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{{#Wiki_filter:TELeEPERM XS Permissions and Operating Modes3/4-1 ii g 7XS Runtime Environment-April 15, 2009 R u n tim e Ei, viro n m e n t (R T,-'-7.)Operating -fo,.,ý;'.Iodes  
{{#Wiki_filter:TELeEPERM XS Permissionsand OperatingModes 3/4-1 ii g 7XS Runtime Environment- April 15, 2009
%oEi--id e ra tin g de Tr- 3ýTXS Runtime Environment-April 15, 2009 Runtime Environment (RTE)Privilege and Permissions for Mode Transitions TXS Runtime Environment-April 15, 2009 3 Permissions for Operating Modes 2 The position of a key switch is connected via a hard wire to a binary input board channel, e.g. of a TELEPERM XS 8430 board The binary input signal of the I/0 board is cyclically read by the input board driver of the I/0 board.TXS Runtime Environment-April 15, 2009 4 Graphic Service Monitor GSM Overview of current I&C state.4";GSM t-P For each CPU: Current operating mode IM Granted permissions B-N'TXS Runtime Environment-April 15, 2009 5 7XS Runtime Environment-April 15, 2009 5 TXS Service Unit -Interaction with TXS CPUs Release of RTE operation modes TXS Runtime Environment-Anril 15. 20096.. ......... ... ...... .. ....... ..ri... .., 2. ..
TXS Service Unit -Interaction With TXS CPUs Two diverse means of access control/I-TXS Runtime Environment-April 15, 2009 7 7XS Runtime Environment-April 15, 2009 7 TXS Application Software Function Diagram (FD) Modules Function Diagram Group (FDG) Modules> Function Diagram (FD) module: " Code resulting from automatic code generation of function diagrams (FDs) being engineered on SPACE engineering tool" Implements the code for the engineered application specific W&C functions" Code consists of calls to Standard Function Block library functions being connected for the specific I&C function> Function Diagram Group (FDG) module: in Code resulting from automatic code generation
R u n tim e Ei,viron m e n t (R T,-'-7.)
*I Call and data interface to all FD modules running on one CPU with one and the same cycle time IM Max. 2 FDG modules per CPU TXS Runtime Environment-April 15, 2009 8 7XS Runtime Environment-April 15, 2009 8  
Operating-fo,.,ý;'.Iodes %oEi--id e rating  de Tr- 3ý TXS Runtime Environment- April 15, 2009
.Signal Propagation on a Processing Module Call Graph of fdg-compute Function 7XS Runtime Environment-April 15, 2009 9 Run-time of Application Software Linear Structure of FDG Modules Function Diagram Group Module FD Module I I FD Module 2 IFD Module 3 IFDModulen I FDModulen+I Copy signals Copy signals Copy signals Copy signals Copy signals Copy signals Copy Function Diagram Module output siqnals -to destination Function Diagram input signals.FD Module n+I I 7XS Runtime Environment-April 15, 2009 10 7)(S Runtime Environment-April 15, 2009 10 Run-time of Application Software Extract from Function Diagram (FD) Module TXS Runtime Environment-April 15, 2009 11 Run-time of Application Software Computing Time of FDG Module Parts FDG FD FD FD FD FD FDG 1 FD FD FD FD FDG 1 FD FD FD ED U Tcom Tcom FDG modules and FDG module parts:always contain complete FD modules.FD modules are never split into multiple functions.
The distribution of FD modules to FDG parts is based on the FB module computing times.7XS Runtime Environment-April 15, 2009 12 Run-time of Application Software Computing Time of Function Block Modules F FB FB Init Param+ Param Comap ID Name + Comp + Comp COMP 456 457 458 459 460 461 501 502 507 520 1 1 1 1 F~c ~he_j TXS Rwitirne Environment-April 15, 2009 13 TXS Runtime Environment-April 15, 2009 13 FB RTE-INPUT Pictogram RTE-INPUT  
Runtime Environment (RTE)
-Binary signal transfer V Use: Transferring the 7 binary signals BI1 to B17 whose meaning is predefined in the parameterization mask to the runtime environment, .7XS Runtime Environment-Apr11 15, 2009 14 7XS Runtime Environment-April 15, 2009 14 FB RTEoINPUT Design of Pictogram Layout Eil Edit View Pocument Tools WLindow e ____________
Privilege and Permissions for Mode Transitions TXS Runtime Environment- April 15, 2009                         3
_________________ -- ~ ~ %7 Pictogramme:
f 7XS Runtime Environment-April 15, 2009 15 7XS Runtime Environment-April 15, 2009 15 FB RTE-1-1"PuT Definition of Pictogram in Database jcumant Tut5 vools H~q x K 21 j 36jlO7> f T::Z 2 ,: 2 __ C 9i :V 7XS Runtime Environment-April 15, 2009 16 FB RTE-INPUT 1/0 Ports 1 1.1 Variable Ein -iAusgangssigna le: IJ 7XS Runtime Environment-April 15, 2009 17 FB RTEaINPUT Data Transfer Between FB and RTE SL1ocument  
Permissionsfor OperatingModes The position of a key switch is connected via a hard wire to a 2
-oois wintrw aeip F-T 12636 F110071 -~ E 1.5 interne Variable: F I Name I rDatentyp IBed eutung-7j1 TXS Runtime Environment-April 15, 2009 18 7XS Runtime Environment-April 15, 2009 18 FB RTE..INPUT-Qfuctogram
binary input board channel, e.g. of a TELEPERM XS 8430 board The binary input signal of the I/0 board is cyclically read by the input boarddriver of the I/0 board.
-ýEd Viee Dicument Took Wtnd&o& Hel[2 36 F~1O % Li _Anlage 4 zu FANP NGLTS 2002 091 TXS-En1wicklungsdokLumem, Version 2,02: AU-INPUT" .7XS Rntim Envronmnt-Aril 5, 209 1 7XS Runtime Environment-April 15, 2009 19 FB RTE-INPUT Function Block Interface Structure (Header File)7XS Runtime Environment-April 15, 2009 20 FB RTEeiNPUT Function Block Forward Declaration (Header File)7XS Runtime Environment-April 15, 2009 21 TXS Runtime Environment-April 15, 2009 21 FB RTE5INPUT Function Block Source Code (fbS01.c)
TXS Runtime Environment- April 15, 2009                             4
(1)7X utm niomnt pi 5 092 7XS Runtime Environment-April 15, 2009 22 FB RTE-INPUT Function Block Source Code (2)23 7XS Runtime Environment-April 15, 2009 FB RTEoINPUT Function Block Source Code (3)TXS Runtime Environment-April 15, 2009 24 F-mf RTEoINPUT Function Block Source Code (4)25 TXS Runtime Environment-April 15, 2009 1)  
ý FB RTE-OUTPUT T n=.o : R ,: L i'RTE-OUTPUT-1
Graphic Service Monitor GSM Overview of currentI&C state
-Output of status and fault information Symbol: Menu: Function diagram:~2 Use: Output of status of binary signals and fault information from the. runtime environment to a function diagram in the form 7XS Runtime Environment-April 15, 2009 26.TXS Runtime Environment-April 15, 2009 2&.
                                          .4";GSM             t-P Foreach CPU:                             B                                      -N' Current operatingmode IM Granted permissions 5
FS RTE-OUTPUT K/i 15 wricov4 ýei x L~JI Input / output signals: Signal Direction Type Port Meaning Defaults II I ID I -value Fault status ITest status IJ 27 TXS Runtime Environment-April 15, 2009 FB RTEINPUT I Function: FB RTE-OUTPUT-1 receives fault and status information from the runtime environment thus enabling further processing on function diagrams.The input signals of the function block are assigned to the pieces of information of the runtime environment in the course of linking the entire software for the processing module to the modules of the runtime environment.
TXS 7XS Runtime             April 15, Environment- April Runtime Environment-           2009 15, 2009                                         5
If the runtime environment does not return OK, the function block stops executing.
The information is output as sixteen individual binary output signals (501 to BO16) whereby the respective output signal has the value 1 (= TRUE) if the assigned piece of information is output by the runtime environment, otherwise 0 (= FALSE)TXS Runtime Environment-April 15, 2009 28 Data Interface FB- <-4 RTE Data Structures (au.h) (1)29 7XS Runtime Environment-April 15, 2009 Data Interface FB <- RTE Data Structures (2)7XS Runtime Environment-April 15, 2009 30 Data Interface FB e-4 RTE Module locale (static) variables 7XS Runtime Environment-April 15, 2009 31 7XS Runtime Environment-April 15, 2009 31 Data Interface FB <-4. RTE RTE functions (fdgifc.c)
TXS Service Unit -Interaction with TXS CPUs Release of RTE operation modes TXS Runtime Environment- Anril 15. 20096
(1)32 7XS Runtime Environment-April 15, 2009 Data Interface RTE functions FB f-4 RT-I TXS Runtime Environment-April 15,2009 33 Data Interface FB <-4 RTE RTE functions (fdgifc.c)
                    ...... .. ....... . . ri... . ., 2. . .
(3)34 7XS Runtime Environment-April 15, 2009 Data inteoface FB u-ti RTE Invocation of RTE functions (4)TXS Runtime Environment-April 15, 2009 35 (Signal Propagation on a Processing Module Call Graph of FDGEOutput Function TXS Runtime Environment-April 15, 2009 36 Signal Propagation on a Processing Module Call Graph: Output Signals to I/O Board 7X utm niomnt pi 5 093 7XS Runtime Environment-April 15, 2009 37 Su"/ RTE Command Interface (Extract)fl'WRITE FDG (E)7"XS Runtime Environment-April 15, 2009 38 SQ RTE Command Interface WRITEFDG (2)/J TXS Runtime Environment-AprU 15, 2009 39 7)(S Runtime Environment-April 15, 2009 39 Cyclic RTE Mode Evaluation RTE MODE Evaluation Function (1)TXS Runtime Environment-April 15, 2009 40 Cyclic RTE Mode Evaluation RTE MODE Evaluation Function (3)7X utm niomnt pi 5 094 TXS Runtime Environment-April 15, 2009 41 Cyclic RTE Mode Evaluation RTE MODE Evaluation Function (4)42 7XS Runtime Environment-April 15, 2009 Cyclic RTE Mode Evaluation RTE MODE Evaluation Function (5)7XS Runtime Environment-April 15, 2009 43-6f CycRic RTE Mode Evaluation RTE MODE Evaluation Function (6)TXS Runtime Environment-April 15, 2009 44 TXS Runtime Environment-April 15, 2009 44 Cyclic RTE Mode Evaluation RTE MODE Evaluation Function (7)7X utm niomn-pi 5 094 7XS Runtime Environment-April 15, 2009 45 Results from the Generic Qualification RTE Qualification Certificate No.: TXS-AU-0902-06 SW Component:
.. . . . ...... ...
Program Structure of the Runtime Environment, V2.30, 2002-02-25 Kind of Test: Type test analogous to KTA 3503 and in compliance with IEC 880 including evaluation of the test runs performed in a test environment Test Report: "2nd supplement to the technical test report on the type test of the program structure of the Runtime Environment of TELEPERM XS", V 2.00, ISTec GmbH, Garching, September 2002 Test result: The test has passed according to the 2nd supplement of the test report above.7XS Runtime Environment-April 15, 2009 46 Results from the Generic Qualification System Integration Test Certificate No.: TXS-AUST-1006-03 Subiect of test: TELEPERM XS integration test (A UST-Il)SW Component:
Program Structure of the Runtime Environment, V2.30, 2002-02-25 Kind of assessment.
TXS Service Unit - Interaction With TXS CPUs Two diverse means of access control
Assessment of the documents and the execution of the integration test in a manner consistent with KTA 3506 and in compliance with IEC 60880 Technical report: ", V 1.00, IS Tec GmbH, Garching and TUV NORD SysTec GmbH & Co. KG, Hamburg, October 2006 7XS Runt/me Environment-April 15, 2009 47 7XS Runtime Environment-April 15, 2009 47 L&#xa3;s2rec Certificate for the Digital Safety Instrumentation andl Control System TELEPERM XS Certificate number: Subject of test: Test execution:
/I-7 TXS Runtime 7XS                      April 15, Environment- April Runtime Environment-           2009 15, 2009                                     7
Kind of assessment:
Technical report: Requirements:
TXS Application Software Function Diagram (FD) Modules Function Diagram Group (FDG) Modules
Orderer: Main contractor:
> Function Diagram (FD) module:
Project management:
    " Code resulting from automatic code generation of function diagrams (FDs) being engineered on SPACE engineering tool
Assessment organizations:
    " Implements the code for the engineered applicationspecific W&C functions
Assessment period: Assessment result: Date: Assessors:
    " Code consists of calls to StandardFunction Block libraryfunctions being connected for the specific I&C function
TXS-AUST-1006-03 TELEPERM XS integration test (AUST-Il)(For list of documents see appendix 1)AREVA NP GmbH Assessment of the documents and the execution of the integration test in a manner consistent with KTA 3506 and in compliance with lEO 60880"Ergtnzender Technischer Pr0fbericht zum Integrationstest der Hard-und Software:fur TELEPERMXS", V 1.00, ISTec GmbrIH,,Garching, and TOV NORD SysTec GmbH &.Co. KG, Ham'burg, Oktober 2006 see technical report AREVA NP GmbH Institut fOr SiCherheitstechnologie (ISTec) GmbH, Garching Institut fur Sicherheitstechnologie (ISTec) GmbH, Garching Institut fOr Sicherheitstechnologie (ISTec) GmbH, Garching TOV NORD SysTec GmbH & Co. KG, .Hamrburg April 2003 to September 2006 see appendix 3 31. October 2006 see appendix 2.Project management:  
> Function Diagram Group (FDG) module:
..A. Lindner (ISTec)Page 1 of 6 Certificate for the Digital Safety Instrumentation and Control System TELEPERM XS Certificate no.: TXS-AUST-1006-03 Appendix 1: Appendix 2: Documents:
in Code resulting from automatic code generation
TXS-Testspezifikation, Version 1.00: I ntegrationstest FANP NGLTS/02/157 TXS-TeStbericht, Version 1.00: Integrationstest NGLTS/2003/de10008, Rev. B V1.00 20.08.2004 V1.00 06.04.2006 Assessors:
    *I Call and data interface to all FD modules running on one CPU with one and the same cycle time IMMax. 2 FDG modules per CPU 8
ISTec M. Baleanu E. Hoffmann Dr. A. Lindner J. Mdrtz H. Miedl TOV NORD SysTec U. .Anders Dr. D. Haake G. Krage E.-U. Mainka Page 2 of 6 SrvNo, Certificate for the Digital Safety Instrumentation and Control System TELEPERM XS Certificate no.: TXS-AUST-1006-03, Appendix 3: Assessment result: The assessment was passed as stated in the technical report. The following system. characteristics are confirmed for: systems that follow the design criteria which were the basis of the system configuration referenced in the test report: 1. The type-tested hardware and software components can be assembled to an operable system if the engineerihngsystem SPACE is used.2. Processing and communication cycle times are not influenced by external process states (measured signals, amount:0ofalarms and monitored information).
TXS Runtime Environment-April 7XS Runtime                    15, 2009 Environment- April 15, 2009                                             8
: 3. Mutuallyindependent I&C functions are processed as specified according to their chronological order and their input- signals.4. Mutuallyindependent processing units (in accordance with report KWU NLL5f199611.10c) do not affect each other regarding their operating modes and their time behaviour.
Processing:units Which exchange signals but are otherwise mutually independent have only effect on each others time response within-the limits of the engineered communication functions.
                      .SignalPropagationon a ProcessingModule Call Graph of fdg-compute Function 7XS Runtime Environment- April 15, 2009                                 9
Run-time of Application Software Linear Structure of FDG Modules Function Diagram Group Module FD Module I               Copy signals Copy Function Diagram Module I      FD Module 2               Copy signals output siqnals -to destination Function IFD Module 3                     Copy signals Diagram input signals.
IFDModulen                       Copy signals I   FDModulen+I                 Copy signals FD Module n+I I              Copy signals 10 7XS Runtime 7)(S                     April 15, Environment- April Runtime Environment-          2009 15, 2009                                     10
Run-time of Application Software Extract from Function Diagram (FD) Module TXS Runtime Environment- April 15, 2009                               11
Run-time of Application Software Computing Time of FDG Module Parts FDG                          FDG                  FDG FD                           1                    1 FD                           FD                   FD FD                           FD                   FD FD                           FD                   FD FD                                                 ED FD                         U Tcom Tcom FDG modules and FDG module parts:alwayscontain complete FD modules.
FD modules are never split into multiple functions.
The distributionof FD modules to FDG parts is based on the FB module computing times.
7XS Runtime Environment- April 15, 2009                                     12
Run-time of Application Software Computing Time of Function Block Modules F   FB ID 456 FB Name Init
                                          + Param
                                          + Comp Param
                                                        + Comp Comap COMP 457 458 459 460 461 501 502 507 520         1                       1           1       1 F
                                                  ~c   ~he
_j 13 Runtime Environment-TXS Rwitirne TXS                      April 15, Environment- April     2009 15, 2009                               13
FB RTE-INPUT Pictogram RTE-INPUT - Binary signal transfer V
Transferring the 7 binary signals BI1 to B17 whose meaning is predefined in the parameterization mask to the runtime environment,                                             .
14 7XS Runtime             Apr11 15, Environment- April 7XS Runtime Environment-           2009 15, 2009                                                                                         14
FB RTEoINPUT Design of PictogramLayout Eil   Edit View     Pocument Tools   WLindow e           ____________ _________________
                            ---   36-      ~ ~ %
7       Pictogramme:
f 15 7XS Runtime Runtime Environment-   April 15, Environment- April     2009 15, 2009                                             15
FB RTE-1-1"PuT Definition of Pictogramin Database jcumant Tut5     vools   H~q                                               x K 21   j 36jlO7>             f T
::Z       2 _Z*    *i* ,:     2 __ C 9i :V 7XS Runtime Environment- April 15, 2009                                             16
FB RTE-INPUT 1/0 Ports 1       Variable 1.1 Ein -iAusgangssigna le:
IJ 7XS Runtime Environment- April 15, 2009             17
FB RTEaINPUT Data Transfer Between FB and RTE SL1ocument -   oois wintrw     aeip 12636 F-T                     F110071           - ~ E 1.5 interne Variable:                                                               F I Name                               I   rDatentyp     IBed eutung
                                                                                            -7j1 18 TXS   Runtime Environment-7XS Runtime  Environment- April 15, 2009 April 15, 2009                                         18
-&#xfd;Ed Viee Dicument Took Wtnd&o&Hel
[2   36         F~1O%         Li                                                         _
Anlage 4   zu   FANP NGLTS   2002 091   TXS-En1wicklungsdokLumem, Version 2,02: AU-INPUT
                                                                                                                " .
7XS209 Rntim Envronmnt- Aril 5,                                                       1 7XS Runtime Environment- April 15, 2009                                                                             19
FB RTE-INPUT Function Block Interface Structure (HeaderFile) 7XS Runtime Environment- April 15, 2009                 20
FB RTEeiNPUT Function Block ForwardDeclaration(HeaderFile) 21 TXS Runtime 7XS         Environment- April Runtime Environment- April 15, 2009 15, 2009           21
FB RTE5INPUT Function Block Source Code (fbS01.c) (1) 7X   utm     niomnt       pi   5   092 7XS Runtime Environment- April 15, 2009                           22
FB RTE-INPUT Function Block Source Code (2) 7XS Runtime Environment- April 15, 2009                             23
FB RTEoINPUT Function Block Source Code (3)
TXS Runtime Environment- April 15, 2009                             24
F-mf RTEoINPUT Function Block Source Code (4)
TXS Runtime Environment- April 15, 2009                               25 1)
                                                                                  &#xfd;FB RTE-OUTPUT T n=.o ,* :                                                       R *      ,: L i' RTE-OUTPUT Output of status and fault information Symbol:
Menu:                             Function diagram:
                                                                                                          ~2 Use:
Output of status and fault information from the. runtime environment to a function diagram in the form of binary signals 26.
7XS Runtime TXS                      April 15, Environment- April Runtime Environment-           2009 15, 2009                                                                       2&.
FS RTE-OUTPUT K/i           15 wricov4   &#xfd;ei                                                           x Input / output signals:
L~JI Signal     Direction Type   Port Meaning         Defaults II         I ID I         - value Fault status ITest status IJ TXS Runtime Environment- April 15, 2009                                                   27
FB RTE-OUTPUT-1 receives fault and status information from the runtime environment thus enabling further processing on function diagrams.
The input signals of the function block are assigned to the pieces of information of the runtime environment in the course of linking the entire software for the processing module to the modules of the runtime environment.
Ifthe runtime environment does not return OK, the function block stops executing.
The information is output as sixteen individual binary output signals (501 to BO16) whereby the respective output signal has the value 1 (= TRUE) if the assigned piece of information is output by the runtime environment, otherwise 0 (= FALSE)
TXS Runtime Environment- April 15, 2009                                                                   28
Data Interface FB- <-4 RTE Data Structures (au.h) (1) 7XS Runtime Environment- April 15, 2009                         29
Data Interface FB <- RTE Data Structures (2) 7XS Runtime Environment- April 15, 2009                         30
Data Interface FB e-4 RTE Module locale (static) variables 31 Runtime Environment-7XS Runtime              April 15, Environment-April     2009 15, 2009                               31
Data Interface FB <-4.RTE RTE functions (fdgifc.c) (1) 7XS Runtime Environment- April 15, 2009                           32
Data Interface RTE functions FB f-4 RT
                                                                -I TXS Runtime Environment- April 15,2009                             33
Data Interface FB <-4 RTE RTE functions (fdgifc.c) (3) 7XS Runtime Environment- April 15, 2009                           34
u-ti RTE Datainteoface FB Invocation of RTE functions (4)
TXS Runtime Environment- April 15, 2009                             35
Signal Propagation on a Processing Module Call Graph of FDGEOutputFunction
TXS Runtime Environment- April 15, 2009                               36
Signal Propagationon a Processing Module Call Graph: Output Signals to I/O Board 7X   utm     niomnt       pi   5   093 7XS Runtime Environment- April 15, 2009                                     37
Su"/ RTE Command Interface (Extract) fl'WRITE               FDG (E) 7"XS Runtime Environment- April 15, 2009                                   38
SQ RTE Command Interface WRITEFDG (2)
                                                    /J 39 7)(S Runtime TXS          Environment- April Runtime Environment-          2009 15, 2009 AprU 15,                              39
Cyclic RTE Mode Evaluation RTE MODE Evaluation Function (1)
TXS Runtime Environment- April 15, 2009                               40
Cyclic RTE Mode Evaluation RTE MODE Evaluation Function (3) 7X   utm     niomnt       pi 5 094 TXS Runtime Environment- April 15, 2009                               41
Cyclic RTE Mode Evaluation RTE MODE Evaluation Function (4) 7XS Runtime Environment- April 15, 2009                               42
Cyclic RTE Mode Evaluation RTE MODE Evaluation Function (5) 7XS Runtime Environment- April 15, 2009                               43-
CycRic RTE Mode Evaluation RTE MODE Evaluation Function (6) 6f 44 TXS         Environment- April Runtime Environment-TXS Runtime                    15, 2009 April 15, 2009                               44
Cyclic RTE Mode Evaluation RTE MODE Evaluation Function (7) 7X   utm     niomn-pi           5   094 7XS Runtime Environment- April 15, 2009                               45
Results from the Generic Qualification RTE Qualification Certificate No.: TXS-AU-0902-06 SW Component: Program Structure of the Runtime Environment, V2.30, 2002-02-25 Kind of Test: Type test analogousto KTA 3503 and in compliance with IEC 880 including evaluation of the test runs performed in a test environment Test Report: "2ndsupplement to the technical test report on the type test of the program structure of the Runtime Environment of TELEPERM XS",
V 2.00, ISTec GmbH, Garching,September 2002 Test result: The test has passed according to the 2nd supplement of the test report above.
7XS Runtime Environment- April 15, 2009                                     46
Results from the Generic Qualification System Integration Test Certificate No.: TXS-AUST-1006-03 Subiect of test: TELEPERM XS integrationtest (AUST-Il)
SW Component: Program Structure of the Runtime Environment, V2.30, 2002-02-25 Kind of assessment.Assessment of the documents and the execution of the integrationtest in a manner consistent with KTA 3506 and in compliance with IEC 60880 Technical report:                       ", V 1.00, IS Tec GmbH, Garching and TUV NORD SysTec GmbH & Co. KG, Hamburg, October 2006 47 7XS         Environment- April Runt/me Environment-7XS Runtime                    15, 2009 April 15, 2009                                               47
L&#xa3;s2rec Certificate for the Digital Safety Instrumentation andl Control System TELEPERM XS Certificate number:     TXS-AUST-1006-03 Subject of test:         TELEPERM XS integration test (AUST-Il)
(For list of documents see appendix 1)
Test execution:          AREVA NP GmbH Kind of assessment:     Assessment of the documents and the execution of the integration test in a manner consistent with KTA 3506 and in compliance with lEO 60880 Technical report:       "Ergtnzender Technischer Pr0fbericht zum Integrationstest der Hard-und Software:fur TELEPERMXS", V 1.00, ISTec GmbrIH,,Garching, and TOV NORD SysTec GmbH &.Co. KG, Ham'burg, Oktober 2006 Requirements:           see technical report Orderer:                 AREVA NP GmbH Main contractor:         Institut fOr SiCherheitstechnologie (ISTec) GmbH, Garching Project management:     Institut fur Sicherheitstechnologie (ISTec) GmbH, Garching Assessment              Institut fOr Sicherheitstechnologie (ISTec) GmbH, Garching organizations:          TOV NORD SysTec GmbH & Co. KG, .Hamrburg Assessment period:      April 2003 to September 2006 Assessment result:      see appendix 3 Date:                   31. October 2006 Assessors:              see appendix 2.
Project management:        ..
A. Lindner (ISTec)
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Certificate for the Digital Safety Instrumentation and Control System TELEPERM XS Certificate no.: TXS-AUST-1006-03 Appendix 1:      Documents:
TXS-Testspezifikation, Version 1.00:                  V1.00 20.08.2004 Integrationstest FANP NGLTS/02/157 TXS-TeStbericht, Version 1.00: Integrationstest      V1.00 06.04.2006 NGLTS/2003/de10008, Rev. B Appendix 2:     Assessors:
ISTec                                   TOV NORD SysTec M. Baleanu                               U..Anders E. Hoffmann                             Dr. D. Haake Dr. A. Lindner                          G. Krage J. Mdrtz                                E.-U. Mainka H. Miedl Page 2 of 6
SrvNo, Certificate for the Digital Safety Instrumentation and Control System TELEPERM XS Certificate no.: TXS-AUST-1006-03, Appendix 3:       Assessment result:
The assessment was passed as stated in the technical report. The following system. characteristics are confirmed for: systems that follow the design criteria which were the basis of the system configuration referenced in the test report:
: 1. The type-tested hardware and software components can be assembled to an operable system if the engineerihngsystem SPACE is used.
: 2. Processing and communication cycle times are not influenced by external process states (measured signals, amount:0ofalarms and monitored information).
: 3. Mutuallyindependent I&C functions are processed as specified according to their chronological order and their input- signals.
: 4. Mutuallyindependent processing units (in accordance with report KWU NLL5f199611.10c) do not affect each other regarding their operating modes and their time behaviour. Processing:units Which exchange signals but are otherwise mutually independent have only effect on each others time response within-the limits of the engineered communication functions.
: 5. Interference on cables with violation of the measuring range and input module failures are detected, marked as signal failures and indicated-.
: 5. Interference on cables with violation of the measuring range and input module failures are detected, marked as signal failures and indicated-.
Signals detected as faulty are processed and indicated by the system components (runtime environment, iO drivers, function blocks) as defined in the specification.
Signals detected as faulty are processed and indicated by the system components (runtime environment, iO drivers, function blocks) as defined in the specification.
Page 3 of 6 Certificate for the Digital. Safety Instrumentation and Control System TELEPERM XS Certificate no.: TXS-AUST-1006-03 Appendix 3: Assessment result (continued):
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Certificate for the Digital. Safety Instrumentation and Control System TELEPERM XS Certificate no.: TXS-AUST-1006-03 Appendix 3:       Assessment result (continued):
: 6. Transmission failures onTXS Ethernet (Hi) and TXS Profibus (L2) busses are detected, processed and indicated in accordance with the specification.
: 6. Transmission failures onTXS Ethernet (Hi) and TXS Profibus (L2) busses are detected, processed and indicated in accordance with the specification.
Single message failures are tolerated by the system. Furthermore, on TXS Ethernet (H1) busses double message failures are tolerated.
Single message failures are tolerated by the system. Furthermore, on TXS Ethernet (H1) busses double message failures are tolerated. Interference caused by a receiving unit on the sending one is impossible.
Interference caused by a receiving unit on the sending one is impossible.
: 7. Sending and receiving processing units execute their functions asynchro-nously-if no"expedited messages" are sent via serial bus links, with the exception of voter sub-units monitoring each otheer. Lost, messages are treated like transmission errors. Thus failuresoUf individual sending process-ing units are.always tolerated if signa i.information. is distributed via redundant trains and special fault propagation ibarrier function blocks are used on the receiving processing modules.
: 7. Sending and receiving processing units execute their functions asynchro-nously-if no"expedited messages" are sent via serial bus links, with the exception of voter sub-units monitoring each otheer. Lost, messages are treated like transmission errors. Thus failuresoUf individual sending process-ing units are.always tolerated if signa i.information.
: 8. Single failures0ofactive and passive hardware modules are detected and indicated corresponding to the implemented monitoring rmechanisms (self-monitoring, monitoring of the communication, cabinet annunciation system).
is distributed via redundant trains and special fault propagation ibarrier function blocks are used on the receiving processing modules.8. Single failures0ofactive and passive hardware modules are detected and indicated corresponding to the implemented monitoring rmechanisms (self-monitoring, monitoring of the communication, cabinet annunciation system).Multiple failures are detected and indicated if sufficient resources (for example communicating processing units and communication'processors) are provided.
Multiple failures are detected and indicated if sufficient resources (for example communicating processing units and communication'processors) are provided. The cabinet annunciation system is activated according to the specification.
The cabinet annunciation system is activated according to the specification.
: 9. Fault propagation barriers are effective provided that no plant-specific fault suppression measures are engineered (for example status correction).
: 9. Fault propagation barriers are effective provided that no plant-specific fault suppression measures are engineered (for example status correction).
Signal status is changed by the runtime environment as specified, i.e., if required, status is changed to ERROR but never from ERROR or TEST to OK. Page 4 of 6 Certificate for the Digital Safety Instrumentation and Control System TELEPERM XS Certificate no.: TXS-AUST-1006-03 Appendix 3: Assessment result-(continued):
Signal status is changed by the runtime environment as specified, i.e., if required, status is changed to ERROR but never from ERROR or TEST to OK.                                                                   Page 4 of 6
: 10. The runtime environment behaves in the operating modes start-up., operation, parameterisation, functional test and diagnosis as specified.
It changes between operating modes according to the specificAtion., Permissive signals for operating modes are designed individually according to project requirements and are not dealt with in the integration test.11. The runtime environment can be controlled by means of service commands.Disabling and enabling of service commands are effective as required for the respective operating mode.12. The user software can be loaded from a centralised unit using the network connections.
Certificate for the Digital Safety Instrumentation and Control System TELEPERM XS Certificate no.: TXS-AUST-1006-03 Appendix 3:     Assessment result-(continued):
This function can be deactivated by a hardware switch on the processing modules.13. The system is consisting of several individual computers SVEI and SVE2.When one or more computers'are integrated or eliminated, the:system still behaves as specified.
: 10. The runtime environment behaves in the operating modes start-up.,
SVE1:and.SVE2 can be used together at one backplane.
operation, parameterisation, functional test and diagnosis as specified. It changes between operating modes according to the specificAtion.,
: 14. Fail-safe behaviour:
Permissive signals for operating modes are designed individually according to project requirements and are not dealt with in the integration test.
Signals marked as faulty (ERROR and/or TEST status)are issued as 0 signals via outpUt modules. Exceptions cause output of 0 signals via output modules and cause shut down or restart. of the,.computers affected.Page 5 of 6 iSTec ThVNOiW Certificate
: 11. The runtime environment can be controlled by means of service commands.
'for the Digital Safety Instrumentation and Control System TELEPERM XS Certificate no.: TXS-AUST-1006-03 Appendix 3: Assessment result (continued):
Disabling and enabling of service commands are effective as required for the respective operating mode.
: 15. Thesystem behaviour with respect to I&C functionality is entirely defined by the application software.
: 12. The user software can be loaded from a centralised unit using the network connections. This function can be deactivated by a hardware switch on the processing modules.
The minimum response:times of the system are determined by the cycletimes of the processing modules involved if the processing time of the function diagram / function diagram group modules plus the processing time required for execution for: service commands do not exceed the specified cycle time.Page 6 of 6 srec ID.No. 44.04 LSTec Certificate for the Digital Safety Instrumentation and Control System TELEPERM XS Software Certificate No.: TXS-AU-0902-06 SW Component:
: 13. The system is consisting of several individual computers SVEI and SVE2.
Program Structure of the Runtime Environment, V2.30, dated 25.02.2002 (List of documents, module names and versions as well as CRC sums: see appendices 1 to 4)Manufacturer:
When one or more computers'are integrated or eliminated, the:system still behaves as specified. SVE1:and.SVE2 can be used together at one backplane.
FRAMATOME ANP Kind of Test: Type test analogous to KTA 3503 and in compliance with IEC 880 inclu-ding evaluation of the test runs performed in a test environment.
: 14. Fail-safe behaviour: Signals marked as faulty (ERROR and/or TEST status) are issued as 0 signals via outpUt modules. Exceptions cause output of 0 signals via output modules and cause shut down or restart. of the,.computers affected.
Test Report: ,2" supplement to the technical test report on the type test of the program structure of the Runtime Environment of TELEPERM XS", V 2.00, ISTec GmbH, Garching, September 2002 Requirments:
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See test report Orderer: Bayerisches Staatsministerium fOr Landesentwicklung und Umweltfragen Main Contractor:
Institut fOr Sicherheitstechnologie (ISTec) GmbH, Garching Project Management:
iSTec                                                                                 ThVNOiW Certificate
Institut fOr Sicherheitstechnologie (ISTec) GmbH, Garching Test Laboratory:
                                            'for the Digital Safety Instrumentation and Control System TELEPERM XS Certificate no.: TXS-AUST-1006-03 Appendix 3:       Assessment result (continued):
Institut fOr Sicherheitstechnologie (ISTec) GmbH, Garching Test Period: July to September 2002 Test Result: The test has been pased according to the 2"d supplement of the test report above.Date: 10. September 2002 Assessor:...............
: 15. Thesystem behaviour with respect to I&C functionality is entirely defined by the application software. The minimum response:times of the system are determined by the cycletimes of the processing modules involved if the processing time of the function diagram / function diagram group modules service commands do not plus the processing time required for execution for:
i .. ..........  
exceed the specified cycle time.
...... ..........................
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E. Hoffmann M. Baleanu Project Leader: ......-. ' "... './. ...- ....M. Kersken (ISTec)
LSTec 1srec Certificate for the Digital Safety Instrumentation and Control System TELEPERM XS Software Certificate-No.: Appendix 1: TXS-AU-0902-06 Development documents SILT-Lastenheft:
srec                                                                       ID.No. 44.04   LSTec Certificate for the Digital Safety Instrumentation and Control System TELEPERM XS Software Certificate No.:               TXS-AU-0902-06 SW Component:                 Program Structure of the Runtime Environment, V2.30, dated 25.02.2002 (List of documents, module names and versions as well as CRC sums: see appendices 1 to 4)
Ablaufumgebung S ILT-Lastenheft:
Manufacturer:                 FRAMATOME ANP Kind of Test:                 Type test analogous to KTA 3503 and in compliance with IEC 880 inclu-ding evaluation of the test runs performed in a test environment.
Ablaufumgebung in der Voter-Ebene SILT-Lastenheft:
Test Report:                   ,2" supplement to the technical test report on the type test of the program structure of the Runtime Environment of TELEPERM XS", V 2.00, ISTec GmbH, Garching, September 2002 Requirments:                   See test report Orderer:                       Bayerisches Staatsministerium fOr Landesentwicklung und Umweltfragen Main Contractor:               Institut fOr Sicherheitstechnologie (ISTec) GmbH, Garching Project Management: Institut fOr Sicherheitstechnologie (ISTec) GmbH, Garching Test Laboratory:               Institut fOr Sicherheitstechnologie (ISTec) GmbH, Garching Test Period:                   July to September 2002 Test Result:                   The test has been pased according to the 2"d supplement of the test report above.
Ablaufumgebung im Meldeinterface SILT-Lastenheft:
Date:                           10. September 2002 Assessor:
Ablaufumgebung in den Erfassungsrechnern TXS-Pflichtenheft:
  ............... i . .. .........           .         ..... ..........................
Programmstruktur der Ablaufumgebung TXS-Designunterlage:
E. Hoffmann                                         M. Baleanu Project Leader: ......-.             ' './.     "...
Programmstruktur der Ablaufumge-bung TXS-Implementierungsuntedrage:
                                                                    ...- ....
Programmstruktur der Ab-laufumgebung TXS-Testspezifikation:
M. Kersken (ISTec)
Programmstruktur der Ablaufumge-bung TXS-Testbericht:
Programmstruktur der Ablaufumgebung TXS-Testspezifikation:
LSTec                                                                           1srec Certificate for the Digital Safety Instrumentation and Control System TELEPERM XS Software Certificate-   TXS-AU-0902-06 No.:
Zielsystemtest Ablaufumgebung TXS-Testbericht:
Appendix 1:    Development documents SILT-Lastenheft: Ablaufumgebung                             V 1.04  27.06.2001 S ILT-Lastenheft: Ablaufumgebung in der Voter-Ebene         V 1.03  27.06.2001 SILT-Lastenheft: Ablaufumgebung im Meldeinterface           V 1.01  15.12.1995 SILT-Lastenheft: Ablaufumgebung in den Erfassungsrechnern   V.1.01 27.06.2001 TXS-Pflichtenheft: Programmstruktur der Ablaufumgebung     V 2.30  31.10.2001 TXS-Designunterlage: Programmstruktur der Ablaufumge-       V 2.30 25.02.2002 bung TXS-Implementierungsuntedrage: Programmstruktur der Ab-     V 2.30  03.04.2002 laufumgebung TXS-Testspezifikation: Programmstruktur der Ablaufumge-     V 2.30  05.04.2002 bung TXS-Testbericht: Programmstruktur der Ablaufumgebung       V 2.30  12.04.2002 TXS-Testspezifikation: Zielsystemtest Ablaufumgebung       V 2.30  10.07.2002 TXS-Testbericht: Zielsystemtest Ablaufumgebung             V 2.30  29.08.2002 Appendix 2:      List of the C source files of the Runtime Environment with status (version no. and latest date in the file header)
Zielsystemtest Ablaufumgebung V 1.04 V 1.03 V 1.01 V.1.01 V 2.30 V 2.30 27.06.2001 27.06.2001 15.12.1995 27.06.2001 31.10.2001 25.02.2002 V 2.30 03.04.2002 V 2.30 05.04.2002 V 2.30 V 2.30 V 2.30 12.04.2002 10.07.2002 29.08.2002 Appendix 2: List of the C source files of the Runtime Environment with status (version no. and latest date in the file header)C-Dateien cyc.c drvifc.c errormsg.c fdgifc.c init.c Version 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 Datum 07.01.2002 19.12.2001 14.02.2002 11.01.2002 14.12.2001 srec srec Certificate for the Digital Safety Instrumentation and Control System TELEPERM XS Software Certificate-No.:
C-Dateien                      Version          Datum cyc.c                          2.30             07.01.2002 drvifc.c                        2.30              19.12.2001 errormsg.c                      2.30              14.02.2002 fdgifc.c                        2.30             11.01.2002 init.c                          2.30             14.12.2001
TXS-AU-0902-06 C-file auparams.c input.c mode.c monit.c output.c sync.c system.c trace.c Version 01.05 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 Date 25.02.2002 12.02.2002 25.02.2002 25.02.2002 07.01.2002 17.01.2002 25.02.2002 15.02.2002 Appendix 3: List of the Include.status (version no.Include file au.h augen.h auparams.
h au-types.h crcccitt.
srec                                                                        srec Certificate for the Digital Safety Instrumentation and Control System TELEPERM XS Software Certificate-No.:  TXS-AU-0902-06 C-file              Version              Date auparams.c          01.05              25.02.2002 input.c              2.30                 12.02.2002 mode.c              2.30                25.02.2002 monit.c              2.30              25.02.2002 output.c              2.30                07.01.2002 sync.c               2.30                17.01.2002 system.c             2.30               25.02.2002 trace.c              2.30               15.02.2002 Appendix 3:      List of the Include. and Assembler files of the Runtime Environment with status (version no. and latest date in the file header)
h cyc.h drvifc. h errormsg.h fdgifc.h init.h input.h mode.h monit.h and Assembler files of the Runtime Environment with and latest date in the file header)Version 2.30 2.30 1.07 2.30 00.02 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 Date 25.02.2002 11.12.2001 11.12.2001
Include file        Version              Date au.h                  2.30              25.02.2002 augen.h              2.30                11.12.2001 auparams. h          1.07                11.12.2001 au-types.h            2.30              -11.12.2001 crcccitt. h          00.02              26.06.2001 cyc.h                2.30               17.12.2001 drvifc. h            2.30               19.12.2001 errormsg.h            2.30               18.12.2001 fdgifc.h              2.30                11.01.2002 init.h                2.30                13.12.2001 input.h              2.30                21.12.2001 mode.h              2.30                14.01.2002 monit.h               2.30                15.01.2002
-11.12.2001 26.06.2001 17.12.2001 19.12.2001 18.12.2001 11.01.2002 13.12.2001 21.12.2001 14.01.2002 15.01.2002 srTec LSTec Certificate for the Digital Safety Instrumentation and Control System TELEPERM XS Software Certificate-No.:
TXS-AU-0902-06 Include file mode.h monit.h output.h sync.h system. h trace.h Assembler file crcccitt.asm Version 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 Version 0301 Date 14.01.2002 15.01.2002 26.06.2001 11.12.2001 07.02.2002 15.01.2002 Date 01.02.1995 Appendix 4: CRC sums and size in bytes File Version Date au.h augen.h autypes.h auparams.h errormsg.h init.h aupstruc.plk product.sql 02.30 02.30 02.30 01.07 02.30 02.30 02.30 02.30 25.02.2002 11.12.2001 11.12.2001 11.12.2001 18.12.2001 13.12.2001 25.02.2002 25.02.2002 Size (bytes)81601 27672 8147 9796 8822 3424 144277 4715 16bit CRC-sum C5A1 5075 C266 939B 5376 07C7 6D25 9DB4 32bit CRC-sum BB2C3AFD 2CDE9130 5C277C7E F39E175F 5EA8F40A 24C511B02 CBAE7FA9 21F43AD7 VERIFY HARD COPY AGAINST WEB SITE IMMEDIATELY PRIOR TO EACH USE Engineering Directives Manual EDM 130 VENDOR/DUKE MANUAL CERTIFICATION FORM (To be placed inside front cover of manual)Page 1 of 1 1. Station: Oconee Nuclear Station Unit: 1 QA Condition:
srTec                                                                        LSTec Certificate for the Digital Safety Instrumentation and Control System TELEPERM XS Software Certificate-No.:  TXS-AU-0902-06 Include file        Version            Date mode.h               2.30              14.01.2002 monit.h             2.30              15.01.2002 output.h            2.30               26.06.2001 sync.h              2.30               11.12.2001 system. h            2.30               07.02.2002 trace.h              2.30               15.01.2002 Assembler file      Version            Date crcccitt.asm        0301              01.02.1995 Appendix 4:      CRC sums and size in bytes File            Version    Date      Size      16bit CRC-  32bit CRC-(bytes)  sum        sum au.h            02.30      25.02.2002 81601        C5A1    BB2C3AFD augen.h          02.30      11.12.2001 27672        5075    2CDE9130 autypes.h        02.30      11.12.2001 8147          C266    5C277C7E auparams.h      01.07      11.12.2001 9796          939B    F39E175F errormsg.h      02.30      18.12.2001 8822          5376    5EA8F40A init.h           02.30      13.12.2001 3424          07C7    24C511B02 aupstruc.plk    02.30       25.02.2002 144277        6D25    CBAE7FA9 product.sql      02.30       25.02.2002 4715          9DB4    21F43AD7
: 2. Title: Oconee Nuclear Station Unit 1 RPS/ESFAS Replacement Project Equipment Qualification Report 3. Duke File Number: OM 201.N--0021.001 Revision No: 3 Distribution Code: OEM-19N 4. Document Type (Check One): MV Vendor Manual Li Duke Manual Manual Type (Check One): -. Instruction Book (I/B) WJ Non-Instruction Book (Non-I/B)5. Vendor: AREVA NP, Inc. For Vendor Manuals Only Vendor Document No: 66-5065212-03
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AREVA NP/Gary Wood (or Engineering Service Provider Name PO Number when document revision is prepared by an Engineering Service Provider)Prepared By: Date: Checked By: Date: Approved By: Date: Approved By Owner: 1. " Date: t1/.2 //2&#xa2;9o ("N/A", except when document revision is prepared, checked, and approved above by an En'gineering Service Provider)8. Inspections:
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: 1. Station:                      Oconee Nuclear Station                          Unit:                  1                QA Condition:
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: 2. Title:         Oconee Nuclear Station Unit 1 RPS/ESFAS Replacement Project Equipment Qualification Report
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: 7. Sponsor Team/Sponsor Engineer:                                        AREVA NP/Gary Wood (or Engineering Service Provider Name PO Number when document revision is prepared by an Engineering Service Provider)
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: 9. Revision

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Vendor Revision Issue per per OD 100066 and OD100067. Revisions 0, 1 and 2 were not issued to ONS DCRM.
Vendor Revision Issue per per OD 100066 and OD100067.
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__a Complete issue of manual (including AREVA NP supplied certification page)VERIFY HARD COPY AGAINST WEB SITE IMMEDIATELY PRIOR TO EACH USE}}
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Revision as of 06:46, 14 November 2019

Meeting Slides, Teleperm Xs Permissions and Operating Modes
Person / Time
Site: Oconee, Indian Point  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 04/15/2009
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
TSC 2007-09, Suppl 16
Download: ML091380436 (59)


TELeEPERM XS Permissionsand OperatingModes 3/4-1 ii g 7XS Runtime Environment- April 15, 2009

R u n tim e Ei,viron m e n t (R T,-'-7.)

Operating-fo,.,ý;'.Iodes %oEi--id e rating de Tr- 3ý TXS Runtime Environment- April 15, 2009

Runtime Environment (RTE)

Privilege and Permissions for Mode Transitions TXS Runtime Environment- April 15, 2009 3

Permissionsfor OperatingModes The position of a key switch is connected via a hard wire to a 2

binary input board channel, e.g. of a TELEPERM XS 8430 board The binary input signal of the I/0 board is cyclically read by the input boarddriver of the I/0 board.

TXS Runtime Environment- April 15, 2009 4

Graphic Service Monitor GSM Overview of currentI&C state

.4";GSM t-P Foreach CPU: B -N' Current operatingmode IM Granted permissions 5

TXS 7XS Runtime April 15, Environment- April Runtime Environment- 2009 15, 2009 5

TXS Service Unit -Interaction with TXS CPUs Release of RTE operation modes TXS Runtime Environment- Anril 15. 20096

...... .. ....... . . ri... . ., 2. . .

.. . . . ...... ...

TXS Service Unit - Interaction With TXS CPUs Two diverse means of access control

/I-7 TXS Runtime 7XS April 15, Environment- April Runtime Environment- 2009 15, 2009 7

TXS Application Software Function Diagram (FD) Modules Function Diagram Group (FDG) Modules

> Function Diagram (FD) module:

" Code resulting from automatic code generation of function diagrams (FDs) being engineered on SPACE engineering tool

" Implements the code for the engineered applicationspecific W&C functions

" Code consists of calls to StandardFunction Block libraryfunctions being connected for the specific I&C function

> Function Diagram Group (FDG) module:

in Code resulting from automatic code generation

  • I Call and data interface to all FD modules running on one CPU with one and the same cycle time IMMax. 2 FDG modules per CPU 8

TXS Runtime Environment-April 7XS Runtime 15, 2009 Environment- April 15, 2009 8

.SignalPropagationon a ProcessingModule Call Graph of fdg-compute Function 7XS Runtime Environment- April 15, 2009 9

Run-time of Application Software Linear Structure of FDG Modules Function Diagram Group Module FD Module I Copy signals Copy Function Diagram Module I FD Module 2 Copy signals output siqnals -to destination Function IFD Module 3 Copy signals Diagram input signals.

IFDModulen Copy signals I FDModulen+I Copy signals FD Module n+I I Copy signals 10 7XS Runtime 7)(S April 15, Environment- April Runtime Environment- 2009 15, 2009 10

Run-time of Application Software Extract from Function Diagram (FD) Module TXS Runtime Environment- April 15, 2009 11

Run-time of Application Software Computing Time of FDG Module Parts FDG FDG FDG FD 1 1 FD FD FD FD FD FD FD FD FD FD ED FD U Tcom Tcom FDG modules and FDG module parts:alwayscontain complete FD modules.

FD modules are never split into multiple functions.

The distributionof FD modules to FDG parts is based on the FB module computing times.

7XS Runtime Environment- April 15, 2009 12

Run-time of Application Software Computing Time of Function Block Modules F FB ID 456 FB Name Init

+ Param

+ Comp Param

+ Comp Comap COMP 457 458 459 460 461 501 502 507 520 1 1 1 1 F

~c ~he

_j 13 Runtime Environment-TXS Rwitirne TXS April 15, Environment- April 2009 15, 2009 13

FB RTE-INPUT Pictogram RTE-INPUT - Binary signal transfer V


Transferring the 7 binary signals BI1 to B17 whose meaning is predefined in the parameterization mask to the runtime environment, .

14 7XS Runtime Apr11 15, Environment- April 7XS Runtime Environment- 2009 15, 2009 14

FB RTEoINPUT Design of PictogramLayout Eil Edit View Pocument Tools WLindow e ____________ _________________

--- 36- ~ ~ %

7 Pictogramme:

f 15 7XS Runtime Runtime Environment- April 15, Environment- April 2009 15, 2009 15

FB RTE-1-1"PuT Definition of Pictogramin Database jcumant Tut5 vools H~q x K 21 j 36jlO7> f T

Z 2 _Z* *i* ,: 2 __ C 9i :V 7XS Runtime Environment- April 15, 2009 16

FB RTE-INPUT 1/0 Ports 1 Variable 1.1 Ein -iAusgangssigna le:

IJ 7XS Runtime Environment- April 15, 2009 17

FB RTEaINPUT Data Transfer Between FB and RTE SL1ocument - oois wintrw aeip 12636 F-T F110071 - ~ E 1.5 interne Variable: F I Name I rDatentyp IBed eutung

-7j1 18 TXS Runtime Environment-7XS Runtime Environment- April 15, 2009 April 15, 2009 18



-ýEd Viee Dicument Took Wtnd&o&Hel

[2 36 F~1O% Li _

Anlage 4 zu FANP NGLTS 2002 091 TXS-En1wicklungsdokLumem, Version 2,02: AU-INPUT

" .

7XS209 Rntim Envronmnt- Aril 5, 1 7XS Runtime Environment- April 15, 2009 19

FB RTE-INPUT Function Block Interface Structure (HeaderFile) 7XS Runtime Environment- April 15, 2009 20

FB RTEeiNPUT Function Block ForwardDeclaration(HeaderFile) 21 TXS Runtime 7XS Environment- April Runtime Environment- April 15, 2009 15, 2009 21

FB RTE5INPUT Function Block Source Code (fbS01.c) (1) 7X utm niomnt pi 5 092 7XS Runtime Environment- April 15, 2009 22

FB RTE-INPUT Function Block Source Code (2) 7XS Runtime Environment- April 15, 2009 23

FB RTEoINPUT Function Block Source Code (3)

TXS Runtime Environment- April 15, 2009 24

F-mf RTEoINPUT Function Block Source Code (4)

TXS Runtime Environment- April 15, 2009 25 1)

ýFB RTE-OUTPUT T n=.o ,* : R * ,: L i' RTE-OUTPUT Output of status and fault information Symbol:

Menu: Function diagram:

~2 Use:

Output of status and fault information from the. runtime environment to a function diagram in the form of binary signals 26.

7XS Runtime TXS April 15, Environment- April Runtime Environment- 2009 15, 2009 2&.

FS RTE-OUTPUT K/i 15 wricov4 ýei x Input / output signals:

L~JI Signal Direction Type Port Meaning Defaults II I ID I - value Fault status ITest status IJ TXS Runtime Environment- April 15, 2009 27



FB RTE-OUTPUT-1 receives fault and status information from the runtime environment thus enabling further processing on function diagrams.

The input signals of the function block are assigned to the pieces of information of the runtime environment in the course of linking the entire software for the processing module to the modules of the runtime environment.

Ifthe runtime environment does not return OK, the function block stops executing.

The information is output as sixteen individual binary output signals (501 to BO16) whereby the respective output signal has the value 1 (= TRUE) if the assigned piece of information is output by the runtime environment, otherwise 0 (= FALSE)

TXS Runtime Environment- April 15, 2009 28

Data Interface FB- <-4 RTE Data Structures (au.h) (1) 7XS Runtime Environment- April 15, 2009 29

Data Interface FB <- RTE Data Structures (2) 7XS Runtime Environment- April 15, 2009 30

Data Interface FB e-4 RTE Module locale (static) variables 31 Runtime Environment-7XS Runtime April 15, Environment-April 2009 15, 2009 31

Data Interface FB <-4.RTE RTE functions (fdgifc.c) (1) 7XS Runtime Environment- April 15, 2009 32

Data Interface RTE functions FB f-4 RT

-I TXS Runtime Environment- April 15,2009 33

Data Interface FB <-4 RTE RTE functions (fdgifc.c) (3) 7XS Runtime Environment- April 15, 2009 34

u-ti RTE Datainteoface FB Invocation of RTE functions (4)

TXS Runtime Environment- April 15, 2009 35

Signal Propagation on a Processing Module Call Graph of FDGEOutputFunction


TXS Runtime Environment- April 15, 2009 36

Signal Propagationon a Processing Module Call Graph: Output Signals to I/O Board 7X utm niomnt pi 5 093 7XS Runtime Environment- April 15, 2009 37

Su"/ RTE Command Interface (Extract) fl'WRITE FDG (E) 7"XS Runtime Environment- April 15, 2009 38

SQ RTE Command Interface WRITEFDG (2)

/J 39 7)(S Runtime TXS Environment- April Runtime Environment- 2009 15, 2009 AprU 15, 39

Cyclic RTE Mode Evaluation RTE MODE Evaluation Function (1)

TXS Runtime Environment- April 15, 2009 40

Cyclic RTE Mode Evaluation RTE MODE Evaluation Function (3) 7X utm niomnt pi 5 094 TXS Runtime Environment- April 15, 2009 41

Cyclic RTE Mode Evaluation RTE MODE Evaluation Function (4) 7XS Runtime Environment- April 15, 2009 42

Cyclic RTE Mode Evaluation RTE MODE Evaluation Function (5) 7XS Runtime Environment- April 15, 2009 43-

CycRic RTE Mode Evaluation RTE MODE Evaluation Function (6) 6f 44 TXS Environment- April Runtime Environment-TXS Runtime 15, 2009 April 15, 2009 44

Cyclic RTE Mode Evaluation RTE MODE Evaluation Function (7) 7X utm niomn-pi 5 094 7XS Runtime Environment- April 15, 2009 45

Results from the Generic Qualification RTE Qualification Certificate No.: TXS-AU-0902-06 SW Component: Program Structure of the Runtime Environment, V2.30, 2002-02-25 Kind of Test: Type test analogousto KTA 3503 and in compliance with IEC 880 including evaluation of the test runs performed in a test environment Test Report: "2ndsupplement to the technical test report on the type test of the program structure of the Runtime Environment of TELEPERM XS",

V 2.00, ISTec GmbH, Garching,September 2002 Test result: The test has passed according to the 2nd supplement of the test report above.

7XS Runtime Environment- April 15, 2009 46

Results from the Generic Qualification System Integration Test Certificate No.: TXS-AUST-1006-03 Subiect of test: TELEPERM XS integrationtest (AUST-Il)

SW Component: Program Structure of the Runtime Environment, V2.30, 2002-02-25 Kind of assessment.Assessment of the documents and the execution of the integrationtest in a manner consistent with KTA 3506 and in compliance with IEC 60880 Technical report: ", V 1.00, IS Tec GmbH, Garching and TUV NORD SysTec GmbH & Co. KG, Hamburg, October 2006 47 7XS Environment- April Runt/me Environment-7XS Runtime 15, 2009 April 15, 2009 47

L£s2rec Certificate for the Digital Safety Instrumentation andl Control System TELEPERM XS Certificate number: TXS-AUST-1006-03 Subject of test: TELEPERM XS integration test (AUST-Il)

(For list of documents see appendix 1)

Test execution: AREVA NP GmbH Kind of assessment: Assessment of the documents and the execution of the integration test in a manner consistent with KTA 3506 and in compliance with lEO 60880 Technical report: "Ergtnzender Technischer Pr0fbericht zum Integrationstest der Hard-und Software:fur TELEPERMXS", V 1.00, ISTec GmbrIH,,Garching, and TOV NORD SysTec GmbH &.Co. KG, Ham'burg, Oktober 2006 Requirements: see technical report Orderer: AREVA NP GmbH Main contractor: Institut fOr SiCherheitstechnologie (ISTec) GmbH, Garching Project management: Institut fur Sicherheitstechnologie (ISTec) GmbH, Garching Assessment Institut fOr Sicherheitstechnologie (ISTec) GmbH, Garching organizations: TOV NORD SysTec GmbH & Co. KG, .Hamrburg Assessment period: April 2003 to September 2006 Assessment result: see appendix 3 Date: 31. October 2006 Assessors: see appendix 2.

Project management: ..

A. Lindner (ISTec)

Page 1 of 6

Certificate for the Digital Safety Instrumentation and Control System TELEPERM XS Certificate no.: TXS-AUST-1006-03 Appendix 1: Documents:

TXS-Testspezifikation, Version 1.00: V1.00 20.08.2004 Integrationstest FANP NGLTS/02/157 TXS-TeStbericht, Version 1.00: Integrationstest V1.00 06.04.2006 NGLTS/2003/de10008, Rev. B Appendix 2: Assessors:

ISTec TOV NORD SysTec M. Baleanu U..Anders E. Hoffmann Dr. D. Haake Dr. A. Lindner G. Krage J. Mdrtz E.-U. Mainka H. Miedl Page 2 of 6

SrvNo, Certificate for the Digital Safety Instrumentation and Control System TELEPERM XS Certificate no.: TXS-AUST-1006-03, Appendix 3: Assessment result:

The assessment was passed as stated in the technical report. The following system. characteristics are confirmed for: systems that follow the design criteria which were the basis of the system configuration referenced in the test report:

1. The type-tested hardware and software components can be assembled to an operable system if the engineerihngsystem SPACE is used.
2. Processing and communication cycle times are not influenced by external process states (measured signals, amount:0ofalarms and monitored information).
3. Mutuallyindependent I&C functions are processed as specified according to their chronological order and their input- signals.
4. Mutuallyindependent processing units (in accordance with report KWU NLL5f199611.10c) do not affect each other regarding their operating modes and their time behaviour. Processing:units Which exchange signals but are otherwise mutually independent have only effect on each others time response within-the limits of the engineered communication functions.
5. Interference on cables with violation of the measuring range and input module failures are detected, marked as signal failures and indicated-.

Signals detected as faulty are processed and indicated by the system components (runtime environment, iO drivers, function blocks) as defined in the specification.

Page 3 of 6

Certificate for the Digital. Safety Instrumentation and Control System TELEPERM XS Certificate no.: TXS-AUST-1006-03 Appendix 3: Assessment result (continued):

6. Transmission failures onTXS Ethernet (Hi) and TXS Profibus (L2) busses are detected, processed and indicated in accordance with the specification.

Single message failures are tolerated by the system. Furthermore, on TXS Ethernet (H1) busses double message failures are tolerated. Interference caused by a receiving unit on the sending one is impossible.

7. Sending and receiving processing units execute their functions asynchro-nously-if no"expedited messages" are sent via serial bus links, with the exception of voter sub-units monitoring each otheer. Lost, messages are treated like transmission errors. Thus failuresoUf individual sending process-ing units are.always tolerated if signa i.information. is distributed via redundant trains and special fault propagation ibarrier function blocks are used on the receiving processing modules.
8. Single failures0ofactive and passive hardware modules are detected and indicated corresponding to the implemented monitoring rmechanisms (self-monitoring, monitoring of the communication, cabinet annunciation system).

Multiple failures are detected and indicated if sufficient resources (for example communicating processing units and communication'processors) are provided. The cabinet annunciation system is activated according to the specification.

9. Fault propagation barriers are effective provided that no plant-specific fault suppression measures are engineered (for example status correction).

Signal status is changed by the runtime environment as specified, i.e., if required, status is changed to ERROR but never from ERROR or TEST to OK. Page 4 of 6

Certificate for the Digital Safety Instrumentation and Control System TELEPERM XS Certificate no.: TXS-AUST-1006-03 Appendix 3: Assessment result-(continued):

10. The runtime environment behaves in the operating modes start-up.,

operation, parameterisation, functional test and diagnosis as specified. It changes between operating modes according to the specificAtion.,

Permissive signals for operating modes are designed individually according to project requirements and are not dealt with in the integration test.

11. The runtime environment can be controlled by means of service commands.

Disabling and enabling of service commands are effective as required for the respective operating mode.

12. The user software can be loaded from a centralised unit using the network connections. This function can be deactivated by a hardware switch on the processing modules.
13. The system is consisting of several individual computers SVEI and SVE2.

When one or more computers'are integrated or eliminated, the:system still behaves as specified. SVE1:and.SVE2 can be used together at one backplane.

14. Fail-safe behaviour: Signals marked as faulty (ERROR and/or TEST status) are issued as 0 signals via outpUt modules. Exceptions cause output of 0 signals via output modules and cause shut down or restart. of the,.computers affected.

Page 5 of 6

iSTec ThVNOiW Certificate

'for the Digital Safety Instrumentation and Control System TELEPERM XS Certificate no.: TXS-AUST-1006-03 Appendix 3: Assessment result (continued):

15. Thesystem behaviour with respect to I&C functionality is entirely defined by the application software. The minimum response:times of the system are determined by the cycletimes of the processing modules involved if the processing time of the function diagram / function diagram group modules service commands do not plus the processing time required for execution for:

exceed the specified cycle time.

Page 6 of 6

srec ID.No. 44.04 LSTec Certificate for the Digital Safety Instrumentation and Control System TELEPERM XS Software Certificate No.: TXS-AU-0902-06 SW Component: Program Structure of the Runtime Environment, V2.30, dated 25.02.2002 (List of documents, module names and versions as well as CRC sums: see appendices 1 to 4)

Manufacturer: FRAMATOME ANP Kind of Test: Type test analogous to KTA 3503 and in compliance with IEC 880 inclu-ding evaluation of the test runs performed in a test environment.

Test Report: ,2" supplement to the technical test report on the type test of the program structure of the Runtime Environment of TELEPERM XS", V 2.00, ISTec GmbH, Garching, September 2002 Requirments: See test report Orderer: Bayerisches Staatsministerium fOr Landesentwicklung und Umweltfragen Main Contractor: Institut fOr Sicherheitstechnologie (ISTec) GmbH, Garching Project Management: Institut fOr Sicherheitstechnologie (ISTec) GmbH, Garching Test Laboratory: Institut fOr Sicherheitstechnologie (ISTec) GmbH, Garching Test Period: July to September 2002 Test Result: The test has been pased according to the 2"d supplement of the test report above.

Date: 10. September 2002 Assessor:

............... i . .. ......... . ..... ..........................

E. Hoffmann M. Baleanu Project Leader: ......-. ' './. "...

...- ....

M. Kersken (ISTec)

LSTec 1srec Certificate for the Digital Safety Instrumentation and Control System TELEPERM XS Software Certificate- TXS-AU-0902-06 No.:

Appendix 1: Development documents SILT-Lastenheft: Ablaufumgebung V 1.04 27.06.2001 S ILT-Lastenheft: Ablaufumgebung in der Voter-Ebene V 1.03 27.06.2001 SILT-Lastenheft: Ablaufumgebung im Meldeinterface V 1.01 15.12.1995 SILT-Lastenheft: Ablaufumgebung in den Erfassungsrechnern V.1.01 27.06.2001 TXS-Pflichtenheft: Programmstruktur der Ablaufumgebung V 2.30 31.10.2001 TXS-Designunterlage: Programmstruktur der Ablaufumge- V 2.30 25.02.2002 bung TXS-Implementierungsuntedrage: Programmstruktur der Ab- V 2.30 03.04.2002 laufumgebung TXS-Testspezifikation: Programmstruktur der Ablaufumge- V 2.30 05.04.2002 bung TXS-Testbericht: Programmstruktur der Ablaufumgebung V 2.30 12.04.2002 TXS-Testspezifikation: Zielsystemtest Ablaufumgebung V 2.30 10.07.2002 TXS-Testbericht: Zielsystemtest Ablaufumgebung V 2.30 29.08.2002 Appendix 2: List of the C source files of the Runtime Environment with status (version no. and latest date in the file header)

C-Dateien Version Datum cyc.c 2.30 07.01.2002 drvifc.c 2.30 19.12.2001 errormsg.c 2.30 14.02.2002 fdgifc.c 2.30 11.01.2002 init.c 2.30 14.12.2001

srec srec Certificate for the Digital Safety Instrumentation and Control System TELEPERM XS Software Certificate-No.: TXS-AU-0902-06 C-file Version Date auparams.c 01.05 25.02.2002 input.c 2.30 12.02.2002 mode.c 2.30 25.02.2002 monit.c 2.30 25.02.2002 output.c 2.30 07.01.2002 sync.c 2.30 17.01.2002 system.c 2.30 25.02.2002 trace.c 2.30 15.02.2002 Appendix 3: List of the Include. and Assembler files of the Runtime Environment with status (version no. and latest date in the file header)

Include file Version Date au.h 2.30 25.02.2002 augen.h 2.30 11.12.2001 auparams. h 1.07 11.12.2001 au-types.h 2.30 -11.12.2001 crcccitt. h 00.02 26.06.2001 cyc.h 2.30 17.12.2001 drvifc. h 2.30 19.12.2001 errormsg.h 2.30 18.12.2001 fdgifc.h 2.30 11.01.2002 init.h 2.30 13.12.2001 input.h 2.30 21.12.2001 mode.h 2.30 14.01.2002 monit.h 2.30 15.01.2002

srTec LSTec Certificate for the Digital Safety Instrumentation and Control System TELEPERM XS Software Certificate-No.: TXS-AU-0902-06 Include file Version Date mode.h 2.30 14.01.2002 monit.h 2.30 15.01.2002 output.h 2.30 26.06.2001 sync.h 2.30 11.12.2001 system. h 2.30 07.02.2002 trace.h 2.30 15.01.2002 Assembler file Version Date crcccitt.asm 0301 01.02.1995 Appendix 4: CRC sums and size in bytes File Version Date Size 16bit CRC- 32bit CRC-(bytes) sum sum au.h 02.30 25.02.2002 81601 C5A1 BB2C3AFD augen.h 02.30 11.12.2001 27672 5075 2CDE9130 autypes.h 02.30 11.12.2001 8147 C266 5C277C7E auparams.h 01.07 11.12.2001 9796 939B F39E175F errormsg.h 02.30 18.12.2001 8822 5376 5EA8F40A init.h 02.30 13.12.2001 3424 07C7 24C511B02 aupstruc.plk 02.30 25.02.2002 144277 6D25 CBAE7FA9 product.sql 02.30 25.02.2002 4715 9DB4 21F43AD7


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1. Station: Oconee Nuclear Station Unit: 1 QA Condition:
2. Title: Oconee Nuclear Station Unit 1 RPS/ESFAS Replacement Project Equipment Qualification Report
3. Duke File Number: OM 201.N--0021.001 Revision No: 3 Distribution Code: OEM-19N
4. Document Type (Check One): MV Vendor Manual Li Duke Manual Manual Type (Check One):-. Instruction Book (I/B) WJ Non-Instruction Book (Non-I/B)

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1. Station: Oconee Nuclear Station Unit: 1,2, & 3 QA Condition: I
2. Title: Teleperm XS Supplemental Equipment Qualification Summary Test Report
3. Duke File Number: OM 201.N--0021.017 Revision No: 3 Distribution Code: OEM-19N
4. Document Type (Check One): [ Vendor Manual Li Duke Manual.

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