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301 Final RO Written Exam (2-Year Delayed Release)
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Site: Browns Ferry  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 06/23/2021
Tennessee Valley Authority
Division of Reactor Safety II
Download: ML21174A078 (78)


ILT 2104 Written Exam ML21174A078

1. With respect to Recirc Pump power supplies, which ONE of the following completes the statement below?

2B Recirc Pump is NORMALLY powered by .

Note: Unit Station Service Transformer (USST)

A. USST 2A B. USST 2B C. Start Bus 2A D. Start Bus 2B 1

ILT 2104 Written Exam

2. Unit 1 is operating at 100% Rated Thermal Power (RTP) when the following conditions occur:

1A Reactor Recirculation Pump trips The crew is executing the actions of 1-AOI-68-1, Recirc Pump Trip/Core Flow Decrease Which ONE of the following completes the statement below?

Given the conditions above, the required action is to .

A. SCRAM the Reactor B. INSERT Control Rods to < 67.0% loadline C. INSERT Control Rods to < 74.0% loadline D. COMMENCE a normal Reactor Plant shut down 2

ILT 2104 Written Exam

3. Unit 1 Anticipated Transient Without a SCRAM (ATWS) conditions exist with the following conditions:

1-EOI-1A, ATWS RPV Control is in progress Reactor Pressure is 950 psig 1-EOI Appendix-3A, SLC INJECTION in progress as indicated SLC SQUIB VALVE CONTINUITY LOST, (1-9-5B, WINDOW 20) alarms Given the conditions above, which ONE of the following completes the statement below regarding the status of the Standby Liquid Control (SLC) System?

SQUIB VALVE (1) has fired and SLC (2) injecting to the Reactor.

A. (1) A (2) is B. (1) A (2) is NOT C. (1) B (2) is D. (1) B (2) is NOT 3

ILT 2104 Written Exam

4. Unit 1 is operating at 100% RTP with the following:

Which ONE of the following completes the statements below?

As a result of the above condition, indicated Main Generator Megawatts Electric (MWe) on Panel 1-9-5 will (1) .

In accordance with the applicable Abnormal Operating Procedure (AOI), the correct Immediate Action is to reduce Reactor Power to less than or equal to (2) .

A. (1) lower (2) 95%

B. (1) lower (2) 90%

C. (1) remain constant (2) 95%

D. (1) remain constant (2) 90%


ILT 2104 Written Exam

5. Unit 2 was operating at 100% RTP when an event occurred, resulting in the following conditions:

A manual Reactor SCRAM was inserted Reactor Water Level lowered to (-) 30 inches Drywell Pressure is 2.85 psig HPCI automatically initiated and is injecting to the Reactor at 5300 gpm Given the conditions above, which ONE of the following completes the statement below in accordance with 2-OI-73, High Pressure Coolant Injection System?

HPCI automatically initiated due to (1) and is injecting into (2) Feedwater System line.

A. (1) High Drywell Pressure (2) B B. (1) High Drywell Pressure (2) A C. (1) Low Reactor Water Level (2) B D. (1) Low Reactor Water Level (2) A 5

ILT 2104 Written Exam

6. With regards to the Source Range Monitors (SRMs), which ONE of the following completes the statements below?

To fully WITHDRAW the SRMs from the Core, the DRIVE OUT pushbutton is required to be (1) .

To fully INSERT the SRMs into the Core, the DRIVE IN pushbutton is required to be (2) .

A. (1) momentarily depressed and released due to a seal-in contact (2) momentarily depressed and released due to a seal-in contact B. (1) momentarily depressed and released due to a seal-in contact (2) continuously depressed and held for the entire length of travel C. (1) continuously depressed and held for the entire length of travel (2) momentarily depressed and released due to a seal-in contact D. (1) continuously depressed and held for the entire length of travel (2) continuously depressed and held for the entire length of travel 6

ILT 2104 Written Exam

7. The following conditions exist on Unit 2:

A LOCA is in progress Drywell Pressure is 2.2 psig and slowly rising Reactor Water Level is (-) 10 inches and slowly lowering Main Steam Tunnel Temperature is 180 ºF and slowly rising Given the conditions above, which ONE of the following completes the statement below?

PCIS Groups that HAVE received an isolation signal include Groups ,

and 8.

A. 1, 2 B. 1, 5 C. 2, 6 D. 4, 5 7

ILT 2104 Written Exam

8. Unit 2 is operating at 100% RTP when a Loss of Offsite Power occurs.

Given the conditions above, which ONE of the following completes the statements below?

The EDGs are required to start and tie onto their respective 4KV Shutdown Boards within (1) seconds.

The EECW Pumps will start (2) seconds after the EDGs re-energize the 4KV Shutdown Boards.

A. (1) 5 (2) 10 B. (1) 5 (2) 14 C. (1) 10 (2) 10 D. (1) 10 (2) 14 8

ILT 2104 Written Exam

9. 0-SR-, Diesel Generator D Monthly Operability Test is in progress.

Which ONE of the following completes the statement below?

Prior to paralleling D EDG with the D 4KV Shutdown Board, EDG frequency is adjusted so that the synchroscope rotates slowly in the (1) direction and EDG voltage is adjusted to be (2) Shutdown Board Voltage.

A. (1) slow (2) above B. (1) slow (2) equal to C. (1) fast (2) above D. (1) fast (2) equal to 9

ILT 2104 Written Exam

10. A EDG has been started for testing and is being paralleled with Offsite Power in accordance with 0-OI-82, Standby Diesel Generator System.

Given the conditions above, which ONE of the following completes the statement below?

Prior to closing the respective EDG output breaker, the DG Mode Select Switch will be placed in the (1) position to prevent EDG (2) .

A. (1) Units in Parallel (2) overload B. (1) Units in Parallel (2) overspeed C. (1) Parallel with System (2) overload D. (1) Parallel with System (2) overspeed 10

ILT 2104 Written Exam

11. Unit 1 is operating at 100% RTP.

In accordance with OPDP-1, Conduct of Operations, which ONE of the following completes the statement below?

The OATC is required to conduct a panel walkdown a MINIMUM of once every A. hour B. 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> C. 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> D. 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> 11

ILT 2104 Written Exam

12. Unit 1 is operating at 100% Rated Thermal Power (RTP) with the following conditions:

Loss of Offsite Power occurs A Emergency Diesel Generator (EDG) mechanically fails Subsequently:

Loss of Coolant (LOCA) occurs Reactor Water Level is (-) 130 inches and lowering Drywell Pressure is 10 psig and rising Reactor Pressure is 600 psig and lowering Give the conditions above, which ONE of the following completes the statements below?

RHR Pump 1C (1) automatically start.

Core Spray Pump 1C (2) automatically start.

A. (1) will (2) will B. (1) will (2) will NOT C. (1) will NOT (2) will D. (1) will NOT (2) will NOT 12

ILT 2104 Written Exam

13. Which ONE of the following completes the statement below in accordance with NOTE
  1. 1 from 3-EOI-1, RPV CONTROL?

Following a Reactor SCRAM, the Unit 3 Reactor will remain subcritical WITHOUT boron under all conditions when __________.

A. All Control Rods are at position 02 B. Reactor Power is on range 7 of the IRMs and lowering C. All Control Rods are inserted to or beyond position 00 except two that are fully withdrawn D. Any 19 Control Rods are at notch 02 with all other Control Rods fully inserted 13

ILT 2104 Written Exam

14. Unit 2 is operating at 100% RTP when an inadvertent closure of ALL MSIVs occurs.

Which ONE of the following completes the statement below?

Following the closure of the MSIVs, the digital Electro-Hydraulic Control (EHC) System will transfer to (1) Pressure Control at (2) .

A. (1) Reactor (2) 700 psig B. (1) Reactor (2) 955 psig C. (1) Header (2) 700 psig D. (1) Header (2) 955 psig 14

ILT 2104 Written Exam

15. In accordance with Unit 2 ARPs, which ONE of the following, when alarming, requires that Operators ensure 2-FCV-66-28, OFFGAS SYSTEM ISOLATION VALVE, is CLOSED?






ILT 2104 Written Exam

16. Unit 2 is operating at 100% RTP.

Which ONE of the following completes the statements below?

In accordance with OPDP-1, Conduct of Operations, when a High Drywell Pressure condition exists and continues to rise, the Operators are required to FIRST manually (1) .

In accordance with BFN-ODM-4.20, Strategies for Successful Transient Mitigation, when Drywell Pressure reaches 2.2 psig, the reason a manual Reactor SCRAM is inserted is that (2) .

A. (1) trip the Main Turbine, THEN insert a Reactor SCRAM (2) a pre-determined trigger value has been reached B. (1) trip the Main Turbine, THEN insert a Reactor SCRAM (2) an automatic Reactor SCRAM should have occurred C. (1) insert a Reactor SCRAM, THEN trip the Main Turbine (2) a pre-determined trigger value has been reached D. (1) insert a Reactor SCRAM, THEN trip the Main Turbine (2) an automatic Reactor SCRAM should have occurred 16

ILT 2104 Written Exam

17. Unit 2 is operating at 21% RTP, when the Main Turbine trips.

Which ONE of the following completes the statements below?

Following a Main Turbine trip, the Extraction Non-Return Valves close in order to prevent Main Turbine (1) . As a result of this transient, the Reactor (2) SCRAM.

A. (1) overspeed (2) will B. (1) overspeed (2) will NOT C. (1) overheating (2) will D. (1) overheating (2) will NOT 17

ILT 2104 Written Exam

18. Due to a fire on Unit 3, the Unit Operator is performing the Immediate Actions of 3-AOI-100-2, Control Room Abandonment and has reached the step to start the Unit 3 EDGs, when the following occurs:

PRIMARY CONTAINMENT N2 PRESSURE HIGH (3-9-3B, Window 10) alarms DRYWELL PRESSURE ABNORMAL (3-9-5B, Window 31) alarms Given the conditions above, which ONE of the following completes the statements below?

AT THE MOMENT the above alarms are received, the Unit 3 EDGs (1) .

Reactor Water Level will be controlled at the Backup Control Panel using (2) .

A. (1) must be manually started (2) High Pressure Coolant Injection (HPCI)

B. (1) must be manually started (2) Reactor Core Isolation Cooling (RCIC)

C. (1) will receive an automatic start signal (2) High Pressure Coolant Injection (HPCI)

D. (1) will receive an automatic start signal (2) Reactor Core Isolation Cooling (RCIC) 18

ILT 2104 Written Exam

19. All three Units are operating at 100% RTP when the following conditions occur:

Emergency Equipment Cooling Water (EECW) Pump A3 is operating and subsequently trips EECW Pump C3 fails to start NO Operator actions have been taken Given the conditions above, which ONE of the following completes the statements below in accordance with 0-OI-67, Emergency Equipment Cooling Water System?

0-FCV-67-53, EECW SYSTEM BACKUP WATER SUPPLY VALVE to the Control Air Compressors will automatically open when Raw Cooling Water (RCW) Header Pressure lowers below the setpoint of (1) .

EECW Pumps A3 and C3 supply the (2) header of the EECW System.

A. (1) 15 psig (2) North B. (1) 15 psig (2) South C. (1) 30 psig (2) North D. (1) 30 psig (2) South 19

ILT 2104 Written Exam

20. Unit 3 is in MODE 5 when a refueling accident results in the following:

REFUELING ZONE EXHAUST RADIATION HIGH (3-9-3A, Window 34) alarms Given the conditions above, which ONE of the following completes the statement below that describes the Unit 3 Ventilation System response?

(1) Zone Ventilation System(s) isolate(s) and (2) Zone dampers align to the Standby Gas Treatment System.

A. (1) ONLY the Refueling (2) ONLY the Refueling B. (1) ONLY the Refueling (2) BOTH the Refueling AND Reactor C. (1) The Refueling AND Reactor (2) ONLY the Refueling D. (1) The Refueling AND Reactor (2) BOTH the Refueling AND Reactor 20

ILT 2104 Written Exam

21. Unit 2 suffered a small break LOCA with the following conditions:

2-EOI-2 Primary Containment Control, Suppression Pool Temperature leg is being executed Suppression Pool Temperature is 190 °F Given the conditions above, which ONE of the following completes the statement below?

In accordance with EOI Curve 3, Heat Capacity Temp Limit (HCTL), action is REQUIRED if Reactor Pressure reaches (1) when Suppression Pool Level is (2) .


A. (1) 500 psig (2) 17.5 feet B. (1) 500 psig (2) 16.5 feet C. (1) 700 psig (2) 17.5 feet D. (1) 700 psig (2) 16.5 feet 21

ILT 2104 Written Exam

22. Regarding the power supplies to IRMs, which ONE of the following completes the statement below?

IRM Channels/Detectors __________.

A. C and G are powered from A channel + 24VDC System; D and H are powered from B channel + 24VDC System B. D and H are powered from A channel + 24VDC System; C and G are powered from B channel + 24VDC System C. C and G are powered from Division I, 250 VDC System; D and H are powered from Division II, 250 VDC System D. D and H are powered from Division I, 250 VDC System; C and G are powered from Division II, 250 VDC System 22

ILT 2104 Written Exam

23. A Unit 2 LOCA has occurred and resulted in the following conditions:

2-PI-3-207A, REACTOR PRESSURE indicates 500 psig 2-LI-3-52 and 2-LI-3-62, RX WTR LEVEL ACCIDENT RANGE indicates

(-) 220 inches Given the conditions above, which ONE of the following completes the statements below?

Actual Reactor Water Level is (1) Top of Active Fuel (TAF).

To help ensure accurate Reactor Water Level can be reported, 2-LI-3-52 and 2-LI-3-62 require the use of correction curves due to being calibrated at (2) .


A. (1) above (2) 0 psig / 212 °F B. (1) above (2) Normal Operating Pressure / Normal Operating Temperature C. (1) below (2) 0 psig / 212 °F D. (1) below (2) Normal Operating Pressure / Normal Operating Temperature 23

ILT 2104 Written Exam

24. Unit 3 is operating at 100% RTP, when a LOCA occurs with the following conditions:

REACTOR LEVEL LOW ADS BLOWDOWN PERMISSIVE (3-9-3C, Window 3) alarms DRYWELL PRESSURE APPROACHING SCRAM (3-9-3B, Window 30) alarms Manual Reactor SCRAM was inserted ADS BLOWDOWN HIGH DRYWELL PRESSURE SEAL-IN (3-9-3C, Window 33) alarms REACTOR WATER LOW-LOW-LOW ECCS/ESF INITIATE (3-9-3C, Window 28) alarms RHR Pumps are NOT available Core Sprays Pumps failed to AUTOMATICALLY start Given the conditions above, which ONE of the following completes the statement below?

In accordance with the given Alarm Response Procedures, the Automatic Depressurization System (ADS) will automatically initiate, when the Operator has manually started (1) Core Spray Pumps and a MINIMUM of (2) has elapsed.

A. (1) 3B AND 3C (2) 95 seconds B. (1) 3B AND 3C (2) 265 seconds C. (1) 3A AND 3B (2) 95 seconds D. (1) 3A AND 3B (2) 265 seconds 24

ILT 2104 Written Exam

25. Unit 2 is at 85% Reactor Power when the following conditions occur:

2-XR-66-20, OG FLOW TO SIX HOUR HOLDUP VOLUME, is 100 scfm and rising CONDENSER A, B, OR C VACUUM LOW (2-9-7B, Window 17) alarms Given the conditions above, which ONE of the following completes the statements below?

In accordance with the associated ARP, the probable cause for the conditions above is (1) .

In accordance with 2-AOI-47-3, Loss of Condenser Vacuum, the Unit Operator (UO) will be directed to (2) in an attempt to maintain Condenser Vacuum.

Note: Steam Jet Air Ejector (SJAE)

A. (1) SJAE stalling (2) reduce Reactor Power B. (1) SJAE stalling (2) start a Mechanical Vacuum Pump C. (1) Main Condenser air in-leakage (2) reduce Reactor Power D. (1) Main Condenser air in-leakage (2) start a Mechanical Vacuum Pump 25

ILT 2104 Written Exam

26. In order to minimize off-site radioactive release levels, which ONE of the following completes the statements below?

Standby Gas Treatment System carbon bed filters (1) designed to remove iodine.

If required, ALL three trains of Standby Gas Treatment (2) be manually started from the Unit 3 Control Room.

A. (1) are (2) can B. (1) are (2) can NOT C. (1) are NOT (2) can D. (1) are NOT (2) can NOT 26

ILT 2104 Written Exam

27. Unit 1 is operating at 100% RTP. The Instrument Mechanics (IMs) are setting up to perform maintenance in the Auxiliary Instrument Room, when a PCIS Group 6 Isolation occurs.

Given the conditions above, which ONE of the following completes the statements below?

The Drywell Blowers (1) running.

The Drywell (2) be vented via the NORMAL vent path in accordance with 1-AOI-64-1, Drywell Pressure and/or Temperature High, or Excessive Leakage Into Drywell.

A. (1) are (2) can B. (1) are (2) can NOT C. (1) are NOT (2) can D. (1) are NOT (2) can NOT 27

ILT 2104 Written Exam

28. Which ONE of the following completes the statement below in accordance with EOI-3, Secondary Containment Control Program Manual?

Emergency Depressurization is required when any Secondary Containment Temperature exceeds its MAXIMUM SAFE value in (1) area(s) to place the Primary System in its lowest energy state by rejecting heat to the (2) .

A. (1) ONLY one (2) Main Condenser B. (1) ONLY one (2) Suppression Pool C. (1) two OR more (2) Main Condenser D. (1) two OR more (2) Suppression Pool 28

ILT 2104 Written Exam

29. Which ONE of the following completes the statements below in accordance with EOI-3, Secondary Containment Control?

A Reactor Building Floor Drain Sump Water Level of 67 inches (1) require EOI-3 entry.

Given this condition, an alarm will FIRST be indicated in the (2) Control Room.

A. (1) does (2) Main B. (1) does (2) Radwaste C. (1) does NOT (2) Main D. (1) does NOT (2) Radwaste 29

ILT 2104 Written Exam

30. Unit 1 was operating at 100% RTP when a LOCA occurred resulting in the following conditions:

Reactor Pressure is 400 psig Reactor Water Level is (-) 140 inches and slowly lowering Given the conditions above, which ONE of the following completes the statement below?



A. (1) open (2) open B. (1) open (2) closed C. (1) closed (2) open D. (1) closed (2) closed 30

ILT 2104 Written Exam

31. Which ONE of the following completes the statements below?

In accordance with 3-OI-73, High Pressure Coolant Injection System (HPCI), operating the HPCI Turbine below a MINIMUM of (1) should be minimized to prevent system damage.

If HPCI trips on an overspeed condition with a valid initiation signal, the overspeed trip (2) .

A. (1) 2100 rpm (2) will automatically reset B. (1) 2100 rpm (2) must be manually reset C. (1) 2400 rpm (2) will automatically reset D. (1) 2400 rpm (2) must be manually reset 31

ILT 2104 Written Exam

32. Which ONE of the following completes the statements below in accordance with the associated ARP?


Core Spray Sparger break detection is used to detect a possible Core Spray System piping break inside the Reactor Vessel, (1) to the Core Shroud.

Due to break detection instrumentation design, the given annunciator (2) be sealed in during normal cold shutdown conditions on a Unit.

A. (1) external (2) would B. (1) external (2) would NOT C. (1) internal (2) would D. (1) internal (2) would NOT 32

ILT 2104 Written Exam

33. Unit 1 has suffered a loss of the Service Air System.

Given the condition above, which ONE of the following completes the statement below?

The loss of Service Air will on the SLC System Storage Tank.

A. have no effect B. cause a loss of level indication ONLY C. cause a loss of mixing capability ONLY D. cause a loss of level indication AND a loss of mixing capability 33

ILT 2104 Written Exam

34. Unit 2 is operating at 100% RTP with the following conditions:

2A Reactor Protection System (RPS) Motor Generator (MG) trips REACTOR PROTECTION 120V POWER SYSTEM ABNORMAL (2-9-5B, Window 10) alarms Given the conditions above, which ONE of the following completes the statements below?

(1) RPS logic channels are impacted. As a result, a (2) occurs.

A. (1) A1 and A2 ONLY (2) Full SCRAM B. (1) A1 and A2 ONLY (2) Half-SCRAM ONLY C. (1) A1, A2 AND A3 (2) Full SCRAM D. (1) A1, A2 AND A3 (2) Half-SCRAM ONLY 34

ILT 2104 Written Exam

35. Unit 2 is in MODE 2 with the following conditions:

All IRMs are on Range 4 During Control Rod withdrawal the following IRM indications are noted:

IRM E - 108/125 IRM F - 118/125 IRM H - 117/125 Given the conditions above, which ONE of the following describes the response of RPS and/or the Reactor Manual Control System (RMCS) to these conditions?

A. Full SCRAM B. Rod Block ONLY C. RPS A Rod Block and Half SCRAM D. RPS B Rod Block and Half SCRAM 35

ILT 2104 Written Exam

36. Unit 2 is operating at 100% RTP under NORMAL conditions.

Which ONE of the following completes the statement below?

Given the conditions above, Suppression Pool Water Level shall be greater than or equal to in accordance with Technical Specification (Tech Spec), Suppression Pool Water Level.

A. (-) 5.50 inches B. (-) 6.00 inches C. (-) 6.25 inches D. (-) 7.25 inches 36

ILT 2104 Written Exam

37. Unit 1 is operating at 100% RTP with the following conditions:

APRM HIGH/INOP OR OPRM TRIP (1-9-5A, Window 25) alarms The Operator responds to find APRM 3 as indicated:

In accordance with 1-OI-92B, Average Power Range Monitoring, which ONE of the following completes the statement below?

Given the conditions above, a trip output is sent to (1) of the Voter Logic Modules and APRM 3 (2) be bypassed.

A. (1) ALL (2) can B. (1) ALL (2) can NOT C. (1) ONLY 1 (2) can D. (1) ONLY 1 (2) can NOT 37

ILT 2104 Written Exam

38. Which ONE of the following completes the statement below?

During accident conditions, 2-FSV-43-40, PASS SAMPLE RETURN INBOARD ISOLATION VALVE can be operated from the Main Control Room Panel 2 (1) and (2) isolate on a PCIS Group 6 Isolation.

Note: PCIS - Primary Containment Isolation System A. (1) 5 (2) will B. (1) 5 (2) will NOT C. (1) 54 (2) will D. (1) 54 (2) will NOT 38

ILT 2104 Written Exam

39. Unit 1 is operating at 100% RTP when a LOCA occurs in the Drywell, with the following conditions:

A manual Reactor SCRAM was inserted Primary Containment Isolation System (PCIS) Groups 2, 3, 6, and 8 have successfully isolated Given the conditions above, which ONE of the following completes the statements below?

The Reactor Water Cleanup (RWCU) System isolated on (1) .

As a result of the RWCU Group Isolation signal, 1-FCV-69-12, RWCU RETURN ISOLATION VALVE (2) automatically close.

A. (1) 2.45 psig Drywell Pressure (2) will B. (1) 2.45 psig Drywell Pressure (2) will NOT C. (1) (+) 2 inches Reactor Water Level (2) will D. (1) (+) 2 inches Reactor Water Level (2) will NOT 39

ILT 2104 Written Exam

40. Unit 3 is operating at 100% RTP, when a fault occurs on the Unit 3 Main Transformer.

Given the conditions above, which ONE of the following correctly describes the transfer scheme for 4KV Unit Boards 3A and 3B?

A. 4KV Unit Boards 3A AND 3B will remain de-energized until the alternate feeder breakers are MANUALLY closed.

B. 4KV Unit Boards 3A AND 3B will FAST transfer to alternate AND must be MANUALLY transferred to normal after power is restored.

C. 4KV Unit Boards 3A AND 3B will FAST transfer to alternate AND will AUTOMATICALLY transfer back to normal after power is restored.

D. 4KV Unit Boards 3A AND 3B will SLOW transfer to alternate AND must be MANUALLY transferred to normal after power is restored.


ILT 2104 Written Exam

41. Which ONE of the following completes the statements below in accordance with 1-EOI Appendix-1D, Insert Control Rods Using Reactor Manual Control System?

Rod Worth Minimizer (RWM) (1) required to be bypassed.

IF the Reactor SCRAM or ARI CANNOT be reset, THEN 1-SHV-085-586, CHARGING WATER ISOLATION VALVE is required to be (2) to manually drive Control Rods.

A. (1) is (2) CLOSED B. (1) is (2) OPEN C. (1) is NOT (2) CLOSED D. (1) is NOT (2) OPEN 41

ILT 2104 Written Exam

42. In accordance with 0-OI-48, Integrated Computer System (ICS), which ONE of the following completes the statement below?

The Safety Parameter Display System (SPDS) component of ICS (1) qualified as independent, decision-making instrumentation for operating the plant and will display parameters in (2) when the input data is BAD.

A. (1) is (2) yellow B. (1) is (2) blue C. (1) is NOT (2) yellow D. (1) is NOT (2) blue 42

ILT 2104 Written Exam

43. Unit 3 is operating at 100% RTP with the following conditions:

RECIRC DRIVE 3A DRIVE ALARM (3-9-4A, Window 32) alarms Given the conditions above, which ONE of the following completes the statements below in accordance with 3-OI-68, Reactor Recirculation System?

If the alarm is due to a power cell experiencing a Direct Current (DC) bus undervoltage, the Variable Frequency Drives (VFD) affected cell (1) bypass.

Once the respective cell is bypassed, the affected Recirc Pump will experience a speed drop of approximately (2) .

A. (1) will automatically (2) 200 rpm B. (1) will automatically (2) 345 rpm C. (1) requires a manual (2) 200 rpm D. (1) requires a manual (2) 345 rpm 43

ILT 2104 Written Exam

44. Currently, Unit 2 is operating at 25% RTP when the following conditions occur:

REACTOR FEEDWATER CONTROL SYSTEM TROUBLE (2-9-6C, Window 28) alarms REACTOR WATER LEVEL ABNORMAL (2-9-5A, Window 8) alarms Reactor Feedwater Pump (RFPT) speeds are rising Reactor Water Level is rising at a rate of 3 inches per minute NO Operator actions have been taken Which ONE of the following completes the statements below?

Given the conditions above, 4 minutes later, the Main Turbine (1) automatically tripped.

The Reactor Water Level Instruments that cause the Main Turbine Trip are 2-LI (2) .

Note: 2-LI-3-203A-D, REACTOR WATER LEVEL NORMAL RANGE 2-LI-3-208A-D, REACTOR WATER LEVEL NARROW RANGE A. (1) has (2) 203A-D B. (1) has (2) 208A-D C. (1) has NOT (2) 203A-D D. (1) has NOT (2) 208A-D 44

ILT 2104 Written Exam

45. With respect to the MAXIMUM SAFE radiation value for Traversing Incore Probe (TIP),

which ONE of the following completes the statements below?

If the MAXIMUM SAFE value for 2-RI-90-22A, TIP ROOM EL 565 RX BLDG is reached during TIP operation with the probes outside their shields, then automatic withdrawal to the in-shield position (1) occur.

A Group 8 Isolation (2) directly caused by the TIP Room MAXIMUM SAFE Value.

A. (1) will (2) is B. (1) will (2) is NOT C. (1) will NOT (2) is D. (1) will NOT (2) is NOT 45

ILT 2104 Written Exam

46. Unit 1 is operating at 100% RTP with the following conditions:

ROD BLOCK MONITOR HIGH/INOP (1-9-5A, Window 24) alarms In accordance with 1-OI-92C, Rod Block Monitor, which ONE of the following completes the statement below?

The Rod Block Monitor (RBM) HIGH setpoint is (1) .

If the Panel 1-9-14 RBM Chassis Mode Switch is NOT in OPERATE, a Control Rod Block (2) occur.

A. (1) 109.2%

(2) will NOT B. (1) 109.2%

(2) will C. (1) 119%

(2) will NOT D. (1) 119%

(2) will 46

ILT 2104 Written Exam

47. Unit 2 was operating at 100% RTP when a LOCA occurred.

Subsequently, All Drywell Sprays have failed 2-FCV-64-222, HARDENED CONTAINMENT VENT OUTBOARD VALVE, failed in the CLOSED position The preferred vent path is NOT available.

Which ONE of the following completes the statement below?

In accordance with 2-EOI Appendix-13, Emergency Venting Primary Containment, the containment vent path will be from the (1) and Reactor Building ventilation ductwork failure (2) expected.

A. (1) Drywell (2) is B. (1) Drywell (2) is NOT C. (1) Suppression Chamber (2) is D. (1) Suppression Chamber (2) is NOT 47

ILT 2104 Written Exam

48. The following conditions exist on Unit 3:

3-HS-99-5A-S1, REACTOR MODE SWITCH is in REFUEL ALL Control Rods are inserted The Refueling Bridge Operator grappled a fuel bundle and raised the grapple The fuel bundle was then moved towards the Reactor Core In accordance with 0-GOI-100-3A, Refueling Operations (In-Vessel Operations), which ONE of the following completes the statement below?

Given the conditions above, as the Refueling Bridge moves towards the Reactor Core, it (1) the Core AND a Control Rod Block (2) occur.

A. (1) continues over (2) will B. (1) continues over (2) will NOT C. (1) stops before it reaches (2) will D. (1) stops before it reaches (2) will NOT 48

ILT 2104 Written Exam

49. In accordance with 0-OI-57D, DC Electrical System, which ONE of the following completes the statements below concerning the 2B 250V Battery Charger?

The 2B 250V Battery Charger (1) be aligned to supply Battery Board 5.

There is a/an (2) interlock that prevents the 2B 250V Battery Charger from supplying more than one Battery Board at a time.

A. (1) can (2) electrical B. (1) can (2) mechanical C. (1) can NOT (2) electrical D. (1) can NOT (2) mechanical 49

ILT 2104 Written Exam

50. Unit 1 is operating at 100% RTP with the following conditions:

MAIN TURBINE VIBRATION HIGH (1-9-7B, Window 32) alarms The Balance of Plant Operator (BOP) observes vibration on Journal Bearing # 4 reading 8 mils and Journal Bearing # 5 at 7.5 mils BOTH Journal Bearing vibration levels are rising at a rate of 2 mils per minute Which ONE of the following completes the statement below?

Given the conditions above, the EARLIEST time the Main Turbine MUST be tripped is

__________ in accordance with the associated ARP.

A. immediately B. in 2 minutes C. in 4 minutes D. in 15 minutes 50

ILT 2104 Written Exam

51. Unit 1 is operating at 100% RTP with the following conditions:

BATTERY BOARD 1 BREAKER TRIPOUT OR GROUND (1-9-8C, Window 7) alarms 250V REACTOR MOV BOARD 1A UNDERVOLTAGE (1-9-8C, Window 4) alarms Battery Board 1, 250V RMOV Board 1A Normal Feeder Breaker tripped NO Operator actions have been taken Which ONE of the following completes the statement below in accordance with 1-AOI-57-11, Loss of Power to an ECCS ATU Panel / ECCS Inverter?

Given the conditions above, 250V DC RMOV Board 1A provides (1) to the respective ECCS Analog Trip Unit (ATU) AND (2) ECCS ATU is de-energized.

A. (1) ONLY one power source (2) Division I, Panel 1-9-81 B. (1) ONLY one power source (2) Division II, Panel 1-9-82 C. (1) BOTH the normal AND redundant power sources (2) Division I, Panel 1-9-81 D. (1) BOTH the normal AND redundant power sources (2) Division II, Panel 1-9-82 51

ILT 2104 Written Exam

52. Unit 2 is operating at 100% RTP when a Control Air leak develops, resulting in header pressure lowering to 25 psig.

Given the condition above, which ONE of the following completes the statements below?

The (1) Main Steam Isolation Valves (MSIVs) are CLOSED.

In accordance with 2-AOI-32-2, Loss of Control Air, (2) is aligned to re-open the MSIVs.

A. (1) outboard (2) Drywell Control Air B. (1) outboard (2) Containment Atmosphere Dilution (CAD)

C. (1) inboard (2) Drywell Control Air D. (1) inboard (2) Containment Atmosphere Dilution (CAD) 52

ILT 2104 Written Exam

53. Unit 2 is in MODE 4 when the RHR Pump in service for Shutdown Cooling trips.

Subsequently, Shutdown Cooling flow is being restored to remove decay heat.

Which ONE of the following completes the statement below?

Given the conditions above, the MINIMUM required RHR Shutdown Cooling pump flowrate is __________ in accordance with 2-AOI-74-1, Loss of Shutdown Cooling.

A. 1500 gpm B. 3500 gpm C. 6250 gpm D. 7000 gpm 53

ILT 2104 Written Exam

54. Which ONE of the following completes the statement below?

When Drywell Temperature reaches (1) entry into EOI-2, Primary Containment Control is required.

In accordance with EOI-2, the Reactor is required to be SCRAMMED in preparation for spraying the Drywell before Drywell Temperature rises to (2) .

A. (1) 150 ºF (2) 200 ºF B. (1) 150 ºF (2) 280 ºF C. (1) 160 ºF (2) 200 ºF D. (1) 160 ºF (2) 280 ºF 54

ILT 2104 Written Exam

55. In accordance with the EOI Appendices, which ONE of the following completes the statements below with respect to restoring Secondary Containment VENTILATION?

High Radiation Isolation signals (1) be bypassed.

Upon entering EOI-3, Secondary Containment Control, the respective ventilation isolations are bypassed to restore (2) .

A. (1) can NOT (2) Reactor Zone Ventilation ONLY B. (1) can NOT (2) Reactor Zone Ventilation AND Refuel Zone Ventilation C. (1) can (2) Reactor Zone Ventilation ONLY D. (1) can (2) Reactor Zone Ventilation AND Refuel Zone Ventilation 55

ILT 2104 Written Exam

56. Unit 1 is being shut down for an outage with the following conditions:

1-HS-99-5A-S1, REACTOR MODE SWITCH is in SHUTDOWN Reactor Vessel Head Closure Bolts are still fully tensioned Residual Heat Removal (RHR) Loop I is in Shutdown Cooling Subsequently, a complete Loss of Shutdown Cooling occurs resulting in the following:

Reactor Coolant TIME Temperature (°F) 0800 110 °F 0802 114 °F 0804 118 °F Given the conditions above, which ONE of the following completes the statements below?

The current Heatup Rate (1) within the limit specified in Tech Spec 3.4.9, RCS Pressure and Temperature Limits?

Given that all other associated MODE requirements remain unchanged and based upon the constant trend (2) is the EARLIEST time that Unit 1 will enter MODE 3 due to the rising Reactor Coolant Temperature.

A. (1) is (2) 0852 B. (1) is (2) 0845 C. (1) is NOT (2) 0852 D. (1) is NOT (2) 0845 56

ILT 2104 Written Exam

57. Unit 2 has experienced a loss of 250 VDC RMOV BOARD 2B.

Which ONE of the following statements below describes the effect on the RCIC system?

A. ONLY the RCIC Flow Controller would fail downscale.

B. RCIC will NOT automatically INITIATE upon a valid signal.

C. RCIC will NOT automatically ISOLATE upon a valid signal.

D. RCIC will initiate upon a valid signal and ONLY trip on High Reactor Water Level.


ILT 2104 Written Exam

58. In accordance with 1-OI-1, Main Steam System, which ONE of the following completes the statement below?

Main Steam Tunnel Temperature should NOT be allowed to exceed a MAXIMUM of (1) , (2) .

A. (1) 170 °F (2) to prevent MSIV isolation B. (1) 170 °F (2) due to environmental qualification requirements C. (1) 189 °F (2) to prevent MSIV isolation D. (1) 189 °F (2) due to environmental qualification requirements 58

ILT 2104 Written Exam

59. All three Units are operating at 100% RTP with the following conditions:

240V Lighting Board 2A is tagged out of service for scheduled work Electrical fault causes 240V Lighting Board 3B to de-energize Given the conditions above, which ONE of the following completes the statement below?

The Plant Preferred Motor Generator will start (1) and energize (2) .

A. (1) immediately (2) ONLY Battery Board 2 Panel 14 B. (1) immediately (2) Panel 9-9 Cabinet 4 on ALL three Units C. (1) after a 6-second time delay (2) ONLY Battery Board 2 Panel 14 D. (1) after a 6-second time delay (2) Panel 9-9 Cabinet 4 on ALL three Units 59

ILT 2104 Written Exam

60. Unit 1 is operating at 100% RTP when a Control Air leak develops, resulting in the following conditions:

CONTROL AIR DRYER DISCHARGE PRESSURE LOW (1-9-20, Window 32) alarms SERVICE AIR CROSSTIE VALVE OPEN (1-9-20, Window 30) alarms Control Air Pressure is currently 69 psig and slowly lowering Given the conditions above, which ONE of the following completes the statement below?

0-FCV-33-1, SERVICE AIR CROSSTIE VALVE opened at (1) Control Air Pressure and a manual Reactor SCRAM (2) CURRENTLY required in accordance with 0-AOI-32-1, Loss of Control and Service Air Compressors.

A. (1) 70 psig (2) is B. (1) 70 psig (2) is NOT C. (1) 85 psig (2) is D. (1) 85 psig (2) is NOT 60

ILT 2104 Written Exam

61. In accordance with 2-OI-27, Condenser Circulating Water (CCW) System, which ONE of the following completes the statements below?

CCW Pump Discharge Valves (1) OPEN when its respective CCW Pump is started.

If a CCW Pump is stopped or tripped when other CCW Pumps remain running, the associated CCW Pump Discharge Valves (2) CLOSE.

A. (1) automatically (2) automatically B. (1) automatically (2) must be manually taken to C. (1) must be manually taken to (2) automatically D. (1) must be manually taken to (2) must be manually taken to 61

ILT 2104 Written Exam

62. A Reactor Startup is in progress on Unit 2 with Control Rod 30-31 selected.

In accordance with 2-OI-85, Control Rod Drive System, which ONE of the following completes the statements below?

A white light on (1) indicates that Control Rod 30-31 is selected.

If required, to de-select Control Rod 30-31, the OATC will (2) .

A. (1) the Control Rod Select Matrix ONLY (2) depress 2-XS-85-40, Control Rod 30-31 Select Switch B. (1) the Control Rod Select Matrix ONLY (2) cycle 2-HS-85-46, CRD Power Switch OFF and then ON C. (1) the Control Rod Select Matrix AND the Full Core Display (2) depress 2-XS-85-40, Control Rod 30-31 Select Switch D. (1) the Control Rod Select Matrix AND the Full Core Display (2) cycle 2-HS-85-46, CRD Power Switch OFF and then ON 62

ILT 2104 Written Exam

63. An event occurred, resulting in 0-RM-90-259A, CONTROL ROOM VENTILATION RADIATION MONITOR, failing UPSCALE and 0-RM-90-259B reading 120 counts per minute.

Which ONE of the following predicts how the Main Control Room ventilation systems will respond?

Note: Control Room Emergency Ventilation System (CREV)

A. NO Control Room Ventilation isolation; NEITHER CREV fan auto starts.

B. ALL three Units Control Room Ventilation Systems isolate and BOTH CREV fans auto start.

C. ALL three Units Control Room Ventilation Systems isolate and ONLY the selected CREV fan auto starts.

D. ONLY Unit 1 and 2 Control Room Ventilation Systems isolate and ONLY the selected CREV fan auto starts.


ILT 2104 Written Exam

64. In accordance with Reactor Pressure Safety Limits, which ONE of the following completes the statements below?

The Reactor Steam Dome Pressure Safety Limit is (1) .

If violated, the REQUIRED ACTION is to restore Reactor Steam Dome Pressure Safety Limit compliance and insert ALL insertable Control Rods within (2) .

A. (1) 1325 psig (2) 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> B. (1) 1325 psig (2) 10 hours1.157407e-4 days <br />0.00278 hours <br />1.653439e-5 weeks <br />3.805e-6 months <br /> C. (1) 1375 psig (2) 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> D. (1) 1375 psig (2) 10 hours1.157407e-4 days <br />0.00278 hours <br />1.653439e-5 weeks <br />3.805e-6 months <br /> 64

ILT 2104 Written Exam

65. With respect to the Unit 3 Reactor Feedwater Control System (RFWCS), which ONE of the following completes the statements below.

The normal power supply to the RFWCS Panel Display Station (PDS) on Panel 3-9-5 is (1) . If the normal power supply is lost to the PDS, RFWCS (2) .

A. (1) Unit Preferred (2) CONTINUES control at the last known Reactor Water Level setpoint B. (1) Unit Preferred (2) MUST be transferred to manual C. (1) Plant Preferred (2) CONTINUES control at the last known Reactor Water Level setpoint D. (1) Plant Preferred (2) MUST be transferred to manual 65

ILT 2104 Written Exam

66. In accordance with BFN-ODM-4.5, Operator Aids and Operator Information Systems, which ONE of the following completes the statement below regarding system status?

During a Main Control Room panel walk down, the Operator determines that a system is aligned correctly when the NORMALLY RUNNING pumps have a (1) red lens cover and the NORMALLY CLOSED valves have a (2) red lens cover.

A. (1) clear (2) diffused B. (1) clear (2) clear C. (1) diffused (2) diffused D. (1) diffused (2) clear 66

ILT 2104 Written Exam

67. Which ONE of the following sets of conditions satisfies the Tech Spec definition of MODE 2?

A. A Reactor SCRAM has just occurred. The MODE SWITCH is in SHUTDOWN.

Moderator Temperature is 480º F. The MSlVs are closed.

B. The Reactor is shutdown. The MODE SWITCH is in START&HOT STBY.

Moderator Temperature is 180º F. All Control Rods are fully inserted.

C. Preparations are in progress for a Reactor Startup. The MODE SWITCH is in SHUTDOWN. Moderator Temperature is 135º F. All Control Rods are fully inserted.

D. The Reactor is shutdown. The MODE SWITCH is in REFUEL. Moderator Temperature is 140º F. All Reactor Vessel Head Closure Bolts are NOT fully tensioned.


ILT 2104 Written Exam

68. Given the following drawing excerpt of Unit 2 RCIC Initiation Logic, which ONE of the following completes the statements below in accordance with 2-45E626-1, Wiring Diagram, RCIC System Schematic Diagram?

The four primary contacts in the Reactor Vessel Low Water Level portion of the circuit are actuated directly by (1) System Relays.

On a RCIC automatic initiation signal, if relay 13A-K3 fails to energize, the RCIC AUTO-INITIATE light, shown here, (2) .


A. (1) RHR (2) will illuminate B. (1) RHR (2) will NOT be illuminated C. (1) RCIC (2) will illuminate D. (1) RCIC (2) will NOT be illuminated 68

ILT 2104 Written Exam

69. Which ONE of the following meets the requirements to be considered an "Infrequently Performed Test or Evolution" (IPTE) per NPG-SPP-10.6, Infrequently Performed Test or Evolution?

A. 1-SR-, HPCI Comprehensive Pump Test B. 2-SR- I), Quarterly RHR System Rated Flow Test Loop I C. 0-SR-, Diesel Generator A Emergency Unit 1 Load Acceptance Test D. 0-GOI-300-4, Switchyard Manual, Switching Order to remove the West Point 500KV line 69

ILT 2104 Written Exam

70. With respect to Area Radiation Monitors (ARMs), which ONE of the following completes the statements below?

ARMs are individual detectors that provide indications and alarms in the Main Control Room (MCR) with an amber HIGH light that will FIRST illuminate when the MAXIMUM (1) radiation value has been reached.

(2) of the ARMs on MCR Panel 9-11 REQUIRE EOI entry.

A. (1) SAFE (2) All B. (1) SAFE (2) NOT all C. (1) NORMAL (2) All D. (1) NORMAL (2) NOT all 70

ILT 2104 Written Exam

71. Which ONE of the following completes the statement below during an emergency?

In accordance with EPIP-15, Emergency Exposure, Site Emergency Director (SED) must approve a worker exceeding an exposure GREATER than Total Effective Dose Equivalent (TEDE) to save a life or avoid extensive exposure to large populations.

A. 2 rem B. 5 rem C. 10 rem D. 25 rem 71

ILT 2104 Written Exam

72. Determine which ONE of the following indications would be observed for an Area Radiation Monitor (ARM) when the detector is SATURATED in a radiation field.

A. The indicator remains upscale BUT all trips drop out.

B. The indicator drops downscale AND the trips drop out except for the downscale trip.

C. The indicator remains upscale AND the upscale trip remains in due to the pegging circuit.

D. The indicator drops downscale BUT the upscale trip remains in due to the pegging circuit.


ILT 2104 Written Exam

73. A fire has been reported in the Unit 1 Reactor Building and 0-AOI-26-1, Fire Response, has been entered.

Which ONE of the following completes the statements below?

In accordance with the AOI, the AUOs will INITIALLY report to (1) .

If a Standby Gas Train is operated to remove smoke, that train (2) .

A. (1) their assigned Control Room (2) remains OPERABLE B. (1) their assigned Control Room (2) will be considered INOPERABLE C. (1) the Incident Commander for damper realignment (2) remains OPERABLE D. (1) the Incident Commander for damper realignment (2) will be considered INOPERABLE 73

ILT 2104 Written Exam

74. An electrical fire is reported in A Diesel Generator room.

Which ONE of the following completes the statement below in accordance with the Fire Protection Requirements Manual?

The installed fire suppression system that is effective for this classification of fire and available in this room is __________.

A. Halon agent - Manual initiation ONLY B. Carbon Dioxide agent - Manual initiation ONLY C. Halon agent - Manual OR Automatic initiation D. Carbon Dioxide agent - Manual OR Automatic initiation 74

ILT 2104 Written Exam

75. Unit 2 is operating at 100% RTP with the following conditions:

BATTERY BOARD 2 Volts (2-EI-57-37) indicates 245V DC BATTERY BOARD 2 Amps (2-EI-57-38) indicates

(+) 120 amps Which ONE of the following completes the statements below?

Battery #2 is currently (1) .

Battery Board 2 Voltage (2) within the MINIMUM OPERATING voltage requirement specified in 0-OI-57D, DC Electrical System.

A. (1) discharging (2) is B. (1) discharging (2) is NOT C. (1) being charged (2) is D. (1) being charged (2) is NOT 75

BFN ILT 2104 RO References REFERENCE PROVIDED to candidate

3. Panel 1-9-5, 1-LI-63-1A, SLC Storage Tank Level and 1-PI-63-7A, SLC Pump Discharge Pressure and 1-HS-63-6A, SLC Pump 1A/1B Pump/light indications and 1-ZI-63-8A/B, SLC Valve A/B Continuity lights and 1-IL-63-11, SLC Flow light indication. SLC SQUIB VALVE CONTINUITY LOST, (1-9-5B, WINDOW 20)


21. 2-EOI-2, Curve 3 - Heat Capacity Temperature Limit
23. 2-LI-3-52 & 62 CORRECTION CURVES, PIP 95-64 (without legend)


25. CONDENSER A, B, OR C VACUUM LOW (2-9-7B, Window 17)
34. REACTOR PROT 120V PWR SYS ABNORMAL (2-9-5B, Window 10)
37. APRM HIGH/INOP OR OPRM TRIP (1-9-5A, Window 25), APRM 3 drawer screen indication for INOP STATUS
43. RECIRC DRIVE 3A DRIVE ALARM (3-ARP-9-4A, Window 32)


46. ROD BLOCK MONITOR HIGH/INOP (1-9-5A, Window 24)


56. Reactor Coolant Temperature and Time Table
68. Excerpt from RCIC Drawing, 2-45E626-1, Panel 2-9-3 with 2-IL-71-52, RCIC Auto-Initiation light
75. Panel 2-9-8, BATTERY BOARD 2 Volts (2-EI-57-37) and Amps (2-EI-57-38)


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