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{{#Wiki_filter:WDOeA8wiselyELECTRICCOMPAIIIY DONALDC.COOKNUCLEARPLANTinstruction orProcedure Temporary SheetThistemporary sheetappliestoOFF-SITERADIOLOGICAL MONITORING'nstruction orProcedure No.PMP2081EPP.012RevisionNo.'TEMPORARY SHEETNO.TP-1Thefollowing change(X)newrequirement
{{#Wiki_filter:WDOeA                  8 ELECTRIC COMPAIIIY wisely DONALD C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT instruction or Procedure Temporary Sheet OFF-SITE RADIOLOGICAL                                        TEMPORARY This temporary sheet applies to                                                                              SHEET NO.
()shallbeinstituted effective (Date)Changestep3.7.2toread:Placeaparticulate filterandasilverzeolitecartridge intheairsamplerandcollectasampleof5to10cubicfootvolumeat'the'location wherethemRem/hrreadingwasthehighest(foundduringthetraverse).
MONITORING'nstruction or Procedure No.     PMP  2081  EPP.012 Revision No.                                   '
Step3.7.4-Change"charcoal" to"silverzeolite".
TP-1 The following change ( X )                 new requirement (     )     shall be instituted effective (Date)
REASON:Changesamplespecification fromtimetototalvolume.Changere-ferencestocharcoalcartridges tosilverzeoliteThischangeshouldbemadeapermanent revisiontotheInstruction orProcedure:
Change step        3.7.2 to read:
tPESaNQoNOTKNOWN,addittonal reviewrequiredExpiraticn Date:Originator:
Place a particulate            filter  and a silver zeolite cartridge in the air sampler and collect a sample of 5 to 10 cubic foot volume at'the 'location where the mRem/hr reading was the highest (found during the traverse).
Step 3.7.4       -   Change   "charcoal" to "silver zeolite".
REASON:       Change      sample  specification from time to total volume.                     Change  re-ferences to charcoal cartridges to silver zeolite This change should be made        a  permanent revision to the Instruction or Procedure:
tPES              aNQ            oNOTKNOWN,addittonal review required Expiraticn Date:                                                       Standard Dist. List No.:
Originator:                                                            Distribution:
: INNAIIIA, 8iPII'8!GPII DONALDC.GOOKNUCLEARPLANTInstruction orProcedure Temporary SheetThistemporary sheetappliestoENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING 4ltANALYS'IS Instruction orProcedure No.PMP2081EPP.013RevisionNo.0TEMPORARY SHEETNO.TP-1Thefollowing change(X)newrequirement (instituted effective (Date)Fbruar982)shallbeChangestep3.2.7toread:Collectairsamplesof5to10cubicfeettotalvolumeatthelocationofmaximumdoserate(cloudcenterline) atvariousdistances (e.g.,consider.1,2,3,4,5,10,20milesfromthesite).rsvREASON:Changesamplespecification fromsamp'letimetototalsamplevolumetoaccountfordifferent sampleflowrates.Thischangeshouldbemadeapermanent revisiontotheInstruction orProcedure:
Management -Staff:
EYESoNOaNOTKNOWN,addittonal reviewrequired'xpiration Date:Oridonator:Maragerrent Staff:SeniorReactorOpeatcr:PNSRCPlantManagerStandardDist.ListNo.:Distribution:
Senior Reactor Operator:
PORC Rant Manager Ftgrzvs 'Nn. vtglln =           RKVISEO r/78                                                              ORIGINAL WHITE Baa3~8OS<9           Ba03ii                                                            CANARY    OEIGINATOE COPY WOBKING COPY PDR se ADQCK        050003l5 r <<l* 'Ut! 4 PINK F                      WO pDp
DONALDC.COOKNUCLEARPLANTInstruction orProcedure Temporary SheetThistemporary sheetappliestoOFF-SITEDOSEASSESSMENTS, Instruction orProcedure No.PMP2081EPP.014RevisionNo.0Thefollowing change(X)newrequirement
()shallbeinstituted effective (pate)25Februar,1982TEMPORARY SHEETNO.TP-1Theprocedure isdefective andisnottobeuseduntilthereviewcurrently inprogressresultsinthenecessary revisions.
l                        'I 1
~,IsREASON:Currentprocedure isincomplete anddoesnotagreewithothermethodsofoff-sitedoseassessment.
  'I ~i - 4' mr 7I g
Thischangeshouldbemadeapermanent revisiontotheinstruction orProcedure:
clYES@NOQNOTKNOWN,addittonal reviewrequiredExpirati'cn Date:C}riginator.
INNAIIIA,8 iPII'8!GPII DONALD C. GOOK NUCLEAR PLANT Instruction or Procedure Temporary Sheet TEMPORARY This temporary sheet applies to          ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING         4lt ANALYS'IS SHEET NO.
Instruction or Procedure No.       PMP  2081  EPP.013 Revision No.       0                                                              TP-1 The following change       ( X )       new requirement (     )    shall be instituted effective (Date)               F bruar      982 Change step      3.2.7 to read:
PNSRCPlantiVhnager~'EVISION DIteZ-Z-g'Z-DIteStandardDist.ListNo.:Distribution:
Collect air samples of 5 to 10 cubic feet total volume at the location of maximum dose    rate (cloud centerline) at various distances (e.g., consider                     .
FormNo.4330REVI8EDT/I8PORlCNO.PMI2OI&4REV.2%81TEORIGINALCANhRYORIGINATOR COPY~PINKProEKINGCOPY PMPEPPINDEXIiNDIANAIm>MICHIGANPO'ilERCGMPAi'tY DONALDC.COOKNUCLm<'RPLk>')>PLANTMANAGERPROCEDURE IndexIoen'cif1cat'tonNumberTitieRevisionNo.>AndDateCcnnentsPMP.2M1EPP.QOlEmergency Telephone Communications EPP;002BarringofthePABXRevision04-1-81Revision04-1-81EPP.003Follow-Up Off-SiteCommunications Revision04-1-81EPP.004Protective ActionGuidesRevision0(PAGs)andProtective Actions4-1-81EPP.005Personnel Evacuation EPP.006Activation oftheReentryandRescueTeamEPP.007SecurityActionsDuringEmergency Conditions EPP.008Emergency MedicalPlanGuidelines EPP.099HealthPhysicsProcedures EPP.010Activation ofRadiation Monitoring TeamsEPP.011On-SiteRadiologicalMonitoring EPP.012Off-SiteRadiological Monitoring EPP.013Environmental Monitoring andAnalysisRevision04-1-81Revision04-1-81Revision04-1-81Revision04-1-81Revision04-1-81"-Revision04-1-81Revision4=1-81"Revision04-1-81Revision04-1-81TP-1,2-25-82 ExpN/ATP-1,2-25-82 ExpN/APeg"-RevOae4"a6-Pg PMPEPPINDEXINDIANA5MICHIG"NPQ':iERCOMPANYDONALDC.COOKNUCLm~'RPLANTPLANTMANAGERPROCEDURE indevIdentification NumberTitieRevis.'on No.fAndGateCommentsPMP2681EPP.014Off-SiteDoseAssessments EPP.015SamplingandAnalysisofMaterborne ReleasesEPP.016Collection andAnalysisofLiquidandGaseousSamplesEPP.017Interpretation ofLiquidandGaseousSamplesEPP.018Transportation Accidents-Involving Radioactive MaterialEPP.019AEPEmergency ResponseOrganization Activation andManagement EPP.020Activation andOperation oftheTechnical SupportCenter(TSC)Revision04-1-81Revision04-1-81Revision04-1-81Revision04-1-81Revision04-1-81Revision0.4-1-8)Revision04-1-81TP-1,2-25-82 ExpN/ATP-1,11-16-81 ExpN/AEPP.021EPP.022EPP.023EPP.024Activation andOperatio'n oftheOperations StagingA@ca(OSA)andPersonnel Accountability Activation andOperation oftheRecoveryCenter(RC)(AnEmergency Operations Faci1ity)ActivationandOperationoftheEmergency ControlCenter(ECC)(AnEmergency Operations Facility)
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 20 miles from the              site).
Activation andOperation oftheJointPublicInformation Center(JPIC)(AnEmergency Operations Facility)
r        sv REASON:       Change sample      specification from      samp'le time      to total sample volume to account for different sample flow rates.
Revision0.4-1-81'evision04-1-81Revi'sion 04-1-81Revision04-1-81TP-1,11-16-81 ExpN/A3
This change should be made    a  permanent revision to the Instruction or Procedure:
EYES          oNO            a NOT KNOWN, addittonal review required
'xpiration   Date:                                                 Standard Dist. List No.:
Oridonator:                                                       Distribution:
Maragerrent Staff:
Senior Reactor Opeatcr:
PNSRC Plant Manager Form No. 4330            Rzvtsm    717a                                              %HITE      ORIGINAL CANARY  - ORIGINATOR COPY PINK      pro R?tING COPY PORM No. PMI 201&4    RKV. a                                                                   7
I DONALD C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT Instruction or Procedure Temporary Sheet TEMPORARY This temporary sheet applies to OFF-SITE DOSE ASSESSMENTS,                                         SHEET NO.
Instruction or Procedure No.       PMP 2081 EPP.014 Revision No. 0                                                                    TP-1 The following change ( X )           new requirement (       )     shall be instituted effective (pate)           25 Februar, 1982 The procedure        is defective and is not to be used until the review currently in progress results in the necessary revisions.
                                                                                            ~,I s REASON:       Current procedure is incomplete and does not agree with other methods of off-site    dose assessment.
This change should be made    a  permanent revision to the instruction or Procedure:
clYES         @NO            QNOT KNOWN, addittonal review required Expirati'cn Date:                                                 Standard Dist. List No.:
C}riginator.   ~'EVISION                                          Distribution:
Management .Staff:
Senior Reactor Operatcr:
PNSRC                              DIte    Z-Z     -g'Z-Plant iVhnager                      DIte Form No. 4330            REVI8ED T/I8                                                %81TE      ORIGINAL CANhRY      ORIGINATOR COPY
                                                                                    ~ PINK        Pro EKING COPY PORlC NO. PMI 2OI&4    REV. 2
PLANT MANAGER PROCEDURE Index Ioen'ci f1 cat'ton Ti tie                Revision  No.>
Ccnnents Number                                              And Date PMP .2M1 EPP.QOl    Emergency Telephone               Revision 0 Communications                     4-1-81 EPP;002 Barring of the    PABX            Revision  0 4-1-81 EPP.003 Follow-Up Off-Site                Revision  0 Communications                      4-1-81 EPP.004 Protective Action Guides          Revision  0 (PAGs) and Protective Actions 4-1-81 EPP.005 Personnel  Evacuation             Revision  0 4-1-81 EPP.006 Activation of the Reentry          Revision  0 and Rescue Team                    4-1-81 EPP.007 Security Actions During            Revision  0 Emergency Conditions                4-1-81 EPP.008 Emergency Medical Plan            Revision 0 Guidelines                          4-1-81 EPP.099 Health Physics Procedures          Revision 0 4-1-81 "-
EPP.010 Activation of Radiation            Revision 0 Monitoring  Teams                  4-1-81 EPP.011 On-Si te Radi ologi cal            Revision Monitoring                          4=1-81" EPP.012 Off-Site Radiological              Revision 0      TP-1,2-25-82 Exp N/A Monitoring                          4-1-81 EPP.013 Environmental Monitoring          Revision  0      TP-1,2-25-82 Exp N/A and Analysis                        4-1-81 Peg"-
Rev  Oa e  4 "a6-Pg
PMP EPP INDEX INDIANA 5 MICHIG"N PQ':iER COMPANY DONALD C. COOK NUCLm~'R PLANT PLANT MANAGER PROCEDURE indev Identification                  Ti tie Revis.'on No.f Comments Number                                            And Gate PMP 2681 EPP.014 Off-Site      Dose Assessments      Revision          0  TP-1,2-25-82 Exp N/A 4-1-81 EPP.015 Sampling and Analysis        of    Revision          0 Materborne Releases                  4-1-81 EPP.016 Collection      and Analysis of    Revision          0 Liquid and      Gaseous Samples      4-1-81 EPP.017 Interpretation of Liquid            Revision          0 and Gaseous      Samples            4-1-81 EPP.018 Transportation Accidents-          Revision          0 Involving Radioactive                4-1-81 Material EPP.019 AEP  Emergency Response            Revision          0 Organization Activation and          .4-1-8)
Management EPP.020 Activation      and Operation of    Revision 0          TP-1,11-16-81 Exp N/A the Technical Support Center        4-1-81 (TSC)
EPP. 021 Activation      and Operatio'n  of  Revision          0. TP-1,11-16-81 Exp N/A the Operations Staging        A@ca   4-1-81 (OSA) and Personnel Accountability Activation     and Operation of
                                                              'evision EPP.022                                                      0 the Recovery Center (RC) (An        4-1-81 Emergency Operations Faci  1 i ty)
EPP.023 Ac ti va ti on  and Opera  tion o f Revi'sion 0 the Emergency Control Center        4-1-81 (ECC) (An Emergency Operations     Facility)
EPP.024 Activation and Operation of Revision                  0 the Joint Public Information        4-1-81 Center (JPIC) (An Emergency Operations Facility)                                               3
  'e s.~

Latest revision as of 02:49, 4 February 2020

Public Version of Procedure Temporary Sheet TP-1 to Plant Manager Procedures Including Procedures PMP 2081 EPP.012 Re Offsite Radiological Monitoring & PMP 2081 EPP.013 Re Environ Monitoring.Revised Index Encl
Person / Time
Site: Cook  American Electric Power icon.png
Issue date: 02/26/1982
Shared Package
ML17319B237 List:
PROC-820226, NUDOCS 8203180519
Download: ML17319B239 (8)


WDOeA 8 ELECTRIC COMPAIIIY wisely DONALD C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT instruction or Procedure Temporary Sheet OFF-SITE RADIOLOGICAL TEMPORARY This temporary sheet applies to SHEET NO.

MONITORING'nstruction or Procedure No. PMP 2081 EPP.012 Revision No. '

TP-1 The following change ( X ) new requirement ( ) shall be instituted effective (Date)

Change step 3.7.2 to read:

Place a particulate filter and a silver zeolite cartridge in the air sampler and collect a sample of 5 to 10 cubic foot volume at'the 'location where the mRem/hr reading was the highest (found during the traverse).

Step 3.7.4 - Change "charcoal" to "silver zeolite".

REASON: Change sample specification from time to total volume. Change re-ferences to charcoal cartridges to silver zeolite This change should be made a permanent revision to the Instruction or Procedure:

tPES aNQ oNOTKNOWN,addittonal review required Expiraticn Date: Standard Dist. List No.:

Originator: Distribution:

Management -Staff:

Senior Reactor Operator:

PORC Rant Manager Ftgrzvs 'Nn. vtglln = RKVISEO r/78 ORIGINAL WHITE Baa3~8OS<9 Ba03ii CANARY OEIGINATOE COPY WOBKING COPY PDR se ADQCK 050003l5 r <<l* 'Ut! 4 PINK F WO pDp

l 'I 1

'I ~i - 4' mr 7I g


INNAIIIA,8 iPII'8!GPII DONALD C. GOOK NUCLEAR PLANT Instruction or Procedure Temporary Sheet TEMPORARY This temporary sheet applies to ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING 4lt ANALYS'IS SHEET NO.

Instruction or Procedure No. PMP 2081 EPP.013 Revision No. 0 TP-1 The following change ( X ) new requirement ( ) shall be instituted effective (Date) F bruar 982 Change step 3.2.7 to read:

Collect air samples of 5 to 10 cubic feet total volume at the location of maximum dose rate (cloud centerline) at various distances (e.g., consider .

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 20 miles from the site).

r sv REASON: Change sample specification from samp'le time to total sample volume to account for different sample flow rates.

This change should be made a permanent revision to the Instruction or Procedure:

EYES oNO a NOT KNOWN, addittonal review required

'xpiration Date: Standard Dist. List No.:

Oridonator: Distribution:

Maragerrent Staff:

Senior Reactor Opeatcr:

PNSRC Plant Manager Form No. 4330 Rzvtsm 717a %HITE ORIGINAL CANARY - ORIGINATOR COPY PINK pro R?tING COPY PORM No. PMI 201&4 RKV. a 7

I DONALD C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT Instruction or Procedure Temporary Sheet TEMPORARY This temporary sheet applies to OFF-SITE DOSE ASSESSMENTS, SHEET NO.

Instruction or Procedure No. PMP 2081 EPP.014 Revision No. 0 TP-1 The following change ( X ) new requirement ( ) shall be instituted effective (pate) 25 Februar, 1982 The procedure is defective and is not to be used until the review currently in progress results in the necessary revisions.

~,I s REASON: Current procedure is incomplete and does not agree with other methods of off-site dose assessment.

This change should be made a permanent revision to the instruction or Procedure:

clYES @NO QNOT KNOWN, addittonal review required Expirati'cn Date: Standard Dist. List No.:

C}riginator. ~'EVISION Distribution:

Management .Staff:

Senior Reactor Operatcr:




PLANT MANAGER PROCEDURE Index Ioen'ci f1 cat'ton Ti tie Revision No.>

Ccnnents Number And Date PMP .2M1 EPP.QOl Emergency Telephone Revision 0 Communications 4-1-81 EPP;002 Barring of the PABX Revision 0 4-1-81 EPP.003 Follow-Up Off-Site Revision 0 Communications 4-1-81 EPP.004 Protective Action Guides Revision 0 (PAGs) and Protective Actions 4-1-81 EPP.005 Personnel Evacuation Revision 0 4-1-81 EPP.006 Activation of the Reentry Revision 0 and Rescue Team 4-1-81 EPP.007 Security Actions During Revision 0 Emergency Conditions 4-1-81 EPP.008 Emergency Medical Plan Revision 0 Guidelines 4-1-81 EPP.099 Health Physics Procedures Revision 0 4-1-81 "-

EPP.010 Activation of Radiation Revision 0 Monitoring Teams 4-1-81 EPP.011 On-Si te Radi ologi cal Revision Monitoring 4=1-81" EPP.012 Off-Site Radiological Revision 0 TP-1,2-25-82 Exp N/A Monitoring 4-1-81 EPP.013 Environmental Monitoring Revision 0 TP-1,2-25-82 Exp N/A and Analysis 4-1-81 Peg"-

Rev Oa e 4 "a6-Pg

PMP EPP INDEX INDIANA 5 MICHIG"N PQ':iER COMPANY DONALD C. COOK NUCLm~'R PLANT PLANT MANAGER PROCEDURE indev Identification Ti tie Revis.'on No.f Comments Number And Gate PMP 2681 EPP.014 Off-Site Dose Assessments Revision 0 TP-1,2-25-82 Exp N/A 4-1-81 EPP.015 Sampling and Analysis of Revision 0 Materborne Releases 4-1-81 EPP.016 Collection and Analysis of Revision 0 Liquid and Gaseous Samples 4-1-81 EPP.017 Interpretation of Liquid Revision 0 and Gaseous Samples 4-1-81 EPP.018 Transportation Accidents- Revision 0 Involving Radioactive 4-1-81 Material EPP.019 AEP Emergency Response Revision 0 Organization Activation and .4-1-8)

Management EPP.020 Activation and Operation of Revision 0 TP-1,11-16-81 Exp N/A the Technical Support Center 4-1-81 (TSC)

EPP. 021 Activation and Operatio'n of Revision 0. TP-1,11-16-81 Exp N/A the Operations Staging A@ca 4-1-81 (OSA) and Personnel Accountability Activation and Operation of

'evision EPP.022 0 the Recovery Center (RC) (An 4-1-81 Emergency Operations Faci 1 i ty)

EPP.023 Ac ti va ti on and Opera tion o f Revi'sion 0 the Emergency Control Center 4-1-81 (ECC) (An Emergency Operations Facility)

EPP.024 Activation and Operation of Revision 0 the Joint Public Information 4-1-81 Center (JPIC) (An Emergency Operations Facility) 3

'e s.~
