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{{#Wiki_filter:Final Submittal (Blue Paper)DRAFTIN-PLANTJPMS
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/::1/9 fi?12/.s, oL t>lJ 8-3LJ I;tJ.A-LC-t(c:2 CTO 8 Appendix CJobPerformanceMeasure WorksheetFormES-C-1 Facility: HARRISTaskNo.:001010H404TaskTitle:Performthelocalactionsforadroppedrodrecovery(AOP-001)JPMNo.:2008NRCiKIAReference:APE003AA1.02(3.6/3.4)
/::1/9 fi? 12/.s, oL t>lJ 8 - 3LJ I
;tJ. A- LC-t( c:2 CTO 8
ClassroomREADTOTHE EXAMINEE x SimulatorActualPerformance:PlantXIwillexplaintheinitialconditions,whichstepstosimulateordiscuss,andprovideinitiatingcues.Whenyoucompletethetasksuccessfully,theobjectiveforthisJob PerformanceMeasurewillbesatisfied.InitialConditions:*Theunitwasat 50%powerwhenControlBank
"0"controlrodH2 dropped.*ThecrewisperformingAOP-001, MALFUNCTIONOFROD CONTROLANDINDICATIONSYSTEM,andispreparingtoretrievethecontrolrod.TaskStandard:Fieldactionscorrectlysupportrodretrievalandrestoresystemtonormal operation.RequiredMaterials:Keysforanylockedcabinet(s).GeneralReferences:AOP-001, MALFUNCTIONOFRODCONTROLANDINDICATIONSYSTEM,Revision29 Handout:AOP-001,Section3.1InitiatingCue:TheUSCOhasassignedyoutoperformthelocalactionsassociatedwiththeretrievalofthedroppedrod.PerformAOP-001-Steps3.1.13,3.1.14,3.1.15,and3.17.ThecontrolroomwillperformStep3.1.16(loggingStep Counterreadings)whileyouareperformingthe designatedsteps.Reportcompletionofthestepstothecontrolroomandthen standby for further direction.

HARRIS08NRCJPMiRevision0NUREG1021,Revision9 Appendix CTimeCriticalTask:
Appendix Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Facility: HARRIS  Task No.: 001010H404 Task Title: Perform the local actions for a JPM No.: 2008 NRC i dropped rod recovery (AOP-001)
Validation Time: No22minutes Job Performance Measure WorksheetFormES-C-1 HARRIS08NRCJPMiRevision0NUREG1021,Revision9 Appendix C HARRIS08NRCJPMiRevision0 Job Performance Measure Worksheet SIMULATOR SETUP N/AFormES-C-1NUREG1021,Revision9 Appendix CPage4of12 PERFORMANCE INFORMATIONFormES-C-1 (Denote Critical Steps with a check mark)START TIME: Performance Step: 1 Standard: Evaluator Cue: Comment: AOP-001, 3.13Reviewsprocedure.*Reviews applicablestepsandobtainsordiscussesobtainingkey(s)forControlRod DisconnectSwitchBox.*ProceedstoControlRod DisconnectSwitchBox.
KIA Reference: APE003 AA1.02 (3.6/3.4)
Examinee:    NRC Examiner:
Facility Evaluator:  Date:
Method of testing:
Simulated Performance: x  Actual Performance:
Classroom  Simulator Plant X READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.

Provide key.Ensure applicant informs control room if any alarmed cabinet will be opened.HARRIS08NRCJPMiRevision0NUREG1021,Revision9 Appendix CPage5of12 PERFORMANCE INFORMATIONFormES-C-1 Performance Step: 2.y Standard: Evaluator Cue: Comment: Performance Step: 3 Standard: Evaluator Cue: Comment: AOP-001, 3.1.14 POSITIONliftcoil disconnect switchesforrodsINTHE AFFECTEDBANKasfollows:*Droppedrod-ROD CONNECTED (down)*Allotherrods-ROD DISCONNECTED (up)Locatesrod disconnectcabinetandunlockscabinet.Pointsoutandsimulatesplacingthe disconnectswitchesintheUPpositionforCBDGroup1andGroup2rods:*B8*H14*P8*F6*F10*K10*K6andleavesH2intheDOWNposition.
Initial Conditions: * The unit was at 50% power when Control Bank "0" control rod H2 droppe * The crew is performing AOP-001, MALFUNCTION OF ROD CONTROL AND INDICATION SYSTEM, and is preparing to retrieve the control rod.

Provide switch position feedbackaseach operation is simulated.
Task Standard: Field actions correctly support rod retrieval and restore system to normal operation.

Critical to move only the desired rod.AOP-001, 3.1.15 RECORD the Pulse-To-Analog (PIA)converterreadingfortheaffectedbank:*Bank---*PIAReading_*Locatesthe PIA converterandopensthecabinet*PointsoutpositionforControlBankDandlogs165steps Control Bank"0" is reading 165 steps.HARRIS08NRCJPM iRevision0NUREG1021,Revision9 Appendix CPage6of12 PERFORMANCE INFORMATIONFormES-C-1 Performance Step: 4 Standard: Evaluator Cue: Comment: Performance Step: 5 Standard: Evaluator Cue: Comment: AOP-001, 3.1.17 RECORD the MasterCyclerlightstatus (LIT/NOTLIT)onCard A105:*Toplight*Middlelight*Bottomlight*LocatesCardA105inLogicCabinet.*Logs*TOP:NOTLIT*MIDDLE:LIT*BOTTOM:NOTLIT A105 lights"As Found":*TOP:NOTLIT*MIDDLE:LIT*BOTTOM:NOTLIT Report completionofstepstoControlRoom.ReportsSteps3.13,3.14,3.15and3.17 completedtoControl Room.*Acknowledge report.*After the report is made: Time compression is being used to report recovery of the dropped rod.The control room has informed you that the droppedrodis recoveredandhas directed you to perform Steps 3.1.25and3.1.26.
Required Materials: Keys for any locked cabinet(s).

HARRIS08NRCJPMiRevision0NUREG1021,Revision9 Appendix CPage7of12 PERFORMANCE INFORMATIONFormES-C-1-Y Performance Step: 6 Standard: Evaluator Cue: Comment: AOP-001,3.1.25 RepeatedlyPRESSthe"Master Cycler+1"buttonasneededto produce the followinglightstatusonCardA105:*Toplight-LIT*Middlelight-NOTLIT*Bottomlight-LIT*LocatesCardA105and Master Cycler+1 PushbuttonintheLogicCabinet.*Presses+1 Pushbutton3timestoachievedesiredlight pattern.(-Y)A105 lights"As Found":*TOP:NOTLIT
General References: AOP-001, MALFUNCTION OF ROD CONTROL AND INDICATION SYSTEM, Revision 29 Handout:  AOP-001, Section 3.1 Initiating Cue: The USCO has assigned you to perform the local actions associated with the retrieval of the dropped rod. Perform AOP-001 - Steps 3.1.13, 3.1.14, 3.1.15, and 3.17. The control room will perform Step 3.1.16 (logging Step Counter readings) while you are performing the designated steps. Report completion of the steps to the control room and then standby for further direction.
*MIDDLE: LIT*BOTTOM:NOTLIT A105 lights"After 1st Push":*TOP:NOTLIT
*MIDDLE: LIT*BOTTOM: LIT A105 lights"After 2nd Push":*TOP:LIT*MIDDLE:NOTLIT*BOTTOM:NOTLIT A105 lights"After 3rd Push":*TOP:LIT
*MIDDLE:NOTLIT*BOTTOM: LIT Critical to set the circuit for the desired operation.

HARRIS08NRCJPMi Revision 0NUREG1021,Revision9 Appendix CPage8of12 PERFORMANCE INFORMATIONFormES-C-1-v Performance Step: 7 Standard: Evaluator Cue: Comment: Performance Step: 8 Standard: Evaluator Cue: Comment: AOP-001, 3.1.26CLOSEALLliftcoil disconnect switchesopenedinStep13.Pointsoutandsimulatesplacingthe disconnectswitchesintheDOWNpositionforCBDGroup1andGroup2rods:*B8*H14*P8*F6*F10*K10*K6 Provide switch position feedbackaseach operation is simulated.
HARRIS08 NRC JPM i Revision 0    NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Critical to restore CBO to all rods operating.
Appendix C  Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Time Critical Task: No Validation Time: 22 minutes HARRIS08 NRC JPM i Revision 0  NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Report completionofstepstoControlRoom.ReportsSteps3.25and3.26 completedtoControlRoom.
Appendix C  Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet SIMULATOR SETUP N/A HARRIS08 NRC JPM i Revision 0  NUREG 1021, Revision 9

*Acknowledge report.*The control room crew has completed Step3.27.You have been directed to perform Step 3.28, RNO.HARRIS08NRCJPMiRevision0NUREG1021,Revision9 Appendix CPage9of12 PERFORMANCE INFORMATIONFormES-C-1-v Performance Step: 9 Standard: Evaluator Cue: Evaluator Cue: Evaluator Cue: Evaluator Cue: Evaluator Cue: Comment:AOP-001,3.1.28RNOPERFORMthefollowingatthe Pulse-To-Analog (PIA)Converter:a.POSITIONtheBankDisplay SelectorSwitchtothebankrecordedinStep15.b.POSITIONANDHOLDthe Auto-ManualswitchinMANUAL.c.RepeatedlyPRESS EITHERtheUP pushbuttonORtheDOWNpushbuttonasneededtomakethedisplaymatchthe PIAreadingrecordedinStep15.d.RELEASEthe Auto-Manual switch.e.POSITIONtheBankDisplay SelectorSwitchto DISPLAY OFF.Locatesthe PIAConverter,opensthecabinetandselectsControlBankD.
Appendix C  Page 4 of 12  Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION (Denote Critical Steps with a check mark)
AOP-001, 3.13 Performance Step: 1 Reviews procedur Standard:  * Reviews applicable steps and obtains or discusses obtaining key(s) for Control Rod Disconnect Switch Bo * Proceeds to Control Rod Disconnect Switch Bo Evaluator Cue: Provide key. Ensure applicant informs control room if any alarmed cabinet will be opene Comment:
HARRIS08 NRC JPM i Revision 0  NUREG 1021, Revision 9

(-V)When Bank Display Selector Switch is selected to Control Bank"0": The display is reading 330.Pointsoutand simulates placing Auto-Manualswitchto MANUALandholds.(-V)After the AUTO-MANUAL switch and MANUAL position are located:Youare holding the AUTO-MANUAL switch in MANUAL.DepressestheDOWN(-)
Appendix C  Page 5 of 12  Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION AOP-001, 3.1.14 Performance Step: 2 POSITION lift coil disconnect switches for rods IN THE AFFECTED BANK as follows:
pushbuttonuntilcounterindicates165 steps.(-V)AstheDOWN Pushbutton is pushed.The indicator is lowering one stepata time.Assume thatithas reached 165 steps.Releasesthe Auto-Manual switch The AUTO-MANUAL Switch is released.PlacestheBankDisplay SelectorswitchtoDISPLAYOFF The Bank Display Selector SwitchisinDISPLAYOFF.
  * Dropped rod - ROD CONNECTED (down)
  * All other rods - ROD DISCONNECTED (up)
.y Standard: Locates rod disconnect cabinet and unlocks cabine Points out and simulates placing the disconnect switches in the UP position for CBD Group 1 and Group 2 rods:
  * B8
  * H14
  * P8
  * F6
  * F10
  * K10
  * K6 and leaves H2 in the DOWN positio Evaluator Cue: Provide switch position feedback as each operation is simulate Comment: Critical to move only the desired ro AOP-001, 3.1.15 Performance Step: 3 RECORD the Pulse-To-Analog (PIA) converter reading for the affected bank:
  * Bank - - -
  * PIA Reading _
Standard: * Locates the PIA converter and opens the cabinet
  * Points out position for Control Bank D and logs 165 steps Evaluator Cue: Control Bank "0" is reading 165 step Comment:
HARRIS08 NRC JPM i Revision 0  NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Critical to restore circuit to pre-retrieval condition.
Appendix C  Page 6 of 12  Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION AOP-001, 3.1.17 Performance Step: 4 RECORD the Master Cycler light status (LIT/NOT LIT) on Card A105:
  * Top light
  * Middle light
  * Bottom light Standard: * Locates Card A 105 in Logic Cabine * Logs
  * BOTTOM: NOT LIT Evaluator Cue: A105 lights "As Found":
  * BOTTOM: NOT LIT Comment:
Performance Step: 5 Report completion of steps to Control Roo Standard: Reports Steps 3.13, 3.14, 3.15 and 3.17 completed to Control Roo Evaluator Cue: * Acknowledge repor * After the report is made: Time compression is being used to report recovery of the dropped rod. The control room has informed you that the dropped rod is recovered and has directed you to perform Steps 3.1.25 and 3.1.2 Comment:
HARRIS08 NRC JPM i Revision 0  NUREG 1021, Revision 9

HARRIS08NRCJPMiRevision0NUREG1021,Revision9 Appendix CPage10of12 PERFORMANCE INFORMATIONFormES-C-1 Performance Step: 10ReportcompletionofstepstoControlRoom.
Appendix C  Page 7 of 12  Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION AOP-001,3.1.25-Y Performance Step: 6 Repeatedly PRESS the "Master Cycler +1" button as needed to produce the following light status on Card A 105:
  * Top light - LIT
  * Middle light - NOT LIT
  * Bottom light - LIT Standard: * Locates Card A 105 and Master Cycler +1 Pushbutton in the Logic Cabine * Presses +1 Pushbutton 3 times to achieve desired light pattern. (-Y)
Evaluator Cue: A105 lights "As Found":
  * BOTTOM: NOT LIT A105 lights "After 1st Push":
  * BOTTOM: LIT A105 lights "After 2nd Push":
  * TOP: LIT
  * BOTTOM: NOT LIT A105 lights "After 3rd Push":
  * TOP: LIT
  * BOTTOM: LIT Comment: Critical to set the circuit for the desired operation.

Standard:ReportsStep3.28 completedtoControlRoom.
HARRIS08 NRC JPM i Revision 0  NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Evaluator Cue: Acknowledge report.Comment: Terminating Cue:STOPTIME: After Step 3.1.28 completion is reported: Evaluation on thisJPMis complete.HARRIS08NRCJPMiRevision0NUREG1021,Revision9 Appendix CPage11of12 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETIONFormES-C-1 Job Performance MeasureNo.:2008NRCJPMi Examinee's Name:DatePerformed:FacilityEvaluator:
Appendix C  Page 8 of 12  Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION AOP-001, 3.1.26-v Performance Step: 7 CLOSE ALL lift coil disconnect switches opened in Step 1 Standard: Points out and simulates placing the disconnect switches in the DOWN position for CBD Group 1 and Group 2 rods:
Number of Attempts:TimetoComplete:
  * B8
  * H14
  * P8
  * F6
  * F10
  * K10
  * K6 Evaluator Cue: Provide switch position feedback as each operation is simulate Comment: Critical to restore CBO to all rods operatin Performance Step: 8 Report completion of steps to Control Roo Standard: Reports Steps 3.25 and 3.26 completed to Control Roo Evaluator Cue: * Acknowledge repor * The control room crew has completed Step 3.27. You have been directed to perform Step 3.28, RN Comment:
HARRIS08 NRC JPM i Revision 0  NUREG 1021, Revision 9
Appendix C  Page 9 of 12  Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION AOP-001, 3.1.28 RNO-v Performance Step: 9 PERFORM the following at the Pulse-To-Analog (PIA) Converter:
a. POSITION the Bank Display Selector Switch to the bank recorded in Step 1 b. POSITION AND HOLD the Auto-Manual switch in MANUA c. Repeatedly PRESS EITHER the UP pushbutton OR the DOWN pushbutton as needed to make the display match the PIA reading recorded in Step 1 d. RELEASE the Auto-Manual switc e. POSITION the Bank Display Selector Switch to DISPLAY OF Standard: Locates the PIA Converter, opens the cabinet and selects Control Bank D. (-V)
Evaluator Cue: When Bank Display Selector Switch is selected to Control Bank "0": The display is reading 33 Points out and simulates placing Auto-Manual switch to MANUAL and holds. (-V)
Evaluator Cue: After the AUTO-MANUAL switch and MANUAL position are located: You are holding the AUTO-MANUAL switch in MANUA Depresses the DOWN (-) pushbutton until counter indicates 165 steps. (-V)
Evaluator Cue: As the DOWN Pushbutton is pushed. The indicator is lowering one step at a time. Assume that it has reached 165 step Releases the Auto-Manual switch Evaluator Cue: The AUTO-MANUAL Switch is release Places the Bank Display Selector switch to DISPLAY OFF Evaluator Cue: The Bank Display Selector Switch is in DISPLAY OF Comment: Critical to restore circuit to pre-retrieval condition.
HARRIS08 NRC JPM i Revision 0  NUREG 1021, Revision 9
Appendix C  Page 10 of 12  Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Performance Step: 10 Report completion of steps to Control Roo Standard: Reports Step 3.28 completed to Control Roo Evaluator Cue: Acknowledge repor Comment:
Terminating Cue: After Step 3.1.28 completion is reported: Evaluation on this JPM is complete.
HARRIS08 NRC JPM i Revision 0  NUREG 1021, Revision 9
Appendix C  Page 11 of 12 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Job Performance Measure No.: 2008 NRC JPM i Examinee's Name:
Date Performed:
Facility Evaluator:
Number of Attempts:
Time to Complete:
Question Documentation:
Question Documentation:
Question: Response: Result: Examiner's Signature:
INITIATING CUE:*Theunitwasat 50°J'c>powerwhenControlBank
Result: SAT UNSAT Examiner's Signature:   Date:
"0" controlrodH2dropped.*Thecrewisperforming AOP-001, MALFUNCTIONOFROD CONTROL AND INDICATIONSYSTEM,andispreparingtoretrievethecontrolrod.TheUSCGhasassignedyoutoperformthelocalactions associatedwiththeretrievalofthe droppedrod.Perform001-Steps3.1.13,3.1.14,3.1.15,and3.17.ThecontrolroomwillperformStep3.1.16(loggingStep Counterreadings)whileyouareperformingthe designatedsteps.Reportcompletionofthestepstothecontrolroomandthen standbyforfurtherdirection.
HARRIS08 NRC JPM i Revision 0  NUREG 1021, Revision 9
Appendix C  Page 12 of 12  Form ES-C-1 JPM CUE SHEET INITIAL CONDITIONS: * The unit was at 50°J'c> power when Control Bank "0" control rod H2 droppe * The crew is performing AOP-001, MALFUNCTION OF ROD CONTROL AND INDICATION SYSTEM, and is preparing to retrieve the control rod.
INITIATING CUE: The USCG has assigned you to perform the local actions associated with the retrieval of the dropped rod. Perform AOP-001 - Steps 3.1.13, 3.1.14, 3.1.15, and 3.17. The control room will perform Step 3.1.16 (logging Step Counter readings) while you are performing the designated steps. Report completion of the steps to the control room and then standby for further direction.
HARRIS08 NRC JPM i Revision 0  NUREG 1021, Revision 9
Appendix C  Job Performance Measure  Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Facility:  HARRIS  Task No.:
Task Title: Isolate the ECCS Accumulators JPM No.: 2008 NRC j after a control room evacuation (AOP-004, Step 38)
KIA Reference: APE068 G2.1.30 (3.9/3.4)
Examinee:    NRC Examiner:
Facility Evaluator:  Date:
Method of testing:
Simulated Performance: x  Actual Performance:
Classroom  Simulator Plant X READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.
Initial Conditions: * The control room has been evacuated due to a fir * A cooldown is in progress in accordance with AOP-004, REMOTE SHUTDOW * RCS Pressure is 975 PSIG by PI-402.2.
Task Standard: All accumulators isolated and MOV's de-energized.
Required Materials: * Standard PPE
  * Unlock or ensure A TP Cabinet unlocked or provide the evaluator with a key.
General References: AOP-004, REMOTE SHUTDOWN Handout:  AOP-004, Step 38 (Pgs. 46/47)
Initiating Cue: You have been assigned to perform AOP-004, Step 38 - Isolate SI Accumulators.
Time Critical Task: NO HARRIS08 NRC JPM j Revision 0    NUREG 1021, Revision 9
Appendix C  Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Validation Time: 18 minutes HARRIS08 NRC JPM j Revision 0  NUREG 1021, Revision 9
Appendix C  Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet SIMULATOR SETUP N/A HARRIS08 NRC JPM j Revision 0  NUREG 1021, Revision 9
Appendix C  Page 4 of 9  Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION (Denote Critical Steps with a check mark)
AOP-004 Performance Step: 1 Obtain locked valve and ATP Cabinet key Standard:  Discusses how to obtain keys (ACP Room Key Locker).
Evaluator Note: The Evaluator can elect to have the applicant locate the ACP Room Key Locker or to discuss the key acquisition. The key to the ACP Key Locker is in a "break glass" cas Evaluator Cue: * Provide Handout for NRC JPM * Acknowledge discussion and tell applicant to assume that they have the required key Comment:
AOP-004, Step 38.a-v Performance Step: 2 WHEN RCS pressure is 900 to 1000 psig, as indicated on PI-402.2, THEN ISOLATE SI accumulators:
286' RAB / RO with locked valve key a. UNLOCK AND TURN ON accumulator discharge valve breakers:
  * Accumulator A: 1A21-SA-5C (both breakers)
  * Accumulator .C: 1A21-SA-3D (both breakers)
Standard:  * Locates 1A21-SA-5C, identifies UNLOCK then ON position for both breakers for Accumulator * Locates 1A21-SA-3D, identifies UNLOCK then ON position for both breakers for Accumulator Evaluator Cue: Provide feedback on breaker positio Comment:  Assumes the locked valve key has been located. Critical to provide power to MOV for operation.

HARRIS08NRCJPMiRevision0NUREG1021,Revision9 Appendix C Facility: HARRISJobPerformanceMeasure WorksheetTaskNo.:FormES-C-1TaskTitle:IsolatetheECCS Accumulatorsafteracontrolroomevacuation(AOP-004,Step38)JPMNo.:2008NRCjKIAReference:APE068G2.1.30(3.9/3.4)
HARRIS08 NRC JPM j Revision 0  NUREG 1021, Revision 9
ClassroomREADTOTHE EXAMINEE x SimulatorActualPerformance:PlantXIwillexplaintheinitialconditions,whichstepstosimulateordiscuss,andprovideinitiatingcues.Whenyoucompletethetasksuccessfully,theobjectiveforthisJob PerformanceMeasurewillbesatisfied.InitialConditions:TaskStandard:*Thecontrolroomhasbeenevacuatedduetoafire.*AcooldownisinprogressinaccordancewithAOP-004,REMOTE SHUTDOWN.*RCSPressureis975PSIGbyPI-402.2.

All accumulatorsisolatedandMOV's de-energized.RequiredMaterials:
Appendix C  Page 5 of 9  Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION AOP-004, 38.a
~ Performance Step: 3 WHEN RCS pressure is 900 to 1000 psig, as indicated on PI-402.2, THEN ISOLATE SI accumulators:
*Unlock or ensureATP Cabinet unlocked or provide the evaluator with a key.GeneralReferences:AOP-004,REMOTESHUTDOWN Handout:AOP-004,Step38(Pgs.46/47)InitiatingCue:YouhavebeenassignedtoperformAOP-004,Step38-IsolateSI Accumulators.TimeCriticalTask:NO HARRIS08NRCJPMjRevision0NUREG1021,Revision9 Appendix C Validation Time: 18 minutes Job Performance Measure WorksheetFormES-C-1 HARRIS08NRCJPMj Revision 0 NUREG1021,Revision9 Appendix C HARRIS08NRCJPMj Revision 0 Job Performance Measure Worksheet SIMULATOR SETUP N/AFormES-C-1 NUREG1021,Revision9 Appendix CPage4of9 PERFORMANCE INFORMATIONFormES-C-1 (Denote Critical Steps with a check mark)START TIME: Performance Step: 1 Standard: Evaluator Note: Evaluator Cue: Comment:-v Performance Step: 2 Standard: Evaluator Cue: Comment: AOP-004Obtainlockedvalve and ATP Cabinet keys.Discusseshowtoobtainkeys(ACPRoomKeyLocker).
286' RAB / RO with locked valve key a. UNLOCK AND TURN ON accumulator discharge valve breakers:
  * Accumulator B: 1B21-SB-5C (both breakers)
Standard: Locates 1B21-SB-5C, identifies UNLOCK then ON position for both breakers for Accumulator Evaluator Cue: Provide feedback on breaker positio Evaluator Note: Opening the ATP door actuates an alarm in the control roo Comment: Assumes the locked valve key has been located. Critical to provide power to MOV for operatio AOP-004, Step 38.b
~ Performance Step: 4 SHUT SI accumulator discharge valves at the Auxiliary Transfer Panels listed:
Cable Vault A / RO with A TP cabinet key
  * 1SI-246, Accumulator A Discharge (at ATP A)
Cable Vault A / RO with A TP cabinet key
  * 1SI-248, Accumulator C Discharge (at ATP A)
Standard: * Locates and opens ATP "A" and identifies SHUT position for 1SI-246
  * Locates and opens ATP "A" and identifies SHUT position for 1SI-248 Evaluator Cue: Provide feedback on switch positio Comment: Critical to close discharge valves to prevent inadvertent discharge during cooldown.

The Evaluator can elect to have the applicant locate the ACP Room Key Locker or to discuss the key acquisition.Thekey to theACPKey Lockerisina"break glass" case.*Provide Handout forNRCJPMj.*Acknowledge discussion and tell applicant to assume that they have the required keys.AOP-004,Step38.a WHEN RCS pressureis900to1000psig,as indicatedon 402.2, THEN ISOLATE SI accumulators:
HARRIS08 NRC JPM j Revision 0  NUREG 1021, Revision 9
286'RAB/ROwith lockedvalvekey a.UNLOCK AND TURN ON accumulator discharge valve breakers:*AccumulatorA:1 A21-SA-5C (both breakers)*Accumulator.C: 1A21-SA-3D (both breakers)*Locates 1A21-SA-5C, identifies UNLOCKthenON positionforboth breakers for Accumulator A.*Locates 1A21-SA-3D, identifies UNLOCKthenON positionforboth breakers for Accumulator C.Provide feedback on breaker position.Assumes the locked valvekeyhasbeen located.Critical to provide power to MOV for operation.

HARRIS08NRCJPMj Revision 0 NUREG1021,Revision9 Appendix CPage5of9 PERFORMANCE INFORMATIONFormES-C-1Performance Step: 3 Standard: Evaluator Cue: Evaluator Note: Comment:Performance Step: 4 Standard: Evaluator Cue: Comment: AOP-004, 38.aWHENRCSpressureis900to1000psig,as indicatedon402.2,THEN ISOLATE SI accumulators:
Appendix C  Page 6 of 9  Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION AOP-004, Step 38.b-v Performance Step: 5 SHUT SI accumulator discharge valves at the Auxiliary Transfer Panels listed:
286'RAB/ROwith lockedvalvekey a.UNLOCKANDTURNON accumulator discharge valve breakers:*AccumulatorB:1 B21-SB-5C (both breakers)Locates1B21-SB-5C, identifies UNLOCKthenONpositionfor both breakers for Accumulator B.Provide feedback on breaker position.OpeningtheATP door actuates an alarm in the control room.Assumes the locked valvekeyhasbeen located.Critical to provide powertoMOV for operation.
Cable Vault B / RO with A TP cabinet key
  * 1SI-247, Accumulator B Discharge (at ATP B)
Standard:  * Locates and opens ATP "B" and identifies SHUT position for 1SI-247 Evaluator Cue: Provide feedback on switch positio Comment:  Critical to close discharge valves to prevent inadvertent discharge during cooldown.

AOP-004,Step38.b SHUT SI accumulator dischargevalvesatthe Auxiliary TransferPanelslisted:CableVaultA
Evaluator Note: The Evaluator can elect to have the applicant discuss the remaining steps since it involves returning to equipment already located and re-opening the breaker AOP-004, Step 3 Performance Step: 6 286' RAB / RO with locked valve key TURN OFF AND LOCK accumulator discharge valve breakers:
/ROwithATP cabinet key*1SI-246, Accumulator A Discharge(atATPA)CableVaultA
  * Accumulator A: 1A21-SA-5C (both breakers)
/ROwithATP cabinet key*1SI-248, Accumulator C Discharge(atATPA)*LocatesandopensATP"A"and identifiesSHUTpositionfor1SI-246*LocatesandopensATP"A"and identifiesSHUTpositionfor 1SI-248 Provide feedback on switch position.Critical to close discharge valves to prevent inadvertent discharge during cooldown.HARRIS08NRCJPM jRevision0NUREG1021,Revision9 Appendix CPage6of9 PERFORMANCE INFORMATIONFormES-C-1-v Performance Step: 5 Standard: Evaluator Cue: Comment: AOP-004,Step38.b SHUT SI accumulator discharge valvesatthe Auxiliary Transfer Panels listed:CableVaultB/ROwithATP cabinet key*1 SI-247, Accumulator B Discharge (at ATP B)*Locates and opensATP"B"and identifies SHUT position for 1 SI-247 Provide feedback on switch position.Critical to close discharge valves to prevent inadvertent discharge during cooldown.Evaluator Note: The Evaluator can elect to have the applicant discuss the remaining steps since it involves returning to equipment already located andopening the breakers.Performance Step: 6 Standard: Evaluator Cue: Comment: AOP-004,Step38.c 286'RAB/RO with lockedvalvekey TURN OFF AND LOCK accumulator discharge valve breakers:*AccumulatorA:1 A21-SA-5C (both breakers)*Accumulator C: 1A21-SA-3D (both breakers)*Returns to 1A21-SA-5C, identifiesOFFthen LOCK positionforboth breakers for Accumulator A.*Returns to 1A21-SA-3D, identifiesOFFthen LOCK positionforboth breakers for Accumulator C.Provide feedback on breaker position.HARRIS08NRCJPMj Revision 0 NUREG1021,Revision9 Appendix C Page7of9 PERFORMANCE INFORMATIONFormES-C-1 Performance Step: 7 Standard: Evaluator Cue: Comment: Terminating Cue:STOPTIME: AOP-004, Step 38.c286'RAB/ROwith lockedvalvekey TURN OFF AND LOCK accumulator discharge valve breakers:*AccumulatorB:1 B21-SB-5C (both breakers)Returnsto1 B21-SB-5C, identifiesOFFthen LOCK position for both breakers for Accumulator B.Provide feedback on breaker position.WhenallSI Accumulator Discharge Valves are de-energized:
  * Accumulator C: 1A21-SA-3D (both breakers)
Evaluation on thisJPMis complete.HARRIS08NRCJPMj Revision 0 NUREG 1021, Revision 9 Appendix CPage8of9 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETIONFormES-C-1 Job Performance Measure No.: 2008NRCJPMj Examinee's Name: Date Performed:
Standard:  * Returns to 1A21-SA-5C, identifies OFF then LOCK position for both breakers for Accumulator * Returns to 1A21-SA-3D, identifies OFF then LOCK position for both breakers for Accumulator Evaluator Cue: Provide feedback on breaker positio Comment:
HARRIS08 NRC JPM j Revision 0   NUREG 1021, Revision 9
Appendix C   Page 7 of 9  Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION AOP-004, Step 3 Performance Step: 7 286' RAB / RO with locked valve key TURN OFF AND LOCK accumulator discharge valve breakers:
  * Accumulator B: 1B21-SB-5C (both breakers)
Standard: Returns to 1B21-SB-5C, identifies OFF then LOCK position for both breakers for Accumulator Evaluator Cue: Provide feedback on breaker positio Comment:
Terminating Cue: When all SI Accumulator Discharge Valves are de-energized:
Evaluation on this JPM is complete.
HARRIS08 NRC JPM j Revision 0   NUREG 1021, Revision 9
Appendix C  Page 8 of 9  Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Job Performance Measure No.: 2008 NRC JPM j Examinee's Name:
Date Performed:
Facility Evaluator:
Facility Evaluator:
Number of Attempts: Time to Complete: Question Documentation:
Number of Attempts:
Question: Response: Result: Examiner's Signature:
Time to Complete:
SAT UNSAT Date: HARRIS08NRCJPMj Revision 0 NUREG 1021, Revision 9 Appendix CPage9of9JPMCUE SHEETFormES-C-1 INITIAL CONDITIONS:
Question Documentation:
INITIATING CUE:*Thecontrolroomhasbeen evacuatedduetoafire.*A cooldownisin progress in accordance with AOP-004, REMOTE SHUTDOWN.*RCS Pressureis975PSIGby PI-402.2.Youhavebeen assigned to perform AOP-004,Step38-Isolate SI Accumulators.
Result: SAT UNSAT Examiner's Signature:   Date:
HARRIS08 NRC JPM j Revision 0 NUREG 1021, Revision 9
Appendix C  Page 9 of 9  Form ES-C-1 JPM CUE SHEET INITIAL CONDITIONS: * The control room has been evacuated due to a fir * A cooldown is in progress in accordance with AOP-004, REMOTE SHUTDOW * RCS Pressure is 975 PSIG by PI-402.2.
INITIATING CUE: You have been assigned to perform AOP-004, Step 38 - Isolate SI Accumulators.
HARRIS08 NRC JPM j Revision 0  NUREG 1021, Revision 9
Appendix C  Job Performance Measure  Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Facility:  HARRIS  Task No.: 071104H112 Task Title: Respond to High Rad Alarm During JPM No.: 2008 NRC JPM k a Waste Gas Decay Tank Release KIA Reference: 071 G2.1.30 3.9 Examinee:    NRC Examiner:
Facility Evaluator:  Date:
Method of testing:
Simulated Performance: X  Actual Performance:
Classroom  Simulator Plant X READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.
Initial Conditions: * "A" Waste Gas Decay Tank is being release * Monitors REM-3546 and RM-3546-1 are OPERABLE.
Task Standard: Waste Gas Decay Tank release is terminated per OP-120.07, Waste Gas Processing, Section 8.37.
Required Materials: On the day of the IP JPM performance, notify the RadWaste Operator that applicants will be entering the area and may be accessing the reading for REM-3546 on the RM-11 Panel.
General References: OP-120.07, Waste Gas Processing, Rev. 46 Handouts:  * A copy of OP-120.07, Waste Gas Processing, Attachment 3 completed through Item 2 * A copy of OP-120.07, Waste Gas Processing, Section 8.37.
Initiating Cue: You relieved the operator who commenced the release. The control room has just directed you to implement OP-120.07, Section 8.37, Actions for a REM Monitor Alarm During a Waste Gas Decay Tank Release, because an ALERT alarm has been received on REM-3546.
HARRIS 2008 NRC JPM k Revision 0  NUREG 1021, Revision 9
Appendix C  Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Time Critical Task: N/A Validation Time: 20 minutes HARRIS 2008 NRC JPM k Revision 0  NUREG 1021, Revision 9
Appendix C  Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet SIMULATOR SETUP N/A HARRIS 2008 NRC JPM k Revision 0  NUREG 1021, Revision 9
Appendix C  Page 4 of 11  Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION (Denote Critical Steps with a check mark)
Performance Step: 1 Obtain Procedure Standard:  Reviews OP-120.07, Section 8.3 Examiners Cue: Provide the handout (OP-120.07, Attachment 3 signed off through Item 23 and OP-120.07, Section 8.37).
Step 8.3 Performance Step: 2 Verifies the Initial Conditions:
1. A Waste Gas Decay Tank is being release . Monitors REM-3546 or RM-3546-1 are OPERABL . A REM Monitor Alert or High Alarm has been receive Standard:  Confirms the initial conditions appl Comment:
HARRIS 2008 NRC JPM k Revision 0  NUREG 1021, Revision 9

HARRIS08NRCJPMj Revision 0 NUREG1021,Revision9 Appendix C Job Performance Measure WorksheetFormES-C-1 Facility: Task Title: HARRIS Task No.: 071104H112 RespondtoHighRadAlarmDuringJPMNo.:2008NRCJPMk a WasteGasDecay Tank Release KIA Reference:
Appendix C   Page 5 of 11  Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Step 8.37. Procedure Note: * If an Alert alarm is received, the WGDT release may continue provided the reading does not approach the High Alarm setpoin * This section contains steps which require independent verificatio Performance Step: 3 If the Monitor goes into an Alert Alarm, observe the reading to see if it continues to increase. Record the reading in the Radwaste Control Room AO log Standard: Accesses the REM-3546 monitor reading on the RM-11 Pane Examiners Cue: REM-3546 is rising and approaching the HIGH alarm setpoin Comment:
071 G2.1.30 3.9 Examinee: Facility Evaluator:
Step 8.37. Performance Step: 4 If the Monitor reading continues to approach or goes into a High Alarm condition, the Waste Gas Decay Tank release must be secured. Continue to next step to secure the Gas Decay Tank Releas Standard: Determines the release must be secured and continues to the next ste Comment:
Method of testing: Simulated Performance:
HARRIS 2008 NRC JPM k Revision 0  NUREG 1021, Revision 9
ClassroomREADTOTHEEXAMINEE X Simulator NRC Examiner: Date: Actual Performance:PlantXIwill explaintheinitial conditions,whichstepsto simulate or discuss,andprovide initiating cues.When you completethetask successfully, the objectiveforthisJob Performance Measurewillbe satisfied.

Initial Conditions:*"A" Waste Gas Decay Tankisbeing released.*Monitors REM-3546andRM-3546-1are OPERABLE.Task Standard: WasteGasDecay Tank release is terminated per OP-120.07, Waste Gas Processing, Section 8.37.Required Materials:
Appendix C  Page 6 of 11 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Step
On the day of theIPJPM performance, notify the RadWaste Operator that applicants will be entering theareaandmaybe accessing the reading forREM-3546on the RM-11 Panel.General References:
~ Performance Step: 5 Adjust HK-7392, PLANT VENT Controller until indicator reads 0 and record the Actual Stop Date/Time (Log Item 24).
OP-120.07, Waste Gas Processing,Rev.46 Handouts: Initiating Cue:*Acopyof OP-120.07, Waste Gas Processing, Attachment 3 completed throughItem23.*Acopyof OP-120.07, Waste Gas Processing, Section 8.37.Yourelievedthe operator who commencedtherelease.Thecontrolroomhas just directedyouto implement OP-120.07, Section 8.37, ActionsforaREM MonitorAlarmDuringa Waste Gas Decay Tank Release, because an ALERTalarmhasbeenreceivedon REM-3546.HARRIS2008NRCJPMk Revision 0 NUREG1021,Revision9 Appendix CTimeCriticalTask:
Validation Time: N/A20minutes Job Performance Measure WorksheetFormES-C-1HARRIS2008NRCJPMkRevision0NUREG1021,Revision9 Appendix C Job Performance Measure Worksheet SIMULATOR SETUP N/AFormES-C-1HARRIS2008NRCJPMkRevision0NUREG1021,Revision9 Appendix CPage4of11 PERFORMANCE INFORMATIONFormES-C-1 (Denote Critical Steps with a check mark)START TIME: Performance Step: 1 Standard: Examiners Cue: Comment: Performance Step: 2 Standard: Comment:ObtainProcedureReviewsOP-120.07,Section8.37.

Provide the handout (OP-120.07, Attachment 3 signed off throughItem23andOP-120.07, Section 8.37).Step 8.37.1 VerifiestheInitialConditions:1.AWasteGasDecayTankisbeingreleased.2.MonitorsREM-3546orRM-3546-1areOPERABLE.3.AREM MonitorAlertorHighAlarmhasbeenreceived.
Standard: * Adjusts HK-7392 until indicator reads * Records the actual Stop Date/Time on Attachment Examiners Cue: Controller HK-7392 reads Examiner Note: If the applicant incorrectly performs this step then correct performance of either Performance Step 6 or Performance Step 12 becomes critica Comment:
Step 8.37. Performance Step: 6 Using key, place the WG DECAY TANKS E & F TO PLANT VENT VALVE switch 3WG-229 to KEYLOCKED SHUT and log on Attachment 3. (Log Item 25)
Standard: * Selects WG DECAY TANKS E & F TO PLANT VENT VALVE 3WG-229 switch to KEYLOCKED SHU * Records log entry on Attachment Examiners Cue: 3WG-229 is in the KEYLOCKED SHUT positio Comment:
HARRIS 2008 NRC JPM k Revision 0  NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Confirmstheinitial conditions apply.HARRIS2008NRCJPMkRevision0NUREG1021,Revision9 Appendix CPage5of11 PERFORMANCE INFORMATIONFormES-C-1 Procedure Note: Performance Step: 3 Standard: Examiners Cue: Comment: Performance Step: 4 Standard: Comment: Step*IfanAlertalarmisreceived,the WGDTreleasemaycontinueprovidedthereadingdoesnotapproachtheHighAlarmsetpoint.*Thissectioncontainsstepswhichrequire independent verification.Ifthe MonitorgoesintoanAlertAlarm,observethereadingtoseeifit continuestoincrease.RecordthereadingintheRadwasteControlRoomAOlogs.
Appendix C  Page 7 of 11  Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Step 8.37. Procedure Note: Independent verification of 3WG-229 position in the next step can be performed out of sequenc Performance Step: 7 Perform independent verification that 3WG-229 is locked shut and log on Attachment 3. (Log item 26)
Standard: Logs independent verification entry on Attachment 3 or delays action based on the Procedure Not Examiners Cue: Independent verification will be performed out of sequence in accordance with the procedure not Comment:
Step 8.37. Performance Step: 8 Notify the Superintendent - Shift Operations that Monitor REM-3546 has alarmed and the release has been stoppe Standard: Notifies the Superintendent Shift Operations that monitor REM-3546 alarmed and the release has been stoppe Examiners Cue: Superintendent Shift Operations acknowledges the repor Comment:
Step 8.37.2. Performance Step: 9 The release package must be closed out by performing the following steps:
  * Record the Vent Stack 5 Flow Rate (Log Item 27).

Accesses the REM-3546 monitorreadingontheRM-11Panel.REM-3546is rising and approaching the HIGH alarm setpoint.Step MonitorreadingcontinuestoapproachorgoesintoaHighAlarmcondition,the WasteGasDecayTankreleasemustbe secured.ContinuetonextsteptosecuretheGasDecayTank Release.Determinesthereleasemustbesecuredandcontinuestothenextstep.HARRIS2008NRCJPMkRevision0NUREG1021,Revision9 Appendix CPage6of11 PERFORMANCE INFORMATIONFormES-C-1Performance Step: 5 Standard: Examiners Cue: Examiner Note: Comment: Performance Step: 6 Standard: Examiners Cue: Comment: Step AdjustHK-7392,PLANTVENT Controller until indicatorreads0andrecordtheActualStop Date/Time(LogItem24).
Standard: * Reads and records Vent Stack 5 Process Flow Rate on Attachment Comment:
HARRIS 2008 NRC JPM k Revision 0  NUREG 1021, Revision 9

*AdjustsHK-7392until indicator reads o.*RecordstheactualStop Date/Time on Attachment 3.ControllerHK-7392reads O.If the applicant incorrectly performs this step then correct performance of either Performance Step 6 or Performance Step 12 becomes critical.Step,placetheWGDECAYTANKSE
Appendix C  Page 8 of 11  Form ES-C-1
&FTOPLANT VENTVALVEswitch 3WG-229 to KEYLOCKEDSHUTandlog on Attachment3.(LogItem25)*SelectsWGDECAYTANKSE
  . PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Step 8.37.2. Performance Step: 10 The release package must be closed out by performing the following steps:
&FTOPLANTVENT VALVE 3WG-229switchto KEYLOCKED SHUT.*Recordslogentryon Attachment 3.3WG-229isinthe KEYLOCKED SHUT position.HARRIS2008NRCJPMkRevision0NUREG1021,Revision9 Appendix CPage7of11 PERFORMANCE INFORMATIONFormES-C-1 Procedure Note: Performance Step: 7 Standard: Examiners Cue: Comment: Performance Step: 8 Standard: Examiners Cue: Comment: Performance Step: 9 Standard: Comment: Step Independentverificationof 3WG-229positioninthenextstepcanbeperformedoutofsequence.
  * Record the Final Gas Decay Tank Pressure (Log Item 28).

Perform independent verification that 3WG-229islockedshutandlogon Attachment3.(Logitem26)
Standard: * Locates "A" Gas Decay Tank pressure indication and records on Attachment Examiners Cue: Final Gas Decay Tank pressure is 23 psi Comment:
Logs independent verificationentryon Attachment3ordelaysactionbasedontheProcedureNote.
Step 8.37.2. Performance Step: 11 The release package must be closed out by performing the following steps:
  * Calculate the Actual Gas Decay Tank liP and record. (Log Item 29).

Independent verification will be performed out of sequence in accordance with the procedure note.Step Superintendent-Shift Operations that Monitor3546hasalarmedandthereleasehasbeenstopped.Notifiesthe Superintendent Shift Operations that monitor3546alarmedandthereleasehasbeenstopped.
Standard: * Actual Gas Decay Tank ~P calculated and recorded on Attachment Comment:
HARRIS 2008 NRC JPM k Revision 0  NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Superintendent Shift Operations acknowledges the report.Step following steps:*RecordtheVentStack5FlowRate(LogItem27).*ReadsandrecordsVentStack5ProcessFlowRateon Attachment 3.HARRIS2008NRCJPMkRevision0NUREG1021,Revision9 Appendix CPage8of11.PERFORMANCE INFORMATIONFormES-C-1 Step Performance Step: 10Thereleasepackagemustbeclosedoutby performing thefollowingsteps:*RecordtheFinalGasDecayTankPressure(LogItem28).
Appendix C  Page 9 of 11  Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Step 8.37.2. Performance Step: 12 The release package must be closed out by performing the following steps:
  * Shut 3WG-230, Gas Decay Tanks to Plant Vent Manual Isolation Valve and log on Attachment 3. (Log Item 30)
Standard: * Locates 3WG-230 and shuts valve by rotating the handwheel in the clockwise directio * Records 3WG-230 position on Attachment Examiners Cue: 3WG-230 is shu Comment:
Step 8.37.2. Procedure Note: Independent verification of 3WG-230 position in the next step can be performed out of sequenc Performance Step: 13 The release package must be closed out by performing the following steps:
  * Perform independent verification that 3WG-230 is shut and log on Attachment 3. (Log Item 31)
Standard: Logs independent verification entry on Attachment 3 or delays action based on the Procedure Not Evaluator Cue: Independent verification will be performed out of sequence in accordance with the procedure not Comment:
Terminating Cue: After the independent verification of 3WG-230 step has been read: Evaluation on this JPM is complete.

Standard: Examiners Cue: Comment:*Locates"A"GasDecayTankpressureindicationandrecordson Attachment 3.FinalGasDecay Tank pressureis23 psig.Step Performance Step: 11Thereleasepackagemustbeclosedoutbyperformingthefollowingsteps:*CalculatetheActualGasDecayTank liPandrecord.(LogItem29).Standard: Comment:*ActualGasDecayTankcalculatedandrecordedon Attachment 3.HARRIS2008NRCJPMkRevision0NUREG1021,Revision9 Appendix CPage9of11 PERFORMANCE INFORMATIONFormES-C-1 Step Performance Step: 12Thereleasepackagemustbeclosedoutbyperformingthefollowingsteps:*Shut3WG-230,GasDecayTankstoPlantVentManualIsolationValveandlogon Attachment3.(LogItem30)
Standard: Examiners Cue: Comment:*Locates 3WG-230andshutsvalvebyrotatingthe handwheelinthe clockwise direction.*Records 3WG-230positionon Attachment 3.3WG-230is shut.Step Procedure Note: Independent verification of 3WG-230positioninthenextstepcanbe performedoutofsequence.
HARRIS 2008 NRC JPM k Revision 0  NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Performance Step: 13Thereleasepackagemustbeclosedoutbyperformingthefollowingsteps:*Perform independent verificationthat3WG-230isshutandlogon Attachment3.(LogItem31)
Appendix C  Page 10 of 11 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Job Performance Measure No.: 2008 NRC JPM k Examinee's Name:
Standard: Logs independent verificationentryon Attachment3ordelaysactionbasedonthe Procedure Note.Evaluator Cue: Independent verification will be performed out of sequence in accordance with the procedure note.Comment: Terminating Cue:STOPTIME: After the independent verification of 3WG-230 stephasbeen read: Evaluation on thisJPMis complete.HARRIS2008NRCJPMkRevision0NUREG1021,Revision9 Appendix CPage10of11 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETIONFormES-C-1 Job PerformanceMeasureNo.:2008NRCJPMk Examinee's Name:DatePerformed:FacilityEvaluator:
Date Performed:
Facility Evaluator:
Number of Attempts:
Time to Complete:
Question Documentation:
Question Documentation:
Question: Response: Result: Examiner's Signature:
INITIATING CUE:FormES-C-1JPMCUE SHEET*"A"WasteGasDecayTankisbeingreleased.*MonitorsREM-3546andRM-3546-1areOPERABLE.Yourelievedthe operator who commencedtherelease.Thecontrolroomhasjust directedyouto implementOP-120.07,Section8.37,ActionsforaREM MonitorAlarmDuringaWasteGasDecayTankRelease,becausean ALERTalarmhasbeenreceivedonREM-3546.HARRIS2008NRCJPMkRevision0NUREG1021,Revision9 Appendix C Job Performance Measure Worksheet Form ES-C-1 Facility:.HARRIS Task No.': 301009H401 Task Title::KIA.Reference:
Result: SAT UNSAT Examiner's Signature:   Date:
.Initiate Emergency Boration following a.reactor trip, (AOP-002)"......'APE024 AA*t..,17 (3'.9/3':.9)
HARRIS 2008 NRC JPM k Revision 0  NUREG 1021, Revision 9
JPM No.: 2008 NRC a ALTERNATE PATH Examinee: Facility Evaluator:M*etho.d:oftesting::.
Simulated Performance:
Appendix C     Form ES-C-1 JPM CUE SHEET INITIAL CONDITIONS: * "A" Waste Gas Decay Tank is being release * Monitors REM-3546 and RM-3546-1 are OPERABLE.
Classroom N*RC Examiner: Date': Actual Performance:
INITIATING CUE: You relieved the operator who commenced the release. The control room has just directed you to implement OP-120. 07, Section 8.37, Actions for a REM Monitor Alarm During a Waste Gas Decay Tank Release, because an ALERT alarm has been received on REM-3546.
.X Plant'.x.'..*R*EAD TO'THE'EXAMIN..EE twill explalntheinitialconditions, whichstepsto simulate or.discuss.rand provide initiating
..cues..*When you complete*the**task,suc,cessfuJly.,*.the'*objective forthis Job-Performance Measure willbe satisfied.
HARRIS 2008 NRC JPM k Revision 0  NUREG 1021, Revision 9
Appendix C   Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Facility: . HARRIS   Task No.': 301009H401 Task Title: Initiate Emergency Boration JPM No.: 2008 NRC a following a .reactor trip, (AOP-002)
  ". . . .
    . .
: KIA. Reference: . 'APE024 AA*t ..,17 (3'.9/3':.9) ALTERNATE PATH Examinee:     N*RC Examiner:
Facility Evaluator:     Date':
M*etho.d:of testing::.
Simulated Performance: :...... ---..:-:--
Actual Performance: . .x Classroom  X Plant'
. '. .
*R*EAD TO'THE' EXAMIN..EE twill explalntheinitialconditions, which steps to simulate or.discuss.rand provide initiating .
cues..* When you complete*the**task,suc,cessfuJly.,*.the'*objective forthis Job-Performance Measure willbe satisfied. . '    .
"  '
    .  . . .  .
lnltlal Conditions: -.  * ..The plant was, .'at. tOO%,,;power,whe'n: an .autornatic reactor trip' . '
occurred due toaninadvertent mainturbinetrip
    . . " " (. ' . . : ' .' . ' ,
e, .' The. Grewhasperformed PATH~1"i.mmediateactions  and: have tra'nsitioned'*to'I;,P,P~004,",R,EA'C,TOR ':TR'rP *"RE.S,PO*N*SE .
Task'*Stan:dafd:. Emergency Borationflow ~30 GPMwith Charging flow ~30. GPM
. ", . .
. ' . ' .
.. ', :.'
. '. .
'. Required Materials; General References: .  * EPP*.O:04*, REACTOR* TRIP RESPO,NS*E
    * ,AO*P'-D02,.EMER,*GE'N'CY. BORATIO*N
" . Handout:  'None - usesimulator.references
    .  .
I:nitlating.* Cue:  * . You are the control board-operator,
    * 'Perform EPP~004
    , .
    * *Anotheroperat'orh'asbeen*assigned to perform Step' '3,:Check '
,Time"Critical'Ta'sk:'  No H.ARRIS*08 'NRC JPM:"aRevis:ion O'    NUREG,*1*O'2'1,Revisio AppendixC  Job Performance Measure . Form ES-C-1
  . Worksheet .
. Validation Time: 5 minutes
.HARRIS08 NRC**J.PM. a RevislonO  NUREG *1021 .Revision 9
AppendixC    . Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-.1*
* Any tOO% .power '1 .
~ M'ALF to.: prevent two control rods.from lnsertinqenthe tri * CR*F**16a* 220.,0 4 .
  . .... .
CRF16b': 220 ..0. '27'
  . .'.  .
* ~hsure_. step countersarecorrect
.... lnltiate a'**.Mf(N UA~* M'aJn.Turbine trip .
  . ~  '. .. . ' "
".' '. -, ".' ',', '. . .' .
'.....*... Verify*Hnt1l.e:d1at*s.*actioh .,' conditiorisare met .
* .StabilizeRCStetllper:atlJrewifhin the required range for EPP,,004,Step 3
*. ". R.U*N **'CAE*P 1NRC'. JP'M.a
.'*:HARRI--SOS*N.RC .JPM.a: Revision 0    NUREG102t, Revision' 9
Appendix C      Page 4 of9  Form ES-C-1
      'PERFORMANCE INFORMATION (Den.ote Critical Steps with. a check mark)
. ; '  . . .
EP'P-004, Step.. **1
      .  .
    . . ,-  .
. .P erformance StE!P:*~.1  Implement Function Restoration Procedures As Require * Reviews Critical SafetyFunctions on plant computer screen.*
      * May inform none appl . . " .  . "':  .  .
. **Evalu.ator**:Cu:e*::  Acknowledge, asnecessar .'. ' . . . ' . .
.. .' . . . '.' . .
Evaluator.. Noter. .'  .The applicantmay .jle.ri"odica*lIy review Critlca! 'S"afety
    '. .' Functionsand ,FOLDOUT criteria, None" applies' 'in this JP* . . . ' .
.  .
- .Comrnent: .
    .. Ep:P~.004,. *Step*2 Performance Step: 2 . .. EvaluateEAL Network Usinq.EritryPolnt ',', ' ... " .... , . . . . . "
Standa~d:  .
    . *lnform.sUSC.O/SS.*O*.*
    .  .
Evaluator Cue:  .Acknowledge, as US*CO . ,or.S:SO*.
. .  . . '  ~
HARRISOS' NRC J*P*M  a RevisionO    NUREG 1021, Revisions
Appendix 'C    Page**5*of9  Form ES-C-1
    .  .
  ~PP-004'" Step 3'
Performance . Step: 3 : Ch~ck.*.RCS* Temperature:
Standard;  *Ack~*lowle.dge.that,perlnltial Condltlons, another operator is'
  .performinqthis task, Comment:*
  . EPP-004~* Step4
'.. Performance-Step: 4-* Oheck RCp* Status:
  ...**. Checl<RCP's- atleastonerUnning* .
.*Standatd.:.  . veriftes*allfhreeRCP'srunning; .
.  . :**.EPP.~O(J4*.~*:*$te.p '5.'. .'
Performance step: 5. ... . Ch~ckFeed:s~st~m Status:.  ..
  .* . .RCStemperature-J.ess than 564 *F
  ..*. Verifyfeed "reg' *valve.s*.-*.SHUT .
    . .. .. " , .
Ii . Oheckfeedflow toSrs's ..... greater than210 KPH
  : . . .. . . . '  . .
. Standard;  ., * *. Verifies RCStemperature indication lessthan564 * F .
    *{YE:~).**  -, .
  * *.Verifieseach Feed Req.Valve indicating SHUT
  * Verifie*s:.:total'A*FW*,flow gre:aterthan *2*10***KPH**
. Comment:
HARRIS08 :NRC JPM.a. Revision '0    NUREG 1021, Revision 9
Appendix ***Page*6.of*9  Form ES-C-1 PERF.ORMANCE*INFORMATIO.N*
EPP-004,$tep .1 Performance step: 6.' Check control rod status:
    *. Check *DRPI -. available
    * Verify al! .control rod.s*~ fully inserted'
, *Stand*atd::  - DeterminesDfiPlavailable by indicating lights on AEP';1
    * Determines two rodsstuckfullyout
    * Takes RN*O:p.ath:tb AOP~D,02* .
  . ' .' . '
Evaluator-Note;  .: pplic.'ant' mayqo ,to, AEp:~t to' determine which rods are A
  , stuc .i*'  ' . '  '
    . . . ."
    , .
  . . AOP-002, Step 1 . . ..  .* . . ..... ..
  . V'~~IF'Y aBoric Acid {BA)',Pump*RUNNI*N .. Comment: .
  . '
  .AOP-OO?; '$tep*2**.a
.  , . .  . . . ,  .
. ,JPerformanceStep:8  '. E*S.TABLISH*':,boratiqn flowpa*th"*usih'g.' tCS~278 .asfollows:
  - .*-. OPEN1CS';278, Emerge~cyBoricAcid Addition. .
. . .' . . . . ..
  .    ,
Sta*'n*dard::'  .Opens'tC,S-278, Ernerqency: Boric Acid .Additio ,Oomment: .'
    .' "'\
HARRI S08 *NRC* JPM.'a RevisionO    NUR'EG 1'021, Revision 9

.'."'lnltlal Conditions:
AppendixC    Page7of9  .Form.ES-C-1
      . .
.",...'.'...',:.'.'..'.Required Materials; General References:
    *PERFORMAN.C.E*IN*F*oR*MAT.ION A:OP-002,2*.b PerformanceStep: .. ESTABLISH* boration flowpathusing 1CS~278
.".Handout: I:nitlating.*
    . . . .
Cue:.....*..The plant was,.'at.tOO%,,;power,whe'n:
as follows:
an.autornatic reactortrip'.'occurred due toaninadvertent mainturbinetrip.."" (.'..:'.'.',e,.'The.Grew hasperformed actions and: have
    *e VE*R1FYat.teast 3*0**gpm*boric acid flow. to C*SI.P suction 6n**FI*~.1l0.*
e* GO. TO*Step . Stan*dard:
.Emergency Borationflow GPMwith Charging flowGPM*EPP*.O:04*, REACTOR*TRIP RESPO,NS*E*, AO*P'-D02,.EMER,*GE'N'CY.
.. .... .. ... ..... ... AOP-002,Step4  . ... .. . . . . . .. ..
.. .. . Performance Step:  to VERIFYandM'AINrAINatleas130gpm charging f1pwtoRCS
    ..:.. (FF-J ~2J?~:.t.)"lJntii requiredboration is complete ' . . : ".:. '. " . .
: : *Stcindard.:  .Verifies .~*3:C)'*GPM.flow*in.dicated *onFi.-*12.2A~*1-~ .
. :* . Commentr
. . . .
. ' .. ' .
    ' . -: . ' . '. "...
... T~rrriinatingCue: . Aftel:Charging floWi~ verified: Evaluation on this JPM is
    . complete.. ' .  ..' .
  . . ' ..
-. . . . ' . .
.S*TO*P* TlivI:E: ..
. HAR*RIS08**N*RC JPM aRevision * NUREG 1-02.1., .Revision 9

Appendi Paqe 8: of 9 . Form ES-C-1 VERIFI.CATIO.N* OF* COMPLETION Job PerformanceMeasure No.: .2El08 N:RC* J:P*M a Examinee's Name:
..*.You are the control board-operator,*'Perform
Facility Evaluator;
,.**Anotheroperat'orh'asbeen*assigned to perform Step''3,:Check'RCSTempsrature ,Time"Critical'Ta'sk:'
.. NumberofAttempts:
.. .
'NRC JPM:"aRevis:ion O'NUREG,*1*O'2'1,Revisio AppendixC.Validation Time: 5 minutes Job PerformanceMeasure..Worksheet.FormES-C-1.HARRIS08NRC
QUeSfiOn[)OCUmentafion:* .
**J.PM.a RevislonO NUREG*1021.Revision 9 AppendixC*Any tOO%.power'1 C...Job Performance Measure Worksheet.SIMULATOR*SETUP Form ES-C-.1*M'ALF to.: prevent two control rods.from lnsertinqenthe trip.**......CR*F**16a*220.,04.CRF16b': 220..0.'27'*......'..
. .
step countersarecorrect lnltiate a'**.Mf(NM'aJn.Turbine trip..'....'"".''.-,".'',','...'.'.....*...Verify*Hnt1l.e:d1at*s.*actioh
.,'conditiorisare met.*.StabilizeRCStetllper:atlJrewifhin therequiredrangefor EPP,,004,Step 3*.".R.U*N**'CAE*P 1 NRC'.JP'M.a.'*:HARRI--SOS*N.RC.JPM.a: Revision 0 NUREG102t, Revision'9 Appendix C Page 4 of9'PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Form ES-C-1 (Den.ote Critical Steps with.a check mark).;'...START*-, TI*ME.:....Performance
.Result:** . **SAT*
.EP'P-004, Step..**1....,-.Implement Function Restoration Procedures As Required.*Reviews Critical SafetyFunctions on plant computer screen.**May inform none apply....Acknowledge, asnecessary
Examtner'sSiqnature:   Date:".
...'.'...'...The applicantmay.jle.ri"odica*lIyreviewCritlca!
  ~-----,;.-~--~------.,............---,--~-----.....,.:.-: ------,.----,.--
'S"afety'..'Functionsand ,FOLDOUT criteria, None"applies''in this JP*M..*lnform.sUSC.O/SS.*O*.*..
  . .
*Step*2 Performance Step: 2...EvaluateEAL Network Usinq.EritryPolnt x.',','..."....,....."
H.ARR1S08NRC*:.JPM* a RevislonO . NUREG *1021 ,Revision 9
.Evaluator Cue:...Acknowledge, as US*CO..,or.S:SO*.
....'HARRISOS'NRC J*P*M a RevisionO NUREG 1021, Revisions Appendix'C Page**5*of9
..*PE*R.FORMAN:CE**I NF*ORMATION Form ES-C-1 Step 3'Performance
Standard; perlnltial Condltlons, another operator is'.performinqthis task, Comment:*'..Performance-Step:
Step4 OheckRCp*Status:
'5.'..'Performance step: 5.....
Status:....*..RCStemperature-J.ess than564*F..*.Verifyfeed"reg'*valve.s*.-*.SHUT
......",.Ii.Oheckfeedflow toSrs's.....greater than210 KPH.Standard;.Comment::.......'...,**.Verifies RCStemperature indication lessthan564

-,.**.Verifieseach Feed Req.ValveindicatingSHUT
Appendix C*  Page 90f9  Form ES-C-1 JPM CU*E SHE*ET
*Verifie*s:.:total'A*FW*,flow gre:aterthan
*INITI*A.L.C.ON*DI*TIONS: *.. The plant was at 100% power when an automaticreactor
  . tripoccurreddue to an 'inadvertent main turbine trip
HARRIS08:NRCJPM.a.Revision'0 NUREG 1021, Revision 9 Appendix C.***Page*6.of*9 PERF.ORMANCE*INFORMATIO.N*FormES-C-1 EPP-004,$tep
  . . .
.1 Performance step: 6.'Check control rod status:*.Check*DRPI-.available*Verifyal!.control fully inserted',*Stand*atd::
  *. T~~ crew has .perfbrmed*PA-rH-1 immediate.actions .and havetransitioned toEt>*P-0*04,REA.C.TOR*TRI P RESPONSE*. .
"... ' .
    . .
, Oomment:.'-DeterminesDfiPlavailable byindicatinglightson AEP';1*Determines two rodsstuckfullyout
..1NITIA~TJNG* CU.E:* ., .* You are.. the:. control board . o perator .
*Takes RN*O:p.ath:tb
  :. *petform:*:E*P*P*-OO:4:
..A.: pplic..'ant'mayqo ,to, to'determine which rods are , stuck..i*''.''...." ,....AOP-002, Step 1.....*............
    .. ' ' . ' . .
aBoric Acid{BA)',Pump*RUNNI*NG..AOP-OO?;'$tep*2**.a.....,.'.E*S.TABLISH*':,boratiqn flowpa*th"*usih'g.'.asfollows:
  .- Anotheroperatorhasbeenassignedlo perform Step 3,
-.*-.OPEN1CS';278, Acid Addition...,.Opens'tC,S-278, Ernerqency:
  . :*C*heck*RCS::*Te,mper.ature  . .
Boric Acid.Addition.
, . . .
. -
H.ARRIS*O*8.N*RC J.PM -a RevisionO  NUREG 1021 , Revision-a

.'"'\HARRI S08*NRC*JPM.'a RevisionO NUR'EG 1'021,Revision9 AppendixC Page7of9..*PERFORMAN.C.E
Appendix C   Job Performance Measure  Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Facility:  HARRIS  Task No.: 301149H601 Task Title: Align ECCS for long-term JPM No.: 2008 NRC JPM b recirculation (EPP-010)
*IN*F*oR*MAT.ION.Form.ES-C-1 A:OP-002,2*.b PerformanceStep:
KIA Reference: 006 A4.05 3.9/ ALTERNATE PATH Examinee:    NRC Examiner:
Facility Evaluator:  Date:
boration flowpathusing
Method of testing:
Simulated Performance:  Actual Performance: X Classroom ---
Simulator X Plant READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.

as follows:.....*e VE*R1FYat.teast 3*0**gpm*boric acid C*SI.P suction e*GO.TO*Step.4.Stan*dard:
Initial Conditions: * A large break LOCA caused a reactor trip and safety injection
  * SI has been reset and CCW has been aligned to the RHR HXs
.....................Performance Step: to VERIFYandM'AINrAINatleas130gpm charging f1pwtoRCS..:..(FF-J requiredboration is completed..::*Stcindard.:
  * CSIP "A" and CSIP "C" (as "8") are running
  * EPP-010, Transfer to Cold Leg Recirculation, was just entered Task Standard: Recirculation flow established on both trains.
...'..-....'...S*TO*P*TlivI:E:..'..: ".:.'."...Verifies
.'.-:.'.'."...Aftel:Charging verified: Evaluation on this JPM is.complete..'...'..HAR*RIS08**N*RC JPM aRevision*0.NUREG 1-02.1.,.Revision9 Appendix.C Paqe 8:of9.VERIFI.CATIO.N*
OF*COMPLETIONFormES-C-1 Job PerformanceMeasure No.:.2El08 N:RC*J:P*M a Examinee's Name: Facility Evaluator;
a RevislonO.NUREG*1021 ,Revision 9 Appendix C*Page 90f9 JPM CU*E SHE*ET Form ES-C-1*INITI*A.L.C.ON*DI*TIONS:
"...'...1 CU.E:*.,*..The plant was at 100%power when an automaticreactor
..tripoccurreddue toan'inadvertentmain turbine trip...*.crew has.perfbrmed*PA-rH-1 immediate.actions.and havetransitioned toEt>*P-0*04,REA.C.TOR*TRI P RESPONSE*.
....*Youare..the:.control board..operator.:.*petform:*:E*P*P*-OO:4:
..''.'...-AnotheroperatorhasbeenassignedloperformStep3,.:*C*heck*RCS::*Te,mper.ature..,....-H.ARRIS*O*8.N*RC J.PM-a RevisionO NUREG1021, Revision-a Appendix CJobPerformanceMeasure WorksheetFormES-C-1 Facility: HARRISTaskNo.:301149H601TaskTitle:AlignECCSforlong-termrecirculation(EPP-010)JPMNo.:2008NRCJPMbKIAReference:006A4.05 3.9/3.8 ALTERNATE PATH Examinee:FacilityEvaluator:Methodoftesting:SimulatedPerformance:
Classroom Simulator---NRCExaminer:
Date:ActualPerformance:XPlant XREADTOTHE EXAMINEEIwillexplaintheinitialconditions,whichstepstosimulateordiscuss,andprovideinitiatingcues.Whenyoucompletethetasksuccessfully,theobjectiveforthisJob PerformanceMeasurewillbesatisfied.InitialConditions:*AlargebreakLOCAcausedareactortripandsafetyinjection*SIhasbeenresetandCCWhasbeenalignedtotheRHRHXs*CSIP"A"andCSIP"C"(as"8")arerunning
*EPP-010, TransfertoColdLegRecirculation,wasjustenteredTaskStandard:Recirculationflow establishedonbothtrains.RequiredMaterials:NoneGeneralReferences:
EOP-EPP-010, TransfertoColdLegRecirculation,Revision17 Handout: Use SimulatorcopyofEPP-010andensureitiscleanedaftereachuseorprovideapapercopy.InitiatingCue:PerformEPP-010.In accordancewiththeStep1CAUTION,thestepsshouldbeperformedwithoutdelay.However,thisisNOTatime-criticalJPMbecausetheprocedurewouldnormallybereadtoyou.TimeCriticalTask:NOHARRIS2008NRCJPMbRevision1NUREG1021,Revision9 Appendix C Validation Time:12minutes Job Performance Measure WorksheetFormES-C-1HARRIS2008NRCJPMbRevision1NUREG1021,Revision9 Appendix C Job Performance Measure Worksheet SIMULATOR SETUPFormES-C-1*THE FOLLOWING STEPS DESCRIBETHESTEPS NEEDED TO ESTABLISH CONDITIONS:*IC-19*SubstituteCSIP"C"for"B"*CVC045,046,049,050removesCSIP"B"andinstallsCSIP"C"*Insert malfunctions:
*SIS029 ENGAGED(Fails1SI-340)*OPEN1CS-746thenCVC085 ENGAGED(fails1CS-746OPEN)*InitiatealargebreakLOCA RCS01A*PerformPATH-1to transitiontoEPP-010.*EnsureSIRESETandalignCCWtotheRHRheat exchangers.

*FREEZE the simulatorandSNAPtoNRCJPMb.*When Applicantisready,place simulatorinRUN.HARRIS2008NRCJPMbRevision1NUREG1021,Revision9 Appendix CPage4of13 PERFORMANCE INFORMATIONFormES-C-1 (Denote Critical Steps with a check mark)START TIME: Performance Step: 1 Standard: Evaluator's Cue: Comment: Performance Step: 2 Standard: Comment:ObtaincopyofEOP-EPP-01 o.EntersEPP-01 O.Provide handout if necessary.ReadCAUTION statementsbeforeStep1.*DoSteps1 through 8 withoutdelay.DoNOT implement Function Restoration Procedurespriortocompletionofthesesteps.*SIrecirculationflowtoRCSmustbe maintainedatalltimes.
Required Materials: None General References: EOP-EPP-010, Transfer to Cold Leg Recirculation, Revision 17 Handout:  Use Simulator copy of EPP-010 and ensure it is cleaned after each use or provide a paper copy.

*Switchover to recirculationmaycausehighradiationlevelsinthereactorauxiliarybuilding.Radiationlevelsmustbeassessedpriorto performanceoflocalactionsintheaffectedarea.
Initiating Cue: Perform EPP-010. In accordance with the Step 1 CAUTION, the steps should be performed without delay. However, this is NOT a time-critical JPM because the procedure would normally be read to you.

Reviews CAUTION's.HARRIS2008NRCJPMbRevision1NUREG1021,Revision9 Appendix CPage5of13 PERFORMANCE INFORMATIONFormES-C-1 Performance Step: 3 Standard: Comment: Performance Step: 4 Standard: Comment: Performance Step: 5 Standard: Comment:ReadNotesbeforeStep1
Time Critical Task: NO HARRIS 2008 NRC JPM b Revision 1  NUREG 1021, Revision 9
*Foldout applies.*CNMTwiderangesumplevelof greaterthan142INCHESshouldensurealongterm recirculationsuctionsource.*Thefollowing sequenceofstepsto transfertocoldleg recirculation assumes operabilityofatleastonetrainof safeguards equipment.

Reviews NOTE'sandmayreviewto FOLDOUT items.Step1.a VerifybothRHRpumps-Running.
Appendix C  Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Validation Time: 12 minutes HARRIS 2008 NRC JPM b Revision 1  NUREG 1021, Revision 9

VerifiesbothRHRpumpsrunningby observingREDlightON, flow and/orcurrentindicated.Step1.b EstablishRHRPump Recirculation Alignment:VerifyCNMTsumptoRHRpumpsuctionvalvesOPEN:*TrainARHRpump:1SI-300AND1SI-310*TrainBRHRpump:1SI-301AND1SI-311
Appendix C  Job Performance Measure  Form ES-C-1 Worksheet SIMULATOR SETUP
*VerifiesTrainAsumpvalvesopenbyobservingREDlightsON,greenlightsOFFon 1SI-300and1SI-310.
* IC-19
* Substitute CSIP "C" for "B"
* CVC045, 046, 049, 050 removes CSIP "B" and installs CSIP "C"
* Insert malfunctions:
* SIS029 ENGAGED (Fails 1SI-340)
* OPEN 1CS-746 then CVC085 ENGAGED (fails 1CS-746 OPEN)
* Initiate a large break LOCA RCS01A
* Perform PATH-1 to transition to EPP-010.

*VerifiesTrainBsumpvalvesopenbyobservingREDlightsON,greenlightsOFFon1SI-301and1SI-311.HARRIS2008NRCJPMbRevision1NUREG1021,Revision9 Appendix C-'./Performance Step: 6Page6of13 PERFORMANCE INFORMATIONStep1.c Shut RWSTtoRHRpump suction valves:*1 SI-322(TrainA)*1 SI-323(TrainB)FormES-C-1 Standard: Comment: Performance Step: 7 Standard: Comment:-'./Performance Step: 8 Standard: Comment:*Places1 SI-322and1 SI-323 handswitches to CLOSE*Vertty valvesclosedby observingREDlightsON,greenlightsOFFon1 SI-322and1 SI-323 Critical to isolate RHR pumps fromRWSTas suction source.Step1.dShutlowheadSITrainAtocoldlegvalve:1SI-340*Places1 SI-340 Control Power ON.*Verifies ORANGE Control PowerLightON.*Places1 SI-340 handswitchtoCLOSE.*Determinesthat1 SI-340doesNOTcloseby observingREDlightON, GREENlightOFF.*GoestoStep1.cRNO.Step1.dRNOShutlowheadSITrainBtocoldlegvalve:1SI-341*Places1SI-341 Control Power ON.*Verifies ORANGE Control PowerLightON.*Places1SI-341 handswitchtoCLOSE.*Verifiesthat1SI-341 closes by observingREDlightOFF, GREENlightON.Critical to isolate one train to comply withEOPBKG assumptions.
* Ensure SI RESET and align CCW to the RHR heat exchangers.

HARRIS 2008NRCJPMb Revision 1 NUREG1021,Revision9 Appendix CPage7of13 PERFORMANCE INFORMATIONFormES-C-1 Performance Step: 9 Standard: Comment:Step1.e CheckRHRPump recirculation alignment-atleastonetrain established.
* FREEZE the simulator and SNAP to NRC JPM b.

* When Applicant is ready, place simulator in RUN.

Performance Step: 10 Establish CSIP Recirculation Alignment:a.ShutCSIP alternate miniflow isolation valves:*1CS-746(TrainACSIP)*1CS-752(TrainBCSIP)
HARRIS 2008 NRC JPM b Revision 1   NUREG 1021, Revision 9
Standard: Comment:*Places1CS-746 handswitchinCLOSE.*Determines 1 CS-746didNOTcloseby observing REDlightON,GREENlightOFF.*GoestoStep2.aRNO.

*Verifies1CS-752closedby observingREDlightOFF,GREENlightON.
Appendix C  Page 4 of 13  Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION (Denote Critical Steps with a check mark)
Performance Step: 1 Obtain copy of EOP-EPP-01 Standard:  Enters EPP-01 Evaluator's Cue: Provide handout if necessar Comment:
Performance Step: 2 Read CAUTION statements before Step * Do Steps 1 through 8 without delay. Do NOT implement Function Restoration Procedures prior to completion of these step * SI recirculation flow to RCS must be maintained at all time * Switchover to recirculation may cause high radiation levels in the reactor auxiliary building. Radiation levels must be assessed prior to performance of local actions in the affected are Standard:  Reviews CAUTION' Comment:
HARRIS 2008 NRC JPM b Revision 1  NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Step 2.a.RNOPerformance Step: 11Shutthe associatedblockvalve:
Appendix C  Page 5 of 13  Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Performance Step: 3 Read Notes before Step 1
  * Foldout applie * CNMT wide range sump level of greater than 142 INCHES should ensure a long term recirculation suction sourc * The following sequence of steps to transfer to cold leg recirculation assumes operability of at least one train of safeguards equipmen Standard: Reviews NOTE's and may review to FOLDOUT item Comment:
Step Performance Step: 4 Verify both RHR pumps - Runnin Standard: Verifies both RHR pumps running by observing RED light ON, flow and/or current indicate Comment:
Step Performance Step: 5 Establish RHR Pump Recirculation Alignment:
Verify CNMT sump to RHR pump suction valves OPEN:
  * Train A RHR pump: 1SI-300 AND 1SI-31 0
  * Train B RHR pump: 1SI-301 AND 1SI-311 Standard: * Verifies Train A sump valves open by observing RED lights ON, green lights OFF on 1SI-300 and 1SI-31 * Verifies Train B sump valves open by observing RED lights ON, green lights OFF on 1SI-301 and 1SI-31 Comment:
HARRIS 2008 NRC JPM b Revision 1  NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Standard:*Places1 CS-745 handswitchinCLOSE.*Verifies 1 CS-745closedby observingREDlightOFF,GREENlightON.
Appendix C  Page 6 of 13  Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Step 1.c
-'./ Performance Step: 6 Shut RWST to RHR pump suction valves:
  * 1SI-322 (Train A)
  * 1SI-323 (Train B)
Standard: * Places 1SI-322 and 1SI-323 handswitches to CLOSE
  * Vertty valves closed by observing RED lights ON, green lights OFF on 1SI-322 and 1SI-323 Comment: Critical to isolate RHR pumps from RWST as suction sourc Step Performance Step: 7 Shut low head SI Train A to cold leg valve: 1SI-340 Standard: * Places 1SI-340 Control Power O * Verifies ORANGE Control Power Light O * Places 1SI-340 handswitch to CLOS * Determines that 1SI-340 does NOT close by observing RED light ON, GREEN light OF * Goes to Step 1.c RN Comment:
Step 1.d RNO
-'./ Performance Step: 8 Shut low head SI Train B to cold leg valve: 1SI-341 Standard: * Places 1SI-341 Control Power O * Verifies ORANGE Control Power Light O * Places 1SI-341 handswitch to CLOS * Verifies that 1SI-341 closes by observing RED light OFF, GREEN light O Comment: Critical to isolate one train to comply with EOP BKG assumptions.

Comment: Evaluator Note: CriticaltoCLOSE1CS-745 to isolate miniflow to RWST.Applicant may alsoCLOSE1CS-753as part of RNO although thisisNOT required.HARRIS2008NRCJPMb Revision 1NUREG1021,Revision9 Appendix CPage8of13 PERFORMANCE INFORMATIONFormES-C-1Step2.b Performance Step: 12 Verify normal miniflow isolationvalves-SHUT*1CS-182*1CS-196*1CS-210*1 CS-214 Standard: Comment: Verifiesatleastonevalveclosedineachline(REDlightsOFF,GREENlightsON.)Step2.cPerformance Step: 13OpenRHR dischargetoCSIPsuctionvalves:*1RH-25*1RH-63 Standard:*Places handswitchesforboth1RH-25and1RH-63in OPEN.*Verifies1RH-25and1RH-63openby observing REDlightsON,GREENlightsOFF.
HARRIS 2008 NRC JPM b Revision 1   NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Comment: Critical to supply suction flowpath from sumptoCSIP.Step2.d Performance Step: 14ResetSI.Standard: SI RESETinInitial Conditionsbutmayresetagain.
Appendix C  Page 7 of 13  Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Step Performance Step: 9 Check RHR Pump recirculation alignment - at least one train establishe Standard: Verifies both trains aligne Comment:
Performance Step: 10 Establish CSIP Recirculation Alignment: Shut CSIP alternate miniflow isolation valves:
  * 1CS-746 (Train A CSIP)
  * 1CS-752 (Train B CSIP)
Standard:  * Places 1CS-746 handswitch in CLOS * Determines 1CS-746 did NOT close by observing RED light ON, GREEN light OF * Goes to Step 2.a RN * Verifies 1CS-752 closed by observing RED light OFF, GREEN light O Comment:
Step 2.a.RNO
~ Performance Step: 11 Shut the associated block valve: 1CS-745 (Train B CSIP).

Comment: HARRIS2008NRCJPMbRevision1 NUREG1021,Revision9 Appendix CPage9of13 PERFORMANCE INFORMATIONFormES-C-1Step2.e Performance Step: 15 Manually realign safeguards equipmentfollowingalossofoffsite power.Standard: Reads continuousactionand determinesoff-sitepower available.
Standard: * Places 1CS-745 handswitch in CLOS * Verifies 1CS-745 closed by observing RED light OFF, GREEN light O Comment: Critical to CLOSE 1CS-745 to isolate miniflow to RWS Evaluator Note: Applicant may also CLOSE 1CS-753 as part of RNO although this is NOT required.

Comment:Step2.fPerformance Step:16ShutRWSTtoCSIPsuctionvalvesANDplaceinpull-to-Iock position:*LCV-115B*LCV-115D Standard:*Places LCV-115B and LCV-115DinCLOSEandthenin PULL-TO-LOCK
HARRIS 2008 NRC JPM b Revision 1  NUREG 1021, Revision 9
*Verifies LCV-115B and LCV-115DclosedbyobservingREDlightsOFF,GREENlightsON.

Comment: Critical to isolate RWST suction while aligned for recirc.Step3.a Performance Step:17CheckChargingSystemStatus:*Checkchargingline-isolated.
Appendix C  Page 8 of 13  Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Step Performance Step: 12 Verify normal miniflow isolation valves - SHUT
  * 1CS-182
  * 1CS-196
  * 1CS-210
  * 1CS-214 Standard: Verifies at least one valve closed in each line (RED lights OFF, GREEN lights ON.)

Standard:*ChecksChargingLineIsolationValves1CS-235and1CS-238 CLOSEDbyobservingREDlightsOFF,GREENlightsON.*MayalsocheckFCV-122.1CLOSEDbyobservingflow indicationatZERO.Comment:HARRIS2008NRCJPMbRevision1NUREG1021,Revision9 Appendix CPage10of13 PERFORMANCE INFORMATIONFormES-C-1Step3.b Performance Step: 18 VerifyBothChargingPumps-RUNNING.Standard: VerifiesCSIPs1 A-SAand1C-SBbothrunningby observingREDlightsON,GREENlightsOFF.
Step 2.c
~ Performance Step: 13 Open RHR discharge to CSIP suction valves:
  * 1RH-25
  * 1RH-63 Standard: * Places handswitches for both 1RH-25 and 1RH-63 in OPE * Verifies 1RH-25 and 1RH-63 open by observing RED lights ON, GREEN lights OF Comment: Critical to supply suction flowpath from sump to CSI Step Performance Step: 14 Reset S Standard: SI RESET in Initial Conditions but may reset agai Comment:
HARRIS 2008 NRC JPM b Revision 1  NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Comment:Step4.a"" Performance Step: 19 Establish Recirculation Injection Flowpath:*Open alternatehighheadSItocoldlegvalve:1SI-52 Standard:*Places1SI-52Control Power ON.*Verifies ORANGE Control PowerLightON.*Places1SI-52 handswitchtoOPEN.*Verifies1SI-52openby observingREDlightON,greenlightOFF.Comment: Critical to establish injection flowpath.Step4.b Performance Step: 20 CheckanyBIToutletvalve-open*1SI-3*1SI-4 Standard: Comment: Verifiesboth1SI-3and1SI-4openby observingREDlightsON, GREENlightsOFF.
Appendix C  Page 9 of 13  Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Step Performance Step: 15 Manually realign safeguards equipment following a loss of offsite powe Standard: Reads continuous action and determines off-site power availabl Comment:
Step 2.f
~ Performance Step: 16 Shut RWST to CSIP suction valves AND place in pull-to-Iock position:
  * LCV-115B
  * LCV-115D Standard: * Places LCV-115B and LCV-115D in CLOSE and then in PULL-TO-LOCK
  * Verifies LCV-115B and LCV-115D closed by observing RED lights OFF, GREEN lights O Comment: Critical to isolate RWST suction while aligned for recir Step Performance Step: 17 Check Charging System Status:
  * Check charging line - isolate Standard:  * Checks Charging Line Isolation Valves 1CS-235 and 1CS-238 CLOSED by observing RED lights OFF, GREEN lights O * May also check FCV-122.1 CLOSED by observing flow indication at ZER Comment:
HARRIS 2008 NRC JPM b Revision 1  NUREG 1021, Revision 9

HARRIS2008NRCJPMbRevision1 NUREG1021,Revision9 Appendix CPage11of13 PERFORMANCE INFORMATIONFormES-C-1Step4.c-V Performance Step: 21ShutCSIP discharge cross connectvalvesbasedonTable:CSIP"A"andCSIP"C"running:*1 CS-217and 1 CS-219 Standard:*Places handswitchestoCLOSEpositionfor valves1CS-217and 1CS-219 (-V)*Verifies respective valves re-position by observing REDlightsOFF,GREENlightsON Comment: Critical to separate SI Trains during recirculation phase.Step5 Performance Step: 22 VerifyHighHeadSIFlow:
Appendix C  Page 10 of 13  Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Step Performance Step: 18 Verify Both Charging Pumps - RUNNIN Standard: Verifies CSIPs 1A-SA and 1C-SB both running by observing RED lights ON, GREEN lights OF Comment:
*Alternate headerflow(TrainA):FI-940*Normal headerflow(TrainB):FI-943 Standard:*VerifiesTrainAflow indicationonFI-940.*VerifiesTrainBflow indicationonFI-943.Comment: Terminating Cue:STOPTIME: When the candidate moves to Step 6, Verify CCW Alignment---: Evaluation on thisJPMis complete.HARRIS2008NRCJPMbRevision1NUREG1021,Revision9 Appendix CPage12of13 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETIONFormES-C-1 Job Performance MeasureNo.:2008NRCJPMb Examinee's Name:DatePerformed:FacilityEvaluator:
Step 4.a
"" Performance Step: 19 Establish Recirculation Injection Flowpath:
  * Open alternate high head SI to cold leg valve: 1SI-52 Standard:  * Places 1SI-52 Control Power O * Verifies ORANGE Control Power Light O * Places 1SI-52 handswitch to OPE * Verifies 1SI-52 open by observing RED light ON, green light OF Comment: Critical to establish injection flowpat Step Performance Step: 20 Check any BIT outlet valve - open
  * 1SI-3
  * 1SI-4 Standard: Verifies both 1SI-3 and 1SI-4 open by observing RED lights ON, GREEN lights OF Comment:
HARRIS 2008 NRC JPM b Revision 1  NUREG 1021, Revision 9
Appendix C  Page 11 of 13  Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Step 4.c-V Performance Step: 21 Shut CSIP discharge cross connect valves based on Table:
CSIP "A" and CSIP "C" running:
  * 1CS-217and 1CS-219 Standard: * Places handswitches to CLOSE position for valves 1CS-217 and 1CS-219 (-V)
  * Verifies respective valves re-position by observing RED lights OFF, GREEN lights ON Comment: Critical to separate SI Trains during recirculation phas Step 5 Performance Step: 22 Verify High Head SI Flow:
  * Alternate header flow (Train A): FI-940
  * Normal header flow (Train B): FI-943 Standard: * Verifies Train A flow indication on FI-94 * Verifies Train B flow indication on FI-94 Comment:
Terminating Cue: When the candidate moves to Step 6, Verify CCW Alignment
  - - - : Evaluation on this JPM is complete.
HARRIS 2008 NRC JPM b Revision 1  NUREG 1021, Revision 9
Appendix C  Page 12 of 13 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Job Performance Measure No.: 2008 NRC JPM b Examinee's Name:
Date Performed:
Facility Evaluator:
Number of Attempts:
Time to Complete:
Question Documentation:
Question Documentation:
Question: Response: Result: Examiner's Signature:
INITIATING CUE:*AlargebreakLOCAcauseda reactortripandsafetyinjection*SIhasbeenresetandCCWhasbeenalignedtotheRHR HXs*CSIP"A"andCSIP"C"(as"8")arerunning*EPP-010, TransfertoColdLeg Recirculation,wasjust enteredPerformEPP-010.In accordancewiththeStep1CAUTION,thestepsshouldbeperformedinan expeditiousmanner.However,thisisNOTa time-criticalJPMbecausethe procedure wouldnormallybereadtoyou.HARRIS2008NRCJPMbRevision1NUREG1021,Revision9 Appendix C Job Performance Measure'Worksheet Form ES-C-.1 Facility:.Task Title:*HARRIS.Task NO.:301170H601"Initiate ReS Feedand Bleed (FRP-JPM.No.:'20.:0'8.NRCJPM c
Result: SAT UNSAT Examiner's Signature:   Date:
..\" KIA Reference:
HARRIS 2008 NRC JPM b Revision 1  NUREG 1021, Revision 9
Examinee:....Facility Evaluator:
.'Method"*of testingE*O.SEA1.1(4.1)
Appendix C  Page 13 of 13  Form ES-C-1 JPM CUE SHEET INITIAL CONDITIONS: * A large break LOCA caused a reactor trip and safety injection
  * SI has been reset and CCW has been aligned to the RHR HXs
  * CSIP "A" and CSIP "C" (as "8") are running
  * EPP-010, Transfer to Cold Leg Recirculation, was just entered INITIATING CUE: Perform EPP-010. In accordance with the Step 1 CAUTION, the steps should be performed in an expeditious manner. However, this is NOT a time-critical JPM because the procedure would normally be read to you.
HARRIS 2008 NRC JPM b Revision 1  NUREG 1021, Revision 9
Appendix C   Job Performance Measure   Form ES-C-.1
      'Worksheet Facility: . *HARRIS . Task NO.:301170H601 Task Title:  "Initiate ReS Feedand Bleed (FRP-   JPM. No.:' 20.:0'8. NRC JPM c H~"1)    .
KIA Reference: E*O.S EA1.1 (4.1)    AL:TERNATE. PATH Examinee:     .N*RCExaminer:
. . . .
Facility Evaluator:    : Date:
.'Method"*of testing ~.
. . '. .    .  : ..
Simulated Performance: '. --.-,..:. ,. ---,...;.;-_ . . ActualPerformance:
  .Classrco Simulator Plant
  . ',,:' '. .
./ will explainthe inltialconditions, whi~h simulate or:discuss, and provide initiating
..'cues ..':" Wh~n *yo.u**.complete-the task' successfully, the objective for.thls Job Performanc MeasurewiH be satisfie ". '..' . '> . . '. . . * ...* .*.. ,' ' ", . . * . . ...*...... .'
. Initial Conditions:  -ThereactortrippedJrom fOO%powerdue to a loss ofoff-site
    . *power~..    .  .
  . '-' .ASBLbCA occurred following' the* reactor tri e' '.. Adversecontainmentvalues 'are in -. effect. .
  -Sus 1A-SAis'locked  out*on*anelectricalf~ul j- . Motor Driven AFW  PumpB" is partially disassembled for
    '. maintenanc .
      .  . ' .
  ..* The Tl.irbine,;,DrivenAFWPump failed while 'startin .* .The .crew is performinq *FRP._:H.:1*,.RE.S.:P.ONS'"E TO**LO$.SOF
    :*SECONDAR.Y HEAT*sfNK.. . .    .". .
  - TheFoldoutcriteda forinitiationof RCSFeed and Bleed' have
    .just been. me .  . '
    . .... .. .  .  .
Task .Standard:  .RCS~'feed' establishedwith maximum.availablebleed pat Required.Materials: Attach'PAT'H-1 .(3*UI:DE Attachment 1'.: tq*this.JPMfor'-use by the evaluator...
GeneralReferences:  FR*P-H.1*,RESPONSE* TO*.LOSS*OF SECONDARY HEAT SIN.K, Revision 21 ..
*HAR.RIS 2008* NRC'JPM C Revision O'      *NUREG 1'021*, Revislons
.Appendix C'  Job Performance Measure  Form ES-C-1 .
Work*sheet Handout: . Use Simulator ccipy*ofFRP-H.1.andensure*it is cleaned after each use
  .orprovide a paper cop . .
Observe.the 'procedure CAUTION prior to FRP-H.1 ,.Step 1'2,. then initiate RC.*S.*feed and blee .
Time *C*dtical.* Task:*
.Validation Time: 8 minute " "-
. HARRI.S2*OO.8.*:NR*C: JP.M* cRevision 0 . NUREG'1 021*,. Revision 9
Appendix C'  JobPerformanceMeasure
  .'.. SU't1U.LAT,OR SET.U.P*
* -Atpower Ie*
  ' . .
* Tag *M.DAFWPumpuB" .
.e ':MALF 'for art electricalfault to.lock out.Bus 1A-SA'
e MALF to trip .T*DAFW Pump durlng.AUTO*.start
  . . .
e Overrides to' blo'ck'MA'"NUAL **QP*EN.orf*d.:PCV-444*S*
. .. . Loss ofOff-site power
.  .
    . . .
*e -:'Peiiorm **PAT.H-*1- .  . ~ .' .
e*' . Perform EPP~4" .
.... .:SBL()CAaJter e*ntedngH~P-H;1 to get toadyetsecontajnrnenfv~lues;
'HARRIS200a'NRC JPMc.Revision '0

Appendix C'    P*ag.e 4 of 10 . Form ES-C-1
: Date:..'..Simulated Performance:
  .PERF()RMANCE' INFORMATION (Denote Critic at Steps'.with a. 'check .,nark): .
FRP*:H;1,Step12*  . .
. Procedure CAUTION: Perform Steps *1.-2. throuqhZ! .C1uickl*y to 'establish **RCS heat removalby :RC*S**:*bl*eed* 'and fee Verify *AII Reps'...*STOP*PED .
All RCP;s stopped  on LOOP.****
  . '.' . .'.'.:'.' -. :: ... :..
.. ' . . ." .*ERP~H.t Step 13 . '
" ' . . .
.Performance.Step; 2* '-:' Actuate .SL**
  . .,' .",  : .. ' .
VerifiesSI'actualed...' .....
'. .
'. Comment: .
FRP,-H.'1,Step1'4 .
  ~~:rF~~6~~6:~~kFOLLOWING:    . .'
  .* VE.RIFY:*SI,**VAL.VE*S*~*.*PROPERLY*.AL.IG*N:ED  .. (REFE .' TO-. PATH*-*1*,(3UID:E., ATTACHME*NT 1) .'
  .* Verifie~**:C&sect;J.P.:uB~':: runnlnq. (R.~:p**tig*hts}  .
  '. .Verifies valvealigrllTlent using Guide 1,Attachment1, and/or verifles flow indicationon the Sl.Flow meter .
  . .' .  :., . : . ' .
Guide 1,Attachmenf1 has been performed. Alignment is
  *co.rrecffortlle current.powersltuatlo .
    .    .  .
    :.'  . . ..... .
  .    . .
    . ~  ..
Evaluator Note: . Only Train**"B'f*is*.operable~ no.' power to Train "A".

Simulator.: ,'..ActualPerformance:
HARRIS* 2008 NRC' JP*M* c Revision 0      N.UREG 1021-., Revision 9
X.Plant x.',,:''..*REAO*'TO:THE*EXAIVUNEE".'./will explainthe inltialconditions, simulate or:discuss, and provide initiating
..'cues..':"*yo.u**.complete-the task'successfully, the objective for.thls Job Performance.

MeasurewiH be satisfied.
Appendix C*    Page 5 of 10 . Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INF:ORMATI.ON Comment:
  *FRP-H~:1-*,* Step:*1*S
:*v . Performance-Step: 4  ResetS .' .". ..". "." "... ",
    * " 0 '  *
    .  .  .
. ." . " .  . . " .  . '. . ' . .
**Sta*.nda*rd:*. . . Places both Sl Train RESET:Switche*s.*in RE*SET and
  ... releases. <">-  . .
    ..  .
  * .Verifies RES.ETan* Bypass Permissive Panel
      ".  . .
    . . . .  .
.**:.C*om'ment: ... . . Criticalto allow operator *co~trol* of equipment/slqnal .. .. . :... . :..
  .. FR*P*-H.. 1..~*.*Step~:1.6.**..  . ...
  .. *P*O.LLOW*IN:<3* A LO*SS***O*F:.Of.=*.F:'*S**ITE.** POWER*..

Sta.n.da.r.ct : .
.'.I nitial Conditions:-ThereactortrippedJrom fOO%powerdue to a loss ofoff-site
  . .
',' , , ' " " 'FRP:'H:f;Step17 ' '
...'-'.ASBLbCA occurred following'
':v "Perform~u16eSfep:6" " ,Reset. Phase AAND PhaseB'lsolation Signal ,.. ,Standard:' .' PlacesTrainA" andTrairrBtPhase "A'iRESET Switches ih'RESET'al1d releases,  N) ,  ",
the*reactor trip.e''..Adversecontainmentvalues
  ..*.. ****Places.*Tra*in "A'" andTrain "B" Phase "-B"-RE*SET S*witches
'are in-.effect..-Sus 1A-SAis'locked j-.Motor Driven AFW PumpB" is partially disassembled for'.maintenance.
    . :in**RESE*T*:ai1d*:rele:as8s*.* .
  . FR:P~H~*1.~Stept8
*1***. PerformanceSteprr  Ene:tgize**AC**Suses* tA1A*N*O:*1* *Stanliard*:*  *.. . Enerqizes Bus 1*B:t:by. closinqthecross-tie from thevital
    **bus.*    .
  . . .
*HA*RR'IS.*.2008 *NR.C:J*P.M c RevisionO .

...'...*The Tl.irbine,;,DrivenAFWPump failed while'starting...*.The.crew is performinq
Appendix C  Page 6 of 10  Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION
*FRP._:H.:1*,.RE.S.:P.ONS'"E TO**LO$.SOF
  * No power available to 1A Comment:
FRP-H.1, Step 19
..."..-TheFoldoutcriteda forinitiationof RCSFeed and Bleed'have.just been.met...'..........Task.Standard:
~Performance Step: 8 Establish Instrument Air AND Nitrogen To CNMT:
a. Open the following valves:
establishedwith maximum.availablebleed path.Required.Materials:
  * 11A~819
  * 181-287 b.Place air compressor tAand 1 B:i~ the local control mod (Refer to PATH-.1GUIDE, Attachment 5.)
.(3*UI:DE Attachment 1'.: tq*this.JPMfor'-use by the evaluator...GeneralReferences:
TO*.LOSS*OF SECONDARY HEAT SIN.K, Revision21..*HAR.RIS 2008*NRC'JPM C Revision O'*NUREG 1'021*, Revislons
.Appendix C'Job Performance Measure Work*sheetFormES-C-1.

Standard: * O*pens*1IA-819(~)
Task:*.Validation Time: Use Simulator ccipy*ofFRP-H.1.andensure*it is cleaned after each use.orprovide a paper copy...Observe.the
  * ()pens1SJ-287 (-V)
'procedure CAUTION priortoFRP-H.1 ,.Step 1'2,.then initiate RC.*S.*feedandbleed..8 minutes.""-.HARRI.S2*OO.8.*:NR*C:
  * "Dispatches an AO to place .1A and .1 BAir*Compressors in'
JP.M*cRevision0.NUREG'1 021*,.Revision 9 Appendix C'*-Atpower Ie*JobPerformanceMeasure
the LOCAL Control Mod Booth .Operator Cue: Acknowl~dge'assignmentthenactuatethe ET to place 1A andt B *Ah"* compressors in the LOCAL Mode and, report bac Comment: Critical to supply air toPRZR PORV's.
.'..SU't1U.LAT,OR SET.U.P*'..*Tag*M.DAFWPumpuB"..e':MALF'for art electricalfault to.lock out.Bus 1 A-SA'eMALFto trip.T*DAFW Pump durlng.AUTO*.start
...e Overrides to'blo'ck'MA'"NUAL
....Loss ofOff-site power..*e-:'Peiiorm
......'.e*'.Perform......: SBL()CAaJter to get
'HARRIS200a'NRC JPMc.Revision
'0 Appendix C'P*ag.e 4 of10..PERF()RMANCE'INFORMATION Form ES-C-1 (Denote Critic at Steps'.with a.'check.,nark):.START TIME:.Procedure CAUTION: Co*mrrl'ent:
..Perform Steps*1.-2.throuqhZ!.C1uickl*yto'establish
**RCS heat removalby:RC*S**:*bl*eed*
'and feed.Verify*AII Reps'...*STOP*PED..All RCP;s stopped on LOOP.****.'.'..'.'.:'.'-.::...:....'...".
Step 13..'"'....Performance.Step; 2*'-:'Actuate.SL**..,'.",:..'.VerifiesSI'actualed
..(REFER..'TO-.PATH*-*1*,(3UID:E., ATTACHME*NT 1).'.*

.'..Verifies valvealigrllTlent using Guide 1,Attachment1, and/or verifles flow indicationon the Sl.Flow meters....'.:.,.:.'.Guide 1,Attachmenf1 has been performed.
HARRIS 2008 NRCJPM c Revision 0  NUREG'1021,Revision 9

Alignment is*co.rrecffortlle current.powersltuatlon.
AppendixC,    Page 7 of to  Form ES-C-1
-v , PerformanceStep: 9  'ESTAB.LrSH**RCS BLEED.PATH*:  ' .
    . . '  .
    '.O*PE:N 'PRZ PORV~
    *. .Eval*.u*ate.EA*L. network usinq entry, point .. .  .
.Standard: :  *... \/erifiesHC':'115 andRC.:.117 indicate OPEN (RED light)
  *. ', ,*No:*,iti*dicalio*n:for**R.C--1*1:3
  .*... *Op*ens .*PCV-44~*~* (1)"
  .', :,*In-forms,.*ShiftS:up.erintendent:to using
    ..'entry"poi'h.t.:U*** -.
    . '. " ", ..
    . . .  .
  " ' .
    ~  . ' . , . . '
. " .... - ...
  . ....: Fhe tastknownposltlon for *RC-113* was .OPEN*~..
  * . As Shift 5 uperi ntendent, acknowledqe direction to .
    .evaluate fhe,EAL.*.n*etWo'.rk. ustnq entry.pointU: ,
. . .' . ' ,
  . .  . .  .
. . '. .  . .  .
'. Evaluator Note:' ' ,O*n.l.y *P*GV-44513~*.Will** .. Th*e.. applicantshoul..d attemptto o,p*~n.*a*lf~PRZ:,*p6R"' .,' .
  . C"itjcaltoe~tablish the available PORV bleed pat .FRP~H.t,Step 2La(ALTERNATEPATH.begins)* .
"Performance St,ep*:*.*:1 O* VerifyAdequate RtrS *~leed**Path:.  . .' .
  'Chetk.:.PRZ* P()RVs*AND* .associatedblockvalves .. *lWO* BLEED:'.
  .;P*ATHS. *OPE*N*.
RNO a. GO TO Step 21 Sla'lidard:  ...*. "..Determinesonlyone PRZ PORV'is OPE..N~
  .' . . Proceeds to' *RN*().*
NUREG 1,02'1', Revisions

.Evaluator Note:...:.'...............Only no.'power to Train"A".HARRIS*2008 NRC'JP*M*cRevision0 N.UREG 1021-.,Revision9 Appendix C*Comment: Page 5 of10.PERFORMANCE INF:ORMATI.ON Form ES-C-1 Step:*1*S:*v.Performance-Step:
Appendix : Page Bot- to,.. *Form ES-C-1 PERFORMAN'CE IN:FORMATION
4 ResetSl..'."...".".""...",*"0'*....."."..."..'..'..**Sta*.nda*rd:*.
  *FRP-H.l,.$tep. 2.1.c .
..e.Places both Sl Train RESET:Switche*s.*in RE*SET and...releases.<">-.....*.Verifies RES.ETan*Bypass Permissive Panel".........**:.C*om'ment:
" .Performance-Step:
.....Criticalto allow operator of equipment/slqnals.
. . . 11 Open *a*It*Res vent valves to commence ventinq: .
  '*. *.1RC~900
  ., l' RC:"901
  * **tR*C-902
  *. *1-R*C:-903
  .*. :lRC-S04 e.' :JR*C-90.S*
Standard:' Opens: .'
  '.. 1.R*C~9 ..
    . .
  *. ..-.t:RC*~903*:* .
    .~:.. ~. ': : ..
  . * '. '1 RC~905>:'
  .. . . .. . . . ': . ". . ': . ., :., '.0:" .
JiOp()Wer~vailabl(ft01RC~9bol'1RC-902,.1,RC~90 . .
* ,EvaluafotNote: , Thereis criticalto~stablisl1thelnCl){I~umavailablebleed' pat . .'
. Cornment:
T~rmin~tingCue: , '
. . .
HARR.lS2008NRC*:-J*P*M: C'*Revision O*   N.UR*E.G** *1'021-, Revision 9

AppendixC  *P.age*g of.10  Form ES~C-1
    . ' ."
A LO*SS***O*F:.Of.=*.F:'*S**ITE.**
    . .
POWER*.. ATTl\eHMENT 2.)Sta.n.da.r.ct:...',', ,'""'FRP:'H:f;Step17
JobPerformance Measure No.: . :2*0.08:NR*CJPM c
''':v" ,Reset.Phase AAND PhaseB'lsolation Signals.,.., Standard: '.'PlacesTrainA" andTrairrBtPhase"A'i RESET Switches ih'RESET'al1d releases, N)," ,..*..****Places.*Tra*in"A'" andTrain"B" Phase"-B"-RE*SET S*witches..:in**RESE*T*:ai1d*:rele:as8s*.*
Facility Evaluator:
*1***.PerformanceSteprr Ene:tgize**AC**Suses*
Number :.of Attempts:
tA 1A*N*O:*1*B.1.
.  .
  .. .
Time to.';Complete;
  . .'
  . . ' .....
'. **Qu*estion** Documentatiorr; .
. . .
Q uestion: .
. ' ..... -.
Response: . .
Result: . SA*T
  ' . ~
.' . . .:".'
. .
Examiner's Signature':    Date:
HARRIS 2008 'NRC' JPM' c Revision 0"  NUREG*1 02'1,. Revision 9

Page*1O' of to  Form ES-C':'1 JPM CUE SHEET
*...Enerqizes Bus 1*B:t:by.closinqthecross-tie from thevital**bus.*....*HA*RR'IS.*.2008
  * The reactortripped.. from :-1'00'% .power -. due:to.aloss of off-
*NR.C:J*P.M cRevision Appendix C Comment:Page6of10 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION*No power available to1A1.FormES-C-1 Step: 8 Standard: Booth.Operator Cue: Comment: FRP-H.1,Step19 Establish Instrument Air AND NitrogenToCNMT:a.Openthefollowingvalves:
  . .sitepower. .  ' . ., .  .
**181-287 b.Place air compressor tAand 1the local control mode.(Refer to PATH-.1GUIDE, Attachment 5.)*
  * A, S'BLOCA 'occurred followinq the reactor trip...
*()pens1SJ-287 (-V)*"Dispatches anAOtoplace.1Aand
  .* Adverse containment
.1 BAir*Compressors in'the LOCALControlMode.
    .  .
values are in*effe:c .'. Bus lA-SA. 'is 'locked'
out on ari..electrical faul ' .  .
  *. Motor Driven 'AFW Pump "8'.' Ispartially disassembled for maintenanc . .
  '. The Turbihe-DrivenAFWPumpfailedwhile starting. .
  * ThecrewisperforrninqFfcp-l-l.f; RE*SPO.NS.*E.TO* LOSS
    ..' . ".' ' . . . . " .' . .' . '. . .. .
  .* . .The Foldout'criteria for initiationof RGS .Feed and Bleed
      .  "
    .  .
  .. ' . . .: ' . .  . . . . '. . . .
FRP~tt1, Step 12, then
. . .
."'INITIArl Nf3****CUE*:* Observe the procedureGAUTIONpriorto
  *initiat.8.***RC*S*Ofe*ed*a*ndble*e.d*.  . '.
1 ..
HAR*R.fS 2.0:08N.RC JPM*c Revision O    *NU*Rr=G 102'1., Revisions

ET to place 1A andt B*Ah"*compressors in the LOCAL Mode and, report back.Critical to supply air toPRZR PORV's.HARRIS 2008 NRCJPM c Revision 0 NUREG'1021,Revision
Appendix C  Job Performance Measure  Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Facility:  HARRIS  Task No.:
Task Title: Respond to a loss of Normal JPM No.: 2008 NRC d Service Water (AOP-022)
KIA Reference: 076 A2.01 (3.5/3.7)  ALTERNATE PATH Examinee:    NRC Examiner:
Facility Evaluator:  Date:
Method of testing:
Simulated Performance:  Actual Performance: X Classroom  Simulator X Plant READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.

AppendixC,Page7 of to ,PERFORMANCE,INFORMATIONFormES-C-1-v , PerformanceStep:
Initial Conditions: * Reactor power is 9%
  * The Main Turbine is rolling at 1800 RPM in preparation for synchronizing in accordance with GP-005, POWER OPERATION
: "'..EvaluatorOue:
  * NSW Pump "A" is under clearance to investigate excessive shaft vibration
.."....-......'.',....'..'.Evaluator Note:''FRP-H.1, Step20..'ESTAB.LrSH**RCS BLEED.PATH*:'..ESTABLIS:H lWO ReS:BLEED'PATHSLISTED.
  * CCW Pump "A" is under clearance while electricians investigate a breaker alignment problem.

Task Standard: Emergency Service Water isolated from NSW and Main Turbine tripped Required Materials: None General References: AOP-022, LOSS OF SERVICE WATER GP-005, POWER OPERATION Initiating Cue: You are the board operator. Standby to raise reactor power greater than P-10 in accordance with GP-005, Step 97, when the USCO gives the order.

network usinq entry, point U.*...\/erifiesHC':'115 andRC.:.117 indicate OPEN (RED light)*.', ,*No:*,iti*dicalio*n:for**R.C--1*1:3
Time Critical Task: NO HARRIS08 NRC JPM d Revision 1   NUREG 1021, Revision 9
.*...*Op*ens (1)".',:,*In-forms,.*ShiftS:up.erintendent:to using..'entry"poi'h.t.:U***
-..'."",.......'.,..'....: Fhe tastknownposltlon for*RC-113*was
..*.As Shift 5 uperi ntendent, acknowledqe direction to..evaluate fhe,EAL.*.n*etWo'.rk.

ustnq entry.pointU:
Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Validation Time: 5 minutes HARRIS08 NRC JPM d Revision 1  NUREG 1021, Revision 9
,......, O*n.l.y
the available PORV bleed path..
."Performance St,ep*:*.*:1 O*VerifyAdequate RtrS..'.'Chetk.:.PRZ*
..*lWO*BLEED:'..;P*ATHS.*OPE*N*.RNO a.GOTO Step 21c.Sla'lidard:
...*."..Determinesonlyone PRZ PORV'is OPE...'..Proceeds to'*RN*().*NUREG 1,02'1', Revisions Appendix:C.".Performance-Step:

2.1.c.Open*a*It*Res vent valves to commence ventinq:.'*.
Appendix C  Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet SIMULATOR SETUP
., l'RC:"901***tR*C-902
* IC-38 (Power <P-10, Main Turbine at 1800 RPM)
* Go to RUN on Simulator
.*.:lRC-S04 e.':JR*C-90.S*
* Start "8" NSW Pump
* Secure and tag "A" NSW Pump
* Start "8" CCW
* Secure and tag "A" CCW
* MALF to prevent ESW Pump AUTO start (PT:9101A 200.0)
HARRIS08 NRC JPM d Revision 1  NUREG 1021, Revision 9
,,'.........':."..':..,:.,'.0:"., Thereis eed'path.l*...HARR.lS2008NRC*:-J*P*M:
C'*Revision O*N.UR*E.G**
Appendix C  Page 4 of 9  Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION (Denote Critical Steps with a check mark)
*1'021-, Revision 9 AppendixC*P.age*g of.10.'." VERIFICATIO'N"OF COMp*LETrON*
Performance Step: 1 Responds to alarms/indicatio Standard:  * Determines NSW Pump "8" has tripped and "A" is unavailable
..JobPerformance MeasureNo.:.:2*0.08:NR*CJPM c.Date-Performed:
  * Enters AOP-022 Comment:
AOP-022, Step 1 (Immediate Action)
Performance Step: 2 CHECK ESW flow lost to ANY RUNNING CSIP - MORE THAN 1-minute:
Standard: Answers NO Evaluator Note: * Applicant may go back and perform Step 1 RNO Path actions (trip the running CSIP and isolate Letdown) if ESW flow is lost for more than one minut * Applicant may start "A" ESW Pump at any time after recognizing auto start failure (> 20 sees, no SW flow) in accordance with management expectations for operator action on failure Comment:
HARRIS08 NRC JPM d Revision 1  NUREG 1021, Revision 9
Appendix C  Page 5 of 9  Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION AOP-022, Step 2 (Immediate Action)
Performance Step: 3 CHECK ESW flow lost to ANY RUNNING EDG - MORE THAN 1-minute:
Standard: Answers NO - no EDG operating Comment:
AOP-022, Step 3 Performance Step: 4 GO TO the appropriate step as indicated by the parameter LOST:'
Standard: Proceeds to Step 6 for NSW Pump lost/loss of flo Comment:
AOP-022, Step 6 Performance Step: 5 * CHECK loss of NSW Header due to NSW Pump FAILED or LOSS OF FLO * START standby NSW Pump as follows:
  * CHECK ANY NSW Pump - RUNNIN Standard: * Determines loss of NSW header due to loss of only available pump
  * Determines no NSW Pump running and proceeds toRNO Comment:
HARRIS08 NRC JPM d Revision 1  NUREG 1021, Revision 9
Appendix C  Page 6 of 9  Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION AOP-022, Step 6.b RNO
~ Performance Step: 6 VERIFY BOTH ESW Pumps - RUNNIN Standard: * Determines "B" ESW Pump running and initiates a MANUAL start on "A" ESW Pump (~)
  * GO TO Section 3.2 (page 30)
Comment: Critical to provide adequate flow to the ESW header AOP-022, Step 3. Performance Step: 7 CHECK Turbine trip required by ANY of the following conditions -
  * No NSW Pump can be operated Standard: Answers YES Comment:
AOP-022, Step 3. Performance Step: 8 CHECK Reactor power greater than P-10 (10%).
Standard: * Verifies reactor power < P-10 and answers NO
  * Proceeds to RNO column Comment:
HARRIS08 NRC JPM d Revision 1   NUREG 1021, Revision 9
Appendix C  Page 7 of 9  Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION AOP-022, Step 3.2.2 RNO Performance Step: 9 IF Turbine is operating, THEN TRIP Turbine AND GO TO Step Standard: * Initiates a MANUAL Turbine Trip
  * Verifies Turbine Stop Valves closed Comment:
Terminating Cue: When the turbine trip is verified: Evaluation on this JPM is complete.
HARRIS08 NRC JPM d Revision 1  NUREG 1021, Revision 9
Appendix C  Page 8 of 9  Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Job Performance Measure No.: 2008 NRC JPM d Examinee's Name:
Date Performed:
Facility Evaluator:
Facility Evaluator:
Number:.of Attempts:.....Time to.';Complete;..'..'.....'.**Qu*estion**
Number of Attempts:
Time to Complete:
...Q uestion:..'.....-.Response:..Result:...SA*T'..'...:".'..Examiner's Signature':
Question Documentation:
HARRIS 2008'NRC'JPM'c Revision 0" Date: NUREG*1 02'1,.Revision 9 Page*1 O'of to JPM CUE SHEET Form ES-C':'1...."'INITIArl Nf3****CUE*:*
1..*The reactortripped
..from:-1'00'%.power-.due: to.alossofoff-..sitepower.
Result: SAT UNSAT Examiner's Signature:  Date:
HARRIS08 NRC JPM d Revision NUREG 1021, Revision 9
Appendix C  Page 9 of Form ES-C-1 JPM CUE SHEET INITIAL CONDITIONS: * Reactor power is 9%
  * The Main Turbine is rolling at 1800 RPM in preparation for synchronizing in accordance with GP-005, POWER OPERATION
  * NSW Pump "A" is under clearance to investigate excessive shaft vibration
  * CSIP Pump "A" is under clearance while electricians investigate a breaker alignment problem.

.'..,..*A, S'BLOCA'occurred followinq the reactor trip....*Adverse containment values are in*effe:ct.
INITIATING CUE: You are the board operator. Standby to raise reactor power greater than P-10 in accordance with GP-005, Step 97, when the USCO gives the order.

...'.Bus lA-SA.'is'locked'out on ari..electrical fault..'..*.Motor Driven'AFWPump"8'.'Ispartially disassembled for maintenance.
HARRIS08 NRC JPM d Revision 1  NUREG 1021, Revision 9

..'.The Turbihe-DrivenAFWPumpfailedwhile starting..*ThecrewisperforrninqFfcp-l-l.f; RE*SPO.NS.*E.TO*
Appendix C  Job Performance Measure  Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Facility:  HARRIS  Task No.:
Task Title: Place the Containment Hydrogen JPM No.: 2008 NRC JPM e Purge System in operation (OP-125)
.....'.".''....".'..'.'......*..The Foldout'criteria for initiationof RGS.FeedandBleed.
KIA Reference: 028 A4.01 (4.0/4.0)
Examinee:    NRC Examiner:
Facility Evaluator:  Date:
Method of testing:
Simulated Performance: X  Actual Performance:
Classroom  Simulator Plant X This JPM will be simulated in the Control Room.

."....'...: '......'....Observe the procedureGAUTIONpriorto 1, Step 12, then*initiat.8.***RC*S*Ofe*ed*a*ndble*e.d*.
READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.
.'.HAR*R.fS 2.0:08N.RC JPM*c Revision O*NU*Rr=G 102'1., Revisions Appendix C Facility: HARRIS Job Performance Measure WorksheetTaskNo.:FormES-C-1TaskTitle:KIAReference:RespondtoalossofNormal Service Water (AOP-022)076A2.01(3.5/3.7)JPMNo.:2008NRCd ALTERNATE PATH Examinee:FacilityEvaluator:Methodoftesting:
Simulated Performance:
ClassroomREADTOTHE EXAMINEE SimulatorNRCExaminer:
Date: Actual Performance:XPlant XIwillexplaintheinitial conditions,whichstepsto simulateordiscuss,andprovideinitiatingcues.Whenyou completethetasksuccessfully,the objectiveforthisJob Performance Measurewillbe satisfied.InitialConditions:
*Reactorpoweris9%*TheMain Turbineisrollingat1800RPMin preparation for synchronizing in accordancewithGP-005,POWER OPERATION*NSWPump"A"is under clearance to investigate excessive shaft vibration*CCWPump"A"isunder clearance while electricians investigate a breaker alignment problem.TaskStandard:
Emergency Service WaterisolatedfromNSWandMain Turbine trippedRequiredMaterials:NoneGeneralReferences:
AOP-022,LOSSOFSERVICE WATERGP-005,POWER OPERATIONInitiatingCue:TimeCriticalTask:Youaretheboardoperator.

Standbytoraisereactorpower greater thanP-10in accordancewithGP-005,Step97,whentheUSCOgivesthe order.NO HARRIS08NRCJPMdRevision1NUREG1021,Revision9 Appendix C Validation Time:5minutes Job Performance Measure WorksheetFormES-C-1 HARRIS08NRCJPMdRevision1 NUREG1021,Revision9 Appendix C Job Performance Measure Worksheet SIMULATOR SETUPFormES-C-1*IC-38 (Power<P-10,Main Turbineat1800RPM)*GotoRUNon Simulator*Start"8" NSW Pump*Secureandtag"A"NSWPump*Start"8" CCW*Secureandtag"A"CCW*MALFto preventESWPumpAUTOstart (PT:9101A 200.0)HARRIS08NRCJPMdRevision1NUREG1021,Revision9 Appendix CPage4of9 PERFORMANCE INFORMATIONFormES-C-1 (Denote Critical Steps with a check mark)START TIME: Performance Step: 1 Standard: Comment: Performance Step: 2 Standard: Evaluator Note: Comment: Responds to alarms/indication.
Initial Conditions: * A large break LOCA has occurre * Hydrogen Recombiner problems have resulted in a Containment Hydrogen concentration> 4&deg;A>.
  * The USCG has directed that the Hydrogen Purge System be placed in operation in accordance with OP-125, POST ACCIDENT HYDROGEN SYSTE * The Hydrogen Purge System is aligned in accordance with OP-125, Attachments 4 and * A release permit has been approve * The Containment is at atmospheric pressure
  * An AO is standing by to operate local valves Task Standard: System aligned with release in progress.

*DeterminesNSWPump"8"hastrippedand"A"is unavailable*Enters AOP-022 AOP-022,Step1 (Immediate Action)CHECKESWflowlosttoANY RUNNINGCSIP-MORETHAN 1-minute: Answers NO*Applicant may go back and perform Step1RNOPath actions (trip the running CSIP and isolate Letdown)if ESW flow is lost for more than one minute.*Applicant may start"A" ESW Pump at any time after recognizing auto start failure (>20 sees, no SW flow)in accordance with management expectations for operator action on failures.HARRIS08NRCJPMdRevision1NUREG1021,Revision9 Appendix CPage5of9 PERFORMANCE INFORMATIONFormES-C-1 Performance Step: 3 Standard: Comment: Performance Step: 4 Standard: Comment: Performance Step: 5 Standard: Comment:AOP-022,Step2 (Immediate Action)CHECKESWflowlosttoANYRUNNINGEDG-MORETHAN minute: AnswersNO-noEDGoperatingAOP-022,Step3GOTOthe appropriatestepasindicatedbythe parameter LOST:'ProceedstoStep6forNSWPumplost/lossofflow.AOP-022,Step6*CHECKlossofNSW HeaderduetoNSWPumpFAILEDorLOSSOFFLOW.
Required Materials: Key for 1CM-2 General References: OP-125, POST ACCIDENT HYDROGEN SYSTEM.

*START standbyNSWPumpasfollows:*CHECKANYNSWPump-RUNNING.
Handout: OP-125 with and initialed.

*DetermineslossofNSW headerduetolossofonlyavailable pump*DeterminesnoNSWPumprunningandproceeds toRNO HARRIS08NRCJPMdRevision1NUREG1021,Revision9 Appendix CPerformance Step: 6Page6of9 PERFORMANCE INFORMATIONAOP-022,Step6.bRNO VERIFYBOTHESWPumps-RUNNING.FormES-C-1 Standard: Comment: Performance Step: 7 Standard: Comment: Performance Step: 8 Standard: Comment:*Determines"B"ESWPumprunningandinitiatesaMANUALstarton"A"ESWPump*GOTOSection3.2(page30)
HARRIS08 NRC JPM e Revision 0    NUREG 1021, Revision 9
Critical to provide adequate flow to the ESW headers.AOP-022,Step3.2.1 CHECKTurbinetriprequiredbyANYofthefollowingconditions EXIST:*NoNSWPumpcanbe operated Answers YES AOP-022,Step3.2.2 CHECK Reactor power greaterthanP-10(10%).
Appendix C Job Performance Measure  Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Initiating Cue: Simulate placing the Hydrogen Purge System in operation in accordance with OP-125. DO NOT OPERATE ANY EQUIPMEN Discuss indications that you would expect to see as a result of the simulated operations. Time compression will be used to report field operations and/or indications.
<P-10andanswersNO*ProceedstoRNOcolumn HARRIS08NRCJPMdRevision1NUREG1021,Revision9 Appendix CPage7of9 PERFORMANCE INFORMATIONFormES-C-1 Performance Step: 9 Standard: Comment: Terminating Cue:STOPTIME: AOP-022,Step3.2.2RNO IF Turbineisoperating,THENTRIP TurbineANDGOTOStep4.*InitiatesaMANUAL Turbine Trip*VerifiesTurbineStopValvesclosed When the turbine trip is verified: Evaluation on thisJPMis complete.HARRIS08NRCJPMdRevision1NUREG1021,Revision9 Appendix CPage8of9 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETIONFormES-C-1 Job Performance MeasureNo.:2008NRCJPMd Examinee's Name:DatePerformed:FacilityEvaluator:
Number of Attempts:TimetoComplete:
Time Critical Task: NO Validation Time: 8 minutes HARRIS08 NRC JPM e Revision 0  NUREG 1021, Revision 9
Question Documentation:
Question: Response: Result: Examiner's Signature:
Appendix C  Job Periormance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet SIMULATOR SETUP N/A HARRIS08 NRC JPM e Revision 0  NUREG 1021, Revision 9
INITIATING CUE:*Reactorpoweris9%*TheMain Turbineisrollingat1800RPMin preparation for synchronizing in accordancewithGP-005,POWER OPERATION*NSWPump"A"isunder clearance to investigate excessiveshaftvibration*CSIPPump"A"isunder clearance while electricians investigate a breaker alignment problem.Youaretheboardoperator.

Standbytoraisereactorpower greaterthanP-10in accordancewithGP-005,Step97,whentheUSCOgivestheorder.
Appendix C  Page 4 of 9  Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION (Denote Critical Steps with a check mark)
OP-125 Performance Step: 1 Obtain/review procedure Standard:  * Reviews Precaution and Limitations and Initial Conditions for the tas * Proceeds to Section Evaluator Cue: Provide handout for NRC JPM Comment:
OP-125, 5.3. Performance Step: 2 OBTAIN the key for 1CM-2, Hydrogen Purge Isolation Valv Standard:  * Discusses location and process for obtaining the key(s)
  * Proceeds to ARP-4 Evaluator Cue: After the applicant discusses the process for obtaining the key: Assume that you have the key for 1CM- Comment:
HARRIS08 NRC JPM eRevision 0  NUREG 1021, Revision 9

HARRIS08NRCJPMdRevision1NUREG1021,Revision9 Appendix C Facility: HARRISJobPerformanceMeasure WorksheetTaskNo.:FormES-C-1TaskTitle:Placethe ContainmentHydrogenJPMNo.:2008NRCJPMePurgeSysteminoperation(OP-125)KIAReference:028A4.01(4.0/4.0)
Appendix C   Page 5 of 9  Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION OP-125,
~ Performance Step: 3 At ARP-4A SA TURN the key switch for Hydrogen Purge Isolation (CS-3074.1 SA) to O Standard: Points out ON position for 1CM-2 (labeled Control Power Key Switch 1CM-2 H2 Purge Exh Valve) and simulates turning the ke Evaluator Note: Turning the switch to ON energizes control power for 1CM- Evaluator Cue: When the applicant goes to the MCB to operate 1CM-2, he/she may verify the control power light on. If so: The CONTROL POWER ON light is illuminated for 1CM- Verification of the light is not a critical tas Comment:
Date:Methodoftesting:SimulatedPerformance:X Classroom Simulator This JPM will be simulatedinthe Control Room.READTOTHE EXAMINEEActualPerformance:PlantXIwillexplaintheinitialconditions,whichstepstosimulateordiscuss,andprovideinitiatingcues.Whenyoucompletethetasksuccessfully,theobjectiveforthisJob PerformanceMeasurewillbesatisfied.InitialConditions:*AlargebreakLOCAhasoccurred.*Hydrogen Recombinerproblemshaveresultedina Containment Hydrogen concentration>
OP-125, 5.3. Procedure Note: If in MODES 1, 2, 3, or 4, opening 1CM-2 will result in entering an LCO for Tech Spec 3.6.3.
4&deg;A>.*TheUSCGhasdirectedthattheHydrogenPurgeSystembeplacedinoperationin accordancewithOP-125,POST ACCIDENT HYDROGEN SYSTEM.*TheHydrogenPurgeSystemisalignedinaccordancewithOP-125, Attachments4and5.*Areleasepermithasbeenapproved.*The Containmentisat atmospheric pressure*AnAOisstandingbytooperatelocalvalvesTaskStandard:Systemalignedwithreleaseinprogress.RequiredMaterials:Keyfor1CM-2GeneralReferences:OP-125,POST ACCIDENT HYDROGEN SYSTEM.Handout:OP-125with5.3.1.1and5.3.1.2initialed.

HARRIS08NRCJPMeRevision0NUREG1021,Revision9 Appendix C Job Performance Measure WorksheetFormES-C-1InitiatingCue:TimeCriticalTask:
~ Performance Step: 4 OPEN HYDROGEN PURGE ISOLATION 1CM-2 S Standard: * Applicant should inform the USCO of TS requiremen * Points out OPEN position and simulates opening 1CM- Evaluator Cue: * Acknowledge report of TS requiremen * 1CM-2'indicating lights has gone from GREEN to RE Comment:
Validation Time: SimulateplacingtheHydrogenPurgeSysteminoperationin accordancewithOP-125.DONOT OPERATE ANY EQUIPMENT.
HARRIS08 NRC JPM e Revision 0  NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Discuss indicationsthatyouwould expecttoseeasaresultofthe simulatedoperations.Time compressionwillbeusedtoreportfield operations and/or indications.
Appendix C  Page 6 of 9  Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION OP-125, 5.3. Performance Step: 5 Locally, UNLOCK and OPEN the following:
a. 1CM-4 H2 Purge Exhaust CIV (Outside Containment).

NO8minutes HARRIS08NRCJPMeRevision0NUREG1021,Revision9 Appendix C HARRIS08NRCJPMeRevision0 Job Periormance Measure Worksheet SIMULATOR SETUP N/AFormES-C-1 NUREG1021,Revision9 Appendix CPage4of9 PERFORMANCE INFORMATIONFormES-C-1 (Denote Critical Steps with a check mark)STARTTIME:
b. 1CM-5 H2 Purge Makeup CIV (Outside Containment).
Performance Step: 1 Standard: Evaluator Cue: Comment: Performance Step: 2 Standard: Evaluator Cue: Comment: OP-125 Obtain/review procedure*Reviews Precaution and LimitationsandInitial Conditions forthetask.*Proceeds to Section 5.3.Provide handout forNRCJPMe.OP-125, OBTAINthekeyfor1CM-2, Hydrogen Purge Isolation Valve.*Discusses location and process for obtainingthekey(s)*Proceeds to ARP-4 After the applicant discusses the process for obtaining the key: Assume that you have the key for1CM-2.HARRIS08NRCJPM eRevision 0 NUREG1021,Revision9 Appendix CPage5of9 PERFORMANCE INFORMATIONFormES-C-1Performance Step: 3 Standard: Evaluator Note: Evaluator Cue: Comment: Procedure Note:Performance Step: 4 Standard: Evaluator Cue: Comment:OP-125, At ARP-4ASATURNthekeyswitchfor Hydrogen Purge Isolation(CS-3074.1SA)toON.PointsoutONpositionfor1CM-2(labeledControlPowerKeySwitch1CM-2H2PurgeExh Valve)and simulatesturningthe key.Turning the switchtoON energizes control power for 1CM-2.When the applicant goes to the MCB to operate1CM-2, he/she may verify the control power lighton.Ifso:The CONTROLPOWERON light is illuminated for 1CM-2.Verification of the light is not a critical task.OP-125, MODES1,2,3,or4,opening1CM-2willresultinenteringanLCOforTechSpec3.6.3.

OPEN HYDROGEN PURGE ISOLATION1CM-2SA.*Applicantshouldinformthe USCOofTS requirement.*PointsoutOPENpositionand simulatesopening1CM-2.
Standard: Directs AO to unlock and open 1CM-4 and 1CM- Evaluator Cue: The AO reports: 1CM-4 and 1CM-5 are unlocked and ope Comment:
OP-125, 5.3. Procedure Note: IF the "Containment H2 Purge Filter/System High liP" (ALB-028-7-2) alarm is received, THEN it should be investigated and appropriate action taken.

*Acknowledge report of TS requirement.
-'./ Performance Step: 6 START HYDROGEN PURGE EXHAUST FAN E- Standard: Points out the START position and simulates placing the E-4 Switch to STAR Evaluator Cue: * E-4 indicating lights have gone from GREEN to RE * ALB-028-7-2 is clear Comment:
HARRIS08 NRC JPM e Revision 0  NUREG 1021, Revision 9

*1CM-2'indicating lights has gone from GREEN to RED.HARRIS08NRCJPMe Revision 0 NUREG1021,Revision9 Appendix CPage6of9 PERFORMANCE INFORMATIONFormES-C-1 Performance Step: 5 Standard: Evaluator Cue: Comment: Procedure Note:-'./Performance Step: 6 Standard: Evaluator Cue: Comment:OP-125, Locally, UNLOCKandOPENthefollowing:a.1CM-4H2PurgeExhaustCIV(Outside Containment).b.1CM-5H2PurgeMakeupCIV(Outside Containment).DirectsAOtounlockandopen1CM-4and1CM-5.TheAO reports:1CM-4and1CM-5are unlockedandopen.OP-125,"ContainmentH2Purge Filter/System High liP"7-2)alarmisreceived,THENitshouldbe investigated and appropriateactiontaken.
Appendix C  Page 7 of 9  Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION OP-125, 5.3. Performance Step: 7 VERIFY the following dampers indicate open on SLB-7:
a. Window 1-1, H2 Purge CM-B1 b. Window 2-1, Fan E4 CM-B2 c. Window 3-1, H2 Purge CM-B3 Standard: At SLB-7, verifies each of the following are RED:
  * Window 1-1, H2 Purge CM-B 1
  * Window 2-1, Fan E4 CM-B2
  * Window 3-1, H2 Purge CM-B3 Evaluator Cue: As each is checked:
  * Window 1-1, H2 Purge CM-B1, is RED
  * Window 2-1, Fan E4 CM-B2, is RED
  * Window 3-1, H2 Purge CM-B3, is RED Comment:
Terminating Cue: After the damper positions are verified: Evaluation on this JPM is complete.

START HYDROGEN PURGE EXHAUSTFANE-4.Pointsoutthe STARTpositionand simulatesplacingtheE-4SwitchtoSTART.*E-4 indicating lights have gone fromGREENtoRED.
HARRIS08 NRC JPM e Revision 0  NUREG 1021, Revision 9

*ALB-028-7-2 is clear HARRIS08NRCJPMeRevision0NUREG1021,Revision9 Appendix CPage7of9 PERFORMANCE INFORMATIONFormES-C-1 Performance Step: 7 Standard: Evaluator Cue: Comment: Terminating Cue:STOPTIME:OP-125, VERIFYthefollowing dampersindicateopenonSLB-7:
Appendix C  Page 8 of 9  Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Job Performance Measure No.: 2008 NRC JPM e Examinee's Name:
a.Window1-1,H2PurgeCM-B1 b.Window2-1,FanE4CM-B2 c.Window3-1,H2PurgeCM-B3AtSLB-7,verifieseachofthefollowingareRED:
Date Performed:
Facility Evaluator:
Number of Attempts:
*Window3-1,H2PurgeCM-B3Aseachis checked:*Window1-1,H2 PurgeCM-B1,isRED
Time to Complete:
*Window3-1,H2 PurgeCM-B3,isRED After the damper positions are verified: Evaluation on thisJPMis complete.HARRIS08NRCJPMeRevision0NUREG1021,Revision9 Appendix CPage8of9 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETIONFormES-C-1 Job Performance MeasureNo.:2008NRCJPMe Examinee's Name:DatePerformed:FacilityEvaluator:
Question Documentation:
Question Documentation:
Question: Response: Result: Examiner's Signature:
INITIATING CUE:*AlargebreakLOCAhasoccurred.
Result: SAT UNSAT Examiner's Signature:   Date:
HARRIS08 NRC JPM e Revision 0  NUREG 1021, Revision 9
Appendix C  Page 9 of 9  Form ES-C-1 JPM CUE SHEET INITIAL CONDITIONS: * A large break LOCA has occurre * Hydrogen Recombiner problems have resulted in a Containment Hydrogen concentration> 4%.
  * The USCO has directed that the Hydrogen Purge System be placed in operation in accordance with OP-125, POST ACCIDENT HYDROGEN SYSTE * The Hydrogen Purge System is aligned in accordance with OP-125, Attachments 4 and * A release permit has been approve * The Containment is at atmospheric pressure
  * An AO is standing by to operate local valves INITIATING CUE: Simulate placing the Hydrogen Purge System in operation in accordance with OP-125. DO NOT OPERATE ANY EQUIPMENT. Discuss indications that you would expect to see as a result of the simulated operations. Time compression will be used to report field operations and/or indications.

*Hydrogen Recombiner problemshaveresultedina Containment Hydrogen concentration>
HARRIS08 NRC JPM e Revision 0  NUREG 1021, Revision 9
4%.*TheUSCOhasdirectedthatthe HydrogenPurgeSystembeplacedinoperationin accordancewithOP-125,POST ACCIDENT HYDROGEN SYSTEM.*The HydrogenPurgeSystemisalignedin accordance with OP-125, Attachments4and5.*Areleasepermithasbeenapproved.

*The Containmentisat atmospheric pressure*AnAOisstandingbyto operatelocalvalvesSimulateplacingtheHydrogenPurgeSysteminoperationin accordancewithOP-125.DONOT OPERATE ANY EQUIPMENT.
AppendixC  Job Performance Measure  Form ES-C-1 Worksheet
. Facility:  HARRIS  Task No.:
Task Title:*  Transfer an Emergency Bus to an  JPM. No.: 2008 NRC f EDG due to a .deqraded grid
  *condition (AOP-028, Attachment 2)
KIA* Reference: 062 A4.01 (3.3/3.1)  AL TE-RNATE PATH Examinee:    NRC Examiner:
Facility Evaluator:    .Date.:
Method of testing:*
*Simulated Performance:    Actual Performance: X Classroom -"-------
Sirrurlator--.". '.... X Plant READ TO THE EXAMINEE I wi I.!. explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating
.cues. When youcomplete the task successfully; the objective for this Job Performance .
Measure will be.: satisfied,    .
Initial Conditions: " * The unit is at 100%. power
  * The failure of a major line.resulted in the cascading trip of several units on the grid. "
  * Grid frequency is below normal. and the crewhas entered AOP-028.,
GRID INSTABILITY, and has completed Step 9 ~*Check for-
  " indications ofa load rejection. - _..- .
Task Standard:  EDG "8'" supplying. 1B-S8 Bus" and the Load Sequencerreset Required Materials: None General References: AOP-028, GRID INSTABIL~ty
" Handout:  Use Simulator copy. of AOP-028 and' ensure it is cleaned after each use
  .orprovide Q paper cop ..  .
Initiating Cue:  Observe the CAUTIO.N prior to AOP-0*28, Step 1O,and then perform the proceduresteps, Tin,-e Critical. Task: NO HARRIS08 NRC JPM fRevision 0    .NUR*EG 1021, Revision 9

Discuss indicationsthatyouwouldexpecttoseeasaresultofthesimulatedoperations.Time compressionwillbeusedtoreportfield operations and/or indications.
AppendixC  Job Performa.nce Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Validation Time: 9 minutes .
*HARRIS08 NRC JPM f Revision 0  NUREG 10'21, Revision 9

HARRIS08NRCJPMeRevision0NUREG1021,Revision9 AppendixC.Facility: HARRIS Job Performance Measure Worksheet Task No.:FormES-C-1 Task Title:*Transfer an EmergencyBustoanJPM.No.:
Appendix C  Job PerfotmanceMeasure  Form ES.;.C-1 Workshe:et SIMULATOR SETUP
2008 NRC f EDGduetoa.deqraded grid*condition (AOP-028, Attachment 2)KIA*Reference:062A4.01 (3.3/3.1)AL TE-RNATE PATH Examinee: Facility Evaluator:
,lC'-19 Bring,up'ERFIS DisplaYofAOP~028',.Attach.ment 1 parameters MALFUNCTIONS:
Method of testing:**Simulated Performance:
* PPI08 (59.2 'HZ)
Classroom NRC Examiner:.Date.: Actual Performance:
,  '
* 'ZDSQ?2ATB ~ ,FAIL_ASIS (LoadBlock g'tv1anual Loading Permissive fatlure)
-.".'....X Plant-"-------XREADTOTHE EXAMINEEIwi I.!.explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating.cues.When youcomplete the task successfully; the objective for this Job Performance
HARRlsoa' N'RC JPM fRevision 0,   NUREG 1021, 'Revision 9
.Measure will be.: satisfied,...Initial Conditions:
"*The unit isat100%.power*The failure of a major line.resultedinthe cascading trip of several unitsonthegrid."*Grid frequency is below normal.and the crewhas entered AOP-028., GRID INSTABILITY, and has completed Step 9 for-" indications ofaloadrejection.-_
..-.Task Standard: EDG"8'" supplying.

1 B-S8 Bus" and the Load Sequencerreset Required Materials:
Appendi Paqe 4 of 10  ; Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INF'ORMATION (Denote Critical Steps with a check mark)
None General References:
AOP-028, Step 10 Performance Step: l ' CAUTION*
" Handout: Initiating Cue: Tin,-eCritical.Task:
  * W'ith off-site voltaqe .or system frequency unstable, EDGs must * paralleled 'w-ith off site power since severe .
Use Simulator copy.of AOP-028 and'ensure it is cleaned after each use.orprovide Q papercopy....ObservetheCAUTIO.N priortoAOP-0*28, Step 1 O,and then perform the proceduresteps, NO HARRIS08 NRC JPM fRevision 0.NUR*EG1021, Revision 9 AppendixC Validation Time: 9 minutes.Job Performa.nce Measure Worksheet Form ES-C-1*HARRIS08 NRC JPM f Revision 0 NUREG 10'21, Revision 9 Appendix C ,lC'-19 Job PerfotmanceMeasure Workshe:et SIMULATOR SETUP Form ES.;.C-1 Bring,up'ERFIS Attach.ment 1 parameters MALFUNCTIONS:
load swinqs may occur and overload the' EDGs*.
*PPI08 (59.2'HZ),'*'ZDSQ?2ATB,FAIL_ASIS (LoadBlock g'tv1anual Loading Permissive fatlure)HARRlsoa'N'RC JPM fRevision 0, NUREG 1021,'Revision 9 Appendix.C Paqe4of10 PERFORMANCE INF'ORMATION
  * . -,Loss **of .Service Water flow to an EDG requires the
;Form ES-C-1 (Denote Critical Steps with a check mark)START TIME: AOP-028, Step 10 Performance Step: l'CAUTION**W'ith off-site voltaqe.or system frequency unstable, EDGs must* paralleled
  .affe.ctedEDG be .stopped:
'w-ith off site power since severe.load swinqs may occur and overloadthe'EDGs*.*.-, Loss**of.Service Water flow to an EDG requires the.affe.ctedEDG be.stopped: Standard: Comment;'Reads/acknowleoqes_Step 10-, Performance Step;2'.C'HEC'K ANY EDG operatingparalleled to theGrid..Standard: Comment: HARRI'S08NRCJPM f Revision 0-*Verifies" no't=DG running'and answers-No
Standard: Reads/acknowleoqes Comment;'
.*'GO'TO'Step 1."2 NUREG 1021, Revision 9 Appendix CPa'ge5 of 1*0 PERFORMANCE I NFORfylATI.ON Form ES-C-1 Performance 3 Standard':
  *.A*OP~028,_Step 10
Comment:.,'...Performance Ste:p: 4'"..Standard:..*Col11*ri1*ent:*
-,P erformance Step; 2 '. C'HEC'K ANY EDG operatingparalleled to the Grid. .
.'.....'.'.'..:".Performance-Step:AOP-028, Step 12 CHECK ALLofthe'following parameters WIT*HINthe limits of the indicated ranqe: 6.9 kV Emerqency Buses-6'550': to'7250*volts:*'EI-6956A1SA, EMERBUS*.A VOLTS'**EI-69.56*B1 SB,..EMERBU:S B VOLTS*..*Frequency-.59.5 to*50..S Hz DeterminesFrequency outsideof ranqe and proceedsto RNO.
Standard: * Verifies" no 't=DG running 'and answers-No .
  * 'GO' TO'Step 1."2 Comment:
HARRI'S08 NRC JPM f Revision 0-   NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Step 12i'.**'.E*NE:R*GIZE theErnerqency Buseswiththe associatedEfxs per Attachment 2.ProceedstoAttachment2.........
Appendix C    Pa'ge 5 of 1*0  Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORfylATI.ON AOP-028, Step 12 Performance *~tep: 3 CHECK ALL of the' following parameters WIT*HINthe limits of the indicated ranqe:
6.9 kV Emerqency Buses - 6'550': to '7250* volts:
Step 1..........D:ETE*RM.I N"E which Emerqency'Bus is'supplyinq.power to..the operatinq..C:SIP..Verifies csu-"A" running-*Su.s HARRISO*8.NRC JPM*f RevisionO.NU'REG 1021, Revision 9  
    * 'EI-6956A1 SA, EMER BUS* .A VOLTS'
.Appendix C Page 6.of to PERFORMANCE INFORMATI.ONFormES-C-1 Performance*
    * *EI-69.56*B1 SB,..EMERBU:S
Step: 6 Standard:.:..".".'...Comment;AOP-028,Atta.chment2-Step2'N.OTE*MDAFWFCVswill get an auto open signal (unless an AFWisolationsignal is.present)*when eitherbreaker 1*05 or 1*25 opens.*Onalossof power toanemerqency bus the associated.steam supply valve totheTurblneDrivenAftwPurnp wiUopen'..*.Thisstep'willcauseCVIS isolation and render'both Containment Vacuum.Reliefs'inoperable (Tech-Spec
    . .
.*Maytnformthe U*SCO.Acknowledge.any report.AO.P-028, Attachrnentz>-Step2.r*vPerformanceStep:
    * Frequency -.59.5 to*50..S Hz Standard':  DeterminesFrequency outsideof ranqe and proceedsto RN Comment:
7...OPENthesupplybreakerto the ErnerqencyBus NOT supplying power totheoperatingCSIP;.*...*'.Emerqency:BuS Aux..:B.LiS*DTie Breaker t05..*EmerqencyBus Aux BusE Tie Breaker 12!?SB Standatd:..Comment:."'.."....Opens Emergency Bus to AuxBus E Tie Breaker.125 S8..Critical to start.EDG.*without IO'sing chatging**
  . , ' . .
.HARRfS.OS:*NRCJPM fRevision.
  *AO*P*-028~* Step 12 ~N i '. * *
.Performance Ste:p: 4'" '. E*NE:R*GIZE theErnerqency Buseswiththe associatedEfxs per Attachment . . Standard:  ProceedstoAttachment .  .
    .  .
    . . . .
. ' ..... ' . ' .'. .:"
  .. AOP~028. Attachrnentz>- Step 1 .. . . ...
. Performance-Step: ~ ... D:ETE*RM.I N"E which Emerqency 'Bus is' supplyinq .power to.. the operatinq ..C:SI Verifies csu- "A" running -*Su.s .1A~SA.*
HARRISO*8.NRC JPM*f RevisionO . NU'REG 1021, Revision 9

0 NUREG 1021, Revision 9 Appendix C.Page 7" of1 0 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Standard.C*omin:ent:*
.Appendix C   Page 6. of to  Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATI.ON AOP-028,Atta.chment2 - Step 2'
.*AOP*-028, Attachment" 2*VERI.FYthe associated EDG" STARTS AND ENERGIZE'Sthe'.assoclated Emergency Bus.*Verifie*s*.EDG*"B" start (Speed,Vo'ltage;Frequency)
Performance* Step: 6 N.OTE
*VerifiesBreaker 126 closed'..'.:......:.' Attachment
  * MDAFW FCVs will get an auto open signal (unless an AFW isolation signal is .present)*when eitherbreaker 1*05 or 1*25 open * Ona loss of power toanemerqency bus the associated
?'-Step*4'".Performance Step: 9.'.VERIFY proper load sequenclnqfortheEmerqency.Bus being..ENERGIZE;Dper Post-Trip/Safequards Review, Attachmenttz.
  .steam supply valve totheTurblneDrivenAftwPurnp wiU open'..
  *. This step' will cause CVIS isolation and render' both Containment Vacuum. Reliefs' inoperable (Tech-Spec 3.0~3).  .
Standard:  * Reads/acknowledqes
  .* Maytnformthe U*SCO
  .Acknowledge .any repor . : . . ". ".'
. .
. Comment; AO.P-028, Attachrnentz>- Step 2 . r
*vPerformanceStep: 7 .. . OPENthesupplybreakerto the ErnerqencyBus NOT supplying power totheoperating CSIP; . * .  . .
  * '. Emerqency :BuS .A~SA**to Aux..:B.LiS* D Tie Breaker t05
    .   .
  * EmerqencyBus B-S:B.~to Aux BusE Tie Breaker 12!? SB
  . "  ' .  ." . .
Standatd: ..O pens Emergency Bus B~S.B to AuxBus E Tie Breaker .125 S . . Comment: Critical to start.EDG.*without IO'sing chatging**.
HARRfS.OS:* NRC JPM fRevision. 0    NUREG 1021, Revision 9

.'.'.'.Evaluator Cuet.Comment:.,'............'...Locates..
Appendix C    .Page 7" of1 0  Form"ES~C-t PERFORMANCE INFORMATION
-1.2....'..": '.."........AfterOIVlIVI L004;Attachment12 is located: Another operator , will" perform.. Attachment 1:2.....".:...AOP':028, Attachment 2-Step 5...*P**etform*ance**Slep.:'10*:CH E.CK the'following'
  *AOP*-028, Attachment" 2* ~*.StE3.p~*3*
for theEmergency.
VERI.FY the associated EDG" STARTS AND ENERGIZE'S the' .
assoclated Emergency Bu Standar * Verifie*s*.EDG*"B" start (Speed,Vo'ltage;Frequency)
    * VerifiesBreaker 126 closed C*omin:ent:* .
      ' . ~
.' .: ..... .: .' AOP~028, Attachment  ?'- Step* 4'"  .
Performance Step: 9 .' .VERIFY proper load sequenclnqfortheEmerqency.Bus being
  . .ENERGIZE;Dper 'O:MM~bo4~ Post-Trip/Safequards Review, Attachmentt . '.'  .
  , ' . .   . . .
    .   .
  . . .. . ' . . .
Locates..OM:*M~OQ4.:,Attach*ment -1.2 .... '
  . .": '. . ". .   . . .
'. Evaluator Cue . . AfterOIVlIVIL004;Attachment12 is located: Another operator
  ,will" perform.. OM*M~004, Attachment 1: .
Comment: .
    . . . " . : .
      . .
AOP':028, Attachment 2- Step 5 .   .
.*P**etform*ance**Slep.:'10* : CH E.CK the 'following'for the Emergency .Bus bein ENERGIZED.:
    .  ' . ' .
  .:.* B..Se.qu:en:cer Load Blocks *AlJTO ACT COMP~.ETE MAN'
LOAD. *P*E.RM ITTE.DJ~9*ht is*.~I: * .Observes the Load Sequencer. progress ontheElxs
    .. pane .
    . : '.  .
    .  .
  . *. Determines "B" Sequencer:Load Block 9 'AUT'O ACT
    :"C()MPLE'TE" MAN* LO*AD*P*ERMITTEDlighf is NO.*T *LI* .Comment:
HARRIS08NRC JP*M*f RevisionO .     NUREG1021, Revision 9

Bus being.ENERGIZED.:
AppendixC      Page 8 of 10 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION AOP~02.8,. Attachment 2 ~ Step 5.*RNO
.'.'..:.*B..Se.qu:en:cer Load Blocks*AlJTO ACT MAN'LOAD.*P*E.RM
  . .  .
*.Observes the Load Sequencer.
Performance St~p: 11  P*LACE. the applicable Emer Load Sequencer Manual Loading'
    . switches to PERM AND. CHE*CKthe followinq:
    * Load **S.*equencer -.8*'MAN' PERM 'Iight is LIT
.  .
-. Standard:    *. P.LACES,*.the u'S"":Emer'L'o'ad Sequencer Manual Loadinq switch
    . . ....
to *PERM~**
      . .. . .
    * .. Verifies B MAN PERM Hghtis li "'. . . . . . ' .    .' . . .
., ': -'. .' .' . .' ~  .  .' .
'.. Evaluator Note: .'  **"fhereiSa1S()seCOnds time delay (from inltiatlonjbefore ..
    :MAN*UAL: Reset. lspermlttedby.theclrcult..* I.'f-th.e applicant
    .... attemptsa RE$E'T'''befbre that times out then' *:the*y.**sho*uld: . .
    :alI6w***.:s*ori1e:~addltiona.t-time 'and re-attempt.. If theycannot
    .accomplish .reset.wlthouta prorrrptor cuethenthat .
    . .constltutesfalture ofthls critical-ste ....
    .  ' , .: ": . . . . ..' . .
    : ', '. ..... . . : .'. '., ." '. . ' . ' '..:: ' . '
.  .
    .  . .  " .
. .TermlnatlnqOue: .  ". Afterthe B::r\;II*AN:*.PE*RM light is "litt Evaluation on.thls JPM is .
    . ..complete. .  ....  . ' ..  .
,....  .: .:.
HARRrS08'':NR'C J.PM f RevisionO      NU'REG 102,1', Revision 9

progress ontheElxs..panel...: '.....*.Determines"B" Sequencer: Load Block9'AUT'O ACT:"C()MPLE'TE" MAN*LO*AD*P*ERMITTEDlighf is NO.*T*LI*T...Comment: HARRIS08NRC JP*M*f RevisionO.NUREG1021, Revision 9 AppendixCPage8 of 10 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION
'Appendix 'C'   Page 90f10  Form ES-C'-1 VERIFICATIONOF,COM,PLETION
...Performance 11..-.Standard: "'.....,':-'..'.'..''..Evaluator Note:.'
. . ". . . ' .
, Job, Performance Measure No.:  2,008 NRC JPM f Exarninee's Name:
Date Performed; FacilltyEvaluator:
".Attachment2Step 5.*RNO P*LACE.theapplicableEmerLoad SequencerManualLoading'
'Number of Attempts:
.switches to PERM AND.CHE*CKthe followinq:*Load**S.*equencer
Timeto :,Co'rn'pl~te:,
-.8*'MAN'PERM'Iight is LIT*.P.LACES,*.the u'S"":Emer'L'o'ad SequencerManualLoadinq switch to
  .. ' . .
............*..Verifies B MAN PERM Hghtis lit...'..'.....'.**"fhereiSa1S()seCOnds time delay (from inltiatlonjbefore
..:MAN*UAL: Reset.lspermlttedby.theclrcult
. . ' .".
..*I.'f-th.e applicant....attemptsa RE$E'T'''befbre that times out then'*:the*y.**sho*uld:..
. ' ". '0" ".".
'and re-attempt
'Qu:es:fion Docume,ntation:' '
..If theycannot
.accomplish.reset.wlthouta prorrrptor cuethenthat
,Respon:se::,' "
....constltutesfalture ofthls critical-step.
    , , '\ " ' .
I, Result; '   SAT UN$AT Examiner's :Sign~turE3: '   Date:
'HARRI,S:08' N'RC"JPrvlf Revlsion 0    NUREG, '102'1 .Revision 9

.....',.: ":......'..: ','........:.'.'.,."'..'.''..:: '.'...".".Afterthe B::r\;II*AN:*.PE*RM light is"litt Evaluation on.thls JPMis....complete.......'...HARRrS08'':NR'C J.PM f RevisionO NU'REG 102,1', Revision 9
    '. Page 10 of 10" Form ES-C~1 JPM CU"E: *SHEET
*INITIAL*CO*N*DITIO*NS:* . * Theunitisat r.oo*%*power
.."...'., Job,PerformanceMeasureNo.:
    . .
2,008NRCJPM f Exarninee's Name: Date Performed; FacilltyEvaluator:
  * . Thefailure of.a major line resulted in the cascadinq trip of several" unitsonthe grid
'Number of Attempts: Timeto..'.., ,..'."..'".'0" 0.".".'Qu:es:fion Docume,ntation:'
  *.. Gridfrequency-isbelow normal.and the crew has entered
  . AOP~028,:.~RID I~STABILIT.Y, and has completed Step 9 -
, Respon:se::,'
Check.for indications o.f:a.-Ioad*rejection*",- ~ .
"\, I,Result;', ,'\"'.SAT UN$AT Examiner's
  . -
  ' . "., .
    . . .
N'RC"JPrvlf Revlsion 0 NUREG,'102'1.Revision 9
. IN*ITJATINGCU*E>.. . Observe the CAUTION prior to AOP~028,. Step .10, and then
'.Page10 of 10" JPM CU"E:*SHEET Form
  . .perform th*e**pto~ed*uresteps.~* ..
*HARRIS08* NRC.JPM f Revision 0   'NUREG'1021, Revision 9
..*Theunitisat r.oo*%*power
..*.Thefailure of.a major line resultedinthe cascadinq trip of several" unitsonthe grid*..Gridfrequency-isbelow normal.andthecrew has entered. and has completed Step 9Check.for indications o.f:a.-Ioad*rejection*",-..-'.".,.....Observe the CAUTION prior to Step.10,and then..perform
NRC.JPM f Revision 0'NUREG'1021, Revision 9 Appendix C Facility: HARRISJobPerformanceMeasure WorksheetTaskNo.:FormES-C-1TaskTitle:RespondtoaFuelHandlingJPMNo.:2008NRC9BuildingRMSalarm(AOP-005,OP-170)KIAReference:APE061AA4.01(3.6/3.6)
ALTERNATE PATH Examinee:FacilityEvaluator:Methodoftesting:SimulatedPerformance:
ClassroomREADTOTHE EXAMINEE SimulatorNRCExaminer:
X Plant xIwillexplaintheinitialconditions,whichstepstosimulateordiscuss,andprovideinitiatingcues.Whenyoucompletethetasksuccessfully,theobjectiveforthisJob PerformanceMeasurewillbesatisfied.InitialConditions:*100%power*All majorcontrollersareinAUTOandno equipmentismisalignedTaskStandard:FHBEvacuatedandFHBVproperlyaligned.RequiredMaterials:NoneGeneralReferences:AOP-005,RADIATION MONITORING SYSTEMOP-170,FUELHANDLINGBUILDINGHVAC Handout:InitiatingCue:TimeCriticalTask:ValidationTime:
Use Simulatorcopyof AOP-005/0P-170andensureeachiscleanedaftereachuseorprovidepapercopies.Maintaincurrentconditions.

NO14minutesHARRIS08NRCJPMgRevision1NUREG1021,Revision9 Appendix C*IC-19 Job Performance Measure Worksheet SIMULATOR SETUPFormES-C-1*MALFtopreventstartofTrain"A" FHBV ExhaustFanE-12start*5 secondsafterthe applicant assumesthewatch,MALFtoactuateTrain"A"FHBArea Monitor alarm HARRIS08NRCJPM9Revision1NUREG1021,Revision9 Appendix CPage3of11 PERFORMANCE INFORMATIONFormES-C-1 (Denote Critical Steps with a check mark)STARTTIME:
Appendix C   Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Facility:  HARRIS  Task No.:
Performance Step: 1 Standard: Comment: Performance Step: 2 Standard: Evaluator Note: Comment:Respondstoalarm.EntersAOP-005.
Task Title: Respond to a Fuel Handling  JPM No.: 2008 NRC 9 Building RMS alarm (AOP-005, OP-170)
KIA Reference: APE061 AA4.01 (3.6/3.6) ALTERNATE PATH Examinee:    NRC Examiner:
Facility Evaluator:   Date:
Method of testing:
Simulated Performance:   Actual Performance: x Classroom  Simulator X Plant READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.

AOP-005,Step1 CHECKradiationlevelsNOTinHIGHALARM:*AreaRadiation MonitorsChecksRM-11Panel and/orindication,answersNOand proceedstoRNOcolumn.
Initial Conditions: * 100% power
  * All major controllers are in AUTO and no equipment is misaligned Task Standard: FHB Evacuated and FHBV properly aligned.

The applicant may startFHBHVAC ExhaustFanE-12atany time after the alarm is confirmed in accordance with management expectations for operator action on interlock failures.HARRIS08NRCJPMgRevision1NUREG1021,Revision9 Appendix CPage4of11 PERFORMANCE INFORMATIONFormES-C-1-v Performance Step: 3 Standard: Comment: Performance Step: 4 Standard: Evaluator Cue: Comment: AOP-005,Step1RNOIfRadiationMonitorsareinHIGHALARMthen:*Soundthelocal evacuationalarmand evacuatethearea*Repeatthe announcement*Soundslocal evacuation alarm, announces HIGHRadiationalarminFHB,andforall personneltoevacuatetheFHB.*Repeatsthe announcement.
Required Materials: None General References: AOP-005, RADIATION MONITORING SYSTEM OP-170, FUEL HANDLING BUILDING HVAC Handout: Use Simulator copy of AOP-005/0P-170 and ensure each is cleaned after each use or provide paper copies.

Critical to announce evacuate the specified area because the control room does not know if personnelareintheFHB.
Initiating Cue: Maintain current conditions.

AOP-005,Step1RNONOTE:Higharearadiationlevelsmayrequireinitiationofthe Emergency Plan.*REFERTOPEP-110, Emergency Classification and Protective Action Recommendations,andentrypointXforEALnetwork.
Time Critical Task: NO Validation Time: 14 minutes HARRIS08 NRC JPM g Revision 1    NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Notifies USCO/SSO Acknowledge any report.HARRIS08NRCJPMgRevision1NUREG1021,Revision9 Appendix CPage5of11 PERFORMANCE INFORMATIONFormES-C-1 Performance Step: 5 Standard: Booth Operator Cue: Comment: Performance Step: 6 Standard: Comment: Performance Step: 7 Standard: Comment:AOP-005,Step2 NOTIFYHealthPhysicstoperformthefollowing:
Appendix C  Job Performance Measure  Form ES-C-1 Worksheet SIMULATOR SETUP
*EVALUATEANYalarmreceivedusingHPP-780, Radiation Monitoring Systems Operator's Manual.*IFnecessary,THEN SURVEYtheaffectedarea.ContactsHealthPhysics.
* IC-19
* MALF to prevent start of Train "A" FHBV Exhaust Fan E-12 start
* 5 seconds after the applicant assumes the watch, MALF to actuate Train "A" FHB Area Monitor alarm HARRIS08 NRC JPM 9 Revision 1  NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Acknowledge report and direction.AOP-005,Step3 CHECKALLStack MonitorradiationlevelsNOTinALARM.ChecksRM-11PanelandanswersYES.
Appendix C  Page 3 of 11  Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION (Denote Critical Steps with a check mark)
Performance Step: 1 Responds to alar Standard:  Enters AOP-00 Comment:
AOP-005, Step 1 Performance Step: 2 CHECK radiation levels NOT in HIGH ALARM:
  * Area Radiation Monitors Standard:  Checks RM-11 Panel and/or indication, answers NO and proceeds to RNO colum Evaluator Note: The applicant may start FHB HVAC Exhaust Fan E-12 at any time after the alarm is confirmed in accordance with management expectations for operator action on interlock failure Comment:
HARRIS08 NRC JPM g Revision 1  NUREG 1021, Revision 9

AOP-005,Step4 CHECKALLProcess MonitorsNOTinALARM.ChecksRM-11PanelandanswersYES.
Appendix C  Page 4 of 11  Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION AOP-005, Step 1 RNO-v Performance Step: 3 If Radiation Monitors are in HIGH ALARM then:
  * Sound the local evacuation alarm and evacuate the area
  * Repeat the announcement Standard:  * Sounds local evacuation alarm, announces HIGH Radiation alarm in FHB, and for all personnel to evacuate the FH * Repeats the announcemen Comment: Critical to announce evacuate the specified area because the control room does not know if personnel are in the FH AOP-005, Step 1 RNO Performance Step: 4 NOTE: High area radiation levels may require initiation of the Emergency Pla * REFER TO PEP-11 0, Emergency Classification and Protective Action Recommendations, and entry point X for EAL networ Standard: Notifies USCO/SSO Evaluator Cue: Acknowledge any repor Comment:
HARRIS08 NRC JPM g Revision 1  NUREG 1021, Revision 9

HARRIS08NRCJPMgRevision1NUREG1021,Revision9 Appendix C Performance Step: 8 Standard: Evaluator Cue: Comment:Page6of11 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION AOP-005,Step5REFERTOthefollowing:*TechSpecSection3.3.3.1*TechSpecSection3.3.3.6InformsUSCO.
Appendix C Page 5 of 11  Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION AOP-005, Step 2 Performance Step: 5 NOTIFY Health Physics to perform the following:
  * EVALUATE ANY alarm received using HPP-780, Radiation Monitoring Systems Operator's Manua * IF necessary, THEN SURVEY the affected are Standard: Contacts Health Physic Booth Operator Cue: Acknowledge report and directio Comment:
AOP-005, Step 3 Performance Step: 6 CHECK ALL Stack Monitor radiation levels NOT in ALAR Standard: Checks RM-11 Panel and answers YE Comment:
AOP-005, Step 4 Performance Step: 7 CHECK ALL Process Monitors NOT in ALAR Standard: Checks RM-11 Panel and answers YE Comment:
HARRIS08 NRC JPM g Revision 1   NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Acknowledge report.FormES-C-1 Performance Step: 9 Standard: Comment: AOP-005,Step6REFERTOtheapplicable attachmentbasedontheaffectedareaorsystemmonitors:
Appendix C  Page 6 of 11  Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION AOP-005, Step 5 Performance Step: 8 REFER TO the following:
Proceeds to Attachment2-FHBMonitors.
  * Tech Spec Section 3.3. * Tech Spec Section 3.3. Standard: Informs USC Evaluator Cue: Acknowledge repor Comment:
AOP-005, Step 6 Performance Step: 9 REFER TO the applicable attachment based on the affected area or system monitors:
Standard: Proceeds to Attachment 2 - FHB Monitor Comment:
AOP-005, Attachment 2, Step 1 Performance Step: 10 IF fuel handling is in progress, THEN GO TO the following, as necessary:
  * AOP-013, Fuel Handling Accident
  * AOP-031, Loss of Refueling Cavity Integrity Standard: N/A - no reports of Fuel Handling in Initial Condition Comment:
HARRIS08 NRC JPM g Revision 1  NUREG 1021, Revision 9

AOP-005, Attachment2,Step1 Performance Step: 10IFfuelhandlingisinprogress,THENGOTOthefollowing,as necessary:
Appendix C  Page 7 of 11  Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION AOP-005, Attachment 2, Step 2 Performance Step: 11 IF Any FHB Spent Fuel Pool Area monitor is in HIGH ALARM, THEN VERIFY proper FHB Emergency Exhaust alignment using OP-170, Fuel Handling Building HVAC (Section 8.1, Auto Start of Emergency Exhaust System).
*AOP-013,FuelHandling Accident*AOP-031,LossofRefuelingCavity Integrity Standard: Comment:N/A-noreportsofFuelHandlinginInitialConditions.

HARRIS08NRCJPMgRevision1NUREG1021,Revision9 Appendix CPage7of11 PERFORMANCE INFORMATIONFormES-C-1 AOP-005, Attachment2,Step2 Performance Step: 11IFAnyFHBSpentFuelPoolArea monitorisinHIGHALARM, THEN VERIFYproperFHB Emergency Exhaust alignment usingOP-170,FuelHandlingBuildingHVAC(Section8.1,AutoStartof EmergencyExhaustSystem).
Standard: Proceeds to OP-170, Section Comment:
  -OP-170, 8. Performance Step: 12 Initial Condition:
  * High radiation signal (100 mr/hr) received from the SFP Area Rad. Monitors (1 out of 12 coincidence on either train).

Standard:ProceedstoOP-170,Section8.1 Comment:-OP-170,8.1.1 Performance Step: 12InitialCondition:*Highradiationsignal(100mr/hr)receivedfromtheSFPArea Rad.Monitors(1outof12 coincidence on either train).Standard: Comment: IndicatesInitialConditionismet.OP-170,8.1.1 Performance Step:13*NOTE:HighradiationlevelsonRad MonitorTrainA(B)will automatically start EMERGENCY EXHAUSTFANE-12 SA (EMERGENCY EXHAUSTFANE-131-4X-SB).*NOTE:HighradiationlevelsonRad MonitorTrainAorBintheFHBwillsecureandisolatenormal ventilation.
Standard: Indicates Initial Condition is me Comment:
OP-170, 8. Performance Step: 13 * NOTE: High radiation levels on Rad Monitor Train A (B) will automatically start EMERGENCY EXHAUST FAN E-12 1-4X-SA (EMERGENCY EXHAUST FAN E-13 1-4X-SB).

Standard: Evaluator Note: Comment: Reads/acknowledges.
* NOTE: High radiation levels on Rad Monitor Train A or B in the FHB will secure and isolate normal ventilatio Standard: Reads/acknowledge Evaluator Note: The applicant may start E-12 at this tim Comment:
HARRIS08 NRC JPM g Revision 1  NUREG 1021, Revision 9

The applicant may startE-12at this time.HARRIS08NRCJPMgRevision1NUREG1021,Revision9 Appendix CPage8of11 PERFORMANCE INFORMATIONFormES-C-1 OP-170, Performance Step:14*NOTE:E-84may require securingfromtheMCC breaker ifhighradiationlevelsexistatits'controlswitch.(E-84 STATUSCANBE CHECKED AT AEP-2 SLB-1 WINDOW4)*CAUTION:E-84needstobe secured upon receivingaFHB Ventilation IsolationSignalto prevent the potentialspreadof contamination throughtheFuel Handling Building.VerifyE-84is secured upon receiptofhigh radiationsignal 4B1021-5B).
Appendix C  Page 8 of 11  Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION OP-170, 8.1. Performance Step: 14 * NOTE: E-84 may require securing from the MCC breaker if high radiation levels exist at its' control switch. (E-84 STATUS CAN BE CHECKED AT AEP-2 SLB-1 WINDOW 9-4)
  * CAUTION: E-84 needs to be secured upon receiving a FHB Ventilation Isolation Signal to prevent the potential spread of contamination through the Fuel Handling Buildin Verify E-84 is secured upon receipt of high radiation signal (1-4B1021-5B).

Standard: Booth Operator Cue: Comment: ContactsAOto verifyE-84status.
Standard: Contacts AO to verify E-84 statu Booth Operator Cue: Acknowledge direction. Wait one minute and report E-84 is secure Comment:
HARRIS08 NRC JPM 9 Revision 1  NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Acknowledge direction.
Appendix C  Page 9 of 11  Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION OP-170, Performance Step: 15 * NOTE: If the FHB Radiation Monitor spikes << 2 mi duration), dampers may not actuate due to the short duration of the high radiation signal. If this occurs, the fan should not be considered inoperabl Verify the following dampers and fans have properly realigned as follows: If a Train A high radiation signal was received, at AEP-1:
  * LOADING AREA ISOL DAMPERS FL-D35SAlD37SA SHUT Standard: Starts E-12 (-V) and verifies dampers re-positio Comment: Critical to align fan to radiation alarm interlock positio D Terminating Cue: After E-12 is started and@tmper position is verified:
Evaluation on this JPM is complete.

Wait one minute and reportE-84is secured.HARRIS08NRCJPM9 Revision 1 NUREG1021,Revision9 Appendix CPage9of11 PERFORMANCE INFORMATIONFormES-C-1OP-170, Performance Step:15*NOTE:IftheFHBRadiation Monitor spikes<<2min.duration), dampersmaynotactuateduetotheshortdurationofthehighradiationsignal.Ifthisoccurs,thefanshouldnot be considered inoperable.Verifythefollowingdampersandfanshaveproperlyrealignedasfollows:IfaTrainAhighradiationsignalwasreceived,atAEP-1:
HARRIS08 NRC JPM g Revision 1   NUREG 1021, Revision 9
*LOADINGAREAISOL DAMPERS FL-D35SAlD37SA SHUT Standard: Comment: Terminating Cue:STOPTIME:StartsE-12 (-V)andverifiesdampersre-position.

Critical to alignfanto radiation alarm interlock position.D AfterE-12is started and@tmper position is verified: Evaluation on thisJPMis complete.HARRIS08NRCJPMgRevision1NUREG1021,Revision9 Appendix CPage10of11 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETIONFormES-C-1 Job Performance MeasureNo.:2008NRCJPM9 Examinee's Name:DatePerformed:FacilityEvaluator:
Appendix C  Page 10 of 11 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Job Performance Measure No.: 2008 NRC JPM 9 Examinee's Name:
Number of Attempts:Timeto Complete: Question Documentation:
Date Performed:
Question: Response: Result: Examiner's Signature:
Facility Evaluator:
Number of Attempts:
INITIATING CUE:*100&deg;A>power*All majorcontrollersarein AUTOandno equipment is misalignedMaintaincurrentconditions.
Time to Complete:
Question Documentation:
Result: SAT UNSAT Examiner's Signature:   Date:
HARRIS08 NRC JPM g Revision 1  NUREG 1021, Revision 9

HARRIS08NRCJPMgRevision1NUREG1021,Revision9 Appendix C Job Performance'
Appendix C Page 11 of 11  Form ES-C-1 JPM CUE SHEET INITIAL CONDITIONS: * 100&deg;A> power
Measure Worksheet.Form'ES-C-1 Facility: HARRIS...Alig*n:,:CCW, tosupport.Rl-R lnrtlatlon JPM.*:N*o*.:
  * All major controllers are in AUTO and no equipment is misaligned INITIATING CUE: Maintain current conditions.

.'..',..KIA Reference:
HARRIS08 NRC JPM g Revision 1   NUREG 1021, Revision 9
Evaluator: "Date: '..Method:-'ofte*sting:
Simulated Performance:
,.Simulator X.: ,.:...Plant'x".'...: '.,.',.'.'...,..".:.....,.','.'.READ TO THE EXAMINEE..."
:Wh.e.n you..cornplete.the task.: successfullythe Job Performance Measure..willbesatisfied....."...'...."...."*.'Theunitisln Mdde4 ,goin&#xa3;ltoMode 5.....'.......:-in service..*...',::CCW:.P,ump.,"A';
"..'..<...'.......>....Two cew PlImpsrunnil1gandthe required.CGW flow rate>established thrqugh.bothRHR,HeatExchClngers
, lriitlal Cortditions:
.-.Handout: ".'".'..'....'..*.'*OP.;.1*'4:5,.
Sections't-..O-4.0.'.'.*.: OP:';145.

signed off*..,
Appendix C      Job Performance' Measure  .Form' ES-C-1 Worksheet Facility:  HARRIS
        . .
..Inltlatinq.Cue: "....:.."..'..'..'..Al,ign*.:C.CW*
    .Alig*n:,:CCW, tosupport.Rl-R lnrtlatlon JPM.*:N*o*.:    .2008:' NR*C .*h '
to.supportRl-R accordance.with Q*P-145,**COM*PO*.NENT COOLIN'G
    . (OP*-*1.45.)  .'  ..'  ,
...AU'.are met.,'.HAR.R1SO,8*NRC jpM,.h*RevIsio*n 0'.NURE:G**t021.,Revision
.. KIA Reference:. 008 A4.0t(3~3/3.1') .....
        . ' . .
Examinee:*' ,      '. NRC* Examine . . Fa.cllit.y* Evaluator:      "Date:
  ' .  .
Method:-' ofte*sting:
Simulated Performance: . _'---.'~    . '. .... AcfuaIPerfQrmance:** x
  **:,d:la*ssrclo"': ,  .Simulator X.: ,.: . .Plant '
". ' .. .: '. ,.' , .' . ' ... ,.. ". : ....., . ','
." willexpll.:linthEriniti~lconditibnsiWhichsteps*to-simulateorqiscuss,andprovideinitiating
*cue,s~.* :Wh.e.n you.. cornplete.the task.: successfullythe obJe*ctiv~.:.for:thi.sJob Performance Measure.. willbesatisfied. .    . . . ".  .'  .
    . . ."...  . "
, lriitlal Cortditions:  * .' Theunitisln Mdde4,goin&#xa3;ltoMode 5 .....'.    .... . .
    : .:~i:~;~~r:i~sUa:~j~;~fc:laceboth;trainsOfRHR -in service .
    .* ...' ,::CCW:.P,ump.,"A'; *is*.::ru'nnihg
  . ' .
    "..'.    .< .. .'. ......>  . ..
. TaskStandard:  .Two cew PlImpsrunnil1gandthe required.CGW flow rate> established thrqugh.bothRHR,HeatExchClngers .      .
Required..Materials: '.' Non .  . ' .  ' . . .
GeneralReferences;  OP';145,COM~ON~NTGOOUNGv\fA"rE ". '" . ' .
      . ' .
    . .  .
. -. Handout:  '..*. ' *OP.;.1*'4:5,. Sections 't-..O- .'. '. * .: OP:';145. S~ction~&WithlnitiaIConditions signed off
    *. ., *O.P~14.5:; . Section*:* ". . . . : . .
    ". . '. . ' . . ' .
..Inltlatinq .Cue:  .Al,ign*.:C.CW* to. supportRl-R accordance.with Q*P-145,
    **COM*PO*.NENT COOLIN'G .WAT~R ... AU' Sectiorf*3.~.O.,.prere'quisite$ .are met.

AppendixC JobPerformanceMeasure
, '. HAR.R1SO,8*NRC jpM,.h*RevIsio*n 0'.       NURE:G**t021.,Revision 9
.Worksheet Form ES-C-1..N.UREG 102"1", Revisions Appendix'C.,'rC:*...1.6 Job Performance Measure, Worksheet'SIMlJ.LATOR S'ETU,P,FormES-C-1
, ,.'',Place LTOPS., in NORMAL arrdestablish feed with-AFW to preventdistractingalarms
*Start both ESW, Pumps"..-.'.,'.',"'lR"F''C:CW,073 5..,'.*." ,.-tR't=: CCW080:'O'
'....., ,'.'..*., ,',.",
'1'021, Revision'9 Appendix C4 of.12 PERF,ORMANCE I N:FORMA TION Form (Denote CtiticelSteps with<<check'mark)...Performance
:'Slep: 1>...'.'.....".-....'.''...*......'.....*.'.....EvaluatorCue:
.*.RevlewsSections.t.O'throuqh 4.0*..*.ProoeedstoSectiona.s.

AppendixC JobPerformanceMeasure Form ES-C-1
for operation.destred)...':.'....'...HARR1S.b8*.
NRC.JP.M..hRevision 0.'N UREG: 1021 ,Revision 9 Page'S of 1.2.P*ERFORMANC.E*
  .. N.UREG 102"1", Revisions
.'..Standard:....*..The purpose ofthissection is to ensureCCW pump runout.doesnot.occur.: Maximum flow CCWpump is....1-:*2.,650:.sectlonwllt ensure-that oneCCWpump'is..notsupplyinq both.: essential..coolinq loops andthe.non-.essentlalloop simultaneously,.*"Nbrrrl-ally it*i:s:*desira;ble to placeboth-, RH.R**cboli'ng trains in.operation...*in:*Mode**4.ThiswHI*req.uire*.both;C.CW.pumps to..*.be**iri*
operation and one.trainof non-essential supply and."return'''valves to be.shut..'.."..."...
aligning*CCWflow totheRHR Hx,...'

.: ,*run*Oi*n*g.*.is:*.:Je*s*s:than.
Appendix 'C  Job Performance Measure,  Form ES-C-1 Worksheet
  .,' rC:* ... , ,
  .' ',Place LTOPS., in NORMAL arrdestablish feed with -AFW to prevent distracting alarms
  * Start both ESW, Pumps "
  . . -.' .
  , '.', "'lR"F' 'C:CW,073 5
  . ., ' .
  *." ,.-tR't=: CCW080:'O'
  ' . .. . .
, ,'.'
, ,',.", ,"checkFH352.tb~t'vVe,el1?850to8500GPrvt(pppro B~OO'GPMwith1GC~508'5%
. ~ *. '.' . .
,'HARRIS08"NRC 'JPM'h"';R'evision',Q'  NURE~G '1'021, Revision '9

850Q**:9Pni, as'lndicate', d.on(FI:-:}pridfto 1CO.:147 (1CC-167).
Appendix C    Pag~ 4 of. 12  Form ES-C~1 PERF,ORMANCE IN:FORMATION (Denote CtiticelSteps with<< check' mark)
  .  .
. Performance :'Slep: 1> .  ':Obta'inproce~ure: .
    * . RevlewsSections.t.O'throuqh 4.0*.
    . *. ProoeedstoSection .* . *In.i~iafs*lnitiaIGondition. for .~.9(RHRSystem operation
.' .....". .
    - . .destred). . .  ':. ' ..
'. ' '. . .*.... ..' .....*
. ' .
  . . .
.EvaluatorCue: ., '.
.  . ' . .
.HARR1S.b8*. NRC.JP.M . hRevision 0.'    NUREG: 1021 ,Revision 9

Page'S of FormES~C-1
          . .
    . *. .The purpose ofthissection is to ensureCCW pump runout
      .doesnot .occur.: Maximum flow through . one CCWpump is
      .... 1-:*2.,650: gpm~This .sectlonwllt ensure-that one CCW pump 'is
      .. notsupplyinq both.:essential.. coolinqloops andthe .non-
      .essentlalloop simultaneously,
    .* "Nbrrrl-ally it *i:s:*desira;ble to placeboth -, RH.R** cboli'ng trains in
      . operation.. *in :*Mode**4.ThiswHI*req.uire*.both;C.CW.pumps to
    . .*.be**iri* operation and one.trainof non-essential supply an ..
    . ".
      .. "
to be. shut ..
        '  .
  ' .  .
  . .
  . ProcedureCautlon:  . aligning* CCWflow totheRHR Hx,
    ...' v~rl.fY* flow :rate. to. theNon-essentialheader withonepum .: ,*run*Oi*n*g.*.is:*.:Je*s*s:than. 850Q**:9Pni, as' lndicate',d .on***Fi~652.1- (FI:-:
65~J }pridfto ope~ing 1CO.:147 (1CC-167).    . .
    . ~p.ER:F.C>Rrvt.:,the .*fblloWI*ng. to-verify total' COW flowrateis between,
    ..'. 7'850 ~lP:rrl:ari*d.*8::5.0.0*:*g.p.m:.**..  .' ,
      *. ' .J,F"*S-F:,P:*.2&3A:js.:in**servic*e~ THEN TH ROlTLE SHUT ..,
1**C:C;.S.0.8*,..*.SFP.:HX. 2&3A:**C*CW::Outlet. lsolation Valv .... <.IFSFP';&3BlsinserviC~iTHENTHROTTLE  SHUT *.
      ... *~1**CC~.5,2J*~:::S:F:P'HX~::2&*3B*::CCW:.O*utleflsolati'o*n.*Valve~
      :.... .,: ;.... '. . '.' .' " .
  . ' . .
Standard: .  .-. Det~rmib~sJIOw  at approximately 8200 GpM.....
' .  . - .," '...  .
......*.......... Performance Step:*  3:~ ~P~~~5ir1;~~26~RHRCOdlingare
    .*    lobe placed in service, START .
    :: the.::.$ep(~n*dO.CW*pump:*per .::SE?cti.6n.***5>2.*  . .
      . :,: ' , ' . :  . '. . .... .
proceed~ to S6c:tion 5.2 to start CCW, PumpB".

to-verify total'COW flowrateis between,..'.7'850
.' .-. . :
. .*S*tand~.a*rd,:*       .
THE N TH ROlTLE SHUT.., 1**C:C;.S.0.8*,..*.SFP
... Comment: .
.: HX.2&3A:**C*CW::Outlet.
  .  ..
  . . .
. .HARRIS*O.a NRC*.JPM.::*h RevisionO'

lsolation Valve.....
Appendix.C .       Paqe 60f 12 .     Form ES'-C-1 PER'FORMANCE *'1 NFORMATION**
      . * ** J
  . . .
at approximately 8200 GpM.....'..-.,"'..........*..........
Performance..Step: .4   . Verifies' Initial Conditions
Performance Step:*.*
  . . ' .
lobe placedinservice, START.::
. Standard; . ..'   Notes alltnitia! Conditions aresiqned...
OP-145~ *.5~*2~;2.1: .... " . . . . . . ". ....'   .
...Comment:..:,: ','.:.'.......
Procedu re*:N.o:tes:'"  .** . Startin~lthes.econdpumpco[jldcau~eAP fluctuations
to S6 c:ti on 5.2 to start CCW, PumpB"..........HARRIS*O.a NRC*.JPM.::*h RevisionO'
      *.acr6s:s*::*.Rl:M~O:1 GG-3:*5:0"1:ASj\ (B*$,*B)*.~hich*:rr~*ay 'shut
      .sclenoid valve.s**1-CC~2*3.* and fCC:-4*b*~.       .' .
.Paqe 60f12.PER'FORMANCE
      . Ii* .*. *Startingth~s~~6hdpl1mpmaY9flUSe'ftOwoScillations which ProcedureOautlon: . .*.-:
    . . . . *w~.~.:*,;.;nl.h.e :~c~c;.:w*.1.:.*;p~. u:m*.~pe.: ~.R C~ru:n;.ond.; P.rnePg~.~a*.n :.~d;.ts*.fh'.~e .C cs:.* &#xa3;tU;a.en~d5*b:'..S*,. m~~pnclbe
.***J Form ES'-C-1...Performance
      *. .*   . .* . *. ...
..Step:.4.Verifies'Initial Conditions
..'..Standard;...'Notes alltnitia!
Conditions aresiqned...Procedu re*:N.o:tes:'"
fluctuations GG-3:*5:0"1:ASj\
'shut.sclenoid and
...*.-:.1.'capableof an.automatlcstart, ensure-a jnln'imurn flowrateof
******7SSQgpmexistsas indicated on FI;'652:1(FH553
.....Althe MCB;'sTART CCW'P[jmp
.....-..............::.'.:....: '.':...'.......::"....*...
to start andreleases
..."*:*'.**********;*I*..Critical.bec3use to support
Paqe 7.of-.t2.'...
OP-145, 5.2*..Performance Step: 6*\/E:RIF'Y:'
flow: is g*reatertha
..norequal to 38S0gpm'
..(Actu*al-is.*5.000 on arld**4000.:o*n*..,*.Comme*nt::
.'.'"..'.'..'..:..'...'....'.Procedure Note:.'......'..'.:.:...:..',",'.-..'*Returns'toSectlon R9,.Standard:*
:COI11 nie nt....'.'..':'.': '....'......Pla&#xa2;es1CC'-14'linOPEN(REDlndlcatiQn).

*,"..'Critical to
                .* .*:..
J'PM h..Revision:'0 NU.REG*t021, Revlslons
      .' capableof an .automatlcstart, ensure-a jnln'imurn flowrateof
.Page.8.of 12*."Pt=RFORM'ANGE IN:FORMATION Form ES-C-1.".'.'..'
      ******7SSQgpmexistsas indicated on FI;'652:1(FH553..1)*.lfboth
.Procedure Caution;..."....",.'",..Performance-Step:
      . c&#xa2;W****p*u*m-,p*s:.*~*re.:rurtnlng,.O;Rthe.:.cb\f\l*tr~lins*ate.separated, .
      .. ::~          ~~er
.. *4 **Performanc&#xa2;St~p:5.. ... Althe MCB;'sTART CCW'P[jmp TrainB"S~(A:.sA)....
    . - . .... .. . ...... ::. '. : .... : ' . : .. .' ...... .: :" .
..4**.*\lVitt.{:one>G.CW.PUtlJp:.runnin.Q.*.and the'standby pumpcapable of.anauiomaticstart.ensure
  . . .
...aminimurnflowrateofvasu g'pm.exists.;as*indicatedon FI.:
Sel~ctsCCVVPump:uB'L to start andreleases
If-path CCW*.*pw*
...*Q*R the:.CC*WJra*ins.are.separated,..a minimum of 385Q.:
  .' * t ,"
This lower flowrateshould
  . . ,~  . ",
...only beallowedforshortdurations'to.accompllsh pump swappinq or
. *S*ta*rid:ar,d:.* .. .* . .
'.VERIFYHHR'HXA(B)butflowis5600 to8t50 gpmon...'.68a.A:t*
'. .' " ' . '. '.:" .
: '.'.Verities RHRHX<A QufflowJs5600td 8150gpm on FI-'688A 1..,::
. ' .. ". . ", " .
7:80"GJ G*PJ\l1y-:*.***
E"allJatorNdte: ...
.....,:...."....."..',.Ifa leak occurs,..and surqe tanklevelis'less than 40%(below the..'..:'
      "  * : * '. * **** *  * * * ~ * ;  * I *
..::.C:o.mment:**:..;.:::".,.'.'..:.: '.:.: '..'.:: ".:.....'"..',"..:Criticalto:.
    . Critical.bec3use twoCCWpumps~rerequiredto support two:RI:i:R.:T:r~*.i*ris. **a"'l:dottJ*erload~.*,*     ..
IsolateTrain.from.Non-Essential Header......*HARR.lS08 NRC JPM***h RevisioriO
            'NURE'G *1021,.Revision*g*
...NUR*EG*.t021, Revision 9 Appendix C: Paqesof 12.*PERFO.RMANC*E.

AppendixC'      Paqe 7. of-.t2  Forril.ES-C-1*
        .' .
      . .PE~FORMANCE.I.NFORMATION OP-145, 5.2*.. 2.~
Performance Step: 6*    \/E:RIF'Y:' flow: is g*reatertha..n orequal to 38S0gpm' onFI~653*.1 and::*FI.~**652~~ .
Stan'd~ard::    '., . Vetlfies***~-*385.0*got)rn:*o*n.*Fr~65**3:~.1'an*d:*Fl-652:*1 ..(Actu*al-is.*5.000 on
      "A~'* arld**4000.:o*n* "B~')"  . . ,
*.Comme*nt:: .
    "  . " .
OP~145,,5.2. '. '. .
.' Performance.Step: PERFoRM0l'1e*qftheJoUQwiog:.. .  .
      ". :f~'~~~C;;:::~o~~.:~::~i~:gU:i~:i::~;:~8;9 ..
. '" .' .
      :.~ ' . : . : .. .: . .',", '. -. .'
.' '. 'St~lrld:ard::    * Returns'toSectlon R9, .
.  .
  ..  .
.. " ".......  ','
. *.Comrnent:
.  '. '"  .
.' .  ' .
  . ' .
  .: .. '. . .' ....
'. Procedure Note:
. . . .. ~...:...., ' ..
    .' .
    . . ' .'.  . ':'.' : ' .. .
Standard:*    .'. ... . Pla&#xa2;es1CC'-14'linOPEN(REDlndlcatiQn). *
        ," .  . '
:COI11 nie n Critical to alignflowthtoqgt1R~R "'X:"A"....
. .  .... , : '  " . .,' .
HARR*.ISOS*NRC* J'PM h ..Revision :'0        NU.REG*t021, Revlslons

      . Page. 8.of 12* . Form ES-C-1
.".  ' . ' ..' .~.... .
Procedure Caution;  . *\lVitt.{:one>G.CW.PUtlJp:.runnin.Q.*.and the 'standby pumpcapable of
    .anauiomaticstart.ensure.. aminimurnflowrateofvasu g'pm
    .exists .;as* indicatedon FI.:~652.:*1 ::<F*I~653~*.1). If-path CCW*.*pw*
    .arenmninq.. *Q*R the:.CC*WJra*ins .are .separated,..a minimum of 385Q.:gp~*:per.:plJmp*is:requfred. This lower flowrateshould.. only beallowedforshortdurations'to .accompllsh pump swappinq or
  ... " ....
  ",. '",
    *s.~~tem*.:*~e*a.Hg:nm:etlt. *(R*e.fer~rlCEr2*.6.~.6)*
Performance-Step: 9'  '. VERIFYHHR'HXA(B)butflowis5600 to8t50 gpmon FI~
    ...' .68a.A:t* {Fr~6'89A*t) :'.'  .
.  .
. *.Sian d.a-rd*:~**  Verities  RHRHX<A QufflowJs5600td 8150gpm on FI-'688A .,:: *(A~t'uar.i.s: 7:80"GJ G*PJ\l1y-:*.***  .
'. ".'  .
. '. :**Cohi*me*rit:* ..' . . :- .
  -, .'~' .. '.
    ....,: ...
    . " ..... ". . ' , .
If a leak occurs, . and surqe tank level is 'less than 40% (below the
. .'    . ; .: :
. . :' .~:ta.n*d~rd . ::
    :"., . '.' .. :.: '.:.: '. . '. : : ".:.... .' " . .' , ". .
.C:o.mment:** : .  :Criticalto:. IsolateTrain "A~'~ .from .Non-Essential Heade ..  .
.  .
*HARR.lS08 NRC JPM***h Revisiori . NUR*EG*.t021, Revision 9

...Procedure Cautlon;*8:.9.2..6**....Shuttin*g*both
Appendix C:      Paqesof 12  Form. *ES-C~1
    .*PERFO.RMANC*E. I*NFORMATIO *O*P~1.45, *8:.9.2..6**
      .     .
  . . .  .  .
Procedure Cautlon;  Shuttin*g*both.. 1:CC-*12'8. and*tCC-127* will result-in the loss of the Nonessential Header. .    . .
    . .' .
.:.. -v...Perfo..r mance :Step: *1*1  .I F .both (~*CW:.pum*ps.:are* in:.service, .CLO.S.E* 1CC-*128 (1: C*C~*127),
    . CI()ses1CC~ 128 (GREEN indication}
        .  .
      .  .
. . ..  .  ' .    .
. .*nt:*  .Crltlcaf tolsolate*'~A" frornNon-Essentlal Header, OP~1A5;j3.'9,2~.7. .  '; .
.'...* Perforlllahc,~Step:12 '.' *VERIFYthefdllbwing:.**
    , a:.~~ll~~rh~CV\fPurnpsarein* service, THEN PERFORM the .
    . ' "~:::    ~  ~~..
      :'t6.6},:.'*R*Ij*R *Jfx .A** (8).*Outlet. Throttle Valye:,**to:*o btain
      . desired-flow, :  . .
    '\I~rifil?sfld\1tlat1:lpprOximateJy8000GPM~* .'
" '.
  . .'.".
  ..... .
    *OP~t45,. . a.~9:~**2~8.*
-, *...Procedu ~eCaLJtion:  [JonotsuPPlyCCWioboth RHR Heat Exchangers
  '. . .
    .slmultaneously withonly one . :C*CW*:pum*potu rinln .~. 'Perfo~l1lance Step: 1 *.* *IF.botntrainsofHHR'cooling are .tobeplaced-lnservice, OPEN*
    . .fC:C~~. t67::.(1*CC~**147.), .CCW*.*FR.Oryl .RH.R:.:HEAT EX*C.HAN:G:E:RB~
    <**S*S.::{A-SA)i:  . ..... .
    .. . .. .. .:. : :. ~. : ... .. . .. .... .....
    , .  . '.  ' .  .
*Co*mment:  .Critlcaltoaliqn flow* throuq h**RH R*.HX:*'*~Bn .
  ". ' . " . .
HAR:RI*S{)8::NRCJPM* h.-*Revision**O:*        NUREG1*021,*Revision*g

Page. 1-*0.oft2*   Form ES-C-1 P'ERFORMA:NC~ *INFQR.MATION**
will result-in the loss of the Nonessential Header......'..:...-v...Perfo..rmance:Step:*1*1.I F.both in:.service,.CLO.S.E*1 CC-*128 (1:..C*CW:*NON*ESSENTIA*L<RET.IjRN TO..H.EAD*ER..A(B};*nt:*
    .  .
O.P~f45; 8'*.9.2.9:
128 (GREEN indication}
      . '. .
.....'...Crltlcaf tolsolate frornNon-Essentlal Header,
. . .   . . . . '. .. . . ' . . ..
Performance' Step': 1"4  vE*R.rFY**CCW* Pump 8.;.$8 {A~SA)-*flo.w. rateinthe required
    . :r~'nge, as-follows; .. , ...:
      . . .... . . .
service, THEN PERFORM the..'..:'t6.6},:.'*R*Ij*R
    * -. CHECk*ccwPurnp B';813 (A-SA) flo~ rate is between
*Jfx.A**(8).*Outlet.Throttle Valye:,**to:*o btain.desired-flow,:.."'.:......',.......'.".......-,*...Procedu n: '...
    . 1*O*:~.OQO and t2*~:5.00:*.*.gfi*m.,on:***MCB Jndicator F:I-65*3~*1 .(FI-*
Step: 13.*Co*mment:.'
    '.652.'*1 )., ..IF flow.rate is.riotbetween 1O.~:O*OO**and '1""2,-500 -,
g'Prn, *TH*E*N* A*D*J.U$T* the. applicable valve:
[JonotsuPPlyCCWioboth RHR Heat Exchangers.slmultaneously withonly one..:C*CW*:pum*potu rinlng.*..**IF.botntrainsofHHR'cooling are.tobeplaced-lnservice, OPEN*.
  . .
      . .
*Stari'd.ard.*. . Verifi~~flowatat>prOXirn<;lteIY11.9bOGPM.*****
. .Stari.:d:ard;  $ff:!pisN/Aatthistime.*.....
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'. '. '. . .':" '... . .
NUREG1*021,*Revision*g Page.1-*0.oft2*
..Terminanng* Cue:
: .sro:p**:Ti:ME:**'
Ow' *  ..' *
HARRI.S08*:NRC*JPM.*h**Revision* **NUREG 1021, Revision 9
Step': 1"4 vE*R.rFY**CCW*
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.,on:***MCB Jndicator.(FI-*'.652.'*1).,..IF flow.rate is.riotbetween

AppendixC      .Paqe
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the.applicable valve:..*Stari'd.ard.*:
tt of r , .
Form ES-C-1
  . . '
. Examinee'sName;
:Fac.ility Evaluator: .
.'. Number-of Attempts:
..**NUREG 1021, Revision 9 AppendixC.Paqe tt of rz ,...*VERIFICATION.
. ' . ... . . . . , '. ."... '. . .' ';' . .'
  . ,  .
  . . . .- . :.'
... ..*.Time to9ornpl\9te:.. *..
':' .: , .' . :..' " >'. .' ..-'..:. : . .
..Que~tion** Documentation:
..Q.u.estloil:..*. *: .,'
  . ~ .. .
. '. Response;
        -: : "
Result;        *.LJN:SAT: ....
  . . ,  .  .
Exam.iner',s:S*.ig.nature*:        .Date: .
    --'---'-----:--'-~~...,.-;:.-...---:....-..;...~---,-.,.,.--:--~-.::...:....--,..-,~- ~-....:.-.....:---..:.-_-------
NU:REG1021.,.. Revision 9

Appendix C   Page 12,of 1-2,'
.Form ES-C-1..'.Examinee'sName;
:Fac.ility Evaluator:
, .
..'.Number-of Attempts:.'........,'.."...'...'';'..'.,.....-.:.'.....*.Time to9ornpl\9te:..
INitiAL' COND.lTION:S:. ,e The unit-is in ~ Mode :4~; going to Mode 5"
*..':'.: ,.'.:..'">'..'..-'..:.:....
  ,e ' Preparationsareunderwayto place, both trains ',ofRHRin
  .service e,' , Both ,E*SW"Tra*ins are inservice
  .   ,
..*..*:.,'.....'.Response;Result;-:: "*.LJN:SAT:
e,' ' : ':C:CW' P,ump,,"A"i's'*runriln,g', ,
  , , ,
Align QCVYfQsupportRHRopE)rafioninaccordancewith OP-t45,
NU:REG1021.,..Revision9 Appendix C Page 12,of 1-2,'J'PM',CUE.S*HEEl
  '*C'O~'PONt=~NT CO*OLIN,G,:VVATER:. "AU"S'ectibh*.3~:O Prerequisites'
,.INitiAL'COND.lTION:S:.,eTheunit-is inModegoing to Mode 5" ,e'Preparationsareunderwaytoplace,both trains',ofRHRin.service e,', Both ,E*SW"Tra*ins are inservice., e,'': ':C:CW'P,ump,,"A"i's'*runriln,g', , , , , Align QCVYfQsupportRHRopE)rafioninaccordancewith OP-t45, CO*OLIN,G,:VVATER:.
  .arernet.. " ' '". ' ,
Prerequisites'.arernet.."''".', Revisions
N,U,R~G:102,1", Revisions

Latest revision as of 15:16, 14 November 2019

March 05000400-08-301 Exam Draft In-Plant Job Performance Measures
Person / Time
Site: Harris Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 08/07/2008
Download: ML082200101 (116)


Final Submittal (Blue Paper)


/::1/9 fi? 12/.s, oL t>lJ 8 - 3LJ I

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Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Facility: HARRIS Task No.: 001010H404 Task Title: Perform the local actions for a JPM No.: 2008 NRC i dropped rod recovery (AOP-001)

KIA Reference: APE003 AA1.02 (3.6/3.4)

Examinee: NRC Examiner:

Facility Evaluator: Date:

Method of testing:

Simulated Performance: x Actual Performance:

Classroom Simulator Plant X READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.

Initial Conditions: * The unit was at 50% power when Control Bank "0" control rod H2 droppe * The crew is performing AOP-001, MALFUNCTION OF ROD CONTROL AND INDICATION SYSTEM, and is preparing to retrieve the control rod.

Task Standard: Field actions correctly support rod retrieval and restore system to normal operation.

Required Materials: Keys for any locked cabinet(s).

General References: AOP-001, MALFUNCTION OF ROD CONTROL AND INDICATION SYSTEM, Revision 29 Handout: AOP-001, Section 3.1 Initiating Cue: The USCO has assigned you to perform the local actions associated with the retrieval of the dropped rod. Perform AOP-001 - Steps 3.1.13, 3.1.14, 3.1.15, and 3.17. The control room will perform Step 3.1.16 (logging Step Counter readings) while you are performing the designated steps. Report completion of the steps to the control room and then standby for further direction.

HARRIS08 NRC JPM i Revision 0 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Time Critical Task: No Validation Time: 22 minutes HARRIS08 NRC JPM i Revision 0 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet SIMULATOR SETUP N/A HARRIS08 NRC JPM i Revision 0 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 4 of 12 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION (Denote Critical Steps with a check mark)


AOP-001, 3.13 Performance Step: 1 Reviews procedur Standard: * Reviews applicable steps and obtains or discusses obtaining key(s) for Control Rod Disconnect Switch Bo * Proceeds to Control Rod Disconnect Switch Bo Evaluator Cue: Provide key. Ensure applicant informs control room if any alarmed cabinet will be opene Comment:

HARRIS08 NRC JPM i Revision 0 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 5 of 12 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION AOP-001, 3.1.14 Performance Step: 2 POSITION lift coil disconnect switches for rods IN THE AFFECTED BANK as follows:

  • Dropped rod - ROD CONNECTED (down)
  • All other rods - ROD DISCONNECTED (up)

.y Standard: Locates rod disconnect cabinet and unlocks cabine Points out and simulates placing the disconnect switches in the UP position for CBD Group 1 and Group 2 rods:

  • B8
  • H14
  • P8
  • F6
  • F10
  • K10
  • K6 and leaves H2 in the DOWN positio Evaluator Cue: Provide switch position feedback as each operation is simulate Comment: Critical to move only the desired ro AOP-001, 3.1.15 Performance Step: 3 RECORD the Pulse-To-Analog (PIA) converter reading for the affected bank:
  • Bank - - -
  • PIA Reading _

Standard: * Locates the PIA converter and opens the cabinet

  • Points out position for Control Bank D and logs 165 steps Evaluator Cue: Control Bank "0" is reading 165 step Comment:

HARRIS08 NRC JPM i Revision 0 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 6 of 12 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION AOP-001, 3.1.17 Performance Step: 4 RECORD the Master Cycler light status (LIT/NOT LIT) on Card A105:

  • Top light
  • Middle light
  • Bottom light Standard: * Locates Card A 105 in Logic Cabine * Logs
  • BOTTOM: NOT LIT Evaluator Cue: A105 lights "As Found":
  • BOTTOM: NOT LIT Comment:

Performance Step: 5 Report completion of steps to Control Roo Standard: Reports Steps 3.13, 3.14, 3.15 and 3.17 completed to Control Roo Evaluator Cue: * Acknowledge repor * After the report is made: Time compression is being used to report recovery of the dropped rod. The control room has informed you that the dropped rod is recovered and has directed you to perform Steps 3.1.25 and 3.1.2 Comment:

HARRIS08 NRC JPM i Revision 0 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 7 of 12 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION AOP-001,3.1.25-Y Performance Step: 6 Repeatedly PRESS the "Master Cycler +1" button as needed to produce the following light status on Card A 105:

  • Top light - LIT
  • Middle light - NOT LIT
  • Bottom light - LIT Standard: * Locates Card A 105 and Master Cycler +1 Pushbutton in the Logic Cabine * Presses +1 Pushbutton 3 times to achieve desired light pattern. (-Y)

Evaluator Cue: A105 lights "As Found":

  • BOTTOM: NOT LIT A105 lights "After 1st Push":
  • BOTTOM: LIT A105 lights "After 2nd Push":
  • TOP: LIT
  • BOTTOM: NOT LIT A105 lights "After 3rd Push":
  • TOP: LIT
  • BOTTOM: LIT Comment: Critical to set the circuit for the desired operation.

HARRIS08 NRC JPM i Revision 0 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 8 of 12 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION AOP-001, 3.1.26-v Performance Step: 7 CLOSE ALL lift coil disconnect switches opened in Step 1 Standard: Points out and simulates placing the disconnect switches in the DOWN position for CBD Group 1 and Group 2 rods:

  • B8
  • H14
  • P8
  • F6
  • F10
  • K10
  • K6 Evaluator Cue: Provide switch position feedback as each operation is simulate Comment: Critical to restore CBO to all rods operatin Performance Step: 8 Report completion of steps to Control Roo Standard: Reports Steps 3.25 and 3.26 completed to Control Roo Evaluator Cue: * Acknowledge repor * The control room crew has completed Step 3.27. You have been directed to perform Step 3.28, RN Comment:

HARRIS08 NRC JPM i Revision 0 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 9 of 12 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION AOP-001, 3.1.28 RNO-v Performance Step: 9 PERFORM the following at the Pulse-To-Analog (PIA) Converter:

a. POSITION the Bank Display Selector Switch to the bank recorded in Step 1 b. POSITION AND HOLD the Auto-Manual switch in MANUA c. Repeatedly PRESS EITHER the UP pushbutton OR the DOWN pushbutton as needed to make the display match the PIA reading recorded in Step 1 d. RELEASE the Auto-Manual switc e. POSITION the Bank Display Selector Switch to DISPLAY OF Standard: Locates the PIA Converter, opens the cabinet and selects Control Bank D. (-V)

Evaluator Cue: When Bank Display Selector Switch is selected to Control Bank "0": The display is reading 33 Points out and simulates placing Auto-Manual switch to MANUAL and holds. (-V)

Evaluator Cue: After the AUTO-MANUAL switch and MANUAL position are located: You are holding the AUTO-MANUAL switch in MANUA Depresses the DOWN (-) pushbutton until counter indicates 165 steps. (-V)

Evaluator Cue: As the DOWN Pushbutton is pushed. The indicator is lowering one step at a time. Assume that it has reached 165 step Releases the Auto-Manual switch Evaluator Cue: The AUTO-MANUAL Switch is release Places the Bank Display Selector switch to DISPLAY OFF Evaluator Cue: The Bank Display Selector Switch is in DISPLAY OF Comment: Critical to restore circuit to pre-retrieval condition.

HARRIS08 NRC JPM i Revision 0 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 10 of 12 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Performance Step: 10 Report completion of steps to Control Roo Standard: Reports Step 3.28 completed to Control Roo Evaluator Cue: Acknowledge repor Comment:

Terminating Cue: After Step 3.1.28 completion is reported: Evaluation on this JPM is complete.


HARRIS08 NRC JPM i Revision 0 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 11 of 12 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Job Performance Measure No.: 2008 NRC JPM i Examinee's Name:

Date Performed:

Facility Evaluator:

Number of Attempts:

Time to Complete:

Question Documentation:



Result: SAT UNSAT Examiner's Signature: Date:

HARRIS08 NRC JPM i Revision 0 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 12 of 12 Form ES-C-1 JPM CUE SHEET INITIAL CONDITIONS: * The unit was at 50°J'c> power when Control Bank "0" control rod H2 droppe * The crew is performing AOP-001, MALFUNCTION OF ROD CONTROL AND INDICATION SYSTEM, and is preparing to retrieve the control rod.

INITIATING CUE: The USCG has assigned you to perform the local actions associated with the retrieval of the dropped rod. Perform AOP-001 - Steps 3.1.13, 3.1.14, 3.1.15, and 3.17. The control room will perform Step 3.1.16 (logging Step Counter readings) while you are performing the designated steps. Report completion of the steps to the control room and then standby for further direction.

HARRIS08 NRC JPM i Revision 0 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Facility: HARRIS Task No.:

Task Title: Isolate the ECCS Accumulators JPM No.: 2008 NRC j after a control room evacuation (AOP-004, Step 38)

KIA Reference: APE068 G2.1.30 (3.9/3.4)

Examinee: NRC Examiner:

Facility Evaluator: Date:

Method of testing:

Simulated Performance: x Actual Performance:

Classroom Simulator Plant X READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.

Initial Conditions: * The control room has been evacuated due to a fir * A cooldown is in progress in accordance with AOP-004, REMOTE SHUTDOW * RCS Pressure is 975 PSIG by PI-402.2.

Task Standard: All accumulators isolated and MOV's de-energized.

Required Materials: * Standard PPE

  • Unlock or ensure A TP Cabinet unlocked or provide the evaluator with a key.

General References: AOP-004, REMOTE SHUTDOWN Handout: AOP-004, Step 38 (Pgs. 46/47)

Initiating Cue: You have been assigned to perform AOP-004, Step 38 - Isolate SI Accumulators.

Time Critical Task: NO HARRIS08 NRC JPM j Revision 0 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Validation Time: 18 minutes HARRIS08 NRC JPM j Revision 0 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet SIMULATOR SETUP N/A HARRIS08 NRC JPM j Revision 0 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 4 of 9 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION (Denote Critical Steps with a check mark)


AOP-004 Performance Step: 1 Obtain locked valve and ATP Cabinet key Standard: Discusses how to obtain keys (ACP Room Key Locker).

Evaluator Note: The Evaluator can elect to have the applicant locate the ACP Room Key Locker or to discuss the key acquisition. The key to the ACP Key Locker is in a "break glass" cas Evaluator Cue: * Provide Handout for NRC JPM * Acknowledge discussion and tell applicant to assume that they have the required key Comment:

AOP-004, Step 38.a-v Performance Step: 2 WHEN RCS pressure is 900 to 1000 psig, as indicated on PI-402.2, THEN ISOLATE SI accumulators:

286' RAB / RO with locked valve key a. UNLOCK AND TURN ON accumulator discharge valve breakers:

Standard: * Locates 1A21-SA-5C, identifies UNLOCK then ON position for both breakers for Accumulator * Locates 1A21-SA-3D, identifies UNLOCK then ON position for both breakers for Accumulator Evaluator Cue: Provide feedback on breaker positio Comment: Assumes the locked valve key has been located. Critical to provide power to MOV for operation.

HARRIS08 NRC JPM j Revision 0 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 5 of 9 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION AOP-004, 38.a

~ Performance Step: 3 WHEN RCS pressure is 900 to 1000 psig, as indicated on PI-402.2, THEN ISOLATE SI accumulators:

286' RAB / RO with locked valve key a. UNLOCK AND TURN ON accumulator discharge valve breakers:

Standard: Locates 1B21-SB-5C, identifies UNLOCK then ON position for both breakers for Accumulator Evaluator Cue: Provide feedback on breaker positio Evaluator Note: Opening the ATP door actuates an alarm in the control roo Comment: Assumes the locked valve key has been located. Critical to provide power to MOV for operatio AOP-004, Step 38.b

~ Performance Step: 4 SHUT SI accumulator discharge valves at the Auxiliary Transfer Panels listed:

Cable Vault A / RO with A TP cabinet key

Cable Vault A / RO with A TP cabinet key

Standard: * Locates and opens ATP "A" and identifies SHUT position for 1SI-246

  • Locates and opens ATP "A" and identifies SHUT position for 1SI-248 Evaluator Cue: Provide feedback on switch positio Comment: Critical to close discharge valves to prevent inadvertent discharge during cooldown.

HARRIS08 NRC JPM j Revision 0 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 6 of 9 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION AOP-004, Step 38.b-v Performance Step: 5 SHUT SI accumulator discharge valves at the Auxiliary Transfer Panels listed:

Cable Vault B / RO with A TP cabinet key

Standard: * Locates and opens ATP "B" and identifies SHUT position for 1SI-247 Evaluator Cue: Provide feedback on switch positio Comment: Critical to close discharge valves to prevent inadvertent discharge during cooldown.

Evaluator Note: The Evaluator can elect to have the applicant discuss the remaining steps since it involves returning to equipment already located and re-opening the breaker AOP-004, Step 3 Performance Step: 6 286' RAB / RO with locked valve key TURN OFF AND LOCK accumulator discharge valve breakers:

Standard: * Returns to 1A21-SA-5C, identifies OFF then LOCK position for both breakers for Accumulator * Returns to 1A21-SA-3D, identifies OFF then LOCK position for both breakers for Accumulator Evaluator Cue: Provide feedback on breaker positio Comment:

HARRIS08 NRC JPM j Revision 0 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 7 of 9 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION AOP-004, Step 3 Performance Step: 7 286' RAB / RO with locked valve key TURN OFF AND LOCK accumulator discharge valve breakers:

Standard: Returns to 1B21-SB-5C, identifies OFF then LOCK position for both breakers for Accumulator Evaluator Cue: Provide feedback on breaker positio Comment:

Terminating Cue: When all SI Accumulator Discharge Valves are de-energized:

Evaluation on this JPM is complete.


HARRIS08 NRC JPM j Revision 0 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 8 of 9 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Job Performance Measure No.: 2008 NRC JPM j Examinee's Name:

Date Performed:

Facility Evaluator:

Number of Attempts:

Time to Complete:

Question Documentation:



Result: SAT UNSAT Examiner's Signature: Date:

HARRIS08 NRC JPM j Revision 0 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 9 of 9 Form ES-C-1 JPM CUE SHEET INITIAL CONDITIONS: * The control room has been evacuated due to a fir * A cooldown is in progress in accordance with AOP-004, REMOTE SHUTDOW * RCS Pressure is 975 PSIG by PI-402.2.

INITIATING CUE: You have been assigned to perform AOP-004, Step 38 - Isolate SI Accumulators.

HARRIS08 NRC JPM j Revision 0 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Facility: HARRIS Task No.: 071104H112 Task Title: Respond to High Rad Alarm During JPM No.: 2008 NRC JPM k a Waste Gas Decay Tank Release KIA Reference: 071 G2.1.30 3.9 Examinee: NRC Examiner:

Facility Evaluator: Date:

Method of testing:

Simulated Performance: X Actual Performance:

Classroom Simulator Plant X READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.

Initial Conditions: * "A" Waste Gas Decay Tank is being release * Monitors REM-3546 and RM-3546-1 are OPERABLE.

Task Standard: Waste Gas Decay Tank release is terminated per OP-120.07, Waste Gas Processing, Section 8.37.

Required Materials: On the day of the IP JPM performance, notify the RadWaste Operator that applicants will be entering the area and may be accessing the reading for REM-3546 on the RM-11 Panel.

General References: OP-120.07, Waste Gas Processing, Rev. 46 Handouts: * A copy of OP-120.07, Waste Gas Processing, Attachment 3 completed through Item 2 * A copy of OP-120.07, Waste Gas Processing, Section 8.37.

Initiating Cue: You relieved the operator who commenced the release. The control room has just directed you to implement OP-120.07, Section 8.37, Actions for a REM Monitor Alarm During a Waste Gas Decay Tank Release, because an ALERT alarm has been received on REM-3546.

HARRIS 2008 NRC JPM k Revision 0 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Time Critical Task: N/A Validation Time: 20 minutes HARRIS 2008 NRC JPM k Revision 0 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet SIMULATOR SETUP N/A HARRIS 2008 NRC JPM k Revision 0 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 4 of 11 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION (Denote Critical Steps with a check mark)


Performance Step: 1 Obtain Procedure Standard: Reviews OP-120.07, Section 8.3 Examiners Cue: Provide the handout (OP-120.07, Attachment 3 signed off through Item 23 and OP-120.07, Section 8.37).


Step 8.3 Performance Step: 2 Verifies the Initial Conditions:

1. A Waste Gas Decay Tank is being release . Monitors REM-3546 or RM-3546-1 are OPERABL . A REM Monitor Alert or High Alarm has been receive Standard: Confirms the initial conditions appl Comment:

HARRIS 2008 NRC JPM k Revision 0 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 5 of 11 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Step 8.37. Procedure Note: * If an Alert alarm is received, the WGDT release may continue provided the reading does not approach the High Alarm setpoin * This section contains steps which require independent verificatio Performance Step: 3 If the Monitor goes into an Alert Alarm, observe the reading to see if it continues to increase. Record the reading in the Radwaste Control Room AO log Standard: Accesses the REM-3546 monitor reading on the RM-11 Pane Examiners Cue: REM-3546 is rising and approaching the HIGH alarm setpoin Comment:

Step 8.37. Performance Step: 4 If the Monitor reading continues to approach or goes into a High Alarm condition, the Waste Gas Decay Tank release must be secured. Continue to next step to secure the Gas Decay Tank Releas Standard: Determines the release must be secured and continues to the next ste Comment:

HARRIS 2008 NRC JPM k Revision 0 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 6 of 11 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Step

~ Performance Step: 5 Adjust HK-7392, PLANT VENT Controller until indicator reads 0 and record the Actual Stop Date/Time (Log Item 24).

Standard: * Adjusts HK-7392 until indicator reads * Records the actual Stop Date/Time on Attachment Examiners Cue: Controller HK-7392 reads Examiner Note: If the applicant incorrectly performs this step then correct performance of either Performance Step 6 or Performance Step 12 becomes critica Comment:

Step 8.37. Performance Step: 6 Using key, place the WG DECAY TANKS E & F TO PLANT VENT VALVE switch 3WG-229 to KEYLOCKED SHUT and log on Attachment 3. (Log Item 25)

Standard: * Selects WG DECAY TANKS E & F TO PLANT VENT VALVE 3WG-229 switch to KEYLOCKED SHU * Records log entry on Attachment Examiners Cue: 3WG-229 is in the KEYLOCKED SHUT positio Comment:

HARRIS 2008 NRC JPM k Revision 0 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 7 of 11 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Step 8.37. Procedure Note: Independent verification of 3WG-229 position in the next step can be performed out of sequenc Performance Step: 7 Perform independent verification that 3WG-229 is locked shut and log on Attachment 3. (Log item 26)

Standard: Logs independent verification entry on Attachment 3 or delays action based on the Procedure Not Examiners Cue: Independent verification will be performed out of sequence in accordance with the procedure not Comment:

Step 8.37. Performance Step: 8 Notify the Superintendent - Shift Operations that Monitor REM-3546 has alarmed and the release has been stoppe Standard: Notifies the Superintendent Shift Operations that monitor REM-3546 alarmed and the release has been stoppe Examiners Cue: Superintendent Shift Operations acknowledges the repor Comment:

Step 8.37.2. Performance Step: 9 The release package must be closed out by performing the following steps:

  • Record the Vent Stack 5 Flow Rate (Log Item 27).

Standard: * Reads and records Vent Stack 5 Process Flow Rate on Attachment Comment:

HARRIS 2008 NRC JPM k Revision 0 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 8 of 11 Form ES-C-1

. PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Step 8.37.2. Performance Step: 10 The release package must be closed out by performing the following steps:

  • Record the Final Gas Decay Tank Pressure (Log Item 28).

Standard: * Locates "A" Gas Decay Tank pressure indication and records on Attachment Examiners Cue: Final Gas Decay Tank pressure is 23 psi Comment:

Step 8.37.2. Performance Step: 11 The release package must be closed out by performing the following steps:

  • Calculate the Actual Gas Decay Tank liP and record. (Log Item 29).

Standard: * Actual Gas Decay Tank ~P calculated and recorded on Attachment Comment:

HARRIS 2008 NRC JPM k Revision 0 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 9 of 11 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Step 8.37.2. Performance Step: 12 The release package must be closed out by performing the following steps:

  • Shut 3WG-230, Gas Decay Tanks to Plant Vent Manual Isolation Valve and log on Attachment 3. (Log Item 30)

Standard: * Locates 3WG-230 and shuts valve by rotating the handwheel in the clockwise directio * Records 3WG-230 position on Attachment Examiners Cue: 3WG-230 is shu Comment:

Step 8.37.2. Procedure Note: Independent verification of 3WG-230 position in the next step can be performed out of sequenc Performance Step: 13 The release package must be closed out by performing the following steps:

  • Perform independent verification that 3WG-230 is shut and log on Attachment 3. (Log Item 31)

Standard: Logs independent verification entry on Attachment 3 or delays action based on the Procedure Not Evaluator Cue: Independent verification will be performed out of sequence in accordance with the procedure not Comment:

Terminating Cue: After the independent verification of 3WG-230 step has been read: Evaluation on this JPM is complete.


HARRIS 2008 NRC JPM k Revision 0 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 10 of 11 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Job Performance Measure No.: 2008 NRC JPM k Examinee's Name:

Date Performed:

Facility Evaluator:

Number of Attempts:

Time to Complete:

Question Documentation:



Result: SAT UNSAT Examiner's Signature: Date:

HARRIS 2008 NRC JPM k Revision 0 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Form ES-C-1 JPM CUE SHEET INITIAL CONDITIONS: * "A" Waste Gas Decay Tank is being release * Monitors REM-3546 and RM-3546-1 are OPERABLE.

INITIATING CUE: You relieved the operator who commenced the release. The control room has just directed you to implement OP-120. 07, Section 8.37, Actions for a REM Monitor Alarm During a Waste Gas Decay Tank Release, because an ALERT alarm has been received on REM-3546.

HARRIS 2008 NRC JPM k Revision 0 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Facility: . HARRIS Task No.': 301009H401 Task Title: Initiate Emergency Boration JPM No.: 2008 NRC a following a .reactor trip, (AOP-002)

". . . .

. .

KIA. Reference: . 'APE024 AA*t ..,17 (3'.9/3':.9) ALTERNATE PATH Examinee: N*RC Examiner:

Facility Evaluator: Date':

M*etho.d:of testing::.

Simulated Performance: :...... ---..:-:--

Actual Performance: . .x Classroom X Plant'

. '. .

  • R*EAD TO'THE' EXAMIN..EE twill explalntheinitialconditions, which steps to simulate or.discuss.rand provide initiating .

cues..* When you complete*the**task,suc,cessfuJly.,*.the'*objective forthis Job-Performance Measure willbe satisfied. . ' .

" '

. . . . .

lnltlal Conditions: -. * ..The plant was, .'at. tOO%,,;power,whe'n: an .autornatic reactor trip' . '

occurred due toaninadvertent mainturbinetrip

. . " " (. ' . . : ' .' . ' ,

e, .' The. Grewhasperformed PATH~1"i.mmediateactions and: have tra'nsitioned'*to'I;,P,P~004,",R,EA'C,TOR ':TR'rP *"RE.S,PO*N*SE .

Task'*Stan:dafd:. Emergency Borationflow ~30 GPMwith Charging flow ~30. GPM

. ", . .

. ' . ' .

.. ', :.'

. '. .

'. Required Materials; General References: . * EPP*.O:04*, REACTOR* TRIP RESPO,NS*E


" . Handout: 'None - usesimulator.references

. .

I:nitlating.* Cue: * . You are the control board-operator,

  • 'Perform EPP~004

, .

  • *Anotheroperat'orh'asbeen*assigned to perform Step' '3,:Check '


,Time"Critical'Ta'sk:' No H.ARRIS*08 'NRC JPM:"aRevis:ion O' NUREG,*1*O'2'1,Revisio AppendixC Job Performance Measure . Form ES-C-1

. Worksheet .

. Validation Time: 5 minutes

.HARRIS08 NRC**J.PM. a RevislonO NUREG *1021 .Revision 9

AppendixC . Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-.1*



  • Any tOO% .power '1 .

~ M'ALF to.: prevent two control rods.from lnsertinqenthe tri * CR*F**16a* 220.,0 4 .

. .... .

CRF16b': 220 ..0. '27'

. .'. .

  • ~hsure_. step countersarecorrect

.... lnltiate a'**.Mf(N UA~* M'aJn.Turbine trip .

. ~ '. .. . ' "

".' '. -, ".' ',', '. . .' .

'.....*... Verify*Hnt1l.e:d1at*s.*actioh .,' conditiorisare met .

  • .StabilizeRCStetllper:atlJrewifhin the required range for EPP,,004,Step 3
  • . ". R.U*N **'CAE*P 1NRC'. JP'M.a

.'*:HARRI--SOS*N.RC .JPM.a: Revision 0 NUREG102t, Revision' 9

Appendix C Page 4 of9 Form ES-C-1

'PERFORMANCE INFORMATION (Den.ote Critical Steps with. a check mark)

. ; ' . . .


EP'P-004, Step.. **1

. .

. . ,- .

. .P erformance StE!P:*~.1 Implement Function Restoration Procedures As Require * Reviews Critical SafetyFunctions on plant computer screen.*

  • May inform none appl . . " . . "': . .

. **Evalu.ator**:Cu:e*:: Acknowledge, asnecessar .'. ' . . . ' . .

.. .' . . . '.' . .

Evaluator.. Noter. .' .The applicantmay .jle.ri"odica*lIy review Critlca! 'S"afety

'. .' Functionsand ,FOLDOUT criteria, None" applies' 'in this JP* . . . ' .

. .

- .Comrnent: .

.. Ep:P~.004,. *Step*2 Performance Step: 2 . .. EvaluateEAL Network Usinq.EritryPolnt ',', ' ... " .... , . . . . . "

Standa~d: .

. *lnform.sUSC.O/SS.*O*.*

. .

Evaluator Cue: .Acknowledge, as US*CO . ,or.S:SO*.

. . . . ' ~

HARRISOS' NRC J*P*M a RevisionO NUREG 1021, Revisions

Appendix 'C Page**5*of9 Form ES-C-1

. .


~PP-004'" Step 3'

Performance . Step: 3 : Ch~ck.*.RCS* Temperature:

Standard; *Ack~*lowle.dge.that,perlnltial Condltlons, another operator is'

.performinqthis task, Comment:*

. EPP-004~* Step4

'.. Performance-Step: 4-* Oheck RCp* Status:

...**. Checl<RCP's- atleastonerUnning* .

.*Standatd.:. . veriftes*allfhreeRCP'srunning; .

. . :**.EPP.~O(J4*.~*:*$te.p '5.'. .'

Performance step: 5. ... . Ch~ckFeed:s~st~m Status:. ..

.* . .RCStemperature-J.ess than 564 *F

..*. Verifyfeed "reg' *valve.s*.-*.SHUT .

. .. .. " , .

Ii . Oheckfeedflow toSrs's ..... greater than210 KPH

. . .. . . . ' . .

. Standard; ., * *. Verifies RCStemperature indication lessthan564 * F .

  • {YE:~).** -, .
  • *.Verifieseach Feed Req.Valve indicating SHUT
  • Verifie*s:.:total'A*FW*,flow gre:aterthan *2*10***KPH**

. Comment:

HARRIS08 :NRC JPM.a. Revision '0 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix ***Page*6.of*9 Form ES-C-1 PERF.ORMANCE*INFORMATIO.N*

EPP-004,$tep .1 Performance step: 6.' Check control rod status:

  • . Check *DRPI -. available

, *Stand*atd:: - DeterminesDfiPlavailable by indicating lights on AEP';1

  • Determines two rodsstuckfullyout
  • Takes RN*O:p.ath:tb AOP~D,02* .

. ' .' . '

Evaluator-Note; .: pplic.'ant' mayqo ,to, AEp:~t to' determine which rods are A

, stuc .i*' ' . ' '

. . . ."

, .

. . AOP-002, Step 1 . . .. .* . . ..... ..

. V'~~IF'Y aBoric Acid {BA)',Pump*RUNNI*N .. Comment: .

. '

.AOP-OO?; '$tep*2**.a

. , . . . . . , .

. ,JPerformanceStep:8 '. E*S.TABLISH*':,boratiqn flowpa*th"*usih'g.' tCS~278 .asfollows:

- .*-. OPEN1CS';278, Emerge~cyBoricAcid Addition. .

. . .' . . . . ..

. ,

Sta*'n*dard::' .Opens'tC,S-278, Ernerqency: Boric Acid .Additio ,Oomment: .'

.' "'\

HARRI S08 *NRC* JPM.'a RevisionO NUR'EG 1'021, Revision 9

AppendixC Page7of9 .Form.ES-C-1

. .

  • PERFORMAN.C.E*IN*F*oR*MAT.ION A:OP-002,2*.b PerformanceStep: .. ESTABLISH* boration flowpathusing 1CS~278

. . . .

as follows:


  • e VE*R1FYat.teast 3*0**gpm*boric acid flow. to C*SI.P suction 6n**FI*~.1l0.*

e* GO. TO*Step . Stan*dard:

.. .... .. ... ..... ... AOP-002,Step4 . ... .. . . . . . .. ..

.. .. . Performance Step: to VERIFYandM'AINrAINatleas130gpm charging f1pwtoRCS

..:.. (FF-J ~2J?~:.t.)"lJntii requiredboration is complete ' . . : ".:. '. " . .

: *Stcindard.: .Verifies .~*3:C)'*GPM.flow*in.dicated *onFi.-*12.2A~*1-~ .

. :* . Commentr

. . . .

. ' .. ' .

' . -: . ' . '. "...

... T~rrriinatingCue: . Aftel:Charging floWi~ verified: Evaluation on this JPM is

. complete.. ' . ..' .

. . ' ..

-. . . . ' . .

.S*TO*P* TlivI:E: ..

. HAR*RIS08**N*RC JPM aRevision * NUREG 1-02.1., .Revision 9

Appendi Paqe 8: of 9 . Form ES-C-1 VERIFI.CATIO.N* OF* COMPLETION Job PerformanceMeasure No.: .2El08 N:RC* J:P*M a Examinee's Name:

Facility Evaluator;

.. NumberofAttempts:

.. .

QUeSfiOn[)OCUmentafion:* .

. .



.Result:** . **SAT*

Examtner'sSiqnature: Date:".

~-----,;.-~--~------.,............---,--~-----.....,.:.-: ------,.----,.--

. .

H.ARR1S08NRC*:.JPM* a RevislonO . NUREG *1021 ,Revision 9

Appendix C* Page 90f9 Form ES-C-1 JPM CU*E SHE*ET

  • INITI*A.L.C.ON*DI*TIONS: *.. The plant was at 100% power when an automaticreactor

. tripoccurreddue to an 'inadvertent main turbine trip

. . .

  • . T~~ crew has .perfbrmed*PA-rH-1 immediate.actions .and havetransitioned toEt>*P-0*04,REA.C.TOR*TRI P RESPONSE*. .

"... ' .

. .

..1NITIA~TJNG* CU.E:* ., .* You are.. the:. control board . o perator .

. *petform:*:E*P*P*-OO:4:

.. ' ' . ' . .

.- Anotheroperatorhasbeenassignedlo perform Step 3,

. :*C*heck*RCS::*Te,mper.ature . .

, . . .

. -

H.ARRIS*O*8.N*RC J.PM -a RevisionO NUREG 1021 , Revision-a

Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Facility: HARRIS Task No.: 301149H601 Task Title: Align ECCS for long-term JPM No.: 2008 NRC JPM b recirculation (EPP-010)

KIA Reference: 006 A4.05 3.9/ ALTERNATE PATH Examinee: NRC Examiner:

Facility Evaluator: Date:

Method of testing:

Simulated Performance: Actual Performance: X Classroom ---

Simulator X Plant READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.

Initial Conditions: * A large break LOCA caused a reactor trip and safety injection

  • SI has been reset and CCW has been aligned to the RHR HXs
  • CSIP "A" and CSIP "C" (as "8") are running
  • EPP-010, Transfer to Cold Leg Recirculation, was just entered Task Standard: Recirculation flow established on both trains.

Required Materials: None General References: EOP-EPP-010, Transfer to Cold Leg Recirculation, Revision 17 Handout: Use Simulator copy of EPP-010 and ensure it is cleaned after each use or provide a paper copy.

Initiating Cue: Perform EPP-010. In accordance with the Step 1 CAUTION, the steps should be performed without delay. However, this is NOT a time-critical JPM because the procedure would normally be read to you.

Time Critical Task: NO HARRIS 2008 NRC JPM b Revision 1 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Validation Time: 12 minutes HARRIS 2008 NRC JPM b Revision 1 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet SIMULATOR SETUP

  • IC-19
  • Substitute CSIP "C" for "B"
  • CVC045, 046, 049, 050 removes CSIP "B" and installs CSIP "C"
  • Insert malfunctions:
  • Initiate a large break LOCA RCS01A
  • Perform PATH-1 to transition to EPP-010.
  • Ensure SI RESET and align CCW to the RHR heat exchangers.
  • FREEZE the simulator and SNAP to NRC JPM b.
  • When Applicant is ready, place simulator in RUN.

HARRIS 2008 NRC JPM b Revision 1 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 4 of 13 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION (Denote Critical Steps with a check mark)


Performance Step: 1 Obtain copy of EOP-EPP-01 Standard: Enters EPP-01 Evaluator's Cue: Provide handout if necessar Comment:

Performance Step: 2 Read CAUTION statements before Step * Do Steps 1 through 8 without delay. Do NOT implement Function Restoration Procedures prior to completion of these step * SI recirculation flow to RCS must be maintained at all time * Switchover to recirculation may cause high radiation levels in the reactor auxiliary building. Radiation levels must be assessed prior to performance of local actions in the affected are Standard: Reviews CAUTION' Comment:

HARRIS 2008 NRC JPM b Revision 1 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 5 of 13 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Performance Step: 3 Read Notes before Step 1

  • Foldout applie * CNMT wide range sump level of greater than 142 INCHES should ensure a long term recirculation suction sourc * The following sequence of steps to transfer to cold leg recirculation assumes operability of at least one train of safeguards equipmen Standard: Reviews NOTE's and may review to FOLDOUT item Comment:

Step Performance Step: 4 Verify both RHR pumps - Runnin Standard: Verifies both RHR pumps running by observing RED light ON, flow and/or current indicate Comment:

Step Performance Step: 5 Establish RHR Pump Recirculation Alignment:

Verify CNMT sump to RHR pump suction valves OPEN:

  • Train B RHR pump: 1SI-301 AND 1SI-311 Standard: * Verifies Train A sump valves open by observing RED lights ON, green lights OFF on 1SI-300 and 1SI-31 * Verifies Train B sump valves open by observing RED lights ON, green lights OFF on 1SI-301 and 1SI-31 Comment:

HARRIS 2008 NRC JPM b Revision 1 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 6 of 13 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Step 1.c

-'./ Performance Step: 6 Shut RWST to RHR pump suction valves:

Standard: * Places 1SI-322 and 1SI-323 handswitches to CLOSE

  • Vertty valves closed by observing RED lights ON, green lights OFF on 1SI-322 and 1SI-323 Comment: Critical to isolate RHR pumps from RWST as suction sourc Step Performance Step: 7 Shut low head SI Train A to cold leg valve: 1SI-340 Standard: * Places 1SI-340 Control Power O * Verifies ORANGE Control Power Light O * Places 1SI-340 handswitch to CLOS * Determines that 1SI-340 does NOT close by observing RED light ON, GREEN light OF * Goes to Step 1.c RN Comment:

Step 1.d RNO

-'./ Performance Step: 8 Shut low head SI Train B to cold leg valve: 1SI-341 Standard: * Places 1SI-341 Control Power O * Verifies ORANGE Control Power Light O * Places 1SI-341 handswitch to CLOS * Verifies that 1SI-341 closes by observing RED light OFF, GREEN light O Comment: Critical to isolate one train to comply with EOP BKG assumptions.

HARRIS 2008 NRC JPM b Revision 1 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 7 of 13 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Step Performance Step: 9 Check RHR Pump recirculation alignment - at least one train establishe Standard: Verifies both trains aligne Comment:

Performance Step: 10 Establish CSIP Recirculation Alignment: Shut CSIP alternate miniflow isolation valves:

Standard: * Places 1CS-746 handswitch in CLOS * Determines 1CS-746 did NOT close by observing RED light ON, GREEN light OF * Goes to Step 2.a RN * Verifies 1CS-752 closed by observing RED light OFF, GREEN light O Comment:

Step 2.a.RNO

~ Performance Step: 11 Shut the associated block valve: 1CS-745 (Train B CSIP).

Standard: * Places 1CS-745 handswitch in CLOS * Verifies 1CS-745 closed by observing RED light OFF, GREEN light O Comment: Critical to CLOSE 1CS-745 to isolate miniflow to RWS Evaluator Note: Applicant may also CLOSE 1CS-753 as part of RNO although this is NOT required.

HARRIS 2008 NRC JPM b Revision 1 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 8 of 13 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Step Performance Step: 12 Verify normal miniflow isolation valves - SHUT

  • 1CS-214 Standard: Verifies at least one valve closed in each line (RED lights OFF, GREEN lights ON.)


Step 2.c

~ Performance Step: 13 Open RHR discharge to CSIP suction valves:

  • 1RH-63 Standard: * Places handswitches for both 1RH-25 and 1RH-63 in OPE * Verifies 1RH-25 and 1RH-63 open by observing RED lights ON, GREEN lights OF Comment: Critical to supply suction flowpath from sump to CSI Step Performance Step: 14 Reset S Standard: SI RESET in Initial Conditions but may reset agai Comment:

HARRIS 2008 NRC JPM b Revision 1 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 9 of 13 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Step Performance Step: 15 Manually realign safeguards equipment following a loss of offsite powe Standard: Reads continuous action and determines off-site power availabl Comment:

Step 2.f

~ Performance Step: 16 Shut RWST to CSIP suction valves AND place in pull-to-Iock position:

  • LCV-115B
  • LCV-115D Standard: * Places LCV-115B and LCV-115D in CLOSE and then in PULL-TO-LOCK
  • Verifies LCV-115B and LCV-115D closed by observing RED lights OFF, GREEN lights O Comment: Critical to isolate RWST suction while aligned for recir Step Performance Step: 17 Check Charging System Status:
  • Check charging line - isolate Standard: * Checks Charging Line Isolation Valves 1CS-235 and 1CS-238 CLOSED by observing RED lights OFF, GREEN lights O * May also check FCV-122.1 CLOSED by observing flow indication at ZER Comment:

HARRIS 2008 NRC JPM b Revision 1 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 10 of 13 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Step Performance Step: 18 Verify Both Charging Pumps - RUNNIN Standard: Verifies CSIPs 1A-SA and 1C-SB both running by observing RED lights ON, GREEN lights OF Comment:

Step 4.a

"" Performance Step: 19 Establish Recirculation Injection Flowpath:

  • Open alternate high head SI to cold leg valve: 1SI-52 Standard: * Places 1SI-52 Control Power O * Verifies ORANGE Control Power Light O * Places 1SI-52 handswitch to OPE * Verifies 1SI-52 open by observing RED light ON, green light OF Comment: Critical to establish injection flowpat Step Performance Step: 20 Check any BIT outlet valve - open
  • 1SI-4 Standard: Verifies both 1SI-3 and 1SI-4 open by observing RED lights ON, GREEN lights OF Comment:

HARRIS 2008 NRC JPM b Revision 1 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 11 of 13 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Step 4.c-V Performance Step: 21 Shut CSIP discharge cross connect valves based on Table:

CSIP "A" and CSIP "C" running:

  • Verifies respective valves re-position by observing RED lights OFF, GREEN lights ON Comment: Critical to separate SI Trains during recirculation phas Step 5 Performance Step: 22 Verify High Head SI Flow:
  • Alternate header flow (Train A): FI-940
  • Normal header flow (Train B): FI-943 Standard: * Verifies Train A flow indication on FI-94 * Verifies Train B flow indication on FI-94 Comment:

Terminating Cue: When the candidate moves to Step 6, Verify CCW Alignment

- - - : Evaluation on this JPM is complete.


HARRIS 2008 NRC JPM b Revision 1 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 12 of 13 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Job Performance Measure No.: 2008 NRC JPM b Examinee's Name:

Date Performed:

Facility Evaluator:

Number of Attempts:

Time to Complete:

Question Documentation:



Result: SAT UNSAT Examiner's Signature: Date:

HARRIS 2008 NRC JPM b Revision 1 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 13 of 13 Form ES-C-1 JPM CUE SHEET INITIAL CONDITIONS: * A large break LOCA caused a reactor trip and safety injection

  • SI has been reset and CCW has been aligned to the RHR HXs
  • CSIP "A" and CSIP "C" (as "8") are running
  • EPP-010, Transfer to Cold Leg Recirculation, was just entered INITIATING CUE: Perform EPP-010. In accordance with the Step 1 CAUTION, the steps should be performed in an expeditious manner. However, this is NOT a time-critical JPM because the procedure would normally be read to you.

HARRIS 2008 NRC JPM b Revision 1 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-.1

'Worksheet Facility: . *HARRIS . Task NO.:301170H601 Task Title: "Initiate ReS Feedand Bleed (FRP- JPM. No.:' 20.:0'8. NRC JPM c H~"1) .


KIA Reference: E*O.S EA1.1 (4.1) AL:TERNATE. PATH Examinee: .N*RCExaminer:

. . . .

Facility Evaluator:  : Date:

.'Method"*of testing ~.

. . '. . .  : ..



Simulated Performance: '. --.-,..:. ,. ---,...;.;-_ . . ActualPerformance:

.Classrco Simulator Plant

. ',,:' '. .


./ will explainthe inltialconditions, whi~h simulate or:discuss, and provide initiating

..'cues ..':" Wh~n *yo.u**.complete-the task' successfully, the objective for.thls Job Performanc MeasurewiH be satisfie ". '..' . '> . . '. . . * ...* .*.. ,' ' ", . . * . . ...*...... .'

. Initial Conditions: -ThereactortrippedJrom fOO%powerdue to a loss ofoff-site

. *power~.. . .

. '-' .ASBLbCA occurred following' the* reactor tri e' '.. Adversecontainmentvalues 'are in -. effect. .

-Sus 1A-SAis'locked out*on*anelectricalf~ul j- . Motor Driven AFW PumpB" is partially disassembled for

'. maintenanc .

. . ' .

..* The Tl.irbine,;,DrivenAFWPump failed while 'startin .* .The .crew is performinq *FRP._:H.:1*,.RE.S.:P.ONS'"E TO**LO$.SOF

  • SECONDAR.Y HEAT*sfNK.. . . .". .

- TheFoldoutcriteda forinitiationof RCSFeed and Bleed' have

.just been. me . . '

. .... .. . . .

Task .Standard: .RCS~'feed' establishedwith maximum.availablebleed pat Required.Materials: Attach'PAT'H-1 .(3*UI:DE Attachment 1'.: tq*this.JPMfor'-use by the evaluator...

GeneralReferences: FR*P-H.1*,RESPONSE* TO*.LOSS*OF SECONDARY HEAT SIN.K, Revision 21 ..

  • HAR.RIS 2008* NRC'JPM C Revision O' *NUREG 1'021*, Revislons

.Appendix C' Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 .

Work*sheet Handout: . Use Simulator ccipy*ofFRP-H.1.andensure*it is cleaned after each use

.orprovide a paper cop . .

Observe.the 'procedure CAUTION prior to FRP-H.1 ,.Step 1'2,. then initiate RC.*S.*feed and blee .

Time *C*dtical.* Task:*

.Validation Time: 8 minute " "-

. HARRI.S2*OO.8.*:NR*C: JP.M* cRevision 0 . NUREG'1 021*,. Revision 9

Appendix C' JobPerformanceMeasure


.'.. SU't1U.LAT,OR SET.U.P*

  • -Atpower Ie*

' . .

  • Tag *M.DAFWPumpuB" .

.e ':MALF 'for art electricalfault to.lock out.Bus 1A-SA'

e MALF to trip .T*DAFW Pump durlng.AUTO*.start

. . .

e Overrides to' blo'ck'MA'"NUAL **QP*EN.orf*d.:PCV-444*S*

. .. . Loss ofOff-site power

. .

. . .

  • e -:'Peiiorm **PAT.H-*1- . . ~ .' .

e*' . Perform EPP~4" .

.... .:SBL()CAaJter e*ntedngH~P-H;1 to get toadyetsecontajnrnenfv~lues;

'HARRIS200a'NRC JPMc.Revision '0

Appendix C' P*ag.e 4 of 10 . Form ES-C-1

.PERF()RMANCE' INFORMATION (Denote Critic at Steps'.with a. 'check .,nark): .


FRP*:H;1,Step12* . .

. Procedure CAUTION: Perform Steps *1.-2. throuqhZ! .C1uickl*y to 'establish **RCS heat removalby :RC*S**:*bl*eed* 'and fee Verify *AII Reps'...*STOP*PED .

All RCP;s stopped on LOOP.****


. '.' . .'.'.:'.' -. :: ... :..

.. ' . . ." .*ERP~H.t Step 13 . '

" ' . . .

.Performance.Step; 2* '-:' Actuate .SL**

. .,' .",  : .. ' .

VerifiesSI'actualed...' .....

'. .

'. Comment: .

FRP,-H.'1,Step1'4 .

~~:rF~~6~~6:~~kFOLLOWING: . .'



.* Verifie~**:C§J.P.:uB~':: runnlnq. (R.~:p**tig*hts} .

'. .Verifies valvealigrllTlent using Guide 1,Attachment1, and/or verifles flow indicationon the Sl.Flow meter .

. .' .  :., . : . ' .

Guide 1,Attachmenf1 has been performed. Alignment is

  • co.rrecffortlle current.powersltuatlo .

. . .

.' . . ..... .

. . .

. ~ ..

Evaluator Note: . Only Train**"B'f*is*.operable~ no.' power to Train "A".

HARRIS* 2008 NRC' JP*M* c Revision 0 N.UREG 1021-., Revision 9

Appendix C* Page 5 of 10 . Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INF:ORMATI.ON Comment:

  • FRP-H~:1-*,* Step:*1*S
  • v . Performance-Step: 4 ResetS .' .". ..". "." "... ",
  • " 0 ' *

. . .

. ." . " . . . " . . '. . ' . .

    • Sta*.nda*rd:*. . . Places both Sl Train RESET:Switche*s.*in RE*SET and

... releases. <">- . .

.. .

  • .Verifies RES.ETan* Bypass Permissive Panel

". . .

. . . . .

.**:.C*om'ment: ... . . Criticalto allow operator *co~trol* of equipment/slqnal .. .. . :... . :..

.. FR*P*-H.. 1..~*.*Step~:1.6.**.. . ...


.. *P*O.LLOW*IN:<3* A LO*SS***O*F:.Of.=*.F:'*S**ITE.** POWER*..


Sta.n.da.r.ct : .

. .

',' , , ' " " 'FRP:'H:f;Step17 ' '

':v "Perform~u16eSfep:6" " ,Reset. Phase AAND PhaseB'lsolation Signal ,.. ,Standard:' .' PlacesTrainA" andTrairrBtPhase "A'iRESET Switches ih'RESET'al1d releases, N) , ",

..*.. ****Places.*Tra*in "A'" andTrain "B" Phase "-B"-RE*SET S*witches

. :in**RESE*T*:ai1d*:rele:as8s*.* .

. FR:P~H~*1.~Stept8

  • 1***. PerformanceSteprr Ene:tgize**AC**Suses* tA1A*N*O:*1* *Stanliard*:* *.. . Enerqizes Bus 1*B:t:by. closinqthecross-tie from thevital
    • bus.* .

. . .

  • HA*RR'IS.*.2008 *NR.C:J*P.M c RevisionO .

Appendix C Page 6 of 10 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION

  • No power available to 1A Comment:

FRP-H.1, Step 19

~Performance Step: 8 Establish Instrument Air AND Nitrogen To CNMT:

a. Open the following valves:

  • 11A~819
  • 181-287 b.Place air compressor tAand 1 B:i~ the local control mod (Refer to PATH-.1GUIDE, Attachment 5.)

Standard: * O*pens*1IA-819(~)

  • ()pens1SJ-287 (-V)
  • "Dispatches an AO to place .1A and .1 BAir*Compressors in'

the LOCAL Control Mod Booth .Operator Cue: Acknowl~dge'assignmentthenactuatethe ET to place 1A andt B *Ah"* compressors in the LOCAL Mode and, report bac Comment: Critical to supply air toPRZR PORV's.

HARRIS 2008 NRCJPM c Revision 0 NUREG'1021,Revision 9

AppendixC, Page 7 of to Form ES-C-1


-v , PerformanceStep: 9 'ESTAB.LrSH**RCS BLEED.PATH*: ' .


. . ' .



  • . .Eval*.u*ate.EA*L. network usinq entry, point .. . .

.Standard: : *... \/erifiesHC':'115 andRC.:.117 indicate OPEN (RED light)

  • . ', ,*No:*,iti*dicalio*n:for**R.C--1*1:3

.*... *Op*ens .*PCV-44~*~* (1)"

.', :,*In-forms,.*ShiftS:up.erintendent:to using

..'entry"poi'h.t.:U*** -.

. '. " ", ..

. . . .

" ' .

~ . ' . , . . '


. " .... - ...

. ....: Fhe tastknownposltlon for *RC-113* was .OPEN*~..

  • . As Shift 5 uperi ntendent, acknowledqe direction to .

.evaluate fhe,EAL.*.n*etWo'.rk. ustnq entry.pointU: ,

. . .' . ' ,

. . . . .

. . '. . . . .

'. Evaluator Note:' ' ,O*n.l.y *P*GV-44513~*.Will** .. Th*e.. applicantshoul..d attemptto o,p*~n.*a*lf~PRZ:,*p6R"' .,' .

. C"itjcaltoe~tablish the available PORV bleed pat .FRP~H.t,Step 2La(ALTERNATEPATH.begins)* .

"Performance St,ep*:*.*:1 O* VerifyAdequate RtrS *~leed**Path:. . .' .

'Chetk.:.PRZ* P()RVs*AND* .associatedblockvalves .. *lWO* BLEED:'.

.;P*ATHS. *OPE*N*.

RNO a. GO TO Step 21 Sla'lidard: ...*. "..Determinesonlyone PRZ PORV'is OPE..N~

.' . . Proceeds to' *RN*().*

  • C.omment:

NUREG 1,02'1', Revisions

Appendix : Page Bot- to,.. *Form ES-C-1 PERFORMAN'CE IN:FORMATION

  • FRP-H.l,.$tep. 2.1.c .

" .Performance-Step:

. . . 11 Open *a*It*Res vent valves to commence ventinq: .

'*. *.1RC~900

., l' RC:"901

  • **tR*C-902
  • . *1-R*C:-903

.*. :lRC-S04 e.' :JR*C-90.S*

Standard:' Opens: .'

'.. 1.R*C~9 ..

. .

  • . ..-.t:RC*~903*:* .

.~:.. ~. ': : ..

. * '. '1 RC~905>:'

.. . . .. . . . ': . ". . ': . ., :., '.0:" .

JiOp()Wer~vailabl(ft01RC~9bol'1RC-902,.1,RC~90 . .

  • ,EvaluafotNote: , Thereis criticalto~stablisl1thelnCl){I~umavailablebleed' pat . .'

. Cornment:

T~rmin~tingCue: , '


. . .

HARR.lS2008NRC*:-J*P*M: C'*Revision O* N.UR*E.G** *1'021-, Revision 9

AppendixC *P.age*g of.10 Form ES~C-1

. ' ."


. .

JobPerformance Measure No.: . :2*0.08:NR*CJPM c


Facility Evaluator:

Number :.of Attempts:

. .

.. .

Time to.';Complete;

. .'

. . ' .....

'. **Qu*estion** Documentatiorr; .

. . . .

Q uestion: .

. ' ..... -.

Response: . .

Result: . SA*T

' . ~

.' . . .:".'

. .

Examiner's Signature': Date:

HARRIS 2008 'NRC' JPM' c Revision 0" NUREG*1 02'1,. Revision 9

Page*1O' of to Form ES-C':'1 JPM CUE SHEET

  • The reactortripped.. from :-1'00'% .power -. due:to.aloss of off-

. .sitepower. . ' . ., . .

.* Adverse containment

. .

values are in*effe:c .'. Bus lA-SA. 'is 'locked'


out on ari..electrical faul ' . .

  • . Motor Driven 'AFW Pump "8'.' Ispartially disassembled for maintenanc . .

'. The Turbihe-DrivenAFWPumpfailedwhile starting. .

  • ThecrewisperforrninqFfcp-l-l.f; RE*SPO.NS.*E.TO* LOSS



..' . ".' ' . . . . " .' . .' . '. . .. .

.* . .The Foldout'criteria for initiationof RGS .Feed and Bleed


. "

. .

.. ' . . .: ' . . . . . . '. . . .

FRP~tt1, Step 12, then

. . .

."'INITIArl Nf3****CUE*:* Observe the procedureGAUTIONpriorto

  • initiat.8.***RC*S*Ofe*ed*a*ndble*e.d*. . '.

1 ..

HAR*R.fS 2.0:08N.RC JPM*c Revision O *NU*Rr=G 102'1., Revisions

Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Facility: HARRIS Task No.:

Task Title: Respond to a loss of Normal JPM No.: 2008 NRC d Service Water (AOP-022)

KIA Reference: 076 A2.01 (3.5/3.7) ALTERNATE PATH Examinee: NRC Examiner:

Facility Evaluator: Date:

Method of testing:

Simulated Performance: Actual Performance: X Classroom Simulator X Plant READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.

Initial Conditions: * Reactor power is 9%

  • The Main Turbine is rolling at 1800 RPM in preparation for synchronizing in accordance with GP-005, POWER OPERATION
  • NSW Pump "A" is under clearance to investigate excessive shaft vibration
  • CCW Pump "A" is under clearance while electricians investigate a breaker alignment problem.

Task Standard: Emergency Service Water isolated from NSW and Main Turbine tripped Required Materials: None General References: AOP-022, LOSS OF SERVICE WATER GP-005, POWER OPERATION Initiating Cue: You are the board operator. Standby to raise reactor power greater than P-10 in accordance with GP-005, Step 97, when the USCO gives the order.

Time Critical Task: NO HARRIS08 NRC JPM d Revision 1 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Validation Time: 5 minutes HARRIS08 NRC JPM d Revision 1 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet SIMULATOR SETUP

  • Go to RUN on Simulator
  • Start "8" NSW Pump
  • Secure and tag "A" NSW Pump
  • Secure and tag "A" CCW
  • MALF to prevent ESW Pump AUTO start (PT:9101A 200.0)

HARRIS08 NRC JPM d Revision 1 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 4 of 9 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION (Denote Critical Steps with a check mark)


Performance Step: 1 Responds to alarms/indicatio Standard: * Determines NSW Pump "8" has tripped and "A" is unavailable

AOP-022, Step 1 (Immediate Action)

Performance Step: 2 CHECK ESW flow lost to ANY RUNNING CSIP - MORE THAN 1-minute:

Standard: Answers NO Evaluator Note: * Applicant may go back and perform Step 1 RNO Path actions (trip the running CSIP and isolate Letdown) if ESW flow is lost for more than one minut * Applicant may start "A" ESW Pump at any time after recognizing auto start failure (> 20 sees, no SW flow) in accordance with management expectations for operator action on failure Comment:

HARRIS08 NRC JPM d Revision 1 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 5 of 9 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION AOP-022, Step 2 (Immediate Action)

Performance Step: 3 CHECK ESW flow lost to ANY RUNNING EDG - MORE THAN 1-minute:

Standard: Answers NO - no EDG operating Comment:

AOP-022, Step 3 Performance Step: 4 GO TO the appropriate step as indicated by the parameter LOST:'

Standard: Proceeds to Step 6 for NSW Pump lost/loss of flo Comment:

AOP-022, Step 6 Performance Step: 5 * CHECK loss of NSW Header due to NSW Pump FAILED or LOSS OF FLO * START standby NSW Pump as follows:

  • CHECK ANY NSW Pump - RUNNIN Standard: * Determines loss of NSW header due to loss of only available pump
  • Determines no NSW Pump running and proceeds toRNO Comment:

HARRIS08 NRC JPM d Revision 1 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 6 of 9 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION AOP-022, Step 6.b RNO

~ Performance Step: 6 VERIFY BOTH ESW Pumps - RUNNIN Standard: * Determines "B" ESW Pump running and initiates a MANUAL start on "A" ESW Pump (~)

  • GO TO Section 3.2 (page 30)

Comment: Critical to provide adequate flow to the ESW header AOP-022, Step 3. Performance Step: 7 CHECK Turbine trip required by ANY of the following conditions -


  • No NSW Pump can be operated Standard: Answers YES Comment:

AOP-022, Step 3. Performance Step: 8 CHECK Reactor power greater than P-10 (10%).

Standard: * Verifies reactor power < P-10 and answers NO

  • Proceeds to RNO column Comment:

HARRIS08 NRC JPM d Revision 1 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 7 of 9 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION AOP-022, Step 3.2.2 RNO Performance Step: 9 IF Turbine is operating, THEN TRIP Turbine AND GO TO Step Standard: * Initiates a MANUAL Turbine Trip

  • Verifies Turbine Stop Valves closed Comment:

Terminating Cue: When the turbine trip is verified: Evaluation on this JPM is complete.


HARRIS08 NRC JPM d Revision 1 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 8 of 9 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Job Performance Measure No.: 2008 NRC JPM d Examinee's Name:

Date Performed:

Facility Evaluator:

Number of Attempts:

Time to Complete:

Question Documentation:



Result: SAT UNSAT Examiner's Signature: Date:

HARRIS08 NRC JPM d Revision 1 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 9 of 9 Form ES-C-1 JPM CUE SHEET INITIAL CONDITIONS: * Reactor power is 9%

  • The Main Turbine is rolling at 1800 RPM in preparation for synchronizing in accordance with GP-005, POWER OPERATION
  • NSW Pump "A" is under clearance to investigate excessive shaft vibration
  • CSIP Pump "A" is under clearance while electricians investigate a breaker alignment problem.

INITIATING CUE: You are the board operator. Standby to raise reactor power greater than P-10 in accordance with GP-005, Step 97, when the USCO gives the order.

HARRIS08 NRC JPM d Revision 1 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Facility: HARRIS Task No.:

Task Title: Place the Containment Hydrogen JPM No.: 2008 NRC JPM e Purge System in operation (OP-125)

KIA Reference: 028 A4.01 (4.0/4.0)

Examinee: NRC Examiner:

Facility Evaluator: Date:

Method of testing:

Simulated Performance: X Actual Performance:

Classroom Simulator Plant X This JPM will be simulated in the Control Room.

READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.

Initial Conditions: * A large break LOCA has occurre * Hydrogen Recombiner problems have resulted in a Containment Hydrogen concentration> 4°A>.

  • The USCG has directed that the Hydrogen Purge System be placed in operation in accordance with OP-125, POST ACCIDENT HYDROGEN SYSTE * The Hydrogen Purge System is aligned in accordance with OP-125, Attachments 4 and * A release permit has been approve * The Containment is at atmospheric pressure
  • An AO is standing by to operate local valves Task Standard: System aligned with release in progress.

Required Materials: Key for 1CM-2 General References: OP-125, POST ACCIDENT HYDROGEN SYSTEM.

Handout: OP-125 with and initialed.

HARRIS08 NRC JPM e Revision 0 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Initiating Cue: Simulate placing the Hydrogen Purge System in operation in accordance with OP-125. DO NOT OPERATE ANY EQUIPMEN Discuss indications that you would expect to see as a result of the simulated operations. Time compression will be used to report field operations and/or indications.

Time Critical Task: NO Validation Time: 8 minutes HARRIS08 NRC JPM e Revision 0 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Job Periormance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet SIMULATOR SETUP N/A HARRIS08 NRC JPM e Revision 0 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 4 of 9 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION (Denote Critical Steps with a check mark)


OP-125 Performance Step: 1 Obtain/review procedure Standard: * Reviews Precaution and Limitations and Initial Conditions for the tas * Proceeds to Section Evaluator Cue: Provide handout for NRC JPM Comment:

OP-125, 5.3. Performance Step: 2 OBTAIN the key for 1CM-2, Hydrogen Purge Isolation Valv Standard: * Discusses location and process for obtaining the key(s)

  • Proceeds to ARP-4 Evaluator Cue: After the applicant discusses the process for obtaining the key: Assume that you have the key for 1CM- Comment:

HARRIS08 NRC JPM eRevision 0 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 5 of 9 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION OP-125,

~ Performance Step: 3 At ARP-4A SA TURN the key switch for Hydrogen Purge Isolation (CS-3074.1 SA) to O Standard: Points out ON position for 1CM-2 (labeled Control Power Key Switch 1CM-2 H2 Purge Exh Valve) and simulates turning the ke Evaluator Note: Turning the switch to ON energizes control power for 1CM- Evaluator Cue: When the applicant goes to the MCB to operate 1CM-2, he/she may verify the control power light on. If so: The CONTROL POWER ON light is illuminated for 1CM- Verification of the light is not a critical tas Comment:

OP-125, 5.3. Procedure Note: If in MODES 1, 2, 3, or 4, opening 1CM-2 will result in entering an LCO for Tech Spec 3.6.3.

~ Performance Step: 4 OPEN HYDROGEN PURGE ISOLATION 1CM-2 S Standard: * Applicant should inform the USCO of TS requiremen * Points out OPEN position and simulates opening 1CM- Evaluator Cue: * Acknowledge report of TS requiremen * 1CM-2'indicating lights has gone from GREEN to RE Comment:

HARRIS08 NRC JPM e Revision 0 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 6 of 9 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION OP-125, 5.3. Performance Step: 5 Locally, UNLOCK and OPEN the following:

a. 1CM-4 H2 Purge Exhaust CIV (Outside Containment).

b. 1CM-5 H2 Purge Makeup CIV (Outside Containment).

Standard: Directs AO to unlock and open 1CM-4 and 1CM- Evaluator Cue: The AO reports: 1CM-4 and 1CM-5 are unlocked and ope Comment:

OP-125, 5.3. Procedure Note: IF the "Containment H2 Purge Filter/System High liP" (ALB-028-7-2) alarm is received, THEN it should be investigated and appropriate action taken.

-'./ Performance Step: 6 START HYDROGEN PURGE EXHAUST FAN E- Standard: Points out the START position and simulates placing the E-4 Switch to STAR Evaluator Cue: * E-4 indicating lights have gone from GREEN to RE * ALB-028-7-2 is clear Comment:

HARRIS08 NRC JPM e Revision 0 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 7 of 9 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION OP-125, 5.3. Performance Step: 7 VERIFY the following dampers indicate open on SLB-7:

a. Window 1-1, H2 Purge CM-B1 b. Window 2-1, Fan E4 CM-B2 c. Window 3-1, H2 Purge CM-B3 Standard: At SLB-7, verifies each of the following are RED:

  • Window 1-1, H2 Purge CM-B 1
  • Window 2-1, Fan E4 CM-B2
  • Window 3-1, H2 Purge CM-B3 Evaluator Cue: As each is checked:
  • Window 1-1, H2 Purge CM-B1, is RED
  • Window 2-1, Fan E4 CM-B2, is RED
  • Window 3-1, H2 Purge CM-B3, is RED Comment:

Terminating Cue: After the damper positions are verified: Evaluation on this JPM is complete.


HARRIS08 NRC JPM e Revision 0 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 8 of 9 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Job Performance Measure No.: 2008 NRC JPM e Examinee's Name:

Date Performed:

Facility Evaluator:

Number of Attempts:

Time to Complete:

Question Documentation:



Result: SAT UNSAT Examiner's Signature: Date:

HARRIS08 NRC JPM e Revision 0 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 9 of 9 Form ES-C-1 JPM CUE SHEET INITIAL CONDITIONS: * A large break LOCA has occurre * Hydrogen Recombiner problems have resulted in a Containment Hydrogen concentration> 4%.

  • The USCO has directed that the Hydrogen Purge System be placed in operation in accordance with OP-125, POST ACCIDENT HYDROGEN SYSTE * The Hydrogen Purge System is aligned in accordance with OP-125, Attachments 4 and * A release permit has been approve * The Containment is at atmospheric pressure
  • An AO is standing by to operate local valves INITIATING CUE: Simulate placing the Hydrogen Purge System in operation in accordance with OP-125. DO NOT OPERATE ANY EQUIPMENT. Discuss indications that you would expect to see as a result of the simulated operations. Time compression will be used to report field operations and/or indications.

HARRIS08 NRC JPM e Revision 0 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

AppendixC Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet

. Facility: HARRIS Task No.:

Task Title:* Transfer an Emergency Bus to an JPM. No.: 2008 NRC f EDG due to a .deqraded grid

KIA* Reference: 062 A4.01 (3.3/3.1) AL TE-RNATE PATH Examinee: NRC Examiner:

Facility Evaluator: .Date.:

Method of testing:*

  • Simulated Performance: Actual Performance: X Classroom -"-------

Sirrurlator--.". '.... X Plant READ TO THE EXAMINEE I wi I.!. explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating

.cues. When youcomplete the task successfully; the objective for this Job Performance .

Measure will be.: satisfied, .


Initial Conditions: " * The unit is at 100%. power

  • The failure of a major line.resulted in the cascading trip of several units on the grid. "
  • Grid frequency is below normal. and the crewhas entered AOP-028.,

GRID INSTABILITY, and has completed Step 9 ~*Check for-

" indications ofa load rejection. - _..- .

Task Standard: EDG "8'" supplying. 1B-S8 Bus" and the Load Sequencerreset Required Materials: None General References: AOP-028, GRID INSTABIL~ty

" Handout: Use Simulator copy. of AOP-028 and' ensure it is cleaned after each use

.orprovide Q paper cop .. .

Initiating Cue: Observe the CAUTIO.N prior to AOP-0*28, Step 1O,and then perform the proceduresteps, Tin,-e Critical. Task: NO HARRIS08 NRC JPM fRevision 0 .NUR*EG 1021, Revision 9

AppendixC Job Performa.nce Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Validation Time: 9 minutes .

Appendix C Job PerfotmanceMeasure Form ES.;.C-1 Workshe:et SIMULATOR SETUP

,lC'-19 Bring,up'ERFIS DisplaYofAOP~028',.Attach.ment 1 parameters MALFUNCTIONS:

  • PPI08 (59.2 'HZ)

, '

  • 'ZDSQ?2ATB ~ ,FAIL_ASIS (LoadBlock g'tv1anual Loading Permissive fatlure)

HARRlsoa' N'RC JPM fRevision 0, NUREG 1021, 'Revision 9

Appendi Paqe 4 of 10  ; Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INF'ORMATION (Denote Critical Steps with a check mark)


AOP-028, Step 10 Performance Step: l ' CAUTION*

  • W'ith off-site voltaqe .or system frequency unstable, EDGs must * paralleled 'w-ith off site power since severe .

load swinqs may occur and overload the' EDGs*.

.affe.ctedEDG be .stopped:

Standard: Reads/acknowleoqes Comment;'

  • .A*OP~028,_Step 10

-,P erformance Step; 2 '. C'HEC'K ANY EDG operatingparalleled to the Grid. .

Standard: * Verifies" no 't=DG running 'and answers-No .

  • 'GO' TO'Step 1."2 Comment:

HARRI'S08 NRC JPM f Revision 0- NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Pa'ge 5 of 1*0 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORfylATI.ON AOP-028, Step 12 Performance *~tep: 3 CHECK ALL of the' following parameters WIT*HINthe limits of the indicated ranqe:

6.9 kV Emerqency Buses - 6'550': to '7250* volts:

  • 'EI-6956A1 SA, EMER BUS* .A VOLTS'
  • *EI-69.56*B1 SB,..EMERBU:S

. .


  • Frequency -.59.5 to*50..S Hz Standard': DeterminesFrequency outsideof ranqe and proceedsto RN Comment:

. , ' . .

  • AO*P*-028~* Step 12 ~N i '. * *

.Performance Ste:p: 4'" '. E*NE:R*GIZE theErnerqency Buseswiththe associatedEfxs per Attachment . . Standard: ProceedstoAttachment . .

  • Col11*ri1*ent:*

. .

. . . .

. ' ..... ' . ' .'. .:"

.. AOP~028. Attachrnentz>- Step 1 .. . . ...

. Performance-Step: ~ ... D:ETE*RM.I N"E which Emerqency 'Bus is' supplyinq .power to.. the operatinq ..C:SI Verifies csu- "A" running -*Su.s .1A~SA.*

HARRISO*8.NRC JPM*f RevisionO . NU'REG 1021, Revision 9

.Appendix C Page 6. of to Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATI.ON AOP-028,Atta.chment2 - Step 2'

Performance* Step: 6 N.OTE

  • MDAFW FCVs will get an auto open signal (unless an AFW isolation signal is .present)*when eitherbreaker 1*05 or 1*25 open * Ona loss of power toanemerqency bus the associated

.steam supply valve totheTurblneDrivenAftwPurnp wiU open'..

  • . This step' will cause CVIS isolation and render' both Containment Vacuum. Reliefs' inoperable (Tech-Spec 3.0~3). .

Standard: * Reads/acknowledqes

.* Maytnformthe U*SCO

.Acknowledge .any repor . : . . ". ".'

. .

. Comment; AO.P-028, Attachrnentz>- Step 2 . r

  • vPerformanceStep: 7 .. . OPENthesupplybreakerto the ErnerqencyBus NOT supplying power totheoperating CSIP; . * . . .
  • '. Emerqency :BuS .A~SA**to Aux..:B.LiS* D Tie Breaker t05

. .

  • EmerqencyBus B-S:B.~to Aux BusE Tie Breaker 12!? SB

. " ' . ." . .

Standatd: ..O pens Emergency Bus B~S.B to AuxBus E Tie Breaker .125 S . . Comment: Critical to start.EDG.*without IO'sing chatging**.

HARRfS.OS:* NRC JPM fRevision. 0 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C .Page 7" of1 0 Form"ES~C-t PERFORMANCE INFORMATION

  • AOP*-028, Attachment" 2* ~*.StE3.p~*3*

VERI.FY the associated EDG" STARTS AND ENERGIZE'S the' .

assoclated Emergency Bu Standar * Verifie*s*.EDG*"B" start (Speed,Vo'ltage;Frequency)

  • VerifiesBreaker 126 closed C*omin:ent:* .

' . ~

.' .: ..... .: .' AOP~028, Attachment  ?'- Step* 4'" .

Performance Step: 9 .' .VERIFY proper load sequenclnqfortheEmerqency.Bus being

. .ENERGIZE;Dper 'O:MM~bo4~ Post-Trip/Safequards Review, Attachmentt . '.' .

, ' . . . . .

. .

. . .. . ' . . .

Locates..OM:*M~OQ4.:,Attach*ment -1.2 .... '

. .": '. . ". . . . . .

'. Evaluator Cue . . AfterOIVlIVIL004;Attachment12 is located: Another operator

,will" perform.. OM*M~004, Attachment 1: .

Comment: .

. . . " . : .

. .

AOP':028, Attachment 2- Step 5 . .

.*P**etform*ance**Slep.:'10* : CH E.CK the 'following'for the Emergency .Bus bein ENERGIZED.:

. ' . ' .

.:.* B..Se.qu:en:cer Load Blocks *AlJTO ACT COMP~.ETE MAN'

LOAD. *P*E.RM ITTE.DJ~9*ht is*.~I: * .Observes the Load Sequencer. progress ontheElxs

.. pane .

. : '. .

. .

. *. Determines "B" Sequencer:Load Block 9 'AUT'O ACT

"C()MPLE'TE" MAN* LO*AD*P*ERMITTEDlighf is NO.*T *LI* .Comment:

HARRIS08NRC JP*M*f RevisionO . NUREG1021, Revision 9

AppendixC Page 8 of 10 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION AOP~02.8,. Attachment 2 ~ Step 5.*RNO

. . .

Performance St~p: 11 P*LACE. the applicable Emer Load Sequencer Manual Loading'

. switches to PERM AND. CHE*CKthe followinq:

  • Load **S.*equencer -.8*'MAN' PERM 'Iight is LIT

. .

-. Standard: *. P.LACES,*.the u'S"":Emer'L'o'ad Sequencer Manual Loadinq switch

. . ....

to *PERM~**

. .. . .


  • .. Verifies B MAN PERM Hghtis li "'. . . . . . ' . .' . . .

., ': -'. .' .' . .' ~ . .' .

'.. Evaluator Note: .' **"fhereiSa1S()seCOnds time delay (from inltiatlonjbefore ..

MAN*UAL: Reset. lspermlttedby.theclrcult..* I.'f-th.e applicant

.... attemptsa RE$E'Tbefbre that times out then' *:the*y.**sho*uld: . .

alI6w***.:s*ori1e:~addltiona.t-time 'and re-attempt.. If theycannot

.accomplish .reset.wlthouta prorrrptor cuethenthat .

. .constltutesfalture ofthls critical-ste ....


. ' , .: ": . . . . ..' . .

', '. ..... . . : .'. '., ." '. . ' . ' '..:: ' . '

. .

. . . " .

. .TermlnatlnqOue: . ". Afterthe B::r\;II*AN:*.PE*RM light is "litt Evaluation on.thls JPM is .

. ..complete. . .... . ' .. .

,.... .: .:.

    • ST**Ofi:T~IM*E*:.".

HARRrS08:NR'C J.PM f RevisionO NU'REG 102,1', Revision 9

'Appendix 'C' Page 90f10 Form ES-C'-1 VERIFICATIONOF,COM,PLETION

. . ". . . ' .

, Job, Performance Measure No.: 2,008 NRC JPM f Exarninee's Name:

Date Performed; FacilltyEvaluator:

'Number of Attempts:

Timeto :,Co'rn'pl~te:,

.. ' . .

, ,

. . ' .".

. ' ". '0" ".".

'Qu:es:fion Docume,ntation:' '


,Respon:se::,' "

, , '\ " ' .


I, Result; ' SAT UN$AT Examiner's :Sign~turE3: ' Date:


'HARRI,S:08' N'RC"JPrvlf Revlsion 0 NUREG, '102'1 .Revision 9

'. Page 10 of 10" Form ES-C~1 JPM CU"E: *SHEET

  • INITIAL*CO*N*DITIO*NS:* . * Theunitisat r.oo*%*power

. .

  • . Thefailure of.a major line resulted in the cascadinq trip of several" unitsonthe grid
  • .. Gridfrequency-isbelow normal.and the crew has entered

. AOP~028,:.~RID I~STABILIT.Y, and has completed Step 9 -

Check.for indications o.f:a.-Ioad*rejection*",- ~ .

. -

' . "., .

. . .

. IN*ITJATINGCU*E>.. . Observe the CAUTION prior to AOP~028,. Step .10, and then

. .perform th*e**pto~ed*uresteps.~* ..

  • HARRIS08* NRC.JPM f Revision 0 'NUREG'1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Facility: HARRIS Task No.:

Task Title: Respond to a Fuel Handling JPM No.: 2008 NRC 9 Building RMS alarm (AOP-005, OP-170)

KIA Reference: APE061 AA4.01 (3.6/3.6) ALTERNATE PATH Examinee: NRC Examiner:

Facility Evaluator: Date:

Method of testing:

Simulated Performance: Actual Performance: x Classroom Simulator X Plant READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.

Initial Conditions: * 100% power

  • All major controllers are in AUTO and no equipment is misaligned Task Standard: FHB Evacuated and FHBV properly aligned.

Required Materials: None General References: AOP-005, RADIATION MONITORING SYSTEM OP-170, FUEL HANDLING BUILDING HVAC Handout: Use Simulator copy of AOP-005/0P-170 and ensure each is cleaned after each use or provide paper copies.

Initiating Cue: Maintain current conditions.

Time Critical Task: NO Validation Time: 14 minutes HARRIS08 NRC JPM g Revision 1 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet SIMULATOR SETUP

  • IC-19
  • MALF to prevent start of Train "A" FHBV Exhaust Fan E-12 start
  • 5 seconds after the applicant assumes the watch, MALF to actuate Train "A" FHB Area Monitor alarm HARRIS08 NRC JPM 9 Revision 1 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 3 of 11 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION (Denote Critical Steps with a check mark)


Performance Step: 1 Responds to alar Standard: Enters AOP-00 Comment:

AOP-005, Step 1 Performance Step: 2 CHECK radiation levels NOT in HIGH ALARM:

  • Area Radiation Monitors Standard: Checks RM-11 Panel and/or indication, answers NO and proceeds to RNO colum Evaluator Note: The applicant may start FHB HVAC Exhaust Fan E-12 at any time after the alarm is confirmed in accordance with management expectations for operator action on interlock failure Comment:

HARRIS08 NRC JPM g Revision 1 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 4 of 11 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION AOP-005, Step 1 RNO-v Performance Step: 3 If Radiation Monitors are in HIGH ALARM then:

  • Sound the local evacuation alarm and evacuate the area
  • Repeat the announcement Standard: * Sounds local evacuation alarm, announces HIGH Radiation alarm in FHB, and for all personnel to evacuate the FH * Repeats the announcemen Comment: Critical to announce evacuate the specified area because the control room does not know if personnel are in the FH AOP-005, Step 1 RNO Performance Step: 4 NOTE: High area radiation levels may require initiation of the Emergency Pla * REFER TO PEP-11 0, Emergency Classification and Protective Action Recommendations, and entry point X for EAL networ Standard: Notifies USCO/SSO Evaluator Cue: Acknowledge any repor Comment:

HARRIS08 NRC JPM g Revision 1 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 5 of 11 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION AOP-005, Step 2 Performance Step: 5 NOTIFY Health Physics to perform the following:

  • EVALUATE ANY alarm received using HPP-780, Radiation Monitoring Systems Operator's Manua * IF necessary, THEN SURVEY the affected are Standard: Contacts Health Physic Booth Operator Cue: Acknowledge report and directio Comment:

AOP-005, Step 3 Performance Step: 6 CHECK ALL Stack Monitor radiation levels NOT in ALAR Standard: Checks RM-11 Panel and answers YE Comment:

AOP-005, Step 4 Performance Step: 7 CHECK ALL Process Monitors NOT in ALAR Standard: Checks RM-11 Panel and answers YE Comment:

HARRIS08 NRC JPM g Revision 1 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 6 of 11 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION AOP-005, Step 5 Performance Step: 8 REFER TO the following:

AOP-005, Step 6 Performance Step: 9 REFER TO the applicable attachment based on the affected area or system monitors:

Standard: Proceeds to Attachment 2 - FHB Monitor Comment:

AOP-005, Attachment 2, Step 1 Performance Step: 10 IF fuel handling is in progress, THEN GO TO the following, as necessary:

  • AOP-031, Loss of Refueling Cavity Integrity Standard: N/A - no reports of Fuel Handling in Initial Condition Comment:

HARRIS08 NRC JPM g Revision 1 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 7 of 11 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION AOP-005, Attachment 2, Step 2 Performance Step: 11 IF Any FHB Spent Fuel Pool Area monitor is in HIGH ALARM, THEN VERIFY proper FHB Emergency Exhaust alignment using OP-170, Fuel Handling Building HVAC (Section 8.1, Auto Start of Emergency Exhaust System).

Standard: Proceeds to OP-170, Section Comment:

-OP-170, 8. Performance Step: 12 Initial Condition:

  • High radiation signal (100 mr/hr) received from the SFP Area Rad. Monitors (1 out of 12 coincidence on either train).

Standard: Indicates Initial Condition is me Comment:

OP-170, 8. Performance Step: 13 * NOTE: High radiation levels on Rad Monitor Train A (B) will automatically start EMERGENCY EXHAUST FAN E-12 1-4X-SA (EMERGENCY EXHAUST FAN E-13 1-4X-SB).

  • NOTE: High radiation levels on Rad Monitor Train A or B in the FHB will secure and isolate normal ventilatio Standard: Reads/acknowledge Evaluator Note: The applicant may start E-12 at this tim Comment:

HARRIS08 NRC JPM g Revision 1 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 8 of 11 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION OP-170, 8.1. Performance Step: 14 * NOTE: E-84 may require securing from the MCC breaker if high radiation levels exist at its' control switch. (E-84 STATUS CAN BE CHECKED AT AEP-2 SLB-1 WINDOW 9-4)

  • CAUTION: E-84 needs to be secured upon receiving a FHB Ventilation Isolation Signal to prevent the potential spread of contamination through the Fuel Handling Buildin Verify E-84 is secured upon receipt of high radiation signal (1-4B1021-5B).

Standard: Contacts AO to verify E-84 statu Booth Operator Cue: Acknowledge direction. Wait one minute and report E-84 is secure Comment:

HARRIS08 NRC JPM 9 Revision 1 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 9 of 11 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION OP-170, Performance Step: 15 * NOTE: If the FHB Radiation Monitor spikes << 2 mi duration), dampers may not actuate due to the short duration of the high radiation signal. If this occurs, the fan should not be considered inoperabl Verify the following dampers and fans have properly realigned as follows: If a Train A high radiation signal was received, at AEP-1:

  • LOADING AREA ISOL DAMPERS FL-D35SAlD37SA SHUT Standard: Starts E-12 (-V) and verifies dampers re-positio Comment: Critical to align fan to radiation alarm interlock positio D Terminating Cue: After E-12 is started and@tmper position is verified:

Evaluation on this JPM is complete.


HARRIS08 NRC JPM g Revision 1 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 10 of 11 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Job Performance Measure No.: 2008 NRC JPM 9 Examinee's Name:

Date Performed:

Facility Evaluator:

Number of Attempts:

Time to Complete:

Question Documentation:



Result: SAT UNSAT Examiner's Signature: Date:

HARRIS08 NRC JPM g Revision 1 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 11 of 11 Form ES-C-1 JPM CUE SHEET INITIAL CONDITIONS: * 100°A> power

  • All major controllers are in AUTO and no equipment is misaligned INITIATING CUE: Maintain current conditions.

HARRIS08 NRC JPM g Revision 1 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Job Performance' Measure .Form' ES-C-1 Worksheet Facility: HARRIS

. .

.Alig*n:,:CCW, tosupport.Rl-R lnrtlatlon JPM.*:N*o*.: .2008:' NR*C .*h '

. (OP*-*1.45.) .' ..' ,

.. KIA Reference:. 008 A4.0t(3~3/3.1') .....

. ' . .

Examinee:*' , '. NRC* Examine . . Fa.cllit.y* Evaluator: "Date:

' . .

Method:-' ofte*sting:

Simulated Performance: . _'---.'~ . '. .... AcfuaIPerfQrmance:** x

    • ,d:la*ssrclo"': , .Simulator X.: ,.: . .Plant '

". ' .. .: '. ,.' , .' . ' ... ,.. ". : ....., . ','


." willexpll.:linthEriniti~lconditibnsiWhichsteps*to-simulateorqiscuss,andprovideinitiating

  • cue,s~.* :Wh.e.n you.. cornplete.the task.: successfullythe obJe*ctiv~.:.for:thi.sJob Performance Measure.. willbesatisfied. . . . . ". .' .

. . ."... . "

, lriitlal Cortditions: * .' Theunitisln Mdde4,goin£ltoMode 5 .....'. .... . .

.:~i:~;~~r:i~sUa:~j~;~fc:laceboth;trainsOfRHR -in service .

.* ...' ,::CCW:.P,ump.,"A'; *is*.::ru'nnihg

. ' .

"..'. .< .. .'. ......> . ..

. TaskStandard: .Two cew PlImpsrunnil1gandthe required.CGW flow rate> established thrqugh.bothRHR,HeatExchClngers . .

Required..Materials: '.' Non . . ' . ' . . .

GeneralReferences; OP';145,COM~ON~NTGOOUNGv\fA"rE ". '" . ' .

. ' .

. . .

. -. Handout: '..*. ' *OP.;.1*'4:5,. Sections 't-..O- .'. '. * .: OP:';145. S~ction~&WithlnitiaIConditions signed off

  • . ., *O.P~14.5:; . Section*:* ". . . . : . .

". . '. . ' . . ' .

..Inltlatinq .Cue: .Al,ign*.:C.CW* to. supportRl-R accordance.with Q*P-145,

    • COM*PO*.NENT COOLIN'G .WAT~R ... AU' Sectiorf*3.~.O.,.prere'quisite$ .are met.

, '. HAR.R1SO,8*NRC jpM,.h*RevIsio*n 0'. NURE:G**t021.,Revision 9

AppendixC JobPerformanceMeasure Form ES-C-1


.. N.UREG 102"1", Revisions

Appendix 'C Job Performance Measure, Form ES-C-1 Worksheet


.,' rC:* ... , ,

.' ',Place LTOPS., in NORMAL arrdestablish feed with -AFW to prevent distracting alarms

  • Start both ESW, Pumps "

. . -.' .

, '.', "'lR"F' 'C:CW,073 5

. ., ' .

  • ." ,.-tR't=: CCW080:'O'

' . .. . .

, ,'.'

, ,',.", ,"checkFH352.tb~t'vVe,el1?850to8500GPrvt(pppro B~OO'GPMwith1GC~508'5%


. ~ *. '.' . .


,'HARRIS08"NRC 'JPM'h"';R'evision',Q' NURE~G '1'021, Revision '9

Appendix C Pag~ 4 of. 12 Form ES-C~1 PERF,ORMANCE IN:FORMATION (Denote CtiticelSteps with<< check' mark)


. .

. Performance :'Slep: 1> . ':Obta'inproce~ure: .

  • . RevlewsSections.t.O'throuqh 4.0*.

. *. ProoeedstoSection .* . *In.i~iafs*lnitiaIGondition. for .~.9(RHRSystem operation





.' .....". .

- . .destred). . . ':. ' ..

'. ' '. . .*.... ..' .....*

. ' .

. . .

.EvaluatorCue: ., '.

. . ' . .

.HARR1S.b8*. NRC.JP.M . hRevision 0.' NUREG: 1021 ,Revision 9

Page'S of FormES~C-1


. .

. *. .The purpose ofthissection is to ensureCCW pump runout

.doesnot .occur.: Maximum flow through . one CCWpump is

.... 1-:*2.,650: gpm~This .sectlonwllt ensure-that one CCW pump 'is

.. notsupplyinq both.:essential.. coolinqloops andthe .non-

.essentlalloop simultaneously,

.* "Nbrrrl-ally it *i:s:*desira;ble to placeboth -, RH.R** cboli'ng trains in

. operation.. *in :*Mode**4.ThiswHI*req.uire*.both;C.CW.pumps to

. .*.be**iri* operation and one.trainof non-essential supply an ..

. ".


.. "

to be. shut ..


' .


' . .

. .

. ProcedureCautlon: . aligning* CCWflow totheRHR Hx,

...' v~rl.fY* flow :rate. to. theNon-essentialheader withonepum .: ,*run*Oi*n*g.*.is:*.:Je*s*s:than. 850Q**:9Pni, as' lndicate',d .on***Fi~652.1- (FI:-:

65~J }pridfto ope~ing 1CO.:147 (1CC-167). . .

. ~p.ER:F.C>Rrvt.:,the .*fblloWI*ng. to-verify total' COW flowrateis between,

..'. 7'850 ~lP:rrl:ari*d.*8::5.0.0*:*g.p.m:.**.. .' ,

  • . ' .J,F"*S-F:,P:*.2&3A:js.:in**servic*e~ THEN TH ROlTLE SHUT ..,

1**C:C;.S.0.8*,..*.SFP.:HX. 2&3A:**C*CW::Outlet. lsolation Valv .... <.IFSFP';&3BlsinserviC~iTHENTHROTTLE SHUT *.

... *~1**CC~.5,2J*~:::S:F:P'HX~::2&*3B*::CCW:.O*utleflsolati'o*n.*Valve~

.... .,: ;.... '. . '.' .' " .


. ' . .

Standard: . .-. Det~rmib~sJIOw at approximately 8200 GpM.....

' . . - .," '... .

......*.......... Performance Step:* 3:~ ~P~~~5ir1;~~26~RHRCOdlingare

.* lobe placed in service, START .

the.::.$ep(~n*dO.CW*pump:*per .::SE?cti.6n.***5>2.* . .

. :,: ' , ' . : . '. . .... .

proceed~ to S6c:tion 5.2 to start CCW, PumpB".

.' .-. . :

. .*S*tand~.a*rd,:* .

... Comment: .

. ..

. . .

. .HARRIS*O.a NRC*.JPM.::*h RevisionO'

Appendix.C . Paqe 60f 12 . Form ES'-C-1 PER'FORMANCE *'1 NFORMATION**

. * ** J

. . .

Performance..Step: .4 . Verifies' Initial Conditions

. . ' .

. Standard; . ..' Notes alltnitia! Conditions aresiqned...

OP-145~ *.5~*2~;2.1: .... " . . . . . . ". ....' .

Procedu re*:N.o:tes:'" .** . Startin~lthes.econdpumpco[jldcau~eAP fluctuations

  • .acr6s:s*::*.Rl:M~O:1 GG-3:*5:0"1:ASj\ (B*$,*B)*.~hich*:rr~*ay 'shut

.sclenoid valve.s**1-CC~2*3.* and fCC:-4*b*~. .' .

. Ii* .*. *Startingth~s~~6hdpl1mpmaY9flUSe'ftOwoScillations which ProcedureOautlon: . .*.-:

. . . . *w~.~.:*,;.;nl.h.e :~c~c;.:w*.1.:.*;p~. u:m*.~pe.: ~.R C~ru:n;.ond.; P.rnePg~.~a*.n :.~d;.ts*.fh'.~e .C cs:.* £tU;a.en~d5*b:'..S*,. m~~pnclbe

  • . .* . .* . *. ...


.* .*:..

.' capableof an .automatlcstart, ensure-a jnln'imurn flowrateof

            • 7SSQgpmexistsas indicated on FI;'652:1(FH553..1)*.lfboth

. c¢W****p*u*m-,p*s:.*~*re.:rurtnlng,.O;Rthe.:.cb\f\l*tr~lins*ate.separated, .

.. ::~ ~~er

.. *4 **Performanc¢St~p:5.. ... Althe MCB;'sTART CCW'P[jmp TrainB"S~(A:.sA)....

. - . .... .. . ...... ::. '. : .... : ' . '  : .. .' ...... .: :" .

. . .

Sel~ctsCCVVPump:uB'L to start andreleases


.' * t ,"

. . ,~ . ",

. *S*ta*rid:ar,d:.* .: . .* . .

'. .' " ' . '. '.:" .

. ' .. ". . ", " .

E"allJatorNdte: ...

" * : * '. * **** * * * * ~ * ; * I *

. Critical.bec3use twoCCWpumps~rerequiredto support two:RI:i:R.:T:r~*.i*ris. **a"'l:dottJ*erload~.*,* ..

'NURE'G *1021,.Revision*g*

AppendixC' Paqe 7. of-.t2 Forril.ES-C-1*

.' .

. .PE~FORMANCE.I.NFORMATION OP-145, 5.2*.. 2.~

Performance Step: 6* \/E:RIF'Y:' flow: is g*reatertha..n orequal to 38S0gpm' onFI~653*.1 and::*FI.~**652~~ .

Stan'd~ard:: '., . Vetlfies***~-*385.0*got)rn:*o*n.*Fr~65**3:~.1'an*d:*Fl-652:*1 ..(Actu*al-is.*5.000 on

"A~'* arld**4000.:o*n* "B~')" . . ,

  • .Comme*nt:: .

" . " .

OP~145,,5.2. '. '. .

.' Performance.Step: PERFoRM0l'1e*qftheJoUQwiog:.. . .

". :f~'~~~C;;:::~o~~.:~::~i~:gU:i~:i::~;:~8;9 ..

. '" .' .

.~ ' . : . : .. .: . .',", '. -. .'

.' '. 'St~lrld:ard:: * Returns'toSectlon R9, .

. .

.. .

.. " "....... ','

. *.Comrnent:

. '. '" .

.' . ' .

. ' .

.: .. '. . .' ....

'. Procedure Note:

. . . .. ~...:...., ' ..

.' .

. . ' .'. . ':'.' : ' .. .

Standard:* .'. ... . Pla¢es1CC'-14'linOPEN(REDlndlcatiQn). *

," . . '

COI11 nie n Critical to alignflowthtoqgt1R~R "'X:"A"....

. . .... , : ' " . .,' .

HARR*.ISOS*NRC* J'PM h ..Revision :'0 NU.REG*t021, Revlslons

. Page. 8.of 12* . Form ES-C-1


.". ' . ' ..' .~.... .


Procedure Caution; . *\lVitt.{:one>G.CW.PUtlJp:.runnin.Q.*.and the 'standby pumpcapable of

.anauiomaticstart.ensure.. aminimurnflowrateofvasu g'pm

.exists .;as* indicatedon FI.:~652.:*1 ::<F*I~653~*.1). If-path CCW*.*pw*

.arenmninq.. *Q*R the:.CC*WJra*ins .are .separated,..a minimum of 385Q.:gp~*:per.:plJmp*is:requfred. This lower flowrateshould.. only beallowedforshortdurations'to .accompllsh pump swappinq or


... " ....


",. '",

  • s.~~tem*.:*~e*a.Hg:nm:etlt. *(R*e.fer~rlCEr2*.6.~.6)*

Performance-Step: 9' '. VERIFYHHR'HXA(B)butflowis5600 to8t50 gpmon FI~

...' .68a.A:t* {Fr~6'89A*t) :'.' .

. .

. *.Sian d.a-rd*:~** Verities RHRHX<A QufflowJs5600td 8150gpm on FI-'688A .,:: *(A~t'uar.i.s: 7:80"GJ G*PJ\l1y-:*.*** .

'. ".' .

. '. :**Cohi*me*rit:* ..' . . :- .

-, .'~' .. '.

....,: ...

. " ..... ". . ' , .

  • .*Q~~t4*5*~:*:8:.9j.2:~*:5~*.

If a leak occurs, . and surqe tank level is 'less than 40% (below the

. .' . ; .: :

. . :' .~:ta.n*d~rd . ::

"., . '.' .. :.: '.:.: '. . '. : : ".:.... .' " . .' , ". .

.C:o.mment:** : . :Criticalto:. IsolateTrain "A~'~ .from .Non-Essential Heade .. .

. .

  • HARR.lS08 NRC JPM***h Revisiori . NUR*EG*.t021, Revision 9

Appendix C: Paqesof 12 Form. *ES-C~1

.*PERFO.RMANC*E. I*NFORMATIO *O*P~1.45, *8:.9.2..6**

. .

. . . . .

Procedure Cautlon; Shuttin*g*both.. 1:CC-*12'8. and*tCC-127* will result-in the loss of the Nonessential Header. . . .

. .' .

.:.. -v...Perfo..r mance :Step: *1*1 .I F .both (~*CW:.pum*ps.:are* in:.service, .CLO.S.E* 1CC-*128 (1: C*C~*127),


. CI()ses1CC~ 128 (GREEN indication}

. .

. .

. . .. . ' . .

. .*nt:* .Crltlcaf tolsolate*'~A" frornNon-Essentlal Header, OP~1A5;j3.'9,2~.7. . '; .

.'...* Perforlllahc,~Step:12 '.' *VERIFYthefdllbwing:.**

, a:.~~ll~~rh~CV\fPurnpsarein* service, THEN PERFORM the .

. ' "~::: ~ ~~..

't6.6},:.'*R*Ij*R *Jfx .A** (8).*Outlet. Throttle Valye:,**to:*o btain

. desired-flow, : . .

'\I~rifil?sfld\1tlat1:lpprOximateJy8000GPM~* .'

" '.



. .'.".


..... .

  • OP~t45,. . a.~9:~**2~8.*

-, *...Procedu ~eCaLJtion: [JonotsuPPlyCCWioboth RHR Heat Exchangers

'. . .

.slmultaneously withonly one . :C*CW*:pum*potu rinln .~. 'Perfo~l1lance Step: 1 *.* *IF.botntrainsofHHR'cooling are .tobeplaced-lnservice, OPEN*

. .fC:C~~. t67::.(1*CC~**147.), .CCW*.*FR.Oryl .RH.R:.:HEAT EX*C.HAN:G:E:RB~

<**S*S.::{A-SA)i: . ..... .

.. . .. .. .:. : :. ~. : ... .. . .. .... .....


, . . '. ' . .

  • Co*mment: .Critlcaltoaliqn flow* throuq h**RH R*.HX:*'*~Bn .

". ' . " . .

HAR:RI*S{)8::NRCJPM* h.-*Revision**O:* NUREG1*021,*Revision*g

Page. 1-*0.oft2* Form ES-C-1 P'ERFORMA:NC~ *INFQR.MATION**

. .

O.P~f45; 8'*.9.2.9:

. '. .

. . . . . . . '. .. . . ' . . ..

Performance' Step': 1"4 vE*R.rFY**CCW* Pump 8.;.$8 {A~SA)-*flo.w. rateinthe required

. :r~'nge, as-follows; .. , ..' .:

. . .... . . .

  • -. CHECk*ccwPurnp B';813 (A-SA) flo~ rate is between

. 1*O*:~.OQO and t2*~:5.00:*.*.gfi*m.,on:***MCB Jndicator F:I-65*3~*1 .(FI-*

'.652.'*1 )., ..IF flow.rate is.riotbetween 1O.~:O*OO**and '1""2,-500 -,

g'Prn, *TH*E*N* A*D*J.U$T* the. applicable valve:

. .

. .

  • Stari'd.ard.*: . . Verifi~~flowatat>prOXirn<;lteIY11.9bOGPM.*****

. .Stari.:d:ard; $ff:!pisN/Aatthistime.*.....

' . " : . . ' 0 ** * . '

.* . Corrimel1t:<

'. '. '. . .':" '... . .

..Terminanng* Cue:


Ow' * ..' *

HARRI.S08*:NRC*JPM.*h**Revision* **NUREG 1021, Revision 9

AppendixC .Paqe


tt of r , .

Form ES-C-1


. . '

. Examinee'sName;

Fac.ility Evaluator: .

.'. Number-of Attempts:

. ' . ... . . . . , '. ."... '. . .' ';' . .'

. , .

. . . .- . :.'

... ..*.Time to9ornpl\9te:.. *..

':' .: , .' . :..' " >'. .' ..-'..:. : . .

..Que~tion** Documentation:

..Q.u.estloil:..*. *: .,'

. ~ .. .

. '. Response;

-: : "

Result; *.LJN:SAT: ....

. . , . .

Exam.iner',s:S*.ig.nature*: .Date: .

--'---'-----:--'-~~...,.-;:.-...---:....-..;...~---,-.,.,.--:--~-.::...:....--,..-,~- ~-....:.-.....:---..:.-_-------

NU:REG1021.,.. Revision 9

Appendix C Page 12,of 1-2,'


, .

INitiAL' COND.lTION:S:. ,e The unit-is in ~ Mode :4~; going to Mode 5"

,e ' Preparationsareunderwayto place, both trains ',ofRHRin

.service e,' , Both ,E*SW"Tra*ins are inservice

. ,

e,' ' : ':C:CW' P,ump,,"A"i's'*runriln,g', ,

, , ,

Align QCVYfQsupportRHRopE)rafioninaccordancewith OP-t45,

'*C'O~'PONt=~NT CO*OLIN,G,:VVATER:. "AU"S'ectibh*.3~:O Prerequisites'

.arernet.. " ' '". ' ,

N,U,R~G:102,1", Revisions