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Draft Operating Exam (Section a, Section B, Section C) (Folder 2)
Person / Time
Site: Susquehanna  Talen Energy icon.png
Issue date: 11/14/2016
Operations Branch I
Shared Package
ML16076A438 List:
Download: ML17013A462 (297)




__c. . o. ......m.. .,p. . .,1....."""'io;...;..n"'""L""'"o'"""g.___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ JPM#: OO.AD.21017.001 Revision:_o;;;....____ Date: 09/23/2016 Applicability: ~ RO ~ SRO Setting: Classroom NUREG-1123 E/APE I Sys Generic KIA Number 2.1.20 KIA Importance 2.1.20 Alternate Path: D YES ~ NO Time Critical DYES ~ NO Validation Time (min): _ _2..._5__ Examinee Name: Last, First Ml Employee Number Exam Date: Exam Duration (Min): _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Evaluation Result: D Satisfactory D Unsatisfactory Evaluator: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Name Signature Comments:

REQUIRED TASK INFORMATION JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE OO.AD.21017.001 I. SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS A. All Operations personnel are responsible for maintaining their radiation exposure As Low As Reasonably Achievable in accordance with OP-AD-002, Standards for Shift Operations. B. All applicable safety precautions shall be taken in accordance with established Talen Energy safety policies and the Safety Rule Book, for example:

1. Whenever any electrical panel is opened for inspection during JPM performance.
2. Whenever entering any plant area where specific safety equipment such as hearing or eye protection, safety shoes, hardhats, etc., is required and/or posted as being necessary.

C. If, in the judgment of the Evaluator any safety issue occurs during the performance of a JPM, the JPM will be terminated until the issue is resolved. D. Peer checking is the expectation for all evolutions; however, since a JPM is an individual effort, no peer check will be provided and Self Checking is required. II. REFERENCES OP-133-001 Chemical Addition to Turbine Building Chilled Water System (Rev. 37) marked up to step 2.5.10 (2.5.10 only circled, not slashed) OP-AD-002 Standards for Shift Operation (Rev. 63) Blank Aborted Evolution Control Log (AECL) OP-AD-002-3 Attachment B Ill. TASK CONDITIONS Unit 1 is in Mode 1 All Plant Equipment required for Mode 1 is in operation Turbine Building Chilled Water System in Service The Turbine building NPO is performing a Chemical Addition to Turbine Building Chilled Water System IAW OP-133-001 Section 2.5. During step 2.5.10 TB Chilled Wtr Chem Add Tank In valve 188003 could not be opened. Maintenance will not be available until dayshift tomorrow to support opening the 188003 valve. You are the Unit 1 PCOM IV. INITIATING CUE Your Supervisor directs you complete the necessary administrative documentation to turn this information over to the on-coming shift. V. TASK STANDARD Aborted Evolution Control Log identifies TB Chilled Wtr Chem Add Tank Out In valve 188003 could not be opened. Unit 1 turbine bldg. NPO, and Control Room Supervisor notified to make turnover sheet entries referencing the Aborted evolution. Plant operator turnover sheet entry referencing the Aborted evolution is made.

TQ-106-Lr.:> 10 Revision 1 Page 3 of 9 INFORMATION FOR EVALUATOR

  • Marking a step as UNSAT requires written comments on respective step .
  • Critical steps are marked with a*. If elements of the Standard are non-critical, the critical elements of the Standard are marked with a* .
  • The time clock starts when the candidate acknowledges the Initiating Cue .
  • This JPM can be performed in the simulator, classroom or other similar environment.
  • Mark-up a copy of OP-133-001 filled out up to step 2.5.10 (2.5.10 only circled, not slashed) .
  • Replacement pages for JPM: Section 5. 7 of OP-AD-002 and blank Aborted Evolution Control Log (AECL) OP-AD-002-3 Attachment B EVALUATOR CUE Record JPM start time:

Step Action Standard Eva I Comments 1 Identifies governing procedure and obtain Obtains controlled copy of OP-AD-002, S/U controlled copy. Standards for shift operations. 2 Selects the correct procedure section to perform. Performs OP-AD-002 section 5. 7, Aborted S/U OP-AD-002 Section 5. 7 Evolution Control Log (AECL) 3 Completes OP-AD-002 Attachment B Completes OP-AD-002 Attachment B when : S/U

  • An evolution is aborted prior to completion and will not be resumed prior to shift turnover.
  • Equipment is left in an abnormal lineup and additional information is essential to the oncoming shift.
  *4  Completes OP-AD-002 Attachment B                      Completes Attachment B as follows:                  S/U
  • Line 1; Date, Time, and name .
  • Line 2; System number 133 and system name Turbine Building Chilled Water System
                                                            * *Line 3; Procedure number OP-133-001, Revision 37, step 2.5.10
                                                             *  *Line  4; TB Chilled Wtr Chem Add Tank In valve 188003 could not be opened

TQ-106-lJ;:) 10 Revision 1 Page 4 of 9 EVALUATOR NOTE Due to the nature of this JPM, the information provided by the candidate in the next 2 steps may vary from the information scripted in the STANDARD column. Evaluator judgment may need to be applied to information provided by the candidate. 5 Completes OP-AD-002 Att B cont'd

  • Line 5, NONE S/U
  • Line 6, notes to resume procedure OP-133-001 beginning at step 2.5.10
  • Line 7, Left Blank
 *6    Documents and communicates AECL data
  • Each AECL activity shall be referenced S/U on the Turnover Sheet of the Operator performing the evolution and be reviewed as part of the Turnover process until such time as the AECL is no longer required, or in control
                                                              *   *Informs Turbine building NPO of Administrative requirements for the aborted evolution.

0 Reference the aborted evolution IAW the AECL form And 0 Review the AECL as part of the turnover to the oncoming shift EVALUATOR CUE Role-play as Turbine building NPO acknowledge the report

 *7    Notifies Unit Supervisor                               Informs Unit Supervisor to:
  • Reference the aborted evolution IAW the AECL form S/U AND
  • Review the AECL as part of the turnover to the oncoming shift EVALUATOR CUE Role-play as Turbine building NPO acknowledge the report

TQ-106-D-;j 10 Revision 1 Page 5 of 9 8 Identifies requirement to log the equipment failure Informs Unit 1 Control room Supervisor to: in the shift log and initiate a Condition Report.

  • a Narrative Log entry must be made S/U a Condition Report must be initiated EVALUATOR NOTE I CUE Role-play as Unit Supervisor acknowledge the report EVALUATOR CUE Record JPM stop time:

EVALUATOR CUE That completes the JPM. EVALUATOR NOTE Do you have ALL your JPM exam materials? Task Cue Sheets? Procedures?

TQ-106-0310 Revision 1 Page 7 of 9 REVISION


JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE OO.AD.21017.001 Revision Description/Purpose of Revision 0 New JPM, Replaced OO.AD.038.001

Page 8 of 9 EVALUATOR COPY: TASK CONDITIONS Unit 1 is in Mode 1 All Plant Equipment required for Mode 1 is in operation Turbine Building Chilled Water System in Service The Turbine building NPO is performing a Chemical Addition to Turbine Building Chilled Water System IAW OP-133-001 Section 2.5. During step 2.5.10 TB Chilled Wtr Chem Add Tank In valve 188003 could not be opened. Maintenance will not be available until dayshift tomorrow to support opening the 188003 valve. You are the Unit 1 PCOM INITIATING CUE Your Supervisor directs you complete the necessary administrative documentation to turn this information over to the on-coming shift.

Page 9 of 9 EXAMINEE COPY: TASK CONDITIONS Unit 1 is in Mode 1 All Plant Equipment required for Mode 1 is in operation Turbine Building Chilled Water System in Service The Turbine building NPO is performing a Chemical Addition to Turbine Building Chilled Water System IAW OP-133-001 Section 2.5. During step 2.5.10 TB Chilled Wtr Chem Add Tank In valve 188003 could not be opened. Maintenance will not be available until dayshift tomorrow to support opening the 188003 valve. You are the Unit 1 PCOM INITIATING CUE Your Supervisor directs you complete the necessary administrative documentation to turn this information over to the on-coming shift.



Perform Validation of Heat Balance at 90% Power JPM#: OO.AD.20927.101 Revision: O Date: 9/25/2016 Applicability: ~SRO Setting: Classroom NUREG-1123 E/APE I Sys_G-=----- KIA Number_2_._1_.7_ _ _K/A Importance _4..;..;'.;...7_ __ Alternate Path: DYES ~ NO Time Critical DYES ~ NO Validation Time (min):__..;;;2=5_ _ q(l?(/J 1 /z_(, bl,

                                                                'f /J=.f / It Approval: _ _   ru


                               . . . . . . .- - - - Date:

Nuclear Training Supervisor Cf* l7* lb Examinee Name:


Last, First Ml Employee Number Exam Date: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Exam Duration (Min): _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Evaluation Result: D Satisfactory D Unsatisfactory Evaluator: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Name Signature Comments:

REQUIRED TASK INFORMATION JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE OO.AD.20927.101 I. SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS A. All Operations personnel are responsible for maintaining their radiation exposure As Low As Reasonably Achievable in accordance with OP-AD-002, Standards for Shift Operations. B. All applicable safety precautions shall be taken in accordance with established Talen Energy safety policies and the Safety Rule Book, for example:

1. Whenever any electrical panel is opened for inspection during JPM performance.
2. Whenever entering any plant area where specific safety equipment such as hearing or eye protection, safety shoes, hardhats, etc., is required and/or posted as being necessary.

C. If, in the judgment of the Evaluator any safety issue occurs during the performance of a JPM, the JPM will be terminated until the issue is resolved. D. Peer checking is the expectation for all evolutions; however, since a JPM is an individual effort, no peer check will be provided and Self Checking is required. II. REFERENCES A. RE-1 TP-026, VALIDATION OF CORE THERMAL POWER HEAT BALANCE (REV 12) III. TASK CONDITIONS

1. A plant startup is in progress on Unit 1.
2. APRMs indicate as follows: #1 - 89.9%, #2 - 90.1%, #3 - 92.2%, and #4 - 90.3%.
3.  % Core Thermal Power (OD-3) is 90%.
4. LPRM arithmetic average from Pl is 46.5.
5. All LPRMs used in the arithmetic average are valid.
6. HPTE pressure at entrance of the A Moisture Seperator (TEP02) is 187 psig.
7. HPTE pressure at entrance of the B Moisture Seperator (TEP03) is 188 psig.
8. Computer Point NBA14 is 93.026 %PWR.
9. Computer Point NBA 15 is 93.329 %PWR.
10. Computer Point NBA16 is 94.7 %PWR.
11. Computer Point NBA17 is 93.16.
12. Computer Point NFA50 is 15.5011 MLBS/H.

IV. INITIATING CUE Perform RE-1TP-026, Validation of Heat Balance. Determine what action, if any, is required. Document conclusions, as necessary, on this cue sheet. V. TASK STANDARD Completes RE-1TP-026, determines the Heat Balance cannot be validated, and contacts STA and Reactor Engineering to perform RE-1TP-026 Attachment C.

TQ-106-us1 o Revision 1 Page 3 of 10 INFORMATION FOR EVALUATOR

  • Marking a step as UNSAT requires written comments on respective step.
  • Critical steps are marked with a*. If elements of the Standard are non-critical, the critical elements of the Standard are marked with a*.
  • The time clock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue.
  • Ensure the following material is available to support this JPM; RE-1TP-026 and a calculator.

EVALUATOR CUE Record JPM start time: Step Action Standard Eva I Comments 1 Obtain a controlled copy of RE-1 TP-026 Controlled copy obtained from evaluator sru 2 Selects correct procedure section(s). Determines section 4.2 and Attachment B S/U applies 3* Record the % CTP as determined by Heat Balance Records the % CTP on Attachment B step 4.2.1 as 90 S/U (i.e., OD-3) on Attachment B. 4 Validate % CTP based on HPTE pressure to the A Records the HPTE pressure at entrance of Moisture Separator. the A moisture separator (Computer Point TEP02) on Attachment B step 4.2.2.a as 187 SIU Record the HPTE pressure at entrance of the A moisture separator (Computer Point TEP02) on Attachment B. 5 Plot Computer Point TEP02 and % CTP (Step Plots Computer Point TEP02 and % CTP 4.2.1) on Attachment G "High Pressure Turbine (Step 4.2.1) on Attachment G "High S/U Exhaust vs. Heat Balance % Power." Pressure Turbine Exhaust vs. Heat Balance

                                                              % Power."

6 Record Computer Point NBA 14 (Alternate % CTP) Records Computer Point NBA14 (Alternate on Attachment B.  % CTP) on Attachment B step 4.2.2.c as SIU 93.026.

TQ-106-us1 o Revision 1 Page 4of10 7* Confirm that the plotted point is within the valid Determines that the plotted point for HPTE region OR % CTP is within +/- 2% of the Computer pressure to the A Moisture Separator is NOT Point NBA14 Attachment B. within valid region. S/U Determines that % CTP is NOT within +/- 2% of Computer Point NBA14. 8 Validate % CTP based on HPTE pressure to the B Records the HPTE pressure at entrance of Moisture Separator. the B moisture separator (Computer Point TEP03) on Attachment B step 4.2.3.a as 188. S/U Record the HPTE pressure at entrance of the B moisture separator (Computer Point TEP03) on Attachment B. 9 Plot Computer Point TEP03 and % CTP (Step Plots Computer Point TEP03 and % CTP 4.2.1) on Attachment G "High Pressure Turbine (Step 4.2.1) on Attachment G "High S/U Exhaust vs. Heat Balance % Power. Pressure Turbine Exhaust vs. Heat Balance

                                                      % Power.

10 Record Computer Point NBA 15 (Alternate % CTP) Records Computer Point NBA 15 (Alternate on Attachment B.  % CTP) on Attachment B step 4.2.3.c as S/U 93.329. 11* Confirm that the plotted point is within the valid Determines that the plotted point for HPTE region OR % CTP is within +/- 2% of the Computer pressure to the B Moisture Separator is NOT Point NBA 15. Record on Attachment B. within valid region. S/U Determines that % CTP is NOT within +/- 2% of Computer Point NBA 15.

TQ-106-lJ,j 10 Revision 1 Page 5 of 10 12 Validate % CTP based on LPRM average. Indicates need to obtain LPRM current readings, identify non-valid LPRMs, and calculate arithmetic average of the valid Obtain a printout of the current LPRM readings LPRMs SIU (OD-8). Identify non-valid LPRMs. EVALUATOR NOTE If the candidate indicates the need to obtain printout of LPRM readings and calculate the arithmetic average of the valid LPRMs, tell her I him to use the value obtained from the Pl program. 13 Record arithmetic average of the valid LPRM values Records arithmetic average of the valid (Pl program may be used to obtain the LPRM LPRM values (Pl program is not available) S/U average) on Attachment B. on Attachment B step 4.2.4.c as 46.5. 14 Plot the LPRM arithmetic average and % CTP (Step Plots the LPRM arithmetic average and % 4.2.1) on Attachment F "LPRM Average vs. % CTP (Step 4.2.1) on Attachment F "LPRM S/U Power (Heat Balance)." Average vs.% Power (Heat Balance)." 15 Record Computer Point NBA17 (Alternate% CTP) Records Computer Point NBA 17 (Alternate on Attachment B.  % CTP) on Attachment B step 4.2.4.e as S/U 93.16. 16* Confirm that the plotted point is within the valid Determines that the plotted point for LPRM region OR % CTP is within +/- 2% of the Computer arithmetic average is NOT within valid Point NBA17. Record on Attachment B region. S/U Determines that % CTP is NOT within +/- 2% of Computer Point NBA17. 17 Attach copy of LPRM readings to Attachment B Indicates need to attach copy of LPRM S/U readings to Attachment B EVALUATOR NOTE If the candidate indicates the need to obtain printout of LPRM readings and attach to Attachment B, tell her I him that another operator will attach the LPRM readings once the Attachment B is complete.

TQ-106-tJ~10 Revision 1 Page 6of10 18 Validate % CTP based on Feedwater Flows. Records Feedwater Flow (Computer Point NFA50) on Attachment B step 4.2.5.a as 15.5011. S/U Record Feedwater Flow (Computer Point NFA50) on Attachment B. 19 Plot Computer Point NFA50 and% CTP (Step Plots Computer Point NFA50 and% CTP 4.2.1) on Attachment H "Feedwater Flow vs. % (Step 4.2.1) on Attachment H "Feedwater S/U Power (Heat Balance)." Flow vs.% Power (Heat Balance)." 20 Record Computer Point NBA16 (Alternate% CTP) Records Computer Point NBA 16 (Alternate on Attachment B.  % CTP) on Attachment B step 4.2.5.c as S/U 94.7. 21* Confirm that the plotted point is within the valid Determines that the plotted point for FW region OR % CTP is within +/- 2% of the Computer Flow is NOT within valid region. Point NBA16. Record on Attachment B. S/U Determines that % CTP is NOT within +/- 2% of Computer Point NBA 16. 22* Confirm that the Heat Balance is within the valid Determines that the Heat Balance is NOT regions of any one of the previous four methods (+/- valid for any of the four methods. S/U 2% CTP from OD-3). Record on Attachment B. 23* IF the Heat Balance cannot be validated, Contact Indicates need to contact Reactor Reactor Engineering and the STA to perform Engineering and/or STA to perform S/U Attachment C. Attachment C. EVALUATOR NOTE I CUE That completes the JPM. EVALUATOR CUE Record JPM stop time: EVALUATOR NOTE Do you have ALL your JPM exam materials? Task Cue Sheets? Procedures?

TQ-106-0310 Revision 1 Page 8of10 REVISION


JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE OO.AD.20927.101 Revision Description/Purpose of Revision 0 New JPM, from OO.AD.3658.101


1. A plant startup is in progress on Unit I.
2. APRMs indicate as follows: #1 - 89.9%, #2 - 90.l %, #3 - 92.2%, and #4 - 90.3%.
3.  % Core Thermal Power (OD-3) is 90%.
4. LPRM arithmetic average from Pl is 46.5.
5. All LPRMs used in the arithmetic average are valid.
6. HPTE pressure at entrance of the A Moisture Seperator (TEP02) is 187 psig.
7. HPTE pressure at entrance of the B Moisture Seperator (TEP03) is 188 psig.
8. Computer Point NBA14 is 93.026 %PWR.
9. Computer Point NBA15 is 93.329 %PWR.
10. Computer Point NBA16 is 94.7 %PWR.
11. Computer Point NBAl 7 is 93.16.
12. Computer Point NF A50 is 15.5011 MLBS/H.

INITIATING CUE Perform RE-1 TP-026, Validation of Heat Balance. Determine what action, if any, is required. Document conclusions, as necessary, on this cue sheet.


1. A plant startup is in progress on Unit 1.
2. APRMs indicate as follows: #1 - 89.9%, #2 - 90.1 %, #3 - 92.2%, and #4 - 90.3%.
3.  % Core Thermal Power (OD-3) is 90%.
4. LPRM arithmetic average from PI is 46.5.
5. All LPRMs used in the arithmetic average are valid.
6. HPTE pressure at entrance of the A Moisture Seperator (TEP02) is 187 psig.
7. HPTE pressure at entrance of the B Moisture Seperator (TEP03) is 188 psig.
8. Computer Point NBA14 is 93.026 %PWR.
9. Computer Point NBA15 is 93.329 %PWR.
10. Computer Point NBAl 6 is 94. 7 %PWR.
11. Computer Point NBAl 7 is 93.16.
12. Computer Point NFA50 is 15.5011 MLBS/H.

INITIATING CUE Perform RE-1 TP-026, Validation of Heat Balance. Determine what action, if any, is required. Document conclusions, as necessary, on this cue sheet.



Perform LPRM Upscale Alarm Operability Tracking & Determine Required Actions JPM#: OO.AD.20958.101 Revision: 0

                                               -------- Date:    09/26/2016 Applicability: [8] RO [8] SRO Setting: Classroom NUREG-1123 E/APE I Sys Generic KIA Number_2_._2._14          _ _ _ K/A Importance 3.9/4.3 Alternate Path:    0 YES [8] NO        Time Critical DYES [8] NO Validation Time (min):_4'"""'5"---_

Date: crb-1L1t Operations Re~: _/ Date: z/c~ !_,~,_ validated: .,!CJ_Cf~ Date: °t/%(/t Approval: lV\ Lr::J ~ Date: °J-:L°f*l&- Nuclear TraininQUPervisor Last, First Ml Employee Number Exam Date: Exam Duration (Min): ________________ Evaluation Result: D Satisfactory D Unsatisfactory Evaluator: Name Signature Comments:

REQUIRED TASK INFORMATION JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE OO.AD.20958.101 I. SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS A All Operations personnel are responsible for maintaining their radiation exposure As Low As Reasonably Achievable in accordance with OP-AD-002, Standards for Shift Operations. B. All applicable safety precautions shall be taken in accordance with established Talen Energy safety policies and the Safety Rule Book, for example:

1. Whenever any electrical panel is opened for inspection during JPM performance.
2. Whenever entering any plant area where specific safety equipment such as hearing or eye protection, safety shoes, hardhats, etc., is required and/or posted as being necessary.

C. If, in the judgment of the Evaluator any safety issue occurs during the performance of a JPM, the JPM will be terminated until the issue is resolved. D. Peer checking is the expectation for all evolutions; however, since a JPM is an individual effort, no peer check will be provided and Self Checking is required. II. REFERENCES A 01-078-001, LPRM Status Control Rev. 18 B. S0-100-008, Weekly Surveillance Operating Log Rev. 33 C. Technical Specification Rev. 3 Ill. TASK CONDITIONS Unit 1 is in MODE 1 at 80 percent power. APRM 2 is INOP and bypassed. APRM Gain Calibration was last performed 5 days ago. LPRM detector 40-57A caused a downscale alarm l&C determined the detector failed. Reactor Engineering requested bypassing the detector. The PCOP has just bypassed LPRM detector 40-57A in the Lower Relay Room. IV. INITIATING CUE Perform LPRM Upscale Alarm operability tracking for LPRM detector 40-57A in accordance with 01-078-001. SRO Only Determine the required action(s) based on your findings V. TASK STANDARD For RO and SRO: Zone 8 is identified as having LESS THAN 50% upscale alarms operable. APRM Channel 1 determined to be INOPERABLE based on < 3 operable LPRM inputs to the "A" Level. For SROs only: Determine that LCO IS NOT MET for APRM required channels, and TS action A.1 is required; place channel in trip within 12.

TQ-106-u~10 Revision 1 Page 3 of 12 INFORMATION FOR EVALUATOR

  • Marking a step as UNSAT requires written comments on respective step.
  • Critical steps are marked with a*. If elements of the Standard are non-critical, the critical elements of the Standard are marked with a* .
  • The time clock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue.
  • This JPM can be performed in the classroom.
  • Provide a clean copy of 01-078-001. Additionally, markup copies of Attachments A, B and C with LPRM status. Have a clean copy and SO-100-008.

EVALUATOR CUE Record JPM start time: Step Action Standard Eva I Comments 1 Identifies governing procedure and obtain Obtains controlled copy of OI-078-001, S/U controlled copy. Section 4. 2 Determine current LPRM status Refers to the previously completed copy of S/U Attachments A and B 3 Complete new Attachment A Performs the following

  • Enters 1 for Unit S/U
  • Transfers the previous LPRM data to the new Attachment A
  *4   Enter a check ('1) in column (2) for LPRM alarms      Places a checkmark in column 2 adjacent to determined inoperable or bypassed for all other       LPRM detector 40-57A in Zone 8                     S/U reasons.

EVALUATOR NOTE All LPRM Upscale Alarms with a check in column (1) or (2) of Attachment A are inoperable.

TQ-106-Q;y10 Revision 1 Page 4of12

  • 5 Determine if~50% ofLPRM Upscale alarms in Performs the following each zone are operable and circle YES or NO as
  • Circles YES for zone 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, applicable and9 S/U
  • Determines that there are LESS THAN 50% operable LPRMs in zone 8, AND circles NO for zone 8.

6 Notify Reactor Engineering of all LPRM upscale Identifies Reactor Engineering previously alarms determined inoperable informed ofLPRM 40-57A status as stated SIU in JPM task conditions. 7 Evaluate the need to place placard to 1C651 Determines that placard is required. indicating < required # of LPRM Upscale Alarms. S/U (requires completion of Attachments C & D, which appears in Step 11, below.)

  • 8 Complete an LPRM vs. APRM Status Control Log Performs the following (Attachment B) each time LPRM operability status
  • Transfer the previous LPRM data to the is changed. new Attachment B SIU
  • Circle LPRM detector 40-57 A for APRM 1, under the column 'A' Level, and enter today's date

TQ-106-lJ;j 10 Revision 1 Page 5 of 12

*9 Refer to weekly surveillance S0-100-008 to       Compare the following criteria to current confirm APRM operability requirements maintained APRM/LPRM operability status:
                                                    * < 20 total operable LPRMs per APRM channel
                                                    * <3 LPRM inputs per level (A, B, C, or D)
  • 9 LPRMs inop since last APRM gain
S calibration (after date provide~ in task S/U conditions)
                                                    * *Determine that APRM channel 1 does
                                       -               NOT meet operability requirements due to LESS THAN 3 operable level "A" LPRMs. (The only operable Level A LPRMs in APRM 1 are 40-17A and 08-49A)
  • 10 Track operability of OPRM cells. Performs the following
  • Transfers the previous LPRM data to the new Attachment C and circles "A LEVEL" for LPRM 40-57.
  • Determines it inputs to APRMl Cell 03 .
  • Transfers the previous LPRM data to the new Attachment D and circles LPRM S/U 40-57A in the Cell 03 row, in the LPRM#2 column.
  • Determines OPRM cell is INOPERABLE due fewer than two operable LPRMs.
  • Determines OPRM is OPERABLE due to having 22 or more OPERABLE cells

TQ-106-lM10 Revision 1 Page 6 of 12 EVALUATOR CUE For RO examinees, this completes the JPM EVALUATOR CUE For SRO examinee, provide the SRO examinee sheet that addresses determining required actions

*11   Identifies Tech Spec for RPS               Performs the following:

Instrumentation and TR 3.1.3 for Control Rod Block * *Refer to Tech Spec and Instrumentation is not met. determine that a minimum of 3 operable APRM channels are required in MODE 1 per table 3 .3 .1.1-1, therefore action A. l is required; place channel in trip within 12 hours.

                                                         * *Refer to TRM 3 .1.3 and determine that a minimum of 3 operable APRM S/U channels are required in MODE 1 per table 3.1.3-1, therefore action B.2 is required; place 1 channel in tripped condition within 7 days.
  • Refer to TRM 3.3.9 and determine that a placard will have to be posted at 1C651 indicating less than required number of LPRM upscale alarms, if OPRMs are subsequently declared INOPERABLE EVALUATOR NOTE I CUE That completes the JPM.

EVALUATOR CUE Record JPM stop time: EVALUATOR NOTE Do you have ALL your JPM exam materials? Task Cue Sheets? Procedures?

TQ-106-0310 Revision 1 Page 8of12 REVISION


JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE OO.AD.20958.101 Revision Description/Purpose of Revision 0 New JPM, Revised from Loe 26 1

Page 9 of 12 EVALUATOR COPY: TASK CONDITIONS Unit 1 is in MODE 1 at 80 percent power. APRM 2 is INOP and bypassed. APRM Gain Calibration was last performed 5 days ago. LPRM detector 40-57A caused a downscale alarm l&C determined the detector failed. Reactor Engineering requested bypassing the detector. The PCOP has just bypassed LPRM detector 40-57A in the Lower Relay Room. INITIATING CUE Perform LPRM Upscale Alarm operability tracking for LPRM detector 40-57A in accordance with 01-078-001

Page 10of12 EXAMINEE COPY: TASK CONDITIONS Unit 1 is in MODE 1 at 80 percent power. APRM 2 is INOP and bypassed. APRM Gain Calibration was last performed 5 days ago. LPRM detector 40-57A caused a downscale alarm l&C determined the detector failed. Reactor Engineering requested bypassing the detector. The PCOP has just bypassed LPRM detector 40-57A in the Lower Relay Room. INITIATING CUE Perform LPRM Upscale Alarm operability tracking for LPRM detector 40-57A in accordance with 01-078-001

Page 11 of 12 SRO EVALUATOR COPY: INITIATING CUE Determine the required action(s) based on your findings

Page 12of12 SRO EXAMINEE COPY: INITIATING CUE Determine the required action(s) based on your findings



Perform Jet Pump Operability Check JPM#: OO.S0.20992.101 Revision:Q Date:08/08/2016 Applicability: IZI RO IZI SRO Setting: Classroom NUREG-1123 E/APE I Sys Generic KIA Number 2.2.12 KIA Importance 3.7/4.1, Alternate Path: DYES IZI NO Time Critical DYES IZI NO Validation Time (min):25 Testing Method: D Simulate Date: 08/08/2016

                     ~--=~'=!:=.::::::::::===...... Date: c;/zi/u~

I' , Validated: _'-'--"....._..............~..-'+----- Date: C[(fJ.b / lb Approval: _*_1fA____..._f~0""""'--Le ____ Date: CJ '2 9 -/ft,.

               'NUCfear ¥raining Supervisor Last, First Ml                                               Employee Number Exam Date: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __                             Exam Duration (Min): _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Evaluation Result: D Satisfactory D Unsatisfactory Evaluator: Name Signature Comments:

REQUIRED TASK INFORMATION JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE OO.S0.20992.101 I. SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS A. All Operations personnel are responsible for maintaining their radiation exposure As Low As Reasonably Achievable in accordance with OP-AD-002, Standards for Shift Operations. B. All applicable safety precautions shall be taken in accordance with established Talen Energy safety policies and the Safety Rule Book, for example:

1. Whenever any electrical panel is opened for inspection during JPM performance.
2. Whenever entering any plant area where specific safety equipment~such as hearing or eye protection, safety shoes, hardhats, etc., is required and/or posted as being necessary.

C. If, in the judgment of the Evaluator any safety issue occurs during the performance of a JPM, the JPM will be terminated until the issue is resolved. D. Peer checking is the expectation for all evolutions; however, since a JPM is an individual effort, no peer check will be provided and Self Checking is required.

11. REFERENCES A. S0-100-007, DAILY SURVEILLANCE LOG, REV 75 Ill. TASK CONDITIONS A. Unit 1 is operating at 100% power.

B. Both Reactor Recirc pumps and loops are in operation. C. The necessary data to perform the daily surveillance for Recirc pump and jet pump operability has been taken and recorded on Attachment C, PERFORMANCE DATA SHEET RECIRCULATION SYSTEM DUAL LOOP, of S0-100-007, DAILY SURVEILLANCE OPERATING LOG. D. No Tech Spec LCO action statements are in effect. IV. INITIATING CUE Using the data provided on Attachment C, Performance Data Sheet Recirculation System Dual Loop, of S0-100-007, DAILY SURVEILLANCE OPERATING LOG:

  • Complete the remaining items in Attachment C.

V. TASK STANDARD Recirculation pumps declared OPERABLE; Jet pumps declared OPERABLE

TQ-106-lJ.j10 Revision 1 Page 3 of 16 INFORMATION FOR EVALUATOR --

  • Marking a step as UNSAT requires written comments on respective step .
  • Critical steps are marked with a*. If elements of the Standard are non-critical, the critical elements of the Standard are marked with a*.
  • The time clock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue.
  • This JPM should be performed in the classroom.
  • Provide a partially completed S0-100-007 attachment C (Page 1, a-i)
  • "Candidate's Data Sheet #2" (1 page) is not given to the candidate until they identify the need to evaluate jet pump delta Ps.

EVALUATOR CUE Record JPM start time: Step Action Standard Eva I Comments 1 Obtain a controlled copy of S0-100-007. Controlled copy obtained from evaluator. S/U 2 Selects correct procedure section. Selects Item 1. S/U 3 To determine Recirc Pumps/Jet Pumps and Flow Selects Attachment C Biased Simulated Thermal Power Upscale (RPS) OPERABLE, Complete APPLICABLE Attachments: S/U IF in Dual Loop Operation, Complete Attachment C. For Recirc Pumps and Jet Pumps

TQ-106-l.1010 Revision 1 Page 4 of 16 4* Recirc pumps operable if loop jet pump flow On Attachment C PERFORMANCE DATA mismatch maintained within a or b: Enter N/A for SHEET RECIRCULATION SYSTEM DUAL item that does not apply. LOOP:

a. 5 Mlbm/hr with core flow ;::: 75 Mlbm/hr Compares line g to h.
b. 10 Mlbm/hr with core flow < 75 Mlbm/hr Determines that the mismatch between Loop A and Loop B is 2 Mlbm/hr.

Records: 2 Mlbm/hr on SR line a. Records: N/A on SR line b. SIU Determines Recirc Pumps are operable. Circles YES and places his/her initials under Confirm column on SR line . Records: SAT on Recirc Pumps line of item 1 of S0-100-007 Daily Surveillance Log Attachment A

TQ-106-0~10 Revision 1 Page 5 of 16 5* When recirc pumps operating with flow within limits On Figure 1 RECIRC PUMP A FLOW VS. of a or b above, jet pumps operable if no two (2) SPEED TWO LOOP OPERATION of following conditions exist simultaneously: ATTACHMENT C: Recirculation loop drive flow versus recirculation Plots a point corresponding to: generator speed differs > 10% from established RECIRC GENERATOR A SPEED (SI patterns. (Plot applicable performance data on 14032A) of 87% figures 1 and 2 of this attachment) AND RECIRC PUMP A FLOW (KGPM) of 38 KGPM On Figure 2 RECIRC PUMP B FLOW VS. S/U SPEED TWO LOOP OPERATION of ATTACHMENT C: Plots a point corresponding to: RECIRC GENERATOR B SPEED (SI 140328) of 88% AND RECIRC PUMP B FLOW (KGPM) of 33 KGPM Circles YES and places his/her initials under Confirm column SR line a.

TQ-106-us10 Revision 1 Page 6 of 16 6* Recirculation loop drive flow versus total core flow On Figure 3 TOTAL CORE FLOW VS. differs > 10% from established patterns. (Plot RECIRC PUMP A FLOW TWO LOOP applicable performance data on Figures 3 and 4 of OPERATION of ATTACHMENT C: this attachment) Plots a point corresponding to: RECIRC PUMP A FLOW (KGPM) (FR-831-1R614) of 38 KGPM AND TOTAL CORE FLOW ML8/HR of 92 ML8/HR On Figure 4 TOTAL CORE FLOW VS. S/U RECIRC PUMP 8 FLOW TWO LOOP OPERATION of ATTACHMENT C Plots a point corresponding to: RECIRC PUMP A FLOW (KGPM) (FR-831-1R614) of 33 KGPM AND TOTAL CORE FLOW ML8/HR of 92 ML8/HR Circles NO and places his/her initials under Confirm column SR line b.

TQ-106-u-;::, 10 Revision 1 Page 7 of 16 7 Notifies Reactor Engineering directly that Contacts Reactor Engineering directly and surveillance parameters differ from established notifies that surveillance parameters differ values by more than 5% or notifies SRO to contact from established values by more than 5%. Reactor Engineering. OR Notifies SRO to contact Reactor S/U Engineering. OR Contacts Operator to get additional Jet Pump data. EVALUATOR CUE Role-play Reactor Engineering, SRO, or Operator and acknowledge the report. EVALUATOR CUE Provide the candidate with the Candidate Data Sheet #2 (1 page) (Jet pump delta Ps).

TQ-106-u~10 Revision 1 Page 8 of 16 8 1 Calculates LOOP A JET PUMP ~p PERCENT Records the following data on Attachment C DEVIATION FROM THE AVERAGE to be used in LOOP A JET PUMP ~p PERCENT Plotting applicable performance data on figure 1 of DEVIATION FROM THE AVERAGE: attachment I. 1. JP11_34_[(JP11 - A) +A] X 100 =_-.87_

2. JP12_35_[(JP12 -A)+ A] X 100=_2.04_
3. JP13_34_[(JP13 - A) +A] X 100=_-.87_
4. JP14_35_[(JP14 -A)+ A] X 100 =_2.04_
5. JP15_35_[(JP15 - A) +A] X 100 =_2.04_
6. JP16_35_[(JP16 -A)+ A] X 100 =_2.04_
7. JP17_34_[(JP17 -A)+ A] x 100 =_-.87 _ IsI u
8. JP18_34_[(JP18 - A) +A] X 100 =_-.87_
9. JP19_35_[(JP19 - A) +A] X 100 =_2.04_
10. JP20_32_[(JP20 - A)+ A] X 100 =_-

6.71 A=_343 X 0.1 = _34.3_ (Sum of ~P%) JP11 thru 20 EVALUATOR NOTE The candidate may round these numbers to the nearest tenth.

TQ-106-b~ 10 Revision 1 Page 9 of 16 9 1 Calculates LOOP B JET PUMP LiP PERCENT Records the following data on Attachment C DEVIATION FROM THE AVERAGE to be used in LOOP B JET PUMP LiP PERCENT Plotting applicable performance data on figure 2 of DEVIATION FROM THE AVERAGE: attachment I. 1. JP1_39_[(JP1 - A) +A] X 100 =_3.17_

2. JP2_39_[(JP2 -A)+ A] X 100 =_3.17 _
3. JP3_37_[(JP3-A) +A] X 100 =_-2.12_
4. JP4_39_[(JP4 - A)+ A] X 100 =_3.17_
5. JP5_39_[(JP5 - A) +A] X 100 =_3.17_
6. JP6_39_[(JP6 - A) +A] X 100 =_3.17 _
7. JP7_30_[(JP7 - A)+ A] X 100 =_-20.63_ S/U
8. JP8_39_[(JP8 - A) +A] X 100 =_3.17_
9. JP9_39_[(JP9 - A) +A] X 100 =_3.17_
10. JP10_38_[(JP10 - A) +A] X 100 =_.53_

A =_378 X 0.1 = _37.8_ (Sum of LiP%) JP1 thru 10 EVALUATOR NOTE The candidate may round these numbers to the nearest tenth.

TQ-106-b-;)10 Revision 1 Page 10of16 10* Each jet pump to lower plenum differential pressure On Figure 1 TWO LOOP JET PUMP differs by > 20% from the established patterns, (Plot DISTRIBUTION LOOP A of ATT I applicable performance data on figures 1 and 2 of Plots the following points: attachment I. JP11 and -.87 % DEVIATION FROM THE MEAN DELTA P VALUE JP12 and 2.04 % DEVIATION FROM THE MEAN DELTA P VALUE JP13 and -.87 % DEVIATION FROM THE MEAN DELTA P VALUE JP14 and 2.04 % DEVIATION FROM THE MEAN DELTA P VALUE JP15 and 2.04 % DEVIATION FROM THE MEAN DELTA P VALUE S/U JP16 and 2.04 % DEVIATION FROM THE MEAN DELTA P VALUE JP17 and -.87 % DEVIATION FROM THE MEAN DELTA P VALUE JP18 and -.87 % DEVIATION FROM THE MEAN DELTA P VALUE JP19 and 2.04 % DEVIATION FROM THE MEAN DELTA P VALUE JP20 and -6.71 % DEVIATION FROM THE MEAN DELTA P VALUE Determines that all points are within _:t20% from the established patterns.

  • EVALUATOR NOTE Plotting of points is not critical in this step.

TQ-106-lJ~ 10 Revision 1 Page 11 of 16 10* Each jet pump to lower plenum differential pressure On Figure 2 TWO LOOP JET PUMP (con) differs by > 20% from the established patterns, (Plot DISTRIBUTION LOOP B of ATT I applicable performance data on figures 1 and 2 of Plots the following points: attachment I. JP1and3.17 % DEVIATION FROM THE MEAN DELTA P VALUE JP2 and 3.17 % DEVIATION FROM THE MEAN DELTA P VALUE JP3 and -2.12 % DEVIATION FROM THE MEAN DELTA P VALUE JP4 and 3.17 % DEVIATION FROM THE MEAN DELTA P VALUE JPS and 3.17 % DEVIATION FROM THE MEAN DELTA P VALUE JPG and 3.17 % DEVIATION FROM THE MEAN DELTA P VALUE JP7 and-20.63 % DEVIATION FROM THE MEAN DELTAP VALUE JPS and 3.17 % DEVIATION FROM THE MEAN DELTA P VALUE JP9 and 3.17 % DEVIATION FROM THE MEAN DELTA P VALUE JP10 and .53 % DEVIATION FROM THE MEAN DELTA PVALUE Circles NO and places his/her initials under Confirm column SR line c.

  • EVALUATOR NOTE Plotting of points is not critical in this step.

TQ-106-tr;) 10 Revision 1 Page 12 of 16 11* When recirc pumps operating with flow within limits Determines Jet pumps are operable based of a or b above, jet pumps operable if no two (2) on two (2) of the conditions under SR following conditions exist simultaneously: being met simultaneously. Circles YES and places his/her initials under S/U Confirm column SR Records: SAT on Jet Pumps line of item 1 of S0-100-007 Daily Surveillance Log Attachment A. EVALUATOR NOTE I CUE That completes the JPM. EVALUATOR CUE Record JPM stop time: EVALUATOR NOTE Do you have ALL your JPM exam materials? Task Cue Sheets? Procedures?

TQ-106-0310 Revision 0 Page 14 of 16 REVISION


JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE OO.S0.20992.101 Revision Description/Purpose of Revision 0 New JPM, From OO.S0.003.051

Page 15 of 16 EVALUATOR COPY: TASK CONDITIONS A. Unit 1 is operating at 100% power. B. Both Reactor Recirc pumps and loops are in operation. C. The necessary data to perform the daily surveillance for Recirc pump and jet pump operability has been taken and recorded on Attachment C, PERFORMANCE DATA SHEET RECIRCULATION SYSTEM DUAL LOOP, of S0-100-007, DAILY SURVEILLANCE OPERATING LOG. D. No Tech Spec LCO action statements are in effect. INITIATING CUE Using the data provided on Attachment C, Performance Data Sheet Recirculation System Dual Loop, of S0-100-007, DAILY SURVEILLANCE OPERATING LOG:

  • Complete the remaining items in Attachment C.

Page 16 of 16 EXAMINEE COPY: TASK CONDITIONS A. Unit 1 is operating at 100% power. B. Both Reactor Recirc pumps and loops are in operation. C. The necessary data to perform the daily surveillance for Recirc pump and jet pump operability has been taken and recorded on Attachment C, PERFORMANCE DATA SHEET RECIRCULATION SYSTEM DUAL LOOP, of S0-100-007, DAILY SURVEILLANCE OPERATING LOG. D. No Tech Spec LCO action statements are in effect. INITIATING CUE Using the data provided on Attachment C, Performance Data Sheet Recirculation System Dual Loop, of S0-100-007, DAILY SURVEILLANCE OPERATING LOG:

  • Complete the remaining items in Attachment C.



_ _ __..D:;.. ;e;;..;;te=r;..;;.;m;.;;..;;i. ;.;;.n. ;;;..e. . ;;;;O"'"'p=e.;. ;;ra=b--il=it;.£. y. . ;;;;o;.;;.. f=M=S;.;;...IV;;.......;;..;;ls=o=la=f=10...;;.;;n;...;.A"""'c;;..;;t=ua=t=io=n=--------- JPM#: OO.AD.20933.101 Revision:-'2"'--___ Date: 09/23/2016 Applicability: iZI RO iZ1 SRO Setting: Classroom NUREG-1123 E/APE I Sys Generic KIA Number 2.2.22 KIA Importance 4.7 Alternate Path: DYES iZI NO Time Critical DYES IZI NO Validation Time (min):_---.45..___ Testing Method: D Simulate IZI Perform Author:: * !ta lthf Operations Review: validated: J?o M 1/ Date: Date: Date: 1/:26 (_; b

                                                                                                                                            ~./l~!ty or/2tllt Approval: __1V\_    ........._\. . .~'-"""'.... L. . . . . ...______ Date: °l'"-7*/(£_                                                        ' '
               "NUCiear Traillil19SUPervisor Examinee Name:

Last, First Ml Employee Number Exam Date: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Exam Duration (Min): _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Evaluation Result: D Satisfactory D Unsatisfactory Evaluator: Name Signature Comments:

REQUIRED TASK INFORMATION JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE OO.AD.20933.101 I. SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS A. All Operations personnel are responsible for maintaining their radiation exposure As Low As Reasonably Achievable in accordance with OP-AD-002, Standards for Shift Operations. B. All applicable safety precautions shall be taken in accordance with established Talen Energy safety policies and the Safety Rule Book, for example:

1. Whenever any electrical panel is opened for inspection during JPM performance.
2. Whenever entering any plant area where specific safety equipment such as hearing or eye protection, safety shoes, hardhats, etc., is required arid/or posted as being necessary.

C. If, in the judgment of the Evaluator any safety issue occurs during the performance of a JPM, the JPM will be terminated until the issue is resolved. D. Peer checking is the expectation for all evolutions; however, since a JPM is an individual effort, no peer check will be provided and Self Checking is required. II. REFERENCES A. Sl-183-312, Quarterly Calibration of Main Steam Line Pressure Channels PSL-B21-1N015A, B, C, D Rev 18 B. NDAP-QA-0312, Control of LCOs, TROs and Safety Function Determination Program Rev 20 C. NDAP-QA-0722, Surveillance Test Program Rev 26 D. Technical Specification Ill. TASK CONDITIONS Unit 1 is operating at 80 percent power. l&C is performing Sl-183-312, Quarterly Calibration of Main Steam Line Pressure Channels PSL-B21-1N015A, B, C, D. l&C notifies you that Pressure Switch PSL-B21-1N015C tripped at 838 psig. They were unable to adjust the setting, and it has failed their surveillance. IV. INITIATING CUE Determine system operability and take appropriate actions. V. TASK STANDARD Examinee determines that LCO is NOT met for MSIV Isolation Actuation Surveillance. Declares channel INOPERABLE, makes notifications and documents LCO entry per NDAP-QA-0312. Performs LOSF, determines no loss of safety function exists.

TQ-106-0';) 'I 0 Revision 1 Page 3of11 INFORMATION FOR EVALUATOR

  • Marking a step as UNSAT requires written comments on respective step .
  • Critical steps are marked with a*. If elements of the Standard are non-critical, the critical elements of the Standard are marked with a* .
  • The time clock starts when the candidate acknowledges the Initiating Cue.
  • This JPM can be performed in the classroom setting.
  • Mark-up a copy of Sl-183-312.

EVALUATOR CUE Record JPM start time: Step Action Standard Eva I Comments 1 Identifies governing procedure and obtain Obtains controlled copy of TS S/U controlled copy.

  *2   Evaluate the condition and identify appropriate       Using Tech Specs, compare test results with         S/U LCO                                                   allowable value in Table
  *3   Determine the actions required to be taken            Performs the following:                             S/U
  • Declare the channel INOPERABLE in accordance with TS Condition A Recognize that the TRIP SYSTEM must be placed in the TRIP condition within 24 hours in accordance with TS Required Action A.1 4 Identifies need to initiate a Condition Report to Directs l&C to generate a Condition Report. S/U document the condition EVALUATOR CUE Acknowledge direction to initiate a CR 5 Notifies Management and support personnel In accordance with OP-AD-002 performs the S/U following:
  • Notify Duty Manager Notify appropriate support personnel

TQ-106-l.i-;J 10 Revision 1 Page 4of11 EVALUATOR CUE Acknowledge communications. 6 Determines that LCO/TRO Log entry is required States requirement to make an entry into SIU SOMs LCO module. EVALUATOR CUE SOMs LCO module is unavailable. Per NDAP-QA-0312 document the information required to complete a LCOTR when SOMs is restored on the Answer Sheet. Answer any questions about what information is expected on each line of the Answer Sheet. EVALUATOR NOTE Date/time of entry is not critical. Required action date/time is critical based on date/time of entry recorded by examinee.

   *7   Records applicable TS/TRM, Condition, and                Performs the following:                          S/U Required Action and required action time                 Completes Answer Sheet with information listed on Answer Key at a minimum
   *8   Determines no loss of safety function exists             Performs the following:                          S/U
  • Determines TS MSIV and MSL drain NSSS isolation is the supported system
  • Determines that all MSIVs and MSL drains are operable in both inboard and outboard NSSSS Determines no loss of safety function exists in TS EVALUATOR CUE If the examinee does not proceed to document the safety function determination on Attachment E, but did mark Y for application of TS 3.0.6 on the Answer Sheet, ask the examinee what the result of applying LOSF.

TQ-106-lr~10 Revision 1 Page 5 of 11 9 Documents a Loss of Safety Function Completes Attachment E of NDAP-QA-0312 S/U Determination per NDAP-QA-0312 as follows:

  • Records TS MSIVs and MSL drains (or similar) as Supported Component or System
  • Records status of supported system as OPERABLE
  • Records status of opposite division of the supported system as OPERABLE (Optional) Records TS as the LCO where a loss of safety function was evaluated EVALUATOR CUE Record JPM stop time:

EVALUATOR CUE That completes the JPM. EVALUATOR NOTE Do you have ALL your JPM exam materials? Task Cue Sheets? Procedures?

TQ-106-0310 Revision 1 Page 7of11 REVISION


JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE OO.AD.20933.101 Revision Description/Purpose of Revision 0 NewJPM 1 Revise for TQ procedures, minor editorial corrections

Page 8of11 EVALUATOR COPY: TASK CONDITIONS Unit 1 is operating at 80 percent power l&C is performing Sl-183-312, Quarterly Calibration of Main Steam Line Pressure Channels PSL-821-1 N015A, B, C, D. l&C notifies you that Pressure Switch PSL-B21-1N015C tripped at 838 psig. They were unable to adjust the setting, and it has failed their surveillance INITIATING CUE Determine system operability and take appropriate actions, including completing the required documentation

Page 9of11 EXAMINEE COPY: TASK CONDITIONS Unit 1 is operating at 80 percent power l&C is performing Sl-183-312, Quarterly Calibration of Main Steam Line Pressure Channels PSL-821-1 N015A, B, C, D. l&C notifies you that Pressure Switch PSL-B21-1N015C tripped at 838 psig. They were unable to adjust the setting, and it has failed their surveillance INITIATING CUE Determine system operability and take appropriate actions, including completing the required documentation

Page 10 of 11 ANSWER KEY Initiating Condition: PSL-821-1 N015C Inoperable Unit 1 TSrrR Number(s) TS Condition(s) A Condition Description(s) One or more required channels inoperable Entry Daterrime Today I now Action Statement A.1 Number(s) Required Action(s) Place channel in trip TSrrR Completion Time 24 hours Entry Daterrime Today I now Action Daterrime Tomorrow I now Chem/HP Sample Log Y/N Required Support System Invoking TS 3.0.6 LOSF YIN Determination?

Page 11 of 11 ANSWER SHEET Initiating Condition: Unit TS/TR Number(s) Condition(s) Condition Description(s) Entry Date/Time Action Statement Number(s) Required Action(s) TS/TR Completion Time Entry Date/Time Action Date/Time Chem/HP Sample Log YIN Required Support System Invoking TS 3.0.6 LOSF YIN Determination?



_ _ _....:.A...;.;:c=t~iv=at=e'-'t=h=e-=-F...;.;:ir--=-e-=B=r~igl,;:;;a=d=e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ JPM#: 00.AD.21022.101 Revision: 0 09/23/2016

                                                                      ------- Date:

Applicability: ~ RO ~ SRO Setting: Simulator NUREG-1123 E/APE I Sys Generic KIA Number 2.4.27 KIA Importance 3.4/4.9 Alternate Path: DYES ~ NO Time Critical DYES ~ NO Validation Time (min):_---"-1__ 0 __ Testing Method: D Simulate ~ Perform Author:: ~C<_ju,J. / Date: Cf/~~ Llt Operations Review: -~~==::::,4J~1======- Date: z)~/l,Y Validated: s(lcr kft-!- Date: 1/:J'1/Jh Approval: 1'1 k.'.) L Date: '7*17*/~ Nuclear Training Supervisor Examinee Name: Last, First Ml Employee Number Exam Date: Exam Duration (Min): _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Evaluation Result: D Satisfactory D Unsatisfactory Evaluator: Name Signature Comments:

REQUIRED TASK INFORMATION JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE OO.AD.21022.101 1 I. SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS A. All Operations personnel are responsible for maintaining their radiation exposure As Low As Reasonably Achievable in accordance with OP-AD-002, Standards for Shift Operations. B. All applicable safety precautions shall be taken in accordance with established Talen Energy safety policies and the Safety Rule Book, for example:

1. Whenever any electrical panel is opened for inspection during JPM performance.
2. Whenever entering any plant area where specific safety equipment such as hearing or eye protection, safety shoes, hardhats, etc., is required and/or posted as being necessary.

C. If, in the judgment of the Evaluator any safety issue occurs during the performance of a JPM, the JPM will be terminated until the issue is resolved. D. Peer checking is the expectation for all evolutions; however, since a JPM is an individual effort, no peer check will be provided and Self Checking is required. II. REFERENCES A. ON-013-001 Response To Fire, (rev. 45) B. FP-013-132 Common Refueling Floor, (rev. 4) C. AR-SP-002 pages 57, 70, (rev. 33) D. OP-099-004, Station Alarm System (rev. 7) Ill. TASK CONDITIONS Unit 1 is in MODE 1 at 80% Power. SIMPLEX fire alarms have been acknowledged in accordance with OP-013-002. The following VALID SIMPLEX data print out is available: FIRE DET X112_Z5 ALM 12:14 MON 06-DEC-10 818 U1 REFUEL FLOOR FIRE DET X114_Z2 ALM 12:16 MON 06-DEC-10 818 U1 REFUEL FLOOR An NPO confirms that a fire exists on Unit 1 Reactor Building 818'. IV. INITIATING CUE Activate the Fire Brigade and select the appropriate Pre-Fire Plan. V. TASK STANDARD Fire brigade activated in accordance with ON-013-001, "Response to Fire", and Pre-Fire Plan FP-013-132 selected.

TQ-106-(r;j10 Revision 1 Page 3of9 INFORMATION FOR EVALUATOR

  • Marking a step as UNSAT requires written comments on respective step .
  • Critical steps are marked with a*. If elements of the Standard are non-critical, the critical elements of the Standard are marked with a*.
  • The time clock starts when the candidate acknowledges the Initiating Cue.
  • This JPM must be performed in the simulator. Any IC can be used for simulator setup.

BOOTH OPERATOR CUE When the evaluator indicates the examinee is ready to begin the JPM, place the simulator in RUN. EVALUATOR CUE Record JPM start time: Step Action Standard Eva I Comments 1 Identifies governing procedure and obtain Obtains controlled copy of AR-SP-002. S/U controlled copy. EVALUATOR NOTE: The alarm response procedure identifies the Pre-Fire Plan FP-013-132 2 Identifies appropriate alarm response Selects AR-SP-002, Fire Det X112_Z5 S/U ALM,818 U1 Refuel Floor and Fire Det X114_Z2 ALM 818 U1 Refuel Floor 3 Enters Off Normal Procedure Obtains a copy of ON-013-001, Response to S/U Fire and performs Attachment L, Fire Brigade Normal Response

  *4   Dispatch Fire Brigade Leader                          Contact the Field Unit Supervisor as Fire           S/U Brigade Leader using the plant page or radio.

AND Inform the Fire Brigade Leader a fire is confirmed in Unit 1 Reactor Building 818'

TQ-106-0~:n 0 Revision 1 Page 4 of 9

 *5   Activate Fire Brigade Pagers                             Activate the Fire Brigade pagers using the     S/U central desk phone set by pressing blue button and lifting the handset for at least 45 seconds.
 *6   Sound Fire Alarm for -10 seconds.
  • Pull Out the Pistol Grip EVACUATION S/U ALARM switch
  • Turn the Pistol Grip EVACUATION ALARM switch to PLANT ALARM
  • Place the SIREN TONE GENERATOR switch to FIRE (SIREN)
  • Push In the Pistol Grip EVACUATION ALARM switch to initiate the alarm
  • Pull Out the Pistol Grip EVACUATION ALARM switch to stop the alarm
  • Turn the Pistol Grip EVACUATION ALARM switch to the OFF position
  • Push In the Pistol Grip EVACUATION ALARM switch
 *7    Make plant page announcement                            Key the plant page and announce:               S/U  Announcement should be "ATTENTION ALL PERSONNEL: THERE                   repeated.

IS A FIRE ON THE REFUEL FLOOR, REACTOR BUILDING ELEVATION 818'. STATION FIRE BRIGADE HAS BEEN ACTIVATED; STAY CLEAR OF AFFECTED AREAS." EVALUATOR CUE Role-play as fire brigade leader. Inform the candidate you will be setting up the command post at Fire Brigade Shed #2 - Unit 2.Tool Room 676', and radio OPS Channel 1 will be used.

TQ-106-0010 Revision 1 Page 5 of 9

  *8  Directs a Fire Brigade Member to take Pre-Fire  Designate one fire brigade member to take   S/U plan for the applicable building to the Command RB Pre-Fire Plan (FP-013-132) to the Post                                            command post at Fire Brigade Shed #2 -

Unit 2 Tool Room 676" 9 Inform Security of fire and OPS radio channel Contacts Security at extension 3114 or 3115 S/U being used and inform them of the fire and the radio channel being used. EVALUATOR CUE Record JPM stop time: EVALUATOR CUE That completes the JPM. EVALUATOR NOTE Do you have ALL your JPM exam materials? Task Cue Sheets? Procedures?

TQ-106-0310 Revision 1 Page 7 of 9 REVISION


JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE 00.AD.21022.101 Revision Description/Purpose of Revision 0 New JPM From LOC 26 JPM EPP-RO

Page 8 of 9 EVALUATOR COPY: TASK CONDITIONS Unit 1 is in MODE 1 SIMPLEX fire alarms have been acknowledged in accordance with OP-013-002. The following VALID SIMPLEX data print out is available: FIRE DET X112_Z5ALM 12:14 MON 06-DEC-10 818 U1 REFUEL FLOOR FIRE DET X114_Z2ALM 12:16 MON 06-DEC-10 818 U1 REFUEL FLOOR An NPO confirms that a fire exists on Unit 1 Reactor Building 818'. INITIATING CUE Activate the Fire Brigade and select the appropriate Pre-Fire Plan.

Page 9 of 9 EXAMINEE COPY: TASK CONDITIONS Unit 1 is in MODE 1 SIMPLEX fire alarms have been acknowledged in accordance with OP-013-002. The following VALID SIMPLEX data print out is available: FIRE DET X112_Z5ALM 12:14 MON 06-DEC-10 818 U1 REFUEL FLOOR FIRE DET X114_Z2 ALM 12:16 MON 06-DEC-10 818 U1 REFUEL FLOOR An NPO confirms that a fire exists on Unit 1 Reactor Building 818'. INITIATING CUE Activate the Fire Brigade and select the appropriate Pre-Fire Plan.



Classify an Emergency Condition and Complete Emergency Notification Report JPM#: OO.EP.1132.180 Revision: 2

                                                          - - - - Date:        09/23/2016 Applica.bility: IZI RO IZI SRO Setting:     Classroom NUREG-1123 E/APE I Sys                         Generic        KIA Number       2.4.41
  • KIA Importance 2.4.41 Alternate Path: IZI YES D NO Time Critical DYES IZI NO Validation Time (min):_----'-1~5-
        --r7~~....,..--,.q--- Date: r/;;G(/ k Date: (/z<r ~
            --...........................---.....,....___ _ Date: er /~j /It Approval:       Jv\ Lo:J ~                                           Date:   °t
  • 7- 7 ' l 4 Nuclear Training Supervisor Examinee Name:

Last, First Ml Employee Number Exam Date: Exam Duration (Min): _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Evaluation Result: D Satisfactory D Unsatisfactory Evaluator:


Name Signature Comments:

REQUIRED TASK INFORMATION JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE OO.EP.1132.180 I. SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS A. All Operations personnel are responsible for maintaining their radiation exposure As Low As Reasonably Achievable in accordance with OP-AD-002, Standards for Shift Operations. B. All applicable safety precautions shall be taken in accordance with established Talen Energy safety policies and the Safety Rule Book, for example:

1. Whenever any electrical panel is opened for inspection during JPM performance.
2. Whenever entering any plant area where specific safety equipment such as hearing or eye protection, safety shoes, hardhats, etc., is required and/or posted as being necessary.

C. If, in the judgment of the Evaluator any safety issue occurs during the performance of a JPM, the JPM will be terminated until the issue is resolved. D. Peer checking is the expectation for all evolutions; however, since a JPM is an individual effort, no peer check will be provided and Self Checking is required. II. REFERENCES A. EP-PS-100, CR Emergency Director (revision 34) B. EP-RM-004, EAL CLASSIFICATION BASES (Revision 9) C. EP-PS-001, EMERGENCY PLANNING FORMS AND SUPPLEMENTARY INSTRUCTIONS (Revision 11) Ill. TASK CONDITIONS Each examinee evaluated in the SRO position for a scenario will be required to classify the event once the scenario concludes. Task Conditions for each scenario are provided on the cue sheet. IV. INITIATING CUE Make the initial emergency classification and as Emergency Director complete any associated notification form(s) in accordance with the applicable procedures for activation of the Emergency Plan. V. TASK STANDARD Classify the event at the appropriate level on the correct EAL and complete the Emergency Notification Report.

TQ-106-0;:n 0 Revision 1 Page 3 of 16 INFORMATION FOR EVALUATOR

  • Marking a step as UNSAT requires written comments on respective step .
  • Critical steps are marked with a*. If elements of the Standard are non-critical, the critical elements of the Standard are marked with a* .
  • The time clock starts when the candidate acknowledges the Initiating Cue .
  • Ensure that a copy of EP-RM-004, EP-PS-100 and blank ENR and PAR forms are available .

EVALUATOR NOTE This is a TIME CRITICAL JPM. EVALUATOR CUE Record JPM start time: Step Action Standard Eva I Comments 1 Obtains copy of EP-PS-100, Emergency Director, Obtains copy of EP-PS-100, Emergency SIU Control Room and EP-RM-004, EAL Classification Director, Control Room and EP-RM-004, Bases. EAL Classification Bases. 2 Refers to classification matrix. Selects the correct Table. SIU

  *3   Chooses appropriate emergency action level.          Declares the correct event level per the JPM        SIU key for the scenario within 15 minutes of start time.

4 Determines appropdate procedure section. Identifies the appropriate procedure SIU attachment for the event classification of EP-PS-100.

  *5   Documents and communicates the Emergency             Announces the following:                            SIU Classification.
  • I am assuming duties of the Emergency Director
                                                            *  [Event]  declared based on [EAL summary]
  • Time and Date of Classification 6 If not performed earlier appoints an Emergency Appoints an Emergency Plan Communicator SIU Plan Communicator. and instructs communicator to immediately perform EP-PS-126, E-Plan Communicator.

TQ-106-Q;yfQ Revision 1 Page 4.of 16 7 If not performed earlier, appoints an NRC Appoints an NRC Communicator and SIU communicator. instructs communicator to perform EP-PS-135, NRC Communicator.

   *8  Initiates an ENR form.                                Performs the following:                        SIU
  • Refers to ENR Form under Att J and IF necessary EP-PS-001-4 for instructions on filling out the form
  • Records*cR-1 as the control#*
  • Line 1, places checkmark in THIS IS A DRILL box EVALUATOR NOTE The time recorded on Line 3 of the ENR form is compared to the start time recorded at the beginning of the JPM to determine if the examinee is successful in meeting the 15 minute event declaration requirement of the JPM.
   *9  Completes Line 3 of the ENR                            Performs the following:                       SIU
  • Places checkmark in the correct event box
  • Places checkmark in the correct unit box
  • Records declaration time and date
  • Places checkmark in INITIAL DECLARATION box 10 Completes Line 4 of the ENR Performs the following: SIU
  • Records EAL in Classification Description
  • Records a brief non-technical description of EAL or applies appropriate sticker marked-up to reflect actual event

TQ-106-0.,-10 Revision 1 Page 5of16

*11   Completes Line 5 of the ENR                     Performs the following:                      S/U
  • Refers to EP-PS-001-48 Att. QQ for guidance in determining if there is a radiological release in progress due to the event
  • Places checkmark in release box as appropriate
*12   Completes Lines 6 and 7 of the ENR              Performs the following:                      S/U
  • Records wind direction, wind speed .
  • Places checkmark in THIS IS A DRILL box
*13   Approves the ENR.                               Signs the ENR and records the current date   S/U and time.

14 Provides the ENR to the Emergency Plan Performs the following: S/U Communicator.

  • Provides the approved ENR to the Emergency Plan Communicator.
  • Reviews the ENR with the Communicator
  • Directs the Communicator to complete the notification within 15 minutes of the event declaration time EVALUATOR CUE Record JPM stop time:

EVALUATOR CUE That completes the JPM. EVALUATOR NOTE Do you have ALL your JPM exam materials? Task Cue Sheets? Procedures?

TQ-106-0310 Revision 1 Page 7 of 16 REVISION


JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE OO.EP.1132.180 Revision Description/Purpose of Revision 0 NewJPM 1 Minor editorial changes Updated references and individual scenario task conditions to accommodate 2 the LOC 28 NRC exam.

Page 8of16 EVALUATOR - SCENARIO 1 TASK CONDITIONS Unit 1 was at 95% power Unit 1 was manually scrammed resulting in an A TWS. Unit 1 experienced the following conditions:

  • E0-000-113 actions are being performed
  • Standby Liquid Control is injecting
  • ES-158-002 has been dispatched, rods are being inserted manually INITIATING CUE Make the initial emergency classification and as Emergency Director complete any associated notification form(s) in accordance with the applicable procedures for activation of the Emergency Plan.

Page 9of16 EXAMINEE - SCENARIO 1 TASK CONDITIONS Unit 1 was at 95% power Unit 1 was manually scrammed resulting in an A TWS. Unit 1 experienced the following conditions:

  • E0-000-113 actions are being performed
  • Standby Liquid Control is injecting
  • ES-158-002 has been dispatched, rods are being inserted manually INITIATING CUE Make the initial emergency classification and as Emergency Director complete any associated notification form(s) in accordance with the applicable procedures for activation of the Emergency Plan.

Page 10of16 EVALUATOR-SCENARIO 2 TASK CONDITIONS Unit 1 Reactor Power was approximately 80% during a startup A manual scram is inserted due to a low level condition Unit 1 experienced the following conditions:

  • Loss of Offsite Power
  • RPV pressure and level are being maintained by SRVs and RCIC.
  • A small RCS leak develops in the drywell
  • RPV level goes below TAF
  • ADS fails to initiate
  • Emergency Depressurization is performed
  • Manual initiation of ECCS systems required due to a failure to auto initiate INITIATING CUE Make the initial emergency classification and as Emergency Director complete any associated notification form(s) in accordance with the applicable procedures for activation of the Emergency Plan.

Page 11 of 16 EXAMINEE - SCENARIO 2 TASK CONDITIONS Unit 1 Reactor Power was approximately 80% during a startup A manual scram is inserted due to a low level condition Unit 1 experienced the following conditions:

  • Loss of Offsite Power
  • RPV pressure and level are being maintained by SRVs and RCIC.
  • A small RCS leak develops in the drywell
  • RPV level goes below TAF
  • ADS fails to initiate
  • Emergency Depressurization is performed
  • Manual initiation of ECCS systems required due to a failure to auto initiate INITIATING CUE Make the initial emergency classification and as Emergency Director complete any associated notification form(s) in accordance with the applicable procedures for activation of the Emergency Plan.

Page 12of16 EVALUATOR - SCENARIO 3 TASK CONDITIONS Unit 1 Reactor Power was approximately 33%. A shutdown was in progress for an unplanned maintenance outage Unit 1 experienced the following conditions:

  • A loss of ESS Bus 1C occurred
  • A manual scram is inserted due to a leak in the drywell resulting in an ATWS
  • ARI is initiated, drifting rods in.
  • SDV drains fail to close.
  • Rad levels in the CRD HCU area and RCIC room rad levels exceed Max Safe levels
  • Emergency depressurization is conducted INITIATING CUE Make the initial emergency classification and as Emergency Director complete any associated notification form(s) in accordance with the applicable procedures for activation of the Emergency Plan.

Page 13of16 EXAMINEE - SCENARIO 3 TASK CONDITIONS Unit 1 Reactor Power was approximately 33%. A shutdown was in progress for an unplanned maintenance outage Unit 1 experienced the following conditions:

  • A loss of ESS Bus 1C occurred
  • A manual scram is inserted due to a leak in the drywell resulting in an A TWS
  • ARI is initiated, drifting rods in.
  • SDV drains fail to close.
  • Rad levels in the CRD HCU area and RCIC room rad levels exceed Max Safe levels
  • Emergency depressurization is conducted INITIATING CUE Make the initial emergency classification and as Emergency Director complete any associated notification form(s) in accordance with the applicable procedures for activation of the Emergency Plan.

Page 14of16 EVALUATOR- SCENARIO 4 TASK CONDITIONS Unit 1 Reactor Power was approximately 90% A small steam leak developed in the drywell Unit 1 experienced the following conditions:

  • A manual scram is inserted
  • Plant Aux load shed occurs
  • RPV level is maintained using HPCI
  • Suppression chamber and Drywell sprays are in service
  • RPV flooding is required due to erratic pressure instruments
  • Level is steady at +30" prior to the loss of level indication INITIATING CUE Make the initial emergency classification and as Emergency Director complete any associated notification form(s) in accordance with the applicable procedures for activation of the Emergency Plan.

Page 15of16

  • EXAMINEE - SCENARIO 4 TASK CONDITIONS Unit 1 Reactor Power was approximately 90%

A small steam leak developed in the drywell Unit 1 experienced the following conditions:

  • A manual scram is inserted
  • Plant Aux load shed occurs
  • RPV level is maintained using HPCI
  • Suppression chamber and Drywell sprays are in service
  • RPV flooding is required due to erratic pressure instruments
  • Level is steady at +30" prior to the loss of level indication INITIATING CUE Make the initial emergency classification and as Emergency Director complete any associated notification form(s) in accordance with the applicable procedures for activation of the Emergency Plan.

Page 16of16 JPM KEY Scenario Classification EAL Release 1 SAE MS3 No 2 SAE FS1 No 3 SAE FS1 Yes 4 Alert FA1 No



Determine LCO Applicability to Bypass Secondary Containment Zone 2 Isolation JPM#: 34.0P.21505.201 Revision:____.O'----- Date: 09/26/2016 Applicability: 12] SRO Setting: Classroom NUREG-1123 E/APE I Sys Generic KIA Number _2=*--.3.;;..;.1_,,3_ _ _ K/A Importance _3............ 8 __ Alternate Path: DYES 12] NO Time Critical DYES 12] NO Validation Time (min):_2=5"'--_ 12] Perform Author:: J/ Date: Operations Review: L---- Date: 7._~ Jfo Validated: , £a ,J.A..µ (/ Date: °f /:Lt//b Approval: _fu~~___;W~;.__:~=;r:--.::::;_____ Date: °J ' Z°t

  • lk NUCiear Traini~rvisor Last, First Ml Employee Number Exam Date: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Exam Duration (Min): _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Evaluation Result: D Satisfactory D Unsatisfactory Evaluator: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Name Signature Comments:

REQUIRED TASK INFORMATION JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE 34.0P.21505.201 I. SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS A. All Operations personnel are responsible for maintaining their radiation exposure As Low As Reasonably Achievable in accordance with OP-AD-002, Standards for Shift Operations. B. All applicable safety precautions shall be taken in accordance with established Talen Energy safety policies and the Safety Rule Book, for example:

1. Whenever any electrical panel is opened for inspection during JPM performance.
2. Whenever entering any plant area where specific safety equipment such as hearing or eye protection, safety shoes, hardhats, etc., is required and/or posted as being necessary.

C. If, in the judgment of the Evaluator any safety issue occurs during the performance of a JPM, the JPM will be terminated until the issue is resolved. D. Peer checking is the expectation for all evolutions; however, since a JPM is an individual effort, no peer check will be provided and Self Checking is required.

11. REFERENCES A. OP-234-002, Reactor Building HVAC Zones 2 and 3 (Rev. 15)

B. NDAP-QA-0321, Secondary Containment Integrity Control (Rev. 13) 1 111. TASK CONDITIONS A. Unit 2 is shutdown. B. All rods were inserted 4 hours ago. C. Plant cool down and equipment shutdown are in progress in preparation for start of a refueling outage. D. C RHR Pump is in service in Shutdown Cooling. E. A and B ESW pumps and 2A RHRSW Pump is in service providing cooling to the RHR system. R. Reactor coolant temperature is 194 °F and lowering. G. Cask Storage Gates are removed. H. All other equipment is operable. I. I & C has requested the Secondary Containment Zone 2 Isolation bypassed to support work. IV. INITIATING CUE Determine the ability to bypass the Secondary Containment Zone 2 Isolation. Record your findings, including any applicable references. Document your approval I disapproval of the request. Specify actions required for bypass. V. TASK STANDARD Candidate determines Unit 2 Tech Spec is Not Applicable to Mode 4, and may continue with Bypass of Secondary Containment Isolation signal for Zone 2. Candidate authorizes bypassing the Zone 2 Isolation IAW OP-234-002 and NDAP-QA-0321.

TQ-106-u~ 10 Revision 1 Page 3 of 9 INFORMATION FOR EVALUATOR

  • Marking a step as UNSAT requires written comments on respective step.
  • Critical steps are marked with a*. If elements of the Standard are non-critical, the critical elements of the Standard are marked with a*.
  • The time clock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue.
  • This JPM may be performed in the classroom.
  • Ensure the following material is available; OP-234-002, NDAP-QA-0321, and Tech Specs EVALUATOR CUE Record JPM start time:

Step Action Standard Eva I Comments 1 Obtain a controlled copy of the procedure Obtains a controlled copy of the applicable S/U procedure(s). 2 Selects the correct section to perform Selects:

  • OP-234-002 section 2.12 and/or
  • NDAP-QA-0321 section 6.4 S/U and/or
  • Technical Specification

3 Review NDAP-QA-0321 section 6.4 Determines nothing in NDAP-QA-0321 prohibits bypassing the Secondary Containment Zone 2 Isolation. S/U Determines OP-234-002 and Technical Specifications should be referenced. 4 Review OP-234-002 section 2.12 Determines must evaluate Technical S/U Specifications and EVALUATOR NOTE Candidate may refer to TRO 3. 7 .10 which addresses cross-tying the Fuel Pools. Candidate may also initially refer to G0-200-006 regarding the precautions for SC Integrity.

TQ-106-u-,,-10 Revision 1 Page 4 of 9

   *5 I Evaluate Unit 2 Tech Spec                    Determines plant is currently in Mode 4.

Review Technical Specification and determines operability of Secondary Containment is NOT required in Mode 4. Determines irradiated fuel movement and I SI U OPDRVs are not in progress based on initial conditions. Determines Technical Specification allows bypassing of Secondary Containment Zone 2 Isolation in present plant conditions. EVALUATOR NOTE I CUE If asked about irradiated fuel movement, inform candidate that no irradiated fuel movement is in progress. EVALUATOR NOTE I CUE If asked about OPDRVs, inform candidate that no OPDRVs are in progress.

   *6 I Evaluate Unit 2 Tech Spec                    Determines plant is in currently in Mode 4.

Determines Secondary Containment Isolation Valve operability is NOT required in Mode 4. Determines irradiated fuel movement and I SI U OPDRVs are not in progress based on initial conditions. Determines Technical Specification allows bypassing of Secondary Containment Zone 2 Isolation in present plant conditions EVALUATOR CUE If a,sked about irradiated fuel movement, inform candidate that no irradiated fuel movement is in progress.

TQ-106-u~ 10 Revision 1 Page 5 of 9 EVALUATOR CUE If asked about OPDRVs, inform candidate that no OPDRVs are in progress. EVALUATOR CUE If asked about release paperwork (OP-234-002 Att J), inform candidate that OP-234-002 Attachment J has been completed and is being maintained by the Operations Outage Manager (QOM).

   *7  Complete OP-234-002 Attachment F                     Indicates need to fill out OP-234-002 Attachment F and indicates they would direct an operator to complete it.

S/U Indicates that after this form is completed, they would authorize isolation bypass. EVALUATOR NOTE Provide a blank copy of OP-234-002 Attachment F upon request. EVALUATOR NOTE I CUE That completes the JPM. EVALUATOR CUE Record JPM stop time: EVALUATOR NOTE Do you have ALL your JPM exam materials? Task Cue Sheets? Procedures?

TQ-106-0310 Revision 1 Page 7of9 REVISION


JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE 34.0P.21505.201 Revision Description/Purpose of Revision 0 New JPM, Revised from 34.0P.2683.201 1

Page 8 of 9 EVALUATOR COPY: TASK CONDITIONS A. Unit 2 is shutdown. B. All rods were inserted 4 hours ago. C. Plant cool down and equipment shutdown are in progress in preparation for start of a refueling outage. D. C RHR Pump is in service in Shutdown Cooling. E. A and B ESW pumps and 2A RHRSW Pump is in service providing cooling to the RHR system. R. Reactor coolant temperature is 194°F and lowering. G. Cask Storage Gates are removed. H. All other equipment is operable. I. I & C has requested the Secondary Containment Zone 2 Isolation bypassed to support work. INITIATING CUE Determine the ability to bypass the Secondary Containment Zone 2 Isolation. Record your findings, including any applicable references. Document your approval I disapproval of the request. Specify actions required for bypass.

Page 9of9 EXAMINEE COPY: TASK CONDITIONS A. Unit 2 is shutdown. B. All rods were inserted 4 hours ago. C. Plant cool down and equipment shutdown are in progress in preparation for start of a refueling outage. D. C RHR Pump is in service in Shutdown Cooling. E. A and B ESW pumps and 2A RHRSW Pump is in service providing cooling to the RHR system. R. Reactor coolant temperature is 194°F and lowering. G. Cask Storage Gates are removed. H. All other equipment is operable. I. I & C has requested the Secondary Containment Zone 2 Isolation bypassed to support work. INITIATING CUE Determine the ability to bypass the Secondary Containment Zone 2 Isolation. Record your findings, including any applicable references. Document your approval I disapproval of the request. Specify actions required for bypass.



Reset Recirculation Pump Limiter #2 Run back, RRP B Runout JPM#: 64.0N.67049.101 Revision:Q Date:07/07/2016 Applicability: ll?J RO ll?l SRO Setting: Simulator NUREG-1123 E/APE I Sys 202002 KIA Number A2.05 KIA Importance 3.8/4.0 Alternate Path: DYES ll?J NO Time Critical DYES ll?l NO Validation Time (min):20 Testing Method: Author::Greg van den Operations Review: c~&--~~ D Simulate

                                             /    ll?l Perform Date: 07/07/2016 Date:    7  /t[ /1~<o Validated:       {1cr_..£tAd                                          Date:  q/#/,/1/,

Approval: _,_1V\__._---=-f;"""""~""'""""--fbp___.___*_ _ _ Date: 1*:l1 *I l Nuclear Training Supervisor Last, First Ml Employee Number Exam Date: Exam Duration (Min....:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Evaluation Result: D Satisfactory D Unsatisfactory Evaluator: Name Signature Comments:

REQUIRED TASK INFORMATION JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE 64.0N.67049.101 I. SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS A. All Operations personnel are responsible for maintaining their radiation exposure As Low As Reasonably Achievable in accordance with OP-AD-002, Standards for Shift Operations. B. All applicable safety precautions shall be taken in accordance with established Talen Energy safety policies and the Safety Rule Book, for example:

1. Whenever any electrical panel is opened for inspection during JPM performance.
2. Whenever entering any plant area where specific safety equipment such as hearing or eye protection, safety shoes, hardhats, etc., is required and/or posted as being necessary.

C. If, in the judgment of the Evaluator any safety issue occurs during the performance of a JPM, the JPM will be terminated until the issue is resolved. D. Peer checking is the expectation for all evolutions; however, since a JPM is an individual effort, no peer check will be provided and Self Checking is required. II. REFERENCES A. 'ON-RECIRC-101, Reactor Recirculation Malfunction (Rev. 1) B. AOP-164-001, Reactor Recirculation Abnormal Operating Procedure (Rev. 0) Ill. TASK CONDITIONS Unit 1 is in Mode 1. A trip of Condensate Pump 1D has caused a Reactor Recirculation runback to occur. ON-RECIRC-101, Reactor Recirculation Malfunction, has been completed up to step C.18.d. A Critical Brief has been performed 1D Condensate Pump has been restored. IV. INITIATING CUE Reset the Recirculation Pump limiter #2 run back for both Recirculation Pumps in accordance with AOP-164-001, Attachment B. V. TASK STANDARD Recirc,LIM2 runback is reset for Reactor Recirc Pump IA and lB.

SIMULATOR SETUP INSTRUCTIONS JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE 64.0N.67049.101 NOTE: It is permissible to use a similar IC to the IC listed below, provided the IC actually used is verified to be compatible with this and other JPMs that are scheduled to be run concurrently.

  • Reset the simulator to an exam-specific IC if prepared.
  • Configure an exam-specific IC as follows:

o Reset to IC-18 o Perform the following expert command to trip Condensate Pump D:

              !OR diHS10510D f:STOP
  • Place the simulator in RUN.
  • Allow plant conditions to stabilize.
  • Perform actions of ON-RECIRC-101 through step C.14
  • Perform the following expert command to delete the Condensate Pump D trip malfunction: DOR diHS10510D f:START
  • Restart Condensate Pump lD
  • Perform the following expert command to load RRP A(B) speed as a Monitored Parameter i nsmp rrnlp40la insmp rrnlp401b

TQ-106-lM 10 Revision 1 Page 4of12 INFORMATION FOR EVALUATOR

  • Marking a step as UNSAT requires written comments on respective step .
  • Critical steps are marked with a*. If elements of the Standard are non-critical, the critical elements of the Standard are marked with a* .
  • The time clock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue.
  • This JPM must be performed in the simulator.
  • Configure the Simulator per the Simulator Setup Instructions .

BOOTH OPERATOR CUE When student is ready to begin the JPM and the evaluator indicates, place the simulator in RUN. EVALUATOR CUE Record JPM start time: Step Action Standard Eva I Comments 1 Verifies AOP-164-001 Att. B is the controlling Controlled copy of AOP-164-001 obtained, S/U document. select Att. B. 2 Verifies Condenser Pressure is <5 .5 HgA. Verifies Condenser Pressure is <5 .5 HgA at S/U panel 1C668B 3 Determines RFP(s) indicated flow.

  • Observe Feedwater flow on the Feedwater Flow Overview.


  • Determines that RFP discharge flows are all <0.9Mlbm/hr (> 16.4%).

4 Ensures associated IND RFP FLOW< 16.4%

  • On the RRP A HMI screen, determines Limiter# 2 Input(s) to Rx Recirc Runback Circuit is IND FLOW <16.4% is ENABLED.


  • On the RRP B HMI screen, determines IND FLOW <16.4% is ENABLED.

EVALUATOR NOTE The Limiter #2 RESET buttons will not become active until Controller Output indication is ~ 27.10% and initiating condition has cleared (with the exception of CWP Trip/High Condenser Pressure and/or Condensate Pump trips). 5 Ensure a Critical Brief has been conducted Verifies initial conditions state that the S/U Critical Brief has been conducted.

TQ-106-l,;;,10 Revision 1 Page 5 of 12 6* I RESET Limiter #2 Runback on 'A' Reactor Performs the following: Recirculation Pump

  • VERIFY SY-B31-1R621A % Controller Output Signal is approximately 27.10%.
                                                           *   *TOUCH DEC button RECIRC PUMP lA SPEED SY-B31-1R621A Controller
  • Observes a change in the following:

o Lowering of Gen 1A Speed or on SI 14032A (TRA036) o Lowering of Gen 1A Demand, on I SIU XI 14032A (TRA040) o Lowering of Scoop Tube 1A Position (TRA044) o Lowering of Loop 1A Drive Flow (APMF01)


RUNBACK RESET button is ACTIVE EVALUATOR NOTE One minute time delay allows for Scoop Tube Positioner to make the final (0.111 %) position adjustment 7* I Depress the RX RECIRC LIMITER #2 (48%) *TOUCH HS-B31-1S12A RX RECIRC RUNBACK RESET button. LIMITER #2 (48%) RUNBACK RESET button S/U AND

                                                           *TOUCH RESET LIMITER #2 button 8 I Monitor Recirc Pump A speed.                         Observe GEN lA SPEED SI-14032A remains steady.

TQ-106-u~ 10 ' Revision 1 Page 6of12 9 Observes Recirc Pump A LIM2 runback resets. Observe the following:

                                                           * # 2 LIMITER INITIATED status block background changes from RED to         S/U GRAY
  • AR-102-CO 1 annunciator clears 1O* RESET Limiter #2 Runback on 'B' Reactor Performs the following:

Recirculation Pump

  • VERIFY SY-B31-1R621B % Controller Output Signal is approximately 26.90%.
                                                           *   *TOUCH DEC button RECIRC PUMP lA SPEED SY-B31-1R621B Controller
  • Observes a change in the following:

0 Lowering of Gen 1A Speed or on SI 14032A {TRA037) 0 Lowering of Gen 1A Demand, on S/U XI 14032A (TRA041) 0 Lowering of Scoop Tube 1A Position {TRA045) 0 Lowering of Loop 1A Drive Flow (APMF02) OBSERVE HS-B31-1S12B RX RECIRC LIMITER #2 (48%) RUNBACK RESET button is ACTIVE EVALUATOR NOTE One minute time delay allows for Scoop Tube Positioner to make the final (0.111 %) position adjustment

TQ-106-tJ-;j 10 Revision 1 Page 7 of 12 11* Depress the RX RECIRC LIMITER #2 (48%) *TOUCH HS-831-1S128 RX RECIRC RUN8ACK RESET button. LIMITER #2 (48%) RUN8ACK RESET button S/U AND

                                               *TOUCH RESET LIMITER #2 button 12 Monitor Recirc Pump B speed.                Observe GEN lB SPEED SI-14032B is raising.                             SIU 13 Observes Recirc Pump B LIM2 runback resets. Observe the following:
                                               * # 2 LIMITER INITIATED status block background changes from RED to GRAY
  • AR-102-C04 annunciator clears

TQ-106-lJ~ 10 Revision 1 Page 8 of 12 14* RESET Limiter #2 Runback on 'B' Reactor Performs the following: Recirculation Pump

  • VERIFY SY-B31-1R621B % Controller Output Signal is approximately 26.90%.
                                                      *  *TOUCH DEC button RECIRC PUMP IA SPEED SY-B31-1R621B Controller
  • Observes a change in the following:

0 Lowering of Gen 1A Speed or on SI 14032A (TRA037) 0 Lowering of Gen 1A Demand, on XI 14032A (TRA041) 0 Lowering of Scoop Tube 1A Position (TRA045) 0 Lowering of Loop 1A Drive Flow (APMF02)


RUNBACK RESET button is ACTIVE EVALUATOR NOTE I CUE That completes the JPM. EVALUATOR CUE Record JPM stop time: EVALUATOR NOTE Do you have ALL your JPM exam materials? Task Cue Sheets? Procedures?

TQ-106-0310 Revision 1 Page 10 of 12 REVISION


JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE 64.0N.67049.101 Revision Description/Purpose of Revision 0 NewJPM 1 This JPM was created by modifying 64.0N.2131.151.

Page 11 of 12 EVALUATOR COPY: TASK CONDITIONS Unit 1 is in Mode 1. A trip of Condensate Pump 1D has caused a Reactor Recirculation runback to occur. ON-RECIRC-101, Reactor Recirculation Malfunction, has been completed up to step C.18.d. A Critical Brief has been performed 1D Condensate Pump has been restored INITIATING CUE Reset the Recirculation Pump limiter #2 runback for both Recirculation Pumps in accordance with AOP-164-001, Attachment B.

Page 12of12 EXAMINEE COPY: TASK CONDITIONS Unit 1 is in Mode 1. A trip of Condensate Pump 1D has caused a Reactor Recirculation runback to occur. ON-RECIRC-101, Reactor Recirculation Malfunction, has been completed up to step C.18.d. A Critical Brief has been performed 1D Condensate Pump has been restored INITIATING CUE Reset the Recirculation Pump limiter #2 runback for bofh Recirculation Pumps in accordance with AOP-164-001, Attachment B.



Implement RFP Post Scram Recovery JPM#: 45.0P.21388.102 Revision: 1 Date: 7/27/2016 Applicability: ~ RO ~ SRO Setting: _ _..;;;S=im=u=l--a..... to....r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ NUREG-1123 E/APE I Sys 259001 KIA Number _A_3_.0_7_ _ _ _K/A Importance 3.2 I 3.2 Alternate Path: DYES ~ NO Time Critical DYES ~ NO Validation Time (min):__..;;;2=0_ _ Date: TJP-~L1&. Date:

                                                                         .     ~

b}c Date: Cff~1,Ll6 I Approval: ____.11/\_....__0--=-*--~-+...;;;;.....__ _ __ Date: °1 1 21*!~ Nuclear TralniifgSupervisor Examinee Name: Last, First Ml Employee Number Exam Date: Exam Duration (Min): _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Evaluation Result: D Satisfactory D Unsatisfactory Evaluator: Name Signature Comments:

REQUIRED TASK INFORMATION JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE 45.0P.21388.102 I. SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS A All Operations personnel are responsible for maintaining their radiation exposure As Low As Reasonably Achievable in accordance with OP-AD-002, Standards for Shift Operations. B. All applicable safety precautions shall be taken in accordance with established Talen Energy safety policies and the Safety Rule Book, for example:

1. Whenever any electrical panel is opened for inspection during JPM performance.
2. Whenever entering any plant area where specific safety equipment such as hearing or eye protection, safety shoes, hardhats, etc., is required and/or posted as being necessary.

C. If, in the judgment of the Evaluator any safety issue occurs during the performance of a JPM, the JPM will be terminated until the issue is resolved. D. Peer checking is the expectation for all evolutions; however, since a JPM is an individual effort, no peer check will be provided and Self Checking is required. II. REFERENCES A OP-145-001, RFP AND RFP LUBE OIL SYSTEM (Rev. 84) Ill. TASK CONDITIONS Unit 1 scrammed from approximately 70 percent power. All 3 RFPs tripped on a spurious high RPV level signal following the scram. RPV level is being maintained at approximately -5" using RCIC and CRD IV. INITIATING CUE Restart a RFP and maintain RPV level -40" to -50". V. TASK STANDARD Places a RFP in-service in Discharge Pressure Mode and establishes a rising RPV level trend by injection through the HV-10641

SIMULATOR SETUP INSTRUCTIONS JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE 45.0P.21388.102 NOTE: It is permissible to use a similar IC to the IC listed below, provided the IC actually used is verified to be compatible with this and other JPMs that are scheduled to be run concurrently.

1. Configure an exam-specific IC as follows
  • Reset to IC-20
  • Insert a recirc LIM2 runback, allow to stabilize
  • Place mode switch to Shutdown
  • Trip all 3 Feed Pumps
  • Insert Ni's
  • Verify RCIC initiates (or initiate and return collar to not armed)
  • Stabilizes RPV level at approximately -45"
  • Trip 2 Condensate Pumps (to prevent condensate pump damage)
  • Reset Generator Lockouts
  • Override AR-108-E02

TQ-106-u-.:> 10 Revision 1 Page 4of11 INFORMATION FOR EVALUATOR

  • Marking a step as UNSAT requires written comments on respective step.
  • Critical steps are marked with a*. If elements of the Standard are non-critical, the critical elements of the Standard are marked with a*.
  • The time clock starts when the candidate acknowledges the Initiating Cue.
  • This JPM must be performed in the simulator. Reset to exam-specific IC, or configure the simulator per the Simulator Setup Instructions.

EVALUATOR CUE Record JPM start time: BOOTH OPERATOR CUE When the evaluator indicates the examinee is ready to begin the JPM, place the simulator in RUN. BOOTH OPERATOR CUE Adjust the RCIC flow controller setpoint to maintain RPV water level -60" to -50" during performance of the JPM. Step Action Standard Eva I Comments 1 Verifies OP-145-001 Attachment Bis governing Controlled copy of OP-145-001 obtained, S/U procedure and obtains controlled copy. select Attachment B. EVALUATOR NOTE The following step is critical only if more than two Condensate Pumps are running. This 'step is not required to be performed for successful completion of the JPM if only two Condensate Pumps are running in the simulator IC. 2* Stops 2 Condensate Pumps. Depress 1P102A(B)(C)(D), CONDENSATE PUMP, STOP PB as necessary to leave 2 S/U Condensate Pumps running. 2 Ensures all HV-10603A(B)(C) RFP A(B)(C) Observe HV-10603A(B)(C) RFP A(B)(C) S/U Discharge lso Viv closed. DISCHARGE ISO VLV indicate full closed. 3 Ensures all HV-10651A(B)(C) RFP A(B)(C) Startup Observe HV-10651A(B)(C) RFP A(B)(C) S/U lso Viv closed. STARTUP ISO VLV indicate full closed.

TQ-106-(J;:>-10 Revision 1 Page 5of11 4 Ensures controller LIC-C32-1 R602, FW Lo Load On controller LIC-C32-1R602, FW LO Demand Signal to LV-10641, in MANUAL and 0 LOAD DEMAND SIGNAL TO LV-10641, percent output. perform the following:

  • Depress MAN PB SIU
  • Depress single- or double-DEC PB until
                                                         % CONTROLLER OUTPUT indicates 0 percent 5 Ensures 2 NR RPV level instruments indicate <54" Observe any 2 of NAR RNG A(B)(C)

S/U on FW HMI. indicate less <54". 6* Open RFPT A(B)(C) steam supply isolation valves. At 1C668, depress RFPT A(B)(C) LP ISO S/U HV-12709A(B)(C) OPEN PB. EVALUATOR NOTE The RESET A(B)(C) RFPT TRIP PB must be depressed for approximately 5 seconds to reset the RFPT. 7* Reset RFPT A(B)(C) trip. Perform the following:

  • Select RFP_A(B)(C) screen I
  • Depress A(B)(C) RFPT TRIPPED PB
  • On overlay HS-12745A2(82)(C2), RFPT A(B)(C) TRIP RESET SWITCH, depress S/U RESET PB
  • Depress and hold RESET A(B)(C) RFPT TRIP PB until RFP A(B)(C) icon indicates Reset 8* Places RFPT A(B)(C) valve control in AUTO Depress the A(B)(C) RFPT AUTO VLV CTL S/U
                                                      ,PB and observes it backlit YELLOW.

TQ-106-0siO Revision 1 Page 6of11

*9 Places RFPT A(B)(C) in Idle mode.               Perform the following:
  • Observe controller FIC-10604A(B)(C) RX FEED PUMP A(B)(C) RECIRC FLOW in AUTO
                                                   * *Depress A(B)(C) IDLE MODE PB and then depress I OLE MODE PB
  • On controller FIC-10604A(B)(C), RX FEED PUMP A RECIRC FLOW, depress the MAN PB and then the single- and S/U double-chevron INC PB as necessary to raise RFP flow as indicated on Fl-10604A, RFP FLOW, > 600 gpm
                                                   * *When RFP A(B)(C) recirc flow indicates
                                                     > 600 gpm, depress 1,000 RPMS PB
  • On controller FIC-10604A(B)(C), RX FEED PUMP A RECIRC FLOW, depress the AUTO PB 10* Stops RFP A turning gear when RFPT A speed is Observe RFPT A turning gear is OFF and in S/U
   > 100 rpm and then returns to AUTO.             AUTO.

11* Places RFPT A(B)(C) in Discharge Pressure Mode. Perform the following:

  • Selects RFP_A(B)(C) screen
                                                   * *Depress the A(B)(C) RFPT DSCH PRESS MODE PB AND then depresses the INITIATE DSH PRSS MODE PB
  • After 30 seconds, observe A(B)(C) RFPT SIU DSCH PRESS MODE PB YELLOW
  • Observe HV-10651A(B)(C) stroke FULL OPEN
  • Observe RFP A(B)(C) pressure rise approximately 120 psig above reactor pressure.

TQ-106-CJ;;; I 0 Revision 1 Page 7of11 EVALUATOR CUE It is required to raise RFP A discharge pressure for DPM per Step 17 of the hard card. (Only needed for time compression, if cue not given skip step 13) 12* Establishes RFPT A(B)(C) discharge pressure for On controller SIC-C32-1 R601A(B)(C) RFP DPM. A(B)(C) SPD CTL/DEMAND SIGNAL perform the following:

  • Depress MAN PB S/U
  • Depress single- and/or double-chevron INC and DEC PB as necessary to obtain approximately 55% on SPD DMD (STPT)
  • Depress AUTO PB 13* Adjusts LV-10641 FW LO LOAD VALVE Perform the following on controller LIC-C32-1 R602 controller to slowly raise reactor LIC-C32-1R602 FW LO LOAD VALVE water level.
  • Depress single- and double-chevron INC S/U PB as necessary to raise controller output to desired level EVALUATOR CUE When flow is indicated from RFP A, inform the examinee RCIC has been secured and that the examinee S/U has control of RPV level.

BOOTH OPERATOR CUE S/U When flow is indicated from RFP A, place the RCIC flow controller to manual at O percent output. EVALUATOR NOTE I CUE That completes the JPM. EVALUATOR CUE Record JPM stop time: EVALUATOR NOTE Do you have ALL your JPM exam materials? Task Cue Sheets? Procedures?

TQ-106-0310 Revision 1 Page 9of11 REVISION


JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE 45.0P.21388.102 Revision Description/Purpose of Revision 0 NewJPM Revised to modify faulted JPM 45.0P.4677.152. This revision eliminates 1 the faulted aspect of the JPM. A JPM without a fault could not be found for this task, therefore this is a modified JPM.

Page 10of11 EVALUATOR COPY: TASK CONDITIONS Unit 1 scrammed from approximately 70 percent power. All 3 RFPs tripped on a spurious high RPV level signal following the scram. RPV level is being maintained at approximately -50" using RCIC and CRD INITIATING CUE Restart a RFP and restore RPV level -40" to -50".

Page 11 of 11 EXAMINEE COPY: TASK CONDITIONS Unit 1 scrammed from approximately 70 percent power. All 3 RFPs tripped on a spurious high RPV level signal following the scram. RPV level is being maintained at approximately-50" using RCIC and CRD INITIATING CUE Restart a RFP and restore RPV level -40" to -50". (



Open MSIVs During Reactor Startup (All Rods In) JPM#: 84.0P.24667.151 Revision:! Date:07/07/2016 Applicability: ~ RO ~ SRO Setting: Simulator NUREG-1123 E/APE I Sys239001 KJA Number A4.01 KJA Importance 4.2 Alternate Path: ~YES 0 NO Time Critical DYES ~ NO Validation Time (min):25 Testing Method: D Simulate Date: 07/07/2016 Date: cJ/z(,,,/((yz Validated: --;~.=.;:;~~__:::::;.....__ ____ Date: 1b "i (/t Approval: ___!_~k...... .....~.._.---- Date: 11,..._,....,..lA.....,)......._J2 7'

  • Z. 'J' 16 Nuclear Training Supervisor Last, First Ml Employee Number Exam Date: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Exam Duration (Min): _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Evaluation Result: D Satisfactory D Unsatisfactory Evaluator: Name Signature Comments:

REQUIRED TASK INFORMATION JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE 84.0P.24667.151 I. SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS A All Operations personnel are responsible for maintaining their radiation exposure As Low As Reasonably Achievable in accordance with OP-AD-002, Standards for Shift Operations. B. All applicable safety precautions shall be taken in accordance with established Talen Energy safety policies and the Safety Rule Book, for example:

1. Whenever any electrical panel is opened for inspection during JPM performance.
2. Whenever entering any plant area where specific safety equipment such as hearing or eye protection, safety shoes, hardhats, etc., is required and/or posted as being necessary.

C. If, in the judgment of the Evaluator any safety issue occurs during the performance of a JPM, the JPM will be terminated until the issue is resolved. D. Peer checking is the expectation for all evolutions; however, since a JPM is an individual effort, no peer check will be provided and Self Checking is required. II. REFERENCES A. G0-100-002, Plant Startup, Heatup and Power Operations (Rev 105) B. OP-184-001, Main Steam System (Rev 37) C. ON-193-001, Turbine EHC System Malfunction (Rev 24) Ill. TASK CONDITIONS Unit 1 startup is in progress in accordance with G0-100-002. The reactor is at the POAH. Reactor startup will continue after the MSIV s are open. Reactor pressure is 10 psig and reactor coolant temperature is 240 °F. The operator will perform all control room actions. IV. INITIATING CUE Open the MSIVs per OP-184-001 Section 2.3. V. TASK STANDARD Open MSIVs for reactor startup. Close the MSIV's when the turbine bypass valves fail open.

SIMULATOR SETUP INSTRUCTIONS JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE 84.0P.24667.151 NOTE: It is permissible to use a similar IC to the IC listed below, provided the IC actually used is verified to be compatible with this and other JPMs that are scheduled to be run concurrently.

1. Reset the simulator to a hot startup IC at POAH. Scram the reactor and then reset the scram.

Establish reactor pressure and stabilize no higher than 10 psig.

2. Run scenario file EVAL840P24667151.scn
  ;Overides alarm horns on oc653 and lc668 IOR do0C653HRN1 f:OFF IOR do0C653HRN2 f:OFF IOR do1C668HRN f:OFF
  ;Fails A EHC PT to 1000 psig
  ;Cause all the BPVs to open

{Key[l]} IMF mfTC193002A f:1000

3. Other Adjust RWCU blowdown flow if necessary to stabilize reactor level at approximately 35" and place the RWCU blowdown flow controller back to AUTO.

T0,106-0;:,*10 Revision 1 Page 4of12 INFORMATION FOR EVALUATOR

  • Marking a step as UNSAT requires written comments on respective step .
  • Critical steps are marked with a*. If elements of the Standard are non-critical, the critical elements of the Standard are marked with a*.
  • The time clock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue.
  • This JPM must be performed in the simulator. Reset to exam-specific IC, or configure the simulator per the Simulator Setup Instructions.

EVALUATOR NOTE: For Faulted JPMs The FAULTED step in the JPM is preceded by a fault statement in BOLD TYPE WITH ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. BOOTH OPERATOR CUE When student is ready to begin the JPM and the evaluator indicates, place the simulator in RUN. EVALUATOR CUE Record JPM start time: Step Action Standard Eva I Comments 1 Identifies governing procedure and obtain Refers to OP-184-001 Section 2.3. Obtains controlled copy. controlled copy of OP-184-001 and selects S/U section 2.3.

  *2   Reset Main Steam Line Isolation logic                 Performs the following
  • Ensure All MSIV control switches in CLOSE position
  • Reset Main Steam Line Isolation by Depressing Mn Stm Line Div 1 Iso Reset S/U HS B21 1S32 push button.
  • Reset Main Steam Line Isolation by Depressing Mn Stm Line Div 2 Iso Reset HS B21 1S33 push button.

3 Enters TRO Informs Unit Supervisor to take TRO S/U EVALUATOR CUE TRO taken.

TQ-106-0;n 0 Revision 1 Page 5 of 12 4 Place MOY overloads in service. Performs the following:

  • Place AC MOY OL BYPS HS-B21-1S37A Keyswitch to TEST Position. S/U
  • Place DC MOY OL BYPS HS-B21-1S37B Keyswitch to TEST Position.
  • 5 Open outboard MSIV s Performs the following:
  • Place Mn Stm Line A OB Iso HV-141-F028A control switch to AUTO.
  • Place Mn Stm Line B, OB Iso HV-141-F028B, control switch to AUTO.
  • Place Mn Stm Line C, OB Iso HV-141-F028C, control switch to AUTO.
  • Place Mn Stm Line D, OB Iso S/U HV-141-F028D, control switch to AUTO.
  • Check Outboard MSIV OPENS by observing Red indicating light ILLUMINATED.

0 HV-141-F028A OPEN 0 HV-141-F028B OPEN 0 HV-141-F028C OPEN 0 HV-141-F028D OPEN 6 Open Main Steam Line Drains Open following Main Steam Line Drain Valves: S/U

  • Mn Stm Line IB Drain HV-141-F016
  • Main Stm Line OB Drain HV-141-F019

TQ-106-0.:> I 0 Revision 1 Page 6of12 7 Bypass MOV overloads WAIT 2 minutes, THEN:

  • Place AC MOV OL BYPS HS-B21-1S37A Keyswitch to NORM position S/U
  • Place DC MOV OL BYPS HS-B21-1S37B Keyswitch to NORM position 8 Drain Main Steam lines Performs the following:
  • Jog Open Mn Stm Line Drain To Cdsr HV-141-F021.
  • AFTER 1 minute, Close Mn Stm Line S/U Drain To Cdsr HV-141-F021.
  • Open Mn Steam Line Warmup HV-141F020.
  • 9 Open Inboard MSIV s Performs the following
                         * *Open Inboard MSIV by Placing Mn Stm Line A IB Iso HV-141-F022A control switch to AUTO.
  • WHEN power, pressure, level stabilizes THEN Open Inboard MSIV's as follows:

0 *Place Mn Stm Line B, IB Iso HV - S/U 141-F022B, control switch to AUTO. 0 *Place Mn Stm Line C, IB Iso HV - 141-F022C, control switch to AUTO. 0 *Place Mn Stm Line D, IB Iso HV-141-F022D, control switch to AUTO. Check each Inboard MSIV OPENS by observing Red indicating light ILLUMINATED.

TQ-106-0.:>-IO Revision 1 Page 7 of 12 FAULT STATEMENT AFTER THE LAST INBOARD MSIV HAS BEEN OPENED, THE "A" EHC PRESSURE TRANSMITTER OUTPUT WILL FAIL TO 1000 PSIG WHICH WILL CAUSE ALL THE TURBINE BYPASS VALVES TO OPEN AND DEPRESSURIZE THE REACTOR. BOOTH OPERATOR CUE After the last inboard MSIV has been opened, depress Key 1 to initiate bypass valves opening due to failure of the 'A' EHC pressure transmitter. 10 Recognize EHC malfunction Observes the following:

  • All turbine bypass valves open
  • Reactor pressure lowering EVALUATOR NOTE Due to the failure of the EHC system to automatically control reactor pressure, the operators are authorized to close MSIV s without a procedure reference in order to mitigate the effects of the failure. ON-193-00lstep 3.7 provides procedural direction to close MSIVs and scram the reactor if the reactor is startup and <861 psig.

11 Scram the Reactor Places the Mode Switch to Shutdown S/U

TQ-106-0.:> I 0 Revision 1 Page 8of12

*12   Close MSIV's.                                  Prior to reactor pressure going below 0 psig, close MSIV' s and drains by performing the following:
  • Place MN STM Line A, OB ISO HV 141 F028A, Control Switch to CLOSE.
  • Place MN STM Line BOB ISO HV 141 F028B Control Switch to CLOSE.
  • Place MN STM Line C, OB ISO HV 141 F028C, Control Switch to CLOSE.
  • Place MN STM Line D OB ISO HV 141 F028D, Control Switch to CLOSE.


  • Place MN STM Line A IB ISO HV 141 F022A Control Switch to CLOSE.
  • Place MN STM Line BIB ISO HV 141
                                     '                     F022B Control Switch to CLOSE.
                                                       *, Place MN STM Line C IB ISO HV 141 F022C Control Switch to CLOSE.
  • Place MN STM Line D IB ISO HV 141 F022D Control Switch to CLOSE.
  • Check Inboard MSIV Opens by Observing Red Indicating Light ILLUMINATED.

EVALUATOR NOTE I CUE That completes the JPM. - EVALUATOR CUE Record JPM stop time: EVALUATOR NOTE Do you have ALL your JPM exam materials? Task Cue Sheets? Procedures?

TQ-106-0310 Revision 1 Page 10of12 REVISION


JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE 84.0P.24667.151 Revision Description/Purpose of Revision 0 New JP,M I JPM revised to incorporated referenced document revisions. Also, revised to 1 put JPM in the new format.

Page 11of12 EVALUATOR COPY: TASK CONDITIONS Unit 1 startup is in progress in accordance with G0-100-002. The reactor is at the POAH. Reactor startup will continue after the MSIV s are open. Reactor pressure is 10 psig and reactor coolant temperature is 240 °F. The operator will perform all control room actions. INITIATING CUE Open the MSIVs per OP-184-001 Section 2.3.

Page 12of12 EXAMINEE COPY: TASK CONDITIONS Unit 1 startup is in progress in accordance with G0-100-002. The reactor is at the POAH. Reactor startup will continue after the MSIV s are open. Reactor pressure is 10 psig and reactor coolant temperature is 240 °F. The operator will perform all control room actions. INITIATING CUE Open the MSIVs per OP-184-001 Section 2.3.



Shutdown Cooling Temperature Control JPM#: 49.0N.20294.151 Revision:3 Date:07/07/2016 Applicability: ~ RO ~ SRO Setting: Simulator NUREG-1123 E/APE I Sys223002 KIA Number K1.08 KIA Importance 3.4/3.5 Alternate Path: ~ YES 0 NO Time Critical DYES ~ NO Validation Time (min):25 Testing Method: D Simulate ~ ~erform Author::Greg van den Berg ~ Date: 07/07/2016 Operations Review: C..~ . . ._ Date: r/u b~ Validated: -..-~-C-~--. .Mf

                         . ____/________ Date: cr1~~I It Approval:     ~ l ~ .fLe                            Date:    '7 ""lC7
  • IC, Nuclear Training Supervisor Last, First Ml Employee Number Exam Date: Exam Duration (Min~=---------

Evaluation Result: D Satisfactory D Unsatisfactory Evaluator: Name Signature Comments:

REQUIRED TASK INFORMATION JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE 49.0N.20294.151 1 I. SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS A. All Operations personnel are responsible for maintaining their radiation exposure As Low As Reasonably Achievable in accordance with OP-AD-002, Standards for Shift Operations. B. All applicable safety precautions shall be taken in accordance with established Talen Energy safety policies and the Safety Rule Book, for example:

1. Whenever any electrical panel is opened for inspection during JPM performance.
2. Whenever entering any plant area where specific safety equipment such as hearing or eye protection, safety shoes, hardhats, etc., is required and/or posted as being necessary.

C. If, in the judgment of the Evaluator any safety issue occurs during the performance of a JPM, the JPM will be terminated until the issue is resolved. D. Peer checking is the expectation for all evolutions; however, since a JPM is an individual effort, no peer check will be provided and Self Checking is required.

11. REFERENCES A. ON-SDC-101, Loss of Shutdown Cooling (Rev. 1)

B. OP-149-002, RHR Shutdown Cooling (Rev. 72) C. AOP-149-001, RHR Abnormal Operating Procedure (Rev 0) Ill. TASK CONDITIONS Unit 1 is in MODE 4, 2 days into an outage. Reactor coolant temperature is 170 °P. Time to 200 °P is approximately 45 minutes. Section 2.22 (Operation of SDC in Mode 4 or 5) of OP-149-002 has NOT been performed. TRO has been entered for SDC temperature control. An operator has been assigned to perform a S0-100-011 during the cooldown. IV. INITIATING CUE Lower reactor coolant temperature to 140°P in accordance with OP-149-002, Attachment E, step 6. V. TASK STANDARD Manipulate RHR to lower reactor coolant temperature. Restore SDC following SOC isolation.

SIMULATOR SETUP INSTRUCTIONS JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE 49.0N.20294.151 NOTE: It is permissible to use a similar IC to the IC listed below, provided the IC actually used is verified to be compatible with this and other JPMs that are scheduled to be run concurrently.

1. Reset the simulator to IC 272 'B' Loop of RHR in Shutdown Cooling
  • Place the simulator in RUN.
  • Open RHR F048B
  • Adjust RHR flow to 10,000 gpm and RHRSW flow to 9000 gpm.
2. Run scenario file EVAL490N20294151 IC SETUP.SCN to lower ESW temperature. The scenario will take 5 min to complete.

00:00:00 IRF r fE N009002 f:45 00:00:01 IRF rfEN100005 f:45 00:00:02 set ypxfstctwbasin=100 00:00:03 set ypxfsttsprpond=100 00:05:02 set ypxfstctwbasin=l 00:05:03 set ypxfsttsprpond=l

3. Run scenario file EVAL490N20294151.SCN IMF cmfMV01_HV151F007A

{Key[l]} IMF cmfMV05_HV151F009 c:20

TQ-106-u~ 10 Revision 1 Page 4of11 INFORMATION FOR EVALUATOR

  • Marking a step as UNSAT requires written comments on respective step .
  • Critical steps are marked with a*. If elements of the Standard are non-critical, the critical elements of the Standard are marked with a* .
  • The time clock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue.
  • This JPM must be performed in the simulator. Reset to exam-specific IC, or configure the simulator per the Simulator Setup Instructions.

EVALUATOR NOTE: For Faulted JPMs The FAULTED step in the JPM is preceded by a fault statement in BOLD TYPE WITH ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. BOOTH OPERATOR CUE When student is ready to begin the JPM and the evaluator indicates, place the simulator in RUN. EVALUATOR CUE Record JPM start time: Step Action Standard Eva I Comments 1 Identifies governing procedure and obtain Obtains controlled copy of OP-149-002 S/U controlled copy. Att. E, SDC Temperature Control. 2 Ensure TRO is entered. Confirms TRO is entered per initial S/U conditions 3 Places HS-Ell-1S62B RHR LOOP B MOV OL Place keyswitch to TEST S/U BYPS keyswitch to TEST EVALUATOR NOTE Due to RHR conditions (F003B and F047B open and RHRSW and RHR at maximum flow), the only option for 'lowering temperature is to throttle closed F048B)

  *4    Operates RHR B to lower reactor coolant               Throttle Closed on HV-151-F048B RHR HX S/U temperature                                           B SHELL SIDE BYPS 5 AFTER 2 minutes, Place HS-El l-1S62B RHR                 AFTER 2 minutes, place keyswitch to S/U LOOP A MOV OL BYPS keyswitch to OPERATE               NORM

TQ-106-CJ..110 Revision 1 Page 5 of 11 FAULT STATEMENT HV-151-F009, SDC SUCTION OB ISOLATION VAL VE SPURIOUS CLOSURE OCCURS WHILE LOWERING REACTOR COOLANT TEMPERATURE BOOTH OPERATOR CUE After reactor coolant temperature begins to lower (indicated by RHR HX Inlet temperature) or when directed by the evaluator, depress Key 1 to initiate spurious isolation of F009 and cause a loss of SDC. EVALUATOR NOTE Examinee will investigate isolation ofHV-151-F009 6 Enters and obtains a copy of ON-SDC-101 for Loss Enters ON-SDC-101 based on isolation of S/U of Shutdown Cooling for automatic isolation of HV- HV-151-F009 and loss of SDC flow. 151-F009. EVALUATOR CUE If the applicant does not recognize to enter ON-SDC-101, ask, "What procedure will the SRO direct you to enter in this condition?" Then direct Entry for ON-SDC-101. EVALUATOR CUE Once the examinee has determined that HV -151-F009 is closed, provide report as the US that "Electrical maintenance has determined that F009 experienced a spurious closure. The cause of the spurious closure has been found and corrected." If the examinee does not recognize that a quick recovery can be performed due to the F009 being closed, as the US direct the examinee to "Restore shutdown cooling in accordance with ON-SDC-101." 7 Determines cause for the loss of RHR was due to Performs the following spurious isolation of HV -151-F009.

  • Recognizes that Condition B of ON- S/U SDC-101 is applicable to restore RHR Loop B to shutdown cooling.

EVALUATOR CUE If candidate begins to perform the surveillance, S0-100-011 in the next step, provide a cue that another operator will perform the surveillance.

TQ-106-0~ I 0 Revision 1 Page 6 of 11 8 Perform S0-100-011 Determines another operator is performing S0-100-011. 9 Comply with Tech Specs Notifies US to comply with Mode 4 LCO 3.4.9 EVALUATOR CUE If candidate begins to perform Attachment B in the next step, provide a cue that another operator will perform the attachment to determine time to 200°F. 10 Determines time to 200°F Determines another operator will perform attachment B. EVALUATOR CUE If candidate begins to determine if reactor coolant circulation is established in the next step, provide a cue that another operator will maintain reactor coolant circulation. 11 Establish reactor coolant circulation Determines another operator will maintain reactor coolant circulation EVALUATOR CUE Once the examinee has determined that a quick recovery can be performed due to the F009 being closed, as the US direct the examinee to "Restore shutdown cooling in accordance with AOP-149-001, Att A." 12 Restore previously in-service loop ofRHR to SDC Determines AOP-149-001, Att A will govern a quick recovery of the previously in-service SDC loop

TQ-106-0~ I 0 Revision 1 Page 7 of 11 13 Verify valve alignment prepared for SDC

  • Ensure HV-151-F015B CLOSED .


  • Ensure HV-151-F049 Radwaste OB Isolation CLOSED.
  • Ensure HV -151-F040 Radwaste IB Isolation CLOSED. S/U

14 Determines that loop voiding is not suspected Marks step 7 as N/A S/U

*15   Opens shutdown cooling suction isolation valve
  • Ensure Open HV-151-F008 OPEN F009. SHUTDOWN CLG SUCT OB ISO.


  • Ensure Open HV-151-F009 SHUTDOWN CLG SUCT IB ISO.
*16   Lines up RHR injection valves for pump start.
  • Close HV-151-F017B RHR INJ FLOW CTL. S/U
  • OpenHV-151-F015B RHRINJ OB ISO .
*17   Starts an RHR pump                              Starts RHR PUMP 1P202B or D.         S/U
*18   Establishes approximately 5000 GPM ofRHR        Throttle OPEN HV-151-F017B RHR INJ flow.                                           FLOW CTL to promptly establish flow  S/U approximately 5,000 gpm.

EVALUATOR NOTE I CUE I That completes the JPM. EVALUATOR CUE Record JPM stop time: EVALUATOR NOTE Do you have ALL your JPM exam materials? Task Cue Sheets? Procedures?

TQ-106-0310 Revision 1 Page 9of11 REVISION


JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE 49.0N.20294.151 Revision Description/Purpose of Revision 0 NewJPM 3 Updated to match new format of ON-SDC-101 and AOP-149-001.

Page 10of11 EVALUATOR COPY: TASK CONDITIONS Unit 1 is in MODE 4, 2 days into an outage. Reactor coolant temperature is 170 °F. Time to 200 °F is approximately 45 minutes. Section 2.22 (Operation of SOC in Mode 4 or 5) of OP-149-002 has NOT been performed. TRO has been entered for SOC temperature control. An operator has been assigned to perform a S0-100-011 during the cooldown. INITIATING CUE Lower reactor coolant temperature to 140°F in accordance with OP-149-002, Attachment E, step 6.

Page 11 of 11 EXAMINEE COPY: TASK CONDITIONS Unit 1 is in MODE 4, 2 days into an outage. Reactor coolant temperature is 170 °F. Time to 200 °F is approximately 45 minutes. Section 2.22 (Operation of SOC in Mode 4 or 5) of OP-149-002 has NOT been performed. TRO has been entered for SOC temperature control. An operator has been assigned to perform a S0-100-011 during the cooldown. INITIATING CUE Lower reactor coolant temperature to 140°F in accordance with OP-149-002, Attachment E, step 6.



Re-establish RB HVAC IAW ES-134-003 JPM#: 34.E0.20802.151 Revision:§ Date:07/06/2016 Applicability: ~ RO ~ SRO Setting: Simulator NUREG-1123 E/APE I Sys295032 KIA Number EA1 .03 KIA Importance 3.7/3.7 Alternate Path:~ YES D NO Time Critical DYES ~ NO Validation Time (min):20 Testing Method: Operations Review: D Simulate Author::Greg van den Berg j ~ Perform _L~=:.,**~(}b_=======:::::.... Date: 07/06/2016 Date: ~(.,,J y Validated: fJ{Xfe& Date: 'f/~~(/k Approval: --~----'W..___-~---.;;;;=:=---- Nuclear Training Supervisor Date: 9

  • Z CJ, fC, Examinee Name:

Last, First Ml Employee Number Exam Date: Exam Duration (Min....:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Evaluation Result: D Satisfactory D Unsatisfactory Evaluator:----~~~~~~~~~- Name Signature Comments:

REQUIRED TASK INFORMATION JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE 34.E0.20802.151 I. SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS A. All Operations personnel are responsible for maintaining their radiation exposure As Low As Reasonably Achievable in accordance with OP-AD-002, Standards for Shift Operations. B. All applicable safety precautions shall be taken in accordance with established Talen Energy safety policies and the Safety Rule Book, for example:

1. Whenever any electrical panel is opened for inspection during JPM performance.
2. Whenever entering any plant area where specific safety equipment such as hearing or eye protection, safety shoes, hardhats, etc., is required and/or posted as being necessary.

C. If, in the judgment of the Evaluator any safety issue occurs during the performance of a JPM, the JPM will be terminated until the issue is resolved. D. .Peer checking is the expectation for all evolutions; however, since a JPM is an individual effort, no peer check will be provided and Self Checking is required. II. REFERENCES A. ES-134-003, Re-Establishing Reactor Building HVAC (Revision 24) Ill. TASK CONDITIONS

  • The Plant has experienced a loss of normal feed and makeup. The Reactor is shut down, with water level at -65", pressure is 900 psig.
  • A primary and secondary containment isolation has occurred due to level being< -38". The isolations are verified to be completed IAW ON-159-002.
  • RPV control is IAW E0-100-102. Primary containment parameters are all normal (i.e.,

pressure, temperature and suppression pool level).

  • E0-100-104, Secondary Containment Control, has been entered due to Zone I HVAC not being in service for four hours.
  • HPCI is unavailable, RCIC is being restored and expected to be lined up feeding the vessel in approximately 30 minutes. RCIC had been down for repairs, which are now complete.
  • Both loops of ESW are in service.
  • A control structure chiller is in service.
  • All Individual room cooler fans are running.
  • Service water is available IV. INITIATING CUE Re-establish Reactor Building HVAC in accordance with ES-134-003, Re-establishing Reactor Building HV AC V. TASK STANDARD Zone 1 ISO SIGNALS LOCKOUT RELAYS re-tripped

SIMULATOR SETUP INSTRUCTIONS JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE 34.E0.20802.151 NOTE: It is permissible to use a similar IC to the IC listed below, provided the IC actually used is verified to be compatible with this and other JPMs that are scheduled to be run concurrently.

1. Reset the simulator to any rated-power IC.
2. Setup the simulator as follows:
a. Both loops of ESW in service with at least one pump running in both loops
b. Take the Mode Switch to SHUTDOWN
c. Ensure RB HVAC isolation trip on low level and maintain reactor water level <-50"
d. Start all room coolers with a cooling source
3. Insert the following malfunctions
a. IMF cmfPM01_1V202A Zone 1 fans do not start
b. IMF cmfPM01_1V2028 Zone 1 fans do not start
4. Other

TQ-106-CJ~ 10 Revision 1 Page 4of12 INFORMATION FOR EVALUATOR

  • Marking a step as UNSAT requires written comments on respective step .
  • Critical steps are marked with a*. If elements of the Standard are non-critical, the critical elements of the Standard are marked with a* .
  • The time clock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue.
  • This JPM must be performed in simulator.
  • Configure the Simulator per the Simulator Setup Instructions .

EVALUATOR NOTE: For Faulted JPMs The FAULTED step in the JPM is preceded by a fault statement in BOLD TYPE WITH ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. BOOTH OPERATOR CUE When student is ready to begin the JPM and the evaluator indicates, place the simulator in RUN. EVALUATOR CUE Record JPM start time: Step Action Standard Eva I Comments 1 Identifies governing procedure and obtain Obtains controlled copy ofES-134-003. S/U controlled copy. EVALUATOR NOTE It will not be necessary to obtain any of the required equipment in the next step. This JPM deals with the control room actions ONLY. 2 Reviews, required equipment, precautions and Identifies Shift managers office as the S/U limitations location for obtaining the special equipment. EVALUATOR CUE Inform the student that any required equipment will be SIMULATED. 3 Ensure Service Water is available for restoration of Determines from task conditions that Reactor Building chillers prior to bypassing service water is available S/U isolations

TQ-106-u-310 Revision 1 Page 5of12 4 Ensure following conditions exist: Determines from task conditions:

  • Both loops ofESW in operation in accordance with
  • Both loops ofESW are in operation OP-054-001.
  • Control Structure Chiller in operation in accordance
  • Control structure chiller is in service SIU with OP-030-001.
  • All individual room cooler fans that have cooling
  • All individual room coolers are source in operation in accordance with OP-134-002.

runnmg EVALUATOR NOTE With Reactor Building HVAC isolation signal present, the following will be performed to bypass High Drywell Pressure/Low RPV Water Level HVAC Interlocks.

TQ-106-0s1 0 Revision 1 Page 6of12 5 Confirm automatic actuations per Attachment A Completes Attachment A:

                                                      ". HD-17657B-OPEN
  • ZONE I SUPP SYS ISOLATION DMP HD-17 5 86B - CLOSED 6* On 1C681 Heat & Ventilation Control Panel, Place Inserts key and Places ZONE 1 HVAC ZONE 1 HVAC LOCA ISO BYPASS HS 17551A LOCA ISO BYPASS HS 17551A keylock SIU keylock switch to BYPASS switch to BYPASS 7 Observe Zone 1 HV AC LOCA ISO BYPASSED Verifies Zone 1 HVAC LOCA ISO BYPASSED annunciator AR-127 D09 alanns SIU annunciator AR-127 D09 alarms 8* On 1C681 Heat & Ventilation Control Panel, Place Inserts key and Places ZONE 1 HVAC Zone 1 HVAC LOCA ISO BYPASS HS-17551B LOCA ISO BYPASS HS 17551B keylock S/U keylock switch to BYPASS switch to BYPASS

TQ-106-u~10 Revision 1 Page 7of12 9 Observe Zone 1 HV AC LOCA ISO BYPASSED Verifies Zone 1 HVAC LOCA ISO BYPASSED annunciator AR-128 D09 alarms. S/U annunciator AR-128 D09 alarms 10* Reset Zone 1 ISO SIGNALS LOCKOUT RELAY Turns the lockout relay clockwise UNTIL it SIU XY07551A remains in the vertical position 11

  • Reset Zone 1 ISO SIGNALS LOCKOUT RELAY Turns the lockout relay clockwise UNTIL it S/U XY07551B remains in the vertical position FAULT STATEMENT THE ZONE I FANS DO NOT RETURN TO NORMAL OPERATION.

12 Ensure Reactor Building Ventilation System Verifies RB Zone 1 NO Vent AR-127-C09 is Division I and Division II fans for Zone 1 return to STILL LIT Contacts the RB NPO to determine the S/U normal operation in accordance with OP-134-002 status of the RB Ventilation system EVALUATOR CUE Acknowledge request and report, "Both RB ventilation fans are tripped and neither can be restarted." EVALUATOR NOTE The operator should continue to step 5.1.3.b.7 to restore the line-up. 13* On 1C681 Heat & Ventilation Control Panel, Place Places ZONE 1 HV AC LOCA ISO ZONE 1 HVAC LOCA ISO BYPASS HS-1755 lA BYPASS HS-17551A keylock switch to S/U keylock switch to NORMAL NORMAL 14 Observe Zone 1 ISO SIGNALS LOCKOUT Verifies Zone 1 ISO SIGNALS LOCKOUT RELAY XY07551A trips RELAY XY07551A-pointing to~ 10 o'clock S/U position with the RED semaphore visible 15 Observe Zone 1 HV AC LOCA ISO BYPASSED Verifies Zone 1 HVAC LOCA ISO BYPASSED alarm AR-127 D09 - SLOW FLASHING S/U alarm AR-127 D09 clears 16* On 1C681 Heat & Ventilation Control Panel, Place Places ZONE 1 HV AC LOCA ISO Zone 1 HV AC LOCA ISO BYPASS HS-17551B BYPASS HS-17551B keylock switch to S/U keylock switch to NORMAL NORMAL

TQ-106-lJ310 Revision 1 Page 8 of 12 17 Observe Zone 1 ISO SIGNALS LOCKOUT Verifies Zone 1 ISO SIGNALS LOCKOUT RELAY XY07551B trips RELAY XY07551B - pointing to~ 10 o'clock S/U position with the RED semaphore visible 18 Observe Zone 1 HVAC LOCA ISO BYPASSED Verifies Zone 1 HVAC LOCA ISO BYPASSED alarm AR-128 D09 - SLOW FLASHING SIU alarm AR 128 D09 clears 19 Notify Technical Support Coordinator attempts to Contacts TSC restart RB HV AC have failed and to determine S/U additional actions required to restart HVAC or shed electrical loads to reduce heat load EVALUATOR CUE Role-play the TSC coordinator, and acknowledge the request. 20 Exit this procedure Exits the procedure SIU EVALUATOR NOTE I CUE That completes the JPM. EVALUATOR CUE Record JPM stop time: EVALUATOR NOTE Do you have ALL your JPM exam materials? Task Cue Sheets? Procedures?

TQ-106-0310 Revision 1 Page 10of12 REVISION


JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE 34.E0.20802.151 Revision Description/Purpose of Revision 0 NewJPM 5 Revised to new JPM format.


  • The Plant has experienced a loss of normal feed and makeup. The Reactor is shut down, with water level at-65", pressure is 900 psig.
  • A primary and secondary containment isolation has occurred due to level being< -38". The isolations are verified to be completed IAW ON-159-002.
  • RPV control is IAW E0-100-102. Primary containment parameters are all normal (i.e.,

pressure, temperature and suppression pool level).

  • E0-100-104, Secondary Containment Control, has been entered due to Zone I HVAC not being in service for four hours.
  • HPCI is unavailable, RCIC is being restored and expected to be lined up feeding the vessel in approximately 30 minutes. RCIC had been down for repairs, which are now complete.
  • Both loops of ESW are in service.
  • A control structure chiller is in service.
  • All Individual room cooler fans are running.
  • Service water is available INITIATING CUE Re-establish Reactor Building HVAC in accordance with ES-134-003, Re-establishing Reactor (

Building HVAC


  • The Plant has experienced a loss of normal feed and makeup. The Reactor is shut down, with water level at -65", pressure is 900 psig.
  • A primary and secondary containment isolation has occurred due to level being< -38". The isolations are verified to be completed IAW ON-159-002.
  • RPV control is IAW E0-100-102. Primary containment parameters are all normal (i.e.,

pressure, temperature and suppression pool level).

  • E0-100-104, Secondary Containment Control, has been entered due to Zone I HVAC not being in service for four hours.
  • HPCI is unavailable, RCIC is being restored and expected to be lined up feeding the vessel in approximately 30 minutes. RCIC had been down for repairs, which are now complete.
  • Both loops of ESW *are in service.
  • A control structure chiller is in service.
  • All Individual room cooler fans are running.
  • Service water is available INITIATING CUE Re-establish Reactor Building HVAC in accordance with ES-134-003, Re-establishing Reactor Building HVAC



Energize "Dead" 4KV ESS Bus '20' JPM#: 04.0N.20641.251 Revision:~ Date:07/06/2016 Applicability: ~ RO ~ SRO Setting: Simulator NUREG-1123 E/APE I Sys262001 KIA Number A2.07K/A Importance 3.0/3.2 Alternate Path:~ YES D NO Time Critical DYES ~ NO Validation Time (min):25 Testing Method: D Simulate ~ f rform Author::Greg van den c~G/2016 Operations Re1f: *~ '*Date: z/-v~,dy Validated: //10 . ~ Date: q(j_4//? ' Approval: __..~ ___~------ Date: _____Lr:.:......_.:) q,:z.1~1,h NUclearTrainill9s';ervisor Examinee Name: Last, First Ml Employee Number Exam Date: Exam Duration (Min): _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Evaluation Result: D Satisfactory D Unsatisfactory Evaluator: Name Signature Comments:

REQUIRED TASK INFORMATION JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE 04.0N.20641.251 I. SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS A All Operations personnel are responsible for maintaining their radiation exposure As Low As Reasonably Achievable in accordance with OP-AD-002, Standards for Shift Operations. B. All applicable safety precautions shall be taken in accordance with established Talen Energy safety policies and the Safety Rule Book, for example:

1. Whenever any electrical panel is opened for inspection during JPM performance.
2. Whenever entering any plant area where specific safety equipment such as hearing or eye protection, safety shoes, hardhats, etc., is required and/or posted as being necessary.

C. If, in the judgment of the Evaluator any safety issue occurs during the performance of a JPM, the JPM will be terminated until the issue is resolved. D. Peer checking is the expectation for all evolutions; however, since a JPM is an individual effort, no peer check will be provided and Self Checking is required. II. REFERENCES A. AOP-004-001, Energizing Dead 4KV ESS Bus (Rev. 1)

8. AOP-024-001, Diesel Generator AOP (Rev. 0)

C. AR-016-001, DIG D, ESW, RWMU, and Misc Load Center (Rev 61) Ill. TASK CONDITIONS A. Unit 2 is at rated power.

8. An Electrical transient has occurred on the 2D ESS bus.

C. DG D failed to auto start. It is now in LOCAL, repaired, and available to be started and loaded. D. No electrical Bus fault is present. E. You are the On-Shift U2 PCOP F. Both loops of ESW are operational IV. INITIATING CUE Implement AOP-004-001 Attachment A to re-energize the 2D ESS bus from the 'D' EOG V. TASK STANDARD ESS Bus 20 is re-energized from DG 'D' IAW AOP-004-001 (Energizing Dead 4KV ESS Bus) recognizing that the DG trips and must be shutdown.

SIMULATOR SETUP INSTRUCTIONS JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE 04.0N.20641.251 NOTE: It is permissible to use a similar IC to the IC listed below, provided the IC actually used is verified to be compatible with this and other JPMs that are scheduled to be run concurrently.

1. Reset the simulator to IC-18 or an IC with Unit 2 SID.
2. Insert the following malfunctions
a. IMF cmfBR05_2A20401 Bkr 01 Fails Asis
b. IMF cmfBR03_2A20408 Bkr 08 Overcurrent Trip
c. IOR di43CMD_Q f:LOCAL 'D' EDG 43CM to LOCAL
3. Have the following keys assigned
a. {Key[31]} IOR di5ESD_Q f:STOP Depress 5ES Pushbutton
b. {Key[32]} DOR di5ESD_Q f:STOP Depress 5ES reset P/B
c. {Key[32]} IOR di5ESRD_Q f:RESET Depress 5ES reset P/B
     -cl. {Key[33]} IOR diOC521DRST_Q f:RESET c:5 Annunciator reset
e. {Key[34]} IOR di43GMD_Q f:ISO Switch to iso on EOG
f. {Key[35]} IOR di1LD_Q f:START Starts the 'D' EOG
4. Activate the following ET to trip the'D' EOG on overspeed after it starts
a. ET-040N1203251
b. di1LD_Q.CurrValue=#OR.di1LD_Q.START
c. IMF mfDG024008D d:10
5. Other

TQ-106-Ui.J I 0 Revision 1 Page 4 of 12 EVALUATOR INSTRUCTIONS

  • Marking a step as UNSAT requires written comments on respective step .
  • Critical steps are marked with a*. If elements of the Standard are non-critical, the critical elements of the Standard are marked with a* .
  • The time clock starts when the candidate acknowledges the Initiating Cue .
  • This JPM must be performed in the simulator. Reset to exam-specific IC or configure the simulator per the Simulator Setup Instructions .
  • Have a copy of AOP-004-001 .

EVALUATOR NOTE: For Faulted JPMs The FAULTED step in the JPM is preceded by a fault statement in BOLD TYPE WITH ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. - EVALUATOR CUE Record JPM start time: BOOTH OPERATOR CUE When the evaluator indicates the examinee is ready to begin the JPM, place the simulator in RUN. Step Action Standard Eva I Comments 1 Identifies governing procedure and obtain Obtains controlled copy of AOP-004-001. S/U controlled copy. 2 Review sections 1-5 Determines that step 5.1 starts with S/U attachment A EVALUATOR NOTE The following steps prevent inadvertent auto breaker closure by mismatching semaphores. This is performed on the de-energized 4KV ESS bus only. 3* Place XFMR 101 TO BUS 2D BKR 2A20401 Places 2A20401 switch to CLOSE. Verifies switch to CLOSE Red light OFF, Amber light LIT, Green light SIU LIT. 4* Place XFMR 201 TO BUS 2D BKR 2A20408 Places 2A20408 switch to CLOSE. Verifies switch to CLOSE Red light OFF, Amber light LIT, Green light S/U LIT.

TQ-106-L_ ,Q Revision 1 Page 5 of 12 5 Check the status oflockout relays on Bus 2D (86A- Directs an NPO to check the status of Bus SIU 204, 86Al-204, and 86A2-204) 2D lockout relays EVALUATOR CUE Acknowledge request and report NO lockout relays are tripped on the 2D ESS Bus. EVALUATOR NOTE Steps 3, 4, and 5 of Attachment A determine which Attachment of the procedure is required to energize the bus. Step 3 and 5 are not applicable due to no Bus lockouts and the availability of the 'D' EDG. The given sections of the procedure have the applicable Attachments for all three steps so not to cue the operator. 6 Determines step 4 is applicable Proceeds to attachment M S/U 7 Determines step 1 is not applicable N/As step 1 SIU 8 Verify XFMR 101 TO BUS 2D BKR 2A20401, Verifies breakers 2A20401, 2A20408, and XFMR 201 TO BUS 2D BKR 2A20408, and Diesel 2A20404 are open by Green flags S/U Generator B(E) Output Breaker 2A20404 are OPEN EVALUATOR NOTE The following step can be verified using R *Time screen or sending an NPO to verify 9 Ensure the following breakers are OPEN: Dispatches an NPO to verify breaker

  • 2A20402, RHR Pump 2P202D positions
  • 2A20403, CRD Wtr Pump 2P132B S/U
  • 2A20405, CS Pump 2P206D 2A20409, Turbine Bldg Chiller 2K102B EVALUATOR CUE Acknowledge request and report, "At 2A204, breakers 2, 3, 5, and 9 are open."

10 Determines step 3 is not applicable N/As step 3 S/U 11

  • At OC521D, Place DG D Control Mode Select Determines this step has been completed S/U Switch to LOCAL

TQ-106-lJ~10 Revision 1 Page 6 of 12 12* At OCS21D, Depress SES Emergency Stop Directs NPO to depress SES Pushbutton on S/U Pushbutton 'D'EDG BOOTH OPERATOR CUE When directed by the floor, insert Key 31 EVALUATOR CUE Acknowledge request, Direct booth to insert Key 31, and report SES pushbutton has been depressed 13 At OCS21D, Verify the following: Directs NPO to report status of the

  • Remote light NOT illuminated indicating lights S/U
  • Local light illuminated DG D Available for emergency light not illuminated EVALUATOR CUE Acknowledge request and report, "The Remote light is NOT illuminated, Local light is illuminated, and DG D Available for emergency light is not illuminated."

14 Determines step 4.b and care not applicable N/As step 4.b and c S/U lS Verifies ESW is available Determines ESW pumps are running S/U 16* At OCS21D, Depress SES Emergency Stop Reset Directs NPO to depress SES Reset S/U pushbutton Pushbutton on 'D' EDG EVALUATOR CUE Acknowledge request, Direct booth to insert Key 32, and report SES reset pushbutton has been depressed BOOTH OPERATOR CUE When directed by the floor, insert Key 32 17* At OCS21D, Depress Annunciator and System Reset Directs NPO to depress Annunciator and-S/U pushbutton ' System Reset Pushbutton on 'D' EDG EVALUATOR CUE Acknowledge request, Direct booth to insert Key 33, and report Annunciator and System reset pushbutton has been depressed

TQ-106-u~ 10 Revision 1 Page 7of12 BOOTH OPERATOR CUE When directed by the floor, insert Key 33 18* At OC521D, Place Governor mode select switch to Directs NPO to Place 'D' EDG Governor S/U ISOCHRONOUS mode select switch to ISOCHRONOUS EVALUATOR CUE Acknowledge request, Direct booth to insert Key 34, and report Governor mode select switch is in ISOCHRONOUS BOOTH OPERATOR CUE When directed by the floor, insert Key 34 FAULT STATEMENT 10 SECONDS AFTER THE DG IS STARTED, THE ENGINE WILL OVERSPEED AND TRIP THE EDG. 19* At OC521D, Depress DG D Engine Directs NPO to Start the 'D' EDG S/U Control START P/B EVALUATOR CUE Acknowledge request, Direct booth to insert Key 35, and report The 'D' diesel has started BOOTH OPERATOR CUE When directed by the floor, insert Key 35 20 Verify 2A20404 DG D(E) TO BUS 2D Verifies that 2A20404 closes and the ESS S/U automatically closes. Bus available light is Illuminated. EVALUATOR NOTE When the EDG trips the operator may perform actions per AR-016-001 or per AOP-004-001 att M step D.5. The below sequence is from the AR. Continue at step 24 if AOP-004-001 is followed. 21 Ensure automatic actions Verifies 2A20404 DG D(E) TO BUS 2D SIU opens and the EDG stops EVALUATOR CUE Inform the student that another operator will finish the AR and they are to continue with AOP-004-001

TQ-106-L __ , 0 Revision 1 Page 8 of 12 22 Enter AOP-024-001 Obtains AOP-024-001 S/U 23 Determine attachment D is applicable Reads the procedure to see Attachment D is S/U for the 'D' EDG. 24 Verify 43CM DG D Control mode switch is in Contacts NPO to verify position of 43CM. S/U LOCAL EVALUATOR CUE Acknowledge request and report, "The 'D' DG mode switch is in LOCAL." EVALUATOR NOTE The operator may or may not depress the SES Stop Pushbutton depending on which procedure they use. Since the ID ESS bus has power, it is not essential that the SES Stop P IB is depressed. EVALUATOR NOTE I CUE That completes the JPM. EVALUATOR CUE Record JPM stop time: EVALUATOR NOTE Do you have ALL your JPM exam materials? Task Cue Sheets? Procedures?

TQ-106-0310 Revision 1 Page 10of12 REVISION


JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE 04.0N.20641.251 Revision Description/Purpose of Revision 0 NewJPM Updated to new JPM format, revised task number and updated referenced 2 procedures.


  • Unit 2 is at rated power.
  • An Electrical transient has occurred on the 20 ESS bus.
  • DG D failed to auto start. It is now in LOCAL, repaired, and available to be started and loaded.
  • No electrical Bus fault is present.
  • You are the On-Shift U2 PCOP
  • Both loops of ESW are operational INITIATING CUE Implement AOP-004-001 Attachment A to re-energize the 20 ESS bus from the 'D' EDG


  • Unit 2 is at rated power.
  • An Electrical transient has occurred on the 20 ESS bus.
  • DG D failed to auto start. It is now in LOCAL, repaired, and available to be started and loaded.
  • No electrical Bus fault is present.
  • You are the On-Shift U2 PCOP
  • Both loops of ESW are operational INITIATING CUE Implement AOP-004-001 Attachment A to re-energize the 20 ESS bus from the 'D' EOG



APRM Gain Adjustment Revision: 5 JPM#: 78.0P.27731.101

                                         --"---- Date:      09/23/2016 Applicability:~ RO ~SRO Setting:    Simulator NUREG-1123 E/APE I Sys        215005      KIA Number      A1 .07     KIA Importance  3.0/3.4 Alternate Path: DYES ~ NO           Time Critical DYES~ NO Validation Time (min): _ _...;;.1.;;;..5_

cr/2~11~ J/it-// (,

                                                      'j/;)_'i flt 2; l q, llp Examinee Name:

Last, First Ml Employee Number Exam Date: Exam Duration (Min): _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Evaluation Result: D Satisfactory D Unsatisfactory Evaluator:. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Name Signature Comments:

REQUIRED TASK INFORMATION JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE 78.0P.27731.101 I. SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS A. All Operations personnel are responsible for maintaining their radiation exposure As Low As Reasonably Achievable in accordance with OP-AD-002, Standards for Shift Operations. B. All applicable safety precautions shall be taken in accordance with established Talen Energy safety policies and the Safety Rule Book, for example:

1. Whenever any electrical panel is opened for inspection during JPM performance.
2. Whenever entering any plant area where specific safety equipment such as hearing or eye protection, safety shoes, hardhats, etc., is required and/or posted as being necessary.

C. If, in the judgment of the Evaluator any safety issue occurs during the performance of a JPM, the JPM will be terminated until the issue is resolved. D. Peer checking is the expectation for all evolutions; however, since a JPM is an individual effort, no peer check will be provided and Self Checking is required.

11. REFERENCES A. OP-178-002, PRNMS (Revision 9)

Ill. TASK CONDITIONS APRM Channel 3 is reading approximately 70%. Core thermal power from the OD-3 heat balance has been verified to be 73% APRM Channel 3 has already been bypassed by the PCO. IV. INITIATING CUE Perform a manual APRM GAF adjustment of APRM 3 IAW OP-178-002 Section 2.2.5. V. TASK STANDARD Successfully perform manual APRM GAF adjustments for APRM 3.


1. Reset Simulator to any power IC and adjust reactor power to 73%.
  • Adjust APRM 3 GAF to indicate ~70%
  • Bypass APRM 3.


1. Reset the simulator to IC 390.
2. Verify conditions above.

TQ-106-ll;:, 10 Revision 1 Page 4of10 INFORMATION FOR EVALUATOR

  • Marking a step as UNSAT requires written comments on respective step .
  • Critical steps are marked with a*. If elements of the Standard are non-critical, the critical elements of the Standard are marked with a* .
  • The time clock starts when the candidate acknowledges the Initiating Cue .
  • This JPM must be performed in the simulator. Reset to ~xam-specific IC, or configure the simulator per the Simulator Setup Instructions .
  • A replacement copy of OP-178-002 section 2.2.

BOOTH OPERATOR CUE When the evaluator indicates the examinee is ready to begin the JPM, place the simulator in RUN. EVALUATOR CUE Record JPM start time: Step Action Standard Eva I Comments 1 Identifies governing procedure and obtain Obtains controlled copy of OP-178-002, S/U controlled copy. determines section 2.2.5 applies. Verifies prerequisites and precautions are met. EVALUATOR NOTE Role-play as PCO or SRO to avoid using plant page system during the JPM 2 Establish communications with PCO Establishes communications using plant S/U page. EVALUATOR CUE State that all communications will be with examiner role playing as PCO or SRO to avoid using plant page system during the JPM EVALUATOR CUE When operator is confirming BYPASS LED status state, "Channel 13 BYPASSED LEDs for APRM 11, 12, and 14 are lit." 3 Verifies APRM 3 bypassed Confirms all four 2/4 voters, BYPASSED SIU LEDs for bypassed APRM are illuminated

  *4   Adjust the display to the proper screen                Press ETC button to display ENTER SET             S/U MODE
  *5   Accept the proper display screen                       Press ENTER SET MODE key                          S/U
  *6   Enter the password                                     Enter password "1234" and press ENT               S/U

TQ-106-us1 o Revision 1 Page 5of10 7 Confirm mode Confirm OPER SET mode indicated on SIU APRM or ODA

 *8  Setup display for gain adjustment
  • Using the cursor keys, highlight the S/U APRM GAIN
  • Press SET PARAMETERS key Verify APRM indicates SET PARAMETERS:


 *9  Adjust APRM 3 GAF to the target gain                      Performs the following IAW section 2.2.5:         S/U

of calculated CTP using using Ui) CURSOR keys to scroll

  • Press the ACCEPT key 10 Confirm APRM 3 target gain is selected
  • Confirm the APRM GAIN PRESENT S/U changes to equal the APRM GAIN DESIRED Confirm ACTUAL FLUX (%) is +/- 2% of calculated CTP 11 Exit the setup displays
  • Press EXIT key S/U
  • Press EXIT SET MODE key Press YES key 12 Confirms APRM 3 display indicates OPERATE Confirms APRM upper display section S/U indicates OPERATE on top right corner of display 13 Ensures indications are within 2% of APRM Ensure reading on NMSB display and S/U reading APRM ODA reading within 2% of desired APRM reading EVALUATOR NOTE When Applicant either calls the control room or is returning to the control room to verify indications, end the JPM.

TQ-106-u-s10 Revision 1 Page 6 of 10 EVALUATOR CUE Record JPM stop time: EVALUATOR CUE That completes the JPM. EVALUATOR NOTE Do you have ALL your JPM exam materials? Task Cue Sheets? Procedures?

TQ-106-0310 Revision 1 Page 8of10 REVISION


JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE 78.0P.27731.101 Revision Description/Purpose of Revision 0 NewJPM 1 Revise for TQ procedures, minor editorial corrections 2 NRC revised based on facility comments 3 Revised for format change from NRC format to SSES format 4 Minor editorial changes. Revised power level to accommodate JPM pairing. 5 Updated to new format and updated referenced procedure revisionss

Page 9of10 EVALUATOR- SCENARIO 1 TASK CONDITIONS APRM Channel 3 is reading approximately 70%. Core thermal power from the 00-3 heat balance has been verified to to be 73% APR_M Channel 3 has already been bypassed by the PCO. INITIATING CUE Perform a manual APRM GAF adjustment of APRM 3 IAW OP-178-002 Section 2.2.5.

Page 10of10 EXAMINEE - SCENARIO 1 TASK CONDITIONS APRM Channel 3 is reading approximately 70%. Core thermal power from the OD-3 heat balance has been verified to to be 73% APRM Channel 3 has already been bypassed by the PCO. INITIATING CUE Perform a manual APRM GAF adjustment of APRM 3 IAW OP-178-002 Section 2.2.5.



Implement Placing Alternate TBCCW Pump In Service JPM#: 15.0P.20688.151 Revision:~ Date:07/07/2016 Applicability: 1:8] RO 1:8] SRO Setting: Simulator NUREG-1123 E/APE I Sys400000 KIA Number A2.01 KIA Importance 3.3/3.4 Alternate Path: 1:8] YES 0 NO Time Critical DYES 1:8] NO Validation Time (min):10 Testing Method: D Simulate 1:8] Perform Author::Greg van den Berg

                           '\                         Date ;j71~;

Date: L~ Validated: -.v.-t-~~~~---- Date: q(2. c;(/? Approval: ~ L;:) ~ Date: ~ '.l- '7, /'2 Nuclear Training Supervisor Last, First Ml Employee Number Exam Date: Exam Duration (Min): _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Evaluation Result: 0 Satisfactory 0 Unsatisfactory Evaluator: Name Signature Comments:

REQUIRED TASK INFORMATION JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE I5.0P.20688.I5I I. SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS A All Operations personnel are responsible for maintaining their radiation exposure As Low As Reasonably Achievable in accordance with OP-AD-002, Standards for Shift Operations. B. All applicable safety precautions shall be taken in accordance with established Talen Energy safety policies and the Safety Rule Book, for example:

1. Whenever any electrical panel is opened for inspection during JPM performance.
2. Whenever entering any plant area where specific safety equipment such as hearing or eye protection, safety shoes, hardhats, etc., is required and/or posted as being necessary.

C. If, in the judgment of the Evaluator any safety issue occurs during the performance of a JPM, the JPM will be terminated until the issue is resolved. D. Peer checking is the expectation for all evolutions; however, since a JPM is an individual effort, no peer check will be provided and Self Checking is required.

11. REFERENCES A. OP-I I5-00I, Turbine Building Closed Cooling Water System (Revision 26)

B. ON-TBCCW-IOI, Loss of Turbine Building Closed Cooling Water (Revision I) C. AR-I23-G02, TBCCW PUMP B MOTOR TRIP (Revision 27) D. AR-I23-G04, TBCCW HEAT EXCHANGER HEADER LO PRESS (Revision 27) 111. TASK CONDITIONS TBCCW Pump IA is in service, TBCCW Pump IB is in standby. TBCCW Pump IA is to be removed from service for planned maintenance. IA TBCCW HTX is in-service. Pre-start checks for TBCCW Pump IB are sat. An NPO is stationed in the Unit I TBCCW pump area. IV. INITIATING CUE Place TBCCW Pump IB in service and shutdown TBCCW Pump IA, IAW OP-I I5-00I section 2.2. V. TASK STANDARD TBCCW Pump IA restarted and supplying cooling to TBCCW loads

SIMULATOR SETUP INSTRUCTIONS JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE 15.0P.20688.151 NOTE: It is permissible to use a similar IC to the IC listed below, provided the IC actually used is verified to be compatible with this and other JPMs that are scheduled to be run concurrently.

  • Reset the simulator to IC-18, or an exam-specific IC 389.
  • Insert the following Event Triggers ETEVAL 150P20688151 tw_lp103a(l) = 0 & twvp114011 > 0.9 aet ETEVAL150P20688151A ETEVAL 150P20688151A diHS11405A.CurrValue = #OR.diHS11405A.RUN
 +30 IOR di1C140ACK_Q f:ACK
 +2 MOR dilC140ACK_Q f:NORMAL
 +2 DOR di1C140ACK_Q
 +2 IOR dilC140RST_Q f:RESET
 +2 MOR di1Cl40RST_Q f:NORMAL
 +2 DOR di1C140RST_Q IRF rfIA119003 f:RESET
  • Perform the following expert commands IMF cmf PM04_1P103A
  • Perform the following expert commands to assign keys to perform the required operator actions for the JPM.

{Key[26]} IRF rfTW115001 f:0 ' {Key[27]} IRF rfTW115001 f:100

TQ-106-lM 10 Revision 1 Page 4 of 10 INFORMATION FOR EVALUATOR

  • Marking a step as UNSAT requires written comments on respective step.
  • Critical steps are marked with a*. If elements of the Standard are non-critical, the critical elements of the Standard are marked with a*.
  • The time clock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue.
  • This JPM must be performed in the simulator. Reset to exam-specific IC-389, or configure the simulator per the Simulator Setup Instructions.

EVALUATOR NOTE: For Faulted JPMs The FAULTED step in the JPM is preceded by a fault statement in BOLD TYPE WITH ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. BOOTH OPERATOR CUE When student is ready to begin the JPM and the evaluator indicates, place the simulator in RUN. EVALUATOR CUE Record JPM start time: Step Action Standard Eva I Comments 1 Identifies OP-115-001 Section 2.2 is governing Obtains controlled copy of OP-115-001 S/U procedure and obtains controlled copy. obtained, selects Section 2.2. 2* Starts TBCCW Pump 1B Depresses TBCCW PP 1P103B RUN PB S/U 3 Closes TBCCW Pump lA discharge valve Directs NPO to slowly close 114011, S/U TBCCW PUMP A DSCH BOOTH OPERATOR CUE Depress KEY 26 to close 114011. EVALUATOR CUE 114011 is closed. 4 Checks TBCCW Pump lB discharge pressure 86- Performs the following: 100 psig.

  • Requests from NPO current indication on PI-11405B, TBCCW PUMP B DSCH S/U PRESS.
  • Confirms value is within 86-100 psig band.

TQ-106-D~10 Revision 1 Page 5 of 10 EVALUATOR CUE PI-I I 405B indicates 98 psig. 5* Stops TBCCW Pump IA. Depresses TBCCW PP IPI03A STOP PB. SIU 6 Checks TBCCW HX IA outlet temperature 92- Performs the following: 98 °P.

  • Requests from NPO current indication on TI-I I 407 A, TBCCW HX A OUTLET SIU TEMP.
  • Confirms value is within 92-98 °P band.

EVALUATOR CUE TI-I I 407A indicates 95 °P. 7 Checks TBCCW system pressure stabilizes at Observes PI-I 1409, TB CCW HX OUTLET approximately 64-66 psig. HEADER, indicates approximately 64- SIU 66 psig. EVALUATOR NOTE The following step is a critical step only if the TBCCW Pump IA discharge valve was closed in the preceding steps. FAULT STATEMENT TBCCW PUMP lB TRIPS WHEN TBCCW PUMP lA DISCHARGE VAL VE IS STROKING OPEN. 8* Opens TBCCW Pump IA discharge valve. Performs the following:

  • Directs NPO to open I I 40 I I, TBCCW PUMPADSCH
  • Observes AR-I23-G02, TBCCW PUMP SIU B MOTOR TRIP, in alarm.
  • Informs Unit Supervisor of TBCCW Pump IB trip.


  • Depress KEY 27 to open I I40I I.
  • Ensure Event Trigger ETEVALI50P20688I5I fires as I I40I 1 strokes open to trip TBCCW Pump IB.

TQ-106-lJ010 Revision 1 Page 6 of 10 EVALUATOR CUE As NPO: 114011 is open. As Unit Supervisor: Respond per procedure. As NPO if contacted about TBCCW Pump lB status: TBCCW Pump lB tripped. I don't know why. EVALUATOR NOTE Direction to start TBCCW Pump lA is provided in AR-123-G02, AR-123-G04, or ON-TBCCW-101. 9* I Starts TBCCW Pump lA. I Depresses TBCCW PP 1P103A RUN PB. SIU BOOTH OPERATOR CUE Ensure Event Trigger ETEVAL150P20668151A fires when TBCCW Pump lA is re-started to reset I/A and S/A compressors. EVALUATOR NOTE I CUE That completes the JPM. EVALUATOR CUE Record JPM stop time: EVALUATOR NOTE Do you have ALL your JPM exam materials? Task Cue Sheets? Procedures?

TQ-106-0310 Revision 1 Page 8 of 10 REVISION


JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE 15.0P.20688.151 Revision Description/Purpose of Revision 0 NewJPM Revised for the new template and to update referenced procedures. ON-2 115-001 is now ON-TBCCW-101, Loss of Turbine Building Closed Cooling Water

Page 9 of 10 EVALUATOR COPY: TASK CONDITIONS TBCCW Pump 1A is in service, TBCCW Pump 1B is in standby. TBCCW Pump 1A is to be removed from service for planned maintenance. lA TBCCW HTX is in-service. Pre-start checks for TBCCW Pump 1B are sat. An NPO is stationed in the Unit 1 TBCCW pump area. INITIATING CUE Place TBCCW Pump lB in service and shutdown TBCCW Pump lA, IAW OP-115-001 section 2.2.

Page 10of10 EXAMINEE COPY: TASK CONDITIONS TBCCW Pump 1A is in service, TBCCW Pump 1B is in standby. TBCCW Pump 1A is to be removed from service for planned maintenance. IA TBCCW HTX is in-service. Pre-start checks for TBCCW Pump 1B are sat. An NPO is stationed in the Unit 1 TBCCW pump area. INITIATING CUE Place TBCCW Pump IB in service and shutdown TBCCW Pump IA, IAW OP-I I5-00I section 2.2.



Hydraulically Remove a HCU from Service in Accordance With OP-155-001 JPM#: 55.0P.20241.102 Revision: --""----- 0 Date: 09/23/2016 Applicability: ~ RO ~ SRO Setting: Plant NUREG-1123 E/APE I Sys 201001 KIA Number ----"""A-""-1"""".0'""'6_____K/A Importance 3.4/3.4 Alternate Path: DYES ~ NO Time Critical DYES ~ NO Validation Time (min):___,;1;...;;.0_ _ Testing Method: ~Simulate D Perform Author:: ~o.._.IA..J<_f // Date:~ Operations ~eview: CM - ., Date:~ Validated: (?a ,tcJ1.1 _......_,,__..__.____-=--'------- Date: CfI /2?//6 I Approval: ~21.Ac L0 k Nuclear Training Supervisor Date: q ' J_7

  • I (o Examinee Name:

Last, First Ml Employee Number Exam Date: ______ __ ___..;. Exam Duration (Min): _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Evaluation Result: D Satisfactory D Unsatisfactory Evaluator: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Name Signature Comments:

REQUIRED TASK INFORMATION JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE 55.0P.20241.102 I. SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS A. All Operations personnel are responsible for maintaining their radiation exposure As Low As Reasonably Achievable in accordance with OP-AD-002, Standards for Shift Operations. B. All applicable safety precautions shall be taken in accordance with established Talen Energy safety policies and the Safety Rule Book, for example:

1. Whenever any electrical panel is opened for inspection during JPM performance.
2. Whenever entering any plant area where specific safety equipment such as hearing or eye protection, safety shoes, hardhats, etc., is required and/or posted as being necessary.

C. If, in the judgment of the Evaluator any safety issue occurs during the performance of a JPM, the JPM will be terminated until the issue is resolved. D. Peer checking is the expectation for all evolutions; however, since a JPM is an individual effort, no peer check will be provided and Self Checking is required. II. REFERENCES A. OP-155-001 Control Rod Drive Hydraulic System (Revision 69) Ill. TASK CONDITIONS A. Unit 1 is in Mode 4; all rods in. B. CRD System is aligned for normal operation. C. Tech Specs 3.1.3, 3.1.4, and 3.1.5 have been referenced and all appropriate actions are being followed. IV. INITIATING CUE Isolate HCU 30-47 IAW OP-155-001 section 2.17. DO NOT drain OR depressurize the HCU. V. TASK STANDARD HCU 30-47 is Hydraulically isolated.

TQ-106-lJ~ I 0 Revision 1 Page 3 of 9 INFORMATION FOR EVALUATOR

  • Marking a step as UNSAT requires written comments on respective step .
  • Critical steps are marked with a*. If elements of the Standard are non-critical, the critical elements of the Standard are marked with a* .
  • The time clock starts when the candidate acknowledges the Initiating Cue.
  • This JPM must be performed in the plant. Obtain Shift Manager authorization to proceed. This JPM requires access to the RB.
  • Have a copy of OP-155-001section2.17 .
  • A different HCU may be selected for the JPM prior to the start if in-plant situations require changing it. (High rad, protected area, etc) Prior approval of the supervisor is required and the JPM may be pen and inked to identify the change.

EVALUATOR CUE Record JPM start time: Step Action Standard Eva I Comments 1 Identifies governing procedure and obtain Obtains controlled copy of OP-155-001 S/U controlled copy. section 2.17. 2 Review the prerequisites and precautions Reviews prerequisites and precautions. S/U EVALUATOR CUE S/U All prerequisites have been met. 3 Comply with following: Determines all appropriate actions are being followed from the initial conditions. S/U TS 3.1.3, TS 3.1.4, TS 3.1.5. ' EVALUATOR NOTE Following is applicable to all Hydraulic Control Units 1S239. Three (3) digit standard HCU valve numbers are used.(i.e. instead of 147101-3047 it will say 101)

    *4   Close 101, CRD Insert lso.                            Closes 101, CRD Insert lso by turning the S/U handwheel clockwise.

EVALUATOR CUE If turned clockwise, the valve moved and is now closed. S/U If turned counter-clockwise, the valve did not move.

     *5  Close 102, CRD Withdrawal lso.                        Closes 102, CRD Withdrawal lso by turning S/U the handwheel clockwise.

TQ-106-u~ 10 Revision 1 Page 4 of 9 EVALUATOR CUE If turned clockwise, the valve moved and is now closed. S/U If turned counter-clockwise, the valve did not move.

    *6  Close 113, Charging Water lso                  Closes 113, Charging Water lso by turning S/U the handwheel clockwise.

EVALUATOR CUE If turned clockwise, the valve moved and is now closed. S/U If turned counter-clockwise, the valve did not move.

    *7  Close 104, Cooling Water lso.                  Closes 104, Cooling Water lso by turning the handwheel clockwise.                    SIU EVALUATOR CUE If turned clockwise, the valve moved and is now closed.                                             S/U If turned counter-clockwise, the valve did not move.
    *8  Close 103, Drive Header lso.                   Closes 103, Drive Header lso by turning the handwheel clockwise.                        S/U EVALUATOR CUE If turned clockwise, the valve moved and is now closed.                                             S/U If turned counter-clockwise, the valve did not move.
    *9  Close 105, Exhaust Header lso.                 Closes 105, Exhaust Header lso by turning the handwheel clockwise.                    SIU EVALUATOR CUE If turned clockwise, the valve moved and is now closed.                                             S/U If turned counter-clockwise, the valve did not move.
  *10   Close 112, Scram Discharge Header lso.         Closes 112, Scram Discharge Header lso by turning the handwheel clockwise.         SIU

TQ-106-0~ *1 0 Revision 1 Page 5 of 9 EVALUATOR CUE If turned clockwise, the valve moved and is now closed. S/U If turned counter-clockwise, the valve did not move. EVALUATOR NOTE I CUE That completes the JPM. EVALUATOR CUE Record JPM stop time: EVALUATOR NOTE Do you have ALL your JPM exam materials? Task Cue Sheets? Procedures?

TQ-106-0310 Revision 1 Page 7of9 REVISION


JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE 55.0P.20241.102 Revision Description/Purpose of Revision 0 New JPM,- Revised from 55.0P.003.102

Page 8 of 9 EVALUATOR COPY: TASK CONDITIONS A. Unit 1 is in Mode 4; all rods in. B. CRD System is aligned for normal operation. C. Tech Specs 3.1.3, 3.1.4, and 3.1.5 have been referenced and all appropriate actions are being followed. INITIATING CUE Isolate HCU 30-47 IAW OP-155-001section2.17. DO NOT drain OR depressurize the HCU.

Page 9 of 9 EXAMINEE COPY: TASK CONDITIONS A. Unit 1 is in Mode 4; all rods in. B. CRD System is aligned for normal operation. C. Tech Specs 3.1.3, 3.1.4, and 3.1.5 have been referenced and all appropriate actions are being followed. INITIATING CUE Isolate HCU 30-47 IAW OP-155-001section2.17. DO NOT drain OR depressurize the HCU.



Start RPS MG Set 2S237A(B) from Local Control Panel 2G201A(8) IAW OP-258-001 JPM#: 58.0P.26824.201 Revision: 3

                                                ------- Date:      09/23/2016 Applicability: 1Z! RO IZI SRO Setting: -'P_l.....

an"""t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ NUREG-1123 E/APE I Sys 212000 KIA Number A2.02 KIA Importance 3.7/3.9 Alternate Path: DYES IZI NO Time Critical DYES IZI NO Validation Time (min):_--=2.;;;..5_

~~;::: Met~~~PeITonn Date:~

Operations RevieW:C~--- Date: CJ/z~ O~ Validated: (}er ,f,edcJ Date: 1/2~ /It Approval:-~-=--\-"....)_&+?_ . . .*____ Date: NUclear Training Supervisor Examinee Name: Last, First Ml Employee Number Exam Date: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Exam Duration (Min): _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Evaluation Result: D Satisfactory D Unsatisfactory Evaluator: Name Signature Comments:


58. OP.26824.201 I. SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS A. All Operations personnel are responsible for maintaining their radiation exposure As Low As Reasonably Achievable in accordance with OP-AD-002, Standards for Shift Operations.

B. All applicable safety precautions shall be taken in accordance with established Talen Energy safety policies and the Safety Rule Book, for example:

1. Whenever any electrical panel is opened for inspection during JPM performance.
2. Whenever entering any plant area where specific safety equipment such as hearing or eye protection, safety shoes, hardhats, etc., is required and/or posted as being necessary.
  • C. If, in the judgment of the Evaluator any safety issue occurs during the performance of a JPM, the JPM will be terminated until the issue is resolved.

D. Peer checking is the expectation for all evolutions; however, since a JPM is an individual effort, no peer check will be provided and Self Checking is required. II. REFERENCES A. OP-258-001, RPS SYSTEM (Rev. 62) Ill. TASK CONDITIONS RPS MG Set 2S237A(B) has been de-energized for emergent maintenance on the normal supply EPA breakers. The 120V RPS Power Distribution Panel 2Y201A(B) is on Alternate Power. Maintenance has been completed on the RPS A(B) MG Set, and all clearance orders have been removed. All 480V AC and 125V DC power systems are in operation. CL-258-0011 is complete. Electrical Maintenance is available to support this evolution. Initial conditions at the RPS MG set are

  • Motor On light (red) is EXTINGUISHED
  • Motor Off light (green) is ILLUMINATED
  • Generator Output breaker (on the MG Set) is open
  • The MG voltmeter and ammeter indicate 0
  • Both EPA breakers (2CBS003A-A and 2CBS003A-C) are open
  • All four red indicating lights on the EPA breakers are extinguished IV. INITIATING CUE Start Unit 2 RPS MG Set A(B) and close the associated EPA breakers IAW OP-258-001 Sections 2.1 and 2.2.

V. TASK STANDARD Unit 2 RPS MG Set A(B) started p~r OP-258-001 Section 2.1 and normal supply EPA breakers closed per OP-258-001 Section 2.2.

TQ-106-u~*10 Revision 1 Page 3 of 12 INFORMATION FOR EVALUATOR

  • Marking a step as UNSAT requires written comments on respective step .
  • Critical steps are marked with a*. If elements of the Standard are non-critical, the critical elements of the Standard are marked with a* .
  • The time clock starts when the candidate acknowledges the Initiating Cue .
  • This JPM must be performed in the plant. Obtain Shift Manager authorization to proceed. This JPM requires access to Unit 2 RB RPS MG set
  • This JPM can be performed on either Unit 2 RPS MG set
  • Have a copy of OP-258-001 Section 2.1 and 2.2 .

EVALUATOR CUE Record JPM start time: Step Action Standard Eva I Comments 1 Identifies governing procedure and obtain Obtains controlled copy of OP-258-001 S/U controlled copy. sections 2.1 and 2.2. EVALUATOR NOTE The Operator will require a key for the EPA breakers later. They may choose to obtain a 235, 1235, or 2235 key from Control Room or the FUS. If they ask now, they now have a 2235 key. 2 Unlock AND rotate Voltage Adjust potentiometer to At 2G201A(B), REACTOR PROT SYS M-G S/U full counter-clockwise position. SET A(B) GENERATOR, local control panel performs the following

  • Loosens locking device set screw.

Rotates the potentiometer to the full counter-clockwise position EVALUATOR CUE Voltage adjust potentiometer unlocked Voltage adjust potentiometer is in the full counter-clockwise position EVALUATOR NOTE Motor has automatic reset of thermal overloads. If examinee releases PB before MOTOR ON PB cued as ON, such that motor would fail to come up to speed, thermal overloads should be allowed time to reset prior to initiating another start sequence.

   *3   Depress AND hold MOTOR ON pushbutton                  Depresses the MOTOR ON PB and                     S/U maintains it depressed

TQ-106-C.r;:>10 Revision 1 Page 4of12 EVALUATOR CUE Motor On PB is depressed

   *4  Release Motor On PB when Motor On red               Observes the MOTOR ON red light is                 S/U indicating light Illuminates.                       illuminated and releases the MOTOR ON PB EVALUATOR CUE Motor On red light is lit and when released, the Motor On PB releases 5  Observes MG Set comes up to speed                   Observes MG Set comes up to speed                  S/U EVALUATOR CUE MG set running at speed EVALUATOR NOTE The Motor On pushbutton must be depressed again in order to reset the overvoltage trip. There is no visible indication that it has reset.
   *6  Resets OV relay                                     Depresses MOTOR ON PB                              S/U

.EVALUATOR CUE Motor On PB depressed and released 7 Verifies RPS MG set voltage at 120V AC Observes RPS MG Set A(B) voltmeter. S/U I EVALUATOR CUE RPS MG set voltmeter indicates 11 OV AC

   *8  Adjusts voltage output to 120V AC.                  Turns the VOLTAGE ADJUST                           S/U potentiometer clockwise until 120V AC EVALUATOR CUE RPS MG set voltmeter indicates 120V AC 9   Locks Voltage Adjust potentiometer.
  • Tightens the locking set screw on the S/U VOLTAGE ADJUST potentiometer.
  *10   Closes MG set generator output breaker              Lifts the GENERATOR OUTPUT breaker                S/U operating paddle to the full up position.

TQ-106-uv *10 Revision 1 Page 5of12 EVALUATOR CUE Generator Output breaker is closed. 11 Observes EPA breaker 2CBS003A-A(B-B).lnput At 1CBS003A-A (B-B), RPS MG SET A(B) S/U Power Available red light ILLUMINATES EPA BREAKER, observes POWER IN MOTOR GEN red light illuminated. EVALUATOR CUE Power In Motor Gen red light is lit. EVALUATOR NOTE Section 2.1 is complete. Remaining steps are in Section 2.2.

*12   Obtains 235, 1235, or 2235 key from Control           Indicates keys available from Control S/U Room.                                                 Room, FUS office.

EVALUATOR CUE You have a 2235 key.

*13   Inserts key in 2CBS003A-A(B-B), RPS MG Set            At 2CBS003A-A (B-B), RPS MG SET A(B)  S/U A(B) EPA Breaker, Oper/Reset switch.                  EPA BREAKER, inserts key in OPER/RESET switch EVALUATOR CUE Key inserted.
*14   Resets 2CBS003A-A(B-B), RPS MG Set A(B)               Momentarily places OPER/RESET Switch  S/U EPA Breaker.                                          to RESET.

EVALUATOR CUE EPA breaker reset.

*15   Place 2CBS003A-A(B-B), RPS MG Set A(B) EPA            Places OPER/RESET switch to OPER      S/U Breaker, in Operate EVALUATOR CUE Oper/Reset switch is in OPER

TQ-106-u~ 10 Revision 1 Page 6 of 12

*16   Confirm overvoltage, undervoltage, and               Observes OVERVOLTAGE,                      S/U underfrequency lights are not illuminated            UNDERVOLTAGE and UNDERFREQUENCY lights are extinguished.

EVALUATOR CUE Overvoltage, Undervoltage And Underfrequency lights are out. 17 Removes key from 2CBS003A-A(B-B), RPS MG Removes key from OPER/RESET switch SIU Set A(B) EPA Breaker, Oper/Reset switch. EVALUATOR CUE Key removed.

*18   Close 2CBS003A-A(B-B), RPS MG Set A(B) EPA           Lifts the 2CBS003A-A(B-B), RPS MG SET      S/U Breaker                                              A(B) EPA BKR, operating paddle to the full up position EVALUATOR CUE EPA breaker is closed.

19 Observe EPA breaker 2CBS003A-C(B-D).lnput Observes 2CBS003A-C(B-D), RPS MG S/U Power Available red light ILLUMINATES SET A(B) EPA BKR, POWER IN MOTOR GEN red light illuminated EVALUATOR CUE Power In Motor Gen red light is lit.

*20   Inserts key in 2CBS003A-C(B-D), RPS MG Set           At 2CBS003A-C(B-D), RPS MG SET A(B)        S/U A(B) EPA Breaker, Oper/Reset switch.                  EPA BREAKER, inserts key in OPER/RESET switch EVALUATOR CUE Key inserted.
*21   Resets 2CBS003A-C(B-D), RPS MG Set A(B)               Momentarily places OPER/RESET Switch      S/U EPA Breaker.                                          to RESET.

EVALUATOR CUE EPA breaker reset.

TQ-106-0.:> 1.0 Revision 1 Page 7of12

*22   Place 2CBS003A-C(B-D), RPS MG Set A(B) EPA             Places OPER/RESET switch to OPER              S/U Breaker, in Operate                                    Observes OVERVOLTAGE, UNDERVOLTAGE and UNDERFREQUENCY lights are extinguished.

EVALUATOR CUE Oper/Reset switch is in OPER

*23   Confirm overvoltage, undervoltage, and                 Observes OVERVOLTAGE,                         S/U underfrequency lights are not illuminated              UNDERVOLTAGE and UNDERFREQUENCY lights are extinguished.

EVALUATOR CUE Overvoltage, Undervoltage And Underfrequency lights are out. I

*24   Remove key from 2CBS003A-C(B-D), RPS MG                Removes key from OPER/RESET switch            S/U Set A(B) EPA Breaker, Oper/Reset switch.

EVALUATOR CUE Key removed.

*25   Closes 2CBS003A-C(B-D), RPS MG Set A(B)                Lifts the 2CBS003A-C(B-D), RPS MG SET         S/U EPA Breaker                                            A(B) EPA BKR, operating paddle to the full up position EVALUATOR CUE EPA breaker is closed.

26 Verifies Generator A(B) Feed to RPS Bus A(B) Contacts Control Room to observe at S/U white indicating light illuminated at 2C610. 2C610 GENERATOR A (B) FEED TO RPS BUS A(B) white indicating light illuminated. EVALUATOR CUE Generator A(B) feed to RPS Bus A(B) white light is lit at 2C610. EVALUATOR CUE Record JPM stop time:

TQ-106-{J~ I 0 Revision 1 Page 8 of 12 EVALUATOR CUE That completes the JPM. EVALUATOR NOTE Do you have ALL your JPM exam materials? Task Cue Sheets? Procedures?

TQ-106-0310 Revision 1 Page 10of12 REVISION


JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE 58.0P.26824.201 Revision Description/Purpose of Revision 0 NewJPM 1 Revision history unknown Changed to new TQ format 2 Updated procedures to latest revision

Page 11 of 12 EVALUATOR - SCENARIO 1 TASK CONDITIONS RPS MG Set 2S23 7A(B) has been de-energized for emergent maintenance on the normal supply EPA breakers. The 120V RPS Power Distribution Panel 2Y201A(B) is on Alternate Power. Maintenance has been completed on the RPS A(B) MG Set, and all clearance orders have been removed. All 480V AC and 125V DC power systems are in operation. CL-258-0011 is complete. Electrical Maintenance is available to support this evolution Initial conditions at the RPS MG set are

  • Motor On light (red) is EXTINGUISHED
  • Motor Off light (green) is ILLUMINATED
  • Generator Output breaker (on the MG Set) is open
  • The MG voltmeter and ammeter indicate 0
  • Both EPA breakers (2CBS003A-A and 2CBS003A-C) are open
  • All four red indicating lights on the EPA breakers are extinguished INITIATING CUE Start Unit 2 RPS MG Set A(B) and close the associated EPA breakers IA W OP-258-001 Sections 2.1 and 2.2.

Page 12of12 EXAMINEE - SCENARIO 1 TASK CONDITIONS RPS MG Set 2S237A(B) has been de-energized for emergent maintenance on the normal supply EPA breakers. The 120V RPS Power Distribution Panel 2Y201A(B) is on Alternate Power. Maintenance has been completed on the RPS A(B) MG Set, and all clearance orders have been removed. All 480V AC and 125V DC power systems are in operation. CL-258-0011 is complete. Electrical Maintenance is available to support this evolution Initial conditions at the RPS MG set are

  • Motor On light (red) is EXTINGUISHED
  • Motor Off light (green) is ILLUMINATED
  • Generator Output breaker (on the MG Set) is open
  • The MG voltmeter and ammeter indicate 0
  • Both EPA breakers (2CBS003A-A and 2CBS003A-C) are open
  • All four red indicating lights on the EPA breakers are extinguished INITIATING CUE Start Unit 2 RPS MG Set A(B) and close the associated EPA breakers IAW OP-258-001 Sections 2.1 and 2.2.



Place RHR In Suppression Pool Colling at Remote Shutdown Panel JPM#: 49.0P.20301.201 Revision:_"""2'---- Date: 09/23/2016 Applicability: ~ RO ~ SRO Setting: Plant NUREG-1123 E/APE I Sys 219000 KIA Number"""'A~2.;....;.1..;;;..3_ _ _ _ K/A Importance 3.5/3.7 Alternate Path: 0 YES ~ NO Time Critical DYES ~ NO Validation Time (min):--=2=0_ _ Testing Method: D Si~mulate D Perform Author:: tj'a ~ // Date: ql~sL1t Operations Re!: 12/L Date: c;.,lc. ~,/,,re_ Validated: ___.,..._0!:_......._Cf_........,]j&}_"----"""-------- Date: 1/9-~//t Approval: -~---I_ 0:)_~---- Date: °l*17*/~ Nuclear"Trainifi9Supervisor Last, First Ml Employee Number Exam Date: Exam Duration (Min): _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Evaluation Result: D Satisfactory D Unsatisfactory Evaluator: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Name Signature Comments:

REQUIRED TASK INFORMATION JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE 49.0P.20301.201 I. SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS A. All Operations personnel are responsible for maintaining their radiation exposure As Low As Reasonably Achievable in accordance with OP-AD-002, Standards for Shift Operations. B. All applicable safety precautions shall be taken in accordance with established Talen Energy safety policies and the Safety Rule Book, for example:

1. Whenever any electrical panel is opened for inspection during JPM performance.
2. Whenever entering any plant area where specific safety equipment such as hearing or eye protection, safety shoes, hardhats, etc., is required and/or posted as being necessary.

C. If, in the judgment of the Evaluator any safety issue occurs during the performance of a JPM, the JPM will be terminated until the issue is resolved. D. Peer checking is the expectation for all evolutions; however, since a JPM is an individual effort, no peer check will be provided and Self Checking is required. II. REFERENCES A. ON-200-009, Control Room Evacuation (Rev 37) B. OP-249-005, RHR Operation in Suppression Pol Cooling Mode (Rev 32) Ill. TASK CONDITIONS Unit 2 was operating at rated power when the Control Room was evacuated due to a hazardous atmosphere. Operators completed all actions in ON-200-009, Control Room Evacuation, before evacuating the Control Room. Unit 2 RSDP transfer switches have been aligned per ON-200-009. RPV level control is with RCIC, stable at -40". RPV pressure is being maintained with SRVs 800-1050 psig. RHR was in the normal standby alignment when the Control Room was evacuated. ESW is in operation. RHRSW is in operation, supplying the 2A RHR heat exchanger. Condensate Transfer is in operation. IV. INITIATING CUE Place RHR A in Suppression Pool cooling from the Unit 2 RSDP IAW OP-249-005 section 2.4. V. TASK STANDARD RHR A operating in Suppression Pool cooling per OP-249-005 at :510,000 gpm flow, with all flow through the RHR heat exchanger.

TQ-106-0~10 Revision 1 Page 3of10 INFORMATION FOR EVALUATOR

  • Marking a step as UNSAT requires written comments on respective step .
  • Critical .steps are marked with a*. If elements of the Standard are non-critical, the critical elements of the Standard are marked with a*.
  • The time clock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue.
  • This JPM must be performed in the plant. Obtain Shift Manager authorization to proceed. This JPM requires access to Unit 2 RB RSDP.
  • Have a copy of OP-249-005 section 2.4 and ON-200-009 .

EVALUATOR CUE Record JPM start time: Step Action Standard Eva I Comments 1 Identifies governing procedure and obtain Obtains controlled copy of OP-249-005 S/U controlled copy. section 2.4. 2 Review prerequisites and precautions. Reviews prerequisites and precautions. S/U 3 Ensure ESW in operation. Observes ESW in operation is specified in S/U Task Conditions. 4 Place RHRSW in operation. Observes RHRSW in operation to the S/U 2A RHR HX is specified in Task Conditions.

  *5   Verifies that RHR Pump 1A not running.                 Contacts Unit 1 RSDP to determine RHR S/U Pump 1A status.

EVALUATOR CUE S/U RHR Pump 1A is in standby.

  *6   Ensure HV-251-F048A, Hx A Shell Side Byps, is          Observes HV-251-F048A, HX A SHELL S/U open.                                                  SIDE BYPS, indicates full open.

EVALUATOR CUE S/U HV-251-F048A indicates red light ON, amber light OFF.

  *7   Open HV-251-F028A, Supp Chmbr Spry Test                Places HS HV-251-F028A, SUPP CHMBR Shutoff.                                               SPRY TEST SHUTOFF, to the OPEN                     S/U position

TQ-106-u;) 10 Revision 1 Page 4 of 10 EVALUATOR CUE SIU HV-251-F028A indicates red light ON, amber light OFF.

 *8  Ensure HV-251-FOO?A, RHR PP A/C Min Flow, is        Observes HV-251-FOO?A, RHR PP A/C S/U open.                                               MIN FLOW, indicates full open.

EVALUATOR CUE S/U HV-251-FOO?A indicates red light ON, amber light OFF. 9 Determines no potential for RHR discharge loop Observes Condensate Transfer in operation S/U voiding. is specified in Task Conditions. EVALUATOR CUE S/U RHR A was in the normal standby lineup when the Control Room was evacuated.

*10  Ensure RHR A filled and vented.                     Directs NPO to vent RHR A using 251821, RHR DIV 1 DRYWELL SPRAY VENT                S/U VALVE, per OP-249-001 Step 2.4.10.

EVALUATOR CUE ' S/U RHR A fill and vent complete.

*11  Start RHR Pump A, 2P202A                            Places HS RHR PUMP A 2P202A to the START position and observes breaker         S/U closed.

EVALUATOR CUE S/U RHR Pump A indicates red light ON, amber light OFF.

*12  Throttle Open HV-251- F048A HX A SHELL SIDE         Performs the following:

BYPS to establish a system flow between 3,000

  • Places HS HV-251- F048A HX A gpm and 3,500 gpm as indicated on RHR SYSTEM SHELL SIDE BYPS, to the OPEN FLOW INDICATOR Fl-25105 position in 500 gpm increments followed by a 20 second pause. S/U
  • Observes Fl-25105, RHR SYSTEM FLOW, indicates 6000 gpm
  • Releases HS HV-251-F024A, TEST LINE CTL

TQ-106-u~10 Revision 1 Page 5 of 10 EVALUATOR CUE HV-251-F048A indicates red light ON, amber light ON. S/U Fl-25105 indicates 3500 gpm.

*13  Throttle Open HV-251- F048A HX A SHELL SIDE     Performs the following:

BYPS to establish RHR loop flow between 11,000

  • Places HS HV-251- F048A HX A .

gpm and 12,000 gpm as indicated on RHR SHELL SIDE BYPS, to the OPEN SYSTEM FLOW INDICATOR Fl-25105 position and establishes 11, 000 to 12, 000 gpm as indicated on RHR SYSTEM SIU FLOW INDICATOR Fl-25105

  • Observes Fl-25105, RHR SYSTEM FLOW, indicates 11,000 gpm
  • Releases HS HV-251-F024A, TEST LINE CTL
 *14  Throttle Closed HV-251-F024A TEST LINE CTL to
  • Places HS HV-251-F024A TEST LINE maintain ::::; 10,000 gpm as indicated on RHR CTL, to the CLOSED position SYSTEM FLOW INDICATOR Fl-25105
  • Maintains ::::; 10,000 gpm as indicated on S/U RHR SYSTEM FLOW INDICATOR Fl-25105 EVALUATOR CUE S/U HV-251-F024A indicates red light OFF, amber light ON.
 *15  Fully Open HV-251-F048A HX A SHELL SIDE        Performs the following:


  • Places HS HV-251- F048A HX A S/U SHELL SIDE BYPS, to the OPEN position EVALUATOR CUE HV-251-F048A indicates red light ON, amber light OFF. S/U Fl-25105 indicates 9700 gpm.
 *16  Open HV-251-F047A RHR HX A SHELL SIDE          Performs the following:


  • Places HS HV-251- F047A RHR HX A S/U SHELL SIDE INLET, to the OPEN position

TQ-106-CJ~iO Revision 1 Page 6of10 EVALUATOR CUE HV-251-F047A indicates red light ON, amber light OFF. EVALUATOR CUE That completes the JPM. EVALUATOR CUE Record JPM stop time: EVALUATOR NOTE Do you have ALL your JPM exam materials? Task Cue Sheets? Procedures?

TQ-106-0310 Revision 1 Page 8 of 10 REVISION


JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE 49.0P.20301.201 Revision Description/Purpose of Revision 0 NewJPM Changed to new TQ format 1 Updated to latest procedure revisions 2 Updated to latest procedure revisions

Page 9of10 EVALUATOR COPY: TASK CONDITIONS Unit 2 was operating at rated power when the Control Room was evacuated due to a hazardous atmosphere. Operators completed all actions in ON-200-009, CONTROL ROOM EVACUATION, before evacuating the Control Room. Unit 2 RSDP transfer switches have been aligned per ON-200-009. RPV level control is with RCIC, stable at-40". RPV pressure is being maintained with SRVs 800-1050 psig. ' RHR was in the normal standby alignment when the Control Room was evacuated. ESW is in operation. RHRSW is in operation, supplying the 2A RHR heat exchanger. Condensate Transfer is in operation. INITIATING CUE Place RHR A in Suppression Pool cooling from the Unit 2 RSDP IAW OP-249-005 section 2.4.

Page 10of10 EXAMINEE COPY: TASK CONDITIONS Unit 2 was operating at rated power when the Control Room was evacuated due to a hazardous atmosphere. ' Operators completed all actions in ON-200-009, CONTROL ROOM EVACUATION, before evacuating the Control Room. Unit 2 RSDP transfer switches have been aligned per ON-200-009. RPV level control is with RCIC, stable at-40". RPV pressure is being maintained with SRVs 800-1050 psig. RHR was in the normal standby alignment when the Control Room was evacuated. ESW is in operation. RHRSW is in operation, supplying the 2A RHR heat exchanger. Condensate Transfer is in operation. INITIATING CUE Place RHR A in Suppression Pool cooling from the Unit 2 RSDP IAW OP-249-005 section 2.4.


LOC28-NRC-01 Lesson Information Title Control Rod Pattern Adjustment/ RFP lube oil pump swap/ RFP Vibration/ Loss of RBCCW/ Hydraulic-Block A TWS Vision ID Accredited *YES o NO Training ID LOC28-NRC-01 Revision 11 Date I 04/14/2016 Prerequisites Teaching Time 65 Minutes Approval CBT Approval 1 N/A Date N/A Preparer Date Review (lnstructor/SME) Date Nuclear Engineering 1 N/A Date N/A Training Supervision Date Line Management Date 1 If required, otherwise N/A This simulator scenario has been reviewed and satisfies management expectations for inclusion of OE, Department Fundamentals and HuP, error-reduction techniques and safety standards. Specific applications and/or opportunities for reinforcement of management expectations are noted in the scenario guide or Attachment(s) where applicable. Copyrighted by Nuclear Training Group, SUSQUEHANNA NUCLEAR, LLC, 2016. All rights reserved, no part of this training material may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the Nuclear Training Group. LOC28-NRC-01 Rev 1 Examination Material 04/14/2016

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LOC28-NRC-01 Revision History Revision Date Comments 0 03/17/2014 New exam Revised to new template format. Changed event number 1 to the lube oil pump transfer. Removed some RWCU malfunctions. Clarified the event going 1 04/14/2016 into the scram. Changed the reports to match procedures and actual guidance. Changed the scram from high RRP temperature to a RBCCW rupture. Event 3 is just a setup for Event 4 and actions are removed due to the fast nature of the RFP trip. LOC28-NRC-01 Rev 1 Examination Material 04/14/2016. 3

LOC28-NRC-01 Table of Contents Scenario Overview................................................................................................................................5 Objectives .............................................................................................................................................7 A. Terminal Objective ................................................................................................................7 B. Generic Performance Objectives ...........................................................................................7 C. Simulator Performance Objectives ........................................................................................8 D. Task List. ............................................................................................................................. 1O Scenario Attributes .............................................................................................................................12 A. Critical Tasks ....................................................................................................................... 12 B. Scenario Malfunctions ......................................................................................................... 13 C. Abnormal Events and Major Transients ............................................................................... 14 D. EOP and EOP Contingencies Used .................................................................................... 14 E. Technical Specifications ...................................................................................................... 15 References ..........................................................................................................................................16 Setup Instructions ..............................................................................................................................18 A. Required Materials .............................................................................................................. 18 B. Simulator Initialization ......................................................................................................... 18 C. Simulator Preparation .......................................................................................................... 19 D. Document Training and Performance Feedback ................................................................. 19 E. Scenario Execution ............................................................................................................. 19 F. Simulator Files .................................................................................................................... 19 Event 1 - RFP 'A' Main Lube Oil Pump Swap .................................................................................... 22 Event 2 - Control Rod Pattern Adjustment .......................................................................................23 Event 3 - '8' RFP vibration .................................................................................................................25 Event 4 - 'B' RFP trip ..........................................................................................................................25 Event 5 - RBCCW TCV fails ................................................................................................................28 Event 6 - Complete loss of RBCCW ..................................................................................................30 Event 7 - Hydraulic block ATWS .......................................................................................................32 Event 8 - SLC pump trips ...................................................................................................................32 Event 9 - Wide Range level instrument fails .....................................................................................32 Event 1O - In-service RFP trips ..........................................................................................................37 LOC28-NRC-01 Rev 1 Examination Material 04/14/2016

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LOC28-NRC-01 Scenario Overview The scenario begins with Unit 1 at 95 percent power, 500 days into the operating cycle. Preparations are set for performing a control rod pattern adjustment. HPCI is in day 2 of a planned 4-day system outage window. Diesel Generator E is substituted for DG A for a system outage window. The RFP lube oil conditioner was swapped from the RFP A reservoir to the B reservoir last shift. A severe thunderstorm watch is in effect for Luzerne County for the next 12 hours. The first task for the crew is to test the RFP A main lube oil pumps, and perform a pump swap in the process, per OP-145-003. NPOs will report the RFP lube oil conditioner is in-service on the RFP B reservoir once the lube oil pump swap is complete. When the RFP main lube oil Pump swap is complete the crew will withdraw control rods in accordance with the Reactivity Maneuver Request provided by Reactor Engineering, then proceed to raise power with recirc flow. The pattern adjustment will raise reactor power approximately 3 percent. When the reactivity maneuver has been completed, 'B' RFP will experience a rising vibration trend. Vibration will quickly rise to the alarm setpoint and then to the RFP trip setpoint. The crew is not expected to be able to respond to vibration trip. The crew will respond per off-normal procedures to the RFP trip and recirc LIM2 runback. Control rod insertion may be performed due to margin to the MELLA rod-line. The Recirc loop 'A' drive flow inputs to APRM flow channels 'C' and 'D' (APRMs 2 and 3) will drift high during the runback, resulting in a RBM flow compare control rod withdrawal block. The inoperable flow-biased scram and rod-block functions of the two APRMs will require entry into TS and TRO 3.1.3. When the crew has lowered power below the MELLA rod-line, the RBCCW TCV will malfunction resulting in a loss of cooling to RBCCW. RBCCW temperature will quickly rise. The RBCCW TCV bypass valve will be stuck closed. The crew will be required to place RBCCW on ESW which bypasses the RBCCW TCVs and will restore cooling to RBCCW loads. Entry into TS 3.7.2 will be required for the loop of ESW made inoperable when aligned to the RBCCW HX. Once the crew has placed ESW in-service to RBCCW the return valve HV11024A2 will fail closed after approximately 5 minutes, due to its solenoid failing, resulting in a total loss of RBCCW cooling. Recirc Pump A lower motor bearing temperature will rise rapidly on the second loss of cooling, requiring a reactor scram and tripping of the Recirc Pump. If the reactor is not scrammed before the recirc pump is tripped, Region 1 of the power-flow map will be entered and the reactor will automatically scram on OPRMs. The reactor scram will result in a hydraulic-block A TWS. The crew will trip both Recirc Pumps and reduce level to the A TWS band to lower power. The crew will perform the ES to bypass RPS trips, allowing the scram to be reset to drain the SDV and scram again. The crew will be able to insert control rods using RMCS. The first SLC pump started will trip shortly after starting, requiring the second pump to be started. As reactor level is lowered one channel of Wide Range reactor level will fail, requiring the crew to diagnose the failure and raise FW flow to maintain reactor level within the ATWS band. The in-service RFP will trip after the scram is reset. RCIC can be used to maintain reactor level as the standby RFP is placed in service. The first attempt at draining the SDV and re-inserting a scram will result in limited control rod motion. The crew should reset the scram and allow the SDV to drain again while continuing control rod insertion. The scenario may be terminated when RPV water level is stable in the ATWS band, the 'A' RFP has tripped, and the Scram has been reset twice OR at the lead evaluator's discretion. LOC28-NRC-01 Rev 1 Examination Material 04/14/2016. 5

LOC28-NRC-01 Objectives Mastery of the training content shall be demonstrated by individual and/or crew performance evaluation as specified in this training material and the applicable training program description, in accordance with training procedures. A. Terminal Objective Perform all system operations required to maintain the plant operating safely, or place the plant in a safe condition if a plant shutdown is required During the specified mode of plant I system operation Without error and in accordance with site procedures and management expectations

8. Generic Performance Objectives
1. For all activities, exhibit use of the Human Performance Tools, demonstrating the ability to:

Use HU tools to effectively control the plant during normal, abnormal, and emergency conditions Use of HU tools will be observable per the standards in HU-AD-003 (SRO) Take every opportunity to coach the team when HU standards are not being met and provide feedback to the team when the HU standards are being met

2. For all activities, exhibit proper use of procedures by:

Applying the correct procedure to operate equipment and respond to abnormalities Ensuring procedures are detailed enough to allow precise control of plant evolutions. Demonstrating the ability to: Apply the correct procedure to the situation Use place keeping for accurate implementation Identify any and all areas for procedure improvement Take ownership of and complete the improvement, whenever an area for procedure improvement is identified

3. Base actions and decisions with a bias toward conservative, safe operation of the plant, demonstrating the ability to:

Assure all plant evolutions and work are assessed for Radiological Safety, Industrial Safety, Nuclear Safety, Environmental Safety, or Corporate Safety Once a risk is determined, take appropriate actions to mitigate or minimize risk Request assistance for any activity which requires additional planning, special precautions, and management oversight to adequately manage the risks (SRO) Champion activities that are biased conservatively LOC28-NRC-01 Rev 1 Examination Material 04/14/2016. 6


4. Demonstrate complete understanding of plant design and system interrelationships, demonstrating the ability to:

Work effectively as a team to interpret plant indications and determine an effective response Understand the bases for, and the plant response to, actions being taken

5. Maintain continuous awareness of critical parameters, demonstrating the ability to:

Validate parameters by observing multiple independent indications Relay parameter values with value, units, and trend; and include action being taken for an abnormal value or trend Notify supervision of any change to critical parameters (SRO) Assure critical parameters for operational conditions are understood by the team

6. Operate plant systems and equipment within design and operational limits, maintaining relevant parameters within assigned operating bands, demonstrating the ability to:

Anticipate the impact of component operation prior to its operation, and then verify that the expected effects occur during and following the operation Take manual actions (in accordance with procedure direction) when automatic actions do not occur Take prompt action to adjust system operating controls before assigned operating bands are exceeded Make reactivity and mode changes as directed by detailed operating procedures and approved reactivity plans C. Simulator Performance Objectives

1. Operational Actions and Annunciator Response Correctly identify plant annunciators and indications and perform appropriate remedial actions
2. System Operation, Controls and Instrumentation Accurately identify plant instrumentation and correctly interpret instrument readings to respond to normal, abnormal, and emergency conditions
3. Facility Design and Operating Characteristics Demonstrate the following:
  • An understanding of facility operating characteristics
  • The ability to safely control the operating characteristics of the facility within prescribed operating boundaries LOC28-NRC-01 Rev 1 Examination Material 04/14/2016
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4. System Loss and Component Level Malfunctions Perform system control manipulations to obtain desired operating results and demonstrate the ability to correctly respond to malfunction/loss of components and the impact of the malfunction/loss on interfacing plant systems
5. Heat Removal Component Operation Safely operate the plant's heat removal components and demonstrate knowledge of the relationship between the heat removal systems and the operation of facility to prevent exceeding System, Structure, or Component (SSC) design limits which include:
  • Primary coolant systems
  • Emergency coolant systems
  • Decay heat removal systems
6. Auxiliary and Emergency Component Operations Safely operate the plant's auxiliary and emergency components I systems to include the controls associated with plant equipment that could affect reactivity or the release of radioactive materials to the environment to control release of radioactivity within regulatory limits
7. Reactivity Management Demonstrate knowledge of how reactivity is affected by plant operation and ability to respond to the change in reactivity to protect the safety and integrity of the reactor core
8. Technical Specifications During plant operation with the plant or system in a condition requiring Technical Specification action Identify the deviation and any required actions I notifications
9. Emergency Plan (if required)

During plant operation in an emergency condition Recognize conditions covered by the Emergency Plan (SRO) Demonstrate the ability to:

  • Identify and Implement the appropriate Emergency Action Level
  • Use the applicable bases to support an Event Classification on the specified Emergency Action Level
10. Control Room Duties Demonstrate the knowledge and ability to assume the appropriate responsibilities (for the assigned position) associated with the safe operation of the facility LOC28-NRC-01 Rev 1 Examination Material 04/14/2016
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11. Control Room Team Work Demonstrate the ability to function within the Control Room team to comply with station procedures and limits of facility license and respond to plant events using appropriate human performance tools to support safe operation of the facility D. Task List Task Title ID Licensed Operator Apply Technical Specification (TS) And Technical Requirements Manual (TRM) Requirements S-C00-00-1185 Implement Reactivity Manipulations Standards and Communication Requirements S-C00-00-2784 Implement Appropriate Portions Of Operations Standards S-C00-00-1081 For System and Equipment Operation Implement Operations Standards For Error And Event S-ADM-00-1091 Prevention Implement Standards for Shift Operations S-C00-00-2780 Implement Appropriate Portions of Conduct of Operations S-C00-00-1015 Implement Appropriate Portions of Secondary Containment Integrity Control S-C00-00-1020 Implement EOP Cautions S-C00-00-2566 Implement Operations Directives S-C00-00-3130 Ensure Plant Operates IAW the Operating License, Technical Specifications (TS}, and Technical S-C00-00-1183 Requirements Manual (TRM)

Implement HUMAN PERFORMANCE (HuP) - Standards for Error and Event Prevention S-EPP-00-3068 Reactor Operator Implement Withdraw Control Rod One Notch S-201002-01-005 Implement Test of Standby Main and Emergency Oil Pumps S-259001-01-100 Operate a Single Reactor Feed Pump in Manual S-259001-01-037 Perform Speed Adjustment of Reactor Recirc Pump During Normal Operation S-202001-01-008 Direct RBCCW Heat Exchanger Manual Transfer Of S-276000-01-003 Service Water And Emergency Service Water Inhibit ADS from actuating S-218000-01-006 Bypass the MSIV and CIG Interlocks S-239001-01-025 Inject Liquid Poison Using Pump 1P208A(B)/2P208A(B) S-211000-01-006 Perform the Required Actions to Maximize CRD Flow S-201001-01-044 Start an Individual Reactor Feed Pump Turbine following a Trip S-259001-01-045 Perform a Manual Startup of RCIC Using Turbine Trip and Throttling Valve S-217000-01-035 Perform Actions Required to Override RCIC Injection S-217000-01-060 Perform HPCI System Override Injection S-206000-01-062 Direct the Actions for Unanticipated Reactivity Change S-201002-01-009 Direct Actions for Core Flux Oscillations S-215005-01-017 LOC28-NRC-01 Rev 1 Examination Material 04/14/2016. 9

LOC28-NRC-01 Task Title ID Direct Actions for Loss of RBCCW Flow S-208000-01-007 Direct the Actions for RPS and ARI Trip Bypass S-212000-01-038 Perform Required Actions for a Reactor Recirculation Pump Runback S-202002-01-022 Enter EOP RPV Control S-EOPRR-01-006 Enter Level/Power Control EO Procedure S-EOPRPV-01-004 Confirm Reactor Scram S-EOPRPV-01-002 Confirm Reactor Shutdown S-EOPRPV-01-003 Ensure All Isolations and Actuations Occur S-EOPRPV-01-005 Enter Primary Containment Control S-EOPPCC-01-002 Scram the Reactor S-EOPRR-01-005 Senior Reactor Operator Direct Entry into Loss of Reactor Recirculation Flow S-202001-02-004 Direct Required Actions for a Trip of Both Reactor Recirculation Pumps S-202001-02-009 Direct Entry into Unanticipated Reactivity Change S-201002-02-001 Direct Entry into Loss of Reactor Building Closed Cooling Water (RBCCW) S-208000-02-001 Direct and Coordinate Implementation of Level Power Control (ATWS) 000000-02-1154 Direct Performance of RPS and ARI Trip Bypass S-212000-02-002 Direct the Operation of a Single Reactor Feed Pump in Manual (ICS) S-259001-02-024 Direct a Reactor Feed Pump Turbine A(B)(C) Trip S-259001-02-035 Direct Speed Adjustment of Reactor Recirc Pump During Normal Operation S-202001-02-002 Direct Inhibiting the Automatic Depressurization System from Actuating S-218000-02-001 Direct Performance of the Required Actions to Maximize CRD Flow S-201001-02-007 Direct Start of an Individual Reactor Feed Pump Turbine Following a Trip S-259001-02-030 Direct Performance of Overriding RCIC Injection S-217000-02-010 LOC28-NRC-01 Rev 1 Examination Material 04/14/2016. 10

LOC28-NRC-01 Scenario Attributes A. Critical Tasks

1. Inject SLC Early boron injection has the following benefits:

Safety Significance

  • Stop or prevent large magnitude Limit Cycle Oscillations which can lead to core damage.
  • Limit fuel damage from uneven flux patterns that could result from partial rod inserts.

Failure to inject Boron can result in Consequences for Failure

  • Cycle Oscillations which can lead to core damage .

to Perform Task

  • Fuel damage from uneven flux patterns that could result from partial rod inserts.

Indications/Cues for Event A TWS with initial reactor power level greater than 5% APRM power. Requiring Critical Task Inject SLC by inserting key into keylock switch and turning to start Performance Criteria selected SLC pump, fire the Squib valves and close the Reactor Water Cleanup isolation valve. Successful SLC injection would be indicated by a lowering SLC tank level Performance Feedback and a corresponding power level decrease.

2. Lowers RPV level to <-60" and maintains until E0-000-113 directs otherwise Core damage due to unstable operation can be prevented or at least Safety Significance mitigated by promptly reducing Feedwater flow so that level is lowered below the Feedwater spargers.

A General Electric Company study (NED0-32047) indicates that the Consequences for Failure major threat to fuel integrity from ATWS is caused by large-amplitude to Perform Task power/flow instabilities. The power oscillations can become large enough to cause melting of fuel in high-power bundles. Indications/Cues for Event A TWS with initial reactor power level greater than 5% APRM power. Requiring Critical Task Lower reactor water level by manually controlling injection rate from Performance Criteria Feedwater, HPCI and/or RCIC. Reducing vessel injection will result in Wide Range level indications lowering to -60 to -110 inches and will result in power level lowering as Performance Feedback indicated on the Average Power Range Monitors. LOC28-NRC-01 Rev 1 Examination Material 04/14/2016

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3. Insert Control Rods IAW E0-000-113 Safety Significance Control rod insertion initiates power reduction immediately.

Consequences for Failure Failure to insert control rods allows power to remain elevated with to Perform Task resultant power oscillations and potential core damage. Indications/Cues for Event Exceeding a RPS scram setting with NO reactor scram signal, or Requiring Critical Task RPS/ARI fail to fully insert all control rods. Insert Control Rods by one or more of the following methods: Performance Criteria

  • Drive control rods after bypassing RWM
  • Reset and Scram again by performing ES-158-002 Bypass RPS logic trips Successful insertion of control rods will be indicated by:
  • Rod position full in indication for manual insertion of control rods Performance Feedback
  • Rod position showing control rod insertion after resetting scram, draining scram discharge volume and re-scram
  • Power level lowering as indicated on the Average Power Range Monitors B. Scenario Malfunctions Event Malfunction Operator Action in Response 1 Swap 'A' RFP main lube oil pumps N/A (OP-145-003) 2 N/A Withdraw control rods to raise reactor power 3 percent. (OP-AD-338, G0-100-012) 3 'B' RFPT vibration rises and 'B' RFPT trips on mfFW145 0078 high vibration, Recirc LIM2 runback (ON-164-002) 4 cmITR03_FTB31 APRM 2 and 3 'A' Recirc Loop drive flow fails 1N014C high during LIM2 runback (TS 5 RBCCW TCV fails, ESW placed in-service to restore RBCCW cooling (ON-114-001), ESW cmfAV04_TV11028 loop declared inoperable when aligned to RBCCW (TS 3.7.2) 6 Complete loss of RBCCW, High RRP cmfAV01_HV11024A2 temperatures, Manual Scram 7 Hydraulic-block ATWS mfRD155 017 (E0-100-113, OP-145-005, ES-158-002)

LOC28-NRC-01 Rev 1 Examination Material 04/14/2016. 12

LOC28-NRC-01 8 cmfPM03_ 1P208A SLC pump trips after start, standby SLC pump cmfPM03_ 1P208B successfully injects boron (OP-153-001) 9 Wide Range level instrument fails, RFP flow cmfTR01_L T14201A must be raised to maintain reactor level in A TWS band 10 In-service RFPT trips after first scram, RCIC mfFW148002 restored to maintain RPV level while standby RFPT placed in-service C. Abnormal Events and Major Transients Malfunction Description R Withdraw control rods to raise reactor power 3 percent. (OP-AD-338, G0-100-012) N Swap 'A' RFP main lube oil pumps (OP-145-003) AE1 RBCCW TCV fails, ESW placed in-service to restore RBCCW cooling (ON-114-001) AE2 RBCCW ruputure (ON-114-001) MT1 Hydraulic-block A TWS TS1 APRM 2 and 3 'A' Recirc Loop drive flow fails high during LIM2 run back (TS TS2 ESW loop declared inoperable when aligned to RBCCW (TS 3.7.2) SLC pump trips after start, standby SLC pump successfully injects boron (OP-153-MAE1 001) Wide Range level instrument fails, RFP flow must be raised to maintain reactor level MAE2 in ATWS band In-service RFPT trips after first scram, RCIC restored to maintain RPV level while MAE3 standby RFPT placed in-service D. EOP and EOP Contingencies Used EOPs EOP Contingencies IZI E0-000-102, RPV Control D E0-000-102, Alternate Level Control IZI E0-000-103, Primary Containment Control D E0-000-102, Steam Cooling D E0-000-104, Secondary Containment Control D E0-000-112, Emergency Depressurization D E0-000-105, Radioactivity Release Control IZI E0-000-113, Power/Level Control D E0-000-114, RPV Flooding LOC28-NRC-01 Rev 1 Examination Material 04/14/2016

  • 13

LOC28-NRC-01 E. Technical Specifications

1. TS, Instrumentation Reactor Protection System (RPS)
2. TS 3.7.2, Plant Systems Emergency Service Water System
3. TRM 3.1.3, Reactivity Control Systems Control Rod Block Instrumentation LOC28-NRC-01 Rev 1 Examination Material 04/14/2016. 14

LOC28-NRC-01 References

1. OP-AD-001 Operations Standards for System and Equipment Operation
2. OP-AD-004 Operations Standards for Error and Event Prevention
3. OP-AD-300 Administration of Operations
4. OP-AD-338 Reactivity Manipulations Standards and Communication Requirements
5. OP-111-001 Service Water System
6. OP-145-001 RFP and RFP Lube Oil System
7. OP-145-005 Infrequent Manual RFP System Operations
8. OP-145-006 Feedwater HMI Operations
9. OP-153-001 Standby Liquid Control System
10. OP-156-001 Reactor Manual Control System RMCS
11. OP-183-001 Automatic Depressurization System and Safety Relief Valves
12. OP-184-001 Main Steam System
13. G0-100-012 Power Maneuvers
14. ON-SCRAM-101 Reactor Scram
15. ON-RBCCW-101 Loss of RBCCW
16. ON-PWR-101 Reactor Power
17. ON-REC IRC-101 Reactor Recirculation Malfunction
18. E0-000-102 RPV Control
19. E0-000-103 Primary Containment Control
20. E0-000-104 Secondary Containment Control
21. E0-000-112 Emergency Rapid Depressurization
22. E0-000-113 Power/Level Control
23. AR-101-A01 RWCU Filter Inlet Hi Temp Isa
24. AR-101-A10 RFPT A Trip
25. AR-101-A16 RFPT B Trip
26. AR-102-F03 Recirc Pump A Seal Clg Water Lo Flow
27. AR-103-E06 APRM Flow Reference Off Normal
28. AR-104-H03 Rod Out Block
29. AR-106-C09 Gen Volt Reg Auto To Man Set Point Unbalanced
30. AR-110-A01 ADS Logic A Timer Initiated
31. AR-110-A02 ADS Logic B Timer Initiated LOC28-NRC-01 Rev 1 Examination Material 04/14/2016. 15


32. AR-100-A03 ADS Logic C Timer Initiated
33. AR-100-A04 ADS Logic D Timer Initiated
34. AR-123-E05 RBCCW Header Hi Temp
35. LA-1295-001 RWCU System Panel 1C295
36. EP-PS-100 Emergency Director Control Room Emergency Plan Position Specific Instruction
37. EP-RM-004 EAL Classification Bases
38. ES-158-002 RPS and ARI Trip Bypass 39.

LOC28-NRC-01 Rev 1 Examination Material 04/14/2016. 16

LOC28-NRC-01 Setup Instructions A. Required Materials

1. US Turnover Sheet
a. Unit 1
1) -95% power for control rod pattern adjustment, 500 days on-line
2) HPCI in day 2 of 4-day system outage window for steam side maintenance. LCO 3.5.1 condition D has been entered for the outage.
3) 'E' EOG substituted for 'A' EDG for 'A' system outage window
4) RFP lube oil conditioner was swapped from RFP 'A' reservoir to 'B' reservoir last shift
5) Perform control rod pattern adjustment per RMR
6) Test 'A' RFP main lube oil pump 'B' and swap to main lube oil pump 'B'
b. Common and Unit 2
1) Unit 2 at rated power.
2) Severe thunderstorm watch is in effect for Luzerne County for the next 12 hours
2. Supporting Documents
a. RMR (2 copies)
b. OP-145-003 (for the Normal Event)

B. Simulator Initialization

1. Reset to exam specific IC. If not available, setup IAW the following instructions
a. Reset to IC-20
b. Place the simulator in RUN
c. Reduce core power to 95% using RRPs. Match loop flows.
d. Isolate the HPCI steam supply by closing the F002 and F003 isolation valves.
e. Depressurize the HPCI steam supply line after F002 and F003 are closed by opening F054 valve. Close the F054 valve once the steam line is depressurized.
f. Run SCN file HPB_HPCIOOS.scn to tagout HPCI steam-side
g. Place the simulator in FREEZE
2. Run SCN file exam\LOC28-NRC-01.scn
3. Place the simulator in RUN LOC28-NRC-01 Rev 1 Examination Material 04/14/2016. 17


4. Perform simulator activities
a. Place a status control tag on the HPCI Steam Supply Valves
b. Place protected equipment magnets around RCIC
c. Place the 'E' for 'A' EOG signs up
d. Ensure proper CRMs are inservice
e. Post the blue reactivity signs
5. Verify the simulator matches the following
a. 3 RFs and 1MF is in the list due to performing the HPCI setup MF RF OR ET CONDITIONS 7:7 4:4 0:0 8 15
6. Ensure FW Control is selected to LEFM
7. Reset ODAs and all Overhead, PICSY, HMI and RWM alarms
8. Ensure horns and annunciators are on
9. Ensure Overhead Lights Override is off C. Simulator Preparation
1. Ensure the EOL CRC Book is at the PCO Console D. Document Training and Performance Feedback
1. Record crew position assignments in G:\NTGOPS\LOR\REQUAL\lnfo Tracking\ (LOR)
2. Record crew position assignments per TQ-104 (ILO)
3. Complete simulator exam checklist E. Scenario Execution
1. Identify performance improvement actions that may be addressed during the scenario
2. Provide turnover to the crew using the US Turnover sheet
3. Direct the crew to walk down the Control Room panels
4. Inform the Shift Manager that the crew has the shift F. Simulator Files LOC28-NRC-01 changemp fx10FWCTRL_B21.0UT ,,%,FW MASTER LVL CTRL OUTPUT de Imp SCN rat_mp insmp fxlBRFP _BllS.OUT changemp fxlBRFP _BllS.OUT ,,%,RFP B DEMAND insmp ycpxftv03 changemp ycpxftv03 0,10,mils,RFP B VIBR insmp fxlBB_SM_Bl.OUT changemp fxlBB_SM_Bl.OUT ,,RPM,RFPT B SPEED insmp fx10FWCTRL_B21.0UT insmp fxlBRFP _BllS.MA LOC28-NRC-01 Rev 1 Examination Material 04/14/2016
  • 18

LOC28-N RC-01 change mp fxlBRFP _BUS.MA ,,bool,RFPT B AUTO/MAN  ; RBCCW HX TCV fails {Key[3]} IMF cmfAV04_TV11028 r:lO f:O insmp rwttll305 change mp rwttll305 ,,,RBCCW HX OUTLET TEMP  ; Adjust RBCCW cooling {Key[4]} IMF cmfAV04_TV11028 d:lS r:30 f:5 insmp swvsptv11028 changemp swvsptv11028 ,,,RBCCW HX TCV POS  ; RBCCW discharge header rupture {Key[S]} IMF mfRW114001 f:20 insmp aoTRSHB311R601D.CurrValue changemp aoTRSHB311R601D.CurrValue 0,300,DEG F,RRP A LO  ; Byp CRD pump suet filter GUIDE BRG TEMP(PT4) {Key[6]} IRF rfRD155028 d:120 f:lOO insmp aoTRSHB311R6011.CurrValue  ; Close CRD chrg wtr isol F034 changemp aoTRSHB311R6011.CurrValue 0,300,DEG F,RRPA #1 {Key[7]} IRF rfRD155017 d:120 f:O SEAL CAV TEMP

                                                               ; ES-158-002 - ARI insmp cuteg331n019                                              {Key[8]} IRF rfDC102129 f:OPEN d:120 changemp cuteg331n019 ,,DEG F,RWCU NRHX INLET                   {Key[8]} IRF rfDC102103 f:OPEN d:120
0-G alarms suppressed SDR  ; ES-158-002 - Div 1 RPS IMF annAR106F15 f
ALARM_OFF {Key[9]} IRF rfRP158039 f:BYPASS d:120 IMF annAR131A04 f:ALARM_OFF {Key[9]} IRF rfRP158040 f:BYPASS d:120
E DG subst for A  ; ES-158-002 - Div 2 RPS IRF rfDG024001 f
A {Key[lO]} IRF rfRP158041 f:BYPASS d:120

{Key[lO]} IRF rfRP158042 f:BYPASS d:120

Recirc loop A xmitter offset initialization IMF cmfTR03_FTB311N014C f
O  ; Re-open CRD chrg wtr isol F034 IMF cmfTR03_FTB311N014D f:O {Key[ll]} IRF rfRD155017 d:120 f:lOO
Hyd-block ATWS  ; X-Tie CIG and I/A IMF mfRD155017 {Key[l2]} IRF rfPC125001 f
CRD PCV binding  ; HPCI OOSVC - isolate and depress steam-side first IMF cmfMV07 _PV146F003 f
Asls {Key[40]} SCN exam\HPB_HPCIOOS
Recirc loop A channel D flow xmitter malfunctions aet ETLOC28-NRC01-B HPB.HPCIOOS
                                                               ;# HV-F002 BRKR OPEN (IB)
activate NRHX iso alarm on high temp IRF rfDB106236 f

IRF rfDC188113 f:OPEN

align ESW to RBCCW HX  ;# HPCI AOP BRK OPEN aet ETLOC28-NRC01-D IRF rfDC188128 f
                                                               ;#LOSS OF PWR TO HV-FlOO SOLENOID
Activates ETLOC28-NRC01-J IMF cmfAVOl_HVlSSFlOO aet ETLOC28-NRC01-E
1st SLC pump trips ETLOC28-NRC01-B aet ETLOC28-NRC01-F fx1B_LIMITERS_B432.B001 = 1 aet ETLOC28-NRC01-G MMF cmfTR03_FTB311N014C r
30 i:O f:21789 MMF cmfTR03_FTB311N014D r:30 i:O f:19876
Trips breaker for PV-146-F003 when operated aet ETLOC28-NRC01-H ETLOC28-NRC01-C
WR level A fails as-is cuteg331n019 > 145 aet ETLOC28-NRC01-I IMF annARlOlAOl f
RFP B vibration

{Key[l]} IMF mfFW145007B r:180 f:lO LOC28-NRC-01 Rev 1 Examination Material 04/14/2016. 19


RBCCW HX A SW-ESW CHANGEOVER ;SWITCH:SBLC MANUAL INITIATION diHS11024A.CurrValue =#OR.diHS11024A.EMERG diHSS14804.CurrValue = #OR.diHSS14804.START_B IMF cmfAV04_HV11024Al f:O IMF cmfPM03_1P208B d:45 IMF cmfAV04_HV11024A2 f:O cet ETLOC28-NRC01-F IRF rfSW111032 f:O IMF cmfCV02_110050



diHS14603.CurrValue #OR.diHS14603.0PEN IMF cmfMVOl_PV146F003 ETLOC28-NRC01-E

MODE SWITCH diHSC72AlS01.CurrValue != #OR.diHSC72AlS01.RUN ETLOC28-NRC01-I aet ETLOC28-NRC01-J rrlwr < -50 IMF cmfTROl_LT14201A ETLOC28-NRC01-F
SBLC MANUAL INITIATION ETLOC28-N RCOl-J diHSS14804.CurrValue =#OR.diH5514804.START_A ;SWITCH:MODE SWITCH IMF cmfPM03_1P208A d:45 diHSC72AlS01.CurrValue != #OR.diHSC72AlS01.RUN & (

cet ETLOC28-NRC01-G rp_c721k14a = 1 I rp_c721k14b =1) & rp_c72lkla =0 IMF mfFW148002 d:120 LOC28-NRC-01 Rev 1 Examination Material 04/14/2016

  • 20

LOC28-NRC-01 Event 1 - RFP 'A' Main Lube Oil Pump Swap Instructor Activities Operator Activities Notes Booth Operator No additional actions required PCO Role Play D Identifies the following alarm windows: As NPO dispatched to 'A' RFP main lube oil pumps for AR-120-803 and AR-101-H10 pre-start checks, report D Dispatch NPO to perform pre-start Standing by for test and checks of RFPT 'A' main lube oil pump swap of 'A' RFP main lube oil pumps. D Depress and hold TEST pushbutton for RFPT A ALT MN L-0 PPS HS-11912A D Observes standby lube oil pump starts by appropriate Red light ILLUMINATED D Release TEST pushbutton HS-11912A D Depress RUN pushbutton for RFPT A MN L-0 PP 1P124B D Places 1P124A in Standby D Performs above steps again to test the auto start function of the 'A' lube oil pump us D Directs PCO to test the 'A' RFP main lube oil pumps and perform a pump swap IAW OP-145-003 Instructor Note If the student asks, all prerequistes are completed so that the evolution may proceed. LOC28-NRC-01 Rev 1 Examination Material 04/14/2016. 21

LOC28-N RC-01 Event 2 - Control Rod Pattern Adjustment Instructor Activities Operator Activities Notes Booth Operator When control rod withdrawal is complete, Enter the Control Room as Reactor Engineering and update the CRC book with the. updated shutdown sequence sheets and current control rod pattern. When the CRC book has been updated, Perform the third role play as the booth or on the floor Initiate Event 3 as soon as the reactivity maneuver is completed. PCOM Role Play D Withdraws Control Rods 22-23, 38-39, As RE contacted for assistance, reply 38-23, and 22-39 from position 00 to Core Thermal limits are position 04 IAW OP-156-001 and within our predictions. You OP-AD-338 may proceed with the pattern adjustment. D Uses two finger operation to select the proper Control Rod by depressing the Role Play Control Rod Selection pushbuttons As SM contacted for approval to commence the reactivity D Verifies the correct Control Rod is manipulation, reply selected and in the proper position The Reactivity D Withdraws Control rods by depressing manipulation may proceed IAWtheRMR the "W/Draw Rod" pushbutton D When all 4 rods have been moved, Role Play verifies that the rods are in the proper As RE contact the Control position Room as stated in the booth operator section D Depress 'Rod Selct Clear' pushbutton Thermal Limits are sat per D Plots the power change on the step #4 of the RMR. We will bring the RMR for returning Power/Flow map to rated power with Recirc D Monitors diverse indications of reactor flow momentarily. The power IAW OP-AD-001 Att G updated CRC pages have been replaced. The PCOP maneuvering envelope is D Verifies control rods to be withdrawn still 90% to 100% power. as directed by RMR IAW OP-AD-338 Role Play D IAW OP-AD-300, nulls Manual and As GCC, acknowledge all Automatic regulars using Man Volt Reg power change updates Adjust HC-10002 potentiometer, as required D Maintains Load Set -100 MWe above actual generator loads IAW G0-100-012 by depressing Load Selector

                                     'Decrease' and 'Increase' pushbuttons, as required LOC28-NRC-01 Rev 1                               Examination Material                            04/14/2016. 22

LOC28-NRC-01 Event 2 - Control Rod Pattern. Adjustment Instructor Activities Operator Activities Notes us D Obtains permission from the Shift Manager prior to commencing reactivity manipulations D May, inform GCC of load change on Unit 1 D Conducts a Crew Update prior to commencing rod withdrawal D Directs Control Rod Withdrawal IAW OP-156-001, RMR, and G0-100-012 D Monitors control rod movement with independent copy of RMR Instructor Note The rod pattern adjustment should be completed before moving to Event 3. This will ensure that the rod-line is raised high enough to challenge the MELLA boundary during the runback for the RFP Trip. Instructor Cue Initiate Event 3 as soon as power has been raised 5% or on the Lead Examiner's direction. If ill>>) the next event is started before the RE explaination for the maneuvering envelope, the crew may decide to only use RRPs. LOC28-NRC-01 Rev 1 Examination Material 04/14/2016. 23

LOC28-N RC-01 Event 3 & 4 - 'B' RFP vibration/ 'B' RFP trip Instructor Activities Operator Activities Notes Booth Operator When power has been raised 5% or at the Lead Examiner's direction, Insert Key 1 to initiate high vibrations on

'B' RFP.

{Key[1]} IMF mfFW145007B r:180 f:10 'B' RFP vibration Monitor 'B' RFP vibration in Monitored Parameters. Ensure Event Trigger ETLOC28-NRC01.-B fires when a Recirc LIM2 is actuated by the 'B' RFP trip, to fail the APRM 2 drive flow input from Recirc Loop 'A'. PCOM Role Play D Performs AR-101-A16 for 'B' RFP vibs As FUS/NPO dispatched to

'B' RFP, wait 2 minutes and     D Reports Reactor Power, pressure, and report                             water level The 'B' RFP sounds out-of-      D If directed, lowers 'B' RFP speed IAW balance and it feels like there are higher vibrations        OP-145-006 by taking manual control around the pump.                   and lowering speed D If directed, lowers Core power IAW Role Play OP-164-002 by manually lowering As FUS/NPO contacted for
'B' RFP status post-trip,          RRPs speed report                          D Observes AR-101-A12 and reports 'B'
'B' RFP is coasting down on the turning gear. I don't       RFP Tripped see anything abnormal.          D Plots position on Power/Flow map D Performs ON-PWR-101 to monitor Role Play OPRMs for instabilities As NPO dispatched to the Lower Relay Room to report      D If directed, inserts control rods IAW the status of APRMS, wait 2        OP-156-001 and OP-AD-338 minutes and report No APRMs indicate any           D Performs AR-104-H03 and AR-103-alarms.                            E06 for 'A' & 'B' RBM and APRM 2 D Directs NPO to investigate APRMs LOC28-NRC-01 Rev 1                             Examination Material                                 04/14/2016. 24

LOC28-N RC-01 Event 3 & 4 .- '8' RFP vibration/ '8' RFP trip Instructor Activities Operator Activities Notes PCOP Role Play D IAW AR-101-A16, Checks alarm As WWM contacted for assistance with 'B' RFP condition and trend on RFPT Vibration vibrations, wait 5 minutes and XRSH-12728 and observes rise in 'B' report RFP vibration Engineering is looking at the vibration data but D May direct NPO to report conditions at doesn't have a specific the 'B' RFP recommendation at this time. D Performs ON-RECIRC-101 and verifies a LIM2 runback occurred Role Play D Monitors Main Steam Line Radiation As WWM contacted. for Monitor, RR-D12-1 R603, and Offgas assistance with APRM flow reference abnormal alarm, Pretreatment Log Radiation Monitor, wait 5 minutes and report RR-D12-1R601 l&C reports that Recirc us Loop 'A' recirc flow transmitters 831-1 N014C D If time allows, directs lowering 'B' RFP and 1N014D are indicating speed IAW AR-101-A16 by either

-20,000 gpm higher than the other two 'A' Recirc           manual control of the 'B' RFP or Loop drive flow                    manual control of the RRPs transmitters.                    D Contacts WWM for assistance with the
                                   'B' RFP D Directs Transient Actions IAW OP-AD-300 when 'B' RFP trips D Directs entry into ON-RECIRC-101 and ON-LVL-101 D May direct control rod insertion to gain margin to MELLA rod-line IAW the Shutdown Control Rod Sequence package and ON-PWR-101 D Notifies Chemistry, RP, and RE of
                                   >15% power change in 1 hour IAW G0-100-012 D Contacts WWM for assistance with the APRM flow compare alarm LOC28-NRC-01 Rev 1                              Examination Material                 04/14/2016
  • 25

LOC28-NRC-01 Event 3 & 4 - 'B' RFP vibration/ 'B' RFP trip Instructor Activities Operator Activities Notes us D Enters Tech Specs Condition

                                'A' for B31N014C and B31N014D Recirc Flow Transmitter inoperable in functions 2.b and 2.f AND TRM 3.1.3 Conditions 'A' and 'B' for Function 1.b Instructor Note The scenario may proceed to Event 5 after 1O minutes have elapsed or once the crew has evaluated the power/flow map and made a determination as to whether control rod insertion is required.

LOC28-NRC-01 Rev 1 Examination Material 04/14/2016. 26

LOC28-NRC-01 Event 5 - RBCCW TCV failure Instructor Activities Operator Activities Notes Booth Operator IAW Event 3 note, Insert KEY 3 to initiate a failure of the RBCCW HX TCV {Key[3]} IMF cmfAV04_TV11028 r:10 f:O RBCCW HX TCV fails Ensure Event Trigger ETLOC28-NRC01-C fires when RWCU NRHX inlet temperature reaches 145F to activate RWCU F/D inlet high temperature isolation alarm. Monitor RRP bearing temperature on Monitored Parameters. After RWCU isolates, if required to prevent RRP bearing temperatures exceeding 195F, Insert KEY 4. Adjust the severity of malfunction cmfAV04_TV11028 in 1% increments as necessary to slowly raise bearing temperatures toward the 195F limit without going over. {Key[4]} IMF cmfAV04_TV11028 d:15 r:30 f:S Ensure Event Trigger ETLOC28-NRC01-D fires when ESW is aligned to the RBCCW HX to complete the in-field valve alignments. PCOM Role Play D Reports Reactor power, pressure, and As NPO dispatched to RBCCW, wait 2 minutes water level The RBCCW HX TCV is PCOP almost full closed. D Performs AR-123-EOS and checks Role Play RBCCW HX DSCH temp and As NPO directed to open the controller RBCCW HX TCV bypass, D Dispatches NPO to RBCCW 110062, wait 1 minutes The RBCCW bypass valve, pump/heat exchanger area 110062, would not move. I D Performs ON-RBCCW-101 to verify do not hear flow noise RRP temperatures, TCV-11028 through the valve. operability, Bypass Valve 110062 Role Play operability, and swap RBCCW HX to As NPO directed to support ESW supply IAW OP-111-001 aligning 'A' ESW to 'A' D Aligns ESW to RBCCW HX 'A' IAW RBCCW HX, when asked to report local valve position OP-111-001 by starting ESW in one IAW OP-114-001 Step loop and depressing the RBCCW HX A 5.13.9b, report HV-11024A 1 and HV- SW/ESW SUP HA 11024 pushbutton 11024A2 are open, HV-11024A3 is closed. Role Play As NPO directed to RWCU filters, wait 2 minutes The RWCU filters are in hold LOC28-NRC-01 Rev 1 Examination Material 04/14/2016. 27

LOC28-NRC-01 Event 5 - RBCCW TCV failure Instructor Activities Operator Activities Notes us Role Play D Directs entry into ON-RBCCW-101 As NPO directed to close 11046 IAW step 5.13.9c, wait. D Contacts WWM for assistance with the 1 minute RBCCWTCV 110046 is closed D Directs aligning ESW to the RBCCW Role Play HX IAW OP-111-001, Service Water As WWM contacted for System assistance with RBCCW HX D Declares ESW loop to be aligned TCV, Wait 5 minutes l&C believes the positioner inoperable IAW OP-111-001 and is getting a close signal Enters TS 3.7.2 Condition C for 1 ESW from the controller. subsystem inoperable for reasons Additional investigation is required. other than Condition B Instructor Note

  • The RBCCW high temperature alarm is received -3 minutes after the TCV malfunction is inserted.
  • A total loss of RBCCW occurs in the next event.
  • Once ESW has been aligned to RBCCW HX 'A', proceed to Event 5 LOC28-NRC-01 Rev 1 Examination Material 04/14/2016
  • 28

LOC28-NRC-01 Event 6 - Complete loss of RBCCW/ SCRAM Instructor Activities Operator Activities Notes Booth Operator IAW Event 4 Note, Depress KEY 5 to insert a 20% rupture on the common discharge header of RBCCW {Key(5]} IMF mfRW114001 f:20 RBCCW discharge header rupture Perform first role play after inserting Key 5 Ensure Event Trigger ETLOC28-NRC01-E fires when the mode switch is placed in SHUTDOWN to activate Event Trigger ETLOC28-NRC01-J PCOM Role Play D If directed, trips 'A' RRP by depressing As NPO at RBCCW HX, when Key 5 is inserted, MG SET A ORV MTR BKR HS-contact the control room 14001 A STOP PB There is a rupture on the D Inserts a manual scram by placing the common discharge header of RBCCW. It is too large Mode Switch to Shutdown to quantify. D Identifies more than 1 control rod > position 00 Role Play As WWM contacted for D Reports A TWS assistance with RBCCW D Arms and Depresses the manual rupture, acknowledge Scram Pushbuttons request. D Performs Scram Report PCOP Role Play D Performs AR-201-F03 for 'A' RRP by As NPO requested to isolate monitoring motor bearing and seal the rupture, report The rupture cannot be cavity temperatures and trips RRP isolated. when seal cavity exceeds 195F D Initiates ARI by arming and depressing ARI pushbuttons and collars during the ATWS us D Before RRP 'A' temperatures exceed 195F, either Trips the 'A' RRP and scrams the reactor on OPRMs or Manually scrams the reactor and trips the 'A' RRP D IAW ON-RBCCW-101, performs a manual scram of the Unit. D Enters E0-000-102 and transitions to E0-000-113 LOC28-NRC-01 Rev 1 Examination Material 04/14/2016. 29

LOC28-NRC-01 Event 6 - Complete loss of RBCCW/ SCRAM Instructor Activities Operator Activities Notes Instructor Note If the reactor is not scrammed before the recirc pump is tripped, Region 1 of the power/flow map will be entered and the reactor will automatically scram on OPRMs. LOC28-NRC-01 Rev 1 Examination Material 04/14/2016. 30

LOC28-NRC-01 Event 7, 8 & 9- Hydraulic-block ATWS Instructor Activities Operator Activities Notes Booth Operator Ensure Event Trigger ETLOC28-NRC01-F(G) fires when the first SLC pump is started, to trip the running pump due to a motor fault after a time delay. Ensure Event Trigger ETLOC28-NRC01-H fires when the CRD PCV, PV-146-F003 is opened to trip the breaker. When directed, Insert KEY 6 to bypass CRD pump suction filter. Monitor sim RF count and report when complete. {Key[6]} IRF rfRD155028 d:120 f:100 Byp CRD pump suet filter When directed, Insert KEY 7 to close CRD charging water isolation valve 146-F034. Monitor sim RF count and report when complete {Key[7]} IRF rfRD 155017 d:120 f:O Close CRD chrg wtr isol F034 Ensure Event Trigger ETLOC28-NRC01-I fires when RPV level falls below -50" to fail Wide range level transmitter 14201A I* I Critical Task Inject SLC I Critical Task Role Play Lowers RPV level to <-60" and maintains until E0-000-113 directs otherwise As NPO dispatched to CRD PCOM D If requested, reports reactor power > 5% PCV breaker 18227-024, wait 2 minutes D Performs actions IAW ON-SCRAM-18227 breaker 24 is tripped 101, Inserts IRMs and SRMS on magnetics D Trips both RRPs Role Play D Verifies HPCI is overridden If directed to open CRD PCV D Takes manual control of RFPs and bypass valve 146-F004, wait valves, as required, to stop and 2 minutes CRD PCV bypass valve prevent injection until water level 146-F004 is stuck closed lowers to -60" and then starts injecting Role Play to control level in band As WWM contacted for D Ensures only 2 Condensate pumps are assistance, acknowledge and running take no action LOC28-NRC-01 Rev 1 Examination Material 04/14/2016. 31

LOC28-NRC-01 E~ent 7, 8 & 9- Hydraulic~block ATWS Instructor Activities Operator Activities Notes PCOM D Injects SBLC IAW OP-153-001 by placing HS-14804 to 'A' or 'B' and then to the other pump when the first fails D Identifies Wide Range Level 'A' instrument channel failure. Maintains with 'B' Level indicator D Uses FW to maintain RPV water level within ATWS level band, initially -60" to

                           -110" PCOP D Ensures HV-144-F004 RWCU Inlet OB lso Closes D Inhibits ADS IAW OP-183-001 D If directed, Overrides RCIC by manually lowering flow until -2200 RPM D Bypasses MSIV and CIG interlocks IAW OP-184-001 by taking the 5 switches to BYPASS on 1C645 and 1C644 D Maximizes CRD by starting the standby pump, fully open CRD flow controller in MANUAL, fully open Drive water pressure valve us D Enters E0-000-113 D Directs PCOP to inhibit ADS D Directs PCOM to perform the A TWS HC D Gives PCOM a RPV water level band of -60" to -11 O" LOC28-NRC-01 Rev 1                     Examination Material                 04/14/2016
  • 32

LOC28-NRC-01 Event 7, 8 & 9- Hydraulic-block ATWS Instructor Activities Operator Activities Notes us D Directs PCOP to bypass MSIV and CIG interlocks D Directs PCOP to maximize CRD to drift control rods D Directs PCOM to maintain reactor pressure 800-1050 psig using the main turbine D Contacts WWM for assistance with SBLC Instructor Note ES-158-002 actions are in Event 7A LOC28-NRC-01 Rev 1 Examination Material 04/14/2016. 33

LOC28-NRC-01 Event 7A - Control Rod Insertion Instructor Activities Operator Activities Notes Booth Op~rator When ES-158-002 is requested, Insert KEY 8. Monitor sim SCN count and when complete, perform the first role play and Key 9. {Key[8)} IRF rfDC102129 f:OPEN d:120 ES-158-002 ARI with 2 min TD {Key[8]} IRF rfDC102103 f:OPEN d:120 ES-158-002 ARI with 2 min TD When moving on to Div 1 RPS, Insert KEY 9. Monitor sim RF count and perform second role play when complete. {Key[9]} IRF rfRP158039J:BYPASS d:120 ES-158-002Div1 RPS {Key[9]} IRF rfRP158040 f:B'(PASS d:120 If requested to bypass DIV 2 RPS b.ecause the scram cannot be reset, Insert KEY 10. Monitor sim RF count and when complete perform fourth role-play. {Key(10]} IRF rfRP158041 f:BYPASS d:120 ES-158-002 Div 2 RPS {Key[10]} IRF rfRP158042 f:BYPASS d:120 IF requested, Insert KEY 11 to reopen CRD charging water isolation valve 146-F034. Monitor sim RF count and report when complete. {Key[11]} IRF rfRD155017 d:120 f:100 Re-open CRD chrg wtr isol F034 If directed to X-tie CIG and I/A, Wait 2 minutes, Insert KEY 12 to open 126172 and report when complete {Key[12]} IRF rfPC125001 f:OPEN X-Tie CIG and I/A Critical Task Role Play Insert Control Rods IAW E0-000-113 As FUS performing ES-158-PCOM D Performs hard card for driving control rods 002 and ARI is bypassed ARI has been disabled. D Dispatch NPO to close charging water Proceeding to RPS Div 1. isolation valve 146F034 to attempt to Role Play restore drive water pressure As FUS performing ES-158- D Opens 146F034 when rods will not 002 and Div 1 RPS is insert bypassed RPS Div 1 has been D Resets Scram when directed bypassed, the scram can D Resets rod drift alarm by depressing be reset at this time. Let ROD DRIFT RESET pushbutton me know if the scram cannot be reset. D Reports when SDV hi-hi level alarm AR-103( 4 )-F02 clears LOC28-NRC-01 Rev 1 Examination Material 04/14/2016. 34

LOC28-NRC-01 Event 7A - Control Rod Insertion Instructor Activities Operator Activities Notes PCOM Role Play D When directed, inserts a manual scram As WWM contacted for assistance, acknowledge D Observes control rod motion by AR-request 104-H05, OD?, and 4-rod display D Resets the scram when directed a Role Play second time As FUS performing ES-158- PCOP 002 and Div 2 RPS is D Directs NPO to re-open charging water bypassed RPS Div 2 has been isolation valve 146F034 when scram is bypassed, the scram may reset be reset at this time, ES- us 158-002 section 5.3 is complete D Directs PCO to manually drive control rods D Directs FUS to perform ES-158-002 to defeat ARI and bypass RPS trips D Directs PCO to ensure charging water isolation valve 146F034 is open when the scram is reset D Directs PCOM to insert a manual scram when the SDV is drained D Directs the PCOM to reset the scram after the first attempt fails to fully insert all the control rods Critical Parameter The US should give a Critical Parameter to the PCOM to monitor SDV hi-hi level alarm AR-103(4)-F02 and inform the US when the alarm clears. Instructor Note

  • This scenario will terminate prior to all the control rods being inserted. The scenario
**          should not be terminated until the scram has been reset twice .

The charging water isolation valve 146F034 must be open to be able to have an effective scram. If the student has closed it and does not reopen the valve, they may not be able to clear the alarms. LOC28-NRC-01 Rev 1 Examination Material 04/14/2016

  • 35

LOC28-NRC-01 Event 10 - RFP Trip Instructor Activities Operator Activities Notes Booth Operator Ensure Event Trigger ETLOC28-NRC01-J fires when the scram is reset. Trips the 'A' RFP after a time delay. PCOM Role Play D Observes and reports AR-101-A10 for As NPO dispatched to 'A' RFP, wait 2 minutes 'A' RFP trip

'A' RFP is coasting down. I     D Places the standby RFP in service by don't see any indication of       opening the HV-10603C valve, why it tripped.

Manually raising speed on the 'C' RFP Role Play until level is steady, and placing 'C' As WWM contacted for RFP and valves in automatic assistance, acknowledge PCOP request D If directed, uses RCIC to restore level until a RFP is restored by raising speed on the speed controller until the desired injection rate is established us D Directs PCO to place standby RFP in-service IAW OP-145-005 D Directs PCO to maintain RPV water level -60" to -110" using RCIC until Feedwater is restored D May direct using RCIC as the sole injection source if the plant can support D May direct RHR placed in Suppression Pool Cooling Instructor Activity - Termination

 -~     The scenario may be terminated when RPV water level is stable in the ATWS band, the 'A' RFP has tripped, and the Scram has been reset twice OR at the lead evaluator's discretion.

LOC28-NRC-01 Rev 1 Examination Material 04/14/2016

  • 36

UNIT SUPERVISOR TURNOVER SHEET UNIT 1 t"o-/dd/yy Date SHIFT 1900 to 0700 SHIFT 0700 to 1900 Start End Start End MODE MODE POWER LEVEL

                 - - - - -     %                   POWER LEVEL GENERATOR OUTPUT        1270         MWe                 GENERATOR OUTPUT                   MWe CASK STORAGE GATE INSTALLED: YES/NO                      CASK STORAGE GATE INSTALLED: YES/NO REMARKS:
1) -95% power for control rod pattern adjustment, 500 days on-line
2) HPCI in day 2 of 4-day system outage window for steam-side maintenance
3) LCO 3.5.1 entered for HPCI outage
4) Diesel Generator E substituted for Diesel Generator A for a SOW
5) RFP lube oil conditioner was swapped from RFP A reservoir to B reservoir last shift
6) Test 'A' RFP main lube oil pump 'B' and swap to main lube oil pump 'B' for PMT.

Emergency pump is not required to be tested.

7) Perform control rod pattern adjustment per Reactivity Manipulation Package. Contact RxEng when complete for evaluation.

8) 9) 10 11) 12 13 14) 15) COMMON:

1) Unit 2 at rated power
2) Severe thunderstorm watch is in effect for Luzerne County for the next 12 hours 3) 4)

5 6) 7) 8 9) FORM OP-AD-003-7, DUPLEX Page 1 of 2 (Electronic Form) Examination Material NRC SCN 1


1. Evolutions in progress and items to be completed during next shift, as noted in remarks, have been discussed with oncoming Unit Supervisor (including special evolutions, i.e. SICT/E, OPDRVs, etc.).
2. Problems encountered during past shift and abnormal plant conditions, as noted in remarks, have been discussed with oncoming Unit Supervisor.
3. Information in SOMS Log is complete and discussed with oncoming Unit Supervisor.
4. As applicable, turnover plastic Security Badge cover and CRS Monitor function to oncoming Unit Supervisor.

Offgoing Unit Supervisor ONCOMING UNIT SUPERVISOR CHECKLIST: 0700 1900

1. LCOfTRO Log reviewed.

) 2. SOMS Log reviewed for entries made in past 24 hours.

3. Report any changes to license or medical status PER NDAP-QA-0723.

1900 - 0700 Oncoming Qualified Unit Supervisor POST RELIEF 0700 1900

1. Walk down Control Room panels with Unit Responsible PCO.
2. CRC Book reviewed and Reactivity Brief performed with PCO.
3. Completed System Status Operable audit for open PMT this shift.
4. From the OPS Web page, Review OPS Aggregate Index for Challenges, Work Arounds, and Deficiencies Reports for impact on scheduled work activities and compensatory actions. (2o)

Oncoming Unit Supervisor FORM OP-AD-003-7, DUPLEX Page 2 of 2 (Electronic Form) Examination Material NRC SCN 1


LOC28-NRC03 Lesson Information Title Reactor Shutdown/ FW Heater Tube Leak/ ESS Bus Lockout/ A TWS/ Fuel Failure/ RCIC Steam Leak/ Emergency Depressurization Vision ID Accredited *YES D NO Training ID Revision j 1 Date j 4/21/2016 Prerequisites Teaching Time 75 minutes Approval CBT Approval 1 N/A Date N/A Preparer Date Review (lnstructor/SME) Date Nuclear Engineering 1 N/A Date N/A Training Supervision Date Line Management Date 1 If required, otherwise N/A This simulator scenario has been reviewed and satisfies management expectations for inclusion of OE, Department Fundamentals and HuP, error-reduction techniques and safety standards. Specific applications and/or opportunities for reinforcement of management expectations are noted in the scenario guide or Attachment(s) where applicable. Copyrighted by Nuclear Training Group, SUSQUEHANNA NUCLEAR, LLC, 2016. All rights reserved, no part of this training material may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the Nuclear Training Group. LOC28-NRC03 Rev 1 Examination Material 4/21/2016. 2

LOC28-NRC03 Revision History Revision Date Comments 0 06/23/2014 New Scenario Placed in new template. Changed the setup conditions. Changed Event 8 to be a HPCI issue. Changed Event 9 to be triggered off of max safe 1 04/21/2016 Temperature. Removed an unanticipated start of an EOG. Changed the leak sizes to allow for operator actions. Adjusted the sim files to remove the CRD rad release. Swapped event 1 and 2. LOC28-NRC03 Rev 1 Examination Material 4/21/2016. 3

LOC28-NRC03 Table of Contents Scenario Overview................................................................................................................................5 Objectives .............................................................................................................................................6 A. Terminal Objective ................................................................................................................6

8. Generic Performance Objectives ...........................................................................................6 C. Simulator Performance Objectives ........................................................................................ 7 D. Task List. ...............................................................................................................................9 Scenario Attributes .............................................................................................................................11 A. Critical Tasks ....................................................................................................................... 11 B. Scenario Malfunctions ......................................................................................................... 12 C. Abnormal Events and Major Transients ............................................................................... 12 D. EOP and EOP Contingencies Used .................................................................................... 13 E. Technical Specifications ...................................................................................................... 13 References ..........................................................................................................................................14 Setup Instructions ..............................................................................................................................15 A. Required Materials .............................................................................................................. 15
8. Simulator Initialization ......................................................................................................... 15 C. Simulator Preparation .......................................................................................................... 16 D. Document Training and Performance Feedback ................................................................. 16 E. Scenario Execution ............................................................................................................. 16 F. Simulator Files .................................................................................................................... 16 Event 1 - Test BPV #3 ........................................................................................................................19 Event 2- Insert Control Rods ............................................................................................................20 Event 3- FW 2C tube leak .................................................................................................................22 Event 4- ESS bus 1C lockout ...........................................................................................................24 Event 5- Electrical ATWS ..................................................................................................................25 Event 6 - RCIC injection fails ............................................................................................................25 Event 7 - Fuel failure with high MSL rads ........................................................................................27 Event 8 - HPCI steam leak .................................................................................................................28 Event 9- ED on 2 max safe temp ......................................................................................................30 LOC28-NRC03 Rev 1 Examination Material 4/21/2016. 4

LOC28-NRC03 Scenario Overview The scenario begins with Unit 1 shutting down for an unplanned maintenance outage to identify and repair a small RCS leak in the Drywell, 300 days into the operating cycle. Unidentified OW leakage is steady at approximately 0.5 gpm. Reactor power is 33 percent with RFP A in-service in Flow Control Mode. HPCI is in day 2 of a 4-day unplanned maintenance window. The RFP lube oil conditioner is being placed on the RFP B reservoir after being removed from the RFP A reservoir last shift in preparation for a RFP A main lube oil pump test. Control rods 42-15 and 46-19 were declared slow during the last scram time test. The first task for the crew is to cycle Main Turbine Bypass valve #3 per S0-182-001 to demonstrate functionality of the valve prior to scram. The crew will then insert control rods to lower power to approximately 30 percent. When the reactivity maneuver has been completed, a tube leak will develop on the 2C Feedwater heater. The leak will initially be within the capability of the dump valve, but will continue to degrade until a heater isolation on high-high level occurs. The crew will respond to the isolation by isolating the extraction steam supplies to the 3C, 4C and SC heaters and other inputs in accordance with off-normal procedures, and verify the high FW heater levels clear within 15 minutes or trip the main turbine. Once the crew has completed off-normal procedures for the Feedwater heater isolation, Diesel Generator C will spuriously start. ESW Pump C will fail to automatically start and must be manually started to provide cooling to the DG. When the breaker for ESW Pump C closes, a fault in the breaker will result in an ESS Bus 1C lockout. The crew will align Instrument Air to Containment Instrument Gas to maintain AOVs in the Drywell functional. The leak in the Drywell will degrade coincident with the bus lockout, resulting in a more rapid rise in Drywell temperature and pressure. The crew should complete activities associated with the loss of ESS Bus 1C and insert a manual scram before an automatic scram on high Drywell pressure is received. When the reactor is scrammed RPS will fail to de-energize, resulting in an electrical ATWS. When ARI is initiated, control rods will slowly drift in when ARI is initiated, resulting in significant fuel cladding failure. The Scram Discharge Volume drains will be failed open, allowing the spread of highly radioactive coolant into the CRD HCU area. This will result in radiation levels rapidly exceeding the E0-104 maximum safe values. The magnitude of the fuel failure will also result in MSL high radiation signals that will require the MSIVs to be closed. RPV level and pressure control will be with RCIC and SRVs. The RCIC injection valve will fail to automatically open and must be manually opened. Reactor pressure may be lowered to 500-600 psig to allow Condensate to be used for reactor level control. Once RCIC has been initiated and the CRD HCU area radiation levels have exceeded the max safe value a steam leak will develop in the RCIC room. The isolation logic will fail and both isolation valves will fail to close automatically or manually. RCIC room radiation levels will quickly rise to maximum safe levels. With radiation levels in two areas above max safe, and an unisolable primary system leak outside the primary containment, E0-104 requires Emergency Depressurization. As reactor pressure lowers, the RCIC outboard isolation valve will stroke fully closed. This scenario may be terminated when RPV water level has been stabilized and actions are being taken to place RHR in Suppression Pool cooling OR at the direction of the Chief Examiner. LOC28-NRC03 Rev 1 Examination Material 4/21/2016. 5

LOC28-NRC03 Objectives Mastery of the training content shall be demonstrated by individual and/or crew performance evaluation as specified in this training material and the applicable training program description, in accordance with training procedures. A. Terminal Objective Perform all system operations required to maintain the plant operating safely, or place the plant in a safe condition if a plant shutdown is required During the specified mode of plant I system operation Without error and in accordance with site procedures and management expectations B. Generic Performance Objectives

1. For all activities, exhibit use of the Human Performance Tools, demonstrating the ability to:

Use HU tools to effectively control the plant during normal, abnormal, and emergency conditions Use of HU tools will be observable per the standards in HU-AD-003 (SRO) Take every opportunity to coach the team when HU standards are not being met and provide feedback to the team when the HU standards are being met

2. For all activities, exhibit proper use of procedures by:

Applying the correct procedure to operate equipment and respond to abnormalities Ensuring procedures are detailed enough to allow precise control of plant evolutions. Demonstrating the ability to: Apply the correct procedure to the situation Use place keeping for accurate implementation Identify any and all areas for procedure improvement Take ownership of and complete the improvement, whenever an area for procedure improvement is identified

3. Base actions and decisions with a bias toward conservative, safe operation of the plant, demonstrating the ability to:

Assure all plant evolutions and work are assessed for Radiological Safety, Industrial Safety, Nuclear Safety, Environmental Safety, or Corporate Safety Once a risk is determined, take appropriate actions to mitigate or minimize risk Request assistance for any activity which requires additional planning, special precautions, and management oversight to adequately manage the risks (SRO) Champion activities that are biased conservatively LOC28-NRC03 Rev 1 Examination Material 4/21/2016. 6


4. Demonstrate complete understanding of plant design and system interrelationships, demonstrating the ability to:

Work effectively as a team to interpret plant indications and determine an effective response Understand the bases for, and the plant response to, actions being taken

5. Maintain continuous awareness of critical parameters, demonstrating the ability to:

Validate parameters by observing multiple independent indications Relay parameter values with value, units, and trend; and include action being taken for an abnormal value or trend Notify supervision of any change to critical parameters (SRO) Assure critical parameters for operational conditions are understood by the team

6. Operate plant systems and equipment within design and operational limits, maintaining relevant parameters within assigned operating bands, demonstrating the ability to:

Anticipate the impact of component operation prior to its operation, and then verify that the expected effects occur during and following the operation Take manual actions (in accordance with procedure direction) when automatic actions do not occur Take prompt action to adjust system operating controls before assigned operating bands are exceeded Make reactivity and mode changes as directed by detailed operating procedures and approved reactivity plans C. Simulator Performance Objectives

1. Plant Shutdown Activities During plant operation in a shutdown condition Perform the activities associated with plant pre-start or shutdown procedures to ensure safe operation of station equipment including the operation of the controls associated with plant equipment that could affect reactivity
2. Operational Actions and Annunciator Response Correctly identify plant annunciators and indications and perform appropriate remedial actions
3. System Operation, Controls and Instrumentation Accurately identify plant instrumentation and correctly interpret instrument readings to respond to normal, abnormal, and emergency conditions LOC28-NRC03 Rev 1 Examination Material 4/21/2016. 7


4. Facility Design and Operating Characteristics Demonstrate the following:
  • An understanding of facility operating characteristics
  • The ability to safely control the operating characteristics of the facility within prescribed operating boundaries
5. System Loss and Component Level Malfunctions Perform system control manipulations to obtain desired operating results and demonstrate the ability to correctly respond to malfunction/loss of components and the impact of the malfunction/loss on interfacing plant systems
6. Heat Removal Component Operation Safely operate the plant's heat removal components and demonstrate knowledge of the relationship between the heat removal systems and the operation of facility to prevent exceeding System, Structure, or Component (SSC) design limits which include:
  • Primary coolant systems
  • Emergency coolant systems
  • Decay heat removal systems
7. Auxiliary and Emergency Component Operations Safely operate the plant's auxiliary and emergency components I systems to include the controls associated with plant equipment that could affect reactivity or the release of radioactive materials to the environment to control release of radioactivity within regulatory limits
8. Radiation Monitoring Component Operations Demonstrate or describe the use and function of the facility's radiation monitoring systems to maintain radiation levels within regulatory limits
9. Radiation Hazards Demonstrate knowledge of significant radiation hazards and ability to respond to the hazards to prevent exceeding regulatory limits
10. Reactivity Management Demonstrate knowledge of how reactivity is affected by plant operation and ability to respond to the change in reactivity to protect the safety and integrity of the reactor core
11. Technical Specifications During plant operation with the plant or system in a condition requiring Technical Specification action Identify the deviation and any required actions I notifications LOC28-NRC03 Rev 1 Examination Material 4/21/2016. 8


12. Emergency Plan (if required)

During plant operation in an emergency condition Recognize conditions covered by the Emergency Plan (SRO) Demonstrate the ability to:

  • Identify and Implement the appropriate Emergency Action Level
  • Use the applicable bases to support an Event Classification on the specified Emergency Action Level
13. Control Room Duties Demonstrate the knowledge and ability to assume the appropriate responsibilities (for the assigned position) associated with the safe operation of the facility
14. Control Room Team Work Demonstrate the ability to function within the Control Room team to comply with station procedures and limits of facility license and respond to plant events using appropriate human performance tools to support safe operation of the facility D. Task List Task Title ID Licensed Operator Apply Technical Specification (TS) And Technical Requirements Manual (TRM) Requirements S-C00-00-1185 Implement Reactivity Manipulations Standards and Communication Requirements S-C00-00-2784 Implement Appropriate Portions Of Operations Standards For System and Equipment Operation S-C00-00-1081 Implement Operations Standards For Error And Event Prevention S-ADM-00-1091 Implement Standards for Shift Operations S-C00-00-2780 Implement Appropriate Portions of Conduct of Operations S-C00-00-1015 Implement Appropriate Portions of Secondary Containment Integrity Control S-C00-00-1020 Implement EOP Cautions S-C00-00-2566 Implement Operations Directives S-C00-00-3130 Ensure Plant Operates IAW the Operating License, Technical Specifications (TS), and Technical S-C00-00-1183 Requirements Manual (TRM)

Implement HUMAN PERFORMANCE (HuP) - Standards for Error and Event Prevention S-EPP-00-3068 Reactor Operator Insert a Control Rod One Notch S-201002-01-003 Perform the Monthly Turbine Bypass Valve Cycling S-241001-01-021 Manually Place Feedwater in Startup Level Control Following Reactor Scram S-259003-01-018 Confirm Automatic Initiation of RCIC S-217000-01-001 Perform the Actions of Fire Alarm Response S-286005-01-008 LOC28-NRC03 Rev 1 Examination Material 4/21/2016. 9

LOC28-NRC03 Task Title ID Perform a Manual Operation of the Safety/Relief Valves S-218000-01-003 Initiate Suppression Chamber Sprays S-203000-01-088 Initiate Drywell Sprays S-203000-01-089 Operate the RHR System in the Suppression Pool Cooling Mode S-203000-01-093 Direct the Actions for Loss of Feedwater Heater String S-260000-01-007 Direct Actions of Loss of Emergency Service Water (ESW) S-276001-01-012 Direct the actions for a loss of a 4 KV ESS Bus S-262004-01-007 Direct the Actions for a Sustained Loss of 4KV ESS Bus 1C (2C) S-262001-01-025 Direct the Actions for a Loss of Containment Instrument Gas S-223002-01-005 Direct Actions for Excess Drywell Leakage S-00-005-01-001 Enter EOP RPV Control S-EOPRR-01-006 Direct the Actions for Increasing Offgas/MSL Rad Levels S-272000-01-037 Direct Actions for a +13 Inch Containment Isolation Actuation S-223002-01-006 Scram the Reactor S-EOPRR-01-005 Senior Reactor Operator Implement Appropriate Portions Of Plant Shutdown To Minimum Power 000000-02-1138 Direct Entry into Loss of Feedwater Heater String S-260000-02-002 Direct Entry into Loss of Emergency Service Water (ESW) S-276001-02-001 Direct Entry into Loss of 4KV ESS Bus 1(2)A(B)(C)(D) S-262001-02-010 Direct Entry into Loss of Containment Instrument Gas S-223002-02-001 Direct or Concur with entry into Excess Drywell Leakage S-00-005-02-001 Direct entry into ON-SCRAM-101 (201) Reactor Scram 000000-02-1147 Direct and Coordinate Implementation of RPV Control 000000-02-1125 Direct Entry into Increasing Offgas/MSL Rad Levels S-272000-02-006 Direct and Coordinate Implementation of Secondary Containment Control 000000-02-1127 Direct Entry into Containment Isolation S-223002-02-002 Direct and Coordinate Implementation of Emergency Depressurization 000000-02-1129 LOC28-NRC03 Rev 1 Examination Material 4/21/2016. 10

LOC28-NRC03 Scenario Attributes A. Critical Tasks

1. Manually initiate ARI Safety Significance Control rod insertion initiates power reduction immediately.

Consequences for Failure Failure to insert control rods allows power to remain elevated with to Perform the Task resultant power oscillations and potential core damage. Indications/ Cues for Event Exceeding a RPS scram setting with NO reactor scram signal, or Requiring Critical Task RPS/ARI fail to fully insert all control rods. Arm and depress Division 1 and 2 ARI initiation pushbuttons, HS-Performance Criteria 147103A(B)1. ARI Division 1 and 2 vent valves open, block valves close. Rod position Performance Feedback full-in indication when control rod insertion complete.

2. Emergency Depressurize the reactor when two Secondary Containment Areas exceed Max Safe Temperature levels High energy leak in the Secondary Containment Area impacts the integrity of Secondary Containment. Failure of the Secondary Safety Significance Containment directly relates to the 10CFR50.67 design criteria of dose to the General Public.

Consequences for Failure Failure to take actions to mitigate the energy released to the secondary to Perform the Task containment directly affects the radiation dose to the General Public. Indications/ Cues for Event Increasing area temperatures and alarms for RB Areas indicating levels Requiring Critical Task at Max Safe values. Perform an Emergency Depressurization per E0-000-112 when two or Performance Criteria more RB areas exceed max safe temperature per E0-000-104. Open 6 ADS SRVs. Initiating an emergency depressurization causes Reactor pressure to lower which lowers the driving force of any primary system breach. Verify Performance Feedback ADS valves are open using light red light indication, acoustic monitoring and lowering Reactor pressure and rising reactor water level. LOC28-NRC03 Rev 1 Examination Material 4/21/2016

  • 11

LOC28-NRC03 B. Scenario Malfunctions Event Malfunction Operator Action in Response 1 N/A Test Turbine Bypass Valve #3 (S0-182-001) 2 N/A Insert Control Rods (OP-156-001, OP-A0-338) 3 cmfHX02_ 1E102C FW heater 2C tube leak (AR-120-C10, 010), Isolate FW heater extraction steam (ON-147-002), TS MCPR limits not applicable (TS 3.2.2) 4 cmfEB01_ 1A203 ESS Bus 1C lockout, Orywell leak severity rises, reactor scram required (ON-104-203, TS 3.8.7) mfRR164010 5 mfRP158003 Electrical ATWS (E0-000-113) ARI inserts control rods 6 cmfMV06_HV149F013 RCIC injection valve fails to open on initiation (OP-150-001) 7 mfRR179003 Fuel failure with high MSL radiation, MSIV isolation required (AR-103-001, AR-104-001) 8 cmfMV01_HV155F002 HPCI steam isolation valves fail to automatically cmfMV07_HV155F003 f:90 close (AR-108-F04, F05), manual isolation successful after reactor pressure reduced 9 mfRC150004 Unisolable RCS leak into Secondary Containment, 2 areas above Max Safe Temp (E0-000-104) C. Abnormal Events and Major Transients Malfunction Description R Insert Control Rods (OP-156-001, OP-A0-338) N Test Turbine Bypass Valve #3 (S0-182-001) AE1 FW heater 2C tube leak (AR-120-C10, 010), AE2 ESS Bus 1C lockout AE3 Electrical ATWS (E0-000-113) Unisolable RCS leak into Secondary Containment, 2 areas above Max Safe Rad MT1 (E0-000-104) MAE1 Fuel failure with high MSL radiation, MSIV isolation required LOC28-NRC03 Rev 1 Examination Material 4/21/2016. 12

LOC28-NRC03 Malfunction Description MAE2 RCIC injection valve fails to open on initiation MAE3 HPCI steam isolation valves fail to automatically close TS1 TS MCPR limits not applicable (TS 3.2.2) TS2 ESS Bus 1C lockout (TS 3.8. 7) D. EOP and EOP Contingencies Used EOPs EOP Contingencies IZI E0-000-102, RPV Control D E0-000-102, Alternate Level Control D E0-000-103, Primary Containment Control D E0-000-102, Steam Cooling IZI E0-000-104, Secondary Containment Control IZI E0-000-112, Emergency Depressurization D E0-000-105, Radioactivity Release Control IZI E0-000-113, Power/Level Control D E0-000-114, RPV Flooding E. Technical Specifications

1. TS 3.8.1 AC Sources operating
2. TS 3.7.6 Plant Systems Main Turbine Bypass System
3. TS 3.2.2 Minimum Critical Power Ratio
4. TR 3.2.1 Core Operating Limits Report (COLR)

LOC28-NRC03 Rev 1 Examination Material 4/21/2016. 13

LOC28-NRC03 References

1. OP-AD-300 Administration of Operations
2. OP-AD-338 Reactivity Manipulation Standards and Communication Requirements
3. OP-054-001 Emergency Service Water
4. OP-156-001 Reactor Manual Control System
5. S0-182-001 Monthly Turbine Bypass Valve Testing
6. ON-SCRAM-101 Reactor Scram
7. AOP-104-101 Energizing Dead 4KV ESS Bus
8. ON-4KV-101 Loss of 4KV bus
9. ON-125-001 Loss of Containment Instrument Gas
10. ON-147-002 Anticipated Loss of FW HTR String
11. ON-179-001 Increasing Offgas MSL Rad Levels
12. E0-000-102 RPV Control
13. E0-000-103 Primary Containment Control
14. E0-000-104 Secondary Containment Control
15. E0-000-105 Radioactivity Release Control
16. E0-000-112 Emergency Rapid Depressurization
17. E0-000-113 Power/ Level Control
18. ES-158-001 De-energizing Scram Pilot Solenoids
19. EP-PS-100 Emergency Director Control Room Emergency Plan
20. EP-RM-004 EAL Classification Bases
21. AR-106-F03 Offgas Hi Hi Radiation
22. AR-108-E05 RCIC Leak Detection Hi Temp/ Hi Diff Temp
23. AR-110-A01 ADS Logic A Timer Initiated
24. AR-110-A02 ADS Logic C Timer Initiated
25. AR-110-A03 ADS Logic B Timer Initiated
26. AR-110-A04 ADS Logic D Timer Initiated
27. AR-120-D10 FW HTR C Dump Viv Open
28. TS 3.8.1 AC Sources operating
29. TS 3.7.6 Plant Systems Main Turbine Bypass System
30. TS 3.2.2 Minimum Critical Power Ratio
31. TR 3.2.1 Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) 32.

LOC28-NRC03 Rev 1 Examination Material 4/21/2016. 14

LOC28-NRC03 Set.up Instructions A. Required Materials

1. US Turnover Sheet
a. Unit 1
1) Reactor Power -33%
2) 1 RFP in FCM
3) Shutdown to identify and repair small RCS leak in Drywell. Unidentified leak is 0.5 gpm for last 36 hours. ON-100-005 actions are complete. 12 hour leakrate calculations are being performed.
4) Insert Control Rods IAW given RMR
5) Perform test of Bypass Valve #3 IAW S0-182-001 for valve functional test
b. Common and Unit 2
1) Unit 2 at rated power.
2. Supporting Documents
a. S0-182-001
b. G0-100-012
c. RMR (2 copies)
8. Simulator Initialization
1. Reset to exam specific IC, otherwise setup as follows
a. Reset to IC-20
b. Place the simulator in RUN
c. Insert a LIM2
d. Disable IND RFP FLOW< 16.4% LIM2 runback IAW OP-164-001
e. Select FWLC to VENTURI
f. Insert rfFW145032 to CLOSE for HWC to 'C' RFP
g. Place 'C' RFP in STANDBY IAW OP-145-001
h. Remove 2 condensate pumps from service (prefer 'C' and 'D') when suction pressure is >600 psig
i. Shutdown HWC IAW OP-145-002
j. Ensure proper number for filter/demins are in-service IAW OP-139-001
k. Insert control rods to <60% rod-line I. Lower reactor power to 37-38% using recirc LOC28-NRC03 Rev 1 Examination Material 4/21/2016. 15


m. Place 'B' RFP in STANDBY and Trip 'C' RFP
n. Reduce RRP speed to <30%
o. Verify Load Set is -1 OOMWe above generator load
p. Place the simulator in FREEZE
2. Run SCN file exam\LOC28-NRC-03
3. Place the simulator in RUN
4. Perform simulator activities
a. Place the blue reactivity in progress signs up.
5. Verify the simulator matches the following MF RF OR ET CONDITIONS 16:16 4:4 0:0 8 12
6. Ensure FW Control is selected to VENTURI
7. Reset ODAs and all Overhead, PICSY, HMI and RWM alarms
8. Ensure horns and annunciators are on
9. Ensure Overhead Lights Override is off C. Simulator Preparation
1. Ensure the EOL CRC Book is at the PCO Console D. Document Training and Performance Feedback
1. Record crew position assignments in G:\NTGOPS\LOR\REQUAL\lnfo Tracking\ (LOR)
2. Record crew position assignments per TQ-104 (ILO)
3. Complete an IER 11-3 Operator Fundamentals Simulator Observer Aid
4. Complete simulator setup checklists E. Scenario Execution
1. Identify performance improvement actions that may be addressed during the scenario
2. Provide turnover to the crew using the US Turnover sheet
3. Direct the crew to walk down the Control Room panels
4. Inform the Shift Manager that the crew has the shift F. Simulator Files LOC28-NRC-03 insmp tcvpbv3 changemp tcvpbv3 ,,,BYPASS VALVE POSITION 3 de Imp insmp fwlt10303cl
  • SCN rat_mp changemp fwlt10303cl ,,,FWH 2C LEVEL LOC28-NRC03 Rev 1 Examination Material 4/21/2016. 16

LOC28-NRC03 insmp ycpxnbtOl changemp ycpxnbtOl ,,DEG F,TFW A  ; HPCI isol valve auto logic fail IMF cmfMV06_HV155F002 insmp ycpxghfOl IMF cmfMV06_HV155F003 changemp ycpxghfOl ,,,GEN H2 SUPPLY FLOW aet ETLOC28-NRC03-A  ; terminate LOCA severity on insmp ycpxghpOl scram changemp ycpxghpOl ,,,GEN H2 PRESSURE aet ETLOC28-NRC03-B  ; Fuel failure and spurious RCIC insmp ecvp033035 init on rod drift changemp ecvp033035 ,,,HYDROGEN EXCESS FLOW A INLET ISO VLV aet ETLOC28-NRC03-C  ; Delete MSIV rad malfunction on MSIV closure insmp rdpic121r013 changemp rdpic121r013 ,,psig,SCRAM AIR HDR PRESS aet ETLOC28-NRC03-D  ; RCIC room steam leak insmp ycpxpar02 aet ETLOC28-NRC03-E; HPCI room steam leak changemp ycpxpar02 ,,MR/HR,RCIC RM ARM LO-RNG aet ETLOC28-NRC03-F; HPCI F002 valve breaker trips when insmp ycpxpar57 stroked changemp ycpxpar57 ,,MR/HR,RCIC RM ARM Hl-RNG aet ETLOC28-NRC03-G  ; HPCI F003 valve binds when insmp ycpxmarOl stroked changemp ycpxmarOl ,,R/HR,CTMT HI-RANGE ARM aet ETLOC28-NRC03-H  ; HPCI F003 valve closes on insmp aoURSG331N605A.CurrValue blowdown changemp aoURSG331N605A.CurrValue 0,350,DEG F,RCIC Equip Area Temp

                                                              ; 2C FWH tube leak insmp aoURSG331N604D.CurrValue                                 {Key[l]} IMF cmfHX02_1E102C r:300 i:5 f:15 changemp aoURSG331N604D.CurrValue 0,350,DEG F,HPCI Equip Area Temp                                                ; 2C FWH tube leak degrades

{Key[2]} IMF cmfHX02_1E102C r:60 f:20

0-G alarms suppressed SDR #  ; 2C FWH dump/drain 3C drain IMF annAR106F15 f
ALARM_OFF {Key[3]} SCN exam\LOC28-NRC03-A IMF annAR131A04 f:ALARM_OFF
                                                              ; lC ESS Bus Lockout
small dw leak {Key[4]} IMF mfDS104001C IMF mfRR164010 f
.1 IMF cmfTROl_LT16102A  ; Xtie I/A to CIG IMF cmfTROl_LT16102B {Key[S]} IRF rfPC125001 f:OPEN IMF annAR107A05 f:ALARM_OFF IMF annAR107B05 f:ALARM_OFF  ; Local Evac Alarm


FWH trouble alarms defeated IMF annAR120H10 f
ALARM_ON  ; ADS Keys IMF annAR120H07 f:ALARM_ON {Key[7]} IOR diHS14113G2 d:60 f:OPEN IMF annAR120H04 f:ALARM_ON {Key[7]} IOR diHS14113J2 d:66 f:OPEN

{Key[7]} IOR diHS14113K2 d:72 f:OPEN

HVAC Div 1&2 alarms locked in {Key[7]} IOR diHS14113L2 d
78 f:OPEN IMF annAR106A16 f:ALARM_ON {Key[7]} IOR diHS14113M2 d:84 f:OPEN IMF annAR106B16 f:ALARM_ON {Key[7]} IOR diHS14113N2 d:90 f:OPEN
Electrical ATWS IMF mfRP158003
ARI outlets partially blocked IRF rfRD155030 f
RCIC F013 valve auto-open failure IMF cmfMV06_HV149F013 LOC28-NRC03 Rev 1 Examination Material 4/21/2016. 17

LOC28-NRC03 LOC28-NRC03-A ETLOC28-N RC03-B IOR diLIC10306CD_Q f:MANUAL rdpic121r013 < 42 IOR diLIC10306CB_Q f:OPEN SCN exam\LOC28-NRC03-B IOR diLIC10302CD_Q f:MANUAL IMF mfRC150006 IOR diLIC10302CA_Q f:OPEN IOR diLIC10407CD_Q f:MANUAL IOR diLIC10407CB_Q f:CLOSE ETLOC28-NRC03-C msvsphv14lf022a < .1 & msvsphv14lf022b < .1 & msvsphv14lf022c < .1 & msvsphv14lf022d < .1 LOC28-NRC03-B MMF mfRM179004A r:300 f:SO c:300 IMF mfRR179003 i:2 f:S r:600 MMF mfRM179004B r:300 f:SO c:300

IMF cmfTR02 RIT13705 r
68 f:lOOO MMF mfRM179004C r:300 f:SO c:300
IMF cmfTR02_RIT13706 r
S9 f:lOOO MMF mfRM179004D r:300 f:SO c:300
IMF cmfTR02_RIT13750 d
45 r:30:00 f:65
IMF cmfTR02_RIT13751 d
40 r:30:00 f:66 IMF mfRM179004A r:300 f:SOOOO ETLOC28-N RC03-D IMF mfRM179004B r:300 f:SOOOO rcvsphv150f045 > 0.1 IMF mfRM179004C r:300 f:SOOOO IMF mfRC150004 r:120 f:20 IMF mfRM179004D r:300 f:SOOOO ETLOC28-NRC03-E Sound Local Evac Alarm ;HPCI steam leak hpvsphvlSSfOOl > 0.1

+1 IOR di20A02A02S001B f:OUT IMF mfHP152009 r:120 f:20 +1 IOR di20A02A02S002 f:WARBLE IMF mfHP152003 r:360 f:20 +l IOR di20A02A02S001A f:6 +l IOR di20A02A02S001B f:IN ETLOC28-N RC03-F +5 IOR di20A02A02S001B f:OUT ;HPCI l/B F002 breaker trip +l IOR di20A02A02S001A f:4 diHS15502.CurrValue =#OR.diHS15502.CLS +1 IOR di20A02A02S002 f:SIREN IMF cmfMVOl_HV155F002 +1 IOR di20A02A02S001B f:IN DOR di20A02A02S001A ETLOC28-N RC03-G DOR di20A02A02S001B ;HPCI O/B F003 Binds DOR di20A02A02S002 diHS15503.CurrValue = #OR.diHS15503.CLS IMF cmfMV07 _HV155F003 f:90 ETLOC28-NRC03-A pcpdwg > 1.8 I diHSC72AlSOl.CurrValue != ETLOC28-NRC03-H

  1. OR.diHSC72AlSOl.RUN rrpdome < 200 MMF mfRR164010 f:O.O MMF cmfMV07 _HV155F003 f:O r:60 c:70 LOC28-NRC03 Rev 1 Examination Material 4/21/2016. 18

LOC28-NRC03 Event 1 - Turbine Bypass Valve #3 Test Instructor Activities Operator Activities Notes Booth Operator No additional activities required. PCOM Role Play D Monitor diverse indications of reactor As GCC/TCC informed of turbine bypa~s test power IAW OP-AD-001 Grid conditions are stable D As required, performs peer checks thank you for the PCOP notification. Inform us when testing is complete. D When directed, performs BPV #3 testing Role Play D Selects position 3 on the BPV TEST If required to prompt the crew

  • SELECT to perform t.he BPV testing, contact the control room as D Depress AND Hold TEST BYPASS the Shift Manager VALVE pushbutton Have we sta.rted the bypass valve testing? D Observes proper light indications and BPV #3 opens fully D Releases TEST BYPASS VALVE pushbutton D Observes proper light indications and BPV #3 closes us D Performs update for performing S0-182-001, Monthly Turbine Bypass Valve Cycling for BPV #3 D Directs PCOP to perform S0-182-001 LOC28-NRC03 Rev 1 Examination Material 4/21/2016. 19

LOC28-NRC03 Event 2 - Control Rod insertion to lower power Instructor Activities Operator Activities Notes Booth Operator No additional activities are required. PCOM Role Play D Inserts Control Rods IAWOP-156-001, As RE contacted for assistance OP-AD-338, and the RMR to lower Core thermal limits are power to -30% within our predictions. You D Uses two-handed operation to select may proceed with the power reduction. the correct control rod D Inserts the selected control rod by Role Play depressing and holding the Insert As Shift Manager contacted for approval pushbutton The reactivity manipulation D Depress the Rod Selct Clear may proceed /AW the RMR. pushbutton when rod movement is complete D Plots power change on Power/ Flow map D Monitors diverse indications of reactor power IAW OP-AD-001 PCOP D Peer Checks the reactivity maneuver D IAW OP-AD-300, nulls Manual and Automatic regulators using MAN VOLT REG ADJUST HC-10002 D Maintains Load Set -1 OOMWe above actual generator load us D Obtains permission from the SM prior to commencing reactivity manipulations D Informs TCC/GCC of load changes on Unit 1 D Conducts crew update prior to commencing rod insertion D Directs control rod insertion IAW OP-156-001, RMR, and G0-100-012 D Monitors control rod movement with independent RMR LOC28-NRC03 Rev 1 Examination Material 4/21/2016. 20

LOC28-NRC03 Event 2 - Control Rod insertion to lower power Instructor Activities Operator Activities Notes LOC28-NRC03 Rev 1 Examination Material 4/21/2016. 21

LOC28-NRC03 Event 3 - FW Heater 2C Tube Leak Instructor Activities Operator Activities Notes Booth Operator When the bypass valve test circuit has been turned off, Insert KEY ,1 to initiate a tube leak in FW heater 2C. The tube leak will take 2-3 minutes to result in a noticeable rise in FW heater level. {Key[1]} IMF cmfHX02_1E102C r:300 i:5 f:15 FWH 2C tube leak Once the crew has diagnosed the tube leak and initiated actions to isolate FW heater 2C, if desired, lnse.rt KEY 2 to raise the severity of the leak {Key[2]} IMF cmfHX02_1E102C r:60 f:20 FWH 2C tube leak degrades When directed, Insert KEY 3 to configure FW heater 2C and 3C drains and dumps IAW ON-147-002 Step 3.8 {Key[3]} SCN exam\LOC28-NRC03-A RFP seal water iso PCOM Role Play D Monitors neutron instrumentation for As NPO dispatched to FWH

'C' panel 1C103, wait2               indication of core instability minutes                           PCOP The 2C FW heater level            D Performs AR-120-D10, FW HTR String control and emergency dump valves are                      'C' Dump VLV Full Open responding. Heater level is       D Dispatches NPO to 1C103 to ensure continuing to rise.

FW Heater 3C to 2C lso VLV is 100% Role Play OPEN and if FW level control valve As WWM contacted for 100% open assistance with FW heater D Performs ON-147-002 to isolate

'C', wait 5 minutes Engineering recommends               extraction steam supplies to 3C, 4C, removing the 2C FW heater            and 5C and to isolated FW heater from service and isolating           string 'C' it.

D Dispatches NPO to perform ON-147-Role Play 002 step 3. 7 to configure FW heater As NPOto check FWH level vent and drain valves after the isolation, wait 1 minute D Dispatches NPO to perform ON-147-The 2C FW heater level is 002 step 3.8 to close the RFP Seal slowly lowering Water Bleed Off HV-10244C us D Enters ON-147-002 for Anticipated Loss/Loss of Feedwater Heater String D Enters TS 3.2.2 Instructor Cue

-4>>)     When the SSE and MSEP drain valves are closed, proceed to Event 4 LOC28-NRC03 Rev 1                                 Examination Material                                  4/21/2016. 22

LOC28-NRC03 Event 3 - FW Heater 2C Tube Leak Instructor Activities Operator Activities Notes LOC28-NRC03 Rev 1 Examination Material 4/21/2016. 23

LOC28-NRC03 Event 4 - ESS. Bus 1C lockout/ Reactor Scram Instructor Activities Operator Activities Notes Booth Operatol' .. When the crew has completed the isolation of 2C FW heater, Insert KEY 4 to initiate a lockout of 1C ESS Bus {Key(4]} IMF mfDS104001C 1C ESS Bus Lockout When directed, Wait 2 minut~s. Insert KEY 5 to cross-tie Instrument Air to CIG and report when complete {Key[S]} IRF rfPC125001 f:OPEN X-tie I/A to CIG Ensure Event Trigger ETLOC28-NRC03-A fires when the mode switch is placed i.n SHUTDOWN or DW pressure reaches 1.72 psig to terminate the rise in DW leak severity. PCOM Role Play D When directed, inserts a manual scram As NPO dispatched to ESS Bus 1C, wait 2 minutes by placing the Mode Switch to The '1C' ESS bus has a SHUTDOWN differential trip lockout. D Identifies more than 1 control rod > Role Play position 00 As NPO directed to perform D Performs Scram report post start checks on the 'C' PCOP EOG, wait 2 minutes Post Start checks on the 'C' D IAW ON-104-203, directs NPO to diesel are SAT. crosstie I/A to CIG D Performs ON-4KV-101 D Informs US of rising OW pressure D Ensures cooling to the 'C' EOG us D Enters ON-4KV-101 D Enters ON-125-001 D Enters TS 3.8.7.A for a required AC distribution system inoperable D Contacts WWM for assistance with the 1C ESS Bus D Prior to 1. 72# in the OW, directs a manual SCRAM Critical Parameter The US should direct updates of Drywell Pressure and an action to scram the Unit prior to

1. 72#. Preffered update is every 0.2 psig and preffered scram is at 1.2 psig.

LOC28-NRC03 Rev 1 Examination Material 4/21/2016. 24

LOC28-NRC03 Event 5, 6 - Electrical ATWS Instructor Activities Operator Activities Notes Bootll Operator Ensure Event Trigger ETLOC28-NRC03-B fires when scram air header pressure falls below 42 psig to initiate I* I a spurious RCIC initiation and fuel failure. Critical Task Manually initiate ARI PCOM I Role Play D Arm and Depress Manual Scram As NPO dispatched to vent the scram air header, wait 3 Pushbuttons on 1C651 minutes D Inserts IRMs and SRMs I am having issues with the D If directed, Lowers RRP speed to scram air header cap. I am going to get a pipe wrench. Minimum D If directed, trips RRPs one at a time Role Play D If directed, Injects SBLC with HS-As NPO sent to scram air 14804 header, 2 minutes after the above report D Maintains RPV water level within the I still can't get the cap off. I ATWS band am going to get maintenance support. D Reports Control Rods drifting and "All Rods in" when ARI completes Role Play PCOP As FUS contacted to D Initiates ARI by Arming and implement ES-158-001, acknowledge the request Depressing HS-147103A1 & 81 D If directed, inhibits ADS D If directed, maximizes CRD D If directed, Bypasses MSIV and CIG interlocks us D Enters E0-000-102, RPV control D Transitions to E0-000-113, Level/ Power Control D Transitions back to E0-000-102 when all rods are inserted D May direct PCOP to Inhibit ADS D May direct PCOM to perform the ATWS HC LOC28-NRC03 Rev 1 Examination Material 4/21/2016. 25

LOC28-NRC03 Event 5, 6 - Electrical ATWS Instructor Activities Operator Activities Notes us D Directs PCOP to override HPCI D May Direct PCOM to stop and prevent injection with Feedwater and maintain Water level -60" to -11 O" D Directs PCOM to maintain RPV pressure 800 to 1050 psig with Bypass Valves D May direct PCOP to bypass MSIV and CIG interlocks D May direct PCOP to maximize CRD Instructor Note Actions for the fuel failure and high MSL radiation levels are in the next event. Actions for the A TWS in E0-000-113 are dependent upon when all the control rods are inserted with ARI. All of these steps start with 'If directed" or "May direct." LOC28-NRC03 Rev 1 Examination Material 4/21/2016. 26

LOC28-NRC03 Event 7 - Fuel Failure/ MSIV closure Instructor Activities Operator Activities Notes Booth Operator Ensure Event Trigger ETLOC28-NRC03-C fires when all inboard MSIVs are closed to terminate the elevated radiation readings If directed to evacuate any portion of the power block, use KEY 6 to sound the local evacuation alarm. Perform OP:-009-004 attachment A for the announcement and order for the alarm. {Key[6]} SCN exam\LOCAL_EVAC_ALARM PCOM Role Play D Performs AR-106-F03, Offgas Hi Hi As WWM contacted for assistance with the fuel Radiation Alarm failure, wait 5 minutes. D Performs AR-103(104)-D01, Main The scram air header Steam Line Hi Hi Radiation vented very slowly. The vent ports are somehow PCOP restricted. The slow D Performs ON-179-001, Increasing control rod drifting caused Offgas/ MSL Rad Levels a number of fuel rods to fail. D Performs AR-SP-002 for X108_Z1 alarm, observes Fire Pumps Start Role Play D Dispatches NPO to investigate RB As NPO dispatched to investigate a fire alarm in the sump area Reactor Building sump room D When directed, closes all MSIVs and area, wait 2 minutes MSL drains Steam was coming from the Reactor Building us sumps. I had to leave the D Enters ON-179-001 for MSL/ Offgas Hi room due to dose rates in the area. Rad conditions D Directs Unit 2 to perform evacuations Role Play of Unit 1 and Unit 2 Turbine Building As Chemistry contacted for D Contacts WWM to assist with elevated sampling d.ue to the fuel failure, wait 5 minutes dose rates Dose rates by the sample D Contacts Chemistry to collect samples stations are preventing us due to the fuel failure from collecting samples. We are working with RP to D Contacts RP to support Chemistry with gain access. the samples D Directs closure of MSIVs and MSL drains when MSL Hi Hi Rad Alarm is received LOC28-NRC03 Rev 1 Examination Material 4/21/2016. 27

LOC28-NRC03 Event 8 - Steam Leaks Instructor Activities Operator Activities Notes Booth Operator Ensure Event Trigger .ETLOC28-NRC03-D fires when the RCIC steam supply valve HV-150-F045 opens to cause a steam leak in the RCIC room. Ensure Event Trigger ETLOC28-NRC03-E fires when the HPCI steam supply valve HV-155-F001 opens to cause an unisolable steam leak in the HPCI room. This trigger may be forced if HPCI is not initiated for water level control. Ensure Event Trigger ETLOC28-NRC03-F fires when HPCI inboard isolation valve HV-155-F002 is stroked to trip its breaker 18237-082. Ensure Event Trigger ETLOC28-NRC03-G fires when HPCI outboa.rd isolation valve HV-155-F003 is stroked to bind the valve in place.

  • PCO Role Play D Performs AR-108-EOS, RCIC Leak As NPO dispatched to the RCIC room, wait 2 minutes Detection Hi Temp/Hi Diff Temp I can hear a steam leak in D Performs AR-114-EOS, HPCI Leak the RCIC room Detection Hi Temp/Hi Diff Temp Role Play D Performs AR-SP-002 for X108_Z3 As NPO dispatched to the alarm RCIC room after RCIC has D Dispatches NPO to RCIC room to been isolated, wait 2 minutes investigate leak unless already there then report D Dispatches NPO to HPCI room to I do not hear steam in the investigate leak RC/Croom D Isolates RCIC by closing the steam Role Play valves As NPO dispatched to the D Attempts to isolate HPIC by closing the HPCI room, wait 2 minutes steam isolation valves I can hear steam in the HPClroom D Dispatches NPO to HPCI IB valve breaker 18237-082 Role Play D Dispatches NPO to HPCI OB valve to As NPO dispatched to 18237-082, HPCI IB lso manually close HV-155-F003 valve breaker, wait 2 minutes D Starts an ESW pump in each loop 18237 breaker 82 is tripped on magnetics Role Play As NPO dispatched to HPCI OB isolation valve F003, wait 2 minutes HV-155-F003 HPCI OB valve is about 50% closed LOC28-NRC03 Rev 1 Examination Material 4/21/2016. 28

LOC28-NRC03 Event 8 - Steam Leaks Instructor Activities Operator Activities Notes us Role Play D Enters E0-000-104, Secondary As NPO dispatched to manually close HPCI OB Containment Control valve HV-155~F003, wait 2 D Directs starting ESW minutes D Directs PCO to isolate RCIC The HPCI OB valve F003 will not move manually. D Directs PCO to isolate HPCI D Contacts WWM for assistance with Role Play isolating HPCI As WWM. contacted for assistance with the HPCI IB D Contacts WWM for assistance with valve F002, wait 5 minutes RCIC leak Maintenance believes there is a fault on the HPCI IB valve F002 actuator motor. A Drywell entry will be required to troubleshoot. Role Play As WWM contacted for assistance with the HPCI IB valve F003, acknowledge request. If contacted later, report Engineering and Maintenance are still discussing the issue. Critical Parameter The US should direct a PCO to monitor RCIC and HPCI room temperatures and Radiation levels. These are key to determining if an Emergency Depressurization is required. Instructor Note Event Trigger ETLOC28-NRC03-E will have to be forced if HPCI was not initiated for level control. This will be at the direction of the Chief Evaluator. LOC28-NRC03 Rev 1 Examination Material 4/21/2016. 29

LOC28-NRC03 Event 9 - Emergency Depressurization Instructor Activities Operator Activities Notes Booth Operator Ensure Eve.nt Trigger ETLOC28.-NRC03-H fires when reactor pressure falls below 200 psig to allow the HPCI OB isolation valve F003 to close When directed; Insert KEY 7 to opeh ADS SRVs from the Upper Relay Room. Monitor 1C601 ADS SRV solenoid status and report when complete. {Key(7]} IOR diHS14113G2 d:60 f:OPEN {Key(7]}10RdiHS14113J2 d:66 f:OPEN {Key(7]} IOR diHS14113K2 d:72 f:OPEN {Key[7]} IOR diHS1.4113L2 d:78 f:OPEN {Key[7]} IOR diHS1411.3M2 d:84 f:OPEN {Key[7]} IOR diHS14113N2 d:90 f:OPEN Critical Task Emergency Depressurize the reactor when two Secondary Containment Areas exceed

  • Max Safe Temperature levels PCO D Prevents injection from RHR pumps not required for adequate core cooling D Prevents injection of Core Spray pumps not required for adequate core cooling D Opens all ADS valves by placing hand switches for the ADS SRVs to open D Restores and maintains RPV level using condensate as reactor pressure lowers D Places RHR is Suppression Pool Cooling IAW OP-149-004 D Places RHRSW in service IAW OP-149-004 LOC28-NRC03 Rev 1 Examination Material 4/21/2016. 30

LOC28-NRC03 Event 9 - Emergency Depressurization Instructor Activities Operator Activities Notes us D Enters E0-000-112, Emergency De pressurization D Enters E0-000-105 for an unisolated primary leak into secondary containment and SGTS not running D Directs PCO to prevent injection from LPCI and Core Spray pumps not required for adequate core cooling D Directs PCO to open all ADS valves D Directs PCO to restore and maintain RPV level using Condensate D Directs PCO to place Suppression Pool Cooling in service Instructor Note E0-000-105 should be entered when the HPCI leak occurs and after the scram. Ventilation has been secured due to the power failure, SGTS is not running, and a primary leak is occuring. This is an unmonitored release. If the crew starts SBGT before the leak, then it will not need to be entered. After the ED, HPCI will isolate and terminate the requirement for entering E0-000-105. Instructor Activity - Termination This scenario may be terminated when RPV water level has been stabilized and actions are being taken to place RHR in Suppression Pool cooling OR at the direction of the Chief Examiner. LOC28-NRC03 Rev 1 Examination Material 4/21/2016. 31


1) Reactor power approximately 33 percent, 1 RFP in FCM
2) Shutdown in progress to identify and repair small RCS leak in Drywell. Unidentified leak rate 0.5 gpm. ON-100-005 actions are complete. Leak rate is stable and 12-hour calculations are being performed. AR-106-A 16 & B 16 are locked in for this condition.
3) Perform test of Bypass Valve #3 per S0-182-001 for troubleshooting
4) Insert Control Rod IAW the RMR to 30% APRM power 5) 6)

7 8) 9) 10 11 12 13 14) 15) COMMON:

1) Unit 2 at rated power 2

3) 4) 5 6) 7) 8 9) FORM OP-AD-003-7, Rev. 23, DUPLEX Page 1 of 2 (Electronic Form) Examination Material NRC SCN 3


1. Evolutions in progress and items to be completed during next shift, as noted in remarks, have been discussed with oncoming Unit Supervisor (including special evolutions, i.e. SICT/E, OPDRVs, etc.).
2. Problems encountered during past shift and abnormal plant conditions, as noted in remarks, have been discussed with oncoming Unit Supervisor.
3. Information in SOMS Log is complete and discussed with oncoming Unit Supervisor.
4. As applicable, turnover plastic Security Badge cover and CRS Monitor function to oncoming Unit Supervisor.

Offgoing Unit Supervisor ONCOMING UNIT SUPERVISOR CHECKLIST: 0700 1900

1. LCO/TRO Log reviewed.

) 2. SOMS Log reviewed for entries made in past 24 hours.

3. Report any changes to license or medical status PER NDAP-QA-0723.

0700-1900 - - - - - - - - - - - Oncoming Qualified Unit Supervisor POST RELIEF 0700 1900

1. Walk down Control Room panels with Unit Responsible PCO.
2. CRC Book reviewed and Reactivity Brief performed with PCO.
3. Completed System Status Operable audit for open PMT this shift.
4. From the OPS Web page, Review OPS Aggregate Index for Challenges, Work Arounds, and Deficiencies Reports for impact on scheduled work activities and compensatory actions. (20l Oncoming Unit Supervisor FORM OP-AD-003-7, Rev. 23, DUPLEX Page 2 of 2 (Electronic Form)

Examination Material NRC SCN 3


LOC28-NRC-04 Lesson Information Title EOG Shutdown/ Failed RPS Reactor Pressure Channel/ Control Rod Drift/ T-20 LockouU Drywell Steam Leak/ RPV Flooding Vision ID Accredited *YES D NO Training ID Revision 11 Date 14/26/2016 Prerequisites Teaching Time 75 minutes Approval CBT Approval 1 N/A Date N/A Preparer Date Review (lnstructor/SME) Date Nuclear Engineering 1 N/A Date N/A Training Supervision Date Line Management Date l If required, otherwise N/A This simulator scenario has been reviewed and satisfies management expectations for inclusion of OE, Department Fundamentals and HuP, error-reduction techniques and safety standards. Specific applications and/or opportunities for reinforcement of management expectations are noted in the scenario guide or Attachment(s) where applicable. Copyrighted by Nuclear Training Group, SUSQUEHANNA NUCLEAR, LLC, 2016. All rights reserved, no part of this training material may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the Nuclear Training Group. LOC28-NRC-04 Rev 1 Examination Material 4/26/2016. 2

LOC28-NRC-04 Revision History Revision Date Comments 0 6/10/2014 New Scenario Updated to new format. Removed the Pressure transmitter failure Event. Changed the 1 4/26/2016 drifting control rod events from drifting in then out to only drifting in. Removed Event to fail an injection valve for a loop of RHR. Added runaway RRP with Event 2. LOC28-NRC-04 Rev 1 Examination Material 4/26/2016

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LOC28-NRC-04 Table of Contents Scenario Overview................................................................................................................................5 Objectives .............................................................................................................................................6 A. Terminal Objective ................................................................................................................6 B. Generic Performance Objectives ...........................................................................................6 C. Simulator Performance Objectives ........................................................................................7 D. Task List. ...............................................................................................................................9 Scenario Attributes .............................................................................................................................11 A. Critical Tasks ....................................................................................................................... 11 B. Scenario Malfunctions ......................................................................................................... 12 C. Abnormal Events and Major Transients ............................................................................... 12 D. EOP and EOP Contingencies Used .................................................................................... 13 E. Technical Specifications ...................................................................................................... 13 References ..........................................................................................................................................14 Setup Instructions ..............................................................................................................................15 A. Required Materials .............................................................................................................. 15 B. Simulator Initialization ......................................................................................................... 15 C. Simulator Preparation .......................................................................................................... 16 D. Document Training and Performance Feedback ................................................................. 16 E. Scenario Execution ............................................................................................................. 16 F. Simulator Files .................................................................................................................... 17 Event 1 - Secure 'B' EDG ....................................................................................................................20 Event 2 - Raise Reactor Power 5% using Recirc flow ......................................................................21 Event 3 - Control rod drift in ..............................................................................................................22 Event 4 - Startup Transformer 20 lockout ......................................................................................... 23 Event 5 - Small RCS steam leak in the Drywell.. ............................................................................... 24 Event 6 - HPCI fails to automatically initiate .....................................................................................24 Event 7 - RHR F016 Drywell Spray valve failure .........................................................................*.....26 Event 8 - RPV Flooding ......................................................................................................................27 LOC28-NRC-04 Rev 1 Examination Material 4/26/2016. 4

LOC28-NRC-04 Scenario Overview The scenario begins with Unit 1 at 90 percent power in a power ascension following a control rod pattern adjustment. Unit 2 is at rated power. RCIC is out of service due to oil system contamination. The station experienced a less-than-OBE seismic event 6 hours ago due to a magnitude 5.6 earthquake in the Lehigh Valley. The actions of ON-NATPHENOM-001 for the seismic event have been completed. Unit 2 is at rated power. Diesel Generator B is running and synchronized to ESS Bus 1B in accordance with S0-024-001 B, with the 15-minute run at 1000 KW complete. The first action of the crew is to shutdown DG B in accordance with S0-024-001 B. Then, the crew will raise reactor power by 5 percent per G0-100-012 and Reactor Engineering Reactivity Maneuver Request. During the flow change, the 'A' RRP will runaway. The crew will have to lock the scoop tube to stop the flow change. TS 3.4.1 will have to be reviewed for loop mismatch. Once the DG is shutdown and the power ascension is complete, reactor pressure switch PS-B21-1N023C will spike and then fail downscale. The spike high will result in a reactor half-scram, which must be reset. The pressure switch will be inoperable per TS When the half-scram occurs control rod 50-23 will scram in due to a blown fuse to its B RPS solenoid. When the half-scram is reset, control rod 50-23 will begin drifting out of the core due to stuck collet fingers. The crew will respond per ON-CRD-101 and fully insert the control rod. Action will be required to maintain the control rod fully inserted until the CRD can be hydraulically disarmed per the ON and OP-155-001. When the control rod has been hydraulically disarmed, Startup Transformer 20 will experience a lockout. The crew will respond per ON-SUB-001 to restore Recirc Pump cooling and verify ESS Buses transferred to the alternate source. The crew will enter TS 3.8.1 for one offsite AC source inoperable. Once activities associated with the loss of T-20 are complete, a small steam leak will develop in the Drywell. The crew will perform ON-RPR-101 actions and will scram the reactor. The leak will degrade after the scram, resulting in a Plant Aux Load Shed and loss of the Feedwater and the normal heat sink. Condensate Pump discharge valves fail open preventing recovery of Condensate. HPCI will fail to auto-start, requiring the crew to perform a component by component start of the system for injection. The leak size will allow the crew to maintain reactor level during the transient with HPCI. The crew will initiate Suppression Chamber sprays. Once Suppression Chamber pressure exceeds 13 psig, Drywell sprays are required. When Drywell spray is attempted, the first Drywell spray valve opened will experience stem-to-disk separation. The other division of RHR will be placed in Drywell spray. Once Drywell sprays are established, high drywell temperature combined with reduced reactor pressure will result in all reactor level instrumentation becoming erratic and unusable. E0-100-114, RPV Flooding, will be used to depressurize the reactor and flood the RPV to the Main Steam Lines. Neither division of RHR will automatically align in the LPCI mode due to failure of the low reactor pressure permissive logic, but both can be manually aligned. The scenario may be terminated when the crew acknowledges indications of being flooded to the main steam lines OR at the direction of the Chief Examiner. LOC28-NRC-04 Rev 1 Examination Material 4/26/2016. 5

LOC28-NRC-04 Objectives Mastery of the training content shall be demonstrated by individual and/or crew performance evaluation as specified in this training material and the applicable training program description, in accordance with training procedures. A. Terminal Objective Perform all system operations required to maintain the plant operating safely, or place the plant in a safe condition if a plant shutdown is required During the specified mode of plant I system operation Without error and in accordance with site procedures and management expectations B. Generic Performance Objectives

1. For all activities, exhibit use of the Human Performance Tools, demonstrating the ability to:

Use HU tools to effectively control the plant during normal, abnormal, and emergency conditions Use of HU tools will be observable per the standards in HU-AD-003 (SRO) Take every opportunity to coach the team when HU standards are not being met and provide feedback to the team when the HU standards are being met

2. For all activities, exhibit proper use of procedures by:

Applying the correct procedure to operate equipment and respond to abnormalities Ensuring procedures are detailed enough to allow precise control of plant evolutions. Demonstrating the ability to: Apply the correct procedure to the situation Use place keeping for accurate implementation Identify any and all areas for procedure improvement Take ownership of and complete the improvement, whenever an area for procedure improvement is identified

3. Base actions and decisions with a bias toward conservative, safe operation of the plant, demonstrating the ability to:

Assure all plant evolutions and work are assessed for Radiological Safety, Industrial Safety, Nuclear Safety, Environmental Safety, or Corporate Safety Once a risk is determined, take appropriate actions to mitigate or minimize risk Request assistance for any activity which requires additional planning, special precautions, and management oversight to adequately manage the risks (SRO) Champion activities that are biased conservatively LOC28-NRC-04 Rev 1 Examination Material 4/26/2016. 6


4. Demonstrate complete understanding of plant design and system interrelationships, demonstrating the ability to:

Work effectively as a team to interpret plant indications and determine an effective response Understand the bases for, and the plant response to, actions being taken

5. Maintain continuous awareness of critical parameters, demonstrating the ability to:

Validate parameters by observing multiple independent indications Relay parameter values with value, units, and trend; and include action being taken for an abnormal value or trend Notify supervision of any change to critical parameters (SRO) Assure critical parameters for operational conditions are understood by the team

6. Operate plant systems and equipment within design and operational limits, maintaining relevant parameters within assigned operating bands, demonstrating the ability to:

Anticipate the impact of component operation prior to its operation, and then verify that the expected effects occur during and following the operation Take manual actions (in accordance with procedure direction) when automatic actions do not occur Take prompt action to adjust system operating controls before assigned operating bands are exceeded Make reactivity and mode changes as directed by detailed operating procedures and approved reactivity plans C. Simulator Performance Objectives

1. Plant Startup/Heatup/Power Maneuvers With the plant operating at off-rated conditions Demonstrate the ability to manipulate console controls to safely operate the facility between shutdown and the designated power level
2. Operational Actions and Annunciator Response Correctly identify plant annunciators and indications and perform appropriate remedial actions
3. System Operation, Controls and Instrumentation Accurately identify plant instrumentation and correctly interpret instrument readings to respond to normal, abnormal, and emergency conditions
4. Facility Design and Operating Characteristics Demonstrate the following:
  • An understanding of facility operating characteristics LOC28-NRC-04 Rev 1 Examination Material 4/26/2016
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  • The ability to safely control the operating characteristics of the facility within prescribed operating boundaries
5. System Loss and Component Level Malfunctions Perform system control manipulations to obtain desired operating results and demonstrate the ability to correctly respond to malfunction/loss of components and the impact of the malfunction/loss on interfacing plant systems
6. Heat Removal Component Operation Safely operate the plant's heat removal components and demonstrate knowledge of the relationship between the heat removal systems and the operation of facility to prevent exceeding System, Structure, or Component (SSC) design limits which include:
  • Primary coolant systems
  • Emergency coolant systems
  • Decay heat removal systems
7. Auxiliary and Emergency Component Operations Safely operate the plant's auxiliary and emergency components I systems to include the controls associated with plant equipment that could affect reactivity or the release of radioactive materials to the environment to control release of radioactivity within regulatory limits
8. Reactivity Management Demonstrate knowledge of how reactivity is affected by plant operation and ability to respond to the change in reactivity to protect the safety and integrity of the reactor core
9. Technical Specifications During plant operation with the plant or system in a condition requiring Technical Specification action Identify the deviation and any required actions I notifications
10. Emergency Plan (if required)

During plant operation in an emergency condition Recognize conditions covered by the Emergency Plan (SRO) Demonstrate the ability to:

  • Identify and Implement the appropriate Emergency Action Level
  • Use the applicable bases to support an Event Classification on the specified Emergency Action Level LOC28-NRC-04 Rev 1 Examination Material 4/26/2016. 8


11. Control Room Duties Demonstrate the knowledge and ability to assume the appropriate responsibilities (for the assigned position) associated with the safe operation of the facility
12. Control Room Team Work Demonstrate the ability to function within the Control Room team to comply with station procedures and limits of facility license and respond to plant events using appropriate human performance tools to support safe operation of the facility D. Task List Task Title ID Licensed Operator Apply Technical Specification (TS) And Technical Requirements Manual (TRM) Requirements S-C00-00-1185 Implement Reactivity Manipulations Standards and Communication Requirements S-C00-00-2784 Implement Appropriate Portions Of Operations Standards For System and Equipment Operation S-C00-00-1081 Implement Operations Standards For Error And Event Prevention S-ADM-00-1091 Implement Standards for Shift Operations S-C00-00-2780 Implement Appropriate Portions of Conduct of Operations S-C00-00-1015 Implement Appropriate Portions of Secondary Containment Integrity Control S-C00-00-1020 Implement EOP Cautions S-C00-00-2566 Implement Operations Directives S-C00-00-3130 Ensure Plant Operates IAW the Operating License, Technical Specifications (TS), and Technical S-C00-00-1183 Requirements Manual (TRM)

Implement HUMAN PERFORMANCE (HuP) - Standards for Error and Event Prevention S-EPP-00-3068 Reactor Operator Perform the Monthly Diesel Generator Operability Test S-264001-01-013 Implement Reactor Power Maneuvering Envelope for Normal Daily Power Operations (ICS) S-C00-01-4764 Direct the Actions for Loss of Startup Bus 20 S-262001-01-017 Perform Manual HPCI System Startup to Maintain Reactor Water Level S-206000-01-005 Perform the Required Actions for a Rod Drift or Rod Scram S-201001-01-021 Initiate Drywell Sprays S-203000-01-089 Initiate Suppression Chamber Sprays S-203000-01-088 Operate the RHR System in the Suppression Pool Cooling Mode S-203000-01-093 Perform a Manual Initiation of the Automatic Depressurization System S-218000-01-002 Direct ESW System Manual Startup S-276001-01-002 Perform a Manual Startup of the RHR System in LPCI Mode with the System Filled S-203000-01-073 LOC28-NRC-04 Rev 1 Examination Material 4/26/2016. 9

LOC28-NRC-04 Task Title ID Senior Reactor Operator Direct and Coordinate Implementation of RPV Control 000000-02-1125 Direct and Coordinate Implementation of Primary Containment Control 000000-02-1126 Direct and Coordinate Implementation of RPV Flooding 000000-02-1131 Implement Reactor Power Maneuvering Envelope for Normal Daily Power Operations (ICS) 000000-02-4 764 Direct Entry into Loss of Startup Bus 20 S-262001-02-007 Direct Entry into CONTROL ROD PROBLEMS S-201001-02-001 LOC28-NRC-04 Rev 1 Examination Material 4/26/2016

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LOC28-NRC-04 Scenario Attributes A. Critical Tasks

1. Spray the Drywell when Suppression Chamber pressure exceeds 13 psig.

Safety Significance Maintenance of primary containment integrity. Consequences for Failure Potential failure of primary containment. to Perform Task Indications/Cues for Event Multiple control board and control room indications of suppression Requiring Critical Task chamber and drywell pressures. Start an operable RHR loop. Perform a valve alignment to provide a Performance Criteria flowpath for spray. RHR pump, valve and system flow indications are available. Multiple Performance Feedback indications of Drywell pressure dropping.

2. Performs RPV Flooding when RPV water level becomes indeterminate by establishing RPV Flooded to Steamlines.

Safety Significance Adequate core cooling may be challenged if core submergence cannot be verified. Consequences for Failure Failure to take the EOP actions may result in uncovering the core and to Perform Task breach of the fuel clad due to overheating. Indications/Cues for Event RPV water level indication is believed to be erroneous or unbelievable due to failure of all reactor water level indications upscale with no Requiring Critical Task injection and a reactor coolant leak into the Drywell in progress. Recognize failure of RPV level indication, initiate emergency depressurization by opening ADS Valves, and then increasing RPV Performance Criteria injection until RPV flooded to Main Steam Lines as indicated by a combination of conditions as shown in FLOODED TO STEAMLINES TABLE. Initiating an emergency depressurization causes Reactor pressure to lower to the shutoff head of the low pressure injection systems allowing RPV water level to rise to the point that it reaches the main steam lines and returns to the suppression pool via the SRVs. No single indication can be relied upon in all events to determine conclusively that the RPV has been flooded to the main steam lines, therefore, some combination of Performance Feedback the following conditions need to be established to ensure water fills the lines:

  • SRV tail pipe acoustic monitors cycling .
  • Tail pipe temperatures of open SRVs decrease to subcooled values .
  • Increasing RPV pressure .
  • Suppression Pool Water Level not lowering Verify ADS Valves are open using light red light indication, acoustic monitoring and lowering Reactor pressure.

LOC28-NRC-04 Rev 1 Examination Material 4/26/2016

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LOC28-NRC-04 B. Scenario Malfunctions Event Malfunction Operator Action in Response 1 N/A Secure 'B' EOG (S0-024-001 B) 2 Various Raise Reactor Power 5% using Recirc flow, 'A' RRP runs away 3 mfR015500850230055023 Control rod drift in (TS 3.1.3) 4 mfDS003008 Startup Transformer 20 lockout (TS 3.8.1) 5 mfMS183007 Small RCS steam leak in the Orywell 6 Multiple HPCI fails to automatically initiate on high Orywell pressure, all other high-pressure injection lost 7 mfRH149011A(B) Stem-to-disk separation of RHR F016 Orywell Spray valve 8 Multiple Loss of reactor level indication - RPV Flooding (E0-000-114) C. Abnormal Events and Major Transients Malfunction Description R Raise Reactor Power 5% using Recirc flow, 'A' RRP Runaway N Secure 'B' EOG (S0-024-001 B) AE1 Control rod drift in/out AE2 Startup Transformer 20 lockout MT1 Small RCS steam leak in the Orywell MT2 Loss of reactor level indication - RPV Flooding (E0-000-114) HPCI fails to automatically initiate on high Orywell pressure, all other high-pressure MAE1 injection lost MAE2 Stem-to-disk separation of RHR F016 Orywell Spray valve TS1 RRP flow mismatch (TS 3.4.1) TS2 Control rod drift in/out (TS 3.1.3) TS3 Startup Transformer 20 lockout (TS 3.8.1) LOC28-NRC-04 Rev 1 Examination Material 4/26/2016

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LOC28-NRC-04 D. EOP and EOP Contingencies Used EOPs EOP Contingencies 1Z1 E0-000-102, RPV Control D E0-000-102, Alternate Level Control IZI E0-000-103, Primary Containment Control D E0-000-102, Steam Cooling D E0-000-104, Secondary Containment Control D E0-000-112, Emergency Depressurization D E0-000-105, Radioactivity Release Control D E0-000-113, Power/Level Control 1Z1 E0-000-114, RPV Flooding E. Technical Specifications

1. TS 3.1.3 Control Rod Operability
2. TS 3.9.5 Control Rod Operability - Refueling
3. TS 3.8.1 Electrical Power Systems AC Sources Operating
4. TS 3.4.1 Recirc Loop Flow Mismatch LOC28-NRC-04 Rev 1 Examination Material 4/26/2016
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LOC28-NRC-04 References

1. OP-AD-055 Operations Procedure Program
2. OP-AD-300 Administration of Operations
3. OP-AD-338 Reactivity Manipulations Standards and Communication Requirements
4. OP-054-001 Emergency Service Water System
5. OP-155-001 Control Rod Drive Hydraulic System
6. OP-158-001 RPS System
7. G0-100-012 Power Maneuvers
8. S0-024-001 B Monthly Diesel Generator B Operability Test
9. ON-NATPHENOM-001 Severe Weather Natural Phenomena
10. ON-SUB-001 Loss of Startup Bus 10 or 20
11. ON-SCRAM-101 Reactor Scram
12. ON-CRD-101 Control Rod Malfunctions
13. ON-4KV-101 Loss of 4KV Bus
14. ON-RPS-101 Loss of RPS
15. E0-000-102 RPV Control
16. E0-000-103 Primary Containment Control
17. E0-000-104 Secondary Containment Control
18. E0-000-105 Radioactivity Release Control
19. E0-000-112 Emergency Rapid Depressurization
20. E0-000-114 RPV Flooding
21. EP-RM-004 EAL Classification Bases
22. EP-PS-100 Emergency Director Control Room
23. AR-103-A01 RPS Channel A1/A2 Auto Scram
24. AR-103-B02 RX Vessel Hi Press Trip
25. AR-104-H05 Rod Drift
26. AR-109-C05 LOCA ISO Switch LOOP A Manual Override
27. TS 3.1.3 Control Rod Operability
28. TS 3.9.5 Control Rod Operability- Refueling
29. TS 3.8.1 Electrical Power Systems AC Sources Operating
30. TS 3.4.1 Recirc Loop Flow Mismatch LOC28-NRC-04 Rev 1 Examination Material 4/26/2016. 14

LOC28-NRC-04 Setup Instructions A. Required Materials

1. US Turnover Sheet
a. Unit 1
1) Unit 1 is at -90% power following a rod pattern adjustment
2) RCIC is OOS due to contamination of the lube oil system. Estimated RTS is 4 days
3) LCO 3.5.3 entered. Day 2 of the 14 day LCO.
4) Shutdown 'B' EOG IAW S0-024-001 B
5) Raise Reactor Power 5% IAW RMR
b. Common and Unit 2
1) Unit 2 at rated power.
2) SSES experienced a less-than-QBE seismic event 6 hours ago due to expected blasting activities by neighboring industrial facilities.
3) Actions IAW ON-NATPHENOM-001 have been completed
2. Supporting Documents
a. S0-024-001 B
b. RMR (2 copies)
8. Simulator Initialization
1. Reset to exam specific IC, Otherwise perform the following
a. Reset to IC-20
b. Place the simulator in RUN
c. Lower power to 90% with flow
d. Set Xe to fast time to burn Xe until power returns to 90% and starts rising
e. Set Xe to normal time
f. Start the 'B' EOG and sync to 1B ESS bus IAW S0-024-001 B
g. Load the 'B' EOG to 800KW
h. Close HV-149-FOO? & FOOS to isolate RCIC
i. Depressurize RCIC using LV-149-F054
j. Run SCN file exam\RCB_RCICOOS
k. Place the simulator in FREEZE LOC28-NRC-04 Rev 1 Examination Material 4/26/2016
  • 15


2. Run SCN file exam\LOC28-NRC-04.scn
3. Place the simulator in RUN
4. Perform simulator activities
a. Place a status control tags on HV-149-FOO?, F008 & F088
b. Place the protected equipment magnets on HPCI
c. Place the 'surveillance in progress' sign on 'B' EOG
d. Ensure the 'Diesel B Power & Vars' R*Time screen under 'Trends' is displayed by the EDGs with it ranged properly
e. Post Blue reactivity signs
5. Verify the simulator matches the following MF RF OR ET CONDITIONS 18:18 2:2 0:0 4 16
6. Ensure FW Control is selected to LEFM
7. Reset ODAs and all Overhead, R*TIME, HMI and RWM alarms
8. Ensure horns and annunciators are on
9. Ensure Overhead Lights Override is off C. Simulator Preparation
1. Ensure the EOL CRC Book is at the PCO Console D. Document Training and Performance Feedback
1. Record crew position assignments in G:\NTGOPS\LOR\REQUAL\lnfo Tracking\ (LOR)
2. Record crew position assignments per TQ-104 (ILO)
3. Complete an IER 11-3 Operator Fundamentals Simulator Observer Aid
4. Complete simulator checklists E. Scenario Execution
1. Identify performance improvement actions that may be addressed during the scenario
2. Provide turnover to the crew using the US Turnover sheet
3. Direct the crew to walk down the Control Room panels
4. Inform the Shift Manager that the crew has the shift LOC28-NRC-04 Rev 1 Examination Material 4/26/2016
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LOC28-NRC-04 F. Simulator Files LOC28-NRC-04 IMF cmfRLOl_ElllK67B de Imp SCN rat_mp aet ETLOC28-NRC04-A  ; Steam leak degrades on scram aet ETLOC28-NRC04-B  ; Allow other division of DW spray insmp lssblpos(68) aet ETLOC28-NRC04-C  ; Allow other division of DW spray changemp lssblpos(68) ,,,CONTROL ROD 50-23 POS aet ETLOC28-NRC04-E  ; Runaway RRP at 95.5 Mlbm Core Flow insmp aoTRSHB311R601E.CurrValue changemp aoTRSHB311R601E.CurrValue 0,300,DEG F,RECIRC  ; Drift Control Rod 50-23 In PP A MTR WDG TEMP {Key[l]} IMF mfRD1550085023 insmp aoTRSHB311R601Q.CurrValue  ; Hyd disarm HCU 50-23 changemp aoTRSHB311R601Q.CurrValue 0,300,DEG F,RECIRC {Key[2)} IRF rfRD1550075023 d:120 f:DISARM PP B MTR WDG TEMP {Key[2)} DMF mfRD1550085023 insmp aoFl15120AB.CurrValue  ; T-20 lockout changemp aoFl15120AB.CurrValue 0,750,GPM,RHR A SC SPRAY {Key[3)} IMF mfDS003008 FL

                                                               ; Small steam leak in DW insmp aoFl15120BB.CurrValue                                     {Key(4)} IMF mfMS183007 r:600 f:0.02 changemp aoFl15120BB.CurrValue 0,750,GPM,RHR B SC SPRAY FL                                                              ; Raise severity of steam leak

{Key[5)} MMF mfMS183007 r:O f:0.05 insmp aoFl15120AA.CurrValue changemp aoFl15120AA.CurrValue 0,12000,GPM,RHR A DW  ; Failure of rx level instr SPRAY FL {Key[6)} SCN exam\LOC28-NRC04-C insmp aoFl15120BA.CurrValue  ; Backup ADS changemp aoFl15120BA.CurrValue 0,12000,GPM,RHR B DW {Key[7)} IOR diHS14113G2 d:60 f:OPEN SPRAY FL {Key[7)} IOR diHS14113J2 d:66 f:OPEN {Key[7)} IOR diHS14113K2 d:72 f:OPEN insmp aoTRSB211R614A.CurrValue {Key[7)} IOR diHS14113L2 d:78 f:OPEN changemp aoTRSB211R614A.CurrValue 0,600,DEG F,ADS/SRV G {Key(7)} IOR diHS14113M2 d:84 f:OPEN TAILPIPE TEMP {Key[7)} IOR diHS14113N2 d:90 f:OPEN

B CRM spurious alarm suppressed  ; Reset Rad Monitors IMF annAR112G04 f
DW spray valves stem-to-disk failure LOC28-NRC04-A IMF mfRH149011A f
O.O  ; NR/WR ref leg break IMF mfRH149011B f:O.O ;IMF mfRR180002 f:lOO
                                                               ;IMF mfRR180001 f:lOO
Condensate pump discharge valves fail IMF cmfMV09_HV10502A f
lOO ;RCIC/HPCI L8 trip IMF cmfMV09_HV10502B f:lOO IMF cmfRL02_E411Kll IMF cmfMV09_HV10502C f:lOO IMF cmfRLOl_E411K4 IMF cmfMV09_HV10502D f:lOO IMF cmfRL02_E511K58 IMF cmfRLOl_ElllK79B
H PCI auto-start fa ii u re IMF cmfRLOl_ElllK80B IMF mfHP152002 IMF mfRC150001 IMF cmfMV06_HV155F001 IMF cmfMV06_HV155F006 ;ADS L3 confirmatory IMF cmfMV06_HV156F059 IMF cmfRLOl_B21ClK12A IMF cmfPM04_1P213 IMF cmfRLOl_B21ClK12B
LPCI injection valves fail ;NR N004 IMF cmfRLOl_ElllK66A ;IMF cmfTR02 PDTC321N004A f
60 IMF cmfRLOl_ElllK66B IMF cmfTD03_PDTC321N004A f:60 IMF cmfRLOl_ElllK67A IMF mfRR164022A f:61.2 LOC28-NRC-04 Rev 1 Examination Material 4/26/2016
  • 17


IMF cmfTR02_PDTC321N004B f
60 IMF cmfTR02_LT14201A f:60 IMF cmfTD03_PDTC321N004B f:60 IMF cmfTR02_LT14201B f:60 IMF mfRR164022B f:61.2
IMF cmfTR02_PDTC321N004C f
60 ;dwclg IMF cmfTD03_PDTC321N004C f:60 IMF cmfNBOl_LIS14221C IMF mfRR164022C f:61.2 IOR aoLIS14221C_Q f:60 IMF cmfNBOl_LIS14221D
NR N042 IOR aoLIS14221D_Q f
60 IMF cmfNBOl_LISB211N042A IOR aoLISB211N042A_Q f:60  ; ER IMF cmfNBOl_LISB211N042B IMF cmfTR02_LT14203A f:180 IOR aoLISB211N042B_Q f:60 IMF cmfTR02_LT14203B f:180
NR N024  ; UR IMF cmfNBOl_LISB211N024Al ;IMF cmfTR02_PDTC321N017 f
180 IOR aoLISB211N024A_Q f:60 IMF cmfTD03_PDTC321N017 f:180 IMF cmfNBOl_LISB211N024Bl IOR aoLISB211N024B_Q f:60  ; S/D IMF cmfNBOl_LISB211N024Cl IMF cmfTR02_LTB211N027 f:SOO IOR aoLISB211N024C_Q f:60 IMF cmfNBOl_LISB211N024Dl  ; fuel zone IOR aoLISB211N024D_Q f:60 IMF cmfTR02_LT14202A f:-110 IMF cmfTR02_LT14202B f:-110
WR N031 IMF cmfNBOl_LISB211N031Al IMF cmfNBOl_LISB211N031A2 LOC28-NRC04-B IOR aoLISB211N031A_Q f
+60  ; NR/WR ref leg break IMF cmfNBOl_LISB211N031Bl ;DMF mfRR180002 f:lOO IMF cmfNBOl_LISB211N031B2 ;DMF mfRR180001 f:lOO IOR aoLISB211N031B_Q f:+60 IMF cmfNBOl_LISB211N031Cl ;RCIC/HPCI LS trip IMF cmfNBOl_LISB211N031C2 DMF cmfRL02_E411Kll IOR aoLISB211N031C_Q f:+60 DMF cmfRLOl_E411K4 IMF cmfNBOl_LISB211N031Dl DMF cmfRL02_E511K58 IMF cmfNBOl_LISB211N031D2 DMF cmfRLOl_ElllK79B IOR aoLISB211N031D_Q f:+60 DMF cmfRLOl_ElllK80B DMF mfRC150001
WR N025 IMF cmfNBOl_LISB211N025A ;ADS L3 confirmatory IOR aoLISB211N025A_Q f
+60 DMF cmfRLOl_B21ClK12A IMF cmfNBOl_LISB211N025B DMF cmfRLOl_B21ClK12B IOR aoLISB211N025B_Q f:+60 IMF cmfNBOl_LISB211N025C ;NR N004 IOR aoLISB211N025C_Q f:+60 ;DMF cmfTR02 PDTC321N004A IMF cmfNBOl_LISB211N025D DMF cmfTD03_PDTC321N004A IOR aoLISB211N025D_Q f:+60 DMF mfRR164022A
                                           ;DMF cmfTR02_PDTC321N004B
WR n026 DMF cmfTD03_PDTC321N004B IMF cmfNBOl_LISB211N026Al DMF mfRR164022B IMF cmfNBOl_LISB211N026A2 ;DMF cmfTR02_PDTC321N004C IMF cmfTR02_LITSB211N026A f
60 DMF cmfTD03_PDTC321N004C IMF cmfNBOl_LISB211N026Bl DMF mfRR164022C IMF cmfNBOl_LISB211N026B2 IMF cmfTR02_LITSB211N026B f:60 ;NR N042 IMF cmfNBOl_LISB211N026Cl DMF cmfNBOl_LISB211N042A IMF cmfNBOl_LISB211N026C2 DOR aoLISB211N042A_Q IMF cmfTR02_LITSB211N026C f:60 DMF cmfNBOl_LISB211N042B IMF cmfNBOl_LISB211N026Dl DOR aoLISB211N042B_Q IMF cmfNBOl_LISB211N026D2 IMF cmfTR02_LITSB211N026D f:60 ;NR N024 DMF cmfNBOl_LISB211N024Al
other wr DOR aoLISB211N024A_Q LOC28-NRC-04 Rev 1 Examination Material 4/26/2016. 18

LOC28-NRC-04 DMF emfNBOl_LISB211N024Bl DOR aoLISB211N024B_Q  ; S/D DMF emfNBOl_LISB211N024Cl DMF emffR02_LTB211N027 DOR aoLISB211N024C_Q DMF emfNBOl_LISB211N024Dl  ; fuel zone DOR aoLISB211N024D_Q DMF emffR02_LT14202A DMF emffR02_LT14202B

WR N031 DMF emfNBOl_LISB211N031Al DMF emfNBOl_LISB211N031A2 LOC28-NRC04-C DOR aoLISB211N031A_Q sen exam\LOC28-NRC04-A DMF emfNBOl_LISB211N031Bl +5 sen exam\LOC28-NRC04-B DMF emfNBOl_LISB211N031B2 +30 sen exam\LOC28-NRC04-A DOR aoLISB211N031B_Q +3 sen exam\LOC28-NRC04-B DMF emfNBOl_LISB211N031Cl +30 sen exam\LOC28-NRC04-A DMF emfNBOl_LISB211N031C2 DOR aoLISB211N031C_Q DMF emfNBOl_LISB211N031Dl LOC28-NRC04-D DMF emfNBOl_LISB211N031D2 ;Revision/Date
1/09/18/2016 DOR aoLISB211N031D_Q ;Deseription:Recirc A speed failure High
WR N025 set fx1A_MAN_MODE_B200D.BI01=1 DMF cmfNBOl_LISB211N025A +l set fx1A_MAN_MODE_B200D.BI01=1 DOR aoLISB211N025A_Q +1 set fx1A_MAN_MODE_B200D.BI01=1 DMF emfNBOl_LISB211N025B +l set fx1A_MAN_MODE_B200D.BI01=1 DOR aoLISB211N025B_Q +1 set fx1A_MAN_MODE_B200D.BI01=1 DMF emfNBOl_LISB211N025C +1 set fx1A_MAN_MODE_B200D.BI01=1 DOR aoLISB211N025C_Q +1 set fx1A_MAN_MODE_B200D.BI01=1 DMF emfNBOl_LISB211N025D +1 set fx1A_MAN_MODE_B200D.BI01=1 DOR aoLISB211N025D_Q + 1 set fx1A_MAN_MODE_B200D.BI01=1
                                      +1 set fx1A_MAN_MODE_B200D.BI01=1
WR n026 +1 set fx1A_MAN_MODE_B200D.BI01=1 DMF cmfNBOl_LISB211N026Al +1 set fx1A_MAN_MODE_B200D.BI01=1 DMF cmfNBOl_LISB211N026A2 +l set fx1A_MAN_MODE_B200D.BI01=1 DMF cmffR02_LITSB211N026A +l set fx1A_MAN_MODE_B200D.BI01=1 DMF cmfNBOl_LISB211N026Bl +1 set fx1A_MAN_MODE_B200D.BI01=1 DMF cmfNBOl_LISB211N026B2 +1 set fxlA_MAN_MODE_B200D.BIOl=l DMF cmffR02_LITSB211N026B + 1 set fx1A_MAN_MODE_B200D.BI01=1 DMF cmfNBOl_LISB211N026Cl +1 set fx1A_MAN_MODE_B200D.BI01=1 DMF cmfNBOl_LISB211N026C2 +l set fx1A_MAN_MODE_B200D.BI01=1 DMF cmffR02_LITSB211N026C +1 set fx1A_MAN_MODE_B200D.BI01=1 DMF cmfNBOl_LISB211N026Dl +1 set fx1A_MAN_MODE_B200D.BI01=1 DMF cmfNBOl_LISB211N026D2 +1 set fx1A_MAN_MODE_B200D.BI01=1 DMF cmffR02_LITSB211N026D
other wr RCB_RCICOOS DMF cmffR02_LT14201A IMF mfRC150011 DMF cmffR02_LT14201B IRF rfDC188073 f
OPEN IRF rfDB106383 f:OPEN
dwclg IMF cmfAOl_HV149F088 DMF cmfNBOl_LIS14221C DOR aoLIS14221C_Q DMF emfNBOl_LIS14221D ETLOC28-NRC04-A DOR aoLIS14221D_Q ;SWITCH
MODE SWITCH diHSC72AlS01.CurrValue != #OR.diHSC72AlS01.RUN
ER MMF mfMS183007 r
300 i:0.5 f:2 DMF cmffR02_LT14203A IMF mfDS103010 d:lO DMF cmffR02_LT14203B
DMF cmffR02_PDTC321N017 DMF cmffD03_PDTC321N017 LOC28-NRC-04 Rev 1 Examination Material 4/26/2016
  • 19


DRYWELL SPRAY OB ISO HV-1F016A (E11A-S9A) ETLOC28-N RC04-E diHS15116A.CurrValue != #OR.diHS15116A.CLOSE ;A RRP runaway at 95.5 Mlbm DMF mfRH149011B aoXR14301F.CurrValue>95.5 cet ETLOC28-NRC04-C SCN exam\LOC28-NRC04-D aet ETLOC28-NRC04-D ETLOC28-NRC04-C
DRYWELL SPRAY OB ISO HV-1F016B (EllA-S9B) diHS15116B.CurrValue != #OR.diHS15116B.CLOSE DMF mfRH149011A cet ETLOC28-NRC04-B ETLOC28-NRC04-D
A RRP failure stops with scoop tube lock diHSB311503A.CurrValue=#OR.diHSB311S03A.TRIP abort exam\LOC28-NRC04-D set fx1A_MAN_MODE_B200D.BI01=0 LOC28-NRC-04 Rev 1 Examination Material 4/26/2016. 20

LOC28-NRC-04 Event 1 - Shutdown the '8' EOG Instructor Activities Operator Activities Notes Booth Operator No additional activities are required PCOM Role Play D Monitor diverse plant indications As NPO at the 'B' EOG, acknowledge requests and PCOP report actions complete when D Adjusts EOG KW to the proper setting the 'B' EOG is secured (-5 with HS-000548, Speed governor minutes) D Adjusts EOG Kvars - 0 with HS-000538, Voltage Adjust D Opens 1A20204 to divorce from the EOG D Adjusts voltage to 4250V using HS-000538 for 5 minute unloaded run D Depresses HS-000528, DG 8 Stop pushbutton D Directs NPO to perform field actions us D Directs PCOP to secure the '8' EOG IAW S0-024-0018 Instructor Note There is a 5 minute unloaded cooldown time in the SO. No actions are taken during that time period. Time compression is allowed for that section of the procedure if authorized by the Chief Examiner. LOC28-NRC-04 Rev 1 Examination Material 4/26/2016. 21

LOC28-NRC-04 Event 2 - Raise .Reactor Power 5% with RRPs, 'A' RRP Runaway Instructor Activities Operator Activities Notes Booth Oper~tor After the stop p4shbutton has been depressed for the 'B' EOG and the crew is not proceeding to raise power, perform the first role play. Ensure Event Trigger ETLOC28-NRC04-E fires when Core Flow reaches 95.5 Mlbm .. This should occur the third time 'A' RRP flow is adjusted, The Event Trigger will cause the 'A' RRP to run away and activate ETLOC28-NRC04~D. Ensure Event Trigger E;TLOC28-NRC04-D fires when the scoop tube is locked to stop the scenario and the RRP malfunction. PCOM Role Play D Raises Reactor Power with RRPs IAW As Shift Manager contact the control room provided RMR and OP-AD-338 If we have depressed the D Plots power on the power/flow map stop pushbutton for the 'B' prior to the power change and Diesel,. you have my permission to continue following the power change with the 5% power D Depresses the single or double up ascension while the stop chevron to raise reactor power. (A 2% timers and field actions are proceeding. change in speed on both RRPs equates to - 1% change in reactor power) D Monitors diverse indications of reactor power D Reports 'A' RRP speed is raising D May attempt to lower flow by depressing the up chevron D Locks 'A' RRP MG Scoop Tube. PCOP D Peer checks the PCOM during the power maneuver D As required, adjusts manual voltage to zero manual and auto voltage regulators D Performs ON-RECIRC-101 LOC28-NRC-04 Rev 1 Examination Material 4/26/2016

  • 22

LOC28-NRC-04 Event 2 - Raise Reactor Power 5% with RRPs, 'A' RRP Runaway Instructor Activities Operator Activities Notes us D Obtains permission from the SM to perform the reactivity manipulation D Directs PCOM to raise reactor power using RRPs IAW the RMR and OP-AD-338 D Directs PCOP to peer check the PCOM D May conduct update after the reactivity maneuver D Enters ON-RECIRC-101 on runaway RRP D Evaluates entering TS 3.4.1.B for loop flows not matched. Instructor Note When the crew locks the Scoop Tube, speed may continue to raise. This is because the RRP will match speed to the location of the scoop tube. If speed was lower than the position of the scoop tube, it will continue to rise until it reaches that position and then stop moving. The crew may discuss tripping the 'A' RRP if they do not notice that the scoop tube position is not moving. LOC28-NRC-04 Rev 1 Examination Material 412612016

  • 23

LOC28-NRC-04 Event 3 - Control rod scram Instructor Activities Operator Activities Notes Booth Operator When the power change has been completed, Insert KEY 1 to scram control rod 50-23 due to blown fuses. {Key[1]} IMF mfRD1550085023 Drift Control rod 50-23 In If directed, Insert KEY 2 to disarm co.ntrol rod 50-23. Report when the actions are complete, {Key[2]} IRF rfR01550075023 d:120 f:DISARM Disarms Control rod 50-23 {Key[2]} DMF mfRD1550085023 Removes the drift in malfunction PCOM Role Play D Reports RPV power, pressure, and As NPO dispatched to HCU 50-23, wait 2 minutes water level after the plant stabilizes Scram inlet and outlet D Reports control rod 50-23 is at position valves on HCU 50-23 are 00 open. D Plots position on the Power/Flow Map Role Play PCOP As WWM contacted for D Performs ON-CRD-101 condition D assistance with control rod 50-23, wait 5 minutes D Verifies position of control rod 50-23 l&C discovered a blown D Resets rod drift alarm fuse on the 'B' RPS D Informs US to address LCO 3.1.3 and solenoid for the scram pilot solenoid valve for HCU 50- 3.9.5

23. They are still us troubleshooting. D Enters ON-CRD-101 condition D Role Play D Enters ON-PWR-101 for power change As NPO dispatched to 1C007 D Enters TS 3.1.3.C for a control rod for high temperatures, wait 2 inoperable fully inserted minutes Control rod 50-23 has elevated temperature on 1C007.

LOC28-NRC-04 Rev 1 Examination Material 4/26/2016. 24

LOC28-NRC-04 Event 4 - T-20 Lockout Instructor Activities Operator Activities Notes Booth Operator When the US has reviewed TS for the drifted control rod, Insert KEY 3 to initiate a lockout of Start Up Transformer 20 (T-20). {Key[3]} IMF mfDS003008. T-20 lockout If requested to reset Div 2 rad monitors for the loss of RPS, Wait 1 minute, Insert KEY 8 and report when complete {Key[8]} SCN exam\RMA_DIV2RST Reset Rad monitors PCOM Role Play D Reports RPV Power, Pressure, and As NPO dispatched to T-20, wait 2 minutes Water Level There is nothing abnormal PCOP at the T-20 transformer. D Reports loss of Startup Bus 20 Role Play D Dispatches NPO to Startup Bus 20 As WWM contacted for D Dispatches NPO to Startup assistance with T-20 lockout, Transformer 20 wait 5 minutes Electrical Maintenance D Performs ON-SUB-001 reports the backup D Performs ON-4KV-101 transformer lockouts were D Performs ON-RPS-101 tripped on T-20. It looks like a bad lockout relay and D Restores cooling to the RRPs we are getting a package to us replace it. D Enters ON-SUB-001, Loss of Startup Role Play Bus 10 or 20 As NPO dispatched to SUB- D Enters TS 3.8.1.A, Actions A.1 & A.3 20, wait 2 minutes D Enters TRO 3.4.1 The backup lockout relay for T-20 is tripped on Startup Bus 20. Role Play As NPO dispatched to verify the position of the 'E' EOG OATS, wait 3 minutes The 'E' diesel OATS is on SUB-10. LOC28-NRC-04 Rev 1 Examination Material 4/26/2016. 25

LOC28-NRC-04 Event 5, 6 - Small Steam Leak/ Manual Scram/ HPCI failure Instructor Activities Operator Activities Notes Booth Operator When RRP cooling has been restored, Insert KEY 4 to initiate a small steam leak in the Drywell {Key[4]} IMF mfMS183007 r:600 f:0.02 Small steam leak When the crew recognized the steam leak, Insert KEY 5 when desired to raise the severity of the steam leak and proceed to reactor scram. {Key[5]} MMF mfMS183007 r:9 f:0.05 Raise severity of the leak Ensure EventTrigger ETLOC28-NRC04-A fires when the Mode Switch is placed to SHUTDOWN to raise the severity of the steam leak AND cause a Plant Aux Load Shed PCOM Role Play D If directed, Inserts a LIM #2 on RRPs As NPO dispatched to investigate Condensate D When directed, Places Mode Switch in Pump discharge valves, wait SHUTDOWN to Scram the reactor 2 minutes D Performs Scram Report IAW OP-AD-The Condensate Pump discharge valves all 300 indicate full open. The D Inserts IRMS and SRMS breakers are closed and reset. D Reports trip of all RFPs D If observed, Reports failure of Role Play condensate discharge valves to close As WWM contacted for PCOP assistance with the Drywell steam leak, wait 5 minutes D Reports rising Drywell Pressure I have activated the forced D Verifies Isolations, Initiations, and EOG outage response team at starts the direction of the Duty Manager. D Reports an Aux Bus Load Shed happened Role Play D Reports failure of HPCI to auto start As WWM contacted for assistance with Condensate D Performs Component by component Pump discharge valves, startup of HPCI IAW OP-152-001 acknowledge the request, if asked* about status Engineering and maintenance are still investigating. Instructor Note The initial steam leak is very small in severity and takes -5 minutes to be readily detected LOC28-NRC-04 Rev 1 Examination Material 4/26/2016

  • 26

LOC28-NRC-04 Event 5, 6 - Small Steam Leak/ Manual Scram/ HPCI failure Instructor Activities Operator Activities Notes us D Performs ON-RPR-101 D Directs PCOM to scram the plant D Enters E0-000-102, RPV Control D Enters E0-000-103, PC Control Directs PCOP to maintain RPV water level with HPCI and RCIC Critical Parameter Once Drywell pressure is noticed to be rising, it would be expected that the US gives a Critical Parameter to the PCOP on Drywell pressure and an action to place the Mode Switch to SHUTDOWN when it is reached. LOC28-NRC-04 Rev 1 Examination Material 4/26/2016

  • 27

LOC28-NRC-04 Event 7 - Containment Cooling Instructor Activities Operator Activities Notes Booth Op~rator Ensur~ Event Trigger ETLOC28-NRC04-B(C) fires when the first RHR F016A(B) valve is opened to clear the stem-to-disk malfunction on the other division. Critical Task

  • Spray the Drywell when Suppression Chamber pressure exceeds 13 psig.

Role Play As NPO dispatched to RHR PCO D When directed, initiates suppression chamber sprays IAW OP-149-004 F016A(B), wait 2 minutes The RHR Drywe/I spray OB D Aligns RHRSW to the RHR heat valve HV-151-F016A(B) exchanger IAW OP-149-004 indicates full open. I do NOT hear any flow. D When directed, initiates Drywell Sprays IAW OP-149-004 Role Play D Requests plant status IAW the DSIL As WWM contacted for curve before spraying the Drywell assistance with RHR F016A(B), acknowledge D Reports failure to achieve flow through request, if contacted about the RHR F016A(B) and moves to the status Engineering and other RHR Loop for Drywell sprays Maintenance are still D Dispatches NPO to investigate RHR troubleshooting. F016A(B) us D Directs PCO to initiate Suppression Chamber Sprays D Directs PCO to line-up for Drywell Sprays D Verifies plant conditions are in the

                                   'Safe to Spray' region of the DISL curve before directing PCO to spray the Drywell LOC28-NRC-04 Rev 1                               Examination Material                         4/26/2016
  • 28

LOC28-NRC-04 Event 8 - RPV Flooding Instructor Activities Operator Activities Notes Booth Operator When the crew has established Drywell Spray and Drywell pressure is trending down, Insert KEY 6 to initiate reactor level notching and subsequent failure of all reactor level indications upscale. {Key[6]} SCN examlLOC28-NRC04-C If directed, Insert KEY 7 to back up ADS with the keylock switches from the relay room. When complete, report to the control room. {Key[7]} IOR d.iHS14113G2 d:60 f:OPEN {Key[7]} IOR diHS14113J2 d:66 f:OPEN {Key[7]} IOR diHS14113K2 d:72 f:OPEN {Key[7]} IOR diHS14113L2 d:78 f:OPEN {Key[7]} IOR diHS14113M2 d:84 f:OPEN {Key[7]} IOR diHS14113N2 d:90 f:OPEN Monitor 'E0114' on R*Time and 'Vesvoid' on the Simulator in the booth and inform the Lead Evaluator when the simulator is Flooded to the Main Steam Lines (MSL) Critical Task Performs RPV Flooding when RPV water level becomes indeterminate by establishing RPV Flooded to Steamlines. PCO Role Play D Reports erratic and unusable level As NPO dispatched to Instrument racks C004/C005, instrumentation wait 2 minutes D Verifies ALL level indications are All reactor level indicators erratic at the 4 and 5 racks show full upscale. D When directed, Opens the 6 ADS SRVs on 1 C601 Role Play D May, dispatch NPO to backup ADS As WWM contacted for with the keylocks in the relay room assistance with Reactor level indications, acknowledge D Verify ADS SRVs are open by request and if contacted temperature recorders, acoustic about status Engineering and monitors, and reactor pressure Maintenance are lowering developing a plan to go D Closes all MSIVs and MSL drains troubleshoot. D Aligns RHR to LPCI mode IAW OP-149-004 LOC28-NRC-04 Rev 1 Examination Material 4/26/2016

  • 29

LOC28-NRC-04 Event 8 - RPV Flooding Instructor Activities Operator Activities Notes PCO D Isolates HPCI and RCIC when the supply valves close on low pressure D May bring up on R*Time page E0114 to aid in monitoring for filling to the MSL us D Enters E0-000-114, RPV Flooding D Directs opening all ADS SRVs D Directs isolating all MSIVs and MSL drains D Directs aligning RHR for LPCI injection D Directs maximizing RPV injection to flood the RPV to the MSL Critical Parameter (~; When flooding to the MSL, the US may give a critical parameter to inform the US when flooded conditions are met. Instructor Activity - Termination The scenario may be terminated when the crew acknowledges indications of being flooded to the main steam lines OR at the direction of the Chief Examiner. LOC28-NRC-04 Rev 1 Examination Material 4/26/2016. 30


1) Power ascension from control rod pattern adjustment in progress, 90 percent power
2) RCIC is out-of-service due to contamination of lube oil system. Estimated RTS is 4 days
3) LCO 3.5.3 Entered. Day 2 of the 14 day LCO
4) Shutdown Diesel Generator B per S0-024-001 B
5) Raise power 5 percent per Reactor Engineering RMR to 94% APRM power
6) Perform all briefings prior to taking the shift 7

8 9) 10 11 12 13 14 15) COMMON:

1) Unit 2 is at rated power
2) SSES experienced a less-than-OBE seismic event 6 hours ago due to expected blasting activities by neighboring industrial facilities
3) Actions of ON-000-002 for a seismic event have been completed 4

5) 6 7 8) 9) FORM OP-AD-003-7, DUPLEX Page 1 of 2 (Electronic Form) Examination Material NRC SCN 4


1. Evolutions in progress and items to be completed during next shift, as noted in remarks, have been discussed with oncoming Unit Supervisor (including special evolutions, i.e. SICT/E, OPDRVs, etc.).
2. Problems encountered during past shift and abnormal plant conditions, as noted in remarks, have been discussed with oncoming Unit Supervisor.
3. Information in SOMS Log is complete and discussed with oncoming Unit Supervisor.
4. As applicable, turnover plastic Security Badge cover and CRS Monitor function to oncoming Unit Supervisor.

1900-0700 - - - - - - - - - - - 0700 - 1900 - - - - - - - - - - - Offgoing Unit Supervisor ONCOMING UNIT SUPERVISOR CHECKLIST: 0700 1900

1. LCOfTRO Log reviewed.

c) 2. SOMS Log reviewed for entries made in past 24 hours.

3. Report any changes to license or medical status PER NDAP-QA-0723.

0700 - 1900 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1900-0700 - - - - - - - - - - - Oncoming Qualified Unit Supervisor POST RELIEF 0700 1900

1. Walk down Control Room panels with Unit Responsible PCO.
2. CRC Book reviewed and Reactivity Brief performed with PCO.
3. Completed System Status Operable audit for open PMT this shift.
4. From the OPS Web page, Review OPS Aggregate Index for Challenges, Work Arounds, and Deficiencies Reports for impact on scheduled work activities and compensatory actions. (2o) 0700-1900 - - - - - - - - - - -

1900 - 0700 - - - - - - - - - - - - Oncoming Unit Supervisor FORM OP-AD-003-7, DUPLEX Page 2 of 2 (Electronic Form) Examination Material NRCSCN4}}