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American Centrifuge Plant - Transmittal of Updated Owners, Officers, Directors, and Executive Personnel Listing
Person / Time
Site: 07007004
Issue date: 10/30/2024
From: Karen Fitch
American Centrifuge Operating
To: Craig Erlanger
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response
ACO 24-0084
Download: ML24318C348 (1)



-::"tentrus Fueling fhe Future of Nuclear Power October 30, 2024 ACO 24-0084 ATTN: Document Control Desk Craig Erlanger, Acting Director Division of Security Operations Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 American Centrifuge Plant; Docket No. 70-7004; License No. SNM-2011 Transmittal of Updated Owners, Officers, Directors, and Executive Personnel Listing INFORMATION TRANSMITTED HEREWITH IS PROTECTED FROM PUBLIC DISCLOSURE AS PERSONAL INFORMATION PURSUANT TO 10 CFR 2.390 AND 9.17

Dear Craig Erlanger:

The purpose of this letter is to provide updates to the Owners, Officers, Directors, and Executive Personnel (OODEP) forms as follows:

American Centrifuge Enrichment, LLC (Enclosure 1)

American Centrifuge Holdings, LLC (Enclosure 2)

American Centrifuge Manufacturing, LLC (Enclosure 3)

American Centrifuge Operating, LLC (Enclosure 4)

American Centrifuge Technology, LLC (Enclosure 5)

Centrus Energy Corp. (Enclosure 6)

United States Enrichment Corporation (Enclosure 7)

The updated documents have been executed by an individual shown on the OODEP Form and are provided as Enclosures 1 through 7, respectively.

It is requested that Enclosures 1 through 7 be withheld from public disclosure pursuant to 10 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 2.390(a)(6) and 9.17(a)(6), which state that personnel and medical files and similar files, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy, are exempt from public disclosure. All enclosures contain personal information of this nature.

Documents transmitted herewith contains CUI// PRVCY OFFICIAL USE ONLY-PERSONALLY IDENTIFIABLE INFORMATION When separated from enclosures, this letter is uncontrolled.

American Centrifuge Operating, LLC 3930 U.S. Route 23 South - P.O. Box 628 Piketon, OH 45661

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CUI//PRVCY OFFICIAL USE ONLY PERSONALLY IDENTIFIABLE INFORMATION Craig Erlanger October 30, 2024 ACO 24-0084, Page 2 If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at (740) 897-3859.


As stated Sincerely,


Kelly L. Fitch Regulatory Manager cc (without Enclosures, unless otherwise noted):

S. Bazian, NRC HQ (Enclosures)

C. Blanton, DOE Idaho D. Brown, DOE Idaho (Enclosures)

J. Burns, DOE Idaho J. Downs, NRC HQ Y. Faraz, NRC HQ (Enclosures)

A. Ford, DOE Idaho J. Hutson, Contractor J. Lingard, DOE Idaho M. Mangefrida, NRC HQ L. Pitts, NRC Region II (Enclosures)

M. Reim, DOE-NE S. Rice, Contractor R. Ruppert, NRC HQ (Enclosures)

D. Woodyatt, NRC HQ (Enclosures)

Documents transmitted herewith contains CUI// PRVCY OFFICIAL USE ONLY PERSONALLY IDENTIFIABLE INFORMATION When separated from enclosures, this letter is uncontrolled.