES NOT have the marked up copy of the Attachment B. Examiner will provide the marked up Attachment B during Element 17. Obtains procedure and procedure, prerequisites, Step 6.1 Ensure TRO ENTERED. Step 6.1 Place HS-E11-1S62A RHR LOOP A MOV OL BYPS Keyswitch to TEST STANDARD SAT UNSAT Comment Number Evaluator Note: Ensure that the applicant DOES NOT have the marked up copy of the Attachment B. Examiner will provide the marked up Attachment B during Element 17. Obtains OP-149-002, attachment F. Applicant recognizes that TRO entry has been entered appropriately per initial conditions.

Evaluator Note: TRO entry . has been identified in initial condition as appropriately entered,.

Applicant places 1 S62A RHR LOOP A MOV OL BYPS Keyswitch to TEST.

NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON JPME ELEMENT I I SAT UNSAT Comment I Number Perform any combination of the Applicant performs any combination of the to lower reactor Open HV-151-F047A.

temperature: Throttle Open 6.3.1 Verify HV-151-F003A RHR A SHELL SIDE (Should be open). Maintain :2 20% 6.3.2 Throttle Open HV-151-F003A RHR HX A SHELL SIDE WITH HV-151-F003A OUTLET (Should be OPEN, Throttle Closed open).on HV-151-F048A HX A SHELL a. Maintain :2 OPEN Throttle Open on 6.3.3 WITH HV-151-F017A RHR OPEN, FLOW CTL Closed maintaining RHR flow HV-151-F048A 10,000 gpm. HX A SHELL Raise RHRSW flow. 6.3.4 Throttle Open on At Panel OC697, HV-151-F017A RHR Place HS-11210A1 INJ FLOW CTL while RHRSW System Unit maintaining RHR flow 1 Div 1(11) to TEST. < 10,000 gpm. Throttle Open 6.3.5 Raise RHRSW flow. HV-11210A RHRSW HXA INLET At Panel OC697, maintaining Place HS-11210A1 6000-9000 gpm on RHRSW System FI-1 R602A. (5) Unit 1 Div I to TEST. AFTER 2 Place

b. Throttle Open RHRSW System Unit 1 Div I to RHRSWHXA INLET maintaining 6000-9000 gpm on FI-1 R602A. (5) AFTER 2 minutes, Place HS-11210A1 RHRSW System Unit 1Div I to OPERATE. I I NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON ELEMENT I STANDARD SAT Evaluator Note: While the applicant is performing any of the above steps to reduce reactor temperature, direct the booth operator to insert 151-FO 15A auto closure malfunction.

Simulator Booth OQerator Instructions:

When directed, to close HV-151-F015A, depress Soft Key #1 5. Applicant may request field action to identify the cause of the isolation.

Evaluator Cue: Role playas NPO sent to check breaker 18219011, report that for Bkr 1 B219011 thermal tripped and valve motor is extremely hot. Actuator is damaged. Evaluator Cue: Role playas the Work Week Manager and report that maintenance believes it will take at least three hours to investigate and determine the extent of damage. 6. Applicant should recognize the 151-F006A1C AND HV-151-F007A OPEN DRAIN RX VESSEL (C09) alarm. Evaluator Note: After 30 second time delay following F015A isolation, annunciator "HV-151-F006A1C AND 151-F007A OPEN DRAIN RX VESSEL" (COg) will ALARM. This occurs due to min flow valve and pump suction being open at the same time, creating a Rx drain path to suppression pool. JPME UNSAT I Comment . Number NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON ELEMENT The applicant will respond to 151-F006A1C AND HV-151-F007A OPEN DRAIN RX VESSEL" (C09) ALARM, and reference AR-109-001 operator actions: Increase RHR System flow above minimum flow of 3000 gpm. *2.2 IF RHR Pump AlC MIN FLOW HV-151-F007A cannot be closed, Stop RHR Pump(s) and Close SHUTDOWN CLG SUCT OB ISO HV-151-F008 and/or SHUTDOWN CLG SUCT IB ISO HV-151-F009 to stop pumping Reactor Coolant into Suppression Pool. Applicant will enter ON-149-001, Loss of RHR SHUTDOWN COOLING MODE. JPME STANDARD SAT UNSAT I Comment Number Applicant will NOT be able to increase RHR System flow above minimum flow of 3000 gpm due to the malfunction of the RHR INJ FLOW CTL valve. Applicant recognizes that 151-F007A will not remain closed if closed, and Trips RHR Pump 1 P202A and closes SHUTDOWN CLG SUCT OB ISO HV-151-F008 and SHUTDOWN CLG SUeT IB ISO HV-151-F009 to stop pumping Reactor Coolant into Suppression Pool. Enter ON-149-001 based on Isolation signals to SOC F0015A isolation.

Evaluator Note: If the applicant does not recognize to enter ON-149-001, then ask what procedure will the SRO . direct you to enter in this I condition, then direct Entry for ON-149-001.

  • I NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON ELEMENT Step 3.2 Determine cause of loss of RHR Shutdown Cooling, IF loss occurred in Mode 3 or Mode 4, Perform Section 3.3 of this procedure
10. Step 3.3.2 IF RHR Shutdown Cooling lost in Mode 3 or Mode 4: IF in Mode 4, Comply with TS 3.4.9 11. Step 3.3.3 IF in Mode 4, Review Attachment G to determine estimated

Time to 200 0 F." 12. Step 3.3.4 IF SOC lost due to Loss of RHRSW, Restart RHRSW lAW OP-116/216-001, else N/A 13. Step 3.3.6 IF all RHR Shutdown Cooling lost: Promptly Establish reactor coolant circulation using ONE of following alternate methods: Maintain water level 45 inches. Ensure Reactor Recirculation System in service.

Applicant determines that the closing of HV-151-F015A and '8' RHR out of service prevents recovery of SOC, therefore section 3.3 of 149-001 is applicable.

The applicant informs Unit Supervisor of need to comply with TS 3.4.9.

  • Evaluator Cue: Role playas
  • the Unit Supervisor and state that you will address the TS actions. Applicant will determine from "Time to 200 F' curve that ! based on 2 days after
  • shutdown time to 200 0 F is 145 min. Applicant will determine this step to be NI A. Applicant utilizes Shutdown Range RPV level instrument and determines that water level is 45 inches to ensure alternate reactor coolant circulation is established, JPME SAT I UNSAT Comment I. * . Number NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON JPME ELEMENT STANDARD SAT UNSAT Comment Number 14. Step 3.3.6b Evaluator Cue: When Determine heatup rate from Applicant acknowledges the SO-1 00-011, Reactor Vessel need to determine the heatup Temperature and Pressure rate, state that the STA will Recording using: perform 01-T A-009. 1. Notify the ST A to Perform 01-TA-009 using Historical Computer Data. OR 2. SRV Tailpipe Temperature from recorder TRS-B21-1 R614 at Panel 1 C614, IF Reactor Vessel is flooded to Main Steam lines AND AT LEAST one SRVis opened. OR 3. Bottom Head Drain Temperature, if RWCU in service, CRD out of service and there is not forced core flow (A) NLT010r(B)TR-B21-1R006at PaneI1COO?

OR 4. Bottom Head Drain Temperature, if RWCU in service, and there is forced core flow (A) NL T01, (B) TR-B21-1 R006 at Panel 1 COO? OR 5. Reactor vessel skin temperature from TE-B21-1 N030E on recorder TR-B21-1 R006 at Panel 1 COO?, IF ALL RHR Shutdown Cooling is lost AND NO Reactor Recirculation Pumps are in service. i NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON ELEMENT *15. Step 3.3.6c WITHIN 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />, Verify functionality of TWO alternate methods capable of decay heat removal from Attachment A by Performing a system status file check AND Logging these systems in the eSOMS log. 16. Step 3.3.6d Classify plant status in accordance with EP-PS-*100, Emergency Director, Control Room. 17. Step 3.3.7 Determine status of systems/equipment on Attachment B. 18. Step 3.3.8 Place any available alternate Decay Heat Removal System in service using Attachment 0, E, or F. 19. Step 1 Close/Ensure CLOSED all MSIV's and Drains *20. Step 2 Using preferred SRV's PSV-141-F013C, E, F, L, M, or R, IF POSSIBLE, Open 2 Safety Relief Valves.

Applicant will determine, using Attachment A, that in Mode 4 with neither loop of RHR available to inject the only two alternate methods available and capable of decay heat removal are Div 1 and 2 Core Spray injection from suppression pool and return path through 2 SRV's (PSV-141-F013C,E,F,L,M or R preferred).

Evaluator Cue: Unit . Supervisor will log these system in the eSOMS log. Evaluator Cue: Shift manager will classify plant status in accordance with EP-PS-100.

Evaluator Cue: Hand out the marked up copy of the Attachment B to the applicant.

Applicant will select Attachment D based on preferred method identified to be available from initial condition and other marked up attachment B system status. Close/Ensure CLOSED MSIV's and Applicant opens 2 of the preferred SRVs. (C,E,F,L, Mar R) JPME SAT I UNSAT Comment Number i I NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON ELEMENT Step Comply with TRO

  • 22. Step 4 Place HS-E21-1S12A(B)

Core Spray Loop A Motor OL Bypass Switch to TEST. *23. Step 5 Start Core Spray Pumps 1 P206A and C. *24. Step 6 Open OR Check Open CORE SPRAY LOOP A OB INJ SHUTOFF HV-152-FOO4A.

  • 25. Step 7 Place LO RX PRESS PERM switch HS-15249A to BYPASS. *26. Step 8 Throttle Open CORE SPRAY LOOP AlB INJ SHUTOFF F005A, VERY Slowly Raise reactor water level to -131" to flood main steam lines and establish flow through open SRV's to suppression pool. *27. Step 9 WHEN flow to reactor vessel? 635 gpm, Ensure CORE SPRAY LOOP A MIN FLOW HV-152-F031A CLOSES. *28. Step 10 Check Spray Room Unit Coolers 1V211A and C AUTO START on Heating and Ventilation Panel 1 C681. *29. Step 11 AFTER 2 minutes, Place 1S12A Core Spray Loop A Motor OL Bypass Switch to NORM. CUE: JPM is complete.

JPM Stop Time _____ STANDARD SAT Evaluator Cue: Shift Manager will address the TRO actions. Place HS-E21-1S12A(B)

Core Spray Loop A Motor OL Bypass Switch to TEST. Start Core Spray Pumps 1 P206A and C. Verify Open CORE SPRAY LOOP A OB INJ SHUTOFF HV-152-F004A.

Places LO RX PRESS PERM switch HS-15249A to BYPASS. Throttle Open CORE SPRAY LOOP AlB INJ SHUTOFF 152-F005A, VERY Slowly Raise reactor water level to 131" to flood main steam lines and establish flow through open SRV's to suppression pool WHEN flow to reactor vessel? 635 gpm, Ensures CORE SPRAY LOOP A MIN FLOW HV-152-F031A CLOSES. Check Core Spray Room Unit Coolers 1V211A and C AUTO START on Heating and Ventilation Panel 1 C681 AFTER 2 minutes, Places E21-1S12A Core Spray Loop A Motor OL Bypass Switch to NORM. JPME UNSAT Comment Number NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON HANDOUT PAGE TASK CONDITIONS:

1. Unit 1 is in MODE 4 with reactor coolant temperature of 150°F. (2 nd day into the outage) 2. Time to 200 0 F. is -45 mins. 3. Dlv 2 RHR is out of service for maintenance.

Estimated completion time is 16 hours1.851852e-4 days <br />0.00444 hours <br />2.645503e-5 weeks <br />6.088e-6 months <br />. 4. Decay heat removal availability is provided by the outage plant status log. 5. The Electric Plant is in a normal line-up. 6. TRO entry has been entered appropriately for SDC temperature control preparation.

INITIATING CUE: You are directed by Shift Supervision to lower reactor coolant temperature to 140°F lAW OP-149-002, Attachment F step 6.


1. Unit 1 is in MODE 4 with reactor coolant temperature of 150°F. (2 nd day into the outage) 2. Time to 200 0 F. is -45 mins. 3. Dlv 2 RHR is out of service for maintenance.

Estimated completion time is 16 hours1.851852e-4 days <br />0.00444 hours <br />2.645503e-5 weeks <br />6.088e-6 months <br />. 4. Decay heat removal availability is provided by the outage plant status log. 5. The Electric Plant is in a normal line-up. 6. TRO entry has been entered appropriately for SOC temperature control preparation.

INITIATING CUE: You are directed by Shift Supervision to lower reactor coolant temperature to 140°F lAW OP-149-002, Attachment F step 6.




8. REACTIVITY CONTROL: 9. SECONDARY COHT AlNMENT: 10, pcaJLw. 1St"\I1A, Jdk",a /!/aIle,.US Attachment A GO-100-010 Revision 19 Page 10 of 15 DMStON 1 LOOP A oo501E <t8i.

YE' 0 lNOrF{j A A A <dfu, LOOP A LOOP A ",X"x.' 'X AVAILABLE LOOPA F,Xi' 'X"" IN-SERVICE lOOP A 1P202G fA' RHR tVO!J1;l sw:p PooL tVivlA SRV5. CS PooL tViyu SRVS. IN-SERVICE



FORM GO-1 00-01 0-1 , Rev. 12, Page 1 of 1 Attachment B ON-149-001 Revision 24 Page 22 of 31 SYSTEM/EQUIPMENT AVAILABILITY DETERMINATION STATUS (Circle One) 0 Primary Containment (Mode 3 or 4 only) unavail 0 Secondary Containment unavail*> 3. Flowpath from reactor to Condenser avail w/vacuum maintained by SJAE RPS Channel unavail 0 G;Y 0 RPS Channel B 1/B2 unavail 6. Methods to M/U to RX 0 a. CRD unavail 0 b. Condensate avail

c. Condensate Transfer 0 (1 G;0 Keepfill unavail 0 (2) SDC Flush unavail0 (3) *Skimmer Surge unavail GV d. RHR avail
e. Core unavailG;Y 7. Methods of Letdown from RX a. RWCU 0 (1 ) G;Y Main Condenser unavail 0 (2) Radwaste unavailb. RHR unavail GV c. SRV's to Supp Pool unavail Page 1 of 2 Attachment B ON-149-001 Revision 24 Page 23 of 31 0 8. *Fuel Pool Gates not installed

<L;ta;V 0 9. *Cask Storage Pit Gates installed

  • nsta i3> 10. *Method of Cooling 0 a. U-1 FPC and Cleanup avail 0 b. RWCU Recirculation avail 0 c. U-1 RHR in FPC Assist avail
d. U-2 FPC and Cleanup avail 0
e. U-2 RHR in FPC Assist avail 0 Applicable in Mode 5 and level >22 feet above flange. Page 2 of 2 Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Job Performance Measure Manually Synchronize Diesel Generator B JPM Designation:

F Revision Number: 2 Date: 12/17/2011 Note: This JPM is paired with JPM H. Developed Patel 05/25/11 Author Date Review By: Hedigan 01/05/12 Examiner Date Approved Caruso 01/05/12 Chief Examiner Date JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE VALIDATION NOTE: All steps of this checklist should be performed upon initial validation.

Prior to JPM usage, revalidate JPM using steps 8 through 11 below. Task description and number, JPM description and number are identified. Knowledge and Abilities (KIA) references are included. Performance location specified. (in-plant, control room, or simulator) Initial setup conditions are identified. Initiating and terminating cues are properly identified. Task standards identified and verified by Examiner review. Critical steps meet the criteria for critical steps and are identified with an asterisk (*). Verify the procedure referenced by this JPM matches the most current revision of that procedure:

Procedure Rev. Date Pilot test the JPM: a. verify cues both verbal and visual are free of conflict, and b. ensure performance time is accurate.

10. If the JPM cannot be performed as written with proper responses, then revise the JPM. 11. When JPM is revalidated, Examiner sign and date JPM cover page.


1. Rev 2 JPM Setup Instructions: Reset Simulator to IC-396, which has ESW Pps A and B running and EDG B started from the Control Room and its output breaker open. Run scenario file JPMF.which is: IMF cmfRL02_86S1 B IMF cmfRL02_86S2B {Key[1]} IMF mfDG024010B f:O.O (Jacket Water TCV fails to full bypass position) {Key[2]} DMF cmfRL02_86S1 B {Key[2]} DMF cmfRL02_86S2B {Key[2]} set di5ESB_Q.iivPanel=1 {Key[2]} set di5ESB_Q.iivPanel=0 d:1 Provide marked up copy of SO-024-001 B as if completed through Step 5.1.17 TASK STANDARD:

Successfully secure EDG B upon loss of jacket water cooling during synchronization of diesel generator to grid. TASK CONDITIONS: Unit 1 is at 100% power. The Electric Plant is in a normal line-up. EDG B was started for SO-024-001 B and has been running unloaded for 5 minutes now. INITIATING CUE: You are directed by Shift Supervision to continue the surveillance testing beginning with Step 5.1.18 to synchronize the 1 BESS Bus and proceed to full load lAW SO-024-001 B. Information for Evaluator's Use: UNSAT requires written comments on respective step.

  • Denotes CRITICAL steps. Number any comments in the "Comment Number" column. Then annotate that comment in the "Comments" section. The comment section should be used to document the reason that a step is marked as unsatisfactory and to document unsatisfactory performance relating to management expectations.

Some operations that are performed from outside of the control room may require multiple steps. These items may be listed as individual steps in this JPM. It is acceptable for the candidate to direct the local operator to perform groups of procedure steps instead of calling for each individual item to be performed.

The timeC\ock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue.

---Operator's Name: Job Title: NLO RO SRO ST AD SRO Cert JPM Title: Perform Manually Synchronize Diesel Generator B JPM Number: F Revision Number: 0 KIA Number and Importance:

264000 A1.03 2.8/2.9 (RO/SRO) Suggested Testing Environment:

Simulator Actual Testing Environment:

Simulator Testing Method: Perform in Simulator Alternate Path: Yes Time Critical:

No Estimated Time to Complete:

15 min. Actual Time Used: minutes


1. NUREG 1123 2. 80-024-001 B Rev 8 3. AR-015-001 Rev. 36 EVALUATION


1. Were all the Critical Elements performed satisfactorily?

[J Yes No 2. Was the task standard met? The operator's performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM, and has been determined to be: D Satisfactory D Unsatisfactory Comments:

Note: Any grade of UNSAT requires a Evaluator's Name: ______________Evaluator's Signature:

Date: ____



This JPM has the operator synchronize EDG B to grid per monthly performance test lAW 80-024-001 B and upon successful synchronization; a loss of jacket water cooling condition will be inserted by the simulator booth operator.

The operator needs to recognize the abnormal condition and secure the EDG.

NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON JPMF NOTE: Critical Element(s) indicated by

  • in Performance Checklist.


JPM Start Time _____ ELEMENT Obtains procedure and procedure, prerequisites, Simulator Booth Instruction:

Once applicant is ready to begin the JPM, insert malfunction to fail TCV 03412A open to full bypass jacket water HX continuously by depressing Soft Key #1. 2. Step 5.1.18a Ensure all synchroscope switches OFF. *3. Step 5.1.18b. Place DG B to Bus 1 B Sync Sel 00040A switch to ON. 4. Step 5.1.18c. Check for excessive sparking of generator brushes STANDARD SAT UNSAT Comment Number Obtains SO-024-001 B, and proceeds to section 5.1.18. Evaluator Note: Inform the applicant that the NPO is stationed at DG 'B' and can be reached via the page. Applicant verifies all synchroscope switches are in off. Evaluator Note: There is only one Synch Key for the OC653 panel and it is normally kept in the Tie Breaker Key Switch. Applicant may check to see that it is there .. Applicant places DG B to Bus 1 B Sync Sel HS-00040A switch to ON. Evaluator Note: The Applicant will obtain the Synch Key from TIE BREAKER SYNC SEL HS-00018 Applicant directs NPO to check for excessive sparking of EDG B generator brushes. Booth Cue: When directed as NPO to check generator brushes, report they appear normal.

NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON ELEMENT 5. Step 3.1.18d. Adjust DG B Voltage Adjust 00053B so red scale 4 KV Diff AG Volts XI-00036 indicates slightly right of 0 and not exceed 35 volts AG. The Green Band on XI-00036 is the acceptable area. 6. Step 3.1.18e. Adjust DG B Speed Governor 00054B so Synchroscope XI-0003? rotating in FAST (clockwise) direction at -1 (one) revolution per 60 seconds. *? Step 3.1.18 f. (1) Close DG B to Bus 1 B Bkr 1 A20204 when synchroscope at or slightly before "12 o'clock" position.

STANDARD Applicant Adjusts DG B Voltage Adjust HS-00053B so red scale 4 KV Diff AG Volts XI-00036 indicates slightly right of 0 and does not exceed 35 volts AG. Applicant Adjusts DG B Speed Governor HS-00054B so Synchroscope XI-0003? is rotating in FAST (clockwise) direction at -1 (one) revolution per 60 seconds. Evaluator Note:

Path Begins Applicant closes DG B to Bus 1 B Bkr 1 A20204 when synchroscope at or slightly

  • before "12 o'clock" position.

I JPMF SAT UNSAT Comment Number NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON JPMF ELEMENT STANDARD SAT UNSAT Comment Number *8. Step 5.1.18 f. Applicant promptly raises and slowly increases load to Promptly go to RAISE and Slowly 1000 KW over 30-45 second increase load to 1000 KW over 30-I 45 second period using DG B Speed

  • period using DG B speed governor HS-00054B switch. Governor HS-00054B Evaluator Note: DG B OC521 B HI TROUBLE (B13) alarm will come in at any time. When alarm comes in go to element 14. Step 3.1.18f. (3) Applicant promptly adjusts DG B Voltage Adjust 00053B to maintain 0 to 900 Promptly Adjust DG B Voltage KVARs but as close to 0 Adjust HS-00053B to maintain 0 positive side as possible 900 KV ARs but as close to 0 DG B KVARs GVARM positive side as possible on DG Panel OC519B andlor KVARs GVARM on Panel Format Diesel Generator and/or PICSY Format Evaluator Note: DG B Panel Generator B. OC521 B HI PRIORITY TROUBLE (B13) alarm will come in at any time. When alarm comes in go to element 14. 10. Step 5.1.18 Applicant notes time 1000 KW is reached and starts timing 5 minutes. Commence timing 5 minute run 1000 11. Step 5.1.18 Applicant places 1 B Bkr 1 A20204 Synch Key to Off Place appropriate DG TO SYNC SEL keyswitch to 12. Step 5.1.18 i Applicant places Synch Key in I TIE BREAKER SYNC SEL I HS-00018 Remove key and Return to the BREAKER SYNC SEL HS-00018 OFF NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON 13. Step 3.1.18 j AT Diesel Engine Control Panel OC521 B, Observe Running Loaded light ILLUMINATED.
  • 14. AR-015-001, Operator Actions: 2.1 Ensure Automatic Actions. 2.2 Dispatch Operator to perform LA-0521-002 Diesel Generator B OC521B. 2.6 Perform ON-024-001 Diesel Generator Trip. STANDARD Applicant directs NPO to check running loaded light ILLUMINATED on Panel OC521B. Booth Oeerator Cue: . Roleplay as NPO and report that Running Loaded light is lit. Dispatches operator to perform LA-0521-002 and/or check for local panel alarms. Evaluator Note: The applicant will request field operator to perform LA-0521-002 and/or report local alarms annunciating.

Booth Oeerator Cue: It appears that TCV 03412A has failed OPEN, and is fully bypassing Jacket Water cooler. Jacket Water Hi Temperature alarms is annunciating on panel OC521B. JPMF SAT i UNSAT Comment Number I l I I i NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TION JPMF ELEMENT STANDARD I SAT! UNSAT Comment Number *15. DG B Panel OC521B HI PRIORITY Applicant directs field TROUBLE (B13) alarm response.

to emergency trip the B to ensure automatic Booth O(;!erator Note: Once Applicant request NPO to trip EDG, click Soft Key #2. Evaluator Note: Ensure that once applicant contacts NPO to secure EDG, Booth Operator Secures EDG by inserting Soft Key #2. High priority trouble alarm should have tripped the EDG, but the malfunction prevents automatic EDG trip. Applicant recognizes DG B Panel OC521 B HI PRIORITY TROUBLE (B13) alarm and takes action lAW AR-015-001 to trip diesel generator per ON-024-001.

16. Perform ON-024-001 Diesel Evaluator Note: The applicant Generator will start to perform 001 Diesel Generator 17. CUE: JPM is complete.

JPM Stop Time _____


1. Unit 1 is at 100% power. 2. The Electric Plant is in a normal line-up. 3. EDG B was started for SO-024-001 B and has been running unloaded for 5 minutes now. INITIATING CUE: You are directed by Shift Supervision to continue the surveillance testing beginning with Step 5.1.18 to synchronize the 1 BESS Bus and proceed to full load lAW SO-024-001 B.


1. Unit 1 is at 100% power. 2. The Electric Plant is in a normal line-up. 3. EDG B was started for SO-024-001 B and has been running unloaded for 5 minutes now. INITIATING CUE: You are directed by Shift Supervision to continue the surveillance testing beginning with Step 5.1.18 to synchronize the 1 BESS Bus and proceed to full load lAW SO-024-001 B.

SURVEILLANCE PART I. GENERAL INFORMATION PROCEDURE NUMBER: SO-152-002 RTSV Number: 123456 UNIT Activity Number: Z0203-1 PROCEDURE TITLE: Monthly Diesel Generator Due Date:

___--I 1 'B'Test Violation Date: + 7 da s PART II. REASON FOR PERFORMANCE Routine o Event or Condition Initiated o LCO Action Statements (Described in Remarks)o TRO Action Statements PART III. EXTENT OF TESTING [gJ Complete 0 Partial o Delete PART IV. AUTHORIZATION TO COMMENCE Shift Supervision Signature:


_____ Time: -i Surveillance was: Supervisor/Foreman Signature:

Date: o Out of Service o Out of Mode PART V. REMARKS 1. Synchronize to 1 A202 (1 BESS Bu PART VI. AS-FOUND (Systems/Components were found:) o OPERABLE and Accep passed 0 INOPERABLE or Acceptance Criteria failed (Notify Shift Supervision)



0 YES o N/A ACTU TIME: Ie Individual:

0 A Complete Retest was Performed Supervisor Signature:

Commencement Date: PART X. FINAL CLOSURE ___Work Group closure in computer schedule ___WCC Admin. Group final closure in computer complete. "N/A" when extent of testing is not schedule complete.

uN/A" when extent of "COMPLETE." (Forward to WCC Admin. Group) testing is not "COMPLETE." (Forward to DCS) FORM NDAP-QA-0722-1, Rev. 7, Page 1 of 1 (Electronic Form) (print on green paper)

Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Job Performance Measure Standby Gas Treatment System Startup JPM Designation:

G Revision Number: Date:

Note: This JPM is paired with JPM B with a staggered Developed Chris 4/20/11 Author Date Review By: Hedigan 01/05/12 Examiner Date Approved Caruso 01/05/12 Chief Examiner Date JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE VALIDATION NOTE: All steps of this checklist should be performed upon initial validation.

Prior to JPM usage, revalidate JPM using steps 8 through 11 below. Task description and number, JPM description and number are identified. Knowledge and Abilities (KIA) references are included. Performance location specified. (in-plant, control room, or simulator) Initial setup conditions are identified. Initiating and terminating cues are properly identified. Task standards identified and verified by Examiner review. Critical steps meet the criteria for critical steps and are identified with an asterisk (*). Verify the procedure referenced by this JPM matches the most current revision of that procedure:

Procedure Rev. ___ Date ______ Pilot test the JPM: a. verify cues both verbal and visual are free of conflict, and b. ensure performance time is accurate.

10. If the JPM cannot be performed as written with proper responses, then revise the JPM. 11. When JPM is revalidated, Examiner sign and date JPM cover page.


Rev 0 Rev 1: minor edits for addition of IC and plant power JPM Setup Instructions:

1. Set Simulator to Ie 392 2. Provide copy of OP-070-001.


'A' Standby Gas Treatment System manually started up lAW OP-070-001 in preparation for Quarterly HPCI Flow Verification TASK CONDITIONS:

1. The plant is at 99% power, preparing for Quarterly HPCI Flow Verification
2. The Electric Plant is in a normal at-power line-up. 3. All precautions and prerequisites in OP-070-001 are met INITIATING ClIE: Manually start the 'A' Standby Gas Treatment System in accordance with OP-070-001 in preparation for the Quarterly HPCI flow verification Information for Evaluator's Use: UNSAT requires written comments on respective step.
  • Denotes CRITICAL steps. Number any comments in the "Comment Number" column. Then annotate that comment in the "Comments" section. The comment section should be used to document the reason that a step is marked as unsatisfactory and to document unsatisfactory performance relating to management expectations.

Some operations that are performed from outside of the control room may require multiple steps. These items may be listed as individual steps in this JPM. It is acceptable for the candidate to direct the local operator to perform groups of procedure steps instead of calling for each individual item to be performed.

The timeclock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue.

Operator's Name: ________________________

_ Job Title: 0 NLO RO OSRO STA SRO Cert JPM Title: Standby Gas Treatment System Startup JPM Number: G Revision Number: 1 KIA Number and Importance:

261000 A4.03 RO 3.0 SRO 3.0 Suggested Testing Environment:

Simulator Actual Testing Environment:

Testing Method: Perform in Simulator Alternate Path: No Time Critical:

No Estimated Time to Complete:

15 min. Actual Time Used: ___.minutes


1. NUREG 11.23,261000 A4.03 RO 3.0 SRO 3.0 2. OP-070-001 Rev 21 EVALUATION


1. Were all the Critical Elements performed satisfactorily?

Yes No 2. Was the task standard The operator's performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM, and has determined to be: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Comments:

Note: Any grade of UNSAT requires a Evaluator's Name: _______________Evaluator's Signature:




This JPM has the operator manually start up the 'A' Standby Gas Treatment System lAW OP-070-001 in preparation for the Quarterly HPCI Flow Verification NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON JPMG NOTE: Critical Element(s) indicated by

  • in Performance Checklist.



  • Number 1. Obtains procedure and reviews Obtains OP-070-001 procedure, prerequisites, and reviews precautions prerequisites, and
  • 2. (Step 2.2.3) At Panel OC681 , Depresses SGTS Clg OA Depress SGTS Clg OA Dmp HD07555A OPEN HD07555A OPEN Evaluator Note: HD07555A remains open for approximately 120 seconds after its pushbutton is released.

JPM steps 2-4 must be completed in expeditious manner to allow SGTS system start. If damper closes due to delay by applicant, roleplay as Unit Supervisor may be necessary to allow applicant to I repeat JPM steps 2-4. ,...--" 3. (Step 2.2.4) Observe SGTS Clg OA Observes SGTS Clg OA Dmp HD07555A OPENS to HD07555A OPENS allow suction flow path for start light out, red light of SGTS Fan A. *4. (Step 2.2.5) At panel OC681 , Start Places selector switch Standby Gas Treatment System SGTS Fan OV109A to A by placing selector switch for observes yellow light out, SGTS Fan OV109A to START light 5. (Step 2.2.6) When fan starts, Observes flow Observe flow increases

>3000 >3000 cfm on SGTS Air cfm on SGTS Air Flow I

NRC SSES INITIAL EXAM/NA TlON ELEMENT 6. (Step 2.2.7) Check following positioned as indicated: SGTS Makeup OA MODULATED/OPEN approximately 120 seconds after SGTS Fan OV109A started. SGTS Fan Inlet Dmp HD07552A FULL OPEN. c. SGTS A Inlet Dmp HD07553A FULL OPEN. 7. (Step 2.2.8) Vent desired system to SGTS Inlet Header as follows: For processing HPCI Barometric Condenser Vacuum Pump discharge, no further action required.

CUE: JPM is complete.

JPM Stop Time _____

Checks following positioned as indicated:

a. SGTS Makeup OA Dmp FD07551A2 MODULATED/OPEN approximately 120 seconds after SGTS Fan OV109A started (yellow and red lights lit or only red light lit). b. SGTS Fan Inlet Dmp HD07552A FULL OPEN (yellow light out, red light /it). c. SGTS A Inlet Dmp HD07553A FULL OPEN (yel/ow light out, red light /it). Applicant recognizes that initiating cue directed manual start of Standby Gas Treatment System in preparation for Quarterly HPCI Flow Verification, and no i further action is required.


1. The plant is at 99% power 2. The Electric Plant is in a normal at-power line-up. 3. All precautions and prerequisites in OP-070-001 are met INITIATING CUE: Manually start the 'A' Standby Gas Treatment System in accordance with OP-070-001 in preparation for a Quarterly HPCI flow verification NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON JPMG HANDOUT PAGl; TASK CONDITIONS:
1. The plant is at 99% power 2. The Electric Plant is in a normal at-power line-up. 3. All precautions and prerequisites in OP-070-001 are met INITIATING CUE: Manually start the 'A' Standby Gas Treatment System in accordance with OP-070-001 in preparation for a Quarterly HPCI flow verification Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Job Performance APRM Gain JPM Designation: Revision Number: Date:

Note: This JPM is paired with JPM Developed Patel 05/25/11 Author Date Review By: Hedigan 01/05/12 Examiner Date Approved Caruso 01/05/12 Chief Examiner Date

JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE VALIDATION NOTE: All steps of this checklist should be performed upon initial validation.

Prior to JPM usage, revalidate JPM using steps 8 through 11 below. 1" Task description and number, JPM description and number are identified.

2" Knowledge and Abilities (KIA) references are included.

3" Performance location specified. (in-plant, control room, or simulator) 4" Initial setup conditions are identified. Initiating and terminating cues are properly identified. Task standards identified and verified by Examiner review. Critical steps meet the criteria for critical steps and are identified with an asterisk (*). Verify the procedure referenced by this JPM matches the most current revision of that procedure:

Procedure Rev. Date Pilot test the JPM: a. verify cues both verbal and visual are free of conflict, and b. ensure performance time is accurate. If the JPM cannot be performed as written with proper responses, then revise the JPM. When JPM is revalidated, Examiner sign and date JPM cover page.


1. Rev 3 JPM Setup Instructions:
1. Set Simulator to IC-396 if run with JPM F, or IC-397 if run alone.
  • Actual power at 1 00%
  • APRM 3 adjusted to indicate ",,97% 2. Bypass APRM 3. TASK STANDARD:

Successfully perform manual APRM GAF adjustments for APRM 3. TASK CONDITIONS:

1. The plant is at 100% CTP and power level is stable. 2. The Electric Plant is in a normal line-up. 3. Process Computer and PowerPlex operable and available to provide CTP data. INITIATING CUE: Perform manual APRM GAF adjustment of APRM 3. The calculated CTP value is 100%. APRM Channel 3 has already been bypassed by the PCO. Information for Evaluator's Use: UNSAT requires written comments on respective step.
  • Denotes CRITICAL steps. Number any comments in the "Comment Number" column. Then annotate that comment in the "Comments" section. The comment section should be used to document the reason that a step is marked as unsatisfactory and to document unsatisfactory performance relating to management expectations.

Some operations that are performed from outside of the control room may require multiple steps. These items may be listed as individual steps in this JPM. It is acceptable for the candidate to direct the local operator to perform groups of procedure steps instead of calling for each individual item to be performed.

The timeclock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue.

---Operator's Name: Job Title: D NLO [:lRO DSRO D STAD SRO Cert JPM Title: Perform APRM Gain Adjustment

..IPM Number: IH Revision Number: 0 KIA Number and Importance:

215005 A1.07 3.0/3.4 (RO/SRO) Suggested Testing Environment:

Simulator Actual Testing Environment:

Simulator Testing Method: Perform in Simulator Alternate Path: No Time Critical:

No Estimated Time to Complete:

15 min. Actual Time Used: minutes


2. OP-178-002 Rev 2. EVALUATION


1. Were all the Critical Elements performed satisfactorily?

DYes D No 2. Was the task standard met? The operator's performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM, and has been determined to be: D Satisfactory D Unsatisfactory Comments:

Note: Any grade of UNSAT requires a Evaluator's Name: ______________Evaluator's Date: _____



This JPM has the operator perform manual APRM GAF adjustment of APRM 3 channel.

NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA JPMH NOTE: Critical Element(s) indicated by

  • in Performance Checklist.


JPM Start Time ELEMENT I STANDARD SAT UNSAT Comment Number Obtains procedure and reviews Obtains determines section 2.2 and reviews Precautions, and I IF desired to perform manual APRM Applicant refers to GAF adjustment.

Perform the following: .. 3. Establish communication with Applicant uses plant Control Operator communication system establish contact with Evaluator Note: If the Applicant attempts to contact PCOM using the PA, tell the applicant not to use the page and that you will roll playas the PCO and SRO. (This is so another Applicant performing a JPM in the Simulator is not previe to the JPM being performed)

I NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON ELEMENT IF desired, RI3quest PCO bypass APRM to be adjusted.

AND Confirm at four 2/4 Voters, Bypassed LEDs for bypassed APRM ILLUMINATED.

  • 5. On appropriate APRM module, press ETC soft key as required until ENTER SET MODE is displayed above a soft key pushbutton across bottom of display. Press ENTER SET MODE soft key. *7. Enter password "1234" AND Press ENT. . *8. Confirm OPER-SET mode indicated on APRM or ODA. *9. Select APRM GAIN using (H) CURSOR keys to scroll. Press SET PARAMETERS Ensure APRM indicates PARAMETERS:

APRM STANDARD Applicant recognizes from initial conditions that APRM 3 is already bypassed.

Applicant confirms ALL four 2/4 Voters, Bypassed LEDs for APRM 3 are ILLUMINATED.

Evaluator Cue: APRM indicates bypassed on FOUR Evaluator Note: Only one voter is present at the APRM cabinet, so if the candidate inquires about the other voter, ABOVE evaluator cue maybe necessary.

Applicant recognizes from initial conditions that APRM 3 is bypassed On APRM 3 module, presses ETC soft key as required until ENTER SET MODE is displayed above a soft key

  • pushbutton across bottom of display. Presses ENTER SET MODE soft key. Enteres password "1234" AND Presses ENT. Confirms OPER-SET mode
  • indicated on APRM or ODA. Selects APRM GAIN using (j t) CURSOR keys to scroll. Presses SET PARAMETERS soft key.
  • Ensures APRM indicates SET PARAMETERS:

APRM GAIN display. JPMH SAT UNSAT Comment Number i I i I NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON *12. Adjust the APRM GAIN DESIRED UNTIL PRO ..IECTED FLUX (%) is +/- 2% of calculated CTP. *13. Press ACCEPT soft key. 14. Confirm the APRM GAIN PRESENT changes to equal the APRM GAIN DESIRED. 15. Confirm ACTUAL FLUX (%) is +/- 2% of calculated CTP. 16. Press EXIT soft key. 17. Press EXIT SET MODE soft key. 18. Press YES soft key. 19. Confirm APRM upper display section indicates OPERATE on top right corner of display. I STANDARD SAT Adjust the APRM DESIRED PRO..IECTED FLUX (%) is 2% of calculated CTP 100% Evaluator Note: The left and right cursor are used to select DESIRED GAIN digit to modified.

The up and cursor keys will change value of the selected The PROJECTED FLUX and PROJECTED AGAF recalculated each time DESIRED GAIN value Presses ACCEPT soft key. Confirms the APRM PRESENT changes to the APRM GAIN Confirms ACTUAL FLUX (%) . is +/- 2% of calculated CTP. Presses EXIT soft key. Presses EXIT SET MODE soft key. Presses YES soft key. Confirms APRM display section I OPERATE on top right corner of display. UNSAT Comment Number i NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON JPMH ELEMENT STANDARD SAT UNSAT Comment Number 20. Ensure reading on NMSB display and APRM ODA reading within 2% of desired APRM reading. Ensures reading on I\IMSB display and APRM ODA reading within 2% of desired APRM reading. Evaluator Note: Applicant may contact control room to verify NMBS (PICY) displays APRM 3 within 2% of desired APRM reading. Below Evaluator Cue may be necessary.

Evaluator Cue: APRM 3 is reading within 2% of desired APRM readings.

21. IF required, Notify PCO APRM adjustment is complete APRM 3 may be removed from BYPASS position Applicant Notifies PCOM to remove APRM 3 from BYPASS condition AND Confirm at Al.L four 2/4 Voters BYPASSED LEDs NOT ILLUMINATED.

Evaluator Note: When Applicant requests bypassing APRM 3, end the JPM. 22. CUE: JPM is complete.

i ..!PM Stop Time ____


1. The plant is at 97% CTP and power level is stable. 2. The Electric Plant is in a normal line-up. 3. Process Computer and PowerPlex operable and available to provide CTP data. INITIATING CUE: Perform manual APRM GAF adjustment of APRM The calculated CTP value is APRM Channel 3 has already been bypassed by the NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON JPMH HANDOUT PAGE TASK CONDITIONS:
4. The plant is at 97% CTP and power level is stable. 5. The Electric Plant is in a normal line-up. 6. Process Computer and PowerPlex operable and available to provide CTP data. INITIATING CUE: Perform manual APRM GAF adjustment of APRM The calculated CTP value is APRM Channel 3 has already been bypassed by the Susquehanna Steam Electric Job Performance Measure Venting Unit 2 Scram Air Header during A TWS JPM Designation:

I (In-Plant)

Revision Number: 3 Date: _10/24/2011 Developed Patel 5/25/11 Author Date Review By: Hedigan 01/05/12 Examiner Date Approved By: Caruso 01/05/12 Chief Examiner Date JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE VALIDATION NOTE: All steps of this checklist should be performed upon initial validation.

Prior to JPM usage, revalidate JPM using steps 8 through 11 below. Task description and number, JPM description and number are identified. Knowledge and Abilities (KIA) references are included. Performance location specified. (in-plant, control room, or simulator) Initial setup conditions are identified. Initiating and terminating cues are properly identified. Task standards identified and verified by Examiner review. Critical steps meet the criteria for critical steps and are identified with an asterisk (*). Verify the procedure referenced by this .JPM matches the most current revision of that procedure:

Procedure Rev. Date ______ Pilot test the JPM: a. verify cues both verbal and visual are free of conflict, and b. ensure performance time is accurate. If the JPM cannot be performed as written with proper responses, then revise the JPM. 11. When JPM is revalidated, Examiner sign and date JPM cover page.


1. Rev 0 JPM Setup Instructions:
1. Provide GOpy of Local posted instructions upon applicant's request. TASK STANDARD:

Air supply valves to the Unit 2 scram air header simulated closed, with vent valve uncapped and TASK CONDITIONS:

1. Unit 2 has just received a reactor scram signal; however RPS has failed to actuate. 2. All control rods are withdrawn and power is -100 percent. 3. Both channels of RPS are energized.
4. Manual initizltion of ARI has failed to depressurize the Scram Air Header. INITIATING CUE: Vent the Unit 2 Scram Air Header to insert control rods. Notify Control Room just prior to venting scram air header. Information fClr Evaluator's UNSAT requires written comments on respective
  • Denotes CRITICAL steps. Number any comments in the "Comment Number" column. Then annotate that comment in the "Comments" section. The comment section should be used to document the reason that a step is marked as unsatisfactory and to document unsatisfactory performance relating to management expectations.

Some operations that are performed from outside of the control room may require multiple steps. These items may be listed as individual steps in this JPM. It is acceptable for the candidate to direct the local operator to perform groups of procedure steps instead of calling for each individual item to be performed.

The time clock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue.

Operator's Name: _______________________

_ Job Title: NLO RO SRO STAD SRO Cert JPM Title: Venting Unit 2 Scram Air Header during ATWS JPM Number: I Revision Number: 0 KIA Number and Importance:

295037 EA1.05 3.9/4.0 (RO/SRO) Suggested Testing Environment:

In Plant Simulation Actual Testing Environment:

In Plant Simulation Testing Method: Simulate in Plant Alternate Path: No Time Critical:

No Estimated Time to Complete:

15min. Actual Time Used: minutes


1. NUREG 1123,295037, EA1.05, RO/SRO 3.9/4.0 2. EO-200-113.



1. Were all the Critical Elements performed satisfactorily?

Yes No 2. Was the task standard met? The operator's performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM, and has been determined to be: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Comments:__________________________

_ Note: Any grade of UNSAT requires a Evaluator's Name: _____________Evaluator's Signature:





Applicant will vent Unit 2 Scram Air Header to insert control rods lAW local posted instructions.

NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TION NOTE: Critical Element(s) indicated by

  • in Performance Checklist.


JPM Start Time _____ ELEMENT STANDARD SAT UNSAT Comment Number 1. Review local posted instructions.

EVALUATOR NOTE Applicant will use the local posted instructions to vent the Unit 2 Scram Air Header. EVALUATOR CUE Provide the applicant local posted instructions upon

  • request. Applicant should identify that local posted instructions should be used. *2. Bypass the scram header block valves. Open ARI Solenoid Valve Bypass Valve 247021. -Undoes the locking mechanism

-Turns handle to the left 90° *3. Isolate the Scram Air Header. Close SCRAM AIR SUPPLY Valves 247002A and 247002B. -Turns SCRAM AIR SUPPL Y Valves 2470002A and 247002B CLOCKWISE to CLOSE. EVALUATOR NOTE Since only one valve is normally open, the other valve should be checked closed. Whenapplicant request or takes action to report back to CR prior to venting then role playas RO to give permission to vent the scram air header.

NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON JPMI ELEMENT I STANDARD SAT I UNSAT ! Comment i Number *4. Vent off the Scram Air Header. Uncap and open SCRAM AIR HDR VENT Valve 247007. -Turns cap Counter Clockwise (Looking Up from floor to ceiling view) *5. Verify air is being vented. Check for air at discharge vent. EVALUATOR CUE I Inform applicant that the sound

  • of air venting can be heard. 6. Notify Control Room that Air Header Contact Control Room by is vented. Radio or Page that air is venting from the 247007 i Valve. EVALUATOR CUE Inform applicant Control Room has been notified and all control rods have inserted.


1. Unit 2 has just received a reactor scram signal; however RPS has failed to actuate. 2. All control rods are withdrawn and power is -100 percent. 3. Both channels of RPS are energized.
4. Manual initiation of ARI has failed to depressurize the Scram Air Header. INITIATING CUE: Vent the Unit 2 Scram Air Header to insert control rods. Notify Control Room just prior to venting scram air header.


1. Unit 2 has just received a reactor scram signal; however RPS has failed to actuate. 2. All control rods are withdrawn and power is -100 percent. 3. Both channels of RPS are energized.
4. Manual initiation of ARI has failed to depressurize the Scram Air Header. INITIATING CUE: Vent the Unit 2 Scram Air Header to insert control rods. Notify Control Room just prior to venting scram air header.


Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Job Performance Measure Maintaining RCIC Suction Supply With Loss of AC and JPM Designation: Revision Number: Date:

Developed Chris Lall:y 4/29/11 Author Date Review By: Hedigan Examiner Approved By: Caruso Chief Examiner JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE VALIDATION NOTE: All steps of this checklist should be performed upon initial validation.

Prior to JPM usage, revalidate JPM using steps 8 through 11 below. Task description and number, JPM description and number are identified. Knowledge and Abilities (KIA) references are included. Performance location specified. (in-plant, control room, or simulator) Initial setup conditions are identified. Initiating and terminating cues are properly identified. Task standards identified and verified by Examiner review. Critical steps meet the criteria for critical steps and are identified with an asterisk (*). Verify the procedure referenced by this JPM matches the most current revision of that procedure:

Procedure Rev. Date ______ Pilot test the JPM: a. verify cues both verbal and visual are free of conflict, and b. ensure performance time is accurate. If the JPM cannot be performed as written with proper responses, then revise the JPM. 11. When JPM is revalidated, Examiner sign and date JPM cover page.


1. Rev 0 2. Rev 1: changed initial conditions to reflect loss of AC and DC power, and altered initiating cue to remove ambiguity
3. Rev 2: Revised following licensee review JPM Setup Instructions: Provide copy of ES-150-003, marked up to step 4.5.1 Provide copy of EO-1 00-030, marked up to step 2.15 TASK STANDARD:

RCIC suction aligned to Suppression Pool per ES-150-003, step 4.5.1.b TASK CONDITIONS: The plant is currently in a loss of all AC &DC power following an earthquake and small break LOCA RCIC was just placed in service per ES-150-003 for level control and CST inventory is low; RWST level is 60%. INITIATING CUE: Maintain RCIC suction supply by cross-tying the refuel water storage tank to Unit 1 and 2 CST's in accordance with ES-150-003 step 4.5.1.a Information for Evaluator's Use: UNSAT requires written comments on respective step.

  • Denotes CRITICAL steps. Number any comments in the "Comment Number" column. Then annotate that comment in the "Comments" section. The comment section should be used to document the reason that a step is marked as unsatisfactory and to document unsatisfactory performance relating to management expectations.

Some operations that are performed from outside of the control room may require multiple steps. These items may be listed as individual steps in this JPM. It is acceptable for the candidate to direct the local operator to perform groups of procedure steps instead of calling for each individual item to be performed.

The timeclock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue.

---Operator's Name: _______________________

_ Job Title: D NLO [J RO DSRO DSTA D SRO Cert JPM Title: Maintaining RCIC Suction Supply During 580 JPM Number: J Revision Number: 2 KIA Number and Importance:

217000 A2.16 RO 3.5 SRO 3.4 Suggested Testing Environment:

Plant Actual Testing Environment:

Testing Method: Simulated performance in plant Alternate Path: Yes Time Critical:

No Estimated Time to Complete:

25 min. Actual Time Used: minutes


1. NUREG 1123, 217000A2.16 RO 3.5 SRO 3.4 2. ES-150-003 Rev 7 3. EO-100-030 Rev 27 EVALUATION


1. Were all the Critical Elements performed satisfactorily?

DYes [] No 2. Was the task standard met? The operator's performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM, and has been determined to be: D Satisfactory D Unsatisfactory Comments:

Note: Any grade of UNSAT requires a comment. Evaluator's Name: ______________(Print) Evaluator's Signature:




This JPM has the operator perform actions of section 4.5.1.a of ES-150-003 to maintain RCIC suction during an SSO condition with a small break LOCA initiated by an earthquake.

The initial operator actions to cross-tie the RWST to CST will not be possible due to stuck valves., This will force the operator to manually align RCIC suction to the suppression pool using step 4.5.1.b of ES-150-003.

NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON JPMJ NOTE: Critical Element(s) indicated by

  • in Performance Checklist.


JPM Start Time _____ ELEMENT 1. Obtains ES-150-003, step 4.5.1 and reviews 2. (ES-150-003 Step 4.5.1) IF inventory is low OR CST's RWST may be crosstied to Unit 1 and Unit 2 CST as directed in EO-100-030 Unit 1 RESPONSE TO A STATION BLACKOUT (Step 2.15 G) *3. (EO-100-030 Attachment G Step 1) CLOSE valve 105001 Cdsr Hotwell Level 4" Makeup Inlet Iso ALTERNATE PATH BEGINS HERE *4. (EO-1 00-030 Attachment G Step 2) CLOSE valve 105003 Cdsr Hotwell Level 12" Makeup Inlet Iso STANDARD SAT UNSAT Comment Number Applicant discusses where they would retrieve procedures References partially completed EO-100-030 at step 2.15. Goes to Attachment G, notes location and begins heading to first valve located at 10-656'. Applicant will find Valve 105001 Cdsr Hotwell Level 4" Makeup Inlet Iso is OPEN and will attempt to CLOSE the valve. Evaluator Cue: Valve is closed. ALTERNATE PA TH STARTS Applicant will find Valve 105003 Cdsr Hotwell Level 12" Makeup Inlet Iso is OPEN and will attempt to CLOSE the valve. Evaluator Cue: Valve is bound in its current position and will not reposition.

NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON JPMJ ELEMENT STANDARD SAT UNSAT Comment Number *Unable to complote valve alignment Evaluator Note: Upon noting that they cannot complete the valve alignment per Attachment G, applicant should report back to Unit Supervisor.

Roleplay as Unit Supervisor and acknowledge report. Applicant may recommend restoring valve lineup. Roleplay as unit supervisor and direct applicant to restore valve that was repositioned (valve restoration is NOT critical). (If recommended by applicant):

Evaluator Cue: Valve is open OPEN valve 105001 Cdsr Hotwell Level 4" Makeup Inlet Iso *5 . Applicant should recommend instead manually aligning RCIC suction to the suppression pool per 003, step 4.5.1.b. If applicant asks for direction, ask for their recommendation for next action (should reply with step 4.5.1.b).


NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON JPMJ , STANDARD SAT UNSAT I Comment I Number *6. (ES-150-003 Step 4.5.1.b) RCIC Evaluator Note: If prompted suction may be aligned to the by applicant Att C is being Suppression Pool as follows (if allowed performed by a separate by plant conditions, Attachment C may operator.

be performed prior to the realignment):


(1) Open 10254041 RCIC PUMP (1) Simulates Opening SUCTION CST SUPPL Y VL V 10254041 RCIC HV-149F010 BKR (27-670')

PUMP SUCTION CST (2) Open 10254042 RCIC SUPPL Y VLV SUCTION SUPP POOL 149F010 BKR SUPPL Y VL V HV-149F031 BKR Evaluator Cue: The breaker (3) Open RCIC PUMP is SUPP POOL SUPPL Y VLV (2) Simulates Opening 149F031 (28-645')

10254042 RCIC (4) Close RCIC PUMP PUMP CST SUPPL Y VLV HV-149F01 0 SUPP POOL (28-645')

VLV HV-149F031 (27-670')Supply cooling for lube cooler and barometric Evaluator Cue: The condenser from Fire Protection is System, in accordance (3) Simulates engaging Attachment C MOV clutch and Opening RCIC PUMP SUCTION SUPP POOL SUPPL Y VL V HV-149F031 (28-645')

Evaluator Cue: The valve is open Simulates engaging MOV clutch and Closes RCIC PUMP SUCTION CST SUPPLY VLV 149F010 (28-645')

Evaluator Cue: The valve is closed I CUE: JPM is I I NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON JPMJ JPM Stop Time _____ HANDOUT PAGt; TASK CONDITIONS: The plant is currently in a loss of all AC & DC power following an earthquake and small break LOCA RCIC was just placed in service per ES-150-003 for level control and CST inventory is low, RWST level is 60%. INITIATING CUE: Maintain RCIC suction supply by cross-tying the refuel water storage tank to Unit 1 and 2 CST's in accordance with ES-150-003 step 4.5.1.a NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINATION JPMJ HANDOUT PAGE TASK CONDITIONS: The plant is currently in a loss of all AC & DC power following an earthquake and small break LOCA RCIC was just placed in service per ES-150-003 for level control and CST inventory is low, RWST level is 60%. INITIATING CUE: Maintain RCIC suction supply by cross-tying the refuel water storage tank to Unit 1 and 2 CST's in accordance with ES-150-003 step 4.5.1.a Susquehanna Steam Electric Job Performance Measure Secure Non-Class 1E 250 VDC loads lAW EO-100-030 JPM Designation:

K (In-Plant)

Revision Number: 3 Date: _10/24/2011 Developed Patel 5/25/11Author Date Review 8y: Hedigan 01/05/12 Examiner Date Approved Caruso 01/05/12 Chief Examiner Date JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE VALIDATION NOTE: All steps of this checklist should be performed upon initial validation.

Prior to JPM usage., revalidate JPM using steps 8 through 11 below. Task description and number, JPM description and number are identified. Knowledge and Abilities (KIA) references are included. Performance location specified. (in-plant, control room, or simulator) Initial setup conditions are identified. Initiating and terminating cues are properly identified. Task standards identified and verified by Examiner review. Critical steps meet the criteria for critical steps and are identified with an asterisk (*). Verify the procedure referenced by this JPM matches the most current revision of that procedure:

Procedure Rev. Date ______ Pilot test the JPM: a. verify cues both verbal and visual are free of conflict, and b. ensure performance time is accurate. If the JPM cannot be performed as written with proper responses, then revise the JPM. 1"'. When JPM is revalidated, Examiner Sign and date JPM cover page.


1. Rev 0 ..IPM Setup Instructions:
1. Provide marked up copy of EO-100-030 TASK STANDARD:

Secure Non-Class 1 E 250 V DC loads during SSO condition.


1. The plant is currently in a station blackout condition following an earthquake and small break LOCA. RO INITIATING CUE: This is a time critical ..IPM. It has been 30 minutes since the station blackout condition; you are directed by shift supervisor to secure Non-Class 1 E 250 V DC loads lAW EO-100-030 step 2.12. SRO INITIATING CUE: This is a time critical ..IPM. It has been 30 minutes since the station blackout condition; you are directed by shift supervisor to secure Non-Class 1 E 250 V DC loads lAW EO-100-030 Information for Evaluator's UNSAT requires written comments on respective
  • Denotes CRITICAL steps. Number any comments in the "Comment Number" column. Then annotate that comment in the "Comments" section. The comment section should be used to document the reason that a step is marked as unsatisfactory and to document unsatisfactory performance relating to management expectations.

Some operations that are performed from outside of the control. room may require multiple steps. These items may be listed as individual steps in this .JPM. It is acceptable for the candidate to direct the local operator to perform groups of procedure steps instead of calling for each individual item to be performed.

The timeclock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue.

NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON JPMK NOTE: Critical Element(s) indicated by

  • in Performance Checklist.


JPM Start Time (Record Start of JPM Time when applicant acknowledges the initiating cue) Official start time for Time Critical JPM ELEMENT STANDARD ! SAT UNSAT Comment Number Review EO-100-030, Step 2.12. Applicant reviews Step and recognizes Secure Non-Class 1 E 250 volt Attachment F is loads, by marking 30 minutes from start of SBO and performing Attachment F. i 2. Applicant will review cautions Applicant recognizes time Attachment F. critical procedural Caution (2): If lube oil pumps Evauator cue: Lube oil shed in less than 30 have been running since equipment damage is more likely start of the station occur. Shedding loads in more 45 minutes may result in capacity less than 4 *3. Open Bkr 10662-23, 72-66223 Turb Applicant opens Bkr Bldg CC 10165 at Location 12-771' 23, 72-66223 Turb Bldg 10165 at Location -Pushes Trip/reset button for Bkr 10662 Evauator cue: Loud noise is heard and Bkr indication changes to Green "Open" *4. Open Bkr 10652-23, 72-66223 Turb Applicant opens Bkr Bldg CC 1D155 at Location 12-771' 23, 72-66223 Turb Bldg 1D155 at Location -Pushes Trip/reset button for Bkr 10652 Evauator cue: Loud noise is heard and Bkr indication changes to Green "Open" i I NRC SSES INITIAL EXAMINA TlON ELEMENT *5. Open Bkr 10652-24, 72-65224 Computer UPS 10656 at Location 12-771' EVALUATOR CUE This completes the JPM. JPM Stop Time _____ STANDARD Applicant opens Bkr 24, 72-65224 Computer UPS 106565 at Location 12-771' -Pushes Trip/reset button for Bkr 10652 Evauator cue: Loud noise is heard and Bkr indication changes to Green "Open" NOTE: Verify applicant completed JPM within 15 minutes. SAT UNSAT Comment I . Number i NRC SSES INITIAL JPMK HANDOUT PAGE TASK CONDITIONS:

1. The plant is currently in a station blackout condition following an earthquake and small break LOCA. RO INITIATING CUE: This is a time critical JPM. It has been 30 minutes since the station blackout condition; you are directed by shift supervisor to secure Non-Class 1E 250 V DC loads lAW EO-100-030 step 2.12.


1. The plant is currently in a station blackout condition following an earthquake and small break LOCA. SRO INITIATING CUE: This is a time critical JPM. It has been 30 minutes since the station blackout condition; you are directed by shift supervisor to secure Non-Class 1 E 250 V DC loads lAW EO-1 00-030.

Appendix Scenario Outline Form ES-O-1 Facility:

Susquehanna Scenario No.: Op-Test No.:


Initial Conditions:

Unit 1 68% power, EOl, 'B' Condensate Pump out of service for motor replacement Unit 2 60% for waterbox cleaning and rod pattern exchange Turnover:

Shift orders are to swap from 1 A SW pump to 1 C SW pump to allow vibration readings to be taken on 1 C SW pump and maintain power with Recirc to compensate for Xenon. Event Malf. No. No. N/A mfNM178007B f:125 mfHP152004 RD 1550043027 RD1550063027 mfFW144003D mfFW144005D cmfAV01_XV147F01 1 mfRD155017 Sl153002 PM02_1 P208A Additional rods stuck out, see malf page cmfPM03 1 P113A cmfPM07-1 P113B cmfBR04-1A10101 cmfNB01_LlSB211 N 031A2B, cmfRl01 e111K79B cmfPM03 'I P132A NRC Scenario #1 Event Type* N I-ATC, TS-SRO C-BOP, TS-SRO TS-SRO C-ATC C-BOP R-ATC C-ATC, TS-SRO M-All C-ATC C-BOP C-ATC, Swap running SW pumps from 1A to 1 C APRM 2 Fails High Inadvertent start of HPCI Rod drifts in to position 10 'D' Condensate Pump trip with failed runback loose SDV Inboard Drain Air Fitting Hydraulic ATWS I stuck rods, 'A' SlC pump relief valve lift, Failure of 'B' SLC pump on thermal overloads EHC pump failure causes turbine trip and loss of bypass valves, failure of 11A Aux Bus to fast transfer RCIC Auto Initiation Failure Running CRD Pump Trips Page 1 of 40 Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test 11 mfHP152015 IMF mfRC150011 lOR diHSC121S12 d:1.20 f:OFF lOR diHSC1.21S10 d:1.20 f:OFF C-BOP HPCI Turbine Trips requiring performance of ED RCIC trips on injection Prevent further rod insertion

  • IN)onnal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor Page 2 of 40 NRC Scenario #1 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions Scenario Summary Event 1: The crew begins with the plant at 68% power. As part of turnover, the crew is directed to swap running Service Water pumps from 1 A to 1 C to allow maintenance to take vibration readings on 1 C Service Water pump. Event 2: Once the Service Water pump swap is complete, APRM 2 fails Upscale. The crew will take action per alarm response to bypass the APRM and the SRO will reference Tech Specs. Priority is to declare APRM 2 inoperable and bypass APRM 2. Event 3: Once the Tech Spec call is complete for the failed APRM, HPCI will start inadvertently.

The crew will take action per ON-156-001 and OP-152-001 to override HPCI injection.

The SRO will declare HPCI inoperable and ensure RCIC operability.

Priority is to override HPCI, declare HPCI inoperable, and ensure RCIC operability.

Event 4: Once the crew overrides HPCI injection, the scram outlet valve for control rod 30-27 leaks by, causing control rod 30-27 to slowly drift in. However, due to high channel friction, the control rod stops at position 10 and must be fully inserted.

The crew will respond by using 155-001, control rod problems.

Since the rod drifted in and did not go to position 00, 001 and Tech Specs direct insertion of the rod to 00 and disarming of the HCU. This will be accomplished by sequentially raising drive header D/P until the control rod inserts. CRS will address Tech Specs for the inoperable control rod. Priority is to declare rod inoperable, fully insert, and disarm it. Event 5: Once the control rod Tech Spec call is complete, the '0' Condensate Pump will trip on overcurrent.

Both recirc pumps will fail to run back, and the crew must perform this manually.

Additional actions require monitoring for position on power/flow map and for indications of power oscillations.

Priority is to initiate manual recirc runback and monitor power/flow map and APRM for indications of power/flow instabilities.

Event 6: During the manual recirc runback, an air fitting for SV-147-F009 disconnects, causing the inboard SDV drain valve to fail closed. CRS will address Tech Specs for the failed closed valve. With the SDV drain valve closed, the SDV will slowly fill due to normal HCU valve by and the leaking outlet scram valve for control rod 30-27. The disconnected air fitting cannot be quickly remedied, and the scram discharge volume level quickly fills to the rod block and eventually the scram setpoints.

The crew will respond proactively to the SDV filling by scramming the reactor. Due to a partially plugged SDV, when the mode switch is taken to SHUTDOWN, control rods only partially insert, resulting in a hydraulic ATWS. Priority is to take decisive action to scram the reactor before the automatic scram from high scram discharge volume level. Events 7*11: The crew will enter EO-100-113 for power/level control. During power reduction actions, the recirc pumps will be tripped. When the B recirc pump is tripped, the 1 B CRD pump trips, requiring operators to later start the 1 A CRD pump to enable control rod insertion.

The CRS will then direct injection of SBLC. The 'A' SBLC discharge relief valve will lift, preventing injection.

The crew will recognize this and swap to the 'B' SBLC pump which will run for approximately 30 seconds, and then trip on thermal overloads.

The crew will then direct SBLC injection using RCIC in accordance with ES-150-002.

When ATC has stabilized reactor water level with feedwater, the 1A EHC pump will trip and the 1 B EHC pump will fail to start, resulting in a turbine trip with loss of bypass capability.

This will result in use of SRV's for pressure control and entry into EO-100-103, PC control due to rising suppression pool temperature, and Page 3 of 40 NRC Scenario #1 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions direction to place suppression pool cooling in service. Additionally, 11A Aux Bus auto transfer will fail during the turbine trip, resulting in the loss of the two remaining condensate pumps and transition of level control to HPCI/RCIC.

EO-1 00-113 will direct insertion of control rods by multiple means. A malfunction of the CRD flow control valve will prevent raising cooling water DIP; preventing drifting in of control rods using the cooling header. Manual control rod insertion per EO-1 00-113 will be performed to insert control rods. Once approximately four control rods have been inserted, HPCI will trip, requiring the crew to use RCIC for level control. RCIC was overridden per procedure for level reduction, but will also fail to auto initiate.

RCIC will start via manual operator actions and trip once the turbine comes up to speed and begins injecting.

Further rod insertion will also no longer be possible due to malfunction of the rod insertion push buttons. RPV will lower to -161" (TAF) forcing the crew to enter EO-1 00-112 Rapid Depressurization due to inability to restore and maintain level >-161". Actions will be directed in the field to bypass ARI and RPS. Once the rapid depressurization is performed and level control is being established using low pressure ECCS, the ATC will be able to reset the Scram to begin venting and draining the SDV, and then re-SCRAM the reactor to insert all control rods. The scenario may be terminated when the A TWS has been terminated with low pressure ECCS injection being used for level control. Target Quantitative Attributes (Per Scenario; See Section D.S.d) Actual Attributes

1. Total malfunctions (5-8) 7 2. Malfunctions after EOP entry (1-2) 2 Grmal events (2-4) 3 4. Major transients (1-2) 1 5. EOPs entered/requiring substantive actions (1-2) EO-100-1021E0-100-103 2 6. EOP contingencies requiring substantive actions (0-2) EO-1 00-113/EO-1 00-112 2 7. Critical tasks (2-3) 3 Page 4 of 40 NRC Scenario #1 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions Critical Tasks 1.
  • Inserts control rods lAW EO-100-113 Sht. 2. Safety Significance Control rod insertion initiates power reduction immediately Consequences for Failure to Perform Task Failure to insert control rods allows power to remain elevated with resultant power oscillations and potential core damage. Indications/Cues for Event Requiring Critical Task Exceeding a RPS scram setting with NO reactor scram signal, or RPS/ARI fail to fully insert all control rods. Performance Criteria Insert Control Rods by one or more of the following Maximize CRD to drift control Drive control rods after bypassing Reset and Scram again by performing ES-158-002 Bypass RPS logic Performance Feedback Successful insertion of control rods will be indicated Rod position full in indication for manual insertion of control rods, venting scram air header de-energizing RPS Rod position full in after resetting scram, draining scram discharge volume and Page 5 of 40 NRC Scenario #1 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions
  • Inhibits ADS and Lowers RPV level to <*60" but >-161". Safety Significance Inhibiting ADS prevents uncontrolled injection of large amounts of relatively cold, unborated low pressure ECCS water when the reactor is not shutdown with control rods. Core damage due to unstable operation can be prevented or at least mitigated by promptly reducing feedwater flow so that level is lowered below the feedwater spargers.

Consequences for Failure to Perform Task A General Electric Company study (1\IEDO-32047) indicates that the major threat to fuel integrity from A TWS is caused by large amplitude power/flow instabilities.

The power oscillations can become large enough to cause melting of fuel in high power bundles. Failure to inhibit ADS can result in large amounts of positive reactivity addition due to boron dilution and cold water injection.

SSES EOP Basis for: IF INITIAL ATWS PWR > OR CANNOT BE INJECT INHIBIT When scram and ARI have failed, reactor power must be considered to determine if immediate boron injection is required.

If initial A TWS power was greater than 5%, then a relatively large number of control rods have failed to insert. The seriousness of this condition requires immediate injection of boron to positively terminate the A TWS event. ADS initiation may result in the injection of large amounts of relatively cold, unborated water from low pressure injection systems. With the reactor either critical or shutdown on boron, the positive reactivity addition due to boron dilution and temperature reduction through the injection of cold water may result in a reactor power excursion large enough to cause substantial core damage. Preventing ADS is therefore appropriate whenever boron injection is required. MAINTAIN LVL BETWEEN -60" AND USING TABLE 15 BYPASSING INTERLOCKS AS NECESSARY lAW This step identifies the widest, acceptable water level control band. Although level fluctuations within this band are safe, it is very desirable to maintain level within the more restrictive target area of -110" to -60". The target area and expanded band are shown in Figure 8, Water Level Operation Guidance.

The intent of this step is to remain within the target band at all times unless prohibited by system perturbations, and remain within the expanded band at al/ times. Page 6 of 40 NRC Scenario #1 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions Operation outside the target area has the following disadvantages:

The basis for an upper level of -60" is given in LQIL-6. A lower level of -110" is specified for the following reasons: Provides a margin for core coverage. Avoids operation near TAF where core power is more responsive to RPV pressure fluctuations. Makes level control easier by maintaining level above the narrow region of the downcomer.

Below -110" the downcomer free area reduces from 300 If to 88 If resulting in increased magnitude of indicated level oscillations. Maintains sufficient core flow to carry liquid boron from lower plenum upward into the core. As level is decreased below -110", boron mixing efficiency is reduced because the natural circulation flow rate through the jet pumps is reduced and not as efficient at carrying the injected boron from the lower plenum upward into the core. At very low downcomer water levels near or below top of active fuel, there is little water available in the region above the jet pump throat for mixing with boron injected via RC/C. In this situation, there is concern that boron may accumulate in the stagnant region of the downcomer which is below the jet pump throat. Water level can be determined from wide range level instrumentation. Avoids MSIV isolation setpoint of -129". RPV level below TAF is not, by itself, a determination of whether or not level can be maintained

> -161". The determination that level cannot be maintained>

-161" must be made based upon:

  • availability of high pressure injection systems, and,
  • present level trend This decision must not be made prematurely since depressurization of a critical core results in destabilizing affects and has a potential to cause core damage. Controlling reactor pressure, power and level with condensate and SRVs at 500 psig is difficult because all 3 parameters affect each other. Therefore, rapid depressurization is recommended when high pressure injection cannot be obtained.

Page 7 of 40 NRC Scenario #1 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions The initial influence of reactor depressurization is stabilizing since the additional flashing of liquid phase required for depressurization introduces excess voids in the reactor core which can essentially terminate the fission process if the rate of depressurization is high enough. Once the depressurization is complete, however, the result is the immediate initiation of power excursions.

Core damage is expected to occur from high clad stresses induced by: temperature excursions above the rewet temperature, PCI, cyclic fatigue, burnout or having the fuel enthalpy exceed the cladding failure threshold.

Indications/Cues for Event Requiring Critical ATWS with initial reactor power level greater than 5% APRM Performance Inhibit ADS by placing 1C60'I keylock switches to Lower reactor water level by manually controlling injection rate from Feedwater, HPCI Performance Successful ADS inhibiting is indicated by Green Indicating Light at switch Lowering water level to -60 to -110 inches will result in power level lowering as indicated on Average Power Range Page 8 of 40 NRC Scenario #1 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions

  • Stops and prevents injection except from SLC and CRD IPerform Rapid Depressurization when RPV level cannot be restored and maintained>

-161 II Safety Significance Loss of injection systems impacts the ability to provide continued adequate core cooling through core submergence based on inventory loss. Uncontrolled injection of relatively cold, unborated water into the RPV with the core not shutdown will cause a power spike. Uncontrolled criticality and possible significant fuel damage may result from the injection.

Consequences for Failure to Perform Task Failure to take the EOP actions will result in uncovering the core and breach of the fuel clad due to SSES EOP Basis for: LQ/L-14 LVL CANNOT BE RESTORED AND MAINTAINED>

-161" 1 GO TO LQ/L-18 2 GO TO RAPID DEPRESS This step is applicable to all subsequent steps within this flowpath.

It remains applicable to those steps until flowchart is exited. The intent of this step is to specify the limit when rapid depressurization of the RPV is appropriate despite the possibility of creating power/flow instabilities at low pressure.

Depressurizing a critical core results in destabilizing effects and has a potential to cause core damage. The initial influence of reactor depressurization is stabilizing since the additional flashing of liquid phase required for depressurization introduces excess voids in the reactor core which can essentially terminate the fission process if the rate of depressurization is high enough. Once the depressurization is complete, however, the result is the immediate initiation of power excursions.

Core damage is expected to occur from high clad stresses induced by: temperature excursions above the rewet temperature, PCI, cyclic fatigue, burnout or having the fuel enthalpy exceed the cladding failure threshold.

Core destabilizing effects are mitigated by boron injection.

Therefore, the decision to perform rapid depressurization must not be made too early since an earlier RD results in less boron being present in the RPV when the RD is taken. While the goal is to perform the RD as close to -161" as possible, the wording of the step gives flexibility to perform the action after reaching -161". The determination that level cannot be restored and maintained>

-161" must be based upon:

  • availability of high pressure injection systems, and Page 9 of 40 NRC Scenario #1 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions
  • present level trend For example, level may have dropped below -161", but the level trend shows that it will be able to be recovered above the limit. In this case, rapid depressurization should be deferred.

Controlling reactor pressure, power and level with condensate and SRVs at 500 psig is difficult because all 3 parameters affect each other. Therefore, rapid depressurization is recommended when high pressure injection cannot be obtained. (



  • HPCI Injection into the RPV is stopped and prevented, while rapid RPV depressurization proceeds, in order to prevent uncontrolled injection of cold water as RPV pressure decreases below the shutoff head of operating system pumps. Injection from boron injection systems and CRD is not terminated because operation of these systems may be needed to establish and maintain reactor shutdown.

Further, the injection flowrates from these systems are small compared to those of the other Table 15 systems. Injection from RCtC is not stopped because the injection f10wrate from this system is small. Injection from HPCI is permitted to avoid potential isolation and minimize the transient that may occur when RPV injection is restored.

It also helps reduce RPV pressure by spraying cold water into the steam space. Indications/Cues for Event Requiring Critical Task Loss of or insufficient high pressure injection sources with Reactor water level trending downward, eventually indicating less than the top of active fuel height on the Fuel Zone Level Indicator.

Performance Criteria If any system is injecting, other than the exceptions listed, this step requires that these systems stop injection.

All injection systems other than the exceptions listed must be prevented from injection.

For feedwater, this would mean tripping feedwater pumps or closing their discharge valves. For condensate, this would mean preventing injection below RPV pressure of 600 psig using valves or if needed, tripping condensate pumps. Page 10 of 40 NRC Scenario #1 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions For RHR and Core Spray this would require preventing injection in accordance with overriding section of their respective operating procedures.

Perform a Rapid Depressurization per EO-1 00-112 when water level cannot be restored or maintained>

-161" as read on the Fuel Zone Instrument.

Initiate ADS I Manually open all 6 ADS valves Performance Feedback RPV injection from systems not listed as exceptions is either stopped or Initiating a rapid depressurization causes Reactor pressure to lower to the shutoff head of low pressure injection systems allowing water level to rise on the Fuel Zone and Wide level Verify ADS valves are open using light red light indication, acoustic monitoring and Reactor pressure and rising reactor water The success path for ATWS termination is control rod insertion and resetting/scramming Page 11 of 40 NRC Scenario #1 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions The scenario may be terminated once the ATWS has been terminated with level control low pressure ECCS and upon direction of the Chief Examiner ITEM I MALFUNCTION I REMOTE FUNCTION I CONDITION Ensure NRC1 IC, scenario files, and trigger files are loaded on the server -387.ic and relap_snap_387 copied in applicable IC folder -NRC1.scn file is copied in applicable SCN folder -NRC1 thru NRC1 and NRC1 ET1.scn thru NRC1 ETG.scn files copied in applicable ET folder Reset simulator to Scenario IC-387 Take out of FREEZE and run scenario file NRC1, then ensure the following:

Reactor Power is 68% with stable reactor water level 'B' Condensate Pump indication out, all other equipment is OPERABLE 'B' CRD Pump in service Apply Information Tags on the following

-'B' Condensate Ensure materials for applicants: Markup of GO-1 00-012 (complete through step Turnover 68% power. 910 MWe GO-100-012 complete through step 5.3.16 Inserted control rods per CRC steps 185 -177, then reduced flow. 'B' Condensate Pump is out of service for repairs 'D' Circ Water Pump was shutdown as part of GO-1 00-012 actions Swap SW Pumps so maintenance can take vibration readings on 1 C SW Pump. Page 12 of 40 NRC Scenario #1 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions v" ITEM I MALFUNCTION I REMOTE FUNCTION I CONDITION

  • Ensure the following malfunctions are loaded: -IMF mfRD155017

-IMF mfRD1550063027 f:10 -IMF cmfNB01_LlSB211 N031A2B IMF cmfRL01_e111 K79B -IMF mfRD1550063423 f:48 -IMF mfRD1550063427 f:48 -IMF mfRD1550063431 f:48 IMF mfR01550063435 f:48 IMF mfR01550063439 f:48 -IMF mfR01550063827 f:48 -IMF mfR01550063835 f:48 -IMF mfR01550064223 f:48 IMF mfR01550064239 f:48 -IMF cmfPM07 1 P113B SDV Plugging/Hydraulic ATWS Control Rod 30-27 stuck rod at position 10 RCIC Level 2 Contact Fails to Activate RCIC Auto Initiation Failure Rod 34-23 stuck at position 48 Rod 34-27 stuck at position 48 Rod 34-31 stuck at position 48 Rod 34-35 stuck at position 48 Rod 34-39 stuck at position 48 Rod 38-27 stuck at position 48 Rod 38-35 stuck at position 48 Rod 42-23 stuck at position 48 Rod 34-39 stuck at position 48 1 B EHC Pump Breaker Fails as is

  • Ensure the following remote functions are loaded: -IRF crfPM13_1P102Bf:OUT

'B' condensate pump breaker racked out

  • Ensure the following overrides are loaded: -IMF mfFW144005D

-IMF cmfBR04_1A10101

-IMF mfRC150001

-IMF cmfPM05 1P208A No runback on "0" Cond Pp Trip AUX XFMR 11 to bus 11A Bkr Auto Logic Fails RPV Low Water Level Relay fail de-energized

'A' SLC Pp Shaft Shear Page 13 of 40 NRC Scenario #1 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions ITEM I MALFUNCTION I REMOTE FUNCTION I CONDITION

  • Ensure the following triggers are built: NRC1 ET1, deletes 30-27 stuck rod and reduces its scram outlet valve leakage when Drive Water DP is raised to 375 psig: NRC1 (aoPDIC12-1 R602.CurrValue

>= 375) -NRC1 ET1.scn (DMF mfRD1550063027 and MMF mfRD1550133027 f:0.5) NRC1 ET 2, fails CRD Flow Control Valve when Mode Switch is taken Shutdown to prevent drifting rods later with -NRC1 (diHSC72A 1 S01. CurrValue

= #ORdiHSC72A 1 S01.SHUTDN)

-NRC1 ET2.scn IMF cmfAV04_FV146F002A d:60 f:1 NRC1 ET 3, trips '8' SLC Pp 30 sec after initiation switch taken to -NRC1 (diHSS14804.


= #ORdiHSS14804.START -NRC1 ET3.scn (IMF cmfPM02_1 P2088 NRC1 ET 4, trips '8' CRD Pp when '8' Recirc Pp 'STOP' button is depressed

-NRC1 (diHS14001B.CurrValue

= #ORdiHS140018.STOP)

-NRC1 ET 4.scn (IMF cmfPM03_1 P132B) NRC1 ET 5, deletes the loss of air to SDV liB Drain Vlv when RPV level reaches -60": -NRC1 (aoLl8211R604.CurrValue

<= -NRC1 ET5.scn (DMF NRC1 ET 6, trips RCIC when flow exceeds 300 -NRC1 (aoFIE511 R6001.CurrValue

> -NRC1 ET6.scn (IMF Page 14 of 40 NRC Scenario #1 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions

,/ ITEM I MALFUNCTION I REMOTE FUNCTION I CONDITION Ensure the following Soft Keys are built: {Key(1]} scn NRC1A Swap SW Trip Enable Switches {Key[2]} IMF mfNM178007B f:125 APRM 2 Fails High {Key[3]} IMF mfHP152004 Inadvertent Start of HPCI {Key(4J} IMF mfRD1550133027 f:8 Rod 30-27 Scram Outlet Vlv Leakage {Key[5]} IRF rfRD1550073027 f:DISARM Hydraulically disarm Rod 30-27 {Key[6]} IMF mfFW144003D D Cond Pump Trip {Key[7]} IMF cmfAV02_XV147F011 Loose SDV lIB Drain Air Fitting {Key[7]} MMF mfRD1550133027 f: 1 00 Rod 30-27 Scram Outlet Vlv Leak rises {Key[7]) IMFmfRD15501 03027 d:300 f:50 Rod 30-27 Scram Inlet Vlv Leakage {Key[8]} IMF cmfPM03_1P113A A EHC Pump Motor Short Circuit {Key[8]} IMF mfTC193025 d:120 Fails BPVs closed {Key[9]} IRF rfRD155017 f:O 146F034 Charging Water Iso Closed {Key[ 1 OJ} I RF rfRD 1550 17 f: 100 146F034 Charging Water Iso Open {Key[11]}

scn batch1\ RPBDISABLARI Opens ARI Bkrs lAW ES-158-002


IMF mfHP152015 HPCI Turbine Trip {Key[12]}

lOR diHSC121S12 d:120 f:OFF Override Cant Insert Push Button Off {Key[12]}

lOR diHSC121S10 d:120 f:OFF Override Insert Push Button Off {Key[13]}

scn batch1\ RPB.ES158002 Bypasses RPS lAW ES-158-002


DMF mfRD155017 Delete Brown's Ferry ATWS {Key[14)}

DMF mfRD1550063423 Deletes stuck rod 34-23 {Key[14]}

DMF mfRD1550063427 Deletes stuck rod 34-27 {Key[14]}

DMF mfRD1550063431 Deletes stuck rod 34-31 {Key[14]}

DMF mfRD1550063435 Deletes stuck rod 34-35 {Key[14]}

DMF mfRD1550063439 Deletes stuck rod 34-39 {Key[14]}

DMF mfRD1550063827 Deletes stuck rod 38-27 {Key[14)}

DMF mfRD1550063835 Deletes stuck rod 38-35 {Key[14]}

DMF mfRD1550064223 Deletes stuck rod 42-23 {Key[14]}

DMF mfRD1550064239 Deletes stuck rod 42-39

  • Ensure NRC1A loads: IRF rfSW111 044

+10 IRF rfSW111046 +20 IRF rfSW111 051

  • Reset any annunciators that should not be present Page 15 of 40 NRC Scenario #1 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions INSTRUCTIONS FOR SIMULATOR OPERATOR EVENT 1: Swapping SW pumps MALFUNCTION I REMOTE FUNCTION I REPORT
  • Per section 2.7 of OP-111-001, respond as operators during swap of Service Water pumps Using P&ID SW1, when asked to: Close 109006 for 1 C SW Pp, click on the valve and use the remote function to close it. When valve indicates closed, report 109006 is closed Open 109006 1 C SW Pp, click on the valve and use the remote function to open it. When valve indicates open, report 109006 is open Close 109004 1 A SW Pp, click on the valve and use the remote function to close it. When valve indicates closed, report 109004 is closed Open 109004 1 A SW Pp, click on the valve and use the remote function to open it. When valve indicates open, report 109004 is open
  • Depress Soft Key #1 to activate scn NRC1A when directed to reposition the service water pump breaker trip enable switches per OP-111-001 2.7.12 and 2.7.13. When file is done running, report: HSS-10901A1 on 1A10106 for 'A' SW Pp is in Trip Enable HSS-10901C1 on 1A10113 for 'c' SW Pp is in Off HSS*10901C2 on 1A10213 for 'C' SW Pp is in Trip Enable
  • Respond to request for assistance as appropriate EVENT 2: APRM 2 Fails Upscale MALFUNCTION I REMOTE FUNCTION I REPORT
  • When SW pump swap complete and chief examiner ready to proceed, click Soft Key 2 to insert IMF mfNM178007B f:125 for APRM 2 high failure
  • As NPO sent to the relay room, report that all four voters have an APRM 2 vote and APRM 2 indicates it is upscale Respond to request for assistance as appropriate


  • When APRM 2 bypassed, TS call complete, and chief examiner ready to proceed, click Soft Key 3 to insert IMF mfHP152004 for inadvertent HPCI start Respond to request for assistance as appropriate Page 16 of 40 NRC Scenario #1 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test I Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions EVENT 4: Rod 30-27 Drifts In to Position 10 ./ MALFUNCTION I REMOTE FUNCTION I REPORT
  • When HPCI overridden, TS call complete, and chief examiner ready to proceed, click Soft Key 4 to insert IMF mfR01550133027 f:8 to drift control rod 30-27 in
  • As NPO dispatched to HCU 30-27, report that the Outlet scram valve line is hot
  • Acknowledge request to disarm HCU 30-27, wait 5 minutes then Click Soft Key 5 to insert IRF rfR01550073027 f:OISARM, and report disarming Rod 30-27 is complete
  • As FIN Team sent to investigate, acknowledge the request, wait five minutes and report that the Scram Outlet Valve for 30-27 is leaking and you will discuss possible repairs with your supervision
  • Respond to request for assistance as appropriate EVENT 5: '0' Condensate Pump Trip with Failed Runback ./ MALFUNCTION I REMOTE FUNCTION I REPORT
  • Once control rod 30-27 is disarmed, the Tech Spec call is complete, and when chief examiner ready to proceed, activate Soft Key 6 to insert IMF mfFW1440030 to trip '0' Condensate Pump
  • Respond to request for I&C/Work Week Manager support
  • If NPO dispatched, acknowledge direction to investigate; wait 2 minutes and report back that Condensate Pump '0' tripped on ground instantaneous overcurrent, no other abnormalities
  • When contacted as the TB NPO to check FW Heater Panel alarms, use PNOVs and report actual alarms.
  • Respond to request for assistance as appropriate EVENT6" O'Isconnected n b oard " A" ." SOVI o ram Ir F" Ittmg ./ MALFUNCTION I REMOTE FUNCTION I REPORT
  • Once manual run back is completed and the chief examiner is ready to proceed, click Soft Key 7 to insert IMF cmfAV02YV147F011, MMF mfR01550103027 f:100, and IMF mfRD1550103027 d:300 f:50 to fail SDV drain valve closed and modify control rod 30-27 scram valve leakage.
  • When dispatched as NPO, wait 2 minutes and report a loose air fitting at the F011 valve and attempting to reconnect, but fitting appears cross-threaded
  • Respond to req uest for assistance as appropriate Page 17 of 40 NRC Scenario #1 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions EVENTS 7,8,9,10, 11: Hydraulic ATWS, Loss of SLC, CRD Pump Trip, HPCI Trip, Failure o f ro d s t 0 d" rive, R apl"d D " f epressunza Ion v' MALFUNCTION I REMOTE FUNCTION I REPORT
  • Once level reduction has begun, as NPO report that you were able to connect the air fitting for the SOV liB Drain Valve, and that the valve should now function correctly
  • When reactor water level stable in band -60"-)-110" and chief examiner ready to proceed, click Soft Key 8 to insert IMF cmfPM03_1 P113A to trip 'A' EHC pump, causing main turbine trip and preventing bypass valve usage
  • As NPO sent to investigate 11A Bus status, acknowleqge direction and do not report on status
  • As NPO, acknowledge direction to perform ES-150-002, get the initialed copy from the SRO but do not perform
  • As NPO, acknowledge direction to perform ES-158-002 then get the initialed copy from the SRO * (If requested)

As NPO, acknowledge direction to CLOSE CRO Charging Water Isolation Valve 146F034. Wait 1 minute and click Soft Key 9 * (If requested)

As NPO, acknowledge direction to OPEN CRD Charging Water Isolation Valve 146F034. Wait 1 minute and click Soft Key 10

  • Once the crew is controlling RPV level with HPCI, call the Unit Supervisor on the page and report you are ready to open ARI breakers 1 0614006 and 10624016 per ES-158-002.

Wait 1 minute and activate Soft Key 11 to run scn batch1\RPB.0ISABLARI.

When the file is done running, report that ARI is disabled lAW ES-158-002

  • When PCO has inserted four rods and chief examiner ready to proceed, click Soft Key 12 to insert IMF mfHP152015 to trip HPCI and lOR diHSC121S12 d:120 f:OFF and lOR diHSC121 S10 d:120 f:OFF to prevent further rod movement
  • Once Rapid Depressurization is in progress, call the Unit Supervisor on the page and report you are ready to bypass RPS trips lAW ES-158-002.

When directed to continue, click Soft Key 13 to run scn batch1\RPB.ES158002.

When the ES-158-002 scenario completes running report that the RPS trips are bypassed lAW ES-158-002

  • When the scram is reset and the A TC is ready to re-scram the reactor, click Soft Key 14 to delete Browns Ferry ATWS and additional stuck rods
  • Respond to request for assistance as appropriate
  • Once A TWS has been terminated with level control using low pressure ECCS and upon direction of the Chief Examiner, place the simulator in freeze Page 18 of 40 NRC Scenario #1 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions Appendix Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 lOP-Test No.: Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: Page_ of -i Event


Swap running SW pumps from 1A to 1 C Po Applicant's Actions or Behavior Directs BOP to swap running SW pumps from 1 A to 1 C Obtains copy of OP-iii-001 and proceeds to section 2.7, Service Water Pump Swap BOP (Step 2.7.3) Contacts NPO to check standby Service Water Pump 1 P502C seal water pressure >30 psig on local PI-1 0901 C, will . receive report back that pressure is satisfactory (Step 2.7.4) Ensures Serv WTR PP 1 P502C in automatic standby by verifying

'C' SW Pump switches in automatic (Step 2.7.5) Ensures HSS-i0901C SERV WTR PP C PREFERRED BUS switch in 1 Ai 0111 A position at Panel 1 C668 (Step 2.7.10) IF swapping SERV WTR PP 1 P502C in service and stopping SERV WTR PP 1 P502A, perform the following:

a. Start standby SERV WTR PP 1 P502C as follows: (1) Dispatches NPO to Close 109006 SW Pp C Dsch Iso. Will receive report back that 109006 is closed. (2) Depress RUN pushbutton.

(3) Directs NPO to slowly Open 109006 until 110-125 psig on local PI-10903C.

Will receive report back that 109006 is partially open, pressure is 110-125 psig. (4) Directs NPO to check Service Water Pump 1P502C for cavitation indicating further venting required.

Will receive report back that no cavitation in progress.

i (5) Directs NPO to fully Open 109006. Will receive report back that 109006 is fully open. I Page 19 of 40 NRC Scenario #1 Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions BOP (Step 2.7.10) WHEN system pressure stabilizes, Stop SERV WTR PP 1 P502A as follows: (1) Directs NPO to close 109004 SW Pp A Dsch Iso. Will receive report back that valve is closed. Depresses 1 P502A 'A' SW Pump AUTO pushbutton, THEN (3) Depresses 1 P502A 'A' SW Pump STOP pushbutton. Directs NPO to open 109004 SW Pp A Dsch Iso, will receive report back that 109004 is open. (Step 2.7.12) Perform following for service water pump being removed from service: IF SERV WTR PP 1 P502A being removed from service, at 1A10106, Perform the following:

(1) Directs NPO to place HSS-10901A1 Inst trip enable to TRIP ENABLE position.

Will receive report back that HSS-10901A1 is in TRIP ENABLE (2) Ensure 861 A 10106 RESET. Will receive report back that 861A10106 is RESET. (Step 2.7.13) Perform following for service water pump being placed in service: lE SERV WTR PP 1 P502C being placed in service AND HSS-10901C SERVWTR PP C PREFERRED BUS in 1A10111A position:

(1) Directs NPO to place HSS-1 0901C1 Inst Trip Enable at 1A10113 to OFF position.

Will receive report back that HSS-10901C1 is in OFF (2) Directs NPO to place HSS-10901C2 Inst Trip Enable at 1A10213 to TRIP ENABLE position.

Will receive report back that HSS-1 0901 C2 is in TRIP ENABLE (Step 2.7.14) Verifies Service Water System pressure>

80 psig and stable on PICSY Display SRWTR (Step 2.7.15) IF desired, Place service water pump stopped in automatic standby as follows: Depress SERV WTR Pp 1 P502A AUTO pushbutton Page 20 of 40 NRC Scenario #1 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions Appendix 0 Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: __ Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 2 Page of -Event


APRM 2 Fails Priority:

Declare APRM 2 inoperable and bypass APRM Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior n Consults Tech Specs and TRO 3.1.3 and 3.3.9, notes no SRO required actions as only 3 channels are required for operation, PTSA entry only Declares APRM 2 Inoperable and recognizes the failed APRM SRO should be Briefs crew on plant status and directs bypassing APRM SRO Evaluator Note: Once APRM 2 has been bypassed, proceed to next event, Key 3, inadvertent start of HPCI Contacts WWM to have FIN invest!gate failure of Unit 1 APRM 2 SRO Reports AR-103-001 (A06) APRM UPSCALEIINOP TRIP alarm, ATC 103-001 (B06) APRM UPSCALE alarm, and AR-104-001 (H03) ROD OUT BLOCK. Refers to the alarm response and verifies the indications on 1 C651 ATC and ODAs Based on control room indications, reports a Fault on APRM 2 with ATC an INOP trip and rod block Places bypass joystick to the right to #2 position at Panel 1 C651 ATC and reports that APRM 2 is bypassed Directs an NPO (or may go himself/herself) to the Lower Relay BOP Room, Panel 1 C608 to perform OP-17B-002, Section 2.7 for Self-Test Faults J Refers to OP-178-002, PRNMS procedure and attachment BOP Page 21 of 40 NRC Scenario #1 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test I Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: __ Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 3 Page_of Event


Inadvertent Start of HPCI Priority:

Override HPCI injection, declare HPCl inoperable, and ensure RCIC operability Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior Verifies no valid initiation signal exists SRO Directs HPCI overridden Directs ATC to enter ON-156-001 May direct A TC to reduce reactor power to pre-transient level by reducing recirc flow Declares HPCI Inoperable Enter TS LCO 3.5.1 Condition D Required Action D.1: Verify RCIC Operable immediately and Required Action D.2: restore HPCI to Operable within 14 days, Contacts Work Week Manger concerning the HPCI injection, requests FIN support, and notification of the Duty Manager Evaluator Note: Once HPCI has been overridden, TS call complete, and RCIC verified operable, proceed to next event. Key 4, Rod 27 scram outlet valve leakage Reports AR-101-001 (B17) RX WATER HI-LO LEVEL and AR-1 ATC 001 (D06) CONDENSATE FILTRATION 1C1103 SYSTEM TROUBLE (These alarms are expected for the conditions if HPCI is allowed to inject. This causes a high water level until reactor feedwater can compensate, and also disturbs the flow balance in the condensate system. Both alarms will clear shortly after coming in) Refers to ON-156-001 and determines no other reactivity control ATC systems were responsible for the power increase Reduces reactor power to pre-transient levels by pushing ATC I pushbuttons on Recirc flow Page 22 of 40 NRC Scenario #1 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions BOP BOP BOP Observes AR-114-001 (E02), HPCI Pump Dsch Lo Flow alarm and AR-101-001 (B05) RX BLDG AREA PANEL 1C605 HI RADIATION Reports HPCI start. Verifies adequate core cooling by two independent means and ensures Drywell pressure is < 1.72 psig Obtains SRO concurrence to Override HPCI Overrides HPCI (OP-152-001 Attachment C Hard Card): a. Places HPCI AUXILIARY PUMP 1 P213 switch to START. b. Depresses HPCIINT SIG RESET HS-E41-1S17 RESET pushbutton.

c. IF HPCI initiation resets, Shut Down HPCI in accordance with "Shutdown" section of OP-152-00 1. d. IF HPCI initiation does not reset, stop injection/shut down using following sections (1) preferred, OR (2): (1 ) Reduce HPCI turbine speed to stop injection: (a) Place HPCI TURBINE FLOW CONTROL FC-E41-1R600 in MANUAL. (b) Reduce demand to stop HPCI flow. (c) Ensure MIN FLOW TO SUPP POOL HV-155-F012 OPENS (d) Ensure HPCI Auxiliary Oil Pump 1 P213 does not cycle on and off. (e) Monitor frequently HPCI speed for oscillations. (f) IF turbine speed oscillations occur Increase HPCI turbine speed. Evaluator Note: HPCI may be overridden from memory by performance of steps (1)(a) and (1)(b), at which point operator should reference hard card to ensure aI/ actions completed Inspects RCIC for any indications of inoperability, ensures it is lined up for automatic operation, reports RCIC operable Page 23 of 40 NRC Scenario #1 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions Appendix 0 Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 4 Page of Event


Rod 30-27 Drifts In to Position Priority:

Priority is to declare rod 30-27 inoperable, fully insert, and disarm n Applicant's Actions or Behavior Directs implementation of 01\1-155-001 SRO Directs insertion and disarming of control rod 30-27 SRO Declares control rod 30-27 inoperable.

Complies with TS 3.1.3, condition C Action C.1 Fully insert inoperable control rod within 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> AND Action C.2 Disarm the associated CRD within 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> Contacts Reactor Engineering Contacts Work Week Manager/FIN Evaluator Note: Once control rod 30-27 has been declared inoperable, inserted and disarmed, proceed to next event. Key 6, '0' Condensate Pump trip with failed runback Reports AR-104-001 (H05) Rod Drift alarm, depresses the DISPLAY ATC RODS DFTING Pushbutton, determines 30-27 is drifting in by observing its position on the 4-Rod display_ Page 24 of 40 NRC Scenario #1 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions Implements ON-155-001, section 4.4 for Rod Drift or Rod Scram: ATC 4.4.1 Check Full Core Display for identification of any drifting control rod by Depressing DISPLAY RODS DFTING Pushbutton, notes control rod 30-27 has drifted in to position 10. 4.4.2 Check for any open scram valves by Depressing DISPLAY SCRAM VALVES OPEN pushbutton, notes no scram valves open for rod 30-27. 4.4.3 Select rod 30-27 to determine position, reports position 10. 4.4.4 Reset the Rod Drift Alarm as follows: a. Depress the Rod Drift Reset pushbutton.

b. Verify Rod Drift Alarm clears. 4.4.6 Ensure proper cooling water diff/pressure being maintained by observing PDI-C12-1 R603 Cooling Water Diff Pressure indicator and FI-C12-1 R605 Cooling Water Flow. 4.4.9 Perform the following for any drifted or partially scrammed
a. Promptly Inserts rod to position 00. Selects control rod 27 and depresses insert pushbutton Evaluator Note: Control rod will not move when this is performed.

A TC Informs the SRO that 30-27 will not move and proceeds to section 4.3 for the stuck rod ATC ON-155-001 Section 4.3 (Step 4.3.1) IF rod position indication does not change when valid withdraw OR insert signal applied, Perform the following: Confirm control rod position using any 3 of the available rod position indication as follows: CRT and SIP 4 ROD DISPLAY (2) FULL-IN/FULL-OUT DISPLAY push button (3) OD-7 (4) Alarm logging printer, System Event Display Message (5) RWM Main Display when below Low Power Alarm Point Page 25 of 40 NRC Scenario #1 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions ATC IF rod failed to move, Attempt to move control rod (1) Complete rod data on Attachment A (2) In -50 psid increments, Increase drive water pressure by operating Drive Wtr Press Thtlg PV-146-F003 AND (3) Perform following at each increment until :;350 psid ATC reached (a) Attempt to operate drive one notch insert, while observing drive water flows (4gpm for insert) (b) IF rod position does not change on 4-rod display, Confirm control rod position using available rod position indications (d) Repeat as necessary, until 350 psid reached. Evaluator Note: Nominal drive DIP is initially 250 psid, so attempts will be made at 250, 300, and 350 psid to insert the control rod BOP (BOP notes max allowable DIP for this rod is 435 psid) IF rod failed to move, Increase drive water pressure >350 psid as follows: (1) In -25 psid increments, Increase drive water pressure (2) Perform following at each increment Maximum Drive Pressure Allowed is reached (a) Attempt to operate drive one notch insert, while observing drive water flows (4 gpm insert). (b) If rod position does not change on 4-rod display, Confirm control rod position using available rod position indications.

Evaluator Note: Control rod will insert once 375 psid drive header DIP is achieved (f) If rod moves one notch in intended direction, go to Step 4.3.1.f (Step 4.3.1.f) Record drive water pressure required to move control rod on Attachment A. (Step 4.3.1.g) Record drive water flow that is indicated while attempting to move stuck control rod on Attachment A. (Step 4.3.1.h) Return drive water pressure to -250 psid, for each subsequent rod notch. Document on Attachment A. . A TC repeats actions to move control rod to 00 . (ON-i55-00i Step 4.4.9.b) Directs NPO to Hydraulically Disarm HCU in accordance with OP-i55-00i Control Rod Drive Hydraulic I System section 2.6. Page 26 of 40 NRC Scenario #1 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-O-2 Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 5 Page_of_ Event


Trip of Condensate Pump '0' with failed recire pump run back Priority:

Initiate manual recirc runback and monitor power/flow map and APRM for indications of power/flow instabilities Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SRO Directs A TC to initiate #2 Limiter runback SRO Directs ATCIBOP entry into ON-164-002 and performance of section 4.4 Evaluator Note: Once action has been taken to complete manual recirc runback, proceed to next event. Key 7, Scram Discharge Volume drain valve F011 fails closed Reports trip of 'D' Condensate Pump and responds to annunciators ATC AR-101-001 (A09) CONDENSATE PUMP D TRIP, and reports that runback did not occur. Reports reactor power, RPV level and trend Page 27 of 40 NRC Scenario #1 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions ATC Performs OP-164-002 Attachment E for manual flow reduction (actions may be performed from memory) Evaluator Note: Applicants may choose to manually reduce flow to 48% demand by using the DEC pushbuttons for each recirc pump or initiate a limiter #2 runback instead. (Step 2.14.4.a)

Ensures SRO concurs or has provided direction to perform runback by manual reduction or initiating a Manual Rx Recirc Pump Speed reduction to Limiter #2. (Step 2. 14.4.b)Touch anyone of the following buttons on the vertical selection list. (1 )RRP DUAL SCRN (Manual Mode Screen) (2)RRP_A (3)RRP_B (Step 2.14.4.c) lE on RRP DUAL SCRN, Touch either the 'A' or 'B' Screen Select MANUAL button. (Step 2.14.4.d)

Touch MANUAL FLOW REDUCTION INITIATION button. (Step 2.14.4.e)

Touch LIMITER # 2 48% button on the overlay screen. (Step 2.14.4.f)

Ensure the information is correct for a Limiter #2, and Touch INITIATE RRP FLOW REDUCTION button on the confirmation overlay screen. (Step 2.14.4.g)

Ensure both Rx Recire pumps run back to the 48% Gen 1A(1B) Speed on SI-14032A(B). (Step 2.14.4.h)

Perform the applicable section( s) of ON-164-002, Loss of Rx Recirculation Flow. Performs ON-164-002 section 4.4 Plot position on Power/Flow Map. Ensure a Non-Peripheral Control Rod selected.

ATC/BOP Monitor LPRM's for Limit Cycle Dispatches NPO to investigate trip of '0' Condensate Pump, receive report back that it tripped on ground overcurrent, no BOP abnormalities noted Page 28 of 40 NRC Scenario #1 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions Appendix Required Operator Actions Form ES-O-2 Op-Test No.: __ Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: Page_of_ Event


Disconnected SDV Inboard Drain Air Priority:

Take decisive action to scram the reactor before the automatic scram from scram discharge volume Applicant's Actions or Behavior Requests assistance from Work Week Manager/FIN SRO Determines SDV drain valve has no air supply and SDV is filling up (as indicated by AR-103-001 (G02) SCRAM DISCHARGE VOLUME NOT DRAINED and AR-104-001 (H03) ROD OUT BLOCK) due to scrammed control rod 30-27 Will direct entry into ON-100-101 SCRAM, SCRAM IMMINENT or placing mode switch directly to SHUTDOWN, skipping actions to notify GCC and verifying recirc flow has been reduced to Limiter #2 Evaluator Note: Once the mode switch is placed in SHUTDOWN, scenario will progress to next event, no cue is necessary Evaluator Note: The ON-100-101 steps will be skipped and performed within EOP's if the mode switch is directed to be placed in SHUTDOWN vice performing ON-toO-tOt SCRAM, SCRAM IMMINENT (ON-100-101 Step 4.3.3)!E more than 1 control rod remains> 00, Enter EO-1 00-113 at step LQ/Q-2. Enters EO-1 00-1 02, RPV Control when RPV water level reaches +13" due to shrink caused by the partial scram (EO-100-002 Step RC-2) Notes more than one control rod remains >00, exits EO-1 00-1 02 and enters EO-1 00-113, Level/Power Control at LQ-1 Page 29 of 40 NRC Scenario #1 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions Evaluator Note: SDV vent/drain valve indications are below the RWM. Normally both lights are red (aI/ valves open). Once malfunction is inserted, bottom fight will indicate amber, indicating a valve closure. A TC may also respond to computer alarm for SDV vent/drain valves closed. Approximate time from valve closure to NOT DRAINED alarm is 3 minutes. Responds to computer alarm for SDV Vent/Drain valves and AR-1 001 (G02) SCRAM DISCHARGE VOLUME NOT DRAINED (Step 2.2) Check Vent and Drain Valves indicate operi. ATC reports that XV-147F011 is closed (Step 2.3) IF Scram Discharge Volume does not drain, Ensure Vent and Drain Valves physically open. Dispatches NPO to investigate locally, will receive report back that the air fitting is disconnected from the valve and that the NPO is working on getting it re-connected. (ON-100-101 Step 3.1.1) Verifies recirc flow has been reduced to Rx Recirc Limiter #2 (already performed due to condensate pump trip) (Step 4.1) Place Mode Switch HS-C72A-1S01 to SHUTDOWN (Step 4.2) Observe all Control Rods indicate fully inserted (using two indications, 00-7 completed as soon as possible).

ATC reports that multiple control rods did not insert (The following are automatic operator actions) (Step 4.3) IF more than 1 control rod> 00: (Step 4.3.1) Arm AND Depress manual scram pushbuttons.

c. RPS MAN SCRAM CHAN A2 HS-C72A-1 S03C d. RPS MAN SCRAM CHAN 82 HS-C72A-1S03D Contact GCC to inform them that Unit 1 is coming offline (The following are automatic operator actions) (Step 4.3.2) Initiate ARI by arming and depressing:
a. ARI DIV 1 MAN TRIP HS-147103A1 TRIP b. ARI DIV 2 MAN TRIP HS-147103B1 TRIP Page 30 of 40 NRC Scenario #1 Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 Page_ of Event


Hydraulic A TWS, Main Turbine Trip with loss of bypass capability, SBLC injection failure, RCIC auto start failure, HPCI trip requiring Rapid Depressurization

  • Contains action items to complete critical task 1, Inserts control rods lAW EO-100-113 Sht. 2 eContains action items to complete critical task 2, Inhibits ADS and Lowers RPV level to <-60" but >-161" -Contains action items to complete critical task 3, Stops and prevents injection except from SLC and CRD IPerform Rapid Depressurization when RPV level cannot be restored and maintained>

-161" Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SRO Enters EO-1 00-1 02 RPV CONTROL due to existing SCRAM condition and power >5%, reaches step RC-2, exits EO-100-102 RPV CONTROL, and enters EO-100-113 LEVEL/POWER CONTROL eSRO (EO-100-113 LQ/Q-3) Directs BOP to inject SBLC and inhibit ADS. (LO/Q-4) Directs FUS to inject SBLC using RCIC via ES-150-002 Contacts WWM to have FIN investigate problems with U-1 SBLC pumps (LOIO-6) Directs ATC to ensure SRMIIRM inserted (LO/O-7) Directs ATC to run both Recirc pumps back to minimum (LO/O-8) Directs ATC to trip both Recirc pumps, one at a time SRO (LO/O-9) Directs BOP to maximize CRD/start

'A' CRD pump eSRO (LQlL-6) Directs ATC/BOP to throttle and prevent injection, reduce level to -60" 7--110" Evaluator Note: Once reactor water level is stable in band -60"-7-110':

proceed to next event. Key 8, trips 'l\' EHC pump and '8' fails to start, resulting in a turbine trip and loss of bypass valves. Also, aux bus 11A fails to auto transfer, resulting in a loss of the remaining condensate pumps, and tripping of aI/ reactor feed pumps. Note: there is a time delay from EHC pump trip to turbine trip, due to system pressure bleed-down SRO (LO/L-8) Directs BOP to bypass MSIV/CIG interlocks eSRO (LQlL-13)

Upon trip of condensate and feedwater, directs BOP to maintain Rxwater level <-60" but >-161" using HPCI and RCIC SRO (LO/P-6) Directs BOP to stabilize Rx Pressure 800-1050#

by using bypass va Ives/SRV Evaluator Note: SRO may proactively direct Core Spray system to be overridden as RPV pressure drops per guidance in LQ/P-2 SRO Directs BOP to place Suppression Pool Cooling in service Page 31 of 40 NRC Scenario #1 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions (LQlQ-4) Directs ATC to insert control rods by driving control rods AND Upon receiving communication from NPO that SDV drain valve function has been restored, directs ATC to call out for ES-158-002 to also insert rods by resetting and scramming again Evaluator Note: Once 4 control rods have been inserted, initiate the next event. Key 12, HPGI turbine trip and malfunction of rod insertion pushbuttons Directs FUS/NPO to disable ARI and bypass RPS logic trips as necessary lAW ES-158-002 (LQlL-14)

If level cannot be restored and maintained

>-161" 1. Go to LQlL-18 2. Go to Rapid Depress (LQlL-18)

Directs BOP to stop and prevent injection from FW/Cond/LPCIICore Spray Announces entry into EO-100-112 Rapid Depressurization (RD-8) Directs BOP to open all ADS valves Once rapid depressurization has begun, directs BOP to restore level <-60" -7 >-161" using LPCI while coordinating with ATC to monitor Nl's due to injection of cold, unborated water Directs ATC to monitor NI's while restoring Rx water level due to injection of cold, unborated water Evaluator Note: Scenario may be terminated once the A TWS has terminated and low pressure EGGS is being used for level Once ATWS has been terminated, exits EO-100-113 LEVEL/POWER CONTROL and re-enters EO-1 00-1 02 RPV CONTROL Directs ATC/BOP to coordinate and restore reactor water level to +20"7+45" using low pressure ECCS Reports failure to SCRAM, completes ON-100-101 actions listed in event 7 Page 32 of 40 NRC Scenario #1 Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration ATC (OP-145-001 Hard Card Step 2) WHEN directed by Shift Lower Rx Recirc Pump Speeds to Minimum on any Rx Recirc (Manual) Touches the MANUAL FLOW REDUCTION INITIATION Touches the RRP SPEED TO MINIMUM button on the Manual Reduction Initiation

  • Touches the INITIATE RRP FLOW REDUCTION button on the confirmation overlay screen and Observe both Rx Recire Pump Gen Speeds lowering.
  • Reports completion to SRO (OP-145-001 Hard Card Step 3) WHEN directed by Shift Supervision.

Ensure Rx Recirc Pump Speeds are approximately 20% and TRIP the 'A' and 'B' Rx Recirc Pumps one at a time, and reports completion to SRO. (OP-145-001 Attachment C Hard Card) 5) Ensure the HPCI and RCIC Systems have been overridden prior to lowerir RPV Water Level to < -30". IF RFP A(B)(C) is operating in FCM: (2.19.9) Place the FW LO LOAD DEMAND SIGNAL TO LV-10641.

controller LlC-C32-1 R602 in MANUAL with a controller output of 0%. (2.19.9a) Place the FW LEVEL CTLIDEMAND SIGNAL controller LlC-C32-1 R600 in MANUAL. (2.19.9b) Perform the following for the RFP A(B)(C) which will continue feeding: (2.19.9c) Touch the A(8)(C) RFPT MAN VLV CTL button. (2.19.9c(1

>> Place the feeding RFP A(8)(C) SPD CTLIDEMAND SIGNAL controller SIC-C32-1 R601 A(B)(C) in MANUAL. (2.19.9c(2>> Lower FW LEVEL CTLIDEMAND SIGNAL controller LlC-C32-1R600 output by -12%. (2.19.9d) Place the remaining in-service RFP B(C)(A) in the IDLE MODE ( Adjust the INC/DEC buttons on the feeding RFP A(B)(C) SPD CTLIDEMAND SIGNAL controller SIC-C32-1 R601A(B)(C) to establish and maintain the assigned level band. (2.19.9f)

Page 33 of 40 NRC Scenario #1 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test i Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions Using EO-113-001 "To Drive Control Rods" hard card (CR*6) Bypasses RWM by: Insert key into RWM Normal/Bypass keylock AND Turn fully clockwise to BYPASS position (CR*7) Establish approximately (if obtainable): 63 GPM cooling water flow AND 350 PSID drive water pressure (applicant attempts to adjust drive pressure MOV and flow control valve to achieve parameters, but will have minimal success) Evaluator Note: Due to insertion of flow control valve failure earlier Cto I2revent drifting control rods in with cooling water Qressurel, these l2arameters will not be adiustable but will still enable insertion of control rods bv selecting and deeressing the insert l2ushbutton Selects rods in rotating quadrants AND depresses continuous insert pushbutton until Full*ln or rod will not move for: (1) Intermediate position rods (2) Full out rods Evaluator Note: Due to addition of several rods stuck out to raise initial A TWS power, some control rods will not insert when attempted.

A TC will then move on to insert other rods and report this to the SRO. Once notified by FUS/NPO that ES*15S*002 has been performed: (OP-15S*001)

Resets SCRAM by: (Step 2.6.7) Reset RPS Trip System by Momentarily POSitioning RPS SCRAM RESET Control Switch HS-C72A-1 S05 as follows: (Step 2.6.7.a) To GRP 1/4 pOSition. (Step 2.6.7.b) To GRP 2/3 position (Step 2.6.11) Ensure Open Charging Wtr Hdr Iso 146F034 (Also CR-20) (Step CR-20) When SDV partially drains {RPS CHAN A1/A2 OR (B1/B2) SCRAM DSCH VOL HI WTR LEVEL TRIP alarm AR-103*001 (F02) I 104*001 (F02) is clear}, insert manual scram by arming and depressing i one manual scram pushbutton per RPS subsystem (A1 or A2 AND B1 or B2) Communicates with BOP while monitoring NI's for level restoration, and continues to reset and SCRAM as necessary until all control rods are fully inserted.

I Reports all control rods fully inserted to SRO Page 34 of 40 NRC Scenario #1 Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions Initiates ARI per ON-100-101 required actions listed in event 7 (OP-153-001 Attachment A) 1. Place HS-14804 SBLC MANUAL INITIATION keylock control switch to A START. 2. Observe SBLC PUMPS 1 P208A STARTS 3. Once initiated, Observe the following

c. SBLC SQUIB VALVES LOSS OF CKT CONTINUITY annunciator ALARMS d. Pump 1 P208A(B) Red indicating light ILLUMINATED
e. SBLC PUMP discharge header pressure -200 psig greater than reactor pressure (discharge pressure will indicate ZERO due to shaft shear) f. SBLC FLOW Indicates

_. 2:: 40 GPM (flow will indicate ZERO due to shaft shear on A SBLe pump) g. SBLC Storage Tank level decreasing (will not be occurring due to no SBLC injection)

h. Reactor power level decreasing (will not be occurring due to no SBLC injection) Reports to SRO that A SBLC injection failed, proceeding to inject with B SBLC 1. Place HS-14804 SBLC IVIANUAL INITIATION keylock control switch to B START. 2. Observe SBLC PUMPS 'IP208B STARTS 3. Once initiated, Observe the following
d. Pump 1 P208(B) Red indicating light ILLUMINATED
e. SBLC PUMP discharge header pressure -200 psig greater than reactor pressure f. SBLC FLOW Indicates

--2:: 40 GPM g. SBLC Storage Tank level decreasing

h. Reactor power level decreasing Reports to SRO that B SBLC pump tripped after -30 seconds Directs NPO to check Unit 1 SBLC Pumps and 1 B217-06 for 1 B SLC Pump (OP-183-001 Step 2.6.4) Places following keylock switches to INHIBIT: ADS A Logic Control ADS B Logic Control Page 35 of 40 NRC Scenario #1 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions BOP (OP-184-001 Attachment A Hard Card) Bypasses MSIVICIG interlocks:
1. Bypass MSIV Low Water Level 1 Isolation at 1 C645 by Placing the following to BYPASS: a. HS-B21-S38A Rx Wtr Lvi 1 MSIV Bypass Logic A. b. HS-B21-S38C Rx Wtr Lvii MSIV Bypass Logic C. 2. Bypass CIG Low Water Level 1 and High Drywell Pressure Isolation by Placing the following to BYPASS: a. At 1C645, HS-12694 Low Lvi 1/Hi Drywell Press CIG Bypass (HV-12603)
b. At 1C645, HS-12695 Low Lvi 1/Hi Drywell Press CIG Bypass (SV-12651)
c. At 1C644, HS-i2696 Low Lvi 1/Hi Drywell Press CIG Bypass (SV-12605)

BOP BOP Reports trip of 'B' CRD pump (ON-i55-007) (May be performed from memory) (Step 3.4) IF CRD Pump 1P132A(B) trip occurred AND cause not due to loss of pump suction: (Step 3.4.1) Close CRD Flow Control Valve FV-146-F002A(B) as follows: (Step 3.4.1.a) Place CRD Flow Controller FC-C12-1R600 in MANUAL. (Step 3.4.1.b) Set CRD Flow Controller FC-C12-1 R600 to 0% DEMAND SIGNAL. (Step 3.4.1.c) Verify CRD Flow Control Valve FV-146-F002A(B}

CLOSED. (Step 3.4.2) Start standby CRD Pump 1 P132B(A) by placing control switch to RUN position.

BOP Operates SRV control switches as necessary to stabilize Rx Pressure 1050# Page 36 of 40 NRC Scenario #1 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions Places SUQQression Pool Cooling in service: (OP-149-004 Attachment A) Places system in service: (Step 1) Places ESW in service by depressing ESW Pump OP504A(B)(C)(D)

RUN pushbutton (Step 2) Opens HV-151-F028A(B)


RHR INJ FLOW CTL (Step 4) Starts 1 P202A(S)(C)(D)

RHR PUMP Establishes cooling (Step 1a) Throttles open HV-151-F024A(B)

TEST LINE CTL to total loop f10wrate 9,500 to 10,000 gpm as indicated on FI-E11-1 RHR AlC (B/D) (Step 1b) Places RHRSW in service to heat (1) Verifies Unit 2 HV-21210A(B)

RHRSW Hx A(B) INLET CLOSED (2) Opens HV-11210A(S)

Unit 1 RHRSW Hx A(B) INLET to 10% Open (3) Opens HV-11215A{B)

Unit 1 RHRSW Hx A(S) OUTLET (4) If required, places HS-11202A3(83)

RHRSW PUMP A{B) LOCA-TRIP switch to RESET (5) Starts 1 P506A(B) RHRSW Pump A(S) (6) Throttles HV-11210A(S)

Unit 1 RHRSW Hx A(S) INLET to establish 8000 to 9000 gpm on FI-E11-1R602A(B)

RHRSW HX A(S) INLET FLOW (7) Places HV-151-F048A{B)

HX A(8) SHELL SIDE BYPS Control Switch to OFF/LOCA RESET position (8) Verifies White Indicating light Illuminated above F048A(B) Control Switch (9) Closes HV-151-F048A(S)

HXA(8) SHELL SIDE SYPS (Step 1c) Monitors Suppression Pool Temperature When main turbine trips with failure of aux bus to transfer, report loss of Aux Bus 11A and trip of condensate/feed pumps to SRO Restores and maintains Rx water level <-60" but >-161" using HPCI and RCIC: HPCI --Takes action to restore Rx water level by raising and lowering HPCI flow controller to maintain level in directed band Evaluator Note: RCIC will not be required until after HPCI trips. RCIC has been overridden during initial actions to stop and prevent injection.

RCIC has failed to start automatically and requires manual operator action to startup Recognizes HPCI turbine trip and cause unknown. Reports trip and RPV water level/trend to SRO Page 37 of 40 NRC Scenario #1 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions BOP Evaluator Note: RCtC requires manual component by component startup, which will be performed after HPCI trips. RCIC will be manually started up and will trip shortly after RCIC injection is established, requiring the crew to enter EO-100-112 Rapid Depressurization due to loss of all high pressure feed and inability to restore and maintain >-161". 1. Open RCIC L-O COOLER WTR SUPPLY HV-150-F046.

4. Throttle Open TURBINE TRIP AND THROTTLING HV-15012 until turbine speed> 2200 rpm. 5. WHEN RCIC Pump discharge pressure>

190 psig with flow < 75 gpm, Ensure RCIC MIN FLOW TO SUPP POOL FV-149-F019 OPENS. 6. Using TURBINE TRIP AND THROTTLE HV-15012, Raise RCIC pump discharge pressure within 50 psig of reactor pressure.

7. Open RCtC INJECTION HV-149-F013.
8. Using TURBINE TRIP AND THROTTLING HV-15012, Establish desired flow. 10. Ensure MIN FLOW TO SUPP POOL FV-149-F019 CLOSES BOP Reports trip of RCIC and current RPV level and trend Evaluator Note: Level indication transition from Wide Range to Fuel Zone is at -145" on Wide Range indication, at which point will result in corrected Fuel Zone level being declared <-161" (T AF) Page 38 of 40 NRC Scenario #1 -Susquehanna Stearn Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions Stops and prevents RHR injection by performing one of the following from OP-149-001 Attachment A: IF RHR initiated and RPV pressure >420 psig, Prevent injection per following: Place pump control switches to STOP and then Release. Observe white pump override lights ILLUMINATED, and NO RHR Pumps running. IF RHR not initiated, Prevent injection per following: Arm AND Depress initiation buttons HS-E11-1S20A and HS-E11-1 S20B. Place RHR pump control switches to STOP, then Release Observe white pump override lights ILLUMINATED, and NO RHR Pumps running. Stops and prevents Core Spray injection by performing the following from OP-151-001 Attachment C: IF Core Spray NOT initiated, or initiated but NOT injecting, (> 420 psig Rx Press) Prevent injection: IF Core Spray NOT initiated, Arm AND Depress initiation button HS-E21-1 S16A(8). Shutdown pumps: Place pump control switches to STOP AND Release. Observe white pump override lights ILLUMINATED. Observe no Core Spray pump running. When directed to open all ADS valves, places handswitches F013G, J, K, L, M, and N to open, verifies valve function by acoustic monitors and lowering RPV pressure Restores RPV level to between -60" and -161" using OP-149-001 Att A Section 4: Closes RHR Inj Flow Ctl HV-1S1-F017A(8) Start RHR Pump 'I P202A(B)(C)(O)
3. Slowly throttles open RHR Inj Flow Ctl HV-151-F017A(B)

Communicates with ATC, who is monitoring NI's Evaluator Note: RHR injection flow control valves HV-151-F017A(8) cannot be closed until the 45 second initiation time delay has elapsed. Must wait until RPV pressure <420 psig and time delay have elapsed. When directed by SRO, continues to raise reactor water level to using low pressure ECCS while coordinating with ATC to ensure no criticality occurs Page 39 of 40 NRC Scenario #1 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions Evaluator Note: Scenario may be terminated once the A TWS has been terminated and low pressure EGGS is being used for level control POST SCENARIO:

Have the applicant in the CRS position identify the highest EAL classification for the combination of events experienced during the scenario.

Evaluator Note: If RPV level during the scenario was ever <-205': highest classification will be General Emergency under MG3; if RPV level did not ever go below -205': highest classification will be Site Area Emergency under MS3 and FS1. Applicable classifications:

MG3/MS3 based upon Table M, and FS1 based upon Table F of TP-001. FS1: Loss OR Potential Loss of ANY Two Barriers Loss of RCS barrier based upon criteria 2.b: RPV Level <-161" AND Loss or Potential Loss of Fuel Clad Barrier based upon criteria 1.b: Potential Loss: RPV Level <-161" Loss: RPV Level <-205" MS3: (s) exist that indicate that Reactor Protection System setpoint was exceeded AND RPS, ARI, and Manual Scram/ARI fail to initiate and complete a scram that reduces reactor power to <5%. MG3: Indication(s) exist that indicate that Reactor Protection System setpoint was exceeded AND RPS, ARI, and Manual Scram/ARI fail to initiate and complete a scram that reduces reactor power to <5%. AND A. Reactor water level cannot be maintained

>-205" Page 40 of 40 NRC Scenario #1 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test



YES/NO NRC CODE PRIOR TO 0800 Foxtrot NRC CODE AFTER 0800 Oscar November Indigo Mike REMARKS: 1) Inserted control rods then reduced flow 3) Condensate Pump 1 B is out of service for repairs -motor replacement

'0' Cire Water was sid as of GO-100-012 actions 6) Voltage Regulator is in Manual---_. 7) Shift activities are to:

  • Swap SW Pumps so maintenance can take vibration readings on 1 C SW Pump.
  • Maintain ",,68% with Recirc 10) (Unit 2 is at 60% for water box cleaning and rod pattern excha_n.=:,9-'e)'---



1900-0700 1. Evolutions in progress and items to be completed during next shift, as noted in remarks,1J have been discussed with oncoming Unit Supervisor.

fvlI 2. Problems encountered during past shift and abnormal plant conditions, as noted in remarks, have been discussed with oncoming Unit Supervisor.

t'1) 3. Information in SOMs Log is complete and discussed with oncoming Unit Supervisor.

IV.:) 4. As applicable turnover plastic Security Badge cover and CRS Monitor function to oncoming Unit Supervisor.

1900 -0700 0700 -1900 Offgoing Unit Supervisor ONCOMING UNIT SUPERVISOR CHECKLIST:

0700-1900 1. LCOITRO Log reviewed.

(14) 2. SOMS Log reviewed for entries made in past 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />. 0700 -1900 1900 -0700 Oncoming Qualified Unit Supervisor POST RELIEF 0700-1900 1. Walk down Control Room panels with Unit Responsible PCO. 2. CRC Book reviewed and Reactivity Brief perfonmed with PCO. 3. Completed System Status Operable audit for open PMT this shift. 0700 -1900 1900 -0700 Oncoming Unit Supervisor FORM OP-AD-003-7, Rev. 18, DUPLEX, Page 2 of 2 Appendix D Scenario Form ES-D-1 Facility:

Susquehanna Scenario No.: _ Op-Test No.:


Initial Unit at 11 % power with Drywell N2 Purge In Turnover:

Unit 1 is at 950 psig and -11 % power A2SU Step 256, continuing plant startup containment purge in progress.

'A' RFP is in Discharge Pressure Mode and 'B' RFP is in The main turbine has been on turning gear for 5.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br />. The crew is expected to resume actions lAW GO-1 00-002 step 5.64.1 to ensure 3 element control is ready, place the first RFP in control mode in accordance with OP-145-001, and continue with subsequent actions in Event Malf. No. Event No. Type*

! 1 N-ATC Place first RFP in flow control mode. 2 Raise power until reactor power is close to but less than N/A SRO 16%. mfRM179011 A I-BOP f:100, SGTS A Rad Monitor instrument fails high with failure of the cmfAV03_HV1571 TS-one of the inboard purge and make-up valve to isolate. SRO 3 C-BOP Failure of MCC 1 B217, which causes loss of 'A' loop of DW spray and :h Scram which requires a transfer of the RPS rfDB105101Jopen TS-Bus power supply and reset of the:h Scram.SRO C-BOP RBCCW pump swap due to excessive seal leakage on N/A running pump. SRO +8.1 fx1 PT=45 'A' Recirc pump speed oscillation/Lock up the 'A' Recirc pump.+9.11 set fx1 mfMS183011 B BOP SRV 'B' inadvertently opens (TS)/ initiate Suppression Pool mfMS183010B d:1 cooling (ON-183-001, Stuck Open Safety Relief Valve) f:45 SRO mfMS183013B d:2:00 i:40 f:1 00 M-ALL SRV 'B' SUPP Chamber Tailpipe Break. r:720 9 cmfPM06_1 P202B( BOP/AT Running RHR pump trips on pre-overload (shaft seizure).

I O} r:4:00J100 10 Initiate SC and OW ITarget Quantitative Attributes (Per Scenario; See Section D.S.d) Actual Attributes

1. Total malfunctions (5-8) 2. Malfunctions after EOP entry (1-2) 3. Abnormal events (2-4) 4. Major transients (1-2) 5. EOPs entered/requiring sUbstantive actions (1-2) 6. EOP contingencies requiring sUbstantive actions (0-2) 7. Critical tasks (2-3)

Scenario Summary Event 1: The scenario begins with Unit 1 at -950 psig and -11 % power during reactor startup with containment (OW) purge in progress.

Following turnover the crew is expected to resume startup actions lAW GO-1 00-002 by ensuring 3 element control is ready and placing the first RFP in flow control mode. Event 2: After the first RFP is placed in flow control mode, the crew will continue with subsequent actions in GO-100-002 to raise power until reactor is close to but less than -16%. Event 3: After the power increase, a radiation monitor in the SGTS common exhaust vent duct will fail high causing isolation signals to inboard purge and makeup valves. One of the inboard purge and makeup valves will fail to isolate, crew should recognize and take actions to close the valve and reference TS. Event 4: After manual isolation of the inboard valve, the essential MCC 1 B217 will trip on a fault causing RPS MG set to trip creating Yz scram. The crew will swap RPS to alternate power supply, reset the half-scram, and restore cooling to the Reactor Recirc Pumps. TS will be referenced.

Event 5: Following the reset of Yz scram, the crew will be required to swap RBCCW pump due to a report from the field indicating excessive seal leakage from the running RBCCW pump. Event 6: After swapping the RBCCW pump, a failure in the controller for the 'A' Recirc M-G set will cause the Recirc pump speed to oscillate.

The crew should recognize the changes in core and jet pump flows and lock the 'A' Recirc pump scoop tube to prevent further speed changes. Event 7-8: Following the Recirc pump speed oscillation, the 'B' SRV will inadvertently open, requiring the crew to take actions to close the valve in accordance with ON-183-001 and place suppression pool cooling in service. The crew will not be successful in closing the SRV (per ON requiring manual scram), and a rupture of its tail pipe in the suppression pool chamber will occur. The crew will initiate a manual scram and execute PC control EO-1 00-1 03 due to OW pressure increase.

Event 9: The running oiv 2 RHR pump will trip on pre-overload due to shaft seizure the crew should recognize that the loop has drained down and only one RHR pump is available for orywell sprays due to the loss of MCC 1 B217 taking out 'A' loop of OW spray. The crew will perform a slow fill of the loop, start the other RHR pump, initiate Suppression chamber spray and when suppression chamber pressure exceeds 13 psig, the crew will initiate drywell sprays. The scenario will be terminated after OW spray has been initiated.

INSTRUCTIONS FOR SIMULATOR OPERATOR ITEM I MALFUNCTION I REMOTE FUNCTION' CONDITION Ensure NRC2 IC and scenario files are loaded on the server: 388.ic and relap_snap_388 copied in applicable IC folder NRC2.scn and NRC2A files copied in applicable SCN folder Reset simulator to Scenario IC-388 Take out of FREEZE and run scenario file NRC2, then ensure thermal power is approximately 11 % Ensure materials for applicants:

-Markup of simulator copy of GO-1 00-002 to step 5.64.1. -A2SU Sequence at Step 256 {NEED TO PROVIDE TWO MARKED UP Prepare a turnover 11 % power EOl startup ilp, 950 psig A2SU seq uence step 256 'A' RFP is in DPM and 'B' is in Standby Main Turbine has been on the Turning Gear for 5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> Drywell N2 purge is in progress.

Outside NPQ stationed at the N2 truck Shift activities a re for: PCOM to place 'A' RFP in Flow Control Mode iaw OP-145-001 Crew to continue to raise power to 15% in preparation for generator synchronization (Unit 2 is at 100%) Ensure the following malfunction is -IMF cmfAV03 Ensure the following Soft Keys are assigned for SCN2: {Key[1]} IMF mfRM179011A f:100 SGTS A Rad Monitor instrument fails high {Key[2]} IRF rfPC159014 f:O Close N2 Purge {Key[3]} IRF rfdB105101_f:OPEN Failure of MCC 1B217 {Key[4n IRF rfRW114001 f:O Closes A RBCCW Pump Discharge Valve {Key[5]} IRF rfRW114001 f:100 Opens A RBCCW Pump Discharge Valve {Key[6]} IRF rfDB106275 f:OPEN Opens 1A RBCCW Pp Breaker {Key[7]} scn NRC2A Recirc pump Speed Oscillation

{Key[8]} IMF mfMS183011 B SRV 'B' stuck open {Key[8]} IMF mfMS183010B d:1 f:100 SRV 'B' stuck open {Key[9]} IMF cmfRV06_PSV141F13B Simulates pulling Fuses B21C-F021

& B21C-F022

{Key[10n DMF cmfRV06_PSV141 F13B Simulates inserting Fuses B21 C-F021 & B21C-F022


IMF mfMS183013B i:40 f:100 r:720 SRV 'B' Suppression Chamber I ./ ITEM I MALFUNCTION I REMOTE FUNCTION I CONDITION Tailpipe Break {Key[12]}

IMF cmfPM06_1 P202B r:4:00 f: 1 00 RHR pump B trips on pre-overload (shaft seizure) {KHy[13]}

IMF cmfPM06_1 P202D r:4:00 f:100 RHR pump D trips on pre-overload (shaft seizure)

  • Ensure NRC2A loads: +8.1 setfx1

+9.11 set fx1 RRPA

  • Reset any annunciators that should not be present EVENT 1: Place first RFP in flow control mode ./ MALFUNCTION I REMOTE FUNCTION I REPORT
  • Respond to request for assistance as appropriate.

EVENT 2: Raise power until reactor power is close to but less than -16% ./ MALFUNCTION I REMOTE FUNCTION I REPORT

  • Remind NRC Lead Examiner of need to wait until close to 16% prior to moving on to ensure RPV level drops below 13" for level setpoint setdown so FW does not overfeed the RPV.
  • Respond to request for assistance as appropriate EVENT 3: SGTS A Rad Monitor instrument fails high . ./ MALFUNCTION I REMOTE FUNCTION I REPORT
  • Click Soft Key 1 (SGTS A Rad Monitor instrument High failure) after reactivity manipulation has been satisfied and chief examiner is ready to proceed
  • When contacted as the NPO to close the nitrogen purge valve, click Soft Key 2 (Close N2 Purge) and report that the valve is closed.
  • When contacted as the WWM for support to deactivate DW Vent OB Isol 15714, acknowledge the request and inform the caller you wi" contact FIN. Take no further action.
  • Respond to request for assistance as appropriate.


  • Click Soft Key 3 (Failure of MCC 1 B217) after manual closure of purge and make-up valve, T8 call, shutdown of 8GT8, restoration of SGTS to standby alignment, and when chief examiner is ready to proceed.
  • As RB NPO directed to investigate loss of 1 B217, wait two minutes and report that there is a burnt smell at 1 B217, but no fire. When directed to check 1 B210-013, feed to 1 B217, report that the breaker is tripped.
  • When contacted as WWM to dispatch FIN, acknowledge request. Wait five minutes and report back as EM that 1 B217 has internal damage and estimated repair time is unknown.
  • As NPO directed to check 1 L650, wait one minute and report that 1 D653A is de-energized, 10652 voltage is normal, and 10653B is in service. I
  • Kespond to request for assistance as appropriate.

EVENT 5 : RBCCW pump swap due to excessive seal leakage . ./ MALFUNCTION I REMOTE FUNCTION I REPORT

  • After Yz scram reset, cooling is restored to RRPs, and chief examiner is ready to proceed, notify the control room as the RB NPO that there is excessive seal leakage on running RBCCW pump.
  • Respond to request for assistance as appropriate (Use P&ID RW1 when requested to provide local pressures.

Provide actual values)

  • Click Soft Key 4 (Closes A RBCCW Pump Dis Valve) when directed to close 1 A RBCCW Pp Disch valve 113062
  • Click Soft Key 5 (Opens A RBCCW Pump Dis Valve) if directed to open 1A RBCCW Pp Disch valve 113062
  • Click Soft Key 6 (Opens 1A RBCCW Pump Bkr) when directed to open breaker 1B216-103 for 1A RBCCW Pump
  • When directed to close 1 A RBCCW Pump suction valve 113057 report the valve is closed and the leak is slowing down.
  • If directed to reclose 1 A RBCCW Pp Disch valve 113062 click Soft Key 5, again EVENT 6 'A' R eClrc pump spee d OSCI"II a Ion " f ./ MALFUNCTION I REMOTE FUNCTION I REPORT I
  • Click Soft Key 7 (Recirc pump Speed Oscillations) upon RBCCW pump swap completion and chief examiner is ready to proceed.
  • Respond to request for assistance as appropriate EVENT 7
  • Click Soft Key 8 (SRV stuck open) after 'A' Recirc pump scoop tube lockup and chief examiner is ready to proceed.
  • When contacted as the NPO to pull fuses B21 C-F021 and B21 C-F022 in 1 C628 URR, wait two minutes and click Soft Key 9 (Simulates pulling fuses). Call the RO and inform him both fuses are removed.
  • If directed to reinstall the fuses, wait one minute and click Soft Key 10 (Simulates inserting fuses), then inform the RO both fuses are installed.
  • Respond to request for assistance as appropriate.


  • Click Soft Key 11 (SRV 'B' Suppression Chamber Tailpipe Break) after Suppression Pool Cooling is placed in service and chief examiner is ready to proceed.
  • Respond to request for assistance as appropriate.


  • Monitor PNOV 1 C601 B insert for RHR F024B and F027B, when candidate opens the respective valve to initiate Suppression Pool Cooling or Suppression Chamber sprays, and the lead examiner is ready to proceed trip the running RHR Pump, by: clicking Soft Key 12 (RHR pump B trip on pre-overload), if 1B RHR Pump is in service. clicking Soft Key 13 (RHR pump D trip on pre-overload), if 10 RHR Pump is in service.
  • Respond to request for assistance as appropriate.

Post Scenario.

SIMULATOR OPERATOR ACTION Once the scenario is run on the last crew, ensure that input to OD3 is restored to LEFM, from Venturis CRITICAL TASKS 1. Spray the Drywell when Suppression Chamber pressure exceeds 13 psig. Safety Significance Maintenance of primary containment integrity.

Actions are taken to spray the Drywell during a LOCA when the Suppression Chamber pressure exceeds 13 psig. From the Susquehanna Emergency Operating Procedures basis document, EO-000-103, "The value of 13 psig is the lowest suppression chamber pressure which can occur when 95% of the non-condensables (Nitrogen) in the drywell have been transferred to the suppression chamber." At 13 psig suppression chamber pressure, 5% of the non-condensables remain in the drywell. This 5% value is the limit established to preclude "chugging" the cyclic condensation of steam at the downcomer openings of the drywell vents. Values in excess of 13 psig are indicative of more non-condensables in the drywell, meaning chugging is more probable.

Chugging (steam bubble collapse at the downcomer exit resulting in a water in-rush to fill the voided areas) induces stresses at the junction of the downcomers and the drywell floor. Repeated such stresses may result in failure of these joints, creating a direct bypass from drywell to suppression chamber. Bypassing the suppression pool will directly pressurize the primary containment during a LOCA may result in failure. By requiring drywell sprays at 13 psig in the suppression chamber (5% non-condensables in the drywell), a drywell non-condensable value of >1 % will be maintained and chugging should not occur. From Appendix D of NUREG-1 021, Draft Revision 9, the critical task listed above has essential safety action that correctly completed, will prevent "degradation of any barrier to fission product release" and the crew will take action to "effectively direct or manipulate engineered safety feature (ESF) controls that would prevent any condition describe in the previous paragraph." Consequences of Failure to Perform the Task Potential failure of primary containment.

SSES EOP Basis for: SSES EOP Basis for: WHEN SUPP CHMBR PRESS> 13 PSIG CONTINUE [Directions to initiate drywell sprays] Drywell spray operation may affect the availability of electrical equipment located in the drywell. Therefore, suppression chamber sprays are given the maximum time allowable to reduce primary containment pressure before operation of drywell sprays is required.

The allowable time is determined by the suppression chamber pressure which is equated to the amount of non-condensables remaining in the drywell. The value of 13 psig is the lowest suppression chamber pressure which can occur when 95% of the non-condensables (N2) in the drywell have been transferred to the suppression chamber. That is, at least 5% non-condensables remain in the drywell when suppression chamber pressure reaches 13 psig. This non-condensable concentration limit is established to preclude chugging -the cyclic condensation of steam at the downcomer openings of the drywell vents. A suppression chamber pressure greater than 13 psig could be indicative of a lower concentration of non-condensables in the drywell, thereby meaning that chugging is more probable.

Chugging occurs when a steam bubble collapses at the exit of the downcomers, the rush of water drawn into the downcomers to fill the void induces stresses at the junction of the downcomers and the drywell floor. Repeated occurrence of such stresses could cause fatigue failure of these joints, thereby creating a direct path between the drywell and suppression chamber. Steam discharged through the downcomers could then bypass the suppression pool and directly the primary containment.

Scale model tests have demonstrated that chugging will not occur so long as the drywell contains at least 1 % non-condensables.

To preclude conditions under which chugging may occur, drywell sprays are conservatively required when at least 5% non-condensables remain in the drywell, i.e., suppression chamber pressure reaches 13 psig. Both wide range and narrow range suppression chamber pressure indication is available in the control room. Wide range suppression chamber pressure indication is available locally on Containment H2/02 Analyzer Panel if analyzer is selected to suppression chamber. Indications/Cues for the Event Requiring Critical Task Multiple control board and control room indications of suppression chamber and drywell pressures.

Performance Criteria Start an operable RHR Perform a valve alignment to provide a flowpath for Performance Feedback RHR pump, valve and system flow indications are available.

Multiple indications of Orywell pressure dropping.

2. Limits Drywell Spray flow to between 1000 and 2800 gpm for the first 30 seconds. Safety Significance Maintenance of primary containment integrity.

Actions are taken to limit the system flowrates when first initiating drywell sprays (1000 to 2800 gpm for the first 30 seconds).

The reason for this restriction is to limit the magnitude of the drywell pressure reduction such that it will not go less than atmospheric (prevents air from being drawn in to' containment) and ensures a margin to the negative design pressure of the containment. . The BWR Owners Group Emergency Operating Procedures Basis document discusses drywell spray limitations utilizing a Drywell Spray Initiation Limit Curve to protect against containment damage from exceeding the design drywell to suppression chamber differential pressure.

From the Susquehanna Emergency Operating Procedures basis document, EO-000-103, "A drywell spray initiation limit has been developed by PPL" which provides the same protection guarantees without necessitating the use of an additional curve on the EOP flowcharts. "By limiting drywell spray flow to between 1000 and 2800 gpm for the first 30 seconds of drywell spray operation, drywell sprays can be initiated without concern" in all regions of the BWR Owners Group curve. "After 30 seconds of operation, the drywell atmosphere contains su'fficient vapor to allow full drywell sprays flow." In other words, spraying the drywell within these limits will not result in a drywell pressure rapid reduction such that the differential pressure limit would be challenged.

From Appendix D of NUREG-1 021, Draft Revision 9, the critical task listed above has essential safety action that correctly completed, will prevent "degradation of any barrier to fission product release" and the crew will take action to "effectively direct or manipulate engineered safety feature (ESF) controls that would prevent any condition describe in the previous paragraph." Conseguences of Failure to Perform the Task Potential failure of primary containment.

SES EOP Basis for: PC/P-7 SHUT DOWN DW COOLERS SHUT DOWN RECIRC PUMPS INITIATE DW SPRAYS UNLESS PUMPS CONTINUOUSLY NEEDED FOR ADEQUATE CORE COOLING LIMITING FLOW TO BETWEEN 1000 AND 2800 GPM FOR FIRST 30 SEC A DWSIL (Drywell Spray Initiation Limit) has been developed by PPL which provides protection against containment damage from exceeding the design differential pressure, yet does not restrict operation of the drywell sprays. By limiting drywell spray flow to between 1000 and 2800 gpm for the first 30 seconds of drywel/ spray operation, drywell sprays can be initiated without concern in all regions of this curve. After 30 seconds, the drywell atmosphere contains sufficient vapor to allow full drywell sprays flow. For this reason, the curve is not included.

Indications/Cues for the Event Requiring Critical Task The Unit Supervisor will direct drywell sprays be initiated, limiting flow to between 1000 and 2800 gpm for the first 30 seconds. The peo will initiate drywell sprays monitoring the flowrate on available digital and analog indications on 1 C601, limiting flow to between 1000 and 2800 gpm for at least the first 30 seconds of operation before increasing flow. Performance Criteria Manually throttle HV151-F016A and B and monitor drywell spray Use clock to determine 30 seconds has elapsed. Performance Feedback Monitor Orywell spray flow indications during first 30 seconds of drywell spray operation.

Op-Test No.: _ Event


Time Position SRO ATC ATC ATC ATC ATC ATC Scenario No.: Event No.: 1 Place first RFP in flow control mode. Applicant's Actions or Behavior Direct BOP to place the first RFP in flow control mode per OP-145-001 Obtains OP-145-001 and determines Section 2.10 is applicable.

Step 2.10.3 Ensure the A RFP VLV CONTROL is selected to AUTO, by observing the A RFPT AUTO VL V CTL button is backlit yellow and Auto text appears next to the 603A and 651A valve icons. Step 2.10.4 Ensure the LlC-C32-1R602 FW LO LOAD DEMAND SIGNAL to LV-10641 is in AUTO. Step 2.10.5 Ensure the Level Setpoint on the FW LEVEL CTL/DEMAND SIGNAL controller, LlC-C32-1 R600 is set for 35 inches Step 2.10.6 Place Rx FEED PUMP A RECIRC FLOW controller FIC-10604A in MANUAL and Adjust output to 10%. Step 2.10.7 Ensure FWLC-3E Control is Enabled, by Observing/Performing the following as applicable:

a. FWLC-3E ENABLED text appears in the FWlC status information box on any Feedwater HMI screen b. IF required, Enable FWLC-3E Control in accordance with OP-145-006.

Step 2.10.8 Touch the A RFPT FLOW CTl MODE button on the RFP _A HMI screen.

Op-Test No.:_ Scenario No.: Event No.: Event


Place first RFP in flow control mode. Time Applicant's Actions or Behavior Step Touch the ENTER FLOW CONTROL MODE button on the confirmation overlay screen. Step 2.10.10 Observe the following sequence of events: Satisfies permissive for 3 Element Control as indicated by 3E-CONTROL being displayed in the FWLC Status information box on any Feedwater HMI screen. AFTER a 20 second time delay, the RFP A DISCH ISO HV-10603A automatically OPENS. On the Master Level Controller LlC-C32-1R600, Observe that the yellow TRACKING light goes OFF and that the Reactor Feed Pump speed automatically adjusts and stabilizes to maintain Reactor Water Level at the controller Level Setpoint. FW LO LOAD VALVE LV-10641 Closes after the RFP A DISCH ISO VLV HV-1 0603A(8)(C) is FULLY OPEN. RFP A STARTUP ISO HV-10651A(8)(C) automatically Closes 10 seconds after the RFP Discharge Isolation valve HV-10603A is FULL Y OPEN. Adjust output of FIC**1 0604A to maintain flow through Rx FEED PUMP A RECIRC VLV FV-10604A at or above the required min flow. WHEN RFP Discharge Flow is -1.50 Mlbm/hr, the Rx FEED PUMP A RECIRC VLV FV-1 0604A FULLY CLOSES, if in AUTO. Step 2.10.11 IF not aligned in a RFP Warming Alignment, Align the FW LO LOAD DEMAND SIGNAL TO LV-10641 controller in Auto Standby as follows: ATC Touch the INCIDEC LEVEL SETPT buttons as necessary to lower the Level Setpoint to 18". Ensure the FW LO LOAD DEMAND SIGNAL TO LV-10641 controller to LlC-C32-1 R602 is in AUTO AND CLOSED.

Op-Test No.:_ Scenario No.: _2_ Event No.: _1_ Event


Place first RFP in flow control mode.

Applicant's Actions or Behavior Step 2.10.12 Perform the following on the RFP _A HMI screen to ENABLE the RFP Suction Pressure Feature: Ensure SIC-C32-1R601A RFP A SPD CTLIDEMAND SIGNAL is in AUTO. Place FIC-10604A RX FEED PUMP A RECIRC FLOW is in AUTO. Touch the A RFPT SUCT PRESS FEATURE button. ATC Touch the ENABLE RFP SUCT PRSS button on the overlay screen. Ensure the A RFPT SUCT PRESS FEATURE button is backlit yellow, Ensure the text LSP ENABLED appears next to the A RFP symbol PROCEED TO THE NEXT EVENT.

Op-Test No.: _ Event


Ti .......,. Position SRO ATC BOP Scenario 1\10.: Event No.: Raise power until reactor power is close to but less than -16% Applicant's Actions or Behavior Directs ATC to raise power lAW GO-i00-002 step 5.65. NRC Lead Examiner Note: Need to wait until close to 16% prior to moving on to ensure RPV level drops below 13" for level setpoint setdown so FW does not overfeed the RPV. Raise power until reactor thermal power is CLOSE TO BUT LESS than 16% (approximately 3 Bypass Valves full open). Beginning at Step 256 of the A2SU Sequence, single notch withdraws the following rods, as need, to positions noted until power is just below 16%: 26-27 from 00 to 04 18-43,42-43,18-19,42-19,10-35,50-35,50-27 from 04 to 08. Provides peercheck for Rod withdraws.


Op-Test No.:_ Scenario No.: Event No.: Event


SGTS A Rad Monitor instrument fails high with failure of one of the inboard purge and make-up valves to isolate. Time Applicant's Actions or Behavior Acknowledges and reports SGTS Exhaust Vent Hi-Hi Radiation alarm, AR-015-001(H01) and SGTS Exhaust Vent Hi Radiation alarm, AR-015-00i (H02), on panel OC653 to SRO. Implements AR-015-001 (HOi) Section 2 Operator Actions: Ensures automatic action in section 3.1 occurred Determines HV-15713 failed to close, reports it to the SRO, depresses its Close pushbutton, and ensures damper closes. Reviews alarm response procedure and determines BOP 3. Applicant may determine that HV-15714 and 15721 failed to close from alarm response, however, only HV-15713 failed to Close. Checks SGTS Rad recorder RR-D12-0R609 on 1 C600 panel and determines problem is only with the "A" Rad Monitor.

  • CH A indicates

-100 mr/hr

  • CH B indicates

-0.0603 mr/hr Op-Test No.: _ Scenario No.: Event No.: _3_ Event


SGTS A Rad Monitor instrument fails high with failure of one of the inboard purge and make-up valves to isolate. I HIIe Position BOP SRO Applicant's Actions or Behavior Secures containment venting/purging operations in accordance with OP-173-00 1, Containment Atmosphere Control, beginning at step 2.2.B n. At Panel OC681 , Depress SGTS CLG OA DMP HD07555A(B)

OPEN pushbutton Observe SGTS CLG OA DMP HD07555A(B)

OPENS for 120 seconds to allow suction flow path when purge lineup isolated. Close following: CONTN N2 PURGE OB ISO HV-15721 DRWL PURGE IB ISO HV-15722 DRWL VENT IB ISO HV-15713. DRWL VENT OB ISO HV-15714 DRWL VENT BYPS OB ISO HV-15711. DRWLlWETWELL BURP DMP HD-17508A. DRWLlWETWELL BURP DMP HD-1750BB. Depress N2 PURGE FLOW CTL FIC-05719 CLOSE pushbutton until indication at 0% OPEN.Shuts down 'A' SGTS Fan in accordance with OP-070-001, section 2.3: Opens SGTS Clg Outside Air Damper HD-07555A by depressing pushbutton Closes purge dampers HD-17500BA

& B Places 'A' SGTS Fan to Stop then back to Auto Lead. Upon securing 'A' SGTS Fan, Alarm F-16 "HVAC DIV 1 System" may come in on panel AR016 (OC 653).lnforms SRO that purge alignment is restored and 'Au SGTS Fan is returned to standby alignment. References TS Determines Condition A, Required Actions A.1 (isolate by deactivating closed valve within 4 hrs) applies. Contacts WWM to inform him of the Rad Monitor failure and requests de-activation of HV-15714 in the closed position.


Op-Test No.:_ Scenario No.: _2_ Event Event


Failure of MCC 1 B217 resulting in loss of 'A' loop of OW spray and scram . ..., e Position BOP! ATC SRO ATC 80P Applicant's Actions or Behavior NRC Lead Examiner Note: After manual closure of purge and up valve, TS Call, shutdown of SGTS, and restoration of SGTS to standby alignment, proceed to the next event. Respond to the following alarms: ESS 480V LC 1B210 Trouble (A04) on panel OC653 AR016

  • RPS Channel A 1/ A2 Auto Scram (A01 ) on panel 1 C651 AR 103 Informs SRO power, pressure, and level are stable and loss of RPS A normal power supply. Refers to ON-104-201 Loss of 4KV ESS Bus 1A (1A201)

E for MCC 18217 load list and Recognizes loss of 'A' train of Containment spray.

  • Recognizes loss of RPS channel A. Enters and directs BOP to perform ON-158-001 Refers to TS3.8.7, determines Condition A. Required Action A.1 applies (restore 1 8217 to operable within 8 hrs) Contacts WWM to request FIN to investigate loss of 18217. Enters TR 3.4.1 due to loss of sampling Resets RPS Trip System by Momentarily Positioning RPS SCRM RESET control Switch HS-C72A-1S05 as follows: To GRP 1/4 position To GRP 2/3 position Observes following alarm CLEAR: RPS Channel A1/A2 AUTO SCRAM RPS Channel 81/B2 AUTO SCRAM SCRAM PILOT VALVE AIR HEADER LO PRESS. Dispatches Operator to MCC 18217 and LC 18210 to determine the cause.

Op-Test No.:_ Scenario No.: Event No.: _4_ Event


Failure of MCC 1 B217 resulting in loss of 'A' loop of OW spray and

  • Aligns RPS M-G Setto Alternate Power lAW ON-158-001 step 1.2
  • At Reactor Control Rod Test Instrument Panel 1 C61 0: 1.2.1 Ensure ALTERNATE A FEED White indicating light ILLUMINATED.

1.2.2 Ensure RPS M-G SET TRANSFER SWITCH HS-C72B-S1 in NORM position. Place RPS M-G SET TRANSFER SWITCH HS-C72B-S1 in ALTA position.

BOP 0 Informs ATC of requirement to reset RPS Trip System by.

  • Step 2, Reset NSSSS isolation logic as follows: Depress MN STM LINE DIV 1 ISO RESET HS-B21-1 S32. Depress MN STM LINE DIV 2 ISO RESET HS-B21-1S33.
  • Step 3, Recover from RBCW isolation as follows: Ensure RRP A CLG WTR OB ISO VALVES HV-18791A1&A2 CLOSED. Ensure RRP B CLG WTR 18 ISO VALVES HV-18792A1&A2 CLOSED. Depress HV-18791A1&A2IS0LATION RESET. BOP Depress HV-18792A1&A2IS0LATION RESET. Ensure RRP A CLG WTR OB ISO VALVES HV-18791A1&A2 OPEN. Ensure RRP B CLG WTR 18 ISO VALVES HV-18792A1&A2 OPEN PROCEED TO THE NEXT EVENT.

I Op-Test No.:_ Scenario No.: Event No.: _5_ Event


RBCCW pump swap due to excessive seal leakage on running pump. Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior NRC Lead Examiner Note: Once RPS power supply transferred to alternate, Scram reset, and RBCW isolation is recovered, proceed to the next event. SRO Directs the BOP to swap RBCCW pump lAW OP-114-001, Reactor Building Close Loop Cooling Water System (RBCCW). ! Step 2.2 of OP-114-001 At Panel 1 C668, Start standby RBCCW PUMP 1 P21 OB by Depressing START push button. Observe RBCCW Pump B discharge pressure between 90-110 psig on local pressure gage PI-11306B. Slowly Close running RBCCW Pump A Dsch 113062. Stop running RBCCW PUMP 1 P21 OA by Depressing STOP push button. BOP Check RBCCW Pump B discharge pressure between 80-95 psig on local gauge PI-11306B. Check RBCCW HX discharge pressure on PI-11308, Panel 1 C668 stabilizes between 72-82 psig. Open RBCCW Pump A Dsch 113062. .

  • Open breaker 1 B216-1 03 for 1 A RBCCW pump
  • Close 1A RBCCW Pump Suction 113057
  • Close 1 A RBCCW Pump discharge 113062 PROCEED TO THE NEXT EVENT.

Op-Test No.:_ Scenario No.: _2_ Event No.: Event


'A' Recire pump speed oscillationl Lock up the 'A' recirc Time Position ATC SRO BOP Applicant's Actions or Behavior Recognizes and reports changing Reactor power. Recognizes and reports the 'A' Recirc pump oscillations. Oscillations of 3% power. Recognizes and reports the oscillation as an entry into 156-001, Unanticipated Reactivity Change. May reduce power (to power level prior to start of oscillations)

AND lock the affected scoop tube OR trip the affected pump. Immediate Operator Actions IF a rapid speed change is experienced on a Reactor Recirc Pump, take immediate action to Reduce Power AND Lock the affected scoop tube OR trip the affected pump. o Examiner Note: If applicant decides to trip the pump then SRO should enter ON-164-002 for loss of recirc flow. Also, Due to the power being low in the IC and the RRPs are near the #1 limiter, power may not change much, therefore, crew may not need to reduce power. ON-156-001, Unanticipated Reactivity Change, Step 4.2, Check current rod position, 00-7 against rod patterns provided in the CRC Book to determine drifted or scrammed rods. Step 4.3, IF time permits, Initiate TRA. Step 4.4, IF applicable, Perform ON-178-002 Core Flux Oscillations. Ensure ATC reduced power AND locked the affected scoop tube OR tripped the affected pump. Enters ON-156-001, Unanticipated Reactivity Change NRC Lead Examiner Note: Because pump speeds are low, flow mismatch between the loops will not be large enough for TS 3.4.1 Condition B to apply, however, if the crew trips the pump, then the SRO will have to address single loop TS 3.4.1 Condition C which requires establishing single loop setpoints within 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />. Perform ON-156-001, Unanticipated Reactivity Change Op-Test No.:_ Scenario No.: _2_ Event No.: Event


'A' Recirc pump speed oscillation!

Lock up the 'A' recirc Time I Position 1 Applicant's Actions or Behavior PROCEED TO THE NEXT EVENT.

Op-Test No.: _ Scenario No.: _2_ Event No.: _7_ Event


SRV 'B' inadvertently opens and stays open Time Applicant's Actions or Behavior Respond to the following alarms: Main Steam SRV Leaking (E1) on panel AR110 Main Steam Div 1 SRV Open (E2) on panel AR11 0 BOP Recognizes and reports SRV 'B' open Takes action lAW AR-110-001, Main Steam Div 1 SRVopen (E02) Check for any Division 1 Safety Relief Valve open (1 C601 acoustic monitor red light on). Check relief valve discharge line temperatures on SRV/ADS Temperature TR-B21-1R614 at Panel 1C614. IF safety relief valve open, Perform ON-183-001 Stuck Open Safety-Relief Valve. Inform SRO that due to steam discharged to Suppression Pool, TS applies. ON-183-00 1 , Step 3.3, IF SRV open due to other than RPV high pressure, Place affected SRV control switch to OFF. BOP Step 3.5, IF the SRV Control Switch was placed in OFF and indications are that the SRV did not CLOSE, Perform the following: Obtain concurrence from Shift Supervision, THEN Place the 'B' SRV control switch to OPEN. Return SRV control switch to OFF. Check for SRV closure lAW Section 3.4 of this procedure. As directed by Shift Supervision, Repeat steps 3.5.1 through 3.5.3 until evident SRV will not close, ANDIOR Continue with next step Op-Test No.:_ Scenario No.: _2_ Event No.: Event


SRV 'B' inadvertently opens and stays open Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior Step 3.6, IF SRV did NOT close when control switch was placed in OFF, attempt to Close SRV by removal of fuses per Attachment A for affected SRV as follows: Determines from Attachment A that Fuses B21 C-F021 and B21C-F022 are for "B" SRV and contacts the TB NPO to pull the fuses in 1C628 (12/754'. Check for SRV CLOSURE lAW Section 3.4 of this procedure. IF SRV fails to CLOSE, Restore fuses pulled in Step 3.6.1 and Independently Verify Step 3.7, IF NOT required for adequate core cooling, Place at least one loop of RHR in Suppression Pool Cooling Mode in accordance with OP-149-005. OR May enter EO-100-003 for high Suppression Pool temperature

> 90°F and maximize suppression pool cooling by placing both trains of suppression pool cooling in service. Places ESW in service, buy starting one pump in each division. Places RHRSW in service to RHR heat exchanger B. Opens Suppression Chamber test shutoff valve F028B. Starts RHR pump 1 P202B (D). Throttles open test line control valve HV-F024B to achieve s; 10,000 gpm on FI-E 11-1 R603B. Observes minimum flow valve HV-151-F007B closes 3000 gpm. Closes heat exchanger bypass HV-151-F048B. Checks RHR pump room coolers 1V210B (D) started. Utilizes ON-100-101 Att B 1C601 PCO Actions Following A Scram to assess plant status.

I Op-Test No.:_ Scenario No.: _2_ Event No.: Event


SRV 'B' inadvertently opens and stays open Time Position SRO SRO ATC Applicant's Actions or Behavior Enters ON-183-001 Stuck Open Safety-Relief Valve. Directs BOP to perform ON-183-001 actions for "B" SRV. Concurs with placing the 'B' SRV control switch to OPEN and returning SRV control switch to OFF. Refers to NDAP-QA-0720 for required ENS notification Directs Reactor Scram iaw ON-183-001:

Immediately Scram Reactor for ANY of the following: It is evident SRV WILL NOT close. SRV is open AND BEFORE suppression pool temperature reaches 11 oaF. (TS Reactor Pressure approaching OR exceeds 1087 psig. Examiner Note: If power was raised closer to 16% then they may drop below 13", if so, then the crew should enter RPV Control. If RPV level does not drop below 13", RFPs will trip on high RPV level following scram. Enters RPV Control, EO-100,..102 on report of RPV level < 13". ON-100-101, SCRAM, SCRAM IMMINENT Immediate Operator Actions: Steps: Place Mode Switch HS-C72A-1S01 to SHUTDOWN Observe all Control Rods indicate fully inserted (using two indications, 00-7 completed as soon as possible) Insert IRMs and SRMs. Performs ON-100-101 Attachment A 1C651 PCO Actions Following a Scram Examiner Note: If RPV level does not drop below 13", causing FW to align for Startup Level Control, that the RFPs trip on high RPV level following scram due to "A" Remaining in FCM. PROCEED TO THE NEXT EVENT.

i Op-Test No.: _ Scenario No.: _2_ Event No.: Event


SRV 'B' Suppression Chamber Tailpipe Time Position BOP/AT C SRO Applicant's Actions or Behavior Examiner Note: After Suppression Pool Cooling is placed in service, notify booth operator to proceed Event 8 (SRV 'B' Suppression Chamber Tailpipe Break) Recognizes and reports drywell pressure going up fast. Responds to ECCS LOOP A & B HI DRWL PRESS (A03) alarm Responds to HI DRYWELL PRESS SIGNAL B SEALED-IN (B04) alarm. Recognizes that Suppression Chamber pressure is leading Drywell pressure and informs crew that it appears there is a broken tailpipe in the Suppression Chamber. Enters EO-000-102, RPV CONTROL, and enters EO-000-103, PRIMARY CONTAINMENT CONTROL, when drywell pressure exceeds 1.72 psig: Directs PCOs to perform panel walkdown for: Isolations Initiations DIG starts Directs RPV level band +13 to +54 inches with RCIC and HPCI Directs prevention of injection from LPCI and CS pumps. Directs Suppression Chamber Spray Loop 'B' to be placed service. Directs 'A' Loop of Suppression Pool Cooling to be in placed service.

Op-Test No.:_ Scenario No.: _2_ Event No.: Event


SRV 'B' Suppression Chamber Tailpipe Time Applicant's Actions or Behavior OP-149-004, Step 2.8.2 or Att. 'A' Hard Card

  • IF directed to spray Suppression Chamber: Throttle Open HV-151-F027B SUPP POOL SPRAY CTl, as necessary, to maintain 500 GPM as indicated on 15120B CONT SPRAY DIV 2 AND Maintain total-loop flowrate 10,000 gpm. b) Monitor Suppression Chamber pressure c) IF required, Place RHRSW in service to RHR HX per section 2.9 or AU. 'A' Hard Card. Caution Before Supp. Chamber pressure drops to 0 psig stop Supp. Chamber Spray BOP Place 'A' loop of RHR in Suppression Pool Cooling: Opens Suppression Chamber test shutoff valve F028A. Starts RHR pump 1P202A (C). Throttles open test line control valve HV-F024A to achieve 10,000 gpm on FI-E11-'IR603B. Observes minimum flow valve HV-151-F007A closes 3000 gpm. Closes heat exchanger bypass HV-151-F048A. Checks RHR pump room coolers 1V210A (C) started. PROCEED TO THE NEXT Op-Test No.:_ Scenario No.: _2_ Event No.: _9_ Event


Running RHR pump B (D) trips on pre-overload causing loss of suooression pool cooling. Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior Examiner Note: As soon as the applicant opens F024B and F027B to initiate Suppression pool cooling or suppression chamber sprays, notify booth operator to proceed Event 9 (Running RHR pump B (0) trips on pre-overload causing loss of suppression pool cooling) *SRO

  • Directs alignment of RHR for Drywell Sprays when Supp Chamber exceeds 13 psig (CT-1). Directs Drywell spray flow limited to between 1000 and 2800 gpm for first 30 secondsJCT-2). Directs RO to use the other RHR pump and align RHR 0 for OW spray. SRO Recognizes and reports that running RHR pump B (D) tripped. Acknowledges the following alarm: BOP RHR Pump B (D) pre-overload (A07108).

Op-Test No.:_ Scenario No.: _2_ Event No.: _9_ Event


Running RHR pump B (D) trips on pre-overload causing loss of , suppression pool cooling.

  • BOP A* Behavior OP-149-004, Step S.b Att A Hard Card. IF potential RHR loop voiding has occurred, Start RHR as follows: (1) Close HV-151-F047B HX B SHEll SIDE INLET. (2) Place HV-151-F048B Control Switch to OFF/lOCA RESET. (3) WHEN White Indicating Light above Control Switch ILLUMINATED, Close HV-151-F048B HX B SHELL SIDE BYPS. (4) Open HV-151-F024B.TEST LINE CTl * (6) Start 1 P202D (B) RHR PUMP . (7) Observe HV-151-F007B RHR PP BID MIN FLOW REMAINS OPEN IF loop flow remains BELOW 3000 GPM. (8) Throttle Open HV-151-F048B HX B SHELL SIDE BYPS to establish a system flow rate between 3,000 and 3,500 gpm as indicated on FI-E11-1 R603B RHR BID FLOW. (9) Slowly Throttle Open HV-151-F048B HX B SHEll SIDE BYPS in 500 gpm increments followed by a 20 second pause to establish a system flow of 6,000 gpm as indicated on FI-E11-'IR603B.RHR BID FLOW (10) Throttle Open HV-151-F048B HX B SHELL SIDE BYPS to establish a system flow rate between 11,000 and 12,000 gpm as indicated on RHR BID FLOW (11 ) Throttle Closed HV-151-F024A(B)

TEST LINE eTl until ::; 10,000 gpm observed at FI-E11-1 R603A(B).RHR FI-E11-1 R603A(B) A/C(BID) FLOW. (12) Fully Open HV-151-F048A(B)

RHR HX A(B) SHELL SIDE BYPS . (13) Open HV-151-F047A(B)

RHR HX A(S) SHELL SIDE INLET. (14) IF required, Close HV-lSl-F024A(B)

TEST LINE CTL Op-Test No.:_ Scenario No.: _2_ Event No.: _9_ Event


Running RHR pump B (D) trips on pre-overload causing loss of suppression pool cooling . .... Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior Fully Open HV-151-F048B HX B SHELL SIDE BYPS OPEN HV-151-F047B HX B SHELL SIDE INLET Close HV-151-F024A(B)

TEST LINE Aligns RHR pump 0 for OW sprays when suppression chamber pressure exceeds 13 psig (CT-1). OP-149-004, Step 2.8.3 or Att. A Hard Card

  • Ensure both RRP's, all DW coolers and fans are shutdown Throttle HV-151-F016B DRYWELL SPRAY OB ISO, as necessary, to establish a flowrate BETWEEN 1000 AND 2800 GPM for the first 30 seconds as indicated on FI-15120B CONTN SPRAY DIV 2 AND Maintain total loop flowrate :::; 10,000 gpm. AFTER 30 seconds, Throttle Open HV-151-F016B to establish a total loop flowrate 9,500 to 10,000 GPM as indicated on E11-1R603B RHR D FLOW. Monitor Drywell pressure. IF required, Place RHRSW in service to RHR HX per section 2.9 limits OW spray flow to between 1000 and 2800 gpm for*BOP first 30 seconds (CT-2). POST-SCENARIO:


Alert (FA 1) Table F on pg 45 of EP-TP-001.

EAL 2.d. DW pressure>

1.72 psig and Indication of a RCS leak inside containment (SRV stuck open wI tailpipe break inside containment)



YES/NO NRC CODE PRIOR TO 0800 Tango Golf Indigo NRC CODE AFTER 0800 Oscar November Indigo Mike REMARKS: Plant startup in progress per GO-1 00-002, complete through Step 5.64. EOL A2SU step 256 'A' RFP is in DPM and '8' is in


_ Main Turbine has been on the Gear for 5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> Drywell N2 purge is in progress.

Outside NPO stationed af the N2 truck Shift activities are for:

  • PCOM to place 'A' RFP in Flow Control Mode iaw
  • Crew to continue to raise power to 15% in preparation for generator synchronization.

COMMON: FORM OP-AD-003-7, Rev. 18, DUPLEX, Page 1 of 2 OFFGOING UNIT SUPERVISOR CHECKLIST: 0700 /V\) tv',) M) !":!J 1900 I 1. 2. 3. 4. Evolutions in progress and items to be completed during next shift, as noted in remarks, have been discussed with oncoming Unit Supervisor.

Problems encountered during past shift and abnormal plant conditions, as noted in remarks, have been discussed with oncoming Unit Supervisor.

Information in SOMS Log is complete and discussed with oncoming Unit Supervisor.

As applicable turnover plastic Security Badge cover and CRS Monitor function to oncoming Unit Supervisor.

1900 -0700 0700 -1900 Offgoing Unit Supervisor ONCOMING UNIT SUPERVISOR CHECKLIST: 1900 0700 (14) 1. 2. LCOITRO Log reviewed.

SOMS Log reviewed for entries made in past 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />. 0700-.1900 1900 -0700 Oncoming Qualified Unit Supervisor POST RELIEF 1900 0700 I I 1. Walk down Control Room panels with Unit Responsible PCO. 2. CRG Book reviewed and Reactivity Brief performed with PCO. 3. Completed System Status Operable audit for open PMT this shift. 0700 -1900 1900 -0700 Oncoming Unit Supervisor FORM OP-AD-003-7, Rev. 18, DUPLEX, Page 2 of 2 Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions Appendix Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Facility:

Susquehanna Scenario No.: Op-Test No.:


_ Initial Conditions:

Unit 1 100% power, EOl, Div II Core Spray Pumps out of service Turnover:

Maintain power I generator capability curve limits in accordance with the Event Malf. No. Event No. Type*

1 I-ATC leading Edge Flow Meter Computer Failure II 2 C-BOP 3A Feedwater Heater Extraction TS-Isolation, Power 3 cmf CN02 TIC11028 C-BOP RBCCW Temperature Controller Fails in Auto annAR103B01 I-ATC, Drywell Pressure Instrument Failure f:AlARM ON TS-SRO % 5 C-BOP loss of 1Y218 1 6 mfHP152009 f:.7 M-AII HPCI Equipment Room Steam leak, HPCI Isolation Failure mfRP158007B i7 C-BOP Failure of 'B' RPS, ARI Completion of Scram 8 IMF cmfBR04_1 A 10204 C-All 11 B Aux Bus fails to auto transfer loss of EHC IMF cmfPM04 1 P113A IMF Bypass valves fail to auto operate crnfTR02 PT10101A f:O crnfTR02_PT10101B 9 Malfunction Page Failure of all but one SRV, Depress * (N)ormal (R)ea . , (I)nstrument, (C)omponent (M)aior Page 1 of37 NRC Scenario #3 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions Scenario Summary Event 1: After the crew takes the shift, a failure of the LEFM computer will require entry into ON-100-006.

The crew will take action to suspend all activities affecting core reactivity, reduce core flow using recirc by O.S Mlbm/hr, and swap feedwater flow input to the core thermal power calculation from LEFM to venturis.

Priority for this event is to restore heat balance by changing feedwater flow instruments from LEFM to venturi. Event 2: Once the feedwater input to the heat balance calculation has been changed from LEFM to Venturi, the 3A Feedwater Heater Extraction Steam Isolation Valve will spuriously close. The crew will take action per ON-147-001 Loss of Feedwater Heating Extraction Steam to lower reactor power :::;71 % power and isolate extraction steam and drain input to 4A and SA heaters; SRO will address thermal limit Tech Specs. Priority for this event is reduce reactor power :::;71 % to prevent feedwater heater mechanical damage and isolation of extraction steam and the feedwater string if extraction steam cannot be restored within 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> (consistent with the 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> required to restore MCPR per Tech Specs). Event 3: Once the Tech Spec call is complete, the RBCCW temperature cbntroller will fail in automatic, causing a rise in temperatures on all RBCCW cooled components and an isolation of RWCU. The crew will take action in accordance with ON-114-001 to begin monitoring Recirc Pump motor bearing and seal cavity temperatures.

The crew will diagnose a failure of the temperature controller in AUTO and take manual control to restore system temperatures.

Priority for this event is diagnosis of the problem, monitoring of affected components (most importantly Recirc Pump seal temperatures) and restoration of temperature control by taking manual control of the temperature controller or directing control of the TCV bypass valve. Event 4: When RBCCW cooled component temperatures begin to recover, a drywell pressure transmitter will fail high without an accompanying

% scram. The crew will respond per alarm response, dispatch NPO and I&C to the field, diagnose a failed transmitter and failure to % scram, and the SRO will consult Tech Specs. The crew will insert a % scram on 'A' RPS and contact I&C to insert a trip on the failed instrument.

Priority for this event is diagnosis of the failed components, determining that the A RPS subsystem will not generate a scram, declare it inoperable cmd insert a % scram. Event 5: Once % scram insertion is complete, the main breaker for 1 Y218 will trip, resulting in a loss of instrument bus 1 Y218 and 1 Y219, requiring the crew to enter ON-117 -001. The crew will take action in accordance with ON-117 -001 to restore power to 1 Y218, place Refueling Water Pumps in service to supply Condensate Transfer System in accordance with OP-037-003, direct an NPO to take local manual control of the in-service CRD flow control valve, and to a loss of Zone 1 and U1 Zone 3 ventilation.

They will also note that they have lost several wide range level indicators, ARM's, full core display, and other ancillary indications.

Partial restoration of the instrument panels will be successful, but the crew will be unable to restore 1Y219. Priority for this event is restoration of power to 1Y218 to restore vital plant instrumentation, restoration of condensate transfer to ensure ECCS keepfill, and controlling drywell cooling to ensure proper cooling to Recirc Pumps and drywell. Event 6/7: When the crew has stabilized the plant and restored power to 1 Y218, a steam leak starts in the HPCI pump/equipment room. The crew will respond per alarm response to high room temperatures and will diagnose the steam leak. The crew will enter EO-1 00-1 04 Secondary Containment Control, focusing on the Secondary Containment Temperature leg. Efforts to isolate the leak will be ineffective by automatic and manual means due to a loss of Page 2 of37 NRC Scenario #3 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions control power for the inboard isolation valve and mechanically bound outboard isolation valve. When the decision is made that a primary system is discharging into a table 8 RB area, the SRO will direct a reactor scram prior to room temperatures exceeding Max Safe; however 'B' RPS will not generate a SCRAM signal, requiring the use of ARI to complete the SCRAM. Priority for this event is to scram the reactor once it is determined that a primary system is discharging into the reactor building and before temperatures have exceeded max safe. Event 8: The SRO will enter EO-100-102 for RPV level and pressure control, both from 100-104 and also +13" RPV water level entry conditions.

When the turbine trips, the 11 B Aux Bus will fail to transfer resulting in loss of two Condensate Pumps, two Circ Water Pumps, two Service Water pumps, and the loss of power to the 1 B & C RFP Discharge Valves. The crew will need to restore power to the 11 B Aux Bus, crosstie load centers, or trip Condensate pumps to prevent uncontrolled Condensate injection during the cooldown.

In addition, the 'A' EHC Pump fails to auto start and the bypass valves fail to auto open. The crew will start the 'A' EHC pump and use the bypass valve jack to open bypass valves as necessary to force a cooldown.

Priority for this event is to restore EHC, prevent uncontrolled condensate injection, and begin cooldown to reduce reactor pressure.

Event 9: Once the cooldown is in progress, RCIC room temperatures will rise and the crew will receive a report that the door to RCIC was unable to be re-closed after entering HPCI room for attempted leak isolation.

It will be reported that there is steam leaking into the RCIC Room. When reactor building temperatures exceed max safe values in two areas (HPCI & RCIC), the SRO will enter EO-100-112 Rapid Depressurization.

The SRO will direct opening of all ADS valves; upon discovering that no ADS and only 1 other SRV will open, the SRO will direct alternate depressurization using bypass valves. Priority for this event is to direct rapid depressurization once two areas exceed max safe. Upon discovery of only one SRV operating, direct alternate depressurization using bypass valves. The scenario can be terminated once emergency depressurization using bypass valves or alternate systems has commenced.

Target Quantitative Attributes (Per Scenario; See Section D.S.d) Actual Attributes

1. Total malfunctions (5-8) 7 2. Malfunctions after EOP entry (1-2) 2 3. Abnonnal events (2-4) 4 4. Major transients (1-2) 1 5. EOPs entered/requiring substantive actions (1-2) EO-1 00-1 04/EO-100-1 02 2 6. EOP contingencies requiring substantive actions (0-2) EO-100-112 1 7. Critical tasks (2-3) 2 Page 3 of36 NRC Scenario #3 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions Critical 1.Manually scram the reactor before any Secondary Containment Area temperature I radiation reaches Max Safe Temperature.

Safety Significance High-energy leakage into the Secondary Containment Area impacts the integrity of Secondary Containment.

Failure of the Secondary Containment directly relates to the 10CFR50.67 design criteria of dose to the General Public. Action is taken to isolate systems that are discharging into secondary containment to terminate possible sources of radioactivity release. If these efforts are unsuccessful, whatever reason, or conditions are approaching max safe thresholds, the reactor (source term) is placed in a low energy state, or shutdown.

Consequences for Failure to Perform Task Failure to take actions to mitigate the energy released to the secondary containment directly affects the radiation dose to the General Public. SSES EOP Basis for: SC/T-8 BEFORE ANY RB AREA TEMP REACHES MAX SAFE GO TO RPV CONTROL Areas monitored by steam leak detection (RWCU equipment, main steam line tunnel, HPCI and RCIC pipe routing, HPCI equipment, and RCIC equipment) are assigned a Max Safe temperature equal to the steam leak detection isolation setpoint. "The setpoints are designed to detect a leakage rate below the leak rate corresponding to critical crack size for the smallest high energy line in the room which is part of the respective system." (FSAR

Instrumentation and components required for isolation are qualified up to the isolation temperature setpoints. (



SC/R-5 BEFORE ANY RB AREA RAD REACHES MAX SAFE GO TO RPV CONTROL The Max Safe operating radiation level is the most limiting area radiation level which will ensure personnel exposure is kept below the emergency exposure limit (25 Rem) while performing EOP actions in the secondary containment for a period no longer than 2.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> (i.e., 25 Rem12.5 hr = 10 Remlhr). A reactor scram through entry to EO-000-102, RPV Control, promptly reduces to decay heat levels the energy that the RPV may be discharging to the secondary containment.

The instruction to take this action at any time between the Max Normal and the Max Safe operating value may help avoid reaching the more severe action of rapidly depressurizing the RPV. (



Page 4 of36 NRC Scenario #3 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions Indications/Cues for Event Requiring Critical Task Simplex Fire Detection alarms indicating High temperatures in RB Areas Increasing area radiation and alarms for RB Areas Increasing Steam Leak Detection System temperatures and alarms Performance Criteria Manually Scram the Reactor prior to Exceeding Max Safe Temperature/Radiation as indicated by associated control room alarms and PICSY radiation indications.

Performance Feedback Initiating a reactor scram reduces the heat load that will be absorbed and released by the Secondary Containment as well as the radioactive source term. Rods inserted Power lowering Page 5 of36 NRC Scenario #3 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions

Failure of the Secondary Containment directly relates to the 10CFR50.67 design criteria of dose to the General Public. Action is taken to isolate systems that are discharging into secondary containment to terminate possible sources of radioactivity release. Minimizing radioactive release to secondary containment also helps accomplish the objective of precluding a radioactive release outside secondary containment under conditions where secondary containment integrity cannot be maintained.

Previous containment control actions have not, for whatever reason, mitigated the event and now potentially large areas of the secondary containment have been challenged.

Consequences for Failure to Perform Task Failure to take actions to mitigate the energy released to the secondary containment directly affects the radiation dose to the General Public. SSES EOP Basis for: SC/T*9 WHEN RB AREA TEMP EXCEEDS MAX SAFE IN 2 OR MORE AREAS RAPID DEPRESS IS REQ'D SC/R-6 WHEN RB AREA RAD EXCEEDS MAX SAFE IN 2 OR MORE AREAS RAPID DEPRESS IS REQ'D SC/L-7 WHEN RB AREA WATER LEVEL EXCEEDS MAX SAFE IN 2 OR MORE AREAS RAPID DEPRESS IS REQ'D Should secondary containment area temperatures/radiation/water levels continue to increase to their Max Safe values in more than one area with a primary system discharging into secondary containment, the RPV must be rapidly depressurized.

Depressurizing the RPV promptly places the primary system in its lowest possible energy state, rejects heat to the suppression pool in preference to outside the containment, and reduces the driving head and flow of primary systems that are un-isolated and discharging into the secondary containment.

The criteria of "2 or more areas" identifies the increase in temperature (radiation or water level) trend as a wide spread problem which may pose a direct and immediate Page 6 of36 NRC Scenario #3 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions threat to secondary containment integrity, equipment located in the secondary containment, or continued safe operation of the plant. Indications/Cues for Event Requiring Critical Task Increasing Steam Leak Detection System temperatures and alarms indicating levels at Safe Increasing area radiation and alarms for RB Areas indicating levels at Max Safe PICSY formats indicating radiation values greater than Max Safer Reactor Building room levels above high level annunciation or as confirmed by local Performance Criteria Perform a Rapid Depressurization per EO-1 00-112 when two or more RB areas exceed max safe temperatures per EO-100-104 Table 8 Perform a Rapid Depressurization per EO-1 00-112 when two or more RB areas exceed max safe radiation per EO-100-104 Table 9 (10 Rlhrfor all areas) Perform a Rapid Depressurization per EO-100-112 when two or more RB areas exceed max safe water leve! per EO-1 00-1 04 Table 10 Initiate ADS I Manually open all 6 ADS valves Upon discovery of only one open SRV, perform alternate depressurization using alternate systems (bypass valves most effective)

Performance Feedback Initiating a rapid depressurization causes Reactor pressure to lower which lowers the driving force of any primary system breach. Verify ADS valves are open using light red light indication, acoustic monitoring and lowering Reactor pressure and rising reactor water level. Page 7 of36 NRC Scenario #3 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions The scenario may be terminated once emergency depressurization using bypass valves or alternate systems has commenced ITEM I MALFUNCTION I REMOTE FUNCTION I Ensure NRC-3 scenario files and triggers are loaded on the server Reset simulator to Scenario IC 389 and perform the following:

-Run scenario NRC3 -Place the simulator in run -Ensure Core Spray Loop 'B' Out Of Service HS-B21-1S1

'I B is in INOP -Ensure 'B' EHC pump running -Stage RPS prints M1-C72-22 in the simulator booth for applicant use Apply Status Tags on the following components:

-'B' CS loop components Take out of FREEZE and ensure the following:

Reactor Power is 100% with stable reactor water level Ensure materials for applicants:

Turnover sheet Div 2 Core Spray oos for SOW 1 B EHC Pump in service and 1 A in stby Shift activities: Maintain power / generator capability curve limits in accordance with the eRC Book Ensure the following malfunctions are loaded: -IMF cmfHV06_HV155F002 HPCI Steam Isol. valve Auto Logic Fails -IMF cmfMV09 HV155F003 HPCI steam isol. valve binding during motion -IMF cmfMV08 HV149F008 f:100 RCIC Steam OB Isolation leak by -IMF cmfMV08 HV149F007 f:100 RCIC Steam IB Isolation leak by -IMF mfRP158007B B RPS failure -IMF mfAD183001 ADS Auto initiation failure -IMF cmfPM04 'IP113A 'A' EHC Pump Failure to Auto Start -lOR diHSB211S30AA f:NORM ADS Div 1 Manual initiation failure -lOR diHSB211S30BA f:NORM ADS Div 2 Manual initiation failure -IMF cmfNB01_PSB21

'I N022A(B,C,D,E,F,G,H,J,K,L,M,N,P,R,S)

Fail to open -IMF cmfRV02_PSV141F13A(B,C,D,E,F,G,H,J,K,L,M,N,P,R,S)

Fail to open -lOR diHS14113G3(J3,K3,L3,M3,N3) f:AUTO -IORdiHS14113A1(B1,C1)f:AUTO

-lOR diHS14113D(E,H,P,R,S) f:AUTO (F SRV is allowed to -IMF cmfBR04 1A10204 Tie Bus to 11 B Bkr Auto Logic Page 8 of36 NRC Scenario #3 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions ITEM I MALFUNCTION I REMOTE FUNCTION I CONDITION Ensure the following remote functions are loaded: -None Ensure the following overrides are loaded: -None Ensure the following triggers are built: NRC3 ET1, trips HV155F002 breaker when keylock switch is taken to NRC3 (diHS15502.CurrValue


NRC3 ET1.scn (IMF NRC3 ET2, fails EHC regulators when Mode Switch is placed in shutdown BPVs will not auto -NRC3 (diHSC72A 1 S01.CurrValue

!= #OR.diHSC72A 1 S01.RUN) -NRC3 ET2.scn (I MF cmITR02_PT1 01 01 A f:O) (IMF cmITR02_PT1 01 01 B f:O) Ensure the following Soft Keys are built: {Key[1]} IMF mfFW145012 LEFM Computer Failure {K.ey[2]}

1M F mfMS 14600 1 A 3A FW Htr Extraction Stm Isolation

{Key[3]} IMF cmfCN02_ TIC11 028 f:O RBCCW temp controller fails in AUTO {Key[4]} IMF mfannAR103B01 f:ALARM_ON Pri Cont High Press Trip Annunc. ON {Key[5]} IMF mfDB157001 1 Y218 feeder breaker trip {Key[6]} scn NRC3A Refuel Wtr Xfer supplying Cond Xfer {Key[7]} scn Strips 1 Y218 breakers {Key[8J} scn NRC3C Recloses 1Y218 bkrs (not 1Y219) {Key[9]} IRF rfRM179004 f:RESET Resets Radiation Monitors {Key[9]} IRF rfRM179004 f:NORMAL d:2 Resets Radiation Monitors {Key[10]}

IMF mfHP152009 f:.7 HPCI Equipment Room Steam Leak {Key[11]}

scn Closes Circ Water Pp valves {Key[12]}

scn Resets SW Pp Lockout Relays {Key[13]}

scn Restores Instrument

& Service Air {Key[14]}

IMF mfRC150004 f:50 RCIC Equipment Room Steam Leak {Key[14]}

MMF mfHP152009 f:10 Modifies HPCI Equip Room Leak Reset any annunciators that should not be present Page 9 of36 NRC Scenario #3 Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions INSTRUCTIONS FOR SIMULATOR OPERATOR EVENT 1: LEFM Failure ./ MALFUNCTION I REMOTE FUNCTION I REPORT

  • When Chief Examiner ready to proceed, click Soft Key 1 to insert IMF mfFW145012 LEFM computerfailure
  • When contacted as STA, state that you are currently unavailable, but will be there as soon as you can
  • When dispatched as NPO to check LEFM 1 C11 07, wait two minutes and report that the panel is de-energized.

When asked about status of 1 C11 07 breaker positions, report both are closed

  • When sent to check 1 Y128-38, wait one minute and report that breaker 1 Y128-38 is tripped
  • As NPO, if directed to reset and re-close 1 Y128-38, report that breaker will not stay closed
  • When contacted as the Work Week Manager state that you will contact FIN to investigate
  • As I&C, wait five minutes, then report that there appears to be an internal problem with LEFM and that you are unsure when it will be restored to service

& Power Reduction


  • Once heat balance input is changed to venturi and Chief Examiner ready to proceed, click Soft Key 2 to insert IMF mfMS146001A 3A Feedwater heater extraction steam isolation
  • As NPO dispatched to 1 C1 01: Wait 1 minute and report that I&C was at the panel and they accidently arced across several contacts with their multimeter.

It appears that the terminals are connected to HV-10240A.

Report that I&C needs to check prints and verify that to be the case. It looks like the contacts are damaged and it could be several hours before we can finish assessment and repairs

  • As NPO directed to investigate FW Heater panel alarms, report that there are multiple level and dump valve alarms, valves are responding correctly, and you will continue to monitor
  • When directed to close 1251461 instrument air to HV-1 0244A at 1 C-151 B-A and open petcock 1A-PCV-10244A, wait one minute and report actions completed
  • Respond to request for assistance as appropriate Page 10 of36 NRC Scenario #3 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions EVENT 3: RBCCW Temperature Controller Fails in Auto ./ MALFUNCTION I REMOTE FUNCTION I REPORT
  • Once crew begins isolation of the 'A' FW Heater string extraction steam or 'A' FW Heater string at Chief Examiner discretion, and Chief Examiner ready to proceed, click Soft Key 3 to insert IMF cmfCN02_TIC11028 f:0 RBCCW temperature controller failure
  • If dispatched as NPO, wait three minutes, and if : -The crew has not taken manual control and opened the TBCCW TCV report that TCV-11 028 is closed. If directed to open 110062 (TCV Bypass), on P&ID SW2, use the Instructor Selected valve position for 11028 and adjust valve position as necessary to restore / maintain temperature at "'" 90° F -If the valve is open, inform them the valve is open
  • When contacted as the Work Week Manager state that you will contact FIN to investigate
  • If contacted as chemistry, acknowledge report of conductivity trend, report that it is likely due to the disturbance of feedwater/condensate flow. Will monitor and take confirmatory samples
  • Four minutes after the WWM was contacted, call the control room as I&C and report that you are calibrating a replacement controller and should be ready to install it within an hour
  • Respond to request for assistance as appropriate EVENT 4: Drywell Pressure Instrument Failure without % SCRAM ! ./ MALFUNCTION I REMOTE FUNCTION I REPORT
  • Once RBCCW temperatures have begun to stabilize and Chief Examiner ready to proceed, click Soft Key 4 to insert IMF mfannAR103B01 f:ALARM_ON Pri Cont High Press Trip annunciator ON
  • When dispatched as I\JPO to investigate PSH-C72-1 N002A and PSH-C72-1 N002C, report no abnormalities locally
  • When contacted as the Work Week Manager state that you will contact FIN to investigate
  • As I&C, report that PSH-C72-1 N002A appears to have failed and RPS Relay K4A on 1 C609 is de-energized but two of the contacts are welded closed
  • If crew indicates they have 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> to place 'A' RPS in the trip condition, contact the Unit Supervisor as I & C and report that you do not have a replacement relay in stock and have Procurement trying to locate one. Projected delivery could be as much as one to two days.
  • If crew requests assistance with determining if the K4A relay inputs to the A 1 RPS logic, inform the caller that you will come to the Control Room with prints. Wait one minute, ask the US for permiSSion to enter the inner ring, then point to the K4A relay on M1-C72-22 Sheet 6 (coordinates E-5) and tell the US it is the failed relay. Page 11 of36 NRC Scenario #3 Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test i Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions I ,/ MALFUNCTION I REMOTE FUNCTION I REPORT
  • If requested as I&C to place the RPS subsystem in trip, report that you cannot I support until sometime possibly during the next shift, but unsure
  • Respond to request for assistance as appropriate EVENT 5: Loss of 1Y218 ,/ MALFUNCTION I REMOTE FUNCTION I REPORT
  • Once Tech Spec call is complete, RPS Yz scram inserted (at Chief Examiner discretion), and Chief Examiner ready to proceed, click Soft Key 5 to insert IMF mfDB157001 1Y218 main breaker trip
  • When dispatched as NPO to investigate loss of instrumentation bus, report the main breaker in 1Y218 is tripped and the front of 1Y219 is deformed.
  • As the NPO, when directed to take local control of CRD flow control valve to restore CRO system flow, acknowledge the direction and take no further action (when 1 Y218 loads are restored CRO flow will return to normal)
  • As NPO, acknowledge the request to place Refueling Water Pumps in service to supply Condensate Transfer System lAW OP-037-003, section 2.22, wait five minutes, click Soft Key 6 to run scn NRC3A to align refuel water transfer system, then call the Control Room and tell them to start the RWT pump
  • As NPO directed to report status of RBCCW to RBCW swap valves on 1 CB216A and/or 1 C279, wait two minutes and report the valve indication is out but you checked locally and RBCCW is supplying OW coolers
  • If crew chooses to restore 1 Y218 without first stripping loads, manually restore 1 Y218 by closing the main feed breaker. Otherwise:
  • When contacted as NPO to strip 1 Y218 loads, click Soft Key 7 to run sen NRC38 to open all1Y218 breakers
  • When contacted as NPO to reclose the Main breaker for 1 Y218 and reclose all 1Y218 breakers except for 1Y219, click Soft Key 8 to run sen NRC3C to reclose all1Y218 breakers except for 1Y219, monitor SCN NRC3C, and when the last breaker is closed, call the RO and report all breakers are closed except 38,40, and 42.
  • As NPO directed to reset Rad Monitors, wait two minutes, click Soft Key 9 to activate IRF rfRM179004 f:RESET and IRF rfRM179004f:NORMAL d:2, and call the RO to inform them they are reset
  • Respond to request for assistance as appropriate Page 12 of36 NRC Scenario #3 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions EVENT 6 HPCI E :qUlpmen tR oom St earn L ea k ./ MALFUNCTION


  • When power restored to 1 Y218 and Chief Examiner ready to proceed, click Soft Key 10 to initiate IMF mfHP152009f:.7 HPCI equipment room steam leak
  • If dispatched as NPO to investigate possibility of steam leak, report the HPCI Room ARM is going up, there is a loud flow noise inside HPCI room and that the door is warm to the touch
  • When directed as U-2 to evacuate U-1 RB, have 2 nd booth operator perform evacuation lAW Hard Card, to include sounding area evacuation alarm
  • When dispatched to investigate MOV failures, report 'I B237 -082 for F002 is tripped; if requested to re-close breaker report that it cannot be re-closed.

Report no abnormalities at 1 D264-081 for F003

  • When dispatched as NPO to close HPCI OB Steam Isol HV-155-F003, wait five minutes and report that you are unable to engage the clutch
  • When contacted as Security to monitor HPCI blowout panels, acknowledge request and inform caller that you checked with the camera and currently there is NO steam
  • Respond to req uest for assistance as appropriate EVENT 7/8: Failure of 'B' RPS, ARI Completion of SCRAM, Failure of Aux Busses to Auto Transfer ./ MALFUNCnON/REMOTEFUNCnON/REPORT
  • As the NPO dispatched to investigate 11 B Aux Bus for tripped lockouts and targets, wait two minutes and report that there are no tripped lockouts or relays and everything appears normal with the Aux and Tie busses
  • If directed to crosstie 1 B140 to feed 1 B150 use P&ID DB-5 and open breaker 1 B 150-12, then close tie breaker 42.
  • If directed to crosstie 1 B1 00 to feed 18110, use P&ID DB-1 and open breaker 1 B11 0-12, then close tie breaker 42.
  • As the NPO, if directed to close the 'B' and 'D' Circ Water Pump valves; wait two minutes, depress Soft Key 11 to run sen NRC3D, and monitor the CW Pp Suction and Discharge valves. Once they are closed, contact the requesting person and report that valves are closed
  • As the NPO directed to reset the '8' and '0' Service Water Pump breaker lockouts on the 11 B Bus, wait two minutes and depress Soft Key 12 to run sen NRC3E. Once all three Green lockout lights are out, contact the requesting person and report that the lockouts are reset
  • As the NPO directed to close the Service Water Pp discharge valve, role play that the requested valve is closed, and do the same when requested to reopen it
  • As the NPO directed to restore Instrument Air and Service Air, wait one minute and depress Soft Key 13 to run sen NRC3F. When the scenario (NRC3F) is Page 13 of36 NRC Scenario #3 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions MALFUNCTION I REMOTE FUNCTION I REPORT done running, report that both instrument air and service air are restored
  • If directed as the NPO to investigate RB Main Steam Tunnel fire detection, wait two minutes and report that there is no unusual noise and you opened the door and the air was hot
  • Respond to request for assistance as appropriate , api " f U'sing B aves EVENT9 F"I al ure 0 f a II SRV R 'd 0 epressunza Ion sypass VI MALFUNCTION I REMOTE FUNCTION I REPORT
  • Adjust leak rates as required by scenario/Chief Examiner to ensure leak rate will result in multiple areas above max safe temperature (Note: changing HPCI leak to 1 % will cause temperature to exceed max safe quickly)
  • Once the crew has taken action to close the 'B' and 'C' RFP Discharge Valve or prevent uncontrolled condensate injection, begins a forced cooldown, and when Chief Examiner ready to proceed, click Soft Key 14 to insert IMF mfRC150004f:50 and MMF mfHP152009 f:10 to insert the RCIC steam leak and modify the HPCI steam leak, then: Monitor the PNOVfor AR-108-001 (E05). RCIC High Temp/Delta Temp When it annunciates, contact the control room via the page as Maintenance, Report that you were sent into the HPCI room in steam suits to attempt to isolate the HPCI steam leak and that you were unable to do so. Explain that when you exited the room, you could not close the door into the RCIC room all the way
  • If directed open ADS valves from the Upper I Lower Relay rooms, wait two minutes and report that all keylocks are in the Open position. Respond to request for assistance as appropriate
  • Once emergency depressurization using bypass valves or alternate systems has commenced and upon direction of the Chief Examiner, place the simulator in freeze i
  • Once the scenario is finished and the crew has left the simulator, place the simulator in run and change the input to OD3 back to LEFM, prior to resetting.

Page 14 of36 NRC Scenario #3 --Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions Appendix Required Operator Actions Form ES-D*2 Op-Test No.: __ Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: Page of Event


Leading Edge Flow Meter Computer Failure Priority:

Reduce core flow by O. SMlbmlhr and restore heat balance by swapping FW flow . input from LEFM to venturi e Position Apglicant's Actions or Behavior SRO Directs entry in ON-100-006, LOSS OF REACTOR HEAT BALANCE CALCULATION (Step 3.2) Directs crew to suspend any activities related to reactivity increase in the core (Step 3.2.1) Directs ATC to utilize APRMs for indication of Reactor Power (Step 3.2.2) Once Core thermal power heat balance is unavailable for >15 minutes, directs ATC to reduce core flow by approximately 0.5 Mlbm/hr (Step 3.2.3) Requests STA to select FW Venturi Flow Elements lAW OP-131-002.

Upon discovering STA is unavailable, directs ATC/BOP to perform this action or may perform this action himself/herself SRO Upon receiving communication from NPO that LEFM panel is energized and both panel breakers remain closed, will direct NPO to investigate 1 Y128-38. Breaker will be found tripped. Directs NPO to re-close breaker 1 Y128-38; breaker will not remain closed Requests I&C and Work Week Manager support to troubleshoot/repair LEFM Evaluator Note: Once heat balance input selected to venturis, proceed to next event, Key 2, 3A FW Htr extraction steam isolation Recognize and respond to Computer Alarm and indications:

PICSY core thermal power indication indicating white Alarm CRT message "1 C11 07 Trouble" PICSY LEFM FW Flow computer points indicating white PICSY LEFM FW Temperature computer points indicating white i Reports indications to SRO Page 15 of36 NRC Scenario #3 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions AMonitors APRMs for power indication Dispatches NPO to investigate loss of LEFM, check breakers per step 3.2.7 (Report from field will indicate that the panel is energized and both 1 C11 07 breakers are still closed. Will dispatch NPO to investigate 1Y128-38, breaker will be found tripped and cannot be reclosed)

Evaluator Note: The following actions will likely be performed from memory (OP-164-002 Step 2.1.6 at Rx Recirc HMI screens) Touch the MANUAL MODE SELECT button (Step 2.1.7) Touch the MANUAL MODE SELECT button on the confirmation overlay screen (Step 2.1.7.a) Ensure the MANUAL Screen Select button and MANUAL MODE SELECT buttons change color from blue to yellow (Step 2.1.7.b) Ensure the MANUAL MODE SELECT buttonJext now reads MANUAL MODE SELECTED (Step 2.1.8) Slowly Adjust REACTOR RECIRC PUMP A(B} SPEED SY-B31-1R621A{B)

Controller Demand with the applicable DEC pushbuttons until core flow has been reduced 0.5 Mlbm/hr A Evaluator Note: SRO may perform these actions in lieu of A TC, as manipulations can also be performed at SRO desk. Performs OP-131-002 Section 2.5 to swap feedwater inputs into 00-3 (Step 2.5.5) Press the ESC key on the PICSY keyboard (Step 2.5.6) Type LEFMP in the Turn-On Code (TOC) field and Press ENTER (Step 2.5.7) Ensure the desired feedwater source (venturi or LEFM) is providing data to the 003 program (Step 2.5.8) !E the 003 input is not correct, swap to the other input as follows: (Step 2.5.8.a) Type FWFETOGL in the TOC field and Press ENTER (Step 2.5.8.b) Type Y in response to the prompt "CHANGE FW FLOW INPUTS TO CTP (YIN)?" and Press ENTER (Step 2.5.8.c) Ensure the message on the LEFMP screen changes and indicates the correct feedwater input It may take up to 4 minutes for indicated CTP to stabilize.

Page 16 of36 NRC Scenario #3 Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test I Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions Appendix Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No,: __ Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: Page_of_ Event


3A Feedwater Heater Extraction Steam Isolation, power reduction Priority:

Reduce and maintain reactor power $71 % and isolate extraction steam to remainder of string. Iso/ate 'A' feedwater string when determined that restoration of extraction steam to 'A' feedwater header will take longer than 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> ! Time Applicant's Actions or Behavior Announces entry into ON-156-001 Unanticipated Reactivity Change SRO When reactor power reported to be exceeding 3952 MWth, announces entry into ON-100-004, Reactor Power greater than the Authorized Limit (ON-156-001 Step 4.5) IF change resulted in power increase:

SRO (Step 4.5.1) IE > 3952 MWth as indicated on computer point NBA 100 (1 minute average).

Perform ON-100-004, "Reactor Power greater than Authorized Limit," OTHERWISE (Step 4.5.2) Reduce reactor power to level at which it was prior to reactivity change (Step 4.7) AS REQUIRED, Take Action to correct any apparent change in any following variable which could affect reactivity: (Step 4.7.12) Feedwater temperature Per ON-1 00-004 step 3.2, directs ATC to reduce core thermal power <3952 MWth using recirc per CRC book (Step 3.3) Requests STA determine the maximum thermal power excursion by using PICSY (STA is unavailable)

! Notifies Reactor Engineering Announces entry into ON-147-001 Loss of Feedwater Heating Extraction Steam (ON-147-001 Step 3.2) Direct ATC to Immediately Reduce Reactor Power lAW RE Instructions in CRe Book to $71 % RTP by Performing step 3.2 (Step 3.3) Directs ATC to perform ON-164-002 Loss of Reactor Recirculation Flow I (Step 3.4.1) Directs ATC to monitor position and comply with Stability Region Requirements on Power/Flow map Page 17 of36 NRC Scenario #3 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test i Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions (Step 3.4.2) Directs BOP to monitor Main Steam Line Radiation Monitor D12-1R603 and Offgas Pretreatment Log Radiation Monitor RR-D12-1R601 Contacts Reactor Engineering, I&C, Work Week Manager Evaluator Note: Due to the transient on feedwater/condensate flow, crew may notice a conductivity swing. Crew may contact chemistry for vermcation, but the magnitude of the swing does not require entering any off-normal procedures, only monitoring of the transient Announces that they are entering LCO 3.2.2 for MCPR, and if feedwater heating is lost and cannot be restored within 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />, they are required to isolate the affected feedwater string. Maximum power level with 2 feedwater strings is 71% i Evaluator Note: At Chief Examiner discretion, once extraction steam . isolation to the heaters has begun, may move on to next event , or observe crew isolate the string (approximately 10 minutes).

Next event is Key 3, RBCCW temperature controller failure Once it is determined that extraction steam will not be restored to 'A' Feedwater string within 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />, directs BOP to continue with 001/0P-144-001 to isolate the 'A' Feedwater string SRO Enters GO-100-012, Power Maneuvers Evaluator Note: At Chief Examiner discretion, once extraction steam is isolated to the heaters, may move on to next event or observe crew isolate the string (approximately 10 minutes).

Next event is Key 3, RBCCW temperature controller failure Note and report rising reactor power, mayor may not immediately know the ATC/BOP cause I Respond to AR-120-001 (004) FW Htr String A Dump Vlv Open and 001 (H04) FW Loop A Panel1C101 Trouble alarms, and monitor panels to determine cause Notes core thermal power >3952 MWth, reports to SRO ATC (OP-164-002 Step 2.1.8) Slowly Adjust REACTOR RECIRC PUMP A(B) ATC SPEED SY-B31-1 R621A(B) Controller Demand with the applicable DEC push buttons until core thermal power has been reduced below and remains below 3952 MWth Page 18 of36 NRC Scenario #3 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test i i Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions ATC Reduces reactor power :::;71 %: (Step 3.2.1) JE required, Insert Control Rods as necessary to obtain a Rod Line which is less than the value stated in the CRC Book (Step 3.2.2) Initiate the required flow/power reduction by performing either of the following: (Step 3.2.2.a) Initiate a Manual Rx Recirc Limiter #2 Runback in . accordance with OP-164-001 OR (Step 3.2.2.b) Adjust the double chevron DEC buttons on the REACTOR RECIRC PUMP A(B) SPEED controllers SY-B31-1R621A & B as required to establish the final Core Flow value stated in the CRC Book ATC (ON-164-002 Step 4.4.1) Plots position on Power/Flow Map (Step 4.4.2) Selects a Non-Peripheral Control Rod (Step 4.4.3) Monitors LPRM for power oscillations ATC While extraction steam valves are being closed to the A Feedwater string, monitors reactor power and reduces recirc flow or inserts control rods as necessary to maintain reactor power <71 % Evaluator Note: This transient takes approximately 30 minutes for a/l feedwater temperatures to reach equilibrium; periodic Recirc flow adjustments and control rod insertions will be required to maintain reactor power <71% Discovers cause of reactivity excursion to be isolation of extraction steam to BOP 3A Feedwater heater, finds Extraction Steam to 3A Heater Isolation Valve HV-10240A closed Dispatches NPO to local alarm/control panel 1 C101 to investigate (ON-147-001 Step 3.6) IF extraction steam lost to Feedwater Heater(s)

BOP 3A(B)(C) or 4A(B)(C), Ensure ISOLATION of extraction steam and drain inputs to any higher pressure heater(s) in same string as affected heater as follows: (Requires coordination with ATC, as removing 4th and 5 th stage extraction steam will cause a rise in reactor power, and require subsequent reduction by ATC) Page 19 of36 NRC Scenario #3 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test i Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions BOP (Step 3.6.1) Closes HTR 5A HP EXTR ISO HV-10242A

(-90 seconds) (Step 3.6.2) Closes HTR 4A LP EXTR ISO HV-10241A

(-90 seconds) (Step 3.6.3) Closes MSEP B DRN TO HTR 4A HV-10216A

(-60 seconds) (Step 3.6.4) Closes MSEP A DRN TO HTR 4A HV-10213A

(-60 seconds) (Step 3.6.5) Verifies HTR 3A HP EXTR ISO HV-10240A closed * (Step 3.6.6) Directs NPO to perform step 3.6.6 Reports completion to SRO Evaluator Note: At Chief Examiner discretion, once extraction steam isolation to the 'A' feedwater heaters has begun, may move on to next event or observe crew isolate the 'A' feedwater string BOP (Step 3.7) IF any feedwater heating lost and cannot be restored within 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />, Isolate affected feedwater string in accordance with OP-144-001 Condensate and Feedwater System. Maximum power level with 2 feedwater strings is 71 % BOP (OP-144-001 Step 2.7.3) Notifies SRO that if extraction steam is isolated to any feedwater heater with reactor power ;;:23% RTP AND the associated feed water string is not isolated, Enter TS 3.2.2 for MCPR limit (Step 2.7.4) Open Feedwater HTR STRING A(B)(C) INLET BYPS HV-10659A(B)(C) by depressing OPEN pushbutton.

(-15 seconds) (Step 2.7.5) N/A (Step 2.7.6) Close Feedwater HTR STRING A INLET HV-10639A by depressing CLOSE pushbutton

(-1 minute 45 seconds) (Step 2.7.7) Monitors feedwater heater shell pressure on PICSY until they are approximately atmospheric pressure (Step 2.7.8) Close Feedwater HTR STRING A DSCH ISO HV-10620A by depressing CLOSE pushbutton

(-1 minute 45 seconds) (Step 2.7.9) There are no indications of a feedwater heater leak, candidate will maintain Feedwater HTR STRING A INLET BYPS HV-10659A OPEN Evaluator Note: Once the feedwater string is reported as isolated to the

  • SRO, proceed to the next event, Key 3, RBCCW temp. controller failure Page 20 of36 NRC Scenario #3 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions Appendix 0 Required Operator Actions Form ES-O-2 Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 3 Page of Event


RBCCW Temperature Controller Fails in Auto Priority:

Monitoring affected components (namely pumps), diagnosis of failed controller and restoration of cooling I Time Position I Applicant's Actions or Behavior SRO May announce entry in ON-114-001 based upon AR direction, direct BOP to perform ON-114-001, or may direct BOP to take manual control of the temperature controller SRO (Step 3.6.4) Directs BOP to take manual control of RBCCW temperature controller TIC-11 028 If TCV-11028 diagnosed as malfunctioning, SRO may instead direct throttling open RBCCW HX SW Dsch Temp CV BPV 110062 to maintain RBCCW Heat Exchanger outlet temperature 95 to 105° F instead of taking manual control of the TCV Evaluator Note: Once RBCCW system and component temperatures have been lowered and stabilized, proceed to next event, Key 4, Primary containment pressure instrument failure Responds to AR-123-001 (E05) RBCCW Header HI Temp (comes in BOP approximately one minute following malfunction insertion)

Verifies alarm by checking temperature on RBCCW HX DSCH BOP TEMP TI-11305 (Step 3.2) Monitors and records Recirc Pump A&B motor bearing and BOP/ATC seal cavity temperatures on TRSH-B31-1 R601 at Panel 1 C614, reports trends to SRO Investigates probable causes as identified in AR-123-001 (E05) : BOP Loss of service water flow to RBCCW heat exchangers High service water temperature Temperature control valve malfunction Temperature controller malfunction RBCCW heat exchanger malfunction RWCU Non-Regenerative Heat Exchanger Tube Leak Reactor coolant leak into RBCCW at Recirc Pump Cover Cooler Restart of RWCU under hot reactor conditions

{expected thermal transient lasting several minutes until RBCCW stabilizes i During investigation, notices RBCCW temperature controller BOP 11028 has failed in automatic and its output is zero Reports malfunctioning RBCCW temperature controlierlTCV to BOP SRO Page 210[36 NRC Scenario #3 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test I Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions Dispatches NPO to inspect RBCCW temperature controller valve. BOP May also direct NPO to throttle open the TCV bypass valve to maintain RBCCW temperatures instead of taking manual control of TCV controller I BOP Places RBCCW temperature controller TIC-11028 in manual and depresses the Open button, as necessary, to restore system temperature BOPIATC Continues to monitor Recirc Pump A&B motor bearing and seal cavity temperatures while restoring normal system temperature May also receive AR-102-001 (G03) RECIRC PUMP MOTOR HI TEMP alarm depending on operator response time to failed TCV, which also requires monitoring same components I Page 22 of36 NRC Scenario #3 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions Appendix Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 I Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: Page _ of _

  • Event


Drywell Pressure Instrument Failure Without 1f2 Scram ! Priority:

Determination that 'A' RPS should have provided a Y2 scram and did not; declaring I channel inoperable and placing Y2 scram in on 'A' RPS Ime . Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SRO Evaluator Note: Report from the field will tell crew that the drywell pressure switch has failed, and the RPS 1 K4A relay contacts are welded closed Determines that an instrument failure has occurred, but the attendant 1f2 scram did not occur. Determines that there is also a fault in the RPS subsystem in addition to the failed instrument due to the lack of Y2 scram SRO Requests I&C, Work Week Manager support SRO Declares entry into TS, condition A, which directs: A.1: Place channel in trip within 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> OR A.2: Place Associated trip system in trip Due to failure of the RPS logic, SRO will direct action A.2 to place the associated trip system in trip Evaluator Note: May also review TS and, but the high drywell pressure signal comes from other instruments and requires a similar 12 hour1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> action statement SRO Upon finding I&C unavailable, directs ATC to insert an Ai RPS Y2 scram Evaluator Note: Once TS call complete and Y2 scram inserted, : proceed to next event, Key 5, Loss of 1Y218 Responds to AR-103-001 (801) Primary Containment HI Press Trip ATC Dispatches NPO to investigate locally ATC May perform alarm check to check function of AR-1 03-001 (A01) RPS CHANNEL A1/A2 AUTO SCRAM A Arms and depresses RPS MAN SCRAM CHAN A 1 HS-C72A-1 S03A Checks drywell pressure to confirm alarm indication (drywell pressure BOP is normal) Reports to SRO that drywell pressure is normal; suspect failed BOP instrument Page 23 of36 NRC Scenario #3 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: __ Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 5 Page_of_ Event


Loss of 1 Y2i8 (results in loss of condensate transfer pumps, reactor building chill water, full core display, several RPV level indications, loss of zone 1 and zone 3 ventilation)


Restore power to 1 Y218, place Refueling Water Pumps in service to Condensate Transfer, maximize cooling to Recirc pumps and drywell coolers as Position Applicant's Actions or BehaviorAnnounces entry into ON-117-001 Loss of Instrument Bus, and SRO proceeds to section 3.4 for Instrument bus 1 Y218/1 Y219 trouble Directs ATC/BOP to perform their applicable actions of ON-117 -001 Requests Work Week Manager and electrical maintenance/FIN support Evaluator note: If it appears that the crew is going to scram the plant based upon the electrical transient, proceed to the next event, Key 10, HPCI Equipment Room steam leak SRO Briefs crew on lost instrumentation and further required actions May enter LCO Condition A. if Average DW Temperature exceeds 135 0 F. and determines Required Action A.i, restore within 8 hrs. applies Evaluator note: Once power has been restored to 1Y218, scenario i may proceed to next event Key 10, HPCI Equipment Room steam , leak. At Chief Examiner discretion, further ON actions may be observed.

ReportsAR-106-001 (F11) InstrumentAC 1Y2i8/1Y219 Power ATC Failure and loss of APRM hard wire indication (Step 3.4.1) Determine if 1 Y218/1 Y219 are energized by checking against list in Attachment (Step 3.4.3) If 1Y218/1Y219 not energized:

ATC (Step 3.4.3.b) Refer to Attachment E for functions/instrumentation lost and recommended actions I (Step 3.4.3.c) Dispatches NPO to 120V InstrumentAC UPS 10240 and Page 24 of36 NRC Scenario #3 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions ATC Proceeds to process computer and calls up 00-7 to monitor control rod positions due to loss of full core display Dispatches NPO to take local manual/auto control of CRD flow control valves to restore system flow Directs NPO to perform step 3.4.3.f of ON-117 -001 to restore power to 1 Y218/1 Y219 Evaluator Note: 1Y218/oads will be stripped and sequentially restored, resulting in a restoration of 1 Y218, but leaving 1 Y219 secured. i (Attachment E function 5/6) Request Chemistry initiate alternate BOP reactor coolant sampling and local turbine bldg, SBGT and reactor building sampling Directs NPO to perform 2.22.3a through 2.22.3.r of OP-037-003 to supply the condensate transfer header using the refuel water pumps (restores keepfill to EGGS pumps) Continues to monitor ECCS keepfill pressures on 1 C601 Once report received from NPO that 2.22.3.a through 2.22.3.r, BOP performs Step 2.23.s and depresses START pushbutton for Refueling Water Pump OP157 A(B) Directs NPO to continue with steps 2.22.3.t and u. (ON-134-001 Step 3.2) Monitors recirc pump A(B) motor winding BOP temperatures Evaluator Note: These indications are unavailable until power is restored to 1 Y218 (Step 3.3.2) Proceeds to section 3.5 due to loss of both chillers BOP Page 25 of36 NRC Scenario #3 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions Evaluator Note: RBGGW temperature will initially lower due to the BOP loss of its largest head load, reactor water cleanup (Step 3.5.4.c) Perform the actions of Section 3.8, "IF Drywell Cooling Shifts from Reactor Building Chilled Water to RBCCW". (Step 3.8) IF Drywell Cooling Shifts from Reactor Building Chilled Water to RBCCW: Directs RB NPO to perform Step 3.8.1 at 1 CB216A, Ensure RWCU Non-regen Heat Exchanger RBCCW Inlet Valve HV-11315 AUTO ISOLATES if drywell cooling water switched to RBCCW Directs RB NPO to perform Step 3.8.2 at 1 C279, Check valves positioned as follows: (Step 3.8.2.a) RBCCW Supply Vlv FV-18771 D OPENS (Step 3.8.2.b) RBCCW Return Vlv FV-18771C OPENS (Step 3.8.2.c) Chilled Water Supply Vlv to Drywell Coolers FV-18771B CLOSES (Step 3.8.2.d) Chilled Water Return Vlv from Drywell Coolers FV-18771A CLOSES (Step 3.8.3) Fully Open RBCCW COOLER TEMP TIC-11028 to maximize RBCCW cooling, by depressing the Open pushbutton until demand is at 100% (controller is already in manual due to earlier failure) BOP At 1 C693, Monitor Drywell temperature on DRYWELL ATMOS TEMP TR-15790A(B)

IF average Drywell temperature exceeds 135 deg F, Comply with TS Evaluator Note: Will occur in approximately 5 minutes. Back panel drywell temperature indications will read approximately 50F until1Y218 restored.

Temperature indication still available on EGGS panels I Monitor Drywell pressure on Containment Atmosphere I Parameters/Post Accident Monitor Recorder UR15701A(B) at Panel 1C601 Page 26 of36 NRC Scenario #3 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: __ Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 6 Page_of_ Event


HPCI Equipment Room Steam Leak, HPCI Isolation Failure Priority:

Enter EO-100-104, take action to attempt leak isolation Time i Position SRO Applicant's Actions or Behavior Assigns BOP to check I monitor Secondary Containment Temperatures Monitors RB rad levels SRO Directs U-2 to evacuate the U-1 Reactor Building When HPCI areas exceed Max Normal Temp (120 F) or Max Normal Ll T (45 F) Enters EO-1 00-104, Secondary Containment Control (SCIT-2) Directs BOP to start all ESW and Unit Coolers Contacts Security to monitor HPCI blowout panels in CST berm area and report if there is any steam (SCIT-4) Directs BOP to isolate HPCI Steam Supply SRO Contacts Work Week Manager for assistance in closing HPCI F002 and F003 Evaluator Note: No cue needed to proceed to next event. Next event begins with SRO determining that a primary system is discharging into the reactor building BOP Reports Fire Protection SIMPLEX alarm Fire Det X109_Z8 Reports HPCI Equipment Room is cause of alarm and refers to SP-001 for Fire Sup X228_Z7 ALM Reports HPCI Leak Detect Hi Temp alarms AR114-001 (E05) (AR-114-0E05 Step 2.1) DETERMINE cause of alarm by observing URS-G33-1 N604 on Panel 1 C614 Dispatches NPO to investigate HPCI Fire Suppression alarm. Receives report back that HPCI room ARM is rising, there is a loud flow noise inside HPCI room and that the door is warm to the touch Page 27 of36 NRC Scenario #3 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions When directed to report secondary containment temperatures: Checks URS-G33-1N604 and URS-G33-1N605 on 1C614. Observes elevated HPCI Equipment Area (Pt #4) and HPCI Pipe Routing (pt #6) temperatures and notes using 104 Table 8 Hard Card.

  • Reports elevated RB temperatures to SRO Requests U-2 to evacuate U-1 RB due to steam leak and rising rad levels (Step SCIT-2) Starts all ESW Pumps and all ECCS/RCIC/HPCI room coolers Evaluator Note: May perform steps from memory (OP-054-001 Step 2.2.4) Places one pump in each ESW Loop in service by depressing ESW Pump OP504A(C)

AND (OP504B(0))

RUN push button and verifies pump operation (Step 2.2.5) Ensure OPEN: NfA steps(s) not required HV-01222A(B)

ESW Pond Spr Bpv HV-01224A 1 (B1) ESW Pond Spr In A 1 (B1 )


ESW Pond Spr In A2(B2) (Step 2.2.6) On Panel OC681 , Ensure ESW Pp Supply Fan OV521A(C)(OV521 B(O>> STARTS Repeats above steps until all 4 ESW pumps are in service BOP (Step SC/2) At panel1C681 (OP-134-002 Step 2.7.5.a) Places RCtC RM UNIT CLR 1V208A and B control switches to START (Step 2.8.5.a) Places HPCI RM UNIT CLR 1V209A and B control switches to START (Step 2.9.6.a) Places CORE SPRAY RM UNIT COOLER 1 V211 A( B)( C), and (D) control switches to START (Step 2.1 0.6.a) Places RHR RM UNIT CLR 1V21 OA(B)(C), and 0 control switches to START Page 28 of36 NRC Scenario #3 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test i Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions BOP (Step SCfT-4) Attempts to isolate HPCI: Places key switches for HV-155-F002 and HV-155-F003 to close Reports HPCI F002 failed to close, then reports loss of indication for F003 Recognize and reports HPCI failed to isolate Dispatches NPO to 1 B237 -082 (F002) and 10264-081 (F003) to investigate Page 29 of36 NRC Scenario #3 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 lOP-Test No.: __ Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 7/8 Page of Event


Failure of 'B' RPS, ARI Completion of Scram. Failure of 11 B Aux Bus to Auto Transfer, 'A' EHC fails to auto start and bypass valves fail to auto open Priorities:

Once it is determined that a primary system is discharging into the Reactor Building, SCRAM the reactor and enter EO-100-102, RPV control. Restore EHC and reduce reactor pressure to reduce driving head on the leak. Restore power to 'B' and 'C'RFP discharge valves to prevent uncontrolled condensate injection

  • Contains action items to complete critical task 1, l\IIanually scram the reactor before any Secondary Containment Area temperature I radiation reaches Max Safe Temperature II I ;lIIe Position SRO Applicant's Actions or Behavior Determines Primary System is discharging into Table 8 Area on failure to isolate *SRO Performs crew update to inform the crew of the need to Scram the reactor Announces entry into ON-100-101, Scram, Scram Imminent (SC/T-7) Direct Manual Scram before any RB Area Temp reaches Max Safe Evaluator Note: SRO may direct placing mode switch directly in SHUTDOWN without performing ON-100-101 actions *SRO (Step 4.3.2) May direct BOP to initiate ARI (This is immediate operator action if SCRAM fails) SRO Enters EO-100-102 from SCIT and on SCRAM due to RPV level <13" (Step RC/L-1) Direct BOP to ensure isolations, ECCS initiations, and diesel starts (Step RC/L-4) Directs ATC to maintain RPVwater level between +20" and +45" using Feedwater (Step RC/P-6/7)

Directs BOP to initiate a cooldown at <1 OO°F/hr using bypass valves/SRV to allow use of condensate for level control (SRO priority at this point is to reduce reactor pressure to reduce leak flow rate) Evaluator Note: Bypass valves will initially fail to control pressure automatically from the time the mode switch is placed in SHUTDOWN until the turbine trips, at which point the 11 B aux bus will be lost, causing a loss of EHC due to the running pump tripping and the standby pump failing to start. EHC pressure must be restored by starting the standby 'A'pump, to permit the use of bypass valves for depressurization Page 30 of36 NRC Scenario #3 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions Directs BOP restoration of EHC and restoration of Aux Bus 1 'I B by performing ON-103-003 or cross-tying load centers to restore power to RFP discharge valves Conducts crew brief to explain the requirement to Rapidly Depressurize the RPV if two RB Area Temperatures reach Max Safe Directs BOP to continue monitoring Secondary Containment Area Temperatures Evaluator Note: Restoration priority should be given to EHC and restoration of power to RFP '8' and 'C' discharge valves to prevent uncontrolled condensate injection Once the crew has taken action to close the '8' and 'C'RFP Discharge Valve or prevent uncontrolled condensate injection, and begins a forced cooldown, proceed to the next event, Key 14, RCIC room steam leak Re-enters EO-100-104, Secondary Containment Control due to HPCI room flood alarm (Step RC/P-3) When approaching second area above max safe, will direct BOP to open all BPV irrespective of cooldown rate Page 31 of36 NRC Scenario #3 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions Evaluator note: Recirc may already be at 48% if limiter #2 initiated to reduce power for extraction steam isolation.

SRO may direct placement of mode switch directly in SHUTDOWN without performing ON-100-101 actions) (ON-100-101 Step 3.1.1.c.2)

Initiate the required flow/power reduction by Adjusting the double chevron DEC buttons on the REACTOR RECIRC PUMP A(B) SPEED controllers SY-B31-1R621A

& B as required to establish the final Core Flow value stated in the CRC Book (Step 4.1) Place Mode Switch HS-C72A-1S01 to SHUTDOWN (Step 4.2) Observe all Control Rods indicate fully inserted (using two indications, 00-7 completed as soon as possible).

Reports to SRO that control rods failed to move and inserts a manual SCRAM (Immediate operator action) (Step 4.3) !E more than 1 control rod> 00: (Step 4.3.1) Arm AND Depress manual scram pushbuttons (Step 4.3.1.a) RPS MAN SCRAM CHAN A1 HS-C72A-1S03A (Step 4.3.1.b) RPS MAN SCRAM CHAN B1 HS-C72A-1S03B (Step 4.3.1.c) RPS MAN SCRAM CHAN A2 HS-C72A-1S03C (Step 4.3.1.d) RPS MAN SCRAM CHAN B2 HS-C72A-1S03D Utilizes OD-7 and RWM display to determine all rods full in References ON-100-101 Hard Card (Attachment A) to complete SCRAM actions: (Step 3) Insert SRMs and IRMs (Step 4) Stop Condensate Pumps 1P102A(B)(C)(D}

as necessary to leave 2 pumps in operation (N/A due to impending loss of Aux Buses) (Step 5) Check SDV Vent and Drain valves closed (Step 6) Check RPV level between 13" and 54" (Step 7) Check RPV pressure <1087 psig (Step 8) Trip Turbine when <150MWe (Step 9) Check Turbine speed is decreasing (Step 10) Check status of MSIV (Step 11 ) Report anything abnormal to Unit Supervisor (Step 12) Ensure FW is aligned for Start Up Level Control Reports to SRO that 'B' and 'e' RFP discharge valves have no power Once power restored to 'B' and 'C' RFP discharge valves, ensures they are closed and reports this to SRO Page 32 of36 NRC Scenario #3 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions Monitors and adjusts feedwater level controller as necessary maintain reactor water level in Closes RFP discharge valves when power restored or condensate pumps to prevent uncontrolled condensate (Step 4.3.2) Initiate ARI by arming and depressing: (Step 4.3.2.a) ARI DIV 1 MAN TRIP HS-147103A1 TRIP (Step 4.3.2.b) ARI DIV 2 MAN TRIP HS-147103B1 TRIP (Immediate operator action upon SCRAM failure) Report ARI functioning correctly and scram air header is depressurizing Utilizes ON-100-101 1C60'1 Hard Card (Attachment B) to ECCS status and electric plant. Reports status to Reports loss of 11 B Aux Bus upon turbine trip, reports failure of EHC pump to auto Start 1 P113A(B) EHC HYD FLUID PUMP by Depressing AUTO pushbutton AND then the RUN pushbutton Operates EHC/Bypass valves or SRV to begin cooldown/depressurization

<1BOP Evaluator note: Operator will (1) dispatch NPO to crosstie load centers to restore power to RFP discharge valves-1 B140 supplying 1 B150 and 1 B1 00 supplying 1B110 OR (2) perform steps below to restore power to aux bus 11 B (Attachment B Step 1.1/1.2) Dispatches NPO to check bus protective relays do not have any targets and bus lockout relays reset (Step 1.3) Proceeds to Attachment I to restore Aux Bus 11 B Page 33 of36 NRC Scenario #3 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions (Attachment I) Dispatches NPO to perform steps 1.1, 1.2 to check relays (Step 1.5) Energizing 11 B from Tie Bus OA 106 1.5.1 Ensure TIE BUS OA 106 ENERGIZED by Observing WHITE LIGHT ILLUMINATED on mimic bus on Panel OC653 OR by Checking TIE BUS OA106 voltage on voltmeter XI-00005 is nominally 14KV Ensure all synchroscope switches OFF on OC653 Insert key AND Place TIE BUS TO BUS 11 B SYNC SEL HS-00021 B keyswitch to ON Close TIE BUS TO BUS 11 S BKR 1A 10204 by Placing switch to CLOSE Observe TIE BUS TO BUS 11B BKR 1A10204 CLOSES Return TIE BUS TO BUS 11B SYNC SEL HS-00021 B to OFF AND Remove key Observe UNIT AUX BUS 11 B WHITE LIGHT ILLUMINATED on Panel OC653 Check AUX BUS 11 B voltage on voltmeter XI-00009B is nominally 14KV Reports HPCI Room Flooded AR-114-001 (H03) due to Fire Suppression Continues to monitor and report secondary containment temperatures (HPC/IRC/C Max Normal temperature is 120F and Max Safe is 167F) When directed by SRO, depresses BPV jack open pushbutton until all SPV are open Page 34 of36 NRC Scenario #3 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 9 Page of Event


Failure of all but one SRV, Depress Using BPV Priority:

Once Max Safe temperature has been exceeded in two area, direct Rapid Depressurization

  • Contains action items to complete critical task 2, Rapidly depressurize the reactor when two Secondary Containment Areas exceed Max Safe Rad J Temperature I Water levels Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior *SRO (SC/T-8) When RB Area Temp Exceeds Max Safe in 2 or more areas, Rapid Depress is required Announces entry into EO-100-112, Rapid Depressurization
  • SRO (Step RD-8) Directs BOP to open all ADS valves *SRO (Step RD-10) Directs BOP to open SRVs until 6 are open *SRO (Step RD-13) Directs BOP to depressurize RPV using bypass valves Evaluator Note: Once emergency depressurization has commenced using bypass valves or alternate systems, and with Chief Examiner concurrence, scenario may be terminated Reports to SRO from maintenance that during efforts to isolate HPCI ATC steam leak, door to RCIC room could not be re-closed Responds to SIMPLEX fire alarm and reports RCIC Pump Room is BOP cause of alarm and refers to AR-SP-002 for Fire Sup X108_Z3 ALM Reports RCIC Leak Detect Hi Temp alarms AR1 08-001 (E05) (AR-108-E05 Step 2.1)

DETERMINE cause of alarm by observing URS-G33-1N605 on Panel1C614 Monitors room temperatures on URS-G33-1 N605 Dispatches NPO to investigate X227 _Z7 RCIC Fire Suppression alarm Reports to SRO that Max Safe Temp has been exceeded in second BOP area (HPCIIRCIC Max Normal temperature is 120F and Max Safe is 167F) Page 35 of36 NRC Scenario #3 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test Scenario Summary and Administration Instructions Turns control switches for all 6 ADS SRVs to OPEN.*BOP Recognizes that valves do not open. Reports that no ADS SRVs are open Returns ADS SRV switches to AUTO, attempts placing all other*BOP SRV control switches in OPEN, notes that only 1 SRV opens. Directs NPO to open the six ADS valves from the Upper or LowerRelay Depresses and holds INCREASE pushbutton for bypass valve opening jack until bypass valves are fully open (may have been completed earlier as part of RC/P-3 guidance to open all bypass valves irrespective of cooldown rate if rapid depress is anticipated)

Evaluator Note: Once emergency depressurization has commenced using bypass valves or alternate systems, and with Chief Examiner concurrence, scenario may be terminated.


Have the applicant in the CRS position identify the highest EAL classification for the combination of events experienced during the scenario.

Applicable classification:

FS1 based upon Table F of EP-TP-001.

FS1: Loss OR Potential Loss of ANY Two Barriers Potential Loss of RCS barrier based upon criteria 2.c.2a: Unisolable primary system leakage outside Primary Containment as indicated by: A. Any Reactor Building area exceeds Max Normal Reactor Building Temperature Limit per Table F-1 AND Loss of Primary Containment Barrier based upon criteria 3.c.1 or 3.c.3 3.c.1: Failure of all automatic isolation valves in anyone line penetrating Primary Containment to close AND a downstream pathway to the environment exists 3.c.3: Unisolable primary system leakage outside Primary Containment as indicated by: A. Any Reactor Building areas exceed Max Safe Reactor Building Temperature Limit per Table F-3. Page 36 of36 NRC Scenario #3 -Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Operating Test




YES/NO NRC CODE PRIOR TO 0800 Indigo Foxtrot NRC CODE AFTER 0800 Oscar November Indigo Mike REMARKS: Div 2 Core oos for SOW 2) 1 B EHC Pump i/s and 1 A in stby'-_______________________

_ 3) Shift activities:

Maintain power I generator capability curve limits in accordance with the CRG Book 2 is preparing to enter

_____________________ COMMON: FORM OP-AD-003-7, Rev. 18, DUPLEX, Page 1 of 2 OFFGOING UNIT SUPERVISOR CHECKLIST:

1900-0700 1900 ,'v\j 1. Evolutions in progress and items to be completed during next shift, as noted in remarks, have been discussed with oncoming Unit Supervisor.

fv\J 2. Problems encountered during past shift and abnormal plant conditions, as noted in remarks, have been discussed with oncoming Unit Supervisor.

fv1j 3. Information in SOMS Log is complete and discussed with oncoming Unit Supervisor.

tv\) 4. As applicable turnover plastic Security Badge cover and CRS Monitor function to oncoming Unit Supervisor.

1900 -0700 0700 -1900 Offgoing Unit Supervisor ONCOMING UNIT SUPERVISOR CHECKLIST:

0700-1900 1. LCOfTRO Log reviewed.

(14) 2. SOMS Log reviewed for entries made in past 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />. 0700 -1900 1900 -0700 Oncoming Qualified Unit Supervisor POST RELIEF 1. Walk down Control Room panels with Unit Responsible PCO. 2. CRC Book reviewed and Reactivity Brief performed with PCO. 3. Completed System Status Operable audit for open PMT this shift. 0700 -1900 1900 -0700 Oncoming Unit Supervisor FORM OP-AD-003-7, Rev. 18, DUPLEX, Page 2 of 2