NRC-90-0116, Forwards Semiannual Fitness for Duty Rept

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Forwards Semiannual Fitness for Duty Rept
Person / Time
Site: Fermi DTE Energy icon.png
Issue date: 08/29/1990
From: Orser W
CON-NRC-90-0116, CON-NRC-90-116 NUDOCS 9009070093
Download: ML20059D554 (6)


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, Se o Vee resident ' i Detroit re,- ,

' Edison E5Esi 58 g=_

August 29, 1990 NRC-90-0116 i~


.U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn Document Control Desk 1 Washington, D. C. 20555 i


1) Fermi 2 .

j NRC Docket No.-50-341 NRC Licensing No. NPF-43 '


Seal-Annual Fitness for Duty Report Enclosed is the semi-annual fitness for duty report for Fermi 2. This  !-

is being submitted in accordance with-10CFR26.71 (d).

Detroit Edison made one (1) report in accordance with 10CFR26.73 l This is detailed on page 3 of the attached report.

If there are any questions with regard to this report, please contact-Mr. Robert Kela Sr., Director Nuclear Security, at (313)-586-4949


l Sincerely, ,

Enclosure cc: A. B. Davis R. W. DeFayette G. Pirtle  ;

W. G. Rogers

-l J. F. Stang Region III i


t> L .g 8/

9009070093 9 wngeu 6

PDR ADOCK O 1- \\ -


6, 4

. . Fitners for Duty Program Performance Data

. Personnel Subject to 10CFR 26 t


= 6 Morths Eeng ENRICO FERMI 2 Locatum t

ROBERT R. KELM __ (.113 ). 5.B.6 - 4 9 4 9 l gg % Ptrse (irr.:vde eres code)

  • Clitoff s: Screen / Confirmation (ng/ml) @ Ap . A to 100FR 20 Marijuana / Amphetan :.c s / - I Cocaine / Phencyclidine / /

Oplates / Alcohol (% BAC) -


Long Term Short Term Testing Results Contractor Centractor Licensee Employees Personnel Personnel g Average Number with #.gpt -


._gnesco1ed Acen's 116i # # _ 2Q.4_ . .

  1. # Referred Access # # t' #

Categories Tested Positive ' to EAP Restored Tested Positive Tested Positive i c.c - m' p

Pre employmen

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/~ N/A _@ N/A  !

1 M. . .:w .O'EID Pre badging 28 0 M,'N / A4 '/ NV AV - N/A Ul.A_ L42 1 E. ..S+ s 9W.. ; ,

Periodic gi  ; ggg; g

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i For cause $ Y,. U$ ~ ! 0-3 0 - 0 * ' O_1Q.Cl " NLA N/A 0.,_ _

-g q Post accident 0 0 T' lb . N/A N/A 0 0 g v .- .:

Random 598 i T D',k i N/A N/A _t 163 1 ,_

" ".I 7 g L Q! 0,[,,. c. N/A. L NLA_ 0 0 N / A __.._JJ.LA_ __ _J.R/A' Nj,A - N/A _N/A ,__N/A LN /,A_.,_.

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Total 9 1343 5 .3 ,_,

1 ._ 3]_A_ _L Rl A 126.0.


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9 Page 1 of 3 (3)

FITFESS FOR DUTY PROGRAM PERFORMANCE DATA 1). Pre-employment physicals are tabulated in the pre-badging' category figures.

2). The Fitness for Duty Annual Audit is currently in progress.

REPORTS MADE UNDER 10CFR26.73 There was one (1) report made under 16 :?926.73.

1). It was reported on June 20,: 1990 f 5at, a licensed ,

reactor operator tested positive 2.2 marijuana during annual' physical certification. Employe had-tested'

, positive in 1987 for marijuana and was placed in_a follow-up program. Detroit Edison has removed the employe from licensed activities and has notified the-NRC of the employe's medical decertification. The employe was referred to the Employe Assistance Program and placed in a follow-up program. The employe was placed in a position within the Detroit Edison Company that antails non-nuclear responsibilities. The employe's unesecrted access has been suspended.for five '

(5) years in accordance with site procedures.


There were-seven.(7) additional positive tests for the period ending June 30, 1990. These are categorized as follows:

PRE-BADGING TESTING One (1) contractor employe tested positive for-Marijuana during pre-badging. The contractor was hired as a plant cleaner. The contractor was-denied access.


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  • Page 2 of 3 -'


FITNESS FOR DUTY PROGRAN PERFORNANCE DATA PERIODIC TESTING There was one (1) Licensee employe and one (1) contract ,

employe who tested positive.during their annual i' physicals.

l' 1). An Instrument and Controls technician tested .

-positive for alcohol. The'employe was~ referred to the-Employa Assistance Program and unescorted access was suspended for 14 days. Access was reir. stated and the employe is currently 1being- '

tested in the follow-up program.

2). A contract engineer. tested positive for cocaine.

Access was suspended and the employe is no longer employed on site.

FOR CAUSE TESTING There were three (3) tests done for cause. All three tested negative.

RANDOM TESTING There was one (1) licensee employe and one (1) contract employe who tested positive during random testing.

1). A Radiation Protection Technician tested positive for marijuana.. The employe was referred to the Employes Assistance Program,-placed in the; follow-up program and access was suspended. While in the follow-up program the employe tested positive for marijuana. The employe was:placed in a position "

within the Detroit Edison Company that entails non-nuclear responsibilities. The employe's unescorted. access has been suapended for five (5) years in accordance with site procedures..This saploye accounted for tv.' (2,' positive tests.

2). A contract landscape employee tected positive for marijuana. The employe har. been denied unescorted access.


Page 3 of 3 (3)

FITNESS FOR DUTY PROGRAM PERFORMAECE DATA OTHER MEDICAL REVIEW' OFFICER'S DETERJINATIONS 1). An Instrument and Controls technician tested positive for opiates. The employe's access was suspended pending

.roview by the Medical' Review Officer. The Medical ~

Rsviet Officer determined that the confirmed _ positive tci.t was due to the ingestion-of poppy seeds. Employe's acaess was-reinstated.

