PY-CEI-NRR-1696, Forwards Semiannual fitness-for-duty Rept for 930101-0630

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Forwards Semiannual fitness-for-duty Rept for 930101-0630
Person / Time
Site: Perry FirstEnergy icon.png
Issue date: 08/27/1993
From: Stratman R
PY-CEI-NRR-1696, NUDOCS 9309010192
Download: ML20056G030 (5)


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CENTERED ENERGY PERRY NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Mad Address 0 Bm y hd A. hm to CENTER ROAD R OHIO 44081 VICE PRESIDENT - NUCLEAR PE RRY. OHIO 44081 (216) 259-3737 August 27, 1993 PY-CEI/NRR-1696 L U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Document Control Desk Vashington, D. C. 20535 Perry Nuclear Power Plant Docket No. 50-440 Semiannual Fitness-For-Duty Report Gentlemen:

This letter provides the Semiannual Fitness-For-Duty Report for the Perry Nuclear Power Plant (PNPP), covering the time period of January 1 through June 30, 1993, inclusive. This report is submitted in accordance with requirements stated in 10CFR26.71(d) " Record Keeping Requirements".

Attachment 1 provides the Fitness-For-Duty Program performance data regarding testing results on industry standard forms developed by Nuclear Management and Resources Council. Attachment 2 provides additional information regarding management actions and reported events. The provisions of the Fitness-For-Duty program apply to all persons granted unescorted access to protected areas, and to Licensee, Vendor, or Contractor personnel required to physically report to the Technical Support Center (TSC) or the Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) in accordance with emergency plans and procedures.

Requirements of 10CFR26 apply to Licensees authorized to operate a nuclear

' power reactor, and also apply to Licensees holding permits to construct a nuclear power plant, with a plant under active construction. Please note that Perry Unit 2 (Docket No. 50-441), although on hold from active construction and exempt from 10CFR26 requirements, has been enclosed by the Protected Area (PA) boundary since August 11, 1990. Therefore, personnel with access to the Protected Area, whether Unit 1 or Unit 2, are currently subject to the Unit 1 Fitness-For-Duty Program.

, If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact Kevin Donovan, Manager - Regulatory Affairs, at (216) 259-3737 extension 3606.

Sincerely. ,

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/ Robert A. Stratman  ;

fv RAS:DVC:ss Attachments cc: NRC Project Manager ,

NRC Resident Office USNRC, Region III ,

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.i Clee, Electric Illuminating Company {

Perry Nuclear :over Plant l Fitness-For-Duty Report  :

i January - June 1993 l P

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Fitness for Duty Program Performance Data Personnel Subject to 10CFR26 PNPP No,8808 Rev 6/92 SAIC010 Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company June 30, 1993 Company 6 Months Ending Perry Nuclear Power Plant 10 Center Road Perry. Ohio 44081 locanon Michele 1.. Benedict , Access Authorization Supervisor (216) 259-3737 Ext. 5850 Contact Name Phone unclude area codel Cutoffs: Screen / Confirmation (ng/ml) O Appendix A to 10CFR 26 Marijuana 50 / t5 Amphetamines Append. A/ Api, ad. A /

Cocaine Append. A/ Append. APhencyclidine Append. A/ Append. A / j i

Opiates Append. A I Append. AAlcohol(%BAC) / j I long-Term Short-Term Testing Results Licensee Employees Contractor Personnel Contractor Personnel I


Average Number with l

',176 N/A 249 unescorted Acce5S .

- Categories , "

Pos tive Tested POS tive Tested Pos tive Pre-Access 47 o 125 0 8 Post accident o o o o t O e Si Observed behavior ,

3, m 1 0 3 Random 123 0 724 1 Foll0W-up j3 o i o Other- 33 g o a

-i i Total 799 1 254 3*

  • See Note on Next Page

Breakdown of Confirmed Positive Tests for Specific Substances .


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Marijuana cocaine Alcohol am n h c ine 0 Te t 1 2 3 4 5 .

Licensee Employees i Long Term Contractors Short-Term contractors 1+f j. 2 2* A Total i i o o 0 2 2* 6*

+ # of NRC cut off positive //l o f Company cut o f f pos it ive .

  • Two short term contractors that required for-cause testing submitted to the b;eath and alcohol test (wh ich was positive), but refused the drug test portion; therefore, were considered positive for drug abuse.

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PY-CEI/NRR-1696 L Attachment 2 Page 1 of 1 )

i Management Actions Taken Drug and alcohol testing results for this reporting period are described in l Attachment 1. l The licensee employee that tested positive for cocaine was denied access to the Protected Area, and is participating in the Employee Assistance Program, l

All contractor employees testing positive for drugs / alcohol vere denied access to the Protected Area. Moreover, pursuant to Plant Administrative Procedure [

(PAP-0224) " Fitness For Duty" requirements, individuals and/or their company -

repres<itative were informed of the right to appeal, and of the procedurally requirtd steps to follov in order to re-establish unescorted access to the  !

Protec ad Area. To date, these individuals have elected not to initiate any I steps to resolve this matter.

i Eight individuals vere subjected to unannounced follow-up testing during the  ;

reporting period, either as a result of a Fitness-For-Duty Program l violation / concern, or off-site activity involving substance abuse. Four  !

employees were removed from the follow-up program after successfully [

completing terms of their treatment plan. One individual was terminated due i to inability to successfully meet terms of the treatment plan. l Initiatives Taken l Perry management continued to communicate Fitness-For-Duty policy to all plant i personnel throughout this report period. In addition, the canine element was  ;

utilized in search of drugs on company property and as a deterrence factor to .

prevent drugs from being brought on site. l Reported Events Under 10 CFR Part 26 f In accordance with 10 CFR 26, Appendix A, 2.8(e)(4), unsatisfactory results of I a blind performance test vere reported on August 16, 1993. This test was performed by a Department of Health and Human Service (HHS) certified laboratory on April 7, 1993. The laboratory is taking corre c tive actions to  ;

ensure all future testing results are acceptable. In addition, an audit vill .

be performed to evaluate the effectiveness of these corrective actions prior  !'

to re-establishing testing at the facility. Until these actions are

{ completed, Centerior Energy is utilizing an alternate HHS-certified laboratory {

to ensure compliance with 10 CFR 26 requirements. l t

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