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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML24114A05319 March 20246 to Emergency Implementing Procedure EIP-ZZ-00201, Revision 56, Notifications
ML24114A05611 March 20246 to EIP-ZZ-C0010 Addendum E, Logistics Support Coordinator Checklist
ML24114A05213 February 20241 to Emergency Implementing Procedure EIP-ZZ-00102, Emergency Implementing Actions
ML24086A3709 January 2024EIP-ZZ-A0001, Rev. 24, Emergency Response Organization
ML23354A10620 December 2023Ameren Missouri - Procedure Review Form for EIP-ZZ-COO1O Addendum G, Rev. 11, Backup EOF ChecklistTemporary Modification
Cyber Security
Fire Protection Program
ML23310A05219 October 2023Procedure Review Form for EIP-ZZ.OO1O1, Addendum 2, Revision 22, Emergency Action Level Technical Bases Document
ML23262B00529 August 2023EIP-ZZ-A0066, Rev. 29 - RERP Training Program
ML24002A81925 July 2023EtP-ZZ-COO10 Add D, Rev 22, Dose Assessment Coordinator (DAC) ChecklistTemporary Modification
Cyber Security
Fire Protection Program
Potassium iodide
ML23227A13812 July 2023Procedure Review Form for EIP-ZZ-03010 App B: Above Ground Oil Storage and Use Facilities (Revision 008)
ML23227A1399 June 2023EIP-ZZ-A0001, Rev 23, Emergency Response OrganizationTemporary Modification
Cyber Security
Fire Protection Program
ML23200A2131 June 2023Procedure Review Form for EIP-ZZ-00201, Addendum a, Rev. 41, Control Room Notification FlowchartTemporary Modification
Cyber Security
Fire Protection Program
ML23150A18030 May 2023EIP-ZZ-00201 Addendum a, Control Room Notification Flowchart Administrative Correction Revision 040Met Tower
ML23150A18630 May 2023EIP-ZZ-00240 Addendum H, Revision 008, Security Coordinator Checklist Administrative Correction
ML23150A18118 May 2023EIP-ZZ-00201 Addendum a, Revision 040, Control Room Notification Flowchart
ML23131A38826 April 2023EIP-ZZ-PRO2O Minor Revision 54, Activation and Operation of the Joint Information Center - Procedure Review Form and 50.54(q) Screening FormTemporary Modification
Cyber Security
Fire Protection Program
ML23131A38126 April 2023EIP-ZZ-00240 Addendum E. Health Physics Coordinator (Hpc) Checklist, Minor Revision 26Potassium iodide
ML23131A38426 April 2023EIP-ZZ-COO1O, Addendum D, Dose Assessment Coordinator (DAC) Checklist, Minor Revision 21
ML23131A38726 April 2023EIP-ZZ-PRO2O Minor Revision 54, Activation and Operation of the Joint Information Center
ML23088A28623 March 2023EIP-ZZ-00201, Addendum C, Revision 039, EOF Notification Package
ML23102A1938 March 2023Procedure Review Form (Prf), Summary of Changes and Analysis to Revision 55Temporary Modification
Cyber Security
Fire Protection Program
ML19051A14120 February 2019Attachment 5: EAL Matrix from EIP-ZZ-00101 Addendum 1, Emergency Action Level Classification Matrix, Proposed Revision 009High winds
ML19051A14020 February 2019Attachment 4: Affected Pages ofEIP-ZZ-00101 Addendum 2, Emergency Action Level Technical Bases Document, Proposed Revision 016Safe Shutdown
High winds
ML19051A13920 February 2019Attachment 3: Mark-ups of Callaway EAL Technical Bases Document Affected PagesSafe Shutdown
High winds
Internal Flooding
Safeguards Contingency Plan
ULNRC-06467, Submittal of Radiological Emergency Response Plan Appendix J, On-Shift Staffing Analysis Report, Revision 00431 October 2018Submittal of Radiological Emergency Response Plan Appendix J, On-Shift Staffing Analysis Report, Revision 004Safe Shutdown
Boric Acid
Time of Discovery
Ultimate heat sink
Minimum staff
ULNRC-06424, Callaway, EIP-ZZ-00 101 Addendum 1, Emergency Action Level Matrix, Revision 008; Summary of Changes29 March 2018Callaway, EIP-ZZ-00 101 Addendum 1, Emergency Action Level Matrix, Revision 008; Summary of Changes
ULNRC-06424, Callaway, FIP-ZZ-00101 Addendum 1, Emergency Action Level Matrix, Revision 00829 March 2018Callaway, FIP-ZZ-00101 Addendum 1, Emergency Action Level Matrix, Revision 008
ML18088B35929 March 2018EIP-ZZ-00 101 Addendum 1, Emergency Action Level Matrix, Revision 008; Summary of Changes
ML18088B36029 March 2018FIP-ZZ-00101 Addendum 1, Emergency Action Level Matrix, Revision 008
ML18088B36129 March 2018EIP-ZZ-00101 Addendum 2, Emergency Action Level Technical Basis Document, Revision 008Safe Shutdown
Time of Discovery
High winds
Reactor Vessel Water Level
Ultimate heat sink
Grab sample
Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
Fire Barrier
Time to boil
Safe Shutdown Earthquake
Internal Flooding
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Operating Basis Earthquake
Operator Manual Action
NFPA 805
Emergency Lighting
Spent Fuel Pool Instrumentation
Safeguards Contingency Plan
Fuel cladding
Pressure Boundary Leakage
Grace period
Power change
Unidentified leakage
ULNRC-06405, Submittal of Radiological Emergency Response Plan, Revision 502 January 2018Submittal of Radiological Emergency Response Plan, Revision 50
ULNRC-05922, Emergency Preparedness Communications Assessment Results Requested by NRC Ltr, Request for Information Pursuant to Title 10 of the Code Federal Regulations 50.54(f).30 October 2012Emergency Preparedness Communications Assessment Results Requested by NRC Ltr, Request for Information Pursuant to Title 10 of the Code Federal Regulations 50.54(f).Fukushima Dai-Ichi
ML04114033617 April 2004EIP-ZZ-A0066, RERP Training Program, Revision 008
ML0410407338 April 2004Transmittal of Revision 39 of Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EIP-ZZ-00201, NotificationsHealth Physics Network
ML0407601085 March 2004Revised Epips, Including Rev. 21 to EIP-ZZ-00213 and Rev. 9 to EIP-ZZ-00226Temporary Modification
Severe Accident Management Guideline
Fire Protection Program
Fire Watch
ML04058048123 February 2004Revision 22 to EIP-ZZ-A0020, Maintaining Emergency Preparedness.Fire Protection Program
Potassium iodide
ML04034070223 January 2004Revision 30 to EIP-ZZ-C0010, Revision 32 to EIP-ZZ-00102, and Revision 33 to EIP-ZZ-00240Health Physics Network
Shutdown Margin
Severe Accident Management Guideline
Minimum staff
Potassium iodide
ML04021079215 January 2004Revision 22 to Procedure EIP-ZZ-00211, Field Monitoring.
ML03364048619 December 2003Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EIP-ZZ-A0066, RERP Training Program, Revision 007
ML03351054911 December 2003Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EIP-ZZ-A0001 Emergency Response Organization, Revision 8Fitness for Duty
ML03351055310 December 2003Revision 123 to EIP-ZZ-A0001, Appendix 1
ML0334905668 December 2003Revision 0387 to EIP-ZZ-00201, Notifications, and Revision 013 to EIP-ZZ-00260, Event Closeout/Plant Recovery.Safe Shutdown
Health Physics Network
Ultimate heat sink
Operating Basis Earthquake
ML03337006225 November 2003Revision 016 to EIP-ZZ-00231, Response to Severe Thunderstorm/High Winds/Tornado Watches and WarningsHigh winds
Tornado Missile Protection
ML0331600393 November 2003Transmittal of Revisions to Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures for Callaway PlantSafe Shutdown
Boric Acid
Time of Discovery
Fitness for Duty
Health Physics Network
Reactor Vessel Water Level
High Radiation Area
Ultimate heat sink
Operating Basis Earthquake
Severe Accident Management Guideline
Fuel cladding
Pressure Boundary Leakage
Power change
Core Exit Thermocouple
Unidentified leakage
ML03300010617 October 2003Transmittal of Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EIP-ZZ-A0066, Rev. 6
ML0328804453 October 2003Transmittal of Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EIP-ZZ-03010, Rev 103
ML03234065715 August 2003Transmittal of Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EIP-ZZ-PR020, Revision 19
ML03231034413 August 2003Revision 083 to EIP-ZZ-A0001 App 1
ML03206047918 July 2003Transmittal of Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure, EIP-ZZ-A0020Fire Protection Program
Potassium iodide
ML03182015920 June 2003Transmittal of Callaway Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure, EIP-ZZ-00226Fire Protection Program
Fire Watch
ML0316401486 June 2003Transmittal of Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Revision