NUREG-0386, Requests Info Re Implementation of Provisions for Plume Exposure Pathway Emergency Planning Zone.Preliminary Planning Should Reflect Sys & Methods for Identification of Radiological Consequences.Commission Policy Statement Encl

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Requests Info Re Implementation of Provisions for Plume Exposure Pathway Emergency Planning Zone.Preliminary Planning Should Reflect Sys & Methods for Identification of Radiological Consequences.Commission Policy Statement Encl
Person / Time
Site: Skagit
Issue date: 10/23/1979
From: Vassallo D
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Mecca J
Shared Package
ML19210D422 List:
RTR-NUREG-0386, RTR-NUREG-386 NUDOCS 7911270053
Download: ML19210D419 (4)



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OCT E 3 im Docket tios. 50-522 and 50-523 Mr. J. E. Mecca, Manager Nuclear Licensing and Safety Puget Sound Powr & Light Company Puget Power Builidng Bellevue, Washington 98009


Dear Mr. Mecca SU3 JECT: EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS REQUIREMENTS (Skagit Nuclear Power Project, Units 13 2)

In a recent letter dated October 10, 1979 on the "Followur Actions Resulting from the NRC Staff Reviews Regarding the Three Mile Island Unit 2 Accident",

we outlined the staff's requirements resulting f ron its energency Preparedness Studies.

In that letter we stated that the Cemission ucs considering what changes to current regulations and policy would be.wprorr; ate as a result of the Siting Policy Task Force Report (NUREG-0625), and it was likely that they would endorse the 10- and 50-mile emergency planning zones recommended by the EPA /NRC study.

On October 18, 1979, the Corraission concurred in and endorsed the guidance on emergency planning zones recommended in the NRC/ EPA report.

In a policy statement on that date (Enclosure 1), the Commission directed the NPC staf f to incorporate the planning basis guidance into existing docin:ents used in the evaluation of State and local emergency preparedness plans to the extent practicable.

Thus, in addition to the requirements now set forth explicitly in Appendix E to 10 CFR Part 50, and the requirements of Enclosure 7 of our October 10, 1979 letter, it is the staff position that for near tenn cps, preliminary plans for coping with the potential consequences of emergencies beyond the site boundary must include provisions for a plume exposure pathway Errergency Planning Zone (EPZ) and an ingestion pathway Emergency Planning Zone. The EPZ for the plume exposure oathway must encompass an area of about 10 miles in radius, and the EPZ for the ingestion pathway an area of about 50 miles in radius.

1400 338 DS1 n





Mr. J. E. Mecca


OCT 2 31979 The following infornation must be provided ard evaluated in order to implement this staff position.


Contacts and agreements with local, State and Federal governmental agencies with responsibility for coping with wergencier for developaent of final plans must be documented for the areas within the plume exposure Emergency Planning Zone. This shall include agreement in principle between these agencies on a framemrk for energency notification and protective action criteria acceptable to the NRC.

for a description of the draft Emergency Action Level Guidelines see Enclosure 2.

The principal government office or agency in eEh local political jurisdiction (county and municipality) within the plume exposure pathway EPZ, which would have the responsibility for prompt implementation of protective action warn-ings and instructions to the public, must be clearly identified.


A preliminary analysis which describes the means te be euployed in the notification of State and local governments, Federal auencies and the public in the event of an emergency must be submitted fur the pluae exposure EPZ and for notification of the agricultural agencies and other governmental bodies having jurisdiction within the ingestion pathway EPZ.

A commitment must be made to provide prompt notification to offsite author-ities and to assure that offsite authorities have the resources to provide a general early warning and clear instructions to the public, acceptable to the NRC, in the plume exposure EPZ within 15 minutes following notifi-cation from the facility.


Preliminary planning must reflect the need to include f acilities, systens, and methods for identifying the degree of seriousness and potential scope of radiologica.1 consequences of emergency situations within and outside the site boundary, including capabilities for dose projection using real-time meteorological information and for dispatch of radiological monitoring teams within the EPZ's. The anticipated role and capabilities of offsite agencies in radiological monitoring and dose assessment in the environs must be described for both plume and ingestion ewosure pathways. P r e-liminary planning must reflect the role of the on-site technical support center and of the near-site emergency operations center in assessing information, recommending protective action and disseminating information to the public.


Preliminary planning must reflect provisions for initiating protectise actions for all exposure pathways, onsite and of fsite, including:

(a) Direct radiation exposure from a confined source in-plant, an airborne plume, and ground deposition,

( b) Inhalation exposure from an airborne plume, and (c) Ingestion exposure from contaminated water, milk, and otner agricultural products.

1400 539

  • f Mr. J. E. Mecca OCT 2 3 579 A preliminary analysis which describes various available protective action options :aust be submitted for the areas within the Emertmney ?lc;.ning Zones.

This must include estimates of evacuation times for various sectors and distances within the plume exposure EPZ. Preliminary plans for protective action recommendations within the plume exposure EPZ must include evacuatic",

sheltering, and area access control. Preliminary plans for protective action recommendations within the ingestion exposure EPZ nust include taking cows off pasture when required and controlling the use of milk, drinking water, and agricultural products @ose source is within the ingestion EPZ.

If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact the NRC Project Manager for your facility.



  1. V D. B. Vassallo, Acting Director Division of Project Management Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation



Commission Policy Statement 2.

NRR Staff Draft Guidelines cc w/ enclosures:

See next page 1400 340




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Ur. J. E. Mecca cc:

V. B. Deal e, Es q., Chai r:'an N a-r r. :. s q.

Atomic Safety & Licensing Board Suii-. 'itorney Generai U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission l e o l c.


,3 tic, Washington, D. C.

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'17"ria,..usnington 9850J Or. F r.i n '-

F. Hooper, Membe-Mr. F. Theodore Thomsen T+"

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"-i e'y & Licensig " " '

r Perkins, Coie, Stone,

'chool latural Resource!

Olsen & Williams Universiv of Michigan 1900 Washington Building J

f. n o a bor, Michican 48109 r

Seattle, Washington 98101


Mr. 'i"u 'm ^. Linenberger.

Mr. Robert Lowenstein

?, t or i r ia f e'. & '_icensing nov '


Lowenstein, Newman, Reis M.

". 'h laar Regulatory C"~o'


& Axelrad Washinc ~:


20555 Suite 1214 1025 Connecticut Avenue, M. W.

Washington, D.C.

20036 Roger M. Leed, Esq.

Law Offices 1411 4th Avenue f

Seattle, Washington 98101 Mr. Lloyd K. Marbet c/o Forelaws on. Board 19142 South Bakers Ferry Road Boring, Oregon 97009 Mr. Nicholas D. Lewis, Chairmati Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council P

820 East 5th Avenue Olympia, Washington 98504 L ':..

A Honorable Richard Sandvik g-)

Department of Justice


500 Pacific Built'ing 520 Southwest Yamnill j,,,

Portland, Oregon 97204

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