MONTHYEARML20024J2471994-10-0606 October 1994 LER 94-009-00:on 940909,EDG G-02 Inadvertently Started & Station Battery Charger D-08 Tripped Off Due to Blown Fuse. Caused by Inadequate Procedure.Blown Fuse Replaced & Electrical Distribution Sys Restored to normal.W/941006 Ltr ML20029C8511994-04-22022 April 1994 LER 94-001-00:on 940323,identified That Feedwater Flow May Have Been Underestimated Since Beginning of Operating Cycle. Caused by Degradation of Signals from Transducers.Transducer replaced.W/940422 Ltr ML20044E5571993-05-17017 May 1993 LER 92-009-01:on 921012,identified That Ccws Surge Tank Vent Valves Outside Design Basis Due to Oversight During Original Design of CCW Sys.Proposes to Replace Radiation Detector & Associated Circuitry W/Dedicated safety-related Sys ML20044E6221993-05-17017 May 1993 LER 93-006-00:on 930416,discovered That Outside CIV Not Leak Tested,Per TS 15.4.4.III.D Requirements Due to Review on 840202,recommending That Valve Be Tested During RHR Hydrostatic Testing.Subj Valve replaced.W/930517 Ltr ML20044D8811993-05-14014 May 1993 LER 93-005-00:on 930415,containment Accident Fan Time Delay Relay 1-TDR-26 (Turbine Bldg Cooler Svc Water Inlet Valve 1SW-2880) Unexpectedly Closed.Caused by Failure to Recognize Presence of Relay in Contact.Function Changed ML20044D2061993-05-10010 May 1993 LER 93-003-00:on 930328,Point Beach Unit 2 Tripped Due to Surveillance Testing Problems.Test Procedures Can Trip Unit Due to Equipment or Human Failure.Failure Tests Delayed Until Unit 1 & Knpp Restored to power.W/930510 Ltr ML20024H2151991-05-21021 May 1991 LER 91-003-00:on 910429,charging Sys Check Valve 1-370 Discovered W/Leakage in Excess of Limits Due to Worn Disc Arm Bushing Steps.Worn Disc Arm Bushing Steps Cladded W/ E308 Weld Matl & Hand Filed to Design contour.W/910521 Ltr ML20029C2101991-03-20020 March 1991 LER 91-002-01:on 901009,inadvertent Start of Auxiliary Feedwater Pump Occurred.Caused by Inadequate Test Procedures.Auxiliary Feedwater Pump Secured & Maint Work Request Mwr 904517 initiated.W/910320 Ltr ML20029C1141991-03-12012 March 1991 LER 91-010-01:on 900816,axial Flux Differential Outside Tech Specs Limits Due to Malfunction of Turbine Electrohydraulic Governor Control.Operator Training Revised. W/910319 Ltr ML20028H0321990-09-27027 September 1990 LER 90-011-00:on 900829,low Net Positive Suction Head to Containment Spray Pumps W/Eccs in Recirculation Mode Occurred.Caused by Procedural Deficiency.Temporary Procedure Changes initiated.W/900927 Ltr ML20043G2011990-06-0808 June 1990 LER 90-005-00:on 900510,steam Generator lo-lo Level Reactor Trip Occurred During Cold Shutdown.Caused by Inadequate Warning Sign Posting.Nonconformance Rept Written to Document Event & Recommend evaluation.W/900608 Ltr ML20042G7761990-05-0909 May 1990 LER 90-003-00:on 900409,determined That Piping & Supports in Fuel Oil Pumphouse Could Not Be Demonstrated to Perform Support Functions.Caused by Design Base Not Sufficiently Documented.Mod Performed to Support Fuel Oil Piping ML20042G7791990-05-0808 May 1990 LER 90-004-00:on 900404,single Failure Potential in Safeguards Switchgear B03/B04 Tie Breaker Discovered & Could Have Resulted in Failure of Diesel Generator.Control Power Fuses for Tie Breakers Removed ML20042F5361990-05-0404 May 1990 LER 90-001-00:on 900405,auxiliary Feed Pump Inadvertently Started.Caused by Inadequate Design.Schematic Push to Test Lamp Circuitry Will Be Added to Elementary Wiring Diagrams & Personnel Briefed on Potential circuitry.W/900504 Ltr ML20042F1971990-05-0202 May 1990 LER 90-002-00:on 900402,main Steam Safety Valve 1-MS-2013 Failed to Relieve Setpoint During Tech Spec Testing.Caused by Personnel Error During Setpoint Adjustment.Safety Valves 1-MS-2011,1-MS-2006 & 1-MS-2008 restored.W/900502 Ltr ML20011D5131989-12-19019 December 1989 LER 89-010-00:on 891120,auxiliary Feedwater Flow Transmitters Inadvertently Isolated.Caused by Error in Approved Procedure & Personnel Cognitive Error.Unit 1 Transmitters Valved Back Into Svc immediately.W/891219 Ltr ML19351A6721989-12-15015 December 1989 LER 89-009-00:on 891115,unexpected Steam Generator a lo-lo Level & Steam Generator B lo-lo Level Reactor Trip Signals Experienced.Caused by Installation of Analog Signal Generator.Procedures revised.W/891215 Ltr ML19332F7011989-12-11011 December 1989 LER 89-008-01:on 890910,ATWS Mitigating Actuation Circuitry Automatically Bypassed at About 42% Reactor Power.Caused by Less than Adequate Tech Spec Change.Power Descension to 38% initiated.W/891211 Ltr ML19332E7221989-12-0707 December 1989 LER 89-009-00:on 891107,D05 & D06 Station Batteries Declared Inoperable.Caused by Original Design Deficiency.Mod Completed to Restore Battery D05 to Operable Status by Replacing Eight nonsafety-related breakers.W/891207 Ltr ML19332E8921989-12-0404 December 1989 LER 89-008-00:on 891103,during Refueling,Contractor Personnel Generated False Trip Signal While Investigating Wiring Discrepancy in Reactor Protection Sys Instrument Racks.Caused by Labeling Error.Supply changed.W/891204 Ltr ML19332F0901989-11-28028 November 1989 LER 89-003-01:on 890712,tank B Level Channel 2LE-934 Began to Indicate Spuriously.Caused by Moisture Intrusion Between Halar Insulator & Sensing Rod.Level Detector Replaced & Channel Reestablished for Accumulator Tank B.W/891128 Ltr ML19332C8411989-11-22022 November 1989 LER 89-007-00:on 891027,Train a Safety Injection Signal Generated During Installation of Mod in Containment High Pressure Circuit.Caused by Inadequate Installation Procedure.Procedure changed.W/891122 Ltr ML19327C2001989-11-14014 November 1989 LER 89-006-01:on 891015,steam Generator Tubes Found Degraded,W/Undefined Signal & W/Axial Indications in Tubesheet Area.Degradation Caused by Time.Affected Tubes Plugged or Preventively sleeved.W/891114 Ltr ML19327C0651989-11-0606 November 1989 LER 89-005-00:on 891006,intermediate Range High Level Trip Signal Unexpectedly Generated During Course of Routine Source Range Channel Calibr.Caused by Loose Connection of Input/Output Cable.Connection tightened.W/891106 Ltr ML19327B3061989-10-19019 October 1989 LER 89-008-00:on 890910,ATWS Mitigating Actuation Circuitry Automatically Bypassed at About 42% Reactor Power, Disenabling Sys.Caused by High Tech Spec Setpoint.Enable/ Disable Setpoint Reset to 30%.W/891019 Ltr ML18041A1611987-11-16016 November 1987 LER 87-004-01:on 870515,voltage Lost on Red Instrument Bus Resulting in Reactor Protection Sys Actuation.Caused by Excessive Current Demand by ferro-resonant Circuit.Plant Mods to Load Bank Proposed ML18041A1341986-07-0303 July 1986 LER 86-003-00:on 860603,reactor Trip Occurred Due to Loss of Power on White Instrument Bus.Caused by Trip of White Inverter Output Breaker.Procedures for Placing Inverter on Line Will Be revised.W/860703 Ltr ML20028E3551983-01-13013 January 1983 LER 82-029/03L-0:on 821216,automatic Monitoring & Alarm Program Constant Found Incorrect.Caused by Unknown Personnel W/Access to on-line Computer.Value of Constant Restored & Control Rods Alignment Verified ML20028E2381983-01-13013 January 1983 LER 82-028/03L-0:on 821215,routine Test on Fire Detection Sys Found Panel D407 Which Monitors Unit 1 Rod Drive Room Inoperable.Caused by Blown Fuse.Fuse & Indication Lights Replaced on 821215.Detection Sys Undergoing Design Review ML20028E1791983-01-13013 January 1983 Updated LER 82-020/01X-1:on 821102,while Performing Type B & C Leakage Tests of Containment Penetrations & Isolation Valves,One Valve Had Leakage Exceeding Limit.Cause Not Stated.Valve Clapper & Seat Lapped ML20028E3031983-01-11011 January 1983 LER 82-027/03L-0:on 821211,operator Noted That Steam Generator Pressure Transmitter 1PT-469 Indicated Higher than Other Channels.Caused by Frozen Sensing Line Due to Inadequate Interim Piping Insulation ML20028E3211983-01-10010 January 1983 Updated LER 82-017/01X-2:on 821030,w/unit Shut Down for Refueling,Eddy Current Exam of Steam Generator Tubes Indicated Four Tubes in Steam Generator a & Three Tubes in Steam Generator B Exceeded Plugging Limit.Caused by Caustic ML20028C2431982-12-27027 December 1982 LER 82-020/01T-0:on 821103,following Type B & C Leak Rate Tests,Total as-measured Leakage Exceeded Tech Spec Limit, Causing Reactor Coolant Pump Component Cooling Water to Have Excessive Leakage.Cause Not Stated.Clapper & Seat Lapped ML20023B3251982-12-10010 December 1982 Updated LER 82-017/01T-1:on 821030,verified That Indications for Four Steam Generator a Tubes & Three Steam Generator B Tubes Exceeded 40% Plugging Limit During Eddy Current Exam on 821026-30.Cause Not Stated.Tubes Mechanically Plugged ML20028B4151982-11-15015 November 1982 LER 82-017/01T-0:on 821030,four Tubes in Steam Generator a & Three Tubes in Steam Generator B Indicated Degradation Greater than 40% Plugging Limit.Caused by Intergranular Attack.Tubes Mechanically Plugged ML20028A0371982-11-0505 November 1982 LER 82-008/03L-0:on 821006,low Steam Line Pressure Setting for Pressure Instrument 2PT-478 Found Lower than Allowed by Tech Specs.Caused by Bumping of Setpoint Adjustment Knob.Instrument Tested & Realigned ML20027D6821982-11-0303 November 1982 LER 82-018/01T-0:on 821015,incorrect Instrument Bus Supply Shifted to Alternate Supply Following Rept of Fire in Supply Breaker for 1GYO4 Motor Generator Set,Causing Loss of Redundancy on Containment Pressure Indicator 1PT-950 ML20052G4501982-05-12012 May 1982 LER 82-002/01T-0:on 820428,during Eddy Current Exam, Discovered Abnormal Degradation in Fuel Cladding,Rcpb & Primary Containment.Seludge Lancing Will Be Performed ML20052G3701982-05-0707 May 1982 LER 82-009/03L-0:on 820408,4.16-kV Safeguards Undervoltage Relays Did Not Meet 0-volt Time Delay Spec.Caused by Manufacturer Characteristic Curves.Relays Not Capable of Less than 0.38-s.Tech Spec Change Requested on 820427 ML20052G3831982-05-0707 May 1982 LER 82-011/03L-0:on 820415,during Biweekly Calibr Check ICP 2.1 of Reactor Protective Sys Functions,Overpower Delta T Setpoint 2 for Channel 2 Found Less Conservative than Tech Spec Limit.Caused by Setpoint Drift in Impulse Summer Unit ML20052G6331982-05-0707 May 1982 LER 82-010/03L-0:on 820414,ICP 2.9 Found Not to Provide for Proper Unblocking of Source Range High Flux Reactor Trip Over Small Range of Instrument Readings.Caused by Failure to Identify Subtle Procedural Flow.Procedure to Be Revised ML20052B4521982-04-23023 April 1982 LER 82-008/03L-0:on 820323,minor Installation Defects Noted on Four of Six Containment Pressure Transmitters Installed as TMI Response Mod.Caused by Backfit Contractor QC Program Breakdown ML20050B2661982-03-25025 March 1982 LER 82-006/01T-0:on 820311,type B & C Valve Leakage Tests Exceeded Tech Spec Limits.Caused by Corrosion.Svc Air Check Valves Disc Replaced & Valve Cover Remachined ML20041F4861982-03-0808 March 1982 LER 82-005/01T-01:on 820222,poison Test Samples & Two Fuel Assemblies W/Less than 1-yr Cooling Period Found Placed Next to Divider Wall in Spent Fuel Pool.Caused by Tech Spec Misinterpretation ML20041E4911982-03-0404 March 1982 LER 82-004/03L-0:on 820206,during Inservice Testing, Differential Pressure Instrument 4007 for Auxiliary Feed Pump P38A Found Isolated.Probably Caused by Failure to Return Instrument to Svc Following Calibr ML20041E6131982-03-0202 March 1982 LER 82-003/01T-0:on 820217,during Surveillance Testing, Emergency Diesel Generator 3D Failed to Operate.Caused by Sticking Shutdown Solenoid Plunger on Woodward Type UG8 Governor.Solenoid Cleaned,Checked & Generator Tested ML20049H6981982-02-23023 February 1982 LER 82-001/03L-0:on 820203,boric Acid Heat Tracing Circuit P-42 Found Inoperable.Caused by Failed Thermon Type 4 Circuit Controller.Circuit Controller Replaced ML20040G6811982-02-0505 February 1982 LER 82-001/03L-0:on 820107,steam Generator Pressure Sensing Lines Discovered Frozen on a Steam Generator.Caused by Inadequate Freeze Protection & Extremely Cold Weather.Addl Heat Lamps Installed ML20040G5801982-02-0505 February 1982 LER 82-002/03L-0:on 820112,during Hot shutdown,1PT-469 Steam Generator Pressure Transmitter Isolated by Maint Personnel Due to Leaking Coupling.Pressure Sensing Tubing Showed Signs of Steam Leak Due to Freezing ML20040D3791982-01-18018 January 1982 LER 81-020/03L-0:on 811219,frozen Sensing Line Caused High Indication of Steam Generator Pressure Instrument 1PT-482. Caused by Incomplete Insulation of Line & by Cold Weather. Instrument Placed in Tripped Position & Tubing Thawed 1994-04-22
[Table view] Category:RO)
MONTHYEARML20024J2471994-10-0606 October 1994 LER 94-009-00:on 940909,EDG G-02 Inadvertently Started & Station Battery Charger D-08 Tripped Off Due to Blown Fuse. Caused by Inadequate Procedure.Blown Fuse Replaced & Electrical Distribution Sys Restored to normal.W/941006 Ltr ML20029C8511994-04-22022 April 1994 LER 94-001-00:on 940323,identified That Feedwater Flow May Have Been Underestimated Since Beginning of Operating Cycle. Caused by Degradation of Signals from Transducers.Transducer replaced.W/940422 Ltr ML20044E5571993-05-17017 May 1993 LER 92-009-01:on 921012,identified That Ccws Surge Tank Vent Valves Outside Design Basis Due to Oversight During Original Design of CCW Sys.Proposes to Replace Radiation Detector & Associated Circuitry W/Dedicated safety-related Sys ML20044E6221993-05-17017 May 1993 LER 93-006-00:on 930416,discovered That Outside CIV Not Leak Tested,Per TS 15.4.4.III.D Requirements Due to Review on 840202,recommending That Valve Be Tested During RHR Hydrostatic Testing.Subj Valve replaced.W/930517 Ltr ML20044D8811993-05-14014 May 1993 LER 93-005-00:on 930415,containment Accident Fan Time Delay Relay 1-TDR-26 (Turbine Bldg Cooler Svc Water Inlet Valve 1SW-2880) Unexpectedly Closed.Caused by Failure to Recognize Presence of Relay in Contact.Function Changed ML20044D2061993-05-10010 May 1993 LER 93-003-00:on 930328,Point Beach Unit 2 Tripped Due to Surveillance Testing Problems.Test Procedures Can Trip Unit Due to Equipment or Human Failure.Failure Tests Delayed Until Unit 1 & Knpp Restored to power.W/930510 Ltr ML20024H2151991-05-21021 May 1991 LER 91-003-00:on 910429,charging Sys Check Valve 1-370 Discovered W/Leakage in Excess of Limits Due to Worn Disc Arm Bushing Steps.Worn Disc Arm Bushing Steps Cladded W/ E308 Weld Matl & Hand Filed to Design contour.W/910521 Ltr ML20029C2101991-03-20020 March 1991 LER 91-002-01:on 901009,inadvertent Start of Auxiliary Feedwater Pump Occurred.Caused by Inadequate Test Procedures.Auxiliary Feedwater Pump Secured & Maint Work Request Mwr 904517 initiated.W/910320 Ltr ML20029C1141991-03-12012 March 1991 LER 91-010-01:on 900816,axial Flux Differential Outside Tech Specs Limits Due to Malfunction of Turbine Electrohydraulic Governor Control.Operator Training Revised. W/910319 Ltr ML20028H0321990-09-27027 September 1990 LER 90-011-00:on 900829,low Net Positive Suction Head to Containment Spray Pumps W/Eccs in Recirculation Mode Occurred.Caused by Procedural Deficiency.Temporary Procedure Changes initiated.W/900927 Ltr ML20043G2011990-06-0808 June 1990 LER 90-005-00:on 900510,steam Generator lo-lo Level Reactor Trip Occurred During Cold Shutdown.Caused by Inadequate Warning Sign Posting.Nonconformance Rept Written to Document Event & Recommend evaluation.W/900608 Ltr ML20042G7761990-05-0909 May 1990 LER 90-003-00:on 900409,determined That Piping & Supports in Fuel Oil Pumphouse Could Not Be Demonstrated to Perform Support Functions.Caused by Design Base Not Sufficiently Documented.Mod Performed to Support Fuel Oil Piping ML20042G7791990-05-0808 May 1990 LER 90-004-00:on 900404,single Failure Potential in Safeguards Switchgear B03/B04 Tie Breaker Discovered & Could Have Resulted in Failure of Diesel Generator.Control Power Fuses for Tie Breakers Removed ML20042F5361990-05-0404 May 1990 LER 90-001-00:on 900405,auxiliary Feed Pump Inadvertently Started.Caused by Inadequate Design.Schematic Push to Test Lamp Circuitry Will Be Added to Elementary Wiring Diagrams & Personnel Briefed on Potential circuitry.W/900504 Ltr ML20042F1971990-05-0202 May 1990 LER 90-002-00:on 900402,main Steam Safety Valve 1-MS-2013 Failed to Relieve Setpoint During Tech Spec Testing.Caused by Personnel Error During Setpoint Adjustment.Safety Valves 1-MS-2011,1-MS-2006 & 1-MS-2008 restored.W/900502 Ltr ML20011D5131989-12-19019 December 1989 LER 89-010-00:on 891120,auxiliary Feedwater Flow Transmitters Inadvertently Isolated.Caused by Error in Approved Procedure & Personnel Cognitive Error.Unit 1 Transmitters Valved Back Into Svc immediately.W/891219 Ltr ML19351A6721989-12-15015 December 1989 LER 89-009-00:on 891115,unexpected Steam Generator a lo-lo Level & Steam Generator B lo-lo Level Reactor Trip Signals Experienced.Caused by Installation of Analog Signal Generator.Procedures revised.W/891215 Ltr ML19332F7011989-12-11011 December 1989 LER 89-008-01:on 890910,ATWS Mitigating Actuation Circuitry Automatically Bypassed at About 42% Reactor Power.Caused by Less than Adequate Tech Spec Change.Power Descension to 38% initiated.W/891211 Ltr ML19332E7221989-12-0707 December 1989 LER 89-009-00:on 891107,D05 & D06 Station Batteries Declared Inoperable.Caused by Original Design Deficiency.Mod Completed to Restore Battery D05 to Operable Status by Replacing Eight nonsafety-related breakers.W/891207 Ltr ML19332E8921989-12-0404 December 1989 LER 89-008-00:on 891103,during Refueling,Contractor Personnel Generated False Trip Signal While Investigating Wiring Discrepancy in Reactor Protection Sys Instrument Racks.Caused by Labeling Error.Supply changed.W/891204 Ltr ML19332F0901989-11-28028 November 1989 LER 89-003-01:on 890712,tank B Level Channel 2LE-934 Began to Indicate Spuriously.Caused by Moisture Intrusion Between Halar Insulator & Sensing Rod.Level Detector Replaced & Channel Reestablished for Accumulator Tank B.W/891128 Ltr ML19332C8411989-11-22022 November 1989 LER 89-007-00:on 891027,Train a Safety Injection Signal Generated During Installation of Mod in Containment High Pressure Circuit.Caused by Inadequate Installation Procedure.Procedure changed.W/891122 Ltr ML19327C2001989-11-14014 November 1989 LER 89-006-01:on 891015,steam Generator Tubes Found Degraded,W/Undefined Signal & W/Axial Indications in Tubesheet Area.Degradation Caused by Time.Affected Tubes Plugged or Preventively sleeved.W/891114 Ltr ML19327C0651989-11-0606 November 1989 LER 89-005-00:on 891006,intermediate Range High Level Trip Signal Unexpectedly Generated During Course of Routine Source Range Channel Calibr.Caused by Loose Connection of Input/Output Cable.Connection tightened.W/891106 Ltr ML19327B3061989-10-19019 October 1989 LER 89-008-00:on 890910,ATWS Mitigating Actuation Circuitry Automatically Bypassed at About 42% Reactor Power, Disenabling Sys.Caused by High Tech Spec Setpoint.Enable/ Disable Setpoint Reset to 30%.W/891019 Ltr ML18041A1611987-11-16016 November 1987 LER 87-004-01:on 870515,voltage Lost on Red Instrument Bus Resulting in Reactor Protection Sys Actuation.Caused by Excessive Current Demand by ferro-resonant Circuit.Plant Mods to Load Bank Proposed ML18041A1341986-07-0303 July 1986 LER 86-003-00:on 860603,reactor Trip Occurred Due to Loss of Power on White Instrument Bus.Caused by Trip of White Inverter Output Breaker.Procedures for Placing Inverter on Line Will Be revised.W/860703 Ltr ML20028E3551983-01-13013 January 1983 LER 82-029/03L-0:on 821216,automatic Monitoring & Alarm Program Constant Found Incorrect.Caused by Unknown Personnel W/Access to on-line Computer.Value of Constant Restored & Control Rods Alignment Verified ML20028E2381983-01-13013 January 1983 LER 82-028/03L-0:on 821215,routine Test on Fire Detection Sys Found Panel D407 Which Monitors Unit 1 Rod Drive Room Inoperable.Caused by Blown Fuse.Fuse & Indication Lights Replaced on 821215.Detection Sys Undergoing Design Review ML20028E1791983-01-13013 January 1983 Updated LER 82-020/01X-1:on 821102,while Performing Type B & C Leakage Tests of Containment Penetrations & Isolation Valves,One Valve Had Leakage Exceeding Limit.Cause Not Stated.Valve Clapper & Seat Lapped ML20028E3031983-01-11011 January 1983 LER 82-027/03L-0:on 821211,operator Noted That Steam Generator Pressure Transmitter 1PT-469 Indicated Higher than Other Channels.Caused by Frozen Sensing Line Due to Inadequate Interim Piping Insulation ML20028E3211983-01-10010 January 1983 Updated LER 82-017/01X-2:on 821030,w/unit Shut Down for Refueling,Eddy Current Exam of Steam Generator Tubes Indicated Four Tubes in Steam Generator a & Three Tubes in Steam Generator B Exceeded Plugging Limit.Caused by Caustic ML20028C2431982-12-27027 December 1982 LER 82-020/01T-0:on 821103,following Type B & C Leak Rate Tests,Total as-measured Leakage Exceeded Tech Spec Limit, Causing Reactor Coolant Pump Component Cooling Water to Have Excessive Leakage.Cause Not Stated.Clapper & Seat Lapped ML20023B3251982-12-10010 December 1982 Updated LER 82-017/01T-1:on 821030,verified That Indications for Four Steam Generator a Tubes & Three Steam Generator B Tubes Exceeded 40% Plugging Limit During Eddy Current Exam on 821026-30.Cause Not Stated.Tubes Mechanically Plugged ML20028B4151982-11-15015 November 1982 LER 82-017/01T-0:on 821030,four Tubes in Steam Generator a & Three Tubes in Steam Generator B Indicated Degradation Greater than 40% Plugging Limit.Caused by Intergranular Attack.Tubes Mechanically Plugged ML20028A0371982-11-0505 November 1982 LER 82-008/03L-0:on 821006,low Steam Line Pressure Setting for Pressure Instrument 2PT-478 Found Lower than Allowed by Tech Specs.Caused by Bumping of Setpoint Adjustment Knob.Instrument Tested & Realigned ML20027D6821982-11-0303 November 1982 LER 82-018/01T-0:on 821015,incorrect Instrument Bus Supply Shifted to Alternate Supply Following Rept of Fire in Supply Breaker for 1GYO4 Motor Generator Set,Causing Loss of Redundancy on Containment Pressure Indicator 1PT-950 ML20052G4501982-05-12012 May 1982 LER 82-002/01T-0:on 820428,during Eddy Current Exam, Discovered Abnormal Degradation in Fuel Cladding,Rcpb & Primary Containment.Seludge Lancing Will Be Performed ML20052G3701982-05-0707 May 1982 LER 82-009/03L-0:on 820408,4.16-kV Safeguards Undervoltage Relays Did Not Meet 0-volt Time Delay Spec.Caused by Manufacturer Characteristic Curves.Relays Not Capable of Less than 0.38-s.Tech Spec Change Requested on 820427 ML20052G3831982-05-0707 May 1982 LER 82-011/03L-0:on 820415,during Biweekly Calibr Check ICP 2.1 of Reactor Protective Sys Functions,Overpower Delta T Setpoint 2 for Channel 2 Found Less Conservative than Tech Spec Limit.Caused by Setpoint Drift in Impulse Summer Unit ML20052G6331982-05-0707 May 1982 LER 82-010/03L-0:on 820414,ICP 2.9 Found Not to Provide for Proper Unblocking of Source Range High Flux Reactor Trip Over Small Range of Instrument Readings.Caused by Failure to Identify Subtle Procedural Flow.Procedure to Be Revised ML20052B4521982-04-23023 April 1982 LER 82-008/03L-0:on 820323,minor Installation Defects Noted on Four of Six Containment Pressure Transmitters Installed as TMI Response Mod.Caused by Backfit Contractor QC Program Breakdown ML20050B2661982-03-25025 March 1982 LER 82-006/01T-0:on 820311,type B & C Valve Leakage Tests Exceeded Tech Spec Limits.Caused by Corrosion.Svc Air Check Valves Disc Replaced & Valve Cover Remachined ML20041F4861982-03-0808 March 1982 LER 82-005/01T-01:on 820222,poison Test Samples & Two Fuel Assemblies W/Less than 1-yr Cooling Period Found Placed Next to Divider Wall in Spent Fuel Pool.Caused by Tech Spec Misinterpretation ML20041E4911982-03-0404 March 1982 LER 82-004/03L-0:on 820206,during Inservice Testing, Differential Pressure Instrument 4007 for Auxiliary Feed Pump P38A Found Isolated.Probably Caused by Failure to Return Instrument to Svc Following Calibr ML20041E6131982-03-0202 March 1982 LER 82-003/01T-0:on 820217,during Surveillance Testing, Emergency Diesel Generator 3D Failed to Operate.Caused by Sticking Shutdown Solenoid Plunger on Woodward Type UG8 Governor.Solenoid Cleaned,Checked & Generator Tested ML20049H6981982-02-23023 February 1982 LER 82-001/03L-0:on 820203,boric Acid Heat Tracing Circuit P-42 Found Inoperable.Caused by Failed Thermon Type 4 Circuit Controller.Circuit Controller Replaced ML20040G6811982-02-0505 February 1982 LER 82-001/03L-0:on 820107,steam Generator Pressure Sensing Lines Discovered Frozen on a Steam Generator.Caused by Inadequate Freeze Protection & Extremely Cold Weather.Addl Heat Lamps Installed ML20040G5801982-02-0505 February 1982 LER 82-002/03L-0:on 820112,during Hot shutdown,1PT-469 Steam Generator Pressure Transmitter Isolated by Maint Personnel Due to Leaking Coupling.Pressure Sensing Tubing Showed Signs of Steam Leak Due to Freezing ML20040D3791982-01-18018 January 1982 LER 81-020/03L-0:on 811219,frozen Sensing Line Caused High Indication of Steam Generator Pressure Instrument 1PT-482. Caused by Incomplete Insulation of Line & by Cold Weather. Instrument Placed in Tripped Position & Tubing Thawed 1994-04-22
[Table view] Category:TEXT-SAFETY REPORT
MONTHYEAR05000266/LER-1999-007, :on 990831,cable Tray Fire Stops Do Not Meet App R Exemption Requirements Occurred.Caused by Improper Installation of Approved Plant Mod.New Mod Has Been Initiated to Provide Three H Rated Fire Barrier1999-09-30030 September 1999
- on 990831,cable Tray Fire Stops Do Not Meet App R Exemption Requirements Occurred.Caused by Improper Installation of Approved Plant Mod.New Mod Has Been Initiated to Provide Three H Rated Fire Barrier
NPL-99-0569, Monthly Operating Repts for Sept 1999 for Pbnp,Units 1 & 2. with1999-09-30030 September 1999 Monthly Operating Repts for Sept 1999 for Pbnp,Units 1 & 2. with ML20212D5961999-09-15015 September 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Licensee IPEEE Process.Plant Has Met Intent of Suppl 4 to GL 88-20 NPL-99-0051, Monthly Operating Repts for Aug 1999 for Pbnp,Units 1 & 2. with1999-08-31031 August 1999 Monthly Operating Repts for Aug 1999 for Pbnp,Units 1 & 2. with NPL-99-0449, Monthly Operating Repts for July 1999 for Pbnp,Units 1 & 2. with1999-07-31031 July 1999 Monthly Operating Repts for July 1999 for Pbnp,Units 1 & 2. with ML20196J4251999-06-30030 June 1999 Safety Evaluation Authorizing Proposed Alternatives Described in Relief Requests VRR-01,ROJ-16,PRR-01 & VRR-02 ML20209D2691999-06-30030 June 1999 Monthly Operating Repts for June 1999 for Pbnps,Units 1 & 2 ML20196F3341999-06-22022 June 1999 Safety Evaluation for Implementation of 422V+ Fuel Assemblies at Pbnp Units 1 & 2 ML20195F9781999-06-10010 June 1999 Unit 2 Refueling 23 Inservice Insp Summary Rept for Form NIS-1 ML20209D2751999-05-31031 May 1999 Revised MORs for May 1999 for Pbnps,Units 1 & 2 NPL-99-0328, Monthly Operating Repts for May 1999 for Pbnp,Units 1 & 2. with1999-05-31031 May 1999 Monthly Operating Repts for May 1999 for Pbnp,Units 1 & 2. with NPL-99-0273, Monthly Operating Repts for Apr 1999 for Point Beach Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2.With1999-04-30030 April 1999 Monthly Operating Repts for Apr 1999 for Point Beach Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2.With ML20196F3521999-04-30030 April 1999 Non-proprietary WCAP-14788, W Revised Thermal Design Procedure Instrument Uncertainty Methodology for Wepc Point Beach Units 1 & 2 (Fuel Upgrade & Uprate to 1656 Mwt - NSSS Power) NPL-99-0193, Monthly Operating Repts for Mar 1999 for Pbnp,Units 1 & 2. with1999-03-31031 March 1999 Monthly Operating Repts for Mar 1999 for Pbnp,Units 1 & 2. with NPL-99-0134, Monthly Operating Repts for Feb 1999 for Pbnp,Units 1 & 2. with1999-02-28028 February 1999 Monthly Operating Repts for Feb 1999 for Pbnp,Units 1 & 2. with ML20207D6751999-02-22022 February 1999 Assessment of Design Info on Piping Restraints for Point Beach Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2.Staff Concludes That Licensee Unable to Retrieve Original Analyses That May Have Been Performed to Justify Removal of Shim Collars ML20206R9001999-01-13013 January 1999 SER Accepting Nuclear Quality Assurance Program Changes for Point Beach Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2 NPL-99-0008, Monthly Operating Repts for Dec 1998 for Pbnp,Units 1 & 2. with1998-12-31031 December 1998 Monthly Operating Repts for Dec 1998 for Pbnp,Units 1 & 2. with NPL-99-0091, 1998 Annual Results & Data Rept for Pbnps,Units 1 & 2. with1998-12-31031 December 1998 1998 Annual Results & Data Rept for Pbnps,Units 1 & 2. with ML20198C7671998-12-10010 December 1998 Safety Evaluation Accepting Licensee Proposed Alternative to ASME BPV Code,1986 Edition,Section XI Requirement IWA-2232, to Use Performance Demonstration Initiative Program During RPV Third 10-yr ISI for Plant,Unit 2 NPL-98-1006, Monthly Operating Repts for Nov 1998 for Point Beach Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2.With1998-11-30030 November 1998 Monthly Operating Repts for Nov 1998 for Point Beach Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2.With ML20195J5101998-11-16016 November 1998 Proposed Revs to Section 1.3 of FSAR for Pbnp QA Program ML20198J5941998-11-0303 November 1998 1998 Graded Exercise,Conducted on 981103 NPL-98-0948, Monthly Operating Repts for Oct 1998 for Point Beach Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2.With1998-10-31031 October 1998 Monthly Operating Repts for Oct 1998 for Point Beach Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2.With NPL-98-0880, Special Rept:On 980913,fire Alarm Control Panels Inoperable for More That Fourteen Days.Troubleshooting of D-401 Panel Following Installation of Replacement Batteries Revealed No Apparent Cause for Spurious Alarms.Panel D-401 Restored1998-10-21021 October 1998 Special Rept:On 980913,fire Alarm Control Panels Inoperable for More That Fourteen Days.Troubleshooting of D-401 Panel Following Installation of Replacement Batteries Revealed No Apparent Cause for Spurious Alarms.Panel D-401 Restored ML20154L6751998-10-14014 October 1998 Unit 1 Refueling 24 ISI Summary Rept for Form NIS-1 ML20154M9121998-10-14014 October 1998 Unit 1 Refueling 24 Repair/Replacement Summary Rept for Form NIS-2 NPL-98-0826, Monthly Operating Repts for Sept 1998 for Point Beach Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2.With1998-09-30030 September 1998 Monthly Operating Repts for Sept 1998 for Point Beach Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2.With ML20151W3851998-08-31031 August 1998 Monthly Operating Repts for Aug 1998 for Pbnp Units 1 & 2 NPL-98-0653, Monthly Operating Repts for July 1998 for Point Beach Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 21998-07-31031 July 1998 Monthly Operating Repts for July 1998 for Point Beach Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2 ML20151W4541998-07-31031 July 1998 Corrected Page to MOR for July 1998 for Pbnp Unit 1 ML20151W4471998-07-31031 July 1998 Corrected Page to MOR for July 1998 for Pbnp Unit 2 ML20236U7201998-07-21021 July 1998 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 190 to License DPR-27 05000266/LER-1998-015, :on 980420,containment Fan Cooler Test Results Were Noted Outside Acceptance Criteria.Cause Is Under Evaluation.Pressure Washing of Air Side of Cooling Coils for All Four Unit 1 CFCs Has Been Completed1998-07-17017 July 1998
- on 980420,containment Fan Cooler Test Results Were Noted Outside Acceptance Criteria.Cause Is Under Evaluation.Pressure Washing of Air Side of Cooling Coils for All Four Unit 1 CFCs Has Been Completed
ML20236T1761998-07-17017 July 1998 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 185 & 189 to Licenses DPR-24 & DPR-27,respectively 05000266/LER-1998-019, :on 980615,discovered That Containment Hydrogen Monitors Lacked Environmentally Qualified Coating on Terminal Strips.Caused by Terminal Strips Being Disturbed W/O Subsequent Reapplication of Coating.Replaced Coating1998-07-14014 July 1998
- on 980615,discovered That Containment Hydrogen Monitors Lacked Environmentally Qualified Coating on Terminal Strips.Caused by Terminal Strips Being Disturbed W/O Subsequent Reapplication of Coating.Replaced Coating
ML20236S0161998-07-13013 July 1998 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 184 & 188 to Licenses DPR-24 & DPR-27,respectively ML20236Q3161998-07-10010 July 1998 Safety Evaluation Accepting Licensee Proposed Alternative to ASME Code Requirements PTP-3-01 & PTP-3-02 ML20236L6771998-07-0707 July 1998 Safety Evaluation Approving Wepco Implementation Program to Resolve USI A-46 at Point Beach NPP Units 1 & 2 NPL-98-0558, Monthly Operating Repts for June 1998 for Pbnp,Units 1 & 21998-06-30030 June 1998 Monthly Operating Repts for June 1998 for Pbnp,Units 1 & 2 ML20151W4261998-06-30030 June 1998 Corrected Page to MOR for June 1998 for Pbnp Unit 2 05000266/LER-1998-018, :on 980528,missed Surveillances for App J Testing of Containment Electrical Penetrations Occurred. Caused by Valve Discovered on Electrical Penetrations Inside Containment.Electrical Penetration Vent Valves Modified1998-06-29029 June 1998
- on 980528,missed Surveillances for App J Testing of Containment Electrical Penetrations Occurred. Caused by Valve Discovered on Electrical Penetrations Inside Containment.Electrical Penetration Vent Valves Modified
ML20151W4221998-05-31031 May 1998 Corrected Page to MOR for May 1998 for Pbnp Unit 2 NPL-98-0481, Monthly Operating Repts for May 1998 for Point Beach Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 21998-05-31031 May 1998 Monthly Operating Repts for May 1998 for Point Beach Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2 05000301/LER-1998-004-01, :on 980424,operations W/Reactor Core Power Level Was in Excess of 1518.5 Mwt.Caused by Failure to Return FT-466V Input Parameter to Off Scan.Input FT-446V Was Removed from on Scan at Approx 14521998-05-26026 May 1998
- on 980424,operations W/Reactor Core Power Level Was in Excess of 1518.5 Mwt.Caused by Failure to Return FT-466V Input Parameter to Off Scan.Input FT-446V Was Removed from on Scan at Approx 1452
ML20151W4011998-04-30030 April 1998 Corrected Page to MOR for April 1998 for Pbnp Unit 2 NPL-98-0356, Monthly Operating Repts for April 1998 for Point Beach Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 21998-04-30030 April 1998 Monthly Operating Repts for April 1998 for Point Beach Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2 05000266/LER-1998-011, :on 980214,missed TS Surveillance of Radiation Monitor Prior to Discharge Occurred.Caused by Failure to Adhere to Procedures Based on Failure to Recognize.Thorough Root Cause Evaluation Performed1998-04-22022 April 1998
- on 980214,missed TS Surveillance of Radiation Monitor Prior to Discharge Occurred.Caused by Failure to Adhere to Procedures Based on Failure to Recognize.Thorough Root Cause Evaluation Performed
ML20217F3131998-04-17017 April 1998 Safety Evaluation Accepting Proposed Alternative to ASME Code for Surface Exam of Nonstructural Seal Welds,For Plant, Unit 1 05000301/LER-1998-002-01, :on 980313,discovered Serious Degradation of Reactor Coolant Cooling Water Return Line Check Valve.Caused by Service Related Wear.Valve Was Opened,Repaired & Returned to Service1998-04-13013 April 1998
- on 980313,discovered Serious Degradation of Reactor Coolant Cooling Water Return Line Check Valve.Caused by Service Related Wear.Valve Was Opened,Repaired & Returned to Service
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