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| issue date = 06/09/1979
| issue date = 06/09/1979
| title = Forwards Monthly Operating Repts for May 1979
| title = Forwards Monthly Operating Repts for May 1979
| author name = SCHMIDT A D
| author name = Schmidt A
| author affiliation = FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT CO.
| author affiliation = FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT CO.
| addressee name =  
| addressee name =  
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| page count = 19
| page count = 19
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ACCESSION NBR:8004230330            DOC          79/06/09 NOTARIZED: NO                    DOCKET FACIL:50 250 Turkey Point Planti          Unit  3i Florida Power and Light          C    05000250
          $=~>T rkey Point Planti          Unit  4i Florioa Power and Light          C    05000251 50 335      . Lucie  Planti  Unit  1~  Florida    Power 8 Light Co.              05000335 AUTH'UTHOR SCHtlIOTJA ~ D ~
AFFILIATION Flor ida Power  L  Light  Co ~
REC IP ~ NA<<E          RECIPIENT AFFILIATION Office of Management and Program            Analysis
Forwards      montnly operating repts for <<ay 1979.
TITLE: Annual ~ Semi Annual 8'onthly Ooer ating Reports SIZE:
(OL  Stag RECIPIENT        COPIES              REC IP I E'VT          COPIES ID CODE/NA<<E        LTTR ENCL        ID CODE/NAME          LTTR ENCL ACTION:      05  BC  4)f8%/ J        6      6 e/8 INTERNAL:      1  REG  FILE          1      1      02 NRC PDR                  1    1 1                        2      2      l4 <<PA                    '2    2 16 DIR DOR              1      1      18 ENGR BR                  1    1 19 REAC SAFT BR                        20 PLAiNT SYS BR            1    1 21 EES                                22 CORF PERF BR            1    1 23 EFFL TR SYS          1      1      AEOD          ~            1    1 FXTERNAL: 03 LPDR                    1      1      04 NSIC                    1    1 24 iVAtl. LAB            1      1      25 BROOKHAVEiV              1    1 26 ACRS                15    15 APR  25  ]98O torAL  Nu<<@FR    OF  COPIES REourREO:    LTTR
                                              . BOX 529100, 2      ~ NIIAMI, FL 222152 2  2 FLORIDA POYP=R 6 LIGHT OO!APANY June 9, 1979 Office of  Management Information and Program Controls U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555 Gentlemen:
Attached are the May, 1979, Operating Status Reports for Turkey Point Unit Nos. 3 and 4 and St. Lucie Unit No. l.
Very  truly yours, Vice President Power Resources VTC/DDC cc:  Mr. James P. O'Reilly Robert Lowenstein, Esauire
AVERAGE DAILYUNIT POWER LEVEL DOCKET NO        50  -  250 DATE    J~e      9  ~
COMPLETED IIY        V. T.      Chilson TELEPHONE
'MONTH          MAY        1979 DAY      AVERAGE DAILYPOWER LEVEL                              DAY        AVERAGE DAILYPOWER LEVEL (MWe-Net)                                                      (MWe-Net)
I                        664                                17                        66l 667                                18                        664 665                                19 20 66                                  21                        664 22                        660
  .7 667                                23 666 664                                2S 10                          661                                26 27 12                          658                                28 13                        658                                '>9 30 IS                                                            31 16                                                            NOTE:        Average        daily power level greater than 666MWe due            to cooler condenser cooling water.
INSTRUCTIONS Qn this format. list the average daily unit power level in M~Ve.Ne. for each day in the rept>rting >tn>nth. C>>ntpute to the nearest whole megawatt.
(A /77 )
DATE    2IIne Ri COMPLETED IIY      V.T. Chilson TELEPHONE      ~~~-3824 OPERATING STATUS Turke      Point Unit No.      3          Notes-  Unit    No. 3  operated at
: 1. Unit Name approximately        100%  R.P. unt
: 2. Reporting Period:
Unit was removed from ser-
: 3. Licensed Thermal Power (MWt):                                        vice to perform integrated 760
: 4. Nameplate Rating (Gross MWel:                                        safeguards, surveillance test
: 5. Design Electrical Rating (Net MWe):                                  except for outage of May 4,
: 6. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Gross MWe):                            19 79.
: 7. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Net MWe):
S. If Changes Occur in Capacity Ratings (Items Number 3 Through 7) Since Last Report, Give Reasons:
: 9. Power Level To Which Restricted. If Any (Net MWe):          NONE
: 10. Reasons For Restrictions, If Any:
This Month          Yr.-to-Date            Cumulative
: 11. Hours In Reporting Period                              744.0          3  623.0                56 864.6
: 12. Number  Of Hours Reactor    Was Critical              598.1            943. 2              43 515.6
: 13. Reactor Reserve Shutdown Hours                                                                  194. 6
: 14. Hours Generator On-Line                                595.6            831. 7              42  009;0
: 15. Unit Reserve Shutdown Hours 97.3
: 16. Gross Thermal Energy Generated (MWH)                  1 299 648        1 750 006              83 516 954
: 17. Gross Electrical Energy Generated (MWH)                412 265          554 600              26 589 030 IS. Net Electrical Energy Generated (MWH)                  392 189          514 830              25 162 007
: 19. Unit Service Factor                                      80.1            23.0                      73 ..9
: 20. Unit Availability Factor                                  80.1            23.0                      74. 0
: 21. Unit Capacity Factor (Using M DC Net)                    79.1            21. 3                    67.0
: 22. Unit Capacity Factor (Using DER Net)                      76.1            20.5                      63. 9
: 23. Unit Forced Outage Rate                                    0.6            12.5                      2.8
: 24. Shutdowns Scheduled Over Next 6 Months (Type, Date, and Duration of Each l:
: 25. If Shut Down At End Of Report Period, Estimated Date    of Startup:      June 1    1979
: 26. Units In Test Status (Prior to Commercial Operation):                    Forecast              Achieved INITIALCRITICALITY INITIALELECTRICITY COMMERCIALOPERATION (L)I (71
it No.3 DATF June 9        19 79 REPORT hlONTII J      Llccnscc                                    Cause 8r C,orrecllvc Nl1.                                            a  gee          Event                                          Aclion lo Report >                                    Prevent Recuncnce
                                                    ~ C/7 05-04            3.6      A                        N/A      HH      VALVEX    Unit  was tripped by steam generator No. 38 level protection system.
Corrective actions included replacing failed gasket in condensate recircu-lation line. (Non-nuclear system) 79-05-25        144. 8      8                        N/A      zz      zzzzzz    Unit was removed from service to perform integrated safeguards sur-veillance test. (Nuclear system)
I                                                                          3 F: F<)reed        Reason:                                              Method:                            Exhibit G ~ Instructions S: Scheduled      A-Equipment Failure (Explain)                        I -Manual                          for Preparation of Data D.hlaintenance oi Test                                2-Manual Scram.                    Enlry Sheets for Licensee C-Refueling                                          3-Automatic Scraln.                Event Report (LER) File (NUREG-D.Regulatory Restriction                              4.Other (Explain)                  016I )
I'.-Operator Training 8r. Liccnsc Exalnination F-Administrative G Opcratioilal Error (Explain)                                                          Exhibit I - Salnc Source
('>/77)                I I.Other (Explain)
I ~  ~ >>% ~ ~
AVERAGE DAILYUNIT POWER LEVEL DATE      un          1979 COMPLETED BY TELEPHONE MONTH                MAY,    l979 DAY        AVERAGE DAILYPOWER LEVEL                            DAY        AVERAGE DAILYPOWER LEVEL I MWe.Net)                                                    (MWe-Net) 17 IS 19 20 2I 22 23 25 IO                                                              26 28 l3                                                              19 l4                                                              30 IS                                                              3l I6 INSTRUCTIONS Qn this format. list the average daily Unit power level in MWe.Net for each day it) the reporting tnonth. Cotnputc to the nearest whole megawatt.
DATE    Junti tt ~79 COMPLETED BY      ~~hilson TELEPHONE      UQ B      H2-3824 OPERATING STATUS Turke      Point Unit No.      4          Notes  Unit No. 4        scheduled
: 1. Unit Name:
: 2. Reporting Period:
refueling, maintenance, in-2200                      spections, and tests contin-
: 3. Licensed Thermal Power (MWt):                                        ued during the month.
: 4. Namep)ate Rating (Gross MWe):
: 5. Design Electrical Rating (Net MWe):
S. If Changes Occur in Capacity Ratings (Items Number 3 Through 7) Since Last Report. Give Reasons:
: 9. Power Level To Which Restricted. If Any (Net MWe):          NONE
: 10. Reasons For Restrictions, If Any:
This Month            Yr.-to.Date            Cumulative I I. Hours In Reporting Period                            744.0          3  623.0              50'592.0 Number Of Hours Reactor Was Critical                      '2.
2  188.3              36  535.9
: 13. Reactor Reserve Shutdown Hours 138.8 14'. Hours Generator On-l.ine                                          2  182.0              35  001.0
: 15. Unit Reserve Shutdown Hours                                                                      16. Gross Thermal Energy Generated (MWH)                                    4  077 101              72 216 968
: 17. Gross Electrical Energy Generated (MWH)                                1  267 100                      2 825 I g. Net Electrical Energy Generated (MWH)            -1  239              1 191 500              21 876      205
: 19. Unit Service Factor                                                      60.2                    69. 2
: 20. Unit Availability Factor                                                60.2                    69.2
: 21. Unit Capacity Factor (Using MDC Net)                                        49.4                    65.3
: 22. Unit Capacity Factor (Using DER Net)                                        47.5                      62.4
: 23. Unit Forced Outage Rate                                                    1.4                    2.7
: 24. Shutdowns Scheduled Over Next 6 Months (Type. Date. and Duration    of Each):
: 25. IfShut Down At End Of Report Period. Estimated Date of Startup:      June 17        1 7
: 26. Units In Test Status (Prior to Commercial Operation):                      Forecast              Achieved INITIALCRITICALITY INITIALELECTRICITY COAIMERCIALOPERATION
('>/77 )
COh(PLETED BY REPORT hION'fll Llccnscc              Cl~
Cause  Ec Corrcclivc Q
  <V<<.          Ihte                                              Event                Q  c<
Action lo Report >              C +                  Prevent Recurrence 79-04-05    S      744.0                            N/A      RC      FUELXX    Unit  No. 4 remained      out of service for scheduled refueling, maintenance, and  inspections.        (Nuclear and non-nuclear systems) (Continued from previous month) 7 I': I orccd            Reason:                                            Method:                            Exhibit G- Instructions S: Schedule<I          A-E<)uipment Failure (Explain)                      I.manual                            for Preparation ol'ata B-hlaintcnancc or Test                              2.hlanual Scram.                    Enlry Sheets for Licensee
( -Rcfucling                                        3-Aulolnalic Scfanl.                Event Report (I.ER) File (NUREG-I) Regulatory Restriction                          4.Other (Explain)                  Ol 6I )
I'..Operator Training & Liccnsc Examination I'-Administrative G.Operational Frn>r  (fxplain)                                                        Exhibit I - Salne Source
('>/77)                    I I.Other (Explain)
                                                                                                                              ) e
AVERAGE DAILYUNIT POWER LEVEL pATE    >TUB e    9 COMPLETED IIY        V. T.      Chil sOn MONTH              MAY      1979 DAY      AVERAGE DAILYPOWER LEVEL                              DAY      AVERAGE DAILYPOWER LEVEL (MWe Net)                                                      (MWe.Net )
l7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
                                                                  '>5 10                                                                26 7'>
12                                                                28
                                                                  '>9 13 14                                                                30 15                                                              "
31 16 INSTRUCTIONS On this format. list the average daily unit p<>wer level in Mme.Net for each day tn the rep<>rting n><>nth. C<>n>pote to the nearest whole megawatt.
(<) I771
                                                                                                        ~I~i        2-3824 OPERATING STATUS St. Lucie Vnit No.        1            Notes  -  Scheduled refueling,
: 1. Unit Name maintenance, inspectfons and
: 2. Reporting Period:
2 60 teSts continued during the
: 3. Licensed Thermal Po~er (MWt):                                        month.
: 4. Nameplate Rating (Gross MWe):                  850
: 5. Design Electrical Rating (Net MWe):
: 6. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Gross MWe):                822
: 7. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Net MWe):                  777 S. If Changes Occur in Capacity Ratings (Items Number 3 Through 7) Since Last Report, Give Reasons:
: 9. Power Level To Which Restricted. If Any (Net MWe):          NONE
: 10. Reasons For Restrictions, If Any:
This Month          Yr.-to-Date            Cumulative
: 11. Hours In Reporting Period                              744, 0        3 623.0                21'07.0
: 12. Number  Of Hours  Reactor Was Critical                  0.0        2    0                      797.1
: 13. Reactor Reserve Shutdown Hours                                              0.0                  118.5
: 14. Hours Generator On-Line                                  0.0        1 991.7                16 350.'9
: 15. Unit Reserve Shutdown Hours                              0.0                0.0                    21.0
: 16. Gross Thermal Energy Generated (MWH)                      0.0        5 038 847              39 256 995
: 17. Gross Electrical Energy Generated (MWH)                  0.0        1 635 500              12 742 450
: 18. Net Electrical Energy Generated (MWH)            -  3 760          1  539 542              11 982 380
: 19. Unit Service Factor                                      0.0              55.0                      76.4
: 20. Unit Availability Factor                                  0.0              55.0                      76.5
: 21. Unit Capacity Factor (Using MDC Net)                      0.0              54.7                      72.0
: 22. Unit Capacity Factor (Using DER Net)                      0.0              53.0                    '69. 8
: 23. Unit Forced Outage Rate                                  0.0                7.8                      6.6
: 24. Shutdowns Scheduled Over Next 6 Months (Type, Date, and Duration of Each l:
: 25. If Shut Down At End Of Report Period. Estimated Date    of Startup:
: 26. Units In Test Status (Prior to Commercial Operation):                      Forecast              Achieved INITIALCRITICALITY IN ITIAL ELECTRICITY COMMERCIAL OPERATION
('>/77 )
UNIT NAMF S        t. Lucie Unit No. 1 REPORT MONTII  >IAY    19 79 Cl Liecnscc              C                  Cause A. Corrective No.            Date                                        Event                                          Action lo Rcport >                0                  Prevent Recurrence 79-04W1        744.0.      C                  N/A        RC      HIELXX  Unit was removed from service for
                                                                                                                                              -a 5                  S scheduled refueling, maintenance, and inspections.        (Continued from previous month) (Nuclear and non-nuclear systems)
I I:  Forced        Reason:                                          Method:                          Exhibit G - Instructions S: Schedule(l      A.Equipmcnt Failure (Explain)                      I -Manual                        for Preparation of Data II.Maintenance or Test                            2-hlanual Scram.                  Entry Sheets I'or Licensee
(.Refueling                                      3-Automatic Seratn.              Event Report (LL'R) File (NUREG-D.Regulatory Restriction                          4.Other (Explain)                OI6I)
E-Operator Training Ec Uecnsc Examination F-Administrative G.Operational Error (Explain)                                                      Exhibit I - Satne Source I'I/77)                II.Other (Fxplain)
0                              . BOX 529100, MIAMI, FL 33I92
                                            ~ LCRIOA . OVs R S LIGHT COIrl. ANY June 9, 1979 Office of  Management information and Program Controls U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555 Gentlemen:
Attached are the May, 1979, Operating Summary Reports          for Turkey Point Unit. Nos. 3 and 4 and St. Lucie Unit No.        l.
Very  truly yours, Vice President Power Resources VTC/DDC cc:  Mr. James P. O'Reilly Robert Lowenstein, Esquire
SUMb&~RY OF OPERATING  EXPERIENCE DOCKET NO. 50  250 Turkey Point UNIT    Unit  No. 3 DATE    June 9, 1979 COMPLETED BY    V. T. Chilson TELEPHONE    (305) 552-3824 REPORT MONTH        MAY, 19 79 Unit operated at approximately 100% R.P. until Unit was removed from service to perform integrated safeguards surveillance test, except for outage of May 4, 1979. Refer to "Unit Shutdowns and Power Reductions" section of the May, 1979, Operating'tatus Report for additional information.
Major Safety-related maintenance activities performed during the month included:
Replaced exciter power transformers on Emer-gency Diesel-Generator No. A. Refer to LER 250-79-20 for additional details.
Repaired voltage regulator on Emergency Diesel-Generator No. B. Refer to LER 250-79-20  for additional details.
OF OPERATING EXPERiENCE DOCKET NO. 50  251 Turkey Point UNIT    Unit  No. 4 DATE    June 9, 1979 COMPLETED BY    V. T. Chilson TELEPHONE    (305) 552-3824 REPORT MONTH
* MAYi 1979 Unit scheduled refueling, maintenance, inspections, and tests continued during the month; Refer to "Unit Shutdowns and Power Reductions" section of the April 1979, Operating Status Report for additional in format ion.
Major Safety-related maintenance activities performed during the month included:
Installed  65 new  fuel assemblies.
Safety-'related pipe hanger anchor inspection and  repair program (IE Bulletin No. 79-02)
              'in progress.
installed  'spare rotating element in high-head safety injection    pump No. 4B.
OF OPERATING EXPERiENCE DOCKET NO-      50  - 335 St. Lucie UNIT      Unit No. 1 DATE      June 9, 1979 COMPLETED BY        V.T. Chilson TELEPHONE      (305) 552-3824 REPORT MONTH          MAY, 19 79 Scheduled    refueling, 'maintenance, inspections, and tests continued during the month. Refer to "Unit Shutdowns and Power Reductions" section of the May, 1979, Operating Status Report for additional i;n formation.
Major Safety-related maintenance      activities  performed during the month  included:
Completed  modification of charging. pump  suction piping.
Charging pump No. 3,B was returned to service.
Corrective actions included installing new pump casing. Refer to LER 335-79-17..}}

Latest revision as of 16:10, 4 February 2020

Forwards Monthly Operating Repts for May 1979
Person / Time
Site: Saint Lucie, Turkey Point  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 06/09/1979
From: Schmidt A
Shared Package
ML17208A477 List:
NUDOCS 8004230330
Download: ML17208A476 (19)




ACCESSION NBR:8004230330 DOC 79/06/09 NOTARIZED: NO DOCKET FACIL:50 250 Turkey Point Planti Unit 3i Florida Power and Light C 05000250

$=~>T rkey Point Planti Unit 4i Florioa Power and Light C 05000251 50 335 . Lucie Planti Unit 1~ Florida Power 8 Light Co. 05000335 AUTH'UTHOR SCHtlIOTJA ~ D ~

AFFILIATION Flor ida Power L Light Co ~

REC IP ~ NA<<E RECIPIENT AFFILIATION Office of Management and Program Analysis


Forwards montnly operating repts for <<ay 1979.


TITLE: Annual ~ Semi Annual 8'onthly Ooer ating Reports SIZE:

(OL Stag RECIPIENT COPIES REC IP I E'VT COPIES ID CODE/NA<<E LTTR ENCL ID CODE/NAME LTTR ENCL ACTION: 05 BC 4)f8%/ J 6 6 e/8 INTERNAL: 1 REG FILE 1 1 02 NRC PDR 1 1 1 2 2 l4 <<PA '2 2 16 DIR DOR 1 1 18 ENGR BR 1 1 19 REAC SAFT BR 20 PLAiNT SYS BR 1 1 21 EES 22 CORF PERF BR 1 1 23 EFFL TR SYS 1 1 AEOD ~ 1 1 FXTERNAL: 03 LPDR 1 1 04 NSIC 1 1 24 iVAtl. LAB 1 1 25 BROOKHAVEiV 1 1 26 ACRS 15 15 APR 25 ]98O torAL Nu<<@FR OF COPIES REourREO: LTTR

. BOX 529100, 2 ~ NIIAMI, FL 222152 2 2 FLORIDA POYP=R 6 LIGHT OO!APANY June 9, 1979 Office of Management Information and Program Controls U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555 Gentlemen:

Attached are the May, 1979, Operating Status Reports for Turkey Point Unit Nos. 3 and 4 and St. Lucie Unit No. l.

Very truly yours, Vice President Power Resources VTC/DDC cc: Mr. James P. O'Reilly Robert Lowenstein, Esauire




I 664 17 66l 667 18 664 665 19 20 66 21 664 22 660

.7 667 23 666 664 2S 10 661 26 27 12 658 28 13 658 '>9 30 IS 31 16 NOTE: Average daily power level greater than 666MWe due to cooler condenser cooling water.

INSTRUCTIONS Qn this format. list the average daily unit power level in M~Ve.Ne. for each day in the rept>rting >tn>nth. C>>ntpute to the nearest whole megawatt.

(A /77 )


DATE 2IIne Ri COMPLETED IIY V.T. Chilson TELEPHONE ~~~-3824 OPERATING STATUS Turke Point Unit No. 3 Notes- Unit No. 3 operated at

1. Unit Name approximately 100% R.P. unt
2. Reporting Period:

Unit was removed from ser-

3. Licensed Thermal Power (MWt): vice to perform integrated 760
4. Nameplate Rating (Gross MWel: safeguards, surveillance test
5. Design Electrical Rating (Net MWe): except for outage of May 4,
6. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Gross MWe): 19 79.
7. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Net MWe):

S. If Changes Occur in Capacity Ratings (Items Number 3 Through 7) Since Last Report, Give Reasons:

9. Power Level To Which Restricted. If Any (Net MWe): NONE
10. Reasons For Restrictions, If Any:

This Month Yr.-to-Date Cumulative

11. Hours In Reporting Period 744.0 3 623.0 56 864.6
12. Number Of Hours Reactor Was Critical 598.1 943. 2 43 515.6
13. Reactor Reserve Shutdown Hours 194. 6
14. Hours Generator On-Line 595.6 831. 7 42 009;0
15. Unit Reserve Shutdown Hours 97.3
16. Gross Thermal Energy Generated (MWH) 1 299 648 1 750 006 83 516 954
17. Gross Electrical Energy Generated (MWH) 412 265 554 600 26 589 030 IS. Net Electrical Energy Generated (MWH) 392 189 514 830 25 162 007
19. Unit Service Factor 80.1 23.0 73 ..9
20. Unit Availability Factor 80.1 23.0 74. 0
21. Unit Capacity Factor (Using M DC Net) 79.1 21. 3 67.0
22. Unit Capacity Factor (Using DER Net) 76.1 20.5 63. 9
23. Unit Forced Outage Rate 0.6 12.5 2.8
24. Shutdowns Scheduled Over Next 6 Months (Type, Date, and Duration of Each l:


25. If Shut Down At End Of Report Period, Estimated Date of Startup: June 1 1979
26. Units In Test Status (Prior to Commercial Operation): Forecast Achieved INITIALCRITICALITY INITIALELECTRICITY COMMERCIALOPERATION (L)I (71


it No.3 DATF June 9 19 79 REPORT hlONTII J Llccnscc Cause 8r C,orrecllvc Nl1. a gee Event Aclion lo Report > Prevent Recuncnce

~ C/7 05-04 3.6 A N/A HH VALVEX Unit was tripped by steam generator No. 38 level protection system.

Corrective actions included replacing failed gasket in condensate recircu-lation line. (Non-nuclear system) 79-05-25 144. 8 8 N/A zz zzzzzz Unit was removed from service to perform integrated safeguards sur-veillance test. (Nuclear system)

I 3 F: F<)reed Reason: Method: Exhibit G ~ Instructions S: Scheduled A-Equipment Failure (Explain) I -Manual for Preparation of Data D.hlaintenance oi Test 2-Manual Scram. Enlry Sheets for Licensee C-Refueling 3-Automatic Scraln. Event Report (LER) File (NUREG-D.Regulatory Restriction 4.Other (Explain) 016I )

I'.-Operator Training 8r. Liccnsc Exalnination F-Administrative G Opcratioilal Error (Explain) Exhibit I - Salnc Source

('>/77) I I.Other (Explain)

I ~ ~ >>% ~ ~

AVERAGE DAILYUNIT POWER LEVEL DATE un 1979 COMPLETED BY TELEPHONE MONTH MAY, l979 DAY AVERAGE DAILYPOWER LEVEL DAY AVERAGE DAILYPOWER LEVEL I MWe.Net) (MWe-Net) 17 IS 19 20 2I 22 23 25 IO 26 28 l3 19 l4 30 IS 3l I6 INSTRUCTIONS Qn this format. list the average daily Unit power level in MWe.Net for each day it) the reporting tnonth. Cotnputc to the nearest whole megawatt.



DATE Junti tt ~79 COMPLETED BY ~~hilson TELEPHONE UQ B H2-3824 OPERATING STATUS Turke Point Unit No. 4 Notes Unit No. 4 scheduled

1. Unit Name:
2. Reporting Period:

refueling, maintenance, in-2200 spections, and tests contin-

3. Licensed Thermal Power (MWt): ued during the month.
4. Namep)ate Rating (Gross MWe):
5. Design Electrical Rating (Net MWe):

S. If Changes Occur in Capacity Ratings (Items Number 3 Through 7) Since Last Report. Give Reasons:

9. Power Level To Which Restricted. If Any (Net MWe): NONE
10. Reasons For Restrictions, If Any:

This Month Yr.-to.Date Cumulative I I. Hours In Reporting Period 744.0 3 623.0 50'592.0 Number Of Hours Reactor Was Critical '2.

2 188.3 36 535.9

13. Reactor Reserve Shutdown Hours 138.8 14'. Hours Generator On-l.ine 2 182.0 35 001.0
15. Unit Reserve Shutdown Hours 16. Gross Thermal Energy Generated (MWH) 4 077 101 72 216 968
17. Gross Electrical Energy Generated (MWH) 1 267 100 2 825 I g. Net Electrical Energy Generated (MWH) -1 239 1 191 500 21 876 205
19. Unit Service Factor 60.2 69. 2
20. Unit Availability Factor 60.2 69.2
21. Unit Capacity Factor (Using MDC Net) 49.4 65.3
22. Unit Capacity Factor (Using DER Net) 47.5 62.4
23. Unit Forced Outage Rate 1.4 2.7
24. Shutdowns Scheduled Over Next 6 Months (Type. Date. and Duration of Each):
25. IfShut Down At End Of Report Period. Estimated Date of Startup: June 17 1 7
26. Units In Test Status (Prior to Commercial Operation): Forecast Achieved INITIALCRITICALITY INITIALELECTRICITY COAIMERCIALOPERATION

('>/77 )


COh(PLETED BY REPORT hION'fll Llccnscc Cl~

Cause Ec Corrcclivc Q

<V<<. Ihte Event Q c<

Action lo Report > C + Prevent Recurrence 79-04-05 S 744.0 N/A RC FUELXX Unit No. 4 remained out of service for scheduled refueling, maintenance, and inspections. (Nuclear and non-nuclear systems) (Continued from previous month) 7 I': I orccd Reason: Method: Exhibit G- Instructions S: Schedule<I A-E<)uipment Failure (Explain) I.manual for Preparation ol'ata B-hlaintcnancc or Test 2.hlanual Scram. Enlry Sheets for Licensee

( -Rcfucling 3-Aulolnalic Scfanl. Event Report (I.ER) File (NUREG-I) Regulatory Restriction 4.Other (Explain) Ol 6I )

I'..Operator Training & Liccnsc Examination I'-Administrative G.Operational Frn>r (fxplain) Exhibit I - Salne Source

('>/77) I I.Other (Explain)

) e



l7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

'>5 10 26 7'>

12 28

'>9 13 14 30 15 "

31 16 INSTRUCTIONS On this format. list the average daily unit p<>wer level in Mme.Net for each day tn the rep<>rting n><>nth. C<>n>pote to the nearest whole megawatt.

(<) I771




~I~i 2-3824 OPERATING STATUS St. Lucie Vnit No. 1 Notes - Scheduled refueling,

1. Unit Name maintenance, inspectfons and
2. Reporting Period:

2 60 teSts continued during the

3. Licensed Thermal Po~er (MWt): month.
4. Nameplate Rating (Gross MWe): 850
5. Design Electrical Rating (Net MWe):
6. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Gross MWe): 822
7. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Net MWe): 777 S. If Changes Occur in Capacity Ratings (Items Number 3 Through 7) Since Last Report, Give Reasons:
9. Power Level To Which Restricted. If Any (Net MWe): NONE
10. Reasons For Restrictions, If Any:

This Month Yr.-to-Date Cumulative

11. Hours In Reporting Period 744, 0 3 623.0 21'07.0
12. Number Of Hours Reactor Was Critical 0.0 2 0 797.1
13. Reactor Reserve Shutdown Hours 0.0 118.5
14. Hours Generator On-Line 0.0 1 991.7 16 350.'9
15. Unit Reserve Shutdown Hours 0.0 0.0 21.0
16. Gross Thermal Energy Generated (MWH) 0.0 5 038 847 39 256 995
17. Gross Electrical Energy Generated (MWH) 0.0 1 635 500 12 742 450
18. Net Electrical Energy Generated (MWH) - 3 760 1 539 542 11 982 380
19. Unit Service Factor 0.0 55.0 76.4
20. Unit Availability Factor 0.0 55.0 76.5
21. Unit Capacity Factor (Using MDC Net) 0.0 54.7 72.0
22. Unit Capacity Factor (Using DER Net) 0.0 53.0 '69. 8
23. Unit Forced Outage Rate 0.0 7.8 6.6
24. Shutdowns Scheduled Over Next 6 Months (Type, Date, and Duration of Each l:
25. If Shut Down At End Of Report Period. Estimated Date of Startup:
26. Units In Test Status (Prior to Commercial Operation): Forecast Achieved INITIALCRITICALITY IN ITIAL ELECTRICITY COMMERCIAL OPERATION

('>/77 )


UNIT NAMF S t. Lucie Unit No. 1 REPORT MONTII >IAY 19 79 Cl Liecnscc C Cause A. Corrective No. Date Event Action lo Rcport > 0 Prevent Recurrence 79-04W1 744.0. C N/A RC HIELXX Unit was removed from service for

-a 5 S scheduled refueling, maintenance, and inspections. (Continued from previous month) (Nuclear and non-nuclear systems)

I I: Forced Reason: Method: Exhibit G - Instructions S: Schedule(l A.Equipmcnt Failure (Explain) I -Manual for Preparation of Data II.Maintenance or Test 2-hlanual Scram. Entry Sheets I'or Licensee

(.Refueling 3-Automatic Seratn. Event Report (LL'R) File (NUREG-D.Regulatory Restriction 4.Other (Explain) OI6I)

E-Operator Training Ec Uecnsc Examination F-Administrative G.Operational Error (Explain) Exhibit I - Satne Source I'I/77) II.Other (Fxplain)

0 . BOX 529100, MIAMI, FL 33I92

~ LCRIOA . OVs R S LIGHT COIrl. ANY June 9, 1979 Office of Management information and Program Controls U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555 Gentlemen:

Attached are the May, 1979, Operating Summary Reports for Turkey Point Unit. Nos. 3 and 4 and St. Lucie Unit No. l.

Very truly yours, Vice President Power Resources VTC/DDC cc: Mr. James P. O'Reilly Robert Lowenstein, Esquire

SUMb&~RY OF OPERATING EXPERIENCE DOCKET NO. 50 250 Turkey Point UNIT Unit No. 3 DATE June 9, 1979 COMPLETED BY V. T. Chilson TELEPHONE (305) 552-3824 REPORT MONTH MAY, 19 79 Unit operated at approximately 100% R.P. until Unit was removed from service to perform integrated safeguards surveillance test, except for outage of May 4, 1979. Refer to "Unit Shutdowns and Power Reductions" section of the May, 1979, Operating'tatus Report for additional information.

Major Safety-related maintenance activities performed during the month included:

Replaced exciter power transformers on Emer-gency Diesel-Generator No. A. Refer to LER 250-79-20 for additional details.

Repaired voltage regulator on Emergency Diesel-Generator No. B. Refer to LER 250-79-20 for additional details.


OF OPERATING EXPERiENCE DOCKET NO. 50 251 Turkey Point UNIT Unit No. 4 DATE June 9, 1979 COMPLETED BY V. T. Chilson TELEPHONE (305) 552-3824 REPORT MONTH

  • MAYi 1979 Unit scheduled refueling, maintenance, inspections, and tests continued during the month; Refer to "Unit Shutdowns and Power Reductions" section of the April 1979, Operating Status Report for additional in format ion.

Major Safety-related maintenance activities performed during the month included:

Installed 65 new fuel assemblies.

Safety-'related pipe hanger anchor inspection and repair program (IE Bulletin No. 79-02)

'in progress.

installed 'spare rotating element in high-head safety injection pump No. 4B.


OF OPERATING EXPERiENCE DOCKET NO- 50 - 335 St. Lucie UNIT Unit No. 1 DATE June 9, 1979 COMPLETED BY V.T. Chilson TELEPHONE (305) 552-3824 REPORT MONTH MAY, 19 79 Scheduled refueling, 'maintenance, inspections, and tests continued during the month. Refer to "Unit Shutdowns and Power Reductions" section of the May, 1979, Operating Status Report for additional i;n formation.

Major Safety-related maintenance activities performed during the month included:

Completed modification of charging. pump suction piping.

Charging pump No. 3,B was returned to service.

Corrective actions included installing new pump casing. Refer to LER 335-79-17..