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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20217P61721 October 1999Forwards non-proprietary & Proprietary Versions of HI-982083, Licensing Rept for Byron & Braidwood Nuclear Stations. Proprietary Rept Withheld,Per 10CFR2.790(b)(4)
ML20217M43619 October 1999Forwards Rev 46 to Braidwood Station Security Plan, IAW 10CFR50.4(b)(4).Description of Changes,Listed.Encl Withheld Per 10CFR73.21
ML20217H46618 October 1999Forwards Changes to EPIPs IAW 10CFR50.54(q) & 10CFR50,App E, Section V.Details of Changes Encl
ML20216J82430 September 1999Notifies of Removal of NRC Headquarters & Region III Offices from Controlled Copy Distribution of Certain CE Documents. Specific Documents,Associated Controlled Copy Numbers & NRC Location Affected Are Shown on Attachment to Ltr
ML20211Q9018 September 1999Advises That Us Postal Service Mailing Address Has Changed for Braidwood Station.New Address Listed
ML20211G12227 August 1999Forwards fitness-for-duty Program Performance Data for Each of Comm Ed Nuclear Power Stations & Corporate Support Employees within Scope of Rule for six-month Period Ending 990630,IAW 10CFR26.71(d)Fitness for Duty
BW990053, Forwards post-outage Summary Rept for ISI Examinations Conducted During Seventh Refueling Outage of Braidwood Station,Unit 213 August 1999Forwards post-outage Summary Rept for ISI Examinations Conducted During Seventh Refueling Outage of Braidwood Station,Unit 2
05000454/LER-1998-008, Informs That Licensee Determined That Suppl Rept to LER 98-008 Is Not Warranted.No Addl Info Was Generated Following Completion of Root Cause Investigation of Following Completion of Corrective Actions Stated in Original LER12 August 1999Informs That Licensee Determined That Suppl Rept to LER 98-008 Is Not Warranted.No Addl Info Was Generated Following Completion of Root Cause Investigation of Following Completion of Corrective Actions Stated in Original LER
BW990052, Informs That RW Clay,License OP-31044,no Longer Requires Operator License at Braidwood Station12 August 1999Informs That RW Clay,License OP-31044,no Longer Requires Operator License at Braidwood Station
ML20210N5656 August 1999Forwards Rev 8 to Nuclear Generating Stations Emergency Plan, for Plants.With Summary of ChangesSafe Shutdown
Fitness for Duty
Health Physics Network
Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
Nuclear Accident Reporting System
Severe Accident Management Guideline
Deep Dose Equivalent
Minimum staff
Fire Protection Program
BW990049, Informs NRC of Plans to Demonstrate Compliance with 10CFR50.46 Requirements for Fuel Predicted to Experience Fuel Pellet to Rod Cladding Gap Reopening,During Current Cycle4 August 1999Informs NRC of Plans to Demonstrate Compliance with 10CFR50.46 Requirements for Fuel Predicted to Experience Fuel Pellet to Rod Cladding Gap Reopening,During Current CycleFuel cladding
ML20210M9132 August 1999Forwards Response to NRC AL 99-02, Operating Reactor Licensing Action Estimates, for Fys 2000 & 2001 for ComedUltimate heat sink
Exemption Request
Power Uprate
ML20210K07730 July 1999Submits 30-day Rept Re Discovery of ECCS Evaluation Model Error for Byron & Braidwood Stations,As Required by 10CFR50.46
ML20210J89529 July 1999Submits Other Actions,As Described,To Be Taken for Valves to Resolve Potential Pressure Locking Concerns,In Light of Extended Period for Valve Bonnet Natural Depressurization,In Response to GL 95-07, Pressure Locking & Thermal..
BW990045, Forwards Errata to 1998 Radioactive Effluent Release Rept. Info Has Been Corrected & Revised Spreadsheets Included in Attachment to Ltr28 July 1999Forwards Errata to 1998 Radioactive Effluent Release Rept. Info Has Been Corrected & Revised Spreadsheets Included in Attachment to Ltr
ML20210E21523 July 1999Forwards Byron Unit 1 B1R09 ISI Summary Rept Spring 1999 Outage,980309-990424, in Compliance with Requirements of Article IWA-6000, Records & Repts of Section XI of ASME & P&PV,1989 Edition
ML20216D37821 July 1999Forwards Revised NFM9900022, Braidwood Unit 2 Cycle 8 COLR on ITS Format & W(Z) Function, to Account for Error That W Discovered in Computer Code Used to Calculate PCT During LBLOCA
ML20216D70619 July 1999Forwards Rev 45 to Braidwood Station Security Plan,Iaw 10CFR50.4(b)(4).Plan Includes Listed Changes.Rev Withheld, Per 10CFR73.21
BW990042, Forwards Braidwood Station,Unit 1 Post Accident Monitoring Rept for Reactor Vessel Level Indication Sys (Rvlis),Due to Facility Train B RVLIS Being Restored to Operable Status After 7-day Completion Time,Per TS 3.3.3 & 5.6.716 July 1999Forwards Braidwood Station,Unit 1 Post Accident Monitoring Rept for Reactor Vessel Level Indication Sys (Rvlis),Due to Facility Train B RVLIS Being Restored to Operable Status After 7-day Completion Time,Per TS 3.3.3 & 5.6.7Post Accident Monitoring
ML20209H29916 July 1999Withdraws 980529 LAR to Credit Automatic PORV Operation for Mitigation of Inadvertent Safety Injection at Power Accident.Response to NRC 990513 RAI Re LAR EnclBackfit
BW990040, Forwards Revised Monthly Operating Repts for May 1999 for Braidwood Station,Units 1 & 2.Since Issuance of Rept,It Was Determined That Rt That Occurred on Unit 2 During Startup Was Inadvertently Omitted15 July 1999Forwards Revised Monthly Operating Repts for May 1999 for Braidwood Station,Units 1 & 2.Since Issuance of Rept,It Was Determined That Rt That Occurred on Unit 2 During Startup Was Inadvertently Omitted
ML20207H75012 July 1999Forwards Revised Pressure Temp Limits Rept, for Byron Station,Units 1 & 2.Revised Pressurized Thermal Shock Evaluations,Surveillance Capsule Rept & Credibility Repts, Also EnclHydrostatic
ML20209G1399 July 1999Forwards Results of SG Tube Insps Performed During Byron Station,Unit 1,Cycle 9 Refueling Outage within 12 Months Following Completion of Insps
ML20196J9061 July 1999Provides Evidence That Util Maintains Guarantee of Payment of Deferred Premiums in Amount of $10 Million for Each of Thirteen Reactors,Per 10CFR140.21
ML20196J9131 July 1999Submits Status of Nuclear Property Insurance Currently Maintained for Braidwood,Byron,Dresden,Lasalle County,Quad Cities & Zion Nuclear Power Stations,Per 10CFR50.54(w)(3)
ML20209B82430 June 1999Forwards Five 3.5 Inch Computer Diskettes Containing Revised Annual Dose Repts for 1994 Through 1998 for Individuals Receiving Neutron Dose Not Previously Included in Reported Total Effective Dose Equivalent Values.Without Diskettes
ML20196G21625 June 1999Forwards for NRC Region III Emergency Preparedness Inspector,Two Copies of Comed Emergency Preparedness Exercise Manual for 1999 Byron Station Annual Exercise. Exercise Is Scheduled for 990825.Without Encls
ML20209D48617 June 1999Informs That R Heinen,License OP-30953-1 & a Snow,License SOP-30212-3,no Longer Require License at Byron Station
05000456/LER-1998-004, Forwards LER 98-004-01,IAW 10CFR50.73(a)(2)(i)(B). LER 98-004 Included Commitment to Transmit Supplemental Rept by 990628,due to on-going Evaluations16 June 1999Forwards LER 98-004-01,IAW 10CFR50.73(a)(2)(i)(B). LER 98-004 Included Commitment to Transmit Supplemental Rept by 990628,due to on-going Evaluations
05000457/LER-1998-003, Forwards LER 98-003-00 Re Unit 2 Reactor Trip.Actions & Associated Action Tracking Number That Braidwood Station Is Committed to Implement in Response to LER Described Below16 June 1999Forwards LER 98-003-00 Re Unit 2 Reactor Trip.Actions & Associated Action Tracking Number That Braidwood Station Is Committed to Implement in Response to LER Described Below
05000456/LER-1999-001, Forwards LER 99-001-00,IAW 10CFR50.73(a)(2)(i)(B). Description of Action & Associated Action Request Number That Braidwood Station Is Committed to Implement Is Response to LER Is Listed15 June 1999Forwards LER 99-001-00,IAW 10CFR50.73(a)(2)(i)(B). Description of Action & Associated Action Request Number That Braidwood Station Is Committed to Implement Is Response to LER Is Listed
BW990028, Forwards Braidwood Unit 2 Cycle 8 COLR in ITS Format & W(Z) Function, IAW TS 5.6.510 June 1999Forwards Braidwood Unit 2 Cycle 8 COLR in ITS Format & W(Z) Function, IAW TS 5.6.5
05000454/LER-1999-002, Forwards LER 99-002-00,IAW 10CFR50.73(a)(2)(i)(b).There Are Two Actions Remaining to Address Cause of Event.Both Actions Are Listed8 June 1999Forwards LER 99-002-00,IAW 10CFR50.73(a)(2)(i)(b).There Are Two Actions Remaining to Address Cause of Event.Both Actions Are Listed
ML20195E3457 June 1999Forwards 3.5 Inch Computer Diskette Containing Revised File Format for Annual Dose Rept for 1998,per 990520 Telcon Request from Nrc.Each Station Data Is Preceded by Header Record,Which Provides Info Necessary to Identify Data
ML20195D6354 June 1999Notifies NRC of Actions That Has Been Taken in Accordance with 10CFR26, Fitness for Duty ProgramsFitness for Duty
ML20211M16128 May 1999Discusses 990527 Meeting with Comed Re Safety Culture & Overtime Control at Byron Nuclear Plant from Videoconference Location at NRC Headquarters.Requests That Aggressive Actions Be Taken to Ensure That Comed Meets ExpectationsEnforcement Discretion
ML20207D52626 May 1999Forwards Response to NRC 990318 RAI Concerning Alleged Chilling Effect at Byron Station.Attachment Contains Responses to NRC 12 Questions
ML20195C79125 May 1999Forwards Revised COLR for Byron Unit 2,IAW 10CFR50.59.Rev Accounts for Planned Increase of Reactor Coolant Full Power Average Operating Temp from 581 F to 583 F
ML20211M17825 May 1999Summarizes Concerns with Chilling Effect & Overtime Abuses at Commonwealth Edison,Byron Station.Request That Ltr Be Made Part of Permanent Record of 990527 Meeting
05000457/LER-1999-002, Forwards LER 99-002-00,IAW 10CFR50.73(a)(2)(iv).Commitments Made by Util Are Listed21 May 1999Forwards LER 99-002-00,IAW 10CFR50.73(a)(2)(iv).Commitments Made by Util Are Listed
05000454/LER-1999-001, Forwards LER 99-001-00,IAW 10CFR50.73(a)(2)(i)(B).Required Actions to Address Causes of Event Listed21 May 1999Forwards LER 99-001-00,IAW 10CFR50.73(a)(2)(i)(B).Required Actions to Address Causes of Event Listed
ML20195B23019 May 1999Requests Approval of Proposed Changes to QA Topical Rept CE-1-A,rev 66a.Attachment a Describes Changes,Reason for Change & Basis for Concluding That Revised QAP Incorporating Proposed Changes Continues to Satisfy 10CFR50AppB
ML20207E98318 May 1999Forwards Copy of Commonwealth Edison Co EP Exercise Evaluation Objectives for 1999 Byron Station Annual EP Exercise,Which Will Be Conducted on 990825.Without Encl
ML20206T33517 May 1999Provides Written follow-up of Request for NOED Re Extension of Shutdown Requirement of TS Limiting Condition for Operation 3.0.3.Page 9 of 9 of Incoming Submittal Not IncludedEnforcement Discretion
Water hammer
ML20206N78614 May 1999Forwards 1998 Annual Radiological Environ Operating Rept for Braidwood Station. Rept Contains Info Associated with Stations Radiological Environ & Meteorological Monitoring ProgramsOffsite Dose Calculation Manual
Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report
ML20206Q85213 May 1999Submits Rept on Numbers of Tubes Plugged or Repaired During SG Inservice Insp Activities Conducted During Plant Seventh Refueling outage,A2R07,per TS 5.6.9
ML20206N85511 May 1999Forwards 1998 Annual Radioactive Environ Operating Rept for Byron Station. Rept Includes Summary of Radiological Liquid & Gaseous Effluents & Solid Waste Released from Site
ML20210C7223 May 1999Forwards Initial License Exam Matls for Review & Approval. Exam Scheduled for Wk of 990607
ML20206U33530 April 1999Forwards Evaluation of Matter Described in Re Byron Station.Concludes That Use of Overtime at Byron Station Was Controlled IAW Administrative Requirements & Mgt Expectations Established to Meet Overtime Requirement of TSFitness for Duty
ML20206F53830 April 1999Forwards Magnetic Tape Containing Annual Dose Repts for 1998 for Braidwood,Byron,Dresden,Lasalle County,Quad Cities & Zion Nuclear Power Stations,Per 10CFR20.2206(c).Without Magnetic Tape