IR 05000445/1985005: Difference between revisions

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NRC Inspection Report:  50-445/85-d5~  -Construction Permit's: CPPR-126 50-446/85-04    CPPR-127
  . Dockets: 50-445      -
50-446  ,
Licensee:- Texas Utilities Electric Compan'y"(TUEC)  >
  ~ >'      '
Skyway Tower    -
400 North Olive Street
.%    Lock Box 81
    . Dallas, Texas 7520 .  ;;, Facility Name: Comanche Peak-Steam Electric Station (CPSES), Units 1 and 2
  . Inspection At: ' Glen Rose', Texas
,  c .
Inspection Conducted: March 12-15, 1985
Inspector:  ,; mr
R/E. Baer, Radiation Specialist, Facilities  Date Radiological Protection Section
, .
Approved:    /4 B. Murray, Chief,  ilities Radiological  'Dat Protection Secti
D. M. Hunnicutt, Tehm Leader, Task Force  Date
  -Inspection Sumary
  . Inspection Conducted March 12-15, 1985 Report (50-445/85-05; 50-446/85-04)
_ Areas Inspected: . Routine, unannounced inspection'of the licensee's radioactive
  . waste program including: organization, liquid radwaste, gaseous radwaste, solid
radwaste, air cleaning systems, instrumentation,' audits and reviews, and ronsite storage of" low-level waste. The inspection involved 35 inspector-hour t  onsite byfone NRC inspecto I
  ~Results:f Within the eight areas' inspected, no violations or deviations were identified.'
g6030  go5 D 3
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  ;  - 1. ._ - Persons Contacted e    .  .
  -  Texas Utilities Generating Company
    *R. - A. - Jones, Manager,- Plant Operations ,
    *L. G. Barnes'. Operations Supervisor,
    :*D.;W. Braswell, Engineering-Superintendent 1 ~
    *D. E. Deviney, Operations' Quality Assurance (QA) Supervisor-L. E. Dunn, Results Staff Engineer
    ~*R. E.- Fishencord, Radiati,on Protection Supervisor  .
R. L. Jeanes, Technical Support Engineer R. T. Jenkins,.0perations' Support Supervisor
    *B. T.'Lancaster, Radiation Protection Engine'er
    'S.!R. Lueders, Radwaste Coordinator
    'M. T. McVean, System Engineer  .
T.LS. Neckowicz, Nuclear Engineer J. O'Donnell, Staff Health. Physicist
'    R. J. Sanford. QA Technician -
E. J. Schmitt, Staff Chemist t
L.*A. Wojcik, Nuclear Engineer ,
P. A. Corwin,. Consultant, MT&F Corporation
"?    A. D. Quam, Startup Test Engineer, Impe11 Corporation-
    *J. E. Cummins, NRC Resident Inspector
D. L. Kelley, NRC Senior Resident Inspector W. F. Smith, NRC Resident Inspector
The NRC inspector also interviewed severel other licensee employee including radiation protection, administrative,. engineering, and operations personne * Denotes those present at the exit interview on March 15, 198 o 2. , Licensee Action On Previous Inspection Findinas
    (Closed) Open Item (445/8314-07;446/8308-07): -Air Cleanino Systems - This item involved the lack of approved preoperational test procedures and completion-of preoperational tests. The licensee had developed and approved preoperational test procedures, and also completed preoperational
testin :This item is considered closed.
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    -3-(Closed) Open Item (445/8314-08; 446/8308-08): Instrumentation - This i  item involved the lack of determination of the validity of calibration standards and representative sampling by off-line effluent monitors, completing operational, calibration and surveillance procedures, and system functional testing. The licensee had determined the validity of calibration standards and particulate plate-out correction factors for off-line effluent monitors. The licensee had also completed operational, calibration, and surveillance procedures as part of the preoperational functional testing.of the radiation effluent monitoring syste This item is considered close . Radioactive Waste Management Organization The NRC inspector reviewed the licensee's onsite organization involved in radioactive waste management to determine compliance with Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) commitment The licensee had employed a health physicist to be responsible for radioactive material transportation in addition to other assigned dutie This individual had limited prior experience with radwaste transportation activitie He had attended station radwaste system
training and vendor provided transportation and burial site training provided by an offsite vendo '. The NRC inspector reviewed station radwaste procedures listed in Table 1 which had been revised since the last radioactive waste management
,  inspectio c'  No violations or deviations were identified.
.l? - ,
. Liquid Radioactive Waste System
The NRC inspector reviewed the licensee's liquid waste system to determine
.;  , compliance with FSAR commitment i g  The NRC inspector discussed with licensee representatives liquid system flow paths and process monitor locations, the reverse osmosis system
operation (this system had been placed in long term, greater-than-seven-day shutdown), and initial startup test Procedure f  ISU-237A, " Gaseous and Liquid Radwaste System Performance" Revision 0,
, f  June 18, 1984, which is to be performed at various power level '  '
No violations or deviations were identifie . Gaseous Radioactive Waste System    '
  'The NRC inspector reviewed the licensee's gaseous radioactive waste system todqterminecompliangewithFSARcommitments. The NRC inspector 1 .-
      . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
    -4-determined that there had been no changes to the gaseous waste system
"since the last inspection and that instrumentation specified in the proposed Technical Specifications for gaseous effluent monitoring was operationa No violations or deviations were identifie . Solid Radioactive Waste System The NRC inspector reviewed the solid radioactive waste system to determine compliance with FSAR commitment The NRC inspector reviewed Preoperational Test XCP-PT-60-01, " Solid Waste Disposal System," Revision 1, July 23, 1983, approved by the Joint Test
Group (JTG) on December 21, 198 This test involved crane, hoist, and spent filter transfer cask operatio The inspector noted that replacement and handling of all three types of filters used at the plant had been demonstrated. The NRC inspector also reviewed Preoperational Test XCP-PT-60-02, " Radioactive Waste Solidification System," Revision 1, February 10, 1984, approved by the JTG on November 2, 1984. This test had been modified to demonstrate the capability to transfer spent resins, evaporator concentrates, and chemical drain tank effluents to a bulk disposal outlet where a vendor :upplied portable solidification system will be connecte The NRC inspector discussed with licensee representatives the portable solidification system placement and proposed method of connecting to the bulk disposal outletc. The licensee stated that the general location for placement of the portable systein had been determined; but the exact location would not be known until the unit actually arrives onsite. The portable unit will not be ordered until after a low power license is issued. The hoses from the portable solidification system to the bulk disposal outlets will be of the protected type, and the hose routing will he determined after siting. The ~ NRC inspector stated that the vendor supplied portable solidification system would need to be tested to assure that waste can be processed and that hoses are able to be back-flushed to maintain acceptable radiation levels in the area. The NRC inspector stated that provisions needed to be established to assure that this testing will be completed prior to exceeding five percent power leve No violations or deviations were identifie . Air Cleaning Systems The NRC inspector reviewed the licensee's air cleaning systems to determine compliance with FSAR commitments, and the recommendations of-ANSI Standards N509-1980, N510-1980, and Regulatory Guides 1.140 and 1.5 .
  , . - -
.  .
The licensee had completed preoperational testing on all four systems:
'1CP-PT 07-03, " Control Room Filtration System," ICP-PT-24-03, " Primary Plant Ventilation System," ICP-PT-45-07, " Containment Pre-Access-Filtration System," and ICP-PT-46-02, " Containment Hydrogen Purge Filtration System." The NRC inspector reviewed the approved, completed tests identified above, and Test Deviation Reports (TDR)-3968 through 3971 which were being included, one with each test, to resolve a reproduction
. copy legibility deficiency that had been noted by the license The NRC inspector reviewed TDR-3740 on Procedure ICP-PT-07-03, which had been written to provide for the missing data sheets on iodine removal ~
efficiency tests, noted deficient in NRC Inspection Report 50-445/84-42; 50-446/84-16. This TOR contained legible copies of the data sheCc No violations or deviations were identifie . Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation The NRC inspector reviewed the licensee's inplant radiation monitoring systems for compliance with FSAR commitments and NUREG-0737 requirement The NRC inspector reviewed Preoperational Test ICP-PT-70-01." Radiation Monitor System Functional Test," which had been approved by the JTG on December 21, 198 This test package provided for ensuring the proper operation of the associated software, hardware, and included control deficiency reports (COR's) which had been issued during this test. All COR's had been satisfactorily resolved. The NRC inspector also reviewed test data' associated with Preoperational Test THE-NU-CA-7000-126,
" Radiation Monitor Sampling Line Particulate Plateout Test-Analysis."
These test data provided the methodology used to determine the following parameters: total integrated stack flow rate, probe and tubing plateout correction factors, particle counter correlation coefficients and errors, sample line particle plateout losses and associated errors, sample line particle size distribution surface area loss, sample line particle site distribution mass loss, and sample line plateout correct vendor supplied final report " Monitor Sample Line Plateout Measurement Results at Comanche Peak Units 1 and 2."
Correction factors have been supplied for XRE-5568 A & B north and south stack monitors, XRE-5570 A & B low range, XRE-5570 A & B mid/high range north and south stack wide range noble gas monitors, and IRE-5502 containment particulars, iodine, and gas monitor. The licensee stated that these correction factors would be entered into the digital radiation monitoring system computer and chemistry procedures for the appropriate
instrument . No violations or deviations were identifie ,
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A. i-6-
    , Audits.A'nd Reviews
The NRC inspector reviewed the' licensee's internal audit / review program regarding radioactive waste management and transportation activities to determine = compliance with FSAR commitment The NRC inspector reviewed Surveillance Report QSR-84-038 which had been performed in November 1984 on the receipt, storage, packaging, and shipment of radioactive material. The NRC inspector reviewed the qualifications and experience of the auditor for the above surveillanc No violations or deviations were identifie . On-Site Storage of Low-Level Waste The NRC inspector discussed with licensee representatives the status of the onsite low-level waste storage building. The licensee stated that it would take approximately one year to construct the facility once the decision has been made to build and funds had been appropriate ~
No violations or deviations were identifie . Exit Interview The NRC inspector met with licensee representatives identified in paragraph 1 at the conclusion of the inspection on March 15, 1985. The NRC inspector discussed the scope and findings of the inspection. The NRC inspector stated that actions had been completed to resolve open items in the radioactive waste management program that needed to be completed before issuance of an operating license. The NRC inspector stated that Open Item 445/8314-06; 446/8308-06 will need to be resolved prior to exceeding the five percent power leve .
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Table 1
I'      Radwaste System Procedures
            - '
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    .RWS-102,'! Drain Channel A", Revision 1,: November 1, 1984    ",.
    -RWS-103, " Drain Channel.B", Revision 1,= November 23, 1984-
    , RWS-104, " Drain Channel-C", Revision 1, November 20,'1984x-RWS-201, " Gaseous Waste Processing System", Revision 1, October 22, 1984    -
    'RWS-301,' "Radwaste Solidification System", Revision 1, December 12, 1984    l
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Latest revision as of 09:38, 23 July 2020

Insp Repts 50-445/85-05 & 50-446/85-04 on 850312-15.No Violation or Deviation Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Organization of Radwaste Program,Liquid,Solid & Gaseous Radwaste,Air Cleaning Sys & Instrumentation
Person / Time
Site: Comanche Peak  Luminant icon.png
Issue date: 04/23/1985
From: Baer R, Hunnicutt D, Murray B
Shared Package
ML20128N958 List:
50-445-85-05, 50-445-85-5, 50-446-85-04, 50-446-85-4, NUDOCS 8506030432
Download: ML20128N978 (7)


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NRC Inspection Report: 50-445/85-d5~ -Construction Permit's: CPPR-126 50-446/85-04 CPPR-127

. Dockets: 50-445 -

50-446 ,


Licensee:- Texas Utilities Electric Compan'y"(TUEC) >


~ >' '

Skyway Tower -


400 North Olive Street

.% Lock Box 81

. Dallas, Texas 7520 .  ;;, Facility Name: Comanche Peak-Steam Electric Station (CPSES), Units 1 and 2


. Inspection At: ' Glen Rose', Texas



, c .


Inspection Conducted: March 12-15, 1985


Inspector: ,; mr


R/E. Baer, Radiation Specialist, Facilities Date Radiological Protection Section


, .

Approved: /4 B. Murray, Chief, ilities Radiological 'Dat Protection Secti







D. M. Hunnicutt, Tehm Leader, Task Force Date


-Inspection Sumary


. Inspection Conducted March 12-15, 1985 Report (50-445/85-05; 50-446/85-04)

_ Areas Inspected: . Routine, unannounced inspection'of the licensee's radioactive

. waste program including: organization, liquid radwaste, gaseous radwaste, solid


radwaste, air cleaning systems, instrumentation,' audits and reviews, and ronsite storage of" low-level waste. The inspection involved 35 inspector-hour t onsite byfone NRC inspecto I

~Results:f Within the eight areas' inspected, no violations or deviations were identified.'


g6030 go5 D 3




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- 1. ._ - Persons Contacted e . .

- Texas Utilities Generating Company



  • R. - A. - Jones, Manager,- Plant Operations ,
  • L. G. Barnes'. Operations Supervisor,



  • D.;W. Braswell, Engineering-Superintendent 1 ~
  • D. E. Deviney, Operations' Quality Assurance (QA) Supervisor-L. E. Dunn, Results Staff Engineer

~*R. E.- Fishencord, Radiati,on Protection Supervisor .

R. L. Jeanes, Technical Support Engineer R. T. Jenkins,.0perations' Support Supervisor

  • B. T.'Lancaster, Radiation Protection Engine'er

'S.!R. Lueders, Radwaste Coordinator

'M. T. McVean, System Engineer .

T.LS. Neckowicz, Nuclear Engineer J. O'Donnell, Staff Health. Physicist

' R. J. Sanford. QA Technician -




E. J. Schmitt, Staff Chemist t


L.*A. Wojcik, Nuclear Engineer ,




P. A. Corwin,. Consultant, MT&F Corporation

"? A. D. Quam, Startup Test Engineer, Impe11 Corporation-


  • J. E. Cummins, NRC Resident Inspector


D. L. Kelley, NRC Senior Resident Inspector W. F. Smith, NRC Resident Inspector


The NRC inspector also interviewed severel other licensee employee including radiation protection, administrative,. engineering, and operations personne * Denotes those present at the exit interview on March 15, 198 o 2. , Licensee Action On Previous Inspection Findinas




(Closed) Open Item (445/8314-07;446/8308-07): -Air Cleanino Systems - This item involved the lack of approved preoperational test procedures and completion-of preoperational tests. The licensee had developed and approved preoperational test procedures, and also completed preoperational


testin :This item is considered closed.




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-3-(Closed) Open Item (445/8314-08; 446/8308-08): Instrumentation - This i item involved the lack of determination of the validity of calibration standards and representative sampling by off-line effluent monitors, completing operational, calibration and surveillance procedures, and system functional testing. The licensee had determined the validity of calibration standards and particulate plate-out correction factors for off-line effluent monitors. The licensee had also completed operational, calibration, and surveillance procedures as part of the preoperational functional testing.of the radiation effluent monitoring syste This item is considered close . Radioactive Waste Management Organization The NRC inspector reviewed the licensee's onsite organization involved in radioactive waste management to determine compliance with Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) commitment The licensee had employed a health physicist to be responsible for radioactive material transportation in addition to other assigned dutie This individual had limited prior experience with radwaste transportation activitie He had attended station radwaste system


training and vendor provided transportation and burial site training provided by an offsite vendo '. The NRC inspector reviewed station radwaste procedures listed in Table 1 which had been revised since the last radioactive waste management

, inspectio c' No violations or deviations were identified.

.l? - ,

. Liquid Radioactive Waste System



The NRC inspector reviewed the licensee's liquid waste system to determine

.; , compliance with FSAR commitment i g The NRC inspector discussed with licensee representatives liquid system flow paths and process monitor locations, the reverse osmosis system



operation (this system had been placed in long term, greater-than-seven-day shutdown), and initial startup test Procedure f ISU-237A, " Gaseous and Liquid Radwaste System Performance" Revision 0,

, f June 18, 1984, which is to be performed at various power level ' '

No violations or deviations were identifie . Gaseous Radioactive Waste System '

'The NRC inspector reviewed the licensee's gaseous radioactive waste system todqterminecompliangewithFSARcommitments. The NRC inspector 1 .-

. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _



-4-determined that there had been no changes to the gaseous waste system

"since the last inspection and that instrumentation specified in the proposed Technical Specifications for gaseous effluent monitoring was operationa No violations or deviations were identifie . Solid Radioactive Waste System The NRC inspector reviewed the solid radioactive waste system to determine compliance with FSAR commitment The NRC inspector reviewed Preoperational Test XCP-PT-60-01, " Solid Waste Disposal System," Revision 1, July 23, 1983, approved by the Joint Test



Group (JTG) on December 21, 198 This test involved crane, hoist, and spent filter transfer cask operatio The inspector noted that replacement and handling of all three types of filters used at the plant had been demonstrated. The NRC inspector also reviewed Preoperational Test XCP-PT-60-02, " Radioactive Waste Solidification System," Revision 1, February 10, 1984, approved by the JTG on November 2, 1984. This test had been modified to demonstrate the capability to transfer spent resins, evaporator concentrates, and chemical drain tank effluents to a bulk disposal outlet where a vendor :upplied portable solidification system will be connecte The NRC inspector discussed with licensee representatives the portable solidification system placement and proposed method of connecting to the bulk disposal outletc. The licensee stated that the general location for placement of the portable systein had been determined; but the exact location would not be known until the unit actually arrives onsite. The portable unit will not be ordered until after a low power license is issued. The hoses from the portable solidification system to the bulk disposal outlets will be of the protected type, and the hose routing will he determined after siting. The ~ NRC inspector stated that the vendor supplied portable solidification system would need to be tested to assure that waste can be processed and that hoses are able to be back-flushed to maintain acceptable radiation levels in the area. The NRC inspector stated that provisions needed to be established to assure that this testing will be completed prior to exceeding five percent power leve No violations or deviations were identifie . Air Cleaning Systems The NRC inspector reviewed the licensee's air cleaning systems to determine compliance with FSAR commitments, and the recommendations of-ANSI Standards N509-1980, N510-1980, and Regulatory Guides 1.140 and 1.5 .

, . - -



. .



The licensee had completed preoperational testing on all four systems:

'1CP-PT 07-03, " Control Room Filtration System," ICP-PT-24-03, " Primary Plant Ventilation System," ICP-PT-45-07, " Containment Pre-Access-Filtration System," and ICP-PT-46-02, " Containment Hydrogen Purge Filtration System." The NRC inspector reviewed the approved, completed tests identified above, and Test Deviation Reports (TDR)-3968 through 3971 which were being included, one with each test, to resolve a reproduction

. copy legibility deficiency that had been noted by the license The NRC inspector reviewed TDR-3740 on Procedure ICP-PT-07-03, which had been written to provide for the missing data sheets on iodine removal ~

efficiency tests, noted deficient in NRC Inspection Report 50-445/84-42; 50-446/84-16. This TOR contained legible copies of the data sheCc No violations or deviations were identifie . Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation The NRC inspector reviewed the licensee's inplant radiation monitoring systems for compliance with FSAR commitments and NUREG-0737 requirement The NRC inspector reviewed Preoperational Test ICP-PT-70-01." Radiation Monitor System Functional Test," which had been approved by the JTG on December 21, 198 This test package provided for ensuring the proper operation of the associated software, hardware, and included control deficiency reports (COR's) which had been issued during this test. All COR's had been satisfactorily resolved. The NRC inspector also reviewed test data' associated with Preoperational Test THE-NU-CA-7000-126,

" Radiation Monitor Sampling Line Particulate Plateout Test-Analysis."

These test data provided the methodology used to determine the following parameters: total integrated stack flow rate, probe and tubing plateout correction factors, particle counter correlation coefficients and errors, sample line particle plateout losses and associated errors, sample line particle size distribution surface area loss, sample line particle site distribution mass loss, and sample line plateout correct vendor supplied final report " Monitor Sample Line Plateout Measurement Results at Comanche Peak Units 1 and 2."

Correction factors have been supplied for XRE-5568 A & B north and south stack monitors, XRE-5570 A & B low range, XRE-5570 A & B mid/high range north and south stack wide range noble gas monitors, and IRE-5502 containment particulars, iodine, and gas monitor. The licensee stated that these correction factors would be entered into the digital radiation monitoring system computer and chemistry procedures for the appropriate

instrument . No violations or deviations were identifie ,

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A. i-6-


, Audits.A'nd Reviews


The NRC inspector reviewed the' licensee's internal audit / review program regarding radioactive waste management and transportation activities to determine = compliance with FSAR commitment The NRC inspector reviewed Surveillance Report QSR-84-038 which had been performed in November 1984 on the receipt, storage, packaging, and shipment of radioactive material. The NRC inspector reviewed the qualifications and experience of the auditor for the above surveillanc No violations or deviations were identifie . On-Site Storage of Low-Level Waste The NRC inspector discussed with licensee representatives the status of the onsite low-level waste storage building. The licensee stated that it would take approximately one year to construct the facility once the decision has been made to build and funds had been appropriate ~

No violations or deviations were identifie . Exit Interview The NRC inspector met with licensee representatives identified in paragraph 1 at the conclusion of the inspection on March 15, 1985. The NRC inspector discussed the scope and findings of the inspection. The NRC inspector stated that actions had been completed to resolve open items in the radioactive waste management program that needed to be completed before issuance of an operating license. The NRC inspector stated that Open Item 445/8314-06; 446/8308-06 will need to be resolved prior to exceeding the five percent power leve .

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Table 1


I' Radwaste System Procedures


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.RWS-102,'! Drain Channel A", Revision 1,: November 1, 1984 ",.

-RWS-103, " Drain Channel.B", Revision 1,= November 23, 1984-


, RWS-104, " Drain Channel-C", Revision 1, November 20,'1984x-RWS-201, " Gaseous Waste Processing System", Revision 1, October 22, 1984 -

'RWS-301,' "Radwaste Solidification System", Revision 1, December 12, 1984 l

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