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| number = ML072430945
| number = ML072430945
| issue date = 08/31/2007
| issue date = 08/31/2007
| title = 08/31/2007 Hope Creek Station Mid-Cycle Review and Inspection Plan
| title = Mid-Cycle Review and Inspection Plan
| author name = Burritt A
| author name = Burritt A
| author affiliation = NRC/RGN-I/DRP/PB3
| author affiliation = NRC/RGN-I/DRP/PB3
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{{#Wiki_filter:U N IT ED S T A T ES  N U C L E A R R E GU L A TO R Y C OM M I S S I ON REG ION I 4 7 5 A L L EN D AL E R OA D KING OF PRU SSIA, PENNSYL VANIA 1 94 06-1 41 5 Au gust 31 , 20 07 M r. Thomas Jo y ce S e n i o r V i ce P re si d e n t PS EG N ucl ear LLC - N0 9 P.O. B ox 23 6  Ha nco cks Bri dge, N J 0 803 8 S U B JE C T: M ID-C Y C L E P E R F OR M A N C E R E V IE W A N D I N S P E C TION P L A N -        HOPE CREEK GENERAT ING STAT IO N De ar M r. Jo y ce: On A ugust 1 4, 2 007 , the N RC sta f f co mpl eted i ts p erformance rev ie w of the H ope C reek Genera tin g Stati on f or th e first hal f of the ca le nda r y ear 200 7 a sse ssmen t cy cl e. Our tec hni cal st a ff r e v i e w e d p e rfor ma n ce i n d i ca to rs (P Is) for th e mo st r e ce n t qua rt e r a n d i n sp e ct i o n r e su l ts ov er th e p rev io us tw el v e mo nths. The pu rpos e o f thi s l etter is to in f orm y ou of our ass ess ment of y our safety pe rf ormanc e d uri ng thi s p eri od and ou r pl ans for f uture i nsp ecti ons at y our f ac ilit y.Thi s p e rfor ma n ce r e v i e w a n d e n cl o se d i n sp e ct i o n p l a n d o n o t i n cl u d e s e cu ri ty i n form a ti o n. A sep arate l etter des igna ted and marked as "Of f ic ia l Use Onl y--Se curi ty Informati on" w il l in cl ude the sec uri ty co rners tone rev ie w an d re sul tant in spe cti on pl an.Pl ant performance for the most rece nt qua rter o f 20 07 at H ope C reek w as w ith in the Li cen see Re spo nse co lu mn o f the N RC's A cti on M atri x , ba sed on al l in spe cti on f in di ngs be in g cl ass ifie d as hav in g v ery l ow sa f ety si gnifica nce (Green) an d a ll P Is i ndi cati ng pe rf ormanc e a t a le v el requi rin g no add iti ona l NR C ov ersi ght (Green
{{#Wiki_filter:UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COM M ISSION REGION I 475 ALLENDALE ROAD KING OF PRUSSIA, PENNSYLVANIA 19406-1415 August 31, 2007 Mr. Thomas Joyce Senior Vice President PSEG Nuclear LLC - N09 P.O. Box 236 Hancocks Bridge, NJ 08038
). The refore, w e p la n to co ndu ct re acto r ov ersi ght p ro ce ss (R OP) b a se l i n e i n sp e ct i o n s a t y o u r fac i l i ty. W e a l so p l a n t o c o n d u ct a n i n sp e ct i o n t o rev ie w mod ifica tio ns and oth er a cti ons rel ated to y our pow er u p-rate ap pl ic ati on.The e ncl ose d i nsp ecti on pl an deta il s th e i nsp ecti ons , l ess tho se rel ated to sec uri ty , sc hed ul ed throu gh De cembe r 31 , 20 08. The in spe cti on pl an is pro v id ed to a ll ow for the res ol uti on of any sch edu li ng con f li cts and pe rson nel av ai la bi li ty i ssu es w el l in ad v anc e o f i nsp ecto r arri v al on si te.Ro uti ne resi den t i nsp ecti ons are no t l is ted due to thei r on goin g and co nti nuo us natu re. The in spe cti ons i n th e l ast ni ne months of the i nsp ecti on pl an are tenta tiv e a nd may be rev is ed at th e e n d-o f-cy cl e r e v i e w. The N RC i s c urren tly ev al uati ng the sc ope an d frequenc y of al l the bas el in e i nsp ecti on p r o c e d u r e s. I f t h e r e s u l t s o f t h e e v a l u a t i o n , o r a n y o t h e r c i r c u ms t a n c e s , c a u s e u s t o c h a n ge the in spe cti on pl an, w e w il l con tact y ou to d is cus s th e c han ge as soo n a s p oss ib le. P le ase con tact me a t 61 0-33 7-50 69 w ith an y questi ons y ou may ha v e re gardi ng thi s l etter or th e in spe cti on pl an.
2 T. Joy ce In a cc o rd a n ce w i th 1 0 C F R 2.3 9 0 o f th e N R C's "R u l e s o f P ra ct i ce ," a c o p y o f th i s l e tt e r a n d i ts enclosur e w ill be made avail able electr onically f or public inspect ion in the NRC Public D o cu me n t R o o m o r from t h e P u b l i cl y A v a i l a b l e R e co rd s (P A R S) co mp o n e n t o f N R C's doc umen t sy stem (A DA M S). A DA M S is ac ces si bl e from the N RC W eb si te a th tt p://w w w.n rc.go v/r e a d i n g-rm/a d a ms.h tml (th e P u b l i c E l e ct ro n i c R e a d i n g R o o m).
Sin ce r ely,/R A/
Arthu r L. Bu rritt, Ch ie f Re acto r P rojects B ranc h 3 D i v i si o n o f R e a ct o r P ro je ct s Do cket No. 5 0-35 4 Li cen se No. N PF-57 En cl osu re: Ho pe Cre ek Gene rati ng Sta tio n In spe cti on/A cti v ity P la n cc w/enc l: W. L e v i s, P re si d e n t a n d C h i e f N u cl e a r Off i ce r  G. Ba rnes , V ic e P resi den t H ope C reek K. C h a mb l i ss , D i re ct o r, N u cl e a r Ov e rs i ght B. Cl ark, Di recto r of Fi nan ce J. P erry , H ope C reek P la nt M ana ger J. Keena n, G ener al Sol icitor , PSEG M. W etterh ahn , E squire , W in ston an d S traw n, L LP Consum er Advocate, Of f ice of Consum er Advocate, Comm onweal th of PA L. P e te rs o n , C h i e f of P o l i ce a n d E me rge n cy M a n a gem e n t C o o rd i n a to r P. B a l d a u f, A ss i st a n t D i re ct o r, N J R a d i a ti o n P ro te ct i o n P ro gra ms P. M u l l i ga n , A c t i n g M a n a ge r , N J B u r e a u o f N u c l e a r E n gi n e e r i n g H. Otto, P h.D., A dmi nstra tor, D E Di v is io n o f W ater Re sou rces N. C o h e n , C o o r d i n a t o r - U n p l u g S a l e m C a mp a i gn E. Zob ia n, C oord in ator - Je rsey S hore A nti N ucl ear Al li anc e In st i tu te for N u cl e a r P o w e r Op e ra ti o n s (I N P O) 2 T. Joy ce In a cc o rd a n ce w i th 1 0 C F R 2.3 9 0 o f th e N R C's "R u l e s o f P ra ct i ce ," a c o p y o f th i s l e tt e r a n d i ts enclosur e w ill be made avail able electr onically f or public inspect ion in the NRC Public D o cu me n t R o o m o r from t h e P u b l i cl y A v a i l a b l e R e co rd s (P A R S) co mp o n e n t o f N R C's doc umen t sy stem (A DA M S). A DA M S is ac ces si bl e from the N RC W eb si te a th tt p://w w w.n rc.go v/r e a d i n g-rm/a d a ms.h tml (th e P u b l i c E l e ct ro n i c R e a d i n g R o o m).
Sin ce r ely,/R A/
Arthu r L. Bu rritt, Ch ie f Re acto r P rojects B ranc h 3 D i v i si o n o f R e a ct o r P ro je ct s Do cket No. 5 0-35 4 Li cen se No. N PF-57 En cl osu re:  Ho pe Cre ek Gene rati ng Sta tio n In spe cti on/A cti v ity P la n cc w/enc l: W. L e v i s, P re si d e n t a n d C h i e f N u cl e a r Off i ce r  G. Ba rnes , V ic e P resi den t H ope C reek K. C h a mb l i ss , D i re ct o r, N u cl e a r Ov e rs i ght B. Cl ark, Di recto r of Fi nan ce J. P erry , H ope C reek P la nt M ana ger J. Keena n, G ener al Sol icitor , PSEG M. W etterh ahn , E squire , W in ston an d S traw n, L LP Consum er Advocate, Of f ice of Consum er Advocate, Comm onweal th of PA L. P e te rs o n , C h i e f of P o l i ce a n d E me rge n cy M a n a gem e n t C o o rd i n a to r P. B a l d a u f, A ss i st a n t D i re ct o r, N J R a d i a ti o n P ro te ct i o n P ro gra ms P. M u l l i ga n , A c t i n g M a n a ge r , N J B u r e a u o f N u c l e a r E n gi n e e r i n g H. Otto, P h.D., A dmi nstra tor, D E Di v is io n o f W ater Re sou rces N. C o h e n , C o o r d i n a t o r - U n p l u g S a l e m C a mp a i gn E. Zob ia n, C oord in ator - Je rsey S hore A nti N ucl ear Al li anc e In st i tu te for N u cl e a r P o w e r Op e ra ti o n s (I N P O)Dist ribu tion w/encl: S. Colli ns, RA M. Cox , RI O EDO M. Dapas , DRA J. Lu bin sk i, NRR D. Lew , DRP H. Chernof f, NRR J. Cli fford , DRP R. Ennis , PM , NRR A. B urr itt , D RP J. S hea, N RR , B ackup C. Kh an , DR P ROP re po rt s@n rc.g ov G. M alone , D RP , S enior R esiden t I nspect orRi dsN rr Di rs Ipa b@nr c.g ov T. W ingf ield, D RP , R esiden t I nspect or JW T 1@n rc.g ov K. V enut o, DR P, R esiden t O A Re gion I D ocket Ro om (w ith concur ren ces)SU NS I R EV IE W C O MPLE TE:_____A LB_____(R ev iewer's Ini tia ls)Af ter decl arin g t his d ocument "A n O ffi cial Age ncy R ecor d" it w ill be rele ased to the Pub lic.DO CU M EN T N AM E:  S:\R O P 8 M id C y cle R ev iew\Let ter s fo r M id C y cle\B ran ch 3 M id-cy cle l ett ers\HC 200 7 M id-cy cle l ett er.w pd To receiv e a copy of t his do cument, ind icat e in the box:
==Dear Mr. Joyce:==
" C" = Copy w ithout at tachmen t/enclosure  "          E" = Copy w ith attachme nt/enclosure
  " N" = No copy OFFICE RI/DRP RI/DRP RI/DRP    NA M E SM cCa rv er/SM LC line/LC AB urr itt/A LB DA T E 08/2 4 /07 08/2 7/07 08/2 7 /07OFFICIA L RECO RD CO PY Hope Creek Inspection / Activity Plan 07/01/2007
On August 14, 2007, the NRC staff completed its performance review of the Hope Creek Generating Station for the first half of the calendar year 2007 assessment cycle. Our technical staff reviewed performance indicators (PIs) for the most recent quarter and inspection results over the previous twelve months. The purpose of this letter is to inform you of our assessment of your safety performance during this period and our plans for future inspections at your facility.
-12/31/2008 Inspection Type Inspection Activity Planned Dates Start          End No. of Staff on Site Title Unit Number Page 1 of 2 08/27/2007 13:37:49 Report 22 5 9/24 EXM-INITIAL OPERATOR LICENSING EXAMS Not Applicable 08/27/2007 08/31/2007 1     U01661 FY07 - HOPE CREEK INITIAL OPERATOR LICENSING Not Applicable 09/24/2007 10/05/2007 1    U01661 FY07 - HOPE CREEK INITIAL OPERATOR LICENSING 1 71121-OCC RAD SAFETY Baseline Inspections 07/09/2007 07/13/2007 1    7112101 IP Access Control to Radiologically Significant Areas Baseline Inspections 07/09/2007 07/13/2007 1     7112102 IP ALARA Planning and Controls Baseline Inspections 07/09/2007 07/13/2007 1     7112103 IP Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation and Protective Equipment 3 MODS-MODS AND 50.59 Baseline Inspections 07/16/2007 07/20/2007 1     7111102 IP Evaluation of Changes, Tests, or Experiments Baseline Inspections 07/16/2007 07/20/2007 1     7111117B IP Permanent Plant Modifications 4 71152B-PI&R Baseline Inspections 09/17/2007 09/21/2007 1     71152B IP Identification and Resolution of Problems Baseline Inspections 09/24/2007 09/28/2007 1     71152B IP Identification and Resolution of Problems 1 7112203-PUB RAD SAFETY - REMP Baseline Inspections 09/17/2007 09/21/2007 1    7112203 IP Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP) And Radioactive Material Control Program 2 71004-POWER UPRATE Other Routine 10/01/2007 12/31/2007 1     71004 IP Power Uprate 1 7111108G-IN-SERVICE INSPECTION Baseline Inspections 10/15/2007 10/19/2007 1     7111108G IP Inservice Inspection Activities - BWR 1 71121-OCC RAD SAFETY Baseline Inspections 10/22/2007 10/26/2007 1     7112101 IP Access Control to Radiologically Significant Areas Baseline Inspections 10/22/2007 10/26/2007 1    7112102 IP ALARA Planning and Controls Baseline Inspections 10/22/2007 10/26/2007 1     7112103 IP Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation and Protective Equipment Baseline Inspections 10/22/2007 10/26/2007 1     71151 IP Performance Indicator Verification 1 7112202-PUB RAD SAFETY - RADWASTE Baseline Inspections 12/03/2007 12/14/2007 1    7112202 IP Radioactive Material Processing and Transportation Baseline Inspections 12/03/2007 12/14/2007 1    71151-PR01 IP RETS/ODCM Radiological Effluent 1 7112201-PUB RAD SAFETY - RETS Baseline Inspections 01/28/2008 02/01/2008 1    7112201 IP Radioactive Gaseous and Liquid Effluent Treatment and Monitoring Systems 1 7111107B-HEAT SINK INSP Baseline Inspections 02/25/2008 02/29/2008 1    7111107B IP Heat Sink Performance 1 71121-OCC RAD SAFETY Baseline Inspections 05/12/2008 05/16/2008 1    7112101 IP Access Control to Radiologically Significant Areas Baseline Inspections 05/12/2008 05/16/2008 1    7112102 IP ALARA Planning and Controls Baseline Inspections 05/12/2008 05/16/2008 1    7112103 IP Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation and Protective Equipment This report does not include INPO and OUTAGE activities.
This performance review and enclosed inspection plan do not include security information. A separate letter designated and marked as Official Use Only--Security Information will include the security cornerstone review and resultant inspection plan.
Plant performance for the most recent quarter of 2007 at Hope Creek was within the Licensee Response column of the NRCs Action Matrix, based on all inspection findings being classified as having very low safety significance (Green) and all PIs indicating performance at a level requiring no additional NRC oversight (Green). Therefore, we plan to conduct reactor oversight process (ROP) baseline inspections at your facility. We also plan to conduct an inspection to review modifications and other actions related to your power up-rate application.
The enclosed inspection plan details the inspections, less those related to security, scheduled through December 31, 2008. The inspection plan is provided to allow for the resolution of any scheduling conflicts and personnel availability issues well in advance of inspector arrival onsite.
Routine resident inspections are not listed due to their ongoing and continuous nature. The inspections in the last nine months of the inspection plan are tentative and may be revised at the end-of-cycle review.
The NRC is currently evaluating the scope and frequency of all the baseline inspection procedures. If the results of the evaluation, or any other circumstances, cause us to change the inspection plan, we will contact you to discuss the change as soon as possible. Please contact me at 610-337-5069 with any questions you may have regarding this letter or the inspection plan.
T. Joyce                                        2 In accordance with 10 CFR 2.390 of the NRCs Rules of Practice, a copy of this letter and its enclosure will be made available electronically for public inspection in the NRC Public Document Room or from the Publicly Available Records (PARS) component of NRC's document system (ADAMS). ADAMS is accessible from the NRC Web site at (the Public Electronic Reading Room).
Arthur L. Burritt, Chief Reactor Projects Branch 3 Division of Reactor Projects Docket No. 50-354 License No. NPF-57
Hope Creek Generating Station Inspection/Activity Plan cc w/encl:
W. Levis, President and Chief Nuclear Officer G. Barnes, Vice President Hope Creek K. Chambliss, Director, Nuclear Oversight B. Clark, Director of Finance J. Perry, Hope Creek Plant Manager J. Keenan, General Solicitor, PSEG M. Wetterhahn, Esquire, Winston and Strawn, LLP Consumer Advocate, Office of Consumer Advocate, Commonwealth of PA L. Peterson, Chief of Police and Emergency Management Coordinator P. Baldauf, Assistant Director, NJ Radiation Protection Programs P. Mulligan, Acting Manager, NJ Bureau of Nuclear Engineering H. Otto, Ph.D., Adminstrator, DE Division of Water Resources N. Cohen, Coordinator - Unplug Salem Campaign E. Zobian, Coordinator - Jersey Shore Anti Nuclear Alliance Institute for Nuclear Power Operations (INPO)
T. Joyce                                                          2 In accordance with 10 CFR 2.390 of the NRCs Rules of Practice, a copy of this letter and its enclosure will be made available electronically for public inspection in the NRC Public Document Room or from the Publicly Available Records (PARS) component of NRC's document system (ADAMS). ADAMS is accessible from the NRC Web site at (the Public Electronic Reading Room).
Arthur L. Burritt, Chief Reactor Projects Branch 3 Division of Reactor Projects Docket No. 50-354 License No. NPF-57
Hope Creek Generating Station Inspection/Activity Plan cc w/encl:
W. Levis, President and Chief Nuclear Officer G. Barnes, Vice President Hope Creek K. Chambliss, Director, Nuclear Oversight B. Clark, Director of Finance J. Perry, Hope Creek Plant Manager J. Keenan, General Solicitor, PSEG M. Wetterhahn, Esquire, Winston and Strawn, LLP Consumer Advocate, Office of Consumer Advocate, Commonwealth of PA L. Peterson, Chief of Police and Emergency Management Coordinator P. Baldauf, Assistant Director, NJ Radiation Protection Programs P. Mulligan, Acting Manager, NJ Bureau of Nuclear Engineering H. Otto, Ph.D., Adminstrator, DE Division of Water Resources N. Cohen, Coordinator - Unplug Salem Campaign E. Zobian, Coordinator - Jersey Shore Anti Nuclear Alliance Institute for Nuclear Power Operations (INPO)
Distribution w/encl:
S. Collins, RA                                                M. Cox, RI OEDO M. Dapas, DRA                                                  J. Lubinski, NRR D. Lew, DRP                                                    H. Chernoff, NRR J. Clifford, DRP                                              R. Ennis, PM, NRR A. Burritt, DRP                                                J. Shea, NRR, Backup C. Khan, DRP                                         G. Malone, DRP, Senior Resident Inspector             T. Wingfield, DRP, Resident Inspector                 K. Venuto, DRP, Resident OA                                    Region I Docket Room (with concurrences)
SUNSI REVIEW COMPLETE:_____ALB_____(Reviewers Initials)
After declaring this document An Official Agency Record it will be released to the Public.
DOCUMENT NAME: S:\ROP 8 Mid Cycle Review\Letters for Mid Cycle\Branch 3 Mid-cycle letters\HC 2007 Mid-cycle letter.wpd To receive a copy of this document, indicate in the box: "C" = Copy without attachment/enclosure "
E" = Copy with attachment/enclosure "N" = No copy OFFICE        RI/DRP                    RI/DRP                 RI/DRP NAME          SMcCarver/SM              LCline/LC              ABurritt/ALB DATE          08/24 /07                08/27/07              08/27 /07 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY
Page 1 of 2                                                                                  Hope Creek 08/27/2007    13:37:49                                                                Inspection / Activity Plan Report 22 07/01/2007 - 12/31/2008 Unit                                                                                                                          No. of Staff    Planned Dates          Inspection Number      Inspection Activity                                                    Title                                          on Site      Start    End            Type 9/24 EXM      - INITIAL OPERATOR LICENSING EXAMS                                                                          5 1                U01661                FY07 - HOPE CREEK INITIAL OPERATOR LICENSING                                                          08/27/2007 08/31/2007 Not Applicable 1                U01661                FY07 - HOPE CREEK INITIAL OPERATOR LICENSING                                                          09/24/2007 10/05/2007 Not Applicable 71121          - OCC RAD SAFETY                                                                                            1 1              IP 7112101              Access Control to Radiologically Significant Areas                                                    07/09/2007 07/13/2007 Baseline Inspections 1              IP 7112102              ALARA Planning and Controls                                                                          07/09/2007 07/13/2007 Baseline Inspections 1              IP 7112103              Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation and Protective Equipment                                        07/09/2007 07/13/2007 Baseline Inspections MODS          - MODS AND 50.59                                                                                            3 1              IP 7111102              Evaluation of Changes, Tests, or Experiments                                                          07/16/2007 07/20/2007 Baseline Inspections 1              IP 7111117B              Permanent Plant Modifications                                                                        07/16/2007 07/20/2007 Baseline Inspections 71152B        - PI&R                                                                                                      4 1             IP 71152B                Identification and Resolution of Problems                                                            09/17/2007 09/21/2007 Baseline Inspections 1              IP 71152B                Identification and Resolution of Problems                                                            09/24/2007 09/28/2007 Baseline Inspections 7112203        - PUB RAD SAFETY - REMP                                                                                      1 1              IP 7112203              Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP) And Radioactive Material Control Program        09/17/2007 09/21/2007 Baseline Inspections 71004          - POWER UPRATE                                                                                              2 1             IP 71004                Power Uprate                                                                                          10/01/2007 12/31/2007 Other Routine 7111108G      - IN-SERVICE INSPECTION                                                                                      1 1             IP 7111108G              Inservice Inspection Activities - BWR                                                                10/15/2007 10/19/2007 Baseline Inspections 71121          - OCC RAD SAFETY                                                                                            1 1              IP 7112101              Access Control to Radiologically Significant Areas                                                    10/22/2007 10/26/2007 Baseline Inspections 1             IP 7112102              ALARA Planning and Controls                                                                          10/22/2007 10/26/2007 Baseline Inspections 1             IP 7112103              Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation and Protective Equipment                                        10/22/2007 10/26/2007 Baseline Inspections 1             IP 71151                Performance Indicator Verification                                                                    10/22/2007 10/26/2007 Baseline Inspections 7112202        - PUB RAD SAFETY - RADWASTE                                                                                  1 1              IP 7112202              Radioactive Material Processing and Transportation                                                    12/03/2007 12/14/2007 Baseline Inspections 1             IP 71151-PR01            RETS/ODCM Radiological Effluent                                                                      12/03/2007 12/14/2007 Baseline Inspections 7112201        - PUB RAD SAFETY - RETS                                                                                      1 1             IP 7112201              Radioactive Gaseous and Liquid Effluent Treatment and Monitoring Systems                              01/28/2008 02/01/2008 Baseline Inspections 7111107B      - HEAT SINK INSP                                                                                            1 1             IP 7111107B              Heat Sink Performance                                                                                02/25/2008 02/29/2008 Baseline Inspections 71121          - OCC RAD SAFETY                                                                                            1 1              IP 7112101              Access Control to Radiologically Significant Areas                                                    05/12/2008 05/16/2008 Baseline Inspections 1             IP 7112102              ALARA Planning and Controls                                                                          05/12/2008 05/16/2008 Baseline Inspections 1             IP 7112103              Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation and Protective Equipment                                        05/12/2008 05/16/2008 Baseline Inspections This report does not include INPO and OUTAGE activities.
This report shows only on-site and announced inspection procedures.
This report shows only on-site and announced inspection procedures.
Hope Creek Inspection / Activity Plan 07/01/2007
-12/31/2008 Inspection Type Inspection Activity Planned Dates Start          End No. of Staff on Site Title Unit Number Page 2 of 2 08/27/2007 13:37:49 Report 22 4 EP-EP EXERCISE EVALUATION Baseline Inspections 05/19/2008 05/23/2008 1     7111401 IP Exercise Evaluation Baseline Inspections 05/19/2008 05/23/2008 1     7111404 IP Emergency Action Level and Emergency Plan Changes Baseline Inspections 05/19/2008 05/23/2008 1     71151-EP01 IP Drill/Exercise Performance Baseline Inspections 05/19/2008 05/23/2008 1     71151-EP02 IP ERO Drill Participation Baseline Inspections 05/19/2008 05/23/2008 1     71151-EP03 IP Alert & Notification System 1 71121-OCC RAD SAFETY Baseline Inspections 07/21/2008 07/25/2008 1     7112101 IP Access Control to Radiologically Significant Areas Baseline Inspections 07/21/2008 07/25/2008 1     7112102 IP ALARA Planning and Controls Baseline Inspections 07/21/2008 07/25/2008 1     7112103 IP Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation and Protective Equipment 5 7111111B-REQUAL INSPECTION +P/F REVIEW Baseline Inspections 10/06/2008 10/10/2008 1    7111111B IP Licensed Operator Requalification Program 1 71121-OCC RAD SAFETY Baseline Inspections 09/29/2008 10/03/2008 1     7112101 IP Access Control to Radiologically Significant Areas Baseline Inspections 09/29/2008 10/03/2008 1     7112102 IP ALARA Planning and Controls Baseline Inspections 09/29/2008 10/03/2008 1     7112103 IP Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation and Protective Equipment Baseline Inspections 09/29/2008 10/03/2008 1     71151 IP Performance Indicator Verification Baseline Inspections 09/29/2008 10/03/2008 1     71151-PR01 IP RETS/ODCM Radiological Effluent 6 7111121-CDBI Baseline Inspections 10/06/2008 10/10/2008 1     7111121 IP Component Design Bases Inspection Baseline Inspections 10/20/2008 10/24/2008 1     7111121 IP Component Design Bases Inspection Baseline Inspections 10/27/2008 10/31/2008 1    7111121 IP Component Design Bases Inspection This report does not include INPO and OUTAGE activities.
Page 2 of 2                                                                                  Hope Creek 08/27/2007    13:37:49                                                                Inspection / Activity Plan Report 22 07/01/2007 - 12/31/2008 Unit                                                                                                          No. of Staff   Planned Dates        Inspection Number      Inspection Activity                                                    Title                        on Site       Start    End            Type EP             - EP EXERCISE EVALUATION                                                                     4 1             IP 7111401               Exercise Evaluation                                                                   05/19/2008 05/23/2008 Baseline Inspections 1             IP 7111404               Emergency Action Level and Emergency Plan Changes                                     05/19/2008 05/23/2008 Baseline Inspections 1             IP 71151-EP01           Drill/Exercise Performance                                                           05/19/2008 05/23/2008 Baseline Inspections 1             IP 71151-EP02           ERO Drill Participation                                                               05/19/2008 05/23/2008 Baseline Inspections 1             IP 71151-EP03           Alert & Notification System                                                           05/19/2008 05/23/2008 Baseline Inspections 71121          - OCC RAD SAFETY                                                                            1 1             IP 7112101               Access Control to Radiologically Significant Areas                                   07/21/2008 07/25/2008 Baseline Inspections 1             IP 7112102               ALARA Planning and Controls                                                           07/21/2008 07/25/2008 Baseline Inspections 1             IP 7112103               Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation and Protective Equipment                         07/21/2008 07/25/2008 Baseline Inspections 7111111B       - REQUAL INSPECTION +P/F REVIEW                                                             5 1              IP 7111111B              Licensed Operator Requalification Program                                            10/06/2008 10/10/2008 Baseline Inspections 71121         - OCC RAD SAFETY                                                                             1 1             IP 7112101               Access Control to Radiologically Significant Areas                                   09/29/2008 10/03/2008 Baseline Inspections 1             IP 7112102               ALARA Planning and Controls                                                           09/29/2008 10/03/2008 Baseline Inspections 1             IP 7112103               Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation and Protective Equipment                         09/29/2008 10/03/2008 Baseline Inspections 1             IP 71151                 Performance Indicator Verification                                                   09/29/2008 10/03/2008 Baseline Inspections 1             IP 71151-PR01           RETS/ODCM Radiological Effluent                                                       09/29/2008 10/03/2008 Baseline Inspections 7111121       - CDBI                                                                                       6 1              IP 7111121              Component Design Bases Inspection                                                    10/06/2008 10/10/2008 Baseline Inspections 1             IP 7111121               Component Design Bases Inspection                                                     10/20/2008 10/24/2008 Baseline Inspections 1             IP 7111121               Component Design Bases Inspection                                                     10/27/2008 10/31/2008 Baseline Inspections This report does not include INPO and OUTAGE activities.
This report shows only on-site and announced inspection procedures.}}
This report shows only on-site and announced inspection procedures.}}

Latest revision as of 11:32, 7 December 2019

Mid-Cycle Review and Inspection Plan
Person / Time
Site: Hope Creek PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 08/31/2007
From: Arthur Burritt
Reactor Projects Branch 3
To: Joyce T
Public Service Enterprise Group
Burritt A RGN-I/DRP/PB3/610-337-5069
Download: ML072430945 (5)


UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COM M ISSION REGION I 475 ALLENDALE ROAD KING OF PRUSSIA, PENNSYLVANIA 19406-1415 August 31, 2007 Mr. Thomas Joyce Senior Vice President PSEG Nuclear LLC - N09 P.O. Box 236 Hancocks Bridge, NJ 08038




Dear Mr. Joyce:

On August 14, 2007, the NRC staff completed its performance review of the Hope Creek Generating Station for the first half of the calendar year 2007 assessment cycle. Our technical staff reviewed performance indicators (PIs) for the most recent quarter and inspection results over the previous twelve months. The purpose of this letter is to inform you of our assessment of your safety performance during this period and our plans for future inspections at your facility.

This performance review and enclosed inspection plan do not include security information. A separate letter designated and marked as Official Use Only--Security Information will include the security cornerstone review and resultant inspection plan.

Plant performance for the most recent quarter of 2007 at Hope Creek was within the Licensee Response column of the NRCs Action Matrix, based on all inspection findings being classified as having very low safety significance (Green) and all PIs indicating performance at a level requiring no additional NRC oversight (Green). Therefore, we plan to conduct reactor oversight process (ROP) baseline inspections at your facility. We also plan to conduct an inspection to review modifications and other actions related to your power up-rate application.

The enclosed inspection plan details the inspections, less those related to security, scheduled through December 31, 2008. The inspection plan is provided to allow for the resolution of any scheduling conflicts and personnel availability issues well in advance of inspector arrival onsite.

Routine resident inspections are not listed due to their ongoing and continuous nature. The inspections in the last nine months of the inspection plan are tentative and may be revised at the end-of-cycle review.

The NRC is currently evaluating the scope and frequency of all the baseline inspection procedures. If the results of the evaluation, or any other circumstances, cause us to change the inspection plan, we will contact you to discuss the change as soon as possible. Please contact me at 610-337-5069 with any questions you may have regarding this letter or the inspection plan.

T. Joyce 2 In accordance with 10 CFR 2.390 of the NRCs Rules of Practice, a copy of this letter and its enclosure will be made available electronically for public inspection in the NRC Public Document Room or from the Publicly Available Records (PARS) component of NRC's document system (ADAMS). ADAMS is accessible from the NRC Web site at (the Public Electronic Reading Room).



Arthur L. Burritt, Chief Reactor Projects Branch 3 Division of Reactor Projects Docket No. 50-354 License No. NPF-57


Hope Creek Generating Station Inspection/Activity Plan cc w/encl:

W. Levis, President and Chief Nuclear Officer G. Barnes, Vice President Hope Creek K. Chambliss, Director, Nuclear Oversight B. Clark, Director of Finance J. Perry, Hope Creek Plant Manager J. Keenan, General Solicitor, PSEG M. Wetterhahn, Esquire, Winston and Strawn, LLP Consumer Advocate, Office of Consumer Advocate, Commonwealth of PA L. Peterson, Chief of Police and Emergency Management Coordinator P. Baldauf, Assistant Director, NJ Radiation Protection Programs P. Mulligan, Acting Manager, NJ Bureau of Nuclear Engineering H. Otto, Ph.D., Adminstrator, DE Division of Water Resources N. Cohen, Coordinator - Unplug Salem Campaign E. Zobian, Coordinator - Jersey Shore Anti Nuclear Alliance Institute for Nuclear Power Operations (INPO)

T. Joyce 2 In accordance with 10 CFR 2.390 of the NRCs Rules of Practice, a copy of this letter and its enclosure will be made available electronically for public inspection in the NRC Public Document Room or from the Publicly Available Records (PARS) component of NRC's document system (ADAMS). ADAMS is accessible from the NRC Web site at (the Public Electronic Reading Room).



Arthur L. Burritt, Chief Reactor Projects Branch 3 Division of Reactor Projects Docket No. 50-354 License No. NPF-57


Hope Creek Generating Station Inspection/Activity Plan cc w/encl:

W. Levis, President and Chief Nuclear Officer G. Barnes, Vice President Hope Creek K. Chambliss, Director, Nuclear Oversight B. Clark, Director of Finance J. Perry, Hope Creek Plant Manager J. Keenan, General Solicitor, PSEG M. Wetterhahn, Esquire, Winston and Strawn, LLP Consumer Advocate, Office of Consumer Advocate, Commonwealth of PA L. Peterson, Chief of Police and Emergency Management Coordinator P. Baldauf, Assistant Director, NJ Radiation Protection Programs P. Mulligan, Acting Manager, NJ Bureau of Nuclear Engineering H. Otto, Ph.D., Adminstrator, DE Division of Water Resources N. Cohen, Coordinator - Unplug Salem Campaign E. Zobian, Coordinator - Jersey Shore Anti Nuclear Alliance Institute for Nuclear Power Operations (INPO)

Distribution w/encl:

S. Collins, RA M. Cox, RI OEDO M. Dapas, DRA J. Lubinski, NRR D. Lew, DRP H. Chernoff, NRR J. Clifford, DRP R. Ennis, PM, NRR A. Burritt, DRP J. Shea, NRR, Backup C. Khan, DRP G. Malone, DRP, Senior Resident Inspector T. Wingfield, DRP, Resident Inspector K. Venuto, DRP, Resident OA Region I Docket Room (with concurrences)

SUNSI REVIEW COMPLETE:_____ALB_____(Reviewers Initials)

After declaring this document An Official Agency Record it will be released to the Public.

DOCUMENT NAME: S:\ROP 8 Mid Cycle Review\Letters for Mid Cycle\Branch 3 Mid-cycle letters\HC 2007 Mid-cycle letter.wpd To receive a copy of this document, indicate in the box: "C" = Copy without attachment/enclosure "

E" = Copy with attachment/enclosure "N" = No copy OFFICE RI/DRP RI/DRP RI/DRP NAME SMcCarver/SM LCline/LC ABurritt/ALB DATE 08/24 /07 08/27/07 08/27 /07 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY

Page 1 of 2 Hope Creek 08/27/2007 13:37:49 Inspection / Activity Plan Report 22 07/01/2007 - 12/31/2008 Unit No. of Staff Planned Dates Inspection Number Inspection Activity Title on Site Start End Type 9/24 EXM - INITIAL OPERATOR LICENSING EXAMS 5 1 U01661 FY07 - HOPE CREEK INITIAL OPERATOR LICENSING 08/27/2007 08/31/2007 Not Applicable 1 U01661 FY07 - HOPE CREEK INITIAL OPERATOR LICENSING 09/24/2007 10/05/2007 Not Applicable 71121 - OCC RAD SAFETY 1 1 IP 7112101 Access Control to Radiologically Significant Areas 07/09/2007 07/13/2007 Baseline Inspections 1 IP 7112102 ALARA Planning and Controls 07/09/2007 07/13/2007 Baseline Inspections 1 IP 7112103 Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation and Protective Equipment 07/09/2007 07/13/2007 Baseline Inspections MODS - MODS AND 50.59 3 1 IP 7111102 Evaluation of Changes, Tests, or Experiments 07/16/2007 07/20/2007 Baseline Inspections 1 IP 7111117B Permanent Plant Modifications 07/16/2007 07/20/2007 Baseline Inspections 71152B - PI&R 4 1 IP 71152B Identification and Resolution of Problems 09/17/2007 09/21/2007 Baseline Inspections 1 IP 71152B Identification and Resolution of Problems 09/24/2007 09/28/2007 Baseline Inspections 7112203 - PUB RAD SAFETY - REMP 1 1 IP 7112203 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP) And Radioactive Material Control Program 09/17/2007 09/21/2007 Baseline Inspections 71004 - POWER UPRATE 2 1 IP 71004 Power Uprate 10/01/2007 12/31/2007 Other Routine 7111108G - IN-SERVICE INSPECTION 1 1 IP 7111108G Inservice Inspection Activities - BWR 10/15/2007 10/19/2007 Baseline Inspections 71121 - OCC RAD SAFETY 1 1 IP 7112101 Access Control to Radiologically Significant Areas 10/22/2007 10/26/2007 Baseline Inspections 1 IP 7112102 ALARA Planning and Controls 10/22/2007 10/26/2007 Baseline Inspections 1 IP 7112103 Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation and Protective Equipment 10/22/2007 10/26/2007 Baseline Inspections 1 IP 71151 Performance Indicator Verification 10/22/2007 10/26/2007 Baseline Inspections 7112202 - PUB RAD SAFETY - RADWASTE 1 1 IP 7112202 Radioactive Material Processing and Transportation 12/03/2007 12/14/2007 Baseline Inspections 1 IP 71151-PR01 RETS/ODCM Radiological Effluent 12/03/2007 12/14/2007 Baseline Inspections 7112201 - PUB RAD SAFETY - RETS 1 1 IP 7112201 Radioactive Gaseous and Liquid Effluent Treatment and Monitoring Systems 01/28/2008 02/01/2008 Baseline Inspections 7111107B - HEAT SINK INSP 1 1 IP 7111107B Heat Sink Performance 02/25/2008 02/29/2008 Baseline Inspections 71121 - OCC RAD SAFETY 1 1 IP 7112101 Access Control to Radiologically Significant Areas 05/12/2008 05/16/2008 Baseline Inspections 1 IP 7112102 ALARA Planning and Controls 05/12/2008 05/16/2008 Baseline Inspections 1 IP 7112103 Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation and Protective Equipment 05/12/2008 05/16/2008 Baseline Inspections This report does not include INPO and OUTAGE activities.

This report shows only on-site and announced inspection procedures.

Page 2 of 2 Hope Creek 08/27/2007 13:37:49 Inspection / Activity Plan Report 22 07/01/2007 - 12/31/2008 Unit No. of Staff Planned Dates Inspection Number Inspection Activity Title on Site Start End Type EP - EP EXERCISE EVALUATION 4 1 IP 7111401 Exercise Evaluation 05/19/2008 05/23/2008 Baseline Inspections 1 IP 7111404 Emergency Action Level and Emergency Plan Changes 05/19/2008 05/23/2008 Baseline Inspections 1 IP 71151-EP01 Drill/Exercise Performance 05/19/2008 05/23/2008 Baseline Inspections 1 IP 71151-EP02 ERO Drill Participation 05/19/2008 05/23/2008 Baseline Inspections 1 IP 71151-EP03 Alert & Notification System 05/19/2008 05/23/2008 Baseline Inspections 71121 - OCC RAD SAFETY 1 1 IP 7112101 Access Control to Radiologically Significant Areas 07/21/2008 07/25/2008 Baseline Inspections 1 IP 7112102 ALARA Planning and Controls 07/21/2008 07/25/2008 Baseline Inspections 1 IP 7112103 Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation and Protective Equipment 07/21/2008 07/25/2008 Baseline Inspections 7111111B - REQUAL INSPECTION +P/F REVIEW 5 1 IP 7111111B Licensed Operator Requalification Program 10/06/2008 10/10/2008 Baseline Inspections 71121 - OCC RAD SAFETY 1 1 IP 7112101 Access Control to Radiologically Significant Areas 09/29/2008 10/03/2008 Baseline Inspections 1 IP 7112102 ALARA Planning and Controls 09/29/2008 10/03/2008 Baseline Inspections 1 IP 7112103 Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation and Protective Equipment 09/29/2008 10/03/2008 Baseline Inspections 1 IP 71151 Performance Indicator Verification 09/29/2008 10/03/2008 Baseline Inspections 1 IP 71151-PR01 RETS/ODCM Radiological Effluent 09/29/2008 10/03/2008 Baseline Inspections 7111121 - CDBI 6 1 IP 7111121 Component Design Bases Inspection 10/06/2008 10/10/2008 Baseline Inspections 1 IP 7111121 Component Design Bases Inspection 10/20/2008 10/24/2008 Baseline Inspections 1 IP 7111121 Component Design Bases Inspection 10/27/2008 10/31/2008 Baseline Inspections This report does not include INPO and OUTAGE activities.

This report shows only on-site and announced inspection procedures.