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American Centrifuge Operating, LLC, Submittal of Description of Change and Changed Pages Security Plan/Program
Person / Time
Site: 07007003, 07007004
Issue date: 02/07/2024
From: Karen Fitch
American Centrifuge Operating
To: Tara Inverso, John Lubinski
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response
ACO 24-0011
Download: ML24040A024 (1)


Ame entrtfug rating February 7, 2024 ACO 24-0011 CUI II SP-EXPT I SP-SGI II NOFORN Safeguards Information Export Controlled Information AT1N: Document Control Desk John W. Lubinski, Director Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 Tara Inverso, Director Division of Security Operations Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 American Centrifuge Lead Cascade Facility and American Centrifuge Plant Docket Numbers 70-7003 and 70-7004; License Numbers SNM-7003 and SNM-2011 Submittal of Description of Change and Changed Pages for American Centrifuge Operating, LLC Security Plan/Program INFORMATION TRANSMITTED HEREWITH IS PROTECTED FROM PUBLIC DISCLOSURE AS SAFEGUARDS INFORMATION PURSUANT TO 10 CFR 73.22 AND AS EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION PUSUANT TO 10 CFR PART 810

Dear John Lubinski and Tara Inverso:

In accordance with 10 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 70.32(e), American Centrifuge Operating, LLC (ACO) hereby submits to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) a description of change to ACO's Security Plan/Program as Enclosure 1 of this letter.

Additionally, in accordance with 10 CFR 95.19(b), ACO also submits changed pages for SP-3605-0042, Security Plan for the Physical Protection of Special Nuclear Material at the American Centrifuge Plant, as Enclosure 2 of this letter. These changes have been reviewed in accordance with 10 CFR70.3 2 and 10 CFR 95.19 and have been determined notto decrease the effectiveness of the Security Plan/Program and are non-substantive changes.

Document/matter transmitted contains CUI// SP-EXPT / SP-SGI II NOFORN Safeguards Information Export Controlled Information When separated from Enclosure 2, this cover letter and Enclosure 1 are uncontrolled.

American Centrifuge Operating, LLC 3930 U.S. Route 23 South - P.O. Box 628 Piketon, OH 45661

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CUI II SP-EXPT I SP-SGI // NOFORN Safeguards Information Export Controlled Information John Lubinski and Tara Inverso February 7, 2024 ACO 24-0011, Page 2 contains Safeguards Information and ACO requests this enclosure be withheld :frorri public disclosure and protected pursuant* to 10 CFR 73.22. Additionally, Enclosure 2 has also been determined, in accordance with the guidance provided by the.U.S. Department of Energy, to contain Exp~rt Controlled Information and must be protected from disclosure per the requirements of 10 CFR Part 810.

If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at (740) 897-3859.


As stated Sincerely,


Kelly L. Fitch Regulatory Manager cc (without Enclosure_ 2, unless otherwise noted):

C. Blanton, DOE Idaho S. Bazian, NRC HQ (Enclosure 1)

Y. Faraz, NRC HQ (Enclosures 1 and 2)

A. Ford, DOE Idaho J. Hutson, Contractor J. Lingard, DOE Idaho.

L. Pitts, NRC Region II (Enclosures 1 and 2)

M. Reim, DOE-NE R. Ruppert, NRC HQ J. Tobin, NRC HQ (Enclosure 1)

D. Woodyatt, NRC HQ Document/matter transmitted contains CUI// SP-EXPT / SP-SGI II NOFORN Safeguards Information Export Controlled Information When separated from Enclosure 2, this cover letter and Enclosure 1 are uncontrolled.

to ACO 24-0011 Description of Change to ACO's Security Plan/Program Information contained within does not contain Export Controlled Information Reviewer: #171 / ACO Date: 02/05/2024

FCE/PCE Numbers Rev.

NIA PCE 24-0004 0 to ACO 24-0011 Description of Change to ACO's Security Plan/Program Description/Reason for the Change


Revision to SP-3605-0042, Security Plan for the Physical


Protection of Special Nuclear Material at the American Centrifuge Plant Description of Change: The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) amended 10 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 73.71, Appendix G, Reportable Safeguards Events; and Regulatory Guide (RG) 5.62, Revision 2, Physical Security Event Notifications, Reports, and Records; and implemented new RG 5.86, Revision 0, Preemption Authority, Enhanced Weapons Authority and Firearms Background Checks, and new RG 5.87, Revision 0, Suspicious Activity Reports Under JO CFR Part 73. Based upon these changes in the regulation and guidance documents, SP-3605-0042 was revised to ensure correct regulatory reporting requirements and references are reflected throughout; clarify the use of independent Memorandums of Understanding with Pike County Sheriffs Office; and made formatting and grammatical changes to provide a better flow of information.

Reason for the Change: Clarify security plan requirements.

Approval Date 01/06/2024 Change to SSC?



Documents Modified Due to Chan!!:e

. SP-3605-0042 Sections 1.0, 5.9, 5.11, 5.12, 8.2, 8.3, and 9.0 ISA Summary Update Required?
