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NRC-2016-000468 - Doc 1
Person / Time
Issue date: 12/13/2024
NRC-2016-000468, FOIA
Download: ML24352A304 (2)




FEB 2 7 1978 CH fford V. Smith, Jr.* Di rector Office of Nuc1ear Material Safety and Safeguards George W. Mccorkle, Chief Physical Security Licensing Branch REPORT OF CONGRESSIONAL INQUIRY listribution:

SGPS s/f SGPS r/f SGLI r/f SG r/f

  • NMSS r/f GWMcCorkl e Pete Stockton> House Comm~rce Committee, called at 5:15 pm, February 17, 1978, leaving a message that it ~*tas urgent for ma to raturn his ca 11 before foavin1 for the day.

I cai1ed Stockton at 5:45 pm.

He ask~d that I recite for him any kno;*1l2dg.e that I might have of a summary of CV\\ and/or FBI investigative results of the 1956-58 Apollo matter.

Fiom my knowledge~ I remember two specific actions taken one evaning and the fo11owing morning in either March or April 1976. Specifically, I advised him that; (a)

  • Acting undar the telephonic instructions of either Mr. Page or Mr. Chapman, both of whom were out of the office, I was to await contact by ERDA repr!!sentatives to assist in the preparation of u letter to the National Security Council

(:lSC) on a sensitive matter.


Between. apprI>.:drnately 7 and 10 pm, I assisted Messrs. Tharp and t-1cno.,,c11 in the preparation of an unclassified draft letter to the NSC highlighting improvement:; in safeguards since the t1m~ of tile Apollo "incident."

I was shown a memorandum summary of the results of investi gativa informa-tion which indicated that no evidence had been devaloped to support a'n allegation that SNi*l had been diverted to Israel.

I could not recall specifically \\1'hether the investigation had been conducted by the? CIA, the FBI~ or both..

{ c}

On tha following day { date unknown) I bd efed Acting Chairman, Rm*1den, Commissioner Kennedy and Chairman And:?rs (just prior to his becoming Ambassador to i'lorway} and obtained their approvals of the draft letter to the NSC.

Commissioners Mason and Gi1ir:sky were not avai1ab1e.

I inforr;ied Stockton I could OFFICE 1......................................... 1 *********.. ***.. **********.. ************ 1 ***********......................... I........................ _........... I................... _.............. :..... I.....................................


DATE NRC FORM 318 (9-76) NROS: 0240

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PFFICE SURNAME (c) not recall who the author of the memor~nctum had been nor could I reca 11 its ctis position.

To the b,:;s t of my recol 1 !!Ct ion, this classified summary 11as handcarried by Tharp to the Maryland Nationa1 Bank Buil d'ln3, wh:2re the meeting took place, and that he took 1 t with him \\*Jhen he left. I further informed him that to the best of my recoll~ction none of the Commissioners expressed any surµrise over the nature of the mattar discussed wit.~ them.

(This was in r~sponse to a specific question by Stockton.)

George w. Mccorkle, Chief Physical Security Licensing Branch Mr. L. V. Gossi ck -

EDO ----

Mr. Cariton Karr.merer - Office of Congressiona1 Affairs SGP -'-----

GWMcCorkle/1 p ----

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~C FORM 318 (9-76) NRCM 0240 Ul S. GOVERNMENT PRINTINIQ. OFl'IC:Ei 197$ - Ue-GU