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{{#Wiki_filter:St.LucieUnits1and2DocketNos.50-335and50-389PeriodicUpdateofPopulationDataWithin5and10MilesofthePlantPOPULATIONESTIMATEFORTHEAREASURROUNDINGTHEST.LUCIENLICLEARPOWERPLANTDecember,1992Preparedfor:FLORIDAPOWER5LIGHTCOMPANY700UniverseBoulevardjunoBeach,Florida334084420PIeparedby:ENVIRONMENTALRADIATIONGROUP4900NW19thPlaceCainesville,FL326059304080028930402PDR*DOCK0500D335RPDR ThisreportpresentspopulationestimatesfortheareasurroundingtheSt.LucieNuclearPowerPlant.ThereportisintendedtobeusedasSection2.1-GeographyandDemography,oftheSt.LucieFinalSafetyAnalysisReportincompliancewithNRCRegulatoryGuide1.70,Revision3requirements.Thepopulationestimatespresentedhereinrepresent1990residentpopulationlevels;andestimated1992resident,transient,andspecialpopulationsfortheareawithintenmilesoftheSt.LucieplantInaddition,correspondingprojectionstotheyear2030areincludedfortheareaupto50milesoftheplant.
{{#Wiki_filter:St. Lucie Units  1 and  2 Docket Nos. 50-335 and 50-389 Periodic Update of Population Data Within 5 and 10 Miles of the Plant POPULATION ESTIMATE FOR THE AREA SURROUNDING THE ST. LUCIE NLICLEAR POWER PLANT December, 1992 Prepared for:
FIGURES2.1-1THROVGH2.1-4INKGSTjlNGFSARRK1?ORT 0FigureShowsthe1990ResidentPopulathnwithin0-5MllesoftheSt.LuoleSite.3482302,4901,218o'4500p00p007561,292906000020000p01341p1182,8082451240p0339381,9987101961972,100976Miles0051152 ps+$~6g00C)OAgg1~QQ~Q'~gQ0FigureShowsthe1990ResidentPopulationwithin5-10MllesoftheSt.LudeSite.VCP(po0''S~0O~'v'~goI'@s6g~9361,5313,9316,8741,855>gSg~g9Miles01234 20,622FigureShowsthe1990ResidentPopulationwithin10-50MllesoftheSt.LuofeSite.20819.1892,88244,7764948118,45017,9675,1312,0782,47810,1763816981,82415,1967403,0121,1417,36138.0220,112465,24132,2055,7788,81017813,25578,6341,398151,310114,025Miles05101520 FigureShowstheEstimated1995ResidentPopulatfonwithin0-5MllesoftheSt.LuoleSite.4182829881461540161249061550108712000000000Op014033692941490p040646239885123523625195311170Miles00.511.52 g6SgSq~9o0)0)CO00pter~Q'1RgureShowstheEstimated1995ResidentPopulationwithin5-10MilesoftheSt.LudeSite.0)QlCP0'PCPV04)8gCga@9y6g6g>0O~~Ip6.)g88',1101,6724,2997,5152,029Miles01234 23,608FigureShowstheestimated1995ResidentPopulationwithIn10-50MllesoftheSt.LuoleSite.24022.2093.34352,0095929269,8139,50321,5232,4942,83411,6684408398363,5925,1812,01917,4301,2468,09321,9841,562755,7306,66236,60710,18020615,31690,8601.615174.831131,751Miles051015'i20 8revardOsceolaPolkIndianRHardeeHighlandsOkeecobeeSt.DeSotoGladesHendryPalmBeach SW30~SSW20-30S20-30SSE20%0SW40-50SSW30-40SSE3040S30-40SSW40-50FigureshowingPalmBeachCountywithSectorSegments.Miles02468 WSW10-20WSW2040ASW10-20QSSW10-20S10-20SSE10-20SW20%0SW~0SSW20-30IS2MO1SSE20%0FigureshowingMartinCountywithSectorSegments.Miles02468 WNW20-30jNW10-20.WNW10-20W20-30W10-20WSW10-20Q(UWSW2040FigureshowingStLucieCountywithSectorSegments.Miles02468 NW40-501~NNW30-40NW30-400d4NNW20-30WNW40-50NW20-30WNWSh40NNW10-20RgureshowingIndianRiverCountywithSectorSegments.Miles02468 NNW40-50~b(6NW40-50~4yNNW30-40FigureshowingBrevardCountywithSectorSegments.Miles024'8 WNW40-50~+IWNW30-40DWNW2040W40-50aW30~rYW20-30W10-20WSW20-30rWSW30-40WSW40-50FigureshowingOkeechobeeCountywithSectorSegments.Miles02468 W40-50W3040l'WSW40-50WSW30-40SW40-50FigureshowingGiadesCountywithSectorSegments.Miles02468 NNW40-50NNW40-50NW3(F40WNW40-50NW20-30FigureshowingOsceolaCountywithSectorSegments.Miles02468 WNW30-40W40-50W30-40WSW30-40FigureshowingHighiandsCountywithSectorSegments.Miles0'2468 RgureShowstheEstimated1992PeakDallyandSeasonalVhttorswithin10MilesoftheSt.LucleSite5,6138,0751,4481358<036802060023219722p138001,560223868Sp'16319035210p035913940132,7293,5853,3129,586Miles01234 RgureShowstheEstimated1995PeakOaltyandSeasonalVhltorswithin10MllesoftheSt.LucleSite650496881737162102442247o0014422322782362226844618ooo018711042eo6045519431166382481132754219368210795Miles01234 FigureshowingCensusBlockswiththe10-mileSectorSegments.Miles0123'4 AAA(SQUAREMILES)MIDISTANCE(MILES)0-11-22-3344-55-66-77-88-99-1010-2020-3030-4040-50IRECTIONNNNENEENEESESESSESSWSWWSWNW0.16710.15020.09890.00000.05910.00000.05050.00000.06130.00000.11190.00000.15950.17800.06620.15680.06770.00000.07650.00000.08280.03060.08540.10310.05700.01760.10380.00000.17930.10320.16290.47730.00020.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000,00000.00000.00000.00000.82210.00000.14640.43640.00000.22800.37271.15930.75651.37290.00211.33080.71451.33780.31801.07970.00000.09300.33800.25240.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.63800.35320.78141.51991.79182.19321.72562.10611.73941.95701.70392.09941.70192.12820.44201.10370.57950.46720.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.71540.24870.60242.27282.91323.34452.58142.95391.48602.48542.83463.08532.52772.91933.30832.51052.89553.28452.51352.89913.26801.92232.59153.28791.08930.55390.92050.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.579622.19220.874956.21173.012858.72543.687859.18603.697658.22203.669057.90833.660157.60113.687857.85961.263228.93310.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.000040.643449.326795.3550136.687496.2624137.236697.374153.618498.322153.643198.8879136.379599.0072136.315598.0783133.435963.782971.90040.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000.000035.7643174.5066176.254414.146189.5997171.2929174.0430168.986286.7609AveragebyAnnulus0.09940.07610.21690.45560.69400.87051.16361.30061.41171.508328.552549.232156.784068.2096 AAA(SQUAREMILES)DISTANCE(MILES)0-11-22-334'4-55-66-77-88-99-1010-2020-3030-4040-50IRECTIONNNNENEENEESESESSE0.03140.44550.09900.59460.13770.59070.14400.58460.13230.58090.08360.58730.03250.39820.13100.43600.13200.59870.99231.39020.99021.38640.98501.37930.97461.36530.97601.35350.97881.37140.15201.34500.8406.0.94550.99791.16891.78702.18382.58141.78332.17942.57501.77302.16682.56191.75532.14592.53581.74132.12782.51541.76212.15522.54491.72912.11322.49771.13881.81941.85271.01500.67590.32262.97732.97212.95472.92522.90062.93802.88042.71320.07963.37583.77253.36753.76433.35053.74353.31523.70723.29023.67623.32983.72123.26673.65102.75483.17280.04792.917259.616996.872459.420596.688159.106297.471458.515998.493258.059099.137658.7656100.410057.659697.059937.066656.93383.68271.6264137.2692176.5751137.0090176.2730137.1803176.4414137.3231176.5937137.3535176.6273139.0724178.8311135.2638173.901787.9795140.71950.75262.1134SSW0.12260.59790.62480.23800.00410.00240.01290.03931.90710.77991.17900.74880.23800.4287SWWSW0.11500.56200.10900.48080.13630.56220.08940.58020.01540.48160.03390.11360.23080.01020.95850.03190.25160.01410.64900.27380.97501.27230.64651.12630.05260.06780.08310.01310.18560.00380.03470.02690.00160.03910.00020.00051.31281.04170.61261.19421.70001.47180.12840.00090.00240.00240.33252.40050.27430.06600.00330.00390.00200.00270.01920.01540.02740.01712.42922.48170.05800.19910.19230.07700.08060.20380.43340.08970.66950.400230.214833.728983.7034162.400383.530286.81860.87585.24320.96752.46877.41963.798965.297389.6457AveragebyAnnulus0.09660.51220.76400.91701.07101.28701.38591.64051.92262.218330.295048.758880.4759108.2813 A(SQUAREMILES)DISTANCE(MILES)0-11-22-3344-55-66-77-88-99-1010-2020-3030-40IRECTION40-50N0.1985NNE0.1979NE0.1968ENE0.1945E0.1936ESE0.1955SE0.1920SSE0.1972S0.1997SSW0.1991SW0.1978WSW0.1944W0.1933WNW0.1932NW0.1947NNW0.19680.59570.59460.59070.58460.58090.58730.57620.59280.59870.59790.59260.58390.57980.58020.58480.59090.99251.39021.78702.18382.58142.97730.99021.38641.78332.17942.57502.97210.98501.37931.77302.16682.56192.95470.97461.36531.75532.14592.53582.92520.97601.35351.74132.12782.51542.90060.97881.37141.76212.15522.54492.93800.97411.34501.72912.11322.49772.88040.98701.38191.77682.17262.56812.96190.99791.39691.79642.19582.59542.99280.99751.39731.79592.19562.59432.99320.98731.38311.77822.17392.56852.96300.96061.36271.75252.14262.53152.92020.96611.35191.73862.12632.51212.89790.96701.35351.74102.12842.51402.90150.97501.36531.75482.14542.53492.92400.98451.37871.77372.16722.56112.95443.37583.36753.35053.31523.29023.32983.26673.35723.39243.39313.35963.31163.28653.28723.31533.34973.772559.616996.87243.764359.420596.68813.743559.106297.47143.707258.515998.49323.676258.059099.13763.721258.7656100.41003.651057.659697.05993.752459.258897.57723.792159.894496.98143.792759.904497.01123.753859.244097.57323.701558.414398.39913.671757.988999.09173.675558.034599.09693.704958.529198.47853.744959.147997.5118137.2692137.0090137.1803137.3231137.3535139.0724135.2638137.3062137.4400137.4746137.3218137.1733137.2553137.2830137.2348137.1977176.5751176.2730176.4414176.5937176.6273178.8311173.9017176.4838176.6200176.6831176.5464176.4183176.5361176.5117176.4058176.4066AveragebyAnnulus0.19590.58820.98091.37271.76492.15752.54952.94113.33433.726658.847597.9909137.2599176.4909Deviation0.00230.00700.01120.01650.02110.02570.03060.03530.03970.04440.70491.06140.70470.9072 DIRECTION0-11-22-33-44-55-6DISTANCE(MILES)6-77-88-99-1010-2020-3030-4040-50NEENEESESESSESSWWSWWNWNWNNW118102019719638710124339134245901,292451,218239764432,1001,9982,8087562,4903482,2885164217699361,5313,9316,8742,6622,2231,7901,5253,1545,1044,5542,4023,9666,8196,0541,7961,2471,1201,161372,3101,3788018191,0553,56Q6,52810,9206247241,9884431,8556953,3341,93661213,20256520,11532,20578,634114,02538,0245,77813,255151,3107,3615,2411781,3984,4341,1412468,8103,01274015,1961,82469838110,1762,4782,Q7814381149417,9678,4502,88220825,13144,77619,18920,622TotalbyAnnulus1544314,22011,91917,61822,87525,96427,13022,647118,82098,855140,567301,169 AWITHIN10MILESOFTHEST.LUCIEPLANTDIRECTION0-1DISTANCE(MILES)1-22-33-44-55-100-10NEENEESESESSESSW118381979764,43719644315,1277102,1008,8951185,61015,76611,743SWWSWWWNW010201243391,99818,5481342452,80820,571901,2927563,570451,2182,4905,92021,01923,7785,7149,673NWNNW2334835,2653,90135,6363,901TotalbyAnnulus1544314,220'11,919116,234132,958 DIRECTIONWITHIN50MILESOFTHEST.LUCIEPLANTDISTANCE(MILES)0-1010-2020-3030-4040-5010-500-50NNENEESESESSESSWSWWSWWNWNWNNW1185,61015,76611,74321,01923,7785,7149,67335,6363,90120,11538,0247,3614,4343,0126982,07817,96725,13132,20578,634114,025244,9795,77813,255151,310208,3675,2411781,39814,1781,1412468,81014,63174015,1961,82420,77238110,1762,47813,7331438114943,5268,4502,88220829,50744,77619,18920,622109,718118250,589224,13325,92135,65044,55019,44713,19965,143113,619TotalbyAnnulus132,958118,82098,855140,567301,169659,411792,369 1ANlDIRECTION0-11-22-3DISTANCE(MILES)3-44-55-66-77-88-99-1010-2020-3030-4040-50ENEESESE140131,751SSE36,60790,8602361,1702,74459446084248421,9841,6726,66215,316174,8312355311,1104,2997,5152,02941,569462,6522,5193,191SSW8,0932,1261,7188191,6155,73020610,1806,126406121495,1812,3983,7833,3694,7569061,4971,24627583617,43044011,6685,4692,8824,0017,2662,1512,320161294WSW2,0198,1853,5922,834W8381081,5501,3411,39544545921,4612,9882,7729599857351,6522,4941709269,8133,34352,00922,20921,52329,5034,270240NW.7,83413,09915,8408682,382676.4181,26623,608749TotalbyAnnulus01835185,06114,29921,11927,24130,67631,61826,910134,777113,513162,233347,670 WITHIN10MILESOFTHEST.LUCIEPLANTDIRECTION0-1DISTANCE(MILES)1-22-33-44-55-100-10NEENEESESESSESSWSWWSWWWNWNWNNW1401224236235468511494061612941081,550541,461281401,1705,1246,53053116,62517,3912,51910,50613,9222,39822,26125,2263,36924,67828,5269064,2836,8542,9887,10311,60641842,30942,7554,6754,675TotalbyAnnulus1835185,06114,299137,564157,625 IRECTIONNWITHIN50MILESOFTHEST.LUCIEPLANTDISTANCE(MILES}0-1010-2020-3030-4040-5010-500-50NEENEESESESSE1406,53017,39121,98441,56936,60790,8606,66215,316131,751281,202174,831238,378140287,732255,769SSW13,922SW25,226WSW28,526W6,854WNW11,606NW42,755NNW4,6758,0935,1813,5928382,49421,52329,5035,7302061,24627583617,43044011,6681709269,8133,34352,00922,2091,61515,64410,18016,8822,01923,8772,83415,7805924,18224034,91923,608127,32929,56642,10852,40322,63415,78877,674132,004TotalbyAnnulus157,625134,777113,513162,233347,670758,193915,818 DISTANCE(MILES)0-1-1-22-3344-55-66-77-88-99-1010-2020-3030-4040-50DIRECTIONNNEENEESESESSESSW161522711,3393,1406644942706081,2611,7954,6109752,8803,6543,0192,4149028,0621,8845192,17692723,58940,38944,5767,4248,7146,147101,360147,01217,086195,0532301,801SWWSWWWNW14271704652,7424,3297,0076,2481843373,8545,4429,3548,3071241,7721,0381,7111,5401,593621,6713,4133,1711,8901,0963,2972,467511,1234,5762,6558405,8331,3374,0959189564912,85019430411,36519,3332,185]2,9553,1541,033678NW324791,4494,8888,95885699414,9832,73018,11177524,59511,00433,29358,2983,75526724,91826,214TotalbyAnnulus2105925,79316,35324,15731,01334,71435,49930,586148,501126,202180,974387,729 AWITHIN10MILESOFTHEST.LUCIEPLANTDIRECTIONN0-1DISTANCE(MILES)1-22-33-44-55-100-10NEENEESESESSESSWSWWSWWWNWNWNNW161142752170184124622711,339,2706089752,8804652,7423373,854.1,7721,0381,6713,413324791615,7197,32917,90418,78211,89815,80525,45728,84828,22532,6274,9027,8448,12013,26648,38948,9005,3555,355TotalbyAnnulus2105925,79316,353155,969178,917 DIRECTIONNWITHIN50MILESOFTHEST.LUCIEPLANTDISTANCE(MILES)0-1010-2020-3030-4040-5010-500-50NEENEESESE161161SSE7,32923,58918,78244,576SSW15,8058,714SW28,8485,833WSW32,6274,095W7,844956WNW13,2662,850NW48,90024,595NNW5,35533,29340,389101,3607,42417,0866,1472301,33730491819,33349112,9551941,03311,0043,75558,29824,918147,012195,0531,80111,3652,1853,15467826726;214312,350264,13916,89218,83926,53117,5564,75539,621142,723319,679282,92132,69747,68759,15825,40018,02188,521148,078TotalbyAnnulus178,917148,501126,202180,974387,729843,4061,022,323 DIRECTIONN0-11-22-33-44-55-6DISTANCE(MILES)6-77-88-99-1010-2020-3030-4040-50NEENEESESESSESSW198653343331,2051,6553,8801,5437513,5634,5137902,0163,7165541,0145855,1789,0512,4442,9582;1891,12926,48750,0849,86347,395120,9628,84220,3876,904274175,386232,7412,153SWWSWWWNW172103422710153765764162,1922,0643,3895,3484,7596,7271,2822,1154,2263,9198,65211,5621,8992,3357,7184,0735,65310,2693,0443,2821,969631,3581,3891,0377,0405,0391,1873,5241,5013561,07222,88858415,3412401,22413,5522,4903,739840NWNNWTotalbyAnnulus405911,7906,0381,05811,07018,51722,3941,2303,37295930,34440,34613,194',48969,90629,80132031,07302597317,16020,21629,83538,06642,30442,71237,491173,914149,638215,722462,294 WITHIN10MILESOFTHEST.LUCIEPLANT0-1DISTANCE(MILES)1-22-33-44-55-100-10DIRECTIONNNNENEENEEESESESSESSSWSWWSWWWNWNWNNWTotalbyAnnulus19817341065210227153763343331,2055764162,1922,064402597317,1601,6556,8231988,81275120,23221,3161,2826,0549,6914,22610,03816,40459159,80960,4406,6196,61920,216190,408218,7743,56314,50519,3383,38931,44435,6364,75934,88440,320 DIRECTIONAWITHIN50MILESOFTHEST.LUCIEPLANTDISTANCE(MILES)0-1010-2020-3030-4040-5010-500-500ENEESESESSESSWSWWSWWNWNWNNW1988,81226,48721,31650,08419,3389,86335,6367,04040,3205,0399,6911,18716,4043,52460,44030,3446,61940,34647,3958,8426,9041,5011,07258424013,19469,906120,96220,38727435622,88815,3411,2244,48929,8Q1175,386232,7412,15313,5522,49Q3,73984032031,073198370,230379,042312,054333,37019,19438,53222,44958,08531,48971,80920,85130,5425,82822,23248,347108,787171,126177,745TotalbyAnnulus218,774173,914149,638215,722462,2941,001,5681,220,342 DIRECfIONN0-11-2DISTANCE(MILES)2-33-44-55-66-77-88-99-1010-2020-3030-4040-500ESESESSESSWSWWSW2342040762472673933921,4166764891,9458824,1903,9855,6014,5611,8005,3136,2947,9189072,2184,3606105,6973,46010,1969,09913,62112,0981,1156439,9632,6912,4731,3144,7986,6523,5883,86529,15453,81255,08210,14210,8987,5948,1621,6525,9101,2083152,47139715,56126,0942,766138,873201,36123,413267,226WWNW12180902,5792,4301,5084,9742,4894,6062,2382,7462,3201,59974101,6341,2211,3934,14467328017,4664,2541,394986NWNNWTotal,.byAnnulus466942,1047,09913,0351,2431,44721,79226,3423,9671,12935,71915,21246,84280,5933665,18834,29835,3393068608,42123,77935,08544,62849,36549,40443,867197,304171,166247,438530,330 WITHIN10MILESOFTHEST.LUCIEPLANTDIRECTIONN0-11-2DISTANCE(MILES)2-33-44-55-100-10NEENEEESESESSESSWSWWSWWWNW2342040123931,9457,83639288222,369761,4164,19016,9202476763,98537,0392674895,60141,0901802,5791,5087,131902,4304,974.11,80623410,17423,64322,60241,96747,48711,41019,300NWNNW4669470,3727,78671,1127,786TotalbyAnnulus3068608,42123,779222,349255,715 DIRECTIONNWITHIN50MILESOFTHEST.LUCIEPLANTDISTANCE(MILES)0-1010-2020-3030-4040-5010-500-50ENEESE0SE234234W11,4101,39367317,4664,254WNW19,3004,1442801,394986NW71,11235,71915,2125,188366NNW7,78646,84280,59334,29835,339SSE10,17429,15453,812138,873201,36123,64355,08210,14223,413267,226SSW22,60210,8987,5943152,471SW41,9678,1621,65239715,561WSW47,4875,9101,20826,0942,766423,200355,86321,2782577235,97823,7866,80456,485197,072433,374379,50643,88067,73983,46535,19626,104127,597204,858TotalbyAnnulus255,715197,304.171,166247,438530,3301,146,2381,401,953 IRECTION~N0-11-22-33-44-55-6DISTANCE(MILES)6-77-88-99-1010-2020-3030-4040-50NEENEESESESSE263004432,1875,1271,0026531,19268631,18459,049153,818223,080SSWSWWSWWNWNWTotalbyAnnulus2245134399922,015861,5924,7045,9622787604,4767,0663005506,2918,8832022,8961,6932,7941012,7295,5805,1752,3665278123734,88111,43115,2802,5083,0887,9781,3976,09410,6582,8743,8702,6951,46710,2065,3787,46613,5604,0244,3312,602831,7931,8361,37114,62224,45729,5741,6224,4531,26658,97211,7109,0666,6211,5654,65540,05552,22811,22225,9438,1313481,7704371,32228,84074419,3113141,53916,8975,76589,52438,065295,9872,73817,2352,9884,7011,10940439,00103439679,46126,70439,38849,93855,02254,77649,046216,056188,973274,066587,243 AWITHIN10MILESOFTHEST.LUCIEPLANTDIRECTIONNNNE.NEENE0-1DISTANCE(MILES)1-22-33-44-50.5-100-10ESESESSE2634434392,1878,66099224,01426311,29025,445SSWSWWSW861,59222278760453005504,70418,8754,47641,5476,29146,07825,25747,08353,264WWNWNWNNW130'022,8961012,729521,6937,9985,58013,26378178,9978,73812,80221,67379,8308,738TotalbyAnnulus3439679,46126,704248,170285,645 DIRECTIONNNNENEENEWITHIN50MILESOFTHEST.LUCIEPLANTDISTANCE(MILES)0-1010-2020-3030-4040-5010-500-50ESESE263263W12,8021,565WNW21,6734,655NW79,83040,055NNW8,73852,228SSE11,29031,18425,44558,972SSW25,25711,710SW47,0839,066WSW53,2646,62159,04911,2228,1311,7701,32274431416,89789,524153,81825,94334843728,84019,3111,5395,76538,065223,080295,9872,73817,2352,9884,7011,10940439,001,467,131478,421392,124417,56922,92748,18428,50875,59139,77193,03526,32139,1237,61729,29063,121142,951218,818227,556TotalbyAnnulus285,645216,056188,973274,066587,2431,266,3381,551,983 DIRECTION0-11-22-33-44-5DISTANCE(MILES)5-66-77-88-99-1010-2020-3030-4040-50NEENEESESSE2254861,4183,145ill43463139012,17216,01943,84159,1329324144686022733,87399420,3041,9276,78973,716SSWSWWSW2073872922391761,2959221,5321,2572,3262,0281,0232,0232,9511,0401,9872,3808289598164953,4381,8451,3411,3033777621,041269754971333,1357,7851,351W41483399466419461253291343,7241,242WNW224801,1721,11950630432123870950334245NW02397281,7538962,9845704,7491,6374,6266,8065,21938014,94123,5011411,0799,92510,262AveragebyAnnulus15151414986726967778655773,8153,0844,6059,358 0-1IRECTION1-2TITYEIR-EMENT(PERSQUAREMILEOFLAND)DISTANCE(MILES)2-33-44-55-66-77-88-99-1010-2020-3030-4040-50N0.004i0t0.,337.241,036.281404378.39780.24396.30352.08813.95700.981,167.46815.2600it1,158.02557.20310.83246.65164.30363.63206.08548.48361.2158.5422.0217.88394.1420.2119.173.872.74888.791,653.3849.67422.430.552.822.48221.62145.1315.08NW0.,151.46822.557.6198.231,444.390.5565.031,254.41300.825.6812.31117.63516401.360.5153.21368.4527.317.252.451.418.090.83138.04118.28AveragebyAnnulusareaoessansquaremiewouyiemateensiues. 0-1IRECTION1-2IIITbIT8bI'-Sh,MI:1(PERSQUAREMILEOFTOTALAREA)DISTANCE(MILES)2-33-44-55-66-7'-88-99-1010-2020-3030-4040-50NNE0.000.000.00tttttttttttttt~t~ttt0.,447.57134.16203.12513.39589.82706.89704.721,327.25946.51229.49219.16673.18525.75136.20339.330.,165.71815.01166.79159.08201.27104.77691.551,020.52349.85192.930.,141.67262.12244.02130.51285.45357.24246.41205.867.610.5497.6564.751,432.451,248.62488.70101.470.'tttt't103.07282.41311.00272.83263.52258.24154.6964.2731.5933.5553.00 (PERSQUAREMILEOFLAND)DISTANCE(MILES)0-11-22-3344-55-66-77-88-99-1010-2020-3030-4040-50IRECTIONN0.,349.382,055.310.'.,0.000.00'0.000.00.-0.000.00,0.001,594.153,188.2496.97867.07SSW0.000.004~ISO612.441,172.011,213.75861.16605.981,026.24230.68125.3554.441.307.93SW0.00WSW0.000.0000f00iOf0000001ifO246.921,157.86184.101,614.35965.76443.691,497.552,053.592,026.572,697.71593.98446.13-1,606.58778.532,073.78542.88400.9711.27904.06523.581.3674.9211.7251.737.533.8512.054.59622.79283.2820.3674621447WNWNW0.000.00NNW0.00Average0.,128.091,463.0700000.000.001,085.42548.24955.881,851.950.00572.84276.29250.612,519.003,321.27167.213,579.91447.2836.081.44310538616868.59702.015.952.8421.601.23266.88237.69byAnnulus0.000.000.00627.461,170.191,141.281,213.161,261.711,140.87836.30382.76215.02293.67620.33areasoessanIsquaremtewouyiemateensities.
FLORIDA POWER              5  LIGHT COMPANY 700 Universe Boulevard juno Beach, Florida 334084420 PIepared by:
ENVIRONMENTALRADIATIONGROUP 4900 NW 19th Place Cainesville, FL 32605 9304080028 930402 PDR  *DOCK 0500D335 R              PDR
0-11-22-3DIRECTIONNPERSONSPERHOUSINGUNITDISTANCE(MILES)344-55-66-77-88-99-1010-2020-3030-4040-50NEENEESESESSE0.520.410.690.730.730.971.221.141.652.011.791.932.111.842.101.781.731.771.871.873.001.952.05SSWSWWSWWNW5.002.866.001.901.701.542.202.052.431.421.392.672.542. ommuniesoover,ersons07UlDhJCOCityorTownesameacPortSt.LucieFortPierceRivieraBeachupiterPalmBeachGardensGreenacresCityeroBeachRoyalPalmBeachStuartNorthPalmBeachebastianCountyameacSt.LucieSt.LuciePalmBeachPalmBeachPalmBeachPalmBeachIndianRiverPalmBeachMartinPalmBeachIndianRiver1970Population33029,72121,4013,3166,1021,73111,9089,0869,0351980Population14,69033,80226,4899,86814,4078,78016,1763,4239,46711,3442,8311990Population55,86636,83027,63924,98622,96518,68317,35014,58911,93611,34310,205Communitiesofbetween5,000and10,000PersonsCityorTownameacPalmSpringsPahokeeLakeParkCountyameacPalmBeachPalmBeachPalmBeach1970Population4,3405,6636,9931980Population8,1666,3466,9091990Population9,7636,8226,704Note:Theinformationinthistableisbasedupon"FloridaPopulation:CensusSummary1990"April1991.BureauofEconomicandBusinessResearch,UniversityofFlorida.
0-10-2DIRECTIONR-(CUMULATIVESQUAREMILES)DISTANCE(MILES)0-30-40-50-60-70-80-90-100-200-300-400-50NNEENEESESESSESSWSWWSWWWNWNWNNW0.16710.31730.09890.09890.05910.05910.05050.05050.06130.06130.11190.11190.15950.33750.06620.22300.06770.06770.07650.07650.08280.11340.08540.18850.05700.07460.10380.10380.17930.28250.16290.64020.31750.31750.09890.09890.05910.05910.05050.05050.06130.06130.11190.11191.15961.15960.36940.80580.06770.29570.44921.60850.86992.24280.19061.52140.78912.12690.42181.50150.28250.37550.97821.23060.31750.31750.31750.09890.09890.09890.05910.05910.05910.05050.05050.05050.06130.06130.06130.11190.11190.11191.15961.15961.15961.44381.79702.51241.07712.59704.86983.40035.59358.17493.96846.07458.55993.26085.21787.74553.83085.93028.44073.20345.33167.84510.81751.92123.84351.81012.27733.36660.31750.09890.05910.05050.06130.11191.15962.76117.783011.128811.394510.664811.336210.74426.43503.92050.31750.31750.09890.09890.05910.05910.05050.05050.06130.06130.11190.11191.15961.15963.36353.943111.127512.002412.614815.627614.479818.167613.973117.670714.620718.289714.012217.67239.722913.41074.84106.10420.31750.31750.09890.09890.05910.05910.05050.05050.06130.06130.11190.11191.15961.159626.135366.778768.2141163.569174.3530170.615477.3536174.727775.8927174.214876.1980175.085975.2734174.280671.2703169.348635.037398.82020.31750.31750.09890.09890.05910.05910.05050.05050.06130.06130.11190.11191.15961.1596116.1054151.8697300.2565474.7631307.8520484.1064228.3461242.4922227.8579317.4576311.4654482.7583310;5961484.6391302.7845471.7707170.7206257.4815AveragebyAnnulus0.09940.17540.39230.84801.54192.41243.57614.87676.28847.796736.349285.5812142.3652210.5748 0-1DIRECTIONAA(CUMULATIVESQUAREMILES)DISTANCE(MILES)0-20-30-40-50-60-70-80-90-10*'-200-300-400-50NNEENEESESESSESSWSWWSWWNWNNW0.19850.79420.19790.79250.19680.78750.19450.77910.19360.77450.19550.78280.19200.76820.19720.79000.19970.79840.19910.79700.19780.79040.19440.77830.19330.77310.19320.77340.19470.77950.19680.78771.78673.17691.78273.16911.77253.15181.75373.11901.75053.10401.76163.13301.74233.08731.77703.15891.79633.19321.79453.19181.77773.16081.73893.10161.73923.09111.74043.09391.75453.11981.77223.15094.96397.14779.72914.95247.13189.70684.9248'.09169.65354.87437.02029.55604.84536.97319.48854.89517.05039.59524.81646.92969.42734.93577.10839.67644.98967.18549.78084.98777.18339.77764.93907.11299.68144.85416.99679.52824.82976.95609.46814.83496.96339.47734.87467.02009.55494.92467.09189.652912.706416.082212.678916.046412.608215.958712.481215.796412.389115.679312.533215.863012.307715.574412.638315.995512.773616.166012.770816.163912.644416.004012.448415.760012.366015.652512.378815.666012.478915.794212.607315.957019.854779.4716176.344019.810779.2312175.919319.702278.8084176.279819.503678.0195176.512719.355577.4145176.552119.584278.3498178.759819.225476.8850173.944919.747979.0067176.583919.958179.8525176.833919.956679.8610176.872219.757879.0018176.575019.461577.8758176.274919.324277.3131176.404819.341577.3760176.472919.499178.0282176.506719.701978.8498176.3616313.6132490.1883312.9283489.2013313.4601489.9015313.8358490.4295313.9056490.5329317.8322496.6633309.2087483.1104313.8901490.3739314.2739490.8939314.3468491.0299313.8968490.4432313.4482489.8665313.6601490.1962313.7559490.2676313.7415490.1473313.5593489.9659AveragebyAnnulus0.19590.78421.76503.13774.90267.06019.609612.550715.885019.611678.4591176.4499313.7098490.2007 IRECTIONNNEENE0-1CUMULATIVEDISTANCE(MILES)0-20-30-40-50-60-70-80-90-100-200-300-400-500'.0'SESESSESSWSWWSWWWNWNWNNW1181020451,263231181181971963874813447315439996I3881181181,1733,4616391,5752,8485,5102,4715,6253,2077,1732,1443,3913,7536,0633711,4261181181181183,9774,3985,1675,6103,1067,03713,91115,7667,7339,52311,04811,74310,72915,28317,68521,01913,99220,04621,84223,7784,5115,6725,7095,7147,4418,2429,0619,6734,986'1,51422,43435,6366241,3483,3363,90111825,72553,79019,10425,45326,7906,41211,75153,60329,03211811857,930136,56459,56872,82324,34524,52326,59426,84027,53042,7266,79316,96911,89412,70562,05364,93573,80892,997118250,589224,13325,92135,65044,55019,44713,19965,143113,619TotalbyAnnulus1545854,80516,72434,34257,21783,181110,311132,958251,778350,633491,200792,369 IRECTIONN0-10-2CUMULATIVEDENSITY(PERSONSPERSQUAREMILEOFLAND)DISTANCE(MILES)0-3040-50-60-70-80-90-100-200-300-400-50NEENEESESESSESSW101.76101.76465.03101.76101.76812.441,925.99593.26606.47837.57985.07101.76101.761,582.951,592.84637.81904.15945.94855.71101.76101.761,536.201,422.741,250.151,313.57875.80751.43101.76101.76984.30867.49788.55364.18256.94142.69101.76101.761,176.211,650.03242.54472.0979.6653.54SWWSWNW04IO210.90262.26652.59841.16622.67926.00983.501,374.72559.67571.821,171.571,137.18742.241,253.401,341.261,806.471,879.64534.43500.34948.49767.111,297.261,789.28185.35343.831,221.361,156.951,563.151,345.62390.47312.42646.65547.352,307.342,657.28689.11639.07329.05152.20353.00158.0284.1538.80156.1168.25752.1136.42828.60746.89117.54147.02187.51140.3354.4840.2840.9127.23214.46138.08544.73441.27AveragebyAnnulusmuanveareaoessansquaremie.101.76422.28710.31930.14929.391,007.591,058.201,024.82463.46300.67275.98321.16 DIRECTION0-1CUMULATIVEDENSITY(PERSONSPERSQUAREMILEOFTOTALAREA)DISTANCE(MILES)0-20-3040-50-60-70-80-90-100-200-300-400-50N0.,108.21660.681,025.201,468.48443.92487.49476.44776.23870.71785.1476.11203.13521.830.000.0064.649.597.58347.99323.03550.90860.51745.69683.501,208.681,105.041,610.331,385.91458.68364.73665.82578.39922.681,420.39106.92209.066.141.53284.08325.61789.95673.62588:43239.221,063.83322.181,221.80344.01295.6982.94500.12151.871,827.57686.97198.00368.190.680.38328.06435.07336.86231.72137.6478.01150.6185.51156.18136.3138.5154.1067.4040.49351.56206.97418.50296.590.24511.02456.5852.7972.6990.9439.6726.92132.90231.89AveragebyAnnulusumuattveareaoesstansquaremte.0.00404020.8796.20213.65304.22372.29414.20433.63423.48199.76124.1297.82100.98 CUMULATIVEDENSITY(PERSONSPERSQUAREMILEOFLANDCOMPAREDTO500)DIRECTIONN0-10-20-30-4DISTANCE(MILES)0-50-60-70-80-100-200-300-400-50ESESESSESSWSWWSWWWNWNW(398.24)(398.24)(34.97)(289.10)(237.74)152.59341.16(398.24)(398.24)312.441,425.9993.26106.47337.57485.07122.67426.00483.50874.7259.6771.82671.57637.18242.24(398.24)1,082.95137.81445.94753.401,306.4734.43448.49797.26(314.65)(398.24)(398.24)1,092.841,036.20404.15750.15355.71375.80841.26721.361,379.641,063.150.34(109.53)267.11146.651,289.281,807.34(156.17)189.11(398.24)922.74813.57251.43656.95845.62(187.58)47.352,157.28139.07(398.24)(398.24)(398.24)(398.24)484.30367.49676.211,150.03288.55(135.82)(257.46)(27.91)(243.06)(357.31)(420.34)(446.46)(170.95)(347.80)(382.46)(352.98)(147.00)(341.98)(312.49)(359.67)(415.85)(461.20)(445.52)(459.72)(343.89)(431.75)(459.09)(472.77)252.11(133.58)(285.54)(361.92)328.60246.8944.73(58.73)AveragebyAnnulusote:auestnparentesesarenegattve.umuattveareaoesstansquaremie.(398.24)(77.72)210.31430.14429.39507.59558.20524.82(36.54)(199.33)(224.02)(178.84)
DIRECTIONN0-10-20-30-40-5CUMULATIVEDISTANCE(MILES)0-60-70-80-90-100-200-300-400-50NEENEESESE140140140140140140140140140140140140140SSESSWSWWSWWNWTotalbyAnnulus122446161185115542362358975674791,6651,515281,4067663,4162,9653,8482,5714,5034464,1504,7441,8763,5486,6079,2596,74812,8748,60416,7894,0685,4097,2758,9271,7125,9827495,2047,84711,38518,34324,0556,8049,88613,8161,6176,04615,36213,10321,22526,2066,84810,87126,9153,9996,53017,39113,92225,22628,5266,85411,60642,7554,67528,51465,12158,96065,62222,01527,74530,40731,65332,11832,9547,6928,13214,10014,27064,27874,09134,17886,187155,981287,73280,938255,76927,95129,56631,92842,10850,38452,40319,80022,63415,19615,78877,43477,674108,396132,00401837015,76220,06141,18068,42199,097130,715157,625292,402405,915568,148915,818 IRECTIONN0-1ABCUMULATIVEDENSITY(PERSONSPERSQUAREMILEOFLAND)DISTANCE(MILES)0-20-30-40-50-60-70-80-90-100-200-300-400-50NEENEESESESSESSWSWWSWWNW44t8414.81120.731,996.88651.802,513.122,110.003,591.754t120.731,744.852,590.462,123.721,322.012,529.251,208.802,999.00120.732,874.361,741.711,943.061,700.432,638.621,061.922,271.022,094.19120.73120.73120.732,639.962,071.332,189.711,366.191,611.361,973.791,655.311,392.681,177.402,119.352,142.901,862.743,217.643,105.672,457.24912.11806.09604.081,674.361,260.151,011,803,113.683,594.644,182.60328.90480.311,020.02120.731,941.431,562.881,103.621,742.152,041.49468.79828.284,397.35965.71120.73120.737,231.372,491.694,912.35,962.001,408.73373.151,673.69409.201,817.59434.22420.56106.72797.86189.584,793.041,039.585,599.102,459.86120.73120.732,335.792,478.20494.82851.84163.8296.041827318440289.21229.98113.0972.6787.1950.83457.25256.531,096.90773.22AveragebyAnnulusumuattveareaoesstansquaremte.414.811,830.711,829.851,827.341,714.821,658.591,660.011,517.242,877.50858.67534.15511.44 0-1IRECTIONAIR-CUMULATIVEDENSITY(PERSONSPERSQUAREMILEOFTOTALAREA)DISTANCE(MILES)0-20-30-40-50-60-70-80-90-100-200-300-400-50N0.,329.77792.731,229.721,762.03532.33584.82571.29931.351,044.76941.9391.49243.87626.070.000.0077.59.11.37411.76614.31891.491,450.681,932.38550.22798.621,107.15128.268.997.28377.98330.67950.27871.38810.63697.611,326.231,276.761,662.821,465.77437.50354.68693.92600.061,704.112,192.67250.61237.291.820.80360.91368.78738.36371.09275.67156.86384.89179.26412.43186.9599.4946.10182.2380.86823.78419.76433.46488.690.450.29496.93586.76257.54521.0388.9260.21101.7185.86160.74106.9763.1346.1748.4332.20246.81158.47345.70269.41AveragebyAnnulusumuativeareaoesstansquaremte.0.00*4%425.01115.36256.29364.80445.22493.52513.94502.14232.06143.70113.15116.71 CUMULATIVEDENSITY(PERSONSPERSQUAREMILEOFLANDCOMPAREDTO500)DIRECTIONN0-10-20-30-4DISTANCE(MILES)0-50-60-70-80-90-100-200-300-400-50NEENEESESESSESSWSWWSWWNWNNW(85.19)(379.27)(379.27)"1,244.852,090.461,496.881,623.72151.80822.012,013.122,029.251,610.00708.803,091.752,499.00(379.27)(379.27)2,374.362,139.961,241.71866.191,443.061,155.311,200.431,619.352,138.622,717.64561.92412.111,771.021,174.361,594.192,613.68(171.10)(379.27)1,571.331,111.36892.681,642.902,605.67306.09760.153,094.64(19.69)(379.27)1,689.711,473.79677.401,362.741,957.24104.08511.803,682.60520.02(379.27)1,441.431,062.88603.621,242.151,541.49(31.21)328.283,897.35465.71(379.27)(379.27)6,731.371,991.694,412.35462.00908.73(126.'85)1,173.69(90.80)1,317.59(65.78)(79.44)(393.28)297.86(310.42)4,293.04539.585,099.101,959.86(379.27)(379.27)1,835.791,978.20(5.18)351.84(336.18)(403.96)(317.27)(315.60)(210;79)(270.02)(386.91)(427.33)(412.81)(449.17)(42.75)(243.47)596.90273.22AveragebyAnnulusote:auesmparentesesarenegattve.umuattveareaoesstansquaremie.(85.19)1,330.711,329.851,327.341,214.821,158.591,160.011,017.242,377.50358.6734.1511.44 0-10-2IRECTIONCUMULATIVEDENSITY(PERSONSPERSQUAREMILEOFTOTALAREACOMPAREDTO500)DISTANCE(MILES)0-30-40-50-60-70-80-90-100-200-300-400-50NNEENEESESESSESSWSWWSWNWNNW(500.00)(500.00)(5PQPQ)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(5PPPQ)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(419.65)(454.65)(500.00)(425.29)(500.00)(426.41)(474.37)(218.97)(409.43)(320.62)(393.61)(345.56)(433.88)38.64(468.97)(10.33)(500.00)(491.03)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(470.93)(479.80)(485.15)(488.63)(215.14)83.82(9.74)(88.24)(346.48)(238.92)(137.25)114.31184.88819.77446.96391.49100.32448.70829.77950.68292.73729.721,262.031,432.3832.3384.8271.2950.22431.35544.76441.93298.62(408.51)(256.13)126.07607.15(500.00)(500.00)(422.41)(371.74)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(491.01)(122.02)450.27310.63826.231,162.82(62.50)193.921,204.11(249.39)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(492.72)(498.18)(169.33)(139.09)371.38238.36197.61(224.33)776.76(115.11)965.77(87.57)(145.32)(400.51)100.06(317.77)1,692.67323.78(262.71)(66.54)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(499.20)(499.55)(131.22)(3.07)(128.91)(242.46)(343.14)(411.08)(320.74)(398.29)(313.05)(339.26)(453.90)(436.87)(419.14)(451.57)(80.24)(253.19)(11.31)(154.30)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(499.71)86.7621.03(439.79)(414.14)(393.03)(453.83)(467.80)(341.53)(230.59)AveragebyAnnulusote:auesmparentesesarenegattve.umuattveareaoesstansquaremte.(500.00)'i*~(474.99)(384.64)(243.71)(135.20)(54.78)(6.48)13.942.14(267.94)(356.30)(386.85)(383.29)
DIRECTIONN0-1PLACUMULATIVEDENSITY(PERSONSPERSQUAREMILEOFLANDCOMPAREDTO1000)DISTANCE(MILES)0-20-30-40-50-60-70-80-90-100-200-300-400-50NEENEESESESSESSWSWWSWWNNW(585.19)(879.27)(879.27)(879.27)744.851,874.361,590.46741.71996.881,123.72943.06(348.20)322.01700.431,513.121,529.251,638.621,110.00208.8061.922,591.751,999.001,271.021,094.19(879.27)1,639.96366.19655.311,119.352,217.64(87.89)674.362,113.68(671.10)(879.27)(879.27)1,071.331,189.71611.36973.79392.68177.401,142.90862.742,105.671,457.24(193.91)(395.92)260.1511.802,594.643,182.60(519.69)20.02(879.27)(879.27)(879.27)(879.27)941.436,231.371,491.691,335.79562.883,912.35(38.00)(505.18)103.62408.73(626.85)(836.18)742.15673.69(590.80)(817.27)1,041.49817.59(565.78)(710.79)(531.21)(579.44)(893.28)(886.91)(171.72)(202.14)(810.42)(912.81)3,397.353,793.0439.58(542.75)(34.29)4,599.101,459.8696.90(879.27)1,478.20(148.16)(903.96)(815.60)(770.02)(927.33)(949.17)(743.47)(226.78)AveragebyAnnulusumuativeareaoesstansquaremie.ote:auesmparentesesarenegative.0444(585.19)830.71829.85827.34714.82658.59660.01517.241,877.50(141.33)(465.85)(488.56) 0-1IRECTIONAR-'EMECUMULATIVEDENSITY(PERSONSPERSQUAREMILEOFTOTALAREACOMPAREDTO1000)DISTANCE(MILES)0-20-3,040-50-60-70-80-90-100-200-300-400-50N(1,000.00)NNE(1,000.00)NE(1,000.00)ENE(1,000.00)E(1,000.00)ESE(1,000.00)SE(1,000.00)SSE(1,000.00)S(1,000.00)SSW(1,000.00)SW(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(919.65)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(974.37)(909.43)WSW(1,000.00)*~~*-(893.61)W(1,000.00)WNW(1,000.00)(933.88)(968.97)NNW.(1,000.00)Average(1,000.00)NW(1,000.00)~~~~'1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(954.65)(970.93)(925.29)(715.14)(926.41)(846.48)(718.97)(315.12)(820.62)(399.68)(845.56)(207.27)(461.36)(467.67)(510.33)(68.65)(991.03)(908.51)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(979.80)(416.18)(738.92)(80.23)(51.30)229.72(415.18)44.76(756.13)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(985.15)(509.74)(637.25)(53.04)329.77762.03(428.71)(58.07)(373.93)(922.41)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(988.63)(588.24)(385.69)(108.51)450.68932.38(449.78)(201.38)107.15(871.74)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(991.01)(992.72)(622.02)(669.33)(49.73)(128.62)(189.37)(302.39)326.23276.76662.82465.77(562.50)(645.32)(306.08)(399.94)704.111,192.67(749.39)(762.71)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(998.18)(999.20)(639.09)(631.22)(261.64)(628.91)(724.33)(843.14)(615.11)(820.74)(587.57)(813.05)(900.51)(953.90)(817.77)(919.14)(176.22)(580.24)(566.54)(511.31)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(999.55)(999.71)(503.07)(413.24)(742.46)(478.97)(911.08)(939.79)(898.29)(914.14)(839.26)(893.03)(936.87)(953.83)(951.57)(967.80)(753.19)(841.53)(654.30)(730.59)umuattveareaoesstansquaremte.ote:auesmparentesesarenegattve.byAnnulus(1,000.00)~'~~(974.99)(884.64)(743.71)(635.20)(554.78)(506.48)(486.06)(497.86)(767.94)(856.30)(886.85)(883.29)
CUMULATIVEDISTANCE(MILES)0-10-20-30-40-50-60-70-80-90-100-200-300-400-50IRECTIONNNEENESE161161161161161161161161161161161161161SSESSW'0522712701,0271,6108783,9074,7505,4142,1393,9347,56110,5805,9086,8108,54416,60612,99414,8787,32930,91818,78263,35815,80524,51970,78230,66687,86830,89671,307172,667319,679282,92132,697SWWSW1427184211132625481,9041,7333,3914,4022,9425,1467,72014,7279,84419,1984,6536,1938,31710,20720,97524,27227,50529,9727,7867,83711,30312,4268,8007,84413,26616,11628,84834,68132,62736,72236,01837,6409,29116,31036,32256,97322,24617,34347,68759,15825,40018,021NWTotalbyAnnulus325111,9606,84885615,80630,7891,8504,58048,90073,4955,35538,64884,49988,25496,946121,86488,521148,07802108026,59522,94847,10578,118112,832148,331178,917327,418453,620634,5941,022,323 DIRECTIONN0-1Rl:IPA4"I'E'MLTCUMULATIVEDENSITY(PERSONSPERSQUAREMILEOFLAND)DISTANCE(MILES)0-20-30-40-50-60-70-80-90-100-200-300-40=0-50NEENEESESESSE138.84138.8400tt0000138.84138.841,115.112,643.29815.15823.64138.84138.842,154.912,139.73807.841,097.78138.84138.842,024.681,858.691,492.341,564.85138.84138.841,183.001,067.81928.81432.73138.84138.841,487.162,104.96292.64595.92SSW638.481,149.021,351.751,294.211,167.601,179.411,011.35329.76179.74100.3667.54SWWSWWNWNWOi00000t289.37360.19895.201,154.1800854.501,270.891,349.981,886.62767.99784.631,606.421,559.941,020.201,720.461,840.802,478.602,579.05733.71686.831,301.071,052.011,781.712,456.251,676.271,587.882,144.981,846.39536.02428.88886.80750.673,166.653,646.34448.34206.14483.87216.06115.4953.07214.1093.581,031.21498.96159.07196.65250.04186.3571.4252.6155.8437.18291.47187.64254.26471.88946.09877.261,103.05981.03713.82575.10AveragebyAnnulusumuativeareaoesstanIsquaremte.iooo138.84579.38974.631,275.531,266.561,363.081,419.211,371.12597.65386.80356.07414.28

This report presents population estimates for the area surrounding the St. Lucie Nuclear Power Plant. The report is intended to be used as Section 2.1 - Geography and Demography, of the St. Lucie Final Safety Analysis Report in compliance with NRC Regulatory Guide 1.70, Revision 3 requirements.
The population estimates presented herein represent 1990 resident population levels; and estimated 1992 resident, transient, and special populations for the area within ten miles of the St. Lucie plant In addition, corresponding projections to the year 2030 are included for the area up to 50 miles of the plant.
DIRECTIONO-lDPPLATII3fR-hMl:Nl'UMULATIVEDENSITY(PERSONSPERSQUAREMILEOFLANDCOMPAREDTO1000)DISTANCE(MILES)0-20-30-40-50-60-70-80-90-100-200-300-400-50NEENEESESESSESSWSW(861.16)(861.16)ttttOOOO(361.52)(710.63)(861.16)(861.16)115.111,643.29(184.85)(176.36)149.02351.75(145.50)270.89(861.16)(861.16)(861.16)(861.16)(861.16)(861.16)1,154.911,139.731,024.68858.69183.0067.81(192.16)97.78492.34564.85(71.19)(567.27)294.21167.60179.4111.35(670.24)(820.26)720.46840.80676.27587.88(551.66)(793.86)(861.16)(861.16)487.161,104.96(707.36)(404.08)(899.64)(932.46)(840.93)(803.35)WSWWNWNWNNWOtttOtttOOOOOOOO(639.81)(104.80)154.18349.98886.62(232.01)(215.37)606.42559.9420.201,478.601,579.051,144.98846.39(516.13)(783.94)(266.29)(313.17)(463.98)(571.12)(884.51)(946.93)301.0752.01(113.20)(249.33)(785.90)(906.42)781.711,456.252,166.652,646.3431.21(501.04)(745.74)(528.12)(53.91)(122.74)103.05(18.97)(749.96)(813.65)(928.58)(947.39)(944.16)(962.82)(708.53)(812.36)(286.18)(424.90)Average.byAnnulusumuauveareaoesstansquaremte.ote:auesmparentesesarenegattve.(861.16)(420.62)(25.37)275.53266.56363.08419.21371.12(402.35)(613.20)(643.93)(585.72) 0-1DIRECTIONRI;IDPPAl'INBYEI'OR-EMENTCUMULATIVEDENSITY(PERSONSPERSQUAREMILEOFTOTALAREACOMPAREDTO1000)DISTANCE(MILES)0-20-30-40-50-60-70-80-90-100-200-30~0>>400-50N(1,000.00)NNE(1,000.00)NE(1,000.00)ENE(1,000.00)E(1,000.00)ESE(I;000.00)SE(1,000.00)SSE(1,000.00)S(1,000.00)SSW(1,000.00)SW(1,000.00)WSW(1,000.00)00~000t0400(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(907.59)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(971.02)(896.50)(878.66)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(947.85)(966.57)(914.21)(673.81)(915.45)(824.03)(678.24)(216.67)(794.67)(313.42)(823.32)(93.14)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(976.77)(982.92)(331.77)(440.49)(702.31)(597.78)52.5882.0785.35521.16406.951,014.86(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(986.92)(989.66)(532.53)(574.26)(331.12)27.2217.48(79.55)658.84516.621,209.52901.78(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(991.63)(997.91)(628.87)(608.67)(58.93)(206.56)(208.03)(692.98)460.08(561.01)676.49(528.45)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(999.07)(999.48)(596.19)(449.91)(599.73)(720.41)(826.62)(901.71)(796.02)(884.29)(786.47)(818.24)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(999.67)(348.09)(423.66)(933.41)(902.77)(879.24)W(1,000.00)WNW(1,000.00)NW(1,000.00)NNW(1,000.00)Average(924.10)(964.38)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(384.04)(390.85)(439.87)64.34(989.74)(895.17)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(331.08)(345.91)194.4076.99(720.80)(283.30)(1,000.00)(911.32)(370.37)(499.31)(86.91)(206.82)266.62949.39(853.26)(712.98)(594.08)(886.18)(314.12)(791.72)1,507.81(58.10)(728.20)(509.85)(947.33)(929.08)(907.58)(944.72)(521.27)(718.70)(450.30)(611.35)(948.18)(963.24)(819.40)(697.78)byAnnulus(1,000.00)""(971.39)(867.96)(706.83)(582.71)(491.67)(438.04)(416.72)(429.97)(740.09)(839.41)(873.62)(869.71)'umuativeareaoesstanIsquaremie.ote:auesmparentesesarenegative.
0-1DIRECTIONNCUMULATIVEDISTANCE(MILES)0-20-30-40-50-60-70-80-90-100-200-300-400-50NEENEESESE198198198198198198198198198198198198198SSE3343331,9891,0845,8692,6276,6597,2134,6439,8218,2278,81235,29918,87221,31671,40082,694203,65680,242100,629379,042333,370SSW651,2704,8339,34613,06216,02018,20919,33829,20136,10536,37938,532SWWSWNWTotalbyAnnulus173410227261163768036772,3552,140404,1925,4363,6376,3666319,54012,1635,75210,2852,42118,19225,91023,72533,9947,6519,62012,62013,9788,45919,5291,0582,28829,98335,63642,67637,038.40,32045,3599,6839,69110,87815,36716,40419,92838,04660,44090,7845,6606,61946,96544,17746,43144,53369,31911,46226,80320,16821,392103,978108,467116,871146,67258,08571,80930,54222,232108,787177,74502599908,15028;36658,20196,267138,571181,283218,774392,688542,326758,0481,220,342 CUMULATIVEDENSITY(PERSONSPERSQUAREMILEOFLAND)IRECTIONNNNENEENE0-10-20-30-40-5DISTANCE(MILES)0-60-70-80-90-100-200-300400-50ESESESSESSWSWWSWWWNWNW004404170.754004170.75170.751,377.611,006.41789.561,421.35358.031,056.35444.981,667.081,107.25949.411,425.241,987.26170.75170.753,266.002,650.451,011.55953.431,670.871,597.821,570.502,125.262,331.063,063.07969.95906.441,929.061,608.651,260.152,200.86170.75170.752,612.362,445.961,261.851,695.981,439.511,443.462,273.902,070.683,187.502,650.66848.61662.281,300.981,096.693,034.813,913.03170.75170.752,234.791,350.631,775.981,046.701,237.43392.731,961.51551.702,281.74597.67529.86142.76928.23264.744,506.851,273.80170.75170.751,238.331,754.06490.57335.14211.62118.17252.83195.02266.52304.2265.4786.05115.7268.87613.99358.23170.752,495.84702.1879.59239.53226.2063.2745.87230.59690.321,182.66859.13NNW"AveragebyAnnulus314.26583.601,169.181,084.341,340.43umuattveareaoesstansquaremte.170.75715.971,204.531,575.541,559.101,671.391,731.871,671.15713.19460.84424.97494.41 IRECTION0-10-2CUMULATIVEDENSITY(PERSONSPERSQUAREMILEOFTOTALAREA)DISTANCE(MILES)0-3040-50-60-70-80-90-100-200-300-400-50N0.,119.88761.86753.05691.681,316.6812.82129.450.,301.071,335.911,341.231,879.071,738.392,489.98826.91808.081,477.031,331.60344.87885.300.00109.600.,167.391,254.421,126.522,049.131,873.472,730.792,350.13777.94618.621,129.19980.911,564.962,408.86181.48354.700.,068.04894.15969.00365.651,803.64540.192,071.78582.45501.50140.70848.12257.553,099.631,163.48335.96595.630. PR-CUMULATIVEDENSITY(PERSONSPERSQUAREMILEOFLANDCOMPAREDTO500)IRECTIONNNNENE0-10-20-30-40-50-6DISTANCE(MILES)~0-70-80-90-100-200-300-400-50ESESESSESSWSWWSWWWNWNW4444(329.25)(329.25)(329.25)(329.25)(329.25)877.612,766.002,150.45506.41511.55453.43289.56921.351,170.871,097.82(141.97)556.351,070.501,625.26(55.02)1,167.081,831.062,563.07607.25449.41469.95406.44925.241,487.261,429.061,108.65760.151,700.86(185.74)(329.25)(329.25)2,112.361,945.96761.851,195.98939.51943.461,773.901,570.682,687.502,150.66348.61162.28800.98596.692,534.813,413.0383.60669.18(329.25)1,734.791,275.98737.431,461.511,781.7429.86428.234,006.85584.34(329.25)850.63546.70(107.27)51.7097.67(357.24)(235.26)773.80840.43(329.25)738.33(9.43)(288.38)(247.17)(233.48)(434.53)(384.28)113.99682.66(329.25)1,254.06(164.86)(381.83)(304.98)(195.78)(413.95)(431.13)(141.77)359.13(329.25)1,995.84202.18(420.41)(260.47)(273:80)(436.73)(454.13)(269.41)190.32AveragebyAnnulusote:auesmparentesesarenegative.umuativeareaoesstansquaremie.(329.25)215.97704.531,075.541,059.101,171.391,231.871,171.15213.19(39.16)(75.03)(5.59)
IRECTIONN0-10-2CUMULATIVEDENSITY(PERSONSPERSQUAREMILEOFLANDCOMPAREDTO1000)DISTANCE(MILES)0-3040-50-60-70-80-90-100-200-300-400-50NEENESE(829.25)(829.25)(829.25)(829.25)(829.25)(829.25)(829.25)(829.25)(829.25)(829.25)(829.25)(829.25)SSESSWSWWSWNWNNW.44if(210.44)(641.97)(555.02)107.25425.24377.612,266.006.4111.55421.35670.8756.35570.50667.081,331.06(50.59)(30.05)987.26929.06260.151,650.45(46.57)597.821,125.262,063.07(93.56)608.651,200.86(685.74)1,612.361,445.96261.85695.98439.51443.461,273.901,070.682,187.501,650.66(151.39)(337.72)300.9896.692,034.812,913.03(416.40)169.181,234.79350.63775.9846.70237.43(607.27)961.51(448.30)1,281.74(402.33)(470.14)(857.24)(71.77)(735.26)3,506.85273.8084.34340.43238.33754.06(509.43)(664.86)(788.38)(881.83)(747.17)(804.98)(733.48)(695.78)(934.53)(913.95)(884.28)(931-.13)(386.01)(641.77)182.66(140.87)1,495.84(297.82)(920.41)(760.47)(773.80)(936.73)(954.13)(769.41)(309.68)AveragebyAnnulusumuatrveareaoesstansquaremte.ote:auesmparentesesarenegattve.(829.25)(284.03)204.53575.54559.10671.39731.87671.15(286.81)(539.16)(575.03)(505.59) 0-1IRECTIONCUMULATIVEDENSITY(PERSONSPERSQUAREMILEOFTOTALAREACOMPAREDTO1000)DISTANCE(MILES)0-20-3040-50-60-70-80-90-100-200-300-400-50N(1,000.00)NNE(1,000.00)NE(1,000.00)ENE(1,000.00)E(1,000.00)ESE(1,000.00)SE(1,000.00)SSE(1,000.00)S(1,000.00)SSW(1,000.00)SW(1,000.00)WSW(1,000.00)W(1,000.00)WNW(1,000.00)NW(1,000.00)NNW~(1,000.00)Average444t44400040044(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(886.36)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(963.78)(872.31)(849.91)(906.28)(956.33)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(935.87)(958.89)(894.27)(597.02)(895.72)(782.75)(602.11)(31.02)(745.95)(151.25)(781.73)119.88(238.14)(246.95)(308.32)316.68(987.18)(870.55)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(971.43)(979.00)(174.35)(311.83)(634.40)(525.29)301.07335.91341.23879.07738.391,489.98(173.09)(191.92)477.03331.60(655.13)(114.70)(1,000.00)(890.40)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(983.91)(429.27)(231.15)254.421,049.131,730.79(222.06)129.19564.96(818.52)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(987.29)(485.67)167.39126.52873.471,350.13(381.38)(19.09)1,408.86(645.30)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(989.70)(997.42)(553.78)(553.22)68.04(105.85)(31.00)(634.35)803.64(459.81)1,071.78(417.55)(498.50)(859.30)(151.88)(742.45)2,099.63163.48(664.04)(404.37)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(998.86)(999.36)(999.59)(531.70)(351.19)(227.03)(546.23)(679.80)(320.89)(795.87)(884.27)(921.53)(749.81)(858.13)(881.57)(736.60)(778.85)(853.41)(935.02)(914.55)(937.69)(885.72)(931.82)(954.65)(410.91)(654.28)(778.05)(337.32)(532.24)(637.23)umuattveareaoesstansquaremie.ote:auesmparentesesarenegattve.byAnnulus(1,000.00)~~'~(964.68)(836.83)(637.62)(484.42)(373.54)(309.78)(287.02)(302.86)(688.18)(808.00)(849.03)(844.48) 0-1IRECTIONNCUMULATIVEDISTANCE(MILES)0-20-30-40-50-60-70-80-90-100-200-300-400-500ENE00ESESE234234234234234234234234234234234234234SSE3933922,3381,2746,8993,0747,8068,4165,29210,9899,53110,17420,95223,64339,32893,14078,72588,867232,013433,374112,280379,506SSWSWWSWWNWTotalbyAnnulus20401276267307192901,4929437962,7712,520465,68210,995.15,35518,8154,92811,22221,41830,5176,39714,31527,93640,0344,2796,7689,00611,3267,49412,10014,84616,4457402,8449,94322,9782,6901,24321,28822,60235,31541,96743,62247,48711,40011,41018,079.19,30044,77071,1126,6577,78633,50041,09450,12951,78153,39754,605128031347623,44423,724106,831122,04354,628135,22141,40943,88052,17867,73980,69983,46530,94235,19625,11826,104127,231127,597169,519204,85803061,1669,58733,36668,451113,079162,444211,848255,715453,019624,185871,6231,401,953 CUMULATIVEDENSITY(PERSONSPERSQUAREMILEOFLAND)IRECTIONN0-10-20-30-40-5DISTANCE(MILES)0-60-70-80-90-100-200-300400-50NEENEESESESSESSWSWWSWNWNNW.201.79201.79201.79201.791,619.343,839.181,182.811,183.67927.571,671.031,965.67420.461,241.811,847.39523.201,961.792,743.491,302.841,117.001,141.281,678.322,339.392,269.491,480.32201.793,106.991,086.701,878.312,502.133,606.741,066.971,892.392,586.97369.22201.793,048.061,411.921,690.662,678.223,753.84999.101,530.593,570.78686.14201.792,833.661,882.901,687.542,438.913,121.86779.721,290.234,604.591,375.13201.79201.792,580.201,504.781,969.861,154.091,446.29450.552,309.99648.052,687.33703.59623.85168.021,092.10311.455,302.631,498.961,275.521,559.14201.79201.791,394.761,998.30543.30373.95240.86134.51296.35228.50313.43354.1676.9799.34136.1380.87720.66420.201,368.35992.96201.792,853.59799.3690.64279.35262.9272.9153.86270.46795.62AveragebyAnnulusumuattveareaoessansquaremie.201.79842.361,416.871,852.481,829.821,957.112,021.631,948.96820.04529.26488.46568.05 CUMULATIVEDENSITY(PERSONSPERSQUAREMILEOFTOTALAREA)0-1IRECTION0-20-30-40-5DISTANCE(MILES)0-60-70-80-90-100-200-300-400-50N0.,139.201,530.63997.771,577.70806.70665.91541.06860.291,570.431,473.282,212.282,413.48595.86515.191,296.051,184.631,317.011,132.562,206.642,124.07497.78527.45985.88502.55419.48232.34634.53293.25739.15883.76357.27773.09131.7389.36166.23138.12257.46170.3898.6571.8080.0653.24685.67309.77165.6076.39302.99134.432,767.892,440.05728.32590.451,154.03997.85176.55256.64110.40896.4451.71814.512,931.933,216.00951.19915.901,566.481,328.480.00WSW1,317.862,045.96885.98972.971,549.981,737.680.00W0.00405.53260.32540.63418.111,040.621,841.35128.77213.372,834.583,646.94417.18395.19151.81405.131,369.13691.44692.81766.730.00NW0.0014.740.>e.0.00~~4~41.59191.94426.26606.39735.89809.19833.29814.94359.81220.98173.59178.67 DIRECTIONN0-1.0-2AR-'ICUMULATIVEDENSITY(PERSONSPERSQUAREMILEOFLANDCOMPAREDTO500)DISTANCE(MILES)0-30-40-50-60-70-80-90-100-200-300-'400-50ESESESSESSWSWWSWWWNWNWNNW'298.21)(298.21)427.57(79.54)23.20802.841,178.32(298.21)(298.21)(298.21)(298.21)1,119.343,339.182,606.992,548.06682.81683.67586.70911.921,171.031,465.671,378.311,190.66741.811,347.392,002.132,178.221,461.792,243.493,106.743,253.84617.00641.28566.97499.101,839.391,769.491,392.391,030.59980.322,086.973,070.78(130.78)186.14(298.21)2,333.661,382.901,187.541,938.9I2,621.86279.72790.234,104.59875.13(298.21)2,080.201,469.86946.291,809.992,187.33123.85592.104,802.63775.52(298.21)(298.21)1,004.78894.76654.0943.30(49.45)(259.14)148.05(203.65)203.59(186.57)(331.98)(423.03)(188.55)(363.87)998.96220.661,059.14868.35(298.21)(298.21)1,498.302,353.59(126.05)299.36(365.49)(409.36)(271.50)(220.65)(145.84)(237.08)(400.66)(427.09)(419.13)(446.14)(79.80)(229.54)492.96295.62AveragebyAnnulusote:auesinparentesesarenegative.umuativeareaoesstansquaremte.(298.21)342.36916.871,352.481,329.821,457.111,521.631,448.96320.0429.26(11.54)68.05 AMTCUMULATIVEDENSITY(PERSONSPERSQUAREMILEOFTOTALAREACOMPAREDTO500)DISTANCE(MILES)0-10-20-30-40-50-60-70-80-90-100-200-300-400-50IRECTIONN(500.00)NNE(500.00)NE(500.00)ENE(500.00)E(500.00)ESE(500.00)SE(500.00)SSE(500.00)S(500.00)SSW(500.00)SW(500.00)WSW(500.00)W(500.00)WNW(500.00)NW(500.00)NNW(500.00)000400044004(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(365.69)(500.00)(500.00)(457.65)(349.81)(323.45)(389.60)(448.29)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)-(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(424.21)(451.42)(466.23)(475.18)(480.99)(375.59)(26.31)470.56306.70165.91(377.24)(244.67)(72.19)41.06360.29(32.55)639.201,030.631,070.43973.28(201.66)497.771,077.701,712.281,913.48(243.36)817.861,545.962,431.932,716.00396.44385.98472.97451.19415.90314.511,049.981,237.681,066.48828.48(485.26)(348.19)(94.87)540.621,341.35(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(371.23)(286.63)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(484.98)(487.83)(496.96)95.8615.19(2.22)796.05684.63485.88817.01632.56(80.52)1,706.641,624.07134.532,267.891,940.05185.67228.3290.45(334.40)654.03497.85(197.01)2,334.583,146.94869.13(82.82)(104.81)192.81(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(498.65)(499.24)27.45239.152.55(142.73)(267.66)(368.27)(206.75)(333.77)(190.23)(242.54)(423.61)(401.35)(365.57)(419.94)191.44(94.47)266.7340.63(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(499.52)383.76273.09(410.64)(361.88)(329.62)(428.20)(446.76)(239.68)(81.89)AveragebyAnnulus(500.00)""(458.41)(308.06)(73.74)106.39235.89309.19333.29314.94(140.19)(279.02)(326.41)(321.33)ote:auesmparentesesarenegattve.umuatrveareaoesstansquaremie.
IRECTIONN0-1CUMULATIVEDENSITY(PERSONSPERSQUAREMILEOFLANDCOMPAREDTO1000)DISTANCE(MILES)0-20-3040-50-60-70-80-90-100-200-300-400-50NEENEESESESSESSWSWWSWWNW(798.21)(798.21)(72.43)(579.54)(476.80)302.84678.32(798.21)(798.21)(798.21)(798.21)619.342,839.182,106.992,048.06182.81183.6786.70411.92671.03965.67878.31690.66241.81847.391,502.131,678.22961.791,743.492,606.742,753.84117.00141.2866.97(0.90)1,339.391,269.49892.39530.59480.321,586.972,570.78(630.78)(313.86)(798.21)(798.21)1,833.661,580.20882.90969.86687.54446.291,438911,309992,121.861,687.33(220.28)(376.15)290.2392.103,604.594,302.63375.13275.52(798.21)(798.21)504.78394.76154.09(456.70)(549.45)(759.14)(351.95)(703.65)(296.41)(686.57)(831.98)(923.03)(688.55)(863.87)498.96(279.34)559.14368.35(798.21)(798.21)998.301,853.59(626.05)(200.64)(865.49)(909.36)(771.50)(720.65)(645.84)(737.08)(900.66)(927.09)(919.13)(946.14)(579.80)(729.54)(7.04)(204.38)AveragebyAnnulusote:auesmparentesesarenegattve.umuattveareaoesstansquaremte.(798.21)(157.64)416.87852.48829.82957.111,021.63948.96(179.96)(470.74)(511.54)(431.95) 0-1IRECTIONCUMULATIVEDENSITY(PERSONSPERSQUAREMILEOFTOTALAREACOMPAREDTO1000)DISTANCE(MILES)0-20-30-40-50-60-70-80-90-100-200-300-400-50(1,000.00)N(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)NEENE(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)SESSES(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(865.69)(924.21)(1,000.00)(875.59)(1,000.00)(877.24)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(951.42)(966.23)(526.31)(29.44)(744.67)(572.19)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(975.18)(980.99)(193.30)(334.09)(458.94)(139.71)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(984.98)(987.83)(404.14)(484.81)296.05184.63(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(996.96)(998.65)(502.22)(472.55)(14.12)(497.45)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(999.24)(999.52)(260.85)(116.24)(642.73)(226.91)SSWSWWSWWNW(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(957.65)(532.55)(849.81)(701.66)(823.45)(743.36)(889.60)(103.56)(948.29)(185.49)(1,000.00)(985.26)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)139.20530.63(2.23)577.70317.861,045.96(114.02)(27.03)549.98737.68(848.19)(594.87)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)570.43473.281,212.281,413.481,931.932,216.00(48.81)(84.10)566.48328.4840.62841.35(871.23)(786.63)317.01132.561,206;641,124.071,767.891,440.05(271.68)(409.55)154.03(2.15)1,834.582,646.94(582.82)(604.81)(580.52)(767.66)(365.47)(706.75)(314.33)(690.23)(834.40)(923.61)(697.01)(865.57)369.13(308.56)(307.19)(233.27)(868.27)(910.64)(833.77)(861.88)(742.54)(829.62)(901.35)(928.20)(919.94)(946.76)(594.47)(739.68)(459.37)(581.89)AveragebyAnnulusumuanveareaoesstansquaremie.ote:auesmparentesesarenegative.(1,000.00)~~~4(958.41)(808.06)(573.74)(393.61)(264.11)(190.81)(166.71)(185.06)(640.19)(779.02)(826.41)(821.33) 0-1IRECTIONNNNENE-ENE0ESE0-20-30-40-50-6CUMULATIVEDISTANCE(MILES)0-70-80-90-100-200-300-400-500'0(SE263263263263263263263263263263263263263SSESSWSWWSW224513863003452151014434392,6301,4317,7573,4461,6786,38212,3441,0605,53612,6028957,18616,0697,5984,8043,1112,8308,41013,5858,7595,81917,22524,03331,34910,10616,6739,41210,60411,91322,57121,09523,79034,23939,61744,90948,93312,70812,79118,46620,30211,29042,47425,44584,41725,25736,96747,08356,14953,26459,88512,80214,36721,67326,328101,523255,341478,42195,639121,582417,56945,09845,44648,18457,91958,35675,59161,20790,04793,03515,11134,42239,12326,64228,18129,290NWNNWTotalbyAnnulus528333,19911,1771,39725,79950,2563,0197,47279,830119,8858,73860,966136,782142,547142,951150,490188,555227,55603431,31010,77137,47576,863126,801181,823236,599285,645501,701690,674964,7401,551,983 IRECTION0-1CUMULATIVEDENSITY(PERSONSPERSQUAREMILEOFLAND)DISTANCE(MILES)0-20-30-40-50-60-70-80-90-100-200-300-400-50NEENEESESESSESSWSWWSWWNWSION226.80004444004044226.801,043.21472.62588.271,462.691,884.78226.80226.801,821.584,316.641,328.571,326.921,876.892,206.851,395.022,074.572,203.753,079.651,254.051,281.242,625.342,548.021,665.1I226.803,486.3I1,194.922,107.062,807.634,047.381,197.292,125.282,908.03414.96226.80226.803,408.793,152.671,530.642,028.401,895.531,885.883,004.872,736.0?4,210.963,501.941,121.01874.861,718.691,448.884,009.175,168.83770.051,543.48226.80226.802,863.231,625.162,119.991,237.531,616.18497.182,591.59725.873,014.26789.07699.96188.551,226.38349.765,952.711,682.121,431.471,740.03226.80226.801,520.292,199.22584.70404.93264.33147.62331.48255.56351.33395.1986.31110.52152.8790.73807.69470.791,522.871,104.47226.803,150.21879.5399.53311.73293.0681.0460.44303.01883.78AveragebyAnnulusumuanveareaoessansquaremie.40~4226.80946.401,591.502,080.642,051.562,189.652,256.782,174.26906.21584.87540.58628.91 IRECTION0-1CUMULATIVEDENSITY(PERSONSPERSQUAREMILEOFTOTALAREA)DISTANCE(MILES)0-20-3040-50-60-70-80-90-100-200-300-400-50N0.,006.4458.03914.700.0016.670.,091.26286.80479.581,279.551,718.431,120.871,771.711,480.402,296,65994.681,092.291,739.441,950.94170.89455.700.,761.681,651.822,482.392,707.843,290.133,607.611,067.371,027.661,759.261,491.741,169.772,067.41144.72239.460.000.0016.8913.68662.94571.711,396.201,274.921,471.801,265.602,475.442,383.013,104.892,736.89817.19662.491,295.931,120.543,181.934,094.04468.26443.510.000.003.421.51537.60574.931,057.16540.84462.89254.98710.73328.01768.98347.22185.8385.66340.26150.971,536.43774.94773.19853.300;000.850.000.54813.47975.62386.87850.63144.5798.13185.91154.13287.28189.92109.7479.8189.8259.74454.35291.65601.34464.43AveragebyAnnulusumuatrveareaoesstansquaremie.0.00~~'~46.73215.65478.75680.91825.21905.77930.72910.40398.53244.52192.14197.79 DIRECTION0-1AICUMULATIVEDENSITY(PERSONSPERSQUAREMILEOFLANDCOMPAREDTO500)DISTANCE(MILES)0-20-30-40-50-60-70-80-90-100-200-300-400-50NEENEESESESSESSWSWWSWWNWNNW(273.20)(273.20)(273.20)1,321.58828.57543.211,376.89(27.38)895.0288.271,703.75962.69754.051,384.782,125.34(273.20)(273.20)(273.20)(273.20)3,816.642,986.312,908.792,652.67826.92694.921,030.641,528.401,706.851,607.061,395.531,385.881,574.572,307.632,504.872,236.022,579.653,547.383,710.963,001.94781.24697.29621.01374.862,048.021,625.281,218.69948.881,165.112,408.033,509.174,668.83(85.04)270.051,043.48(273.20)(273.20)(273.20)2,363.231,125.161,020.291,619.99737.5384.701,116.18(2.82)(235.67)2,091.59225.87(168.52)2,514.26289.07(148.67)199.96(311.45)(413.69)726.38(150.24)(347.13)5,452.711,182.12307.69931.471,240.031,022.87(273.20)(273.20)1,699.222,650.21(95.07)379.53(352.38)(400.47)(244.44)(188.27)(104.81)(206.94)(389.48)(418.96)(409.27)(439.56)(29:21)(196.99)604:47383.78AveragebyAnnulusumuattveareaoesstanIsquaremie.ote:auesmparentesesarenegattve.(273.20)446.401,091.501,580.641,551.561,689.651,756.781,674.26406.2184.8740.58128.91 0-1IRECTIONABCUMULATIVEDENSITY(PERSONSPERSQUAREMILEOFTOTALAREACOMPAREDTO500)DISTANCE(MILES)0-20-30-4=0-50-60-70-80-90-100-200-300-400-50NEENEESESESSESSWSWWSWW(500.00)~~~~(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)*~~~(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)~~~~(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(349.05)(414.81)(445.39)(500.00)(359.76)32.85(500.00)4~0~(500.00)(362.52)(213.20)(500.00)~~~~(452.08)25.72779.55(500.00)~i~*(331.24)(164.64)620.87(500.00)~~~>>(301.60)(211.44)980.40(500.00)~~~~(376.38)506.44494.68(500.00)~~~~(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(462.05)(472.10)591.26405.19(20.42)94.941,218.431,261.681,271.711,982.391,796.652,790.13592.29567.37(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(478.63)(483.11)(486.32)244.72162.9471.71432.63896.20774.921,151.82971.80765.602,207.841,975.441,883.013,107.612,604.892,236.89527.66317.19162.49(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(496.58)(498.49)37.6074.93557.1640.84(37.11)(245.02)210.73(171.99)268.98(152.78)(314.17)(414.34)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(499.15)(499.46)313.47475.62(113.13)350.63(355.43)(401.87)(314.09)(345.87)(212.72)(310.08)(390.26)(420.19)NW(500.00)(500.00)(441.97)414.701,239.44(500.00)(483.33)(329.11)1,450.941,259.26(44.30)669.77991.74795.93620.541,567.412,681.933,594.04(159.74)(349.03)1,036.43274.94(410.18)(440.26)(45.65)(208.35)(500.00)~~~~(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(500.00)(355.28)(260.54)(31.74)(56.49)273.19353.30101.34(35.57)AveragebyAnnulusumuatrveareaoesstansquaremte.ote:auesmparentesesarenegattve.(500.00)444~(453.27)(284.35)(21.25)180.91325.21405.77430.72410.40(101.47)(255.48)(307.86)(302.21)

IRECTION0-1CUMULATIVEDENSITY(PERSONSPERSQUAREMILEOFTOTALAREACOMPAREDTO1000)DISTANCE(MILES)0-20-30-40-50-60-70-80-90-100-200-300-400-50N(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)NNE(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)NE(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)ENE(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(100000)(100000)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(983.11)(986.32)(1,000.00)(972.10)(1,000.00)(978.63)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(849.05)(914.81)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(945.39)(962.05)ESE(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(996.58)(998.49)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(999.15)(999.46)SE(94.81)(255.28)(67.37)(337.06)(428.29)396.20274.92(1,000.00)(859.76)(1,000.00)(862.52)SSE(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(462.40)(425.07)57.16(459.16)(186.53)(24.38)(613.13)(149.37)(467.15)91.26(713.20)(520.42)(405.06)651.82(855.43)(901.87)(814.09)(845.87)(712.72)(810.08)471.80265.601,475.441,383.012,104.891,736.89761.681,482.392,290.13(537.11)(745.02)(289.27)(671.99)(231.02)(652.78)279.55718.43120.87771.71480.401,296.65SSW(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(952.08)(474.28)(831.24)(664.64)(801.60)(711.44)1,707.842,607.61SWWSW(1,000.00)(890.26)(920.19)27.6667.37(814.17)(914.34)(182.81)(337.51)(5.32)92.29W(1,000.00)(876.38)6.44491.74759.26739.44950.94(829.11)(544.30)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(659.74)(849.03)536.43(225.06)(226.81)(146.70)(941.97)(85.30)(1,000.00)(983.33)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)(1,000.00)295.93120.542,181.933,094.04(531.74)(556.49)(910.18)(940.26)(545.65)(708.35)(398.66)(535.57)NW169.771,067.41(760.54)(855.28)AveragebyAnnulusote:auesmparentesesarenegative.umuativeareaoesstansquaremie.(1,000.00)'953.27)(784.35)(521.25)(319.09)(174.79)(94.23)(69.28)(89.60)(601.47)(755.48)(8P7.86)(802.21) 1988-2030AttractionsandEventsWithin10MilesFT.PIERCESpecialEventLocationSectorEst.Avg.Proj.Proj.Proj.Proj.Pro].Total1988Daily1995D.2000D.2010D.2020D.2030D.TimeAttend.Attend.Attend.Attend.Attend.Attend.Attend.Source"Onthereen"Artsandrashowattlemen'saaradehnnelubBBQreekFestivalPilotlubHomehoweaoodFestivalORTST.LUCIEIRCShrinelubreekrthodoxhurchCivicCenterFt.Pierce10.000N5-10JanuaNW5-10ebruaNW5-10Februa15,00010,000NW5-10Janua15,0005-10November8,0005,00015.0003.4005,0004,0005,5006,2707,7509,10616,50018,81023,24927.3183,6674.1805,1666,0715,5006.2707,7509,1064.4005,0166.2007,28510,6991,8,9,10,11~1232,0981,8,9,10,11.127.1331.8,9,10,11.1210,6992,8,11,128,5602,11.12reatAmericanRaRaceai!,00010,0003,0005,6004,0004,8005,4725,0006,0006.8403.0003,6004,1045,6007,3007,3006,7637,9479.3382,11~12,138,4549.93411,6727,11,125,0735,9607,0032,11,127,3007,3007.3003,11,12,13estivaoeArtsrationurteWateiEriksonaertomaBoatRacesausewaJensenBeachCausewaausewaE5-105-10SE5-105-10June/Jul2,500ctober2,000Ma15,000March10,0005,0006.00050602,0002,4007,5009,0006,780682,71210,1708,272833,30912,4079,59511~130963,8384,45214,39316,6951~11,124,11,12,135,8,11,122,8,11,12ensenBeaFireworksausewaS5-10Jul2,0002,0002.4002,7123.3093,8384,4526,8,11.12SOURCES1.FloridaMediaGuide,Januarydune1988:Fl.Dept.ofCommerce,Div.ofTourism2.DiscovertheTreasureCoast-ThePalmBeachPost,9/6/87.3.St.LucieWest,NewsTribune,SLLucieontheMove'87,10/25/87.4.198SJensenBeachBusinessGuide,CentennialEdition;JensenBeach,TreasureCoastChamberofCommerrx..5.Member,SonsofNorwayGulfstreamLodge&#xb9;514,2/88.6.Information,"TheMirror",2/88.7.Director,Stuart/MartinCo.ChamberofCommerce,Stuart,FL,Letterdated11/17/78.8.DiscovertheTreasureCoast-ThePalmBeachPost,10/11/92.9.PersonalCommunication,GaylaBarwick,Tourism/ConventionDirector,St.LucieCo.TouristDevelopmentCouncil.Div.ofLeisureServices,12/92.10.PersonalCommunication,DonaldMcLarn,RecreationSuperintendent,St.LucieCo.~Div.ofLeisureServices,12/92.11."ProjectionsofFloridapopulationbycounty:1990-2020",Vol.24,No.2,Bull.No.96,BureauofEconomicandBusinessResearch,CollegeofBusinessAdministration,Univ.ofFlorida,7/91.12."FloridaPopulation:CensusSummary1990",BureauofEconomicandBusinessResearch,CollegeofBusinessAdministration,Univ.ofFlorida,4/91.13."AtlasofFlorida",InstituteofScienceandPublicAffairs,FloridaStateUniversity,12/92.
WITHIN10MILESOFTHEST.LUCIEPLANTTAZEMPLOYMENT%INCLUDEDINDUSTRIALCOMMERCIALSERVICEADJUSTEDEMPLOYMENTINDUSTRIALCOMMFRCIALSERVICE1012131415161718192021222325262728293031565758590. WITHIN10MILESOFTHEST.LUCIEPLANTEMPLOYMENTTAZ%INCLUDEDINDUSTRIALCOMMERCIALSERVICEADJUSTEDEMPLOYMENTINDUSTRIALCOMMERCIALSERVICE6162636465666768697071727374757677788283848586878889909192930.950.950.750.955491766914371940526145276210161199827895062401936256308828817993652401714971594132102441312651373115352982212152.2549176691437194052614527621016119278950624019362563088288179936524017014971594132100244127.92651373115352917822121 WITHIN10MILESOFTHEST.LUCIEPLANTEMPLOYMENTTAZ%INCLUDEDINDUSTRIALCOMMERCIALSERVICEADJUSTEDEMPLOYMENTINDUSTRIALCOMMERCIALSERVICEQlU(D'4A0C(DCL98991001011021031041051061071081091101121131161191210.40.750.40.370242121941446951224431173120662834232263861185280~442962534151736618078024358926312201241528242121941446951223312.45.13166283423226386113.5528017.629625341517366180780243589197.254.812415OTALSUM59919148141714642.38352.4513740.551995Projectedemploymentfollowinggrowthtrend(BEBR):3517232082.36 YEAR:1988SECTOR0-5MILES5-1010-20GRANDTOTALSSWSWSW50030005001900500NWNWNNWOTAL500500141503500100019550550025550NOTE:ThesedatawerederivedfromthemostrecentupdateoftheSt.LucieCountycorrespondingdatabyTAZ.
MARTIN5-1010-20SECTORCOUNTYANNULUS(MILES)ST.LUCIEANDMARTINCOUNTIESONLYNAMEEnvironmentalStudiesCenterJensenBeachElem.AlternativeEducationCenterJ.D.ParkerElem.St.JosephElem.(Catholic)St.Michael'sStuartMiddleMartinCountyHighPalmCityElem.ChallengerExceptionalStudentEd.CenterPinewoodElem.PortSalernoElem.CrystalLakeEiem.HiddenOaksMiddleMartinCountyDistrictOfficeIRCC'sChastainCenterSouthForkHighCommunityChristianFirstBaptistChristianRedeemerLutheranMartinCountyMontessoriSpectrumJr./Sr.HighPHONENO.334-1262334-1660288-20902874975283-1222287-4111287-0710288-3030283-9919287-0002288-2590288-0900220-0034287-6400283-6550546-5847288-7227287-5161286-0932221-9490220-3831NewNewCOMMENTSSSWST.LUCIEMARTIN0-55-1010-20CalvaryAcademyChristianVillageGreenElem.MariposaElem.MomingsideElem.SouthportMiddleMorningsideAcademyMurrayMiddle335-8875340-4740337-59003404733337-5900335-5166 SECTORCOUNTYANNULUS(MILES)ST.LUCIEANDMARTINCOUNTIESONLYNAMEoeounieoegeHobeSoundElem.IndiantownMiddleWarfieldElem.HopeRuralPHONENO.5464511597-2146597-2551597-2203IndiantownIndiantownCOMMENTSSWWSWWWNWNWST.LUCIEST.LUCIEST.LUCIEST.LUCIEST.LUCIE0-55-100-55-100-55-100-55-100-55-10PortSt.LucieHighFlorestaElem.WindmillPointElemNONENoithportMiddlePortSt.LucieElem.PortSt.LucieBaptistChildDevelopmentCenterBayshoreElem.ManateeElem.NONEParkwayElem.BarryUniv.IndianRiverCommunityCollegeFaithBaptistLord'sHeritageChristian-SunGroveMontessoriWhiteCityElem.DetentionCenterForestGroveMiddleJ.E.SampsonMemorialSeventhDayAdventistIndianRiverAcademyNONEFt.PierceCentralHighSt.LucieElem.DaleCassens3404777340-47553404747340-4700340-4766879-0109340-47203404745340-4800468-62948794199461-3607464-5436468-5840468-5885465-8386464-5888468-5800468-5190TreasureCoastCampus-St.LucieWestSt.LucieWestCampusNexttoI-95 QlUIA0DICLSECTORNNWCOUNTYANNULUS(MILES)10-20ST.LUCIE0-55-1010-20ST.LUCIEANDMARTINCOUNTIESONLYNAMEancaieLawnwoodElem.IndianRiverCommunityCollegeFairlawnElem.ParochialFt.PierceElem.St.AndrewsEpiscopalStallardAcademyPalmVistaChristianSt.AnastasiaElem.(Catholic)JohnCarrollHigh(Catholic)St.LucieCo.SchoolDistrictAdministrativeOfficeChesterA.MooreElem.LincolnParkAcademyMeansCourtElem.GardenCityElem.FrancesK.SweetElem.BibleBaptistFt.PierceWestwoodHighAnglewoodCenterWoodlandsAcademyWestwoodHighLakewoodParkElem.NONENONE.St.LuciePrimaryPHONENO.468-5740930-4722468-5345468-5300461-7689461-9188464-1591461-2232464-5200468-5000468-5315468-5474468-5277468-5330461-6630468-5400468-5215468-5272468-5830MainCampusCOMMENTS BRIDGELOCATIONEstimatedNumberofPassengers198819952000201020202030tuartCausewayIntracoastalWaterwayIIndianRiveratSewall'sPoint84101114139161187ensenBeachCausewayIntracoastalWaterwayIIndianRiveratJensenBeach728698119138160RooseveltBridget.LucieBridgeSt.LucieRiveratStuartSt.LucieRiveratSewall'sPoint13616318422526130392110125152177205NorthBridgeIntracoastalWaterwayIIndianRiveratFt.Pierce100121138170200235St.LucieCanalStuart106127144SOURCE:BridgeEngineer,FloridaDept.ofTransportation;ProjectionsusingBEBRtrends.175203236 MODECOUNTY1990-2030LOCATION1990'9952000201020202030RAIL:mtrak-SeaboardCoastLineSebring-WestPalmBeach292338377450517593IR:estPalmBeachInternationalAirportPalmBeachWestPalmBeach6,5857,6128,49510,13511,63513,357SOURCES:1.Rail:Seemaintext.2.Air.FloridaStatisticalAbstract-1991.Totalpassengersfor1990dividedby365for1990andprojectedto2030usingBEBRtrends.
ROADWAYNAMECOUNTSTATIONORLOCATIONLANES(NO.)PEAKSEASONADT19901992199520002010NO.PASSENGERSEACHDIRECTION202020301A1A1A1A1A1A1A1AirosoBlvdirosoBlvdirosoBlvdirosoBlvd.irportEntrancengleRd.ngleRd.veNAlfveItAttBayshoreBlvdBayshoreBlvd.BellAve.BellAve.CitrusAve.CitrusAve.DelawareAveDelawareAveDelawareAve.DelawareAve.DelawareAve.DelawareAveDelawareAve.EdwardsRd.EdwardsRd.EdwardsRd.EdwardsRd.IndianRiverCo.LineNofPepperParkNofHolidayInnEofNorthBridgeEofSouthBridgeFt.PierceCityLimitSofPowerPlantMartinCo.LineNofPrimaVistaBlvd.SofPrimaVistaBlvd.NofW.VirginiaDrNofPortSt.LucieBlvd.NofSt.LucieBlvd.EofKingsHwyNWofOrangeAve.EofN.US-1WofN.US-1NofPrimaVistaBlvdSofPrimaVistaBlvd.EofSunriseBlvd.WofSunriseBlvd.EofS.US-1WofS.US-1WofUS-1Wof6thStWofS.7thSt.Eof13thSt.Wof13thSt.WofOkeechobeeRd.Wof25thSt.WofUS-1EofOleanderAve.WofOleanderAve.WofSunriseAve.2-Div.2o/w3o/w3,7024,0935,52410,29217,5093,0594,33715,9536,2949,5109,6689,0003984,2339,9804,4355,2585,0118,2554,5924,78411,5673,5134,8996,80510,97011,56212,6004,0526,9818,8509,55612,35712,0396,2176,8749,27717,28429,4055,1377,28426,79110,57015,97116,23615,1156687,10916,7607,4488,8308,41513,8637.7128,03419,4265,9008,22711,42818,42319,41721,1606,80511,72414,86316,04820,75220,2186,6607,3639,93718,51531,4985,5037,80228,69911,32317,10817,39216,1917167,61517,9547,9789,4599,01514,8508,2618,60620,8086,3208,81312,24219,73420,79922,6677,28912,55815,92117,19122,23021,6588161,0098,68110,73020,46725,2979,09511,24210,78313,32810,27712,70216,92920,9259,41711,6409,81112,12623,72229,3207.,2048,90510,04712,41813,95617,24922,49727,80723,71129,30725,84031,9388,31010,27114,31717,69518,15022,43319,59724,22225,34231,32224,69030,5167,5929,3848,39410,37511,32914,00221~10726,08835,90844,3826,2737,7548,89410,99332,71640,43812,90815,95419,50324,10619,82724,50618,45722,81311,02612,95612,19114,32416,45319,33230,65336,01852,14861,274-9,11110,70512,91715,17847,51455,82918,74622,02628,32433,28128,79533,83426,80531,4961,1851,39312,60714,81429,72434,92613,20915,52115,66018,40114,92517,53624,58728,88913,67716,07014,24916,74234,45140,48010,46312,29414,59117,14520,26823,81532,67338,39134,43640,46237,52844,09512,06814,18020,79224,43126,35930,97128,461,.33,44236,804..43,24535,8572.,-42,132 ROADWAYNAMECOUNTSTATIONORLOCATIONLANESPEAKSEASON(NO.)ADT19901992199520002010NO.PASSENGERSEACHDIRECTION20202030EdwardsRdEdwardsRdEmersonRd.FlorestaDr.FlorestaDr.FlorestaDr.FlorestaDrGatlinBlvd.GeorgiaAve.GeorgiaAve.GilsonRdWof25thStEofMcNeilRdIndianRiverCo.LineSofPrimaVistaBlvd.NofW.VirginiaDr.NofPortSt.LucieBlvdSofPortSt.LucieBlvdEofl-95EofUS-1EofOkeechobeeRd.MartinCo.Line10,6566,6955,05411,89513,40013,7913,7939,1673,4776,4142,99417,89619,17021,85327,01111,24412,04413,73016,9708,4889,09210,36512,81119,97621,39924,39430,15122,50424,10627,48133,96623,16124,80928,28334,9576,3706,8237,7799,61415,39516,49118,80023,2365,8396,2557,1318,81310,77211,53813,15416,2585,0285,3866,1407,58931,73819,94015,05335,428,39,91041,07511,297'7,303,10,356-'9,1038,91737,29223,43017,68741,62846,89548,26313,27432,08112,16822,44610,478NofOkeechobeeRdHartmanRdGladesCut-GffRd.NofMidwayRdGladesCut-OffRd.SofMidwayRd5,8902,7385,3159,89210,59612,07914,9304,5984,9265,6156,9408,9269,56110,90013,47217,5438,15515,83020,6139,58218,600IndianRiverDr.IndianRiverDr.IndianRiverDr.IndianRiverDrIndianRiverDr.IndianRiverDr.IndianRiverDr.IndianRiverDrIndianRiverDr.IndianRiverDr.IndrioRd.IndrioRdIndrioRd.IndrioRd.enkinsRdenkinsRdJuanitaAveuanitaAve.KeenRd.KeenRd.SofA1NSouthBridgeNofOrangeAve.NofCitrusAve.SofCitrusAveNofSavannahRd.NofRioVistaDr.SofMidwayRd.NofWaltonRdSofWaltonRd.MartinCo.LineEofI-95WofKingsHwyEofKingsHwy.WofN.US-1-SofOrangeAveNofOkeechobeeRd.WofUS-1Wof25thSt.SofSt.LucieBlvd.NofAngleRd.7,5543,4954,6053,9723,6543,7242,9123,3968,1916,8825,6719,2386,6355,9053,0324,5713,3338,0851,3041,07912,68613,58915,49219,1485,8706,2877,1688,8597,7348,2849,44411,6736,6717,1458,14610,0686,1376,5737,4949,2626,2546,6997,6379,4404,8905,2395,9727,3815,7036,1096,9658,60813,75614,73516,79820,76211,55812,38014,11417,4449,52410,20211,63014,37515,51416,61918,94523,41611,14311,93613,60716,8189,91710,62312,11014,9685,0925,4546,2187,6857,6778,2239,37411,5875,5975,9966,8358,44813,57814,54516,58120,4942,1902,3462,6743,3051,8121,9412,2132,73522,49910,40913,71511,83010,88311,0918,67310,11524,39620,49716,89027,51419,76217,5879,03013;6149,92724,0803,8843,21426,43612,23116,11613,90012,78813,03310,19111,88528,66524,08419,84632,32923,22020,66510,61115,99711,66428,2944,5633,776 ROADWAYNAMECOUNTSTATIONORLOCATIONLANES(NO.)PEAKSEASONADT1990199219952000,2010NO.PASSENGERSEACHDIRECTION20202030KingsHwySWofN.US-110,06016,89518,09720,63125,50029,96335,206Q)U(DhhJAOCCLKingsHwyKingsHwyKingsHwy.LennardRd.LennardRd.LyngateDrMidportRdMidportRdSofIndrioRdNofOrangeAveSofOrangeAve.SofWaltonRd.NofMariposaAveEofMidportRdWofS.US-1NofPortSt.LucieBlvdMidwayRdMidwayRdMidwayRdMidwayRdMidwayRdMidwayRdMidwayRdMidwayRdMidwayRdMidwayRdOkeechobeeRd.OkeechobeeRd.EofWeatherbeeRd.WofWeatherbeeRd.EofS.US-1WofS.US-1WofOleanderAve.EofS.25thSt.WofS.25thSt.WofSelvitzRd.EofGladesCut-offRd.EofI-95SWofDelawareAve.EofS.25thSt.OkeechobeeRd.WofS.25thStOkeechobeeRd.WofS.33rdStMomingsideBlvd.NofPortSt.LucieBlvdMomingsideBlvd.SofPortSt.LucieBlvd2-Div.2-Div.14,03011,5587,9464,2248,9715,95210,50216,2513,1163,3273,9954,0548,77313,56714,55715,42210,6848,6089,9418,21011,66116,81818,45216,04423,56219,41113,3457,09415,0669,99617,63727,2925,2335,5876,7096,80814,73322,78424,44725,90017,94314,45616,69513,78819,58328,24430,988-26,94425,23920,79214,2947,59916,13810,70718,89329,2355,6065,9857,1877,29315,78224,40626,18727,74319,22015,48517,88314,76920,97830,25533,19428,86228,77323,70316,2968,66318,39812,20621,53833,3286,3906,8238,1938,31417,99227,82329,85431,62721,91117,65320,38716,83723,91434,49037,84132,90335,56329,29720,14110,70722,74015,08726,62041,1937,8988,43310,12610,27622,23834,39036,89939,09227,08221,81925,19820,81129,55842,63046,77240,66841,78734,42423,66612,58126,71917,72731,27948,4029,2819,90911,89912,07426,12940,40843,35645,93331,821525,638c29,608;724,453;"34,73150,09054,95747,78549,09940,44827,80814,78231,39520,83036,75356,87210,90511,64313,98114,18730,70247,47950,94453,97137,39030,12534,79028,73240,80958,85664,57556,148OkeechobeeRd.OkeechobeeRd.OkeechobeeRd.EofHartmanRd.EofMcNeilRd.EofI-9515,18920,77423,83425,50834,88840,02727,32437,37142,87631,15042,60348,87938,50152,65860,41445,23961,87370,98753,15572,70183,409OkeechobeeRdOkeechobeeRdWofI-95WofTurnpikeIdDixieHwyOldDixieHwyOldDixieHwy.EofN.US-1S.ofTaylorCreekNofNorthA1AOkeechobeeRd.WofHeaderCanalRd.30,7295,1953,6497,1655,2862,70751,6068,7246,12812,0338,8774,54655,2809,3466,56412,8899,5094,87063,01910,6547,48314,69410,8415,55277,89213,1689,24918,16213,3996,86291,52315,47310,86821,34015,7448,062107,53918,18012,77025,07518,4999,473 ROADWAYNAMECOUNTSTATIONORLOCATIONLANESPEAKSEASON(NO.)ADT19901992199520102000NO.PASSENGERSEACHDIRECTION20202030OldDixieHwyOleanderAve.OleanderAve.OleanderAve.OleanderAveSt.Lucie/IndianRiverCo.LineSofSunriseBlvd.NofVirginiaAve.SofVirginiaAve.NofEdwardsRd1,3915,5226,84710,05614,1642,3369,27411,49916,88823,7872,5022,8533,5269,93411,32513,99712,31714,04217,35618,09020,62325,49025,48029,04835,9034,14316,44720,39329,95142,1864,86819,32523,96235,19249,568OhJCOhJAOClDCLOleanderAveleanderAve.OleanderAve.OrangeAve.OrangeAveOrangeAve.OrangeAve.OrangeAve.OrangeAve.rangeAve.OrangeAve.OrangeAveOrangeAve.OrangeAve.SofEdwardsRdNofMidwayRd.SofMidwayRd.EofHeaderCanalRd.WofKingsHwyWofI-95Eofl-95EofJenkinsRdWofAngleRd.EofAngleRd.Eof25thSt.Wof7thSt.WofUS-1EofUS-1PortSt.LucieBlvd.WofS.US-1PortSt.LucieBlvd.WofMorningsideBlvd.PortSt.LucieBlvd.WofMidportRd.PortSt.LucieBlvd.WofFlorestaDr.PortSt.LucieBlvd.EofFLTurnpikePortSt.LucieBlvd.WofFLTurnpikePrimaVistaBlvd.WofS.US-1PrimaVistaBlvd.WofRioMarDr.PrimaVistaBlvd.WofFlorestaDr.2o/w14,1156,3705,6135,2869,30615,05812,96212,44611,67716,43016,17110,1958,4027,26125,59319,74731,76324,46519,29024,39721,74425,08214,06523,70510,6989,4268,87715,62825,28821,76820,90219,61027,59327,15817,12114,11012,19442,98133,16353,34341,08732,39640,97236,51742,12323,62125,39228,94735,77911,45913,06416,14710,09811,51114,2289,50910,84113,39916,74119,08523,58927,08930,88138,16923,31826,58332,85622,39025,52431,54821,00623,94729,59929,55733,69541,64729,09133,16440,99018,34020,90825,84215,11517,23121,29713,06214,89118,40546,04152,48664,87335,52440,49750,05557,14065,14080,51344,01150,17362,01434,70239,56048,89643,88950,03361,84139,11644,59355,117-45,12151,43863,57825,30228,84535,65242,04018,97216,71815,74427,71744,84838,60637,06934,77948,93548,16330,36525,02421,62676,22658,81494,60272,86657,45372,66464,76274,70441,89149,39722,29219,64318,49932,56752,69745,36243,55640,86557,49856,59235,67829,40425,41189,56569,107111,15885,61867,50785,38076,09587,77749,222PrimaVistaBlvdWofAirosoDr13,15422,09123,66326,97633,34339,17846,034RangeLineRdNofMartinCo.LinePrimaVistaBlvd.EofBayshoreBlvd5,1291,6448,6142,7619,22710,51913,0012,9573,3724,16715,276'.4,896.017,949.5,753RioMarDrSavageBlvd.SavannahRd.NofPrimaVistaBlvdWofPortSt.LucieBlvd.WofIndianRiverDr.10,0868,9081,44516,93814,9602,42718,14420,68425,56616,02518,26922,5802,5992,9633,66330,04026,5314,30435,29731,1745,057 ROADWAYNAMECOUNTSTATIONORLOCATIONLANES'NO.)PEAKSEASONADT199019921995NO.PASSENGERSEACHDIRECTION2010200020202030SeawayDr.SeawayDr.SeawayDr.SeawayDrelvitzRdSelvitzRdt.JamesDrt.LucieBlvdSt.LucieBlvd.t.LucieBlvd.St.LucieBlvd.St.LucieBlvd.St.LucieWestBlvdSunriseBlvd.SunriseBlvd.SunriseBlvd.SunriseBlvdSunriseBlvd.unriseBlvd.SunriseBlvd.SunsetBlvdiffanyDrirginiaAveirginiaAveirginiaAvevirginiaAveirginiaAveirginiaAve.altonRd.eatherbeeRdestmorelandBlvdestmorelandBlvd5thSt.7thSt.NofBinneyDr.SofBinneyDr.CausewayBridgeSofEdwardsRd.NofMidwayRd.NofAirosoBlvd.EofKingsHwyWofKeenRd.EofKeenRd.WofN.25thSt.WofN.US-1Eofl-95SWofS.US-1NofVirginiaAveSofVirginiaAveSofEdwardsRdNofBellAve.SofBellAve.NofMidwayRdSofMidwayRdEofS.US-1WofS.US-1EofSunriseBlvd.EofS.25thSt.WofS.25thSt.EofS.35thStEofOkeechobeeRd.EofS.US-1WofMidwayRd.SofPortSt.LucieBlvdNofMartinCo.LineNofDelawareAve.NofDelawareAve.4-Div.4-Div.2-Dw.4,6919,17612,9536,9462,6818,6364,4954,9345,18211,6248,3636,4724,5865,1467,3565,1824,7923,8612,8843,65613,23623,17723,74519,73115,27617,43114,08212,7562,31210,1798,2272,3699,8587,87815,41021,75311,6654,50214,503.7,5498,2868,70319,52114,04510,8697,7028,64212,3548,7038,0486,4844,8436,14022,22938,92339,87733,13625,65529,27423,64921,4223,88317,09513,8163,97816,5568,4399,62016,50718,81823,30226,56412,49614,2454,8235,49815,53617,7118,0869,2188,87610,1199,32210,62720,91123,83915,04517,15111,64313,2738,2509,4059,25710,55313,23315,0869,32210,6278,6219,8276,9467,9185,1885,9156,5777,49823,81127,14441,69447,53142,71648,69635,49540,46427,48131,32831,35735,74825,33328,87922,94726,1604,1594,74118,31220,87514,80016,8724,2624,85817,73420,21711,89113,97216.41723,25927,33032,11232,83338,57945,33017,60720,688;24,3086,7967,985-9,38230,22321,89025,72111,39413,38815,73112,50714,69517,26713,13515,43418,13529,46434,62140,67921,19824,90829,26716,40519,27622,64911,62513,65916,04913,04415,32718,00918,64621,90925,74313,13515,43418,13512,14714,27216,7709,78711,50013,5127,3108,59010,0939,26710,88912,79533,55139,42246,32158,74969,03081,11044,18451,91661,00135,69541,94249,28132,33437,99244,6415,8606,8868,09125,80230,31735,62220,85424,50328,7916,0057,0568,29124,98829,36134,49960,18970,72283,09850,01458,76669,05138,72145,49853,460 ROADWAYNAMECOUNTSTATIONORLOCATIONLANES(NO.)PEAKSEASONADT19901992199520102000NO.PASSENGERSEACHDIRECTION20202030GlUlDCOhJA0DCCL13thSt13thSt13thSt17thSt.17thSt.North25thStNorth25thStNorth25thSt.South25thSt.South25thSt.South25thStSouth25thSt.South25thSt.South25thStSouth25thSt.South25thSt.South25thSt.NorthUS-1NorthUS-1NorthUS-1NorthUS-1NorthUS-1NorthUS-1SouthUS-1SouthUS-1SouthUS-1SouthUS-1outhUS-1SouthUS-1SouthUS-1SouthUS-1SouthUS-1SouthUS-1SouthUS-1S.ofIndrioRd.S.ofSt.LucieBlvdSofTaylorCreekBridgeSofSouthA1ASofAve."A"SofOrangeAveSofCitrusAve.SofDelawareAveSofSunriseBlvd.NofVirginiaAve.SofVirginiaAve.SofEdwardsRdNofMidwayRd.SofMidwayRd.SofEasyStSofPrimaVistaBlvd.4-Div.4-Div.4-Div.NofVirginiaAveSofDelawareAveNofDelawareAveNofDelawareAve.NofOkeechobeeRdSofSt.LucieBlvd.SofBelcherCanalNofOrangeAve.SofOrangeAve.SofDelawareAveNofOkeechobeeRdSofOkeechobeeRdNofVirginiaAve.SofVirginiaAveNofEdwardsRd.NofMidwayRd.SofMidwayRd.St.Lucie/IndianRiverCo.Line4-Div.8,8046,5056,1106,98010,58067771562315455182192433324436242262000616626182101077110413215321900020683254203131329923302913252637721285462747245350295803278529974350334820414,78510,92410,26111,72217,76811,38126,23725,95530,59740,86541,03840,68533,59827,92230,58218,08917,48836,16131,90934,73542,69052,58750,25350,87154,62463,34947,94046,13676,16149,67755,05950,33858,83480,95415,83811,70210,99212,55719,03312,19128,10527,80332,77543,77443,95943,58135,99029,90932,75919,37618,73238,73534,18037,20845,72956,33153,83054,49258,51367,85851,35349,42181,58253,21358,97953,92263,02386,71718,05513,34012,53014,31521,69713,89832,04031,69537,36449,90250,11349,68341,02834,09737,34522,08921,35544,15838,96542,41752,13164,21761,36662,12166,70477,35858,54256,34093,00460,66367,23661,47171,84698,85722,31616,48915,48817,69326,81817,17839,60139,17546,18161,67961,94061,40850,71142,14346,15927,30226,39554,57948,16152,42764,43479,37275,84976,78182,44795,61572,35869,636114,95374,97983,10375,97888,801122,18726,22230,81019,37422,76518,19821,38320,78924,42731,51137,02620,18423,71746,53154,67446,03154,08654,26363,75972,47385,15672,78085,51672,15484,78159,58570,01349,51958,18454,23663,72832,080:37,69431,014'-,.::36,44164,131;-75,35356,58966,49261,60272,38275,71088,96093,262109,58389,122104,71890,218106,00696,875113,828112,348132,00885,02199,90081,82296,141135,070158,70788,101103,51897,646114,73489.274104,897104,342122,601143,570168,695 ROADWAYNAMECOUNTSTATIONORLOCATIONLANESPEAKSEASON(NO.)ADT1990NO.PASSENGERSEACHDIRECTION199219952000201020202030GlUtDCohJAODCCLSouthUS-1SouthUS-1SouthUS-11-95I-95I-95I-95I-951-95FL.TurnpikeFL.TurnpikeFL.Turnpike'ofWaltonRdNofPortSt.LucieBlvdSofPortSt.LucieBlvd.NofOrangeAve.NofOkeechobeeRdNofMidwayRd.NofSt.LucieWestBlvd.NofGatlinBlvd.SofGatlinBlvdNofOkeechobeeBlvd.SofOkeechobeeBlvd.SofPortSt.LucieBlvd.4-Div.4-Div.6-Div.4-E.4-E.6-E.6-E.6-E.6-E.4-E.4-E.4-E.46194314104944529443288673757934994268513616316999176832116877,57852,75083,03882,41180,799105,18497,94875,156101,22047,58049,49559,24983,10194,73556,50564,41688,949101,40288,277100,63686,55098,668112,671128,445104,921119,61080,50691,777108,426123,60550,96758,10353,01860,44163,46772,352117,092137,58379,61893,551125,333147,266124,386146,154121,953.143,295158,758186,541147,838173,709113,436133,288152,776179,51271,81584,38374,70587,77889,427105,077161,660109,922173,038171,731168,371219,186204,108156,613210,92799,149103,139123,466 ROADWAYNAMECOUNTSTATIONORLOCATIONLANESLENGTHCURRENT(NO.)(MILES)AADTNO.PASSENGERSEACHDIRECTION199219952000201020202030Mlk.DrBakerRd.BrittRd.ommerceommerceFarmRd.toSR710US1toSavannaSR5toPineLakeDr.MonroeSt.toSalernoRdIndianSt.toMonroeSt.0.700.770.500.801.201,8722,5643,3774,5774,5772,8083,8465,0666,8666,8663,1114,2615,6137,6077,6073,516-4,2894,8155,8756,3427.7378,59610,4878,596-10,4874,9756,8158;9.7512;,16512,1655,7727,90510,41214,11114,111ountryClubLittleClubWaytoIsla0.702,5333,8004,2104,7575,8046,7327,809ountyLineoveRd.oveRd.SR5toLittleClubWaySR76toSR5SR5toCRA1A2.803.201.103,5801,2877,6275,3701,93111,4415,9502,13912,6768,2036,7232,9492,41714,32417,4759,5153,42120,27111,0373,96823,515oveRdrossripSt.R609R609R707R707AR707AR707AR707AR707AR708CRA1AtoEndGomezAve.toCRA1ASR710toCR714CR714toSt.L.Co.SR732toNCLUS-1toG.RiverPkwyG.RivertoSavannaSavannatoSkylineSkylinetoPalmettoPalmettotoI.R.Dr.SR76toCR7114-Div4-Und1.500.209.002.501.001.100.900.300.100.102.204,603-6,9053,4482,0951,9256,0505,1723,1432,8889,07515,84723,77113,99020,98513,99020,9852,5021,66814,48021,72014,48021,7207,6505,7313,4823,19910,05526,33823,25123,25124,06624,0662,7728,64510,5476,4763,9357,9004,8003,6154,41126,27432,05427,19433,17727,19433,1773,8223,13311,36213,86229,76236,30926,27432,05412,2349,1645,5685,11616,08042,11937,18337,18338,48538,4854,43314,19110,6306,4595,93518,65348,85843,13243,13244,64344,6435,143R708CR708R708R708CR708CR708CR711CR711toTPKTPKtoPowerlinePowerlinetoUS-1US-1toCRA1ACRA1AtoGomezGomeztoBeachP.B.Co.LinetoCR7081.604.002.000.300.100.607.001,8484,3698,4328,4328,4324,9192,3942,7726,55412,64812,64812,6487,3793,5913,0717,26114,01414,01414,0148,1753,9793,4718,2054,23410,0109,2384,49611,2715,48515,83619,32015,83619,32015,83619,3204,91211,61222,41122,41122,41113,0746,3635,69813,47025,99725,99725,99715,1667,381CR711CR708toMCHS1.203,5055,2585,8256,5838,0319,31610,806CR711R711CR711R713R713R714MCHStoSR76SR76toSt.LucieFallsSt.LucieFallstoCitr.SR714toCR714CR714toI-95SR710toFoxBrown1.800.301.700.702.607.004,9504,0504,0509,9225,0008087,4256,0756,07514,8837,5001,2128,2276,7316,73116,4908,3101,3439,29611,3427,6067,6069,2799,2791,8511,51718,63422,7349,39011,45613,15610,76410,76426,37113,2892,14815,26112,48612,48630,59015,4152,491 ROADWAYNAMECOUNTSTATIONORLOCATIONLANESLENGTHCURRENT(NO.)(MILES)AADTNO.PASSENGERSEACHDIRECTION199219952000201020202030R714R714FoxBrowntoCR609CR609to1-955.005.208081,9661,2122,9491,3433,2671,5173,6921,8514,5052,1485,2252,4916,061R714TurnpiketoHighMeadow0.1012,50018,75020,77523,47628,64033,22338,539R714R714R714HighMeadowstoBerryBerrytoDanforthDanforthtoMappRd.0.500.300.505,8005,8005,8008,7008,7008,7009,6409,6409,64010,89313,28915,41517,88210,89313,28915,41517,88210,89313,28915,41517,882R723SR707to24th0.8013,21919,82921,97024,82630,28835,13440,755Q)UlDhJICOVJnOC(DCiR723R726R726R76A24thtoJ.B.Blvd.NorthofSR710Sof76AGR711toSR714RA1ARA1ARA1ARA1ARA1ARA1ARA1ARA1ARA1ACR708toOspreySt.OspreySt.toHeritageHeritagetoCoveRd.CoveRd.toSalernoSalernotoSt.LucieSt.LucietoJeffersonJeffersontoIndianIndiantoAirportAirporttoMontereyRA1ASR5toCR7081.205.405405.001.103.401.001.900.200.200.800.800.800.5013,2191,9251,8503,2752,3842,2713,8105,3268,61113,34915,70515,70512,70712,7072,8882,7754,9133,5763,1993,0755,4433,9623,6153,4746,1514,4774,4114,2397,5045,4625,1164,9178,7046,3365,9355,70410,0977,3503,4073,774-4,2655,2036,0367,0025,7156,3327,1558,73010;12611,7477,9898,85210,00312,20314,15616,42112,91714,31116,17219,73022,88726,54820,02422,18625,07030,58635,47941,15623,55826,10229,49535,98441,74148,42023,55826,10229,49535,98441,74148,42019,06121,11923,86529,11533,77339,17719,06121,11923,86529,11533,77339,17719,82921,97024,82630,28835,13440,755RA1AMontereytoColorado1.505,4598,1899,07310,25212,50814,50916,831FarmRdForkRd.SR710to170thDr.PineLakeDr.toSR51.400.603,0002,4904,5003,7354,9864,1385,6344,6766,8745,7057,9736,6189,2497,677FoxBrownRd.CR714toSR7107.905007508319391,1461,3291,542GomezAveGrossripSt.toGR7082.507,50011,25012,46514,08517,18419,93423,123omezAveOspreySt.toGrossripStHighMeadowSR714toMurphyRd.HorseshoeP.CRA1AtoEnd(IncAnch.)0.501.001.707,5007,0534,7757,9368,96810,94112,69114,7227,16311,25012,46514,08517,18419,93423,12310,58011,72213,24616,16018,74621,745IndianRiverPalmertoSR7071.956,6489,97211,04912,48515,23217,66920,496IslandWayIndianSt.IndianStIndianSt.CountryClubWaytoJUSR76toWilloughbyBlvd.WilloughbytoUS-1US-1toCommerce4-Div0.700.400.900.201,11815,22015,22016,3781,6771,8582,1002,5622,9713,44722,83025,29628,58434,87340,45246,92522,83025,29628,58434,87340,45246,92524,56727,22030,75937,52643,53050,495 ROADWAYNAMECOUNTSTATIONORIOCATIONLANESLENGTHCURRENT(NO.)(MILES)AADTNO.PASSENGERSEACHDIRECTION199219952000201020202030IndianStIndianStackJamesCommercetoCRA1ACRA1AtoSt.LucieBlvd.SR76toEnd4-Div0.100.801.008,73725013,10637516,37824,56727,22030,75914,52116,40947041637,52643,53050,49520,01923,22126,937771573effersonStCRA1AtoSt.LucieBlvd1.101,5222,2832,5302,8583,4874,0454,692LittleClubWayCountyLineRd.toCountryClub0.602,2033,3053,6614,1375,0485,8556,792-LocksRdSR76toEnd3,0414,5625,0545,7116,9688,0829,376MacArthurBlvd.CRA1AtoSailfishPt2.304,9357,4038,2029,26811,30713,11615,215appRdappRd.appRd.CR714toS.EndCR714toSR714SR714toMathesonAve2.500.601.205253,3417885,0128735,5536,2751,2037,6551,3958,8801,61910,301appRdMathesonAve..toN.End1.504,2866,4297,1238,0499,82011,39113,214SR714toMappRd.tathesonAveonroeStSR5toCommerceSontereyRd.SR76toWilloughbyontereyRd.WilloughbytoMontereyontereyRdMontereyExt.toUS-1ontereyRd.US-1toCRA1AontereyRd.CRA1AtoPalmBeachRdontereyRd.PalmBeachRd.toSRA1A4-Div4-Div.4-Div.4-Div.4-Div.0.500.401.,6235,2715,4357,90719,62029,43019,62029,43014,46821,70216,20524,30817,40026,10011,37917,0696,0218,7606,8049,89932,60836.84832,60836,84824,04627,17226,93330.43428,91932,67818,91221,3708,3019,62911,17012,07714,00916,25144,95452,14760,49044,95452,14760,49033,15038,45344,60637,12943,07049,96139,86746,24653,64626,07230,24335,082urphyRd.MurphyRd.spreySt.MappRd.toHighMeadowsHighMeadowstoNCLSR5toSRA1A1.001.200.603,0826,4092,9254,6239,6144,3885,1225,7884,8615,49310,65212,0367,0628,1919,5027,7749,0186,70214,68517,03419,759OspreyStSRA1AtoGomezAve0.201,2041,8062,0012,2612,7593,2003,712PalmBeachRd.MontereyRd.toSRA1APalmCityRd.SR714toUS-1PineLakeDr.BrittRd.toForkRd.0.601.309,3027,3681,14413,95311,0521,71615,46017,47012,24613,8381,901-2,1493,041".,3,5272,62121,31324,723,28,67916,88219,58322,716RivershoreSt.SR5toSpruceRidge1,5002,2502,4932,8173,4373,987',4,625SalernoRd.alemoRd.SalernoRd.SalernoRd.SR76toWilloughbyWilloughbytoUS-1US-1toCommerceCommercetoCRA1A1.401.000.600.1020,076~13,38413,38420,07611,91217,86813,24019,86019,79822,37122,00524,86622,24425,13622,24425,13627,29331,66036,72630,33635,19040,82030,66635,57241,26430,66635,57241,264aintLucieCRA1AtoIndianSt3.001,4102,1152,3432,6483,2313,7484,347SRA1AtoPalmerSt.SewallsPt.SeabranchB.SR5toPreserveTrace4-Div0.502.208,6008,60012,90012,90014,29316,15114,29316,15119,70522,85726,51519,70522,85726,515 ROADWAYNAMECOUNTSTATIONORLOCATIONLANES(NO.)LENGTHCURRENT(MILES)AADTNO.PASSENGERSEACHDIRECTION199219952000201020202030ruceRidgeRivershoreSt.toPine6691,0041~1121,2561,5331,7782,063R5PalmBeachCo.toCRA1ACRA1ANorthtoGR7084-Div4-Div1.4024,3995.8018,07527.11336,59930,04133,94640,55145,82341,41448,04055,90464,84855,72775,224R5SR5R5R5RSR5R5R5R5R5R5R5R5GR708NorthtoOspreyOspreySt.NorthtoCoveRd.CoveRd.NtoSalernoRd.SalernoRd.NtoMonroeMonroeNtoIndianIndianSt.toMontereyMontereyRd.toSR5-ASR5-ANorthtoSR76SR76NorthtoBridgeRooseveltBridgeBridgetoSR707SR707toBakerBakerRd.toBrittRdBrittRd.toJ.B.Blvd.J.B.Blvd.toWestmorelandWestmorelandtoCo.Line'-Div4-Div4-Div4-Div4-Div4-Div4-Div6-Div6-Div4-Div.4-Div.6-Div.6-Div6-Div.6-Div.6-Div.,42427,17629,05028,01032,23141,31833,64038,01849,78449,78449,78443,00246,52750,54045,32045,86335,13640,76443,57542,01548,34761,97750,46057,02774,67674,67674,67664,50369,79175,81067,98068,79538,93143,99245,16751,03848,28154,55846,55352,60453,56860,53268,67177,59855,91063,17863,18671,40082,74193,49782,74193,49782,74193,49771,46980,76077,32887,38083,99794,91775,32285,11476,22486,13353,67062,25762,26772,22966,56077,21064,17774,44673,84985,66594,669109,81677,07789,40987,108101,045114,067132,317114,067132,317114,067132,31798,528114,292106,604123,661115,799134,327103,839120,453105,083121,89672,21883,78689,56486,35799,371127,387103,715117,213153,488153,488153,488132,579143,447155,819139,725141,399R15R15R76R76SR76toSCLSR76toNCLSR15toSR710SR710toCR7081.8010.0010.209.002,9711,5631,4522,7754,4572,3452,1784,1634,9382,5982,4134,6125,5802,9352.7275,2126,8073,5813,3276,3587,8964,1543,8597,3759,1604,8194,4778,556SR76SR76SR76SR76SR76R76R76R76SR707R707R707GR708toCR711CR76AtoI-95I-95toCoveRd.CoveRd.toSalernoRdSalernoRd.toIndianSt.IndianSt.toMontereyMontereyRd.toUS-1US-1toCRA1ASR5toSR723SR723toPalmerPalmertoCR707A6-Div6-Div6-Div2.401.600.500.502.301.201.000.401.001.001.002,4069,65020,35820,89218,84023,10025,28719,49015,9197,3057,5003,60914,47530,53731,33828,26034,65037,93129,23523,87910,95811,2503,9994,51916,03818;12333,83538,23434,72339;23631,31235,38338,39243;38342,027.47,49132,39236,60326,45729,89712,14113,71912,46514,0855,5136,39522,11025,64846,64554,10847,86855,52743,16750,07452,92761,39657,93867,20944,65651,80136,47442;31016,73719,41517,18419,9347,41829,75262,76564,41258,08571,21977,96260,08949,08022,52223,123 ROADWAYNAMECOUNTSTATIONORLOCATIONLANES(NO.)LENGTHCURRENT(MILES)AADTNO.PASSENGERSEACHDIRECTION199219952000201020202030R707R710CR707AtoSR732SR76toSCL1.005.209,62010,6586,41313,32019,98022,13825,01612,04430,51935,40214,69417,04541,06719,772R710R710R710SR/6toCR726CR726toCR609CR609toFoxBrown0.501.502.408,7758,7758,44913,16314,58413,16314,58412,67414,04216,48016,48015,86820,10623,32220,10623,32219,35922,45627,05427,05426,049R710FoxBrowntoNCL11.005,1877,7818,6219,74111,88513,78615,992R714R714R714R714R714~R714R732RA1ARA1ARA1ARA1ARA1ASRA1ARA1AI-95toCR/6ACR76AtoTurnpikeTurnpiketoHighMeadowsHighMeadowstoMathesonMathesontoMappRd.MappRd.toSR76JensenBeachCausewayFlaglerEtoPalmBeachPalmBeachRd.toMontereyMontereyRd.toSt.Lucie=St.LucietoSewallsPt.SewallsPt.toMacArthurMacArthurBlvd.toSR732SR732toCo.Line4-Div4-Div4-Div4-Div4-Div4-Div4.000.800.601.608.001.201.901.000.800.700.901.503.900.506,7086,70810,06211,149'I0,06211,14916,53324,80027,47816,30924,46427,10620,19830,29733,56933,2/149,90755,29612,85519,28321,36517,46126,19229,02018,45327,68030,66919,01628,52431,60521,646-32,46935,97612,38318,57520,5819,61214,41815,97515,44323,16525,66612,59812,59831,05030,62937,93362,48524,14232,79334,65635,71340,65223,25618,05229,00315,37017,82915,3/01/,82937,88143,94237,36843,34746,27853,68376,23288,42929,45434,16640,00746,40842,28049,04543,57050,54149,59657,53128,37232,91222,02325,54735,38441,04520,68120,68150,97350,28262,272102,57739,63353,83456,89258,62866,73638,17829,63547,612 WITHIN10MILESOFTHEST.LUCIEPLANTDISTANCE(MILES)0-11-22-33-44-55-100-10DIRECTIONN138138NEENEESESESSE600521319.4,013600-5219,58613,918161393,3123,467SSWSWWSWW3793595086892231972322063683,5854,3282,7293,6481,5601,7991,8632,2961,4482,02684641358,0758,2945,6135,677TotalbyAnnulus600664141,3246,33837,77146,711 WITHIN10MILESOFTHEST.LUCIEPLANTDISTANCE(MILES)0-11-22-33-44-55-100-10DIRECTIONNNENEENE0144144ESESESSESSWSWWSWW6286183824,81119166455431601,0421126823627824744210216210,7953,6824,2193,2751,87122321,7379,6886,50462861815,9883,8685,1094,3782,1572,7502,4329,9526,568TotalbyAnnulus628769171,5767,60044,00354,593 WITHIN10MILESOFTHEST.LUCIEPLANTDIRECTION0-1DISTANCE(MILES)1-22-33-44-55-100-10N150150NEENEESESESSE6547116547114395,50611,84317,787SSW225211913,9994,2124924,7675,786SW681,1913,7465,007WSW123062,1412,468NW270319.2,5703,1642835051,9852,77911718611,08311,385NNW647,2857,349TotalbyAnnulus654869191,7968,69649,42061,453 WITHIN10MILESOFTHEST.LUCIEPLANTDIRECTION0-1DISTANCE(MILES)1-22-33-44-55-100-10N162162NEENEESESESSESSWSWWSWWWNWNW703874541286448515334349146646,8052356091,47237839462522913,7694,5815,7934,6272,6453,1272,45413,6958,74370387421,1154,8447,0536,1863,0503,8603,43614,0718,807TotalbyAnnulus7031,045242,20510,74859,43574,159

WITHIN10MILESOFTHEST.LUCIEPLANTDIRECTION0-1DISTANCE(MILES)1-22-33-44-55-100-10OPUClCOC0NNEENEESESESSESSWSWWSWNWNNW7491721,033636327579918393411168647,9982767161,731445463735269015,5325,1146,7425,4503,1163,7242,88716,11110,0861720;0;0'491,03324,1665,4238,2237,2823,5924,5864,04316,54810,150TotalbyAnnulus7491,216282,57812,63568,76285,968 WITHIN10MILESOFTHEST.LUCIEPLANTDISTANCE(MILES)0-11-22-33-44-55-100-10DIRECTIONN180180NEENEESESESSE7821,1617821,1617178,99316,93326,643SSW368513115,5335,8808047,5119,175SW1121,9456,1138,172WSW204415003,4944,0285204,1615,129NW104628253,2434,54019030318,09318,585NNW64011,18111,245TotalbyAnnulus7821,353312,89214,20176,26195,520}}
Figure Shows the 1990 Resident Populathn within 0-5 Mlles of the 0                                  St. Luole Site.
348 23                        0 2,490 1,218                      o 45 0 0 p 0      0        p 0            0 756    1,292    90        6      0              0 0            0 20        0        0 0 p 0 134          1p                  118 245                      0      0 p
2,808                  124 38 339 1,998            710                      197 196 2,100                              976                Miles 0  05    1    15  2
Figure Shows the 1990 Resident Population within 5-10 Mlles of the St. Lude Site.
              $  ~
    ~Q Q                6g0
  ~Q'~                    0 gQ 0
O Ag V
o 0''    (p CP S~
0                    >gS 936 O~                    1,531
'v'                                  g
                    ~go I'@s        3,931      ~g9 6,874                          Miles 6g~
1,855 0   1    2    3    4
Figure Shows the 1990 Resident Population within 10-50 Mlles of the 20,622                                          St. Luofe Site.
208              19.189 2,882 44,776 494                    8,450 5,131 811 17,967 2,078 2,478    10,176      381        698 3,012 740 15,196                        7,361        20,11 1,824                    1,141              38.02 5,241                32,205 246                        5,778 8,810                  178                        78,634 13,255 1,398                                1 14,025                Miles 151,310 0    5    10  15  20
Figure Shows the Estimated 1995 Resident Populatfon within 0-5 Mlles of the St. Luole Site.
418 28 2988 0
1461 54 000 0        0 906    1550  108      7      0        0 0        0 24        Op  0 161 12              140 294                    0        0 p
3369              149 46 406 2398            851                  236 235 2519                        1170                Miles 531 0    0.5  1    1.5    2
Rgure Shows the Estimated 1995 Resident Population within 5-10 g6                Miles of the St. Lude Site.
0                    SgS 0                    q~9 pter
: 0)    o 0)
: 0)          Ql CP 0'P V
CP 4) 0                            8g Cg a@                  9y 0O~
6g 8',110
Ip6 1,672 4,299
                              .)g8 7,515              Miles 2,029 0    1    2  3      4
Figure Shows the estimated 1995 Resident Population withIn 10-50 23,608                                        Mlles of the St. Luole Site.
240              22.209 3.343 52,009 592                    9,813 9,503 926 21,523 2,494 2,834    11,668      440        839 3,592 836 5,181 17,430 8,093        21,98 2,019                    1,246              41,56 5,730                36,607 275                        6,662 10,180                206                        90,860 15,316 1.615                                131,751              Miles 174.831 0    5    10  15  'i 20
8revard Osceola Polk Indian R Hardee Okeec obee St.
Highlands De Soto Glades Palm Beach Hendry
SSW 20-30                        SSE 20%0 SW  30~                                                  S 20-30 SW 40-50 SSW 30-40                                        SSE 3040 S 30-40 SSW 40-50 Miles Figure showing Palm Beach County with Sector Segments.
0 2  4  6  8
WSW 10-20 WSW 2040 A
SW 10-20 QSSW    10-20              SSE 10-20 S 10-20 SW 20%0 SSW 20-30                                        SSE 20%0 I
SW ~0                                                            S 2MO 1
Miles Figure showing Martin County with Sector Segments.
0    2      4    6    8
NW 10-20.
WNW 20-30    j WNW 10-20 W 20-30                    W 10-20 WSW 10-20 Q(U WSW 2040 Miles Figure showing St Lucie County with Sector Segments.
0 2  4    6 8
1 ~
NNW 30-40 NW 40-50 0
NW 30-40                                      d 4
NNW 20-30 NW 20-30 WNW 40-50 NNW 10-20 WNW Sh40 Miles Rgure showing Indian River County with Sector Segments.
0      2  4      6 8
NNW 40-50
                                        ~ b    6
                                              ~  4 y NNW 30-40 NW 40-50 Miles Figure showing Brevard County with Sector Segments.
0      2  4      8
WNW 40-50
                              ~+I WNW 30-40 WNW 2040 D
a W 40-50          W  30~        W 20-30      W 10-20 rY WSW 20-30 r WSW  30-40 WSW 40-50 Miles Figure showing Okeechobee County with Sector Segments.
0  2  4    6 8
W 40-50      W 3040 WSW 30-40 l
                                                    'WSW  40-50 SW 40-50 Miles Figure showing Giades County with Sector Segments.
0  2  4  6 8
NNW 40-50 NNW 40-50 NW 3(F40 NW 20-30 WNW 40-50 Miles Figure showing Osceola County with Sector Segments.
0  2  4  6  8
WNW 30-40 W 40-50 W 30-40 WSW 30-40 Miles Figure showing Highiands County with Sector Segments.
0  '2  4    6 8
Rgure Shows the Estimated 1992 Peak Dally and Seasonal Vhttors within 10 Miles of the St. Lucle Site 5,613 8,075 135 1,448 8<        0 368            0 206              p 138 0
0      00 232  197  2      2 0
3                    521 0  p  0 223 Sp 1,560              868                          319 16 359                    4013 139 2,729 3,585                                9,586 3,312 Miles 0  1    2    3    4
Rgure Shows the Estimated 1995 Peak Oalty and Seasonal Vhltors within 10 Mlles of the St. Lucle Site 6504 9688 162 1737 102 442 247                0 144 o
0 2232        278  236    2    2 4
4                  618 o  o  o 268                                    0 eo          6 0
1871              1042        455              382 19 431                  4811 166 3275 4219                                  10795 3682 Miles 0  1    2    3    4
Miles Figure showing Census Blocks with the 10-mile Sector Segments.
0 1  2    3'4
A    A  A                M    I (SQUARE MILES)
DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1    1-2    2-3    34    4-5    5-6      6-7      7-8    8-9    9-10  10-20    20-30  30-40    40-50 IRECTION N      0.1671 0.1502 0.0002 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000    0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000 0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000 NNE    0.0989 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000    0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000 0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000 NE    0.0591 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000    0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000 0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000 ENE    0.0505 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000    0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000 0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000 0.0613 0.0000 0,0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000    0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000 0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000 ESE    0.1119 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000    0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000 0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000 SE    0.1595 0.1780 0.8221 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000    0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000 0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000 SSE    0.0662 0.1568 0.1464 0.4364 0.6380 0.3532    0.7154  0.2487  0.6024  0.5796 22.1922 40.6434 49.3267  35.7643 0.0677 0.0000 0.0000 0.2280 0.7814 1.5199    2.2728  2.9132  3.3445  0.8749 56.2117 95.3550 136.6874 174.5066 SSW    0.0765 0.0000 0.3727 1.1593 1.7918 2.1932    2.5814  2.9539  1.4860  3.0128 58.7254 96.2624 137.2366 176.2544 SW    0.0828 0.0306 0.7565 1.3729 1.7256 2.1061    2.4854  2.8346  3.0853  3.6878 59.1860 97.3741 53.6184  14.1461 WSW      0.0854 0.1031 0.0021 1.3308 1.7394 1.9570    2.5277  2.9193  3.3083  3.6976 58.2220 98.3221 53.6431  89.5997 0.0570 0.0176 0.7145 1.3378 1.7039 2.0994    2.5105  2.8955  3.2845  3.6690 57.9083 98.8879 136.3795 171.2929 0.1038 0.0000 0.3180 1.0797 1.7019 2.1282    2.5135  2.8991  3.2680  3.6601 57.6011 99.0072 136.3155 174.0430 NW      0.1793 0.1032 0.0000 0.0930 0.4420 1.1037    1.9223  2.5915  3.2879  3.6878 57.8596 98.0783 133.4359 168.9862 0.1629 0.4773 0.3380 0.2524 0.5795 0.4672    1.0893  0.5539  0.9205  1.2632 28.9331 63.7829 71.9004  86.7609 Average by Annulus 0.0994 0.0761 0.2169 0.4556 0.6940 0.8705    1.1636    1.3006 1.4117  1.5083 28.5525 49.2321 56.7840  68.2096
DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1    1-2    2-3      34    '4-5  5-6      6-7    7-8      8-9  9-10    10-20  20-30    30-40    40-50 IRECTION 0.4455 0.9923  1.3902 1.7870 2.1838    2.5814  2.9773  3.3758  3.7725 59.6169 96.8724  137.2692 176.5751 N    0.0314 0.5946 0.9902  1.3864 1.7833 2.1794    2.5750  2.9721  3.3675  3.7643 59.4205 96.6881  137.0090 176.2730 NNE      0.0990 0.9850  1.3793 1.7730 2.1668    2.5619  2.9547  3.3505  3.7435 59.1062 97.4714  137.1803 176.4414 NE    0.1377 0.5907 0.5846 0.9746  1.3653 1.7553 2.1459    2.5358  2.9252  3.3152  3.7072 58.5159 98.4932  137.3231 176.5937 ENE    0.1440 0.1323 0.5809 0.9760  1.3535 1.7413 2.1278    2.5154  2.9006  3.2902  3.6762 58.0590 99.1376  137.3535 176.6273 0.5873 0.9788  1.3714 1.7621 2.1552    2.5449  2.9380  3.3298  3.7212 58.7656 100.4100 139.0724 178.8311 ESE    0.0836 0.0325 0.3982 0.1520  1.3450 1.7291 2.1132    2.4977  2.8804  3.2667  3.6510 57.6596 97.0599  135.2638 173.9017 SE 0.4360 0.8406 . 0.9455 1.1388 1.8194    1.8527  2.7132  2.7548  3.1728 37.0666 56.9338  87.9795 140.7195 SSE    0.1310 0.1320 0.5987 0.9979  1.1689 1.0150 0.6759    0.3226  0.0796  0.0479  2.9172  3.6827  1.6264  0.7526  2.1134 0.1226 0.5979 0.6248  0.2380 0.0041 0.0024    0.0129  0.0393  1.9071  0.7799  1.1790  0.7488  0.2380  0.4287 SSW 0.5620 0.2308  0.0102 0.0526 0.0678    0.0831  0.1284  0.2743  0.0660  0.0580  0.1991  83.7034 162.4003 SW    0.1150 0.4808 0.9585  0.0319 0.0131 0.1856    0.0038  0.0009  0.0033  0.0039  0.1923  0.0770  83.5302  86.8186 WSW      0.1090 0.5622 0.2516  0.0141 0.0347 0.0269    0.0016  0.0024  0.0020  0.0027  0.0806  0.2038    0.8758  5.2432 0.1363 0.0894 0.5802 0.6490  0.2738 0.0391 0.0002    0.0005  0.0024  0.0192  0.0154  0.4334  0.0897    0.9675  2.4687 0.0154 0.4816 0.9750  1.2723 1.3128 1.0417    0.6126  0.3325  0.0274  0.0171  0.6695  0.4002    3.7989  7.4196 0.1136 0.6465  1.1263 1.1942 1.7000    1.4718  2.4005  2.4292  2.4817 30.2148  33.7289  65.2973  89.6457 0.0339 Average 0.5122 0.7640  0.9170 1.0710 1.2870    1.3859  1.6405  1.9226 2.2183 30.2950  48.7588  80.4759 108.2813 by Annulus 0.0966
DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1    1-2    2-3    34    4-5    5-6    6-7    7-8    8-9  9-10    10-20  20-30    30-40    40-50 IRECTION N    0.1985 0.5957 0.9925 1.3902 1.7870 2.1838  2.5814  2.9773 3.3758 3.7725 59.6169 96.8724  137.2692 176.5751 NNE    0.1979 0.5946 0.9902 1.3864 1.7833 2.1794  2.5750  2.9721 3.3675 3.7643 59.4205 96.6881  137.0090 176.2730 NE    0.1968 0.5907 0.9850 1.3793 1.7730 2.1668  2.5619  2.9547 3.3505 3.7435 59.1062 97.4714  137.1803 176.4414 ENE    0.1945 0.5846 0.9746 1.3653 1.7553 2.1459  2.5358  2.9252 3.3152 3.7072 58.5159 98.4932  137.3231 176.5937 E    0.1936 0.5809 0.9760 1.3535 1.7413 2.1278  2.5154  2.9006 3.2902 3.6762 58.0590 99.1376  137.3535 176.6273 ESE    0.1955 0.5873 0.9788 1.3714 1.7621 2.1552  2.5449  2.9380 3.3298 3.7212 58.7656 100.4100 139.0724 178.8311 SE    0.1920 0.5762 0.9741 1.3450 1.7291 2.1132  2.4977  2.8804 3.2667 3.6510 57.6596 97.0599  135.2638 173.9017 SSE    0.1972 0.5928 0.9870 1.3819 1.7768 2.1726  2.5681  2.9619 3.3572 3.7524 59.2588 97.5772  137.3062 176.4838 S    0.1997 0.5987 0.9979 1.3969 1.7964 2.1958  2.5954  2.9928 3.3924 3.7921 59.8944 96.9814  137.4400 176.6200 SSW    0.1991 0.5979 0.9975 1.3973 1.7959 2.1956  2.5943  2.9932 3.3931 3.7927 59.9044 97.0112  137.4746 176.6831 SW    0.1978 0.5926 0.9873 1.3831 1.7782 2.1739  2.5685  2.9630 3.3596 3.7538 59.2440 97.5732  137.3218 176.5464 WSW      0.1944 0.5839 0.9606 1.3627 1.7525 2.1426  2.5315  2.9202 3.3116 3.7015 58.4143 98.3991  137.1733 176.4183 W    0.1933 0.5798 0.9661 1.3519 1.7386 2.1263  2.5121  2.8979 3.2865 3.6717 57.9889 99.0917  137.2553 176.5361 WNW      0.1932 0.5802 0.9670 1.3535 1.7410 2.1284  2.5140  2.9015 3.2872 3.6755 58.0345 99.0969  137.2830 176.5117 NW      0.1947 0.5848 0.9750 1.3653 1.7548 2.1454  2.5349  2.9240 3.3153 3.7049 58.5291 98.4785  137.2348 176.4058 NNW      0.1968 0.5909 0.9845 1.3787 1.7737 2.1672  2.5611  2.9544 3.3497 3.7449 59.1479 97.5118  137.1977 176.4066 Average by Annulus 0.1959 0.5882 0.9809 1.3727 1.7649 2.1575  2.5495  2.9411 3.3343 3.7266 58.8475 97.9909  137.2599 176.4909 Deviation 0.0023 0.0070 0.0112 0.0165 0.0211 0.0257  0.0306  0.0353 0.0397 0.0444  0.7049  1.0614  0.7047  0.9072
DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1  1-2  2-3  3-4  4-5    5-6    6-7    7-8    8-9  9-10    10-20  20-30  30-40  40-50 DIRECTION NE ENE ESE SE        118 SSE                    197    976  2,288    516    421    769    443  20,115  32,205 78,634  114,025 196    443    936    1,531  3,931  6,874  1,855 38,024  5,778  13,255 151,310 SSW              38  710  2,100  2,662    2,223  1,790  1,525  695  7,361  5,241    178    1,398 10  124  339  1,998 3,154    5,104  4,554  2,402  3,334  4,434  1,141    246    8,810 WSW          20  134  245  2,808  3,966    6,819  6,054  1,796  1,936  3,012    740  15,196  1,824 90  1,292  756  1,247  1,120  1,161    37          698    381  10,176  2,478 WNW                45  1,218 2,490  2,310    1,378  801    819    612  2,Q78    143    811    494 NW                      23    348  1,055  3,56Q  6,528 10,920 13,202  17,967  8,450  2,882    208 NNW                                          624    724  1,988  565  25,131  44,776 19,189  20,622 Total by Annulus    154  431  4,220 11,919 17,618  22,875 25,964 27,130 22,647 118,820 98,855 140,567 301,169
A WITHIN 10 MILES OF THE ST. LUCIE PLANT DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1      1-2    2-3    3-4      4-5  5-10    0-10 DIRECTION NE ENE ESE SE            118                                    118 SSE                            197      976  4,437  5,610 196      443  15,127  15,766 SSW                      38    710    2,100  8,895  11,743 SW              10    124    339    1,998  18,548 21,019 WSW            20      134    245    2,808 20,571  23,778 W      0              90    1,292    756  3,570  5,714 WNW                      45    1,218    2,490  5,920  9,673 NW                              23      348  35,265  35,636 NNW                                            3,901  3,901 Total by Annulus        154    431    4,220  '11,919 116,234 132,958
WITHIN50 MILES OF THE ST. LUCIE PLANT DISTANCE (MILES) 0-10    10-20  20-30  30-40  40-50    10-50  0-50 DIRECTION NNE NE ESE SE      118                                              118 SSE      5,610  20,115  32,205 78,634  114,025 244,979 250,589 15,766  38,024    5,778  13,255 151,310 208,367 224,133 SSW      11,743  7,361    5,241    178  1,398  14,178  25,921 SW    21,019    4,434    1,141    246  8,810  14,631  35,650 WSW    23,778    3,012    740  15,196  1,824  20,772  44,550 5,714      698    381  10,176  2,478  13,733  19,447 WNW      9,673    2,078    143    811    494    3,526  13,199 NW      35,636    17,967  8,450  2,882    208    29,507  65,143 NNW      3,901  25,131  44,776  19,189 20,622  109,718 113,619 Total by Annulus 132,958  118,820  98,855 140,567 301,169 659,411 792,369
1    A        Nl DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1  1-2 2-3  3-4    4-5    5-6    6-7    7-8    8-9  9-10    10-20  20-30    30-40  40-50 DIRECTION ENE ESE SE        140 SSE                  236    1,170 2,744    594    460    842    484  21,984  36,607  90,860  131,751 235    531  1,110  1,672 4,299  7,515  2,029  41,569  6,662  15,316 174,831 SSW              46          2,519 3,191  2,652  2,126  1,718  819    8,093  5,730    206    1,615 12  149  406    2,398 3,783    6,126  5,469 2,882  4,001  5,181  1,246    275  10,180 WSW              161  294    3,369 4,756    8,185 7,266  2,151  2,320  3,592    836    17,430  2,019 W              108 1,550    906  1,497  1,341  1,395    44            838    440    11,668  2,834 54 1,461  2,988  2,772  1,652  959    985    735    2,494    170      926    592 NW    .                      418  1,266  4,270  7,834  13,099 15,840  21,523  9,813  3,343    240 749    868  2,382  676 . 29,503  52,009  22,209  23,608 Total by Annulus  0  183  518 5,061  14,299 21,119  27,241 30,676 31,618 26,910  134,777 113,513 162,233 347,670
WITHIN 10 MILES OF THE ST. LUCIE PLANT DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1    1-2    2-3    3-4      4-5  5-10    0-10 DIRECTION NE ENE ESE SE            140                                    140 SSE                            236    1,170  5,124  6,530 235      531  16,625  17,391 SSW                    46    851    2,519  10,506  13,922 SW            12    149    406    2,398  22,261  25,226 WSW            24      161    294    3,369  24,678  28,526 W                    108    1,550    906  4,283  6,854 WNW                      54    1,461  2,988  7,103  11,606 NW                              28      418  42,309  42,755 NNW                                            4,675  4,675 Total by Annulus        183    518    5,061  14,299 137,564 157,625
0-10    10-20    20-30  30-40  40-50  10-50  0-50 IRECTION N
NE ENE ESE SE      140                                              140 SSE      6,530  21,984  36,607 90,860  131,751 281,202 287,732 17,391  41,569    6,662  15,316 174,831 238,378 255,769 SSW      13,922  8,093    5,730    206    1,615  15,644  29,566 SW    25,226    5,181    1,246    275  10,180  16,882  42,108 WSW    28,526    3,592    836  17,430  2,019  23,877  52,403 W      6,854    838      440  11,668  2,834  15,780  22,634 WNW      11,606  2,494    170    926    592    4,182  15,788 NW      42,755  21,523    9,813  3,343    240  34,919  77,674 NNW      4,675  29,503  52,009 22,209  23,608 127,329 132,004 Total by Annulus 157,625  134,777 113,513 162,233 347,670 758,193 915,818
DISTANCE (MILES) 0  1-2  2-3  34    4-5    5-6    6-7    7-8    8-9  9-10  10-20  20-30    30-40  40-50 DIRECTION N
NE ENE ESE SE          161 SSE                      271  1,339  3,140  664    494    902    519  23,589  40,389  101,360  147,012 270    608  1,261  1,795  4,610  8,062  2,176 44,576  7,424  17,086  195,053 SSW                52  975  2,880  3,654  3,019  2,414  1,884  927  8,714  6,147    230    1,801 SW            14  170  465  2,742  4,329  7,007  6,248  3,297  4,576  5,833    1,337    304    11,365 WSW            27  184  337  3,854  5,442  9,354  8,307  2,467  2,655  4,095    918  19,333  2,185 W                124  1,772  1,038  1,711  1,540  1,593    51          956      491  ] 2,955  3,154 WNW                  62  1,671 3,413  3,171  1,890  1,096  1,123  840  2,850    194    1,033    678 NW                        32    479  1,449  4,888  8,958  14,983 18,111 24,595  11,004  3,755      267 856    994    2,730  775  33,293  58,298  24,918  26,214 Total by Annulus      210  592  5,793 16,353 24,157 31,013 34,714  35,499 30,586 148,501 126,202 180,974  387,729
A WITHIN 10 MILES OF THE ST. LUCIE PLANT DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1    1-2    2-3      3-4    4-5    5-10    0-10 DIRECTION N
NE ENE ESE SE            161                                      161 SSE                            271    1,339,  5,719  7,329 270    608  17,904  18,782 SSW                    52      975  2,880  11,898  15,805 SW            14    170      465  2,742  25,457  28,848 WSW            27      184      337  3,854  28,225  32,627 W                    124    .1,772  1,038  4,902  7,844 WNW                      62    1,671  3,413    8,120  13,266 NW                              32    479  48,389  48,900 NNW                                            5,355  5,355 Total by Annulus        210    592    5,793  16,353  155,969 178,917
WITHIN 50 MILES OF THE ST. LUCIE PLANT DISTANCE (MILES) 0-10  10-20    20-30  30-40  40-50    10-50    0-50 DIRECTION N
NE ENE ESE SE      161                                              161 SSE      7,329  23,589  40,389  101,360 147,012 312,350 319,679 18,782  44,576    7,424  17,086 195,053 264,139 282,921 SSW    15,805  8,714    6,147    230    1,801  16,892  32,697 SW    28,848  5,833    1,337    304  11,365  18,839  47,687 WSW      32,627  4,095    918    19,333  2,185  26,531  59,158 W      7,844    956      491    12,955  3,154  17,556  25,400 WNW      13,266  2,850    194    1,033    678    4,755  18,021 NW      48,900  24,595  11,004  3,755    267  39,621  88,521 NNW      5,355  33,293  58,298  24,918  26;214  142,723  148,078 Total by Annulus 178,917 148,501  126,202 180,974 387,729 843,406 1,022,323
DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1 1-2 2-3  3-4    4-5    5-6      6-7    7-8    8-9  9-10  10-20  20-30  30-40  40-50 DIRECTION N
NE ENE ESE SE        198 SSE                  334  1,655 3,880      790    554  1,014  585  26,487  47,395  120,962 175,386 333    751  1,543  2,016  5,178  9,051  2,444  50,084  8,842  20,387  232,741 SSW              65 1,205 3,563  4,513    3,716  2,958  2;1 89  1,129  9,863  6,904    274    2,153 SW          17 210  576  3,389  5,348    8,652  7,718  4,073  5,653  7,040  1,501    356    13,552 WSW          34  227  416  4,759  6,727    11,562  10,269  3,044  3,282  5,039  1,072  22,888  2,490 W          10 153 2,192  1,282 2,115    1,899  1,969    63          1,187    584    15,341  3,739 WNW              76 2,064  4,226  3,919  2,335    1,358  1,389  1,037  3,524    240    1,224    840 NW                    40    591  1,790    6,038  11,070 18,517 22,394 30,344  13,194',489      320 NNW                                        1,058  1,230  3,372  959  40,346  69,906  29,801  31,073 Total 7,160 20,216 29,835  38,066  42,304 42,712 37,491 173,914 149,638 215,722 462,294 by Annulus  0  259 731
WITHIN 10 MILES OF THE ST. LUCIE PLANT DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1    1-2    2-3      3-4    4-5    5-10    0-10 DIRECTION N
ESE SE            198                                      198 SSE                            334    1,655  6,823  8,812 S                            333      751  20,232  21,316 SSW                    65    1,205  3,563  14,505  19,338 SW            17    210    576    3,389  31,444  35,636 WSW              34    227    416    4,759  34,884  40,320 W              10    153    2,192    1,282  6,054  9,691 WNW                      76    2,064  4,226    10,038  16,404 NW                              40      591  59,809  60,440 NNW                                            6,619    6,619 Total by Annulus        259    731    7,160  20,216  190,408 218,774
A WITHIN50 MILES OF THE ST. LUCIE PLANT DISTANCE (MILES) 0-10  10-20    20-30    30-40  40-50    10-50    0-50 DIRECTION 0
ENE ESE SE        198                                                  198 SSE      8,812  26,487  47,395  120,962 175,386  370,230  379,042 21,316  50,084  8,842    20,387 232,741  312,054  333,370 SSW      19,338  9,863  6,904      274    2,153  19,194    38,532 SW      35,636  7,040    1,501    356  13,552  22,449    58,085 WSW      40,320  5,039    1,072  22,888  2,49Q    31,489    71,809 9,691  1,187    584    15,341  3,739  20,851    30,542 WNW      16,404  3,524    240    1,224    840    5,828    22,232 NW      60,440  30,344  13,194    4,489    320  48,347    108,787 NNW        6,619  40,346  69,906    29,8Q1  31,073  171,126  177,745 Total by Annulus 218,774  173,914 149,638  215,722 462,294 1,001,568 1,220,342
DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1  1-2  2-3  3-4    4-5    5-6      6-7    7-8    8-9  9-10  10-20  20-30  30-40  40-50 DIRECfION N
0 ESE SE        234 SSE                    393  1,945  4,561    907    610  1,115  643  29,154  53,812  138,873 201,361 392    882  1,800  2,218    5,697  9,963  2,691 55,082  10,142  23,413 267,226 SSW              76  1,416  4,190  5,313  4,360    3,460  2,473  1,314  10,898  7,594    315    2,471 SW          20  247  676  3,985  6,294  10,196  9,099  4,798  6,652  8,162    1,652    397  15,561 WSW          40  267  489  5,601  7,918  13,621  12,098  3,588  3,865  5,910    1,208  26,094  2,766 W          12  180  2,579  1,508  2,489  2,238    2,320    74    10    1,393    673  17,466  4,254 WNW                90  2,430  4,974  4,606  2,746    1,599  1,634  1,221  4,144    280    1,394    986 NW                      46    694  2,104  7,099  13,035 21,792 26,342 35,719  15,212  5,188    366 NNW                                          1,243  1,447  3,967  1,129 46,842  80,593  34,298  35,339 Total,.
by Annulus    306  860  8,421 23,779 35,085  44,628  49,365 49,404 43,867 197,304 171,166 247,438 530,330
WITHIN 10 MILES OF THE ST. LUCIE PLANT DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1    1-2    2-3    3-4      4-5      5-10    0-10 DIRECTION N
ESE SE            234                                        234 SSE                            393    1,945    7,836  10,174 392      882    22,369  23,643 SSW                    76    1,416  4,190    16,920 22,602 SW            20    247    676    3,985  37,039  41,967 WSW              40    267    489    5,601  41,090  47,487 W            12    180    2,579    1,508    7,131  11,410 WNW                      90    2,430    4,974 . 11,806  19,300 NW                              46      694    70,372  71,112 NNW                                              7,786  7,786 Total by Annulus        306    860    8,421  23,779  222,349 255,715
WITHIN 50 MILES OF THE ST. LUCIE PLANT DISTANCE (MILES) 0-10    10-20  20-30    30-40  40-50    10-50    0-50 DIRECTION N
ENE ESE        0 SE      234                                                234 SSE    10,174  29,154  53,812  138,873 201,361  423,200  433,374 23,643  55,082    10,142 23,413  267,226  355,863  379,506 SSW      22,602  10,898  7,594    315  2,471    21,278  43,880 SW      41,967  8,162    1,652    397  15,561  25 772    67,739 WSW      47,487  5,910    1,208 26,094  2,766    35,978    83,465 W      11,410    1,393    673  17,466  4,254    23,786    35,196 WNW      19,300  4,144      280    1,394    986    6,804    26,104 NW      71,112  35,719    15,212  5,188    366    56,485  127,597 NNW      7,786  46,842  80,593  34,298  35,339  197,072  204,858 Total byAnnulus 255,715  197,304 .171,166 247,438 530,330 1,146,238 1,401,953
DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1  1-2 2-3  3-4  4-5    5-6      6-7    7-8    8-9  9-10    10-20  20-30  30-40  40-50 IRECTION
ESE              0 SE        263 SSE                  443  2,187  5,127    1,002    653  1,192  686  31,184  59,049  153,818 223,080 439    992  2,015    2 373  6,094  10,658 2,874  58,972  11,222  25,943  295,987 SSW              86 1,592 4,704  5,962    4,881  3,870  2,695  1,467  11,710  8,131    348  2,738 SW          22  278  760  4,476  7,066    11,431  10,206  5,378 7,466  9,066  1,770    437  17,235 WSW          45  300  550  6,291  8,883  15,280  13,560  4,024 4,331  6,621    1,322 28,840  2,988 13  202 2,896  1,693 2,794    2,508  2,602    83          1,565    744  19,311  4,701 WNW              101 2,729  5,580  5,175    3,088  1,793  1,836  1,371  4,655    314    1,539  1,109 NW                    52    781  2,366    7,978  14,622 24,457 29,574 40,055  16,897  5,765    404 1,397  1,622  4,453  1,266  52,228 89,524  38,065  39,001 Total by Annulus  0  343  967 9,461 26,704 39,388  49,938  55,022 54,776 49,046 216,056 188,973 274,066 587,243
A WITHIN 10 MILES OF THE ST. LUCIE PLANT DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1    1-2    2-3      3-4    4-5      5-10    0-10 DIRECTION N
NNE  .                          0.
NE ENE ESE SE            263                                      263 SSE                            443    2,187    8,660  11,290 439      992    24,014  25,445 SSW                    86    1,592    4,704  18,875  25,257 SW            22    278    760    4,476  41,547  47,083 WSW            45    300    550    6,291  46,078  53,264 W            13            2,896    1,693    7,998  12,802 WNW NW 0'02  101    2,729 52 5,580 781 13,263 78,997 21,673 79,830 NNW                                              8,738  8,738 Total by Annulus        343    967    9,461  26,704  248,170 285,645
WITHIN50 MILES OF THE ST. LUCIE PLANT DISTANCE (MILES) 0-10    10-20  20-30  30-40  40-50      10-50    0-50 DIRECTION N
NNE NE ENE ESE SE      263                                                  263 SSE    11,290  31,184  59,049 153,818 223,080 , 467,131  478,421 25,445    58,972  11,222 25,943  295,987  392,124  417,569 SSW    25,257    11,710  8,131    348  2,738    22,927    48,184 SW    47,083    9,066  1,770    437  17,235    28,508    75,591 WSW      53,264    6,621  1,322 28,840  2,988      39,771    93,035 W      12,802    1,565    744  19,311  4,701    26,321    39,123 WNW    21,673    4,655    314    1,539  1,109      7,617    29,290 NW      79,830  40,055  16,897  5,765    404      63,121  142,951 NNW      8,738  52,228  89,524  38,065  39,001    218,818  227,556 Total byAnnulus 285,645  216,056 188,973 274,066 587,243  1,266,338 1,551,983
DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1  1-2 2-3 3-4  4-5  5-6      6-7    7-8    8-9  9-10  10-20  20-30  30-40  40-50 DIRECTION NE ENE E
SE        225 SSE                  486 1,418 3,145    ill    434    631  390  12,172 16,019 43,841 59,132 93  241  446    860    2 273  3,873  994  20,304  1,927  6,789 73,716 SSW              20  292  922  1,295  1,023  1,040  828  495  3,438  1,845    75    497 SW              73  239 1,257 1,532  2,023  1,987  959  1,341  1,303  377    133  3,135 WSW              87  176 2,326 2,028  2,951  2,380  816  762  1,041  269  7,785  1,351 W              41  483  399  466    419    461    25          329    134  3,724  1,242 WNW              22  480 1,172 1,119    506    304    321  238    709    50    334    245 NW      0                239  728    1,753  2,984  4,749 4,626  6,806  5,219  1,079  141 896    570  1,637  380  14,941 23,501  9,925 10,262 Average by Annulus      15  15  141  498  672    696    777    865  577  3,815  3,084  4,605  9,358
DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1    1-2        2-3      3-4        4-5          5-6        6-7      7-8      8-9    9-10    10-20  20-30  30-40  40-50 IRECTION N        0.00                4i0t      0.00        0.00          0.00      0.00      0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00  0.00  0.00    0.00 0.00    0.00        0.00      0.00        0.00          0.00      0.00      0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00  0.00  0.00    0.00 NE        0.00    0.00        0.00      0.00        0.00          0.00      0.00      0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00  0.00  0.00    0.00 ENE        0.00    0.00        0.00      0.00        0.00          0.00      0.00      0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00  0.00    0.00 0.00    0.00        0.00      0.00        0.00          0.00      0.00      0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00  0.00    0.00 ESE        0.00    0.00        0.00      0.00        0.00          0.00      0.00      0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00  0.00  0.00 SE        0.00                          0.00        0.00          0.00      0.00      0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00  0.00  0.00 SSE        0.00    0tl0                              0000                    1404              00it            548.48 394.14 888.79 1,653.38 0.00    0.00        0.00      0004        OffO        293.44      378.39  780.24  1,158.02          361.21  20.21  49.67  422.43 SSW        0.00    0.00        0000    251.88      514.57        590.46    396.30  352.08    557.20  164.30  58.54  19.17  0.55  2.82 SW        0.00                          174.08      728.44        727.41    813.95    700.98  310.83  363.63  22.02  3.87  2.48  221.62 WSW          0.00  0000                  132.25    1,337.24      1,036.28  1,167.46  815.26  246.65  206.08  17.88  2.74 145.13  15.08 0.00  400 ~        0001    361.04      234.17        221.97    166.90    159.21    7.61    0.55    5.68  1.36  27.31    7.25 0.00  0.00                  444.57      688.64        525.80    201.31    104.86    98.23    65.03  12.31  0.51  2.45    1.41 NW          0.00  0 F 00      0.00                  000 ~        659.60    911.93  1,151.46 1,444.39 1,254.41 117.63  53.21  8.09    0.83 0.00                Of 40                                        822.55                      300.82  51640  368.45 138.04  118.28 Average by Annulus    0.00  0.00        0.00    272.76      700.61        579.28    607.35    580.58  546.13  336.40  184.46  95.96 140.28  271.45 area o ess an    square mi e wou yie  m ate    ensiues.
I              I        IT b IT 8        b I'-Sh, MI:  1 (PER SQUARE MILE OF TOTAL AREA)
DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1 hatt 1-2          2-3      3-4          4-5          5-6        6-7'-8              8-9    9-10    10-20  20-30  30-40  40-50 IRECTION N        0.00      tttt        tt ~ t    0.00          0.00          0.00      0.00    0.00      0.00    0.00    0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00 0.00      tttt        ~ ttt    0.00          0.00          0.00      0.00    0.00      0.00    0.00    0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00 NE        0.00      tttt                  0.00          0.00          0.00      0.00    0.00      0.00    0.00    0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00 ENE        0.00      t            tttt      0.00          0.00          0.00      0.00    0.00      0.00    0.00    0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00 0.00                  tttt      0.00          0.00          0.00      0.00    0.00      0.00    0.00    0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00 ESE        0.00      tttt        tttt      0.00          0.00          0.00      0.00    0.00      0.00    0.00    0.00  0.00    0.00  0.00 SE        0.00      tttt        tttt      0.00          0.00          0.00      0.00    0.00      0.00    0.00    0.00  0.00    0.00  0.00 SSE        0.00      tttt                351.69        798.06      1,447.57  276.86    146.53    187.95  103.93  205.40 164.17 319.29 335.06 0.00      tttt                  66.58        134.16        203.12    331.36  759.49    1,141.67 262.12  339.00  19.87  49.40 417.37 SSW        0.00                  tttt    208.97        513.39        589.82    394.33  347.45      244.02  130.51  57.39  19.02  0.55  2.81 SW        0.00        tt        tttt    172.80        706.89        704.72    787.62  670.60    285.45  357.24  21.99  3.86    0.97  17.76 WSW          0.00      tttt          ttt    129.16      1,327.25      946.51    1,165.71  815.01    246.41  205.86  17.82  2.73  56.75  7.66 0.00      tttt        tttt    357.27        229.49        219.16    166.79  159.08      7.61    0.54    5.67  1.35  27.13  7.04 0.00        ttt        tttt    354.64        673.18        525.75    201.27  104.77      97.65    64.75  12.22  0.50    2.43  1.39 NW          0.00      tt t
                            ~        tttt      8.06        136.20        339.33    691.55  1,020.52  1,432.45 1,248.62 116.28  53.00  7.86  0.80 0.00      tttt              t    0.00          0.00          0.00      349.85  192.93    488.70  101.47  252.60 241.01  72.34  58.17 Average by Annulus    0.00      t't t        tt 't    103.07        282.41        311.00    272.83  263.52    258.24  154.69  64.27  31.59  33.55  53.00 ota area o  ess an    square mi e wou yie    in at      ensities.
DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1      1-2        2-3        34      4-5        5-6      6-7      7-8      8-9    9-10    10-20  20-30  30-40        40-50 IRECTION N        0.00    0.00        0.00        0.00    0.00      0.00      0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00  0.00    0.00        0.00 NNE        0.00    0.00        0.00        0.00    0.00      0.00      0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00          0.00    0.00        0.00 NE        0.00    0.00        0.00        0.00    0.00      0.00      0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00  0.00    0.00        0.00 ENE        0.00    0.00        0.00        0.00    0.00      0.00      0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00, '
0.00 0.00    0.00        0.00        0.00    0.00      0.00      0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00  0.00    0.00        0.00 ESE        0.00    0.00        0.00        0.00    0.00      0.00      0.00    0.00    0.00    Oft'.00 0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    . - 0.00 SE        0.00    f400        0.00        0.00    0.00      0.00      0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00,      0.00 SSE        0.00    0.00        0.00        00tO    0000                                            00 t4  906.40 792.38 1,594.15    3,188.24 0.00    0.00        0.00        100    0000      615.83    673.62  1,349.38 2,055.31          676.44  60.59  96.97      867.07 4 ~ ISO  612.44  1,172.01  1,213.75  861.16  605.98  1,026.24  230.68  125.35  54.44    1.30        7.93 SSW        0.00    0.00 SW        0.00    00f 0          000    246.92  1,157.86  1,497.55  2,053.59 1,606.58  778.53  904.06  74.92  11.72    4.59      622.79 WSW          0.00                  0001      184.10  1,614.35  2,026.57  2,697.71 2,073.78  542.88  523.58  51.73  7.53  283.28        20.36 0.00    0 iO f        ifO    965.76    443.69    593.98    446.13-  400.97    11.27    1.36  12.05  3.85  74 62        14 47 WNW          0.00    0.00                  1,128.09  1,463.07  1,085.42  548.24  276.29  250.61  167.21  36.08  1.44    5.95        2.84 NW          0.00    0.00        0.00                0000      955.88  1,851.95 2,519.00 3,321.27 3,579.91 310 53  86 16  21.60        1.23 NNW          0.00    0.00        0.00        0.00    0.00      0.00    572.84                    447.28  868.59 702.01  266.88      237.69 Average by Annulus    0.00    0.00        0.00      627.46  1,170.19  1,141.28  1,213.16 1,261.71 1,140.87  836.30  382.76 215.02  293.67      620.33 areas o  ess    an I square mt e wou    yie m ate ensities.
DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1      1-2        2-3        3-4      4-5          5-6      6-7      7-8      8-9    9-10    10-20  20-30  30-40    40-50 IRECTION N        0.00                0000      0.00    0.00          0.00      0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00  0.00  0.00    0.00 NNE        0.00    0000        00f      0.00    0.00          0.00      0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00  0.00  0.00    0.00 NE        0.00                0000      0.00    0.00          0.00      0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00  0.00  0.00    0.00 ENE        0.00                OtOt      0.00    0.00          0.00      0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00  0.00  0.00    0.00 0.00    0040        000      0.00    0.00          0.00      0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00  0.00  0.00    0.00 ESE        0.00    004f                  0.00    0.00          0.00      0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00  0.00  0.00    0.00 SE .      0.00    0000                  0.00    0.00          0.00      0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00  0.00  0.00    0.00 SSE        0.00    000t        Oi00      142.56  549.30      1,053.12  200.93  142.14  229.06  118.06  339.44 330.05 572.69  646.09 0.00    000t        OtO      140.31  246.60        426.27    589.89  1,313.49 2,026.29  489.17  634.85  59.58 96.44    856.70 SSW        0.00    0000        Oil      508.12  1,169.33      1,212.42  856.88  598.02  449.44  183.25  122.88  54.02  1.29    7.91 SW        0.00    0000                245.10  1,123.61      1,450.85  1,987.15 1,536.96  714.97  888.17  74.84  11.69  1.79  49.90 WSW          0.00    0000                  179.79  1,602.28      1,851.02  2,693.66 2,073.15  542.34  523.03  51.56  7.52 110.78    10.34 0.00    000t        0000    955.69    434.83        586.46    445.84  400.63    11.26    1.36  12.04  3.84 74.14    14.04 WNW          0.00    400t        00f      899.89  1,430.21      1,085.32  548.13  276.06  249.15  166.51  35.81  1.44  5.91    2.80 NW          0.00    4 ~ 0f                16.85  198.31        491.75  1,404.39 2,232.56 3,293.82 3,563.39 306.98  85.81 21.00      1.18 NNW          0.00    Otic    . 40tf      0.00    0.00          0.00    243.65  245.06  593.49  150.87  424.88 459.19 139.86  116.90 Average by Annulus    0.00    "" ""                193.02  422.16        509.83    560.66  551.13  506.86  380.24  125.21  63.32  63.99 106.62 ota areas o ess  an  square mt ewou    yte m at    enstttes.
PERSONS PER HOUSING UNIT DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1  1-2  2-3  34  4-5    5-6    6-7      7-8  8-9 9-10  10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 DIRECTION N
NE ENE ESE SE        0.52 SSE                  0.41 0.69  0.73    0.73    0.97  1.22 1.14  1.65  2.01  1.79  1.93 2.11 1.84  2.10    1.78    1.73  1.77 1.87  1.87  3.00  1.95  2.05 SSW              1.90 2.43 2.28  2.06    2.17    1.72  1.84 1.40  2.14  2.84 2.37  2.81 SW        5.00 1.70 1.42 1.59  2.06    2.52    2.29  2.50 2.49  3.40  3.03  1.85  2.81 WSW          2.86 1.54 1.39 1.21    1.96  2.31    2.54  2.20 2.54  2.89  2.75  1.95  1.35 W        6.00 2.20 2.67 1.89  2.68    2.67    2.52  1.48 2.50  2.12  2.84  2.73  2.00 2.05 2.54 2.12  2.06    2.72    2.63  2.55 2.57  2.93  2.86  2.43  2.02 NW                    2.09 1.46    1.45  2.03    2.19  2.30 2.85  2.64  1.62  2.67  1.48 0.70    1.27  1.21  1.49  1.68  1.91  1.93  2.01 Average 3.60      1.8& 1.63    1.89    1.96    1.99  1.90 2.09  2.37  2.54  2.19  2.05 by Annulus          1.88
ommuni es o      over,      ersons City or Town                    County            1970              1980          1990 Population        Population    Population es am eac                    am eac Port St. Lucie              St. Lucie                  330            14,690        55,866 Fort Pierce                  St. Lucie              29,721            33,802        36,830 Riviera Beach                Palm Beach              21,401            26,489        27,639 upiter                      Palm Beach              3,316              9,868        24,986 Palm Beach Gardens          Palm Beach              6,102            14,407        22,965 Greenacres City              Palm Beach              1,731              8,780        18,683 07                                                                        16,176        17,350 U  ero Beach                  Indian River            11,908 lD Royal Palm Beach            Palm Beach                                  3,423        14,589 hJ Stuart                      Martin                  9,086              9,467        11,936 North Palm Beach            Palm Beach              9,035            11,344        11,343 CO  ebastian                    Indian River                                2,831        10,205 Communities of between 5,000 and 10,000 Persons City or Town                    County            1970              1980          1990 Population        Population    Population am eac                        am eac Palm Springs                Palm Beach              4,340              8,166        9,763 Pahokee                      Palm Beach              5,663              6,346        6,822 Lake Park                    Palm Beach              6,993              6,909        6,704 Note: The information in this table is based upon "Florida Population: Census Summary 1990" April 1991. Bureau of Economic and Business Research, University of Florida.
DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1    0-2    0-3    0-4    0-5    0-6    0-7    0-8    0-9    0-10    0-20    0-30    0-40      0-50 DIRECTION N    0.1671 0.3173 0.3175 0.3175 0.3175  0.3175  0.3175 0.3175  0.3175  0.3175  0.3175  0.3175  0.3175  0.3175 0.0989 0.0989 0.0989 0.0989 0.0989  0.0989  0.0989 0.0989  0.0989  0.0989  0.0989  0.0989  0.0989  0.0989 NE    0.0591 0.0591 0.0591 0.0591 0.0591  0.0591  0.0591 0.0591  0.0591  0.0591  0.0591  0.0591  0.0591  0.0591 ENE    0.0505 0.0505 0.0505 0.0505 0.0505  0.0505  0.0505 0.0505  0.0505  0.0505  0.0505  0.0505  0.0505  0.0505 0.0613 0.0613 0.0613 0.0613 0.0613  0.0613  0.0613 0.0613  0.0613  0.0613  0.0613  0.0613  0.0613  0.0613 ESE    0.1119 0.1119 0.1119 0.1119 0.1119  0.1119  0.1119 0.1119  0.1119  0.1119  0.1119  0.1119  0.1119  0.1119 SE    0.1595 0.3375 1.1596 1.1596 1.1596  1.1596  1.1596  1.1596  1.1596  1.1596  1.1596  1.1596  1.1596  1.1596 SSE    0.0662 0.2230 0.3694 0.8058 1.4438  1.7970  2.5124 2.7611  3.3635  3.9431  26.1353 66.7787  116.1054 151.8697 0.0677 0.0677 0.0677 0.2957 1.0771  2.5970  4.8698 7.7830  11.1275 12.0024 68.2141 163.5691 300.2565 474.7631 SSW    0.0765 0.0765 0.4492 1.6085 3.4003  5.5935  8.1749 11.1288 12.6148 15.6276 74.3530 170.6154 307.8520 484.1064 SW    0.0828 0.1134 0.8699 2.2428 3.9684  6.0745  8.5599 11.3945 14.4798 18.1676 77.3536 174.7277 228.3461 242.4922 WSW      0.0854 0.1885 0.1906 1.5214 3.2608  5.2178  7.7455 10.6648 13.9731 17.6707 75.8927 174.2148 227.8579 317.4576 W    0.0570 0.0746 0.7891 2.1269 3.8308  5.9302  8.4407 11.3362 14.6207 18.2897 76.1980 175.0859 311.4654 482.7583 WNW      0.1038 0.1038 0.4218 1.5015 3.2034  5.3316  7.8451 10.7442 14.0122 17.6723 75.2734 174.2806 310;5961 484.6391 NW      0.1793 0.2825 0.2825 0.3755 0.8175  1.9212  3.8435 6.4350  9.7229  13.4107 71.2703 169.3486 302.7845 471.7707 NNW      0.1629 0.6402 0.9782 1.2306 1.8101  2.2773  3.3666 3.9205  4.8410  6.1042  35.0373 98.8202  170.7206 257.4815 Average by Annulus 0.0994 0.1754 0.3923 0.8480 1.5419  2.4124  3.5761 4.8767  6.2884  7.7967  36.3492  85.5812 142.3652 210.5748
DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1    0-2    0-3    0-4    0-5      0-6    0-7    0-8    0-9    0-10  *'-20    0-30    0-40    0-50 DIRECTION N      0.1985 0.7942 1.7867 3.1769 4.9639  7.1477  9.7291 12.7064 16.0822 19.8547 79.4716 176.3440 313.6132 490.1883 0.1979 0.7925 1.7827 3.1691 4.9524  7.1318  9.7068 12.6789 16.0464 19.8107 79.2312 175.9193 312.9283 489.2013 NE      0.1968 0.7875 1.7725 3.1518 4.9248 '.0916    9.6535 12.6082 15.9587 19.7022 78.8084 176.2798 313.4601 489.9015 ENE    0.1945 0.7791 1.7537 3.1190 4.8743  7.0202  9.5560 12.4812 15.7964 19.5036 78.0195 176.5127 313.8358 490.4295 0.1936 0.7745 1.7505 3.1040 4.8453  6.9731  9.4885 12.3891 15.6793 19.3555 77.4145 176.5521 313.9056 490.5329 ESE    0.1955 0.7828 1.7616 3.1330 4.8951  7.0503  9.5952 12.5332 15.8630 19.5842 78.3498 178.7598 317.8322 496.6633 SE    0.1920 0.7682 1.7423 3.0873 4.8164  6.9296  9.4273 12.3077 15.5744 19.2254 76.8850 173.9449 309.2087 483.1104 SSE    0.1972 0.7900 1.7770 3.1589 4.9357  7.1083  9.6764 12.6383 15.9955 19.7479 79.0067 176.5839 313.8901 490.3739 0.1997 0.7984 1.7963 3.1932 4.9896  7.1854  9.7808 12.7736 16.1660 19.9581 79.8525 176.8339 314.2739 490.8939 SSW    0.1991 0.7970 1.7945 3.1918 4.9877  7.1833  9.7776 12.7708 16.1639 19.9566 79.8610 176.8722 314.3468 491.0299 SW    0.1978 0.7904 1.7777 3.1608 4.9390  7.1129  9.6814 12.6444 16.0040 19.7578 79.0018 176.5750 313.8968 490.4432 WSW      0.1944 0.7783 1.7389 3.1016 4.8541  6.9967  9.5282 12.4484 15.7600 19.4615 77.8758 176.2749 313.4482 489.8665 W    0.1933 0.7731 1.7392 3.0911 4.8297  6.9560  9.4681 12.3660 15.6525 19.3242 77.3131 176.4048 313.6601 490.1962 0.1932 0.7734 1.7404 3.0939 4.8349  6.9633  9.4773 12.3788 15.6660 19.3415 77.3760 176.4729 313.7559 490.2676 NW      0.1947 0.7795 1.7545 3.1198 4.8746  7.0200  9.5549 12.4789 15.7942 19.4991 78.0282 176.5067 313.7415 490.1473 NNW      0.1968 0.7877 1.7722 3.1509 4.9246  7.0918  9.6529 12.6073 15.9570 19.7019 78.8498 176.3616 313.5593 489.9659 Average by Annulus 0.1959 0.7842 1.7650 3.1377 4.9026  7.0601  9.6096 12.5507 15.8850 19.6116 78.4591 176.4499 313.7098 490.2007
CUMULATIVE DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1 0-2 0-3  0-4  0-5    0-6    0-7      0-8    0-9  0-10      0-20    0-30  0-40        0-50 IRECTION N                                                                                          0 NE ENE                                                                                          0'SE SE        118 118  118  118    118    118      118    118    118      118    118    118        118 SSE                  197  1,173  3,461  3,977    4,398  5,167  5,610  25,725  57,930 136,564    250,589 196  639    1,575  3,106    7,037  13,911 15,766  53,790  59,568  72,823    224,133 SSW            38  748  2,848  5,510  7,733    9,523  11,048 11,743  19,104 24,345  24,523      25,921 SW          10 134  473  2,471  5,625  10,729  15,283  17,685 21,019  25,453 26,594  26,840      35,650 WSW          20  154  399  3,207  7,173  13,992  20,046 21,842  23,778  26,790  27,530  42,726      44,550 W            96  I 388 2,144  3,391  4,511    5,672  5,709  5,714    6,412  6,793  16,969      19,447 WNW              45  1,263 3,753  6,063  7,441    8,242  9,061  9,673  11,751  11,894  12,705      13,199 NW                    23  371    1,426  4,986  '1,514  22,434  35,636  53,603  62,053  64,935      65,143 NNW                                        624    1,348  3,336  3,901  29,032  73,808  92,997    113,619 Total by Annulus    154 585 4,805 16,724 34,342  57,217  83,181 110,311 132,958 251,778 350,633 491,200    792,369
DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1        0-2        0-3        04      0-5      0-6      0-7      0-8      0-9    0-10    0-20  0-30    0-40    0-50 IRECTION N
NE ENE ESE SE                            101.76    101.76  101.76  101.76    101.76  101.76  101.76  101.76  101.76 101.76  101.76  101.76 SSE                                                812.44  1,925.99  1,582.95 1,592.84 1,536.20 1,422.74 984.30 867.49 1,176.21 1,650.03 593.26  606.47    637.81  904.15  1,250.15 1,313.57 788.55 364.18  242.54  472.09 SSW                                        465.03  837.57  985.07    945.94  855.71  875.80  751.43  256.94 142.69  79.66    53.54 SW                              04IO      210.90  622.67  926.00  1,253.40 1,341.26 1,221.36 1,156.95 329.05 152.20  117.54  147.02 WSW                                        262.26  983.50  1,374.72  1,806.47 1,879.64 1,563.15 1,345.62 353.00 158.02  187.51  140.33 652.59  559.67  571.82    534.43  500.34  390.47  312.42  84.15  38.80  54.48    40.28 841.16  1,171.57 1,137.18  948.49  767.11  646.65  547.35  156.11  68.25  40.91    27.23 NW                                                          742.24  1,297.26 1,789.28 2,307.34 2,657.28 752.11 3 6.42  214.46  138.08 185.35  343.83  689.11  639.07  828.60 746.89  544.73  441.27 Average by Annulus                        101.76    422.28  710.31  930.14    929.39  1,007.59 1,058.20 1,024.82 463.46 300.67  275.98  321.16 mu anve area o ess    an square mi e.
DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1      0-2      0-3        04    0-5    0-6      0-7      0-8      0-9    0-10    0-20    0-30  0-40  0-50 DIRECTION N        0.00              0.00      0.00  0.00    0.00      0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00 0.00              0.00      0.00  0.00    0.00      0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00 0.00              0.00      0.00  0.00    0.00      0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00 ENE        0.00              0.00        0.00  0.00    0.00      0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00 0.00              0.00        0.00  0.00  0.00      0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00 0.00              0.00      0.00  0.00  0.00      0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00 SE        0.00              67.73      38.22  24.50  17.03    12.52    9.59    7.58    6.14    1.53  0.68  0.38  0.24 SSE        0.00              0.00      62.36 237.66 486.90    411.00  347.99  323.03  284.08  325.61 328.06 435.07 511.02 0.00              0.00      61.38 128.07 219.19    317.56  550.90  860.51  789.95  673.62 336.86 231.72 456.58 SSW        0.00              21.18    234.35 571.00  767.06    790.89  745.69  683.50  588:43  239.22 137.64  78.01  52.79 SW        0.00              75.38    149.65 500.30  790.82  1,108.21 1,208.68 1,105.04 1,063.83 322.18 150.61  85.51  72.69 WSW        0.00              88.56    128.64 660.68 1,025.20  1,468.48 1,610.33 1,385.91 1,221.80 344.01 156.18 136.31  90.94 0.00              55.20 . 449.03 443.92  487.49    476.44  458.68  364.73  295.69  82.94  38.51  54.10  39.67 WNW        0.00              25.86    408.22 776.23  870.71    785.14  665.82  578.39  500.12  151.87  67.40  40.49  26.92 NW        0.00    4004      0.00      7.37  76.11  203.13    521.83  922.68  1,420.39 1,827.57 686.97 351.56 206.97 132.90 0.00    4440      0.00      0.00  0.00  0.00      64.64  106.92  209.06  198.00  368.19 418.50 296.59 231.89 Average 4040    20.87      96.20 213.65  304.22    372.29  414.20  433.63  423.48  199.76 124.12  97.82 100.98 by Annulus    0.00 umu attveareao esst an squaremt e.
DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1      0-2        0-3        0-4        0-5        0-6      0-7        0-8            0-10      0-20    0-30      0-40    0-50 DIRECTION N
ESE SE                          (398.24)  (398.24)  (398.24)    (398.24)  (398.24) (398.24) (398.24) (398.24) (398.24) (398.24) (398.24) (398.24)
SSE                                                312.44      1,425.99  1,082.95 1,092.84 1,036.20  922.74  484.30  367.49  676.21  1,150.03 93.26      106.47    137.81  404.15  750.15  813.57  288.55  (135.82) (257.46)  (27.91)
SSW                                      (34.97)    337.57      485.07    445.94  355.71  375.80  251.43  (243.06) (357.31) (420.34) (446.46)
SW                                    (289.10)    122.67      426.00    753.40  841.26  721.36  656.95  (170.95) (347.80) (382.46) (352.98)
WSW                                      (237.74)    483.50      874.72  1,306.47 1,379.64 1,063.15  845.62  (147.00) (341.98) (312.49) (359.67)
W                                      152.59    59.67        71.82    34.43      0.34 (109.53) (187.58) (415.85) (461.20) (445.52) (459.72)
WNW                                      341.16    671.57      637.18    448.49  267.11  146.65    47.35  (343.89) (431.75) (459.09) (472.77)
NW                                                              242.24    797.26  1,289.28 1,807.34 2,157.28  252.11  (133.58) (285.54) (361.92)
(314.65) (156.17)  189.11  139.07  328.60  246.89    44.73  (58.73)
Average by Annulus                      (398.24)  (77.72)    210.31      430.14    429.39  507.59  558.20  524.82  (36.54) (199.33) (224.02) (178.84) ote: a ues tn parent eses are negattve.        umu attve area o ess t an square mi e.
DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1      0-2        0-3      0-4        0-5      0-6      0-7      0-8    0-9    0-10    0-20      0-30    0-40    0-50 DIRECTION N    (500.00)            (500.00)  (500.00)  (500.00)  (500.00)  (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00)
NNE - (500.00)              (500.00)  (500.00)  (500.00)  (500.00)  (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00)
NE    (500.00)            (500.00)  (500.00)  (500.00)  (500.00)  (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00)
ENE    (500.00)            (500.00)  (500.00)  (500.00)  (500.00)  (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00)
E    (500.00)            (500.00)  (500.00)  (500.00)  (500.00)  (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00)
ESE    (500.00)            (500 00)  (500.00)  (500.00)  (500.00)  (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00)
SE    (500.00)              (432.27)  (461.78)  (475.50)  (482.97)  (487.48) (490.41) (492.42) (493.86) (498.47) (499.32) (499.62) (499.76)
SSE    (500.00)              (500.00)  (437.64)  (262.34)    (13.10)  (89.00) (152.01) (176.97) (215.92) (174.39) (171.94)  (64.93)  11.02" S    (500.00)              (500.00)  (438.62)  (371.93)  (280.81)  (182.44)  50.90  360.51  289.95  173.62  (163.14) (268.28)  (43.42)
SSW    (500.00)              (478.82)  (265.65)    71.00    267.06    290.89  245.69    183.50  88.43  (260.78) (362.36) (421.99) (447.21)
SW    (500.00)              (424.62)  (350.35)    0.30    290.82    608.21  708.68  605.04  563.83  (177.82) (349.39) (414.49) (427.31)
WSW      (500.00)              (411.44)  (371.36)    160.68    525.20    968.48  1,110.33  885.91  721.80  (155.99) (343.82) (363.69) (409.06)
W    (500.00)              (444.80)  (50.97)  (56.08)    (12.51)  (23.56)  (41.32) (135.27) (204.31) (417.06) (461.49) (445.90) (460.33)
WNW      (500.00)              (474.14)  (91.78)  276.23    370.71    285.14    165.82  78.39    0.12  (348.13) (432.60) (459.51) (473.08)
NW      (500.00)            (500.00)  (492.63)  (423.89)  (296.87)    21.83  422.68  920.39  1,327.57  186.97  (148.44) (293.03) (367.10)
NNW      (500.00)              (500.00)  (500.00)  (500.00)  (500.00)  (435.36) (393.08) (290.94) (302.00) (131.81)  (81.50) (203.41) (268.11)
                        ~~~~              (403.80) (286.35) (195.78) (127.71)      (85.80)  (66.37)  (76.52) (300.24) (375.88) (402.18) (399.02) by Annulus (500.00)              (479.13) ote: a ues in parent eses are negative.        umu ativeareao ess t an square mi e.
DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1        0-2        0-3      0-4        0-5        0-6      0-7        0-8    0-9    0-10      0-20    0-30    0-40    0-50 IRECTION N
NE ENE ESE SE                              (898.24) (898.24)  (898.24)    (898.24)  (898.24) (898.24) (898.24) (898.24) (898.24) (898.24) (898.24) (898.24)
SSE                                                  (187.56)    925.99    582.95  592.84  536.20  422.74  (15.70) (132.51)  176.21  650.03 (406.74)    (393.53)  (362.19)  (95.85)  250.15  313.57  (211.45) (635.82) (757.46) (527.91)
SSW                                        (534.97)  (162.43)    (14.93)    (54.06) (144.29) (124.20) (248.57) (743.06) (857.31) (920.34) (946.46)
SW                                4 ~ 44 (789.10)  (377.33)    (74.00)    253.40  341.26  221.36  156.95  (670.95) (847.80) (882.46) (852.98)
WSW                                        (737.74)  (16.50)    374.72    806.47  879.64  563.15  345.62  (647.00) (841.98) (812.49) (859.67)
(347.41)  (440.33)    (428.18)  (465.57) (499.66) (609.53) (687.58) (915.85) (961.20) (945.52) (959.72)
WNW                                        (158.84)    171.57      137.18    (51.51) (232.89) (353.35) (452.65) (843.89) (931.75) (959.09) (972.77)
NW                                                              (257.76)    297.26  789.28  1,307.34 1,657.28 (247.89) (633.58) (785.54) (861.92)
(814.65) (656.17) (310.89) (360.93) (171.40) (253.11) (455.27) (558.73)
Average by Annulus                0~%i      (898.24) (577.72) (289.69)      (69.86)    (70.61)    7.59  58.20    24.82  (536.54) (699.33) (724.02) (678.84) ote:    ues m parent eses are negattve.          umu atrve area o ess t an square mt e.
DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1        0-2        0-3        0-4        0-5        0-6        0-7        0-8        0-9      0-10        0-20      0-30      0-40        0-50 IRECTION N    (1,000.00)              (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)  (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)
NNE    (1,000.00)    44 ~ 4  (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)  (1,000.00) (I 000 00) (I 000 00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)
NE    (1,000.00)              (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)  (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)
ENE    (1,000.00)              (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)  (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)
(1,000.00)              (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)  (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)
ESE    (1,000.00)              (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)  (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)
SE    (1,000.00)              (932.27)  (961.78)  (975.50)    (982.97)  (987.48)  (990.41)  (992.42)  (993.86)  (998.47)  (999.32)  (999.62)  (999.76)
SSE    (1,000.00)              (1,000.00)  (937.64)  (762.34)    (513.10)  (589.00)  (652.01)  (676.97)  (715.92)  (674.39)  (671.94)  (564.93)  (488.98)
S    (1,000.00)              (1,000.00)  (938.62)  (871.93)    (780.81)  (682.44)  (449.10)  (139.49)  (210.05)  (326.38)  (663.14)  (768.28)  (543.42)
SSW    (1,000.00)              (978.82)  (765.65)  (429.00)    (232.94)  (209.11)  (254.31)  (316.50)  (411.57)  (760.78)  (862.36)  (921.99)  (947.21)
SW    (1,000.00)              (924.62)  (850.35)  (499.70)    (209.18)    108.21    208.68    105.04. 63.83    (677.82)  (849.39)  (914.49)  (927.31)
WSW      (1,000.00)              (911.44)  (871.36)  (339.32)      25.20    468.48    610.33    385.91    221.80    (655.99)  (843.82)  (863.69)  (909.06)
W    (1,000.00)    4044      (944.80)  (550.97)  (556.08)    (512.51)  (523.56)  (541.32)  (635.27)  (704.31)  (917.06)  (961.49)  (945.90)  (960.33)
(1,000.00)              (974.14)  (591.78)  (223.77)    (129.29)  (214.86)  (334.18)  (421.61)  (499.88)  (848.13)  (932.60)  (959.51)  (973.08)
NW      (1,000.00)              (1,000.00)  (992.63)  (923.89)    (796.87)  (478.17)    (77.32)    420.39    827.57    (313.03)  (648.44)  (793.03)  (867.10)
(1,000.00)              (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)  (1,000.00)  (935.36)  (893.08)  (790.94)  (802.00)  (631.81)  (581.50)  (703.41)  (768.11)
Average by Annulus (1,000.00)    ~ ii ~
(979.13)  (903.80) (786.35) (695.78) (627.71)          (585.80)  (566.37)  (576.52)  (800.24)  (875.88)  (902.18)  (899.02) ote: a ues m parent eses are neganve.              umu attve area o ess t an square mt e.
CUMULATIVE DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1 0-2  0-3  0-4    0-5    0-6    0-7    0-8    0-9    0-10    0-20    0-30  0-40    0-50 DIRECTION N
NE ENE ESE SE        140 140  140    140    140    140      140    140      140    140    140    140    140 SSE                  236  1,406  4,150  4,744  5,204  6,046  6,530  28,514  65,121 155,981 287,732 235    766  1,876  3,548  7,847  15,362  17,391  58,960  65,622  80,938 255,769 SSW              46  897  3,416  6,607  9,259  11,385  13,103  13,922  22,015  27,745  27,951  29,566 SW          12 161  567  2,965  6,748  12,874  18,343 21,225  25,226  30,407  31,653  31,928  42,108 WSW          24  185  479  3,848  8,604  16,789  24,055  26,206  28,526  32,118  32,954  50,384  52,403 W            115  1,665  2,571  4,068  5,409  6,804  6,848  6,854    7,692  8,132  19,800  22,634 54  1,515  4,503  7,275  8,927  9,886  10,871  11,606  14,100  14,270  15,196  15,788 NW                    28    446  1,712  5,982  13,816 26,915  42,755  64,278  74,091  77,434  77,674 749    1,617  3,999  4,675  34,178  86,187 108,396 132,004 Total by Annulus  0  183 701  5,762 20,061 41,180  68,421  99,097  130,715 157,625 292,402 405,915 568,148 915,818
DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1        0-2        0-3        0-4      0-5      0-6        0-7      0-8      0-9    0-10    0-20      0-30      0-40    0-50 IRECTION N
NE ENE ESE SE                            414.81      120.73    120.73  120.73    120.73  120.73  120.73  120.73  120.73    120.73  120.73  120.73 SSE                                                  1,744.85 2,874.36  2,639.96 2,071.33 2,189.71 1,941.43 7,231.37  2,491.69 2,335.79 2,478.20 2,590.46 1,741.71  1,366.19 1,611.36 1,973.79 1,562.88 4,912.35,  962.00  494.82  851.84 SSW                                        1,996.88  2,123.72 1,943.06  1,655.31 1,392.68 1,177.40 1,103.62 1,408.73  373.15  163.82    96.04 SW                    44t8                651.80  1,322.01 1,700.43  2,119.35 2,142.90 1,862.74 1,742.15 1,673.69  409.20  182 73  184 40 WSW                                        2,513.12  2,529.25 2,638.62  3,217.64 3,105.67 2,457.24 2,041.49 1,817.59  434.22  289.21  229.98 W                                        2,110.00  1,208.80 1,061 .92  912.11  806.09  604.08  468.79  420.56    106.72  113.09    72.67 3,591.75  2,999.00 2,271.02  1,674.36 1,260.15 1,011,80  828.28  797.86    189.58    87.19    50.83 NW                                            4t            2,094.19  3,113.68 3,594.64 4,182.60 4,397.35 4,793.04  1,039.58  457.25  256.53 328.90  480.31  1,020.02  965.71  5,599.10  2,459.86 1,096.90  773.22 Average by Annulus                        414.81    1,830.71  1,829.85 1,827.34  1,714.82 1,658.59 1,660.01 1,517.24 2,877.50  858.67  534.15  511.44 umu attve area o ess t an square mt e.
DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1        0-2      0-3        0-4    0-5    0-6        0-7      0-8        0-9    0-10    0-20  0-30  0-40  0-50 IRECTION N        0.00                  0.00        0.00  0.00  0.00      0.00    0.00      0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00  0.00  0.00 NNE        0.00                  0.00        0.00  0.00  0.00      0.00    0.00      0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00  0.00    0.00 NE        0.00                  0.00        0.00  0.00  0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00    0.00    0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00 ENE        0.00                  0.00        0.00  0.00  0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00    0.00    0.00  0.00    0.00  0.00 0.00                  0.00        0.00  0.00  0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00  0.00  0.00 ESE        0.00                  0.00        0.00  0.00  0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00    0.00    0.00  0.00    0.00  0.00 SE        0.00                80.35      45.35  29.07  20.20      14.85    11.37      8.99    7.28    1.82  0.80    0.45  0.29 SSE        0.00                  0.00      74.71 284.86  583.82    490.26    411.76    377.98  330.67  360.91 368.78 496.93 586.76 0.00                  0.00      73.59 153.52  261.08    362.75    614.31    950.27  871.38  738.36 371.09 257.54 521.03 SSW        0.00                25.63      281.03 684.88  919.77    946.96    891.49    810.63  697.61  275.67 156.86  88.92  60.21 SW        0.00                90.57      179.38 600.32  948.70  1,329.77  1,450.68  1,326.23 1,276.76 384.89 179.26 101.71  85.86 WSW          0.00                106.39    154.44 792.73 1,229.72  1,762.03  1,932.38  1,662.82 1,465.77 412.43 186.95 160.74 106.97 0.00                66.12      538.64 532.33  584.82    571.29    550.22    437.50  354.68  99.49  46.10  63.13  46.17 0.00                31.03      489.67 931.35 1,044.76  941.93    798.62    693.92  600.06  182.23  80.86  48.43  32.20 NW          0.00                  0.00        8.97  91.49  243.87    626.07  1,107.15  1,704.11 2,192.67 823.78 419.76 246.81 158.47 0.00                  0.00        0.00  0.00  0.00      77.59 . 128.26    250.61  237.29  433.46 488.69 345.70 269.41 Average by Annulus    0.00      *4%4      25.01      115.36 256.29  364.80    445.22    493.52    513.94  502.14  232.06 143.70 113.15 116.71 umu ative area o ess t an square mt e.
DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1      0-2        0-3        0-4        0-5        0-6      0-7      0-8    0-9    0-10      0-20    0-30      0-40    0-50 DIRECTION N
NE ENE ESE SE                          (85.19)  (379.27)  (379.27)  (379.27)  (379.27)  (379.27) (379.27) (379.27) (379.27) (379.27)  (379.27) (379.27)
SSE                                              "1,244.85  2,374.36  2,139.96  1,571.33 1,689.71 1,441.43 6,731.37 1,991.69  1,835.79 1,978.20 2,090.46  1,241.71    866.19  1,111.36 1,473.79 1,062.88 4,412.35  462.00    (5.18)  351.84 SSW                                    1,496.88  1,623.72  1,443.06  1,155.31  892.68  677.40  603.62  908.73  (126.'85) (336.18) (403.96)
SW                                      151.80    822.01    1,200.43  1,619.35 1,642.90 1,362.74 1,242.15 1,173.69  (90.80)  (317.27) (315.60)
WSW                                      2,013.12  2,029.25  2,138.62  2,717.64  2,605.67 1,957.24 1,541.49 1,317.59  (65.78)  (210;79) (270.02)
W                                    1,610.00    708.80      561.92    412.11  306.09  104.08  (31.21)  (79.44) (393.28)  (386.91) (427.33) 3,091.75  2,499.00    1,771.02  1,174.36  760.15  511.80  328.28  297.86  (310.42)  (412.81) (449.17)
NW                                                            1,594.19 2,613.68  3,094.64 3,682.60 3,897.35 4,293.04  539.58    (42.75) (243.47)
NNW                                                                      (171.10)  (19.69)  520.02  465.71  5,099.10 1,959.86  596.90  273.22 Average by Annulus                      (85.19)  1,330.71  1,329.85    1,327.34  1,214.82 1,158.59 1,160.01 1,017.24 2,377.50  358.67    34.15    11.44 ote:  a ues m parent eses are negattve.        umu attve area o ess t an square mi e.
DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1      0-2        0-3        0-4        0-5        0-6        0-7      0-8      0-9    0-10      0-20    0-30    0-40      0-50 IRECTION N    (500.00)            (500.00)  (500.00)  (500.00)    (500.00)  (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00)
(500.00)            (500.00)  (500.00)  (500.00)    (500.00)  (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00)
NE    (5PQ PQ)            (500.00)  (500.00)  (500.00)    (500.00)  (500.00)  (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00)
ENE    (500.00)            (500.00)  (500.00)  (500.00)    (500.00)  (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00)
(500.00)            (500.00)  (500.00)  (500.00)    (500.00)  (500.00)  (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00)
ESE    (500.00)            (500.00)  (500.00)  (500.00)    (500.00)  (500.00)  (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00)
SE    (500.00)            (419.65)  (454.65)  (470.93)    (479.80)  (485.15)  (488.63) (491.01) (492.72) (498.18) (499.20) (499.55) (499.71)
SSE    (500.00)            (500.00)  (425.29)  (215.14)      83.82      (9.74)  (88.24) (122.02) (169.33) (139.09) (131.22)  (3.07)    86.76 (500.00)            (500.00)  (426.41)  (346.48)    (238.92)  (137.25)    114.31  450.27  371.38  238.36  (128.91) (242.46)  21.03 SSW    (500.00)            (474.37)  (218.97)    184.88    819.77      446.96  391.49  310.63  197.61  (224.33) (343.14) (411.08) (439.79)
SW    (500.00)            (409.43)  (320.62)    100.32      448.70    829.77  950.68  826.23  776.76  (115.11) (320.74) (398.29) (414.14)
WSW      (500.00)            (393.61)  (345.56)    292.73      729.72    1,262.03 1,432.38 1,162.82  965.77  (87.57) (313.05) (339.26) (393.03)
(5PP PQ)            (433.88)    38.64      32.33      84.82      71.29    50.22  (62.50) (145.32) (400.51) (453.90) (436.87) (453.83)
(500.00)            (468.97)    (10.33)    431.35      544.76    441.93  298.62    193.92  100.06  (317.77) (419.14) (451.57) (467.80)
NW      (500.00)            (500.00)  (491.03)  (408.51)    (256.13)    126.07  607.15  1,204.11 1,692.67  323.78  (80.24) (253.19) (341.53)
NNW      (500.00)            (500.00)  (500.00)  (500.00)    (500.00)  (422.41) (371.74) (249.39) (262.71)  (66.54)  (11.31) (154.30) (230.59)
Average by Annulus (500.00) 'i*~ (474.99) (384.64) (243.71) (135.20)                (54.78)  (6.48)    13.94  2.14  (267.94) (356.30) (386.85) (383.29) ote: a ues m parent eses are negattve.        umu attve area o ess t an square mt e.
DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1          0-2          0-3      0-4        0-5        0-6        0-7        0-8      0-9    0-10    0-20      0-30    0-40  0-50 DIRECTION N
NE ENE ESE SE                              (585.19)  (879.27)  (879.27)    (879.27)  (879.27)    (879.27) (879.27) (879.27) (879.27) (879.27) (879.27) (879.27)
SSE                                                    744.85    1,874.36  1,639.96    1,071.33 1,189.71  941.43  6,231.37 1,491.69 1,335.79 1,478.20 1,590.46    741.71    366.19      611.36  973.79  562.88  3,912.35  (38.00) (505.18) (148.16)
SSW                                          996.88    1,123.72    943.06    655.31      392.68  177.40  103.62  408.73  (626.85) (836.18) (903.96)
SW                                        (348.20)    322.01      700.43    1,119.35    1,142.90  862.74  742.15  673.69  (590.80) (817.27) (815.60)
WSW                                          1,513.12  1,529.25    1,638.62  2,217.64    2,105.67 1,457.24 1,041.49  817.59  (565.78) (710.79) (770.02)
W                                        1,110.00    208.80      61.92    (87.89)    (193.91) (395.92) (531.21) (579.44) (893.28) (886.91) (927.33) 2,591.75  1,999.00    1,271.02    674.36      260.15    11.80  (171.72) (202.14) (810.42) (912.81) (949.17) 1,094.19  2,113.68    2,594.64 3,182.60 3,397.35 3,793.04  39.58  (542.75) (743.47)
NNW                                                                            (671.10)    (519.69)  20.02  (34.29) 4,599.10 1,459.86  96.90  (226.78)
Average 0444      (585.19)  830.71    829.85      827.34    714.82      658.59  660.01  517.24  1,877.50 (141.33) (465.85) (488.56) by Annulus ote: a ues m parent eses  are negative.            umu ative area o ess t an    square mi e.
DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1        0-2          0-3,      04        0-5        0-6        0-7        0-8        0-9      0-10      0-20        0-30      0-40      0-50 IRECTION N      (1,000.00)              (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)  (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)
NNE      (1,000.00)              (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)  (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)
NE      (1,000.00)              (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)  (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)
ENE      (1,000.00)              (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)  (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)
E      (1,000.00)              (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)  (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)
ESE      (1,000.00)              (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)  (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)
SE      (1,000.00)                (919.65)  (954.65)  (970.93)    (979.80)  (985.15)  (988.63)  (991.01)  (992.72)  (998.18)  (999.20)  (999.55)  (999.71)
SSE      (1,000.00)              (1,000.00)  (925.29)  (715.14)    (416.18)  (509.74)  (588.24)  (622.02)  (669.33)  (639.09)  (631.22)  (503.07)  (413.24)
S      (1,000.00)              (1,000.00)  (926.41)  (846.48)    (738.92)  (637.25)  (385.69)    (49.73)  (128.62)  (261.64)  (628.91)  (742.46)  (478.97)
SSW      (1,000.00)                (974.37)  (718.97)  (315.12)    (80.23)    (53.04)  (108.51)  (189.37)  (302.39)  (724.33)  (843.14)  (911.08)  (939.79)
SW      (1,000.00)                (909.43)  (820.62)  (399.68)    (51.30)    329.77    450.68    326.23    276.76    (615.11)  (820.74)  (898.29)  (914.14)
WSW        (1,000.00)    *~~*  -    (893.61)  (845.56)  (207.27)    229.72    762.03    932.38    662.82    465.77    (587.57)  (813.05)  (839.26)  (893.03)
W      (1,000.00)                (933.88)  (461.36)  (467.67)    (415.18)  (428.71)  (449.78)  (562.50)  (645.32)  (900.51)  (953.90)  (936.87)  (953.83)
WNW        (1,000.00)                (968.97)  (510.33)    (68.65)      44.76    (58.07)  (201.38)  (306.08)  (399.94)  (817.77)  (919.14)  (951.57)  (967.80)
NW      (1,000.00)    ~~~~    '1,000.00) (991.03)      (908.51)    (756.13)  (373.93)    107.15    704.11    1,192.67  (176.22)  (580.24)  (753.19)  (841.53)
NNW. (1,000.00)                    (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)  (1,000.00)  (922.41)  (871.74)  (749.39)  (762.71)  (566.54)  (511.31)  (654.30)  (730.59)
Average by Annulus (1,000.00)      ~'~~      (974.99)  (884.64) (743.71) (635.20) (554.78) (506.48)            (486.06)  (497.86)  (767.94)  (856.30)  (886.85)  (883.29) ote:  a ues m parent eses are negattve.              umu attve area o ess t an square mt e.
CUMULATIVE DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1 0-2 0-3  0-4    0-5    0-6    0-7      0-8    0-9    0-10    0-20    0-30    0-40    0-50 IRECTION N
NE ENE 161        161    161    161      161    161    161    161    161      161    161 SE          161      161 SSE    '0            271  1,610 4,750    5,414    5,908  6,810  7,329  30,918  71,307  172,667 319,679 270    878  2,139    3,934    8,544  16,606  18,782  63,358  70,782  87,868  282,921 SSW              52 1,027 3,907  7,561  10,580  12,994  14,878  15,805  24,519  30,666  30,896  32,697 SW          14 184        3,391  7,720  14,727  20,975  24,272  28,848  34,681  36,018  36,322  47,687 WSW          27  211  548  4,402  9,844  19,198  27,505  29,972  32,627  36,722  37,640  56,973  59,158 132 1,904 2,942  4,653  6,193    7,786  7,837  7,844  8,800  9,291  22,246  25,400 62 1,733  5,146  8,317  10,207  11,303 12,426  13,266  16,116  16,310  17,343  18,021 NW                    32    511  1,960  6,848    15,806 30,789  48,900  73,495  84,499  88,254  88,521 856      1,850  4,580  5,355  38,648  96,946 121,864  148,078 Total 210 802 6,595 22,948 47,105  78,118  112,832 148,331 178,917 327,418 453,620 634,594 1,022,323 by Annulus  0
DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1        0-2        0-3        0-4      0-5        0-6        0-7      0-8          0-9      0-10    0-20      0-30    0-40=    0-50 DIRECTION N
NE ENE ESE SE                              138.84      138.84    138.84    138.84    138.84  138.84      138.84    138.84  138.84  138.84  138.84  138.84 SSE                                            00tt    1,115.11  2,643.29  2,154.91 2,139.73    2,024.68  1,858.69 1,183.00 1,067.81 1,487.16 2,104.96 0000    815.15    823.64    807.84  1,097.78    1,492.34  1,564.85  928.81  432.73  292.64  595.92 SSW                                          638.48  1,149.02  1,351.75  1,294.21 1,167.60    1,179.41  1,011.35  329.76  179.74  100.36    67.54 SW                                Oi00      289.37    854.50    1,270.89  1,720.46 1,840.80    1,676.27  1,587.88  448.34  206.14  159.07  196.65 WSW                                            360.19  1,349.98  1,886.62  2,478.60 2,579.05    2,144.98  1,846.39  483.87  216.06  250.04  186.35 000t      895.20    767.99    784.63    733.71  686.83      536.02    428.88  115.49    53.07    71.42    52.61 WNW                                          1,154.18  1,606.42  1,559.94  1,301.07 1,052.01      886.80    750.67  214.10    93.58    55.84    37.18 NW                                              00              1,020.20  1,781.71 2,456.25    3,166.65 3,646.34  1,031.21  498.96  291.47  187.64 254.26  471.88      946.09    877.26  1,103.05  981.03  713.82  575.10 Average by Annulus iooo      138.84      579.38    974.63    1,275.53  1,266.56 1,363.08    1,419.21  1,371.12  597.65  386.80  356.07  414.28 umu ative area o ess t an I square mt e.
                                                                'I P P  LAI'I    8      '-    E MEN1 CUMULATIVEDENSITY (PERSONS PER SQUARE MILE OF TOTAL AREA)
DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1    0-2        0-3        0-4    0-5      0-6        0-7      0-8      0-9      0-10    0-20    0-30  0-40  0-50 DIRECTION 0.00                0.00      0.00    0.00      0.00      0.00    0.00      0.00      0.00    0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00 0.00                0.00      0.00    0.00      0.00      0.00    0.00      0.00      0.00    0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00 NE        0.00    t ttt      0.00      0.00    0.00      0.00      0.00    0.00      0.00      0.00    0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00 ENE        0.00      ttt      0.00      0.00    0.00      0.00      0.00    0.00      0.00      0.00    0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00 0.00      hatt      0.00      0.00  0.00      0.00      0.00    0.00      0.00      0.00    0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00 0.00                0.00      0.00  0.00      0.00      0.00    0.00      0.00      0.00    0.00  0.00  0.00  0.00 SE        0.00    tttt      92.41      52.15  33.43    23.23      17.08    13.08    10.34    8.37    2.09  0.93  0.52    0.33 SSE        0.00    tttt        0.00      85.79 326.19    668.23      559.51  467.47    425.74    371.13  391.33 403.81 550.09 651.91 0.00                0.00      84.55  175.97  297.69      402.22  668.88  1,027.22  941.07  793.44 400.27 279.59 576.34 SSW        0.00      ttt      28.98    321.76 783.33  1,052.58    1,082.07 1,017.48  920.45    791.97  307.02 173.38  98.29  66.59 SW        0.00    tttt      103.50    205.33  686.58  1,085.35    1,521.16 1,658.84  1,516.62  1,460.08 438.99 203.98 115.71  97.23 WSW        0.00              121.34    176.68  906.86  1,406.95    2,014.86 2,209.52  1,901.78  1,676.49 471.55 213.53 181.76 120.76 0.00    t          75.90    615.96  609.15  668.92      654.09  629.63    500.69    405.92  113.82  52.67  70.92  51.82 WNW        0.00    tttt      35.62    560.13 1,064.34 1,194.40    1,076.99  913.09    793.18    685.88  208.28  92.42  55.28  36.76 NW        0.00                0.00      10.26  104.83  279.20      716.70  1,266.62  1,949.39 2,507.81  941.90 478.73 281.30 180.60 0.00                0.00      0.00  0.00      0.00      88.68  146.74    287.02    271.80  490.15 549.70 388.65 302.22 Average by Annulus    0.00    ""        28.61    132.04  293.17  417.29      508.33  561.96    583.28    570.03  259.91 160.59 126.38 130.29 umu anveareao esst an I squaremi e.
DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1        0-2        0-3      0-4        0-5      0-6      0-7      '0-8      0-9    0-10      0-20    0-30    0-40      0-50 IRECTION N
NE ENE ESE SE                          (361.16) (361.16)    (361.16)  (361.16)  (361.16)  (361.16)  (361.16) (361.16) (361.16) (361.16) (361.16) (361.16)
SSE                                      0000      615.11  2,143.29  1,654.91  1,639.73  1,524.68 1,358.69  683.00  567.81  987.16  1,604.96 Oitf      315.15    323.64    307.84    597.78  992.34  1,064.85  428.81  (67.27) (207.36)  95.92 SSW                                      138.48      649.02    851.75    794.21    667.60  679.41  511.35  (170.24) (320.26) (399.64) (432.46)
Cent                          354.50    770.89  1,220.46  1,340.80  1,176.27 1,087.88  (51.66) (293.86) (340.93) (303.35)
SW                                    (210.63)
WSW                  0400              (139.81)    849.98  1,386.62  1,978.60  2,079.05  1,644.98 1,346.39  (16.13) (283.94) (249.96) (313.65)
Ot00    395.20      267.99    284.63    233.71      186.83  36.02  (71.12) (384.51) (446.93) (428.58) (447.39) 654.18    1,106.42  1,059.94  801.07    552.01  386.80  250.67  (285.90) (406.42) (444.16) (462.82)
NW                                                            520.20  1,281.71  1,956.25 2,666.65 3,146.34  531.21    (1.04) (208.53) (312.36)
(245.74)  (28.12)  446.09  377.26  603.05  481.03  213.82    75.10 Average'y Annulus                        (361.16)  79.38      474.63    775.53    766.56    863.08  919.21  871.12    97.65  (113.20) (143.93)  (85.72) ote:  ues m parent eses are negattve.          umu ativeareao esst an  squaremi e.
DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1        0-2        0-3      0-4        0-5        0-6        0-7        0-8      0-9    0-10    0-20    0-30    0-40    0-50 IRECTION N    (500.00)    4000              (500.00)    (500.00)  (500.00)  (500.00)  (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00)
NNE    (500.00)              (500.00) (500.00)    (500.00)  (500.00)  (500.00)  (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00)
NE    (500.00)              (500.00) (500.00)    (500.00)  (500.00)  (500.00)  (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00)
ENE    (500.00)              (500.00) (500.00)    (500.00)  (500.00)  (500.00)  (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00)
E    (500.00)              (500.00) (500.00)    (500.00)  (500.00)  (500.00)  (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00)
ESE    (500.00)              (500.00) (500.00)    (500.00)  (500.00)  (500.00)  (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) 101'500.00) 0000 SE    (500.00)              (407.59) (447.85)    (466.57)  (476.77)  (482.92)  (486.92) (489.66) (491.63) (497.91) (499.07) (499.48) (499.67)
SSE    (500.00)    Ofter    (500.00) (414.21)    (173.81)    168.23    59.51    (32.53)  (74.26) (128.87) (108.67)  (96.19)  50.09  151.91 S    (500.00)    0044      (500.00) (415.45)    (324.03)  (202.31)    (97.78)    168.88  527.22  441.07  293.44  (99.73) (220.41)  76.34 SSW    (500.00)              (471.02) (178.24)    283.33    552.58    582.07    517.48  420.45  291.97  (192.98) (326.62) (401.71) (433.41)
SW    (500.00)      000    (396.50) (294.67)    186.58    585.35    1,021.16  1,158.84 1,016.62  960.08  (61.01) (296.02) (384.29) (402.77)
WSW      (500.00)    0000      (378.66) (323.32)    406.86    906.95    1,514.86  1,709.52 1,401.78 1,176.49  (28.45) (286.47) (318.24) (379.24)
                        ~ ~ 40                                                154.09    129.63    0.69  (94.08) (386.18) (447.33) (429.08) (448.18)
W    (500.00)              (424.10)  115.96      109.15      168.92 WNW      (500.00)              (464.38)  60.13      564.34    694.40    576.99    413.09  293.18    185.88 (291.72) (407.58) (444.72) (463.24)
NW      (500.00)    0040      (500.00) (489.74)    (395.17)  (220.80)    216.70    766.62  1,449.39 2,007.81  441.90  (21.27) (218.70) (319.40)
NNW      (500.00)              (500.00) (500.00)    (500.00)  (500.00)  (411.32)  (353.26) (212.98) (228.20)  (9.85)  49.70  (111.35) (197.78)
Average by Annulus (500.00)    ""        (471.39) (367.96) (206.83)      (82.71)      8.33      61.96  83.28    70.03  (240.09) (339.41) (373.62) (369.71) ote: a ues tn parent eses are negauve.          umu auve area o ess t an  square mi e.
O-l        0-2        0-3    0-4        0-5      0-6        0-7      0-8        0-9                    0-10      0-20    0-30    0-40    0-50 DIRECTION NE ENE ESE SE                            (861.16) (861.16)  (861.16)  (861.16)    (861.16) (861.16)  (861.16)                (861.16) (861.16) (861.16) (861.16) (861.16)
SSE                                      tttt      115.11  1,643.29  1,154.91 1,139.73  1,024.68                  858.69    183.00  67.81  487.16  1,104.96 OOOO                                                                        564.85                    (707.36) (404.08)
(184.85)  (176.36)    (192.16)  97.78    492.34                            (71.19) (567.27)
SSW                                      (361.52)    149.02    351.75    294.21  167.60      179.41                  11.35  (670.24) (820.26) (899.64) (932.46)
SW                                      (710.63)  (145.50)    270.89    720.46  840.80    676.27                  587.88  (551.66) (793.86) (840.93) (803.35)
WSW                                Ottt  (639.81)  349.98    886.62    1,478.60 1,579.05  1,144.98                  846.39  (516.13) (783.94) (749.96) (813.65)
Ottt        OOOO (104.80)  (232.01)  (215.37)    (266.29) (313.17)  (463.98)                (571.12) (884.51) (946.93) (928.58) (947.39)
OOOO WNW                                        154.18    606.42    559.94    301.07    52.01    (113.20)                (249.33) (785.90) (906.42) (944.16) (962.82)
NW                                                            20.20    781.71  1,456.25  2,166.65                2,646.34  31.21  (501.04) (708.53) (812.36)
NNW                                                                      (745.74) (528.12)    (53.91)                (122.74)  103.05  (18.97) (286.18) (424.90)
by Annulus                        (861.16) (420.62)  (25.37)    275.53    266.56  363.08    419.21                  371.12  (402.35) (613.20) (643.93) (585.72) ote: a ues m parent eses are negattve.          umu auveareao esst an squaremt e.
DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1        0-2        0-3        0-4        0-5        0-6        0-7        0-8        0-9      0-10        0-20      0-30    ~
0>>40      0-50 DIRECTION N      (1,000.00)            (1,000.00)  (1,000.00)  (1,000.00)  (1,000.00)  (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)  (1,000.00) (1,000.00)
NNE      (1,000.00)            (1,000.00)  (1,000.00)  (1,000.00)  (1,000.00)  (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)  (1,000.00) (1,000.00)
NE      (1,000.00)            (1,000.00)  (1,000.00)  (1,000.00)  (1,000.00)  (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)  (1,000.00) (1,000.00)
ENE      (1,000.00)            (1,000.00)  (1,000.00)  (1,000.00)  (1,000.00)  (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)  (1,000.00) (1,000.00)
E      (1,000.00)            (1,000.00)  (1,000.00)  (1,000.00)  (1,000.00)  (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)  (1,000.00) (1,000.00)
ESE      (I;000.00)            (1,000.00)  (1,000.00)  (1,000.00)  (1,000.00)  (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)  (1,000.00) (1,000.00)
SE      (1,000.00)              (907.59)  (947.85)    (966.57)    (976.77)    (982.92)  (986.92)  (989.66)  (991.63)  (997.91)  (999.07)    (999.48)  (999.67)
SSE      (1,000.00)            (1,000.00)  (914.21)    (673.81)    (331.77)    (440.49)  (532.53)  (574.26)  (628.87)  (608.67)  (596.19)    (449.91)  (348.09)
S      (1,000.00)            (1,000.00)  (915.45)    (824.03)    (702.31)    (597.78)  (331.12)    27.22    (58.93)  (206.56)  (599.73)    (720.41)  (423.66)
SSW      (1,000.00)    00 ~    (971.02)  (678.24)    (216.67)      52.58      82.07      17.48    (79.55)  (208.03)  (692.98)  (826.62)    (901.71)  (933.41)
SW      (1,000.00)    000t      (896.50)  (794.67)    (313.42)      85.35      521.16    658.84    516.62    460.08    (561.01)  (796.02)    (884.29)  (902.77)
WSW        (1,000.00)    0400      (878.66)  (823.32)    (93.14)    406.95    1,014.86  1,209.52    901.78    676.49    (528.45)  (786.47)    (818.24)  (879.24)
W      (1,000.00)              (924.10)  (384.04)    (390.85)    (331.08)    (345.91)  (370.37)  (499.31)  (594.08)  (886.18)  (947.33)    (929.08)  (948.18)
WNW        (1,000.00)              (964.38)  (439.87)      64.34      194.40      76.99    (86.91)  (206.82)  (314.12)  (791.72)  (907.58)    (944.72)  (963.24)
NW      (1,000.00)            (1,000.00)  (989.74)    (895.17)    (720.80) (283.30)      266.62    949.39    1,507.81    (58.10)  (521.27)    (718.70)  (819.40)
NNW        (1,000.00)            (1,000.00) (1,000.00)  (1,000.00)  (1,000.00) (911.32)    (853.26) (712.98)    (728.20)  (509.85)  (450.30)    (611.35)  (697.78)
Average by Annulus (1,000.00)      ""        (971.39)  (867.96) (706.83) (582.71) (491.67) (438.04)              (416.72)  (429.97)  (740.09)  (839.41)    (873.62)  (869.71) ote:  a ues m parent eses are negative.            'umu ativeareao esst an I square mi e.
CUMULATIVE DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1 0-2  0-3  0-4    0-5    0-6    0-7      0-8    0-9      0-10    0-20    0-30    0-40    0-50 DIRECTION N
NE ENE ESE SE        198 198  198    198    198    198      198    198        198    198    198    198      198 SSE                  334  1,989  5,869  6,659    7,213  8,227      8,812 35,299  82,694 203,656  379,042 333  1,084  2,627  4,643    9,821  18,872  21,316  71,400  80,242 100,629 333,370 SSW              65  1,270  4,833  9,346  13,062  16,020  18,209    19,338 29,201  36,105  36,379  38,532 SW          17 227  803  4,192  9,540  18,192  25,910 29,983    35,636  42,676  44,177  44,533  58,085 WSW          34 261  677  5,436 12,163  23,725  33,994 37,038  . 40,320 45,359  46,431  69,319  71,809 10 163  2,355  3,637  5,752  7,651    9,620  9,683      9,691  10,878  11,462  26,803  30,542 76  2,140  6,366 10,285  12,620  13,978  15,367    16,404  19,928  20,168  21,392  22,232 NW                    40    631  2,421  8,459  19,529 38,046    60,440  90,784 103,978 108,467  108,787 1,058    2,288  5,660      6,619  46,965 116,871 146,672  177,745 Total by Annulus  0  259 990  8,150 28;366 58,201  96,267  138,571 181,283  218,774 392,688 542,326 758,048 1,220,342
DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1        0-2      0-3        0-4      0-5      0-6      0-7      0-8      0-9    0-10    0-20      0-30    040      0-50 IRECTION N
NNE NE ENE ESE 170.75      170.75    170.75  170.75    170.75  170.75  170.75  170.75  170.75  170.75  170.75  170.75 SE 1,377.61 3,266.00  2,650.45 2,612.36 2,445.96 2,234.79 1,350.63 1,238.33 1,754.06 2,495.84 SSE 1,006.41 1,011.55  953.43  1,261.85 1,695.98 1,775.98 1,046.70  490.57  335.14  702.18 789.56  1,421.35 1,670.87  1,597.82 1,439.51 1,443.46 1,237.43  392.73  211.62  118.17    79.59 SSW 0044                358.03  1,056.35 1,570.50  2,125.26 2,273.90 2,070.68 1,961.51  551.70  252.83  195.02  239.53 SW 04    4004      444.98  1,667.08 2,331.06  3,063.07 3,187.50 2,650.66 2,281.74  597.67  266.52  304.22  226.20 WSW 1,107.25  949.41  969.95    906.44  848.61  662.28  529.86  142.76    65.47    86.05    63.27 W
1,425.24  1,987.26 1,929.06  1,608.65 1,300.98 1,096.69  928.23  264.74  115.72    68.87    45.87 WNW 1,260.15  2,200.86 3,034.81 3,913.03 4,506.85 1,273.80  613.99  358.23  230.59 NW NNW"                                                                      314.26  583.60  1,169.18 1,084.34 1,340.43 1,182.66  859.13  690.32 Average 170.75      715.97  1,204.53 1,575.54  1,559.10 1,671.39 1,731.87 1,671.15  713.19  460.84  424.97  494.41 by Annulus umu attve area o ess t an square mt e.
DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1        0-2        0-3        04    0-5      0-6        0-7    0-8      0-9    0-10    0-20    0-30  0-40  0-50 IRECTION N        0.00                0.00        0.00  0.00    0.00      0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00  0.00  0.00 0.00                0.00        0.00  0.00    0.00      0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00  0.00  0.00 NE        0.00                0.00        0.00  0.00    0.00      0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00  0.00  0.00 ENE        0.00                0.00        0.00  0.00    0.00      0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00  0.00  0.00 0.00                0.00        0.00  0.00    0.00      0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00  0.00  0.00 ESE        0.00                  0.00      0.00  0.00    0.00      0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00  0.00  0.00 SE        0.00                113.64      64.13  41.11    28.57      21.00    16.09    12.71    10.30    2.58    1.14  0.64    0.41 SSE        0.00                  0.00    105.73  402.98  825.65    688.17  570.73  514.33  446.22  446.78  468.30 648.81 772.97 0.00                  0.00    104.28  217.25  365.60    474.71  768.85  1,167.39 1,068.04  894.15  453.77 320.20 679.11 SSW        0.00      4044      36.22    397.89  968.98  1,301.07  1,335.91 1,254.42 1,126.52  969.00  365.65  204.13 115.73  78.47 SW        0.00                127.69    254.05  848.75  1,341.23  1,879.07 2,049.13 1,873.47 1,803.64  540.19  250.19 141.87 118.43 WSW          0.00                150.09    218.27 1,119.88 1,738.39  2,489.98 2,730.79 2,350.13 2,071.78  582.45  263.40 221.15 146.59 W        0.00                93.72    761.86  753.05  826.91    808.08  777.94  618.62  501.50  140.70  64.98  85.45  62.31 0.00      4444      43.67    691.68 1,316.68 1,477.03  1,331.60 1,129.19  980.91  848.12  257.55  114.28  68.18  45.35 NW          0.00                  0.00      12.82  129.45  344.87    885.30  1,564.96 2,408.86 3,099.63 1,163.48 589.09 345.72 221.95 0.00                  0.00      0.00  0.00    0.00    109.60  181.48  354.70  335.96  595.63  662.68 467.76 362.77 Average 4444      35.32    163.17  362.38  515.58    626.46  690.22  712.98  697.14  311.82  192.00 150.97 155.52 by Annulus    0.00 umu ative area o ess t an square mt e.
0-1      0-2        0-3      0-4        0-5      0-6        0-7      0-8        0-9    0-10      0-20    0-30    0-40    0-50 IRECTION N
NNE NE ESE SE                          (329.25)  (329.25)  (329.25)  (329.25)    (329.25) (329.25)  (329.25) (329.25) (329.25) (329.25) (329.25) (329.25)
SSE                                                877.61  2,766.00    2,150.45 2,112.36  1,945.96 1,734.79  850.63  738.33  1,254.06 1,995.84 506.41    511.55      453.43  761.85    1,195.98 1,275.98  546.70    (9.43) (164.86)  202.18 SSW                                      289.56    921.35  1,170.87    1,097.82  939.51    943.46  737.43  (107.27) (288.38) (381.83) (420.41)
SW                                    (141.97)    556.35  1,070.50    1,625.26 1,773.90  1,570.68 1,461.51  51.70  (247.17) (304.98) (260.47)
WSW                  4444                (55.02)  1,167.08  1,831.06    2,563.07 2,687.50  2,150.66 1,781.74  97.67  (233.48) (195.78) (273:80)
W                                      607.25    449.41    469.95      406.44  348.61    162.28    29.86  (357.24) (434.53) (413.95) (436.73)
WNW                                      925.24    1,487.26  1,429.06    1,108.65  800.98    596.69  428.23  (235.26) (384.28) (431.13) (454.13)
NW                                                          760.15    1,700.86 2,534.81  3,413.03 4,006.85  773.80    113.99 (141.77) (269.41)
(185.74)  83.60    669.18  584.34  840.43  682.66  359.13  190.32 Average by Annulus                      (329.25)  215.97    704.53  1,075.54    1,059.10 1,171.39  1,231.87 1,171.15  213.19  (39.16)  (75.03)  (5.59) ote:  a ues m parent eses are negative.        umu ativeareao esst an square mi e.
DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1      0-2        0-3      0-4        0-5        0-6        0-7        0-8      0-9      0-10    0-20    0-30    0-40    0-50 DIRECTION N    (500.00)            (500.00)  (500.00)  (500.00)    (500.00)  (500.00)    (500.00)  (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00)
(5PQ QQ)    4044    (500.00)  (500.00)  (500.00)    (500.00)  (500.00)    (500.00)  (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00)
NE    (5PQ QQ)            (500.00)  (500.00)  (500.00)    (500.00)  (500.00)    (500.00)  (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00)
ENE    (500.00)            (500.00)  (500.00)  (500.00)    (500.00)  (500.00)    (500.00)  (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00)
(500 00)            (500.00)  (500.00)  (500.00)    (500.00)  (500.00)    (500.00)  (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00)
(5PQ PQ)            (500.00)  (500.00)  (500.00)    (500.00)  (500.00)    (500.00)  (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00)
SE    (500.00)            (386.36)  (435.87)  (458.89)    (471.43)  (479.00)    (483.91)  (487.29) (489.70) (497.42) (498.86) (499.36) (499.59)
SSE    (500.00)            (500.00)  (394.27)  (97.02)      325.65      188.17      70.73      14.33  (53.78)  (53.22)  (31.70)  148.81  272.97 (5PQ PQ)            (500.00)  (395.72)  (282.75)    (134.40)    (25.29)      268.85    667.39  568.04  394.15  (46.23) (179.80)  179.11 SSW    (500.00)            (463.78)  (102.11)  468.98      801.07    835.91      754.42    626.52  469.00  (134.35) (295.87) (384.27) (421.53)
SW    (500.00)            (372.31)  (245.95)  348.75      841.23    1,379.07    1,549.13  1,373.47 1,303.64  40.19  (249.81) (358.13) (381.57)
WSW      (5PQ QQ)            (349.91)  (281.73)  619.88      1,238.39  1,989.98    2,230.79  1,850.13 1,571.78  82.45  (236.60) (278.85) (353.41)
W      (500.00)            (406.28)  261.86    253.05      326.91    308.08      277.94    118.62    1.50  (359.30) (435.02) (414.55) (437.69)
WNW      (500.00)            (456.33)  191.68    816.68      977.03    831.60      629.19    480.91  348.12  (242.45) (385.72) (431.82) (454.65)
NW      (500.00)            (500.00)  (487.18)  (370.55)    (155.13)    385.30    1,064.96  1,908.86 2,599.63  663.48    89.09  (154.28) (278.05)
NNW      (500.00)            (500.00)  (500.00)  (500.00)    (500.00)  (390.40)    (318.52)  (145.30) (164.04)  95.63    162.68  (32.24) (137.23)
Average by Annulus (500.00)    ii ~>>    (464.68)  (336.83) (137.62)        15.58      126.46      190.22    212.98    197.14 (188.18) (308.00) (349.03) (344.48) ote: a ues m parent eses are negative.        umu ative area o ess t an  square mi e.
DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1        0-2          0-3    04        0-5      0-6      0-7          0-8    0-9    0-10      0-20    0-30    0-40      0-50 IRECTION N
NE ENE SE                              (829.25) (829.25)  (829.25)  (829.25)  (829.25)    (829.25) (829.25) (829.25) (829.25) (829.25) (829.25)  (829.25)
SSE                                                  377.61    2,266.00  1,650.45    1,612.36 1,445.96 1,234.79  350.63  238.33  754.06    1,495.84 6.41      11.55    (46.57)      261.85  695.98  775.98    46.70  (509.43) (664.86)  (297.82)
SSW                                        (210.44)  421.35    670.87    597.82      439.51  443.46  237.43  (607.27) (788.38) (881.83)  (920.41)
SW                                  44if  (641.97)    56.35    570.50  1,125.26    1,273.90 1,070.68  961.51  (448.30) (747.17) (804.98)  (760.47)
WSW                                        (555.02)  667.08    1,331.06  2,063.07    2,187.50 1,650.66 1,281.74 (402.33) (733.48) (695.78)  (773.80) 107.25    (50.59)    (30.05)  (93.56)    (151.39) (337.72) (470.14) (857.24) (934.53) (913.95)  (936.73) 425.24    987.26    929.06    608.65      300.98  96.69  (71.77) (735.26) (884.28) (93 1-.13) (954.13)
NW                                                              260.15  1,200.86    2,034.81 2,913.03 3,506.85  273.80  (386.01) (641.77)  (769.41)
NNW .                                                                      (685.74)    (416.40)  169.18    84.34  340.43  182.66  (140.87)  (309.68)
Average by Annulus                          (829.25) (284.03)  204.53    575.54    559.10      671.39  731.87  671.15  (286.81) (539.16) (575.03)  (505.59) ote:  a ues m parent eses are negattve.          umu atrveareao esst an  square mt e.
DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1        0-2          0-3      04          0-5        0-6        0-7        0-8        0-9      0-10      0-20        0-30      0-40      0-50 IRECTION N      (1,000.00)            (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)  (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)
NNE      (1,000.00)            (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)  (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)
NE      (1,000.00)            (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)  (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)
ENE      (1,000.00)            (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)  (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)
E      (1,000.00)            (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)  (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)
ESE      (1,000.00)    444t    (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)  (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)
SE      (1,000.00)              (886.36)  (935.87)  (958.89)    (971.43)  (979.00)  (983.91)  (987.29)  (989.70)  (997.42)  (998.86)  (999.36)  (999.59)
SSE      (1,000.00)            (1,000.00)  (894.27)  (597.02)    (174.35)  (311.83)  (429.27)  (485.67)  (553.78)  (553.22)  (531.70)  (351.19)  (227.03)
S      (1,000.00)    4440    (1,000.00)  (895.72)  (782.75)    (634.40)  (525.29)  (231.15)    167.39    68.04    (105.85)  (546.23)  (679.80)  (320.89)
SSW      (1,000.00)    004      (963.78)  (602.11)    (31.02)    301.07    335.91    254.42      126.52    (31.00)  (634.35)  (795.87)  (884.27)  (921.53)
SW      (1,000.00)    0044      (872.31)  (745.95)  (151.25)    341.23    879.07    1,049.13    873.47    803.64    (459.81)  (749.81)  (858.13)  (881.57)
WSW        (1,000.00)              (849.91)  (781.73)    119.88    738.39    1,489.98  1,730.79  1,350.13  1,071.78  (417.55)  (736.60)  (778.85)  (853.41)
W      (1,000.00)              (906.28)  (238.14)  (246.95) (173.09)      (191.92)  (222.06)  (381.38) (498.50)    (859.30)  (935.02)  (914.55)  (937.69)
WNW        (1,000.00)              (956.33)  (308.32)    316.68      477.03    331.60    129.19    (19.09)  (151.88)  (742.45)  (885.72)  (931.82)  (954.65)
NW      (1,000.00)            (1,000.00)  (987.18)  (870.55) (655.13)      (114.70)    564.96    1,408.86 2,099.63      163.48    (410.91)  (654.28)  (778.05)
NNW    ~
(1,000.00)            (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)  (890.40)  (818.52)  (645.30) (664.04)    (404.37) (337.32)    (532.24)  (637.23)
Average by Annulus (1,000.00)      ~~'~      (964.68)  (836.83) (637.62) (484.42)        (373.54)  (309.78)  (287.02)  (302.86)  (688.18)  (808.00)  (849.03)  (844.48) ote:  a ues m parent eses are negattve.            umu attve area o ess t an square mi e.
CUMULATIVE DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1 0-2  0-3  0-4    0-5    0-6      0-7    0-8      0-9    0-10    0-20    0-30    0-40    0-50 IRECTION N                                                                                            0 ENE              0            0 ESE SE        234  234  234    234  234      234    234      234      234    234    234    234      234 SSE                    393  2,338  6,899    7,806  8,416  9,531    10,174 39,328  93,140  232,013 433,374 392  1,274 3,074    5,292  10,989  20,952  23,643  78,725  88,867  112,280 379,506 SSW              76  1,492 5,682  10,995  .15,355  18,815 21,288  22,602  33,500  41,094  41,409  43,880 SW          20  267  943  4,928  11,222  21,418  30,517  35,315  41,967  50,129  51,781  52,178  67,739 WSW          40  307  796  6,397 14,315  27,936  40,034  43,622  47,487  53,397  54,605  80,699  83,465 12  192  2,771 4,279  6,768    9,006  11,326  11,400  11,410  12 803  13 476  30,942  35,196 WNW                90  2,520 7,494  12,100  14,846  16,445  18,079. 19,300 23,444  23,724  25,118  26,104 46    740  2,844    9,943  22,978  44,770  71,112 106,831 122,043 127,231  127,597 1,243  2,690    6,657    7,786  54,628 135,221 169,519  204,858 Total by Annulus  0  306 1,166 9,587 33,366 68,451  113,079 162,444 211,848  255,715 453,019 624,185 871,623 1,401,953
DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1        0-2        0-3        0-4      0-5      0-6      0-7      0-8      0-9    0-10    0-20      0-30    040      0-50 IRECTION N
NE ENE ESE SE                              201.79    201.79    201.79  201.79    201.79  201.79  201.79  201.79  201.79  201.79  201.79  201.79 SSE                                                  1,619.34 3,839.18  3,106.99 3,048.06 2,833.66 2,580.20 1,504.78 1,394.76 1,998.30 2,853.59 1,182.81 1,183.67  1,086.70 1,411.92 1,882.90 1,969.86 1,154.09  543.30  373.95  799.36 SSW                                          927.57  1,671.03 1,965.67  1,878.31 1,690.66 1,687.54 1,446.29  450.55  240.86  134.51    90.64 SW                                          420.46  1,241.81 1,847.39  2,502.13 2,678.22 2,438.91 2,309.99  648.05  296.35  228.50  279.35 WSW                                          523.20  1,961.79 2,743.49  3,606.74 3,753.84 3,121.86 2,687.33  703.59  313.43  354.16  262.92 1,302.84  1,117.00 1,141.28  1,066.97  999.10  779.72  623.85  168.02    76.97    99.34    72.91 1,678.32  2,339.39 2,269.49  1,892.39 1,530.59 1,290.23 1,092.10  311.45  136.13    80.87    53.86 NW                                                            1,480.32  2,586.97 3,570.78 4,604.59 5,302.63 1,498.96  720.66  420.20  270.46 NNW.                                                                      369.22  686.14  1,375.13 1,275.52 1,559.14 1,368.35  992.96  795.62 Average by Annulus                          201.79      842.36  1,416.87 1,852.48  1,829.82 1,957.11 2,021.63 1,948.96  820.04  529.26  488.46  568.05 umu attve area o ess    an square mi e.
DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1        0-2      0-3        0-4    0-5      0-6      0-7    0-8      0-9    0-10    0-20    0-30  0-40  0-50 IRECTION N        0.00                0.00      0.00    0.00    0.00      0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00  0.00  0.00 0.00                0.00      0.00    0.00    0.00      0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00  0.00  0.00 NE        0.00                0.00      0.00    0.00    0.00      0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00  0.00  0.00 ENE        0.00                0.00      0.00    0.00      0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00  0.00  0.00 0.00                0.00      0.00    0.00    0.00      0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00  0.00  0.00 ESE        0.00                0.00      0.00    0.00      0.00      0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00  0.00  0.00 SE        0.00                134.31      75.79  48.58    33.77    24.82    19.01    15.02    12.17    3.04    1.35  0.76  0.48 SSE        0.00                0.00      124.41  473.69  970.56    806.70  665.91  595.86  515.19  497.78  527.45 739.15 883.76 0.00                0.00      122.76  255.33  427.81    541.06  860.29  1,296.05 1,184.63 985.88  502.55 357.27 773.09 SSW        0.00                42.35      467.45 1,139.20 1,530.63  1,570.43 1,473.28 1,317.01 1,132.56 419.48  232.34 131.73  89.36 SW        0.00                150.19    298.34  997.77  1,577.70  2,212.28 2,413.48 2,206.64 2,124.07  634.53  293.25 166.23 138.12 WSW          0.00                176.55    256.64 1,317.86 2,045.96  2,931.93 3,216.00 2,767.89 2,440.05  685.67  309.77 257.46 170.38 W        0.00                110.40    896.44  885.98  972.97    951.19  915.90  728.32  590.45  165.60  76.39  98.65  71.80 0.00                51.71      814.51 1,549.98 1,737.68  1,566.48 1,328.48 1,154.03  997.85  302.99  134.43  80.06  53.24 NW          0.00                0.00      14.74  151.81  405.13  1,040.62 1,841.35 2,834.58 3,646.94 1,369.13 691.44 405.53 260.32 NNW .        0.00                0.00        0.00    0.00    0.00    128.77  213.37  417.18  395.19  692.81  766.73 540.63 418.11 Average
                          ~~4~    41.59      191.94  426.26  606.39    735.89  809.19  833.29  814.94  359.81  220.98 173.59 178.67 by Annulus    0.00 umu attve area o ess t an square m> e.
DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1    . 0-2        0-3      0-4        0-5      0-6        0-7        0-8      0-9      0-10      0-20    0-30    0-'40    0-50 DIRECTION N
ESE SE SSE  '298.21)                          (298.21)  (298.21) 1,119.34 682.81 (298.21) 3,339.18 683.67 (298.21) 2,606.99 586.70 (298.21) 2,548.06 911.92 (298.21) 2,333.66 1,382.90 (298.21) 2,080.20 1,469.86 (298.21) 1,004.78 654.09 (298.21) 894.76 43.30 (298.21) 1,498.30 (126.05)
(298.21) 2,353.59 299.36 SSW                                      427.57    1,171.03  1,465.67  1,378.31    1,190.66  1,187.54  946.29  (49.45) (259.14) (365.49) (409.36)
SW                                      (79.54)    741.81  1,347.39  2,002.13    2,178.22  1,938.9I  1,809.99  148.05 (203.65) (271.50) (220.65)
WSW                                        23.20    1,461.79  2,243.49  3,106.74    3,253.84  2,621.86 2,187.33  203.59  (186.57) (145.84) (237.08)
W                                      802.84      617.00    641.28    566.97      499.10    279.72    123.85  (331.98) (423.03) (400.66) (427.09)
WNW                                      1,178.32    1,839.39  1,769.49  1,392.39    1,030.59  790.23    592.10  (188.55) (363.87) (419.13) (446.14)
NW                                                            980.32    2,086.97    3,070.78  4,104.59 4,802.63  998.96  220.66  (79.80) (229.54)
NNW                                                                        (130.78)    186.14    875.13    775.52  1,059.14  868.35  492.96  295.62 Average by Annulus                        (298.21)  342.36      916.87  1,352.48  1,329.82    1,457.11  1,521.63  1,448.96  320.04    29.26  (11.54)  68.05 ote:  a ues in parent eses are negative.        umu ativeareao ess t an  squaremt e.
A                          M T CUMULATIVEDENSITY (PERSONS PER SQUARE MILE OF TOTAL                  AREA  COMPARED TO 500)
DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1      0-2        0-3      0-4        0-5        0-6        0-7          0-8      0-9      0-10      0-20    0-30    0-40    0-50 IRECTION N    (500.00)            (500.00)  (500.00)  (500.00)    (500.00)  (500.00)    (500.00) (500.00)  (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00)
NNE    (500.00)            (500.00)  (500.00)  (500.00)    (500.00)  (500.00)    (500.00) (500.00)  (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00)
NE    (500.00)    0004    (500.00)  (500.00)  (500.00)    (500.00)  (500.00)    (500.00) (500.00)  (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00)
ENE    (500.00)            (500.00)  (500.00) -
(500.00)    (500.00)  (500.00)    (500.00) (500.00)  (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00)
E    (500.00)            (500.00)  (500.00)  (500.00)    (500.00)  (500.00)    (500.00) (500.00)  (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00)
ESE    (500.00)            (500.00)  (500.00)  (500.00)    (500.00)  (500.00)    (500.00) (500.00)  (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00)
SE    (500.00)            (365.69)  (424.21)  (451.42)    (466.23)  (475.18)    (480.99) (484.98)  (487.83) (496.96) (498.65) (499.24) (499.52)
SSE    (500.00)            (500.00)  (375.59)    (26.31)    470.56    306.70      165.91    95.86    15.19    (2.22)  27.45  239.15  383.76 S    (500.00)    0004    (500.00)  (377.24)  (244.67)    (72.19)    41.06      360.29  796.05    684.63  485.88    2.55  (142.73)  273.09 SSW    (500.00)    4004    (457.65)  (32.55)    639.20    1,030.63  1,070.43      973.28  817.01    632.56  (80.52) (267.66) (368.27) (410.64)
SW    (500.00)            (349.81)  (201.66)    497.77    1,077.70  1,712.28    1,913.48 1,706.64  1,624.07  134.53 (206.75) (333.77) (361.88)
WSW      (500.00)            (323.45)  (243.36)    817.86    1,545.96  2,431.93    2,716.00 2,267.89  1,940.05  185.67 (190.23) (242.54) (329.62)
W    (500.00)            (389.60)  396.44    385.98      472.97    451.19      415.90  228.32    90.45  (334.40) (423.61) (401.35) (428.20)
WNW (500.00)                  (448.29)  314.51    1,049.98    1,237.68  1,066.48      828.48  654.03    497.85  (197.01) (365.57) (419.94) (446.76)
NW    (500.00)            (500.00)  (485.26)  (348.19)    (94.87)    540.62      1,341.35 2,334.58  3,146.94  869.13  191.44  (94.47) (239.68)
NNW      (500.00)            (500.00)  (500.00)  (500.00)    (500.00)  (371.23)    (286.63)  (82.82)  (104.81)  192.81  266.73    40.63  (81.89)
Average by Annulus (500.00)    ""      (458.41)  (308.06)    (73.74)      106.39    235.89      309.19  333.29    314.94  (140.19) (279.02) (326.41) (321.33) ote: a ues m parent eses are negattve.        umu atrve area o ess t an  square mi e.
DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1        0-2        0-3      04        0-5      0-6      0-7        0-8      0-9    0-10    0-20    0-30    0-40    0-50 IRECTION N
NE ENE ESE SE                            (798.21) (798.21)  (798.21)  (798.21)  (798.21)    (798.21) (798.21) (798.21) (798.21) (798.21) (798.21) (798.21)
SSE                                                  619.34  2,839.18  2,106.99  2,048.06  1,833.66 1,580.20  504.78  394.76  998.30  1,853.59 182.81    183.67    86.70      411.92  882.90  969.86  154.09  (456.70) (626.05) (200.64)
SSW                                        (72.43)    671.03    965.67    878.31      690.66  687.54  446.29  (549.45) (759.14) (865.49) (909.36)
SW                                      (579.54)    241.81    847.39  1,502.13    1,678.22 1,438 91 1,309 99 (351.95) (703.65) (771.50) (720.65)
WSW                                        (476.80)    961.79  1,743.49  2,606.74  2,753.84  2,121.86 1,687.33 (296.41) (686.57) (645.84) (737.08)
W                                        302.84    117.00    141.28    66.97      (0.90)  (220.28) (376.15) (831.98) (923.03) (900.66) (927.09) 678.32    1,339.39  1,269.49  892.39      530.59  290.23    92.10  (688.55) (863.87) (919.13) (946.14)
NW                                                            480.32  1,586.97  2,570.78  3,604.59 4,302.63  498.96  (279.34) (579.80) (729.54)
(630.78)    (313.86)  375.13  275.52  559.14  368.35  (7.04)  (204.38)
Average by Annulus                          (798.21) (157.64)    416.87    852.48    829.82      957.11  1,021.63  948.96  (179.96) (470.74) (511.54) (431.95) ote: a ues m parent eses are negattve.          umu attveareao esst an  squaremt e.
DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1        0-2        0-3        0-4        0-5        0-6        0-7          0-8      0-9        0-10      0-20      0-30      0-40      0-50 IR ECTION N    (1,000.00)              (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)  (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)
(1,000.00)              (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)  (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)
NE    (1,000.00)              (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)  (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)
ENE    (1,000.00)              (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)  (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)
(1,000.00)              (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)  (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)
(1,000.00)              (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)  (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)
SE    (1,000.00)              (865.69)  (924.21)  (951.42)  (966.23)  (975.18)    (980.99)  (984.98)  (987.83)  (996.96)  (998.65)  (999.24)  (999.52)
SSE    (1,000.00)              (1,000.00)  (875.59)  (526.31)    (29.44)  (193.30)    (334.09)  (404.14)  (484.81)  (502.22)  (472.55)  (260.85)  (116.24)
S    (1,000.00)              (1,000.00)  (877.24)  (744.67)  (572.19)  (458.94)    (139.71)  296.05    184.63    (14.12)  (497.45)  (642.73)  (226.91)
SSW    (1,000.00)              (957.65)  (532.55)    139.20    530.63    570.43      473.28    317.01    132.56    (580.52)  (767.66)  (868.27)  (910.64)
SW    (1,000.00)              (849.81)  (701.66)    (2.23)    577.70    1,212.28    1,413.48  1,206;64  1,124.07  (365.47)  (706.75)  (833.77)  (861.88)
WSW      (1,000.00)              (823.45)  (743.36)    317.86    1,045.96  1,931.93    2,216.00  1,767.89  1,440.05  (314.33)  (690.23)  (742.54)  (829.62)
W    (1,000.00)              (889.60)  (103.56)  (114.02)    (27.03)    (48.81)      (84.10)  (271.68)  (409.55)  (834.40)  (923.61)  (901.35)  (928.20)
(1,000.00)              (948.29)  (185.49)    549.98    737.68    566.48      328.48    154.03      (2.15)  (697.01)  (865.57)  (919.94)  (946.76)
NW      (1,000.00)            (1,000.00)  (985.26)  (848.19)  (594.87)    40.62      841.35  1,834.58  2,646.94    369.13    (308.56)  (594.47)  (739.68)
(1,000.00)            (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)  (871.23)    (786.63)  (582.82)  (604.81)  (307.19)  (233.27)  (459.37)  (581.89)
Average by Annulus (1,000.00)
                          ~~~4      (958.41)  (808.06) (573.74)    (393.61)  (264.11)    (190.81)  (166.71)  (185.06)  (640.19)  (779.02)  (826.41)  (821.33) ote: a ues m parent eses are negative.            umu anve area o ess t an  square mi e.
CUMULATIVE DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1 0-2  0-3  0-4    0-5    0-6      0-7      0-8    0-9    0-10    0-20    0-30    0-40      0-50 IRECTION N
NNE NE-ENE 0                                                                                      0'0(
ESE SE        263 263    263    263  263      263      263    263    263    263    263    263      263 SSE                    443  2,630  7,757    8,759  9,412  10,604  11,290 42,474  101,523 255,341  478,421 439    1,431 3,446    5,819  11,913 22,571  25,445  84,417  95,639  121,582  417,569 SSW              86  1,678  6,382  12,344  17,225  21,095  23,790  25,257  36,967  45,098  45,446  48,184 SW          22 300  1,060  5,536  12,602  24,033  34,239 39,617  47,083  56,149  57,919  58,356    75,591 WSW          45  345  895  7,186  16,069  31,349  44,909 48,933  53,264  59,885  61,207  90,047  93,035 13  215  3,111  4,804  7,598    10,106  12,708  12,791  12,802  14,367  15,111  34,422    39,123 101  2,830  8,410 13,585  16,673  18,466 20,302  21,673  26,328  26,642  28,181  29,290 NW                      52    833  3,199    11,177  25,799  50,256  79,830 119,885 136,782 142,547  142,951 NNW                                            1,397    3,019  7,472  8,738  60,966 150,490 188,555  227,556 Total by Annulus  0  343 1,310 10,771 37,475 76,863  126,801 181,823 236,599 285,645 501,701 690,674 964,740  1,551,983
DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1        0-2    0-3        0-4      0-5      0-6        0-7      0-8      0-9    0-10    0-20      0-30    0-40    0-50 IRECTION NE ENE ESE SE                        226.80      226.80    226.80  226.80    226.80    226.80  226.80  226.80  226.80  226.80  226.80  226.80 SSE                                              1,821.58 4,316.64  3,486.3 I 3,408.79 3,152.67 2,863.23 1,625.16 1,520.29 2,199.22 3,150.21 1,328.57 1,326.92  1,194.92  1,530.64 2,028.40 2,119.99 1,237.53  584.70  404.93  879.53 SSW                                    1,043.21  1,876.89 2,206.85  2,107.06  1,895.53 1,885.88 1,616.18  497.18  264.33  147.62    99.53 SW                          0044      472.62  1,395.02 2,074.57  2,807.63  3,004.87 2,736.0? 2,591.59  725.87  331.48  255.56  311.73 WSW                  SION    4400      588.27  2,203.75 3,079.65  4,047.38  4,210.96 3,501.94 3,014.26  789.07  351.33  395.19  293.06 W                          4044      1,462.69  1,254.05 1,281.24  1,197.29  1,121.01  874.86  699.96  188.55    86.31  110.52    81.04 1,884.78  2,625.34 2,548.02  2,125.28  1,718.69 1,448.88 1,226.38  349.76  152.87    90.73    60.44 NW                                                        1,665.1 I  2,908.03  4,009.17 5,168.83 5,952.71 1,682.12  807.69  470.79  303.01 414.96    770.05  1,543.48 1,431.47 1,740.03 1,522.87 1,104.47  883.78 Average 40~4  226.80      946.40  1,591.50 2,080.64  2,051.56  2,189.65 2,256.78 2,174.26  906.21  584.87  540.58  628.91 by Annulus umu anve area o ess an square mi e.
DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1      0-2      0-3        04      0-5      0-6      0-7      0-8    0-9    0-10    0-20    0-30  0-40    0-50 IRECTION N        0.00              0.00      0.00    0.00      0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00  0.00  0.00 0.00              0.00      0.00    0.00      0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00  0.00  0.00 NE        0.00              0.00      0.00    0.00      0.00      0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00  0.00  0.00 ENE        0.00              0.00      0.00    0.00      0.00      0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00  0.00  0.00 0.00              0.00      0.00    0.00      0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00  0.00  0.00 ESE        0.00              0.00      0.00    0.00      0.00      0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00  0;00    0.00 SE        0.00            150.95      85.19    54.61    37.95    27.90    21.37    16.89    13.68    3.42    1.51  0.85    0.54 SSE        0.00              0.00    140.24  532.85  1,091.26  905.19  744.72  662.94  571.71  537.60  574.93 813.47 975.62 0.00              0.00    137.48  286.80  479.58    594.94  932.63  1,396.20 1,274.92 1,057.16 540.84 386.87 850.63 SSW        0.00            47.92      525.72  1,279.55 1,718.43  1,761.68 1,651.82 1,471.80 1,265.60  462.89  254.98 144.57  98.13 SW        0.00            168.76    335.36  1,120.87 1,771.71  2,482.39 2,707.84 2,475.44 2,383.01  710.73  328.01 185.91 154.13 WSW        0.00            198.40    288.56  1,480.40 2,296,65  3,290.13 3,607.61 3,104.89 2,736.89  768.98  347.22 287.28 189.92 0.00            123.62    1,006.44  994.68  1,092.29  1,067.37 1,027.66  817.19  662.49  185.83  85.66 109.74  79.81 0.00              58.03    914.70  1,739.44 1,950.94  1,759.26 1,491.74 1,295.93 1,120.54  340.26  150.97  89.82  59.74 0.00              0.00      16.67  170.89  455.70  1,169.77 2,067.41 3,181.93 4,094.04 1,536.43 774.94 454.35 291.65 0.00              0.00      0.00    0.00    0.00    144.72  239.46  468.26  443.51  773.19  853.30 601.34 464.43 Average by Annulus    0.00    ~~'~    46.73    215.65  478.75  680.91    825.21  905.77  930.72  910.40  398.53  244.52 192.14 197.79 umu atrveareao esst an squaremi e.
DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1        0-2        0-3      0-4        0-5        0-6          0-7        0-8      0-9      0-10    0-20      0-30    0-40    0-50 DIRECTION NE ENE ESE SE                          (273.20) (273.20)    (273.20)    (273.20)    (273.20)    (273.20) (273.20) (273.20)  (273.20) (273.20) (273.20) (273.20)
SSE                                                1,321.58    3,816.64    2,986.31    2,908.79 2,652.67 2,363.23  1,125.16 1,020.29 1,699.22 2,650.21 828.57      826.92      694.92    1,030.64 1,528.40  1,619.99  737.53    84.70  (95.07)  379.53 SSW                                      543.21    1,376.89    1,706.85    1,607.06    1,395.53 1,385.88  1,116.18  (2.82)  (235.67) (352.38) (400.47)
SW                                      (27.38)    895.02    1,574.57    2,307.63    2,504.87 2,236.02 2,091.59  225.87  (168.52) (244.44) (188.27)
WSW                                        88.27    1,703.75    2,579.65    3,547.38    3,710.96 3,001.94 2,514.26  289.07  (148.67) (104.81) (206.94)
W                                      962.69      754.05      781.24      697.29      621.01  374.86    199.96  (311.45) (413.69) (389.48) (418.96) 1,384.78  2,125.34    2,048.02    1,625.28    1,218.69  948.88    726.38  (150.24) (347.13) (409.27) (439.56)
NW                                                            1,165.11    2,408.03    3,509.17 4,668.83 5,452.71  1,182.12  307.69  (29:21) (196.99)
NNW                                                                            (85.04)    270.05  1,043.48  931.47  1,240.03 1,022.87  604:47  383.78 Average by Annulus                        (273.20)  446.40    1,091.50    1,580.64    1,551.56    1,689.65 1,756.78  1,674.26  406.21    84.87    40.58  128.91 ote: a ues m parent eses are negattve.          umu attve area o ess t an I square mi e.
DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1      0-2          0-3      0-4        =0-5        0-6        0-7        0-8      0-9      0-10    0-20    0-30    0-40    0-50 IRECTION (500.00)    ~~~~      (500.00) (500.00)    (500.00)    (500.00)    (500.00)    (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00)
(500.00)    *~~~      (500.00) (500.00)    (500.00)    (500.00)    (500.00)    (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00)
NE      (500.00)    ~~~~      (500.00) (500.00)    (500.00)    (500.00)    (500.00)    (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00)
ENE      (500.00)              (500.00) (500.00)    (500.00)    (500.00)    (500.00)    (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00)
(500.00)    ~~~~      (500.00) (500.00)    (500.00)    (500.00)    (500.00)    (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00)
ESE      (500.00)              (500.00) (500.00)    (500.00)    (500.00)    (500.00)    (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00)
SE      (500.00)              (349.05) (414.81)    (445.39)    (462.05)    (472.10)    (478.63) (483.11) (486.32) (496.58) (498.49) (499.15) (499.46)
SSE      (500.00)              (500.00) (359.76)      32.85      591.26      405.19      244.72  162.94    71.71    37.60    74.93  313.47  475.62 (500.00)    4~0~      (500.00) (362.52)    (213.20)    (20.42)      94.94      432.63  896.20  774.92  557.16    40.84  (113.13)  350.63 SSW      (500.00)  ~~~~      (452.08)  25.72      779.55    1,218.43    1,261.68    1,151.82  971.80  765.60  (37.11) (245.02) (355.43) (401.87)
SW      (500.00)  ~i~*      (331.24) (164.64)    620.87    1,271.71    1,982.39    2,207.84 1,975.44 1,883.01  210.73  (171.99) (314.09) (345.87)
WSW        (500.00)  ~~~>>      (301.60) (211.44)    980.40    1,796.65    2,790.13    3,107.61 2,604.89 2,236.89  268.98  (152.78) (212.72) (310.08)
W      (500.00)  ~~~~      (376.38)  506.44      494.68      592.29      567.37      527.66  317.19    162.49 (314.17) (414.34) (390.26) (420.19)
(500.00)              (441.97)  414.70    1,239.44    1,450.94    1,259.26    991.74  795.93  620.54  (159.74) (349.03) (410.18) (440.26)
NW      (500.00)              (500.00) (483.33)    (329.11)    (44.30)    669.77    1,567.41 2,681.93 3,594.04 1,036.43  274.94  (45.65) (208.35)
(500.00)  ~~~~      (500.00) (500.00)    (500.00)    (500.00)    (355.28)    (260.54)  (31.74)  (56.49)  273.19  353.30    101.34  (35.57)
Average 444~                            (21.25)      180.91    325.21      405.77  430.72  410.40  (101.47) (255.48) (307.86) (302.21) by Annulus (500.00)                (453.27) (284.35) ote:  a ues m parent eses are negattve.          umu atrve area o ess t an  square mt e.
DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1        0-2        0-3      04          0-5        0-6        0-7          0-8      0-9    0-10      0-20    0-30    0-40    0-50 DIRECTION N
NE ENE ESE SE                              (773.20) (773.20)  (773.20)    (773.20)  (773.20)    (773.20)  (773.20) (773.20) (773.20) (773.20) (773.20) (773.20)
SSE                                                    821.58    3,316.64  2,486.31    2,408.79  2,152.67 1,863.23  625.16  520.29  1,199.22 2,150.21 328.57      326.92    194.92      530.64  1,028.40 1,119.99  237.53  (415.30) (595.07) (120.47)
SSW                                        43.21      876.89    1,206.85  1,107.06      895.53  885.88  616.18  (502.82) (735.67) (852.38) (900.47)
SW                                      (527.38)    395.02    1,074.57  1,807.63    2,004.87  1,736.02 1,591.59 (274.13) (668.52) (744.44) (688.27)
WSW                                        (411.73)    1,203.75    2,079.65  3,047.38    3,210.96  2,501.94 2,014.26 (210.93) (648.67) (604.81) (706.94) 462.69      254.05      281.24    197.29      121.01  (125.14) (300.04) (811.45) (913.69) (889.48) (918.96)
WNW                                        884.78    1,625.34    1,548.02  1,125.28      718.69  448.88  226.38  (650.24) (847.13) (909.27) (939.56)
NW                                                                665.11    1,908.03    3,009.17  4,168.83 4,952.71  682.12  (192.31) (529.21) (696.99)
NNW .                                                                        (585.04)    (229.95)  543.48  431.47  740.03  522.87  104.47  (116.22)
Average by Annulus                          (773.20)  (53.60)    591.50    1,080.64  1,051.56    1,189.65 1,256.78 1,174.26  (93.79) (415.13) (459.42) (371.09) ote:    ues m parent eses are negattve.          umu attve area o ess t an  square mi e.
DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1        0-2        0-3        0-4        0-5          0-6        0-7          0-8      0-9        0-10      0-20      0-30      0-40        0-50 IRECTION (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)  (1,000.00) (1,000.00)  (1,000.00)  (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)
N      (1,000.00)
NNE      (1,000.00)            (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)  (1,000.00) (1,000.00)  (1,000.00)  (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)
NE      (1,000.00)            (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)  (1,000.00) (1,000.00)  (1,000.00)  (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)
ENE      (1,000.00)            (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)  (1,000.00) (1,000.00)  (1,000.00)  (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)
(1,000.00)            (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)  (1,000.00) (1,000.00)  (1,000.00)  (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (100000) (100000)
ESE      (1,000.00)            (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)  (1,000.00) (1,000.00)  (1,000.00)  (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)
(1,000.00)              (849.05)  (914.81)  (945.39)    (962.05)  (972.10)    (978.63)  (983.11)  (986.32)  (996.58)  (998.49)  (999.15)  (999.46)
SE (1,000.00)  (859.76)  (467.15)      91.26    (94.81)    (255.28)  (337.06)  (428.29)  (462.40)  (425.07)  (186.53)    (24.38)
SSE      (1,000.00)
(1,000.00)            (1,000.00)  (862.52)  (713.20)    (520.42)  (405.06)      (67.37)    396.20    274.92      57.16    (459.16)  (613.13)  (149.37)
SSW      (1,000.00)              (952.08)  (474.28)    279.55      718.43      761.68      651.82    471.80    265.60    (537.11)  (745.02)  (855.43)  (901.87)
SW      (1,000.00)              (831.24)  (664.64)    120.87      771.71    1,482.39      1,707.84  1,475.44  1,383.01  (289.27)  (671.99)  (814.09)  (845.87)
WSW      (1,000.00)              (801.60)  (711.44)    480.40      1,296.65  2,290.13    2,607.61  2,104.89  1,736.89  (231.02)  (652.78)  (712.72)  (810.08)
W                              (876.38)      6.44      (5.32)      92.29      67.37        27.66  (182.81)  (337.51)  (814.17)  (914.34)  (890.26)  (920.19)
(1,000.00)              (941.97)    (85.30)    739.44      950.94      759.26      491.74    295.93      120.54  (659.74)  (849.03)  (910.18)  (940.26)
NW      (1,000.00)            (1,000.00)  (983.33)  (829.11)    (544.30)    169.77      1,067.41  2,181.93  3,094.04    536.43    (225.06)  (545.65)  (708.35)
(1,000.00)            (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)    (855.28)    (760.54)  (531.74)  (556.49)  (226.81)  (146.70)  (398.66)  (535.57)
Average by Annulus (1,000.00)      '953.27)          (784.35) (521.25)      (319.09)  (174.79)      (94.23)  (69.28)    (89.60)  (601.47)  (755.48)  (8P7.86)  (802.21) ote:  a ues m parent eses are negative.            umu ative area o ess t an  square mi e.
1988 - 2030 Attractions and Events Within 10 Miles Est.        Avg.      Proj. Proj.      Proj.      Proj. Pro].
Total    1988 Daily  1995 D. 2000 D. 2010 D. 2020 D. 2030 D.
Special Event                            Location            Sector        Time  Attend. Attend. Attend. Attend. Attend. Attend. Attend.        Source FT. PIERCE "On the reen" Arts and        ra s  how        IRC                          N  5-10      Janua    10.000          5,000  5,500    6,270      7,750      9,106  10,699    1,8,9,10,11 12
attlemen's a      arade      hnne    lub BBQ Shrine lub                    NW 5-10        ebrua  15,000        15.000  16,500  18,810    23,249    27.318    32,098    1,8,9,10,11.12 reek Festival                                    reek rthodox    hurch      NW 5-10      Februa    10,000          3.400  3,667    4.180      5,166      6,071    7.133    1.8,9,10,11.12 Pilot lub Home how                              Civic Center                  NW 5-10      Janua    15,000          5,000  5,500    6.270      7,750      9,106  10,699    2,8,11,12 ea ood Festival                                Ft. Pierce                        5-10    November  8,000          4,000  4.400    5,016      6.200      7,285    8,560    2,11.12 ORT ST. LUCIE reat American Ra Race                          North rt Marina              W W5-10      Se tember  4,000          4,000  4,800    5,472      6,763      7,947    9.338    2,11 12,13
ai! shR atta                                    t. Lucie River                W5-10        Ma    10,000          5,000  6,000    6.840      8,454      9.934  11,672    7,11,12 a cees Bed Race                                Villa e reen ho      . tr.      4-5        Au ust  3,000          3.000  3,600    4,104      5,073      5,960    7,003    2,11,12 ets    orts  om lex                          St. Lucie West                W 5-10        S rin    5,600          5,600  7,300    7,300      7,300      7,300    7.300    3,11,12,13 ENSEN BEACH estiva o e Arts                                  ausewa                        E 5-10      March  10,000          5,000  6.000    6,780      8,272      9,595  11 ~ 130  1 11,12
ration urte Wat                            Jensen Beach                      5-10    June/Jul  2,500            50      60      68        83        96            4,11,12,13 ei Erikson a                                    Causewa                        SE 5-10        ctober  2,000          2,000  2,400    2,712      3,309      3,838    4,452    5,8,11,12 ertoma Boat Races                                ausewa                          5-10        Ma    15,000          7,500  9,000  10,170    12,407    14,393    16,695    2,8,11,12 ensen Bea      Fireworks                        ausewa                    S    5-10        Jul    2,000          2,000  2.400    2,712      3.309      3,838    4,452    6,8,11.12 SOURCES
: 1. Florida Media Guide, Januarydune 1988: Fl. Dept.        of Commerce, Div. of Tourism
: 2. Discover the Treasure Coast- The Palm Beach Post, 9/6/87.
: 3. St. Lucie West, News Tribune, SL Lucie on the Move '87, 10/25/87.
: 4. 198S Jensen Beach Business Guide, Centennial Edition; Jensen Beach, Treasure Coast Chamber of Commerrx..
: 5. Member, Sons of Norway Gulfstream Lodge &#xb9;514, 2/88.
: 6. Information, "The Mirror", 2/88.
: 7. Director, Stuart/Martin Co. Chamber of Commerce, Stuart, FL, Letter dated 11/17/78.
: 8. Discover the Treasure Coast - The Palm Beach Post, 10/11/92.
: 9. Personal Communication, Gayla Barwick, Tourism/Convention Director, St. Lucie Co. Tourist Development Council. Div. of Leisure Services, 12/92.
: 10. Personal Communication, Donald McLarn, Recreation Superintendent, St. Lucie Co. Div. of Leisure Services, 12/92.
: 11. "Projections of Florida population by county: 1990 - 2020", Vol. 24, No. 2, Bull. No. 96, Bureau of Economic and Business Research, College of Business Administration, Univ. of Florida, 7/91.
: 12. "Florida Population: Census Summary 1990", Bureau of Economic and Business Research, College of Business Administration, Univ. of Florida, 4/91.
: 13. "Atlas of Florida", Institute of Science and Public Affairs, Florida State University, 12/92.
1990 - 2030 Attractions and Events Between 10 and 50 Miles of the St. Lucie Plant EsL Avg.      Prof.      Prof. Prof. Pro/. Prof.
1990 Daiiy    1995 D. 2000 D. 2010 D. 2020 D. 2030 D.
Special Event                                                SectorCeg.      Tiine      Attend.      Attend. Attend. Attend. Attend. Attend.        Source
  .GA. Com x                                      Palm Beach ardens            SSE  30-40  Year-Round  50.000/event  50.000/e  50.000/e. 50.000/e  50.000/e. 50.000/e. 12 t Palm Beach Auditorium                    West Palm Beach              SSE  40-50  Year-Round                                6,000    6,000    6,000            17 t Palm Beach Jai Alai                      Ma        ia Park. P. B. Co. SS  40-50        Lan                                                    9,000    9,000  18 t Palm Beach Munici I Stadium              West Palm Beach              SSE  40-50  Year-Round                                7.000    7.000    7.000    7.000 Palm Beach                                        Pahn Beach Fai rounds          E 40-50  Year-Round                                                    8.000    8,000  15 arhn Coun Fair                                  F 'ounds in Stuart            S 10-20      March            9,998    11.801    13,335    16,269    18,872    21,891  3,9,20,22.23 arhn Co. H h Football Stadium                    Stuart                        S 10-20        Fall            4,500      4,500    4.500    4,500    4,500    4,500  4,22,23 Horse Com ex                                      Palm Beach Fai rounds          40-50  Year-Round          3,150        3640    4,061    4.844    5,563    6,386 Uon Coun        Safan                              Route 441 in Palm B. Co.      S 40-50  Year-Round    Confidential                                                    10 Palm Beach Auto Aucton                            Palm Beach ai rounds          S 40-50  Year. Round          1,575      1,821    2.032    2.424    2.783    3.195  14,22.23 Palm Beach Kennel Club                            West Palm Beach                S 40-50    Jan.-Ma            9.134    10,558    11.783    14.057    16,138    18,526  16,22.23 Pahokee Fireworks                                  Hoover Dike in Pahokee      SW 40-50      Ju 4th            3,000                3.000    3.000    3,000    3.000  13 Labor Da Rodeo and Blu rasa Convention            Okeechobee C                WSW 30<0    Se tember          12.283    14.096    15.630    18,449    21,102    24.136  9,22,23 Florida Fair                              Palm Beach Fai rounds      WSW 3040      Jan.-Feb.        138,568  160.185    178,767  213,269  244,832  281.068  17.22,23 ed Perch Festival                        Okeechobee Ci              WSW 3040        March            6,141      7.050    7.826    9,234    10.568    12,081  9,19.22.23 ai Alai of Ft. Pierce                            Ft. Pierce                  WNW 10-20    Jan. - June        3,661      4,000    4,000    4,000    4,000    4,000  2.22.23 St. Lucie Coun Fair                                Fai rounds in Ft. Pierce    NW 2(MO    Feb./March          9,497    11.397    13,042    16.117    18,940    22,254  5,19,20,21,22.23 ero Beach Sr. H h Football Stadium              Vero Beach                  NW 20-30        Fall            6,000      6,000    6 000    6 000      6.000    6,000  6.19 Fish  F,  Volunteer Fire De t.                  Grant. Brevard Co            NW 40-50    Februa March 22,989    26,338    29.196 10,000 34,526 10,000 39.406 10,000 44.923 10,000 7.22.23 1.22.23 Dod ertown S          s Com ex                    Vero Beach                  NNW 20-30                        8,31S ffshore Sport Fishing Tournament                Sebastian Inlet / Atl. O. NNW 3(440  Maydune                            878      974    1.150    1.310    1.494  11.22.23 SOURCES
: 1. Offce of Eastern Division Manager, Los Angeles Dodgers Baseball Team. Dodgertown Spat and Conference Center, Vero Beach, Fiorida. Letter dated 11/ 17/78.
: 2. Associate Chief of Security, Jai Alai of FL Pierce. Ft. Pierce, FILetter dated 11/17/78.
: 3. Fair Secretary, Sandy Shoes Festival (1979). Ft. Pierce, FILetter dated 11/20/78.
: 4. Athhitic Director. Martin County High School, Stuart. FL, Letter dated 11/28/78.
: 5. Fair Secretary, St. Lucie County Fair, Ft. Pierce. FILetter dated 11/20//8.
: 6. Finance Officer, Indian River County Schools, Vero Beach, FL, Letter dated 11/27/78.
: 7. Chairman. Fish Fry in Grant. Melbourne. FIPersonal Communicahon, 12/14/78.
: 8. Horse Complex. Palm Beach County Fairgrounds. West Palm Beach. FL. Personal Communication, 11/21/78.
: 9. Okeechobee Chamber of Commerce. Okeediobee, FL, Letter dated 11/17/78.
: 10. Office of Pubfic Relations. Uon Country Safari. Royal Palm Beach, FILetter dated 11/20/78.
: 11. Chairman, Offshore Sport Fishing Tournament, Sebastian. FILetter dated 12/13/78.
: 12. Project Manager PGA Comptex. Rorida Realty BuMing Company, West Palm Beach, FL. Letter dated 12/11/78.
: 13. Office Manager, Pahokee Chamber of Commerce, Pahokee, FL, Letter dated 11/20/78.
: 14. Pahn Beach Auto Auction. Palm Beach County Fairgrounds, West Pahn Beach, FL, Personal Communication. 12/11//8.
: 15. South Florida Fair, Palm Beach County Fairgrounds, West Pahn Beach, FL, Personal Communications. 11/21/7S and 11/27/78.
: 16. Palm Beach Kennel Club - Greyhound Racing, West Palm Beach. FL, Letter dated 11/22/78.
: 17. West Palm Beach Auditorium, West Palm Beach, FL, Letter dated 11/22/78.
: 18. Offce of Public Relahons, West Palm Beach Jai Alai. West Palm Beach, FL, Letter dated 11/21/78.
: 19. Discover the Treasure Coast - The Palm Beach Post, 10/11/92.
: 20. Personal Communication, Gayla Baiwick. Tourism/Convention Director, St. Lucie Co. Tourist Development Council Div. of Leisure Services. 12/92.
: 21. Personal Communication, Donald McLam, Reaeation Superintendent. SL Lucie Co., Div. of Leisure Senrices. 12/92.
: 22. Projections of Florida population by county: 1990- 2020", Vol. 24. No. 2. Bull. No. 96. Bureau of Economic and Business Research, College of Business Administration, UF, 23, Florida Population: Census Summary 1990 . Bureau of Economic and Business Research. College of Business Administration, Univ. of Florida. 4/91.
: 24. "Atlas of Florida, Institute of Mence and Public Affairs. Florida State University, 12/92.
Name                    Sector          Estimated                  Peak 1992 Parking        Note      Population (3)
Capacity      (1, 2) o    merce n e  tate ar South Jetty Park                      NNW 5-10                                          140 Porpoise Beach                        NNW 5-10              10                          40 South Beach Boardwalk                  NNW 5-10              94                        376 Gulfstream Beach                      NNW 5-10              10                          40 urfside ParK                          NNW 5-10              100                        400 Frederick Douglas Mem. Park            NNW 5-10              50                        200 Middle Cove Beach                      NNW 34                16 Biind Creek Beach                          N 1-2              16 alton Rocks Beach                      ESE 0-1            150                        600 Hermans Bay Beach                        SE 1-2              16 Normandy Beach                            SE 1-2              14                          56 aveland Beach                        SSE 5-10              70                        280 ensen Beach                            SSE 5-10            140                        560 Bob Graham Beach                        SSE 5-10              20                          80 lex's Beach                            SSE 5-10              20                          80 iger Shores                            SSE 5-10                                        100 avannas State Preserve                  NW 3-5                                          256 WNW 3-4
: 1. Based on data contained in "The Comprehensive Plan    for St. Lucie County, Florida. 1990.
: 2. Based on a field survey performed at the respective beach access.
: 3. Based on an occupancy of 4 persons per vehicle or campsite.
Colonial Engineering, Inc.                  100 Estech General Chemical Corp.                50 Flowers Baking Co. of Ft. Pierce, Inc.      400 Ft. Pierce/Port St. Lucie Tribune          150 GEM Electric of Florida, Inc.                50 Indian River Foods, Inc.                    200 ack Frost Laboratories                      50 Pulsair, Inc.                                60 S-2 Yachts                                  60 Stamm Equipment, Johnny                      50 armac Concrete Co., Inc.                    50 reasure Coast Truss Co., Inc.              55 ropicana Products, Inc.                  300 orld of Plastics, Inc.                    86 PORT ST. LUCIE Superior Dental 8 Surgical Mfg. Co. Inc.
                                    ~        65 STUART:
D R B Industries, Inc.                      144 rumman Aircraft Systems                  1000 S. P. S. Distributors                        150 Southeastern Printing Co., Inc.              143 he Stuart News                            250 urbo Combustor Technology, Inc.            375 SOURCE: Florida Manufacturers Register - 1991.
WITHIN 10 MILES OF THE ST. LUCIE PLANT EMPLOYMENT                      ADJUSTED EMPLOYMENT TAZ    % INCLUDED  INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL SERVICE                INDUSTRIAL COMMFRCIAL SERVICE 33                    0                  33 100      459                            100      459 62                              73      62 26            60      88                    26        60      88 25            120      255                    25      120      255 10                                      22      50                    41        22      50 29            80      751                    29        80    751 12                      15            33      333                    15        33    333 13                      27            55      573                    27        55    573 14                        70            46    2802                    70        46  2802 15                        34            121      427                    34      121      427 16                                                                                          14 17                      27            940      252                    27      940      252 18                      38            609      212                    38      609      212 19                        57            25      79                    57        25      79 20                        60                      27                    60                  27 21                                      15      639                    88        15    639 22          0.6          28            775      74                  16.8      465    44.4 23          0.05        443            162      92                22.15        8.1      4.6 25                        31            97      16                    31        97 26                      483            467      473                  483        467      473 27          0.3        361            105      109                108.3      31.5    32.7 28          0.1          18                      25                                      2.5 29                        81            317      525                    81      317      525 30                        20            198      443                  20        198 31          0.3          13            83      54                  3.9      24.9    16.2 56          0.05          57            69      18                2.85      3.45      0.9 57          0.1        503            71                          50.3        7.1      1.8 58                                      13                                        13 59          0.75                        114      68                            85.5
WITHIN 10 MILES OF THE ST. LUCIE PLANT EMPLOYMENT                      ADJUSTED EMPLOYMENT TAZ    % INCLUDED  INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL SERVICE                INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL SERVICE 61          0.95          55                                        52.25                    0 62                        49                                          49 63                      176            62                          176          62 64                        69            40      14                  69          40      14 65                      143                      97                  143                  97 66                      719            193      159                  719        193    159 67                      405            625      413                  405        625      413 68                                      630      210                            630      210 69 70 71                        26                                          26 72                                                                                          0 73                      145            88      24                  145          88      24 74                      27            288      41                  27        288      41 75                      62                                          62 76                      10            17                            10        17 77        0.95 78        0.75 82          0.9                                  31                                    27.9 83                      16                                            16 84 85                      119            99      265                  119          99    265 86                      98            365      137                              365    137 87                                              31                                      31 88                                              153                                      153 89                                    240      529                              240    529 90                                                                                        17 91                      27                      82                    27                82 92                      89            17      21                    89          17    21 93                      50                      21                    50                21
WITHIN 10 MILES OF THE ST. LUCIE PLANT EMPLOYMENT                      ADJUSTED EMPLOYMENT TAZ    % INCLUDED      INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL SERVICE                  INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL SERVICE 98              0.4            70              20    ~
44                  28                17.6 99                            242              66    296                  242        66      296 100                                                      25                                        25 101                              12                                            12 102                                                      34                                        34 Ql                                        194              283    151                  194        283      151 U        103 (D        104 105                              14              42      73                    14        42        73 106                                                      66                                        66
'4        107 A        108                                                    180                                      180 0        109                              46              322    780                    46      322      780 110                              95              638    243                    95      638      243 C                                        122              61    589                  122        61      589 (D
CL      112            0.75            44              18    263                    33      13.5  197.25 113              0.4            31                      12                12.4                  4.8 116              0.3            17                      20                  5.1 119                                              52    124                              52      124 121                              31              80      15                    31        80        15 OTAL                              5991              9148  14171                4642.3    8352.45 13740.55 SUM 1995 Projected employment following growth trend (BEBR):  35172                                  32082.36
YEAR: 1988 SECTOR        0-5 MILES      5-10      10-20  GRAND TOTAL SSW              500          3000 SW                              500      500 SW                          1900 NW                                      500 NW                            14150      3500 NNW                                      1000 OTAL            500        19550      5500      25550 NOTE: These data were derived from the most recent update of the St. Lucie County corresponding data by TAZ.
ST. LUCIE AND MARTIN COUNTIES ONLY SECTOR COUNTY    ANNULUS                          NAME              PHONE      COMMENTS (MILES)                                              NO.
MARTIN      5-10  Environmental Studies Center              334-1262 Jensen Beach Elem.                        334-1660 10-20  Alternative Education Center J. D. Parker Elem.                        288-2090 St. Joseph Elem. (Catholic)              2874975 St. Michael's                            283-1222 Stuart Middle                            287-4111 Martin County High                        287-0710 Palm City Elem.                          288-3030 Challenger Exceptional Student Ed. Center 283-9919 Pinewood Elem.                            287-0002 Port Salerno Elem.                        288-2590 Crystal Lake Eiem.                        288-0900 New Hidden Oaks Middle                        220-0034 New Martin County District Office            287-6400 IRCC's Chastain Center                    283-6550 South Fork High                          546-5847 Community Christian                      288-7227 First Baptist Christian                  287-5161 Redeemer Lutheran                        286-0932 Martin County Montessori                  221-9490 Spectrum Jr./Sr. High                    220-3831 SSW  ST. LUCIE    0-5  Calvary Academy Christian                335-8875 Village Green Elem.                      340-4740 5-10  Mariposa Elem.                            337-5900 Momingside Elem.                        3404733 Southport Middle                        337-5900 Morningside Academy                      335-5166 MARTIN      10-20  Murray Middle
ST. LUCIE AND MARTIN COUNTIES ONLY SECTOR COUNTY    ANNULUS                          NAME                      PHONE                COMMENTS (MILES)                                                      NO.
o e oun      i e  o ege Hobe Sound Elem.                                5464511 Indiantown Middle                              597-2146 India ntown Warfield Elem.                                  597-2551 Indiantown Hope Rural                                      597-2203 SW  ST. LUCIE    0-5    Port St. Lucie High                            3404777 5-10    Floresta Elem.                                  340-4755 Windmill Point Elem                            3404747 WSW  ST. LUCIE    0-5    NONE 5-10    Noithport Middle                                340-4700 Port St. Lucie Elem.                            340-4766 Port St. Lucie Baptist Child Development Center 879-0109 Bayshore Elem.                                  340-4720 Manatee Elem.                                  3404745 W  ST. LUCIE    0-5    NONE 5-10    Parkway Elem.                                  340-4800 Barry Univ.                                    468-6294 Treasure Coast Campus - St. Lucie West Indian River Community College                  8794199  St. Lucie West Campus Faith Baptist                                  461-3607 WNW  ST. LUCIE    0-5    Lord's Heritage Christian 5-10  -
Sun Grove Montessori                            464-5436 White City Elem.                                468-5840 Detention Center Forest Grove Middle                            468-5885 J.E. Sampson Memorial Seventh Day Adventist    465-8386 Indian River Academy                                      Next to I-95 NW  ST. LUCIE    0-5    NONE 5-10    Ft. Pierce Central High                        464-5888 St. Lucie Elem.                                468-5800 Dale Cassens                                  468-5190
ST. LUCIE AND MARTIN COUNTIES ONLY SECTOR  COUNTY  ANNULUS                        NAME                          PHONE              COMMENTS (MILES)                                                        NO.
an    ca      i e Lawnwood Elem.                                      468-5740 Indian River Community College                      930-4722 Main Campus Fairlawn Elem.                                      468-5345 Parochial Ft. Pierce Elem.                                    468-5300 St. Andrews Episcopal                              461-7689 Stallard Academy                                    461-9188 Ql Palm Vista Christian                                464-1591 I
U St. Anastasia Elem. (Catholic)
John Carroll High (Catholic) 461-2232 464-5200 St. Lucie Co. School District Administrative Office 468-5000 Chester A. Moore Elem.                              468-5315 Lincoln Park Academy                                468-5474 0A                            Means Court Elem.
D Garden City Elem.                                  468-5277 I
CL Frances K. Sweet Elem.
Bible Baptist 468-5330 461-6630 10-20  Ft. Pierce Westwood High                            468-5400 Anglewood Center                                    468-5215 Woodlands Academy                                  468-5272 Westwood High Lakewood Park Elem.                                468-5830 NNW  ST. LUCIE    0-5  NONE 5-10  NONE.
10-20  St. Lucie Primary
Estimated Number of Passengers BRIDGE                  LOCATION                                      1988      1995    2000      2010  2020 2030 tuart Causeway        Intracoastal Waterway I Indian River at        84      101      114        139    161  187 Sewall's Point ensen Beach Causeway  Intracoastal Waterway I Indian River at        72        86      98        119    138  160 Jensen Beach Roosevelt Bridge        St. Lucie River at Stuart                      136        163    184        225    261  303
: t. Lucie Bridge        St. Lucie River at Sewall's Point              92        110    125        152    177  205 North Bridge            Intracoastal Waterway  I Indian River at      100        121    138        170    200  235 Ft. Pierce St. Lucie Canal        Stuart                                        106        127    144        175    203  236 SOURCE: Bridge Engineer, Florida Dept. of Transportation; Projections using BEBR trends.
1990 - 2030 MODE                        COUNTY              LOCATION              1990'995            2000      2010      2020  2030 RAIL:
mtrak - Seaboard Coast Line                            Sebring - West Palm Beach      292        338        377        450      517    593 IR:
est Palm Beach International Airport    Palm Beach          West Palm Beach          6,585      7,612      8,495    10,135    11,635 13,357 SOURCES:
: 1. Rail: See main text.
: 2. Air. Florida Statistical Abstract - 1991. Total passengers for 1990 divided by 365 for 1990 and projected to 2030 using BEBR trends.
ROADWAY            COUNT STATION      LANES  PEAK SEASON              NO. PASSENGERS NAME            OR LOCATION        (NO.)      ADT                  EACH DIRECTION 1990    1992  1995    2000    2010    2020      2030 1A              Indian River Co. Line                3,702    6,217  6,660    7,592  9,384  11,026      12,956 1A              N of Pepper Park                    4,093    6,874  7,363  8,394  10,375  12,191      14,324 1A              N of Holiday Inn                    5,524    9,277  9,937  11,329  14,002  16,453      19,332 1A              E of North Bridge                    10,292  17,284 18,515  21 107
                                                                                ~    26,088  30,653      36,018 1A              E of South Bridge                    17,509  29,405 31,498  35,908  44,382  52,148      61,274 1A              Ft. Pierce City Limit                3,059    5,137  5,503  6,273  7,754  - 9,111      10,705 1A              S of Power Plant                    4,337    7,284  7,802  8,894  10,993  12,917      15,178 1A              Martin Co. Line                      15,953  26,791 28,699  32,716  40,438  47,514      55,829 iroso  Blvd    N of Prima Vista Blvd.              6,294    10,570 11,323  12,908  15,954  18,746      22,026 iroso  Blvd    S of Prima Vista Blvd. 2- Div. 9,510  15,971 17,108  19,503  24,106  28,324      33,281 iroso  Blvd    N of W. Virginia Dr                  9,668  16,236 17,392  19,827  24,506  28,795      33,834 iroso  Blvd. N of Port St. Lucie Blvd.            9,000  15,115 16,191  18,457  22,813  26,805      31,496 irport Entrance N of St. Lucie Blvd.                  398      668    716    816    1,009    1,185      1,393 ngle Rd.        E of Kings Hwy                      4,233    7,109  7,615  8,681  10,730  12,607    14,814 ngle Rd.        NW of Orange Ave.                    9,980  16,760 17,954  20,467  25,297  29,724      34,926 ve NAlf        Eof N. US-1                          4,435    7,448  7,978  9,095  11,242  13,209    15,521 ve ItAtt        Wof N. US-1                          5,258    8,830  9,459  10,783  13,328  15,660    18,401 Bayshore Blvd    N of Prima Vista Blvd                5,011    8,415  9,015  10,277  12,702  14,925    17,536 Bayshore Blvd. S of Prima Vista Blvd.                8,255  13,863 14,850  16,929  20,925  24,587      28,889 Bell Ave.        E of Sunrise Blvd.                    4,592    7.712  8,261  9,417  11,640  13,677    16,070 Bell Ave.        W of Sunrise Blvd.                    4,784    8,034  8,606  9,811  12,126  14,249    16,742 Citrus Ave.      Eof S. US-1                          11,567  19,426 20,808  23,722  29,320  34,451    40,480 Citrus Ave.      Wof S. US-1                2 o/w      3,513    5,900  6,320  7.,204  8,905  10,463    12,294 Delaware Ave    Wof US-1                  3 o/w      4,899    8,227  8,813  10,047  12,418  14,591    17,145 Delaware Ave    Wof6th St                            6,805  11,428 12,242  13,956  17,249  20,268      23,815 Delaware Ave. W of S. 7th St.                      10,970  18,423 19,734  22,497  27,807  32,673    38,391 Delaware Ave. E of 13th St.                        11,562  19,417 20,799  23,711  29,307  34,436      40,462 Delaware Ave. W of 13th St.                        12,600  21,160 22,667  25,840  31,938  37,528    44,095 Delaware Ave    W of Okeechobee Rd.                  4,052    6,805  7,289  8,310  10,271  12,068    14,180 Delaware Ave. W of 25th St.                        6,981  11,724 12,558  14,317  17,695  20,792      24,431 Edwards Rd.      Wof US-1                              8,850  14,863 15,921  18,150  22,433  26,359      30,971 Edwards Rd.      E of Oleander Ave.                    9,556  16,048 17,191  19,597  24,222  28,461,. 33,442 Edwards Rd.      W of Oleander Ave.                  12,357  20,752 22,230  25,342  31,322  36,804 .. 43,245 Edwards Rd.      W of Sunrise Ave.                    12,039  20,218 21,658  24,690  30,516  35,8572., 42,132
ROADWAY            COUNT STATION    LANES  PEAK SEASON              NO. PASSENGERS NAME              OR LOCATION      (NO.)    ADT                  EACH DIRECTION 1990    1992  1995  2000    2010    2020            2030 Edwards Rd        Wof25th St                        10,656  17,896 19,170  21,853  27,011    31,738          37,292 Edwards Rd        E of McNeil Rd                    6,695    11,244 12,044  13,730  16,970    19,940          23,430 Emerson Rd.        Indian River Co. Line              5,054    8,488  9,092  10,365  12,811    15,053          17,687 Floresta Dr.      S of Prima Vista Blvd.            11,895  19,976 21,399  24,394  30,151    35,428          41,628 Floresta Dr.      N of W. Virginia Dr.              13,400  22,504 24,106  27,481  33,966  , 39,910          46,895 Floresta Dr.      N of Port St. Lucie Blvd          13,791  23,161 24,809  28,283  34,957    41,075          48,263 Floresta Dr        S of Port St. Lucie Blvd            3,793    6,370  6,823  7,779  9,614    11,297          13,274 Gatlin Blvd.      E of l-95                          9,167  15,395 16,491  18,800  23,236            '7,303, 32,081 Georgia Ave.      E of US-1                          3,477    5,839  6,255  7,131  8,813    10,356          12,168 Georgia Ave.      E of Okeechobee Rd.                6,414    10,772 11,538  13,154  16,258          -'9,103 22,446 Gilson Rd          Martin Co. Line                    2,994    5,028  5,386  6,140  7,589    8,917          10,478 Glades Cut-Gff Rd. N of Midway Rd                      5,890    9,892 10,596  12,079  14,930  17,543          20,613 Glades Cut-Off Rd. S of Midway Rd                      2,738    4,598  4,926  5,615  6,940    8,155            9,582 Hartman Rd        N of Okeechobee Rd                  5,315    8,926  9,561  10,900  13,472  15,830          18,600 Indian River Dr. S of A1NSouth Bridge                7,554  12,686 13,589  15,492  19,148  22,499          26,436 Indian River Dr. N of Orange Ave.                    3,495    5,870  6,287  7,168  8,859    10,409          12,231 Indian River Dr. N of Citrus Ave.                  4,605    7,734  8,284  9,444  11,673  13,715          16,116 Indian River Dr    S of Citrus Ave                    3,972    6,671  7,145  8,146  10,068  11,830          13,900 Indian River Dr. N of Savannah Rd.                  3,654    6,137  6,573  7,494    9,262  10,883          12,788 Indian River Dr. N of Rio Vista Dr.                  3,724    6,254  6,699  7,637    9,440  11,091          13,033 Indian River Dr. S of Midway Rd.                    2,912    4,890  5,239  5,972    7,381    8,673          10,191 Indian River Dr    N of Walton Rd                      3,396    5,703  6,109  6,965    8,608  10,115          11,885 Indian River Dr. S of Walton Rd.                    8,191  13,756 14,735  16,798  20,762    24,396          28,665 Indian River Dr. Martin Co. Line                    6,882  11,558 12,380  14,114  17,444  20,497          24,084 Indrio Rd.        E of I-95                          5,671    9,524 10,202  11,630  14,375  16,890          19,846 Indrio Rd          Wof Kings Hwy                      9,238  15,514 16,619  18,945  23,416  27,514          32,329 Indrio Rd.        E of Kings Hwy.                    6,635  11,143 11,936  13,607  16,818  19,762          23,220 Indrio Rd.        WofN. US                        5,905    9,917 10,623  12,110  14,968  17,587          20,665 enkins Rd        S of Orange Ave                    3,032    5,092  5,454  6,218    7,685    9,030          10,611 enkins Rd        N of Okeechobee Rd.                4,571    7,677  8,223  9,374  11,587  13;614          15,997 Juanita Ave        Wof US-1                            3,333    5,597  5,996  6,835    8,448    9,927          11,664 uanita Ave.      W of 25th St.                      8,085  13,578 14,545  16,581  20,494  24,080          28,294 Keen Rd.          S of St. Lucie Blvd.                1,304    2,190  2,346  2,674    3,305    3,884            4,563 Keen Rd.          N of Angle Rd.                      1,079    1,812  1,941  2,213    2,735    3,214            3,776
ROADWAY            COUNT STATION    LANES  PEAK SEASON                NO. PASSENGERS NAME            OR LOCATION      (NO.)      ADT                    EACH DIRECTION 1990    1992    1995    2000,  2010  2020      2030 Kings Hwy        SW of N. US-1                      10,060  16,895  18,097  20,631  25,500  29,963  35,206 Kings Hwy        S of Indrio Rd                      14,030  23,562  25,239  28,773  35,563  41,787  49,099 Kings Hwy        N of Orange Ave                    11,558  19,411  20,792  23,703  29,297  34,424  40,448 Kings Hwy.      S of Orange Ave.                    7,946    13,345  14,294  16,296  20,141  23,666  27,808 Lennard Rd.      S of Walton Rd.                    4,224    7,094  7,599  8,663  10,707 12,581  14,782 Lennard Rd.      N of Mariposa Ave                    8,971  15,066  16,138  18,398  22,740  26,719  31,395 Lyngate Dr      E of Midport Rd                      5,952    9,996  10,707  12,206  15,087 17,727  20,830 Midport Rd      Wof S. US-1            2- Div. 10,502  17,637  18,893  21,538  26,620  31,279  36,753 Q)  Midport Rd      N of Port St. Lucie Blvd 2- Div. 16,251  27,292  29,235  33,328  41,193  48,402  56,872 U  Momingside Blvd. N of Port St. Lucie Blvd            3,116    5,233  5,606  6,390  7,898  9,281  10,905 (D
Momingside Blvd. S of Port St. Lucie Blvd            3,327    5,587  5,985  6,823    8,433  9,909  11,643 Midway Rd        E of Weatherbee Rd.                  3,995    6,709  7,187  8,193  10,126 11,899  13,981 h  Midway Rd        W of Weatherbee Rd.                  4,054    6,808  7,293  8,314  10,276 12,074  14,187 hJ                                                        8,773  14,733  15,782  17,992  22,238 26,129  30,702 Midway Rd        E of S. US-1 A
O  Midway Rd        Wof S. US-1                      13,567  22,784  24,406  27,823  34,390 40,408  47,479 Midway Rd        W of Oleander Ave.                  14,557  24,447  26,187  29,854  36,899 43,356  50,944 Midway Rd        E of S. 25th St.                    15,422  25,900  27,743  31,627  39,092 45,933  53,971 C                                                                                        27,082 31,821 5 37,390 Midway Rd        W of S. 25th St.                    10,684  17,943  19,220  21,911 CL                                                                      15,485  17,653  21,819 25,638 c 30,125 Midway Rd        W of Selvitz Rd.                    8,608  14,456 Midway Rd        E of Glades Cut-off Rd.              9,941  16,695  17,883  20,387  25,198 29,608;7 34,790 Midway Rd        E of I-95                            8,210  13,788  14,769  16,837  20,811 24,453;" 28,732 Okeechobee Rd. SW of Delaware Ave.                11,661  19,583  20,978  23,914  29,558 34,731  40,809 Okeechobee Rd. E of S. 25th St.                    16,818  28,244  30,255  34,490  42,630 50,090  58,856 Okeechobee Rd. W of S. 25th St                    18,452  30,988- 33,194  37,841  46,772 54,957  64,575 Okeechobee Rd. Wof S. 33rd St                      16,044  26,944  28,862  32,903  40,668 47,785  56,148 Okeechobee Rd. E of Hartman Rd.                    15,189  25,508  27,324  31,150  38,501 45,239  53,155 Okeechobee Rd. E of McNeil Rd.                    20,774  34,888  37,371  42,603  52,658 61,873  72,701 Okeechobee Rd. E of I-95                          23,834  40,027  42,876  48,879  60,414 70,987  83,409 Okeechobee Rd    W of I-95                          30,729  51,606  55,280  63,019  77,892 91,523  107,539 Okeechobee Rd    W of Turnpike                        5,195    8,724  9,346  10,654  13,168 15,473    18,180 Okeechobee Rd. W of Header Canal Rd.                3,649    6,128  6,564  7,483    9,249 10,868    12,770 Id Dixie Hwy  E of N. US-1                        7,165  12,033  12,889  14,694  18,162 21,340  25,075 Old Dixie Hwy    S. of Taylor Creek                  5,286    8,877  9,509  10,841  13,399 15,744    18,499 Old Dixie Hwy. N of North A1A                      2,707    4,546  4,870  5,552    6,862  8,062    9,473
ROADWAY                COUNT STATION            LANES  PEAK SEASON                NO. PASSENGERS NAME                OR LOCATION              (NO.)    ADT                    EACH DIRECTION 1990    1992    1995  2000    2010    2020      2030 Old Dixie Hwy        St. Lucie/Indian River Co. Line            1,391  2,336    2,502  2,853    3,526  4,143      4,868 Oleander Ave.        S of Sunrise Blvd.                        5,522    9,274    9,934  11,325  13,997  16,447    19,325 Oleander Ave.        N of Virginia Ave.                        6,847    11,499  12,317  14,042  17,356 20,393    23,962 Oleander Ave.        S of Virginia Ave.                        10,056  16,888  18,090  20,623  25,490  29,951    35,192 Oleander Ave        N of Edwards Rd                          14,164  23,787  25,480  29,048  35,903  42,186    49,568 Oleander Ave        S of Edwards Rd                          14,115  23,705  25,392  28,947  35,779  42,040    49,397 leander Ave.        N of Midway Rd.                          6,370    10,698  11,459  13,064  16,147 18,972    22,292 Oleander Ave.        S of Midway Rd.                            5,613    9,426  10,098  11,511  14,228 16,718    19,643 Orange Ave.          E of Header Canal Rd.                      5,286    8,877    9,509  10,841  13,399 15,744    18,499 Orange Ave          Wof Kings Hwy                              9,306  15,628  16,741  19,085  23,589  27,717    32,567 O                                                                15,058  25,288  27,089  30,881  38,169  44,848    52,697 Orange Ave.          W of I-95 hJ Orange Ave.          E of l-95                                12,962  21,768  23,318  26,583  32,856  38,606    45,362 Orange Ave.          E of Jenkins Rd                          12,446  20,902  22,390  25,524  31,548  37,069    43,556 CO Orange Ave.          W of Angle Rd.                            11,677  19,610  21,006  23,947  29,599  34,779    40,865 hJ                                                                                                  41,647  48,935    57,498 range Ave.          E of Angle Rd.                            16,430  27,593  29,557  33,695 A
O  Orange Ave.          E of 25th St.                            16,171  27,158  29,091  33,164  40,990  48,163    56,592 Orange Ave          Wof 7th St.                              10,195  17,121  18,340  20,908  25,842  30,365    35,678 Orange Ave.          Wof US-1                        2 o/w    8,402  14,110  15,115  17,231  21,297  25,024    29,404 C
lD Orange Ave.          E of US-1                                  7,261  12,194  13,062  14,891  18,405 21,626    25,411 CL Port St. Lucie Blvd. Wof S. US-1                              25,593  42,981  46,041  52,486  64,873 76,226    89,565 Port St. Lucie Blvd. Wof Morningside Blvd.                    19,747  33,163  35,524  40,497  50,055 58,814    69,107 Port St. Lucie Blvd. W of Midport Rd.                          31,763  53,343  57,140  65,140  80,513 94,602    111,158 Port St. Lucie Blvd. Wof Floresta Dr.                          24,465  41,087  44,011  50,173  62,014 72,866      85,618 Port St. Lucie Blvd. E of FL Turnpike                          19,290  32,396  34,702  39,560  48,896 57,453    67,507 Port St. Lucie Blvd. W of FL Turnpike                          24,397  40,972  43,889  50,033  61,841 72,664      85,380 Prima Vista Blvd. W of S. US-1                              21,744  36,517  39,116  44,593  55,117 64,762      76,095 Prima Vista Blvd. W of Rio Mar Dr.                          25,082  42,123 - 45,121  51,438  63,578 74,704      87,777 Prima Vista Blvd. Wof Floresta Dr.                          14,065  23,621  25,302  28,845  35,652 41,891    49,222 Prima Vista Blvd    W of Airoso Dr                            13,154  22,091  23,663  26,976  33,343 39,178    46,034 Prima Vista Blvd. E of Bayshore Blvd                        5,129    8,614    9,227  10,519  13,001 15,276'. 17,949 Range Line Rd        N of Martin Co. Line                      1,644    2,761    2,957  3,372    4,167  4,896 .0 . 5,753 Rio Mar Dr          N of Prima Vista Blvd                    10,086  16,938  18,144  20,684  25,566 30,040      35,297 Savage Blvd.        W of Port St. Lucie Blvd.                  8,908  14,960  16,025  18,269  22,580 26,531      31,174 Savannah Rd.        W of Indian River Dr.                      1,445    2,427    2,599  2,963    3,663  4,304      5,057
ROADWAY            COUNT STATION    LANES        PEAK SEASON                  NO. PASSENGERS NAME              OR LOCATION              'NO.)
ADT                      EACH DIRECTION 1990    1992      1995  2000    2010  2020      2030 Seaway Dr.          N of Binney Dr.                          4,691    7,878    8,439  9,620  11,891  13,972    16.417 Seaway Dr.          S of Binney Dr.                            9,176  15,410    16,507  18,818  23,259  27,330    32,112 Seaway Dr.          Causeway                                  12,953  21,753    23,302  26,564  32,833  38,579    45,330 Seaway Dr          Bridge elvitz Rd          S of Edwards Rd.                          6,946  11,665    12,496  14,245  17,607 20,688;  24,308 Selvitz Rd          N of Midway Rd.                            2,681    4,502    4,823  5,498  6,796  7,985  -  9,382
: t. James Dr        N of Airoso Blvd.                          8,636  14,503  . 15,536  17,711  21,890  25,721    30,223
: t. Lucie Blvd      E of Kings Hwy                            4,495    7,549    8,086  9,218  11,394 13,388    15,731 St. Lucie Blvd. Wof Keen Rd.                              4,934    8,286    8,876  10,119  12,507 14,695    17,267
: t. Lucie Blvd. E of Keen Rd.                              5,182    8,703    9,322  10,627  13,135 15,434    18,135 St. Lucie Blvd. W of N. 25th St.                          11,624  19,521    20,911  23,839  29,464  34,621    40,679 St. Lucie Blvd. Wof N. US-1                                8,363  14,045    15,045  17,151  21,198 24,908    29,267 St. Lucie West Blvd E of l-95                4- Div.          6,472  10,869    11,643  13,273  16,405 19,276    22,649 Sunrise Blvd.      SWof S. US-1            4- Div.          4,586    7,702    8,250  9,405  11,625 13,659    16,049 Sunrise Blvd.      N of Virginia Ave                          5,146    8,642    9,257  10,553  13,044 15,327    18,009 Sunrise Blvd.      S of Virginia Ave                          7,356  12,354    13,233  15,086  18,646 21,909    25,743 Sunrise Blvd        S of Edwards Rd                            5,182    8,703    9,322  10,627  13,135 15,434    18,135 Sunrise Blvd.      N of Bell Ave.                            4,792    8,048    8,621  9,827  12,147 14,272    16,770 unrise Blvd.      S of Bell Ave.                            3,861    6,484    6,946  7,918    9,787 11,500    13,512 Sunrise Blvd.      N of Midway Rd                            2,884    4,843    5,188  5,915    7,310  8,590    10,093 Sunset Blvd        S of Midway Rd                            3,656    6,140    6,577  7,498    9,267 10,889    12,795 iffany Dr        E of S. US-1                              13,236  22,229    23,811  27,144  33,551 39,422    46,321 irginia Ave      Wof S. US-1                              23,177  38,923    41,694  47,531  58,749 69,030    81,110 irginia Ave      E of Sunrise Blvd.                        23,745  39,877    42,716  48,696  60,189 70,722    83,098 irginia Ave      E of S. 25th St.                          19,731  33,136    35,495  40,464  50,014 58,766    69,051 virginia Ave      Wof S. 25th St.                          15,276  25,655    27,481  31,328  38,721 45,498    53,460 irginia Ave      E of S. 35th St                          17,431  29,274    31,357  35,748  44,184 51,916    61,001 irginia Ave.      E of Okeechobee Rd.                      14,082  23,649    25,333  28,879  35,695 41,942    49,281 alton Rd.        Eof S. US-1                              12,756  21,422    22,947  26,160  32,334 37,992    44,641 eatherbee Rd    W of Midway Rd.                            2,312    3,883    4,159  4,741    5,860  6,886    8,091 estmoreland Blvd S of Port St. Lucie Blvd  2- Dw.          10,179  17,095    18,312  20,875  25,802 30,317    35,622 estmoreland Blvd N of Martin Co. Line                      8,227  13,816    14,800  16,872  20,854 24,503    28,791 5th St.            N of Delaware Ave.                        2,369    3,978    4,262  4,858    6,005  7,056    8,291 7th St.            N of Delaware Ave.                        9,858    16,556  17,734  20,217  24,988 29,361    34,499
ROADWAY        COUNT STATION            LANES    PEAK SEASON              NO. PASSENGERS NAME          OR LOCATION            (NO.)      ADT                  EACH DIRECTION 1990    1992  1995    2000    2010  2020        2030 13th St      N  of Virginia Ave                          8,804    14,785 15,838  18,055  22,316  26,222      30,810 13th St      S of Delaware Ave                          6,505    10,924 11,702  13,340  16,489 19,374      22,765 13th St      N of Delaware Ave                          6,110    10,261 10,992  12,530  15,488 18,198      21,383 17th St.      N of Delaware Ave.                          6,980    11,722 12,557  14,315  17,693 20,789      24,427 17th St.      N of Okeechobee Rd                          10,580  17,768 19,033  21,697  26,818  31,511      37,026 North 25th St  S of St. Lucie Blvd.                        6777    11,381 12,191  13,898  17,178 20,184      23,717 North 25th St  S of Belcher Canal                          15623    26,237 28,105  32,040  39,601  46,531      54,674 North 25th St. N of Orange Ave.                            15455    25,955 27,803  31,695  39,175  46,031      54,086 South 25th St. S of Orange Ave.                            18219    30,597 32,775  37,364  46,181  54,263      63,759 Gl South 25th St. S of Delaware Ave                          24333    40,865 43,774  49,902  61,679  72,473      85,156 U  South 25th St  N of Okeechobee Rd                          24436    41,038 43,959  50,113  61,940  72,780      85,516 lD South 25th St. S of Okeechobee Rd                          24226    40,685 43,581  49,683  61,408  72,154      84,781 South 25th St. N of Virginia Ave.                          20006    33,598 35,990  41,028  50,711  59,585      70,013 CO South 25th St  S of Virginia Ave                          16626    27,922 29,909  34,097  42,143  49,519      58,184 hJ                                                            18210    30,582 32,759  37,345  46,159  54,236      63,728 South 25th St. N of Edwards Rd.
A 0  South 25th St. N of Midway Rd.                            10771    18,089 19,376  22,089  27,302  32,080: 37,694 South 25th St. S of Midway Rd.                            10413    17,488 18,732  21,355  26,395  31,014'-,.:: 36,441 D  North US-1    St. Lucie/Indian River Co. Line 4 - Div. 21532    36,161 38,735  44,158  54,579 64,131;- 75,353 C
North US-1    S. of Indrio Rd.                4- Div. 19000    31,909 34,180  38,965  48,161  56,589      66,492 CL North US-1    S. of St. Lucie Blvd            4- Div. 20683    34,735 37,208  42,417  52,427 61,602      72,382 North US-1    S of Taylor Creek Bridge                    25420    42,690 45,729  52,131  64,434  75,710      88,960 North US-1    S of South A1A                              31313    52,587 56,331  64,217  79,372 93,262      109,583 North US-1    S of Ave. "A"                              29923    50,253 53,830  61,366  75,849 89,122      104,718 South US-1    S of Orange Ave                            30291    50,871 54,492  62,121  76,781 90,218      106,006 South US-1    S of Citrus Ave.                            32526    54,624 58,513  66,704  82,447 96,875      113,828 South US-1    S of Delaware Ave                          37721    63,349 67,858  77,358  95,615 112,348      132,008 South US-1    S of Sunrise Blvd.                          28546    47,940 51,353  58,542  72,358 85,021      99,900 outh US-1    N of Virginia Ave.                          27472    46,136 49,421  56,340  69,636 81,822      96,141 South US-1    S of Virginia Ave.                          45350    76,161 81,582  93,004  114,953 135,070      158,707 South US-1    S of Edwards Rd                            29580    49,677 53,213  60,663  74,979 88,101      103,518 South US-1    N of Midway Rd.                            32785    55,059 58,979  67,236  83,103 97,646      114,734 South US-1    S of Midway Rd.                            29974    50,338 53,922  61,471  75,978 89.274      104,897 South US-1    Sof Easy St                                35033    58,834 63,023  71,846  88,801 104,342      122,601 South US-1    S of Prima Vista Blvd.          4- Div. 48204    80,954 86,717  98,857  122,187 143,570      168,695
ROADWAY        COUNT STATION      LANES  PEAK SEASON                NO. PASSENGERS NAME          OR LOCATION        (NO.)      ADT                    EACH DIRECTION 1990      1992    1995    2000    2010      2020    2030 South US-1      of Walton Rd            4- Div. 46194    77,578  83,101  94,735  117,092  137,583 161,660 South US-1    N of Port St. Lucie Blvd  4- Div. 31410    52,750  56,505  64,416  79,618    93,551  109,922 South US-1    S of Port St. Lucie Blvd. 6- Div. 49445    83,038  88,949  101,402 125,333  147,266 173,038 1-95          N of Orange Ave.          4- E. 29443    82,411  88,277  100,636 124,386  146,154 171,731 I-95          N of Okeechobee Rd        4- E. 28867    80,799  86,550  98,668  121,953 . 143,295 168,371 I-95          N of Midway Rd.            6- E. 37579    105,184 112,671  128,445 158,758  186,541 219,186 I-95          N of St. Lucie West Blvd. 6-E.      34994    97,948  104,921  119,610 147,838  173,709 204,108 I-95          N of Gatlin Blvd.          6- E. 26851    75,156  80,506    91,777 113,436  133,288 156,613 1-95          S of Gatlin Blvd          6- E. 36163    101,220 108,426  123,605 152,776  179,512 210,927 Gl FL. Turnpike  N of Okeechobee Blvd.      4- E. 16999    47,580  50,967    58,103 71,815    84,383  99,149 U  FL. Turnpike  S of Okeechobee Blvd.      4- E. 17683    49,495  53,018    60,441  74,705    87,778 103,139 tD FL. Turnpike' S of Port St. Lucie Blvd. 4- E. 21168    59,249  63,467    72,352  89,427  105,077 123,466 Co hJ A
ROADWAY            COUNT STATION  LANES  LENGTH CURRENT                  NO. PASSENGERS NAME            OR LOCATION    (NO.)  (MILES) AADT                  EACH DIRECTION 1992  1995    2000    2010    2020    2030 Mlk. Dr      Farm Rd. to SR 710                0.70  1,872    2,808  3,111    3,516  -4,289  4,975    5,772 Baker Rd. US 1 to Savanna                  0.77  2,564    3,846 4,261    4,815    5,875  6,815  7,905 Britt Rd. SR 5 to Pine Lake Dr.            0.50  3,377    5,066 5,613    6,342    7.737  8;9.75 10,412 ommerce    Monroe St. to Salerno Rd          0.80  4,577    6,866  7,607  8,596  10,487  12;,165 14,111 ommerce    Indian St. to Monroe St.          1.20  4,577    6,866  7,607  8,596 10,487  12,165  14,111 ountry Club Little Club Way to Isla          0.70  2,533    3,800 4,210    4,757    5,804  6,732  7,809 ounty Line  SR 5 to Little Club Way          2.80  3,580    5,370  5,950  6,723    8,203  9,515  11,037 ove Rd. SR 76 to SR 5                    3.20    1,287    1,931  2,139  2,417    2,949  3,421  3,968 ove Rd. SR 5 to CR A1A                    1.10  7,627    11,441 12,676  14,324  17,475  20,271  23,515 ove Rd      CR A1A to End                      1.50  4,603  -  6,905  7,650  8,645  10,547  12,234  14,191 rossrip St. Gomez Ave. to CR A1A              0.20  3,448    5,172  5,731  6,476    7,900  9,164  10,630 R 609      SR 710 to CR 714                  9.00  2,095    3,143  3,482  3,935    4,800  5,568  6,459 R 609      CR 714 to St. L. Co.              2.50    1,925    2,888  3,199  3,615    4,411  5,116  5,935 R 707      SR 732 to NCL                      1.00  6,050    9,075 10,055  11,362  13,862  16,080  18,653 R707A      US-1 to G. River Pkwy    4- Div    1.10  15,847  23,771 26,338  29,762  36,309  42,119  48,858 R707A      G. River to Savanna              0.90  13,990  20,985 23,251  26,274  32,054  37,183  43,132 R707A      Savanna to Skyline                0.30  13,990  20,985 23,251  26,274  32,054  37,183  43,132 R707A      Skyline to Palmetto              0.10  14,480  21,720 24,066  27,194  33,177  38,485  44,643 R707A      Palmetto to I.R. Dr. 4- Und  0.10  14,480  21,720 24,066  27,194  33,177  38,485  44,643 R 708      SR 76 to CR 711                  2.20    1,668    2,502  2,772  3,133    3,822  4,433  5,143 R 708      CR 711 to TPK                      1.60  1,848    2,772  3,071  3,471    4,234  4,912  5,698 CR 708      TPK to Powerline                  4.00  4,369    6,554  7,261  8,205  10,010  11,612  13,470 R 708      Powerline to US-1                2.00    8,432  12,648 14,014  15,836    19,320 22,411  25,997 R 708      US-1 to CR A1A                    0.30  8,432  12,648 14,014  15,836    19,320 22,411  25,997 CR 708      CR A1A to Gomez                    0.10  8,432  12,648 14,014  15,836    19,320 22,411  25,997 CR 708      Gomez to Beach                    0.60  4,919    7,379  8,175  9,238    11,271 13,074  15,166 CR 711      P. B. Co. Line to CR 708          7.00  2,394    3,591  3,979  4,496    5,485  6,363  7,381 CR 711      CR 708 to MCHS                    1.20  3,505    5,258  5,825  6,583    8,031  9,316  10,806 CR 711      MCHS to SR 76                      1.80  4,950    7,425  8,227  9,296    11,342 13,156  15,261 R 711      SR 76 to St. Lucie Falls          0.30  4,050    6,075  6,731  7,606    9,279  10,764  12,486 CR 711      St. Lucie Falls to Citr.          1.70  4,050    6,075  6,731  7,606    9,279  10,764  12,486 R 713      SR 714 to CR 714                  0.70  9,922  14,883 16,490  18,634  22,734  26,371  30,590 R 713        CR 714 to I-95                    2.60  5,000    7,500  8,310  9,390    11,456 13,289  15,415 R 714        SR 710 to Fox Brown              7.00    808    1,212  1,343  1,517    1,851  2,148  2,491
ROADWAY            COUNT STATION    LANES  LENGTH CURRENT                  NO. PASSENGERS NAME              OR LOCATION      (NO.)  (MILES) AADT                  EACH DIRECTION 1992  1995      2000    2010  2020  2030 R 714      Fox Brown to CR 609                5.00    808  1,212  1,343    1,517    1,851 2,148  2,491 R 714      CR 609 to 1-95                    5.20    1,966 2,949  3,267    3,692    4,505  5,225  6,061 R 714      Turnpike to High Meadow            0.10  12,500 18,750 20,775    23,476  28,640 33,223 38,539 R 714      High Meadows to Berry              0.50  5,800  8,700  9,640    10,893  13,289 15,415 17,882 R 714      Berry to Danforth                  0.30  5,800  8,700  9,640    10,893  13,289 15,415 17,882 R 714      Danforth to Mapp Rd.              0.50  5,800  8,700  9,640    10,893  13,289 15,415 17,882 R 723      SR 707 to 24th                    0.80  13,219 19,829 21,970    24,826  30,288 35,134 40,755 R 723        24th to J.B. Blvd.                1.20  13,219 19,829 21,970    24,826  30,288 35,134 40,755 R 726      North of SR 710                    5.40    1,925  2,888  3,199    3,615    4,411  5,116  5,935 Q)  R 726      S of76A                            540    1,850  2,775  3,075    3,474    4,239 4,917  5,704 U    R 76A      GR 711 to SR 714                  5.00  3,275  4,913  5,443    6,151    7,504  8,704 10,097 lD RA1A        SR5toCR708                        1.10  2,384  3,576  3,962    4,477    5,462  6,336  7,350 hJ R A1A      CR 708 to Osprey St.              3.40  2,271  3,407  3,774 4,265    5,203  6,036  7,002 I                                                                                                        11,747 CO  R A1A      Osprey St. to Heritage            1.00  3,810  5,715  6,332    7,155    8,730 10;126 VJ                                                  1.90  5,326  7,989  8,852    10,003  12,203 14,156 16,421 R A1A      Heritage to Cove Rd.
nO    R A1A      Cove Rd. to Salerno                0.20  8,611  12,917 14,311    16,172  19,730 22,887 26,548 R A1A      Salerno to St. Lucie              0.20  13,349 20,024 22,186    25,070  30,586 35,479 41,156 R A1A      St. Lucie to Jefferson            0.80  15,705 23,558 26,102    29,495  35,984 41,741 48,420 C                                                                                                        48,420 (D  R A1A      Jefferson to Indian                0.80  15,705 23,558 26,102    29,495  35,984 41,741 Ci                                                                                                33,773 39,177 R A1A      Indian to Airport                  0.80  12,707 19,061 21,119    23,865  29,115 R A1A      Airport to Monterey                0.50  12,707 19,061 21,119    23,865  29,115 33,773 39,177 R A1A      Monterey to Colorado                1.50  5,459  8,189  9,073    10,252  12,508 14,509 16,831 Farm Rd      SR 710 to 170th Dr.                1.40  3,000  4,500  4,986    5,634    6,874  7,973  9,249 Fork Rd.      Pine Lake Dr. to SR 5              0.60  2,490  3,735  4,138    4,676    5,705  6,618  7,677 Fox Brown Rd. CR 714 to SR 710                  7.90    500    750    831      939    1,146  1,329  1,542 Gomez Ave    Grossrip St. to GR 708            2.50  7,500  11,250 12,465    14,085  17,184 19,934 23,123 omez Ave    Osprey St. to Grossrip St          0.50    7,500 11,250 12,465    14,085  17,184 19,934 23,123 High Meadow  SR 714 to Murphy Rd.                1.00  7,053  10,580 11,722    13,246  16,160 18,746 21,745 Horseshoe P. CR A1A to End (Inc Anch.)          1.70  4,775  7,163  7,936    8,968  10,941 12,691 14,722 Indian River  Palmer to SR 707                    1.95  6,648  9,972 11,049    12,485  15,232 17,669 20,496 Island Way    Country Club Way to JU            0.70    1,118  1,677  1,858    2,100    2,562  2,971  3,447 Indian St. SR 76 to Willoughby Blvd.          0.40  15,220 22,830 25,296    28,584  34,873 40,452 46,925 Indian St    Willoughby to US-1                  0.90  15,220 22,830 25,296    28,584  34,873 40,452 46,925 Indian St. US-1 to Commerce          4- Div    0.20  16,378 24,567 27,220    30,759  37,526 43,530 50,495
ROADWAY              COUNT STATION          LANES  LENGTH CURRENT                    NO. PASSENGERS NAME              OR I OCATION          (NO.)  (MILES) AADT                    EACH DIRECTION 1992    1995      2000    2010  2020      2030 Indian St      Commerce to CR A1A              4- Div    0.10  16,378 24,567  27,220    30,759  37,526 43,530    50,495 Indian St      CR A1A to St. Lucie Blvd.                0.80  8,737  13,106  14,521    16,409  20,019 23,221    26,937 ack James      SR 76 to End                              1.00    250    375      416      470      573              771 efferson St    CR A1A to St. Lucie Blvd                  1.10    1,522  2,283    2,530    2,858    3,487  4,045    4,692 Little Club Way County Line Rd. to Country Club          0.60  2,203  3,305    3,661    4,137    5,048  5,855    6,792-Locks Rd        SR 76 to End                                      3,041  4,562    5,054    5,711    6,968  8,082    9,376 MacArthur Blvd. CR A1A to Sailfish Pt                    2.30  4,935  7,403    8,202    9,268  11,307 13,116    15,215 app Rd        CR 714 to S. End                          2.50    525    788      873              1,203  1,395    1,619 app Rd.      CR 714 to SR 714                          0.60 app Rd.      SR 714 to Matheson Ave                    1.20    3,341  5,012    5,553    6,275    7,655  8,880    10,301 app Rd        Matheson N. End                  1.50  4,286  6,429    7,123    8,049    9,820 11,391    13,214 atheson Ave  SR 714 to Mapp Rd.                        0.50    3,623  5,435    6,021    6,804    8,301  9,629    11,170 onroe St      SR 5 to Commerce S t                      0.40    5,271  7,907    8,760    9,899  12,077 14,009    16,251 onterey Rd. SR 76 to Willoughby            4- Div    1.00  19,620 29,430  32,608    36.848  44,954 52,147    60,490 onterey Rd. Willoughby to Monterey          4- Div. 1.00  19,620 29,430  32,608    36,848  44,954 52,147    60,490 onterey Rd    Monterey Ext. to US-1          4- Div. 0.20  14,468 21,702  24,046    27,172  33,150 38,453    44,606 onterey Rd. US-1 to CR A1A                  4- Div. 1.00  16,205 24,308  26,933    30.434  37,129 43,070    49,961 onterey Rd. CR A1A to Palm Beach Rd        4- Div.          17,400 26,100  28,919    32,678  39,867 46,246    53,646 onterey Rd. Palm Beach Rd. to SR A1A                  1.20  11,379 17,069  18,912    21,370  26,072 30,243    35,082 urphy Rd. Mapp Rd. to High Meadows                  1.00    3,082  4,623    5,122    5,788    7,062  8,191    9,502 Murphy Rd.      High Meadows to NCL                      1.20  6,409  9,614  10,652    12,036  14,685 17,034    19,759 sprey St. SR5toSRA1A                                0.60    2,925  4,388    4,861    5,493    6,702  7,774    9,018 Osprey St      SR A1A to Gomez Ave                      0.20    1,204  1,806    2,001    2,261    2,759  3,200    3,712 Palm Beach Rd. Monterey Rd. to SR A1A                            9,302 13,953  15,460    17,470  21,313 24,723,  28,679 Palm City Rd. SR 714 to US-1                            0.60    7,368 11,052  12,246    13,838  16,882 19,583    22,716 Pine Lake Dr. Britt Rd. to Fork Rd.                    1.30    1,144  1,716    1,901 -  2,149    2,621  3,041".,  3,527 Rivershore St. SR 5 to Spruce Ridge                              1,500  2,250    2,493    2,817    3,437  3,987',  4,625 Salerno Rd. SR 76 to Willoughby                      1.40  11,912 17,868  19,798    22,371  27,293 31,660    36,726 alemo Rd. Willoughby to US-1                        1.00  13,240 19,860  22,005    24,866  30,336 35,190    40,820 Salerno Rd. US-1 to Commerce                          0.60  13,384 20,076 ~
22,244    25,136  30,666 35,572    41,264 Salerno Rd. Commerce to CR A1A                        0.10  13,384 20,076  22,244    25,136  30,666 35,572    41,264 aint Lucie    CR A1A to Indian St                      3.00    1,410  2,115    2,343    2,648    3,231  3,748    4,347 Seabranch B. SR 5 to Preserve Trace          4- Div    0.50    8,600 12,900  14,293    16,151  19,705 22,857    26,515 Sewalls Pt. SR A1A to Palmer St.                      2.20    8,600 12,900  14,293    16,151  19,705 22,857    26,515
ROADWAY            COUNT STATION      LANES  LENGTH CURRENT                  NO. PASSENGERS NAME              OR LOCATION        (NO.)  (MILES) AADT                  EACH DIRECTION 1992  1995      2000    2010    2020  2030 ruce Ridge Rivershore St. to Pine                          669  1,004  1 112
                                                                            ~      1,256    1,533    1,778  2,063 Palm Beach Co. to CR A1A    4- Div    5.80  18,075 27.113 30,041    33,946  41,414  48,040  55,727 R5          CR A1A North to GR 708      4- Div    1.40  24,399 36,599 40,551    45,823  55,904  64,848  75,224 R5          GR 708 North to Osprey          Div    3.20  23,424 35,136 38,931    43,992  53,670  62,257  72,218 SR 5          Osprey St. North to Cove Rd. 4- Div    3.00  27,176 40,764 45,167    51,038  62,267  72,229  83,786 R5          Cove Rd. N to Salerno Rd. 4- Div    0.60          43,575          54,558  66,560  77,210  89,564 29,050        48,281 Salerno Rd. N to Monroe      4- Div    1.10  28,010 42,015 46,553    52,604  64,177  74,446  86,357 Monroe N to Indian          4- Div    1.20  32,231 48,347 53,568    60,532  73,849  85,665  99,371 Indian St. to Monterey      4- Div    1.00  41,318 61,977 68,671    77,598  94,669  109,816 127,387 R5          Monterey Rd. to SR 5-A      4- Div    1.00  33,640 50,460 55,910    63,178  77,077  89,409  103,715 RS          SR 5-A North to SR 76        6- Div    0.80  38,018 57,027 63,186    71,400  87,108  101,045 117,213 R5          SR 76 North to Bridge        6- Div    1.20  49,784 74,676 82,741    93,497  114,067 132,317 153,488 R5          Roosevelt Bridge            4- Div. 1.20  49,784 74,676 82,741    93,497  114,067 132,317 153,488 R5          Bridge to SR 707            4- Div. 0.50  49,784 74,676 82,741    93,497  114,067 132,317 153,488 R5          SR 707 to Baker              6- Div. 0.60  43,002 64,503 71,469    80,760  98,528  114,292 132,579 R5          Baker Rd. to Britt Rd        6- Div    1.00  46,527 69,791 77,328    87,380  106,604 123,661 143,447 R5          Britt Rd. to J.B. Blvd.      6- Div. 0.60  50,540 75,810 83,997    94,917  115,799 134,327 155,819 R5          J.B. Blvd. to Westmoreland  6- Div. 0.90  45,320 67,980 75,322    85,114  103,839 120,453 139,725 R5          Westmoreland to Co. Line    6- Div. 1.00  45,863 68,795 76,224    86,133  105,083 121,896 141,399 R15          SR76to SCL                              1.80  2,971  4,457  4,938    5,580    6,807  7,896  9,160 R15          SR76to NCL                            10.00  1,563  2,345  2,598    2,935    3,581  4,154  4,819 R76          SR15toSR710                            10.20  1,452  2,178  2,413    2.727    3,327  3,859  4,477 R76          SR 710 to CR 708                      9.00    2,775  4,163  4,612    5,212    6,358    7,375  8,556 SR  76        GR 708 to CR 711                      2.40    2,406  3,609  3,999    4,519    5,513  6,395  7,418 SR  76        CR 76A to I-95                          1.60  9,650 14,475 16,038    18;123  22,110  25,648  29,752 SR  76        I-95 to Cove Rd.                      0.50  20,358 30,537 33,835    38,234  46,645  54,108  62,765 SR  76        Cove Rd. to Salerno Rd                0.50  20,892 31,338 34,723    39;236  47,868  55,527  64,412 SR  76        Salerno Rd. to Indian St.              2.30  18,840 28,260 31,312    35,383  43,167  50,074  58,085 R76          Indian St. to Monterey      6- Div    1.20  23,100 34,650 38,392    43;383  52,927  61,396  71,219 R76          Monterey Rd. to US-1        6- Div    1.00  25,287 37,931 42,027 . 47,491  57,938  67,209  77,962 R76          US-1 to CRA1A                6- Div    0.40  19,490 29,235 32,392    36,603  44,656  51,801  60,089 SR 707        SR5toSR723                              1.00  15,919 23,879 26,457    29,897  36,474  42;310  49,080 R 707        SR 723 to Palmer                        1.00  7,305 10,958 12,141    13,719  16,737  19,415  22,522 R 707        Palmer to CR 707A                      1.00  7,500 11,250 12,465    14,085  17,184  19,934 23,123
ROADWAY          COUNT STATION    LANES  LENGTH CURRENT                  NO. PASSENGERS NAME          OR LOCATION      (NO.)  (MILES) AADT                    EACH DIRECTION 1992    1995    2000    2010  2020    2030 R 707    CR 707A to SR 732                  1.00  13,320  19,980  22,138  25,016  30,519 35,402 41,067 R 710    SR 76 to SCL                        5.20    6,413    9,620  10,658  12,044  14,694 17,045  19,772 R 710    SR /6 to CR 726                    0.50    8,775  13,163  14,584  16,480  20,106 23,322 27,054 R 710    CR 726 to CR 609                    1.50    8,775  13,163  14,584  16,480  20,106 23,322 27,054 R 710    CR 609 to Fox Brown                2.40    8,449  12,674  14,042  15,868  19,359 22,456 26,049 R 710    Fox Brown to NCL                    11.00  5,187    7,781  8,621  9,741  11,885 13,786  15,992 R 714    I-95 to CR /6A                      4.00    6,708  10,062  11,149  12,598  15,370 17,829 20,681 R 714    CR 76A to Turnpike                  0.80    6,708  'I0,062 11,149  12,598  15,3/0 1/,829 20,681 R 714    Turnpike to High Meadows  4- Div  0.60  16,533  24,800  27,478  31,050  37,881 43,942 50,973 R 714    High Meadows to Matheson  4- Div  1.60  16,309  24,464  27,106  30,629  37,368 43,347 50,282 R 714 ~
Matheson to Mapp Rd.      4- Div  8.00  20,198  30,297  33,569  37,933  46,278 53,683 62,272 R 714    Mapp Rd. to SR 76          4- Div  1.20  33,2/1  49,907  55,296  62,485  76,232 88,429 102,577 R 732    Jensen Beach Causeway              1.90  12,855  19,283  21,365  24,142  29,454 34,166 39,633 R A1A    Flagler E to Palm Beach            1.00  17,461  26,192  29,020  32,793  40,007 46,408 53,834 R A1A    Palm Beach Rd. to Monterey 4- Div  0.80  18,453  27,680  30,669  34,656  42,280 49,045 56,892 R A1A    Monterey Rd. to St. Lucie= 4- Div  0.70  19,016  28,524  31,605  35,713  43,570 50,541 58,628 R A1A    St. Lucie to Sewalls Pt.            0.90  21,646 -
32,469  35,976  40,652  49,596 57,531 66,736 R A1A    Sewalls Pt. to MacArthur            1.50  12,383  18,575  20,581  23,256  28,372 32,912 38,178 SR A1A    MacArthur Blvd. to SR 732          3.90    9,612  14,418  15,975  18,052  22,023 25,547 29,635 R A1A    SR 732 to Co. Line                  0.50  15,443  23,165  25,666  29,003  35,384 41,045 47,612
WITHIN 10 MILES OF THE ST. LUCIE PLANT DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1    1-2    2-3    3-4      4-5  5-10  0-10 DIRECTION N              138                                  138 NE ENE ESE      600                                          600-SE              521                                  521 SSE                              319  . 4,013  9,586 13,918 16    139  3,312  3,467 SSW                              379    359  3,585  4,328 SW                              50    868  2,729  3,648 WSW                                9    223  1,560  1,799 W                              197    232  1,863  2,296 206      368  1,448  2,026 84    135  8,075  8,294 64          5,613  5,677 Total by Annulus  600    664    14    1,324  6,338 37,771 46,711
WITHIN 10 MILES OF THE ST. LUCIE PLANT DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1      1-2  2-3    3-4    4-5    5-10  0-10 DIRECTION 144                                  144 NNE NE ENE        0 ESE      628                                          628 SE              618                                  618 SSE                            382    4,811  10,795 15,988 19    166  3,682 3,868 SSW                            455    431    4,219 5,109 SW                              60    1,042  3,275 4,378 WSW                              11    268    1,871 2,157 W                            236    278    2 232 2,750 247    442    1,737 2,432 102    162  9,688 9,952 6,504 6,568 Total by Annulus  628    769      17    1,576  7,600  44,003 54,593
WITHIN 10 MILES OF THE ST. LUCIE PLANT DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1      1-2  2-3    3-4    4-5      5-10  0-10 DIRECTION N              150                                    150 NE ENE ESE      654                                            654 SE              711                                    711 SSE                            439    5,506  11,843 17,787 22    191    3,999 4,212 SSW                              521    492    4,767  5,786 SW                              68    1,191    3,746  5,007 WSW                                12    306    2,141 2,468 270      319  . 2,570  3,164 283      505    1,985 2,779 NW                              117    186    11,083 11,385 NNW                                64            7,285  7,349 Total by Annulus  654      869    19    1,796  8,696  49,420 61,453
WITHIN 10 MILES OF THE ST. LUCIE PLANT DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1      1-2  2-3    3-4    4-5    5-10    0-10 DIRECTION N              162                                  162 NE ENE ESE      703                                            703 SE              874                                  874 SSE                              541  6,805  13,769  21,115 28    235    4,581  4,844 SSW                              644    609  5,793  7,053 SW                              85    1,472  4,627  6,186 WSW                                15    378  2,645  3,050 W                              334    394  3,127  3,860 WNW                              349    625  2,454  3,436 NW                              146    229    13,695 14,071 64          8,743  8,807 Total by Annulus  703    1,045  24    2,205  10,748 59,435  74,159
WITHIN 10 MILES OF THE ST. LUCIE PLANT DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1      1-2  2-3    3-4    4-5    5-10    0-10 DIRECTION N              172                                  172 0;
NE                                                      0; ENE 0'49 OP U      ESE      749 Cl                                                            1,033 SE              1,033 SSE                              636    7,998  15,532 24,166 CO                                      32    276  5,114  5,423 C0                                      757    716  6,742  8,223 SSW SW                              99    1,731  5,450  7,282 WSW                                18    445  3,116  3,592 393    463  3,724  4,586 411    735  2,887  4,043 NW                              168    269  16,111 16,548 NNW                                64      0    10,086 10,150 Total by Annulus  749    1,216  28    2,578  12,635 68,762  85,968
WITHIN 10 MILES OF THE ST. LUCIE PLANT DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1      1-2  2-3    3-4    4-5    5-10    0-10 DIRECTION N              180                                  180 NE ENE ESE      782                                            782 SE              1,161                                1,161 SSE                              717    8,993  16,933 26,643 36    311  5,533  5,880 SSW                              851    804  7,511  9,175 SW                              112    1,945  6,113  8,172 WSW                                20    500  3,494  4,028 441    520  4,161  5,129 10    462    825  3,243  4,540 NW                              190    303  18,093 18,585 NNW                                64      0    11,181 11,245 Total by Annulus  782    1,353  31    2,892  14,201 76,261  95,520}}

Latest revision as of 13:41, 4 February 2020

Periodic Population Estimate for Area Surrounding St Lucie Nuclear Power Plant.
Person / Time
Site: Saint Lucie  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 12/31/1992
Shared Package
ML17227A797 List:
NUDOCS 9304080028
Download: ML17227A798 (128)


St. Lucie Units 1 and 2 Docket Nos. 50-335 and 50-389 Periodic Update of Population Data Within 5 and 10 Miles of the Plant POPULATION ESTIMATE FOR THE AREA SURROUNDING THE ST. LUCIE NLICLEAR POWER PLANT December, 1992 Prepared for:

FLORIDA POWER 5 LIGHT COMPANY 700 Universe Boulevard juno Beach, Florida 334084420 PIepared by:

ENVIRONMENTALRADIATIONGROUP 4900 NW 19th Place Cainesville, FL 32605 9304080028 930402 PDR *DOCK 0500D335 R PDR

This report presents population estimates for the area surrounding the St. Lucie Nuclear Power Plant. The report is intended to be used as Section 2.1 - Geography and Demography, of the St. Lucie Final Safety Analysis Report in compliance with NRC Regulatory Guide 1.70, Revision 3 requirements.

The population estimates presented herein represent 1990 resident population levels; and estimated 1992 resident, transient, and special populations for the area within ten miles of the St. Lucie plant In addition, corresponding projections to the year 2030 are included for the area up to 50 miles of the plant.


Figure Shows the 1990 Resident Populathn within 0-5 Mlles of the 0 St. Luole Site.

348 23 0 2,490 1,218 o 45 0 0 p 0 0 p 0 0 756 1,292 90 6 0 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 p 0 134 1p 118 245 0 0 p

2,808 124 38 339 1,998 710 197 196 2,100 976 Miles 0 05 1 15 2

Figure Shows the 1990 Resident Population within 5-10 Mlles of the St. Lude Site.


$ ~


~Q Q 6g0

~Q'~ 0 gQ 0


O Ag V

o 0 (p CP S~

0 >gS 936 O~ 1,531

'v' g

~go I'@s 3,931 ~g9 6,874 Miles 6g~

1,855 0 1 2 3 4

Figure Shows the 1990 Resident Population within 10-50 Mlles of the 20,622 St. Luofe Site.

208 19.189 2,882 44,776 494 8,450 5,131 811 17,967 2,078 2,478 10,176 381 698 3,012 740 15,196 7,361 20,11 1,824 1,141 38.02 5,241 32,205 246 5,778 8,810 178 78,634 13,255 1,398 1 14,025 Miles 151,310 0 5 10 15 20

Figure Shows the Estimated 1995 Resident Populatfon within 0-5 Mlles of the St. Luole Site.

418 28 2988 0

1461 54 000 0 0 906 1550 108 7 0 0 0 0 24 Op 0 161 12 140 294 0 0 p

3369 149 46 406 2398 851 236 235 2519 1170 Miles 531 0 0.5 1 1.5 2

Rgure Shows the Estimated 1995 Resident Population within 5-10 g6 Miles of the St. Lude Site.

0 SgS 0 q~9 pter



0) o 0)


0) Ql CP 0'P V

CP 4) 0 8g Cg a@ 9y 0O~

6g 8',110



Ip6 1,672 4,299

.)g8 7,515 Miles 2,029 0 1 2 3 4

Figure Shows the estimated 1995 Resident Population withIn 10-50 23,608 Mlles of the St. Luole Site.

240 22.209 3.343 52,009 592 9,813 9,503 926 21,523 2,494 2,834 11,668 440 839 3,592 836 5,181 17,430 8,093 21,98 2,019 1,246 41,56 5,730 36,607 275 6,662 10,180 206 90,860 15,316 1.615 131,751 Miles 174.831 0 5 10 15 'i 20

8revard Osceola Polk Indian R Hardee Okeec obee St.

Highlands De Soto Glades Palm Beach Hendry

SSW 20-30 SSE 20%0 SW 30~ S 20-30 SW 40-50 SSW 30-40 SSE 3040 S 30-40 SSW 40-50 Miles Figure showing Palm Beach County with Sector Segments.

0 2 4 6 8

WSW 10-20 WSW 2040 A

SW 10-20 QSSW 10-20 SSE 10-20 S 10-20 SW 20%0 SSW 20-30 SSE 20%0 I

SW ~0 S 2MO 1

Miles Figure showing Martin County with Sector Segments.

0 2 4 6 8

NW 10-20.

WNW 20-30 j WNW 10-20 W 20-30 W 10-20 WSW 10-20 Q(U WSW 2040 Miles Figure showing St Lucie County with Sector Segments.

0 2 4 6 8

1 ~

NNW 30-40 NW 40-50 0

NW 30-40 d 4

NNW 20-30 NW 20-30 WNW 40-50 NNW 10-20 WNW Sh40 Miles Rgure showing Indian River County with Sector Segments.

0 2 4 6 8

NNW 40-50

~ b 6


~ 4 y NNW 30-40 NW 40-50 Miles Figure showing Brevard County with Sector Segments.

0 2 4 8

WNW 40-50

~+I WNW 30-40 WNW 2040 D

a W 40-50 W 30~ W 20-30 W 10-20 rY WSW 20-30 r WSW 30-40 WSW 40-50 Miles Figure showing Okeechobee County with Sector Segments.

0 2 4 6 8

W 40-50 W 3040 WSW 30-40 l

'WSW 40-50 SW 40-50 Miles Figure showing Giades County with Sector Segments.

0 2 4 6 8

NNW 40-50 NNW 40-50 NW 3(F40 NW 20-30 WNW 40-50 Miles Figure showing Osceola County with Sector Segments.

0 2 4 6 8

WNW 30-40 W 40-50 W 30-40 WSW 30-40 Miles Figure showing Highiands County with Sector Segments.

0 '2 4 6 8

Rgure Shows the Estimated 1992 Peak Dally and Seasonal Vhttors within 10 Miles of the St. Lucle Site 5,613 8,075 135 1,448 8< 0 368 0 206 p 138 0

0 00 232 197 2 2 0

3 521 0 p 0 223 Sp 1,560 868 319 16 359 4013 139 2,729 3,585 9,586 3,312 Miles 0 1 2 3 4

Rgure Shows the Estimated 1995 Peak Oalty and Seasonal Vhltors within 10 Mlles of the St. Lucle Site 6504 9688 162 1737 102 442 247 0 144 o

0 2232 278 236 2 2 4

4 618 o o o 268 0 eo 6 0

1871 1042 455 382 19 431 4811 166 3275 4219 10795 3682 Miles 0 1 2 3 4

Miles Figure showing Census Blocks with the 10-mile Sector Segments.

0 1 2 3'4


DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1 1-2 2-3 34 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-9 9-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 IRECTION N 0.1671 0.1502 0.0002 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 NNE 0.0989 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 NE 0.0591 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 ENE 0.0505 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0613 0.0000 0,0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 ESE 0.1119 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 SE 0.1595 0.1780 0.8221 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 SSE 0.0662 0.1568 0.1464 0.4364 0.6380 0.3532 0.7154 0.2487 0.6024 0.5796 22.1922 40.6434 49.3267 35.7643 0.0677 0.0000 0.0000 0.2280 0.7814 1.5199 2.2728 2.9132 3.3445 0.8749 56.2117 95.3550 136.6874 174.5066 SSW 0.0765 0.0000 0.3727 1.1593 1.7918 2.1932 2.5814 2.9539 1.4860 3.0128 58.7254 96.2624 137.2366 176.2544 SW 0.0828 0.0306 0.7565 1.3729 1.7256 2.1061 2.4854 2.8346 3.0853 3.6878 59.1860 97.3741 53.6184 14.1461 WSW 0.0854 0.1031 0.0021 1.3308 1.7394 1.9570 2.5277 2.9193 3.3083 3.6976 58.2220 98.3221 53.6431 89.5997 0.0570 0.0176 0.7145 1.3378 1.7039 2.0994 2.5105 2.8955 3.2845 3.6690 57.9083 98.8879 136.3795 171.2929 0.1038 0.0000 0.3180 1.0797 1.7019 2.1282 2.5135 2.8991 3.2680 3.6601 57.6011 99.0072 136.3155 174.0430 NW 0.1793 0.1032 0.0000 0.0930 0.4420 1.1037 1.9223 2.5915 3.2879 3.6878 57.8596 98.0783 133.4359 168.9862 0.1629 0.4773 0.3380 0.2524 0.5795 0.4672 1.0893 0.5539 0.9205 1.2632 28.9331 63.7829 71.9004 86.7609 Average by Annulus 0.0994 0.0761 0.2169 0.4556 0.6940 0.8705 1.1636 1.3006 1.4117 1.5083 28.5525 49.2321 56.7840 68.2096


DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1 1-2 2-3 34 '4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-9 9-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 IRECTION 0.4455 0.9923 1.3902 1.7870 2.1838 2.5814 2.9773 3.3758 3.7725 59.6169 96.8724 137.2692 176.5751 N 0.0314 0.5946 0.9902 1.3864 1.7833 2.1794 2.5750 2.9721 3.3675 3.7643 59.4205 96.6881 137.0090 176.2730 NNE 0.0990 0.9850 1.3793 1.7730 2.1668 2.5619 2.9547 3.3505 3.7435 59.1062 97.4714 137.1803 176.4414 NE 0.1377 0.5907 0.5846 0.9746 1.3653 1.7553 2.1459 2.5358 2.9252 3.3152 3.7072 58.5159 98.4932 137.3231 176.5937 ENE 0.1440 0.1323 0.5809 0.9760 1.3535 1.7413 2.1278 2.5154 2.9006 3.2902 3.6762 58.0590 99.1376 137.3535 176.6273 0.5873 0.9788 1.3714 1.7621 2.1552 2.5449 2.9380 3.3298 3.7212 58.7656 100.4100 139.0724 178.8311 ESE 0.0836 0.0325 0.3982 0.1520 1.3450 1.7291 2.1132 2.4977 2.8804 3.2667 3.6510 57.6596 97.0599 135.2638 173.9017 SE 0.4360 0.8406 . 0.9455 1.1388 1.8194 1.8527 2.7132 2.7548 3.1728 37.0666 56.9338 87.9795 140.7195 SSE 0.1310 0.1320 0.5987 0.9979 1.1689 1.0150 0.6759 0.3226 0.0796 0.0479 2.9172 3.6827 1.6264 0.7526 2.1134 0.1226 0.5979 0.6248 0.2380 0.0041 0.0024 0.0129 0.0393 1.9071 0.7799 1.1790 0.7488 0.2380 0.4287 SSW 0.5620 0.2308 0.0102 0.0526 0.0678 0.0831 0.1284 0.2743 0.0660 0.0580 0.1991 83.7034 162.4003 SW 0.1150 0.4808 0.9585 0.0319 0.0131 0.1856 0.0038 0.0009 0.0033 0.0039 0.1923 0.0770 83.5302 86.8186 WSW 0.1090 0.5622 0.2516 0.0141 0.0347 0.0269 0.0016 0.0024 0.0020 0.0027 0.0806 0.2038 0.8758 5.2432 0.1363 0.0894 0.5802 0.6490 0.2738 0.0391 0.0002 0.0005 0.0024 0.0192 0.0154 0.4334 0.0897 0.9675 2.4687 0.0154 0.4816 0.9750 1.2723 1.3128 1.0417 0.6126 0.3325 0.0274 0.0171 0.6695 0.4002 3.7989 7.4196 0.1136 0.6465 1.1263 1.1942 1.7000 1.4718 2.4005 2.4292 2.4817 30.2148 33.7289 65.2973 89.6457 0.0339 Average 0.5122 0.7640 0.9170 1.0710 1.2870 1.3859 1.6405 1.9226 2.2183 30.2950 48.7588 80.4759 108.2813 by Annulus 0.0966


DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1 1-2 2-3 34 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-9 9-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 IRECTION N 0.1985 0.5957 0.9925 1.3902 1.7870 2.1838 2.5814 2.9773 3.3758 3.7725 59.6169 96.8724 137.2692 176.5751 NNE 0.1979 0.5946 0.9902 1.3864 1.7833 2.1794 2.5750 2.9721 3.3675 3.7643 59.4205 96.6881 137.0090 176.2730 NE 0.1968 0.5907 0.9850 1.3793 1.7730 2.1668 2.5619 2.9547 3.3505 3.7435 59.1062 97.4714 137.1803 176.4414 ENE 0.1945 0.5846 0.9746 1.3653 1.7553 2.1459 2.5358 2.9252 3.3152 3.7072 58.5159 98.4932 137.3231 176.5937 E 0.1936 0.5809 0.9760 1.3535 1.7413 2.1278 2.5154 2.9006 3.2902 3.6762 58.0590 99.1376 137.3535 176.6273 ESE 0.1955 0.5873 0.9788 1.3714 1.7621 2.1552 2.5449 2.9380 3.3298 3.7212 58.7656 100.4100 139.0724 178.8311 SE 0.1920 0.5762 0.9741 1.3450 1.7291 2.1132 2.4977 2.8804 3.2667 3.6510 57.6596 97.0599 135.2638 173.9017 SSE 0.1972 0.5928 0.9870 1.3819 1.7768 2.1726 2.5681 2.9619 3.3572 3.7524 59.2588 97.5772 137.3062 176.4838 S 0.1997 0.5987 0.9979 1.3969 1.7964 2.1958 2.5954 2.9928 3.3924 3.7921 59.8944 96.9814 137.4400 176.6200 SSW 0.1991 0.5979 0.9975 1.3973 1.7959 2.1956 2.5943 2.9932 3.3931 3.7927 59.9044 97.0112 137.4746 176.6831 SW 0.1978 0.5926 0.9873 1.3831 1.7782 2.1739 2.5685 2.9630 3.3596 3.7538 59.2440 97.5732 137.3218 176.5464 WSW 0.1944 0.5839 0.9606 1.3627 1.7525 2.1426 2.5315 2.9202 3.3116 3.7015 58.4143 98.3991 137.1733 176.4183 W 0.1933 0.5798 0.9661 1.3519 1.7386 2.1263 2.5121 2.8979 3.2865 3.6717 57.9889 99.0917 137.2553 176.5361 WNW 0.1932 0.5802 0.9670 1.3535 1.7410 2.1284 2.5140 2.9015 3.2872 3.6755 58.0345 99.0969 137.2830 176.5117 NW 0.1947 0.5848 0.9750 1.3653 1.7548 2.1454 2.5349 2.9240 3.3153 3.7049 58.5291 98.4785 137.2348 176.4058 NNW 0.1968 0.5909 0.9845 1.3787 1.7737 2.1672 2.5611 2.9544 3.3497 3.7449 59.1479 97.5118 137.1977 176.4066 Average by Annulus 0.1959 0.5882 0.9809 1.3727 1.7649 2.1575 2.5495 2.9411 3.3343 3.7266 58.8475 97.9909 137.2599 176.4909 Deviation 0.0023 0.0070 0.0112 0.0165 0.0211 0.0257 0.0306 0.0353 0.0397 0.0444 0.7049 1.0614 0.7047 0.9072

DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-9 9-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 DIRECTION NE ENE ESE SE 118 SSE 197 976 2,288 516 421 769 443 20,115 32,205 78,634 114,025 196 443 936 1,531 3,931 6,874 1,855 38,024 5,778 13,255 151,310 SSW 38 710 2,100 2,662 2,223 1,790 1,525 695 7,361 5,241 178 1,398 10 124 339 1,998 3,154 5,104 4,554 2,402 3,334 4,434 1,141 246 8,810 WSW 20 134 245 2,808 3,966 6,819 6,054 1,796 1,936 3,012 740 15,196 1,824 90 1,292 756 1,247 1,120 1,161 37 698 381 10,176 2,478 WNW 45 1,218 2,490 2,310 1,378 801 819 612 2,Q78 143 811 494 NW 23 348 1,055 3,56Q 6,528 10,920 13,202 17,967 8,450 2,882 208 NNW 624 724 1,988 565 25,131 44,776 19,189 20,622 Total by Annulus 154 431 4,220 11,919 17,618 22,875 25,964 27,130 22,647 118,820 98,855 140,567 301,169

A WITHIN 10 MILES OF THE ST. LUCIE PLANT DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-10 0-10 DIRECTION NE ENE ESE SE 118 118 SSE 197 976 4,437 5,610 196 443 15,127 15,766 SSW 38 710 2,100 8,895 11,743 SW 10 124 339 1,998 18,548 21,019 WSW 20 134 245 2,808 20,571 23,778 W 0 90 1,292 756 3,570 5,714 WNW 45 1,218 2,490 5,920 9,673 NW 23 348 35,265 35,636 NNW 3,901 3,901 Total by Annulus 154 431 4,220 '11,919 116,234 132,958

WITHIN50 MILES OF THE ST. LUCIE PLANT DISTANCE (MILES) 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 10-50 0-50 DIRECTION NNE NE ESE SE 118 118 SSE 5,610 20,115 32,205 78,634 114,025 244,979 250,589 15,766 38,024 5,778 13,255 151,310 208,367 224,133 SSW 11,743 7,361 5,241 178 1,398 14,178 25,921 SW 21,019 4,434 1,141 246 8,810 14,631 35,650 WSW 23,778 3,012 740 15,196 1,824 20,772 44,550 5,714 698 381 10,176 2,478 13,733 19,447 WNW 9,673 2,078 143 811 494 3,526 13,199 NW 35,636 17,967 8,450 2,882 208 29,507 65,143 NNW 3,901 25,131 44,776 19,189 20,622 109,718 113,619 Total by Annulus 132,958 118,820 98,855 140,567 301,169 659,411 792,369

1 A Nl DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-9 9-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 DIRECTION ENE ESE SE 140 SSE 236 1,170 2,744 594 460 842 484 21,984 36,607 90,860 131,751 235 531 1,110 1,672 4,299 7,515 2,029 41,569 6,662 15,316 174,831 SSW 46 2,519 3,191 2,652 2,126 1,718 819 8,093 5,730 206 1,615 12 149 406 2,398 3,783 6,126 5,469 2,882 4,001 5,181 1,246 275 10,180 WSW 161 294 3,369 4,756 8,185 7,266 2,151 2,320 3,592 836 17,430 2,019 W 108 1,550 906 1,497 1,341 1,395 44 838 440 11,668 2,834 54 1,461 2,988 2,772 1,652 959 985 735 2,494 170 926 592 NW . 418 1,266 4,270 7,834 13,099 15,840 21,523 9,813 3,343 240 749 868 2,382 676 . 29,503 52,009 22,209 23,608 Total by Annulus 0 183 518 5,061 14,299 21,119 27,241 30,676 31,618 26,910 134,777 113,513 162,233 347,670

WITHIN 10 MILES OF THE ST. LUCIE PLANT DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-10 0-10 DIRECTION NE ENE ESE SE 140 140 SSE 236 1,170 5,124 6,530 235 531 16,625 17,391 SSW 46 851 2,519 10,506 13,922 SW 12 149 406 2,398 22,261 25,226 WSW 24 161 294 3,369 24,678 28,526 W 108 1,550 906 4,283 6,854 WNW 54 1,461 2,988 7,103 11,606 NW 28 418 42,309 42,755 NNW 4,675 4,675 Total by Annulus 183 518 5,061 14,299 137,564 157,625


0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 10-50 0-50 IRECTION N

NE ENE ESE SE 140 140 SSE 6,530 21,984 36,607 90,860 131,751 281,202 287,732 17,391 41,569 6,662 15,316 174,831 238,378 255,769 SSW 13,922 8,093 5,730 206 1,615 15,644 29,566 SW 25,226 5,181 1,246 275 10,180 16,882 42,108 WSW 28,526 3,592 836 17,430 2,019 23,877 52,403 W 6,854 838 440 11,668 2,834 15,780 22,634 WNW 11,606 2,494 170 926 592 4,182 15,788 NW 42,755 21,523 9,813 3,343 240 34,919 77,674 NNW 4,675 29,503 52,009 22,209 23,608 127,329 132,004 Total by Annulus 157,625 134,777 113,513 162,233 347,670 758,193 915,818

DISTANCE (MILES) 0 1-2 2-3 34 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-9 9-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 DIRECTION N

NE ENE ESE SE 161 SSE 271 1,339 3,140 664 494 902 519 23,589 40,389 101,360 147,012 270 608 1,261 1,795 4,610 8,062 2,176 44,576 7,424 17,086 195,053 SSW 52 975 2,880 3,654 3,019 2,414 1,884 927 8,714 6,147 230 1,801 SW 14 170 465 2,742 4,329 7,007 6,248 3,297 4,576 5,833 1,337 304 11,365 WSW 27 184 337 3,854 5,442 9,354 8,307 2,467 2,655 4,095 918 19,333 2,185 W 124 1,772 1,038 1,711 1,540 1,593 51 956 491 ] 2,955 3,154 WNW 62 1,671 3,413 3,171 1,890 1,096 1,123 840 2,850 194 1,033 678 NW 32 479 1,449 4,888 8,958 14,983 18,111 24,595 11,004 3,755 267 856 994 2,730 775 33,293 58,298 24,918 26,214 Total by Annulus 210 592 5,793 16,353 24,157 31,013 34,714 35,499 30,586 148,501 126,202 180,974 387,729


NE ENE ESE SE 161 161 SSE 271 1,339, 5,719 7,329 270 608 17,904 18,782 SSW 52 975 2,880 11,898 15,805 SW 14 170 465 2,742 25,457 28,848 WSW 27 184 337 3,854 28,225 32,627 W 124 .1,772 1,038 4,902 7,844 WNW 62 1,671 3,413 8,120 13,266 NW 32 479 48,389 48,900 NNW 5,355 5,355 Total by Annulus 210 592 5,793 16,353 155,969 178,917

WITHIN 50 MILES OF THE ST. LUCIE PLANT DISTANCE (MILES) 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 10-50 0-50 DIRECTION N

NE ENE ESE SE 161 161 SSE 7,329 23,589 40,389 101,360 147,012 312,350 319,679 18,782 44,576 7,424 17,086 195,053 264,139 282,921 SSW 15,805 8,714 6,147 230 1,801 16,892 32,697 SW 28,848 5,833 1,337 304 11,365 18,839 47,687 WSW 32,627 4,095 918 19,333 2,185 26,531 59,158 W 7,844 956 491 12,955 3,154 17,556 25,400 WNW 13,266 2,850 194 1,033 678 4,755 18,021 NW 48,900 24,595 11,004 3,755 267 39,621 88,521 NNW 5,355 33,293 58,298 24,918 26;214 142,723 148,078 Total by Annulus 178,917 148,501 126,202 180,974 387,729 843,406 1,022,323

DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-9 9-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 DIRECTION N

NE ENE ESE SE 198 SSE 334 1,655 3,880 790 554 1,014 585 26,487 47,395 120,962 175,386 333 751 1,543 2,016 5,178 9,051 2,444 50,084 8,842 20,387 232,741 SSW 65 1,205 3,563 4,513 3,716 2,958 2;1 89 1,129 9,863 6,904 274 2,153 SW 17 210 576 3,389 5,348 8,652 7,718 4,073 5,653 7,040 1,501 356 13,552 WSW 34 227 416 4,759 6,727 11,562 10,269 3,044 3,282 5,039 1,072 22,888 2,490 W 10 153 2,192 1,282 2,115 1,899 1,969 63 1,187 584 15,341 3,739 WNW 76 2,064 4,226 3,919 2,335 1,358 1,389 1,037 3,524 240 1,224 840 NW 40 591 1,790 6,038 11,070 18,517 22,394 30,344 13,194',489 320 NNW 1,058 1,230 3,372 959 40,346 69,906 29,801 31,073 Total 7,160 20,216 29,835 38,066 42,304 42,712 37,491 173,914 149,638 215,722 462,294 by Annulus 0 259 731



ESE SE 198 198 SSE 334 1,655 6,823 8,812 S 333 751 20,232 21,316 SSW 65 1,205 3,563 14,505 19,338 SW 17 210 576 3,389 31,444 35,636 WSW 34 227 416 4,759 34,884 40,320 W 10 153 2,192 1,282 6,054 9,691 WNW 76 2,064 4,226 10,038 16,404 NW 40 591 59,809 60,440 NNW 6,619 6,619 Total by Annulus 259 731 7,160 20,216 190,408 218,774

A WITHIN50 MILES OF THE ST. LUCIE PLANT DISTANCE (MILES) 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 10-50 0-50 DIRECTION 0

ENE ESE SE 198 198 SSE 8,812 26,487 47,395 120,962 175,386 370,230 379,042 21,316 50,084 8,842 20,387 232,741 312,054 333,370 SSW 19,338 9,863 6,904 274 2,153 19,194 38,532 SW 35,636 7,040 1,501 356 13,552 22,449 58,085 WSW 40,320 5,039 1,072 22,888 2,49Q 31,489 71,809 9,691 1,187 584 15,341 3,739 20,851 30,542 WNW 16,404 3,524 240 1,224 840 5,828 22,232 NW 60,440 30,344 13,194 4,489 320 48,347 108,787 NNW 6,619 40,346 69,906 29,8Q1 31,073 171,126 177,745 Total by Annulus 218,774 173,914 149,638 215,722 462,294 1,001,568 1,220,342

DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-9 9-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 DIRECfION N

0 ESE SE 234 SSE 393 1,945 4,561 907 610 1,115 643 29,154 53,812 138,873 201,361 392 882 1,800 2,218 5,697 9,963 2,691 55,082 10,142 23,413 267,226 SSW 76 1,416 4,190 5,313 4,360 3,460 2,473 1,314 10,898 7,594 315 2,471 SW 20 247 676 3,985 6,294 10,196 9,099 4,798 6,652 8,162 1,652 397 15,561 WSW 40 267 489 5,601 7,918 13,621 12,098 3,588 3,865 5,910 1,208 26,094 2,766 W 12 180 2,579 1,508 2,489 2,238 2,320 74 10 1,393 673 17,466 4,254 WNW 90 2,430 4,974 4,606 2,746 1,599 1,634 1,221 4,144 280 1,394 986 NW 46 694 2,104 7,099 13,035 21,792 26,342 35,719 15,212 5,188 366 NNW 1,243 1,447 3,967 1,129 46,842 80,593 34,298 35,339 Total,.

by Annulus 306 860 8,421 23,779 35,085 44,628 49,365 49,404 43,867 197,304 171,166 247,438 530,330



ESE SE 234 234 SSE 393 1,945 7,836 10,174 392 882 22,369 23,643 SSW 76 1,416 4,190 16,920 22,602 SW 20 247 676 3,985 37,039 41,967 WSW 40 267 489 5,601 41,090 47,487 W 12 180 2,579 1,508 7,131 11,410 WNW 90 2,430 4,974 . 11,806 19,300 NW 46 694 70,372 71,112 NNW 7,786 7,786 Total by Annulus 306 860 8,421 23,779 222,349 255,715

WITHIN 50 MILES OF THE ST. LUCIE PLANT DISTANCE (MILES) 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 10-50 0-50 DIRECTION N

ENE ESE 0 SE 234 234 SSE 10,174 29,154 53,812 138,873 201,361 423,200 433,374 23,643 55,082 10,142 23,413 267,226 355,863 379,506 SSW 22,602 10,898 7,594 315 2,471 21,278 43,880 SW 41,967 8,162 1,652 397 15,561 25 772 67,739 WSW 47,487 5,910 1,208 26,094 2,766 35,978 83,465 W 11,410 1,393 673 17,466 4,254 23,786 35,196 WNW 19,300 4,144 280 1,394 986 6,804 26,104 NW 71,112 35,719 15,212 5,188 366 56,485 127,597 NNW 7,786 46,842 80,593 34,298 35,339 197,072 204,858 Total byAnnulus 255,715 197,304 .171,166 247,438 530,330 1,146,238 1,401,953

DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-9 9-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 IRECTION



ESE 0 SE 263 SSE 443 2,187 5,127 1,002 653 1,192 686 31,184 59,049 153,818 223,080 439 992 2,015 2 373 6,094 10,658 2,874 58,972 11,222 25,943 295,987 SSW 86 1,592 4,704 5,962 4,881 3,870 2,695 1,467 11,710 8,131 348 2,738 SW 22 278 760 4,476 7,066 11,431 10,206 5,378 7,466 9,066 1,770 437 17,235 WSW 45 300 550 6,291 8,883 15,280 13,560 4,024 4,331 6,621 1,322 28,840 2,988 13 202 2,896 1,693 2,794 2,508 2,602 83 1,565 744 19,311 4,701 WNW 101 2,729 5,580 5,175 3,088 1,793 1,836 1,371 4,655 314 1,539 1,109 NW 52 781 2,366 7,978 14,622 24,457 29,574 40,055 16,897 5,765 404 1,397 1,622 4,453 1,266 52,228 89,524 38,065 39,001 Total by Annulus 0 343 967 9,461 26,704 39,388 49,938 55,022 54,776 49,046 216,056 188,973 274,066 587,243


NNE . 0.

NE ENE ESE SE 263 263 SSE 443 2,187 8,660 11,290 439 992 24,014 25,445 SSW 86 1,592 4,704 18,875 25,257 SW 22 278 760 4,476 41,547 47,083 WSW 45 300 550 6,291 46,078 53,264 W 13 2,896 1,693 7,998 12,802 WNW NW 0'02 101 2,729 52 5,580 781 13,263 78,997 21,673 79,830 NNW 8,738 8,738 Total by Annulus 343 967 9,461 26,704 248,170 285,645

WITHIN50 MILES OF THE ST. LUCIE PLANT DISTANCE (MILES) 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 10-50 0-50 DIRECTION N

NNE NE ENE ESE SE 263 263 SSE 11,290 31,184 59,049 153,818 223,080 , 467,131 478,421 25,445 58,972 11,222 25,943 295,987 392,124 417,569 SSW 25,257 11,710 8,131 348 2,738 22,927 48,184 SW 47,083 9,066 1,770 437 17,235 28,508 75,591 WSW 53,264 6,621 1,322 28,840 2,988 39,771 93,035 W 12,802 1,565 744 19,311 4,701 26,321 39,123 WNW 21,673 4,655 314 1,539 1,109 7,617 29,290 NW 79,830 40,055 16,897 5,765 404 63,121 142,951 NNW 8,738 52,228 89,524 38,065 39,001 218,818 227,556 Total byAnnulus 285,645 216,056 188,973 274,066 587,243 1,266,338 1,551,983

DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-9 9-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 DIRECTION NE ENE E

SE 225 SSE 486 1,418 3,145 ill 434 631 390 12,172 16,019 43,841 59,132 93 241 446 860 2 273 3,873 994 20,304 1,927 6,789 73,716 SSW 20 292 922 1,295 1,023 1,040 828 495 3,438 1,845 75 497 SW 73 239 1,257 1,532 2,023 1,987 959 1,341 1,303 377 133 3,135 WSW 87 176 2,326 2,028 2,951 2,380 816 762 1,041 269 7,785 1,351 W 41 483 399 466 419 461 25 329 134 3,724 1,242 WNW 22 480 1,172 1,119 506 304 321 238 709 50 334 245 NW 0 239 728 1,753 2,984 4,749 4,626 6,806 5,219 1,079 141 896 570 1,637 380 14,941 23,501 9,925 10,262 Average by Annulus 15 15 141 498 672 696 777 865 577 3,815 3,084 4,605 9,358


DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-9 9-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 IRECTION N 0.00 4i0t 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ENE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ESE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SSE 0.00 0tl0 0000 1404 00it 548.48 394.14 888.79 1,653.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 0004 OffO 293.44 378.39 780.24 1,158.02 361.21 20.21 49.67 422.43 SSW 0.00 0.00 0000 251.88 514.57 590.46 396.30 352.08 557.20 164.30 58.54 19.17 0.55 2.82 SW 0.00 174.08 728.44 727.41 813.95 700.98 310.83 363.63 22.02 3.87 2.48 221.62 WSW 0.00 0000 132.25 1,337.24 1,036.28 1,167.46 815.26 246.65 206.08 17.88 2.74 145.13 15.08 0.00 400 ~ 0001 361.04 234.17 221.97 166.90 159.21 7.61 0.55 5.68 1.36 27.31 7.25 0.00 0.00 444.57 688.64 525.80 201.31 104.86 98.23 65.03 12.31 0.51 2.45 1.41 NW 0.00 0 F 00 0.00 000 ~ 659.60 911.93 1,151.46 1,444.39 1,254.41 117.63 53.21 8.09 0.83 0.00 Of 40 822.55 300.82 51640 368.45 138.04 118.28 Average by Annulus 0.00 0.00 0.00 272.76 700.61 579.28 607.35 580.58 546.13 336.40 184.46 95.96 140.28 271.45 area o ess an square mi e wou yie m ate ensiues.


DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1 hatt 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7'-8 8-9 9-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 IRECTION N 0.00 tttt tt ~ t 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 tttt ~ ttt 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NE 0.00 tttt 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ENE 0.00 t tttt 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 tttt 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ESE 0.00 tttt tttt 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SE 0.00 tttt tttt 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SSE 0.00 tttt 351.69 798.06 1,447.57 276.86 146.53 187.95 103.93 205.40 164.17 319.29 335.06 0.00 tttt 66.58 134.16 203.12 331.36 759.49 1,141.67 262.12 339.00 19.87 49.40 417.37 SSW 0.00 tttt 208.97 513.39 589.82 394.33 347.45 244.02 130.51 57.39 19.02 0.55 2.81 SW 0.00 tt tttt 172.80 706.89 704.72 787.62 670.60 285.45 357.24 21.99 3.86 0.97 17.76 WSW 0.00 tttt ttt 129.16 1,327.25 946.51 1,165.71 815.01 246.41 205.86 17.82 2.73 56.75 7.66 0.00 tttt tttt 357.27 229.49 219.16 166.79 159.08 7.61 0.54 5.67 1.35 27.13 7.04 0.00 ttt tttt 354.64 673.18 525.75 201.27 104.77 97.65 64.75 12.22 0.50 2.43 1.39 NW 0.00 tt t

~ tttt 8.06 136.20 339.33 691.55 1,020.52 1,432.45 1,248.62 116.28 53.00 7.86 0.80 0.00 tttt t 0.00 0.00 0.00 349.85 192.93 488.70 101.47 252.60 241.01 72.34 58.17 Average by Annulus 0.00 t't t tt 't 103.07 282.41 311.00 272.83 263.52 258.24 154.69 64.27 31.59 33.55 53.00 ota area o ess an square mi e wou yie in at ensities.


DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1 1-2 2-3 34 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-9 9-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 IRECTION N 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NNE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ENE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00, '

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ESE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Oft'.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 . - 0.00 SE 0.00 f400 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00, 0.00 SSE 0.00 0.00 0.00 00tO 0000 00 t4 906.40 792.38 1,594.15 3,188.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 100 0000 615.83 673.62 1,349.38 2,055.31 676.44 60.59 96.97 867.07 4 ~ ISO 612.44 1,172.01 1,213.75 861.16 605.98 1,026.24 230.68 125.35 54.44 1.30 7.93 SSW 0.00 0.00 SW 0.00 00f 0 000 246.92 1,157.86 1,497.55 2,053.59 1,606.58 778.53 904.06 74.92 11.72 4.59 622.79 WSW 0.00 0001 184.10 1,614.35 2,026.57 2,697.71 2,073.78 542.88 523.58 51.73 7.53 283.28 20.36 0.00 0 iO f ifO 965.76 443.69 593.98 446.13- 400.97 11.27 1.36 12.05 3.85 74 62 14 47 WNW 0.00 0.00 1,128.09 1,463.07 1,085.42 548.24 276.29 250.61 167.21 36.08 1.44 5.95 2.84 NW 0.00 0.00 0.00 0000 955.88 1,851.95 2,519.00 3,321.27 3,579.91 310 53 86 16 21.60 1.23 NNW 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 572.84 447.28 868.59 702.01 266.88 237.69 Average by Annulus 0.00 0.00 0.00 627.46 1,170.19 1,141.28 1,213.16 1,261.71 1,140.87 836.30 382.76 215.02 293.67 620.33 areas o ess an I square mt e wou yie m ate ensities.


DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-9 9-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 IRECTION N 0.00 0000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NNE 0.00 0000 00f 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NE 0.00 0000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ENE 0.00 OtOt 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0040 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ESE 0.00 004f 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SE . 0.00 0000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SSE 0.00 000t Oi00 142.56 549.30 1,053.12 200.93 142.14 229.06 118.06 339.44 330.05 572.69 646.09 0.00 000t OtO 140.31 246.60 426.27 589.89 1,313.49 2,026.29 489.17 634.85 59.58 96.44 856.70 SSW 0.00 0000 Oil 508.12 1,169.33 1,212.42 856.88 598.02 449.44 183.25 122.88 54.02 1.29 7.91 SW 0.00 0000 245.10 1,123.61 1,450.85 1,987.15 1,536.96 714.97 888.17 74.84 11.69 1.79 49.90 WSW 0.00 0000 179.79 1,602.28 1,851.02 2,693.66 2,073.15 542.34 523.03 51.56 7.52 110.78 10.34 0.00 000t 0000 955.69 434.83 586.46 445.84 400.63 11.26 1.36 12.04 3.84 74.14 14.04 WNW 0.00 400t 00f 899.89 1,430.21 1,085.32 548.13 276.06 249.15 166.51 35.81 1.44 5.91 2.80 NW 0.00 4 ~ 0f 16.85 198.31 491.75 1,404.39 2,232.56 3,293.82 3,563.39 306.98 85.81 21.00 1.18 NNW 0.00 Otic . 40tf 0.00 0.00 0.00 243.65 245.06 593.49 150.87 424.88 459.19 139.86 116.90 Average by Annulus 0.00 "" "" 193.02 422.16 509.83 560.66 551.13 506.86 380.24 125.21 63.32 63.99 106.62 ota areas o ess an square mt ewou yte m at enstttes.

PERSONS PER HOUSING UNIT DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1 1-2 2-3 34 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-9 9-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 DIRECTION N

NE ENE ESE SE 0.52 SSE 0.41 0.69 0.73 0.73 0.97 1.22 1.14 1.65 2.01 1.79 1.93 2.11 1.84 2.10 1.78 1.73 1.77 1.87 1.87 3.00 1.95 2.05 SSW 1.90 2.43 2.28 2.06 2.17 1.72 1.84 1.40 2.14 2.84 2.37 2.81 SW 5.00 1.70 1.42 1.59 2.06 2.52 2.29 2.50 2.49 3.40 3.03 1.85 2.81 WSW 2.86 1.54 1.39 1.21 1.96 2.31 2.54 2.20 2.54 2.89 2.75 1.95 1.35 W 6.00 2.20 2.67 1.89 2.68 2.67 2.52 1.48 2.50 2.12 2.84 2.73 2.00 2.05 2.54 2.12 2.06 2.72 2.63 2.55 2.57 2.93 2.86 2.43 2.02 NW 2.09 1.46 1.45 2.03 2.19 2.30 2.85 2.64 1.62 2.67 1.48 0.70 1.27 1.21 1.49 1.68 1.91 1.93 2.01 Average 3.60 1.8& 1.63 1.89 1.96 1.99 1.90 2.09 2.37 2.54 2.19 2.05 by Annulus 1.88

ommuni es o over, ersons City or Town County 1970 1980 1990 Population Population Population es am eac am eac Port St. Lucie St. Lucie 330 14,690 55,866 Fort Pierce St. Lucie 29,721 33,802 36,830 Riviera Beach Palm Beach 21,401 26,489 27,639 upiter Palm Beach 3,316 9,868 24,986 Palm Beach Gardens Palm Beach 6,102 14,407 22,965 Greenacres City Palm Beach 1,731 8,780 18,683 07 16,176 17,350 U ero Beach Indian River 11,908 lD Royal Palm Beach Palm Beach 3,423 14,589 hJ Stuart Martin 9,086 9,467 11,936 North Palm Beach Palm Beach 9,035 11,344 11,343 CO ebastian Indian River 2,831 10,205 Communities of between 5,000 and 10,000 Persons City or Town County 1970 1980 1990 Population Population Population am eac am eac Palm Springs Palm Beach 4,340 8,166 9,763 Pahokee Palm Beach 5,663 6,346 6,822 Lake Park Palm Beach 6,993 6,909 6,704 Note: The information in this table is based upon "Florida Population: Census Summary 1990" April 1991. Bureau of Economic and Business Research, University of Florida.


DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1 0-2 0-3 0-4 0-5 0-6 0-7 0-8 0-9 0-10 0-20 0-30 0-40 0-50 DIRECTION N 0.1671 0.3173 0.3175 0.3175 0.3175 0.3175 0.3175 0.3175 0.3175 0.3175 0.3175 0.3175 0.3175 0.3175 0.0989 0.0989 0.0989 0.0989 0.0989 0.0989 0.0989 0.0989 0.0989 0.0989 0.0989 0.0989 0.0989 0.0989 NE 0.0591 0.0591 0.0591 0.0591 0.0591 0.0591 0.0591 0.0591 0.0591 0.0591 0.0591 0.0591 0.0591 0.0591 ENE 0.0505 0.0505 0.0505 0.0505 0.0505 0.0505 0.0505 0.0505 0.0505 0.0505 0.0505 0.0505 0.0505 0.0505 0.0613 0.0613 0.0613 0.0613 0.0613 0.0613 0.0613 0.0613 0.0613 0.0613 0.0613 0.0613 0.0613 0.0613 ESE 0.1119 0.1119 0.1119 0.1119 0.1119 0.1119 0.1119 0.1119 0.1119 0.1119 0.1119 0.1119 0.1119 0.1119 SE 0.1595 0.3375 1.1596 1.1596 1.1596 1.1596 1.1596 1.1596 1.1596 1.1596 1.1596 1.1596 1.1596 1.1596 SSE 0.0662 0.2230 0.3694 0.8058 1.4438 1.7970 2.5124 2.7611 3.3635 3.9431 26.1353 66.7787 116.1054 151.8697 0.0677 0.0677 0.0677 0.2957 1.0771 2.5970 4.8698 7.7830 11.1275 12.0024 68.2141 163.5691 300.2565 474.7631 SSW 0.0765 0.0765 0.4492 1.6085 3.4003 5.5935 8.1749 11.1288 12.6148 15.6276 74.3530 170.6154 307.8520 484.1064 SW 0.0828 0.1134 0.8699 2.2428 3.9684 6.0745 8.5599 11.3945 14.4798 18.1676 77.3536 174.7277 228.3461 242.4922 WSW 0.0854 0.1885 0.1906 1.5214 3.2608 5.2178 7.7455 10.6648 13.9731 17.6707 75.8927 174.2148 227.8579 317.4576 W 0.0570 0.0746 0.7891 2.1269 3.8308 5.9302 8.4407 11.3362 14.6207 18.2897 76.1980 175.0859 311.4654 482.7583 WNW 0.1038 0.1038 0.4218 1.5015 3.2034 5.3316 7.8451 10.7442 14.0122 17.6723 75.2734 174.2806 310;5961 484.6391 NW 0.1793 0.2825 0.2825 0.3755 0.8175 1.9212 3.8435 6.4350 9.7229 13.4107 71.2703 169.3486 302.7845 471.7707 NNW 0.1629 0.6402 0.9782 1.2306 1.8101 2.2773 3.3666 3.9205 4.8410 6.1042 35.0373 98.8202 170.7206 257.4815 Average by Annulus 0.0994 0.1754 0.3923 0.8480 1.5419 2.4124 3.5761 4.8767 6.2884 7.7967 36.3492 85.5812 142.3652 210.5748


DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1 0-2 0-3 0-4 0-5 0-6 0-7 0-8 0-9 0-10 *'-20 0-30 0-40 0-50 DIRECTION N 0.1985 0.7942 1.7867 3.1769 4.9639 7.1477 9.7291 12.7064 16.0822 19.8547 79.4716 176.3440 313.6132 490.1883 0.1979 0.7925 1.7827 3.1691 4.9524 7.1318 9.7068 12.6789 16.0464 19.8107 79.2312 175.9193 312.9283 489.2013 NE 0.1968 0.7875 1.7725 3.1518 4.9248 '.0916 9.6535 12.6082 15.9587 19.7022 78.8084 176.2798 313.4601 489.9015 ENE 0.1945 0.7791 1.7537 3.1190 4.8743 7.0202 9.5560 12.4812 15.7964 19.5036 78.0195 176.5127 313.8358 490.4295 0.1936 0.7745 1.7505 3.1040 4.8453 6.9731 9.4885 12.3891 15.6793 19.3555 77.4145 176.5521 313.9056 490.5329 ESE 0.1955 0.7828 1.7616 3.1330 4.8951 7.0503 9.5952 12.5332 15.8630 19.5842 78.3498 178.7598 317.8322 496.6633 SE 0.1920 0.7682 1.7423 3.0873 4.8164 6.9296 9.4273 12.3077 15.5744 19.2254 76.8850 173.9449 309.2087 483.1104 SSE 0.1972 0.7900 1.7770 3.1589 4.9357 7.1083 9.6764 12.6383 15.9955 19.7479 79.0067 176.5839 313.8901 490.3739 0.1997 0.7984 1.7963 3.1932 4.9896 7.1854 9.7808 12.7736 16.1660 19.9581 79.8525 176.8339 314.2739 490.8939 SSW 0.1991 0.7970 1.7945 3.1918 4.9877 7.1833 9.7776 12.7708 16.1639 19.9566 79.8610 176.8722 314.3468 491.0299 SW 0.1978 0.7904 1.7777 3.1608 4.9390 7.1129 9.6814 12.6444 16.0040 19.7578 79.0018 176.5750 313.8968 490.4432 WSW 0.1944 0.7783 1.7389 3.1016 4.8541 6.9967 9.5282 12.4484 15.7600 19.4615 77.8758 176.2749 313.4482 489.8665 W 0.1933 0.7731 1.7392 3.0911 4.8297 6.9560 9.4681 12.3660 15.6525 19.3242 77.3131 176.4048 313.6601 490.1962 0.1932 0.7734 1.7404 3.0939 4.8349 6.9633 9.4773 12.3788 15.6660 19.3415 77.3760 176.4729 313.7559 490.2676 NW 0.1947 0.7795 1.7545 3.1198 4.8746 7.0200 9.5549 12.4789 15.7942 19.4991 78.0282 176.5067 313.7415 490.1473 NNW 0.1968 0.7877 1.7722 3.1509 4.9246 7.0918 9.6529 12.6073 15.9570 19.7019 78.8498 176.3616 313.5593 489.9659 Average by Annulus 0.1959 0.7842 1.7650 3.1377 4.9026 7.0601 9.6096 12.5507 15.8850 19.6116 78.4591 176.4499 313.7098 490.2007

CUMULATIVE DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1 0-2 0-3 0-4 0-5 0-6 0-7 0-8 0-9 0-10 0-20 0-30 0-40 0-50 IRECTION N 0 NE ENE 0'SE SE 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 SSE 197 1,173 3,461 3,977 4,398 5,167 5,610 25,725 57,930 136,564 250,589 196 639 1,575 3,106 7,037 13,911 15,766 53,790 59,568 72,823 224,133 SSW 38 748 2,848 5,510 7,733 9,523 11,048 11,743 19,104 24,345 24,523 25,921 SW 10 134 473 2,471 5,625 10,729 15,283 17,685 21,019 25,453 26,594 26,840 35,650 WSW 20 154 399 3,207 7,173 13,992 20,046 21,842 23,778 26,790 27,530 42,726 44,550 W 96 I 388 2,144 3,391 4,511 5,672 5,709 5,714 6,412 6,793 16,969 19,447 WNW 45 1,263 3,753 6,063 7,441 8,242 9,061 9,673 11,751 11,894 12,705 13,199 NW 23 371 1,426 4,986 '1,514 22,434 35,636 53,603 62,053 64,935 65,143 NNW 624 1,348 3,336 3,901 29,032 73,808 92,997 113,619 Total by Annulus 154 585 4,805 16,724 34,342 57,217 83,181 110,311 132,958 251,778 350,633 491,200 792,369


DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1 0-2 0-3 04 0-5 0-6 0-7 0-8 0-9 0-10 0-20 0-30 0-40 0-50 IRECTION N

NE ENE ESE SE 101.76 101.76 101.76 101.76 101.76 101.76 101.76 101.76 101.76 101.76 101.76 101.76 SSE 812.44 1,925.99 1,582.95 1,592.84 1,536.20 1,422.74 984.30 867.49 1,176.21 1,650.03 593.26 606.47 637.81 904.15 1,250.15 1,313.57 788.55 364.18 242.54 472.09 SSW 465.03 837.57 985.07 945.94 855.71 875.80 751.43 256.94 142.69 79.66 53.54 SW 04IO 210.90 622.67 926.00 1,253.40 1,341.26 1,221.36 1,156.95 329.05 152.20 117.54 147.02 WSW 262.26 983.50 1,374.72 1,806.47 1,879.64 1,563.15 1,345.62 353.00 158.02 187.51 140.33 652.59 559.67 571.82 534.43 500.34 390.47 312.42 84.15 38.80 54.48 40.28 841.16 1,171.57 1,137.18 948.49 767.11 646.65 547.35 156.11 68.25 40.91 27.23 NW 742.24 1,297.26 1,789.28 2,307.34 2,657.28 752.11 3 6.42 214.46 138.08 185.35 343.83 689.11 639.07 828.60 746.89 544.73 441.27 Average by Annulus 101.76 422.28 710.31 930.14 929.39 1,007.59 1,058.20 1,024.82 463.46 300.67 275.98 321.16 mu anve area o ess an square mi e.


DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1 0-2 0-3 04 0-5 0-6 0-7 0-8 0-9 0-10 0-20 0-30 0-40 0-50 DIRECTION N 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ENE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SE 0.00 67.73 38.22 24.50 17.03 12.52 9.59 7.58 6.14 1.53 0.68 0.38 0.24 SSE 0.00 0.00 62.36 237.66 486.90 411.00 347.99 323.03 284.08 325.61 328.06 435.07 511.02 0.00 0.00 61.38 128.07 219.19 317.56 550.90 860.51 789.95 673.62 336.86 231.72 456.58 SSW 0.00 21.18 234.35 571.00 767.06 790.89 745.69 683.50 588:43 239.22 137.64 78.01 52.79 SW 0.00 75.38 149.65 500.30 790.82 1,108.21 1,208.68 1,105.04 1,063.83 322.18 150.61 85.51 72.69 WSW 0.00 88.56 128.64 660.68 1,025.20 1,468.48 1,610.33 1,385.91 1,221.80 344.01 156.18 136.31 90.94 0.00 55.20 . 449.03 443.92 487.49 476.44 458.68 364.73 295.69 82.94 38.51 54.10 39.67 WNW 0.00 25.86 408.22 776.23 870.71 785.14 665.82 578.39 500.12 151.87 67.40 40.49 26.92 NW 0.00 4004 0.00 7.37 76.11 203.13 521.83 922.68 1,420.39 1,827.57 686.97 351.56 206.97 132.90 0.00 4440 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 64.64 106.92 209.06 198.00 368.19 418.50 296.59 231.89 Average 4040 20.87 96.20 213.65 304.22 372.29 414.20 433.63 423.48 199.76 124.12 97.82 100.98 by Annulus 0.00 umu attveareao esst an squaremt e.


DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1 0-2 0-3 0-4 0-5 0-6 0-7 0-8 0-10 0-20 0-30 0-40 0-50 DIRECTION N

ESE SE (398.24) (398.24) (398.24) (398.24) (398.24) (398.24) (398.24) (398.24) (398.24) (398.24) (398.24) (398.24)

SSE 312.44 1,425.99 1,082.95 1,092.84 1,036.20 922.74 484.30 367.49 676.21 1,150.03 93.26 106.47 137.81 404.15 750.15 813.57 288.55 (135.82) (257.46) (27.91)

SSW (34.97) 337.57 485.07 445.94 355.71 375.80 251.43 (243.06) (357.31) (420.34) (446.46)

SW (289.10) 122.67 426.00 753.40 841.26 721.36 656.95 (170.95) (347.80) (382.46) (352.98)

WSW (237.74) 483.50 874.72 1,306.47 1,379.64 1,063.15 845.62 (147.00) (341.98) (312.49) (359.67)

W 152.59 59.67 71.82 34.43 0.34 (109.53) (187.58) (415.85) (461.20) (445.52) (459.72)

WNW 341.16 671.57 637.18 448.49 267.11 146.65 47.35 (343.89) (431.75) (459.09) (472.77)

NW 242.24 797.26 1,289.28 1,807.34 2,157.28 252.11 (133.58) (285.54) (361.92)

(314.65) (156.17) 189.11 139.07 328.60 246.89 44.73 (58.73)

Average by Annulus (398.24) (77.72) 210.31 430.14 429.39 507.59 558.20 524.82 (36.54) (199.33) (224.02) (178.84) ote: a ues tn parent eses are negattve. umu attve area o ess t an square mi e.


DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1 0-2 0-3 0-4 0-5 0-6 0-7 0-8 0-9 0-10 0-20 0-30 0-40 0-50 DIRECTION N (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00)

NNE - (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00)

NE (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00)

ENE (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00)

E (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00)

ESE (500.00) (500 00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00)

SE (500.00) (432.27) (461.78) (475.50) (482.97) (487.48) (490.41) (492.42) (493.86) (498.47) (499.32) (499.62) (499.76)

SSE (500.00) (500.00) (437.64) (262.34) (13.10) (89.00) (152.01) (176.97) (215.92) (174.39) (171.94) (64.93) 11.02" S (500.00) (500.00) (438.62) (371.93) (280.81) (182.44) 50.90 360.51 289.95 173.62 (163.14) (268.28) (43.42)

SSW (500.00) (478.82) (265.65) 71.00 267.06 290.89 245.69 183.50 88.43 (260.78) (362.36) (421.99) (447.21)

SW (500.00) (424.62) (350.35) 0.30 290.82 608.21 708.68 605.04 563.83 (177.82) (349.39) (414.49) (427.31)

WSW (500.00) (411.44) (371.36) 160.68 525.20 968.48 1,110.33 885.91 721.80 (155.99) (343.82) (363.69) (409.06)

W (500.00) (444.80) (50.97) (56.08) (12.51) (23.56) (41.32) (135.27) (204.31) (417.06) (461.49) (445.90) (460.33)

WNW (500.00) (474.14) (91.78) 276.23 370.71 285.14 165.82 78.39 0.12 (348.13) (432.60) (459.51) (473.08)

NW (500.00) (500.00) (492.63) (423.89) (296.87) 21.83 422.68 920.39 1,327.57 186.97 (148.44) (293.03) (367.10)

NNW (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (435.36) (393.08) (290.94) (302.00) (131.81) (81.50) (203.41) (268.11)


~~~~ (403.80) (286.35) (195.78) (127.71) (85.80) (66.37) (76.52) (300.24) (375.88) (402.18) (399.02) by Annulus (500.00) (479.13) ote: a ues in parent eses are negative. umu ativeareao ess t an square mi e.


DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1 0-2 0-3 0-4 0-5 0-6 0-7 0-8 0-9 0-10 0-20 0-30 0-40 0-50 IRECTION N

NE ENE ESE SE (898.24) (898.24) (898.24) (898.24) (898.24) (898.24) (898.24) (898.24) (898.24) (898.24) (898.24) (898.24)

SSE (187.56) 925.99 582.95 592.84 536.20 422.74 (15.70) (132.51) 176.21 650.03 (406.74) (393.53) (362.19) (95.85) 250.15 313.57 (211.45) (635.82) (757.46) (527.91)

SSW (534.97) (162.43) (14.93) (54.06) (144.29) (124.20) (248.57) (743.06) (857.31) (920.34) (946.46)

SW 4 ~ 44 (789.10) (377.33) (74.00) 253.40 341.26 221.36 156.95 (670.95) (847.80) (882.46) (852.98)

WSW (737.74) (16.50) 374.72 806.47 879.64 563.15 345.62 (647.00) (841.98) (812.49) (859.67)

(347.41) (440.33) (428.18) (465.57) (499.66) (609.53) (687.58) (915.85) (961.20) (945.52) (959.72)

WNW (158.84) 171.57 137.18 (51.51) (232.89) (353.35) (452.65) (843.89) (931.75) (959.09) (972.77)

NW (257.76) 297.26 789.28 1,307.34 1,657.28 (247.89) (633.58) (785.54) (861.92)

(814.65) (656.17) (310.89) (360.93) (171.40) (253.11) (455.27) (558.73)

Average by Annulus 0~%i (898.24) (577.72) (289.69) (69.86) (70.61) 7.59 58.20 24.82 (536.54) (699.33) (724.02) (678.84) ote: ues m parent eses are negattve. umu atrve area o ess t an square mt e.


DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1 0-2 0-3 0-4 0-5 0-6 0-7 0-8 0-9 0-10 0-20 0-30 0-40 0-50 IRECTION N (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)

NNE (1,000.00) 44 ~ 4 (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (I 000 00) (I 000 00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)

NE (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)

ENE (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)

(1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)

ESE (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)

SE (1,000.00) (932.27) (961.78) (975.50) (982.97) (987.48) (990.41) (992.42) (993.86) (998.47) (999.32) (999.62) (999.76)

SSE (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (937.64) (762.34) (513.10) (589.00) (652.01) (676.97) (715.92) (674.39) (671.94) (564.93) (488.98)

S (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (938.62) (871.93) (780.81) (682.44) (449.10) (139.49) (210.05) (326.38) (663.14) (768.28) (543.42)

SSW (1,000.00) (978.82) (765.65) (429.00) (232.94) (209.11) (254.31) (316.50) (411.57) (760.78) (862.36) (921.99) (947.21)

SW (1,000.00) (924.62) (850.35) (499.70) (209.18) 108.21 208.68 105.04. 63.83 (677.82) (849.39) (914.49) (927.31)

WSW (1,000.00) (911.44) (871.36) (339.32) 25.20 468.48 610.33 385.91 221.80 (655.99) (843.82) (863.69) (909.06)

W (1,000.00) 4044 (944.80) (550.97) (556.08) (512.51) (523.56) (541.32) (635.27) (704.31) (917.06) (961.49) (945.90) (960.33)

(1,000.00) (974.14) (591.78) (223.77) (129.29) (214.86) (334.18) (421.61) (499.88) (848.13) (932.60) (959.51) (973.08)

NW (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (992.63) (923.89) (796.87) (478.17) (77.32) 420.39 827.57 (313.03) (648.44) (793.03) (867.10)

(1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (935.36) (893.08) (790.94) (802.00) (631.81) (581.50) (703.41) (768.11)

Average by Annulus (1,000.00) ~ ii ~

(979.13) (903.80) (786.35) (695.78) (627.71) (585.80) (566.37) (576.52) (800.24) (875.88) (902.18) (899.02) ote: a ues m parent eses are neganve. umu attve area o ess t an square mt e.

CUMULATIVE DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1 0-2 0-3 0-4 0-5 0-6 0-7 0-8 0-9 0-10 0-20 0-30 0-40 0-50 DIRECTION N

NE ENE ESE SE 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 SSE 236 1,406 4,150 4,744 5,204 6,046 6,530 28,514 65,121 155,981 287,732 235 766 1,876 3,548 7,847 15,362 17,391 58,960 65,622 80,938 255,769 SSW 46 897 3,416 6,607 9,259 11,385 13,103 13,922 22,015 27,745 27,951 29,566 SW 12 161 567 2,965 6,748 12,874 18,343 21,225 25,226 30,407 31,653 31,928 42,108 WSW 24 185 479 3,848 8,604 16,789 24,055 26,206 28,526 32,118 32,954 50,384 52,403 W 115 1,665 2,571 4,068 5,409 6,804 6,848 6,854 7,692 8,132 19,800 22,634 54 1,515 4,503 7,275 8,927 9,886 10,871 11,606 14,100 14,270 15,196 15,788 NW 28 446 1,712 5,982 13,816 26,915 42,755 64,278 74,091 77,434 77,674 749 1,617 3,999 4,675 34,178 86,187 108,396 132,004 Total by Annulus 0 183 701 5,762 20,061 41,180 68,421 99,097 130,715 157,625 292,402 405,915 568,148 915,818


DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1 0-2 0-3 0-4 0-5 0-6 0-7 0-8 0-9 0-10 0-20 0-30 0-40 0-50 IRECTION N

NE ENE ESE SE 414.81 120.73 120.73 120.73 120.73 120.73 120.73 120.73 120.73 120.73 120.73 120.73 SSE 1,744.85 2,874.36 2,639.96 2,071.33 2,189.71 1,941.43 7,231.37 2,491.69 2,335.79 2,478.20 2,590.46 1,741.71 1,366.19 1,611.36 1,973.79 1,562.88 4,912.35, 962.00 494.82 851.84 SSW 1,996.88 2,123.72 1,943.06 1,655.31 1,392.68 1,177.40 1,103.62 1,408.73 373.15 163.82 96.04 SW 44t8 651.80 1,322.01 1,700.43 2,119.35 2,142.90 1,862.74 1,742.15 1,673.69 409.20 182 73 184 40 WSW 2,513.12 2,529.25 2,638.62 3,217.64 3,105.67 2,457.24 2,041.49 1,817.59 434.22 289.21 229.98 W 2,110.00 1,208.80 1,061 .92 912.11 806.09 604.08 468.79 420.56 106.72 113.09 72.67 3,591.75 2,999.00 2,271.02 1,674.36 1,260.15 1,011,80 828.28 797.86 189.58 87.19 50.83 NW 4t 2,094.19 3,113.68 3,594.64 4,182.60 4,397.35 4,793.04 1,039.58 457.25 256.53 328.90 480.31 1,020.02 965.71 5,599.10 2,459.86 1,096.90 773.22 Average by Annulus 414.81 1,830.71 1,829.85 1,827.34 1,714.82 1,658.59 1,660.01 1,517.24 2,877.50 858.67 534.15 511.44 umu attve area o ess t an square mt e.


DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1 0-2 0-3 0-4 0-5 0-6 0-7 0-8 0-9 0-10 0-20 0-30 0-40 0-50 IRECTION N 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NNE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ENE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ESE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SE 0.00 80.35 45.35 29.07 20.20 14.85 11.37 8.99 7.28 1.82 0.80 0.45 0.29 SSE 0.00 0.00 74.71 284.86 583.82 490.26 411.76 377.98 330.67 360.91 368.78 496.93 586.76 0.00 0.00 73.59 153.52 261.08 362.75 614.31 950.27 871.38 738.36 371.09 257.54 521.03 SSW 0.00 25.63 281.03 684.88 919.77 946.96 891.49 810.63 697.61 275.67 156.86 88.92 60.21 SW 0.00 90.57 179.38 600.32 948.70 1,329.77 1,450.68 1,326.23 1,276.76 384.89 179.26 101.71 85.86 WSW 0.00 106.39 154.44 792.73 1,229.72 1,762.03 1,932.38 1,662.82 1,465.77 412.43 186.95 160.74 106.97 0.00 66.12 538.64 532.33 584.82 571.29 550.22 437.50 354.68 99.49 46.10 63.13 46.17 0.00 31.03 489.67 931.35 1,044.76 941.93 798.62 693.92 600.06 182.23 80.86 48.43 32.20 NW 0.00 0.00 8.97 91.49 243.87 626.07 1,107.15 1,704.11 2,192.67 823.78 419.76 246.81 158.47 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 77.59 . 128.26 250.61 237.29 433.46 488.69 345.70 269.41 Average by Annulus 0.00 *4%4 25.01 115.36 256.29 364.80 445.22 493.52 513.94 502.14 232.06 143.70 113.15 116.71 umu ative area o ess t an square mt e.


DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1 0-2 0-3 0-4 0-5 0-6 0-7 0-8 0-9 0-10 0-20 0-30 0-40 0-50 DIRECTION N

NE ENE ESE SE (85.19) (379.27) (379.27) (379.27) (379.27) (379.27) (379.27) (379.27) (379.27) (379.27) (379.27) (379.27)

SSE "1,244.85 2,374.36 2,139.96 1,571.33 1,689.71 1,441.43 6,731.37 1,991.69 1,835.79 1,978.20 2,090.46 1,241.71 866.19 1,111.36 1,473.79 1,062.88 4,412.35 462.00 (5.18) 351.84 SSW 1,496.88 1,623.72 1,443.06 1,155.31 892.68 677.40 603.62 908.73 (126.'85) (336.18) (403.96)

SW 151.80 822.01 1,200.43 1,619.35 1,642.90 1,362.74 1,242.15 1,173.69 (90.80) (317.27) (315.60)

WSW 2,013.12 2,029.25 2,138.62 2,717.64 2,605.67 1,957.24 1,541.49 1,317.59 (65.78) (210;79) (270.02)

W 1,610.00 708.80 561.92 412.11 306.09 104.08 (31.21) (79.44) (393.28) (386.91) (427.33) 3,091.75 2,499.00 1,771.02 1,174.36 760.15 511.80 328.28 297.86 (310.42) (412.81) (449.17)

NW 1,594.19 2,613.68 3,094.64 3,682.60 3,897.35 4,293.04 539.58 (42.75) (243.47)

NNW (171.10) (19.69) 520.02 465.71 5,099.10 1,959.86 596.90 273.22 Average by Annulus (85.19) 1,330.71 1,329.85 1,327.34 1,214.82 1,158.59 1,160.01 1,017.24 2,377.50 358.67 34.15 11.44 ote: a ues m parent eses are negattve. umu attve area o ess t an square mi e.


DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1 0-2 0-3 0-4 0-5 0-6 0-7 0-8 0-9 0-10 0-20 0-30 0-40 0-50 IRECTION N (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00)

(500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00)

NE (5PQ PQ) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00)

ENE (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00)

(500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00)

ESE (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00)

SE (500.00) (419.65) (454.65) (470.93) (479.80) (485.15) (488.63) (491.01) (492.72) (498.18) (499.20) (499.55) (499.71)

SSE (500.00) (500.00) (425.29) (215.14) 83.82 (9.74) (88.24) (122.02) (169.33) (139.09) (131.22) (3.07) 86.76 (500.00) (500.00) (426.41) (346.48) (238.92) (137.25) 114.31 450.27 371.38 238.36 (128.91) (242.46) 21.03 SSW (500.00) (474.37) (218.97) 184.88 819.77 446.96 391.49 310.63 197.61 (224.33) (343.14) (411.08) (439.79)

SW (500.00) (409.43) (320.62) 100.32 448.70 829.77 950.68 826.23 776.76 (115.11) (320.74) (398.29) (414.14)

WSW (500.00) (393.61) (345.56) 292.73 729.72 1,262.03 1,432.38 1,162.82 965.77 (87.57) (313.05) (339.26) (393.03)

(5PP PQ) (433.88) 38.64 32.33 84.82 71.29 50.22 (62.50) (145.32) (400.51) (453.90) (436.87) (453.83)

(500.00) (468.97) (10.33) 431.35 544.76 441.93 298.62 193.92 100.06 (317.77) (419.14) (451.57) (467.80)

NW (500.00) (500.00) (491.03) (408.51) (256.13) 126.07 607.15 1,204.11 1,692.67 323.78 (80.24) (253.19) (341.53)

NNW (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (422.41) (371.74) (249.39) (262.71) (66.54) (11.31) (154.30) (230.59)

Average by Annulus (500.00) 'i*~ (474.99) (384.64) (243.71) (135.20) (54.78) (6.48) 13.94 2.14 (267.94) (356.30) (386.85) (383.29) ote: a ues m parent eses are negattve. umu attve area o ess t an square mt e.


DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1 0-2 0-3 0-4 0-5 0-6 0-7 0-8 0-9 0-10 0-20 0-30 0-40 0-50 DIRECTION N

NE ENE ESE SE (585.19) (879.27) (879.27) (879.27) (879.27) (879.27) (879.27) (879.27) (879.27) (879.27) (879.27) (879.27)

SSE 744.85 1,874.36 1,639.96 1,071.33 1,189.71 941.43 6,231.37 1,491.69 1,335.79 1,478.20 1,590.46 741.71 366.19 611.36 973.79 562.88 3,912.35 (38.00) (505.18) (148.16)

SSW 996.88 1,123.72 943.06 655.31 392.68 177.40 103.62 408.73 (626.85) (836.18) (903.96)

SW (348.20) 322.01 700.43 1,119.35 1,142.90 862.74 742.15 673.69 (590.80) (817.27) (815.60)

WSW 1,513.12 1,529.25 1,638.62 2,217.64 2,105.67 1,457.24 1,041.49 817.59 (565.78) (710.79) (770.02)

W 1,110.00 208.80 61.92 (87.89) (193.91) (395.92) (531.21) (579.44) (893.28) (886.91) (927.33) 2,591.75 1,999.00 1,271.02 674.36 260.15 11.80 (171.72) (202.14) (810.42) (912.81) (949.17) 1,094.19 2,113.68 2,594.64 3,182.60 3,397.35 3,793.04 39.58 (542.75) (743.47)

NNW (671.10) (519.69) 20.02 (34.29) 4,599.10 1,459.86 96.90 (226.78)

Average 0444 (585.19) 830.71 829.85 827.34 714.82 658.59 660.01 517.24 1,877.50 (141.33) (465.85) (488.56) by Annulus ote: a ues m parent eses are negative. umu ative area o ess t an square mi e.


DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1 0-2 0-3, 04 0-5 0-6 0-7 0-8 0-9 0-10 0-20 0-30 0-40 0-50 IRECTION N (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)

NNE (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)

NE (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)

ENE (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)

E (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)

ESE (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)

SE (1,000.00) (919.65) (954.65) (970.93) (979.80) (985.15) (988.63) (991.01) (992.72) (998.18) (999.20) (999.55) (999.71)

SSE (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (925.29) (715.14) (416.18) (509.74) (588.24) (622.02) (669.33) (639.09) (631.22) (503.07) (413.24)

S (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (926.41) (846.48) (738.92) (637.25) (385.69) (49.73) (128.62) (261.64) (628.91) (742.46) (478.97)

SSW (1,000.00) (974.37) (718.97) (315.12) (80.23) (53.04) (108.51) (189.37) (302.39) (724.33) (843.14) (911.08) (939.79)

SW (1,000.00) (909.43) (820.62) (399.68) (51.30) 329.77 450.68 326.23 276.76 (615.11) (820.74) (898.29) (914.14)

WSW (1,000.00) *~~* - (893.61) (845.56) (207.27) 229.72 762.03 932.38 662.82 465.77 (587.57) (813.05) (839.26) (893.03)

W (1,000.00) (933.88) (461.36) (467.67) (415.18) (428.71) (449.78) (562.50) (645.32) (900.51) (953.90) (936.87) (953.83)

WNW (1,000.00) (968.97) (510.33) (68.65) 44.76 (58.07) (201.38) (306.08) (399.94) (817.77) (919.14) (951.57) (967.80)

NW (1,000.00) ~~~~ '1,000.00) (991.03) (908.51) (756.13) (373.93) 107.15 704.11 1,192.67 (176.22) (580.24) (753.19) (841.53)

NNW. (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (922.41) (871.74) (749.39) (762.71) (566.54) (511.31) (654.30) (730.59)

Average by Annulus (1,000.00) ~'~~ (974.99) (884.64) (743.71) (635.20) (554.78) (506.48) (486.06) (497.86) (767.94) (856.30) (886.85) (883.29) ote: a ues m parent eses are negattve. umu attve area o ess t an square mt e.

CUMULATIVE DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1 0-2 0-3 0-4 0-5 0-6 0-7 0-8 0-9 0-10 0-20 0-30 0-40 0-50 IRECTION N

NE ENE 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 SE 161 161 SSE '0 271 1,610 4,750 5,414 5,908 6,810 7,329 30,918 71,307 172,667 319,679 270 878 2,139 3,934 8,544 16,606 18,782 63,358 70,782 87,868 282,921 SSW 52 1,027 3,907 7,561 10,580 12,994 14,878 15,805 24,519 30,666 30,896 32,697 SW 14 184 3,391 7,720 14,727 20,975 24,272 28,848 34,681 36,018 36,322 47,687 WSW 27 211 548 4,402 9,844 19,198 27,505 29,972 32,627 36,722 37,640 56,973 59,158 132 1,904 2,942 4,653 6,193 7,786 7,837 7,844 8,800 9,291 22,246 25,400 62 1,733 5,146 8,317 10,207 11,303 12,426 13,266 16,116 16,310 17,343 18,021 NW 32 511 1,960 6,848 15,806 30,789 48,900 73,495 84,499 88,254 88,521 856 1,850 4,580 5,355 38,648 96,946 121,864 148,078 Total 210 802 6,595 22,948 47,105 78,118 112,832 148,331 178,917 327,418 453,620 634,594 1,022,323 by Annulus 0


DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1 0-2 0-3 0-4 0-5 0-6 0-7 0-8 0-9 0-10 0-20 0-30 0-40= 0-50 DIRECTION N

NE ENE ESE SE 138.84 138.84 138.84 138.84 138.84 138.84 138.84 138.84 138.84 138.84 138.84 138.84 SSE 00tt 1,115.11 2,643.29 2,154.91 2,139.73 2,024.68 1,858.69 1,183.00 1,067.81 1,487.16 2,104.96 0000 815.15 823.64 807.84 1,097.78 1,492.34 1,564.85 928.81 432.73 292.64 595.92 SSW 638.48 1,149.02 1,351.75 1,294.21 1,167.60 1,179.41 1,011.35 329.76 179.74 100.36 67.54 SW Oi00 289.37 854.50 1,270.89 1,720.46 1,840.80 1,676.27 1,587.88 448.34 206.14 159.07 196.65 WSW 360.19 1,349.98 1,886.62 2,478.60 2,579.05 2,144.98 1,846.39 483.87 216.06 250.04 186.35 000t 895.20 767.99 784.63 733.71 686.83 536.02 428.88 115.49 53.07 71.42 52.61 WNW 1,154.18 1,606.42 1,559.94 1,301.07 1,052.01 886.80 750.67 214.10 93.58 55.84 37.18 NW 00 1,020.20 1,781.71 2,456.25 3,166.65 3,646.34 1,031.21 498.96 291.47 187.64 254.26 471.88 946.09 877.26 1,103.05 981.03 713.82 575.10 Average by Annulus iooo 138.84 579.38 974.63 1,275.53 1,266.56 1,363.08 1,419.21 1,371.12 597.65 386.80 356.07 414.28 umu ative area o ess t an I square mt e.


DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1 0-2 0-3 0-4 0-5 0-6 0-7 0-8 0-9 0-10 0-20 0-30 0-40 0-50 DIRECTION 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NE 0.00 t ttt 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ENE 0.00 ttt 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 hatt 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SE 0.00 tttt 92.41 52.15 33.43 23.23 17.08 13.08 10.34 8.37 2.09 0.93 0.52 0.33 SSE 0.00 tttt 0.00 85.79 326.19 668.23 559.51 467.47 425.74 371.13 391.33 403.81 550.09 651.91 0.00 0.00 84.55 175.97 297.69 402.22 668.88 1,027.22 941.07 793.44 400.27 279.59 576.34 SSW 0.00 ttt 28.98 321.76 783.33 1,052.58 1,082.07 1,017.48 920.45 791.97 307.02 173.38 98.29 66.59 SW 0.00 tttt 103.50 205.33 686.58 1,085.35 1,521.16 1,658.84 1,516.62 1,460.08 438.99 203.98 115.71 97.23 WSW 0.00 121.34 176.68 906.86 1,406.95 2,014.86 2,209.52 1,901.78 1,676.49 471.55 213.53 181.76 120.76 0.00 t 75.90 615.96 609.15 668.92 654.09 629.63 500.69 405.92 113.82 52.67 70.92 51.82 WNW 0.00 tttt 35.62 560.13 1,064.34 1,194.40 1,076.99 913.09 793.18 685.88 208.28 92.42 55.28 36.76 NW 0.00 0.00 10.26 104.83 279.20 716.70 1,266.62 1,949.39 2,507.81 941.90 478.73 281.30 180.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 88.68 146.74 287.02 271.80 490.15 549.70 388.65 302.22 Average by Annulus 0.00 "" 28.61 132.04 293.17 417.29 508.33 561.96 583.28 570.03 259.91 160.59 126.38 130.29 umu anveareao esst an I squaremi e.


DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1 0-2 0-3 0-4 0-5 0-6 0-7 '0-8 0-9 0-10 0-20 0-30 0-40 0-50 IRECTION N

NE ENE ESE SE (361.16) (361.16) (361.16) (361.16) (361.16) (361.16) (361.16) (361.16) (361.16) (361.16) (361.16) (361.16)

SSE 0000 615.11 2,143.29 1,654.91 1,639.73 1,524.68 1,358.69 683.00 567.81 987.16 1,604.96 Oitf 315.15 323.64 307.84 597.78 992.34 1,064.85 428.81 (67.27) (207.36) 95.92 SSW 138.48 649.02 851.75 794.21 667.60 679.41 511.35 (170.24) (320.26) (399.64) (432.46)

Cent 354.50 770.89 1,220.46 1,340.80 1,176.27 1,087.88 (51.66) (293.86) (340.93) (303.35)

SW (210.63)

WSW 0400 (139.81) 849.98 1,386.62 1,978.60 2,079.05 1,644.98 1,346.39 (16.13) (283.94) (249.96) (313.65)

Ot00 395.20 267.99 284.63 233.71 186.83 36.02 (71.12) (384.51) (446.93) (428.58) (447.39) 654.18 1,106.42 1,059.94 801.07 552.01 386.80 250.67 (285.90) (406.42) (444.16) (462.82)

NW 520.20 1,281.71 1,956.25 2,666.65 3,146.34 531.21 (1.04) (208.53) (312.36)

(245.74) (28.12) 446.09 377.26 603.05 481.03 213.82 75.10 Average'y Annulus (361.16) 79.38 474.63 775.53 766.56 863.08 919.21 871.12 97.65 (113.20) (143.93) (85.72) ote: ues m parent eses are negattve. umu ativeareao esst an squaremi e.


DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1 0-2 0-3 0-4 0-5 0-6 0-7 0-8 0-9 0-10 0-20 0-30 0-40 0-50 IRECTION N (500.00) 4000 (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00)

NNE (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00)

NE (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00)

ENE (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00)

E (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00)

ESE (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) 101'500.00) 0000 SE (500.00) (407.59) (447.85) (466.57) (476.77) (482.92) (486.92) (489.66) (491.63) (497.91) (499.07) (499.48) (499.67)

SSE (500.00) Ofter (500.00) (414.21) (173.81) 168.23 59.51 (32.53) (74.26) (128.87) (108.67) (96.19) 50.09 151.91 S (500.00) 0044 (500.00) (415.45) (324.03) (202.31) (97.78) 168.88 527.22 441.07 293.44 (99.73) (220.41) 76.34 SSW (500.00) (471.02) (178.24) 283.33 552.58 582.07 517.48 420.45 291.97 (192.98) (326.62) (401.71) (433.41)

SW (500.00) 000 (396.50) (294.67) 186.58 585.35 1,021.16 1,158.84 1,016.62 960.08 (61.01) (296.02) (384.29) (402.77)

WSW (500.00) 0000 (378.66) (323.32) 406.86 906.95 1,514.86 1,709.52 1,401.78 1,176.49 (28.45) (286.47) (318.24) (379.24)

~ ~ 40 154.09 129.63 0.69 (94.08) (386.18) (447.33) (429.08) (448.18)

W (500.00) (424.10) 115.96 109.15 168.92 WNW (500.00) (464.38) 60.13 564.34 694.40 576.99 413.09 293.18 185.88 (291.72) (407.58) (444.72) (463.24)

NW (500.00) 0040 (500.00) (489.74) (395.17) (220.80) 216.70 766.62 1,449.39 2,007.81 441.90 (21.27) (218.70) (319.40)

NNW (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (411.32) (353.26) (212.98) (228.20) (9.85) 49.70 (111.35) (197.78)

Average by Annulus (500.00) "" (471.39) (367.96) (206.83) (82.71) 8.33 61.96 83.28 70.03 (240.09) (339.41) (373.62) (369.71) ote: a ues tn parent eses are negauve. umu auve area o ess t an square mi e.



O-l 0-2 0-3 0-4 0-5 0-6 0-7 0-8 0-9 0-10 0-20 0-30 0-40 0-50 DIRECTION NE ENE ESE SE (861.16) (861.16) (861.16) (861.16) (861.16) (861.16) (861.16) (861.16) (861.16) (861.16) (861.16) (861.16)

SSE tttt 115.11 1,643.29 1,154.91 1,139.73 1,024.68 858.69 183.00 67.81 487.16 1,104.96 OOOO 564.85 (707.36) (404.08)

(184.85) (176.36) (192.16) 97.78 492.34 (71.19) (567.27)

SSW (361.52) 149.02 351.75 294.21 167.60 179.41 11.35 (670.24) (820.26) (899.64) (932.46)

SW (710.63) (145.50) 270.89 720.46 840.80 676.27 587.88 (551.66) (793.86) (840.93) (803.35)

WSW Ottt (639.81) 349.98 886.62 1,478.60 1,579.05 1,144.98 846.39 (516.13) (783.94) (749.96) (813.65)

Ottt OOOO (104.80) (232.01) (215.37) (266.29) (313.17) (463.98) (571.12) (884.51) (946.93) (928.58) (947.39)

OOOO WNW 154.18 606.42 559.94 301.07 52.01 (113.20) (249.33) (785.90) (906.42) (944.16) (962.82)

NW 20.20 781.71 1,456.25 2,166.65 2,646.34 31.21 (501.04) (708.53) (812.36)

NNW (745.74) (528.12) (53.91) (122.74) 103.05 (18.97) (286.18) (424.90)


by Annulus (861.16) (420.62) (25.37) 275.53 266.56 363.08 419.21 371.12 (402.35) (613.20) (643.93) (585.72) ote: a ues m parent eses are negattve. umu auveareao esst an squaremt e.


DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1 0-2 0-3 0-4 0-5 0-6 0-7 0-8 0-9 0-10 0-20 0-30 ~

0>>40 0-50 DIRECTION N (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)

NNE (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)

NE (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)

ENE (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)

E (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)

ESE (I;000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)

SE (1,000.00) (907.59) (947.85) (966.57) (976.77) (982.92) (986.92) (989.66) (991.63) (997.91) (999.07) (999.48) (999.67)

SSE (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (914.21) (673.81) (331.77) (440.49) (532.53) (574.26) (628.87) (608.67) (596.19) (449.91) (348.09)

S (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (915.45) (824.03) (702.31) (597.78) (331.12) 27.22 (58.93) (206.56) (599.73) (720.41) (423.66)

SSW (1,000.00) 00 ~ (971.02) (678.24) (216.67) 52.58 82.07 17.48 (79.55) (208.03) (692.98) (826.62) (901.71) (933.41)

SW (1,000.00) 000t (896.50) (794.67) (313.42) 85.35 521.16 658.84 516.62 460.08 (561.01) (796.02) (884.29) (902.77)

WSW (1,000.00) 0400 (878.66) (823.32) (93.14) 406.95 1,014.86 1,209.52 901.78 676.49 (528.45) (786.47) (818.24) (879.24)

W (1,000.00) (924.10) (384.04) (390.85) (331.08) (345.91) (370.37) (499.31) (594.08) (886.18) (947.33) (929.08) (948.18)

WNW (1,000.00) (964.38) (439.87) 64.34 194.40 76.99 (86.91) (206.82) (314.12) (791.72) (907.58) (944.72) (963.24)

NW (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (989.74) (895.17) (720.80) (283.30) 266.62 949.39 1,507.81 (58.10) (521.27) (718.70) (819.40)

NNW (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (911.32) (853.26) (712.98) (728.20) (509.85) (450.30) (611.35) (697.78)

Average by Annulus (1,000.00) "" (971.39) (867.96) (706.83) (582.71) (491.67) (438.04) (416.72) (429.97) (740.09) (839.41) (873.62) (869.71) ote: a ues m parent eses are negative. 'umu ativeareao esst an I square mi e.

CUMULATIVE DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1 0-2 0-3 0-4 0-5 0-6 0-7 0-8 0-9 0-10 0-20 0-30 0-40 0-50 DIRECTION N

NE ENE ESE SE 198 198 198 198 198 198 198 198 198 198 198 198 198 SSE 334 1,989 5,869 6,659 7,213 8,227 8,812 35,299 82,694 203,656 379,042 333 1,084 2,627 4,643 9,821 18,872 21,316 71,400 80,242 100,629 333,370 SSW 65 1,270 4,833 9,346 13,062 16,020 18,209 19,338 29,201 36,105 36,379 38,532 SW 17 227 803 4,192 9,540 18,192 25,910 29,983 35,636 42,676 44,177 44,533 58,085 WSW 34 261 677 5,436 12,163 23,725 33,994 37,038 . 40,320 45,359 46,431 69,319 71,809 10 163 2,355 3,637 5,752 7,651 9,620 9,683 9,691 10,878 11,462 26,803 30,542 76 2,140 6,366 10,285 12,620 13,978 15,367 16,404 19,928 20,168 21,392 22,232 NW 40 631 2,421 8,459 19,529 38,046 60,440 90,784 103,978 108,467 108,787 1,058 2,288 5,660 6,619 46,965 116,871 146,672 177,745 Total by Annulus 0 259 990 8,150 28;366 58,201 96,267 138,571 181,283 218,774 392,688 542,326 758,048 1,220,342


DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1 0-2 0-3 0-4 0-5 0-6 0-7 0-8 0-9 0-10 0-20 0-30 040 0-50 IRECTION N

NNE NE ENE ESE 170.75 170.75 170.75 170.75 170.75 170.75 170.75 170.75 170.75 170.75 170.75 170.75 SE 1,377.61 3,266.00 2,650.45 2,612.36 2,445.96 2,234.79 1,350.63 1,238.33 1,754.06 2,495.84 SSE 1,006.41 1,011.55 953.43 1,261.85 1,695.98 1,775.98 1,046.70 490.57 335.14 702.18 789.56 1,421.35 1,670.87 1,597.82 1,439.51 1,443.46 1,237.43 392.73 211.62 118.17 79.59 SSW 0044 358.03 1,056.35 1,570.50 2,125.26 2,273.90 2,070.68 1,961.51 551.70 252.83 195.02 239.53 SW 04 4004 444.98 1,667.08 2,331.06 3,063.07 3,187.50 2,650.66 2,281.74 597.67 266.52 304.22 226.20 WSW 1,107.25 949.41 969.95 906.44 848.61 662.28 529.86 142.76 65.47 86.05 63.27 W

1,425.24 1,987.26 1,929.06 1,608.65 1,300.98 1,096.69 928.23 264.74 115.72 68.87 45.87 WNW 1,260.15 2,200.86 3,034.81 3,913.03 4,506.85 1,273.80 613.99 358.23 230.59 NW NNW" 314.26 583.60 1,169.18 1,084.34 1,340.43 1,182.66 859.13 690.32 Average 170.75 715.97 1,204.53 1,575.54 1,559.10 1,671.39 1,731.87 1,671.15 713.19 460.84 424.97 494.41 by Annulus umu attve area o ess t an square mt e.


DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1 0-2 0-3 04 0-5 0-6 0-7 0-8 0-9 0-10 0-20 0-30 0-40 0-50 IRECTION N 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ENE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ESE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SE 0.00 113.64 64.13 41.11 28.57 21.00 16.09 12.71 10.30 2.58 1.14 0.64 0.41 SSE 0.00 0.00 105.73 402.98 825.65 688.17 570.73 514.33 446.22 446.78 468.30 648.81 772.97 0.00 0.00 104.28 217.25 365.60 474.71 768.85 1,167.39 1,068.04 894.15 453.77 320.20 679.11 SSW 0.00 4044 36.22 397.89 968.98 1,301.07 1,335.91 1,254.42 1,126.52 969.00 365.65 204.13 115.73 78.47 SW 0.00 127.69 254.05 848.75 1,341.23 1,879.07 2,049.13 1,873.47 1,803.64 540.19 250.19 141.87 118.43 WSW 0.00 150.09 218.27 1,119.88 1,738.39 2,489.98 2,730.79 2,350.13 2,071.78 582.45 263.40 221.15 146.59 W 0.00 93.72 761.86 753.05 826.91 808.08 777.94 618.62 501.50 140.70 64.98 85.45 62.31 0.00 4444 43.67 691.68 1,316.68 1,477.03 1,331.60 1,129.19 980.91 848.12 257.55 114.28 68.18 45.35 NW 0.00 0.00 12.82 129.45 344.87 885.30 1,564.96 2,408.86 3,099.63 1,163.48 589.09 345.72 221.95 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 109.60 181.48 354.70 335.96 595.63 662.68 467.76 362.77 Average 4444 35.32 163.17 362.38 515.58 626.46 690.22 712.98 697.14 311.82 192.00 150.97 155.52 by Annulus 0.00 umu ative area o ess t an square mt e.



0-1 0-2 0-3 0-4 0-5 0-6 0-7 0-8 0-9 0-10 0-20 0-30 0-40 0-50 IRECTION N

NNE NE ESE SE (329.25) (329.25) (329.25) (329.25) (329.25) (329.25) (329.25) (329.25) (329.25) (329.25) (329.25) (329.25)

SSE 877.61 2,766.00 2,150.45 2,112.36 1,945.96 1,734.79 850.63 738.33 1,254.06 1,995.84 506.41 511.55 453.43 761.85 1,195.98 1,275.98 546.70 (9.43) (164.86) 202.18 SSW 289.56 921.35 1,170.87 1,097.82 939.51 943.46 737.43 (107.27) (288.38) (381.83) (420.41)

SW (141.97) 556.35 1,070.50 1,625.26 1,773.90 1,570.68 1,461.51 51.70 (247.17) (304.98) (260.47)

WSW 4444 (55.02) 1,167.08 1,831.06 2,563.07 2,687.50 2,150.66 1,781.74 97.67 (233.48) (195.78) (273:80)

W 607.25 449.41 469.95 406.44 348.61 162.28 29.86 (357.24) (434.53) (413.95) (436.73)

WNW 925.24 1,487.26 1,429.06 1,108.65 800.98 596.69 428.23 (235.26) (384.28) (431.13) (454.13)

NW 760.15 1,700.86 2,534.81 3,413.03 4,006.85 773.80 113.99 (141.77) (269.41)

(185.74) 83.60 669.18 584.34 840.43 682.66 359.13 190.32 Average by Annulus (329.25) 215.97 704.53 1,075.54 1,059.10 1,171.39 1,231.87 1,171.15 213.19 (39.16) (75.03) (5.59) ote: a ues m parent eses are negative. umu ativeareao esst an square mi e.


DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1 0-2 0-3 0-4 0-5 0-6 0-7 0-8 0-9 0-10 0-20 0-30 0-40 0-50 DIRECTION N (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00)

(5PQ QQ) 4044 (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00)

NE (5PQ QQ) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00)

ENE (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00)

(500 00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00)

(5PQ PQ) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00)

SE (500.00) (386.36) (435.87) (458.89) (471.43) (479.00) (483.91) (487.29) (489.70) (497.42) (498.86) (499.36) (499.59)

SSE (500.00) (500.00) (394.27) (97.02) 325.65 188.17 70.73 14.33 (53.78) (53.22) (31.70) 148.81 272.97 (5PQ PQ) (500.00) (395.72) (282.75) (134.40) (25.29) 268.85 667.39 568.04 394.15 (46.23) (179.80) 179.11 SSW (500.00) (463.78) (102.11) 468.98 801.07 835.91 754.42 626.52 469.00 (134.35) (295.87) (384.27) (421.53)

SW (500.00) (372.31) (245.95) 348.75 841.23 1,379.07 1,549.13 1,373.47 1,303.64 40.19 (249.81) (358.13) (381.57)

WSW (5PQ QQ) (349.91) (281.73) 619.88 1,238.39 1,989.98 2,230.79 1,850.13 1,571.78 82.45 (236.60) (278.85) (353.41)

W (500.00) (406.28) 261.86 253.05 326.91 308.08 277.94 118.62 1.50 (359.30) (435.02) (414.55) (437.69)

WNW (500.00) (456.33) 191.68 816.68 977.03 831.60 629.19 480.91 348.12 (242.45) (385.72) (431.82) (454.65)

NW (500.00) (500.00) (487.18) (370.55) (155.13) 385.30 1,064.96 1,908.86 2,599.63 663.48 89.09 (154.28) (278.05)

NNW (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (390.40) (318.52) (145.30) (164.04) 95.63 162.68 (32.24) (137.23)

Average by Annulus (500.00) ii ~>> (464.68) (336.83) (137.62) 15.58 126.46 190.22 212.98 197.14 (188.18) (308.00) (349.03) (344.48) ote: a ues m parent eses are negative. umu ative area o ess t an square mi e.


DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1 0-2 0-3 04 0-5 0-6 0-7 0-8 0-9 0-10 0-20 0-30 0-40 0-50 IRECTION N

NE ENE SE (829.25) (829.25) (829.25) (829.25) (829.25) (829.25) (829.25) (829.25) (829.25) (829.25) (829.25) (829.25)

SSE 377.61 2,266.00 1,650.45 1,612.36 1,445.96 1,234.79 350.63 238.33 754.06 1,495.84 6.41 11.55 (46.57) 261.85 695.98 775.98 46.70 (509.43) (664.86) (297.82)

SSW (210.44) 421.35 670.87 597.82 439.51 443.46 237.43 (607.27) (788.38) (881.83) (920.41)

SW 44if (641.97) 56.35 570.50 1,125.26 1,273.90 1,070.68 961.51 (448.30) (747.17) (804.98) (760.47)

WSW (555.02) 667.08 1,331.06 2,063.07 2,187.50 1,650.66 1,281.74 (402.33) (733.48) (695.78) (773.80) 107.25 (50.59) (30.05) (93.56) (151.39) (337.72) (470.14) (857.24) (934.53) (913.95) (936.73) 425.24 987.26 929.06 608.65 300.98 96.69 (71.77) (735.26) (884.28) (93 1-.13) (954.13)

NW 260.15 1,200.86 2,034.81 2,913.03 3,506.85 273.80 (386.01) (641.77) (769.41)

NNW . (685.74) (416.40) 169.18 84.34 340.43 182.66 (140.87) (309.68)

Average by Annulus (829.25) (284.03) 204.53 575.54 559.10 671.39 731.87 671.15 (286.81) (539.16) (575.03) (505.59) ote: a ues m parent eses are negattve. umu atrveareao esst an square mt e.


DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1 0-2 0-3 04 0-5 0-6 0-7 0-8 0-9 0-10 0-20 0-30 0-40 0-50 IRECTION N (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)

NNE (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)

NE (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)

ENE (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)

E (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)

ESE (1,000.00) 444t (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)

SE (1,000.00) (886.36) (935.87) (958.89) (971.43) (979.00) (983.91) (987.29) (989.70) (997.42) (998.86) (999.36) (999.59)

SSE (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (894.27) (597.02) (174.35) (311.83) (429.27) (485.67) (553.78) (553.22) (531.70) (351.19) (227.03)

S (1,000.00) 4440 (1,000.00) (895.72) (782.75) (634.40) (525.29) (231.15) 167.39 68.04 (105.85) (546.23) (679.80) (320.89)

SSW (1,000.00) 004 (963.78) (602.11) (31.02) 301.07 335.91 254.42 126.52 (31.00) (634.35) (795.87) (884.27) (921.53)

SW (1,000.00) 0044 (872.31) (745.95) (151.25) 341.23 879.07 1,049.13 873.47 803.64 (459.81) (749.81) (858.13) (881.57)

WSW (1,000.00) (849.91) (781.73) 119.88 738.39 1,489.98 1,730.79 1,350.13 1,071.78 (417.55) (736.60) (778.85) (853.41)

W (1,000.00) (906.28) (238.14) (246.95) (173.09) (191.92) (222.06) (381.38) (498.50) (859.30) (935.02) (914.55) (937.69)

WNW (1,000.00) (956.33) (308.32) 316.68 477.03 331.60 129.19 (19.09) (151.88) (742.45) (885.72) (931.82) (954.65)

NW (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (987.18) (870.55) (655.13) (114.70) 564.96 1,408.86 2,099.63 163.48 (410.91) (654.28) (778.05)


(1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (890.40) (818.52) (645.30) (664.04) (404.37) (337.32) (532.24) (637.23)

Average by Annulus (1,000.00) ~~'~ (964.68) (836.83) (637.62) (484.42) (373.54) (309.78) (287.02) (302.86) (688.18) (808.00) (849.03) (844.48) ote: a ues m parent eses are negattve. umu attve area o ess t an square mi e.

CUMULATIVE DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1 0-2 0-3 0-4 0-5 0-6 0-7 0-8 0-9 0-10 0-20 0-30 0-40 0-50 IRECTION N 0 ENE 0 0 ESE SE 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 234 SSE 393 2,338 6,899 7,806 8,416 9,531 10,174 39,328 93,140 232,013 433,374 392 1,274 3,074 5,292 10,989 20,952 23,643 78,725 88,867 112,280 379,506 SSW 76 1,492 5,682 10,995 .15,355 18,815 21,288 22,602 33,500 41,094 41,409 43,880 SW 20 267 943 4,928 11,222 21,418 30,517 35,315 41,967 50,129 51,781 52,178 67,739 WSW 40 307 796 6,397 14,315 27,936 40,034 43,622 47,487 53,397 54,605 80,699 83,465 12 192 2,771 4,279 6,768 9,006 11,326 11,400 11,410 12 803 13 476 30,942 35,196 WNW 90 2,520 7,494 12,100 14,846 16,445 18,079. 19,300 23,444 23,724 25,118 26,104 46 740 2,844 9,943 22,978 44,770 71,112 106,831 122,043 127,231 127,597 1,243 2,690 6,657 7,786 54,628 135,221 169,519 204,858 Total by Annulus 0 306 1,166 9,587 33,366 68,451 113,079 162,444 211,848 255,715 453,019 624,185 871,623 1,401,953


DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1 0-2 0-3 0-4 0-5 0-6 0-7 0-8 0-9 0-10 0-20 0-30 040 0-50 IRECTION N

NE ENE ESE SE 201.79 201.79 201.79 201.79 201.79 201.79 201.79 201.79 201.79 201.79 201.79 201.79 SSE 1,619.34 3,839.18 3,106.99 3,048.06 2,833.66 2,580.20 1,504.78 1,394.76 1,998.30 2,853.59 1,182.81 1,183.67 1,086.70 1,411.92 1,882.90 1,969.86 1,154.09 543.30 373.95 799.36 SSW 927.57 1,671.03 1,965.67 1,878.31 1,690.66 1,687.54 1,446.29 450.55 240.86 134.51 90.64 SW 420.46 1,241.81 1,847.39 2,502.13 2,678.22 2,438.91 2,309.99 648.05 296.35 228.50 279.35 WSW 523.20 1,961.79 2,743.49 3,606.74 3,753.84 3,121.86 2,687.33 703.59 313.43 354.16 262.92 1,302.84 1,117.00 1,141.28 1,066.97 999.10 779.72 623.85 168.02 76.97 99.34 72.91 1,678.32 2,339.39 2,269.49 1,892.39 1,530.59 1,290.23 1,092.10 311.45 136.13 80.87 53.86 NW 1,480.32 2,586.97 3,570.78 4,604.59 5,302.63 1,498.96 720.66 420.20 270.46 NNW. 369.22 686.14 1,375.13 1,275.52 1,559.14 1,368.35 992.96 795.62 Average by Annulus 201.79 842.36 1,416.87 1,852.48 1,829.82 1,957.11 2,021.63 1,948.96 820.04 529.26 488.46 568.05 umu attve area o ess an square mi e.


DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1 0-2 0-3 0-4 0-5 0-6 0-7 0-8 0-9 0-10 0-20 0-30 0-40 0-50 IRECTION N 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ENE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ESE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SE 0.00 134.31 75.79 48.58 33.77 24.82 19.01 15.02 12.17 3.04 1.35 0.76 0.48 SSE 0.00 0.00 124.41 473.69 970.56 806.70 665.91 595.86 515.19 497.78 527.45 739.15 883.76 0.00 0.00 122.76 255.33 427.81 541.06 860.29 1,296.05 1,184.63 985.88 502.55 357.27 773.09 SSW 0.00 42.35 467.45 1,139.20 1,530.63 1,570.43 1,473.28 1,317.01 1,132.56 419.48 232.34 131.73 89.36 SW 0.00 150.19 298.34 997.77 1,577.70 2,212.28 2,413.48 2,206.64 2,124.07 634.53 293.25 166.23 138.12 WSW 0.00 176.55 256.64 1,317.86 2,045.96 2,931.93 3,216.00 2,767.89 2,440.05 685.67 309.77 257.46 170.38 W 0.00 110.40 896.44 885.98 972.97 951.19 915.90 728.32 590.45 165.60 76.39 98.65 71.80 0.00 51.71 814.51 1,549.98 1,737.68 1,566.48 1,328.48 1,154.03 997.85 302.99 134.43 80.06 53.24 NW 0.00 0.00 14.74 151.81 405.13 1,040.62 1,841.35 2,834.58 3,646.94 1,369.13 691.44 405.53 260.32 NNW . 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 128.77 213.37 417.18 395.19 692.81 766.73 540.63 418.11 Average

~~4~ 41.59 191.94 426.26 606.39 735.89 809.19 833.29 814.94 359.81 220.98 173.59 178.67 by Annulus 0.00 umu attve area o ess t an square m> e.


DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1 . 0-2 0-3 0-4 0-5 0-6 0-7 0-8 0-9 0-10 0-20 0-30 0-'40 0-50 DIRECTION N

ESE SE SSE '298.21) (298.21) (298.21) 1,119.34 682.81 (298.21) 3,339.18 683.67 (298.21) 2,606.99 586.70 (298.21) 2,548.06 911.92 (298.21) 2,333.66 1,382.90 (298.21) 2,080.20 1,469.86 (298.21) 1,004.78 654.09 (298.21) 894.76 43.30 (298.21) 1,498.30 (126.05)

(298.21) 2,353.59 299.36 SSW 427.57 1,171.03 1,465.67 1,378.31 1,190.66 1,187.54 946.29 (49.45) (259.14) (365.49) (409.36)

SW (79.54) 741.81 1,347.39 2,002.13 2,178.22 1,938.9I 1,809.99 148.05 (203.65) (271.50) (220.65)

WSW 23.20 1,461.79 2,243.49 3,106.74 3,253.84 2,621.86 2,187.33 203.59 (186.57) (145.84) (237.08)

W 802.84 617.00 641.28 566.97 499.10 279.72 123.85 (331.98) (423.03) (400.66) (427.09)

WNW 1,178.32 1,839.39 1,769.49 1,392.39 1,030.59 790.23 592.10 (188.55) (363.87) (419.13) (446.14)

NW 980.32 2,086.97 3,070.78 4,104.59 4,802.63 998.96 220.66 (79.80) (229.54)

NNW (130.78) 186.14 875.13 775.52 1,059.14 868.35 492.96 295.62 Average by Annulus (298.21) 342.36 916.87 1,352.48 1,329.82 1,457.11 1,521.63 1,448.96 320.04 29.26 (11.54) 68.05 ote: a ues in parent eses are negative. umu ativeareao ess t an squaremt e.


DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1 0-2 0-3 0-4 0-5 0-6 0-7 0-8 0-9 0-10 0-20 0-30 0-40 0-50 IRECTION N (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00)

NNE (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00)

NE (500.00) 0004 (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00)

ENE (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) -

(500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00)

E (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00)

ESE (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00)

SE (500.00) (365.69) (424.21) (451.42) (466.23) (475.18) (480.99) (484.98) (487.83) (496.96) (498.65) (499.24) (499.52)

SSE (500.00) (500.00) (375.59) (26.31) 470.56 306.70 165.91 95.86 15.19 (2.22) 27.45 239.15 383.76 S (500.00) 0004 (500.00) (377.24) (244.67) (72.19) 41.06 360.29 796.05 684.63 485.88 2.55 (142.73) 273.09 SSW (500.00) 4004 (457.65) (32.55) 639.20 1,030.63 1,070.43 973.28 817.01 632.56 (80.52) (267.66) (368.27) (410.64)

SW (500.00) (349.81) (201.66) 497.77 1,077.70 1,712.28 1,913.48 1,706.64 1,624.07 134.53 (206.75) (333.77) (361.88)

WSW (500.00) (323.45) (243.36) 817.86 1,545.96 2,431.93 2,716.00 2,267.89 1,940.05 185.67 (190.23) (242.54) (329.62)

W (500.00) (389.60) 396.44 385.98 472.97 451.19 415.90 228.32 90.45 (334.40) (423.61) (401.35) (428.20)

WNW (500.00) (448.29) 314.51 1,049.98 1,237.68 1,066.48 828.48 654.03 497.85 (197.01) (365.57) (419.94) (446.76)

NW (500.00) (500.00) (485.26) (348.19) (94.87) 540.62 1,341.35 2,334.58 3,146.94 869.13 191.44 (94.47) (239.68)

NNW (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (371.23) (286.63) (82.82) (104.81) 192.81 266.73 40.63 (81.89)

Average by Annulus (500.00) "" (458.41) (308.06) (73.74) 106.39 235.89 309.19 333.29 314.94 (140.19) (279.02) (326.41) (321.33) ote: a ues m parent eses are negattve. umu atrve area o ess t an square mi e.


DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1 0-2 0-3 04 0-5 0-6 0-7 0-8 0-9 0-10 0-20 0-30 0-40 0-50 IRECTION N

NE ENE ESE SE (798.21) (798.21) (798.21) (798.21) (798.21) (798.21) (798.21) (798.21) (798.21) (798.21) (798.21) (798.21)

SSE 619.34 2,839.18 2,106.99 2,048.06 1,833.66 1,580.20 504.78 394.76 998.30 1,853.59 182.81 183.67 86.70 411.92 882.90 969.86 154.09 (456.70) (626.05) (200.64)

SSW (72.43) 671.03 965.67 878.31 690.66 687.54 446.29 (549.45) (759.14) (865.49) (909.36)

SW (579.54) 241.81 847.39 1,502.13 1,678.22 1,438 91 1,309 99 (351.95) (703.65) (771.50) (720.65)

WSW (476.80) 961.79 1,743.49 2,606.74 2,753.84 2,121.86 1,687.33 (296.41) (686.57) (645.84) (737.08)

W 302.84 117.00 141.28 66.97 (0.90) (220.28) (376.15) (831.98) (923.03) (900.66) (927.09) 678.32 1,339.39 1,269.49 892.39 530.59 290.23 92.10 (688.55) (863.87) (919.13) (946.14)

NW 480.32 1,586.97 2,570.78 3,604.59 4,302.63 498.96 (279.34) (579.80) (729.54)

(630.78) (313.86) 375.13 275.52 559.14 368.35 (7.04) (204.38)

Average by Annulus (798.21) (157.64) 416.87 852.48 829.82 957.11 1,021.63 948.96 (179.96) (470.74) (511.54) (431.95) ote: a ues m parent eses are negattve. umu attveareao esst an squaremt e.


DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1 0-2 0-3 0-4 0-5 0-6 0-7 0-8 0-9 0-10 0-20 0-30 0-40 0-50 IR ECTION N (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)

(1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)

NE (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)

ENE (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)

(1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)

(1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)

SE (1,000.00) (865.69) (924.21) (951.42) (966.23) (975.18) (980.99) (984.98) (987.83) (996.96) (998.65) (999.24) (999.52)

SSE (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (875.59) (526.31) (29.44) (193.30) (334.09) (404.14) (484.81) (502.22) (472.55) (260.85) (116.24)

S (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (877.24) (744.67) (572.19) (458.94) (139.71) 296.05 184.63 (14.12) (497.45) (642.73) (226.91)

SSW (1,000.00) (957.65) (532.55) 139.20 530.63 570.43 473.28 317.01 132.56 (580.52) (767.66) (868.27) (910.64)

SW (1,000.00) (849.81) (701.66) (2.23) 577.70 1,212.28 1,413.48 1,206;64 1,124.07 (365.47) (706.75) (833.77) (861.88)

WSW (1,000.00) (823.45) (743.36) 317.86 1,045.96 1,931.93 2,216.00 1,767.89 1,440.05 (314.33) (690.23) (742.54) (829.62)

W (1,000.00) (889.60) (103.56) (114.02) (27.03) (48.81) (84.10) (271.68) (409.55) (834.40) (923.61) (901.35) (928.20)

(1,000.00) (948.29) (185.49) 549.98 737.68 566.48 328.48 154.03 (2.15) (697.01) (865.57) (919.94) (946.76)

NW (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (985.26) (848.19) (594.87) 40.62 841.35 1,834.58 2,646.94 369.13 (308.56) (594.47) (739.68)

(1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (871.23) (786.63) (582.82) (604.81) (307.19) (233.27) (459.37) (581.89)

Average by Annulus (1,000.00)

~~~4 (958.41) (808.06) (573.74) (393.61) (264.11) (190.81) (166.71) (185.06) (640.19) (779.02) (826.41) (821.33) ote: a ues m parent eses are negative. umu anve area o ess t an square mi e.

CUMULATIVE DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1 0-2 0-3 0-4 0-5 0-6 0-7 0-8 0-9 0-10 0-20 0-30 0-40 0-50 IRECTION N

NNE NE-ENE 0 0'0(

ESE SE 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 263 SSE 443 2,630 7,757 8,759 9,412 10,604 11,290 42,474 101,523 255,341 478,421 439 1,431 3,446 5,819 11,913 22,571 25,445 84,417 95,639 121,582 417,569 SSW 86 1,678 6,382 12,344 17,225 21,095 23,790 25,257 36,967 45,098 45,446 48,184 SW 22 300 1,060 5,536 12,602 24,033 34,239 39,617 47,083 56,149 57,919 58,356 75,591 WSW 45 345 895 7,186 16,069 31,349 44,909 48,933 53,264 59,885 61,207 90,047 93,035 13 215 3,111 4,804 7,598 10,106 12,708 12,791 12,802 14,367 15,111 34,422 39,123 101 2,830 8,410 13,585 16,673 18,466 20,302 21,673 26,328 26,642 28,181 29,290 NW 52 833 3,199 11,177 25,799 50,256 79,830 119,885 136,782 142,547 142,951 NNW 1,397 3,019 7,472 8,738 60,966 150,490 188,555 227,556 Total by Annulus 0 343 1,310 10,771 37,475 76,863 126,801 181,823 236,599 285,645 501,701 690,674 964,740 1,551,983


DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1 0-2 0-3 0-4 0-5 0-6 0-7 0-8 0-9 0-10 0-20 0-30 0-40 0-50 IRECTION NE ENE ESE SE 226.80 226.80 226.80 226.80 226.80 226.80 226.80 226.80 226.80 226.80 226.80 226.80 SSE 1,821.58 4,316.64 3,486.3 I 3,408.79 3,152.67 2,863.23 1,625.16 1,520.29 2,199.22 3,150.21 1,328.57 1,326.92 1,194.92 1,530.64 2,028.40 2,119.99 1,237.53 584.70 404.93 879.53 SSW 1,043.21 1,876.89 2,206.85 2,107.06 1,895.53 1,885.88 1,616.18 497.18 264.33 147.62 99.53 SW 0044 472.62 1,395.02 2,074.57 2,807.63 3,004.87 2,736.0? 2,591.59 725.87 331.48 255.56 311.73 WSW SION 4400 588.27 2,203.75 3,079.65 4,047.38 4,210.96 3,501.94 3,014.26 789.07 351.33 395.19 293.06 W 4044 1,462.69 1,254.05 1,281.24 1,197.29 1,121.01 874.86 699.96 188.55 86.31 110.52 81.04 1,884.78 2,625.34 2,548.02 2,125.28 1,718.69 1,448.88 1,226.38 349.76 152.87 90.73 60.44 NW 1,665.1 I 2,908.03 4,009.17 5,168.83 5,952.71 1,682.12 807.69 470.79 303.01 414.96 770.05 1,543.48 1,431.47 1,740.03 1,522.87 1,104.47 883.78 Average 40~4 226.80 946.40 1,591.50 2,080.64 2,051.56 2,189.65 2,256.78 2,174.26 906.21 584.87 540.58 628.91 by Annulus umu anve area o ess an square mi e.


DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1 0-2 0-3 04 0-5 0-6 0-7 0-8 0-9 0-10 0-20 0-30 0-40 0-50 IRECTION N 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ENE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ESE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0;00 0.00 SE 0.00 150.95 85.19 54.61 37.95 27.90 21.37 16.89 13.68 3.42 1.51 0.85 0.54 SSE 0.00 0.00 140.24 532.85 1,091.26 905.19 744.72 662.94 571.71 537.60 574.93 813.47 975.62 0.00 0.00 137.48 286.80 479.58 594.94 932.63 1,396.20 1,274.92 1,057.16 540.84 386.87 850.63 SSW 0.00 47.92 525.72 1,279.55 1,718.43 1,761.68 1,651.82 1,471.80 1,265.60 462.89 254.98 144.57 98.13 SW 0.00 168.76 335.36 1,120.87 1,771.71 2,482.39 2,707.84 2,475.44 2,383.01 710.73 328.01 185.91 154.13 WSW 0.00 198.40 288.56 1,480.40 2,296,65 3,290.13 3,607.61 3,104.89 2,736.89 768.98 347.22 287.28 189.92 0.00 123.62 1,006.44 994.68 1,092.29 1,067.37 1,027.66 817.19 662.49 185.83 85.66 109.74 79.81 0.00 58.03 914.70 1,739.44 1,950.94 1,759.26 1,491.74 1,295.93 1,120.54 340.26 150.97 89.82 59.74 0.00 0.00 16.67 170.89 455.70 1,169.77 2,067.41 3,181.93 4,094.04 1,536.43 774.94 454.35 291.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 144.72 239.46 468.26 443.51 773.19 853.30 601.34 464.43 Average by Annulus 0.00 ~~'~ 46.73 215.65 478.75 680.91 825.21 905.77 930.72 910.40 398.53 244.52 192.14 197.79 umu atrveareao esst an squaremi e.


DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1 0-2 0-3 0-4 0-5 0-6 0-7 0-8 0-9 0-10 0-20 0-30 0-40 0-50 DIRECTION NE ENE ESE SE (273.20) (273.20) (273.20) (273.20) (273.20) (273.20) (273.20) (273.20) (273.20) (273.20) (273.20) (273.20)

SSE 1,321.58 3,816.64 2,986.31 2,908.79 2,652.67 2,363.23 1,125.16 1,020.29 1,699.22 2,650.21 828.57 826.92 694.92 1,030.64 1,528.40 1,619.99 737.53 84.70 (95.07) 379.53 SSW 543.21 1,376.89 1,706.85 1,607.06 1,395.53 1,385.88 1,116.18 (2.82) (235.67) (352.38) (400.47)

SW (27.38) 895.02 1,574.57 2,307.63 2,504.87 2,236.02 2,091.59 225.87 (168.52) (244.44) (188.27)

WSW 88.27 1,703.75 2,579.65 3,547.38 3,710.96 3,001.94 2,514.26 289.07 (148.67) (104.81) (206.94)

W 962.69 754.05 781.24 697.29 621.01 374.86 199.96 (311.45) (413.69) (389.48) (418.96) 1,384.78 2,125.34 2,048.02 1,625.28 1,218.69 948.88 726.38 (150.24) (347.13) (409.27) (439.56)

NW 1,165.11 2,408.03 3,509.17 4,668.83 5,452.71 1,182.12 307.69 (29:21) (196.99)

NNW (85.04) 270.05 1,043.48 931.47 1,240.03 1,022.87 604:47 383.78 Average by Annulus (273.20) 446.40 1,091.50 1,580.64 1,551.56 1,689.65 1,756.78 1,674.26 406.21 84.87 40.58 128.91 ote: a ues m parent eses are negattve. umu attve area o ess t an I square mi e.


DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1 0-2 0-3 0-4 =0-5 0-6 0-7 0-8 0-9 0-10 0-20 0-30 0-40 0-50 IRECTION (500.00) ~~~~ (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00)

(500.00) *~~~ (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00)

NE (500.00) ~~~~ (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00)

ENE (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00)

(500.00) ~~~~ (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00)

ESE (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00)

SE (500.00) (349.05) (414.81) (445.39) (462.05) (472.10) (478.63) (483.11) (486.32) (496.58) (498.49) (499.15) (499.46)

SSE (500.00) (500.00) (359.76) 32.85 591.26 405.19 244.72 162.94 71.71 37.60 74.93 313.47 475.62 (500.00) 4~0~ (500.00) (362.52) (213.20) (20.42) 94.94 432.63 896.20 774.92 557.16 40.84 (113.13) 350.63 SSW (500.00) ~~~~ (452.08) 25.72 779.55 1,218.43 1,261.68 1,151.82 971.80 765.60 (37.11) (245.02) (355.43) (401.87)

SW (500.00) ~i~* (331.24) (164.64) 620.87 1,271.71 1,982.39 2,207.84 1,975.44 1,883.01 210.73 (171.99) (314.09) (345.87)

WSW (500.00) ~~~>> (301.60) (211.44) 980.40 1,796.65 2,790.13 3,107.61 2,604.89 2,236.89 268.98 (152.78) (212.72) (310.08)

W (500.00) ~~~~ (376.38) 506.44 494.68 592.29 567.37 527.66 317.19 162.49 (314.17) (414.34) (390.26) (420.19)

(500.00) (441.97) 414.70 1,239.44 1,450.94 1,259.26 991.74 795.93 620.54 (159.74) (349.03) (410.18) (440.26)

NW (500.00) (500.00) (483.33) (329.11) (44.30) 669.77 1,567.41 2,681.93 3,594.04 1,036.43 274.94 (45.65) (208.35)

(500.00) ~~~~ (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (500.00) (355.28) (260.54) (31.74) (56.49) 273.19 353.30 101.34 (35.57)

Average 444~ (21.25) 180.91 325.21 405.77 430.72 410.40 (101.47) (255.48) (307.86) (302.21) by Annulus (500.00) (453.27) (284.35) ote: a ues m parent eses are negattve. umu atrve area o ess t an square mt e.


DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1 0-2 0-3 04 0-5 0-6 0-7 0-8 0-9 0-10 0-20 0-30 0-40 0-50 DIRECTION N

NE ENE ESE SE (773.20) (773.20) (773.20) (773.20) (773.20) (773.20) (773.20) (773.20) (773.20) (773.20) (773.20) (773.20)

SSE 821.58 3,316.64 2,486.31 2,408.79 2,152.67 1,863.23 625.16 520.29 1,199.22 2,150.21 328.57 326.92 194.92 530.64 1,028.40 1,119.99 237.53 (415.30) (595.07) (120.47)

SSW 43.21 876.89 1,206.85 1,107.06 895.53 885.88 616.18 (502.82) (735.67) (852.38) (900.47)

SW (527.38) 395.02 1,074.57 1,807.63 2,004.87 1,736.02 1,591.59 (274.13) (668.52) (744.44) (688.27)

WSW (411.73) 1,203.75 2,079.65 3,047.38 3,210.96 2,501.94 2,014.26 (210.93) (648.67) (604.81) (706.94) 462.69 254.05 281.24 197.29 121.01 (125.14) (300.04) (811.45) (913.69) (889.48) (918.96)

WNW 884.78 1,625.34 1,548.02 1,125.28 718.69 448.88 226.38 (650.24) (847.13) (909.27) (939.56)

NW 665.11 1,908.03 3,009.17 4,168.83 4,952.71 682.12 (192.31) (529.21) (696.99)

NNW . (585.04) (229.95) 543.48 431.47 740.03 522.87 104.47 (116.22)

Average by Annulus (773.20) (53.60) 591.50 1,080.64 1,051.56 1,189.65 1,256.78 1,174.26 (93.79) (415.13) (459.42) (371.09) ote: ues m parent eses are negattve. umu attve area o ess t an square mi e.


DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1 0-2 0-3 0-4 0-5 0-6 0-7 0-8 0-9 0-10 0-20 0-30 0-40 0-50 IRECTION (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)

N (1,000.00)

NNE (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)

NE (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)

ENE (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)

(1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (100000) (100000)

ESE (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00)

(1,000.00) (849.05) (914.81) (945.39) (962.05) (972.10) (978.63) (983.11) (986.32) (996.58) (998.49) (999.15) (999.46)

SE (1,000.00) (859.76) (467.15) 91.26 (94.81) (255.28) (337.06) (428.29) (462.40) (425.07) (186.53) (24.38)

SSE (1,000.00)

(1,000.00) (1,000.00) (862.52) (713.20) (520.42) (405.06) (67.37) 396.20 274.92 57.16 (459.16) (613.13) (149.37)

SSW (1,000.00) (952.08) (474.28) 279.55 718.43 761.68 651.82 471.80 265.60 (537.11) (745.02) (855.43) (901.87)

SW (1,000.00) (831.24) (664.64) 120.87 771.71 1,482.39 1,707.84 1,475.44 1,383.01 (289.27) (671.99) (814.09) (845.87)

WSW (1,000.00) (801.60) (711.44) 480.40 1,296.65 2,290.13 2,607.61 2,104.89 1,736.89 (231.02) (652.78) (712.72) (810.08)

W (876.38) 6.44 (5.32) 92.29 67.37 27.66 (182.81) (337.51) (814.17) (914.34) (890.26) (920.19)


(1,000.00) (941.97) (85.30) 739.44 950.94 759.26 491.74 295.93 120.54 (659.74) (849.03) (910.18) (940.26)

NW (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (983.33) (829.11) (544.30) 169.77 1,067.41 2,181.93 3,094.04 536.43 (225.06) (545.65) (708.35)

(1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (1,000.00) (855.28) (760.54) (531.74) (556.49) (226.81) (146.70) (398.66) (535.57)

Average by Annulus (1,000.00) '953.27) (784.35) (521.25) (319.09) (174.79) (94.23) (69.28) (89.60) (601.47) (755.48) (8P7.86) (802.21) ote: a ues m parent eses are negative. umu ative area o ess t an square mi e.

1988 - 2030 Attractions and Events Within 10 Miles Est. Avg. Proj. Proj. Proj. Proj. Pro].

Total 1988 Daily 1995 D. 2000 D. 2010 D. 2020 D. 2030 D.

Special Event Location Sector Time Attend. Attend. Attend. Attend. Attend. Attend. Attend. Source FT. PIERCE "On the reen" Arts and ra s how IRC N 5-10 Janua 10.000 5,000 5,500 6,270 7,750 9,106 10,699 1,8,9,10,11 12


attlemen's a arade hnne lub BBQ Shrine lub NW 5-10 ebrua 15,000 15.000 16,500 18,810 23,249 27.318 32,098 1,8,9,10,11.12 reek Festival reek rthodox hurch NW 5-10 Februa 10,000 3.400 3,667 4.180 5,166 6,071 7.133 1.8,9,10,11.12 Pilot lub Home how Civic Center NW 5-10 Janua 15,000 5,000 5,500 6.270 7,750 9,106 10,699 2,8,11,12 ea ood Festival Ft. Pierce 5-10 November 8,000 4,000 4.400 5,016 6.200 7,285 8,560 2,11.12 ORT ST. LUCIE reat American Ra Race North rt Marina W W5-10 Se tember 4,000 4,000 4,800 5,472 6,763 7,947 9.338 2,11 12,13


ai! shR atta t. Lucie River W5-10 Ma 10,000 5,000 6,000 6.840 8,454 9.934 11,672 7,11,12 a cees Bed Race Villa e reen ho . tr. 4-5 Au ust 3,000 3.000 3,600 4,104 5,073 5,960 7,003 2,11,12 ets orts om lex St. Lucie West W 5-10 S rin 5,600 5,600 7,300 7,300 7,300 7,300 7.300 3,11,12,13 ENSEN BEACH estiva o e Arts ausewa E 5-10 March 10,000 5,000 6.000 6,780 8,272 9,595 11 ~ 130 1 11,12


ration urte Wat Jensen Beach 5-10 June/Jul 2,500 50 60 68 83 96 4,11,12,13 ei Erikson a Causewa SE 5-10 ctober 2,000 2,000 2,400 2,712 3,309 3,838 4,452 5,8,11,12 ertoma Boat Races ausewa 5-10 Ma 15,000 7,500 9,000 10,170 12,407 14,393 16,695 2,8,11,12 ensen Bea Fireworks ausewa S 5-10 Jul 2,000 2,000 2.400 2,712 3.309 3,838 4,452 6,8,11.12 SOURCES

1. Florida Media Guide, Januarydune 1988: Fl. Dept. of Commerce, Div. of Tourism
2. Discover the Treasure Coast- The Palm Beach Post, 9/6/87.
3. St. Lucie West, News Tribune, SL Lucie on the Move '87, 10/25/87.
4. 198S Jensen Beach Business Guide, Centennial Edition; Jensen Beach, Treasure Coast Chamber of Commerrx..
5. Member, Sons of Norway Gulfstream Lodge ¹514, 2/88.
6. Information, "The Mirror", 2/88.
7. Director, Stuart/Martin Co. Chamber of Commerce, Stuart, FL, Letter dated 11/17/78.
8. Discover the Treasure Coast - The Palm Beach Post, 10/11/92.
9. Personal Communication, Gayla Barwick, Tourism/Convention Director, St. Lucie Co. Tourist Development Council. Div. of Leisure Services, 12/92.
10. Personal Communication, Donald McLarn, Recreation Superintendent, St. Lucie Co. Div. of Leisure Services, 12/92.


11. "Projections of Florida population by county: 1990 - 2020", Vol. 24, No. 2, Bull. No. 96, Bureau of Economic and Business Research, College of Business Administration, Univ. of Florida, 7/91.
12. "Florida Population: Census Summary 1990", Bureau of Economic and Business Research, College of Business Administration, Univ. of Florida, 4/91.
13. "Atlas of Florida", Institute of Science and Public Affairs, Florida State University, 12/92.

1990 - 2030 Attractions and Events Between 10 and 50 Miles of the St. Lucie Plant EsL Avg. Prof. Prof. Prof. Pro/. Prof.

1990 Daiiy 1995 D. 2000 D. 2010 D. 2020 D. 2030 D.

Special Event SectorCeg. Tiine Attend. Attend. Attend. Attend. Attend. Attend. Source

.GA. Com x Palm Beach ardens SSE 30-40 Year-Round 50.000/event 50.000/e 50.000/e. 50.000/e 50.000/e. 50.000/e. 12 t Palm Beach Auditorium West Palm Beach SSE 40-50 Year-Round 6,000 6,000 6,000 17 t Palm Beach Jai Alai Ma ia Park. P. B. Co. SS 40-50 Lan 9,000 9,000 18 t Palm Beach Munici I Stadium West Palm Beach SSE 40-50 Year-Round 7.000 7.000 7.000 7.000 Palm Beach Pahn Beach Fai rounds E 40-50 Year-Round 8.000 8,000 15 arhn Coun Fair F 'ounds in Stuart S 10-20 March 9,998 11.801 13,335 16,269 18,872 21,891 3,9,20,22.23 arhn Co. H h Football Stadium Stuart S 10-20 Fall 4,500 4,500 4.500 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,22,23 Horse Com ex Palm Beach Fai rounds 40-50 Year-Round 3,150 3640 4,061 4.844 5,563 6,386 Uon Coun Safan Route 441 in Palm B. Co. S 40-50 Year-Round Confidential 10 Palm Beach Auto Aucton Palm Beach ai rounds S 40-50 Year. Round 1,575 1,821 2.032 2.424 2.783 3.195 14,22.23 Palm Beach Kennel Club West Palm Beach S 40-50 Jan.-Ma 9.134 10,558 11.783 14.057 16,138 18,526 16,22.23 Pahokee Fireworks Hoover Dike in Pahokee SW 40-50 Ju 4th 3,000 3.000 3.000 3,000 3.000 13 Labor Da Rodeo and Blu rasa Convention Okeechobee C WSW 30<0 Se tember 12.283 14.096 15.630 18,449 21,102 24.136 9,22,23 Florida Fair Palm Beach Fai rounds WSW 3040 Jan.-Feb. 138,568 160.185 178,767 213,269 244,832 281.068 17.22,23 ed Perch Festival Okeechobee Ci WSW 3040 March 6,141 7.050 7.826 9,234 10.568 12,081 9,19.22.23 ai Alai of Ft. Pierce Ft. Pierce WNW 10-20 Jan. - June 3,661 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 2.22.23 St. Lucie Coun Fair Fai rounds in Ft. Pierce NW 2(MO Feb./March 9,497 11.397 13,042 16.117 18,940 22,254 5,19,20,21,22.23 ero Beach Sr. H h Football Stadium Vero Beach NW 20-30 Fall 6,000 6,000 6 000 6 000 6.000 6,000 6.19 Fish F, Volunteer Fire De t. Grant. Brevard Co NW 40-50 Februa March 22,989 26,338 29.196 10,000 34,526 10,000 39.406 10,000 44.923 10,000 7.22.23 1.22.23 Dod ertown S s Com ex Vero Beach NNW 20-30 8,31S ffshore Sport Fishing Tournament Sebastian Inlet / Atl. O. NNW 3(440 Maydune 878 974 1.150 1.310 1.494 11.22.23 SOURCES

1. Offce of Eastern Division Manager, Los Angeles Dodgers Baseball Team. Dodgertown Spat and Conference Center, Vero Beach, Fiorida. Letter dated 11/ 17/78.
2. Associate Chief of Security, Jai Alai of FL Pierce. Ft. Pierce, FILetter dated 11/17/78.
3. Fair Secretary, Sandy Shoes Festival (1979). Ft. Pierce, FILetter dated 11/20/78.
4. Athhitic Director. Martin County High School, Stuart. FL, Letter dated 11/28/78.
5. Fair Secretary, St. Lucie County Fair, Ft. Pierce. FILetter dated 11/20//8.
6. Finance Officer, Indian River County Schools, Vero Beach, FL, Letter dated 11/27/78.
7. Chairman. Fish Fry in Grant. Melbourne. FIPersonal Communicahon, 12/14/78.
8. Horse Complex. Palm Beach County Fairgrounds. West Palm Beach. FL. Personal Communication, 11/21/78.
9. Okeechobee Chamber of Commerce. Okeediobee, FL, Letter dated 11/17/78.
10. Office of Pubfic Relations. Uon Country Safari. Royal Palm Beach, FILetter dated 11/20/78.
11. Chairman, Offshore Sport Fishing Tournament, Sebastian. FILetter dated 12/13/78.
12. Project Manager PGA Comptex. Rorida Realty BuMing Company, West Palm Beach, FL. Letter dated 12/11/78.


13. Office Manager, Pahokee Chamber of Commerce, Pahokee, FL, Letter dated 11/20/78.
14. Pahn Beach Auto Auction. Palm Beach County Fairgrounds, West Pahn Beach, FL, Personal Communication. 12/11//8.
15. South Florida Fair, Palm Beach County Fairgrounds, West Pahn Beach, FL, Personal Communications. 11/21/7S and 11/27/78.
16. Palm Beach Kennel Club - Greyhound Racing, West Palm Beach. FL, Letter dated 11/22/78.
17. West Palm Beach Auditorium, West Palm Beach, FL, Letter dated 11/22/78.
18. Offce of Public Relahons, West Palm Beach Jai Alai. West Palm Beach, FL, Letter dated 11/21/78.
19. Discover the Treasure Coast - The Palm Beach Post, 10/11/92.
20. Personal Communication, Gayla Baiwick. Tourism/Convention Director, St. Lucie Co. Tourist Development Council Div. of Leisure Services. 12/92.


21. Personal Communication, Donald McLam, Reaeation Superintendent. SL Lucie Co., Div. of Leisure Senrices. 12/92.


22. Projections of Florida population by county: 1990- 2020", Vol. 24. No. 2. Bull. No. 96. Bureau of Economic and Business Research, College of Business Administration, UF, 23, Florida Population: Census Summary 1990 . Bureau of Economic and Business Research. College of Business Administration, Univ. of Florida. 4/91.
24. "Atlas of Florida, Institute of Mence and Public Affairs. Florida State University, 12/92.

Name Sector Estimated Peak 1992 Parking Note Population (3)

Capacity (1, 2) o merce n e tate ar South Jetty Park NNW 5-10 140 Porpoise Beach NNW 5-10 10 40 South Beach Boardwalk NNW 5-10 94 376 Gulfstream Beach NNW 5-10 10 40 urfside ParK NNW 5-10 100 400 Frederick Douglas Mem. Park NNW 5-10 50 200 Middle Cove Beach NNW 34 16 Biind Creek Beach N 1-2 16 alton Rocks Beach ESE 0-1 150 600 Hermans Bay Beach SE 1-2 16 Normandy Beach SE 1-2 14 56 aveland Beach SSE 5-10 70 280 ensen Beach SSE 5-10 140 560 Bob Graham Beach SSE 5-10 20 80 lex's Beach SSE 5-10 20 80 iger Shores SSE 5-10 100 avannas State Preserve NW 3-5 256 WNW 3-4

1. Based on data contained in "The Comprehensive Plan for St. Lucie County, Florida. 1990.
2. Based on a field survey performed at the respective beach access.
3. Based on an occupancy of 4 persons per vehicle or campsite.


Colonial Engineering, Inc. 100 Estech General Chemical Corp. 50 Flowers Baking Co. of Ft. Pierce, Inc. 400 Ft. Pierce/Port St. Lucie Tribune 150 GEM Electric of Florida, Inc. 50 Indian River Foods, Inc. 200 ack Frost Laboratories 50 Pulsair, Inc. 60 S-2 Yachts 60 Stamm Equipment, Johnny 50 armac Concrete Co., Inc. 50 reasure Coast Truss Co., Inc. 55 ropicana Products, Inc. 300 orld of Plastics, Inc. 86 PORT ST. LUCIE Superior Dental 8 Surgical Mfg. Co. Inc.

~ 65 STUART:

D R B Industries, Inc. 144 rumman Aircraft Systems 1000 S. P. S. Distributors 150 Southeastern Printing Co., Inc. 143 he Stuart News 250 urbo Combustor Technology, Inc. 375 SOURCE: Florida Manufacturers Register - 1991.

WITHIN 10 MILES OF THE ST. LUCIE PLANT EMPLOYMENT ADJUSTED EMPLOYMENT TAZ  % INCLUDED INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL SERVICE INDUSTRIAL COMMFRCIAL SERVICE 33 0 33 100 459 100 459 62 73 62 26 60 88 26 60 88 25 120 255 25 120 255 10 22 50 41 22 50 29 80 751 29 80 751 12 15 33 333 15 33 333 13 27 55 573 27 55 573 14 70 46 2802 70 46 2802 15 34 121 427 34 121 427 16 14 17 27 940 252 27 940 252 18 38 609 212 38 609 212 19 57 25 79 57 25 79 20 60 27 60 27 21 15 639 88 15 639 22 0.6 28 775 74 16.8 465 44.4 23 0.05 443 162 92 22.15 8.1 4.6 25 31 97 16 31 97 26 483 467 473 483 467 473 27 0.3 361 105 109 108.3 31.5 32.7 28 0.1 18 25 2.5 29 81 317 525 81 317 525 30 20 198 443 20 198 31 0.3 13 83 54 3.9 24.9 16.2 56 0.05 57 69 18 2.85 3.45 0.9 57 0.1 503 71 50.3 7.1 1.8 58 13 13 59 0.75 114 68 85.5

WITHIN 10 MILES OF THE ST. LUCIE PLANT EMPLOYMENT ADJUSTED EMPLOYMENT TAZ  % INCLUDED INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL SERVICE INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL SERVICE 61 0.95 55 52.25 0 62 49 49 63 176 62 176 62 64 69 40 14 69 40 14 65 143 97 143 97 66 719 193 159 719 193 159 67 405 625 413 405 625 413 68 630 210 630 210 69 70 71 26 26 72 0 73 145 88 24 145 88 24 74 27 288 41 27 288 41 75 62 62 76 10 17 10 17 77 0.95 78 0.75 82 0.9 31 27.9 83 16 16 84 85 119 99 265 119 99 265 86 98 365 137 365 137 87 31 31 88 153 153 89 240 529 240 529 90 17 91 27 82 27 82 92 89 17 21 89 17 21 93 50 21 50 21


44 28 17.6 99 242 66 296 242 66 296 100 25 25 101 12 12 102 34 34 Ql 194 283 151 194 283 151 U 103 (D 104 105 14 42 73 14 42 73 106 66 66

'4 107 A 108 180 180 0 109 46 322 780 46 322 780 110 95 638 243 95 638 243 C 122 61 589 122 61 589 (D

CL 112 0.75 44 18 263 33 13.5 197.25 113 0.4 31 12 12.4 4.8 116 0.3 17 20 5.1 119 52 124 52 124 121 31 80 15 31 80 15 OTAL 5991 9148 14171 4642.3 8352.45 13740.55 SUM 1995 Projected employment following growth trend (BEBR): 35172 32082.36

YEAR: 1988 SECTOR 0-5 MILES 5-10 10-20 GRAND TOTAL SSW 500 3000 SW 500 500 SW 1900 NW 500 NW 14150 3500 NNW 1000 OTAL 500 19550 5500 25550 NOTE: These data were derived from the most recent update of the St. Lucie County corresponding data by TAZ.


MARTIN 5-10 Environmental Studies Center 334-1262 Jensen Beach Elem. 334-1660 10-20 Alternative Education Center J. D. Parker Elem. 288-2090 St. Joseph Elem. (Catholic) 2874975 St. Michael's 283-1222 Stuart Middle 287-4111 Martin County High 287-0710 Palm City Elem. 288-3030 Challenger Exceptional Student Ed. Center 283-9919 Pinewood Elem. 287-0002 Port Salerno Elem. 288-2590 Crystal Lake Eiem. 288-0900 New Hidden Oaks Middle 220-0034 New Martin County District Office 287-6400 IRCC's Chastain Center 283-6550 South Fork High 546-5847 Community Christian 288-7227 First Baptist Christian 287-5161 Redeemer Lutheran 286-0932 Martin County Montessori 221-9490 Spectrum Jr./Sr. High 220-3831 SSW ST. LUCIE 0-5 Calvary Academy Christian 335-8875 Village Green Elem. 340-4740 5-10 Mariposa Elem. 337-5900 Momingside Elem. 3404733 Southport Middle 337-5900 Morningside Academy 335-5166 MARTIN 10-20 Murray Middle


o e oun i e o ege Hobe Sound Elem. 5464511 Indiantown Middle 597-2146 India ntown Warfield Elem. 597-2551 Indiantown Hope Rural 597-2203 SW ST. LUCIE 0-5 Port St. Lucie High 3404777 5-10 Floresta Elem. 340-4755 Windmill Point Elem 3404747 WSW ST. LUCIE 0-5 NONE 5-10 Noithport Middle 340-4700 Port St. Lucie Elem. 340-4766 Port St. Lucie Baptist Child Development Center 879-0109 Bayshore Elem. 340-4720 Manatee Elem. 3404745 W ST. LUCIE 0-5 NONE 5-10 Parkway Elem. 340-4800 Barry Univ. 468-6294 Treasure Coast Campus - St. Lucie West Indian River Community College 8794199 St. Lucie West Campus Faith Baptist 461-3607 WNW ST. LUCIE 0-5 Lord's Heritage Christian 5-10 -

Sun Grove Montessori 464-5436 White City Elem. 468-5840 Detention Center Forest Grove Middle 468-5885 J.E. Sampson Memorial Seventh Day Adventist 465-8386 Indian River Academy Next to I-95 NW ST. LUCIE 0-5 NONE 5-10 Ft. Pierce Central High 464-5888 St. Lucie Elem. 468-5800 Dale Cassens 468-5190


an ca i e Lawnwood Elem. 468-5740 Indian River Community College 930-4722 Main Campus Fairlawn Elem. 468-5345 Parochial Ft. Pierce Elem. 468-5300 St. Andrews Episcopal 461-7689 Stallard Academy 461-9188 Ql Palm Vista Christian 464-1591 I

U St. Anastasia Elem. (Catholic)

John Carroll High (Catholic) 461-2232 464-5200 St. Lucie Co. School District Administrative Office 468-5000 Chester A. Moore Elem. 468-5315 Lincoln Park Academy 468-5474 0A Means Court Elem.

D Garden City Elem. 468-5277 I

CL Frances K. Sweet Elem.

Bible Baptist 468-5330 461-6630 10-20 Ft. Pierce Westwood High 468-5400 Anglewood Center 468-5215 Woodlands Academy 468-5272 Westwood High Lakewood Park Elem. 468-5830 NNW ST. LUCIE 0-5 NONE 5-10 NONE.

10-20 St. Lucie Primary

Estimated Number of Passengers BRIDGE LOCATION 1988 1995 2000 2010 2020 2030 tuart Causeway Intracoastal Waterway I Indian River at 84 101 114 139 161 187 Sewall's Point ensen Beach Causeway Intracoastal Waterway I Indian River at 72 86 98 119 138 160 Jensen Beach Roosevelt Bridge St. Lucie River at Stuart 136 163 184 225 261 303

t. Lucie Bridge St. Lucie River at Sewall's Point 92 110 125 152 177 205 North Bridge Intracoastal Waterway I Indian River at 100 121 138 170 200 235 Ft. Pierce St. Lucie Canal Stuart 106 127 144 175 203 236 SOURCE: Bridge Engineer, Florida Dept. of Transportation; Projections using BEBR trends.

1990 - 2030 MODE COUNTY LOCATION 1990'995 2000 2010 2020 2030 RAIL:

mtrak - Seaboard Coast Line Sebring - West Palm Beach 292 338 377 450 517 593 IR:

est Palm Beach International Airport Palm Beach West Palm Beach 6,585 7,612 8,495 10,135 11,635 13,357 SOURCES:

1. Rail: See main text.
2. Air. Florida Statistical Abstract - 1991. Total passengers for 1990 divided by 365 for 1990 and projected to 2030 using BEBR trends.

ROADWAY COUNT STATION LANES PEAK SEASON NO. PASSENGERS NAME OR LOCATION (NO.) ADT EACH DIRECTION 1990 1992 1995 2000 2010 2020 2030 1A Indian River Co. Line 3,702 6,217 6,660 7,592 9,384 11,026 12,956 1A N of Pepper Park 4,093 6,874 7,363 8,394 10,375 12,191 14,324 1A N of Holiday Inn 5,524 9,277 9,937 11,329 14,002 16,453 19,332 1A E of North Bridge 10,292 17,284 18,515 21 107

~ 26,088 30,653 36,018 1A E of South Bridge 17,509 29,405 31,498 35,908 44,382 52,148 61,274 1A Ft. Pierce City Limit 3,059 5,137 5,503 6,273 7,754 - 9,111 10,705 1A S of Power Plant 4,337 7,284 7,802 8,894 10,993 12,917 15,178 1A Martin Co. Line 15,953 26,791 28,699 32,716 40,438 47,514 55,829 iroso Blvd N of Prima Vista Blvd. 6,294 10,570 11,323 12,908 15,954 18,746 22,026 iroso Blvd S of Prima Vista Blvd. 2- Div. 9,510 15,971 17,108 19,503 24,106 28,324 33,281 iroso Blvd N of W. Virginia Dr 9,668 16,236 17,392 19,827 24,506 28,795 33,834 iroso Blvd. N of Port St. Lucie Blvd. 9,000 15,115 16,191 18,457 22,813 26,805 31,496 irport Entrance N of St. Lucie Blvd. 398 668 716 816 1,009 1,185 1,393 ngle Rd. E of Kings Hwy 4,233 7,109 7,615 8,681 10,730 12,607 14,814 ngle Rd. NW of Orange Ave. 9,980 16,760 17,954 20,467 25,297 29,724 34,926 ve NAlf Eof N. US-1 4,435 7,448 7,978 9,095 11,242 13,209 15,521 ve ItAtt Wof N. US-1 5,258 8,830 9,459 10,783 13,328 15,660 18,401 Bayshore Blvd N of Prima Vista Blvd 5,011 8,415 9,015 10,277 12,702 14,925 17,536 Bayshore Blvd. S of Prima Vista Blvd. 8,255 13,863 14,850 16,929 20,925 24,587 28,889 Bell Ave. E of Sunrise Blvd. 4,592 7.712 8,261 9,417 11,640 13,677 16,070 Bell Ave. W of Sunrise Blvd. 4,784 8,034 8,606 9,811 12,126 14,249 16,742 Citrus Ave. Eof S. US-1 11,567 19,426 20,808 23,722 29,320 34,451 40,480 Citrus Ave. Wof S. US-1 2 o/w 3,513 5,900 6,320 7.,204 8,905 10,463 12,294 Delaware Ave Wof US-1 3 o/w 4,899 8,227 8,813 10,047 12,418 14,591 17,145 Delaware Ave Wof6th St 6,805 11,428 12,242 13,956 17,249 20,268 23,815 Delaware Ave. W of S. 7th St. 10,970 18,423 19,734 22,497 27,807 32,673 38,391 Delaware Ave. E of 13th St. 11,562 19,417 20,799 23,711 29,307 34,436 40,462 Delaware Ave. W of 13th St. 12,600 21,160 22,667 25,840 31,938 37,528 44,095 Delaware Ave W of Okeechobee Rd. 4,052 6,805 7,289 8,310 10,271 12,068 14,180 Delaware Ave. W of 25th St. 6,981 11,724 12,558 14,317 17,695 20,792 24,431 Edwards Rd. Wof US-1 8,850 14,863 15,921 18,150 22,433 26,359 30,971 Edwards Rd. E of Oleander Ave. 9,556 16,048 17,191 19,597 24,222 28,461,. 33,442 Edwards Rd. W of Oleander Ave. 12,357 20,752 22,230 25,342 31,322 36,804 .. 43,245 Edwards Rd. W of Sunrise Ave. 12,039 20,218 21,658 24,690 30,516 35,8572., 42,132

ROADWAY COUNT STATION LANES PEAK SEASON NO. PASSENGERS NAME OR LOCATION (NO.) ADT EACH DIRECTION 1990 1992 1995 2000 2010 2020 2030 Edwards Rd Wof25th St 10,656 17,896 19,170 21,853 27,011 31,738 37,292 Edwards Rd E of McNeil Rd 6,695 11,244 12,044 13,730 16,970 19,940 23,430 Emerson Rd. Indian River Co. Line 5,054 8,488 9,092 10,365 12,811 15,053 17,687 Floresta Dr. S of Prima Vista Blvd. 11,895 19,976 21,399 24,394 30,151 35,428 41,628 Floresta Dr. N of W. Virginia Dr. 13,400 22,504 24,106 27,481 33,966 , 39,910 46,895 Floresta Dr. N of Port St. Lucie Blvd 13,791 23,161 24,809 28,283 34,957 41,075 48,263 Floresta Dr S of Port St. Lucie Blvd 3,793 6,370 6,823 7,779 9,614 11,297 13,274 Gatlin Blvd. E of l-95 9,167 15,395 16,491 18,800 23,236 '7,303, 32,081 Georgia Ave. E of US-1 3,477 5,839 6,255 7,131 8,813 10,356 12,168 Georgia Ave. E of Okeechobee Rd. 6,414 10,772 11,538 13,154 16,258 -'9,103 22,446 Gilson Rd Martin Co. Line 2,994 5,028 5,386 6,140 7,589 8,917 10,478 Glades Cut-Gff Rd. N of Midway Rd 5,890 9,892 10,596 12,079 14,930 17,543 20,613 Glades Cut-Off Rd. S of Midway Rd 2,738 4,598 4,926 5,615 6,940 8,155 9,582 Hartman Rd N of Okeechobee Rd 5,315 8,926 9,561 10,900 13,472 15,830 18,600 Indian River Dr. S of A1NSouth Bridge 7,554 12,686 13,589 15,492 19,148 22,499 26,436 Indian River Dr. N of Orange Ave. 3,495 5,870 6,287 7,168 8,859 10,409 12,231 Indian River Dr. N of Citrus Ave. 4,605 7,734 8,284 9,444 11,673 13,715 16,116 Indian River Dr S of Citrus Ave 3,972 6,671 7,145 8,146 10,068 11,830 13,900 Indian River Dr. N of Savannah Rd. 3,654 6,137 6,573 7,494 9,262 10,883 12,788 Indian River Dr. N of Rio Vista Dr. 3,724 6,254 6,699 7,637 9,440 11,091 13,033 Indian River Dr. S of Midway Rd. 2,912 4,890 5,239 5,972 7,381 8,673 10,191 Indian River Dr N of Walton Rd 3,396 5,703 6,109 6,965 8,608 10,115 11,885 Indian River Dr. S of Walton Rd. 8,191 13,756 14,735 16,798 20,762 24,396 28,665 Indian River Dr. Martin Co. Line 6,882 11,558 12,380 14,114 17,444 20,497 24,084 Indrio Rd. E of I-95 5,671 9,524 10,202 11,630 14,375 16,890 19,846 Indrio Rd Wof Kings Hwy 9,238 15,514 16,619 18,945 23,416 27,514 32,329 Indrio Rd. E of Kings Hwy. 6,635 11,143 11,936 13,607 16,818 19,762 23,220 Indrio Rd. WofN. US 5,905 9,917 10,623 12,110 14,968 17,587 20,665 enkins Rd S of Orange Ave 3,032 5,092 5,454 6,218 7,685 9,030 10,611 enkins Rd N of Okeechobee Rd. 4,571 7,677 8,223 9,374 11,587 13;614 15,997 Juanita Ave Wof US-1 3,333 5,597 5,996 6,835 8,448 9,927 11,664 uanita Ave. W of 25th St. 8,085 13,578 14,545 16,581 20,494 24,080 28,294 Keen Rd. S of St. Lucie Blvd. 1,304 2,190 2,346 2,674 3,305 3,884 4,563 Keen Rd. N of Angle Rd. 1,079 1,812 1,941 2,213 2,735 3,214 3,776

ROADWAY COUNT STATION LANES PEAK SEASON NO. PASSENGERS NAME OR LOCATION (NO.) ADT EACH DIRECTION 1990 1992 1995 2000, 2010 2020 2030 Kings Hwy SW of N. US-1 10,060 16,895 18,097 20,631 25,500 29,963 35,206 Kings Hwy S of Indrio Rd 14,030 23,562 25,239 28,773 35,563 41,787 49,099 Kings Hwy N of Orange Ave 11,558 19,411 20,792 23,703 29,297 34,424 40,448 Kings Hwy. S of Orange Ave. 7,946 13,345 14,294 16,296 20,141 23,666 27,808 Lennard Rd. S of Walton Rd. 4,224 7,094 7,599 8,663 10,707 12,581 14,782 Lennard Rd. N of Mariposa Ave 8,971 15,066 16,138 18,398 22,740 26,719 31,395 Lyngate Dr E of Midport Rd 5,952 9,996 10,707 12,206 15,087 17,727 20,830 Midport Rd Wof S. US-1 2- Div. 10,502 17,637 18,893 21,538 26,620 31,279 36,753 Q) Midport Rd N of Port St. Lucie Blvd 2- Div. 16,251 27,292 29,235 33,328 41,193 48,402 56,872 U Momingside Blvd. N of Port St. Lucie Blvd 3,116 5,233 5,606 6,390 7,898 9,281 10,905 (D

Momingside Blvd. S of Port St. Lucie Blvd 3,327 5,587 5,985 6,823 8,433 9,909 11,643 Midway Rd E of Weatherbee Rd. 3,995 6,709 7,187 8,193 10,126 11,899 13,981 h Midway Rd W of Weatherbee Rd. 4,054 6,808 7,293 8,314 10,276 12,074 14,187 hJ 8,773 14,733 15,782 17,992 22,238 26,129 30,702 Midway Rd E of S. US-1 A

O Midway Rd Wof S. US-1 13,567 22,784 24,406 27,823 34,390 40,408 47,479 Midway Rd W of Oleander Ave. 14,557 24,447 26,187 29,854 36,899 43,356 50,944 Midway Rd E of S. 25th St. 15,422 25,900 27,743 31,627 39,092 45,933 53,971 C 27,082 31,821 5 37,390 Midway Rd W of S. 25th St. 10,684 17,943 19,220 21,911 CL 15,485 17,653 21,819 25,638 c 30,125 Midway Rd W of Selvitz Rd. 8,608 14,456 Midway Rd E of Glades Cut-off Rd. 9,941 16,695 17,883 20,387 25,198 29,608;7 34,790 Midway Rd E of I-95 8,210 13,788 14,769 16,837 20,811 24,453;" 28,732 Okeechobee Rd. SW of Delaware Ave. 11,661 19,583 20,978 23,914 29,558 34,731 40,809 Okeechobee Rd. E of S. 25th St. 16,818 28,244 30,255 34,490 42,630 50,090 58,856 Okeechobee Rd. W of S. 25th St 18,452 30,988- 33,194 37,841 46,772 54,957 64,575 Okeechobee Rd. Wof S. 33rd St 16,044 26,944 28,862 32,903 40,668 47,785 56,148 Okeechobee Rd. E of Hartman Rd. 15,189 25,508 27,324 31,150 38,501 45,239 53,155 Okeechobee Rd. E of McNeil Rd. 20,774 34,888 37,371 42,603 52,658 61,873 72,701 Okeechobee Rd. E of I-95 23,834 40,027 42,876 48,879 60,414 70,987 83,409 Okeechobee Rd W of I-95 30,729 51,606 55,280 63,019 77,892 91,523 107,539 Okeechobee Rd W of Turnpike 5,195 8,724 9,346 10,654 13,168 15,473 18,180 Okeechobee Rd. W of Header Canal Rd. 3,649 6,128 6,564 7,483 9,249 10,868 12,770 Id Dixie Hwy E of N. US-1 7,165 12,033 12,889 14,694 18,162 21,340 25,075 Old Dixie Hwy S. of Taylor Creek 5,286 8,877 9,509 10,841 13,399 15,744 18,499 Old Dixie Hwy. N of North A1A 2,707 4,546 4,870 5,552 6,862 8,062 9,473

ROADWAY COUNT STATION LANES PEAK SEASON NO. PASSENGERS NAME OR LOCATION (NO.) ADT EACH DIRECTION 1990 1992 1995 2000 2010 2020 2030 Old Dixie Hwy St. Lucie/Indian River Co. Line 1,391 2,336 2,502 2,853 3,526 4,143 4,868 Oleander Ave. S of Sunrise Blvd. 5,522 9,274 9,934 11,325 13,997 16,447 19,325 Oleander Ave. N of Virginia Ave. 6,847 11,499 12,317 14,042 17,356 20,393 23,962 Oleander Ave. S of Virginia Ave. 10,056 16,888 18,090 20,623 25,490 29,951 35,192 Oleander Ave N of Edwards Rd 14,164 23,787 25,480 29,048 35,903 42,186 49,568 Oleander Ave S of Edwards Rd 14,115 23,705 25,392 28,947 35,779 42,040 49,397 leander Ave. N of Midway Rd. 6,370 10,698 11,459 13,064 16,147 18,972 22,292 Oleander Ave. S of Midway Rd. 5,613 9,426 10,098 11,511 14,228 16,718 19,643 Orange Ave. E of Header Canal Rd. 5,286 8,877 9,509 10,841 13,399 15,744 18,499 Orange Ave Wof Kings Hwy 9,306 15,628 16,741 19,085 23,589 27,717 32,567 O 15,058 25,288 27,089 30,881 38,169 44,848 52,697 Orange Ave. W of I-95 hJ Orange Ave. E of l-95 12,962 21,768 23,318 26,583 32,856 38,606 45,362 Orange Ave. E of Jenkins Rd 12,446 20,902 22,390 25,524 31,548 37,069 43,556 CO Orange Ave. W of Angle Rd. 11,677 19,610 21,006 23,947 29,599 34,779 40,865 hJ 41,647 48,935 57,498 range Ave. E of Angle Rd. 16,430 27,593 29,557 33,695 A

O Orange Ave. E of 25th St. 16,171 27,158 29,091 33,164 40,990 48,163 56,592 Orange Ave Wof 7th St. 10,195 17,121 18,340 20,908 25,842 30,365 35,678 Orange Ave. Wof US-1 2 o/w 8,402 14,110 15,115 17,231 21,297 25,024 29,404 C

lD Orange Ave. E of US-1 7,261 12,194 13,062 14,891 18,405 21,626 25,411 CL Port St. Lucie Blvd. Wof S. US-1 25,593 42,981 46,041 52,486 64,873 76,226 89,565 Port St. Lucie Blvd. Wof Morningside Blvd. 19,747 33,163 35,524 40,497 50,055 58,814 69,107 Port St. Lucie Blvd. W of Midport Rd. 31,763 53,343 57,140 65,140 80,513 94,602 111,158 Port St. Lucie Blvd. Wof Floresta Dr. 24,465 41,087 44,011 50,173 62,014 72,866 85,618 Port St. Lucie Blvd. E of FL Turnpike 19,290 32,396 34,702 39,560 48,896 57,453 67,507 Port St. Lucie Blvd. W of FL Turnpike 24,397 40,972 43,889 50,033 61,841 72,664 85,380 Prima Vista Blvd. W of S. US-1 21,744 36,517 39,116 44,593 55,117 64,762 76,095 Prima Vista Blvd. W of Rio Mar Dr. 25,082 42,123 - 45,121 51,438 63,578 74,704 87,777 Prima Vista Blvd. Wof Floresta Dr. 14,065 23,621 25,302 28,845 35,652 41,891 49,222 Prima Vista Blvd W of Airoso Dr 13,154 22,091 23,663 26,976 33,343 39,178 46,034 Prima Vista Blvd. E of Bayshore Blvd 5,129 8,614 9,227 10,519 13,001 15,276'. 17,949 Range Line Rd N of Martin Co. Line 1,644 2,761 2,957 3,372 4,167 4,896 .0 . 5,753 Rio Mar Dr N of Prima Vista Blvd 10,086 16,938 18,144 20,684 25,566 30,040 35,297 Savage Blvd. W of Port St. Lucie Blvd. 8,908 14,960 16,025 18,269 22,580 26,531 31,174 Savannah Rd. W of Indian River Dr. 1,445 2,427 2,599 2,963 3,663 4,304 5,057


ADT EACH DIRECTION 1990 1992 1995 2000 2010 2020 2030 Seaway Dr. N of Binney Dr. 4,691 7,878 8,439 9,620 11,891 13,972 16.417 Seaway Dr. S of Binney Dr. 9,176 15,410 16,507 18,818 23,259 27,330 32,112 Seaway Dr. Causeway 12,953 21,753 23,302 26,564 32,833 38,579 45,330 Seaway Dr Bridge elvitz Rd S of Edwards Rd. 6,946 11,665 12,496 14,245 17,607 20,688; 24,308 Selvitz Rd N of Midway Rd. 2,681 4,502 4,823 5,498 6,796 7,985 - 9,382

t. James Dr N of Airoso Blvd. 8,636 14,503 . 15,536 17,711 21,890 25,721 30,223
t. Lucie Blvd E of Kings Hwy 4,495 7,549 8,086 9,218 11,394 13,388 15,731 St. Lucie Blvd. Wof Keen Rd. 4,934 8,286 8,876 10,119 12,507 14,695 17,267
t. Lucie Blvd. E of Keen Rd. 5,182 8,703 9,322 10,627 13,135 15,434 18,135 St. Lucie Blvd. W of N. 25th St. 11,624 19,521 20,911 23,839 29,464 34,621 40,679 St. Lucie Blvd. Wof N. US-1 8,363 14,045 15,045 17,151 21,198 24,908 29,267 St. Lucie West Blvd E of l-95 4- Div. 6,472 10,869 11,643 13,273 16,405 19,276 22,649 Sunrise Blvd. SWof S. US-1 4- Div. 4,586 7,702 8,250 9,405 11,625 13,659 16,049 Sunrise Blvd. N of Virginia Ave 5,146 8,642 9,257 10,553 13,044 15,327 18,009 Sunrise Blvd. S of Virginia Ave 7,356 12,354 13,233 15,086 18,646 21,909 25,743 Sunrise Blvd S of Edwards Rd 5,182 8,703 9,322 10,627 13,135 15,434 18,135 Sunrise Blvd. N of Bell Ave. 4,792 8,048 8,621 9,827 12,147 14,272 16,770 unrise Blvd. S of Bell Ave. 3,861 6,484 6,946 7,918 9,787 11,500 13,512 Sunrise Blvd. N of Midway Rd 2,884 4,843 5,188 5,915 7,310 8,590 10,093 Sunset Blvd S of Midway Rd 3,656 6,140 6,577 7,498 9,267 10,889 12,795 iffany Dr E of S. US-1 13,236 22,229 23,811 27,144 33,551 39,422 46,321 irginia Ave Wof S. US-1 23,177 38,923 41,694 47,531 58,749 69,030 81,110 irginia Ave E of Sunrise Blvd. 23,745 39,877 42,716 48,696 60,189 70,722 83,098 irginia Ave E of S. 25th St. 19,731 33,136 35,495 40,464 50,014 58,766 69,051 virginia Ave Wof S. 25th St. 15,276 25,655 27,481 31,328 38,721 45,498 53,460 irginia Ave E of S. 35th St 17,431 29,274 31,357 35,748 44,184 51,916 61,001 irginia Ave. E of Okeechobee Rd. 14,082 23,649 25,333 28,879 35,695 41,942 49,281 alton Rd. Eof S. US-1 12,756 21,422 22,947 26,160 32,334 37,992 44,641 eatherbee Rd W of Midway Rd. 2,312 3,883 4,159 4,741 5,860 6,886 8,091 estmoreland Blvd S of Port St. Lucie Blvd 2- Dw. 10,179 17,095 18,312 20,875 25,802 30,317 35,622 estmoreland Blvd N of Martin Co. Line 8,227 13,816 14,800 16,872 20,854 24,503 28,791 5th St. N of Delaware Ave. 2,369 3,978 4,262 4,858 6,005 7,056 8,291 7th St. N of Delaware Ave. 9,858 16,556 17,734 20,217 24,988 29,361 34,499

ROADWAY COUNT STATION LANES PEAK SEASON NO. PASSENGERS NAME OR LOCATION (NO.) ADT EACH DIRECTION 1990 1992 1995 2000 2010 2020 2030 13th St N of Virginia Ave 8,804 14,785 15,838 18,055 22,316 26,222 30,810 13th St S of Delaware Ave 6,505 10,924 11,702 13,340 16,489 19,374 22,765 13th St N of Delaware Ave 6,110 10,261 10,992 12,530 15,488 18,198 21,383 17th St. N of Delaware Ave. 6,980 11,722 12,557 14,315 17,693 20,789 24,427 17th St. N of Okeechobee Rd 10,580 17,768 19,033 21,697 26,818 31,511 37,026 North 25th St S of St. Lucie Blvd. 6777 11,381 12,191 13,898 17,178 20,184 23,717 North 25th St S of Belcher Canal 15623 26,237 28,105 32,040 39,601 46,531 54,674 North 25th St. N of Orange Ave. 15455 25,955 27,803 31,695 39,175 46,031 54,086 South 25th St. S of Orange Ave. 18219 30,597 32,775 37,364 46,181 54,263 63,759 Gl South 25th St. S of Delaware Ave 24333 40,865 43,774 49,902 61,679 72,473 85,156 U South 25th St N of Okeechobee Rd 24436 41,038 43,959 50,113 61,940 72,780 85,516 lD South 25th St. S of Okeechobee Rd 24226 40,685 43,581 49,683 61,408 72,154 84,781 South 25th St. N of Virginia Ave. 20006 33,598 35,990 41,028 50,711 59,585 70,013 CO South 25th St S of Virginia Ave 16626 27,922 29,909 34,097 42,143 49,519 58,184 hJ 18210 30,582 32,759 37,345 46,159 54,236 63,728 South 25th St. N of Edwards Rd.

A 0 South 25th St. N of Midway Rd. 10771 18,089 19,376 22,089 27,302 32,080: 37,694 South 25th St. S of Midway Rd. 10413 17,488 18,732 21,355 26,395 31,014'-,.:: 36,441 D North US-1 St. Lucie/Indian River Co. Line 4 - Div. 21532 36,161 38,735 44,158 54,579 64,131;- 75,353 C

North US-1 S. of Indrio Rd. 4- Div. 19000 31,909 34,180 38,965 48,161 56,589 66,492 CL North US-1 S. of St. Lucie Blvd 4- Div. 20683 34,735 37,208 42,417 52,427 61,602 72,382 North US-1 S of Taylor Creek Bridge 25420 42,690 45,729 52,131 64,434 75,710 88,960 North US-1 S of South A1A 31313 52,587 56,331 64,217 79,372 93,262 109,583 North US-1 S of Ave. "A" 29923 50,253 53,830 61,366 75,849 89,122 104,718 South US-1 S of Orange Ave 30291 50,871 54,492 62,121 76,781 90,218 106,006 South US-1 S of Citrus Ave. 32526 54,624 58,513 66,704 82,447 96,875 113,828 South US-1 S of Delaware Ave 37721 63,349 67,858 77,358 95,615 112,348 132,008 South US-1 S of Sunrise Blvd. 28546 47,940 51,353 58,542 72,358 85,021 99,900 outh US-1 N of Virginia Ave. 27472 46,136 49,421 56,340 69,636 81,822 96,141 South US-1 S of Virginia Ave. 45350 76,161 81,582 93,004 114,953 135,070 158,707 South US-1 S of Edwards Rd 29580 49,677 53,213 60,663 74,979 88,101 103,518 South US-1 N of Midway Rd. 32785 55,059 58,979 67,236 83,103 97,646 114,734 South US-1 S of Midway Rd. 29974 50,338 53,922 61,471 75,978 89.274 104,897 South US-1 Sof Easy St 35033 58,834 63,023 71,846 88,801 104,342 122,601 South US-1 S of Prima Vista Blvd. 4- Div. 48204 80,954 86,717 98,857 122,187 143,570 168,695

ROADWAY COUNT STATION LANES PEAK SEASON NO. PASSENGERS NAME OR LOCATION (NO.) ADT EACH DIRECTION 1990 1992 1995 2000 2010 2020 2030 South US-1 of Walton Rd 4- Div. 46194 77,578 83,101 94,735 117,092 137,583 161,660 South US-1 N of Port St. Lucie Blvd 4- Div. 31410 52,750 56,505 64,416 79,618 93,551 109,922 South US-1 S of Port St. Lucie Blvd. 6- Div. 49445 83,038 88,949 101,402 125,333 147,266 173,038 1-95 N of Orange Ave. 4- E. 29443 82,411 88,277 100,636 124,386 146,154 171,731 I-95 N of Okeechobee Rd 4- E. 28867 80,799 86,550 98,668 121,953 . 143,295 168,371 I-95 N of Midway Rd. 6- E. 37579 105,184 112,671 128,445 158,758 186,541 219,186 I-95 N of St. Lucie West Blvd. 6-E. 34994 97,948 104,921 119,610 147,838 173,709 204,108 I-95 N of Gatlin Blvd. 6- E. 26851 75,156 80,506 91,777 113,436 133,288 156,613 1-95 S of Gatlin Blvd 6- E. 36163 101,220 108,426 123,605 152,776 179,512 210,927 Gl FL. Turnpike N of Okeechobee Blvd. 4- E. 16999 47,580 50,967 58,103 71,815 84,383 99,149 U FL. Turnpike S of Okeechobee Blvd. 4- E. 17683 49,495 53,018 60,441 74,705 87,778 103,139 tD FL. Turnpike' S of Port St. Lucie Blvd. 4- E. 21168 59,249 63,467 72,352 89,427 105,077 123,466 Co hJ A



ROADWAY COUNT STATION LANES LENGTH CURRENT NO. PASSENGERS NAME OR LOCATION (NO.) (MILES) AADT EACH DIRECTION 1992 1995 2000 2010 2020 2030 Mlk. Dr Farm Rd. to SR 710 0.70 1,872 2,808 3,111 3,516 -4,289 4,975 5,772 Baker Rd. US 1 to Savanna 0.77 2,564 3,846 4,261 4,815 5,875 6,815 7,905 Britt Rd. SR 5 to Pine Lake Dr. 0.50 3,377 5,066 5,613 6,342 7.737 8;9.75 10,412 ommerce Monroe St. to Salerno Rd 0.80 4,577 6,866 7,607 8,596 10,487 12;,165 14,111 ommerce Indian St. to Monroe St. 1.20 4,577 6,866 7,607 8,596 10,487 12,165 14,111 ountry Club Little Club Way to Isla 0.70 2,533 3,800 4,210 4,757 5,804 6,732 7,809 ounty Line SR 5 to Little Club Way 2.80 3,580 5,370 5,950 6,723 8,203 9,515 11,037 ove Rd. SR 76 to SR 5 3.20 1,287 1,931 2,139 2,417 2,949 3,421 3,968 ove Rd. SR 5 to CR A1A 1.10 7,627 11,441 12,676 14,324 17,475 20,271 23,515 ove Rd CR A1A to End 1.50 4,603 - 6,905 7,650 8,645 10,547 12,234 14,191 rossrip St. Gomez Ave. to CR A1A 0.20 3,448 5,172 5,731 6,476 7,900 9,164 10,630 R 609 SR 710 to CR 714 9.00 2,095 3,143 3,482 3,935 4,800 5,568 6,459 R 609 CR 714 to St. L. Co. 2.50 1,925 2,888 3,199 3,615 4,411 5,116 5,935 R 707 SR 732 to NCL 1.00 6,050 9,075 10,055 11,362 13,862 16,080 18,653 R707A US-1 to G. River Pkwy 4- Div 1.10 15,847 23,771 26,338 29,762 36,309 42,119 48,858 R707A G. River to Savanna 0.90 13,990 20,985 23,251 26,274 32,054 37,183 43,132 R707A Savanna to Skyline 0.30 13,990 20,985 23,251 26,274 32,054 37,183 43,132 R707A Skyline to Palmetto 0.10 14,480 21,720 24,066 27,194 33,177 38,485 44,643 R707A Palmetto to I.R. Dr. 4- Und 0.10 14,480 21,720 24,066 27,194 33,177 38,485 44,643 R 708 SR 76 to CR 711 2.20 1,668 2,502 2,772 3,133 3,822 4,433 5,143 R 708 CR 711 to TPK 1.60 1,848 2,772 3,071 3,471 4,234 4,912 5,698 CR 708 TPK to Powerline 4.00 4,369 6,554 7,261 8,205 10,010 11,612 13,470 R 708 Powerline to US-1 2.00 8,432 12,648 14,014 15,836 19,320 22,411 25,997 R 708 US-1 to CR A1A 0.30 8,432 12,648 14,014 15,836 19,320 22,411 25,997 CR 708 CR A1A to Gomez 0.10 8,432 12,648 14,014 15,836 19,320 22,411 25,997 CR 708 Gomez to Beach 0.60 4,919 7,379 8,175 9,238 11,271 13,074 15,166 CR 711 P. B. Co. Line to CR 708 7.00 2,394 3,591 3,979 4,496 5,485 6,363 7,381 CR 711 CR 708 to MCHS 1.20 3,505 5,258 5,825 6,583 8,031 9,316 10,806 CR 711 MCHS to SR 76 1.80 4,950 7,425 8,227 9,296 11,342 13,156 15,261 R 711 SR 76 to St. Lucie Falls 0.30 4,050 6,075 6,731 7,606 9,279 10,764 12,486 CR 711 St. Lucie Falls to Citr. 1.70 4,050 6,075 6,731 7,606 9,279 10,764 12,486 R 713 SR 714 to CR 714 0.70 9,922 14,883 16,490 18,634 22,734 26,371 30,590 R 713 CR 714 to I-95 2.60 5,000 7,500 8,310 9,390 11,456 13,289 15,415 R 714 SR 710 to Fox Brown 7.00 808 1,212 1,343 1,517 1,851 2,148 2,491

ROADWAY COUNT STATION LANES LENGTH CURRENT NO. PASSENGERS NAME OR LOCATION (NO.) (MILES) AADT EACH DIRECTION 1992 1995 2000 2010 2020 2030 R 714 Fox Brown to CR 609 5.00 808 1,212 1,343 1,517 1,851 2,148 2,491 R 714 CR 609 to 1-95 5.20 1,966 2,949 3,267 3,692 4,505 5,225 6,061 R 714 Turnpike to High Meadow 0.10 12,500 18,750 20,775 23,476 28,640 33,223 38,539 R 714 High Meadows to Berry 0.50 5,800 8,700 9,640 10,893 13,289 15,415 17,882 R 714 Berry to Danforth 0.30 5,800 8,700 9,640 10,893 13,289 15,415 17,882 R 714 Danforth to Mapp Rd. 0.50 5,800 8,700 9,640 10,893 13,289 15,415 17,882 R 723 SR 707 to 24th 0.80 13,219 19,829 21,970 24,826 30,288 35,134 40,755 R 723 24th to J.B. Blvd. 1.20 13,219 19,829 21,970 24,826 30,288 35,134 40,755 R 726 North of SR 710 5.40 1,925 2,888 3,199 3,615 4,411 5,116 5,935 Q) R 726 S of76A 540 1,850 2,775 3,075 3,474 4,239 4,917 5,704 U R 76A GR 711 to SR 714 5.00 3,275 4,913 5,443 6,151 7,504 8,704 10,097 lD RA1A SR5toCR708 1.10 2,384 3,576 3,962 4,477 5,462 6,336 7,350 hJ R A1A CR 708 to Osprey St. 3.40 2,271 3,407 3,774 4,265 5,203 6,036 7,002 I 11,747 CO R A1A Osprey St. to Heritage 1.00 3,810 5,715 6,332 7,155 8,730 10;126 VJ 1.90 5,326 7,989 8,852 10,003 12,203 14,156 16,421 R A1A Heritage to Cove Rd.

nO R A1A Cove Rd. to Salerno 0.20 8,611 12,917 14,311 16,172 19,730 22,887 26,548 R A1A Salerno to St. Lucie 0.20 13,349 20,024 22,186 25,070 30,586 35,479 41,156 R A1A St. Lucie to Jefferson 0.80 15,705 23,558 26,102 29,495 35,984 41,741 48,420 C 48,420 (D R A1A Jefferson to Indian 0.80 15,705 23,558 26,102 29,495 35,984 41,741 Ci 33,773 39,177 R A1A Indian to Airport 0.80 12,707 19,061 21,119 23,865 29,115 R A1A Airport to Monterey 0.50 12,707 19,061 21,119 23,865 29,115 33,773 39,177 R A1A Monterey to Colorado 1.50 5,459 8,189 9,073 10,252 12,508 14,509 16,831 Farm Rd SR 710 to 170th Dr. 1.40 3,000 4,500 4,986 5,634 6,874 7,973 9,249 Fork Rd. Pine Lake Dr. to SR 5 0.60 2,490 3,735 4,138 4,676 5,705 6,618 7,677 Fox Brown Rd. CR 714 to SR 710 7.90 500 750 831 939 1,146 1,329 1,542 Gomez Ave Grossrip St. to GR 708 2.50 7,500 11,250 12,465 14,085 17,184 19,934 23,123 omez Ave Osprey St. to Grossrip St 0.50 7,500 11,250 12,465 14,085 17,184 19,934 23,123 High Meadow SR 714 to Murphy Rd. 1.00 7,053 10,580 11,722 13,246 16,160 18,746 21,745 Horseshoe P. CR A1A to End (Inc Anch.) 1.70 4,775 7,163 7,936 8,968 10,941 12,691 14,722 Indian River Palmer to SR 707 1.95 6,648 9,972 11,049 12,485 15,232 17,669 20,496 Island Way Country Club Way to JU 0.70 1,118 1,677 1,858 2,100 2,562 2,971 3,447 Indian St. SR 76 to Willoughby Blvd. 0.40 15,220 22,830 25,296 28,584 34,873 40,452 46,925 Indian St Willoughby to US-1 0.90 15,220 22,830 25,296 28,584 34,873 40,452 46,925 Indian St. US-1 to Commerce 4- Div 0.20 16,378 24,567 27,220 30,759 37,526 43,530 50,495

ROADWAY COUNT STATION LANES LENGTH CURRENT NO. PASSENGERS NAME OR I OCATION (NO.) (MILES) AADT EACH DIRECTION 1992 1995 2000 2010 2020 2030 Indian St Commerce to CR A1A 4- Div 0.10 16,378 24,567 27,220 30,759 37,526 43,530 50,495 Indian St CR A1A to St. Lucie Blvd. 0.80 8,737 13,106 14,521 16,409 20,019 23,221 26,937 ack James SR 76 to End 1.00 250 375 416 470 573 771 efferson St CR A1A to St. Lucie Blvd 1.10 1,522 2,283 2,530 2,858 3,487 4,045 4,692 Little Club Way County Line Rd. to Country Club 0.60 2,203 3,305 3,661 4,137 5,048 5,855 6,792-Locks Rd SR 76 to End 3,041 4,562 5,054 5,711 6,968 8,082 9,376 MacArthur Blvd. CR A1A to Sailfish Pt 2.30 4,935 7,403 8,202 9,268 11,307 13,116 15,215 app Rd CR 714 to S. End 2.50 525 788 873 1,203 1,395 1,619 app Rd. CR 714 to SR 714 0.60 app Rd. SR 714 to Matheson Ave 1.20 3,341 5,012 5,553 6,275 7,655 8,880 10,301 app Rd Matheson N. End 1.50 4,286 6,429 7,123 8,049 9,820 11,391 13,214 atheson Ave SR 714 to Mapp Rd. 0.50 3,623 5,435 6,021 6,804 8,301 9,629 11,170 onroe St SR 5 to Commerce S t 0.40 5,271 7,907 8,760 9,899 12,077 14,009 16,251 onterey Rd. SR 76 to Willoughby 4- Div 1.00 19,620 29,430 32,608 36.848 44,954 52,147 60,490 onterey Rd. Willoughby to Monterey 4- Div. 1.00 19,620 29,430 32,608 36,848 44,954 52,147 60,490 onterey Rd Monterey Ext. to US-1 4- Div. 0.20 14,468 21,702 24,046 27,172 33,150 38,453 44,606 onterey Rd. US-1 to CR A1A 4- Div. 1.00 16,205 24,308 26,933 30.434 37,129 43,070 49,961 onterey Rd. CR A1A to Palm Beach Rd 4- Div. 17,400 26,100 28,919 32,678 39,867 46,246 53,646 onterey Rd. Palm Beach Rd. to SR A1A 1.20 11,379 17,069 18,912 21,370 26,072 30,243 35,082 urphy Rd. Mapp Rd. to High Meadows 1.00 3,082 4,623 5,122 5,788 7,062 8,191 9,502 Murphy Rd. High Meadows to NCL 1.20 6,409 9,614 10,652 12,036 14,685 17,034 19,759 sprey St. SR5toSRA1A 0.60 2,925 4,388 4,861 5,493 6,702 7,774 9,018 Osprey St SR A1A to Gomez Ave 0.20 1,204 1,806 2,001 2,261 2,759 3,200 3,712 Palm Beach Rd. Monterey Rd. to SR A1A 9,302 13,953 15,460 17,470 21,313 24,723, 28,679 Palm City Rd. SR 714 to US-1 0.60 7,368 11,052 12,246 13,838 16,882 19,583 22,716 Pine Lake Dr. Britt Rd. to Fork Rd. 1.30 1,144 1,716 1,901 - 2,149 2,621 3,041"., 3,527 Rivershore St. SR 5 to Spruce Ridge 1,500 2,250 2,493 2,817 3,437 3,987', 4,625 Salerno Rd. SR 76 to Willoughby 1.40 11,912 17,868 19,798 22,371 27,293 31,660 36,726 alemo Rd. Willoughby to US-1 1.00 13,240 19,860 22,005 24,866 30,336 35,190 40,820 Salerno Rd. US-1 to Commerce 0.60 13,384 20,076 ~

22,244 25,136 30,666 35,572 41,264 Salerno Rd. Commerce to CR A1A 0.10 13,384 20,076 22,244 25,136 30,666 35,572 41,264 aint Lucie CR A1A to Indian St 3.00 1,410 2,115 2,343 2,648 3,231 3,748 4,347 Seabranch B. SR 5 to Preserve Trace 4- Div 0.50 8,600 12,900 14,293 16,151 19,705 22,857 26,515 Sewalls Pt. SR A1A to Palmer St. 2.20 8,600 12,900 14,293 16,151 19,705 22,857 26,515

ROADWAY COUNT STATION LANES LENGTH CURRENT NO. PASSENGERS NAME OR LOCATION (NO.) (MILES) AADT EACH DIRECTION 1992 1995 2000 2010 2020 2030 ruce Ridge Rivershore St. to Pine 669 1,004 1 112

~ 1,256 1,533 1,778 2,063 Palm Beach Co. to CR A1A 4- Div 5.80 18,075 27.113 30,041 33,946 41,414 48,040 55,727 R5 CR A1A North to GR 708 4- Div 1.40 24,399 36,599 40,551 45,823 55,904 64,848 75,224 R5 GR 708 North to Osprey Div 3.20 23,424 35,136 38,931 43,992 53,670 62,257 72,218 SR 5 Osprey St. North to Cove Rd. 4- Div 3.00 27,176 40,764 45,167 51,038 62,267 72,229 83,786 R5 Cove Rd. N to Salerno Rd. 4- Div 0.60 43,575 54,558 66,560 77,210 89,564 29,050 48,281 Salerno Rd. N to Monroe 4- Div 1.10 28,010 42,015 46,553 52,604 64,177 74,446 86,357 Monroe N to Indian 4- Div 1.20 32,231 48,347 53,568 60,532 73,849 85,665 99,371 Indian St. to Monterey 4- Div 1.00 41,318 61,977 68,671 77,598 94,669 109,816 127,387 R5 Monterey Rd. to SR 5-A 4- Div 1.00 33,640 50,460 55,910 63,178 77,077 89,409 103,715 RS SR 5-A North to SR 76 6- Div 0.80 38,018 57,027 63,186 71,400 87,108 101,045 117,213 R5 SR 76 North to Bridge 6- Div 1.20 49,784 74,676 82,741 93,497 114,067 132,317 153,488 R5 Roosevelt Bridge 4- Div. 1.20 49,784 74,676 82,741 93,497 114,067 132,317 153,488 R5 Bridge to SR 707 4- Div. 0.50 49,784 74,676 82,741 93,497 114,067 132,317 153,488 R5 SR 707 to Baker 6- Div. 0.60 43,002 64,503 71,469 80,760 98,528 114,292 132,579 R5 Baker Rd. to Britt Rd 6- Div 1.00 46,527 69,791 77,328 87,380 106,604 123,661 143,447 R5 Britt Rd. to J.B. Blvd. 6- Div. 0.60 50,540 75,810 83,997 94,917 115,799 134,327 155,819 R5 J.B. Blvd. to Westmoreland 6- Div. 0.90 45,320 67,980 75,322 85,114 103,839 120,453 139,725 R5 Westmoreland to Co. Line 6- Div. 1.00 45,863 68,795 76,224 86,133 105,083 121,896 141,399 R15 SR76to SCL 1.80 2,971 4,457 4,938 5,580 6,807 7,896 9,160 R15 SR76to NCL 10.00 1,563 2,345 2,598 2,935 3,581 4,154 4,819 R76 SR15toSR710 10.20 1,452 2,178 2,413 2.727 3,327 3,859 4,477 R76 SR 710 to CR 708 9.00 2,775 4,163 4,612 5,212 6,358 7,375 8,556 SR 76 GR 708 to CR 711 2.40 2,406 3,609 3,999 4,519 5,513 6,395 7,418 SR 76 CR 76A to I-95 1.60 9,650 14,475 16,038 18;123 22,110 25,648 29,752 SR 76 I-95 to Cove Rd. 0.50 20,358 30,537 33,835 38,234 46,645 54,108 62,765 SR 76 Cove Rd. to Salerno Rd 0.50 20,892 31,338 34,723 39;236 47,868 55,527 64,412 SR 76 Salerno Rd. to Indian St. 2.30 18,840 28,260 31,312 35,383 43,167 50,074 58,085 R76 Indian St. to Monterey 6- Div 1.20 23,100 34,650 38,392 43;383 52,927 61,396 71,219 R76 Monterey Rd. to US-1 6- Div 1.00 25,287 37,931 42,027 . 47,491 57,938 67,209 77,962 R76 US-1 to CRA1A 6- Div 0.40 19,490 29,235 32,392 36,603 44,656 51,801 60,089 SR 707 SR5toSR723 1.00 15,919 23,879 26,457 29,897 36,474 42;310 49,080 R 707 SR 723 to Palmer 1.00 7,305 10,958 12,141 13,719 16,737 19,415 22,522 R 707 Palmer to CR 707A 1.00 7,500 11,250 12,465 14,085 17,184 19,934 23,123

ROADWAY COUNT STATION LANES LENGTH CURRENT NO. PASSENGERS NAME OR LOCATION (NO.) (MILES) AADT EACH DIRECTION 1992 1995 2000 2010 2020 2030 R 707 CR 707A to SR 732 1.00 13,320 19,980 22,138 25,016 30,519 35,402 41,067 R 710 SR 76 to SCL 5.20 6,413 9,620 10,658 12,044 14,694 17,045 19,772 R 710 SR /6 to CR 726 0.50 8,775 13,163 14,584 16,480 20,106 23,322 27,054 R 710 CR 726 to CR 609 1.50 8,775 13,163 14,584 16,480 20,106 23,322 27,054 R 710 CR 609 to Fox Brown 2.40 8,449 12,674 14,042 15,868 19,359 22,456 26,049 R 710 Fox Brown to NCL 11.00 5,187 7,781 8,621 9,741 11,885 13,786 15,992 R 714 I-95 to CR /6A 4.00 6,708 10,062 11,149 12,598 15,370 17,829 20,681 R 714 CR 76A to Turnpike 0.80 6,708 'I0,062 11,149 12,598 15,3/0 1/,829 20,681 R 714 Turnpike to High Meadows 4- Div 0.60 16,533 24,800 27,478 31,050 37,881 43,942 50,973 R 714 High Meadows to Matheson 4- Div 1.60 16,309 24,464 27,106 30,629 37,368 43,347 50,282 R 714 ~

Matheson to Mapp Rd. 4- Div 8.00 20,198 30,297 33,569 37,933 46,278 53,683 62,272 R 714 Mapp Rd. to SR 76 4- Div 1.20 33,2/1 49,907 55,296 62,485 76,232 88,429 102,577 R 732 Jensen Beach Causeway 1.90 12,855 19,283 21,365 24,142 29,454 34,166 39,633 R A1A Flagler E to Palm Beach 1.00 17,461 26,192 29,020 32,793 40,007 46,408 53,834 R A1A Palm Beach Rd. to Monterey 4- Div 0.80 18,453 27,680 30,669 34,656 42,280 49,045 56,892 R A1A Monterey Rd. to St. Lucie= 4- Div 0.70 19,016 28,524 31,605 35,713 43,570 50,541 58,628 R A1A St. Lucie to Sewalls Pt. 0.90 21,646 -

32,469 35,976 40,652 49,596 57,531 66,736 R A1A Sewalls Pt. to MacArthur 1.50 12,383 18,575 20,581 23,256 28,372 32,912 38,178 SR A1A MacArthur Blvd. to SR 732 3.90 9,612 14,418 15,975 18,052 22,023 25,547 29,635 R A1A SR 732 to Co. Line 0.50 15,443 23,165 25,666 29,003 35,384 41,045 47,612

WITHIN 10 MILES OF THE ST. LUCIE PLANT DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-10 0-10 DIRECTION N 138 138 NE ENE ESE 600 600-SE 521 521 SSE 319 . 4,013 9,586 13,918 16 139 3,312 3,467 SSW 379 359 3,585 4,328 SW 50 868 2,729 3,648 WSW 9 223 1,560 1,799 W 197 232 1,863 2,296 206 368 1,448 2,026 84 135 8,075 8,294 64 5,613 5,677 Total by Annulus 600 664 14 1,324 6,338 37,771 46,711

WITHIN 10 MILES OF THE ST. LUCIE PLANT DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-10 0-10 DIRECTION 144 144 NNE NE ENE 0 ESE 628 628 SE 618 618 SSE 382 4,811 10,795 15,988 19 166 3,682 3,868 SSW 455 431 4,219 5,109 SW 60 1,042 3,275 4,378 WSW 11 268 1,871 2,157 W 236 278 2 232 2,750 247 442 1,737 2,432 102 162 9,688 9,952 6,504 6,568 Total by Annulus 628 769 17 1,576 7,600 44,003 54,593

WITHIN 10 MILES OF THE ST. LUCIE PLANT DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-10 0-10 DIRECTION N 150 150 NE ENE ESE 654 654 SE 711 711 SSE 439 5,506 11,843 17,787 22 191 3,999 4,212 SSW 521 492 4,767 5,786 SW 68 1,191 3,746 5,007 WSW 12 306 2,141 2,468 270 319 . 2,570 3,164 283 505 1,985 2,779 NW 117 186 11,083 11,385 NNW 64 7,285 7,349 Total by Annulus 654 869 19 1,796 8,696 49,420 61,453

WITHIN 10 MILES OF THE ST. LUCIE PLANT DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-10 0-10 DIRECTION N 162 162 NE ENE ESE 703 703 SE 874 874 SSE 541 6,805 13,769 21,115 28 235 4,581 4,844 SSW 644 609 5,793 7,053 SW 85 1,472 4,627 6,186 WSW 15 378 2,645 3,050 W 334 394 3,127 3,860 WNW 349 625 2,454 3,436 NW 146 229 13,695 14,071 64 8,743 8,807 Total by Annulus 703 1,045 24 2,205 10,748 59,435 74,159

WITHIN 10 MILES OF THE ST. LUCIE PLANT DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-10 0-10 DIRECTION N 172 172 0;

NE 0; ENE 0'49 OP U ESE 749 Cl 1,033 SE 1,033 SSE 636 7,998 15,532 24,166 CO 32 276 5,114 5,423 C0 757 716 6,742 8,223 SSW SW 99 1,731 5,450 7,282 WSW 18 445 3,116 3,592 393 463 3,724 4,586 411 735 2,887 4,043 NW 168 269 16,111 16,548 NNW 64 0 10,086 10,150 Total by Annulus 749 1,216 28 2,578 12,635 68,762 85,968

WITHIN 10 MILES OF THE ST. LUCIE PLANT DISTANCE (MILES) 0-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-10 0-10 DIRECTION N 180 180 NE ENE ESE 782 782 SE 1,161 1,161 SSE 717 8,993 16,933 26,643 36 311 5,533 5,880 SSW 851 804 7,511 9,175 SW 112 1,945 6,113 8,172 WSW 20 500 3,494 4,028 441 520 4,161 5,129 10 462 825 3,243 4,540 NW 190 303 18,093 18,585 NNW 64 0 11,181 11,245 Total by Annulus 782 1,353 31 2,892 14,201 76,261 95,520