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See also: [[followed by::IR 05000259/2008301]]
See also: [[see also::IR 05000259/2008301]]

{{#Wiki_filter:(ESTIMATED REACT IVE CAPAB ILITY CURVES 160 0 t 4CQ DS803-2a 1 2 0 0{**I:t Base Capfl Off ity I I 1000 BOO e oo 40 0 200 o 80 0-60 0*8 G Q 1 0 0 0.1 CO O 6 0G C).I C)l I I t:J I I 400 I<!----7---..--*.*t.....J J*I*I , C/)2C O 0::: I<:((!)w...:;E*J\(!)*,*2 00Z\0\.<<UJ.....J.400 MEGA\,\'ATTS
                                              ESTIMATED REACTIVE CAPABILITY CURVES
ESTI MATED R EACT IVE CA PAB ILITY CUR VES 4 Pole 1 800RPM 133 000 0 kVA 22 000V o l ts 0.950 PF 0.58 0 S CR 75.00 PS IG H2 Pressure 510 V ofts Exc ita tion 4 6 Oeg.C ColdGas 617 Fl.Alt i t ud e 1600\400 088 03-2a!Base Capfib ilit y I I 1 2 0 0 10 00 aoo.I s o:!400 200 I , , , , I II I*t*I*I , f , t*I I f f I t I I t.I f 1 I..1 f t I I 7 5<*1'2: a.3D: ,::::-, 1-.I f I , t ,*.0.6 0.----i*_**-----1-----{--------.i-'-------:..1 , I't 1 I t f----..I J I**,tI.I i45P$IG H 2;:----..).......t 0.80:: I r-..I I'..::: ,,0:90::*t i l I I, ,*.'I 1**I t.j: I r-,.....0.95:-----/---r--'-I----:.;.r--?C:\-----..I J I*.,..,r I I I f.r , I'/I" I I t I'_I I I I/I ,_I II\I_//..................-I I I ,*I:::::;.---, I*f*f I JI I*J I------.....': i l i}l l;1--::1.03----""""t--__J l i t I*j--.....)I I)I*":
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                                                                                      Base CapflOffity
/Il/28/07 RMSGiventhefollowingplantconditions:*Unit1,2and3areinoperationatRatedpower.*While processingthefloordrainsampletankthroughthe
Thermx systemthefollowing
conditionsarenoted:-Floor Drain Collector TankLevelRising-Unit3 ReactorBuildingFloorDrainSumpLevelHighHighisreceived-Unit3 AnnouncesonPASystemthatUnit3has
followingisthe expectedresponsebythe
RADWASTE operator?A..;NotifytheUnit3Unit
                                  .l  I
be determined
from RADWASTE.C.NotifytheShift
          400      ----7---.
from RADWASTE.D.Controlroom
notificationisnot appropriateduringascram
transient since redundantalarmsareavailableinthe
268000 Radwaste A2.01-Abilityto(a)
predict the impactsofthefollowingonthe
, use procedures
to correct , control ,ormitigatethe
                    *                ,I
  C/)      2CO
KIA Justification:
This question satisfiestheKiA statementbyrequiringthe
determine the responseofthe RADWASTE systemduetoaruptureofaplantsystemandthe proceduresusedto mitigatethatcondition.
References:Levelof Knowledge Justification:Thisquestionisratedas
  w          ...*J
CIAduetothe requirementtoassemble,sort,and integratethepartsofthequestiontopredictan
meaning to predict the correct outcome.0610NRCExam
                    * -\,~- - - - -
None Plausibility
  Z                      \
Analysis:Inorderto answerthisquestioncorrectlythe
candidate must determinethefollow ing: 1.Whether Radwaste can determinewhichunithasanEOIentrycondit
answertoItem1 , determinethereporting
requirements.Ais correct.Bis incorrect.Thisis plausiblebecausetheUnit
, howevertheaffectedunitCANbe determinedfromthe RADWASTE control room.Cis incorrect.Thisis plausibleifthe candidatefailstorecognizethatthe
RADWASTE operatorisrequiredbyproceduretonotifythe
AFFECTEDunitcontrolroom.Dis incorrect.Thisis plausiblebecauseeachcontrolroomhasa
                  o                200        400    eoo    BOO      1000      1200      t 4CQ    1600
notificationofEOIentrycond itions is MANDATORY, especially
during transient conditions
Notes (c)Hi-Hilevel
starts both pumps&bringsinHiLevel Alarm.(2)Alternate relay swaps pump start circuit.d.Alarms(1)Lowalarms correspond
to automaticpumpstop.Maintaining
                                                            ESTIMATED REACTIVE CAPABILITY CURVES
                                                              4 Pole 1800 RPM1330000 kVA 22000 Volts 0.950 PF
necessary to ensure airborne contamination
                                                        0.580 SCR 75.00 PSIG H2 Pressure 510 Vofts Excitation
is minimizedinthearea containingthesump.Airborne contamination
                                                                                46 Oeg. C ColdGas 617 Fl.Altitude
could become significantifthe dischargesintothe sump were not coveredbywater.(2)Highalarm correspondstothelevelatwhichone
of the sump pumpsshouldstart.
                                        ,,,                                                                                                                        ! Base Capfibility
(3)High-High alarm correspondstoHi-HiAlarm
                                          I                                                                                                I                                        I
sump 66" pumpsshouldhave
          ~                              I                                  I              *                          t                *                      I                *
1000      -- -- - - - - - ~I - - *- -- - - - ~, - -- -- * *-- tf - - - - - - - - - t, -- - - -- - - - ~t ~- ~ - - - - - - 4* - - - - - - - - ~ ~-                                  I
started.(4)The Reactor Building floor drain Obj.V.BA sumps are monitored for entry into EOI-3 (Secondary
                                                                                                                                                                                      - - - - - - --
Control).The alarms for thesedrainsumpis
sumpsareonly located in thenotlistedas
Radwaste Control Room (panel25-EOI-3 parameter 17).(a)Thereisone common alarmforallthree
units for Reactor Building floor drain sump level High-High.(b)Thereisone common alarmforall three units for Reactor Building equipment drain (sumplevel High-High.
(c)(The radwaste operator can determinewhichunithasthehigh-highsumplevelby
                                                                            f              f                          I
the"REACTOR UNIT ONE","REACTOR UNIT TWO", or"REACTOR UNIT THREE" alarms.Theun it w ith both alarmsinwouldhavethe
high-high sump level.(d)The radwaste operator must notify the affected unit oftheEOI entry condition as directedbythe ARP.4.Sump locations thatpumpinto radwaste.a.Turbine building floor and equipment drain sumpslocatednorthend
                                                                                                                        f                t
of condenser room.b.Condensatepumppit floor and equipment drain sumps located west side of each condensatepumpp it.c.Backwash receiver p it sump located in receiverpitonnorthwall
, and dischargestoFDCT.d.Reactor building equipment drain sump located north-east
quadrant basement reactor building.e.Reactor building floor drain sumps.(1)2perunit-onepumpper
sump.(2)Cross connectedby8inchlineat
normal level.(3)Located in south-east
andwest quad.f.Drywell floorandequ ipment drain sumps locatednorthendof
drywell basement.OPL171.084 Revision 5 Page 14of63 Instructor
              75 P -~IG, 1-    <*1'2.            I: a.3D                  :f              ,                          :,                :t                      :,              :*
(g.h.i.j.k.Radwaste equipment and floor drain sumpslocatednorthwallin
                                                                                                                      i*' _**-----1t-----.~ -- {--------.i-'-------:
basement of Radwaste.Off-Gassumplocated
northwestendof Radwaste Basement.Standby gas treatment building sumps located in standby gas treatment building.Off-GasBuildingsumplocatedin
  800  t:-6-0-P-S-IG-H?1--::-:-:~--.::~::..:.~ - : .0.60.----
basement of off-gas building.EvaporatorBuildingsump
          ..                            1    ,                            I                                                                                      1                I
located southwallofthefirstfloorofthe
                                                                            t                f    ----..                I                J                      I                *
                                          * ,                        -~                      t          ~              I                  .                      I                i
              45 P$IG H2 ;                                                  :  -- --..)                        .......t            0.80                          :                :
                                                                            I                r-..                        I                                      I              '
  600          - - ---- - /i-~-::-::'                                          - - - ~ .. -i --~ :                                                            ::
          : 3-3 PSIG ~2,                                                  :      -~      *
to CCW discharge conduitbutmaybelineduptopumptoradwasteFOCT
through normallyclosedvalveat
                                                                                                                                ~          :
a.Motors-480V ACb.All sumpshavetwopumpspersump
except reactor building floor drain sumpswhichhaveone.
                                                                                                                                                          ,,0:90  l
(37.RO 272000K5.01OOl/C/A/S
                                                                                                                                                                                  :I                :
                                                                                            I                          ~                  ,                      ,                *
ing plant conditions
                              *          *                                                .              '      ~                      I                      I                1
:*TheHWC System i s inthe Operator Determined
Setpo int mode.*Hydrogenflow
          . j :
following describestheplant respo nseifreac tor power is reduced?MSLradiation
          :-----/ ---r--' -                                              I            -~X
                                                                                            I -- - --:;:(..<:          :~                l                        r-, ..... 0.95
                                                                                                                              - ---~ - - - - - -:.;.r--?C:\----..~ . - -. --- - -
reactor powerduetoariseinvolitile
                        I              J                                  I                *              .,..,r      I                I                        I              f                  .
Ammonia production
                    Ir                I,                                  It              '/
.B.MSLradiat ion levels will lowerinresponsetotheloweringof
                                                                                            I              '            I                                    _ "I                I
reactor powerduetoareductionin
                    I                  I                              /                    I                      ,          _          I                  II          \      I
Nitrogen concentration
levels will lowerinresponsetotheloweringof
              ~~~/ / ......
reactor powerduetoareductionin
Hydrogen concentration
                                                  ......... . . . -
                                                                          I                I
reactor powerduetoariseinNitriteand
                                                                                            :                          :
N itrate production.KIAStatement:272000Radiation
                                                                                                                                    - -j---\*
                                                                                                                                                      - ---~---:\---i--------~
ing conceptsastheyapplytoRADIATION
SYSTEM: Hydrogen injection operation's
effect on process radiation indications
: P lant-Spec ific KIA Justification:
                            .---      ,                                    I                *                            f                *                      f                I
This question satisfiestheKIA statementbyrequiringthe
                                      J                                  ~                I                            I                *                      J                I
          ------... :'              """"t--__
ine the effectonradiationlevelsdueto
specific operating condit ionsoftheHydrogen
Inject ion system.References
:Levelof Knowledge Justification:
                                                                                                                      i i
This quest ionisratedas CIAduetotherequ
                                                                                                                                    }l l
irement to assemble , sort ,andintegratethepartsofthe
question to predictanoutcome.
This requires
                                      j        --.....                  )                I                          I                )                        I                *
                                                            ~-"'-~                                                                        t .                      :              :
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*203                                                                                                                  l - --        --1 - -.- -- - - - J.'
                                      : I
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                      \                I                                  I                I                          I    ---~    ~: I ,        __      *i!
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36. RO 268000A2.01 OOI/MEMlT2G2///268000A2.0l//RO/SRO/Il/28/07 RMS
    Given the following plant conditions:
            *    Unit 1, 2 and 3 are in operation at Rated power.
            *    While processing the floor drain sample tank through the Thermx system the following
                  conditions are noted:
                    - Floor Drain Collector Tank Level Rising
                    - Unit 3 Reactor Building Floor Drain Sump Level High High is received
                    - Unit 3 Announces on PA System that Unit 3 has scrammed.
    Which ONE of the following is the expected response by the RADWASTE operator?
    A..;  Notify the Unit 3 Unit Supervisor of an EOI-3 Entry condition on Unit 3.
    B.    Notify the Unit 3 Unit Supervisor that an EOI-3 Entry condition exists, but the affected Unit cannot
          be determined from RADWASTE.
    C.    Notify the Shift Manager that an EOI-3 Entry condition exists, but the affected Unit cannot be
          determined from RADWASTE.
    D.    Control room notification is not appropriate during a scram transient since redundant alarms are
          available in the affected control room.
    KIA Statement:
    268000 Radwaste
    A2.01 - Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the RADWASTE ; and (b) based on those
    predictions , use procedures to correct, control , or mitigate the consequences of those abnormal
    conditions or operations: System rupture
    KIA Justification: This question satisfies the KiA statement by requiring the candidate to use specific
    plant conditions to determine the response of the RADWASTE system due to a rupture of a plant system
    and the procedures used to mitigate that condition.
    Level of Knowledge Justification: This question is rated as CIA due to the requirement to assemble,
    sort, and integrate the parts of the question to predict an outcome. This requires mentally using this
    knowledge and its meaning to predict the correct outcome.
    0610 NRC Exam
Plausibility Analysis:
In order to answer this question correctly the candidate must determine the follow ing:
1. Whether Radwaste can determine which unit has an EOI entry condit ion.
2. Based on the answer to Item 1, determine the reporting requirements.
A is correct.
B is incorrect. This is plausible because the Unit 3 US is required to be notified , however the affected
unit CAN be determined from the RADWASTE control room.
C is incorrect. This is plausible if the candidate fails to recognize that the affected unit CAN be
determined from the RADWASTE control room. In addition, the RADWASTE operator is required by
procedure to notify the AFFECTED unit control room.
D is incorrect. This is plausible because each control room has a DRYWELL FLOOR DRAIN SUMP
HIGH LEVEL alarm, but no alarm for the Reactor Building. In addition, control room notification of EOI
entry conditions is MANDATORY, especially during transient conditions.
                                                          OPL 171.084
                                                          Revision 5
                                                          Page 13 of 63
(                                                  Instructor Notes
          (c)      Hi-Hi level starts both
                    pumps & brings

Latest revision as of 17:36, 14 November 2019

Feb-Mar 05000259/2008301 Exam Draft RO Written Exam (Part 3 of 4)
Person / Time
Site: Browns Ferry Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 04/08/2008
Tennessee Valley Authority
50-259/08-301 50-259/08-301
Download: ML081370230 (87)

See also: IR 05000259/2008301




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36. RO 268000A2.01 OOI/MEMlT2G2///268000A2.0l//RO/SRO/Il/28/07 RMS

Given the following plant conditions:

  • Unit 1, 2 and 3 are in operation at Rated power.
  • While processing the floor drain sample tank through the Thermx system the following

conditions are noted:

- Floor Drain Collector Tank Level Rising

- Unit 3 Reactor Building Floor Drain Sump Level High High is received

- Unit 3 Announces on PA System that Unit 3 has scrammed.

Which ONE of the following is the expected response by the RADWASTE operator?

A..; Notify the Unit 3 Unit Supervisor of an EOI-3 Entry condition on Unit 3.

B. Notify the Unit 3 Unit Supervisor that an EOI-3 Entry condition exists, but the affected Unit cannot

be determined from RADWASTE.

C. Notify the Shift Manager that an EOI-3 Entry condition exists, but the affected Unit cannot be

determined from RADWASTE.

D. Control room notification is not appropriate during a scram transient since redundant alarms are

available in the affected control room.

KIA Statement:

268000 Radwaste

A2.01 - Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the RADWASTE ; and (b) based on those

predictions , use procedures to correct, control , or mitigate the consequences of those abnormal

conditions or operations: System rupture

KIA Justification: This question satisfies the KiA statement by requiring the candidate to use specific

plant conditions to determine the response of the RADWASTE system due to a rupture of a plant system

and the procedures used to mitigate that condition.


Level of Knowledge Justification: This question is rated as CIA due to the requirement to assemble,

sort, and integrate the parts of the question to predict an outcome. This requires mentally using this

knowledge and its meaning to predict the correct outcome.

0610 NRC Exam


Plausibility Analysis:

In order to answer this question correctly the candidate must determine the follow ing:

1. Whether Radwaste can determine which unit has an EOI entry condit ion.

2. Based on the answer to Item 1, determine the reporting requirements.

A is correct.

B is incorrect. This is plausible because the Unit 3 US is required to be notified , however the affected

unit CAN be determined from the RADWASTE control room.

C is incorrect. This is plausible if the candidate fails to recognize that the affected unit CAN be

determined from the RADWASTE control room. In addition, the RADWASTE operator is required by

procedure to notify the AFFECTED unit control room.

D is incorrect. This is plausible because each control room has a DRYWELL FLOOR DRAIN SUMP

HIGH LEVEL alarm, but no alarm for the Reactor Building. In addition, control room notification of EOI

entry conditions is MANDATORY, especially during transient conditions.

OPL 171.084

Revision 5

Page 13 of 63

( Instructor Notes

(c) Hi-Hi level starts both

pumps & brings in Hi Level


(2) Alternate relay swaps pump start


d. Alarms

(1) Low alarms correspond to

automatic pump stop. Maintaining

adequate sump level is necessary

to ensure airborne contamination is

minimized in the area containing

the sump. Airborne contamination

could become significant if the

discharges into the sump were not

covered by water.

(2) High alarm corresponds to the

level at which one of the sump

pumps should start.

(3) High-High alarm corresponds to Hi-Hi Alarm @

the level at which both sump 66"

pumps should have automatically


(4) The Reactor Building floor drain Obj. V.BA

sumps are monitored for entry into

EOI-3 (Secondary Containment Note: RB equip.

Control). The alarms for these drain sump is

sumps are only located in the not listed as

Radwaste Control Room (panel 25- EOI-3 parameter


(a) There is one common alarm

for all three units for Reactor

Building floor drain sump

level High-High.

(b) There is one common alarm

for all three units for Reactor

Building equipment drain

sump level High-High.


OPL 171.084

Revision 5

Page 14 of 63

( Instructor Notes

(c) The radwaste operator can

determine which unit has

the high-high sump level by




alarms. The unit with both

alarms in would have the

high-high sump level.

(d) The radwaste operator

must notify the affected unit

of the EOI entry condition as

directed by the ARP.

4. Sump locations that pump into radwaste.

a. Turbine building floor and equipment

drain sumps located north end of

condenser room.

b. Condensate pump pit floor and equipment

drain sumps located west side of each

condensate pump pit.

c. Backwash receiver pit sump located in

receiver pit on north wall , and discharges

to FDCT.

d. Reactor building equipment drain sump

located north-east quadrant basement

reactor building .

e. Reactor building floor drain sumps.

(1) 2 per unit - one pump per sump.

(2) Cross connected by 8 inch line at

overflow and 6 inch line at normal


(3) Located in south-east and south-

west quad .

f. Drywell floor and equ ipment drain sumps

located north end of drywell basement.

OPL 171.084

Revision 5

Page 15 of 63

( Instructor Notes

g. Radwaste equipment and floor drain

sumps located north wall in basement of


h. Off-Gas sump located northwest end of

Radwaste Basement.

i. Standby gas treatment building sumps

located in standby gas treatment building.

j. Off-Gas Building sump located in

basement of off-gas building.

k. Evaporator Building sump located south NOTE: Unit

wall of the first floor of the evaporator station sump

building. pump normally

discharges to

CCW discharge

conduit but may

be lined up to

pump to

radwaste FOCT

through normally

closed valve at


5. Sump Pump Rating

a. Motors - 480V AC

b. All sumps have two pumps per sump

except reactor building floor drain sumps

which have one.

37. RO 272000K5.01 OOl/C/A/SYS/HWC/B9/272000K5.0l//RO/SRO/

Given the follow ing plant conditions:

  • The HWC System is in the Operator Determined Setpo int mode.

( * Hydrogen flow is set at 14 SCFM.

Which ONE of the following describes the plant respo nse if reactor power is reduced?

A~ MSL radiation levels will rise in opposition to the lowering of reactor power due to a rise in volitile

Ammonia production.

B. MSL radiation levels will lower in response to the lowering of reactor power due to a reduction in

Nitrogen concentration.

C. MSL radiation levels will lower in response to the lowering of reactor power due to a reduction in

Hydrogen concentration.

D. MSL radiation levels will rise in oppos ition to the lowering of reactor power due to a rise in Nitrite and

Nitrate production.

KIA Statement:

272000 Radiation Monitoring

K5.01 - Knowledge of the operational implications of the follow ing concepts as they apply to RADIATION

MONITORING SYSTEM : Hydrogen injection operation's effect on process radiation indications:


KIA Justification: This question satisfies the KIA statement by requiring the candidate to use plant

conditions to determ ine the effect on radiation levels due to specific operating conditions of the Hydrogen

Injection system.

References :

Level of Knowledge Justification: This question is rated as CIA due to the requ irement to assemble,

sort, and integrate the parts of the question to predict an outcome. This requires mentally using this

knowledge and its meaning to predict the correct outcome.

0610 NRC Exam


Plausibility Analysis:

( In order to answer this question correctly the candidate must determine the following :

1. The mechanism by which Hydrogen injection causes MSL radiation levels to rise higher than normal.

2. The effect on hydrogen concentration in the reactor at reduced feedwater flow with Hydrogen Injection

flowrate unchanged.

3. The effect on ammonia production due to a reduction of oxygen concentration in the reactor.

A is correct.

B is incorrect. This is plausible because nitrogen concentration DOES decrease with power level.

However, due to the reduction in oxygen concentration, the reduction in nitrite and nitrate production

allows more nitrogen available to combine with the excess hydrogen and form volitile ammonia .

C is incorrect. This is plausible because of the TYPICAL response of the HWC system when operated

in Automatic mode. In addition, understanding that hydrogen injection flowrate is constant may not lead to

an understanding of that relationship to a reduction in feedwater flow where hydrogen is injected ..

However, in Operator Demand mode the hydrogen concentration increases due to the reduction in

feedwater flow.

D is incorrect. This is plausible because MSL radiation levels DO rise in opposition to lowering power.

However, the reduction in available oxygen causes a reduction in nitrite and nitrate production, which

allows more volitle ammonia formation .


OPL 171.220

Revision 4

Page 14 of 71

h. O 2 source

LP turbine

(1) Air in-leakage - oxygen in the air blading to

leaks into the low pressure parts discharge of

of the steam cycle condensate

pumps is less

(2) Some air in-leakage is removed than atmospheric

by the SJAE's but some pressure

dissolves in the condensate

(3) Radiolysis reaction - One way O2 is


2H 2O nand y radiation ) 2H +0

2 2

i. O 2 removal

(1) Radiation induced recombination Reaction is an

of H2 and O2 equil ibrium


2H 2

° ~~~~ ~iation ~ 2H 2 + 0 2

(2) Carry-over with the steam

j. Hydrogen addition

(1) When an excess of hydrogen is This is the basis

injected to the feed water, the of H2 injection

reaction is driven to the left and

less oxygen (and peroxide) is


(2) The chemical environment

becomes less oxidizing

(3) Elements exposed to the coolant

will assume chemical fo rms using

less oxygen and/or more


(4) Solubility and volatility may be This is how MSL

affected by the change in radiation levels

"oxidation state" of the element will increase

( which will be

discussed later

OPL171 .220

Revision 4

Page 27 of 71

G. Operation Be very careful

when selecting

1. Normally controlled from the HWC Main functions from

Control Panel different screens.

Use self

a. When using the Operator Interface Unit checking.

(OIU) function buttons, be aware that

the same function key will cause

different actions on different screens INPO SER 3-05

b. Operation of the HWC PLC

(1 ) Hydrogen controller Flow controller

operates in 2

(a) Automatic/Power modes

Determined Setpoint Mode

- changes hydrogen Procedure Use

injection flow in response

to changes in reactor

power. Used for normal

operation of the HWC

System and when

reducing hydrogen

injection related dose rates

to support maintenance,

chemistry or radcon

activities while the plant is


(b) Automatic/Operator Hydrogen flow

Determined Setpoint Mode stays constant,

- changes hydrogen regardless of

injection flow in response power changes,

to the setpoint being until operator

manually entered by the manually enters a

operator. Normally used new setpoint

when initially pressurizing,

purging and placing the

HWC System in service or

if Power Determined

setpoint is unavailable

(2) Oxygen controller - Only mode used

Automatic/Hydrogen Determined for oxygen control



Revision 4

Page 45 of 71


n. Supply Facility Trip - A shutdown signal

is generated when either the hydrogen

or oxygen gas supply facility trips

o. Hydrogen or Feedwater Flow Signal

Failed - A shutdown signal is generated

when the hydrogen flow signal or the

feedwater flow signal is less than 2 rnA

or greater than 22 rnA

I. Radiological Effects of HWC On MSL's Obj. V.B .6

Obj. V.BA

1. The primary source of background MSL Obj. V.D.6

radiation levels during reactor operation is due Obj. V.E .6

to the decay of nitrogen-16 (N16 )


a. N has a half-life of 7.1 seconds

b. A 6.13 or 7.12 Mev gamma is emitted 6.13 Mev gamma


on N decay is more common

16 16 16

2. Mc:Jor source of nitrogen in a BWR is 0 (11,P) 0 + 11 -7 N +P


N reaction

3. When using normal water chemistry methods,


a major portion of the N present in the

reactor coolant combines with the free oxygen

to form water soluble nitrites (NOz) and nitrates

(N0 3 )

a. These compounds are circulated

through the reactor coolant systems and

are ultimately removed by the RWCU


b. A smaller fraction of the N 16 is carried Predominate

over in the steam in the form of nitrogen contributor to

gas (Nz) and ammonia (NH 3 ) background

radiation levels


4. Hz injection alters the N carryover ratio

a. Concentrations of N0 3 , NOz, and NO

( decrease

b. Concentration of NH3 increases Ammonia


Revision 4

Page 46 of 71


(1) Agas

(2) High water solubility

5. The net production of N16 is not influenced by

hydrogen injection

6. The increased dose rates are due to the

increased ease with which N16 gets out of the We can maintain

reactor and into the steam pipes when in the up to 2.7 ppm

NH3 form injection


7. The initial U2 run was the first week in Nov.

1999. Up to 90 scfm hydrogen was injected. MSL '8' was

Average MSL radiation level increased highest at 5.2

approximately 5 times normal times normal

8. Addition of noble metals to reactor water

a. Noble metals decompose during reactor Rubidium and

startup or shutdown Iridium

b. During this time it produces a thin layer

of noble metal on wetted surfaces

c. The ECP on these surfaces are reduced

significantly during subsequent


d. This leaves a stoichiometric excess of


e. Now the amount of hydrogen injection

can be reduced which will lower MSL

radiation levels



Revision 4

Page 53 of 71


c. Consequences of Event

No effects were noted. However there is

the potential for rapid recombination in

the Offgas Charcoal beds . Additionally

excessive hydrogen increases the risk

for explosion or fire..

2. High radiation on reduction in power event at


a. Event description

On December 13, 1997 with Monticello

at approximately 75 percent power,

workers entered the main condenser

room to repair a leaking root valve and

found the dose rate 2.5 times greater

than expected

Reactor power had been reduced from

100 percent power to 75 percent power

for ALARA purposed and hydrogen .

water chemistry injection rate had been

reduced from the normal 40 scfm to 8


Dose rate encountered was significantly Encountered -

higher that expected 4,800 mrem/hr

Expected - 2,000

Job was stopped to evaluate the mrem/hr

situation and management decided to

have power reduced further

At 60 percent power, dose rates were

about 3,200 mrem/hr and the job was



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b. Cause of event

Lack of understanding of the Questioning

radiological effect of reducing reactor Attitude could

power under HWC conditions. As have prevented

reactor power is decreased, less N-16 is this.

produced, and steam line dose rates

decrease. However, power level

changes also change feedwater flow

rate and hydrogen concentration

Reactor power and feedwater hydrogen

concentration both affect steam line

dose rates. At a constant hydrogen

injection rate, as power is decreased,

feedwater flow rate decreases, and

hydrogen concentration increases

An increase in hydrogen concentration

increases the ammonia concentration

although hydrogen injection rates were

reduced, the hydrogen concentration

increase that occurred when feedwater

flow rate decreased with reactor power

was not accounted for and resulted in

higher than expected dose rates

c. Consequences of Event:

Rx power needed to be lowered to 60% Work Planning

vice 75% planned. This resulted in

unplanned lost generation.

Work had to be performed in a

3200mr/hr vice a planned 2000 mr/hr

field. This resulted in unplanned


Potential lost opportunity to plan and

perform work that required Rx power to

be lowered to 60 % power vice the

planned reduction to 75% power

38. RO 290003A3 .01 OOIIMEM/T2G2/HVAC/4/290003A3.0l/3.3/3.5/RO/SRO/

Given the following plant conditions:

  • High radiation has been detected in the air inlet to the Unit 3 control room.

( * Radiation Monitor RE-90-259B is reading 250 cpm.

Which ONE of the following describes the CREV System response?

A. Neither CREVS unit will auto start at that radiation level.

B. Both CREVS units will auto start with suction from the normal outside air path to elevation 3C.

C." The selected CREVS Unit will auto start; the standby CREVS Unit will begin to auto start , but will

only run if the selected CREVS Unit fails to develop sufficient flow.

D. The selected CREVS Unit will auto start and will continue to run until Control Bay Ventilation is

restarted, then it will automatically stop.

KIA Statement:

290003 Control Room HVAC

A3.01 - Ability to monitor automatic operations of the CONTROL ROOM HVAC including :


KIA Justification: This question satisfies the KiA statement by requiring the candidate to use specific

plant conditions to determine the effect on CREV initiation logic.


Level of Knowledge Justification: This question is rated as MEM due to the requirement to recall

or recognize discrete bits of information .

0610 NRC Exam


Plausibility Analysis:

In order to answer this question correctly the candidate must determine the following :

1. The initiation setpoint for CREV .

2. The initiation sequence for the selected CREV unit.

3. The method required to secure a CREV unit once started automatically.

A is incorrect. This is plausible because the Tech Spec initiation setpoint is 270 cpm , which is less than

the given radiation level. However, the actual CREV initiation setpointis 221 cpm.

B is incorrect. This is plausible since both CREV units receive a start signal on a valid initiation.

However, the CREV unit NOT selected will experience a 30 second time delay on initiation and will only

complete its start sequence if the selected CREV unit fails to start .

C is correct.


D is incorrect. This is plausible because the start sequence is correct. However, once initiated, CREV

must be manually secured. There is no automatic shutdown capability, only trips .


Revision 13

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7. Control Room Emergency Ventilation (CREV) is Tech. Spec. 3.7.3

designed to supply and process the outdoor air oej.v.s.z, V.B.5/

needed for pressurization during isolated V.C.6N.C.7

conditions. There are 2 CREV units rated at (Old CREV Units

3000 cfm each. A CREV unit consists of Motor- abandoned in place

driven fan, (power supply is from 480V RMOV as Auxiliary

Bd 1A for CREV Fan A; RMOV Bd 3B for CREV Pressurization

Fan B), HEPA filter (common), charcoal filter Systems)

assemblies located in the CREVS Equipment TP-4

Room, charcoal heater, and inlet isolation 2-47E2865-4

damper and a backflow check outlet damper.

They are designed to maintain a positive

pressurization to 1/8" w.g. minimum to the

control room.

a. A CREV may be started manually from Red indicating lights

control room Panel 2-9-22 if local control on panel 3-9-21 to

switch is in AUTO position via a 3 provide indication of

position, spring-return to center switch. CREV Fan A and/or

(STOP-AUTO-START). Actuates only the B running on Unit 3.

CREVS unit & associated damper, not the Annunciators are on

isolation dampers. panel 9-6 for all


b. There is also a 2 position maintained

contact, one per train, AUTO-INITIATE/

TEST switch which is used to perform

system level actions for that train

(primarily testing). It provides the same

response as auto start.

c. Local start at local control station in relay

room is done using a 2 position

maintained, one per train, AUTO-TEST

switch. Isolation dampers do not operate

automatically if started from local panel.

d. Automatic start signals are: Obj. V.B .1N.B.2

(1) High radiation of 221 cpm above Obj. V.C.1

background (270 cpm Tech Specs) Obj. V.C.17

in air inlet ducts to control room

from (Radiation monitor RE 90- 1. S.

259A Units 1 & 2, Radiation

monitor RE 90-259B Unit 3). Either

monitor starts selected CREV unit.

(2) Reactor zone ventilation systems

radiation high ?.72 MR/hr


Revision 13

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(3) Refuel zone ventilation systems The inlet damper is

radiation high ~72 MR/hr normally closed &

fails closed. Damper

(4) Low reactor water level at +2 inches

opening takes -70

above instrument zero

seconds. While in

(5) High primary containment pressure the intermediate

~2.45 psig position both red &

e. On receipt of a start signal, normal outside green lights will be lit

air paths (see below) to elevation 3C are on 2-9-22.

isolated. The selected CREV unit starts The unit heater will

once the inlet damper is full open. This energize 10 sec.

supplies pressurizing air to the Unit 1, 2 after the damper is

and 3 control rooms. One CREV unit can full open to allow the

supply all three control rooms, so the STBY fan to come up to

CREV unit will not normally start. Once speed. High Rad or

started, the CREV unit will continue to run PCIS signal will

until manually secured by first clearing the energize relays in

high radiation signals and the PCIS signals Div I (CR1-A) and

(otherwise equipment cycling will occur) Div II (CR1-B).

Contacts from the

f. Control bay (EL 617) isolation is CR1 relays are used

accomplished by five pneumatic and motor- to energize

operated low leakage dampers which solenoids to isolate

isolate all normal air intakes and exhausts the M.C.R. normal

for EL 617. intake dampers

(1) FCO-31-150B , fresh air make-up (150B,D,E,F, and G)

duct to Units 1 and 2 Control Room

and Relay Room AHU.

(2) FCO 31-150G, 3C elevation relief

vent isolation

(3) FCO-31-150E, exhaust from Unit 1

toilet, locker, and other rooms at

elevation 617.

(4) FCO-31-150D, mounted in fresh air

makeup duct to Unit 3 Control Room


(5) FCO-31-150F, exhaust from unit 3

toilet, locker, and other rooms at

elevation 617.

OPL 171.067

Revision 13

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g. Manual initiation of the emergency mode Adherence to

of operation can be performed from the procedures

control room by operation of the AUTO- INPO SER 03-05

INITIATEffEST switch (putting switch in Obj.V.BAN.B.5

INITIATEffEST position) at Pnl 2-9-22 .

This operation results in energizing the

CR1 relay for that train/division and

isolation of the control room dampers.

Only one solenoid must be energized to

close these dampers. Therefore, either

test switch will initiate a damper isolation.

h. One switch alone in the INITIATEffEST Normally "A" is

position will NOT result in full functionality selected unit via

of the CREVS units. If that train is not the switch in CREV

selected unit, then operation of that train room . If "A" is

will be delayed by approx. 30 seconds, inoperable, switch

waiting for the selected train . This delay 0-XSW-03 1-7214

will result in the operator waiting to see SYSTEM PRIORITY

the result of his operation of the switch. SELECTOR

The operator will see the amber light lit, SWITCH is placed in

indicating energization of the CR 1 relay TRAIN B position to

and the solenoid for isolation damper start it without time

closing , but will see no activity of the delay.

CREVS unit until the delay timer has

timed out.

i. If the selected train's switch is put in the

INITIATEffEST position that train will

immediately enter its initiation sequence,

with the damper's red light being lit as

well as the green, indicating travel of the

damper toward the open position .

However, should there be any failure of

the selected unit; the standby unit will not

start. This is because the CR 1 relay for

the standby unit was not actuated .

j. Therefore, when manually initiating

emergency operation of the new CREVS

units, it is important to put the AUTO-

INITIATEffEST switches of BOTH trains

to the INITIATEffEST position.


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k. Again, to secure operation, the AUTO-

INITIATEITEST switches must both be

returned to the AUTO position and then the

STOP-AUTO-START switches turned to the

STOP position, to reset the CR1 relays in

both divisions.

I. Trips for the units, which are effective at all

times, are the following:

(1) Fan overload

(2) Unit low flow, less than approx. 2700

cfm -- trip is delayed for 10 seconds

after fan start.

(3) High heater discharge temperature,

approx. 220°F

(4) Low heater delta

temperature(between unit inlet and

heater discharge), indicating that the

heater is not getting the relative

humidity below 70 % -- trip is

delayed for approx. 15 seconds after

the heater is energized.

m. When any of these trip signals are ObjV.B.4/ V.B.5

received, the following will occur:

(1) The heater will be immediately

deenerg ized.

(2) The fan will continue to run and the

damper will remain open for approx.

30 seconds, to dissipate the heat

from the heater. (In the case of fan

overload, the fan will trip


(3) The inlet damper will be

deenergized, and when no longer

fully open, the fan will be

deenergized. The damper requires

approx . 20 seconds to close, while

fan coast down is approx. 60-90



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n. In addition to the trips shown above, loss

of power to the inlet damper will trip the

unit. In this case, the heater is

immediately tripped and the fan is

deenergized when the damper is no

longer fully open. This action results in

(slightly) faster tripping of the heater to

avoid heat dissipation problems.

o. Flow switches are provided, one for each PDIS 7316 at Unit 2

division/unit, to start the standby unit if Vent Tower Intake

the selected unit does not start or trips Plenum

off. The selected unit not starting is

sensed by low differential pressure

across the common HEPA filter in the Unit

2 vent tower. Low differential pressure

exists when a fan is not operating; this

signal will normally be present. The

circuit for each unit is such that its

initiation sequence is begun upon either

of the following:

(1) Unit is selected as primary unit and

CR1 relay for that division is


(2) Other unit is selected as primary

unit, low differential pressure exists

across the common HEPA filter,

and CR1 relay for that division has

been energized for approx. 30

seconds .

p. With this circuit design, when an accident

signal is initially received, the selected

unit will enter its initiation sequence

immediately and the other unit will enter

its initiation sequence approx. 30 seconds

later. Once the selected unit fan has

been started (taking approx. 75 seconds-

- 70 for the damper and 5 for the fan), the

low differential pressure signal will no

longer be present in the standby unit

circuitry and its damper will return to the

fail-close position.


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q. If the selected unit fails to start properly, it

will itself be turned off by the trips noted

above, and the standby unit will continue

in its initiation sequence. The time delay

for startup of the standby unit will be

selected to ensure that regardless of the

primary unit failure, both fans will not be

running at the same time.

r. If the selected unit starts properly, but

then trips at a later time, the standby unit

will only be missing the low differential

pressure signal to receive its start signal.

The standby unit will start when the

selected system has completed its

shutdown process and the fan has been

deenergized. .

s. To secure from emergency operation, the

high rad signals and the PCIS signals

must first be cleared (otherwise

equipment cycling will occur). These

signals must be cleared on both divisions

to not have the standby unit start up when

the selected unit is secure. The STOP-

AUTO-START switches in the control

room should then be moved to the STOP

position for both units. This will reset I

deenergize the CR1 relays in both

divisions, reopen the control room

isolation dampers and remove the' start

signal from the operating CREVS unit.

The CREVS unit heater will then be

deenergized, with the fan continuing to Obj. V.B.2.

run and the damper held open for approx.

30 seconds, and the damper closing and

the fan turned off as discussed earlier.



Given the following plant conditions:

c *

Unit 3 is operating at 100% power.

The following alarm is received .

- Recirc loop A out of Service

Which ONE of the following describes the Reactor Water Level response?

A. Lower initially due to shrink, then return to normal.

B. ~ Rise initially due to swell, then return to normal.

C. Lower initially due to shrink and remain lower due to the 1055 of core voids .

D. Rise initially due to swell and remain high due to a lower power level.

KIA Statement:

295001 Partial or Complete Loss of Forced Core Flow Circulation / 1 & 4

AK3.01 - Knowledge of the reasons for the following responses as they apply to PARTIAL OR


KIA Justification: This question satisfies the KIA statement by requiring the candidate to use specific

plant conditions to determine the effect on reactor water level due to a partial 1055 of Recirculation flow.


Level of Knowledge Justification: This question is rated as MEM due to the requirement to recall

or recognize discrete bits of information.

0610 NRC Exam


Plausibility Analysis:

( In order to answer this question correctly the candidate must determine the following :

1. The internal response of the Reactor Vessel due to a Recirc Pump trip .

2. The RPV level instrument response to the conditions determined from Item 1 above.

The RPV response occurs in three parts .

First, the trip of the recirc pump causes a sudden reduction of coolant flow up through the fuel bundles

while power level remains approximately 100% . This causes a sudden increase in core void fraction.

The large voiding in the active fuel region coupled with the reduction in inventory being removed from the

downcomer by the tripped recirc pump results in a rapid rise in RPV level outside the core shroud while

water level inside the core shroud lowers. Since RPV level is measured outside the shroud, indication

rises .

Next, the large void content in the active fuel region responds quickly to insert negative reactivity, causing

a large reduction in reactor power and therefore, steam (void) production. This reduction in void fraction

draws water from the downcomer region outside the shroud into the active fuel region inside the shroud .

Even though reactor power will drop to approximately 65% with a 100% rod pattern, core void fraction at

65% is actually greater than at 100% due to the effect of recirc flow. Therefore, RPV level indication does

not immediately return to its original value .

Finally, the Feedwater Control System responds to the transient by reducing feedwater flow below steam

flow to enable RPV level to slowly return to the original setpoint at a lower reactor power.

A is incorrect. This is plausible because level inside the core shroud initially lowers, then returns to

normal, however RPV level is not measured inside the core shroud .

B s correct.

C is incorrect. This is plausible because level inside the core shroud initially lowers, then returns to

normal. In addition, the reduction of core voids is temporary. Final void fraction is actually higher.

However RPV level is not measured inside the core shroud.

D is incorrect. This is plausible because RPV level initially rises in response to the recirc pump trip.

However, the lower power level is compensated by automatic adjustments of Feedwater Control.

40. RO 29500IG2.1.14 OOl/MEM/TlGl/68 - RECIRC/2/295001G2.1.14//RO/SROI0606S NEW6/24/2007

Given the following plant conditions:

  • You are the At-The-Controls (ATC) operator on Unit-1

( * Unit 1 is operating at full power when 1A Recirculation pump tripped .

  • The Unit Supervisor has directed you to carry out the actions of 1-AOI-68-1A, Recirc Pump

Trip/Core Flow Decrease OPRMs Operable.

Which ONE of the following describes the required operator action(s) that CANNOT be carried out from

your watch station?

A. IMMEDIATELY take actions to insert control rods to less than 95 .2% loadline AND REFER TO

0-TI-464, Reactivity Control Plan Development and Implementation.

B~ Perform 1-SR-3.4.1(SLO), Reactor Recirculation System Single Loop Operation.

C. CHECK parameters associated with the Recirc Drive and Recirc Pump/Motor 1A(1 B) on ICS and

RECIRC PMP MTR 1A & 1B WINDING & BRG TEMPS, 1-TR-68-71 to determine the cause of trip .

D. REFER TO ICS screens VFDPMPA(VFDPMPB) and VFDAAL(VFDBAL) to help determine the

cause of the recirc pump trip/core flow decrease.

KIA Statement:

295001 Partial or Complete Loss of Forced Core Flow Circulation / 1 & 4

2.1.14 - Conduct of Operations Knowledge of system status criteria which require the notification of plant


KIA Justification: This question satisfies the KIA statement by requiring the candidate to use specific

plant conditions to determine the required actions which require notification of plant personnel outside of

the control room due to a partial loss of Recirculation flow.

References: 1-AOI-68-1

Level of Knowledge Justification: This question is rated as MEM due to the requirement to recall

or recognize discrete bits of information .

0610 NRC Exam


Plausibility Analysis:

In order to answer this question correctly the candidate must determine the following :

1. Which actions are required to be performed by 1-AOI-68-1 .

2. Which of the actions determined from Item 1 above CANNOT be carried out by the ATC operator.

A is incorrect. This is plausible because the BOP operator typically inserts control rods while the ATC

operator executes 1-AOI-68-1 and acts as Peer Checker if possible . However, manipulating control rods

is part of the ATCwatch station duties.

B is correct. This duty is carried out by Reactor Engineering .

C is incorrect. This is plausible because the BOP operator or STA typically carry out this action.

However, utilizing ICS screens is available at the ATC watch station and within his required duties.

D is incorrect. This is plausible because the BOP operator or STA typically carry out this action.

However, utilizing ICS screens is available at the ATC watch station and within his required duties.


BFN Recirc Pump Trip/Core Flow Decrease 1-AOI-68-1A

Unit 1 OPRMs Operable Rev. 0002

Page 7 of 12

4.2 Subsequent Actions (continued)


1) Step 4.2[3] through Step 4.2[18.3] apply to any core flow lowering event.

2) Power To Flow Map is maintained in 0-TI-248, Station Reactor Engineer and on ICS.

[3] IF Region I or II of the Power to Flow Map is entered, THEN

(Otherwise N/A)

IMMEDIATELY take actions to insert control rods to less than

95.2% loadline AND REFER TO 0-TI-464, Reactivity Control

Plan Development and Implementation. 0

[4] RAISE core flow to greater than 45% in accordance with

1-01-68. o

[5] INSERT control rods to exit regions if NOT already exited AND

REFER TO 0-TI-464, Reactivity Control Plan Development and

Implementation. o


The remaining subsequent action steps apply to a single Reactor Recirc Pump trip.

[6] CLOSE tripped Recirc Pump discharge valve. o

[7] MAINTAIN operating Recirc pump flow less than 46,600 gpm

in accordance with 1-01-68. n

[8] (NERlC] WHEN plant conditions allow, THEN, (Otherwise N/A)

MAINTAIN operating jet pump loop flow greater than

41 x 106 Ibm/hr (1-FI-68-46 or 1-FI-68-48). [GE SIL 517] o

BFN Recirc Pump Trip/Core Flow Decrease 1-AOI-68-1A

Unit 1 OPRMs Operable Rev. 0002

Page 8 of 12

4.2 Subsequent Actions (continued)


The temperature of the coolant between the dome and the idle Recirc loop should be

maintained within 75°F of each other. If this limit cannot be maintained, a plant cool down

should be initiated. Failure to maintain this limit and NOT cool down could result in hangers

and/or shock suppressers exceeding their maximum travel range. [GE SIL 251,430 and 517]

[9] IF Recirc Pump was tripped due to dual seal failure, THEN

(Otherwise N/A)


FEEDER, 1-HS-57-17(14). o


ALTERNATE FEEDER, 1-HS-57-15(12). o

[9.3] CLOSE tripped recirc pump suction valve using,


1-HS-68-1 (77). o

[9.4] IF it is evident that 75°F between the dome AND the idle

Recirc loop cannot be maintained, THEN

COMMENCE plant shut down and cool down in

accordance with 1-GOI-100-12A. o

[10] NOTIFY Reactor Engineer to perform Reactor Recirculation

System Single Loop Operation, 1-SR-3.4.1(SLO) AN D to

refer to Station Reactor Engineer, 0-TI-248 and Tech

Specs 3.4.1 as necessary. o

[11] (NERlC] WHEN the Recirc Pump discharge valve has been

closed for at least five minutes (to prevent reverse rotation of

the pump) [GE SIL-517], THEN (N/A if Recirc Pump was isolated in

Step 4.2[9])

OPEN Recirc Pump discharge valve as necessary to maintain

Recirc Loop in thermal equilibrium . 0

BFN Recirc Pump Trip/Core Flow Decrease 1-AOI-68-1A

Unit 1 OPRMs Operable Rev. 0002

( Page 9 of 12

4.2 SUbsequent Actions (continued)

[12] REFER TO the following ICS screens to help determine the

cause of recirc pump trip/core flow decrease.


[13] CHECK parameters associated with Recirc Drive and Recirc

Pump/Motor 1A(1B) on ICS and RECIRC PMP MTR 1A & 1B

WINDING & BRG TEMPS, 1-TR-68-71 to determine cause of

trip. 0

[14] PERFORM visual inspection of tripped Reactor Recirc Drive . 0

[15] PERFORM visual inspection of Reactor Recirc Pump Drive

relay boards for relay targets . 0

[16] IF necessary, THEN (Otherwise N/A)

REFER TO 1-01-68 for Reactor Recirc Pump trips. 0

[17] INITIATE actions required to make the necessary repairs. 0


Restarting a Recirc Pump while in Region 1 is NOT allowed . Tech Spec 3.4.1.A requires

that the Reactor Mode Switch be immediately placed in SHUTDOWN upon entry into

Region 1

[18] PERFORM the following for Single Loop Operation:

[18.1] REFER TO 1-01-68 for guidance on single loop

operation. o

[18.2] REFER TO Tech Specs 3.4.1. o

[18.3] WHEN available, THEN

RETURN tripped Recirc Pump to service in accordance

with 1-01-68. 0

41. RO 295003AA2.0 1 00 l/MEM/TlG l/O-GOI-IOO-4/IRO 295003AA2.0 l/IRO/SR0/12/18/2007

Given the following plant cond itions:

  • All three units were at 100% rated power when 500KV PCB 5234 (Trinity 1 feed to Bus 1

( Section 1) tripped and failed to auto close .

  • The signal which caused the PCB trip cannot be reset.
  • The Chattanooga Load Coordinator has issued a Switching Order directing BFN to open

Motor Ope rated Disconnect (MOD) 5233 and 5235 to isolate 500KV PCB 5234 for


Wh ich ONE of the following describes your response to this Switching Order and the basis for that


A. Ensure the PK block for PCB 5234 is installed to facilitate testing PCB 5234 by TPS personnel

assigned to troubleshoot the breaker trip.

B. Ensure the PK block for PCB 5234 is installed to prevent actuating the breaker failure logic and

tripping the remainder of the PCBs on Bus 1.

C~ Remove the PK block from PCB 5234 to prevent actuating the breaker failure logic and tripping the

remainder of the PCBs on Bus 1.

D. Remove the PK block from PCB 5234 to prevent electrical arching across the MOD contacts while

being opened .

KIA Statement:

295003 Partial or Complete Loss of AC / 6

AA2 .01 - Ability to determine and/or interpret the following as they apply to PARTIAL OR COMPLETE

LOSS OF AC. POWER : Cause of partial or complete loss of AC. power

KIA Justification: This question satisfies the KIA statement by requiring the cand idate to use specific

plant conditions to determine the potential cause of a partial or complete loss of AC power.

References: 0-GOI-300-4

Level of Knowledge Justification: This question is rated as MEM due to the requirement to recall

or recognize discrete bits of information .

0610 NRC Exam


Plausibility Analysis:

( In order to answer this question correctly the candidate must determine the following:

1. The function of the PK block and its relationship to the breaker failure logic.

2. Recognize the CAUTION in O-GOI-300-4 related to PK block removal.

A is incorrect. This is plausible since the PK block must be installed to troubleshoot the breaker,

however it is not re-installed until AFTER the MODs are opened .

B is incorrect. This is plausible since the wording is ALMOST identical to the CAUTION, however the PK

block must be removed .

C is correct.

D is incorrect. This is plausible because electrical arching across the MOD contacts is actually what

causes the trip signal to be generated if the PK block is installed. The electrical arching will occur with or

without the PK block installed. However, it will not trip the 500KV breakers on the bus when it happens

without the PK block installed.

BFN Switchyard Manual 0-GOI-300-4

UnitO Rev. 0065

Page 65 of 85

8.2 Response to a Breaker Trip on 161kV or 500kV Breaker


Breaker reclosure times on opposite ends of the transmission lines leaving BFN are 15 to

17 seconds after a trip. The breakers at BFN should reclose immediately thereafter.

[1] IF a line trips, THEN

WAIT 30 seconds before resetting the disagreement to ensure

adequate time for automatic reclosure . 0


1. 161kV breakers have high speed and standard speed reclosure.

2. For PCBs equipped with digital relays, the PCB will lockout from AUTO closure if

the affected line does not reclose from the other end within approximately 1.5

seconds. Only the AUTO closure is prevented, the breaker can be manually

closed with Dispatcher concurrence.


Induced currents in the current transformers of a 500KV PCB during cycling of the

associated MOD's , in conjunction with an existing PCB trip signal, may actuate the breaker

failure logic and trip all PCB's on the associated 500KV bus. Thus the MOD's associated

with a tripped PCB should NOT be operated until the trip has been reset; or, if the trip

cannot be reset, the breaker failure PK block has been removed for the associated tripped

PCB during MOD operation . Contact Dispatcher for instruction or assistance to reset the

tripped relay.

42 . RO 295004AK l. 03 OOIlC/A/TlGII24VDCNB9/295004AKl.03//RO/SROI

Given the following plant conditions:

  • A reactor startup is in progress and reactor power is on IRM Range 7.

( * The operator observes the follow ing annunciators/indications:

- SRM Channels A and C fail downscale

- IRM Channels A , C, E, and G HI-Hi INOP

Which ONE of the following power sources, if lost, would cause these failures?

A." +1-24V DC Power Distribution Panel

B. 48V DC Power Distribution Panel

C. 120V AC Instrument and Control Power Distribution Panel

D. 120V AC RPS Power Supply Distribution Panel

KIA Statement:

295004 Partial or Total Loss of DC Pwr I 6

AK1.03 - Knowledge of the operational implications of the following concepts as they apply to PARTIAL

OR COMPLETE LOSS OF D.C . POWER : Electrical bus divisional separation

KIA Justification: This question satisfies the KiA statement by requiring the cand idate to use specific

plant conditions to determine the effect on a division of IRM instruments due to a loss of DC power.


Level of Knowledge Justification: This question is rated as CIA due to the requirement to assemble ,

sort, and integrate the parts of the question to predict an outcome. This requ ires mentally using this

knowledge and its meaning to predict the correct outcome.

0610 NRC Exam


Plausibility Analysis:

( In order to answer this question correctly the candidate must determine the following:

1. Which of th listed power supplies input to the IRM system.

2. Which power supply, if lost, would provide only those indications listed.

A is correct.

B is incorrect. This is plausible because 48V DC supplies power to annunciator panels in the control

room including the two annunciators listed in the stem. However, other annunciators would also be

affected by the loss that are not included on the list.

C is incorrect. This is plausible because 120V AC I&C Buses supply power to IRM detectors and drives.

A loss of that power supply would also affect the entire division. However, the indications given in the stm

are not indicative of loads supplied by I&C buses .

D is incorrect. This is plausible because RPS supplies trip units associated with IRMs . However, the

given annunciators are not indicative of the loads supplied by RPS.

BFN Panel 9-5 1-ARP-9-5A

Unit 1 1-XA-55-5A Rev . 0011

( Page 42 of 43

SensorlTrip Point:


CHAN B.D .F.H Relay K16 A. Hi-Hi

HI-HI/INOP 1. 116.4 on 125 scale.


1. Hi voltage low.

2. Module unplugged .

(Page 1 of 1) 3. Function switch NOT in operate.

4. Loss of +/- 24 VDC to monitor.

Sensor Control Room Panel 1-9-12.


Probable A. Flux level at or above setpoint.

Cause: B. One or more inoperable conditions exist.

C. Testing in progress.

D. Malfunction of sensor.

E. Control rod drop accident.

Automatic A. Half-scram if one sensor actuates (except with Rx Mode Switch in RUN).

Action: B. Reactor scram if one sensor per channel actuates (except with Rx Mode

Switch in RUN).

Operator A. STOP any reactivity changes. o

Action: B. VERIFY alarm by multiple indications. o

C. RANGE initiating channel or BYPASS initiating channe/.

REFER TO 1-01-92A. o

D. With SRO permission, RESET Half Scram. REFER TO 1-01-99

E. IF alarm is from a control rod drop, THEN

REFER TO 1-AOI-85-1 . o

F. [NRC/C) IF one or more IRM recorder reading is downscale, THEN

CHECK for loss of +/- 24 VDC power. o

G. NOTIFY Instrument Maintenance that functional tests of any

monitors indicating an INOP condition , including a downscale

reading , are required before the instrument can be considered

operable . [NRC IE item 86-40-03) o

H. NOTIFY Reactor Engineer. o

/. REFER TO Tech Spec Table, TRM Tables 3.3.4-1

and 3.3.5-1. o

References: 1-45E620-6 1-730E237-6, -10 1 ~730E915-1 0

1-730E915RF-12 1-SIMI-92B

BFN Panel 9-5 1-ARP-9-5A

Unit 1 1-XA-55-5A Rev. 0011

( Page 10 of 43

SensorlTrip Point:

SRM Relay K-19 Count rate 5 cps.


(Page 1 of 1)

Sensor Panel 1-9-12 , MCR.


Probable A. An un-bypassed SRM channel having a count rate :5 3 counts per second.

Cause: B. SI (or SR) in progress.

C. Malfunction of sensor.

Automatic Rod block below range 3 on IRM and Rx Mode Sw. NOT in Run.


Operator A. VALIDATE SRM downscale. o

Action: B. IF alarm valid, THEN

REFER TO 1-01-92 during startup (Mode 2) operation

or 0-GOI-1 00-3A, -3C during refuel (Mode 5) operation. o

C. NOTIFY Unit Supervisor. o

D. REFER TO Tech. Spec. Sect., Table 3.3.1 .2-1, TRM Tables

3.3.4-1 and 3.3.5-1. o

References: 1-45E620-6-1 1-730E237-8

BFN Loss of I&C Bus A 1-AOI-57-5A

Unit 1 Rev. 0042

( Page 5 of 44

2.0 SYMPTOMS (continued)

H. Loss of Main Steam Relief Valve position indication.

I. Loss of power to RCIC and HPCI Turbine Vibration circuitry and position

indication for testable check valves, (Panel 9-3).

J. Loss of RHRSW and EECW Division I instrumentation, (Panel 9-3, 9-20).

K. Loss of SBGT A flow and differential pressure indication, (Panel 9-25).

L. Loss of SLC A and B amber ready lights and valve position indication,

(Panel 9-5).

M. Loss of LPRM meter lights and APRM alarm lights, (Panel 9-5).

N. Loss of Condensate - Feedwater and Heater Drains instrumentation,

(Panel 9-6).

O. Loss of SRM/IRM detector drive power and position indication, (Panel 9-5).

P. Loss of one-half the blue scram lights and accumulator low pressure-high level

( light indications (Panel 9-5,25-04).

Q. Loss of Control Bay Emergency Ventilation System Division I.



CHGR A2-1 POS SIDE, 1-CHGD-283-0000A2-1 . (The Neutron Monitoring

Battery System is rated to carry loads for 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br />. STACK GAS CH1 RAD

MON RTMR, 0-RM-090-0147B will be lost after this time period)

S. Loss of Main Steam Line B, D and Feedwater Line B flow indicators and inputs

to 3 Element Control and Rod Worth Minimizer.

1. "B" Fuel Pool Demin valves :

1. 1-FCV-078-0063, FPC F/D OUTBD ISOL VLV Closes,

2. 1-FCV-078-0068, RX WELL INFL INBD VLV Closes,

3. 1-FCV-078-0066, FPC F/D 1A BYP VLV Opens.

These actions result from loss of power to A and C skimmer surge tank low-low

level switches.

U. I&C BUS A VOLTAGE ABNORMAL (1-XA-55-8C, Window 21).

( V. Short Cycle valves 1-FCV-002-0029A and1- FCV-002-0029B fail open due to

loss of power to 1-FC-2-29.

43. RO 295005AAI .04 00 lIe/A/T! G1///295005AAI .04//RO/SRO/lll28/07 RMS

Given the following plant cond itions:

  • Unit-1 is at 100% rated power when the Desk Unit Operator notices that the number 3 MTSV

c' *

position indication is reading 0%.

The number 1, 2, and 4 MTSV position indications all read 100%.

  • Maintenance investigation determines that the cause of the MTSV position indication failure is

due to a mechanical failure of the LVDT.

Which ONE of the following describes the effect on Main Turb ine operation and any required action?

A. Main Turbine operation is unaffected. The RPS logic contact is already open for the #3 MTSV so a

turbine trip will still initiate a scram.

B. Main Turbine operation is affected. The RPS logic contact for the #3 MTSV will not function so a

turbine trip may not initiate a scram.

C. Main Turbine operation is unaffected. The Generator output breaker will still open on a turbine trip

due to a 2-out-of-4 logic arragement.

D~ Main Turbine operation is affected . The Generator output breaker will not open on a turbine trip due

to a 4-out-of-4 logic arragement.

( KIA Statement:

295005 Main Turbine Generator Trip I 3

AA1.04 - Ability to operate andlor monitor the following as they apply to MAIN TURBINE GENERATOR

TRIP: Main generator controls

KIA Justification: This question satisfies the KIA statement by requiring the cand idate to use specific

plant conditions to determ ine the required action following a Main Turb ine Generator trip.

References: OPL 171.228

Level of Knowledge Justification: This question is rated as CIA due to the requirement to assemble,

sort, and integrate the parts of the question to predict an outcome. This requires mentally using this

knowledge and its meaning to predict the correct outcome .

0610 NRC Exam



Plausibility Analysis:

( In order to answer this question correctly the candidate must determine the following :

1. Whether the LVDT position indicator feeds the RPS logic, the Turbine Trip logic, or both.

2. Based on the above answer, the affect of a turbine trip with the failure active.

A is incorrect. This is plausible because the position of #3 MTSV is supplied to RPS logic. However, the

position indication supplied to RPS is a limit switch, not the LVDT position. Therefore, RPS logic "sees"

  1. 3 MTSV as open until the turbine trips.

B is incorrect. This is plausible because the Main Turbine operation is affected. However, the position

indication supplied to RPS is a limit switch, not the LVDT position. Therefore, a turbine trip WILL initiate a

scram signal to RPS.

C is incorrect. This is plausible based on the different logic associated with the CIVs and RPS on the

main turbine. However, the logic for MTSV inputs to open the generator output breaker is a 4-out-of-4

logic. Therefore, the generator outpu breaker will not automatically open.

D is correct.



Revision 3

Page 63 of 81


c. Consequences of Event

This caused the Bypass valves to start

opening. Due to the short duration of the

error signal the bypass valves did not

reach full open and subsequently closed.

Operation of the bypass valves would

impact Rx pressure, Rx power and

Generator load.

Corrective Action - EHC logic software

was modified to eliminate the possibility of

this type response to a communications


2. At BFN on 1115/2006, the Unit 3 generator PER 95370

breaker failed to trip as expected on a turbine


a. Description of Event

The metal rod moves

At BFN on 1/1512006, the Unit 3 to alter the magnetic

generator breaker failed to trip as coupling of 2

expected on a turbine trip. The logic for opposing

the generator breaker needs to see all the transformer

stop valves closed and the CIV's closed secondary windings

(either intercept or stop). The LVDT for to make an LVDT

S.V#1 was failed such that the generator provide an output

breaker would not open on a turbine trip. proportional to the

Operator action was taken to manually position of the metal

trip the generator breaker rod.



Revision 3

Page 64 of 81


b. Cause of Event

Work practices

The LVDT transformer coupling rod Monitor all

became disconnected from the valve and parameters during a

fell to a position which gave indication of transient and ensure

- 50% valve position. The affect on the automatic actions

logic for tripping the generator PCB on a have occurred

turbine trip was not recognized.

c. Consequences of Event

Tripping of the generator breaker on a

turbine trip prevents a reverse power

situation where the generator and turbine

could attempt to rotate backwards, causing

equipment damage. The unit operator's

quick recognition and response to the

breaker failure to trip prevented damage.

44 . RO 295006AK3.05 OOl/C/A/TlGIIRPS/l/295006AK3.05//RO/SROI

Given the following plant conditions:

  • Power ascens ion is in progress on Unit 3 with the main turbine on line.

( * Control rods are being withdrawn to increase power.

Which ONE of the follow ing describes the effect on the plant?

Regarding the FSAR Chapter 14 analyses for a turbine trip, the above condi tion _

A. is more conservative than the assumptions used in the FSAR because it lowers the actual power

level at which the RPS reactor scram on turbine trip is enabled.

B.1I is less conservative than the assumptions used in the FSAR because it raises the actual power

level at which the RPS reactor scram on turbine trip is enabled .

C. is less conservative than the assumptions used in the FSAR because it raises the actual power

level for a design basis transient in regard to peak cladding temperature.

D. is more conservative than the assumptions used in the FSAR because it lowers the peak vessel

pressure for a design basis transient in regard to transit ion boiling .

KIA Statement:

295006 SCRAM I 1

AK3 .05 - Knowledge of the reasons for the following responses as they apply to SCRAM : Direct turbine

generator trip: Plant-Specific

KIA Justification: This question satisfies the KIA statement by requiring the candidate to use specific

plant conditions to determine the response to a Main Turbine trip and the basis for that response related

to a reactor scram.


Level of Knowledge Justification: This question is rated as CIA due to the requirement to assemble,

sort, and integrate the parts of the question to predict an outcome. This requires mentally using this

knowledge and its meaning to predict the correct outcome.

0610 NRC Exam


Plausibility Analysis:

( In order to answer this question correctly the candidate must determine the follow ing:

1. Wh ich assumptions are of concern regard ing the FSAR analysis for a turb ine trip.

2. What affect the above conditions have on that analys is.

3. Which thermal limit is of concern regarding the analyzed transient.

A is incorrect. This is plausible because the initial power level prior to a scram is assumed in the

analysis. However , the given conditions raise the initial power level which is less conservative.

8 is correct.

C is incorrect. This is plausible because the condition is less conservative based on initil power.

However, the limit of concern is not PCT, but MCPR.

o is incorrect. This is plaus ible because RPV pressure affects transition boiling. However, this is not the

limit of concern during this analysis and the initial conditions are LESS conservative with regard to MCPR.


45 . RO 295016AA2.04 001lC /A /TlGlIAOI-IOO-211295016AA2.04//RO/SR0/12/17/2007 RMS

Given the follow ing plant conditions:

  • Unit-3 control room was abandoned due to a fire.

( * Control has been established at Panel 25-32 and actions are being carr ied out in accordance with

3-AOI-100-2, Control Room Abandonment.

  • RCIC is injecting with RPV level at +20 inches and steady .
  • A cooldown has begun using MSRVs. Pressure is 850 psig and lowering .
  • RHR Loop I is in Suppression Pool Cooling.

In accordance with 3-AOI-100-2, Control Room Abandonment, a Suppression Pool Temperature limit of

_ _OF has been established. The basis for this limit is  ?

A. ~ 950F, to prevent exceeding the Technical Specification LCO before reaching Mode 4 (Cold

Shutdown) .

B. ~ 110oF , to prevent exceeding the Heat Capac ity Temperature Limit before the reactor can be

verified to be shutdown.

c. ~ 120oF , to prevent damage to the RCIC turbine from over-heated lube oil wh ich is cooled by the

Suppression Pool water.

D~ ~ 120oF, to prevent exceeding the design basis maximum allowable values for

primary containment temperature or pressure .

KIA Statement:

295016 Control Room Abandonment _

AA2.04 - Ability to determine and/or interpret the follow ing as they apply to CONTROL ROOM

ABANDONMENT : Suppression pool temperature

KIA Justification: This question satisfies the KIA statement by requiring the candidate to use specific

plant conditions to determine the limitation and basis for Suppression Pool Temperature during a Control

Room Abandonment.

References: 3-AOI-100-2, Tech Spec Bases 3.6, EOIPM O-V-B

Level of Knowledge Justification: This question is rated as CIA due to the requirement to assemble ,

sort, and integrate the parts of the question to predict an outcome. This requires mentally using this

knowledge and its mean ing to predict the correct outcome.

0610 NRC Exam


Plausibility Analysis:

( In order to answer this question correctly the candidate must determine the following :

1. The SP Temperature limit established by 3-AOI-100-2 .

2. The basis for the limit.

A is incorrect. This is plausible because ~950F is the normal operating limit imposed by Technical

Specification. However, this limit is not expected to be maintained during Control Room Abandonment.

B is incorrect. This is plausible because the basis for ~ 11OOF is correct. However, this limit is not

expected to be maintained during Control Room Abandonment and the reactor is assumed to be

shutdown .

C is incorrect. This is plausible because elevated SP temperatures can result in over-heating the lube oil

used for lubricating RCIC . This constitues the basis for Caution #6 in the EOls, but does not apply during

Control Room Abandonment.

D is correct.

BFN Control Room Abandonment 3-AOI-100-2

Unit 3 Rev. 0017

( Page 16 of 90

Date _

4.2 Unit 3 Subsequent Actions (continued)

[15.7] ESTABLISH RHR system flow between 7,000 and

10,000 gpm as follows: o

[15.7.1] MONITOR RHR SYS I TOTAL FLOW, 3-FI-74-79 at

Panel 3-25-32. 0

[15.7.2] THROTTLE OPEN 3-HS-074-0059C, RHR


Compt.12C, 0

[15.7.3] WHEN RHR SYS I TOTAL FLOW, 3-FI-74-79

indicates between 7,000 and 10,000 gpm, THEN

DIRECT the operator to stop throttling

3-HS-074-0059C. o


FLOW VALVE, 3-FCV-74-7, at either of the

following: o

  • 480V RMOV Bd 3D, Compt. 4E,


FLOW VLV FCV-74-7 (M010-16A), OR

(Otherwise N/A) 0

  • Rx Bldg - SW Quad - E1 541' local control


VALVE,3-HS-074-0007B. (Otherwise N/A) 0


3-TI-64-55B, at Panel 3-25-32 and MAINTAIN

temperature less than 120°F, o


Suppression Pool Average Temperature




ACTIONS D.1, D.2, and D.3 (continued)

Additionally, when suppression pool temperature is > 110°F,

increased monitoring of pool temperature is required to ensure

that it remains :s:; 120°F. The once per 30 minute Completion

Time is adequate, based on operating experience. Given the

high suppression pool average temperature in this Condition,

the monitoring Frequency is increased to twice that of

Condition A. Furthermore, the 30 minute Completion Time is

considered adequate in view of other indications available in

the control room, including alarms, to alert the operator to an

abnormal suppression pool average temperature condition.

E.1 and E.2

If suppression pool average temperature cannot be maintained

at s 120°F, the plant must be brought to a MODE in which the

LCO does not apply. To achieve this status, the reactor

pressure must be reduced to < 200 psig within 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />, and

the plant must be brought to at least MODE 4 within 36 hours4.166667e-4 days <br />0.01 hours <br />5.952381e-5 weeks <br />1.3698e-5 months <br />.

The allowed Completion Time is reasonable, based on

operating experience, to reach the required plant conditions

from full power conditions in an orderly manner and without

challenging plant systems.

Continued addition of heat to the suppression pool with

suppression pool temperature> 120°F could result in

exceeding the design basis maximum allowable values for

primary containment temperature or pressure. Furthermore, if a

blowdown were to occur when the temperature was> 120°F,

the maximum allowable bulk and local temperatures could be

exceeded very quickly.


BFN-UNIT 3 B 3.6-62 Revision 0

Suppression Pool Average Temperature




LCO b. Average temperature ~ 105°F when any OPERABLE IRM

(continued) channel is > 70/125 divisions of full scale on Range 7 and

testing that adds heat to the suppression pool is being

performed . This required value ensures that the unit has

testing flexibility, and was selected to provide margin below

the 110°F limit at which reactor shutdown is required. When

testing ends, temperature must be restored to ~ 95°F within

24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> according to Required Action A.2. Therefore, the

time period that the temperature is > 95°F is short enough

not to cause a significant increase in unit risk.

c. Average temperature s 110°F when all OPERABLE IRM

channels are ~ 70/125 divisions of full scale on Range 7.

This requirement ensures that the unit will be shut down

at > 110°F. The pool is designed to absorb decay heat and

sensible heat but could be heated beyond design limits by

the steam generated if the reactor is not shut down.

Note that 70/125 divisions of full scale on IRM Range 7 is a

convenient measure of when the reactor is producing power

essentially equivalent to 1% RTP. At this power level, heat

input is approximately equal to normal system heat losses.

APPLICABILITY In MODES 1, 2, and 3, a DBA could cause significant heatup of

the suppression pool. In MODES 4 and 5, the probability and

consequences of these events are reduced due to the pressure

and temperature limitations in these MODES. Therefore,

maintaining suppression pool average temperature within limits

is not required in MODE 4 or 5.


BFN-UNIT 3 B 3.6-59 Revision 0

- - - - - _ ...*._ - -_ _- .




CAUTION #5, this warns the operatorof the potentialplant response if injection of cold, unborated water into the

coreis too rapid under conditions where little or no margin to subcriticality may exist. This may result in a large

increase in positive reactivity with a subsequent reactor powerexcursion large enough to substantiallydamagethe


CAUTION#6, the HPCIand RCIC LubeOil Coolers are cooled by routing part of the pump discharge fluid to the

cooler. At elevated temperatures in the suppression pool, the turbine lubeoil may get too hot to provide adequate

lubrication. Only during EOI operationswill the system be needed at such an extreme suppression pool

temperature. Therefore, the EOIs are an appropriate location for this caution.


_. _ __ _-_~

46 . RO 295018AK2.01 OOI/MEM/TlGIIRBCCW/3/295018AK2.01///

Which ONE of the follow ing components would lose cooling upon isolation of the RBCCW non-essential

loop isolation valve (2-FCV-70-48)?

A. Drywell atmospheric coolers

B." Fuel pool cooling heat exchanger

C. Recirculation pump seals

D. Drywell Equipment Drain Sump Heat Exchanger

KIA Statement:

295018 Partial or Total Loss of CCW /8

AK2.01 - Knowledge of the interrelations between PARTIAL OR COMPLETE LOSS OF COMPONENT

COOLING WATER and the following: System loads

KIA Justification: This question satisfies the KIA statement by requiring the candidate to use specific

system knowledge to determ ine the effect on RBCCW loads due to a partial loss of RBCCW.

References: 1/2/3-AOI-70-1, OPL 171.047

Level of Knowledge Justification: This question is rated as MEM due to the requirement to recall

or recognize discrete bits of information.

0610 NRC Exam


Plausibility Analysis:

In order to answer this question correctly the candidate must determine the following :

1. Which of the loads listed are part of the "Essential Loop".

2. Wh ich of the loads listed are part of the "Non-essential Loop".

A is incorrect. This is an "Essential Loop" load.

B is correct.

C is incorrect. This is an "Essential Loop" load.

D is incorrect. This is an "Essential Loop" load.


BFN Loss of Reactor Building Closed 2-AOI-70-1

Unit 2 Cooling Water Rev. 0027

Page 14 of 14

Attachment 1

(Page 1 of 1)

Components Cooled by RBCCW During Normal Plant Operation


Reactor Recirculation Pump Seals

Pump Motor Bearings

Pump Motor Windings

Pump Discharge Sample Cooler

Primary Containment Drywell Atmosphere Cooling Coils

Reactor Water Cleanup Non-Regenerative Heat Exchangers

Pump Seals

Pump Bearings

Fuel Pool Cooling and Cleanup Fuel Pool Heat Exchangers

Equipment Drains Reactor Building Equipment Drain

Sump Heat Exchanger

Drywell Equipment Drain Sump

Heat Exchanger


OPL 171.047

Revision 12

Page 10 of 41

d. Proper system flow operation is assured by Done Each Shift

monitoring the system DP (pump discharge

minus pump suction).

2. RBCCW Heat Loads

a. Essential loop loads Obj. V.B.2

  • Drywell Blowers(10) Obj. V.D.2

coolers (2)

coolers (2)

  • Drywell equipment drain sump heat

exchanger (1)

b. Non-essential loop loads Obj. V.B.3

  • Reactor Building equipment drain Obj. V.D .3

sump heat exchanger (1)

coolers and bearing oil coolers (2)

  • RWCU Non-regenerative heat

exchangers (2)

  • Fuel pool cooling heat exchangers (2)

sample cooler (1)

3. RBCCW Heat Exchangers

a. These provide the means for heat removal DCN 51195,

from RBCCW by RCW with Emergency replaced HX1A &

Equipment Cooling Water (EECW) as a 1B, HX 1C NOT

backup. replaced.


b. They are counter-flow type, 50% capacity


  • RBCCW flow makes one pass

through the shell side.

  • RCW makes one pass through the

tube side.

47. RO 295019AA2.02 00 1/C/A/SYS/CAJI295019AA2.021I/MODIFIED 11/17/07

Given the following plant conditions:

  • Unit 2 was at 100% power when a transient occurred which resulted in a reactor scram.

( * The unit is stabilized, and the scram signal is reset.

  • All 8 scram solenoid group lights are on.
  • Ten minutes later, the following conditions are present:

- RCW pressure low alarm

- CRO charging water pressure high alarm

- Outboard MSIVs closed , Inboard MSIVs open

- SOV vents and drain valves closed

- Scram solenoid air valves open

Which ONE of the following describes the cause for the event?

A':I Loss of Control Air .

B. Loss of both RPS busses.

C. Loss of 9-9 cabinet 5, Unit Non-Preferred.

D. Loss of Orywell Control Air.

KIA Statement:

295019 Partial or Total Loss of Inst. Air 18

AA2.02 - Ability to determine and/or interpret the following as they apply to PARTIAL OR COMPLETE

LOSS OF INSTRUMENT AIR : Status of safety-related instrument air system loads (see AK2 .1 - AK2.19)

KIA Justification: This question satisfies the KIA statement by requiring the candidate to use specific

plant conditions to determine the effect of a loss of Control Air on safety related loads.

References: 2-AOI-32-2

Level of Knowledge Justification: This question is rated as CIA due to the requirement to assemble,

sort, and integrate the parts of the question to predict an outcome. This requires mentally using this

knowledge and its meaning to predict the correct outcome.

0610 NRC Exam


Plausibility Analysis:

( In order to answer this question correctly the candidate must determine the following:

1. Which indications given are indicative of the possible causes listed.

A is correct.

B is incorrect. This is plausible because the scram would occur as well as scram valves open and SDV

vents and drains closed, however these indications would NOT be appropriate AFTER the scram was

reset. In fact, the scram could NOT be reset without RPS available.

C is incorrect. This is plausible because the only indications given that would not apply would be

outboard MSIVs closing and SDV vents and drains failure to re-open.

D is incorrect. This is plausible because a loft of Drywell Control Air would cause MSIVs to close,

however the INBOARD valves would close.

BFN Loss of Control Air 2-AOI-32-2

Unit 2 Rev. 0032

Page 5 of 25


This Abnormal Operating Instruction provides symptoms, automatic action, operator

actions and expected system responses for loss of control air.


A. AIR COMPRESSOR ABNORMAL annunciator, (1-XA-55-20B, Window 29) is in


B. CONTROL AIR COMP G BKR ENERGIZED (0-XA-55-23B, Window 38) will

reset (extinguish) when panel reset pushbutton is depressed .

C. CONTROL AIR COMP G MOTOR AMPS, 0-EI-32-2901, on Panel 1-9-20

indicates approximately zero amps.

D. Air Compressor G ICS Display shows Compressor G in an unloaded or

shutdown condition .

E. Air Compressor G ICS Display shows lowering Control Air Header Pressure.

F. Control Air Compressor G breaker tripped.

G. SERVICE AIR XTIE VLV OPEN (0-FCV-33-1 Open) annunciator,

0-PA-33-1A11 (3) (Unit 1 and Unit 3) on Panel 1(3)-9-20 is in alarm at

(1(3)-XA-55-20B, Window 30).

H. CONTROL AIR PRESS LOW annunciator, 0-PA-32-88 is in alarm

(2-XA-55-20B, Window 32).

I. SCRAM PILOT AIR HEADER PRESS LOW annunciator, 2-PA-85-38B on

Panel 9-5 is in alarm (2-XA-55-5B, Window 28).


(2-XA-55-4A, Window 30).

K. DRYWELL CONTROL AIR PRESSURE LOW 2-PA-32-70 annunciator is in

alarm (2-XA-55-3E, Window 35).

L. CONDENSER A, B OR C VACUUM LOW 2-PA-47-125 annunciator is in alarm

(2-XA-55-7B, Window 17).

M. OG HOLDUP LINE INLET FLOW LOW 2-FA-66-111A annunciator is in alarm

(2-XA-55-53, Window 4).

N. HOTWELL A(B)(C) LEVEL ABNORMAL 2-LA-2-3(2-LA-2-6)(2-LA-2-9) is in

( alarm (2-XA-55-6A, Window 5(6)(7)).

BFN Loss of Control Air 2-AOI-32-2

Unit2 Rev. 0032

( Page 6 of 25

2.0 SYMPTOMS (continued)

O. REACTOR WATER LEVEL ABNORMAL 2-LA-3-53 annunciator is in alarm

(2-XA-55-5A, Window 8).

P. REACTOR PRESS HIGH 2-PA-3-53 annunciator is in alarm (2-XA-55-5A,

Window 1).

Q. REACTOR CHANNEL A(B),AUTO SCRAM annunciator in alarm if any scram

setpoint is exceeded (2-XA-55-5B, Window 1(2)).


in alarm (2-XA-55-3D, Window 18).


A. Unit 2 to Unit 3 Control Air Crosstie, 2-PCV-032-3901, will close when Control

Air Header pressure reaches 65 psig and lowering at the valve.

B. U-1 TO U-2 CO NT AIR CROSSTIE, 1-PCV-032-3901, will close to separate

Units 1 and 2 when Control Air Header pressure reaches 65 psig and lowering

at the valve.

C. 2-PCV-84-0654, CAD/CA FLOW SEL, will select nitrogen from CAD tank A to

supply 2-FSV-64-20, 2-FSV-64-21, 2-FSV-64-221 and 2-FSV-64-222 at


~75 psig .

D. 2-PCV-84-0033, will select nitrogen from CAD tank A to supply 2-FSV-84-19,

2-FSV-64-29, and 2-FSV-64-32.

E. 2-PCV-84-0034, will select nitrogen from CAD tank B to supply 2-FSV-84-20,

2-FSV-64-31 and 2-FSV-64-34.


BFN Loss of Control Air 2*AOI*32*2

Unit2 Rev. 0032

( Page 7 of 25



[NER/C) Attachment 1 provides expected system responses, critical components that do not

fail in intended positions should be placed in the required positions. [INPO SOER 88-001)

4.1 Immediate Actions


4.2 Subsequent Actions

[1] IF a RFP Minimum Flow Valve failed open and flow is required

from the condensate/feedwater system to reactor vessel or to

prevent pump overload , THEN

ISOLATE the associated RFP minimum flow lines in the

appropriate RFPT Room as follows: (N/A any RFP valves not


  • RFP 2A MIN FLOW SHUTOFF, 2-SHV-003-0508 o
  • RFP 2B MIN FLOW SHUTOFF, 2-SHV-003-0517 o
  • RFP 2C MIN FLOW SHUTOFF, 2-SHV-003-0526 o





2-FCV-2-29B fail CLOSED, THEN (Otherwise N/A)

  • VERIFY a flow path for condensate system


  • STOP the condensate pumps/booster pumps using

2-01-2. o

[3] IF any outboard MSIVs fails closed, THEN:

PLACE associated hand-switch on Panel 2-9-3 to close

position. (Otherwise N/A) o

BFN Loss of Control Air 2-AOI-32-2

Unit2 Rev. 0032

( Page 8 of 25

4.2 Subsequent Actions (continued)



START a high pressure fire pump using 0-01-26 . o


0-FCV-084-0005, at Panel 9-54. o


0-FCV-084-0016, at Panel 9-55. o


1) All RCW temperature control valves fail open except for 2-TCV-24-808

and 2-TCV-24-858 on 2A and 28 R8CCW heat exchangers and 2-TCV-024-00758 on

the Main Turbine Oil Coolers (4" line) which fail closed.

2) The appropriate computer points may be used for monitoring for the following lube oil

temperatures, or any local temperature monitoring device that may be available, as


[7] IF RCW pump motor amps indicate that RCW System flow

reduction is required , THEN

REDUCE RCW flows as required: (Otherwise N/A). o

[7.1] CLOSE main turbine lube oil cooler TCV isolation valve

2-SHV-024-0583 or 2-SHV-024-0584, THEN

ESTABLISH lube oil temperature between 80°F and

90°F using TCV 8YPASS VALVE 2-8YV-024-0585 or

2-8YV-024-0586. 0

[7.2] CLOSE the following RFP turbine oil cooler TCV

isolation valves

  • A RFP 2-24-624A or 2-24-625A o
  • 8 RFP 2-24-6248 or 2-24-6258 o
  • C RFP 2-24-624C or 2-24-625C o

BFN Loss of Drywell Control Air 2-AOI-32A-1

Unit2 Rev. 0021

( Page 4 of 9


This abnormal operating instruction provides symptoms, automatic actions and

operator actions for the loss of Drywell Control Air System for causes other than

Group 6 Isolation. The loss of Drywell Control Air caused by a Group 6 Isolation is

addressed in 2-AOI-64-2d .



87 psig.


Window 18) at s 82 psig.

C. Inboard MSIV's close or start to close.

D. Drywell cooler dampers close.




48. RO 295021G2.4.50 OO l/C/A/TIGl /74- l//2950212.4.50///7

Given the following plant cond itions :

  • A leak occu rs wh ich results in the following condit ions:

- RPV level at '0' and slowly lowering

- OWP at 3.0 psig and slowly rising

- RHR pumps 'A' and 'C' tripped

Wh ich ONE of the following describes the minimum actions required to align RHR Loop /I for injection to

the RPV?

A. After FCV-74-47 and FCV-74-48 are closed; reset PCIS; push the RHR SYS /I SO CLG INBO

INJECT ISOL RESET 2-XS-74-132; and open both injection valves .

B." After FCV-74-47 or FCV-74-48 is closed ; push the RHR SYS /I SO CLG INBO INJECT ISOL

RESET 2-XS-74-132.

C. After FCV-74-47 or FCV-74-48 is closed ; reset PCIS; push the RHR SYS /I SO CLG INBO INJECT

ISOL RESET 2-XS-74-132; and open the inboard injection valve .

D. After FCV-74-47 and FCV-74-48 are closed ; start Loop 2 pumps;reset PCIS; and open the inboard

injection valve.

KIA Statement:

295021 Loss of Shutdown Cooling I 4

2.4.50 - Emergency Procedures / Plan Ability to verify system alarm setpoints and operate controls

identified in the alarm response manual

KIA Justification: This question satisfies the KiA statement by requiring the candidate to analyze plant

conditions and determine the required actions during an emergency which have resulted in a loss of

shutdown cooling.

References: 2-AOI-74-1

Level of Knowledge Justification: This question is rated as CIA due to the requirement to assemb le,

sort, and integrate the parts of the question to predict an outcome. This requ ires mentally using this

knowledge and its meaning to predict the correct outcome.

0610 NRC Exam


Plausibility Analysis:

( In order to answer this question correctly the candidate must determine the following :

1. Current RHR Loop II status given the initial conditions .

2. Based on the RHR Loop II status, determine the minimum actions to align Loop II for injection to the


A is incorrect. This is plausible because the valve alignment is correct and resetting 2-XS-74-132 is

correct. However, resetting PCIS and re-opening FCV 74-47 & 48 are NOT required .

B is correct.

C is incorrect. This is plausible because the valve alignment is correct and resetting 2-XS-74-132 is

correct. However, resetting PCIS and re-opening FCV 74-47 is NOT required .

D is incorrect. This is plausible because the valve alignment is correct and resetting 2-XS-74-132 is

correct. However, resetting PCIS, re-opening FCV 74-47 and re-starting RHR pumps are NOT required.


BFN Loss of Shutdown Cooling 2-AOI-74-1

Unit 2 Rev. 0032

( Page 7 of 31

4.2 Subsequent Actions (continued)

[5] IF Shutdown Cooling isolates on low RPV water level or high

Drywell press (GROUP 2 ISOL) AND RPV water level needs

restoring using LPCI, THEN (Otherwise N/A)

PERFORM the following before reaching -122 inches RPV

water level: o


The LPCI inboard injection valve that is aligned per 2-POI-74-2 will already be in the

required accident position with the breakers open and will NOT isolate.

[5.1 ] PERFORM the folloWing on a group 2 isolation: o

[5.1.1] IF 2-POI-74-2 is in effect, THEN

VERIFY CLOSED one of the following valves :

(Otherwise N/A) o

ISOL VLV, 2-FCV-74-47. 0

ISOL VLV, 2-FCV-74-48.


  • VERIFY CLOSED the LPCI inboard injection

valve NOT aligned for 2-POI-74-2, (RHR SYS I



2-FCV-74-67) 0

BFN Loss of Shutdown Cooling 2*AOI*74*1

Unit2 Rev. 0032

Page 8 of 31

4.2 Subsequent Actions (continued)

[5.1.2] IF 2-POI-74-2 is NOT in effect, THEN

VERIFY CLOSED the following valves on a

Group 2 isolation : o

ISOL VLV, 2-FCV-74-47. 0

ISOL VLV, 2-FCV-74-48. 0


2-FCV-74-53. 0


2-FCV-74-67. 0


RESET, 2-XS-74-126 and 2-XS-74-132 AND VERIFY

2-IL-74-126 and 2-IL-74-132 extinguished. o


49. RO 295023AKI.02 OOl/CIA/TlGI179-2N.B.3.B/295023AKI.02111

Fuel loading is in progress on Unit 1 when you notice an unexplained rise in SRM count rate and an

indicated reactor period; you suspect that an inadvertant criticality event is taking place .

Select which ONE of the following actions is an appropriate response to Inadvertant Criticality During

Incore Fuel Movements?

A. If unexpected criticality is observed following control rod withdrawal, manually SCRAM the reactor.

B. If all rods are not inserted/cannot be inserted, verify the fuel grapple is latched onto the fuel

assembly handle and immediately remove the fuel assembly from the reactor core .

C.oI If the reactor cannot be determined to be subcritical, traverse the refueling bridge and fuel assembly

away from the reactor core, preferably to the area of the cattle chute ..

D. Immediately EVACUATE all personnel from the refuel floor.

KIA Statement:

295023 Refueling Acc Cooling Mode I 8

AK1.02 - Knowledge of the operational implications of the following concepts as they apply to


KIA Justification: This question satisfies the KIA statement by requiring the candidate to analyze

specific plant conditions to determine a reduction in Shutdown Margin has occurred and the actions

required to address that condition .

References: 1-AOI-79-2

Level of Knowledge Justification: This question is rated as CIA due to the requirement to assemble,

sort, and integrate the parts of the question to predict an outcome . This requires mentally using this

knowledge and its meaning to predict the correct outcome .

0610 NRC Exam


Plausibility Analysis:

In order to answer this question correctly the candidate must determine the following :

1. The appropriate condition and Immediate Action required by 1-AOI-79-2.

A is incorrect. This is plausible because the condition is correct, but the action to scram is incorrect.

Reinserting the control rod is required .

B is incorrect. This is plausible because the required action is correct, but the condition is NOT correct.

This action is based on unexplained criticality following insertion of a fuel assembly.

C is correct.

D is incorrect. This is plausible because the evacuation of the Refuel Floor MAY be directed, but other

actions to mitigate the problem take precedence until personnel safety is compromised.

BFN Inadvertent Criticality During Incore 1*AOI*79*2 .

Unit 1 Fuel Movements Rev. 0000

( Page 6 of 9


4.1 Immediate Actions

[1] IF unexpected criticality is observed following control rod

withdrawal, THEN

REINSERT the control rod. 0

[2] IF all control rods can NOT be fully inserted, THEN

MANUALLY SCRAM the Reactor. 0

[3] IF unexpected criticality is observed following the insertion of a

fuel assembly, THEN

PERFORM the following:

[3.1] VERIFY fuel grapple latched onto the fuel assembly


assembly from the Reactor core . 0

[3.2] IF the Reactor can be determined to be subcritical AND

no radiological hazard is apparent, THEN

PLACE the fuel assembly in a spent fuel storage pool

location with the least possible number of surrounding

fuel assemblies and LEAVE the fuel grapple latched to

the fuel assembly handle . 0

[3.3] IF the Reactor can NOT be determined to be subcritical

OR adverse radiological conditions exist, THEN

TRAVERSE the Refueling Bridge and fuel assembly

away from the Reactor core, preferably to the area of the

cattle chute and CONTINUE at Step 4.1 [4]. 0

[4] IF the Reactor can NOT be determined to be subcritical OR

adverse radiological conditions exist, THEN

EVACUATE the refuel floor. 0

50. RO 295024G2 .1.33 OOl/C/A/TlGl/CONT/PRl/BIO/295024G2.1.33/IRO/SRO/

During operation at 100% power a gross failure of both seals on recirculation pump "8" increases drywell

pressure to 2.0 psig.

( Which ONE of the following is the approximate amount and type of RCS leakage?

A." 60 gpm of Unidentified leakage

B. 60 gpm of Identified leakage

C. 30 gpm of Unidentified leakage

D. 30 gpm of Identified leakage

KIA Statement:

295024 High Drywell Pressure / 5

2.1.33 - Conduct of Operations Ability to recognize indications for system operating parameters which are

entry-level conditions for technical specifications

KIA Justification: This question satisfies the KIA statement by requiring the candidate to determine that

entry into Technical Specifications is required based on conditions which have resulted in high drywell

pressure .

References: U2 TSR Sections 1 & 3.4.4, 2-AOI-68-1, OPL 171.007

Level of Knowledge Justification: This question is rated as CIA due to the requirement to assemble,

sort, and integrate the parts of the question to predict an outcome. This requires mentally using this

knowledge and its meaning to predict the correct outcome.

0610 NRC Exam


Plausibility Analysis:

In order to answer this question correctly the candidate must determine the following :

1. Whether the leakage is IDENTIFIED or UNIDENTIFIED leakage .

2. The amount of leakage assicoated with a gross failure of both seals on a single recirc pump.

A is correct.

B is incorrect. This is plausible because the amount of leakage is correct. However, the leakage is not

IDENTIFIED because the leakage is not intentionally captured and directed to a sump and is not


C is incorrect. This is plausible because the leakage is UNIDENTIFIED and equal to the Tech Spec

value for total leakage, but insufficient for the conditions given.

D is incorrect. This is plausible because the leakage is equal to the Tech Spec value for total leakage,

but insufficient for the conditions given . In addition, the leakage is not IDENTIFIED because the leakage is

not intentionally captured and directed to a sump and is not expected .

RCS Operational LEAKAGE




3.4.4 RCS Operational LEAKAGE

LCO 3.4.4 RCS operational LEAKAGE shall be limited to:

a. No pressure boundary LEAKAGE;

b. s 5 gpm unidentified LEAKAGE ; and

c. s 30 gpm total LEAKAGE averaged over the previous 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />

period; and

d. s 2 gpm increase in unidentified LEAKAGE within the previous

24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> period in MODE 1.





A. Unidentified LEAKAGE A.1 Reduce LEAKAGE to 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />

not within limit. within limits.


Total LEAKAGE not

within limit.

B. Unidentified LEAKAGE B.1 Reduce LEAKAGE 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />

increase not within limit. increase to within limits.



BFN-UNIT 2 3.4-9 Amendment No. 253




1.1 Definitions (continued)


a. Identified LEAKAGE

1. LEAKAGE into the drywell, such as that from

pump seals or valve packing, that is captured

and conducted to a sump or collecting tank; or

2. LEAKAGE into the drywell atmosphere from

sources that are both specifically located and

known either not to interfere with the operation

of leakage detection systems or not to be

pressure boundary LEAKAGE;

b. Unidentified LEAKAGE

All LEAKAGE into the drywell that is not identified


c. Total LEAKAGE

Sum of the identified and unidentified LEAKAGE;

d. Pressure Boundary LEAKAGE

LEAKAGE through a nonisolable fault in a Reactor

Coolant System (RCS) component body, pipe wall,

or vessel wall.

LINEAR HEAT The LHGR shall be the heat generation rate per unit

GENERATION RATE length of fuel rod. It is the integral of the heat flux

(LHGR) over the heat transfer area associated with the unit



BFN-UNIT 2 1.1-4 Amendment No. 253

BFN Panel 9-4 2-ARP-9-4A

Unit 2 2-XA-55-4A Rev. 0032

( Page 22 of 44

SensorlTrip Point:

RECIRC PUMP A 2-FIS-068-0055 0.1-0.2 gpm after second seal.




(Page 1 of 2)

Sensor Recirculation Pump 2A Drywell


Probable A. Recirculation Pump 2A No.2 (outer) seal failure.

Cause: B. Sensor malfunction.

Automatic None


Operator A. COMPARE NO.2 cavity pressure indicator (2-PI-68-63A) to NO.1

Action: cavity pressure indicator (2-PI-68-64A), on Panel 2-9-4 or ICS. NO.2

seal degradation is indicated if the pressure at NO.2 seal is less

than 50% of the pressure at No. 1 seal. o

B. IF seal failure is indicated, THEN

INITIATE seal replacement as soon as possible. Continued

operation is permissible if Drywellieakage is within T.S. limits. o


1) Possible indications of dual seal failure include:

  • Window 25 on this panel alarming in conjunction with this window.
  • Rising drywell pressure and/or temperature.
  • Increased leakage into the drywell sump.
  • Increased vibration of the recirc pump.

C. IF dual seal failure is indicated, THEN 0


DRIVE 2A SHUTDOWN, 2-HS-96-19.. 0


2-HS-57-17. 0


2-HS-57-15. 0


Continued on Next Page

OPL 171.007

Revision 22

Page 17 of 86

( \

(b) The flow keeps number 1 seal

cavity clean and cool by

flowing out of the seal area,

along the pump shaft, and

into the recirculation system.

(c) * This purge flow reduces the

possibility of seal damage due

to foreign material entering

the seal from an unclean

piping system .

(8) Seal Failures Obj . V.B .8

Obj. V.C .3

(a) Seal failure may be assessed TP-6

by the resulting changes in

flows and pressures.

(b) Failure of the number 1 seal ARPs provide useful

assembly would allow a info/analysis.

higher flow to the number 2 Obj . V.D.2c

seal cavity, forcing the Obj. V.E.3c

number 2 seal to operate at a

higher pressure (i.e., greater

than 500 psig) .

(c) This failure of the number 1

seal will cause leakage

through the controlled seal

leak-off line to rise to

approximately 1.1 gpm. A

flow element in this line

causes a common alarm on

high flow at 0.9 gpm or on low

flow at 0.5 gpm.

(d) Failure of the number 2 seal

assembly would cause its seal

pressureto drop (depending

upon the magnitude of the


(i) This failure would also

cause a higher leakage

through the seal leak

detection line

downstream from the

number 2 seal.

OPL17 1.007

Revision 22

Page 18 of 86

( (ii) Normally there is no

flow through this line

and flow switches are

set to alarm at 0.1-0 .2

gpm flow.

(e) Failure of both mechanical Would cause

seals would result in a total elevated drywell temp

seal assembly leakage of 60 and pressure, and

gpm as limited by the seal would exceed Tech

breakdown bushings. Spec and EPIP limits

for RCS leakage.

(f) Should the number 1 seal

restricting orifice become

plugged, the RECIRC PUMP


ABN annunciator will alarm on

low flow (less than or equal to

0.5 gpm) . Additionally, a

reduction in number 2 seal

pressure would be seen.

(g) Should the number 2

restricting orifice become

plugged, the RECIRC PUMP


ABN annunciator would also

alarm on low flow; however,

number 2 seal pressure would

rise to near the pressure of

number 1 seal.

(g) Seal Cooling Obj. V.B .9

(a) Cooling for the recirculation Obj . V.C.3

pump seals is required due to Obj. V.B .1gc

the heat generated by the

friction of the sealing surfaces

and the leakage of reactor

water through the seal


(b) This cooling is provided by a

combination of supplied

Reactor Building Closed

Cooling Water (RBCCW) and

the leakage of primary coolant

past the seals.

51. RO 295025EK2 .0S OO l/CINTlGl/EHC LOGICI1295025EK2 .0S//RO /SROI

Unit 2 has experienced an inadvertant MSIV closure and subsequent reactor scram . Consequently,

RCIC was placed in level control and is also maintaining reactor pressure 900 to 1000 psig with the

MSIVs still isolated.

( Given these plant conditions, the digital EHC system is in pressure control with the

pressure setpoint set at _ _ psig.

A. Reactor, 970

B. Reactor, 700

C. Header, 970

D..... Header, 700

KIA Statement:

295025 High Reactor Pressure I 3

EK2.08 - Knowledge of the interrelations between HIGH REACTOR PRESSURE and the following :

Reactor/turbine pressure regulating system: Plant-Specific

KIA Justification: This question satisfies the KIA statement by requiring the candidate to use specific

plant conditions to determine the response of the digital EHC system to a transient resulting in a high

reactor pressure.

References: OPL 171.228

Level of Knowledge Justification: This question is rated as CIA due to the requirement to assemble ,

sort, and integrate the parts of the question to predict an outcome. This requires mentally using this

knowledge and its meaning to predict the correct outcome.

0610 NRC Exam


Plausibility Analysis:

( In order to answer this question correctly the candidate must determine the following :

1. Whether the header pressure dropped sufficiently low enough to cause an automatic transfer to

Header Pressure Control.

2. Whether current plant conditions have allowed EHC logic to automatically transfer back to Reactor

Pressure Control.

A is incorrect. This is plausible because this condition is typical for post-scram EHC conditions if the

MSIVs are open.

8 is incorrect. This is plausible because EHC automatically transfers back to Header pressure control if

HEADER pressure returns above 725 psig. However, the MSIVs are still closed so the given readctor

pressure is not being sensed by the header pressure instruments.

C is incorrect. This is plausible because EHC will swap to Header pressure control, but the setpoint will

drop from 970 psig to 700 psig.

D is correct.


Revision 3

Page 21 of 81


2. During turbine start-up and for a brief time Monitor Plant

following synchronization, the bypass valve parameters for

control also maintains the reactor steam expected response

pressure. Once all the bypass valves are closed,

then the turbine control maintains reactor steam

pressure either in Header Pressure or Reactor

Pressure Control depending on which operating

mode is selected.

3. Steam pressure control is selectable from either Obj.V.B.9.a

panel 9-7 or the EHC Workstation by selecting



4. Header Pressure Control Input Signal

a. Two redundant pressure transmitters Powered from within

sense header pressure at the main steam the EHC system

throttle just upstream of the main turbine

stop valves.

b. Both signals are monitored for low, high,

difference, and hardware failures.

c. The higher of the two signals when no

failures are detected is selected as the


d. A maximum difference setpoint of 10-PSI

is also established to detect a fault and/or

transmitter drift from either of the inputs.

e. In the event a fault is detected, the Obj.V.B.9.c

channel is prohibited from being used in

the signal processing and the appropriate

BYPASS pushbutton light will illuminate

on 9-7 and on the HMI operator interface.

f. Once the failed signal is corrected,

depressing the BYPASS pushbutton will

reset the BYPASS logic and both input

signals will then be processed.


Revision 3

Page 22 of 81


g. This mode IS NOT single failure proof -

one of the two pressure sensors failing

upscale can. and generally will be

selected by the logic to control. This will

open the TCV's and BPV's to

depressurize the header to the MSIV

isolation setpoint of 852 psig in RUN


h. In the unlikely event that both inputs

signals are detected as failed. the control

logic will automatically switch to reactor

pressure control.

i. If header pressure drops below 700-PSI,

and reactor pressure control is the

controlling mode of operation, the control

logic will automatically transfer to header

pressure control. If desired, the operator

may re-select reactor pressure control

after the transfer has been made even

though header pressure is below 700-psi.

The automatic transfer logic will re-

engage if header pressure rises above


5. Reactor Pressure Control Input Signal TP-3

a. Four (4) redundant pressure transmitters

(PT- 204a-d) grouped in pairs with "A"

and "B" constituting one pair and "C" and

"0" the other pair.

b. A pressure-biasing algorithm determines

the lagged high-median value of the four

(4) inputs and biases the remaining three

(3) input signals to that high median


c. The high-median signal is then averaged Four biased signals

with the other three signals and is used are averaged.

as "Actual Rx Pressure" .

52. RO 295026EA2.01 OO l/C/A/T l/G l///295026EA2.0l//RO/SRO/RWM

Given the following plant conditions:

  • Unit-2 is in a transient cond ition with current conditions as follows.

( - Suppression pool level: 13.5 feet

- Reactor pressure: 900 psig

- Suppression pool temperature: 105°F

Which ONE of the following describes the required action?


A':I Operate all available suppression pool cooling .

B. Emergency Depressurize the RPV by opening all six ADS valves .

c. Rapidly depressurize via the Main Turbine bypass valves .

D. Lower Reactor Pressure to stay within the Safe Area of the Heat Capacity Temperature Limit Curve

and maintain cooldown rate below 100 deg. F/hr.

KIA Statement:

295026 Suppression Pool High Water Temp . / 5

EA2.01 - Ability to determ ine and/or interpret the following as they apply to SUPPRESSION POOL HIGH

WATER TEMPERATURE: Suppression pool water temperature

KIA Justification: This question satisfies the KIA statement by requiring the candidate to correctly

identify an adverse cond ition related to Suppression Pool High Temperature and then determ ine the

action required to correct the adverse cond ition.

Reference: 2-EOI-2 Flowchart, EOIPM Section O-V-D Page 85

Level of Knowledge Justification: This question is rated as CIA due to the requirement to assemble,

sort, and integrate the parts of the question to solve a problem . This requires mentally using this

knowledge and its meaning to resolve the problem .

0610 NRC Exam


Plausibility Analysis:

A is correct.

B is incorrect. No condition has been met requiring Emergency Depressurization at this temperature. It

is plausible if the candidate focuses on the SP level, which is approaching the limit of 11.5 feet for

Emergency Depressurization . If this is the case, other actions on SP/L take priority over ED.

C is incorrect. ED would not be anticipated under these conditions unless the candidate focuses on SP

level which is approaching the limit of 11.5 feet for Emergency Depressurization. If this is the case, other

actions on SP/L take priority over ED.

D is incorrect. It is plausible if the cand idate continues down the SPIT leg of EOI-2 and determines that

exceeding the HCTL is possible. Since EOI-1 is used to lower pressure and cooldown, and no EOI-1 entry

condition has been met, it is unacceptable to assume that exceeding the HCTL is possible .


! I




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Its BelOW 80PSfG I

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53. RO 295028EK3.04 OOlle/A/T! G lI480VLS/B5/295028EK3 .04//RO/SRO/

Given the following plant conditions :

  • A Loss of Off-site power has occurred in conjunction with a LOCA on Unit-2.

( I * Plant conditions are as follows :

- Reactor Water Level +20 inches, steady

- Average Drywell Temperature 230°F , rising

- Suppression Chamber Pressure 11 psig, rising

- EDGs Tied and loaded to 4 KV Sd Bds

- Reactor pressure Remains> 800 psig

Which ONE of the following describes the final status of Unit 2 Drywell cooling?

A." Drywell coolers are operating with RBCCWavailable.

B. Drywell coolers are operat ing but no RBCCW is available.

c. Drywell coolers must be manually restarted , RBCCW is available.

D. Drywell coolers must be manually restarted , RBCCW is unavailable.

KIA Statement:

295028 High Drywell Temperature / 5

EK3.04 - Knowledge of the reasons for the follow ing responses as they apply to HIGH DRYWELL

TEMPERATURE : Increased drywell cooling

KIA Justification: This question satisfies the KIA statement by requiring the cand idate to use specific

plant conditions to determ ine the status of drywell cooling follow ing a transient wh ich results in high

drywell temperature .


Level of Knowledge Justification: This question is rated as CIA due to the requirement to assemble,

sort, and integrate the parts of the question to predict an outcome. This requires mentally using this

knowledge and its meaning to predict the correct outcome .

0610 NRC Exam


Plausibility Analysis:

Co In order to answer this question correctly the candidate must determine the following :

1. Whether a CAS 480V Load Shed has been initiated based on the given conditions.

2. The status of RBCCW and DW Blowers based on the answer to Item #1 above.

A is correct.

B is incorrect. This is plausible because the DW blowers would be operating. However, RBCCW does

not receive a trip signal because a 480V Load Shed signal has not yet been iitiated . RPV level and

pressure are too high.

C is incorrect. This is plausible because following a 480V Load Shed, the DW blowers on the accident

unit must be manually started and RBCCW would be available . However, a 480V Load Shed signal has

not yet been iitiated. RPV level and pressure are too high.

D is incorrect. This is plausible because following a 480V Load Shed, the DW blowers on the accident

unit must be manually started . However, RBCCW does not receive a trip signal because a 480V Load

Shed signal has not yet been iitiated .


Revision 11

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x. Lesson Body

A. The 480V Load Shedding Logic System removes selected Obj. V.B.1N.D.1

loads from 480V boards which are powered from the 4kV TP-1, 2

Shutdown Boards

1. The load shedding is initiated by an accident signal Obj. V.B.3f V.D.3

on Unit 1 or 2 with .! diesel generator supplying Obj. V.C.2

one 4kV Shutdown Board as its only source of



2. The accident signal is generated in the Core Spray TP-3

System logic Obj. V.B.2.N.D.2

Obj. V.C.1

a. Low-low-low reactor water level (-122"lLevel


OR CASAsignal

b. High drywell pressure (2.45 psig) with low

reactor pressure (450 psig)

c. For load shed signal on U1 or U2, the

accident is for either unit

d. Unit 3 accident signal won't cause Unit 1 or 2

load shed or vice versa

3. The signal representing "diesel generator supplying TP-4

a 4KV shutdown board" is called "DGVA"

4. For DGVA logic to be satisfied, both conditions must

be present:

a. The DG output breaker or the U2 tie breaker

to U3 being closed

b. The normal and alternate feeder breaker must


5. All Unit 1-2 DGVA contacts are in parallel

6. Any DfG tied to its Shutdown Board with an accident

signal present will initiate U1-21oad shed logic

BFN Loss of Offsite Power (161 and 500 0-AOI-57-1 A

UnitO KV)/Station Blackout Rev. 0071

( Page'7 of 71

3.0 AUTOMATIC ACTIONS (continued)

V. Unit 1/2 480V Load Shed occurs on a loss of offsite power in conjunction with a

LOCA signal:

1. One RBCCW pump auto restarts (after 40 seconds on U1 and U2).

2. Drywell Blowers auto restart on non-accident unit (after 40 seconds).

Drywell Blowers with their respective auto restart inhibit switches in the

INHIBIT position will not auto restart.

3. Drywell coolers are manually restarted on the accident unit. A Drywell

Blower with its auto restart inhibit switch in the INHIBIT position can be

manually restarted after a ten minute time delay.

4. SGT TRAINS A & B trip, but will AUTO RESTART in 40 seconds when an

initiation signal is present.

5. Loss of Control Bay Chilled Water Pumps A & B. (may be restarted after 10

minutes with use of bypass switch).

W. Unit 3 480V load shedding occurs as follows:

1. Division I 480V load shedding will occur when an accident signal is present

and diesel generator voltage is available on the 4160V shutdown board

supplying the 480V shutdown board 3A as follows :

a. RBCCW pump 3A trips

b. Drywell blowers 3A1 & 3A2 trip

c. After a 40 second time delay, with the control switch in Normal After

Start, RBCCW pump 3A restarts

d. After a 40 second time delay, Drywell blowers 3A1 and 3A2 can be

manually restarted

e. Drywell blowers 3A3, 3A4 and 3A5 cannot be restarted until the load

shed signal is corrected


54. RO 295030EA 1.06 oor/c,A/T! G 113 .5/3.511295030EA1.06//RO/SR0/11l20107 RMS

I Given the following plant conditions:

( I * A LOCA has caused gross fuel failure on Unit 3.

  • The SED/SRO has approved implementation of EOI Appendix 18, Suppression Pool Water

Inventory Removal and Makeup.

  • The control room crew has just closed 3-FCV-74-63, RHR RADWASTE SYS FLUSH VALVE
  • Suppression Pool level is -3.5 inches and steady.

Which ONE of the following describes the next appropriate action(s)?

A. Open 3-FCV-74-62, RHR MAIN CNDR FLUSH VALVE and direct suppression pool water to the Main

Condenser ONLY.

B. Re-open 3-FCV-74-63, RHR RADWASTE SYS FLUSH VALVE and direct suppression pool water to

Radwaste ONLY.

c. Verify open the 3-FCV-73-40, HPCI CST SUCTION VALVE, and open 3-FCV-73-30, HPCI PUMP


D~ Appendix 18 is complete; the Suppression Pool level is acceptable.

KIA Statement:

295030 Low Suppression Pool Water Level / 5

EA1.06 - Ability to operate and/or monitor the following as they apply to LOW SUPPRESSION POOL

WATER LEVEL: Condensate storage and transfer (make-up to the suppression pool) : Plant-Specific

KIA Justification: This question satisfies the KIA statement by requiring the candidate to use specific

plant conditions to determine the effectiveness of actions to control Suppression Pool level using the

Condensate storage and transfer system.

References: 2-EOI Appendix 18

Level of Knowledge Justification: This question is rated as CIA due to the requirement to assemble,

sort, and integrate the parts of the question to predict an outcome. This requires mentally using this

knowledge and its meaning to predict the correct outcome.

0610 NRC Exam


Plausibility Analysis:

In order to answer this question correctly the candidate must determine the following :

1. Which actions are required based on the given conditions.

NOTE : Each distractor is plausible because they are all actions directed by 2-EOI Appendix 18 to control

Suppression Pool level.

A is incorrect. The given SP level is sufficiently low enough that additional inventory removal is not

necessary. In addition, following a gross fuel failure, rejecting water to the main condenser is also


8 is incorrect. The given SP level is sufficiently low enough that additional inventory removal is not

necessary. However, following a gross fuel failure, rejecting water to Radwaste is more appropriate than

to the main condenser.

C is incorrect. The given SP level is sufficiently high enough that additional inventory makeup is not


D is correct.



Rev. 2

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LOCATION: Unit 3 Control Room



[NRC/C] Suppression Pool water will be highly radioactive

after a LOCA . Chemical Engineering recommendations are used

to determine location to pump contaminated water.

[NRC Inspection Report 89-16]

NOTE : All panel operations performed at Control Room

Panel 3-9-3 unless otherwise stated.

1. IF Suppression Pool Water makeup is required,

THEN CONTINUE in this procedure at Step 5.

2. IF Gross fuel failure is suspected,

THEN OBTAIN SED/SRO permission to pump down Suppression

Pool BEFORE continuing in this procedure .

3. IF Directed by SRO,

THEN REMOVE water from Suppression Pool as follows:

a. DISPATCH personnel to perform the following

(Unit 3 RB, EI 519 ft, Torus Area) :



2) OPEN the following valves:

  • 3-SHV-074-0564A(B) , RHR DR PUMP A(B) SEAL WTR SPLY _
  • 3-SHV-074-0529A(B) , RHR DR PUMP A(B) SHUTOFF VLV .

3) UNLOCK and OPEN 3-SHV-074-0765A(B) , RHR DR PUMP


4) NOTIFY Unit Operator that RHR Drain Pump

3A(3B) is lined up to remove water from

Suppression Pool.

5) REMAIN at torus area UNTIL Unit 3 Operator

directs starting of RHR Drain Pump 3A(3B) .