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{{#Wiki_filter:REY.PAGEQUALITYASSURANCE MANUALGINNASTATIONROCHESTER GAS&ELECTRICCORPORATION EFFECTIVE DATE:January30,1986SIGNATURE OFDATETITLE:AppendixC-GinnaStationInservice PumpandValveTestingProgram'or theJanuary1,1981throughDecember31,1989PeriodREVIEWigg-tCAPPROVEDBY:Q/(~/zYPREPAREDBT:(,/7L'[/~/gProramTableofContentsIntroduction:
{{#Wiki_filter:RE Y.PAGE QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION ROCHESTER GAS&ELECTRIC CORPORATION EFFECTIVE DATE: January 30, 1986 SIGNATURE OF DATE TITLE: Appendix C-Ginna Station Inservice Pump and Valve Testing Program'or the January 1, 1981 through December 31, 1989 Period REVIEW i gg-tC APPROVED BY: Q/(~/z Y PREPARED BT: (,/7 L'[/~/g Pro ram Table of Contents
== Introduction:==
Program:Discussion PVTl.0ScopeandResponsibility PVT2.0CodeEditionandTestingIntervalPVT3.0Inservice PumpTestingProgramPVT4.0Inservice ValveTestingProgramPVT5.0Recordssa02OS0>0S aaozasPDRADOCK05000244PPDR 40tK QUAIITYASSURANCEMANUAIGINNASTATIONTITLKsAPPENDIXCPumpandValveTestingProgramDATEPAGE1/30/862DP40Introduction ThisappendixtotheQualityAssurance ManualdefinestheInservice PumpandValveTestingProgramforthetenyearperiodstartingJanuary1,1981throughDecember31,1989.IncludedinthisprogramaretheQualityGroupsA,BandCPumpswhichareprovidedwithanemergency powersourceandthoseQualityGroupsA,BandCValveswhicharerequiredtoshutdownthereactorortomitigatetheconsequences ofanaccidentandmaintainthereactorinasafeshutdowncondition.
Program: Discussion PVT l.0 Scope and Responsibility PVT 2.0 Code Edition and Testing Interval PVT 3.0 Inservice Pump Testing Program PVT 4.0 Inservice Valve Testing Program PVT 5.0 Records sa02OS0>0S aaozas PDR ADOCK 05000244 P PDR 4 0 t K QUAI ITY AS SURANCE MANUAI GINNA STATION TITLKs APPENDIX C Pump and Valve Testing Program DATE PAGE 1/30/86 2 DP 40 Introduction This appendix to the Quality Assurance Manual defines the Inservice Pump and Valve Testing Program for the ten year period starting January 1, 1981 through December 31, 1989.Included in this program are the Quality Groups A, B and C Pumps which are provided with an emergency power source and those Quality Groups A, B and C Valves which are required to shut down the reactor or to mitigate the consequences of an accident and maintain the reactor in a safe shutdown condition."This program has been developed as required by Section 50.55a(g)of 10CFRSO following the guidance of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section XI-"Rules for Inservice Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components," (hereafter referred to as the"Code")excluding the controls of the Authorized Inspector, Enforcement Authority, Reporting Systems and N-Stamp Symbol.The inservice testing program shall be controlled by the Ginna Station Quality Assurance Program for Station Operation.
"Thisprogramhasbeendeveloped asrequiredbySection50.55a(g) of10CFRSOfollowing theguidanceoftheASMEBoilerandPressureVesselCodeSectionXI-"RulesforInservice Inspection ofNuclearPowerPlantComponents,"
Quality Groups A, B and C components correspond to those defined in NRC-Regulatory Guide 1.26.Further addenda and editions of Section XI of the Code shall'be used for clarification of test.requirements and performance.
(hereafter referredtoasthe"Code")excluding thecontrolsoftheAuthorized Inspector, Enforcement Authority, Reporting SystemsandN-StampSymbol.Theinservice testingprogramshallbecontrolled bytheGinnaStationQualityAssurance ProgramforStationOperation.
The Inservice Pump and Valve Testing Program substantially augments but does not affect the pump and valve surveillance program required by Technical Specifications.
QualityGroupsA,BandCcomponents correspond tothosedefinedinNRC-Regulatory Guide1.26.FurtheraddendaandeditionsofSectionXIoftheCodeshall'beusedforclarification oftest.requirements andperformance.
Technical Specification requirements associated with pump and valve surveillance, shall continue to be implemented as specified.
TheInservice PumpandValveTestingProgramsubstantially augmentsbutdoesnotaffectthepumpandvalvesurveillance programrequiredbyTechnical Specifications.
QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAI GINNA STATION TITLEs APPENDIX C Pump and Valve Testing Program DATE PACE 42i52 C 1/30/86 3 DP 40 Definitions AFP AOV APV BA Code Auxiliary Feedwater Pump Air Operated Valve Air Operated Piston Valve Boric Acid American Society of Mechanical Engineers CC CS CSP CV C/R, ECCS FCV GA GDT HCV HX LCV M MAFP'OV PCV PORV PRT PRV PVT Q R RCDT RCP RCV RHR RMW RV RWST RX S/G SAFWP SI SOV SW Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Component Cooling Containment Spray Containment Spray Pump Check Valve Cold Shutdown and Refueling Emergency Core Cooling System Flow Control Valve Gas Analyzer Gas Decay Tank Hand Control Valve Heat Exchanger Level Control Valve Monthly Motor Driven Auxiliary Feedwater Motor Operated Valve Manual Valve Pressure Control Valve Power Operated Relief Valve Pressurizer Relief Tank Pressure Relief Valve Pump and Valve Testing Quarterly Refueling Outage Reactor Coolant Drain Tank Reactor Coolant Pump Radiation Control Valve Residual Heat Removal Reactor Makeup Water Relief Valve Refueling Water Storage Tank Reactor Vessel Steam Generator Standby Auxiliary Feedwater Pump Safety Injection Solenoid Operated Valve Service Water Pump 4 ,S r i.
Technical Specification requirements associated withpumpandvalvesurveillance, shallcontinuetobeimplemented asspecified.
QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION TITLE<APPENDIX C Pump and Valve Testing Program 42i5t C DATE 1/30/86 PAGE 4 DF 40 Definitions TAFP VC VCT VH Turbine Driven Auxiliary Feedwater Pump Volume Control Volume Control Tank Vent Header CAT A VALVE-Valves for which seat leakage is limited to a specific maximum amount in the closed position of fullfillment of'their function.CAT B VALVE-Valves for which seat leakage in the closed position is inconsequential for fullfillment of their function.CAT C VALVE-Valves which are self-actuating in response to some characteristic, such as pressure (relief valves)or flow direction (check valves).
QUALITYASSURANCE MANUAIGINNASTATIONTITLEsAPPENDIXCPumpandValveTestingProgramDATEPACE42i52C1/30/863DP40Definitions AFPAOVAPVBACodeAuxiliary Feedwater PumpAirOperatedValveAirOperatedPistonValveBoricAcidAmericanSocietyofMechanical Engineers CCCSCSPCVC/R,ECCSFCVGAGDTHCVHXLCVMMAFP'OVPCVPORVPRTPRVPVTQRRCDTRCPRCVRHRRMWRVRWSTRXS/GSAFWPSISOVSWBoilerandPressureVesselCodeComponent CoolingContainment SprayContainment SprayPumpCheckValveColdShutdownandRefueling Emergency CoreCoolingSystemFlowControlValveGasAnalyzerGasDecayTankHandControlValveHeatExchanger LevelControlValveMonthlyMotorDrivenAuxiliary Feedwater MotorOperatedValveManualValvePressureControlValvePowerOperatedReliefValvePressurizer ReliefTankPressureReliefValvePumpandValveTestingQuarterly Refueling OutageReactorCoolantDrainTankReactorCoolantPumpRadiation ControlValveResidualHeatRemovalReactorMakeupWaterReliefValveRefueling WaterStorageTankReactorVesselSteamGenerator StandbyAuxiliary Feedwater PumpSafetyInjection SolenoidOperatedValveServiceWaterPump 4,Sri.
t J r ze QUALITY AS SURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION TITLEc APPENDIX C Pump and Valve Testing Program DATE PAGE 1/30/86 5 DF 40 Pum and Valve Testin Pro ram PVT 1.0 Sco e and Res onsibilit 1.2 1.3 PVT 2.0 The inservice testing program defines the testing program for Quality Groups A, B and C Pumps and Valves in accordance with the requirements of Articles IWP and IWV of Section XI of the Code.The results of these tests are to assure the operational readiness of pumps and valves.It is the responsibility of the Ginna Station Test and Results Supervisor to implement this test program and develop inservice test proce-dures which will outline the specific test for each pump and valve included in the program.When a valve, pump or its control system has been replaced or repaired or has undergone maintenance that could affect its performance, and prior to the time it is returned to service, it shall be tested as necessary to demonstrate that the per-formance parameters which could have been affected by the replacement, repair, or maintenance are within acceptable limits.Code Edition and Testin Interval 2.1 PVT 3.0 3.1 The Inservice Pump and Valve Testing Program for the ten (10)year period starting January 1, 1981 through December 31, 1989 was developed utilizing the 1977 Edition of Section XI of the Code through the Summer 1978 Addenda.Inservice Pum Testin Pro ram The Inservice Pump Testing Program was developed in accordance with the requirements of Article IWP of Section XI of the Code.This program includes all Quality Group A, B and C pumps which are provided with an emergency power source and are required to perform a specific function in shutting down a reactor or in mitigating the consequences of an accident and maintain the reactor in a safe shutdown condition.
QUALITYASSURANCE MANUALGINNASTATIONTITLE<APPENDIXCPumpandValveTestingProgram42i5tCDATE1/30/86PAGE4DF40Definitions TAFPVCVCTVHTurbineDrivenAuxiliary Feedwater PumpVolumeControlVolumeControlTankVentHeaderCATAVALVE-Valvesforwhichseatleakageislimitedtoaspecificmaximumamountintheclosedpositionoffullfillment of'theirfunction.
QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION TITLE<APPENDIX C Pump and Valve Testing Program DATE PAGE 1/30/86 6 OF 40 3.2 The following pumps shall be tested in accordance with Article IWP of Section XI: 3.3 (a)lA Component Cooling (b)lB Component Cooling (c)1A Safety Injection (d)lB Safety 1njection (e)lC Safety Injection (f)lA Residual Heat Removal (g)1B Residual Heat Removal (h)lA Containment Spray (i)1B Containment Spray (j)lA Motor Driven Auxiliary Feedwater (k)lB Motor Driven Auxiliary Feedwater (1)Turbine Driven Auxiliary Feedwater (m)lA Service Water (n)lB Service Water (o)1C Service Water (p)lD Service Water (q)1C Standby Auxiliary Feedwater (r)1D Standby Auxiliary Feedwater With one exception, test parameters that shall be measured or observed during inservice testing of each pump are those listed in Table IWP-3100-1 of Section XI and include inlet pressure, differential pressure, flow rate, vibration amplitude, and proper lubricant level or pressure.The exception is for the measurement of pump bearing temperatures and there are several reasons why this measurement is either undesirable or inconclusive.
CATBVALVE-Valvesforwhichseatleakageintheclosedpositionisinconsequential forfullfillment oftheirfunction.
Specifically, for the service water pumps, the bearings are submersed in up to forty feet of water making bearing temperatures closely approximate the surrounding water temperature and measurement of temperatures almost impossible.
CATCVALVE-Valveswhichareself-actuating inresponsetosomecharacteristic, suchaspressure(reliefvalves)orflowdirection (checkvalves).
For the auxiliary and standby auxiliary feedwater pumps the test conditions require the discharge of ambient temperature water into the 400 degree F feedwater lines.Since it can typically take in excess of an hour to stabilize bearing temperatures this causes an unnecessary extended temperature trans-ient, in the feedwater line.For the residual heat removal and safety injection pumps the system configurations do not allow testing the pumps at actual pump service conditions during lant o eration.Instead the tests must be QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION TITLE<APPENDIX C Pump and Valve Testing Program DATE l/30/86 PAGE 7 OF 40 4i AC 3.4 performed at an off-design flow condition which results in higher bearing temperatures than normal.This is to be expected since higher than normal thrust loads are placed on the pump bearings during this reduced flow test condition.
tJrze QUALITYASSURANCEMANUALGINNASTATIONTITLEcAPPENDIXCPumpandValveTestingProgramDATEPAGE1/30/865DF40PumandValveTestinProramPVT1.0ScoeandResonsibilit 1.21.3PVT2.0Theinservice testingprogramdefinesthetestingprogramforQualityGroupsA,BandCPumpsandValvesinaccordance withtherequirements ofArticlesIWPandIWVofSectionXIoftheCode.Theresultsofthesetestsaretoassuretheoperational readiness ofpumpsandvalves.Itistheresponsibility oftheGinnaStationTestandResultsSupervisor toimplement thistestprogramanddevelopinservice testproce-dureswhichwilloutlinethespecifictestforeachpumpandvalveincludedintheprogram.Whenavalve,pumporitscontrolsystemhasbeenreplacedorrepairedorhasundergone maintenance thatcouldaffectitsperformance, andpriortothetimeitisreturnedtoservice,itshallbetestedasnecessary todemonstrate thattheper-formanceparameters whichcouldhavebeenaffectedbythereplacement, repair,ormaintenance arewithinacceptable limits.CodeEditionandTestinInterval2.1PVT3.03.1TheInservice PumpandValveTestingProgramfortheten(10)yearperiodstartingJanuary1,1981throughDecember31,1989wasdeveloped utilizing the1977EditionofSectionXIoftheCodethroughtheSummer1978Addenda.Inservice PumTestinProramTheInservice PumpTestingProgramwasdeveloped inaccordance withtherequirements ofArticleIWPofSectionXIoftheCode.ThisprogramincludesallQualityGroupA,BandCpumpswhichareprovidedwithanemergency powersourceandarerequiredtoperformaspecificfunctioninshuttingdownareactororinmitigating theconsequences ofanaccidentandmaintainthereactorinasafeshutdowncondition.
The extended time required for bearing temperatures to stabilize subjects the pump to lengthy periods of unnecessarily high loads.The pump vendors do not consider the measurement of bearing temperature in this type of off-design condition to be a good indication of bearing conditions.
QUALITYASSURANCE MANUALGINNASTATIONTITLE<APPENDIXCPumpandValveTestingProgramDATEPAGE1/30/866OF403.2Thefollowing pumpsshallbetestedinaccordance withArticleIWPofSectionXI:3.3(a)lAComponent Cooling(b)lBComponent Cooling(c)1ASafetyInjection (d)lBSafety1njection (e)lCSafetyInjection (f)lAResidualHeatRemoval(g)1BResidualHeatRemoval(h)lAContainment Spray(i)1BContainment Spray(j)lAMotorDrivenAuxiliary Feedwater (k)lBMotorDrivenAuxiliary Feedwater (1)TurbineDrivenAuxiliary Feedwater (m)lAServiceWater(n)lBServiceWater(o)1CServiceWater(p)lDServiceWater(q)1CStandbyAuxiliary Feedwater (r)1DStandbyAuxiliary Feedwater Withoneexception, testparameters thatshallbemeasuredorobservedduringinservice testingofeachpumparethoselistedinTableIWP-3100-1 ofSectionXIandincludeinletpressure, differential
The vendors recommended bearing temperature limits are based on normal operating conditions and do not apply to this type of testing.In general, vibration is considered-to be a better indication of bearing condition since a significant increase in bearing temperature will normally only occur if bearing failure is imminent.Finally, test conditions cannot be easily controlled to produce temperature repeatability since readings are subject to a large number of variables such as ambient air temperature, cooling water temperature (where applicable), location of temperature probe attach-ment, temperature of the fluid pumped and quantity of the fluid pumped.One or both residual heat removal pumps may be required to be operable, by the plant Technical Specifications, when the average reactor coolant temperature is between 350 degrees F.and 200 degrees F.or the plant is at cold or refueling shutdown.Typically, in this case, at least one residual heat removal pump will be in operation.
: pressure, flowrate,vibration amplitude, andproperlubricant levelorpressure.
Testing will be performed in accordance with IWP-3400, which, includes operating the pump at reference conditions, if practicable, and providing a log which shows that the parameters monitored during normal plant operation were measured, recorded and analyzed.The practicability of duplicating cold shutdown reference conditions may be impacted by refueling water level during refueling and inservice reactor inspections as well as decay heat removal rate.The test frequency for the pumps shall be as follows: a.Component cooling water pumps shall be tested monthl
Theexception isforthemeasurement ofpumpbearingtemperatures andthereareseveralreasonswhythismeasurement iseitherundesirable orinconclusive.
.I p QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION APPENDIX C Pump and Valve Testing Program PACE 1/30/86 8 DF 40 b.Safety injection pumps shall be tested monthly except during cold or refueling shutdowns.
Specifically, fortheservicewaterpumps,thebearingsaresubmersed inuptofortyfeetofwatermakingbearingtemperatures closelyapproximate thesurrounding watertemperature andmeasurement oftemperatures almostimpossible.
The pumps shall be tested prior to startup if the time since the last test exceeds one month.C.d.Residual heat removal pumps shall be tested monthly except during cold or refueling shutdown.The pumps shall be tested prior to startup if the time since the last test exceeds one month.When the reactor coolant system temperature is between 350'F and 200'F or the plant is at cold or refueling shutdown the plant Technical Specifications may require one or both residual heat removal pumps to be operable.If this is the case, then the required pumps shall be tested monthly.Containment spray pumps shall be tested monthly except during cold or refueling shutdown.The pumps shall be tested prior to startup if the time since the last test exceeds one month.e.Motor driven auxiliary feedwater pumps, turbine driven auxiliary feedwater pump, and the standby auxiliary feedwater pumps shall be tested monthly except during cold or refueling shutdowns.
Fortheauxiliary andstandbyauxiliary feedwater pumpsthetestconditions requirethedischarge ofambienttemperature waterintothe400degreeFfeedwater lines.Sinceitcantypically takeinexcessofanhourtostabilize bearingtemperatures thiscausesanunnecessary extendedtemperature trans-ient,inthefeedwater line.Fortheresidualheatremovalandsafetyinjection pumpsthesystemconfigurations donotallowtestingthepumpsatactualpumpserviceconditions duringlantoeration.Insteadthetestsmustbe QUALITYASSURANCE MANUALGINNASTATIONTITLE<APPENDIXCPumpandValveTestingProgramDATEl/30/86PAGE7OF404iAC3.4performed atanoff-design flowcondition whichresultsinhigherbearingtemperatures thannormal.Thisistobeexpectedsincehigherthannormalthrustloadsareplacedonthepumpbearingsduringthisreducedflowtestcondition.
The pumps shall be tested prior to exceeding 5%power if the time since the last test exceeds one month.Service water pumps shall be tested monthly.Testing of a pump need not be performed if that pump is declared inoperable without the testing.Consistent with plant Technical Specifications, specified intervals may be extended by 25%to accommodate normal test schedules.
Theextendedtimerequiredforbearingtemperatures tostabilize subjectsthepumptolengthyperiodsofunnecessarily highloads.Thepumpvendorsdonotconsiderthemeasurement ofbearingtemperature inthistypeofoff-design condition tobeagoodindication ofbearingconditions.
0 QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION TITI.Ks APPENDIX C Pump and Valve Testing Program DATE 1/30/86 9 DF 40 PVT 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Inservice Valve Testin Pro ram II The Inservice Valve Testing Program was developed in accordance with the requirements of Article IWV of Section XI of the Code.All,those valves that are required to perform a specific function either to shut down the reactor to the cold shut-down condition or in mitigating the consequences
Thevendorsrecommended bearingtemperature limitsarebasedonnormaloperating conditions anddonotapplytothistypeoftesting.Ingeneral,vibration isconsidered-to beabetterindication ofbearingcondition sinceasignificant increaseinbearingtemperature willnormallyonlyoccurifbearingfailureisimminent.
-'f an accident and maintain the reactor in a safe shutdown condition are included in the program.The Inservice Valve Testing Program Requirements for Category A and B Valves are in Tables PVT 4.7 and 4.8, respectively.
Finally,testconditions cannotbeeasilycontrolled toproducetemperature repeatability sincereadingsaresubjecttoalargenumberofvariables suchasambientairtemperature, coolingwatertemperature (whereapplicable),
Category C Valves are broken down into two categories, Check Valves and Relief Valves, which are in Tables PVT 4.9 and 4.10, respectively.
locationoftemperature probeattach-ment,temperature ofthefluidpumpedandquantityofthefluidpumped.Oneorbothresidualheatremovalpumpsmayberequiredtobeoperable, bytheplantTechnical Specifications, whentheaveragereactorcoolanttemperature isbetween350degreesF.and200degreesF.ortheplantisatcoldorrefueling shutdown.
Category D Valves are not included in this testing program because there are none included in Ginna Station design.Some exceptions and exemptions to the testing re-quirements of Article IWV have been taken based on operational interference, placing the plant in an unsafe condition and Technical Specification requirements.
Typically, inthiscase,atleastoneresidualheatremovalpumpwillbeinoperation.
All exceptions and exemptions are listed on the valve tables and explained in the referenced notes, PVT 4.12.4,4 4.5 The exercising program for'Category A and B Valves, with the exception of check valves, shall require a complete stroking of each valve per the valve testing tables.Except where operational constraints prevail and exceptions have been authorized all check valves, including Category C Valves, shall be exercised to the position required to fulfill their function.These functional
Testingwillbeperformed inaccordance withIWP-3400, which,includesoperating thepumpatreference conditions, ifpracticable, andproviding alogwhichshowsthattheparameters monitored duringnormalplantoperation weremeasured, recordedandanalyzed.
'ests shall be verified by the operation of the required system.Valves which malfunction during stroking will not be considered inoperable as defined by Technical Specifications, when the malfunction does not prevent the valves from performing its safety function.Category A and B valves operation shall be timed each time they are stroked utilizing switch initiation and the position indicators, which are accessible durin lant o eration.Durin each
Thepracticability ofduplicating coldshutdownreference conditions maybeimpactedbyrefueling waterlevelduringrefueling andinservice reactorinspections aswellasdecayheatremovalrate.Thetestfrequency forthepumpsshallbeasfollows:a.Component coolingwaterpumpsshallbetestedmonthl
.Ip QUALITYASSURANCE MANUALGINNASTATIONAPPENDIXCPumpandValveTestingProgramPACE1/30/868DF40b.Safetyinjection pumpsshallbetestedmonthlyexceptduringcoldorrefueling shutdowns.
Thepumpsshallbetestedpriortostartupifthetimesincethelasttestexceedsonemonth.C.d.Residualheatremovalpumpsshallbetestedmonthlyexceptduringcoldorrefueling shutdown.
Thepumpsshallbetestedpriortostartupifthetimesincethelasttestexceedsonemonth.Whenthereactorcoolantsystemtemperature isbetween350'Fand200'Fortheplantisatcoldorrefueling shutdowntheplantTechnical Specifications mayrequireoneorbothresidualheatremovalpumpstobeoperable.
Ifthisisthecase,thentherequiredpumpsshallbetestedmonthly.Containment spraypumpsshallbetestedmonthlyexceptduringcoldorrefueling shutdown.
Thepumpsshallbetestedpriortostartupifthetimesincethelasttestexceedsonemonth.e.Motordrivenauxiliary feedwater pumps,turbinedrivenauxiliary feedwater pump,andthestandbyauxiliary feedwater pumpsshallbetestedmonthlyexceptduringcoldorrefueling shutdowns.
Thepumpsshallbetestedpriortoexceeding 5%powerifthetimesincethelasttestexceedsonemonth.Servicewaterpumpsshallbetestedmonthly.Testingofapumpneednotbeperformed ifthatpumpisdeclaredinoperable withoutthetesting.Consistent withplantTechnical Specifications, specified intervals maybeextendedby25%toaccommodate normaltestschedules.
0 QUALITYASSURANCE MANUALGINNASTATIONTITI.KsAPPENDIXCPumpandValveTestingProgramDATE1/30/869DF40PVT4. ValveTestinProramIITheInservice ValveTestingProgramwasdeveloped inaccordance withtherequirements ofArticleIWVofSectionXIoftheCode.All,those valvesthatarerequiredtoperformaspecificfunctioneithertoshutdownthereactortothecoldshut-downcondition orinmitigating theconsequences
-'fanaccidentandmaintainthereactorinasafeshutdowncondition areincludedintheprogram.TheInservice ValveTestingProgramRequirements forCategoryAandBValvesareinTablesPVT4.7and4.8,respectively.
CategoryCValvesarebrokendownintotwocategories, CheckValvesandReliefValves,whichareinTablesPVT4.9and4.10,respectively.
CategoryDValvesarenotincludedinthistestingprogrambecausetherearenoneincludedinGinnaStationdesign.Someexceptions andexemptions tothetestingre-quirements ofArticleIWVhavebeentakenbasedonoperational interference, placingtheplantinanunsafecondition andTechnical Specification requirements.
Allexceptions andexemptions arelistedonthevalvetablesandexplained inthereferenced notes,PVT4.12.4,44.5Theexercising programfor'Category AandBValves,withtheexception ofcheckvalves,shallrequireacompletestrokingofeachvalveperthevalvetestingtables.Exceptwhereoperational constraints prevailandexceptions havebeenauthorized allcheckvalves,including CategoryCValves,shallbeexercised tothepositionrequiredtofulfilltheirfunction.
'estsshallbeverifiedbytheoperation oftherequiredsystem.Valveswhichmalfunction duringstrokingwillnotbeconsidered inoperable asdefinedbyTechnical Specifications, whenthemalfunction doesnotpreventthevalvesfromperforming itssafetyfunction.
CategoryAandBvalvesoperation shallbetimedeachtimetheyarestrokedutilizing switchinitiation andthepositionindicators, whichareaccessible durinlantoeration.Durineach

QUALITYASSURANCE MANUALGINNASTATIONTITI.EaAPPENDIXCPumpandValveTestingProgramDATEPAGE1/30/8610DP404.6refueling outageavisualverification shallbemadetoconfirmdirectcorrespondence betweenvalveoperators andthepositionindicators.
QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION TITI.Ea APPENDIX C Pump and Valve Testing Program DATE PAGE 1/30/86 10 DP 40 4.6 refueling outage a visual verification shall be made to confirm direct correspondence between valve operators and the position indicators.
Foravalveinasystemdeclaredinoperable ornotrequiredtobeoperabletheexercising testscheduleneednotbefollowed.
For a valve in a system declared inoperable or not required to be operable the exercising test schedule need not be followed.Within 30 days prior to return of the system to operable status, the valves shall be exercised and the schedule resumed.4.7 4.8 The testing of valves required at cold shutdown and refueling outages will normally take four (4)days to complete.When cold shutdowns are of a shorter duration (2-3 days), test personnel shall attempt to test as many valves as possible without holding up the startup of the unit with testing beginning no later.than 48 hours after the plant reaches cold shutdown (as defined in Technical Specification 1.2).For very short cold shutdowns (less than 48 hours), it would be impossible to mobilize test personnel to implement the testing program under the required procedural controls, therefore no valves would be tested.It is possible that, during a four (4)day cold shut-down, the work load on test personnel may preclude their completion of all the required valve tests prior to startup.Any testing not completed at one cold shutdown due to outage duration shall be performed during any subsequent cold shutdowns that may occur before the next refueling outage to meet the specified testing frequency.
Within30dayspriortoreturnofthesystemtooperablestatus,thevalvesshallbeexercised andthescheduleresumed.4.74.8Thetestingofvalvesrequiredatcoldshutdownandrefueling outageswillnormallytakefour(4)daystocomplete.
Valve testing during cold shutdowns need not be more frequent than one test per quarter for each valve in the test program.)Category A Valves Valve 5~Te Descri tion Note Test~Fre 204A 304A 304B MV Letdown to NRHX CV 1-A RCP Seal Injection CV 1-B RCP Seal Injection Stroke C/R Leak R Stroke C/R Leak R Stroke C/R Leak R QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION TITL,Ka APPENDIX C Pump and Valve Testing Program GATE PAGE 1/30/86 11 gf: 40 Valve 5~Te.Note Test~Fre 313 370B 371 383B 508 528 529 539 546 547 743 745 749A 749B 750A MOV Seal Water Return Isolation CV Charging Line Isolation AOV Letdown Isolation CV Alternate Charging Iine AOV RMW to Containment Vessel Stop CV N2 Supply to PRT CV RMW to PRT AOV PRT Stop Valve to Gas Analyzer MV PRT to Gas Analyzer MV Nitrogen to PRT CV CC From Excess Letdown HX.AOV Return From Excess Let-down HX.MOV CCW to A RCP MOV CCW to B RCP CV CC to A RCP Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke.Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak C/R R C/R R C/R R C/R R Q R Q R Q R Q R Q R Q R Q R C/R R C/R R C/R R QUALITY ASSURANCE'ANUAL GINNA STATION TITLE)APPENDIX C Pump and Valve Testing Program DATE PAGE 1/30/86 12 DF 40 Valve 4 T~e 750B CV CC to B RCP Note Test Stroke Leak~Fre C/R R 759A 759B 813 814 820 842A 842B 846 853A 853B 862A 862B MOV Containment Stop CC From Loop A RCP MOV Containment Stop CC From Ioop B RCP MOV CC Supply to RX Support Coolers MOV CC Return to RX Support Coolers MV Letdown to NRHX CV Loop A Accumulator Dump Line Check Valve CV Loop B Accumulator Dump Line Check Valve AOV N2 Supply to Accumulators CV Core Deluge Check CV Core Deluge Check CV 1-A CSP Disch CV l-B CSP Disch 5 7 28 28 10 10 10 10 Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak C/R R C/R R C/R R C/R R C/R C/R C/R C/R Q R C/R C/R C/R C/R Q R Q R 867A 867B CV Accumulator Dump and SI to Cold Leg Loop B CV Accumulator Dump and SI to Cold Leg Loop A 13 Stroke 13 Leak 13 Stroke 13 Leak R C/R R.C/R QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION TITI.Ec APPENDIX C Pump and Valve Testing Program DATE 1/30/86 PAGE 13 DP 40 870B CV l-B to 1-C SI Pump Disch Valve 0~Te 870A CV 1-A to 1-C SI Pump Disch Note Test Free{Stroke Q Leak R Stroke Q Leak R 877A 877B 878F 878G 878H 878J 879 889A 889B 921 922 923 924 CV High Safety Injection Loop B Hot Leg CV High Safety Injection Loop A Hot Leg CV High Safety Injection Loop B Hot Leg CV 1-A SI Pump to Cold Leg Loop B CV High Safety Injection Loop A Hot Leg CV 1-B SI Pump to Cold Leg Zoop A MV SI Test Line Isolation CV l-A SI Pump Disch CV l-B SI Pump Disch SOV Loop A Hydrogen Monitor Inlet SOV Zoop A Hydrogen Monitor Outlet SOV Loop B Hydrogen Monitor Inlet SOV Loop B Hydrogen Monitor Outlet 11 29 11 29 ll-29 13 13 11 29 13 13 Stroke Leak 40 Mo.Stroke Leak 40 Mo.Stroke Z,eak 40 Mo.Stroke R Leak C/R Stroke Leak 40 Mo.Stroke R Leak C/R Stroke Leak R Stroke Q Leak R Stroke Q Leak R Stroke Q Leak R Stroke Q Zeak R Stroke Q Z,eak R Stroke Q Leak R QUAZ ITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION TITLE: APPENDIX C Pump and Valve Testing Program DATE PAGE 1/30/86 14 DF 40 Valve 0~e Descri tion Note Test~Fre 956D 956E 956F 966A 966B 966C 1003A Hot Leg Loop Sample Containment Isolation PRZR Liquid Space Sample Containment Isolation AOV AOV AOV PRZR Steam Space Sample Containment Isolation Pressurizer Steam Space Containment Isolation Pressurizer Liquid Space Containment Isolation Loop A and B Hot Leg Containment Isolation LCV l-A RCDT Pump Suction Stroke Q Leak R Stroke Q Leak R Stroke Q Leak R Stroke Q Leak R Stroke Q Zeak R Stroke Q Zeak R Stroke Q Leak R 1003B 1076A IV-3A 1076B IV-3B 1080A IV-2A IV-2B LCV l-B RCDT Pump Suction MV Hydrogen to"A" Recombiner 11 Pilot Containment Isolation SOV Hydrogen to"A" Recombiner ll Pilot Containment Isolation MV Hydrogen to"B" Recombiner ll Pilot Containment Isolation SOV Hydrogen to"B" Recombiner ll Pilot Containment Isolation MV Oxygen Make Up to Contain-ll ment, Isolation.
Whencoldshutdowns areofashorterduration(2-3days),testpersonnel shallattempttotestasmanyvalvesaspossiblewithoutholdingupthestartupoftheunitwithtestingbeginning nolater.than48hoursaftertheplantreachescoldshutdown(asdefinedinTechnical Specification 1.2).Forveryshortcoldshutdowns (lessthan48hours),itwouldbeimpossible tomobilizetestpersonnel toimplement thetestingprogramundertherequiredprocedural
Oxygen Make Up to Contain-ll ment Isolation (A Recombiner)
: controls, therefore novalveswouldbetested.Itispossiblethat,duringafour(4)daycoldshut-down,theworkloadontestpersonnel mayprecludetheircompletion ofalltherequiredvalvetestspriortostartup.Anytestingnotcompleted atonecoldshutdownduetooutagedurationshallbeperformed duringanysubsequent coldshutdowns thatmayoccurbeforethenextrefueling outagetomeetthespecified testingfrequency.
Oxygen Make Up to Contain-11 ment, Isolation (B Recombiner)
Valvetestingduringcoldshutdowns neednotbemorefrequentthanonetestperquarterforeachvalveinthetestprogram.)CategoryAValvesValve5~TeDescritionNoteTest~Fre204A304A304BMVLetdowntoNRHXCV1-ARCPSealInjection CV1-BRCPSealInjection StrokeC/RLeakRStrokeC/RLeakRStrokeC/RLeakR QUALITYASSURANCE MANUALGINNASTATIONTITL,KaAPPENDIXCPumpandValveTestingProgramGATEPAGE1/30/8611gf:40Valve5~Te.NoteTest~Fre313370B371383B508528529539546547743745749A749B750AMOVSealWaterReturnIsolation CVChargingLineIsolation AOVLetdownIsolation CVAlternate ChargingIineAOVRMWtoContainment VesselStopCVN2SupplytoPRTCVRMWtoPRTAOVPRTStopValvetoGasAnalyzerMVPRTtoGasAnalyzerMVNitrogentoPRTCVCCFromExcessLetdownHX.AOVReturnFromExcessLet-downHX.MOVCCWtoARCPMOVCCWtoBRCPCVCCtoARCPStrokeLeakStrokeLeakStroke.LeakStrokeLeakStrokeLeakStrokeLeakStrokeLeakStrokeLeakStrokeLeakStrokeLeakStrokeLeakStrokeLeakStrokeLeakStrokeLeakStrokeLeakC/RRC/RRC/RRC/RRQRQRQRQRQRQRQRC/RRC/RRC/RR QUALITYASSURANCE'ANUAL GINNASTATIONTITLE)APPENDIXCPumpandValveTestingProgramDATEPAGE1/30/8612DF40Valve4T~e750BCVCCtoBRCPNoteTestStrokeLeak~FreC/RR759A759B813814820842A842B846853A853B862A862BMOVContainment StopCCFromLoopARCPMOVContainment StopCCFromIoopBRCPMOVCCSupplytoRXSupportCoolersMOVCCReturntoRXSupportCoolersMVLetdowntoNRHXCVLoopAAccumulator DumpLineCheckValveCVLoopBAccumulator DumpLineCheckValveAOVN2SupplytoAccumulators CVCoreDelugeCheckCVCoreDelugeCheckCV1-ACSPDischCVl-BCSPDisch57282810101010StrokeLeakStrokeLeakStrokeLeakStrokeLeakStrokeLeakStrokeLeakStrokeLeakStrokeLeakStrokeLeakStrokeLeakStrokeLeakStrokeLeakC/RRC/RRC/RRC/RRC/RC/RC/RC/RQRC/RC/RC/RC/RQRQR867A867BCVAccumulator DumpandSItoColdLegLoopBCVAccumulator DumpandSItoColdLegLoopA13Stroke13Leak13Stroke13LeakRC/RR.C/R QUALITYASSURANCE MANUALGINNASTATIONTITI.EcAPPENDIXCPumpandValveTestingProgramDATE1/30/86PAGE13DP40870BCVl-Bto1-CSIPumpDischValve0~Te870ACV1-Ato1-CSIPumpDischNoteTestFree{StrokeQLeakRStrokeQLeakR877A877B878F878G878H878J879889A889B921922923924CVHighSafetyInjection LoopBHotLegCVHighSafetyInjection LoopAHotLegCVHighSafetyInjection LoopBHotLegCV1-ASIPumptoColdLegLoopBCVHighSafetyInjection LoopAHotLegCV1-BSIPumptoColdLegZoopAMVSITestLineIsolation CVl-ASIPumpDischCVl-BSIPumpDischSOVLoopAHydrogenMonitorInletSOVZoopAHydrogenMonitorOutletSOVLoopBHydrogenMonitorInletSOVLoopBHydrogenMonitorOutlet11291129ll-29131311291313StrokeLeak40Mo.StrokeLeak40Mo.StrokeZ,eak40Mo.StrokeRLeakC/RStrokeLeak40Mo.StrokeRLeakC/RStrokeLeakRStrokeQLeakRStrokeQLeakRStrokeQLeakRStrokeQZeakRStrokeQZ,eakRStrokeQLeakR QUAZITYASSURANCE MANUALGINNASTATIONTITLE:APPENDIXCPumpandValveTestingProgramDATEPAGE1/30/8614DF40Valve0~eDescritionNoteTest~Fre956D956E956F966A966B966C1003AHotLegLoopSampleContainment Isolation PRZRLiquidSpaceSampleContainment Isolation AOVAOVAOVPRZRSteamSpaceSampleContainment Isolation Pressurizer SteamSpaceContainment Isolation Pressurizer LiquidSpaceContainment Isolation LoopAandBHotLegContainment Isolation LCVl-ARCDTPumpSuctionStrokeQLeakRStrokeQLeakRStrokeQLeakRStrokeQLeakRStrokeQZeakRStrokeQZeakRStrokeQLeakR1003B1076AIV-3A1076BIV-3B1080AIV-2AIV-2BLCVl-BRCDTPumpSuctionMVHydrogento"A"Recombiner 11PilotContainment Isolation SOVHydrogento"A"Recombiner llPilotContainment Isolation MVHydrogento"B"Recombiner llPilotContainment Isolation SOVHydrogento"B"Recombiner llPilotContainment Isolation MVOxygenMakeUptoContain-llment,Isolation.
Stroke Zeak Stroke Leak Stroke Zeak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Q R R QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION TITLE: APPENDIX C Pump and Valve Testing Program DATE PAGE 1/3 0/86 15 OF 40 Valve 5~e 1084A MV Hydrogen to"A" Recombiner Main Burner Containment Isolation Note Test Stroke Leak~FreIV-5A 1084B IV-5B 1554 1556 1557 1559 1560 1562 1563 1565 1566 1568 SOV Hydrogen to"A" Recombiner Main Burner Containment Isolation MV Hydrogen to"B" Recombiner Main Burner Containment Isolation SOV Hydrogen to"B" Recombiner Main Burner Containment Isolation MV D Recirc.Fan Air Sample Isolation MV D Recirc.Fan Air Sample Isolation MV A Recirc.Fan Air Sample Isolation MV A Recirc.Fan Air Sample Isolation MV A S D Return Iine Isolation MV A 6 D Return Line Isolation MV B Recirc.Fan Air Sample Isolation MV B Recirc.Fan Air Sample Isolation MV B Recirc.Fan Air Sample Return Line Isolation MV B Recirc.Fan Air Sample Return Line Isolation Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak R
OxygenMakeUptoContain-llmentIsolation (ARecombiner)
'J QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION TITLEi APPENDIX C Pump and Valve Testing Program DATE PAGE i2 QC 1/30/86'6 DF 40 Valve 4~Te 1569 1571 1572 1574 C Recirc.Fan Air Sample Isolation C Recirc.Fan Air Sample Isolation C Recirc.Fan Air Sample Return Line Isolation C Recirc.Fan Air Sample Return Line Isolation Note Test~Fre Stroke Leak R Stroke Leak R Stroke Leak R Stroke Leak R 1596 1597 1598 1599 1655 l7l3 172l 1723 1728 1786 1787 MV Radiation Monitor Supply AOV Radiation Monitor Supply AOV Radiation Monitor Exhaust AOV Radiation Monitor Exhaust MV RCDT to Gas Analyzer CV N2 to RCDT AOV Suction line to RCDT AOV A Containment Sump Disch to Waste Holdup Tank AOV A Containment Sump Disch to Waste Holdup Tank AOV RCDT to VH Isolation AOV RCDT to VH Isolation Stroke Q Leak R Stroke Q Leak R'troke Q Leak R Stroke Q Leak R Stroke Q Leak R Stroke Q Leak R Stroke Q Leak R Stroke Q Leak R Stroke Q Leak R Stroke Q'eak R Stroke Q Leak R QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION TITLE: APPENDIX C Pump and Valve Testing Program DATE 1/30/86 PAGE 1740 Valve 4~Te Note Test~Fze 1793 MV N2 to RCDT Isolation l789 AOV RCDT to GA Containment Isolation 11*Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Q R 1819A MV Containment Pressure Transmitter 945 Isolation 21 Stroke Leak C/R R 1819B MV Containment Pressure Transmitter 946 Isolation 21 Stroke C/R Leak R 1819C MV Containment Pressure Transmitter 947 Isolation 21 Stroke Leak C/R R 1819D MV Containment Pressure Transmitter 948 Isolation 21 Stroke C/R Leak R 1819E 1819F MV Containment Pressure Transmitter 949 Isolation MV Containment Pressure Transmitter 950 Isolation 21 21 Stroke Leak'troke Leak C/R R C/R R 1819G MV Containment Piessure 21 Transmitter 944 Isolation Stroke Leak C/R R 4601 4602 CV 1A Service Water Pump 31 Discharge 31 CV 1B Service Water Pump 31 Discharge 31 Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Q R Q R 4603 CV 1C Service Water Pump Discharge 31 31 Stroke Leak Q R 4604 5129 5392 CV 1D Service Water Pump 31 Discharge 31 MV Construction Fire Service 11 Water Containment Isolation AOV Instrument Air to Contain-19 ment Isolation Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Q R R R TITLEs DATE QUAI ITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION APPENDIX C Pump and Valve Testing Program 1/30/86 PAGE 18 pp 40 Valve 4~Te Note Test~Fre 5393 5701 5702 5733 CV Instrument Air to Containment Isolation MV A-S/G Blowdown Isolation MV B-S/G Blowdown Isolation MV A-S/G Sample Isolation 19 Stroke R Leak R Stroke Q Leak R Stroke Q Leak R Stroke Q Leak R 5734 5735 MV B-S/G Sample Isolation AOV"A" S/G Blowdown Sample Isolation Stroke Q Leak R Stroke Q Leak'5736 5737 5738 5869 5870 5878 5879 6151 6152 AOV"B" S/G Blowdown Sample Isolation AOV"B" S/G Blowdown Isolation AOV"A" S/G Blowdown Isolation APV Containment Purge Supply Isolation APV Containment Purge Supply Isolation APV.Containment Purge Exhaust Isolation APV Containment Purge Exhaust Isolation MV Auxiliary Steam Supply to Containment MV Condensate Return from Containment
OxygenMakeUptoContain-11ment,Isolation (BRecombiner)
*-See Note 22 22 22 22 22 Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Ieak Q R Q R Q R QUAI ITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION TITLEs APPENDIX C Pump and Valve Testing Program DATE 1/30/86 PAGE 19 DP 40 Valve 8~Te 6165 Aux.Steam Supply to Containment Note Test Free{Stroke Leak 6175 7141 7226 7443 CV MOV Condensate Return from Containment Service Air Isolation Outside Containment Service Air Isolation Inside Containment Containment Air Test Supply Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak ll Stroke Leak R 7444 7445 7448 7452 7456 7970 7971 8418 MOV Containment Air Test Vent MOV Containment Air Test Vent MV Isolation Valve from Containment to Local Pressure Indicator for Containment Air Test MV Isolation Valve from Containment to Local Pressure Indicator for Containment Air Test MV Isolation Valve from Containment to Iocal Pressure Indicator for Containment Air Test AOV Containment Depressuri-zation Valve AOV Containment Depressuri-zation Valve AOV Demin.Water to Contain-ment Isolation ll Stroke Leak R 11 Stroke Leak R 11 Stroke Ieak R 11 Stroke Leak R ll Stroke Leak R Stroke Q Leak R Stroke Q Leak-R Stroke Leak R QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION TITLE)APPENDIX C Pump and Valve Testing Program DATE 1/30/86 PAGE 20 DF 40 Valve 4~Te Note Test~Fre 8419 8623 9227 9229 4.9 CV.Demin.Water to Contain-ment Isolation CV Nitrogen to Accumulators Isolation AOV Fire Service Water Containment Isolation CV Fire Service Water Containment Isolation Category B Valves Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Ieak Valve 0~Te 014 017 RCV Aux Building GDT Release RCV Component, Cooling Surge Tank Vent Note Test Free{Stroke Q Stroke Q 081 082 083 084 085 086 ll2B 112C APV Control Room Ventilation Damper APV Control Room Ventilation Damper APV Control Room Ventilation Damper APV Control Room Ventilation Damper APV Control Room Ventilation Damper APV Control Room Ventilation Damper LCV Emergency Makeup RWST to Charging Pump LCV VCT Outlet Stroke Q Stroke Q Stroke Q Stroke Q Stroke Q Stroke.Q Stroke Q Stroke Q
StrokeZeakStrokeLeakStrokeZeakStrokeLeakStrokeLeakStrokeLeakStrokeLeakStrokeLeakQRR QUALITYASSURANCE MANUALGINNASTATIONTITLE:APPENDIXCPumpandValveTestingProgramDATEPAGE1/30/8615OF40Valve5~e1084AMVHydrogento"A"Recombiner MainBurnerContainment Isolation NoteTestStrokeLeak~FreIV-5A1084BIV-5B1554155615571559156015621563156515661568SOVHydrogento"A"Recombiner MainBurnerContainment Isolation MVHydrogento"B"Recombiner MainBurnerContainment Isolation SOVHydrogento"B"Recombiner MainBurnerContainment Isolation MVDRecirc.FanAirSampleIsolation MVDRecirc.FanAirSampleIsolation MVARecirc.FanAirSampleIsolation MVARecirc.FanAirSampleIsolation MVASDReturnIineIsolation MVA6DReturnLineIsolation MVBRecirc.FanAirSampleIsolation MVBRecirc.FanAirSampleIsolation MVBRecirc.FanAirSampleReturnLineIsolation MVBRecirc.FanAirSampleReturnLineIsolation StrokeLeakStrokeLeakStrokeLeakStrokeLeakStrokeLeakStrokeLeakStrokeLeakStrokeLeakStrokeLeakStrokeLeakStrokeLeakStrokeLeakStrokeLeakR
'J QUALITYASSURANCE MANUALGINNASTATIONTITLEiAPPENDIXCPumpandValveTestingProgramDATEPAGEi2QC1/30/86'6 DF40Valve4~Te1569157115721574CRecirc.FanAirSampleIsolation CRecirc.FanAirSampleIsolation CRecirc.FanAirSampleReturnLineIsolation CRecirc.FanAirSampleReturnLineIsolation NoteTest~FreStrokeLeakRStrokeLeakRStrokeLeakRStrokeLeakR15961597159815991655l7l3172l1723172817861787MVRadiation MonitorSupplyAOVRadiation MonitorSupplyAOVRadiation MonitorExhaustAOVRadiation MonitorExhaustMVRCDTtoGasAnalyzerCVN2toRCDTAOVSuctionlinetoRCDTAOVAContainment SumpDischtoWasteHoldupTankAOVAContainment SumpDischtoWasteHoldupTankAOVRCDTtoVHIsolation AOVRCDTtoVHIsolation StrokeQLeakRStrokeQLeakR'trokeQLeakRStrokeQLeakRStrokeQLeakRStrokeQLeakRStrokeQLeakRStrokeQLeakRStrokeQLeakRStrokeQ'eakRStrokeQLeakR QUALITYASSURANCE MANUALGINNASTATIONTITLE:APPENDIXCPumpandValveTestingProgramDATE1/30/86PAGE1740Valve4~TeNoteTest~Fze1793MVN2toRCDTIsolation l789AOVRCDTtoGAContainment Isolation 11*StrokeLeakStrokeLeakQR1819AMVContainment PressureTransmitter 945Isolation 21StrokeLeakC/RR1819BMVContainment PressureTransmitter 946Isolation 21StrokeC/RLeakR1819CMVContainment PressureTransmitter 947Isolation 21StrokeLeakC/RR1819DMVContainment PressureTransmitter 948Isolation 21StrokeC/RLeakR1819E1819FMVContainment PressureTransmitter 949Isolation MVContainment PressureTransmitter 950Isolation 2121StrokeLeak'troke LeakC/RRC/RR1819GMVContainment Piessure21Transmitter 944Isolation StrokeLeakC/RR46014602CV1AServiceWaterPump31Discharge 31CV1BServiceWaterPump31Discharge 31StrokeLeakStrokeLeakQRQR4603CV1CServiceWaterPumpDischarge 3131StrokeLeakQR460451295392CV1DServiceWaterPump31Discharge 31MVConstruction FireService11WaterContainment Isolation AOVInstrument AirtoContain-19mentIsolation StrokeLeakStrokeLeakStrokeLeakQRRR TITLEsDATEQUAIITYASSURANCE MANUALGINNASTATIONAPPENDIXCPumpandValveTestingProgram1/30/86PAGE18pp40Valve4~TeNoteTest~Fre5393570157025733CVInstrument AirtoContainment Isolation MVA-S/GBlowdownIsolation MVB-S/GBlowdownIsolation MVA-S/GSampleIsolation 19StrokeRLeakRStrokeQLeakRStrokeQLeakRStrokeQLeakR57345735MVB-S/GSampleIsolation AOV"A"S/GBlowdownSampleIsolation StrokeQLeakRStrokeQLeak'573657375738586958705878587961516152AOV"B"S/GBlowdownSampleIsolation AOV"B"S/GBlowdownIsolation AOV"A"S/GBlowdownIsolation APVContainment PurgeSupplyIsolation APVContainment PurgeSupplyIsolation APV.Containment PurgeExhaustIsolation APVContainment PurgeExhaustIsolation MVAuxiliary SteamSupplytoContainment MVCondensate ReturnfromContainment
*-SeeNote2222222222StrokeLeakStrokeLeakStrokeLeakStrokeLeakStrokeLeakStrokeLeakStrokeLeakStrokeLeakStrokeIeakQRQRQR QUAIITYASSURANCE MANUALGINNASTATIONTITLEsAPPENDIXCPumpandValveTestingProgramDATE1/30/86PAGE19DP40Valve8~Te6165Aux.SteamSupplytoContainment NoteTestFree{StrokeLeak6175714172267443CVMOVCondensate ReturnfromContainment ServiceAirIsolation OutsideContainment ServiceAirIsolation InsideContainment Containment AirTestSupplyStrokeLeakStrokeLeakStrokeLeakllStrokeLeakR74447445744874527456797079718418MOVContainment AirTestVentMOVContainment AirTestVentMVIsolation ValvefromContainment toLocalPressureIndicator forContainment AirTestMVIsolation ValvefromContainment toLocalPressureIndicator forContainment AirTestMVIsolation ValvefromContainment toIocalPressureIndicator forContainment AirTestAOVContainment Depressuri-zationValveAOVContainment Depressuri-zationValveAOVDemin.WatertoContain-mentIsolation llStrokeLeakR11StrokeLeakR11StrokeIeakR11StrokeLeakRllStrokeLeakRStrokeQLeakRStrokeQLeak-RStrokeLeakR QUALITYASSURANCE MANUALGINNASTATIONTITLE)APPENDIXCPumpandValveTestingProgramDATE1/30/86PAGE20DF40Valve4~TeNoteTest~Fre84198623922792294.9CV.Demin.WatertoContain-mentIsolation CVNitrogentoAccumulators Isolation AOVFireServiceWaterContainment Isolation CVFireServiceWaterContainment Isolation CategoryBValvesStrokeLeakStrokeLeakStrokeLeakStrokeIeakValve0~Te014017RCVAuxBuildingGDTReleaseRCVComponent, CoolingSurgeTankVentNoteTestFree{StrokeQStrokeQ081082083084085086ll2B112CAPVControlRoomVentilation DamperAPVControlRoomVentilation DamperAPVControlRoomVentilation DamperAPVControlRoomVentilation DamperAPVControlRoomVentilation DamperAPVControlRoomVentilation DamperLCVEmergency MakeupRWSTtoChargingPumpLCVVCTOutletStrokeQStrokeQStrokeQStrokeQStrokeQStroke.QStrokeQStrokeQ

QUALITYASSURANCE MANUALGINNASTATIONTITLE:APPENDIXCPumpandValveTestingProgramDATE1/30/86PAGE21DF40Valve5~TeDescrition427430AOVLetdownFromLoopBPORVPressurizer PowerOperatedReliefNoteTest~Fre3StrokeC/R16StrokeC/R431CPORVPressurizer PowerOperatedRelief16StrokeC/R515516MOVMOVPressurizer PORVBlockValvePressurizer PORVBlockValve23StrokeQ23StrokeQ590591592593624625626700MOVRHRInletIsolation FromLoopASOVReactorHeadVentSOVReactorHeadVentSOVReactorHeadVentSOVReactorHeadVentHCVl-BRHRHXOutletHCV1-ARHRHXOutletFCVRHRLoopReturnRecirc.26StrokeC/RStrokeQStroke'/R 32StrokeR32StrokeR32StrokeR32StrokeR26StrokeC/R701MOVRHRInletIsolation FromLoopA8StrokeC/R704A704B720MOVRHRReturnIsolation toLoopBMOVSuctionl-ARHRPumpMOVSuctionl-BRHRPump24StrokeQ24StrokeQ8StrokeC/R72lMOVRHRReturnIsolation toLoopB8StrokeC/R QUALITYASSURANCE MANUALGINNASTATIONTITLE<APPENDIXCPumpandValveTestingProgramDATEPAGE1/30/8622PP40Valve4~TeNote.Test~Fre738A738B825A825BMOVCCto1-ARHRHXMOVCCtol-BRHRHXMOVSIPumpSuctionFromRWSTMOVSIPumpSuctionFromRWSTStrokeQStrokeQ9StrokeC/R9StrokeC/R826AMOVSIPumpSuctionFromBATank25StrokeQ826BMOVSIPumpSuctionFromBATank25StrokeQ826C826D836A836BMOVSIPumpSuctionFromBATankMOVSIPumpSuctionFromBATankHCVSprayAdditiveTankDis-chargeHCVSprayAdditiveTankDis-charge25StrokeQ25StrokeQ17/24StrokeQ17/24StrokeQ850A850B851A851B852A852BMOVSumpBtoRHRPumpsMOVSumpBtoRHRPumpsMOVSumpBtoRHRIsolation MOVSumpBtoRHRIsolation 24StrokeQ24StrokeQStrokeStrokeStrokeC/RStrokeC/R3030MOVRHRPumpstoReactorVessel18MOVRHRPumpstoReactorVessel18856MOVRWSTtoRHRPumps9StrokeC/R857AMOVlBRHRHXtoCSandSIPumpIsolation 27StrokeC/R iI'4 QUALITYASSURANCE MANUALGINNASTATIONAPPENDIXCPumpandValveTestingProgramDATEPAGE1/30/8623pp40857BMOVValve4T~e1ARHRHXtoCSandSIPumpIsolation NoteTest~Fre27StrokeC/R857CMOVlARHRHXtoCSandSIPumpIsolation 27StrokeC/R860A860B860C860D871AMOV1-Ato1-CSIPumpDischarge MOV1-ACSPDischarge MOV1-ACSPDischarge MOV1-BCSPDischarge MOV1-BCSPDischarge 24StrokeQ24StrokeQ24StrokeQ24StrokeQ24.StrokeQ871BQ75A875B876A876BMOVMOVMOVMOVMOV1-Btol-CSIPumpDischarge CSPumpDischarge to1ACharcoalFilterDelugeCSPumpDischarge to1ACharcoalFilterDelugeCSPumpDischarge to1BCharcoalFilterDeluge-CSPumpDischarge to1BCharcoalFilterDeluge24StrokeQStrokeQStrokeQStroke,QStrokeQ896A896B897898951AOVPressurizer SteamSpaceSampleMOVRWSTtoCSandSIPumpsMOVRWSTtoCSandSIPumpsAOVSIPumpRecirc.toRWSTAOVSIPumpRecirc.toRWST9StrokeC/R9StrokeC/R27StrokeC/R27StrokeC/R33Stroke TITLEiDATE1/30/86QUALITYASSURANCE MANUALGINNASTATIONAPPENDIXCPumpandValveTestingProgramPAGE24op40Valve5~TeNoteTest~Fre9539559591811A1811B1815A1815B3504A3505A365239964000A4000B4007400840134027Pressurizer LiquidSpace33Sample'OVAOV"B"LoopHotLegSampleAOVRHRLoopSample20ReactorCoolantDrainTankllIsolation toRHRSystemReactorCoolantDrainTank11Isolation toRHRSystemMOVC-SIPumpSuctionFromRWST24MOVC-SIPumpSuctionFromRWST24MainSteamtoTAFPFrom1-BS/GMOVMainSteamtoTAFPFrom1-AS/GMOVMainSteamThrottleValvetoTAFPMOVTAFPDischarge MOVCrossOverValveForMAFPMOVCrossOverValveForMAFPMOV1-AMAFPDischarge MOV1-BMAFPDischarge TAFPServiceWaterSupplyIsolation MOV1-AMAFPServiceWaterIsolation MOVStrokeStrokeQStrokeC/RStrokeQStrokeQStrokeQStrokeQStrokeQStrokeMStrokeMStrokeMStrokeMStrokeMStrokeMStrokeM 0J~
QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION TITLE: APPENDIX C Pump and Valve Testing Program DATE 1/30/86 PAGE 21 DF 40 Valve 5~Te Descri tion 427 430 AOV Letdown From Loop B PORV Pressurizer Power Operated Relief Note Test~Fre 3 Stroke C/R 16 Stroke C/R 431C PORV Pressurizer Power Operated Relief 16 Stroke C/R 515 516 MOV MOV Pressurizer PORV Block Valve Pressurizer PORV Block Valve 23 Stroke Q 23 Stroke Q 590 591 592 593 624 625 626 700 MOV RHR Inlet Isolation From Loop A SOV Reactor Head Vent SOV Reactor Head Vent SOV Reactor Head Vent SOV Reactor Head Vent HCV l-B RHR HX Outlet HCV 1-A RHR HX Outlet FCV RHR Loop Return Recirc.26 Stroke C/R Stroke Q Stroke'/R 32 Stroke R 32 Stroke R 32 Stroke R 32 Stroke R 26 Stroke C/R 701 MOV RHR Inlet Isolation From Loop A 8 Stroke C/R 704A 704B 720 MOV RHR Return Isolation to Loop B MOV Suction l-A RHR Pump MOV Suction l-B RHR Pump 24 Stroke Q 24 Stroke Q 8 Stroke C/R 72l MOV RHR Return Isolation to Loop B 8 Stroke C/R QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION TITLE<APPENDIX C Pump and Valve Testing Program DATE PAGE 1/30/86 22 PP 40 Valve 4~Te Note.Test~Fre 738A 738B 825A 825B MOV CC to 1-A RHR HX MOV CC to l-B RHR HX MOV SI Pump Suction From RWST MOV SI Pump Suction From RWST Stroke Q Stroke Q 9 Stroke C/R 9 Stroke C/R 826A MOV SI Pump Suction From BA Tank 25 Stroke Q 826B MOV SI Pump Suction From BA Tank 25 Stroke Q 826C 826D 836A 836B MOV SI Pump Suction From BA Tank MOV SI Pump Suction From BA Tank HCV Spray Additive Tank Dis-charge HCV Spray Additive Tank Dis-charge 25 Stroke Q 25 Stroke Q 17/24 Stroke Q 17/24 Stroke Q 850A 850B 851A 851B 852A 852B MOV Sump B to RHR Pumps MOV Sump B to RHR Pumps MOV Sump B to RHR Isolation MOV Sump B to RHR Isolation 24 Stroke Q 24 Stroke Q Stroke Stroke Stroke C/R Stroke C/R 30 30 MOV RHR Pumps to Reactor Vessel 18 MOV RHR Pumps to Reactor Vessel 18 856 MOV RWST to RHR Pumps 9 Stroke C/R 857A MOV lB RHR HX to CS and SI Pump Isolation 27 Stroke C/R i I'4 QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION APPENDIX C Pump and Valve Testing Program DATE PAGE 1/30/86 23 pp 40 857B MOV Valve 4 T~e 1A RHR HX to CS and SI Pump Isolation Note Test~Fre 27 Stroke C/R 857C MOV lA RHR HX to CS and SI Pump Isolation 27 Stroke C/R 860A 860B 860C 860D 871A MOV 1-A to 1-C SI Pump Discharge MOV 1-A CSP Discharge MOV 1-A CSP Discharge MOV 1-B CSP Discharge MOV 1-B CSP Discharge 24 Stroke Q 24 Stroke Q 24 Stroke Q 24 Stroke Q 24.Stroke Q 871B Q75A 875B 876A 876B MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV 1-B to l-C SI Pump Discharge CS Pump Discharge to 1A Charcoal Filter Deluge CS Pump Discharge to 1A Charcoal Filter Deluge CS Pump Discharge to 1B Charcoal Filter Deluge-CS Pump Discharge to 1B Charcoal Filter Deluge 24 Stroke Q Stroke Q Stroke Q Stroke ,Q Stroke Q 896A 896B 897 898 951 AOV Pressurizer Steam Space Sample MOV RWST to CS and SI Pumps MOV RWST to CS and SI Pumps AOV SI Pump RWST AOV SI Pump RWST 9 Stroke C/R 9 Stroke C/R 27 Stroke C/R 27 Stroke C/R 33 Stroke TIT LE i DATE 1/30/86 QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION APPENDIX C Pump and Valve Testing Program PAGE 24 op 40 Valve 5~Te Note Test~Fre 953 955 959 1811A 1811B 1815A 1815B 3504A 3505A 3652 3996 4000A 4000B 4007 4008 4013 4027 Pressurizer Liquid Space 33 Sample'OV AOV"B" Loop Hot Leg Sample AOV RHR Loop Sample 20 Reactor Coolant Drain Tank ll Isolation to RHR System Reactor Coolant Drain Tank 11 Isolation to RHR System MOV C-SI Pump Suction From RWST 24 MOV C-SI Pump Suction From RWST 24 Main Steam to TAFP From 1-B S/G MOV Main Steam to TAFP From 1-A S/G MOV Main Steam Throttle Valve to TAFP MOV TAFP Discharge MOV Cross Over Valve For MAFP MOV Cross Over Valve For MAFP MOV 1-A MAFP Discharge MOV 1-B MAFP Discharge TAFP Service Water Supply Isolation MOV 1-A MAFP Service Water Isolation MOV Stroke Stroke Q Stroke C/R Stroke Q Stroke Q Stroke Q Stroke Q Stroke Q Stroke M Stroke M Stroke M Stroke M Stroke M Stroke M Stroke M 0 J~
QUALITYASSURANCE MANUALGINNASTATIONTITLE:APPENDIXCPumpandValveTestingProgramDATEPAGE1/30/8625DP40Valve0~Te4028MOV1-BMAFPServiceWaterIsolation NoteTest~FreStrokeM42914297429843044310456145624609461346144615461646274628AOVTAFPRecir.LineAOVTAFPDischarge to1-AS/GAOVTAFPDischarge to1-.BS/GAOV1-AMAFPRecirculation ControlAOV1-BMAFPRecirculation ControlAOVContainment VentRecirc.FansDischarge FlowCon-trolIAOVContainment VentRecirc.FansDischarge FlowCon-trolBypassMOVlAlScreenHouseSWIsolation MOV1B2TurbineBuildingSWIsolation MOVlA1TurbineBuildingSWIsolation MOV1BlAux.BuildingSWIsolation MOVlA1Aux.BuildingSWIsolation MVServiceWatertoAFanCoolerIsolation MVServiceWatertoBFanCoolerIsolation StrokeMStrokeMStrokeMStrokeMStrokeMStrokeQStrokeQStrokeQStrokeQStrokeQStrokeQStrokeQStroke.QStrokeQ
QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION TITLE: APPENDIX C Pump and Valve Testing Program DATE PAGE 1/30/86 25 DP 40 Valve 0~Te 4028 MOV 1-B MAFP Service Water Isolation Note Test~Fre Stroke M 4291 4297 4298 4304 4310 4561 4562 4609 4613 4614 4615 4616 4627 4628 AOV TAFP Recir.Line AOV TAFP Discharge to 1-A S/G AOV TAFP Discharge to 1-.B S/G AOV 1-A MAFP Recirculation Control AOV 1-B MAFP Recirculation Control AOV Containment Vent Recirc.Fans Discharge Flow Con-trol I AOV Containment Vent Recirc.Fans Discharge Flow Con-trol Bypass MOV lAl Screen House SW Isolation MOV 1B2 Turbine Building SW Isolation MOV lA1 Turbine Building SW Isolation MOV 1Bl Aux.Building SW Isolation MOV lA1 Aux.Building SW Isolation MV Service Water to A Fan Cooler Isolation MV Service Water to B Fan Cooler Isolation Stroke M Stroke M Stroke M Stroke M Stroke M Stroke Q Stroke Q Stroke Q Stroke Q Stroke Q Stroke Q Stroke Q Stroke.Q Stroke Q
'0'J QUALITYASSURANCE MANUALGINNASTATIONTITLE<APPENDIXCPumpandValveTestingProgramDATE1/30/86PAGE26OF40Valve4~TeDescrition4629MVServiceWaterfromAFanCoolerIsolation NoteTest~FreStrokeQ4630MVServiceWaterfromBFanCoolerIsolation StrokeQ4635MVReactorCompartment Cooling-.StrokeQUnitAInletIsolation 4636MVReactorCompartment, Cooling-Stroke'UnitAOutletIsolation 4641464246434644MVServiceWatertoCFanCoolerIsolation MVServiceWatertoDFanCoolerIsolation MVServiceWaterfromCFanCoolerIsolation MVServiceWaterfromDFanCoolerIsolation StrokeQStrokeQStrokeQStrokeQ4663MOV1AlAirCond.ChillersSW-StrokeQIsolation 46644670MOV1A2TurbineBuildingSWIsolation MOV1B1TurbineBuildingSWIsolation StrokeQStrokeQ4733MOV1A2AirCond.ChillersSW-StrokeQIsolation 47354757MOV1B2Aux.Build.SWIsolation-MOV1A2Aux.Build.SWIsolation-MVReactorCompartment CoolingUnitBInletIsolation StrokeQStrokeQStrokeQ QUALITYASSURANCE MANUALGINNASTATIONTITLE<APPENDIXCPumpandValveTestingProgramDATEPAGE1/30/8627pF40Valve4~Te4758NoteReactorCompartment CoolingUnitBOutletIsolation Test~FreStrokeQ47805171587l5872MOVMOV1A2ScreenHouseSWIsolation TurbineBuild.FireWaterLoopSupplyIsolation Containment PostAccidentFilterDamperContainment PostAccidentFilterDamperStrokeQStrokeQStrokeQStrokeQ5873APVContainment PostAccidentFilterDamperStrokeQ5874587558769629AAPVMOVContainment PostAccidentFilterDamperContainment PostAccidentFilterDamperContainment PostAccidentFilterDamper1CSAFPServiceWaterIsolation StrokeQStrokeQStrokeQStrokeQ9629B9701A9701B9703A9703B9704AMOV1DSAFPServiceWaterIsolation MOV1CSAFPDischarge MOV1DSAFPDischarge MOVSAFPCrossOverMOVSAFPCrossOverMOV1CSAFPContainment Isolation StrokeQStrokeQStrokeQStrokeQStrokeQStrokeQ 0
'0'J QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION TITLE<APPENDIX C Pump and Valve Testing Program DATE 1/30/86 PAGE 26 OF 40 Valve 4~Te Descri tion 4629 MV Service Water from A Fan Cooler Isolation Note Test~Fre Stroke Q 4630 MV Service Water from B Fan Cooler Isolation Stroke Q 4635 MV Reactor Compartment Cooling-.Stroke Q Unit A Inlet Isolation 4636 MV Reactor Compartment, Cooling-Stroke'Unit A Outlet Isolation 4641 4642 4643 4644 MV Service Water to C Fan Cooler Isolation MV Service Water to D Fan Cooler Isolation MV Service Water from C Fan Cooler Isolation MV Service Water from D Fan Cooler Isolation Stroke Q Stroke Q Stroke Q Stroke Q 4663 MOV 1Al Air Cond.Chillers SW-Stroke Q Isolation 4664 4670 MOV 1A2 Turbine Building SW Isolation MOV 1B1 Turbine Building SW Isolation Stroke Q Stroke Q 4733 MOV 1A2 Air Cond.Chillers SW-Stroke Q Isolation 4735 4757 MOV 1B2 Aux.Build.SW Isolation-MOV 1A2 Aux.Build.SW Isolation-MV Reactor Compartment Cooling Unit B Inlet Isolation Stroke Q Stroke Q Stroke Q QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION TITLE<APPENDIX C Pump and Valve Testing Program DATE PAGE 1/30/86 27 pF 40 Valve 4~Te 4758 Note Reactor Compartment Cooling Unit B Outlet Isolation Test~Fre Stroke Q 4780 5171 587l 5872 MOV MOV 1A2 Screen House SW Isolation Turbine Build.Fire Water Loop Supply Isolation Containment Post Accident Filter Damper Containment Post Accident Filter Damper Stroke Q Stroke Q Stroke Q Stroke Q 5873 APV Containment Post Accident Filter Damper Stroke Q 5874 5875 5876 9629A APV MOV Containment Post Accident Filter Damper Containment Post Accident Filter Damper Containment Post Accident Filter Damper 1C SAFP Service Water Isolation Stroke Q Stroke Q Stroke Q Stroke Q 9629B 9701A 9701B 9703A 9703B 9704A MOV 1D SAFP Service Water Isolation MOV 1C SAFP Discharge MOV 1D SAFP Discharge MOV SAFP Cross Over MOV SAFP Cross Over MOV 1C SAFP Containment Isolation Stroke Q Stroke Q Stroke Q Stroke Q Stroke Q Stroke Q 0
QUALITYASSURANCEMANUALGINNASTATIONAPPENDIXCPumpandValveTestingProgramDATEPAGE1/30/8628oF40Valve4~Te9704B9710A9710B4.10MOV1DSAFPContainment Isolation AOV1CSAFPRecirc.ControlAOV1DSAFPRecirc.ControlCategoryCCheckValvesNoteTest~FreStrokeQStrokeQStrokeQValve5~TeNoteTest~Fre710A710B723A723B847A847B854866A866B3516351739984000C4000DCV1-ARHRPumpDischarge CV1-BRHRPumpDischarge CV1-ACCPumpDischarge CV1-BCCPumpDischarge CVA-CSPFromSprayAdditiveTanktoEductorCVB-CSPFromSprayAdditiveTanktoEductorCVRWSTtoRHRPumpCheckCVCSPump.l-AtoCharcoalFilterDelugeCVCSPump1-BtoCharcoalFilterDelugeCVlBMainSteamIsolation CV1AMainSteamIsolation CVTAFPDischarge CheckCVlAMAFPDischarge CheckCVlBMAFPDischarge CheckStrokeQStrokeQStrokeQStrokeQStrokeQStrokeQStrokeQ12StrokeC/RStrokeQStrokeRStrokeRStrokeMStrokeMStrokeM TITLE:DATEQUALITYASSURANCE MANUALGINNASTATIONAPPENDIXCPumpandValveTestingProgram1/30/86PAGE29OP40Valve0~TeNoteTest~Fre40034004400940104014401640174023513351369627A9627B9700A9700B9705A9705BCVTAFPtoS/GlACVTAFPtoS/GlBCVlAMAFPtoS/GlACVlBMAFPtoS/GlBCVTAFPSuctionCV1BMAFPSuctionCVlAMAFPSuctionCVTAFPRecirculation CVDieselFirePumpDisch.CVMotorFirePumpDischarge CV1CSAFPSWSuctionCV1DSAFPSWSuctionCV1CSAFPDischarge CV1DSAFPDischarge CV1CSAFPtoS/G1ACV1DSAFPtoS/G1B4.11CategoryCReliefValveStrokeMStrokeMStrokeMStrokeMStrokeMStrokeMStrokeMStrokeMStrokeQStrokeQStrokeQStrokeQStrokeQStrokeQStrokeQStrokeQValve4~TeNoteTest~Fre203209RVLetdownHighPressureSafetyReliefRVLetdownLowPressureSafetyRelief1515434RVPressurizer SafetyRelief15 TITLEcDATE1/30/86QUALITYASSURANCE MANUALGINNASTATIONAPPENDIXCPumpandValveTestingProgramPAGE30OP40DescritionValve0~Te435732755A755B758A758B818861887181735083509351035113512.351335143515NoteTest~FreRVPressurizer SafetyRelief15RVCCSurgeTankRelief15CCFromExcessLetdownHeatExchanger 15RVCCFromARCPThermalBarrierCCFromBRCPThermalBarrier15RV15RVRVCCFromA-RCPOilCoolers15RVCCFromB-RCPOilCoolers15CCFromReactorSupportCoolers15RVRV1-BCSPumpSuctionRelief15SITestZineReliefValveInsideContainment 15RVAlternate SuctionFromRHRPumptoCSIPump15RVRV1-BS/GPRVRV1-AS/GPRVRV1-BS/GPRVRV1-AS/GPRVRV1-AS/GPRVRV1-AS/GPRVRV1-BS/GPRVRV1-AS/GPRV1515151515151515 QUALITYASSURANCE MANUALGINNASTATIONTITLEtAPPENDIXCPumpandValveTestingProgramDATEPAGEl/30/8631OF40Valve5T~e4653RV.ServiceWaterReliefNoteTest~Fre154654RVServiceWaterRelief1546575134RVServiceWaterReliefRVDieselFirePumpDischRelief15155135RVMotor'Fire PumpDischRelief154.12Inservice ValveTestingNotesNote1-Valves304A,304Band313cannotbestrokedduringnormalplantoperation onaquarterly basisbecausetheywouldinterrupt coolantflowtothereactorcoolantpumpseals.Thesevalveswillbestrokedatcoldshutdowns andrefuel-ingoutages.Note2-Valve370Bcannotbestrokedduringnormalplantoperation onaquarterly basisbecausethistestwouldinterrupt chargingpumpflow.Thisvalvewillbestrokedatcoldshutdowns andrefueling outages.Note3-Valves204A,371and427cannotbestrokedduringnormalplantoperation onaquarterly basisbecausethistestwouldinterrupt theletdown(CVCS)system.Thesevalveswillbestrokedatcoldshutdowns andrefueling outages.Note4-Valve383Bcannotbestrokedduringnormalplantoperation onaquarterly basisbecausethistestwouldresultinsubstantial radiation exposuretotestpersonnel.
QUALITY AS SURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION APPENDIX C Pump and Valve Testing Program DATE PAGE 1/30/86 28 oF 40 Valve 4~Te 9704B 9710A 9710B 4.10 MOV 1D SAFP Containment Isolation AOV 1C SAFP Recirc.Control AOV 1D SAFP Recirc.Control Category C Check Valves Note Test~Fre Stroke Q Stroke Q Stroke Q Valve 5~Te Note Test~Fre 710A 710B 723A 723B 847A 847B 854 866A 866B 3516 3517 3998 4000C 4000D CV 1-A RHR Pump Discharge CV 1-B RHR Pump Discharge CV 1-A CC Pump Discharge CV 1-B CC Pump Discharge CV A-CSP From Spray Additive Tank to Eductor CV B-CSP From Spray Additive Tank to Eductor CV RWST to RHR Pump Check CV CS Pump.l-A to Charcoal Filter Deluge CV CS Pump 1-B to Charcoal Filter Deluge CV lB Main Steam Isolation CV 1A Main Steam Isolation CV TAFP Discharge Check CV lA MAFP Discharge Check CV lB MAFP Discharge Check Stroke Q Stroke Q Stroke Q Stroke Q Stroke Q Stroke Q Stroke Q 12 Stroke C/R Stroke Q Stroke R Stroke R Stroke M Stroke M Stroke M TITLE: DATE QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION APPENDIX C Pump and Valve Testing Program 1/30/86 PAGE 29 OP 40 Valve 0~Te Note Test~Fre 4003 4004 4009 4010 4014 4016 4017 4023 5133 5136 9627A 9627B 9700A 9700B 9705A 9705B CV TAFP to S/G lA CV TAFP to S/G lB CV lA MAFP to S/G lA CV lB MAFP to S/G lB CV TAFP Suction CV 1B MAFP Suction CV lA MAFP Suction CV TAFP Recirculation CV Diesel Fire Pump Disch.CV Motor Fire Pump Discharge CV 1C SAFP SW Suction CV 1D SAFP SW Suction CV 1C SAFP Discharge CV 1D SAFP Discharge CV 1C SAFP to S/G 1A CV 1D SAFP to S/G 1B 4.11 Category C Relief Valve Stroke M Stroke M Stroke M Stroke M Stroke M Stroke M Stroke M Stroke M Stroke Q Stroke Q Stroke Q Stroke Q Stroke Q Stroke Q Stroke Q Stroke Q Valve 4~Te Note Test~Fre 203 209 RV Letdown High Pressure Safety Relief RV Letdown Low Pressure Safety Relief 15 15 434 RV Pressurizer Safety Relief 15 TITLEc DATE 1/30/86 QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION APPENDIX C Pump and Valve Testing Program PAGE 30 OP 40 Descri tion Valve 0~Te 435 732 755A 755B 758A 758B 818 861 887 1817 3508 3509 3510 3511 3512.3513 3514 3515 Note Test~Fre RV Pressurizer Safety Relief 15 RV CC Surge Tank Relief 15 CC From Excess Letdown Heat Exchanger 15 RV CC From A RCP Thermal Barrier CC From B RCP Thermal Barrier 15 RV 15 RV RV CC From A-RCP Oil Coolers 15 RV CC From B-RCP Oil Coolers 15 CC From Reactor Support Coolers 15 RV RV 1-B CS Pump Suction Relief 15 SI Test Zine Relief Valve Inside Containment 15 RV Alternate Suction From RHR Pump to C SI Pump 15 RV RV 1-B S/G PRV RV 1-A S/G PRV RV 1-B S/G PRV RV 1-A S/G PRV RV 1-A S/G PRV RV 1-A S/G PRV RV 1-B S/G PRV RV 1-A S/G PRV 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION TITLEt APPENDIX C Pump and Valve Testing Program DATE PAGE l/30/86 31 OF 40 Valve 5 T~e 4653 RV.Service Water Relief Note Test~Fre 15 4654 RV Service Water Relief 15 4657 5134 RV Service Water Relief RV Diesel Fire Pump Disch Relief 15 15 5135 RV Motor'Fire Pump Disch Relief 15 4.12 Inservice Valve Testing Notes Note 1-Valves 304A, 304B and 313 cannot be stroked during normal plant operation on a quarterly basis because they would interrupt coolant flow to the reactor coolant pump seals.These valves will be stroked at cold shutdowns and refuel-ing outages.Note 2-Valve 370B cannot be stroked during normal plant operation on a quarterly basis because this test would interrupt charging pump flow.This valve will be stroked at cold shutdowns and refueling outages.Note 3-Valves 204A, 371 and 427 cannot be stroked during normal plant operation on a quarterly basis because this test would interrupt the letdown (CVCS)system.These valves will be stroked at cold shutdowns and refueling outages.Note 4-Valve 383B cannot be stroked during normal plant operation on a quarterly basis because this test would result in substantial radiation exposure to test personnel.
Surveys.intheareaofthetestconnection duringplantoperation indicateneutronfieldsofapproximately 500mr/hrandagammafieldsof250mr/hr. the area of the test connection during plant operation indicate neutron fields of approximately 500 mr/hr and a gamma fields of 250 mr/hr.
QUALITYASSURANCE MANUALGINNASTATIONTITLE:APPENDIXCPumpandValveTestingProgramDATE1/30/86PAGE32DF40Totalwholebodydosagetotestpersonnel isestimated tobe375mrem.Thisvalvewillbestrokedatcoldshutdowns andrefueling outages.Note5-Valves749A,749B,750A,750B,759Aand759Bcannotbestrokedduringnormalplantoperation onaquarterly basisbecausethistestwouldrequirethereactorcoolantpumpstobeshutdowntoeliminate theflowthroughthesechecksandMOVs.Thesevalveswillbestrokedatcoldshutdowns andrefueling outages.Note6-Valves813and814cannotbestrokedduringnormalplantoperation onaquarterly basisbecausethistestwouldremovethecoolanttothereactorvesselsupportsandcavitywall.Thesevalveswillbestrokedatcoldshutdowns andrefueling outages.Note7-Valve879isamanualvalveinthesafetyinjection testlineandiskeptlockedshut.Thisvalveisnotrequiredtochangepositiontoperformasafetyfunc-,tion.Theonlyrequirement isthatleak-agethroughvalve879beacceptably low.Therefore, thequarterly stroke,testhasbeendeleted.Thispassivevalvewillbeonlyleaktestedatrefueling outagesconsistent withIWV-3700-1.
QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION TITLE: APPENDIX C Pump and Valve Testing Program DATE 1/30/86 PAGE 32 DF 40 Total whole body dosage to test personnel is estimated to be 375 mrem.This valve will be stroked at cold shutdowns and refueling outages.Note 5-Valves 749A, 749B, 750A, 750B, 759A and 759B cannot be stroked during normal plant operation on a quarterly basis because this test would require the reactor coolant pumps to be shut down to eliminate the flow through these checks and MOVs.These valves will be stroked at cold shutdowns and refueling outages.Note 6-Valves 813 and 814 cannot be stroked during normal plant operation on a quarterly basis because this test would remove the coolant to the reactor vessel supports and cavity wall.These valves will be stroked at cold shutdowns and refueling outages.Note 7-Valve 879 is a manual valve in the safety injection test line and is kept locked shut.This valve is not required to change position to perform a safety func-, tion.The only requirement is that leak-age through valve 879 be acceptably low.Therefore, the quarterly stroke, test has been deleted.This passive valve will be only leak tested at refueling outages consistent with IWV-3700-1.
Note8-Valves700and721cannotbestrokedduringnormalplantoperation onaquarterly basisbecausethereisaninterlock systemwhichpreventsthesevalvesfromopeningwhentheprimarysystemisatoperating pressure.
Note 8-Valves 700 and 721 cannot be stroked during normal plant operation on a quarterly basis because there is an interlock system which prevents these valves from opening when the primary system is at operating pressure.Valves 700, 701, 720 and 721 separate a high pressure system from a low pressure system.These valves will be stroked at cold shutdowns and refueling outages.
Valves700,701,720and721separateahighpressuresystemfromalowpressuresystem.Thesevalveswillbestrokedatcoldshutdowns andrefueling outages.
QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION TITLE: APPENDIX C Pump and Valve Testing Program DATE PAGE 1/30/86 OF Note 9-Valves 825A, 825B, 856, 896A, and 896B should not be stroked during normal opera-tion on a quarterly basis because-this would cause a temporary loss of system function of the ECCS.These valves pro-vide the suction from the refueling water storage tank to the safety injection and residual heat removal pumps.These valves will be stroked at cold shutdowns and re-fueling outages.Note 10-Valves 853A and 853B cannot be stroked during normal plant operation on a quarterly basis because this test requires pressurizing the RHR system to the primary system operation pressure.These valves will be stroked at refueling outages.Leakage testing of check valves 853A and 853B shall be accomplished prior to criticality following (1)refueling, (2)cold shutdown, and (3)maintenance, repair or replacement work on the valves.Leakage may be measured indirectly from the performance of pressure indicators, system volume measuurements or by direct measurement.
QUALITYASSURANCE MANUALGINNASTATIONTITLE:APPENDIXCPumpandValveTestingProgramDATEPAGE1/30/86OFNote9-Valves825A,825B,856,896A,and896Bshouldnotbestrokedduringnormalopera-tiononaquarterly basisbecause-thiswouldcauseatemporary lossofsystemfunctionoftheECCS.Thesevalvespro-videthesuctionfromtherefueling waterstoragetanktothesafetyinjection andresidualheatremovalpumps.Thesevalveswillbestrokedatcoldshutdowns andre-fuelingoutages.Note10-Valves853Aand853Bcannotbestrokedduringnormalplantoperation onaquarterly basisbecausethistestrequirespressurizing theRHRsystemtotheprimarysystemoperation pressure.
Minimum test differential shall be greater than 150 psid.Technical Specification defines the allowable leakage rates.Note ll-Valves 820, 877A, 877B, 878F, 878H, 1076A, 1076B~1 080Ag 1084Ag 1 084B g IV 3Ag IV 3B g IV 5Ag IV 5B g IV 2Ag IV 2B g 1554 g 1556 g 1557~1579 g 1560'562'563'565'566/
Thesevalveswillbestrokedatrefueling outages.Leakagetestingofcheckvalves853Aand853Bshallbeaccomplished priortocriticality following (1)refueling, (2)coldshutdown, and(3)maintenance, repairorreplacement workonthevalves.Leakagemaybemeasuredindirectly fromtheperformance ofpressureindicators, systemvolumemeasuurements orbydirectmeasurement.
1568 g 1569~1571 1572 1574 g 1793 g 181 1Ag 1811Bg 5129 g 6151'152@6155'175@7141@7226 g 7443 g 7444 g 7445 g 7448 g 7452 g 7456/8418, 8419, 8623, 9227 and 9229 are con-sidered passive valves which are not required to change position to acccomplish their specific function.Stroking these valves would serve no useful function and will therefore not be done as per IWV-3700-1.
Minimumtestdifferential shallbegreaterthan150psid.Technical Specification leakagerates.Notell-Valves820,877A,877B,878F,878H,1076A,1076B~1080Ag1084Ag1084BgIV3AgIV3BgIV5AgIV5BgIV2AgIV2Bg1554g1556g1557~1579g1560'562'563'565'566/
QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION TIT LE i APPENDIX C Pump and Valve Testing Program DATE PAGE 1/30/86 34 DP 40 Note 12-Note Note 14-Note 15-Valve 866A cannot be stroke tested during normal plant operation on a quarterly basis because this test would result in a sub-stantial radiation exposure to test per-sonnel.Stroke testing at this location resulted in approximately 400-mrem whole body exposure to the test personnel.
This valve'will be stroked at cold shutdowns and refueling outages.Valves 867A, 867B, 878G, and 878J cannot be stroked during normal operation on a quarterly basis or at cold shutdown condition when the primary system is full.This test may only be done when the in a refueling shutdown condition with a partially full primary system in order to prevent an over-pressurization.
Leakage, testing of check valves 867A, 867B, 878G and 878J shall be accomplished prior to criticality, except for low power physics testing, following (1)refueling, (2)cold shutdown, and (3)maintenance, repair or replacement work on the valves.Leakage may be measured indirectly from the performance of pressure indicators, system volume measurements or by direct measurement.
7141@7226g7443g7444g7445g7448g7452g7456/8418,8419,8623,9227and9229arecon-sideredpassivevalveswhicharenotrequiredtochangepositiontoacccomplish theirspecificfunction.
Check valves 878G and 878J shall also be tested for leakage following each safety injection flow test.Minimum test differential shall be greater than 150 psid.Technical Specification defines the allowable leakage rates.Valves 3516 and 3517 cannot be stroked during normal plant operation on a quar-terly basis because they are the main steam isolation valves.These valves, are stroked during each plant refueling.
Strokingthesevalveswouldservenousefulfunctionandwilltherefore notbedoneasperIWV-3700-1.
Category C Relief Valves shall be tested in accordance with the extent and fre-quency requirements of Paragraph IWV-3510 of Article IWV of Section XI of the Code.  
QUALITYASSURANCE MANUALGINNASTATIONTITLEiAPPENDIXCPumpandValveTestingProgramDATEPAGE1/30/8634DP40Note12-NoteNote14-Note15-Valve866Acannotbestroketestedduringnormalplantoperation onaquarterly basisbecausethistestwouldresultinasub-stantialradiation exposuretotestper-sonnel.Stroketestingatthislocationresultedinapproximately 400-mremwholebodyexposuretothetestpersonnel.
~T'J QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION TITLE: APPENDIX C Pump and Valve Testing Program DATE PAGE 1/30/86 35 Op 40 Note 16-Valves 430 and 431C are the power operated relief valves associated with the overpressurization system.These valves shall not be stroked quarterly as an unplanned pressure transient could result, from a leaky block valve.Operability of these valves shall be verified as follows: (1)Full stroke exercising during cool down prior to achieving water solid condition in the pressurizer and during cold shutdown prior to heat up.(2)Stroke timing to be performed as a minimum once each refueling cycle as a part of the channel calibration specified by Technical Specifications safe actuation testing is permitted by the code to be per-formed at each cold shutdown if valve cannot be tested during power operation.
Thisvalve'willbestrokedatcoldshutdowns andrefueling outages.Valves867A,867B,878G,and878Jcannotbestrokedduringnormaloperation onaquarterly basisoratcoldshutdowncondition whentheprimarysystemisfull.Thistestmayonlybedonewhentheplant.isinarefueling shutdowncondition withapartially fullprimarysysteminordertopreventanover-pressurization.
(4)Technical specification 4.16.1a and 4.16.1c delineate additional re-quirements for operability verifi-cation of the PORV actuation channel and valve position.Note 17-Additional stroking will be consistent with Technical Specifications.
Leakage,testingofcheckvalves867A,867B,878Gand878Jshallbeaccomplished priortocriticality, exceptforlowpowerphysicstesting,following (1)refueling, (2)coldshutdown, and(3)maintenance, repairorreplacement workonthevalves.Leakagemaybemeasuredindirectly fromtheperformance ofpressureindicators, systemvolumemeasurements orbydirectmeasurement.
Note 18-Valves 852A and 852B cannot be stroked during normal plant operation as these valves, when cycled, could subject the Residual Heat Removal System to a pressure in excess of its design pressure.These valves will be stroked at cold shutdowns and refueling outages.Note 19-Stroking Valves 5392 and 5393 during operation and cold shutdown would inter-rupt instrument air to containment and QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION TITLE: APPENDIX C Pump and Valve Testing Program DATE 1/30/86 PAGE 36 DF 40 Not.e Note 20-21-be disruptive to air operated valves inside.'hese valves will be stroked at refueling outages.Valve 959 is normally closed and in the containment isolating position during normal operation.
Checkvalves878Gand878Jshallalsobetestedforleakagefollowing eachsafetyinjection flowtest.Minimumtestdifferential shallbegreaterthan150psid.Technical Specification leakagerates.Valves3516and3517cannotbestrokedduringnormalplantoperation onaquar-terlybasisbecausetheyarethemainsteamisolation valves.Thesevalves,arestrokedduringeachplantrefueling.
These valves will be stroked at cold shutdown and refueling outages.Valves 1819A, B, C, D, E, F and G cannot be stroked during normal plant operation as this test would interrupt containment pressure monitoring transmitters from performing their intended function.These valves will be stroked at cold and refueling outages.Note Note Note 22-23-Category A valves 5869, 5870, 5878 and 5879 are normally closed and in the containment isolating position during normal operation.
CategoryCReliefValvesshallbetestedinaccordance withtheextentandfre-quencyrequirements ofParagraph IWV-3510ofArticleIWVofSectionXIoftheCode.  
Leak tightness of these valves is reverified following.reclosure after each use in accordance with Section of Technical Speci-fications.
~T'J QUALITYASSURANCE MANUALGINNASTATIONTITLE:APPENDIXCPumpandValveTestingProgramDATEPAGE1/30/8635Op40Note16-Valves430and431Carethepoweroperatedreliefvalvesassociated withtheoverpressurization system.Thesevalvesshallnotbestrokedquarterly asanunplanned pressuretransient couldresult,fromaleakyblockvalve.Operability ofthesevalvesshallbeverifiedasfollows:(1)Fullstrokeexercising duringcooldownpriortoachieving watersolidcondition inthepressurizer andduringcoldshutdownpriortoheatup.(2)Stroketimingtobeperformed asaminimumonceeachrefueling cycleasapartofthechannelcalibration specified byTechnical Specifications testingispermitted bythecodetobeper-formedateachcoldshutdownifvalvecannotbetestedduringpoweroperation.
The valves shall be stroked at.least each cold shutdown.In addition, if the valves are opened for purging,-they shall be stroked at least once each quarter during which they have been opened.Valves 515 and 516 stroked quarterly except if already closed or during cold and refueling shutdowns'.
(4)Technical specification 4.16.1aand4.16.1cdelineate additional re-quirements foroperability verifi-cationofthePORVactuation channelandvalveposition.
Not to be done during time that redundant valve is inoperable per Technical Speci-fication.Note 25-As per Technical Specifications, no cycling shall be done if normally open valve in other flow path is inop'erable in the open position.
Note17-Additional strokingwillbeconsistent withTechnical Specifications.
QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION TITLE c APPENDIX C Pump and Valve Testing Program DATE PAGE 1/30/86 37 OF 40 Note 26-As per Technical Speci f ications, failure of valves 624 and 625 during quarterly stroking in the closed position can degrade LPSI system function.How-ever, these valves shall be stroked at cold shutdown and refueling outages.Note 27-As per Technical Specifications,~failure of valves 857A, 857B, 857C, 897 and 898 during quarterly stroking can degrade the injection phase of the SI pumps.However,-these valves shall be stroked at cold shutdown and refueling outages.Note 28-Check valves 842A and 842B (accumulator check valves)cannot and should not be exercised during plant operation.
Note18-Valves852Aand852Bcannotbestrokedduringnormalplantoperation asthesevalves,whencycled,couldsubjecttheResidualHeatRemovalSystemtoapressureinexcessofitsdesignpressure.
Exercising of these valves requires the reactor coolant system pressure to be reduced to below accumulator pressure.Therefore testing of these valves will'e performed after refueling and cold'hutdowns, and after maintenance, repair or replacement.
Thesevalveswillbestrokedatcoldshutdowns andrefueling outages.Note19-StrokingValves5392and5393duringoperation andcoldshutdownwouldinter-ruptinstrument airtocontainment and QUALITYASSURANCE MANUALGINNASTATIONTITLE:APPENDIXCPumpandValveTestingProgramDATE1/30/86PAGE36DF40Not.eNote20-21-bedisruptive toairoperatedvalvesinside.'hese valveswillbestrokedatrefueling outages.Valve959isnormallyclosedandinthecontainment isolating positionduringnormaloperation.
Full stroke testing, which involves discharge of the accumu-lator through the valve to a partially-filled reactor coolant system will not be utilized since this test mode is considered impractical and unsafe.Valve operability from the normal closed.position will be verified by partial stroking prior to leak testing with flow through the safety injection test line.Leak testing will be performed to assure primary system integrity following each cold and refueling shutdown after achieving normal reactor coolant system pressure and prior to reactor criticality.
Thesevalveswillbestrokedatcoldshutdownandrefueling outages.Valves1819A,B,C,D,E,FandGcannotbestrokedduringnormalplantoperation asthistestwouldinterrupt containment pressuremonitoring transmitters fromperforming theirintendedfunction.
Testing will be performed by either (1)closing each accumulator motor operated discharge valve, pressuring the line downstream of the check valves and measuring the upstream leakage, or (2)by measuring 1I P+'
Thesevalveswillbestrokedatcoldandrefueling outages.NoteNoteNote22-23-CategoryAvalves5869,5870,5878and5879arenormallyclosedandinthecontainment isolating positionduringnormaloperation.
QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION APPENDIX C Pump and Valve Testing Program 1/30/86 PAGE 38 PP 40 accumulator in-leakage by pressurizing the line downstream of the 842 valves.These valves are not event V-check valves'.Therefore, the test acceptance criterion shall be that of Technical Specification 3.1.5.Note 29-Valves 877A, 877B, 878F and 878H are currently not listed in our valve test program, however, a pair of these valves in each hot leg high head safety injec-tion line (877A nd 878F in loop B hot leg and 877B and 878H in loop A hot leg)together form one of the two pressure boundaries required to be tested by Technical Specification these valves are normally closed and the piping contains motor operated valves (MOV's)which are also closed and deener-gized, the check valves will not.move with the possible exception of when the MOVs are required to be opened to test the check valves.Thus, once tested the check valves will remain closed.An NRCorder dated April 20, 1981 established an appropriate test frequency for these valves to be once every 40 months or after each opening of the MOVs.These valves are listed as passive valves in our valve testing program with testing required to meet Technical Specification 30-Valves 851A and 851B are'ot qualified to operate in the post-accident containment environment and therefore not required to perform a post-accident function.Since the valves are normally open, and in their post-accident position, stroking of these valves will not be performed.
Leaktightness ofthesevalvesisreverified following
Note 31-Valves 4601, 4602, 4603 and 4604 shall be leak tested each refueling outage using a back flow test method to determine QUAJ ITY AS SURANCE MANUAZ GINNA STATION TITI.Kc APPENDIX C Pump and Valve Testing Program DATE 1/30/86 PAGE 39 DF 40 if'ack flow to the corresponding idle pump is minimal (i.e.2 psid as monitored by pressure change in the discharge header between pump discharge isolated and unisolated).
.reclosure aftereachuseinaccordance withSection4.4.2.4ofTechnical Speci-fications.
Quarterly valve stroking shall be limited to verifying that a normally closed valve will open concurrent with the start of an idle pump.An open check valve for a pump already in service will be deemed operable without'having to stop and restart the pump since the open valve is considered to be performing its normal safety function.Note Note 32-33-Valves 590, 591, 592 and 593 shall not, be stroked quarterly as an unplanned pressure transient could result from a leaky alternate isolation valve.These valves will be stroked at refueling outages Sampling valves 951 and.953 need not be stroked as part of this program as they are not required to perform a safety function.Although considered to be part of the reactor coolant system boundary, 10CFR50.55a(c)(2) specifies that components which are connected to the reactor coolant system and are.part of the boundary as defined in 50.2(v)of this part need not meet the requirements of paragraph (c)(1)of this section, provided: In the event of postulated failure of the component, during normal reactor operation, the reactor can be shut down and cooled down in an orderly manner, assuming makeup is provided by the reactor coolant makeup system.The valves are exercised during routine.sampling operations.
PVT 5.0 Records 5.1 Records for the Inservice Pump Testing Program shall be developed and maintained in accordance with Article IWP-6000 of Section XI of the Code.
Inaddition, ifthevalvesareopenedforpurging,-theyshallbestrokedatleastonceeachquarterduringwhichtheyhavebeenopened.Valves515and516strokedquarterly exceptifalreadyclosedorduringcoldandrefueling shutdowns'.
QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION TITLEs APPENDIX C Pump and Valve Testing Program DATE PAGE 1/30/86 40 DP 40 5.2 Records for the Inservice Valve Testing Program shall be developed and maintained in accordance with Article IWV-6000 of Section XI of the Code.  
Nottobedoneduringtimethatredundant valveisinoperable perTechnical Speci-fication.
~~a gW l}}
Note25-AsperTechnical Specifications, nocyclingshallbedoneifnormallyopenvalveinotherflowpathisinop'erable intheopenposition.
QUALITYASSURANCE MANUALGINNASTATIONTITLEcAPPENDIXCPumpandValveTestingProgramDATEPAGE1/30/8637OF40Note26-AsperTechnical Specifications3.3.1.2.e,failureofvalves624and625duringquarterly strokingintheclosedpositioncandegradeLPSIsystemfunction.
How-ever,thesevalvesshallbestrokedatcoldshutdownandrefueling outages.Note27-AsperTechnical Specifications,
~failureofvalves857A,857B,857C,897and898duringquarterly strokingcandegradetheinjection phaseoftheSIpumps.However,-
thesevalvesshallbestrokedatcoldshutdownandrefueling outages.Note28-Checkvalves842Aand842B(accumulator checkvalves)cannotandshouldnotbeexercised duringplantoperation.
Exercising ofthesevalvesrequiresthereactorcoolantsystempressuretobereducedtobelowaccumulator pressure.
Therefore testingofthesevalveswill'eperformed afterrefueling andcold'hutdowns, andaftermaintenance, repairorreplacement.
Fullstroketesting,whichinvolvesdischarge oftheaccumu-latorthroughthevalvetoapartially-filledreactorcoolantsystemwillnotbeutilizedsincethistestmodeisconsidered impractical andunsafe.Valveoperability fromthenormalclosed.position willbeverifiedbypartialstrokingpriortoleaktestingwithflowthroughthesafetyinjection testline.Leaktestingwillbeperformed toassureprimarysystemintegrity following eachcoldandrefueling shutdownafterachieving normalreactorcoolantsystempressureandpriortoreactorcriticality.
Testingwillbeperformed byeither(1)closingeachaccumulator motoroperateddischarge valve,pressuring thelinedownstream ofthecheckvalvesandmeasuring theupstreamleakage,or(2)bymeasuring 1IP+'
QUALITYASSURANCE MANUALGINNASTATIONAPPENDIXCPumpandValveTestingProgram1/30/86PAGE38PP40accumulator in-leakage bypressurizing thelinedownstream ofthe842valves.ThesevalvesarenoteventV-checkvalves'.Therefore, thetestacceptance criterion shallbethatofTechnical Specification 3.1.5.Note29-Valves877A,877B,878Fand878Harecurrently notlistedinourvalvetestprogram,however,apairofthesevalvesineachhotleghighheadsafetyinjec-tionline(877And878FinloopBhotlegand877Band878HinloopAhotleg)togetherformoneofthetwopressureboundaries requiredtobetestedbyTechnical Specification's)whicharealsoclosedanddeener-gized,thecheckvalveswillnot.movewiththepossibleexception ofwhentheMOVsarerequiredtobeopenedtotestthecheckvalves.Thus,oncetestedthecheckvalveswillremainclosed.AnNRCorderdatedApril20,1981established anappropriate testfrequency forthesevalvestobeonceevery40monthsoraftereachopeningoftheMOVs.ThesevalvesarelistedaspassivevalvesinourvalvetestingprogramwithtestingrequiredtomeetTechnical Specification'otqualified tooperateinthepost-accident containment environment andtherefore notrequiredtoperformapost-accident function.
: position, strokingofthesevalveswillnotbeperformed.
Note31-Valves4601,4602,4603and4604shallbeleaktestedeachrefueling outageusingabackflowtestmethodtodetermine QUAJITYASSURANCEMANUAZGINNASTATIONTITI.KcAPPENDIXCPumpandValveTestingProgramDATE1/30/86PAGE39DF40if'ackflowtothecorresponding idlepumpisminimal(i.e.2psidasmonitored bypressurechangeinthedischarge headerbetweenpumpdischarge isolatedandunisolated).
Quarterly valvestrokingshallbelimitedtoverifying thatanormallyclosedvalvewillopenconcurrent withthestartofanidlepump.Anopencheckvalveforapumpalreadyinservicewillbedeemedoperablewithout'havingtostopandrestartthepumpsincetheopenvalveisconsidered tobeperforming itsnormalsafetyfunction.
NoteNote32-33-Valves590,591,592and593shallnot,bestrokedquarterly asanunplanned pressuretransient couldresultfromaleakyalternate isolation valve.Thesevalveswillbestrokedatrefueling outagesSamplingvalves951and.953neednotbestrokedaspartofthisprogramastheyarenotrequiredtoperformasafetyfunction.
Althoughconsidered tobepartofthereactorcoolantsystemboundary, 10CFR50.55a(c)(2) specifies thatcomponents whichareconnected tothereactorcoolantsystemandare.partoftheboundaryasdefinedin50.2(v)ofthispartneednotmeettherequirements ofparagraph (c)(1)ofthissection,provided:
Intheeventofpostulated failureofthecomponent, duringnormalreactoroperation, thereactorcanbeshutdownandcooleddowninanorderlymanner,assumingmakeupisprovidedbythereactorcoolantmakeupsystem.Thevalvesareexercised duringroutine.samplingoperations.
PVT5.0Records5.1RecordsfortheInservice PumpTestingProgramshallbedeveloped andmaintained inaccordance withArticleIWP-6000ofSectionXIoftheCode.
QUALITYASSURANCE MANUALGINNASTATIONTITLEsAPPENDIXCPumpandValveTestingProgramDATEPAGE1/30/8640DP405.2RecordsfortheInservice ValveTestingProgramshallbedeveloped andmaintained inaccordance withArticleIWV-6000ofSectionXIoftheCode.  

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Rev 7 to QA Manual,App C, Ginna Station Inservice Pump & Valve Testing Program for 810101-891231 Period.
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Issue date: 01/24/1986
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RE Y.PAGE QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION ROCHESTER GAS&ELECTRIC CORPORATION EFFECTIVE DATE: January 30, 1986 SIGNATURE OF DATE TITLE: Appendix C-Ginna Station Inservice Pump and Valve Testing Program'or the January 1, 1981 through December 31, 1989 Period REVIEW i gg-tC APPROVED BY: Q/(~/z Y PREPARED BT: (,/7 L'[/~/g Pro ram Table of Contents



Program: Discussion PVT l.0 Scope and Responsibility PVT 2.0 Code Edition and Testing Interval PVT 3.0 Inservice Pump Testing Program PVT 4.0 Inservice Valve Testing Program PVT 5.0 Records sa02OS0>0S aaozas PDR ADOCK 05000244 P PDR 4 0 t K QUAI ITY AS SURANCE MANUAI GINNA STATION TITLKs APPENDIX C Pump and Valve Testing Program DATE PAGE 1/30/86 2 DP 40 Introduction This appendix to the Quality Assurance Manual defines the Inservice Pump and Valve Testing Program for the ten year period starting January 1, 1981 through December 31, 1989.Included in this program are the Quality Groups A, B and C Pumps which are provided with an emergency power source and those Quality Groups A, B and C Valves which are required to shut down the reactor or to mitigate the consequences of an accident and maintain the reactor in a safe shutdown condition."This program has been developed as required by Section 50.55a(g)of 10CFRSO following the guidance of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section XI-"Rules for Inservice Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components," (hereafter referred to as the"Code")excluding the controls of the Authorized Inspector, Enforcement Authority, Reporting Systems and N-Stamp Symbol.The inservice testing program shall be controlled by the Ginna Station Quality Assurance Program for Station Operation.

Quality Groups A, B and C components correspond to those defined in NRC-Regulatory Guide 1.26.Further addenda and editions of Section XI of the Code shall'be used for clarification of test.requirements and performance.

The Inservice Pump and Valve Testing Program substantially augments but does not affect the pump and valve surveillance program required by Technical Specifications.

Technical Specification requirements associated with pump and valve surveillance, shall continue to be implemented as specified.

QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAI GINNA STATION TITLEs APPENDIX C Pump and Valve Testing Program DATE PACE 42i52 C 1/30/86 3 DP 40 Definitions AFP AOV APV BA Code Auxiliary Feedwater Pump Air Operated Valve Air Operated Piston Valve Boric Acid American Society of Mechanical Engineers CC CS CSP CV C/R, ECCS FCV GA GDT HCV HX LCV M MAFP'OV PCV PORV PRT PRV PVT Q R RCDT RCP RCV RHR RMW RV RWST RX S/G SAFWP SI SOV SW Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Component Cooling Containment Spray Containment Spray Pump Check Valve Cold Shutdown and Refueling Emergency Core Cooling System Flow Control Valve Gas Analyzer Gas Decay Tank Hand Control Valve Heat Exchanger Level Control Valve Monthly Motor Driven Auxiliary Feedwater Motor Operated Valve Manual Valve Pressure Control Valve Power Operated Relief Valve Pressurizer Relief Tank Pressure Relief Valve Pump and Valve Testing Quarterly Refueling Outage Reactor Coolant Drain Tank Reactor Coolant Pump Radiation Control Valve Residual Heat Removal Reactor Makeup Water Relief Valve Refueling Water Storage Tank Reactor Vessel Steam Generator Standby Auxiliary Feedwater Pump Safety Injection Solenoid Operated Valve Service Water Pump 4 ,S r i.

QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION TITLE<APPENDIX C Pump and Valve Testing Program 42i5t C DATE 1/30/86 PAGE 4 DF 40 Definitions TAFP VC VCT VH Turbine Driven Auxiliary Feedwater Pump Volume Control Volume Control Tank Vent Header CAT A VALVE-Valves for which seat leakage is limited to a specific maximum amount in the closed position of fullfillment of'their function.CAT B VALVE-Valves for which seat leakage in the closed position is inconsequential for fullfillment of their function.CAT C VALVE-Valves which are self-actuating in response to some characteristic, such as pressure (relief valves)or flow direction (check valves).

t J r ze QUALITY AS SURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION TITLEc APPENDIX C Pump and Valve Testing Program DATE PAGE 1/30/86 5 DF 40 Pum and Valve Testin Pro ram PVT 1.0 Sco e and Res onsibilit 1.2 1.3 PVT 2.0 The inservice testing program defines the testing program for Quality Groups A, B and C Pumps and Valves in accordance with the requirements of Articles IWP and IWV of Section XI of the Code.The results of these tests are to assure the operational readiness of pumps and valves.It is the responsibility of the Ginna Station Test and Results Supervisor to implement this test program and develop inservice test proce-dures which will outline the specific test for each pump and valve included in the program.When a valve, pump or its control system has been replaced or repaired or has undergone maintenance that could affect its performance, and prior to the time it is returned to service, it shall be tested as necessary to demonstrate that the per-formance parameters which could have been affected by the replacement, repair, or maintenance are within acceptable limits.Code Edition and Testin Interval 2.1 PVT 3.0 3.1 The Inservice Pump and Valve Testing Program for the ten (10)year period starting January 1, 1981 through December 31, 1989 was developed utilizing the 1977 Edition of Section XI of the Code through the Summer 1978 Addenda.Inservice Pum Testin Pro ram The Inservice Pump Testing Program was developed in accordance with the requirements of Article IWP of Section XI of the Code.This program includes all Quality Group A, B and C pumps which are provided with an emergency power source and are required to perform a specific function in shutting down a reactor or in mitigating the consequences of an accident and maintain the reactor in a safe shutdown condition.

QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION TITLE<APPENDIX C Pump and Valve Testing Program DATE PAGE 1/30/86 6 OF 40 3.2 The following pumps shall be tested in accordance with Article IWP of Section XI: 3.3 (a)lA Component Cooling (b)lB Component Cooling (c)1A Safety Injection (d)lB Safety 1njection (e)lC Safety Injection (f)lA Residual Heat Removal (g)1B Residual Heat Removal (h)lA Containment Spray (i)1B Containment Spray (j)lA Motor Driven Auxiliary Feedwater (k)lB Motor Driven Auxiliary Feedwater (1)Turbine Driven Auxiliary Feedwater (m)lA Service Water (n)lB Service Water (o)1C Service Water (p)lD Service Water (q)1C Standby Auxiliary Feedwater (r)1D Standby Auxiliary Feedwater With one exception, test parameters that shall be measured or observed during inservice testing of each pump are those listed in Table IWP-3100-1 of Section XI and include inlet pressure, differential pressure, flow rate, vibration amplitude, and proper lubricant level or pressure.The exception is for the measurement of pump bearing temperatures and there are several reasons why this measurement is either undesirable or inconclusive.

Specifically, for the service water pumps, the bearings are submersed in up to forty feet of water making bearing temperatures closely approximate the surrounding water temperature and measurement of temperatures almost impossible.

For the auxiliary and standby auxiliary feedwater pumps the test conditions require the discharge of ambient temperature water into the 400 degree F feedwater lines.Since it can typically take in excess of an hour to stabilize bearing temperatures this causes an unnecessary extended temperature trans-ient, in the feedwater line.For the residual heat removal and safety injection pumps the system configurations do not allow testing the pumps at actual pump service conditions during lant o eration.Instead the tests must be QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION TITLE<APPENDIX C Pump and Valve Testing Program DATE l/30/86 PAGE 7 OF 40 4i AC 3.4 performed at an off-design flow condition which results in higher bearing temperatures than normal.This is to be expected since higher than normal thrust loads are placed on the pump bearings during this reduced flow test condition.

The extended time required for bearing temperatures to stabilize subjects the pump to lengthy periods of unnecessarily high loads.The pump vendors do not consider the measurement of bearing temperature in this type of off-design condition to be a good indication of bearing conditions.

The vendors recommended bearing temperature limits are based on normal operating conditions and do not apply to this type of testing.In general, vibration is considered-to be a better indication of bearing condition since a significant increase in bearing temperature will normally only occur if bearing failure is imminent.Finally, test conditions cannot be easily controlled to produce temperature repeatability since readings are subject to a large number of variables such as ambient air temperature, cooling water temperature (where applicable), location of temperature probe attach-ment, temperature of the fluid pumped and quantity of the fluid pumped.One or both residual heat removal pumps may be required to be operable, by the plant Technical Specifications, when the average reactor coolant temperature is between 350 degrees F.and 200 degrees F.or the plant is at cold or refueling shutdown.Typically, in this case, at least one residual heat removal pump will be in operation.

Testing will be performed in accordance with IWP-3400, which, includes operating the pump at reference conditions, if practicable, and providing a log which shows that the parameters monitored during normal plant operation were measured, recorded and analyzed.The practicability of duplicating cold shutdown reference conditions may be impacted by refueling water level during refueling and inservice reactor inspections as well as decay heat removal rate.The test frequency for the pumps shall be as follows: a.Component cooling water pumps shall be tested monthl

.I p QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION APPENDIX C Pump and Valve Testing Program PACE 1/30/86 8 DF 40 b.Safety injection pumps shall be tested monthly except during cold or refueling shutdowns.

The pumps shall be tested prior to startup if the time since the last test exceeds one month.C.d.Residual heat removal pumps shall be tested monthly except during cold or refueling shutdown.The pumps shall be tested prior to startup if the time since the last test exceeds one month.When the reactor coolant system temperature is between 350'F and 200'F or the plant is at cold or refueling shutdown the plant Technical Specifications may require one or both residual heat removal pumps to be operable.If this is the case, then the required pumps shall be tested monthly.Containment spray pumps shall be tested monthly except during cold or refueling shutdown.The pumps shall be tested prior to startup if the time since the last test exceeds one month.e.Motor driven auxiliary feedwater pumps, turbine driven auxiliary feedwater pump, and the standby auxiliary feedwater pumps shall be tested monthly except during cold or refueling shutdowns.

The pumps shall be tested prior to exceeding 5%power if the time since the last test exceeds one month.Service water pumps shall be tested monthly.Testing of a pump need not be performed if that pump is declared inoperable without the testing.Consistent with plant Technical Specifications, specified intervals may be extended by 25%to accommodate normal test schedules.

0 QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION TITI.Ks APPENDIX C Pump and Valve Testing Program DATE 1/30/86 9 DF 40 PVT 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Inservice Valve Testin Pro ram II The Inservice Valve Testing Program was developed in accordance with the requirements of Article IWV of Section XI of the Code.All,those valves that are required to perform a specific function either to shut down the reactor to the cold shut-down condition or in mitigating the consequences

-'f an accident and maintain the reactor in a safe shutdown condition are included in the program.The Inservice Valve Testing Program Requirements for Category A and B Valves are in Tables PVT 4.7 and 4.8, respectively.

Category C Valves are broken down into two categories, Check Valves and Relief Valves, which are in Tables PVT 4.9 and 4.10, respectively.

Category D Valves are not included in this testing program because there are none included in Ginna Station design.Some exceptions and exemptions to the testing re-quirements of Article IWV have been taken based on operational interference, placing the plant in an unsafe condition and Technical Specification requirements.

All exceptions and exemptions are listed on the valve tables and explained in the referenced notes, PVT 4.12.4,4 4.5 The exercising program for'Category A and B Valves, with the exception of check valves, shall require a complete stroking of each valve per the valve testing tables.Except where operational constraints prevail and exceptions have been authorized all check valves, including Category C Valves, shall be exercised to the position required to fulfill their function.These functional

'ests shall be verified by the operation of the required system.Valves which malfunction during stroking will not be considered inoperable as defined by Technical Specifications, when the malfunction does not prevent the valves from performing its safety function.Category A and B valves operation shall be timed each time they are stroked utilizing switch initiation and the position indicators, which are accessible durin lant o eration.Durin each

QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION TITI.Ea APPENDIX C Pump and Valve Testing Program DATE PAGE 1/30/86 10 DP 40 4.6 refueling outage a visual verification shall be made to confirm direct correspondence between valve operators and the position indicators.

For a valve in a system declared inoperable or not required to be operable the exercising test schedule need not be followed.Within 30 days prior to return of the system to operable status, the valves shall be exercised and the schedule resumed.4.7 4.8 The testing of valves required at cold shutdown and refueling outages will normally take four (4)days to complete.When cold shutdowns are of a shorter duration (2-3 days), test personnel shall attempt to test as many valves as possible without holding up the startup of the unit with testing beginning no later.than 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> after the plant reaches cold shutdown (as defined in Technical Specification 1.2).For very short cold shutdowns (less than 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br />), it would be impossible to mobilize test personnel to implement the testing program under the required procedural controls, therefore no valves would be tested.It is possible that, during a four (4)day cold shut-down, the work load on test personnel may preclude their completion of all the required valve tests prior to startup.Any testing not completed at one cold shutdown due to outage duration shall be performed during any subsequent cold shutdowns that may occur before the next refueling outage to meet the specified testing frequency.

Valve testing during cold shutdowns need not be more frequent than one test per quarter for each valve in the test program.)Category A Valves Valve 5~Te Descri tion Note Test~Fre 204A 304A 304B MV Letdown to NRHX CV 1-A RCP Seal Injection CV 1-B RCP Seal Injection Stroke C/R Leak R Stroke C/R Leak R Stroke C/R Leak R QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION TITL,Ka APPENDIX C Pump and Valve Testing Program GATE PAGE 1/30/86 11 gf: 40 Valve 5~Te.Note Test~Fre 313 370B 371 383B 508 528 529 539 546 547 743 745 749A 749B 750A MOV Seal Water Return Isolation CV Charging Line Isolation AOV Letdown Isolation CV Alternate Charging Iine AOV RMW to Containment Vessel Stop CV N2 Supply to PRT CV RMW to PRT AOV PRT Stop Valve to Gas Analyzer MV PRT to Gas Analyzer MV Nitrogen to PRT CV CC From Excess Letdown HX.AOV Return From Excess Let-down HX.MOV CCW to A RCP MOV CCW to B RCP CV CC to A RCP Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke.Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak C/R R C/R R C/R R C/R R Q R Q R Q R Q R Q R Q R Q R C/R R C/R R C/R R QUALITY ASSURANCE'ANUAL GINNA STATION TITLE)APPENDIX C Pump and Valve Testing Program DATE PAGE 1/30/86 12 DF 40 Valve 4 T~e 750B CV CC to B RCP Note Test Stroke Leak~Fre C/R R 759A 759B 813 814 820 842A 842B 846 853A 853B 862A 862B MOV Containment Stop CC From Loop A RCP MOV Containment Stop CC From Ioop B RCP MOV CC Supply to RX Support Coolers MOV CC Return to RX Support Coolers MV Letdown to NRHX CV Loop A Accumulator Dump Line Check Valve CV Loop B Accumulator Dump Line Check Valve AOV N2 Supply to Accumulators CV Core Deluge Check CV Core Deluge Check CV 1-A CSP Disch CV l-B CSP Disch 5 7 28 28 10 10 10 10 Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak C/R R C/R R C/R R C/R R C/R C/R C/R C/R Q R C/R C/R C/R C/R Q R Q R 867A 867B CV Accumulator Dump and SI to Cold Leg Loop B CV Accumulator Dump and SI to Cold Leg Loop A 13 Stroke 13 Leak 13 Stroke 13 Leak R C/R R.C/R QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION TITI.Ec APPENDIX C Pump and Valve Testing Program DATE 1/30/86 PAGE 13 DP 40 870B CV l-B to 1-C SI Pump Disch Valve 0~Te 870A CV 1-A to 1-C SI Pump Disch Note Test Free{Stroke Q Leak R Stroke Q Leak R 877A 877B 878F 878G 878H 878J 879 889A 889B 921 922 923 924 CV High Safety Injection Loop B Hot Leg CV High Safety Injection Loop A Hot Leg CV High Safety Injection Loop B Hot Leg CV 1-A SI Pump to Cold Leg Loop B CV High Safety Injection Loop A Hot Leg CV 1-B SI Pump to Cold Leg Zoop A MV SI Test Line Isolation CV l-A SI Pump Disch CV l-B SI Pump Disch SOV Loop A Hydrogen Monitor Inlet SOV Zoop A Hydrogen Monitor Outlet SOV Loop B Hydrogen Monitor Inlet SOV Loop B Hydrogen Monitor Outlet 11 29 11 29 ll-29 13 13 11 29 13 13 Stroke Leak 40 Mo.Stroke Leak 40 Mo.Stroke Z,eak 40 Mo.Stroke R Leak C/R Stroke Leak 40 Mo.Stroke R Leak C/R Stroke Leak R Stroke Q Leak R Stroke Q Leak R Stroke Q Leak R Stroke Q Zeak R Stroke Q Z,eak R Stroke Q Leak R QUAZ ITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION TITLE: APPENDIX C Pump and Valve Testing Program DATE PAGE 1/30/86 14 DF 40 Valve 0~e Descri tion Note Test~Fre 956D 956E 956F 966A 966B 966C 1003A Hot Leg Loop Sample Containment Isolation PRZR Liquid Space Sample Containment Isolation AOV AOV AOV PRZR Steam Space Sample Containment Isolation Pressurizer Steam Space Containment Isolation Pressurizer Liquid Space Containment Isolation Loop A and B Hot Leg Containment Isolation LCV l-A RCDT Pump Suction Stroke Q Leak R Stroke Q Leak R Stroke Q Leak R Stroke Q Leak R Stroke Q Zeak R Stroke Q Zeak R Stroke Q Leak R 1003B 1076A IV-3A 1076B IV-3B 1080A IV-2A IV-2B LCV l-B RCDT Pump Suction MV Hydrogen to"A" Recombiner 11 Pilot Containment Isolation SOV Hydrogen to"A" Recombiner ll Pilot Containment Isolation MV Hydrogen to"B" Recombiner ll Pilot Containment Isolation SOV Hydrogen to"B" Recombiner ll Pilot Containment Isolation MV Oxygen Make Up to Contain-ll ment, Isolation.

Oxygen Make Up to Contain-ll ment Isolation (A Recombiner)

Oxygen Make Up to Contain-11 ment, Isolation (B Recombiner)

Stroke Zeak Stroke Leak Stroke Zeak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Q R R QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION TITLE: APPENDIX C Pump and Valve Testing Program DATE PAGE 1/3 0/86 15 OF 40 Valve 5~e 1084A MV Hydrogen to"A" Recombiner Main Burner Containment Isolation Note Test Stroke Leak~FreIV-5A 1084B IV-5B 1554 1556 1557 1559 1560 1562 1563 1565 1566 1568 SOV Hydrogen to"A" Recombiner Main Burner Containment Isolation MV Hydrogen to"B" Recombiner Main Burner Containment Isolation SOV Hydrogen to"B" Recombiner Main Burner Containment Isolation MV D Recirc.Fan Air Sample Isolation MV D Recirc.Fan Air Sample Isolation MV A Recirc.Fan Air Sample Isolation MV A Recirc.Fan Air Sample Isolation MV A S D Return Iine Isolation MV A 6 D Return Line Isolation MV B Recirc.Fan Air Sample Isolation MV B Recirc.Fan Air Sample Isolation MV B Recirc.Fan Air Sample Return Line Isolation MV B Recirc.Fan Air Sample Return Line Isolation Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak R

'J QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION TITLEi APPENDIX C Pump and Valve Testing Program DATE PAGE i2 QC 1/30/86'6 DF 40 Valve 4~Te 1569 1571 1572 1574 C Recirc.Fan Air Sample Isolation C Recirc.Fan Air Sample Isolation C Recirc.Fan Air Sample Return Line Isolation C Recirc.Fan Air Sample Return Line Isolation Note Test~Fre Stroke Leak R Stroke Leak R Stroke Leak R Stroke Leak R 1596 1597 1598 1599 1655 l7l3 172l 1723 1728 1786 1787 MV Radiation Monitor Supply AOV Radiation Monitor Supply AOV Radiation Monitor Exhaust AOV Radiation Monitor Exhaust MV RCDT to Gas Analyzer CV N2 to RCDT AOV Suction line to RCDT AOV A Containment Sump Disch to Waste Holdup Tank AOV A Containment Sump Disch to Waste Holdup Tank AOV RCDT to VH Isolation AOV RCDT to VH Isolation Stroke Q Leak R Stroke Q Leak R'troke Q Leak R Stroke Q Leak R Stroke Q Leak R Stroke Q Leak R Stroke Q Leak R Stroke Q Leak R Stroke Q Leak R Stroke Q'eak R Stroke Q Leak R QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION TITLE: APPENDIX C Pump and Valve Testing Program DATE 1/30/86 PAGE 1740 Valve 4~Te Note Test~Fze 1793 MV N2 to RCDT Isolation l789 AOV RCDT to GA Containment Isolation 11*Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Q R 1819A MV Containment Pressure Transmitter 945 Isolation 21 Stroke Leak C/R R 1819B MV Containment Pressure Transmitter 946 Isolation 21 Stroke C/R Leak R 1819C MV Containment Pressure Transmitter 947 Isolation 21 Stroke Leak C/R R 1819D MV Containment Pressure Transmitter 948 Isolation 21 Stroke C/R Leak R 1819E 1819F MV Containment Pressure Transmitter 949 Isolation MV Containment Pressure Transmitter 950 Isolation 21 21 Stroke Leak'troke Leak C/R R C/R R 1819G MV Containment Piessure 21 Transmitter 944 Isolation Stroke Leak C/R R 4601 4602 CV 1A Service Water Pump 31 Discharge 31 CV 1B Service Water Pump 31 Discharge 31 Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Q R Q R 4603 CV 1C Service Water Pump Discharge 31 31 Stroke Leak Q R 4604 5129 5392 CV 1D Service Water Pump 31 Discharge 31 MV Construction Fire Service 11 Water Containment Isolation AOV Instrument Air to Contain-19 ment Isolation Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Q R R R TITLEs DATE QUAI ITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION APPENDIX C Pump and Valve Testing Program 1/30/86 PAGE 18 pp 40 Valve 4~Te Note Test~Fre 5393 5701 5702 5733 CV Instrument Air to Containment Isolation MV A-S/G Blowdown Isolation MV B-S/G Blowdown Isolation MV A-S/G Sample Isolation 19 Stroke R Leak R Stroke Q Leak R Stroke Q Leak R Stroke Q Leak R 5734 5735 MV B-S/G Sample Isolation AOV"A" S/G Blowdown Sample Isolation Stroke Q Leak R Stroke Q Leak'5736 5737 5738 5869 5870 5878 5879 6151 6152 AOV"B" S/G Blowdown Sample Isolation AOV"B" S/G Blowdown Isolation AOV"A" S/G Blowdown Isolation APV Containment Purge Supply Isolation APV Containment Purge Supply Isolation APV.Containment Purge Exhaust Isolation APV Containment Purge Exhaust Isolation MV Auxiliary Steam Supply to Containment MV Condensate Return from Containment

  • -See Note 22 22 22 22 22 Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Ieak Q R Q R Q R QUAI ITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION TITLEs APPENDIX C Pump and Valve Testing Program DATE 1/30/86 PAGE 19 DP 40 Valve 8~Te 6165 Aux.Steam Supply to Containment Note Test Free{Stroke Leak 6175 7141 7226 7443 CV MOV Condensate Return from Containment Service Air Isolation Outside Containment Service Air Isolation Inside Containment Containment Air Test Supply Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak ll Stroke Leak R 7444 7445 7448 7452 7456 7970 7971 8418 MOV Containment Air Test Vent MOV Containment Air Test Vent MV Isolation Valve from Containment to Local Pressure Indicator for Containment Air Test MV Isolation Valve from Containment to Local Pressure Indicator for Containment Air Test MV Isolation Valve from Containment to Iocal Pressure Indicator for Containment Air Test AOV Containment Depressuri-zation Valve AOV Containment Depressuri-zation Valve AOV Demin.Water to Contain-ment Isolation ll Stroke Leak R 11 Stroke Leak R 11 Stroke Ieak R 11 Stroke Leak R ll Stroke Leak R Stroke Q Leak R Stroke Q Leak-R Stroke Leak R QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION TITLE)APPENDIX C Pump and Valve Testing Program DATE 1/30/86 PAGE 20 DF 40 Valve 4~Te Note Test~Fre 8419 8623 9227 9229 4.9 CV.Demin.Water to Contain-ment Isolation CV Nitrogen to Accumulators Isolation AOV Fire Service Water Containment Isolation CV Fire Service Water Containment Isolation Category B Valves Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Leak Stroke Ieak Valve 0~Te 014 017 RCV Aux Building GDT Release RCV Component, Cooling Surge Tank Vent Note Test Free{Stroke Q Stroke Q 081 082 083 084 085 086 ll2B 112C APV Control Room Ventilation Damper APV Control Room Ventilation Damper APV Control Room Ventilation Damper APV Control Room Ventilation Damper APV Control Room Ventilation Damper APV Control Room Ventilation Damper LCV Emergency Makeup RWST to Charging Pump LCV VCT Outlet Stroke Q Stroke Q Stroke Q Stroke Q Stroke Q Stroke.Q Stroke Q Stroke Q

QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION TITLE: APPENDIX C Pump and Valve Testing Program DATE 1/30/86 PAGE 21 DF 40 Valve 5~Te Descri tion 427 430 AOV Letdown From Loop B PORV Pressurizer Power Operated Relief Note Test~Fre 3 Stroke C/R 16 Stroke C/R 431C PORV Pressurizer Power Operated Relief 16 Stroke C/R 515 516 MOV MOV Pressurizer PORV Block Valve Pressurizer PORV Block Valve 23 Stroke Q 23 Stroke Q 590 591 592 593 624 625 626 700 MOV RHR Inlet Isolation From Loop A SOV Reactor Head Vent SOV Reactor Head Vent SOV Reactor Head Vent SOV Reactor Head Vent HCV l-B RHR HX Outlet HCV 1-A RHR HX Outlet FCV RHR Loop Return Recirc.26 Stroke C/R Stroke Q Stroke'/R 32 Stroke R 32 Stroke R 32 Stroke R 32 Stroke R 26 Stroke C/R 701 MOV RHR Inlet Isolation From Loop A 8 Stroke C/R 704A 704B 720 MOV RHR Return Isolation to Loop B MOV Suction l-A RHR Pump MOV Suction l-B RHR Pump 24 Stroke Q 24 Stroke Q 8 Stroke C/R 72l MOV RHR Return Isolation to Loop B 8 Stroke C/R QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION TITLE<APPENDIX C Pump and Valve Testing Program DATE PAGE 1/30/86 22 PP 40 Valve 4~Te Note.Test~Fre 738A 738B 825A 825B MOV CC to 1-A RHR HX MOV CC to l-B RHR HX MOV SI Pump Suction From RWST MOV SI Pump Suction From RWST Stroke Q Stroke Q 9 Stroke C/R 9 Stroke C/R 826A MOV SI Pump Suction From BA Tank 25 Stroke Q 826B MOV SI Pump Suction From BA Tank 25 Stroke Q 826C 826D 836A 836B MOV SI Pump Suction From BA Tank MOV SI Pump Suction From BA Tank HCV Spray Additive Tank Dis-charge HCV Spray Additive Tank Dis-charge 25 Stroke Q 25 Stroke Q 17/24 Stroke Q 17/24 Stroke Q 850A 850B 851A 851B 852A 852B MOV Sump B to RHR Pumps MOV Sump B to RHR Pumps MOV Sump B to RHR Isolation MOV Sump B to RHR Isolation 24 Stroke Q 24 Stroke Q Stroke Stroke Stroke C/R Stroke C/R 30 30 MOV RHR Pumps to Reactor Vessel 18 MOV RHR Pumps to Reactor Vessel 18 856 MOV RWST to RHR Pumps 9 Stroke C/R 857A MOV lB RHR HX to CS and SI Pump Isolation 27 Stroke C/R i I'4 QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION APPENDIX C Pump and Valve Testing Program DATE PAGE 1/30/86 23 pp 40 857B MOV Valve 4 T~e 1A RHR HX to CS and SI Pump Isolation Note Test~Fre 27 Stroke C/R 857C MOV lA RHR HX to CS and SI Pump Isolation 27 Stroke C/R 860A 860B 860C 860D 871A MOV 1-A to 1-C SI Pump Discharge MOV 1-A CSP Discharge MOV 1-A CSP Discharge MOV 1-B CSP Discharge MOV 1-B CSP Discharge 24 Stroke Q 24 Stroke Q 24 Stroke Q 24 Stroke Q 24.Stroke Q 871B Q75A 875B 876A 876B MOV MOV MOV MOV MOV 1-B to l-C SI Pump Discharge CS Pump Discharge to 1A Charcoal Filter Deluge CS Pump Discharge to 1A Charcoal Filter Deluge CS Pump Discharge to 1B Charcoal Filter Deluge-CS Pump Discharge to 1B Charcoal Filter Deluge 24 Stroke Q Stroke Q Stroke Q Stroke ,Q Stroke Q 896A 896B 897 898 951 AOV Pressurizer Steam Space Sample MOV RWST to CS and SI Pumps MOV RWST to CS and SI Pumps AOV SI Pump RWST AOV SI Pump RWST 9 Stroke C/R 9 Stroke C/R 27 Stroke C/R 27 Stroke C/R 33 Stroke TIT LE i DATE 1/30/86 QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION APPENDIX C Pump and Valve Testing Program PAGE 24 op 40 Valve 5~Te Note Test~Fre 953 955 959 1811A 1811B 1815A 1815B 3504A 3505A 3652 3996 4000A 4000B 4007 4008 4013 4027 Pressurizer Liquid Space 33 Sample'OV AOV"B" Loop Hot Leg Sample AOV RHR Loop Sample 20 Reactor Coolant Drain Tank ll Isolation to RHR System Reactor Coolant Drain Tank 11 Isolation to RHR System MOV C-SI Pump Suction From RWST 24 MOV C-SI Pump Suction From RWST 24 Main Steam to TAFP From 1-B S/G MOV Main Steam to TAFP From 1-A S/G MOV Main Steam Throttle Valve to TAFP MOV TAFP Discharge MOV Cross Over Valve For MAFP MOV Cross Over Valve For MAFP MOV 1-A MAFP Discharge MOV 1-B MAFP Discharge TAFP Service Water Supply Isolation MOV 1-A MAFP Service Water Isolation MOV Stroke Stroke Q Stroke C/R Stroke Q Stroke Q Stroke Q Stroke Q Stroke Q Stroke M Stroke M Stroke M Stroke M Stroke M Stroke M Stroke M 0 J~

QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION TITLE: APPENDIX C Pump and Valve Testing Program DATE PAGE 1/30/86 25 DP 40 Valve 0~Te 4028 MOV 1-B MAFP Service Water Isolation Note Test~Fre Stroke M 4291 4297 4298 4304 4310 4561 4562 4609 4613 4614 4615 4616 4627 4628 AOV TAFP Recir.Line AOV TAFP Discharge to 1-A S/G AOV TAFP Discharge to 1-.B S/G AOV 1-A MAFP Recirculation Control AOV 1-B MAFP Recirculation Control AOV Containment Vent Recirc.Fans Discharge Flow Con-trol I AOV Containment Vent Recirc.Fans Discharge Flow Con-trol Bypass MOV lAl Screen House SW Isolation MOV 1B2 Turbine Building SW Isolation MOV lA1 Turbine Building SW Isolation MOV 1Bl Aux.Building SW Isolation MOV lA1 Aux.Building SW Isolation MV Service Water to A Fan Cooler Isolation MV Service Water to B Fan Cooler Isolation Stroke M Stroke M Stroke M Stroke M Stroke M Stroke Q Stroke Q Stroke Q Stroke Q Stroke Q Stroke Q Stroke Q Stroke.Q Stroke Q

'0'J QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION TITLE<APPENDIX C Pump and Valve Testing Program DATE 1/30/86 PAGE 26 OF 40 Valve 4~Te Descri tion 4629 MV Service Water from A Fan Cooler Isolation Note Test~Fre Stroke Q 4630 MV Service Water from B Fan Cooler Isolation Stroke Q 4635 MV Reactor Compartment Cooling-.Stroke Q Unit A Inlet Isolation 4636 MV Reactor Compartment, Cooling-Stroke'Unit A Outlet Isolation 4641 4642 4643 4644 MV Service Water to C Fan Cooler Isolation MV Service Water to D Fan Cooler Isolation MV Service Water from C Fan Cooler Isolation MV Service Water from D Fan Cooler Isolation Stroke Q Stroke Q Stroke Q Stroke Q 4663 MOV 1Al Air Cond.Chillers SW-Stroke Q Isolation 4664 4670 MOV 1A2 Turbine Building SW Isolation MOV 1B1 Turbine Building SW Isolation Stroke Q Stroke Q 4733 MOV 1A2 Air Cond.Chillers SW-Stroke Q Isolation 4735 4757 MOV 1B2 Aux.Build.SW Isolation-MOV 1A2 Aux.Build.SW Isolation-MV Reactor Compartment Cooling Unit B Inlet Isolation Stroke Q Stroke Q Stroke Q QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION TITLE<APPENDIX C Pump and Valve Testing Program DATE PAGE 1/30/86 27 pF 40 Valve 4~Te 4758 Note Reactor Compartment Cooling Unit B Outlet Isolation Test~Fre Stroke Q 4780 5171 587l 5872 MOV MOV 1A2 Screen House SW Isolation Turbine Build.Fire Water Loop Supply Isolation Containment Post Accident Filter Damper Containment Post Accident Filter Damper Stroke Q Stroke Q Stroke Q Stroke Q 5873 APV Containment Post Accident Filter Damper Stroke Q 5874 5875 5876 9629A APV MOV Containment Post Accident Filter Damper Containment Post Accident Filter Damper Containment Post Accident Filter Damper 1C SAFP Service Water Isolation Stroke Q Stroke Q Stroke Q Stroke Q 9629B 9701A 9701B 9703A 9703B 9704A MOV 1D SAFP Service Water Isolation MOV 1C SAFP Discharge MOV 1D SAFP Discharge MOV SAFP Cross Over MOV SAFP Cross Over MOV 1C SAFP Containment Isolation Stroke Q Stroke Q Stroke Q Stroke Q Stroke Q Stroke Q 0

QUALITY AS SURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION APPENDIX C Pump and Valve Testing Program DATE PAGE 1/30/86 28 oF 40 Valve 4~Te 9704B 9710A 9710B 4.10 MOV 1D SAFP Containment Isolation AOV 1C SAFP Recirc.Control AOV 1D SAFP Recirc.Control Category C Check Valves Note Test~Fre Stroke Q Stroke Q Stroke Q Valve 5~Te Note Test~Fre 710A 710B 723A 723B 847A 847B 854 866A 866B 3516 3517 3998 4000C 4000D CV 1-A RHR Pump Discharge CV 1-B RHR Pump Discharge CV 1-A CC Pump Discharge CV 1-B CC Pump Discharge CV A-CSP From Spray Additive Tank to Eductor CV B-CSP From Spray Additive Tank to Eductor CV RWST to RHR Pump Check CV CS Pump.l-A to Charcoal Filter Deluge CV CS Pump 1-B to Charcoal Filter Deluge CV lB Main Steam Isolation CV 1A Main Steam Isolation CV TAFP Discharge Check CV lA MAFP Discharge Check CV lB MAFP Discharge Check Stroke Q Stroke Q Stroke Q Stroke Q Stroke Q Stroke Q Stroke Q 12 Stroke C/R Stroke Q Stroke R Stroke R Stroke M Stroke M Stroke M TITLE: DATE QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION APPENDIX C Pump and Valve Testing Program 1/30/86 PAGE 29 OP 40 Valve 0~Te Note Test~Fre 4003 4004 4009 4010 4014 4016 4017 4023 5133 5136 9627A 9627B 9700A 9700B 9705A 9705B CV TAFP to S/G lA CV TAFP to S/G lB CV lA MAFP to S/G lA CV lB MAFP to S/G lB CV TAFP Suction CV 1B MAFP Suction CV lA MAFP Suction CV TAFP Recirculation CV Diesel Fire Pump Disch.CV Motor Fire Pump Discharge CV 1C SAFP SW Suction CV 1D SAFP SW Suction CV 1C SAFP Discharge CV 1D SAFP Discharge CV 1C SAFP to S/G 1A CV 1D SAFP to S/G 1B 4.11 Category C Relief Valve Stroke M Stroke M Stroke M Stroke M Stroke M Stroke M Stroke M Stroke M Stroke Q Stroke Q Stroke Q Stroke Q Stroke Q Stroke Q Stroke Q Stroke Q Valve 4~Te Note Test~Fre 203 209 RV Letdown High Pressure Safety Relief RV Letdown Low Pressure Safety Relief 15 15 434 RV Pressurizer Safety Relief 15 TITLEc DATE 1/30/86 QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION APPENDIX C Pump and Valve Testing Program PAGE 30 OP 40 Descri tion Valve 0~Te 435 732 755A 755B 758A 758B 818 861 887 1817 3508 3509 3510 3511 3512.3513 3514 3515 Note Test~Fre RV Pressurizer Safety Relief 15 RV CC Surge Tank Relief 15 CC From Excess Letdown Heat Exchanger 15 RV CC From A RCP Thermal Barrier CC From B RCP Thermal Barrier 15 RV 15 RV RV CC From A-RCP Oil Coolers 15 RV CC From B-RCP Oil Coolers 15 CC From Reactor Support Coolers 15 RV RV 1-B CS Pump Suction Relief 15 SI Test Zine Relief Valve Inside Containment 15 RV Alternate Suction From RHR Pump to C SI Pump 15 RV RV 1-B S/G PRV RV 1-A S/G PRV RV 1-B S/G PRV RV 1-A S/G PRV RV 1-A S/G PRV RV 1-A S/G PRV RV 1-B S/G PRV RV 1-A S/G PRV 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION TITLEt APPENDIX C Pump and Valve Testing Program DATE PAGE l/30/86 31 OF 40 Valve 5 T~e 4653 RV.Service Water Relief Note Test~Fre 15 4654 RV Service Water Relief 15 4657 5134 RV Service Water Relief RV Diesel Fire Pump Disch Relief 15 15 5135 RV Motor'Fire Pump Disch Relief 15 4.12 Inservice Valve Testing Notes Note 1-Valves 304A, 304B and 313 cannot be stroked during normal plant operation on a quarterly basis because they would interrupt coolant flow to the reactor coolant pump seals.These valves will be stroked at cold shutdowns and refuel-ing outages.Note 2-Valve 370B cannot be stroked during normal plant operation on a quarterly basis because this test would interrupt charging pump flow.This valve will be stroked at cold shutdowns and refueling outages.Note 3-Valves 204A, 371 and 427 cannot be stroked during normal plant operation on a quarterly basis because this test would interrupt the letdown (CVCS)system.These valves will be stroked at cold shutdowns and refueling outages.Note 4-Valve 383B cannot be stroked during normal plant operation on a quarterly basis because this test would result in substantial radiation exposure to test personnel. the area of the test connection during plant operation indicate neutron fields of approximately 500 mr/hr and a gamma fields of 250 mr/hr.

QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION TITLE: APPENDIX C Pump and Valve Testing Program DATE 1/30/86 PAGE 32 DF 40 Total whole body dosage to test personnel is estimated to be 375 mrem.This valve will be stroked at cold shutdowns and refueling outages.Note 5-Valves 749A, 749B, 750A, 750B, 759A and 759B cannot be stroked during normal plant operation on a quarterly basis because this test would require the reactor coolant pumps to be shut down to eliminate the flow through these checks and MOVs.These valves will be stroked at cold shutdowns and refueling outages.Note 6-Valves 813 and 814 cannot be stroked during normal plant operation on a quarterly basis because this test would remove the coolant to the reactor vessel supports and cavity wall.These valves will be stroked at cold shutdowns and refueling outages.Note 7-Valve 879 is a manual valve in the safety injection test line and is kept locked shut.This valve is not required to change position to perform a safety func-, tion.The only requirement is that leak-age through valve 879 be acceptably low.Therefore, the quarterly stroke, test has been deleted.This passive valve will be only leak tested at refueling outages consistent with IWV-3700-1.

Note 8-Valves 700 and 721 cannot be stroked during normal plant operation on a quarterly basis because there is an interlock system which prevents these valves from opening when the primary system is at operating pressure.Valves 700, 701, 720 and 721 separate a high pressure system from a low pressure system.These valves will be stroked at cold shutdowns and refueling outages.

QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION TITLE: APPENDIX C Pump and Valve Testing Program DATE PAGE 1/30/86 OF Note 9-Valves 825A, 825B, 856, 896A, and 896B should not be stroked during normal opera-tion on a quarterly basis because-this would cause a temporary loss of system function of the ECCS.These valves pro-vide the suction from the refueling water storage tank to the safety injection and residual heat removal pumps.These valves will be stroked at cold shutdowns and re-fueling outages.Note 10-Valves 853A and 853B cannot be stroked during normal plant operation on a quarterly basis because this test requires pressurizing the RHR system to the primary system operation pressure.These valves will be stroked at refueling outages.Leakage testing of check valves 853A and 853B shall be accomplished prior to criticality following (1)refueling, (2)cold shutdown, and (3)maintenance, repair or replacement work on the valves.Leakage may be measured indirectly from the performance of pressure indicators, system volume measuurements or by direct measurement.

Minimum test differential shall be greater than 150 psid.Technical Specification defines the allowable leakage rates.Note ll-Valves 820, 877A, 877B, 878F, 878H, 1076A, 1076B~1 080Ag 1084Ag 1 084B g IV 3Ag IV 3B g IV 5Ag IV 5B g IV 2Ag IV 2B g 1554 g 1556 g 1557~1579 g 1560'562'563'565'566/

1568 g 1569~1571 1572 1574 g 1793 g 181 1Ag 1811Bg 5129 g 6151'152@6155'175@7141@7226 g 7443 g 7444 g 7445 g 7448 g 7452 g 7456/8418, 8419, 8623, 9227 and 9229 are con-sidered passive valves which are not required to change position to acccomplish their specific function.Stroking these valves would serve no useful function and will therefore not be done as per IWV-3700-1.

QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION TIT LE i APPENDIX C Pump and Valve Testing Program DATE PAGE 1/30/86 34 DP 40 Note 12-Note Note 14-Note 15-Valve 866A cannot be stroke tested during normal plant operation on a quarterly basis because this test would result in a sub-stantial radiation exposure to test per-sonnel.Stroke testing at this location resulted in approximately 400-mrem whole body exposure to the test personnel.

This valve'will be stroked at cold shutdowns and refueling outages.Valves 867A, 867B, 878G, and 878J cannot be stroked during normal operation on a quarterly basis or at cold shutdown condition when the primary system is full.This test may only be done when the in a refueling shutdown condition with a partially full primary system in order to prevent an over-pressurization.

Leakage, testing of check valves 867A, 867B, 878G and 878J shall be accomplished prior to criticality, except for low power physics testing, following (1)refueling, (2)cold shutdown, and (3)maintenance, repair or replacement work on the valves.Leakage may be measured indirectly from the performance of pressure indicators, system volume measurements or by direct measurement.

Check valves 878G and 878J shall also be tested for leakage following each safety injection flow test.Minimum test differential shall be greater than 150 psid.Technical Specification defines the allowable leakage rates.Valves 3516 and 3517 cannot be stroked during normal plant operation on a quar-terly basis because they are the main steam isolation valves.These valves, are stroked during each plant refueling.

Category C Relief Valves shall be tested in accordance with the extent and fre-quency requirements of Paragraph IWV-3510 of Article IWV of Section XI of the Code.

~T'J QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION TITLE: APPENDIX C Pump and Valve Testing Program DATE PAGE 1/30/86 35 Op 40 Note 16-Valves 430 and 431C are the power operated relief valves associated with the overpressurization system.These valves shall not be stroked quarterly as an unplanned pressure transient could result, from a leaky block valve.Operability of these valves shall be verified as follows: (1)Full stroke exercising during cool down prior to achieving water solid condition in the pressurizer and during cold shutdown prior to heat up.(2)Stroke timing to be performed as a minimum once each refueling cycle as a part of the channel calibration specified by Technical Specifications safe actuation testing is permitted by the code to be per-formed at each cold shutdown if valve cannot be tested during power operation.

(4)Technical specification 4.16.1a and 4.16.1c delineate additional re-quirements for operability verifi-cation of the PORV actuation channel and valve position.Note 17-Additional stroking will be consistent with Technical Specifications.

Note 18-Valves 852A and 852B cannot be stroked during normal plant operation as these valves, when cycled, could subject the Residual Heat Removal System to a pressure in excess of its design pressure.These valves will be stroked at cold shutdowns and refueling outages.Note 19-Stroking Valves 5392 and 5393 during operation and cold shutdown would inter-rupt instrument air to containment and QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION TITLE: APPENDIX C Pump and Valve Testing Program DATE 1/30/86 PAGE 36 DF 40 Not.e Note 20-21-be disruptive to air operated valves inside.'hese valves will be stroked at refueling outages.Valve 959 is normally closed and in the containment isolating position during normal operation.

These valves will be stroked at cold shutdown and refueling outages.Valves 1819A, B, C, D, E, F and G cannot be stroked during normal plant operation as this test would interrupt containment pressure monitoring transmitters from performing their intended function.These valves will be stroked at cold and refueling outages.Note Note Note 22-23-Category A valves 5869, 5870, 5878 and 5879 are normally closed and in the containment isolating position during normal operation.

Leak tightness of these valves is reverified following.reclosure after each use in accordance with Section of Technical Speci-fications.

The valves shall be stroked at.least each cold shutdown.In addition, if the valves are opened for purging,-they shall be stroked at least once each quarter during which they have been opened.Valves 515 and 516 stroked quarterly except if already closed or during cold and refueling shutdowns'.

Not to be done during time that redundant valve is inoperable per Technical Speci-fication.Note 25-As per Technical Specifications, no cycling shall be done if normally open valve in other flow path is inop'erable in the open position.

QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION TITLE c APPENDIX C Pump and Valve Testing Program DATE PAGE 1/30/86 37 OF 40 Note 26-As per Technical Speci f ications, failure of valves 624 and 625 during quarterly stroking in the closed position can degrade LPSI system function.How-ever, these valves shall be stroked at cold shutdown and refueling outages.Note 27-As per Technical Specifications,~failure of valves 857A, 857B, 857C, 897 and 898 during quarterly stroking can degrade the injection phase of the SI pumps.However,-these valves shall be stroked at cold shutdown and refueling outages.Note 28-Check valves 842A and 842B (accumulator check valves)cannot and should not be exercised during plant operation.

Exercising of these valves requires the reactor coolant system pressure to be reduced to below accumulator pressure.Therefore testing of these valves will'e performed after refueling and cold'hutdowns, and after maintenance, repair or replacement.

Full stroke testing, which involves discharge of the accumu-lator through the valve to a partially-filled reactor coolant system will not be utilized since this test mode is considered impractical and unsafe.Valve operability from the normal closed.position will be verified by partial stroking prior to leak testing with flow through the safety injection test line.Leak testing will be performed to assure primary system integrity following each cold and refueling shutdown after achieving normal reactor coolant system pressure and prior to reactor criticality.

Testing will be performed by either (1)closing each accumulator motor operated discharge valve, pressuring the line downstream of the check valves and measuring the upstream leakage, or (2)by measuring 1I P+'

QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION APPENDIX C Pump and Valve Testing Program 1/30/86 PAGE 38 PP 40 accumulator in-leakage by pressurizing the line downstream of the 842 valves.These valves are not event V-check valves'.Therefore, the test acceptance criterion shall be that of Technical Specification 3.1.5.Note 29-Valves 877A, 877B, 878F and 878H are currently not listed in our valve test program, however, a pair of these valves in each hot leg high head safety injec-tion line (877A nd 878F in loop B hot leg and 877B and 878H in loop A hot leg)together form one of the two pressure boundaries required to be tested by Technical Specification these valves are normally closed and the piping contains motor operated valves (MOV's)which are also closed and deener-gized, the check valves will not.move with the possible exception of when the MOVs are required to be opened to test the check valves.Thus, once tested the check valves will remain closed.An NRCorder dated April 20, 1981 established an appropriate test frequency for these valves to be once every 40 months or after each opening of the MOVs.These valves are listed as passive valves in our valve testing program with testing required to meet Technical Specification 30-Valves 851A and 851B are'ot qualified to operate in the post-accident containment environment and therefore not required to perform a post-accident function.Since the valves are normally open, and in their post-accident position, stroking of these valves will not be performed.

Note 31-Valves 4601, 4602, 4603 and 4604 shall be leak tested each refueling outage using a back flow test method to determine QUAJ ITY AS SURANCE MANUAZ GINNA STATION TITI.Kc APPENDIX C Pump and Valve Testing Program DATE 1/30/86 PAGE 39 DF 40 if'ack flow to the corresponding idle pump is minimal (i.e.2 psid as monitored by pressure change in the discharge header between pump discharge isolated and unisolated).

Quarterly valve stroking shall be limited to verifying that a normally closed valve will open concurrent with the start of an idle pump.An open check valve for a pump already in service will be deemed operable without'having to stop and restart the pump since the open valve is considered to be performing its normal safety function.Note Note 32-33-Valves 590, 591, 592 and 593 shall not, be stroked quarterly as an unplanned pressure transient could result from a leaky alternate isolation valve.These valves will be stroked at refueling outages Sampling valves 951 and.953 need not be stroked as part of this program as they are not required to perform a safety function.Although considered to be part of the reactor coolant system boundary, 10CFR50.55a(c)(2) specifies that components which are connected to the reactor coolant system and are.part of the boundary as defined in 50.2(v)of this part need not meet the requirements of paragraph (c)(1)of this section, provided: In the event of postulated failure of the component, during normal reactor operation, the reactor can be shut down and cooled down in an orderly manner, assuming makeup is provided by the reactor coolant makeup system.The valves are exercised during routine.sampling operations.

PVT 5.0 Records 5.1 Records for the Inservice Pump Testing Program shall be developed and maintained in accordance with Article IWP-6000 of Section XI of the Code.

QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL GINNA STATION TITLEs APPENDIX C Pump and Valve Testing Program DATE PAGE 1/30/86 40 DP 40 5.2 Records for the Inservice Valve Testing Program shall be developed and maintained in accordance with Article IWV-6000 of Section XI of the Code.

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