U-601364, Forwards Results of Engineering Evaluation of Div III Diesel Generator out-of-svc Alarm,As Committed in Util . Results Indicate That out-of-svc Alarm for Div III Diesel Generator Not Required.Existing Procedures Adequate

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Forwards Results of Engineering Evaluation of Div III Diesel Generator out-of-svc Alarm,As Committed in Util . Results Indicate That out-of-svc Alarm for Div III Diesel Generator Not Required.Existing Procedures Adequate
Person / Time
Site: Clinton Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 09/12/1989
From: Holtzscher D
RTR-NUREG-0853, RTR-NUREG-853 U-601364, NUDOCS 8909190065
Download: ML20247G424 (4)


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L30- 89 (09 -12 )-LP lA.120.


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. September 12~ 1989 NUREG 0853 R.G. 1.47.

Docket No. 50-461

Document Contro11. Desk Nuclear. Regulatory Commission.

Washington, D;.C; '20555 Subj ect: Division III Diesel-Generator Out'-of-Service Alarm

Dear Sir:

In a letter (U-600698), dated September 4,'1986,.I111nois Power.

'(IP)' committed to perform.an engineering evaluation to determine the feasibility of adding an "out-of-service" alarm to the' Division III

" diesel generator alarms in the main control room and report the results of the evaluation'to the NRC Attachment 1 to this letter provides the results of this' engineering evaluation and concludes that no further corrective action is required.

The attached information is provided in response to IP's commitment initiated by.. letter U-600698. The engineering evaluation and the results of operating experience obtained during the first operating cycle. indicate that an."out-of-service" alarm for the Division III diesel generator is not required. Existing procedures and training

.related to this matter,were found to be adequate.

. .'IP requests that the NRC review the attached information.which

, justifies IP's position and update the Clinton Power Station Supplemental Safety Evaluation Report (NUREG-0853) to reflect closure of this item.

Sincerely yours, CM+_ e D. L. Holtzscher Acting Manager -

Licensing and Safety GSL/kra Attachment

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8909'190065 890912 PDR- ADOCK 05000461 P PDC


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) , U-601364 L. ,

- L30- 89 (09.12 ) .Lp

! 1A.120 cc: NRC Resident Office t

NRC Region III, Regional Administrator

!- .NRC Clinton Licensing Project Manager Illinois Department of Nuclear Safety

Attechm:nt 1 to U-601364 Page 1 of 2 Backcround In the Clinton Safety Evaluation Report (SER), the NRC stated that the conditions which render the high-pressure core spray (HPCS)

(Division III) diesel incapable of responding to an emergency start signal are alarmed in the main control room window: "HPCS Not Ready for Auto Start Breaker in Lower Position." In subsequent revisions to the Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR), the NRC identified a condition, control power failure, which made the HPCS diesel incapable of responding to an emergency start condition. However, the latter condition is alarmed in the window " Diesel Generator Trouble". (This annunciator window now reads " Trouble Diesel Cen 1C".) The NRC was concerned that the " trouble" alarm is also being used to annunciate many diesel generator events which may or may not place the HPCS diesel out of service, and that the labeling of the annunciator is inconsistent with the labeling of the Division 1 and 2 diesel generator alarms.

In a letter dated September 4, 1986, (U-600698) IP stated that Clinton Power Station Operators are required by procedure to locally verify the cause of either the " trouble" or the "out-of-service" alarm and are trained to recognize the conditions that place the diesel generators out of service. Also in this letter, IP committed to perform an engineering evaluation to determine the feasibility of adding an "out-of-service" alarm to the Division III diesel generator alarms in the main control room and report the results of this evaluation to the NRC. The NRC found this commitment acceptable.

Evaluation Regulatory Guide (RG) 1.47, " BYPASSED AND INOPERABLE STATUS INDICATION FOR NUCLEAR POWER PLANT SAFETY SYSTEMS", requires indication of " bypassed or inoperable status" conditions for the Division III diesel generator. All conditions which would render the Division III diesel generator incapable of responding to an automatic start situation are indicated in the main control room by one of two annunciators.

Therefore, the design of the annunciators for the Division III diesel generator is in compliance with RG 1.47.

In Supplemental Safety Evaluation Report (SSER) 7 the NRC expressed a concern that the annunciator labeling for the Division III diesel generator is not consistent with the annunciator labeling for the Division I and II diesel generators. The annunciator labeling differences are the result of differences in design requirements between the Division III (HPCS) diesel generator and the Division I and II l diesel generators. Division I and II diesel generators are designed to provide emergency power to a number of safety related systems, whereas the Division III diesel generator is dedicated solely to the HPCS system. Therefore, the annunciators associated with the Division III diesel generator are more indicative of the HPCS system readiness than solely the diesel generator readiness. The differences in labeling were j not identified nor are they considered to be Human Engineering i l

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Attachment 1

\ .- to U-601364 Page 2 of 2 l

Deficiencies reflected by the guidance used in the IP Detailed Control Room Design Review.

The plant operators receive formal training to help them recognize those conditions which place the diesel generators out-of-service.

Training on the control room annunciator procedures is also provided.

The annunciator procedures assist the operator in identifying the steps required to respond to any alarm annunciated in the main control room.

The annunciator response procedure for the " Trouble Diesel Gen IC" alarm requires the operator to locally investigate the cause of the alarm.

Once the cause of the alarm is determined, the operator may judge the affects of the condition for OPERABILITY. During the first operating cycle, the operators reported no difficulty in recognizing and appropriately responding to Diesel Generator 1C alarms.

The Nuclear Station Engineering Department (NSED) has reviewed the feasibility of adding an "out-of-service" alarm for the Division III diesel generator. This review indicates that annunciator windows are available on the appropriate main control room panel to accommodate the addition of an "out-of-service" alarm. However, a major plant modification would be required to incorporate an "out-of-service" alarm.

This plant modification would require the addition of cables and raceways, and would require modifications to the Power Generation Control Complex (PGCC) under floor sections and to the main control room annunciator panels.

Summary The existing alarm system for the Division III diesel generator is in compliance with the requirements of RG 1.47. The current operator straining and the annunciator response procedures related to the Division III diesel generator alarms have been reviewed and found to provide adequate guidance to the operator during any condition which makes the Division III diesel generator out of service. The addition of an "out-of-service" alarm for the Division III diesel generator would require a major plant modification with considerable impact on the main control room at CPS.

IP concluded that the addition of a Division III DG "out-of-service" alarm is not prudent with respect to the minimal contributions it would provide to reactor safety and control room " operability".

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