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American Centrifuge Plant; Submittal of 10 Code of Federal Regulations 70.59 Effluent Reporting
Person / Time
Site: 07007004
Issue date: 08/29/2024
From: Karen Fitch
American Centrifuge Operating
To: Laura Dudes, John Lubinski
Region 2 Administrator, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
ACO 24-0069
Download: ML24253A176 (1)


August 29, 2024 ACO 24-0069 ATTN: Document Control Desk John W. Lubinski, Director Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 Laura Dudes, Regional Administrator U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Region II Marquis One Tower 245 Peachtree Center Ave. NE, Suite 1200 Atlanta, GA 30303-1200 American Centrifuge Plant; Docket Number 70-7004; License Number SNM-2011 Submittal of 10 Code of Federal Regulations 70.59 Effluent Reporting

Dear John Lubinski and Laura Dudes:

Pursuant to 10 Code of Federal Regulations 70.59 and Section 9.3.1 of LA-3605-0001, License Application for the American Centrifuge Plant, American Centrifuge Operating, LLC (ACO) hereby submits to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission a written report providing discharges of radioactive materials in the effluents at the American Centrifuge Plant / High-Assay Low-Enriched Uranium (HALEU) Demonstration cascade for the period of January 1 through June 30, 2024.

If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Stephen Howie, Radiation Protection Manager at (740) 897-2347.



Kelly L. Fitch Regulatory Manager American Centrifuge Operating, LLC 3930 U.S. Route 23 South - P.O. Box 628 Piketon, OH 45661

John Lubinski and Laura Dudes August 29, 2024 ACO 24-0069, Page 2


As Stated cc:

C. Blanton, DOE Idaho J. Downs, NRC HQ Y. Faraz, NRC HQ A. Ford, DOE Idaho J. Hutson, Contractor J. Lingard, DOE Idaho L. Pitts, NRC Region II M. Reim, DOE-NE D. Woodyatt, NRC HQ of ACO 24-0069 ACO's Effluent Reporting for the Period of January 1 through June 30, 2024 Information Contained Within Does Not Contain Export Controlled Information Reviewer: Lori A. Hawk / ACO Date: 08/29/2024 ACO 24-0069 Page 1 of 3 American Centrifuge Plant (ACP) - High-Assay Low-Enriched Uranium (HALEU) Demonstration Cascade Reporting Period of January 1 through June 30, 2024 Overview of Results During the reporting period of January 1, 2024, to June 30, 2024, enrichment operations for American Centrifuge Operating, LLC (ACO) occurred twice between March and June 2024.

Inventory removal or other maintenance activities were ongoing during the dates that enrichment operations were not occurring.

The information provided within this report provides the total release data, specifically uranium and technetium (if any) amounts and concentrations for ACO gaseous and liquid effluents. There were no quantities of radioactive materials released during the reporting period that are significantly above ACO's design objectives previously reviewed as part of the licensing action.

ACO's total estimated exposure is 1.6 E -02 millirem (mrem). Doses were determined using CAP88 Version 4.1.1 for readings obtained during the reporting period.

Additionally, as requested by U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff in June 2024, the Hydrogen Fluoride (HF) concentration for the maximumly exposed individual is also provided within this report.

The total release data for the reporting period of January 1 through June 30, 2024, is as follows:

Radionuclide Total Gaseous Releases Total Liquid Releases Unit of Measure 234u 8.94 E -03 1.30 E -01 milliCurie (mCi) 23su 1.10 E -03 5.47 E -03 mCi 23su 8.75 E -03 9.08 E -02 mCi 99Tc 0.00 E +00 0.00 E +00 mCi 99Tc lab results were undetectable.

As shown above, the total release data is well below ACO's As Low As Reasonably Achievable goals for both airborne and waterborne radioactive releases as committed within Chapter 9 ofLA-3605-0001, License Application for the American Centrifuge Plant.


Airborne Releases Monitored Vents ACO 24-0069 Page 2 of 3 The estimate of public dose due to gaseous effluents over the previous year is 1.6 E -02 mrem.

Combined ACP Monitored Vents Total Stack Flow (cubic meter rm3l) 8.28 E +05 Minimum Percent Concentration Detectable Maximum microcuries per Estimated Activity Potential milliliter Error (MDA)

Release Concentrat Radionuclide (11Ci/ml)


µ,Ci/ml mCi ion (MPC) 234U (boundary) 1.04 E -18 8.53 E -20 3.61 E -19 0.000035%

235U (boundary) 1.29E-19 1.41 E -20 6.94 E -20 0.000004%

238U (boundary) 1.02 E -18 1.08 E -19 1.20 E -19 0.000034%

99Tc (boundary) 0.00 E 0 0.00 E +00 0.00 E +00 0.00 E 0 99Tc lab results were undetectable.

X-3001 Process Building North Purge Vacuum/Evacuation Vacuum Vent for HALEU Demonstration Cascade Total Stack Flow (m3) 8.28 E +05 Estimated Concentration Error MDA Release Percent Radionuclide



µ,Ci/ml mCi MPC 234U (vent) 1.08E-11 8.83E-13 3.47 E -12 8.94 E -03 234U (boundary) 1.04 E -18 8.53 E -20 3.61 E -19 0.000035%

235U (vent) 1.33 E -12 1.46E-13 7.19E-13 1.10 E -03 235U (boundary) 1.29 E -19 1.41E-20 6.94 E -20 0.000004%

238U (vent) 1.06 E -11 1.llE-12 1.25 E -12 8.75 E -03 238U (boundary) 1.02 E -18 1.08E-19 1.20 E -19 0.000034%

99Tc (vent) 0.00 E +00 0.00 E +00 0.00 E +00 0.00 E +00 99T c (boundary) 0.00 E +00 0.00 E +00 0.00 E +00 0.00 E +00 99Tc lab results were undetectable.

Liquid Releases X-2230M Southwest Holding Pond Total Outfall Flow (m3) 1.76 E +05 Dilution Flow (Scioto River) (m3) 3.15 E +09 Gross Alpha Activity ( uCi/ml) 1.61 E -09 Gross Beta Activity (µCi/ml) 3.01 E -09 Estimated Concentration Error MDA Radionuclide



µCi/ml 234u 4.41 E-10 7.49E-11 7.71E-11 23su 1.80E-11 2.65 E -12 3.41 E -12 23su 2.81 E -10 6.67 E -12 7.40 E -11 99Tc 1.07 E -08 0.00 E +00 1.07 E -08 99Tc lab results were undetectable.

X-2230N West Holding Pond Total Outfall Flow (m3) 1.48 E +05 Dilution Flow (Scioto River) (m3) 3.15 E +09 Gross Alpha Activity (uCi/ml) 1.80 E -09 Gross Beta Activity (uCi/ml) 3.24 E -09 Estimated Concentration Error MDA Radionuclide



µCi/ml 234u 3.46 E -10 3.43E-11 7.88E-11 23su l.53E-ll 1.50 E -12 3.49 E -12 23su 2.75 E -10 6.66 E -12 7.54E -11 99Tc 1.07 E -08 0.00 E +00 1.07 E -08 99Tc lab results were undetectable.

HF Exposure to the Maximally Exposed Individual 2.40 E -07 µg/m3 HF Method

1. Convert to mCi/m3
2. Convert to mg/m3 U
3. Convert mg/m3 U to mg/m3 UF 6
4. Convert UF6 concentration to HF concentration
5. Convert from mg/m3 HF to µg/m3 HF Release mCi 7.82 E -02 3.20 E -03 4.98 E -02 0.00 E +00 Release mCi 5.16 E -02 2.27 E -03 4.10 E -02 0.00 E +00 ACO 24-0069 Page 3 of 3 Percent MPC 0.15%




Percent MPC 0.12%


