ML17212B149 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Browns Ferry |
Issue date: | 07/31/2017 |
From: | Tennessee Valley Authority |
To: | |
References | |
ER 2017301 | |
Download: ML17212B149 (384) | |
Determine Fuel Handling fuel storage compliance -
SRO JPM NUMBER: 677 REVISION: 1 TASK APPLICABILITY: SRO STA UO NAUO TASK NUMBER / TASK TITLE(S): S-000-NO-105; Receipt of New Fuel K/A RATINGS: RO 2.2 SRO 3.9 K/A STATEMENT: 2.1.35;Knowledge of the fuel-handling responsibilities of SROs.
RELATED PRA INFORMATION: N/A SAFETY FUNCTION: Admin - Conduct of Operations EVALUATION LOCATION: In-Plant Simulator Control Room Lab Other - List Classroom APPLICABLE METHOD OF TESTING: Discussion Simulate/Walkthrough Perform TIME FOR COMPLETION: N/A TIME CRITICAL (Y/N) N ALTERNATE PATH (Y/N) N Developed by:
Developer Date (Ensure validator is briefed on exam security per NPG-SPP-17.8.1)
(See JPM Validation Checklist in NPG-SPP-17.8.2)
Validated by:
Validator Date Approved by:
Site Training Management Date Approved by:
Site Training Program Owner Date 1
OPERATOR: ________________________________ JPM Number 677.
SRO DATE: _______
TASK STANDARD: Using 0-GOI-100-2 and a set of conditions for new fuel stored on the refueling floor, determines all deficiencies.
Additional comment sheets attached? YES ___ NO ___
RESULTS: SATISFACTORY ____ UNSATISFACTORY ____ (Retain entire JPM for records)
SIGNATURE: ___________________________ DATE: __________
Classroom INITIAL CONDITIONS: You are an SRO directing new fuel inspections for Unit 1.
You find the following:
- 1. Two un-irradiated nuclear fuel bundles are in the fuel inspection stand.
- 2. Three un-irradiated nuclear fuel bundles are in the new fuel storage vault.
- 3. Four full Inner Shipping Containers (ISCs) are stacked two feet of the Equipment Hatch.
- 4. Two full Inner Shipping Containers (ISCs) are lying side by side between the Unit 1 and Unit 2 Spent Fuel Pools.
List all deficiencies, if any, with respect to Fuel Handling Procedures for un-irradiated fuel being unloaded on the refuel floor.
Job Performance Measure (JPM) 5
Job Performance Measure (JPM) 6
UNSAT Step 1: Using GOI-100-2 and/or NPG-SPP-8.1 the applicant assesses the two
___SAT un-irradiated nuclear fuel bundles that are in the fuel handling area.
___UNSAT Standard: Determines that it is acceptable to have two un-irradiated nuclear fuel bundles in the fuel handling area.
___N/A Step 2: Using GOI-100-2 and/or NPG-SPP-8.1 the applicant assesses the Critical Step three un-irradiated nuclear fuel bundles are in the new fuel storage vault.
___SAT Standard: Determines that it is NOT acceptable to have three un-irradiated
___UNSAT nuclear fuel bundles in the new fuel storage vault. Reference 0-GOI-100-2 Step 3.7 H or 3.7.D.1
___N/A Step 3: Using GOI-100-2 and/or NPG-SPP-8.1 the applicant assesses the four Critical Step full Inner Shipping Containers (ISCs) that are stacked within two feet of the Equipment Hatch.
___SAT Standard: Determines that it is NOT acceptable to have Four full Inner
___UNSAT Shipping Containers (ISCs) that are stacked (Critical). And that they are within two feet of the Equipment Hatch (Critical).
___N/A Reference 0-GOI-100-2 Step 3.2 B Step 4: Applicant assesses the two full Inner Shipping Containers (ISCs) that are lying side by side between the Unit 1 and Unit 2 Spent Fuel Pools ___SAT Standard: Determines that it is acceptable to have two full Inner Shipping ___UNSAT Containers (ISCs) lying side by side between the Unit 1 and Unit 2 Spent Fuel Pools. ___N/A STOP TIME END OF TASK 7
Provide to Applicant Classroom INITIAL CONDITIONS: You are an SRO directing new fuel inspections for Unit 1.
You find the following:
- 1. Two un-irradiated nuclear fuel bundles are in the fuel inspection stand.
- 2. Three un-irradiated nuclear fuel bundles are in the new fuel storage vault.
- 3. Four full Inner Shipping Containers (ISCs) are stacked two feet of the Equipment Hatch.
- 4. Two full Inner Shipping Containers (ISCs) are lying side by side between the Unit 1 and Unit 2 Spent Fuel Pools.
List all deficiencies, if any, with respect to Fuel Handling Procedures for un-irradiated fuel being unloaded on the refuel floor.
1 JobPerformanceMeasure(JPM)
SiE: BFN JPMTILE: MinimumStangSMpersonaIemergency, immediately eavessite JPMNUMBER: 694 REVISION: 1 ASKAPPLICABILY: SRO SA iuo iNAUO TASKNUMBER/TASKTiTLE(S): SOOOAD89;ObserveConductofOperations Gui deIines K/ARAINGS: RO2,9SRO3.9 KIASAEMENT: 2,1.5:Abiiit ytouseproceduesrelatedtoshiftstang,SuChas min ImumCreWCOm Plement,OVertimeIimitations,etC.
Deve/oper Date (EnsuevaIidatoisbiefedonexamsecurityperNPGSPP17.8.1)
Vadator Date Approvedby: Sife77ahhgManagement Date Approvedby: Site77ahingftogramOwner Date
I JobPeormanceMeasure(JPM)
ASK STANDARD: Using the ShMaming Sheet provided and the experience levels of the availabIe SROs, determines the temporary SM (T.R, Jones) and Caiis out a replacement SM. Aiso determjnes that (BebeS pRA: NA g;R,O Jn+soced nd.
Additionai comment sheets attached? YES NO RESULS: SAISFACTORY UNSATISFACORY (Retain entie JPM for records)
1 JobPerformanceMeasure(JPM C lassroom 1NiIAL CONDITONS:
A= three Units are operating at lOO% power it s Saturday Daysh The Crew has been on watch for the past 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br />.
You are the Shift Manager (SM) and a pesonai emegency requires you to immediateiy Ieave the site, Review the attached weekIy scheduie and determine what actions are required to compIy With both Tech Spec and Administrative Shift Manning Requirements?
I JobPerformanceMeasure(JPM)
UO MoOn,S.A, SM Hi= SRO, Quaed SM 10 years experience UI US JonesSRO15yearsexperience U2 US RodgersSRO1 yearexperience U3 US Speckman SRO 10 years experience WCC Hardin SRO 20 years experien, medicaI restriction (Can t>20 ibs)
OS/iC HoIder SRO 7 years experience
I JobPerformanceMeasure(JPM KY In aOrdance with OPDP1 page 8 of 77.
The SM becomes incapacitated, Or he SM is othervise unabie to perfom SM duties.
Then the foIIowing order of succession app=es:
- 1. AnotherSRO on shwho is SM quaIified.
- 2. Any SMquaiified person with an active SRO license who is immediately availabie such as in training, 0 On Site fo another reason.
- 3. Most senior person on shwith active SRO license.
Move T,R, Jones to ShManager e3igcScicC In accordance wTech Specs 5.2.2 Unit Sta Peform a Shift Manager caIi out and get a Quaed SM in the next 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />" pO cee Ceveded AoIAo/0ey
- e 5
1 JobPerformanceMeasure(JPM SART TIME STEP/S TANDARD:: SAT/ UNSAT ReferencesOPDP1ConductofOperatiensforguidance" SA Standard: DeterminesthatwiththeSMpositionvacantthatthemostsenior UNSA PerSOnOnShwithanactiveSROlicensewi=beselectedasa NIA temporaryrepIacement.
ReferencesOPDP1ConductofOperationsforguidance, CiticaIStep SAT Standard: DeterminesthatT,R.JonesisseiectedtotheShManager s UNSA NIA POSitiontemporarily.
L3:RedistributestheshifttotheUSposition, . SAT UNSA NIA Standard: MovesBobHolderfromIncidentCommandertoUnitlUnit Supervisor.(cCc p)
Dee 4IthencidentCommanderpositlOnA^OT " CriticaiStep SAT UNSAT NIA Standad:e§laIeOFBeseIneideeeadeFPeS. T
l JobPerformanceMeasure(JPM STEP/S ANDARD ; SAT/
!, CompiieswithT ChSpecs5.2.2UnitStaff CriticalStep SA Shcewcomp Sitionmaybelessthantheminimumrequirementof 10CFR50.54(nl)(2)(i)andSpecifications5"2.2aand5.2"2"fforaperiod Oftimenottoex ed2hoursinordertoaccommodateunexpected absenceofond utyshcrewmembersprovidedimmediateactionis UNSAT takentorestoe theshiftcrewcompositiontowithintheminimum arepIacementShManagertobeedwithin2hours requlrementS, Standard.Ca=soutfor NIA
I JobPerformanceMeasue(JPM Provide to Applicant CIassroom NIiACONDiTIONS:
A= three Unitsare operating at lOO% power
. 1t s Saturday Dayshift he Cew has been on watch for the past 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br />, iNITiATING CUES:
You are the ShManager (SM) and a personai emergency requlreS yOu tO immediateiy ieave the site.
Review the attached weekly scheduIe and detemine what actions are required to compiy wiboth Tech Spec and Administrative Shift Maming Requirements?
Student s Name: Date AnsweHere:
UO ew,C.E. $1NCiDENTCOMMANDERQUALiFiED UO & Becker,T.E. (1)PERFORMNOSOLOLICENSEDUTiES UO & Best,D,. $ (2)NOTFiREWATCHQUALiFIED UO & Logins,K,C, UO Morton,S.A, SM Hi=SRO,QuaedSM10ye XPerience nCe UlUS JonesSRO15yearsexperience U2US RodgersSRO1yearexpenence U3US SpeckmanSRO10yearsexperie WCC HardinSRO20yearsexperience,medicairestriction(Can t>20ibs)
OS/ICHoiderSRO7yeaSeXPerIenCe 9
SITE: BFN JPM TITLE: Maintenance activities effects on the status of LCOs.
Inoperable Equipment K/A RATINGS: RO 3.1 SRO 4.2 2.2.36: Ability to analyze the effects of maintenance activities, such K/A STATEMENT: as degraded power sources, on the status of limiting conditions for operations.
RELATED PRA INFORMATION: N/A SAFETY FUNCTION: Admin - Equipment Control EVALUATION LOCATION: In-Plant Simulator Control Room Lab Other - List Classroom APPLICABLE METHOD OF TESTING: Discussion Simulate/Walkthrough Perform TIME FOR COMPLETION: N/A TIME CRITICAL (Y/N) N ALTERNATE PATH (Y/N) N Developed by:
Developer Date (Ensure validator is briefed on exam security per NPG-SPP-17.8.1)
(See JPM Validation Checklist in NPG-SPP-17.8.2)
Validated by:
Validator Date Approved by:
Site Training Management Date Approved by:
Site Training Program Owner Date 1
OPERATOR: ________________________________ JPM Number 686 .
SRO DATE: _______
TASK STANDARD: Using Technical Specifications determines the effect of reported battery cell parameters.
Additional comment sheets attached? YES ___ NO ___
RESULTS: SATISFACTORY ____ UNSATISFACTORY ____ (Retain entire JPM for records)
SIGNATURE: ___________________________ DATE: __________
All three Units are operating at 100% power with no equipment out of service.
Electrical Maintenance has completed 3-SR-, Weekly Check for Diesel Generator 3A, 3B, 3C and 3D Batteries, for the 3B Diesel Generator Battery and reports:
- Battery terminal voltage was 134 Vdc
- Pilot Cell (cell 50) parameters are as follows:
- As-found electrolyte level at maximum level indication mark
- As-Found Voltage 2.05Vdc
- Electrolyte temperature 65°F
- As-Found Specific Gravity 1.220 INITIATING CUES:
You are the Unit 3 Unit Supervisor.
Review the information provided and list ALL Tech Spec Required Actions, if any.
KEY The battery terminal voltage is acceptable (124 Vdc)
Pilot Cell electrolyte level, electrolyte temperature, and Specific Gravity are acceptable.
2.05 Vdc does not satisfy the Battery Cell Parameter Requirements of Tech Spec Table 3.8.6-1 for CATEGORY A, B or C Limits.
Enters Tech Spec 3.8.6 Condition A.
- Required Action A.1 and A.2
- Required Action A.3 is to restore battery cell parameters to Category A and B limits within 31 days.
Enters Tech Spec 3.8.6 Condition B.
- Required Action B.1 is to Declare the associated battery (3B D/G battery) INOP Immediately Enters Tech Spec 3.8.4 Condition C.
- Required Action C.1 Declare associated DG (3B D/G) INOP Immediately Enters Tech Spec 3.8.1 Condition B.
- Required Action B.1 Verify power availability from the offsite transmission network within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> and Once per 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> thereafter
- Required Action B.2 Evaluate availability of both temporary diesel generators within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> and Once per 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> thereafter
- Required Action B.3 Declare required feature(s), supported by the inoperable D/G INOP when redundant required features are INOP within 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> (no redundant equipment is INOP currently) NO action currently required.
- Required Action B.4.1 Determine Operable D/G(s) are not INOP due to common cause failure within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> or Required Action B.4.2 Perform SR for Operable Unit 3 D/G(s) within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />. (Failure of a Quarterly battery SR would not be a common cause issue, performance of SR would not be required.)
- Required Action B.5 Restore Unit 3 D/G to Operable status within 7 days from discovery of unavailability of TDG(s) and 14 days with both TDG(s) available (currently BFN only uses the 14 day allowance for planned D/G outages so this would result in a 7 day LCO).
UNSAT Step 1: References Unit 3 Tech Spec 3.8.4 and/or 3-SR-
___SAT Standard: Determines that the battery terminal voltage is acceptable (124 Vdc)
___N/A Step 2: References Unit 3 Tech Spec 3.8.6, Battery Cell Parameters Standard: Determines that a Cell voltage 2.05 Vdc does not satisfy the Battery Cell Parameter Requirements of Tech Spec Table 3.8.6-1 for Critical Step CATEGORY A, B or C Limits.
___SAT Enters Tech Spec 3.8.6 Condition A.
Required Action A.1 and A.2 are currently not satisfied due the pilot
___UNSAT cell voltage.
___N/A Required Action A.3 Requires restoring battery cell parameters to within Category A and B limits within 31 days.
Enters Tech Spec 3.8.6 Condition B Required Action B.1 requires Declaring the 3B D/G Battery INOP immediately.
Step 3: References Unit 3 Tech Spec 3.8.4, DC Sources - Operating Critical Step Standard: Enters Tech Spec 3.8.4 Condition C ___SAT Required Action C.1 requires Declaring the 3B D/G INOP immediately. ___UNSAT
___N/A 5
UNSAT Step 4: References Unit 3 Tech Spec 3.8.1, AC Sources - Operating Standard: Enters Tech Spec 3.8.1 Condition B.
- Required Action B.1 Verify power availability from the offsite transmission network within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> and Once per 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> thereafter
- Required Action B.2 Evaluate availability of both temporary diesel generators within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> and Once per 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> thereafter (Not Critical)
- Required Action B.3 Declare required feature(s), supported by the Critical Step inoperable D/G INOP when redundant required features are INOP within 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> (no redundant equipment is INOP currently) NO action currently ___SAT required. (Not Critical)
- Required Action B.4.1 Determine Operable D/G(s) are not INOP due to ___UNSAT common cause failure within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> or Required Action B.4.2 Perform SR for Operable Unit 3 D/G(s) within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />. (Failure of the ___N/A Weekly battery SR would not be a common cause issue, performance of SR would not be required.)
- Required Action B.5 Restore Unit 3 D/G to Operable status within 7 days from discovery of unavailability of TDG(s) and 14 days with both TDG(s) available (currently BFN only uses the 14 day allowance for planned D/G outages so this would result in a 7 day LCO).
Provide to Applicant Classroom INITIAL CONDITIONS:
Unit 3 is at 100% power with no equipment out of service.
Electrical Maintenance has completed 3-SR-, Weekly Check for Diesel Generator 3A, 3B, 3C and 3D Batteries, for the 3B Diesel Generator Battery and reports:
- Battery terminal voltage was 134 Vdc
- Pilot Cell (cell 50) parameters are as follows:
- As-found electrolyte level at maximum level indication mark
- As-Found Voltage 2.05Vdc
- Electrolyte temperature 65°F
- As-Found Specific Gravity 1.220 INITIATING CUES:
You are the Unit 3 Unit Supervisor.
Review the information provided and list ALL Tech Spec Required Actions, if any.
SITE: BFN JPM TITLE: Classify the Event, PSP Curve exceeded - 2.1-S JPM NUMBER: 623 TC REVISION: 3 TASK APPLICABILITY: SRO STA UO NAUO S-000-EM-21; Classify and Declare an TASK NUMBER / TASK TITLE(S):
Abnormal/Emergency Event K/A RATINGS: RO 2.9 SRO 4.6 2.4.41; Knowledge of the emergency action level thresholds and K/A STATEMENT:
RELATED PRA INFORMATION: N/A SAFETY FUNCTION: Admin - Emergency Procedures / Plan EVALUATION LOCATION: In-Plant Simulator Control Room Lab Other - List Classroom APPLICABLE METHOD OF TESTING: Discussion Simulate/Walkthrough Perform TIME FOR COMPLETION: N/A TIME CRITICAL (Y/N) Y ALTERNATE PATH (Y/N) N Developed by:
Developer Date (Ensure validator is briefed on exam security per NPG-SPP-17.8.1)
(See JPM Validation Checklist in NPG-SPP-17.8.2)
Validated by:
Validator Date Approved by:
Site Training Management Date Approved by:
Site Training Program Owner Date 1
OPERATOR: ________________________________ JPM Number 623 TC .
SRO DATE: _______
TASK STANDARD: The event is classified as a 2.1-S and the Initial Notification appendix is completed with correct information and within required times.
PRA: NA REFERENCES/PROCEDURES NEEDED: EPIP-4 VALIDATION TIME: 30 Minutes 15 minutes to classify and 15 minutes to complete the initial notification form.
Additional comment sheets attached? YES ___ NO ___
RESULTS: SATISFACTORY ____ UNSATISFACTORY ____ (Retain entire JPM for records)
SIGNATURE: ___________________________ DATE: __________
You are the SHIFT MANAGER.
All three units are at 100% power and severe weather is in the area.
- Tornado strikes switchyard and all three units lose All Off-Site Power
- All Diesel Generators have tied to their respective Shutdown Boards
- Units 1 and 3 are stable with no complications reported
- Unit 2 parameters are as follows:
- Reactor Level (-) 25 inches on Emergency Range
- Reactor Pressure 885 psig and lowering
- DW Pressure 30 psig and rising
- DW Temperature 242° F and slowly rising
- Torus Temperature 180° F
- Torus Pressure 30 psig and rising
- Torus Level 15 feet
- Wind Speed 5 mph from 256° INITIATING CUE:
Identify the HIGHEST REQUIRED emergency classification, and complete the required actions.
Raise your hand immediately once you have classified the event, and the examiner will provide you with the EPIP associated with the classification you have declared.
Complete the Emergency Initial Notification Form and immediately raise your hand again and the examiner will take your form.
This JPM is Time Critical 3
Job Performance Measure (JPM) 4
Key 5
Job Performance Measure (JPM) 6
UNSAT Step 1: Refers to EPIP 1 to classify the event.
Critical Step Standard: Refers to EPIP 1and declares a Site Area Emergency, EAL 2.1-S
___SAT within 15 minutes based on being unable to maintain Suppression Chamber Pressure in the safe area of Curve 2.1-S.
START TIME: ________
Step 2: Implements EPIP-4 SITE AREA EMERGENCY.
Standard: Completes Appendix A of EPIP-4, within 15 minutes and with the following critical items Critical Step
- Item 3 (EAL Designator)
- Item 4 o Airborne Releases Offsite (Minor releases within federally
___UNSAT approved limits) o Liquid Releases Offsite (Minor releases within federally
___N/A approved limits)
- Item 5 (Current time and date)
Job Performance Measure (JPM) 9
Provide to Applicant Classroom INITIAL CONDITIONS:
You are the SHIFT MANAGER.
All three units are at 100% power and severe weather is in the area.
- Tornado strikes switchyard and all three units lose All Off-Site Power
- All Diesel Generators have tied to their respective Shutdown Boards
- Units 1 and 3 are stable with no complications reported
- Unit 2 parameters are as follows:
- Reactor Level (-) 25 inches on Emergency Range
- Reactor Pressure 885 psig and lowering
- DW Pressure 30 psig and rising
- DW Temperature 242° F and slowly rising
- Torus Temperature 180° F
- Torus Pressure 30 psig and rising
- Torus Level 15 feet
- Wind Speed 5 mph from 256° INITIATING CUE:
Identify the HIGHEST REQUIRED emergency classification, and complete the required actions.
Raise your hand immediately once you have classified the event, and the examiner will provide you with the EPIP associated with the classification you have declared.
Complete the Emergency Initial Notification Form and immediately raise your hand again and the examiner will take your form.
This JPM is Time Critical 10
SITE: BFN JPM TITLE: Determine Emergency Radiation Exposure - SRO JPM NUMBER: 688 REVISION: 2 TASK APPLICABILITY: SRO STA UO NAUO S-000-EM-28; Authorize Emergency Radiation TASK NUMBER / TASK TITLE(S):
Exposure Limits K/A RATINGS: RO 3.5 SRO 3.6 2.3.7: Ability to comply with radiation work permit requirements K/A STATEMENT:
during normal or abnormal conditions RELATED PRA INFORMATION: N/A SAFETY FUNCTION: Admin - Radiation Control EVALUATION LOCATION: In-Plant Simulator Control Room Lab Other - List Classroom APPLICABLE METHOD OF TESTING: Discussion Simulate/Walkthrough Perform TIME FOR COMPLETION: N/A TIME CRITICAL (Y/N) N ALTERNATE PATH (Y/N) N Developed by:
Developer Date (Ensure validator is briefed on exam security per NPG-SPP-17.8.1)
(See JPM Validation Checklist in NPG-SPP-17.8.2)
Validated by:
Validator Date Approved by:
Site Training Management Date Approved by:
Site Training Program Owner Date 1
OPERATOR: ________________________________ JPM Number 688 .
SRO DATE: _______
TASK STANDARD: The SRO determines lowest dose received and who must authorize Emergency Radiation Exposure if required.
Additional comment sheets attached? YES ___ NO ___
RESULTS: SATISFACTORY ____ UNSATISFACTORY ____ (Retain entire JPM for records)
SIGNATURE: ___________________________ DATE: __________
Classroom INITIAL CONDITIONS: An emergency declaration has been made by the SM and a Drywell entry is required to perform a lifesaving event.
The dose rate in the Drywell is 18.2 R/hr, and the evolution will take 32 minutes.
The worker making the entry has received 1.25R annual dose to date.
Dose rates for this evolution are not due to airborne activity.
Three different paths to arrive at the work location in the Drywell are detailed below:
Dose Path 1 Dose Path 2 Dose Path 3 Rate Transit time Rate Transit time Rate Transit time From staging area to From staging area to From staging area to point A requires: point E requires: point H requires:
300 300 300 mr/hr mr/hr mr/hr 10 minutes 10 minutes 10 minutes From point A to point B From point E to point F From point H to point requires: requires: I requires:
300 300 150 mr/hr mr/hr mr/hr 3 minutes 3 minutes 5 minutes From point B to point C From point F to point G From point I to the requires: requires: work location 100 150 1.5 requires:
mr/hr mr/hr R/hr 10 minutes 15 minutes 10 minutes From point C to point D From point G to the requires: work location requires:
150 2 R/hr mr/hr 10 minutes 5 minutes From point D to the work location requires:
3 R/hr 7 minutes INITIATING CUES:
Calculate the Round Trip TEDE for each path and determine which path maintains dose ALARA.
If an Emergency Dose is required, determine who needs to authorize the evolution.
KEY Dose Path 1 Dose Path 2 Dose Path 3 Rate Transit time Rate Transit time Rate Transit time From staging area From staging area From staging area to point A to point E to point H 300 mr/hr 300 mr/hr 300 mr/hr 10 minutes 10 minutes 10 minutes 50mr 50mr 50mr From point A to From point E to From point H to point B point F point I 300 mr/hr 300 mr/hr 150 mr/hr 3 minutes 3 minutes 5 minutes 15mr 15mr 12.5mr From point B to From point F to From point I to the point C point G work location 100 mr/hr 150 mr/hr 1.5 R/hr 10 minutes 15 minutes 10 minutes 16.67mr 37.5mr 250mr From point C to From point G to the point D work location 150 mr/hr 2 R/hr 10 minutes 5 minutes 25mr 166.67mr From point D to the work location 3 R/hr 7 minutes 350mr Arrives at work location with Arrives at work location with Arrives at work location with 456.67mr 269.17mr 312.5mr Round 913.3 mr Round 538.3 mr Round 625.0 mr Trip Dose (910 to 915 mr) Trip Dose (535 to 540 mr) Trip Dose (622 to 627 mr)
Work Dose 9.7R Total Dose using Path 2 9.7R + .538R = 10.238 R INITIATING CUES:
Calculate the Round Trip TEDE for each path and determine which path maintains dose ALARA.
If an Emergency Dose is required, determine who needs to authorize the evolution.
Path 2 maintains dose ALARA and the Site Emergency Director would need to authorize the Emergency Exposure, because TEDE Dose would exceed 10 R.
UNSAT Critical Step Step 1: Determines Path 1 transit dose.
___SAT Standard: Total dose one way for Path 1 = 456.67mr Round Trip Dose 456.67 X 2 = 913.34 mr (910 to 915 mr) ___UNSAT
___N/A Step 2: Determines Path 2 transit dose. Critical Step Standard: Total dose one way for path 2 = 269.17 mr ___SAT Round Trip Dose 269.17 X 2 = 538.34mr (535 to 540 mr)
___N/A Step 3: Determines Path 3 transit dose. Critical Step Standard: Total dose one way for path 3 = 312.5 mr ___SAT Round Trip Dose 312.5 X 2 = 625 mr (622 to 627 mr)
___N/A Step 4: Determines Path 2 Dose is the lowest. Critical Step Standard: Selects Path 2 as the lowest dose option. ___SAT
___N/A Step 5: Determines Drywell work dose. Critical Step Standard: 18.2 R/hr working for 32 minutes is a dose of 9.7 R. (9.6 to 9.8 R) ___SAT
___UNSAT 5
___N/A Step 6: Determines Total Dose the worker will receive. Critical Step Standard: Determines Total Dose the worker will receive. ___SAT 9.7 R + 538.3 mr = 10.238 R (10.1 to 10.4 R)
___N/A Step 7: Determines whose authorization is required for the exposure. Critical Step Standard: Determines that the SEDs authorization is required. ___SAT
Provide to Applicant INITIAL CONDITIONS: An emergency declaration has been made by the SM and a Drywell entry is required to perform a lifesaving event.
The dose rate in the Drywell is 18.2 R/hr, and the evolution will take 32 minutes.
The worker making the entry has received 1.25R annual dose to date.
Dose rates for this evolution are not due to airborne activity.
Three different paths to arrive at the work location in the Drywell are detailed below:
Dose Path 1 Dose Path 2 Dose Path 3 Rate Transit time Rate Transit time Rate Transit time From staging area to From staging area to From staging area to point A requires: point E requires: point H requires:
300 300 300 mr/hr mr/hr mr/hr 10 minutes 10 minutes 10 minutes From point A to point B From point E to point F From point H to point requires: requires: I requires:
300 300 150 mr/hr mr/hr mr/hr 3 minutes 3 minutes 5 minutes From point B to point C From point F to point G From point I to the requires: requires: work location 100 150 1.5 requires:
mr/hr mr/hr R/hr 10 minutes 15 minutes 10 minutes From point C to point D From point G to the requires: work location requires:
150 2 R/hr mr/hr 10 minutes 5 minutes From point D to the work location requires:
3 R/hr 7 minutes INITIATING CUES:
Calculate the Round Trip TEDE for each path and determine which path maintains dose ALARA.
If an Emergency Dose is required, determine who needs to authorize the evolution.
Show work on next page.
Name: ____________________________ Date: _____________
Job Performance Measure (JPM) JPM - I SITE: BFN JPM TITLE: Emergency Shutdown at Diesel Engine JPM NUMBER: 211A U3 REVISION: 1 TASK APPLICABILITY: SRO STA UO NAUO TASK NUMBER / TASK TITLE(S): A-082-NO-09 K/A RATINGS: RO: 3.3 SRO: 3.4 264000 K4.07 Knowledge of EMERGENCY GENERATORS K/A No. &STATEMENT: (DIESEL/JET) design feature(s) and/or interlocks which provide for the following: Local operation and control RELATED PRA INFORMATION: Risk Significant SAFETY FUNCTION: 6 EVALUATION LOCATION: In-Plant Simulator Control Room Lab Other - List APPLICABLE METHOD OF TESTING: Discussion Simulate/Walkthrough Perform TIME FOR COMPLETION: NA TIME CRITICAL (Y/N) N ALTERNATE PATH (Y/N) Y Developed by:
Developer Date (Ensure validator is briefed on exam security per NPG-SPP-17.8.1)
(See JPM Validation Checklist in NPG-SPP-17.8.2)
Validated by:
Validator Date Approved by:
Site Training Management Date Approved by:
Site Training Program Owner Date 1
Job Performance Measure (JPM) JPM - I OPERATOR: ________________________________ JPM Number: 211A U3 RO SRO DATE: _______
TASK STANDARD: Shutdown at Diesel Engine Control Cabinet and emergency shutdown at Diesel Engine.
Operator Fundamental evaluated:
OF-2 Controlling plant evolutions precisely.
OF-5 Having a solid understanding of plant design, engineering principles, and sciences.
Additional comment sheets attached? YES ___ NO ___
IF UNSAT results are obtained THEN Retain entire JPM for records.(Otherwise just retain this page.)
SIGNATURE: ___________________________ DATE: __________
Job Performance Measure (JPM) JPM - I Revision Summary Rev Effective Pages Description No. Date Affected 0 5/27/10 All Initial Issue 1 11/30/16 All Reformat and removal of some artificial cueing.
Job Performance Measure (JPM) JPM - I IN-PLANT: I will explain the initial conditions and state the task to be performed. ALL STEPS WILL BE SIMULATED. Do NOT operate any plant equipment. Touch STAAR may be carried out to the point of touching a label. If it becomes necessary to physically touch a control switch, use a non-conductive pointing device. I will provide initiating cues and indicate any steps to be discussed. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied. When your task is given, you will repeat the task and I will acknowledge "That's correct" (or That's incorrect", if applicable). When you have completed your assigned task, you will say, "My task is complete" and I will acknowledge that your task is complete.
- You are an Auxiliary Unit Operator.
- The 3A Diesel Generator is running at 900 rpm, unloaded.
- The 3A Diesel Generator is vibrating excessively.
- Control Room attempts to shut down the 3A Diesel Generator failed.
The Unit Supervisor directs you to shut down the 3A Diesel Engine locally in accordance with 3-OI-82, Standby Diesel Generator System, section 7.5.
Job Performance Measure (JPM) JPM - I START TIME:
STEP / STANDARD SAT / UNSAT Step 1: 3-OI-82 Section 7.5
[1] PULL OUT and HOLD the Injector Control Lever in the No Fuel position until the diesel engine comes to a complete stop. _____SAT
_____UNSAT Standard: The Injector Control Lever is held out in the No Fuel position until the cue is given that the diesel engine continues at speed. _____N/A CUE: After a minute tell the Operator that the Diesel Engine continues at the same speed.
Step 2: 3-OI-82 Section 7.5 Critical Step
[2] IF the diesel engine does NOT stop, THEN PERFORM the following:
_____N/A Standard:
Step 3: 3-OI-82 Section 7.5 Critical Step
[2.2] DEPRESS both ENGINE STOP push-buttons simultaneously _____SAT on the Engine Control Cabinet to initiate the shutdown sequence (this will also stop the Priming Fuel Pump). _____UNSAT Standard: _____N/A CUE: After a few seconds tell the Operator that the Diesel Engine speed starts lowering.
Job Performance Measure (JPM) JPM - I STEP / STANDARD SAT / UNSAT Step 4: 3-OI-82 Section 7.5 Critical Step
_____UNSAT Standard: Follows the directions on the placard and 0-SHV-018-0664-3A red stopper is pulled fully out. _____N/A CUE: 0-SHV-018-0664-3A red stopper has moved from the full in position to the full out position and has stopped moving.
( After about a minute) The Diesel has come to a stop.
Step 5: 3-OI-82 Section 7.5
[2.4] PLACE both DG 3A START CIRCUIT 1 CONT POWER BKR, 3-BKR-082-003A 35W1 and DG 3A START CIRCUIT 2 CONT _____SAT POWER BKR, 3-BKR-082-003A 35W2 in the OFF position at the Electrical Control Cabinet. _____UNSAT Standard: Both DG 3A START CIRCUIT 1 CONT POWER BKR, 3-BKR- _____N/A 082-003A 35W1 and DG 3A START CIRCUIT 2 CONT POWER BKR, 3-BKR-082-003A 35W2 are placed in the OFF position Step 6: 3-OI-82 Section 7.5
[3] VERIFY DG 3A Output Bkr 1838 is OPEN.
_____UNSAT Standard: The Breaker compartment for DG 3A Output Bkr 1838 is found in the OPEN position. _____N/A CUE: Another Operator will continue form here.
JPM Termination: When the 3A Diesel (LOGIC BREAKER) is off, both ENGINE STOP push-buttons are depressed, 0-SHV-018-0664-3A is closed, and the START CIRCUIT 1 and 2 Breakers are off the JPM can be stopped.
Job Performance Measure (JPM) JPM - I Provide to Applicant IN-PLANT: I will explain the initial conditions and state the task to be performed. ALL STEPS WILL BE SIMULATED. Do NOT operate any plant equipment. Touch STAAR may be carried out to the point of touching a label. If it becomes necessary to physically touch a control switch, use a non-conductive pointing device. I will provide initiating cues and indicate any steps to be discussed. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied. When your task is given, you will repeat the task and I will acknowledge "That's correct" (or That's incorrect", if applicable). When you have completed your assigned task, you will say, "My task is complete" and I will acknowledge that your task is complete.
- You are an Auxiliary Unit Operator.
- The 3A Diesel Generator is running at 900 rpm, unloaded.
- The 3A Diesel Generator is vibrating excessively.
- Control Room attempts to shut down the 3A Diesel Generator failed.
The Unit Supervisor directs you to shut down the 3A Diesel Engine locally in accordance with 3-OI-82, Standby Diesel Generator System, section 7.5.
Reactor Vessel Level Instrumentation System (RVLIS)
Backfill System Operations JPM NUMBER: 691 U1 REVISION: 1 TASK APPLICABILITY: SRO STA UO NAUO U-085-NO-31 Coordinate Operation of Reactor Level TASK NUMBER / TASK TITLE(S):
Instrumentation Systems Backfill System Operation K/A RATINGS: RO: 3.4 SRO: 3.5 216000 A2.07 Nuclear Boiler Instrumentation - Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the NUCLEAR BOILER INSTRUMENTATION ; and (b) based on those predictions, K/A No. &STATEMENT:
use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those abnormal conditions or operations:
Reference leg flashing RELATED PRA INFORMATION: Risk Significant SAFETY FUNCTION: 7 EVALUATION LOCATION: In-Plant Simulator Control Room Lab Other - List APPLICABLE METHOD OF TESTING: Discussion Simulate/Walkthrough Perform TIME FOR COMPLETION: NA TIME CRITICAL (Y/N) N ALTERNATE PATH (Y/N) N Developed by:
Developer Date (Ensure validator is briefed on exam security per NPG-SPP-17.8.1)
(See JPM Validation Checklist in NPG-SPP-17.8.2)
Validated by:
Validator Date Approved by:
Site Training Management Date Approved by:
Site Training Program Owner Date 1
OPERATOR: ________________________________ JPM Number: _691___
TASK STANDARD: Coordinate Operation of Reactor Level Instrumentation Systems Backfill System Operation to maintain system flows within limits of OI-85 Section 6.9 Operator Fundamental evaluated:
OF-2 Controlling plant evolutions precisely.
OF-5 Having a solid understanding of plant design, engineering principles, and sciences.
Additional comment sheets attached? YES ___ NO ___
IF UNSAT results are obtained THEN Retain entire JPM for records.(Otherwise just retain this page.)
SIGNATURE: ___________________________ DATE: __________
Revision Summary Rev Effective Pages Description No. Date Affected 0 11/29/16 All Initial issue 1 04/04/17 4&7 Added CRD System in service 3
IN-PLANT: I will explain the initial conditions and state the task to be performed. ALL STEPS WILL BE SIMULATED. Do NOT operate any plant equipment. Touch STAAR may be carried out to the point of touching a label. If it becomes necessary to physically touch a control switch, use a non-conductive pointing device. I will provide initiating cues and indicate any steps to be discussed. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied. When your task is given, you will repeat the task and I will acknowledge "That's correct" (or That's incorrect", if applicable). When you have completed your assigned task, you will say, "My task is complete" and I will acknowledge that your task is complete.
You are an Operator on Unit 1 CRD System is in service Instrument Maintenance (IMs) has completed placing Reactor Vessel Level Instrumentation System (RVLIS) Backfill System in service in accordance with SII-1-F-085-0763 1-FI-085-0763 is reading 0.003 gpm 1-FI-085-0764 is reading 0.007 gpm 1-FI-085-0765 is reading 0.010 gpm 1-FI-085-0755 is reading 0.015 gpm INITIATING CUES:
The US directs you to adjust/verify proper backfill flow on RVLIS in accordance with 1-OI-85 Section 6.9.
STEP / STANDARD SAT / UNSAT Step 1: 1-OI-85 Section 6.9
[3] WHEN RVLIS Reference Leg Backfill System has been placed in service, THEN PERFORM the following as required to maintain proper backfill flow of .009 gpm + .003 gpm: Critical Step
_____UNSAT Standard: The Operator determines that flow is too low and it must be raised. The flow regulator valve, dial is turned in the _____N/A clockwise (increase) direction until flow as read on 1-FI-085-0763 is reading 0.009 + 003 gpm (0.006 to 0.012 gpm).
CUE: As the dial is turned to the increase direction, tell the operator that flow on 1-FI-085-0763 is reading 0.004 then .005 then .006 and so-forth until the operator stops turning the dial.
If the dial is turned in the decrease direction, tell the operator that flow on 1-FI-085-0763 is reading 0.002 then .001 and so-forth until the operator stops turning the dial.
Step 2: 1-OI-85 Section 6.9
1-FI-085-0764 is reading 0.007 gpm _____SAT
_____UNSAT Standard: Operator determines that the flow through 1-FI-085-0764 is within tolerance and does not need to be adjusted and _____N/A continues to the next valve.
STEP / STANDARD SAT / UNSAT Step 3: 1-OI-85 Section 6.9
1-FI-085-0765 is reading 0.010 gpm _____SAT
_____UNSAT Standard: Operator determines that the flow through 1-FI-085-0765 is within tolerance and does not need to be adjusted and _____N/A continues to the next valve.
Step 4: 1-OI-85 Section 6.9
[3.4] ADJUST CRD BACKFILL FLOW REGULATOR Critical Step THROTTLE VLV, 1-THV-085-0802D (1-FI-085-0755).
_____SAT 1-FI-085-0755 is reading 0.015 gpm
_____UNSAT Standard: The Operator determines that flow is too high and it must be lowered. The dial is turned in the decrease direction _____N/A until flow as read on 1-FI-085-0755 is reading 0.009 + 003 gpm (0.006 to 0.012 gpm).
CUE: As the dial is turned to the decrease direction, tell the operator that flow on 1-FI-085-0755 is reading 0.014 then 013 then 012 and so-forth until the operator stops turning the dial.
If the dial is turned in the increase direction, tell the operator that flow on 1-FI-085-0755 is reading 0.016 then 017 and so-forth until the operator stops turning the dial.
JPM Termination: When all four RVLIS throttle valves have been evaluated and the two requiring manipulation are adjusted to within tolerance.
Provide to Applicant IN-PLANT: I will explain the initial conditions and state the task to be performed. ALL STEPS WILL BE SIMULATED. Do NOT operate any plant equipment. Touch STAAR may be carried out to the point of touching a label. If it becomes necessary to physically touch a control switch, use a non-conductive pointing device. I will provide initiating cues and indicate any steps to be discussed. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied. When your task is given, you will repeat the task and I will acknowledge "That's correct" (or That's incorrect", if applicable). When you have completed your assigned task, you will say, "My task is complete" and I will acknowledge that your task is complete.
You are an Operator on Unit 1 CRD System is in service Instrument Maintenance (IMs) has completed placing Reactor Vessel Level Instrumentation System (RVLIS) Backfill System in service in accordance with SII-1-F-085-0763 1-FI-085-0763 is reading 0.003 gpm 1-FI-085-0764 is reading 0.007 gpm 1-FI-085-0765 is reading 0.010 gpm 1-FI-085-0755 is reading 0.015 gpm INITIATING CUES:
The US directs you to adjust/verify proper backfill flow on RVLIS in accordance with 1-OI-85 Section 6.9.
THE SCRAM PILOT AIR HEADER JPM NUMBER: 8 U2 REVISION: 10 TASK APPLICABILITY: SRO STA UO NAUO TASK NUMBER / TASK TITLE(S): U-000-EM-20 K/A RATINGS: RO: 3.8 SRO: 3.9 295015 AA1.01 Ability to operate and/or monitor the following K/A No. &STATEMENT:
as they apply to INCOMPLETE SCRAM : CRD hydraulics RELATED PRA INFORMATION: None SAFETY FUNCTION: 1 EVALUATION LOCATION: In-Plant Simulator Control Room Lab Other - List APPLICABLE METHOD OF TESTING: Discussion Simulate/Walkthrough Perform TIME FOR COMPLETION: NA TIME CRITICAL (Y/N) N ALTERNATE PATH (Y/N) N Developed by:
Developer Date (Ensure validator is briefed on exam security per NPG-SPP-17.8.1)
(See JPM Validation Checklist in NPG-SPP-17.8.2)
Validated by:
Validator Date Approved by:
Site Training Management Date Approved by:
Site Training Program Owner Date 1
Job Performance Measure (JPM) JPM - K OPERATOR: ________________________________ JPM Number: __8 U2___
TASK STANDARD: Simulate component manipulations required to vent and subsequently repressurize the scram pilot air header as directed by EOI APPENDIX 1B Operator Fundamental evaluated:
OF-2 Controlling plant evolutions precisely.
OF-5 Having a solid understanding of plant design, engineering principles, and sciences.
Additional comment sheets attached? YES ___ NO ___
IF UNSAT results are obtained THEN Retain entire JPM for records.(Otherwise just retain this page.)
SIGNATURE: ___________________________ DATE: __________
Job Performance Measure (JPM) JPM - K Revision Summary Rev Effective Pages Description No. Date Affected 3 11/30/94 1,2,3,4 Revise To New Format Added Non-Critical Steps On Touch Star And 4 11/7/96 4,5,10 Safety, Changed ASOS To US.
Format And Procedure Upgrade, Changed Mgt 5 9/15/97 All Expectations To Plant Work Expectations, Added 3-Way Comm.
6 10/28/98 4 General Revision 7 8/25/02 All General Revision 8 10/2/05 All General Revision 9 8/31/07 All General Revision 10 11/3/16 All Format change to help identify Critical Steps 3
Job Performance Measure (JPM) JPM - K IN-PLANT: I will explain the initial conditions and state the task to be performed. ALL STEPS WILL BE SIMULATED. Do NOT operate any plant equipment. Touch STAAR may be carried out to the point of touching a label. If it becomes necessary to physically touch a control switch, use a non-conductive pointing device. I will provide initiating cues and indicate any steps to be discussed. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied. When your task is given, you will repeat the task and I will acknowledge "That's correct" (or That's incorrect", if applicable). When you have completed your assigned task, you will say, "My task is complete" and I will acknowledge that your task is complete.
You are an operator.
The Unit 2 Reactor has scrammed and all control rods failed to insert to position 02.
EOI-1A has been entered and followed to ARC/Q-13.
Job Performance Measure (JPM) JPM - K START TIME:
STEP / STANDARD SAT / UNSAT Step 1: obtain copy of required procedure. SAT Standard: UNSAT OBTAINED copy of 2-EOI Appendix 1B N/A Note to examiner: Once the Operator locates a copy of 2-EOI-Appendix 1C, provide one to be marked up.
Step 2:
- 1. NOTIFY Unit Operator and CONTINUE in this procedure. SAT Standard: UNSAT Simulates contacting the Unit Operator with a radio and informs him that they are on station ready to perform N/A 2-EOI-Appendix 1B Cue: Respond as the Unit Operator and tell the Operator to begin.
Step 3:
Critical Step
- 2. CLOSE 2-SHV-085-0331, CONT AIR SPLY HDR SOV (RB North SAT wall, near Scram Air Header Pressure Regulators).
UNSAT Standard:
Operator simulates turning the hand wheel for 2-SHV-085-0331clockwise N/A and simulates turning it several times until cued to stop.
Cue: The handwheel is turning, the stem is moving inward.
Pause The handwheel is snug, the stem has stopped moving.
Job Performance Measure (JPM) JPM - K STEP / STANDARD SAT / UNSAT Step 4:
- 3. OPEN the following instrument drain valves (located on Panel 2-25-18, east end): Critical Step
Operator simulates opening INSTR DRAIN VLV for the N/A following pressure switch and gauge (located on Panel 2-25-18, East end):
- 2-DRIV-085-0038A
- 2-DRIV-085-0038B Cue: As the operator simulates opening each valve state:
The handwheel is turning, the stem is moving outward.
State you hear air flow noise.
Pause The handwheel is snug, the stem has stopped moving.
Step 5:
- 4. WHEN 2-PI-085-0038, CRD SCRAM VALVE PILOT AIR HEADER SAT PRESS, indicates 0 psig, UNSAT THEN NOTIFY Unit 2 Operator.
N/A Standard: Monitors the 2-PI-085-0038 pressure gauge and notifies the Unit 2 operator when pressure indicates 0 psig.
Cue: Indicate with a pointer that the pressure gauge indicating needle rotates slowly counter clockwise and stops at 0 psig.
Then state the air flow noise has stopped.
As the Unit 2 Operator respond to the notification. Wait a 15 seconds and tell the operator that the Unit Supervisor is now directing that the Scram Air Header be repressurized.
Job Performance Measure (JPM) JPM - K STEP / STANDARD SAT / UNSAT Step 6:
- 5. WHEN Unit Supervisor directs re-pressurizing Scram Pilot Air Header, THEN REPRESSURIZE the Scram Pilot Air Header as follows:
[5.1] CLOSE the following instrument drain valves: Critical Step
[5.2] SLOWLY OPEN 2-SHV-085-0331, CONT AIR SPLY HDR SOV. N/A Standard: After the Unit Supervisor directs the repressurization of the Scram Air Header, the operator closes both drain valves one at a time.
Once the drain valves are closed, the operator slowly opens the Control Air Supply Header Shut Off Valve.
Cue: As the operator simulates closing each of the drain valves state:
The handwheel is turning, the stem is moving inward.
Pause The handwheel is snug, the stem has stopped moving.
When the operator simulates slowly opening the supply air valve, state:
The handwheel is turning, the stem is moving outward.
State you hear flow noise in the pipe.
Pause The handwheel is snug, the stem has stopped moving.
Job Performance Measure (JPM) JPM - K STEP / STANDARD SAT / UNSAT Step 7:
UNSAT Standard: When the air pressure has returned to normal pressure the N/A operator contacts the Unit 2 Operator and reports the Scram Pilot Air Header is re-pressurized Cue: As air is re-pressurizing the air header, indicate with a pointer that the needle is rotating clockwise on the pressure gauge and then stop when the pointer reaches the current value of the gauge.
As the Unit 2 Operator respond to the report that the Scram Air Header is repressurized.
Job Performance Measure (JPM) JPM - K Provide to Applicant IN-PLANT: I will explain the initial conditions and state the task to be performed. ALL STEPS WILL BE SIMULATED. Do NOT operate any plant equipment. Touch STAAR may be carried out to the point of touching a label. If it becomes necessary to physically touch a control switch, use a non-conductive pointing device. I will provide initiating cues and indicate any steps to be discussed. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied. When your task is given, you will repeat the task and I will acknowledge "That's correct" (or That's incorrect", if applicable). When you have completed your assigned task, you will say, "My task is complete" and I will acknowledge that your task is complete.
You are an operator.
The Unit 2 Reactor has scrammed and all control rods failed to insert to position 02.
EOI-1A has been entered and followed to ARC/Q-13.
THE SCRAM PILOT AIR HEADER JPM NUMBER: 8 U3 REVISION: 10 TASK APPLICABILITY: SRO STA UO NAUO TASK NUMBER / TASK TITLE(S): U-000-EM-20 K/A RATINGS: RO: 3.8 SRO: 3.9 295015 AA1.01 Ability to operate and/or monitor the following K/A No. &STATEMENT:
as they apply to INCOMPLETE SCRAM : CRD hydraulics RELATED PRA INFORMATION: None SAFETY FUNCTION: 1 EVALUATION LOCATION: In-Plant Simulator Control Room Lab Other - List APPLICABLE METHOD OF TESTING: Discussion Simulate/Walkthrough Perform TIME FOR COMPLETION: NA TIME CRITICAL (Y/N) N ALTERNATE PATH (Y/N) N Developed by:
Developer Date (Ensure validator is briefed on exam security per NPG-SPP-17.8.1)
(See JPM Validation Checklist in NPG-SPP-17.8.2)
Validated by:
Validator Date Approved by:
Site Training Management Date Approved by:
Site Training Program Owner Date 1
Job Performance Measure (JPM) JPM - K OPERATOR: ________________________________ JPM Number: __8 U3___
TASK STANDARD: Simulate component manipulations required to vent and subsequently repressurize the scram pilot air header as directed by EOI APPENDIX 1B Operator Fundamental evaluated:
OF-2 Controlling plant evolutions precisely.
OF-5 Having a solid understanding of plant design, engineering principles, and sciences.
Additional comment sheets attached? YES ___ NO ___
IF UNSAT results are obtained THEN Retain entire JPM for records.(Otherwise just retain this page.)
SIGNATURE: ___________________________ DATE: __________
Job Performance Measure (JPM) JPM - K Revision Summary Rev Effective Pages Description No. Date Affected 3 11/30/94 1,2,3,4 Revise To New Format Added Non-Critical Steps On Touch Star And 4 11/7/96 4,5,10 Safety, Changed ASOS To US.
Format And Procedure Upgrade, Changed Mgt 5 9/15/97 All Expectations To Plant Work Expectations, Added 3-Way Comm.
6 10/28/98 4 General Revision 7 8/25/02 All General Revision 8 10/2/05 All General Revision 9 8/31/07 All General Revision 10 11/3/16 All Format change to help identify Critical Steps 3
Job Performance Measure (JPM) JPM - K IN-PLANT: I will explain the initial conditions and state the task to be performed. ALL STEPS WILL BE SIMULATED. Do NOT operate any plant equipment. Touch STAAR may be carried out to the point of touching a label. If it becomes necessary to physically touch a control switch, use a non-conductive pointing device. I will provide initiating cues and indicate any steps to be discussed. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied. When your task is given, you will repeat the task and I will acknowledge "That's correct" (or That's incorrect", if applicable). When you have completed your assigned task, you will say, "My task is complete" and I will acknowledge that your task is complete.
You are an operator.
The Unit 3 Reactor has scrammed and all control rods failed to insert to position 02.
EOI-1A has been entered and followed to ARC/Q-13.
Job Performance Measure (JPM) JPM - K START TIME:
STEP / STANDARD SAT / UNSAT Step 1: obtain copy of required procedure. SAT Standard: UNSAT OBTAINED copy of 3-EOI Appendix 1B N/A Note to examiner: Once the Operator locates a copy of 3-EOI-Appendix 1B, provide one to be marked up.
Step 2:
- 1. NOTIFY Unit Operator and CONTINUE in this procedure. SAT Standard: UNSAT Simulates contacting the Unit Operator with a radio and informs him that they are on station ready to perform N/A 3-EOI-Appendix 1B Cue: Respond as the Unit Operator and tell the Operator to begin.
Step 3:
Critical Step
- 2. CLOSE 3-SHV-085-0331, CONT AIR SPLY HDR SOV (RB North SAT wall, near Scram Air Header Pressure Regulators).
UNSAT Standard:
Operator simulates turning the hand wheel for 3-SHV-085-0331clockwise N/A and simulates turning it several times until cued to stop.
Cue: The handwheel is turning, the stem is moving inward.
Pause The handwheel is snug, the stem has stopped moving.
Job Performance Measure (JPM) JPM - K STEP / STANDARD SAT / UNSAT Step 4:
- 3. OPEN INSTR DRAIN VLV for the following pressure switch and gauge (located on Panel 3-25-18, East end): Critical Step
- 3-DRIV-085-0038A (INSTR DRAIN VLV FOR PS-85-38)
- 3-DRIV-085-0038B (INSTR DRAIN VLV FOR PI-85-38) SAT Standard: UNSAT Operator simulates opening INSTR DRAIN VLV for the following pressure switch and gauge (located on Panel N/A 3-25-18, East end):
- 3-DRIV-085-0038A
- 3-DRIV-085-0038B Cue: As the operator simulates opening each valve state:
The handwheel is turning, the stem is moving outward.
State you hear air flow noise.
Pause The handwheel is snug, the stem has stopped moving.
Step 5:
- 4. WHEN 3-PI-085-0038, CRD SCRAM VALVE PILOT AIR HEADER SAT PRESS, indicates 0 psig, UNSAT THEN NOTIFY Unit 3 Operator.
N/A Standard: Monitors the 3-PI-085-0038 pressure gauge and notifies the Unit 3 operator when pressure indicates 0 psig.
Cue: Indicate with a pointer that the pressure gauge indicating needle rotates slowly counter clockwise and stops at 0 psig.
Then state the air flow noise has stopped.
As the Unit 3 Operator respond to the notification. Wait a 15 seconds and tell the operator that the Unit Supervisor is now directing that the Scram Air Header be repressurized.
Job Performance Measure (JPM) JPM - K STEP / STANDARD SAT / UNSAT Step 6:
- 5. WHEN Unit Supervisor directs re-pressurizing Scram Pilot Air Header, THEN REPRESSURIZE the Scram Pilot Air Header as follows:
Critical Step
- a. CLOSE the two INSTR DRAIN VLVS for the following:
- 3-DRIV-085-0038B (INSTR DRAIN VLV FOR PI-85-38).
N/A Standard: After the Unit Supervisor directs the repressurization of the Scram Air Header, the operator closes both drain valves one at a time.
Once the drain valves are closed, the operator slowly opens the Control Air Supply Header Shut Off Valve.
Cue: As the operator simulates closing each of the drain valves state:
The handwheel is turning, the stem is moving inward.
Pause The handwheel is snug, the stem has stopped moving.
When the operator simulates slowly opening the supply air valve, state:
The handwheel is turning, the stem is moving outward.
State you hear flow noise in the pipe.
Pause The handwheel is snug, the stem has stopped moving.
Job Performance Measure (JPM) JPM - K STEP / STANDARD SAT / UNSAT Step 7:
UNSAT Standard: When the air pressure has returned to normal pressure the N/A operator contacts the Unit 3 Operator and reports the Scram Pilot Air Header is re-pressurized Cue: As air is re-pressurizing the air header, indicate with a pointer that the needle is rotating clockwise on the pressure gauge and then stop when the pointer reaches the current value of the gauge.
As the Unit 3 Operator respond to the report that the Scram Air Header is repressurized.
Job Performance Measure (JPM) JPM - K Provide to Applicant IN-PLANT: I will explain the initial conditions and state the task to be performed. ALL STEPS WILL BE SIMULATED. Do NOT operate any plant equipment. Touch STAAR may be carried out to the point of touching a label. If it becomes necessary to physically touch a control switch, use a non-conductive pointing device. I will provide initiating cues and indicate any steps to be discussed. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied. When your task is given, you will repeat the task and I will acknowledge "That's correct" (or That's incorrect", if applicable). When you have completed your assigned task, you will say, "My task is complete" and I will acknowledge that your task is complete.
You are an operator.
The Unit 3 Reactor has scrammed and all control rods failed to insert to position 02.
EOI-1A has been entered and followed to ARC/Q-13.
Job Performance Measure (JPM) JPM - A SITE: BFN JPM TITLE: RESPOND TO A CONTROL ROD DRIFT IN JPM NUMBER: 80A U3 REVISION: 3 TASK APPLICABILITY: SRO STA UO NAUO TASK NUMBER / TASK TITLE(S): U-085-AB-05/ Respond to a Control Rod Drift In K/A RATINGS: RO: 3.2 SRO: 3.3 201002 Reactor Manual Control System A2.02; Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the REACTOR MANUAL CONTROL SYSTEM ; and (b) based on K/A No. &STATEMENT:
those predictions, use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those abnormal conditions or operations:
Rod Drift Alarm RELATED PRA INFORMATION: Risk Significant SAFETY FUNCTION: 1 EVALUATION LOCATION: In-Plant Simulator Control Room Lab Other - List APPLICABLE METHOD OF TESTING: Discussion Simulate/Walkthrough Perform TIME FOR COMPLETION: NA TIME CRITICAL (Y/N) N ALTERNATE PATH (Y/N) Y Developed by:
Developer Date (Ensure validator is briefed on exam security per NPG-SPP-17.8.1)
(See JPM Validation Checklist in NPG-SPP-17.8.2)
Validated by:
Validator Date Approved by:
Site Training Management Date Approved by:
Site Training Program Owner Date 1
Job Performance Measure (JPM) JPM - A OPERATOR: ________________________________ JPM Number: 80A U3 RO SRO DATE: _______
TASK STANDARD: Exercise partially withdrawn control rods in accordance with 3-SR- and respond to a control rod drift per 3-AOI-85-5.
Operator Fundamental evaluated:
OF-1 Monitoring plant indications and conditions closely.
OF-2 Controlling plant evolutions precisely.
Additional comment sheets attached? YES ___ NO ___
IF UNSAT results are obtained THEN Retain entire JPM for records.(Otherwise just retain this page.)
SIGNATURE: ___________________________ DATE: __________
Job Performance Measure (JPM) JPM - A Revision Summary Rev Effective Pages Description No. Date Affected 0 05/27/10 All Initial issue Incorrect task number; changed to U-085-AB-05:
1 05/11/15 1 Incorrect malfunction numbers; rd07r0231, rd07r2223 & rd07r3031; Corrected 2 10/09/15 All Incorporated review comments 3
Job Performance Measure (JPM) JPM - A SIMULATOR SETUP IC 28 Exam IC N/A
- Reset to IC 28
- Run schedule file: UNIT 3 JPM 80A.SCH
- Place the simulator in RUN to ensure stable conditions Console Operator
- Provide Initial Rod Data Sheet -PRLOG
- When prompted by the examiner, INSERT - Event 1 to Drift Control Rod 22-23 into the core
- When prompted by the examiner, INSERT - Event 2 to Drift Control Rod Multiple Control Rods into the core Malfunctions Description Event Severity Delay Initial set rd07r2223 Drifts rod 14-31 into 1 NA 0 sec NA core rd07r0231 Drifts rod 02-31 into 2 NA 0 sec NA core rd07r2631 Drifts rod 26-31 into 2 NA 30 sec NA core 4
Job Performance Measure (JPM) JPM - A Remotes Description Event Severity Delay Initial set Overrides Description Event Severity Delay Initial set Schedule File(s): UNIT 3 JPM 80A.SCH Event File(s): UNIT 3 JPM 80A EVENTS.EVT 5
Job Performance Measure (JPM) JPM - A IN-SIMULATOR: I will explain the initial conditions and state the task to be performed. I will provide initiating cues and reports on other actions when directed by you. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied. When your task is given, you will repeat the task and I will acknowledge "That's Correct". (OR "That's Incorrect", if applicable). When you have completed your assigned task, you will say, "my task is complete" and I will acknowledge that your task is complete.
- You are an Operator on Unit 3.
- The Reactor is at 100% power INITIATING CUES:
The Unit Supervisor directs you to perform 3-SR- Control Rod Exercise Test for Withdrawn Control Rods, step 7.3 for partially withdrawn control rods.
Job Performance Measure (JPM) JPM - A START TIME:
- 1) Problem details of any control rod issues observed during the performance of this surveillance must be recorded on Attachment 3 for further review and possible corrective maintenance. Slow/fast rod movements or settle times should be noted in the remarks section.
- 2) Section 7.3 is performed for all Partially Withdrawn Control Rods and performance of steps is represented by initialing the appropriate CRD exercised on Attachment 1.
- 3) Any mispositioned control rod events will be dispositioned by following the direction contained within 3-AOI-85-7.
- 4) If a control rod moves unexpectedly one notch beyond its intended position, notify Unit Supervisor, obtain Unit Supervisor concurrence and return the rod to its intended position.
7.3 Exercising a Partially Withdrawn Control Rod Critical Step
[1] SELECT desired control rod by DEPRESSING appropriate CRD SAT ROD SELECT pushbutton 3-XS-85-40.
[2] OBSERVE the following for selected control rod:
- CHECK CRD ROD SELECT pushbutton is brightly N/A ILLUMINATED.
- CHECK white light on the Full Core Display is ILLUMINATED.
- CHECK Rod Out Permit light is ILLUMINATED.
Selects a withdrawn control rod Note to Examiner: May select any partially withdrawn control rod in any order 7
Job Performance Measure (JPM) JPM - A STEP / STANDARD SAT / UNSAT Step 2:
[3] INSERT control rod one notch by performing the following:
Critical Step
[3.2] OBSERVE control rod settles into the desired position and UNSAT ROD SETTLE light extinguishes.
N/A Standard:
Inserts withdrawn control rod one notch Step 3:
[4] WITHDRAW selected control rod one notch by performing the following: Critical Step
[4.2] OBSERVE control rod settles into the desired position and UNSAT ROD SETTLE light extinguishes.
N/A Standard:
Withdraws withdrawn control rod one notch Step 4:
[5] DOCUMENT completion of control rod test as follows:
- INITIAL Attachment 1 (Control Rod Exercise Data Sheet) in the box corresponding to the control rod coordinates for the control rod just exercised to document proper movement and SAT CRD latching.
[5.2] Concurrent Verifier (CV) UNSAT
- ENSURE rod inserted and returned to its original position.
- INITIAL Attachment 2 (Control Rod Concurrent Verifier (CV) N/A Check) in the box corresponding to the control rod coordinates for the rod just exercised.
Initials Attachment 1 for exercised control rod and continues to exercise rods.
Job Performance Measure (JPM) JPM - A STEP / STANDARD SAT / UNSAT Note to Examiner:
- If prompted by applicant for Concurrent Verification, state Attachment 2 Concurrent Verification completed by another operator.
- Perform above actions for @ least two control rods.
- When satisfied with the number of rod manipulations direct Simulator Booth Operator to insert Event 1 for Control Rod 14-31 Drift In.
Note to Simulator Booth Operator:
- When directed by examiner, insert Event 1 for 14-31 Control Rod Drift In.
Step 5:
Performer recognizes control rod 14-31 drift in and responds per 3-AOI-85-5.
[2] IF the Control Rod is moving (or has moved) from its intended Critical Step position without operator actions, THEN INSERT the Control Rod to position 00 using CONTINUOUS IN. (Otherwise N/A) SAT
[3] IF a Control Rod Block occurs during rod insertion due to Rod UNSAT Worth Minimizer, THEN BYPASS the RWM per step 4.2[1] above.
(Otherwise N/A) N/A Standard:
Responds per 3-AOI-85-5 and inserts control rod 14-31 to full in position as indicated by position 00 indication.
Step 6:
[4] NOTIFY the Reactor Engineer to Evaluate Core Thermal SAT Limits and Preconditioning Limits for the current Control Rod pattern.
UNSAT Standard:
N/A Candidate notifies Reactor Engineer to Evaluate Core Thermal limits and Preconditioning Limits for the current Control Rod Pattern CUE: Acknowledge as RE performing evaluation.
Job Performance Measure (JPM) JPM - A STEP / STANDARD SAT / UNSAT Step 7:
[5] IF another Control Rod Drift occurs before Reactor Engineering provides a verbal or written evaluation, THEN MANUALLY SCRAM SAT Reactor and enter 3-AOI-100-1.
[6] CHECK Thermal Limits on ICS (RUNMON).
N/A Standard:
Reviews step Note to NRC Examiner: Acknowledge applicant report.
Note to NRC Examiner: When ready for multiple rod drifts, direct the Simulator Booth Operator to insert Event 2 (Control Rod 02-31 Rod Drift, and 30 seconds later Control Rod 26-31 Rod Drift).
Note to Simulator Booth Operator:
- When directed by examiner, insert Event 2 (02-31 Control Rod Drift In). 30 seconds later, Control Rod 26-31 will drift in if a reactor scram has not been inserted.
Step 8:
Multiple Control Rods Drifting In Standard:
Critical Step Recognizes Multiple Control Rods Drift into the Core and Manually Scrams the Reactor per 3-AOI-85-5. SAT UNSAT
- Depresses both SCRAM Pushbuttons
- Places mode switch in shutdown N/A
- Verifies All Rods in Failure Criteria: If the candidate fails to manually SCRAM the Reactor prior to the 3rd control rod drifting full in.
Job Performance Measure (JPM) JPM - A STEP / STANDARD SAT / UNSAT Step 9
- Performs a Scram Report SAT o Rx Mode Switch Position: Shutdown o Rod Position: All Full In UNSAT o Reactor Water Level ____ & Trend ___
o Reactor Pressure ____ & Trend ___ N/A o MSIV Position: OPEN o Rx Power: <5%
CUE: Acknowledge applicant report.
Job Performance Measure (JPM) JPM - A Provide to Applicant IN-SIMULATOR: I will explain the initial conditions and state the task to be performed. I will provide initiating cues and reports on other actions when directed by you. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied. When your task is given, you will repeat the task and I will acknowledge "That's Correct". (OR "That's Incorrect", if applicable). When you have completed your assigned task, you will say, "my task is complete" and I will acknowledge that your task is complete.
- You are an Operator on Unit 3.
- The Reactor is at 100% power INITIATING CUES:
The Unit Supervisor directs you to perform 3-SR- Control Rod Exercise Test for Withdrawn Control Rods, step 7.3 for partially withdrawn control rods.
Job Performance Measure (JPM) JPM - B SITE: BFN JPM TITLE: RFPT Trip recovery JPM NUMBER: 58 REVISION: 1 TASK APPLICABILITY: SRO STA UO NAUO TASK NUMBER / TASK TITLE(S): U-003-AL-16 K/A RATINGS: RO: 3.7 SRO: 3.7 Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the REACTOR FEEDWATER SYSTEM ; and (b) based on K/A No. &STATEMENT: those predictions, use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those abnormal conditions or operations: Pump trip RELATED PRA INFORMATION: Risk Significant SAFETY FUNCTION: 2 EVALUATION LOCATION: In-Plant Simulator Control Room Lab Other - List APPLICABLE METHOD OF TESTING: Discussion Simulate/Walkthrough Perform TIME FOR COMPLETION: NA TIME CRITICAL (Y/N) N ALTERNATE PATH (Y/N) N Developed by:
Developer Date (Ensure validator is briefed on exam security per NPG-SPP-17.8.1)
(See JPM Validation Checklist in NPG-SPP-17.8.2)
Validated by:
Validator Date Approved by:
Site Training Management Date Approved by:
Site Training Program Owner Date 1
Job Performance Measure (JPM) JPM - B OPERATOR: ________________________________ JPM Number: __58___
TASK STANDARD: RPV Level rising in a controlled manner Operator Fundamental evaluated:
OF-1 Monitoring plant indications and conditions closely.
OF-5 Having a solid understanding of plant design, engineering principles, and sciences.
Additional comment sheets attached? YES ___ NO ___
IF UNSAT results are obtained THEN Retain entire JPM for records. (Otherwise just retain this page.)
SIGNATURE: ___________________________ DATE: __________
Job Performance Measure (JPM) JPM - B Revision Summary Rev Effective Pages Description No. Date Affected 0 02/07/11 All Initial issue 1 10/31/16 All General revision & re-format 2 3/21/17 All Corrections identified during Prep Week 3
Job Performance Measure (JPM) JPM - B SIMULATOR SETUP IC 8 Exam IC 223
- No Schedule File is required to be run Console
- The 3C RFP Manual Governor Switch needs to be in the Pulled Up Operator position to make the associated step critical.
- Ensure RWCU Blowdown flow is approximately 40 gpm.
Malfunctions Description Event Severity Delay Initial set Remotes Description Event Severity Delay Initial set Overrides Description Event Severity Delay Initial set 4
Job Performance Measure (JPM) JPM - B IN-SIMULATOR: I will explain the initial conditions and state the task to be performed. I will provide initiating cues and reports on other actions when directed by you. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied. When your task is given, you will repeat the task and I will acknowledge "That's Correct". (OR "That's Incorrect", if applicable). When you have completed your assigned task, you will say, "my task is complete" and I will acknowledge that your task is complete.
INITIAL CONDITIONS: You are a Unit Operator.
3-GOI-100-1A, Unit Startup was in progress Currently in 3-GOI-100-1A, at Section 5.4 Step [70.4]
IRMs are on Ranges 5 to 7 Another Operator will assist with the IRMs RFPT 3C has tripped 3C RFPT is needed to maintain Reactor Water Level INITIATING CUES:
The Unit Supervisor directs you to return the 3C RFPT to service using 3-AOI-3-1, starting at step 4.0[11].
Job Performance Measure (JPM) JPM - B START TIME:
SAT Obtains copy of required procedure.
UNSAT Standard:
N/A Proceeds to the bookshelf and obtains copy of 3-AOI 3-1.
Step 2:
[11] IF RFPT has tripped and needed to maintain level, THEN PERFORM the following: Critical Step
[11.1] OBTAIN SRO permission to restart RFPT. SAT
- [11.2] RESET trip by using pushbutton. UNSAT N/A Standard:
Resets trip by depressing reset pushbutton for RFPT C Step 3:
Critical Step
[11.3] DEPRESS RFPT Speed Control Raise/Lower switch to MANUAL GOVERNOR position. SAT Standard: UNSAT Depresses RFPT C Speed Control Raise/Lower switch to Manual Governor position. N/A Critical Step Step 4:
[11.4] PLACE RFPT Start/Local enable switch to START.
UNSAT Standard: Places RFPT C Start/Local enable switch to Start N/A 6
Job Performance Measure (JPM) JPM - B STEP / STANDARD SAT / UNSAT Step 5:
[11.5] ENSURE RFPT accelerates to approximately 600 rpm. SAT UNSAT Standard:
N/A Verifies RFPT C accelerates CUE: Direct the candidate to use Step 8.7, Slow Recovery of RFPT.
Step 6:
[11.6] For Fast Recovery of RFPT, PERFORM the following: SAT UNSAT Standard:
N/A Marks as N/A Note to Examiner: The Candidate may choose to perform step 7 or step 8 Or a combination of both step 7 and 8. The critical step is satisfied when the candidate has control of Reactor Water level with the 2C RFPT.
Step 7:
[11.7] IF Slow Recovery of RFPT in MANUAL GOVERNOR is Critical Step desired, THEN RAISE RFPT speed using RFPT Speed Control Raise/Lower switch until desired flow is obtained.
SAT Standard:
UNSAT Raises speed of RFPT C using RFPT Speed Control switch N/A and restores and maintains Reactor Water Level 7
Job Performance Measure (JPM) JPM - B STEP / STANDARD SAT / UNSAT Step 8:
[11.8] IF Slow Recovery of RFPT using individual RFPT Speed Control PDS is desired, THEN PERFORM the following:
[11.8.1] ENSURE Column 3 selected and MANUAL selected on individual RFPT Speed Control PDS.
Critical Step
[11.8.2] PULL individual RFPT Speed Control Raise/Lower switch to FEEDWATER CONTROL position.
[11.8.1] RAISE RFPT speed using Ramp Up/Ramp Down pushbuttons to obtain desired flow. UNSAT Standard: N/A Raises speed of RFPT C using individual RFPT Speed Control PDS and restores and maintains Reactor Water Level Step 9:
[12] IF RFPT has tripped and is NOT required to maintain level, THEN SECURE tripped RFPT. REFER to 3-OI-3. UNSAT Standard: N/A Marks this step N/A Step 10:
[13] IF Condensate Pump or Condensate Booster Pump has tripped, THEN PERFORM the following: UNSAT Standard: N/A Marks this step N/A 8
Job Performance Measure (JPM) JPM - B STEP / STANDARD SAT / UNSAT Step 11:
[14] IF unit remains on-line, THEN RETURN Reactor water level to normal operating level of 33" (normal range). UNSAT Standard: N/A Reactor Water Level is rising in a controlled manner Termination Criteria: When RPV level is rising the JPM is complete.
Job Performance Measure (JPM) JPM - B Provide to Applicant IN-SIMULATOR: I will explain the initial conditions and state the task to be performed. I will provide initiating cues and reports on other actions when directed by you. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied. When your task is given, you will repeat the task and I will acknowledge "That's Correct". (OR "That's Incorrect", if applicable). When you have completed your assigned task, you will say, "my task is complete" and I will acknowledge that your task is complete.
INITIAL CONDITIONS: You are a Unit Operator.
3-GOI-100-1A, Unit Startup was in progress Currently in 3-GOI-100-1A, at Section 5.4 Step [70.4]
IRMs are on Ranges 5 to 7 Another Operator will assist with the IRMs RFPT 3C has tripped 3C RFPT is needed to maintain Reactor Water Level INITIATING CUES:
The Unit Supervisor directs you to return the 3C RFPT to service using 3-AOI-3-1, starting at step 4.0[11].
FOLLOWING GROUP I ISOLATION JPM NUMBER: 333 U2 REVISION: 2 TASK APPLICABILITY: SRO STA UO NAUO TASK NUMBER / TASK TITLE(S): U-000-EM-46 K/A RATINGS: RO: 4.2 SRO: 4.3 239001 A2.12 Main and Reheat Steam System Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the MAIN AND REHEAT STEAM SYSTEM ; and (b) based on those predictions, use K/A No. &STATEMENT:
procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those abnormal conditions or operations: PCIS/NSSSS actuation RELATED PRA INFORMATION: Risk Significant SAFETY FUNCTION: 3 EVALUATION LOCATION: In-Plant Simulator Control Room Lab Other - List APPLICABLE METHOD OF TESTING: Discussion Simulate/Walkthrough Perform TIME FOR COMPLETION: NA TIME CRITICAL (Y/N) N ALTERNATE PATH (Y/N) N Developed by:
Developer Date (Ensure validator is briefed on exam security per NPG-SPP-17.8.1)
(See JPM Validation Checklist in NPG-SPP-17.8.2)
Validated by:
Validator Date Approved by:
Site Training Management Date Approved by:
Site Training Program Owner Date 1
OPERATOR: ________________________________ JPM Number: _333 U2_
TASK STANDARD: Open ALL MSIVs and establish a lowering RPV Pressure.
Operator Fundamental evaluated:
OF-1 Monitoring plant indications and conditions closely.
OF-5 Having a solid understanding of plant design, engineering principles, and sciences.
Additional comment sheets attached? YES ___ NO ___
IF UNSAT results are obtained THEN Retain entire JPM for records.(Otherwise just retain this page.)
SIGNATURE: ___________________________ DATE: __________
Revision Summary Rev Effective Pages Description No. Date Affected 0 07/20/08 All Initial issue 1 10/27/16 All General revision & re-format Added Examiner note: 9-7B Window 4, HEADER PRESS SETPOINT OUT OF 2 04-04-17 8 RANGE, and 9-7B Window 6, EHC/TSI SYSTEM TROUBLE, will alarm in the following steps - this is normal.
- Reset to Exam IC (247)
- Place the simulator in RUN to ensure stable conditions Console Operator Instructions Malfunctions Description Event Severity Delay Initial set NA NA NA NA NA NA Remotes Description Event Severity Delay Initial set NA NA NA NA NA NA Overrides Description Event Severity Delay Initial set NA NA NA NA NA NA 4
IN-SIMULATOR: I will explain the initial conditions and state the task to be performed. I will provide initiating cues and reports on other actions when directed by you. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied. When your task is given, you will repeat the task and I will acknowledge "That's Correct". (OR "That's Incorrect", if applicable). When you have completed your assigned task, you will say, "my task is complete" and I will acknowledge that your task is complete.
- You are a Unit 3 Operator.
- Unit 3 has scrammed and MSIVs are closed.
- HPCI is operating in Reactor Pressure control.
- RCIC is operating in Reactor Water Level control.
- Another Operator will control Reactor Water Level and Pressure.
- EOI-1 has been entered and followed to RC/P-4.
INITIATING CUES: The Unit Supervisor directs you to reopen the MSIVs, using 2-EOI Appendix-8B, and initiate a Cooldown using the bypass valve jack.
Obtains copy of required procedure. SAT Standard: UNSAT Proceeds to the BOP Desk drawer and obtains laminated copy of N/A 2-EOI Appendix-8B.
Step 2:
[1] IF pressure control with bypass valves is desired and MSIVs are SAT open, THEN PROCEED to step 1.0[13].
UNSAT Standard:
Marks this step as N/A. N/A Step 3:
[2] VERIFY ALL MSIV control switches in CLOSE position.
SAT UNSAT Standard:
Checks control switches in the closed position for all eight N/A MSIVs. And ensures that the Green position indication is illuminated.
Step 4:
[3] RESET PCIS logic (Panel 2-9-4). Critical Step Standard: SAT Places both PCIS reset switches on Panel 9-4 to the left and right position (Critical) and Verifies that four RED lights UNSAT above the reset switches are illuminated.
N/A 6
[4] DEPRESS the following pushbuttons to trip RFPTs (Panel 2-9-6):
- 2-HS-3-125A, RFPT 2A TRIP
- 2-HS-3-176A, RFPT 2C TRIP UNSAT Standard: Depresses the following pushbuttons as necessary to trip running RFPTs (Panel 2-9-6): N/A
- 2-HS-3-125A, RFPT 2A TRIP
- 2-HS-3-151A, RFPT 2B TRIP
- 2-HS-3-176A, RFPT 2C TRIP Step 6:
[5] VERIFY CLOSED the following drain valves (Panel 2-9-3):
- 2-FCV-1-59, DOWNSTREAM MSL DRAIN TO CONDENSER. SAT Standard: UNSAT VERIFY CLOSED the following drain valves (Panel 2-9-3):
- 2-FCV-1-58, UPSTREAM MSL DRAIN TO N/A CONDENSER, green light illuminated
- 2-FCV-1-59, DOWNSTREAM MSL DRAIN TO CONDENSER, green light illuminated Step 7:
[6] VERIFY CLOSED the following drain valves (Panel 2-9-7):
VERIFY CLOSED the following drain valves (Panel 2-9-7):
- 2-FCV-6-103, STOP VALVE 4 BEFORE SEAT DR VLV All green lights are illuminated 7
[7] VERIFY CLOSED the following drain valves (Panel 2-9-6):
VERIFY CLOSED the following drain valves (Panel 2-9-6):
[8] OPEN the following outboard MSIVs (Panel 2-9-3):
- 2-FCV-1-52, MSIV LINE D OUTBOARD. Critical Step Standard SAT Places the control switches to OPEN the following outboard UNSAT MSIVs (Panel 2-9-3):
- 2-FCV-1-52, MSIV LINE D OUTBOARD And observes the indicating lights turn from green to red for each MSIV as it is opened.
NOTE TO EXAMINER: 9-7B Window 4, HEADER PRESS SETPOINT OUT OF RANGE, and 9-7B Window 6, EHC/TSI SYSTEM TROUBLE, will alarm in the following steps - this is normal.
Step 10A:
[9] VERIFY the following for EHC (Panel 2-9-7): SAT
- HEADER PRESSURE CONTROL 2-HS-1-16 selected UNSAT Standard:
Verifies that the EHC (Panel 2-9-7) HEADER PRESSURE N/A CONTROL 2-HS-1-16 selected by observing the switch light is illuminated.
[9] VERIFY the following for EHC (Panel 2-9-7): Critical Step
- SETPOINT set at maximum (975 psig) by depressing and holding setpoint RAISE 2-HS-47-162B. SAT Standard UNSAT Depresses the pressure raise pushbutton until the pressure that is displayed in the Header Pressure Indicator reads N/A 975.
Step 11:
[10] OPEN the following drain valves (Panel 2-9-3):
- 2-FCV-1-57, MSIV DOWNSTREAM DRAINS SHUTOFF SAT Standard UNSAT OPENS the following drain valves (Panel 9-3):
- 2-FCV-1-57, MSIV DOWNSTREAM DRAINS SHUTOFF Green light off Red light on for each valve NOTE: The next step may or may not be performed based on the judgment of the candidate. It will have little to no effect on the outcome of the subsequent steps.
Step 12:
[11] IF desired to reduce steam seal header pressure THEN perform the following:
- THROTTLE 2-FCV-001-0145, STEAM SEAL REG BYPASS UNSAT VALVE, to establish steam seal header pressure 1/2 to 1 psig as indicated on STEAM SEAL HDR PRESS, 2-PI-1-148A. N/A Standard If the candidate chooses to perform this step, the 2-PCV-001-0147 is closed and the 2-PCV-001-145 is throttled as necessary.
[12] WHEN Main steam pressure is within 50 psig of RPV pressure, THEN OPEN the following inboard MSIVs (Panel 2-9-3):
- 2-FCV-1-51, MSIV LINE D INBOARD Critical Step Standard SAT While comparing Main Steam Pressure on the EHC Panel to RPV Pressure, the candidate will wait until the UNSAT Pressure is less than 50 psig, before opening the inboard MSIVs.
- 2-FCV-1-51, MSIV LINE D INBOARD The pressure must be less than 50 psid and all Inboard MSIVs must be opened, for this step to be performed satisfactorily.
Step 14:
[13] VERIFY Condenser vacuum is greater than 7. SAT Standard UNSAT Vacuum in the main condenser is verified to be greater than 7 vacuum. N/A 10
[14] IF manual opening of Bypass Valves is desired, THEN PERFORM Critical Step the following steps:
SAT 1] DEPRESS the Bypass Valve Opening Jack RAISE, 2-HS-47-130B, to slowly open the Bypass Valves. UNSAT 2] ADJUST BPV Position as necessary by using RAISE, N/A 2-HS-47-130B, and LOWER 2-HS-47-130A, to maintain desired cooldown rate.
Standard The Bypass Opening Jack raise button is depressed to start lowering RPV Pressure.
Termination Criteria: When RPV pressure is lowering the JPM is complete.
Provide to Applicant IN-SIMULATOR: I will explain the initial conditions and state the task to be performed. I will provide initiating cues and reports on other actions when directed by you. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied. When your task is given, you will repeat the task and I will acknowledge "That's Correct". (OR "That's Incorrect", if applicable). When you have completed your assigned task, you will say, "my task is complete" and I will acknowledge that your task is complete.
- You are a Unit 3 Operator.
- Unit 3 has scrammed and MSIVs are closed.
- HPCI is operating in Reactor Pressure control.
- RCIC is operating in Reactor Water Level control.
- Another Operator will control Reactor Water Level and Pressure.
- EOI-1 has been entered and followed to RC/P-4.
INITIATING CUES: The Unit Supervisor directs you to reopen the MSIVs, using 2-EOI Appendix-8B, and initiate a Cooldown using the bypass valve jack.
Job Performance Measure (JPM) JPM - D SITE: BFN JPM TITLE: HPCI in Pressure Control Alt Path, Controller Failure JPM NUMBER: 345A U3 REVISION: 0 TASK APPLICABILITY: SRO STA UO NAUO TASK NUMBER / TASK TITLE(S): U-003-AL-16 K/A RATINGS: RO: 3.5 SRO: 3.5 K/A No. &STATEMENT:
Developer Date (Ensure validator is briefed on exam security per NPG-SPP-17.8.1)
(See JPM Validation Checklist in NPG-SPP-17.8.2)
Validated by:
Validator Date Approved by:
Site Training Management Date Approved by:
Site Training Program Owner Date 1
Job Performance Measure (JPM) JPM - D OPERATOR: ________________________________ JPM Number: _345A___
TASK STANDARD: Placing HPCI in Reactor Pressure Control and demonstrates lowering RPV Pressure in AUTO and MANUAL.
Operator Fundamental evaluated:
OF-1 Monitoring plant indications and conditions closely.
OF-5 Having a solid understanding of plant design, engineering principles, and sciences.
Additional comment sheets attached? YES ___ NO ___
IF UNSAT results are obtained THEN Retain entire JPM for records.(Otherwise just retain this page.)
SIGNATURE: ___________________________ DATE: __________
Job Performance Measure (JPM) JPM - D Revision Summary Rev Effective Pages Description No. Date Affected 0 1/25/17 All Initial development 3
Job Performance Measure (JPM) JPM - D SIMULATOR SETUP IC N/A Exam IC 224
- Reset to Exam IC (224).
- Place the simulator in RUN to ensure stable conditions.
- Insert Event 1 when requested by the Examiner to cause the HPCI Operator Flow Controller to fail in Automatic.
Instructions Malfunctions Description Event Severity Delay Initial set HPCI Automatic Flow HP03 Controller Failure 1 0 NA NA (FIC-73-33)
Remotes Description Event Severity Delay Initial set NA NA NA NA NA NA Overrides Description Event Severity Delay Initial set NA NA NA NA NA NA 4
Job Performance Measure (JPM) JPM - D IN-SIMULATOR: I will explain the initial conditions and state the task to be performed. I will provide initiating cues and reports on other actions when directed by you. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied. When your task is given, you will repeat the task and I will acknowledge "That's Correct". (OR "That's Incorrect", if applicable). When you have completed your assigned task, you will say, "my task is complete" and I will acknowledge that your task is complete.
INITIAL CONDITIONS: You are the Unit Operator.
- Reactor has scrammed
- MSIVs are Closed
- RPV Pressure is rising INITIATING CUES:
The Unit Supervisor directs you to place HPCI in Pressure Control Mode in accordance with 3-EOI Appendix-11C, Alternate RPV Pressure Control Systems HPCI Test Mode and lower RPV Pressure to 600 psig.
Job Performance Measure (JPM) JPM - D START TIME:
Obtains copy of required procedure.
SAT Standard:
UNSAT Proceeds to the BOP Desk file drawer and obtains a laminated copy N/A of 3-EOI Appendix-11C, Alternate RPV Pressure Control Systems HPCI Test Mode.
Step 2:
- 1. IF ................. Suppression Pool level drops below 12.75 ft, THEN .......... TRIP HPCI and CONTROL RPV pressure using other options.
- 2. IF ................. Emergency RPV Depressurization is required, OR Steam Cooling is required, THEN ......... EXECUTE EOI Appendix 16C and 16D as necessary to bypass HPCI Low RPV pressure and Test Mode SAT Isolation Interlocks.
- 3. IF ................ Suppression Pool level CANNOT be maintained UNSAT below 5.25 in.,
THEN ....... EXECUTE EOI Appendix 16E concurrently with this N/A procedure to bypass HPCI High Suppression Pool Level Suction Transfer Interlock.
- 4. IF ............... HPCI Turbine is operating, THEN .......... ALIGN HPCI in test mode as follows:
- d. CONTINUE in this procedure at Step 6.
Standard: Marks all as NA 6
Job Performance Measure (JPM) JPM - D STEP / STANDARD SAT / UNSAT Step 3:
- b. VERIFY 3-FIC-73-33, HPCI SYSTEM FLOW/CONTROL, controller in AUTO and set for UNSAT 5300 gpm.
N/A Standard: Checks Panel 3-9-20 for run indication on at least one SBGTs, verifies one red light is lit. Also checks the HPCI Flow Controller is set in AUTO at 5300 gpm.
Step 4:
Critical Step
- c. PLACE 3-HS-73-47A, HPCI AUXILIARY OIL PUMP handswitch, in START.
SAT Standard: Operator places the Handswitch for the HPCI AUX OIL UNSAT PUMP in the START position.
N/A NOTE: The HPCI AUX OIL Pump will not start until the HPCI Steam Supply valve is opened in a later step.
Step 5:
Critical Step
SAT Standard: Operator places the Handswitch for the HPCI STEAM UNSAT PACKING EXHAUSTER in the START position and observes red light on green light off.
N/A 7
Job Performance Measure (JPM) JPM - D STEP / STANDARD SAT / UNSAT Step 6:
- e. OPEN the following valves:
Critical Step
UNSAT Standard: Operator places the Handswitch for, each of the valves listed above, in the OPEN position and observes red N/A light on green light off for each.
Step 7:
Critical Step
- f. OPEN 3-FCV-73-16, HPCI TURBINE STEAM SUPPLY VLV, to start HPCI Turbine. SAT Standard: Operator places the Handswitch for 3-FCV-73-16, HPCI UNSAT TURBINE STEAM SUPPLY VLV, to the OPEN position and observes red light on green light N/A Step 8:
- g. VERIFY HPCI Auxiliary Oil Pump starts and turbine accelerates above 2400 rpm.
UNSAT Standard: Operator verifies the HPCI Aux Oil Pump starts and N/A speed, flow and pressure all rise.
Step 9:
- 6. VERIFY proper HPCI minimum flow valve operation as follows:
- a. IF ................. HPCI flow is above 1200 gpm, SAT THEN .......... VERIFY CLOSED 3-FCV-73-30, HPCI PUMP MIN FLOW VALVE.
UNSAT b IF ................. HPCI flow is below 600 gpm, THEN ........... VERIFY OPEN 3-FCV-73-30, HPCI PUMP MIN N/A FLOW VALVE.
Standard: Operator verifies proper operation of the HPCI MIN FLOW VALVE.
Job Performance Measure (JPM) JPM - D STEP / STANDARD SAT / UNSAT Step 10:
- 7. THROTTLE 3-FCV-73-35, HPCI PUMP CST TEST VLV, to control HPCI pump discharge pressure at or below 1100 psig. SAT Standard: UNSAT The Operator throttles 3-FCV-73-35 and maintains pump discharge N/A pressure less than 1100psig. Note the piping is rated to 1500psig.
Step 11:
Critical Step
SAT Standard:
UNSAT The Operator adjusts 3-FIC-73-33 and/or 3-FCV-73-35 as necessary to initiate a Cooldown. N/A NOTE: When the examiner is satisfied with the RPV pressure drop, cue the booth operator to insert event 1 for the HPCI Flow Controller failure.
Step 12:
- 9. IF ............. HPCI injection to the RPV becomes necessary, THEN ......... ALIGN HPCI to the RPV as follows:
- c. GO TO EOI Appendix-5D.
Standard: Marked as N/A 9
Job Performance Measure (JPM) JPM - D STEP / STANDARD SAT / UNSAT Step 13:
Critical Step Notices the failure of the HPCI flow controller in AUTO and takes manual control to re-establish the pressure reduction. SAT Standard: Operator notices that HPCI parameters have changed and UNSAT diagnoses the Controller as the problem, and takes manual control of the controller to re-establish previous HPCI N/A parameters.
Termination Criteria: When RPV cooldown has been re-established with the HPCI Controller in Manual, the JPM is complete.
Job Performance Measure (JPM) JPM - D Provide to Applicant IN-SIMULATOR: I will explain the initial conditions and state the task to be performed. I will provide initiating cues and reports on other actions when directed by you. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied. When your task is given, you will repeat the task and I will acknowledge "That's Correct". (OR "That's Incorrect", if applicable). When you have completed your assigned task, you will say, "my task is complete" and I will acknowledge that your task is complete.
INITIAL CONDITIONS: You are the Unit Operator.
- Reactor has scrammed
- MSIVs are Closed
- RPV Pressure is rising INITIATING CUES:
The Unit Supervisor directs you to place HPCI in Pressure Control Mode in accordance with 3-EOI Appendix-11C, Alternate RPV Pressure Control Systems HPCI Test Mode and lower RPV Pressure to 600 psig.
Job Performance Measure (JPM) JPM - E 3-EOI-Appendix 13 Emergency Venting Primary Containment SITE: BFN JPM TITLE: U-3 JPM NUMBER: 55A REVISION: 0 TASK SRO STA UO NAUO APPLICABILITY:
U-000-EM-63 / Emergency Vent Primary Containment in TASK NUMBER / TASK TITLE(S): Accordance with EOI Appendix 13 K/A RATINGS: 295024EA2.01 K/A RATING: RO 4.2 SRO 4.4 Ability to determine and/or interpret the following as they apply to HIGH K/A STATEMENT: DRYWELL PRESSURE: Drywell Pressure RELATED PRA INFORMATION: N/A SAFETY FUNCTION: 5 Control EVALUATION LOCATION: In-Plant Simulator Lab Room Other -
Developer Date (Ensure validator is briefed on exam security per NPG-SPP-17.8.1)
(See JPM Validation Checklist in NPG-SPP-17.8.2)
Validated by:
Validator Date Approved by:
Site Training Management Date Approved by:
Site Training Program Owner Date 1
Job Performance Measure (JPM) JPM - E OPERATOR: ________________________________ JPM Number: 55A RO SRO DATE: _______
TASK STANDARD: 3-EOI-Appendix-13 complete with Drywell Pressure lowering PRA: NA REFERENCES/PROCEDURES NEEDED: 3-EOI Appendix-13 VALIDATION TIME: 16 minutes PERFORMANCE TIME:
Additional comment sheets attached? YES ___ NO ___
SIGNATURE: ___________________________ DATE: __________
Job Performance Measure (JPM) JPM - E SIMULATOR SETUP IC N/A Exam IC 205
- Reset to Exam IC 205
- Place the simulator in RUN to ensure stable conditions Console
- When the candidate requests the jumper for 2-FCV-64-30 be Operator installed, insert event 2.
Instructions Malfunctions Description Event Severity Delay Initial set NA NA NA NA NA NA Remotes Description Event Severity Delay Initial set Bypass Isln on PC04 FCV-64-30 to allow 1 NA NA BYPASS Drywell Vent Overrides Description Event Severity Delay Initial set HS-64-221A Hardened Supr Chbr Vent Inbd Isol NA NA NA CLOSE Vlv 3
Job Performance Measure (JPM) JPM - E IN-SIMULATOR: I will explain the initial conditions and state the task to be performed.
I will provide initiating cues and reports on other actions when directed by you. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied. When your task is given, you will repeat the task and I will acknowledge "That's Correct". (OR "That's Incorrect", if applicable). When you have completed your assigned task, you will say, "my task is complete" and I will acknowledge that your task is complete.
You are an operator. A large leak inside Primary Containment has developed on Unit 3.
The Reactor has been scrammed. Primary containment pressure is approaching 55 psig. Another Operator has been assigned to control Reactor Water Level and Reactor Pressure.
The Unit Supervisor directs you to vent Primary Containment as directed by 3-EOI-Appendix-13, Emergency Venting Primary Containment, and then maintain containment pressure below 55 psig.
Job Performance Measure (JPM) JPM - E START TIME DRIVER: This JPM may require RHR injection for level control STEP / STANDARD SAT / UNSAT Step 1:
[1] NOTIFY Shift Manager / SED of the following:
- Emergency Venting of Primary Containment is in progress.
- Off-Gas Release Rate Limits will be exceeded. UNSAT Standard: N/A Operator notifies Shift Manager/SED.
CUE: As Shift Manager/SED acknowledge report that Emergency Primary Containment Venting is in progress and Off-Gas release limits will be exceeded Step 2:
[2] VENT the Suppression Chamber as follows (Panel 3-9-3):
[2.1] IF EITHER of the following exists:
- Suppression Pool water level CANNOT be N/A determined to be below 20 ft.,
- Suppression Chamber CANNOT be vented, THEN CONTINUE in this procedure at Step 1.0[3].
Operator verifies Suppression Pool level below 20 ft using 3-LI-64-159A and does NOT continue to step 3.
Job Performance Measure (JPM) JPM - E Step 3:
Standard: UNSAT Operator places 3-HS-64-222B in the PERM position. N/A Step 4:
[2.3] CHECK blue indicating light above 3-HS-64-222B, HARDENED SUPPR CHBR VENT OUTBD PERMISSIVE, SAT illuminated.
Standard: UNSAT Operator verifies BLUE indicating lamp above 3-HS-64-222B N/A Illuminated.
Step 5:
UNSAT Operator places 3-HS-64-222A in the OPEN position and verifies 3-FCV-64-222 OPEN. N/A Step 6:
Critical Step
[2.5] PLACE keylock switch 3-HS-64-221B, HARDENED SAT SUPPR CHBR VENT INBD PERMISSIVE, in PERM Standard:
UNSAT Operator places 3-HS-64-221B in the PERM position.
N/A Step 7:
[2.6] CHECK blue indicating light above 3-HS-64-221B, SAT HARDENED SUPPR CHBR VENT INBD PERMISSIVE, illuminated.
UNSAT Standard:
N/A Operator verifies BLUE indicating lamp above 3-HS-64-221B illuminated.
Job Performance Measure (JPM) JPM - E NOTE: Alternate path starts with Step 8.
Step 8:
Critical Step
SAT Standard:
UNSAT Operator places 3-HS-64-221 in the OPEN position and recognizes that the valve did NOT open. The Operator may dispatch an AUO to N/A locally operate 3-FCV-64-221. Reports that the suppression chamber cannot be vented and proceeds to Step 3.
CUE: If the Operator dispatches an AUO to locally operate 3-FCV-64-221, Report that Elevation 565 of the Reactor Building is not accessible. (see Note under step 1)
CUE: Acknowledge that the suppression chamber cannot be vented and that operator is continuing to Step 3.
Step 9:
[3] IF Suppression Chamber vent path is NOT available, THEN VENT the Drywell as follows:
[3.1] NOTIFY SHIFT MANAGER/SED that Secondary Containment integrity failure is possible.
[3.2] NOTIFY RADCON that Reactor Building is being evacuated due SAT to imminent failure of Primary Containment vent ducts.
[3.3] EVACUATE ALL Reactor Buildings using P.A. System.
N/A Standard:
Operator notifies the SM/SED that containment integrity failure is possible, notifies RP that the Reactor Building will be evacuated due to imminent failure of Primary Containment vent ducts, and makes P.A.
announcement to evacuate Reactor Building.
CUE: As SM/SED acknowledge report of possible containment integrity failure, As RP acknowledge report of Reactor Building evacuation due to imminent failure of Primary Containment vent ducts.
Job Performance Measure (JPM) JPM - E Step 10:
[3.4] START ALL available SGTS trains. SAT Standard: UNSAT Operator determines that all trains of SGTS are already in service N/A by observing SGT OPERATING lights on 3-9-20.
Step 11:
[3.5] ENSURE CLOSED 3-FCV-64-36, DW/SUPPR CHBR VENT TO SGT (Panel 3-9-3).Standard: UNSAT Operator verifies 3-FCV-64-36 is closed on Panel 9-3. N/A Step 12:
[3.6] ENSURE OPEN the following dampers (Panel 3-9-25):
- 3-FCO-64-41, REACTOR ZONE EXH TO SGTS SAT Standard: UNSAT Operator verifies dampers 3-FCO-64-40 and 3-FCO-64-41 are open N/A on Panel 3-9-25.
Step 13:
[3.7] ENSURE CLOSED 3-FCV-64-29, DRYWELL VENT SAT INBD ISOL VALVE (Panel 3-9-3 or Panel 3-9-54).
Standard: UNSAT Operator verifies 3-FCV-64-29 is closed on Panel 9-3 or Panel 9-54. N/A 8
Job Performance Measure (JPM) JPM - E Step 14:
[3.8] DISPATCH personnel to Unit 3 Auxiliary Instrument Room to perform the following:
[3.8.1] REFER TO Attachment 1 and OBTAIN one 12-in.
Banana Jack Jumper from EOI Equipment Storage Critical Step Box.
[3.8.2] LOCATE terminal strip DD in 3-PNLA-009-0043, Front.
[3.8.3] JUMPER DD-76 to DD-77 (3-PNLA-009-0043).
[3.8.4] NOTIFY Unit Operator that jumper for 3-FCV-64-30, DRYWELL VENT OUTBD ISOLATION VLV, is in place.
Operator contacts an AUO or an extra operator to perform step [3.8]
DRIVER: When called to install jumper for 3-FCV-64-30
- Insert Event 2
- Inform the operator that you are using time compression, and report that the jumper for 3-FCV-64-30 is in place.
Step 15:
Standard: UNSAT Operator verifies open 3-FCV-64-30 on panel 9-3. N/A 9
Job Performance Measure (JPM) JPM - E Step 16:
- 1. The following step will fail ductwork inside Secondary Containment and Critical Step may fail Secondary Containment Integrity.
- 2. Off-Gas Release Rate Limits will be exceeded.
[3.10] PLACE keylock switch 3-HS-84-36, SUPPR CHBR/DW VENT ISOL BYP SELECT, to DRYWELL (Panel 3-9-54).
N/A Standard:
Operator places keylock switch 3-HS-84-36 to the DRYWELL position.
Step 17:
[3.11] ENSURE OPEN 3-FCV-64-29, DRYWELL VENT INBD ISOL VALVE (Panel 3-9-54).
UNSAT Standard:
N/A Operator verifies that 3-FCV-64-29 opens on Panel 9-54.
Step 18:
[3.12] CHECK Drywell and Suppression Chamber pressure lowering.
[3.13] MAINTAIN Primary Containment pressure below 55 psig using 3-FCV-64-29, DRYWELL VENT INBD ISOL UNSAT VALVE, as directed by SRO.
Standard: N/A Operator checks that containment pressures are lowering and cycles 3-FCV-64-29 as necessary to maintain less than 55 psig.
NRC: When satisfied the operator is maintaining containment pressure CUE: Another operator will control Primary Containment pressure.
Job Performance Measure (JPM) JPM - E Provide to Applicant IN-SIMULATOR: I will explain the initial conditions and state the task to be performed.
I will provide initiating cues and reports on other actions when directed by you. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied. When your task is given, you will repeat the task and I will acknowledge "That's Correct". (OR "That's Incorrect", if applicable). When you have completed your assigned task, you will say, "my task is complete" and I will acknowledge that your task is complete.
You are an operator. A large leak inside Primary Containment has developed on Unit 3.
The Reactor has been scrammed. Primary containment pressure is approaching 55 psig. Another Operator has been assigned to control Reactor Water Level and Reactor Pressure.
The Unit Supervisor directs you to vent Primary Containment as directed by 3-EOI-Appendix-13, Emergency Venting Primary Containment, and then maintain containment pressure below 55 psig.
Job Performance Measure (JPM) JPM - F Respond to a loss of Reactor Building Closed Cooling SITE: BFN JPM TITLE:
Water (RBCCW)
JPM NUMBER: 602F REVISION: 1 TASK APPLICABILITY: SRO STA UO NAUO U-070-AB-01: Perform manipulations required for a TASK NUMBER / TASK TITLE(S): loss of Reactor Building Closed Cooling Water per 2-AOI-70-1.
K/A RATINGS: RO: 3.2 SRO: 3.4 400000 Component Cooling Water System (CCWS) K1.02; Knowledge of the physical connections and / or cause-effect K/A No. &STATEMENT:
relationships between CCWS and the following: Loads cooled by CCWS.
SAFETY FUNCTION: 7 EVALUATION LOCATION: In-Plant Simulator Control Room Lab Other - List APPLICABLE METHOD OF TESTING: Discussion Simulate/Walkthrough Perform TIME FOR COMPLETION: NA TIME CRITICAL (Y/N) N ALTERNATE PATH (Y/N) Y Developed by:
Developer Date (Ensure validator is briefed on exam security per NPG-SPP-17.8.1)
(See JPM Validation Checklist in NPG-SPP-17.8.2)
Validated by:
Validator Date Approved by:
Site Training Management Date Approved by:
Site Training Program Owner Date 1
Job Performance Measure (JPM) JPM - F OPERATOR: ________________________________ JPM Number: _602F___
TASK STANDARD: Respond to a loss of Reactor Building Closed Cooling Water (RBCCW)
Operator Fundamental evaluated:
OF-2 Controlling plant evolutions precisely.
OF-5 Having a solid understanding of plant design, engineering principles, and sciences.
Additional comment sheets attached? YES ___ NO ___
IF UNSAT results are obtained THEN Retain entire JPM for records. (Otherwise just retain this page.)
SIGNATURE: ___________________________ DATE: __________
Job Performance Measure (JPM) JPM - F Revision Summary Rev Effective Pages Description No. Date Affected 0 06/29/2008 All Initial issue Updated AOI required actions. Updated to new 1 10/31/2016 All format.
2 03/29/2017 All Incorporated NRC Prep Week Comments.
Job Performance Measure (JPM) JPM - F SIMULATOR SETUP IC 28 Exam IC N/A
- Reset to IC 28
- Run Schedule File 602F Unit 2.sch
- Ensure event file 602F Event for 70-48.evt starts Console
- Place the simulator in RUN to ensure stable conditions Operator
- When directed by the examiner insert Event 1 to trip RBCCW Instructions Pump 2A
- Verify that event 2 (RBCCW Pump 2B trip) is triggered when the 70-48 valve begins to close Malfunctions Description Event Severity Delay Initial set RBCCW PUMP 2A SW02A 1 NA NA TRIP TRIP RBCCW PUMP 2B SW02B 2 NA 80 TRIP TRIP Events Description Event Severity Delay Initial set 2 70-48 beings to close NA NA NA NA 4
Job Performance Measure (JPM) JPM - F IN-SIMULATOR: I will explain the initial conditions and state the task to be performed. I will provide initiating cues and reports on other actions when directed by you. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied. When your task is given, you will repeat the task and I will acknowledge "That's Correct". (OR "That's Incorrect", if applicable). When you have completed your assigned task, you will say, "my task is complete" and I will acknowledge that your task is complete.
INITIAL CONDITIONS: You are an Operator. The Unit 2 reactor is at 100% power.
INITIATING CUES: Respond to the next event.
Job Performance Measure (JPM) JPM - F START TIME:
STEP / STANDARD SAT / UNSAT Step 1: 2-AOI-70-1, Loss of Reactor Building Closed Cooling Water 4.1 Immediate Actions: SAT
[1] IF RBCCW Pump(s) has tripped, THEN UNSAT Perform the following (Otherwise N/A):
Secures RWCU Pumps and verifies that 2-FCV-70-48 is closing.
Examiner Note: 2B RBCCW Pump will trip 80 seconds after 2-FCV-70-48 begins to close.
Step 2:
4.2 Subsequent Actions SAT CAUTION Operations outside of the allowable regions shown on the Recirculation UNSAT System Operating Map could result in thermal-hydraulic power oscillations and subsequent fuel damage. REFER TO 2-GOI-100-12A for N/A required actions and monitoring to be performed during a power reduction.
[1] IF Reactor is at power AND Drywell Cooling cannot be immediately restored, THEN PERFORM the following (otherwise N/A):
[1.1] IF core flow is above 60%, THEN REDUCE core flow to between 50-60%.
Candidate Reduced core flow to between 50-60%.
Job Performance Measure (JPM) JPM - F Step 3:
[1.2] MANUALLY SCRAM the Reactor and PLACE Mode Switch in Critical Step SHUTDOWN. REFER TO 2-AOI-100-1.
UNSAT Candidate Manually Scrammed the Reactor (Critical), Placed Mode Switch in SHUTDOWN (Critical), give scram report (Not Critical) and N/A referred to 2-AOI-100-1 (Not Critical). The candidate must scram the Reactor before tripping the Rx Recirc Pumps.
CUE: [After the scram report is given] Another operator will perform the actions of the scram procedure; continue in your current procedure.
Step 4:
Critical Step
[1.3] SHUT DOWN both Recirc Pumps.
N/A Standard:
Candidate Shutdown both Recirc Pumps.
Step 5:
[1.4] INITIATE a 90°F/HR cooldown rate. REFER TO 2-AOI-100-1.
N/A Candidate states he/she would initiate a cooldown at 90ºF/HR.
Cue: Another operator has been assigned to initiate the cooldown.
Job Performance Measure (JPM) JPM - F Provide to Applicant IN-SIMULATOR: I will explain the initial conditions and state the task to be performed. I will provide initiating cues and reports on other actions when directed by you. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied. When your task is given, you will repeat the task and I will acknowledge "That's Correct". (OR "That's Incorrect", if applicable). When you have completed your assigned task, you will say, "my task is complete" and I will acknowledge that your task is complete.
INITIAL CONDITIONS: You are an Operator. The Unit 2 reactor is at 100% power.
INITIATING CUES: Respond to the next event.
Job Performance Measure (JPM) JPM - F Respond to a loss of Reactor Building Closed Cooling SITE: BFN JPM TITLE:
Water (RBCCW)
JPM NUMBER: 602F REVISION: 1 TASK APPLICABILITY: SRO STA UO NAUO U-070-AB-01: Perform manipulations required for a TASK NUMBER / TASK TITLE(S): loss of Reactor Building Closed Cooling Water per 3-AOI-70-1.
K/A RATINGS: RO: 3.2 SRO: 3.4 400000 Component Cooling Water System (CCWS) K1.02; Knowledge of the physical connections and / or cause-effect K/A No. &STATEMENT:
relationships between CCWS and the following: Loads cooled by CCWS.
SAFETY FUNCTION: 7 EVALUATION LOCATION: In-Plant Simulator Control Room Lab Other - List APPLICABLE METHOD OF TESTING: Discussion Simulate/Walkthrough Perform TIME FOR COMPLETION: NA TIME CRITICAL (Y/N) N ALTERNATE PATH (Y/N) Y Developed by:
Developer Date (Ensure validator is briefed on exam security per NPG-SPP-17.8.1)
(See JPM Validation Checklist in NPG-SPP-17.8.2)
Validated by:
Validator Date Approved by:
Site Training Management Date Approved by:
Site Training Program Owner Date 1
Job Performance Measure (JPM) JPM - F OPERATOR: ________________________________ JPM Number: _602F___
TASK STANDARD: Respond to a loss of Reactor Building Closed Cooling Water (RBCCW)
Operator Fundamental evaluated:
OF-2 Controlling plant evolutions precisely.
OF-5 Having a solid understanding of plant design, engineering principles, and sciences.
Additional comment sheets attached? YES ___ NO ___
IF UNSAT results are obtained THEN Retain entire JPM for records. (Otherwise just retain this page.)
SIGNATURE: ___________________________ DATE: __________
Job Performance Measure (JPM) JPM - F Revision Summary Rev Effective Pages Description No. Date Affected 0 06/29/2008 All Initial issue Updated AOI required actions. Updated to new 1 10/31/2016 All format.
2 03/29/2017 All Incorporated NRC Prep Week Comments.
Job Performance Measure (JPM) JPM - F SIMULATOR SETUP IC 28 Exam IC N/A
- Reset to IC 28
- Run Schedule File 602F Unit 3.sch
- Ensure event file 602F Event for 70-48.evt starts Console
- Place the simulator in RUN to ensure stable conditions Operator
- When directed by the examiner insert Event 1 to trip RBCCW Instructions Pump 3A
- Verify that event 2 (RBCCW Pump 3B trip) is triggered when the 70-48 valve begins to close Malfunctions Description Event Severity Delay Initial set RBCCW PUMP 3A SW02A 1 NA NA TRIP TRIP RBCCW PUMP 3B SW02B 2 NA 80 TRIP TRIP Events Description Event Severity Delay Initial set 2 70-48 beings to close NA NA NA NA 4
Job Performance Measure (JPM) JPM - F IN-SIMULATOR: I will explain the initial conditions and state the task to be performed. I will provide initiating cues and reports on other actions when directed by you. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied. When your task is given, you will repeat the task and I will acknowledge "That's Correct". (OR "That's Incorrect", if applicable). When you have completed your assigned task, you will say, "my task is complete" and I will acknowledge that your task is complete.
INITIAL CONDITIONS: You are an Operator. The Unit 3 reactor is at 100% power.
INITIATING CUES: Respond to the next event.
Job Performance Measure (JPM) JPM - F START TIME:
STEP / STANDARD SAT / UNSAT Step 1: 3-AOI-70-1, Loss of Reactor Building Closed Cooling Water 4.1 Immediate Actions: SAT
[1] IF RBCCW Pump(s) has tripped, THEN UNSAT Perform the following (Otherwise N/A):
Secures RWCU Pumps and verifies that 3-FCV-70-48 is closing.
Examiner Note: 2B RBCCW Pump will trip 80 seconds after 3-FCV-70-48 begins to close.
Step 2:
4.2 Subsequent Actions CAUTION Operations outside of the allowable regions shown on the Recirculation System Operating Map could result in thermal-hydraulic power oscillations and subsequent fuel damage. REFER TO 3-GOI-100-12A for required actions and monitoring to be performed during a power reduction. SAT
[1] IF Reactor is at power AND Drywell Cooling cannot be immediately UNSAT restored, AND core flow is above 60%, THEN:
[1.1] REDUCE core flow to between 50-60%.
Candidate Reduced core flow to between 50-60%.
Job Performance Measure (JPM) JPM - F Step 3:
[1.2] MANUALLY SCRAM the Reactor and PLACE Mode Switch in Critical Step SHUTDOWN. REFER TO 3-AOI-100-1.
UNSAT Candidate Manually Scrammed the Reactor (Critical), Placed Mode Switch in SHUTDOWN (Critical), give scram report (Not Critical) and N/A referred to 3-AOI-100-1 (Not Critical). The candidate must scram the Reactor before tripping the Rx Recirc Pumps.
CUE: [After the scram report is given] Another operator will perform the actions of the scram procedure; continue in your current procedure.
Step 4:
Critical Step
[1.3] SHUT DOWN both Recirc Pumps.
N/A Standard:
Candidate Shutdown both Recirc Pumps.
Step 5:
[1.4] INITIATE a 90°F/HR cooldown rate. REFER TO 3-AOI-100-1.
N/A Candidate states he/she would initiate a cooldown at 90ºF/HR.
Cue: Another operator has been assigned to initiate the cooldown.
Job Performance Measure (JPM) JPM - F Provide to Applicant IN-SIMULATOR: I will explain the initial conditions and state the task to be performed. I will provide initiating cues and reports on other actions when directed by you. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied. When your task is given, you will repeat the task and I will acknowledge "That's Correct". (OR "That's Incorrect", if applicable). When you have completed your assigned task, you will say, "my task is complete" and I will acknowledge that your task is complete.
INITIAL CONDITIONS: You are an Operator. The Unit 3 reactor is at 100% power.
INITIATING CUES: Respond to the next event.
SITE: BFN JPM TITLE: Respond to Offgas Post Treatment Radiation High Alarm JPM NUMBER: 690 U2 REVISION: 1 TASK APPLICABILITY: SRO STA UO NAUO U-090-AL-36 Respond to Off-Gas Post-Treatment TASK NUMBER / TASK TITLE(S):
Radiation High K/A RATINGS: RO: 3.7 SRO: 4.1 271000 A2.04 Ability to (d) predict the impacts of the following on the Offgas System; and (b) based on K/A No. &STATEMENT: those predictions, use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those abnormal conditions or operations:
Offgas System High Radiation RELATED PRA INFORMATION: Risk Significant SAFETY FUNCTION: 9 EVALUATION LOCATION: In-Plant Simulator Control Room Lab Other - List APPLICABLE METHOD OF TESTING: Discussion Simulate/Walkthrough Perform TIME FOR COMPLETION: NA TIME CRITICAL (Y/N) N ALTERNATE PATH (Y/N) N Developed by:
Developer Date (Ensure validator is briefed on exam security per NPG-SPP-17.8.1)
(See JPM Validation Checklist in NPG-SPP-17.8.2)
Validated by:
Validator Date Approved by:
Site Training Management Date Approved by:
Site Training Program Owner Date 1
OPERATOR: ________________________________ JPM Number: _690__
TASK STANDARD: Perform Operations Necessary To Align Off-Gas Treatment System in Service following a Off-gas Post Treatment High Rad Alarm.
Operator Fundamental evaluated:
OF-1 Monitoring plant indications and conditions closely.
OF-5 Having a solid understanding of plant design, engineering principles, and sciences.
Additional comment sheets attached? YES ___ NO ___
IF UNSAT results are obtained THEN Retain entire JPM for records.(Otherwise just retain this page.)
SIGNATURE: ___________________________ DATE: __________
Revision Summary Rev Effective Pages Description No. Date Affected 0 11/29/16 All Initial Issue Added a path in case the candidate chooses to 1 03/08/17 7, 9-12 put the charcoal beds in series alignment Changed initial conditions, step 1, deleted steps 2 03/20/17 All 17 to the end.
- Reset to Exam IC 186 Console
- Run Schedule File Unit 2 JPM 690.sch Operator Instructions
- Place the simulator in RUN to ensure stable conditions
- When prompted by the examiner, insert event 1 Malfunctions Description Event Severity Delay Initial set FUEL CLADDING TH23 1 1 0 NA DAMAGE RM-90-266A OG RM14D POST TREATMENT 1 10000 0 NA CH A OG PRETREATMENT XA-55-3A_5 1 NA 0 ON RADIATION HIGH 2-RA-90-157A MAIN STEAM LINE XA-55-3A_7 RADIATION HIGH 2- 1 NA 0 ON RA-90-135A Overrides Description Event Severity Delay Initial set ZAORI9014A RI-90-14A S RWCU SYS AREA EL 593 1 2.500000 NA NA RX BLDG 4
Initial Overrides Description Event Severity Delay set RI-90-17A CNDR ZAORI9017A CORRIDOR EL 557 1 2.6 NA NA TB RM-90-265A OG POST TREATMENT ZAORM90265A 1 4.5 NA NA RAD CH B RATEMETER RM-90-266A OG POST TREATMENT ZAORM90266A 1 4.5 NA NA RAD CH A RATEMETER 5
IN-SIMULATOR: I will explain the initial conditions and state the task to be performed. I will provide initiating cues and reports on other actions when directed by you. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied. When your task is given, you will repeat the task and I will acknowledge "That's Correct". (OR "That's Incorrect", if applicable). When you have completed your assigned task, you will say, "my task is complete" and I will acknowledge that your task is complete.
You are an Operator on Unit 2. Reactor Power is approximately 19%. Unit 1 and 3 are at 100% power.
- One Reactor Feed Water Pump in AUTO Single Element
- Five Main Turbine Bypass Valves Open
- GOI-100-1A, Step 5.5 [11] in progress
- Reactor MODE SWITCH in RUN
- Containment inerting is in progress
- The Examiner is acting as your Unit Supervisor INITIATING CUES: Respond to the next event.
UNSAT Standard:
N/A Proceeds to the BOP Desk bookshelves and obtains a copy of 2-ARP-9-3A.
Driver note: If called as Chemistry to perform radiochemical analysis to determine source, AUO to perform the Gas Logs, or Rad Con, respond to the communication Step 2:
A. VERIFY high radiation on following:
- 1. OFFGAS RADIATION recorder, 2-RR-90-266 on Panel 2-9-2.
- 2. OG PRETREAT RAD MON RTMR, 2-RM-90-157 on Pnl 2-9-10.
- 3. OFFGAS RAD MON RTMR, 2-RM-90-160 on Panel 2-9-10.
B. CHECK off-gas flow normal.
C. CHECK following radiation recorders and associated radiation SAT monitors:
- 1. MAIN STEAM LINE RAD, 2-RR-90-135 on Panel 2-9-2. UNSAT
- 2. OFFGAS POST-TREAT RAD, 2-RR-90-265 on Panel 2-9-2.
- 3. STACK GAS/CONT RM RAD, 0-RR-90-147 on Panel 1-9-2. N/A D. NOTIFY RAD PRO.
E. NOTIFY Chemistry to perform radiochemical analysis to determine source Standard:
These steps are performed for both of the annunciator windows thus allowing the candidate to confirm Rad levels are rising.
A. CHECK following radiation recorders:
- 1. MAIN STEAM LINE RAD, 2-RR-90-135 on Panel 2-9-2.
- 2. OFFGAS RADIATION, 2-RR-90-266 on Panel 2-9-2.
- 3. STACK GAS/CONT RM RAD, 0-RR-90-147 on Panel 1-9-2.
SAT C. NOTIFY Chemistry to perform radiochemical analysis of primary UNSAT coolant.
D. IF off-gas pretreatment radiation, 2-RM-90-157, has risen N/A significantly (30% above previous hour average) THEN, NOTIFY Chemistry to perform analysis of pretreatment off-gas.
These steps are performed for both of the annunciator windows thus allowing the candidate to confirm Rad levels are rising.
Step 4:
Respond to Annunciator 2-9-4C window 33. SAT Standard: UNSAT Proceeds to the BOP Desk bookshelves and obtains a copy of N/A 2-ARP-9-4C.
Step 5: 2-9-4C window 33 A. VERIFY alarm condition and MONITOR activity on the following:
- OFFGAS RADIATION recorder, 2-RR-90-266 on Panel 2-9-2.
- OG POST-TREATMENT CHAN B RAD MON RTMR radiation monitor, 2-RM-90-265A on Panel 2-9-10. UNSAT Standard: Proceeds to Panel 2-9-2 and verifies that 2-RR-90-266 is N/A reading above 6.2 x 104 cps.
And Then checks 2-RM-90-266A and 2-RM-90-265A on Panel 2-9-10 are reading above 6.2 x 104 cps.
STEP / STANDARD SAT / UNSAT Step 6: 2-9-4C window 33 B. VERIFY Charcoal Adsorbers in service.
Standard: Proceeds to Panel 2-9-53 and finds that the Offgas Treatment SAT system is not in service. Pulls procedure 2-OI-66 Off-Gas System. UNSAT N/A CUE: If told, as the Unit Supervisor, that the Charcoal Adsorbers are not in service. Direct the Candidate to place them in service in accordance with the OI.
- 1. If the candidate elects to place the Off-Gas System in parallel per section 5.11, proceed to Step 7.
- 2. If the candidate elects to place the Off-Gas System in series per section 8.10, proceed to Step 13 (N/A steps 7-12).
Step 7: 2-OI-66 Section 5.11 Critical Step SAT UNSAT N/A
[1] PLACE OFFGAS TREATMENT SELECT handswitch, 2-XS-66-113, in TREAT.
Standard: Handswitch 2-XS-66-113 is unlocked and rotated to the Treat position and is left there.
STEP / STANDARD SAT / UNSAT Step 8: 2-OI-66 Section 5.11 Critical Step
UNSAT Standard: Places handswitch 2-HS-66-117 to the open position and verifies that the red light is lit and the green light is off. N/A Step 9: 2-OI-66 Section 5.11 Critical Step
UNSAT Standard: Places handswitch 2-HS-66-118 to the open position and verifies that the red light is lit and the green light is off. N/A Step 10: 2-OI-66 Section 5.11 Critical Step
UNSAT Standard: Places handswitch 2-HS-66-116 to the closed position and verifies that the red light is off and the green light is lit. N/A Step 11: 2-OI-66 Section 5.11 SAT
[5] CHECK GLY/RECMB/OG MOIST SEP, 2-TRS-66-106 (CH 3-REHTR OUTL (DEW PT)), indicates 45°F or less. UNSAT Standard: Checks, 2-TRS-66-106 (CH 3-REHTR OUTL (DEW PT)), to N/A ensure that it indicates 45°F or less.
STEP / STANDARD SAT / UNSAT Step 12: 2-OI-66 Section 5.11 SAT
[6] IF the Off-Gas System is intended to be operated with charcoal beds UNSAT in parallel with the charcoal beds on another (shutdown) unit, THEN (Otherwise N/A). N/A Standard: States that this step is N/A EXAMINER NOTE: Proceed to step 20 and N/A steps 13-19 if the candidate elected to align charcoal beds in parallel.
STEP / STANDARD SAT / UNSAT Step 13: 2-OI-66 Section 8.10 SAT UNSAT
[1] VERIFY the following initial conditions are met A. All Precautions and Limitations in Section 3.0 have been N/A reviewed.
B. The Off-Gas System is in Prestartup/Standby Readiness or system startup is in progress. (REFER TO Section 4.0 or Section 5.0 respectively).
C. OFFGAS TREATMENT SELECT handswitch, 2-XS-66-113, is in BYPASS on Panel 2-9-53.
Standard: Verifies initial conditions are met.
Step 14: 2-OI-66 Section 8.10 Critical Step SAT
[2] OPEN CHARCOAL ADSORBER TRAINS SERIES VLV, using 2-HS-66-116 UNSAT Standard: Places handswitch 2-HS-66-116 to the open position and N/A verifies that the red light is lit and the green light is off.
Step 15: 2-OI-66 Section 8.10 Critical Step
UNSAT Standard: Places handswitch 2-HS-66-117 to the closed position and verifies that the red light is off and the green light is lit.
N/A 12
STEP / STANDARD SAT / UNSAT Step 16: 2-OI-66 Section 8.10 Critical Step
UNSAT Standard: Places handswitch 2-HS-66-118 to the closed position and verifies that the red light is off and the green light is lit.
N/A Step 17: 2-OI-66 Section 8.10 SAT
[5] VERIFY GLY/RECMB/OG MOIST SEP, TRS-66-106 (CH 3-REHTR OUTL (DEW PT)), indicates 45°F or less.
UNSAT Standard: Verifies TRS-66-106 indicates 45°F or less.
N/A Step 18: 2-OI-66 Section 8.10 Critical Step
[6] PLACE OFFGAS TREATMENT SELECT handswitch, 2-XS-66-113, SAT in TREAT.
UNSAT Standard: Handswitch 2-XS-66-113 is unlocked and rotated to the Treat position and is left there.
N/A Step 19: 2-OI-66 Section 8.10 SAT
[7] IF the Off-Gas System is intended to be operated with charcoal beds in parallel with charcoal beds on another (shutdown) unit, UNSAT THEN COMPLETE Section 8.11.
N/A Standard: States that this step is N/A.
Step 20: 2-9-4C window 33 C. NOTIFY Unit 1 and 3 operators of conditions and that verification of proper operation of Unit 1 and 3 Off-Gas system is required. SAT Standard: Notifies Unit1 and Unit 3. UNSAT Examiner Cue: Respond as Unit 1 and Unit 3 to the notification and that N/A you will get back to them on Off-Gas system operation.
STEP / STANDARD SAT / UNSAT CUE: Another Operator will continue from here.
Termination Criteria: When the JPM is complete.
Provide to Applicant IN-SIMULATOR: I will explain the initial conditions and state the task to be performed. I will provide initiating cues and reports on other actions when directed by you. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied. When your task is given, you will repeat the task and I will acknowledge "That's Correct". (OR "That's Incorrect", if applicable). When you have completed your assigned task, you will say, "my task is complete" and I will acknowledge that your task is complete.
You are an Operator on Unit 2. Reactor Power is approximately 19%. Unit 1 and 3 are at 100% power.
- One Reactor Feed Water Pump in AUTO Single Element
- Five Main Turbine Bypass Valves Open
- GOI-100-1A, Step 5.5 [11] in progress
- Reactor MODE SWITCH in RUN
- Inerting is in progress
- The Examiner is acting as your Unit Supervisor INITIATING CUES: Respond to the next event.
_HL!4j Job Performance Measure (JPM)
PURGE THE DRYWELL WITH THE STANDBY GAS SITE: BEN JPM TITLE: T I TREATMEN JPM NUMBER: 695U3 REVISION: 1 TASK APPLICABILITY: I ISRO ESTA I IXUO I ENAUO U-064-NO-16 Purge Drywell and Suppression TASK NUMBER/TASK TITLE(S): Chamber K/A RATINGS: RO: 2.7 SRO: 2.7 261000 Standby Gas Treatment System; Ability to manually K/A No. &STATEMENT: operate and/or monitor in the control room: A4.09 Ventilation valves/dampers RELATED PRA INFORMATION: Risk Significant SAFETYFUNCTION: 9 EVALUATION LOCATION: EIn-Plant Xi Simulator E Control Room E Lab E Other List-APPLICABLE METHOD OF TESTING: El Discussion El Simulate/Walkthrough Perform TIME FOR COMPLETION: NA TIME CRITICAL (YIN) N ALTERNATE PATH (Y/N) N Developed by:
Developer Date (Ensure validator is briefed on exam security per NPG-SPP-17.8.1)
(See JPM Validation Checklist in NPG-SPP-17.8.2)
Validated by:
Validator Date Approved by:
Site Training Management Date Approved by:
Site Training Program Owner Date I
TASK STANDARD: Establish a Drywell purge alignment using SBGT.
Operator Fundamental evaluated:
OF-i Monitoring plant indications and Conditions closely.
OF-5 Having a solid understanding of plant design, engineering principles, and sciences.
Additional comment sheets attached? YES NO RESULTS: SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY IF UNSAT results are obtained THEN Retain entire JPM for records, (Otherwise just retain this page.)
I jfi Job Performance Measure (JPM)
Revision Summary Rev Effective Pages Description No. Date Affected 0 07/20/08 All Initial issue 1 04/18/17 All Incorporate validation comments 3
I jfr Job Performance Measure (JPM)
. Reset to Exam IC (230)
. Place the simulator in RUN to ensure stable conditions Console Operator
- No Schedule File for this JPM. SBGT remote functions should be Instructions run from the director Malfunctions Description Event Severity Delay Initial set NA NA NA NA NA NA Remotes Description Event Severity Delay Final set PCOIA Remote Start SBGT A NA NA NA Start PCOI B Remote Start SBGT B NA NA NA Start PCOIC Remote StartSBGTC NA NA NA Start Overrides Descnptaon Event Severity Delay Initial set NA NA NA NA NA NA 4
1 I
I HuH I ticif C 0
I 111III I C,
8 lift I 1W rw it! II Ill
I START TIME:_________
[10] ENSURE CLOSED the following dampers (Panel 3-9-25).
Checks REACTOR ZONE EXH TO SGTS are closed, by verifying the green light illuminated and the red light off for both dampers.
Step 2:
[11] ENSURE CLOSED the following valves (Panel 3-9-3):
- DW/SUPPR CHBR VENT TO SGT, 3-FCO-64-36 N/A Standard:
Checks each valve closed by verifying the green light illuminated and the red light off. In addition to verifying the lights the candidate may, at their discretion, place the hand switches for these 8 valves in the closed position.
Step 3:
[12] IF the Reactor Mode switch is in RUN, THEN PLACE the following SAT switches in the BYPASS (Panel 3-9-3):
Marks this step as N/A.
Critical Step
[13] PERFORM the following (Panel 3-9-3):
Places DW/SUPPR CHBR VENT TO SGT, 3-F-IS-64-36, in AUTO/OPEN position. Green light stays illuminated until SBGT is started.
Critical Step Step 5:
[13.2] OPEN DRYWELL VENT INBD ISOL VALVE, 3-FCV-64-29 using 3-HS-64-29.
Places DRYWELL VENT INBD ISOL VALVE, 3-FCV-64-29 to OPEN and verifies that the red light is illuminated and the green light is extinguished.
Step 6: Critical Step
[13.3] OPEN DRYWELL VENT OUTBD ISOL VLV, 3-FCV-64-30 using 3-HS-64-30.
Places DRYWELL VENT OUTED ISOLATION VLV, 3-FCV-64-30 to OPEN and verifies that the red light is illuminated and the green light is extinguished.
[ I i4j Job Performance Measure fJPM)
STEP I STANDARD SAT! UNSAT Driver Note: When the Candidate calls for the starting of a SBGT, insert remote function PCOIA, PCOI B, or PCOIC. See CUE below for response.
Step 7:
[14] START a Standby Gas Treatment Train. REFER TO 0-01-65. Critical Step Standard: SAT Contacts Unit I or Unit 2 Unit Operators to start a train of SBGT.
Verifies the start by checking the red light in the stack of three on panel 3-9-20 is illuminated.
N/A CUE: After starting the SBGT, Call the operator back and report that the requested SBGT has been started.
Step 8:
UNSAT Standard:
DW/SUPPR CHBR VENT TO SGT, 3-FCO-64-36 is checked to be OPEN, by verifying the red light is illuminated and the green light is extinguished.
Step 9:
[16] DISPATCH personnel to check ventilation ducts for unexpected noise or vibration.
Calls the AUO to check the ventilation ducts for unexpected noises or vibration.
CUE: Time Compression the person called to check the ventilation ducts for unexpected noise and vibration reports no abnormal noises or vibrations.
Step 10:
[17] MONITOR Drywell Pressure (Panel 3-9-3).
Standard Candidate observes at least one pressure indicator or recorder on panel 3-9-3 8
I 1L1 Job Performance Measure (JPM)
[18] RECORD start time in the Narrative log.
Candidate records the time on the procedure to transfer to the N/A narrative log or request the BOP Operator to make the log entry.
Step 12:
[19] DISPATCH personnel to Aux Instr Room to reset GROSS FAILURES and associated RPS and ECCS ATUs, THEN RESET Control Room SAT Annunciators on Panel 3-9-3 and 3-9-5.
Either directs an AUO to reset the RPS and ECCS ATUs or N/A notes that no alarms are illuminated and marks this step N/A.
CUE: As AUO, respond to the request to reset Gross Failures on the ATUs.
Step 13:
[20] CHECK STACK GAS/CONT RM RADIATION, 0-RR-90-147 (Panel 1-9-2), and OFFGAS STACK RADIATION MONITOR, 0-RM-90-306 (Panel 2-9-10), for any changes in radiation levels.
Candidate calls Unit one and Unit twos Unit Operators to monitor Stack Gas/Cont Rad Monitor and the Off-Gas Stack Radiation Monitor for any changes in radiation levels.
CUE: As the Unit I and Unit 2 Operators, report that you will monitor the Radiation Monitors, and there have been no significant changes in radiation levels.
Step 14:
[21] NOTIFY Unit Supervisor of any significant radiation level changes.
Circles and leaves step open in the event radiation levels rise, or marks this step N/A.
[221 OPEN the following valves (Panel 3-9-3):
- DW/SUPPR CHBR AIR PURGE ISOLATION VLV, 3-FCV-64-17, Critical Step using 3-HS-64-17
- DRYWELL ATM SUPPLY INBD ISOLATION VLV, 3-FCV-64-1 8, SAT using 3-1-18-64-18 Standard Both the 3-FCV-64-17 and 3-FCV-64-18 are placed in the N/A OPEN position and verifies that the red light is illuminated and the green light is extinguished.
Step 16:
[231 PURGE the Drywell for approximately one hour.
Reports the Drywell has been aligned for SBGT Purge and it is to be in service for approximately one hour.
CUE: Another operator will take over from here.
Termination Criteria: When the Drywell has been aligned to the SBGTs and purge has been established the JPM can be ended.
Provide to Applicant IN-SIMULATOR: I will explain the initial conditions and state the task to be performed. I will provide initiating cues and reports on other actions when directed by you. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied. When your task is given, you will repeat the task and I will acknowledge Thats Correct. (OR Thats Incorrect, if applicable). When you have completed your assigned task, you will say, my task is complete and I will acknowledge that your task is complete.
- You are a Unit 3 Operator.
- Unit 3 is shut down for mid cycle outage to determine the source of a steam leak in the Drywell.
- Chemistry has sampled the Drywell per 3-Sl-4.8.B.2-6, Drywell Gamma Isotopic and Tritium and has just notified the Unit Supervisor that the results were within limits of the SI.
- Primary Containment Purge System is Inoperable.
- Unit 3 is in Mode 4 Cold Shutdown.
- DWCA is aligned to Plant Control Air.
INITIATING CUES: The Unit Supervisor directs you to purge the Drywell using Standby Gas Treatment in accordance with 3-01-64, Primary Containment System Section 8.7, starting at step [101.
Final RO & SRO Written Exam: ML17131A200 Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D1 Facility: BFN Scenario Number: NRC - 2 Op-Test Number:17-03 Examiners:__________________ Operators: SRO: _________________
__________________ ATC: _________________
__________________ BOP: _________________
Initial Conditions:~2% Reactor Power Turnover: Warm up 2B Reactor Feed pump (RFP). Raise reactor power to 8%, place the Mode Switch in RUN, and then continue reactor startup.
Event Malfunction Event EventDescription Number Number Type*
- 1. N/A Begin warming 2B RFP N-SRO R-OATC
- 2. N/A Raise reactor power using control rods R-SRO Override I-OATC
- 3. IRM B range selector switch fails in position 5 XS-92-7/42B I-SRO C-OATC
- 4. RD14A C-SRO RWM CPU halt/Loss of 28vDC TS-SRO C-OATC
- 5. RD22 CRD controller fails high, causing 85-11A to close C-SRO C-BOP
- 7. HP08 M-ALL temperatures)
- 8. RP11 Loss of feed (Group 1 Isolation)
- 9. RC04 RCIC controller fails in automatic (operates in manual)
- (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor Unit 2
Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D1 Events
- 1. The crew will warm 2B Reactor Feed Pump.
- 2. Reactor power will be raised using control rods to ~8%.
- 4. The RWM will experience a CPU Halt and loss of 28vDC. The SRO will consult technical specifications to determine restrictions on the reactor startup (more than 12 rods are withdrawn; a second licensed operator present is required to continue). The BOP will act as the second operator and the SRO will direct continued rod withdrawal.
- 5. The CRD Flow Controller will fail high, closing 85-11A. The crew will place the controller in manual to restore the system to proper operation.
- 6. SRV 1-31 will fail partially open. Operators will take action IAW AOI-1-1 and attempt to close the valve. When the operator takes the MSRV Auto Actuation Logic to INHIBIT, the valve will close. The SRO will consult technical specifications for an inoperable ADS valve and one inoperable SRV.
- 7. A HPCI steam leak will develop, causing area temperatures to rise. HPCI fails to isolate (automatically or manually), making the leak unisolable. Area temperatures will continue to rise as the crew takes actions per the EOI flow charts, eventually requiring the crew to emergency depressurize the reactor.
- 8. A spurious Group 1 isolation will occur when the reactor is scrammed and will force the crew to use RCIC for reactor water level control.
- 9. The RCIC flow controller will fail in automatic, and the crew will have to manually operate the flow controller in order to control reactor water level.
The Scenario ends when the crew has Emergency Depressurized the reactor and restored reactor water level to +2 to +51 using low pressure systems.
Unit 2
Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D1 Critical Tasks 2
- 1. With the reactor at power and with a primary system discharging into the secondary containment, manually scram the reactor before any area exceeds the maximum safe operating value.
- 1. Safety Significance Scram reduces to decay heat the energy that the RPV may be discharging into the secondary containment.
- 2. Cues Procedural Compliance.
Secondary Containment Area Temperature, Level and/or radiation indication.
- 3. Measured by:
Observation - With a primary system discharging into secondary containment a reactor scram is initiated before a maximum safe condition is reached.
- 4. Feedback Control rod positions.
Reactor Power reduction.
- 5. Critical Task Failure Criteria:
The operating crew fails to insert a manual reactor scram prior to 1st Area Temperature or Radiation Levels reaching the Max Safe Value.
- 2. With a primary system discharging into the Secondary Containment when two or more areas are greater than their maximum safe operating values for the same parameter, RO initiates Emergency Depressurization as directed by US.
- 1. Safety Significance Places the primary system in the lowest possible energy state, rejects heat to theSuppression Pool in preference to outside the Primary Containment, and reduces driving head and flow of system discharging into the Secondary Containment.
- 2. Cues Procedural Compliance.
Secondary Containment Area temperature, level, or radiation indication.
Unit 2
Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D1
- 3. Measured by:
Observation - US transitions to EOI-C2 and directs opening at least 6 MSRVs when two or more areas are greater than their maximum safe operating values for the same parameter.
- 4. Feedback Reactor Pressure Trend.
MSRV status indications.
- 5. Critical Task Failure Criteria:
The operating crew fails to initiate an Emergency Depressurization within 10 minutes after 2 Area Temperature Levels exceed Max Safe value.
Unit 2
Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 2 Event No.: 1 Page 1 of 3 Event
Warm 2B RFP Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Directs the BOP to begin warm up of 2B Reactor Feed Pump in SRO accordance with 2-OI-3.
2-OI-3, Reactor Feedwater System Section 5.6, Warming the second and third RFP/RFPT
[3.15] PLACE control switches for the following in AUTO and VERIFY BOP OPEN RFP minimum flow valve for pump being placed in service:
- RFP 2B MIN FLOW VALVE, 2-FCV-3-13 NOTE RFPT speed is raised to approximately 1100 rpm to obtain positive indication of discharge pressure.
- 1) Do not allow RFPT speed to exceed 1100 rpm until RFPT manual trip has been satisfactorily tested.
- 2) Do not raise RFP discharge pressure to greater than Reactor pressure to prevent injection to vessel during RFPT trip testing.
[3.16] START RFPT from Panel 2-9-6 as follows:
- PLACE RFPT 2B START/LOCAL ENABLE, 2-HS-46-138A, in START and OBSERVE RFPT accelerates to approximately 600 rpm on RFPT 2B SPEED, 2-SI-46-9A.
[3.17] PERFORM the following locally at RFPT:
A. CHECK no abnormal rubbing noises or vibration is observed.
B. IF any abnormal rubbing noises or vibration is observed, THEN REMOVE RFPT from operation until condition is corrected.
When asked to perform Step [3.17], report that there are no Driver abnormal noises or vibrations from 2B RFP.
[3.18] CHECK RFPT Speed Control in MANUAL GOVERNOR.
[3.19] ADJUST RFPT Speed Control position.
- USE RFPT 2B SPEED CONT RAISE/LOWER switch, 2-HS-46-9A, as necessary to RAISE RFPT speed to approximately 1100 rpm.
Page 1 of 52 Unit 2
Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 2 Event No.: 1 Page 2 of 3 Event
Warm 2B RFP Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior
[3.20] PLACE RFPT Turning Gear Motor, in AUTO as follows:
- RFPT 2B TURNING GEAR MOTOR, using 2-HS-3-127A.
[3.21] PERFORM RFPT Trip Test on Panel 2-9-6 as follows:
- DEPRESS RFPT 2B TRIP, using 2-HS-3-151A, and VERIFY HP and LP Stop Valves close by using the position lights.
NOTE Turning Gear Motor will lockout if Turning Gear does not engage within five seconds of reaching zero speed. Lockout can be reset by placing control switch to OFF and pulling out (at OFF).
[3.22] CHECK Turning Gear automatically engages or RFP rolling on minimum flow.
[3.23] PERFORM RFPT Trip Reset:
B. DEPRESS RFPT 2B TRIP RESET, 2-HS-3-150A and CHECK the following:
- Blue light extinguishes.
- HP Stop Valves open.
- LP Stop Valves open.
NOTE Normal operating range for RFP lube oil to bearings is 110°F to 120°F. Illustration 7 has instructions to control Raw Cooling Water through RFP lube oil cooler.
CAUTION Do NOT raise RFP discharge pressure to greater than Reactor Pressure to prevent injection to vessel.
[3.24] START RFPT from Panel 2-9-6 as follows:
- PLACE RFPT 2B START/LOCAL ENABLE, 2-HS-46-138A, in START and OBSERVE RFPT accelerates to approximately 600 rpm on RFPT 2B SPEED, 2-SI-46-9A.
Page 2 of 52 Unit 2
Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 2 Event No.: 1 Page 3 of 3 Event
Warm 2B RFP Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior
[3.25] IF the lube oil to the bearings is below 110°F, perform the following:
- ADJUST RFPT 2B SPEED CONT RAISE/LOWER switch, 2-HS-BOP 46-9A, as necessary to RAISE RFPT speed to approximately 1100 rpm.
The Crew will warm 3B RFPT until oil temperature reaches 110ºF.
End of Event 1; proceed to Event 2 (raise reactor power using NRC control rods).
Page 3 of 52 Unit 2
Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 2 Event No.: 2 Page 1 of 6 Event
Raise Reactor Power using control rods Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Event 2 is automatically initiated by the crews SRO to raise NRC reactor power in accordance with the turnover instructions.
Updates the Crew with the Station Managements request and prepares to raise Reactor Power.
SRO Assumes the Reactivity Manager position. Directs the OATC to raise reactor power to 5-10% in preparation for placing the mode switch in RUN, in accordance with 2-GOI-100-1A, 2-OI-85, and 2-SR-
2-GOI-100-1A, Unit Startup and Power Operation Section 5.4 NOTE OATC 8% RTP is the target power level to prevent rod blocks below 5% RTP or above 10% RTP.
[67] CONTINUE to withdraw control rods to raise Reactor power to approximately 8% per 2-OI-85 and 2-SR-
2-OI-85-1, Control Rod Drive System Section 6.6.3 Control Rod Notch Withdrawal
[1] SELECT the desired control rod by depressing the appropriate CRD ROD SELECT pushbutton, 2-XS-85-40.
Selects correct rod OATC [2] N/A
[3] OBSERVE the following for the selected control rod:
- CRD ROD SELECT pushbutton is brightly ILLUMINATED.
- White light on the Full Core Display ILLUMINATED
- Rod Out Permit light ILLUMINATED.
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 2 Event No.: 2 Page 2 of 6 Event
Raise Reactor Power using control rods Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior
[4] VERIFY ROD WORTH MINIMIZER operable and LATCHED in to correct ROD GROUP when Rod Worth Minimizer is enforcing.
Withdraws correct rod
[6] OBSERVE control rod settles into desired position AND ROD SETTLE light extinguishes.
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 2 Event No.: 2 Page 3 of 6 Event
Raise Reactor Power using control rods Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior
[7] IF control rod is notch withdrawn to rod notch Position 48, THEN PERFORM control rod coupling integrity check as follows:
[7.2] CHECK control rod coupled by observing the following:
- Four rod display digital readout AND full core display digital readout AND background light remain illuminated.
- CONTROL ROD OVERTRAVEL annunciator (2-XA 5A, Window 14) does not alarm.
[7.3] CHECK control rod settles into Position 48 and ROD SETTLE light extinguishes.
[7.4] IF control rod coupling integrity check fails, THEN Refer to 2-AOI-85-2.
[8] N/A Page 6 of 52 Unit 2
Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 2 Event No.: 2 Page 4 of 6 Event
Raise Reactor Power using control rods Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior 2-OI-85, Control Rod Drive System Section 6.6.4, Continuous Rod Withdrawal NOTES
- 1) Continuous control rod withdrawal may be used when a control rod is to be withdrawn greater than three notches.
- 2) When in areas of high notch worth, single notch withdrawal should be used instead of continuous rod withdrawal.
Information concerning high notch worth is identified by Reactor Engineering in Control Rod Coupling Integrity Check, 2-SR-
- 3) When continuously withdrawing a control rod to a position other than position 48, the CRD Notch Override Switch is held in the Override position and then the CRD Control Switch is held in OATC the Rod Out Notch position.
- Both switches should be released when the control rod reaches two notches prior to its intended position.
(Example: If a control rod is to be withdrawn from position 00 to position 12, the CRD Notch Override Switch and the CRD Control Switch would be used to move the control rod until reaching position 08, then both switches would be released.)
- If the rod settles in a notch prior to the intended position, the CRD Control Switch should be used to withdraw the rod to the intended position. (using the above example; If the control rod settles at a notch prior to the intended position of 12, the CRD Control Switch would be used to withdraw the control rod to position 12.)
[1] SELECT the desired control rod by depressing the appropriate CRD ROD SELECT pushbutton, 2-XS-85-40.
[2] OBSERVE the following for selected control rod:
- CRD ROD SELECT pushbutton is brightly ILLUMINATED.
- White light on the Full Core Display ILLUMINATED
- Rod Out Permit light ILLUMINATED.
[3] VERIFY ROD WORTH MINIMIZER operable and LATCHED in to correct ROD GROUP when Rod Worth Minimizer is enforcing.
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 2 Event No.: 2 Page 5 of 6 Event
Raise Reactor Power using control rods Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior
[4] VERIFY Control Rod is being withdrawn to a position greater than three notches.
[5] IF withdrawing the control rod to a position other than 48, THEN PERFORM the following: (Otherwise N/A)
[5.3] WHEN control rod reaches two notches prior to the intended notch, THEN RELEASE both CRD NOTCH OVERRIDE, 2-HS-85-47, and CRD OATC CONTROL SWITCH, 2-HS-85-48.
[5.4] IF control rod settles at notch before intended notch, THEN PLACE CRD CONTROL SWITCH, 2-HS-85-48, in ROD OUT NOTCH and RELEASE.
[5.5] WHEN control rod settles into the intended notch, THEN CHECK the following:
- Four rod display digital readout and full core display digital readout and background light will remain illuminated.
- CONTROL ROD OVERTRAVEL annunciator (2-XA-55-5A, Window 14) does not alarm.
[5.6] CHECK control rod settles at intended position and ROD SETTLE light extinguishes.
[6] N/A
[7] N/A Page 8 of 52 Unit 2
Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 2 Event No.: 2 Page 6 of 6 Event
Raise Reactor Power using control rods Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior 2-OI-85, Control Rod Drive System Section 6.6.5, Return to Normal after Completion of Control Rod Withdrawal OATC [1] WHEN control rod movement is no longer desired AND deselecting control rods is desired, THEN:
[1.1] PLACE CRD POWER, 2-HS-85-46, in OFF.
[1.2] PLACE CRD POWER, 2-HS-85-46, in ON.
End of Event 2. Event 3 (IRM B Range Switch Failure) will NRC automatically occur. No action is required by the driver.
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 2 Event No.: 3 Page 1 of 1 Event
IRM B Range Switch Fails in position 5 Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior IRM B selector switch is overridden in position 5 during simulator NRC setup. No action is required by the driver to insert this event.
Determines that IRM B will not range, informs the SRO and recommends bypassing IRM B.
2-OI-92A, Intermediate Range Monitors Section 6, Bypassing an IRM Channel OATC CAUTION NPG-SPP-10.4 requires approval from the Plant Manager or his designee prior to any planned operation with IRMs bypassed unless bypassing is specifically allowed within procedures.
- 1) It is not necessary for a bypassed IRM channel to have its detector inserted into the core.
- 2) Only one IRM in each trip system can be bypassed at a time.
- 3) All operations are pefromed on Panel 2-9-5 unless specifically stated otherwise.
[1] REVIEW all precautions and limitations in Section 3.0.
[2] PLACE the appropriate IRM Bypass selector switch to the BYPASS position:
- IRM BYPASS, 2-HS-92-7A/S4B
[3] CHECK that the Bypassed light is illuminated.
Bypasses IRM B.
SRO References Tech Spec (RPS Instrumentation). Because only 3 IRMs are required to be operable in each channel, this is an info only LCO.
NRC End of Event 3, request that the driver insert Event 4 (CRD Controller Fails High).
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 2 Event No.: 4 Page 1 of 3 Event
RWM CPU Halt Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior When the NRC Chief Examiner is ready for Event 5, insert Driver Event 5 to cause the RWM CPU Halt.
OATC Acknowledges and reports RWM Rod Block and RWM failure Responds per 2-ARP-9-5B, Window 35 - RWM ROD BLOCK A. CHECK RWM panel for error.
Reports to the SRO that the RWM has failed.
OATC B. CHECK rod position. COMPARE it with Control Rod Movement Data Sheet (2-SR-
C. IF RWM becomes inop, THEN REFER TO 2-OI-85 and Tech Spec 3.1, 3.3, and 3.10, Table
Recommends bypassing the RWM.
Consults with Shift Manager and Reactor Engineer, and then SRO directs bypassing the RWM in accordance with 2-OI-85, Control Rod Drive System, Section 8.17.
Bypasses the RWM.
Section 8.17, Manual Bypass of the Rod Worth Minimizer
[1] VERIFY the following initial conditions are satisfied:
- The Shift Manager/Reactor Engineer has directed Rod Worth Minimizer to be bypassed.
- A second licensed operator is available to verify control rod position.
[2] REVIEW all Precautions and Limitations in Section 3.4.
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 2 Event No.: 4 Page 2 of 3 Event
RWM CPU Halt Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CAUTIONS
- 1) Step 8.17[3] will make the Rod Worth Minimizer inoperable and Technical Specifications Sections 3.1.6 and will apply.
- 2) NPG-SPP-10.4 requires approval of the Plant Manager or his designee prior to any planned operation with the RWM bypassed unless bypassing of the RWM is specifically allowed within approved procedures.
[4] CHECK Manual Bypass light illuminated.
[5] CHECK all other indications on Rod Worth Minimizer Operator's Panel extinguished.
[6] CHECK Blue Rod Out Permit light above 2-HS-85-48 illuminated.
[7] RESET CONTROL ROD WITHDRAWAL BLOCK annunciator, (2-XA-55-5A, Window 7).
References Technical Specifications 3.1, 3.3, and 3.10, Table SRO
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 2 Event No.: 4 Page 3 of 3 Event
RWM CPU Halt Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Tech Spec 3.1, Reactivity Control Systems - NO ACTIONS Tech Spec 3.3, Instrumentation, Control Rod Block Instrumentation Condition C. Rod Worth Minimizer (RWM) inoperable during reactor startup.
Required Action C.1 Suspend control rod movement except by scram OR C.2.1.1 Verify 12 rods withdrawn.
OR C.2.1.2 Verify by administrative means that startup with RWM inoperable has not been performed in the last calendar year.
AND C.2.2 Verify movement of control rods is in compliance with banked position withdrawal sequence (BPWS) by a second licensed operator or other qualified member of the technical staff.
Completion Time C.1 Immediately C.2.1.1 Immediately C.2.1.2 Immediately C.2.2 During control rod movement Tech Spec 3.10, Special Operations - NO ACTIONS NRC End of Event 4. Request Event 5 (CRD controller fails high).
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 2 Event No.: 5 Page 1 of 1 Event
CRD controller fails high, causing 85-11A to close Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Driver When the NRC Chief Examiner is ready for Event 4, insert Event 4 to fail the CRD Controller and close 85-11A.
Responds to Annunciator 3-ARP-9-5A, Window 10 CRD ACCUM CHG WTR HDR Press HIGH 3-PA-85-13 In accordance with OPDP-1 Conduct of Operations, 3.3.5, OATC Manual Control of Auto System, allows the Operator to take manual action to correct an automatic controller failure.
Places the CRD Flow Controller in Manual and restores CRD Parameters back to normal ranges.
NRC End of Event 5, request that the driver insert Event 6 (SRV 1-18 Fails Open).
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 2 Event No.: 6 Page 1 of 9 Event
SRV 1-31 Fails Open Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior When the NRC Chief Examiner is ready for Event 6, insert Driver Event 6 to open SRV 1-31 2-ARP-9-3C, Window 25 MAIN STEAM RELIEF VALVE OPEN, 2-FA-1-1 Operator Actions:
A. CHECK MSRV DISCHARGE TAILPIPE TEMPERATURE, 2-BOP TR-1-1, on Panel 2-9-47 and SRV Tailpipe Flow Monitor on Panel 2-9-3 for raised temperature and flow indications.
B. REFER TO 2-AOI-1-1.
C. IF alarm is due to sensor malfunction, THEN REFER TO 0-OI-55 and OPDP-4.
2-AOI-1-1, Relief Valve Stuck Open NOTE Once a MSRV is operated, a time delay of 15 to 30 seconds can BOP be expected before a response on 2-TR-1-1, MSRV DISCHARGE TAILPIPE TEMPERATURE. ICS can be used to monitor the discharge temperature, but the appropriate indications on 2-TR-1-1 must be confirmed.
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 2 Event No.: 6 Page 2 of 9 Event
SRV 1-31 Fails Open Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior 4.1 Immediate Action
[1] IDENTIFY stuck open relief valve by OBSERVING the following:
- MSRV DISCHARGE TAILPIPE TEMPERATURE recorder, 2-TR-1-1 on Panel 2-9-47.
[2] N/A
[3] WHILE OBSERVING the indications for the affected Relief valve on the Acoustic Monitor; CYCLE the affected relief valve control switch as required up to three times:
- CLOSE to OPEN to CLOSE positions
- 1) Once initial transient of SRV opening has stabilized BOP (pressure regulator compensation) the Heat Balance will indicate bad data.
- 2) The SRV TAILPIPE FLOW MONITOR may seal-in an OPEN position indication.
4.2 Subsequent Action 4.2.1 Action if a fire exists with SRV stuck open
[1] N/A 4.2.2 Attempt to close valve from Panel 9-3:
[3] N/A Page 16 of 52 Unit 2
Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 2 Event No.: 6 Page 3 of 9 Event
SRV 1-31 Fails Open Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior
BOP [5] IF relief valve closes, THEN OPEN breaker or PULL fuses as necessary using Attachment 1 (Unit 2 SRV Solenoid Power Breaker/Fuse Table).
SRV 1-31 will close when the MSRV Auto Actuation Logic Inhibit switch is placed in the Inhibit position. If the Inhibit NRC Switch is placed back in AUTO before the circuit breaker is opened, the SRV will re-open. The crew will be required to open the circuit breaker for the SRV to remain closed.
2-AOI-1-1, Attachment 1 BOP When the crew contacts Work Control/Outside Unit Supervisor to have the breaker for SRV 1-31 per 2-AOI-1-1, insert event 16.
Driver After a 3 minute time delay, report to the control room that Breaker 8B2 on 2B 250VDC RMOV board is open.
[7] N/A When the crew places the MSRV Auto Actuation Logic Inhibit Driver switch back in AUTO, verify that SRV 1-18 remains closed.
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 2 Event No.: 6 Page 4 of 9 Event
SRV 1-31 fails open Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior 4.2.3 Attempt to close valve from outside the control room:
[6] N/A 4.2.4 Other Actions and Documentation
[1] NOTIFY Reactor Engineering of current conditions.
[2] IF ANY EOI entry condition is met, THEN ENTER the appropriate EOI(s).
[3] REFER TO Technical Specifications Sections 3.5.1 and 3.4.3 CREW for Automatic Depressurization System and relief valve operability requirements.
[4] INITIATE suppression pool cooling as necessary to maintain suppression pool temperature less than 95°F.
[5] N/A
[6] INITIATE a Condition Report (CR) for the valve.
If contacted as the Reactor Engineer, acknowledge that SRV Driver 1-31 opened and that the SRV breaker has been opened, rendering it inoperable electrically.
SYSTEM 3.5.1 ECCS - Operating LCO 3.5.1 Each ECCS injection/spray subsystem and the Automatic Depressurization System (ADS) function of six safety/relief valves shall be OPERABLE.
SRO Condition E. One ADS valve inoperable Required Action E.1 Restore ADS valve to OPERABLE status.
Completion Time 14 days Page 18 of 52 Unit 2
Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 2 Event No.: 6 Page 5 of 9 Event
SRV 1-31 fails open Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Tech Spec 3.4 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM (RCS)
SRO 3.4.3 Safety/Relief Valves (S/RVs)
LCO 3.4.3 The safety function of 12 S/RVs shall be OPERABLE.
Information only LCO When an LCO is not met, entry into a MODE or other specified condition in the Applicability shall only be made:
- a. When the associated ACTIONS to be entered permit continued operation in the MODE or other specified condition in the Applicability for an unlimited period of time;
- b. After performance of a risk assessment addressing inoperable systems and components, consideration of the results, determination of the acceptability of entering NRC the MODE or other specified condition in the Applicability, INFO and establishment of risk management actions, if appropriate; exceptions to this Specification are stated in the individual Specifications, or
- c. When an allowance is stated in the individual value, parameter, or other Specification.
This Specification shall not prevent changes in MODES or other specified conditions in the Applicability that are required to comply with ACTIONS or that are part of a shutdown of the unit.
If Suppression Pool Temperature reaches 95°F the SRO will enter EOI-2.
SRO SRO Page 19 of 52 Unit 2
Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 2 Event No.: 6 Page 6 of 9 Event
SRV 1-31 fails open Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior SRO SP/T-1 MONITOR and CONTROL suppr pl temp below 95°F SRO ACTION REQUIRED using available suppr pl cooling (APPX 17A)
SRO directs the BOP operator to place RHR in suppression pool cooling in accordance with 2-EOI Appendix 17A.
2-EOI Appendix 17A RHR SYSTEM OPERATION SUPPRESSION POOL COOLING NOTE: Placing a BYPASS SEL switch in BYPASS in step 1 below prevents automatic opening of the affected RHR loops outboard injection valve. This makes LPCI mode of that RHR loop inoperable.
- 1. IF..............Adequate core cooling is assured, OR Directed to cool the Suppression Pool irrespective of adequate core cooling, THEN.......BYPASS LPCI injection valve open interlock AS NECESSARY:
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 2 Event No.: 6 Page 7 of 9 Event
SRV 1-31 fails open Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior
- 2. PLACE RHR SYSTEM I(II) in Suppression Pool Cooling as follows:
- c. THROTTLE the following in-service RHRSW outlet valves to obtain between 1350 and 4500 gpm RHRSW flow:
- d. IF ............. Directed by SRO, BOP THEN.......PLACE 2-XS-74-122(130), RHR SYS I(II) LPCI 2/3 CORE HEIGHT OVRD in MANUAL OVERIDE
- e. IF .............LPCI Initiation signal exists, THEN.......MOMENTARILY PLACE 2-XS-74-121(129), RHR SYS I(II) CTMT SPRAY/CLG VLV SELECT in SELECT.
- f. IF ............. 2-FCV-74-53(67), RHR SYS I(II) LPCI INBD INJECT VALVE, is OPEN, THEN....... VERIFY CLOSED 2-FCV-74-52(66), RHR SYS I(II)
- h. VERIFY desired RHR pump(s) for Suppression Pool Cooling are operating.
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 2 Event No.: 6 Page 8 of 9 Event
SRV 1-31 fails open Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CAUTION BOP RHR system flows below 7000 gpm or above 10000 gpms for one-pump operation may result in excessive vibration and equipment damage.
- i. THROTTLE OPEN 2-FCV-74-59(73), RHR SYS I(II) SUPPR POOL CLG/TEST VLV, to maintain EITHER of the following as indicated on 2-FI-74-50(64), RHR SYS I(II) FLOW:
- Between 7000 and 10000 gpm for one-pump operation.
- At or below 13000 gpm for two-pump operation.
- m. IF ............. Additional Suppression Pool Cooling flow is necessary, THEN.......PLACE additional RHR and RHRSW pumps in service using Steps 2.b through 2.l.
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 2 Event No.: 6 Page 9 of 9 Event
SRV 1-31 fails open Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior 2-EOI Appendix 17A, Attachment 1 NPSH Monitoring SRO Adequate NPSH is assured by maintaining pump flow rates below the curve for the applicable Suppression Chamber pressure. For Suppression Chamber pressures between the values on the curves extrapolation must be used.
SRO Other indications of inadequate NPSH are:
- Suppression pool level below 10.0 ft
- System flowrate decreasing with constant valve position
- System flowrate or discharge pressure less than expected for SRO present system conditions
- Pump discharge pressure lower than expected or fluctuating excessively
- Pump motor amps lower than expected or fluctuating excessively
- Pump suction pressure low (local indication)
End of Event 6. Request that the driver insert Event 7 (HPCI NRC Steam Leak).
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 2 Event No.: 7 Page 1 of 14 Event
HPCI steam leak; HPCI fails to isolate; Emergency Depressurization Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior When the NRC Chief Examiner is ready for Event 7, insert DRIVER event 7 to start the HPCI steam leak.
NOTE: Temperatures in the HPCI room will reach max safe in 7:39 with no scram. When a scram is inserted, the time to NRC max safe in both the HPCI Room and the RHR B/D Quad shortens, as there will be a Group 1 Isolation inserted when the mode switch is taken to shutdown.
Acknowledges and reports to the SRO Panel 3F, window 10, HPCI LEAK DETECTION TEMP HIGH 2-ARP-9-3F, Window 10 HPCI LEAK DETECTION TEMP HIGH 2-TA-73-55 Automatic Action:
Continued rise will cause the following valves to isolate (at Steamline Space Temperature of 165°F Torus Area or 185°F HPCI Pump Room):
- HPCI TURBINE STOP VALVE, 2-FCV-73-18 Operator Action:
A. CHECK HPCI temperature switches on LEAK DETECTION SYSTEM TEMPERATURE indicator, 2-TI-69-29 on Panel 2-9-21.
B. IF high temperature is confirmed, THEN ENTER 2-EOI-3 Flowchart.
BOP C. CHECK the following on Panel 2-9-11 and NOTIFY RADCON if rising radiation levels are observed:
- 1. HPCI ROOM El 519 RX BLDG radiation indicator, 2-RI-90-24A.
- 2. RHR WEST ROOM El 519 RX BLDG radiation indicator, 2-RI-90-25A.
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 2 Event No.: 7 Page 2 of 14 Event
HPCI steam leak; HPCI fails to isolate; Emergency Depressurization Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior D. DISPATCH personnel to investigate for leaks consistent with ALARA BOP considerations in HPCI Turbine Area (El 519) and HPCI Steam Supply Area (El 550).
Verifies the high temperature condition and notes that HPCI does not BOP isolate on high temperature; attempts to manually isolate HPCI.
When the operator attempts to manually isolate HPCI, 2-FCV-73-2 (HPCI Inboard Steam Isolation Valve) will have no power (breaker NRC tripped free); 2-FCV-73-3 (HPCI Outboard Steam Isolation Valve) will not close.
Enters 2-EOI-3 on secondary containment temperature above max normal (alarmed).
SRO Page 25 of 52 Unit 2
Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 2 Event No.: 7 Page 3 of 14 Event
HPCI steam leak; HPCI fails to isolate; Emergency Depressurization Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Override SC-1 IF THEN Rx Zone ventilation exh NO ACTION REQUIRED radiation lvl is above 72 mR/hr Refuel Zone ventilation exh NO ACTION REQUIRED radiation lvl is above 72 mR/hr SRO Rx Zone ventilation is isolated AND Rx Zone ventilation exh NO ACTION REQUIRED radiation lvl is below 72 mR/hr Refuel Zone ventilation is isolated AND Refuel Zone NO ACTION REQUIRED ventilation exh radiation lvl is below 72 mR/hr All legs of 2-EOI-3 will be entered, but Secondary NRC Containment Temperature is the driving leg.
SRO SC/T-1 IF Rx Zone or Refuel Zone SRO ventilation exh radiation lvl is below 72 mr/hr ACTION REQUIRED THEN operate available Rx Zone or Refuel Zone ventilation Page 26 of 52 Unit 2
Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 2 Event No.: 7 Page 4 of 14 Event
HPCI steam leak; HPCI fails to isolate; Emergency Depressurization Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior SC/T-2 SRO WHEN ANY area temperature exceeds its Max Normal ACTION REQUIRED Temperature (Table SC-1)
SC-3 ISOLATE all systems that are discharging into the area SRO EXCEPT systems required :
- For Damage control OR
- To be operated by EOI SRO SRO SC-7 SRO WHEN a primary system is discharging into secondary ACTION REQUIRED containment Page 27 of 52 Unit 2
Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 2 Event No.: 7 Page 5 of 14 Event
HPCI steam leak; HPCI fails to isolate; Emergency Depressurization Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior SC-8 BEFORE ANY SC parameter SRO reaches its Max Safe value ACTION REQUIRED (Tables SC01, SC-2, SC-3)
SRO Critical Task #1:
With the reactor at power and with a primary system discharging into the secondary containment, manually scram the reactor before any area exceeds the maximum safe CREW operating value.
Critical Task #1Failure Criteria: The operating crew fails to insert a manual reactor scram prior to 1st Area Temperature or Radiation Levels reaching the Max Safe Value.
Enters EOI-1 RC-1 SRO ENSURE RX Scram ACTION REQUIRED Directs the OATC to insert a manual reactor scram.
Inserts manual reactor scram, performs actions of 2-AOI-100-OATC 1, Reactor Scram.
Provides scram report to SRO RC/L-1 ENSURE each as required - ACTION REQUIRED SRO BOP - reports expected PCIS isolations successful (Except HPCI, which has not isolated as required).
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HPCI steam leak; HPCI fails to isolate; Emergency Depressurization Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Override RC/L-2 IF THEN RPV water level can be restored and maintained above -162 in. NO ACTION REQUIRED AND SRO The ADS timer has initiated Loss of available injection systems is anticipated OR Raising RPV water level above NO ACTION REQUIRED
+51 inches will facilitate use of shutdown cooling, steam-drive injection systems, or Alternate Injection subsystems RC/L-3 RESTORE and MAINTAIN RPV water lvl between +2 in. and
+51 in. with ANY Preferred Injection Systems (Table L-1) -
ACTION REQUIRED IF THEN RPV water level cannot be SRO restored and maintained NO ACTION REQUIRED between +2 in and +51 in RPV water level cannot be restored and maintained NO ACTION REQUIRED above -162 in Directs OATC to maintain reactor water level +2 to +51 inches using RCIC (2-EOI-Appendix 5C)
NRC 2-EOI-Appendix 5C is on page 33.
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HPCI steam leak; HPCI fails to isolate; Emergency Depressurization Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior SRO Override RC/P-1 IF THEN A high drywell pressure ECCS SRO NO ACTION REQUIRED signal exists (2.45 psig)
Emergency RPV NO ACTION REQUIRED Depressurization is required Emergency RPV NO ACTION REQUIRED Depressurization is anticipated RC/P-2 SRO IF ANY MSRV is cycling - NO ACTION REQUIRED RC/P-3 IF THEN Suppression pool temp and level cannot be maintained in SRO NO ACTION REQUIRED a safe area of Curve 3 at the existing RPV pressure Suppression pool level CANNOT be maintained in the NO ACTION REQUIRED safe area of Curve 4 Steam Cooling is Required NO ACTION REQUIRED Page 30 of 52 Unit 2
Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 2 Event No.: 7 Page 8 of 14 Event
HPCI steam leak; HPCI fails to isolate; Emergency Depressurization Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior SRO SRO Page 31 of 52 Unit 2
Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 2 Event No.: 7 Page 9 of 14 Event
HPCI steam leak; HPCI fails to isolate; Emergency Depressurization Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior RC/P-4 STABILIZE RPV pressure below 1073 psig using the main BOP turbine bypass valves (APPX 8B) - NO ACTION REQUIRED IF THEN DW Control air is or becomes NO ACTION REQUIRED unavailable Page 32 of 52 Unit 2
Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 2 Event No.: 7 Page 10 of 14 Event
HPCI steam leak; HPCI fails to isolate; Emergency Depressurization Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior 2-EOI-Appendix 5C Injection Systems Lineup RCIC
[1] PERFORM the following EOI appendices, if necessary:
Appendix-16A Bypassing RCIC Low RPV Pressure Isolation Appendix-16K Bypassing RCIC High Temperature Isolations
[2] ENSURE RESET auto isolation logic using 3-XS-71-51A(B) RCIC AUTO-ISOL LOGIC A (B) RESET pushbuttons.
[4] ENSURE 3-FIC-71-36A, RCIC SYSTEM FLOW/CONTROL, in AUTO with setpoint at 620 gpm.
[5] OPEN the following:
[7] OPEN 2-FCV-71-8, RCIC TURBINE STEAM SUPPLY VLV, to start RCIC turbine.
[8] CHECK proper RCIC operation by observing the following:
A. Speed accelerates above 2100 rpm.
B. Flow to RPV controlled automatically at 620 gpm.
C. 2-FCV-71-34, RCIC PUMP MIN FLOW VALVE, closes as flow rises above 120 gpm.
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 2 Event No.: 7 Page 11 of 14 Event
HPCI steam leak; HPCI fails to isolate; Emergency Depressurization Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior
[9] ADJUST 3-FIC-71-36A, RCIC SYSTEM FLOW/CONTROL, as necessary to control injection.
[10] IF BOTH of the following exist: RCIC Initiation signal is NOT present, AND RCIC flow is below 60 gpm, THEN ENSURE OPEN 3-FCV-71-34, RCIC PUMP MIN FLOW VALVE.
[11] IF desired to align suction to the Suppression Pool, THEN PERFORM the following:
OATC/ C. WHEN 3-FCV-71-17 and 3-FCV-71-18 are fully open BOP THEN ENSURE CLOSED 3-FCV-71-19, RCIC CST SUCTION VALVE.
[12] IF desired to align RCIC suction to the CST, THEN PERFORM the following:
B. WHEN 3-FCV-71-17 starts traveling closed, THEN OPEN 3-FCV-71-19, RCIC CST SUCTION VALVE.
LAST PAGE Page 34 of 52 Unit 2
Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 2 Event No.: 7 Page 12 of 14 Event
HPCI steam leak; HPCI fails to isolate; Emergency Depressurization Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior SC-9 WHEN ANY SC parameter SRO exceeds its Max Safe value in 2 or more areas for the same ACTION REQUIRED parameter(Tables SC-1, SC-2, SC-3)
Emergency depressurization will be required on 2 Max Safe NRC Area temperatures.
Override C2-1 IF THEN RPV water level CANNOT be NO ACTION REQUIRED determined It is anticipated that RPV depressurization will result in NO ACTION REQUIRED loss of injection required for adequate core cooling SRO Containment water lvl CANNOT be maintained below NO ACTION REQUIRED 44 ft C2-2 IF THEN IF DW press is above 2.45 NO ACTION REQUIRED psig Page 35 of 52 Unit 2
Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 2 Event No.: 7 Page 13 of 14 Event
HPCI steam leak; HPCI fails to isolate; Emergency Depressurization Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior C2-3 EMERGENCY DEPRESSURIZE the RPV - ACTION REQUIRED IF THEN Suppr pl lvl is above 5.5 ft THEN OPEN 6 MSRVs (ADS vlvs preferred) OK to exceed 100°F/hr cooldown rate SRO DW Control Air is or becomes NO ACTION REQUIRED unavailable Less than 4 MSRVs can be opened AND NO ACTION REQUIRED RPV press is 70 psi or more above suppr chmbr press SRV 1-31 is an ADS valve - the crew will be required to open NRC five (5) ADS valves and one additional SRV to Emergency Depressurize.
Directs the BOP to open 5 ADS valves and one additional SRO SRV.
BOP Opens 5 ADS valves and one additional SRV.
Page 36 of 52 Unit 2
Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 2 Event No.: 7 Page 14 of 14 Event
HPCI steam leak; HPCI fails to isolate; Emergency Depressurization Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Critical Task #2:
With a primary system discharging into the Secondary Containment when two or more areas are greater than their maximum safe operating values for the same parameter, RO initiates Emergency Depressurization as CREW directed by US Critical Task #2 Failure Criteria:
The operating crew fails to initiate an Emergency Depressurization within 10 minutes after 2 Area Temperatures or Radiation levels exceed Max Safe value.
SRO Directs that Suppression Pool Cooling be placed in service in SRO accordance with EOI-Appendix 17A.
The Scenario can end when the crew has depressurized the NRC vessel and restored RPV Water Level to +2 to +51 inches.
Page 37 of 52 Unit 2
Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 2 Event No.: 8 Page 1 of 1 Event
Loss of feed (Group 1 isolation)
Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior The spurious Group 1 isolation will automatically be inserted when the Mode Selector Switch is taken to the SHUTDOWN NRC position by the OATC. No action is required by the driver to insert this event 3.
Directs the BOP to maintain reactor water level +2 to +51 inches SRO using 2-EOI-Appendix-5C (Injection System Lineup RCIC) 2-EOI-Appendix-5C, Injection System Lineup RCIC
[1] N/A
[2] ENSURE RESET auto isolation logic using 2-XS-71-51A(B)
[4] ENSURE 2-FIC-71-36A, RCIC SYSTEM FLOW/CONTROL, in AUTO with setpoint at 620 gpm.
[5] OPEN the following:
- 1) Operating RCIC turbine below 2100 rpm may result in unstable system operation and equipment damage.
- 2) High Suppression Chamber pressure may trip RCIC.
- 3) Operating RCIC Turbine with suction temperatures above 240°F may result in equipment damage.
[7] OPEN 2-FCV-71-8, RCIC TURBINE STEAM SUPPLY VLV, to start RCIC turbine.
Page 38 of 52 Unit 2
Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 2 Event No.: 9 Page 1 of 2 Event
RCIC controller fails to operate in Automatic (will operate in Manual)
Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior
[8] CHECK proper RCIC operation by observing the following:
A. Speed accelerates above 2100 rpm.
B. Flow to RPV controlled automatically at 620 gpm.
C. 2-FCV-71-34, RCIC PUMP MIN FLOW VALVE, closes as flow rises above 120 gpm.
RCIC flow controller will fail to operate in Automatic, requiring the BOP to control level manually.
BOP [9] ADJUST 2-FIC-71-36A, RCIC SYSTEM FLOW/CONTROL, as necessary to control injection.
[10] IF BOTH of the following exist:
- RCIC Initiation signal is NOT present, AND
[11] N/A
[12] N/A Reports to the SRO that the RCIC flow controller failed to BOP operate in Automatic, and that RPV level is being controlled with RCIC in manual.
Page 39 of 52 Unit 2
Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 2 Event No.: 9 Page 2 of 2 Event
RCIC controller fails to operate in Automatic (will operate in Manual)
Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Directs the BOP to maintain reactor water level +2 to +51 inches using 2-EOI-Appendix-6A (Injection System Lineup Condensate)
SRO Page 41 Directs the BOP to maintain reactor water level +2 to +51 inches using 2-EOI-Appendix-6B (Injection System Lineup RHR System I SRO LPCI Mode)
Page 43 Directs the BOP to maintain reactor water level +2 to +51 inches using 2-EOI-Appendix-6C (Injection System Lineup RHR System SRO II LPCI Mode)
Page 45 Directs the BOP to maintain reactor water level +2 to +51 inches using 2-EOI-Appendix-6D (Injection Subsystems Lineup Core Spray System I)
SRO Page 47 Page 40 of 52 Unit 2
Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 2 Event No.: N/A Page 1 of 2 Event
2-EOI-Appendix-6A (Injection System Lineup Condensate)
Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Directs the BOP to maintain reactor water level +2 to +51 inches SRO using 2-EOI-Appendix-6A (Injection System Lineup Condensate)
[1] ENSURE CLOSED the following feedwater heater return valves:
[2] ENSURE CLOSED the following RFP discharge valves (N/A if OATC/ Condensate Flood up is anticipated per the FSSs):
[3] ENSURE OPEN the following drain cooler inlet valves:
[4] ENSURE OPEN the following heater outlet valves:
[5] ENSURE OPEN the following heater isolation valves:
Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 2 Event No.: N/A Page 2 of 2 Event
2-EOI-Appendix-6A (Injection System Lineup Condensate)
Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior
[6] ENSURE OPEN the following RFP suction valves:
[7] ENSURE all available condensate pumps running.
[8] ENSURE all available condensate booster pumps running.
[9] ADJUST 2-LIC-3-53, RFW START-UP LEVEL CONTROL, on Panel 2-9-5, to control injection (N/A if Condensate Flood up is anticipated per the FSSs).
[10] CHECK RFW flow to RPV (N/A if Condensate Flood up is anticipated per the FSSs).
LAST PAGE Page 42 of 52 Unit 2
Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 2 Event No.: N/A Page 1 of 2 Event
2- EOI-Appendix-6B (Injection System Lineup RHR System I LPCI Mode)
Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Directs the BOP to maintain reactor water level +2 to +51 inches SRO using 2-EOI-Appendix-6B (Injection System Lineup RHR System I LPCI Mode)
[1] IF Adequate core cooling is assured AND It becomes necessary to bypass LPCI Injection Valve auto open signal to control injection, THEN IF Adequate core cooling is assured AND It becomes necessary to bypass LPCI Injection Valve auto open signal to control injection, THEN PLACE 2-HS-74-155A, LPCI SYS I OUTBD INJ VLV BYPASS SEL, in BYPASS.
- 3. VERIFY OPEN the following valves:
- 4. VERIFY CLOSED the following valves:
Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 2 Event No.: N/A Page 2 of 2 Event
2- EOI-Appendix-6B (Injection System Lineup RHR System I LPCI Mode)
Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior
[5] VERIFY RHR Pump 2A and / or 2C running.
[6] WHEN RPV pressure is below 450 psig, THEN VERIFY OPEN 2-FCV-74-53, RHR SYS I LPCI INBD INJECT VALVE.
[7] IF RPV pressure is below 230 psig, THEN VERIFY CLOSED 2-FCV-68-79, RECIRC PUMP 2B DISCHARGE VALVE.
OATC/ CAUTION BOP Loop flows below 7000 gpm or above 10,000 gpm for one-pump operation, or below 14,000 gpm or above 20,000 gpm for two-pump operation, may result in excessive system vibration and equipment damage.
[8] THROTTLE 2-FCV-74-52, RHR SYS I LPCI OUTBD INJECT VALVE, as necessary to control injection.
CAUTION Continuous operation with inadequate NPSH may result in pump damage or pump inoperability.
[9] MONITOR RHR Pump NPSH using Attachment 1.
[10] PLACE RHRSW pumps in service as soon as possible on ANY RHR Heat Exchangers discharging to the RPV.
[11] THROTTLE the following in-service RHRSW outlet valves to OATC/ maintain the required flow:
[12] NOTIFY Chemistry that RHRSW is aligned to in-service RHR heat exchangers.
END OF TEXT Page 44 of 52 Unit 2
Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 2 Event No.: N/A Page 1 of 2 Event
2-EOI-Appendix-6C (Injection System Lineup RHR System II LPCI Mode)
Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Directs the BOP to maintain reactor water level +2 to +51 inches SRO using 2-EOI-Appendix-6C (Injection System Lineup RHR System II LPCI Mode)
[1] IF Adequate core cooling is assured AND It becomes necessary to bypass LPCI Injection Valve auto open signal to control injection, THEN PLACE 2-HS-74-155B, LPCI SYS II OUTBD INJ VLV BYPASS SEL in BYPASS.
[3] ENSURE OPEN the following valves:
[4] ENSURE CLOSED the following valves:
[5] ENSURE RHR Pump 2B and/or 2D running.
[6] WHEN RPV pressure is below 450 psig, THEN ENSURE OPEN 2-FCV-74-67, RHR SYS II LPCI INBD INJECT VALVE.
[7] IF RPV pressure is below 230 psig, THEN ENSURE CLOSED 2-FCV-68-3, RECIRC PUMP 2A DISCHARGE VALVE.
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 2 Event No.: N/A Page 2 of 2 Event
2-EOI-Appendix-6C (Injection System Lineup RHR System II LPCI Mode)
Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CAUTION Loop flows below 7000 gpm or above 10,000 gpm for one-pump operation, or below 14,000 gpm or above 20,000 gpm for two-pump operation, may result in excessive system vibration and equipment damage.
[8] THROTTLE 2-FCV-74-66, RHR SYS II LPCI OUTBD INJECT VALVE, as necessary to control injection.
CAUTION Continuous operation with inadequate NPSH may result in pump damage or pump inoperability.
[9] MONITOR RHR Pump NPSH using Attachment 1.
[10] PLACE RHRSW pumps in service as soon as possible on ANY RHR Heat Exchangers discharging to the RPV.
[11] THROTTLE the following in-service RHRSW outlet valves to maintain flow between 1350 and 4500 gpm:
(maintain flow between 1700 and 4500 gpm if using B2 RHRSW pump)
[12] NOTIFY Chemistry that RHRSW is aligned to in-service RHR heat exchangers.
END OF TEXT Page 46 of 52 Unit 2
Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 2 Event No.: N/A Page 1 of 1 Event
2-EOI-Appendix-6D (Injection System Lineup Core Spray System I)
Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Directs the BOP to maintain reactor water level +2 to +51 inches SRO using 2-EOI-Appendix-6D (Injection System Lineup Core Spray System I).
[1] VERIFY OPEN the following valves:
[3] VERIFY CS Pump 2A and/or 2C running.
[4] WHEN RPV pressure is below 450 psig, THEN THROTTLE 2-FCV-75-25, CORE SPRAY SYS I INBD INJECT VALVE, as necessary to control injection at or below 4000 gpm per pump.
CAUTION Continuous operation with inadequate NPSH may result in pump damage or pump inoperability.
[5] MONITOR Core Spray Pump NPSH using Attachment 1.
END OF TEXT Page 47 of 52 Unit 2
Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Scenario Setup UNIT 2 IC 8 Exam IC 239 Simulator Setup Place Slow Rod borders on rods 18-15, 38-43, 22-15, and 14-35.
Schedule Files(s): ILT 1703 NRC Scenario 2 Unit 2.sch Event Files(s): ILT 1703 NRC Scenario 2 Unit 2 Events.evt Schedule File ILT 1703 NRC Scenario 2 Unit 2 Event Action Description Event F:/1703/1703 Scenario 2 Events.evt Insert override XS-92-7/42B CH B IRM RANGE Insert malfunction RD20 on RWM LOSS OF 28V POWER event 4 Insert malfunction RD14 on RWM FAILURE (CPU HALT) event 4 15 Delete malfunction RD20 RWM LOSS OF 28V POWER Insert malfunction RD22 on CRD FLOW TRANSMITTER FT-85-11 F...
event 5 6 Insert malfunction AD01E to SRV FAILS OPEN (PCV-1-31) 30.00000 6 Schedule F:\1703\1703 Scenarios\NRC-2\msrv1 Unit 2.sch 16 Delete malfunction AD01E SRV FAILS OPEN (PCV-1-31) 16 Insert malfunction AD02E SRV FUSE FAILURE PCV-1-31 (2E-F3H)
Page 48 of 52 Unit 2
Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Schedule File ILT 1703 NRC Scenario 2 Unit 2 Event Action Description 26 Toggle event 6 Insert malfunction FCV MOTOR_OPERATED_VALVE HPCI STEAM LINE INBDE 2 to FAIL_NOW on event 7 ISOLATION VLV HPCI ISOLATION VALVE AUTO CLOSE FAILURE (FCV Insert malfunction HP09 2,3)
Insert malfunction HP08 to HPCI STEAM LEAK INTO HPCI ROOM 10.00000 in 900 on event 7 Insert malfunction FCV 37 to FAIL_CN_POW on AIR_OPERATED_VALVE HPCI ROOM AND OIL TANK FOG event 7 Insert override HS-73-3A to HPCI STEAM LINE OUTBD ISOL VALVE OPEN on event 7 Insert override HS-73-2 to HPCI STEAM LINE INBD ISOL VALVE OPEN on event 7 Insert malfunction RP11 on INADVERTENT MSIV ISOLATION event 18 Insert override ZLOIL64B2_1 to Off on IL-64-B2-Red* MSIV GROUP B2 event 18 Insert malfunction HP08 to 30.00000 in 450 on event HPCI STEAM LEAK INTO HPCI ROOM 18 Insert malfunction RC04 to RCIC AUTOMATIC FLOW CONTROLLER FAILURE (FIC 0.00000 on event 9 36A)
Page 49 of 52 Unit 2
Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Schedule File MSRV1 Unit 2 Event Action Description Create Event 26 ZDIXS01202(2) != 0 &
YP_MAD02E == 0 -desc MSRV Inhibit 26 Delete Malfunction AD01E SRV FAILS OPEN (PCV 1-31)
Schedule F:\1703\1703 26 Scenarios\NRC-2\msrv2 Unit 2.sch Create event 27 ZDIXS01202(1) != 0 &
26 YP_MAD02H == 0 -desc MSRV Auto & Fuse not pulled Schedule File MSRV2 Event Action Description Create event 27 ZDIXS01202(1) != 0 &
YP_MAD02H == 0 -desc MSRV Auto & Fuse not pulled 27 Insert malfunction AD01E to SRV FAILS OPEN (PCV 1-31) 30.00000 Schedule F:\1703\1703 27 Scenarios\NRC-2\msrv1 Unit 2.sch Create event 27 27 ZDIXS01202(2) != 0 &
YP_MAD02H == 0 -desc MSRV Inhibit Page 50 of 52 Unit 2
Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Event File ILT 1703 NRC Scenario 2 Unit 2 Events List Details Page 51 of 52 Unit 2
Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 SHIFT MANAGER TURNOVER EQUIPMENT OOS/LCOS
- Rods 18-15, 38-43, 22-15, and 14-35 are slow rods.
- Startup from mid-cycle outage for 2A Recirculation Pump seal repair is in progress.
- Warm 2B RFPT in accordance with 2-OI-3, Section 5.6 Step [3.15].
- Continue the reactor startup - raise reactor power to 8%, place the Mode Switch in RUN.
Inform the Operations Superintendent once the Mode switch is in RUN.
- Currently on Group 26 rods, 2-SR-
- Shift Manager reports that there is a Thunder Storm Watch for the Tennessee Valley Service Area.
UNIT 1 100%
UNIT 3 100%
Page 52 of 52 Unit 2
Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D1 Facility: BFN Scenario Number: NRC - 3 Op-Test Number:17-03 Examiners:__________________ Operators: SRO: _________________
__________________ ATC: _________________
__________________ BOP: _________________
Initial Conditions: 75% Reactor Power, RWCU is out of service.
Turnover: RPS A was lost on the previous shift due to human error. Restoration is complete except for RWCU. Restore RWCU, and then continue the startup and raise reactor power to 100% using control rods and recirc flow.
Event Malfunction Event EventDescription Number Number Type*
- 1. N/A Restore RWCU to service N-SRO R-OATC
- 2. N/A Raise reactor power from 75% to 100% using recirc flow R-SRO C-BOP
- 3. HP01 C-SRO Inadvertent HPCI initiation TS-SRO C-OATC
- 4. RD01A CRD Pump Trip C-SRO C-OATC
- 5. SCHEDULE C-SRO CRD 18-11 High Temperature TS-SRO C-BOP
- 6. ED07A 480v Unit Board 3A trip/lockout C-SRO TH33A
- 7. M-ALL Earthquake - LOCA and drywell steam leak TH22
- 8. ED01 M-ALL Loss of Offsite Power C-BOP
- 9. ED13A(B) Drywell spray valve fails to open C-SRO C-BOP
- (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor Unit 3
Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D1 Events
- 1. The crew will assume the watch and restore RWCU to service using 3-OI-69.
- 2. After RWCU is back in service, the crew will begin raising reactor power to 100% using Control Rods and Reactor Recirc flow.
The crew will note that there no initiation signals are present and will trip and lock out HPCI. The SRO will address technical specifications.
- 4. 3A CRD Pump will trip, requiring the crew to take action per 3-AOI-85-3.
- 5. CRD 18-11 will experience a high temperature condition, requiring the crew to flush the CRD to attempt to clear debris/blockage and restore proper cooling flow. The flush procedure will cause the temperature of CRD 18-11 to stop rising, but the blockage will not be clear, causing the CRD temperature to remain above 350ºF. The SRO will address technical specifications.
- 6. 480v Unit Board 3A will trip and lock out. The crew will be required to restore bus duct cooling and EHC. The standby stator cooling water pump will not automatically start, requiring action by the crew to restore stator cooling water.
- 7. The crew will be informed that an earthquake is in progress and will take actions per 0-AOI-100-5. The earthquake will cause small steam and water leaks in the drywell, forcing the crew to trip the unit and combat primary containment temperature/pressure concerns.
- 8. A loss of offsite power will result in a loss of feed pumps.
- 9. The Outboard Drywell Spray valve will fail to operate on the first loop the crew attempts to use, forcing the crew to use the other loop.
This will force the crew to switch reactor water level control back to HPCI.
The Scenario ends when the crew has inserted a manual reactor scram, restored reactor water level to +2 to +51, and sprayed the drywell.
Unit 3
Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D1 Critical Tasks 3
- 1. Start the Standby Stator Cooling Water Pump prior to the initiation of an automatic Reactor Scram.
- 1. Safety Significance:
Prevents an unnecessary Reactor Scram.
- 2. Cues:
Loss of 480V Unit Board 3A.
Turbine Trip Timer Initiated Alarm.
Standby Stator Cooling Water Pump fails to auto start.
- 3. Measured by:
Observation - the crew takes action to start the standby Stator Cooling Water Pump.
- 4. Feedback:
The standby Stator Cooling Water Pump starts.
The Turbine Trip Timer Initiated alarm clears.
- 5. Critical Task Failure Criteria:
The operating crew fails to start the standby Stator Cooling Water Pump and an automatic Reactor Scram occurs after the Turbine Trip Timer times out.
- 2. Initiate drywell sprays to prevent exceeding the Pressure Suppression Pressure Curve.
- 1. Safety Significance:
Precludes containment failure.
- 2. Cues:
Drywell pressure/temperature.
Reactor pressure.
- 3. Measured by:
Observation - the crew takes action to spray the drywell when temperature and pressure rise due to a leak from the reactor coolant system.
- 4. Feedback:
Drywell spray valve opens.
Drywell pressure and temperature lowering.
- 5. Critical Task Failure Criteria:
The operating crew allows drywell pressure to exceed the Pressure Suppression Pressure Curve.
Unit 3
Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D1
- 1. Safety Significance:
Maintaining adequate core cooling.
- 2. Cues:
RPV level indication.
- 3. Measured by:
Reactor level indication above (-)162 inches.
- 4. Feedback:
RPV level trend HPCI injection valve open indication.
- 5. Critical Task Failure Criteria:
The operating crew fails to maintain reactor water level above the top of active fuel (TAF).
Unit 3
Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 3 Event No.: 1 Page 1 of 8 Event
Restore RWCU to service Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior SRO Directs the crew to restore RWCU to service IAW OI-69, Section 5.0 If 9-4B, Window 17, RWCU NON-REGENERATIVE HX DISCH TEMP NRC HIGH, is received, see page 8 of 61 for ARP actions.
5.0 STARTUP 5.1 RWCU Pump Startup NOTES
- 1) All controls and indications are located on Panel 3-9-4 unless noted otherwise.
BOP 2) RWCU is required to be operated within the following restrictions with reactor pressure 50 psig (Modes 2 or 3), or any time the unit is in Mode 4, Mode 5, or de-fueled:
- One pump in operation, pump can be operated to its maximum flow capability.
- Two pumps in operation, maximum flow limited to <100 gpm per pump (200 gpm total)
[1] RPHP
[1.1] NOTIFY Radiation Protection that an RPHP exist for impending RWCU Pump return to service. RECORD name of Radiation Protection representative notified in narrative log.
[1.2] ENSURE appropriate data and signatures recorded on Appendix A per Appendix A instructions.
[2] REVIEW precautions and limitations in Section 3.0.
[3] ENSURE RWCU prestartup requirements in Section 4.0 have been completed.
[4] ENSURE RESET the RWCU Group 3 Isolation using PCIS DIV I RESET, 3-HS-64-16A-S32 and PCIS DIV II RESET, 3-HS-64-16A-S33 at Panel 3-9-4.
[5] CHECK the following on Panel 3-LPNL-925-0003, Unit 3 Reactor Bldg El.621:
[5.1] Demin 3A and/or 3B Holding Pumps are running (3-HS-069-6015 and 3-HS-069-6005).
[5.2] Demin 3A and/or 3B Outlet Valves are closed (3-HS-069-0035 and/or 3-HS-069-0060).
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 3 Event No.: 1 Page 2 of 8 Event
Restore RWCU to service Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior When directed by the crew to report to status of Steps [5.1] and
[5.2] above, report that the holding pumps are running, with the DRIVER outlet valves closed. When directed to place 3-TIC-069-0010A in manual, insert Event 21. When directed to roll in the demins, insert Event 1 to perform the AUO actions for restoring RWCU service.
[6] N/A
[7] ENSURE RWCU HEAT EXCHANGERS RBCCW FLOW CONTROL, 3-TIC-069-0010A is in MANUAL, and FULL OPEN demand is on 3-TCV-70-49. (REFER TO Illustration 4).
[8] ENSURE CLOSED the following:
[9] N/A
[10] NOTIFY chemistry RWCU is being placed in service and to check the durability monitor.
[11] ENSURE OPEN the following:
[12] OPEN 3-FCV-069-0012 by one of the two methods described below.
- PLACE 3-HS-69-12A in the OPEN position, THEN RETURN 3-BOP HS-69-12A to the NORM position when intermediate position (red and green light) is indicated.
- PLACE 3-HS-69-12A in the OPEN position, THEN RETURN 3-HS-69-12A to the NORM position when FULL OPEN position (red light only) is indicated.
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 3 Event No.: 1 Page 3 of 8 Event
Restore RWCU to service Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior NOTES
- 1) Too high a flow on startup after isolation could cause 3-TIS-69-11 to actuate due to a high non-regenerative heat exchanger (RWCU BOP TEMP SELECT, 3-XS-69-6, Position 3, WATER TO RWCU DEMINS)
- 2) The RWCU pump trips on low flow at 56 gpm, after a 30 second time delay. Failure to immediately raise flow to greater than 56 gpm in the following steps results in a pump trip.
[13] PLACE seal purge in operation to pump(s) to be placed in service.
(REFER TO Section 8.2)
[14] START RWCU PUMP 3A(3B) using 3-HS-69-4A(B)-A, AND RAISE flow, using 3-HS-69-12A, RWCU RETURN ISOLATION VALVE, to prevent low flow trip.
BOP [15] IF two pump operation is desired, THEN START the second RWCU PUMP 3B(3A) using 3-HS-69-4B(A)-A, AND RAISE flow using RWCU RETURN ISOLATION VALVE, 3-HS-69-12A, to prevent low flow trip.
[16] IF the RWCU filter-demineralizers are to be placed in service, THEN REFER TO Section 6.2.
[17] ADJUST the RWCU RETURN ISOLATION VALVE, using 3-HS-69-12A, as required to obtain desired system flow.
- 1) Failure to maintain RWCU non-regenerative heat exchanger tube side outlet temperature below 130º F will reduce resin effiency and BOP may result in resin damage.
- 2) Exercise care when making RWCU system flow adjustments to values greater than 270 gpm to ensure temperature limits are not exceeded.
[18] THROTTLE blowdown flow as required to maintain the following parameters (REFER TO Section 6.5):
- Desired reactor water level.
- Non-regenerative heat exchanger tube outlet temperature less than 130°F.
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 3 Event No.: 1 Page 4 of 8 Event
Restore RWCU to service Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior When directed to place 3-TIC-069-0010A in Automatic, insert Event Driver 22.
[19] IF at Operations Management discretion it is desired to place RWCU HTX RBCCW FLOW CONT, 3-TIC-069-0010A in BOP AUTO, THEN PERFORM the following:
- Seal water to the RWCU Pumps has been observed to slightly lower after pumps are placed in service.
- When the Reactor Vessel is atmospheric pressure and RWCU Pump seal water is being supplied by CS&S system, RWCU Pump seal water flow may decrease to 0 after the RWCU Pump has started. See PRECAUTION P&L 3.6E.
[20] ENSURE SEAL WATER TO RWCU PUMPS, at Panel 3-25-314, is within 1.8 to 2.0 gpm (REFER TO Section 8.2).
- 3-FI-085-0077, RWCU PUMP 3B SEAL WATER
[21] AFTER RWCU system is in service perform section 5.2 RWCU ICS TEMPERATURE POINT RESTORATION if necessary.
3-OI-69, Section 5.2, RWCU ICS TEMPERATURE POINT NRC RESTORATION, is on page 7 of 61.
3-OI-69, Section 6.2, Placing Filter-Demineralizers In Service NOTE The flow rate in the mechanical seal areas can be to a maximum of BOP 8.0 gpm for a 24 to 36 hour4.166667e-4 days <br />0.01 hours <br />5.952381e-5 weeks <br />1.3698e-5 months <br /> period of time. Based on the layout design showing the flush coming in over the retainer at the back of the mechanical seal, the rise in flush gpm should not cause any operational problems with the mechanical seal when conditions are returned to normal.
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 3 Event No.: 1 Page 5 of 8 Event
Restore RWCU to service Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CAUTION When initially placing a filter-demineralizer into service, it is desirable BOP that most RWCU discharge flow be returned to the Main Condenser. If the reactor is pressurized, however, failure to follow temperature restrictions could result in thermal shocking the regenerative heat exchanger.
When directed to perform outside steps of OI-69, acknowledge the Driver order, then wait several seconds before reporting that the steps are complete.
[1] REVIEW precautions and limitations in Section 3.0.
[2] ENSURE the filter-demineralizer to be placed in service has been backwashed and precoated. (REFER TO Section 6.3 or Section 6.4).
[3] ENSURE CLOSED the following valves at Panel 3-LPNL-925-0003:
- 3-HS-069-0018(0048)
- 3-HS-069-0021(0046)
- 3-HS-069-0025(0050)
[4] ENSURE OPEN the following valves at Panel 3-LPNL-925-0003:
- DEMIN 3A(3B) INLET VLV A, using 3-HS-069-0020(0045)
- DEMIN 3A(3B) OUTLET BLOCK VLV EB, using 3-HS-069-0034(0061)
- DEMIN 3A(3B) RESIN TRAP BLOCK VLV ER, using 3-HS-069-0040(0074)
CAUTION - for the AUO at 3-LPNL-925-0003
[5] ESTABLISH communication between the Main Control Room and Panel 3-LPNL-925-0003.
[6] ENSURE DEMIN 3A(3B) OUTLET FLOW CONTROL VALVE E BOP hand-switch, 3-HS-0069-0035A(0060A) is in the OPEN position.
[7] ENSURE DEMIN 3A(3B) FLOW RECORDER controller, 3-FRC-069-0035(0060) is in MAN, Panel 3-LPNL-925-0003.
[8] N/A Page 5 of 64 Unit 3
Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 3 Event No.: 1 Page 6 of 8 Event
Restore RWCU to service Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior NOTE RWCU is required to be operated with the following restrictions with reactor pressure 50 psig (modes 2 or 3) or any time the unit is in mode 4, mode 5, or defueled:
- One pump in operation, pump can be operated to its maximum flow capacity.
- Two pumps in operation, maximum flow limited to 100 gpm BOP per pump (200 gpm total).
[9] PERFORM the following simultaneously:
- CLOSE the RWCU DEMIN BYPASS VALVE, using 3-HS-69-8A, Panel 3-9-4.
- RAISE flow using DEMIN 3A(3B) FLOW RECORDER controller thumb slide, 3-FRC-069-0035(0060), Panel 3-LPNL-925-0003.
- 1) The maximum flow is 170 gpm for each filter-demineralizer.
- 2) Exercise care when making RWCU system flow adjustments to values greater than 270 gpm to ensure temperature limits are not exceeded.
[10] RAISE flow through the demin until the desired flow has been established.
[11] ENSURE that the Holding Pump 3A(3B) for the demin being placed BOP in service has STOPPED, and RETURN the control switch to the AUTO position.
[12] NOTIFY Chemistry that the filter-demineralizer has been placed in service and REQUEST a sample for conductivity and silica of the effluent.
[13] ENSURE that the results of the filter-demineralizer effluent sample taken by Chemistry are within the limits of CI-13.1 for return to the reactor vessel.
[14] CHECK RWCU Flows on ICS per Section 8.16.
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 3 Event No.: 1 Page 7 of 8 Event
Restore RWCU to service Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior 3-OI-69, RWCU ICS TEMPERATURE POINT RESTORATION
[1] ENTER RTP in the yellow block at the top of the ICS display and depress Enter key to cause the RESTORE TO PROCESSING/RETURN TO SCAN screen to be displayed.
[2] ENTER the following information in the entry blocks of the RESTORE TO PROCESSING/RETURN TO SCAN screen to restore point 69-6D to normal processing using the Tab key to switch to each entry block:
A. In the Point ID field, ENTER 69-6D.
B. In the Modified By field, ENTER your initials.
C. In the Reason field, ENTER short description of reason (like system started).
D. After all above entries made, then DEPRESS the F3 key BOP (Execute) to implement the substitution.
E. The INSERT VALUE screen will continue to be displayed.
[3] ENTER the following information in the entry blocks of the RESTORE TO PROCESSING/RETURN TO SCAN screen to restore point 69-6A to normal processing using the Tab key to switch to each entry block:
A. In the Point ID field, ENTER 69-6A.
B. In the Modified By field, ENTER your initials.
C. In the Reason field, ENTER the short description of reason (like system started).
D. After all above entries made, then DEPRESS The F3 key (Execute) to implement the substitution.
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 3 Event No.: 1 Page 8 of 8 Event
Restore RWCU to service Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior 3-ARP-9-4B, Window 17, RWCU NON-REGENERATIVE HX DISCH TEMP HIGH A. CHECK RWCU NRHX discharge temperature, 3-XS-69-6, on Panel 3-9-4.
B. CHECK RBCCW system temperature indication normal, Panel 3-9-4.
C. REDUCE system flow or REJECT flow as necessary to control temperature.
BOP D. DISPATCH personnel to CHECK the following:
- RWCU Heat Exchangers RBCCW Flow Controller (normally in auto with setpoint at approx. 110°F), located on 3-LPNL-925-0002 Rx Bldg 593.
E. IF due to loss of RBCCW, THEN REFER TO 3-AOI-70-1.
NRC End of Event 1, request Event 2 (power ascension).
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 3 Event No.: 2 Page 1 of 5 Event
Raise reactor power (rods)
Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior When requested by Examiner to begin Event #2, call Control DRIVER Room/ US and state as Shift Manager, Proceed with power ascension to 100% reactor power.
Updates the Crew with the Station Managements request and prepares to raise Reactor Power.
SRO Directs the OATC to raise reactor power to 100%, using RCP U2-NRC3 and in accordance with 3-OI-85, 3-OI-68 and 3-GOI-100-12.
3-OI-85, Control Rod Drive System Section 6.6.4, Continuous Rod Withdrawal NOTES
- 1) Continuous control rod withdrawal may be used when a control rod is to be withdrawn greater than three notches.
- 2) When in areas of high notch worth, single notch withdrawal should be used instead of continuous rod withdrawal.
Information concerning high notch worth is identified by Reactor Engineering in Control Rod Coupling Integrity Check, 3-SR-
- 3) When continuously withdrawing a control rod, the CRD Notch Override Switch is held in the Override position and the CRD Control Switch is held in the Rod Out Notch position.
- When the control rod reaches two notches below its intended position, both switches should be released.
- If the rod settles in a notch below to the intended position, the CRD Control Switch should be used to withdraw the rod to the intended position.
- EXAMPLE: If a control rod is to be withdrawn from position 00 to position 12, the CRD Notch Override Switch and the CRD Control Switch would be used to move the control rod until reaching position 08, then both switches would be released. If the control rod settles at a notch below the intended position of 12, the CRD Control Switch would be used to withdraw the control rod to position 12.
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 3 Event No.: 2 Page 2 of 5 Event
Raise reactor power (rods)
Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior
[1] SELECT desired Control Rod by depressing appropriate CRD ROD SELECT, 3-XS-85-40.
[2] OBSERVE the following for the selected control rod:
- CRD ROD SELECT pushbutton is brightly ILLUMINATED
- White light on the Full Core Display ILLUMINATED
- Rod Out Permit light ILLUMINATED
[3] N/A
[4] CHECK Control Rod is being withdrawn to a position greater than three notches.
[5] IF withdrawing the control rod to a position other than 48, THEN PERFORM the following: (Otherwise N/A)
[5.3] WHEN control rod reaches two notches prior to the intended notch, THEN RELEASE CRD NOTCH OVERRIDE, 3-HS-85-47 and CRD CONTROL SWITCH, 3-HS-85-48.
[5.4] IF control rod settles at notch before intended notch, THEN PLACE CRD CONTROL SWITCH, 3-HS-85-48, in ROD OUT NOTCH and RELEASE.
[5.5] WHEN control rod settles into the intended notch, THEN CHECK the following.
- Four rod display digital readout and the full core display digital readout and background light remain illuminated.
- CONTROL ROD OVERTRAVEL annunciator, 3-XA-55-5A, Window 14, does not alarm.
[5.6] CHECK the control rod settles at intended position and ROD SETTLE light extinguishes.
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 3 Event No.: 2 Page 3 of 5 Event
Raise reactor power (rods)
Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior NOTE is N/A OATC [6] N/A
[7] N/A Section 6.6.3, Control Rod Notch Withdrawal
[1] SELECT the desired control rod by depressing the appropriate CRD ROD SELECT pushbutton, 3-XS-85-40.
[2] N/A
[3] OBSERVE the following for the selected control rod:
- CRD ROD SELECT pushbutton is brightly ILLUMINATED
- White light on the Full Core Display ILLUMINATED
- Rod Out Permit light ILLUMINATED OATC [4] CHECK Rod Worth Minimizer is operable and LATCHED into the correct ROD GROUP when the Rod Worth Minimizer is enforcing.
[6] OBSERVE the control rod settles into the desired position and the ROD SETTLE light extinguishes.
[7] N/A
[8] N/A Section 6.6.5, Return to Normal After Completion of Control Rod Withdrawal OATC [1] WHEN control rod movement is no longer desired AND deselecting control rods is desired, THEN:
[1.1] PLACE CRD POWER, 3-HS-85-46, in OFF.
[1.2] PLACE CRD POWER, 3-HS-85-46, in ON.
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 3 Event No.: 2 Page 4 of 5 Event
Raise reactor power (flow)
Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior 3-GOI-100-12, Power Maneuvering
[21] WHEN desired to restore Reactor power to 100%, THEN PERFORM the following as directed by Unit Supervisor and OATC recommended by the Reactor Engineer:
- RAISE power using control rods or core flow changes.
(REFER TO 3-SR-3.1.5(A) and 3-OI-68).
- MONITOR Core thermal limits using ICS and/or 0-TI-248.
3-OI-68, Reactor Recirculation System Section 6.2, Adjusting Recirc Flow NOTES
- 1) Thermal Limits are shown on 0-TI-248 and 3-SR-2
- 2) Recirc Flow changes made during the later part of the operating cycle (Coastdown) could cause core flow values to OATC approach or exceed the allowable values of the Increased Core Flow (ICF) Region of the power to flow map.
Instruments used to monitor pump speed and core flow should be identified in the Reactivity Control Plan. These values should be recorded prior to reducing core flow and used as a benchmark to reestablish the previous conditions when returning to power. Increased caution should be used when changes in Recirc Flow are made in this area.
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 3 Event No.: 2 Page 5 of 5 Event
Raise reactor power (flow)
Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior NOTE: Individual pump speeds should be mismatched by NRC ~60 RPM during dual pump operation between 1200 and 1300 RPM to minimize harmonic vibration.
[1] IF desired to control Recirc Pumps 3A and/or 3B speed with Recirc Individual Control, THEN PERFORM the following:
ADJUST Recirc Pump Speed 3A & 3B using the following pushbuttons as required.
- RAISE Recirc Pump 3A using RAISE SLOW (MEDIUM),
- RAISE Recirc Pump 3B using RAISE SLOW (MEDIUM),
OATC 3-HS-96-16A(16B).
[2] WHEN desired to control Recirc Pumps 3A and/or 3B speed with the RECIRC MASTER CONTROL, THEN ADJUST Recirc Pump Speed 3A & 3B using the following pushbuttons as required.
ADJUST Recirc Pump Speed 3A & 3B using the following pushbuttons as required.
RAISE SLOW, 3-HS-96-31 RAISE MEDIUM, 3-HS-96-32 BOP Provides peer check to OATC for reactivity changes.
SRO Provides oversight for reactivity changes.
When satisfied with power ascension, request Event 3 (HPCI NRC Inadvertent Initiation).
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 3 Event No.: 3 Page 1 of 3 Event
Inadvertent HPCI Initiation Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior When requested by the NRC Chief Examiner, insert Event 3 to Driver cause a HPCI initiation.
Notices HPCI initiation, informs SRO. Reports that there are no BOP valid initiation signals for HPCI.
Monitors Reactor Power, Reactor Pressure, and Reactor Water OATC Level.
Directs the BOP to trip and lock out HPCI in accordance with ODM-4.20, Section 4.4.2: If HPCI initiates on an invalid initiation signal, it is expected that the operator report the initiation to the SRO US, verify the initiation signal is not valid, and with concurrence from the US trip HPCI and when the turbine speed is zero, place the Aux Oil Pump (AOP) control switch in Pull- to-Lock (PTL) to prevent HPCI continued operation.
Trips HPCI, and when turbine speed is zero, place the aux oil BOP pump handswitch in pull to lock.
Informs the SRO that HPCI is tripped and locked out.
Dispatches Reactor Building Auxiliary Unit Operator/Outside US to Crew investigate the reason for HPCI initiation.
After being directed to investigate, report that the HPCI Driver Initiation Logic has failed, but the HPCI pump and system piping is intact and is available.
NRC If the HPCI Inadvertent Initiation is not caught quickly, 3-9-6C, Window 14, RFWCS INPUT FAILURE will alarm.
3-9-6C, Window 14, RFWCS INPUT FAILURE A. VERIFY RFWCS continues to maintain Reactor water level.
B. IDENTIFY bad/invalid signal by checking Control Room instrumentation and/or ICS. REFER TO ATTACHMENT 1 on NEXT BOP PAGE for list of RFWCS instrumentation. REFER TO ICS RX FW LVL CONTROL SYS display (FWLCS).
C. REQUEST assistance from Site Engineering.
D. BYPASS the bad/invalid signal with Unit Supervisor approval.
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 3 Event No.: 3 Page 2 of 3 Event
Inadvertent HPCI Initiation Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Recognizes HPCI Min Flow Valve is open. Coordinates with Reactor Building AUO/Outside Unit Supervisor to close HPCI BOP Min Flow valve and open the circuit breaker to prevent the valve from opening and causing Torus Water Level to rise.
Directs the OATC to place RFWCS back in Three Element in SRO accordance with 3-OI-3.
3-OI-3, Reactor Feedwater System Section 8.31, Transferring RFWCS Between Single Element and Three Element Control NOTES
- 1) This section is performed at Panel 3-9-5.
- 2) The RFW Control System will not allow THREE ELEMENT operation until all of the following permissives are met:
- Total Steam Flow > 19%.
- Reactor Water Level Control (PDS), 3-LIC-46-5, in AUTO and at least one RFPT Speed Control (PDS) in AUTO.
- A Valid Total Steam Flow signal exists (Four good steam line flows, or at least two good steam line flow signals and a valid Turbine First Stage pressure signal).
- A Valid Total Feedwater Line Flow signal exists (Two good Feedwater line flow signals, or one good Feedwater line flow and three valid individual RFP flow signals).
- At least one valid Narrow Range Level signal.
[1] IF desired to transfer level control from Single Element to Three Element, THEN PERFORM the following:
[1.1] VERIFY conditions in Note 2 are met for placing level control in Three Element.
[1.2] OBSERVE stable steam flow and Feedwater flow.
OATC [1.3] DEPRESS THREE ELEMENT push-button, 3-HS-46-6/3.
- VERIFY green backlight for push-button illuminates.
[1.4] VERIFY extinguished green backlight for SINGLE ELEMENT push-button, 3-HS-46-6/1.
[1.5] CHECK Reactor water level stable.
[2] N/A Page 15 of 64 Unit 3
Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 3 Event No.: 3 Page 3 of 3 Event
Inadvertent HPCI Initiation Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Briefs the crew that HPCI is locked out but available for injection if needed.
References Tech Spec 3.5.1, ECCS - Operating LCO 3.5.1 Each ECCS injection/spray subsystem and the SRO Automatic Depressurization System (ADS) function of six safety/relief valves shall be OPERABLE.
Condition C. HPCI System inoperable.
Required Action C.1 Verify by administrative means RCIC System is OPERABLE.
AND SRO C.2 Restore HPCI System to OPERABLE status. (14 days)
Completion Time C.1 - Immediately C.2 - 14 days NRC End of Event 3, request Event #4 (CRD Pump Trip).
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 3 Event No.: 4 Page 1 of 3 Event
CRD Pump Trip Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior When the Chief Examiner requests Event 4, insert Event 4 to Driver trip 3A CRD Pump.
3-AOI-85-3, CRD System Failure 4.1 Immediate Actions
[1] IF operating CRD pump has failed AND standby CRD pump is available, THEN PERFORM the following at Panel 3-9-5:
(Otherwise N/A)
[1.1] PLACE CRD SYSTEM FLOW CONTROL, 3-FIC-85-11, in MAN at minimum setting.
[1.2] START associated standby CRD Pump using one of the OATC following:
- CRD PUMP 3B, using 3-HS-85-2A
[1.3] ADJUST CRD SYSTEM FLOW CONTROL, 3-FIC-85-11, to establish the following conditions:
- CRD SYSTEM FLOW CONTROL, 3-FIC-85-11, between 40 and 65 gpm.
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 3 Event No.: 4 Page 2 of 3 Event
CRD Pump Trip Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior OATC [2] N/A 4.2 Subsequent Actions NOTES
- 1) Operation with loss of CRD system should be minimized since CRD mechanism cooling water, Reactor Recirc Pump seal purge flow, Reactor Water Cleanup Recirc Pump seal water flow, and CRD SRO HCU accumulator charging water will be lost. Technical Specification Section 3.1.3 and 3.1.5 should be consulted.
- 2) Do NOT attempt to start a CRD pump which has tripped for unknown reasons before verifying locally that the pump, motor and breaker are in operating condition.
- 3) Steps 4.2[1] and 4.2[2] should be performed concurrently.
No Tech Spec Actions Required.
[1] N/A OATC [2] N/A
[3] N/A Page 18 of 64 Unit 3
Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 3 Event No.: 4 Page 3 of 3 Event
CRD Pump Trip Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior
[4] IF CRD System hydraulic pressure is restored, THEN RESTORE Control Rod Drive System alignment. REFER TO OATC 3-OI-85.
[5] NOTIFY Reactor Engineer of CRD system failure.
When directed as the Outside Unit Supervisor or Reactor Building AUO to investigate, after 5 minutes report that 3A Driver CRD pump is hot to the touch. As the Reactor Engineer acknowledge the CRD System failure.
End of Event 4, request Event 5 (CRD 18-11 High Temperature NRC at any point after CRD Flow has been restored.
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 3 Event No.: 5 Page 1 of 6 Event
CRD 18-11 High temperature Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior When requested by the Chief Examiner, insert event 5 to cause the CRD High Temperature.
To run the CRD High Temperature portion of the scenario, do the following:
- Event 5 sets CRD temp to 348° F and rising. (It takes Driver approximately 1 minute for the CRD High Temperature Alarm to be received).
- Once the crew starts flushing per OI-85 (and when directed by Chief Examiner), verify event 25 is triggered to cause CRD temp to stop rising but remains above 350ºF.
- When Event 7 is started CRD temp is <300° F, insert event 26 - this must be completed to return simulator values to normal.
3-ARP-9-5A, Window 17 CONTROL ROD DRIVE UNIT TEMP HIGH 3-TA-85-7 OATC Operator Action:
A. CHECK high temp of CRD on recorder 3-TR-85-7A, 3-TR 7A1, 3-TR-85-7B & 3-TR-85-7B1 (Panel 3-9-47) or on ICS.
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 3 Event No.: 5 Page 2 of 6 Event
CRD 18-11 High temperature Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior B. IF alarm is VALID, THEN PERFORM the following, as directed by the Unit Supervisor.
- CHECK cooling water pressure and flow normal on Panel 3-9-5.
- DISPATCH personnel to check for HCU scram discharge valve leaking as indicated by elevated discharge piping temperatures for associated CRD.
- PERFORM 3-TI-393 for control rods with high temperatures or failed thermocouples.
- REFER TO OPDP-4, 3-OI-85, 3-AOI-85-3.
- FLUSH CRD to unblock restricted cooling water flow. REFER TO OATC 3-OI-85.
- DECLARE the control rod, which is in alarm, SLOW as directed by 3-TI-393 per Tech Spec Table 3.1.4-1 Note 1.
- RAISE CRD Flow, as directed by Unit Supervisor, if required to keep the drives cool per CRD Pump Operation At Elevated Flow section of 3-OI-85.
C. IF alarm is INVALID, THEN PERFORM the following as directed by the US.
- INITIATE WO to determine cause of invalid alarm.
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 3 Event No.: 5 Page 3 of 6 Event
CRD 18-11 High temperature Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior If directed to check Hydraulic Control Unit (HCU) 18-11 scram discharge piping as the Reactor Building AUO, wait 5 minutes Driver and report that there are no elevated temperatures seen on HCU 18-11.
If contacted by the crew as the CRD System Engineer about flushing CRD 18-11, inform the crew that CRD 18-11 has not Driver been flushed in the last 7 days, and the actions of the ARP should be carried out.
3-TI-393, Evaluation of CRD Temperature Alarms 4.0 Precautions and Limitations 4.1 GE SIL 173 discusses the potential effects on scram times for CRDs whose operating temperature is above 350ºF.
Scram times can be increased by 0.150 to 0.500 seconds for a CRD operating between 350ºF and 525ºF. CRDs with temperatures above 350ºF are declared slow in accordance with Technical Specification Section 3.1.4 and are added to the population of rods scram time tested per 3-SR-
Declares Control Rod 18-11 Slow and references Technical Specifications.
SRO 7.0 Procedure Section 7.1 of this procedure shall be performed by Operations to evaluate new CRD high temperature alarms as directed by 3-ARP-9-5A.
Appendix E summarizes actions to be taken based on CRD temperature conditions.
7.1 Evaluation of New Alarms 7.1.1 Record the CRD number on Appendix B, Evaluation of New CRD Temperature Alarms. Record the CRD temperature or indicate that the alarm is due to an open thermocouple input (upscale trip of 3-TA-85-7 and unknown temperature data displayed on ICS).
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 3 Event No.: 5 Page 4 of 6 Event
CRD 18-11 High temperature Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior 7.1.2 Determine if the scram outlet valve is leaking by comparing the scram outlet piping temperature for the affected CRD to the scram outlet piping temperatures of adjacent HCUs.
Dispatches the Reactor Building Auxiliary Unit Operator to check scram outlet piping temperatures for (HCU) 18-11 and adjacent HCUs.
7.1.3 N/A 7.1.4 If the CRD temperature is greater than 350ºF and it has been determined that the scram outlet valve is not leaking, SRO perform Section 8.28 of 3-OI-85 to flush the CRD as directed by the System Engineer. If the CRD temperature returns to normal after flushing, document in the Comments field of Appendix B.
7.1.5 If the CRD temperature remains greater than 350F, Declare the affected rod SLOW per Note 1 of Tech Spec Table 3.1.4-1, and contact Reactor Engineering to update the scram time data base. Disable the associated alarm on the temperature recorder in accordance with OPDP-4 and 0-OI-55.
References Technical Specification 3.1.4 Flush CRD IAW 3-OI-85 8.29 CRD Flushing to Un-block Restricted Cooling Water Flow CAUTION This section may only be used at the direction of the CRD SRO System Engineer to flush a CRD that has the characteristics of the cooling water flow being restricted by debris within the CRD.
This flushing section should not be performed repeatedly (Greater than one time per week) on the same CRD to prevent thermal cycling on the CRD.
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 3 Event No.: 5 Page 5 of 6 Event
CRD 18-11 High temperature Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior If the crew asks the Reactor Engineer if one of the slow rods Driver may be inserted to exit LCO 3.0.3, reply that you will look into that and get back to them soon with a plan.
[1] IF flushing rods at Position 48, THEN:
[1.1] ENSURE CRD POWER, 3-HS-85-46, in ON.
[1.2] SELECT the control rod to be flushed by depressing the appropriate CRD ROD SELECT pushbutton, 3-XS-85-40.
[1.3] ENSURE the Control Rod to be flushed is at rod notch Position 48.
[1.5] PLACE AND HOLD CRD CONTROL SWITCH, 3-HS 48, in ROD OUT NOTCH for 30 seconds to flush the CRD.
[1.7] OBSERVE the control rod settles into Position 48 and the ROD SETTLE light extinguishes.
[1.8] DESELECT the control rod after flushing by PLACING CRD POWER, 3-HS-85-46, in OFF and THEN PLACE CRD POWER, 3-HS-85-46, in ON.
The crew may elect to contact the Reactor Engineer to ask if one of the slow control rods (18-15, 22-15, or 18-11) may be inserted to preclude plant shutdown in accordance with LCO NRC 3.0.3.
When the crew flushes CRD 18-11, the temperature will stop rising but will remain above 350ºF.
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 3 Event No.: 5 Page 6 of 6 Event
CRD 18-11 High temperature Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Notes that with Control Rod 18-11 being declared slow, there are 3 adjacent slow Control Rods.
Technical Specification 3.1.4 Control Rod Scram Times LCO 3.1.4
- a. No more than 13 OPERABLE control rods shall be slow, in accordance with Table 3.1.4-1; and
- b. No more than 2 OPERABLE control rods that are slow shall occupy adjacent locations.
Condition SRO A. Requirements of the LCO not met.
Required Action A.1 Be in Mode 3 Completion Time 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> Informs the Shift Manager and briefs the crew concerning the shutdown LCO.
When satisfied with crew actions and Tech Spec calls, NRC request Event 6, 480v Unit Board 3A trip/lockout.
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 3 Event No.: 6 Page 1 of 3 Event
480v Unit Board 3A trip/lockout Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior NOTE: Potential Critical Task - The Unit 3 Main Turbine will trip and the reactor will scram in just over 1 minute (1:04)
NRC from the loss of 3A 480V Unit Board if the crew does not manually start the standby Stator Cooling Water Pump (it will fail to automatically start).
Driver When requested by the NRC Chief Examiner, insert Event 6 to trip the 3A 480v Unit Board.
3-ARP-9-8B, Window 16 480V UNIT BD 3A UV OR XFR 3-EA-57-29A Automatic action -
A. Undervoltage (loss of the following):
- Stator cooling water Pump 3A
- Gen main bus cooling fan 3
- RFPT 3A 3A1 Main Oil Pump
- Cond vac Pump 3A
- COMPLETE listing on reference drawings.
B. Auto Transfer:
- Alternate breaker closes
- No loss of equipment Operator Actions -
A. VERIFY automatic action has occurred.
B. INSPECT 480V Unit Bd 3A for abnormal conditions: relay targets, smoke, burned paint, breaker position, etc.
BOP C. REFER TO 0-OI-57B to re-energize board.
D. REFER TO appropriate OI for recovery or realignment of equipment.
Dispatches Turbine Building AUO and/or Outside Unit Supervisor to investigate.
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 3 Event No.: 6 Page 2 of 3 Event
480v Unit Board A trip/lockout Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior 3-ARP-9-7A, Window 31 GEN BUS DUCT FAN FAILURE 3-EA-262-161 A. VERIFY Main Bus Cooling Fans, 3-HS-262-1A or 1-HS-262-2A, indicates running on Panel 3-9-8 AND START GEN BUS DUCT HX BOP FAN A(B) using 3-HS-262-1A(2A), on panel 3-9-8 to start the standby fan.
B. IF no Fans are operating and the Generator is tied to the grid and loaded to greater than the self cooled bus rating of 16,500 amps THEN, IMMEDIATELY INSERT a manual reactor scram, AND TRIP the Main Generator.
Critical Task 1: Start the Standby Stator Cooling Water Pump prior to the initiation of an automatic Reactor Scram.
CREW Critical Task Failure Criteria: The operating crew fails to start the standby Stator Cooling Water Pump and an automatic Reactor Scram occurs after the Turbine Trip Timer times out.
3-ARP-9-8A, Window 1 TURBINE TRIP TIMER INITIATED 3-XA-57-139 A. CHECK Stator Cooling Water Flow and Temperature and Generator Stator temperatures using ICS.
B. VERIFY all available Stator Cooling Water Pumps running.
Starts 3B Stator Cooling Water Pump BOP NOTE The full capacity of the Turbine Bypass valves with all nine valves open is 25% reactor power. To determine the capacity of the bypass valves, subtract 3% for each out of service bypass valve from the 25%.
(Example, one bypass valve out of service, [25% - 3% = 22%],
therefore, the capacity of the bypass valves with one bypass valve out of service is 22%.)
C. IF all of the following conditions exist:
- Alarm fails to reset, Low Stator Cooling Water flow OR High Generator or Stator Cooling temperatures are observed on ICS, BOP
- Reactor Power is above turbine bypass valve capability, THEN, SCRAM the reactor. (Otherwise N/A)
D. DISPATCH personnel to Stator Coolant Unit to investigate.
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 3 Event No.: 6 Page 3 of 3 Event
480v Unit Board A trip/lockout Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior 3-ARP-9-7A, Window 22 GEN STATOR COOLANT SYS ABNORMAL 3-XA-35-100 BOP NOTE The control room alarm typer can be used to confirm this alarm.
A. IF while performing the action of this ARP 3-XA-55-9-8A Window 1 alarms THEN,
- 1. VERIFY all available Stator Cooling Water Pumps running.
- 2. Attempt to RESET alarm
- 3. IF alarm fails to reset, AND reactor power is above turbine bypass valve capability THEN SCRAM the Reactor B. VERIFY a stator cooling water pump is running and CHECK stator temperature recorder, 3-TR-57-59, Panel 3-9-8.
C. CHECK alarm by dispatching personnel to check the Stator Coolant Control Cabinet.
BOP D. REQUEST personnel to REFER TO Local Panel ARP for correct alarm response actions to be taken.
E. IF annunciator or Stator Coolant Control Cabinet power is lost, THEN RESTORE if possible at 250V DC Turb Bldg Distr Bd 3, breaker 217, or Panel 3-9-9 breaker 145.
Expected Actions:
- Starts 3B bus duct cooling fan
- Starts 3B Stator Cooling Water Pump
- Starts 3B EHC pump
- Verifies switch of the main generator excitation power
- Dispatches Turbine Building Auxiliary Unit Operator /
Outside Unit Supervisor/Electrical Maintenance If contacted as the Turbine Building AUO, Outside Unit Supervisor, or Electrical Maintenance to investigate, wait 5 Driver minutes and report that 3A 480V Unit Board has overcurrent flags.
End of Event 6, request Event 7 (Earthquake/LOCA/Steam NRC Leak in Drywell).
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 3 Event No.: 7 Page 1 of 26 Event
Earthquake/LOCA/Steam Leak in Drywell/Loss of Offsite Power Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior As the Shift Manager, inform the crew that Unit 1 has received the following alarms:
Driver Additionally, the National Earthquake Center has confirmed an earthquake centered near Florence, AL. Unit 1 has the lead on completion of 0-AOI-100-5, Earthquake.
Insert Event 7 to cause Drywell steam and water leaks.
Reminder - Insert event 26 - this must be completed to return Driver simulator values to normal following the CRD High Temperature Scenario.
0-AOI-100-5, Earthquake 4.1 Immediate Actions - None SRO 4.2 Subsequent Actions Unit 1 is the lead for AOI actions.
Directs the crew to monitor plant parameters for abnormal SRO indications caused by the earthquake.
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 3 Event No.: 7 Page 2 of 26 Event
Earthquake/LOCA/Steam Leak in Drywell/Loss of Offsite Power Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Notes Drywell pressure and temperature are rising, informs BOP the SRO.
Directs the BOP to monitor primary containment parameters, sets a trigger value for drywell pressure and temperature for SRO reactor scram.
Briefs the crew on scram expectations (drywell pressure/temperature).
3-ARP-9-3B, Window 10 PRIMARY CONTAINMENT N2 PRESS HIGH 3-PA-76-14 1.5 psig BOP Operator Action:
A. VERIFY containment pressure using multiple indications.
B. CHECK containment temperature.
C. REFER TO 3-OI-64 Venting the Drywell with Standby Gas Treatment Fan.
3-ARP-9-3B, Window 19 DRYWEL NORM OPERATING PRESS HIGH 3-PA-64-135 1.6 psig Operator Action:
A. CHECK drywell pressure and temperature for rise and CHECK weather report for atmospheric pressure.
BOP B. CHECK to see if Drywell DP Compressor is running. IF Drywell DP Compressor is running, THEN STOP compressor.
C. CHECK N2 makeup valves to Suppression Chamber and Drywell closed.
D. IF pressure rise is due to normal startup, THEN REFER TO 3-OI-64 for normal venting instructions.
E. IF Drywell pressure is high, THEN REFER TO 3-AOI-64-1.
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 3 Event No.: 7 Page 3 of 26 Event
Earthquake/LOCA/Steam Leak in Drywell/Loss of Offsite Power Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior 3-AOI-64-1 Drywell Pressure and/or Temperature High, or Excessive Leakage into Drywell NOTE This procedure covers possible multiple symptoms of a problem within primary containment. Any or all of the symptoms may exist. The SRO will direct actions based on symptoms and experience.
4.1 Immediate Actions - None 4.2 Subsequent Actions BOP [1] IF any EOI entry condition is met, THEN ENTER appropriate EOI(s). (Otherwise N/A) 4.2.2 Drywell Pressure is High
[1] CHECK Drywell pressure using multiple indications.
[2] IF Drywell pressure rising rate indicates Reactor Scram at 2.45 psi is imminent, THEN REDUCE Reactor power via Recirc flow to minimize the impact of a scram from high power. (Otherwise N/A).
[3] ALIGN and START additional Drywell coolers and fans as necessary. REFER TO 3-OI-64.
CAUTION SRO Stack release rates exceeding 1.4x107 µci/sec, or a SI-4.8.B.1.a.1 release fraction above one will result in ODCM release limits being exceeded.
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 3 Event No.: 7 Page 4 of 26 Event
Earthquake/LOCA/Steam Leak in Drywell/Loss of Offsite Power Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior
[4] VENT Drywell as follows:
[4.3] VERIFY 3-FIC-84-20 is in AUTO and SET at 100 scfm BOP (Panel 3-9-55).
[4.4] VERIFY Running, required Standby Gas Treatment Fan(s) SGTS Train(s) A, B, C (Panel 3-9-25).
[4.5] IF required, THEN REQUEST Unit 1 Operator to START Standby Gas Treatment Fan(s) SGTS Train(s) A, B.
(Otherwise N/A)
CAUTION BOP If 3-FCV-84-20 closes after 3-HS-64-35 is opened, the reason for valve closure must be cleared and 3-HS-64-35 must be returned to OPEN in order for 3-FCV-84-20 to re-open.
[4.6] IF required, THEN RECORD venting data in 3-SI-4.7.A.2.a (Otherwise N/A)
[4.7] PLACE 3-FCV-84-20 CONTROL DW/SUPPR CHBR VENT, 3-HS-64-35, in OPEN (Panel 3-9-3).
[4.8] MONITOR stack release rates to prevent exceeding ODCM limits.
[4.9] WHEN Drywell pressure has been reduced as required, THEN STOP SGT Train(s).
[4.10] VERIFY 3-HS-64-35, in AUTO and 3-FCV-84-20 CLOSED (Panel 3-9-3).
[4.11] OPEN SUPPR CHBR INBD ISOLATION VLV 3-FCV-64-34 (Panel 3-9-3).
[4.12] VERIFY Drywell DP compressor operates correctly to maintain required Drywell to Suppression Chamber DP.
4.13] RECORD SGTS Train(s) run time in appropriate Control Room Reactor Narrative Log for transfer to 1-SR-2.
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 3 Event No.: 7 Page 5 of 26 Event
Earthquake/LOCA/Steam Leak in Drywell/Loss of Offsite Power Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior
[5] CHECK for proper RBCCW operation. REFER TO 3-OI-70.
[6] VERIFY CLOSED, N2 makeup valves to Drywell and Suppression Chamber.
[7] CHECK Suppression Chamber pressure.
[8] CHECK Suppression Pool water level.
[9] CHECK Suppression Pool temp for indication of a leaking or stuck open relief valve.
[10] VERIFY CLOSED the following (locally):
- STATION AIR TO DRYWELL, 3-FCV-33-10, (Rx Bldg., El 565', above TIP Room)
[11] CHECK for proper Drywell Control Air System operation.
[12] CHECK DRYWELL ATMOSPHERE DEWPOINT TEMPERATURE, 3-MR-80-36, for indication of a steam or water leak in the Drywell (Panel 3-9-47).
[13] CALCULATE Drywell Sump Leakage using the integrator or manual method at a frequency of once every two hours.
[14] NOTIFY Chemistry to sample Drywell atmosphere for radioactivity.
NOTIFY Radwaste that fluids being discharged from Drywell may be highly radioactive.
3-ARP-9-5B, Window 31 DRYWELL PRESSURE ABNORMAL 3-PA-64-56 1.65 psig rising BOP Operator Actions A. CHECK alarm using multiple indications.
B. N/A C. REFER TO 3-AOI-64-1.
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 3 Event No.: 7 Page 6 of 26 Event
Earthquake/LOCA/Steam Leak in Drywell/Loss of Offsite Power Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Reports Drywell pressure has reached the trigger point as set BOP by the SRO.
When Drywell pressure reaches the trigger point set, directs SRO the OATC to insert a Core flow runback, and when complete, a manual reactor scram.
Inserts manual reactor scram.
OATC Performs scram report.
Repeats scram report.
Enters applicable EOIs (EOI-1 if reactor water level lowers to SRO
+2 inches, EOI-1 and EOI-2 when Drywell pressure reaches 2.45 psig, EOI-2 when Drywell temperature reaches 150oF.
Enters EOI-1 on Low Reactor water level (+2 inches) and/or High Drywell Pressure (2.45 psig)
RC-1 Verifies RX scram ACTION REQUIRED RC-2 Note 1 The reactor will remain subcritical without boron under all SRO conditions when:
Any 19 control rods are at notch 02 with all other control rods fully inserted OR All control rods except one are inserted to or beyond position 00 OR Determined by Reactor Engineering (0-TI-394)
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 3 Event No.: 7 Page 7 of 26 Event
Earthquake/LOCA/Steam Leak in Drywell/Loss of Offsite Power Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior EOI-1(continued)
IF THEN It has NOT been determined that the reactor will remain NO ACTION REQUIRED subcritical without boron under all conditions RPV water level CANNOT be NO ACTION REQUIRED SRO determined PC water lvl and drywell press CANNOT be maintained in the NO ACTION REQUIRED safe area of Curve 7 RC-3 Caution 1 Ambient temp may affect RPV water level indication and trend RC/L-1 ENSURE each as required PCIS Isolations (Group 1, 2 and 3) ACTION REQUIRED SRO ECCS NO ACTION REQUIRED RCIC NO ACTION REQUIRED Page 35 of 64 Unit 3
Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 3 Event No.: 7 Page 8 of 26 Event
Earthquake/LOCA/Steam Leak in Drywell/Loss of Offsite Power Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Override RC/L-2 IF THEN RPV water lvl can be restored and maintained above -162 in.
NO ACTION REQUIRED AND The ADS timer has initiated Loss of available injection SRO systems is anticipated OR Raising RPV water lvl above
+51 in. will facilitate use of NO ACTION REQUIRED shutdown cooling, steam-driven injection systems, or Alternate Injection Subsystems (Table L-2)
RC/L-3 RESTORE and MAINTAIN RPV water lvl between +2 in. and
+51 in. with ANY Preferred Injection Systems (Table L-1)-
ACTION REQUIRED IF THEN SRO RPV water lvl cannot be restored and maintained NO ACTION REQUIRED between +2 in. and +51 in.
RPV water lvl cannot be restored and maintained NO ACTION REQUIRED above -162 in.
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 3 Event No.: 7 Page 9 of 26 Event
Earthquake/LOCA/Steam Leak in Drywell/Loss of Offsite Power Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior RC/L-3 RESTORE and MAINTAIN RPV water lvl between +2 and +51 in. with ANY Preferred Injection System (Table L-1) - ACTION REQUIRED IF THEN RPV water lvl cannot be restored and maintained NO ACTION REQUIRED SRO between +2 in. and +51 in.
RPV water lvl cannot be restored and maintained NO ACTION REQUIRED above -162 in.
Directs the OATC to maintain reactor water level +2 to +51 in.
using 3-EOI-Appendix-5A, CNDS and FW.
When the crew attempts to use RCIC for reactor water level NRC control, Event 9 will automatically occur. See Event 9 on page 54 of 61.
Critical Task 3: RPV Level maintained above TAF ((-)162 inches)
CREW Critical Task Failure Criteria: The operating crew fails to maintain reactor water level above the top of active fuel (TAF).
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 3 Event No.: 7 Page 10 of 26 Event
Earthquake/LOCA/Steam Leak in Drywell/Loss of Offsite Power Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior 3-EOI-Appendix-5A, CNDS and FW:
- 1. IF ................. It is desired to use a reactor feed pump that is in operation, THEN ........... CONTINUE at step 12 to control the operating pump.
- 12. SLOWLY ADJUST RFPT speed UNTIL feedwater flow to the RPV is indicated, using ANY of the following methods on Panel 3-9-5: Individual 3-HS-46-8A(9A)(10A), RFPT 2A(2B)(2C) SPEED CONT RAISE/LOWER switch in MANUAL GOVERNOR, OR OATC Individual 3-SIC-46-8(9)(10), RFPT 2A(2B)(2C) SPEED CONTROL in MANUAL, OR 3-LIC-46-5, REACTOR WATER LEVEL CONTROL, in MANUAL with individual 3-SIC-46-8(9)(10), RFPT 2A(2B)(2C) SPEED CONTROL in AUTO.
- 13. ADJUST RFPT speed as necessary to control injection using the methods of step 12.
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 3 Event No.: 7 Page 11 of 26 Event
Earthquake/LOCA/Steam Leak in Drywell/Loss of Offsite Power Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior SRO SRO Override RC/P-1 RESTORE and MAINTAIN RPV water lvl between +2 and +51 in. with ANY Preferred Injection System (Table L-1) - ACTION REQUIRED IF THEN A high drywell pressure ECCS NO ACTION REQUIRED signal exists (2.45 psig)
SRO Emergency Depressurization is required or has been ACTION REQUIRED required Emergency RPV NO ACTION REQUIRED depressurization is anticipated Directs the crew to prevent injection from only those core spray and LPCI pumps not required to assure adequate core cooling before depressurizing below 340 psig (Appendix 4).
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 3 Event No.: 7 Page 12 of 26 Event
Earthquake/LOCA/Steam Leak in Drywell/Loss of Offsite Power Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior RC/P-2 SRO IF THEN Any MSRV is cycling NO ACTION REQUIRED Override RC/P-3 IF THEN Suppr pl temp and lvl CANNOT be maintained in a NO ACTION REQUIRED safe area of Curve 3 at the SRO existing RPV press Suppr pl lvl CANNOT be maintained in the safe area of NO ACTION REQUIRED Curve 4 Steam Cooling is required NO ACTION REQUIRED RC/P-4 STABILIZE RPV press below 1073 psig using the main turbine bypass vlvs (APPX 8B) - ACTION REQUIRED IF THEN SRO DW Control Air is or becomes NO ACTION REQUIRED unavailable Directs the BOP to maintain RPV pressure 800-1000 psig using 3-EOI-Appendix-8B.
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 3 Event No.: 7 Page 13 of 26 Event
Earthquake/LOCA/Steam Leak in Drywell/Loss of Offsite Power Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior 3-EOI Appendix-8B
[13] VERIFY Condenser vacuum is greater than 7.
[14] IF manual opening of Bypass Valves is desired, THEN PERFORM the following steps:
[14.1] DEPRESS Bypass Valve Opening Jack RAISE, 3-HS-47-130B to slowly open the Bypass Valves.
[14.2] ADJUST BPV Position as necessary by using RAISE, 3-HS-47-130B, and LOWER 3-HS-47-130A, to maintain desired cooldown rate.
When satisfied with reactor water level control and ready for the Loss of Offsite Power, request Event 27 (this is a NRC daughter event for the major, event 7). Actions for Loss of Offsite Power start on pages 41 of 61.
Driver Insert Event 27 (Loss of Offsite Power).
Crew Recognizes the Loss of Offsite Power.
SRO Directs the BOP to perform actions of 0-AOI-57-1A.
Re-evaluates Preferred Injection Systems and Reactor SRO Pressure Control due to MSIVs closing.
RC/L-3 RESTORE and MAINTAIN RPV water lvl between +2 in. and
+51 in. with ANY Preferred Injection Systems (Table L-1)-
ACTION REQUIRED IF THEN SRO RPV water lvl cannot be restored and maintained NO ACTION REQUIRED between +2 in. and +51 in.
RPV water lvl cannot be restored and maintained NO ACTION REQUIRED above -162 in.
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Earthquake/LOCA/Steam Leak in Drywell/Loss of Offsite Power Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Directs the BOP to maintain Reactor Water Level using 3-EOI-SRO Appendix-5C, Injection System Lineup, RCIC.
3-EOI-Appendix 5C, Injection System Lineup RCIC
[1] N/A
[2] ENSURE RESET auto isolation logic using 3-XS-71-51A(B)
[4] ENSURE 3-FIC-71-36A, RCIC SYSTEM FLOW/CONTROL, in AUTO with setpoint at 620 gpm.
[5] OPEN the following:
- 1) Operating RCIC turbine below 2100 rpm may result in unstable system operation and equipment damage.
- 2) High Suppression Chamber pressure may trip RCIC.
- 3) Operating RCIC Turbine with suction temperatures above 240°F may result in equipment damage.
[7] OPEN 3-FCV-71-8, RCIC TURBINE STEAM SUPPLY VLV, to start RCIC turbine.
[8] CHECK proper RCIC operation by observing the following:
BOP A. RCIC turbine speed accelerates above 2100 rpm.
B. Flow to RPV controlled automatically at 620 gpm.
C. 3-FCV-71-34, RCIC PUMP MIN FLOW VALVE, closes as flow rises above 120 gpm.
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 3 Event No.: 7 Page 15 of 26 Event
Earthquake/LOCA/Steam Leak in Drywell/Loss of Offsite Power Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior
[9] ADJUST 3-FIC-71-36A, RCIC SYSTEM FLOW/CONTROL, as necessary to control injection.
[10] IF BOTH of the following exist:
- RCIC Initiation signal is NOT present, AND
[11] N/A
[12] N/A RC/P-4 STABILIZE RPV press below 1073 psig using the main turbine bypass vlvs (APPX 8B)
OK to use ANY Alternate Pressure Control Systems (Table P-1) - ACTION REQUIRED SRO IF THEN DW Control Air is or becomes NO ACTION REQUIRED unavailable Directs the BOP to maintain reactor pressure 800-1000 psig using 3-EOI-Appendix 11A (SRVs).
Opens MSRVs to as required control reactor pressure 800-1000 BOP psig, using 3-EOI-Appendix 11A.
3-EOI-Appendix 11A, Alternate RPV Pressure Control Systems MSRVs
- 1. N/A
- 2. N/A
- a. 3-PCV-1-179 BOP
- b. 3-PCV-1-180
- c. 3-PCV-1-4
- d. 3-PCV-1-31
- e. 3-PCV-1-23
- f. 3-PCV-1-42
- g. 3-PCV-1-30 Page 43 of 64 Unit 3
Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 3 Event No.: 7 Page 16 of 26 Event
Earthquake/LOCA/Steam Leak in Drywell/Loss of Offsite Power Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior
- 3. (continued)
- h. 3-PCV-1-19
- i. 3-PCV-1-5
- j. 3-PCV-1-41
- k. 3-PCV-1-22
- l. 3-PCV-1-18
- m. 3-PCV-1-34
- 4. N/A
- 5. N/A
- 6. N/A 0-AOI-57-1A, Loss of Offsite Power (161 and 500 KV)/Station Blackout 4.1 Immediate Actions NOTE Performing this instruction, in conjunction with an earthquake, may require resetting the individual Diesel Generator's 86G Lockout Relay and the Field Breaker(both locally at the Diesel Generator electrical cabinet).
BOP [1] ENSURE Diesel Generators have started and tied to respective 4kV Shutdown Boards, THEN DISPATCH personnel to Diesel Generators.
Verifies diesel generators start and dispatches AUO to monitor the Diesel Generators.
[2] ENSURE two EECW Pumps (not using the same EECW strainer) are in service supplying Diesel Generators.
[3] N/A
[4] PERFORM the following to ensure at least one train of Diesel Generator Room Fans are energized:
- CHECK 480V DSL Aux Board 3EA or 3EB energized.
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 3 Event No.: 7 Page 17 of 26 Event
Earthquake/LOCA/Steam Leak in Drywell/Loss of Offsite Power Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior 4.2 Subsequent Actions
[6] WHEN EECW header pressure is restored above the reset pressure setpoint (psig) for the valves listed below, THEN Common Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 0-FCV-67-53 106 - - -
FCV-67-50 - 90 91 92 FCV-67-51 - 107 109 113 RESET EECW supplies to Control Air Compressors and RBCCW, BOP at Unit 1 Panel 1-LPNL-925-0032 and Unit 2,3 Panels 2(3)-25-32.
REFER TO the EECW to the RCW Crossties for Control Air &
RBCCW section of 0-OI-67.
[7] START Control Air Compressors A, D and G as required and MONITOR system pressure. REFER TO 0-AOI-32-1.
[7.1] N/A
[8] N/A
[9] PLACE RPS MG Sets A and B in service. REFER TO 1(2,3)-OI-99.
Requests the Outside Unit Supervisor reset EECW, restore Control Air, and reset RPS.
When directed to restore EECW, Control Air, and RPS, Driver acknowledge the request and insert Event 28, 29, and 30.
Report the status of these systems when the resets occur.
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 3 Event No.: 7 Page 18 of 26 Event
Earthquake/LOCA/Steam Leak in Drywell/Loss of Offsite Power Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Override RC/P-5 IF THEN It is anticipated that RPV SRO depressurization will result in a NO ACTION REQUIRED loss of injection required for adequate core cooling RC/P-6 DEPRESSURIZE the RPV and maintain cooldown rate below 100ºF/hr Crosstie CAD or MSRV carts to DW Control Air (APPX 8G, 20H) if necessary SRO IF THEN ANY MSRV is being used for RPV depressurization AND NO ACTION REQUIRED DW Control Air is or becomes unavailable Waits at step RC/P-7 SRO WHEN shutdown cooling RPV press interlock clears AND further cooldown is required.
SRO Directs the OATC to perform 3-AOI-100-1 Page 46 of 64 Unit 3
Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 3 Event No.: 7 Page 19 of 26 Event
Earthquake/LOCA/Steam Leak in Drywell/Loss of Offsite Power Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior When drywell pressure is above 2.45# or drywell temperature is SRO above 160º F, enters 3-EOI-2.
SRO DW/T-1 SRO MONITOR and CONTROL DW temp below 160ºF using available DW cooling DW/T-2 SRO Waits at this step until drywell temperature cannot be maintained below 160ºF.
DW/T-3 SRO OPERATE all available DW cooling - NO ACTION REQUIRED All available drywell cooling is already in service DW/T-4 SRO BEFORE DW Temp rises to 280F Re-enters 3-EOI-1 Override DW/T-5 IF THEN SRO DW pressure drops to 0 psig STOP DW sprays (APPX 17B)
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Earthquake/LOCA/Steam Leak in Drywell/Loss of Offsite Power Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior DW/T-6 IF suppr pl lvl is below 19 ft AND DW temp is in safe area of Curve 5 THEN 1.SHUT DOWN Recirc pumps - ACTION REQUIRED 2.SHUT DOWN DW blowers - ACTION REQUIRED 3.INITIATE DW sprays - ACTION REQUIRED SRO Use only sources NOT required to assure adequate core cooling by continuous inj (APPX17B, 20L)
IF THEN Needed to augment DW NO ACTION REQUIRED sprays Verifies that DW temp is in the safe area of Curve 5 Directs the OATC to trip recirc pumps Directs the BOP to shut down DW blowers Directs the BOP to initiate DW sprays Caution 2 and Caution 4:
SRO Page 48 of 64 Unit 3
Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 3 Event No.: 7 Page 21 of 26 Event
Earthquake/LOCA/Steam Leak in Drywell/Loss of Offsite Power Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior SRO SRO PC/P-1 MONITOR and CONTROL PC press below 2.45 psig using the SRO Vent system (AOI-64-1)
Directs the BOP to vent the drywell in accordance with 3-AOI-64-1 PC/P-2 SRO If drywell pressure has not reached 2.45 psig, waits at this step until it does.
3-AOI-64-1, Drywell Pressure and/or Temperature High, or Excessive Leakage into Drywell 4.2 Subsequent Actions
[1] IF any EOI entry condition is met, THEN ENTER appropriate EOI(s). (Otherwise N/A)
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Earthquake/LOCA/Steam Leak in Drywell/Loss of Offsite Power Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior
[2] IF Drywell Pressure is High, THEN PERFORM the following: (Otherwise N/A)
[2.1] CHECK Drywell pressure using multiple indications.
[2.2] IF Drywell pressure rising rate indicates Reactor Scram at 2.45 psi is imminent, THEN REDUCE Reactor power via Recirc flow to minimize the impact of a scram from high power.
(Otherwise N/A)
[2.3] CHECK Drywell pressure using multiple indications.
[2.4] ALIGN and START additional Drywell coolers and fans as necessary. REFER TO 3-OI-64.
BOP [2.5] VENT Drywell as follows:
[2.5.1] CLOSE SUPPR CHBR INBD ISOLATION VLV 3-FCV-64-34 (Panel 3-9-3).
[2.5.2] VERIFY OPEN, DRYWELL INBD ISOLATION VLV, 3-FCV-64-31 (Panel 3-9-3).
[2.5.3] VERIFY 3-FIC-84-20 is in AUTO and SET at 100 scfm (Panel 3-9-55).
[2.5.4] VERIFY RUNNING a Standby Gas Treatment Fan STGTS TRAIN C(A)(B) (Panel 3-9-25).
[2.5.5] IF required, THEN REQUEST Unit 1 Operator to START Standby Gas Treatment Fans A or B. (Otherwise N/A)
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 3 Event No.: 7 Page 23 of 26 Event
Earthquake/LOCA/Steam Leak in Drywell/Loss of Offsite Power Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Override PC/P-3 IF THEN PC pressure reduction is required to restore and maintain adequate core NO ACTION REQUIRED BOP cooling or reduce total offsite radiation dose Suppr chmbr press drops to 0 ACTION REQUIRED psig DW press drops to 0 psig ACTION REQUIRED STOP suppr chamber and/or Drywell sprays as required PC/P-4 SRO BEFORE suppr chamber press rises to 12 psig Continues to PC/P-5 PC/P-5 INITIATE suppr chmbr sprays Use only sources NOT required to assure adequate core cooling by continuous inj (APPX17C)
SRO IF THEN Needed to augment suppr NO ACTION REQUIRED chmbr sprays Directs the BOP to spray the Suppression Chamber in accordance with 3-EOI-Appendix-17C Caution 2 and Caution 4:
SRO Page 51 of 64 Unit 3
Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 3 Event No.: 7 Page 24 of 26 Event
Earthquake/LOCA/Steam Leak in Drywell/Loss of Offsite Power Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior PC/P-6 SRO WHEN suppr chamber pressure exceeds 12 psig PC/P-7 IF suppr pl lvl is below 19 ft AND DW temp is in safe area of Curve 5 THEN 1.SHUT DOWN Recirc pumps - ACTION REQUIRED 2.SHUT DOWN DW blowers - ACTION REQUIRED 3.INITIATE DW sprays - ACTION REQUIRED SRO Use only sources NOT required to assure adequate core cooling by continuous inj (APPX17B, 20L)
IF THEN Needed to augment DW NO ACTION REQUIRED sprays Verifies that Drywell temperature is in the safe area of Curve 5 Directs the OATC to trip recirc pumps Directs the BOP to shut down Drywell blowers Directs the BOP to initiate Drywell sprays In accordance with EOI-Appendix-17B the OATC ensures that OATC both Recirc Pumps are tripped In accordance with EOI-Appendix-17B the BOP ensures all BOP Drywell Blowers have been secured Page 52 of 64 Unit 3
Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 3 Event No.: 7 Page 25 of 26 Event
Earthquake/LOCA/Steam Leak in Drywell/Loss of Offsite Power Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Start of Event 8. See page 52 of 61 for Drywell Spray Valve NRC failure. NOTE: The PSP curve limit is reached in approximately 10 minutes from the beginning of Event 7.
PC/P-8 SRO WHEN suppr chamber press CANNOT be maintained in the safe area of Curve 6 SRO PC/P-9 SRO EMERGENCY DEPRESSURIZATION IS REQUIRED N/A SRO PC/P-10 AND PC/P-11 are N/A Page 53 of 64 Unit 3
Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 3 Event No.: 7 Page 26 of 26 Event
Earthquake/LOCA/Steam Leak in Drywell/Loss of Offsite Power Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior SRO SRO SP/T-1 SRO MONITOR and CONTROL suppr pl temp below 95F using available suppr pl cooling (APPX 17A)
SP/T-2 WHEN suppr pl temp CANNOT be maintained below 95F SRO If necessary, will direct suppression pool cooling in service IAW 3-EOI-Appendix-17A.
SRO SP/L-1 MONITOR and CONTROL suppr pl lvl -6in to -1in. (APPX 18)
IF THEN SRO Suppr pl lvl CANNOT be NO ACTION REQUIRED maintained below -1in.
Suppr pl lvl CANNOT be NO ACTION REQUIRED maintained above -6 in.
When the crew has inserted a Reactor scram, sprayed the Drywell and has control of Reactor Water Level (+2 to +51),
NRC request the simulator be placed in freeze. End of Scenario.
Page 54 of 64 Unit 3
Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 3 Event No.: 8 Page 1 of 2 Event
Drywell Spray Valve fails to open Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Event 8 is automatically inserted - no action is required by NRC the driver.
When directed as the Outside Unit Supervisor or Reactor Building AUO to investigate the failure of the Drywell Driver Outboard Spray Valve (either Loop I or Loop II), acknowledge the direction.
In accordance with EOI-Appendix-17B the BOP will:
- b. IF.....EITHER of the following exists:
- Directed by SRO, THEN...PLACE keylock switch 3-XS 122(130), RHR SYS I(II) LPCI 2/3 CORE HEIGHT OVRD, in MANUAL OVERRIDE.
- c. MOMENTARILY PLACE 3-XS-74-121(129), RHR SYS I(II)
- e. VERIFY OPERATING the desired System I(II) RHR pump(s) for Drywell Spray.
- f. OPEN the following valves:
The first loop of RHR that the candidate attempts to use to spray will not work. Notifies the SRO and sprays with the other loop.
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 3 Event No.: 8 Page 2 of 2 Event
Drywell Spray Valve fails to open Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Critical Task 2: Initiate drywell sprays to prevent exceeding the Pressure Suppression Pressure Curve.
CREW Critical Task Failure Criteria:
The operating crew allows drywell pressure to exceed the Pressure Suppression Pressure Curve.
Caution 2 and Caution 4:
SRO NRC End of Event 8.
Page 56 of 64 Unit 3
Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 3 Event No.: 9 Page 1 of 2 Event
RCIC Bellows failure Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Event 9 is automatically inserted - no action is required by NRC the driver.
Acknowledges and reports 9-3B, Window 35, RCIC TURB EXH BOP DISC RUPTURED.
3-ARP-9-3B, Window 35, RCIC TURB EXH DISC RUPTURED Automatic Action:
A. RCIC isolation and turbine tri causes following valves to close:
BOP Verifies RCIC isolates and trips.
B. RCIC AUTO ISOL LOGIC A and B amber lights, 3-IL-71-51A and 51B, illuminate.
Verifies lights are illuminated.
Operator Action A. REFER TO 3-AOI-64-2C.
References 3-AOI-64-2C 3-AOI-64-2C, Group 5 Reactor Core Isolation Cooling Isolation 4.1 Immediate Actions
[1] VERIFY automatic actions occur.
Verifies automatic actions above under the ARP actions.
BOP 4.2 Subsequent Actions
[1] IF ANY EOI entry condition is met, THEN ENTER the appropriate EOI(s).
[2] DISPATCH an operator to the RCIC Turbine room to investigate.
Page 57 of 64 Unit 3
Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 3 Event No.: 9 Page 2 of 2 Event
RCIC Bellows failure Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior
[3] CHECK the following monitors for a rise in activity or area temperature:
[3.1] AREA RADIATION, 3-RR-90-1, Bank 2 Point 6 & 9 (3-RI-90-26 & 29), Panel 3-9-2.
[3.2] AIR PARTICULATE MONITOR RADIATION, 3-MON-90-50, (3-RM-90-57), Panel 3-9-2.
[3.3] Reactor and Turbine Building exhaust radiation, 3-RM-90-250, on CHEMISTRY CAM MONITOR CONTROLLER, 0-MON-90-361A, Panel 1-9-2.
[3.4] LEAK DET SYS, TI-69-29, Panel 3-9-21, PUSH Read buttons TS-71-41A through 41D to read.
BOP Checks temperatures and radiation levels, finds no abnormalities.
[4] VERIFY OPEN MN STM LINE INBD and OUTBD DRAIN ISOL VLV, 3-FCV-1-55 and -56, to drain RCIC steam lines.
Opens 3-FCV-1-55 and 56
[5] IF the isolation occurred due to Exhaust Diaphragm high pressure, THEN DISPATCH an AUO to check RCIC TURB EXH SHUTOFF VALVE, DRAIN LINE SHUTOFF VALVE 3-SHV-071-0014, LOCKED OPEN.
Dispatches the Reactor Building AUO
[6] IF the Exhaust Diaphragm is ruptured, THEN INITIATE a WO to have it replaced before continuing with this procedure.
Driver When directed by the crew to investigate and to lock open VALVE 3-SHV-071-0014, acknowledge the request.
Directs the BOP to unlock HPCI and maintain reactor water level SRO using HPCI.
NRC End of Event 9.
Page 58 of 64 Unit 3
Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Scenario Setup Exam IC 206 Simulator Setup Place Slow Rod borders on rods 18-15, 38-43, 22-15, and 14-35.
Schedule Files(s): ILT1703 NRC Scenario 3 Unit 3.sch RPS CA EECW Reset following LOOP.sch SRV REV1.sch Event Files(s): ILT1703 NRC Scenario 3 Unit 3.evt Schedule File 1703 NRC Scenario 3 Unit 3 Event Action Description Event F:/1703/1703 Scenarios/NRC-3/ILT 1703 NRC Scenario 3 Unit 3.evt Schedule F:\1703\1703 Scenarios\NRC-3\RPS CA EECW Reset following LOOP.sch Schedule F:\1703\1703 Scenarios\NRC-3\SRV REV 1.sch Insert remote CU01 to RWCU DEMIN FILTER A FRC-69-35 40.00000 in 60 on event 1 Insert remote CU02 after 61 RWCU DEMIN FILTER B FRC-69-60 to 40.00000 in 60 on event 1
Insert remote AN01E after CU LOCAL RESET (3-XA-55-4B W24) 135 to RESET on event 1 Insert remote CU05 to RWCU HX RBCCW FLOW CONTROL TIC-69-10A MANUAL on event 21 22 Delete remote CU05 RWCU HX RBCCW FLOW CONTROL TIC-69-10A Insert remote CU05 after 3 RWCU HX RBCCW FLOW CONTROL TIC-69-10A to AUTO on event 22 Insert malfunction HP01 on HPCI INADVERTENT INITIATION event 3 Insert malfunction FCV MOTOR_OPERATED_VALVE HPCI MAIN PUMP MINIMUM 30 to FAIL_NOW on event FLOW VLV 13 Page 59 of 64 Unit 3
Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Schedule File 1703 NRC Scenario 3 Unit 3 Event Action Description Insert malfunction FCV MOTOR_OPERATED_VALVE HPCI MAIN PUMP MINIMUM 30 to NORM on event 23 FLOW VLV Insert malfunction RD01A CRD PUMP 3A TRIP on event 4 5 set rdkxleak(19)=-1.01 Causes CRD 18-11 temperature to rise 5 set yua85753=348 Sets CRD 18-11 temperature to 348 degrees F and rising 25 set rdkxleak(19)=-1.00 Triggers when the crew starts CRD flush to cause CRD 18-11 temperature to remain constant 26 set rdkxleak(19)=.768 Insert this event to reset simulator value to normal following Event 7 Insert malfunction ED07A 480V UNIT BOARD 3A FAILURE on event 6 Insert malfunction PMP 52_BREAKER GEN STATOR COOLING WATER PUMP B 36 to FAIL_CCOIL 16 Delete malfunction PMP 52_BREAKER GEN STATOR COOLING WATER PUMP B 36 Insert malfunction TH33A to MAIN STEAM LINE A BREAK IN CONTAINMENT (DRYWELL) 0.50000 in 600 on event 7 Insert malfunction TH22 to REACTOR BOTTOM HEAD DRAIN LEAK INSIDE DRYWELL 15.00000 in 600 on event 7 17 Insert malfunction TH33A to MAIN STEAM LINE A BREAK IN CONTAINMENT (DRYWELL) 7.50000 in 900 17 Insert malfunction TH22 to REACTOR BOTTOM HEAD DRAIN LEAK INSIDE DRYWELL 25.00000 in 600 Insert malfunction ED06A 161KV XFMR CSST A FAILURE (A87C) on event 27 Insert malfunction ED06B 161KV XFMR CSST B FAILURE (B87C) after 5 on event 27 Insert malfunction ED01 LOSS OF ALL OFFSITE POWER after 10 on event 27 Insert override HS-74-60A RHR SYS I DW SPRAY OUTBD VLV to CLOSE Page 60 of 64 Unit 3
Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Schedule File 1703 NRC Scenario 3 Unit 3 Event Action Description 18 Delete override HS-74-60A RHR SYS I DW SPRAY OUTBD VLV Insert override HS-74-74A RHR SYS II DW SPRAY OUTBD VLV to CLOSE 8 Delete override HS-74-74A RHR SYS II DW SPRAY OUTBD VLV Insert malfunction XA RCIC TURB EXH DISC RUPTURED 3-PA-71-11 3B_35 to ON on event 9 Insert override HS-71-2A to RCIC STEAM LINE INBD ISOLATION VLV CLOSE on event 9 Insert override HS-71-3A to RCIC STEAM LINE OUTBD ISOLATION VLV CLOSE on event 9 Insert override HS-71-34A RCIC PUMP MIN FLOW VALVE to CLOSE on event 9 Insert override HS-71-9A to RCIC TURBINE TRIP TRIP on event 9 Insert override HS-71-9B to RCIC TURB TRIP/THROT VALVE RESET CLOSE on event 9 Insert malfunction XA RCIC STEAM LINE FLOW EXCESSIVE 3-PDA-71-1 3B_21 to ON on event 9 delete in 20 Insert override IL-71-51B-AMBER RCIC AUTO-ISOL LOGIC B ZLOIL7151B_1 to On on event 9 Insert malfunction XA RCIC TURBINE TRIPPED 3-ZA-71-49A 3B_14 to ON on event 9 Insert override IL-71-51A-AMBER RCIC AUTO-ISOL LOGIC A ZLOIL7151A_1 to On on event 9 Insert override IL-71-51B-AMBER RCIC AUTO-ISOL LOGIC B ZLOIL7151B_1 to On on event 9 Insert override IL-64-5A1-AMBER RCIC PCIS LOGIC A ZLOIL645A1_1 to Off on event 9 Insert override IL-64-5B1-AMBER RCIC PCIS LOGIC B ZLOIL645B1_1 to On on event 9 Page 61 of 64 Unit 3
Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Schedule file RPS CA EECW Reset following LOOP Event Action Description Insert remote RP01 after 60 RPS A NORMAL SUPPLY CIRCUIT PROTECTORS to RESET on event 28 Insert remote RP02 after 90 RPS B NORMAL SUPPLY CIRCUIT PROTECTORS to RESET on event 28 Insert remote RP09 after 120 RPS ATU GROSS FAILURE to RESET on event 28 Insert remote IA05A after 60 CONTROL AIR COMPRESSOR A LOCAL CONTROL to RESET on event 29 Insert remote IA05D after 90 CONTROL AIR COMPRESSOR D LOCAL CONTROL to RESET on event 29 Insert remote IA09 after 120 CONTROL AIR COMPRESSOR G LOCAL CONTROL to RESET on event 29 Insert remote SW22 after 90 RESET EECW LOW PRESS RELAYS to RESET on event 30 Schedule file SRV REV 1 Event Action Description Insert malfunction AD01D to SRV FAILS OPEN (PCV-1-30) 2.00000 on event 27 Insert override ZAOXI0130 to SRV TAILPIPE FLOW MONITOR 0 on event 27 Insert override ZAOXI0131 to SRV TAILPIPE FLOW MONITOR 0 on event 27 Insert override ZAOXI0134 to SRV TAILPIPE FLOW MONITOR 0 on event 27 Insert malfunction PC07D to SRV TAILPIPE BREAK IN THE SUPPRESSION CHAMBER (PCV-100.00000 on event 27 1-30)
Page 62 of 64 Unit 3
Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Event File:
List Details Page 63 of 64 Unit 3
Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 SHIFT MANAGER TURNOVER EQUIPMENT OOS/LCOS
- Rods 18-15, 38-43, 22-15, and 14-35 are slow rods.
- RPS A was lost on the previous shift due to operator error. Restoration is complete except for RWCU being placed back in service - place RWCU back in service. The RPHP has been completed for returning RWCU to service.
- Rod sequence exchange and Turbine Valve testing was completed on the previous shift.
- Raise Reactor Power using RCP U3-NRC3 (Control Rods and Recirc Flow) and 3-GOI-100-12 beginning at Step 5.0 [21].
- Shift Manager reports that there is a Thunder Storm Watch for the Tennessee Valley Service Area.
UNIT 1 100%
UNIT 2 100%
UNIT 3 75%
Page 64 of 64 Unit 3
Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D1 Facility: BFN Scenario Number: NRC - 5 Op-Test Number:17-03 Examiners:__________________ Operators: SRO: _________________
__________________ ATC: _________________
__________________ BOP: _________________
Initial Conditions: 95% Reactor Power Turnover: A RHR pump is out of service (day 4 of 7 day LCO). Reactor power has been lowered to 95% to remove C RFP from service for maintenance.
Event Malfunction Event Event Description Number Number Type*
- 1. N/A Secure C RFP for maintenance N-SRO
- 2. N/A TS-SRO Core spray Loop I room cooler EECW Leak C-BOP
- 3. FW05B B2 High pressure heater tube leak/isolation C-SRO C-OATC
- 4. TH03B C-SRO Recirc pump B trip TS-SRO R-OATC
- 5. N/A Power reduction for recirc pump trip (Control Rods)
R-SRO RD06R3015 C-OATC Control Rod 30-31 difficult to insert during urgent load 6.
RD12 C-SRO reduction Torus water leak due to RHR motor being dropped during
- 7. PC14 M-ALL rigging. Either Anticipate Emergency Depressurization or Emergency Depressurize as torus level lowers.
C-BOP HPCI Minimum Flow Valve will not open during EOI-
- 8. HS-73-30A C-SRO Appendix-18
- (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor Unit 2
Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D1 Events
- 2. The Reactor Building AUO will report that an EECW leak was found from the Loop I Core Spray Room Cooler and it has been isolated, requiring the SRO to refer to Tech Specs and the TRM.
- 3. The B2 High Pressure Heater will develop a tube leak, causing the crew to reduce power and isolate the heater.
- 4. B Recirc pump will trip. The crew will respond per 2-AOI-68-1A.
- 5. The crew will reduce reactor power using the urgent load procedure in response to the B Recirc Pump Trip.
- 6. Control rod 30-31 will be difficult to insert during the urgent load reduction procedure, the crew will respond per OI-85.
- 7. The A RHR pump will be dropped while being rigged into place. This will cause piping failure on the Torus side of the suction valve (74-1) and result in torus water level lowering, requiring Anticipate Emergency Depressurization before (11.5 feet), or Emergency Depressurizing at (11.5 feet).
- 8. During the performance of 2-EOI-Appendix-18, the HPCI Minimum Flow valve will not open. The crew will have to attempt to fill the torus using RCIC and coordinate with another unit to use standby coolant.
The Scenario ends when the crew has inserted a manual reactor scram, HPCI is locked out, the RPV has been emergency depressurized, and the crew has control of reactor water level between +2 and +51.
Unit 2
Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D1 Critical Tasks 2
- 1. Lock out HPCI when Suppression Pool Level cannot be maintained above 12.75 feet HPCI secured to prevent damage.
- 1. Safety Significance:
Prevent failure of Primary Containment from pressurization of the Suppression Chamber
- 2. Cues:
Procedural compliance Suppression Pool Level indication
- 3. Measured by:
Observation - HPCI Auxiliary Pump placed in Pull to Lock
- 4. Feedback:
HPCI does not Auto initiate No RPM indication on HPCI
- 5. Critical Task Failure Criteria: HPCI is operated below a Torus Water Level of 12.75 feet, thus pressurizing the torus from the HPCI exhaust.
- 2. Manually Scram the Unit before Suppression Pool Level reaches 11.5 feet, to reduce the amount of energy in the vessel on a lowering Torus Water Level.
- 1. Safety Significance:
Prevent failure of Primary Containment from over pressurization.
- 2. Cues:
Procedural compliance Suppression Pool Level indication
- 3. Measured by:
Observation - Both RPS SCRAM switches are depressed
- 4. Feedback:
All Control Rods insert to their full in position
- 5. Critical Task Failure Criteria: The operating crew allows Torus Water Level to lower past 11.5 feet without inserting a manual scram signal.
Unit 2
Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 5 Event No.: 1 Page 1 of 7 Event
Secure C RFP for maintenance Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior When the Chief Examiner requests Event 1, as the Shift DRIVER Manager direct SRO to remove C RFP for maintenance.
SRO Directs BOP to secure 2C RFP in accordance with 2-OI-3 NOTES
- 1) Starting or Stopping a Condensate, Condensate Booster Pump or Reactor Feedwater Pump with reactor power greater than or equal to 95 percent will cause a change in reactor water level and subsequently a change in indicated instantaneous thermal power by the heat balance. The sinusoidal oscillation that occurs during water level transient stabilizes within 5 minutes. Reactor power should be verified less than or equal to 95% prior to starting or stopping a Condensate, Condensate Booster Pump or Reactor BOP Feedwater Pump.
- 2) When operating with one Condensate and/or Condensate Booster Pump out of service, verify that condensate system flow measured on CONDENSATE, 2-XR-002-0026 (Point 4), is less than 12 mlbm/hr (approximately 85% reactor power) prior to removing a Reactor Feedwater Pump from service.
- 3) If Feedwater control becomes unstable, it may be necessary to switch to SINGLE ELEMENT mode from the THREE ELEMENT mode earlier than recommended in this instruction.
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 5 Event No.: 1 Page 2 of 7 Event
Secure 2C RFP for maintenance Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CAUTIONS
- 1) FAILURE to monitor SJAE/OG CNDR CNDS FLOW, 2-FI-2-42, on Panel 2-9-6 for proper flow (between 2 x 106 and 3 x 106 lbm/hr) may result in SJAE isolation.
- 2) Changes in Condensate System flow may require adjustment to SPE CNDS BYPASS, 2-FCV-002-0190.
- 3) When isolating the Reactor Feedwater Pump(s) for maintenance, the associated injection water should also be isolated to prevent high seal differential pressure and BOP allow the RFW Pump shafts to rotate freely.
- 4) When a Reactor Feed Pump is isolated (suction, discharge, and minimum flow valve closed) with injection water aligned to the pump, there is a potential of rising pump casing pressure and seal water leakoff flows reaching the point where seal water drains are overcome and seal water is forced into the oil system through the bearing housings.
Therefore, the time that a RFP is isolated with injection water aligned to the pump should be minimized.
[1] REFER TO Section 3.0 and REVIEW Precautions and Limitations.
[2] Verify Reactor Power is 95%. (REFER TO P&L 3.0VV)
BOP [3] N/A
[4] N/A
[5] VERIFY in AUTO, RFPT Turning Gear Motor.
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 5 Event No.: 1 Page 3 of 7 Event
Secure 2C RFP for maintenance Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior
[6] LOWER speed of RFPT/RFP being removed from service by either of the following methods:
Note to Examiner: The operator may choose either option to lower speed. Normally, operators will use the Manual Governor switch to lower speed of the RFP and use Step 7.1[7].
[7] SLOWLY LOWER speed of individual RFPT on Panel 2-9-5, by performing the following:
[7.1] N/A
[7.2] N/A
- CHECK amber light at switch illuminated.
[7.3.2] SLOWLY LOWER RFPT speed, by placing RFPT Speed Control switch in RAISE and LOWER positions, as necessary.
[7.3.3] IF this is NOT the last operating feed pump, THEN OBSERVE rise in speed of any remaining RFPT operating in AUTO.
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 5 Event No.: 1 Page 4 of 7 Event
Secure 2C RFP for maintenance Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior
[8] SLOWLY LOWER RFPT Speed Control PDS, on Panel 2-9-5 by performing the following:
[8.1] N/A
[8.2] N/A
[8.3] CONTROL RFPT 2C BOP [8.3.1] PLACE PDS, 2-SIC-46-10 in MANUAL AND VERIFY Column 3 is selected.
[8.3.2] SLOWLY LOWER RFPT speed, using Ramp Up/Ramp Down pushbuttons as necessary.
[8.3.3] IF this is NOT the last operating feed pump, THEN OBSERVE rise in speed of any remaining RFPT operating in AUTO.
CAUTION RFP Discharge Check Valve may fail to close when removing a BOP RFP from service.
[9] IF at any time RFP Discharge Check Valve failure is experienced while removing RFP from service, THEN (Otherwise N/A) REFER TO Step 7.1[15].
[10] CONTINUE to slowly lower RFPT speed to minimum speed setting (approximately 600 rpm).
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 5 Event No.: 1 Page 5 of 7 Event
Secure 2C RFP for maintenance Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior NOTES
- 1) One RFPT may be allowed to remain as a running standby pump at minimum speed setting (approximately 600 rpm).
- 2) With Reactor Feedpump running at ~600 rpm, adjusting CNDS FLOW CONTROL SHORT CYCLE, 2-FC-2-29A, will supply vessel inventory as needed by raising and lowering the header pressure. Typically, a feedpump running at ~600 rpm will build 20 to 25 psig across the pump.
BOP 3) RFW START-UP LEVEL CONTROL, 2-LIC-3-53 does not respond linearly with Controller Demand. The design is to respond slowly to dampen level swings.
- 4) This evolution has better results when the Condensate and Condensate Booster pumps are in a two and two configuration. It should be noted that a two and one configuration will establish a lower header pressure and more attention will be needed to ensure Condensate minimum flow requirements are met. Conversely with a three and three configuration, pressure is higher with higher potential to overfeed the vessel.
[11] IF RFPT/RFP being Shut Down is NOT the last operating RFP, OR IF Unit is to be maintained >400 psig while shut down, BOP THEN
[11.1] MARK Step 7.1[12] as N/A
[11.2] GO TO Step 7.1[13]
[12] N/A Page 5 of 38 Unit 2
Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 5 Event No.: 1 Page 6 of 7 Event
Secure 2C RFP for maintenance Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior
[13] WHEN RFPT is ready to be shut down, THEN DEPRESS RFPT TRIP to trip RFPT being removed from service. (N/A IF Step 7.1[12] was performed.)
- 1) Reverse flow through the RFP minimum flow valve could BOP occur if the RFP discharge check valve is not properly seated.
- 2) The check valve position indicator should not be relied upon for positive valve closure indication.
- 3) Step 7.1[15] is performed only if RFP Discharge Check Valve failure occurs.
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 5 Event No.: 1 Page 7 of 7 Event
Secure 2C RFP for maintenance Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior
[14] VERIFY CLOSED, RFP DISCH Testable Check VLV, by one of the following:
- Observing RFP discharge flow indicator.
- Locally listening to check valve.
[15] N/A
[16] N/A NOTE Turning Gear motor will lockout if Turning Gear does not engage within five seconds of reaching zero speed.
Lockout can be reset by placing control switch to OFF and pulling switch UP (in OFF position).
[17] IF RFP is NOT rolling on minimum flow, THEN VERIFY BOP Turning Gear motor starts and engages when RFPT coasts down to zero speed.
[18] CLOSE RFP Discharge Valve.
- N/A
- N/A
- RFP 2C DISCHARGE VALVE using 2-HS-3-5A The rest of the procedure will be performed later in the shift.
This is where the crew will stop removing the Feed pump from DRIVER service NRC The crew will stop at this point in the procedure to prevent Note bottling up the 2C RFP with seal injection still going.
When 2C RFP is secured, request Event 2 (Core Spray Loop I NRC Room Cooler EECW Leak)
Page 7 of 38 Unit 2
Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 5 Event No.: 2 Page 1 of 3 Event
Core Spray Loop I Room Cooler EECW Leak Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior When directed by the NRC to begin Event 2, call the Reactor Operators station and report as the Reactor Building AUO that you discovered and isolated a water leak in the Core Spray Loop 1 Room Cooler. Report that the following valves were closed to isolate the leak:
Driver 2-SHV-67-550, NW Core Spray Room Cooler Supply Shutoff 2-SHV-67-553, NW Core Spray Room Cooler Outlet (2a)
If asked, the water seems to have stopped leaking.
Contacts Work Control to initiate a work order and a tagout BOP for the EECW Leak.
When contacted, as Work Control, respond to request to Driver initiate a work order and a tagout for the EECW Leak.
References TRM 3.5.3, Emergency Core Cooling Systems LCO 3.5.3 The equipment area cooler associated with each RHR pump and the equipment area cooler associated with each set of Core Spray pumps (A and C or B and D) must be OPERABLE at all times when the pump or pumps served by that specific cooler is considered to be OPERABLE.
SRO Condition A. One or more Equipment Area Cooler inoperable Required Action A.1 Declare the pump(s) served by that cooler inoperable (Refer to applicable TS and TRM LCOs)
Completion Time Immediately Page 8 of 38 Unit 2
Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 5 Event No.: 2 Page 2 of 3 Event
Core Spray Loop I Room Cooler EECW Leak Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior References Tech Spec, 3.5.1, ECCS - Operating LCO 3.5.1 Each ECCS injection/spray subsystem and the Automatic Depressurization System (ADS) function of six safety/relief valves shall be OPERABLE.
Condition A. One low pressure ECCS injection/spray subsystem inoperable.
OR One low pressure coolant injection (LPCI) pump in both LPCI subsystems inoperable.
Required Action A.1 Restore low pressure ECCS injection/spray subsystem(s) to OPERABLE status.
Completion Time 7 days References Tech Spec, 3.5.1, ECCS - Operating LCO 3.5.1 Each ECCS injection/spray subsystem and the Automatic Depressurization System (ADS) function of six safety/relief valves shall be OPERABLE.
Condition H. Two or more low pressure ECCS injection/spray subsystem inoperable for reasons other than Condition A.
SRO OR HPCI System and one or more ADS valves inoperable.
Required Action H.1 Enter LCO 3.0.3.
Completion Time Immediately Informs the shift manager and briefs the operating crew SRO concerning LCO 3.0.3 entry.
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 5 Event No.: 2 Page 3 of 3 Event
Core Spray Loop I Room Cooler EECW Leak Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior References Tech Spec, 3.03 LCO 3.0.3 When an LCO is not met and the associated ACTIONS are not met, an associated ACTION is not provided, or if directed by the associated ACTIONS, the unit shall be placed in a MODE or other specified condition in which the LCO is not applicable.
Action shall be initiated within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> to place the unit, as applicable, in:
- a. MODE 2 within 10 hours1.157407e-4 days <br />0.00278 hours <br />1.653439e-5 weeks <br />3.805e-6 months <br />; SRO b. MODE 3 within 13 hours1.50463e-4 days <br />0.00361 hours <br />2.149471e-5 weeks <br />4.9465e-6 months <br />; and
- c. MODE 4 within 37 hours4.282407e-4 days <br />0.0103 hours <br />6.117725e-5 weeks <br />1.40785e-5 months <br />.
Exceptions to this Specification are stated in the individual Specifications.
Where corrective measures are completed that permit operation in accordance with the LCO or ACTIONS, completion of the actions required by LCO 3.0.3 is not required.
LCO 3.0.3 is only applicable in MODES 1, 2, and 3.
End of Event 2, request Event 3 (B2 High Pressure Feed NRC Water Heater Tube Leak).
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 5 Event No.: 3 Page 1 of 6 Event
High Pressure Feed Water Heater Tube Leak Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior When requested by the Chief Examiner, insert Event 3, B2 Driver High Pressure Feed Water Heater Tube Leak Responds to 2-ARP-9-6A, Window 18 - BYPASS VLV TO CONDENSER NOT CLOSED Operator Action:
A. CHECK heater high or low level or moisture separator high or BOP low level alarm window illuminated on Panel 2-9-6 or 2-9-7 to identify which bypass valve is operating.
B. CHECK ICS to determine which bypass valve is open.
C. DISPATCH personnel to check which valves light is extinguished on junction box 2-JBOX-006-3422, Col T-7 J-LINE, elevation 556.
Responds to 2-ARP-9-6A, Window 9 - HEATER B2 LEVEL HIGH Automatic Action: Drain valve to condenser 2-LCV-6-22B opens.
Operator Action:
BOP A. CHECK the following indications:
- Condensate flow recorder 2-XR-002-0026 (Point 4), Panel 2-9-6. Rising flow is a possible indication of a tube leak.
- Heater B2 shell pressure, 2-PI-5-22 and drain cooler B5 flow, 2-FI-6-34, Panel 2-9-6. High or rising shell pressure or drain cooler flow is possible indication of a tube leak.
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 5 Event No.: 3 Page 2 of 6 Event
High Pressure Feed Water Heater Tube Leak Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior NOTE If a Hi level occurs when a heater is not in service (extraction stm isolated) it is not required to isolate the condensate or feedwater side unless a gross tube failure is indicated. A gross BOP tube leak would be indicated by rising flow on Condensate Flow Recorder 2-XR-002-0026 (Point 4), Panel 9-6 or elevated Heater shell pressure approaching the extraction steam header pressure.
B. CHECK drain valve 2-FCV-6-95 open.
C. VERIFY level on ICS screen Feedwater Heater Level (FWHL).
- IF the 2B2 heater indicates HIGH (Yellow), THEN VERIFY proper operation of the Drain and Dump Valves.
- DISPATCH personnel to local Panel 2-LPNL-925-562C on El. 586, to VERIFY and MANUALLY control the level.
D. IF a valid HIGH HIGH (Red) level is received, THEN GO TO 2-AOI-6-1A or 2-AOI-6-1AC.
2-AOI-6-1A, High Pressure Feedwater Heater String/Extraction Steam Isolation 4.0 OPERATOR ACTIONS 4.1 Immediate Actions
[1] REDUCE Core Thermal Power to 5% below initial power BOP level to maintain thermal margin.
SRO directs the OATC to reduce power by 5%.
4.1 Subsequent Actions
[1] REFER TO Attachment 1 for turbine/heater load restrictions.
[2] REQUEST Reactor Engineer EVALUATE and ADJUST thermal limits, as required.
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 5 Event No.: 3 Page 3 of 6 Event
High Pressure Feed Water Heater Tube Leak Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CAUTION Failure to reduce core power if fuel is operating at or near the preconditioned envelope in any region of the core may result in fuel damage.
[3] ADJUST reactor power and flow as directed by Reactor Engineer/Unit Supervisor to stay within required thermal and feedwater temperature limits. REFER TO 2-GOI-100-12 or 2-GOI-100-12A for the power reduction.
Contacts Reactor Engineering concerning the removal of the High OATC Pressure Feedwater Heater and its effect on reactivity.
Respond as the Reactor Engineering and ask the caller for Driver their recommendation. Then agree with that.
Urgent Load Reduction:
1 A. Lower power by lowering core flow until either the desired operating power level is reached OATC Either the OATC depresses the Upper Power Runback blue button on Panel 2-9-5 or the Master Recirc System Slow or Medium Lower pushbuttons are depressed to lower RR Pump speeds to lower power by 5%.
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 5 Event No.: 3 Page 4 of 6 Event
High Pressure Feed Water Heater Tube Leak Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior
[4] ISOLATE heater drain flow from the feedwater heater string by closing the appropriate FEEDWATER HEATER B2 DRAIN TO HTR B3, 2-FCV-6-95.
[5] IF a tube leak is indicated, THEN PERFORM manual actions of Attachment 2 for affected heaters.
[6] ENSURE automatic actions occur. REFER TO Attachment 2.
[7] MONITOR TURB THRUST BEARING TEMPERATURE, 2-TR-47-23, for rising metal temperature and possible active/passive plate reversal.
[8] DETERMINE cause which required heater isolation and PERFORM necessary corrective action.
[9] N/A Attachment 1 Max Turbine-Generator Load Allowed When Any Feedwater Heater is Out of Service BOP HEATERS OUT (Tube and Shell Side)
One HP String 920 MWe (79%)
One LP String 920 MWe (79%)
One HP and one LP String 920 MWe (79%)
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 5 Event No.: 3 Page 5 of 6 Event
High Pressure Feed Water Heater Tube Leak Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Attachment 2 Feedwater Heater String Isolation Alignment Requirements Feedwater Heater Alignment Requirements High-High Level The following valves must be MANUALLY CLOSED:
2-FCV-3-31, HP HTR 2B2 FW Inlet ISOL Valve 2-FCV-3-76, HP HTR 2B1 FW Outlet ISOL Valve B1 or B2 The following valves AUTO Isolate 2-FCV-5-9, HP Heater 2B1 EXTR ISOL VLV 2-FCV-5-21, HP Heater 2B2 EXTR ISOL VLV 2-FCV-6-74, Moisture SEP LC RES B1 ISOL VLV 2-FCV-6-172, Moisture SEP LC RES B2 ISOL VLV Directs the OATC to reduce power to 79% with Recirc flow, SRO using the urgent load reduction procedure.
Urgent Load Reduction:
1 A. Lower power by lowering core flow until either the desired operating power level is reached or core flow is -60% of rated core flow. (If a recirculation pump trip is imminent, only lower using the pump to be tripped).
OATC Either the OATC depresses the Mid Power Runback blue button on Panel 2-9-5 or the Master Recirc System Slow or Medium Lower pushbuttons are depressed to lower RR Pump speeds to lower power to 79%.
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 5 Event No.: 3 Page 6 of 6 Event
High Pressure Feed Water Heater Tube Leak Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Contacts the Shift Manager to inform him of the tube leak on the SRO FW Heater and request that he call the ODS.
When contacted as the Shift Manager respond to the report of Driver the tube leak on the FW Heater and state that you will call the ODS.
When satisfied with crew actions, request that Event 4 (Recirc NRC pump B trip) be inserted.
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 5 Event No.: 4 Page 1 of 4 Event
Recirc Pump B Trip Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior During Event 4, 2 other events will also occur. Event 5 is the NRC reactivity manipulation (power reduction for Recirc pump trip) and Event 6 is Control Rod 30-31 Difficult to Insert.
When the Chief Examiner requests Event 4, insert Event 4 DRIVER (Recirc Pump B Trip).
Informs SRO of B Recirc Pump Trip. Takes actions in OATC accordance with 2-AOI-68-1A 2-AOI-68-1A, Recirc Pump Trip/Core Flow Decrease OPRMs Operable 4.0 Operator Actions 4.1 Immediate Actions - None OATC 4.2 Subsequent Actions
[1] IF both Recirc Pumps are tripped in modes 1 or 2, THEN (Otherwise N/A),
[1.1] - [1.3] N/A NOTES
- 1) Step 4.2[2] through Step 4.2[17.3] apply to any core flow lowering event.
- 2) Power To Flow Map is maintained in 0-TI-248Station OATC Reactor Engineer and on ICS.
- 3) If a cell bypasses while a recirc pump is running, a drop of 200 rpm will occur. The drive will remain at the speed at which it stopped. Operator action is required to raise speed following a cell bypass.
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 5 Event No.: 4 Page 2 of 4 Event
Recirc Pump B Trip Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior
[2] IF a single Recirc Pump tripped, THEN CLOSE tripped Recirc Pump 2A(2B) discharge valve 2-FCV-068-0003(0079).
[3] WHEN the Recirc Pump discharge valve has been closed for at least five minutes (to prevent reverse rotation of the pump)
[GE SIL-517], THEN (N/A if Recirc Pump will be isolated for maintenance.) OPEN Recirc Pump 2A(2B) discharge valve 2-FCV-068-0003(0079) as necessary to maintain Recirc Loop in thermal equilibrium.
[4] IF loadline is greater than 74%, THEN (Otherwise N/A)
IMMEDIATELY take actions to INSERT control rods to less than 74% loadline. Refer to 0-TI-464, Reactivity Control Plan and 2-OI-85. Inserts control rods using RCP for Recirc Pump Trip
[5] RAISE core flow to greater than 45%. REFER TO 2-OI-68.
[6] INSERT control rods to exit regions if not already exited. Refer to 0-TI-464, Reactivity Control Plan and 2-OI-85.
NOTE: The remaining subsequent action steps apply to a single Reactor Recirc Pump trip.
[7] MAINTAIN operating Recirc pump flow less than 46,600 gpm.
Refer to 2-OI-68.
[8] [NER/C] WHEN plant conditions allow, THEN, (Otherwise N/A)
MAINTAIN operating jet pump loop flow greater than 41 x 106 lbm/hr (2-FI-68-46 or 2-FI-68-48). [GE SIL 517]
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 5 Event No.: 4 Page 2 of 4 Event
Recirc Pump B Trip Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CAUTION The temperature of the coolant between the dome and the idle Recirc loop should be maintained within 75°F of each other. If OATC this limit cannot be maintained, a plant cool down should be initiated. Failure to maintain this limit and not cool down could result in hangers and/or shock suppressers exceeding their maximum travel range.
[9] N/A
[10] NOTIFY Reactor Engineer to PERFORM the following:
- REFER TO Tech Specs 3.4.1
- 2-SR-3.4.1(SLO), Reactor Recirculation System Single Loop Operation
- 0-TI-248, Core Flow Determination in Single Loop Operation
[11] REFER TO the following ICS screens to help determine the cause of recirc pump trip/core flow lowering.
[12] CHECK parameters associated with Recirc Drive and Recirc Pump/Motor 2B in ICS and 2-TR-68-71 to determine cause of trip.
[13] PERFORM visual inspection of tripped Reactor Recirc Drive.
[14] PERFORM visual inspection of Reactor Recirc Pump Drive relay boards for relay targets.
[15] IF necessary, THEN (Otherwise N/A) REFER TO 2-OI-68 for Reactor Recirc Pump trips.
[16] INITIATE actions required to make the necessary repairs.
(Otherwise N/A)
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 5 Event No.: 4 Page 4 of 4 Event
Recirc Pump B Trip Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior NOTE OATC Restarting a Recirc Pump while in region 1 is NOT allowed.
[17] For Single Loop Operation, PERFORM the following:
[17.1] REFER TO 2-OI-68 for guidance on single loop operation.
[17.2] REFER TO Tech Specs 3.4.1.
[17.3] WHEN available, THEN RETURN tripped Recirc Pump to service. Refer to 2-OI-68.
Refers to Tech Spec 3.4.1.
Technical Specification 3.4.1 Recirculation Loops Operating LCO 3.4.1 Two recirculation loops with matched flows shall be in operation.
OR One recirculation loop may be in operation provided the following SRO limits are applied when the associated LCO is applicable:
- a. LCO 3.2.1, AVERAGE PLANAR LINEAR HEAT GENERATION RATE (APLHGR), single loop operation limits specified in the COLR;
single loop operation limits specified in the COLR;
Instrumentation, Function 2.b (Average Power Range Monitors Flow Biased Simulated Thermal Power - High), Allowable Value of Table is reset for single loop operation.
End of Event 4. Proceed to Event 5, reactivity manipulation NRC (power reduction for Recirc pump trip).
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 5 Event No.: 5 Page 1 of 1 Event
Power Reduction for recirc pump trip (Control Rods)
Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Directs OATC to perform actions of Urgent Load Reduction SRO RCP, Attachment 8, for a single recirc pump trip.
Recirculation Pump Trip Response IF both pumps trip, SCRAM the reactor per 2-OI-68-1A. N/A For a single recirculation pump trip, IMMEDIATELY insert control rods to lower Load Line below 74% using Shove Sheet. (Stop after any rod.)
Change speed of the Operating recirculation pump until:
- Core Flow is 46-49% to exit/remain out of POWER/FLOW Map Region II
- Operating Recirculation Pump Drive Flow is 46.610 GPM OATC
- Operating Recirculation Pump Speed is 100%
Operating Recirculation Pump Drive flow is no to to exceed 46,610 GPM and its speed is not to exceed 100% while in SLO.
Core Flow must be greater than 45% to exit Region II at the expected load line, as well as prevent loop delta temperatures concerns.
While the crew is inserting control rods to lower the load line, Event 6 will automatically insert - control rod 22-47 will be NRC difficult to insert. The crew will be required to take action per 2-OI-85, Section 8.16 - Control Rod Difficult to Insert.
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 5 Event No.: 6 Page 1 of 3 Event
Control Rod 22-47 Difficult to Insert Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Driver Event 6 is automatically controlled - no action necessary.
Observes that Control Rod 30-31 is difficult to insert, informs OATC the SRO.
Directs the OATC to perform 2-OI-85, Section 8.16, Control SRO Rod Difficult to insert 2-OI Control Rod Drive System, Section 8.16 - Control Rod Difficult to Insert
[1] VERIFY the control rod will not notch in, in accordance with Section 6.7 or 8.19.
2-OI Control Rod Drive System, Section 6.7 - Control Rod Insertion 6.7.1 Initial Requirements
[1] REVIEW Precautions and Limitations in Section 3.7 and 3.8.
[2] OBSERVE the following during control rod repositioning:
- Control rod reed switch position indicators (four rod display) agree with indication on Full Core Display.
- Nuclear Instrumentation responds as control rods move through the core (This ensures control rod is following drive during Control Rod movement.)
[3] VERIFY the following prior to control rod movement:
- CRD POWER, 2-HS-85-46 in ON.
- When Rod Worth Minimizer is enforcing, the ROD WORTH MINIMIZER is operable and LATCHED in to the correct ROD GROUP.
[4] PERFORM the following to insert the control rod as appropriate.
- Control Rod Notch Insertion per Section 6.7.2.
- Control Rod Continuous Insertion per Section 6.7.3 Page 22 of 38 Unit 2
Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 5 Event No.: 6 Page 2 of 3 Event
Control Rod 22-47 Difficult to Insert Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior 6.7.2 Notch Insertion of Control Rod
[1] VERIFY Section 6.7.1 has been performed.
[2] SELECT desired control rod by depressing appropriate CRD ROD SELECT pushbutton, 2-XS-85-40.
[3] N/A
[4] OBSERVE the following for selected control rod:
- CRD ROD SELECT pushbutton is brightly ILLUMINATED.
- White light on Full Core Display ILLUMINATED
[6] OBSERVE the control rod settles into the desired position and the ROD SETTLE light extinguishes. N/A OATC 2-OI Control Rod Drive System, Section 8.16 - Control Rod Difficult to Insert
[2] REVIEW all Precautions and Limitations in Section 3.0.
[3] N/A
[4] CHECK CRD SYSTEM FLOW is between 40 gpm and 65 gpm, indicated by 2-FIC-85-11.
[5] CHECK CRD DRIVE WTR HDR DP, 2-PDI-85-17A is between 250 psid and 270 psid.
[6] N/A
[7] IF control rod motion is observed, but the CRD fails to notch-in (example: settles back to the original position) with normal operating drive water pressure, THEN:
[7.1] CONTACT Reactor Engineer to determine what parameters should be recorded for further evaluation.
If contacted by the crew as the Reactor Engineer, direct them to record CRD position, CRD System flow, and Drive Water Driver P. You will be in the Control Room in a little while to get the information.
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 5 Event No.: 6 Page 3 of 3 Event
Control Rod 22-47 Difficult to Insert Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior NOTE: When the crew raises CRD Drive water pressure, rod NRC 22-47 will no longer be difficult to insert and will move normally.
[7.2] RAISE CRD DRIVE WTR HDR DP, 2-PDI-85-17A, not to exceed 300 psid, using CRD DRIVE WATER PRESS CONTROL VLV, 2-HS-85-23A.
[7.3] INSERT control rod as directed in Section 6.7.
[7.4] LOWER CRD DRIVE WTR HDR DP, 2-PDI-85-17A to between 250 psid and 270 psid, using CRD DRIVE WATER PRESS CONTROL VLV, 2-HS-85-23A.
OATC CAUTION Step 8.16[8] should not be performed on a control rod that is operating at high temperature.
[8] N/A
[9] If the control rod begins to insert normally, THEN PROCEED to Section 6.7. (See Section 6.7 above)
Directs the OATC to continue rod insertion per the Urgent SRO Load Reduction procedure.
End of Event 6. When satisfied with urgent load reduction, request Event 7. Note: Event 8 (HPCI Minimum Flow Valve NRC will not open) is loaded into the simulator at startup. No action is required by the driver for this event.
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 5 Event No.: 7 Page 1 of 9 Event
Torus water leak Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Driver Insert Event 7, Torus water leak.
Discovers and reports lowering suppression pool water level.
BOP Dispatches personnel to investigate.
BOP Reports area water level alarms.
Enters EOI-3 on area water level alarms.
SRO SC-1 IF THEN Rx Zone ventilation exh radiation lvl NO ACTION REQUIRED is above 72 mR/hr Refuel Zone ventilation exh radiation lvl is above 72 mR/hr NO ACTION REQUIRED SRO Rx Zone ventilation is isolated AND Rx Zone ventilation exh radiation lvl NO ACTION REQUIRED is below 72 mR/hr Refuel Zone ventilation is isolated AND Refuel Zone ventilation exh radiation NO ACTION REQUIRED lvl is below 72 mR/hr Page 25 of 38 Unit 2
Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 5 Event No.: 7 Page 2 of 9 Event
Torus water leak Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior SC/L-1 WHEN ANY floor drain sump or area water level exceeds its SRO Max Normal level (Table SC-3) - CONTINUES TO SC/L-2 SC/L-2 OPERATE available sump pumps to restore and maintain levels SRO below Max Normal levels (Table SC-3) - Directs the Rad Waste Operator to run available sump pumps.
If contacted as the Rad Waste Operator, acknowledge Driver operating all available sump pumps.
Enters EOI-2 when suppression pool water level reaches
SRO SP/L-1 IF THEN If Suppression Pool Level SRO CANNOT be maintained below NO ACTION REQUIRED
If Suppression Pool Level ACTION REQUIRED CANNOT be maintained Jump to B (SP/L-12) above -6 in.
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 5 Event No.: 7 Page 3 of 9 Event
Torus water leak Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior SRO SP/L-12 IF THEN Suppression pool level CANNOT be maintained ACTION REQUIRED SRO above 12.75 ft, SRO Briefs the BOP to monitor suppression pool water level, and inform him/her when level reaches a critical value to ensure that HPCI is locked out when suppression pool level cannot be maintained above 12.75 feet.
Critical Task 2: Lock out HPCI when Suppression Pool Level cannot be maintained above 12.75 feet.
CREW Critical Task Failure Criteria:
The operating crew does not lock out HPCI prior to Suppression Pool Level going below 12.75 feet.
NOTE: The crew will be unable to add water using the HPCI NRC Min Flow Valve, this is covered in Event 8 (see page 32 of 36).
SRO Page 27 of 38 Unit 2
Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 5 Event No.: 7 Page 4 of 9 Event
Torus water leak Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior SP/L-13 MAINTAIN suppression pool level above 11.5 ft (APPX 18, ACTION REQUIRED SRO 20J)
- 6. IF.................Directed by SRO to add water to suppression pool, BOP THEN...........MAKEUP water to Suppression Pool as follows:
HPCI MIN FLOW VALVE (2-FCV-73-40) will not open, requiring NRC the crew to use the RCIC MIN FLOW VALVE below.
- c. IF .................HPCI is NOT available for Suppression Pool makeup, THEN...........MAKEUP water to Suppression Pool using RCIC as follows:
- d. IF .................2-FCV-71-34, RCIC PUMP MIN FLOW VALVE CANNOT be opened from control room:
THEN...........DISPATCH personnel to 2-BKR-071-0034, RCIC LOW FLOW BYP VLV 2-FCV-71-34 (250V DC RMOV Board 2B, Compartment 5D), to perform the following: N/A Page 28 of 38 Unit 2
Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 5 Event No.: 7 Page 5 of 9 Event
Torus water leak Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CREW Monitors suppression pool water level.
At 12.75 feet suppression pool water level, directs the BOP to SRO lock out HPCI.
Critical Task 2: Insert a Manual Scram before Suppression Pool Level cannot be maintained above 11.5 feet.
CREW Critical Task Failure Criteria:
The operating crew does not manually Scram prior to Suppression Pool Level reaching 11.5 feet.
SP/L-14 MAINTAIN suppression pool level above 11.5 ft (APPX 18, ACTION REQUIRED 20J)
SRO Before suppression pool water level reaches 11.5 feet, enters EOI-1 and directs the OATC to insert a manual reactor scram.
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 5 Event No.: 7 Page 6 of 9 Event
Torus water leak Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Inserts a manual reactor scram. Provides scram report to OATC SRO.
Directs the OATC to perform 2-AOI-100-1.
Directs reactor water level be maintained +2 to+51 using EOI SRO Appendix 5A (Condensate and Feed).
Directs reactor pressure be maintained using bypass valves.
SRO The SRO can take two paths at this point, Anticipate NRC Emergency Depressurize the RPV to the Main Condenser via Note the Bypass Valves or Wait and Emergency Depressurizing when Torus level cannot be maintained above 11.5 feet.
Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 5 Event No.: 7 Page 7 of 9 Event
Torus water leak Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Either, SRO Updates the crew that Anticipate Emergency Depressurization is going to be performed.
RAPIDLY DEPRESSURIZE the RPV with main turbine bypass valves SRO OK to exceed 100ºF/hr cooldown rate Lower pressure as low as practicable while maintaining RPV injection required for adequate core cooling At the EHC panel, places the Bypss Jack full open, by depressing BOP the Pressure Raise pushbutton.
Or, SRO Updates the crew that Emergency Depressurization is required and that C-2 has been entered.
EOI-C-2 C2-1 IF THEN RPV water level cannot be NO ACTION REQUIRED determined SRO It is anticpated that RPV depressurization will result in NO ACTION REQUIRED loss of injection required for adequate core cooling Containment water lvl CANNOT be maintained below NO ACTION REQUIRED 44 ft Page 31 of 38 Unit 2
Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 5 Event No.: 7 Page 8 of 9 Event
Torus water leak Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior EOI-C-2 C2-1 IF THEN RPV water level cannot be NO ACTION REQUIRED determined SRO It is anticpated that RPV depressurization will result in NO ACTION REQUIRED loss of injection required for adequate core cooling Containment water lvl CANNOT be maintained below NO ACTION REQUIRED 44 ft C2-2 IF DW press is above 2.45 psig SRO THEN PREVENT Inj from ONLY those CS and LPCI pumps NOT required to assure adequate core cooling (APPX 4)
C2-3 IF suppr pl lvl is above 5.5 ft THEN OPEN 6 MSRVs (ADS vlvs preferred)
OK to exceed 100ºF/hr cooldown rate IF THEN DW Control Air is or becomes NO ACTION REQUIRED unavailable SRO Less than 4 MSRVs can be opened AND NO ACTION REQUIRED RPV press is 70 psi or more above suppr chmbr press Directs the BOP to open 6 ADS valves.
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 5 Event No.: 7 Page 9 of 9 Event
Torus water leak Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior End of Event 7. When the RPV has been emergency depressurized, and the crew has control of reactor water level NRC between +2 and +51, end of Scenario. Request that the simulator driver place the simulator in freeze.
When requested by the Chief Examiner, place the simulator in Driver freeze.
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 5 Event No.: 8 Page 1 of 1 Event
HPCI Minimum Flow Valve will not open during 2-EOI-Appendix-18 Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior If the crew calls Unit 1 to open 1-FCV-23-57, Standby Coolant Valve from RHRSW, acknowledge the request. After 5 minutes report that the valve will not open and you are troubleshooting.
Driver If the crew calls an AUO to close the breaker for 2-FCV-74-101, RHR HX B-D Discharge Crosstie Valve, acknowledge the request. After 5 minutes report that the breaker will not close and you are have contacted electrical maintenance for assistance.
2-EOI-Appendix-18, Suppression Pool Water Inventory Removal And Makeup
[1] IF Suppression Pool Water makeup is required, THEN CONTINUE in this procedure at Step 1.0[5].
[5] IF Directed by SRO to Emergency Makeup to the Suppression Pool from Standby Coolant, THEN CONTINUE in this procedure at Step 1.0[9] using RHR Loop I OR Step 1.0[10] using RHR Loop II.
[6] IF Directed by SRO to add water to suppression pool, THEN MAKEUP water to Suppression Pool as follows:
[6.3] IF HPCI is NOT available for Suppression Pool makeup, THEN MAKEUP water to Suppression Pool using RCIC as follows:
NRC End of Event 8 Page 34 of 38 Unit 2
Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Scenario Setup IC 28 Exam IC 243 Simulator Setup Place Slow Rod borders on rods 18-15, 38-43, 22-15, and 14-35.
Place red tag on RHR Pump 2A and 2-FCV-74-1 (RHR 2A Suction).
Place protected equipment cards on Loop I Core Spray, Loop II Core Spray and RHR, DG C, DG D, HPCI.
Schedule Files(s): ILT 1703 NRC Scenario 5 Unit 2.sch Event File(s): ILT 1703 NRC Scenario 5 Unit 2.evt Schedule file ILT 1703 Scenario 5 Unit 2 Event Action Description Event F:/1703/1703 Scenarios/NRC-5/ILT 1703 Scenario 5 Unit 2 Events.evt Insert malfunction RH01A RHR DIV I PUMP 2A TRIP Insert override HS-74-5A to RHR PUMP A MOTOR STOP Insert malfunction PMP 52_BREAKER RHR PUMP A 5A to FAIL_POWER Insert malfunction FCV MOTOR_OPERATED_VALVE RHR PUMP A SUPP POOL 1 to FAIL_POWER_NOW SUCTION VLV Insert malfunction FW05B to 60.00000 in 300 on HIGH PRESSURE FW HEATER B2 TUBE LEAK event 3 Insert malfunction TH03B RECIRC PUMP 2B TRIP on event 4 Insert remote RD12 to ADJUST ROD SPEED 1.00000 on event 5 Insert malfunction STICK ANY CONTROL ROD 30-31 RD06R3031 on event 25 Delete malfunction 26 STICK ANY CONTROL ROD 30-31 RD06R3031 Page 35 of 38 Unit 2
Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Schedule file ILT 1703 Scenario 5 Unit 2 Event Action Description 15 Delete Remote RD12 ADJUST ROD SPEED Insert remote RD12 after 1 ADJUST ROD SPEED to 0 on event 15 Insert override HS-85-47 to CRD NOTCH OVERRIDE OFF on event 5 15 Delete override HS-85-47 CRD NOTCH OVERRIDE Insert malfunction PC14 to SUPPRESSION POOL WALL RUPTURE 55.00000 in 300 on event 7 Insert malfunction PC14 to 18 SUPPRESSION POOL WALL RUPTURE 90.00000 in 600 Insert override HS-73-30A HPCI MAIN PUMP MINIMUM FLOW VALVE - EVENT 8 - No to CLOSE Driver Action Required Insert malfunction FCV MOTOR_OPERATED_VALVE RCIC PUMP MINIMUM FLOW 34 to FAIL_NOW on event VLV 17 Insert override ZLOHS7134A_1 to Off on HS-71-34A RCIC PUMP MINIMUM FLOW VLV Insertt 17 override ZLOHS7134A_2 to On on HS-71-34A RCIC PUMP MINIMUM FLOW VLV t 17 Page 36 of 38 Unit 2
Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Event File ILT 1703 Scenario 5 Unit 2 List Details Page 37 of 38 Unit 2
Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 SHIFT MANAGER TURNOVER EQUIPMENT OOS/LCOS
- 2A RHR pump is out of service. Tech Spec 3.5.1.A (day 4 of 7 day LCO).
- Protected equipment IAW BFN-ODM-4.18: Loop I Core Spray, Loop II Core Spray and RHR, DG C, DG D, HPCI.
- Rods 18-15, 38-43, 22-15, and 14-35 are slow rods.
- 2C RFP has developed an oil leak and must be shut down. The oil leak is contained and reactor power has been reduced to 95% in preparation for securing 2C RFP. Complete 2-OI-3, Section 7.1 up through Step [18]. After the RFP cools, Work Control will complete the tag out.
- Shift Manager reports that there is a Thunder Storm Watch for the Tennessee Valley Service Area.
UNIT 1 100%
UNIT 2 95%
UNIT 3 100%
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Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D1 Facility: BFN Scenario Number: NRC - 6 Op-Test Number:17-03 Examiners:__________________ Operators: SRO: _________________
__________________ ATC: _________________
__________________ BOP: _________________
Initial Conditions: 95% Reactor Power Turnover: Loop I of RHR is tagged for maintenance on 3-FCV-74-57 (RHR SYS I SUPPR CHBR/POOL ISOL VLV), Day 2 of 7 day LCO (3.5.1.A). A3 EECW Pump is Tagged out for maintenance.
Event Malfunction Event EventDescription Number Number Type*
- 1. N/A Unload and shutdown the DG (SR, Step 6.12)
- 2. HP07 TS-SRO HPCI 120v Power Failure C-OATC
- 3. SW03J C3 EECW Pump trip T-SRO C-OATC
- 4. ED08C 4KV Unit Board 3C Trip/Lockout C-SRO Reactor scram/feedwater leak/feedwater heaters
- 7. ED10B 480v Shutdown Board 3B trip C-SRO CS01A C-BOP
- 8. Loop I Core Spray pumps trip CS10C C-SRO
- 9. N/A M-ALL Steam Cooling/Emergency Depressurization
- (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor Unit 2
Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D1 Events
- 1. The crew will unload and shutdown the 3A DG to complete 3-SR-
- 2. The HPCI 120v power supply will fail, requiring the SRO to address Technical Specifications (3.5.1.C) PAM Instrumentation and TRM.
- 3. The D3 pump trips, requiring the crew to start the second EECW pump on the North Header (B3 or D3). The Unit Supervisor will address Tech Specs and determine if the crew will align A1 or C1 RHRSW Pump to the EECW North Header.
- 4. 4KV Unit Board C will trip and lockout due to an unknown electrical fault. This will cause a loss of 3A CRD Pump. When the crew starts the standby CRD pump but it will trip soon after being started. This will cause CRD temperatures to rise. When the mode selector switch is placed in Shutdown, the feedwater heaters will isolate.
- 5. A feed water leak will develop causing the crew to manually reactor scram the Reactor as level lowers. The FW leak is in the steam tunnel causing temperature and pressure in the steam tunnel to rise and Group 1 isolation.
When the mode selector switch is placed in Shutdown, the feedwater heaters will isolate.
- 6. A steam leak will develop from RCIC when it starts. The system will isolate, and coupled with SLC flow blockage (if the crew attempts to inject with SLC).
This will result in a loss of all high pressure injection systems.
- 7. 3B 480v Shutdown Board will trip, resulting in a loss of low pressure injection from Loop II of RHR/Core Spray.
- 8. Loop I Core Spray pumps will trip when started, forcing the crew into the Steam Cooling leg of EOI-1.
- 9. The crew will execute the Steam Cooling leg of EOI-1 and will Emergency Depressurize the reactor when either 3B or 3E 480v RMOV board has been transferred to alternate to allow low pressure injection from Loop II of Core Spray or RHR.
The Scenario ends when the crew has performed the Steam Cooling leg of EOI-1, has transferred either 3B or 3E 480v RMOV board to allow low pressure injection from Loop II or Core Spray or RHR, emergency depressurized, and restored reactor water level to +2 to +51 (or while restoring level at the Chief Examiners discretion).
Unit 2
Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D1 Critical Tasks 2
- 1. Inhibits ADS.
- 1. Safety Significance:
Maintains inventory while attempting to regain an injection system.
- 2. Cues:
Procedural compliance.
Reactor water level maintenance.
- 3. Measured by:
Observation - SRO updates or briefs the crew that ALL injection has been lost and to maintain pressure stable.
- 4. Feedback:
ADS Override Switch lights illuminated.
RPV pressure constant.
- 5. Critical Task Failure Criteria:
The operating crew fails to inhibit ADS and the system causes an Emergency Depressurization.
- 2. Restore and maintain reactor water level above TAF.
- 1. Safety Significance:
Maintain adequate core cooling; prevent degradation of fission product barrier.
- 2. Cues:
Procedural compliance.
Reactor water level trend.
- 3. Measured by:
Observation - reactor water level is restored and maintained above TAF when low pressure injection systems are able to restore level following Emergency Depressurization.
- 4. Feedback:
Low pressure injection system flow rate.
Reactor water level trend.
- 5. Critical Task Failure Criteria:
The operating crew fails to restore reactor water level to above TAF within 10 minutes after reactor pressure has lowered to within the injection pressure of low pressure injection systems.
Unit 2
Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 6 Event No.: 1 Page 1 of 2 Event
Unload and cool down the A DG Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior 3-SR-, Diesel Generator A Monthly Operability Test Section 6.12, Unloading the Diesel Generator
[1] Complete
[2] Complete
[3] WHILE maintaining approximately 0.8 lagging power factor, UNLOAD Diesel Generator 3A by performing the following concurrently:
- LOWER kW load using 3-HS-82-3A/3A, DG 3A GOVERNOR CONTROL, to obtain approximately 300 kW as indicated on 3-JI-82-3A/A, DG 3A KILOWATTS.
- LOWER kVAR load using 3-HS-82-3A/2A, DG 3A VOLT REGULATOR CONT, to obtain approximately 250 kVAR lagging as indicated on 3-VAR-82-3A/A, DG 3A KILOVARS.
[4] TRIP Diesel Generator 3A Output Breaker 1838 using DG 3A BKR 1838, 3-HS-211-3EA/9A.
NOTE BOP The Diesel Engine will idle for approximately 11.5 minutes after receiving a stop signal. An additional 3 minutes should be allowed for the logic timer to reset.
CAUTION If the Soakback Pump should fail to operate during the shutdown sequence, the Diesel Generator should be restarted within two minutes and allowed to run UNLOADED for 15 minutes at IDLE SPEED, to prevent damage to the Turbocharger. If the Diesel Generator is NOT restarted at this time, do NOT restart until the Soakback Pump operation has been restored and the Engine has been allowed to cool down.
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 6 Event No.: 1 Page 2 of 2 Event
Unload and cool down the A DG Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Section 6.13, Shutdown the Diesel Generator
[2] PULL OUT on the DG 3A CONTROL, 3-HS-82-3A/1A, to the STOP position.
[3] RETURN DG 3A CONTROL, 3-HS-82-3A/1A to Normal as follows:
- PUSH IN on the DG 3A CONTROL, 3-HS-82-3A/1A.
- VERIFY DG 3A CONTROL, 3-HS-82-3A/1A is in the NORMAL (Mid) position. (Refer to Step 3.4C)
[4] NOTIFY the Operator stationed at DG 3A that hot idle readings are required to be taken. (Refer to 3-OI-82, Illustration 2).
Driver As the Auxiliary Unit Operator, acknowledge that hot idle readings must be taken.
NRC End of Event 1. Request Event 2 (HPCI 120V Power Failure).
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 6 Event No.: 2 Page 1 of 4 Event
HPCI 120V Power Failure Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Driver When the NRC Chief Examiner is ready for Event 3, Insert event 3 to cause a HPCI 120V Power Failure.
3-ARP-9-3F, Window 7, HPCI 120 VAC POWER FAILURE Automatic Action:
A. HPCI Controller loses power. HPCI is inoperable.
B. If HPCI is in service, the HPCI Turbine Stop Valve, 3-FCV-73-18, closes. HPCI Controller loses power. HPCI becomes inoperable.
C. 3-PI-064-67B will lose power and become inop.
If Fuses 3-FU2-073-0033C are cleared, then 3-PI-064-67B will lose power and be INOP. REFER TO Tech Spec and Table BOP
Operator Action:
A. DISPATCH personnel to check the following:
- Inverter fuses 3-FU2-073-0033C, Panel 3-9-82
- DIV II ECCS ATU inverter.
- RMOV BD 3A, compt 11A1.
B. 3-PI-064-67B will lose power and become inop. REFER TO TECH SPEC and Table TRM 3.3.5.
C. REFER TO Tech Spec and Table
As the person or persons dispatched to check the fuses and ATUs, Driver wait 3 minutes and report that the ATU inverters are energized, need Electricians to check the status of the fuses.
Refers to Tech Specs: Post Accident Monitoring (PAM) Instrumentation LCO The PAM instrumentation for each Function in Table shall be OPERABLE.
SRO (3-PI-064-67B is Drywell Pressure, Function 4)
Condition A. One or more Functions with one required channel inoperable.
Required Action A.1 Restore required channel to OPERABLE status.
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 6 Event No.: 2 Page 2 of 4 Event
HPCI 120V Power Failure Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Completion Time 30 days TRM 3.3.5, Surveillance Instrumentation LCO 3.3.5 The surveillance instrumentation for each parameter in Table 3.3.5-1 shall be OPERABLE.
(3-PI-064-67B is Drywell Pressure/Temperature Alarm, Function 3)
Condition A. One or more required channels inoperable.
Required Action A.1 Enter the Condition referenced in Table 3.3.5-1 for the channel.
Completion Time Immediately SRO Note (d): The channel of Drywell Pressure and the channel of Drywell Temperature and Pressure and Timer instruments are considered redundant to each other for the parameter of Drywell Pressure/Temperature Alarm.
Condition C. As required by Required Action A.1 and referenced in Table 3.3.5-1.
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 6 Event No.: 2 Page 3 of 4 Event
HPCI 120V Power Failure Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Required Action C.1 Restore one of the required control room indication channels for each associated parameter to OPERABLE status.
AND C.2 Restore required control room indication channels to OPERABLE status.
SRO Completion Time C.1 7 days from discovery of both redundant channels for one or more associated parameters not indicating in the control room. N/A C.2 30 days Tech Spec 3.5.1, ECCS - Operating LCO 3.5.1 Each ECCS injection/spray subsystem and the Automatic Depressurization System (ADS) function of six safety/relief valves shall be OPERABLE.
Condition C. HPCI System inoperable.
Required Action SRO C.1 Verify by administrative means RCIC System is OPERABLE.
AND C.2 Restore HPCI System to OPERABLE status.
Verifies RCIC is OPERABLE Completion Time C.1 Immediately C.2 14 days Page 5 of 43 Unit 2
Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 6 Event No.: 2 Page 4 of 4 Event
HPCI 120V Power Failure Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Tech Spec 3.5.1, ECCS - Operating LCO 3.5.1 Each ECCS injection/spray subsystem and the Automatic Depressurization System (ADS) function of six safety/relief valves shall be OPERABLE.
Condition D. HPCI System inoperable.
AND Condition A entered.
SRO Required Action D.1 Restore HPCI System to OPERABLE status.
OR D.2 Restore low pressure ECCS injection/spray subsystem to OPERABLE status...
Completion Time D.1 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> D.2 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> End of Event 2, request the driver insert Event 3 (C3 EECW Pump NRC Trip)
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 6 Event No.: 3 Page 1 of 5 Event
C3 EECW Pump Trip Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior When the Lead Examiner is ready for the running EECW Pump to NRC trip for the OATC candidate to respond, notify the Driver to insert event 3, (EECW Pump C3 Trip)
Driver Insert event 3, (EECW Pump C3 Trip) 3-ARP-9-20A Window 28 and or 35 Panel 9-20 3-XA-55-20A A. CHECK indications:
- 1. Header pressure 0-PI-67-24/3 on Unit 3 Panel 9-20
- 3. EECW S HDR PUMP D FLOW, 0-FI-67-12A/3 on Panel 3-9-20 B. CHECK Panel 3-9-3 for status of north header pump(s) breaker lights and pump motor amps normal.
C. NOTIFY Unit Supervisor, U1 and U2.
OATC D. START standby pump for affected header. (B3 or D3)
E. DISPATCH Personnel to check affected pump room and header for abnormal conditions.
F. IF low pressure is due to line rupture, THEN DISPATCH Personnel to PLACE the following breakers to ON: N/A G. ISOLATE the affected header. N/A H. IF pump failure is cause of alarm, THEN REFER TO Tech Spec 3.7.2.
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 6 Event No.: 3 Page 2 of 5 Event
C3 EECW Pump Trip Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior START standby pump for affected header. REFER TO 0-OI-67.
0-OI-67 Section 8.11, Recovering from an EECW Pump Trip NOTES
- 1) At least one RHRSW pump assigned to the EECW System should be running on each header to maintain the header charged at all times. If no pumps are running on a header and header pressure lowers to 0 psig, the header shall be declared inoperable and appropriate actions, as required by Technical Specifications.
- 2) The RHRSW pump control switches and amp meters are located at Control Room Panel 9-3, Unit 1, 2, and 3.
- 3) To minimize motor tripout alarms, coordination between the units will be required prior to placing an EECW pump in service.
- 4) To prevent possible RHRSW (EECW) pump motor damage, the following start limitations should be observed for the pump motor:
- Two starts per hour from ambient temperature.
- One start per hour from rated temperature.
- When the motor has operated at no load for a minimum of 30 minutes, it may be restarted immediately.
- The motor should be allowed to stand idle for at least 60 minutes before each additional restart is attempted.
[1] CHECK <25 minutes has elapsed since the EECW pump trip and header pressure >0 psig.
[2] IF the north header pump has tripped, THEN N/A
[3] IF the south header pump has tripped, THEN
[3.1] START desired RHRSW Pump using one of the following:
[3.2] IF an RHRSW pump has been aligned to EECW north header and is desired to be placed in service to EECW, THEN START desired RHRSW Pump using one of the following:
- RHRSW PUMP B1(D1), 0-HS-23-15A/3(23A/3) on Unit 3 Page 8 of 43 Unit 2
Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 6 Event No.: 3 Page 3 of 5 Event
C3 EECW Pump Trip Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior With one required EECW Pump inoperable.
Tech Specs 3.7.2 3.7.2 Emergency Equipment Cooling Water (EECW) System and Ultimate Heat Sink (UHS)
LCO 3.7.2 The EECW System with three pumps and UHS shall be OPERABLE.
SRO If the crew elects to start an RHRSW Pump in place of the EECW Pump, then the Tech Spec would change from 3.7.2 LCO 7 day to NRC Tech Spec 3.7.1 LCO 30 day (see below). All eight SW Pumps are Note required to be operable, but when aligned to EECW, they are considered inoperable for RHRSW.
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 6 Event No.: 3 Page 4 of 5 Event
C3 EECW Pump Trip Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior With one required EECW Pump inoperable.
Tech Specs 3.7.1 3.7.1 Residual Heat Removal Service Water (RHRSW) System and Ultimate Heat Sink (UHS)
The number of required RHRSW pumps may be reduced by one for each fueled unit that has been in MODE 4 or 5 for 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.
SRO Four RHRSW subsystems and UHS shall be OPERABLE with the number of OPERABLE pumps as listed below:
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 6 Event No.: 3 Page 5 of 5 Event
C3 EECW Pump Trip Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior SRO End of Event 3. When the Lead Examiner is ready to continue, cue NRC the Driver to initiate Event 4, 4kV Unit Board 3C Trip/Lockout.
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 6 Event No.: 4 Page 1 of 4 Event
4kV Unit Board 3C Trip/Lockout and trip of started CRD Pump.
Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Driver When requested by the NRC Chief Examiner, insert event 4 to trip 4KV Unit Board 3C.
Causes loss of 3A CRD Pump 3-AOI-85-3, CRD System Failure Operator Actions 4.1 Immediate Actions
[1] IF operating CRD PUMP has failed AND the standby CRD Pump is available, THEN PERFORM the following at Panel 3-9-5:
(Otherwise N/A)
[1.1] PLACE CRD SYSTEM FLOW CONTROL, 3-FIC-85-11, in MAN at minimum setting.
[1.2] START associated standby CRD Pump using one of the following:
- CRD PUMP 3B, using 3-HS-85-2A
[1.3] ADJUST CRD SYSTEM FLOW CONTROL, 3-FIC-85-11, to establish the following conditions:
- CRD SYSTEM FLOW CONTROL, 3-FIC-85-11, between 40 and 65 gpm.
[2] N/A
[2.1] N/A
[2.2] N/A Page 12 of 43 Unit 2
Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 6 Event No.: 4 Page 2 of 4 Event
4kV Unit Board 3C Trip/Lockout Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior When CRD Pump 3B is started and has run for a couple of minutes Driver or, as directed by the Lead Examiner, trip CRD PUMP 3B.
End of Event 4. When the Lead Examiner is ready to continue, cue NRC the Driver to initiate Event 5, Feedwater leak.
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 6 Event No.: 5 Page 1 of 3 Event
Feedwater leak / Reactor manually scrammed on lowering RPV Water Level. Feedwater heaters isolate Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior OATC Notices that Feed Flow and Steam Flow are mismatched, along with a rising feed flow and a lowering RPV Water Level.
Notices that Condensate flow has risen and that the Feedwater System appears to be losing water somewhere.
BOP Checks Steam Tunnel Temperature and notices a rise in temperature, Reports this to the crew in an update.
NRC Since the Feedwater Line is ruptured, all pumps that are feeding it Note. should be secured, or the line isolated.
Directs the OATC or BOP to Trip the Feedpumps and close their SRO discharge valves, or Secure all Condensate and Booster Pumps, to stop the leak.
BOP / Either, trips the A, B and C Feedpumps and close their discharge OATC valves.
BOP / Or, trips the A, B and C Condensate Pumps and trips the A, B and OATC C Condensate Booster Pumps.
OATC Reports RPV Water level lowering toward the scram setpoint of + 2 inches and manually Scrams the plant prior to that Automatic Scram.
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 6 Event No.: 5 Page 3 of 3 Event
Feedwater leak / Reactor manually scrammed on lowering RPV Water Level. Feedwater heaters isolate Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior 3-AOI-100-1, Reactor Scram Operator Actions 4.1 Immediate Actions
[1] DEPRESS REACTOR SCRAM A and B, 3-HS-99-5A/S3A and 3-HS-99-5A/S3B, on Panel 3-9-5.
[2] N/A OATC
[3.2] CHECK illuminated REFUEL MODE ONE ROD PERMISSIVE light, 3-XI-85-46.
[3.3] N/A
[5] REPORT the following status to the US:
- Reactor Scram
- Mode Switch is in Shutdown OATC
- All rods in or rods out
- Reactor Level and trend (recovering or lowering).
- Reactor pressure and trend
- MSIV position (Open or Closed)
- Power level Notes that the feedwater outlet valves have closed and informs the OATC SRO. Reports to the SRO there are indications of a feedwater leak.
SRO (Re)Enters EOI-1 (low reactor water level).
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 6 Event No.: 5 Page 2 of 3 Event
Reactor scram/feedwater leak/feedwater heaters isolate Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior RC-1 SRO ENSURE RX scram - ACTION REQUIRED Override RC-2 IF THEN It has NOT been determined that the reactor will remain subcritical NO ACTION REQUIRED without boron under all conditions SRO RPV water level CANNOT be NO ACTION REQUIRED determined PC water lvl and drywell press CANNOT be maintained in the NO ACTION REQUIRED safe area of Curve 7 SRO
- An RPV water lvl instrument may be used to determine or trend lvl only when it reads above the Minimum Indicated Lvl associated with the highest max DW or SC run temp SRO
- If DW temps or SC area temps (Table 6), as applicable, are outside the safe region of Curve 8, the associated instrument may be unreliable due to boiling in the run ENSURE each as required:
- PCIS Isolations (Groups 1, 2, and 3)
- RCIC Page 16 of 43 Unit 2
Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 6 Event No.: 5 Page 3 of 3 Event
Reactor scram/feedwater leak/feedwater heaters isolate Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior SRO Override RC/L-2 IF THEN RPV water lvl can be restored and maintained above -162 in.
NO ACTION REQUIRED AND The ADS timer has initiated Loss of available injection systems is anticipated OR Raising RPV water lvl above +51 NO ACTION REQUIRED in. will facilitate use of shutdown cooling, steam-driven injection systems, or Alternate Injection Subsystems (Table L-2)
RC/L-3 RESTORE and MAINTAIN water lvl between +2 in. and +51 in. with ANY Preferred Injection Systems (Table L-1)
IF THEN SRO RPV water lvl cannot be restored and maintained between +2 in. ACTION REQUIRED and +51 in.
RPV water lvl cannot be restored ACTION REQUIRED and maintained above -162 in.
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 6 Event No.: 5 Page 3 of 3 Event
Reactor scram/feedwater leak/feedwater heaters isolate Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior BOP Reports that Drywell Pressure is rising rapidly.
SRO Reenters applicable EOIs (EOI-1 and EOI-2 when Drywell pressure reaches 2.45 psig, EOI-2 when Drywell temperature reaches 150ºF).
Enters EOI-1 on High Drywell Pressure (2.45 psig)
RC-1 Verifies RX scram NO ACTION REQUIRED RC-2 Note 1 The reactor will remain subcritical without boron under all SRO conditions when:
Any 19 control rods are at notch 02 with all other control rods fully inserted OR All control rods except one are inserted to or beyond position 00 OR Determined by Reactor Engineering (0-TI-394)
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 6 Event No.: 5 Page 9 of 11 Event
Reactor scram/feedwater leak/feedwater heaters isolate Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior 3-AOI-64-1 4.2.2 Drywell Pressure is High
[1] CHECK Drywell pressure using multiple indications.
[2] IF Drywell pressure rising rate indicates Reactor Scram at 2.45 psi is imminent, THEN REDUCE Reactor power via Recirc flow to minimize the impact of a scram from high power. (Otherwise N/A).
[3] ALIGN and START additional Drywell coolers and fans as necessary. REFER TO 3-OI-64.
CAUTION Stack release rates exceeding 1.4 X 107 µci/sec, or a SI-4.8.B.1.a.1 release fraction above one will result in ODCM release limits being exceeded.
[4] VENT Drywell as follows:
[4.1] CLOSE SUPPR CHBR INBD ISOLATION VLV 3-FCV-64-34 (Panel 3-9-3).
[4.3] VERIFY 3-FIC-84-20 is in AUTO and SET at 100 scfm (Panel 3-9-55).
[4.4] VERIFY Running, required Standby Gas Treatment Fan(s)
SGTS Train(s) A, B, C (Panel 3-9-25).
[4.5] IF required, THEN REQUEST Unit 1 Operator to START Standby Gas Treatment Fan(s) SGTS Train(s) A, B. (Otherwise N/A)
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 6 Event No.: 5 Page 9 of 11 Event
Reactor scram/feedwater leak/feedwater heaters isolate Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Override PC/P-3 IF THEN PC pressure reduction is required to restore and maintain adequate core NO ACTION REQUIRED cooling or reduce total offsite BOP radiation dose Suppr chmbr press drops to 0 ACTION REQUIRED psig DW press drops to 0 psig ACTION REQUIRED STOP suppr chamber and/or Drywell sprays as required PC/P-4 SRO BEFORE suppr chamber press rises to 12 psig Continues to PC/P-5 PC/P-5 INITIATE suppr chmbr sprays Use only sources NOT required to assure adequate core cooling by continuous inj (APPX17C)
IF THEN SRO Needed to augment suppr NO ACTION REQUIRED chmbr sprays Directs the BOP to spray the Suppression Chamber in accordance with 3-EOI-Appendix-17C Page 20 of 43 Unit 2
Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 6 Event No.: 5 Page 9 of 11 Event
Reactor scram/feedwater leak/feedwater heaters isolate Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Caution 2 and Caution 4:
SRO PC/P-7 IF suppr pl lvl is below 19 ft AND DW temp is in safe area of Curve 5 THEN 1.SHUT DOWN Recirc pumps - ACTION REQUIRED 2.SHUT DOWN DW blowers - ACTION REQUIRED 3.INITIATE DW sprays - ACTION REQUIRED Use only sources NOT required to assure adequate SRO core cooling by continuous inj (APPX17B, 20L)
IF THEN Needed to augment DW NO ACTION REQUIRED sprays Verifies that Drywell temperature is in the safe area of Curve 5 Directs the OATC to trip recirc pumps Directs the BOP to shut down Drywell blowers Directs the BOP to initiate Drywell sprays OATC In accordance with EOI-Appendix-17B the OATC ensures that both Recirc Pumps are tripped Page 21 of 43 Unit 2
Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 6 Event No.: 5 Page 12 of 11 Event
Reactor scram/feedwater leak/feedwater heaters isolate Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior BOP In accordance with EOI-Appendix-17B the BOP ensures all Drywell Blowers have been secured PC/P-8 WHEN suppr chamber press CANNOT be maintained in the SRO safe area of Curve 6 SRO PC/P-9 EMERGENCY DEPRESSURIZATION IS REQUIRED SRO N/A PC/P-10 AND PC/P-11 are N/A SRO SRO SRO Page 22 of 43 Unit 2
Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 6 Event No.: 5 Page 13 of 11 Event
Reactor scram/feedwater leak/feedwater heaters isolate Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior SP/T-1 SRO MONITOR and CONTROL suppr pl temp below 95F using available suppr pl cooling (APPX 17A)
SP/T-2 WHEN suppr pl temp CANNOT be maintained below 95F SRO If necessary, will direct suppression pool cooling in service IAW 2-EOI-Appendix-17A.
SRO SP/L-1 MONITOR and CONTROL suppr pl lvl -6in to -1in. (APPX 18)
IF THEN SRO Suppr pl lvl CANNOT be NO ACTION REQUIRED maintained below -1in.
Suppr pl lvl CANNOT be NO ACTION REQUIRED maintained above -6 in.
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 6 Event No.: 5 Page 13 of 11 Event
Reactor scram/feedwater leak/feedwater heaters isolate Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior EOI-Appendix-17C
- 1. BEFORE Suppression Chamber pressure drops below 0 psig, CONTINUE in this procedure at Step 6.
- 2. IF ..... Adequate core cooling is assured OR Directed to spray the Suppression Chamber irrespective of adequate core cooling, THEN ... BYPASS LPCI injection valve open interlock as necessary:
- 3. IF ..... Directed by SRO to spray the Suppression Chamber using Standby Coolant Supply, THEN ... CONTINUE in this procedure At Step 7 using RHR Loop I OR At Step 8 using RHR Loop II.
- 4. IF ..... Directed by SRO to spray the Suppression Chamber using Fire Protection, THEN ... CONTINUE in this procedure at Step 9.
BOP reports that the Suppression Pool is not able to be sprayed due to a loss of power.
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 3-EOI APPENDIX-17B
- 1. BEFORE Drywell pressure drops below 0 psig, CONTINUE in this procedure at Step 7.
- 2. IF..............Adequate core cooling is assured, OR Directed to spray the Drywell irrespective of adequate core cooling, THEN.......BYPASS LPCI injection valve auto open signal as necessary by PLACING 3-HS-74-155A(B), LPCI SYS I(II) OUTBD INJ VLV BYPASS SEL in BYPASS.
- 3. VERIFY Recirc Pumps and Drywell Blowers shutdown.
BOP 4. IF..............Directed by SRO to spray the Drywell using Standby Coolant supply, THEN.......CONTINUE in this procedure at Step 8.
- 5. IF..............Directed by SRO to spray the Drywell using Fire Protection, THEN.......CONTINUE in this procedure at Step 9.
- 6. INITIATE Drywell Sprays as follows:
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 6 Event No.: 5 Page 13 of 11 Event
Reactor scram/feedwater leak/feedwater heaters isolate Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior
- b. IF ............. EITHER of the following exists:
LPCI Initiation signal is NOT present, OR Directed by SRO, THEN.......PLACE keylock switch 3-XS-74-122(130), RHR SYS I(II) LPCI 2/3 CORE HEIGHT OVRD, in MANUAL OVERRIDE.
- c. MOMENTARILY PLACE 3-XS-74-121(129), RHR SYS I(II)
- d. IF ............. 3-FCV-74-53(67), RHR SYS I(II) LPCI INBD INJECT VALVE, is OPEN, BOP THEN....... VERIFY CLOSED 3-FCV-74-52(66), RHR SYS I(II)
- e. VERIFY OPERATING the desired System I(II) RHR pump(s) for Drywell Spray.
- f. OPEN the following valves:
The RHR System is unavailable for Suppression Pool and Drywell Sprays due to the loss of power.
NRC End of Event 5.
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 6 Event No.: 6 Page 1 of 2 Event
RCIC steam leak/SLC Flow Blockage Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior 3-AOI-64-2C, Reactor Core Isolation Cooling Isolation 4.0 Operator Actions 4.1 Immediate Actions
[1] VERIFY automatic actions occur. - Verifies that RCIC isolates.
4.2 Subsequent Actions
[1] If ANY EOI entry condition is met, THEN ENTER the appropriate EOI(s)
[2] DISPATCH an operator to the RCIC Turbine room to investigate.
[3] CHECK the following monitors for a rise in activity or area temperature:
[3.1] AREA RADIATION, 3-RR-90-1, Bank 2 Point 6 & 9 (3-RI-90-26
& 29), Panel 3-9-2.
[3.2] AIR PARTICULATE MONITOR RADIATION, 3-MON-90-50, (3-RM-90-57), Panel 3-9-2.
[3.3] Reactor and Turbine Building exhaust radiation, 3-RM-90-250, on CHEMISTRY CAM MONITOR CONTROLLER, 0-MON-90-361A, Panel 1-9-2.
[3.4] LEAK DET SYS, TI-69-29, Panel 3-9-21, PUSH Read buttons TS-71-41A through 41D to read.
[4] VERIFY OPEN MN STM LINE INBD and OUTBD DRAIN ISOL VLV, 3-FCV-1-55 and -56, to drain RCIC steam lines.
[5] N/A
[6] N/A
[7] N/A
[8] N/A
[9] N/A Enters 3-EOI-3, Secondary Containment Control, on RCIC Room Temperature. Temperature will rapidly lower below the alarm SRO setpoint (and EOI entry condition) following system isolation, so EOI-3 actions are not covered.
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 6 Event No.: 6 Page 2 of 2 Event
RCIC steam leak/SLC Flow Blockage Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior The crew will not be able to inject with SLC if attempted due to NRC blockage. No driver action is required.
Places either 3A SLC Pump control switch to the start position, verifies OATC discharge pressure, but there is no flow light lit, and attempt the other pump. Reports that SLC is not available for injection.
Recognizes that there are no available high pressure injection systems.
If an attempt is made to inject SLC using 3-EOI-Appenidx 3A, the line SRO will be blocked. If the crew calls for SLC injection using 3-EOI-Appenidx 7B, the field will never get to this request.
NRC End of event 6.
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 6 Event No.: 7 Page 1 of 2 Event
2B 480v Shutdown board trip Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Event 7 (480V Shutdown Board 2B trip) is automatically inserted NRC when the Reactor Mode Switch is placed in Shutdown.
3-ARP-9-8B, Window 30 480V SHUTDOWN 3B BD UV OR XFR Operator Action:
A. CHECK for indication of 480V Shutdown Bd 3B loss:
- RWCU Pump 3B shutdown.
- Fuel pool cooling Pump 3B shutdown.
- 480V Shutdown Bd 3B voltage (3-EI-57-30).
- RBCCW pump 3B failure.
- Half-Scram BOP B. IF 480V Shutdown Bd 3B is lost, THEN Manually TRANSFER to alternate source by placing Control Switch in ALTERNATE position on Panel 3-9-8.
Will contact Electrical Maintenance prior to attempting to transfer to Alternate Feed. If tried will not transfer C. N/A D. IF manual transfer is NOT accomplished, THEN REFER TO Tech Spec 3.8.7 and 3.8.8.
Reports to the SRO that Loop II of RHR and Core Spray have lost BOP injection valve power.
BOP Dispatches Outside Unit Supervisor/AUO to investigate DRIVER As the Outside Unit Supervisor, report that the 480V Shutdown Bd 2B is damaged and will take some time to repair.
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 6 Event No.: 7 Page 2 of 2 Event
2B 480v Shutdown board trip Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior 3-ARP-9-8C 480V REACTOR MOV BD 3B OR 3E UV 3-EA-57-109 Operator Action:
A. CHECK light indications for loss of any 480V equipment.
B. CHECK 480V Rx MOV Bd 3B & 3E for abnormal conditions:
BOP relay targets, smoke, burned paint, breaker position, etc.
[II/C] If the mechanism resets (hear click and feel resistance when pushing in), this indicates that an overcurrent condition tripped the breaker.
C. IF Normal or Alternate feeder breaker tripped, THEN MANUALLY DEPRESS mechanical trip/reset mechanism on breaker face to reset Bell Alarm lockout device.
D. IF undervoltage or transfer has occurred:
- 1. REFER TO TS Section 3.8.7.
- 2. RESET possible half-scram. REFER TO 3-OI-99.
E. REFER TO 0-OI-57B to re-energize or transfer board.
F. REFER TO appropriate OI for recovery or realignment of equipment.
NRC End of Event 7. Event 8 (Loop I Core Spray Pumps trip) is loaded during simulator setup, no action is required by the driver.
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 6 Event No.: 8 Page 1 of 1 Event
Loop I Core Spray Pumps trip Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Event 9 is loaded during simulator setup. No action is required to Driver insert event 9.
When directed by the SRO to start Loop I Core Spray Pumps in BOP accordance with EOI-1, informs the SRO that Loop I Core Spray Pumps tripped and cannot be started.
Notes that NO low pressure systems may be aligned for injection.
SRO Proceeds to Steam Cooling (see event 10)
End of Event 8. Proceed to Event 9 (Steam Cooling/Emergency NRC Depressurization).
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 6 Event No.: 9 Page 1 of 5 Event
Steam Cooling Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior SRO Override RC/L-4 IF THEN SRO RPV water lvl can be restored NO ACTION REQUIRED and maintained above -162 in.
RC/L-5 SRO INHIBIT ADS Critical Task Inhibits ADS prior to automatic initiation that would complicate the mitigation of the Accident.
Places inhibit switches 2-XS-1-159A and 2-XS-1-161A in Inhibit.
Inhibits ADS prior to automatic initiation that would complicate the BOP mitigation of the Accident.
Critical Task Critical Task Failure Criteria:
The Operating Crew fails to Inhibit ADS and the system causes an Emergency Depressurization.
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 RC/L-6 IF THEN 2 or more inj subsys CANNOT be lined up:
- LPCI system I (pumps A or C) ACTION REQUIRED
- LPCI system II (pumps B or D)
- CS system I (pumps A or C)
- CS system II (pumps B or D)
RC/L-7 WHEN RPV water lvl.drops to -162 in., continues to step RC/L-8 RC/L-8 IF NO CNDS, LPCI or CS ini subsystem is lined up for inj with at least one pump running THEN MAXIMIZE injection with Table L-2 subsystems RC/L-9 SRO Is ANY RPV inj source lined up with at least one pump running -
SRO Answers NO, and continues to RC/L-15 (STEAM COOLING IS REQUIRED)
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 6 Event No.: 9 Page 2 of 5 Event
Steam Cooling Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior STEAM COOLING RC/P-9 IF THEN EMERGENCY DEPRESSURIZATION IS ACTION REQUIRED REQUIRED ANY injection source is lined up SRO for inj with at least one pump running NO ACTION REQUIRED AND RPV level CANNOT be restored and maintained above -180 in.
ANY MSRV is being used to stabilize RPV press and the NO ACTION REQUIRED continuous pneumatic supply is lost RPV water level is rising due to inj NO ACTION REQUIRED Page 34 of 43 Unit 2
Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 6 Event No.: 9 Page 3 of 5 Event
Steam Cooling Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior RC/P-10 STABILIZE RPV press with ANY Alternate RPV Pressure Control Systems (Table P-1)
SRO Crosstie CAD or MSRV carts to DW Control Air (APPX 8G, 20H) if necessary At any point in the steam cooling procedure, before -200 in. is reached, inform the driver that he may restore Shutdown Board 3B and transfer the 3E 480v RMOV board to alternate to allow the crew NRC to restore Loop II of RHR to service. This will cause the crew to use the first override in RC/P-9 and Emergency Depressurize the RPV.
RC/L-16 SRO WHEN Emergency RPV Depressurization is required - ACTION REQUIRED Page 35 of 43 Unit 2
Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 6 Event No.: 9 Page 3 of 5 Event
Steam Cooling Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior RC/L-12 RESTORE and MAINTAIN RPV water lvl. above -180 in. using one or more Preferred Injection Systems (Table L-1)
OK to use ANY Alternate Injection Subsystems (Table L-2)
IF THEN SRO RPV water lvl CANNOT be restored and maintained above -
180 in.
AND NO ACTION REQUIRED Spray Cooling CANNOT be restored and maintained (Table L-3) 3-C-2, Emergency RPV Depressurization Override C2-1 IF THEN RPV water level CANNOT be NO ACTION REQUIRED determined SRO It is anticipated that RPV depressurization will result in loss NO ACTION REQUIRED of injection required for adequate core cooling Containment water lvl CANNOT NO ACTION REQUIRED be maintained below 44 ft Page 36 of 43 Unit 2
Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 6 Event No.: 9 Page 4 of 5 Event
Steam Cooling Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior C2-2 IF DW press is above 2.45 psig THEN PREVENT inj from ONLY those CS and LPCI pumps NOT SRO required to assure adequate core cooling (APPX 4)
OK to exceed 100ºF/hr cooldown rate IF THEN SRO DW Control Air becomes NO ACTION REQUIRED unavailable Less than 4 MSRVs can be opened AND NO ACTION REQUIRED RPV press is 70 psi or more above suppr chmbr press When RPV pressure lowers below the shutoff head for LPCI (~320 BOP psig), reports to the SRO that there is indication of injection/rising reactor water level.
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 17-03 Scenario No. 6 Event No.: 9 Page 5 of 5 Event
Steam Cooling Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Directs the BOP/OATC to restore RPV water level to +2 in. to +51 in.
- 2. Restore and maintain reactor water level above TAF.
Critical Task Critical Task Failure Criteria:
The operating crew fails to restore reactor water level to above TAF within 10 minutes after reactor pressure has lowered to within the injection pressure of low pressure injection systems.
When satisfied with RPV water level recovery, direct the driver to NRC place the simulator in Freeze. End of Scenario.
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Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Scenario Setup Exam IC 244 Simulator Setup Place Slow Rod borders on rods 18-15, 38-43, 22-15, and 14-35.
Place danger tags on Loop I RHR components.
Schedule File(s): ILT 1703 Scenario 6 Unit 2.sch Event File: ILT1703 NRC Scenario 6 Unit 2.evt Schedule File ILT 1703 NRC Scenario 6 Unit 3 Event Action Description Event F:/1703/1703 Scenarios/NRC-6/ILT 1703 NRC Scenario 6 Unit 2.evt Insert malfunction FCV- MOTOR_OPERATED_VALVE RHR SYSTEM 1 SUPP 74-57 to POOL ISOLN VLV FAIL_POWER_NOW Insert override HS-74-57A-Green* RHR SYS I SUPPR CHBR/POOL ISOL ZLOHS7457A_1 to Off VLV Insert override HS-74-57A-RED RHR SYS I SUPPR CHBR/POOL ISOL VLV ZLOHS7457A_2 to Off Insert malfunction PMP- 52_BREAKER RHR PUMP A 74-5A to FAIL_CCOIL Insert override HS-74-5A-Green* RHR PUMP A ZLOHS745A_1 to Off Insert override HS-74-5A-WHITE RHR PUMP A ZLOHS745A_2 to Off Insert override HS-74-5A-RED RHR PUMP A ZLOHS745A_3 to Off Insert malfunction PMP- 52_BREAKER RHR PUMP C 74-16A to FAIL_CCOIL Page 39 of 43 Unit 2
Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Schedule File ILT 1703 NRC Scenario 6 Unit 3 Event Action Description Insert override HS-74-16A-Green* RHR PUMP C ZLOHS7416A_1 to Off Insert override HS-74-16A-WHITE RHR PUMP C ZLOHS7416A_2 to Off Insert override HS-74-16A-RED RHR PUMP C ZLOHS7416A_3 to Off Insert malfunction RHR DIV I PUMP 3C TRIP RH01C Insert malfunction RHR DIV I PUMP 3A TRIP RH01A Insert malfunction HP07 LOSS OF HPCI 120 VAC POWER SUPPLY on event 3 Insert malfunction 4KV UNIT BOARD 2C FAILURE (RELAY 86-316 AND 86-ED08C on event 4 532)
Insert malfunction CRD PUMP 2B TRIP RD01B after 3 on event 14 Insert malfunction FW19 FEEDWATER LINE A BREAK IN STEAM TUNNEL (RX to 10.00000 in 300 on BLDG) event 5 Insert override HS-3-75A RFW FROM HTR A1 ISOL to CLOSE on event 5 Insert override HS-3-76A RFW FROM HTR B1 ISOL to CLOSE on event 5 Insert override HS-3-77A RFW FROM HTR C1 ISOL to CLOSE on event 5 Insert override HS-3-31A FW TO HTR B2 ISOL VALVE to CLOSE on event 5 Insert override HS-3-38A FW TO HTR A2 ISOL VALVE to CLOSE on event 5 Insert override HS-3-24A FW TO HTR C2 ISOL VALVE to CLOSE on event 5 Page 40 of 43 Unit 2
Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Schedule File ILT 1703 NRC Scenario 6 Unit 3 Event Action Description Insert malfunction RC09 RCIC STEAM LEAK INTO RCIC ROOM to 50.00000 in 60 on event 6 Insert malfunction SL02 SLC FAILURE TO INJECT to 100.00000 Insert malfunction 480V SHUTDOWN BOARD 2B FAILURE ED10B on event 7 Insert override XS-57-71 480V SD BD 2B NORM/ALT FDR SEL to OFF on event 7 Insert malfunction CORE SPRAY DIV I PUMP 2A TRIP CS01A Insert malfunction CORE SPRAY DIV I PUMP 2C TRIP CS01C Insert remote ED10 to 480V RMOV BOARD 2B TRANSFER ALT on event 10 Insert remote ED12 to 480V RMOV BOARD 2E TRANSFER ALT on event 11 Page 41 of 43 Unit 2
Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Event file:
List Details Page 42 of 43 Unit 2
Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 SHIFT MANAGER TURNOVER EQUIPMENT OOS/LCOS
- Rods 18-15, 38-43, 22-15, and 14-35 are slow rods.
- RHR Loop 1 has been tagged out for maintenance on 3-FCV-74-57 (Day 1 of 7 Day LCO).
- A3 EECW pump is tagged for maintenance (information only LCO).
ANTICIPATED OPERATIONS/MAINTENANCE FOR ONCOMING SHIFT Complete 0-SR-, Diesel Generator A Monthly Operability Test, Section 6.12, Unloading the Diesel Generator STATUS WORK WEEK - DIV I , DIV II OUTSIDE AIR TEMP 70ºF COMMON None UNIT 1 100%
UNIT 2 100%
UNIT 3 95%
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