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ML20096H23021 May 1992Special Rept:On 920504,south Side Lower Electrical Tunnel Detection Sys 8 Taken Out of Svc for Mod to Reposition Detection Sys Run of Conduit.Detection Sys Declared Operable on 920520 After Mod Completed & Sys Retested
ML20235V5932 March 1989Special Rept:During Cycle 6/7 Refueling Outage Scheduled from Feb-May 1989,openings Will Be Made in Plant Penetration Fire Barriers in Order to Install Various Mods. Fire Watches Posted & Fire Detection Tests CompletedFire Barrier
ML20210L65911 April 1986Ro:On 860328,diesel Fire Pump Tripped & Would Not Restart During Repair of 860327 Fire Pump Leak.Fire Watches Established.Temporary Bypass Installed.Work Deferred on 860410 & Will Resume Late Apr
ML20203P5417 April 1986Ro:On 860311,fire Pump Taken Out of Svc to Perform Maint on Fire Main Supplied by Pump.Pump Out of Svc Beyond 7-day Limit Permitted by Tech Specs.Pump Will Be Returned to Svc in Approx 45 Days,Upon Completion of Repair Work
ML20203P34631 March 1986Ro:On 860328,diesel Fire Pump Tripped & Could Not Be Restarted.Fire Booster Pumps 11 & 12 Also Out of Svc.Cause Not Stated.Fire Booster Pump 12 & Diesel Fire Pump Returned to Svc
ML20151R2923 January 1986Ro:On 851127,high Pressure Water Protection Sys Fire Pump II Taken Out of Svc in Excess of 7-day Tech Spec Limit.Caused by Maint to Fire Main Supplied by Pump.Pump & Fire Main Returned to Svc on 851220
ML20137Q0252 January 1986Ro:On 851219,post-maint Test Following Replacement of Fire Detection Alarm Terminal Block for Fan Cooler Unit 21 Not Performed.Caused by Personnel Oversight.Test Performed & Circuitry Repaired & Tested Successfully
ML20151R4421 November 1985Ro:On 850920,Halon Sys Rendered Inoperable in Excess of 14-day Tech Specs Limit.Caused by Closure of Control Bldg Dampers Following Transformer Chart & Actuation of Deluge Sys.Fusible Links Replaced & Dampers Restored on 851030Continuous fire watch
ML20101A68816 November 1984Special Rept:On 841017,work Began to Make Openings in Several Penetration Fire Barriers to Execute Various Mods During Scheduled Maint/Insp Outage.Fire Watches Posted When Openings ExistedFire Barrier
ML20082R55330 November 1983RO 83-43:two Independent Nonautomatic,Motor Operated Isolation Valves on Containment Spray Pump Discharge Pipes Found Closed & Deenergized Instead of Open & Deenergized,As Required.Caused by Operator Error.Valves Opened
ML20082S60217 October 1983Telecopy RO 50-286/83-006:on 831017,steel Plates Holding Seismic Restraint Collars Discovered Not in Place.Work Request Issued to Correct Condition Prior to Plant Returning to Svc
ML20082S59612 October 1983Telecopy RO 50-286/83-005:on 831011,drain Lines on Accumlators Determined Connected by Manual Valve.Caused by Design Error.Nonseismic Line Could Fail During Earthquake. Procedures Revised to Maintain Valve ClosureEarthquake
ML20090H3625 October 1983Ro:On 831004,138-kV Station Auxiliary Power Supply Lost When Pilot Wire Receiver Relay Tripped.Cause Under Investigation. Supply Reestablished to All 6.9-kV Buses.Also Reported Per Part 21
ML20076G3031 August 1983Ro:On 830729,review of Log Sheets Determined Isolation Valve Seal Water Sys Violated Tech Specs.Corrective Action Taken to Assure Locally Indicated Pressure on Tank Maintained Per Tech Specs
ML20069A7782 March 1983Ro:On 830301,shaft Matl Found in Square Motor Housing RHR Pump 22 Was Carbon Steel Instead of Stainless Steel.Change Does Not Involve Unreviewed Safety Question Based on Use for Fewer than 24 Calender Months.Equipment Will Be Replaced
ML20083Q50914 February 1983RO 83-003:on 830213,RCS Leakage from Packing on Valve 731 Exceeded Tech Spec Limit.Subsequent Analysis After Hot Shutdown Determined Leakage to Be within Tech Specs.Also Reported Per 10CFR21
ML20066G7699 November 1982Ro:On 821108,upper End Plug from One Fuel Rod Found Lodged Between Upper End Plugs of Adjacent Fuel Rods within Assembly.Affected Assembly Will Not Be Returned to Core for Cycle 6.Also Reportable Per Part 21
ML20063B65118 August 1982RO 82-32:on 820817,steam Generator 22 Blowdown Outer Isolation Valve CV1215A Closed.Caused by Failure of 1315A Solenoid Valve.Jumper Installed in Instrument Air Sys to Establish Blowdown.Also Reportable Per Part 21
ML20055B60114 July 1982Telecopy Message of Ro:On 820713,while in Cold Shutdown During Refueling Outage,Testing of Pressurizer Safety Valves Indicated Setpoints for Pressure Control Valves 466 & 468 Below Tech Spec Limit
ML20054L14421 June 1982Ro:On 820520,Fire Pump 12 Removed from Svc to Repair Leaking Packing Gland.Pump Overhauled & Leaks Repaired.Pump Returned to Svc on 820527
ML20054J23910 June 1982Ro:During Scheduled Sample Collection for May 1982,Windsor Farms Environ Sampling Station 51 Ceased Commercial Milk Production.Potential Replacement Locations Are Being Investigated
ML20054F5449 June 1982Ro:Provides Addl Info Re 820601 Diver Exposure in Excess of Limits.Review Conducted of Instrumentation Used in Radiation Surveys of Pool Immediately Prior to Exposure.One Alarming Dosimeter Used by Divers Found Inoperable
ML20054F5982 June 1982Ro:On 820601,contractor Employee Experienced Personal Exposure Rate of 8.6 Rem While Working in Spent Fuel Pool. Encl Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790)
ML20084B11720 April 1973Telecopy Ro:On 730419,both Doors of 80-ft Elevation Personnel Air Lock to Containment Bldg Inadvertently Opened at Same Time.Caused by Interlock Malfunction.Investigation EnsuingBoric Acid
ML20084T73824 October 1972Telecopy Ro:On 721020,while Making Monthly Surveillance Calibr on Offgas Monitor,Trip Setting on One Monitor Found Greater than Tech Spec Limits.Cause Not Stated