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#REDIRECT [[IR 05000213/1986015]]
| number = ML20206R999
| issue date = 06/30/1986
| title = Insp Rept 50-213/86-15 on 860519-22.Violations Noted:Failure to Write Radiochemical Procedure to Prescribe Frequency of Certain Sampling & Analyses & to Perform Required Sampling & Analyses
| author name = Miller M, Pasciak W, Rabatin K
| addressee name =
| addressee affiliation =
| docket = 05000213
| license number =
| contact person =
| case reference number = RTR-REGGD-01.033, RTR-REGGD-1.033
| document report number = 50-213-86-15, IEB-79-19, NUDOCS 8607070274
| package number = ML20206R963
| page count = 7
See also: [[see also::IR 05000213/1986015]]
  .                                                                        .
                                                  U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION
                                                                REGION I
                    Report No.        50-213/86-15
                    Docket No.        50-213
                    License No.        DPR-61                    Category C
                    Licensee: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company
                                      Hartford, Connecticut      06101
                    Facility Name: Haddam Neck Power Plant
                    Inspection At: Haddam Neck, Connecticut
                    Inspection Conducted: May 19-22, 1986
                    Inspectors: AM9/[/lota                                              6 'MS/A:-
                                        M. mller, Rattiation Specialist                      dhte
                                        A %l/AcL }&L.                                  6bSlh
                                        K. RabatfM,      iptionSpecialist              '
                  Approved by:
                                        W. J
                                                        m                                [JaMC
                                                asciak, Chief, Effluent Radiation        ' d(te
                                          Pr ection Section
                  Inspection Summary:          Inspection on May 19-22, 1986(Inspection Report
                  Areas Inspected: Routine announced inspection of the licensee's liquid and
                  gaseous radioactive effluent control programs. Areas reviewed included:
                  effluent release records and reports, effluent sampling and analysis program,
j                Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM) implementation and radioactive waste
                  system operations.
                  Results: Of the areas inspected, two violations were icentified:              failure to
                  write a radiochemical procedure to prescribe the frequency of certain sampling
                  and analyses; and failure to perform required sampling and analyses. One-un-
                  resolved item was identified for a missing record of a liquid radioactive waste
                  release to the environment. Other concerns of record management were also
                    8607070274 86063b                      I4
                    PDR    ADOCK 05000213                  il
                    G                        PDR    n    #                                                '
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  1.0 Licensee Personnel Contacted
      *R. Graves, Station Superintendent
      *J. Beauchamp, Quality Assurance Supervisor
      *M. Quinn, Chemistry Supervisor
        G. Goncarvas, Chemist
        T. Lantry, Assistant Chemistry Supervisor
        S. Matthews, Chemist
        L. Blaede, Auxiliary Operator
        T. Donzella, I&C Planner
      * Denotes those present at exit meeting on May 22, 1986.
  2.0 Purpose
      The purpose of this routine inspection was to review the licensee's
      radioactive waste and effluent controls program with respect to the
      following elements:
            Effluent Release Records and Reports
            Effluent Sampling and Analysis Program
            Offsite Oose Calculation Manual Implementation
            Radioactive Waste System Operations.
  3.0 Effluent Release Records and Reports
      3.1 Radioactive Waste Discharges
            The inspector reviewed selected radioactive liquid, gaseous and part-
            iculate release discharge permits, as well as associated procedures,
            analysis printouts and calculations for 1985 through March 31, 1986.
            The inspector also reviewed the licensee's Semi-Annual Effluent
            Report for (July - December,1985) issued February 28, 1986.
            The inspector determined that no Technical Specification limits for
            planned or unplanned radioactive effluents had been exceeded for 1985
            and 1986 to date. The inspector also verified that the radioactive
            waste treatment systems were used for all releases during that same
            time period, if applicable. The inspector also determined that
            twelve gaseous releases listed in the Semi-Annual Effluent Report, as
            abnormal, and an unplanned gaseous release from a pressurizer capil-
            lary bleed that occurred on January 3,1986 did not exceed Technical
            Specification 7/8.1 limits or the licensee stated criteria for ab-
            normal releases, i.e. , >1500 u Ci/sec release rate. However, the
            following concerns were identified:
                a.  A gamma analysis rec rd for a liquid radioactive release
                    from steam generator No.3 on January 13, 1986, permit L-26
                    was not available at the time of the inspection. In add-
                    ition, the sample datt listed on permit L-26 was after the
                    discharge date/ time. A tritium analysis was available.
                    This item is considered unresolved and will be reviewed
                    during a subsequent inspection (50-213/86-15-01).
                b.  The inspector noted in the 1985 Semi-Annual Effluent Report
                    (2nd half) that the licensee used inconsistent terminology
                    and did not perform a complete review. For example:
                    The licensee had not documented criteria for defining
                    an abnormal gaseous release, and an undetermined criteria
                    was used to identify abnormal gaseous releases in the
                    subject report. In addition the licensee used the term-
                    inology, unplanned, to characterize planned and unplanned
                    miscellaneous releases and abnormal batch and continuous
                    releases. The inspector stated this common identifier was
                    misleading and should be clarified.      In addition, the in-
                    spector noted that some of the radioisotope concentrations
                    listed as abnormal releases in the subject report contained
                    transposition and mathematical errors. The licensee stated
                    these concerns would be corrected. This item will be re-
,                  viewed during a subsequent inspection (50-213/86-15-02).
    3.2 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program
          The inspector reviewed the licensee's Radiological Environmental
          Monitoring Program annual report for 1985. This report summarizes
          the results of the sampling and analyses of environmental media to
          determine the radiological impact of station operations. These
          environmental media include air, water, vegetation, and aquatic
          plants and animals. In addition, direct radiation is monitored by
          placement of thermoluminescent dosimeters at various locations around
          the station.
          As a result of this review, the inspector determined that the 11-
          censee has generally complied with its Technical Specification re-
          quirements for sampling frequencies, types of measurements,'analy-
          tical sensitivities, and reporting schedules. Exceptions to the
          sampling and analysis program were-adequately explained, e.o.c low
.        air sample volume due to power failure. The report included sum-
          maries of the laboratory quality assurance program and of the land
          use survey.
          The analyses of environmental samples indicated that doses to humans
          from radionuclides of station origin were negligible.
                                                                                -- _ _ _ ______.
  4.0 Effluent Sampling and Analysis Program
      The inspector reviewed licensee documentation and verified sampling lo-
      cations to determine if liquid and gaseous effluent sampling and analysis
      was being conducted as required by Technical Specification Section 7/8.1
      as specified in Section I of the REM 0DCM (Radiological Environmental
      Monitoring Offsite Dose Calculation Manual). Selected surveillance pro-
      cedures were also reviewed including the following:
            SUR 5.4-4, Rev.16, " Reactor Coolant, RWST, BAMT, and RHR Chemistry
            Surveillance" 1/17/86
      *    SUR 5.4-11, Rev. 5, " Air Ejector Surveillance" 7/10/85
            SUR 5.4-13, Rev. 5, " Liquid Radwaste Release Sury." 1/1/86
      *    SUR 5.4-14, Rev. 8, " Gaseous Radwaste Release Sury." 1/1/86
            SUR 5.4-18, Rev. 7, " Surveillance of Unmonitored Potential. Radio-
            active Release Paths" 1/9/86
            SUR 5.4-19, Rev. 6, "Radiat on Monitoring System Air Ejector Gas
            Monitor (RMS-15)" 1/1/86
            SUR 5.4-21, P~.    6, " Sampling and Analysis of Cont. Purges" 1/1/86
            SUR 5.4-22, Rev. 7 " Steam Gen. Weekly Compositing and Analysis"
            SUR 5.4-23, Rev. 7 " Waste Gas Decay Tank Sampling and Analysis"
            SUR 5.4-24, Rev. 10 " Main Stack Sampling and Compositing" 1/1/86
            SUR 5.4-27, Rev. 7, " Test Tank Sampling and Analysis" 1/1/86
      Within the scope of this review the following violations were identified:
      Technical Specification 6.8 requires, in part, that written procedures
      she.11 be established, implemented and maintained that meet the recommen-
      dations of Regulatory Guide 1.33, Appendix A. R.G.1.33 states that
      chemical and radiochemical control procedures be written to prescribe the
      nature and frequency of sampling and analyses.
      Contrary to the above, since Janaury 1,1986 radiochemical licensee proce-
      dures did not prescribe all the sampling and analysis frequencies for
      continuous liquid releases to the environs.
          Technical Specification Section requires that radioactive liquid
          waste shall be sampled and analyzed in accordance with Section I of the
          REMODCM. Section I of the REMODCM, Table C-1 requires daily grab sampling
          and weekly analysis of composite samples for continuous releases from
          steam generator blowdown and service water effluent.
          Contrary to the above, daily grab samples and weekly analysis were not
          conducted for continuous releases from steam generator blowdown on
          January 1 through 3, 1986, and from service water effluent on January 1
          through May 22, 1986.
          The inspector noted that sampling of the service water effluent on a
          monthly frequency was added to procedure SUR 5.4-18 on April 8, 1986, and
          daily grab sampling of the steam generator blowdown was added to procedure
          SUR 5.4-22 on May 22, 1986. However daily grab sampling of the service
          water effluent was not addressed because the licensee had not intended to
          meet this frequency as they had misinterpreted Table C-1 of the REM 00CM,
          Section I. The licensee stated they would ensure their surveillance
          procedures addressed the required surveillance, and would submit revised
          effluent sampling requirements for NRC approval to clarify their intended
          sample and analysis program.
          The inspector also noted that a corporate audit of the chemistry depart-
          ment's implementation of the REMODCM (generally known as RETS) had been
          scheduled for the following week. In addition, onsite quality assurance
          tracking of Technical Specification surveillances, as defined in ACP
[, Revision 12 was to be performed by next month.
          Failure to prescribe the frequency of certain sampling and analysis and
          failure to perform required sampling and analysis is a violation of
          Technical Specifications 6.8 and (50-213/86-15-03).
      5.0 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
          The inspectors reviewed the licensee implementation of the Radiological
            Environmental Monitoring Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (REM 00CM) as
            specified in Technical Specifications 7/8.1 " Radioactive Effluents". The
            inspectors also reviewed results of surveillance tests to demonstrate
            compliance with the Technical Specification requirements for calculations
            of dose contributions from plant radioactive effluents to unrestricted
            areas using the methodology specified in the REMODCM.
            The inspector determined the main stack and river effluents monitors were
            calibrated in accordance with surveillance procedures, SUR 5.4-17 and
            5.4-15, respectively. A noted strength of the licensee's calibration
            program was the use of duplicated geometries, and statistical treatment of
            calibration data, including curve fit test, y-intercept, defined variance
            and slope consistency.
      -.                .            -                                .          . _ . . _ _ _ - _
              With regard to ODCM' implementation, the licensee used computer software
              programs for dose calculations and determining effluent monitor setpoints.
              The inspector noted these programs had not been documented or verified.
              The inspectors stated that these software programs should be documented
              and then verified with predetermined data sets as referenced in Regulatory
              Guide 4.15. The inspectors also noted that the calculations for cumu-
;            lative dose contributions as required by Technical Specification 8.1.3
              were not dated, demonstrating that the thirty-one day requirement had
              been met. These calculations also were not signed off by the designated
              reviewers. The licensee stated that the cumulative dose calculations
              were being performed once per thirty-one days and the calculations would
              be dated and reviewed in a timely manner. The licensee also stated that
              dose calculations would be included on the liquid release permits.
              The inspectors reviewed Chemistry and Surveillance procedures
              implementing the REMODCM and discussed some procedure improvements with
              the licensee. These included:
              *    Chemistry Procedure CH0P 4.29 " Calculation of Liquid Permits by
                    Hand" did not address dose calculations for liquid effluent
                    releases. This procedure also included tables from 10 CFR 20
l                  Appendix B which were not legible.
                    Surveillance Procedure SUR 5.4-15! " Radiation Monitoring System
                    Liquid Monitor Calibration" indicates in the alarm set point
                    equation that a maximum of 5000 gallons-dilution flow is available
                    for each service water pump in use, yet the equation in the REM 0DCM
                    references 4200 gallons maximum possible flow per pump. This
                    procedure was also missing a summation bracket which ensures that
                    the total isotopic activity is used for calibration.
                    Surveillance Procedure SUR 5.4-17 "RMS Main Stack Gas Monitor" in-
,                    dicates that units for Ki (weighted average total-bocy dose factor
i                    due to gamma emissions) are Curies, yet the ' calculations are per-
                    formed with Ki in micro-Curies.
                    The licensee had not provided a procedure for calculation of Part-
                    iculate Release Permits by hand.
              The licensee agreed to correct the above procedures. These items will be
              reviewed during a subsequent inspection (50-213/86-15-04).
          6.0 Radioactive Waste System Operations
              The inspector toured the licensee's radioactive waste processing facil-
              ities and radioactive wasta control panel located in the primary auxiliary
!              building and discussed system operation with cognizant licensee personnel.
              The inspector discussed the procedures for_ operation, valve line-up and
      functional checks for radwaste equipment and instrumentation. This review
      included a review of the control room operator surveillances performed in
      accordance with SUR 5.1-11, and auxiliary operator logs associated with
      radwaste processing system.
      The inspector observed that the waste processing system was well main-
      tained and maintenance requests for instrumentation that was
      out-of-service (0.0.S.) were typically less than two months. However, the
      inspector noted identification of equipment 0.0.S. or having functional
      problems was not formalized until work to return the equipment to service
      was initiated. For interim measures, uncontrolled notes, which served as
      reminders to the operators, were the only identification for equipment
      such as waste discharge pumps, that were unavailable.
      The inspectcr suggested the use of a tagging system similar to the
      Millstone tagging procedures. The licensee stated their tagging policy
      would be examined for equipment not available. This item will be reviewed
      during a subsequent inspection (50-213/86-15-05).
      The inspector also verified that waste processing operators received
      training and retraining in accordance with the IE Bulletin 79-19. Per-
      sonnel demonstrated good understanding of system capabilities, and alarm
      response procedures were available. However, there were no system draw-
      ings availnble at the auxiliary operator work stations. The licensee
      stated drawings were being prepared for this location to supplement access
      to controlled drawings.
  7.0 Exit Interview
      The inspector met with the licensee representatives (denoted in Section
      1) at the conclusion of the inspection on May 22, 1986. The inspector
      summarized the purpose, scope and findings of the inspection. At no time
      during this inspection was written material provided to the licensee by
      the inspe'ctor.

Latest revision as of 04:27, 6 December 2021

Insp Rept 50-213/86-15 on 860519-22.Violations Noted:Failure to Write Radiochemical Procedure to Prescribe Frequency of Certain Sampling & Analyses & to Perform Required Sampling & Analyses
Person / Time
Site: Haddam Neck File:Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Co icon.png
Issue date: 06/30/1986
From: Mark Miller, Pasciak W, Rabatin K
Shared Package
ML20206R963 List:
RTR-REGGD-01.033, RTR-REGGD-1.033 50-213-86-15, IEB-79-19, NUDOCS 8607070274
Download: ML20206R999 (7)

See also: IR 05000213/1986015



. .



Report No. 50-213/86-15

Docket No. 50-213

License No. DPR-61 Category C

Licensee: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company

Hartford, Connecticut 06101

Facility Name: Haddam Neck Power Plant


Inspection At: Haddam Neck, Connecticut

Inspection Conducted: May 19-22, 1986

Inspectors: AM9/[/lota 6 'MS/A:-

M. mller, Rattiation Specialist dhte

A %l/AcL }&L. 6bSlh

K. RabatfM, iptionSpecialist '


Approved by:

W. J


m [JaMC

asciak, Chief, Effluent Radiation ' d(te

Pr ection Section

Inspection Summary: Inspection on May 19-22, 1986(Inspection Report


Areas Inspected: Routine announced inspection of the licensee's liquid and

gaseous radioactive effluent control programs. Areas reviewed included:


effluent release records and reports, effluent sampling and analysis program,

j Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM) implementation and radioactive waste

system operations.


Results: Of the areas inspected, two violations were icentified: failure to

write a radiochemical procedure to prescribe the frequency of certain sampling

and analyses; and failure to perform required sampling and analyses. One-un-

resolved item was identified for a missing record of a liquid radioactive waste

release to the environment. Other concerns of record management were also





8607070274 86063b I4

PDR ADOCK 05000213 il

G PDR n # '



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1.0 Licensee Personnel Contacted

  • R. Graves, Station Superintendent
  • J. Beauchamp, Quality Assurance Supervisor
  • M. Quinn, Chemistry Supervisor

G. Goncarvas, Chemist

T. Lantry, Assistant Chemistry Supervisor

S. Matthews, Chemist

L. Blaede, Auxiliary Operator

T. Donzella, I&C Planner

  • Denotes those present at exit meeting on May 22, 1986.

2.0 Purpose

The purpose of this routine inspection was to review the licensee's

radioactive waste and effluent controls program with respect to the

following elements:

Effluent Release Records and Reports

Effluent Sampling and Analysis Program

Offsite Oose Calculation Manual Implementation

Radioactive Waste System Operations.

3.0 Effluent Release Records and Reports

3.1 Radioactive Waste Discharges

The inspector reviewed selected radioactive liquid, gaseous and part-

iculate release discharge permits, as well as associated procedures,

analysis printouts and calculations for 1985 through March 31, 1986.

The inspector also reviewed the licensee's Semi-Annual Effluent

Report for (July - December,1985) issued February 28, 1986.

The inspector determined that no Technical Specification limits for

planned or unplanned radioactive effluents had been exceeded for 1985

and 1986 to date. The inspector also verified that the radioactive

waste treatment systems were used for all releases during that same

time period, if applicable. The inspector also determined that

twelve gaseous releases listed in the Semi-Annual Effluent Report, as

abnormal, and an unplanned gaseous release from a pressurizer capil-

lary bleed that occurred on January 3,1986 did not exceed Technical

Specification 7/8.1 limits or the licensee stated criteria for ab-

normal releases, i.e. , >1500 u Ci/sec release rate. However, the

following concerns were identified:




a. A gamma analysis rec rd for a liquid radioactive release

from steam generator No.3 on January 13, 1986, permit L-26

was not available at the time of the inspection. In add-

ition, the sample datt listed on permit L-26 was after the

discharge date/ time. A tritium analysis was available.

This item is considered unresolved and will be reviewed

during a subsequent inspection (50-213/86-15-01).

b. The inspector noted in the 1985 Semi-Annual Effluent Report

(2nd half) that the licensee used inconsistent terminology

and did not perform a complete review. For example:

The licensee had not documented criteria for defining

an abnormal gaseous release, and an undetermined criteria

was used to identify abnormal gaseous releases in the

subject report. In addition the licensee used the term-

inology, unplanned, to characterize planned and unplanned

miscellaneous releases and abnormal batch and continuous

releases. The inspector stated this common identifier was

misleading and should be clarified. In addition, the in-

spector noted that some of the radioisotope concentrations

listed as abnormal releases in the subject report contained

transposition and mathematical errors. The licensee stated

these concerns would be corrected. This item will be re-

, viewed during a subsequent inspection (50-213/86-15-02).

3.2 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program

The inspector reviewed the licensee's Radiological Environmental

Monitoring Program annual report for 1985. This report summarizes

the results of the sampling and analyses of environmental media to

determine the radiological impact of station operations. These

environmental media include air, water, vegetation, and aquatic

plants and animals. In addition, direct radiation is monitored by

placement of thermoluminescent dosimeters at various locations around

the station.

As a result of this review, the inspector determined that the 11-

censee has generally complied with its Technical Specification re-

quirements for sampling frequencies, types of measurements,'analy-

tical sensitivities, and reporting schedules. Exceptions to the

sampling and analysis program were-adequately explained, e.o.c low

. air sample volume due to power failure. The report included sum-

maries of the laboratory quality assurance program and of the land

use survey.

The analyses of environmental samples indicated that doses to humans


from radionuclides of station origin were negligible.

-- _ _ _ ______.




4.0 Effluent Sampling and Analysis Program

The inspector reviewed licensee documentation and verified sampling lo-

cations to determine if liquid and gaseous effluent sampling and analysis

was being conducted as required by Technical Specification Section 7/8.1

as specified in Section I of the REM 0DCM (Radiological Environmental

Monitoring Offsite Dose Calculation Manual). Selected surveillance pro-

cedures were also reviewed including the following:

SUR 5.4-4, Rev.16, " Reactor Coolant, RWST, BAMT, and RHR Chemistry

Surveillance" 1/17/86

  • SUR 5.4-11, Rev. 5, " Air Ejector Surveillance" 7/10/85

SUR 5.4-13, Rev. 5, " Liquid Radwaste Release Sury." 1/1/86

  • SUR 5.4-14, Rev. 8, " Gaseous Radwaste Release Sury." 1/1/86

SUR 5.4-18, Rev. 7, " Surveillance of Unmonitored Potential. Radio-

active Release Paths" 1/9/86

SUR 5.4-19, Rev. 6, "Radiat on Monitoring System Air Ejector Gas

Monitor (RMS-15)" 1/1/86

SUR 5.4-21, P~. 6, " Sampling and Analysis of Cont. Purges" 1/1/86

SUR 5.4-22, Rev. 7 " Steam Gen. Weekly Compositing and Analysis"


SUR 5.4-23, Rev. 7 " Waste Gas Decay Tank Sampling and Analysis"


SUR 5.4-24, Rev. 10 " Main Stack Sampling and Compositing" 1/1/86

SUR 5.4-27, Rev. 7, " Test Tank Sampling and Analysis" 1/1/86

Within the scope of this review the following violations were identified:

Technical Specification 6.8 requires, in part, that written procedures

she.11 be established, implemented and maintained that meet the recommen-

dations of Regulatory Guide 1.33, Appendix A. R.G.1.33 states that

chemical and radiochemical control procedures be written to prescribe the

nature and frequency of sampling and analyses.

Contrary to the above, since Janaury 1,1986 radiochemical licensee proce-

dures did not prescribe all the sampling and analysis frequencies for

continuous liquid releases to the environs.




Technical Specification Section requires that radioactive liquid

waste shall be sampled and analyzed in accordance with Section I of the

REMODCM.Section I of the REMODCM, Table C-1 requires daily grab sampling

and weekly analysis of composite samples for continuous releases from

steam generator blowdown and service water effluent.

Contrary to the above, daily grab samples and weekly analysis were not

conducted for continuous releases from steam generator blowdown on

January 1 through 3, 1986, and from service water effluent on January 1

through May 22, 1986.

The inspector noted that sampling of the service water effluent on a

monthly frequency was added to procedure SUR 5.4-18 on April 8, 1986, and

daily grab sampling of the steam generator blowdown was added to procedure

SUR 5.4-22 on May 22, 1986. However daily grab sampling of the service

water effluent was not addressed because the licensee had not intended to

meet this frequency as they had misinterpreted Table C-1 of the REM 00CM,

Section I. The licensee stated they would ensure their surveillance


procedures addressed the required surveillance, and would submit revised

effluent sampling requirements for NRC approval to clarify their intended

sample and analysis program.

The inspector also noted that a corporate audit of the chemistry depart-

ment's implementation of the REMODCM (generally known as RETS) had been


scheduled for the following week. In addition, onsite quality assurance

tracking of Technical Specification surveillances, as defined in ACP

[, Revision 12 was to be performed by next month.


Failure to prescribe the frequency of certain sampling and analysis and

failure to perform required sampling and analysis is a violation of

Technical Specifications 6.8 and (50-213/86-15-03).

5.0 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Offsite Dose Calculation Manual


The inspectors reviewed the licensee implementation of the Radiological

Environmental Monitoring Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (REM 00CM) as

specified in Technical Specifications 7/8.1 " Radioactive Effluents". The

inspectors also reviewed results of surveillance tests to demonstrate

compliance with the Technical Specification requirements for calculations

of dose contributions from plant radioactive effluents to unrestricted

areas using the methodology specified in the REMODCM.

The inspector determined the main stack and river effluents monitors were

calibrated in accordance with surveillance procedures, SUR 5.4-17 and

5.4-15, respectively. A noted strength of the licensee's calibration

program was the use of duplicated geometries, and statistical treatment of

calibration data, including curve fit test, y-intercept, defined variance

and slope consistency.


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With regard to ODCM' implementation, the licensee used computer software

programs for dose calculations and determining effluent monitor setpoints.

The inspector noted these programs had not been documented or verified.

The inspectors stated that these software programs should be documented

and then verified with predetermined data sets as referenced in Regulatory

Guide 4.15. The inspectors also noted that the calculations for cumu-

lative dose contributions as required by Technical Specification 8.1.3

were not dated, demonstrating that the thirty-one day requirement had

been met. These calculations also were not signed off by the designated

reviewers. The licensee stated that the cumulative dose calculations

were being performed once per thirty-one days and the calculations would

be dated and reviewed in a timely manner. The licensee also stated that

dose calculations would be included on the liquid release permits.

The inspectors reviewed Chemistry and Surveillance procedures

implementing the REMODCM and discussed some procedure improvements with

the licensee. These included:

  • Chemistry Procedure CH0P 4.29 " Calculation of Liquid Permits by

Hand" did not address dose calculations for liquid effluent

releases. This procedure also included tables from 10 CFR 20

l Appendix B which were not legible.


Surveillance Procedure SUR 5.4-15! " Radiation Monitoring System

Liquid Monitor Calibration" indicates in the alarm set point


equation that a maximum of 5000 gallons-dilution flow is available

for each service water pump in use, yet the equation in the REM 0DCM

references 4200 gallons maximum possible flow per pump. This

procedure was also missing a summation bracket which ensures that

the total isotopic activity is used for calibration.


Surveillance Procedure SUR 5.4-17 "RMS Main Stack Gas Monitor" in-

, dicates that units for Ki (weighted average total-bocy dose factor

i due to gamma emissions) are Curies, yet the ' calculations are per-

formed with Ki in micro-Curies.


The licensee had not provided a procedure for calculation of Part-

iculate Release Permits by hand.

The licensee agreed to correct the above procedures. These items will be

reviewed during a subsequent inspection (50-213/86-15-04).


6.0 Radioactive Waste System Operations

The inspector toured the licensee's radioactive waste processing facil-


ities and radioactive wasta control panel located in the primary auxiliary

! building and discussed system operation with cognizant licensee personnel.


The inspector discussed the procedures for_ operation, valve line-up and










functional checks for radwaste equipment and instrumentation. This review

included a review of the control room operator surveillances performed in

accordance with SUR 5.1-11, and auxiliary operator logs associated with

radwaste processing system.

The inspector observed that the waste processing system was well main-

tained and maintenance requests for instrumentation that was

out-of-service (0.0.S.) were typically less than two months. However, the

inspector noted identification of equipment 0.0.S. or having functional

problems was not formalized until work to return the equipment to service

was initiated. For interim measures, uncontrolled notes, which served as

reminders to the operators, were the only identification for equipment

such as waste discharge pumps, that were unavailable.

The inspectcr suggested the use of a tagging system similar to the

Millstone tagging procedures. The licensee stated their tagging policy

would be examined for equipment not available. This item will be reviewed

during a subsequent inspection (50-213/86-15-05).

The inspector also verified that waste processing operators received

training and retraining in accordance with the IE Bulletin 79-19. Per-

sonnel demonstrated good understanding of system capabilities, and alarm

response procedures were available. However, there were no system draw-

ings availnble at the auxiliary operator work stations. The licensee

stated drawings were being prepared for this location to supplement access

to controlled drawings.

7.0 Exit Interview

The inspector met with the licensee representatives (denoted in Section

1) at the conclusion of the inspection on May 22, 1986. The inspector

summarized the purpose, scope and findings of the inspection. At no time

during this inspection was written material provided to the licensee by

the inspe'ctor.
