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6/8/2016 - Indian Point Units 2 & 3 Annual Assessment Meeting - Presentations from the Public
Person / Time
Site: Indian Point  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 06/30/2016
Division of Nuclear Materials Safety I
Download: ML16182A102 (26)


ML16182A102 Indian Point Units 2 & 3 Annual Assessment Meeting Presentations Made by Members of the Public June 8, 2016

Paul Blanch NRC Conduct Regarding the Risk Analysis of the Natural Gas Pipeline at Indian Point

  • FERC based its approval of the Spectra AIM pipeline on the NRCs faulty confirmatory analysis of the risk assessment conducted by the operator, Entergy supplied inaccurate and material false information. This may be a CRIMINAL wrongdoing.
  • The NRC are the cops, prosecutor, judge, jury and executioner.
  • The NRC's Office of Investigation (OI) has refused to investigate these well documented charges.
  • The Director of OI has resigned.
  • The NRC has ignored many of its own regulations, directives and policies.
  • The NRC's Office of the Inspector General (OIG) initiated an investigation, typically one year duration.
  • The NRC's approval to FERC should be withdrawn until the OIG investigation is complete.

Consequences of NRC's Actions and Inactions

  • Indian Point with its age, history of mismanagement, lack of oversight, and demographics is the most threatening man-made facility in the world.
  • Risk of a major radioactive release is more than 100 times greater than acceptable by NRC standards.
  • Twenty million persons potentially impacted.
  • Trillions of $ uninsured property damage.
  • Impact on vital structures and the control room has not been analyzed.
  • Analysis based on false information provided by Entergy.
  • Prompt and latent fatalities.
  • Uninhabitable land for generations.

Independent Risk Assessment Mandatory Prior to Continued Gas Line Construction

  • Requested by both NY Senators, NY Governor and numerous federal, state, county and town elected officials.
  • NRC does not have the pipeline expertise to conduct a risk assessment of the consequences of a pipeline rupture at a nuclear power plant.
  • Similar to studies conducted for Cove Point, Turkey Point 6 & 7 and New Mexico enrichment facility.
  • Funded in a manner similar to other risk assessments.
  • Conducted in accordance with industry standards.
  • NRC, Spectra, Entergy participate but do not direct assessment.
  • Must include knowledgeable public participation.

Amy Rosmarin (submitted for other)

Question from one of our nuclear advisors NRC regulations and Indian Point procedures require that an "Operability Determination" be performed if there is a suspicion related to nuclear safety.

Given the number of failed bolts on Unit 2 there is a very strong indication of failed baffle bolts within Indian Point Unit 3 that could impact the safe operation of the plant.

Has an "Operability Determination" been performed for Unit 3 and if so can we obtain a copy?

If not, when will this Operbility Determination be available?

Amy Rosmarin NRC Conduct Regarding the Risk Analysis of the Natural Gas Pipeline at Indian Point

  • FERC based its approval of the Spectra AIM pipeline on the NRCs faulty confirmatory analysis of the risk assessment conducted by the operator, Entergy supplied inaccurate and material false information. This may be a CRIMINAL wrongdoing.
  • The NRC are the cops, prosecutor, judge, jury and executioner.
  • The NRC's Office of Investigation (OI) has refused to investigate these well documented charges.
  • The Director of OI has resigned.
  • The NRC has ignored many of its own regulations, directives and policies.
  • The NRC's Office of the Inspector General (OIG) initiated an investigation, typically one year duration.
  • The NRC's approval to FERC should be withdrawn until the OIG investigation is complete.

Consequences of NRC's Actions and Inactions

  • Indian Point with its age, history of mismanagement, lack of oversight, and demographics is the most threatening man-made facility in the world.
  • Risk of a major radioactive release is more than 100 times greater than acceptable by NRC standards.
  • Twenty million persons potentially impacted.
  • Trillions of $ uninsured property damage.
  • Impact on vital structures and the control room has not been analyzed.
  • Analysis based on false information provided by Entergy.
  • Prompt and latent fatalities.
  • Uninhabitable land for generations.

Independent Risk Assessment Mandatory Prior to Continued Gas Line Construction

  • Requested by both NY Senators, NY Governor and numerous federal, state, county and town elected officials.
  • NRC does not have the pipeline expertise to conduct a risk assessment of the consequences of a pipeline rupture at a nuclear power plant.
  • Similar to studies conducted for Cove Point, Turkey Point 6 & 7 and New Mexico enrichment facility.
  • Funded in a manner similar to other risk assessments.
  • Conducted in accordance with industry standards.
  • NRC, Spectra, Entergy participate but do not direct assessment.
  • Must include knowledgeable public participation.

Indian Points Environmental Contributions Image Source: NEI

Indian Points Economic Contributions Image Source: NEI

  • Four coal plants were going to shut down, but are now being repowered into natural gas: Dunkirk, Cayuga, Danskammer, and Greenidge
  • All four were endorsed by the governor and protested by environmental groups such as Earthjustice, the Sierra Club, and the NPCA. Danskammer is online as of 2014, the other three are pending.
  • Danskammer (503 MW), along with Bowline (1135 MW) and Roseton (1220 MW),

three fossil fuel plants on the Hudson River, are touted as the main reason Indian Point isnt needed. THEY are the contingency for Indian Point. In 2014, they generated 1,870.1 GWhrs of electricity (much less than they could), because they only run if the power is needed. If Indian Point is shutdown, 17,310 GWhrs (9.25 times as much power) will be needed, and it will come mainly from these 3 natural gas plants. They would release roughly 9.58 million metric tonnes equivalent CO2 to do this. Nobody is building enough solar and wind to make up the difference.

  • Natural gas use for electric power in NY has risen by 75% from 2004-2014.
  • More natural gas is being added to the grid (NYISO 2015 Load and Capacity Study)

David Morse

Note: 44% of NY state electricity still comes from fossil fuels

At 2005-2014 avg growth rate of wind (431.7 GWhrs/year), combined with 2015 solar growth rate (422 GWhrs/year, highest yet), it would take 20.28 years to replace the 17,310 GWhrs generated in 2014 by Indian Point. It takes 27.10 years if you add Fitzpatrick.

I took the national average land use for wind farms and divided it by 2, and added 3% capacity factor to the national wind average to calculate a hypothetical, modern wind farm to replace Indian Point. It would require 262,650 acres and 3,090 two MW turbines. That is 95.4% of Westchester County. These turbines are around 400 feet tall. This wind farm would fluctuate by up to 309 MW within an hour and require a fossil driven peaking plant to maintain grid reliability.

African American Men of Westchester Eric D. Eller, President

African American Men of Westchester Environmental Benefits of Indian Point Virtually zero carbon emissions Closure would result in immediate in crease in air pollution Plant has invested over $100 million to protect fish

African American Men of Westchester Environmental Benefits of Indian Point Loss of Indian Point = 15% increase in carbon emissions Loss of Indian Point = 8% increase in Nox emissions throughout NYC and NYS Equivalent to putting 1 million new cars on road

Arthur Jerry Kremer, chairman New York Affordable Reliable Electricity Alliance represents leading business, labor, and community organizations Expressing ongoing support for the continued operation of Indian Point

Arthur Jerry Kremer, chairman The New York Independent System Operator says Indian Point is vital for fuel diversity and grid stability.

NYISIO 2012 Reliability Needs Assessment: New York would face serious reliability issues, including rolling brownouts and blackout, without Indian Point.

The NRCs safety assessments and support of the plants relicensing application show Indian Point is absolutely, unequivocally safe and should operate for another 20 years.

Study on Impact of closing Indian Point

  • 3,300 jobs lost
  • $11.5 billion in lost economic output
  • Spike in electricity costs of +6.3%
  • $374 million more paid by consumers annually

Study on Impact of closing Indian Point

  • Probability of significant electric outages increases 280%
  • $75 million in property taxes and fees lost
  • Charitable contributions of $2 million to local charities lost

LOUIS A. PICANI PRESIDENT AND PRINCIPAL OFFICER TEAMSTERS LOCAL 456 Safety and security of Indian Point protected by Teamsters Local 456 Department of Homeland Security and Department of Defense coordinate with the NRC, New York State Office of Emergency Management and regional government work together with Indian Point to ensure public safety


ML16182A102 Indian Point Units 2 & 3 Annual Assessment Meeting Presentations Made by Members of the Public June 8, 2016

Paul Blanch NRC Conduct Regarding the Risk Analysis of the Natural Gas Pipeline at Indian Point

  • FERC based its approval of the Spectra AIM pipeline on the NRCs faulty confirmatory analysis of the risk assessment conducted by the operator, Entergy supplied inaccurate and material false information. This may be a CRIMINAL wrongdoing.
  • The NRC are the cops, prosecutor, judge, jury and executioner.
  • The NRC's Office of Investigation (OI) has refused to investigate these well documented charges.
  • The Director of OI has resigned.
  • The NRC has ignored many of its own regulations, directives and policies.
  • The NRC's Office of the Inspector General (OIG) initiated an investigation, typically one year duration.
  • The NRC's approval to FERC should be withdrawn until the OIG investigation is complete.

Consequences of NRC's Actions and Inactions

  • Indian Point with its age, history of mismanagement, lack of oversight, and demographics is the most threatening man-made facility in the world.
  • Risk of a major radioactive release is more than 100 times greater than acceptable by NRC standards.
  • Twenty million persons potentially impacted.
  • Trillions of $ uninsured property damage.
  • Impact on vital structures and the control room has not been analyzed.
  • Analysis based on false information provided by Entergy.
  • Prompt and latent fatalities.
  • Uninhabitable land for generations.

Independent Risk Assessment Mandatory Prior to Continued Gas Line Construction

  • Requested by both NY Senators, NY Governor and numerous federal, state, county and town elected officials.
  • NRC does not have the pipeline expertise to conduct a risk assessment of the consequences of a pipeline rupture at a nuclear power plant.
  • Similar to studies conducted for Cove Point, Turkey Point 6 & 7 and New Mexico enrichment facility.
  • Funded in a manner similar to other risk assessments.
  • Conducted in accordance with industry standards.
  • NRC, Spectra, Entergy participate but do not direct assessment.
  • Must include knowledgeable public participation.

Amy Rosmarin (submitted for other)

Question from one of our nuclear advisors NRC regulations and Indian Point procedures require that an "Operability Determination" be performed if there is a suspicion related to nuclear safety.

Given the number of failed bolts on Unit 2 there is a very strong indication of failed baffle bolts within Indian Point Unit 3 that could impact the safe operation of the plant.

Has an "Operability Determination" been performed for Unit 3 and if so can we obtain a copy?

If not, when will this Operbility Determination be available?

Amy Rosmarin NRC Conduct Regarding the Risk Analysis of the Natural Gas Pipeline at Indian Point

  • FERC based its approval of the Spectra AIM pipeline on the NRCs faulty confirmatory analysis of the risk assessment conducted by the operator, Entergy supplied inaccurate and material false information. This may be a CRIMINAL wrongdoing.
  • The NRC are the cops, prosecutor, judge, jury and executioner.
  • The NRC's Office of Investigation (OI) has refused to investigate these well documented charges.
  • The Director of OI has resigned.
  • The NRC has ignored many of its own regulations, directives and policies.
  • The NRC's Office of the Inspector General (OIG) initiated an investigation, typically one year duration.
  • The NRC's approval to FERC should be withdrawn until the OIG investigation is complete.

Consequences of NRC's Actions and Inactions

  • Indian Point with its age, history of mismanagement, lack of oversight, and demographics is the most threatening man-made facility in the world.
  • Risk of a major radioactive release is more than 100 times greater than acceptable by NRC standards.
  • Twenty million persons potentially impacted.
  • Trillions of $ uninsured property damage.
  • Impact on vital structures and the control room has not been analyzed.
  • Analysis based on false information provided by Entergy.
  • Prompt and latent fatalities.
  • Uninhabitable land for generations.

Independent Risk Assessment Mandatory Prior to Continued Gas Line Construction

  • Requested by both NY Senators, NY Governor and numerous federal, state, county and town elected officials.
  • NRC does not have the pipeline expertise to conduct a risk assessment of the consequences of a pipeline rupture at a nuclear power plant.
  • Similar to studies conducted for Cove Point, Turkey Point 6 & 7 and New Mexico enrichment facility.
  • Funded in a manner similar to other risk assessments.
  • Conducted in accordance with industry standards.
  • NRC, Spectra, Entergy participate but do not direct assessment.
  • Must include knowledgeable public participation.

Indian Points Environmental Contributions Image Source: NEI

Indian Points Economic Contributions Image Source: NEI

  • Four coal plants were going to shut down, but are now being repowered into natural gas: Dunkirk, Cayuga, Danskammer, and Greenidge
  • All four were endorsed by the governor and protested by environmental groups such as Earthjustice, the Sierra Club, and the NPCA. Danskammer is online as of 2014, the other three are pending.
  • Danskammer (503 MW), along with Bowline (1135 MW) and Roseton (1220 MW),

three fossil fuel plants on the Hudson River, are touted as the main reason Indian Point isnt needed. THEY are the contingency for Indian Point. In 2014, they generated 1,870.1 GWhrs of electricity (much less than they could), because they only run if the power is needed. If Indian Point is shutdown, 17,310 GWhrs (9.25 times as much power) will be needed, and it will come mainly from these 3 natural gas plants. They would release roughly 9.58 million metric tonnes equivalent CO2 to do this. Nobody is building enough solar and wind to make up the difference.

  • Natural gas use for electric power in NY has risen by 75% from 2004-2014.
  • More natural gas is being added to the grid (NYISO 2015 Load and Capacity Study)

David Morse

Note: 44% of NY state electricity still comes from fossil fuels

At 2005-2014 avg growth rate of wind (431.7 GWhrs/year), combined with 2015 solar growth rate (422 GWhrs/year, highest yet), it would take 20.28 years to replace the 17,310 GWhrs generated in 2014 by Indian Point. It takes 27.10 years if you add Fitzpatrick.

I took the national average land use for wind farms and divided it by 2, and added 3% capacity factor to the national wind average to calculate a hypothetical, modern wind farm to replace Indian Point. It would require 262,650 acres and 3,090 two MW turbines. That is 95.4% of Westchester County. These turbines are around 400 feet tall. This wind farm would fluctuate by up to 309 MW within an hour and require a fossil driven peaking plant to maintain grid reliability.

African American Men of Westchester Eric D. Eller, President

African American Men of Westchester Environmental Benefits of Indian Point Virtually zero carbon emissions Closure would result in immediate in crease in air pollution Plant has invested over $100 million to protect fish

African American Men of Westchester Environmental Benefits of Indian Point Loss of Indian Point = 15% increase in carbon emissions Loss of Indian Point = 8% increase in Nox emissions throughout NYC and NYS Equivalent to putting 1 million new cars on road

Arthur Jerry Kremer, chairman New York Affordable Reliable Electricity Alliance represents leading business, labor, and community organizations Expressing ongoing support for the continued operation of Indian Point

Arthur Jerry Kremer, chairman The New York Independent System Operator says Indian Point is vital for fuel diversity and grid stability.

NYISIO 2012 Reliability Needs Assessment: New York would face serious reliability issues, including rolling brownouts and blackout, without Indian Point.

The NRCs safety assessments and support of the plants relicensing application show Indian Point is absolutely, unequivocally safe and should operate for another 20 years.

Study on Impact of closing Indian Point

  • 3,300 jobs lost
  • $11.5 billion in lost economic output
  • Spike in electricity costs of +6.3%
  • $374 million more paid by consumers annually

Study on Impact of closing Indian Point

  • Probability of significant electric outages increases 280%
  • $75 million in property taxes and fees lost
  • Charitable contributions of $2 million to local charities lost

LOUIS A. PICANI PRESIDENT AND PRINCIPAL OFFICER TEAMSTERS LOCAL 456 Safety and security of Indian Point protected by Teamsters Local 456 Department of Homeland Security and Department of Defense coordinate with the NRC, New York State Office of Emergency Management and regional government work together with Indian Point to ensure public safety