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{{#Wiki_filter:Enclosure 1 Third Inspection Interval Inservice Inspection Program Summary Manual PVNGS Unit 1 3INT-ISI-1, Revision 5
                                      ,LO VERn 3*^** Inspection Interval Inservice Inspection Program Summary Manual PVNGS Unit 1 Arizona Public Service Company                                                                      PVNGS PO Box 52034                                                                                        5801 S Wintersburg Road Phoenix, AZ 85072-2034                                                                              Tonopah, AZ 85354 Cox, Jennifer    Y(Z06399)
Digitally signed by Cox. Jennifer Cox, Jennifer        Digttaly signed by Col Jcfwefer Y(Z0639n OM CfSi<<>ii. Jcrmlhr YCZOaagg) ielwcn. 1 am slgrtng for Mhe Bnnnin per Y(Z06399)        PN: <n-Co<<. Jennifer V(206399)
Reason: I prepared this documenL Y(Z06399)            Reason:
Preparer:                    Date: 2017.0S.3017<<9:18 -0700'                Reviewer:                        Detr 2017.0S.)017:1063 -0700' Jackson, Keith UZ53519)
OvIBtr eenM by jKiMn. ue> UZSlSIfl IbtwK I hn* renawM eu> dMuK Bolf, Boris                          Digitally signed by Bolf, Boris B(Z99978)
DN; cn=Bolf, Boris B(Z99978)
Section Leader:                                                            Department Leader: B(Z99978)                              Heason; l am approving this document as Acting OL for Tim Gaffney Hogstrom,              Digltaliy signed by Hogttiwti.                                          Dilorenzo,                          Digitally signed by DHomnzo.
Robert <YH24S0i Robert                (VH24S0)
DN: of^togstroni. Rob<<T                                                Michael                              MichaH D(Z99838) 0(299838)
ON: cn-Dllorenao. Michael ANll (Concurrence): (YH2450)                *OTOO-Datr N17.0SJ1 092038            Regulatory Affairs (Concurrence)P(^^^8^8)                                    Date: 30174)531 1437:47-07W Boyd, William DN: cn=Boyd, William R(ZOS404}
License Renewal (Concurrence):                                            Date: 2017.06.01 10:20:55-07'00' Commercial Service Date: 01-28-1986 Program No: 3INT-ISI-1 Rev. 5 1 of215                                                            3INT-ISI-1, Rev, 5
TABLE OF CONTENTS Summary of Changes............................................................................................. 3 1.0    Summary...................................................................................................... 4 2.0    Code Applicability....................................................................................... 4 3.0    Description...................................................................................................5 3.1    Scope........................................................................................................ 5 3.2    System Boundaries.................................................................................... 6 3.3    Accessibility..............................................................................................6 3.4    Examination Techniques........................................................................... 7 3.5    Inspection Intervals.................................................................................... 7 3.6    Examination Categories............................................................................. 8 3.7    Evaluation and Repair................................................................................ 8 3.8    System Pressure Tests................................................................................ 8 3.9    Exemptions................................................................................................8 3.10  Code Cases................................................................................................9 3.11  Outage Plan Table.................................................................................. 10 3.12  References................................................................................................10 4.0    ASME Class 1 Summary.............................................................................11 5.0    ASME Class 2 Summary............................................................................ 35 6.0    ASME Class 3 Summary............................................................................ 68 7.0    Augmented Summary................................................................................. 75 8.0    Requests for Relief..................................................................................... 86 9.0    Boundary Drawing Listing..........................................................................88 10.0 Zone Drawings............................................................................................ 90 11.0 Terms and Definitions.............................................................................. 213 2 of 215                                                  3INT-ISI-1, Rev, 5
OF CHANGES Revision 5
: 1. Cover Page-Updated required signatures to align with 73DP-9XI03, Rev. 19, Section
: 2. Section 3.10.1 - Added Code Case N-733
: 3. Section 4.0
: a. Category B-A - updated note for Relief Request 40 from being required in R20 to words that more properly reflect RR 40
: b. B3.100 - updated exam requirement from volumetric to volumetric or EVT-1 perN-648-1
: c. B9.11 - Updated total items
: 1. Zone 21 - Added welds for UV-651 replacement per WO 4699840
: d. B9.40 - Updated total items
: 1. Zone 30 - Added socket welds per WO 4348890
: e. BIO.IO - Reduced number of Reactor Vessel B-K exams by taking advantage of N-700
: f. B13.10 - deleted note tying B13.10 exam to B13.70; Deleted reference to R22 since it would be in the 4** Interval
: g. B 13.70 - Updated reference from Relief Request 44 (which does not apply to Unit 1) to Relief Request 40
: h. N-733 - Added inspection requirements per N-733 (AI 16-06644-004)
: 4. Section 5.0-
: a. C5.11 - Updated total items
: 1. Zones 62 & 63 - Updated total items due to Fukushima tie ins
: b. C5.21 - Updated total items
: 1. Zone 111 & 112 - Updated total items due to Fukushima tie ins
: 2. Zones 126-129 - Added Fukushima mods
: c. C5.51 - Updated total items,
: a. Zone 58 - Updated total items.
: d. F1.20B - Updated total items
: 1. Zones 126- 129 - Added Fukushima mods
: 5. Section 6.0 -
: a. D1.20 - Updated total items
: 1. CT System - Updated total items from the addition of CT-44-H-1 -W (Al 16-13150-004)
: b. FI .30B - Updated total items
: 1. CT System - Updated total items from the addition of CT-44-H-1 (AI 16-13150-004)
: 6. Section 8.0 - Deleted reference to Relief Request 44 (AI 16-11318-003)
: 7. Section 10.0-
: a. Zone 6 - Added zone cross-references
: b. Zone 21 - Updated items due to UV-651 replacement (WO 4699840)
: c. Zone 30 - Updated items due to FIV-203 & FIV-205 replacement (WO 4348890)
: d. Zone 58 - Updated items due to FAC replacements (WOs 3309334 and 4629309)
: e. Zone 62 - Updated zone to show Fukushima modification tie-in.
f Zone 63 - Updated zone to show Fukushima modification tie-in
: g. Zone 111 - Updated zone to show Fukushima modification tie-in
: h. Zone 112 - Updated zone to show Fukushima modification tie-in.
: i. Zone 126 - New zone due to Fukushima modification.
: j. Zone 127 - New zone due to Fukushima modification.
: k. Zone 128 - New zone due to Fukushima modification.
: l. Zone 129 - New zone due to Fukushima modification.
3 of 215                                  3INT-ISI-1, Rev. 5
1.1 This document contains a detailed description of the 3"* 10 Year Interval Inservice Inspection (ISI) Program for Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Unit 1. This program conforms to the requirements of 10CFR50.55a (g), PVNGS Technical Specifications, Technical Requirements Manual, and the PVNGS UFSAR. Exceptions that are known as of this document preparation date are included in the Requests for Relief Section 8.0.
1.2 The revision is being prepared to update the ISl Program for the 3'^'* 10 Year Interval. This includes the utilization of the 2001 Edition including the 2003 Addenda of ASME Section XI with the exceptions noted below:
1.2.1 Requests for relief from ASME Section XI requirements are included in Section 8.0.
These Relief Requests are prepared in a format similar to that documented in the NEI White Paper Revision 1 dated June 2004, entitled: Standard Format for Requests from Commercial Reactor Licensees Pursuant to 10CFR50.55a.
1.2.2 The 2007 Edition thru the 2008 Addenda was utilized for Category B-L-1, B-M-1 and C-G for pump and valve body welds requirements. (Ref Letter 102-06454 and SER dated 09-18-2012). (ACT 4343138) 1.2.3 For clarification, this Interval 3 program was prepared, as was Interval 1 and 2 programs, utilizing 40 month periods.
1.2.4 To support future ISI Programs, reference to the reactor vessel internals aging management program was added (Reference 3.12.3). (CRAI 4353644) 1.2.5 This program was updated to include MRP 192 examinations of mixing tee locations (Reference 3.12.4). (CRAI 4312834) 1.3 This revision does not utilize risk informed inservice inspection methodology at this time.
1.4 The information presented is in a form consistent with the L' and 2"* 10 Year Interval ISI Program, the applicable requirements of Standard Review Plan manual and procedures and the recommendations contained in NRC letter dated July 17, 1981, from Mr. R.L. Tedesco, NRC, to E. E. Van Brunt, Jr., APS, Guidance for Preparing Preservice and Inservice Inspection Programs and Relief Requests - Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Units 1, 2 and 3.
2.0 CODE APPLICABILITY 2.1 Based on paragraph 10 CFR 50.55a(b) (2) that was published 12 months prior to the start of the 3"^ 10 Year Interval (7-17-08), the 2001 Edition including the 2003 Addenda of ASME Section XI was referenced as the Code to utilize for preparation of this program. Several exceptions to this code are documented in 10CFR50.55a; each of these exceptions was utilized during the preparation of this program.
4 of 215                                  3INT-ISI-1, Rev. 5
* The exemptions of IWB-1220 for Class 1 piping must utilize the 1989 Edition.
* When qualifying VT-3 personnel per lWA-2317, the proficiency of the training must be demonstrated by initial qualification examination and subsequent examinations on a 3 year interval.
* The 1997 Edition must be used for lWA-2240 alternative examination methods, a combination of methods, or newly developed techniques.
* Items B3.120 and B3.140 (nozzle inner radius examinations) of the 1998 Edition must be utilized. An enhanced visual examination with a resolution sensitivity to detect a 1-mil wire or crack may be performed in place of an ultrasonic examination.
* Must utilize the 1995 Edition for examination Item B7.80 per 50.55a.
* lWA-2220, Ultrasonic examination methods are prohibited for surface examinations.
* The surface examination requirements for HPSl systems. Items B9.20, B9.21 and B9.22 are not required to be performed.
If a code required examination was considered to be impractical during the preparation of this document because of plant design, geometry, accessibility or other conditions, a Request for Relief from that requirement was prepared and included in Section 8.0. If a code required examination is identified to be impractical during the course of an inspection and the code required percentages are not met, a request for relief will be prepared and submitted after each inspection period, and the final interval closeout no later than 12 months after expiration of the Interval.
2.3    This ISl Program will implement the ASME Section XI 2001 Edition Appendix VIII (Performance Demonstration for Ultrasonic Examination Systems) in accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a. These examinations will be conducted in accordance with the Performance Demonstration Initiative (PDI). The PDI Code Comparison document (Reference 3.12.2) explains the complex relationship of regulatory requirements, ASME requirements, code editions, and the PDI program. (CRAI 4378832)
3.1      SCOPE 3.1.1      This Inservice Inspection Program Summary includes all applicable nondestructive examinations required by ASME Section XI as identified below:
: 1. Examination of ASME Class 1, 2, and 3 pressure retaining components and their supports 3.1.2      This program also includes an augmented section that includes examinations for other items required to be examined as identified below.
: 1. Examinations of welds in Class 1 components fabricated with Alloy 600/82/182 materials in accordance with 10CFR50.55a and Code Case N-722-1.
: 2. Examination of the Reactor Vessel Closure Head in accordance with 10CFR50.55a and Code Case N-729-1.
: 3. Examination of welds in Class 1 piping and vessel nozzle butt welds fabricated with alloy 82/182 in accordance with 10CFR50.55a and Code Case N-770-1.
5 of 215                                3INT-ISI-1,Rev. 5
: 4. Examination of high energy line piping in accordance with UFSAR 6.6.1. (CRAI 4178275)
: 5. Examination of the Reactor Coolant Pump Flywheels in accordance with PVNGS Technical Specifications Section ITS 5.5.7.
: 6. USNRC Circulars, Information Notices, Bulletins, or Orders
: 7. INPO or other industry operating experiences
: 8. Combustion Engineering or Westinghouse bulletins or notices
: 9. Special examinations to satisfy other commitments or concerns that are based on operating experiences, USNRC. These examinations are scheduled throughout this program and reference the applicable notification documents.
3.1.3    Those items that may generally be included in an Inservice Inspection Program, but are not included are identified below:
: 1. Pressure testing of ASME Class 1, 2, and 3 piping will be performed in accordance with the Pressure Testing Program.
: 2. The inservice testing of snubbers will be performed in accordance with 10CFR50.55a.
: 3. The inservice examination of steam generator tubing will be performed in accordance with the PVNGS Technical Specifications Section T5.5.9.
: 4. The Examination Program for the ASME Subsections 1 WE and IWL will be performed in accordance with 10CFR50.55a and the PVNGS Technical Specifications.
3.2    SYSTEM BOUNDARIES 3.2.1    A complete set of P&ID drawings indicating the Inservice Inspection boundary are maintained at the PVNGS site. These drawings illustrate the ASME Class 1, 2, and 3 systems; components; and boundaries scheduled for examinations and pressure testing. A referenced listing of these drawings is documented in Section 9.0.
3.2.2    A set of ISI (Zone) Drawings is included in Section 10.0. These drawings are utilized for the planning and scheduling of specific ASME Class 1 and 2 examinations throughout the 10 Year Interval. These also document the location and number of welds, components, and supports. These Zone drawings are controlled in conjunction with this program manual. (CRAI 4398773)
: 1. Zone drawings have also been added for diesel generator skid piping supports.
3.3    ACCESSIBILITY 3.3.1      The preservice examinations were performed with examination techniques, automated or manual, similar to those planned for use during Inservice Inspections. The examination limitations noted during the preservice examinations were documented in Requests for Relief submitted with the preservice examination program. There has also been a number of additional code limitations noted during the and 2" 10 Year Intervals and Request for Relief submitted. If included in the required 3"* Interval examinations they will again be evaluated and relief requested. Note Section 8.0 identifies all the reliefs submitted during the preparation and implementation of the 3"*
6 of 215                                3INT-ISI-1, Rev. 5
3.3.2    All items that are scheduled for examination will be examined to the extent practical.
In addition, any code limitations that are noted during the examinations will be documented. If relief is required from any of these examinations, a Request for Relief will be submitted after the relief is discovered and prior to 12 months after the interval ends.
3.4    EXAMINATION TECHNIQUES 3.4.1    The three types of examinations utilized to perform Inservice Inspections, along with the actual nondestructive examination technique, are identified in the legend below:
VT - Visual VT - 1  (General Condition)
VT-2    (Leakage)
VT - 3  (Mechanical and Structural Condition)
VE      (Visual Examination)
S - Surface PT - Liquid Penetrant MT - Magnetic Particle ET - Eddy Current VOL - Volumetric UT - Ultrasonic RT - Radiography 3.4.2    All the above nondestructive examination techniques will be performed using specific techniques and procedures that are identified in ASME Section XI, or alternative examinations that are demonstrated to be equivalent or superior to those identified.
The provision for substitution of these alternative examination methods, combination of methods, or newly developed techniques will utilize the 1997 Addenda for IWA-2240.
3.5    INSPECTION INTERVALS 3.5.1    The Inservice Inspection Program was prepared in accordance with Program B of ASME Section XI. The U', 2", and 3'^ 10 Year Intervals and corresponding inspection periods are defined below:
First Inspection Interval:        01-28-86 to 07-17-98 Second Inspection Interval:      07-18-98 to 07-17-08 Third Inspection Interval:        07-18-08 to 07-17-18 Period One:                      07-18-08 to 11-17-11 Period Two:                      11-18-11 to 03-17-15 Period Three:                    03-18-15 to 07-17-18 It should be noted that the intervals/periods may change to allow for extended outage durations per IWA-2400 of ASME Section XL 7 of 215                                  3INT-ISI-1, Rev. 5
EXAMINATION CATEGORIES 3.6.1    The examination categories of ASME Section XI were utilized to develop this program for all systems, components, and supports. The Subprogram summary tables contained in Sections 4.0 and 5.0 are organized by examination category for ASME Class 1 and 2 systems, respectively. For each examination category, these tables identify the system or identification, nondestructive examination method, total number of items, required examination amount for each inspection period, and running percentage. For ASME Class 3 systems, the examinations categories are identified in Section 6.0.
3.7    EVALUATION AND REPAIR 3.7.1    The evaluation of all examination results will be performed in accordance with ASME Section XI Articles IWx-3000. In addition, all applicable repairs and replacements will be performed in accordance with ASME Section XI Articles IWX-4000 and 7000. Pressure tests will be performed on welded and mechanical joint repairs or replacements, in accordance with IWx-4000 and 5000 and 10CFR50. Both the evaluations and repair or replacement will be performed in accordance with the 2001 Edition including the 2003 Addenda of ASME Section XI, or later editions and addenda of ASME Section XI referenced in 10CFR50. Later editions and addenda will be documented with the NRC.
3.7.2    It should be noted that a relief was requested (Relief Request 36) to perform repair and replacement of all three PVNGS units to the 2001 Edition including the 2003 Addenda. This request was documented in conjunction with the relief to perform full structural weld metal overlays.
3.7.3    All repairs and replacements will be documented in accordance with the Work Control program, and are maintained at Palo Verde for review.
3.8    SYSTEM PRESSURE TESTS 3.8.1    ASME Class 1, 2, and 3 components will be pressure tested per the requirements of IWB-5000, IWC-5000 and IWD-5000, except where relief has been requested.
3.8.2    Pressure tests will also be performed on repairs and replacements per ASME Section XI, 10CFR50.55a, and the PVNGS Repair and Replacement program.
1.9    EXEMPTIONS 3.9.1    The exemption criteria identified in the 2001 Edition including the 2003 Addenda of ASME Section XI was utilized for all ASME Class 1, 2, and 3 components and systems. The only exception is that required by 10CFR50.55a for the ASME Class 1 piping exemptions. These are in accordance with the 1989 Edition of ASME XL 3.9.2    A thorough review of all the systems and components was performed in accordance with the above exemptions and a complete set of color coded Inservice Inspection Exemption drawings were prepared at the beginning of the interval. These drawings are available for review on site at PVNGS.
8 of 215                                  3INT-ISI-1,Rev.5
3.10    CODE CASES 3.10.1  The following Code Cases are accepted for use in Regulatory Guide 1.147 and may be utilized during Interval 3 where applicable (CRAIs 4404322, 4338597, and 4308456):
: 1.          N-460 Alternative examination coverage for Class 1 and 2 welds
: 2.          N-526 Alternative requirements for successive inspections of Class 1 and 2 vessels
: 3.          N-532-4 Alternative requirements to repair and replacement documentation
: 4.          N-534 Alternative Requirements for Pneumatic Pressure Testing.
: 5.          N-537 Location of Ultrasonic Depth-Sizing Flaws
: 6.          N-566-2 Corrective Action for Leakage Identified at Bolted Connections
: 7.          N-613-1 Ultrasonic examination of full penetration nozzles in vessels
: 8.          N-624 Successive inspections
: 9.          N-638-4 Similar and Dissimilar Metal Welding Using Ambient Temperature Machine GTAW Temper Bead Technique Section XI, Division 1
: 10.        N-652-1 Alternative requirements to categories B-G-1, B-G-2, and C-D bolting
: 11.        N-663 Alternative requirements for Classes 1 and 2 Surfaee Examinations
: 12.        N-666 Weld Overlay of Class 1, 2, and 3 Socket Welded Connections
: 13.        N-685 Lighting Requirements for Surface Examinations
: 14.        N-695 Alternative for Qualification Requirements for Dissimilar Metal Piping Welds, Appendix VIII Supplement 10
: 15.        N-700 Alternative Rules for Selection of Class 1, 2, and 3 Vessel Welded Attachments for Examination
: 16.        N-705      Evaluation Criteria for Temporary Acceptance of Degradation in Moderate Energy Class 2 or 3 Vessels and Tanks
: 17.        N-733      Mitigation of Flaws in NPS 2 (DN 50) and Smaller Nozzles and Nozzle Penetration Welds in Vessels and Piping by Use of Mechanical Connection Modification 3.10.2  The following Code Cases are conditionally accepted for use in Regulatory Guide 1.147 may be utilized with the specified conditions during Interval 3 where applicable:
: 1.      N-513-3 Evaluation Criteria for Temporary Acceptance of Flaws in Moderate Energy Class 2 or 3 Piping RG 1.147 documents acceptance condition is that the repair or replacement activity temporarily deferred under the provisions of this Code Case shall be performed during the next scheduled outage.
: 2.      N-648-1 Alternative requirements for inner radius examinations of reactor vessel nozzles RG 1.147 documents acceptance condition is that in place of a UT examination, licensees may perform a visual examination with enhanced magnification that has a resolution sensitivity to detect a 1-mil width wire or crack, utilizing the allowable flaw length criteria of Table IWB-3512-1 with limiting assumptions on the flaw aspect ratio. The provisions of Table lWB-2500-1, Examination Category B-D, continue to apply except that, in place of examination volumes, the surfaces to be examined are the external surfaces shown in the figures applicable to this table (the external surface is from point M to point N in the figure).
3.10.3    The following Code Cases are required to be utilized by 10CFR50.55a with additional specified conditions. These are planned to be utilized with the specified conditions during Interval 3:
: 1.      N-722-1 Additional Examinations for PWR Pressure Retaining Welds in Class 1 Components Fabricated With Alloy 600/82/182 Materials
: 2.      N-729-1 Alternative Examination Requirements for PWR Reactor Vessel Upper Fleads With Nozzles Having Pressure-Retaining Partial-Penetration Welds
: 3.      N-770-1 Alternative Examination Requirements and Acceptance Standards for Class 1 PWR Piping and Vessel Nozzle Butt Welds Fabricated With UNS N06082 or UNS W86182 Weld filler Material With or Without Application of Listed Mitigation Activities (Note Reference 3.12.1 CRAI 4348764) 9 of 215                                            31NT-ISI-1, Rev. 5
3.11 OUTAGE PLAN TABLE The outage plan table, controlled by procedure 73DP-9XI03 and 73DP-9EE02, identifies the components scheduled for examination including successive examinations from prior periods. The examination procedures and a listing of calibration blocks is also identified.
3.12    REFERENCES 3.12.1    SDOC NOO1-0604-00903 (Supplier Dwg No. PV23Q405), DESIGN REPORT FOR PREEMPTIVE WELD OVERLAY REPAIRS PRESSURIZER AND HOT LEG DISSIMILAR METAL WELDS PALO VERDE NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION UNITS 1, 2, AND 3 FOR ARIZONA PUBLIC SERVICE, Rev. 1, dated 05/25/2011. (CRAI 4348764) 3.12.2    EPRI 2012 Technical Report 1026510, Nondestructive Evaluation: Performance Demonstration Initiative (PDl) Comparisons to ASME Section XI, Appendix VIII 2007 Edition with 2008 Addendum, and 10CFR50.55a, Year 2011, dated November 2012. (CRAI 4378832) 3.12.3    SDOC MN755-A00003, PWR INTERNALS AMP FOR PALO VERDE, Rev. 0, dated 09/07/2012. (CRAI 4353644) 3.12.4    EPRI 2012 Technical Report 1024994, Materials Reliability Program: Assessment of Residual Heat Removal Mixing Tee Thermal Fatigue in PWR Plants, dated August 2012. (CRAI 4312834) 10 of 215                              3INT-ISI-1, Rev. 5
11 of215    3INT-ISI-1, Rev. 5
INDEX EXAM CATEGORIES B-A        Pressure Retaining Welds in Reactor Vessel B-B        Pressure Retaining Welds in Vessels Other Than Reactor Vessels B-D        Full Penetration Welded Nozzles in Vessels B-F        Pressure Retaining Dissimilar Metal Welds in Vessel Nozzles B-G-1      Pressure Retaining Bolting, Greater Than 2 Inches in Diameter B-G-2      Pressure Retaining Bolting, 2 Inches and Less in Diameter B-J        Pressure Retaining Welds in Piping B-K        Welded Attachments for Vessels, Piping, Pumps and Valves B-L-2 & B-M-2    Pump Casings and Valve Bodies B-N-1      Interior of Reactor Vessel B-N-2      Welded Core Support Structures and Interior Attachments to Reactor Vessels B-N-3      Removable Core Support Structures B-O        Pressure Retaining Welds in Control Rod Housings B-Q        Steam Generator Tubing F-A        Class 1 Supports 12 of 215                              3INT-1SI-1. Rev. 5
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03 IqI CO o
cn CA 2
35 of 215    3INT-1SI-1, Rev. 5
INDEX EXAM CATEGORY C-A    Pressure Retaining Welds in Pressure Vessels C-B  Pressure Retaining Nozzle Welds in Vessels C-C    Welded Attachments for Vessels, Piping, Pumps, and Valves C-D    Pressure Retaining Bolting Greater than 2 Inch in Diameter C-F-1 Pressure Retaining Welds in Austenitic Stainless Steel or High Alloy Piping C-F-2 Pressure Retaining Welds in Carbon or Low Alloy Steel Piping C-G  Pressure Retaining Welds in Pumps and Valves C-H  All Pressure Retaining Components F-A  Class 2 Supports 36 of 215                                3INT-ISI-1,Rev. 5
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    ^5 2t^
68 of 215    3INT-ISI-1, Rev. 5
INDEX EXAM CATEGORY D-A  Welded Attachments for Vessels, Piping, Pumps and Valves D-B All Pressure Retaining Components F-A Class 3 Supports 69 of 215                              3INT-ISI-1, Rev. 5
I Si<
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tn S
o U1 O iz ^  lO S
      *5 O O' H lu
: 0. w o o W m
75 of 215        3INT-1SI-1, Rev. 5
INDEX EXAM CATEGORY N-722-1    PWR Components Containing Alloy 600/82/182 N-729-1    PWR Reactor Vessel Upper Head N-770-1    PWR Pressure Retaining Dissimilar Metal Piping and Vessel Nozzle Butt Welds containing Alloy 82/182 B-J      Pressure Retaining Welds in Piping B-P      All Pressure Retaining Components C-F-1    Pressure Retaining Welds in Austenitic Stainless Steel or High Alloy Piping C-F-2    Pressure Retaining Welds in Carbon or Low Alloy Steel Piping AUGMENTED HIGH ENERGY C-F-2      Pressure Retaining Welds in Carbon or Low Alloy Steel Piping AUGMENTED FLYWHEEL NA        Reactor Coolant Pump Flywheel Examinations 76 of 215                                3INT-ISI-1, Rev. 5
I OT hi z
m H
Is Q m 9 i^
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  ^9 t 2
SECTION 8.0 REQUESTS FOR RELIEF 86 of 215    3INT-ISI-1, Rev. 5
: 36. Full Structural Weld Metal Overlay; and for Units 1 and 3, request to use 2001 Edition thru 2003 Addenda for Repair and Replacements
: 37. Alternative to ASME Code Case N-638-1, Similar and Dissimilar Metal Welding Using Ambient Temperature Machine GTAW Temperbead Technique.
38    Included for reference to document the Close out of U2 2"*^ Interval
: 39. Safety Injection Tank alternative repair method.
: 40. Extended Reactor Vessel Examinations to meet the PWROG program
: 41. Request to utilize Appendix 1 of Code Case N-729-1.
: 42. Request to utilize Leak Path Assessments N-729-1 previously qualified
: 43. Included for reference to document the Closeout of U3 2"** Interval
: 45. Included for reference to document the Closeout of U2 RPV 2" Interval
: 46. Included for reference to document the Closeout of U1 2"* Interval
: 47. Included for reference to document the Closeout of U3 RPV 2"'* Interval
: 48. Request for Relief to use UT in Lieu of RT
: 49. Request to use Alternate Inspection method for Reactor Vessel Leak-off line 87 of 215                                      3INT-ISI-1, Rev. 5
BOUNDARY DRAWING INDEX Drawing No.                  Drawing Title                      Code Class Ol-M-AFP-001    Auxiliary - Feedwater System                    2&3 Ol-M-CHP-001    Chemical and Volume Control System              1 &2 Ol-M-CHP-002    Chemical and Volume Control System              2&3 Ol-M-CHP-003    Chemical and Volume Control System              2 Ol-M-CLP-001    Containment Integrated and Local Leak Rate Test 2 Ol-M-CPP-001    Containment Purge System                        2 Ol-M-CTP-001    Condensate Purge System                        2 Ol-M-DFP-001    Diesel Fuel Oil & Transfer System              3 Ol-M-DGP-001    Diesel Generator System                        3 Ol-M-DWP-002    Demineralized Water System                      2 Ol-M-ECP-001    Essential Chilled Water System                  3 Ol-M-EWP-001    Essential Cooling Water System                  3 Ol-M-FPP-006    Fire Protection System                          2 Ol-M-GAP-001    Service Gas Supply System (N2 and H2)          2&3 Ol-N-GRP-001    Gaseous Radwaste System                        2 Ol-M-HCP-001    HVAC Containment Building                      2 Ol-M-HPP-001    Containment Hydrogen Control                    2 Ol-M-IAP-002    Instrument and Service Air System              2 Ol-M-IAP-003    Instrument and Service Air System              2 Ol-M-NCP-002    Nuclear Cooling Water System                    3 Ol-M-NCP-003    Nuclear Cooling Water System                    2 Ol-M-PCP-001    Fuel Pool Cooling & Cleanup System              2&3 Ol-M-RCP-001    Reactor Coolant System                          1 &2 Ol-M-RCP-002    Reactor Coolant System                          1 &2 Ol-M-RDP-001    Radioactive Waste Drain System                  2 Ol-M-SGP-001    Main Steam System                              2&3 Ol-M-SGP-002    Main Steam System                              2 Ol-M-SIP-001    Safety Injection and Shutdown Cooling System    2 Ol-M-SIP-002    Safety Injection and Shutdown Cooling System    1 &2 Ol-M-SIP-003    Safety Injection and Shutdown Cooling System    2 Ol-M-SPP-001    Essential Spray Pond System                    3 Ol-M-SPP-002    Essential Spray Pond System                    3 Ol-N-SSP-001    Nuclear Sampling System                        2 Ol-M-WCP-001    Normal Chilled Water System                    2 13-M-ZZP-OOl    Symbols and Legend                              N/A 13-M-ZZP-002    Symbols and Legend                              N/A 89 of 215                                3INT-ISI-1, Rev. 5
SECTION 10.0 ZONE DRAWINGS 90 of 215  3INT-ISI-1,Rev. 5
ZONE DRAWING INDEX Drawing No. Drawing Title                  Code Class Zone 1      Reactor Vessel Zone 2      Closure Head Zone 3      Steam Generator 1 Zone 4      Steam Generator 2 Zone 5      Pressurizer Zone 6      RCS Primary Piping Zone 16    Reactor Coolant Pump 1A Zone 17    Reactor Coolant Pump IB Zone 18    Reactor Coolant Pump 2A Zone 19    Reactor Coolant Pump 2B Zone 20    Pressurizer Surge Line Zone 21    Shutdown Cooling Loop 1 Zone 22    Shutdown Cooling Loop 2 Zone 23    Safety Injection lA Zone 24    Safety Injection IB Zone 25    Safety Injection 2A Zone 26    Safety Injection 2B Zone 27    Pressurizer Spray 1A Zone 28    Pressurizer Spray IB Zone 29    Combined Pressurizer Spray Zone 30    Aux. Pressurizer Spray Zone 31    Pressurizer Safeties Zone 32    Drain Line lA Zone 33    Drain Line IB Zone 34    Drain Line 2A Zone 35    Drain Line 2B Zone 36    Letdown Line Zone 37    Charging Line Zone 38    Drain Line Loop 1 Zone 39    HPSl Long Term Recirc 1 Zone 40    HPSI Long Term Recirc 2 Zone 41    Steam Generator 1                    2 Zone 42    Steam Generator 2                    2 Zone 43    Main Steam SGI East                  2 Zone 44    Main Steam SGI West                  2 Zone 45    Main Steam SG2 East                  2 Zone 46    Main Steam SG2 West                  2 Zone 47    Main Steam SGI West                  2 Zone 48    Main Steam SG1 East                  2 Zone 49    Main Steam SG2 East                  2 Zone 50    Main Steam SG2 West                  2 Zone 51    Atmospheric Dump No. 1              2 Zone 52    Atmospheric Dump No. 2              2 Zone 53    Steam to Aux Feedwater System        2 Zone 54    Feedwater SG No. 1                  2 Zone 55    Feedwater SG No. 2                  2 Zone 56    Feedwater SG No. 1                  2 Zone 57    Feedwater SG No. 2                  2 Zone 58    Aux & Downcomer Feedwater SG 1      2 Zone 59    Aux & Downcomer Feedwater SG 2      2 Zone 60    Downcomer Feedwater SG 1            2 Zone 61    Downcomer Feedwater SG 2            2 Zone 62    Aux Feedwater SG 1                  2 Zone 63    Aux Feedwater SG 2                  2 Zone 64    Blowdown SG 1                        2 Zone 65    Blowdown SG 2                        2 Zone 66    Blowdown SG 1                        2 Zone 67    Blowdown SG 2                        2 91 of 215              3INT-ISI-1, Rev, 5
Zone 68  Regenerative Heat Exchanger                2 Zone 69  Letdown Heat Exchanger                      2 Zone 70  LPSl Pump Room A Suction                    2 Zone 71  LPSI Pump Room A Discharge                  2 Zone 72  LPSl Pump A                                2 Zone 73  LPSI Pump Room B Suction                    2 Zone 74  LPSl Pump Room B Discharge                  2 Zone 75  LPSI Pump B                                2 Zone 76  Containment Spray Pump Room A Suction      2 Zone 77  Containment Spray Pump Room A Discharge    2 Zone 78  Containment Spray Pump A                    2 Zone 79  Containment Spray Pump Room B Suction      2 Zone 80  Containment Spray Pump Room B Discharge    2 Zone 81  Containment Spray Pump B                    2 Zone 82  Shutdown Cooling Heat Exchange Room A      2 Zone 83  Shutdown Cooling Heat Exchange Room A      2 Zone 84  Shutdown Cooling Heat Exchanger A          2 Zone 85  Shutdown Cooling Heat Exchanger Room B      2 Zone 86  Shutdown Cooling Heat Exchanger Room B      2 Zone 87  Shutdown Cooling Heat Exchanger B          2 Zone 88  East Wrap                                  2 Zone 89  East Wrap                                  2 Zone 90  East Wrap                                  2 Zone 91  West Wrap                                  2 Zone 92  West Wrap                                  2 Zone 93  West Wrap                                  2 Zone 94  A Train Misc. Pipe Chases & 88' Pipe Tunnel 2 Zone 95  B Train Misc. Pipe Chases & 88' Pipe Tunnel 2 Zone 96  Containment LPSl Header to Loop 1A          2 Zone 97  Containment LPSl Header to Loop IB          2 Zone 98  Containment LPSl Header to Loop 2A          2 Zone 99  Containment LPSl Header to Loop 2B          2 Zone 100 Containment LPSl Train A Suction            2 Zone 101 Containment LPSI Train B Suction            2 Zone 102 SI Pumps Train A Suction                  2 Zone 103 Refueling Water Suction Train A          2 Zone 104 S1 Pumps Train B Suction                  2 Zone 105 Refueling Water Suction Train B          2 Zone 106 HPSI Pump Room A Discharge                2 Zone 107 HPSI Pump Room B Discharge                2 Zone 108 HPSI Discharge 88 Pipe Chase              2 Zone 109 HPSI Discharge 88 Pipe Chase              2 Zone 110 HPSI Discharge West Wrap                    2 Zone 111 HPSI Discharge West Wrap                    2 Zone 112 HPSI Discharge East Wrap                    2 Zone 113 HPSI Discharge East Wrap                    2 Zone 114 Containment HPSI Header Loop lA & IB        2 Zone 115 Containment HPSI Header Loop 2A & 2B        2 Zone 116 HPSI Pump A                              2 Zone 117 HPSI Pump B                              2 Zone 118 HPSI Long Term                              2 Zone 119 HPSI Long Term                              2 Zone 120 Containment Spray A                        2 Zone 121 Containment Spray B                        2 Zone 122 DGA Jacket Water                            3 Zone 123 DGA Lube Oil                                3 Zone 124 DGB Jacket Water                            3 Zone 125 DGB Lube Oil                                3 92 of 215                    3INT-ISI-1, Rev. 5
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SECTION 11.0 Terms and Definitions 213 of 215      3INT-ISI-1, Rev. 5
AHE    Augmented High Energy ANII    Authorized Nuclear Inservice Inspector APS    Arizona Public Service Company, et al ASME    American Society of Mechanical Engineers Aux  Auxiliary BWR    Boiling Water Reactor CE  Combustion Engineering CEDM      Control Element Drive Mechanism CFR    Code of Federal Regulations CH  Charging CHR    Containment Heat Removal Circ  Circumferential CL  Cold Leg CRD    Control Rod Drive CS  Containment Spray CSP  Containment Spray Pump DWG    Drawing ECCS    Emergency Core Cooling System FW    Feedwater HL  Hot Leg HPSI    High Pressure Safety Injection HV  Hand Control Valve Hx  Heat Exchanger ICI  In Core Instrumentation lEB  Inspection and Enforcement Bulletin lEIN  Inspection and Enforcement Information Notice Jnj Injection INPO    Institute for Nuclear Power Operations ISI  Inservice Inspection LPSI  Low Pressure Safety Injection MSSS    Main Steam Support Structure NDE    Nondestructive Examination NRC    Nuclear Regulatory Commission PDV    Pressure Differential Valve PSV  Pressure Relief or Safety Valve PWR    Pressurized Water Reactor PVNGS    Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station PZR  Pressurizer RC  Reactor Coolant RCP  Reactor Coolant Pump REV    Revision RHR    Reactor Residual Heat Removal Recirc  Recirculation 214 of 215              3INT-ISI-1, Rev. 5
RCS  Reactor Coolant System RPV  Reactor Pressure Vessel RVLMS    Reactor Vessel Level Monitoring System REM  Roentgen Equivalent Man SDCHX    Shutdown Cooling Heat Exchanger SD  Shutdown SER  Significant Event Report SG  Steam Generator SI Safety Injection SN  Serial Number T Thickness Tech. Spec Technical Specification UFSAR    Updated Final Safety Analysis Report USNRC    United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission UV  Multivariable Control Valve V Valve 215 of 215            3INT-IS1-1, Rev. 5}}

Revision as of 21:05, 29 October 2019

3INT-ISI-1, Revision 5, Third Inspection Interval Inservice Inspection Program Summary Manual, Unit 1, Enclosure 1 to 102-07551-MDD/MSC
Person / Time
Site: Palo Verde  Arizona Public Service icon.png
Issue date: 05/30/2017
From: Cox J
Arizona Public Service Co
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML17248A520 List:
102-07551-MDD/MSC 3INT-ISI-1, Rev. 5
Download: ML17248A523 (215)


Enclosure 1 Third Inspection Interval Inservice Inspection Program Summary Manual PVNGS Unit 1 3INT-ISI-1, Revision 5

,LO VERn 3*^** Inspection Interval Inservice Inspection Program Summary Manual PVNGS Unit 1 Arizona Public Service Company PVNGS PO Box 52034 5801 S Wintersburg Road Phoenix, AZ 85072-2034 Tonopah, AZ 85354 Cox, Jennifer Y(Z06399)

Digitally signed by Cox. Jennifer Cox, Jennifer Digttaly signed by Col Jcfwefer Y(Z0639n OM CfSi<<>ii. Jcrmlhr YCZOaagg) ielwcn. 1 am slgrtng for Mhe Bnnnin per Y(Z06399) PN: <n-Co<<. Jennifer V(206399)

Reason: I prepared this documenL Y(Z06399) Reason:

Preparer: Date: 2017.0S.3017<<9:18 -0700' Reviewer: Detr 2017.0S.)017:1063 -0700' Jackson, Keith UZ53519)

OvIBtr eenM by jKiMn. ue> UZSlSIfl IbtwK I hn* renawM eu> dMuK Bolf, Boris Digitally signed by Bolf, Boris B(Z99978)

DN; cn=Bolf, Boris B(Z99978)

Section Leader: Department Leader: B(Z99978) Heason; l am approving this document as Acting OL for Tim Gaffney Hogstrom, Digltaliy signed by Hogttiwti. Dilorenzo, Digitally signed by DHomnzo.

Robert <YH24S0i Robert (VH24S0)

DN: of^togstroni. Rob<<T Michael MichaH D(Z99838) 0(299838)

ON: cn-Dllorenao. Michael ANll (Concurrence): (YH2450) *OTOO-Datr N17.0SJ1 092038 Regulatory Affairs (Concurrence)P(^^^8^8) Date: 30174)531 1437:47-07W Boyd, William DN: cn=Boyd, William R(ZOS404}

License Renewal (Concurrence): Date: 2017.06.01 10:20:55-07'00' Commercial Service Date: 01-28-1986 Program No: 3INT-ISI-1 Rev. 5 1 of215 3INT-ISI-1, Rev, 5

TABLE OF CONTENTS Summary of Changes............................................................................................. 3 1.0 Summary...................................................................................................... 4 2.0 Code Applicability....................................................................................... 4 3.0 Description...................................................................................................5 3.1 Scope........................................................................................................ 5 3.2 System Boundaries.................................................................................... 6 3.3 Accessibility..............................................................................................6 3.4 Examination Techniques........................................................................... 7 3.5 Inspection Intervals.................................................................................... 7 3.6 Examination Categories............................................................................. 8 3.7 Evaluation and Repair................................................................................ 8 3.8 System Pressure Tests................................................................................ 8 3.9 Exemptions................................................................................................8 3.10 Code Cases................................................................................................9 3.11 Outage Plan Table.................................................................................. 10 3.12 References................................................................................................10 4.0 ASME Class 1 Summary.............................................................................11 5.0 ASME Class 2 Summary............................................................................ 35 6.0 ASME Class 3 Summary............................................................................ 68 7.0 Augmented Summary................................................................................. 75 8.0 Requests for Relief..................................................................................... 86 9.0 Boundary Drawing Listing..........................................................................88 10.0 Zone Drawings............................................................................................ 90 11.0 Terms and Definitions.............................................................................. 213 2 of 215 3INT-ISI-1, Rev, 5


OF CHANGES Revision 5

1. Cover Page-Updated required signatures to align with 73DP-9XI03, Rev. 19, Section
2. Section 3.10.1 - Added Code Case N-733
3. Section 4.0
a. Category B-A - updated note for Relief Request 40 from being required in R20 to words that more properly reflect RR 40
b. B3.100 - updated exam requirement from volumetric to volumetric or EVT-1 perN-648-1
c. B9.11 - Updated total items
1. Zone 21 - Added welds for UV-651 replacement per WO 4699840
d. B9.40 - Updated total items
1. Zone 30 - Added socket welds per WO 4348890
e. BIO.IO - Reduced number of Reactor Vessel B-K exams by taking advantage of N-700
f. B13.10 - deleted note tying B13.10 exam to B13.70; Deleted reference to R22 since it would be in the 4** Interval
g. B 13.70 - Updated reference from Relief Request 44 (which does not apply to Unit 1) to Relief Request 40
h. N-733 - Added inspection requirements per N-733 (AI 16-06644-004)
4. Section 5.0-
a. C5.11 - Updated total items
1. Zones 62 & 63 - Updated total items due to Fukushima tie ins
b. C5.21 - Updated total items
1. Zone 111 & 112 - Updated total items due to Fukushima tie ins
2. Zones 126-129 - Added Fukushima mods
c. C5.51 - Updated total items,
a. Zone 58 - Updated total items.
d. F1.20B - Updated total items
1. Zones 126- 129 - Added Fukushima mods
5. Section 6.0 -
a. D1.20 - Updated total items
1. CT System - Updated total items from the addition of CT-44-H-1 -W (Al 16-13150-004)
b. FI .30B - Updated total items
1. CT System - Updated total items from the addition of CT-44-H-1 (AI 16-13150-004)
6. Section 8.0 - Deleted reference to Relief Request 44 (AI 16-11318-003)
7. Section 10.0-
a. Zone 6 - Added zone cross-references
b. Zone 21 - Updated items due to UV-651 replacement (WO 4699840)
c. Zone 30 - Updated items due to FIV-203 & FIV-205 replacement (WO 4348890)
d. Zone 58 - Updated items due to FAC replacements (WOs 3309334 and 4629309)
e. Zone 62 - Updated zone to show Fukushima modification tie-in.

f Zone 63 - Updated zone to show Fukushima modification tie-in

g. Zone 111 - Updated zone to show Fukushima modification tie-in
h. Zone 112 - Updated zone to show Fukushima modification tie-in.
i. Zone 126 - New zone due to Fukushima modification.
j. Zone 127 - New zone due to Fukushima modification.
k. Zone 128 - New zone due to Fukushima modification.
l. Zone 129 - New zone due to Fukushima modification.

3 of 215 3INT-ISI-1, Rev. 5





1.1 This document contains a detailed description of the 3"* 10 Year Interval Inservice Inspection (ISI) Program for Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Unit 1. This program conforms to the requirements of 10CFR50.55a (g), PVNGS Technical Specifications, Technical Requirements Manual, and the PVNGS UFSAR. Exceptions that are known as of this document preparation date are included in the Requests for Relief Section 8.0.

1.2 The revision is being prepared to update the ISl Program for the 3'^'* 10 Year Interval. This includes the utilization of the 2001 Edition including the 2003 Addenda of ASME Section XI with the exceptions noted below:

1.2.1 Requests for relief from ASME Section XI requirements are included in Section 8.0.

These Relief Requests are prepared in a format similar to that documented in the NEI White Paper Revision 1 dated June 2004, entitled: Standard Format for Requests from Commercial Reactor Licensees Pursuant to 10CFR50.55a.

1.2.2 The 2007 Edition thru the 2008 Addenda was utilized for Category B-L-1, B-M-1 and C-G for pump and valve body welds requirements. (Ref Letter 102-06454 and SER dated 09-18-2012). (ACT 4343138) 1.2.3 For clarification, this Interval 3 program was prepared, as was Interval 1 and 2 programs, utilizing 40 month periods.

1.2.4 To support future ISI Programs, reference to the reactor vessel internals aging management program was added (Reference 3.12.3). (CRAI 4353644) 1.2.5 This program was updated to include MRP 192 examinations of mixing tee locations (Reference 3.12.4). (CRAI 4312834) 1.3 This revision does not utilize risk informed inservice inspection methodology at this time.

1.4 The information presented is in a form consistent with the L' and 2"* 10 Year Interval ISI Program, the applicable requirements of Standard Review Plan manual and procedures and the recommendations contained in NRC letter dated July 17, 1981, from Mr. R.L. Tedesco, NRC, to E. E. Van Brunt, Jr., APS, Guidance for Preparing Preservice and Inservice Inspection Programs and Relief Requests - Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Units 1, 2 and 3.

2.0 CODE APPLICABILITY 2.1 Based on paragraph 10 CFR 50.55a(b) (2) that was published 12 months prior to the start of the 3"^ 10 Year Interval (7-17-08), the 2001 Edition including the 2003 Addenda of ASME Section XI was referenced as the Code to utilize for preparation of this program. Several exceptions to this code are documented in 10CFR50.55a; each of these exceptions was utilized during the preparation of this program.

4 of 215 3INT-ISI-1, Rev. 5

  • The exemptions of IWB-1220 for Class 1 piping must utilize the 1989 Edition.
  • When qualifying VT-3 personnel per lWA-2317, the proficiency of the training must be demonstrated by initial qualification examination and subsequent examinations on a 3 year interval.
  • The 1997 Edition must be used for lWA-2240 alternative examination methods, a combination of methods, or newly developed techniques.
  • Items B3.120 and B3.140 (nozzle inner radius examinations) of the 1998 Edition must be utilized. An enhanced visual examination with a resolution sensitivity to detect a 1-mil wire or crack may be performed in place of an ultrasonic examination.
  • Must utilize the 1995 Edition for examination Item B7.80 per 50.55a.
  • lWA-2220, Ultrasonic examination methods are prohibited for surface examinations.
  • The surface examination requirements for HPSl systems. Items B9.20, B9.21 and B9.22 are not required to be performed.

If a code required examination was considered to be impractical during the preparation of this document because of plant design, geometry, accessibility or other conditions, a Request for Relief from that requirement was prepared and included in Section 8.0. If a code required examination is identified to be impractical during the course of an inspection and the code required percentages are not met, a request for relief will be prepared and submitted after each inspection period, and the final interval closeout no later than 12 months after expiration of the Interval.

2.3 This ISl Program will implement the ASME Section XI 2001 Edition Appendix VIII (Performance Demonstration for Ultrasonic Examination Systems) in accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a. These examinations will be conducted in accordance with the Performance Demonstration Initiative (PDI). The PDI Code Comparison document (Reference 3.12.2) explains the complex relationship of regulatory requirements, ASME requirements, code editions, and the PDI program. (CRAI 4378832)


3.1 SCOPE 3.1.1 This Inservice Inspection Program Summary includes all applicable nondestructive examinations required by ASME Section XI as identified below:

1. Examination of ASME Class 1, 2, and 3 pressure retaining components and their supports 3.1.2 This program also includes an augmented section that includes examinations for other items required to be examined as identified below.
1. Examinations of welds in Class 1 components fabricated with Alloy 600/82/182 materials in accordance with 10CFR50.55a and Code Case N-722-1.
2. Examination of the Reactor Vessel Closure Head in accordance with 10CFR50.55a and Code Case N-729-1.
3. Examination of welds in Class 1 piping and vessel nozzle butt welds fabricated with alloy 82/182 in accordance with 10CFR50.55a and Code Case N-770-1.

5 of 215 3INT-ISI-1,Rev. 5

4. Examination of high energy line piping in accordance with UFSAR 6.6.1. (CRAI 4178275)
5. Examination of the Reactor Coolant Pump Flywheels in accordance with PVNGS Technical Specifications Section ITS 5.5.7.
6. USNRC Circulars, Information Notices, Bulletins, or Orders
7. INPO or other industry operating experiences
8. Combustion Engineering or Westinghouse bulletins or notices
9. Special examinations to satisfy other commitments or concerns that are based on operating experiences, USNRC. These examinations are scheduled throughout this program and reference the applicable notification documents.

3.1.3 Those items that may generally be included in an Inservice Inspection Program, but are not included are identified below:

1. Pressure testing of ASME Class 1, 2, and 3 piping will be performed in accordance with the Pressure Testing Program.
2. The inservice testing of snubbers will be performed in accordance with 10CFR50.55a.
3. The inservice examination of steam generator tubing will be performed in accordance with the PVNGS Technical Specifications Section T5.5.9.
4. The Examination Program for the ASME Subsections 1 WE and IWL will be performed in accordance with 10CFR50.55a and the PVNGS Technical Specifications.

3.2 SYSTEM BOUNDARIES 3.2.1 A complete set of P&ID drawings indicating the Inservice Inspection boundary are maintained at the PVNGS site. These drawings illustrate the ASME Class 1, 2, and 3 systems; components; and boundaries scheduled for examinations and pressure testing. A referenced listing of these drawings is documented in Section 9.0.

3.2.2 A set of ISI (Zone) Drawings is included in Section 10.0. These drawings are utilized for the planning and scheduling of specific ASME Class 1 and 2 examinations throughout the 10 Year Interval. These also document the location and number of welds, components, and supports. These Zone drawings are controlled in conjunction with this program manual. (CRAI 4398773)

1. Zone drawings have also been added for diesel generator skid piping supports.

3.3 ACCESSIBILITY 3.3.1 The preservice examinations were performed with examination techniques, automated or manual, similar to those planned for use during Inservice Inspections. The examination limitations noted during the preservice examinations were documented in Requests for Relief submitted with the preservice examination program. There has also been a number of additional code limitations noted during the and 2" 10 Year Intervals and Request for Relief submitted. If included in the required 3"* Interval examinations they will again be evaluated and relief requested. Note Section 8.0 identifies all the reliefs submitted during the preparation and implementation of the 3"*


6 of 215 3INT-ISI-1, Rev. 5

3.3.2 All items that are scheduled for examination will be examined to the extent practical.

In addition, any code limitations that are noted during the examinations will be documented. If relief is required from any of these examinations, a Request for Relief will be submitted after the relief is discovered and prior to 12 months after the interval ends.

3.4 EXAMINATION TECHNIQUES 3.4.1 The three types of examinations utilized to perform Inservice Inspections, along with the actual nondestructive examination technique, are identified in the legend below:

VT - Visual VT - 1 (General Condition)

VT-2 (Leakage)

VT - 3 (Mechanical and Structural Condition)

VE (Visual Examination)

S - Surface PT - Liquid Penetrant MT - Magnetic Particle ET - Eddy Current VOL - Volumetric UT - Ultrasonic RT - Radiography 3.4.2 All the above nondestructive examination techniques will be performed using specific techniques and procedures that are identified in ASME Section XI, or alternative examinations that are demonstrated to be equivalent or superior to those identified.

The provision for substitution of these alternative examination methods, combination of methods, or newly developed techniques will utilize the 1997 Addenda for IWA-2240.

3.5 INSPECTION INTERVALS 3.5.1 The Inservice Inspection Program was prepared in accordance with Program B of ASME Section XI. The U', 2", and 3'^ 10 Year Intervals and corresponding inspection periods are defined below:

First Inspection Interval: 01-28-86 to 07-17-98 Second Inspection Interval: 07-18-98 to 07-17-08 Third Inspection Interval: 07-18-08 to 07-17-18 Period One: 07-18-08 to 11-17-11 Period Two: 11-18-11 to 03-17-15 Period Three: 03-18-15 to 07-17-18 It should be noted that the intervals/periods may change to allow for extended outage durations per IWA-2400 of ASME Section XL 7 of 215 3INT-ISI-1, Rev. 5

EXAMINATION CATEGORIES 3.6.1 The examination categories of ASME Section XI were utilized to develop this program for all systems, components, and supports. The Subprogram summary tables contained in Sections 4.0 and 5.0 are organized by examination category for ASME Class 1 and 2 systems, respectively. For each examination category, these tables identify the system or identification, nondestructive examination method, total number of items, required examination amount for each inspection period, and running percentage. For ASME Class 3 systems, the examinations categories are identified in Section 6.0.

3.7 EVALUATION AND REPAIR 3.7.1 The evaluation of all examination results will be performed in accordance with ASME Section XI Articles IWx-3000. In addition, all applicable repairs and replacements will be performed in accordance with ASME Section XI Articles IWX-4000 and 7000. Pressure tests will be performed on welded and mechanical joint repairs or replacements, in accordance with IWx-4000 and 5000 and 10CFR50. Both the evaluations and repair or replacement will be performed in accordance with the 2001 Edition including the 2003 Addenda of ASME Section XI, or later editions and addenda of ASME Section XI referenced in 10CFR50. Later editions and addenda will be documented with the NRC.

3.7.2 It should be noted that a relief was requested (Relief Request 36) to perform repair and replacement of all three PVNGS units to the 2001 Edition including the 2003 Addenda. This request was documented in conjunction with the relief to perform full structural weld metal overlays.

3.7.3 All repairs and replacements will be documented in accordance with the Work Control program, and are maintained at Palo Verde for review.

3.8 SYSTEM PRESSURE TESTS 3.8.1 ASME Class 1, 2, and 3 components will be pressure tested per the requirements of IWB-5000, IWC-5000 and IWD-5000, except where relief has been requested.

3.8.2 Pressure tests will also be performed on repairs and replacements per ASME Section XI, 10CFR50.55a, and the PVNGS Repair and Replacement program.

1.9 EXEMPTIONS 3.9.1 The exemption criteria identified in the 2001 Edition including the 2003 Addenda of ASME Section XI was utilized for all ASME Class 1, 2, and 3 components and systems. The only exception is that required by 10CFR50.55a for the ASME Class 1 piping exemptions. These are in accordance with the 1989 Edition of ASME XL 3.9.2 A thorough review of all the systems and components was performed in accordance with the above exemptions and a complete set of color coded Inservice Inspection Exemption drawings were prepared at the beginning of the interval. These drawings are available for review on site at PVNGS.

8 of 215 3INT-ISI-1,Rev.5

3.10 CODE CASES 3.10.1 The following Code Cases are accepted for use in Regulatory Guide 1.147 and may be utilized during Interval 3 where applicable (CRAIs 4404322, 4338597, and 4308456):

1. N-460 Alternative examination coverage for Class 1 and 2 welds
2. N-526 Alternative requirements for successive inspections of Class 1 and 2 vessels
3. N-532-4 Alternative requirements to repair and replacement documentation
4. N-534 Alternative Requirements for Pneumatic Pressure Testing.
5. N-537 Location of Ultrasonic Depth-Sizing Flaws
6. N-566-2 Corrective Action for Leakage Identified at Bolted Connections
7. N-613-1 Ultrasonic examination of full penetration nozzles in vessels
8. N-624 Successive inspections
9. N-638-4 Similar and Dissimilar Metal Welding Using Ambient Temperature Machine GTAW Temper Bead Technique Section XI, Division 1
10. N-652-1 Alternative requirements to categories B-G-1, B-G-2, and C-D bolting
11. N-663 Alternative requirements for Classes 1 and 2 Surfaee Examinations
12. N-666 Weld Overlay of Class 1, 2, and 3 Socket Welded Connections
13. N-685 Lighting Requirements for Surface Examinations
14. N-695 Alternative for Qualification Requirements for Dissimilar Metal Piping Welds, Appendix VIII Supplement 10
15. N-700 Alternative Rules for Selection of Class 1, 2, and 3 Vessel Welded Attachments for Examination
16. N-705 Evaluation Criteria for Temporary Acceptance of Degradation in Moderate Energy Class 2 or 3 Vessels and Tanks
17. N-733 Mitigation of Flaws in NPS 2 (DN 50) and Smaller Nozzles and Nozzle Penetration Welds in Vessels and Piping by Use of Mechanical Connection Modification 3.10.2 The following Code Cases are conditionally accepted for use in Regulatory Guide 1.147 may be utilized with the specified conditions during Interval 3 where applicable:
1. N-513-3 Evaluation Criteria for Temporary Acceptance of Flaws in Moderate Energy Class 2 or 3 Piping RG 1.147 documents acceptance condition is that the repair or replacement activity temporarily deferred under the provisions of this Code Case shall be performed during the next scheduled outage.
2. N-648-1 Alternative requirements for inner radius examinations of reactor vessel nozzles RG 1.147 documents acceptance condition is that in place of a UT examination, licensees may perform a visual examination with enhanced magnification that has a resolution sensitivity to detect a 1-mil width wire or crack, utilizing the allowable flaw length criteria of Table IWB-3512-1 with limiting assumptions on the flaw aspect ratio. The provisions of Table lWB-2500-1, Examination Category B-D, continue to apply except that, in place of examination volumes, the surfaces to be examined are the external surfaces shown in the figures applicable to this table (the external surface is from point M to point N in the figure).

3.10.3 The following Code Cases are required to be utilized by 10CFR50.55a with additional specified conditions. These are planned to be utilized with the specified conditions during Interval 3:

1. N-722-1 Additional Examinations for PWR Pressure Retaining Welds in Class 1 Components Fabricated With Alloy 600/82/182 Materials
2. N-729-1 Alternative Examination Requirements for PWR Reactor Vessel Upper Fleads With Nozzles Having Pressure-Retaining Partial-Penetration Welds
3. N-770-1 Alternative Examination Requirements and Acceptance Standards for Class 1 PWR Piping and Vessel Nozzle Butt Welds Fabricated With UNS N06082 or UNS W86182 Weld filler Material With or Without Application of Listed Mitigation Activities (Note Reference 3.12.1 CRAI 4348764) 9 of 215 31NT-ISI-1, Rev. 5

3.11 OUTAGE PLAN TABLE The outage plan table, controlled by procedure 73DP-9XI03 and 73DP-9EE02, identifies the components scheduled for examination including successive examinations from prior periods. The examination procedures and a listing of calibration blocks is also identified.

3.12 REFERENCES 3.12.1 SDOC NOO1-0604-00903 (Supplier Dwg No. PV23Q405), DESIGN REPORT FOR PREEMPTIVE WELD OVERLAY REPAIRS PRESSURIZER AND HOT LEG DISSIMILAR METAL WELDS PALO VERDE NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION UNITS 1, 2, AND 3 FOR ARIZONA PUBLIC SERVICE, Rev. 1, dated 05/25/2011. (CRAI 4348764) 3.12.2 EPRI 2012 Technical Report 1026510, Nondestructive Evaluation: Performance Demonstration Initiative (PDl) Comparisons to ASME Section XI, Appendix VIII 2007 Edition with 2008 Addendum, and 10CFR50.55a, Year 2011, dated November 2012. (CRAI 4378832) 3.12.3 SDOC MN755-A00003, PWR INTERNALS AMP FOR PALO VERDE, Rev. 0, dated 09/07/2012. (CRAI 4353644) 3.12.4 EPRI 2012 Technical Report 1024994, Materials Reliability Program: Assessment of Residual Heat Removal Mixing Tee Thermal Fatigue in PWR Plants, dated August 2012. (CRAI 4312834) 10 of 215 3INT-ISI-1, Rev. 5



11 of215 3INT-ISI-1, Rev. 5

INDEX EXAM CATEGORIES B-A Pressure Retaining Welds in Reactor Vessel B-B Pressure Retaining Welds in Vessels Other Than Reactor Vessels B-D Full Penetration Welded Nozzles in Vessels B-F Pressure Retaining Dissimilar Metal Welds in Vessel Nozzles B-G-1 Pressure Retaining Bolting, Greater Than 2 Inches in Diameter B-G-2 Pressure Retaining Bolting, 2 Inches and Less in Diameter B-J Pressure Retaining Welds in Piping B-K Welded Attachments for Vessels, Piping, Pumps and Valves B-L-2 & B-M-2 Pump Casings and Valve Bodies B-N-1 Interior of Reactor Vessel B-N-2 Welded Core Support Structures and Interior Attachments to Reactor Vessels B-N-3 Removable Core Support Structures B-O Pressure Retaining Welds in Control Rod Housings B-Q Steam Generator Tubing F-A Class 1 Supports 12 of 215 3INT-1SI-1. Rev. 5


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35 of 215 3INT-1SI-1, Rev. 5

INDEX EXAM CATEGORY C-A Pressure Retaining Welds in Pressure Vessels C-B Pressure Retaining Nozzle Welds in Vessels C-C Welded Attachments for Vessels, Piping, Pumps, and Valves C-D Pressure Retaining Bolting Greater than 2 Inch in Diameter C-F-1 Pressure Retaining Welds in Austenitic Stainless Steel or High Alloy Piping C-F-2 Pressure Retaining Welds in Carbon or Low Alloy Steel Piping C-G Pressure Retaining Welds in Pumps and Valves C-H All Pressure Retaining Components F-A Class 2 Supports 36 of 215 3INT-ISI-1,Rev. 5

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68 of 215 3INT-ISI-1, Rev. 5

INDEX EXAM CATEGORY D-A Welded Attachments for Vessels, Piping, Pumps and Valves D-B All Pressure Retaining Components F-A Class 3 Supports 69 of 215 3INT-ISI-1, Rev. 5

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0. w o o W m



75 of 215 3INT-1SI-1, Rev. 5

INDEX EXAM CATEGORY N-722-1 PWR Components Containing Alloy 600/82/182 N-729-1 PWR Reactor Vessel Upper Head N-770-1 PWR Pressure Retaining Dissimilar Metal Piping and Vessel Nozzle Butt Welds containing Alloy 82/182 B-J Pressure Retaining Welds in Piping B-P All Pressure Retaining Components C-F-1 Pressure Retaining Welds in Austenitic Stainless Steel or High Alloy Piping C-F-2 Pressure Retaining Welds in Carbon or Low Alloy Steel Piping AUGMENTED HIGH ENERGY C-F-2 Pressure Retaining Welds in Carbon or Low Alloy Steel Piping AUGMENTED FLYWHEEL NA Reactor Coolant Pump Flywheel Examinations 76 of 215 3INT-ISI-1, Rev. 5

I OT hi z

m H



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^9 t 2



36. Full Structural Weld Metal Overlay; and for Units 1 and 3, request to use 2001 Edition thru 2003 Addenda for Repair and Replacements
37. Alternative to ASME Code Case N-638-1, Similar and Dissimilar Metal Welding Using Ambient Temperature Machine GTAW Temperbead Technique.

38 Included for reference to document the Close out of U2 2"*^ Interval

39. Safety Injection Tank alternative repair method.
40. Extended Reactor Vessel Examinations to meet the PWROG program
41. Request to utilize Appendix 1 of Code Case N-729-1.
42. Request to utilize Leak Path Assessments N-729-1 previously qualified
43. Included for reference to document the Closeout of U3 2"** Interval
45. Included for reference to document the Closeout of U2 RPV 2" Interval
46. Included for reference to document the Closeout of U1 2"* Interval
47. Included for reference to document the Closeout of U3 RPV 2"'* Interval
48. Request for Relief to use UT in Lieu of RT
49. Request to use Alternate Inspection method for Reactor Vessel Leak-off line 87 of 215 3INT-ISI-1, Rev. 5


BOUNDARY DRAWING INDEX Drawing No. Drawing Title Code Class Ol-M-AFP-001 Auxiliary - Feedwater System 2&3 Ol-M-CHP-001 Chemical and Volume Control System 1 &2 Ol-M-CHP-002 Chemical and Volume Control System 2&3 Ol-M-CHP-003 Chemical and Volume Control System 2 Ol-M-CLP-001 Containment Integrated and Local Leak Rate Test 2 Ol-M-CPP-001 Containment Purge System 2 Ol-M-CTP-001 Condensate Purge System 2 Ol-M-DFP-001 Diesel Fuel Oil & Transfer System 3 Ol-M-DGP-001 Diesel Generator System 3 Ol-M-DWP-002 Demineralized Water System 2 Ol-M-ECP-001 Essential Chilled Water System 3 Ol-M-EWP-001 Essential Cooling Water System 3 Ol-M-FPP-006 Fire Protection System 2 Ol-M-GAP-001 Service Gas Supply System (N2 and H2) 2&3 Ol-N-GRP-001 Gaseous Radwaste System 2 Ol-M-HCP-001 HVAC Containment Building 2 Ol-M-HPP-001 Containment Hydrogen Control 2 Ol-M-IAP-002 Instrument and Service Air System 2 Ol-M-IAP-003 Instrument and Service Air System 2 Ol-M-NCP-002 Nuclear Cooling Water System 3 Ol-M-NCP-003 Nuclear Cooling Water System 2 Ol-M-PCP-001 Fuel Pool Cooling & Cleanup System 2&3 Ol-M-RCP-001 Reactor Coolant System 1 &2 Ol-M-RCP-002 Reactor Coolant System 1 &2 Ol-M-RDP-001 Radioactive Waste Drain System 2 Ol-M-SGP-001 Main Steam System 2&3 Ol-M-SGP-002 Main Steam System 2 Ol-M-SIP-001 Safety Injection and Shutdown Cooling System 2 Ol-M-SIP-002 Safety Injection and Shutdown Cooling System 1 &2 Ol-M-SIP-003 Safety Injection and Shutdown Cooling System 2 Ol-M-SPP-001 Essential Spray Pond System 3 Ol-M-SPP-002 Essential Spray Pond System 3 Ol-N-SSP-001 Nuclear Sampling System 2 Ol-M-WCP-001 Normal Chilled Water System 2 13-M-ZZP-OOl Symbols and Legend N/A 13-M-ZZP-002 Symbols and Legend N/A 89 of 215 3INT-ISI-1, Rev. 5

SECTION 10.0 ZONE DRAWINGS 90 of 215 3INT-ISI-1,Rev. 5

ZONE DRAWING INDEX Drawing No. Drawing Title Code Class Zone 1 Reactor Vessel Zone 2 Closure Head Zone 3 Steam Generator 1 Zone 4 Steam Generator 2 Zone 5 Pressurizer Zone 6 RCS Primary Piping Zone 16 Reactor Coolant Pump 1A Zone 17 Reactor Coolant Pump IB Zone 18 Reactor Coolant Pump 2A Zone 19 Reactor Coolant Pump 2B Zone 20 Pressurizer Surge Line Zone 21 Shutdown Cooling Loop 1 Zone 22 Shutdown Cooling Loop 2 Zone 23 Safety Injection lA Zone 24 Safety Injection IB Zone 25 Safety Injection 2A Zone 26 Safety Injection 2B Zone 27 Pressurizer Spray 1A Zone 28 Pressurizer Spray IB Zone 29 Combined Pressurizer Spray Zone 30 Aux. Pressurizer Spray Zone 31 Pressurizer Safeties Zone 32 Drain Line lA Zone 33 Drain Line IB Zone 34 Drain Line 2A Zone 35 Drain Line 2B Zone 36 Letdown Line Zone 37 Charging Line Zone 38 Drain Line Loop 1 Zone 39 HPSl Long Term Recirc 1 Zone 40 HPSI Long Term Recirc 2 Zone 41 Steam Generator 1 2 Zone 42 Steam Generator 2 2 Zone 43 Main Steam SGI East 2 Zone 44 Main Steam SGI West 2 Zone 45 Main Steam SG2 East 2 Zone 46 Main Steam SG2 West 2 Zone 47 Main Steam SGI West 2 Zone 48 Main Steam SG1 East 2 Zone 49 Main Steam SG2 East 2 Zone 50 Main Steam SG2 West 2 Zone 51 Atmospheric Dump No. 1 2 Zone 52 Atmospheric Dump No. 2 2 Zone 53 Steam to Aux Feedwater System 2 Zone 54 Feedwater SG No. 1 2 Zone 55 Feedwater SG No. 2 2 Zone 56 Feedwater SG No. 1 2 Zone 57 Feedwater SG No. 2 2 Zone 58 Aux & Downcomer Feedwater SG 1 2 Zone 59 Aux & Downcomer Feedwater SG 2 2 Zone 60 Downcomer Feedwater SG 1 2 Zone 61 Downcomer Feedwater SG 2 2 Zone 62 Aux Feedwater SG 1 2 Zone 63 Aux Feedwater SG 2 2 Zone 64 Blowdown SG 1 2 Zone 65 Blowdown SG 2 2 Zone 66 Blowdown SG 1 2 Zone 67 Blowdown SG 2 2 91 of 215 3INT-ISI-1, Rev, 5


Zone 68 Regenerative Heat Exchanger 2 Zone 69 Letdown Heat Exchanger 2 Zone 70 LPSl Pump Room A Suction 2 Zone 71 LPSI Pump Room A Discharge 2 Zone 72 LPSl Pump A 2 Zone 73 LPSI Pump Room B Suction 2 Zone 74 LPSl Pump Room B Discharge 2 Zone 75 LPSI Pump B 2 Zone 76 Containment Spray Pump Room A Suction 2 Zone 77 Containment Spray Pump Room A Discharge 2 Zone 78 Containment Spray Pump A 2 Zone 79 Containment Spray Pump Room B Suction 2 Zone 80 Containment Spray Pump Room B Discharge 2 Zone 81 Containment Spray Pump B 2 Zone 82 Shutdown Cooling Heat Exchange Room A 2 Zone 83 Shutdown Cooling Heat Exchange Room A 2 Zone 84 Shutdown Cooling Heat Exchanger A 2 Zone 85 Shutdown Cooling Heat Exchanger Room B 2 Zone 86 Shutdown Cooling Heat Exchanger Room B 2 Zone 87 Shutdown Cooling Heat Exchanger B 2 Zone 88 East Wrap 2 Zone 89 East Wrap 2 Zone 90 East Wrap 2 Zone 91 West Wrap 2 Zone 92 West Wrap 2 Zone 93 West Wrap 2 Zone 94 A Train Misc. Pipe Chases & 88' Pipe Tunnel 2 Zone 95 B Train Misc. Pipe Chases & 88' Pipe Tunnel 2 Zone 96 Containment LPSl Header to Loop 1A 2 Zone 97 Containment LPSl Header to Loop IB 2 Zone 98 Containment LPSl Header to Loop 2A 2 Zone 99 Containment LPSl Header to Loop 2B 2 Zone 100 Containment LPSl Train A Suction 2 Zone 101 Containment LPSI Train B Suction 2 Zone 102 SI Pumps Train A Suction 2 Zone 103 Refueling Water Suction Train A 2 Zone 104 S1 Pumps Train B Suction 2 Zone 105 Refueling Water Suction Train B 2 Zone 106 HPSI Pump Room A Discharge 2 Zone 107 HPSI Pump Room B Discharge 2 Zone 108 HPSI Discharge 88 Pipe Chase 2 Zone 109 HPSI Discharge 88 Pipe Chase 2 Zone 110 HPSI Discharge West Wrap 2 Zone 111 HPSI Discharge West Wrap 2 Zone 112 HPSI Discharge East Wrap 2 Zone 113 HPSI Discharge East Wrap 2 Zone 114 Containment HPSI Header Loop lA & IB 2 Zone 115 Containment HPSI Header Loop 2A & 2B 2 Zone 116 HPSI Pump A 2 Zone 117 HPSI Pump B 2 Zone 118 HPSI Long Term 2 Zone 119 HPSI Long Term 2 Zone 120 Containment Spray A 2 Zone 121 Containment Spray B 2 Zone 122 DGA Jacket Water 3 Zone 123 DGA Lube Oil 3 Zone 124 DGB Jacket Water 3 Zone 125 DGB Lube Oil 3 92 of 215 3INT-ISI-1, Rev. 5

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o P a:

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§ H

o N U I




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-JOZ ooo O -) N

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N 5 CO 2

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o N U) hJ H

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Q PQ lO u § CN s

o W a:


N z hJ

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8 KA Z


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U o



11 I Q C/!)

CQ I =5 gsssgs

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Q 5 <N O


LINE# DIA/SCH FROM TO SG-42 32 X 2.00^ 45-1 SG-42 28 X 1.25 45-2 45-25 lA4A_

m vS <N 2t Jn o


O c/3 cL H N I


<w sa Ha:

p5 s So o

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uu 00 on E- O yn Z.


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> CQ g mo


47-30 P-TO 47-20

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O T^

oi ir>


X CN fs u


< ,x 5 Co Co



SG-81 SG-83

LINE# Q < g FROM TO SG-2 oo Ti- r oo 54-15 54-24 X X X X SG-2 m U-) ^ 54-25A 54-26 so so o oo r- (N SG-2 r ? ? f 54-107 Oo^^

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00 rf S m ^ sn Os 00 r- 54-llA 54-12 SG-13 54-100 \

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^ o


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PU T}- Tt TJ-aaoo 666 s c/3 c/3 c/3 c/3 C/3 C/3 C/3

LINE# DIA/SCH FROM TO SG-202 24x 1.531 56-1 56-4 SG-201 24x 1.812 56-6 56-7 SG-224 24x 1.812 56-9 56-11 Z bu 03 CQ z

o N W VO UNIT 1 c/3 UQ go <W o CO K Z w q: lO

CL CL O O CNfS<N oao I I I c/5 c/5 c/5

Qi 00 UJ S

§ o-U=tt lO o ^ c/3 1 N Ooi 1 QW CO H

z CO

<W 3




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< X X X X U PQ s s r f:


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Ov o^

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s O

g o 5a

^ c/5 lO t




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^ §

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5 VO 00 Co VO LINE#

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ON ON O 00

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(N Oii NO w_

1 lO N S5 1 Sw U)

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un o

9 m

62-14 o

<N TO 62-24 s§ 00 rf ^

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b VO SO 3

3 X NO VO U.

u c<< sr> ir%


AF-18 AF-4

On O a:

i N

QW og H



u L

ty3 64-14 TO 64-31 64-53 O <<r) o o


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1 1 f 1 Tt Tt rt Uu '*0 VO VC I cs CM VO VO VO C u

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5 Co vb Co vb


=tt: SG-53 SG-39 SG-39 SG-52 7

m VO (N H?:

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§ N

is QM a:

og H

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pa S 03


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  • -) K 1© Q a. tii WD Q t/2 <

ii ?i <M 33Z

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PQ 0.



oo oo 55 Cu

-j si S3 gs Si H3 Q !Zi Si


>-2 W m

§ Cu tv tL N


ls So Z

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^ -rf-Pl a;0

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CN 00 O O


§ 2 Oh in

>0) 0 <v LL VO N trm fvl

  • T* Z3 1 (N UJ CL, w K

2 Z3 CO oa o o

S 2: H D H Z

Q z

0 oi u


0 QQ J


1 z

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£2N oz 00 Q

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00 X-W 72-48 72-52 72-61 TO B

N li S

o oi u.

o rn (N

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pr ti. &-


<C c/2 Q


r- I.


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ii CQ X= *o 5 f=<<i o

si N OW UJ


c/: SR z: OC/2 SIQ2 i w 9< £s sss z< z

  • T T eI

§ CO if 0 SSui

§< CQ iis D ^2 J


QC Q Q O o 55 Q^.<< Ie zz z H

ox QW Z


< e^

2§ 1z



£°S s^z 9 '6 D X


= ?T


§ g

PJ c/3 c/3 C/3 su CD Io X

I I I c/2 t CO

m u H



oo U I Sh DC s

lO iS Om CQ s 2 o N

SL 1 u

ffl si 3 Z



O h-o o o K

S oc rj oS rvi w-j<N g go og CO te-S z ffl2 < *T "V T CO 0



3 1< <

ciCqS Oo'^

Lil O' UJ o oo o

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1 J

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oo oo

u. u.



On gD lO t

N cc CO K

z CO

-< Cm

< pj bD H Ow Ol TO 76-25 76-47 so fN

<N (N

'O oC PL r-r->

O I cfS Z u

(/5 CN cn

/ \ r ^ fjH / n d. X t 1?-*

76-38 I' X X



1 oo

=H= <N (N O

o I

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§ in I- o £ s


§2 W 1




HQ w

H OW ox so c/5 qL TO 79-25 79-47 5 (N rj ds ds s

b I sV) c<N fSl T \


< X X f f 5 <N <N

=tt: rf LQ r^ r^

g Eo So

> m A

ypy O ON PJ N Zo

(!\ p § l

m _1 LINE# DIA X SCH from TO

?1 SI-030 24 X 0.375 85-2 85-3 1

SI- 194 16 X 0.312 71-112 71-121

^ ___ 1 SI- 194 16 X 1.594 71-122 71-123 SI-368 10 X 0.250 70-124 71-143 1 Sl-368 6 X 0.280 71-145 t

/ o B H N0 i 0

00:2 8^ 2 J: So 7^

cn o

go uo


<hc N >D o

fN O

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U ^ ::


gs U- <C UNIT X o^

(N 6-31 'i o

a 00


w (U

o c



lCL 0) ai o ov

<N in g VO 00 VO 00 s I S

b VO 00 VO oo X <T) >n u

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o N o X

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I X X o u



o o oo oo


I N s-


S2h 50 00 Q H <

00 U (X

X f'

o (f^

00 1

oo lO o

9 o



-s3 3

t/5 g

o N

o So

?: j 2Q H

hh I


§ h

o 114-11 114-23



rj s 4- 4 SPu o

a: 00 u cn Tf &

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=tt: 00 VO fO (N

5^ Eo

03 cs 2^


i N



< Di Pw 20 O<

Ug 55 cu X


ta I

u z

o N

(N CN TO <<n V->

S cn O lA ed b

33 So O fO 1/1 Tf Tf &

X o o

< X X t

4 5

VO u-> r-1 55 55

O <

N Oh S

3 Oh on Oh c/ u So X

^ <s N 00 o bo

CQ o

N a


CL So D,



o 04 r-H lA H

g O z s q:

N a<

z^ w l2 P-z CO



a u

N cL o

O j:

O o

X o

00 00 o


N Is H Cu Z

o u



§ U

lo o


N a.

a ^

yso fS UJ 2 ° (N


<N fS yy


<N f

O (N

d X

o o


<N (N


' ' u H >>n

§ <

^ ro s q:

o N E' C/3 V UJ </3 w o < K o O -J z CO o < o O

Q <

H a

Q 219A 90S:a



zaO CL ->0 Om lilO p:o>u Zo ui a j M

dio ZifiA

z-o 0 10' nOlO 9/CA frOQA C0<<A OZCA u>>oiA < a.

89£A OlO 99CA ZOQA

<N oi w

H in g


< t a:

N E C/5 U c/5 w I


oi O



hJ o


CO Q >

W pa U H o

i W

Q Uu Ui ct Lil DCQ!

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^09A OlO I OiD 0O9A e^fcpA OlO IU<

LU <


</) CM OlO OID OlO ou

<N i

N a.


£ 3





£ 0

iT 1


  • K v%

o o

fA o


§ rt

  • S3 3

TO 126-20 1

O aS m

'O rs tb

<1 K 00  %

U m c/3 Tj-X d

< X

£ Q

=tt V~>>

UJ iZ s

nJ <

(N "I

§ lO 0)

O cr N cd s CO cu H tu z CO


yi H

i0 oT 1

u 5

o o

(A o

<N u


-s tS oo TO 127-18 S *7 O (N o'


X 00 u

C/l m

  • rt X O

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5 00

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oo (N


g C3 J=

O 40 o

N Q c/3 ir 1

CO b

a B z CO 11 £ H or)

O od r4 5


<sc 2

c o

o o

<N u

a E





<N 0^3 o

t- CN S

o 02 00 CN o.

X 00 U m CO Tj; X O

< X Q ?o

% fN 5



(N (U


a w sz o




0) o N 5 w "S z E CO B


H on G U oi 5

o c

o N

E c

W 66 m

irj o

9 O

CN u



E 3

S H,


CN On fS


<N So m

o X


SECTION 11.0 Terms and Definitions 213 of 215 3INT-ISI-1, Rev. 5

AHE Augmented High Energy ANII Authorized Nuclear Inservice Inspector APS Arizona Public Service Company, et al ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers Aux Auxiliary BWR Boiling Water Reactor CE Combustion Engineering CEDM Control Element Drive Mechanism CFR Code of Federal Regulations CH Charging CHR Containment Heat Removal Circ Circumferential CL Cold Leg CRD Control Rod Drive CS Containment Spray CSP Containment Spray Pump DWG Drawing ECCS Emergency Core Cooling System FW Feedwater HL Hot Leg HPSI High Pressure Safety Injection HV Hand Control Valve Hx Heat Exchanger ICI In Core Instrumentation lEB Inspection and Enforcement Bulletin lEIN Inspection and Enforcement Information Notice Jnj Injection INPO Institute for Nuclear Power Operations ISI Inservice Inspection LPSI Low Pressure Safety Injection MSSS Main Steam Support Structure NDE Nondestructive Examination NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission PDV Pressure Differential Valve PSV Pressure Relief or Safety Valve PWR Pressurized Water Reactor PVNGS Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station PZR Pressurizer RC Reactor Coolant RCP Reactor Coolant Pump REV Revision RHR Reactor Residual Heat Removal Recirc Recirculation 214 of 215 3INT-ISI-1, Rev. 5

RCS Reactor Coolant System RPV Reactor Pressure Vessel RVLMS Reactor Vessel Level Monitoring System REM Roentgen Equivalent Man SDCHX Shutdown Cooling Heat Exchanger SD Shutdown SER Significant Event Report SG Steam Generator SI Safety Injection SN Serial Number T Thickness Tech. Spec Technical Specification UFSAR Updated Final Safety Analysis Report USNRC United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission UV Multivariable Control Valve V Valve 215 of 215 3INT-IS1-1, Rev. 5