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{{#Wiki_filter:ATTACHMENT 5 INDIANA 8 NIICHIGAN EIECMIG CDNP4NY DONALD C.COOK NUCLEAR PLANT FORM 5411 PROCEDURE COVER SHEET pggg~iire No.2-OHP 4021.002.00 DRAINING REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM Hevhion No.2 SCOPE OF REVIS1ON Revision 1-Revised and rewritten to standardize format.Addressed Change Sheets 1 through 6.Revision 2-Minor revisions due to shift review.Delet d Data Signoff Sheet 5.2 Addressed Procedure Change Sheets 1 and 2.SIGNATURES REVISION NUMBER ORIGINAL Rev.1 Rev.2 PREPARED BY DEPARTMENT HEAD APPROVAL J.Osborne R.Bl th B.Sversson K.Baker p///A/INTERFACING DEPARTMENT HEAD CONCURRENCE QUALITY ASSURANCE SUPERVISOR APPROVAL PLANT NUCLEAR SAFETY COMMITTEE PLANT MANAGER APPROVAL APPROVAL DATE R.Keith J.Stietzel D.Shaller D.Palme.06-07-77 02-18-82 R.Jurgensen W.Smith, Jr..i'~',.-,-
EFFECTIVE DATE8405220202 8405i7PDRADQCK050003i6P.PDR6.-0-7702-18-82'I'-Z4 sa2-OHP4021.002.005 LZSTOFEFFECTZVE PAGESPAGENUMBERPage1of6Page2of6Page3of6Page4of6Page5of6Page6of6REVZSZONNUMBERANDDATERevision2,03-09-84Revision2,03-09-84Revision2,03-09-84Revision2,03-09-84Revision2,03-09-84Revision2,03-09-84DATA/SZGNOFF SHEET5.1Page1of2Page2o2Revision2,03-09-84Revision2,03-09-84?age1of1Rev.2 2-OHP4021.002'05INDIANA6MICHIGANELECTRICCOMPANYDONALDC.COOKNUCLEARPLANTDRAININGREACTORCOOLANTSYSTEM1.0OBJECTIVE 1.1TolowerthereactorcoolantlevelintheReactorCoolantSystempriortoremovingthereactorvesselheadorperforming maintenance workrequiring areducedwaterlevel.
EFFECTIVE DATE 8405220202 8405i7 PDR ADQCK 050003i6 P.PDR 6.-0-77 02-18-82'I'-Z4 sa 2-OHP 4021.002.005 LZST OF EFFECTZVE PAGES PAGE NUMBER Page 1 of 6 Page 2 of 6 Page 3 of 6 Page 4 of 6 Page 5 of 6 Page 6 of 6 REVZSZON NUMBER AND DATE Revision 2, 03-09-84 Revision 2, 03-09-84 Revision 2, 03-09-84 Revision 2, 03-09-84 Revision 2, 03-09-84 Revision 2, 03-09-84 DATA/SZGNOFF SHEET 5.1 Page 1 of 2 Page 2 o 2 Revision 2, 03-09-84 Revision 2, 03-09-84?age 1 of 1 Rev.2 2-OHP 4021.002'05 INDIANA 6 MICHIGAN ELECTRIC COMPANY DONALD C.COOK NUCLEAR PLANT DRAINING REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM 1.0 OBJECTIVE 1.1 To lower the reactor coolant level in the Reactor Coolant System prior to removing the reactor vessel head or performing maintenance work requiring a reduced water level.


2.1Technical Specifications, AppendixA,Section3.
2.1 Technical Specifications, Appendix A, Section AEP Flow Diagrams: 2.2.1 2-OP-5128-4, Reactor Coolant System.2.2.2 2-OP-5128A-10, Reactor Coolant System.2.2.3 2-OP-5'29-3, CVCS Reactor Letdown and Charging.2.2.4 12-OP-5137A-5, WDS Vents and Drains.2.2.5 2-OP-5143-3, Emergency Core Cooling.2.3 Plant Operating Procedure, 2-OHP 4021.017.002, Placing in Service and Operation of Residual Heat Removal Loop.3.0 INITIAL CONDITIONS
2.2.12-OP-5128-4, ReactorCoolantSystem.2.2.22-OP-5128A-10, ReactorCoolantSystem.2.2.32-OP-5'29-3, CVCSReactorLetdownandCharging.
?ERFORi~iED BY 3.1 3~2 3.3 If reactor vessel head is to be unbolted, verify Keff less than or equal to 0.95 and Tavg less than or equal to 140'F.Zf in cold snutdown, verify Keff less than 0.99 and Tavg less than or equal to 200'F.The Residual Heat Removal System is in operation, maintaining reactor coolant system temperature.
2.2.412-OP-5137A-5, WDSVentsandDrains.2.2.52-OP-5143-3, Emergency CoreCooling.2.3PlantOperating Procedure, 2-OHP4021.017.002, PlacinginServiceandOperation ofResidualHeatRemovalLoop.3.0INITIALCONDITIONS
The reactor coolant drain tank and a minimum of one o the drain tank pumps is operable.The discharge of the reactor coolant drain tank pump is 1'ned up to selected CVCS HUT tanks through CS-460.Page 1 of 6 Rev.2 P ERFORMED BY 3'There is sufficient capacity in the CVCS holdup tanks to receive coolant released from the Reactor Coolant System when the pressurizer and the reactor vessel head are drained.3.5 3.6 The pressurizer backup and variable heater breakers must be tagged open.The pressurizer is open to the pressurizer relief tank through a power operated relief valve.3.7 A nitrogen blanket of 5 psig is being maintained in the pressurizer from the pressurizer relief tank through the relief valve discharge line.3.8 A temporary tygon hose is connected to valve 2-RC-116-L3 for level indication.
?ERFORi~iED BY3.13~23.3Ifreactorvesselheadistobeunbolted, verifyKefflessthanorequalto0.95andTavglessthanorequalto140'F.Zfincoldsnutdown, verifyKefflessthan0.99andTavglessthanorequalto200'F.TheResidualHeatRemovalSystemisinoperation, maintaining reactorcoolantsystemtemperature.
The tygon hose is looped so the top of the loop is at least ten (10)feet above the intended level indication desired and attached to manual vent 2-WD-238 on the pressur'zer rel'ef tanks The blank lange on the PRT vent (2-WD-238) requires being replaced by a flange with a piping tee on't with temporary valves on the two (2)free ends.One end is to connect to the level tygon hose.The other is to be connected to a tygon hose that is routed to the instrument room purge exhaust suction valve.Ensure there are no loop seals or kinks in the tygon hose to be used or level indication.
Thedischarge ofthereactorcoolantdraintankpumpis1'neduptoselectedCVCSHUTtanksthroughCS-460.Page1of6Rev.2 PERFORMEDBY3'Thereissufficient capacityintheCVCSholduptankstoreceivecoolantreleasedfromtheReactorCoolantSystemwhenthepressurizer andthereactorvesselheadaredrained.3.53.6Thepressurizer backupandvariableheaterbreakersmustbetaggedopen.Thepressurizer isopentothepressurizer relieftankthroughapoweroperatedreliefvalve.3.7Anitrogenblanketof5psigisbeingmaintained inthepressurizer fromthepressurizer relieftankthroughthereliefvalvedischarge line.3.8Atemporary tygonhoseisconnected tovalve2-RC-116-L3 forlevelindication.
===3.9 Pressurizer===
Thetygonhoseisloopedsothetopoftheloopisatleastten(10)feetabovetheintendedlevelindication desiredandattachedtomanualvent2-WD-238onthepressur'zer rel'eftanksTheblanklangeonthePRTvent(2-WD-238) requiresbeingreplacedbyaflangewithapipingteeon'twithtemporary valvesonthetwo(2)freeends.Oneendistoconnecttotheleveltygonhose.Theotheristobeconnected toatygonhosethatisroutedtotheinstrument roompurgeexhaustsuctionvalve.Ensuretherearenoloopsealsorkinksinthetygonhosetobeusedorlevelindication.
level is in the indicating range or filled solid.3.10 The reactor head vent is connected to the pressurizer relief tank via installed vent spool piece.3.11 Shut and tag shut primary water to boric acid blender 12-PW-263.
3.9Pressurizer levelisintheindicating rangeorfilledsolid.3.10Thereactorheadventisconnected tothepressurizer relieftankviainstalled ventspoolpiece.3.11Shutandtagshutprimarywatertoboricacidblender12-PW-263.
~Terify CLOSED and hang a clearance on primary water to chemical mix'g tank 2-PW-256 and primary water flush to emergencv boration line 2-PW-265.This helps to avoid an inadvertent dilution while at half loop.3.12 If a tygon hose is to be used for level indication, the closed circuit television monitor mus be connected and funtioning properly.Page 2 of 6 Rev.2  
~TerifyCLOSEDandhangaclearance onprimarywatertochemicalmix'gtank2-PW-256andprimarywaterflushtoemergencv borationline2-PW-265.
~g's~~2-OHP 4021.002.005
Thishelpstoavoidaninadvertent dilutionwhileathalfloop.3.12Ifatygonhoseistobeusedforlevelindication, theclosedcircuittelevision monitormusbeconnected andfuntioning properly.

4.14.2Theapplicable Radiation Protection procedures forhandlingradioactive liquidsandforventingvaporsandgassesmustbeobserved.
4.1 4.2 The applicable Radiation Protection procedures for handling radioactive liquids and for venting vapors and gasses must be observed.The water level in the reactor vessel must be below the vessel flange before the head is unbolted for removal.The reactor flange elevation is 621 feet, 14 inches.The elevation of 4 loop is 614 feet, 0 inches.For RCP seal work and/or steam generator manway removal, the level must be brought to the center line of the hot and cold legs.This is commonly referred to as half loop.The level should be at half loop for a peri-od of eight hours after the PRT and tygon level instru-mentation is vented to atmosphere before allowing man-ways to be removed.4.3 4.4 4.5 The pressurizer relief tank level must be reduced to less than 5%to allow nitrogen flow to the pressurizer through the open power operated relief valve.Maintain reactor coolant system temperature greater than 60'F to ensure the reactor head temperature remains greater than 60'F until tension is relieved from the reactor head studs per Westinghouse refueling procedure.
Thewaterlevelinthereactorvesselmustbebelowthevesselflangebeforetheheadisunboltedforremoval.Thereactorflangeelevation is621feet,14inches.Theelevation of4loopis614feet,0inches.ForRCPsealworkand/orsteamgenerator manwayremoval,thelevelmustbebroughttothecenterlineofthehotandcoldlegs.Thisiscommonlyreferredtoashalfloop.Thelevelshouldbeathalfloopforaperi-odofeighthoursafterthePRTandtygonlevelinstru-mentation isventedtoatmosphere beforeallowingman-waystoberemoved. relieftanklevelmustbereducedtolessthan5%toallownitrogenflowtothepressurizer throughtheopenpoweroperatedreliefvalve.Maintainreactorcoolantsystemtemperature greaterthan60'Ftoensurethereactorheadtemperature remainsgreaterthan60'FuntiltensionisrelievedfromthereactorheadstudsperWestinghouse refueling procedure.
Do not drain Reactor Coolant System below center line of the loops (614'")when nuclear fuel is in the vessel or while on RHR.4.6 Anytime draining of the RCS is in progress, careful observation of the RHR System is recuired.The pump amperage is the firs" indication o cavitation or loss of suction.5.0 DATA/SIGNOFF SHEETS 5.1 Data/Signof Sheet 5.1, Draining Reactor Coolan Valve Lineup.6.0 INSTRUCTIONS PERFORMED BY 6.1 6.2 Complete the attached Data/Signoff Sheet 5.1, Draining Peactor Coolant Valve Lineup.Start low p essure letdown from the Reactor Coolant System via the Residual Heat Removal System following 2-OHP 4021.017.002, Placing In Service and Operation of Residual Heat Removal Loop.Page 3 of 6 Rev.2  
DonotdrainReactorCoolantSystembelowcenterlineoftheloops(614'")whennuclearfuelisinthevesselorwhileonRHR.4.6AnytimedrainingoftheRCSisinprogress, carefulobservation oftheRHRSystemisrecuired.
~I~~2-OHP 4021.002.005 P ERZORMED BY 6.3 Monitor pressurizer relief tank pressure while draining the system.Maintain a positive nitrogen pressure not to exceed 5 psig.6.4 6.5 Close reactor coolant drain tank vents to vent header 2-DCR-201 and 2-DCR-203.
Thepumpamperageisthefirs"indication ocavitation orlossofsuction.5.0DATA/SIGNOFF SHEETS5.1Data/Signof Sheet5.1,DrainingReactorCoolanValveLineup.6.0INSTRUCTIONS PERFORMED BY6.16.2CompletetheattachedData/Signoff Sheet5.1,DrainingPeactorCoolantValveLineup.StartlowpessureletdownfromtheReactorCoolantSystemviatheResidualHeatRemovalSystemfollowing 2-OHP4021.017.002, PlacingInServiceandOperation ofResidualHeatRemovalLoop.Page3of6Rev.2  
This is to prevent getting water into vent header when draining Reactor Coolant System.Open loop drain isolation valves 2-RC-113-L1, 2-RC-113-L2, 2-RC-113-L3, and 2-RC-113-L4.
~I~~2-OHP4021.002.005 PERZORMEDBY6.3Monitorpressurizer relieftankpressurewhiledrainingthesystem.Maintainapositivenitrogenpressurenottoexceed5psig.6.46.5Closereactorcoolantdraintankventstoventheader2-DCR-201 and2-DCR-203.
6.6 Loop drains flushing-These steps are to be done in sequence so the loop drains are flushed clean of crud.Open the drain valves wide to allow full flow to the reactor coolant drain tank.Valve off if necessary to control reactor coolant drain tank level and then reopen to obtain the required flushing time.6..6.1 , Open 2-RC-114-L'nd allow full flow for a minimum of two (2)minutes.6.6.2 Open 2-RC-114-L4 and allow full flow for a minimum of three (3)minutes.6.6.3 Open 2-RC-1'4-L2 and allow full flow for'minimum of two (2)minutes.6.6.4 Open 2-RC-114-L3 and allow full flow for a minimum of three (3)minutes.6.7 After completion of ste'p 6.6, the our (4)loop drains should be used as system drains.These drains and the low pressure letdown of step 6.2 o this procedure can be used in any combination to control the drainage from the system.NCTE When using loop drains, station an operator at the Waste Disposal System panel to observe reactor coolant dra'n tank level so that drainage can be controlled to prevent flooding the reactor coolant drain tank.Page 4 of 6 Rev.2 2-OHP 4021.002.005 PERFORMED BY 6.8 When pressurizer level is reduced to 5%indicated, open the reactor head vent valves 2-RC-132 and 2-RC-133.Reactor coolant will now flow through the connected sightglass to the pressurizer relief tank.Monitor this tank level while draining this way and maintain the level less than 5%.6.9 When reactor coolant stops'flowing through the flow indicator connected to the head vent valve, close all drains.6.10 Place temporary refueling water.level indicator in service (tygon hose)by opening valves 2-RC-113-L3, 2-RC-116-L3, 1-WD-238, and temporary valve on tygon hose.Refer to Precaution Continue draining the Reactor Coolant System by either or both methods of step 6.7 of this procedure.
ThisistopreventgettingwaterintoventheaderwhendrainingReactorCoolantSystem.Openloopdrainisolation valves2-RC-113-L1, 2-RC-113-L2, 2-RC-113-L3, and2-RC-113-L4.
Do not use the loo 3 drain for this because it will cause a false level indication.
6.6Loopdrainsflushing-Thesestepsaretobedoneinsequencesotheloopdrainsareflushedcleanofcrud.Openthedrainvalveswidetoallowfullflowtothereactorcoolantdraintank.Valveoffifnecessary tocontrolreactorcoolantdraintanklevelandthenreopentoobtaintherequiredflushingtime.6..6.1,Open2-RC-114-L'nd allowfullflowforaminimumoftwo(2)minutes.6.6.2Open2-RC-114-L4 andallowfullflowforaminimumofthree(3)minutes.6.6.3Open2-RC-1'4-L2 andallowfullflowfor'minimumoftwo(2)minutes.6.6.4Open2-RC-114-L3 andallowfullflowforaminimumofthree(3)minutes.6.7Aftercompletion ofste'p6.6,theour(4)loopdrainsshouldbeusedassystemdrains.Thesedrainsandthelowpressureletdownofstep6.2othisprocedure canbeusedinanycombination tocontrolthedrainagefromthesystem.NCTEWhenusingloopdrains,stationanoperatorattheWasteDisposalSystempaneltoobservereactorcoolantdra'ntanklevelsothatdrainagecanbecontrolled topreventfloodingthereactorcoolantdraintank.Page4of6Rev.2 2-OHP4021.002.005 PERFORMED BY6.8Whenpressurizer levelisreducedto5%indicated, openthereactorheadventvalves2-RC-132and2-RC-133.
6.12 As the indicated level approaches half loop, slow down the drainage and stop it when the level is reached.6.13 While maintaining level at half loop perform the following steps: 6.13.1 Close tne temporary valve on the leve'ygon at the PRT vent.6.13.2 Remove N supply from PRT by closing 1-GCR-30$.6.13.3 Slowly vent PRT to instrument room purge exhaust by cracking or throttling temporary valve.6.13.4 When PRT is fully vented, slowly throttle open temporary valve on the tygon level hose.6.14 Close RC-116-L3.
Reactorcoolantwillnowflowthroughtheconnected sightglass tothepressurizer relieftank.Monitorthistanklevelwhiledrainingthiswayandmaintainthelevellessthan5%.6.9Whenreactorcoolantstops'flowingthroughtheflowindicator connected totheheadventvalve,closealldrains.6.10Placetemporary refueling water.levelindicator inservice(tygonhose)byopeningvalves2-RC-113-L3, 2-RC-116-L3, 1-WD-238, andtemporary valveontygonhose.RefertoPrecaution
6.15 Close temporary valve on tygon level hose at PRT.Then disconnect the tygon.hose from the valve and have it run up alongside I3 RCP to a height greater than the reactor flange (greater than 622'levation).
Page 5 of 6 Rev.2  
6.12Astheindicated levelapproaches halfloop,slowdownthedrainageandstopitwhenthelevelisreached.6.13Whilemaintaining levelathalfloopperformthefollowing steps:6.13.1Closetnetemporary valveontheleve'ygon atthePRTvent.6.13.2RemoveNsupplyfromPRTbyclosing1-GCR-30$
~$'1~e~2MHP 4021.002.005 PERFORMED BY 6.16 While monitoring the level, slowly open RC-116-L3.(Ensure it is not allowed to overflow.)
.6.13.3SlowlyventPRTtoinstrument roompurgeexhaustbycrackingorthrottling temporary valve.6.13.4WhenPRTisfullyvented,slowlythrottleopentemporary valveonthetygonlevelhose.6.14CloseRC-116-L3.
6.17 Reestablish level at half loop or where desired for work to be performed.
6.15Closetemporary valveontygonlevelhoseatPRT.Thendisconnect thetygon.hosefromthevalveandhaveitrunupalongside I3RCPtoaheightgreaterthanthereactorflange(greaterthan622'levation).
6.18 Maintain level at half loop for eight hours pre-ferred (a minimum of 4 hours).6.19 Declare RCS at half loop.PROCEDURE VERIFIED COMPLETE BY DATE REVIEWED BY SRO DATE 7.0 FINAL CONDITIONS.
7.1 Reactor coolant level is at the desired level re-quired for system maintenance.
~$'1~e~2MHP4021.002.005 PERFORMED BY6.16Whilemonitoring thelevel,slowlyopenRC-116-L3.
This level can be anywhere down to the center line of the loops.Page 6 of 6 Rev.2 2-OHP 4021.002.005 DATA/SIGNOFF SHEET 5.1 LATEST EEV.CHECKED DPPZNINQ PEACTOR COOLANT VALVE LINEUP VALVE NUMBER 2-NRV-163 2-NRV-164 2-GCR-301 2-RRV-103 2-RC-118 2-RC llo 2-DRV-100 DESCRIPTION Pressurizer Spray Loop 3 Pressurizer Spray Loop 4 N2 to Pressurizer Pelief Tank Pressuri er Fe'ief Tank Vent Reactor Vessel Flange Leakoff (Outer)Reactor Vessel Flange Leakoff (Inner)Reacto" Vessel Flange Leakoff Isolation VALVE POSITION CL CL OP CL CL CL P ERFORMED BY 2-RC-113 Ll Reactor Coolant Loop 1 Dra'n Valve 2-RC-113 L2 Reacto" Coo'ant Loop 2 Drain Valve CL CL 2-RC-3 13 L3 2-RC-113 L4 2-RC-114 Ll Reactor Coo'ant Loop 3 Drain Valve Reactor Coclant Loop 4 Drain Valve Reactcr Coolart Lccp Isolatior.
Valve Drain CL C 2-RC-''4 L2 Reactor Coolant Lcop Isolation Valve 2 Drain CL 2-RC-114 L3 Reactor Cco'ant Loop 3 Drain Isolaticn Va'e CL 2-RC-114 L4 Reactor Ccolant Loop 4 Drain Zsolat'on Valve CL OP-Open CL-Closed Page 1 of 2 Rev~2 2-OHP 4021.002.005 DATA/SIGNOFF SHEET 5.1 DPAINING REACTOR COOLANT VALVE LINEUP VALVE NUMBER 2-RC-116 L3 2-NRV-15 3 DESCRIPTION Refueling Water Level'ndicator solation P.O.Relief to Pressurizer Relief Tank VALVE POSITION CL OP PERFORMED BY 2-NRV-152 P.O.Pelief to Relief Tank Pressurizer OP 2-N RV-1 5 1 2-RC-121 2-RC-137 P.O.Pelief to Pressurizer Relief Tank R.V.Head Vent to Pressurizer Relief Tank R.V.Head Vent to Pressurizer Relief Tank OP OP OP 2-RC-138 2-RC-132 2-RC-133 R.V.Vent to R.V.Level Instrumentation Sightglass Inlet Isolation Sightglass Out'et Isolat'on CP CL Temporary valve"or PRT Vent to Instrument Room Purge Evhaust CL DATA/SIGNOFF SHEET VERIFIED COMPLETE BY DATE REVIEWED BY SRO DATE OP-Open CL-Closed Page 2 of Rev.2  
6.17Reestablish levelathalflooporwheredesiredforworktobeperformed.
~a I~e~}}
6.18Maintainlevelathalfloopforeighthourspre-ferred(aminimumof4hours).6.19DeclareRCSathalfloop.PROCEDURE VERIFIEDCOMPLETEBYDATEREVIEWEDBYSRODATE7.0FINALCONDITIONS.
Thislevelcanbeanywheredowntothecenterlineoftheloops.Page6of6Rev.2 2-OHP4021.002.005 DATA/SIGNOFF SHEET5.1LATESTEEV.CHECKEDDPPZNINQPEACTORCOOLANTVALVELINEUPVALVENUMBER2-NRV-163 2-NRV-164 2-GCR-301 2-RRV-103 2-RC-1182-RCllo2-DRV-100 DESCRIPTION Pressurizer SprayLoop3Pressurizer SprayLoop4N2toPressurizer PeliefTankPressurierFe'iefTankVentReactorVesselFlangeLeakoff(Outer)ReactorVesselFlangeLeakoff(Inner)Reacto"VesselFlangeLeakoffIsolation VALVEPOSITIONCLCLOPCLCLCLPERFORMEDBY2-RC-113LlReactorCoolantLoop1Dra'nValve2-RC-113L2Reacto"Coo'antLoop2DrainValveCLCL2-RC-313L32-RC-113L42-RC-114LlReactorCoo'antLoop3DrainValveReactorCoclantLoop4DrainValveReactcrCoolartLccpIsolatior.
ValveDrainCLC2-RC-''4L2ReactorCoolantLcopIsolation Valve2DrainCL2-RC-114L3ReactorCco'antLoop3DrainIsolaticn Va'eCL2-RC-114L4ReactorCcolantLoop4DrainZsolat'on ValveCLOP-OpenCL-ClosedPage1of2Rev~2 2-OHP4021.002.005 DATA/SIGNOFF SHEET5.1DPAININGREACTORCOOLANTVALVELINEUPVALVENUMBER2-RC-116L32-NRV-153DESCRIPTION Refueling WaterLevel'ndicator solationP.O.RelieftoPressurizer ReliefTankVALVEPOSITIONCLOPPERFORMED BY2-NRV-152 P.O.PelieftoReliefTankPressurizer OP2-NRV-1512-RC-1212-RC-137P.O.PelieftoPressurizer ReliefTankR.V.HeadVenttoPressurizer ReliefTankR.V.HeadVenttoPressurizer ReliefTankOPOPOP2-RC-1382-RC-1322-RC-133R.V.VenttoR.V.LevelInstrumentation Sightglass InletIsolation Sightglass Out'etIsolat'on CPCLTemporary valve"orPRTVenttoInstrument RoomPurgeEvhaustCLDATA/SIGNOFF SHEETVERIFIEDCOMPLETEBYDATEREVIEWEDBYSRODATEOP-OpenCL-ClosedPage2ofRev.2  

Revision as of 09:54, 6 July 2018

Rev 2 to Procedure 2-OHP 4021.002.005, Draining Rcs.
Person / Time
Site: Cook American Electric Power icon.png
Issue date: 03/09/1984
Shared Package
ML17320B064 List:
2-OHP-4021.002., NUDOCS 8405220202
Download: ML17320B065 (11)


ATTACHMENT 5 INDIANA 8 NIICHIGAN EIECMIG CDNP4NY DONALD C.COOK NUCLEAR PLANT FORM 5411 PROCEDURE COVER SHEET pggg~iire No.2-OHP 4021.002.00 DRAINING REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM Hevhion No.2 SCOPE OF REVIS1ON Revision 1-Revised and rewritten to standardize format.Addressed Change Sheets 1 through 6.Revision 2-Minor revisions due to shift review.Delet d Data Signoff Sheet 5.2 Addressed Procedure Change Sheets 1 and 2.SIGNATURES REVISION NUMBER ORIGINAL Rev.1 Rev.2 PREPARED BY DEPARTMENT HEAD APPROVAL J.Osborne R.Bl th B.Sversson K.Baker p///A/INTERFACING DEPARTMENT HEAD CONCURRENCE QUALITY ASSURANCE SUPERVISOR APPROVAL PLANT NUCLEAR SAFETY COMMITTEE PLANT MANAGER APPROVAL APPROVAL DATE R.Keith J.Stietzel D.Shaller D.Palme.06-07-77 02-18-82 R.Jurgensen W.Smith, Jr..i'~',.-,-

EFFECTIVE DATE 8405220202 8405i7 PDR ADQCK 050003i6 P.PDR 6.-0-77 02-18-82'I'-Z4 sa 2-OHP 4021.002.005 LZST OF EFFECTZVE PAGES PAGE NUMBER Page 1 of 6 Page 2 of 6 Page 3 of 6 Page 4 of 6 Page 5 of 6 Page 6 of 6 REVZSZON NUMBER AND DATE Revision 2, 03-09-84 Revision 2, 03-09-84 Revision 2, 03-09-84 Revision 2, 03-09-84 Revision 2, 03-09-84 Revision 2, 03-09-84 DATA/SZGNOFF SHEET 5.1 Page 1 of 2 Page 2 o 2 Revision 2, 03-09-84 Revision 2, 03-09-84?age 1 of 1 Rev.2 2-OHP 4021.002'05 INDIANA 6 MICHIGAN ELECTRIC COMPANY DONALD C.COOK NUCLEAR PLANT DRAINING REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM 1.0 OBJECTIVE 1.1 To lower the reactor coolant level in the Reactor Coolant System prior to removing the reactor vessel head or performing maintenance work requiring a reduced water level.


2.1 Technical Specifications, Appendix A, Section AEP Flow Diagrams: 2.2.1 2-OP-5128-4, Reactor Coolant System.2.2.2 2-OP-5128A-10, Reactor Coolant System.2.2.3 2-OP-5'29-3, CVCS Reactor Letdown and Charging.2.2.4 12-OP-5137A-5, WDS Vents and Drains.2.2.5 2-OP-5143-3, Emergency Core Cooling.2.3 Plant Operating Procedure, 2-OHP 4021.017.002, Placing in Service and Operation of Residual Heat Removal Loop.3.0 INITIAL CONDITIONS

?ERFORi~iED BY 3.1 3~2 3.3 If reactor vessel head is to be unbolted, verify Keff less than or equal to 0.95 and Tavg less than or equal to 140'F.Zf in cold snutdown, verify Keff less than 0.99 and Tavg less than or equal to 200'F.The Residual Heat Removal System is in operation, maintaining reactor coolant system temperature.

The reactor coolant drain tank and a minimum of one o the drain tank pumps is operable.The discharge of the reactor coolant drain tank pump is 1'ned up to selected CVCS HUT tanks through CS-460.Page 1 of 6 Rev.2 P ERFORMED BY 3'There is sufficient capacity in the CVCS holdup tanks to receive coolant released from the Reactor Coolant System when the pressurizer and the reactor vessel head are drained.3.5 3.6 The pressurizer backup and variable heater breakers must be tagged open.The pressurizer is open to the pressurizer relief tank through a power operated relief valve.3.7 A nitrogen blanket of 5 psig is being maintained in the pressurizer from the pressurizer relief tank through the relief valve discharge line.3.8 A temporary tygon hose is connected to valve 2-RC-116-L3 for level indication.

The tygon hose is looped so the top of the loop is at least ten (10)feet above the intended level indication desired and attached to manual vent 2-WD-238 on the pressur'zer rel'ef tanks The blank lange on the PRT vent (2-WD-238) requires being replaced by a flange with a piping tee on't with temporary valves on the two (2)free ends.One end is to connect to the level tygon hose.The other is to be connected to a tygon hose that is routed to the instrument room purge exhaust suction valve.Ensure there are no loop seals or kinks in the tygon hose to be used or level indication.

3.9 Pressurizer

level is in the indicating range or filled solid.3.10 The reactor head vent is connected to the pressurizer relief tank via installed vent spool piece.3.11 Shut and tag shut primary water to boric acid blender 12-PW-263.

~Terify CLOSED and hang a clearance on primary water to chemical mix'g tank 2-PW-256 and primary water flush to emergencv boration line 2-PW-265.This helps to avoid an inadvertent dilution while at half loop.3.12 If a tygon hose is to be used for level indication, the closed circuit television monitor mus be connected and funtioning properly.Page 2 of 6 Rev.2

~g's~~2-OHP 4021.002.005


4.1 4.2 The applicable Radiation Protection procedures for handling radioactive liquids and for venting vapors and gasses must be observed.The water level in the reactor vessel must be below the vessel flange before the head is unbolted for removal.The reactor flange elevation is 621 feet, 14 inches.The elevation of 4 loop is 614 feet, 0 inches.For RCP seal work and/or steam generator manway removal, the level must be brought to the center line of the hot and cold legs.This is commonly referred to as half loop.The level should be at half loop for a peri-od of eight hours after the PRT and tygon level instru-mentation is vented to atmosphere before allowing man-ways to be removed.4.3 4.4 4.5 The pressurizer relief tank level must be reduced to less than 5%to allow nitrogen flow to the pressurizer through the open power operated relief valve.Maintain reactor coolant system temperature greater than 60'F to ensure the reactor head temperature remains greater than 60'F until tension is relieved from the reactor head studs per Westinghouse refueling procedure.

Do not drain Reactor Coolant System below center line of the loops (614'")when nuclear fuel is in the vessel or while on RHR.4.6 Anytime draining of the RCS is in progress, careful observation of the RHR System is recuired.The pump amperage is the firs" indication o cavitation or loss of suction.5.0 DATA/SIGNOFF SHEETS 5.1 Data/Signof Sheet 5.1, Draining Reactor Coolan Valve Lineup.6.0 INSTRUCTIONS PERFORMED BY 6.1 6.2 Complete the attached Data/Signoff Sheet 5.1, Draining Peactor Coolant Valve Lineup.Start low p essure letdown from the Reactor Coolant System via the Residual Heat Removal System following 2-OHP 4021.017.002, Placing In Service and Operation of Residual Heat Removal Loop.Page 3 of 6 Rev.2

~I~~2-OHP 4021.002.005 P ERZORMED BY 6.3 Monitor pressurizer relief tank pressure while draining the system.Maintain a positive nitrogen pressure not to exceed 5 psig.6.4 6.5 Close reactor coolant drain tank vents to vent header 2-DCR-201 and 2-DCR-203.

This is to prevent getting water into vent header when draining Reactor Coolant System.Open loop drain isolation valves 2-RC-113-L1, 2-RC-113-L2, 2-RC-113-L3, and 2-RC-113-L4.

6.6 Loop drains flushing-These steps are to be done in sequence so the loop drains are flushed clean of crud.Open the drain valves wide to allow full flow to the reactor coolant drain tank.Valve off if necessary to control reactor coolant drain tank level and then reopen to obtain the required flushing time.6..6.1 , Open 2-RC-114-L'nd allow full flow for a minimum of two (2)minutes.6.6.2 Open 2-RC-114-L4 and allow full flow for a minimum of three (3)minutes.6.6.3 Open 2-RC-1'4-L2 and allow full flow for'minimum of two (2)minutes.6.6.4 Open 2-RC-114-L3 and allow full flow for a minimum of three (3)minutes.6.7 After completion of ste'p 6.6, the our (4)loop drains should be used as system drains.These drains and the low pressure letdown of step 6.2 o this procedure can be used in any combination to control the drainage from the system.NCTE When using loop drains, station an operator at the Waste Disposal System panel to observe reactor coolant dra'n tank level so that drainage can be controlled to prevent flooding the reactor coolant drain tank.Page 4 of 6 Rev.2 2-OHP 4021.002.005 PERFORMED BY 6.8 When pressurizer level is reduced to 5%indicated, open the reactor head vent valves 2-RC-132 and 2-RC-133.Reactor coolant will now flow through the connected sightglass to the pressurizer relief tank.Monitor this tank level while draining this way and maintain the level less than 5%.6.9 When reactor coolant stops'flowing through the flow indicator connected to the head vent valve, close all drains.6.10 Place temporary refueling water.level indicator in service (tygon hose)by opening valves 2-RC-113-L3, 2-RC-116-L3, 1-WD-238, and temporary valve on tygon hose.Refer to Precaution Continue draining the Reactor Coolant System by either or both methods of step 6.7 of this procedure.

Do not use the loo 3 drain for this because it will cause a false level indication.

6.12 As the indicated level approaches half loop, slow down the drainage and stop it when the level is reached.6.13 While maintaining level at half loop perform the following steps: 6.13.1 Close tne temporary valve on the leve'ygon at the PRT vent.6.13.2 Remove N supply from PRT by closing 1-GCR-30$.6.13.3 Slowly vent PRT to instrument room purge exhaust by cracking or throttling temporary valve.6.13.4 When PRT is fully vented, slowly throttle open temporary valve on the tygon level hose.6.14 Close RC-116-L3.

6.15 Close temporary valve on tygon level hose at PRT.Then disconnect the tygon.hose from the valve and have it run up alongside I3 RCP to a height greater than the reactor flange (greater than 622'levation).

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~$'1~e~2MHP 4021.002.005 PERFORMED BY 6.16 While monitoring the level, slowly open RC-116-L3.(Ensure it is not allowed to overflow.)

6.17 Reestablish level at half loop or where desired for work to be performed.

6.18 Maintain level at half loop for eight hours pre-ferred (a minimum of 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />).6.19 Declare RCS at half loop.PROCEDURE VERIFIED COMPLETE BY DATE REVIEWED BY SRO DATE 7.0 FINAL CONDITIONS.

7.1 Reactor coolant level is at the desired level re-quired for system maintenance.

This level can be anywhere down to the center line of the loops.Page 6 of 6 Rev.2 2-OHP 4021.002.005 DATA/SIGNOFF SHEET 5.1 LATEST EEV.CHECKED DPPZNINQ PEACTOR COOLANT VALVE LINEUP VALVE NUMBER 2-NRV-163 2-NRV-164 2-GCR-301 2-RRV-103 2-RC-118 2-RC llo 2-DRV-100 DESCRIPTION Pressurizer Spray Loop 3 Pressurizer Spray Loop 4 N2 to Pressurizer Pelief Tank Pressuri er Fe'ief Tank Vent Reactor Vessel Flange Leakoff (Outer)Reactor Vessel Flange Leakoff (Inner)Reacto" Vessel Flange Leakoff Isolation VALVE POSITION CL CL OP CL CL CL P ERFORMED BY 2-RC-113 Ll Reactor Coolant Loop 1 Dra'n Valve 2-RC-113 L2 Reacto" Coo'ant Loop 2 Drain Valve CL CL 2-RC-3 13 L3 2-RC-113 L4 2-RC-114 Ll Reactor Coo'ant Loop 3 Drain Valve Reactor Coclant Loop 4 Drain Valve Reactcr Coolart Lccp Isolatior.

Valve Drain CL C 2-RC-4 L2 Reactor Coolant Lcop Isolation Valve 2 Drain CL 2-RC-114 L3 Reactor Cco'ant Loop 3 Drain Isolaticn Va'e CL 2-RC-114 L4 Reactor Ccolant Loop 4 Drain Zsolat'on Valve CL OP-Open CL-Closed Page 1 of 2 Rev~2 2-OHP 4021.002.005 DATA/SIGNOFF SHEET 5.1 DPAINING REACTOR COOLANT VALVE LINEUP VALVE NUMBER 2-RC-116 L3 2-NRV-15 3 DESCRIPTION Refueling Water Level'ndicator solation P.O.Relief to Pressurizer Relief Tank VALVE POSITION CL OP PERFORMED BY 2-NRV-152 P.O.Pelief to Relief Tank Pressurizer OP 2-N RV-1 5 1 2-RC-121 2-RC-137 P.O.Pelief to Pressurizer Relief Tank R.V.Head Vent to Pressurizer Relief Tank R.V.Head Vent to Pressurizer Relief Tank OP OP OP 2-RC-138 2-RC-132 2-RC-133 R.V.Vent to R.V.Level Instrumentation Sightglass Inlet Isolation Sightglass Out'et Isolat'on CP CL Temporary valve"or PRT Vent to Instrument Room Purge Evhaust CL DATA/SIGNOFF SHEET VERIFIED COMPLETE BY DATE REVIEWED BY SRO DATE OP-Open CL-Closed Page 2 of Rev.2

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